UNIT - 1 Introduction: Uses of Computer Networks Types of networks: WAN, LAN, MAN Network Topologies Reference models: OSI, TCP/IP. Physical Layer: Transmission media: magnetic media twisted pair coaxial cable fiber optics wireless transmission UNIT- I: INTRODUCTION What is a network? • Set of devices communicating with each other • Could be a CPU, monitor and other peripheral devices connected (and exchanging data) to each other • Could be a group of people …. A network of friends • Or, could be a set of computers communicating with each other Computer Network • Technology and architecture of the communications networks used to interconnect devices • An interconnected collection of autonomous computers is called computer network • Examples: LAN,MAN,WAN, Internet etc. 11/20/2023 CN_UNIT- I 2 Why Networks? • Point-to-point communication is not usually practical because – Devices are too far apart – Requires large number of connections between all devices – Too expensive • Solution is a communications network Uses of Computer Networks Availability of Resource / Resource sharing - Resources become available regardless of the user’s physical location Load Sharing - Jobs processed on the least crowded machine High Reliability - File and processor redundancy Human-to-Human Communication - Telephone - Long distance education and collaboration 11/20/2023 CN_UNIT- I 3 Applications of Computer Networks • • • • Business Applications Home Applications Mobile Users Social Issues Business Applications of Networks • The client-server model involves requests and replies Fig: A network with two clients and one server 11/20/2023 CN_UNIT- I 4 11/20/2023 CN_UNIT- I 5 Home Network Applications • Access to remote information - World Wide Web • Person-to-person communication - Electronic mail, Videoconference • Interactive entertainment - Video-on-Demand, Games • Electronic commerce 11/20/2023 CN_UNIT- I 6 Mobile Network Users • Combinations of wireless networks and mobile computing -Cellular Phones, Personal Digital Assistant (PDA) and Smart hones (PDA+ Handset+ GPS+…) 11/20/2023 CN_UNIT- I 7 Social issues • Intrusions • Privacy • Copyright • Anonymity • Security • Worms and Virus • freedom of speech vs. censorship • responsibility of the service providers 11/20/2023 CN_UNIT- I 8 Network Hardware Network design dimensions: • Transmission technology( broadcast networks, Point-to-point networks) • Scale( LAN, WAN, Internet etc..) Network Classifications Based on transmission technology networks are divided into Broadcast and Point to Point networks Broadcast Networks use one communication channel that is shared by all the machines. Packets are sent to the shared channel and are “listened to” by all machines.(for smaller, geographically localized networks) Point - to - Point network : A network in which a physical communication path exists between 2 end-systems with no other devices involved 11/20/2023 CN_UNIT- I 9 11/20/2023 11/20/2023 CN_UNIT- I CN_UNIT- I 10 10 Classification based on scale • Local Area Networks( LAN): Room, Building /Campus • Metropolitan Area Networks ( MAN): City • Wide Area Networks (WAN): Country, Continent • Wireless Networks • Home networks • Internetworks: Global 11/20/2023 CN_UNIT- I 11 Local Area Network • Network in small geographical Area (room ,building or a campus) is called LAN • A LAN is a data communication system allowing a number of independent devices to communicate directly with each other, within a moderately sized geographic area over a physical communication channel of moderate data rates. • Short geographical distance (a few kilometers) • High speed (Larger than 1 Mbps up to 100 Mbps ) • Multiple access (Many can use it at the same time) • Sharing (hardware, software etc.) • IEEE standard 802.3 • The most reliable network 11/20/2023 CN_UNIT- I 12 LAN Topologies 11/20/2023 CN_UNIT- I 13 Metropolitan Area Networks • Network in a City is call MAN (Metropolitan Area Network) • MAN is distinguished by its adopted standard DQDB (Distributed Queue Dual Bus (IEEE standard 802.6) and it contains two unidirectional buses which all the computers are connected A metropolitan area network based on cable TV 11/20/2023 CN_UNIT- I 14 Definitions • Network: Interconnected collection of autonomous computers • Host: machine running user application • Subnet: Communication subnet carries messages between hosts • Channel: Logical Line of communication (circuit) • Router: Network router is a device or a piece of software in a computer that forwards and routes data packets along networks