Greedy Strategy Algorithm : Design & Analysis [14] In the last class… Undirected and Symmetric Digraph UDF Search Skeleton Biconnected Components Articulation Points and Biconnectedness Biconnected Component Algorithm Analysis of the Algorithm Greedy Strategy Optimization Problem MST Problem Single-Source Shortest Path Problem Prim’s Algorithm Kruskal’s Algorithm Dijstra’s Algorithm Greedy Strategy Optimizing by Greedy Coin Change Problem [candidates] A finite set of coins, of 1, 5, 10 and 25 units, with enough number for each value [constraints] Pay an exact amount by a selected set of coins [optimization] a smallest possible number of coins in the selected set Solution by greedy strategy For each selection, choose the highest-valued coin as possible. Greedy Fails Sometimes If the available coins are of 1,5,12 units, and we have to pay 15 units totally, then the smallest set of coins is {5,5,5}, but not {12,1,1,1} However, the correctness of greedy strategy on the case of {1,5,10,25} is not straightly seen. Greedy Strategy Constructing the final setgreedy(set greedy(setcandidate) candidate) set solution by expanding the setS=Ø; S=Ø; set partial solution step by step, n o whilefnot not solution(S) and f in each of which a selection while solution(S) and ” ocandidate≠Ø n o g is made from a set of i candidate≠Ø n t i a z candidates, with the choice ad select i locally optimizingxx r select locally optimizing m t ” i made must be: : y t t y from candidate; p i from candidate; e l o i [feasible] it has to satisfy K thecal b i s candidate=candidate-{x}; problem’s constraints candidate=candidate-{x}; a o e l f “ “ [locally optimal] it has to be iffeasible(x) feasible(x)then thenS=S∪{x}; S=S∪{x}; if d nall if solution(S) then return S the best local choice among a feasible choices on the step if solution(S) then return S [irrevocable] the candidate elsereturn return(“no (“nosolution”) solution”) else selected can never be deselected on subsequent steps Weighted Graph and MST SpanningTree: Tree:W(T)=257 W(T)=257 AASpanning B 26 27 21 A B 27 26 21 C A 34 H 36 25 18 29 33 I J 17 D 21 25 21 28 E 42 22 16 C 36 34 25 33 18 I 21 H J 28 17 53 G B F 53 G A weighted graph The nearest neighbor of vertex I is H The nearest neighbor of shaded subset of vertex is G 42 29 D A 34 H 21 C 36 22 16 21 25 F MST:W(T)=190 W(T)=190 AAMST: 26 27 E 42 E D 22 33 29 25 16 I 21 18 21 F 25 J 28 17 53 G Graph Traversal and MST There are cases that graph traversal tree cannot be minimum spanning tree, with the vertices explored in any order. All other edges with weight 5 1 1 1 1 1 DFS tree BFS tree in any ordering of vertex Greedy Algorithms for MST Prim’s algorithm: Difficult selecting: “best local optimization means no cycle and small weight under limitation. Easy checking: doing nothing Kruskal’s algorithm: Easy selecting: smallest in primitive meaning Difficult checking: no cycle Merging Two Vertices v0 ’ v0 v0 ” v2 v2 v1 v5 v5 v4 v4 v6 v3 v5 v4 v6 v3 v6 v3 Constructing a Spanning Tree a b a b a b a b c d c d c d c d (0) (1) (2) (3) Letaabe bethe thestarting startingvertex, vertex,selecting selectingedges edgesone oneby byone oneininoriginal originalgraph graph 0.0.Let Mergingaaand andccinto intoa’({a,c}), a’({a,c}),selecting selecting(a,c) (a,c) 1.1.Merging Merginga’a’and andbbinto intoa”({a,c,b}), a”({a,c,b}),selecting selecting(c,b) (c,b) 2.2.Merging Merginga” a”and andddinto intoa”’({a,c,b,d}), a”’({a,c,b,d}),selecting selecting(a,d) (a,d)or or(d,b) (d,b) 3.3.Merging Ending,as asonly onlyone onevertex vertexleft left Ending, Prim’s Algorithm for MST 2 A B 6 3 7 G 1 5 F I 4 E 3 H 8 2 6 4 1 C 2 2 D edges included in the MST Greedy Greedystrategy: strategy: For Foreach eachset setof offringe fringe vertex, vertex,select selectthe theedge edge with withthe theminimal minimal weight, weight,that thatis, is,local local optimal. optimal. Minimum Spanning Tree Property A spanning tree T of a connected, weighted graph has MST property if and only if for any non-tree edge uv, T∪{uv} contain a cycle in which uv is one of the maximum-weight edge. All the spanning trees having MST property have the same weight. uv-path in T1 edge exchange u Must have same weight v u wi wi+1 not in T2 edge uv in T2 but not in T1 , with minimum weight among all different edges v × wi wi+1 a new spanning tree: same weight as T1, less different edges from that of T2 MST Property and Minimum Spanning Tree In a connected, weighted graph G=(V,E,W), a tree T is a minimum spanning tree if and only if T has the MST property. Proof ⇒ For a minimum spanning tree T, if it doesn’t has MST property. So, there