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English Textbook for Uzbek Speakers

T o s h k e n t- 2013
U O ‘K 811.111
КВ К 81.2 Ағ
А н гл
В 85
/a /C
, 7 V > C < y
Bonk, N atalya A leksandrovna.
Ingliz tili darsligi: 2 qism li / N. A. Bonk, G. A. Kotiy,
N. A. Lukyanova. - Т.: «A RT FLEX », 2013.
Q. I - 752 b.
Kotiy, G alina A kim ovna II. Lukyanova, Natalya Anatolyevna.
D a rslik d i e t tili k u rsla ri, U V garaklarida, in g liz tilini m ustaqil
o 'r g a n a y o tg a n la r v a o liy o 'q u v y u rtla ri ta la b a la rig a moM jallangan.
U O ‘K 811.111
KBK 8 U Англ
ton MK
IS B N 9 7 8 -9 9 4 3 -3 0 1 -9 2 -4
S «A R T FLE X » nashriyoti, 2013
Natalya Aleksandrovna Bonk,
Galina Akimovna Kotiy,
Natalya Anatolyevna Lukyanova
U sh b u d a rslik o ‘q itu v c h i r a h b a rlig i o s tid a in g liz tili b ila n
s h u g ‘u lla n is h g a en d i k irish g a n
k a tta y o s h d a g i o ‘q u v c h ila r
u c h u n m o ‘lja lla n g a n b o ‘lib, h a fta sig a 8 - 1 0
s o a tlik o ‘q u v
m a s h g ‘u lo tla ri o ‘tk a z ilg a n d a t o ‘r t y illik t a ’lim k u rs i u c h u n
y a ra tilg a n d a rslik n in g b irin c h i q ism i h is o b la n a d i. U n d a n til
o ‘rg a tish n in g a s o siy m a q sad i o g ‘za k i n u tq
k o ‘n ik m a la rin i
e g a lla s h g a q a ra tilg a n c h e t tili k u rsla rid a , o liy o ‘q u v y u rtla ri v a
b o sh q a t a ’lim m u a s s a s a la rid a fo y d a la n ish m u m k in .
D a rs lik ta x m in a n 5 0 0 so a t a u d ito riy a m a s h g ‘u lo tla ri v a
y a n a sh u n c h a so a t m u sta q il o ‘rg a n is h g a m o ‘lja lla n g a n . D a rslik
b ila n
ish la sh
n a tija sid a
o ‘q u v c h ila r
in g liz tilid a
s o ‘z la rn i
to ‘g ‘ri ta la flu z q ilish , o ‘tilg an le k sik v a g ra m m a tik m a v z u la r
k o ‘la m id a in g liz tili o g ‘z a k i v a y o z m a n u tq k o ‘n ik m a la rig a e g a
b o ‘lish la ri k erak .
D a rslik d a g i m a tn la r m a ish iy v a ijtim o iy -s iy o s iy m a v z u la rn i
o ‘z ic h ig a o la d i. U sh b u m a v z u la rd a n k e lib c h iq ib , d a rs lik n in g
lu g ‘a t ta rk ib i y a ra tild i. U n d a ta x m in a n 1250 s o ‘z Va ib o ra la r
m a v ju d .
G ra m m a tik m a te ria l c h e t tili in stitu ti 1 -b o sq ic h ta la b a la ri
g ra m m a tik a fa n id a n tu z ilg a n
o ‘q u v
d a s tu rig a m o s
k e la d i.
D a rs lik k iris h k u rsid a n (1 0 d a rs), a s o s iy k u rs (2 6 d a rs),
k irish
a s o siy
k u rs d a rs la rig a
g ra m m a tik
k o ‘rsa tm a la r,
g ra m m a tik ja d v a lla r v a d a rs la r b o ‘y ic h a tu z ilg a n lu g ‘atd a n
ib o rat.
“ S o ‘z y a s a s h ” ( s o ‘z y a s a s h q o id a la ri) b o ‘ lim i v a 1 -h am d a
2 -q is m n in g m a s h q la r tiz im i N . A . L u k y a n o v a to m o n id a n ish la b
c h iq ilg a n .
N . A . L u k y a n o v a to m o n id a n , s h u n in g d e k , g ra m m a tik k o ‘rs a tm a la r v a g ra m m a tik ja d v a lla r h a m d a g ra m m a tik m a s h q la r
tiz im i (" G ra m m a r E x e rc ise s" , " G ra m m a r R e v is io n " b o ‘lim la ri)
ish la b c h iq ilg a n .
N a ta ly a A le k s a n d ro v n a B o n k , G a lin a A k im o v n a K o tiy va
N a ta ly a A n a to ly e v n a L u k y a n o v a la r to m o n id a n y a ra tilg a n u sh b u
d a rs lik , m a n a , k o ‘p y illa rd irk i in g liz tili fa n in i o ‘rg a n ish d a
o ‘q u v c h i, a b itu riy e n t v a ta la b a la rg a , d e y a rli b a rc h a M D H
m a m la k a tla rid a en g y a q in k o bm a k c h i h is o b la n ib k e la y o tg a n i
h e c h k im g a s ir em as. B iz n in g y u r tim iz d a h a m in g liz tilig a
q iz iq u v c h ila rn in g a k s a riy a t q is m i u s h b u k ito b b ila n b e v o sita
s h u g ‘u lla n ish g a n . B iro q , d a rs lik ru s tilid a b o ‘lg a n lig i sa b a b li
m illiy m a k ta b o ‘q u v c h ila rid a u b ila n s h u g ‘u lla n is h d a b ir q a to r
q iy in c h ilik la r tu g N lish i, ta rjim o n n i u s h b u d a rs lik n i o ‘zb e k
tilig a ta rjim a q ilis h g a u n d a d i. B u b ila n o ‘z b e k o ‘q u v c h ila ri
h am u s h b u d a rs lik d a n to ‘la v a t o ‘g ‘ri fo y d a la n is h im k o n iy a tig a
e g a b o ‘la d ila r, d e g a n u m id d a m iz .
B u d a r s lik n in g b o s h q a in g liz tili d a r s lik la r id a n fa rq i
(q u la y lig i) n im a d a ?
B irin c h id a n ,
tu z ilg a n .
Y a’ni,
d a rslik
u slu b iy jih a td a n
m a v z u la r
b a y o n id a
y u q o ri
(x o h
sa v iy a d a
f o n e tik ,
g ra m m a tik y o k i le k sik m a v z u b o ‘lsin ) m a n tiq iy z a n jirg a q a t’iy
a m a l q ilin g a n . S o d d a q ilib a y ta d ig a n b o ‘lsa k , d a rs d a n im a
o ‘tilsa , o ‘q u v c h id a n sh u n a rs a ta la b q ilin a d i. T il o ‘rg a n u v c h i
d a rs lik n in g h a r q a n d a y b o s q ic h id a o ‘tilg a n m a v z u la rn i y ax sh i
o ‘z la s h tirg a n
b o ‘lsa,
d e y a rli
q iy in c h ilik k a
u c h ra m a y d i. Q iy in m a v z u la r h am k e ra k li jo y d a m e ’y o rid a ,
o ‘q u v c h in in g ay n i v a z iy a td a g i b ilim v a k o ‘n ik m a la rin i h iso b g a
o lg a n h o ld a b a y o n e tilib , b u tu n d a rs lik d a v o m id a toM dirib
b o rila d i.
Ik k in c h id a n ,
g ra m m a tik
m a v z u la r
m u o m a la
(k o m -
m u n ik a ts iy a ) v a z iy a tla rig a b o g ‘la n g a n h o ld a b e rilish i u n in g
o ‘z la s h tirilis h d a ra ja sin i o s h ira d i v a o ‘q u v c h i x o tir a s id a u zo q
v a q t m u h rla n ib
q o la d i.
B undan
b o ‘y ic h a m a v z u la r te g is h li
m u s ta h k a m la b b o rila d i.
ta s h q a ri, o ‘tilg a n
m a s h q la r
o rq a li
d a rsla r
m u n ta z a m
U c h in c h id a n , m a v z u la rn in g a n iq d a rs s o a tla rig a a jra tilis h i,
o ‘rin li m e to d ik k o ‘rsa tm a la r o ‘q itu v c h i ish fa o liy a tin i ta sh k il
q ilis h g a s e z ila rli y o rd a m b erad i.
D a rslik s o ‘n g id a b e rilg a n ilo v a la r m a v z u la rn i b ir tiz im g a
so lis h g a x iz m a t q ila d i.
