3 MUSIC Quarter 1 Rhythm Lesson 1 SOUNDS “Sounds are heard everywhere” Let’s Learn A song is made up of a series of sounds. Sound is anything that can be heard through the ears. It is produced by a vibrating object. Sounds can be heard everywhere – at home, in school, in church, at the park, at the mall, and in many other places. These sounds may come from animals, nature, vehicles, or objects. Sources of sound: Animals Nature 1. dog 1. rain 2. cat 2. thunder 3. bird 3. waves 4. cow 4. wind 5. horse 5. Stream Vehicle Objects 1. train 1. clock 2. airplane 2. bell 3. boat 3. telephone 4. car 4. radio 5. motorcycle 5. Television Let’s Take Note Sounds are produced by different sources. They are heard in various places in loud or soft volumes. Let’s Practice A. Close your eyes and listen carefully to the surroundings. Write down the sounds that you hear. 1. _____________________ 4. ____________________ 2. _____________________ 5. ____________________ 3. _____________________ 6. ____________________ B. Sound Game 1. Each pupil will choose a sound to imitate and shall have an assigned number. 2. The game starts with the teacher calling out a number. The pupil whose number is called should make their sounds immediately. 3. If the pupil fails to make their sound at the count of five, they will be eliminated. 4. If the group makes their sound within five counts, they stay in the game then call out the next number. 5. The game continues until one pupil remains. Let’s Apply A. Identify the sound produced by the following sources. Example: car horn – beep! Beep! 1. telephone _________________ 2. raindrops _________________ 3. bird _________________ 4. train _________________ 5. doorbell _________________ B. Write down five different sounds that can be heard inside the house. Then identify the sources of these sounds. Example: songs – radio/television 1. ________________ - _____________________ 2. _________________ - ____________________ 3. _________________ - ____________________ 4. _________________ - ____________________ 5. _________________ - ____________________ C. Match the pictures to their correct sounds. Write the letters of the answers on the lines. _______ 1. a. prrt! _______ 2. b. riiing! _______ 3. c. vroooom! _______ 4. d. boom! boom! _______ 5. e. quack! Quack! Lesson 2 Silence “Silence is the opposite of sound.” Let’s Learn The opposite of sound is silence. Is there something that silence can do to someone? 1. Silence can make your eardrums rest. 2. Silence can make your body rest. 3. Silence can develop your imagination. 4. In singing silence can rest your vocal chords. Silence can do many things to a person. In singing, silence can rest the vocal chords. Let’s Practice A. Let’s learn this simple song. Then we can apply making sounds and silence. My Bunny Is Over the Ocean My bunny is over the ocean My bunny is over the sea My bunny is over the ocean O come back my bunny to me come back, Come back O come back my bunny to me to me Come back, come back O come back my bunny to me. B. What words in the song can we apply actions to? C. Make music and silence through the song. D. Did you enjoy making music and sounds? Let’s Apply Below are places where we should observe silence. Give reasons why. The first one is done for you. 1. Church people are praying People listen to the preacher 2. library 3. Bedroom 4. classroom Lesson 3 MUSIC “Music is organized sounds.” Let’s Learn Music is an arrangement of sounds that are pleasant to hear. The opposite of music is noise. Noise is a sound that is not good for the ears because they are unpleasant to hear. People use musical sounds in different ways such as: 1) playing music for dancing 2) singing songs to praise God 3) listening to song to cheer oneself 4) writing and making songs 5) listening to songs to be inspired 6) putting music in stage plays and films Let’s Take Note Music is the art of combining sounds in a pleasing way. Organized and pleasant sounds are heard in various places. A person who plays, sings, or composes music is called a musician. Let’s Practice A. What kind of sound is produced? Write M for music and N for noise on the lines. 