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Growth Hormone & IGF-1 Guide by Coach Steve

Copyright (c) Vigorous Steve 2020. All rights reserved.
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Published on www.vigoroussteve.com
First Edition, 2020
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This eBook does not contain ANY medical advice. The author of this eBook, Coach Steve is NOT
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Table of Contents
Comprehensive Guide to Growth Hormone | Insulin-like Growth Factor-1 ........... 7
Hormone Reference Ranges ....................................................................................... 8
Peptide Hormones............................................................................................................... 9
Thyroid Hormones ............................................................................................................. 10
Growth Hormone ............................................................................................................ 11
Growth Hormone Isoforms ....................................................................................... 11
Promoting Growth Hormone Secretion .................................................................. 12
Impaired Growth Hormone Secretion .................................................................... 13
Recombinant Human Growth Hormone (rhGH) ......................................................... 14
Medical Growth Hormone Therapy ......................................................................... 14
Exogenous Growth Hormone Side Effects ............................................................. 15
Water Retention & Carpal Tunnel Syndrome ........................................................ 16
Insulin Resistance ............................................................................................................. 17
Gynecomastia ...................................................................................................................... 17
Progression of Cancer & Tumors ................................................................................ 18
Taurine ................................................................................................................................... 20
Vitamin B6 Pyridoxal-5-Phosphate (P5P) ................................................................. 21
Exogenous Growth Hormone Positive Effects ...................................................... 22
Growth Hormone Pharmaceuticals ......................................................................... 23
Pharmaceutical Grade...................................................................................................... 25
Chinese & Indian Generics ............................................................................................ 26
Administration Techniques ...................................................................................... 27
Sub-Cutaneous (SubQ) ..................................................................................................... 27
Intra-Muscular (IM) ........................................................................................................... 28
Testing Growth Hormone Quality ........................................................................... 29
Serum Growth Hormone & Insulin-like Growth Factor-1 Test ....................... 30
The ROIDTEST™ Growth Hormone Test Kit ............................................................ 31
Growth Hormone Protocols ...................................................................................... 33
Blood Glucose Level Monitor (Glucometer) ............................................................ 35
Maximizing Insulin-like Growth Factor-1 (IGF-1) Production ......................... 37
Maximizing Fat Loss ......................................................................................................... 38
Maximizing Hyperplasia & Preventing Insulin Resistance .............................. 39
Growth Hormone (GH) & Thyroxine (T4) for Thyroid Conversion................... 41
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Growth Hormone Secretagogues ................................................................................. 44
Ibutamoren (MK-677) ....................................................................................................... 44
Growth Hormone-Releasing Peptide-2 (GHRP-2).................................................. 46
Growth Hormone-Releasing Peptide-6 (GHRP-6).................................................. 47
CJC-1295 DAC ....................................................................................................................... 49
Examorelin, Ipamorelin, Somatorelin & Tesamorelin ....................................... 51
Modified Growth Hormone Peptides .......................................................................... 52
Growth Hormone Fragment 176-191 (HGH Frag. 176-191) ............................... 52
Anti-Obesity Drug 9604 (AOD-9604) ........................................................................... 53
Insulin-like Growth Factor-1 (IGF-1) ........................................................................... 54
Promoting Insulin-like Growth Factor-1 Secretion ............................................. 55
Impaired Insulin-like Growth Factor-1 Secretion ................................................ 56
Insulin-like Growth Factor-1 & Insulin Sensitivity .............................................. 58
Insulin-like Growth Factor-1 & Localized Growth ............................................... 59
Insulin-like Growth Factor-1 Pharmaceuticals ..................................................... 60
Increlex (Mecasermin) ..................................................................................................... 60
iPlex (Mecasermin Rinfabate) ....................................................................................... 61
Insulin-like Growth Factor-1 Generics ................................................................... 63
Insulin-like Growth Factor-1, Long Arginine 3 (IGF-1 LR3)............................... 63
Insulin-like Growth Factor Desamino 1,3 (IGF-1 DES) ........................................ 64
Pegylated Mechano Growth Factor (PEG-MGF) ...................................................... 64
Insulin-like Growth Factor-1 Protocols .................................................................. 66
Restoring Insulin-like Growth Factor-1 Sensitivity ............................................. 67
Metformin (Glucophage) ................................................................................................. 68
Abbreviations .................................................................................................................. 70
Supplement Resources .................................................................................................. 74
Copyright (c) Vigorous Steve 2020 www.vigoroussteve.com
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Comprehensive Guide to Growth
Hormone | Insulin-like Growth
Although the vast majority of bodybuilders, strength athletes & fitness
enthusiasts consider adding Growth Hormone or Insulin-like Growth Factor-1 at
a point where they’ve maxed out their progress using Anabolic-Androgenic
Steroids (AAS). Coach Steve highly recommends enhanced individuals to
incorporate exogenous Growth Hormone from 30 years of age onwards, or
earlier if they have already dialed in their fitness lifestyle and become a fulltime bodybuilder.
Exogenous Growth Hormone improves the synergy between Performance
Enhancing Drugs (PEDs), especially the synergy between Bioidentical Hormones
like Pregnenolone, DHEA, Testosterone, Estradiol & Thyroid Hormones.
For more information about Hormone Replacement Therapy & Cycles with
Bioidentical Hormones, consider purchasing the “Comprehensive Guide to HRT
| Cruising | Bridging” or “Offseason Cycles with Bioidentical Hormones” eBooks
on The VigorousSteve.com Shop: www.vigoroussteve.com/shop/
Ultimately, adding Growth Hormone to your PED Protocol allows for comparable
results, with a significantly lower amount of AAS, SARMs, or other Anabolic
Agents combined. Given that AAS & SARMs negatively impact several blood
work markers with prolonged use reducing their total daily or weekly intake
with several increments prevents the progression of associated adverse side
effects tremendously. Both AAS & SARMs commonly alter serum lipid levels and
increase liver enzyme concentration in the bloodstream in a dose-dependent
fashion. Depending on which Anabolic Agent(s) used; Red Blood Cell (RBC)
count, Hematocrit, Hemoglobin A1C (HbA1C), Blood Pressure, or Kidney Function
might also worsen over time. Using fewer compounds at lower doses reduces
many of the adverse side effects associated with PEDs, for a similar amount of
progress regarding overall size, strength, and density.
Copyright (c) Vigorous Steve 2020 www.vigoroussteve.com
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Insulin-like Growth Factor-1 (IGF-1) can be considered once a bodybuilder,
strength athlete, or fitness enthusiast requires additional recovery, anabolism,
and hyperplasia, beyond what their natural IGF-1 levels can provide. Growth
Hormone primarily regulates IGF-1 production in the Liver; exogenous Growth
Hormone generally increases production and serum concentrations. However,
most enhanced individuals won’t elevate levels beyond the established
reference ranges representative of their age, regardless of how much
exogenous Growth Hormone they decide to use.
In this eBook, we’ll discuss how to incorporate Growth Hormone into your PED
Protocol, allowing for the highest possible IGF-1 concentrations in the
bloodstream. Everything you need to know about natural Growth Hormone
production, GH Isoforms, use of exogenous rhGH, Pharmaceutical Grade GH,
Generics, GH Secretagogues, administration techniques, testing methods, blood
glucose levels, and how to manage the common side effects are contained
within this eBook. Furthermore, for the enhanced and advanced individuals, this
eBook also includes an in-depth discussion to optimize natural IGF-1
production, use of exogenous rhIGF-1, Pharmaceutical Grade IGF-1, Generics,
Insulin sensitivity, and how to induce localized growth with IGF-1.
For the remainder of this eBook, we’ll often use the abbreviated term “GH” as
there’s no structural difference or alternative effect between Growth Hormone
secreted from the Pituitary Gland (hGH) or exogenous administrations with
Recombinant DNA Technology (rhGH).
Hormone Reference Ranges
When deciding to incorporate Growth Hormone & IGF-1 into your PED Protocol,
you’re attempting to increase serum concentrations (far) above baseline. Both
GH & IGF-1 naturally decline with age but can be artificially maintained with
exogenous administrations. Below are the standard reference ranges for
healthy adult men & women over 18 years of age:
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Peptide Hormones
• Growth Hormone (GH):
Children; 10.0-50.0 ng/mL or 440.0-2200.0 pmol/L
Male; 0.4-10.0 ng/mL or 1.76-44.0 pmol/L
Female; 0.1-8.0 ng/mL or 0.44-35.2 pmol/L
• Insulin-like Growth Factor 1 (IGF-1):
Age 18 Years; 170-640 ng/mL or 22.3-83.8 nmol/L
Age 19 Years; 147-527 ng/mL or 19.3-69.0 nmol/L
Age 20 Years; 132-457 ng/mL or 17.3-59.9 nmol/L
Age 21-25 Years; 116-341 ng/mL or 15.2-44.7 nmol/L
Age 26-30 Years; 117-321 ng/mL or 15.3-42.1 nmol/L
Age 31-35 Years; 113-297 ng/mL or 14.8-38.9 nmol/L
Age 36-40 Years; 106-277 ng/mL or 13.9-36.3 nmol/L
Age 41-45 Years; 98-261 ng/mL or 12.8-34.2 nmol/L
Age 46-50 Years; 91-246 ng/mL or 11.9-32.2 nmol/L
Age 51-55 Years; 84-233 ng/mL or 11.0-30.5 nmol/L
Age 56-60 Years; 78-220 ng/mL or 10.2-28.8 nmol/L
Age 61-65 Years; 72-207 ng/mL or 9.4-27.1 nmol/L
Age 66-70 Years; 67-195 ng/mL or 8.8-25.5 nmol/L
Age 71-75 Years; 62-184 ng/mL or 8.1-24.1 nmol/L
Age 76-80 Years; 57-172 ng/mL or 7.5-22.5 nmol/L
Age >80 Years; 53-162 ng/mL or 6.9-21.2 nmol/L
Age 18 Years; 162-541 ng/mL or 21.2-70.9 nmol/L
Age 19 Years; 138-442 ng/mL or 18.1-57.9 nmol/L
Age 20 Years; 122-384 ng/mL or 16.0-50.3 nmol/L
Age 21-25 Years; 116-341 ng/mL or 15.2-44.7 nmol/L
Age 26-30 Years; 117-321 ng/mL or 15.3-42.1 nmol/L
Age 31-35 Years; 113-297 ng/mL or 14.8-38.9 nmol/L
Age 36-40 Years; 106-277 ng/mL or 13.9-36.3 nmol/L
Age 41-45 Years; 98-261 ng/mL or 12.8-34.2 nmol/L
Age 46-50 Years; 91-246 ng/mL or 11.9-32.2 nmol/L
Age 51-55 Years; 84-233 ng/mL or 11.0-30.5 nmol/L
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Age 56-60 Years; 78-220 ng/mL or 10.2-28.8 nmol/L
Age 61-65 Years; 72-207 ng/mL or 9.4-27.1 nmol/L
Age 66-70 Years; 67-195 ng/mL or 8.8-25.5 nmol/L
Age 71-75 Years; 62-184 ng/mL or 8.1-24.1 nmol/L
Age 76-80 Years; 57-172 ng/mL or 7.5-22.5 nmol/L
Age >80 Years; 53-162 ng/mL or 6.9-21.2 nmol/L
• Insulin-like Growth Factor 1 (IGF-1) Binding Protein-3: 2.5-4.8 mg/L
• Fasting Insulin: 1.4-14.0 μIU/mL or 9.7-97.2 pmol/L
Thyroid Hormones
• Thyroid-Stimulating Hormone / Thyrotropin (TSH): 0.5-5.0 mIU/L
• Total Thyroxine (T4): 5.5-12.5 μg/dL or 94.02-213.68 nmol/L
• Free Thyroxine (T4): 0.8-1.8 ng/dL or 10.30-23.17 pmol/L
• Total Triiodothyronine (T3): 70-200 ng/dL or 1.08-3.08 nmol/L
• Free Triiodothyronine (T3): 2.3-4.2 pg/mL or 3.53-6.45 pmol/L
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Growth Hormone
Human Growth Hormone (hGH) or Somatropin is a peptide hormone that
stimulates growth, cell reproduction & cell regeneration and is very important
in human development. hGH also stimulates the production of IGF-1 in the
Liver, raises glucose concentrations and Free Fatty Acids (FFS) in the
bloodstream. hGH is a 191-amino acid, single-chain polypeptide that includes 4
helices necessary for functional interaction with the GH Receptor. hGH is
synthesized, stored & secreted by Somatotropic Cells within the Anterior
Pituitary Gland’s lateral wings. Besides Growth Hormone, the Pituitary also
secretes and regulates serum concentrations of Thyroid-Stimulating Hormone
(TSH), AdrenoCorticoTropin Hormone (ACTH), Follicle-Stimulating Hormone
(FSH), Luteinizing Hormone (LH) & Prolactin.
The structure of the Human Growth Hormone is evolutionarily homologous to
Prolactin and Chorionic Somato-Mammotropin (CSM), which might explain the
onset of rhGH related Gynecomastia in enhanced bodybuilders, strength
athletes, and fitness enthusiasts. However, elevated serum Estradiol & Prolactin
levels are a more determining factor in Gynecomastia formation compared to
elevated Growth Hormone levels.
For more information about Estrogen & Prolactin management, Progestogenic
Anabolic-Androgenic Steroids (AAS) & Gynecomastia prevention, consider
purchasing the “Comprehensive Guide to Estrogen | Progesterone | Prolactin and
Related Side-Effects on Cycle” eBook on The VigorousSteve.com Shop:
Growth Hormone Isoforms
Daltons are a measurement unit widely used in physics and chemistry to
express the mass of atomic-scale objects, such as atoms, molecules, and
elementary particles. The molecular weight of Estradiol (E2) is 272 Daltons,
Testosterone has a molecular weight of 288 Daltons, Insulin weighs 5807
Dalton, and Insulin-like Growth Factors-1 (IGF-1) weighs 7,649 Daltons. The
most commonly occurring isoform of human Growth Hormone has a molecular
weight of 22,124 Daltons or 22 kilo-Dalton (22 kDa), making it one of the
heaviest hormonally active peptide molecules in the body.
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The Pituitary Gland produces several molecular isoforms of hGH and releases
them into the bloodstream. In particular, a variant of approximately 20 kiloDaltons (20 kDa) is present in serum at a constant 1:9 ratio compared to the
typical 22 kDa isoform of human Growth Hormone. An additional variant of
approximately 23-24 kDa has also been reported recently in post-exercise
states within skeletal muscle at higher proportions compared to the 22 kDa
isoform. However, this 23-24 kDa isoform was not detected in the bloodstream.
The 20 kDa & 22 kDa variants circulate in the bloodstream, partially bound to a
Growth Hormone-Binding Protein (GHBP), which is the truncated part of the GH
Receptor and an Acid-Labile Subunit (ALS). Human Growth Hormone molecular
isoforms bound to GHBP are transported through the bloodstream until they
attach to cell membranes and potentiate their actions into the cell’s cytoplasm.
In contrast, unbound hGH isoforms directly activate the GH Receptor present on
the cell membranes.
Variants in the molecular weight might explain why some bodybuilders,
strength athletes, or fitness enthusiasts, respond better to specific Growth
Hormone preparations than others.
Promoting Growth Hormone Secretion
Several different methods can directly stimulate Growth Hormone secretion
from the Pituitary Gland. Below is a list of all known methods, medications, or
Performance Enhancing Drugs (PEDs) that increase serum GH concentrations
• Clonidine & L-Dopa: by stimulating GHRH secretion.
• Deep Rapid Eye Movement (REM) Sleep
• Exogenous Recombinant Human Growth Hormone (rhGH)
• Ghrelin: by binding to Growth Hormone Secretagogue Receptors (GHSR).
• Glucagon
• Growth Hormone-Releasing Hormone (GHRH / Somatocrinin)
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• Growth Hormone Secretagogues: Ibutamoren (MK-677), Growth HormoneReleasing Peptide 2 & 6 (GHRP-2 & 6), ConJuChem Growth Hormone-Releasing
Factor-1295 with Drug Affinity Complex (CJC-1295 DAC), Hexarelin, Ipamorelin,
Sermorelin & Tesamorelin
• Hypoglycemia, Arginine & Propranolol: by inhibiting Somatostatin release.
• Intermittent or Prolonged Fasting
• Niacin (Nicotinic Acid / Vitamin B3)
• Nicotine & Nicotinic Agonists
• Sex-Hormones: Testosterone, DHEA, DHT & Estrogens.