T a rjim a d a in g liz tili
o ‘rta s id a g i
ta fo v u tla rd a
k e lib
c h iq ilg a n
h o la tla rd a g in a
o ‘r g a n u v c h in in g
o ‘z b e k
ta rjim o n
x u s u s iy a tla rid a n
to m o n id a n
a y rim
o ‘z g a rtiris h la r k iritilg a n . Q o lg a n o 'r in la r d a a s liy a t t o ‘la q o n li
s a q la b
q o lin g a n .
G ra m m a tik
m a v z u la r
b a y o n id a
a y rim
o ‘r in la rd a ta k ro rla n is h la r m a v ju d b o ‘lib, u la r o ‘q u v c h in in g
m a v z u n i o ‘rg a n is h ja ra y o n id a e ‘tib o rin i (k ito b n i v a ra q la b )
c h a lg N tm a slig i u c h u n a ta y in b e rib k e tilg a n . B a ’z i m a v z u la r
e sa b iro z k e n g a y tirilg a n . (M a sa la n , to b e f e ’li: d a rs lik k a tta
yo sh d ag i
o ‘q u v c h ila rg a
m o M jallan g an lig i
u n in g
tu s la n is h in i b ir jo y d a b e rish n i m a ’q u l to p d ik .)
D a rs lik n in g ta rjim a s i x u s u s id a
fik r v a
m u lo h a z a la rin g iz
u n in g
b ild irila ja k h a r q a n d a y
k e y in g i
n a s h rla ri
m u k a m m a lro q c h iq is h ig a x iz m a t q ila d i. B iz e s a s iz la rg a b u n in g
u c h u n a w a l d a n m in n a td o rc h ilik b ild ira m iz .
Bahodir Jo ‘raboyev
Darslikning asosiy boMimlariga uslubiy k o 'r s a tm a la r..............................
Kirish kursi
K iris h
1-dar s
; ............................................
Tovushlar: [i:, e, m , p, b, f, v, t, d. n. I] Undosh harflam ing o'qilishi b.
d , f. I, m , n, p, t, v. Unlilarning urg u ostida o'qilishi (I va II o 'qish
turlari). E harfi v a ce b arf birikmasining o'qilishi. S o 'z va ibora urg'usi
haqida tushuncha. Intonatsiya haqida tushuncha. Portlovchi undosh
harflam ing birga kclishi. Tekst. Grammatika: Buyruq gap. Ingliz tilida
ot va olm oshlam ing kelishiklari haqida tushuncha.
2-dars ................................................................................................... : ...........
Tovushlar: [i, ai, s, z, w], Harflar i, y, s, z. Ss h a rf birikm asi. Ingliz
tilidagi gaplam ing ayrim urg'u va ohang qoidalari. Ingliz nutqining
ritm ikasi. Tekst. Grammatika: Otlarning rodi va soni. To'ldiruvchi
haqida tushuncha. Prcdlogsiz (vositasiz va vositali) to'ldiruvchining
gapdagi o'rni. Aniqlovchi haqida tushuncha.
3-dar s .................. ................................. V . . " . ................
Tovushlar: [x , ei. э, 0 , 6 ] va [pi] tovush birikm asi. a harfining ai, ay, ca
h arf birikm alarida v a с harfining i dan oldin o'qilishi. K o'tariluvchi
ton. Darak gapda intonatsiya. M a’no guruhi haqida tushuncha.
K o'm akchi so 'zlam in g to* Ia va reduksiyaga uchragan shakllari. Tekst.
Grammatika: Infinitiv haqida tushuncha. to be fe’lining uchinchi
shaxs birlikdagi shakli. Gap - um uniy tushuncha. I t olm oshi. Artikl
haqida tushuncha. N oaniq artikl.
4-dar s ..........................................................................................................................
Tovushlar: [k, g, f, 3 , tf, cfe] va [kl] tovush birikm asi. C , g, h , j , к
harflari. ch, sh, tch, th, ck h arf birikm alarining o'qilishi. M urojaat
intonatsiyasi. Tekst. Grammatika: Aniq artikl. this, that, these, those
ko'rsatish olm oshlari. Birlikda -s, -x, -ss, -sh, -ch lar bilan tugallangan
otlarning k o 'p lik shakli.
5-dar s ...........................................................................................................................
Tovushlar: [a:, h, j , r, q] va [qk] tovushlar birikm asi. r, h, у harflari va
ar, ng, n k h arf birikm alarining o'qilishi. Ill o 'qish turi. Ikki b o 'g 'in li so 'zlard a urg'u. Tekst. Grammatika: Umum iy so 'ro q gap. Q isqa
b lishli javob. Birlikda -y bilan tugallanuvchi otlarning ko'plik
shakli. Otdan so ng sanoq son aniqlovchi b o 'lib kelganda artiklning
6-dar s ...........................................................................................................................
Tovushlar: [u:, 0 :, 0 , u, ou ] va [zd, z0] Tovush birikm alari. О harfi va
0 0 , o r hart birikm alarining o'qilishi. B o 'g 'in yasovchi undoshlar.
Salom lashish intonatsiyasi. Tekst. S o ':y a sa sh : S o'zlarning bir-biriga
qo'shilishi. Grammatika: BoMishsiz darak gap to be fe’li bilan. Qisqa
bo‘lishsiz javob. Tanlov so'roq gap. Predlogli to'ldiruvchi.
7-dars ..........................................................................................................
Tovushlar: [л, au, oi ] va [td, dd, nd, 13. gr, dr, br, fr, pr, sir, 0r] Tovush
birikmalari. U, w harflari va oi, oy, ow, ou harf birikmalarining
o'qilishi. [r] bog'lovchi tovushi. Tekst. So : yasash: - e r,- o r sufflkslari.
Grammatika: Kishilik olmoshlari bosh kelishikda. to be fe’lining
hozirgi zam onda tuslanishi. Joy v a yo'nalish predloglari.
8-dar s .........................................................................................................................
Tovush [э:] va [wo, wo:] tovush birikmalari. H arf birikmalari: er,
ir, yr, nr, w a, w h. Tekst. Grammatika: Buyruq may lining bo’lishsiz
shakli. M axsus so 'ro q gaplar. Sifatdosh I. (Participle I). Hozirgi zamon
davom fe’li (The Present Continuous Tense).
9-dar s .........................................................................................................................
Tovushlar: [ia, еэ, из] va [aid, аиэ, wa:] tovush birikmalari. IV o'qish
turi. H arf birikmalari: wor, eer, air, ire, our. Bosh va ikkinchi darajali
urg'u. Tekst. Grammatika: Egalik olmoshlari. who, whose, where
so 'ro q so'zlari bilan boshlanuvchi maxsus so'roq gaplar.
10-dar s .......................................................................................................................
Tovush birikmalari:
[tw, kw], q harfi va all, alk, wr, ew, igh harf birikmalari. Tekst.
Grammatika: o f predlogi yordamida qaratqich kelishigi munosabatining ifodalanishi.
Ingliz a lilb o s i..........................................................................................................
0 ‘qish qoidalari j a d v a li .....................................................................................
A sosiy kurs
1-dar s .........................................................................................................................
Text: We Learn Foreign Languages. S o 'z yasash: -ly suffiksi
Grammatika: Hozirgi zam on oddiy fe’li. (The Present Indefinite
Tense). Noaniq zam on ravishlari.
2-dar s .........................................................................................................................
Text: We Leant Foreign Languages. (Continued) S o 'z yasash: -ion
suffiksi. O 'q ish qoidasi: kn harf birikmasini so 'z boshida va и
harfining r v a I dan so 'n g o'qilishi. Grammatika: Hozirgi zam on oddiy
fe’li 3-shaxs birlik shaklining yasalishi. Ega va uning aniqlovchisiga
savollar. to be going to oborotini kelasi zamondagi niyatni ifodalashda
ishlatilishi. Hoi at va daraja ravishlarining gapdagi o'rni.
3-dar s ........................................................................' ...............................................
Text: The W orking Day o f an Engineer. O 'qish qoidasi: ay, ey harf
birikm alarining urg'usiz holatda va ear harf birikmasi, a harfining st, sk
lardan oldin kelganda o'qilishi. Grammatika: Kishilik olmoshlarining
obyekt kelishigi. M uch, little, many, few.
4-dars .........................................................................................................................
Text: My Friend is a C hildren’s Doctor Now. Sonlarning yasalishi.
