hZUzKz cÖ‡qvRb wVK ZZUzKzB Av‡qvRb wewmGm, e¨vsK I cÖvBgvix wb‡qvMmn mKj wb‡qv‡Mi cÖ¯‘wZi Rb¨ Bs‡iwR wel‡qi ¸Qv‡bv cÖ¯w‘ Zi cÖZ¨vkvq...... Kwei m¨v‡ii Bs‡iwR †¯úkvj cÖvB‡fU †cÖvMÖvg Basic English class Noun & Determiner Conducted by Kabir Hossain Senior Teacher in English (Ex-BCS Confidence & UCC) Dhaka University Phone : 01688555489, 01571154151 we‡kl `ªóe¨ : GB kxUwU Avcbvi Kv‡Q Avgvi ivLv AvgvbZ, myZivs Avgvi AbygwZ e¨ZxZ Kv‡iv Kv‡Q †kqvi K‡i Avgvb‡Zi wLqvbZ Ki‡eb b 1 Kwei m¨v‡ii cÖvB‡fU e¨v‡P fwZ©i Rb¨ †hvMv‡hvM Kiæb : 01688555489, 01571154151 চাকরিি পিীক্ষায় এই টরপক থেকক থেভাকে প্রশ্ন হয় 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Kinds of Noun Transformation of noun Determiners with countable/ uncountable Noun Formations of Noun Position of Noun Kinds of noun 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Proper Noun : The name of one particular person, thing or place is called : [PSTU (CSE) 13-14] A A collective noun B A material noun C A proiper noun D A common noun Ans: c Which of the following nouns is not a proper noun? [`y‡h©vM e¨e¯’vcbv I ÎvY gš¿Yvj‡qi AwWUi-19] A Team B Dhaka C Sunday D Kabir Ans: a Which of the following is proper noun? [RU (f~‡Mvj) 05-06, HSTU (G) 17-18] A Rabindranath B Car C Rain D Fast (†ivRv, Dcevm) Ans: a The Padma is a river. Choose the correct parts of speech of the underlined word. [RU 07-07] A Collective nonn B Pronoun C Abstract noun D Proper noun Ans: d Common Noun : What kind of noun is ‘Girl’? [10th BCS, HSTU (B) 08-09, COU (B) 09-10] ‘Anita is a good girl.’ ev‡K¨ ‘girl’ kãwU − [cÖv_wgK cÖavb wkÿK (wkDjx)-09, cÖvK-cÖv_wgK mn: wkÿK (wSjvg)-13] A Proper C Material noun 8. 10. noun D Collective C collective noun B general C Collective C perfect A Material C Proper What kind of noun is ‘man’? B Common Ans: b D material noun Ans: b [RU (Law) 06-07] noun What kind of noun is ‘river’? B Collective noun [cÖv_wgK cÖavb wkÿK (wkDjx)-09] D Abstract A noun that names a general class of person, place or things is a − A Proper 11. B common noun I recognized your voice at once. A Common B Proper A proper noun 9. noun The elephant has great strength, GLv‡b elephant kãwU − A proper noun 7. B Common noun D common Ans: a [evsjv‡`k e¨vsK-01] noun Ans: d [dvqvi mvwf©m A¨vÛ wmwfj wW‡dÝ-Gi †dvig¨vb-19] D Common Ans: a [†ijI‡qi Dc-mnKvix cÖ‡KŠkjx (†gKvwbK¨vj)-06, mnKvix mvBdvi Awdmvi-17] C Collective D Material Ans: b What kind of noun is ‘boy’? [mgevq `߇ii 2q †kÖwbi †M‡R‡UW Awdmvi-97, Z_¨ gš¿Yvj‡qi mnKvix cwiPvjK-04] A Proper B Common C Abstract D Material Ans: b Class Practice 12. Dhaka is a big city. GLv‡b Dhaka kãwU †Kvb cÖKv‡ii noun? A proper B common C collective [Kg©ms¯’vb e¨vsK-11] D material Ans: a 2 Kwei m¨v‡ii cÖvB‡fU e¨v‡P fwZ©i Rb¨ †hvMv‡hvM Kiæb : 01688555489, 01571154151 13. Dhaka is a big city. GLv‡b City kãwU †Kvb cÖKv‡ii noun? A Proper 14. D Material Ans: b The poor are always unhappy. (Mix‡eiv memgq AmyLx) ‘The poor’ is − noun. [IU 02-03] A Plural 15. B Common [cÖv_wgK mnKvix wkÿK (wZ¯Ív)-10] common C Collective B Plural proper C Collective D Material I think − shouyld pay more taxes. [RU (Law) 09-10] − should pay more taxes A the 16. 17. rich Ans: a [CU (C) 06-07, (A) 15-16] B the riches C rich The poor always honour the rich. A noun B adjective D riches (wiwPR) Ans: a [KU (A) 08-09] C adverb D pronoun Ans: a Collective Noun : The jury were divided in their opinions (gZvgZ). Here ‘Jury’ is a − [RU 09-10] The audience remains seated during the intermission (wm‡bgv, bvU‡Ki g‡a¨ weiwZ) [CU A 08-09] A Proper 18. abstract noun C Common Ba proper noun noun D Abstract noun B common noun Ca collective noun C collective Da material noun B herd Ans: c [RvZxq mÂq cwi`߇ii mn: cwiPvj-09] noun D abstract noun I saw a − of monkeys in the forest. A group Ans: b [RU (E) 14-15, mvDw`÷ e¨vsK wj. cÖ‡ekbvix Awdmvi-16] A herd of cattle is passing. The underlined word here is − A adjective 20. B Collective noun You must watch the fleet. Here ‘fleet’ is − A an 19. noun Ans: c [CU (A1) 14-15] 21. troop Ans: What is the collective noun for knives, forks, spoons, and other eating utensils? [IU 05-06] A crockery B cutlery C weaponry D eatery (†fvRbvjq) Ans: b 22. What kind of noun is ‘Cattle’? A Proper 23. C swarm B Common D flock [10th BCS, RU (`k©b) 08-09, (f~‡Mvj) 09-10, 10-11] C Collective D Material The word ‘army’ is a − [Pjw”PÎ I cÖKvkbv Awa`߇ii K¨v‡givg¨vb-19] Kamal did not join the army. Here the word ‘Army’ is A abstract 24. noun B common noun Ans: c C collective [cÖv_wgK mnKvix wkÿK (4_© ch©vq)-19] noun D material noun Ans: c The crowd was very big. Which form of noun the underlined word is −[RU 07-08] [cÖv_wgK cÖavb wkÿK-09] A Proper 25. 27. B Common What kind of noun is ‘family’? A proper B common 30. Ans: c [cÖvK-cÖv_wgK mnKvix wkÿK (wSjvg)-13] C Collective D Abstract Ans: c [IU (B) 12-13] C collective B herd D material C swarm A group of lions is called − Ans: c D flock pack of lions B a pride of lions C a flock of lions What is the collective noun for a group of young partridges? Da A gaggle D school B covey Ans: b [`y‡h©vM e¨e¯’vcbv Awa`߇ii Awdm mnKvix-19] Aa 29. D Abstract I saw a − of cows in the field. [wewmAvB wmÕi mn: e¨e¯’vcK (cÖkvmb)-11, ivRkvnx K…wl Dbœqb e¨vsK (K¨vwkqvi)-17] A group 28. C Collective ‘Ali saw a flock of sheep.’ ev‡K¨ ‘flock’ kãwU †Kvb noun? A Proper 26. B Common C flock Questions will be answered by a ⎯ of experts. colony of lions Ans: b [mnKvix _vbv wkÿv Awdmvi-99] Ans: b [DËiv e¨vsK wj. Awdmvi (K¨vk)-17] 3 Kwei m¨v‡ii cÖvB‡fU e¨v‡P fwZ©i Rb¨ †hvMv‡hvM Kiæb : 01688555489, 01571154151 A panel 31. B staff C bunch (evb&P&) D band Ans: a Which collective noun is used to describe a number of sheep?