• Vigorous Exercise to Muscular Failure
Impaired Growth Hormone Secretion
There are multiple cases that blunt Growth Hormone production. However,
they’re not very common among healthy bodybuilders, strength athletes, or
fitness enthusiasts who focus on consistent and structured food intake. Below
is a list of all known causes that lower serum GH concentrations:
• Accutane: decreases the production of all Pituitary Hormones in the Pituitary
• Damage to the Pituitary Gland or Hypothalamus
• Dopamine Receptor Agonists (DRAs): Bromocriptine (Parlodel), Cabergoline
(Dostinex) & Pramipexole (Mirapex) - reduce GH production in the Pituitary
• Genetic Growth Hormone Deficiency or Gene Mutations
• Micro-Nutrient Deficiencies: Vitamin D3, Magnesium, Potassium & Zinc.
• Somatopause: Growth Hormone production naturally declines with age.
• Undernutrition: Malnutrition, Anorexia, Protein Deficiency & Starvation.
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Hormone (rhGH)
Therapeutic Growth Hormone was initially extracted from the human Pituitary
Gland of cadavers and called hGH or pit-hGH. The extraction from human
cadavers was discontinued after the United States Food & Drug Administration
(FDA) approved the production of human Growth Hormone using E.coli
Recombinant DNA Technology in 2004, named recombinant human Growth
Hormone (rhGH).
Recombinant DNA Technology genetically modifies Escherichia Coli (E.coli)
bacteria or mammalian cells and grows them in cultures. The process involves
several patented techniques that isolate specific pieces of complementary
Deoxyribonucleic Acid (cDNA) or genes. In this case, the same gene contributing
to natural hGH production in the Pituitary Gland is cloned and transferred to
E.coli bacteria or mammalian cells. As the cells in the cultures grow and
function, they synthesize bioidentical human Growth Hormone with the cloned
genes by the exact same process as within the Pituitary Gland. Since this is a
natural process, Growth Hormone manufactured with Recombinant DNA
Technology is not considered synthetic and abbreviated as rhGH.
Naturally pulsed hGH from the Pituitary Gland has a short biological Half-Life
of about 10 to 20 minutes, while exogenous rhGH administrations usually have
an Active-Life of 4-4.5 hours.
Medical Growth Hormone Therapy
Recombinant Human Growth Hormone is generally prescribed to treat growth
disorders in children or in the treatment of adults who suffer from Growth
Hormone Deficiency (GHD) or wasting diseases like AIDS or HIV. In most
countries, rhGH is only legally available from pharmacies by prescription from
a licensed Health Care Provider. In recent years, Anti-Aging Clinics started
prescribing GH for the elderly and individuals interested in premature AntiAging through several legal loopholes. While technically legal, the efficacy and
safety of semi off-label use of exogenous rhGH hasn’t been examined with
clinical trials.
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Treatments involving an inactive Pituitary, a Pituitary Tumor, or destruction of
the Pituitary by Surgery or Radiation to remove a Tumor requires the
replacement of ALL Pituitary Hormones alongside Growth Hormone
administrations. After children reach an acceptable adult height, Growth
Hormone treatment discontinues, although other Pituitary Hormones continue
throughout adulthood.
Adult Growth Hormone deficiency was established decades later in cases of
premature cardiovascular disease, reduced bone mineral density, obesity,
decreased muscle mass, depression, high Low-Density Lipoprotein (LDL) levels,
impaired wound healing, general fatigue, exercise intolerance, and impaired
functioning of the immune system. In the 1990s, the benefits of Growth
Hormone for normal aging and anti-aging were medically recognized and
approved for treatment in cases of adult Growth Hormone deficiency, often
called Somatopause.
Somatopause is classified by the gradual decline in Growth Hormone
production by the Pituitary Gland in adult men and women after the age of 30.
Declining Growth Hormone concentrations or deficiencies directly contribute
to aging. Growth Hormone Replacement Therapy (GHRT) from the age of 30 and
above often prevents body fat gain or promotes fat loss, prevents muscle loss
or promotes muscular development, prevents thinning of the skin, or promotes
skin thickness, and prevents bone mineral loss or increases bone density. GHRT
is often part of Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT), where serum
concentrations of Sex-Hormones, Neuro-Steroids, Thyroid Hormones & Growth
Hormone are optimized to improve the overall quality of life and sense of
Exogenous Growth Hormone Side Effects
Generally speaking, the common side effects of exogenous rhGH are mild and
tolerable. Prolonged exposure to large dosages of exogenous rhGH thickens the
bones of the jaw, fingers & toes; it is classified as Acromegaly. Accompanying
problems can include sweating due to increased Thyroid conversion, elevated
Sex Hormone-Binding Globulin (SHBG) levels, and Insulin Resistance.
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Water Retention & Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
The most common side effect of exogenous rhGH is additional Intra-Cellular &
Sub-Cutaneous (SubQ) water retention, as GH promotes Sodium retention. This
often results in minor weight gain at lower dosages but can progress into a
noticeable weight gain of 4-5kg at moderate rhGH dosages. Expect to gain
between 0.5-1kg or 1-2 lbs of water weight per 0.33mg / 1iu of Growth Hormone.
Meaning that 2iu rhGH might result in 2kg / 4lbs of extra body weight, and 4iu
HGH might increase it by 4kg / 8lbs above baseline. However, body weight
returns to baseline within 2-3 weeks after discontinuation of exogenous rhGH
or GH Secretagogues.
Additional water retention is sometimes accompanied by joint discomfort,
particularly in the fingers, with a feeling of tightness when making a fist. The
joints of the wrists or ankles may also become uncomfortable. However, most
individuals only notice a slightly puffy face upon waking, which usually
dissipates over the course of the day.
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS) is a well-known side effect of exogenous Growth
Hormone when administered in higher dosages, with lower frequency.
Excessive fluid retention is the primary cause of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. Fluid
accumulates in the closed Carpal Tunnel compartment of the wrist & forearms,
compressing the Median Nerve. The compression results in numbness and
tingling in the palms, fingers, and inner forearms. Abstaining for exogenous
rhGH or GH Secretagogues for a week, or administering them over several
smaller injections per day, instead of a single high bolus dose, easily prevents
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome from manifesting.
Growth Hormone is also known to change Aldosterone levels in the body, which
might increase mineral retention if your Electrolyte intake isn’t following the
correct ratio’s or is inconsistent from day to day. For more information about
Electrolyte intake, consider purchasing the “Comprehensive Guide to
on Cycle”
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Insulin Resistance
Frequent or high dosages of exogenous Growth Hormone suppress glucose
uptake and stimulate lipolysis in the adipose tissue by activating HormoneSensitive Lipase (HSL), increasing Free Fatty Acids (FFAs) & Glycerol
concentrations in the bloodstream. By itself, elevated levels of FFAs induce
moderate Insulin Resistance by inhibiting Insulin Receptor Substrate-1 (IRS-1)
activity, which can reduce both Glucose Transporter Type-4 (GLUT4) & Insulin
Receptor density on the cell membrane. The Liver subsequently converts
glycerol into glucose through Gluconeogenesis, contributing to a further rise in
blood glucose levels.
Insulin sensitivity and blood glucose levels can easily be maintained by spacing
Growth Hormone injections 1-2 hours away from food containing refined
carbohydrates or fats. However, starchy carbohydrates and unprocessed fat
sources aren’t conducive to the loss of Insulin sensitivity and elevated blood
glucose levels. Whole foods generally require a longer time to digest and don’t
contribute much to FFAs, glycerol, or glucose concentrations in the
While the development of Gynecomastia from Growth Hormone is incredibly
rare, it’s still possible in individuals who are prone to Hyperprolactinemia or
sensitive to Prolactin. The structure of human Growth Hormone Peptide
molecules is structurally similar to Prolactin & Chorionic SomatoMammoTropin Hormone (SMTH), allowing some part of the Growth Hormone
molecule to activate the Prolactin Receptor. Keep in mind that Progestogenic
AAS promotes Prolactin secretion and directly contribute to Gynecomastia
formation by activating the Progesterone Receptors in breast tissue.
In cases where serum Estradiol & Prolactin are both elevated, the Prolactin
Receptor binding effect of Growth Hormone exacerbates its contribution to
Gynecomastia formation through the Growth Hormone Receptors, which signals
breast tissue cells to grow & divide. Accelerating the progression of
Gynecomastia beyond what is possible without the presence of Growth
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The most important aspect of preventing Growth Hormone-related
Gynecomastia is ensuring Estradiol & Prolactin levels are in range with frequent
blood work before adding Growth Hormone to your PED Protocol!
For more information about Estrogen & Prolactin management and
Gynecomastia prevention, consider purchasing the “Comprehensive Guide to
Estrogen | Progesterone | Prolactin and Related Side-Effects on Cycle” eBook on
The VigorousSteve.com Shop: www.vigoroussteve.com/shop/
Progression of Cancer & Tumors
Exogenous recombinant human Growth Hormone (rhGH) or Insulin-like Growth
Factor-1 (IGF-1) do not directly cause Cancer or Tumors. However, they can
accelerate the progression of pre-existing Cancer & Tumors tremendously.
Before you consider adding exogenous GH or IGF-1 to your PED Protocol, you
should check the following Cancer Markers:
• Alpha Feto-Protein (AFP): 0.89-8.78 ng/mL
• Cancer Antigen 15-3 (CA 15-3): <31.3 U/mL
• Cancer Antigen 19-9 (CA 19-9): <37 U/mL
• Cancer Antigen 125 (CA 125) / MUC16: <35 U/mL
• Carcino-Embryonic Antigen (CEA): <5 ng/mL
• Ferritin:
Male; 30.0-400.0 ng/mL
Female; 15.0-150.0 ng/mL
• beta-Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (β-HCG): <5 mIU/mL
• Human Growth Hormone (hGH): 0.0-7.0 ng/mL
• Neuron-Specific Enolase (NSE): <15.3 ng/mL
• Free-Prostate Specific Antigen (f-PSA): <0.5 ng/mL
• Prostatic-Specific Acid Phosphatase (PSAP / ACPP) Protein: <2.1 ng/mL
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• Prostate-Specific Antigen (PSA):
Age <40 Years; <2.0 ng/mL
Age <50 Years; <2.8 ng/mL
Age <60 Years; <3.8 ng/mL
Age <70 Years; <5.3 ng/mL
Age <79 Years; <7.0 ng/mL
Age >80 Years; <7.2 ng/mL
Coach Steve HIGHLY advises every enhanced bodybuilder, strength athlete, or
fitness enthusiast to check these Cancer Markers every 3 years. If there are
known cases of specific Cancers in your family history, please review their
related Cancer Marker yearly while using exogenous rhGH or IGF-1, no matter
how low the dose! Below is a list of organs and their related Cancer Markers:
• Breast: CA 15-3, CA 125, CEA, Ferritin & β-HCG.
• Colorectal: CA 19-9 & CEA.
• Endometrium: CA 15-3, Ferritin, f-PSA, PSA & PSAP / ACPP
• Esophagus: CA 19-9
• Liver: AFP, CA 19-9, CA 125, Ferritin, f-PSA, PSA & PSAP / ACPP.
• Lung: CEA, Ferritin, NSE, f-PSA, PSA & PSAP / ACPP.
• Ovary: AFP, CA 15-3, CA 125 & β-HCG.
• Pancreas: AFP, CA 19-9, CEA, Ferritin, NSE, f-PSA, PSA & PSAP / ACPP.
• Pituitary: hGH
• Prostate: β-HCG, f-PSA, PSA & PSAP / ACPP.
• Stomach: CA 19-9, CEA & AFP.
• Testicles: AFP, β-HCG
• Thyroid: NSE
• Uterus: CA 125
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Almost all Pituitary Tumors (Adenomas) are benign Glandular Tumors. These
Tumors are classified as benign because they don’t spread to other parts of the
body, as seen with certain forms of Cancers. Still, even benign Pituitary Tumors
can cause significant health problems because they are close to the Brain and
may invade nearby tissues, including the Skull or the Sinuses. Benign Pituitary
Tumors or Adenomas often produce excessive amounts of Growth Hormone or
Prolactin, resulting in Acromegaly, Erectile Dysfunction, or Gynecomastia.
Suppose your Growth Hormone or Prolactin levels are very high before starting
exogenous Growth Hormone administrations. It’s HIGHLY advised to take a
biopsy of your Pituitary Gland to assess if certain Functional Adenomas have
Pituitary Cancers (Carcinomas) are very rare.
Probably the most abundant amino acid of Cardiac tissue and the Central
Nervous System (CNS). Taurine helps maintain proper hydration and electrolyte
balance within cells, forms bile salts, and regulates the immune system. Taurine
plays an essential role in the management of Osmotic Pressure between intra& extracellular fluids. Supplementation can reduce or mitigate lower back
pumps & shin splint, a common side-effect of high AAS or SARMs use. Taurine
can also reduce Carpal Tunnel symptoms, common with exogenous rhGH or GH
Secretagogues use.
The general recommended dose of Taurine for Performance Enhancement is
3,000-5,000mg 1 hour before cardio or training. Most of the Taurine is utilized
during activity and doesn’t directly increase the Taurine content of cells in the
body. Individuals suffering from severe lower back pumps, shin splints, or
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome can consider using 1,000-2,000mg Taurine with each
meal, which is more beneficial to prevent side-effects than a single dose of
Taurine pre-workout. This dosing protocol can be discontinued when symptoms
have subsided!
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Vitamin B6 Pyridoxal-5-Phosphate (P5P)
The active form of Vitamin B6, Pyridoxal-5-Phosphate (P5P), is a coenzyme that
contributes to more than 140 enzymatic reactions in the body. P5P is a cofactor
in the biosynthesis of five essential neurotransmitters: Serotonin, Epinephrine,
Norepinephrine, Gamma-Aminobutyric Acid (GABA) & Dopamine. P5P converts
Levodopa into Dopamine, which can inhibit Prolactin secretion as part of the
Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Prolactin-Axis (HPPA).
The Daily Recommended Intake (DRI) of regular Vitamin B6 is 1.4mg per day.
Most food choices only contain minute concentrations of Vitamin B6 per
serving, several milligrams at most. A typical bodybuilding diet (without
supplements) of 2,500 Calories will provide around 5-6mg Vitamin B6 per day.
Adding a multi-vitamin supplement and perhaps a B-100 Complex formula
brings the total up to 125-150mg Vitamin B6 per day.
However, most dietary or supplemental Vitamin B6 is not the bioavailable
coenzyme Pyridoxal-5-Phosphate (P5P) form. Instead, dietary or supplemental
Vitamin B6 converts into P5P within the Liver, but the conversion doesn’t occur
in a 1:1 ratio. The conversion ratio between Vitamin B6 & P5P isn’t precisely
known. It’s generally advised to supplement P5P when aiming to control
Prolactin secretion by increasing Dopamine concentrations in the Pituitary
Gland. Supplemental Pyridoxal-5-Phosphate (P5P) dosages needed to reduce
serum Prolactin levels are 200-300mg P5P per day.
Vitamin B6 P5P supplementation should be considered before adding Growth
Hormone or Progestogenic AAS to a Steroid Cycle to keep Dopamine levels
sufficient in an attempt to control Prolactin levels. However, its effects on
Dopamine concentrations might not be potent enough to keep Prolactin under
control at higher dosages or combinations of Growth Hormone with several
Progestogenic AAS. Still, Vitamin B6 P5P supplementation should prevent
sudden & dramatic increases in serum Prolactin levels, minimizing the negative
impact on Refractory Rate, Erectile Dysfunction, or Gynecomastia.
