20 Cert BA O 20 OpenTuition Free resources for accountancy students BA2 Ex am s Fundamentals of Management Accounting Spread the word about OpenTuition, so that all CIMA students can benefit. How to use OpenTuition: 1) Register & download the latest notes 2) Watch ALL OpenTuition free lectures 3) Attempt free tests online 4) Question practice is vital - you must obtain also Exam Kit from Kaplan or BPP The best things in life are free IMPORTANT!!! PLEASE READ CAREFULLY To benefit from these notes you must watch the free lectures on the OpenTuition website in which we explain and expand on the topics covered. In addition question practice is vital!! You must obtain a current edition of a Revision / Exam Kit - the CIMA approved publisher is Kaplan. It contains a great number of exam standard questions (and answers) to practice on. We also recommend getting extra questions from BPP - if you order on line, you can use our 20% discount code: bppcima20optu You should also use the free “Online Multiple Choice Tests” which you can find on the OpenTuition website: http://opentuition.com/cima/ 2020 Examinations Watch free CIMA BA2 lectures 1 BA2 Fundamentals of Management Accounting Formulae 3 1. Accounting for Management 7 2. Cost Classification and Behaviour 11 3. Semi-Variable Costs 15 4. Accounting for Overheads 19 5. The Management Accountant’s Profit Statement – Absorption Costing 25 6. The Management Accountant’s Profit Statement – Marginal Costing 27 7. Cost–Plus Pricing 29 8. Budgeting 31 9. Variance Analysis 39 10. Performance Measurement Overview 41 11. Financial Performance Measurement 43 12. Non-Financial Performance Measurement 47 13. Integrated Cost Accounting 51 14. Probability 55 15. Measures of Average and of Dispersion 59 16. The Normal distribution 65 17. Breakeven Analysis 67 18. Limited Factor Analysis and Make or Buy Decisions 71 19. Interest 73 20. Investment Appraisal 79 Answers to Examples 83 Only on OpenTuition you can find: Free CIMA notes • Free CIMA lectures • Free CIMA tests • Free tutor support • StudyBuddies • CIMA forums 2020 Examinations Watch free CIMA BA2 lectures 2 Only on OpenTuition you can find: Free CIMA notes • Free CIMA lectures • Free CIMA tests • Free tutor support • StudyBuddies • CIMA forums Watch free CIMA BA2 lectures 3 2020 Examinations FORMULAE FORMULAE SHEET Regression analysis a= ∑y b∑x n n b= ∑y b∑ n∑xy-∑x∑y 2 n∑x2 -(∑x) ∑y b∑ n∑xy-∑x∑ n∑xy-∑x∑y n∑x -(∑ r= 2 n∑xy-∑x∑ n∑x2 -(∑x) )(n∑y 2 -(∑y)2 ) (n n∑x -(∑ n∑xy-∑x∑ n∑x -(∑ ∑y -(∑ n∑xy-∑x∑ n∑x -(∑ ∑y -(∑ Only on OpenTuition you can find: Free CIMA notes • Free CIMA lectures • Free CIMA tests • Free tutor support • StudyBuddies • CIMA forums 4 Watch free CIMA BA2 lectures 2020 Examinations !"#$#%& '()*# +(,)# !"#$#%& '()*# +, - ./#/ 0- 1 !2"# !"#$# $ % &'()*+,- $.-# , % ,+/0#$ *1 2#$'*&( +,-'3 2.4/#,!"#$%&'( )*(+ ,)- .+)"%/# 5,6 78 98 :8 ;8 <8 =8 >8 ?8 @8 7A8 7 9 : ; < AB@@A AB@?A AB@>7 AB@=7 AB@<7 AB@?A AB@=7 AB@;9 AB@9; AB@A= AB@>7 AB@;: AB@7< AB??? 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Introduction The purpose of management accounting is to assist management in running the business in ways that will improve the performance of the business. 2. The definition of management accounting CIMA defines management accounting as “the application of the principles of accounting and financial management to create, protect, preserve and increase value for the stakeholders of forprofit and not-for-profit enterprises in the public and private sectors”. 3. The Global Management Accounting Principles The purpose of the Principles is to help organisations to improve their management accounting systems in order to be able to make better decisions and to respond appropriately to the risks that they face. There are four Principles: Communication provides insight that is influential By communicating information well, the organisation can make better decisions Information is relevant Organisations need to be helped in planning the information needed for the decisions they are making Stewardship brings trust The assets, reputation and value of the organisation need protecting Impact on value is analysed It is necessary to consider different possible scenarios in order to be in a position to make better decisions Only on OpenTuition you can find: Free CIMA notes • Free CIMA lectures • Free CIMA tests • Free tutor support • StudyBuddies • CIMA forums 2020 Examinations Watch free CIMA BA2 lectures 8 4. Data and information One way of assisting management is to provide them with good information to help them with their decisions. The information can be provided to them in different ways, but is usually in the form of reports. For example, a report analysing costs of producing each of several products may assist management in deciding which products to produce. It is the management accountant who will be expected to provide the information, and in order to do so he/she needs to collect data. Data consists of the facts that are gathered and stored. Data has no clear meaning until it is processed – analysed and sorted – into information. 5. What makes good information? Good quality information should: ๏ be Accurate ๏ be Complete (but not excessive) ๏ be Cost effective (should cost less than the savings to be made) ๏ be Understandable (to whoever is using it) ๏ be Relevant (to the decision being made) ๏ be Authoritative (be able to be trusted by the users) ๏ be Timely ๏ be Easy to use 6. The main managerial processes The main areas of management accounting are: ๏ Costing Cost accounting is identifying the cost of producing an item (or providing a service) in order to, for example, assist in deciding on a selling price. ๏ Planning e.g. plan how many staff will be required in the factory next year ๏ Decision making e.g. decide on what selling price to charge for a new product ๏ Control e.g. check month-by-month whether the company is over or under spending on wages ๏ Performance evaluation Comparing the performance of mangers or departments against budgets or targets Only on OpenTuition you can find: Free CIMA notes • Free CIMA lectures • Free CIMA tests • Free tutor support • StudyBuddies • CIMA forums Watch free CIMA BA2 lectures 9 2020 Examinations 7. The different levels of planning ๏ strategic planning long-term plans (e.g. 5 to 10 years) for the business e.g. what new offices to open? / what new products to launch? ๏ tactical planning medium-term, more detailed, plans – usually involving producing budgets for the next year e.g. how many staff to employ next year? ๏ operational planning short-term planning and decisions e.g. which supplier to choose for a purchase next week 8. Comparison of Management Accounting with Financial Accounting Financial accounting Management accounting Prepare reports, generally based on past performance; in line with reporting requirements Collate information such as revenue, cashflow and outstanding debts to produce timely trend reports and statistics to inform important, day-to-day management and business decisions Produce the required financial information for use by other functions within the business, for example department managers. Combine financial information with non financial information data to paint a complete picture of the business. They use this to drive business success. 9. CIMA’s Professional Standards CIMA has a code of ethics which all members and students are required to comply with in order to maintain the highest ethical and professional standards. There are five fundamental principles: ๏ Integrity ๏ Objectivity ๏ Professional competence and due care ๏ Confidentiality ๏ Professional behaviour Only on OpenTuition you can find: Free CIMA notes • Free CIMA lectures • Free CIMA tests • Free tutor support • StudyBuddies • CIMA forums 2020 Examinations Watch free CIMA BA2 lectures 10 Only on OpenTuition you can find: Free CIMA notes • Free CIMA lectures • Free CIMA tests • Free tutor support • StudyBuddies • CIMA forums Watch free CIMA BA2 lectures 11 2020 Examinations Chapter 2 COST CLASSIFICATION AND BEHAVIOUR 1. Cost classification Cost classification is the arrangement of cost items into logical groups. For example: by their nature (materials, wages etc.); or function (administration, production etc.). The eventual aim of costing is to determine the cost of producing a product/service; for profitability analysis, selling price determination and stock valuation purposes. Cost unit A cost unit is a unit of product or service in relation to which costs may be ascertained. The cost unit should be appropriate to the type of business, for example: Example 1 Suggest appropriate cost units for the following businesses Solution Business Appropriate cost unit Car manufacturer Cigarette manufacturer Builder Audit company Only on OpenTuition you can find: Free CIMA notes • Free CIMA lectures • Free CIMA tests • Free tutor support • StudyBuddies • CIMA forums Watch free CIMA BA2 lectures 2020 Examinations 12 Types of expenses $ Production/manufacturing costs Administration costs Selling and distribution costs TOTAL EXPENSES X X X X Only the production costs will be relevant in costing. Direct costs Direct costs are those costs which can be identified with and allocated to a particular cost unit. TOTAL DIRECT COSTS = PRIME COST Example 2 Direct costs Indirect production costs (overheads) Indirect production costs (known as production overheads) are those costs which are incurred in the course of making a product/service but which cannot be identified with a particular cost unit. Example 3 Indirect production costs TOTAL PRODUCTION COST = PRIME COST + PRODUCTION OVERHEADS Non-production costs Other costs required to run the business. Example 4 Non-manufacturing/production costs TOTAL COSTS = PRODUCTION COSTS + NON-PRODUCTION COSTS Only on OpenTuition you can find: Free CIMA notes • Free CIMA lectures • Free CIMA tests • Free tutor support • StudyBuddies • CIMA forums Watch free CIMA BA2 lectures 13 2020 Examinations 2. Cost behaviour It is expected that costs will increase as production increases (i.e. as output increases) but the exact way in which costs behave with output may differ. Example 5 Types of behaviour (a) Variable cost (b) Fixed cost (c) Stepped fixed cost (d) Semi variable/fixed cost Linear assumption For this examination we will assume that total variable costs vary linearly with the level of production (or that the variable cost per unit remains constant). In practice this may not be the case, but we will not consider the effect of this until later examinations. Behaviour of manufacturing costs With the linear assumption all costs can be categorised as either fixed or variable. This fits together with previous definitions: Direct costs By their nature direct costs will be variable costs. Indirect costs/overheads Overheads can be fixed or variable Fixed Variable Direct costs X √ Production overheads Non-manufacturing costs √ √ √ √ Only on OpenTuition you can find: Free CIMA notes • Free CIMA lectures • Free CIMA tests • Free tutor support • StudyBuddies • CIMA forums Watch free CIMA BA2 lectures 2020 Examinations 14 Semi-variable costs It is necessary to determine the fixed and variable elements of semi-variable costs. A method known as ‘High-Low’ can be used to establish the fixed and variable elements. This technique is best illustrated by the use of an example. Example 6 The total costs of a business for differing levels of output are as follows: Output (units) 200 1,000 Total Costs ($’000) 30 110 (a) What are the fixed and variable elements of the total cost using the High-Low method? (b) Describe the relationship between the output and costs in the form of a linear equation. A better approximation of the fixed and variable elements can be obtained using Regression Analysis. This will be considered in the next chapter of these notes. Typical cost card for a cost unit $/unit Direct costs: - Direct materials (2kg @ $1.50/kg) - Direct labour (3 hrs @ $4/hr) Prime cost Indirect costs - Variable overheads - Fixed overheads Full product cost 3.00 12.00 15.00 2.00 3.00 20.00 Only on OpenTuition you can find: Free CIMA notes • Free CIMA lectures • Free CIMA tests • Free tutor support • StudyBuddies • CIMA forums Watch free CIMA BA2 lectures 15 2020 Examinations Chapter 3 SEMI-VARIABLE COSTS 1. Introduction The chapter relates to semi-variable costs i.e. part fixed and part variable. It may be necessary for you in the examination to identify the fixed and variable elements and in this chapter we will revise the ‘high-low’ method and also explain Regression Analysis. 