1. choir singing ______________ 2. strumming of guitar 3. children shouting ___________ 4. leaves swaying ___________ 5. basketball game ___________ 6. market ___________ 7. piano recital ___________ 8. rain ___________ 9. alarm clock ___________ 10. flute ___________ ___________ B. Check the pictures in which pleasant sound is produced. Let’s Apply A. Match the sound to the place where it can be heard. Write the letters of the answers on the lines. Sound Place _______1. birds chirping a. concert hall _______2. flowing water b. garden _______3. orchestra playing c. street _______4. car beeping d. forest _______5. frogs croaking e. river B. List five things that produce noise in the first column and five things that produce music in the second column. Noise 1. ________________ Music 1. __________________ 2. ________________ 2. __________________ 3. ________________ 3. __________________ 4. ________________ 4. __________________ 5. ________________ __________________ 5. C. I like music because… 1. it makes me happy 2. _________________________________________________ __ 3. _________________________________________________ __ 4. _________________________________________________ __ Lesson 4 MUSICAL NOTES “Notes represent the varying duration and Pitch of sounds.” Let’s Learn Notes are musical symbols that represent the pitch of sounds. They also indicate varying duration. Some notes receive more beats while others do not. A whole note ( ) receives the most beat or has the longest sound duration. In a 4/4 time signature, a whole note receives 4 beats. A half note ( ) receives one-half of the time value of a whole note. In a 4/4 time signature, a half note receives 2 beats. A quarter note ( ) receives one-fourth of the time values of a whole note. In a 4/4 time signature, a quarter note receives 1 beat. An eighth note ( ) receives one-eighth of time values of a whole note. In a 4/4 time signature, an eighth note receives ½ beat. A sixteenth note ( ) receives one-sixteenth of the time value of a whole note. In a 4/4 time signature, a sixteenth note receives ¼ beat. It has the least or shortest duration of sound. Let’s Take Note Notes Names Whole note Time Values 4 beats half note 2 beats quarter note 1 beat eighth note ½ beat sixteenth note ¼ beat Notes equivalent a whole note = = two half notes a half note = = two quarter notes a quarter note = = two eighth notes an eighth note = = two sixteenth notes Let’s Practice A. Fill in the blanks with the correct words. 1. _________ are musical symbols that represent the varying duration and pitch of sounds. 2. A _________ note receives the most beat. 3. A _________ note receives 1 beat. 4. A _________ notes receives one-half of the time value of a whole note. 5. A sixteenth note has the least beat or shortest duration of ________. Let’s Apply A. B. Fill in the missing items in the columns. 1. Whole note = _________ beats 2. ______ note = 2 beats 3. ______ note = 1 beat 4. Eighth note = _________ beat 5. Sixteenth note = _________ beat Write the equivalent number of notes on the lines. Then draw the note/notes on the boxes at the right. 1. A quarter note is equivalent to ________________ eighth note. 2. A whole note is equivalent to _________________ quarter note. 3. Two half notes is equivalent to _______________ whole note. 4. Four eighth notes is equivalent to _____________ half notes. 5. A half note is equivalent to _______________ quarter notes. Lesson 5 MUSICAL RESTS “Musical rest means silence.” Let’s Learn Musical rest means silence. In singing, rest sign give the singer a time to breathe and pause. A whole rest hangs below line 4 of the staff. The whole rest can be used for a whole measure in any time signature. It receives the most beat or longest pause. A half rest sits on top of line 3 on the staff. It receives one-half value of a whole rest. A quarter rest receives one-fourth of the time value of a whole rest. In a 4/4 time signature, a quarter rest receives 1 beat. An eighth rest receives one-eighth of the time value of a whole rest. In a 4/4 time signature, an eighth rest receives ½ beat. A sixteenth rest receives one-sixteenth of the time value of a whole rest. In a 4/4 time signature, a sixteenth rest receives ¼ beat. Let’s Take Note Rests Names Time Values whole rest 4 beat half rest 2 beats quarter rest 1 beat eighth rest ½ beat sixteenth rest ¼ beat Let’s Practice A. Clap to these rhythmic patterns with rests. 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Let’s Apply A. Match the rests to their corresponding notes. Draw lines to connect them. 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) B. Fill in the blanks with the correct words to complete the sentences. Choose from the box. 1. Musical ________________means silence. 2. The symbols stands for ____________rest. 3. The _____________ rest receives the most beat or longest pause. 