Grammatika: F e’lning asosiy shakllari. O 'tgan zam on oddiy fe’li
(O 'Z O ). The Past Indefinite Tense. T o 'g 'ri tuslanuvchi fe’llar. to be
fc’lining O 'Z O shakli. O tlarning kelishiklari. Qaratqich kelishigi.
5-dar s ..........................................................................................................................
Text: M y Last W eek-End. S o 'z yasash: -aI suffiksi. Grammatika:
O 'tg an zamon oddiy fe’li. The Past Indefinite Tense. N o to 'g 'ri
tuslanuvchi fe’llar. Vositali ham da vositasiz to'ldiruvchining gapdagi
6-dar s ..........................................................................................................................
Text: My F riend’s Family. Yilni ifodalovchi sonlar. S o 'z yasash: -ist,
-ism suffiksi. O 'qish qoidasi: Id, nd dan oldin unlilar va th , m , n , v
lardan oldin о harfining o'qilishi. Grammatika: to have fe’li va have
(has) g o t oboroti. som e, an y gum on olmoshlari. o f prcdlogining one
of, som e o f kabi birikm alarda ishlatilishi.
7-dar s ..........................................................................................................................
Text: My S ister’s Flat. S o 'z yasash: -ure, -able suffikslari. O 'qish
qoidasi: cei, ower, ph h a rf birikmalari. Grammatika: there is (there
are) oboroti HZO va O 'Z O da. can modal fe’li va to be able to
8-dar s ..........................................................................' . .......................................... ..
Text: At the Library. S o 'zyasash: -hood, -y suffikslari О qish qoidasi:
U nlilarning u rg 'u siz holatda o'qilishi. Grammatika: Sifatdosh II
haqida tushuncha. Tugallangan hozirgi zamon fe’li (THZ). (The
Present Perfect Tense.) Fan va o 'quv predm etlari nomlari oldidan
artiklning ishlatilmasligi.
9-dar s ..........................................................................................................................
Text: A Telephone Conversation. O 'qish qoidasi: Unlilarning
u rg 'u ostida q o 'sh r dan oldin o'qilishi. Grammatika: Ingliz tilida
shartlilikning berilishi.
B o'lishsiz so 'ro q gaplar. T hat, if, when, as, because bog'lovchilari
bilan keluvchi ergash gaplar.
10-dar s ..................................................................... ..................................................
Text: A Letter to a Friend. S o 'z yasash: -ing suffiksi. Grammatika:
Kelasi zamon oddiy (KZO) fe ’li (The Future Indefinite Tense).
Aniqlovchi ergash gaplar. T ill (until), as soon as, before, after, w hile
bog'lovchilari bilan keluvchi ergash gaplar.
11-dar s ........................................................................................................................
Text: A Visit to Moscow. S o 'z yasash: -ive, -fill, -age, -ize suffikslari.
Grammatika: To'ldiruvchi ergash gapli qo'shm a gaplarda zam onlar
m oslashuvi (the Future Indefinite in the Past, the Past Perfect Tense).
Tasdiq so 'ro q gap. to speak, to talk , to say, to tell fe’llari.
12-dars ........................................................................................................................
Text: In the L unch H our (M eals). Grammatika: 1- yoki 3- shaxsga
qaratilgan buyruq yoki iltimosning ifodalanishi. if yoki w hether
bog'lovchilari bilan kiritilgan to'ldiruvchi ergash gaplar (Um um iy
so 'ro q gaplar o'zlashtirm a gapda). N arsa, buyum nomlari oldidan
artiklning ishlatilishi. a little, a few birikmalari.
13-dars ........................................................................................................................
Text: T hey are Leaving Moscow. O 'qish qoidasi: oa harf birikm asi.
Grammatika: M ajhul nisbat (The Passive Voice). Maxsus so'roq
gaplar o'zlashtirm a gapda. Egalik olm oshlarining absolut (m ustaqil)
14-dars ........................................................................................................................
Text: A Sea Story (alter II’ W. Jacobs). Grammatika: O 'tgan va kelasi
zamon davom fe’llari (The Past and Future Continuous). Buyruq va
iltimos o'zlashtirm a gapda. N atija ergash gap.
15 -d ar s .......................................................................................................................
Text: Shopping. Soatlar (vaqt)ni aytish. S o 'z yasash: -less suffiksi.
Grammatika: Sifat darajalari. Ot shaxsi nom a’lum gap. T o'siqsiz
ergash gap. O 'rindosh so'zlar.
16-dar s .......................................................................................................................
Text: From Verkhoyansk to Sukhumi. S o ':y a sa s h : -nient suffiksi va
un-, in-, im -, il-, ir-, m is- old qo'shim chalari. Grammatika: Ravish
darajalari. as ... as, not so ... as qiyoslash konstruksiyalari. Ot va fe’l
shaxsi nom a’lum gaplar. O 'rindosh so'zlar.
17-dar s ................................................................... .............. ' I ..................... ...........
Text: The U nited Kingdom. Ayrim geografik nomlar. S o ':yasash: -ese,
-ic, -ous, -sh ip suffikslari. Grammatika:Atoqli otlar bilan artiklning
18-dar s .......................................................................................................................
Text: The Childhood and Youth o f Dickens. S o ': yasash: -ance, ence
suffikslari. Grammatika: som e, any, no, every lardan yasalgan gumon
olm oshlari va ravishlari.
19-dar s .............................................
Text: The Lavrovs. 100 dan katta sonlar. S o ': yasash: -ness, -dom
suffikslari va dis- old qo'shim chasi. О qish qoidasi: gu birikmasining
unlilardanoldin kelishi. Grammatika: Sifatdosh I v a il bilansifatdoshli
aborotlar aniqlovchi v a hoi vazifasida. Since, for a long time, for ages
so 'zlari bilan tugallangan hozirgi zam on fe’lining ishlatilishi. Atoqli
otlar bilan artiklning ishlatilishi. Ikki xil qiyoslash darajalari.
20-dar s ......................................................................................................................
Text: An Incident from the Life o f a Russian Revolutionary.
Grammatika: “M urakkab to ‘ldiruvchi”li konstruksiyaning to want,
to expect fe’llari va should (would) like iborasidan so 'n g kelishi
Gerundiyning to stop, to continue, to begin, to go on, to finish, to
mind fe’llaridan so 'n g ishlatilishi. Tugallangan o'tgan zamon fe’li
(the Past Perfect Tense).
21-dar s ................................................................................................ ......................
Text: Now He Belongs to the Ages. О qish qoidasi: aim harf birikmasi.
Grammatika: “M urakkab to'ldiruvchi”li konstruksiyaning his qilish
fe’llaridan so 'n g kelishi.
22-dar s .................................................... _..................................................................
Text: The Open W indow (after H. M unro). S o ': yasash: over- old
qo'shim chasi. Grammatika: O 'zlik olmoshlari. "M urakkab to'ldiruvchi’’li konstruksiya to make majbur qilmoq fe’lidan so'ng.
23-dar s .......................................................................................................................
Text: Her First N ight. S o ':ya sa sh : -ite suffiksi. Grammatika: neither
... nor, either ... or, both ... and bog'lovchilari. So shall I, Neither
(nor) did he kabi qisqa bo'lishli va qisqa bo'lishsiz gaplar.
24-dar s .......................................................................................................................
Text: A Piece o f Soap (after H. M unro). Grammatika: Tugallangan
kelasi zam on (The Future Perfect Tense).
25-dar s ........................................................................................................................
Text: Post H aste (after Colin Howard). O 'qish qoidasi: S o 'z oxiridan
uchinchi urg'uli b o 'g 'in d a unlilarning o'qilishi. Grammatika:
26-dar s .....................................................................................................................
Text: M r W inkle on the Ice (after C harles D ickens). S o y a s a s h : -an t,
-cnt, -en suffikslari. Grammatika: Revision.
D arslar bo‘yicha lu g 'a t....................................................................................
G ram m atik
m a v zu la r.........................................................................................
N oto‘g ‘ri tuslanuvchi fe’llar j a d v a li.................................................................
K irish
k u rsi.