[KUETR 15-16] [mvaviY exgv K‡c©v‡ikb (Rywbqi Awdmvi)-09] A herd B geng C flock D pack crowd Ans: c Noun of multitude 32. The committee ⎯ unable to agree on this question. A is 33. B was [ivRkvnx K…wl Dbœqb e¨vsK (mycvifvBRvi)-15] C were D none of those Choose the correct sentence. A The jury are arguing among themselves. B The jury is arguing among themselves. Ans: c [DU (A) 12-13] C The jury has argued among themselves. D The jury has been arguing among themselves. Ans: a Material Noun 34. ‘Water’ is a ⎯ noun. [cÖZœZË¡ Awa`߇ii Gw÷‡gUi-19] The word ‘Gold’ is a ⎯ noun. A proper 35. [NSI-Gi muvUgy`vª ÿwiK-Kvg-Kw¤úDUvi Acv‡iUi-17] B common C material What type of the noun the word ‘Rice’ is?[Pjw”PÎ D abstract I cÖKvkbv Ans: c Awa`߇ii K¨v‡givg¨vg-19] [cÖv_wgK cÖavb wkÿK-94] A Proper 36. noun B Common noun C Abstract noun This necklace is made of gold’ ev‡K¨ ‘gold’ kãwUÑ D Material noun [cÖvK-cÖv_wgK mnKvix wkÿK (`vRjv)-13] ‘This ring is made of gold.’ ev‡K¨ gold kãwU †Kvb cÖKv‡ii Noun? A Collective 37. noun ‘Mutton’ is a/an A Common noun B Common noun C Material Ans: d noun [cÖv_: mn: wkÿK-05, IU 10-11] D Abstract noun Ans: c [38th BCS, JKKNIU (C) 18-19] B Abstract Noun C Material noun D Proper noun Ans: c Abstract Noun 38. What type of noun the word ‘Chemistry’ is? A abstract 39. D common C Slaverer B Common noun B Common D Slaves Which type of noun ‘beauty’ is −[kÖg Ans: a [MYc~Z© Awa`߇i DcmnKvix cÖ‡KŠkjx (wmwfj)-11 IU G 13-14, H 17-18] C Abstract noun Ans: a [cÖv-cÖv_wgK mnKvix wkÿK (kxZjÿ¨v)-13] Honesty is the best policy. GLv‡b honesty †Kvb noun? A Proper 42. B Slave What kind of noun is ‘honesty’? A Proper 41. C proper ‘Slave’ kãwUi Abstract Noun n‡eÑ A Slavery 40. B material [DPE mnKvix wkÿK-18] D Collective [cÖv_wgK cÖavb wkÿK (kvcjv)-09, CU (D) 07-08] C Collective noun gš¿Yvj‡qi Ans: c D Abstract noun †iwR÷ªvi-00, Ans: d RU 05-06] [9g wkÿK wbeÜb-14] A Common 43. B Proper C Collective Wisdom is better than strength. GLv‡b strength kãwUÑ A Proper noun B Common noun C Collective noun D Abstract Ans: d [cÖv_wgK cÖavb wkÿK-09, JU (B2) 13-14 D Abstract noun Ans: d 4 Kwei m¨v‡ii cÖvB‡fU e¨v‡P fwZ©i Rb¨ †hvMv‡hvM Kiæb : 01688555489, 01571154151 44. Without health there is no happiness. GLv‡b happiness kãwUÑ A Proper 45. noun B Common noun What kind of noun is ‘Discipline’? C Collective noun [cÖv_wgK mnKvix wkÿK (myigv)-10] D Abstract noun Ans: d [IU 06-07, DPE mnKvix jvB‡eªwiqvb Kvg K¨vUvMvi Kvg wnmveiÿK-18] A Abstract 46. noun B Collective noun C Proper noun D Common noun Ans: a ‘Forgiveness is a great virtue.’ ev‡K¨ forgiveness kãwU †Kvb cÖKv‡ii noun? [CU (H) 07-08] A Proper 47. noun noun C Abstract noun D Collective The word ‘Agency (G‡RwÝ-cÖwZwbwaZ¡)Õ is a/an − A Common noun 48. B Common B Collective noun noun Ans: c [IU (P) 10-11, JKKNIU (M) 16-17] C Proper noun D Abstract noun Ans: d ‘Truth must prevail in the long run. ev‡K¨ ‘Truth’ kãwU †Kvb cÖKv‡ii noun? [CU (J) -07=08, cÖv_wgK mnKvix wkÿK (emšÍ, gyw³‡hv×v)-10] A Common noun 49. B Proper noun C Abstract noun D Collective noun Ans: c The soldiers were rewarded for their bravery. Which class of noun ‘bravery (†eªB‡fwi)Õ belongs [`yb©xwZ `gb ey¨‡ivi cwi`k©K-03, KU (BS) 10-11] to? A Collective 50. noun B Common noun C Material noun D Abstract noun Ans: d What type of noun the word ‘infancy’ is? [KU (RxeweÁvb ¯‹zj) 16-17, cÖv_wgK mnKvix wkÿK-18] A Common 51. B Abstract C Material Nelson is famous for his victory at Trafalgar. D Collective [`yb©xwZ `gb ey¨‡ivi mnKvix cwi`k©K-04, RU 06-07] A Proper 52. noun B Common noun C Collective noun He is a man of sound judgement. Here ‘judgement’ is A common 53. 54. noun noun ‘Beggar’ kãwUi Abstract Form n‡eÑ C collective A Beggarhood C Beggarship D material noun D Beggarness Ans: b Ans: b [cÖv_wgK mnKvix wkÿK (wZZvm)-10] B Broadness C Broader D Broadship B Heroic Ans: a [†mvbvjx e¨vsK-14] C Heroine D Hero-like ‘King’ kãwUi Abstract Form n‡”QÑ A Kingship Ans: d [†gKvwbK¨vj GÛ cvIqvi BwÄwbqvwis-99] What is the abstract noun form of ‘Hero’? A Heroism 56. B Beggary noun D Abstract noun [cÖv_wgK mnKvix wkÿK (myigv)-10] ‘Broad’ kãwUi Abstract Form n‡eÑ A Breadth 55. B abstract Ans: b Ans: a [cÖv_wgK mnKvix wkÿK-10] B King C Kinghood D Kingly Ans: a we‡kl `ªóe¨ : Arts Ges sciences Gi bvg¸‡jv Abstract noun n‡e| For Exampol : music, grammar, chemistry BZ¨vw`| (P.C. Das) Home Work 57. †KvbwU Collective noun bq? A Cattle 58. B Child B fleet †KvbwU Collective noun? A Books 61. C Audience B Girl †KvbwU Common noun? D City Ans: d [RU 06-07, gva¨wgK I D”P wkÿv Awa`߇ii D”Pgvb mnKvix-13] C Boy Which one of the following is not a collective noun? A basis 60. B Police Which of the following is abstract noun? A Chiuldhood 59. [cÖv_wgK wkÿv Awa`߇ii D”Pgvb mnKvix-13] C shoal D Family Ans: a [†ijI‡qi DcmnKvix cwiPvjK-13] D crew Ans: a [mnKvix cÖv_wgK mnKvix wkÿK (ivRkvnx)-06, cÖv_wgK mnKvix wkÿK (kxZjÿ¨v)-13] C Library D Soldiers Ans: c [mnKvix cÖv_wgK mnKvix wkÿK-11, cÖv_wgK mnKvix wkÿK (myigv)-13] 5 Kwei m¨v‡ii cÖvB‡fU e¨v‡P fwZ©i Rb¨ †hvMv‡hvM Kiæb : 01688555489, 01571154151 A March 62. 67. 70. 71. 72. 73. 76. 