SIG 09 - OB &HRM - Organizational Behaviour and Human Resource Management We invite you to submit your research to explore the theme of Transform Business for Good for the EURAM 23rd Conference. We look forward to receiving your submissions. T09_05 - Beyond good and evil: unravelling the bright and the dark sides of organizational power Proponents: Rocco Palumbo, University Rome "Tor Vergata"; Alessandro Hinna, University of Rome "Tor Vergata"; Toshio Araki, Kwansei Gakuin University; Saori Obayashi, Osaka University Short description: As social entities, organizations are not exempt from the exercise of power. Alongside a formal power, which takes root on hierarchy and authority, an informal power based on soft determinants of influence contaminate organizational dynamics and behaviors. The track demarcates formal (bright) and informal (dark) power and investigate how they interact to shape management decisions and affect organizational behaviors. Power will be investigated at different levels, including interpersonal exchanges, group processes, and interorganizational relationships. The main aim of the track is to go beyond the good and evil of organizational power, contextualizing it to the everyday functioning of organizations. Long description: The exercise of power inherently permeates organizational life. Whilst it is easy to shed light on the use of formal power, which derives from tangible sources of influence, it is more complicated to illuminate the dark side of organizational power, which rests on intangible drivers of prestige. Far from representing alternative and self-contained phenomena, the bright and the dark sides of power strictly interact, shaping management decisions and organizational processes. Hence, research is needed to better understand how formal and informal power are concomitantly used in the organization to achieve dominance and to control organizational dynamics. Power can be investigated across different organizational contexts. At the micro level, it is embedded in interpersonal exchanges and characterizes the establishment of asymmetric relationships between members of the organization. At the meso level it concerns the struggle for the achievement of prestige and prominence of organizational groups, which contend the exercise of influence on organizational dynamics. Lastly, at the macro level, it is related to inter-organizational relationships and to the struggle for increasing institutional legitimacy and social acceptability undertaken by organizations. These three levels partially overlap. The micro level sets the conditions for the exercise of power at the meso levels and is concomitantly affected by the formality and informality of influence among different organizational groups. Furthermore, the way power is EURAM 2023 expressed at the macro level is the result of how organizational influence is handled at the group level, whilst meso level dynamics are immediately affected by the exercise of power at the inter-organizational level. Such overlapping makes it hard to fully unravel the contents and the impacts of power at the organizational level, requiring the adoption of multiple perspectives and manifold techniques to make sense of this phenomenon. The combination of hard and soft sources of power additionally blurs our capability to comprehensively investigate the unfolding of organizational power, undermining our awareness of its implications on organizational dynamics and performance. The track proposes an interpretation of organizational power which goes 'beyond the good and evil' and combines formality and informality to obtain a thick account of how it is factually exerted. Inter alia, the track will address the following themes: The interplay between organizational power and organizational behaviors; The mutual effect of structures on power and of power on structures; The sources of powerfulness and powerlessness in organizations; The strategies to achieve informal organizational power; The exercise of power across organizational levels. Keywords: Organizational power Powerfulness Powerlessness Organizational dynamics Organizational conflicts UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG): Goal 3: Good health and well-being for people, Goal 5: Gender equality, Goal 8: Decent work and economic growth, Goal 9: Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure, Goal 10: Reducing inequalities, Goal 16: Peace, justice and strong institutions Publication Outlet: International Journal of Public Administration: the proponents will discuss the opportunity to set a Special Issue on managing power in public sector entities with the Editorial Board of the journal International Review on Public and Nonprofit Marketing: The editor in chief (Helena Alves) will be asked to consider a “fast track” for papers presented at the EURAM conference Health Services Management Research: As the AE of the journal, Rocco Palumbo will guest edit a Special Issue focused on organizational power in the health care domain. For more information contact: Rocco Palumbo, University Rome "Tor Vergata" - AUTHORS GUIDELINES 2