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finance q & a

10-15 questions
1. When did you understand you had to start budgeting and what drastic
change did you see in your personal life after realizing?
2. What questions should I ask myself as I start preparing to create a monthly
(periodic) budget?
3. Any tips or hacks to stay on budget you have learned as professionals that
can make the process easier?
4. How early should college students start budgeting?
5. What are some common mistakes people make when creating a budget, and
how can they avoid them?
6. Are there any apps you recommend for budgeting and financial
7. How can someone keep a balance between enjoying their present life and
saving for the future when budgeting?
8. Did you ever struggle with budgeting and saving, and if so, what helped you
overcome your struggle?
9. How would you advise a university student to proactively prepare and save
for unexpected emergency spending?
1. Should a student open a bank account even if it's just for scholarship stipend
holding purposes?
2. What red flags/features should a student look for when applying for a bank
3. What is something most don't know about Banking services?
4. Any suggestions for anyone that would want to work at a bank?
5. How do interest rates impact savings accounts?
6. What are some important security measures people should take when
managing their accounts online or through an app?
7. What are some common misconceptions about banking that you often hear
8. How does the process of opening a new bank account work, and what
documents or information are required?
Professional life:
1. Can you tell me about a recent time when you received negative feedback
and how you handled it?
2. What does ‘career development’ look like to you?
3. Did you know you were going to be doing this job when you were our age?
4. What were your favorite classes in school? Which ones do you think are
most useful and helped you prepare for your career?
5. What inspired you to pursue this career?
6. What are some key takeaways you hope we gain from your presentation?
7. Can you share some milestones or significant moments in your career?
8. Why do you think this bank is a good fit for you based on your skills and