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AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop Gear Models Manual

AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
AmpliTube 5 is available in different versions.
The difference between the different versions is in the number of
gear models included and in the features available.
While consulting this manual, please refer to the specific gear models
and features available in the AmpliTube 5 version you are using.
Gear Models
AmpliTube Custom Shop
Gear Models
Table of Contents
Stomp Box Effects20
AmpliTube Delay20
AmpliTube Distortion24
Diode Overdrive28
Metal Distortion31
Metal Distortion 232
The Ambass’dor36
AmpliTube Dynamics38
Noise Gate40
AmpliTube EQ41
7 Band Graphic41
10 Band Graphic42
AmpliTube Filter43
Envelope Filter43
LFO Filter44
Step Filter47
AmpliTube Custom Shop
Gear Models
Wah 1050
Wah 4751
Nu-Tron III52
AmpliTube Modulation53
Analog Flanger53
Electric Flanger56
Metal Flanger58
Phaze Nine59
Phazer 1060
Small Phazer61
AmpliTube Pitch62
Pitch Shifter64
AmpliTube Other66
Acoustic Sim66
Step Slicer67
AmpliTube SVX70
Analog Chorus 72
Analog Delay73
Bass Wah74
SVX Compressor75
SVX Envelope Filter76
SVX Volume77
AmpliTube X-GEAR78
AmpliTube X-DRIVE78
AmpliTube X-VIBE79
AmpliTube Custom Shop
Gear Models
AmpliTube X-TIME80
AmpliTube X-SPACE81
AmpliTube TONEX Stomp82
AmpliTube TONEX Stomp Parameters85
Advanced Parameters85
Noise Gate86
Brian May90
Red Special90
Treble Booster92
May Wah93
FOX Phaser94
Star Gate95
Dimebag Darrell CFH Collection96
6 Band EQ96
Pre EQ 397
Dime Noise Gate98
Dime Wah99
Flanger Doubler100
Fender® Blender™ 101
Fender® Volume102
Fender® Wah103
Fender® Fuzz Wah104
Fender® Phaser105
Fender® Tremolo106
Fender® ’63 Reverb107
Fender® Tape Echo108
Fender® Compressor109
Jimi Hendrix111
AmpliTube Custom Shop
Gear Models
Class Fuzz111
EP Tape Echo112
Fuzz Age113
Fuzz Age 2114
Opto Tremolo117
Wah 46120
XS Fuzz121
Joe Satriani122
Satch Wah122
Satch Distortion123
Satch Overdrive124
Tube Overdrive125
Satch Octave126
Contour Wah127
Oil Can Delay129
Power Wah Fuzz131
Seymour Duncan®132
Power Grid132
Shape Shifter133
Møller 140
AmpliTube Custom Shop
Gear Models
Wampler Pedals®143
Pinnacle Deluxe144
Seek Trem145
Seek Wah146
AmpliTube X-GEAR Appendix147
X-DRIVE Distortion Models147
X-VIBE Modulation Models176
CHORUS 80176
60 VIBE180
PHAZER 10182
AmpliTube Custom Shop
Gear Models
X-TIME Delay Models193
X-SPACE Reverb Models212
AmpliTube Custom Shop
Gear Models
AmpliTube Clean229
American Clean MKIII229
American Tube Clean 1231
American Tube Clean 2232
Custom Solid State Clean233
Jazz Amp 120234
Metal Clean T236
AmpliTube Crunch237
American Tube Vintage237
Brit Valve Pre238
British Blue Tube 30TB239
British Copper 30TB240
Tube Vintage Combo242
AmpliTube Lead243
American Lead MKIII243
Brit 8000245
Brit 9000246
Brit Silver247
British Tube Lead 1248
British Tube Lead 2249
Custom Modern Hi-Gain250
Custom Solid State Fuzz251
Custom Solid State Lead252
German 34253
MiniPlex 20254
Metal Lead T255
Metal Lead V256
Metal Lead W257
AmpliTube Custom Shop
Gear Models
Modern Tube Lead258
Red Pig259
SilverPlate 50260
SLD 100261
VHandcraft 4262
Vintage Metal Lead264
AmpliTube Bass265
360Bass Preamp265
Green BA250267
New York B750268
Solid State Bass Preamp269
AmpliTube SVX270
AmpliTube TONEX283
AmpliTube TONEX Parameters288
Advanced Parameters288
Noise Gate289
Tone Model291
Brian May293
BM 30293
BM DK294
Dimebag Darrell CFH Collection297
Darrell 100297
Jazz Amp 120 CFH298
AmpliTube Custom Shop
Gear Models
Dr. Z Amplification®299
MAZ 18 Jr.299
Z Wreck300
’57 Deluxe305
Pro Junior306
’64 Vibroverb Custom307
’65 Deluxe Reverb308
’65 Twin Reverb309
’59 Bassman312
Bassman 300313
Champion 600315
MH-500 Metalhead316
TBP-1 317
’65 Princeton319
’57 Champ320
’57 Custom Champ321
’57 Custom Deluxe322
’57 Custom Twin-Amp323
’57 Custom Pro-Amp324
’57 Bandmaster325
’65 Super Reverb326
’53 Bassman327
MB 150 S329
Jet City Amplification 333®330
Jimi Hendrix332
American Vintage B332
AmpliTube Custom Shop
Gear Models
American Vintage D333
American Vintage T334
British Lead S100335
JH 1200336
JH Gold337
Joe Satriani339
Satch VM339
Boston 100342
G37 / Studio12347
Marshall® - Slash348
AFD 100348
JCM Slash349
Mark III350
Mark IV352
Dual Rectifier355
Triple Rectifier357
Transatlantic TA-30359
Triple Crown361
Mark IIC+363
Mark V365
California Tweed367
Tiny Terror369
Rockerverb 50370
AD 30371
Thunderverb 200372
AmpliTube Custom Shop
Gear Models
AD 200374
Dual Terror375
OR 50376
THD Bi-Valve377
AmpliTube Guitar 10"378
4x10 Open Vintage378
AmpliTube Guitar 1x12"379
1x12 Combo379
1x12 MB II380
1x12 MB III381
1x12 Open Modern382
1x12 Open Vintage383
AmpliTube Guitar 2x12"384
2x12 Closed Vintage384
2x12 Gry British Vint385
2x12 JP Jazz386
2x12 Open Vintage387
AmpliTube Guitar 4x10”388
4x10 NY410388
AmpliTube Guitar 4x12”389
4x12 Brit 30389
4x12 Brit 8000390
4x12 Brit 9000391
4x12 Brit Silver392
4x12 Closed Modern393
4x12 Closed Vintage394
4x12 HiAmp395
4x12 Metal F396
4x12 Metal T397
4x12 Metal V398
4x12 Modern M399
4x12 Red Pig400
4x12 Vintage M401
AmpliTube Custom Shop
Gear Models
AmpliTube Bass402
4x10+tw Bass402
4x10+tw TE Bass403
1x15 Bass Vintage404
1x18 Horn Bass405
Custom IR406
AmpliTube SVX407
1x15 SVX-15R407
2x10 SVX-500408
2x12 SVX-212409
4x10 SVX-410B410
4x10 SVX-410S411
8x10 SVX-810E412
1x15 SVX-115413
2x12 SVX-212 AV414
8x10 SVX-810A415
Brian May416
1x6 BM DK416
2x12 BM 30 Blue417
2x12 BM 30 H70418
2x12 V3M419
Dimebag Darrell CFH Collection420
2x12 JP Jazz CFH420
4x12 Darrell 412421
Dr. Z Amplification®422
1x12 MAZ 18 Jr.422
2x12 Z Wreck423
E 412 PRO XXL424
E 412 Standard425
1x12 ’57 Deluxe426
1x10 Pro Junior427
1x15 ’64 Vibroverb Custom428
AmpliTube Custom Shop
Gear Models
1x12 ’65 Deluxe Reverb429
2x12 ’65 Twin Reverb430
1x12 Super-Sonic431
3x10 Vibro-King432
4x10 ’59 Bassman433
8x10 Bass 810 PRO434
1x6 Champion 600435
4x12 MH-412SL436
1x10 ’65 Princeton438
1x8 ’57 Champ439
1x8 ’57 Custom Champ440
1x12 ’57 Custom Deluxe441
2x12 ’57 Custom Twin-Amp442
1x15 ’57 Custom Pro-Amp443
3x10 ’57 Bandmaster444
4x10 ’65 Super Reverb445
1x15 ’53 Bassman446
1x12 MB 150 S447
Jimi Hendrix448
2x12 Open SL448
2x12 Open T J120449
2x15 Closed B J130450
2x15 Closed D J130451
4x12 Closed 25 C452
4x12 Closed 75 C453
4x12 Closed J120454
Joe Satriani455
4x12 Satch 60455
4x12 Satch Green456
Boston Cab Sim457
AmpliTube Custom Shop
Gear Models
Leslie 3300W463
Studio 12465
Marshall® - Slash466
4x12 1960AV SL466
4x12 1960BV SL467
1x12 Mark III468
1x12 Mark IV469
1x12 California Tweed470
2x12 California Tweed471
2x12 Road King472
2x12 Rectifier Horizontal473
2x12 TransAtlantic TA-30474
4x12 Recto Traditional Slant475
4x12 Road King Vintage476
4x12 Road King Black477
1x12 PPC 112478
1x12 Tiny Terror479
1x15 OBC 115480
2x12 AD 30481
2x12 PPC 212482
2x12 PPC OB483
4x10 OBC 410484
4x12 PPC 412485
8x10 OBC 810486
Dynamic 57487
Dynamic 20488
Vintage Dynamic 20489
Dynamic 421490
Dynamic 441491
AmpliTube Custom Shop
Gear Models
Dynamic 609492
Bottle 563493
Condenser 12494
Condenser 67495
Condenser 84496
Condenser 87497
Condenser 170498
Condenser 414499
MD1-b 500
Tube VM501
Ribbon 121502
Ribbon 160503
Rack Effects505
AmpliTube Delay & Reverb505
Digital Delay505
Digital Reverb506
Hall Reverb507
Inverse Reverb508
Plate Reverb509
Room Reverb510
Shimmer Reverb511
Tap Delay512
AmpliTube EQ & Dynamics514
Black 76514
EQ 81515
EQ PG516
Graphic EQ517
Model 670518
Parametric EQ519
Parametric EQ 3520
Tube Compressor521
Vintage EQ-1A522
AmpliTube Custom Shop
Gear Models
White 2A523
AmpliTube Filter524
Filter C524
Filter M525
Filter O526
Filter R527
Filter Formant528
Filter Phaser529
Step Filter532
AmpliTube Modulation534
AM Modulator534
Analog Chorus535
Auto Pan536
Digital Chorus537
Digital Flanger538
FM Modulator539
Rotary Speaker540
AmpliTube Pitch541
Pitch Shifter543
AmpliTube Other544
Step Slicer545
Stereo Enhancer547
Tape Cassette549
Pitch Shift 550
Sine Flange 551
Tape Echo552
Triangle Chorus553
Wah 554
Compressor 555
Fender® ‘63 Reverb 556
AmpliTube Custom Shop
Gear Models
TERC - That 80’s Rack Chorus! 557
Gear Models
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Stomp Box Effects
AmpliTube Delay
This model is based on a traditional digital delay stomp pedal.
DELAY: changes the length of the delay between each echo, from 1 ms to 2000 ms.
FBK: changes the amount of time that the echo repeats, from 0% to 100%.
LEVEL: sets the level of the effected (or wet) sound, from 0 to 10.
BPM SYNC: allows the effect to synchronize to the project tempo.
Stomp Box Effects
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
Based on Electro Harmonix® Memory Man™
A model of a classic bucket-brigade analog echo/delay (with modulation) stomp pedal effect.
DELAY: changes the length of the delay between each echo, from 25 ms to 500 ms.
FEEDBACK: changes the amount of time that the echo repeats, from 0% to 100%.
BLEND: mixes the amount of dry signal with the effected signal, from 0% (dry) to 100% (effected).
CH/VIB: sets the amount of Chorus/Vibrato effect added to the effected sound, from 0% to 100%.
CHORUS VIBRATO: changes whether chorus or vibrato can be added to the effect.
BPM SYNC: allows the effect to synchronize to the project tempo.
Stomp Box Effects
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
This creative delay effect unit can be used to create interesting and unusual delay effects thanks to the 8 totally
independent taps. You can create grooving rhythm patterns by combining more taps with a specific time
signature, and you can mix this up with psychedelic reverse tape effects you are able to set for each tap.
The TapDelay is actually 8 delays in one single unit, and it is possible to set time, timbre, and level for each of
them. In addition, you can globally control with single knobs parameters for all the 8 taps simultaneously, like
time, dry/wet mix and feedback amount.
• TIME: globally shifts the delay time of all the 8 taps. This is a relative control, when set at the center
position (1x) it does not alter the time that has been setup on each Tap, when set to minimum (0.25x) it
divides all times by four and when set to max (4x) it multiply all times by four. Use it to globally change the
delay tempo without changing the relations between all taps.
• MIX: globally adjust the effect mix between the Dry signal and all the 8 delay taps.
• FEEDBACK: globally adjust the amount of feedback the delay will have. When set at maximum, the delay
will be sustaining itself.
• TAP: use these buttons to select which one among the 8 delay taps you’re going to edit with next controls
• LEVEL: sets the audio level for the selected delay tap.
• TIME: sets the delay time for the selected tap. It can be shown in milliseconds or in musical divisions,
Stomp Box Effects
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
depending on the BPM Sync switch position.
FILTER: sets the timbre for the selected delay tap, darker at minimum and brighter at maximum.
REVERSE: enable this button to transform the selected delay tap from normal to reverse. When set to
reverse a delay tap will sound like a reversed tape loop.
LINK: enable this button to make a changes to the above mentioned parameters to apply to all the 8 taps
at the same time.
BPM SYNC: allows the effect to synchronize to the project tempo.
Stomp Box Effects
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
AmpliTube Distortion
Based on Tech 21® Sansamp™
This American piece of gear really changed bass tones for decades. Used by bassists of all genres for its huge
versatility, it provides vintage tones, bright and modern sounds to cut through mixes, edgy distortions and
everything in between. Chances are that you saw this stomp in one or more of your favorite bassists’ rigs to
drive a DI, to go direct into the PA or simply to add grit to the sound.
• BASS & TREBLE: Unlike passive controls that only cut, these active tone controls cut or boost ±12dB from
unity gain (12 o’clock). This powerful EQ section effectively reduces the need for a fixed frequency mid control
and enables you to achieve an extensive variety of curves including a “mid-cut” as well as a “mid-boost.”
• PRESENCE: brings out the upper harmonic content and attack. For a smoother high end and for clean
settings, decrease to taste.
• BLEND allows you to blend the direct instrument signal with an amplifier emulation circuitry. In most cases,
you will probably have this set at maximum (100% wet). For certain applications, however, such as an ultratransparent sound or for use with piezo pickup-equipped instruments, you may want to blend-in the direct
signal to achieve your desired sound. While the amplifier emulation circuitry is bypassed when Blend is at
minimum, the Bass, Treble and Level controls remain active.
Stomp Box Effects
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
• LEVEL: adjusts the output level.
• DRIVE: adjusts the overall amount of gain and overdrive, similar to when the output section of a tube amp
is being pushed.
Stomp Box Effects
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
Based on Electro Harmonix® Big Muff Pi™
This effect is modeled after an iconic distortion pedal that has stood the test of time. Capable of tones from
smooth sustain & compression to heavy buzz-saw distortion, this pedal is perfect for all different styles of metal.
• VOLUME: controls the Distortion pedal output level. It does not alter the timbre of the distortion, unless
another distorting device follow, like another distortion pedal or an amplifier at high gain or volume.
• SUSTAIN: controls the amount of distortion the pedal gives.
• TONE: controls the timbre of the distortion pedal
Stomp Box Effects
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
This model alters the sound of the input signal by changing the sample-rate, cutoff frequency and by distorting
it. This effect can produce very aggressive distorted sounds, more noticeable than overdrive stompboxes. The
Low pass filter is very creative when combined to high distortion levels.
• CUTOFF: controls the cutoff frequency of the low pass filter.
• DECIM: selects the sample-rate-ratio of the processed sound, from 1:1 to 1:16.
• GAIN: sets the amount of signal sent to the effect, therefore the distortion. Useful when creating heavily
distorted sounds, from -40 dB to +40 dB.
• OUT: controls the output volume, from -40 dB to +40 dB.
Stomp Box Effects
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
Diode Overdrive
A model of a classic overdrive stomp effect
• TONE: adjusts boost or cut of the high frequencies in the stomp effect, from 0 to 10.
• DIST: sets the amount of distortion applied to the input signal of the effect, from 0 to 10.
• LEVEL: sets the level of the input for the effect, from 0 to 10.
Stomp Box Effects
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
Based on Boss® DS-1™ Distortion
This effect is based on one of the most versatile distortion boxes ever made. From subtle crunch to complete
mayhem, this pedal has been used by countless guitarists of all styles.
• LEVEL: controls the Distortion pedal output level. It does not alter the timbre of the distortion, unless
another distorting device follows, like another distortion pedal or an amplifier at high gain or volume.
• DIST: controls the amount of distortion the pedal gives.
• TONE: controls the timbre of the distortion pedal.
Stomp Box Effects
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
Based on Boss® DF-2™ Super feedbacker & Distortion
This effect, modeled after a hard-to-find vintage unit, includes a built-in oscillator for infinite sustain. Hold notes
to create amazing synth-like sounds or boost solos for more cutting tone, combined with classic distortion
• LEVEL: controls the Distortion pedal output level. It does not alter the timbre of the distortion, unless
another distorting device follow, like another distortion pedal or an amplifier at high gain or volume.
• TONE: controls the timbre of the distortion pedal.
• DIST: controls the amount of distortion the pedal gives.
• OVERTONE: controls the octave for the feedback effect.
• FBK switch: press this button to activate the feedback.
• When the stomp is On, clicking on the FBK button will make the led flash.
• When using StompIO, feedback will be automatically activated when distortion is On, and the On/Off
button for this pedal is hold down for 1 second or more.
Stomp Box Effects
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
Metal Distortion
Based on Boss® MT-2™ Metal Zone
This effect is based on one of the favorite pedals of some of the heaviest bands of all time. This unit is perfect
for extreme gain and sustain. Nothing compares to this pedal for pure distortion mayhem.
• LEVEL: controls the Distortion pedal output level. It does not alter the timbre of the distortion, unless
another distorting device follows, like another distortion pedal or an amplifier at high gain or volume.
• DIST: controls the amount of distortion the pedal gives.
• LOW – HIGH: coaxial tone control.
• Center knob: controls High frequencies.
• External knob: controls Low frequencies.
• MID – MIDFREQ: coaxial parametric mid tone control.
• Center knob: controls Mids level.
• External knob: controls Mids frequency.
Stomp Box Effects
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
Metal Distortion 2
Based on Boss® HM-2™ Heavy Metal
This effect is modeled after a classic from the ‘80s. It delivers deep, distorted crunch perfect for heavy metal and
hard rock. Long discontinued, this is a rare vintage find that delivers deep, dark crunch from the ‘70s, ‘80s, and
• LEVEL: controls the distortion pedal output level. It does not alter the timbre of the distortion, unless
another distorting device follows, like another distortion pedal or an amplifier at high gain or volume.
• DIST: controls the amount of distortion the pedal gives.
• COLOR L: controls the amount of bass tones on the sound.
• COLOR H: controls the amount of high tones on the sound.
Stomp Box Effects
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
Based on Boss® SD-1™ Super OverDrive
This effect is based on one of the most collectible pedals. It is one of the most aggressive overdrive pedals ever
made. From subtle to over-the-top, this effect pushes amps harder without sacrificing clarity and tone.
• LEVEL: controls the Overdrive pedal output level. It does not alter the timbre of the distortion, unless
another distorting device follows, like another distortion pedal or an amplifier at high gain or volume.
• DRIVE: controls the amount of overdrive the pedal gives.
• TONE: controls the timbre of the overdrive pedal.
Stomp Box Effects
Gear Models
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Based on Ibanez® Tube Screamer® TS-9™
This is a model of a classic overdrive/distortion pedal which has become the go to overdrive pedal for some of
the most influential guitar players of all time. Its basic controls make it easy to dial in the exact sound you want.
• OVERDRIVE: increases the amount of clipping in the distortion circuit, from 0 to 10.
• LEVEL: sets the output level of the pedal, from 0 to 10.
• TONE: adjusts boost or cut of high frequencies in the stomp effect, from 0 to 10.
Stomp Box Effects
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
Based on Pro Co RAT™ Distortion
This effect is modeled after one of the most versatile distortion boxes ever. From smooth, light crunch, to
extreme shred sustain and over-the-top gain, this pedal has been a classic ever since its release in the early
• DISTORTION: controls the amount of distortion the pedal gives.
• VOLUME: controls the PROdrive pedal output level. It does not alter the timbre of the distortion.
• FILTER: controls the timbre of the PROdrive pedal.
Stomp Box Effects
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
The Ambass’dor
Based on Marshall® Guv’Nor™
This pedal is a model of a beloved ‘80s-era distortion pedal by a company known for making amps with
amazing distortion. This model packs a whole powerful amp into a single stomp box.
GAIN: sets the amount of distortion generated by the pedal.
BASS: sets the amount of low frequencies in the sound.
MIDDLE: sets the amount of midrange frequencies in the sound.
TREBLE: sets the amount of high frequencies in the sound.
LEVEL: sets the output volume of the distortion pedal.
Stomp Box Effects
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
Based on MXR® Distortion+ with interchangeable diodes
This modded model is perfect to pump up your sound from light overdrives to dense distortions. Famous for
its mods, we’ve reproduced three different clipping stages: stock germanium diodes 1N270, the 1n4148 diodes
and LEDs with the ability to switch between the three in real time.
GAIN: sets the amount of distortion generated by the pedal.
OUTPUT: controls the overall volume of the effect.
DIST: sets the amount of distortion generated by the pedal.
DIODES: they are the most important factor for the distortion sound signature.
∙ 1n270: these are the original germanium diodes thought for the circuit, they are the fuzzier ones.
∙ 1n4148: silicon diodes offering a tighter sound than the germanium, but also harsher when pushed into
∙ Leds: the third option are leds offering a fatter sound compared to the germanium diodes.
Stomp Box Effects
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
AmpliTube Dynamics
This effect is a model of a classic high-end compressor. It is capable of mild compression or intense signal
slamming, and does it all with a tremendous amount of finesse.
• COMP: sets the amount of compression, from 0 to 100.
• LEVEL: changes the output level of the compressor, from -15 dB to +15 dB.
Stomp Box Effects
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
Based on MXR® Dynacomp™
This effect is modeled after a vintage compression stomp pedal.
• OUTPUT: sets the output level for the effect, from –inf to 0.0 dB.
• SENSITIVITY: sets the sensitivity of the compression, from 0 to 10.
Stomp Box Effects
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
Noise Gate
This pedal replicates the noise gate that was embedded in the bottom bar of AmpliTube 4. It’s a simple and easy
to use Noise Gate to clean up your tones.
• THRESHOLD: This sets the threshold level for the signal. When the signal drops below the set threshold
level, the noise gate silences the signal. Usually, keep the threshold level at the lowest possible value (fully
counterclockwise) and set it higher only when you need to activate the gate.
• RELEASE: It sets the gate release time. Higher values will result in a gate that takes a longer amount of
time to close again, when the input signal drops below the threshold.
• DEPTH: This control determines how much the signal is attenuated when the gate closes, from -20 dB to
-100 dB. Default is -60 dB, which is a strong attenuation that usually works fine in most cases. If you need
to add more attenuation, increase this parameter.
Stomp Box Effects
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
AmpliTube EQ
7 Band Graphic
This model is a clean, highly effective 1 octave graphic equalizer, capable of fine tuning and dialing in that
perfect tone. It is also very useful when you need to “push” the signal for the next stompbox or amp.
• FREQUENCY BAND LEVEL: each frequency band is one octave apart and allows for +/- 15 dB of
adjustment. The controls include 100 Hz, 200 Hz, 400 Hz, 800 Hz, 1.6 kHz, 3.2 kHz, 6.4 kHz.
• LEVEL: sets the output level of the graphic EQ, from -15 dB to +15 dB.
Stomp Box Effects
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
10 Band Graphic
IK Multimedia proprietary 10 Band Graphic EQ.
• BANDS: 31, 62, 125, 250, 500, 1k, 2k, 4k, 8k, 16k. Each band has +/- 15 dB of boost/cut.
• GAIN: the gain slider boosts or cut the overall level by +/- 15 dB.
Stomp Box Effects
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
AmpliTube Filter
Envelope Filter
This stomp is an advanced filter effect. It uses the envelope of the incoming signal to control a synthesizer style
filter. It is capable of sounds ranging from very simple auto wah effects to extreme never before heard filtering
FREQ: sets the cutoff frequency of the filter, from 40 Hz to 20,480 Hz.
RES: sets the resonance of the filter, from 0.30 to 10.
DEPTH: changes the amount of effect that the envelope has on the filter, from 0% to 100%.
MODE: these control change the type of filter used for the effect.
∙ 12/24: sets the slope of the filter, either 12 dB per octave or 24 dB per octave.
∙ HP/BP/LP: sets the type of filter being used, either high pass, band pass, or low pass.
Stomp Box Effects
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
LFO Filter
This complex stomp effect uses an LFO to modulate the frequency of its filter. With the included BPM Sync this
is a very useful effect for creating interesting, moving guitar parts with a minimum amount of trouble.
FREQ: sets the cutoff frequency of the filter, from 40 Hz to 20,480 Hz.
RESO: sets the resonance of the filter, from 0.30 to 10.
RATE: adjusts the speed of the LFO, from 0.05 Hz to 5 Hz.
DEPTH: changes the amount of effect that the envelope has on the filter from 0% to 100%.
MODE: these control change the type of filter used for the effect.
∙ 12/24: sets the slope of the filter, either 12 dB per octave or 24 dB per octave.
∙ HP/BP/LP: sets the type of filter being used, either high pass, band pass, or low pass.
• BPM SYNC: allows the effect to synchronize to the project tempo.
Stomp Box Effects
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
A unique effect that can add synth-like drones and sustaining resonances to your parts. Make your guitar sound
like a sitar or like a synth-drone to create sonic resonances to sing on and control the notes with your controller
to create arpeggios and steps while playing. You have 4 resonating voices that can be tuned independently from
note E0 to note B7, in half tone steps. For example, if you want to create a resonating C Major chord, just set
the first three voices to C3, E3 and G3. By moving the All slider you can shift the recently created Chord without
changing the intervals between the voices. You can set the desired voice note by note number or by frequency
in Hz.
• 1-4 SLIDERS: sets the pitch for each resonating voice.
• 1-4 VALUE DISPLAY: displays which note each voice is tuned on.
• NOTE/FREQUENCY SWITCH: turn On this switch to have the tuning of each voice displayed as a note.
Turn this Off to have the tuning of each voice to be displayed as frequency in Hz.
• ALL: shifts all resonating notes by the same amount keeping relative intervals between voices identical.
• RES: sets the amount of resonance for each voice, from min to max. When set to max the note will sustain
by itself, when set to min the voice will not be resonating
• SCALE: the Rezo is setup by default to span over a chromatic scale when you set the resonating voices,
meaning that all half tones are possible. If you want to set another scale and want to remove notes from the
chromatic scale just open this menu and leave on only the notes you need.
• FILTER: determines the brightness of the resonating voices, from dark (lower positions) to bright (upper
Stomp Box Effects
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
• MIX: sets the amount of resonating notes you want to hear. When the control is at min you’ll only hear the
original sound, when fully up you’ll only hear the effected sound.
• OUT: the resonating notes can become very loud. Use this control to adjust the overall output level of the
Stomp Box Effects
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
Step Filter
A powerful and deep beat synchronized filter effect. You can apply Low/High and Band pass analog modeled
filtering on freely customizable patterns to add groove and rhythmic pulsing to your parts. If you want, this effect
could make your guitars and bass parts to sound like a rhythmic synth.
• CUTOFF: sets the center cutoff frequency of the filter. This is the cutoff frequency the filter will have when
the steps are set to half position.
• STEP BAR: click on the Steps to set each step level. You can also draw a curve while holding the mouse
while dragging over multiple steps.
• RES: sets the center resonance of the filter. This is the resonance amount the filter will have when the steps
are set to half position.
• DEPTH: sets how deep the filter is modulated by the steps.
• HP/BP/LP: sets which kind of filter will be used: HP: high pass, BP: band pass, LP: low pass.
• 12/24: sets the steepness of the filter, 12 dB/oct will be softer, 24 dB/oct will be steeper.
• DEST: sets what is modulated by the steps between filter Cutoff and/or filter Resonance. At full minimum
position only Cutoff frequency is modulated, at max position only Resonance is modulated.
• DIVISION: sets what time interval each step represents.
• STEPS: sets the number of steps the cycle will consist of.
• MODE: when set to Free the cycle will be continuous and will always cover all the steps that are specified
in the Steps parameter. When set to Strike the cycle will re-start each time a chord or a note is played.
Stomp Box Effects
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
• SWING: increase this control to give to the steps a swing type quantization.
• BPM SYNC: allows the effect to synchronize to the project tempo.
Stomp Box Effects
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
This effect is modeled after the classic wah pedal used by many of the top players from the ‘60s and ‘70s.
In addition to the wah effect it also features an auto function, allowing it to be used easily without an external
• OFF/ON/AUTO: sets the mode of the Wah effect, Off, On, or Auto.
• WAHWAH: this directly controls the Wah effect, from 0% to 100%.
Stomp Box Effects
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
Wah 10
Based on Ibanez® WH-10™
This is a faithful rendition of a very sought-after wah pedal. Based on a multiple feedback opamp circuit, the
pedal modeled here is a very expressive and unique wah pedal.
• WAH: sets the position of the wah pedal. It gives a darker sound when moved lower (heel position) and a
brighter sound when moved higher (toe position).
• DEPTH: determines how strong the wah effect is. When is set at minimum the wah effect is barely
noticeable, but when is set to max the effect is very strong.
• GUITAR/BASS SWITCH: modify the response of the wah to make it more suitable to guitar or bass.
Stomp Box Effects
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
Wah 47
Based on Vox® Wah V847™
This effect is based on the Wah pedal used by the most influential guitarists of the late ‘60s and ‘70s. The Auto
function allows you to use this effect without an external controller. This is a great feature!
• OFF/ON/AUTO: sets the mode of the Wah effect, Off, On, or Auto.
• WAHWAH: this directly controls the wah effect, from 0% to 100%.
Stomp Box Effects
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
Nu-Tron III
Based on Musitronics® Mu-Tron™ III
This stomp box effect is based on the patented automatic wah device from 1972 that became famous
through its use with keyboards. Filters allowed for low-pass, bandpass, and high-pass filter response which
could be triggered from low to high frequency or vice versa.
• MODE: switch between the type of filter: LP (lowpass, filters high frequencies), BP (bandpass, filters both
low and high frequencies) and HP (highpass, filters low frequencies).
• PEAK: sets the amount of resonant emphasis at the cutoff frequency of the filter.
• GAIN: adjusts the input level to the effect.
• RANGE: determines whether the cutoff frequency of the filter is set to a low frequency or a high frequency.
• DRIVE: determines whether the filter sweeps from low to high (filter opening) or from high to low (filter
Stomp Box Effects
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
AmpliTube Modulation
Analog Flanger
Based on Boss® BF-2™ Flanger
This effect is based on one of the most flexible flangers ever made. This unit delivers everything from classic
tape flange to over-the-top sweeps, vibratos, chorus, and more! Perfect for adding classic metal-style flange to
your rig.
• MANUAL: sets the timbre of the flanging effect.
• DEPTH: sets the amount of modulation the LFO will apply to the flanging effect. If Depth is zero, you’ll get
a “static” flanging effect.
• RATE: sets the speed of the LFO modulation that will be applied to the flanging effect.
• RES: sets the resonance the flanger effect will produce.
Stomp Box Effects
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
This chorus is modeled after a classic Digital Chorus stomp box.
RATE: sets the rate of the chorus effect, from 0 to 10.
DEPTH: sets the intensity of the chorus effect, from 0 to 10.
LEVEL: sets the input level of the stomp effect, ranges from 0 to 10.
BPM SYNC: allows the effect to synchronize to the project tempo.
Stomp Box Effects
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
Based on Boss® CE-1™ Chorus
A model of a classic bucket-brigade analog Chorus/Vibrato unit. It provides both analog Chorus and analog
Vibrato effects, when in Chorus mode the modulation will be lush and slow, when in Vibrato effect the
modulation will be faster and more noticeable.
LEVEL: sets the input level. Range is from –15 dB to +15 dB.
CHORUS: sets the intensity (or depth) of the Chorus effect, from 0 to 10.
VIBRATO DEPTH: sets the intensity of the Vibrato effect, from 0 to 10.
VIBRATO RATE: sets the rate of the Vibrato effect, from 0 to 10.
VIBRATO/CHORUS SWITCH: enables Vibrato or Chorus modes, when Vibrato mode is enabled the
corresponding LED will illuminate.
• BPM SYNC: allows the effect to synchronize to the project tempo.
Stomp Box Effects
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
Electric Flanger
Based on Electro-Harmonix® Electric Mistress™
This stomp box is a model of a vintage flanger/filter matrix used by many well-known guitarists to achieve
classic sounds. While it has amazing warmth, it is also capable of very versatile chorus and steady comb
filtering/matrix that can imprint a very specific sonic signature to the sound.
• RATE: controls the speed of the effect, from slow to fast.
• RANGE: sets the deepness of the effect, from subtle to very strong
• COLOR: sets the amount of feedback in the flanger circuit, delivering a more intense effect when set at
• MANUAL: this is normally set to the lower position, when set at the upper position it stops the LFO. This
means that you can use the effect to have static resonance and filter matrix effects. Adjust the timbre of the
resonance and filters by setting the Range knob, and adjust the intensity of the resonances by setting the
Color knob.
• ON/OFF: enables or disables the effect. When the effect is on the red LED is light.
• BPM SYNC: makes the rate of the phasing effect to be synchronized with the BPM of the project. When
enabled, the Rate knob becomes a selector that allows you to choose between various musical figures.
Stomp Box Effects
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
This stomp box is a model of a classic Flanger effect.
RATE: sets the rate of the Flanger effect, from 0 to 10.
DEPTH: sets the intensity of the Flanger, from 0 to 10.
FBK: sets a delay for the Flanger to take effect, from 0 to 10.
LEVEL: sets the input level of the stomp box, ranges from 0 to 10.
BPM SYNC: allows the effect to synchronize to the project tempo.
Stomp Box Effects
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
Metal Flanger
Based on MXR® Flanger 117
This effect is modeled after one of the best and most musical modulation effects ever. A classic association
with an iconic ‘80s guitarist made prices erupts and flooded the market with reissues. Still, no flanger is more
recognizable, making this perfect for hard-rock and metal tone.
• MANUAL: sets the timbre of the flanging effect.
• WIDTH: sets the amount of modulation the LFO will apply to the flangἀing effect. If Width is zero, you’ll get
a “static” flanging effect.
• SPEED: controls the amount of high tones on the sound.
• REGEN: sets the amount of feedback the internal flanger effect will have.
Stomp Box Effects
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
Phaze Nine
Based on MXR® Phase 90™
This effect is based on one of the most popular phase pedals of all times. Used by a wide range of first-class
guitarists, this unit could add a little bit of shimmer to your solos or generate a smooth, watery effect while
playing chords and muted strumming. Did you try the Phaze Nine on bass, keyboards, or vocals?
• SPEED: controls the phase LFO rate.
Stomp Box Effects
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
Phazer 10
Based on MXR® Phase 100™
A model of a classic analog multimode Phaser stomp box.
• INTENSITY: selects one of the four different Phaser modes. From left to right the perceived effect intensity
will increase.
• SPEED: sets the speed of the modulation, from 0 to 10.
Stomp Box Effects
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
Small Phazer
Based on Electro-Harmonix® Small Stone™
This effect is a model of a classic analog phase shifter, capable of a range of phaser effects from gentle to
outlandish swirling effects. You may wonder why it is called “small” when you hear it.
• RATE: controls the speed of the effect, from slow to fast.
• COLOR: set it to the lower position for a more gentle phasing effect, or set it at the upper position for a
more pronounced and deep phasing effect.
• BPM SYNC: makes the rate of the phasing effect to be synchronized with the BPM of the project. When
enabled the rate knob becomes a selector that allows to choose between various musical figures.
Stomp Box Effects
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
AmpliTube Pitch
This effect is a 3 voice digital harmonizer effect. More than just a pitch shifter, this pedal will create 3 separate
harmony voices with independent interval values based on a musical scale. Simply select the scale to use,
select the voice and the desired pitch and play. The harmonized notes will be according to the selected scale.
• MIX: blends the harmonized voice with the original voice, from 0 to 100.
• KEY-SCALE: controls the key and type of scale that will be used by the harmonizer as a reference. If you’re
playing a solo in E major set this to E Major. Possible scales types are: Major, Dorian, Phrygian, Lydian,
Mixolydian, Minor, and Locrian.
• VOICE: controls the properties of each of the 3 voices of the harmonizer.
• LEVEL: independently adjusts the level of each of the 3 voices.
• 1: selects voice 1 for editing.
• 2: selects voice 2 for editing.
• 3: selects voice 3 for editing.
• INTERVAL: changes the interval of the selected voice, from octave down to octave up.
Stomp Box Effects
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
Based on Boss® OC-2™ Octaver
This stomp effect is modeled after a classic dual voice octave pedal. It will produce two additional sounds, one
and two octaves below the direct signal.
• OCT 2: sets the output level of the second octave effect, from –inf to 0.00 dB.
• OCT 1: sets the output level of the first octave effect, from –inf to 0.00 dB.
• DIRECT LEVEL: sets the output level of the direct signal, from –inf to 0.00 dB.
Stomp Box Effects
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
Pitch Shifter
This effect shifts the pitch of the incoming signal. This new pitch shifted signal is blended with the original sound
to create harmony guitar leads or other types of dual pitch effects.
• COARSE: sets the coarse tuning of the pitch shifter. Measured in intervals, from -24 to 24.
• FINE: sets the fine tuning of the pitch shifter. Measured in cents, from -50 to 50.
• LEVEL: sets the output level of the pitch shifted sound, from 0 to 10.
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AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
Based on Digitech® Wahmmy™ WH-1™
This effect is modeled after one of the most extreme effects of all time. From classic shred to the most
aggressive modern metal, this effect is an essential part of any extreme guitar rig.
HARM knob: sets the harmonic interval range you can span with the action of the pedal.
BEND knob: sets the bending range you can span with the action of the pedal.
MODE: sets the Wharmonator operating mode.
HARM: this mode gives both original and pitched signal mixed together, useful to create harmonies.
BEND: this mode only gives the pitched signal, useful to create great bending effects
Stomp Box Effects
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
AmpliTube Other
Acoustic Sim
Turn your electric guitar into an acoustic guitar with the Acoustic Sim! Mix three guitar body styles with three
types of top end to dial in your acoustic sound. Equalize the result with a 2-band post EQ.
• SOURCE: select the type of pickup you are using: single coil or humbucker.
• BODY: choose between three types of acoustic guitar bodies: 1: dreadnought body. 2: 12-string guitar
body. 3: Classical guitar body.
• TOP: choose between three types of top end response. Although types A, B, C have originally been
designed to match their respective 1, 2, 3, bodies, you can experiment with any cross combination.
• MIX: mixes the acoustic sound with the magnetic pickup sound. When Mix is set to 0, you get a filtered
version of your dry signal, without any body and top end applied. When Mix is set to 10, you get the
acoustic sound only. Turn Mix from 10 downwards to progressively add the mid frequencies of the
magnetic pickup.
• BASS: increases/decreases overall bass frequencies.
• TREBLE: increases/decreases overall treble frequencies.
IMPORTANT: In order to obtain a satisfying acoustic sound, you should bypass the amp and cabinet sections
by pressing the power icon on these two sections.
Stomp Box Effects
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
Step Slicer
Add programmed rhythmic parts to your power chords and phrases with this powerful and creative beat synced
slicing effect. It can be setup to create anything from the most amazing tremolos to the most complex rhythm
effects that always stay in perfect sync with the beat.
• LEVEL: sets the amount of level modulation the steps will give. At min position the steps will not have
effect, at maximum the range will be full.
• STEP BAR: click on the Steps to set each step level. You can also draw a curve while holding the mouse
while dragging over multiple steps.
• RAMP: sets the steepness of the level change between steps. Set it at lower positions to get a more gatelike effect or set it to higher positions to get a smoother effect.
• DIVISION: sets what time interval each step represent.
• STEPS: sets the number of steps the cycle will consist of.
• MODE: When set to Free the cycle will be continuous and will always cover all the steps that are specified
in the Steps parameter. When set to Strike the cycle will re-start each time a chord or a note is played.
• SWING: increase this control to give to the steps a swing type quantization.
• BPM SYNC: allows the effect to synchronize to the project tempo.
Stomp Box Effects
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
This is an “auto volume” swell processor that can automatically create fantastic swell effects while playing
without any manual intervention. Use it subtly to add groove to your rhythm parts or use it with deeper settings
to create dreaming pads or string-like sounds.
• DEPTH: sets the depth of the volume swell, in dB. By default the depth is at max position, meaning that
the volume will start from silence. By lowering this control you’ll make the effect to start the swell phase
from a level which is higher than silence, up to min position that makes the effect to have no action.
• SENS: this control sets the sensitivity for the Swell to recognize a new note or chord and therefore start a
new Swell cycle. Set it higher if you want the Swell cycle to start even at the beginning of softer passages,
or set it lower if you want the Swell cycle to only start for louder strikes.
• TIME: sets the length of the Swell cycle. During the Swell cycle (time the swell takes to “open” the power
LED becomes red (it is normally green). This helps to immediately recognize when the swell is triggered.
• BPM SYNC: allows the effect to synchronize to the project tempo making the swell time to be specified in
musical figures.
Stomp Box Effects
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
This model is a traditional volume pedal.
• MIN: sets the minimum volume level for the pedal, from 0 to 10.
• VOLUME: adjusts the volume of the signal passing through it, from 0% to 100%.
Stomp Box Effects
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
AmpliTube SVX
Based on Ampeg® SCP-OD Overdrive® Model
This virtual stomp effect emulates the Ampeg SCP-OD Overdrive pedal. It recreates the original distortion circuit,
adding upper octave harmonic content to the direct signal and creating as a result a unique overdrive effect.
• Texture: controls the upper octave harmonic content (or type of distortion) from 0 to 10.
• Balance: controls the mix between the direct and overdriven signal, from 0 to 10.
• On/Off: turns the Stomp effect On or Off.
Stomp Box Effects
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
Based on Ampeg® SCP-OCT Octaver® Model
This stomp effect is modeled after the Ampeg SPC-OCT Octaver pedal. Moving the octave knob will double
your direct signal one octave below the direct signal. In this way you can make your melodic lines richer and
fuller, expanding the frequency range.
• Direct: sets the output level of the direct signal from 0 to 10.
• Octave: sets the output level of the sub-octave from 0 to 10.
• On/Off: turns the Stomp effect On or Off.
Stomp Box Effects
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
Analog Chorus
A model of a classic analog Chorus/Vibrato unit provides both analog Chorus and analog Vibrato effects. When
in Chorus mode the modulation will be lush and slow. When in Vibrato effect the modulation will be faster and
more noticeable.
Level: sets the input level. Range is from –15dB to +15 dB.
Chorus: sets the intensity (or depth) of the Chorus effect from 0 to 10.
Vibrato Rate (“vib rate”): sets the rate of the Vibrato effect from 0 to 10.
Vibrato Depth(“vib depth”): sets the intensity of the Vibrato effect from 0 to 10.
Vibrato/Chorus switch (“vib”/“ch”): enables Vibrato or Chorus modes. When Vibrato mode is enabled the
corresponding LED will light up.
• On/Off: turns the Stomp effect On or Off.
Stomp Box Effects
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
Analog Delay
This model is based on a classic analog delay with modulation stomp pedal.
Delay: changes the length of the delay between each echo from 25ms to 500ms.
Feedback (“f-back”): changes the amount of time that the echo repeats from 0% to 100%.
Blend: mixes the amount of the dry signal with the delayed sound from 0% to 100%.
Chorus/Vibrato (“chrs/vib”): sets the amount of Chorus/Vibrato effect added to the processed signal from
0% to 100%.
• Vibrato/Chorus switch: enables Vibrato or Chorus modes.
• On/Off: turns the Stomp effect On or Off.
• BPM Sync ON/OFF: allows the effect to be synchronized to the host BPM.
Stomp Box Effects
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
Bass Wah
This effect is modeled after the classic Wah pedal used by many of the top players from the 60’s and 70’s. In
addition to the Wah effect, there is a new exciting feature called “auto”. This option will produce the Wah effect
automatically, meaning that there is no need for the manual intervention on the pedal position.
• Off/On/Auto switch: sets the mode of the Wah effect, OFF, ON, or AUTO.
• Pedal Position: controls the Wah effect from 0 to 100%.
Stomp Box Effects
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
SVX Compressor
This effect is modeled after a vintage compression stomp pedal and can deliver a strong sustain and powerful
compression with lots of character.
• Output: sets the output level for the effect from –inf to 0.00 dB.
• Sensitivity: sets the sensitivity of the compression from 0 to 10.
• On/Off: sets the mode of the virtual pedal.
Stomp Box Effects
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
SVX Envelope Filter
This stomp is a highly developed filter effect. Essentially, it uses the envelope of the incoming signal to control a
synthesizer style filter. The sound palette’s range of this virtual unit is wide and rich. You can enhance your bass
tone adding from simple auto Wah effects to extreme filtering effects.
Frequency (“freq”): sets the cutoff frequency of the filter from 40 Hz to 20,480 Hz.
Resonance (“reso”): sets the resonance of the filter from 0.30 to 10.
Depth: changes the amount of effect that the envelope has on the filter from 0% to 100%.
Band pass (“bp”), Low pass (“lp”), High pass (“hp”): sets the type of filter being used, either band pass,
low pass or high pass.
• 12/24: toggles between 2 and 4 pole filter.
• On/Off: sets the mode of the virtual pedal.
Stomp Box Effects
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
SVX Volume
This is a virtual stomp that emulates a traditional volume pedal.
• Minimum (“min”): sets the minimum volume when the pedal is fully down. The range goes from 0 to 10.
• Pedal Position: controls the volume effect from 0 to 100%.
Stomp Box Effects
Gear Models
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
AmpliTube X-GEAR
AmpliTube X-DRIVE
Bring your perfect X-GEAR guitar sound onstage in AmpliTube with the new AmpliTube X-DRIVE distortion pedal.
This boutique pedal features 16 all-new overdrive and distortion effects leveraging IK’s latest AmpliTube technologies.
1. PRESET DISPLAY: This display shows the current loaded preset. Click it to choose a different preset
(the presets are organized by models). To save or delete the current preset click this display and
2. PRESET: This knob lets you browse among X-DRIVE presets.
3. MODEL: This knob lets you browse among X-DRIVE models. To see the full model’s description refer
to the AmpliTube X-GEAR Appendix.