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Exogenous Growth Hormone Positive Effects
The effects of Growth Hormone on the tissues of the body are predominantly
anabolic and promote cell proliferation. Like most other protein hormones, GH
interacts with its corresponding Growth Hormone Receptor on the cell
membrane. Because polypeptide hormones aren’t fat-soluble, they can’t
penetrate cell membranes and only exert some of their effects by binding to
specific receptors on target cells. hGH directly stimulates cell division as well
as the multiplication of chondrocytes within cartilage by activating the
mAPK/ERK pathway. Below are the (known) effects that Growth Hormone has on
the body:
• Increases Calcium Retention (strengthens & increases Bone Mineralization)
• Increases Muscle Mass through Sarcomere Hypertrophy & Hyperplasia
• Increases Protein Synthesis
• Increases De-Iodination of T4 into T3 (Boosting Metabolism)
• Promotes Lipolysis in Sub-Cutaneous & Visceral Adipose Tissue
• Promotes Gluconeogenesis in the Liver
• Reduces Glucose Uptake in the Liver & Adipose Tissue
• Stimulates Compensatory & Hormonal Cell Proliferation (Hyperplasia)
• Stimulates the Growth of all Internal Organs (excluding the Brain)
• Stimulates the Immune System
Hypertrophy increases the cell’s size and volume, while hyperplasia increases
the number of cells within an organ. Hypertrophy involves increasing
intracellular protein, intracellular fluid, and other cytoplasmic components
within the cells. Adipose tissue expands in size by containing more fatty acids
within its cytoplasmic vesicles. In contrast, skeletal muscle expands in size by
increasing intracellular Nitrogen, Amino Acids, Electrolytes, Glycogen,
Creatinine, and other metabolic precursors and byproducts related to ATP
production for energy expenditure.
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Compensatory hyperplasia facilitates the regeneration of organs and tissues of
the body. Hyperplasia is common in the epidermis within the skin, the intestine,
hepatocytes of the Liver, bone marrow cells & fibroblasts responsible for
collagen synthesis in the extracellular space connective tissue.
Both hypertrophy & hyperplasia are greatly desired by bodybuilders, strength
athletes, and fitness enthusiasts looking to improve their muscularity. Skeletal
muscle is also subject to compensatory and hormonal hyperplasia in response
to hypertrophy-specific training programs and supra-physiological dosages of
anabolic hormones like AAS, SARMs, rhGH, IGF-1, or Insulin. Keep in mind that
Gynecomastia is also classified as hormonal hyperplasia in response to elevated
levels of Estrogens, Progesterone or Progestogenic AAS, Prolactin, Growth
Hormone & IGF-1.
Growth Hormone Pharmaceuticals
Prescribed Pharmaceutical Grade Growth Hormone preparations are typically
represented in either Milligrams (mg) or International Units (iu), where 1mg is
equivalent to 3iu. The World Health Organization developed the International
Units to standardize Growth Hormone preparations because of the various
production techniques used early in the manufacturing process. Each
pharmaceutical company uses a slightly different patented method to
synthesize hGH using Recombinant DNA Technology with Escherichia Coli
(E.coli) Bacteria.
Methionyl-Somatotropin (met-rhGH or Somatrem) is a close variant of rhGH,
which contains the same sequence of 191 Amino Acids, plus an additional
Methionine Amino Acid at the 192nd position, resulting in molecular weight of
22.256 Daltons. Somatrem is considered an equivalent of hGH; unlike rhGH, it is
not bioidentical to hGH produced in the Pituitary Gland. Patients treated with
Somatrem often developed antibodies after prolonged exposure, which
interferes with Somatrem’s ability to bind to the GH Receptors, impairing its
effects. Although Hoffmann La Roche Somatrem & Genentech Protropin are FDA
Approved, Coach Steve doesn’t consider them suitable for use and advises the
reader to avoid these products altogether.
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In recent years, the manufacturing process has mostly been standardized, and
the bio-equivalency and potency of the various brands of Growth Hormone are
identical. However, the potency of standardized International Units is only valid
for brands manufactured in the Western World and approved by the United
States Food & Drug Administration (US FDA) under the WHO guidelines. Chinese
Generics don’t contain comparable Growth Hormone potency, similar to FDA
approved Pharmaceutical Grade brands.
Certain brands of Pharmaceutical Grade Growth Hormone are only available in
solution and can be stored outside of the refrigerator (max. 25C or 77F) for up
to 21 days after first use. Ideally, these products are kept refrigerated before
and after opening to keep the temperature stable throughout the period of GH
Lyophilized Growth Hormones can be stored outside the fridge as well but must
be kept refrigerated after reconstitution to ensure the product doesn’t undergo
temperature fluctuations. FDA approved Lyophilized Growth Hormone products
always contain either Bacteriostatic (0.9% Benzyl Alcohol) or Sterile (0.9%
Sodium Chloride) water in 1-2ml ampules, within the same packaging. Sterile
solutions are needed to reconstitute the Peptides before injection.
Pharmaceutical Grade Peptides produced in vials, intended for reconstitution,
should always arrive under vacuum! This ensures the quality of the Peptides
until the provided expiration date. The vacuum needs to stay present when
reconstituting to keep the solution sterile and not susceptible to degradation
due to contamination with bacteria or pollutants.
Once reconstituted, the solution should be clear in appearance. If it’s cloudy,
that means the Growth Hormone protein chain has been denatured, and it’s no
longer bio-available. If the Lyophilized Growth Hormone temperature reached
over 25C or 77F during transport, the protein starts to denature and forms bonds
after reconstitution. If the Growth Hormone denatured into another Peptide,
your Immune System could react severely as a response to a non-bioidentical
foreign invader.
Basically, the same thing happens when you cook eggs. Egg proteins are long
molecules made up of chains of Amino Acids that are linked together. In raw
eggs, these proteins are curled and folded to form a ball. When you cook an egg,
these proteins uncurl and form new bonds with each other.
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The longer you heat the eggs, and the higher the temperature, the tighter the
uncurled proteins will bind to other proteins. This process encapsulates water
and fats, slowly turning liquid eggs into a solid omelet.
Pharmaceutical Grade
Below is a list of Pharmaceutical Grade Growth Hormone products that follow
standardized WHO guidelines and are FDA approved in several Western
Countries, ensuring quality by passing the scrutinous inspection process of
multiple Countries Food & Drugs Administrations. Product attributes are also
• Novo Nordisk: Norditropin, Solution Cartridge/Pen; 5mg/1.5mL, 10mg/1.5mL
& 15mg/1.5mL.
• Genentech: Nutropin AQ, Solution Cartridge/Pen; 5mg/2mL, 10mg/2mL &
• Sandoz: Omnitrope, Solution Cartridge/Pen; 5mg/1mL & 10mg/1ml,
Lyophilized Vial; 5.8mg.
• Serono: Saizen, Lyophilized Vial; 5mg & 8.8mg.
• Lilly: Humatrope, Lyophilized Vial; 6mg, 12mg & 24mg.
• Serono-Merck: Serostim, Lyophilized Vial; 4mg, 5mg & 6mg.
• Emergent: Accretropin, Solution Cartridge/Pen; 5mg/1mL.
• Pfizer: Genotropin, Solution Cartridge/Pen; 0.22mg/0.275mL, 2.2mg/0.275mL,
5.8mg/1.14mL & 13.8mg/1.13mL.
• Ferring: Zomacton, Lyophilized Vial; 5mg.
• Emmaus: Zorbtive, Lyophilized Vial; 8.8mg.
• LG Chem Life Sciences: Eutropin / Valtropin, Lyophilized Vial; 5mg.
• Teva Pharmaceuticals: Tev-Tropin, Lyophilized Vial; 5mg.
• Gensci: Jintropin, Lyophilized Vial; 1.3mg, 3.3mg & 4mg.
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Restricting rhGH purchases to Pharmaceutical Grade only ensures that you’re
using the highest possible quality of Growth Hormone with each administration
without risking unnecessary and excessive water retention, which prevents
edema and Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.
Pharmaceutical Grade rhGH will still result in beneficial intracellular water
retention, contributing to improved hypertrophy and hyperplasia. Intracellular
water retention is a positive effect of Growth Hormone, providing a fuller,
rounder, pleasing, athletic & aesthetic look to your physique, even when you’re
severely glycogen depleted during the later stages of a contest prep or cutting
Chinese & Indian Generics
Chinese & Indian Generic Growth Hormone products often present peptide vials
without vacuum and usually don’t contain any sterile solution for
reconstitution. This automatically disqualifies the product from being classified
as Pharmaceutical Grade quality. Unfortunately, you never know what’s actually
inside the Lyophilized puck contained within the vial when buying Chinese or
Indian Generic GH. Many Under Ground Labs (UGLs) replace the generic flip-off
top with their own branded top, which removes the vacuum from the vials.
Assuming the Chinese generics were even produced under vacuum, to begin
with. UGLs also commonly relabel cheaper peptides like GHRP-2 or 6 for a 10iu
Growth Hormone vial, which might give moderate results at lower dosages, but
certainly not the expected results at higher dosages.
The amount of additional water retention you’ll get from Growth Hormone is
often directly related to the quality and purity of the product you’re using.
Chinese or Indian Generics aren’t as accurately dosed as Pharmaceutical Grade
rhGH and might contain fillers or impurities, which cause the body to hold a
significant amount of SubQ water, often resulting in moderate edema or Carpal
Tunnel Syndrome (CTS).
Cheaper brands of Chinese or Indian Generics are even known to contain AntiDiuretic Hormones to fool the buyer with common side-effects like edema or
CTS, implying their rhGH products are accurately dosed and of high potency.
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Be advised that Gensci Jintropin is the only Chinese Growth Hormone company
that’s FDA Approved in China and has licensed distributors in Dominican
Republic, Uruguay, Hong Kong, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Moldova, Mongolia,
Paraguay, Russia & Uzbekistan. Other Chinese Generics are not internationally
FDA Approved and of questionable quality.
Administration Techniques
There are several methods of administration which are suitable for exogenous
rhGH injections. Many bodybuilders, strength athletes, or fitness enthusiasts
start with Sub-Cutaneous (SubQ) injections when they first introduce Growth
Hormone to their PED Protocol. After the enhanced individual gets more
experience with administration techniques and notices the benefits of rhGH,
they often proceed to Intra-Muscular (IM) injections.
Remember that regardless of the administration technique used, once rhGH is
injected into the body, it’s bioavailable and start potentiating its effects on the
target tissue. Choosing IM over SubQ, only affects the onset of action, serum
concentrations, and overall Insulin-like Growth Factor-1 production in the Liver.
The overall anabolic effects of exogenous rhGH itself are largely comparable,
regardless of the administration technique.
Ensure that you practice safe & sterile injection techniques when using
exogenous rhGH by sterilizing the area with rubbing alcohol before and after
Sub-Cutaneous (SubQ)
This administration technique injects the Growth Hormone solution between
the adipose tissue and fascia tissue surrounding skeletal muscle, as it generally
is the most vascular layer of the skin. Both adipose tissue and the SubCutaneous (SubQ) space are part of the Hypodermis and lie underneath the
skin’s Dermis & Epidermis layers.
It is rather difficult for enhanced individuals to differentiate between adipose
tissue and the SubQ space. Often injecting the rhGH solution into the body fat
rather than the intended SubQ space.
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An easy way around this is by pinching the skin between two fingers and raising
it from the body slightly, which increases the size of the SubQ space, allowing
for more successful SubQ injections. However, it is not a foolproof method as
the small universal Micro-Fine 8-13mm x 31 gauge hypodermic needles might
not be long enough to reach the SubQ space if you’re over 10% body fat.
Sub-Cutaneous (SubQ) injections are performed under a 45-degree angle and
can be administered anywhere on the body. The abs are the most commonly
used, as this area is very easy to reach with two hands; one to raise the skin to
increase the SubQ space, the other to inject the rhGH solution. Once exogenous
rhGH is injected into the SubQ space, it creates a small depot of the water-based
solution, usually taking around 1-4 hours to dissipate and completely absorb
into the body. The SubQ depot increases the Active-Life of Growth Hormone and
stabilizes serum concentrations, moderately raising it over 1-4.5 hours before
dropping to baseline levels. This results in the lowest IGF-1 production in the
Liver of all administration techniques.
Intra-Muscular (IM)
This administration technique bypasses the SubQ space and injects the Growth
Hormone directly into skeletal muscle. Contrary to popular belief, this does not
cause ANY localized growth or site-enhancement. Exogenous rhGH works
systemically, regardless of the administration technique or where it is injected.
Coach Steve did all of his rhGH injections into his right Pectoralis Major for over
1 year to see if it would improve the balance between his left & right chest
muscles. Besides additional scar tissue and minor loss of definition of the
striations in his right chest, there was no significant increase in muscular size,
while the imbalance remained exactly the same. Although both the left & right
chest did improve in overall size & volume due to another year of consistent
Growth Hormone use, Progressive Overload training methods, and a structured
diet with more than sufficient micro-nutrients in a caloric surplus.
Intra-Muscular (IM) injections are straightforward and are performed under a
45-degree angle, similar to Steroid injections. You can use the Z-track method
if you prefer to do so, although it is not essential as the solution only leaks into
the SubQ space but doesn’t leave the body due to the small needle sizes used
for rhGH administrations.
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The Z-track injection method is an IM administration technique used to prevent
leakage of the medication through the SubQ tissue or the skin itself. Before the
injection, the skin and underlying tissues are pulled sideways from the fascia
and skeletal muscle. The skin is firmly held in place during the injection and
released once the needle is removed.
Once the skin returns to its normal position, the small incisions made by the
needle between the skeletal muscle and skin no longer lines up, which prevents
leakage beyond the SubQ layer. After exogenous rhGH is injected IntraMuscularly, it creates a small depot of the water-based solution, usually taking
1-2 hours to dissipate and completely absorb into the body.
The IM depot shortens the Active-Life of Growth Hormone and peaks serum
concentrations, noticeably raising it over 1-2 hours while staying elevated for
up to 4.5 hours before dropping to baseline levels. This results in pronounced
IGF-1 production in the Liver, which allows for elevated serum IGF-1 levels for
the following 24-36 hours after IM rhGH administrations.
Keep in mind that every time you pierce the skin, you might pass through a vein
and create a small bruise, which go from red to blue to green over several days.
These bruises might be hard to explain when you take your shirt off at the beach
or in the gym’s locker room. Coach Steve suggests limiting SubQ & IM injections
to the boxer short area of your body to avoid suspicion and prevent an awkward
scenario with the general population of you trying to explain away the microbruises and red dots covering your abdomen or other parts of your body. This is
particularly advisable when you perform multiple SubQ or IM rhGH injections
per day!
Testing Growth Hormone Quality
There are several methods to test the quality of the Growth Hormone products
you purchased for your personal use. UGLs often provide a High-Performance
Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) test result of the Chinese or Indian Generics they
carry on their product list. Unfortunately, it’s pretty easy to make an HPLC test
result mock-up in Photoshop nowadays; please take those with a few grains of
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Serum Growth Hormone & Insulin-like Growth Factor-1 Test
Once you’ve acquired the Growth Hormone product you intend to use, you can
test the potency and purity by yourself with an ordinary serum Growth Hormone
test. Serum Insulin-like Growth Factor-1 tests do not indicate the quality of your
Growth Hormone products, as IGF-1 production depends on many factors,
including; administration technique, liver glycogen stores, overall liver health,
and rhGH potency.
However, it is beneficial to do both a serum GH & IGF-1 test together when you
go for blood work, as it helps determine the overall anabolic effect of the GH
products you intend to use. To get an accurate reading on both blood work
markers, it’s imperative that you use exogenous rhGH daily for at least a week
before drawing blood for analysis.
This ensures that IGF-1 production stabilizes according to your intended daily
Growth Hormone dose and the potential negative feedback for additional IGF1 production in the Liver, with consecutive rhGH administrations.
Since IGF-1 levels stay elevated for 24-36 hours, the timing window of drawing
blood for analysis isn’t too narrow. You can inject 10iu rhGH Intra-Muscularly
around 1.5-2 hours before drawing blood. If your timing is right, you should get
the following ranges on your blood work results:
• Growth Hormone (GH): 20.0-35.0 ng/mL or 88.0-154.0 pmol/L
• Insulin-like Growth Factor 1 (IGF-1): 300-550ng/mL or 39.3-72.1 nmol/L
With IM administrations, Growth Hormone levels typically end up 200-350%
over the reference range. The Liver had ample time to increase IGF-1 production
in response to elevated GH concentrations. Suppose serum GH concentrations
are lower compared to the ranges mentioned above. In that case, it either
means your timing-window was off, or the potency & purity of your products is
below Pharmaceutical Grade standards!
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Vitamin B7 / Biotin intake over 5mg within 12 hours of drawing blood might
lead to a falsely decreased result of your serum GH test. If you take Biotin
supplements or consumed a considerable amount of egg yolks or beef liver
during the day or the day prior. For accurate results, it’s highly advised to
remove Biotin supplementation, whole eggs, and beef liver completely for at
least 24 hours before drawing blood and go to the clinic or hospital in a fasted
The ROIDTEST™ Growth Hormone Test Kit
William Llewellyn, the author of the ANABOLICS book series, helped launch
ROIDTEST in October 2015. ROIDTEST was developed to verify the Active
Pharmaceutical Ingredient (API) of Anabolic-Androgen Steroids (AAS) products
and ensure the end consumer acquired the correct compound. Anabolics
Testing kits use reagent technology to identify which compound is contained
within the product. This allows the consumer to verify that the API within the
product is the same as the API labeled on the product.