Wide Area Networks Network spread geographically (country or across Globe) is called WAN. WAN contains hosts that are connected by a communication subnet The job of the subnet is to carry messages from host to host like telephone system carries words from speaker to listener Store-and-forward network 11/20/2023 CN_UNIT- I 15 Wide Area Networks Figure: A stream of packets from sender to receiver 11/20/2023 CN_UNIT- I 16 Internetworks internet: a collection of interconnected networks Internet: specific worldwide internet Subnets: (WAN) collection of routers and communication lines (without hosts). Ex: telephone subnet Networks: combination of subnet and its hosts. Ex: telephone network = telephone subnets+ telephones internetwork: formed when distinct networks are connected together. Ex: connecting LAN and WAN 11/20/2023 CN_UNIT- I 17 Network Software • • • • • Protocol Hierarchies Design Issues for the Layers Connection-Oriented and Connectionless Services Service Primitives The Relationship of Services to Protocols Protocol Hierarchies Protocol • A protocol is an agreement that standardizes the way communication will be handled • It is a set of rules and conventions that governs exchange of data between two systems • A set of layers and protocols is called a network architecture • A list of protocols used by a certain system, one protocol per layer, is11/20/2023 called a protocol stack CN_UNIT- I 18 • Networks are organized as a stack of levels or layers • We build each layer on the one below it • Layers differ in number and function from one network to another • Each layer hides underlying details from the one above it – sort of like a virtual machine • Each layer talks to the ones above & below it 11/20/2023 CN_UNIT- I 19 Protocol Hierarchies Fig: Layers, protocols, and interfaces 11/20/2023 CN_UNIT- I 20 Data Transfer No data is transferred directly from one machine to another on that layer – the layers can only talk to the ones above or below them on their host. A message from layer 5 will have to travel to layer 1, move across the physical medium, and then back up to layer 5 on the different machine. Layer 1 is the only layer able to move data from one machine to another, through the physical medium. Design Issues for the Layers A mechanism for identifying senders and receivers (naming and addressing) rules of transfer (simplex, half-duplex, full-duplex) error control (error correction and error detection) ordering and sequencing flow control, congestion control message or packet size (disassembling and reassembling) multiplexing and demultiplexing 11/20/2023 routing CN_UNIT- I 21 security Connection-Oriented and Connectionless Services • Six different types of service 11/20/2023 CN_UNIT- I 22 Service Primitives • Five service primitives for implementing a simple connectionoriented service The Relationship of Services to Protocols • A service defines what operations the layer is prepared to perform on behalf of its users, but it says nothing at all about how these operations are implemented. • A protocol, in contrast, is a set of rules governing the format and meaning of the frames, packets, or messages that are exchanged by the peer entities within a layer. Entities use protocols in order to 11/20/2023 CN_UNIT- I implement their service definitions. 23 Reference Models The OSI Reference Model 11/20/2023 CN_UNIT- I 24 The OSI Reference Model 7 application 6 presentation 5 session 4 transport 3 2 network data link 1 physical 11/20/2023 network services (email, file transfer) formatting, encryption, and compression setup and management of end-to-end conversation end-to-end delivery of messages end-to-end transmission of packets transmission of packets on one given link transmission of bits CN_UNIT- I 25 OSI Layers App X App Y Outgoing Packets Incoming Packets Data Application Application H Presentation H Session Data link Physical Data H Transport Network H H H Data Data Data Presentation Session Transport Network Data Data link Data Physical Physical Path 11/20/2023 CN_UNIT- I 26 What is TCP/IP ? The name TCP/IP refers to a suite of data communication protocols Its name comes from two of the more important protocols in the suite: the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) and the Internet Protocol (IP) The most common of all network protocol suites, is the ‘standard’ in modern networks, used for communication on the Internet Although designed for the Internet it is used to build LANs, WANs and MANs Most widely used protocol suite, used within Unix, Windows and