K irish
k u rsi
so at
a u d ito riy a
m a s h g ‘u lo tla rig a
m o 'lja lla n g a n . K irish k u rsin in g tu z ilish p rin sip i - fo n e tik -o rfo g ra fik (to v u sh d a n h a r f v a h a r f b irik m a la rig a ). K irish k u rsin i o ‘tish d a v rid a tin g lo v c h ila r
in g liz tilin in g b u tu n fo n e m a la r ta rk ib in i o 'r g a n is h a d i, sh u n in g d e k , s o ‘zd ag i
u r g 'u v a in to n a tsiy a (ib o ra d a g i u r g 'u , k o 'ta r ilu v c h u v a p a s a y u v c h i o h a n g lar, g a p n in g m a ’n o g u ru h la rig a a jra tilis h i v a b o sh q a la r) h a q id a a so siy
m a ’lu m o tla rg a e g a b o 'lis h a d i.
K irish k u rsin in g h a r b ir d a rsi to v u s h la r ta sn ifi, b e rilg a n to v u sh la rn i d astlab k i m u sta h k a m la s h m a s h q la ri (tra n s k rip s iy a d a b e rilg a n ), o 'q is h q o id asi,
o 'r g a n is h m a sh q la ri (o rfo g ra fiy a d a b e rilg a n ), lu g 'a t v a izo h lari b ilan b eril­
g a n m a tn h a m d a m ain y u z a s id a n tu z ilg a n m a s h q la rd a n iborat.
O 'q is h tex n ik asi" u stid a ish la s h u c h u n a so siy m a te ria l b o 'lib o 'tilg a n to ­
v u sh v a h arflarn i o 'z ic h ig a o lg a n le k s ik a a s o s id a q u rilg a n v a o 'q is h q o id alarin i y o ritib b e ru v c h i m a n tiq iy m a tn la r x iz m a t q ilad i.
M a tn d a u c h ra y d ig a n ta la ffu z q ilin ish i q iy in ro q b o 'lg a n s o 'z b irik m a la ri
a lo h id a m a s h q la rg a a jra tilg a n , u la m i m a tn o 'q is h d a n a v v a l m a s h q q ilib o lish
ta v s iy a etilad i.
K irish k u rsi ta rk ib ig a s in fd a is h la tila d ig a n s o 'z la r , a y rim k asb n o m la ri,
sp e k trn in g a s o siy ra n g la ri n o m la ri, en g k o 'p ish la tila d ig a n f e ’llar, b irin c h i
o 'n t a sa n o q so n , k is h ilik va e g a lik o lm o sh la ri, a s o siy j o y v a y o 'n a lis h p re d ­
lo g lari kirad i.
K irish k u rsin in g g ra m m a tik m a te ria lig a to b e f e ’lin in g In d efin ite g u ru h
h o z irg i z a m o n d a g i tu sla n is h i, u c h ta sa v o l turi (u m u m iy , m a x s u s v a ta n lo v
s o 'r o q g a p la ri), b u y ru q m a y li ( b o 'lis h li v a b o 'lis h s iz sh a k lla ri) v a C o n tin u ­
o u s g u ru h in in g h o z irg i z a m o n sh a k li k iritilg a n .
L e k sik a , g ra m m a tik a v a o 'q is h q o id a la ri m a tn d a n s o 'n g b e rilg a n bir
q a to r m a s h q la r b ila n m u sta h k a m la n a d i. B u m a s h q la rd a n k o 'p
q ism in i
o 'q u v c h ila r g a u y v a z ifa si s ifa tid a b e rish m a q s a d g a m u v o fiq .
T alaffu z, o 'q i s h q o id a la ri v a o 'q is h te x n ik a si u s tid a ish lash k irish k u r­
si b ila n c h e k la n m a y d i. S h u n in g u c h u n a s o s iy k u rsn in g h a r b ir d a rsi teg ish li
m a s h q la r b ilan b o sh la n ad i.
A s o siy k u rs. H ar b ir d a rs a so sin i m a tn ta s h k il q ila d i. In g liz tili o g 'z a k i
n u tq id a ish la tila d ig a n v a d a rs m a v z u s in i to 'ld ir u v c h i q is q a d ia lo g v a ib o ra la r
m a tn d a n s o 'n g ra m k a ic h id a b e rilg a n . B u n u tq n a m u n a la rin in g v a z ifa si d ia ­
lo g v a m atn m a te ria lin i k e n g a y tiris h d a n ib o rat. U la m i y o d o lish v a d ia lo g ik
n u tq k o 'n ik m a la r in i riv o jla n tirish u c h u n m a s h q s if a tid a fo y d a la n ish ta v siy a
* O 'q is h te x n ik a s i d e g a n d a o 'q is h ja r a y o n id a to v u s h la rn in g t o 'g 'r i ta la ffu z i
v a g a p n in g t o 'g 'r i o h a n g b ila n o 'q ilis h i tu sh u n ila d i.
e tila d i. S u n d a y to p s h iriq m a s h q la r tiz im id a h is o b g a o lin g a n v a “ O g 'z a k i
n u tq k o 'n ik m a s in i r iv o jla n tiris h u c h u n m a s h q la r” b o 'lim id a m u n ta z a m b erib
b o rila d i. B u n d a n ta s h q a ri, ra m k a ic h id a b e rilg a n m a te ria l y o d o lis h va sin fd a
s a h n a la s h tiris h u c h u n ta v s iy a q ilin a d ig a n a m a liy x a ra k te rg a e g a b o 'lg a n d ialo g la rd a k e n g q o 'lla n ila d i.
“ M a tn g a iz o h la r” d a d a rs lu g 'a tid a b e rilg a n ig a q a r a g a n d a k e n g ro q tah lil ta la b q ilu v c h i le k s ik h o d is a la r v a u s h b u b o s q ic h d a m u k a m m a l o 'r g a n is h
n a z a rd a tu tilm a g a n , b iro q m a tn d a u c h ra y d ig a n g ra m m a tik h o d is a la r izo h lan ad i.
K e y in a k tiv l u g 'a t r o 'y x a ti (ta rjim a s iz ), s o 'z y a s a s h q o id a la ri, o 'q is h
q o id a la ri v a m a s h q la r k e la d i.
“ G ra m m a tik m a v z u la r” b o 'lim id a g i g ra m m a tik h o d is a la r tiz im b o 'y ic h a
em as, b a lk i d a r s la r d a k e lis h i b o 'y ic h a b e rilg a n . B a ’zi e s la tm a la rd a m u a llilla r
b a y o n e tila y o tg a n g r a m m a tik h o d is a b ila n b o g 'liq q o 's h im c h a m a ’lu m o tla rn i
b e rib k e tis h n i m a ’q u l to p is h d i. A m m o u la r k e y in g i b o s q ic h la rd a b atafsil
y o ritila d i.
A s o s iy k u r s d a r s la r in in g m a sh q la r tiz im i. D a rs n in g b a rc h a m a s h q la ri
o 'z in in g a s o s iy m a q s a d ig a k o 'r a u c h g u ru h g a a jra tilg a n :
ria ln i d a s tla b k i m u s ta h k a m la s h u c h u n m a s h q la r;
g ra m m a tik m a te -
) le k s ik -g ra m m a tik m a s h q ­
lar; 3 ) o g 'z a k i n u tq k o 'n ik m a s in i riv o jla n tiris h u c h u n m ash q la r.
B irin c h i g u ru h m a s h q la ri o ld in ish la b c h iq ilg a n m a tn la r le k s ik a si a s o sid a
tu z ilg a n v a m a tn n i o 'q is h d a n av v a l tu s h u n tirila d ig a n g ra m m a tik h o d isa la rn i
s in fd a v a u y d a m u s ta h k a m la s h u c h u n m o 'lja lla n g a n .
B u g u ru h m a s h q la rin i is h la b c h iq is h d a m a s h q la m i b a ja ra y o tib o 'q u v c h ila r o 'r g a n ila y o tg a n g r a m m a tik tu z ilm a la rn i k e ra k li n u tq v a z iy a tla rid a ishla tis h la rig a a lo h id a e ’tib o r b e rilg a n . A y rim h o lla r d a g ra m m a tik tu z ilm a la rn in g ta la ffu z in i is h la b c h iq is h u c h u n m a x s u s m a s h q la r b e rilg a n .
O x irg i ik k i d a r s d a y a n g i g ra m m a tik m a te ria l b e rilm a y , u la r d a o 'tilg a n
g ra m m a tik h o d is a la r ta k ro rla n a d i v a tiz im la sh tirila d i.