The ROIDTEST can also determine if the product is counterfeited with another
anabolic substance or doesn’t contain any active ingredient at all. In 2019,
ROIDTEST launched its Growth Hormone Test Kit, which utilizes GH antibodies
to identify recombinant human Growth Hormone in lyophilized or rhGH
solutions. However, the test can’t determine if the product contains another
peptide hormone, such as GHRP-2, GHRP-6, or Ipamorelin, commonly used in
counterfeits. The testing strips only display if Growth Hormone is present or not.
The Growth Hormone Test Kit is relatively easy to use and produces a visible
result within 10-20 minutes. Place 1ml of bacteriostatic, sterile, or distilled
water to the provided sterile testing vial. Transfer 0.1 mL of reconstituted rhGH
to the vial and dip the provided testing strip into the solution. The GH
antibodies quickly react with rhGH and produce a visible single-line indicator
on the testing strip if rhGH is present in the product. If there’s no rhGH present
or the product contains another peptide, the testing strip displays two-line
indicators. The Growth Hormone testing strips work similarly to Pregnancy
Tests, which use HCG antibodies to determine the presence of elevated HCG
concentrations in urine.
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Keep in mind that this test can’t determine the concentration of the Growth
Hormone contained within the product or indicate if the product contains
another peptide hormone. As of the writing of this eBook, a single-use test kit
is priced at 119,99 US Dollars, the same you’d pay for a 100iu kit of cheap
generics or a 15iu pharmgrade cartridge. A single serum Growth Hormone test
performed in a hospital or clinic is commonly much more affordable and far
more accurate compared to a single ROIDTEST GH Kit. If you’re unable to
analyze your blood freely due to restrictions from your Health Care Provider,
then the ROIDTEST GH Kit is a suitable, albeit costly, alternative.
ROIDTEST GH Test Kit: https://roidtest.com/products/growth-hormone-test-kit
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Growth Hormone Protocols
Before discussing different Growth Hormone protocols and corresponding
administration techniques, it’s important to determine the maximum dose of
rhGH the body can utilize for anabolism. Bodybuilders, strength athletes, or
fitness enthusiasts who do not use Anabolic-Androgenic Steroids (AAS) or
Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators (SARMs) can’t utilize more than 1-2iu
GH per day. Without these PEDs, they lack sufficient Androgens for synergy with
Growth Hormone dosages beyond 2iu per day.
Keep in mind that you produce a comparable amount of Growth Hormone at
night during deep REM sleep, given you’re sleeping according to your Circadian
Rhythm, between 10-11 PM to 6-7 AM. Without AAS or SARMs, individuals below
30 years of age are better off with GH Secretagogues to promote the highest
possible hGH production, which complements normal levels of Androgens.
Exogenous Growth Hormone use directly correlates to your weekly AAS dose;
both can incrementally increase whenever you decide to make adjustments to
your PED Protocol for further improvements. In order to get the most amount
of hyperplasia following a hypertrophy-specific workout, Growth Hormone
often exceeds beyond 2iu per day. Supra-physiological dosages of AAS,
combined with GH & IGF-1, stimulate muscle cell division. Accelerated rates of
cell division after a hypertrophy-specific workout occur with higher GH dosages.
Incrementally increasing the daily dose of Growth Hormone alongside the
weekly dose of Testosterone, other AAS, or SARMs, must be based on the
progression of strength, muscle mass, recovery capability, food intake, and
workout intensity. If you solely increase your daily budget for Growth Hormone,
without adjusting the other aspects of your bodybuilding, strength, or fitness
journey. You’ll only experience diminishing returns, increased side-effects &
severe loss of finances (without tangible results). Exogenous rhGH turns into an
expensive fat burner, as serum Androgen concentrations aren’t sufficient to
promote recovery, anabolism & cell proliferation in the presence of high GH
Most popular grey-area SARMs didn’t pass clinical trials. Coach Steve can’t
recommend a ratio between SARMs and Growth Hormone, as their potential for
Anabolism & Hyperplasia hasn’t been thoroughly examined.
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Growth Hormone Secretagogues appear to be the most beneficial for men or
women below the age of 30, as their natural Growth Hormone production hasn’t
declined yet with age. Young men or women can only produce a limited amount
of Growth Hormone naturally. Secretagogues won’t increase serum GH
concentrations to comparable supra-physiological dosages of exogenous rhGH.
General guidelines for Growth Hormone use as part of a Steroid Cycle is 1iu GH
daily, per 250mg of Testosterone or other AAS used weekly. You can consider
the following general guidelines for exogenous rhGH or GH Secretagogues
administrations, according to your weekly AAS dosage:
• Not using AAS or SARMs: 1-2iu GH per day or GH Secretagogues
• 100-250mg AAS per Week: 1-2iu GH per day or GH Secretagogues
• 250mg AAS per Week: 1-2iu GH per day or GH Secretagogues
• 500mg AAS per Week: 2iu GH per day
• 750mg AAS per Week: 3iu GH per day
• 1,000mg AAS per Week: 4iu GH per day
• 1,250mg AAS per Week: 5iu GH per day
• 1,500mg AAS per Week: 6iu GH per day
• 1,750mg AAS per Week: 7iu GH per day
• 2,000mg AAS per Week: 8iu GH per day
Most bodybuilders, strength athletes, or fitness enthusiasts will also notice
diminishing returns when using over 1,500mg AAS per week with 6iu GH per
day. Individuals Blasting with this amount of PEDs in a caloric surplus might
experience Insulin resistance as their growth rate-limiting factor, preventing
them from making any significant progress.
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Frequent GH administrations require you to monitor your blood glucose levels
carefully, as relatively high GH dosages in a caloric surplus can lead to Insulin
resistance and cause dangerously high blood glucose levels. Once your high
blood glucose readings reach over 130mg/dl or 7.8 mmol/l in between meals,
it’s crucial to make adjustments to your glycogen stores, carbohydrate intake &
GH Protocol!
For more information about maintaining Insulin sensitivity at higher Growth
Hormone dosages during the offseason, consider purchasing the “Offseason
Growth Hormone | Insulin-like Growth Factor-1 | Insulin Protocols to prevent
Blood Glucose Level Monitor (Glucometer)
A glucometer is a medical device for determining the approximate
concentration of glucose in the blood. This device is commonly used by people
who suffer from Type 1 or 2 Diabetes to assess their blood glucose levels.
Glucometers are readily used by advanced bodybuilders, strength athletes &
fitness enthusiasts to see if they’re losing Insulin sensitivity during the
Loss of Insulin sensitivity could be caused by high carbohydrate intake,
continuously high or frequent Growth Hormone administrations, or by using
Growth Hormone Secretagogues like MK-677 or GHRP-6.
Daily use of a Glucometer is essential when using Growth Hormone frequently,
especially when combining GH with fast-acting or long-acting Insulins to
assess Insulin dosing accurately.
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Blood glucose levels are measured upon waking, after fasted cardio, 2 hours
after meals, post-workout, and before bed to assess if blood glucose levels are
within their respective reference ranges and determine if you’re maintaining
Insulin sensitivity. At the bare minimum, measure your glucose upon waking as
it’s usually the first measuring point to indicate loss of Insulin sensitivity.
Measuring blood glucose levels 2 hours after meals is also essential when
you’re using exogenous rhGH several times per day during the offseason. If
you’re using 1-2iu rhGH per day in a single injection before activity, it’s probably
not required to frequently measure your blood glucose levels. However, once
you’ve exceeded 3 injections or 6iu rhGH per day combined, it’s essential to
regularly measure your blood glucose levels, especially during the offseason.
A glucometer requires a small drop of blood obtained by pricking the skin with
a lancet provided with the glucometer kit. The blood sample is placed on a
disposable test strip that the meter reads and uses to calculate your blood
glucose level. The glucometer displays the level in units of mg/dl or mmol/l.
Below are the ranges for blood glucose ranges, which are considered to be
• Fasting Blood Glucose Level upon Waking: 70-100 mg/dl or 3.9-5.5 mmol/l
• Blood Glucose Level 2 Hours after Meals: 90–130 mg/dl or 5.0–7.2 mmol/l
Fasting Hyperglycemia: diagnosed as a blood glucose level higher than 130
mg/dl or 7.2 mmol/l after fasting (from calories, not water) for at least 8 hours.
Post-Prandial Hyperglycemia: diagnosed as a blood glucose level higher than
180 mg/dl or 9.9 mmol/l, 2 hours after eating a meal containing carbohydrates.
Healthy individuals without Diabetes rarely have blood glucose level over 140
mg/dl after consuming a meal, unless the meal contained a large amount of
processed carbohydrates (cereal, popcorn, ice-cream, cake, etc.)
Fasting & Post-Prandial Hypoglycemia: diagnosed as a blood glucose level
lower than 70 mg/dl or 3.9 mmol/l after fasting (from calories, not water) for at
least 8 hours as well as in between meals.
The most popular & accurate blood glucose meter is the Accu-Chek (Guide-me)
produced by Roche. It can be bought online on most retail websites; Amazon,
Ladaza, E-bay, AliExpress, or Shopee.
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For more information about Responsible Insulin use while maintaining Insulin
sensitivity during the offseason, consider purchasing the “Comprehensive Guide
to Responsible Insulin use” eBook on The VigorousSteve.com Shop:
Maximizing Insulin-like Growth Factor-1 (IGF-1) Production
In order to maximize IGF-1 production in the Liver, consider using 1-2iu rhGH
by SubQ or IM administration before bed around 8-9 PM, as this usually results
in the highest serum IGF-1 levels the following 24-36 hours after!
Assuming you sleep according to your Circadian Rhythm, falling asleep between
10-11 PM and waking up around 6-7 AM, the highest natural GH pulse of the day
occurs somewhere between 1-3 AM when you’re in deep REM sleep. Those who
sleep outside of the regular Circadian Rhythm often see their night-time GH
pulse diminish as Cortisol levels fluctuate according to the day & night cycles.
Sunlight at dawn or dusk instructs the body to release Cortisol, to wake you
from sleep according to the Circadian Rhythm. Since it takes a few hours to
reach REM sleep, you might enter REM sleep at the time the sun is coming up,
and Cortisol slowly rises. Falling asleep after midnight means that Cortisol
levels are relatively high when you’re supposed to release GH, dramatically
diminishing the natural GH pulse, which cascades into marginal IGF-1 release.
Exogenous rhGH has a relatively short Active-Life of approximately 4-4.5 hours
when administered through SubQ or IM injections. Using GH between 8-9 PM
allows for a sufficient amount of time to complete metabolization of the
exogenous rhGH without sending negative feedback to your night-time GH
pulse. However, elevated IGF-1 levels have negative feedback towards
additional IGF-1 production in the Liver, meaning that your night-time GH pulse
will only marginally increase IGF-1 output.
As the evening GH administration already elevated serum IGF-1 concentrations,
blunting additional IGF-1 release. This marginal increase still results in the
highest possible IGF-1 levels upon waking, making fasted cardio or morning
workouts, Intermittent Fasting & Ketogenic Diets, or other low Insulin states
more effective. Overall, if your rhGH budget is 1-2iu per day, serum IGF-1 levels
are highest with evening administrations compared to day-time injections.
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This method might not be desirable for general Anti-Aging purposes; during the
later stages of life, low IGF-1 levels are usually preferred. However, evening GH
administrations improve sleep quality tremendously, which could be beneficial
when working stressful jobs or suffering from moderate insomnia. If low IGF-1
levels are preferred but improved sleep quality is still desired, it’s advisable to
use 500mg Metformin or 500mg Berberine alongside evening GH
administrations to blunt IGF-1 production within the Liver.
Maximizing Fat Loss
Suppose you require additional fat loss during your cutting phase or contest
prep. In that case, it’s generally advised to use 1-2iu rhGH by SubQ or IM
administration once per day before fasted cardio or workout. GH causes
lipolysis, and moderate-high intense activity helps burn the newly liberated
triglycerides from body fat stores, eventually resulting in body fat loss. If you
do not increase activity after an exogenous rhGH injection, these triglycerides
might migrate to other areas of the body; lower back, glutes, hamstring, etc.
and make fat loss from these stubborn areas more difficult.
If you’re not restricting calories or administering rhGH before activity, you’ll
slowly get leaner on limbs or face, while your stubborn fat areas remain exactly
the same. As long as you’re reducing calories and carefully controlling food
intake, you’ll gradually lose body fat evenly, even when you administer GH in
the evening. However, overall fat loss improves if you inject GH before activity,
which allows you to utilize body fat for energy production.
You can combine GH administrations with 2,000mg oral L-Carnitine-L-Tartate or
500mg injectable L-Carnitine to optimize fat loss. Carnitine helps to absorb
medium & long-chain triglycerides into the Mitochondria for energy
production. Effectively bypassing the need to convert medium & long-chain
into short-chain triglycerides in the Liver, which are more readily absorbed.
Needless to say; adding additional fat-burning compounds like Clenbuterol,
Ephedrine, Cardarine (GW-501516), SR9009, Yohimbine, or Rauwolscine to your
pre-cardio or pre-workout PED Protocol will increase the rate of fat loss
Copyright (c) Vigorous Steve 2020 www.vigoroussteve.com
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For more information about Lipolytic Agents & Performance Enhancing Drugs
(PEDs), consider purchasing the “Fat Loss Pharmacology Handbook” eBook on
The VigorousSteve.com Shop: www.vigoroussteve.com/shop/
Maximizing Hyperplasia & Preventing Insulin Resistance
Once you’ve reached the 6-8iu territory of daily Growth Hormone use, you might
experience increased blood glucose levels after a few weeks of multiple 2iu
rhGH administrations per day. It’s imperative to continuously check your fasting
blood sugar levels when using higher dosages of exogenous rhGH. As soon as
your fasting blood glucose levels exceed 100mg/dL, or 130mg/dL between
meals, it’s better to switch to every other day or bolus administration protocol!
The last protocol you can try before symptoms of Insulin resistance becomes
apparent at 2iu rhGH 3-4x per day is taking your daily rhGH budget in a single
dose. Injected by IM administration, either pre- or post-workout, alongside 12iu fast-acting Insulin by SubQ administration per 20g carbohydrates contained
in your pre- or post-workout meal. The main benefit of injecting a single dose
of GH, compared to several 1-2iu GH administration per day, is to limit the
duration while GH is present in the bloodstream. A single GH injection results
in peak serum concentrations for 4-4.5 hours per day at maximum. In
comparison, multiple 1-2iu GH injections might result in elevated serum GH
concentrations for up to 18 hours per day in total.
Although you’re taking a significant dose of 6-8iu rhGH in a single
administration before or after your workout, the subsequent increase in GLUT4
Receptors should allow for a substantial amount of glucose to enter the
skeletal muscle, without the need for pancreatic or exogenous Insulin. A
relatively high dose of rhGH causes an elevation of Hormone-Sensitive Lipase
(HSL), Free Fatty Acids (FFAs) & Glycerol concentrations in the bloodstream. This
induces moderate Insulin Resistance by inhibiting Insulin Receptor Substrate1 (IRS-1) activity, which can reduce both Glucose Transporter Type-4 (GLUT4) &
Insulin Receptor density on the cell membrane.
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Exogenous fast-acting Insulin helps control glucose levels, even though high
GH concentrations might impair IRS-1 & GLUT4-mediated glucose uptake of
skeletal muscle. Since you’re continually using muscle glycogen stores for
energy production, stored glycogen depletes sufficiently during the workout.
Fast-acting Insulin pre-workout promotes glycogen storage during the
workout, using the carbohydrates from the pre-workout meal, effectively
maintaining glycogen balance throughout while keeping blood glucose levels
in range.
Not only does fast-acting Insulin post-workout help to keep blood glucose
levels in range after the workout, while promoting glycogen storage using the
carbohydrates from the post-workout meal. It also encourages additional IGF1 production in the Liver, as serum Growth Hormone concentrations start to
peak around the same time fast-acting Insulin concentrations peak. Moderate
depletion of Liver glycogen stores, in combination with elevated levels of GH &
Insulin, causes a reasonably high amount of IGF-1 production. To further
optimize the IGF-1 production, consider injecting fast-acting Insulin SubQ 1520 minutes after injecting your bolus rhGH dose IM, increasing Insulin
sensitivity & recovery for the next 24-36 hours!