80. D Length B Common Ans: b [7g cÖfvlK wbeÜb-11] C doctor C collective D honesty Ans: b [DU (B) 17-18] D Childhood Ans: b [MYc~Z© Awa`߇ii DcmnKvix cÖ‡KŠkjx (wmwfj)-17] D common Ans: b [cvm‡cvU© I Bwg‡MÖk‡bi mnKvix cwiPvjK-07] C Collective B Common C Abstract B Public C Love B Height C Man D Material Ans: c D Material Ans: c [mnKvix ivR¯^ Kg©KZ©v (gyw³‡hv× I ÿz`ª b„‡Mvôx)-15] D Orchestra Ans: c B Pirate B Boy D Jury Ans: b [cÖv_wgK cÖavb wkÿK (eKvMvbwejvm)-12] C Human D Roguery Ans: b, c [cÖv_wgK cÖavb wkÿK (eKvMvbwejvm)-12,¯^v¯’¨ Awa`߇i Awdm mnvqK-18] C Obey B Mouth C Team †KvbwU Collective noun? A June 82. B abstract Ans: a D Humility Ans: d Which one is a common noun? [cwieviKj¨vY cwi`wk©Kv cÖwkÿYv_©x-10, cÖvK-cÖv_wgK mnKvix wkÿK (gyw³‡hv×v)-16] A Salt B Army C Studentship D Infant Ans: d †KvbwU Material noun? [cÖv_wgK mnKvix wkÿK (myigv)-12] A Wood 81. B gang †KvbwU Abstract noun? A City 79. C Victory †KvbwU Common noun? A Starve 78. B Bank D Anwar Which of the following is not a collective noun? [.... RbcÖkvmb gš¿Yvj‡qi cÖkvmwbK Kg©KZ©v-15] A Class B Audience C Peer D Public Ans: c †KvbwU Abstract noun? [cÖv_: mn: wkÿK (XvKv)-06, cÖvK-cÖv_wgK mn: wkÿK-13] A Long 77. Ans: a [cÖv_wgK mnKvix wkÿK (KY©dzjx)-12] Which of the following is not a collective noun? A Navy 75. D Grand Find out the common noun. [RU (A3-odd) 12-13] A Flock B Bunch C City D Dhaka Ans: c Which group of words are collective nouns? [DPEO-93, BSMRUST (E) 12-13] A Unity, Poverty B Cattle Army C Team, Steel D Milk, Water Ans: b Which one is an abstract noun? [moK cwienb I †mZz gš¿Yvj‡qi Dc-mnKvix cÖ‡KŠkjx (hvwš¿K)-19] A Class B Rice C Intelligence D Team Ans: c Which one is a material noun? [moK cwienb I †mZz gš¿Yvj‡qi Dc-mnKvix cÖ‡KŠkjx (hvwš¿K)-19] A Group B Meat C Seriousness D Party Ans: b What kind of noun is the word ‘kindness’? [mgevq `߇ii wØZxq †kÖwYi †M‡R‡UW Awdmvi-97] A Proper 74. C Fleet What kind of noun is ‘An army’? A Proper 69. B Friend Which of the following is NOT an abstract noun? A Goodness B Family C Bravery What type of noun ‘freedom (¯^vaxbZv, gyw³)Õ is? A proper 68. C Anxious Which one is a collective noun? A friendship 66. Ans: d [cÖv_wgK cÖavb wkÿK (wµmvbw_gvg)-12] †KvbwU Common noun? A Truth 65. B Infant D Mouth †KvbwU Abstract noun? [†iwR: cÖv_: mn: wkÿK (nvmbv‡nbv)-11, †mvk¨vj †W‡fjc‡g›U dvD‡Ûk‡bi WvUv Gw›Uª Awdmvi-12] A Manhood 64. C Jute †KvbwU Abstract noun? A Agency 63. B Class B Team B Harbour Ans: a [cÖv_wgK mnKvix wkÿK (myigv)-12] C Month †KvbwU Collective noun? A Truth D Knife D Envelope Ans: b [cÖv_wgK mnKvix wkÿK (Ki‡Zvqv)-12] C Bank D Committee Ans: d 6 Kwei m¨v‡ii cÖvB‡fU e¨v‡P fwZ©i Rb¨ †hvMv‡hvM Kiæb : 01688555489, 01571154151 83. †KvbwU Common noun? A Pupils 84. B Shamim 87. 88. 89. 90. 92. C Youth †KvbwU Material noun? Ans: a D Island Ans: b [mi: cÖv_: mn: wkÿK-06, †iwR÷ªvW© †emiKvix cÖv_wgK mnKvix wkÿK (wkDjx)-11] B Ring C River D Paper Ans: d Which one is an abstract noun? [6ô cÖfvlK wbeÜb-10] A Children B Honesty C Flock D Cattle Ans: b Which one is abstract noun? [PSTU (A) 06-07, RU (ivóªweÁvb) 06-07, evsjv‡`k K…wl e¨vsK-12] A boy B child C Childhood D family Ans: c Which one of the following is a proper noun? [Kg©ms¯’vb e¨vsK (mnKvix Awdmvi, mvaviY/K¨vk)-12] A Man B Group C Run D Dhaka Ans: d The jury found the prisoner guilty. [cÖv_wgK mnKvix wkÿK (wZZvm)-10] A Proper B Collective C Common D Abstract Ans: b What class of noun ‘bravery (†eªB‡fwi)Õ belongs to − [`ybx©wZ `gb ey¨‡ivi Dc-mnKvix cwi`k©K-08] A collective 91. D Team [†iwR÷ªvW© †emiKvix cÖv_wgK mnKvix wkÿK (wkDjx)-11] B Class A Book 86. C Class †KvbwU Collective noun? A Bashar 85. [cÖv_wgK mnKvix wkÿK (Ki‡Zvqv)-12] B common C material D abstract Which of the following is not a common noun? A man B village C Chittagong Which one is in abstract sense? A Monument B Tower C Brat Ans: d [†mvkvj Bmjvgx e¨vsK-04] D river Ans: c [Dc‡Rjv cwimsL¨vb Kg©KZ©v-10] D Passion Ans: d Transformation of noun 93. 94. He is a justice of the High Court. Here ‘justice’ is a/an- noun. A abstract B material C proper Drive the nail into the table. GLv‡b nail kãwU †Kvb cÖKv‡ii noun? D common A Proper D Material B Common C Collective [7g wkÿK wbeÜb-11] Ans: d [cÖv_wgK cÖavb wkÿK (cÙ)-09] Ans: b 95. The rice of Dinajpur is fine. The underlined ‘rice’ in the sentence is a [HSTU B 15-16] A proper noun B common noun C collective noun D abstract noun Ans: b 96. Our class consists of twenty public. Here ‘public’ is an example of − A Common noun 97. 98. [JU 09-10] B Proper noun C Collective noun D Abstract noun Ans: a There are ten classes in our school. What kind of noun is the word ‘class’ [KUET 06-07] A abstract nout B common noun C collective noun D noun of multitude Ans: b Which one is correct? [¯^ivóª gš¿Yvj‡qi cÖkvmwbK Kg©KZ©v I Kviv ZË¡veavqK-06] A Kazi Nazrul Islam is the Shelley of Bangladesh B Kazi Nazrul Islam is the Shelley of the Bangladesh C Kazi Nazrul Islam is a Shelley of Bangladesh D Kazi Nazrul Islam is a Shelley of the Bangladesh 99. Ans: a Nazrul is the Byron of Bangladesh. The underlined word is used as − [mnKvix cwiPvjK (wnmveiÿY) evsjv‡`k wUGÛwU †evW©-95, CU (F) 12-13] A Proper noun B Common noun C Material noun D Abstract noun 100. The charity of Hatem Tai is known to all. The underlined word is −[HSTU Ans: b (D) 14-15] [mn: _vbv wkÿv Awdmvi-10] A material noun B common noun C abstract noun D collective noun Ans: b 7 Kwei m¨v‡ii cÖvB‡fU e¨v‡P fwZ©i Rb¨ †hvMv‡hvM Kiæb : 01688555489, 01571154151 101. They praised the honesty of the girl. Here the underlined word is a/an − [weAviwUGÕi †gvUihvb cwi`k©K-17] A material noun B abstract noun C common noun D proper noun Ans: c Home Work 102. Abstract noun of the word ‘Long’ is⎯ [cÖv_wgK mnKvix wkÿK-05, (Ksm)-08] A Length B Longer C Lengthier D Lengthen Ans: a 103. The best word stands for Abstract noun is − [Z_¨ gš¿Yvj‡qi Aax‡b mnKvix cwiPvjK-04] A Beauty B Boat C Sail D Bird Ans: a 104. Iron is a useful metal GLv‡b ‘Iron’ kãwU †Kvb cÖKv‡ii Noun? [cÖv_wgK mnKvix wkÿK (wm‡jU)-06] A Proper noun B Material Noun 105. wb‡¤œi †KvbwU Abstract noun bq? A air B goodwill C Collective noun D Common noun Ans: b [K‡›Uªvjvi †Rbv‡ij wW‡dÝ dvBbvÝ Gi Aaxb Rywbqi AwWUi-14] C flavour D water 106. ‘Ali saw a flock of sheep.’ ev‡K¨ ‘flock’ kãwU − Ans: a, d [cÖvK-cÖv_wgK mnKvix wkÿK (wSjvg)-13] A Proper noun B Common noun C Collective noun D Material noun 107. ‘Our team is better than yours. ev‡K¨ ‘Team’ kãwU †Kvb cÖKv‡ii noun? Ans: c [cÖv_wgK mnKvix wkÿK (†ngšÍ, gyw³‡hv×v †KvUv)-10] A Common noun B Collective noun C Matgerial noun 108. Which group of words are Collective nouns? A Sajib, America B Water, Milk, Steel C Cattle, Army, Class D Unity, Health, Poverty 109. ‘Flock’ is a⎯ [Dc‡Rjv mgvR‡mev Awdmvi-08] [RU (†jvKcÖkvmb) 09-10, wewfbœ gš¿Yvjq/wefvM/Awa`߇ii e¨w³MZ Kg©KZ©v (mvaviY)-18] noun B Common noun C Collective noun 110. What kind of noun is ‘journey’? A common B collective C proper 111. Find the collective noun from the following: B Cow C Kindness 112. Which of the following words is not similar to ‘school’? A flock B herd C college D Abstract noun B humility C roguery 114. Which of the following is an abstract noun? A People B Honesty C Flock 115. Which is not proper noun? A Sun B Karim C River D abstract nouns B Common nouns Ans: a [COU (A) 13-14, JKKNIU (K) 14-15] D Army Ans: d [IU (P) 10-11, (BBA) 15-6] D pack Ans: c [JKKNIU (N) 16-17] D straw Ans: a [JUST (B) 12-13] D Sugar Ans: b [RU (mgvRweÁvb) 07-08] D Padma Ans: c [RU (f~‡Mvj) 05-06] 116. Paper, water, iron, gold and milk are⎯ A Abstract Ans: ‡ [RU 09-10] 113. Which one of the following is a common noun? A pirate Ans: b Ans: c A Proper A Water D Material noun C Collective nouns D Material nouns 117. What kind of noun the following words belongs to ‘love, affection’? A Abstract B Common C Material D Collective 118. A noun referring to things that our five senses can’t detect is called : Ans: d [IU 06-07] Ans: a [mgvR‡mev Awa`߇ii Awdm mnKvix Kvg Kw¤úDUvi gy`ªvÿwiK-18] A proper noun B common noun C material noun 119. Which of the following is close to ‘archipelago’ in meaning D abstract noun Ans: d [WvK Awa`߇ii Gw÷‡gUi-18] 8 Kwei m¨v‡ii cÖvB‡fU e¨v‡P fwZ©i Rb¨ †hvMv‡hvM Kiæb : 01688555489, 01571154151 AA group of archives C A group of islands B Archeological sites D Arch of a building 120. What kind of noun is ‘committee’? A abstract B proper 121. †KvbwU Abstract noun? A Long Ans: c [MYc~Z© Awa`߇ii Dc-mnKvix cÖ‡KŠkjx (wmwfj)-18] C collective D common [cÖvK-cÖv_wgK mnKvix wkÿK (eywoM½v)-13, cwievi cwiKíbv cwi`wk©Kv cÖwkÿYv_©x-15] B Height C Man D Jury 122. wb‡Pi †KvbwU Abstract noun Gi D`vniY? A Child B Boy C Family D Childhood little B any 124. †KvbwU Abstract Noun? C some Da B Harbour C Strength Ans: d D Dhaka Ans: c [cÖvK-cÖv_wgK mnKvix wkÿK (myigv)-13] B Jute C Month D Class 126. †KvbwU Collective Noun? Ans: c [cÖvK-cÖv_wgK mnKvix wkÿK (kxZjÿ¨v)-13] B Books C Library D Mouth 127. What kind of noun is ‘Dhaka’? A Proper cup of [cÖv_wgK mnKvix wkÿK (KY©dzjx)-12] 125. †KvbwU Abstract Noun? A Boy Ans: d [gv`K`ªe¨ wbqš¿Y Awa`߇ii mnKvix cwiPvjK-13] Aa A February Ans: b [cÖv_wgK cÖavb wkÿK (Rev)-09] 123. Would you like to have − tea? A Elephant Ans: c Ans: c [†c‡Uªvevsjvi wnmve mnKvix-19] B Common C Collective D Material 128. Which one of the folowing is an example of proper noun? Ans: a [Dc‡Rjv/Avievb †cÖvMÖvg †Kv-AwW©‡bUi-20] A The police B Car C Bangladesh D Family 129. Water has no colour of its own. What type of noun the underlined word is?[JU Ans: c H 17-18] [IU 06-07] A Common B Abstract C Proper 130. What kind of noun is ‘Infant’? A Proper B Common D Material Ans: d [BRUR (B) 16-17] C Material D Collective 131. The word ‘hatred (†nBwUªW&-N„Yv)’ is ⎯ noun. A an abstract Ba proper [COU (A) 16-17] Ca collective 132. ‘Love’, ‘courage’ and ‘childhood’ are examples of⎯ A proper nouns B abstract nouns 133. Which noun below is a collective noun? A men B duck Da material B bunch C countable nouns D common B wad C family D children B group Ans: b C herd Ans: c [CU (A) 16-17] D bevy school Ans: a [JU (C2) 15-16] C batch D group 136. A ⎯ of fish. (gv‡Qi SuvK) A flock nouns [BSMRSTU (G) 16-17] 135. A ⎯ of banknotes. (UvKvi MuvU) A bunch Ans: a [BRUR (F) 15-16, SUST (B) 15-16] 134. An enormous ⎯ of locusts ate all of the crops. A swarm Ans: b Ans: b [JU (C2) 15-16] C school D fleet Ans: c 9 Kwei m¨v‡ii cÖvB‡fU e¨v‡P fwZ©i Rb¨ †hvMv‡hvM Kiæb : 01688555489, 01571154151 Countable and Uncountable noun & Determiners with Countable and Uncountable noun 137. Which one of the following is not an uyncountable noun? A scenery B work C luggage D student 138. Which of the following words does fall under uncountable noun? A Star B Rice C Field D Foe Ans: d [SUST 08-09] Ans: b [RU (MY‡hvMv‡hvM I mvsevw`KZv) 08-09] 139. Advertising is⎯ A Count [KU (BBA) 11-12] noun B adjective C verb D Non-count 140. It is very difficult to find a − in this country at present. A work B career D job Ans: d [COU (B) 09-10, NU (gvbweK) 19-11, PUST (B) 17-18] B He bought a bar of soa yesterday. D He bought a soap yesterday. buy two breads C I shall buy two bread B I shall buy two loaves of breads D I shall buy two pieces of bread Ans: d 143. It is time I had my − cut. hairs Ans: b [Dc‡Rjv gwnjv welqK Kg©KZ©v-16] A I shall A all the [CU (C1) 12-13] B hair C all hairs D the hairs hairs Ans: b 144. ⎯ is not the only things that tourists want to see. AA scenery Ans: d [BRDB Gi cjøx Dbœqb Kg©KZ©v-13] C profession 141. Choose the correct sentence. A He bought some soaps yesterday. C He has bought a soap yesterday. 