11/15/23, 9:53 PM Quiz 8 – Experience AI Firsthand (6 Questions) – Artificial Intelligence Learning Center Quiz 8 – Experience AI Firsthand (6 Questions) AI 101 : AI Foundation (Level 1) > Bonus Session – Experience AI Firsthand > Quiz 8 – Experience AI Firsthand (6 Questi… Results 6 of 6 Questions answered correctly Your time: 00:00:51 You have reached 6 of 6 point(s), (100%) Click Here to Continue Restart Quiz View Questions Q1. In the field of Machine Learning, we use the following phrase, “training of the Machine Learning Model (AI brain) with Input Data” to explain the process of training the AI model with data. true False Correct Q2. Which of the following statement is not true? https://ailabs.com.my/quizzes/quiz-8-experience-ai-firsthand-6-questions/ 1/3 11/15/23, 9:53 PM Quiz 8 – Experience AI Firsthand (6 Questions) – Artificial Intelligence Learning Center AI learns from the inputs or data that we have gathered and fed to it. Deep Learning is a branch or a subset of Machine Learning. The power of an AI application does not lie in its ability to make accurate predictions of something. If you would like the AI brain to learn how to recognize cats and dogs, we must first feed them plenty of images of cats and dogs to learn from. AI can only make sound predictions of something once it has sufficiently learned from the data that we fed to it. Correct Q3. Quick Draw is an AI game based on ________ algorithm. Unsupervised Learning Supervised Learning Correct Q4. The Quick Draw web application interface acts as the Human-Machine Interface (H M I), enabling a two-way interaction between the AI model and the users. True False https://ailabs.com.my/quizzes/quiz-8-experience-ai-firsthand-6-questions/ 2/3 11/15/23, 9:53 PM Quiz 8 – Experience AI Firsthand (6 Questions) – Artificial Intelligence Learning Center Correct Q5. Quick Draw web application interface is just a computer program built using many web programming technologies such as HTML 5, JavaScript, and Python. The intelligent prediction engine that works behind the scene is powered by the _______ hosted on a server. Data Neural Network Supervised Learning AI Model Correct Q6. Generative Adversarial Network (GAN) is the “creative” AI that can be used to generate new images from all the images that it has seen or learned of before. True False Correct https://ailabs.com.my/quizzes/quiz-8-experience-ai-firsthand-6-questions/ 3/3