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মডিফায়ার: সংজ্ঞা, প্রকার ও উদাহরণ | ইংরেজি ব্যাকরণ

Submission Date – 22/2/2021
English Grammar
All About
Definitions, Types & Examples
Assignment submitted by Atik Jawad
& submitted to Debasis Sikder
Modifier (n) [অথ: িবেশষািয়ত করা]
Definition: য শ বা শ
Modifier বেল I
Note** 1. সবদা noun ক
2. অিতির
noun এর পূেব/ পের বেস noun ক িবেশষািয়ত কের তােক
ভািবত করেব তেব verb এর
ে ও করেত পাের I
তথ দয় I
e.g. - Rahim is a brilliant student. (Brilliant here is a modifier)
There are two types of Modifieri) Pre-modifier ( য modifier noun এর পূেব বেস)
ii) Post- modifier ( য modifier noun এর পের বেস)
 Different uses of Pre-modifier:
1. Adjective as pre-modifier
এে ে noun এর আেগ এক ট adjective বেস noun এর
ন্, অব া, color ইত ািদ কাশ
e.g. –
1) Last night, I saw an (Pre-modify the noun with an adjective) _____ moon.
(Ans-- Enchanting)
2) An (Pre-modify the noun with an adjective) _____ boy cannot reach his goal.
(Ans—Idle, Inactive, Inattentive)
2. Noun adjective as pre-modifier
যখন দু ট noun পাশাপািশ বেস তখন থম ট adjective িহেসেব কাজ করেব এবং স টই
Noun adjective।
e.g. –
1) Last night I enjoyed an exciting (Pre-modify the noun with a noun adjective)
______ match. (Ans—Cricket, Football etc.)
2) Sakib is one of the greatest (Pre-modify the noun with a noun adjective) ______
Players of all time. (Ans-- Cricket)
3) I have already finished my (Pre-modify the noun with a noun adjective) ______
Chores. (Ans-- Household)
3. Possessive as pre-modifier
It’ s
Sidons’ **
Note** Subject- এর উপর িভি কের Possessive বসেব, তেব Object এর
নাও বসেত
পাের। এখােন Noun এর আেগ Possessive বেস Adjective এর কাজ করেব।
e.g. – 1) We should love (Pre-modify the noun with a Possessive) _____ country.
(Ans-- Our)
2) Rahim is a bookworm. He likes to read (Pre-modify the noun with a
Possessive) ____ books. (Ans-- His)
3) I am indebted to (Pre-modify the noun with a Possessive) ___ teachers for
guiding me to the right path. (Ans-- My)
4. Present Participle as pre-modifier
Things we should know to differentiate Present participle & Gerund –
Present participle
verb+ing = verb+adjective এর কাজ
করেব I ex—Swimming Girl
Subject- ক পূেব এেন মােঝ Is বিসেয় িচি ত
করা যায় I ex-- Swimming Girl ক এইভােব
verb+ing = verb+noun এর কাজ করেব I
ex—Swimming Pool
সাজােল “Girl is swimming”
এইভােব সাজােল “Pool for swimming”
Subject- ক পূেব এেন মােঝ For বিসেয়
িচি ত করা যায় I ex-- Swimming Pool ক
যখন এক ট Subject দু ট কাজ কের এবং তেব যিদ ঐ verb+ing এর পূেব কােনা
থম কাজ যিদ verb+ing িদেয়
হয় তেব Preposition থােক তাহেল তা Gerund হেব
তা Present participle.
কননা Preposition সবদা noun এর আেগ হয়
ex-- Finishing my homework, I went to এবং Gerund য়ং noun.
কমন িদেয়
ex—After finishing my homework, I
went to college.
কের উ র পাইেল তা হেব
Present participle.
Ex—His passion is amazing.
িক িদেয়
কের উ র পাইেল তা হেব
Ex—His passion is fishing.
Note** Present participle সবদা verb+ing এর েপ থাকেব এবং এ ট অবশ ই subject এর
adjective িহেসেব বসেব I
e.g. – 1) I saw a (Pre-modify the noun with a present participle) ____ bird in the sky.
(Ans-- Flying)
2)** A (Pre-modify the noun with a present participle) _____ stone gathers no
Moss. (Ans-- Rolling)
5. Past Participle as pre-modifier
 Verb এর Past Participle Form হেব I
 এবং এ ট Adjective িহেসেব ব ব ত হেব।
e.g. – 1) Yesterday I bought a (Pre-modify the noun with a past participle) _____
egg. (Ans—Rotten,Boiled)
2) The measures (Pre-modify the noun with a past participle) ____ by the
Government have earned appreciation. (Ans-- Taken)
3) I appreciate your endeavor (Pre-modify the noun with a past participle)
_____ by you against corruption. (Ans-- Taken)
6. Demonstrative as pre-modifier
ধু মা
4 ট word (This, That, These, Those) িদেয়ই Demonstrative এর কাজ
করা যেত পাের তেব িকছ
ে ‘Such’ ও Demonstrative এর কাজ করেত পাের I
This – কােছর Singular
That – দূেরর Singular
These – কােছর Plural
Those – দূেরর Plural
e.g. – 1) I have a pen in my pocket. The colour of (Pre-modify the noun with
a demonstrative) ___ is blue. (Ans-- This)
2) The first day at school was memorable. I can always remember (Premodify the noun with a demonstrative) ____ day. (Ans-- That)
7. Determiners as pre-modifier
অেনক ধরেণর word এর সম েয় Determiners গ ঠত হয় এ েলা হেলা –
Cardinal numbers
Ordinal numbers
A, An & The
See page no - 2**
This, That, These, Those, Such
Very*, Such, What, How, So, fairly
One, two, three, four……….