is a non-tree edge uv, and T∪{uv} contain an edge xy with weight larger than that of uv. Substituting uv for xy results a spanning tree with less weight than T. Contradiction. ⇐ As claimed above, any minimum spanning tree has the MST property. Since T has MST property, it has the same weight as any minimum spanning tree, i.e. T is a minimum spanning tree as well. Correctness of Prim’s Algorithm Let Tk be the tree constructed after the kth step of Prim’s algorithm is executed, then Tk has the MST property in Gk, the subgraph of G induced by vertices of Tk. wa+1 wb-1 assumed first and Tk-1 wa wb …… u1(w1) edge added in Tk Note: w(uiv)≥w(u1v), and if wa added earlier than wb, then wawa+1 and wb-1wb added later than any edges in u1wa-path, and v as well v, ui(wp) last edges with larger weight than w(uiv), resulting contradictions. added in Tk to form a cycle, added in Tk only these need be considered Key Issue in Implementation Maintaining the set of fringe vertices Create the set and update it after each vertex is “selected” (deleting the vertex having been selected and inserting new fringe vertices) Easy to decide the vertex with “highest priority” Changing the priority of the vertices (decreasing key). The choice: priority queue Implementing Prim’s Algorithm Main Procedure ADT operation executions: insert, getMin, deleteMin: n times decreaseKey: m times primMST(G,n) Initialize the priority queue pq as empty; Select vertex s to start the tree; Set its candidate edge to (-1,s,0); Updating the Queue insert(pq,s,0); updateFringe(pq,G,v) while (pq is not empty) For all vertices w adjcent to v //2m loops v=getMin(pq); deleteMin(pq); newWgt=w(v,w); add the candidate edge of v to the tree; if w.status is unseen then updateFringe(pq,G,v); Set its candidate edge to (v,w,newWgt); return insert(pq,w,newWgt) else getMin(pq) always be the if newWgt<getPriorty(pq,w) vertex with the smallest Revise its candidate edge to (v,w,newWgt); key in the fringe set. decreaseKey(pq,w,newWgt) return Prim’s Algorithm for MST 2 A × 3 7 1 5 F I 6 × G ×4 E 4 3 H 8 2 6 B 1 C 2 2 D edges included in the MST Greedy Greedystrategy: strategy: For Foreach eachset setof offringe fringe vertex, vertex,select selectthe theedge edge with withthe theminimal minimal weight, weight,that thatis, is,local local optimal. optimal. Complexity of Prim’s Algorithm Operations on ADT priority queue: (for a graph with n vertices and m edges) insert: n getMin: n deleteMin: n decreasKey: m (appears in 2m loops, but execute at most m) So, T(n,m) = O(nT(getMin)+nT(deleteMin+insert)+mT(decreaseKey)) Implementing priority queue using heap, we can get Θ(n2+m) Kruskal’s Algorithm for MST 2 A B 6 3 7 G 1 5 F I 4 E 3 H 8 2 6 4 1 C 2 2 D edges included in the MST Also AlsoGreedy Greedystrategy: strategy: From Fromthe theset setof ofedges edges not notyet yetincluded includedin inthe the partially partiallybuilt builtMST, MST, select selectthe theedge edgewith with the theminimal minimalweight, weight, that thatis, is,local localoptimal, optimal, in inanother anothersense. sense. Key Issue in Implementation How to know an insertion of edge will result in a cycle efficiently? For correctness: the two endpoints of the selected edge can not be in the same connected components. For the efficiency: connected components are implemented as dynamic equivalence classes using union-find. Kruskal’s Algorithm: the Procedure kruskalMST(G,n,F) //outline int count; Build a minimizing priority queue, pq, of edges of G, prioritized by weight. Initialize a Union-Find structure, sets, in which each vertex of G is in its own set. F=φ; while (isEmpty(pq) == false) vwEdge = getMin(pq); deleteMin(pq); int vSet = find(sets, vwEdge.from); int wSet = find(sets,; if (vSet ≠ wSet) Add vwEdge to F; union(sets, vSet, wSet) return Simply Simplysorting, sorting,the the cost costwill willbe beΘΘ(mlogm) (mlogm) Prim vs. Kruskal Lower bound for MST For a correct MST, each edge in the graph should be examined at least once. So, the lower bound is Ω(m) Θ(n2+m) and Θ(mlogm), which is better? Generally speaking, depends on the density of edge of the graph. Single Source Shortest Paths The single source Red labels on each vertex is the length of the shortest path from s to the vertex. 1 Note: Note: Theshortest shortest[0, [0,3]3]The pathdoesn’t doesn’tcontain contain path theshortest shortestedge edge the leavings,s,the theedge edge leaving [0,1] [0,1] 7 8 6 2 1 5 2 3 3 3 5 1 3 6 7 s 0 4 4 4 2 2 4 9 6 Dijstra’s Algorithm: an Example 1∞ 7 ∞ 2 2 5 3 1 1 2 ∞ 68 8 2 s 0 7 3 4 3 ∞76 4∞ 3 4 4 6 4 ∞ 5 ∞9 Home Assignment pp.416-: 8.7-8.9 8.14-15 8.25