142. Find out the correct sentence. noun B Sceneries C the [24th BCS] sceneries D Scener Ans: d 145. This building is made of ⎯. [RU (B-Law) 12-13] A bricks and cement B brick and cement 146. Choose the correct sentence. C glasses and bricks D iron and glasses Ans: b [PSC Gi mnKvix cwiPvjK-06, DU (C) 11-12] A We have many works to do in summer B We have much works to do in summer C We have a lot of work to do in summer D We have lot of works to do in summer We have many a lot of works to do in summer 147. Zvi †Kv‡bv eÜz †bB ej‡jB P‡j| Ans: c [6ô cÖfvlK wbeÜb-10, 11Zg wkÿK wbeÜb (2)-14] A He has a few friends. B He has no friends. C He has few friends. D He has the few friends. 148. ‘They have little money’ means − Ans: c [CU (M) 03-04, JKKNIU (D) 18-19, BSMRSTU (E) 19-20] A They have no money at all. B They have almost no money. C They have yet some money D They have quite some money. Ans: b 149. He has few friends means he has − A no friend at all B almost [CU (M) 05-06] no friends C some friends Da few friends 150. ⎯ milk he gave me has been spilt. Choose the correct option. A few Ba few C little Da [CU (K) 08-09] little the little Ans: 151. − people trying to get into the football stadium. A There were too much D It was too many B There was too many There was too much 152. There is − on the roads today. Ans: b [CU (D-Law) 05-06] C There were too many Ans: c [DU (B) 05-06] 10 Kwei m¨v‡ii cÖvB‡fU e¨v‡P fwZ©i Rb¨ †hvMv‡hvM Kiæb : 01688555489, 01571154151 A few traffics B very much traffic C too much traffic D too many traffic 153. I would like − information, please. A an [Lv`¨ cwi`k©K-11, DU (A) 12-13] B some C few D piece Ans: b 154. I am going to buy − bread for breakfast. Aa B the Ans: c [SUST (A1) 14-15] C some D lot 155. What kind of noun is ‘fun’? A Uncountable B Countable C Common 156. Which of the following is an uncountable noun? A Pen B shirt C Book 157. The building is built of stone. The underlined word is: A Countable noun B Adjective C proper noun 158. I prefer chicken to beef. Here underlined word is⎯ A countable noun B proper noun C abstract noun 159. Which kind of noun ‘money (A_©)Õ is − two Ans: c [cwi‡ek Awa`߇ii mnKvix cwiPvjK-11] D Material Ans: a [Kviv Awa`߇ii Kviv ZË¡veavqK-13] D Food Ans: d [KU (S) 14-15] D Uncountable noun Ans: d [PUST (A1) 15-16] D uncountable noun Ans: d [IU (H) 14-15] A Collective 160. 161. 162. 163. 164. 165. noun B Abstract noun C Countable noun D Uncountable noun Ans: d I need ⎯ soap to wash my dress with. [DU D 02-03, COU C 07-08] A any B a piece of Ca D much Ans: b Hybrids have one more ⎯ per plant than the other varieties. [wcÖwgqvi e¨vsK-03] A corns B ear of corn C corn ears D com’s ears Ans: b ⎯ in this display is on sale. [Kg©ms¯’vb I cÖwkÿY ey¨‡ivi Dc-cwiPvjK-07] A Each furnitures B Each pieces of furniture C Each piece of furniture D Each furniture Ans: c Identify the determiner in the sentence: ‘I have no news for you.’ [40th BCS] A have B news C no D for Ans: c th Which word is the determiner in the sentence ‘Will it take much time?’ [35 BCS, IU (C, H) 15-16] A will B take C much D time Ans: c th − amazing song haunted me for a long time. [35 BCS, JKKNIU (N) 16-17] A These B Those C Thus D That Ans: d 166. The ⎯ of the office will be sold. A furniture [DU (D) 02-03] B the furnitures C piece of furniture D pieces of furnitures 167. Nasrin is an interior decorator, designs⎯ A furniture [DU (D) 00-01] C furniture’s B the furniture 168. There is ⎯ water/milk in the glass. D some furniture little Ba big amount C much [CU (B2 −6) 14-15] D small Ans: a 169. Tamara speaks very − Russian, but she knows − words. A little, a little B little, a few C few, little [IU (B) 11-12] Da few, few 170. I have got ⎯ friends, so I am not lonely. Aa little B little little Ba C few few Ans: b [CU (B) 11-12] D fewer a few 171. The glass on the table contains ⎯ water. Aa Ans: a [RU (F-AweRvb) 15-16, cÖv_wgK mnKvix wkÿK (1g ch©vq)-19] She wants to satisfy her thirst. But there is − water in the glass. Aa Ans: a Ans: [NU (evwYR¨) 06-07] C many 172. I would like − salt in my vegetables. D several Ans: a [CU (D) 11-12] 11 Kwei m¨v‡ii cÖvB‡fU e¨v‡P fwZ©i Rb¨ †hvMv‡hvM Kiæb : 01688555489, 01571154151 A few Ba few C a little D many 173. Choose the correct translation of: “There is a little milk in the cup.” A †cqvjvq Aí `ya Av‡Q| B †cqvjvq `ya †bB ej‡jB P‡j| C †cqvjvq GKUzLvwb `ya †bB| D †cqvjvq GKUzLvwb `ya †bB| Ans: c [7g cÖfvlK wbeÜb-11] Ans: a 174. Which one of the following is the correct meaning of ‘a few’? A Not many, hardly any B Not many, but all there are C Some D Not much [RU (Law) 04-05] Ans: c 175. Fill in the blank with the correct quantifier. I still have − money in my pocket. [moK I Rbc_ Awa`߇ii DcmnKvix cÖ‡KŠkjx (wmwfj)-03] Aa little B many C few Da few Ans: a 176. The word ‘little’ in the swentence ‘There is little hope in this case’ means⎯ [mnKvix cwievi cwiKíbv Awdmvi-16] A there is some hope B there is ample hope C there is no hope D none of the above 177. A lot of food was prepared, but hardly any of it was eaten. Ans: c Here the underlined word can be substituted with − [Avbmvi I wfwWwc Awa`߇ii mv‡K©j A¨vWRy‡U›U-15] A little Ba little C few Da few Ans: a 178. He has hardly any money on him. Underlined word means − A very little B Nothing C few [JnU (D) 12-13] D enough Ans: a 179. There is − milk in the bottle. A very few [DU A 12-13] B any C very little D many Ans: c 180. He has − friends in chicago. A few B few of [CU (G) 14-15] Ca lot D much much of 181. There is − hope of her recovery. A many B little [RU (D) 18-19] C very D few 182. She sold − milk. A little/a little Ans: b [RU (mgvRweÁvb) 09-10, IU (F) 15-16] B small C least D heavy 183. Few men are free from faults. Here ‘few’ means⎯. A some Ans: a B not much C hardly Ans: a [evsjv‡`k †U·UvBj wek¦we`¨vjq 15-16] any D None Ans: c 184. We should use ⎯ time we have in our hands to complete our preparation.