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Bulgaria's Position on European Refugee Crisis (UNHCR)

The Republic of Bulgaria Position Paper
– The Republic of Bulgaria
Committee – United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
– Deliberation of the refugee crisis in Europe, with a special emphasis on Ukraine and Syria
Bulgaria is a nation that revolutionaries put a lot of work into creating. The road of peace and fraternity
has always been taken by the Bulgarian administration. It has always made an effort to inspire and make
other nations stand up. Numerous nations who are desperately in need of assistance have received aid
constantly from our nation.
The Bulgarian government has always welcomed assistance and will continue to do so for millennia. The
Russia-Ukraine conflict has had an impact on the entire world and has drastically altered people's lives.
It is a global problem, and its effects have been particularly severe in all countries.
CauseAccording to the Bulgarian government, these problems only arise from a lack of authority and
discipline. Representatives of the country frequently mislead the people and act against the interests of
the whole. Civil wars and wars over money and power are causes of conflict. Since we have always
believed in brotherhood, we embrace all people as refugees because we recognise that their leaders are
to blame, not the citizens themselves. If individuals would just take the time to consider all the possible
meanings, most misunderstandings might be avoided. It's time that we start feeling the need to work
together and collaborate going forward to address global issues rather than domestic ones.
Country’s StandOur diligent efforts with the UNHCR, FAO, and UNSC are a sign of our dedication to raising living
standards, coordinating the management of the Syrian Crisis, Russian hostilities in the Ukraine, and the
UN Security Council, as well as ensuring the safe and secure progress of negotiations.
With the help of UNHCR, a large number of Syrian and Ukrainian refugees have been transferred to
Bulgaria. By the middle of November, we want to relocate these migrants into hotels and public housing
thanks to funding.
The Republic of Bulgaria encourages all nations to work continuously toward greater peace in order to
avoid conflict and never subject future generations to a catastrophe of this nature. We continue to
stand behind the countries who are dealing with the severe repercussions of such conflicts and crises.
We just ratified the First Resolution for Providing Military Help to Ukraine, demonstrating our support
for Ukraine as an ally and recipient of aid.
The UN's ideals, stability, and unity have always been defended by the Bulgarian government as a
member of the organisation. We are adamant that this situation can be handled delicately and that
further peace objectives may be reached via cooperation.
Establishing a Pact that forbids nations from starting wars and unites all nations under a single
government where no decisions may be made without a majority.
There shouldn't be a Veto Power since it makes the citizens of the country feel resentful and less
All Wars should be ended via negotiations, whether they be the Syrian Civil War or the UkraineRussian conflict. The topic of climate change and the solar storm that will hit Earth in 2024–2025
should be discussed by all leaders.
The creation of a nationwide United Armed Force and Refugee Group is necessary. All nations
should be unarmed, and this United Rescue Group should assist any nation in need within 48
hours of a catastrophe.
There should be international events that promote equality and unity among younger
Last but not least, the crisis in Ukraine has illustrated the need for peace and a long-term resolution. On
our globe, achieving peaceful cohabitation has become a method. We shouldn't endanger our own lives
since extinction could be close at hand. To settle the disputes and misunderstandings that have so far
arisen, we should all work together.
As a global family, let's band together to heal the scars of war. Let's all engage in talks to find a solution
to these ongoing issues. We are eager to collaborate with other nations who share our sense of
responsibility in order to create a more safe and secure world.