4. The different musical rests have equivalent _________. 5. An eighth rest receives ____________ beat. rest quarter ½ beat whole beats Lesson 6 BEAT AND RHYTHM “Movement of nature, animals, and things have rhythm.” Let’s Learn Rhythm is a regular beat in music. Musical rhythm may be slow, moderate, and fast. The song “Sleep My Baby” has a slow rhythm. Listen carefully as it is played. Sleep My Baby 3 4 Sleep my ba Sand man’s cal - - by close your eyes the skies 3 4 ling from “Kentucky Mountain Song” # 3 4 Down Hear in the the wind val blow, - ley, dear, val - ley hear the so wind low blow your head o - ver, hear wind blow. 3# 4 Hang the Ring Around a Rosy 3 4 Ring a- round a ros- y, a poc- ket full of ro- ses. One, two, three, we all fall down Let’s Take Note Rhythm in music is the movement of sounds made by the pattern of beats. Beat is the basic element of rhythm. Movements in nature can create rhythm. Let’s Practice A. Imitating a movement Select any animal or nature movement you want to imitate. Do the movement and the class shall guess. Let’s Apply A. Fill in the blanks with the correct words. 1. Movements in nature create a _______________ or rhythm. 2. Rhythm is made by the pattern of _________________. 3 – 5.Rhythm in music may move __________,__________,__________. B. Cut and Paste two objects that move each rhythm. Lesson fast 7 moderate slow STRONG AND WEAK BEATS “Rhythm is created by the order and strong and weak beats.” Let’s Learn Rhythm is the movement of sounds created by strong and weak beats. In a regular rhythmic pattern, the strong beat is placed on the first note and is marked with the accent sign (>) above the note. The succeeding beats in the pattern are weak beats and are marked with the sign ( ͜ ). Strong beats are sounded louder than the other notes. Let’s Take Note What we feel as strong and weak beats are called accents. Strong and weak beats come in sets. Some sets may have one strong beat and one weak beat. Other sets may have one strong beat and two weak beats or one strong beat and three weak beats. Let’s Practice A. Clap to the following rhythmic patterns. Remember to clap louder on the strong beats than on the weak beats. 2 4 > > 3 4 > > 4 4 > > > > > Let’s Apply Let’s sing the song, “Atin Cu Pung Singsing” while tappingthe desk for every > sign and snapping your finger for every sign. > > A tin cu – pung sing – sing > > Me tung yang tim pucan > > Ama na que I ti > > Quing indung I ba – tan > > Sang – can queng si ni nup > > Quing me tung a caban > > Me wala ya I – ti > > E cu ca ma la yan Lesson 8 RHYTHMIC PATTERN “Songs are made up of similar or different rhythmic patterns. Let’s Learn Musical pieces are made up of rhythmic patterns. A rhythmic pattern is composed of sets of beats that may be similar or different in notes or rests and time values. A bar line is used to divide a complete measure of similar or different rhythmic patterns. Similar rhythmic pattern is made up of the same notes or rests with the same time values. Different rhythmic pattern is made up of different notes or rests with different time values. Let’s Take Note Similar rhythmic pattern is made up of the same notes with the same values. Different rhythmic pattern is composed of different notes with different time values. Let’s Practice A. Draw sets of notes to create similar rhythmic patterns. 1. ___________________ 2. ___________________ 3. ___________________ 4. ___________________ 5. ___________________ B. Cross out (Х) the sets of notes that have different rhythmic patterns. Let’s Apply Identify whether the rhythmic patterns are similar or different. Write similar or different on the lines. 1. ________________ 2. ________________ 3. _________________ 4. ________________ 5. 3 Arts Quarter 1 LINES EVERYWHERE “Lines make up the forms and shapes of different things.” Let’s Start Look at the illustration below. Can you identify the straight lines? What are the different curved lines? Let’s Discuss A line is formed when two points are connected. There are many kinds of lines, but they are usually classified into two – the straight lines and the curved lines. A. Straight Lines Vertical lines horizontal lines diagonal line _________ _________ _________ Broken lines zigzag lines B. Curved Lines Single curve slow curve quick curve Slow double curve or wavy lines concave line convex line Do you know that different lines convey messages? Each kind of line symbolizes