[CU (B7) 14-15] [CU (C1) 12-13] A the little B the little of C the few D few little 185. I don’t have ⎯ time today but I’ll sit with you. A some B full [BU (L) 14-15] C long D much Ans: d 186. We have to stop the car and buy some petrol because there − in the tank. A aren’t many B isn’t much C aren’t any D isn’t many 187. There aren’t − people here. A much B many works B much Ca work [KU (L) 14-15] Ans: b [CU (I) 13-14] lot D some Ans: b 188. Do you have − to do this afternoon? If not, I’d like to take you to a movie. A many Ans: a C many 189. I did not have − luggage, just two small bags. work D much work [DU C 06-07] Ans: b [CU (B) 09-10] 12 Kwei m¨v‡ii cÖvB‡fU e¨v‡P fwZ©i Rb¨ †hvMv‡hvM Kiæb : 01688555489, 01571154151 A little 190. 191. 192. 193. Ba little C much D many few Ans: c How − money do you have in your pocket? [evsjv‡`k nvDR wewìs wdb¨vÝ K‡c©v‡ikb (wmwbqi Awdmvi)-11] A many B few C much D some a few Ans: c I don’t have − spare time these days. [DU (B) 01-02] A many B much C some D more Ans: b I don’t take − tea. [KU (RxeweÁvb ¯‹zj) 11-12, evsjv‡`k †gwib GKv‡Wwg 15-19] A much B many C too many D more Ans: a − thanks go to you for your generous help.[NU (gvbweK) 12-13, JU (C) 16-17] [JKKNIU (D) 18-19] A Little BA little C Many D Much Ans: c 194. Is there any milk in that jug? Not⎯ [DU (D) 01-02] A none B many C much D some Ans: c 195. There are too many − during television shows. [PSTU (BBA) 06-07, BSMRSTU (B) 16-17] A advertising B advertisement C advertisings D advertisements Ans: d 196. They spent − time considering the new contract. [CU (L) 07-08, CVASU 14-15] A too much B too many C too D many very Ans: a Home Work 197. I need some ⎯. The correct answer is A advises B advice [ciivóª gš¿Yvj‡qi e¨w³MZ Kg©KZ©v-19] C advices D advise 198. The countable form of ‘laughter’ is − A The laugh Ba laugh [cÖv_wgK mnKvix wkÿK (2q ch©vq)-19] C Laugh D all of these 199. There is − milk in the glass. Aa little Ba big amount B furniture C much D small B all D furniture’s C furnisher few B quite D little [38th a few many works to perform C I have much works to perform 204. I don’t have ⎯. A many furnitures C many Da little Ans: d [15Zg cÖfvlK wbeÜb-19] B I have many work to perform D I have much work to perform. Ans: d [wkí gš¿Yvj‡qi Aaxb wewmAvBwmÕi mnKvix e¨e¯’vcK (cÖkvmb)-18] furniture C much furnitures 205. She wanted to serve some coffee to her guests, however⎯. A She Ans: a BCS, gv`K`ªe¨ wbqš¿Y Awa`߇ii wnmveiÿK-19] 203. Choose the correct sentence. A I have Ans: b [NSI Gi IqvPvi Kb‡÷ej-19] C many 202. I still have ⎯ money. Aa Ans: a [cÖv_wgK mnKvix wkÿK (4_© ch©vq)-19] 201. Manisha did the job without having − interest in it. A much Ans: c [cÖv_wgK mnKvix wkÿK (1g ch©vq)-19] 200. We need to buy some new −. A furnishers Ans: b B much had not many sugar C She did not have much sugar. 206. Find the correct sentence. D many furniture Ans: b [†gKvwbK¨vj GÛ cvIqvi BwÄwbqvwis-99] B there was not great amount of sugar D She was lacking in amount of sugar Ans: c [DU (C) 16-17, AMÖYx e¨vsK wj. (wmwbqi Awdmvi)-17] A The intruder stood quietly for few moments. B The intruder stood quietly for a few moments. C The intruder stood quietly few moments. D The intruder stood quietly for the few moments. Ans: b 13 Kwei m¨v‡ii cÖvB‡fU e¨v‡P fwZ©i Rb¨ †hvMv‡hvM Kiæb : 01688555489, 01571154151 207. ‘A few’ is a − A positive term [¯’vbxq miKvi, cjøx Dbœqb I mgevq gš¿Yvj‡qi mnKvix cÖ‡KŠkjx (wmwfj)-17] B negative term 208. Choose the correct sentence: A Let me give you an advice. C Let me give you a single adive. 209. I need ⎯ milk. Aa few Ba little C meaningless term D none of the above Ans: a [MYc~Z© Awa`߇ii DcmnKvix cÖ‡KŠkjx (wmwfj)-17] B Let me give you one advice. D Let me give you a piece of advice. Ans: d [†ijc_ gš¿Yvj‡qi DcmnKvix cÖ‡KŠkjx-17] Ca hot Da 210. − people can travel abroad. lot Ans: b [MYc~Z© Awa`߇ii wnmve mnKvix-16] A very 211. 212. 213. 214. 215. 216. 217. 218. 219. less B Little C Few D Least Ans: c Give me ⎯ milk. [wewfbœ gš¿Yvj‡qi mnKvix †cÖvMÖvgvi-17] A the little B little C a little D a few Ans: c I don’t have ⎯ furniture. [mgvR‡mev Awa`߇i mnKvix wkÿK-17] A much B more C many D too Ans: a Choose the countable noun. [NSI-Gi Awdm mnKvix-Kvg-Kw¤úDUvi gy`ªvÿwiK-17] A Newspaper B Water C Fine D Magic Ans: a Choose the countable noun from below. [NSI-Gi Awdm mnKvix-Kvg-Kw¤úDUvi gy`ªvÿwiK-17] A Love B Music C Sand D Message Ans: d Choose the unbcountable noun from below. [NSI-Gi Awdm mnKvix-Kvg-Kw¤úDUvi gy`ªvÿwiK-17] A Dream B Salt C Thought D Table Ans: b The town is very quiet at night. ⎯ people go out. [ivRkvnx K…wl Dbœqb e¨vsK (Kg©KZ©v, 2q †kÖwY)-15] A a little B very few C little D a few Ans: b For an investor who − money, silver or bonds are good options. [evsjv‡`k e¨vsK (AD)-13] A has so a little B has very few C has so few D has very little Ans: d Give me ⎯ milk. Fill in the blank with ⎯ [wewfbœ gš¿Yvj‡qi mnKvix †cÖvMÖvgvi-17] A the little B little C a little D a few Ans: c Choose the correct sentence. [wcGmwmÕi mnKvix cwiPvjK-06] A I have many works to do. C I have a lot of work to do. B I have many work to do. D I have great deal works to do. Ans: c 220. We have not been given ⎯ update on the patient’s condition. A some D much Ans: c 221. Choose the incorrect