Ik k in c h i g u ru h m a s h q la ri y a n g i s o 'z la r n i v a m a z k u r d a rs n in g g ra m m a tik a s in i m u s ta h k a m la s h u c h u n m o 'lja lla n g a n . B u b o 'li m u c h u n lek sik a n i m u s ta h k a m la s h b ila n b ir v a q td a o 'tilg a n g ra m m a tik m a tc ria lla r a s o s i­
d a n u tq k o 'n ik m a la r in i h am riv o jla n tiru v c h i m a s h q la r tu rla ri ta n la b o lin g an .
S h u m a q s a d d a le k s ik a n i m u s ta h k a m la s h g a q a ra tilg a n s a v o lla r sh u n d a y g u ru h la s h tirilg a n k i, h a r t o 'r t- b e s h b ir m a v z u g a b o g 'la n g a n s a v o lla rd a n s o 'n g
u m u m la s h tiru v c h i h ik o y a tu z is h m u m k in (m a sa la n , 2 8 7 -b e td a g i V I m a sh q ).
L e k s ik a n in g b ir q is m i q isq a d ia lo g la rd a (m a sa la n , 2 9 0 -b e td a g i X IV
m a s h q ) ish la b c h iq ila d i. U la m i y o d o lish y o k i o 'z la s h tir m a g a p d a a y tib b e ­
rish ta v s iy a e tila d i. B a ’zi d a rs la rd a x a b a r sh a k lid a b a y o n e tilg a n v a z iy a t
a s o s id a d ia lo g tu z is h t a k l i f e tila d i (4 7 3 -b e td a g i X V m a sh q ).
B irin c h i v a ik k in c h i g u ru h la rg a k iru v c h i o 'z b e k tilid a n in g liz tilig a ta r­
jim a q ilis h m a s h q la rin in g k a tta q is m in i y o z m a uy v a z ifa si s ifa tid a bcrg an
m a ’qul.
U ch in c h i g u ru h m a sh q la ri y a n a d a k o ‘p ro q n u tq f a o liy a tig a y o 'n a ltirilg a n .
B u b o N im g a d a rsd a ra m k a ic h id a b e rilg a n ib o ralar, sh u n in g d e k , k a tta
b o 'lm a g a n d ia lo g ik m a tn la r a s o sid a d ia lo g ik n u tq n i riv o jla n tirish m a sh q la ri
k iritilg an .
D a rs lu g 'a ti. D a rs lu g ‘a tid a s o ‘z ta rjim a s id a n ta s h q a ri u n in g m a ’n o lari
k o 'la m i, b o sh q a s o ‘z la r b ila n b irik a o lish i, fra z e o lo g ik o b o ro tla r v a e rk in s o lz
b irik m a la ri b erilad i. K o ‘p u c h ra y d ig a n x a to la rd a n o g o h la n tiris h u c h u n u y o k i
b u s o ‘z la m in g q o ‘llan ish d ag i o ‘z ig a x o s lik la r ra m k a ic h id a b erilad i. L u g ‘at
o 'q u v c h ig a n o m a ’lu m b o 'lg a n b a rc h a s o 'z la r n i, h a tto faol o 'z la s h tirilis h i
sh a rt b o 'lm a g a n s o 'z la r n i ham o 'z ic h ig a o la d i. A yrim h o lla rd a s o 'z h a q id a
q o 's h im c h a m a ’lu m o tla r b erilad i. U la r h a r d o im h am m a s h q la rd a o 'z ak sini to p a v e rm a y d i.
M a z k u r d a rslik
b ilan
ish la s h d a m a te ria ln in g ta x m in iy
sh i. A s o siy k u rsn in g h a r b ir d a rsi
ta q s im la n i-
1 4 - 1 6 a k a d e m ik so a tlik a u d ito riy a
m a s h g 'u lo tig a m o 'lja lla n g a n . M a s h g 'u lo t k e tm a -k e tlig in i ta x m in a n q u y id a g ic h a tu z is h ta v s iy a etiladi:
Y an g i g ra m m a tik m a te ria ln i tu s h u n tirish v a d a stla b k i m u sta h k a m la s h
(b irin c h i g u ru h m a sh q la ri) - 1 so a t.
G ra m m a tik m a te ria ln i m u sta h k a m la s h (b i­
rin c h i g u ru h m a sh q la ri)
L e k sik m a te ria ln i k iritis h (ik k in c h i g u ru h
m a sh q la ri)
M a tn u s tid a ish lash
G ra m m a tik v a lek sik m a te ria ln i m u sta h k a m la s h
6 so at
(ik k in c h i v a q ism a n u c h in c h i g u ru h m a s h q la ri)
O 'tilg a n g ra m m a tik v a le k s ik m a te ria l a s o s id a o g 'z a k i
k o 'n ik m a la r in i riv o jla n tirish (u c h in c h i g u ru h m a s h q la ri) - 4 - 5 so a t.
n u tq
O 'z la s h tirilg a n m a te ria ln i n a z o ra t q ilish - 1 so a t.
M u a llifla r q o 'ly o z m a n i
s in c h ik la b
k o 'r ib
c h iq q a n lig i v a
q im m a tli
k o 'r s a tm a la r b erg an lig i u c h u n ra sm iy ta q riz c h i filo lo g iy a fan lari n o m z o d i,
d o tse n t 1.1. L e v in a g a m in n a td o rc h ilik b ild iris h a d i.
K i r i s h
Tilning o g ‘zaki va yozm a shakli haqida tushuncha. Til kishilar
o ‘rtasidagi aloqa vositasi sifatida dastlab tovushli, og'zaki shaklda paydo bo'lgan. Yozuv - tilning tovush shaklining shartli ifodasi hisoblanadi, xolos. S huning uchun tilni bilish uchun, avvalam bor, uning tovush shaklini, fonetik tuzilishini, y a ’ni, tovushlar tizimi,
so 'zd ag i u rg 'u va ohang haqida tushunchaga ega bo 'lish kerak. Til­
ning fonetik (tovush) qurilishi bilan fonetika shug'ullanadi.
Tovush va h a rf o 'rtasid ag i farq. H ar bir til m a’lum cheklangan
tovushlar m iqdoriga ega. Tilning barcha so 'zla ri ushbu tovushlardan
tarkib topgan bo'ladi. T ovushlar nutqda talaffuz qilinadi, harflar esa
tovushlarni yozuvda ifodalash uchun xizm at qiladi.
Tilning tovush tarkibi doim o o 'zg a rish lar ta ’sirida bo 'lad i,
so 'zn in g harfli ifodasi esa ju d a sekin o 'zg arad i, shuning uchun
so 'zn in g harfli tarkibi uning talaffuzini shartli ravishda aks ettiradi,
H aqiqatan ham, agar biz m aktab va vijdon so'zlarin in g yozilishi va (ulam ing) tovush shaklini solishtirsak, nom utanosiblikni darrov fahm laym iz. M aktab so 'z in in g oxirida b y ozilishiga qaram ay [p]
o 'q ilad i, vijdon so 'z id a esa, um um an j harfi ishlatilgan so 'zla rd a,у ni
[d$] yoki [3 ] o'q ish kerakligi m uam m osi bor. Jurnal, j u r i va boshqa
so 'z la r shular jum lasidandir.
Ingliz tovush tizim i ancha o 'zgarishlarga uchragan bir paytda uning orfografiyasi uzoq m uddat ichida o 'zgarm ay qoldi. Shu
bois ingliz tilida so 'z n in g tovush tizim i bilan uning harfiy ifodasi
o 'rtasid agi tafovut ancha katta. Ingliz tilidagi so 'zn in g talaffuzi va
yozilishi o'rtasidagi tafovutning kattaligining sababi yana shundaki, ingliz tilidagi 44 tovushni lotin alifbosiga asoslangan 26 ta h arf
ifodalaydi. Shuning uchun bitta h a rf turli holatlarda turlicha o'qilishi
m um kin. S o'zning tovush tarkibini aniq ifodalash va shu bilan chet
tili talaffuzini egallashni osonlashtirish uchun fonetik transkripsiyadan foydalaniladi, y a ’ni, bu shunday shartli grafik belgilash tizim iki,
unda har bir tovushga bitta aniq belgi to 'g 'r i keladi.
Ingliz tili fonetik tizim ining o 'z ig a xos xususiyatlari. Ingliz tili
fonetik tizim i quyidagi o 'zig a xosliklarga ega:
1. Ingliz tilida unlilar uzun va qisqa talaffuz qilinadi. Unli tovushning uzun yoki qisqaligi so ‘z m a’nosiga ta ’sir qiladi. Unli tovushning
uzunligi transkripsiyada vertikal ikki nuqta [:] bilan beriladi.
