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Top 5 FREE Data Science Books by Matt Dancho

Top 5 FREE
Data Science Books
What helped me the most.
Matt Dancho
R for Data Science
By Hadley Wikham & Garrett Grolemund
One of my favorite all time resources for learning the
Tidyverse, the de-facto grammar for data science in
R. Learn data wrangling with dplyr, data visualization
with ggplot2, working with date, time, strings, and
factors, programming with pipes and purrr, modeling
fundamentals, and Rmarkdown reporting.
Website: https://r4ds.had.co.nz/
Tidymodeling with R
Max Kuhn and Julia Silge
A brand new book that captures the essential elements
of the Tidymodeling ecosystem (like scikit learn in
python, but much easier and better). Learn modeling
fundamentals, machine learning tools, feature
engineering essentials, hyperparameter tuning, and
Website: https://www.tmwr.org/
An Introduction to Statistical Learning
Gareth James, Daniela Witten, Trevor Hastie, Robert Tibshirani
One of the first books where I really began to
understand modeling. Simply known as “ISL”, this is the
quintessential primer to learning data science with
examples in R.
PS - This is the newly minted 2nd Edition
Website: https://www.statlearning.com/
The Shiny AWS Book
Matt Dancho
This is MY BOOK that covers in-depth a proven
process for deploying Shiny Apps into the Cloud with
AWS, NGINX, Rstudio Server, and more!
Website: Shiny AWS Book
The BIG Book of R
Oscar Baruffa
Contains 250+ Free R programming books. All of the resources I’ve shared today are part of the
Big Book of R project. Enjoy!
Website: https://www.bigbookofr.com/
$1 Bonus Book!!
This is my NEW E-Book, “Everything You Should Already
Know About Data Science”.
My goal with this E-book is to help people uncover the
mystery behind data science.
And, help them see what's actually working for those that
have successfully transitioned their careers into data
science (so you can AVOID what's not working).
I wanted to go over the top! So I am offering it for only $1.
And I’m giving over $5,000 of value away!
Here’s what you get:
➔ My E-Book ($29 value)
➔ R Cheat Sheet ($97 value)
➔ Spark + R Master class ($300 value)
➔ Shiny App that analyzes 4,500 NASDAQ Stocks ($5,000 value)
All for 1 big ole dollar!