Macintosh platforms 11/20/2023 CN_UNIT- I 27 The TCP/IP Reference model 11/20/2023 CN_UNIT- I 28 The TCP/IP Protocol Suite Four-Layered Model Provides access to network services for the user and application programs Application Provides end-to-end transport Transport Path determination – routing Internet Access commn network LAN and WAN technologies 11/20/2023 Network Access (Host-to-network) CN_UNIT- I Protocols DNS FTP HTTP Telnet SMTP SNMP TFTP HTTP POP3 TCP, UDP IP, ARP, ICMP, DHCP Ethernet, Token Ring, FDDI Frame Relay, ATM, ISDN 29 Hybrid Model The hybrid reference model to be used in this book 11/20/2023 CN_UNIT- I 30 Transmission (physical ) media • For the transmission of bit stream from one machine to another, various physical media can be used • They differ in terms of bandwidth, delay, cost, easy of installation and maintenance • Transmission media can be divided into 2 types, guided media and unguided media • Guided media – Magnetic media, Twisted Pair (copper wire), Coaxial Cable and fiber optics • Unguided media - radio, Microwave, Infrared and light wave transmission 11/20/2023 CN_UNIT- I 31 Guided transmission media Magnetic media • One of the most common ways to transport data from one computer to another is to write them onto magnetic tapes or floppy disks, physically transport the tapes or disks to the destination machine and read them back in again 11/20/2023 CN_UNIT- I 32 Guided Media: Twisted Pair • Twisted pair is the oldest and still most common transmission medium used in telephone system • It consists of two insulated copper wires, typically about 1 mm thick. The wires are twisted together to reduce electrical interference from similar pairs close by • Twisted pairs can run several km without amplification, but for longer distances repeaters are needed • Twisted pairs can be used for either analog or digital transmission. The bandwidth depends on the thickness of the wire and the distance traveled (several mbps for a few km can be achieved) (a) Category 3 UTP 11/20/2023 CN_UNIT- I (b) Category 5 UTP 33 Guided Media: Coaxial Cable Coaxial cable or coax is a copper-cored cable surrounded by a heavy shielding and is used to connect computers • Outer conductor shields the inner conductor from picking up stray signal from the air • High bandwidth (1 to 2 Gbps) but lossy channel • Repeater is used to regenerate the weakened signals • Two kinds of coaxial cables are widely used: • Baseband(50-ohm) - used for digital transmissions • Broadband(75-ohms) - used for analog transmissions 11/20/2023 CN_UNIT- I 34 Guided media: Fiber Optics • Optical fibers use light to send information through the optical medium. • It uses the principal of total internal reflection • Modulated light transmissions are used to transmit the signal 11/20/2023 CN_UNIT- I 35 Fiber optics can be used for LANs as well as for long-haul transmission Tapping onto it is more complex than connecting to a copper wire • Light travels through the optical media by the way of total internal reflection • Modulation scheme used is intensity modulation • Two types of Fiber media :Single and Multimode • Multimode Fiber can support less bandwidth than Single mode Fiber • Single mode Fiber has a very small core and carry only one beam of light. It can support Gbps data rates over > 100 Km without using repeaters 11/20/2023 CN_UNIT- I 36 Comparison of Fiber Optics and Copper wire Advantages of fibers: • much higher bandwidth • low attenuation (30 km distance of repeaters vs. 5 km for copper) • noise-resistance • not affected by corrosive chemicals • much lighter than copper - easier installation and maintenance • difficult to tap - higher security Disadvantages of fiber: • unfamiliar technology so far • unidirectional communication • more expensive interfaces than electrical ones 11/20/2023 CN_UNIT- I 37 Unguided (Wireless) Transmission media Very useful in difficult terrain where cable laying is not possible • Provides mobility to communication nodes • Right of way and cable laying costs can be reduced • Susceptible to rain, atmospheric variations and objects in • • • • • transmission path Indoor : 10 – 50m : BlueTooth, WLAN Short range Outdoor : 50 – 200m: WLAN Mid Range Outdoor : 200m – 5 Km : GSM, CDMA, WLAN Point-toPoint, Wi-Max Long Range Outdoor : 5 Km – 100 Km : Microwave Point-to-Point Long Distance Communication : Across Continents : Satellite 11/20/2023 CN_UNIT- I 38 Communication The Electromagnetic Spectrum: The amount of information that an electromagnetic wave can carry is related to its bandwidth. With