a character trait, an idea, or emotion. The directions and movements of a line can suggest different meanings. Straight line A straight line suggests steadiness, balance, and calmness. Horizontal lines indicate rest, quietness, peace, relaxation, and serenity. A long horizontal line gives a sense of infinity. Long lines suggest peacefulness, while shortlines tend to be exciting. Vertical lines symbolize poise, strength, stability, force, and readiness for action though not yet in action. Diagonal lines suggest action, instability, loss of control, and independence. Broken lines connote movement or restlessness. A diagonal line that approaches a vertical line shares the force and self-sufficiency of the vertical line. A diagonal line that approaches a horizontal line shares its abandonment. At an angle of forty-five degrees (45̊ ), the diagonal Line represents a maximum action, being halfway between the independence of the vertical line and the peacefulness of the horizontal line. Curved Lines A curved line indicates action, life, energy, and pleasure. A single curve is a single arc or C-curve. A double curve is an arc that turns back on itself, forming an S curve. A slow curve is an arc of a large circle which suggests elegance. Hence an oval face is more elegant than a moon face. A quick curve is an arc of a small cubicle which connotes exuberance. Thus, the quick curve of a fat baby face may mean health and solidity. The slow double curve is the most elegant, beautiful line. It is also known as Hogarth’s line of grace. Most artwork have at least one slow double curve, the line of gracefulness and beauty. Curved lines signify restlessness or movement. They need the steadying influence of the adjacent straight lines. Spiral lines suggest fascination. Let’s Recall A line is a set of points connected together. Lines make up the forms and shapes of different things. They can be classified into straight lines and curved lines. The straight lines are horizontal, vertical, slant or diagonal, zigzag, and broken lines. The curved lines are quick curve, slow curve, single curve, double curve, slow double curve, concave, and convex curves. Let’s Create Activity A draw 1. 2. 3. 4. Get one sheet of bond paper. Divide it into four equal parts and in each part what is describe below. Look outside the window. Observe the leaves of the plants when the wind blows. Draw the leaves as they move. Draw how your mother’s laundry looks on a windy day. Close your eyes. Imagine you are at the seashore. How does the sea look when it is windy? Draw the moving waters. Have you seen a hill? Describe how it looks, then draw a hill with some trees. Activity B 1. Have you seen people at work in the community? Can you tell their occupation by their actions? Look at the picture below. What are the people doing? Do you find a similar scene in your community? 2. Look at the farmer plowing his fields. He looks small as he is far from you in this wide area of land. 3. On a whole sheet of bond paper, draw your Favorite community helper at work. Let’s Appreciate A. Answer the following questions. 1. What different lines did you use in your line drawings? _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ 2. 3. What can you say about your line drawing activity? What feelings does it express? _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ Which lines showed stability? quietness? elegance motion or restlessness? ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ 4. Did you enjoy making line drawings? Why? ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ 5. What is the importance of lines? ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ B. Identify what is being described in each of the following phrases. Write the answer on the line. ________________ 1. A set of points connected together ________________ 2. Represents maximum action at an angle of 45 degrees (45̊) ________________ 3. Indicate action, life, energy, and pleasure ________________ 4. Suggest steadiness, balance, and calmness ________________ 5. The most elegant, beautiful line also known as Hogarth’s line of grace. C. Draw a market place in the box below. Show people selling their goods. ART RUBRICS 4 3 1 ON TASK I used my time well. I was focused on task. COMPOSITION The art elements are balanced and work well together. CREATIVITY My art is unique and shows my own ideas. I was creative WORK QUALITY My art is carefully made. I paid attention to details. SHAPES AND DESIGNS