word for the gap. ⎯ of the film was worth watching. [BSMRSTU E 18-19] A Several B none B Some C any [DU B 19-20] C The whole D Much 222. Identify the sentence where the determiner is used properly − A I have not much friends here. C I have not a little friends here. [BSMRSTU (F) 18-19] B I have a few friends here. D I have a little friends here. 223. In my country, ⎯ universities offer a wide range of courses. A every B each Ans: a Ca great deal Ans: b [BSMRSTU (F) 18-19] D most Ans: d 224. We could barely get any information at the airport. − people seemed to have − idea about the flights. A Many/any [IU (B) 18-19] BA lot of/any C Only a few/some D Few/no Ans: c 225. Heavy fines and jail sentences have made − difference in preventing elephant poaching. [Sonali Bank (SO)-14, CU (E, Law) 16-17] 14 Kwei m¨v‡ii cÖvB‡fU e¨v‡P fwZ©i Rb¨ †hvMv‡hvM Kiæb : 01688555489, 01571154151 Aa few B many C little D the number of Ans: c 226. Translate into English: [COU (B) 08-09] A He gave me a lot of advice. B He gave me many advice. C He gave me many advices. D He gave me to much advice. Ans: a 227. Which of the following sentences is incorrect? [CU (G) 11-12] A I wonder whether there is any time left. B Are there some roses in the garden? C The train has just arrived. D I have left my purse at home. Ans: b 228. One and a half million people drive rickshaws for a living, plus ⎯ hundred thousand who own and repair them. [DU ( (A) 17-18] A few Ba few 229. Which one is used in a negative sense? A the few B a few C little B little little Ans: b [RU (E2) 17-18] C few 230. Do you mind if I ask you ⎯ questions?[IU A few Da D very few (G) Ca few 17-18] Da little Ans: c 231. Sister gave him ⎯ water. Aa few B a little 232. What kind of noun is ‘knowledge’? A proper B material Ans: c [IU (H) 17-18] Ca lot of D many Ans: b [BSMRSTU (C) 18-19] C abstract D common 233. The word ‘poetry’ is ⎯⎯. Ans: c [JnU (B) 17-18] Aa countable noun B an uncountable noun C a plural noun D an abstract noun Ans: b 234. Which one of the following sentence is correct? [BRUR (E) 16-17] A Give me a few butter, please B Give me a little butters, please C I have a little money D Both a and c Ans: c 235. All we need to complete the case is a single ⎯. A information [CU (E) 05-06] B pieces of information C items of information D item of information Ans: d 236. There are four sentences. In one of them only the determiner used properly. Identify the same. [†Rjv cÖv_wgK wkÿv Awdmvi, wcwUAvB Gi mycvwib‡Ub‡W›U, mnKvix mycvwib‡Ub‡W›U-05] A I don’t want these water. B He does have many money. C I would take a little salt on my vegetables. D There are less people here than in the other place. 237. In order to improve farming methods, we need⎯. A machine B machinery 238. Choose the correct sentence: A I need a few furnitures C I do not need furniture. C machineries Ans: c [RU (F) 12-13, CU (A2) 14-15] Da machinery Ans: b [DU 04-05] B I need a few furniture. D I do need some furnitures. Ans: c 239. ⎯ is currently available to researchers and physicians who study the indigenous life of Bangladesh. A A little information B Few information [DU (D) 03-04] 15 Kwei m¨v‡ii cÖvB‡fU e¨v‡P fwZ©i Rb¨ †hvMv‡hvM Kiæb : 01688555489, 01571154151 C Little information DA few information Ans: c 240. According some studies, dolphins, whales and − other sea creatures use highly sophisticated navigation systems. A any B a little [DU (A) 16-17] C many 241. How many engineering ⎯ there in Bangladesh? A university, is B universities, are C universities, is D much Ans: c [DU (B) 10-11, PUST (B) 14-15] D university, are 242. I have ⎯ enemies, but they can do me ⎯ harm. A no, little B many, many C little, much [JnU (D) 10-11] Da few, little 243. We don’t have to rush. We’ve got ⎯ time. A much B plenty of B large Ca little D little Ans: b [RU (mvgvwRK weÁvb) 08-09] C lot of D any Ans: d 245. Anne is very busy these days, she has ⎯ free time. A plenty 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. of Ba lot of Ans: b [CU (E) 02-03] 244. We didn’t buy − flowers.’ A many Ans: b C little [CU (E) 02-03] D much Ans: c Position of Noun Hearing of the case will be next week. The underlined word is− [RU (B-Law) 15-16] a a noun b an adjective c an adverb d a verb Ans: a Lovely comes here regularly. Here ‘Lovely’ is [10g †emiKvix wkÿK wbeÜb-14] a noun b pronoun c adjective d adverb Ans: a Patience is a virtue. Here the word ‘patience’ is− [cÖZœZË¡ Awa`߇ii Gw÷‡gUi-19] a adjective b adverb c noun d pronoun Ans: c Frailty thy name is woman. Here ‘Frailty (f½yiZv)Õ is− [37th BCS] a A noun b An adjective c An adverb d A verb Ans: a Painters study art. The underlined word is− [wcwU AvB Gi BÝUªv±i-06] a an adjective b a verb c a noun d a conjunction Ans: c I am in the process of collecting material for my story. The underlined word is− [35th BCS] a Verb b Adjective c Adverb d Noun Ans: d This is the go of the world. Here ‘go’ is a/an−[cwi‡ek I eb gš¿Yvj‡qi Aax‡b wimvP© Awdmvi-06, COU B 1415, NSTU C 15-16, CU G 16-17, wewfbœ gš¿Yvj‡qi mn: †gBb‡Ub¨vÝ BwÄwbqvi-17, BSMRSTU G 18-19] verb b noun c adverb Where there is a will, there is way. Here ‘will’ is− a a noun b a verb c an adjective I walked for a while. a 8. 9. a 10. verb b adverb c conjunction d adjective Ans: b [mnKvix cwiPvjK (gv`K wbqš¿Y)-13] d an adverb Ans: a [RU (D-AevwYR¨) 12-13] d They told us a tale about a tail. They word ‘tale’ is− noun Ans: d [16Zg wkÿK wbeÜb-19] adjective b noun c verb d adverb Ans: b Educating girls contributes to an increase of wealth through its impact on economic development. The underlined word is− [KU 10-11, BRUR (B) 14-15] a a verb b an adjective c a noun d an adverb Ans: c a 11. 