current technology, it is possible to encode a few bits per hertz at low frequencies 11/20/2023 CN_UNIT- I 39 Unguided media: The Electromagnetic Spectrum Band Range Propagatio n Application VLF 3–30 KHz Ground Long-range radio navigation LF 30–300 KHz Ground Radio beacons and navigational locators MF 300 KHz–3 MHz Sky AM radio HF 3–30 MHz Sky Citizens band (CB), ship/aircraft communication VHF 30–300 MHz Sky and line-of-sight VHF TV, FM radio UHF 300 MHz–3 GHz Line-ofsight UHF TV, cellular phones, paging, satellite SHF 3–30 GHz Line-ofsight Satellite communication EHF 30–300 GHz Line-ofsight Long-range radio navigation 11/20/2023 CN_UNIT- I 40 Unguided media: Radio wave transmission • Radio waves are easy to generate, can travel long distance, and penetrate buildings easily, so they are widely used for communication, both indoors and outdoors. • Radio waves are also omnidirectional, meaning that they travel in all directions from the source, so that the transmitter and receiver do not have to be carefully aligned physically 11/20/2023 CN_UNIT- I 41 Unguided media: Microwave transmission • Above 100 MHz, the waves travel in straight lines and can therefore be narrowly focused. Concentrating all the energy into a small beam using a parabolic antenna gives a much higher signal to noise ratio • Since the microwaves travel in a straight line, if the towers are too far apart, the earth will get in the way. Consequently, repeaters are needed periodically 11/20/2023 CN_UNIT- I 42 Unguided media: Infrared and Millimeter Waves • Unguided infrared and millimeter waves are widely used for shortrange communication. • The remote controls used on televisions, VCRs, and stereos all use infrared communication • They are relatively directional, cheap, and easy to build, but have a major drawback: they do not pass through solid objects • This property is also a plus. It means that an infrared system in one room will not interfere with a similar system in adjacent room. It is more secure against eavesdropping 11/20/2023 CN_UNIT- I 43 Unguided media: Light wave transmission A modern application is to connect LANs in two buildings via lasers mounted on their rooftops It offers very high BW and very low cost Affected by fog or rain 11/20/2023 CN_UNIT- I 44 Switching: Circuit switching • Two different switching techniques are used inside the telephone system: circuit switching and packet switching • When a user place a telephone call, the switching equipment within the telephone system seeks out a physical "copper" (including fiber and radio) path from the caller telephone to the callee telephone. This technique is called circuit switching. • An important property of circuit switching is the need to set up an end-to-end path before any data can be sent. • It takes some set-up time during which there is no data transmission in progress. Long set-up times are for many computer applications undesirable 11/20/2023 CN_UNIT- I 45 11/20/2023 CN_UNIT- I 46 Message switching • An alternative switching strategy is message switching .It was first used for telegram • In this case, no physical copper path is established in advance. Instead, the store-and-forward technique for the entire messages is applied. • With message switching, there is no limit on block size, which means that routers must have disks to buffer long blocks. It also means that a single block may tie up a router-router line for minutes, rendering message switching useless for interactive traffic 11/20/2023 CN_UNIT- I 47 Packet switching • To get around these problems of circuit switching, packet switching was invented • Packet-switching networks place a tight upper limit on block size • So no user can monopolize any transmission line very long and therefore these networks are well suited to handle interactive traffic. • A further advantage of packet switching over message switching is that the first packet of a multipacket message can be forwarded before the second has fully arrived, reducing delay and improving throughput. • Packet switching entails packaging data in specially formatted units (called packets) that are typically routed from source to destination using network switches and routers. Each packet contains address information that identifies the sending computer and intended recipient. • Using these addresses, network switches and routers determine how best to transfer the packet between hops on the path to its destination. 11/20/2023 CN_UNIT- I 48 A comparison of circuit switched and packetswitched networks 11/20/2023 CN_UNIT- I 49