Let’s Start “All things around us have varied forms And shapes.” Look at the different shapes in the box below. Are these shapes familiar to you? Circle square Diamond triangle Rectangle oblong Let’s Discuss A shape is formed by connecting lines and enclosing a space. The basic or primary shapes square, triangle, oblong, and circle. These are called geometric shapes. Some shapes have sides and corners. These are square, rectangle, triangle, and diamond. Other shapes have no sides and corners, like the circle and oblong. Some shapes are natural, like the shape of flowers, tress, leaves, fishes, birds, and animals. They are organic or free in form. Associating Objects with different Shapes Look at the pictures below. What kind of shapes are they? Why are they called such? What shapes can you associate with each object? Do you know that you can make interesting designs by putting together different lines and shapes? You can create a geometric design by contrasting two kinds of lines – curved and straight lines to create different shapes. You can arrange the shapes in various positions – horizontally, vertically, or diagonally. You can also repeat a certain shape to compose an interesting design. Look at the artwork below. What contrasting lines were used? What shapes were used to create this beautiful picture. Let’s Recal A shape is formed by connecting lines and enclosing a space. Different objects may be described according to their shapes. Putting together different lines and shapes can result in an interesting design. A geometric design is created by contrasting two kinds of lines in terms of type or size. Let’s Create Activity 1 1) Get a piece of art paper. Fold it into parts and cut. What shape was made? 2) Get a piece of the art paper. Starting from the corner, fold it in the middle over the opposite corner. Cut it along the fold. What shapes have you formed? 3) Get another piece of the cut art paper. Fold it in the middle lengthwise. Fold it again, then cut. What shapes have you formed? 4) Get another piece of the cut art paper. How will you make a circle out of this. 5) Make as many shapes of different sizes (some big, others small) and colors. 6) Arrange the shapes on a sheet of bond paper or any color of art paper you like. Choose a contrasting color so that the shapes can be seen. Example: Place light-colored art paper pieces against a dark-colored art paper. 7) Give a title to your artwork. Activity 2 1. 2. to Draw different shapes of various sizes. Try to connect these shapes or put one on top of the other Make an interesting design; or you can repeat the shapes but Arrange them in different ways. Look at the examples below. 3 Physical Education Quarter 1 CORRECT POSTURE AND PHYSICAL FITNESS EXERCISE “Observing the correct posture in different positions and performing physical fitness exercise help keep the body fit. Let’s Warm Up People have different postures because of differences in bone features. But there is a standard posture that defines how the body should be carried. This standard posture can also be developed through fitness exercise. As a result, these increase Let’s Play Sitting - The head, neck, and body should be in a straight line. - Hips should lean back against the chair. - Both legs are in line with the feet, knees bent forming a right angle. - Feet are set flat on the floor. Standing - The head is up, chin inward, stomach in, back straight, and shoulder relaxed. - Feet should be flat on the floor, weight evenly distributed on balls and heels of the feet, feet parallel and two to four inches apart. - Chest out while buttocks should be a little bit inward. - Arms are placed downward at the sides. Walking - Good walking posture is a combination of balance and rhythm. The head, upper trunk, and arms are responsible for the balance while the movement of one’s feet gives the rhythm. - In stepping, the heel should touch first with weight transferred quickly to the ball of foot and go for a push. - Legs swing freely from the hips with knees bent enough to lift foot from the floor. - Arms swing sideward alternately and eyes focused on the floor at about 50 to 60 feet ahead. Climbing the Stairs - Step the right foot forward on the first step of the stairs. - Straighten the left knee to carry the body’s weight. - Once the right foot is stable, gradually transfer the body weight on this foot. Then lift the left foot and place it on the second step of the stairs. - Both feet carry the body upward with