2. High-Low Method This is a quick and easy approach that estimates fixed and variable costs by comparing the highest and lowest activity levels. Example 1 Electricity costs for the first 6 months of the year are as follows: January February March April May June Units produced 340 300 380 420 400 360 Cost ($) 2,260 2,160 2,320 2,400 2,300 2,266 Calculate the fixed and variable costs using the high-low method. Only on OpenTuition you can find: Free CIMA notes • Free CIMA lectures • Free CIMA tests • Free tutor support • StudyBuddies • CIMA forums Watch free CIMA BA2 lectures 2020 Examinations 16 3. Problems with the high-low approach 4. Regression If there is a reasonable degree of linear correlation between two variables, we can use regression analysis to calculate the equation of the best fit for the data. This is known as least squares linear regression. If the equation relating two variables, × and y, is y = a + bx then the values of a and b may be calculated using the following formulae (which are given in the examination) b= n∑ xy − ∑ x ∑ y 2 n∑ x 2 −(∑ x ) a= ∑ y − b∑ x n n Example 2 The following table shows the number of units produced each month and the total cost incurred: Units January February March April May June July 100 400 200 700 600 500 300 Cost ($ ‘000) 40 65 45 80 70 70 50 Calculate the regression line, y = a + bx Only on OpenTuition you can find: Free CIMA notes • Free CIMA lectures • Free CIMA tests • Free tutor support • StudyBuddies • CIMA forums Watch free CIMA BA2 lectures 17 2020 Examinations 5. Problems with regression analysis 6. The correlation coefficient Pearson’s correlation coefficient is a measure of how linear the relationship between variables is. A correlation coefficient of +1 indicates perfect positive linear correlation, whereas -1 indicates perfect negative linear correlation. The further away from + or – 1, the less linear correlation exists. The correlation coefficient may be calculated using the following formula (which is given to you in the examination) r= n∑ xy − ∑ x ∑ y (n∑ x −(∑ x ) )(n∑ y −(∑ y ) ) 2 2 2 2 Example 3 Using the data in example 2, calculate the correlation coefficient Only on OpenTuition you can find: Free CIMA notes • Free CIMA lectures • Free CIMA tests • Free tutor support • StudyBuddies • CIMA forums 2020 Examinations Watch free CIMA BA2 lectures 18 7. Coefficient of determination The coefficient of determination is the square of the coefficient of correlation (r2). It is a measure of how much of the variation in the dependent variable is ‘explained’ by the variation of the independent variable. Only on OpenTuition you can find: Free CIMA notes • Free CIMA lectures • Free CIMA tests • Free tutor support • StudyBuddies • CIMA forums 2020 Examinations Watch free CIMA BA2 lectures 19 Chapter 4 ACCOUNTING FOR OVERHEADS 1. Introduction A business needs to know the cost per unit of goods or services that they produce for many reasons. E.g. to value stock to fix a selling price to analyse profitability In principle, the unit cost of materials and of labour should not be a problem, because they can be measured. It is the overheads that present the real difficulty – in particular the fixed overheads. E.g. if the factory costs $100,000 p.a. to rent, then how much should be included in the cost of each unit? 2. Absorption of overheads To show our approach to solving the problem referred to above, consider the following example: Example 1 X plc produces desks. Each desk uses 3 kg of wood at a cost of $4 per kg, and takes 4 hours to produce. Labour is paid at the rate of $2 per hour. Fixed costs of production are estimated to be $700,000 p.a.. The company expects to produce 50,000 desks p.a.. Calculate the cost per desk. Only on OpenTuition you can find: Free CIMA notes • Free CIMA lectures • Free CIMA tests • Free tutor support • StudyBuddies • CIMA forums 2020 Examinations Watch free CIMA BA2 lectures 20 This method of arriving at an overhead cost p.u. (dividing total overheads by total production) is known as the absorbing of overheads. (Note that because we need the cost p.u. for things like fixing a selling price, we will usually absorb the overheads based on estimated total cost and estimated production. This can lead to problems later because obviously our estimates may not be correct. We will deal with this problem in the next chapter.) Although the basic approach to absorbing overheads is not difficult, there are two extra problems that can occur and that you can be asked to deal with. We will consider each of these problems in turn, and then look at a full example. 3. First problem – more than one product produced in the same factory In this situation we have to decide on a basis for absorption first. There are many bases for absorption that could be used (e.g. per unit, per labour hour, per machine hour etc.) Example 2 X plc produces desks and chairs in the same factory. Each desk uses 3 kg of wood at a cost of $4 per kg, and takes 4 hours to produce. Each chair uses 2 kg of wood at a cost of $4 per kg., and takes 1 hour to produce. Labour is paid at the rate of $2 per hour. Fixed costs of production are estimated to be $700,000 p.a.. The company expect to produce 30,000 desks and 20,000 chairs p.a. (Overheads are to be absorbed on a labour hour basis) Calculate the cost per unit for desks and chairs In practice it would be up to the Management Accountant to decide on the most appropriate basis. In examinations it will be made obvious to you which basis to use, but read the question carefully. Only on OpenTuition you can find: Free CIMA notes • Free CIMA lectures • Free CIMA tests • Free tutor support • StudyBuddies • CIMA forums 2020 Examinations Watch free CIMA BA2 lectures 21 4. Second problem – more than one department in the factory. In this situation we need first to allocate and apportion the overheads between each department. We can then absorb the overheads in each department separately in the same way as before. Example 3 X plc produces desks and chairs in the same factory. The factory has two departments, assembly and finishing. Each desk uses 3 kg of wood at a cost of $4 per kg., and takes 4 hours to produce – 3 hours in assembly and 1 hour in finishing. Each chair uses 2 kg of wood at a cost of $4 per kg, and takes 1 hour to produce – ½ hour in assembly and ½ hour in finishing. All labour is paid at the rate of $2 per hour. Fixed costs of production are estimated to be $700,000 p.a.. Of this total, $100,000 is the salary of the supervisors – $60,000 to Assembly supervisor, and $40,000 to Finishing supervisor. The remaining overheads are to be split 40% to Assembly and 60% to Finishing. The company expects to produce 30,000 desks and 20,000 chairs. (Overheads to be absorbed on a labour hour basis) Calculate the cost per unit for desks and for chairs The charging of supervisors’ salaries to the relevant department is known as allocation of overheads. The splitting or sharing of overheads between departments (as in the remaining $600,000 in our example) is known as the apportionment of overheads. Only on OpenTuition you can find: Free CIMA notes • Free CIMA lectures • Free CIMA tests • Free tutor support • StudyBuddies • CIMA forums Watch free CIMA BA2 lectures 2020 Examinations 22 A fuller example of allocating and apportioning overheads: Example 4 Production overhead costs for the period $ 20,000 5,000 15,000 10,000 7,000 18,000 5,000 80,000 Factory rent Factory heat Processing Dept – supervisor Packing Dept – supervisor Depreciation of equipment Factory canteen expenses Welfare costs of factory employees Cubic space NBV equipment No. of employees Processing Dept Packing Dept Canteen 50,000 m3 25,000 m3 5,000 m3 $300,000 $300,000 $100,000 50 40 10 Allocate and apportion production overhead costs amongst the three departments using a suitable basis. 5. Reapportionment of service cost centre overheads Factory cost centres can be broken down into two types: PRODUCTION COST CENTRES SERVICE COST CENTRES - these make the cost units. - these do work for the production cost centres and one another. We therefore need to transfer all service cost centre overheads to the production centres so that all production overheads for the period are shared between the production cost centres alone - as it is through these cost centres that cost units flow. No Inter Service Work Done If there is just one service department, or if there is more than one service department but there is no work done by one service department for another, then reapportionment is done using a suitable basis (e.g. canteen costs by the number of employees). Only on OpenTuition you can find: Free CIMA notes • Free CIMA lectures • Free CIMA tests • Free tutor support • StudyBuddies • CIMA forums Watch free CIMA BA2 lectures 23 2020 Examinations Example 5 Reapportion the canteen costs in Example 4 to the production cost centres. Inter-Service Work Done The problem is a little more complicated if there is more than one service cost centre and where they do work for one another. The way to deal with this is the reciprocal method. The reciprocal method can be carried out in one of two ways: ๏ either the continuous or repeated distribution (tabular) method; or ๏ the algebraic method. Example 6 Production Depts X Y $ $ Allocated and apportioned overheads 70,000 30,000 Service Centres Stores Maintenance $ $ 20,000 15,000 15% 20% - Estimated work done by the service centres for other departments: Stores Maintenance 50% 45% 30% 40% Reapportion service department costs to departments using: (a) repeated distribution method; and (b) algebraic method. Only on OpenTuition you can find: Free CIMA notes • Free CIMA lectures • Free CIMA tests • Free tutor support • StudyBuddies • CIMA forums 2020 Examinations Watch free CIMA BA2 lectures 24 Only on OpenTuition you can find: Free CIMA notes • Free CIMA lectures • Free CIMA tests • Free tutor support • StudyBuddies • CIMA forums 2020 Examinations Watch free CIMA BA2 lectures 25 Chapter 5 THE MANAGEMENT ACCOUNTANT’S PROFIT STATEMENT – ABSORPTION COSTING 1. Introduction In the previous chapter we stated that the cost per unit is normally calculated in advance using estimated or budgeted figures. This is for several reasons. For instance, we need an estimate of the cost before we can fix a selling price. In addition, the estimated cost per unit provides a benchmark for control purposes. The Management Accountant can check regularly whether or not units are costing more or less than estimated and attempt to take corrective action if necessary. As a result, the Management Accountant’s Profit Statement (or Operating Statement) takes a different form than that of the Financial Accountant’s Income Statement The statement is usually prepared monthly, and its objective is to show whether the profit is higher or lower than that expected, and to list the reasons for any differences. The statement starts with the profit that should have been made if all the costs had been the same as on the standard cost card. It then lists all the reasons for any differences in profit (or variances) to end with the actual profit. However, in calculating the budgeted profit for individual months, absorption costing causes a problem when the expected production in a month differs from that used to absorb fixed overheads for the cost card. This problem is illustrated in the following example Only on OpenTuition you can find: Free CIMA notes • Free CIMA lectures • Free CIMA tests • Free tutor support • StudyBuddies • CIMA forums Watch free CIMA BA2 lectures 2020 Examinations 26 2. Illustration Example 1 X plc produces one product – desks. Each desk is budgeted to require 4 kg of wood at $3 per kg, 4 hours of labour at $2 per hour, and variable production overheads of $5 per unit. Fixed production overheads are budgeted at $20,000 per month and average production is estimated to be 10,000 units per month. The selling price is fixed at $35 per unit. There is also a variable selling cost of $1 per unit and fixed selling cost of $2,000 per month. During the first two months X plc expects the following levels of activity: Production Sales (a) (b) January 11,000 units 9,000 units February 9,500 units 11,500 units Prepare a cost card using absorption costing Set out budget Profit Statements for the months of January and February. 3. Hourly absorption rates The previous example assumed that fixed overheads were absorbed on a unit basis. A popular question in the exam is to be asked to calculate the amount of any over or under - absorption when fixed overheads are absorbed on an hourly basis Example 2 Y plc budgets on working 80,000 hours per month and having fixed overheads of $320,000. During April, the actual hours worked are 78,000 and the actual fixed overheads are $315,500. Calculate: (a) the overhead absorption rate per hour. (b) the amount of any over or under-absorption of fixed overheads in April Only on OpenTuition you can find: Free CIMA notes • Free CIMA lectures • Free CIMA tests • Free tutor support • StudyBuddies • CIMA forums Watch free CIMA BA2 lectures 27 2020 Examinations Chapter 6 THE MANAGEMENT ACCOUNTANT’S PROFIT STATEMENT – MARGINAL COSTING 1. Overview Some businesses only want to know the variable cost of the units they make, regarding fixed costs as period costs. The variable cost is the extra cost each time a unit is made, fixed costs being effectively incurred before any production is started. The variable production cost of a unit is made up of: Direct materials Direct labour Variable production overheads Marginal cost of a unit $ X X X X Marginal costing Variable production costs are included in cost per unit (i.e. treated as a product cost). Fixed costs are deducted as a period cost in the profit statement. 