2. Ingliz tilida m onoftong unli tovushlardan tashqari diftonglar
ham m avjud, y a ’ni ketm a-ket kelgan ikki unli tovush bir tovushdek
talaffuz qilinadi.
3. Ingliz tilida undosh tovushlarni talafluz qilishda ham muayyan o ’ziga xosliklar bor. Ingliz tilida jarangli undoshlar so ‘z oxirida
va jarangsiz undoshdan oldin kelgan taqdirda ham o ‘z jarangini y o ‘qotm aydi. A gar u jarangsiz talaffuz qilinsa, so ‘z m a’nosining
o ‘zgarishiga olib kelishi m um kin.
4. Ingliz tilida undosh tovushlar har qanday unli oldidan qattiq
talaffuz qilinadi.
O g ‘iz bo‘shlig‘i.
B o‘g ‘iz.
Burun bo‘shIig‘i.
1-rasm. N utq organlarining sxem atik kesim i.
Faol nutq
old qism i;
o ‘rta qism i;
orqa qism i.
Y um shoq tanglay:
tushirilgan holat;
k o ’tarilgan holat.
K ichik til.
Tovush paychasi.
Sust nutq organlari:
6 . Yuqori old tishlar.
7. Alveola.
8. Q attiq tanglay.
Unli va undosh tovushlar haqida tushuncha. N utqdagi barcha to ­
v ushlar ikki katta sinfga ajraladi - unli va undosh. U nli tovush ta­
laffuz qilinganda havo oqim i hech bir to ‘siqqa uchram aydi. Bar­
cha unlilar jarangli boMib, ularni talaffuz qilishda tovush paychalari
U ndosh tovush talaffuz qilinganda havo oqim i to ‘siqqa
U nli tovushlar m usiqiy ohang tovushlari hisoblanadi, undosh tovushlam ing k o ‘plari esa shovqin tovushlari hisoblanadi. B iroq, m u­
siqiy ohangi shovqindan ustun keladigan undoshlar ham bor: [m, n,
1, г]. Bunday undoshlar sonantlar yoki sonorlar deyiladi. O vozdan
shovqin ustunlik qiluvchi boshqa undoshlam i shovqinli undoshlar
Tovush paychasining harakatiga qarab undoshlar ikki guruhga
b o ‘linadi:
1) ja ra n g li, tovush paychalari tebranadi, m asalan [b, d].
2) jarangsiz, tovush paychalari tebranm aydi, m asalan [p, t].
I. Q uyidagi o ‘zbek tilidagi so ‘zlarn ing oxirida qaysi tovushlar
xat, had, yuk, tug, m aktab, x o ‘p, so ‘z, xos, m os, sas, shkaf, turp,
shoh, tok, nav, naf.
II. Q uyidagi o ‘zbek tilidagi undosh tovushlarni talaffu z qilishda
qaysi nutq organlari ishtirok etadi:
[p, b, t, d, k, g, n, s]
III. Q uyidagi o‘zbekcha so'zlarda nechta h a rf va nechta tovush
borligini aniqlang:
sharq, tong, so v g 'a, shogird, baxtiyor, shahar, hashar, vodiy,
o 'lk a, cham an.
IV. Q uyidagi so'zlarn i b o'g'in larga ajrating va qaysi b o'g'in ga
urg'u tushishini aniqlang: uy, sayr, daryo, o 'rm o n , temir, vatan, bolalik, nam oyish, o b-havo,
to 'siq , poytaxt, shakl, yum ush, qo'llasn.
- -
A lisher Navoiy
г ъ \ф [
Я Г36
O ’zb ek isto q ^ lK
T o v u s h la r
[•:, e,
m, p, b,
f, v,
t, d, n, 1]
H a r fla r
B, b
D ,d
F, f
L, 1
M, m
N, n
P, p
T ,t
V, v
<8, 6
Ф, <f
Г ,/
Д f
X m
54 и
<P, p
T, t
V v
ее h a r f b ir ik m a s i
S o‘z va ibora urg‘usi haqida tushuncha.
Intonatsiya haqida tushuncha.
Portlovchi undosh harflam ing birga kelishi.
G ra m m a tik a
Buyruq gap (1 -§, 630-bet).Ingliz tilida ot va olm oshlam ing kelishiklari haqida
tushuncha (2-§, 630-bet).
[i:] unli tovushi. [i:] tovushini talaffuz qilishda til oldinga intilgan. Til uchi pastki tishlarga tegadi. L ablar biroz cho'zilgan.
[i:] tovushi cho‘ziq unli tovush boMib, talaffuz qilish jarayonida
b ir xil em as (o ‘zgaruvchan). U ning boshlanishi ancha keng va ochiq,
oxiri to r va yopiq. 0 ‘zbek tilidagi igna so ‘zidagi [i:] kabi. [i:] tovushining c h o ‘ziq talaffuz qilinishi, xuddi barcha ingliz tilidagi unli­
lar kabi, uning gapdagi o ‘m iga b o g ‘liq. [i:] tovushi pauzadan oldingi
so ‘z oxirida ancha ch o‘ziq, jarangli undoshdan oldin biroz qisqaroq
va ja ra n g siz undoshdan oldin ancha qisqa talaffuz qilinadi. Bundan
unlining sifati o ‘zgarm aydi: u boshqa (qisqa) unli tovushga o ‘tib ketmaydi.
[e| unli tovushi. [e] tovushi qisqa m onoftong, talaffuz ja ray o n i­
da bir xil [e] unli tovushini talaffuz qilishda tilning asosiy qism i o g ‘ iz
b o ‘sh lig ‘ining oldingi qism ida b o ‘ladi. Til uchi pastki tishlarga tegib
turadi. Lablar biroz cho‘zilgan. Pastki ja g ‘ni tushirm aslik kerak.
[e] tovushi o ‘zbek tilidagi ekin, ech ki so ‘zlaridagi [e] ga yaqin.
[m j undosh tovushi. [m] sonantini talaffuz qilishda lablar yum ilgan, yum shoq tanglay tushirilgan, havo oqim i burun b o ‘sh lig ‘i orqa­
li o ‘tadi. Ingliz tilidagi [m] undosh tovushini talaffuz qilishda lablar
o ‘zbek tilidagi [m] undosh tovushini talaffuz qilishdagidan kuchliroq yum iladi.
|p , b] undosh tovushlari. Bu undosh tovushlarni talaffuz qi­
lishda lablar a w a lig a yum iladi, keyin esa birdaniga ochiladi va havo
oqim i o g ‘iz b o ‘sh lig ‘i orqali o ‘tadi.
[p] tovushi - ja ran g siz, kuchanish bilan talaffu z qilinadi, ayniqsa, u rg ‘u ostidagi unlidan oldin bu yaqqol seziladi.
[b] tovushi - jarangli, xuddi barcha boshqa jaran g li undoshlar
kabi so ‘z oxirida jarangsizlanm aydi.
[f, v] undosh tovushlari. B u undosh tovushlarni talaffuz qilishda
pastki lab yuqoridagi tishlarga biroz tegadi, ular orasida hosil b o 'lg an
tirqishdan havo oqim i tashqariga chiqadi. Ingliz tilidagi ja ra n g siz [f]
o 'z b e k tilidagi [f] dan kuchliroq talaffuz qilinadi. [v] jaran g li tovushi
s o 'z oxirida jarangsizlanm aydi. U shbu tovushlarni har ikki lab bilan
talaffuz qilinm asligiga e ’tibor berish kerak.
[t, d] undosh tovushlari. [t] va [d] undosh tovushlarini talaffuz
qilishda til uchi ko'tariladi va tanglayga tekkiziladi. N atijada hosil
b o 'lg an to 'siq n i havo oqim i shovqin bilan (portlab) yorib o'tad i. [t]
tovushi - jarangsiz, [d] tovushi esa - jarangli.
[t] jaran g siz undosh tovushi unli tovushlar oldidan kuchanib ta­
laffuz qilinadi.
[n] undosh tovushi. [n] sonantini talaffuz qilishda tilning holati
xuddi [t] va [d] tovushlardagidek, biroq yum shoq tanglay tushirilgan
b o 'lad i va havo oqim i burun o ralig'idan o'tadi.