Keep in mind that you’ll have to measure your blood glucose levels 1 hour after
using rhGH with fast-acting Insulin to see if your administration protocol is
sufficient to cover your pre- or post-workout meal. As fast-acting Insulins
generally reach peak serum concentrations around 1 hour after administration.
Taking 6-8iu rhGH along with 1-2iu fast-acting Insulin per 20g carbohydrates
shouldn’t lower your intra- or post-workout blood glucose levels below 70mg/dl
or 3.9mmol/l. At the same time, this protocol should prevent your intra- or postworkout blood glucose levels from rising above 90–130 mg/dl or 5.0–7.2
mmol/l. If you train early in the morning and only have a pre-workout shake,
then 6-8iu rhGH & 1iu fast-acting Insulin per 20g carbohydrates should be
sufficient to cover the shake and prevent blood glucose levels from dropping
below 70mg/dL or 3.9mmol/L.
There is no way to predict how you will respond to this protocol as Insulin
sensitivity is dependent on many factors, including; sleep duration,
carbohydrates consumed during the day, carbohydrates consumed the night
prior, supplementation, Liver glycogen stores, skeletal muscle glycogen stores,
IGF-1 concentrations, digestion rate of pre- or post-workout carbohydrate and
protein sources, training intensity, serum Growth Hormone concentrations, etc.
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Always use a glucometer and keep a log of your blood glucose levels
concerning the amount of carbohydrates & food sources consumed, GH dosages
used, fast-acting Insulin dosages used, the timing of administrations in relation
to your workout, and body-part trained during the workout. Keep track of ALL of
these variables so you can make informed decisions when you’re aiming to
perfect your personalized bolus-dose rhGH & fast-acting Insulin protocol!
Growth Hormone (GH) & Thyroxine (T4) for Thyroid Conversion
Triiodothyronine (T3) & Thyroxine (T4) Thyroid hormones are produced &
released by the Thyroid Gland, located around the Larynx / Voice Box in the
Neck. Production is regulated by Thyroid-Stimulation Hormone (TSH), released
by the Pituitary Gland according to serum concentrations of Total & Free T4 &
T3. Both T4 & T3 are Tyrosine-based hormones that are primarily responsible
for regulating metabolism. They are partially composed of Iodine. An Iodine
deficiency leads to decreased production of T3 & T4, which can eventually
enlarge tissue of the Thyroid Gland and cause a disease known as Goiter.
These Thyroid Hormones act on nearly every cell in the body, where they
increase Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) & body temperature. Thyroid Hormones
also help to regulate bone growth (in synergy with Growth Hormone, Calcium,
Magnesium & Vitamin K) & neural maturation as well as increase sensitivity to
Catecholamines (Epinephrine / Adrenalin & Nor-Epinephrine).
Thyroid Hormones regulate protein, carbohydrate & fat metabolism, stimulate
vitamin metabolism, and affect how cells use energetic compounds. Numerous
other physiological & pathological stimuli are influenced by Thyroid Hormones
and their synthesis in the Thyroid Gland and tissue of the body! Healthy
individuals without metabolic issues should have a normal to high metabolic
rate in a caloric surplus, given their micro-nutrient intake is sufficient for
healthy Thyroid production & conversion.
The most predominant form of Thyroid Hormone in the bloodstream is
Thyroxine (T4), where T4:T3 concentrations are approximately 14:1. T4 is
converted into the active T3 within the cells by Deiodinase Enzymes.
Triiodothyronine (T3) is further processed by Decarboxylation & Deiodination
to produce Iodothyronamine (T1a) & Thyronamine (T0a). All 3 isoforms of the
de-iodized Thyroxine are produced with enzymes containing Selenium.
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Thus dietary or supplemental Selenium & Iodine is essential for T4, T3, T1s &
T0a production and metabolism's normal functioning.
Thyroid Hormones are bound to binding proteins, including; Thyropexin /
Thyroxine-Binding Globulin (TBG), Thyroxine-Binding Pre-Albumin (TBPA) /
Trans-Thyretin (TTR) & Albumin. Several other serum proteins bind T3 & T4,
particularly High-Density Lipoproteins (HDL), but their contribution to the
overall hormone transport is negligible. Binding proteins render both T4 & T3
inactive; only a tiny portion of Total T4 & Total T3 is unbound and considered
“free” in the bloodstream.
When Thyroid levels are low, the Pituitary Gland produces more Thyroid
Stimulating Hormone (TSH) to secrete additional T4 for Deionization into T3. On
the opposite end, when Thyroid levels are high, the Pituitary Gland produces
less TSH, allowing Thyroid levels to return to baseline over time. A skewed
serum TSH Concentration, either above or below the reference range, indicates
the Thyroid Gland isn’t working correctly, and metabolism is either impaired or
upregulated beyond normal levels. Exogenous PEDs like GH, IGF-1 & Thyroid
medication, as well as elevated Prolactin or Vasopressin levels, can alter serum
Thyroid levels tremendously!
Exogenous Growth Hormone use increases Thyroid conversion from Thyroxine
(T4) into Triiodothyronine (T3) within the cells of the body by Deiodinase
Enzymes. This increased conversion is seen at dosages as low as 1iu rhGH per
day and elevates with higher rhGH dosages. 1-2iu rhGH per day might boost
Thyroid conversion only slightly, allowing Total & Free T4 levels to replenish
themselves from the Thyroid Gland as it responds to Thyroid-Stimulating
Hormone (TSH) released from the Pituitary Gland.
Exogenous rhGH below 2iu per day might not require Thyroxine
supplementation. However, Coach Steve highly advises enhanced bodybuilders,
strength athletes & fitness enthusiasts to confirm their serum Free T3, Free T4
& TSH levels are within range with bloodwork while using low-dose exogenous
rhGH. Beyond 2iu rhGH per day, supplementing with 100mcg T4 is generally
advised to maintain adequate serum T3 concentrations and prevent chronically
elevated TSH levels when T4 concentrations are depleted.
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The generally accepted ratio of T4 to T3 conversion is 4:1, where 100mcg
inactive T4 yields about 25mcg active T3. In the majority of cases,
supplementing with 100mcg T4 alongside 1-2iu rhGH per day keeps serum T3
levels within the reference range! Supplementation beyond 100mcg T4 per day
doesn’t appear to increase serum T3 Levels any further, regardless of the
amount of exogenous rhGH used. Low body fat levels or reduced caloric intake
might also decrease the conversion from T4 into T3, even when using a
significant amount of Growth Hormone.
T4 supplementation generally isn’t required without exogenous Growth
Hormone use. Metabolic rate regulates through other pathways as well,
including food intake. Maintenance or surplus of calories is usually sufficient
to maintain Thyroid levels within the reference range, given micro-nutrient
intake is carefully managed to prevent deficiencies!
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Growth Hormone Secretagogues
Besides using Pharmaceutical Grade Growth Hormone products, Chinese or
Indian Generics for budgeting purposes, or restricted availability of Pharmgrade
GH, there are several GH Secretagogues which you can choose from. While the
serum concentration won’t dramatically exceed the established reference
range for Growth Hormone, these compounds will contribute to overall
anabolism when combined with other Anabolic Agents like AAS, SARMs, Insulin,
or Clenbuterol. GH Secretagogues are considerably more effective below 30
years of age when natural GH secretion from the Pituitary Gland is still relatively
high. Once you’re 30 years old or older, it’s probably better to use exogenous
rhGH as GH secretion slowly declines with age, even if you force it with
Ibutamoren (MK-677)
Ibutamoren (MK-677) is a potent, long-acting, orally-active, selective & nonpeptide agonist of the Ghrelin Receptor and a Growth Hormone Secretagogue,
mimicking the GH stimulating action of the endogenous hormone Ghrelin. MK677 increases GH secretion and subsequent IGF-1 production, resulting in
elevated serum concentrations for over 24 hours after administration. However,
unlike exogenous rhGH or IGF-1, MK-677 hasn’t been shown to change total fat
mass or visceral fat and doesn’t affect serum Cortisol levels.
MK-677 mimics the hormone Ghrelin chemically and functions as a
neuropeptide in the Central Nervous System (CNS); it also crosses the BloodBrain-Barrier (BBB). According to recent research & medical discussion, there is
a concern that its particularly long Half-Life of 4-6 hours might over-stimulate
the Ghrelin receptors in the Brain. Leading to some harmful mental side-effects
including; Dementia & Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).
MK-677 is currently undergoing clinical trials and is still under investigation as
a potential medicine; it isn’t approved for marketing or human consumption in
the United States and other countries. However, MK-677 is used experimentally
by the bodybuilding and fitness community.
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Generally recommended dosages are 20-30mg MK-677, taken right before bed
to increase the largest natural Growth Hormone pulse, which occurs during
deep Rapid Eye Movement (REM) sleep between 01:00-03:00. Ideally, time your
MK-677 administrations between 22:00-23:00, allowing for relatively high
concentrations and Ghrelin Receptor activation when deep REM sleep occurs.
The duration of MK-677 use highly depends on the development of Insulin
resistance, which can progress within as little as 5 days or up to 4 weeks.
Whether an individual develops Insulin resistance or not differs from person to
person. Other contributing factors include; carbohydrate & saturated fat intake,
workout volume & intensity, daily fasted cardio, supplementation, or
medications to increase insulin sensitivity.
Before considering to use MK-677, keep a log of your fasting blood glucose
levels for at least a week before starting night-time MK-677 administrations.
This will give you a reliable baseline of your fasting blood glucose levels; once
your readings go over 100mg/dL upon waking, it’s time to discontinue MK-677
for at least 2 weeks while reducing carbohydrate intake by 50% to restore
Insulin sensitivity.
Exogenous short- or long-acting Insulins might not help to control rising blood
glucose levels. The activation of the Ghrelin Receptors will increase appetite
significantly, often to the point of over-eating or consistently poor dietary
choices. Combined with constantly elevated serum Growth Hormone
concentrations, increasing Lipolysis and Free Fatty Acids (FFAs) in the
bloodstream, combined with raised blood glucose & triglyceride levels from
food intake, inhibiting Insulin Receptor Substrate-1 (IRS-1) activity, reducing
Glucose Transporter Type-4 (GLUT4) & Insulin Receptor density on the cell
MK-677 raises serum GH concentrations moderately for around 6-24 hours.
Night-time MK-677 administrations bypass the feeling of uncontrollable
hunger, as most people are completely asleep by the time that happens. Keep
in mind that an evening meal consisting of a large portion of carbohydrates &
saturated fats reduces Insulin sensitivity by itself already. Combining cheat
meals with MK-677 before bed to promote GH secretion throughout the night
causes additional Insulin resistance on top of the loss of Insulin sensitivity from
the meal! This promotes body fat storage tremendously and inadvertently
raises fasted blood glucose levels upon waking.
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SPECIAL NOTE: The Insomnia medication Zolpidem (Ambien) impairs short-term
memory tremendously. Frequent use might induce sleepwalking or impair the
ability to remember waking up in the middle of the night to clean out the fridge
and cupboard. This issue is very common with bodybuilders, strength athletes
& fitness enthusiasts who use Zolpidem to improve sleep quality, especially
during a cutting phase. Not only does this completely undo the hard work
you’ve put in during the day, but it also causes moderate Insulin Resistance the
following day and reduces the effectiveness of fasted cardio. Coach Steve warns
you not to combine MK-677 & Zolpidem and advises you to look for other
sleeping aids like 5-HTP, Melatonin, Ashwagandha, GABA, or Phenibut.
As Insulin resistance builds, the Pancreas produces more and more Insulin in
an attempt to control blood sugar levels. However, the majority of Insulin will
not attach to the Insulin Receptors on skeletal muscle cells. Instead, the excess
Insulin will activate the Insulin Receptors on the fat cells and promote fat
storage. This effect explains why water retention with frequent MK-677 is more
pronounced than similar serum concentrations with exogenous rhGH
administrations. While Growth Hormone by itself already promotes water
retention, the combination of elevated GH levels and Insulin resistance due to
MK-677 significantly compounds the amount of additional water you’ll hold.
Inexperienced bodybuilders, strength athletes, or fitness enthusiasts will
mistake the added Carpal Tunnel Syndrome for severely elevated GH levels.
Ghrelin is also able to induce Hyperglycemia and inhibits Insulin secretion from
the Pancreas. Activating the Ghrelin Receptors with MK-677 impairs Insulin
secretion slightly, although this effect hasn’t been examined thoroughly.
Please make sure you don’t have any pre-existing high blood pressure, elevated
fasting blood glucose levels, and follow a regimented diet before considering
adding MK-677 to your PED Protocol!
Growth Hormone-Releasing Peptide-2 (GHRP-2)
Growth Hormone-Releasing Peptide-2 (GHRP-2) or Pralmorelin, is a synthetic
peptide GH Secretagogue which is orally bioavailable but commonly
administrated as an injectable solution.
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GHRP-2 acts as a Ghrelin & Growth Hormone Secretagogue Receptor (GHSR)
agonist, which induces hunger and Growth Hormone production from the
Pituitary Gland. Pralmorelin Dihydrochloride is currently the only FDA Approved
GHRP-2 used for the medical assessment of Growth Hormone Deficiency (GHD).
Pralmorelin is produced by Kaken Seiyaku, Japan.
The general recommended dose of GHRP-2 during a cutting phase or contest
prep is 100-300mcg per injection, administered 2-3x per day. It is commonly
used around the same time you would otherwise take exogenous rhGH
injections. However, since it takes around 30min after GHRP-2 administration
for GH levels to rise and peak in the bloodstream. It’s advised to inject GHRP-2
either 1.5 hours before fasted cardio or workouts, directly after workouts, or
about 2-2.5 hours before bed. These protocols should yield similar effects as a
total of 1-2iu rhGH per day related to fat loss, elevated IGF-1 levels, and water
Keep in mind that GHRP-2 still increases hunger and appetite, albeit not as
severe compared to GHRP-6 or MK-677. The hunger might not be desired while
appetite is already elevated due to caloric restrictions and frequent cardio
sessions. When hunger and appetite become uncontrollable, it’s probably
better to switch to exogenous rhGH for the remainder of your cutting phase or
contest prep.
Although rare, some bodybuilders, strength athletes, or fitness enthusiasts
report elevated Cortisol & Prolactin levels when using over 600mcg GHRP-2 per
day. These side-effects are seen with 2x 300mcg and 3x 200mcg GHRP-2
injections per day. Cortisol & Prolactin levels can rise due to many contributing
factors besides GHRP-2. However, it is highly advised to discontinue GHRP-2
while either Cortisol or Prolactin levels are elevated.
Growth Hormone-Releasing Peptide-6 (GHRP-6)
Growth Hormone-Releasing Peptide-6 (GHRP-6) or Growth Hormone-Releasing
Hexapeptide (GHRH) works similarly to GHRP-2 but isn’t orally bioavailable.
However, it has a more substantial effect on the activation of the Ghrelin
Receptors, resulting in higher GH concentrations and subsequent hunger and
appetite increases. GHRP-6 currently isn’t FDA Approved, although most clinical
trials performed on humans reported it to be safe.
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The general recommended dose of GHRP-6 during the offseason is 100-200mcg
per injection, administered 2-3x per day. Similar to GHRP-2, it is commonly used
around the same time you would otherwise take exogenous rhGH injections.
However, since it takes around 30min after GHRP-6 administration for GH levels
to rise and peak in the bloodstream. It’s advised to inject GHRP-6 either 1.5
hours before fasted cardio or workouts, directly after workouts, or about 2-2.5
hours before bed. These protocols should yield similar effects as a total of 12iu rhGH per day related to fat loss, elevated IGF-1 levels, and water retention.
Growth Hormone secretion might be impaired when administering GHRP-6,
while blood glucose levels are above 100mg/dl. GHRP-6’s effect appears more
pronounced when used in a fasted state, either pre-cardio or post-workout
when blood glucose levels are considerably lower following an intense training
session. During the offseason, carbohydrate is generally much higher than
during a cutting phase or contest prep. Restricting carbohydrates before the
final meal of the day allows blood glucose levels to return to baseline,
minimizing the impairment of GH secretion.