2. Contribution Contribution is an important concept in marginal costing. Contribution is an abbreviation of “contribution towards fixed costs and profit”. It is the difference between selling price and all variable costs (including non-production variable costs), usually expressed on a per unit basis. $ Selling price: Less: Variable production costs Variable non-production costs Contribution Note: X X X $ X (X) X Contribution takes account of all variable costs. Marginal cost takes account of variable production costs only and inventory is valued at marginal cost. Only on OpenTuition you can find: Free CIMA notes • Free CIMA lectures • Free CIMA tests • Free tutor support • StudyBuddies • CIMA forums Watch free CIMA BA2 lectures 2020 Examinations 28 Example 1 X plc produces one product – desks. Each desk is budgeted to require 4 kg of wood at $3 per kg, 4 hours of labour at $2 per hour, and variable production overheads of $5 per unit. Fixed production overheads are budgeted at $20,000 per month and average production is estimated to be 10,000 units per month. The selling price is fixed at $35 per unit. There is also a variable selling cost of $1 per unit and fixed selling cost of $2,000 per month. During the first two months, X plc expects the following levels of activity: January Production February 11,000 units 9,500 units 9,000 units 11,500 units Sales All other results were as budgeted. (a) (b) Prepare a cost card using marginal costing Set out Profit Statements for the months of January and February. Example 2 Prepare a reconciliation of absorption and marginal costing profits January February $ $ Absorption costing Marginal costing Difference The difference in profit arises from the different inventory valuations which are the result of the difference in treatment of the fixed production overheads. Effects The delay in charging some production overheads under absorption costing leads to the following situations. Example 3 Compare profits under marginal and absorption costing for the following situations (a) Production > Sales (b) Production < Sales (c) Production = Sales Only on OpenTuition you can find: Free CIMA notes • Free CIMA lectures • Free CIMA tests • Free tutor support • StudyBuddies • CIMA forums Watch free CIMA BA2 lectures 29 2020 Examinations Chapter 7 COST–PLUS PRICING 1. Introduction An important decision for the management accountant is that of fixing a selling price. Clearly, in order to be profitable, the selling price will be higher than the cost, and in this chapter we will look at several ways in which they may choose to decide on a selling price. 2. Full cost-plus pricing With full (or absorption) cost pricing, we determine the selling price by adding a profit to the absorption cost of the product. The profit is calculated using either a mark-up or a margin. When the profit is calculated as a percentage of costs is is known as a mark-up. Example 1 Peter has prepared a cost card for a product as follows: Materials $ per unit 10.00 Labour 5.00 Variable overheads 2.00 Fixed overheads 3.00 $20.00 He arrives at selling prices by adding a mark-up of 20% to the full product cost. Calculate the selling price per unit Only on OpenTuition you can find: Free CIMA notes • Free CIMA lectures • Free CIMA tests • Free tutor support • StudyBuddies • CIMA forums Watch free CIMA BA2 lectures 2020 Examinations 30 When the profit is calculated as a percentage of selling price, it is known as a margin. Example 2 Paul has prepared the following costing for a new job: Materials Labour Variable overheads Fixed overheads $ 5,000 6,000 4,000 3,000 $18,000 Paul requires a margin of 20% on sales revenue. Calculate the selling price for this new job. 3. Marginal cost plus pricing With marginal cost plus pricing, we apply a mark-up to the marginal cost of the product. Although this is less complicated than full cost pricing (because fixed overheads do not need to be absorbed) there is the problem of deciding what mark-up needs to be added to the variable cost in order to ensure that fixed overheads are covered and that a profit is made. Marginal cost plus pricing is especially useful for one-off price decisions where production of the product in question will not change the total existing fixed overheads of the organisation. Example 3 Mary has prepared a cost card for a product as follows: Materials $ per unit 8.00 Labour 5.00 Variable overheads 3.00 Marginal cost $16.00 He arrives at selling prices by adding a mark-up of 40% to the marginal cost. Calculate the selling price for this new product. Only on OpenTuition you can find: Free CIMA notes • Free CIMA lectures • Free CIMA tests • Free tutor support • StudyBuddies • CIMA forums 2020 Examinations Watch free CIMA BA2 lectures 31 Chapter 8 BUDGETING 1. Introduction Budgeting is an essential tool for management accounting for both planning and controlling future activity. In this chapter we will discuss the benefits of budgeting, the types of budget, and the preparation of budgets. 2. What is budgeting Most companies prepare budgets – generally once a year they budget for the coming year. Although this usually includes a forecast Profit Statement for the year, the budget is actually a set of plans. For example, a manufacturing company needs to plan their material and labour requirements for the coming year. In order to do this they will generally have to forecast their expected sales units for the year i.e. a sales budget. Then they will be in position to budget their production units for the year i.e. a production budget. Once they have budgeted how many units to produce they are in a position to estimate how much material and how much labour they will require i.e. a materials usage budget and a labour budget. None of the budgets so far mentioned will be in money terms – they will be expressed in units of production, or kg of material, or hours of labour – but they each represent a plan for the year. When all the individual budgets (or functional budgets) have been prepared, then it will be possible to cost them out in money terms and prepare a forecast Profit Statement. Only on OpenTuition you can find: Free CIMA notes • Free CIMA lectures • Free CIMA tests • Free tutor support • StudyBuddies • CIMA forums 2020 Examinations Watch free CIMA BA2 lectures 32 3. Benefits of budgeting Planning Controlling Co-ordination Authorising and delegating Evaluation of performance Communicating and motivating Only on OpenTuition you can find: Free CIMA notes • Free CIMA lectures • Free CIMA tests • Free tutor support • StudyBuddies • CIMA forums 2020 Examinations Watch free CIMA BA2 lectures 33 4. Principal budget factor As previously discussed, the budget needs to be prepared in stages – for example we normally will need to know the budget production (in units) before we can budget how much material will be needed (in kg). The first thing that the person in charge of the budget process must do is decide where to start! For most companies the starting point will be a sales budget. Once it has been decided how many units the company expects to sell it is then possible to produce a production budget and so on. However, this will not always be the starting point. Suppose, for example, that the company is a manufacturer of desks for which wood is the main material. Suppose also that during the coming year there is expected to be only a limited supply of wood available. In this situation the starting point will be to budget the amount of wood available, then budget how many units the company is capable of producing (a production budget) and then how many they expect to sell (a sales budget). In general terms, the first budget to be prepared should be whatever factor it is that limits the growth of the company – it may be the level of demand (so a sales budget will be prepared first) or, as for the example in the previous paragraph, it may be the availability of raw material (so a material budget will be prepared first). The factor that limits the company is known as the principal budget factor. The management accountant needs to identify the principal budget factor and it is this factor that will be budgeted first. Only on OpenTuition you can find: Free CIMA notes • Free CIMA lectures • Free CIMA tests • Free tutor support • StudyBuddies • CIMA forums Watch free CIMA BA2 lectures 2020 Examinations 34 5. The preparation of budgets Example 1 The XYZ company produces three products, X, Y, and Z. For the coming accounting period budgets are to be prepared using the following information: Budgeted sales Product X 2,000 units at $100 each Product Y 4,000 units at $130 each Product Z 3,000 units at $150 each Standard usage of raw material Product X Product Y Product Z Standard cost of raw material Wood (kg per unit) 5 3 2 $8 Varnish (litres per unit) 2 2 1 $4 Inventories of finished goods X Y 500u 800u 600u 1,000u Opening Closing Z 700u 800u Inventories of raw materials Opening Closing Varnish (litres) 10,000 9,000 Wood (kg) 21,000 18,000 Labour Standard hours per unit Labour is paid at the rate of $3 per hour X 4 Y 6 Z 8 Prepare the following budgets: (a) Sales budget (quantity and value) (b) Production budget (units) (c) Material usage budget (quantities) (d) Material purchases budget (quantities and value) (e) Labour budget (hours and value) Only on OpenTuition you can find: Free CIMA notes • Free CIMA lectures • Free CIMA tests • Free tutor support • StudyBuddies • CIMA forums 2020 Examinations Watch free CIMA BA2 lectures 35 6. The Master Budget After all the functional budgets have been prepared, they are summarised into a master budget for submission to the senior management. This will normally comprise a budgeted statement of profit or loss, a budgeted statement of financial position, a cash budget, and a capital expenditure budget. 7. Type of budgets Fixed budget Flexed budget Flexible budget Only on OpenTuition you can find: Free CIMA notes • Free CIMA lectures • Free CIMA tests • Free tutor support • StudyBuddies • CIMA forums Watch free CIMA BA2 lectures 2020 Examinations 36 Example 2 A company has prepared the following fixed budget for the coming year. Sales Production 10,000 units 10,000 units $ 50,000 25,000 12,500 10,000 $97,500 Direct materials Direct labour Variable overheads Fixed overheads Budgeted selling price $10 per unit. At the end of the year, the following costs had been incurred for the actual production of 12,000 units. Direct materials Direct labour Variable overheads Fixed overheads $ 60,000 28,500 15,000 11,000 $114,500 The actual sales were 12,000 units for $122,000 (a) Prepare a flexed budget for the actual activity for the year (b) Calculate the variances between actual and flexed budget, and summarise in a form suitable for management. Only on OpenTuition you can find: Free CIMA notes • Free CIMA lectures • Free CIMA tests • Free tutor support • StudyBuddies • CIMA forums Watch free CIMA BA2 lectures 37 2020 Examinations 8. The Cash Budget One of the most important budgets for future planning is the cash budget. It is usually prepared on a month-by-month basis showing all the planned receipts and payments of cash each month. It is then possible to see in which months there is likely to be surplus cash and in which months there is likely to be a deficit. In months where the cash balance is expected to be in surplus, the organisation can plan ahead as to where to invest the money in the short-term. In months where the cash balance is expected to be in deficit they can plan ahead as to how to deal with it - for example, they may need to arrange with the bank to be allowed to go overdrawn, or they may decide to defer planned expenditure on new machines etc.. Example 3 You are presented with the following flow forecasted cash flow data for your organisation for the period November 20X1 to Mar 20X2. It has been extracted from functional flow forecasts that have already been prepared. Sales Purchases Wages Overheads Dividends Capital expenditure NovX1 DecX1 JanX2 FebX2 MarX2 $ $ $ $ $ 80,000 100,000 110,000 130,000 140,000 40,000 60,000 80,000 90,000 110,000 10,000 12,000 16,000 20,000 24,000 10,000 10,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 20,000 30,000 You are also told the following. (a) Sales are 40% cash 60% credit. Credit sales are paid two months after the month of sale. (b) Purchases are paid the month following purchase. (c) 75% of wages are paid in the current month and 25% the following month. (d) Overheads are paid the month after they are incurred. (e) Dividends are paid three months after they are declared. (f) Capital expenditure is paid two months after it is incurred. (g) The opening cash balance is $15,000. Prepare a monthly cash budget for the three months from January to March 20X2. Only on OpenTuition you can find: Free CIMA notes • Free CIMA lectures • Free CIMA tests • Free tutor support • StudyBuddies • CIMA forums 2020 Examinations Watch free CIMA BA2 lectures 38 9. Participation in the preparation of budgets There are two basic approaches to the way budgets are prepared: (1) one approach is for top management to prepare the budgets and then to impose them on their managers. This is known as top-down budgeting (2) the alternative approach is to get the managers to prepare their own budgets and for top management to then approve them (after obviously due discussion). This is known as bottom-up budgeting. Only on OpenTuition you can find: Free CIMA notes • Free CIMA lectures • Free CIMA tests • Free tutor support • StudyBuddies • CIMA forums Watch free CIMA BA2 lectures 39 2020 Examinations Chapter 9 VARIANCE ANALYSIS 1. Introduction In the previous chapter we prepared a flexed budget and calculated the total variances. In this chapter we are going to analyse these variances in order to provide more useful information. 