4. MODEL DISPLAY: This display shows the current loaded model. Click it to choose a different model.
5. PARAMETERS: Use these knobs to tweak the selected model. Additional parameter pages are
available by clicking on the dots over the X-DRIVE label. To see the full parameter list for each model
refer to the AmpliTube X-GEAR Appendix.
6. ON: Use this button to activate or bypass the pedal.
7. X-MODE: Use this button to activate the X-MODE for the selected model. To see the X-MODE
description for each model refer to the AmpliTube X-GEAR Appendix.
Stomp Box Effects
Gear Models
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
AmpliTube X-VIBE
Bring your perfect X-GEAR guitar sound onstage in AmpliTube with the new AmpliTube X-VIBE modulation pedal.
This boutique, true stereo pedal features 16 all-new delay effects leveraging IK’s latest AmpliTube technologies.
1. PRESET DISPLAY: This display shows the current loaded preset. Click it to choose a different preset
(the presets are organized by models). To save or delete the current preset click this display and
2. PRESET: This knob lets you browse among X-VIBE presets.
3. MODEL: This knob lets you browse among X-VIBE models. To see the full model’s description refer to
the AmpliTube X-GEAR Appendix.
4. MODEL DISPLAY: This display shows the current loaded model. Click it to choose a different model.
5. PARAMETERS: Use these knobs to tweak the selected model. Additional parameter pages are
available by clicking on the dots over the X-VIBE label. To see the full parameter list for each model
refer to the AmpliTube X-GEAR Appendix.
6. ON: Use this button to activate or bypass the pedal.
7. X-MODE: Use this button to activate the X-MODE for the selected model. To see the X-MODE
description for each model refer to the AmpliTube X-GEAR Appendix.
8. BPM: Use this button to sync X-VIBE to the global BPM of the project. The SPEED parameter will be
expressed in Time Signatures.
Stomp Box Effects
Gear Models
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
AmpliTube X-TIME
Bring your perfect X-GEAR guitar sound onstage in AmpliTube with the new AmpliTube X-TIME delay pedal. This
boutique, true stereo pedal features 16 all-new delay effects leveraging IK’s latest AmpliTube technologies.
1. PRESET DISPLAY: This display shows the current loaded preset. Click it to choose a different preset
(the presets are organized by models). To save or delete the current preset click this display and
2. PRESET: This knob lets you browse among X-TIME presets.
3. MODEL: This knob lets you browse among X-TIME models. To see the full model’s description refer to
the AmpliTube X-GEAR Appendix.
4. MODEL DISPLAY: This display shows the current loaded model. Click it to choose a different model.
5. PARAMETERS: Use these knobs to tweak the selected model. Additional parameter pages are
available by clicking on the dots over the X-TIME label. To see the full parameter list for each model
refer to the AmpliTube X-GEAR Appendix.
6. ON: Use this button to activate or bypass the pedal.
7. X-MODE: Use this button to activate the X-MODE for the selected model. To see the X-MODE
description for each model refer to the AmpliTube X-GEAR Appendix.
8. BPM: Use this button to sync X-TIME to the global BPM of the project. The TIME parameter will be
expressed in Time Signatures.
Stomp Box Effects
Gear Models
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
AmpliTube X-SPACE
Bring your perfect X-GEAR guitar sound onstage in AmpliTube with the new AmpliTube X-SPACE reverb pedal. This
boutique, true stereo pedal features 16 all-new reverb effects leveraging IK’s latest AmpliTube technologies.
1. PRESET DISPLAY: This display shows the current loaded preset. Click it to choose a different preset
(the presets are organized by models). To save or delete the current preset click this display and
2. PRESET: This knob lets you browse among X-SPACE presets.
3. MODEL: This knob lets you browse among X-SPACE models. To see the full model’s description refer
to the AmpliTube X-GEAR Appendix.
4. MODEL DISPLAY: This display shows the current loaded model. Click it to choose a different model.
5. PARAMETERS: Use these knobs to tweak the selected model. Additional parameter pages are
available by clicking on the dots over the X-SPACE label. To see the full parameter list for each model
refer to the AmpliTube X-GEAR Appendix.
6. ON: Use this button to activate or bypass the pedal.
7. X-MODE: Use this button to activate the X-MODE for the selected model. To see the X-MODE
description for each model refer to the AmpliTube X-GEAR Appendix.
Stomp Box Effects
Gear Models
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
AmpliTube TONEX Stomp
AmpliTube TONEX Stomp is the piece of gear that lets you load your local STOMP TONE MODELs inside
AmpliTube 5.
You can find AmpliTube TONEX Stomp in the Gear Selector under the “Other” category.
You can place AmpliTube TONEX Stomp in any pedal slot.
When AmpliTube TONEX Stomp is loaded, a button below the stomp is available to access all the TONEX
Stomp Box Effects
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
By clicking this button, a top bar becomes available to show all the available parameters of TONEX.
By clicking the drop-down arrow
available in your computer.
, the Stomp View is filled with a list of all the Stomp TONE MODELs
Select any TONE MODEL from this list to load it inside AmpliTube TONEX Stomp.
Stomp Box Effects
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Press the
Gear Models
to close the TONE MODELs list and return to the Stomp View.
You can filter the TONE MODELs’ list by using the filter button.
Press the
to close the filter menu and return to the TONE MODEL list.
Stomp Box Effects
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
AmpliTube TONEX Stomp Parameters
Advanced Parameters
When the ADVANCED PARAMETERS button is pressed .a new layer is shown under the CHAIN BAR showing
If the TONE EQ is set to PRE (POST disabled), it’s placed after the NOISE GATE module. If the TONE EQ is set
to POST, it’s placed before the REVERB module.
POST: sets the TONE EQ to be PRE (after NOISE GATE) or POST (before REVERB).
BASS: adjusts the bass frequencies shelf EQ gain from 0 to 10.
BASS FREQ: selects the bass frequency from 75 Hz to 600 Hz.
MID: adjusts the mid frequencies peak EQ gain from 0 to 10.
MID FREQ: selects the mid frequency from 150 Hz to 5 kHz.
MID Q: sets the q of the mid frequencies from 0.2 to 3.0.
TREBLE: adjusts the high frequencies shelf EQ gain from 0 to 10.
TREBLE FREQ: selects the high frequency from 1 kHz to 4 kHz.
PRESENCE: adjusts the presence of the amplifier from 0 to 10.
DEPTH: adjusts the depth of the amplifier from 0 to 10.
MIX: blends the Tone Model signal so that it can be used as parallel processing from 0% to 100%.
RESET CHAIN: resets all parameters of the chain (not only the ADVANCED PARAMETERS) to their default
Depending on the Tone Model GUI the bolded parameters can also be edited directly in the Amp View.
In addition to these there are other two parameters available only in the Stomp View:
• GAIN: sets the input gain of the Tone Model from 0 to 10 resulting in more/less saturation.
• VOLUME: adjusts the master volume of the preset with all its modules from 0 to 10.
Stomp Box Effects
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
Noise Gate
When the NOISE GATE button is pressed a new layer is shown under the CHAIN BAR showing the available
NOISE GATE parameters.
By pressing the NOISE GATE icon
the NOISE GATE can be turned ON or OFF.
ON/OFF: activates or deactivates the Noise Gate.
THRESHOLD: adjusts the threshold of the gate to filter out noise, from -100 dB to 0 dB.
RELEASE: adjust the release time of the gate from 20 ms to 500 ms.
DEPTH: adjust the amount of noise reduction of the gate from -20 dB to -100 dB.
Stomp Box Effects
Gear Models
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
When the COMPRESSOR button is pressed a new layer is shown under the CHAIN BAR showing the available
COMPRESSOR parameters.
By pressing the COMPRESSOR icon
the COMPRESSOR can be turned ON or OFF.
If the COMPRESSOR is set to PRE (POST disabled) it’s placed before the Tone Model module.
If the COMPRESSOR is set to POST, it’s placed after the Tone Model module.
ON/OFF: activates or deactivates the Compressor.
POST: sets the compressor to be PRE or POST the Tone Model Module
THRESHOLD: adjusts the threshold at which the compressor starts to operate from o dB to -40 dB.
GAIN: adjusts the COMPRESSOR output volume from -30 dB to 0 dB.
ATTACK: adjusts the compresso attack time from 1 ms to 51 ms.
Stomp Box Effects
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
When a TONE MODEL is selected in the top bar, the TONEX Chain shows the name of the Amp and Cab that
are part of that Tone Model.
Note that with AmpliTube TONEX Stomp you can only load Stomp TONE MODELs.
To load an Amp TONE MODEL use the AmpliTube TONEX in the Amp section of the gear selector.
Stomp Box Effects
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
When the REVERB button is pressed a new layer is shown under the CHAIN BAR showing the available
REVERB parameters.
By pressing the REVERB icon
the REVERB can be turned ON or OFF.
ON/OFF: activates or deactivates the Reverb.
TYPE: sets the type of reverb between SPRING 1, SPRING 2, SPRING 3, ROOM and PLATE.
TIME: sets the length of the reverb tail from 0 to 10.
PRE DELAY: sets the pre-delay time before the reverb starts.
COLOR: sets the reverb tone from -10 (darker) to +10 (brighter).
MIX: sets the mix amount of the reverb from 0% to 100%.
Stomp Box Effects
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
Brian May
Red Special
Based on Brian May’s Guitar
Created by a detailed study of Brian May’s famous guitar – that he built with his father in the 60’s – this helps
add the unique tonality and controls of the Red Special itself.
Note: this pedal’s GUI mirrors the Red Special guitar as seen from audience’s perspective, not the guitar
player. So the bridge is on the left and the neck is on the right.
• SOURCE: selects the source based on your guitar type:
∙ SINGLE COIL (I): for guitars with single coil pickups (like Stratocaster).
∙ RED SPECIAL (RS): if you are using a Red Special guitar. In this case, the switches won’t do anything.
∙ HUMBUCKER (II): for guitar with humbucker pickups (like Les Paul).
• PICKUP ON/OFF AND PHASE SWITCHES: these switches replicate the Red Special switches. They are
active unless the source is set to Red Special, in which case the pickup section is bypassed. The first line
shows the ON/OFF switches for each pickup. So you can decide which pickup is on (pickups are wired
in series). The second line shows the pickups’ phase switches. For example, you can set the phase of
each individual pickup to have one pickup work against another one to get very peculiar sounds. Brian’s
preferred pickup configuration by far is Bridge + Middle in phase.
Stomp Box Effects
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
• VOLUME: Brian May’s rig basically has a fixed gain. But he makes heavy use of his Red Special Volume
knob to get more or less gain to get the sound he’s after from his rig. For example, he lowers the volume of
his guitar quite a bit to get clean glassy tones..
We recommend you keep your guitar’s volume at maximum and use the volume on the Red Special stomp. This
is because it works better with the noise gate at the front that would kill your tone otherwise and also because
this volume helps to get the brighter cleaner sounds when you lower it.
Even when the source is set to Red Special, we advise you to keep your guitar volume at maximum and use
this stomp volume instead. By doing so, you’ll get close to the interaction between Brian’s Red Special and his
Treble Booster which you totally lose when you connect it to the Hi-Z input of your Audio Interface.
Stomp Box Effects
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
Treble Booster
Based on KAT® Treble Booster
Based on the original KAT® Treble Booster, this stompbox effect will enrich your guitar tone similar to Brian
May’s by boosting it before it reaches the amp.
This is the recently released official version of Brian’s Treble Booster by Knight Audio Technologies. KAT®
has reproduced a 3-era Treble Booster corresponding to what Brian was using in the ‘70s, ‘80s and ‘90s.
The differences between the three may be subtle, but they help to capture the accurate sound of these eras.
• ERA: selects the era you prefer:
∙ ‘70s: replicates the RangeMaster initially used by Brian.
∙ ‘80s: replicates the Pete Cornish version of the Treble Booster..
∙ ‘90s: replicates the KAT strap booster Brian has been using to this day.
• LEVEL: This knob allows you to play with various levels of boost to drive the following amps. To get the
exact gain of the corresponding era as used by Brian, set the Level knob to the mark of that era.
Stomp Box Effects
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
May Wah
Based on Rackmount Dunlop® Cry Baby® Wah
Based on a rackmount Dunlop® Cry Baby® wah, modeled in the exact configurations Brian uses to shape
his tone.
• OFF/ON/AUTO: sets the mode of the Wah effect; Off, On, or Auto..
• OFF: turns the effect Off, no Wah effect.
• ON: the center frequency of the Wah effect is only set by the pedal.
Stomp Box Effects
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
FOX Phaser
Based on fOXX® Foot Phaser
Based on fOXX® Foot Phaser, a pedal-controlled phaser with a unique and distinctive sound which has
been used on various old recordings, notably on “We Will Rock You.” It adds motion to anything you play
through it.
• MODE: switches between the two modes of the treadle.
• TREADLE: in mode 1 (green LED ON), this sweeps the phaser frequencies. It’s like controlling the LFO with
your foot. In mode 2, this controls the depth of the phaser’s LFO.
• RANGE: In mode 1 (green LED ON), this controls the range of the phaser’s LFO controlled by the treadle. In
mode 2 (green LED OFF), this controls the speed of the phaser’s LFO..
• FDBK: controls the depth of the phaser.
Stomp Box Effects
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
Star Gate
Based on Classic Noise Gate
This noise gate helps clean up the signal chain, minimizing the noise feeding Brian’s unique amp and pedal
• THRESHOLD: turn this knob up/down to apply more/less noise reduction.
Stomp Box Effects
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
Dimebag Darrell CFH Collection
6 Band EQ
Based on MXR® Six Band EQ Model
This pedal is a clean, highly effective graphic equalizer, capable of shaping the tone and boosting the signal
for the next stompbox or amp in your chain.
• FREQUENCY BAND LEVEL: each frequency band allows for +/- 15 dB of adjustment. The controls
include 100 Hz, 200 Hz, 400 Hz, 800 Hz, 1.6 kHz, 3.2 kHz.
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AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
Pre EQ 3
Based on Furman® Parametric Equalizer Model PQ-3™
With three totally independent EQs, this parametric EQ provides enough power to sculpt the perfect guitar
tone or surgically enhance and alter any signal sent through it. Also used to boost a signal significantly
before the preamp stage of an amplifier.
∙ GAIN: adjusts the boost or cut of the bass parametric EQ, from -99 dB to +20 dB.
∙ FREQ: changes the center frequency of the bass parametric EQ, from 25 Hz to 500 Hz.
∙ WIDTH: sets the bandwidth of the bass parametric EQ, from 0 (very narrow) to 10 (very wide).
• MID:
∙ GAIN: adjusts the boost or cut of the mid parametric EQ, from -99 dB to +20 dB.
∙ FREQ: changes the center frequency of the mid parametric EQ, from 150 Hz to 2500 Hz.
∙ Q: sets the bandwidth of the mid parametric EQ, from 0 (very narrow) to 10 (very wide).
• HI:
∙ GAIN: adjusts the boost or cut of the Hi parametric EQ, from -99 dB to +20 dB.
∙ FREQ: changes the center frequency of the Hi parametric EQ, from 600 Hz to 10 kHz.
∙ Q: sets the bandwidth of the Hi parametric EQ, from 0 (very narrow) to 10 (very wide).
• GAIN: adjusts the boost or cut of the preamp section, from 0 to 10.
• EQUALIZER BYPASS: bypass the EQ sections completely.
Stomp Box Effects
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
Dime Noise Gate
Based on Rocktron® Hush IIB™ Model
Fine-tuned in order to match the precise settings used by Dimebag Darrell on “Cowboys From Hell”, this unit
aggressively gates noise, with a very fast attack.
• THRESHOLD: adjusts the sensitivity of the gate’s threshold. Adjustable from -99 to 0 dB.
• FILTER: frequency of low-pass filter of the expander. Adjustable from 40 to 4000 Hz.
• RELEASE: switches between slow and fast release.
Stomp Box Effects
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
Dime Wah
Based on Dunlop® Crybaby GCB-95™ Model
An iconic and legendary wah pedal, fine-tuned to match Dimebag Darell’s use and settings from the
“Cowboys From Hell” album.
• PEDAL POSITION: controls the Wah effect from 0 to 100%.
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AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
Flanger Doubler
Based on MXR® Flanger Doubler™ Model
Two effects in one unit: a great-sounding Flanger and Doubler that can thicken your sound in incredible
THRESHOLD: adjusts the sensitivity of the gate’s threshold. Adjustable from -99 to 0 dB.
MODE: switches between Flanger and Doubler mode.
DELAY: sets the timbre of the flanging effect from 0 to 10.
WIDTH: sets the amount of modulation the LFO will apply to the flanging effect from 0 to 10.
SPEED: controls the amount of high tones on the sound from 0 to 10.
FEEDBACK: sets the amount of feedback the internal flanger effect will have from 0 to 10.
MIX: sets the balance between the wet and dry signal from 0 to 10.
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Gear Models
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Fender® Blender™
Officially Certified Fender® Blender™ Model
A unique germanium fuzz/distortion pedal. With a tone unlike any distortion pedal on the market, the
Blender™ is capable of a harsh fuzz-effect unlike most vintage distortion pedals, and is great as a tool for
Alternative Rock and modern Metal soloing. Perfect for those who want to create instead of copying, with a
bit of experimentation, this pedal can deliver a huge range of unique tones.
Volume: controls the overall output volume of the effect.
Sustain: adds sustain and distortion to the input signal from 1 to 10.
Tone: shifts the tonal balance from low to high frequencies from 1 (low) to 10 (high).
Blend: controls the mix of the original to the effected signal from 1 to 10.
Tone Boost: adds range to the tone control.
On/Off: turns the effect on or off.
Stomp Box Effects
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
Fender® Volume
A classic volume control. Use to control the volume of your guitar signal, or in conjunction with an overdrive/
distortion pedal for dynamic control of your signal boost.
• Volume: adjusts the volume of the output signal
• Min: controls the range of the volume effect.
• On/Off: turns the effect on or off.
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AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
Fender® Wah
Based on Fender® Cyber-Twin® SE Wah
The Fender® Wah model is based on the Fender® Cyber-Twin® SE Wah. Two distinct wah voices give this
model a huge range of “wah-ptions.” Switch between the traditional “Cryin’” sound or the famous “Clyde
McCoy” inspired sound. Both are included in the same pedal. Adjust your effect frequency range with the
minimum and maximum knobs, and control the amount of effect applied with the “wah” control and volume
level knobs. A very inspiring pedal that will add dramatic effects to your bass lines.
Min Freq: controls the minimum frequency effected from 1 to 10.
Max Freq: controls the maximum frequency effected from 1 to 10.
Volume: controls the volume of the wah effect from 1 to 10.
Cryin’/McCoy: switches between two different classic Wah styles.
On/Off: turns the effect on or off.
Stomp Box Effects
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
Fender® Fuzz Wah
Officially Certified Fender® Fuzz Wah Model
A combination of a Fuzz-style distortion effect and a Wah pedal, the Fuzz Wah is two pedals in one. Due to
this combination, the Fuzz Wah is capable of effects not easily achieved by traditional distortion and Wah-style
• Pedal: use to control the frequency and amount of the Wah/Fuzz effect. Up/Down controls the Wah, Left/
Right controls Fuzz. Holding the SHIFT key while dragging allows you to easily choose between moving the
pedal vertically or horizontally only.
• Fuzz Control: controls the volume of the Fuzz-distortion.
• Effects Order: switches the order of the effects (Wah->Fuzz or Fuzz->Wah) within the pedal to give two
different tone styles.
• Fuzz Volume: adjusts the amount and volume of the Fuzz effect.
• Fuzz button: turns the Fuzz effect on-off.
• Wah button: turns the Wah effect on-off.
Stomp Box Effects
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
Fender® Phaser
Officially Certified Fender® Phaser Model
A Classic analog Phase shift effect as heard on countless recordings since the 1970s.
• On/Off: turns the effect on or off.
• Rate Knob: controls the rate at which the phase shift occurs. The rate control knob alternately illuminates
blue and red at the same rate as the phase shifting.
• Intensity: this knob adjusts the intensity of the phasing effect.
• Frequency: this knob adjusts what frequencies are affected by the phasing action.
• BPM Sync: syncs the effect to the master BPM of your DAW/Standalone metronome.
Stomp Box Effects
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
Fender® Tremolo
Based on the classic Fender® tube tremolo circuit
Based on the classic Fender® tube tremolo circuit, you can adjust the speed and intensity to perfection and add
this classic effect to any amplifier setting. The BPM sync function allows automated effect syncing to your DAW
tempo, or set your tempo manually to add a dramatic tremolo sparkle or darkness to your tracks.
• BPM Sync: turns BPM sync on and off overriding the Speed control and taking the tempo from your DAW
instead to determine the rate of the tremolo effect.
• Speed: determines the rate of the tremolo effect. Note that if BPM sync is turned on, your DAW’s tempo
will override the Speed knob.
• Intensity: determines the amount of tremolo effect.
Stomp Box Effects
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
Fender® ’63 Reverb
Officially Certified Fender® ‘63 Reverb Model
First introduced in 1963, this classic all-tube spring reverb unit is capable of producing an incredibly lush Reverb
due to it’s unique 6v6 driven output.
• Dwell: controls the amount of the reverb effect from 1 to 10. The spring reverb is overdriven when Dwell is
set to high values (from 7 to 10). This produces interesting and very characteristic tones.
• Tone: shifts the tonal balance from low to high frequencies from 1 to 10.
• Mixer: controls the mix of the original signal to the effected signal from 1 to 10.
Stomp Box Effects
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
Fender® Tape Echo
Based on Fender® Cyber-Twin® SE Tape Echo
A classic tape echo effect, taken from the Fender® Cyber-Twin®. Use for retro, lo-fi-style echo effects, or to add
a subtle amount of ambience to your playing.
• Echo Level: controls the amount of the echo effect from 1 to 10.
• Time: controls the length of the echo effect from 30ms to 1450ms. When BPM Sync is turned on, time is
displayed from a 1/32 to 1/1 ratio.
• Feedback: controls the amount of repeats of the echo effect from 1 to 10.
• Wow&Flutter: controls the amount of pitch drift/variation of the echo effect, to emulate tape playback from
1 to 10.
• Brightness: controls the amount of high-end of the treble from 1 to 10.
• Volume: controls the volume of the echo effect from 1 to 10.
• Ramp/Step: alters the way that changes to echo time change from a “ramp up” style” to a “stair step”
• BPM Sync: syncs the effect to the master BPM of your DAW/Standalone metronome.
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AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
Fender® Compressor
Based on Fender® Cyber-Twin® SE Compressor
Based on the Fender® Cyber-Twin® SE compressor, this stomp box allows you to increase your signal gain
before it hits other effects and amplifiers, or use it elsewhere in your pedalboard chain to create dramatic
“attack” effects. The Fender® Stomp Compressor has four detented switch positions for varying degrees of gain
boost and compression.
Ratio Knob: sets the amount of compression from “Low” to “Even Higher”.
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AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
Officially Certified Fulltone® OCD® Model
An overdrive pedal that provides the same kind of touch sensitivity and complex harmonics that you’d get
from a quality tube amp. Volume, Tone, and Drive controls let you dial in the perfect sound for your song.
Take your overdriven tones to a new level with OCD.
• VOLUME: sets the overall volume, from 0 to 10.
• DRIVE: controls the amount of distortion, from 0 to 10.
• TONE: controls the tone of the distortion pedal, from 0 to 10.
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Gear Models
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Jimi Hendrix
Class Fuzz
Based on Roger Mayer™ Classic Fuzz®
This effect is based on the fuzz pedal that can be heard on Jimi Hendrix’s early recordings.
• VOLUME: sets the output volume of the stomp effect, from -inf to 0.0 dB.
• DRIVE: sets the fuzz sound by increasing or decreasing the amount of distortion, from 0 to 10.
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AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
EP Tape Echo
Based on Maestro® Echoplex™
The EP Tape Echo is the gold standard of vintage tape-echo units. Jimi Hendrix liked experimenting with it to
produce wild psychedelic effects in the studio, and he used it heavily during the recording of Electric Ladyland.
• DELAY SLIDER: moves the Recording Head changing the length of the delay between each echo, from 26
ms to 939 ms.
• VOLUME: sets the level of the effected (or wet) sound, from 1 to 9.
• BPM: allows the effect to synchronize to the project tempo.
• SUSTAIN: changes the amount of time that the echo repeats, from 1 to 9.
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AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
Fuzz Age
Based on Arbiter® Fuzz Face®
This effect is modeled after a classic germanium transistor fuzz stomp effect. Typically used on lead guitar, this
effect has remained a popular distortion effect throughout the years.
• VOL: sets the output volume of the stomp effect, from –inf. to 0.0 dB.
• FUZZ: sets the fuzz level of the effect, from 0 to 10.
Stomp Box Effects
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
Fuzz Age 2
Based on Arbiter® Fuzz Face®
This classic germanium transistor fuzz effect was the main fuzz box used by Jimi Hendrix. Often combined with
a wah, this effect produced permanent sustain and endless distortion. The original Fuzz Face® is one of the
most collectible fuzz boxes ever.
• VOL: sets the output volume of the stomp effect, from –inf. to 0.0 dB.
• FUZZ: sets the fuzz level of the effect, from 0 to 10.
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AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
Based on Maestro® FuzzTone™
Jimi Hendrix began using this fuzz box while playing in New York City before founding the Experience. Its
sounds can be heard in the enormously popular Rolling Stones song “Satisfaction”.
• VOLUME: sets the output volume of the stomp effect, from –inf to 0.0 dB.
• ATTACK: adjusts the sound character by having more or less distortion.
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Gear Models
Based on Roger Mayer™ Octavia®
This effect was first used on “Purple Haze” and “Fire.” It is a fuzz box with frequency-doubling circuitry that
produces a second note an octave above the fundamental note.
• VOLUME: sets the output volume of the stomp effect, from –inf to 0.0 dB.
• DRIVE: sets the amount of distortion the unit will produce, from 0 to 10. The higher octave can be more
distinct for medium positions of this control.
Stomp Box Effects
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
Opto Tremolo
Based on Fender® Super Reverb® Amp Opto-Tremolo™
This model is based on a vintage Opto-Tremolo effect.
• RATE: sets the rate of the Flanger effect, from 0 to 10.
• DEPTH: sets the intensity of the Flanger, from 0 to 10.
• BPM SYNC: allows the effect to synchronize to the project tempo.
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AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
Based on Mosrite® Fuzzrite®
This effect is modeled after a highly sought-after, rare fuzz box. It was one of the first commercially available
floor effect units, making its first appearance in 1966. It doesn’t get any more vintage than this when it comes to
stomp pedals.
• VOLUME: sets the output volume of the stomp effect, from 1 to 6.
• DEPTH: sets the timbre of the distortion, from 1 to 6.
Stomp Box Effects
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
Based on Univox™ Uni-vibe™
This effect is based on an original optical phaser/chorus. This was a chorus/rotating-speaker simulator that was
introduced in 1969 and used predominantly in live performances. This created a swirling effect quite similar to
the most famous rotary speaker cabinet but with the addition of speed control. This effect was employed on
tracks such as “Hey Baby (New Rising Sun),” “Earth Blues,” and “Machine Gun”.
• VOLUME: sets the output volume of the stomp effect, from –inf to 0.0 dB.
• INTENSITY: sets the depth of the modulation, from 0 to 10. The sound is affected even when the Intensity
knob is set to zero.
• RATE: sets the rate of the Chorus/Vibrato effect from 0 to 10. The LFO rate is going from approx 1 Hz to
approx 8 Hz.
• CHORUS/VIBRATO SWITCH: selects the Chorus of Vibrato effect. Default: Chorus.
Stomp Box Effects
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
Wah 46
Based on Vox® Wah V846™
This effect is based on the most famous Wah-Wah model used by Jimi Hendrix, which became his signature
sound in masterpiece tunes like “Voodoo Child.” Although the original had no auto-Wah features, this additional
functionality has been added for a more convenient usage when played on a computer. The original model is
considered to be one of the best sounding Wah-Wahs of all time.
• OFF/ON/AUTO: sets the mode of the Wah effect; Off, On, or Auto.
• OFF: turns the effect Off, no Wah effect.
• ON: the center frequency of the Wah effect is only set by the pedal.
Stomp Box Effects
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
XS Fuzz
Based on Roger Mayer™ Axis Fuzz®
This effect is modeled after the effect used on the title track of the album “Axis Bold as Love.” The original
stomp can also be heard on the “Band of Gypsies” and various Jimi Hendrix recordings post 1968.
• VOLUME: sets the output volume of the stomp effect, from –inf to 0.0 dB.
• DRIVE: sets the distortion amount, from 0 to 10.
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AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
Joe Satriani
Satch Wah
Based on Vox® Big Bad Wah
Based on Joe’s personal Vox® Big Bad Wah, offering two inductor coils each with their own voicing, plus an
extra gain drive and normal or 535-type sweep.
• INDUCTOR: Switches between two different inductor coils (U.K. and U.S.).
• VOICE: Switches between two different frequency response, a classic CryBaby one (Bright) and a darker
one (Dark).
• DRIVE: Adjusts the overdrive gain of the Wah 2.
• WAH TYPE: Switches between the two Wah sounds.
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AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
Satch Distortion
Based on BOSS® DS-1
Based on Joe’s personal BOSS® DS-1, an early ‘80’s Japanese-made unit, this legendary distortion unit is
one of the most recognizable pedals ever made.
• LEVEL: Controls the pedal output level.
• DIST: Controls the amount of distortion the pedal gives.
• TONE: Controls the timbre of the distortion pedal.
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AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
Satch Overdrive
Based on BOSS® OD-1
Based on an early ‘80s Japanese-made BOSS® OD-1, this overdrive pedal has long been a standard for
‘70s and ‘80s classic and hard rock.
• LEVEL: Controls the pedal output level.
• DRIVE: Controls the amount of overdrive the pedal gives.
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AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
Tube Overdrive
Based on Chandler® Tube Driver
Based on Joe’s personal Chandler® Tube Driver, this overdrive pedal offers generous distortion thanks to its
onboard 12AX7 valve.
LEVEL: Controls the pedal output level.
DRIVE: Controls the amount of overdrive the pedal gives.
EQ LOW: Sets the amount of low frequencies in the sound.
EQ HI: Sets the amount of high frequencies in the sound.
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Gear Models
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Satch Octave
Based on Ultimate Octave
Modeled on the Ultimate Octave pedal, a versatile update of the famous Octavia fuzz with a “Fat / Bright”
switch for two different distortion & octave characters.
VOLUME: Controls the Satch Octave pedal output level.
TONE: Controls the timbre of the pedal.
DISTORTION: Controls the amount of distortion the pedal gives.
FAT: Switches between a standard bright and a more mid-range frequency response.
OCTAVE-UP: Enables the octave effect.
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AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
Contour Wah
Officially Certified Morley® Contour Wah™ Model
The Morley Contour Wah is a modelled recreation of the original hardware pedal. This pedal offers a
distinctive sonic signature as it was developed in conjunction with a notable guitarist in the contemporary
rock field. Furthermore it has some cool features that make it tweakable and customizable to suit different
sound requirements. The sound of this wah is very modern and cutting, as it’s focused on specific key
frequencies that give it presence. However, the contour feature can modify this, making it mellower or
sharper, depending on the user’s requirements. The original hardware sports an auto ON/OFF function as
the rocker pedal is pressed or released, and the spring load feature, which brings the rocker pedal back to
the heel position as the pedal is released. These features are included and adapted to work with AmpliTube’s
behavior and functionality.
• PEDAL: controls the filter’s frequency of the “Wah” effect.
• CONTOUR KNOB: shifts the filter’s shape; counterclockwise positions have a mellower sound, clockwise
positions sharpen the high frequency response.
• CONTOUR SWITCH: activates the Contour function, whose frequency is controlled by the Contour knob.
• LEVEL KNOB: controls the additional level of the pedal when the Contour switch is active. Values are from
Stomp Box Effects
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
-8 dBs to +4 dBs.
• ON: global bypass of the pedal.
• AUTO OFF: if activated the pedal automatically shuts off when the rocker is in the heel position. Make sure
you do a proper hardware controller calibration before using the AUTO OFF feature.
• DELAY TIME: when AUTO OFF is activated, DELAY TIME controls the time it takes for the pedal to shut off
once the rocker is brought to the heel position. Time range is 0 to 3 seconds.
Stomp Box Effects
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
Oil Can Delay
Officially Certified Morley® EVO-1 Oil Can Delay Model
The Morley EVO-1 Oil Can Delay is the first guitar stompbox that introduced Morley to the guitar pedal
This stomp has all the characteristics of the iconic ‘70s oil can delay sound, which features an oil can drum
containing a spinning, anodized metallic disk with two heads to write and read the sound that is stored
electrostatically thanks to the oil that is stored inside the can.
The EVO-1’s main feature is its dirtiness and inconsistency. The oil provides a waterly and warbly sound
giving a result close to a vibrato effect that is unpredictable and inconsistent and full of wow and flutter.
• ECHO SPEED: sets the speed of the motor moving the disc resulting in faster or slower delay repetitions.
• MULTIPLE ECHO LIMIT: sets the desired range on which the expression pedal operates controlling the
• ECHO VOLUME LIMIT: sets the volume of the echo wet signal.
• STEREO – MONAURAL: when used in a stereo path the EVO-1 can be set to STEREO to have the full dry
signal on one side and the full wet signal on the other. Use the MONAURAL option for regular use.
• EXPRESSION PEDAL: controls the delay’s feedback. Its range depends on the multiple echo limit control.
• ECHO – VOLUME: when set to VOLUME the pedal works as a volume pedal, when set to ECHO the pedal
works as an oil can delay.
Stomp Box Effects
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
• DISK ERASE: when set to 10 the disk gets fully erased as it’s spinning so that the current signal is
not contaminated by the past signal. Decreasing the disk erase parameter increases the instability and
randomness of the repetitions that are influenced by the past audio signal that has not been completely
erased. The little line around the knob highlights the typical range for normal use. Pushing the knob outside
the highlighted range provides more experimental and creative sound effects.
• DISK NOISE: when set to 0 the disk works as an ideal disk with no additional noise, by raising the disk
noise parameter the disk spinning noise is added into the path to give a dirtier and more vintage sound.
• BPM: when set to ON the echo speed parameter operates in signatures of the projects tempo.
• ON/OFF: activates/bypasses the effect entirely.
Stomp Box Effects
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
Power Wah Fuzz
Officially Certified Morley® PWF Power Wah Fuzz Model
The Power Wah Fuzz pedal is a 1970s classic Wah and Fuzz pedal that work together for a powerful
combination of heavy tones.
The fuzz is very aggressive and thick. Wonderful on guitar but astonishing also on bass, it was a weapon of
choice for the famous Metallica bassist Cliff Burton.
POWER ON/OFF: activates/bypasses the effect entirely.
INTENSITY: sets the amount of distortion coming from the fuzz circuit.
TONE: sets the general tone of the fuzz: at 0.0 it’s darker and mellower, at 10.0 i’’s brighter and edgier.
FUZZ ON/OFF: activates/bypasses the fuzz circuit.
EXPRESSION PEDAL: controls the wah filter effect.
POWER WAH ON/OFF: activates/bypasses the wah circuit.
Stomp Box Effects
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
Seymour Duncan®
Power Grid
Officially Certified Seymour Duncan® Power Grid™ Model
The Power Grid is a high gain, solid state distortion pedal capable of a myriad of tones thanks to a threeband active EQ section. It is perfect for all styles of rock. The pedal is designed to provide powerful
overdrive and distortion suitable for all kinds of rhythm and lead playing thanks to five stages of discrete
Class A circuitry. This raw horsepower is managed by a multi-element gain and volume control system that
provides very fine control. The tone is further refined with three bands of active EQ. Each band allows for
up to 12dB of boost or cut at selectable frequencies for maximum control. This allows you to create tones
with a far greater degree of surgical precision than what’s possible with any distortion pedal with a traditional
passive EQ.
VOLUME: sets the overall volume, from 1 to 10.
BASS: boosts and cuts the bass frequencies, from 1 to 10.
MIDDLE: boosts and cuts the mid frequencies, from 1 to 10.
TREBLE: boosts and cuts the high frequencies, from 1 to 10.
GAIN: controls the amount of distortion.
ON/OFF: bypasses the effect.
Stomp Box Effects
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
Shape Shifter
Officially Certified Seymour Duncan® Shape Shifter™ Model
This amazing stomp box reproduces the hypnotic, pulsing tremolo sound characteristic of ‘50s tube amps.
It can also produce crazy and innovative tones never heard before. With its detailed “Wave” and “Shape”
controls, it is one of the most versatile tremolo stomp boxes available. The Wave control shapes the tremolo
effect from a smooth sine wave to a sharper triangle wave to the abrupt “on/off effect” of a square wave.
The Shape control sets the rise and fall time of the tremolo (how fast or slow the volume increases and
decreases). This adds some very different variations to the tremolo effect: With a quick swell and a slow
drop, the effect is percussive like a piano. Conversely, with a slow swell and a sudden drop, the result is
reminiscent of a tape played backwards. A LED pulses in time with the tremolo effect to easily set the Rate.
• DEPTH: sets the intensity of the effect, varying the tremolo effect from a subtle shimmer to an intense
rhythmic pulse.
• SHAPE: this control varies the tremolo rise and fall time (how fast or slow the volume increases and
decreases) for unique percussion, “reverse decay” effects and everything in between.
• WAVE: sets the wave form from a smooth sine wave (like vintage amps) to a choppier triangular wave to an
abrupt “on/off”pulsing square wave.
• RATE: sets the speed of the tremolo effect (A LED flashes in time with the tremolo effect to easily set the
• BPM SYNC: allows the effect to synchronize to the DAW tempo.
• ON/OFF: bypasses the effect.
Stomp Box Effects
Gear Models
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Based on Boss® DD-3™
The digital delay stomp box used by Slash. It is based on one of the most famous modern digital delays. Use
this effect to add space and repetitions to your parts.
LEVEL: sets the level of the effected (or wet) sound, from 0 to 10.
TIME: changes the length of the delay between each repetition, from 1ms to 800ms.
FEEDBACK: changes the amount of time that the echo repeats, from 0 to 10.
ON BPM: allows the effect to synchronize to the BPM tempo.
ON/OFF: bypasses the effect.
Stomp Box Effects
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
Based on MXR® CAE MC401™ Boost/Line Driver
The booster stomp box used by Slash. It boosts your signal up to 20 dB. It’s perfect for solos, punchy rhythm
parts or to drive effects harder for more dynamics and sensitivity.
• dB: boosts the signal from 0 to 20 dB.
• ON/OFF: bypasses the effect.
Stomp Box Effects
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
Based on MXR® Smart Gate®
The gate stomp box used by Slash. It gates out noise slowly when notes are being held and quickly when they
are stopped short.
• LEVEL: varies the sensitivity of the gate‘s threshold, allowing it to be adjustable to any input source. from 0
to 10.
• Three filter cut-off points are available: Full, Mid, or Hiss Band:
• FULL: the Full Band noise cut is most effective in quieting input sources with low-end hum and buzz
• MID: the Mid noise band cut is effective on instruments with high gain midrange frequency boost.
• HISS: the Hiss noise band cut works well with instruments and input sources that have high frequency
• ON/OFF: bypasses the effect.
Stomp Box Effects
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
Based on MXR® Blue Box™ Octave Fuzz
The Fuzz/Octave stomp box used by Slash. Adds fuzz to your signal and then duplicates it two octaves down.
This is one of the most evil and vicious pedals!
• OUTPUT: sets the output volume of the stomp effect, from 0 to 10.
• BLEND: adjusts ratio of fuzzed signal with Octaved signal, from 0 to 10.
• ON/OFF: bypasses the effect.
Stomp Box Effects
Gear Models
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Based on MXR® M134™
The chorus stomp box used by Slash offering great control and flexibility. Used in one of the most famous
song in the history of Rock: Paradise City. Use this stomp box with Clean/Crunch settings to add shimmer and
moving modulation to arpeggios or chords.
INT.: sets overall chorus effect, from 0 to 10.
WIDTH: sets the amplitude of the modulation from light to deep, from 0 to 10.
RATE: sets the speed of the modulation from slow shimmering to watery, from 0 to 10.
BASS FILTER: keeps low end frequencies intact.
BASS: adjusts the bass frequencies of the chorus voice , from 0 to 10.
TREBLE: adjusts the high frequencies of the chorus voice, from 0 to 10.
ON/OFF: bypasses the effect.
Stomp Box Effects
Gear Models
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Based on Dunlop® Slash Signature Wah SW95™
The wah pedal with integrated distortion used by Slash. One of the most classic wahs combined with powerful
high gain distortion. Very useful on rock solos to add expression and bending.
WAH: directly controls the Wah effect, from 0 to 10.
DIST: enables the distortion.
GAIN: adjusts the input gain. Use this setting to drive the preamp stage, from 0 to 10.
VOL: adjusts the output level (when distortion is enable), from 0 to 10.
ON/OFF: bypasses the effect.
Stomp Box Effects
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
Officially Certified T-Rex® Møller™ Model
The T-Rex Møller is a unique overdrive pedal that creates a wide variety of overdriven tones with flexible
tonal control along with a separate transparent 0-20 dB adjustable and switchable clean boost and a special
option to mix overdriven and clean signals. The Møller was developed in 2003 for a well known Danish
guitarist named Knud Møller who wanted a tube screamer but with an added clean boost. T-Rex made the
custom pedal based on the Alberta and subsequently named the Møller pedal after the guitarist.
TONE: changes the color of the overdrive.
LEVEL: adjusts the output volume.
GAIN: controls the amount of overdrive.
BOOST (knob): cleanly boosts the output of the pedal from 1 to 20 dB independent of the overdrive circuit.
Used for increasing your volume for soloing.
MIX: mixes the balance between the overdriven signal and clean signal.
ON/OFF: turns the overdrive effect on and off.
VOICE: optimizes for humbucker or single coil pickups.
BOOST (switch): turns the clean boost on and off.
Stomp Box Effects
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
Officially Certified T-Rex® Mudhoney™ Model
The T-Rex Mudhoney is designed for those looking for an in-your-face wall of sound jumping out of the
speakers. The boost button and the tone knob give you the ability to dial in any sound you like from ultra
fuzz to smooth jazz sounds. With the boost function bypassed, the Mudhoney delivers moderate gain and a
rich, smooth sound that many jazz guitarists prefer. The boost button engages a high gain circuit for a more
aggressive sound.
• GAIN: controls the amount of distortion.
• LEVEL: sets the overall volume. In middle position (12:00), the volume level is 1:1. When turned fully
clockwise, the output signal is boosted by 15 dB.
• TONE: changes the color of the overdrive.
• BOOST (switch): switches between moderate and high gain.
Stomp Box Effects
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
Officially Certified T-Rex® Replica™ Model
The T-Rex Replica is possibly the world’s best delay pedal. With its astonishingly warm tone and clever tap
tempo feature, it is the perfect mix of controls that delivers everything the most demanding guitarists could ask
for in a delay. The Replica is used by guitar heroes from Pete Townsend to John Mayer to deliver their classic
• ECHO: mixes between the amount of delay signal and dry signal.
• LEVEL: sets the overall volume. At maximum level, the signal is boosted by approximately 3 dB.
• REPEAT: controls the number of repeats in the delay signal. At the minimum position, the delay repeats
only once. At the maximum position, the delay signal repeats almost infinitely and self-oscillates.
• TEMPO: sets the delay time. The minimum delay time is approximately 12 milliseconds, and the maximum
delay time is approximately 1,500 milliseconds. Note that the delay signal is muted when the TEMPO knob
is turned while playing to avoid unwanted pitch changing artifacts.
• ON/OFF: bypasses the effect.
• SUBDIVISION: syncs the effect to the master BPM of your DAW/Standalone metronome.
• BROWN: is a High-Cut filter that alters the tone of the repeats. The result is a warmer, smoother delay
sound reminiscent of a vintage tape echo.
Stomp Box Effects
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
Wampler Pedals®
Officially Certified Wampler Nirvana™ Chorus/Vibrato Model
A very versatile chorus pedal capable of many modulation colors. The power of this pedal lies in the triple
mode Intensity switch which sets the range of the modulation that can then be dialed in with the Depth
control. The Tone control, a feature that other chorus pedals lack, fine tunes the high end content of the
chorused signal, a nice touch to get a lush shimmer effect. An additional cool feature, the “Vib” switch,
effectively acts as a dry kill switch, turning the chorus in a vibrato.
DEPTH: sets the modulation amount.
RATE: sets the modulation speed.
LEVEL: sets the ratio between the dry and chorused signal.
TONE: fine tunes the high end content of the chorused signal.
INTENSITY: this is a three way switch where each position gives a progressively increased modulation
• VIB: this switch kills the dry part of the signal leaving only the chorused sound which, being modulated, will
sound like a vibrato effect. Speed, Depth, Tone and Level controls will work on the vibrato character.
Stomp Box Effects
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
Pinnacle Deluxe
Officially Certified Wampler Pinnacle Deluxe™ Model
This pedal is designed to reproduce the sound of late 70’s to early 80’s plexi-style amplifiers pushed to their
limit. This classic tone, also known as “Brown Sound” was the trademark of several guitarists of that era,
later known as “shredders”. This pedal has the flexibility of a dual mode operation, where it can be used as
a standard overdrive, or pushed further with the Boost switch, where an additional gain stage is added for
increased distortion. On top of this cool and handy feature, the Tone and Contour controls allow you to find
the perfect balance of high end and midrange, so that the pedal can be tailored to rhythm or lead sounds
with relative ease.
GAIN: sets the level of distortion of the pedal.
VOLUME: sets the output level of the pedal.
TONE: fine tunes the high end response of the pedal: clockwise values result in more high end.
CONTOUR: Determines the midrange response of the pedal; clockwise positions result in more scooped mids.
VINTAGE/MODERN: this switch toggles the pedals frequency response between Vintage (with a mellower
character) and Modern, with a more full range response and high end content.
• BOOST: kicks in an additional gain stage for increased distortion - useful for leads.
Stomp Box Effects
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
Seek Trem
Officially Certified Z.Vex® Seek Trem™ Model
Seek Trem is a tremolo pedal combined with an adjustable 4-, 6-, or 8-step analog-style sequencer. Each
step has a volume knob so that you can turn it up or down in the pedal’s output, giving you complete control
over the rhythmic pattern, and allowing for ultimate creativity. There’s also a knob for adjusting the pattern’s
overall speed.
BPM: allows the effect to synchronize to the DAW tempo.
4-6-8: governs the number of steps.
SPD (speed): sets what time interval each step represents.
STEP KNOBS (from 1 to 8): set the volume for each step, from 0 to 10.
Stomp Box Effects
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
Seek Wah
Officially Certified Z.Vex® Seek Wah™ Model
A wah with a 4-, 6-, or 8-step analog-style sequencer in it, featuring LEDs that light up to show the steps.
The speed control governs overall sequencer tempo, and the 4-6-8 switch governs the number of steps.
This pedal produces rhythmic-pattern wah sounds that are totally unique.
BPM: allows the effect to synchronize to the DAW tempo.
4-6-8: governs the number of steps.
SPD (speed): sets what time interval each step represents.
STEP KNOBS (from 1 to 8): set the position of the wah, from 0 to 10.
