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Step 3 Essay-The chief causes of shoplifting.edited

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The Chief Causes of Shoplifting
Shoplifting is a concerning issue with several causes that threaten the stability of retailers
globally. One of the chief causes of shoplifting is economic necessity. Issues like personal
financial hardship, unemployment, and poverty can prompt an individual to this motive. Poverty
can be either absolute where a person lacks the minimal material necessities for survival or
relative where a person experiences an extreme income inequality (Papaioannou 2). In each case,
an individual is prompted to shoplift to obtain a daily need. Hence, the economic status of an
individual particularly poor economic status can cause shoplifting behavior.
Psychological conditions also play a pertinent role in shoplifting. Psychological factors
such as impulse control, aggressiveness suppression, and consideration for others as well as selfregulation are greatly associated with criminal behavior (Zhuang 678). Impulse control is a
developmental issue where children and adolescents aged 14 years are said to have attained
nearly 65% while an individual attains around 95% at 19 years. According to Zhuang, a lack of
adequate impulse control is associated with a high rate of shoplifting and other crimes among
juveniles as they cannot make informed decisions (678). Moreover, stress and kleptomania tend
to impact one’s decision-making. Kleptomania is a psychological condition in which an
individual experiences a strong urge to steal and is considered among the few disorders
associated with illegal behaviors (Blum et al 186). The disorder has an inhibitory effect on a
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person’s self-control which predisposes one to shoplifting. It implies that individuals with
kleptomania and other psychological issues are more likely to steal than those without.
Conclusively, shoplifting is a serious issue with several primary causes negatively
affecting retailers worldwide. The most common key causes of shoplifting include economic
status and psychological factors. Hence, it is essential to consider the varied key causes of
shoplifting when developing intervention measures to address the problem effectively.
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Works Cited
Blum, Austin W., et al. "Stealing behavior and impulsivity in individuals with kleptomania who
have been arrested for shoplifting." Comprehensive Psychiatry 80 (2018): 186-191.
Papaioannou, Kostadis J. "Hunger makes a thief of any man": Poverty and crime in British
colonial Asia." European Review of Economic History 21.1 (2017): 1-28.
Zhuang, Yaming. "Causes of Juvenile Shoplifting: Perspectives from Behavioral Economics and
Psychology." 2022 3rd International Conference on Mental Health, Education and
Human Development (MHEHD 2022). Atlantis Press, 2022.