2. Total variances Example 1 A company has prepared the following standard cost card: Materials (4 kg at $4.50 per kg) Labour (5 hrs at $5 per hr) Variable overheads (5 hrs at $2 per hr) $ per unit 18 25 10 $53 Fixed overheads have been budgeted at $130,500 Budgeted selling price $75 per unit. Budgeted production Budgeted sales There is no opening inventory 8,700 units 8,000 units The actual results are as follows: Sales: Production: 8,400 units for $613,200 8,900 units with the following costs: Materials (35,464 kg) Labour (Paid 45,400hrs; worked 44,100 hrs) Variable overheads Fixed overheads 163,455 224,515 87,348 134,074 Prepare a flexed budget and calculate the total variances Only on OpenTuition you can find: Free CIMA notes • Free CIMA lectures • Free CIMA tests • Free tutor support • StudyBuddies • CIMA forums 2020 Examinations Watch free CIMA BA2 lectures 40 3. Analysis of cost variances The total variance that we have calculated for materials indicates that the actual expenditure on materials was not $18 per unit. However, this could be either because we used the wrong amount of materials (which should have been 4 kg per unit) or that we paid the wrong price (which should have been $4.50 per kg). More likely of course, it would be a combination of the two. We will therefore analyse this and the other variances in as much detail as possible. Example 2 Using the data from example 1, analyse each of the cost variances. (a) Materials (b) Labour (c) Variable Overheads 4. Sales variances Although we have already calculated the sales variances in example 1, you may be asked to calculate them independently. Example 3 Using data from example 1, calculate the Sales price variance and the Sales volume variance 5. The operating statement The operating statement is a statement that reconciles the actual profit with the budgeted profit. Example 4 Using the previously calculated variances, prepare an operating statement for the company 6. The interpretation of variances Example 5 In the previous example there was a materials price variance. Suggest possible reasons for its occurrence. Only on OpenTuition you can find: Free CIMA notes • Free CIMA lectures • Free CIMA tests • Free tutor support • StudyBuddies • CIMA forums Watch free CIMA BA2 lectures 41 2020 Examinations Chapter 10 PERFORMANCE MEASUREMENT OVERVIEW 1. Introduction This chapter introduces the idea of performance measurement and its importance for the management accountant. 2. The Mission Statement This statement expresses the overall purpose of the organisation. It will generally contain four elements: ๏ a purpose why the company exists ๏ a strategy the range of activities in which the business intends to compete, and how it intends to compete ๏ policies and standards guidelines which help staff decide what to do to carry out the strategy ๏ values the beliefs and moral principles which lie behind the firm’s culture Here is an example of an actual mission statement: “McDonalds’ vision is to be the world’s best quick service restaurant experience. Being the best means providing outstanding quality, service, cleanliness, and value, so that we make every customer in every restaurant smile” 3. Goals and Objectives Having decided on the company’s mission, it is then necessary to have goals and objectives. Goals are statements of general intentions, whereas objectives are more specific. An example of a goal is: to improve profits An example of an objective is: to increase the profit by 20% within 2 years. Only on OpenTuition you can find: Free CIMA notes • Free CIMA lectures • Free CIMA tests • Free tutor support • StudyBuddies • CIMA forums 2020 Examinations Watch free CIMA BA2 lectures 42 4. Critical Success Factors and Key Performance Indicators Having decided on the objectives of the business, it is important that we measure how well they are achieving these objectives. There are two parts to this. First they must decide what are the critical success factors (CSF’s) – the performance requirements that are most fundamental to being successful. For example, two of McDonalds’ CSF’s could be quality, and speed of service. Secondly, they must then decide how they are going to measure their performance in these areas. For this they need key performance indicators (KPI’s) – aspects to which they can actually put numbers to, that indicate whether they are doing better or worse. For example, McDonalds might decide to measure quality by asking customers to complete a form scoring the quality between 1 to 5, and then recording the average score. They could decide to measure speed of service by keeping records of the time taken to serve each customer and recording the average service time in minutes. ๏ As you will see in the following chapters, it is important that a company has a range of KPI’s – both financial (measuring, for example, profitability) and non-financial (measuring, for example, quality). Only on OpenTuition you can find: Free CIMA notes • Free CIMA lectures • Free CIMA tests • Free tutor support • StudyBuddies • CIMA forums 2020 Examinations Watch free CIMA BA2 lectures 43 Chapter 11 FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE MEASUREMENT 1. Introduction Financial statements are prepared to assist users in making decisions. They therefore need interpreting, and the calculation of various ratios makes it easier to compare the state of a company with previous years and with other companies. In this chapter we will look at the various ratios that you should learn for the examination. 2. The main areas When attempting to analyse the financial statements of a company, the main area that we need to look at is that of profitability. We will work through an example to illustrate the various ratios that you should learn.. Only on OpenTuition you can find: Free CIMA notes • Free CIMA lectures • Free CIMA tests • Free tutor support • StudyBuddies • CIMA forums Watch free CIMA BA2 lectures 2020 Examinations 44 3. Worked example Example 1 Statements of Financial Position as at 31 December 2007 $ ASSETS Non-current assets $ 2006 $ 1,341 Current assets Inventory Receivables Cash 1,006 948 360 $ 826 871 708 100 EQUITY AND LIABILITIES Share capital and reserves 2,314 3,655 1,679 2,505 2,190 1,401 500 400 965 3,655 704 2,505 Non-current liabilities Current liabilities Income statement for the year ended 31 December Revenue Cost of sales Gross profit Distribution costs Administrative expenses Profit from operations Finance costs Profit before taxation Company tax expense Profit after taxation 2007 $ 7,180 5,385 2006 $ 5,435 4,212 1,795 335 670 1,223 254 507 790 50 462 52 740 262 478 410 144 266 You are required to calculate the profitability ratios. Only on OpenTuition you can find: Free CIMA notes • Free CIMA lectures • Free CIMA tests • Free tutor support • StudyBuddies • CIMA forums Watch free CIMA BA2 lectures 45 2020 Examinations Return on capital employed Profit before interest and tax = Total long term capital (= capital + reserves + long-term liabilities) Net profit margin Asset turnover Profit before interest and tax = Revenue = Revenue Total long term capital NB: ROCE = asset turnover × net profit margin Gross profit margin = Gross profit Revenue Only on OpenTuition you can find: Free CIMA notes • Free CIMA lectures • Free CIMA tests • Free tutor support • StudyBuddies • CIMA forums 2020 Examinations Watch free CIMA BA2 lectures 46 4. Limitations of only looking at financial performance Clearly any business wishes to improve its profitability, but there are dangers involved in only looking at the financial performance: Short-termism Performance measures are often used as targets for the managers and they are often rewarded as to how well they achieve or ‘beat’ the targets. As a result there is a danger that managers will be focussed on doing well in the short-term rather than making decisions that will benefit the business in the long-term. Manipulation of the profits In order to meet their targets in the current period, managers may be tempted to make the results better by, for example, wrongly including revenue this year that should really be included next year. Historic measures Financial measures only measure the performance of the business in the previous period. For the business to grow in the future we need also to look at factors that will improve the business in the future, such as the quality of the goods or services that the business is providing. However well we performa financially this year, if the quality is suffering then we are likely to lose business and therefore be less profitable in the future. For this reason it is important that we also consider non-financial performance measures. Only on OpenTuition you can find: Free CIMA notes • Free CIMA lectures • Free CIMA tests • Free tutor support • StudyBuddies • CIMA forums 2020 Examinations Watch free CIMA BA2 lectures 47 Chapter 12 NON-FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE MEASUREMENT 1. Introduction In the previous chapter we looked at various measures of financial performance. However it is important to have a range of performance measures considering non-financial and well as financial matters. This is particularly important in the case of service businesses where such things as quality are of vital importance if the business is to grow in the long-term. In this chapter we will consider the various areas where performance measures are likely to be needed. Various authors have summarised the areas in different ways – the best known one is Kaplan and Nortons Balance Scorecard. You will not be tested specifically on Kaplan and Norton, but you should be aware of the areas that they consider important and be able to suggest performance indicators under the various headings. 2. Kaplan and Nortons Balance Scorecard Kaplan and Norton stated the importance of having a range of performance measures and forming a balance between them. They grouped them under the following headings, which they called perspectives: ๏ Customer satisfaction perspective ๏ Process efficiency (or internal business) perspective ๏ Growth (or innovation and learning) perspective ๏ Financial perspective Only on OpenTuition you can find: Free CIMA notes • Free CIMA lectures • Free CIMA tests • Free tutor support • StudyBuddies • CIMA forums Watch free CIMA BA2 lectures 2020 Examinations 48 Example 1 MacWendys is an Indian restaurant that wishes to implement a balanced scorecard approach and has established the following goals for each of the balances scorecard perspectives: Perspective Goals Customer perspective To increase the number of new and returning customers Process efficiency perspective To reduce the customer waiting time To reduce staff turnover Learning and growth perspective To increase the proportion of revenue from new meals To increase the % of training time for staff Financial perspective To increase the spend per customer To increase the gross profit margin The following information is also available for the year just ended and for the previous year: Total customers - of which are new customers - of which are returning customers Customer complaints Waiting time for order to arrive % staff turnover % of time that staff spend training Revenue - revenue from new meals - revenue from existing meals Gross profit 2016 2017 27,800 29,000 6,500 8,200 21,300 20,800 820 1,050 15 minutes 25 minutes 15% 30% 4% 2% $252,000 $302,000 $26,000 $64,000 $226,000 $238,000 $51,000 $64,000 Calculate appropriate measures, and comment on whether or not MacWendys have achieved their goals. Only on OpenTuition you can find: Free CIMA notes • Free CIMA lectures • Free CIMA tests • Free tutor support • StudyBuddies • CIMA forums 2020 Examinations Watch free CIMA BA2 lectures 49 3. Service versus manufacturing businesses Although the same perspectives and approach for measuring performance can be used for both service and manufacturing industries, there are more difficulties involved in both the costing and the performance measurement for service industries. There are four main features of service industries that make them different from manufacturing industries: Intangibility Variability Simultaneity Perishability Only on OpenTuition you can find: Free CIMA notes • Free CIMA lectures • Free CIMA tests • Free tutor support • StudyBuddies • CIMA forums 2020 Examinations Watch free CIMA BA2 lectures 50 Only on OpenTuition you can find: Free CIMA notes • Free CIMA lectures • Free CIMA tests • Free tutor support • StudyBuddies • CIMA forums 2020 Examinations Watch free CIMA BA2 lectures 51 Chapter 13 INTEGRATED COST ACCOUNTING 1. Introduction Transactions of a business need recording, both for the financial accounts and for the management accounts. Some businesses keep completely separate sets of records, but this clearly involves duplication which is why it is common to have one set of records for both purposes - this is known as integrated cost accounting. In this chapter we will work through an example in order to show how the records are maintained. 