Stomp Box Effects
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
AmpliTube X-GEAR Appendix
X-DRIVE Distortion Models
This overdrive adds pleasing harmonics for a tube-like sound. It recreates creamy saturation with a solid warm
low end.
• DRIVE: increases the amount of clipping in the distortion circuit.
From 0 to 10.
• BASS: boosts and cuts the low frequencies.
From -6 dB to +6 dB.
• MID: boosts and cuts the mid frequencies.
From -6 dB to +6 dB.
• TREBLE: boosts and cuts the high frequencies.
From -6 dB to +6 dB.
Stomp Box Effects
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
• VOLUME: sets the output level.
From 0 to 10.
• COLOR: controls the tone of the distortion.
From 0 to 10.
• MID Q: sets the bandwidth of the mid parameter EQ from narrow to wide.
From 0.2 to 3.
• MID FREQ: changes the center frequency of the mid parametric EQ.
From 80 Hz to 5000 Hz.
• EQ POSITION: sets the tone EQ pre or post clipping.
• NOISE GATE: turns the noise gate ON or OFF.
ON or OFF.
• NG THRESHOLD: adjusts the sensitivity of the gate’s threshold.
From -100 dB to 0 dB.
• NG RELEASE: adjusts the time of the gate’s release.
From 20 ms to 1500 ms.
• NG DEPTH: adjusts the gate’s deepness.
From -20 dB to -100 dB.
• COMPRESSOR: turns the compressor ON or OFF.
ON or OFF.
• COMP SENSITIVITY: sets the sensitivity of the compressor.
From 0 to 10.
• COMP OUT: sets the output level of the compressor.
From 0 to 10.
• CAB SIM: selects the cabinet simulator.
CAB 1, CAB 2, CAB 3, CAB 4, BASS, OFF.
• MIX: regulates the amount of the dry and wet distorted signal. By default, the mix is set to 100% WET.
From 0% to 100%.
• X-MODE: the X-MODE boosts the output signal to achieve more volume in certain parts during the
ON or OFF.
Stomp Box Effects
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
Based on BOSS® MT-2
Inspired by one of the most favorite metal pedals of all time, perfect for extreme gain and sustain. Nothing
compares to this pedal for pure distortion mayhem. It features punch, color and presence to sculpt the perfect
high gain tone under your feet.
• DRIVE: increases the amount of clipping in the distortion circuit.
From 0 to 10.
• BASS: boosts and cuts the low frequencies.
From -6 dB to +6 dB.
• MID: boosts and cuts the mid frequencies.
From -6 dB to +6 dB.
• TREBLE: boosts and cuts the high frequencies.
From -6 dB to +6 dB.
• VOLUME: sets the output level.
From 0 to 10.
• PUNCH: boosts the low frequencies.
From -15 dB to 15 dB.
• COLOR: enhance the mid-frequency response.
From -15 dB to +15 dB.
• COLOR FREQ: selects the mid-frequency for the COLOR parameter.
From 300 Hz to 6000 Hz.
• PRESENCE: boosts the high frequencies.
From -15 dB to +15 dB.
• MID Q: sets the bandwidth of the mid parameter EQ from narrow to wide.
From 0.2 to 3.
• MID FREQ: changes the center frequency of the mid parametric EQ.
From 80 Hz to 5000 Hz.
• EQ POSITION: sets the tone EQ pre or post clipping.
• NOISE GATE: turns the noise gate ON or OFF.
ON or OFF.
• NG THRESHOLD: adjusts the sensitivity of the gate’s threshold.
From -100 dB to 0 dB.
• NG RELEASE: adjusts the time of the gate’s release.
From 20 ms to 1500 ms.
• NG DEPTH: adjusts the gate’s deepness.
From -20 dB to -100 dB.
• COMPRESSOR: turns the compressor ON or OFF.
ON or OFF.
Stomp Box Effects
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
• COMP SENSITIVITY: sets the sensitivity of the compressor.
From 0 to 10.
• COMP OUT: sets the output level of the compressor.
From 0 to 10.
• CAB SIM: selects the cabinet simulator.
CAB 1, CAB 2, CAB 3, CAB 4, BASS, OFF.
• MIX: regulates the amount of the dry and wet distorted signal. By default, the mix is set to 100% WET.
From 0% to 100%.
• X-MODE: the X-MODE boosts the output signal to achieve more volume in certain parts during the
ON or OFF.
Stomp Box Effects
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
Based on Marshall® Guv’Nor
This pedal is a model of a beloved ‘80s-era distortion pedal by a company known for making amps with
amazing distortion.
• DRIVE: increases the amount of clipping in the distortion circuit.
From 0 to 10.
• BASS: boosts and cuts the low frequencies.
From -6 dB to +6 dB.
• MID: boosts and cuts the mid frequencies.
From -6 dB to +6 dB.
• TREBLE: boosts and cuts the high frequencies.
From -6 dB to +6 dB.
• VOLUME: sets the output level.
From 0 to 10.
• COLOR: controls the tone of the distortion pedal.
From 0 to 10.
• MID Q: sets the bandwidth of the mid parameter EQ from narrow to wide.
From 0.2 to 3.
• MID FREQ: changes the center frequency of the mid parametric EQ.
From 80 Hz to 5000 Hz.
• EQ POSITION: sets the tone EQ pre or post clipping.
• NOISE GATE: turns the noise gate ON or OFF.
ON or OFF.
• NG THRESHOLD: adjusts the sensitivity of the gate’s threshold.
From -100 dB to 0 dB.
• NG RELEASE: adjusts the time of the gate’s release.
From 20 ms to 1500 ms.
• NG DEPTH: adjusts the gate’s deepness.
From -20 dB to -100 dB.
• COMPRESSOR: turns the compressor ON or OFF.
ON or OFF.
• COMP SENSITIVITY: sets the sensitivity of the compressor.
From 0 to 10.
• COMP OUT: sets the output level of the compressor.
From 0 to 10.
• CAB SIM: selects the cabinet simulator.
CAB 1, CAB 2, CAB 3, CAB 4, BASS, OFF.
Stomp Box Effects
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
• MIX: regulates the amount of the dry and wet distorted signal. By default. the mix is set to 100% WET.
From 0% to 100%.
• X-MODE: the X-MODE boosts the output signal to achieve more volume in certain parts during the
ON or OFF.
Stomp Box Effects
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
Based on ProCo® Rat™
One of the most beloved distortion boxes ever. From smooth, light crunch, to extreme shred sustain offering a fuzzlike flavor. This pedal has been a classic ever since its release in the early ‘80s.
• DRIVE: increases the amount of clipping in the distortion circuit.
From 0 to 10.
• BASS: boosts and cuts the low frequencies.
From -6 dB to +6 dB.
• MID: boosts and cuts the mid frequencies.
From -6 dB to +6 dB.
• TREBLE: boosts and cuts the high frequencies.
From -6 dB to +6 dB.
• VOLUME: sets the output level.
From 0 to 10.
• COLOR: controls the tone of the distortion.
From 0 to 10.
• MID Q: sets the bandwidth of the mid parameter EQ from narrow to wide.
From 0.2 to 3.
• MID FREQ: changes the center frequency of the mid parametric EQ.
From 80 Hz to 5000 Hz.
• EQ POSITION: sets the tone EQ pre or post clipping.
• NOISE GATE: turns the noise gate ON or OFF.
ON or OFF.
• NG THRESHOLD: adjusts the sensitivity of the gate’s threshold.
From -100 dB to 0 dB.
• NG RELEASE: adjusts the time of the gate’s release.
From 20 ms to 1500 ms.
• NG DEPTH: adjusts the gate’s deepness.
From -20 dB to -100 dB.
• COMPRESSOR: turns the compressor ON or OFF.
ON or OFF.
• COMP SENSITIVITY: sets the sensitivity of the compressor.
From 0 to 10.
• COMP OUT: sets the output level of the compressor.
From 0 to 10.
• CAB SIM: selects the cabinet simulator.
CAB 1, CAB 2, CAB 3, CAB 4, BASS, OFF.
Stomp Box Effects
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
• MIX: regulates the amount of the dry and wet distorted signal. By default, the mix is set to 100% WET.
From 0% to 100%.
• X-MODE: the X-MODE boosts the output signal to achieve more volume in certain parts during the
ON or OFF.
Stomp Box Effects
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
Based on BOSS® DS-1
This is one of the most versatile distortion boxes ever made. From subtle crunch to complete craziness, this
pedal has been used by countless guitarists of all styles from classic rock to grunge.
• DRIVE: increases the amount of clipping in the distortion circuit.
From 0 to 10.
• BASS: boosts and cuts the low frequencies.
From -6 dB to +6 dB.
• MID: boosts and cuts the mid frequencies.
From -6 dB to +6 dB.
• TREBLE: boosts and cuts the high frequencies.
From -6 dB to +6 dB.
• VOLUME: sets the output level.
From 0 to 10.
• COLOR: controls the tone of the distortion.
From 0 to 10.
• MID Q: sets the bandwidth of the mid parameter EQ from narrow to wide.
From 0.2 to 3.
• MID FREQ: changes the center frequency of the mid parametric EQ.
From 80 Hz to 5000 Hz.
• EQ POSITION: sets the tone EQ pre or post clipping.
• NOISE GATE: turns the noise gate ON or OFF.
ON or OFF.
• NG THRESHOLD: adjusts the sensitivity of the gate’s threshold.
From -100 dB to 0 dB.
• NG RELEASE: adjusts the time of the gate’s release.
From 20 ms to 1500 ms.
• NG DEPTH: adjusts the gate’s deepness.
From -20 dB to -100 dB.
• COMPRESSOR: turns the compressor ON or OFF.
ON or OFF.
• COMP SENSITIVITY: sets the sensitivity of the compressor.
From 0 to 10.
• COMP OUT: sets the output level of the compressor.
From 0 to 10.
• CAB SIM: selects the cabinet simulator.
CAB 1, CAB 2, CAB 3, CAB 4, BASS, OFF.
Stomp Box Effects
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
• MIX: regulates the amount of the dry and wet distorted signal. By default the mix is set to 100% WET.
From 0% to 100%.
• X-MODE: the X-MODE boosts the output signal to achieve more volume in certain parts during the
ON or OFF.
Stomp Box Effects
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
Based on BOSS® SD-1
One of the earliest and most collectible Japanese pedals, it’s one of the most iconic overdrive pedals ever made.
From subtle to over-the-top, it pushes amps harder without sacrificing attack clarity.
• DRIVE: increases the amount of clipping in the distortion circuit.
From 0 to 10.
• BASS: boosts and cuts the low frequencies.
From -6 dB to +6 dB.
• MID: boosts and cuts the mid frequencies.
From -6 dB to +6 dB.
• TREBLE: boosts and cuts the high frequencies.
From -6 dB to +6 dB.
• VOLUME: sets the output level.
From 0 to 10.
• COLOR: controls the tone of the distortion.
From 0 to 10.
• MID Q: sets the bandwidth of the mid parameter EQ from narrow to wide.
From 0.2 to 3.
• MID FREQ: changes the center frequency of the mid parametric EQ.
From 80 Hz to 5000 Hz.
• EQ POSITION: sets the tone EQ pre or post clipping.
• NOISE GATE: turns the noise gate ON or OFF.
ON or OFF.
• NG THRESHOLD: adjusts the sensitivity of the gate’s threshold.
From -100 dB to 0 dB.
• NG RELEASE: adjusts the time of the gate’s release.
From 20 ms to 1500 ms.
• NG DEPTH: adjusts the gate’s deepness.
From -20 dB to -100 dB.
• COMPRESSOR: turns the compressor ON or OFF.
ON or OFF.
• COMP SENSITIVITY: sets the sensitivity of the compressor.
From 0 to 10.
• COMP OUT: sets the output level of the compressor.
From 0 to 10.
• CAB SIM: selects the cabinet simulator.
CAB 1, CAB 2, CAB 3, CAB 4, BASS, OFF.
Stomp Box Effects
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
• MIX: regulates the amount of the dry and wet distorted signal. By default the mix is set to 100% WET.
From 0% to 100%.
• X-MODE: the X-MODE boosts the output signal to achieve more volume in certain parts during the
ON or OFF.
Stomp Box Effects
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
Based on Ibanez® Tube Screamer
This is a model of the classic overdrive/distortion pedal, which has become the go to overdrive pedal for some
of the most influential guitar players of all time. It helps to boost the mid frequencies keeping great transient
• DRIVE: increases the amount of clipping in the distortion circuit.
From 0 to 10.
• BASS: boosts and cuts the low frequencies.
From -6 dB to +6 dB.
• MID: boosts and cuts the mid frequencies.
From -6 dB to +6 dB.
• TREBLE: boosts and cuts the high frequencies.
From -6 dB to +6 dB.
• VOLUME: sets the output level.
From 0 to 10.
• COLOR: controls the tone of the distortion.
From 0 to 10.
• MID Q: sets the bandwidth of the mid parameter EQ from narrow to wide.
From 0.2 to 3.
• MID FREQ: changes the center frequency of the mid parametric EQ.
From 80 Hz to 5000 Hz.
• EQ POSITION: sets the tone EQ pre or post clipping.
• NOISE GATE: turns the noise gate ON or OFF.
ON or OFF.
• NG THRESHOLD: adjusts the sensitivity of the gate’s threshold.
From -100 dB to 0 dB.
• NG RELEASE: adjusts the time of the gate’s release.
From 20 ms to 1500 ms.
• NG DEPTH: adjusts the gate’s deepness.
From -20 dB to -100 dB.
• COMPRESSOR: turns the compressor ON or OFF.
ON or OFF.
• COMP SENSITIVITY: sets the sensitivity of the compressor.
From 0 to 10.
• COMP OUT: sets the output level of the compressor.
From 0 to 10.
• CAB SIM: selects the cabinet simulator.
CAB 1, CAB 2, CAB 3, CAB 4, BASS, OFF.
Stomp Box Effects
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
• MIX: regulates the amount of the dry and wet distorted signal. By default the mix is set to 100% WET.
From 0% to 100%.
• X-MODE: the X-MODE boosts the output signal to achieve more volume in certain parts during the
Stomp Box Effects
Gear Models
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Based on MXR® Distortion+
This model is perfect to pump up your amplifier from light overdrives to dense distortions.
• DRIVE: increases the amount of clipping in the distortion circuit.
From 0 to 10.
• BASS: boosts and cuts the low frequencies.
From -6 dB to +6 dB.
• MID: boosts and cuts the mid frequencies.
From -6 dB to +6 dB.
• TREBLE: boosts and cuts the high frequencies.
From -6 dB to +6 dB.
• VOLUME: sets the output level.
From 0 to 10.
• MID Q: sets the bandwidth of the mid parameter EQ from narrow to wide.
From 0.2 to 3.
• MID FREQ: changes the center frequency of the mid parametric EQ.
From 80 Hz to 5000 Hz.
• EQ POSITION: sets the tone EQ pre or post clipping.
• NOISE GATE: turns the noise gate ON or OFF.
ON or OFF.
• NG THRESHOLD: adjusts the sensitivity of the gate’s threshold.
From -100 dB to 0 dB.
• NG RELEASE: adjusts the time of the gate’s release.
From 20 ms to 1500 ms.
• NG DEPTH: adjusts the gate’s deepness.
From -20 dB to -100 dB.
• COMPRESSOR: turns the compressor ON or OFF.
ON or OFF.
• COMP SENSITIVITY: sets the sensitivity of the compressor.
From 0 to 10.
• COMP OUT: sets the output level of the compressor.
From 0 to 10.
• CAB SIM: selects the cabinet simulator.
CAB 1, CAB 2, CAB 3, CAB 4, BASS, OFF.
• MIX: regulates the amount of the dry and wet distorted signal. By default the mix is set to 100% WET.
From 0% to 100%.
• X-MODE: the X-MODE boosts the output signal to achieve more volume in certain parts during the performance.
ON or OFF.
Stomp Box Effects
Gear Models
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
A very versatile model, which is the best fit for creamy jazz tones and crunchy blues lines.
• DRIVE: increases the amount of clipping in the distortion circuit.
From 0 to 10.
• BASS: boosts and cuts the low frequencies.
From -6 dB to +6 dB.
• MID: boosts and cuts the mid frequencies.
From -6 dB to +6 dB.
• TREBLE: boosts and cuts the high frequencies.
From -6 dB to +6 dB.
• VOLUME: sets the output level.
From 0 to 10.
• COLOR: controls the tone of the distortion.
From 0 to 10.
• MID Q: sets the bandwidth of the mid parameter EQ from narrow to wide.
From 0.2 to 3.
• MID FREQ: changes the center frequency of the mid parametric EQ.
From 80 Hz to 5000 Hz.
• EQ POSITION: sets the tone EQ pre or post clipping.
• NOISE GATE: turns the noise gate ON or OFF.
ON or OFF.
• NG THRESHOLD: adjusts the sensitivity of the gate’s threshold.
From -100 dB to 0 dB.
• NG RELEASE: adjusts the time of the gate’s release.
From 20 ms to 1500 ms.
• NG DEPTH: adjusts the gate’s deepness.
From -20 dB to -100 dB.
• COMPRESSOR: turns the compressor ON or OFF.
ON or OFF.
• COMP SENSITIVITY: sets the sensitivity of the compressor.
From 0 to 10.
• COMP OUT: sets the output level of the compressor.
From 0 to 10.
• CAB SIM: selects the cabinet simulator.
CAB 1, CAB 2, CAB 3, CAB 4, BASS, OFF.
• MIX: regulates the amount of the dry and wet distorted signal. By default the mix is set to 100% WET.
From 0% to 100%.
Stomp Box Effects
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
• X-MODE: the X-MODE boosts the output signal to achieve more volume in certain parts during the
ON or OFF.
Stomp Box Effects
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
A booster to increase the level of the instrument going into the amplifier in order to add harmonics and increase
the overall saturation for solo parts and whenever your instrument needs to come up over the others.
• DRIVE: not available.
• BASS: boosts and cuts the low frequencies.
From -6 dB to +6 dB.
• MID: boosts and cuts the mid frequencies.
From -6 dB to +6 dB.
• TREBLE: boosts and cuts the high frequencies.
From -6 dB to +6 dB.
• VOLUME: boosts the overall output level.
From 0 to 10.
• MID Q: sets the bandwidth of the mid parameter EQ from narrow to wide.
From 0.2 to 3.
• MID FREQ: changes the center frequency of the mid parametric EQ.
From 80 Hz to 5000 Hz.
• EQ POSITION: sets the tone EQ pre or post clipping.
• NOISE GATE: turns the noise gate ON or OFF.
ON or OFF.
• NG THRESHOLD: adjusts the sensitivity of the gate’s threshold.
From -100 dB to 0 dB.
• NG RELEASE: adjusts the time of the gate’s release.
From 20 ms to 1500 ms.
• NG DEPTH: adjusts the gate’s deepness.
From -20 dB to -100 dB.
• COMPRESSOR: turns the compressor ON or OFF.
ON or OFF.
• COMP SENSITIVITY: sets the sensitivity of the compressor.
From 0 to 10.
• COMP OUT: sets the output level of the compressor.
From 0 to 10.
• CAB SIM: selects the cabinet simulator.
CAB 1, CAB 2, CAB 3, CAB 4, BASS, OFF.
• MIX: regulates the amount of the dry and wet distorted signal. By default the mix is set to 100% WET.
From 0% to 100%.
• X-MODE: the X-MODE boosts the output signal to achieve more volume in certain parts during the
ON or OFF.
Stomp Box Effects
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
A treble booster to increase the presence of the instrument in order to pump up the overall saturation and add
some sparkling highs for solo parts and whenever your instrument needs to come up over the others.
• DRIVE: not available.
• BASS: boosts and cuts the low frequencies.
From -6 dB to +6 dB.
• MID: boosts and cuts the mid frequencies.
From -6 dB to +6 dB.
• TREBLE: boosts and cuts the high frequencies.
From -6 dB to +6 dB.
• VOLUME: boosts the overall output level.
From 0 to 10.
• MID Q: sets the bandwidth of the mid parameter EQ from narrow to wide.
From 0.2 to 3.
• MID FREQ: changes the center frequency of the mid parametric EQ.
From 80 Hz to 5000 Hz.
• EQ POSITION: sets the tone EQ pre or post clipping.
• NOISE GATE: turns the noise gate ON or OFF.
ON or OFF.
• NG THRESHOLD: adjusts the sensitivity of the gate’s threshold.
From -100 dB to 0 dB.
• NG RELEASE: adjusts the time of the gate’s release.
From 20 ms to 1500 ms.
• NG DEPTH: adjusts the gate’s deepness.
From -20 dB to -100 dB.
• COMPRESSOR: turns the compressor ON or OFF.
ON or OFF.
• COMP SENSITIVITY: sets the sensitivity of the compressor.
From 0 to 10.
• COMP OUT: sets the output level of the compressor.
From 0 to 10.
• CAB SIM: selects the cabinet simulator.
CAB 1, CAB 2, CAB 3, CAB 4, BASS, OFF.
• MIX: regulates the amount of the dry and wet distorted signal. By default the mix is set to 100% WET.
From 0% to 100%.
• X-MODE: the X-MODE boosts the output signal to achieve more volume in certain parts during the
ON or OFF.
Stomp Box Effects
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
This model alters the sound of the input signal by changing the sample-rate, cutoff frequency and by distorting
it. This effect can produce very aggressive distorted sounds, more pronounced than overdrive stomp boxes. The
low-pass filter is very creative when combined with high distortion levels.
• DRIVE: increases the amount of clipping in the distortion circuit.
From 0 to 10.
• BASS: boosts and cuts the low frequencies.
From -6 dB to +6 dB.
• MID: boosts and cuts the mid frequencies.
From -6 dB to +6 dB.
• TREBLE: boosts and cuts the high frequencies.
From -6 dB to +6 dB.
• VOLUME: sets the output level.
From 0 to 10.
• CUTOFF: controls the cut-off frequency for the low-pass filter.
From 20 Hz to 20000.
• DECIM: selects the sample rate ratio of the processed sound.
From 1 to 15.
• MID Q: sets the bandwidth of the mid parameter EQ from narrow to wide.
From 0.2 to 3.
• MID FREQ: changes the center frequency of the mid parametric EQ.
From 80 Hz to 5000 Hz.
• EQ POSITION: sets the tone EQ pre or post clipping.
• NOISE GATE: turns the noise gate ON or OFF.
ON or OFF.
• NG THRESHOLD: adjusts the sensitivity of the gate’s threshold.
From -100 dB to 0 dB.
• NG RELEASE: adjusts the time of the gate’s release.
From 20 ms to 1500 ms.
• NG DEPTH: adjusts the gate’s deepness.
From -20 dB to -100 dB.
• COMPRESSOR: turns the compressor ON or OFF.
ON or OFF.
• COMP SENSITIVITY: sets the sensitivity of the compressor.
From 0 to 10.
• COMP OUT: sets the output level of the compressor.
From 0 to 10.
Stomp Box Effects
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
• CAB SIM: selects the cabinet simulator.
CAB 1, CAB 2, CAB 3, CAB 4, BASS, OFF.
• MIX: regulates the amount of the dry and wet distorted signal. By default the mix is set to 100% WET.
From 0% to 100%.
• X-MODE: the X-MODE boosts the output signal to achieve more volume in certain parts during the
ON or OFF.
Stomp Box Effects
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
Based on MXR® Blue Box™ Octave Fuzz
This Fuzz/Octave stomp box adds a crazy fuzz to your signal and then duplicates it two octaves down. This is
one of the most evil and overpowering models.
• DRIVE: adjusts the ratio of fuzzed signal with octaved signal.
From 0 to 10.
• BASS: boosts and cuts the low frequencies.
From -6 dB to +6 dB.
• MID: boosts and cuts the mid frequencies.
From -6 dB to +6 dB.
• TREBLE: boosts and cuts the high frequencies.
From -6 dB to +6 dB.
• VOLUME: sets the output level.
From 0 to 10.
• MID Q: sets the bandwidth of the mid parameter EQ from narrow to wide.
From 0.2 to 3.
• MID FREQ: changes the center frequency of the mid parametric EQ.
From 80 Hz to 5000 Hz.
• EQ POSITION: sets the tone EQ pre or post clipping.
• NOISE GATE: turns the noise gate ON or OFF.
ON or OFF.
• NG THRESHOLD: adjusts the sensitivity of the gate’s threshold.
From -100 dB to 0 dB.
• NG RELEASE: adjusts the time of the gate’s release.
From 20 ms to 1500 ms.
• NG DEPTH: adjusts the gate’s deepness.
From -20 dB to -100 dB.
• COMPRESSOR: turns the compressor ON or OFF.
ON or OFF.
• COMP SENSITIVITY: sets the sensitivity of the compressor.
From 0 to 10.
• COMP OUT: sets the output level of the compressor.
From 0 to 10.
• CAB SIM: selects the cabinet simulator.
CAB 1, CAB 2, CAB 3, CAB 4, BASS, OFF.
• MIX: regulates the amount of the dry and wet distorted signal. By default the mix is set to 100% WET.
From 0% to 100%.
Stomp Box Effects
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
• X-MODE: the X-MODE boosts the output signal to achieve more volume in certain parts during the
ON or OFF.
Stomp Box Effects
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
Based on Roger Mayer™ Octavia
This effect was first used on the early Jimi Hendrix songs. It is a fuzz box with frequency-doubling circuitry
that produces a second note an octave above the fundamental note. This was first used on “Purple Haze” and
• DRIVE: adjusts the ratio of fuzzed signal with octaved signal.
From 0 to 10.
• BASS: boosts and cuts the low frequencies.
From -6 dB to +6 dB.
• MID: boosts and cuts the mid frequencies.
From -6 dB to +6 dB.
• TREBLE: boosts and cuts the high frequencies.
From -6 dB to +6 dB.
• VOLUME: sets the output level.
From 0 to 10.
• MID Q: sets the bandwidth of the mid parameter EQ from narrow to wide.
From 0.2 to 3.
• MID FREQ: changes the center frequency of the mid parametric EQ.
From 80 Hz to 5000 Hz.
• EQ POSITION: sets the tone EQ pre or post clipping.
• NOISE GATE: Turnsturns the noise gate ON or OFF.
ON or OFF.
• NG THRESHOLD: adjusts the sensitivity of the gate’s threshold.
From -100 dB to 0 dB.
• NG RELEASE: adjusts the time of the gate’s release.
From 20 ms to 1500 ms.
• NG DEPTH: adjusts the gate’s deepness.
From -20 dB to -100 dB.
• COMPRESSOR: turns the compressor ON or OFF.
ON or OFF.
• COMP SENSITIVITY: sets the sensitivity of the compressor.
From 0 to 10.
• COMP OUT: sets the output level of the compressor.
From 0 to 10.
• CAB SIM: selects the cabinet simulator.
CAB 1, CAB 2, CAB 3, CAB 4, BASS, OFF.
• MIX: regulates the amount of the dry and wet distorted signal. By default the mix is set to 100% WET.
From 0% to 100%.
Stomp Box Effects
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
• X-MODE: the X-MODE boosts the output signal to achieve more volume in certain parts during the
ON or OFF.
Stomp Box Effects
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
Based on Arbiter® Fuzz Face®
This effect is modeled after a classic germanium transistor fuzz vintage effect. Typically used on lead guitar, this
effect has remained a popular distortion effect throughout the years.
• DRIVE: increases the amount of clipping in the distortion circuit.
From 0 to 10.
• BASS: boosts and cuts the low frequencies.
From -6 dB to +6 dB.
• MID: boosts and cuts the mid frequencies.
From -6 dB to +6 dB.
• TREBLE: boosts and cuts the high frequencies.
From -6 dB to +6 dB.
• VOLUME: sets the output level.
From 0 to 10.
• BIAS: regulates the fuzz BIAS.
From 0 to 10.
• MID Q: sets the bandwidth of the mid parameter EQ from narrow to wide.
From 0.2 to 3.
• MID FREQ: changes the center frequency of the mid parametric EQ.
From 80 Hz to 5000 Hz.
• EQ POSITION: sets the tone EQ pre or post clipping.
• NOISE GATE: turns the noise gate ON or OFF.
ON or OFF.
• NG THRESHOLD: adjusts the sensitivity of the gate’s threshold.
From -100 dB to 0 dB.
• NG RELEASE: adjusts the time of the gate’s release.
From 20 ms to 1500 ms.
• NG DEPTH: adjusts the gate’s deepness.
From -20 dB to -100 dB.
• COMPRESSOR: turns the compressor ON or OFF.
ON or OFF.
• COMP SENSITIVITY: sets the sensitivity of the compressor.
From 0 to 10.
• COMP OUT: sets the output level of the compressor.
From 0 to 10.
• CAB SIM: selects the cabinet simulator.
CAB 1, CAB 2, CAB 3, CAB 4, BASS, OFF.
Stomp Box Effects
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
• MIX: regulates the amount of the dry and wet distorted signal. By default the mix is set to 100% WET.
From 0% to 100%.
• X-MODE: the X-MODE boosts the output signal to achieve more volume in certain parts during the
• ON or OFF.
Stomp Box Effects
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
Based on Electro-Harmonix® Big Muff Pi
An iconic distortion pedal that has stood the test of time. Capable of tones from smooth sustain & compression
to heavy buzz-saw distortion, this pedal is perfect for indie and alternative rock.
• DRIVE: increases the amount of clipping in the distortion circuit.
From 0 to 10.
• BASS: boosts and cuts the low frequencies.
From -6 dB to +6 dB.
• MID: boosts and cuts the mid frequencies.
From -6 dB to +6 dB.
• TREBLE: boosts and cuts the high frequencies.
From -6 dB to +6 dB.
• VOLUME: sets the output level.
From 0 to 10.
• COLOR: controls the tone of the distortion.
From 0 to 10.
• MID Q: sets the bandwidth of the mid parameter EQ from narrow to wide.
From 0.2 to 3.
• MID FREQ: changes the center frequency of the mid parametric EQ.
From 80 Hz to 5000 Hz.
• EQ POSITION: sets the tone EQ pre or post clipping.
• NOISE GATE: turns the noise gate ON or OFF.
ON or OFF.
• NG THRESHOLD: adjusts the sensitivity of the gate’s threshold.
From -100 dB to 0 dB.
• NG RELEASE: adjusts the time of the gate’s release.
From 20 ms to 1500 ms.
• NG DEPTH: adjusts the gate’s deepness.
From -20 dB to -100 dB.
• COMPRESSOR: turns the compressor ON or OFF.
ON or OFF.
• COMP SENSITIVITY: sets the sensitivity of the compressor.
From 0 to 10.
• COMP OUT: sets the output level of the compressor.
From 0 to 10.
• CAB SIM: selects the cabinet simulator.
CAB 1, CAB 2, CAB 3, CAB 4, BASS, OFF.
Stomp Box Effects
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
• MIX: regulates the amount of the dry and wet distorted signal. By default the mix is set to 100% WET.
From 0% to 100%.
• X-MODE: the X-MODE boosts the output signal to achieve more volume in certain parts during the
ON or OFF.
Stomp Box Effects
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
X-VIBE Modulation Models
This model is inspired by the different attempted versions that came out in the ‘80s to recreate complex stereo chorus
effects. This gives you the wideness and magic of the ‘80s rock sound.
• SPEED: sets the rate of the chorus effect. When the BPM SYNC is activated the SPEED parameter allows
you to select the available Time Signatures.
From 0% to 100% or from 1/32 to 1/1d when BPM SYNC is ON.
• DEPTH: sets the intensity of the chorus effect.
From 0% to 100%.
• BASS: Boosts and cuts the low frequencies.
From -6 dB to + 6 dB.
• MID: boosts and cuts the mid frequencies.
From -6 dB to + 6 dB.
• TREBLE: boosts and cuts the high frequencies.
From -6 dB to + 6 dB.
• MID Q: sets the bandwidth of the mid parametric EQ, from narrow to wide.
From 0.2 to 3.
Stomp Box Effects
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
• MID FREQ: Changes the center frequency of the mid parametric EQ.
From 80 Hz to 5000 Hz.
• MIX: regulates the amount of the dry and wet modulated signal. By default the mix is set to 100% WET.
From 0% to 100%.
• X-MODE: the X-MODE sets the Chorus to a deeper modulation with a higher rate for a temporary extreme
ON or OFF.
Stomp Box Effects
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
Based on Solina String Ensemble Keyboard Chorus effect
This vintage chorus is inspired by the widening chorus effect found in the Solina String Ensemble Keyboard that
can fit perfectly also in guitar tones.
• SPEED: sets the rate of the chorus effect.
From 0% to 100%.
• DEPTH: sets the intensity of the chorus effect.
From 0% to 100%.
• BASS: Boosts and cuts the low frequencies.
From -6 dB to + 6 dB.
• MID: boosts and cuts the mid frequencies.
From -6 dB to + 6 dB.
• TREBLE: boosts and cuts the high frequencies.
From -6 dB to + 6 dB.
• MID Q: sets the bandwidth of the mid parametric EQ, from narrow to wide.
From 0.2 to 3.
• MID FREQ: Changes the center frequency of the mid parametric EQ.
From 80 Hz to 5000 Hz.
• MIX: regulates the amount of the dry and wet modulated signal. By default the mix is set to 100% WET.
From 0% to 100%.
• X-MODE: the X-MODE sets the Chorus to a deeper modulation with a higher rate for a temporary extreme
ON or OFF.
Stomp Box Effects
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
Based on Roland RS Series
This is a very versatile model based on the chorus effect of the RS series of synthesizers by Roland that also
became one of the preferred choruses for guitarists all over the world.
• SPEED: sets the rate of the chorus effect.
From 0% to 100%.
• DEPTH: sets the intensity of the chorus effect.
From 0% to 100%.
• BASS: Boosts and cuts the low frequencies.
From -6 dB to + 6 dB.
• MID: boosts and cuts the mid frequencies.
From -6 dB to + 6 dB.
• TREBLE: boosts and cuts the high frequencies.
From -6 dB to + 6 dB.
• MID Q: sets the bandwidth of the mid parametric EQ, from narrow to wide.
From 0.2 to 3.
• MID FREQ: Changes the center frequency of the mid parametric EQ.
From 80 Hz to 5000 Hz.
• MIX: regulates the amount of the dry and wet modulated signal. By default the mix is set to 100% WET.
From 0% to 100%.
• X-MODE: the X-MODE sets the Chorus to a deeper modulation with a higher rate for a temporary extreme
ON or OFF.
Stomp Box Effects
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
Based on Univox™ Uni-Vibe™
This model offers two working modes: chorus and vibrato. Its legendary chorus mode is a chorus/rotatingspeaker simulator that was introduced in 1969. This created a swirling effect quite similar to a rotary speaker
cabinet, but with the addition of a continuous speed control.
• SPEED: sets the rate of the effect. When the BPM SYNC is activated the SPEED parameter allows you to
select the available Time Signatures.
From 0% to 100% or from 1/32 to 1/1d when BPM SYNC is ON.
• DEPTH: sets the intensity of the effect.
From 0% to 100%.
• BASS: Boosts and cuts the low frequencies.
From -6 dB to + 6 dB.
• MID: boosts and cuts the mid frequencies.
From -6 dB to + 6 dB.
• TREBLE: boosts and cuts the high frequencies.
From -6 dB to + 6 dB.
• MODE: selects between the Chorus or Vibrato mode.
• MID Q: sets the bandwidth of the mid parametric EQ, from narrow to wide.
From 0.2 to 3.
• MID FREQ: Changes the center frequency of the mid parametric EQ.
From 80 Hz to 5000 Hz.
• MIX: regulates the amount of the dry and wet modulated signal. By default the mix is set to 100% WET.
From 0% to 100%.
• X-MODE: the X-MODE sets the effect to a deeper modulation with a higher rate for a temporary extreme
ON or OFF.
Stomp Box Effects
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
Based on MXR® Phase 90
This effect is one of the most popular phase pedals of all times. Used by a wide range of first-class guitarists,
this unit can add a little bit of shimmer to your solos or generate a smooth, watery effect while playing chords
and muted strumming.
• SPEED: sets the rate of the phaser effect. When the BPM SYNC is activated the SPEED parameter allows
you to select the available Time Signatures.
From 0% to 100% or from 1/32 to 1/1d when BPM SYNC is ON.
• DEPTH: sets the intensity of the phaser effect.
From 0% to 100%.
• BASS: Boosts and cuts the low frequencies.
From -6 dB to + 6 dB.
• MID: boosts and cuts the mid frequencies.
From -6 dB to + 6 dB.
• TREBLE: boosts and cuts the high frequencies.
From -6 dB to + 6 dB.
• MID Q: sets the bandwidth of the mid parametric EQ, from narrow to wide.
From 0.2 to 3.
• MID FREQ: Changes the center frequency of the mid parametric EQ.
From 80 Hz to 5000 Hz.
• MIX: regulates the amount of the dry and wet modulated signal. By default the mix is set to 100% WET.
From 0% to 100%.
• X-MODE: the X-MODE sets the phaser to a deeper modulation with a higher rate for a temporary extreme
ON or OFF.
Stomp Box Effects
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
Based on MXR® Phaser 100
A model of a classic analog phaser that offers 4 different modes characterized by their different intensity and
• SPEED: sets the rate of the phaser effect. When the BPM SYNC is activated the SPEED parameter allows
you to select the available Time Signatures.
From 0% to 100% or from 1/32 to 1/1d when BPM SYNC is ON.
• DEPTH: sets the intensity of the effect.
From 0% to 100%.
• BASS: Boosts and cuts the low frequencies.
From -6 dB to + 6 dB.
• MID: boosts and cuts the mid frequencies.
From -6 dB to + 6 dB.
• TREBLE: boosts and cuts the high frequencies.
From -6 dB to + 6 dB.
• MODE: selects one of the four different phaser modes.
From 1 to 4.
• MID Q: sets the bandwidth of the mid parametric EQ, from narrow to wide.
From 0.2 to 3.
• MID FREQ: Changes the center frequency of the mid parametric EQ.
From 80 Hz to 5000 Hz.
• MIX: regulates the amount of the dry and wet modulated signal. By default the mix is set to 100% WET.
From 0% to 100%.
• X-MODE: the X-MODE sets the phaser to a deeper modulation with a higher rate for a temporary extreme
ON or OFF.
Stomp Box Effects
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
This model is inspired by one of the most iconic and classic analog phase shift effects heard throughout the
• SPEED: sets the rate of the phaser effect. When the BPM SYNC is activated the SPEED parameter allows
you to select the available Time Signatures.
From 0% to 100% or from 1/32 to 1/1d when BPM SYNC is ON.
• DEPTH: sets the intensity of the effect.
From 0% to 100%.
• BASS: Boosts and cuts the low frequencies.
From -6 dB to + 6 dB.
• MID: boosts and cuts the mid frequencies.
From -6 dB to + 6 dB.
• TREBLE: boosts and cuts the high frequencies.
From -6 dB to + 6 dB.
• COLOR: adjusts which frequencies are affected by the phasing action.
From -10 to +10.
• MID Q: sets the bandwidth of the mid parametric EQ, from narrow to wide.
From 0.2 to 3.
• MID FREQ: Changes the center frequency of the mid parametric EQ.
From 80 Hz to 5000 Hz.
• MIX: regulates the amount of the dry and wet modulated signal. By default the mix is set to 100% WET.
From 0% to 100%.
• X-MODE: the X-MODE engages a higher depth and adds a resonant effects to the modulation
ON or OFF.
Stomp Box Effects
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
Based on fOXX® Foot Phaser
An early vintage phaser with a unique and distinctive sound. In addition to the standard controls for a phaser, it
offers a feedback parameter that lets you change the sound from a smooth phazy to an edgy modulated effect.
• SPEED: select between 4 fixed speeds.
From 1 to 4.
• DEPTH: sets the intensity of the phaser effect.
From 0% to 100%.
• BASS: Boosts and cuts the low frequencies.
From -6 dB to + 6 dB.
• MID: boosts and cuts the mid frequencies.
From -6 dB to + 6 dB.
• TREBLE: boosts and cuts the high frequencies.
From -6 dB to + 6 dB.
• FEEDBACK: controls the feedback of the phaser effect.
From 0% to 100%.
• MID Q: sets the bandwidth of the mid parametric EQ, from narrow to wide.
From 0.2 to 3.
• MID FREQ: Changes the center frequency of the mid parametric EQ.
From 80 Hz to 5000 Hz.
• MIX: regulates the amount of the dry and wet modulated signal. By default the mix is set to 100% WET.
From 0% to 100%.
• X-MODE: the X-MODE engages a higher depth and adds a resonant effects to the modulation.
ON or OFF.
Stomp Box Effects
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
Based on Electro-Harmonix® Small Stone
This effect is a model of a classic analog phase shifter, capable of a range of phaser effects from gentle to
outlandish swirling effects. You may wonder why it is called “small” when you hear it.
• SPEED: sets the rate of the phaser effect. When the BPM SYNC is activated the SPEED parameter allows
you to select the available Time Signatures.
From 0% to 100% or from 1/32 to 1/1d when BPM SYNC is ON.
• DEPTH: selects SOFT or HARD intensity.
• BASS: Boosts and cuts the low frequencies.
From -6 dB to + 6 dB.
• MID: boosts and cuts the mid frequencies.
From -6 dB to + 6 dB.
• TREBLE: boosts and cuts the high frequencies.
From -6 dB to + 6 dB.
• MID Q: sets the bandwidth of the mid parametric EQ, from narrow to wide.
From 0.2 to 3.
• MID FREQ: Changes the center frequency of the mid parametric EQ.
From 80 Hz to 5000 Hz.
• MIX: regulates the amount of the dry and wet modulated signal. By default the mix is set to 100% WET.
From 0% to 100%.
• X-MODE: the X-MODE sets the phaser to a deeper modulation with a higher rate for a temporary extreme
ON or OFF.
Stomp Box Effects
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
Based on Electro-Harmonix® Electric Mistress
This stomp box is a model of a vintage flanger/filter matrix used by many well-known guitarists to achieve
classic sounds. While it has amazing warmth, it is also capable of very versatile chorus and ring modulation type
• SPEED: sets the rate of the flanger effect. When the BPM SYNC is activated the SPEED parameter allows
you to select the available Time Signatures.
From 0% to 100% or from 1/32 to 1/1d when BPM SYNC is ON.
• DEPTH: sets the intensity of the flanger effect.
From 0% to 100%.
• BASS: Boosts and cuts the low frequencies.
From -6 dB to + 6 dB.
• MID: boosts and cuts the mid frequencies.
From -6 dB to + 6 dB.
• TREBLE: boosts and cuts the high frequencies.
From -6 dB to + 6 dB.
• COLOR: adjusts which frequencies are affected by the flanger.
From 0 to 20.
• MID Q: sets the bandwidth of the mid parametric EQ, from narrow to wide.
From 0.2 to 3.
• MID FREQ: Changes the center frequency of the mid parametric EQ.
From 80 Hz to 5000 Hz.
• MIX: regulates the amount of the dry and wet modulated signal. By default the mix is set to 100% WET.
From 0% to 100%.
• X-MODE: the X-MODE sets the flanger to modulate the high-frequency range for a temporary extreme
ON or OFF.
Stomp Box Effects
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
Based on the doubler mode of the MXR® Flanger Doubler
Primarily used to thicken in the overall tone of the instrument. Very popular in ‘90s power metal.
• SPEED: sets the rate of the effect.
From 0% to 100%.
• DEPTH: sets the intensity of the effect.
From 0% to 100%.
• BASS: Boosts and cuts the low frequencies.
From -6 dB to + 6 dB.
• MID: boosts and cuts the mid frequencies.
From -6 dB to + 6 dB.
• TREBLE: boosts and cuts the high frequencies.
From -6 dB to + 6 dB.
• MID Q: sets the bandwidth of the mid parametric EQ, from narrow to wide.
From 0.2 to 3.
• MID FREQ: Changes the center frequency of the mid parametric EQ.
From 80 Hz to 5000 Hz.
• MIX: regulates the amount of the dry and wet modulated signal. By default the mix is set to 100% WET.
From 0% to 100%.
• X-MODE: the X-MODE engages a higher depth and adds a crazy dizziness effects to the modulation.
ON or OFF.
Stomp Box Effects
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
Based on MXR® Flanger 117
A classic flanger reminiscent of the ‘80s flavor. Still, no flanger is more recognizable, making this perfect for hardrock and psychedelic clean tones.
• SPEED: sets the rate of the flanger effect. When the BPM SYNC is activated the SPEED parameter allows
you to select the available Time Signatures.
From 0% to 100% or from 1/32 to 1/1d when BPM SYNC is ON.
• DEPTH: sets the intensity of the flanger effect.
From 0% to 100%.
• BASS: Boosts and cuts the low frequencies.
From -6 dB to + 6 dB.
• MID: boosts and cuts the mid frequencies.
From -6 dB to + 6 dB.
• TREBLE: boosts and cuts the high frequencies.
From -6 dB to + 6 dB.
• REGEN: sets the amount of feedback happening inside the flanger.
From 0% to 100%.
• MANUAL: sets the timbre of the flanging effect.
From 0 to 10.
• MID Q: sets the bandwidth of the mid parametric EQ, from narrow to wide.
From 0.2 to 3.
• MID FREQ: Changes the center frequency of the mid parametric EQ.
From 80 Hz to 5000 Hz.
• MIX: regulates the amount of the dry and wet modulated signal. By default the mix is set to 100% WET.
From 0% to 100%.
• X-MODE: the X-MODE engages a higher depth and adds a resonant effects to the modulation.
ON or OFF.
Stomp Box Effects
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
This effect is a model of a rotary speaker cabinet. Rotary speaker cabinets create a lush vibrato/chorus effect
that adds vibe and a tremendous third dimension to the sound.
• SPEED: sets the rate of the effect. When the BPM SYNC is activated the SPEED parameter allows you to
select the available Time Signatures.
From 0% to 100% or from 1/32 to 1/1d when BPM SYNC is ON.
• DEPTH: sets the intensity of the effect.
From 0% to 100%.
• BASS: Boosts and cuts the low frequencies.
From -6 dB to + 6 dB.
• MID: boosts and cuts the mid frequencies.
From -6 dB to + 6 dB.
• TREBLE: boosts and cuts the high frequencies.
From -6 dB to + 6 dB.
• COLOR: sets the Balance between Drum and Horn.
From -10 to +10.
• DRIVE: sets the amount of saturation in the effect.
From 0% to 100%.
• MID Q: sets the bandwidth of the mid parametric EQ, from narrow to wide.
From 0.2 to 3.
• MID FREQ: Changes the center frequency of the mid parametric EQ.
From 80 Hz to 5000 Hz.
• MIX: regulates the amount of the dry and wet modulated signal. By default the mix is set to 100% WET.
From 0% to 100%.
• X-MODE: the X-MODE engages the maximum speed and adds Drive to the response.
ON or OFF.
Stomp Box Effects
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
A fully customizable tremolo effect that offers controls over the envelope and wave shape of the modulation
allowing you to set it from a smooth swell flavor to a percussive effect.
• SPEED: sets the rate of the tremolo. When the BPM SYNC is activated the SPEED parameter allows you to
select the available Time Signatures.
From 0% to 100% or from 1/32 to 1/1d when BPM SYNC is ON.