[I) u n d o sh tovushi. [1] sonantini talaffuz qilish o 'rn i xuddi [t], [d]
va [njdagidek, biroq, tilning yon tom onlari (yoki bir tom oni) tushiril­
gan b o 'lad i, yum shoq tanglay ko'tarilgan, havo oqim i tilning b ir yoki
h ar ikki tom onidan tashqariga chiqadi.
[1] undosh tovushining so 'zdagi o 'rn ig a qarab ikki xil ko'rinishi
m avjud. Unli tovushlardan oldin yum shoq, undosh tovushlardan o l­
din va s o 'z oxirida qattiq talaffuz qilinadi.
D astlabki m u sta h k am lash m ash qlari
i:, n, d, 1, t
m, b, p, f, v
li:p - pi:l
let - tel
t-d, f-v
net bet fi.l li:f -
1. b, d, f, 1, m, n, p, t, v undosh tovushlari quyidagicha
B, b [bi:]* harfini [b]
deb o ‘qish kerak
D, d [di:]
> [d]
F ,f [ef]
> [f]
L, I [el]
M, m [em]
N, n [en]
P> P [pi:]
T, t [ti:]
V, v [vi:]
Ikki ketm a-ket kelgan undosh bir tovush kabi o ‘qiladi, m asalan:
tell [tel] aytm oq, demoq
2. H ar bir ingliz unli harfi bir nechta unli tovushni berishi
m um kin. U rg‘u ostidagi unli harfni o ‘qish qoidasi undan so ‘ng shu
so ‘zda qaysi harflar kelishiga bogMiq.
U rg‘u ostidagi unli harflar o ‘qish qoidasining I turi. (O chiq
bo‘g ‘inda - alfavitdagidek).
Q uyidagi hollarda unli h a rf alfavitdagidek o'qiladi:
a) s o 'z oxirida, agar u shu s o 'z tarkibidagi yagona unli b o ' Isa. Bu
holatda E , e xuddi alfavitdagidek [i:] kabi o'qiladi, m asalan:
m e [mi:] meni, menga
be [bi:] bo'lm oq, -dir
b) yagona undoshdan oldin, agar shu undoshdan s o 'n g unli h arf
Pete [pi:t]“ Pit (ism)
" T ra n s k rip s iy a q a v si ic h id a h a rfn in g a lfa v itd a g i n o m i b c rily a p ti.
” S o ‘z o x irid a g i -e o 'q ilm a y d i, a g a r sh u s o ‘z ta rk ib id a y a n a b ir o rta b o sh q a
u n li b o 'ls a ( o ‘q ilm a y d ig a n - e).
U rg‘u ostidagi unli harflarni o ‘qish qoidasining II turi. (Yopiq
bo‘g ‘in d a -q is q a ) .
Q uyidagi hollarda unli h a rf qisqa o'qiladi:
a) bir bo‘g ‘inli so 'zlard a s o 'z oxiridagi undoshdan oldin. Bunda
e [el o 'q iladi, m asalan:
ten [ten] o 'n
pen [p en ]ru c h k a
b) agar u rg 'u ostidagi unli h a rf keyingi unli harfdan ikki yoki
uchta undosh h a rf bilan ajratilgan b o 'lsa , m asalan:
m eddle [medl] aralashm oq
3. E, e tovushi urg'uli b o 'g 'in d a quyidagicha o'qiladi:
E, e
I o 'q ish turi
II o 'q ish turi
ten o 'n
pen ruchka
bed krovat
Pete Pit, Petya
m em , m enga
b o 'lm o q ,-d ir
ее h a rf birikm asi [i:] kabi o 'q ilad i, m asalan:
m eet [mi:t] uchiatm oq, tanishm oq, kutib olm oq
0 ‘rganish m a sh q la ri
1. d e e - d e e d - d e e p
be - been - beet
m e - m eed - m eet
fee - feed - feet
2 . ten - pen
den - m en
Ted - bed
net - vent
3. l e t - t e l l
led - bell
leep - peel
U R G ‘U
S o ‘zdagi u rg‘u. S o'zdagi biron-bir b o 'g 'in n i ajratib ko'rsatishga
so 'zd a g i urg'u deyiladi. T ranskripsiyada [r] belgisi urg'uli b o 'g 'in dan oldinga qo'yiladi.
Iboraviy urg'u. Gapdagi m a ’lum so ‘z(lar)ni boshqalaridan kuch­
liroq talaffuz qilinishiga iboraviy urg 'u deyiladi. Ingliz tilida odatda
asosiy so 'zlar: ot, sifat, asosiy fe ’l, son, ravish, so 'ro q va ko 'rsatish
olm oshlari u rg 'u ostida keladi.
M antiqiy urg'u. G apiruvchi m uhim deb hisoblagan biron21
bir so ‘zning m a’nosini ajratib ko'rsatish zarurati tug'iIsa, odatda
u rg 'u siz keladigan so 'z la r ham urg'u ostida kelishi m um kin va aksincha, iboraviy urg'uni oluvchi asosiy so 'z la r u rg'u sin i yo'q o tish i
m um kin. Ingliz tilida xuddi o 'zb e k tilidagi kabi m antiqiy u rg 'u bilan
iboraviy u rg 'u m os kelm asligi mumkin.
Intonatsiya ovoz toni balandligi (ohang), so 'zn in g talaffuz qilinish kuchi (iboraviy u rg 'u ), tembr, tem p va ritm ni o 'z ichiga oladi.
Intonatsiya gapning tegishli gram m atik tuzilishi va uning leksik
tizimi bilan birgalikda fikr m a’nosini ifodalashda m uhim vosita hi­
Intonatsiyaning eng k o 'p tadqiq etilgan kom ponentlari ohang va
u rg 'u hisoblanadi.
Ingliz tilidagi gapda ohang. Pasayuvchi ton. Ingliz tilida, xud­
di o 'zb e k tilidagi kabi, ikkita asosiy nutq ohangi m avjud, ikkita ton:
pasayuvchi va ko'tariluvchi.
Pasayuvchi ton fikr tugaganligini, q at’iylikni bildiradi. Shu­
ning uchun darak gaplar pasayuvchi ohangda talaffuz qilinadi. Pa­
sayuvchi ton ingliz tilida, xuddi o 'zb e k tilidagi kabi, buyruq va darak
gaplarda ishlatiladi. B iroq, tonning pasayishi ingliz tilida o 'zig a xos
tarzda am alga oshadi: u o 'z b e k tilidagiga qaraganda ancha keskin va
O hang va u rg 'u n in g grafik aks ettirilishi. O hang iboraviy
u rg 'u bilan cham barchas b og'liq. O hang va iboraviy u rg 'u n i grafik
aks ettirish uchun quyidagi belgilar ishlatiladi: u rg 'u siz b o 'g 'in nuqta
[•] bilan, pasaym aydigan yoki ko'tarilm aydigan u rg 'u li b o 'g 'in tire
[ - ] bilan, pasayuvchi ovoz bilan talaffuz qilinuvchi so 'n g g i urg'uli
b o 'g 'in pastga qaratilgan egri chiziq [)) bilan, k o 'tarilu v ch i ovoz bi­
lan talaffuz qilinuvchi so'n g g i urg'uli b o 'g 'in tepaga qaratilgan egri
chiziq [)\ bilan belgilanadi.
B u belgilar nutqdagi ovoz diapazonining yuqori va pastki chegarasini bildiruvchi ikki parallel gorizontal chiziq o 'rta sid a turli balandliklarda joylashadilar, m asalan:
M eet
Tedni kutib oling.
"V M eet me.
M eni kutib ol.
Intonatsiyaning bunday aks ettirish usuli ju d a k o ^ g azm ali, biroq
m atnning intonatsiyasini k o ‘rsatishda noqulay.
U yoki bu m atnni qanday o hangda o ‘qishni eslab qolish uchun uni
quyidagicha belgilasak boMadi: oxirgi boMmagan urg‘uli b o ‘g ‘inning
tepasiga urg‘u belgisi ['] qo‘yiladi. O xirgi urg ‘uli b o ‘g ‘inga u rg ‘u
belgisi o ‘rn ig ay o k i pastga qaragan [)], yoki tepaga qaragan [J] belgi
q o ‘yiladi. Pastga qaragan П] belgi b o ‘g ‘inda ovoz pasayishini, tepaga
qaragan [J] belgi esa b o ‘g ‘inda ovoz k o ‘tarilishini bildiradi.