2. Labour Before we work through a full example, it is important to appreciate that labour can be either a direct cost or an indirect cost (or overhead). All costs of indirect workers (i.e. those not directly involved in making products, such as maintenance staff and supervisors) are indirect costs. For workers directly involved in making products: ๏ Direct costs are their basic pay, and any overtime premium (i.e. the extra that is paid over and above their basic pay) paid for a specific job at the customer’s request. ๏ Indirect costs are general overtime premiums, bonus payments, idle time, and sick pay Only on OpenTuition you can find: Free CIMA notes • Free CIMA lectures • Free CIMA tests • Free tutor support • StudyBuddies • CIMA forums Watch free CIMA BA2 lectures 2020 Examinations 52 3. The accounting entries To explain the accounting entries, we will work through an example step-by-step. First, we record the actual costs by entering them on the debit (left-hand) side of accounts for each of materials, direct labour, and overheads. At the same time we enter the amounts on the credit (right-hand) side of cash (in respect of costs paid in cash) or on the credit side of payables (in respect of anything bought on credit). We also record the sales revenue by entering it on the credit side of a sales account, and at the same time entering it on the debit side of cash (if the sales were for cash) or on the debit side of receivables (if the sales were made on credit). Example 1 ABC produces and sells product X. The standard cost card for product X is as follows: $ Materials (5kg at $15 per kg) 75 Direct labour (10 hours at $3 per hour) 30 Variable production overheads 15 Standard marginal cost 120 The standard selling price is $200 per unit. During January, they produced and sold 1,000 units and the actual results were as follows: $ Sales, all for cash (1,000 units at $200) 200,000 Materials (5,500 kg) 77,000 Labour 35,000 Other variable overheads 10,000 There were no opening inventories, and all expenses were paid in cash. (Note: $5,000 of the labour cost was for indirect labour. Also, direct labour worked for 10,000 hours.) Enter the actual results into the relevant accounts Only on OpenTuition you can find: Free CIMA notes • Free CIMA lectures • Free CIMA tests • Free tutor support • StudyBuddies • CIMA forums 2020 Examinations Watch free CIMA BA2 lectures 53 Next, we will transfer any indirect labour from the labour account to the overheads account. Example 2 Transfer the indirect labour to the overheads account. Next, we put all the production costs together in order to get the total cost of production , by transferring each of them to a Cost of Sales account. In each case, we credit the cost account and debit the Cost of Sales account. Example 3 Transfer each of the production costs to the Cost of Sales account Now, we transfer the total standard cost of the goods sold to the Statement of Profit or Loss account - we credit the Cost of Sales account and debit the SOPL account, with the standard cost of the goods sold. Example 4 Transfer the standard cost of the goods sold to the SOPL account You will notice that the total on the debit side of the cost of sales account does not equal the total on the credit side. The reason is that we have debited with what was actually spent, but credited with the standard cost. If you look back, then for direct labour and overheads, the amount actually spent is the same as the standard costs for the production. However, in respect of materials, the total actually spent of $77,000 was not equal to the standard cost of materials of $75,000 (1,000 units at $75 per unit). As a result we have variances, and we need to analyse into the price variance and the usage variance. When we have done this, we transfer the variances from the cost of sales account to the SOPL account. Only on OpenTuition you can find: Free CIMA notes • Free CIMA lectures • Free CIMA tests • Free tutor support • StudyBuddies • CIMA forums 2020 Examinations Watch free CIMA BA2 lectures 54 Example 5 Calculate the materials price variance and the materials usage variance, and transfer to the SOPL account. We have now almost finished! To complete the exercise we will transfer the figure on the sales account to the SOPL account. The balancing figure on the SOPL account will be the profit for the month and we can then re-write the figures in the account in the form of a statement to present to management (the operating statement). Example 6 Complete the exercise as described above. Only on OpenTuition you can find: Free CIMA notes • Free CIMA lectures • Free CIMA tests • Free tutor support • StudyBuddies • CIMA forums 2020 Examinations Watch free CIMA BA2 lectures 55 Chapter 14 PROBABILITY 1. Introduction In this chapter we will explain what we mean by probabilities, and look at a range of different calculations of probabilities that could be required of you in the exam. 2. Simple probabilities The probability of an event occurring is the likelihood or the change that it will occur. So, for example, if we toss a coin then their are two possible outcomes - that it falls as a head or as a tail - and both outcomes have an equal chance of occurring. Therefore the probability of it being a head - one of the two outcomes - is 1 in 2, which can be expressed at a probability of 1/2, or as 0.5, or as 50%. Example 1 If we toss a 6-sided die, what is the probability of getting: (a) a six (b) a one or a two (c) a number greater than 3 Example 2 If we pick one card from a pack of 52 playing cards, what is the probability of that card being: (a) the ace of diamonds (b) an ace (c) a heart (d) an ace or a diamond Only on OpenTuition you can find: Free CIMA notes • Free CIMA lectures • Free CIMA tests • Free tutor support • StudyBuddies • CIMA forums Watch free CIMA BA2 lectures 2020 Examinations 56 Example 3 A company has recorded the number of complaints received per week over the last year, and has produced the following table: Number of complaints Frequency 0 12 1 16 2 20 3 4 52 What is the probability that in one particular week there are 2 complaints? Example 4 In a group of 200 potential voters, 150 are male and 50 are female. 60 of the male voters will vote for Party A. 25 of the female votes will not vote for Party A. If one voter is picked at random: (a) What is the probability that they are female (b) What is the probability that they will vote for Party A (c) If the voter picked will be voting for Party A, then what is the probability that they are female? 3. Joint probabilities If we want to know the probability of two or more events occurring, then we can calculate it by multiplying the individual probabilities together. For example, if we toss a die two times, then there are 36 possible outcomes - a 1 and a 1, a 1 and a 2, a 1 and a 3, and so on. So the probability of getting two 6’s is 1/36 because two 6’s is just one of the 36 possible outcomes. However, we could have got the same answer by saying that the probability of getting a 6 on the first toss is 1/6; the probability of getting a 6 on the second toss is 1/6; and therefore the probability of getting two 6’s is 1/6 x 1/6 = 1/36. Only on OpenTuition you can find: Free CIMA notes • Free CIMA lectures • Free CIMA tests • Free tutor support • StudyBuddies • CIMA forums 2020 Examinations Watch free CIMA BA2 lectures 57 Example 5 A card is picked at random from a pack of 52 playing cards. It is replaced, and then a second card is picked at random from the same pack. What is the probability of having picked: (a) two Kings (b) two hearts (c) an Ace and a King In example 4, we replaced the playing card after the first pick. and therefore there were 52 cards to pick from on both picks. However, if the first card had not been replaced, then it would change the probabilities for the second card. Example 6 A card is picked at random from a pack of 52 playing cards. It is NOT replaced, and then a second card is picked at random from the same pack. What is the probability of having picked: (a) two Kings (b) two hearts (c) an Ace and a King 4. Expected values Probabilities can be useful in a business situation where there are various possible results that could occur for which we know the probabilities. We can use the probabilities to arrive at an ‘average’ result, which we call the expected value. Example 7 A company is considering launching a new product. The demand for the new product is uncertain, but the company has estimated that if demand is high then the revenue will be $500,000 a year; if the demand is medium then the revenue will be $300,000 a year; and if the demand is low then the revenue will be $200,000 a year. The probabilities of high, medium, and low are 0.2, 0.5 and 0.3 respectively. What is the expected revenue? Only on OpenTuition you can find: Free CIMA notes • Free CIMA lectures • Free CIMA tests • Free tutor support • StudyBuddies • CIMA forums 2020 Examinations Watch free CIMA BA2 lectures 58 Expected values can be used to help make decisions, in which case it is common to need to produce a table first showing the possible outcomes and their probabilities. Example 8 John has a factory capacity of 1,200 units per month. Units cost him $6 each to make and his normal selling price is $11 each. However, the demand per month is uncertain and is as follows: Demand Probability 400 0.2 500 0.3 700 0.4 900 0.1 He has been approached by a customer who is prepared to contract to a fixed quantity per month at a price of $9 per unit. The customer is prepared to sign a contract to purchase 300, 500, 700 or 800 units per month. The company can vary production levels during the month up to the maximum capacity, but cannot carry forward any unsold units in inventory. Calculate all possible profits that could result (a) Determine for what quantity John should sign the contract, using expected values. (b) 5. The limitations of expected values There are two main limitations as to the use of expected values in decision making: ๏ it is unlikely that the probabilities can be determined with accuracy, and should the probabilities turn out to be different then the wrong decision may have been made. ๏ for a ‘one-off’ decision, the actual outcome is unlikely to coincide with the expected outcome - it may turn out to be better or it may turn out to be worse. Only on OpenTuition you can find: Free CIMA notes • Free CIMA lectures • Free CIMA tests • Free tutor support • StudyBuddies • CIMA forums Watch free CIMA BA2 lectures 59 2020 Examinations Chapter 15 MEASURES OF AVERAGE AND OF DISPERSION 1. Introduction It is often of interest to be know the average of a set of data. For example we may have asked a sample of people what their wages are, and want to know what the average wage is. In this chapter we will look at different ways we can calculate an average. Additionally, even if we have calculated the average wage, it might be on interest to know whether all of the sample had a wage close to the average or whether some earned a lot more and some a lot less than the average. This is known as the dispersion and we will look at different ways of measuring this. 2. Frequency distributions A frequency distribution is a table showing the number of observations of each variable. They may be discrete variables which can only consist of certain values, or continuous variables where we group the variables. Discrete variables: A company has recorded the number of complaints received per week over the last year, and has produced the following table: Number of complaints 0 1 2 3 Frequency 12 16 20 4 52 Only on OpenTuition you can find: Free CIMA notes • Free CIMA lectures • Free CIMA tests • Free tutor support • StudyBuddies • CIMA forums Watch free CIMA BA2 lectures 2020 Examinations 60 Continuous variables: A company has recorded the total amount paid to employees each week over the last year, and has produced the following table: Total paid ($) Frequency 0 - under $500 1 500 - under 1,000 4 1,000 - under 1,500 8 1,500 - under 2,000 19 2,000 - under 2,500 14 2,500 - under 3,000 6 52 3. Ways of presenting data In many cases, management do not need to see the actual numbers (and indeed the actual numbers may confuse them). Often a chart or graph can present the information more clearly. Example 1 A company has recorded the total amount paid to employees each week over the last year, and has produced the following table: Total paid ($) Frequency 0 - under $500 1 500 - under 1,000 4 1,000 - under 1,500 8 1,500 - under 2,000 19 2,000 - under 2,500 14 2,500 - under 3,000 6 52 Present the above table in the form of (a) a bar chart (b) a pie chart (c) a histogram (d) an ogive Only on OpenTuition you can find: Free CIMA notes • Free CIMA lectures • Free CIMA tests • Free tutor support • StudyBuddies • CIMA forums Watch free CIMA BA2 lectures 61 2020 Examinations 4. Measures of average You need to be aware of the following different measures of determining the average of a set of observations: Arithmetic mean This is calculated by adding up all of the observations and dividing by the number of observations Median This is the centrally occurring observation when all of the