• DEPTH: sets the intensity of the tremolo.
From 0% to 100%.
• BASS: Boosts and cuts the low frequencies.
From -6 dB to + 6 dB.
• MID: boosts and cuts the mid frequencies.
From -6 dB to + 6 dB.
• TREBLE: boosts and cuts the high frequencies.
From -6 dB to + 6 dB.
• ENVELOPE: varies the tremolo rise and fall time (how fast or slow the volume increases and decreases) for
unique percussion, “reverse decay” effects and everything in between.
From 0 to 10.
• WAVE: sets the wave form of the tremolo from a smooth sine wave (like vintage amps) to a choppier
triangular wave to an abrupt “on/off” pulsing square wave.
From 0 to 10.
• MID Q: sets the bandwidth of the mid parametric EQ, from narrow to wide.
From 0.2 to 3.
• MID FREQ: Changes the center frequency of the mid parametric EQ.
From 80 Hz to 5000 Hz.
• MIX: regulates the amount of the dry and wet modulated signal. By default the mix is set to 100% WET.
From 0% to 100%.
• X-MODE: the X-MODE engages the maximum depth and harshness.
ON or OFF.
Stomp Box Effects
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
Add programmed rhythmic parts to your power chords and phrases with this powerful and creative beat synced
slicing stomp effect. It can be setup to create anything from the most amazing tremolos to the most complex
rhythm effects that always stay in perfect sync with the beat.
• SPEED: sets the speed of the stepper. When the BPM SYNC is activated the SPEED parameter allows you
to select the available Time Signatures.
From 0% to 100% or from 1/32 to 1/1d when BPM SYNC is ON.
• DEPTH: sets the steepness of the level change between steps. Set it at lower positions to get a smoother
effect or set it to higher positions to get a more gate-like effect.
From 0% to 100%.
• BASS: Boosts and cuts the low frequencies.
From -6 dB to + 6 dB.
• MID: boosts and cuts the mid frequencies.
From -6 dB to + 6 dB.
• TREBLE: boosts and cuts the high frequencies.
From -6 dB to + 6 dB.
• SWING: Increase this control to give to the steps a swing type quantization.
From 0% to 100%.
• STEP 1-8: sets the level for each step.
From 0% to 100%.
• PAN 1-8: sets the pan for each step.
From -10 to +10.
• MID Q: sets the bandwidth of the mid parametric EQ, from narrow to wide.
From 0.2 to 3.
• MID FREQ: Changes the center frequency of the mid parametric EQ.
From 80 Hz to 5000 Hz.
• MIX: regulates the amount of the dry and wet modulated signal. By default the mix is set to 100% WET.
From 0% to 100%.
• X-MODE: the X-MODE engages the maximum speed.
ON or OFF.
Stomp Box Effects
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
A powerful and deep beat-synced filter stomp effect. You can apply Low / High and Band pass analog modeled
filtering on freely customizable patterns to add groove and rhythmic pulsing to your parts. This will make your
guitar and bass parts sound like a rhythmic synth, if you want it!
• SPEED: sets the speed of the stepper. When the BPM SYNC is activated the SPEED parameter allows you
to select the available Time Signatures.
From 0% to 100% or from 1/32 to 1/1d when BPM SYNC is ON.
• DEPTH: sets how deep the filter is modulated by the steps.
From 0% to 100%.
• BASS: Boosts and cuts the low frequencies.
From -6 dB to + 6 dB.
• MID: boosts and cuts the mid frequencies.
From -6 dB to + 6 dB.
• TREBLE: boosts and cuts the high frequencies.
From -6 dB to + 6 dB.
• MODE: sets which kind of filter will be used: high pass, band pass or low pass.
• CUTOFF: sets the center cut-off frequency of the filter. This is the cut-off frequency the filter will have when
the steps are set to half position.
From 40 Hz to 20000 Hz.
• RES: sets the center resonance of the filter. This is the resonance amount the filter will have when the steps
are set to half position.
From 0 to 10.
• SWING: increase this control to give the steps a swing type quantization.
From 0% to 100%.
• DEST: sets what is modulated by the steps between filter cut-off and/or filter resonance. At full minimum
position only cut-off frequency is modulated, at max position only resonance is modulated.
From 0 to 10.
• STEP 1-8: sets the amount of modulation for each step.
From 0% to 100%.
• MID Q: sets the bandwidth of the mid parametric EQ, from narrow to wide.
From 0.2 to 3.
• MID FREQ: Changes the center frequency of the mid parametric EQ.
From 80 Hz to 5000 Hz.
• MIX: regulates the amount of the dry and wet modulated signal. By default the mix is set to 100% WET.
From 0% to 100%.
• X-MODE: engages a higher depth and adds a resonant effects to the modulation.
ON or OFF.
Stomp Box Effects
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
X-TIME Delay Models
This model is a classic tape echo with wobble effect that can be controlled and manipulated for experimental lo-fi
echo repeats, bringing extra creativity to any playing. It features all the typical tape echo characteristics and nuances
to bring a real tape sound under your feet.
• TIME: controls the time of the delay repetitions.
From 60 ms to 1429 ms or from 1/32 to 1/1d when BPM SYNC is ON.
• FEEDBACK: controls the number of repetitions occurring in the delay.
From 0% to 100%.
• FILTER: controls the brightness of the delay repetitions. Turn it counterclockwise to have darker tones,
clockwise to have brighter tones.
From 0 to 10.
• MOD: controls the amount of wow & flutter happening in the tape echo.
From 0 to 10.
• MIX: controls the balance of dry and wet signal. At 0% the signal is fully dry while at 100% the signal is
fully wet. At around 85% the dry and wet signal have the same level.
From 0% to 100%.
Stomp Box Effects
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
• X-MODE: the X-MODE pushes the tape echo feedback to its edge. The level increases until is fully
ON or OFF.
Stomp Box Effects
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
IK’s Tape Echo recreates a modern echo sound with additional modulation controls over depth and speed to
generate movement in the delay repeats, while maintaining all the typical characteristics that make the tape
echo sound so sought-after.
• TIME: controls the time of the delay repetitions.
From 60 ms to 2000 ms or from 1/32 to 1/1d when BPM SYNC is ON.
• FEEDBACK: controls the number of repetitions occurring in the delay.
From 0% to 100%.
• FILTER: controls the low-pass filter frequency. Turn it counterclockwise to filter out the high frequencies or
clockwise to get the full frequency spectrum.
From 490 Hz to 19000 Hz.
• MOD: controls the depth of the modulation.
From 0% to 100%
• MIX: controls the balance of dry and wet signal. At 0% the signal is fully dry while at 100% the signal is
fully wet. At around 85% the dry and wet signal have the same level.
From 0% to 100%.
• MOD RATE: controls the modulation rate.
From 0.1 Hz to 10 Hz
• X-MODE: the X-MODE pushes the feedback to infinity and activates an additional tilt filter to bright up its tail.
ON or OFF.
Stomp Box Effects
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
This analog delay is harmonically rich and can be pushed to add color and the characteristic saturation of
console preamplifiers, which blends perfectly with the direct sound coming from your instrument. Its sound can
be shaped even further with its high-pass and low-pass filters.
• TIME: controls the time of the delay repetitions.
From 60 ms to 2000 ms or from 1/32 to 1/1d when BPM SYNC is ON.
• FEEDBACK: controls the number of repetitions occurring in the delay.
From 0% to 100%.
• FILTER: controls the amount of tilt filter being applied. Turn it counterclockwise to achieve darker
tones or clockwise for brighter tones. The filter is being placed before the saturation stage to shape its
characteristics and the way it reacts with the incoming sound.
From -20 dB to +20 dB.
• MOD: controls the amount of saturation being applied.
From 0 dB to 20 dB
• MIX: controls the balance of dry and wet signal. At 0% the signal is fully dry while at 100% the signal is
fully wet. At around 85% the dry and wet signal have the same level.
From 0% to 100%.
• LOW PASS: controls the frequency for the low-pass filter.
From 600 Hz to 19000 Hz.
• HIGH PASS: controls the frequency for the high-pass filter.
From 22 Hz to 500 Hz.
• X-MODE: the X-MODE pushes the feedback to infinity and activates an LFO that modulates its tail.
ON or OFF.
Stomp Box Effects
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
A crystal-clear digital delay sound, perfect for a high-fidelity wet signal. It also features a doubler mode to add
width to delay tails, a great solution to widen up any sound and fill the entire stereo field.
• TIME: controls the time of the delay repetitions.
From 60 ms to 2000 ms or from 1/32 to 1/1d when BPM SYNC is ON.
• FEEDBACK: controls the number of repetitions occurring in the delay.
From 0% to 100%.
• FILTER: controls the low-pass filter frequency. Turn it counterclockwise to filter out the high frequencies or
clockwise to get the full frequency spectrum.
From 800 Hz to 20000 Hz.
• MOD: selects the delay mode.
∙ NORMAL: a typical digital clean stereo in & stereo out delay.
∙ DOUBLER: the delay signal gets spread out the left & right channels for wide delay repeats.
• MIX: controls the balance of dry and wet signal. At 0% the signal is fully dry while at 100% the signal is
fully wet. At around 85% the dry and wet signal have the same level.
From 0% to 100%.
• X-MODE: the X-MODE pushes the feedback to infinity.
ON or OFF.
Stomp Box Effects
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
This delay is designed to provide the perfect moving ping pong bouncing left and right. In addition to the
standard ping pong pattern, it also features another mode for panning the repeats Left-Center-Right and add a
groovy “circular” effect.
• TIME: controls the time of the delay repetitions.
From 60 ms to 2000 ms or from 1/32 to 1/1d when BPM SYNC is ON.
• FEEDBACK: controls the number of repetitions occurring in the delay.
From 0% to 100%.
• FILTER: controls the low-pass filter frequency. Turn it counterclockwise to filter out the high frequencies or
clockwise to get the full frequency spectrum.
From 800 Hz to 20000 Hz.
• MOD: selects the delay mode.
∙ L-R: the iconic ping pong delay mode with repeats alternating left and right.
∙ L-C-R: a more sophisticated delay mode with repeats alternating left, center and right.
• MIX: controls the balance of dry and wet signal. At 0% the signal is fully dry while at 100% the signal is
fully wet. At around 85% the dry and wet signal have the same level.
From 0% to 100%.
• X-MODE: the X-MODE pushes the feedback to infinity.
ON or OFF.
Stomp Box Effects
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
This is the perfect model to find inspiration. It features 16 different delay patterns to experiment with and find
new rhythmic ideas.
• TIME: controls the time of the delay repetitions.
In BPM SYNC ON the options are:
0: the BPM time is kept as is.
1: the BPM time is divided by 2 once.
2: the BPM time is divided by 2 twice.
3: the BPM time is divided by 2 three times.
4: the BPM time is divided by 2 four times.
From 125 ms to 2000 ms or from 0 to 4 when BPM SYNC is ON.
• FEEDBACK: controls the number of repetitions occurring in the delay.
From 0% to 100%.
• FILTER: controls the tilt filter amount. Turn it counterclockwise to filter out the high frequencies or clockwise
to get the full frequency spectrum.
From -20 dB to +20 dB.
• MOD: selects the pattern among the 16 available.
From 1 to 16.
• MIX: controls the balance of dry and wet signal. At 0% the signal is fully dry while at 100% the signal is
fully wet. At around 85% the dry and wet signal have the same level.
From 0% to 100%.
• PAT FDBK: controls the number of repetitions of the whole pattern.
From 0% to 100%
• EQ LPF: sets the frequency for the low-pass filter.
From 500 Hz to 19800 Hz.
• EQ HPF: sets the frequency for the high-pass filter.
From 22 Hz to 900 Hz.
• EQ GAIN: sets the gain for the mid-band EQ.
From -20 dB to +20 dB.
• EQ FREQ: sets the frequency for the mid-band EQ.
From 100 Hz to 15000 Hz.
• EQ Q: sets the Q factor for the mid-band EQ.
From 0.1 to 10.
• X-MODE: the X-MODE pushes both feedback and pattern’s feedback to infinity.
ON or OFF.
Stomp Box Effects
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
Two delays in one that can be set in series or in parallel to have an amazing stereo sound. The second delay
reacts on the first one, but with independent mix, feedback and time that is expressed in ratios of the first
delay’s time.
• TIME: controls the time of the first delay repetitions.
From 60 ms to 2000 ms or from 1/32 to 1/1d when BPM SYNC is ON.
• FEEDBACK: controls the number of repetitions occurring in the first delay.
From 0% to 100%.
• FILTER: controls the low-pass filter frequency. Turn it counterclockwise to filter out the high frequencies or
clockwise to get the full frequency spectrum.
From 800 Hz to 15000 Hz.
• MOD: controls the mix of the second delay.
From 0% to 100%.
• MIX: controls the balance of dry and wet signal. At 0% the signal is fully dry while at 100% the signal is
fully wet. At around 85% the dry and wet signal have the same level.
From 0% to 100%.
• TIME 2: controls the time of the second delay expressed in ratios of the first delay.
1/8, 1/7, 1/6, 1/5, 1/4, 1/3, 1/2, 1/1, 2/7, 2/5, 2/3, 2/1, 3/8, 3/7, 3/4, 3/2, 3/1, 4/7, 4/5, 4/3, 4/1, 5/7, 5/6, 5/4,
5/3, 5/2, 5/1, 6/7, 6/5, 6/1, 7/8, 7/6, 7/5, 7/4, 7/3, 7/2, 7/1, 8/7, 8/5, 8/3, 8/1.
• FDBK 2: controls the feedback for the second delay.
From 0% to 100%.
∙ SERIES: the two delays are placed in series.
∙ PARALLEL: the two delays are placed in parallel (one delay happens only on the left channel while the
other happens only on the right channel).
• X-MODE: the X-MODE pushes both feedbacks to infinity.
ON or OFF.
Stomp Box Effects
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
Amazing, reversed repeats that create wonderful delay tails. In addition to the reversed repeat, a non-reversed
repeat can be blended in to maintain the groovy part of the delay pattern.
• TIME: controls the time of the delay repetitions.
From 63 ms to 2000 ms or from 1/32 to 1/1d when BPM SYNC is ON.
• FEEDBACK: controls the number of repetitions occurring in the delay.
From 0% to 100%.
• FILTER: controls the frequency response of the delay. Turn it counterclockwise to get darker tones or
clockwise for brighter sounds.
From 0 to 10.
• MOD: controls the volume of the non-repeated tap that can be added to the reversed one.
From 0 to 10.
• MIX: controls the balance of dry and wet signal. At 0% the signal is fully dry while at 100% the signal is
fully wet. At around 85% the dry and wet signal have the same level.
From 0% to 100%.
• X-MODE: the X-MODE pushes the feedback to infinity.
ON or OFF.
Stomp Box Effects
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
This is an advanced ping pong delay effect. The delay sound is sent to a reverb that can be modulated. Also,
the second tap of the ping pong pattern can be reversed to really get a very custom sound.
• TIME: controls the time of the delay repetitions.
From 60 ms to 2000 ms or from 1/32 to 1/1d when BPM SYNC is ON.
• FEEDBACK: controls the number of repetitions occurring in the delay.
From 0% to 100%.
• FILTER: controls the frequency response of the delay. Turn it counterclockwise to get darker tones or
clockwise for brighter sounds.
From 0 to 10.
• MOD: controls the depth of the LFO happening on the reverb.
From 0% to 100%.
• MIX: controls the balance of dry and wet signal. At 0% the signal is fully dry while at 100% the signal is
fully wet. At around 85% the dry and wet signal have the same level.
From 0% to 100%.
• REVERB: controls the mix for the reverb applied to the delay.
From 0% to 100%.
• REVERSE: reverses the one of the two taps of the ping pong effect.
ON or OFF.
• LFO RATE: controls the rate of the LFO applied to the delay.
From 0.5 Hz to 10 Hz.
• X-MODE: the X-MODE pushes the feedback to infinity.
ON or OFF.
Stomp Box Effects
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
Gentle and ambient swell delays to cream up slow lines. The swell effect has independent time and depth so it
can be synced with the delay or pushed crazier to un-synced rates.
• TIME: controls the time of the delay repetitions.
From 60 ms to 2000 ms or from 1/32 to 1/1d when BPM SYNC is ON.
• FEEDBACK: controls the number of repetitions occurring in the delay.
From 0% to 100%.
• FILTER: controls the low-pass filter frequency. Turn it counterclockwise to get darker tones or clockwise get
the full frequency spectrum.
From 1000 Hz to 20000 Hz.
• MOD: controls the depth of the swell effect.
From 0 dB to -60 dB.
• MIX: controls the balance of dry and wet signal. At 0% the signal is fully dry while at 100% the signal is
fully wet. At around 85% the dry and wet signal have the same level.
From 0% to 100%.
• SWL TIME: controls the time of the swell effect.
From 10 ms to 1000 ms.
• SWL SENS: adjusts the swell sensitivity level.
From -50 dB to -12 dB.
• X-MODE: the X-MODE pushes the feedback to infinity.
ON or OFF.
Stomp Box Effects
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
A delay that makes it possible to have huge amounts of wet signal and feedback while retaining the dry signal
focused on top by ducking down the delayed signal every time the dry signal is played. The release can be
tweaked independently to add both slow and fast rises.
• TIME: controls the time of the delay repetitions.
From 30 ms to 1450 ms or from 1/32 to 1/1d when BPM SYNC is ON.
• FEEDBACK: controls the number of repetitions occurring in the delay.
From 0% to 100%.
• FILTER: controls the brightness of the delay. Turn it counterclockwise to get darker tones or clockwise get
the full frequency spectrum.
From 0 to 10.
• MOD: controls the ducking compressor threshold.
From -100 dB to 0 dB.
• MIX: controls the balance of dry and wet signal. At 0% the signal is fully dry while at 100% the signal is
fully wet. At around 85% the dry and wet signal have the same level.
From 0% to 100%.
• RELEASE: controls the release of the ducking compressor.
From 20 ms to 3000 ms.
• X-MODE: the X-MODE pushes the feedback to infinity and makes the compression more aggressive.
ON or OFF.
Stomp Box Effects
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
A delay that pitches up or down from the original tone to create pitched effects in the repeats. It features three
pitched notes to get a triple-pitched effect and create a wall of lines in the delay by easily using one finger.
• TIME: controls the time of the first delay repetitions.
From 0 ms to 2000 ms or from 1/32 to 1/1d when BPM SYNC is ON.
• FEEDBACK: controls the number of repetitions occurring in the first delay.
From 0% to 100%.
• FILTER: controls the tilt filter gain for the first delay. Turn it counterclockwise to get darker tones or
clockwise get the brighter frequency response.
From -20 dB to +20 dB.
• MOD: controls the pitch of the first delay.
From -24 semitones to 24 semitones.
• MIX: controls the balance of dry and wet signal. At 0% the signal is fully dry while at 100% the signal is
fully wet. At around 85% the dry and wet signal have the same level.
From 0% to 100%.
• LEVEL 2: controls the volume of the second delay.
From 0 to 10.
• TIME 2: controls the time of the second delay repetitions.
From 0 ms to 2000 ms.
• FDBK 2: controls the number of repetitions occurring in the second delay.
From 0% to 100%.
• FILTER 2: controls the tilt filter gain for the second delay. Turn it counterclockwise to get darker tones or
clockwise get the full frequency spectrum.
From -10 dB to +10 dB.
• PITCH 2: controls the pitch of the second delay.
From -24 semitones to 24 semitones.
• PAN 2: controls the pan of the second delay in the stereo spectrum.
From -1 to +1.
• LEVEL 3: controls the volume of the third delay.
From 0 to 10
• TIME 3: controls the time of the third delay repetitions.
From 0 ms to 2000 ms.
• FDBK 3: controls the number of repetitions occurring in the third delay.
From 0% to 100%.
• FILTER 3: controls the tilt filter gain for the third delay. Turn it counterclockwise to get darker tones or
clockwise get the full frequency spectrum.
From -10 dB to +10 dB.
• PITCH 3: controls the pitch of the third delay.
From -24 semitones to 24 semitones.
Stomp Box Effects
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
• PAN 3: controls the pan of the third delay in the stereo spectrum.
From -1 to +1.
• EQ HPF: sets the frequency of the high-pass filter.
From 22 Hz to 900 Hz.
• EQ LPF: sets the frequency of the low-pass filter.
From 500 Hz to 19800 Hz.
• EQ GAIN: sets the gain of the mid-band EQ.
From -20 dB to +20 dB.
• EQ FREQ: sets the frequency of the mid-band EQ.
From 100 Hz to 15000 Hz.
• X-MODE: the X-MODE pushes the three feedbacks to infinity.
ON or OFF.
Stomp Box Effects
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
A delay that harmonizes up or down from the original tone to easily create delayed chords by playing just one
note, thanks to its double harmonator. Harmonize any solo part by adding up to three harmonies that follow your
• TIME: controls the time of the first delay repetitions.
From 0 ms to 2000 ms or from 1/32 to 1/1d when BPM SYNC is ON.
• FEEDBACK: controls the number of repetitions occurring in the first delay.
From 0% to 100%.
• FILTER: controls the tilt filter gain for the first delay. Turn it counterclockwise to get darker tones or
clockwise get the full frequency spectrum.
From -20 dB to +20 dB.
• MOD: controls the pitch interval of the first delay.
1st ,2nd ,3rd ,4th ,5th ,6th ,7th, 8th.
• MIX: controls the balance of dry and wet signal. At 0% the signal is fully dry while at 100% the signal is
fully wet. At around 85% the dry and wet signal have the same level.
From 0% to 100%.
• OCTAVE: selects the octave on which the first delay is harmonizing.
From -2 octaves to +1 octave.
• KEY: selects the key for the harmonizer.
C/Am, Db/Bbm, D/Bm, Eb/Cm, E/C#m, F/Dm, Gb/Ebm, G/Em, Ab/Fm, A/F#m, Bb/Gm, B/G#m
• LEVEL 2: controls the volume of the second delay.
From 0 to 10
• TIME 2: controls the time of the second delay repetitions.
From 0 ms to 2000 ms.
• FDBK 2: controls the number of repetitions occurring in the second delay.
From 0% to 100%.
• FILTER 2: controls the tilt filter gain for the second delay. Turn it counterclockwise to get darker tones or
clockwise get the full frequency spectrum.
From -20 dB to +20 dB.
• INTRVL 2: controls the pitch interval of the second delay.
1st ,2nd ,3rd ,4th ,5th ,6th ,7th, 8th.
• OCTAVE 2: selects the octave on which the second delay is harmonizing.
From -2 octaves to +1 octave.
• PAN 2: controls the pan of the second delay in the stereo spectrum.
From -1 to +1.
• LEVEL 3: controls the volume of the third delay.
From 0 to 10
• TIME 3: controls the time of the third delay repetitions.
From 0 ms to 2000 ms.
Stomp Box Effects
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
• FDBK 3: controls the number of repetitions occurring in the third delay.
From 0% to 100%.
• FILTER 3: controls the tilt filter gain for the third delay. Turn it counterclockwise to get darker tones or
clockwise get the full frequency spectrum.
From -20 dB to +20 dB.
• INTRVL 3: controls the pitch interval of the third delay.
1st ,2nd ,3rd ,4th ,5th ,6th ,7th, 8th.
• OCTAVE: selects the octave on which the third delay is harmonizing.
From -2 octaves to +1 octave.
• PAN 3: controls the pan of the third delay in the stereo spectrum.
From -1 to +1.
• EQ GAIN: sets the gain of the mid-band EQ.
From -20 dB to +20 dB.
• EQ FREQ: sets the frequency of the mid-band EQ.
From 100 Hz to 15000 Hz.
• A4 FREQ: sets the tuning for the A4 note.
From 416 Hz to 466 Hz.
• X-MODE: the X-MODE pushes the three feedbacks to infinity.
ON or OFF.
Stomp Box Effects
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
Get dirty with this saturated and distorted delay for edgy repeats and aggressive tails. It also features a phaser
with independent speed and mix to really find the perfect grit and dirtiness in the delay lines.
• TIME: controls the time of the delay repetitions.
From 60 ms to 2000 ms or from 1/32 to 1/1d when BPM SYNC is ON.
• FEEDBACK: controls the number of repetitions occurring in the delay.
From 0% to 100%.
• FILTER: controls the low-pass filter frequency. Turn it counterclockwise to get darker tones or clockwise get
the full frequency spectrum.
From 790 Hz to 20000 Hz.
• MOD: controls the dry/wet for the phaser effect.
From 0% to 100%.
• MIX: controls the balance of dry and wet signal. At 0% the signal is fully dry while at 100% the signal is
fully wet. At around 85% the dry and wet signal have the same level.
From 0% to 100%.
• DIRT: pushes the input to the delay increasing the distortion effect.
From 0 dB to +40 dB.
• SPEED: controls the speed of the phaser effect,
From 0 to 10.
• X-MODE: the X-MODE pushes the feedback to infinity.
ON or OFF.
Stomp Box Effects
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
Bring back the ’50s with this incredible slap back delay, which also features a modulated filter to move your
slapbacks in the stereo spectrum to transform this classy sound into a modern delay effect.
This model can’t activate the BPM SYNC option since it is only set using milliseconds.
• TIME: controls the time of the delay repetitions.
From 40 ms to 120 ms.
• FEEDBACK: controls the number of repetitions occurring in the delay.
From 0% to 100%.
• FILTER: controls the brightness of the delay. Turn it counterclockwise to get darker tones or clockwise get
the full frequency spectrum.
From 0 to 10.
• MOD: controls the stereo LFO moving the delay left & right.
From 0 to 10.
• MIX: controls the balance of dry and wet signal. At 0% the signal is fully dry while at 100% the signal is
fully wet. At around 85% the dry and wet signal have the same level.
From 0% to 100%.
• RATE: controls the LFO rate.
From 0.1 Hz to 5.0 Hz.
• X-MODE: the X-MODE pushes the feedback to infinity and raises the LFO resonance.
ON or OFF.
Stomp Box Effects
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
This delay is full of lush and never-ending tails. The delay is sent to a flanger and then to a shimmer with a
customizable pitched voice to get very modulated and ethereal in any shape of form. This creates very modern
delay trails great for ambient sounds.
• TIME: controls the time of the delay repetitions.
From 62 ms to 1092 ms or from 1/32 to 1/1d when BPM SYNC is ON.
• FEEDBACK: controls the number of repetitions occurring in the delay.
From 0% to 100%.
• FILTER: controls the brightness of the delay. Turn it counterclockwise to get darker tones or clockwise get
the full frequency spectrum.
From 0 to 10.
• MOD: controls the mix for the flanger effect.
From 0% to 100%.
• MIX: controls the balance of dry and wet signal. At 0% the signal is fully dry while at 100% the signal is
fully wet. At around 85% the dry and wet signal have the same level.
From 0% to 100%.
• SHIMMER: controls the amount of shimmer reverb wetting the delay.
From 0 to 10.
• SIZE: controls the size of the shimmer reverb and the timing of the shift effect.
From 0 to 10.
• SHFT VOL: controls the volume of the shift effect.
From 0 to 10.
• SHIFT: sets the pitch for the shift effect.
From -12 semitones to +12 semitones.
• X-MODE: the X-MODE pushes the feedback to infinity and the reverb size and mix to max.
ON or OFF.
Stomp Box Effects
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
X-SPACE Reverb Models
A complex shimmer that offers increasing feedback. The pitch can go from 1/4 semitone up to an octave
creating many different customizable shifting voicings.
• TIME: controls the reverb tail length.
From 5 s to 20 s.
• PRE-DELAY: not available.
• COLOR: controls the frequency response of the reverb. At minimum the reverb gets darker, at maximum
the reverb gets brighter. Set in the middle the reverb is flat.
From -10 to +10.
• MOD: controls the amount of modulation of the reverb.
From 0% to 100%.
• MIX: controls the balance of dry and wet signal. At 0% the signal is fully dry while at 100% the signal is
fully wet. At around 85% the dry and wet signal have the same level.
From 0% to 100%.
Stomp Box Effects
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
• SHIFT: controls the pitch of the note generated by the shimmer. It can be set to perfect pitch or fine-tuned
with 1/8 of a tone.
From -12 semitones to +12 semitones.
• SIZE: controls the dimension of the ambience from which the reverb is generated. With size set to
minimum the pitch build up is quicker, set to max the pitch build up is slower.
From 50% to 150%.
• MOD RATE: controls the rate of the reverb modulation.
From 0.1 Hz to 7 Hz.
• MODE: chooses among 3 modes.
∙ NO PICH: offers the shimmer characteristics without the feedback build up.
∙ SINGLE: the pitch of the feedback keeps building up according to the SHIFT parameter.
∙ DUAL: the pitch of the feedback keeps building up according to the SHIFT parameter both upwards and
• X-MODE: engages the most possible tail length.
ON or OFF.
Stomp Box Effects
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
Shimmer 2 differs from the first one because there is no buildup in the feedback and the two different pitched
voices can be set in parallel to create custom harmonizations.
• TIME: controls the reverb tail length.
From 6 s to 20 s.
• PRE-DELAY: not available.
• COLOR: controls the frequency response of the reverb. At minimum the reverb gets darker, at maximum
the reverb gets brighter. Set in the middle the reverb is flat.
From -10 to +10.
• MOD: controls the amount of modulation of the reverb.
From 0% to 100%.
• MIX: controls the balance of dry and wet signal. At 0% the signal is fully dry while at 100% the signal is
fully wet. At around 85% the dry and wet signal have the same level.
From 0% to 100%.
• SHIFT 1: controls the pitch of the note generated by the shimmer of the first voice. It can be set to perfect
pitch or fine-tuned with 1/8 of a tone.
From -12 semitones to +12 semitones.
• GAIN 1: controls the level of the first voice.
From 0 to 10.
• SHIFT 2: controls the pitch of the note generated by the shimmer of the second voice. It can be set to
perfect pitch or fine-tuned with 1/8 of a tone.
From -12 semitones to +12 semitones.
• GAIN 2: controls the level of the second voice.
From 0 to 10.
• SIZE: controls the dimension of the ambience from which the reverb is generated.
From 50% to 150%.
• MOD RATE: controls the rate of the reverb modulation.
From 0.1 Hz to 7 Hz.
• MODE: chooses among 3 modes.
∙ DUAL: the shimmer offers both pitched voices.
∙ SINGLE: the shipper offers only the first pitched voice.
∙ NO PITCH: the shimmer offers its characteristics without the pitched voices.
• X-MODE: engages the most possible tail length.
ON or OFF.
Stomp Box Effects
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
This model recreates the ambience of a live concert hall with controlled decay and a reverb time range from 1
to 9 seconds to replicate from smaller venues up to larger clubs. With an advanced parameter set that features
a 3-band decay trimmer, the sound of the hall can be highly tweaked to always find the perfect tail in which to
place the instrument.
• TIME: controls the reverb tail length.
From 1 s to 9 s.
• PRE-DELAY: controls the pre-delay amount.
From 0 ms to 1000 ms.
• COLOR: controls the frequency response of the reverb. At minimum the reverb gets darker, at maximum
the reverb gets brighter. Set in the middle the reverb is flat.
From -10 to +10.
• MOD: controls the amount of modulation of the reverb.
From 0% to 100%.
• MIX: controls the balance of dry and wet signal. At 0% the signal is fully dry while at 100% the signal is
fully wet. At around 85% the dry and wet signal have the same level.
From 0% to 100%.
• HPF: controls the cut-off frequency of the high-pass filter.
From 22 Hz to 1000 Hz.
• MOD RATE: controls the rate of the reverb modulation.
From 0.1 Hz to 7 Hz.
• SIZE: controls the dimension of the ambience from which the reverb is generated.
From 50% to 150%.
• L DECAY: controls the low-frequency band decay.
From -10 to 10.
• M DECAY: controls the mid-frequency band decay.
From -10 to 10.
• H DECAY: controls the high-frequency band decay.
From -10 to 10.
• X-MODE: engages the most possible tail length.
ON or OFF.
Stomp Box Effects
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
This model adds the third dimension of a room to the direct sound in order to place it in a physical space and
obtain a more natural sounding performance. Thanks to the 3-band decay trimmer any room can be recreated
giving infinite possibilities. Its time range goes from 0.2 to 3 seconds offering a great option for a reverb that
adds character without noticing the reverb itself.
• TIME: controls the reverb tail length.
From 0.2 s to 3 s.
• PRE-DELAY: controls the pre-delay amount.
From 0 ms to 1000 ms.
• COLOR: controls the frequency response of the reverb. At minimum the reverb gets darker, at maximum
the reverb gets brighter. Set in the middle the reverb is flat.
From -10 to +10.
• MOD: controls the amount of modulation of the reverb.
From 0% to 100%.
• MIX: controls the balance of dry and wet signal. At 0% the signal is fully dry while at 100% the signal is
fully wet. At around 85% the dry and wet signal have the same level.
From 0% to 100%.
• HPF: controls the cut-off frequency of the high-pass filter.
From 22 Hz to 1000 Hz.
• MOD RATE: controls the rate of the reverb modulation.
From 0.1 Hz to 7 Hz.
• SIZE: controls the dimension of the ambience from which the reverb is generated.
From 50% to 150%.
• L DECAY: controls the low-frequency band decay.
From -10 to 10.
• M DECAY: controls the mid-frequency band decay.
From -10 to 10.
• H DECAY: controls the high-frequency band decay.
From -10 to 10.
• X-MODE: engages the most possible tail length.
ON or OFF.
Stomp Box Effects
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
This model offers the typical chamber sound found in many professional recording studios and provides a highly
reflected and bright tail that’s perfect for aggressive reverb tones. Its time range goes from 0.6 to 3 seconds like
the hall model, but the chamber has way more character and vibe.
• TIME: controls the reverb tail length.
From 0.6 s to 3 s.
• PRE-DELAY: controls the pre-delay amount.
From 0 ms to 1000 ms.
• COLOR: controls the frequency response of the reverb. At minimum the reverb gets darker, at maximum
the reverb gets brighter. Set in the middle the reverb is flat.
From -10 to +10.
• MOD: controls the amount of modulation of the reverb.
From 0% to 100%.
• MIX: controls the balance of dry and wet signal. At 0% the signal is fully dry while at 100% the signal is
fully wet. At around 85% the dry and wet signal have the same level.
From 0% to 100%.
• HPF: controls the cut-off frequency of the high-pass filter.
From 22 Hz to 1000 Hz.
• MOD RATE: controls the rate of the reverb modulation.
From 0.1 Hz to 7 Hz.
• SIZE: controls the dimension of the ambience from which the reverb is generated.
From 50% to 150%.
• L DECAY: controls the low-frequency band decay.
From -10 to 10.
• M DECAY: controls the mid-frequency band decay.
From -10 to 10.
• H DECAY: controls the high-frequency band decay.
From -10 to 10.
• X-MODE: engages the most possible tail length.
ON or OFF.
Stomp Box Effects
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
This model has the longest tail in order to reproduce the typical reverb sound found in churches. Its reverb time
has a range from 3 to 20 seconds to replicate from the smallest chapel to the biggest cathedrals.
• TIME: controls the reverb tail length.
From 3 s to 20 s.
• PRE-DELAY: controls the pre-delay amount.
From 100 ms to 1000 ms.
• COLOR: controls the frequency response of the reverb. At minimum the reverb gets darker, at maximum
the reverb gets brighter. Set in the middle the reverb is flat.
From -10 to +10.
• MOD: controls the amount of modulation of the reverb.
From 0% to 100%.
• MIX: controls the balance of dry and wet signal. At 0% the signal is fully dry while at 100% the signal is
fully wet. At around 85% the dry and wet signal have the same level.
From 0% to 100%.
• HPF: controls the cut-off frequency of the high-pass filter.
From 22 Hz to 1000 Hz.
• MOD RATE: controls the rate of the reverb modulation.
From 0.1 Hz to 7 Hz.
• SIZE: controls the dimension of the ambience from which the reverb is generated.
From 50% to 200%.
• L DECAY: controls the low-frequency band decay.
From -10 to 10.
• M DECAY: controls the mid-frequency band decay.
From -10 to 10.
• H DECAY: controls the high-frequency band decay.
From -10 to 10.
• X-MODE: engages the most possible tail length.
ON or OFF.
Stomp Box Effects
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
This model can recreate different iconic plate reverbs. Its time has a range from 0.5 to 5 seconds and the
flavor is highly customizable through custom parameters, which let you emulate different types of plates by
emphasizing the decay of certain frequencies and dampening others.
• TIME: controls the reverb tail length.
From 0.5 s to 5 s.
• PRE-DELAY: controls the pre-delay amount.
From 0 ms to 1000 ms.
• COLOR: controls the frequency response of the reverb. At minimum the reverb gets darker, at maximum
the reverb gets brighter. Set in the middle the reverb is flat.
From -10 to +10.
• MOD: controls the amount of modulation of the reverb.
From 0% to 100%.
• MIX: controls the balance of dry and wet signal. At 0% the signal is fully dry while at 100% the signal is
fully wet. At around 85% the dry and wet signal have the same level.
From 0% to 100%.
• HPF: controls the cut-off frequency of the high-pass filter.
From 22 Hz to 1000 Hz.
• MOD RATE: controls the rate of the reverb modulation.
From 0.1 Hz to 7 Hz.
• SIZE: controls the dimension of the ambience from which the reverb is generated.
From 50% to 200%.
• L DECAY: controls the low-frequency band decay.
From -10 to 10.
• M DECAY: controls the mid-frequency band decay.
From -10 to 10.
• H DECAY: controls the high-frequency band decay.
From -10 to 10.
• X-MODE: engages the most possible tail length.
ON or OFF.
Stomp Box Effects
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
This is a customizable spring reverb model, which emulates the vintage spring modules typically installed on
guitar amplifiers.
• TIME: controls the reverb tail length.
From 0.2 s to 4 s.
• PRE-DELAY: controls the pre-delay amount.
From 0 ms to 1000 ms.
• COLOR: controls the frequency response of the reverb. At minimum the reverb gets darker, at maximum
the reverb gets brighter. Set in the middle the reverb is flat.
From -10 dB to +10 dB.
• MOD: controls the amount of modulation of the reverb.
From 0% to 100%.
• MIX: controls the balance of dry and wet signal. At 0% the signal is fully dry while at 100% the signal is
fully wet. At around 85% the dry and wet signal have the same level.
From 0% to 100%.
• HPF: controls the cut-off frequency of the high-pass filter.
From 22 Hz to 1000 Hz.
• MOD RATE: controls the rate of the reverb modulation.
From 0.1 Hz to 7 Hz.
• HI DAMP: controls the dampness of the high-frequency diffusion.
From 0% to 100%.
• WIDTH: controls the stereo spread of the reverb.
From 0% to 100%.
• X-MODE: engages the most possible tail length.
ON or OFF.
Stomp Box Effects
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
This is a swell processor that can automatically create fantastic fading swell effects followed by a customizable
reverb trail to create dreaming pads or string-like sounds.
• TIME: controls the reverb tail length.
From 1 s to 4 s.
• PRE-DELAY: sets the length of the swell cycle.
From 10 ms to 3000 ms.
• COLOR: controls the frequency response of the reverb. At minimum the reverb gets darker, at maximum
the reverb gets brighter. Set in the middle the reverb is flat.
From -10 dB to +10 dB.
• MOD: controls the amount of modulation of the reverb.
From 0% to 100%.
• MIX: controls the balance of dry and wet signal. At 0% the signal is fully dry while at 100% the signal is
fully wet. At around 85% the dry and wet signal have the same level.
From 0% to 100%.
• HPF: controls the cut-off frequency of the high-pass filter.
From 22 Hz to 1000 Hz.
• MOD RATE: controls the rate of the reverb modulation.
From 0.1 Hz to 7 Hz.
• SWELL DEPTH: sets the depth of the volume swell. By default, the depth is at max position, meaning that
the volume will start from silence. By lowering this control you’ll set the effect to start the swell phase from
a level which is higher than silence, up to min position that sets the effect to have no action.
From -90 dB to 0.
• SWELL SENS: this control sets the sensitivity for the swell to recognize a new note or chord and therefore
start a new swell cycle. Set it higher if you want the swell cycle to start even at the beginning of softer
passages or set it lower if you want the swell cycle to only start for louder strikes.
From 0% to 100%.
• X-MODE: engages the most possible tail length.
ON or OFF.
Stomp Box Effects
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
This is a customizable gated reverb that cuts off the reverb trail as desired in order to add textured groove to
your playing.
• TIME: controls the reverb tail length.
From 0 s to 0.6 s.
• PRE-DELAY: controls the pre-delay amount.
From 0 ms to 1000 ms.
• COLOR: controls the frequency response of the reverb. At minimum the reverb gets darker, at maximum
the reverb gets brighter. Set in the middle the reverb is flat.
From -10 dB to +10 dB.
• MOD: controls the amount of modulation of the reverb.
From 0% to 100%.
• MIX: controls the balance of dry and wet signal. At 0% the signal is fully dry while at 100% the signal is
fully wet. At around 85% the dry and wet signal have the same level.
From 0% to 100%.
• HPF: controls the cut-off frequency of the high-pass filter.
From 22 Hz to 1000 Hz.
• MOD RATE: controls the rate of the reverb modulation.
From 0.5 Hz to 10 Hz.
• SIZE: controls the dimension of the ambience from which the reverbs is generated.
From 0% to 100%.
• X-MODE: engages the maximum time and size producing a dramatic timbre change.
ON or OFF.
Stomp Box Effects
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
This model is perfect to create reverse delay trails that fade in while you are playing. The reverse envelope can
be set to 3 different modes to better fit the part.
• TIME: controls the reverb tail length.
From 0% to 100%.
• PRE-DELAY: controls the pre-delay amount.
From 0 ms to 1000 ms.
• COLOR: controls the frequency response of the reverb. At minimum the reverb gets darker, at maximum
the reverb gets brighter. Set in the middle the reverb is flat.
From -10 dB to +10 dB.
• MOD: controls the amount of modulation of the reverb.
From 0% to 100%.
• MIX: controls the balance of dry and wet signal. At 0% the signal is fully dry while at 100% the signal is
fully wet. At around 85% the dry and wet signal have the same level.
From 0% to 100%.
• TYPE: chooses from the three available reverse shapes to achieve the desired flavour.
From 1 to 3.
• SIZE: controls the dimension of the ambience from which the reverb is generated.
From 50% to 150%.
• MOD RATE: controls the rate of the reverb modulation.
From 0.5 Hz to 10 Hz.
• HPF: controls the cut-off frequency of the high-pass filter.
From 22 Hz to 1000 Hz.
• X-MODE: engages the most possible tail length.
ON or OFF.
Stomp Box Effects
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
This model emulates the typical short reflections that can be heard in a small room or space. It’s fully
customizable to bring it from a sort of traditional delay to a buzzing early reflection sound.
• TIME: controls the reverb tail length.
From 0.1 s to 0.8 s.
• PRE-DELAY: controls the pre-delay amount.
From 0 ms to 100 ms.
• COLOR: controls the frequency response of the reverb. At minimum the reverb gets darker, at maximum
the reverb gets brighter. Set in the middle the reverb is flat.
From -10 dB to +10 dB.
• MOD: controls the amount of modulation of the reverb.
From 0% to 100%.
• MIX: controls the balance of dry and wet signal. At 0% the signal is fully dry while at 100% the signal is
fully wet. At around 85% the dry and wet signal have the same level.
From 0% to 100%.
• HPF: controls the cut-off frequency of the high-pass filter.
From 22 Hz to 1000 Hz.
• MOD RATE: controls the rate of the reverb modulation.
From 0.1 Hz to 7 Hz.
• SIZE: controls the dimension of the ambience from which the reverbs is generated.
From 50% to 200%.
• X-MODE: engages the most possible tail length.
ON or OFF.
Stomp Box Effects
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
This is a combination of two processors in one model. One is a plate reverb that gets modulated by the second
one, which is a vintage phaser to add extreme modulated tails.
• TIME: controls the reverb tail length.
From 0.8 s to 12 s.
• PRE-DELAY: controls the pre-delay amount.
From 0 ms to 1000 ms.
• COLOR: controls the frequency response of the reverb. At minimum the reverb gets darker, at maximum
the reverb gets brighter. Set in the middle the reverb is flat.
From -10 dB to +10 dB.
• MOD: controls the amount of modulation of the reverb.
From 0% to 100%.
• MIX: controls the balance of dry and wet signal. At 0% the signal is fully dry while at 100% the signal is
fully wet. At around 85% the dry and wet signal have the same level.
From 0% to 100%.
• MOD RATE: controls the rate of the reverb modulation.
From 0 to 100.
• X-MODE: engages the most possible tail length.
ON or OFF.
Stomp Box Effects
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
This is a highly modulated plate that recreates moving airy trails and adds magic to your lines.
• TIME: controls the reverb tail length.
From 6 s to 18 s.
• PRE-DELAY: controls the pre-delay amount.
From 0 ms to 1000 ms.
• COLOR: controls the frequency response of the reverb. At minimum the reverb gets darker, at maximum
the reverb gets brighter. Set in the middle the reverb is flat.
From -10 dB to +10 dB.
• MOD: controls the amount of modulation of the reverb.
From 0% to 100%.
• MIX: controls the balance of dry and wet signal. At 0% the signal is fully dry while at 100% the signal is
fully wet. At around 85% the dry and wet signal have the same level.
From 0% to 100%.
• MOD RATE: controls the rate of the reverb modulation.
From 0.1 Hz to 7 Hz.
• HPF: controls the cut-off frequency of the high-pass filter.
From 22 Hz to 1000 Hz.
• X-MODE: engages the most possible tail length.
ON or OFF.
Stomp Box Effects
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
This reverb makes your simple lead parts bloom up and become very rich and noticeable. It is a swell like effect
to give movement and vibe to your parts.
• TIME: controls the reverb tail length.
From 4 s to 12 s.
• PRE-DELAY: controls the pre-delay amount.
From 0% to 100%.
• COLOR: controls the frequency response of the reverb. At minimum the reverb gets darker, at maximum
the reverb gets brighter. Set in the middle the reverb is flat.
From -10 dB to +10 dB.
• MOD: controls the amount of modulation of the reverb.
From 0% to 100%.
• MIX: controls the balance of dry and wet signal. At 0% the signal is fully dry while at 100% the signal is
fully wet. At around 85% the dry and wet signal have the same level.
From 0% to 100%.
• DIFFUSION: controls the diffusion of the reverb adding fullness and width.
From 0% to 100%.
• MOD RATE: controls the rate of the reverb modulation.
From 0.1 Hz to 7 Hz.
• X-MODE: engages the most possible tail length.
ON or OFF.
Stomp Box Effects
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
This is a spatial reverb that has an airy tone with an accentuated modulation effect, which at low rates creates
an effect of space floating.
• TIME: controls the reverb tail length.
From 0.8 s to 12 s.
• PRE-DELAY: controls the pre-delay amount.
From 0 ms to 1000 ms.
• COLOR: controls the frequency response of the reverb. At minimum the reverb gets darker, at maximum
the reverb gets brighter. Set in the middle the reverb is flat.
From -10 dB to +10 dB.
• MOD: controls the amount of modulation of the reverb.
From 0% to 100%.
• MIX: controls the balance of dry and wet signal. At 0% the signal is fully dry while at 100% the signal is
fully wet. At around 85% the dry and wet signal have the same level.