First, Second, Third, Fourth…….
Once, Twice, Thrice, Fourfold, Fivefold, Two times…..
, , , One fourth, One third etc.
both, all, every, each, no, some, few, several, enough, much,
more, a lot of, a great deal of, either, neither, many, single etc…
e.g. – 1) ____ (Pre-modify the noun with a quantifier) mills and factory were not built
And we had been ill fed and ill clad. (Ans--Both, All)
2) His songs are ____ (Pre-modify the adjective with an intensifier) melodious.
3) Beauty is ____ (Use determiner) creation of art. (Ans--A, The)
 Different uses of Post-modifier:
1. Appositive as post-modifier
এ ট Noun স
েক অিতির
দান কের।
Note** Noun এর পর কমা বেস Appositive বসেব এবং পুনরায় কমা িদেয় শষ করেত হেব। এবং
কখেনাই Appositive এর আেগ/ পের who is, which is হেব না।
e.g. – 1) Sheikh Hasina, ____ (Post modify the noun with an appositive), is the daughter of
Sheikh Mujib. (Ans -- The Prime Minister of Bangladesh)
2) Mashrafee, ____ (Post modify the noun with an appositive),is called ‘Narail
Express’. (Ans – The former captain of Bangladesh cricket team)
2. Prepositional Phrase as post-modifier
Preposition িদেয়
Preposition িদেয় শষ অথবা Parts of Speech িদেয় শষ হেল তা
Prepositional Phrase. [Prepositions + any other parts of Speech]
Example: I saw him with a lady (The underlined phrase is a Prepositional Phrase)
Note** যিদ Prepostional phrase- এ সময়, ান, ও উপায় উে খ থােক তেব তা Prepostional phrase
নয় বরং Adverb.
e.g. – 1)The boy ____ (Post modify the noun with a Prepositional Phrase) is very poor.
(Ans—In the house)
2) He went to Nilkhet _____ (Post modify the noun with a Prepositional Phrase) some
necessary things. (Ans—In order to buy)
3. Infinitive/ Infinitive Phrase as post-modifier
 Infinitive : to + verb
 Infinitive Phrase : to + verb + Parts of Speech
e.g. – 1) We go to college _____ (Post modify the noun with an infinitive Phrase).
(Ans—To gain knowledge)
2) Nazrul Composed his songs _____ (Post modify the noun with an infinitive Phrase).
(Ans – To influence the youth)
4. Adverb/ Adverbial Phrase as post-modifier
Adverb –
 noun, pronoun ব তীত ায় সব Parts of Speech - কই Modify করেত পাের। তেব
ধানত verb- ক কের I
 Noun + ly = Adjective [Ex-- Friendly] & Adjective + ly = Adverb [Ex-Nicely]
 Noun- ক কখন, কাথায়, িকভােব ারা
করেল য উ র পাওয়া যায় তাই Adverb.
[তেব এই িনয়ম অনুযায়ী বাক েত যিদ ৩ ট Adverb (ধরণ, জায়গা ও সময়)- ই উপি
থােক তেব Adverb
েলােক এই MPT(Manner Place Time) Sequence - এ বসােল
বাক ট Correct হেব I Ex—
Incorrect: He came to my home yesterday secretly.
Correct: He secretly came to my home yesterday.]
Note** ে verb- ক pre/post modify করেত বলা হেল যিদ িক ারা modify করেত হেব তা উে খ
না থােক তেব Adverb ারা Modify করা উ ম।
Adverbial Phrase - যখন কােনা Prepositional phrase, Adverb িদেয় শষ হেব তখন
তােক Adverbial Phrase বলা হেব I
e.g. – 1) Tamim played the ball ___(Post modify the noun with an adverb). (Ans-- Skillfully)
2) Nazrul wrote his writing in favour of the down trodden ______ (Post modify the
noun with an adverbial phrase). (Ans—In all his writings)
Note** কাথায়, কখন এবং িকভােব িদেয়
Adverbial Phrase-এ ব বহার করা যােব I
করা যায় এমন শ
noun নয় বরং adverb িহেসেব
5. Present Participle/ Present Participle Phrase as post-modifier
 Present participle: Verb + ing যা Verb +Adjective এর কাজ করেব।
 Present participle Phrase: Present Participle + any Parts of Speech
[Details At Page-3]
e.g. – 1) I saw a bird _____ (Post modify the noun with a Present participle) in the sky.
(Ans-- Flying)
2) I went to college ____ (Post modify the noun with a participle) my breakfast.
(Ans-- Finishing)
6. Relative Clause as post-modifier
য সকল Clause Relative pronoun (who, which, whose, whom, that etc) িদেয়
হয় সটাই Relative Clause.
e.g. – 1) The man ______ (Post modify the noun with a relative clause) is my brother.
(Ans—Who came here yesterday )
2) Nazrul is a popular poet in Bangladesh _____ (post modify with a relative clause).
(Ans—Who is also known as the rebel poet)
**Some extended information about Relative clause –
This assignment was prepared by Atik Jawad on the
basis of lectures given by Debasis Sikder Sir.