observations are arranged in order of magnitude Mode This is the most frequently occurring observation Example 2 A company has recorded the number of complaints received per week over the past thirteen weeks, and has produced the following table: Number of complaints Frequency 0 1 1 6 2 4 3 2 13 Calculate: (a) the arithmetic mean (b) the median (c) the mode Only on OpenTuition you can find: Free CIMA notes • Free CIMA lectures • Free CIMA tests • Free tutor support • StudyBuddies • CIMA forums Watch free CIMA BA2 lectures 2020 Examinations 62 Example 3 A company has recorded the total amount paid to employees each week over the last year, and has produced the following table: Total paid ($) Frequency 0 - under $500 1 500 - under 1,000 4 1,000 - under 1,500 8 1,500 - under 2,000 19 2,000 - under 2,500 14 2,500 - under 3,000 6 52 Calculate: (a) the arithmetic mean (b) the median (c) the mode Only on OpenTuition you can find: Free CIMA notes • Free CIMA lectures • Free CIMA tests • Free tutor support • StudyBuddies • CIMA forums 2020 Examinations Watch free CIMA BA2 lectures 63 5. Measures of dispersion Dispersion is looking at the spread of the observations. You need to be aware of the following measures of dispersion: Range This is simply the difference between the highest and the lowest of the observations Variance Here we measure the differences between the observations and the arithmetic mean, square the differences, and then take the average of these squared differences. Standard deviation This is the square root of the variance Coefficient of variation The standard deviation divided by the arithmetic mean Example 4 For the information in example 2, calculate: (a) the range (b) the variance (c) the standard deviation (d) the coefficient of variation Example 5 For the information in example 3, calculate: (a) the range (b) the variance (c) the standard deviation (d) the coefficient of variation Only on OpenTuition you can find: Free CIMA notes • Free CIMA lectures • Free CIMA tests • Free tutor support • StudyBuddies • CIMA forums 2020 Examinations Watch free CIMA BA2 lectures 64 Only on OpenTuition you can find: Free CIMA notes • Free CIMA lectures • Free CIMA tests • Free tutor support • StudyBuddies • CIMA forums Watch free CIMA BA2 lectures 65 2020 Examinations Chapter 16 THE NORMAL DISTRIBUTION 1. Introduction We discussed probabilities in a previous chapter. In this chapter we will see how tables make me used to calculate probabilities for certain frequency distribution. 2. The histogram revisited You should remember from the last chapter what the histogram is, and how it is drawn. Importantly, it is the area of the bars that is proportional to the frequency. Example 1 The following table shows the annual salaries earned by 150 workers. Salary Frequency $0 - $1,000 25 $1,000 - $2,000 35 $2,000 - $3,000 40 $3,000 - $5,000 50 150 (a) Show this frequency table in the form of a histogram (b) Calculate the probability of a worker earning between $1,000 and $2,000 (c) Calculate the probability of a worker earning more than $2,000 We can easily calculate the probabilities from the frequency table. However, if we were presented an accurately drawn histogram, then even without the original table we could still calculate the probability of a worked earning within a specific range. The area of all the bars is proportional to the total number of workers, and the area of the bars representing any specific range is proportional to the number of workers earning within that range. We could calculate the probability by dividing the area of the bar(s) representing the specific range by the total area of all the bars. Only on OpenTuition you can find: Free CIMA notes • Free CIMA lectures • Free CIMA tests • Free tutor support • StudyBuddies • CIMA forums 2020 Examinations Watch free CIMA BA2 lectures 66 3. The normal distribution The normal distribution is effectively a ‘smoothed-out’ histogram with a very specific shape. The main features of a normal distribution are: ๏ it is symmetrical about the mean ๏ it is continuous ๏ the mean concides with the mode ๏ it is ‘bell-shaped’ ๏ For a distribution that is shaped normally, we can calculate the areas under the curve as a proportion of the total area (and therefore the probabilities) by using normal distribution tables (which you will be provided with in the exam). ๏ The normal distribution tables give us the area under the curve between the mean and some other point above or below the mean. ๏ The size of the areas we are at for will depend on how great or small the spread of the distribution is, and therefore when we use the tables we look at the number of standard deviations we are from the arithmetic mean. ๏ We call this distance the z-score. Example 2 A company produces units with an average length of 10 cm, and a standard deviation of 0.2 cm What proportion of the units will have a length of: (a) more that 10 cms (b) between 10 and 10.4 cms (c) less than 9.8 cms It is also possible to use the normal distribution tables ‘backwards’. Example 3 For the same information as in Example 2, there is a 0.95 (or 95%) probability that the length will be more than X cms. Calculate a value for X (remember that there is a 0.5 (or 50%) probability of the length being more than the average of 10 cms, because the normal distribution is symmetrical). Only on OpenTuition you can find: Free CIMA notes • Free CIMA lectures • Free CIMA tests • Free tutor support • StudyBuddies • CIMA forums Watch free CIMA BA2 lectures 67 2020 Examinations Chapter 17 BREAKEVEN ANALYSIS 1. Introduction Breakeven analysis considers how profits change with changes in the level of activity of a business, and calculates how what sales are needed in order for the business to be profitable. 2. Breakeven Breakeven is the level of activity which gives rise to zero profit. Since profit is the difference between total contribution and fixed costs, breakeven is where the total contribution equals total fixed costs. Fixed costs Contribution per unit Breakeven volume = Example 1 Product X has variable costs of $2 per unit, and selling price of $6 per unit. The fixed costs are $1,000 per year (a) If budgeted sales and production are 300 units, what is the budgeted profit (or loss) for the year? (b) What is the breakeven point (in units)? (c) What is the breakeven revenue? (d) How many units need to be sold to achieve a target profit of $300 per year? 3. Margin of safety The Margin of Safety measures the %’age fall in budgeted sales that can be allowed before breakeven is reached. Margin of safety = Budgeted sales - breakeven × 100% Budgeted sales It is useful in identifying how big a problem any inaccuracy in the budgeted sales is likely to be. Example 2 Calculate the margin of safety for example 1 Only on OpenTuition you can find: Free CIMA notes • Free CIMA lectures • Free CIMA tests • Free tutor support • StudyBuddies • CIMA forums Watch free CIMA BA2 lectures 2020 Examinations 68 4. Contribution to sales ratio The contribution to sales ratio (or C/S ratio) is calculated as follows: C/S ratio = Contribution in $ Sales in $ Since the contribution and the sales revenue both vary linearly with the volume, the C/S ratio will remain constant. [Note: the C/S ratio is sometimes called the profit to volume (or P/V ratio)]. Example 3 Calculate the C/S ratio for example 1 What sales revenue is needed to generate a target profit of $320? 5. Breakeven chart The breakeven chart plots total costs and total revenues at different levels of volume, and shows the activity level at which breakeven is achieved. Example 4 Draw a breakeven chart for example 1 Cost and revenue ($) Output (units) Only on OpenTuition you can find: Free CIMA notes • Free CIMA lectures • Free CIMA tests • Free tutor support • StudyBuddies • CIMA forums 2020 Examinations Watch free CIMA BA2 lectures 69 6. Profit-volume chart The profit volume chart shows the net profit or loss at any level of activity Example 5 Draw a profit-volume chart for example 1 Profit ($) Sales units) Loss ($) Only on OpenTuition you can find: Free CIMA notes • Free CIMA lectures • Free CIMA tests • Free tutor support • StudyBuddies • CIMA forums 2020 Examinations Watch free CIMA BA2 lectures 70 Only on OpenTuition you can find: Free CIMA notes • Free CIMA lectures • Free CIMA tests • Free tutor support • StudyBuddies • CIMA forums Watch free CIMA BA2 lectures 71 2020 Examinations Chapter 18 LIMITED FACTOR ANALYSIS AND MAKE OR BUY DECISIONS 1. Introduction In this chapter we will look at how a business should decide what to produce when they have limited resources available. We will also look at how to apply the same technique to the making of decisions as to whether to make products ourself or buy from others - again, when resources are limited. 2. Limited factor analysis In a situation where we are manufacturing several products, all of which use the same limited resource, then we need to decide on how best to use the limited resource in production. The standard key factor approach is to rank the products on the basis of the contribution earned per unit of the limited resource. Example 1 A Selling price Materials Labour Other variable costs Fixed costs Profit Machine hours p.u. Maximum demand The total hours available are 48,000. B 25 28 8 20 5 2 7 2 3 2 23 26 $2 $2 2 hrs 1 hr 20,000 units 10,000 units Calculate the optimum production plan and the maximum profit using conventional limited factor analysis Only on OpenTuition you can find: Free CIMA notes • Free CIMA lectures • Free CIMA tests • Free tutor support • StudyBuddies • CIMA forums Watch free CIMA BA2 lectures 2020 Examinations 72 3. Make or Buy decisions In order to overcome problems of limited resources, a firm may buy in a product instead of making it itself. Where incremental costs of manufacture are less than those of buying in, the firm should make – assuming that there are not limited resources. Where resources are limited, the firm should concentrate on making those products which give the greatest saving (over buying in) per unit of the scarce resource. To decide which products should be made and which should be bought, we calculate the saving per unit of scarce resource from making the product rather than buying it in. Example 2 The availability of Material B is limited to 8,000 kg Product X Y Z Demand (units) 2,000 2,500 4,000 10 13 12 17 14 16 Variable cost to make ($ per unit) Buy-in price ($ per unit) Kg of B required per unit 3 2 1 (included in variable cost) How many units of each product should the company make and how many should it buy? Only on OpenTuition you can find: Free CIMA notes • Free CIMA lectures • Free CIMA tests • Free tutor support • StudyBuddies • CIMA forums 2020 Examinations Watch free CIMA BA2 lectures 73 Chapter 19 INTEREST 1. Introduction The purpose of this chapter and the next chapter is to consider a key area for management accountants – the appraisal of capital investments. In this chapter we will look at interest on capital and continue in the next chapter with the use of these techniques in investment appraisal. 2. Simple interest A sum of money invested or borrowed is known as the principal. When money is invested it earns interest; similarly when money is borrowed, interest is payable. With simple interest, the interest is receivable or payable each year, but is not added to the principal. Example 1 A man invests $200 on 1 January each year. On 31 December each year simple interest is credited at 15% but this interest is put in a separate account and does not itself earn interest. Find the total amount standing to his credit on 31 December following his fourth payment of $200. Only on OpenTuition you can find: Free CIMA notes • Free CIMA lectures • Free CIMA tests • Free tutor support • StudyBuddies • CIMA forums 2020 Examinations Watch free CIMA BA2 lectures 74 3. Compound interest With compound interest the interest is added each year to the principal and in the following year the interest is calculated on the total. Example 2 A man invests $500 now for 3 years with interest at 10% p.a. How much will be in his account after 3 years? The amount (A) at the end of the n’th year is given by: A = P(1+r)n This is also known as the future value (or terminal value) Example 3 A man invests $800 at 6%p.a. for 5 years. How much will be in his account at the end of 5 years? 