From 0% to 100%.
• MOD RATE: controls the rate of the reverb modulation.
From 0 to 100.
• MOD COLOR: set the frequency zone where the modulation is acting.
From -10 to +10.
• X-MODE: engages the most possible tail length.
ON or OFF.
Stomp Box Effects
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
AmpliTube Clean
American Clean MKIII
Based on Mesa/Boogie® Mark III™ Combo (Clean Channel)
This is a model of the clean channel from a popular and sought after American amplifier. The signature tone can
be heard on many albums and many stages around the world. Experience a sparkling clean with the capability
for a touch of crunch when cranked up.
This beautiful amp is crystal clear but can also deliver edgy sounds by pushing the Master volume, and can
deliver a nice preamp crunch tone when Rhythm 2 is engaged.
This amp is extremely versatile you can really get many types of clean or edgy tones from its incredibly flexible
preamplifier. By selecting two different preamp shapes (Rhythm 2), and by adapting the tone with the Shift and
Deep switches, you can really shape your clean/edgy sound in almost all possible ways. Add the final 5 band
graphic EQ and the tonal possibilities are really wide. But be careful, this is not a ‘set and forget’ amp. Being it
extremely versatile it can of course be set to a tone that could be totally far from what is needed on that part. It
needs a degree of experimentation and experience before you can really master it!
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
• VOLUME: sets the volume of the clean preamp. Push it closer to 10 for an edgy sound that starts to
• BRIGHT: boosts brilliance of the preamp, especially when the Volume control is kept low.
• TREBLE: sets the amount of high frequencies on the sound.
• SHIFT: modifies the frequencies where the Bass control works.
• BASS: sets the amount of low frequencies on the sound.
• MIDDLE: sets the amount of mid frequencies on the sound.
• MASTER: determines the level that is sent to the power amp. Turning this knob up, makes the power amp
to saturate and produce great crunch sounds.
• RHYTHM 2: when enabled the preamp has more gain, and it is therefore possible to obtain extremely
musical and sweet crunch sounds.
• DEEP: when enabled the bass response of the amplifier is extended.
• EQ: enables the graphic EQ.
• EQ BANDS: these sliders can control the equalization of the amp on 5 distinct frequencies areas. You’ll find
it extremely musical and a powerful sound sculpting tool.
• PRESENCE: when turned up the amp becomes more present and brighter.
• REVERB: controls the amount of reverb coming from the internal spring unit.
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
American Tube Clean 1
Based on Fender® Super Reverb®
This amp is modeled after a classic American guitar amp. This amp is great for clean to dirty sounds, making
it ideal for clean and crunchy rhythm, rock, country, blues, and anything else requiring a clean amp capable of
getting a little dirty when the music calls for it.
BASS: boosts and cuts the bass frequencies of the amp’s EQ stage, from 1 to 10.
MIDDLE: boosts and cuts the mid frequencies of the amp’s EQ stage, from 1 to 10.
TREBLE: boosts and cuts the high frequencies of the amp’s EQ stage, from 1 to 10.
PRESENCE: boost the high frequencies of the EQ stage, from 1 to 10.
SPRING REVERB: sets the level of spring reverb added to the guitar amp sound, from 1 to 10.
VOLUME: adjusts the output level of the power amp stage, from 1 to 10.
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
American Tube Clean 2
Based on Fender® DeLuxe Reverb® ’65
This model features yet another classic American amplifier. Unlike the American Tube Clean 1, this model is a
smaller combo amp. This amp delivers a clean yet warm tone.
BASS: boosts and cuts the bass frequencies of the amp’s EQ stage, from 1 to 10.
MIDDLE: boosts and cuts the mid frequencies of the amp’s EQ stage, from 1 to 10.
TREBLE: boosts and cuts the high frequencies of the amp’s EQ stage, from 1 to 10.
PRESENCE: boost the high frequencies of the EQ stage, from 1 to 10.
SPRING REVERB: sets the level of spring reverb added to the guitar amp sound, from 1 to 10.
VOLUME: adjusts the output level of the power amp stage, from 1 to 10.
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
Custom Solid State Clean
This amp model is clean. It provides a very uncolored signal, perfect for jazz. It could be compared to amps like
the Jazz Amp 120, ideal for sparkling clean tones.
BASS: boosts and cuts the bass frequencies of the amp’s EQ stage, from 1 to 10.
TREBLE: boosts and cuts the high frequencies of the amp’s EQ stage, from 1 to 10.
PRESENCE: boost the high frequencies of the EQ stage, from 1 to 10.
SPRING REVERB: sets the level of spring reverb added to the guitar amp sound, from 1 to 10.
VOLUME: adjusts the output level of the power amp stage, from 1 to 10.
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
Jazz Amp 120
Based on Roland® JC-120™
It may have Jazz in its name, but this versatile clean sound can be heard in many genres. Many of the top
metal players keep this not-so-secret weapon in the studio for great clean sounds. Its sonic feature is the
fantastic built-in analog chorus and vibrato unit that really made this amp a classic.
Important: this amp contains a built-in stereo Chorus/Vibrato unit. To actually be able to hear this in stereo you
will need to use two microphones in front of its Cabinet and pan the wide L – R. For more information about
how to set this, see Chapter 9.5.7.
• BRIGHT: boosts brilliance of the preamp, especially when the Volume control is kept low.
• VOLUME: sets the overall amp volume. The amp remains clean up to volume 3 or 4 and starts distorting
for higher positions.
• DISTORTION: turning this knob up from the minimum position by a little bit turns On the distortion circuit.
From there, continuing rising the control brings more and more distortion.
• REVERB: controls the amount of reverb.
• TREBLE: sets the amount of high frequencies on the sound.
• MIDDLE: sets the amount of mid frequencies on the sound.
• BASS: sets the amount of low frequencies on the sound.
• VIB/OFF/CHORUS: this is a three position switch;
∙ When set to Off, the sound will not be affected by chorus or vibrato.
∙ When set to Vib, vibrato will be turned On.
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
∙ When set to Chorus, chorus will be turned On.
• SPEED: sets the speed of the Vibrato effect. Note that Chorus has no settings.
• DEPTH: sets the intensity of the Vibrato effect. Note that Chorus has no settings.
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
Metal Clean T
Based on Mesa/Boogie® Triple Rectifier® (Clean Channel)
This extremely high-quality amplifier delivers a very detailed and clean response on the clean channel.
Incredibly well defined, it’s the perfect starting point for any kind of sound. Use this channel to get your
hyper- driven sounds from stomps only, as well as for creating clean or edgy sounds.
GAIN: adjusts the input gain of the preamp stage. Use this setting to drive the preamp stage, from 1 to 10.
BASS: boosts and cuts the bass frequencies of the amp’s EQ stage, from 1 to 10.
MIDDLE: boosts and cuts the mid frequencies of the amp’s EQ stage, from 1 to 10.
TREBLE: boosts and cuts the high frequencies of the amp’s EQ stage, from 1 to 10.
PRESENCE: boost the high frequencies of the EQ stage, from 1 to 10.
SPRING REVERB: Sets the level of spring reverb added to the guitar amp sound, from 1 to 10.
VOLUME: adjusts the output level of the power amp stage, from 1 to 10.
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
AmpliTube Crunch
American Tube Vintage
Based on Fender® Bassman®
This classic American amplifier was at first designed to be a bass amp, but later became one of the most
popular American guitar amps ever made. Great for clean tones, it is also versatile in a variety of music genres
and playing styles.
BASS: boosts and cuts the bass frequencies of the amp’s EQ stage, from 1 to 10.
MIDDLE: boosts and cuts the mid frequencies of the amp’s EQ stage, from 1 to 10.
TREBLE: boosts and cuts the high frequencies of the amp’s EQ stage, from 1 to 10.
PRESENCE: boost the high frequencies of the EQ stage, from 1 to 10.
SPRING REVERB: sets the level of spring reverb added to the guitar amp sound, from 1 to 10.
VOLUME: adjusts the output level of the power amp stage, from 1 to 10.
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
Brit Valve Pre
Based on Marshall® JMP-1™ tube preamp
The JMP-1 was Marshall’s first foray into the world of MIDI control with Marshall tone. It allows players to sculpt
the tones they want, then save those tone presets for recall by MIDI control at any time. It’s one of the simplest
preamps, very straightforward. It has the staple Marshall controls like Volume, Gain, Bass, Middle, Treble and
Presence. It features a bass shift, 2 overdrive channels, and 2 clean channels. For its ease of use and its “readyto-go” sound character, it quickly became one of the most iconic Guitar preamps of the era. Almost 90% of the
pro players at the time had a JMP-1 in their rack of toys.
• DATA DISPLAY: Shows the value of the selected parameter.
• DATA knob: decreases, increases the value of the selected parameter. • GAIN: selects the input gain
• BASS: selects the Bass parameter.
• MIDDLE: selects the Middle parameter.
• TREBLE: selects the Treble parameter.
• PRESENCE: selects the Presence parameter. • OD1: engages the overdrive 1 channel.
• OD2: engages the overdrive 2 channel.
• BASS SHIFT: enhances the Bass frequencies. • CLEAN 1: engages the Clean 1 channel.
• CLEAN 2: engages the Clean 2 channel.
• OUTPUT LEVEL: adjusts the final output level of the unit from 0 to 10.
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
British Blue Tube 30TB
Based on Vox® AC30™ Top Boost - Blue Panel
This is a model of a legendary British amplifier, which is one of the most widely recognizable and popular amps
of all time. Throughout its life, its legendary tone helped to put many of rock’s founding fathers (including 4 guys
from Liverpool) on the map and has been a highly sought-after sound that is still heard on many albums today.
BASS: boosts and cuts the bass frequencies of the amp’s EQ stage, from 1 to 10.
TREBLE: boosts and cuts the high frequencies of the amp’s EQ stage, from 1 to 10.
CUT: as on the original, cuts the high frequencies of the amp’s EQ stage when turned down.
SPRING REVERB: sets the level of spring reverb added to the guitar amp sound, from 1 to 10.
VOLUME: adjusts the output level of the power amp stage, from 1 to 10.
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
British Copper 30TB
Based on Vox® AC30™ - Copper Panel
Take yourself back to the ‘60s with this quintessential amp. Not just any version, but an accurate model of the
well-known and loved version of an already spectacular amplifier. If you want some British sound, you can find it
The original copper panel model was non-top boost, and you can find it exactly replicated here when the switch
Top Boost is Off. Turn it On to add the top boost circuit in a second and be then able to adjust your sound with
Bass and Treble pots.
• NORMAL: sets the volume level for the Normal channel. Normal channel has a mellower response when
compared to the Brilliant channel.
• BRILLIANT: sets the volume level for the Brilliant channel.
• VIB -TREM: sets the volume level for the Vibrato and Tremolo channel.
• TOP BOOST: adds the Top Boost circuit in the Brilliant channel signal path. Normal and Vib-Trem channels
are not affected by this.
• BASS: adjusts the level of low frequencies in the sound. Active only on Brilliant channel and only when Top
Boost is On.
• TREBLE: adjust the level of high frequencies in the sound. Active only on Brilliant channel and only when
Top Boost is On.
• TONE: sets the overall brightness of the amp. It is always active, on all channels. When set to Min the amp
is bright, when set to Max the amp is mellower.
• SPEED: sets the speed of the Tremolo or Vibrato effect.
• SWITCH: determines if the Vib-Trem channel will produce a Vibrato or a Tremolo effect.
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
Based on Hiwatt® DR103™ Head
HiAmp is based on one of the most legendary British tube amplifiers. This amp’s full-bodied, warm sound
characterized countless music productions and performances in the 70s and early 80s. The amp was highly
valued for its warm clean and its powerful crunch tones.
NORMAL/BRIGHT: selects normal or bright channel.
NORMAL VOLUME: adjusts the input gain of the normal channel preamp stage from 1 to 10.
BRIGHT VOLUME: adjusts the input gain of the bright channel preamp stage from 1 to 10.
BASS: boosts and cuts the bass frequencies of the amp’s EQ stage from 1 to 10.
TREBLE: boosts and cuts the high frequencies of the amp’s EQ stage from 1 to 10.
MIDDLE: boosts and cuts the mid frequencies of the amp’s EQ stage from 1 to 10.
PRESENCE: determines the amount of high-end frequencies, from 1 to 10.
MASTER VOLUME: adjust the global level, from 1 to 10.
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
Tube Vintage Combo
Based on Supro® Late ‘50s combo
This is a model of a small vintage amplifier that was basic in design, but big in tone. This model is simple but
• PRESENCE: cuts the high frequencies of the amp’s EQ stages when turned down.
• SPRING REVERB: sets the level of spring reverb added to the guitar amp sound, from 1 to 10.
• VOLUME: adjusts the output level of the power amp stage, from 1 to 10.
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
AmpliTube Lead
American Lead MKIII
Based on Mesa/Boogie® Mark III™ Combo (Lead Channel)
This is the lead channel of a renowned three-channel American amplifier, known for excelling at both clean and
lead sounds. This channel can be big and aggressive when you want some California crunch and you can get
smooth, tasty sustained lead sounds too.
This amp is extremely versatile, you can really get almost any type of sound from its incredibly flexible
preamplifier. By calibrating the various gain stages (Volume -> Lead Drive -> Master), by selecting two different
preamp shapes (Rhythm 2), and by adapting the tone with the SHIFT switches, you can really shape your driven
sound in almost all possible ways. Add the final 5 band graphic EQ and the tonal possibilities are really endless.
But be careful, this is not a ‘set and forget’ amp. Being it extremely versatile it can of course be set to a tone
that could be totally far from what is needed on that part. It needs a degree of experimentation and experience
before you can really master it!
• LEAD DRIVE: sets the amount of gain of the lead stage. Increase this to have more sustaining distortion
and decrease it to get a more edgy and crunchy type of distortion.
• VOLUME: sets the gain of the initial stage. This is the gain that comes before all others in the amp signal
• MASTER: sets the power amp level. This is the latest level in the amp signal path. Setting high gains in the
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
preamp (Volume and Lead Drive) and also setting Master to a very high level can result in an overly pushed
sound that could be difficult to obtain a good sound. Keep this at high levels only if Volume and Lead drive
are not so high.
TREBLE: sets the amount of high frequencies on the sound.
BASS: sets the amount of low frequencies on the sound.
MIDDLE: sets the amount of mid frequencies on the sound
BRIGHT: boosts brilliance of the preamp, especially when the Volume control is kept low.
SHIFT (BASS): modifies the frequencies where the Bass control works.
SHIFT (TREBLE): modifies the frequencies where the Treble control works.
RHYTHM 2: when enabled the preamp has even more gain, and slightly changes its tonal character.
DEEP: when enabled the bass response of the amplifier is extended.
EQ: enables the graphic EQ.
PRESENCE: when turned up the amp becomes more present and brighter.
REVERB: controls the amount of reverb coming from the internal spring unit.
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
Brit 8000
Based on Marshall® JCM800™ head
The amp that, although most think of the Plexi’s as the defining tone of a pushed Marshall, in reality it’s the
JCM800 that people are hearing. The JCM800 was the first departure from the Plexi format designed for players
who desired a “hotter” front end and more control over the overall output volume. The result? More preamp
overdrive and crunch at controllable volumes.
SENSITIVITY: switches between High or Low input gain
PRESENCE: boosts high frequencies from 0 to 10.
BASS: boosts and cuts the bass frequencies of the amp’s EQ stage from 0 to 10.
MIDDLE: boosts and cuts the mid frequencies of the amp’s EQ stage from 0 to 10.
TREBLE: boosts and cuts the high frequencies of the amp’s EQ stage from 0 to 10.
MASTER VOLUME: adjusts the final output level of the power amp stage from 0 to 10.
PRE AMP VOLUME: adjusts the input gain of the preamp stage from 0 to 10.
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
Brit 9000
Based on Marshall® JCM900™ head
The Brit 9000 is based upon the early 90s introduction of the “evolution” of the JCM800, the JCM900. This dual
channel, dual reverb head was designed for versatility with channel 1 voiced from clean to low level lead gain
when cranked, and channel 2 voiced with enough gain to provide fearsome lead tones at low gain to screaming
solo tones at high gain.
PRESENCE: boosts high frequencies from 0 to 10.
PRESENCE: boosts high frequencies from 0 to 10.
BASS: boosts and cuts the bass frequencies of the amp’s EQ stage from 0 to 10.
MIDDLE: boosts and cuts the mid frequencies of the amp’s EQ stage from 0 to 10.
TREBLE: boosts and cuts the high frequencies of the amp’s EQ stage from 0 to 10.
MASTER VOLUME: adjusts the final output level of the power amp stage from 0 to 10.
GAIN SENSITIVITY: boosts the input gain of the main preamp stage from 0 to 10.
PRE AMP VOLUME: adjusts the input gain of the main preamp stage from 0 to 10.
POWER LEVEL: switches between High and Low power level.
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
Brit Silver
Based on Marshall® Jubilee™ head
Based on the 1987 Marshall Silver Jubilee commemorating the 25th anniversary of the Marshall company, the
Brit Silver features the 3-gain mode of the preamp circuit “clean”, Rhythm Clip and Lead. The Silver Jubilee was
also the first Marshall to feature an output power section that could be switched from full to 1/2 power, thus
providing that JCM800 tone at reasonable volumes. The Brit Silver faithfully recreates the original Silver Jubilee
down to every minute detail for hyper-real authentic Marshall tone.
PRESENCE: boosts high frequencies from 0 to 10.
BASS: boosts and cuts the bass frequencies of the amp’s EQ stage from 0 to 10.
MIDDLE: boosts and cuts the mid frequencies of the amp’s EQ stage from 0 to 10.
TREBLE: boosts and cuts the high frequencies of the amp’s EQ stage from 0 to 10.
OUTPUT MASTER: adjusts the final output level of the power amp stage from 0 to 10.
PULL CHANNEL: switches between Clean channel and Lead channel
LEAD MASTER: adjusts the final output level of the lead channel from 0 to 10.
INPUT GAIN: adjusts the input gain of the main preamp stage from 0 to 10.
PULL RHYTHM CLIP: adds more gain to the preamp stage.
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
British Tube Lead 1
Based on Marshall® JCM800™ head
Made popular by the hard rockers of the ‘80s this British guitar amp has remained a prized tone for many of
today’s guitar players. Able to crank out great tube saturated tone with ease, this model is a go to amp for a
variety of heavy rock guitar sounds.
GAIN: adjusts the input gain of the preamp stage. Use this setting to drive the preamp stage, from 1 to 10.
BASS: boosts and cuts the bass frequencies of the amp’s EQ stage, from 1 to 10.
MIDDLE: boosts and cuts the mid frequencies of the amp’s EQ stage, from 1 to 10.
TREBLE: boosts and cuts the high frequencies of the amp’s EQ stage, from 1 to 10.
PRESENCE: boost the high frequencies of the EQ stage, from 1 to 10.
SPRING REVERB: sets the level of spring reverb added to the guitar amp sound, from 1 to 10.
VOLUME: adjusts the output level of the power amp stage, from 1 to 10.
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
British Tube Lead 2
Based on Marshall® JCM900™ head
The younger sibling to the British Tube Lead 1, this model is capable of great rock tone, leads, and heavy
crunch. While grittier and a little more aggressive, it still has the classic tone that has made this family of amps a
household name in rock guitar.
GAIN: adjusts the input gain of the preamp stage. Use this setting to drive the preamp stage, from 1 to 10.
BASS: boosts and cuts the bass frequencies of the amp’s EQ stage, from 1 to 10.
MIDDLE: boosts and cuts the mid frequencies of the amp’s EQ stage, from 1 to 10.
TREBLE: boosts and cuts the high frequencies of the amp’s EQ stage, from 1 to 10.
PRESENCE: boost the high frequencies of the EQ stage, from 1 to 10.
SPRING REVERB: sets the level of spring reverb added to the guitar amp sound, from 1 to 10.
VOLUME: adjusts the output level of the power amp stage, from 1 to 10.
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
Custom Modern Hi-Gain
Based on the classic AmpliTube model, this amp features lots of gain for that over the edge distortion sound.
Similar to modern tube lead sound in character, Modern Hi-Gain provides an additional take on that type of
GAIN: adjusts the input gain of the preamp stage. Use this setting to drive the preamp stage, from 1 to 10.
BASS: boosts and cuts the bass frequencies of the amp’s EQ stage, from 1 to 10.
MIDDLE: boosts and cuts the mid frequencies of the amp’s EQ stage, from 1 to 10.
TREBLE: boosts and cuts the high frequencies of the amp’s EQ stage, from 1 to 10.
PRESENCE: boost the high frequencies of the EQ stage, from 1 to 10.
SPRING REVERB: sets the level of spring reverb added to the guitar amp sound, from 1 to 10.
VOLUME: adjusts the output level of the power amp stage, from 1 to 10.
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
Custom Solid State Fuzz
Based on AmpliTube 1’s fuzz amp, this model is a very distinct and distorted sound, reminiscent of ‘60s fuzz
GAIN: adjusts the input gain of the preamp stage. Use this setting to drive the preamp stage, from 1 to 10.
BASS: boosts and cuts the bass frequencies of the amp’s EQ stage, from 1 to 10.
TREBLE: boosts and cuts the high frequencies of the amp’s EQ stage, from 1 to 10.
PRESENCE: boost the high frequencies of the EQ stage, from 1 to 10.
SPRING REVERB: sets the level of spring reverb added to the guitar amp sound, from 1 to 10.
VOLUME: adjusts the output level of the power amp stage, from 1 to 10.
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
Custom Solid State Lead
This model features a precise solid state lead sound. It has a darker tone and excels at high gain lead tones. It is
very suitable for hard rock leads and its gain is very stable, making it easy to use at low volume levels.
GAIN: adjusts the input gain of the preamp stage. Use this setting to drive the preamp stage, from 1 to 10.
BASS: boosts and cuts the bass frequencies of the amp’s EQ stage, from 1 to 10.
TREBLE: boosts and cuts the high frequencies of the amp’s EQ stage, from 1 to 10.
PRESENCE: boost the high frequencies of the EQ stage, from 1 to 10.
SPRING REVERB: sets the level of spring reverb added to the guitar amp sound, from 1 to 10.
VOLUME: adjusts the output level of the power amp stage, from 1 to 10.
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
German 34
Based on Bogner® Ecstasy XTC 3534
Its German creator really put the boutique sound into this amplifier that has everything you need to sculpt
the tone of your dreams to its finest with its EL34-fueled sound. From crystalline cleans to edgy and raging
distortions. It features three channels: the clean green, the famous blue channel overdrive and the red channel
for high gain tones.
• VOL. 1: adjusts the volume for channel 1.
• GAIN 1: adjusts the input gain for channel 1.
• VOL. / GAIN: these are the same controls of the previous, but for both channel 1 and channel 2 depending
on which one is selected.
• TREBLE/MIDDLE/BASS: EQ section available for the three channels. The EQ is designed to be always in
the middle of the two leds of each channel, so you won’t tweak the wrong EQ section.
• CH. SELECT lets you navigate among the three channels.
• BOOST: engages a boost for all channels.
• N/B1/B2 SWITCH: this switch lets you choose between 3 bright modes. N stands for normal and provides
the most natural sound. B1 is brighter and B2 is even brighter than B1.
• PRESENCE: controls the brightness of the power-amp for all the channels.
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
MiniPlex 20
Based on Friedman® Pink Taco PT-20
Super versatile and powered by EL84, this American model provides great tones from blues to heavy metal
with just a few knob tweaks. This model loves to take pedals from Overdrives to Modulation effects and reacts
exceedingly well to the player’s performance with its harmonically rich and resonating tone.
• BASS: This adds or takes away bass or bottom end. As the amp gets louder you may want to back this off
a bit.
• MIDDLE: Adds or takes away midrange. Start at 5 or 6, lower settings will scoop the mids, higher levels will
allow your audience to actually hear the guitar in the mix.
• TREBLE: This adds or takes away treble. Start at 5 and adjust to taste.
• MASTER: This is the MiniPlex 20’s MASTER VOLUME. The more you turn it up the louder it gets.
• GAIN: This adds gain/distortion. Adjust to taste. Don’t be afraid.
• S: Gain structure switch provides three choices of overall gain of the MiniPlex 20.
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
Metal Lead T
Based on MESA/Boogie® Triple Rectifier® (Lead Channel)
This classic amp provides the tightest bass and fastest response, even at extreme speeds and gain. The result
is perfect for speed, thrash, and other aggressive metal styles as well as smoother, cleaner styles, and it is a
must for all modern metal.
GAIN: adjusts the input gain of the preamp stage. Use this setting to drive the preamp stage, from 1 to 10.
BASS: boosts and cuts the bass frequencies of the amp’s EQ stage, from 1 to 10.
MIDDLE: boosts and cuts the mid frequencies of the amp’s EQ stage, from 1 to 10.
TREBLE: boosts and cuts the high frequencies of the amp’s EQ stage, from 1 to 10.
PRESENCE: boost the high frequencies of the EQ stage, from 1 to 10.
SPRING REVERB: sets the level of spring reverb added to the guitar amp sound, from 1 to 10.
VOLUME: adjusts the output level of the power amp stage, from 1 to 10.
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
Metal Lead V
Based on Peavey® 5150® 100W head
Engineered to the exacting demands of some of the greatest guitarists of all time, this amp quickly became a
favorite of tone purists and gain heads alike. Capable of some of the cleanest – or the heaviest – tones of all
GAIN: adjusts the input gain of the preamp stage. Use this setting to drive the preamp stage, from 1 to 10.
BASS: boosts and cuts the bass frequencies of the amp’s EQ stage, from 1 to 10.
MIDDLE: boosts and cuts the mid frequencies of the amp’s EQ stage, from 1 to 10.
TREBLE: boosts and cuts the high frequencies of the amp’s EQ stage, from 1 to 10.
BOTTOM: use this knob to enhance the speaker bottom end resonance.
SPRING REVERB: sets the level of spring reverb added to the guitar amp sound, from 1 to 10.
VOLUME: adjusts the output level of the power amp stage, from 1 to 10.
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
Metal Lead W
Based on Randall® Warhead™
Designed by some of the hardest rockers of the ‘90s, this amp was built for pure metal mayhem. There may be
no heavier, more aggressive amp in the world.
• GAIN: adjusts the input gain of the preamp stage. Use this setting to drive the preamp stage, from 1 to 10.
BASS: boosts and cuts the bass frequencies of the amp’s EQ stage, from 1 to 10.
MIDDLE: boosts and cuts the mid frequencies of the amp’s EQ stage, from 1 to 10.
TREBLE: boosts and cuts the high frequencies of the amp’s EQ stage, from 1 to 10.
BOTTOM: use this knob to enhance the speaker bottom end resonance.
SPRING REVERB: sets the level of spring reverb added to the guitar amp sound, from 1 to 10.
• VOLUME: adjusts the output level of the power amp stage, from 1 to 10.
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
Modern Tube Lead
Based on Mesa-Boogie® Dual Rectifier®
This amp is a model of one of the leaders in hard, driven rock tones made today. Capable of searing leads and
heavy crunch, this amp has been rectified to create a modern rock tone that is hard to beat.
GAIN: adjusts the input gain of the preamp stage. Use this setting to drive the preamp stage, from 1 to 10.
BASS: boosts and cuts the bass frequencies of the amp’s EQ stage, from 1 to 10.
MIDDLE: boosts and cuts the mid frequencies of the amp’s EQ stage, from 1 to 10.
TREBLE: boosts and cuts the high frequencies of the amp’s EQ stage, from 1 to 10.
PRESENCE: boost the high frequencies of the EQ stage, from 1 to 10.
SPRING REVERB: sets the level of spring reverb added to the guitar amp sound, from 1 to 10.
VOLUME: adjusts the output level of the power amp stage, from 1 to 10.
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
Red Pig
Based on Marshall® Major™ head
This gem from the 60s is based on the Marshall Major 200 “Pig” (as it was nicknamed) made famous by players
like Ritchie Blackmore, Jimmy Page, Joe Perry and at times Stevie Ray Vaughan. It was originally produced
for players who needed more stage volume and sported a full 200 watts powered by KT88 power tubes.
Nicknamed “the Pig” because it was a full 3” deeper than Marshalls of the day to accommodate the larger
transformers, it quickly became the favorite of larger venue players.
PRESENCE: boosts high frequencies from 0 to 10.
BASS: boosts and cuts the bass frequencies of the amp’s EQ stage from 0 to 10.
MIDDLE: boosts and cuts the mid frequencies of the amp’s EQ stage from 0 to 10.
TREBLE: boosts and cuts the high frequencies of the amp’s EQ stage from 0 to 10.
VOLUME 1: adjusts the input gain of the “bright” channel 1 from 0 to 10.
VOLUME 1: adjusts the input gain of the “normal” channel 2 from 0 to 10.
1-2 SWITCH: switches between channel 1 and channel 2.
BRIDGE: enables channel bridging. Use the Bridge option to add more drive.
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
SilverPlate 50
Based on PRS® Archon 50
If you are looking for a modern and aggressive, but still versatile sound with the response of a classic amplifier,
this American model is the perfect match for your needs. It’s able to deliver both clear, sparkling cleans and
aggressive overdriven bite.
• PRESENCE/DEPTH: The Presence and Depth controls are global and affect both channels. Presence
affects the upper high-end, and Depth affects the ultra-low frequencies.
• CHANNEL CONTROLS: Each channel is equipped with a Volume, Treble, Middle, Bass, and Master
control. Use the Volume control to adjust the level of preamp gain. Use the Master control to adjust the
overall channel volume. Adjust the tone controls to taste.
• BRIGHT SWITCHES: These switches allow you to set the overall brightness of each channel.
• LEAD/CLEAN SELECTOR: A switch to select which channel is active.
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
SLD 100
Based on Soldano® SLO-100™ Head Model
The SLD 100 is true icon of high-gain tube distortion tone. The design has remained constant for over 20
years, and it is a hallmark of quality and design. It is often regarded as the finest guitar amp in the world. With
the SLD 100 you have separate preamp and master volume controls along with three bands of equalization
and a presence control. The SLD 100 uses the finest military grade components and custom designed
transformers to put the industry’s finest high-gain guitar tone right in your hands.
• BRIGHT-NORMAL: the Bright Switch offers sparkling highs to the Normal channel adding to its versatility.
• CRUNCH-CLEAN: when set to clean, the gain is cut, providing full, clean, undistorted warmth, which is incredibly
responsive and alive. When switched to crunch, the Normal channel responds with higher gain and a tough, metal
edged crunch.
• NORMAL PREAMP: adjusts the input gain of the Normal channel preamp stage from 1 to 11.
• OVERDRIVE PREAMP: adjusts the input gain of the Overdrive channel preamp stage from 1 to 11.
• BASS: boosts and cuts the bass frequencies of the amp’s EQ stage from 1 to 11.
• MIDDLE: boosts and cuts the mid frequencies of the amp’s EQ stage from 1 to 11.
• TREBLE: boosts and cuts the high frequencies of the amp’s EQ stage from 1 to 11.
• NORMAL MASTER: adjusts the final output level of the Normal channel to the power amp stage from 1 to 11.
• OVERDRIVE MASTER: adjusts the final output level of the Overdrive channel to the power amp stage from
1 to 11.
• PRESENCE: boosts high frequencies for both preamp channels from 1 to 11.
• OVERDRIVE-NORMAL: switches between the overdrive and normal channels.
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
VHandcraft 4
Based on Diezel VH4
Still made as in 1992, this is the first iconic amp of a famous German manufacturer that influenced a lot of
modern music’s heavy tones with its meaty sound. The result is articulate and thick. A must have for heavy
Channel Voicing:
• PRESENCE/DEPTH: The Presence and Depth controls are global and affect both channels. Presence
affects the upper high-end, and Depth affects the ultra-low frequencies.
• CHANNEL 1 (Clean): This channel was designed for clean, undistorted sound with high power and good
harmonics. With its gain control to the upper third, it sounds soft and warm. Gain at lower settings produce
more percussive and penetrating clean sounds. Full gain setting makes crunch sounds possible.
• CHANNEL 2 (Crunch): Channel 2 is a blues guitarist’s closest friend. Its dynamic spectrum is especially
beautiful in the lower frequency range. Its gain range goes from clean to distorted. Due to its different
voicing the 2nd channel will sound a little softer than channel one in clean. “Raw” probably best describes
this channel.
• CHANNEL 3 (Distortion): Its concept is heavy rhythm guitar. The distortion is noticeably tighter than in
channel 2. The gain structure of channel 3 is designed to deliver great distorted sound even with guitars
that have relatively low output, like many vintage guitars.
• CHANNEL 4 (Ultra High-Gain): The Solo channel. A little more mid heavy than channel 3, therefore it
punches through the band sound quite well. See channel 3 description for gain control setting. Often a gain
setting near one o’clock is sufficient for absolute high gain distortion. Use the volume control here and for
all other channels to match the individual channel volumes.
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
GAIN: controls the gain in the preamplifier section to get distortion and saturation.
CHANNEL VOLUME: controls the volume of the selected channel.
TREBLE: controls the amount of high frequencies in the selected channel.
MIDDLE: controls the amount of mid frequencies in the selected channel.
BASS: controls the amount of bass frequencies in the selected channel.
DEEP: this is an active bass control for the power amp that adds low end punch to the power amp
centered at 80Hz. It does not alter the dynamic behavior of the power amp.
• PRESENCE: this knob controls the treble part of the power amps tone spectrum. Its frequency centers
at about 4kHz. Treble is produced and dispersed in a very small beam from the speaker, so be sure to
position yourself in the projection area of the speaker when making adjustments.
• MASTER VOLUME: controls the final volume of the Power amplifier(s). The layout of the controls is such
that full volume is achieved at the one o’clock knob setting. Turning the knob further will overdrive the
power amp(s) to create power amp distortion for those of you that prefer this sort of thing. We added this
feature to round out the distortion sound palette on the extreme end. So, you friends of all things vintage
can get colorations and distortion textures that only power amp tubes can deliver. Bring your ear plugs,
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
Vintage Metal Lead
Based on Marshall® JMP100™ head
This amp is based on an all-time classic, from its origin in the ‘70s through Aussie hard rock crazy ‘80s metal
and beyond. Few amps have rocked as hard, for as long.
GAIN: adjusts the input gain of the preamp stage. Use this setting to drive the preamp stage, from 1 to 10.
BASS: boosts and cuts the bass frequencies of the amp’s EQ stage, from 1 to 10.
MIDDLE: boosts and cuts the mid frequencies of the amp’s EQ stage, from 1 to 10.
TREBLE: boosts and cuts the high frequencies of the amp’s EQ stage, from 1 to 10.
PRESENCE: boost the high frequencies of the EQ stage, from 1 to 10.
SPRING REVERB: sets the level of spring reverb added to the guitar amp sound, from 1 to 10.
VOLUME: adjusts the output level of the power amp stage, from 1 to 10.
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
AmpliTube Bass
360Bass Preamp
Based on Acoustic® 360™ Bass Preamp
This amp toured and recorded for years with one of the biggest and bold rock bands ever. Classic rock tones
are a natural with this amp, but it is also known for being used by one of the most famous jazz bassists of all
time. Show no quarter and make your bass kill with this amp-solid state but loud and proud.
When paired with its Matching cabined (1x18” Horn Bass) it can sound really dark when compared to today’s
bass amps, but that’s the magic of it!
• BRIGHT: boosts brilliance of the preamp, especially when the Volume control is kept low.
• VOLUME: sets the overall volume of the amp. Set it low for pure and clean tones and push it for driven
• TREBLE: sets the amount of mid and high frequencies on the sound.
• BASS: sets the amount of low frequencies on the sound.
• RANGE: forms a semi-parametric midrange equalizer together with Effect. Use the Range control to select
the center frequency of the mid frequency equalization process among 5 positions.
• EFFECT: forms a semi-parametric midrange equalizer together with Range. Use Effect boost or cut the
midrange frequencies selected with the Range control.
• FUZZ: turns On the built-in Fuzz effect.
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
• GAIN: sets the output volume of the Fuzz effect.
• ATTACK: sets the type of Fuzz effect that is applied. When set to Min the sound is similar to a smooth
overdrive, when moved toward max the sound gets more aggressive and fuzzy.
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
Green BA250
Based on Trace Elliot® AH250™ Head
This is a model of a solid state powerhouse bass amplifier with great tone-shaping controls, a warm sound
unlike most solid state amps, and a sought-after preamp.
Despite being solid state this amp delivers an incredibly warm and tasteful tone. With its signature “Middle cut
pre shaping” feature will immediately bring you back to ‘80s bass lines!
• GRAPHIC EQUALIZATION: turns On the graphic EQ when enabled.
• MIDDLE CUT PRE-SHAPING: engages a mid frequency shaping that’s very characteristic of this amp.
When it is Off, the preamp is almost flat and natural sounding.
• GAIN: sets the preamp input gain. Follow what the fancy input level LED meter tells… and you can’t go
wrong! Unless you want overdrive it!
• GRAPHIC EQUALIZATION: 11 sliders to create your tone. Only a few graphic EQ have the musical quality
of this powerful sculpting tool.
• BALANCE: it balances the levels when you engage or disable the Graphic EQ.
• LEVEL: overall amp volume. It sets the level that is sent to the power amp stage.
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
New York B750
Based on Aguilar® DB750
This American bass amplifier model is the perfect combination of tubes and MOSFET technology with its
all-tube preamp and discrete MOSFET output section. It takes any bass to its finest with its raw power and
excellent tone, and with its wide frequency response, it’s perfect to be paired with low-tuned or five or six-string
• GAIN: This pot controls the gain of the preamp section. Clean sounds are usually achieved by setting the
input gain around 11 or 12 o’clock. A little bit of musical distortion will occur if set past one or two o’clock.
• BRIGHT: This switch is passive RC pre-emphasis circuit at 5-7 kHz. The bright switch will add a brighter
timbre to the entire range of your bass.
• TREBLE: Tube driven shelving type, boosts up to 12 db. The center frequency is set at 4 kHz.
• MID: Tube driven shelving centered at 400 Hz.
• BASS: Tube driven shelving type, boosts up to 12 db. The center frequency is set at 40 Hz.
• DEEP: The deep switch adds 3db of broadband boost at 30 Hz.
• MASTER: This pot controls the output level to your power amp.
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
Solid State Bass Preamp
This model features a solid-state bass preamp, EQ, and a solid-state power amp module. It cleans up beautifully
and drives just as hard.
GAIN: adjusts the input gain of the preamp stage. Use this setting to drive the preamp stage, from 1 to 10.
BASS: boosts and cuts the bass frequencies of the amp’s EQ stage, from 1 to 10.
MIDDLE: boosts and cuts the mid frequencies of the amp’s EQ stage, from 1 to 10.
TREBLE: boosts and cuts the high frequencies of the amp’s EQ stage, from 1 to 10.
PRESENCE: boosts the high frequencies of the EQ stage, from 1 to 10.
SPRING REVERB: sets the level of spring reverb added to the guitar amp sound, from 1 to 10.
VOLUME: adjusts the output level of the power amp stage, from 1 to 10.
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
AmpliTube SVX
Based on Ampeg® BA500® Model
The SVX-500 is a high quality solid-state bass amp, with a sonic fingerprint that will deliver a big and detailed
sound in any musical situation. Thanks to its powerful preamp sound shaping controls, this amp model will
be great on all musical genres and styles. Its natural cabinet match is the SVX-500 cabinet, but you can get
interesting sounds experimenting with all the included cabs options.
MUTE: is linked with the Amp Module “Peak/Mute” light. Essentially, it mutes the signal at the Amp input.
PAD: reduces the gain of the preamp by 15dB.
PEAK/MUTE LED: this LED turns on when the Mute button is pressed or the preamp is overloaded.
GAIN: controls the gain of the BA-500 preamp from 1 to 10.
BASS: boost and cuts the low frequencies of the amp’s EQ stage from 1 to 10.
ULTRA MID: boost and cuts the mid frequencies of the amp’s EQ stage from 1 to 10.
TREBLE: boost and cuts the high frequencies of the amp’s EQ stage from 1 to 10.
MASTER: controls the volume of the DSP power amp stage from 1 to 10.
LIMIT: enables the limiter in the power amp and is linked with the right side yellow light. This limiter acts
only when the master level is very high and the power amp is pushed at its limit.
• EQ ON: turns on the graphic EQ when pressed.
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
EQ ON LED: turns on when the graphic EQ is enabled.
GRAPHIC EQ SLIDERS: sets the gain for each graphic EQ band from -10 to +10 dB.
POWER SWITCH: turns On or Off the amplifier and it is linked to the Bypass button in the Amp module.
POWER LED: turns on when the Power switch is on “1”.
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
Based on Ampeg® B15R Portaflex “Flip Top”® Model
This is the 1960’s classic bass amplifier, enhanced and improved for the actual musical scenario. This alltube model limited production features the Ampeg® “classic” tube preamp combined with a selectable tube
60W/100W power amplifier. This option gives you the most sought-after vintage bass sound ever. In addition, if
you want to get that unmistakable 60s tone; match it with the SVX-15R cabinet.
ULTRA HI/LO: these two switches control the timbre shaping of the B-15R preamp.
GAIN: controls the gain of the B-15R preamp from 1 to 10.
BASS: boost and cuts the low frequencies of the amp’s EQ stage from 1 to 10.
MID: boost and cuts the mid frequencies of the amp’s EQ stage from 1 to 10.
FREQUENCY: selects a frequency band from 1 to 5 positions. Intervention center-frequencies are: 200,
400, 900, 1.5k or 2.5kHz.
TREBLE: boost and cuts the high frequencies of the amp’s EQ stage from 1 to 10.
MASTER: controls the volume of the power amp stage.
60W / 100W SWITCH: sets the power of the power amp stage. The virtual tubes visually represent the
master value.
POWER SWITCH: turns On or Off the amplifier and it is linked to the Amp Module Mute button. When ON
the mute is Off, and the Amp emits sound. When Power is in the lower position the amp is MUTED and the
Mute switch lights up (on the top frame).
STANDBY: is linked to the Amp Module Bypass button on the top frame. When bypassed the Amp section
is not affecting the sound.
ON/OFF: sets the mode of the Amp.
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
Based on Ampeg® SVT CLASSIC® Model
This is the authentic and classic Ampeg® tube sound. This all-tube bass head delivers a warm, harmonically
rich and punchy sound that is a trademark for the rock bass sound, both live and in the studio. The SVX-CL is
the amp that created the rock bass sound. Its natural speaker match is the SVX-810E or the SVX-410H.
GAIN: controls the gain of the SVT head preamp from 0.0 to 10.0.
ULTRA HI/LO: these two switches control the timbre shaping of the SVT
Classic preamp.
BASS: boost and cuts the low frequencies of the amp’s EQ stage from 0 to 10.
MIDRANGE: boost and cuts middle frequencies of the amp’s EQ stage from 0 to 10.
FREQUENCY: selects the center frequency for the Midrange control from 1 to 5 positions. The numbers
correspond to the following center frequencies as indicated:
∙ 1=220Hz
∙ 2=450Hz
∙ 3=800Hz
∙ 4=1.6kHz
∙ 5=3kHz
• TREBLE: boost and cuts high frequencies of the amp’s EQ stage from 0 to 10.
• MASTER: controls the volume of the DSP power amp stage from 0 to 10.
• STANDBY/POWER: is linked to the Amp Module Bypass button on the top frame. When bypassed the
Amp section is not affecting the sound.
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
• POWER SWITCH: turns On or Off the amplifier and it is linked to the Amp Module Mute button. When it’s
on “1” the mute is Off, and the Amp emits sound.
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
Based on Ampeg® SVT-4 PRO® Model
This is a real all-round high end bass amplifier. It combines a fully featured tube preamp that can really cover any
sound need with a tight solid state power amplifier. The SVX-PRO sound spectrum is wide and rich. You can get
from extremely neutral and transparent sounds to powerful unique tones. Experiment with the SVX-PRO settings
and create your own custom sounds.
MUTE: cuts the signal at the Amp input and it is linked with the Amp Module “Mute” button.
-15dB: reduces the gain of the preamp.
GAIN: controls the gain of the STV-4 preamp from 1 to 10.
PEAK LED: when the preamp is nearing its clipping level this led turns on.
COMPRESSION: sets the SVT preamp internal compressor’s compression level from 0 to 10. At 0 there
will be no compression at all.
ULTRA HI/LO: these two switches control the timbre shaping of the SVT-4 preamp.
BASS: boost and cuts the low frequencies of the amp’s EQ stage from 0 to 10.
MIDRANGE: boost and cuts the mid frequencies of the amp’s EQ stage from 0 to 10.
FREQUENCY: selects the center frequency for the Midrange control from 1 to 5 positions. The numbers
correspond to the following center frequencies as indicated:
∙ 1=220Hz
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
∙ 2=450Hz
∙ 3=800Hz
∙ 4=1.6kHz
∙ 5=3kHz
TREBLE: boost and cuts the high frequencies of the amp’s EQ stage from 0 to 10.
LIMIT DEFEAT: disables the limiter of the Power amp section.
LIMIT LED: turns on when the power amp Limiter starts limiting.
BRIGHT: when enabled adds a more lively top end response to the input signal.
MASTER: controls the volume of the power amp stage.
GRAPHIC EQ SLIDERS: sets the gain for each graphic EQ band from -12 to +12dB.
GRAPHIC EQ LEVEL SLIDER: sets the gain for the graphic EQ stage from -12 to +12dB.
POWER LED: turns on when the power switch is in its upper position, and the Amp is ON.
ACTIVE LED: (in the graphic EQ section). Normally, this LED is on. Clicking on it will disable/enable the
Graphic EQ section and turns Off/On the LED.
POWER SWITCH: linked to the Amp module Bypass button.
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
Based on Ampeg® SVT-VR® Model
The SVX-VR is a vintage reissue of an early 1970’s “Blue-Line” SVT head. The preamp stage, power section,
and even rocker switches emulate the exact signal path, tone, and vibe of the original rock ’n’ roll workhorse.
This is the exact recreation of the 70’s best rock bass amp ever.
Global Controls:
• CH1 / COMBINE / CH2: Selects Channel 1, Combine mode or Channel 2. Combine mode emulates the
bridged input configuration. In this mode the controls of both channels affect the sound.
• NORMAL / BRIGHT: This switch, when engaged (right side down), enables the bright mode. Bright mode
enhances the high frequencies of the input signal.
• POWER SWITCH: turns On or Off the amplifier and it is linked to the Amp Module Mute button. When ON
the mute is Off, and the Amp emits sound. When Power is in the lower position the amp is MUTED and the
Mute switch lights up (on the top frame).
Controls for Channel I:
• ULTRA-HI: this switch, when engaged (right side down), enhances the amount of high frequency output.
The amount of boost is dependent on the setting of the volume control.
• 1•2•3: this switch selects the frequency that will be affected by the midrange knob. The available
frequencies are 220 Hz (left side of the switch engaged), 800 Hz (switch in the center position), or 3 kHz
(right side of the switch engaged).
• BASS-CUT/OFF/ULTRA-LO: engaging the left side of this switch decreases the low frequency output.
Engaging the right side of this switch enhances the low frequency output. The switch is inactive in the
center position.
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
• VOLUME: use this control to adjust the level of the power amp stage.
