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Women's Role in Pakistan Movement: History & Contributions

Women’s Contributions in Pakistan Movement
I know that in the long struggle for the achievement of Pakistan, Muslim women have stood solidly
behind their men. In the bigger struggle for the building up of Pakistan that now lies ahead, let it not
be said that the women of Pakistan had lagged behind or failed in their duty.
(Quaid-i-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah, Broadcast speech from Radio Pakistan, Dacca, March 28,
Pakistan came into existence in 1947 in the areas where centuries-old Indus Civilization always
existed. Having witnessed the world’s oldest culture, religious beliefs, heritage and history, Pakistan
owns an incredible historical sense and geography in the world. Modern-day Sindh and Balochistan
soon attracted early Arab Muslim rulers and travelers, and with their arrival spread the great
message of Islam. With the passage of time, Delhi, Lahore and Multan became the centers of
Muslim power in India. Historians call this period from Ghauris to Mughals as ‘Muslim rule in India’.
However, Indian Muslim rulers could not keep pace with the changing times and that resulted in
decay and downfall. The failure of 1857 War of Independence ended the golden era of Muslim rule
in India. In these times of turbulence and disappointment, Sir Syed Ahmed Khan emerged as a
great reformist leader of the Muslims of the subcontinent. He emphasized on the need of western
education for the Muslims in India. This in a way paved way for women’s education in coming
decades as the fathers and brothers educated from Aligarh University later led the social and
political life of the Muslims. During this period, the emphasis remained on male education but
gradually women could not stay aloof from the political developments. The first woman who shines
in history of Pakistan Movement is Abadi Begum, famously known as Bi Amman. She was the
mother of famous Muslim leaders Moulana Shoukat Ali and Moulana Mohammad Ali Johar. Both
the brothers played leading role during Khilafat Movement (1919-1922). Bi Amman stood like a rock
behind her sons and encouraged them to stand firm in their struggle and never bow to the powers
of the foreign rulers. Bi Amman and her daughter-in-law, wife of Moulana Mohammad Ali Johar,
also addressed the public gatherings. The leadership that was groomed during Khilafat Movement
played a vital role during later phases of Pakistan Movement.
Quaid-i-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah’s rise to the top leadership of Muslims of India also led to a
wider and more assertive role of women in Indian politics. He firmly believed in the power of women
and encouraged them to come forward and play their role. His encouragement and support to his
sister Miss Fatima Jinnah served as a shining example for other women. He always took along his
sister wherever he travelled and also encouraged her to participate in political meetings. In 1938,
Quaid-i-Azam created All India Muslim Women’s Sub-committee of All India Muslim League. This
provided a strong platform for the women to take part in active politics at a much wider scale.
Mohtarma Fatima Jinnah, Begum Ra’ana Liaquat Ali Khan, Begum Salma Tassaduq Hussain,
Begum Jahanara Shahnawaz, Lady Abdullah Haroon and Shaista Ikramullah are the few names that
appear on the top but during last few years of struggle for Pakistan, thousands of women left the
comfort of their homes, took part in public life and contributed significantly. During 1945-46
elections, these women leaders accepted the challenges and worked tirelessly for months, side by
side with their men folk under Quaid’s leadership. They proved their mettle by mobilizing masses in
the entire India. They launched campaign after campaign to get political support for the slogan, ‘Lay
ke rahen gay Pakistan’. Women’s mobilization in Punjab to put pressure on Unionist Government,
and in NWFP against Congress-led government is of great importance in the creation of Pakistan.
The young female students were able to generate funds for which they travelled across the country.
They also launched awareness campaigns to highlight ‘Pakistan’ and its significance for the Muslim
women. The Muslim League women committees used to hold meetings in various mohallas of
different localities where they described the ‘Idea of Pakistan’ through their meaningful speeches
and also answered the questions raised by the participants. Then came the most crucial phase of
Pakistan Movement when millions of families migrated to Pakistan. Women suffered all sorts of
brutalities at the hands of Hindu and Sikh militants but their resolve for an independent homeland
never wavered. Their tales of uncomplaining sufferings for the cause they believed in is a glorious
chapter of Pakistan Movement.