Fast-acting Insulin was shown to increase the Growth Hormone secretion
induced by GHRP-6. This effect was observed at conservative dosages of 1-2iu
Insulin alongside 100-200mcg GHRP-6 administered SubQ simultaneously,
albeit at different injection sites to prevent the peptides from denaturing. Fastacting Insulin generally reaches peak serum concentrations within 15-30
minutes, well before GHRP-6 induces GH secretion by activating the Ghrelin
It’s currently unclear if the exogenous Insulin in this protocol replaces the
Insulin otherwise released from the Pancreas, lowering blood glucose levels
preventatively. Since GHRP-6 also activates the Ghrelin Receptors of the
Pancreas, it might induce Hyperglycemia and inhibit Insulin secretion, just like
Ghrelin or MK-677 does potentially. Exogenous Insulin can mitigate these
effects and maximize the Growth Hormone secreting potential when combined
with GHRP-6.
Both GHRPs raise Growth Hormone concentrations within 30min of
administration, which stays elevated for around 2-3 hours, due to their
relatively short Half-Life of 1-2.5 hours. Most bodybuilders, strength athletes, or
fitness enthusiasts prefer to administer GHRP-2 or 6 multiple times per day, as
the effects are of much shorter duration compared to exogenous rhGH.
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CJC-1295 DAC
ConJuChem Growth Hormone-Releasing Factor-1295 with Drug Affinity Complex
(CJC-1295 DAC) is a synthetic analog of Growth Hormone-Releasing Hormone
(GHRH), also known as somatocrinin. CJC-1295 DAC is a GH Secretagogue
developed by Conjuchem Biotechnologies. The CJC abbreviation comes from the
3 letters in ConJuChem, where 1295 identifies the peptide’s production number.
CJC-1295 DAC currently isn’t FDA Approved. Clinical trials were discontinued
when one of the trial subjects died due to unrelated asymptomatic coronary
artery disease. CJC-1295 has a synergistic effect with both GHRP-2 & 6 and
increases Growth Hormone levels considerably when taken together.
Unlike MK-677 or GHRP-2 & 6, which activate the Ghrelin Receptors, CJC-1295
works along the natural Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Somatotropic-Axis (HPSA), also
known as the or Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Somatic-Axis, or HypothalamicPituitary-Growth-Axis (HPGA). CJC-1295 enhances the signals sent from the
Hypothalamus to the Pituitary Gland by mimicking the effects of GHRH. The
fertility medication Triptorelin works similarly but acts as a Gonadotropin
Hormone-Releasing Hormone (GHRH), as seen in normal HypothalamicPituitary-Testes/Adrenal-Axis (HPTA/HPAA) function.
Conjuchem developed the Drug Affinity Complex™ (DAC) technology to protect
against peptides degradation and rapid kidney excretion. Adding DAC to CJC1295 prevents the Dipeptidyl Amino Peptidase-IV (DPP-IV) enzymes from
metabolizing the compound and increases the peptide’s Half-Life and
bioavailability tremendously. Whereas regular CJC-1295 without DAC has a HalfLife or merely 30 minutes, CJC-1295 with DAC has a Half-Life of around 1 week.
However, CJC-1295 without DAC can conjugate or bind with serum Albumin,
which counteracts DPP-IV’s enzymatic effect, increasing it’s Half-Life slightly.
CJC-1295 DAC raises serum GH concentrations by 2-10x above baseline for 6-8
days. Serum IGF-1 concentrations rise by 1.5-3x above baseline and stay
elevated for 9-11 days after a single administration.
These effects compound with weekly or bi-weekly CJC-1295 DAC
administrations but are still limited by the maximum amount of Growth
Hormone & Insulin-like Growth Factor-1, the Pituitary Gland & Liver can
produce naturally. Multiple and consecutive CJC-1295 DAC administrations
elevated IGF-1 concentrations for up to 28 days after discontinuation.
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Both CJC-1295 with or without DAC are able to extend the Growth Hormone
secreting effects of both GHRP 2 & 6. GHRPs activate the Ghrelin Receptors
while CJC-1295 activates the GHRH Receptors, further stimulating GH
production and subsequent IGF-1 secretion.
The general recommended dose of CJC-1295 without DAC is 100-300mcg 2-3x
per day, administered SubQ 30 minutes after GHRP-2 or 6 injections. Ideally, you
match the microgram dose of CJC-1295 (no DAC), with the microgram dose of
GHRP-2 or 6, for example; 200mcg GHRP-2 requires 200mcg CJC-1295 (no DAC),
and 100mcg GHRP-6 requires 100mcg CJC-1295 (no DAC).
The general recommended dose of CJC-1295 DAC is 1-2mg per week,
administered with SubQ injections, which has a synergistic effect with
consecutive GHRPs administrations due to its extended Half-Life. Dosages of
CJC-1295 (no DAC) beyond 1mg per day or CJC-1295 DAC beyond 2mg per week
result in diminishing returns, even when combined with GHRPs. Most
bodybuilders, strength athletes, or fitness enthusiasts prefer CJC-1295 DAC over
CJC-1295 without DAC, as it reduces the need for additional injections besides
2-3x GHRP administrations per day. CJC-1295 (no DAC) alongside GHRP-6 &
Insulin results in 9 separate injections per day…
Similar to GHRP-6, CJC-1295’s effect on Growth Hormone production is
maximized when blood glucose levels are below 100mg/dL. Given the
reasonably long Half-Life of CJC-1295 DAC, a Ketogenic diet often results in
slightly higher Growth Hormone levels than a diet with a large amount of
carbohydrates. During the offseason, it might be better to use CJC-1295 without
DAC and time the injections alongside the ideal administration of GHRP-6 &
Although rare, some bodybuilders, strength athletes, or fitness enthusiasts
report itching, redness, swelling, or inflammation at the CJC-1295 injection site.
It’s unclear if the peptide itself causes this side-effect or it’s due to impurities
within the lyophilized powder when purchasing CJC-1295 from Under Ground
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Examorelin, Ipamorelin, Somatorelin & Tesamorelin
Over the years, Coach Steve has experimented with several UGL brands of
Tesamorelin, Ipamorelin, Somatorelin & Examorelin at conservative and
unnecessarily high dosages. Neither method resulted in significantly elevated
GH concentrations, especially when comparing these peptides to the noticeable
results seen with MK-677 or GHRPs combined with CJC-1295 DAC. To be fair,
these were Chinese Generics shipped from China to the US and then onwards
to Thailand, severely impacting the potency due to frequent temperature
Coach Steve did not have the opportunity to experiment with FDA Approved
Tesamorelin, Somatorelin, or Examorelin himself. However, several of his
clients have used Pharmaceutical Grade Somatorelin or Examorelin over the
years, often with minimal or sub-par results. Switching from Pharma
Somatorelin or Examorelin to UGL GHRP-2 with CJC-1295 DAC always yielded
more pronounced results and measurably elevated GH & IGF-1 levels.
Based on Coach Steve’s experience and that of his clients, avoid these peptides
and spend your hard-earned money elsewhere! If you’re still interested in using
these compounds to formulate your own opinion and most likely come to the
same conclusion, consider the following administration protocols:
• Examorelin: 100mcg upon waking.
• Ipamorelin: 200-300mcg SubQ 2-3x per day; upon waking, before activity &
before bed.
• Somatorelin: 100-200mcg SubQ 2-3x per day; upon waking, before activity &
before bed.
• Tesamorelin: 1-2mg SubQ upon waking.
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Modified Growth Hormone Peptides
Besides Growth Hormone Secretagogues, there are 2 modified peptides which
closely resemble the human Growth Hormone peptide molecule but are
functionally altered to increase their Lypolitic properties. Both HGH Fragment
176-191 & Anti-Obesity Drug-9604 (AOD9604), also known as Lipoprotein, didn’t
pass clinical trials and aren’t FDA approved. They also aren't commonly used by
bodybuilders, strength athletes, or fitness enthusiasts. However, they do hold
some promise as an additional fat burning compound, which can be used
alongside exogenous rhGH, Clenbuterol, Ephedrine, Cardarine (GW-501516),
SR9009, Yohimbine, Rauwolscine, or Carnitine.
For more information about Lipolytic Agents & Performance Enhancing Drugs
(PEDs), consider purchasing the “Fat Loss Pharmacology Handbook” eBook on
The VigorousSteve.com Shop: www.vigoroussteve.com/shop/
Growth Hormone Fragment 176-191 (HGH Frag. 176-191)
Growth Hormone Fragment 176-191 (HGH Frag. 176-191) is a modified form of
hGH, which excludes the first 175 Amino Acids of the peptide chain. HGH Frag.
176-191 only consist of the amino acids 176-191, found in bioidentical 191
amino acid hGH and rhGH. This segment is often referred to as the “Lipolytic
Fragment” as it’s clinically proven to improve fat metabolism, similar to
bioidentical Growth Hormone. However, it appears that HGH Frag. 176-191
doesn’t possess any anabolic effects, induce hyperplasia, promote IGF-1
production in the Liver, or cause any adverse effects regarding Insulin
sensitivity. The latter might not be entirely accurate, as elevated levels of serum
triglycerides due to increased lipolysis can induce mild to moderate Insulin
resistance by itself.
The general recommended dose of HGH Frag. 176-191 is 250-500mcg 1-2x per
day, administered with SubQ injections. Timing is similar to the rhGH protocol
to stimulate fat loss during your cardio session or workout. Ideally, HGH Frag.
176-191 is administered in a fasted state, or at least 1 hour after and 2 hours
before consuming a meal containing carbohydrates, which appear to blunt the
lipolytic effects.
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Following a Ketogenic or Carnivore diet allows for a 3rd injection of 250500mcg HGH Frag. 176-191 before bed, which improves fat loss overnight
alongside natural Growth Hormone secretion and additional IGF-1 production.
Anti-Obesity Drug 9604 (AOD-9604)
Lipotropin or Anti-Obesity Drug 9604 (AOD-9604) is a modified form of the
lipolytic 176-191 amino acid segment of hGH. It was initially developed as an
anti-obesity medication but never passed clinical trials. Recently, several AntiAging Clinics started offering AOD-9604 and claim the compound is FDA
Approved in the United States. As of the writing of this eBook, AOD-9604 is not
registered on ANY of the websites that list FDA Approved drugs or medications.
AOD-9604 acts similarly to HGH Frag. 176-191 and promotes fat loss without
inducing the same beneficial effects or side effects associated with bioidentical
hGH or rhGH. Unlike HGH Frag. 176-191, AOD-9604 might possess several unique
characteristics regarding joint & connective tissue, improving collagen
synthesis and lowering inflammation.
The general recommended dose of AOD-9604 is 250-500mcg 1-2x per day,
administered with SubQ injections. Timing is similar to the rhGH or HGH Frag.
176-191 protocols to stimulate fat loss during your cardio session or workout.
Ideally, AOD-9604 is administered in a fasted state, or at least 1 hour after and
2 hours before consuming a meal containing carbohydrates, which appear to
blunt the lipolytic effects. Following a Ketogenic or Carnivore diet allows for a
3rd injection of 250-500mcg AOD-9604 before bed, which improves fat loss
overnight alongside natural Growth Hormone secretion and additional IGF-1
Coach Steve hasn’t used HGH Frag. 176-191 or AOD-9604 himself, and never
heard any positive anecdotal experience from enhanced individuals using these
compounds for fat loss successfully. Several clients mentioned using HGH Frag.
176-191 or AOD-9604 in the past at various dosages and protocols, all with
minimal to unnoticeable results during a cutting phase. Although these
compounds show promise on paper, there appears to be a minimal real-world
practical application for fat loss.
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Insulin-like Growth Factor-1 (IGF-1)
Similar to Insulin, Insulin-like Growth Factor-1 (IGF-1) or Somatomedin-C is also
able to promote glucose uptake within the Liver & skeletal muscle. The
molecular structure of IGF-1 is similar to Insulin and plays a vital role in
childhood growth, and has pronounced anabolic effects in adults, especially
when combined with exogenous Insulin & Growth Hormone! In drug-free
individuals, serum concentrations of IGF-1 are typically their highest during
puberty and adolescence; levels start to decline after 30 years of age. Lifestyle,
diet, exercise & supplementation is able to minimize the decline of GH & IGF1 production, while a select few Performance Enhancing Drugs (PEDs) can raise
serum concentrations to the top or above the age-specific reference range.
Approximately 98% of IGF-1 is always bound to one of 6 Insulin-like Growth
Factor Binding Proteins (IGF-BP). IGFBP-3 is the most abundant protein and
accounts for 80% of bound IGF-1 in the bloodstream. Insulin regulates IGFBP-1
concentrations. Chronically elevated Insulin concentrations caused by the loss
of Insulin sensitivity or seen in cases of Insulin resistance increases IGFBP-1
tremendously, which binds additional IGF-1, lowering bioavailability and
potential for anabolism, recovery & hyperplasia.
IGF-1 stimulates systemic growth in almost every cell of the body, especially in
skeletal muscle, cartilage, bone, kidney, nerves, and skin. The liver and lungs
cells also respond to IGF-1, albeit to a lower extent compared to other tissues.
IGF-1 also contributes to cellular DNA Synthesis, needed for cell proliferation.
Elevated IGF-1 levels are highly desired for muscle growth but definitely not
desired when suffering from (undiagnosed) Cancers or Tumors. When Cancers
or Tumors are detected, serum IGF-1 levels should be reduced to single digits
in an attempt to prevent the progression of the diagnosed Cancer or Tumor.
Similarly to checking your Cancer markers before considering exogenous
Growth Hormone use, you should do the same before considering exogenous
Insulin-like Growth Factor-1 by itself separately. If you’ve already tested your
Cancer markers before adding rhGH to your PED Protocol, you don’t have to do
it again before adding IGF-1 besides rhGH, unless 3 years have passed since the
last Cancer marker screening!
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Insulin-like Growth Factor-2 (IGF-2) also shares structural similarities with
Insulin & Pro-Insulin and secretes from the Liver in response to serum Growth
Hormone concentrations. IGF-1 is the predominant growth factor during
puberty and adulthood, while IGF-2 is mainly present during pregnancy and
regulates fetus development.
Promoting Insulin-like Growth Factor-1 Secretion
The Liver is the primary source of IGF-1 production, where Growth Hormone
directly stimulates its production & secretion into the bloodstream. The Liver
can only produce a limited amount of IGF-1, regardless of how much Growth
Hormone is present in the bloodstream at any given time. Most bodybuilders,
strength athletes, or fitness enthusiasts will see diminishing returns beyond 6iu
rhGH per day. Once enhanced individuals increase their exogenous rhGH
administrations over 6iu per day, either through a single injection or spaced
over multiple injections, IGF-1 concentrations only marginally increase further.
It’s incredibly rare for an adult to see serum IGF-1 levels over 500ng/mL,
regardless of how much rhGH & Insulin they use. The only real way to
significantly increase serum IGF-1 levels beyond 500ng/mL in adulthood is by
using exogenous IGF-1.
The Liver also raises IGF-1 secretion in response to frequent protein intake,
directly correlating to the meal's total caloric content, although calories aren’t
the sole determining factor of IGF-1 production. Low Insulin levels and high
Growth Hormone levels, as seen with the Intermittent Fasting, Full-Fasting, and
the Ketogenic & Carnivore diet, appear to elevate IGF-1 concentrations for
prolonged periods over other dieting strategies.
Besides the Liver, peripheral tissues also synthesize IGF-1 in response to Growth
Hormone concentrations. Skeletal muscle, bone, cartilage, skin, nerves, kidney,
and lungs all produce minute amounts of IGF-1 themselves. However, IGF-1
produced in peripheral tissue predominantly acts as an Autocrine & Paracrine
hormone and potentiates its effect on itself and surrounding tissues. In
Autocrine signaling, a cell releases hormones that bind to the receptors on its
own surface, while Paracrine signaling releases hormones to adjacent cells
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This effect predominantly occurs post-workout, where skeletal muscle releases
several growth factors, including IGF-1 & Mechano Growth Factor (MGF), in
response to hypertrophy stimulus. These growth factors bind to the IGF-1
Receptors of the secreting cells and surrounding tissues but generally don’t
increase serum concentrations. In contrast, the Liver secretes IGF-1 into the
bloodstream, acting systemically as part of the Endocrine system.