• TREBLE: use this to adjust the high frequency level. This provides up to 12 dB of boost, or 12 dB of cut at
4 kHz. The high frequency output is flat at the center position.
• MIDRANGE: use this to adjust the midrange frequency level. This provides up to 20 dB of boost, or 20 dB
of cut at the selected frequency. The midrange frequency output is flat at the center position. Rotate the
control counter-clockwise for a “contoured” sound (more distant, less midrange output) or clockwise for a
sound which really cuts through.
• BASS: use this to adjust the low frequency level. This provides up to 12 dB of boost, or 12 dB of cut at 40
Hz. The low frequency output is flat at the center position.
Controls for Channel II:
• ULTRA-HI: this switch, when engaged (right side down), enhances the amount of high frequency output.
The amount of boost is dependent on the setting of the volume control.
• ULTRA-LO: this switch, when engaged (right side down), enhances the low frequency output.
• VOLUME: use this control to adjust the level of the power amp stage.
• TREBLE: use this to adjust the high frequency level. This provides up to 12 dB of boost, or 12 dB of cut at
4 kHz. The high frequency output is flat at the center position.
• BASS: use this to adjust the low frequency level. This provides up to 12 dB of boost, or 12 dB of cut at 40
Hz. The low frequency output is flat at the center position.
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
Officially Certified Ampeg® V-4B® Model
The SVX-4B is an all-tube 100W legend, reissue of the legendary 1971 original, delivering the pure tube vintage
sound and unmistakable grind that earned this classic a place in bass history.
• ULTRA LO: this switch, when engaged (right side down), enhances the amount of low frequency output by
2 dB at 40 Hz and -11 dB cut at 500 Hz.
• 1•2•3 SWITCH: this switch selects the frequency that will be affected by the midrange control. The available
frequencies are:
∙ Left = 220 Hz
∙ Center = 800 Hz
∙ Right = 3 kHz
• ULTRA HI: this switch, when engaged (right side down), enhances the amount of high frequency output by
7 dB at 8 kHz.
• GAIN: this control adjusts the basic level of signal in the preamp.
• BASS: use this to adjust the low frequency level of the amplifier. This provides up to 13 dB of boost, or 12
dB of cut at 40 Hz. The low frequency output is flat at the center position.
• MIDRANGE: use this to adjust the midrange frequency level of the amplifier. This provides up to 11 dB
of boost, or 21 dB of cut at the selected frequency. The midrange frequency output is flat at the center
position. Rotate the control counter-clockwise for a “contoured” sound (more distant, less midrange output)
or clockwise for a sound which really cuts through.
• TREBLE: use this to adjust the high frequency level of the amplifier. This provides up to 14 dB of boost, or
17 dB of cut at 4 kHz. The high frequency output is flat at the center position.
• MASTER: controls the volume of the power amp stage.
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
• POWER SWITCH: turns On or Off the amplifier and it is linked to the Amp Module Mute button. When ON
the mute is Off, and the Amp emits sound. When Power is in the lower position the amp is MUTED and the
Mute switch lights up (on the top frame).
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
Based on Ampeg® HERITAGE B-15N® Model
The SVX-15N features distinct 1964 and 1966 channels, plus flexible Baxandall EQ and selectable bias modes for
ultimate tone control. Built to exacting standards, it meticulously recreates the world’s most recorded bass tone.
Global Controls:
• 1964 CH / 1966 CH: Toggles between the 1964 and 1966 channels.
• 1964 BIAS / 1966 BIAS: Toggles between 1964 cathode bias or 1966 fixed bias.
• ON / OFF: turns On or Off the amplifier and it is linked to the Amp Module Mute button. When ON the
mute is Off, and the Amp emits sound. When Power is in the lower position the amp is MUTED and the
Mute switch lights up (on the top frame).
Controls for 1964 Channel
• VOLUME: Use this control to adjust the level of the power amp stage.
• TREBLE: Use this to adjust the high frequency level of the amplifier. This provides up to 18 dB of boost or
cut at 5 kHz. The high frequency output is flattest at the center position.
• BASS: Use this to adjust the low frequency level of the amplifier. This provides up to 10 dB of boost or cut
at 40 Hz. The low frequency output is flattest at the center position.
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
Controls for 1966 Channel
• VOLUME: Use this control to adjust the level of the power amp stage.
• TREBLE: Use this to adjust the high frequency level of the amplifier. This provides up to 18 dB of boost, or
–30 dB of cut at 5 kHz. The high frequency output is flattest at the center position.
• BASS: Use this to adjust the low frequency level of the amplifier. This provides up to 11 dB of boost or cut
at 40 Hz. The low frequency output is flattest at the center position.
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
AmpliTube TONEX
AmpliTube TONEX is the piece of gear that lets you load your local Tone Models inside AmpliTube 5.
You can find AmpliTube TONEX in the Gear Selector under the “Other” category.
You can place AmpliTube TONEX in any amp slot.
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
When AmpliTube TONEX is loaded, a top bar is available which shows the active Tone Model.
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
By clicking the drop down arrow
Gear Models
, the Amp View is filled with a list of all the Tone Models available in your
Select any Tone Model from this list to load it inside TONEX.
Press the
to close the Tone Models list and return to the Amp View.
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
You can filter the Tone Models’ list by using the filter button.
Press the
to close the filter menu and return to the Tone Model list.
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Press the knob icon
Press the
Gear Models
to show and edit the TONEX chain.
icon to close the TONEX chain.
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
AmpliTube TONEX Parameters
Advanced Parameters
When the ADVANCED PARAMETERS button is pressed a new layer is shown under the CHAIN BAR showing
If the TONE EQ is set to PRE (POST disabled), it’s placed after the NOISE GATE module.
If the TONE EQ is set to POST, it’s placed before the REVERB module.
POST: sets the TONE EQ to be PRE (after NOISE GATE) or POST (before REVERB).
BASS: adjusts the bass frequencies shelf EQ gain from 0 to 10.
BASS FREQ: selects the bass frequency from 75 Hz to 600 Hz.
MID: adjusts the mid frequencies peak EQ gain from 0 to 10.
MID FREQ: selects the mid frequency from 150 Hz to 5 kHz.
MID Q: sets the q of the mid frequencies from 0.2 to 3.0.
TREBLE: adjusts the high frequencies shelf EQ gain from 0 to 10.
TREBLE FREQ: selects the high frequency from 1 kHz to 4 kHz.
PRESENCE: adjusts the presence of the amplifier from 0 to 10.
DEPTH: adjusts the depth of the amplifier from 0 to 10.
MIX: blends the Tone Model signal so that it can be used as parallel processing from 0% to 100%.
RESET CHAIN: resets all parameters of the chain (not only the ADVANCED PARAMETERS) to their default
Depending on the Tone Model GUI the bolded parameters can also be edited directly in the Amp View.
In addition to these there are other two parameters available only in the Amp View:
• GAIN: sets the input gain of the Tone Model from 0 to 10 resulting in more/less saturation.
• VOLUME: adjusts the master volume of the preset with all its modules from 0 to 10.
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
Noise Gate
When the NOISE GATE button is pressed a new layer is shown under the CHAIN BAR showing the available
NOISE GATE parameters.
By pressing the NOISE GATE icon
the NOISE GATE can be turned ON or OFF.
ON/OFF: activates or deactivates the Noise Gate.
THRESHOLD: adjusts the threshold of the gate to filter out noise, from -100 dB to 0 dB.
RELEASE: adjust the release time of the gate from 20 ms to 500 ms.
DEPTH: adjust the amount of noise reduction of the gate from -20 dB to -100 dB.
Depending on the Tone Model GUI the THRESHOLD parameter can also be edited directly from the Amp View
which is found under the NOISE G. label.
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
When the COMPRESSOR button is pressed a new layer is shown under the CHAIN BAR showing the available
COMPRESSOR parameters.
By pressing the COMPRESSOR icon
the COMPRESSOR can be turned ON or OFF.
If the COMPRESSOR is set to PRE (POST disabled) it’s placed before the Tone Model module.
If the COMPRESSOR is set to POST, it’s placed after the Tone Model module.
ON/OFF: activates or deactivates the Compressor.
POST: sets the compressor to be PRE or POST the Tone Model Module
THRESHOLD: adjusts the threshold at which the compressor starts to operate from o dB to -40 dB.
GAIN: adjusts the COMPRESSOR output volume from -30 dB to 0 dB.
ATTACK: adjusts the compresso attack time from 1 ms to 51 ms.
Depending on the Tone Model GUI the THRESHOLD parameter can also be edited directly from the Amp View
where is found under the COMP label.
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
Tone Model
When a Tone Model is selected in the top bar, the TONEX Chain shows the name of the Amp and Cab that are
part of that Tone Model.
When a TONEX instance is loaded in AmpliTube the CAB part of its branch is automatically bypassed to a void
a “double cabinet”. If you want, you can still turn it on any time.
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
When the REVERB button is pressed a new layer is shown under the CHAIN BAR showing the available
REVERB parameters.
By pressing the REVERB icon
the REVERB can be turned ON or OFF.
ON/OFF: activates or deactivates the Reverb.
TYPE: sets the type of reverb between SPRING 1, SPRING 2, SPRING 3, ROOM and PLATE.
TIME: sets the length of the reverb tail from 0 to 10.
PRE DELAY: sets the pre-delay time before the reverb starts.
COLOR: sets the reverb tone from -10 (darker) to +10 (brighter).
MIX: sets the mix amount of the reverb from 0% to 100%.
Depending on the Tone Model GUI, the MIX parameter can also be edited directly from the Amp view which is
found under the REVERB label.
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
Brian May
BM 30
Based on Brian May’s VOX® AC30™
Based on the classic triple VOX® AC30™ setup, this model offers 3 amps to match Brian May’s iconic setup.
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
Based on the custom “Deacy” Amp with variable battery power
The Deacy amp, built in the ‘70s by Queen’s bassist, John Deacon, is a small amp that has a long and surprising
story that led to this one-of-a-kind sound. Brian combines the Deacy’s peculiarities with creativity to get many of
his sounds from the Queen era including sounds resembling woodwinds and brass sounds.
This setup represents the Brian characteristic stereo sound, here’s an example of his typical rig:
Red Special -> Treble Booster -> Deacy
This amp has no control whatsoever, but we’ve added the Battery level to simulate the slight change in tone that
occurs when the battery gets older, a sound that Brian favors at times.
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
Officially Certified Carvin® V3M™ Head Model
The 50 watt V3M amp is the musician’s dream, delivering awesome power with incredible tone including lush
reverb. The V3M is one of the most versatile amplifier. It offers “Pristine Clean” for shimmering highs and deep
bass. Switch the channel to classic rock with the deepest metal crunch or continuous sustain. Or, switch to
another channel for rich harmonics infused from the “Soak” control for rich Jazz or country blues. Each channel
incorporates its own character drive switches - “Bright to Soak” and “Thick” to “Intense” with EQ switches
expanding the tone.
Global Controls:
MASTER VOLUME: adjusts the overall output level, from 0 to 10.
MASTER REVERB: controls the amount of reverb coming from the internal spring unit, from 0 to 10.
CH. : channel selector.
BACK: visualizes the Rear Panel.
Controls for each of the 3 channels:
• DRIVE: adjusts the input gain of the preamp stage. Use this setting to drive the preamp stage, from 0 to
• VOLUME: adjusts the output level of the power amp stage, from 0 to 10.
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
PRESENCE: boost the high frequencies of the EQ stage, from 0 to 10.
BASS: boosts and cuts the bass frequencies of the amp’s EQ stage, from 0 to 10.
MID: boosts and cuts the mid frequencies of the amp’s EQ stage, from 0 to 10.
TREBLE: boosts and cuts the high frequencies of the amp’s EQ stage, from 0 to 10.
EQX: expands the tone adding mid range frequencies.
INTENSE / THICK: (Channel 1 - 2) selects three different drive modes, from Thick to Intense.
BRIGHT / SOAK: (Channel 3) selects three different frequency responses, from Soak to Bright.
Controls for Rear Panel:
POWER MODE: switches the power amp output between 50, 22 and 7 watts.
BOOST SWITCH: enables the power amp stage boost.
BOOST LEVEL: adjusts the power amp boost amount from 0 to 6 dB.
LED ON: turns on the leds behind the grille.
LED RED/BLUE: selects the leds color, Red or Blue.
FRONT: visualizes the front main panel.
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
Dimebag Darrell CFH Collection
Darrell 100
Based on Randall® RG 100 ES™
The iconic 120W solid state amp used by Dimebag Darrell to record the legendary album “Cowboys From Hell”.
REVERB: controls the amount of reverb coming from the internal spring unit from 0 to 10.
PRESENCE: boosts high frequencies above the treble control from 0 to 10.
BASS: boosts and cuts the bass frequencies of the amp’s EQ stage, from 0 to 10.
MID: boosts and cuts the mid frequencies of the amp’s EQ stage from 0 to 10.
TREBLE: boosts and cuts the treble frequencies of the amp’s EQ stage from 0 to 10.
PULL: Activates clipping diodes to add compression and increases sustain for channel 2 (distortion channel).
MASTER: adjusts the overall output level of the power amp stage for the currently selected channel, from 0 to 10.
GAIN: adjusts the input gain of the preamp stage for the currently selected channel, from 0 to 10.
CHANNEL: switches between channel 1 (clean channel) and channel 2 (distortion channel).
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
Jazz Amp 120 CFH
Based on Roland® JC-120™
This versatile clean amp, with its built-in analog chorus and vibrato unit, was used for the recording of clean
parts on the “Cowboys From Hell” album.
• BRIGHT: boosts the brilliance of the preamp, especially when the Volume control is kept low.
• VOLUME: sets the overall amp volume from 0 to 10. The amp remains clean up to volume 3 or 4 and starts
distorting at higher settings.
• DISTORTION: turning this knob up from the minimum position activates the distortion circuit. Higher
settings add increasing amounts of distortion.
• REVERB: controls the amount of reverb from 0 to 10.
• TREBLE: boosts and cuts the high frequencies of the sound from 0 to 10.
• MIDDLE: boosts and cuts the middle frequencies of the sound from 0 to 10.
• BASS: boosts and cuts the low frequencies of the sound from 0 to 10.
• VIB/OFF/CHORUS: this is a three position switch;
∙ When set to Off, the sound will not be affected by chorus or vibrato.
∙ When set to Vib, vibrato will be turned On.
∙ When set to Chorus, chorus will be turned On.
• SPEED: sets the speed of the Vibrato effect from 0 to 10. Note that Chorus has no settings.
• DEPTH: sets the intensity of the Vibrato effect from 0 to 10. Note that Chorus has no settings.
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
Dr. Z Amplification®
MAZ 18 Jr.
Officialli Certified Dr. Z Amplification® MAZ 18 Jr.™ Combo Model
This amp features EL84 output tubes, 12AX7 and 12AT7 preamp tubes, along with a GZ34 rectifier tube, and
delivers a much bigger sound than its 18W rating would indicate. Our model faithfully recreates the smooth
top end and tight bass response of the amp’s tone, as well as its awesome 3D reverb. Whether you’re using
humbuckers or single-coil pickups, the MAZ 18 Jr. will deliver plenty of definition, headroom and signature tone.
• VOLUME: adjusts the input gain of the preamp stage. Use this setting to drive the preamp stage from 0 to
• TREBLE: boosts and cuts the treble frequencies of the amp’s EQ stage from 0 to 10.
• MIDDLE: boosts and cuts the mid frequencies of the amp’s EQ stage from 0 to 10.
• BASS: boosts and cuts the bass frequencies of the amp’s EQ stage from 0 to 10.
• REVERB: sets the level of spring reverb added to the guitar amp sound from 0 to 10.
• CUT: adjusts the high frequencies of the EQ stage, from 0 to 10.
• MASTER: adjusts the output level of the power amp stage from 0 to 10.
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
Z Wreck
Officially Certified Dr. Z Amplification®Z Wreck™ Head Model
It rocks, it twangs, and it provides incredible touch sensitivity to go along with killer tone. Push the volume past
12, on this 30W tube head and it will start getting crunchy. Turn the volume up higher and listen to it scream.
With the amp set for crunch, roll off your guitar volume to get a clean tone without harshness.
CUT: adjusts the high frequencies of the EQ stage, from 0 to 10.
BASS: boosts and cuts the bass frequencies of the amp’s EQ stage from 0 to 10.
TREBLE: boosts and cuts the treble frequencies of the amp’s EQ stage from 0 to 10.
VOLUME: adjusts the input gain of the preamp stage. Use this setting to drive the preamp stage from 0 to
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Gear Models
Officially Certified ENGL® E650™ Head Model
This model is based on the Engl E650 amp head which was designed as an evolution of the previous Savage
technology. The amp design features two switchable channels with selectable HI/LO gain ranges, which share
EQ settings, additional contour and bright switches to fine tune midrange and high end response. This effectively
makes it a four channel amp. For this reason the E650 is capable of a vast array of tones, from sparkling cleans
to bone crunching distortions and lead tones. Many in between and crunch sounds can be found by judiciously
setting the gain and tone controls. .
GAIN LO/HI: selects the gain range for the current channel.
CLEAN/LEAD: toggles between the Clean and Lead channels.
CLEAN: sets the input gain for the Clean channel preamp stage.
LEAD: sets the input gain for the Lead channel preamp stage.
BRIGHT: boosts the high end part of the frequency spectrum, active on Clean channel.
BASS: sets the low end amount for both channels.
MIDDLE: sets the midrange amount for both channels.
TREBLE: sets the high end amount for both channels.
LEAD PRESENCE: sets the high end presence for the Lead channel.
LEAD VOLUME: sets the output level of the Lead channel.
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
• MASTER A LO GAIN: sets the level of the Lo Gain mode for both channels.
• MASTER B HI GAIN: sets the level of the HI Gain mode for both channels.
• CONTOUR: boosts the low end response of the Lead channel.
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
Officially Certified ENGL® Powerball™ Head Model
The Powerball is based on one of the most powerful modern high-gain amplifiers from the Engl brand. It’s
highly regarded for its heavy rhythm tones and its many sound-sculpting options. The Powerball has two main
channels, and then each channel has two different modes. Channel I offers “Clean” and “Crunch,” and Channel
II has “Low Lead” and “High Lead.” The Powerball has the power and flexibility to create everything from
modern super high-gain leads to heavy crunch rhythms to crystal-clear clean tones.
Global Controls:
• CH I/II: selects between Channel I and Channel II.
• OPEN/FOCUSED: this button lets you select between two different midrange styles. Choose open for a
looser tone, focused for a tighter mid-range voicing. It affects all channels.
• GAIN LO/HI. : when you press this button, the input sensitivity of both Main channels is increased. The
Hi-Gain function switches from Clean to Crunch in Channel I, and from Lo Lead to Hi Lead in Channel II.
• PRESENCE: determines the amount of high-end frequencies and affects all channels, from 1 to 10.
• D.-PUNCH: determines the amount of low-end frequencies from 1 to 10. Affects all channels.
• MASTER: adjusts the global output level from 1 to 10.
Controls for Channel I (Clean and Crunch mode):
• CH I GAIN: adjusts the input gain of the channel I preamp stage from 1 to 10.
• BRIGHT: boosts the upper end of the high frequency range.
• BOTTOM: boosts the low end of the frequency range.
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
• BASS: boosts and cuts the bass frequencies of the amp’s EQ stage from 1 to 10.
• MIDDLE: boosts and cuts the mid frequencies of the amp’s EQ stage from 1 to 10.
• TREBLE-CL.: this control boosts and cuts the high frequencies of the amp’s EQ stage when “Clean mode”
is selected. From 1 to 10.
• TREBLE-CR.: this control boosts and cuts the high frequencies of the amp’s EQ stage when “Crunch
mode” is selected. From 1 to 10.
• CL.-VOLUME: adjusts the level of the Clean mode. The green LED to the right of the knob lights up to
indicate Clean mode is on.
• CR.-VOLUME: adjusts the level of the Crunch mode. The green LED to the right of the knob lights up to
indicate Crunch mode is on.
Controls for Channel II (Low Lead and High Lead mode):
CH II GAIN: adjusts the input gain of the channel 2 preamp stage from 1 to 10.
LO LEAD BOTTOM: boosts the low end of the frequency range. (Low Lead mode only)
HI LEAD BOTTOM: boosts the low end of the frequency range. (High Lead mode only)
BASS: boosts and cuts the bass frequencies of the amp’s EQ stage from 1 to 10. (Low Lead and High
Lead mode)
MID-OPEN: this control determines the response of a specific mid frequency range when sound style
“OPEN” is selected. From 1 to 10.
MID-FOCUSED: this control determines the response of a specific mid frequency range when sound style
“FOCUSED” is selected. From 1 to 10.
TREBLE: boosts and cuts the high frequencies of the amp’s EQ stage from 1 to 10.
LO LEAD VOL.: adjusts the level of the Low lead mode. The green LED to the right of the knob lights up to
indicate Low lead mode is on.
HI LEAD VOL.: adjusts the level of the High Lead mode. The green LED to the right of the knob lights up to
indicate High lead mode is on.
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
’57 Deluxe
Officially Certified Fender® ’57 Deluxe™ (Inst. Channel) Model
One of the first amplifiers designed by Leo Fender, and one of the most influential. The Tweed Deluxe provides
classic compressed overdriven tones when cranked, and rich harmonic clean tones when played at low
volumes. The Deluxe is a great amplifier for Chicago-style Blues tones, as well as Country and early Rock and
Roll tones. Today, modern players of all stripes use a Deluxe in the studio to create their own “tone magic.”
• TONE: shifts the tonal balance from low to high frequencies from 1 (low) to 12 (high).
• INST. VOL.: adjusts the output level of the ’57 Deluxe’s power amp stage from 1 to 12.
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
Pro Junior
Officially Certified Fender® Pro Junior™ (Single Channel) Model
The Pro Junior, with its single volume and tone controls, is a unique marriage of classic Fender® tone at low
volumes and angry bite when cranked. This amp is excellent at achieving touch-sensitive overdriven studio
tones, and players everywhere have discovered the simple joys of plugging in and turning up the volume for
simple, pure Blues and Rock performance.
• TONE: shifts the tonal balance from low to high frequencies from 1 (low) to 12 (high).
• VOLUME: adjusts the output level of the Pro Junior’s power amp stage from 1 to 12.
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Gear Models
’64 Vibroverb Custom
Officially Certified Fender® ’64 Vibroverb™ Custom (Vibrato Channel, both Stock and Mod modes) Model
A hand-wired reissue specifically based on Stevie Ray Vaughan’s original Vibroverb, as modified by “Amp
Doctor” Cesar Diaz. Its Blackface circuit and 15” speaker create a shimmering clean tone that is perfect for Jazz
or Country. With the available “Mod” mode, the Vibroverb Custom can create the famous Texas Blues tone with
its touch of preamp tube distortion and punchy mid focus.
BASS: adjusts the bass frequencies of the amp’s EQ stage from 1 to 10.
TREBLE: adjusts the high frequencies of the amp’s EQ stage from 1 to 10.
VOLUME: adjusts the output level of the power amp stage from 1 to 10.
MOD: when engaged, gain is increased, as well as overall brightness. This control also disconnects the
Vibrato controls from the circuit.
• REVERB: controls the amount of Reverb from 1 to 10.
• SPEED: controls the speed of the Vibrato effect from 1 to 10.
• INTENSITY: controls the intensity of the Vibrato effect from 1 to 10.
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
’65 Deluxe Reverb
Officially Certified Fender® ’65 Deluxe Reverb® Model
A true classic that delivers classic Country and Rock tones from Nashville to Liverpool. The Deluxe Reverb has
a bright, punchy attack that is perfect for finger-picking, Garage-Rock... just about anything. The Deluxe Reverb
is an amp that has been used on countless recordings due to its pure tube tone, great Reverb and Tremolo, and
amazing versatility.
Bass: adjusts the bass frequencies of the amp’s EQ stage from 1 to 10.
Treble: adjusts the high frequencies of the amp’s EQ stage from 1 to 10.
Volume: adjusts the output level of the power amp stage from 1 to 10.
Reverb: controls the amount of Reverb from 1 to 10.
Speed: controls the speed of the Vibrato effect from 1 to 10.
Intensity: controls the intensity of the Vibrato effect from 1 to 10.
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
’65 Twin Reverb
Officially Certified Fender® ’65 Twin Reverb® (Vibrato Channel) Model
One of the most distinctive amps of all time. It delivers a shimmering, pure clean tone that is perfect for any style
of music, yet it will bark when turned up to arena volume. The Twin Reverb® is known as the first popular “builtin effects” amp, with world-standard Fender® Reverb and Tremolo. This is also a great amplifier for accentuating
the character of external stomp boxes, making it an incredibly versatile platform to build on.
BRIGHT: provides a high-frequency presence boost.
BASS: adjusts the bass frequencies of the amp’s EQ stage from 1 to 10.
MID: adjusts the mid frequencies of the amp’s EQ stage from 1 to 10.
TREBLE: adjusts the high frequencies of the amp’s EQ stage from 1 to 10.
VOLUME: adjusts the output level of the power amp from 1 to 10.
REVERB: controls the amount of Reverb from 1 to 10.
SPEED: controls the speed of the Vibrato effect from 1 to 10.
INTENSITY: controls the intensity of the Vibrato effect from 1 to 10.
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Gear Models
Officially Certified Fender® Super-Sonic™ “Burn” Channel Model
A marriage of classic Fender® tone and modern versatility, perfect for everything from vintage clean tones to
70’s-style Classic Rock crunch to modern Metal and Punk. Its independent cascading gain stages and custom
EQ allow guitarists to create a huge variety of both vintage and modern harder-edged distorted tones, all while
retaining that unmistakable Fender® character.
GAIN 1: adjusts the input gain of the first set of preamp stages from 1 to 10.
GAIN 2: adjusts the input gain of the second set of preamp stages from 1 to 10.
BASS: adjusts the bass frequencies of the amp’s EQ stage from 1 to 10.
MIDDLE: adjusts the mid frequencies of the amp’s EQ stage from 1 to 10.
TREBLE: adjusts the high frequencies of the amp’s EQ stage from 1 to 10.
VOLUME: adjusts the output level of the power amp stage from 1 to 10.
REVERB: controls the amount of Reverb from 1 to 10.
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Gear Models
Officially Certified Fender® Vibro-King® Custom Model
This modern Fender® classic provides incredible clean tones, unequalled touch sensitivity, and a thick overdrive
character that will inspire artistic inspiration for any player. Engaging the FAT switch helps boost it into classic
Rock distortion. The Vibro-King® also contains Fender®’s unique ’63 Reverb circuit, which means this amplifier
is a perfect choice for Country, Blues, and Surf players, as well.
DWELL: controls the amount of the reverb effect from 1 to 10.
MIX: adjusts the amount of Reverb mixed into the output signal from 1 to 10.
TONE: adjusts the tone of the Reverb signal from 1 to 10.
FAT: boosts preamp gain in the mid-frequency range, for classic overdriven tones.
VOLUME: adjusts the loudness of the amplifier from 1 to 10.
BASS: adjusts the bass frequencies of the amp’s EQ stage from 1 to 10.
MIDDLE: adjusts the mid frequencies of the amp’s EQ stage from 1 to 10.
TREBLE: adjusts the high frequencies of the amp’s EQ stage from 1 to 10.
SPEED: adjusts the rate of the Vibrato effect from 1 to 10.
INTENSITY: adjusts the depth of the Vibrato effect from 1 to 10.
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
’59 Bassman
Officially Certified Fender® ’59 Bassman® LTD (Bright Channel) Model
Quite possibly the most famous guitar amp of all time, the tweed Bassman® is considered a must-have for any
serious tone connoisseur. Originally conceived in the 1950s to amplify the newly invented Fender® Precision
Bass® guitar, it was quickly adopted by guitarists who found that it was able to provide shimmering clean tones
and a cranked up “crunch” tone that lent itself perfectly to Rock and Roll. That tone became the basis for the
famous British “stacks” of the 60s and beyond. Played clean or distorted from Rock to Blues to Country, with or
without external effects, the ’59 Bassman® is the foundation for a wide variety of great tones.
PRESENCE: boosts the high frequencies of the EQ stage from 1 to 12.
BASS: adjusts the bass frequencies of the amp’s EQ stage from 1 to 12.
MIDDLE: adjusts the mid frequencies of the amp’s EQ stage from 1 to 12.
TREBLE: adjusts the high frequencies of the amp’s EQ stage from 1 to 12.
VOLUME: adjusts the output level of the Bassman®’s power amp stage from 1 to 12.
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
Bassman 300
Officially Certified Fender® Bassman® 300 (Channels 1&2) Model
The Bassman® 300 PRO produces warm all-tube bass tone and combines it with modern flexibility. Features
like 10-band graphic EQ, mid-notch switch (great for slap playing), two-band studio-grade compressor, and
clean and overdrive channels make the Bassman® 300 a great choice for any bass player.
CH 1 VOLUME: adjusts the loudness of channel 1 from 1 to 10.
CH 2 GAIN: adjusts the channel 2 gain/distortion level from 1 to 10.
CH 2 VOLUME: adjusts the loudness of channel 2 from 1 to 10.
CH 1 / 2 MIX: mixes the channel 1 (clean) and channel 2 (overdrive) output levels.
LOW: adjusts the Low frequencies of the amp’s EQ stage from 1 to 10.
HIGH: adjusts the High frequencies of the amp’s EQ stage from 1 to 10.
DEEP: low frequency boost when this button is IN.
BRIGHT: high frequency boost when this button is IN.
MID NOTCH: reduces the mid-frequency tones.
GRAPHIC: activates the graphic equalizer.
GRAPHIC EQ: the 10 band-pass / band-reject filters are spaced at octave intervals. Adjusts selected
frequencies cut and boost from 1 to 10.
• LOW COMP: adjusts the compression ratio below 400Hz. Clockwise rotation increases the amount of
compression from 1 to 10.
• COMP: activates the Compressor(s).
• HIGH COMP: adjusts the compression ratio above 400Hz from 1 to 10.
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
• COMP EQ BAL: mixes the low and high compressor balance from 1 to 10.
• COMP GAIN TRIM: this knob adjusts gain to compensate for any level imbalance when the compression
circuitry has been engaged from 1 to 10.
• MASTER VOLUME: adjusts the overall loudness of the amplifier from 1 to 10.
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
Champion 600
Officially Certified Fender® Champion™ 600 Model
The Champion™ 600 is an updated version of the classic Fender® practice amp, providing slightly more gain
than the original model. With only a volume control, a clean, simple circuit with just one power tube and low
wattage, its distinctive reedy tone has been used on countless Classic Rock recordings.
VOLUME: adjusts the volume of the amp from 1 to 12.
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Gear Models
MH-500 Metalhead
Officially Certified Fender® MH-500 Metalhead™ (Loose Channel) Model
Designed from the ground up to provide the perfect amp for modern down-tuned and 7-string guitarists, with a
searing gain and a punishing low end that is perfect for more aggressive styles of Rock and Metal. Its solid-state
power amp gives enough headroom for incredible note definition even when distorted, and the preamp has an
unmatched amount of gain for lead players.
DRIVE: adjusts the amount of preamp distortion from low to high.
PRESENCE: boosts the high frequencies of the EQ stage from low to high.
BASS: adjusts the bass frequencies of the amp’s EQ stage from low to high.
MIDDLE: adjusts the mid frequencies of the amp’s EQ stage from low to high.
TREBLE: adjusts the high frequencies of the amp’s EQ stage from low to high.
MASTER VOLUME: adjusts the output level of the power amp stage from low to high.
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Gear Models
Officially Certified Fender® TBP-1 Pre-amp (Vintage Tube and Overdrive Channels) Model
The TBP-1 is a truly professional tube bass preamp designed around Fender®’s passive tone stack (used in
classic designs such as the Twin Reverb® and Showman®) which delivers creamy tube tone while allowing the
color of the instrument to shine through. A tube overdrive section adds “bite”, while the Vari-Q™ circuit provides
modern active tone shaping. Thick, natural and balanced; the TBP-1 is an amazing device for creating great
bass tone.
VOLUME: adjusts the loudness of the Vintage Tube Channel.
BASS: adjusts the bass frequencies of the EQ stage from 1 to 10.
DEEP: Extends the Bass EQ range.
MIDDLE: adjusts the mid frequencies of the EQ stage from 1 to 10.
TREBLE: adjusts the high frequencies of the EQ stage from 1 to 10.
BRIGHT: Extends the Treble EQ range.
ON (TUBE OVERDRIVE): switches between the Vintage and Tube Overdrive Channels.
GAIN: adjusts the Tube Overdrive distortion level from 1 to 10.
VOLUME: adjusts the loudness of the Tube Overdrive channel from 1 to 10.
BLEND: adjusts the mix of clean vintage tube tone with overdriven tube tone when the Tube Overdrive is
ON (VARI-Q): enables VariQ™ semi-parametric EQ section.
FREQ: selects the center of frequency range that the Level knob controls.
LEVEL: adjusts the amount of boost or cut (±15dB) at the frequency selected by the Freq control.
ROOM BALANCE: adjusts the Room Balance EQ. At the center position, the effect is neutral. Turned
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
clockwise, highs are emphasized (bright), while deemphasizing lows (deep). Turned clockwise, lows are
emphasized (deep), while de-emphasizing highs (bright).
• MUTE: mutes the amplifier while leaving it turned on.
• MASTER VOLUME: adjusts the overall loudness of the amplifier from 1 to 10.
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
’65 Princeton
Officially Certified Fender® ’65 Princeton® Reverb Model
For anybody who craves top – notch tube driven tone, naturally dynamic clean, overdriven tones, and
unmistakable long Fender spring reverb and tube vibrato, here is the new ’65 Princeton Reverb Vintage Reissue.
The legendary Princeton Reverb of the 1960s was originally intended for practice purposes, but thanks to its big
tube tone and the countless guitarists that chose it as a studio amp, the ’65 Princeton Reverb became one of
the legendary prize collectibles among Fender amps.
VOLUME: adjusts the volume of the power amp stage. Use this setting to drive the amp from 1 to 10.
TREBLE: boosts and cuts the high frequencies of the amp’s EQ stage, from 1 to 10.
BASS: boosts and cuts the bass frequencies of the amp’s EQ stage, from 1 to 10.
REVERB: sets the level of spring reverb added to the guitar amp sound from 1 to 10.
SPEED: adjusts rate of the vibrato. Use this setting to set the rate of the vibrato from 1 to 10.
INTENSITY: adjusts the amount of the vibrato. Use this set to amount of vibrato from 1 to 10.
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
’57 Champ
Officially Certified Fender® ’57 Champ™ Model
Out of the late 1950s comes the prized compact tweed amp that is revered for both practice and recording
because of its low, 5-watt output. With the volume turned all the way up, you can manipulate your tone using
the guitar’s own controls to go from glassy clean to bluesy overdrive with the amp reacting to the input signal
just the way you want it to. Small but mighty, the ‘57 Champ is a true classic that belongs in the amp collection
of every dedicated guitarist.
• VOLUME: adjusts the volume to the power amp stage. Use this setting to drive the amp from 1 to 10.
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
’57 Custom Champ
Officially Certified Fender® ’57 Custom Champ® Model
Probably THE most recorded amp of all time, the Fender Champ provides an amazingly diverse tone palette
for a small, single knob amp. The ’57 Custom Champ is the perfect companion for those who love dynamic,
overdriven tones and crisp, classic cleans.
• 1/2 switch: selects between inputs 1 and 2 allowing different tonal characters.
• VOLUME: sets the volume of the amplifier; as the control is turned up the amount of power amp saturation
increases, resulting in more distortion.
• ON/OFF switch: bypasses or enables the amplifier.
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
’57 Custom Deluxe
Officially Certified ’57 Custom Deluxe™ Model
One of the most loved Fender tweeds of all time, the ’57 Custom Deluxe has it all – virtually everything from
sparkling cleans to major crunch and everything in between. The hand-wired all-tube 5E3 circuit is pure magic at
all volume levels.
• INST/MIC switch: selects between the instrument and mic channels, allowing different tonal characters
and gain levels.
• BRIDGE/SINGLE switch: allows you to bridge the two channels with the special jumper cable sitting on
top of the amp. This can also be achieved by clicking directly on the cable itself. Bridging the channels will
result in summing the gain stages of the two channels for increased distortion and overall fatter tone.
• TONE: regulates the tonal character of the amplifier; counterclockwise position is the darkest tone, getting
brighter as the control is turned up.
• INST. VOL: sets the volume of the amplifier when the Instrument Channel is engaged; as the control is
turned up the amount of power amp saturation increases, resulting in more distortion.
• MIC. VOL: sets the volume of the amplifier when the Microphone Channel is engaged; as the control is
turned up the amount of power amp saturation increases, resulting in more distortion.
• ON/OFF switch: bypasses or enables the amplifier.
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
’57 Custom Twin-Amp
Officially Certified ’57 Custom Twin-Amp™ Model
The ’57 Custom Twin-Amp is the original “low-powered” 40W tweed beauty known for its sweet, singing tone
and responsive dynamics. The Tweed Twin delivers a luxurious clean tone that adds some richness, clarity and
BRIGHT /NORMAL switch: allows you to select between the Bright or Normal channel.
PRESENCE: controls the overall amount of brightness and presence of the amp’s tone.
BASS: controls the amount of low end of the tone.
TREBLE: controls the amount of high end in amp’s tone.
VOL. BRIGHT: sets the volume of the amplifier when the Bright Channel is engaged; as the control is
turned up the amount of power amp saturation increases, resulting in more distortion; as in all non master
volume amplifiers, the amount of distortion is also influenced by the level of the Bass and Treble controls.
• VOL. NORMAL: sets the volume of the amplifier when the Normal Channel is engaged; as the control is
turned up the amount of power amp saturation increases, resulting in more distortion; as in all non master
volume amplifiers, the amount of distortion is also influenced by the level of the Bass and Treble controls.
• ON/OFF switch: bypasses or enables the amplifier.
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
’57 Custom Pro-Amp
Officially Certified ’57 Custom Pro-Amp Model
The ’57 Custom Pro is based on the original Pro of the 50s, known for its rich harmonic content and it
possesses a legendary flexible and vintage sound. The creamy overdrive and smooth presence are perfect for all
vintage tones, and incredible for modern sounds.
• INST/MIC switch: selects between the instrument and mic channels, allowing different tonal characters
and levels of gain.
• BRIDGE/SINGLE switch: allows you to bridge the two channels with the special jumper cable sitting on
top of the amp. This can also be achieved by clicking directly on the cable itself. Bridging the channels will
result in summing the gain stages of the two channels for increased distortion and overall fatter tone.
• PRESENCE: controls the overall amount of brightness and presence of the amp’s tone.
• BASS: controls the amount of low end of the tone.
• TREBLE: controls the amount of high end in amp’s tone.
• INST. VOL: sets the volume of the amplifier when the Bright Channel is engaged; as the control is turned
up the amount of power amp saturation increases, resulting in more distortion; as in all non master volume
amplifiers, the amount of distortion is also influenced by the level of the Bass and Treble controls.
• MIC. VOL: sets the volume of the amplifier when the Normal Channel is engaged; as the control is turned
up the amount of power amp saturation increases, resulting in more distortion; as in all non master volume
amplifiers, the amount of distortion is also influenced by the level of the Bass and Treble controls.
• ON/OFF switch: bypasses or enables the amplifier.
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
’57 Bandmaster
Officially Certified ’57 Bandmaster™ Model
The ’57 Bandmaster provides Vintage blues tone through a 3x10 set-up and hand-wired all tube construction.
Designed as a “plug straight in and turn it up” amp, the sound is flexible and fills the room with its vibe, giving
the impression of a 3D surround sound.
• INSTRUMENT/MIC switch: selects between the instrument and mic channels, allowing different tonal
characters and levels of gain.
• BRIDGE/SINGLE switch: allows you to bridge the two channels with the special jumper cable sitting on
top of the amp. This can also be achieved by clicking directly on the cable itself. Bridging the channels will
result in summing the gain stages of the two channels for increased distortion and overall fatter tone.
• PRESENCE: controls the overall amount of brightness and presence of the amp’s tone.
• BASS: controls the amount of low end of the tone.
• TREBLE: controls the amount of high end in amp’s tone.
• INST. VOL: sets the volume of the amplifier when the Bright Channel is engaged; as the control is turned
up the amount of power amp saturation increases, resulting in more distortion; as in all non master volume
amplifiers, the amount of distortion is also influenced by the level of the Bass and Treble controls.
• MIC. VOL: sets the volume of the amplifier when the Normal Channel is engaged; as the control is turned
up the amount of power amp saturation increases, resulting in more distortion; as in all non master volume
amplifiers, the amount of distortion is also influenced by the level of the Bass and Treble controls.
• ON/OFF switch: bypasses or enables the amplifier.
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
’65 Super Reverb
Officially Certified ’65 Super Reverb® Model
The ’65 Super Reverb is another classic collectible workhorse amp that has a special place in tone history and
in the hearts of players everywhere. With shimmering tone and vintage overdrive, this legendary blackface amp
is a medium output stage-filling sound machine.
• BRIGHT switch: engages the Bright circuit increasing the overall high end of the amplifier
• VOLUME: sets the output volume of the amplifier. As the knob is turned up the output level of the amplifier
will increase but also become more distorted as the power tubes clip and saturate.
• TREBLE: controls the level of the high end; adjust carefully to avoid harsh and unbalanced tone, especially
if the Bright switch is enabled.
• MIDDLE: controls the level of the mids in the amp’s tone, where fully counterclockwise positions will result
in a more hollow sound, while fully clockwise allows you to achieve more body and thickness.
• BASS: sets the low end of the tone, adjust to taste and to suit the tone of the guitar you are using.
• REVERB: controls the amount of the spring reverb mixed in with the direct, dry sound of the amplifier.
• SPEED: controls the speed of the opto tremolo effect onboard the amp. Low values will result in a slow
tremolo effect, while higher values will increase the speed for a more pronounced effect.
• INTENSITY: controls the depth of the tremolo effect. Higher values will produce a more pronounced and
choppy effect on the sound.
• ON/OFF switch: bypasses or enables the amplifier.
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
’53 Bassman
Officially Certified ’53 Bassman® Model
This model is based on an original Fender Bassman 26-watt 1x15” speaker bass amp, the first Fender bass
amp ever created. It features an “aging” switch that lets you toggle between “new-old stock” or “worn” vintage
for that well-aged, broken-in sound.
• TONE: controls the tone circuit of the amp, lower values will result in a darker, rounder tone, while higher
values will allow more high end to pass through.
• VOLUME: controls the output level of the amplifier. Turning this control up will also increase the power
tubes saturation for more distortion as volume gets louder.
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
• ON/OFF switch: bypasses or enables the amplifier.
• NEW/WORN OUT switch: switches between the “new old stock” version of the amp for the original sound
and the “aged components” one which produces a more “lo-fi” sound with earlier breakup and an overall
dirtier tone. GUI switches accordingly.
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
MB 150 S
Officially Certified Gallien-Krueger® MB150S™ Model
This is a rendition of “the” bass combo for double bass. The tone doesn’t stop there, though. Electric bassists
have used this tiny but mighty (and toneful) combo amp with great success. Great things can come in small
sizes, and can sound surprisingly big and full.
• VOLUME: sets the gain of the preamp stage.
• CONTOUR: set it at min for a flat and natural sound, rise it to gradually mix in a midrange scoop that
makes the tone more big and “processed.”
• HI BOOST: delivers a gradual boost on mid and high frequencies.
• LOW CUT ON/OFF: when enabled extremely low frequencies are removed by the preamp. This is to avoid
overloading the amp because of unwanted low frequencies content.
• TREBLE: sets the amount of high frequencies on the sound.
• HI MIDDLE: sets the amount of mid high frequencies on the sound.
• LOW MIDDLE: sets the amount of mid low frequencies on the sound.
• BASS: sets the amount of low frequencies on the sound.
• OUTPUT LEVEL: sets the volume of the power amp stage.
• LIMITER: enables the built-in Limiter. When enabled the power amp is protected from overloading.
• LIMITER LEVEL: sets the threshold for the limiter to trigger in. When set lower the limiter will trigger in
sooner, and when set to higher values the limiter will trigger in at higher levels.
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
Jet City Amplification 333®
Officially Certified Jet City Amplification 333® JCA20H™ Head Model
Pure, simple and full of tube tone, JCA20H is a single-channel amp with absolutely no gimmicks or unnecessary
features that might otherwise dilute the all-tube signal path. With full EQ control and separate Preamp and
Master volumes, JCA20H can deliver tones from spanky clean through crunchy overdrive.
PREAMP GAIN: adjusts the input gain of the preamp stage from 1 to 9.
BASS: boosts and cuts the bass frequencies of the amp’s EQ stage from 1 to 9.
MIDDLE: boosts and cuts the mid frequencies of the amp’s EQ stage from 1 to 9.
TREBLE: boosts and cuts the high frequencies of the amp’s EQ stage from 1 to 9.
MASTER VOLUME: adjusts the final output level of the power amp stage from 1 to 9.
PRESENCE: boosts high frequencies for both preamp channels from 1 to 9.
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
Officially Certified Jet City Amplification 333® JCA100H™ Head Model
With two channels of Soldano tone and its pure tube power, this amp was made for the big stage. The Normal
channel has plenty of headroom to deliver clear, bright clean tones and can also be driven hard enough to get
downright raunchy. The Overdrive channel is based on the the circuit that made Soldano famous.
• NORMAL-OVERDRIVE: the Bright Switch offers sparkling highs to the Normal channel adding to its
• NORMAL PREAMP: adjusts the input gain of the Normal channel preamp stage from 1 to 9.
• OVERDRIVE PREAMP: adjusts the input gain of the Overdrive channel preamp stage from 1 to 9.
• BASS: boosts and cuts the bass frequencies of the amp’s EQ stage from 1 to 9.
• MIDDLE: boosts and cuts the mid frequencies of the amp’s EQ stage from 1 to 9.
• TREBLE: boosts and cuts the high frequencies of the amp’s EQ stage from 1 to 9.
• NORMAL MASTER: adjusts the final output level of the Normal channel to the power amp stage from 1 to
• OVERDRIVE MASTER: adjusts the final output level of the Overdrive channel to the power amp stage from
1 to 9.
• PRESENCE: boosts high frequencies for both preamp channels from 1 to 9.
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
Jimi Hendrix
American Vintage B
Based on Fender® Bassman®
The design of this amp influenced many of its successors and was used by Jimi Hendrix in the studio recording
of “Voodoo Child”.
GAIN: adjusts the input gain of the preamp stage. Use this setting to drive the preamp stage, from 1 to 10.
BASS: boosts and cuts the bass frequencies of the amp’s EQ stage, from 1 to 10.
MIDDLE: boosts and cuts the mid frequencies of the amp’s EQ stage, from 1 to 10.
TREBLE: boosts and cuts the high frequencies of the amp’s EQ stage, from 1 to 10.
PRESENCE: boost the high frequencies of the EQ stage, from 1 to 10.
VOLUME: adjusts the output level of the power amp stage, from 1 to 10.
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
American Vintage D
Base on Fender® Dual Showman®
Jimi Hendrix acquired this 100 watt amp in 1968 and used it in 1968-1969 with the Experience tour, together
with an assortment of other amps. The amp sported a built-in spring reverb unit..
