ALL YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT ORGANIZATIONAL DESIGN Presentation by Mohamed Benchebba and Achraf Al-gunaid 01 04 INTRODUCTION IMPACT Just a brief introduction to the topic. TABLE OF CONTENTS The impact of Organizational design on an organization. 02 05 KEY ELEMENTS CASE STUDY A quick description of the six key elements of organizational design. Discovering the organizational structure of Amazon. 03 VIDEO 06 KEY POINTS An easy on the eyes and brief video on organizational design. We sum up the topic by giving a few key points to take with us forward. 02 KEY ELEMENTS The six key elements of organizational design. DEPARTMENTLIZATION(by type) FUNCTIONAL PROCESS - Grouping jobs by functions performed. - Grouping jobs on the basis of product or customer flow. PRODUCT CUSTOMER - Grouping jobs by product line. - Grouping jobs by type of customer and needs. GEOGRAPHICAL - Grouping jobs on the basis of territory or geography. CHAIN OF COMMAND The continuous line of authority that extends from upper levels of an organization to the lowest levels of the organization—clarifies who reports to whom. CHAIN OF COMMAND AUTHORITY RESPONSIBILITY The rights inherent in a managerial position to tell people what to do and to expect them to do it. The obligation or expectation to perform. UNITY OF COMMAND The concept that a person should have one boss and should report only to that person. 03 VIDEO SHOWCASE What is organizational design? HEY! Pay close attention. In this video tutorial Prof. Nils Stieglitz talks us through the management concept of Organization Design. 04 THE IMPACT The impact of Organizational design on an organization. 05 CASE STUDY Discovering the organizational structure of Amazon. 287,887 Amazon revenues grew from $8490 million USD in 2005 to $232,887 million USD in 2018. 06 KEY POINTS We sum up the topic by giving a few key points to take with us forward. “Every problem is a gift, without problems we would not grow.” —ANTHONY ROBBINS SLIDE MADE BY: MOHAMED BENCHEBBA Presentation design, information gathering, reader. ACHRAF ALGUNAID Information gathering, inspection, critic. THANK YOU