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Power Systems Resources: Books & References

ABB, “Protective Relaying Theory and Applications”, Marcel Dekker, 2004.
ABB, “Power Transformers & Short Circuits- evaluation of the short circuit performance of power transformers”, ABB, 2014.
Abdel-Salam, M., Anis, H., El-Morshedy, A. and Radwan, R., “High Voltage Engineering-Theory and Practice”, 2nd Edition,
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Acevedo, M.F., “Introduction to Renewable Power Systems and the Environment with R”, CRC Press, 2019.
Acha, E., Roncero-Sanchez, P., Villa-Jaen, A., Casro, L.M., Kazemtabrizi, B. “VSC-FACTS-HVDC: Analysis, Modelling and
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Acosta, O.N., “Power Plant Stability, Capacitors, and Grounding: Numerical Solutions”, McGraw-Hill, 2012.
Agrawal, K.C., “Electrical Power Engineering-Reference & Application Handbook”, CRC Press, 2007.
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