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PTO Board Meeting Notes 9/27

PTO Board Meeting Notes 9/27
Start Time 6:08 PM
Moode Presentation- Evans filmed his overview of our school’s mission, vision, and systems in
place that show we are working towards advancing our mission
Boston finance update:
Our budget $729.55
New platform for payments as some are not comfortable with CashApp
Possibly venmo/paypal(?)
Cashbox in the office if anyone brings cash for PTO Dues- they will fill out a form
Tracey Cunningham- name spelling correction
Jacqueline (Renae) Echedom name update
Athletics Update
3 more home games for volleyball (Senior Night)
Basketball schedule- online on the new chronicle newsletters. Parents/teachers see which
games you want to volunteer for
Banners for seniors are $65 - deadline extended. Get with Coach Bone or Desiree in finance
We need schedules for all athletics
Faculty Liasion
October 6th E-learning and parent meeting day
October 9th no school
October 26th school-wide testing (half day)
October 27th no school
20 for 20 Campaign
Working on trying to get launched to get communication part right
Mission advancement could cause conflicts- so director of communications is working on the
letters with criteria and mission advancement accordance (pto letterhead)
Letters can go out digitally or by mail to ask for donations
New Business
Muffins with Mom on 10/17 or 10/24
Look at 10/17 because Evans and possibly Moode will be at the ATL Cristo Rey on the 24th
Donuts with dad lock down a date in November*
Fundraisers: yard signs for athletes “proud to support HFCR”, Trunk or Treat and see J. Smith
for candy donations and to sign up your car for the event (costumes okay?)- Games and stuff,
possibly athletics, concessions the 31st
*10/16 lemonade sale
*10/24 concessions sale
Do we have the contact information for the tamale sale?
Link on Trunk or Treat sign up working?
Student Representatives Need to Sign up for a Committee
Fatima Medrano Martinez grade 9 says she was interested in Hospitality Committee
Luis Salazar grade 12 possibly Finance Committee
Madison Drake grade 12 newsletter
Rachel Morrow grade 11 (maybe publicity since she is school president
Shamira Jackson grade 11 fundraising
Meeting ended 7:20