4. Effective Rate For simplicity, the previous compound interest examples have assumed that interest is calculated only once a year. However in practice interest may be calculated on a monthly or even daily basis. The same formula can still be used, but we need to distinguish between the nominal and annual percentage rates. There are usually two rates quoted by financial institutions. The first is the nominal rate and the other, the rate actually earned, is known as the effective or the annual percentage rate (APR). Example 4 A credit card company charges a nominal rate of 2% per month. If a customer has purchased $100 worth of goods on his credit, calculate the amount she will owe after one year, and also the annual percentage rate (APR) Only on OpenTuition you can find: Free CIMA notes • Free CIMA lectures • Free CIMA tests • Free tutor support • StudyBuddies • CIMA forums 2020 Examinations Watch free CIMA BA2 lectures 75 5. Discounting In the previous example we calculated the future value of cash flows by adding on (or compounding) the interest. We can do the same exercise in reverse to calculate the amount now that is equivalent to future flows, by removing interest. This exercise is known as discounting and the equivalent amount is known as the present value. Example 5 What amount now is equivalent to $800 in 4 years time, with interest at 10% p.a.? The formula for this is P= A (1+r)n ⎛ 1 ⎞ However tables are provided in the examination which give the discount factors ⎜ ⎝ (1+r)n ⎟⎠ at different rates of interest for different numbers of years. Example 6 What is the present value of 1,200 receivables in 12 years time, with interest at 13%? Only on OpenTuition you can find: Free CIMA notes • Free CIMA lectures • Free CIMA tests • Free tutor support • StudyBuddies • CIMA forums 2020 Examinations Watch free CIMA BA2 lectures 76 6. Annuities An annuity is regular payment of the same amount each year. The present value of an annuity is given by the formula: 1 ⎞ ⎛ A ⎜ 1− ⎝ (1+r)n ⎟⎠ P= r but again, tables are provided for this in the examination. Example 7 Interest rate is 12% p.a. What is the present value of $500 receivable in 1 years time and thereafter every year for a total of 8 receipts? Example 8 A man expects to receive $1,000 in each of 9 years, with the first receipt being in 4 years time. What is the present value of the receipts if interest is 8% p.a.? Only on OpenTuition you can find: Free CIMA notes • Free CIMA lectures • Free CIMA tests • Free tutor support • StudyBuddies • CIMA forums 2020 Examinations Watch free CIMA BA2 lectures 77 7. Perpetuities Perpetuity is an annuity that is expected to continue for an indefinitely long period of time. The present value of a perpetuity is given by the formula: P= A r Example 9 Interest rate is 12% p.a. What is the present value of $5,000 receivable in 1 years time and thereafter in perpetuity? Only on OpenTuition you can find: Free CIMA notes • Free CIMA lectures • Free CIMA tests • Free tutor support • StudyBuddies • CIMA forums 2020 Examinations Watch free CIMA BA2 lectures 78 Only on OpenTuition you can find: Free CIMA notes • Free CIMA lectures • Free CIMA tests • Free tutor support • StudyBuddies • CIMA forums 2020 Examinations Watch free CIMA BA2 lectures 79 Chapter 20 INVESTMENT APPRAISAL 1. Introduction In this chapter we will apply the discounting techniques covered in the previous chapter to the appraisal of capital investments. 2. Net Present Value Under this approach to investment appraisal we look at all the expected cash flows that will arise from an investment. If overall the investment generates a cash surplus then we will accept and invest; if however there is an overall cash deficit then we will reject the investment. However, we also need to take into account interest on the investment in the project. This is either because we have needed to borrow money and therefore be paying interest, or because we are using money that could otherwise have been invested and be earning interest. In either case, we account for the interest by discounting the future cash flows to get the present value. The overall surplus or deficit is known as the Net Present Value. Example 1 A new project will cost $80,000 and is expected to last 4 years. At the end of 4 years it is expected to have a scrap value of $10,000. The project is expected to generate operating cash flows each year as follows: Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 20,000 30,000 40,000 10,000 Assume that all operating cash flows occur at the ends of years. If interest is 10% p.a., calculate the Net Present Value of the project and state your decision as to whether or not we should invest. Only on OpenTuition you can find: Free CIMA notes • Free CIMA lectures • Free CIMA tests • Free tutor support • StudyBuddies • CIMA forums 2020 Examinations Watch free CIMA BA2 lectures 80 3. Internal Rate of Return One problem in practice with basing our decision on the Net Present Value is that it will usually be impossible for a company to determine their cost of capital (or interest cost) accurately. In these circumstances, it is therefore often useful to calculate a ‘breakeven’ interest rate of the project. This is known as the Internal Rate of Return (IRR) and is the rate of interest at which the project gives a NPV of zero. Example 2 For the project detailed in Example 1. Calculate the net present value at interest of 15% and hence estimate the Internal Rate of Return of the project. Only on OpenTuition you can find: Free CIMA notes • Free CIMA lectures • Free CIMA tests • Free tutor support • StudyBuddies • CIMA forums 2020 Examinations Watch free CIMA BA2 lectures 81 4. Payback Period One problem with basing decisions on the net present value of a project is that the cash flows are only estimates, and if the estimates are wrong then the decision could be wrong. It is likely to be the earlier cash flows that are the most certain whereas the further into the future that we are estimating the more uncertain the cash flows are likely to be. The payback period is the number of years it takes to get back the original investment in cash terms. The shorter the payback period, the more certain we are that the project will actually pay for itself. The discounted payback period is exactly the same except that it takes into account the time value of money by measuring how many years it takes to get back the original investment looking at the discounted cash flow each year. Example 3 A new project will cost $100,000 and will last for 5 years with no scrap value. The project is expected to generate operating cash flows each year as follows: Year 1 20,000 Year 2 30,000 Year 3 40,000 Year 4 50,000 Year 5 30,000 The cost of capital is 10% (a) (b) Calculate the payback period Calculate the discounted payback period Only on OpenTuition you can find: Free CIMA notes • Free CIMA lectures • Free CIMA tests • Free tutor support • StudyBuddies • CIMA forums 2020 Examinations Watch free CIMA BA2 lectures 82 Only on OpenTuition you can find: Free CIMA notes • Free CIMA lectures • Free CIMA tests • Free tutor support • StudyBuddies • CIMA forums Watch free CIMA BA2 lectures 83 2020 Examinations ANSWERS TO EXAMPLES Chapter 1 No examples Chapter 2 Example 6 units 1,000 200 800 High Low Difference 80,000 = $100 per unit 800 Therefore, variable cost = Using in ‘high’, cost 110,000 30,000 80,000 total cost variable cost (1,000 × $100) fixed cost y = 100x +10,000 Therefore, Therefore, = $110,000 = $100,000 $10,000 Chapter 3 Examples 2 & 3 × 1 4 2 7 6 5 3 28 b= a= or: y 40 65 45 80 70 70 50 420 xy 40 260 90 560 420 350 150 1,870 x2 1 16 4 49 36 25 9 140 y2 1,600 4,225 2,025 6,400 4,900 4,900 2,500 26,550 nΣxy − ΣxΣy (7 ×1,870) − (28 × 420) 1,330 = = 6.7857 2 = (7 ×140) − (28 × 28) 196 nΣx 2 − ( Σx ) Σy bΣx 420 6.7857 × 28 − = − = 60 − 27.1428 = 32.8572 n n 7 7 y = 32.86 + 6.79x y = 32,857 + 67.9x Only on OpenTuition you can find: Free CIMA notes • Free CIMA lectures • Free CIMA tests • Free tutor support • StudyBuddies • CIMA forums Watch free CIMA BA2 lectures 2020 Examinations 84 (if × and y are actual units and $’s) Coefficient of correlation: r= = nΣxy − Σx Σy ( nΣx 2 − ( Σx ) )⎛⎜⎝ nΣy 2 − ( Σy ) ⎞⎟⎠ 2 2 = 7 ×1,870 − 28 × 420 (7 ×140 − 282 )(7 × 26,550 − 4202 ) Chapter 4 +1330 = +0.98 196 × 9, 450 Chapter 4 Example 1 $ p.u. 12 8 14 $34 Material (3kg × $4) Labour (4hrs × $2) Overheads ($700,000 ÷ 50,000) Example 2 Total overheads Total labour hours Desks (30,000 × 4hr) Chairs (20,000 × 1 hr) Overhead absorption rate: $700,000 120,000 20,000 140,000hrs $700,000 140,000 hr = $5 per hour Costs cards: Materials (3kg × $4) Labour (4hrs × $2) Overheads (4kg × $5) Desks 12 8 20 $40 Chairs (2kg × $4) 8 (1hr × $2) 2 (1hr × $5) 5 $15 Only on OpenTuition you can find: Free CIMA notes • Free CIMA lectures • Free CIMA tests • Free tutor support • StudyBuddies • CIMA forums Watch free CIMA BA2 lectures 85 2020 Examinations Example 3 Total overheads: Supervisors Other (40:60) Total 100,000 600,000 Assembly 60,000 240,000 Finishing 40,000 360,000 $700,000 $300,000 $400,000 Total hours: Desks (30,000 × 3 hr; 30,000 × 1 hr) Chairs (20,000 × ½ hr; 20,000 × ½ hr) 90,000 30,000 10,000 10,000 100,000 hrs 40,000 hrs $3 per hr $10 per hr O.A.R Cost cards: desk 12 8 Materials Labour Overheads: Assembly Finishing chair 8 2 9 10 1.50 5.00 19 $39 6.50 $16.50 Example 4 Factory rent (cubic space) Factory Heat (cubic space) Supervisors Depreciation (NBV equipment) Canteen Welfare (No of employees) Total 20,000 Processing 12,500 Packing 6,250 Canteen 1,250 5,000 3,125 1,563 312 25,000 7,000 15,000 3,000 10,000 3,000 – 1,000 18,000 5,000 – 2,500 – 2,000 18,000 500 $80,000 $36,125 $22,813 $21,062 Example 5 Already apportioned Recharge canteen (no. of employees) Processing 36,125 11,701 Packing 22,813 9,361 $47,826 $32,174 Canteen 21,062 (21,062) – Only on OpenTuition you can find: Free CIMA notes • Free CIMA lectures • Free CIMA tests • Free tutor support • StudyBuddies • CIMA forums Watch free CIMA BA2 lectures 2020 Examinations 86 Example 6 Repeated distribution method X 70,000 10,000 Y 30,000 6,000 Recharge maintenance 8,550 7,600 Recharge stores 1,425 855 257 228 43 25 8 7 (85) – 2 1 $90,284 1 $44,716 (2) – Already allocated Recharge stores Recharge maintenance Recharge stores Recharge maintenance Recharge stores Algebraic method Stores: Maintenance Replace M in (1): Replace S in (2): Already allocated Recharge stores: ($22,938) Recharge maintenance: ($19,588) Stores 20,000 (20,000) – 2,850 (2,850) – 85 Maintenance 15,000 4,000 19,000 (19,000) – 570 (570) – 17 (17) – S = 20,000 + 0.15M (1) M = 15,000 + 0.20S (2) S = 20,000 + 2,250 + 0.03S 0.97S = 22,250 S = 22,250/0.97 = $22,938 M = 15,000 + 0.20 × 22,938 M = $19,588 X 70,000 Y 30,000 Stores 20,000 Maintenance 15,000 11,469 6,881 (22,938) 4,588 8,815 $90,284 7,835 $44,716 2,938 – (19,588) – Only on OpenTuition you can find: Free CIMA notes • Free CIMA lectures • Free CIMA tests • Free tutor support • StudyBuddies • CIMA forums Watch free CIMA BA2 lectures 87 2020 Examinations Chapter 5 Example 1 (a) Cost cards: $ p.u 12 8 5 Materials (4kg × $3) Labour (4hrs × $2) Var. overheads Fixed overheads ($20,000/10,000) 2 $27p.u $35p.u $8p.u Selling price Standard profit (b) Income Statements Sales Cost of sales: Opening inventory Materials Labour Variable o/h Fixed o/h (9,000 × $35) Less: Closing inventory (2,000 × $27) (11,000 × $12) (11,000 × $8) (11,000 × $5) (11,000 × $2) Standard Gross Profit (9,000 × $8) Adjustment for over/ (under) absorption of fixed overheads Actual fixed o/h’s: 20,000 Absorbed: 22,000 Actual Gross Profit Less: selling costs Variable Fixed Actual Net Profit (9,000 × $1) January 315,000 – 132,000 88,000 55,000 22,000 297,000 (54,000) 243,000 72,000 (11,500 × $35) (2,000 × $27) (9,500 ×$12) (9,500 × $8) (9,500 × $5) (9,500 × $2) (11,500 × $8) February 402,500 54,000 114,000 76,000 47,500 19,000 310,500 – 310,500 92,000 (1,000) 2,000 Actual: 20,000 Absorbed: 19,000 74,000 (9,000) (2,000) $63,000 91,000 (11,500 × $1) (11,500) (2,000) $77,500 Only on OpenTuition you can find: Free CIMA notes • Free CIMA lectures • Free CIMA tests • Free tutor support • StudyBuddies • CIMA forums Watch free CIMA BA2 lectures 2020 Examinations 88 Example 2 320,000 (a) Overhead absorption rate = (b) Amount absorbed =78,000 × $4 = $312,000 Actual overheads = $315,500 Amount under absorbed = 315,500 – 312,000 = $3,500 80,000 =$4 per hour Chapter 6 Example 1 (a) (b) Cost card Materials (4kg × $3) Labour (4hrs × $2) Var. overheads Marginal cost $ p.u 12 8 5 $25p.u Selling price Marginal cost Variable selling cost Standard profit $35p.u (25) (1) $9p.u Income Statements Sales Less: Cost of sales: Opening inventory Materials Labour Variable o/h Less: Closing inventory Less: Variable selling costs Contribution Less: Fixed costs Production Selling Actual Net Profit (9,000 × $35) (11,000 × $12) (11,000 × $8) (11,000 × $5) (2,000 × $25) (9,000 × $1) January 315,000 – 132,000 88,000 55,000 275,000 (50,000) 225,000 90,000 (9,000) 81,000 February (11,500 × $35) 402,500 (2,000 × $25) (9,500 ×$12) (9,500 × $8) (9,500 × $5) (11,500 × $1) 50,000 114,000 76,000 47,500 287,500 – 287,500 115,000 (11,500) 103,500 (20,000) (2,000) (20,000) (2,000) $59,000 $81,500 Only on OpenTuition you can find: Free CIMA notes • Free CIMA lectures • Free CIMA tests • Free tutor support • StudyBuddies • CIMA forums Watch free CIMA BA2 lectures 89 2020 Examinations Example 2 Absorption costing Marginal costing Difference Fixed overheads in inventory value: Opening inventory (2,000 × $2) Closing inventory (2,000 × $2) January 63,000 59,000 4,000 – 4,000 4,000 February 77,500 81,500 (4,000) (4,000) – (4,000) Chapter 7 Example 1 Selling price = $20 + (20% x $20) = $24.00 Example 2 Selling price = 100/80 x $18,000 = $22,500 Example 3 Selling price = $16 + (40% x $16) = $22.40 Chapter 8 No answers Only on OpenTuition you can find: Free CIMA notes • Free CIMA lectures • Free CIMA tests • Free tutor support • StudyBuddies • CIMA forums Watch free CIMA BA2 lectures 2020 Examinations 90 Chapter 9 Example 1 Sales (units) Production (units) Original Fixed Budget $ 8,000 8,700 Flexed Budget $ 8,400 8,900 Actual 600,000 