GAIN: adjusts the input gain of the preamp stage. Use this setting to drive the preamp stage, from 1 to 10.
BASS: boosts and cuts the bass frequencies of the amp’s EQ stage, from 1 to 10.
MIDDLE: boosts and cuts the mid frequencies of the amp’s EQ stage, from 1 to 10.
TREBLE: boosts and cuts the high frequencies of the amp’s EQ stage, from 1 to 10.
PRESENCE: boost the high frequencies of the EQ stage, from 1 to 10.
SPRING REVERB: sets the level of spring reverb added to the guitar amp sound, from 1 to 10.
VOLUME: adjusts the output level of the power amp stage, from 1 to 10.
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
American Vintage T
Based on Fender® Twin Reverb®
This was Jimi Hendrix’s amp of choice during 1965 through 1966. It included a spring reverb.
GAIN: adjusts the input gain of the preamp stage. Use this setting to drive the preamp stage, from 1 to 10.
BASS: boosts and cuts the bass frequencies of the amp’s EQ stage, from 1 to 10.
MIDDLE: boosts and cuts the mid frequencies of the amp’s EQ stage, from 1 to 10.
TREBLE: boosts and cuts the high frequencies of the amp’s EQ stage, from 1 to 10.
PRESENCE: boost the high frequencies of the EQ stage, from 1 to 10.
SPRING REVERB: sets the level of spring reverb added to the guitar amp sound, from 1 to 10.
VOLUME: adjusts the output level of the power amp stage, from 1 to 10.
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
British Lead S100
Based on Marshall® 1959 JTM100™ Super Lead
This amp is modeled on the Classic British 100 watt amp Jimi Hendrix is generally associated with. Jimi Hendrix
often used multiple amp heads (up to 6) looping them together to get more power, a setup that can be recreated
in AmpliTube 5 because of its dual rig capability.
GAIN: adjusts the input gain of the preamp stage. Use this setting to drive the preamp stage, from 1 to 10.
BASS: boosts and cuts the bass frequencies of the amp’s EQ stage, from 1 to 10.
MIDDLE: boosts and cuts the mid frequencies of the amp’s EQ stage, from 1 to 10.
TREBLE: boosts and cuts the high frequencies of the amp’s EQ stage, from 1 to 10.
PRESENCE: boost the high frequencies of the EQ stage, from 1 to 10.
SPRING REVERB: sets the level of spring reverb added to the guitar amp sound, from 1 to 10.
VOLUME: adjusts the output level of the power amp stage, from 1 to 10.
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
JH 1200
Based on Sunn® 1200S™
The JH 1200 is an high-powered tube bass head. Concertgoers at any Hendrix show between 1967 and
1968 would have seen an entire backline consisting of Sunn amps and cabinets. As with many amps from the
psychedelic era, the ultra-loud 1200 was popular with both guitarists and bass players.
• VOLUME: adjusts the input gain of the preamp stage. Use this setting to drive the preamp stage, from 0 to
• TREBLE: boosts and cuts the very high frequencies of the amp’s EQ stage, from 0 to 10.
• BASS: boosts and cuts the bass frequencies of the amp’s EQ stage, from 0 to 10.
• CONTOUR: boosts and cuts the mid and high frequencies of the amp’s EQ stage, from 0 to 10.
• RATE: sets the speed of the tremolo effect, from 0 to 10.
• DEPTH: sets the intensity of the Tremolo, from 0 to 10.
• REVERB: sets the level of spring reverb added to the guitar amp sound, from 0 to 10.
• MID BOOST: Boosts the mid frequencies.
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
JH Gold
Based on Marshall® JTM45™
“The” amp that Jimi Hendrix used almost exclusively from 1968 on. He liked to crank it to full volume and chain
multiple heads to produce a huge, mind-blowing wall of sound. The new model has been reworked from the
ground up, using IK’s DSM™ and SCC™ modeling technologies, and includes both the Normal and Treble
channels, plus fully modeled channel bridging.
PRESENCE: boosts the high frequencies of the EQ stage, from 0 to 10.
BASS: boosts and cuts the bass frequencies of the amp’s EQ stage, from 0 to 10.
MIDDLE: boosts and cuts the mid frequencies of the amp’s EQ stage, from 0 to 10.
TREBLE: boosts and cuts the high frequencies of the amp’s EQ stage, from 0 to 10.
HI TREBLE (Loudness 1): adjusts the input gain of the preamp stage. Use this setting to drive the Hi
Treble Channel, from 0 to 10.
• NORMAL (Loudness 2): adjusts the input gain of the preamp stage. Use this setting to drive the Normal
Channel, from 0 to 10.
• NORMAL - Hi TREBLE SWITCH: switches between Normal and High Treble Channel.
• BRIDGE: enables channel bridging. Use the Bridge option to add more drive.
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
Based on Silvertone® Twin Twelve 1484™
A 60W tube head which Hendrix used in the early part of his career. The amp produces a powerful clean sound,
as well as a gritty distortion that has stood the test of time from the psychedelic era through the Grunge period
and into today’s modern rock.
Global Controls:
• CH.1 - CH.2 SWITCH: switches between Channel One and Channel Two.
Controls for Channel One:
• VOLUME: adjusts the input gain of the preamp stage. Use this setting to drive the preamp stage, from 0
to 10.
• BASS: boosts and cuts the bass frequencies of the amp’s EQ stage, from 0 to 10.
• TREBLE: boosts and cuts the high frequencies of the amp’s EQ stage, from 0 to 10.
Controls for Channel Two:
• VOLUME: adjusts the input gain of the preamp stage. Use this setting to drive the preamp stage, from 0
to 10.
• BASS: boosts and cuts the bass frequencies of the amp’s EQ stage, from 0 to 10.
• TREBLE: boosts and cuts the high frequencies of the amp’s EQ stage, from 0 to 10.
• DEPTH REVERB: sets the level of spring reverb added to the guitar amp sound, from 0 to 10.
• STRENGTH TREMOLO: sets the intensity of the Tremolo, from 0 to 10.
• SPEED TREMOLO: sets the speed of the tremolo effect, from 0 to 10.
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
Joe Satriani
Satch VM
Based on Marshall® JVM410HJS
This versatile four-channel amp offers incredible tones possibilities. Customized to Joe’s unique design, this
amp offers three modes per channel, along with independent noise filters and re-biased presence & resonance
• MODE: Switches between Clean, Crunch, OD1 and OD2 channels and each channel between green,
orange and red mode.
• GATE ON: Activates noise gate for the currently selected channel.
• GATE: Adjusts the noise gate sensitivity for the currently selected channel.
• VOLUME: Adjusts the overall output level of the selected channel, from 0 to 10. This works only for Crunch,
OD1 and OD2 channels.
• BASS: boosts and cuts the bass frequencies of the amp’s EQ stage, from 0 to 10.
• MIDDLE: boosts and cuts the mid frequencies of the amp’s EQ stage from 0 to 10.
• MID SHIFT: Activates mid shift filter for OD1 or OD2 channel.
• TREBLE: boosts and cuts the treble frequencies of the amp’s EQ stage from 0 to 10.
• GAIN: Adjusts the input gain of the preamp stage for the currently selected channel, from 0 to 10.
• MASTER TYPE: Switches between Master 1 and 2.
• RESONANCE: Boosts the speaker bottom end resonance for the currently selected master from 0 to 10.
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
• PRESENCE: Boosts high frequencies above the treble control for the currently selected master from 0 to
• VOLUME: Adjusts the overall output level of the power amp stage for the currently selected master, from 0
to 10.
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
Based on the Peavey® 5150
This legendary amp was originally a signature model for Eddie Van Halen, but its iconic sound became soon the
staple tone of many hard rock and heavy metal artists, including Joe Satriani himself.
CHANNEL: Switches between clean and distortion channel.
BRIGHT: Activates bright mode in clean channel.
CRUNCH: Activates crunch mode in clean channel.
PRE GAIN: Adjusts the input gain of the preamp stage for the currently selected channel, from 0 to 10.
LOW: Boosts and cuts the bass frequencies of the amp’s EQ stage, from 0 to 10.
MID: Boosts and cuts the mid frequencies of the amp’s EQ stage from 0 to 10.
HIGH: Boosts and cuts the treble frequencies of the amp’s EQ stage from 0 to 10.
MASTER: Adjusts the overall output level of the power amp stage for the currently selected channel, from 0
to 10.
• RESONANCE: Boosts the speaker bottom end resonance from 0 to 10.
• PRESENCE: Boosts high frequencies above the treble control from 0 to 10.
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
Boston 100
Based on the Tom Scholz Rockman® X100
This early amp sim has long been used in the studio by Joe thanks to its unique take on late 70’s rock sound as
typified by Boston, with 4 different amp settings and Chorus and Echo effects.
INPUT GAIN: Adjusts the input gain of the unit from -8dB to +8dB.
ECHO: Activates echo effect.
CHORUS: Activates chorus effect.
CHANNEL: Switches between 2 different clean, edge and dist channels.
VOL: Switches between 3 different output levels.
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
Officially Certified Leslie® 122 Amp Model
The classic of classics. Suitable for pop, rock, jazz and blues, when you think of the “Leslie sound,” you are
most likely thinking of a 122. A vintage unit from the early 70s has been modeled here, and this has a slightly
warmer sound when compared to the 122A.
GAIN: controls the amount of signal going to the amp and the level of saturation.
VOLUME: controls the amount of signal going into the Cabinet.
INPUT HPF: controls the frequency of the high pass filtering of the input signal from OFF to 200Hz.
EQ: a guitar-amp style equalizer with controls for Low, Mid and High frequencies.
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
Officially Certified Leslie® 122A Amp Model
The Leslie 122A is the modern take on the most famous Leslie model with a balanced input to the amplifier and
a medium-tall cabinet that provides superb bass response. This has a slightly more open and upfront tone when
compared to the classic 122.
GAIN: controls the amount of signal going to the amp and the level of saturation.
VOLUME: controls the amount of signal going into the Cabinet.
INPUT HPF: controls the frequency of the high pass filtering of the input signal from OFF to 200Hz.
EQ: a guitar-amp style equalizer with controls for Low, Mid and High frequencies.
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
Officially Certified Leslie® 147 Amp Model
The Leslie 147 is another classic Leslie model with a different connector, slightly different power amp, an
unbalanced input to the amplifier and slightly shorter cabinet. The overall sound is similar to the classic 122 but
with some noticeably and musically relevant differences. The one we modeled is a vintage unit from the mid
60s, with no reflectors on the horns, which gives another flavor to the sound and an even more tangible sonic
difference from the classic 122.
GAIN: controls the amount of signal going to the amp and the level of saturation.
VOLUME: controls the amount of signal going into the Cabinet.
INPUT HPF: controls the frequency of the high pass filtering of the input signal from OFF to 200Hz.
EQ: a guitar-amp style equalizer with controls for Low, Mid and High frequencies.
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
Officially Certified Leslie® 3300w Amp Model
The Leslie 3300w is one of the most powerful models ever, featuring a 300-Watt RMS solid state amplifier with a
real vacuum tube preamp. Its sound signature is especially suitable for pop, rock, jazz and blues.
• GAIN: controls the amount of signal going to the amp and the level of saturation.
• VOLUME: controls the amount of signal going into the Cabinet.
• TUBE DRIVE: controls the amount of signal being “warmed up” by the tube section. When at minimum,
the amp is set to the clean channel. As soon as the knob is turned up, it automatically switches to the drive
• TUBE MODE: controls the amount of tube saturation from Soft to Hard
• EQ: a guitar-amp style equalizer with controls for Low, Mid and High frequencies.
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
G37 / Studio12
Officially Certified Leslie® G37 / Studio12 Amp Model
Guitarists of all kinds praise the G37 for its unmistakable tonal character. The onboard solid state guitar amplifier
with its tube preamp section can go from pristine clean to down-and-dirty for a variety of tonal nuances that only
Leslie speakers can provide through a compact dual-rotor cabinet with a vintage voiced V30 12” speaker suited
to guitar. The Studio 12, designed as a more portable amp for keyboard players, also uses a tube-driven solid
state amplifier into a dual rotor design but has a 12” Eminence bass speaker tailored to the wider low frequency
range of organs. The G37 and Studio 12 amps are the same – only their cabinets are different.
Clean Channel Controls:
• VOLUME: controls the amount of signal going into the Cabinet.
Overdrive Channel Controls:
GAIN: controls the amount of signal going to the amp and the level of saturation.
VOLUME: controls the amount of signal going into the Cabinet.
CONTOUR: controls the amount of “warmth” created by the tube of the preamp.
EQ: a guitar-amp style equalizer with controls for Low, Mid and High frequencies.
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
Marshall® - Slash
AFD 100
Officially Certified Slash-Marshall® AFD100 Model
The most aggressive amp head used by Slash. A dual mode amplifier that revisits the legendary tones of one of
the most important rock albums of the last three decades: “Appetite for Destruction”.
#34 / AFD SWITCH: selects #34 or AFD channel.
PRESENCE: boosts the high frequencies of the EQ stage, from 1 to 10.
BASS: boosts and cuts the bass frequencies of the amp’s EQ stage, from 0 to 10.
MID: boosts and cuts the mid frequencies of the amp’s EQ stage, from 0 to 10.
TREBLE: boosts and cuts the high frequencies of the amp’s EQ stage, from 0 to 10.
MASTER: adjusts the overall output level of the power amp stage, from 0 to 10.
GAIN: adjusts the input gain of the preamp stage. Use this setting to drive the preamp stage, from 0 to
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
JCM Slash
Officially Certified Slash-Marshall® JCM SLASH 2555SL Model
The Marshal®l JCM Slash was designed to the specs of Slash’s original 1987 Marshall® Silver Jubilee 2555
amplifier. It was the first amplifier built by Marshall as a signature model.
LEAD CH. SWITCH: enables the Lead Channel.
RHYTHM SWITCH: adds more Gain to he preamp stage.
PRESENCE: boosts the high frequencies of the EQ stage, from 1 to 10.
BASS: boosts and cuts the bass frequencies of the amp’s EQ stage, from 0 to 10.
MID: boosts and cuts the mid frequencies of the amp’s EQ stage, from 0 to 10.
TREBLE: boosts and cuts the high frequencies of the amp’s EQ stage, from 0 to 10.
OUTPUT MASTER: adjusts the overall output level of the power amp stage, from 0 to 10.
LEAD MASTER: adjusts the output level of the Lead Channel, from 0 to 10.
GAIN: adjusts the input gain of the preamp stage. Use this setting to drive the preamp stage, from 0 to
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
Mark III
Officially Certified MESA/Boogie® Mark III™ Combo Model
Originally introduced in 1984, the MESA/Boogie Mark III was the first 3-channel “Tri-Modal Amplifier.” It features
an amazing set of sonic sculpting options plus a three-channel setup: Rhythm, a distinct midrange “Crunch”
Rhythm and a Lead channel. Each has its own independent gain and master volume controls. Just like on the
hardware counterpart, it sports a full spread of tone controls plus the vitally important Boogie 5-band Graphic
EQ section.
Front Panel Controls:
• VOLUME: adjusts the input gain of the preamp stage from 0 to 10.
• PULL-BRIGHT: adds brightness to Rhythm 1 and Rhythm 2 clean sounds. Its effect diminishes as Volume
1 is turned up and has no effect when the Volume is at 10.
• TREBLE: boosts and cuts the high frequencies of the amp’s EQ stage from 0 to 10.
• PULL-SHIFT: increases the upper-midrange drive in Lead Mode only.
• BASS: boosts and cuts the bass frequencies of the amp’s EQ stage from 0 to 10.
• PULL-SHIFT: alters bass frequencies to fit guitar pickup type: pulled-out for single coil and pushed-in for
humbucker pickups.
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Gear Models
• MIDDLE: boosts and cuts the mid frequencies of the amp’s EQ stage from 0 to 10.
• PULL-RHY2: activates the Rhythm 2 circuitry for added chunky crunchy character.
• MASTER: adjusts the final output level of the power amp stage from 0 to 10.
• PULL-DEEP: adds fatness and body, mostly for single coil pickups.
• LEAD DRIVE: adjusts the input gain of the Lead Channel from 0 to 10.
• PULL-LEAD: engages Lead Channel mode.
• LEAD MASTER: adjusts the final output level of the lead channel to the power amp stage from 0 to 10.
• PULL-BRIGHT: adds brightness to the Lead Channel. Intended for low volume playing.
• EQ ON/OFF: toggles the Graphic EQ on/off.
• GRAPHIC EQ: this 5-band graphic EQ allows you to shape your tone. The V shape is a classic setup,
vastly used on Mark amps.
• BACK: access the rear panel for further controls.
Rear Panel Controls:
• PRESENCE: boosts high frequencies from 0 to 10.
• REVERB: controls the amount of reverb coming from the internal spring unit from 0 to 10.
• CLASS A / SIMUL-CLASS: switches between two different power amp configurations. CLASS A uses only
two power tubes and provides 15 Watts and a great degree of power tube distortion. SIMUL-CLASS uses
four power tubes for more power and headroom.
• FRONT: go back to the front panel.
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Gear Models
Mark IV
Officially Certified MESA/Boogie® Mark IV™ Combo Model
The very definition of Mesa Engineering’s signature high-gain sound, this update of the classic Mark III design
from 1990 takes that unmistakable Boogie tone and makes it even better and more sonically versatile. Three
big sounds with individual controls and total conviction define the tonal palette for this powerhouse of a unit. Its
three channels deliver an incredibly wide sonic palette that stretches from sparkling cleans to ultra high-gain lead
sounds that are rich with harmonics and sustain.
Front Panel Controls:
• RHY 1 GAIN: adjusts the input gain of the Rhythm 1 channel from 0 to 10.
• BRIGHT: this function adds shimmer and sparkle to your sound when activated. Note that the amount of
added brightness varies with the R1 GAIN setting: more brights at lower settings, less at higher.
• RHY 2 GAIN: adjusts the input gain of the Rhythm 2 channel from 0 to 10.
• FAT: When pushed in, RHYTHM 2 loses gain in the low mids and the sound reveals more of your guitar’s
inherent personality.
R1 TREBLE: boosts and cuts the high frequencies of the Rhythm 1 Channel from 0 to 10.
R1+R2 BASS: boosts and cuts the bass frequencies of the Rhythm 1 and 2 Channels from 0 to 10.
R1+R2 MID: boosts and cuts the mid frequencies of the Rhythm 1 and 2 Channels from 0 to 10.
R2 TREBLE: boosts and cuts the high frequencies of the Rhythm 2 Channel from 0 to 10.
• LEAD GAIN: adjusts the input gain of the Rhythm 2 channel from 0 to 10.
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Gear Models
• FAT: thickens the sound and saturates the signal further. It lowers the frequency of the treble, adding a
boost in the lower midrange, adding focus at virtually any setting of the GAIN control.
• LEAD TREBLE: boosts and cuts the high frequencies of the Lead Channel from 0 to 10.
• LEAD BASS: boosts and cuts the bass frequencies of the Lead Channel from 0 to 10.
• LEAD MID: boosts and cuts the mid frequencies of the Lead Channel from 0 to 10.
• LEAD DRIVE: works in conjunction with LEAD GAIN to determine the amount of sustain and overdrive.
• BRIGHT: adds desirable sizzle, and gain in the highs to the overdrive sound.
• R1: engages the rhythm 1 channel.
• R2: engages the rhythm 2 channel.
• LD: engages the lead channel.
• R1 MASTER: adjusts the final output level of the Rhythm 1 channel to the power amp stage from 0 to 10.
• R2 MASTER: adjusts the final output level of the Rhythm 2 channel to the power amp stage from 0 to 10.
• LD MASTER: adjusts the final output level of the Lead channel to the power amp stage from 0 to 10.
• R1 PRESENCE: boosts high frequencies of the rhythm 1 channel from 0 to 10.
• R2 PRESENCE: boosts high frequencies of the rhythm 2 channel from 0 to 10.
• SHIFT: alters the working frequency range of the presence effect.
• LD PRESENCE: boosts high frequencies of the lead channel from 0 to 10.
• SHIFT: alters the working frequency range of the presence effect.
• EQ: enables the graphic EQ.
• GRAPHIC EQ: this 5-band graphic EQ allows you to shape your tone. The V shape is a classic setup
commonly used on Mark amps.
• BACK: access the rear panel for further controls.
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Gear Models
Rear Panel Controls:
• REVERB: controls the amount of reverb coming from the internal spring unit from 0 to 10.
• TRIODE / PENTODE: this switch reconfigures the circuitry for the two outer-end power tubes. PENTODE
increases power and punch resulting in a harder clip. TRIODE lowers the power and softens and smooths
the onset of clipping. This makes it easier to get a rich singing sound full of sustain and harmonics, but
some headroom is sacrificed for this sweeter response.
• CLASS A / SIMUL-CLASS: switches between two different power amp configurations. CLASS A uses only
two power tubes and provides 15Watts and a great degree of power tube distortion. SIMUL-CLASS uses
four power tubes for more power and headroom.
• HARMONICS / MID GAIN: this switch affects the LEAD mode only. MID GAIN adds gain in the mid-range
“punch” region and is most noticeable when the LEAD DRIVE control is set very low - at the “threshold of
distortion”. HARMONICS yields a more balanced harmonic spectrum more suitable for loud high gain lead
• FRONT: go back to the front panel.
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Gear Models
Dual Rectifier
Officially Certified MESA/Boogie® Dual Rectifier® Head Model
Soul, personality and feel: The MESA/Boogie Dual Rectifier is THE standard for modern high-gain heavy guitar
tone and more. The Recto is an aggressive amplifier designed for aggressive players. It’s one of the most
recorded amplifiers ever made and its tone can be heard rocking big-venue stages all over the world. Originally
introduced in 1989, it delivers maximum flexibility of tone and has played a major role in defining the sound of
grunge, metal and countless other heavy styles. It delivers 3-channel, 8-mode operation and varying levels of
tube saturation as well as a virtually switchable tube/solid state rectifier section.
Front Panel Controls:
CH1 - Green Channel
PRESENCE: boosts high frequencies from 0 to 10.
MASTER: adjusts the final output level of the power amp stage from 0 to 10.
GAIN: adjusts the input gain of the preamp stage from 0 to 10.
BASS: boosts and cuts the bass frequencies of the amp’s EQ stage from 0 to 10.
MIDDLE: boosts and cuts the mid frequencies of the amp’s EQ stage from 0 to 10.
TREBLE: boosts and cuts the high frequencies of the amp’s EQ stage from 0 to 10.
CLEAN / PUSHED: selects two different flavors: a sweet shimmering clean or a raging crunch machine.
CH2 CH3 - Orange and Red Channels:
• PRESENCE: boosts high frequencies from 0 to 10.
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Gear Models
MASTER: adjusts the final output level of the power amp stage from 0 to 10.
GAIN: adjusts the input gain of the preamp stage from 0 to 10.
BASS: boosts and cuts the bass frequencies of the amp’s EQ stage from 0 to 10.
MIDDLE: boosts and cuts the mid frequencies of the amp’s EQ stage from 0 to 10.
TREBLE: boosts and cuts the high frequencies of the amp’s EQ stage from 0 to 10.
RAW / VINTAGE / MODERN: selects three different flavors: the lowest gain RAW mode, the liquid Recto
voice of the VINTAGE mode and the aggressive menacing power of the MODERN mode.
• BACK: access the rear panel for further controls.
Rear Panel Controls:
• BIAS SWITCH: selects between 6L6 and EL34 power tubes.
• RECTIFIER: switches between VACUUM TUBES (normal) and SILICONE DIODES (Hi Power) rectifier.
Diode mode offers punch, attack and headroom. VACUUM TUBES offers a more vintage vibe with
sweetness and a liquid feel.
• POWER: switches between SPONGY or BOLD power modes. SPONGY mode offers a vintage feel with
less headroom. BOLD mode offers the full power and headroom.
• FRONT: go back to the front panel.
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Gear Models
Triple Rectifier
Officially Certified MESA/Boogie® Triple Rectifier® Head Model
The MESA/Boogie Triple Rectifier is THE standard for modern high gain heavy guitar tone and more. The MESA/
Boogie Triple Rectifier is an aggressive amplifier designed for aggressive players — it’s one of the most recorded
amplifiers ever made and its tone can be heard rocking big-venue stages all over the world. Originally introduced
in 1989, it delivers maximum flexibility of tone and has played a major role in defining the sound of grunge, metal
and countless other heavy styles. It delivers 3-channel, 8-mode operation and varying levels of tube saturation
as well as a virtually switchable tube/solid state rectifier section.
Front Panel Controls:
CH1 - Green Channel
PRESENCE: boosts high frequencies for both preamp channels from 0 to 10.
MASTER: adjusts the final output level of the power amp stage from 0 to 10.
GAIN: adjusts the input gain of the preamp stage from 0 to 10.
BASS: boosts and cuts the bass frequencies of the amp’s EQ stage from 0 to 10.
MIDDLE: boosts and cuts the mid frequencies of the amp’s EQ stage from 0 to 10.
TREBLE: boosts and cuts the high frequencies of the amp’s EQ stage from 0 to 10.
CLEAN / PUSHED: selects two different flavors: a sweet shimmering clean to a raging crunch machine.
CH2 CH3 - Orange and Red Channels
• PRESENCE: boosts high frequencies for both preamp channels from 0 to 10.
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Gear Models
MASTER: adjusts the final output level of the power amp stage from 0 to 10.
GAIN: adjusts the input gain of the preamp stage from 0 to 10.
BASS: boosts and cuts the bass frequencies of the amp’s EQ stage from 0 to 10.
MIDDLE: boosts and cuts the mid frequencies of the amp’s EQ stage from 0 to 10.
TREBLE: boosts and cuts the high frequencies of the amp’s EQ stage from 0 to 10.
RAW / VINTAGE / MODERN: selects three different flavors: the lowest gain RAW mode, the liquid Recto
voice of the VINTAGE mode and the aggressive menacing power of the MODERN mode.
• BACK: access the rear panel for further controls.
Rear Panel Controls:
• BIAS SWITCH: selects between 6L6 and EL34 power tubes.
• RECTIFIER: switches between VACUUM TUBES (normal) and SILICONE DIODES (Hi Power) rectifier.
Diode mode offers punch, attack and headroom. Instead VACUUM TUBES offers a more vintage vibe with
sweetness and a liquid feel.
• POWER: switches between SPONGY or BOLD power modes. SPONGY mode offers a vintage feel with
less headroom. BOLD mode offers the full power and headroom.
• FRONT: go back to the front panel.
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Gear Models
Transatlantic TA-30
Officially Certified MESA/Boogie® TransAtlantic® Combo Model
A decidedly British tribute of an amplifier, the TransAtlantic TA-30 mixes simplicity of operation with
comprehensive sonic sculpting. It sports two-channel operation with 5 distinct “Mode” voice choices that
reference not only several classic British circuits but also some American ones as well. Each channel features
the flexibility of 3 levels of output power, allowing for powerful response and character. Throw in a Gain Boost
feature and 2 high-gain options (HI 1 and HI 2 in Channel 2), and it’s easy to see why this model covers every
sound from classic 60s to crushing contemporary and everything in between.
Global Controls:
• CH SW: channel selector.
Channel 1
• NORMAL/TOP BOOST: switches between two modes: NORMAL for shimmering clean sounds and TOP
BOOST for British clipped rhythm and lead sounds.
• VOLUME: adjusts the input gain of the preamp stage from 0 to 10.
• TREBLE: boosts and cuts the high frequencies of the amp’s EQ stage from 0 to 10.
• BASS: boosts and cuts the bass frequencies of the amp’s EQ stage from 0 to 10.
• REVERB: controls the amount of reverb coming from the internal spring unit from 0 to 10.
• PULL: switches the CUT/MASTER knob between its two functionalities.
• CUT/MASTER: when pushed-in this knob works as a high frequency cut (much like a reverse presence
control). When pulled out it works as a normal master volume control. Both range from 0 to 10.
• 15W/30W/40W: switches between three power tube configurations. 15W and 30W for a CLASS A classic
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
configuration. 40W for more headroom and power.
Channel 2
• TWEED/HI 1/HI 2: Switches between three modes. TWEED for Southern California clean/crunch sounds.
HI 1 for Brit sounds ranging from vintage crunch to crisp and searing high-gain solo sounds. HI 2 for a
fatter and rounder version of HI 1 best for single note work.
• PULL: engages a gain boost in all three modes.
• GAIN/BOOST: adjusts the gain of the preamp stage from 0 to 10.
• TREBLE: boosts and cuts the high frequencies of the amp’s EQ stage from 0 to 10.
• BASS: boosts and cuts the bass frequencies of the amp’s EQ stage from 0 to 10.
• REVERB: controls the amount of reverb coming from the internal spring unit, from 0 to 10.
• MASTER: adjusts the final output level of the power amp stage from 0 to 10.
• 15W/30W/40W: switches between three power tube configurations. 15W and 30W for a CLASS A classic
configuration and 40W for more headroom and power.
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Gear Models
Triple Crown
Officially Certified MESA/Boogie® Triple Crown™ Model
Aimed at rock’s high gain tones the Triple Crown can inspire and conquer with its unique circuitry and bold voice
unlike anything in the Mesa/Boogie line. From bubbly, sparkly clean sound to an amazingly tight and aggressive
wall of Rock Crunch. Experience one of the most vocal, harmonically rich and gain laded high gain channels
ever in this new generation amplifier.
Common controls for all channels:
PRES: this control sets up the basic brightness of the overall tone.
MASTER: determines the level that is sent to the power amp for the channel.
GAIN: sets the gain of the channel.
BASS: sets the amount of low frequencies on the sound.
MID: sets the amount of mid frequencies on the sound.
TREBLE: sets the amount of high frequencies on the sound.
WATT SELECTOR: selects the power for the channel among 3W, 7W, 20W, 50W and 100W.
Other controls:
SOLO: sets the solo boost when the solo function is activated.
OUTPUT: sets the master output of the amplifier.
HI CHANNEL TIGHT/NORM SWITCH: selects the preamp mode for HI channel.
LO CHANNEL TIGHT/NORM SWITCH: selects the preamp mode for LO channel.
CLEAN CHANNEL DRIVE/NORM SWITCH: selects the preamp mode for the clean channel.
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Gear Models
• HI/LO/CL: selects the active channel.
• BACK: access the back panel controls.
Rear Panel controls:
SOLO ON/OF (back): activates the solo function.
REVERB ON/OFF (back): activates the reverb for all channels.
CLEAN REVERB LEVEL (back): sets the amount of reverb for the clean channel.
LO REVERB LEVEL (back): sets the amount of reverb for the LO channel.
HI REVERB LEVEL (back): sets the amount of reverb for the HI channel.
EL34/6L6 (back): sets the power tubes type.
FRONT (back): access to the front panel controls.
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Gear Models
Mark IIC+
Officially Certified MESA/Boogie® Mark IIC+™ Model
One of the most legendary amps in the Mesa/Boogie line, the John Petrucci’s favorite on which he based his
custom amplifier. The same amplifier chosen for one of the greatest metal records of all time. When it comes to
classic high gain tones, the Mark IIC+ goes all in with its percussive characteristics and its sound tweak ability
thanks to its build in equalizer..
VOLUME: sets the gain of the clean channel. Push it closer to 10 for an edgy sound that starts to crunch.
PULL BRIGHT: boosts the brilliance of the preamp, especially when the Volume control is kept low.
TREBLE: sets the amount of high frequencies on the sound.
TREBLE PULL SHIFT: modifies the frequencies where the treble control works.
BASS: sets the amount of low frequencies on the sound.
BASS PULL SHIFT: modifies the frequencies where the bass control works.
MIDDLE: sets the amount of mid frequencies on the sound.
MASTER 1: determines the level that is sent to the power amp for the clean channel. Turning this knob up
pushes the power amp to saturate and produce great crunch sounds.
MASTER 1 PULL DEEP: when enabled the bass response of the amplifier is extended.
LEAD DRIVE: sets the gain of the lead channel.
LEAD DRIVE PUSH LEAD: enables the lead channel.
LEAD MASTER: determines the level that is sent to the power amp for the lead channel. Turning this knob
up pushes the power amp to saturate and produce bold sounds.
EQ BANDS: these sliders can control the equalization of the amp on 5 distinct frequencies areas. You’ll find
it extremely musical and a powerful sound sculpting tool.
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Gear Models
• EQ AUTO: automatic enables the graphic EQ when the amp is switched to the lead channel.
• EQ IN: enables the graphic EQ on both channels.
• BACK: access to the rear panel controls.
Rear Panel controls:
PRESENCE (back): this control sets up the basic brightness of the overall tone.
REVERB (back): controls the amount of reverb coming from the internal spring unit.
SIMUL CLASS/CLASS A (back): switch between the two power amp modes: simul Class and Class A.
FRONT (back): access to the front panel controls.
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Gear Models
Mark V
Officially Certified MESA/Boogie® Mark V™ Model
The Mark V is more the one amplifier, it’s nine amplifiers in one. The groundbreaking Mark I™, Mark II™, Mark
IIC+, Mark III and Mark IV and more are all available in this unique model recreating the full history of Mesa/
Boogie company. Its versatility goes even further with a tube selector to switch between 6L6s and EL34, Diode/
Tube and Pentode/Triode rear switches that really lets you explore the full history of distorted guitar tones.
Common controls for all channels:
GAIN: sets the gain of the channel.
MASTER: determines the level that is sent to the power amp for the channel.
PRESENCE: this control sets up the basic brightness of the overall tone.
TREBLE: sets the amount of high frequencies on the sound.
MID: sets the amount of mid frequencies on the sound.
BASS: sets the amount of low frequencies on the sound.
EQ ON/OFF: enables the EQ for the channel.
WATT SELECTOR: selects the power for the channel among 10W, 45W and 90W.
Other controls:
CLEAN/FAT/TWEED: choose among the Clean, Fat and Tweed preamp modes of channel 1.
EDGE/CRUNCH/MARK I: choose among the Edge, Crunch and Mark I preamp modes of channel 2.
MK2C+/MK4/XTREME: choose among the Marck IIC+, Mark IV and Xtreme preamp modes of channel 3.
SLIDERS/PRESET: choose if the equalization is set using the EQ sliders or if it is a fixed Vcurved style EQ.
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Gear Models
This option is available for all three channels. Channel 1 is the switch on top, channel 2 is in the middle,
channel 3 is at the bottom.
EQ BANDS: these sliders can control the equalization of the amp on 5 distinct frequencies areas. You’ll find
it extremely musical and a powerful sound sculpting tool.
PRESET DEPTH: sets the depth for the preset v-curved eq independently for the three channels. Channel
1 is the knob on top, channel 2 is in the middle, channel 3 is at the bottom.
OUTPUT: sets the master output of the amplifier.
SOLO: sets the solo boost when the solo function is activated.
FULL/VARIAC: it is possible to set the AC power between the full voltage and a reduced voltage power
mode (variac) for a looser, more “elastic” feel.
REAR: access the rear panel controls.
Rear Panel controls:
• CHANNEL SELECT (rear): the channel selector is also available in the rear panel for easy access when
tweaking the rear controls.
• SEND LEVEL (rear): sets the level sent to the loop FX.
• REVERB CH1/CH2/CH3 (rear): sets the amount of reverb for each channel.
• PENTODE/TRIODE (rear): sets the power amp mode for channel 3.
• DIODE TUBE (rear): sets the power amp mode for channel 1 and 2 (only available for 45W).
• SOLO (rear): activates the Solo function.
• EL34/6L6 (rear): sets the power tubes type.
• FRONT (rear): access to the front panel controls.
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Gear Models
California Tweed
Officially Certified MESA/Boogie® California Tweed™ Model
The California Tweed has a simplistic design that raises the bar in the world of vintage tone. Its single channel
simplicity with integrated reverb hides an all-tube golden tone. Its multi-watt switch lets you browse into a variety
of power options from 2W to 40W to really take advantage of the tone possibilities of this amplifier..
GAIN: sets the gain of the channel.
TREBLE: sets the amount of high frequencies on the sound.
MID: sets the amount of mid frequencies on the sound.
BASS: sets the amount of low frequencies on the sound.
PRESENCE: this control sets up the basic brightness of the overall tone.
MASTER: determines the level that is sent to the power amp for the channel.
REVERB: sets the amount of reverb.
MULTI-WATT: selects the power for the amplifier among 2W, 10W, 20W, 30W and 40W.
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Gear Models
Officially Certified Orange® OR120™ Head Model
An exciting new addition to the line, this model can really turn heads. You’ll hear the vintage hand-wired and
very original sound of this killer British powerhouse from the first note.
F.A.C.: 6-position switch that adjusts the midrange EQ.
EQ Hz: boosts and cuts the bass frequencies of the amp’s EQ stage, from 1 to 10.
EQ kHz: boosts and cuts the high frequencies of the amp’s EQ stage, from 1 to 10.
HF. DRIVE: presence control that boosts the high frequencies of the amp’s EQ stage from 1 to 10.
GAIN: adjusts the output level of the power amp from 1 to 10.
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Gear Models
Tiny Terror
Officially Certified Orange® Tiny Terror™ Head Model
The UK-manufactured point-to-point, all hand wired, Tiny Terror Hand Wired Edition offers a step up from the
already legendary Tiny Terror. A wider frequency response gives this amp more bite and punch. The Orange Tiny
Terror is a compact classic!
• VOLUME: adjusts the output level of the power amp stage from 1 to 10.
• TONE: emphasizes bass frequencies when turned to the left and high frequencies when turned to right.
This is amp’s EQ stage.
• GAIN: adjusts the input gain of the preamp stage. Use this setting to drive the preamp stage from 1 to 10.
• OUTPUT: switches the power amp output between 15W and 7W.
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Gear Models
Rockerverb 50
Officially Certified Orange® RockerVerb 50 MKII™ Head Model
Rockerverb is, to say the least, “dirty”, but it is by no means a one trick pony. Start at full gain and and then pull
back to experience a variety of classic Orange tones. Whether you’re looking for metal, fusion, blues, rock or
even country, the Rockerverb delivers!
REVERB: sets the level of spring reverb added to the guitar amp sound from 1 to 10.
VOLUME: adjusts the output level of the power amp stage from 1 to 10.
TREBLE: boosts and cuts the high frequencies of the amp’s EQ stage from 1 to 10.
MIDDLE: boosts and cuts the mid frequencies of the amp’s EQ stage from 1 to 10.
BASS: boosts and cuts the bass frequencies of the amp’s EQ stage from 1 to 10.
GAIN: adjusts the input gain of the preamp stage. Use this setting to drive the preamp stage from 1 to 10.
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Gear Models
AD 30
Officially Certified Orange® AD-30TC™ Combo Model
With a tight, springy and fast character, the AD 30 has its own original vintage sound. The AD 30 is the best
candidate to be the new world standard for 30-watt Class A valve amplifiers.
GAIN: adjusts the input gain of the preamp stage. Use this setting to drive the preamp stage from 1 to 10.
BASS: boosts and cuts the bass frequencies of the amp’s EQ stage from 1 to 10.
MIDDLE: boosts and cuts the mid frequencies of the amp’s EQ stage from 1 to 10.
TREBLE: boosts and cuts the high frequencies of the amp’s EQ stage from 1 to 10.
MASTER: adjusts the output level of the power amp stage from 1 to 10.
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Gear Models
Thunderverb 200
Officially Certified Orange® Thunderverb™ 200 Head Model
This powerful amplifier sports two clean/crunch lead channels, each with three stages of gain. Channel A
has the same 3-band EQ as the lead channel used on the Rockerverb series. Channel B has a new shape
control that scoops the mids and increases the bass and treble when turned up. Use this scoop knob to dial
in everything from vintage rock to modern blues, hard rock to metal. Nothing can match the bone crushing,
bottom-end punch of this big stage tone head. Even when used quietly, you know you are in command of some
serious power! The Thunderverb 200 is the new standard for versatility in a guitar amplifier. The Extended Tonal
Range enables this revolutionary amplifier to also be used as a bass head.
Global Controls:
• ATTENUATOR: attenuates the general output level. This control allows to make use of the power amp
distortion. Attenuate the general output, then increase the volume to saturate the power amp stage.
• REVERB: sets the level of spring reverb added to the guitar amp sound, from 1 to 10.
Controls for Channel A:
VOLUME: adjusts the output level of the preamp stage, from 1 to 10.
TREBLE: boosts and cuts the high frequencies of the amp’s EQ stage, from 1 to 10.
MIDDLE: boosts and cuts the mid frequencies of the amp’s EQ stage, from 1 to 10.
BASS: boosts and cuts the bass frequencies of the amp’s EQ stage, from 1 to 10.
GAIN: adjusts the input gain of the preamp stage. Use this setting to drive the preamp stage, from 1 to
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Gear Models
Controls for Channel B:
• VOLUME: adjusts the output level of the preamp stage, from 1 to 10.
• SHAPE: scoops the mids and increases the bass and high when turned up.
• GAIN: adjusts the input gain of the preamp stage. Use this setting to drive the preamp stage, from 1 to
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
AD 200
Officially Certified Orange® AD200B MK 3™ Head Model
The AD 200 is quite simply one of the purest bass tube amplifiers ever produced. No bells and whistles, just the
shortest signal path from your guitar to your speaker. Vintage-inspired, but full of modern tones, the AD200B has
a creamy, dynamic low-end with a focused midrange crunch. Simple to use, this amp has only full EQ, master
volume, and gain controls.
VOLUME: adjusts the overall output level of the power amp stage, from 0 to 10.
TREBLE: boosts and cuts the high frequencies of the amp’s EQ stage, from 0 to 10.
MID: boosts and cuts the mid frequencies of the amp’s EQ stage, from 0 to 10.
BASS: boosts and cuts the bass frequencies of the amp’s EQ stage, from 0 to 10.
GAIN: adjusts the input gain of the preamp stage. Use this setting to drive the preamp stage, from 0 to
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Gear Models
Dual Terror
Officially Certified Orange® Dual Terror™ Head Model
Twin channel 30 watt guitar head. Featuring a unique two stage preamp which has a massive tonal range using
just three controls per channel. The Fat Channel delivers warmer tones whilst the Tiny Terror Channel has the
sonic character of the original Tiny Terror.
Global Controls:
• FAT/TINY TEERROR: selects the FAT Channel or the TINY TERROR Channel.
• OUTPUT: switches the power amp output between 15W (HALF) and 30W (FULL).
Controls for each of the two channels:
• VOLUME: adjusts the output level of the power amp stage from 0 to 10.
• TONE: emphasizes bass frequencies when turned to the left and high frequencies when turned to right,
from 0 to 10. This is amp’s EQ stage.
• GAIN: adjusts the input gain of the preamp stage. Use this setting to drive the preamp stage from 1 to 10.
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
OR 50
Officially Certified Orange® OR50H™ Head Model
In 1972 Orange launched an amp which came to define the Orange sound; years later it was dubbed the ‘Pics
Only’ due the use of pictures and the absence of any text. Although not a reissue, the OR50H owes more than
a nod to this vintage legend in its cosmetics, tone and even the construction techniques adopted.Featuring a
traditional single channel with a three stage gain section, the real weapon in the OR50′s arsenal is the HF Drive
control. This is two controls in one! As you turn the control clockwise you will hear the power amp presence
increase whilst adding an extra dimension of power amp gain.This is truly one of the most versatile single
channel amps ever created.
• HF DRIVE: increase the power amp presence whilst adding an extra dimension of power amp gain, from 0
to 10.
• VOLUME: adjusts the overall output level of the power amp stage, from 0 to 10.
• TREBLE: boosts and cuts the high frequencies of the amp’s EQ stage, from 0 to 10.
• MID: boosts and cuts the mid frequencies of the amp’s EQ stage, from 0 to 10.
• BASS: boosts and cuts the bass frequencies of the amp’s EQ stage, from 0 to 10.
• GAIN: adjusts the input gain of the preamp stage. Use this setting to drive the preamp stage, from 0 to
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
THD Bi-Valve
Officially Certified THD® BiValve™ Head Model
This is a model of the THD® BiValve™. This modern boutique amplifier has become very popular on the stage
and in the studio. Using a single ended class A design, it is capable of wide expanse of tone. From the clean to
the crunchy to the heavily saturated, the THD BiValve can create all these tones with ease.
BASS: boosts and cuts the bass frequencies of the amp’s EQ stage, from 1 to 10.
TREBLE: boosts and cuts the high frequencies of the amp’s EQ stage, from 1 to 10.
PRESENCE: boost the high frequencies of the EQ stage, from 1 to 10.
SPRING REVERB: sets the level of spring reverb added to the guitar amp sound, from 1 to 10.
VOLUME: adjusts the output level of the power amp stage, from 1 to 10.
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
AmpliTube Guitar 10"
4x10 Open Vintage
Based on Fender® SuperReverb® 4x10 1967
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
AmpliTube Guitar 1x12"
1x12 Combo
Based on Marshall® 1x12 Valvestate™ 12
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
1x12 MB II
Based on MESA/Boogie® Mark II™ 1x12 EV
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
1x12 MB III
Based on MESA/Boogie® Mark III™ 1x12 EV
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
1x12 Open Modern
Based on VHT® Pitbull™ 1x12 Combo
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
1x12 Open Vintage
Based on Fender® Deluxe® 65 1x12
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
AmpliTube Guitar 2x12"
2x12 Closed Vintage
Based on Marshall® 1922 2x12 Greenbacks
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
2x12 Gry British Vint
Based on Vox® AC30™ 2x12" ‘60s Graybacks
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
2x12 JP Jazz
Based on Roland® JC-120™ 2x12
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
2x12 Open Vintage
Based on Vox® AC30™ Top Boost equipped with Jensen® Blue Back 2x12
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
AmpliTube Guitar 4x10”
4x10 NY410
Based on Aguilar® DB410
This 4x10 cabinet can handle dense mixes like a breeze with its ability to cut through big guitar sounds, but still
maintaining its full-range tone. It’s the perfect match for the New York B750, and together they create a perfect
bass rig for any situation. It also features an adjustable HF driver.
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
AmpliTube Guitar 4x12”
4x12 Brit 30
Based on Marshall® 1960A Lead Vintage 4x12" Slanted, V30
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
4x12 Brit 8000
Based on Marshall® 1960 Lead Vintage 4x12" Slanted, G12-80
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
4x12 Brit 9000
Based on Marshall® 1960A Lead Vintage 4x12" Slanted, T75
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
4x12 Brit Silver
Based on Marshall® 2551A 4x12" Slanted, T75
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
4x12 Closed Modern
Based on Marshall® 4x12 ‘80s 1982A
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
4x12 Closed Vintage
Based on Marshall® 4x12 Angled, ‘70s Greenbacks
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
4x12 HiAmp
Based on Hiwatt® 4x12
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
4x12 Metal F
Based on Fender® 4x12 MH™
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
4x12 Metal T
Based on MESA/Boogie® 4x12" Rectifier®
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
4x12 Metal V
Based on Peavey® 5150™ 4x12
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
4x12 Modern M
Based on Marshall® JCM800™ 4x12
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
4x12 Red Pig
Based on Marshall® Major 4x12" Slanted, T75
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
4x12 Vintage M
Based on Marshall® 1960 4x12
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
AmpliTube Bass
4x10+tw Bass
Based on SWR® Goliath™ 4x10
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
4x10+tw TE Bass
Based on Trace Elliot® 4x10
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
1x15 Bass Vintage
Based on Ampeg® B15R™ 1x15
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
1x18 Horn Bass
Based on Acoustic® 301™ Folded Horn 1x18
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
Custom IR
The Custom IR cabinet lets you load any Impulse Response into AmpliTube 5 with some powerful tools to shape
its sound even more.
