TTree September 25, 2023 [1]: import ctypes from array import array import numpy as np import ROOT from ROOT import ( TF1, TH1F, TCanvas, TFormula, TPad, TPaveLabel, TPaveText, addressof, gBenchmark, kBlue, ) %jsroot off Welcome to JupyROOT 6.28/04 [2]: # ����Tree��tree1.root # �����Tree������ f = ROOT.TFile("tree1.root", "recreate") t1 = ROOT.TTree("t1", "�����������Tree") px, py, pz = ctypes.c_double(0), ctypes.c_double(0), ctypes.c_double(0) random = ctypes.c_double(0) ev = ctypes.c_int(0) t1.Branch("px", px, "px/D") t1.Branch("py", py, "py/D") t1.Branch("pz", pz, "pz/D") t1.Branch("random", random, "random/D") t1.Branch("ev", ev, "ev/I") # ��Tree 1 for i in range(10000): ROOT.gRandom.Rannor(px, py) pz.value = px.value**2 + py.value**2 random.value = ROOT.gRandom.Rndm() ev.value = i t1.Fill() # ��Tree�������������������� t1.Write() [2]: 794 [3]: # ��tree1w���Tree�������� # ��ROOT������ROOT����� import ctypes import ROOT # ���� "tree1.root" �ROOT�� f = ROOT.TFile("tree1.root") # �������� "t1" �TTree�� t1 = f.Get("t1") # ������������� px, py, pz = ctypes.c_double(0), ctypes.c_double(0), ctypes.c_double(0) random = ctypes.c_double(0) ev = ctypes.c_int(0) # ����TTree�������� t1.SetBranchAddress("px", px) t1.SetBranchAddress("py", py) t1.SetBranchAddress("pz", pz) t1.SetBranchAddress("random", random) t1.SetBranchAddress("ev", ev) # ��������� hpx = ROOT.TH1F("hpx", "px��", 100, -3, 3) hpxpy = ROOT.TH2F("hpxpy", "py vs px", 30, -3, 3, 30, -3, 3) # ��TTree����������������� nentries = t1.GetEntries() for i in range(nentries): t1.GetEntry(i) # ���������������������������� hpx.Fill(px.value) hpxpy.Fill(px.value, py.value) 2 # ������ "c1" ��������������� c1 = ROOT.TCanvas("c1", "c1", 600, 600) c1.Divide(1, 2) # ���������� # ������������ "hpx" hpx.Draw() # ���������� # ������������ "hpxpy" hpxpy.Draw() # ���� c1.Draw() t1.Delete() Warning in <TFile::Init>: file tree1.root probably not closed, trying to recover Info in <TFile::Recover>: tree1.root, recovered key TTree:t1 at address 307892 Warning in <TFile::Init>: successfully recovered 1 keys 3 [4]: ## NOTE: comparing the results of this macro with those of staff.C, you'll ## notice that the resultant file is a couple of bytes smaller, because the ## code below strips all white-spaces, whereas the .C version does not. import array import os import re import ROOT from ROOT import TFile, TTree, addressof, gROOT # gROOT.ProcessLine�������staff_t�C/C++���� # �����������ASCII���������������� # �����������Category�Flag�Age�Service�Children�Grade�Step�Hrweek�Cost� 4 # �����������Division�Nation�� gROOT.ProcessLine( "struct staff_t {\ Int_t Category;\ UInt_t Flag;\ Int_t Age;\ Int_t Service;\ Int_t Children;\ Int_t Grade;\ Int_t Step;\ Int_t Hrweek;\ Int_t Cost;\ Char_t Division[4];\ Char_t Nation[3];\ };" ) ## Function to read in data from ASCII file and fill the ROOT tree def staff(): # staff()������ASCII���������ROOT Tree staff = ROOT.staff_t() # The input file cern.dat is a copy of the CERN staff data base # from 1988 f = TFile("staff.root", "RECREATE") tree = TTree("T", "staff