Individuals who sleep between 10-11 PM to 6-7 AM, according to the Circadian
Rhythm, often have the highest possible serum concentrations of IGF-1. GH
pulses naturally the higher during deep REM sleep between 1-3 AM, promoting
IGF-1 production. Enhanced bodybuilders, strength athletes, or fitness
enthusiasts who administer exogenous rhGH between 8-9 PM, raise their serum
IGF-1 levels significantly for the following 24-36 hours.
However, elevated IGF-1 levels have negative feedback towards additional IGF1 production in the Liver, meaning that your night-time GH pulse will only
marginally increase IGF-1 output. As the evening rhGH administration already
elevated serum IGF-1 concentrations, blunting additional IGF-1 release.
Several studies indicate that Vitamin D3, Zinc & DHEA supplementation helps
to boost IGF-1 production. However, this was the case in individuals deficient
in these micro-nutrients or Neuro-Steroids. Improving Vitamin D3, Zinc & DHEA
concentrations through dietary means or supplementation allowed for normal
IGF-1 levels, representing the individual's age and sex, but didn’t significantly
raise IGF-1 above the established baselines!
Impaired Insulin-like Growth Factor-1 Secretion
Undernutrition, caused by chronically reduced caloric intake or micro-nutrient
deficiencies, lowers GH production in the Pituitary Gland significantly, which
subsequently reduces IGF-1 production in the Liver. Low protein diets or any
form of Veganism, which eliminates animal meat consumption entirely, will
dramatically reduce IGF-1 concentrations in the bloodstream. Downregulation
of the GH Receptors on Hepatocytes of the Liver also decreases IGF-1
production. Natural IGF-1 production generally declines with age as GH
production declines. Stress is also known to reduce GH & IGF-1 levels.
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There are multiple supplements and Performance Enhancing Drugs (PEDs) that
blunt IGF-1 production. However, they are commonly used by bodybuilders,
strength athletes, or fitness enthusiasts for their unique characteristics and
outweighing benefits. Below is a list of commonly used compounds, which are
known to reduce serum IGF-1 levels:
• Accutane: decreases all Pituitary Hormones and reduces IGF-1 production
• Anti-Oxidant Supplementation: Curcumin Extracts, Vitamin C & Vitamin E &
Curcumin - 1-5% reduction.
• Cholesterol Medication: Atorvastatin (only at dosages of 80mg per day)
• Copper Peptide GHK-Cu: suppresses Insulin & IGF-1 gene expression in the
Pancreas & Liver.
• Dopamine Receptor Agonists (DRAs): Bromocriptine (Parlodel), Cabergoline
(Dostinex) & Pramipexole (Mirapex) - reduce GH production in the Pituitary
• Glucose Disposal Agents: Berberine & Metformin - activate Adenosine
Monophosphate-Activated Protein Kinase (AMPK) while inhibiting ProteinTyrosine Phosphatase 1B (PTP1B) & mammalian Target Of Rapamycin (mTOR),
reducing IGF-1 production in the Liver. Berberine reduces IGF-1 marginally,
while Metformin is known to dramatically lower serum IGF-1 levels, often below
• Growth Hormone Resistance: often caused by Micro-Nutrient Deficiencies,
impairing GH mediated IGF-1 production in the Liver.
• Micro-Nutrient Deficiencies: Vitamin A (Beta-Carotene & Retinol), Vitamin B6
(Pyridoxine, Pyridoxal & Pyridoxamine), Magnesium, Potassium & Zinc.
• Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulators (SERMs): Clomiphene (Clomid),
Enclomiphene (Androxal), Tamoxifen (Nolvadex), Toremifene (Fareston) &
Raloxifene (Evista) - 17-38% reduction.
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For general Anti-Aging purposes, Metformin is commonly used to reduce serum
IGF-1 concentrations. This reduces the rate of cell proliferation and the
shortening of Telomeres, which are repetitive Nucleotide sequences at each
end of the DNA Chromosome. Telomeres function to protect active genes when
Chromosomes replicate and naturally shorten every time a cell divides. Once
the Telomeres are truncated from the DNA Chromosome due to frequent
replication and cell division, concurrent DNA replications truncate part of the
active genes from the Chromosome, which causes Apoptosis (programmed cell
Reducing the rate of Chromosome replication and the shortening of Telomeres
by reducing serum IGF-1 concentrations with Metformin often results in a more
youthful appearance at an older age. Especially when exogenous rhGH is used
to promote collagen synthesis in the skin, to compensate for Estradiol &
Progesterone mediated collagen synthesis, which also declines with age.
Insulin-like Growth Factor-1 & Insulin Sensitivity
IGF-1 has structural similarities to both Insulin & Pro-Insulin (Prohormone
precursor to Insulin). However, unlike Insulin & Pro-Insulin, IGF-1 can directly
upregulate Insulin sensitivity by improving glucose uptake within skeletal
muscle. IGF-1 can bind to the IGF-1, Insulin, and hybrid Insulin/IGF-1 Receptor,
enhancing Insulin's action regarding cellular glucose uptake through the
Insulin Receptors.
It is noteworthy that IGF-1 itself has a very low binding affinity for the Insulin
Receptor, with a comparable affinity of that of Insulin for the IGF-1 Receptor.
IGF-1 ultimately improves Insulin sensitivity by promoting nutrient uptake
through another pathway, requiring less Insulin secretion from the Beta Cells
of the Pancreas or through exogenous administrations, to regulate serum
glucose concentrations. This highly diminished Insulin requirement is
enhanced further by GLUT4 translocation after an intense workout.
Exogenous rhGH injections raise Free Fatty Acids (FFAs) & Glycerol
concentrations in the bloodstream, which induces moderate Insulin Resistance
by inhibiting Insulin Receptor Substrate-1 (IRS-1) activity. IRS-1 reduces both
Glucose Transporter Type-4 (GLUT4) & Insulin Receptor density on the cell
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Administrating rhGH before training minimizes FFAs & Glycerol concentrations
as they’re readily used for energy production. The subsequent production of
IGF-1 alongside GLUT4 translocation during the workout will compensate for
any measurable amount of Insulin resistance induced by a single bolus Growth
Hormone injection.
Combining both exogenous rhGH & exogenous IGF-1 in your pre-workout PED
Protocol will improve nutrient uptake tremendously, whether the nutrients
come from stored body fat or dietary means, or both given caloric intake is
carefully regulated. This administration protocol doesn’t require any additional
Insulin. It might still induce moderate to severe hypoglycemia symptoms if the
individual did not consume adequate amounts of carbohydrates pre-workout.
It’s essential to consume enough carbohydrates with your pre-workout meal or
shake to keep blood glucose levels within the normal range throughout and
after the workout. This is particularly important while following a Ketogenic or
Carnivore diet as Gluconeogenesis from Glycerol or Amino Acids isn’t sufficient
to maintain blood glucose levels while using exogenous IGF-1 during an
intense workout!
Noticeably improved nutrient uptake is only seen with exogenous IGF-1
administrations, not by raising IGF-1 concentrations with exogenous rhGH, even
if the entire dose is injected before bed to compound IGF-1 production with the
naturally high Growth Hormone pulse which occurs during deep REM sleep.
Insulin-like Growth Factor-1 & Localized Growth
Unlike Growth Hormone, Insulin-like Growth Factor-1 can directly promote
localized growth of the muscle it’s injected into. This effect is more pronounced
when administering IGF-1 IM bi-laterally, into both sides of the major muscle
group around 1-2 hours before the workout
Localized IGF-1 injections promote nutrient uptake during the workout
significantly, which compounds with improved Insulin sensitivity and GLUT4
translocation. Pre-workout bi-lateral rhIGF-1 results in better mind-muscle
connection, increased endurance, elevated workout capacity, noticeable
strength increase, and an insane pump that can’t be replicated with any other
PED or pre-workout supplement!
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With consistent use, exogenous rhIGF-1 is one of the very few PEDs which can
improve lagging body parts directly. While Synthol, Hyaluronic Acid, or other
site-enhancement products merely inflate the muscle it’s injected into, IGF-1
promotes TRUE accumulation of new muscle tissue!
Insulin-like Growth Factor-1 Pharmaceuticals
Dosing beyond 6iu Growth Hormone per day often results in diminishing returns
regarding natural IGF-1 production in the Liver. At which point, exogenous IGF1 is added to progress further. There are only 2 Pharmaceutical Grade IGF-1
products available for medical treatments. The large majority of bodybuilders,
strength athletes, or fitness enthusiasts will never be able to obtain FDA
Approved IGF-1 in their lifetime. Supply is incredibly limited and often reserved
for a select group of IFBB Professionals or Top-Level Amateur competitors. Even
if you’re friendly or close to an IFBB Pro or Top Amateur that is able to use
Pharmgrade IGF-1 themselves, it’s highly unlikely they’re willing to part with
the small amount of product they’re able to source for personal use. Increlex &
iPlex supply is limited and the price of Pharmgrade IGF-1 ranges between 500900 US Dollars per 40-60mg Vial or Cartridge.
Similar to rhGH, Pharmaceutical IGF-1 is completely bioidentical and produced
with Recombinant DNA Technology. Recombinant human Insulin-Like Growth
Factor-1 (rhIGF-1) doesn’t contain any alterations to the IGF-1 molecule itself,
as seen with popular Generic IGF-1 LR3 or IGF-1 DES UGL products.
Increlex (Mecasermin)
Increlex (Mecasermin) is Pharmaceutical Grade Insulin-like Growth Factor-1,
manufactured by Ipsen Biopharmaceuticals. It is generally prescribed for
children over 2 years of age, suffering from growth failure due to IGF-1
deficiency before the bones' growth plates have fused. Once growth plates have
fused, Increlex is discontinued. Increlex isn’t prescribed for treatments of
children who are Growth Hormone deficient, or suffer from an underactive
Thyroid, malnutrition, or are treated with long-term Cortico-Steroid medication.
In these cases, growth failure can also occur but require different treatments
to improve the child's natural development.
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Mecasermin has a biological Half-Life of about 5.8 hours in children suffering
from severe primary IGF-1 deficiency when administered with SubQ injections.
Ipsen Increlex is a refrigerated sterile solution supplied in a multiple-dose
glass vial of 40mg/4mL Mecasermin, at a concentration of 10mg/1mL.
It is noteworthy that the Medical Insert of Ipsen Increlex explicitly mentions
that IGF-1 shouldn’t be used by children who use Insulin. The insert also
mentions that IGF-1 should be administered right before or after a meal to
prevent hypoglycemia. The medically prescribed dose of Increlex is 0.04-0.08
mg/kg, 40-80 mcg/kg, 0.02-0.04 mg/lbs, or 20-40 mcg/lbs of body weight,
administered twice per day with SubQ injections around meals. Following these
medical guidelines, a 225lbs / 102kg bodybuilder, strength athlete, or fitness
enthusiast would end up using 4.08-9.0mg Increlex twice per day. Resulting in
a drug-bill of 50-100 US Dollar injection…
Unlike children, enhanced adults are not suffering from growth failure and are
merely using Increlex to improve their rate of muscular development. Increlex
dosages for individuals who wish to promote nutrient uptake, recovery, and
hyperplasia generally lie between 10-100mcg per injection, administered bilaterally in the workout's primary muscle group, 1 hour prior, and used only
once per day.
iPlex (Mecasermin Rinfabate)
iPlex (Mecasermin Rinfabate) is a Pharmaceutical Grade Insulin-like Growth
Factor-1 Complex, which is a combination of rhIGF-1 together with Insulin-like
Growth Factor Binding Protein-3 (IGFBP-3) and an Acid-Labile Subunit (ALS). It
is manufactured by Insmed Therapeutic Proteins. The IGF-1, IGFBP-3 & ILS
Complex acts as a Prodrug and prolong Mecasermin’s duration of action in the
human body. Similar to Increlex, iPlex is generally prescribed for children
suffering from IGF-1 deficiency and growth failure.
The biological Half-Life of Mecasermin Rinfabate is 13.4 hours when
administered with SubQ injections, almost 2.5x longer compared to Increlex.
Although the Half-Life is considerably longer than Increlex, the Medical Insert
also explicitly mentions that the Complex should only be administered right
before or after a meal to prevent hypoglycemia.
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Insmed iPlex is a frozen sterile solution supplied in a single-dose glass vial of
36mg/0.6mL Mecasermin Rinfabate, at a concentration of 60mg/1ml. IGF-1. The
IGF-1 peptide itself has a molecular weight of 7,649 Daltons, and IGFBP-3 has a
molecular weight of 28,732 Daltons. Based on the molecular weight of the
Mecasermin Rinfabate Complex at 36,381 Daltons, IGF-1 comprises
approximately 21% of the total amount of milligrams contained within the
solution. The Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient (API) of iPlex is 7.56mg/0.6ml or
12.61mg/1ml IGF-1 per vial.
iPlex is one of the very few Peptides that needs to stay frozen before use. iPlex
vials must be stored in the freezer below -4 Fahrenheit or -20 Celsius to
maintain its potency. Once you’re ready to use iPlex, thaw a single vial at room
temperature for around 45 minutes, gently swirl the vial’s contents to ensure
uniformity of concentration before drawing the desired dose into a syringe.
After iPlex thaws, it needs to be used within 12 hours; dispose of the remainder
after administration. Bodybuilders, strength athletes, or fitness enthusiasts can
consider a second administration within 12 hours of dethawing.
The medically prescribed dose of iPlex is 1-2 mg/kg or 0.5-1 mg/lbs of body
weight, administered once per day by SubQ injection around a meal. Following
these medical guidelines, a 225lbs / 102kg bodybuilder, strength athlete, or
fitness enthusiast would end up using 102-225mg iPlex per day.
Unlike children, enhanced adults are not suffering from growth failure and are
merely using iPlex to improve their rate of muscular development. iPlex
dosages for individuals who wish to promote nutrient uptake, recovery, and
hyperplasia generally lie between 50-500mcg per injection, administered by
SubQ injection, 2 hours before workouts. The additional IGFBP-3 minimizes
localized activity when iPlex is injected bi-laterally; consider a systemic
approach if iPlex is available to you.
Do not use iPlex if the solution is cloudy or discolored after it’s fully thawed.
This indicates the IGF-1 or IGFBP-3 peptides are denatured and might cause a
(severe) immune system response post-administration!
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Insulin-like Growth Factor-1 Generics
The Steroid Black-Market offers a wide selection of Under Ground Labs (UGLs)
with Generic or Privately Labeled Chinese or Indian Generics, often produced in
100mcg to 2mg Vials. However, like the case with most UGLs & Generics, the
potency & quality might be questionable. The large majority of bodybuilders,
strength athletes & fitness enthusiasts only have access to lyophilized Chinese
or Indian Generic IGF-1 LR3 or IGF-1 DES 1,3. Although functionally related, IGF1 LR3 and IGF DES 1,3 are two different variations, which are similar to naturally
produced IGF-1. Both compounds have slightly different chemical structures
and potentiate different degrees of action. However, due to the small
alterations of these Peptides, they are technically not precisely bioidentical like
Increlex or iPlex!
Insulin-like Growth Factor-1, Long Arginine 3 (IGF-1 LR3)
IGF-1 LR3 is an artificially produced version of naturally occurring IGF-1.
Structurally, IGF-1 LR3 differs from its parent compound due to the presence of
an Arginine Molecule in place of a Glutamic Acid at the third position of the IGF1 Amino Acid Sequence. At the N-Terminus of IGF-1, there are an additional 13
Amino Acids, which loosely bind IGF-1 LR3 to the 3 Insulin-like Growth Factor
Binding Proteins (IGF-BP). By binding to the IGF-BPs, the duration of action of
IGF-1 LR3 extends significantly, although it decreases the direct
pharmacological activity after administration. IGF-1 LR3 has a reported HalfLife of 20-30 hours, resembling a similar duration of action as seen with
naturally produced IGF-1 from the Liver. This prolonged effect makes IGF-1 LR3
more suitable for recovery purposes.
General guidelines for exogenous IGF-1 LR-3 administrations go along with the
following Protocol; 50-100mcg IGF-1 LR3, injected bilaterally into each major
muscle group 1 hour before the workout, preferably with additional rhGH to
induce lipolysis pre-workout and promote hyperplasia post-workout. GLUT4
translocation improves Insulin sensitivity significantly post-workout, which
further enhances nutrient uptake. IGF-1 LR3 with rhGH pre-workout allows for
relatively large amounts of nutrients to enter the muscle cells to facilitate
recovery, growth & cell proliferation, given that glycogen & triglyceride stores
aren’t over-saturated!
