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Grade 10 English Lesson Plan: Textual Aids

Daily Lesson Plan in English
Grade Level: Grade 10
Rater/Observer: AILEEN S. TOLERO, HT1
Time: 30 minutes
OBJECTIVES: Within the given session, the students are expected to:
1. Identify the different textual aids;
2. use various textual aids in understanding a text, and
3. explain the importance of textual aids in understanding the text.
Reference: English 10 Learners Material, EN10RC-Ie- 2.15.2
Materials: Reference Book, visual aids, laptop, projector, activity materials
Values Integration: Creativity
A. Preparatory Activities
1. Warm Up Drills
Good Morning Class.
How are you today? Good!
May I request ____ to lead the prayer.
a. Prayer
b. Checking Attendance
Who is absent today?
2. Review
Let us recall what we discussed last meeting.
What was our topic last meeting?
What are the four types of sentences according to
Very Good!
It seems that you are all ready for the new lesson
Good Morning Ma’am.
We feel good Ma’am.
Our topic yesterday was about the types of
sentences according to function.
The four types of sentences according to function
are Declarative, Interrogative, Imperative, and
Exclamatory sentences.
3. Motivation
“A Puzzle is Worth a Word.” I have here a
Rebus Puzzle. Each Rebus Puzzle below
represents a word or a phrase and your task is to
guess what each word/phrase is.
1.Misunderstanding between friends
2. History repeats itself.
What helped you answer these puzzles?
What is your overall impression about the
words/phrases above?
These puzzles intrinsically contain textual aids,
which are the focus of this lesson.
Answers may vary.
B. Developmental Activities
1. Presentation
Textual Aids refer to non-textual elements
that help readers understand the content of the
Types of Textual Aids
1. Illustration is a visual representation of a
subject to make it more pleasing and easier
to understand and to facilitate better
retention of the information presented.
2. A table shows information that are
organized and arranged in columns and
rows. It is used to show patterns and
relationships that still appeals to the
readers’ verbal system, meaning tables are
supposed to be read like a text.
3. A graph is defined as a chart that shows
the relationship between changing things.
 Line Graphs
 Bar Graphs
 Pie Graphs
 Pictographs
4. Maps are visual representations of
selected characteristics of a place, usually
drawn on a flat surface.
 Political Maps
 Physical Maps
 Topographic Maps
5. Diagram is a symbolic representation of
information using visualization
 Flow Diagram
 Venn Diagram
 Cause and Effect Diagram
 Graphic Organizer
2. Lesson Proper
a. Activity
This time class, let’s have an activity. I
am going to divide you into 4. Count one…
Each group will receive an activity card
containing the task that you will be answering.
Please be in your group silently and you have five
minutes to do it. The timer starts now.
In this activity you will be able to use various
textual aids in understanding a text.
Group 1
Using a diagram, compare the shift of learning
from face-to-face to modular.
Group 2
Speaking of mobile phones, it cannot be denied
that this gadget has become an indispensable
material in our daily lives. Create a graph on the
number of hours that you spend on the top five
applications on your phone on a daily basis.
Group 3
Using a graphic organizer, give at least 4 changes
in our daily lives brought by the virus during
Group 4
Using a Diagram, list at least two causes of the
spreading of COVID19 and two effects as it
arrived in the Philippines.
Integration: Science (COVID19)
b. Analysis
Let the students present their work in the class and
evaluate their answers.
After the reporting activity, ask the following
1. What did you feel about the activity?
2. What are your realizations in doing the
c. Abstraction
Ask the following questions to the students:
1. What are the effects of textual aids on the
understanding of a text?
2. How do these textual aids help you in
understanding the text?
3. Why are they vital?
d. Application (By pair)
This time class, let’s make another activity. Find a
partner and use textual aids in understanding the
texts below.
PLTC Mardi Hortillosa of the Police Regional
Office (PRO)-10 announced during the Talakayan
sa PIA virtual media forum hosted by Philippine
Information Agency (PIA)-10 that the cases of
domestic violence went down in this time of
coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic.
Latest data gathered by PRO-10 revealed that
cases of domestic violence and child abuse have
decreased since the start of COVID-19 pandemic.
Reported cases of domestic violence and child
abuse in March accounted for 39 and 73,
respectively. As months go by there was a visible
decrease in reported cases of domestic violence
and child abuse. There were only 37 cases of
domestic violence and 30 cases of child abuse
Answers may vary.
recorded in April, and 27 cases of domestic
violence and 16 cases of child abuse in May.
e. Assessment
This time class, kindly get ¼ sheet of paper.
A. Direction: Read and answer the following
questions. Choose your answer from the box.
Textual Aids
1. What do we call the tools that come in different
forms and their main objective is to help readers
have a clearer meaning of the text?
2. If the text has the following lines: “From
Session Road, head south on Upper Session Road,
slight right onto Kalaw Street…”, what kind of
textual aid will be best fitted to match the text?
3. What type of textual aid is used when data are
presented in rows and columns of words and
4. What type of textual aid is used if data is
presented through dots, lines and curves?
5. Which of the following does NOT belong to the
tools that can help readers have a clearer
1.Textual Aids
2. Map
4. Graph
5. Animations
Write your personal goal for the next 5 years using the given organizer below.