alternating movements. Going Downstairs - Hold on the side rails of the stairs while going down. - Put the right foot down on the first step and bend the left foot until the weight of the body is transferred on the right foot. - Straighten the right knee to carry the left foot and go down the second step of the stairs. - Repeat with alternating steps of the feet. Picking up an Object - To pick an object from the floor, bend the knees instead of learning the whole body forward. - Kneel down then carry the object upward gradually by effort from the feet. Physical fitness exercises are conditioning activities that help enhance the general fitness of an individual. Doing fitness exercises improves the capacity of the body to perform tasks. It is best to include stretching and jogging in fitness exercise. Selected Fitness Exercise Jogging Jogging is a slow run which is usually done as a Warm-up exercise. It helps condition the heart and lungs. Push-up Push-up is one of the best exercises to develop upper body strength. Push-ups work out the chest and arms. Squat Squat is a good lower body exercise. Squat Develop the thighs, hips, and lower back. Let’s Remember Always observe proper posture to be physically fit. Good posture involves correct position in sitting, standing, walking, climbing the stairs, going downstairs, and picking up objects. Physical fitness exercises are conditioning activities that help improve the capacity of the body for physical tasks. They include stretching and jogging which are done usually as warm-up exercise. Let’s Cool Down A. Color the face that best describes your answer. Easy Average Difficult 1. I execute good posture while sitting. 2. I executed good posture while standing. 3. I executed proper posture while walking. 4. I executed proper posture while climbing and going down the stairs. 5. I executed proper posture while picking up objects. 6. I executed the physical fitness exercises properly. B. Answer the following questions in 3-5 sentences. 1) Why is it important to execute good posture in different positions? 2) What is the importance of doing physical fitness exercises. 3) How can correct posture and physical fitness exercises keep the body fit? KICKING AND DRIBBLING “ Kicking and dribbling skills develop the movement capacity of the lower extremities.” Let’s Warm Up The movement skills of the lower extremities, from the hips down to the toes, can be developed through kicking and foot dribbling exercise. Exercises can be done in a stationary position or moving and changing directions. Let’s Play Kicking Skills Be in a stationary position. The knee prior to striking is in slightly bent position. The swinging of the right or left leg forward results in a pushing action. During the initial stage of the kicking action, your body is in stationary position. Knee bending of the kicking leg is gradually increased and this results in swinging of the leg forward. Contrasting movements of the upper and lower extremities occur during the motion. The preparatory phase involves taking a deliberate step or steps forward the ball. The striking foot remains near the surface. The toes are kept downward to be in contact with the inside of the foot. Body leans forward, the follow-through may result in a kick that show pushing action. Lead-up Games Title: Hitting the cone Object: To knock over the cone Directions: 1. Mark a distance of ten meters between the kicking line and the cone. 2. Divide the players into two teams with equal number of members. 3. The players of each team stand in column behind the kicking line. 4. Number the team players consecutively. 5. The player of each team whose number is called will kick the ball and hit the cone from the line. 6. The team with the most hits wins the game. Title: Zigzag Relay-Ball Control Directions: 1) Draw two lines, fifteen meters apart. 2) Place some cones along the line. 3) Divide the players into two teams w/ equal number of members. Form a column behind the starting line. 4) At the signal, the first player will kick the ball forward passing in between the cones in a zigzag motion. 5) The first player passes the ball to the next player upon reaching his team. The first group to finish wins the game. Foot Dribble Skills Dribbling is a way of advancing the ball until your opponent forces you to pass. Using the inside /outside of the foot, roll the ball on the ground. Strike the ball using either a single foot or alternate feet. Do not dribble using your toes or else you will lose control with the ball and it will go far. Lead-up Games Title: Foot Dribble Games Direction: 1. Form a circle consisting of 10 members. 