To import a new IR into the list just click the + button and select it from your hard drive.
To delete an IR from the list select it and click the trash icon.
• HPF: this is a High Pass Filter to roll off the low end of your impulse.
• TILT: by turning this knob clockwise you remove low frequencies and add high frequencies. Turned
counterclockwise it removes high frequencies and adds low frequencies.
• LPF: this is a Low Pass Filter to roll off the high end of your impulse.
• VOL: turns up or down the amplitude of the impulse.
• POLARITY: reverses the polarity of the impulse.
• DELAY: delays the IR signal from 0 to 25ms.
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
AmpliTube SVX
1x15 SVX-15R
Based on Ampeg® B-15R Portaflex Flip Top 1x15" Model with adjustable HF driver
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
2x10 SVX-500
Based on Ampeg® BA-500 2x10" Model with adjustable HF driver
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
2x12 SVX-212
Based on Ampeg® PB-212H 2x12" Model with adjustable HF driver
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
4x10 SVX-410B
Based on Ampeg® BXT-410H 4x10" Model with adjustable HF driver
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
4x10 SVX-410S
Based on Ampeg® SVT-410H 4x10" Model with adjustable HF driver
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
8x10 SVX-810E
Based on Ampeg® SVT-810E 8x10" Cab Model
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
1x15 SVX-115
Based on Ampeg® HERITAGE B-15N® 1x15” Cab Model
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
2x12 SVX-212 AV
Based on Ampeg® SVT-212 AV® 2x12” Cab Model
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
8x10 SVX-810A
Based on Ampeg® SVT-810 AV 8x10” Cab Model
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
Brian May
1x6 BM DK
Based on the cab section of the Deacy
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
2x12 BM 30 Blue
Based on the cab section of VOX® AC30TM setup equipped with Celestion Alnico Blue speakers.
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
2x12 BM 30 H70
Triple cabinet based on the cab section of VOX® AC30TM equipped with Celestion G12H anniversary speakers.
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
2x12 V3M
Officially Certified Carvin® 212V 2x12 Cab Model
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
Dimebag Darrell CFH Collection
2x12 JP Jazz CFH
Based on Roland® JC-120™ 2x12 Cab Model
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
4x12 Darrell 412
Based on Randall® 412 JB 4x12 Cab Model
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
Dr. Z Amplification®
1x12 MAZ 18 Jr.
Officially Certified Dr. Z Amplification® MAZ 18 Jr.™ 1x12" Cabinet Model
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
2x12 Z Wreck
Officially Certified Dr. Z Amplification® Z Wreck™ 2x12" Cabinet Model
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
Officially Certified ENGL® 4x12" XXL PRO Straight E412XXLB Cabinet Model
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
E 412 Standard
Officially Certified ENGL® 4x12" Standard Slanted E412SSB Cabinet Model
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
1x12 ’57 Deluxe
Officially Certified ’57 Deluxe™ 1x12" Open Back Cabinet Model equipped with Jensen® P12Q speaker
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
1x10 Pro Junior
Officially Certified Pro Junior™ 1x10" Open Back Cabinet Model equipped with Eminence® speaker
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
1x15 ’64 Vibroverb Custom
Officially Certified ’64 Vibroverb™ 1x15" Open Back Cabinet Model equipped with Eminence® speaker
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
1x12 ’65 Deluxe Reverb
Officially Certified ’65 Deluxe Reverb® 1x12" Open Back Cabinet Model equipped with Jensen® C12k speaker
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
2x12 ’65 Twin Reverb
Officially Certified 65 Twin Reverb® 2x12" Open Back Cabinet Model equipped with Jensen® C12k speakers
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
1x12 Super-Sonic
Officially Certified Super-Sonic™ 1x12" Open Back Cab Model equipped with Celestion® Vintage 30 speaker
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
3x10 Vibro-King
Officially Certified Vibro-King® 3x10" Open Back Cabinet Model equipped with Jensen® P10R speakers
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
4x10 ’59 Bassman
Officially Certified ’59 Bassman® 4x10 Open Back Cabinet Model equipped with Jensen® P10R speakers
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
8x10 Bass 810 PRO
Officially Certified 810 Pro 8x10" Front-Ported Cab Model equipped with Eminence® speaker
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
1x6 Champion 600
Officially Certified Champion™ 600 1x6" Open Back Cab Model with Fender® Spec. Design speaker
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
4x12 MH-412SL
Officially Certified MH-412SL 4x12" Closed Back Cab Model equipped with Celestion® G12T-100 speakers
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
Officially Certified Vibratone 1x10" Rotary Speaker Cabinet Model
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
1x10 ’65 Princeton
Officially Certified Fender® ‘65 Princeton® 1x10" Open Back Cabinet Model
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
1x8 ’57 Champ
Officially Certified Fender® ’57 Champ 1x8" Open Back Cabinet Model
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
1x8 ’57 Custom Champ
Officially Certified Fender® ’57 Custom Champ® 1X8" Cabinet Model
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
1x12 ’57 Custom Deluxe
Officially Certified Fender® ’57 Custom Deluxe™ 1x12" Cabinet Model
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
2x12 ’57 Custom Twin-Amp
Officially Certified Fender® ’57 Custom Twin-Amp™ 2x12" Cabinet Model
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
1x15 ’57 Custom Pro-Amp
Officially Certified Fender® ’57 Custom Pro-Amp 1x15" Cabinet Model
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
3x10 ’57 Bandmaster
Officially Certified Fender® ’57 Bandmaster™ 3x10" Cabinet Model
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
4x10 ’65 Super Reverb
Officially Certified Fender® ’65 Super Reverb® 4x10" Cabinet Model
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
1x15 ’53 Bassman
Officially Certified Fender® ’53 Bassman® 1x15" Cabinet Model
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
1x12 MB 150 S
Officially Certified Gallien-Krueger® MB150S™ 1x12 Cabinet Model
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
Jimi Hendrix
2x12 Open SL
Based on Sears® Silvertone® 2x12
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
2x12 Open T J120
Based on Fender® Twin 2x12 equipped with J.B. Lansing® D120F
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
2x15 Closed B J130
Based on Fender® Bassman® 2 x15", JBL® D130F
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
2x15 Closed D J130
Based on Fender® Dual Showman® 2x15", JBL® D130F
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
4x12 Closed 25 C
Based on Marshall® 4x12" equipped with 25W Celestion™
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
4x12 Closed 75 C
Based on Marshall® 4x12" equipped with 75W Celestion™
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
4x12 Closed J120
Based on Marshall® 4x12" equipped with J.B.Lansing® D120F
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
Joe Satriani
4x12 Satch 60
Based on Marshall® 1960B equipped with 4 x12 G12T-75 Celestion™
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
4x12 Satch Green
Based on Marshall® 4 x12 equipped with 20W greenbacks Celestion™
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
Boston Cab Sim
Based on the cabinet emulation section of the Rockman X100.
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
When a Leslie® cabinet is loaded you can access to the deeper settings clicking on the Tech View button
The tech view is divided in three sections.
The first section has the setup settings::
• MIC SETUP: changing the way you mic the Leslie cabinet affects the perception of the rotation or “doppler
effect.” You can choose between a 90° mic position, which is the most common, giving a non-symmetric
perception of the rotation, to the 180° mic position, which is less common, but sometimes preferable when
a more symmetrical left and right modulation is what is needed. The overall timbre and sonic character also
changes between the 90° and 180° because of the different microphones position that were used when
recording the originals. This provides even more versatility.
• MIC DISTANCE: sets how far from the cabinet you want the mics to be placed.
• SLOW/FAST SPEED: sets the rotation speed of the horn and the drum.
• ACCELERATION/DECELERATION: sets the amount of time that is necessary to go from fast rotation to
slow and vice-versa.
The second section has a 3-band eq with parametric midrange to let you further shape the sound.
The third section has the dedicated mixer. Here you have full mix control of the four microphone channels used
when capturing the Leslie speakers. Each channel has its own level and pan control so that you can set the
Leslie mix as you prefer. You can, for example, set the drum using just one channel panned centered to have
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
solid monaural low frequencies and use the horn in stereo, or you can get the immediate ’70s sonic flavor by
using just one mic on the top and one on the bottom panned just a bit apart.
Note that the controls for Fast, Slow and Brake are always accessible at the bottom left of the 3D Cabinet View.
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
Officially Certified Leslie® 122 Cabinet Model
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
Officially Certified Leslie® 122A Cabinet Model
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
Officially Certified Leslie® 147 Cabinet Model
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
Leslie 3300W
Officially Certified Leslie® 3300w Cabinet Model
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
Officially Certified Leslie® G37 Cabinet Model
This cab differs from the Studio 12 in the lower frequencies as it is equipped with a vintage-voiced V30 12”
speaker suited to guitar.
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
Studio 12
Officially Certified Leslie® Studio 12 Cabinet Model
This cab differs from the G37 in the lower frequencies as it is equipped with a 12” Eminence bass speaker
tailored to the wider low frequency range of organs.
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
Marshall® - Slash
4x12 1960AV SL
Officially Certified Slash-Marshall® 1960AV Cabinet Model
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
4x12 1960BV SL
Officially Certified Slash-Marshall® 1960BV Cabinet Model
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
1x12 Mark III
Officially Certified MESA/Boogie® Mark III™ Combo Cabinet Model
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
1x12 Mark IV
Officially Certified MESA/Boogie® Mark IV™ Combo Cabinet Model
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
1x12 California Tweed
Officially Certified MESA/Boogie® 1x12 California Tweed™ Cabinet Model
Based on the cabinet section of the California Tweed combo this cabinet is loaded with American J40 speakers.
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
2x12 California Tweed
Officially Certified MESA/Boogie® 2x12 California Tweed™ Cabinet Model
Based on the cabinet section of the California Tweed combo this cabinet is loaded with American J100
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
2x12 Road King
Officially Certified MESA/Boogie® 2x12 Road King™ Cabinet Model
The 2x12 Road King cabinet is loaded with 2 EV Darkness speakers designed specifically for Mesa/Boogie.
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
2x12 Rectifier Horizontal
Officially Certified MESA/Boogie® 2x12 Recto® Horizontal Closed Cabinet Model
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
2x12 TransAtlantic TA-30
Officially Certified MESA/Boogie® TransAtlantic® TA-30 Combo Cabinet Model
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
4x12 Recto Traditional Slant
Officially Certified MESA/Boogie® 4x12 Recto® Traditional Slant Closed Cabinet Model
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
4x12 Road King Vintage
Officially Certified MESA/Boogie® 4x12 Road King™ Slanted cabinet model.
The 4x12 Road King Vintage is based on the Road King slanted cabinet and is loaded with 4 Brit V1 with a great
mid-range response.
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
4x12 Road King Black
Officially Certified MESA/Boogie® 4x12 Road King™ Slanted cabinet model.
The 4x12 Road King Black is based on the Road King slanted cabinet and is loaded with 4 EV Darkness
designed specifically for Mesa/Boogie.
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
1x12 PPC 112
Officially Certified Orange® PPC 112 1x12" Cabinet Model
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
1x12 Tiny Terror
Officially Certified Orange® 1x12" Tiny Terror™ Combo Cabinet Model
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
1x15 OBC 115
Officially Certified Orange® OBC 115™ 1x15" Cabinet Model
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
2x12 AD 30
Officially Certified Orange® AD-30TC™ 2x12" Combo Cabinet Model
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
2x12 PPC 212
Officially Certified Orange® PPC 212 2x12" Closed Back Cabinet Model
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
2x12 PPC OB
Officially Certified Orange® PPC 212 2x12" Open Back Cabinet Model
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
4x10 OBC 410
Officially Certified Orange® OBC 410™ 4x10" Cabinet Model
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
4x12 PPC 412
Officially Certified Orange® PPC 412 4x12" Cabinet Model
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
8x10 OBC 810
Officially Certified Orange® OBC 810™ 8x10" Cabinet Model
AmpliTube Custom Shop
Gear Models
Dynamic 57
Based on Shure® SM57™
This mic model is based on one of the most popular small diaphragm dynamic microphones. Its bright, edgy
sound has made it a widely used guitar amp mic. Typically used in studios paired with a smoother and warmer
condenser mic.
AmpliTube Custom Shop
Gear Models
Dynamic 20
Based on Electro-Voice® RE20™
This mic model recreates a smooth reaction across a wide spectrum of frequencies, especially attractive in the
low area. This means that the Dynamic 20 is a great selection for acoustic and electric bass.
AmpliTube Custom Shop
Gear Models
Vintage Dynamic 20
Based on AKG® D20™
This model is a vintage dynamic large diaphragm microphone that used to be the standard mic for bass amps
and kick drums during the ‘60s. It’s warm and present, and has a smooth roll-off at high frequencies. It has a
very pleasant mid range presence together with a smooth high frequencies rolloff that delivers a nice vintage
sheen to the tone.
AmpliTube Custom Shop
Gear Models
Dynamic 421
Based on Sennheiser® MD421™
Probably the second most popular dynamic mic to use on guitar amps, this model provides an equally pleasing
sound, but is warmer than the 57. It also adds a very focused boost on hi-mid frequencies that makes it suitable
to get aggressive driven tones.
AmpliTube Custom Shop
Gear Models
Dynamic 441
Based on Sennheiser® MD441™
This model has a flatter frequency response than most other dynamic mics. This mic is highly regarded as a
guitar mic and used widely in studios all over the world.
AmpliTube Custom Shop
Gear Models
Dynamic 609
Based on Sennheiser® MD609™
This is a model of a faithful and popular microphone used daily in many studios and can be found “hanging
around” there or on stages everywhere. This dynamic microphone can deliver honest yet punchy sounds. Can
result in very mid-rangey sounds at times, but this is sometimes what you want, especially when combined with
a warmer condenser microphone.
AmpliTube Custom Shop
Gear Models
Bottle 563
Based on Neumann® CMV-563™
This model is based on one of the most legendary vintage tube condenser microphones. Its bright frequency
response and gentle compression make this microphone a mandatory tool in your guitar rig.
AmpliTube Custom Shop
Gear Models
Condenser 12
Based on AKG® C12™
This mic model is based on one of the first legendary tube microphones in the history of recording.
Extremely detailed high frequencies can sometimes emphasize some speakers’ fizziness especially when
placed on axis, so it is typically used slightly off.
AmpliTube Custom Shop
Gear Models
Condenser 67
Based on Neumann® U67™
This mic model is based on one of the most famous multi-purpose studio microphones.
AmpliTube Custom Shop
Gear Models
Condenser 84
Based on Neumann® KM84™
No microphone collection would be complete without a great small diaphragm condenser mic. This model is
based on the standard for small diaphragm mics. As with any good small condenser mic, the 84 provides a
clean clear picture of the guitar tone.
AmpliTube Custom Shop
Gear Models
Condenser 87
Based on Neumann® U-87™
This is a model of one of the most popular large diaphragm mics ever. It can be found in any large recording
studio mic locker. Because of its excellent frequency response curve, the 87 has become the go-to mic
when needing a clean, flattering sound.
AmpliTube Custom Shop
Gear Models
Condenser 170
Based on Neumann® TLM 170™
This is a model of a high-quality large-diaphragm condenser microphone used in famous studios around the
world. One of the first with transformerless technology, this microphone came into the world boasting a very
high-quality sound with low noise and a very impressive dynamic range. This microphone will not color the
sound of the speaker, or at least will color it very little. That’s why it is a great choice to hear a very natural
rendering of the speaker sound even when used alone.
AmpliTube Custom Shop
Gear Models
Condenser 414
Based on AKG® C-414 ULS™
The Condenser 414 is modeled after another highly regarded large diaphragm condenser microphone. It is a
flat and clean/open microphone that will flatter big full tones and will also blend beautifully when combined with
another cabinet/mic setup.
AmpliTube Custom Shop
Gear Models
Based on Groove Tubes® MD1b-FET
This is a modern-sounding large diaphragm condenser microphone based on the Groove Tubes® MD1b-FET.
With a subtle boost in the highs and a smooth low end, this is an excellent choice for capturing brighter, more
modern guitar tones.
AmpliTube Custom Shop
Gear Models
Tube VM
Based on Brauner® VM1™
The Tube VM condenser microphone provides an extremely natural, contemporary sound with extreme detail
and clarity. The Tube VM sound is transparent and open, and this makes it the go-to mic for many artists
and engineers around the globe.
AmpliTube Custom Shop
Gear Models
Ribbon 121
Based on Royer® R121™
Use this ribbon microphone to capture a pure, natural sound. This is modeled after one of the must-have studio
ribbon microphones of our time. Incredibly present mid range with a natural and smooth roll off on the high
frequencies, makes it ideal when you’re hearing too much “fizz” from the in axis tone on high gain and metal
tones, switching to this mic will reduce the unwanted high frequencies fizzness in a way that will not reduce
presence at all.
AmpliTube Custom Shop
Gear Models
Ribbon 160
Based on Beyerdynamic® M160™
This mic is modeled after a double-ribbon hypercardioid microphone, one of the top choices for capturing
the sound of a broad diversity of sources. Very detailed and with a focus on mid range, try this when you
want more mid range presence without applying EQ or changing amp settings.
AmpliTube Custom Shop
Gear Models
Based on Groove Tubes® VELO-8™
This is a double-ribbon figure-8 microphone with a unique Neodymium element. With a silky-smooth high end
and good low end body, a great choice for more vintage-sounding guitar tones, this mic mixes very well with
other microphones for very full-bodied recordings.
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
Rack Effects
AmpliTube Delay & Reverb
Digital Delay
This advanced delay modeled effect can add a variety of depth to the sound, by providing five different delay
modes. The delay can also be synched to the host tempo providing even more flexibility.
MODE: sets the output mode of the Delay effect; Stereo, Left/Right, Mono, Left/Center/Right, and Doubler.
DELAY TIME: sets the time between the echoes, from 1 ms to 2000 ms.
BPM SYNC: allows the effect to synchronize to the project tempo and changes the Rate control to beat values.
FEEDBACK: changes the amount of time that the delay repeats, from 0% to 100%.
FILTER: sets the low pass filter for the delay effect, from 200 Hz to 20 kHz. When set to mid values it gives
a nice warmth to the delay timbre.
• MIX: adjusts the amount of wet sound with the dry sound, from 0% to 100%.
• OUT LEVEL: sets the output level of the effect, from -15 dB to +15 dB.
Rack Effects
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
Digital Reverb
This digital reverb is capable of adding small amount of space to a signal or creating a huge hall around the
DECAY TIME: sets the length of the reverb, from 0.60 seconds to 14.00 seconds.
DENSITY: sets the number of reflections generated by the reverb, from 0 to 99.
COLOUR: sets the reverb coloration from dark to light, from 2 kHz to 20 kHz.
MIX: adjusts the amount of wet sound with the dry sound, from 0% to 100%.
OUT LEVEL: sets the output level of the effect, from -15 dB to +15 dB.
Rack Effects
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
Hall Reverb
This effect is perfect to put your sound into a large hall to generate a realisitic long reverb and add natural
sounding tales to your tone.
Rack Effects
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
Inverse Reverb
A reverse reverb applies an envelope (slow attack, fast decay) to the early reflections. The main parameter that
affects the sound of this reverb is time. Time can be adjusted for the buildup and cut off of the early reflections.
This affects the sound as if it were being reversed in the reverberation, but in actuality it is simply an envelope
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Gear Models
Plate Reverb
This processor replicates the effect of a reverb generated by a mechanical plate. A staple tool on pop music
productions since the late fifties.
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Gear Models
Room Reverb
This effect is perfect to put your sound into a natural sounding room. Perfect to create a 3D feeling and get a
more realistic tone.
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Gear Models
Shimmer Reverb
This effect is perfect to create long pitch shifting reverb pads. Great for cinematic sounds to send your tone into
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Gear Models
Tap Delay
This creative delay effect unit can be used to create interesting and unusual delay effects thanks to the 8 totally
independent taps. You can create grooving rhythm patterns by combining more taps with a specific time
signature, and you can mix this up with psychedelic reverse tape effects you are able to set for each tap.
The TapDelay is actually 8 delays in one single unit, and it allows you to set time, timbre and level for each one
of these units. In addition, you can globally control with single knobs parameters for all the 8 taps at the same
time, like time, dry/wet mix and feedback amount.
• TIME: globally shifts the delay time of all the 8 taps. This is a relative control that works in this way:
• When set at the center position (1x) it does not alter the time that has been setup on each tap.
• When set to minimum (0.25x) it divides all times by four.
• When set to max (4x) it multiply all times by four.
Use it to globally change the delay tempo without changing the relations between all taps.
• MIX: globally adjust the effect mix between the Dry signal and all the 8 delay taps.
• FEEDBACK: globally adjust the amount of feedback the delay will have. When set at maximum, the delay
with be sustaining itself.
• TAP: use these buttons to select which one among the 8 delay taps you’re going to edit with next controls.
• LEVEL: sets the audio level for the selected delay tap.
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• TIME: sets the delay time for the selected tap. It can be shown in milliseconds or in musical divisions,
depending on the BPM Sync switch position.
• TAPS DISPLAY: shows each Tap as a vertical bar. The horizontal position of the bar represent the delay
time, the height of the bar represent the audio level.
• FILTER: sets the timbre for the selected delay tap, darker at minimum and brighter at maximum.
• REVERSE: enable this button to transform the selected delay tap from normal to reverse. When set to
reverse a delay tap will sound like a reversed tape loop.
• LINK: enable this button to make a change you do on the above mentioned parameters to apply to all the
8 taps at the same time.
• BPM SYNC: allows the effect to synchronize to the project tempo.
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Gear Models
AmpliTube EQ & Dynamics
Black 76
The Black 76 Limiting Amplifier is modeled after what is probably the most used, most known, most wanted,
and most universally recognized compressor/limiter in the audio industry. There are probably no professionally
created records without tracks using this unit. This FET-based compressor is a true legend and a piece of history
with a unique sound largely thanks to its input transformer and class A output stage.
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Gear Models
EQ 81
The EQ 81 delivers that legendary British warmth and tone with a few twists. The key here is in the versatility
of the EQ section sporting four independent bands rounded out by high and low pass filters. This effect is
particularly useful when a more precise intervention on a track is needed, still maintaining tone and organic,
analog warmth in the signal path.
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Originally designed as a variation to the standard 3- and 4-band console EQs, it uses an all-discrete signal path
and proportional Q design with a ten-band graphic approach instead of the semi-parametric 3- and 4-band
design of other modules.
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Gear Models
Graphic EQ
IK Multimedia proprietary 31 band Graphic EQ.
20, 25, 31.5, 40, 50, 63, 80, 100, 125, 160, 200, 250, 315, 400, 500, 630, 800, 1k, 1.25k, 1.6k, 2k, 2.5k, 3.15k,
4k, 5k, 6.3k, 8k, 10k, 12.5k, 16k, 20k.
Each band has +/- 15 dB boost, plus Reset button (total reset of all bands at 0 dB), and Level slider (+/- 15 dB).
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Gear Models
Model 670
Based on the Fairchild™ 670.
Many top producers and engineers refer to the Fairchild™ 670 as the “Holy Grail of compressors” because it
imparts a sound that adds something special to any kind of track, and our emulation captures that same sonic
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Gear Models
Parametric EQ
An equalizer with separate bands where you can dial in not only the frequency to boost or cut, but also the
width of the bell shape.
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Gear Models
Parametric EQ 3
With its three totally independent EQs, this parametric EQ provides enough power to sculpt the perfect guitar
tone or surgically enhance and alter any signal sent through it.
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Gear Models
Tube Compressor
This compressor was modeled after a classic tube compressor. It is a very versatile, smooth compressor, and
can add great color to the signal.
• DRIVE: controls the amount of signal that is input into the effect, setting the compression level.
• ATTACK: controls the amount of time that the compressor takes to react to the audio signal.
• RELEASE: controls the amount of time that the compressor takes to return to normal gain after some
compression has occurred.
• RATIO: controls the strength of the compression. Higher values will result in a more evident effect.
• OUT LEVEL: sets the output level of the effect, from -15 dB to +15 dB.
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Gear Models
Vintage EQ-1A
Based on the Pultec® EQP-1A
In virtually every major studio, you’re likely to see a distinctive blue unit with big black knobs — the Pultec®
EQP-1A program EQ. The Vintage Tube Program Equalizer is based on it. Our painstakingly produced model
gives all the functionality of the original unit and uncannily accurate sonic reproduction.
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Gear Models
White 2A
The White 2A Leveling Amplifier is based on a legendary vintage unit that is entirely tube-based. It’s a totally
different device in terms of construction, where all the compression magic happens inside an optically coupled
element formed by a fluorescent panel and some photocells: the famed T4A element. There is no electronic
circuitry involved with the compression itself. It’s just a tube amp with photo-resistors, lighted by a fluorescent
panel driven by the output signal. At the time of this invention, there were not many ways of making an audio
compressor: only variable-mu and optical. Optical was the simplest one, and if proper elements for both the light
emitting panel and the photocells were matched, magic happened.
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Gear Models
AmpliTube Filter
Filter C
This effect models the sound of the famous Curtis® CEM3320 filter chip (found in the Prophet-5 and Oberheim
OB-Xa synthesizers).
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Gear Models
Filter M
This effect models the sound of the legendary Moog® transistor ladder filter (found in the Minimoog and
Modular Moog).
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Filter O
This effect models the sound of the iconic Oberheim® state variable filter (found in the Oberheim SEM).
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Filter R
This effect models the sound of the famous Roland® IR3109 filter chip (found in the Juno-60 and Jupiter-8).
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Filter Formant
This effect generates the resonances of the human vocal tract for vocal-like timbres.
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Gear Models
Filter Phaser
This effect is a variable all-pass filter in the style of classic phase shifter stomp boxes and rack units.
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Gear Models
This rack model is a unique effect that can add synth-like drones and sustaining resonances to your parts. Make
your guitar sound like a sitar or like a synth-drone to create sonic resonances to sing on and control the notes
with your controller to create arpeggios and steps while playing.
You have 4 resonating voices that can be tuned independently from note E0 to note B7, in half tone steps. For
example, if you want to create a resonating C Major chord, just set the first three voices to C3, E3 and G3.
By moving the All slider you can shift the recently created Chord without changing the intervals between the
You can set the desired voice note by note number of by frequency in Hz.
• 1-4 SLIDERS: sets the pitch for each resonating voice.
• 1-4 VALUE DISPLAY: displays which note each voice is tuned on.
• NOTE/FREQUENCY SWITCH: turn on this switch to have the tuning of each voice displayed as a note.
Turn this off to have the tuning of each voice to be displayed as frequency in Hz.
• ALL: shifts all resonating notes by the same amount keeping relative intervals between voices identical.
• RES: sets the amount of resonance for each voice, from min to max. When set to max the note will sustain
by itself, when set to min the voice will not be resonating.
• SCALE: the Rezonator is setup by default to span over a chromatic scale when you set the resonating
voices, meaning that all half tones are possible. If you want to set another scale and want to remove notes
Rack Effects
AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
from the chromatic scale just open this menu and leave on only the notes you need.
• FILTER: determines the brightness of the resonating voices, from dark (lower positions) to bright (upper
• MIX: sets the amount of resonating notes you want to hear. When the control is at min you’ll only hear the
original sound, when fully up you’ll only hear the effected sound.
• OUT: the resonating notes can become very loud use this control to adjust the overall output level of the
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Gear Models
Step Filter
This is a powerful and deep beat sync filter effect. You will be able to apply Low/High and Band pass analog
modeled filtering on freely customizable patterns to add groove and rhythmic pulsing to your parts. This will
make your guitars and bass parts to sound like a rhythmic synth, if you want it.
• CUTOFF: sets the center cutoff frequency of the filter. This is the cutoff frequency the filter will have when
the steps are set to half position.
• STEP BAR: click on the Steps to set each step level. You can also draw a curve while holding the mouse
while dragging over multiple steps.
• RES: sets the center resonance of the filter. This is the resonance amount the filter will have when the steps
are set to half position.
• DEPTH: sets how deep the filter is modulated by the steps.
• HP/BP/LP: sets which kind of filter will be used: HP: high pass, BP: band pass, LP: low pass
• 12/24: sets the steepness of the filter, 12 dB/oct will be softer, 24 dB/oct will be steeper.
• DEST: sets what is modulated by the steps between filter Cutoff and/or filter Resonance. At full minimum
position only Cutoff frequency is modulated, at max position only Resonance is modulated.
• DIVISION: sets what time interval each step represent.
• STEPS: sets the number of steps the cycle will consist of.
• MODE: When set to Free the cycle will be continuous and will always cover all the steps that are specified
in the Steps parameter. When set to Strike the cycle will re-start each time a chord or a note is played.
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Gear Models
• SWING: increase this control to give to the steps a swing type quantization.
• BPM SYNC: allows the effect to synchronize to the project tempo.
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Gear Models
AmpliTube Modulation
AM Modulator
This effect is designed to produce a tonal character totally different from the original when applied to a complex
sound by using the carrier frequency to modulate the volume of the sound.
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Gear Models
Analog Chorus
This classic analog stereo chorus model adds depth and space to the input signal. It can also be used as a
vibrato effect.
• CHORUS/VIBRATO: enables Vibrato or Chorus modes. Chorus mode is enabled when the corresponding
LED is illuminated.
• CHORUS: sets the intensity (or depth) of the Chorus effect, from 0 to 99.
• VIB RATE: sets the rate of the Vibrato effect, from 0.02 Hz to 8 Hz.
• VIB DEPTH: sets the intensity of the Vibrato effect, from 0 to 99.
• STEREO/MONO: changes the rack effect from a stereo to a mono effect. Stereo is enabled when the
corresponding LED is illuminated.
• OUT LEVEL: sets the output level of the effect, from -15 dB to +15 dB.
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Gear Models
Auto Pan
Auto Pan automatically moves the stereo location of the sound.
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Gear Models
Digital Chorus
This modeled digital chorus effect creates a clear articulate chorus effect. Like the analog chorus, this effect
adds depth and space to the input signal, but adds a different color to the overall signal.
• WAVEFORM: selects the shape of the chorus effect, sine, triangle, or square wave.
• RATE: sets the rate of the chorus effect, from 0.1 Hz to 8 Hz.
• BPM SYNC: allows the effect to synchronize to the project tempo and changes the Rate control to beat
• DEPTH: sets the intensity of the chorus, from 0 to 100.
• STEREO/MONO: changes the rack effect from a stereo to a mono effect. Stereo is enabled when the
corresponding LED is illuminated.
• MIX: adjusts the amount of wet sound with the dry sound, from 0% to 100%.
• OUT LEVEL: sets the output level of the effect, from -15 dB to +15 dB.
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Gear Models
Digital Flanger
This model of a digital flanger can create a metallic modulated sound.
• WAVEFORM: selects the shape of the flanger effect, sine, triangle, or square wave.
• RATE: sets the rate of the Flanger effect, from 0.1 Hz to 8 Hz.
• BPM SYNC: allows the effect to synchronize to the project tempo and changes the Rate control to beat
• DEPTH: sets the intensity of the Flanger, from 0 to 100.
• FEEDBACK: sets the nominal amount of signal that is returned to the input after processing effect, from 0
to 10.
• STEREO/MONO: changes the rack effect from a stereo to a mono effect. Stereo is enabled when the
corresponding LED is illuminated.
• MIX: adjusts the amount of effected sound with the un-effected sound, from 0% to 100%.
• OUT LEVEL: sets the output level of the effect, from -15 dB to +15 dB.
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Gear Models
FM Modulator
This effect is designed to produce a tonal character totally different from the original when applied to a complex
sound by using the carrier frequency to modulate the pitch of the sound. It can replicate the sounds of some
synthesis systems like FM or ring modulation.
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Gear Models
Rotary Speaker
This effect is a model of a rotary speaker cabinet. Rotary speaker cabinets create a lush vibrato/chorus effect
and add a tremendous amount of depth to the sound.
SPEED: sets the speed of the rotary speaker effect, from .50 Hz to 7.80 Hz.
DRIVE: sets the amount of overdrive in the rotary speaker effect, from 0% to 100%.
BALANCE: changes the balance of high and low rotors in the signal, from 0 to 100.
MIX: adjusts the amount of wet sound with the dry sound, from 0% to 100%.
OUT LEVEL: sets the output level of the effect, from -15 dB to +15 dB.
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Gear Models
AmpliTube Pitch
The Harmonator is an advanced harmonizing effect with three separate voices, each with independent harmony,
level and pan. By entering the key and scale that the instrument is playing, the harmonator analyzes the input
signal and track the three independent voices to the correct music key and scale (figure 10.17).
• KEY: controls the key and type of scale that will be used by the harmonizer as a reference. If you’re playing
a solo in E major set this to E Major, from C to B.
• SCALE: changes the scale of the harmonizer, including Major, Dorian, Phrygian, Lydian, Mixolydian, Minor,
and Locrian.
• VOICE: controls the properties of each of the 3 voices of the harmonizer.
• 1: selects voice 1 for editing.
• 2: selects voice 2 for editing.
• 3: selects voice 3 for editing.
• INTERVAL: changes the interval of the selected voice, from low octave to up octave.
• LEVEL: independently adjusts the level of each of the 3 voices, from 0 to 100.
• PAN: independently adjusts the panning of each of the 3 voices, from 1.0L to 1.0R.
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Gear Models
• DRY PAN: adjusts the panning of the dry signal independently from the harmonized voices, from 1.0L to
• MIX: blends the harmonized voice with the original voice, from 0% to 100%.
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Gear Models
Pitch Shifter
This pitch shifting effect creates an independent harmony voice that can be blended with the original signal to
create harmony lead parts and duet type guitar lines (figure 10.18).
• SHIFT COARSE: sets the coarse tuning of the pitch shifter. Measured in intervals, from -24 to 24.
• SHIFT FINE: sets the fine tuning of the pitch shifter. Measured in cents, from -50 to 50.
• STEREO/SPLIT: sets the output of the effect to split the pitch shifted sound and the dry sound or blend
them in a stereo layered fashion.
• MIX: adjusts the amount of pitched shifted sound with the dry sound, from 0% to 100%.
• OUT LEVEL: sets the output level of the effect, from -15 dB to +15 dB.
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Gear Models
AmpliTube Other
Thanks to its 10 operation modes, the Saturator-X is a very versatile and comprehensive module designed
to produce the saturation colors of many different electronic components pushed over the edge, from subtle
harmonic enhancement to all-out-nasty distortion.
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AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop
Gear Models
Step Slicer
Add programmed rhythmic parts to your power chords and phrases with this powerful and creative beat synced
slicing effect. It can be setup to create anything from the most amazing tremolos to the most complex rhythm
effects that always stay in perfect sync with the beat.
It contains two independent stepping engines, one for Level and one for Pan, so you can create independent
patterns for level and panning within the same synched effect.
• LEVEL: sets the amount of level modulation the steps will give. At min position the steps will not have
effect, at maximum the steps range will be full.
• STEP BAR: click on the Steps to set each step level. You can also draw a curve while holding the mouse
while dragging over multiple steps.
• RAMP: sets the steepness of the level change between steps. Set it at lower positions to get a more gatelike effect, or set it to higher positions to get a smoother effect.
• DIVISION: sets what time interval each step represents.
• STEPS: sets the number of steps the cycle will consist of.
• VOLUME: select this to work on the Volume steps pattern.
• PAN: select this to work on the Panning steps pattern.
• MODE: When set to Free, the cycle will be continuous and will cover all the steps that are specified in the
Steps parameter. When set to Strike, the cycle will re-start each time a chord or a note is played.
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Gear Models
• SWING: increase this control to give to the steps a swing type quantization.
• BPM SYNC: allows the effect to synchronize to the project tempo.
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Gear Models
Stereo Enhancer
The stereo enhancer model widens and narrows the stereo image.
• STEREO IMAGE: changes the width of the stereo image. Normal width is in the middle of the slider.
Moving the slider to the right widens the stereo image. Moving the slider to the left narrows the stereo
Note: when processing a mono signal with this Rack, the control will result in being a reversed volume slider.
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Gear Models
This is an “auto volume” swell processor that can automatically create fantastic swell effects while playing
without any manual intervention. Use it subtly to add groove to your rhythm parts or use it with deeper settings
to create dreaming pads or string-like sounds.
• DEPTH: sets the depth of the volume swell, in dB. By default the depth is at max position, meaning that
the volume will start from silence. By lowering this control you’ll make the effect to start the swell phase
from a level which is higher than silence, up to min position that makes the effect to have no action.
• SENS: this control sets the sensitivity for the Swell to recognize a new note or chord and therefore start a
new Swell cycle. Set it higher if you want the Swell cycle to start even at the beginning of softer passages,
or set it lower if you want the Swell cycle to only start for louder strikes.
• TIME: sets the length of the Swell cycle.
• SWELL: this LED goes On during the Swell phase.
• OPEN: this LED goes On when the Swell phase has finished.
• BPM SYNC: allows the effect to synchronize to the project tempo making the swell time to be specified in
musical figures.
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Gear Models
Tape Cassette
Tape Cassette is an effect that emulates the sound of vintage cassette tapes and decks. It adds little quirks and
random fluctuations to your music for an extra analog feeling.
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Gear Models
Pitch Shift
Based on Fender® Cyber-Twin® SE Pitch Shift
A pitch-shifting effect with both pitch-shifting and detuning effects. Use for both wild soloing and unusual
detuned textures.
Pitch Level: controls the Wet/Dry ratio from 1 to 10.
Pitch: controls the amount of the pitch shift from 1 to 10.
Detune: controls the detune amount from 1 to 10.
Feedback: controls the feedback amount from 1 to 10.
PreDelay: controls the Predelay amount from 1 to 10.
Volume: controls the volume of the pitch effect from 1 to 10.
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Gear Models
Sine Flange
Based on Fender® Cyber-Twin® SE Sine Flange
A classic flange effect for swirling, psychedelic jams or intense metal rhythmic playing.
Level: controls the amount of the flange effect from 1 to 10.
Rate: controls the rate of the flange effect from 1 to 10.
Depth: controls the depth of the flange effect from 1 to 10.
Avg Delay: controls the delay amount of the flange effect from 1 to 10.
Phase: controls the phase of the flange from 1 to 10.
Volume: controls the volume of the flange effect from 1 to 10.
BPM Sync: syncs the Flange effect to the master BPM of your DAW/Standalone metronome.
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Gear Models
Tape Echo
Based on Fender® Cyber-Twin® SE Tape Echo
A classic tape echo effect. Use for retro, lo-fi-style echo effects.
• Time: controls the length of the echo effect from 30ms to 1450ms. When BPM Sync is turned on, time is
displayed from a 1/32 to 1/1 ratio.
• Feedback: controls the amount of repeats of the echo effect from 1 to 10.
• Wow&Flutter: controls the amount of pitch drift/variation of the echo effect, to emulate tape playback from
1 to 10.
• Brightness: controls the amount of high-end of the treble from 1 to 10.
• Volume: controls the volume of the echo effect from 1 to 10.
• Ramp/Step: alters the way that changes to echo time change from a “ramp up” style to a “stair step” style.
• BPM Sync: syncs the Echo effect to the master BPM of your DAW/Standalone metronome.
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Gear Models
Triangle Chorus
Based on Fender® Cyber-Twin® SE Triangle Chorus*
A chorus/doubling effect for thickening up your guitar’s tone.
Level: controls the amount of the chorus effect from 1 to 10.
Rate: controls the rate of the chorus effect from 1 to 10.
Depth: controls the depth of the chorus effect from 1 to 10.
Avg Delay: controls the delay amount of the chorus effect from 1 to 10.
Phase: controls the phase of the chorus from 1 to 10.
Volume: controls the volume of the chorus effect from 1 to 10.
BPM Sync: syncs the effect to the master BPM of your DAW/Standalone metronome.
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Gear Models
Based on Fender® Cyber-Twin® SE Wah
A classic-voiced wah effect with multiple settings to fit your playing style. Can add a funky, almost vocal vibe to
your playing.
Cryin’/Mccoy: switches between two different classic Wah styles.
Wah: controls the amount of the wah effect from 1 to 10.
Min Freq: controls the minimum frequency effected from 1 to 10.
Max Freq: controls the maximum frequency effected from 1 to 10.
Volume: controls the volume of the wah effect from 1 to 10.
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Gear Models
Based on Fender® Cyber-Twin® SE Compressor
A classic compressor effect. Use to even out volume levels when playing for a studio-like tone, to add sustain to
metal leads, or to accentuate the “twang” in country-style picking.
• Ratio Buttons: sets the overall level of compression from “Low” to “Even Higher”.
• Volume: controls the volume of the compressor effect from 1 to 10.
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Gear Models
Fender® ‘63 Reverb
Officially Certified Fender® ‘63 Reverb Model
The classic ‘63 Fender® Reverb Tank is now available in convenient rack form! This classic all-tube spring
reverb unit is capable of producing an incredibly lush Reverb due to it’s unique 6v6 driven output. Revered as
THE sound of reverb, you’ll hear this all tube driven signature Fender spring reverb on thousands of records from
Surf to Soul, Country to Punk.
• Dwell: controls how hard the signal hits the reverb tank from 1 to 10. The spring reverb is overdriven when
Dwell is set to high values (from 7 to 10). This produces interesting and very characteristic tones.
• Mixer: controls the mix of the original signal to the effected signal from 1 to 10.
• Tone: shifts the tonal balance from low to high frequencies from 1 to 10.
• Volume: controls the output level of the effect from 1 to 10.
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Gear Models
TERC - That 80’s Rack Chorus!
Officially Certified Fulltone® TERC - That 80’s Rack Chorus!®
The features and the general mood of the Fulltone TERC are based on the iconic Tri Stereo Chorus produced in
the 80’s by “Dyno My Piano” brand.
• EFFECT ON/OFF BUTTON: push button IN for EFFECT-ON, push to OUT for EFFECT OFF.
• OUTPUTS STEREO / MONO BUTTON: there are 3 analog Chorus Circuits in a TERC: Left (L), Right (R),
and Center (C). With this button pushed IN to STEREO, the L OUTPUT emits signal from the L & C Chorus
circuits only, and the R OUTPUT emits signal from the R & C circuits only. With this button switched OUT
(MONO mode) the L, R, and C Chorus circuits all sum evenly to both the L and R OUTPUTS.
• PRESET MODE : this is the classic Tri-Stereo-Chorus slow chorus sound. PRESET mode only happens
when the PRESET button is IN and the MANUAL button is OUT. You will notice that the INTENSITY knobs
and the SPEED knob do not function when the PRESET is selected. NOTE: make sure MANUAL button is
OUT or you will hear BOTH the PRESET and the MANUAL sounds at the same time!
• MANUAL MODE : MANUAL mode happens when the PRESET button is OUT and MANUAL button is
pressed IN. In MANUAL mode the L, R and C INTENSITY knobs and the SPEED knob are functional.
NOTE: make sure PRESET button is OUT.
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Gear Models
• Combining PRESET & MANUAL modes: yes, by pressing IN both PRESET and MANUAL mode buttons,
you can combine all the different Low Frequency Oscillators (LFO’s) for all sorts of possibilities. It’s amazing
to hear the PRESET mode’s slow swirl with a fast speed selected in the MANUAL mode on top of that.
• INTENSITY knobs: the knobs ONLY function when the MANUAL knob is pressed IN. Turning these
Clockwise (CW) will increase the chorus effect level, with the deepest chorus being around 12 o’clock
to 1 o’clock. Chorus is created by taking the original signal, processing that signal through a delay and
modulating (pitch bending) it, then mixing the original and the processed signals back together. The
strongest chorus sounds you can get are when the original and processed signals are mixed together
equally with a 50/50 balance, the “chorus” is created by these original and processed signals fighting
against each other! Once you change the balance so that the processed signal gets louder than the original
signal, you are only hearing the processed signal... which is what we call VIBRATO. Therefore, when any
of the TERC’s INTENSITY knobs are past 1 o’clock your will be hearing mostly the pitch bend vibrato from
those channels, something Michael Landau made famous during his “Raging Honkies” Band period.
• SPEED knob: this knob only operates when the MANUAL mode button is pressed IN. Turn it CW to
increase the rate of the modulation, turn it counter clockwise (CCW) to decrease the modulation rate. It
has a ridiculously wide range of available speeds, and you can turn it (CCW) to a point where it is so slow
the entire modulation cycle takes five seconds or more to complete. You will hear both Flange and Phase
effects at lower speeds, especially with the INTENSITY knobs around 12 o’clock.
Rack Effects
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DIMEBAG DARRELL™ name and likeness used under license of the Estate of Darrell Lance Abbott.
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GROOVE TUBES® MD1b-FET, GROOVE TUBES® VELO-8 are registered trademarks of ROKR Ventures, Inc.
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JET CITY AMPLIFICATION 333® is a registered trademark property of 333 Enterprises Incorporated DBA Jet City Amplification Corporation.
JIMI HENDRIX™ name used under license of Authentic Hendrix, LLC. © TM Authentic Hendrix, LLC.
KAT® is a registered trademark of Knight Audio Technologies Ltd.
LESLIE® is a trademark property of Hammond Organ/Leslie, wholly-owned brand subsidiaries of Suzuki Musical Instruments Mfg., Ltd. of Hamamatsu, Japan.
MAESTRO® FUZZTONE is a registered trademark of Gibson Electronics.
MARSHALL®, 1959 JTM100™ Super Lead, JMP100™ are registered trademarks and trademarks of Marshall Amplification Plc.
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MESA/BOOGIE® and RECTIFIER® are trademarks of Mesa/Boogie Ltd.
MORLEY® is a registered trademark of SOUND ENHANCEMENT PRODUCTS, INC.
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MU-TRON® III is a registered trademark of Zajac, Henry A., Jr. Washington, NJ 07882.
MXR® is a registered trademark of Applied Research and Technology, Inc.
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PEAVEY® is a registered trademark of Peavey Electronics Corporation.
PRO CO RAT™ is a trademark of ProCo Sound, Inc.
PRS® is a registered trademark of Paul Reed Smith Guitars.
RANDALL® is a registered trademark of Randall Amplifiers a division of U.S. Music Corp.
ROCKMAN® is a registered trademark of Scholz Research & Development, Inc.
ROGER MAYER™, Classic Fuzz®, Axis Fuzz®, Octavia®, are trademarks and registered trademarks of Roger Mayer.
ROLAND® is a registered trademark of Roland Corporation.
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SEYMOUR DUNCAN® is a registered trademark of Carter Duncan Corporation.
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T-REX ENGINEERING® is a registered trademark property of T-Rex Engineering ApS Corporation.
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UNIVOX™ is a trademark of Korg USA Corporation.
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VOX®, VOX® WAH V846 and AC30 are registered trademarks of VOX Amplification Ltd.
WAMPLER PEDALS® is a registered trademark property of Wampler Pedals, Inc.
Z.VEX® is a registered trademark property of Zachary Vex.
5150® is a registered trademark of Edward Van Halen.
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