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Insulin-like Growth Factor Desamino 1,3 (IGF-1 DES)
IGF-1 DES is extracted from Human Brain, Porcine Uterus, or Bovine Colostrum.
Although IGF DES is a biological variant of IGF-1, the compound lacks the first
3 Amino Acids located at the N-Terminus, which are present in naturally
occurring IGF-1. Unlike IGF-1 LR3, IGF-1 DES has a low binding affinity to the 3
IGF-BPs, thereby boosting its direct pharmacological actions. Although this
increases the rate at which IGF-1 DES is metabolized by the body and limits the
duration of action. IGF-1 DES has a relatively short Half-Life of only 20-30
minutes; administration around the workout is essential to get the most
benefits. This shortened effect makes IGF-1 DES more suitable for hyperplasia
General guidelines for exogenous IGF-1 DES administrations go along with the
following Protocol; 50-100mcg IGF-1 DES, injected bilaterally into each major
muscle group, 30 minutes after finishing the post-workout meal. Due to its
relatively short Half-Life and its effect on cell proliferation, adequate nutrients
need to be present in the bloodstream for this labor-intensive process to be
optimal. Preferably with pre-workout GH to induce lipolysis and promote
hyperplasia post-workout. GLUT4 translocation improves Insulin sensitivity
significantly post-workout, which further enhances nutrient uptake. IGF-1 DES
post-workout with GH pre-workout allows for relatively large amounts of
nutrients to enter the muscle cells to facilitate recovery, Growth & cell
proliferation, given that glycogen & triglyceride stores aren’t over-saturated!
Pegylated Mechano Growth Factor (PEG-MGF)
Mechano Growth Factor (MGF) or IGF-1Ec is a spliced variant of IGF-1, which is
naturally produced within skeletal muscle in response to hypertrophy stimulus.
MGF stimulates the activation of satellite cells (stem cells), increases nutrient
uptake, and upregulates protein synthesis. Like IGF-1, MGF secretes from cells
as an Autocrine & Paracrine hormone and potentiates its effect locally and
surrounding tissues. MGF bind to the IGF-1 Receptors of the secreting cells and
surrounding tissues but doesn’t increase serum concentrations.
The Liver produces trace amounts of IGF-1Ea & IGF-1Ec (MGF), which appear to
have negligible effects on other tissues of the body. MGF has a reported HalfLife of only 5-7 minutes in the bloodstream.
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Pegylated Mechano Growth Factor (PEG-MGF) contains Polyethylene Glycol
(PEG) to prolong the Half-Life of MGF to several days by reducing excretion
through the kidneys. The exact Half-Life of PEG-MGF is currently unknown.
Pegylation acts as a protective coating surrounding MGF, allowing it to be
carried through the bloodstream, minimizing metabolization. The Polyethylene
Glycol coating acts similarly to IGF-1 Binding Proteins 1-3 binds and transports
IGF-1 through the bloodstream. PEG-MGF works predominantly within the
administered tissue but is said to produce minor systemic effects as well.
Keep in mind that Polyethylene Glycol (PEG) is also commonly used as a popular
carrier oil in Under Ground Lab (UGL) Anabolic-Androgenic Steroids (AAS)
formulations. PEG is known to cause tremendous systemic inflammation,
raising C-Reactive Protein (CRP) concentrations in the bloodstream, slowly
inducing Cardiovascular Disease over time. Enhanced bodybuilders, strength
athletes, or fitness enthusiasts commonly end up injecting over 1 milliliter of
PEG per week when using UGL AAS that contain PEG as the primary carrier oil.
In contrast, PEG-MGF only contains trace amounts of Polyethylene Glycol, which
shouldn’t cause noticeable systemic inflammation.
General guidelines for exogenous PEG-MGF administrations go along with the
following Protocol; 100-250mcg PEG-MGF, injected bilaterally into each major
muscle group, directly post-workout, before consuming your post-workout
shake or meal. Ideally, administer IGF-1 LR3 or IGF-1 DES pre-workout to
promote nutrient partitioning and uptake. Alternatively, PEG-MGF can also be
used pre-workout while using IGF-1 LR3 post-workout. If you have access to
both peptides, feel free to experiment and see whether PEG-MGF pre- & IGF-1
LR3 post-workout gives you better results compared to IGF-1 LR3 or DES pre- &
PEG-MGF post-workout.
Coach Steve hasn’t used MGF or PEG-MGF himself and never heard any positive
anecdotal experience from enhanced individuals using these compounds for
recovery, anabolism, or hyperplasia successfully. Several clients mentioned
using PEG-MGF in the past at various dosages and protocols, all with minimal
to unnoticeable results during the offseason or cutting phase. Although
Pegylated Mechano Growth Factor shows promise on paper, there appear to be
negligible real-world applications regarding the improvement of lagging body
parts or site enhancement.
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Chinese or Indian Generics of questionable quality might require you to
increase the dose 10-fold and resort to 100-250mcg bilateral injections to get
the same effect as quality peptide products. A 1-2mg vial of IGF-1 LR3, IGF-1
DES, or PEG-MGF will last only 2-5 workouts as you’re using 2x100mcg,
2x250mcg, or even 2x500mcg per session.
Insulin-like Growth Factor-1 Protocols
Similar to using a TIER-system for daily exogenous Growth Hormone dosages,
related to weekly dosages of Anabolic-Androgenic Steroids (AAS), exogenous
IGF-1 also follows a TIER-system related to rhGH & AAS. General guidelines for
IGF-1 use as part of a Steroid Cycle is between 5-25mcg IGF-1 & 50mcg PEGMGF on workout days, injected bilaterally into each major muscle group, for
each weekly dose of 250mg AAS & daily dose of 1iu rhGH. You can consider the
following general guidelines for exogenous IGF-1 administrations, according to
your weekly AAS & daily rhGH protocol:
• Not using AAS or SARMs: 1-2iu GH per day or GH Secretagogues for adequate
IGF-1 production.
• 100-250mg AAS per Week: 1-2iu GH per day or GH Secretagogues for adequate
IGF-1 production.
• 250mg AAS per Week: 1-2iu GH per day or GH Secretagogues + 5mcg Increlex,
25mcg iPlex, 25mcg IGF-1 LR3, or 25mcg IGF-1 DES, alongside 50mcg PEG-MGF
injected bilaterally on workout days.
• 500mg AAS per Week: 2iu GH per day + 10mcg Increlex, 50mcg iPlex, 50mcg
IGF-1 LR3, or 50mcg IGF-1 DES, alongside 100mcg PEG-MGF injected bilaterally
on workout days.
• 750mg AAS per Week: 3iu GH per day + 15mcg Increlex, 75mcg iPlex, 75mcg
IGF-1 LR3, or 75mcg IGF-1 DES, alongside 150mcg PEG-MGF injected bilaterally
on workout days.
• 1,000mg AAS per Week: 4iu GH per day + 20mcg Increlex, 100mcg iPlex,
100mcg IGF-1 LR3, or 100mcg IGF-1 DES, alongside 200mcg PEG-MGF injected
bilaterally on workout days.
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• 1,250mg AAS per Week: 5iu GH per day + 25mcg Increlex, 125mcg iPlex,
125mcg IGF-1 LR3, or 125mcg IGF-1 DES, alongside 250mcg PEG-MGF injected
bilaterally on workout days.
• 1,500mg AAS per Week: 6iu GH per day + 30mcg Increlex, 150mcg iPlex,
150mcg IGF-1 LR3, or 150mcg IGF-1 DES, alongside 300mcg PEG-MGF injected
bilaterally on workout days.
• 1,750mg AAS per Week: 7iu GH per day + 35mcg Increlex, 175mcg iPlex,
175mcg IGF-1 LR3, or 175mcg IGF-1 DES, alongside 350mcg PEG-MGF injected
bilaterally on workout days.
• 2,000mg AAS per Week: 8iu GH per day + 40mcg Increlex, 200mcg iPlex,
200mcg IGF-1 LR3, or 200mcg IGF-1 DES, alongside 400mcg PEG-MGF injected
bilaterally on workout days.
Below 250mg AAS per week with 1-2iu rhGH or GH Secretagogues per day,
exogenous IGF-1 & PEG-MGF is generally not required. However, some
bodybuilders, strength athletes, or fitness enthusiasts prefer to use these
peptides while following a Cruising or Bridging Protocol between Steroid Cycles
or Blasts.
For more information about the relation between Testosterone, Growth
Hormone, Insulin-like Growth Factor-1 & Insulin while Cruising, Blasting, or
during the Offseason, consider purchasing the “Comprehensive Guide to HRT |
Cruising | Bridging” or “Offseason Cycles with Bioidentical Hormones” eBooks
on The VigorousSteve.com Shop: www.vigoroussteve.com/shop/
Restoring Insulin-like Growth Factor-1 Sensitivity
Exogenous rhIGF-1, IGF-1 LR3 & IGF-1 DES rapidly desensitize the IGF-1
Receptors with continuous use, often in a dose-dependent fashion. Moderate
doses of 50-200mcg IGF-1 per day usually desensitize the IGF-1 Receptors in
around 3-4 weeks. This effect doesn’t occur when serum IGF-1 concentrations
are elevated from the use of exogenous rhGH, as it’s highly unlikely that IGF-1
levels exceed the reference range, representing the individual’s age. However,
exogenous IGF-1 administrations will easily surpass the reference range for
teenagers, resulting in reasonably fast desensitization and loss of its nutrient
partitioning effects.
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While exogenous rhGH still promotes recovery, anabolism, and hyperplasia
when IGF-1 sensitivity declines, the cell no longer responds to moderately
elevated IGF-1 levels induced by Growth Hormone, even after exogenous IGF-1
is already discontinued.
It’s important to cycle IGF-1 with 3-4 weeks ON & 1-2 weeks OFF approach,
regardless of the IGF-1 product used. It’s impossible to measure IGF-1
desensitization with bloodwork. Instead, the enhanced bodybuilder, strength
athlete, or fitness enthusiast will slowly lose the insane pump during the
workout and the concurrent volumization during the day after a few weeks of
consistent IGF-1 use. Once results diminish, exogenous IGF-1 is discontinued
to restore sensitivity for another Cycle a few weeks later.
Metformin (Glucophage)
Metformin is a medicine used to treat Type 2 Diabetes and to help prevent Type
2 Diabetes in people who are at high risk of developing the condition. MerckSerono manufactures Glucophage & Glucophage XR. There are also countless
generic Metformin medications available which act similarly to Glucophage.
Metformin reduces gastric emptying, and the amount of glucose the liver
releases into the bloodstream. This causes a downwards effect of improving
Insulin sensitivity because blood glucose levels remain considerably more
stable following a meal with carbohydrates, reducing bolus Insulin secretion
from the Pancreas directly following the meal.
Metformin is available in 2 variations; standard release (Glucophage) &
extended-release (Glucophage XR). Conventional 500-850mg Metformin is
commonly taken right before a meal containing medium-high Glycemic Index
(GI) carbohydrates. Extended-release 1000mg Metformin is commonly taken
before bed to improve Insulin sensitivity throughout the night.
Commonly occurring side effects of Metformin are digestion issues, including;
bloating, indigestion, acid reflux, gas, or stomach cramping. Metformin also
severely impairs IGF-1 production in the Liver with prolonged use, a far more
pronounced reduction compared to SERMs or Berberine. Serum IGF-1
concentrations drop to as little as 80ng/mL within 2 weeks of using 500mg
Metformin before bed, unless administering exogenous IGF-1 at any point
during the day to compensate and restore serum concentrations.
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Although this side effect isn’t desired when you’re using exogenous rhGH or
IGF-1 to improve recovery, anabolism & hyperplasia, it can be beneficial to
improve IGF-1 sensitivity faster during the time you’ve cycled off exogenous
IGF-1 temporarily. 500-1000mg Metformin (XR) before bed for 1-2 weeks lowers
serum IGF-1 concentrations and improves Insulin sensitivity. Over time, this
increases IGF-1 & Insulin Receptor density on skeletal muscle cells and
completely restores sensitivity to baseline before incorporating exogenous IGF1.
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Below is a list of frequently used abbreviations found in this eBook and their
full meaning:
AAS: Anabolic-Androgenic Steroid Hormones
ACTH: AdrenoCorticoTropin Hormone
AFP: Alpha Feto-Protein
API: Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient
BBB: Blood-Brain-Barrier
β-HCG: beta-Human Chorionic Gonadotropin
BMR: Basal Metabolic Rate
CA 15-3: Cancer Antigen 15-3
CA 19-9: Cancer Antigen 19-9
CA 125: Cancer Antigen 125 / Mucin glycosylated protein (MUC16)
CEA: Carcino-Embryonic Antigen
cGMP: cyclic Guanosine Mono-Phosphate
CNS: Central Nervous System
CSM: Chorionic Somato-Mammotropin
CRP: C-Reactive Protein
DHT: DiHydroTestosterone
DPP-IV: Dipeptidyl Amino Peptidase-IV
ED: Erectile Dysfunction
FDA: Food & Drug Administration of the United States of America (USA)
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f-PSA: Free-Prostate Specific Antigen
FSH: Follicle-Stimulating Hormone
GH: Growth Hormone
GHD: Growth Hormone Deficiency
GHRH: Growth Hormone-Releasing Hormone (secreted) or Hexapeptide
GHRP-2: Growth Hormone-Releasing Peptide-2
GHRP-6: Growth Hormone-Releasing Peptide-6
GI: Glycemic Index
GLUT4: Glucose Transporter Type-4 Receptor
HCG: Human Chorionic Gonadotropin
HbA1c: Glycated Hemoglobin Type A1c, separated from HbA0, HbA1a & HbA1b
with Cation Exchange Chromatography (CEC)
HDL: High-Density Lipo-Proteins
hGH: Human Growth Hormone secreted from the Pituitary Gland
HPAA: Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenal-Axis
HPGA: Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Growth-Axis
HPPA: Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Prolactin-Axis
HPSA: Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Somatotropic/Somatic-Axis
HPTA: Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Testes-Axis
HRT: Hormone Replacement Therapy
HSL: Hormone-Sensitive Lipase
IGF-1: Insulin-Like Growth Factor 1
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IGF-2: Insulin-like Growth Factor-2
IGF-BP: Insulin-Like Growth Factor 1 Binding Proteins
IGFALS: Insulin-like Growth Factor-1 binding protein Acid Labile Subunit
IGFBP-1: Insulin-Like Growth Factor 1 Binding Protein Type I
IGFBP-3: Insulin-Like Growth Factor 1 Binding Protein Type III
IRS-1: Insulin Receptor Substrate-1 (IRS-1)
kDa: kilo-Daltons
LDL: Low-Density Lipo-Protein
LH: Luteinizing Hormone
MK-677: Ibutamoren
NSE: Neuron-Specific Enolase
PIP: Post-Injection Pain
PEG-MGF: Pegylated Mechano Growth Factor using Polyethylene Glycol
PSA: Prostate-Specific Antigen
PSAP / ACPP: Prostatic-Specific Acid Phosphatase Protein
PTSD: Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
REM: Rapid Eye-Movement
rhGH: recombinant human Growth Hormone using DNA Technology
rhIGF-1: recombinant
SARMs: Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators
SERMs: Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulators
SHBG: Sex Hormone-Binding Globulin
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SHBG-RC: Sex Hormone-Binding Globulin Receptor Complex
T0a: Thyronamine
T1a: Iodothyronamine
T3: Triiodothyronine
T4: Thyroxine
TBG: Thyropexin / Thyroxine-Binding Globulin
TBPA: Thyroxine-Binding Pre-Albumin
TRT: Testosterone Replacement Therapy
TTR: Trans-Thyretin
UGL: Under Ground Labs
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Supplement Resources
You can purchase the supplements mentioned in this eBook on iHerb, using
Coach Steve’s 5% Discount Code. If you see a better deal elsewhere, by all
means, save yourself some money in the process.
iHerb 5% Discount Code: DTV967
Taurine: https://www.iherb.com/pr/Now-Foods-Taurine-Double-Strength-1000-mg-250-Veg-Capsules/39933
L-Carnitine-L-Tartrate: https://www.iherb.com/pr/ALLMAX-Nutrition-LCarnitine-L-Tartrate-Vitamin-B5-1000-mg-120-Vegan-Capsules/67665
Vitamin B6 P5P: https://www.iherb.com/pr/Life-Extension-Pyridoxal-5Phosphate-Caps-100-mg-60-Vegetarian-Capsules/37816
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