156,600 217,500 87,000 461,100 (37,100) 424,000 176,000 130,500 $45,500 630,000 160,200 222,500 89,000 471,700 (26,500) 445,200 184,800 130,500 $54,300 613,200 163,455 224,515 87,348 475,318 (26,500) 448,818 164,382 134,074 $30,308 Sales Materials Labour Variable o/h Closing inventory Contribution Fixed overheads Profit Variances $ 8,400 8,900 16,800 3,255 2,015 1,652 (A) (A) (A) (F) 3,574 (A) 23,992 (A) Example 2 Materials Expense variance Actual purchases at actual cost 35,464kg at standard cost ($4.50) 163,455 159,588 $3,867 (A) Usage variance Actual usage Standard usage for actual production (8,900 u × 4kg) kg 35,464 35,600 136kg at standard cost ($4.50) = $612 (F) Labour Rate of Pay variance Actual hours paid at actual cost 45,400 hours at standard cost ($5) 224,515 227,000 $2,485 (F) Idle Time Variance Actual hours paid Actual hours worked 45,400 44,100 1,300 at standard cost ($5) = $6,500 (A) hrs Only on OpenTuition you can find: Free CIMA notes • Free CIMA lectures • Free CIMA tests • Free tutor support • StudyBuddies • CIMA forums Watch free CIMA BA2 lectures 91 2020 Examinations Efficiency variance Actual hours worked Standard hours for actual production (8,900 u × 5hrs) 44,100 44,500 400 hrs at standard cost ($5) = $2,000 (F) Variable overheads Expenditure variance Actual hours worked 44,100 at actual cost at standard cost Efficiency variance Actual hours worked Standard hours for actual production (8,900u × 5hrs) 87,348 88,200 $852 (F) 44,100 44,500 400 hrs at standard cost ($2) = $800 (F) Example 3 Sales price variance Actual sales at actual selling price Actual sales at standard selling price (8,400u × $75) $ 613,200 630,000 $16,800(A) Sales volume variance actual sales budgeted sales units 8,400 8,000 400 u × $22 = $8,800(F) (Standard contribution per unit) Only on OpenTuition you can find: Free CIMA notes • Free CIMA lectures • Free CIMA tests • Free tutor support • StudyBuddies • CIMA forums Watch free CIMA BA2 lectures 2020 Examinations 92 Example 4 Operating Statement Budgeted profit Sales volume variance Sales price variance Materials price variance Materials usage variance Labour rate of pay variance Labour idle time variance Labour efficiency variance Variable overheads expenditure variance Variable overheads efficiency variance Fixed overheads expenditure variance Actual profit 45,500 8,800 (F) 16,800 (A) 37,500 3,867 612 2,485 6,500 2,000 852 800 3,574 (A) (F) (F) (A) (F) (F) (F) (A) $30,308 Chapter 10 No examples Chapter 11 Example 1 2007 2006 Net profit margin ( 790 ) 7,180 11% 8.5% Gross profit margin ( 1,795 ) 7,180 25% 22.5% Return on capital ( 790 ) 2,690 29.4% 25.7% Asset turnover ( 7,180 ) 2,690 2.67 3.02 Chapter 12 No answers Only on OpenTuition you can find: Free CIMA notes • Free CIMA lectures • Free CIMA tests • Free tutor support • StudyBuddies • CIMA forums Watch free CIMA BA2 lectures 93 2020 Examinations Chapter 13 Answer to ALL examples Materials Cash 77,000 Cost of Sales Labour 77,000 Cash 35,000 Overheads Cost of Sales 35,000 Overheads Cash Labour 10,000 Cost of Sales 5,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 SOPL Cash Sales 200,000 Materials 77,000 Materials Labour 35,000 Labour Overheads 10,000 Overheads Balance 78,000 Mats usage variance 200,000 Sales 200,000 Cash Cost of Sales SOPL 77,000 (1000x$120) 30,000 Mats usage 15,000 variance 5,000 30,000 35,000 200,000 120,000 7,500 5,500 200,000 127,500 127,500 Statement of Profit or Loss Cost of Sales Std profit Mats usage variances Actual Profit 120,000 Sales 80,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 7,500 78,000 85,500 Std profit 80,000 Mats price variances 5,500 85,500 Only on OpenTuition you can find: Free CIMA notes • Free CIMA lectures • Free CIMA tests • Free tutor support • StudyBuddies • CIMA forums Watch free CIMA BA2 lectures 2020 Examinations 94 Variances Materials Price Variance Actual Purchase at actual cost 77,000 Actual Purchase at standard cost 82,500 $5,500 (F) Materials usage variance Actual usage 5,500 Standard 5,000 500 kg x$15 = $7,500 (A) Chapter 14 Example 1 (a) (b) (c) 1/6 2/6 ( = 1/3) 3/6 (= 1/2) Example 2 (a) (b) (c) (d) 1/52 4/52 ( = 1/13) 13/52 ( = 1/4) 16/52 Example 3 20/52 ( = 5/13) Example 4 (a) (b) 50/200 = 1/4 (0.25 or 25%) For A Not for A Total Male 60 90 150 Female 25 25 50 Total 85 115 200 85/200 (c) 25/85 Only on OpenTuition you can find: Free CIMA notes • Free CIMA lectures • Free CIMA tests • Free tutor support • StudyBuddies • CIMA forums Watch free CIMA BA2 lectures 95 2020 Examinations Example 5 (a) (b) (c) 4/52 x 4/52 = 1/169 13/52 x 13/52 = 1/16 8/52 x 4/52 = 2/169 Example 6 (a) (b) (c) 4/52 x 3/51 13/52 x 12/51 8/52 x 4/51 Example 7 ($500,000 x 0.2) + ($300,000 x 0.5) + (200,000 x 0.3) = $310,000 Example 8 Demand (a) Contract size 300u 500u 700u 800u (b) Expected value if contract size = 400u 2,900 3,500 4,100 4,400 500u 3,400 4,000 4,600 4,400 700u 4,400 5,000 4,600 4,400 900u 5,400 5,000 4,600 4,400 300 units = (0.2×2,900) + (0.3 × 3,400) + (0.4 × 4,400) + (0.1 × 5,400) = $3,900 500 units = (0.2 × 3,500) + (0.3 × 4,000) + (0.5 × 5,000) = $4,400 700 units = (0.2 × 4,100) + (0.8 × 4,600) = $4,500 900 units = $4,400 Sign contract for 700 units Only on OpenTuition you can find: Free CIMA notes • Free CIMA lectures • Free CIMA tests • Free tutor support • StudyBuddies • CIMA forums Watch free CIMA BA2 lectures 2020 Examinations 96 Chapter 15 Example 1 (a) Frequency $0 - $500 $500 - $1,000 $1000 - $1,500 $1,500 - $2,000 $2,000 - $2,500 $2,500 - $3,000 0 5 10 15 20 (b) $0 - $500 $1,500 - $2,000 $500 - $1,000 $2,000 - $2,500 $1000 - $1,500 $2,500 - $3,000 12% 2%8% 15% 27% 37% Only on OpenTuition you can find: Free CIMA notes • Free CIMA lectures • Free CIMA tests • Free tutor support • StudyBuddies • CIMA forums Watch free CIMA BA2 lectures 97 2020 Examinations (c) 20 15 10 5 0 $0 - $500 $1,500 - $2,000 (d) 60 45 30 15 0 $500 $1,500 $2,500 Example 2 Number of complaints x 0 1 2 3 (a) (b) (c) Frequency fx f 1 6 4 2 0 6 8 6 13 20 arithmetic mean = 20/12 = 1.54 median = value of 7th observation = 1 mode = most frequently occurring observation = 1 Only on OpenTuition you can find: Free CIMA notes • Free CIMA lectures • Free CIMA tests • Free tutor support • StudyBuddies • CIMA forums Watch free CIMA BA2 lectures 2020 Examinations 98 Example 3 Total paid ($) Mid-point Frequency fx 0 - under $500 x 250 f 1 250 500 - under 1,000 750 4 3000 1,000 - under 1,500 1250 8 10000 1,500 - under 2,000 1750 19 33250 2,000 - under 2,500 2250 14 31500 2,500 - under 3,000 2750 6 16500 52 94500 (a) (b) (c) arithmetic mean = 94,500 / 52 = $1,817 median = value of the 25.5th item, which is in the range $1,500 to $2,000 (watch lecture for more) modal class = $1,500 to $2,000 Example 4 Number of complaints Frequency fX X-x̄ (X-x̄)2 f(X-x̄)2 f X (a) (b) (c) (d) 0 1 0 -1.54 2.37 2.37 1 6 6 -0.54 0.29 1.74 2 4 8 +0.46 0.21 0.84 3 2 6 +1.46 2.13 4.26 13 20 9.21 Range = 3 - 0 = 3 Variance = 9.21 / 13 = 0.71 Standard deviation = √0.71 = 0.84 Coefficient of variation = 0.84 / 1.54 = 0.55 Only on OpenTuition you can find: Free CIMA notes • Free CIMA lectures • Free CIMA tests • Free tutor support • StudyBuddies • CIMA forums Watch free CIMA BA2 lectures 99 2020 Examinations Example 5 Total paid ($) Mid-point Frequency x f fX X-x̄ (X-x̄)2 f(X-x̄)2 0 - under $500 250 1 250 -1567 2455489 2455489 500 - under 1,000 750 4 3000 -1067 1138489 4553956 1,000 - under 1,500 1250 8 10000 -567 321489 2571912 1,500 - under 2,000 1750 19 33250 -67 4489 85291 2,000 - under 2,500 2250 14 31500 +433 187489 2624846 2,500 - under 3,000 2750 6 16500 +933 870489 5222934 52 94500 (a) (b) (c) (d) 17514428 Range = 3,000 = 0 = 3,000 Variance = 17514428/52 = 336816 Standard deviation = √336816 = 580 Coefficient of variation = 580/1817 = 0.32 Chapter 16 Example 1 (a) 40 30 20 10 0 (b) (c) 0 - 1000 2000 - 3000 35/150 = 0.23 55/150 = 0.37 Only on OpenTuition you can find: Free CIMA notes • Free CIMA lectures • Free CIMA tests • Free tutor support • StudyBuddies • CIMA forums Watch free CIMA BA2 lectures 2020 Examinations 100 Example 2 (a) (b) (c) 0.5 (50%) z = 0.4/0.2 = 2 Proportion = 0.4772 (47.72%) z = 0.2/0.2 = 1 Proportion = 0.5 - 0.3414 = 0.1587 (15.87% Example 3 z = 1.64 Length = 10 - (1.64 x 0.2) = 9.672 cms Chapter 17 Example 1 $ 6 2 4 Selling price Variable costs Contribution (a) $ 1,200 (1,000) $200 Total contribution (300u × $4) Fixed costs Profit Fixed costs Contribution p.u = 1,000 = 250 units 4 (b) Breakeven = (c) Breakeven revenue = 250 u × $6p.u. = $1,500 (d) $ 300 1,000 $1,300 Target profit Fixed costs Target contribution Number of units = Target contribution Contribution p.u = 1,300 = 325 units 4 Example 2 Budgeted sales Breakeven Margin of safety = = = 300 units 250 units 300 – 250 300 × 100 = 16.67% Only on OpenTuition you can find: Free CIMA notes • Free CIMA lectures • Free CIMA tests • Free tutor support • StudyBuddies • CIMA forums Watch free CIMA BA2 lectures 101 2020 Examinations Example 3 Contribution 4 = = 0.67 Sales 6 C/S ratio = $ 320 1,000 $1,320 Target profit Fixed overheads Target contribution Sales revenue required = Target contribution ÷ C/S ratio = 1320 ÷ 4/6 = $1,980 Example 4 Cost & revenue ($) 3,000 Total revenue Total cost 2,000 } } 1,000 0 250 500 variable cost fixed cost output (units) breakeven Only on OpenTuition you can find: Free CIMA notes • Free CIMA lectures • Free CIMA tests • Free tutor support • StudyBuddies • CIMA forums Watch free CIMA BA2 lectures 2020 Examinations 102 Example 5 Profit ($) 1,000 0 500 Sales (units) breakeven (250 units) 1,000 Only on OpenTuition you can find: Free CIMA notes • Free CIMA lectures • Free CIMA tests • Free tutor support • StudyBuddies • CIMA forums Watch free CIMA BA2 lectures 103 2020 Examinations Chapter 18 Example 1 A 25 8 12 20 5 2 B 28 20 4 24 4 1 $2.50 $4 Selling price Materials Other variable Contribution p.u. Machine hrs p.u. Contribution per hour Production B: A: units 10,000 × 1 hr = 19,000 × 2hrs = hours 10,000 38,000 48,000hours Profit A: B: 19,000 × $5 10,000 × $4 less Fixed costs: [A: 20,000 × $3 B: 10,000 × $2] $ 95,000 40,000 135,000 Profit 80,000 $55,000 Only on OpenTuition you can find: Free CIMA notes • Free CIMA lectures • Free CIMA tests • Free tutor support • StudyBuddies • CIMA forums Watch free CIMA BA2 lectures 2020 Examinations 104 Example 2 Buy-in price Cost to make Saving (p.u.) Kg of B Saving per kg RANKING X 13 10 $3 Y 17 12 $5 Z 16 14 $2 3 2 1 $1 3 Units Y Z MAKE MAKE 2,500 3,000 Z X BUY BUY 1,000 2,000 $2.50 1 Material B (kg) 5,000 3,000 8,000 kg $2 2 Chapter 19 Example 1 Payment Interest Payment – – – 1 Jan year 1 31 Dec year 1 1 Jan year 2 Interest Payment – – 31 Dec year 2 1 Jan year 3 Interest Payment – – 31 Dec year 3 1 Jan year 4 Interest – 31 Dec year 4 Capital Account 200 Interest Account 30 200 400 60 200 600 90 200 800 800 120 300 Total $1,100 Only on OpenTuition you can find: Free CIMA notes • Free CIMA lectures • Free CIMA tests • Free tutor support • StudyBuddies • CIMA forums Watch free CIMA BA2 lectures 105 2020 Examinations Example 2 $ 500 50 550 55 605 60.5 $665.50 Now payment Year 1 interest Year 2 interest Year 3 interest (or $500 × (1.1)3 =$665.50) Example 3 A = P (1 + r)n = 800 × (1.06)5 = $1070.58 Example 4 = P (1 + r)n = 100 (1.02)12 = $126.82 26.82 × 10% APR = actual interest over the year = 100 Amount owed after 12 months × 100% = 26.82% Example 5 $x now will become $x(1.10)4 in 4 years Therefore x (1.10)4 = 800 800 (1.10)4 = £546.41 x= Example 6 1 = £277 (1.13)12 or using tables, P.V. = 1,200 × 0.231 = $277 P.V. = 1,200 × Example 7 Present value = 500 ×4·968 = $2,484 Only on OpenTuition you can find: Free CIMA notes • Free CIMA lectures • Free CIMA tests • Free tutor support • StudyBuddies • CIMA forums Watch free CIMA BA2 lectures 2020 Examinations 106 Example 8 Discount factor at 8% 1-12 7·536 less: 1-3 (2·577) 4·959 4-12 Present value = 1,000 × 4·959 = $4,959 Example 9 A r 5,000 = 0.12 = $41, 667 Present value = Chapter 20 Example 1 d.f. @ 10% 1.000 0.909 0.826 0.751 0.683 P.V. 0 (80,000) (80,000) 1 20,000 18,180 2 30,000 24,780 3 40,000 30,040 4 20,000 13,660 N.P.V. 6,660 The net present value is positive and therefore we should invest in the project. Example 2 0 1 2 3 4 (80,000) 20,000 30,000 40,000 20,000 I.R.R. = 10% + d.f. @ 15% 1.000 0.870 0.756 0.658 0.572 6,660 6,660 + 2,160 P.V. (80,000) 17,400 22,680 26,320 11,440 N.P.V. (2,160) × 5% = 13.78% Only on OpenTuition you can find: Free CIMA notes • Free CIMA lectures • Free CIMA tests • Free tutor support • StudyBuddies • CIMA forums Watch free CIMA BA2 lectures 107 2020 Examinations Example 3 1 2 3 4 5 Cash inflow Cumulative Cash inflow Discounted cash inflow 20,000 30,000 40,000 20,000 30,000 20,000 50,000 90,000 140,000 170,000 18,180 24,780 30,040 34,150 18,630 Cumulative discounted cash inflow 18,180 42,960 73,000 107,150 125,780 Payback period = 3+ 10,000 = 3.2 years 50,000 (or within 4) Discounted payback period = 3+ 27,000 = 3.79 years 34,150 (or within 4) Only on OpenTuition you can find: Free CIMA notes • Free CIMA lectures • Free CIMA tests • Free tutor support • StudyBuddies • CIMA forums 2020 Examinations Watch free CIMA BA2 lectures 108 Only on OpenTuition you can find: Free CIMA notes • Free CIMA lectures • Free CIMA tests • Free tutor support • StudyBuddies • CIMA forums