MAE203 Lab Report # 2: Metallography sample preparation, etching, microstructure (SEM) (15 points) (Individual submission) Class session (Day and time): Submission date (mm/dd/yyyy): Student Name: Student Signature: List names of your group members: 1 MAE203 Please include optical microscope images of the surface of brass sample for the following conditions: 1. As-received brass and aluminum sample surface: (2 points) a) Optical microscope (brass) Scanning electron microscope (SEM) (brass) b) Optical microscope (aluminum) Scanning electron microscope (SEM) (aluminum) 2. Brass and aluminum sample surface after grinding with a 600 grit SiC paper: (2 points) a) After 10 minutes (brass): b) After 10 minutes (aluminum): 2 MAE203 3. Brass and aluminum sample surface after polishing with 6 micron diamond paste: (2 points) a) After 10 minutes (brass): b) After 10 minutes (aluminum): 4. Brass and aluminum sample surface after polishing with 1 micron diamond paste: (2 points) a) After 10 minutes (brass): b) After 10 minutes (aluminum): 3 MAE203 5. Brass and aluminum sample surface after etching with suitable etchants: (2 points) a) Brass: Optical microscope (brass) Scanning electron microscope (SEM) (brass) c) Aluminum: Optical microscope (aluminum) 4 MAE203 6. Do the grain size analysis from SEM image of etched Brass (posted on CANVAS) using Fiji-ImageJ software. Plot the histogram using excel and calculate d50 value. (5 points) (You must show the steps of image analysis same as shown in lab report#3 of grain size analysis using ImageJ (Fiji), otherwise you will receive zero points). 5