2. One student in the circle will take the ball. 3. Another student will serve as the “IT” 4. The one who has the ball will pass it to the other student in the circle as the IT approaches him. 5. A student is caught if: a. He/she tagged by on IT. b. The ball is stolen from him/her. 6. The tagged student will now become the new IT. 7. Students change roles from time to time. Let’s Remember Kicking and dribbling skills are important to master movement capacity of the lower extremities. Let’s Cool Down A. Color the face that best describes your answer. Difficult Average 1. I performed kicking skills properly. 2. I executed foot dribble skills properly. 3. I participated in the lead-up games properly. B. Answer the following question in 3-5 sentences. How important are kicking and dribbling skills in ball control? Easy 3 HEALTH Quarter 1 NUTRITION “Healthy Kids is full of fun” Let’s Learn A person with a good health is likely to have activities and processes working on their own. Regular exercise, balanced nutrition, and adequate rest contribute to good health. Malnutrition is a condition that results from a diet where there is too much or too little nutrition, not enough or too much food causes health problems. It can be combined with calories, protein, carbohydrates, fat, vitamins or minerals. It is a group of foods and activities that will keep the body healthy. Fruits Proper exercise Vegetables Proper sleep Let’s Take Note A person with good health is likely to have activities and processes that work on their own. Regular exercise, balanced nutrition, and adequate rest contribute to good health. Malnutrition is characterized by lack, excess or imbalance of nutrients. There are two forms of malnutrition, undernutrition and overnutrition. Let’s Practice A. Choose five (5) foods or activities below that will help the person stay healthy. Draw your choice in your activity notebook. B. Choose appropriate words that describe a healthy child and an unhealthy child. Choose your answer inside the box and put it in the correct column. Junk foods Late sleep apple drink 8-10 glasses of water chocolate cake icecream fruits Healthy child Unhealthy child Let’s Apply A. Write the letter H on the line if the food or activity shown is nutritious and the letter NH if it is not. _____1. _____4. _____2 _____5. _____ 3. B. Draw your favorite nutritious food inside the box. Nutrition “Causes of food insecurity” Let’s Learn Protein-energy malnutrition is characterized by a person’s lack of protein and health energy. This is due to an unbalanced diet. With protein-energy malnutrition it lacks the nutrients in proteins and carbohydrates in the diet. A child with protein-energy malnutrition looks bad or small, feels weak and numb and does not understand the lesson. 6 Major nutrients - Protein - Carbohydrates - Fat - Vitamins - Minerals - Water Malnutrition in protein - energy Signs and Symptoms Effect - easy to get -weak resistance tired of - poor growth and - low weight development - slow growth Control - eating food rich in carbohydrates and proteins Let’s Take Note Protein malnutrition - energy is a form of undernutrition. It is a lack of nutrients in proteins and carbohydrates in the diet. A child with protein-energy malnutrition looks bad or small, feels weak and numb and does not understand the lesson. Let’s Practice Instructions: Write TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if the statement is incorrect. Write the answer in the activity notebook ________1.The child will suffer from malnutrition by eating less. _______ 2. A child who eats too much will suffer from malnutrition. ______ _3. Suffering from protein malnutrition – the fat child is energy. _______ 4. A child with protein-energy malnutrition does not learn very well. ________5.A child with malnutrition lacks protein and carbohydrates. Let’s Apply A. Choose column B for the correct answer for column A. Write the answer before each number. Letter only A B ______1. Protein a. Promoting normal growth ______2. Carbohydrates b. supporting heart function, metabolism, bone / tooth formation. ______3. Fat c. storage and energy ______4. Vitamin d. body building nutrients ______5. Minerals e. will provide strong nutrients B. Draw inside the box five (5) foods we need to eat to prevent protein-energy malnutrition.