After independence, Quaid-i-Azam stood unequivocally for the great role women were to play in the
formation of Pakistani nation. He believed in their immense power in national life which is obvious
through his words which he spoke on June 28, 1948:
“In the great task of building the nation and maintaining its solidarity, women have a most valuable
part to play, as the prime architects of the character of the youth that constitutes its backbone, not
morally in their own homes but by helping their less fortunate sister outside in that great task…. I
wish to impress on you that the nation can not rise to the heights of glory unless your women are
side by side with you…. You should take your women along with you as comrades in every sphere
of life avoiding the corrupt practices of western society. You cannot expect a woman who is herself
ignorant to bring up your children properly. The women have the power to bring up children on right
lines. Let us not throw away this asset”.
Partaking in the Pakistan Movement was of a great historical significance for Muslim
women of the subcontinent who had never participated in such a great number in any
political movement. It was a befitting culmination of the reformist trends of the late
nineteenth century for emancipation of Muslim women finally becoming a tangible
Much before than that, the Khilafat Movement of the 1920s had been the first instance
when Muslim women had made their presence felt in the political arena. With Maulana
Shaukat Ali and Muhammad Ali Johar in jail, their mother Bi Amman, had taken up the
cudgels against British imperialism with assistance from her daughter-in-law. She
addressed large meetings from behind the curtains and traveled to various parts of India
to garner support.
Pakistan Movement, when born, followed a similar trend. Women came to symbolize
the struggle for a separate homeland and made immense contributions to the effort
through their enthusiasm for social uplift and by demonstrating qualities of leadership,
sincerity, intellect, courage and resolve.
None of these deserves more mention than the sister of our founding father. Fatima
Jinnah, later titled with Madar-e-Millat (Mother of the Nation), was the first lady to
have inspired and organized the women cadres for the idea of Pakistan, aiding Quaid-eAzam greatly in the process.
At one point, Jinnah had asked Fatima to sit beside him at Sibi Darbar, the grand
annual gathering of Baloch and Pakhtun chiefs and leaders. He, as on many occasions of
his life, set an example: Muslim women must make their mark in the future make up of
Pakistan and shall contribute to society when the country does come into existence.
After independence in 1947, these women formed bodies and organizations to establish
platforms where they could exhibit their leadership qualities and initiate work towards
achievement of their objectives.
Begum Jahan Ara Shah Nawaz and Begum Shaista Ikramullah represented women in
the first Legislative Assembly of Pakistan. Out of their deep commitment to women’s
rights, they managed inclusion of rights for women in the agenda of the constituent
assembly and played an active role in formation of laws that would promote women’s
rights and their participation in national affairs.
The Muslim Personnel Law of 1948, demands for special seats for women in 1956,
Muslim Family Laws Ordinance 1961 and passing of Muslim Personnel Law under
Constitution of 1962, all owe to persistent struggle of these exceptional ladies.
The most significant moment in the political history that assigns prominence to the
political tenacity of women, was the decision of Fatima Jinnah to contest the
presidential elections. It was a tough challenge meted out to the new political stalwarts
of the country who tabooed women’s participation in politics with manifest vehemence.
Although, Ayub Khan won the highly controversial elections, the impact had been sealed
forever upon the political structure of the country.
In Bhutto’s time, women came to play a role in party politics as party wings for their
participation were formed. They set out to achieve economic independence and became
industrial entrepreneurs coupled with forming a significant part of the labor force too.
It must be remembered that women groups were the first to oppose Zia regime in public
by staging massive protests. When Benazir came back to the country, women joined her
ranks as enthusiastic supporters for ridding the country of dictatorship.
The election of Benazir as the first prime minster of any Muslim country testifies to the
ardent struggle by the lot for achieving political and economic independence. The
process may have started much earlier during the Khilafat Movement but it reached a
befitting conclusion with Benazir’e election as the world’s youngest prime minister.