12. 13. ‘I don’t require a second to take up my cause.’ Here ‘second’ is used as− a Pronoun b Adjective c Noun d Adverb She looked at him with−. a amuzing b amuzement [IU 09-10] Ans: c [BU (A) 14-15] c amazing d astonished Ans: b 16 Kwei m¨v‡ii cÖvB‡fU e¨v‡P fwZ©i Rb¨ †hvMv‡hvM Kiæb : 01688555489, 01571154151 14. a 15. [RU (mvgvwRK weÁvb) 09-10] What is the (deep) of the canal? deepest b deeper c deepts d depth Ans: d Unless protected areas are established the Royal Bengal Tigers will face − of extinction. [DU (C) 04-05, DU (IER) 07-08, KU (RxeweÁvb ¯‹zj) 07-08] a 16. b the possibility c possibility d to be possible Ans: b The doctor took the round in the hospital. Here ‘round’ is a/an− [mnKvix wkÿv cÖ‡KŠkjx-19, Dental 17-18] a 17. possible adjective b noun c verb d adverb Ans: b This is the fashion of the day. Here ‘fashion’ is a− [dzW B݇c±i-96, 00, mIR Awa`߇ii DcmnKvix cÖ‡KŠkjx-10, JnU (D) 05-06, BRUR D 12-13, IU B 16-17, RU (MY‡hvMv‡hvM) 07-08, (A6) 11-12, (E) 17-18] a 18. 19. pronoun b noun c verb d adverb Ans: b She opted for the humanities. Here ‘humanities’ is− a Noun b Adjective c Adverb d Pronoun He is an eyesore to me. To which parts of speech ‘eyesore’ belongs here? [RU 08-09] Ans: a [KU (weÁvb, cÖ‡KŠkj, ¯‹zj) 08-09, IU (F) 15-16] preposition b adjective c adverb d noun Honesty is the best policy. What parts of speech the underlined word is? a noun b pronoun c adjective d adverb Ans: d a 20. 21. Bangladesh has a good − in cricket. 23. prospectus b prosperous c prospective Try your best. a Verb b Adverb c Adjective We shall not see his look again. Here ‘look’ is a/an− a 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. Adverb b Ans: a [ciivóª gš¿Yvj‡qi e¨w³MZ Kg©KZ©A-19] a 22. [PUST C 16-17] Noun c d prospect Ans: d [SUST 09-10] d Noun Ans: d [8g †emiKvix wkÿK wbeÜb-12] Preposition d Adjective It is our central library. The underlined word is a−. a Noun b Pronoun c Adjective d Preposition This is my village. a adverb b noun c conjunction d adjective His total score was 145 runs. a Noun b Adverb c Preposition d Adjective Her success was shattered by her later commentary. a Verb b Adjective c Noun d Adverb I have received my admit card. a a verb b a noun c an adjective d an adverb I left my bag in this morning. a Adjective b Adverb c Noun d Preposition Find out this text in your text book. The underlined words are respectively: Ans: b [RU (F) 15-16] Ans: c [IU (C) 10-11] Ans: b [BU (C) 14-15] Ans: d [BU (B) 13-14] Ans: c [KU (A) 10-11] Ans: c [BU (C) 14-15] Ans: c [KU 08-09, AMÖbx e¨vsK (wmwbqi Awdmvi)-17] a noun and noun b noun and adverb c adjective and noun d noun and adjective Ans: d IDENTIFICATION/FORMATION OF NOUN ce, cy, th, ty, tion, sion, ment, ness, hood, dom, ship, age, cide, or/er. Advice, Accommodation, Reproduction, Obedience, Equity, Chaos, Frequency, Poverty, Species 31. Which of the following is a noun? a widespread b disaster [evsjv‡`k cÖwZ‡hvwMZv Kwgkb (e¨w³MZ mnKvix)-19] c deadliest d None of the above Ans: b 17 Kwei m¨v‡ii cÖvB‡fU e¨v‡P fwZ©i Rb¨ †hvMv‡hvM Kiæb : 01688555489, 01571154151 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. ‘Water’ is an example of⎯ [ms¯‹…wZ welqK gš¿Yvj‡q DcmnKvix cÖ‡KŠkjx-19] a adverb b preposition c verb d conjunction Ans: c Which one is the noun form? [Pjw”PÎ I cÖKvkbv Awa`߇i K¨v‡givg¨vb-19] a horrible b horror c horrify d horribly Ans: b The word ‘Productivity’ is a/an⎯ [`y‡h©vM e¨e¯’vcbv I ÎvY gš¿Yvj‡q Awdm mnvqK-19] a adjective b verb c adverb d noun Ans: d Good will (mybvg) †Kvb part of speech? [evsjv‡`k cjøx Dbœqb †ev‡W©i mnKvix Bb‡dvm©‡g›U †Kv-AwW©‡bUi-19] a Pronoun b Noun c Verb d Adverb Ans: b The word ‘practice’ is a/an⎯ [moK cwienb I †mZz gš¿Yvj‡qi Dc-mnKvix cÖ‡KŠkjx (hvwš¿K)-19] a verb b noun c adjective d adverb Ans: b The word ‘wisdom’ is a⎯ [moK cwienb I †mZz gš¿Yvj‡qi Dc-mnKvix cÖ‡KŠkjx (hvwš¿K)-19] a noun b pronoun c verb d adverb Ans: a Which one is the noun? [moK cwienb I †mZz gš¿Yvj‡qi Dc-mnKvix cÖ‡KŠkjx (hvwš¿K)-19] a Poverty b Simple c Important d Rich Ans: a The word ‘reproduction’ is⎯ [DU (D) 03-04, cÖvK-cÖv_wgK mnKvix I cÖavb wkÿK-15] a an adjective b a verb c an adverb d a noun Ans: d Which one is noun? [ivKve (†Kvlva¨ÿ)-15, Bmjvgx e¨vsK (ATO)-17, grm¨ Awa`ßi (wnmveiÿK)-18] a nostalgic b nostalgical c nostalgia d nostalgica Ans: c Find out the parts of speech of the following word ‘Equity’ [mve-†iwR÷ªvi-03] a Pronoun b Noun c Adjective d Adverb Ans: b ‘Kindness’ is a⎯ [cwievi Kj¨vY cwi`wk©Kv cÖwkÿYv_©x-10] a verb b adjective c adverb d noun Ans: d Which word is a noun? [Z_¨ gš¿Yvj‡qi MY‡hvMv‡hvM Awa`߇ii mnKvix Z_¨ Awdmvi-13] a Assure b Assurance c Assured d Assuredly Ans: b ‘Genocide’ is⎯ [mnKvix cwiKíbv Kg©KZ©v-12, BRUR (B) 16-17, NATP Gi gvV mnKvix-19] a a verb b a preposition c a noun d an adjective Ans: c ‘Frequency’ is⎯ [mnKvix RR-09, cÖv_wgK mnKvix wkÿK (3q ch©vq)-19] a Adjective b Noun c Adverb d Verb Ans: b The word ‘independence’ is⎯ [RvZxq ivR¯^ †ev‡W©i mnKvix ivR¯^ Kg©KZ©v-12] a a verb b a noun c a preposition d an adjective Ans: b The ord ‘orphanage (GwZgLvbv); is⎯ [mnKvix cwievi cwiKíbv Kg©KZ©v-12] a a verb b an adjective c a noun d a adverb Ans: c The word ‘Gravity’ is⎯ [DU (C) 11-12, BRUR (B) 16-17, DPE mnKvix wkÿK (Z…Zxq ch©vq)-18] a a noun b an adverb c an adjective d a verb a gerund Ans: a The word ‘tormentor’ is⎯ a a noun b an adjective [DU (D) 18-19] c a verb d an adverb Ans: a 18 Kwei m¨v‡ii cÖvB‡fU e¨v‡P fwZ©i Rb¨ †hvMv‡hvM Kiæb : 01688555489, 01571154151