data from ascii file") # ��tree.Branch()�����Tree�������������������������� # ������������'staff'���������������������� # 'staff'������������Tree�������� # staff�����������������staff������������������� # 'Category/I:Flag:Age:Service:Children:Grade:Step:Hrweek: ↪Cost'�������������������������������������� # Category/I��������I������������'Category'� # Flag�Age�Service�Children�Grade�Step�Hrweek�Cost�����������������staff����������� tree.Branch( "staff", staff, "Category/I:Flag:Age:Service:Children:Grade:Step:Hrweek: ↪Cost" ) # # # # ������������'Divisions'�������������'Division'��������������������� 'Divisions'������������������ addressof( staff, 'Division' )�����staff���'Division'������������������������� 'Division/C'������������������������������C�������'Division'� 5 tree.Branch("Divisions", addressof(staff, "Division"), "Division/C") tree.Branch("Nation", addressof(staff, "Nation"), "Nation/C") # print(str(ROOT.gROOT.GetTutorialDir())) # ����� # note that the branches Division and Nation cannot be on the first branch fname = os.path.join(str(ROOT.gROOT.GetTutorialDir()), "tree", "cernstaff. ↪dat") for line in open(fname).readlines(): t = list(filter(lambda x: x, re.split("\s+", line))) staff.Category = int(t[0]) # assign as integers staff.Flag = int(t[1]) staff.Age = int(t[2]) staff.Service = int(t[3]) staff.Children = int(t[4]) staff.Grade = int(t[5]) staff.Step = int(t[6]) staff.Hrweek = int(t[7]) staff.Cost = int(t[8]) staff.Division = t[9] # assign as strings staff.Nation = t[10] # print(t[9],t[10]) # ���������������������������� TTree ������� tree.Fill() tree.Print() tree.Write() #### run fill function if invoked on CLI if __name__ == "__main__": staff() ****************************************************************************** *Tree :T : staff data from ascii file * *Entries : 3354 : Total = 172140 bytes File Size = 48245 * * : : Tree compression factor = 2.84 * ****************************************************************************** *Br 0 :staff : Category/I:Flag:Age:Service:Children:Grade:Step:Hrweek:* * | Cost * *Entries : 3354 : Total Size= 122254 bytes File Size = 29072 * *Baskets : 3 : Basket Size= 32000 bytes Compression= 3.30 * *…* *Br 1 :Divisions : Division/C * *Entries : 3354 : Total Size= 25330 bytes File Size = 9839 * *Baskets : 1 : Basket Size= 32000 bytes Compression= 2.11 * *…* 6 *Br 2 :Nation : Nation/C *Entries : 3354 : Total Size= *Baskets : 1 : Basket Size= *…* 24209 bytes 32000 bytes File Size = Compression= * 9334 * 2.19 * [5]: # ������ "c2" ��������� "The FillRandom example"������� (200, 10)���� 700���� 900� # �������������18� c2 = TCanvas("c2", "The FillRandom exmple", 200, 10, 700, 900) c2.SetFillColor(18) # TPad # ������������� # ������������� # ���������������������������X�������Y�������X�������Y��� # ��������������������21� # ���� Draw() ��������������� c2 �� pad1 = TPad("pad1", "The pad with the function", 0.05, 0.50, 0.95, 0.95, 21) pad2 = TPad("pad2", "The pad with the histogram", 0.05, 0.05, 0.95, 0.45, 21) pad1.Draw() pad2.Draw() gBenchmark.Start("fillrandom") # cd �������������� pad1.SetGridx() pad1.SetGridy() pad1.GetFrame().SetFillColor(42) pad1.GetFrame().SetBorderMode(-1) pad1.GetFrame().SetBorderSize(5) # ������� formula form1 = TFormula("form1", "abs(sin(x)/x)") sqroot = TF1("sqroot", "x*gaus(0)+[3]*form1", 0, 10) sqroot.SetParameters(10, 4, 1, 20) sqroot.SetLineColor(4) sqroot.SetLineWidth(6) sqroot.Draw() # 0,10������ # 5, 39������� 9.8, 46������ lfunction = TPaveLabel(5, 39, 9.8, 46, "The sqroot function") lfunction.SetFillColor(41) lfunction.Draw() c2.Update() 7 pad2.GetFrame().SetFillColor(42) pad2.GetFrame().SetBorderMode(-1) pad2.GetFrame().SetBorderSize(5) # 200���0-10�������� (0,10)���� h1f = TH1F("h1f", "Test random numbers", 200, 0, 10) h1f.SetFillColor(45) # � sqroot ��������� h1f.FillRandom("sqroot", 10000) # �� # h1f.SetFillColor(45) # h1f.Fit("sqroot") # h1f.Draw() # c2.Update() # c2.Draw() # # Open a ROOT file and save the formula, function and histogram # myfile = TFile("py-fillrandom.root", "RECREATE") form1.Write() sqroot.Write() h1f.Write() myfile.Close() gBenchmark.Show("fillrandom") fillrandom: Real Time = 0.35 seconds Cpu Time = 0.24 seconds [6]: c3 = TCanvas("c3", "The Fit Canvas", 200, 10, 700, 500) c3.SetGridx() c3.SetGridy() c3.GetFrame().SetFillColor(21) c3.GetFrame().SetBorderMode(-1) c3.GetFrame().SetBorderSize(5) gBenchmark.Start("fit1") FilePath = "./py-fillrandom.root" if ROOT.gSystem.AccessPathName(FilePath): ROOT.Info(f"{FilePath} does not exist") exit() fill = TFile(FilePath) 8 sqroot = gROOT.FindObject("sqroot") sqroot.Print() # ����� sqroot ����� h1f h1f = gROOT.FindObject("h1f") h1f.SetFillColor(45) h1f.Fit("sqroot") fitlabel = TPaveText(0.6, 0.3, 0.9, 0.80, "NDC") fitlabel.SetTextAlign(12) fitlabel.SetFillColor(42) fitlabel.AddText("---text1").SetTextColor(kBlue) fitlabel.AddText("---text2").SetTextColor(5) fitlabel.AddText("---text3").SetTextSize(0.04) fitlabel.AddText("---text4") fitlabel.AddText("---text5") fitlabel.AddText("---text6") fitlabel.AddText("***text7***") fitlabel.SetAllWith("**", "color", 2) # fitlabel.ReadFile(path.join(str(gROOT.GetTutorialDir()), 'pyroot', 'fit1_py. ↪py')) fitlabel.Draw() c3.Update() c3.Draw() gBenchmark.Show("fit1") TFile** ./py-fillrandom.root TFile* ./py-fillrandom.root KEY: TFormula form1;1 abs(sin(x)/x) KEY: TF1 sqroot;1 x*gaus(0)+[3]*form1 KEY: TH1F h1f;1 Test random numbers Formula based function: sqroot sqroot : x*gaus(0)+[3]*form1 Ndim= 1, Npar= 4, Number= 0 Formula expression: x*[p0]*exp(-0.5*((x-[p1])/[p2])*((x-[p1])/[p2]))+[p3]*(abs(sin(x)/x)) Contained histogram TH1.Print Name = Func, Entries= 100, Total sum= 1514.36 FCN=172.13 FROM MIGRAD STATUS=CONVERGED 150 CALLS 151 TOTAL EDM=5.15834e-07 STRATEGY= 1 ERROR MATRIX ACCURATE EXT PARAMETER STEP FIRST NO. NAME VALUE ERROR SIZE DERIVATIVE 1 p0 3.38484e+01 5.48221e-01 2.86464e-03 -5.08033e-04 2 p1 4.01311e+00 1.63652e-02 8.60322e-05 -7.51054e-02 3 p2 9.55277e-01 1.19748e-02 5.28490e-05 -5.46868e-02 4 p3 6.50605e+01 1.33707e+00 8.22891e-03 -6.40866e-06 9 fit1 : Real Time = 0.14 seconds Cpu Time = [ ]: [ ]: [ ]: 10 0.12 seconds