1. B ir xil ikki portlovchi undosh ketm a-ket kelsa, birinchi un­
dosh portlash effektini yo'q o tad i, m asalan: M eet Ted. B iroq, ikki xil
portlovchi undosh birga kelganda ham shu hoi ro ‘y beradi. M asalan:
M eet Ben. Bunda til uchini tanglayga lablar [b] ga yum ilguncha tekkizib turish kerak. ,
. . , j . .
2. Portlovchi tanglay tovushini portlovchi burun undoshi [m] bi­
lan kelganda til uchini tanglayga lablar [m] ga yum ilguncha tekkizib
turish kerak. Bunda burun b o ‘sh lig ‘ida portlash hosil b o ‘Iadi, y a ’ni,
havo oqim i burun bo‘sh lig ‘idan chiqib ketadi, m asalan: M eet m e.
A gar portlovchi undosh jaran g siz Ъо‘Isa, o ‘zidan keyin keluvchi
jarangli undosh ta ’sirida jaran g li undoshga aylanib ketishidan saqlanish kerak. M asalan, M eet Ben dagi [t] hech qachon [d] ga aylanib
ketm asligi kerak.
'M eet Wed.
'M eet W e n .
'Tell Wed.
'Tell )B e n .
W e ll me.
)M e e t me.
M eet - uchratm oq, tanishm oq, kutib olm oq
tell - aytm oq, aytib berm oq
m e [mi:, m i., m i]" - meni, m enga
be - b o ‘ Imoq, -dir, y o k i tarjim a q ilinm aydi
ten - o 'n
pen - ruchka
bed - krovat
Ben [ben] Ben
Ted [ted] Ted
P ete [pi:t] ' Pit
Meet Ted. T ed Ted. Meet me. Meet (Ben.
T ed (Ben. T ed me.
I. Q u y id ag i so ‘z la rd a g i h a rfla rn i ta r tib bilan aytin g :
m eet, tell, bed, Ted, feet, pen, Ben
II. Q u y id ag i so‘z la rn in g h a r b irid a n e c h ta d a n h a r f v a n e c h ta d a n
tov u sh b o rlig in i an iq lan g :
Ben, m eet, tell, be, ten, feet, tent, bed, bede
I II. 1 -m atn n i k o ‘c h irib yozing va u n d ag i [i:] to v u sh li s o ‘z la rn in g
tag ig a chizing.
IV. Q u y id ag i so‘z la rn in g o rfo g ra fik sh a k lin i yozing:
[mi:t, tel, ben, mi:, ten, bed, bi:, pi:t]
V. Q u y id ag i so ‘z la rn i ovoz c h iq a rib o ‘q in g , u la r q ay si q o id a
b o ‘yicha o‘qilishini tu sh u n tirin g :
bee, dene, bet, dent, beet, end, m en, bede, peep, dell, bent, den,
m ete
* Y angi s o 'z l a r r o 'y x a tig a m a tn la rd a u c h ra y d ig a n y a n g i s o 'z la r d a n ta sh q a ri,
fo n etik v a g ra m m a tik m a v z u la rd a g i s o 'z la r h am k iritilg a n .
“ Y o rd am ch i s o 'z la r d a [i:] c h o 'z iq u n li to v u s h in in g c h o 'z iq lig i ib o ra v iy u r g 'u
o lm a g a n lig i u c h u n q isq a ra d i v a [i.] y o k i [i] b ila n b e lg ila n a d i.
T o v u s h la r J
I, ai,
« , s,
I, i
Y, у
S, s
Z, z
H a rfla r
S, s
Z, z
Ss h a rf birikm asi
Ingliz tilidagi gaplam ing
Ingliz nutqining ritm ikasi.
O tlarning rodi va soni (3-§, 1- va 2-punktlari, 632-bet).
T o'ldiruvchi haqida tushuncha. Predlogsiz (vositasiz va
vositali) to'ld iru v ch in in g gapdagi o 'rn i. (4-§, 633-bet).
A niqlovchi haqida tushuncha. (5-§, 6 3 4 -b e t).
[i] unli tovushi. [i] unli tovushini talaffuz qilishda tilning
asosiy qism i o g 'iz b o 'sh lig 'in in g old qism ida yotadi. Til uchi - past­
ki tishlarga tegib turadi. Til o 'rta qism i oldinga intilgan va yuqoriga
k o 'tarilg an, biroq [i:] dagidek em as.
[i] tovushi - qisqa m onoftong.
[ai] diftongi. D iftong yoki q o 'sh unli deb, bir b o 'g 'in ichida til­
ning bir unli talaffuz qilish holatidan ikkinchisiga o 'tish ig a aytiladi.
D iftongning kuchli elem entini y a d r o , kuchsiz elem entini esa
s i r g 'a l i s h deyiladi.
[ai] diftongining yadrosi [a] unli tovush id ir. S irg'alish [i] tovushiga qarab boradi, biroq uni to 'la (oxirigacha) talaffuz qilinm aydi,
natijada [i] tovushining boshlanishi eshitiladi, xolos. [ai] diftongining
ikkinchi elem enti o 'zb e k ch a [y] bilan alm ashib qolishidan saqlanish
[s, z] undosh tovushlar. [s] tovushi - jarangsiz, [z] - jarangli.
[s] va [z] tovushlarini talaffuz qilishda til uchi alveola oldida bo'ladi.
* [w ] to v u s h in in g h arfli ifo d a si b u d a rs d a b e rilm a g a n .
Havo oqim i til oldi va alveola orasidan ishqalanib o ‘tadi. [z] undoshi
oxirida jarangsizlanm aydi.
[w| undosh tovushi. [w] sonantini talaffuz qilishda lablar aylana shaklida va biroz oldinga intilgan, tilning orqa qism i esa xuddi
o ‘zbekcha [u] dagidek holatda b o ‘ladi. H avo oqim i lablar bilan hosil
qilingan doira ichidan shiddat bilan o ‘tadi. Lablar tez ochiladi.
D astlabki m u sta h k am lash m ash qlari
m ail - mai
taim - tai
faiv - fai
set - zed
pens - penz
s i:s -s i:z
si:ts - si:dz
w it
S, s [es] harfi [s] kabi o ‘qiladi:
a ) u n d o s h la rd a n o ld in , m a s a la n :
test [test] sinov, imtihon, yozm a ish
b) so‘z boshida, m asalan:
sit [sit] o ‘tirm oq
send [send] yuborm oq, j o ‘natm oq
c) so ‘z oxirida jaran g siz undoshdan so ‘ng, masalan:
lists [lists] ro ‘yxatlar
d) ss birikm asida, m asalan:
Bess [bes] Bess (ayol kishi ismi)
[z] kabi o‘qiladi:
a) so ‘z oxirida jaran g li undosh va unlidan so ‘ng, m asalan:
pens [penz] ruchkalar
bees [bi:z] asalarilar
b) ikki unli h a rf orasida, m asalan:
v isit [Vizit] tashrif
--------1 ---------test
------- ,Zl---------pens
2. Z , z [zed] harfi doim [z] kabi o ‘qiIadi, m asalan:
size [saiz] oMchov (razm er)
3. I, i [ai] yoki Y, у [w ai] harfiari urg‘uli bo‘g ‘inda quyidagicha
o ‘qiladi:
'■i- y . y 1
II o ‘qish turi
I o ‘q ish turi
life - hayot
tie* - galstuk
m y - m ening
type - tur, xil
in - ichida (predlog)
it - u (3- shaxs, birlik.
sredniy ro d kishi I ik
olm oshi)
0 ‘rg anish m a sh q la ri
[ i : - i]
[s-z ]
tin 5. P e t e - p i t 6 . t i m e - t i e 7. m y -m in e -ty p e
bede - bid
pine - pie
by - five - life
teen - tin
life - lie
feet - fit
8. nets - pens
sets - sends
B ess - is
Test - it ) is
1. G apdagi birinchi u rg ‘uli b o ‘g ‘in boshqa b o ‘g ‘inlarga qaraganda eng baland tonda talaffuz qilinadi.
2. Fikr m aqsadini belgilovchi ohangning asosiy o ‘zgarishi
so‘nggi urg‘uli b o ‘g ‘inda sodir b o ‘ladi. Shunday qilib buyruq va darak g aplam ing s o ‘nggi b o ‘g ‘inida ton pasayadi:
a) Send m e m y pen.
['send mi’ m ai )p e n ]
b) M eet me.
[ V i n t m i]
M enga ruchkam ni
M eni kutib oling.
’ T u b in g liz c h a s o 'z l a r d a i b ila n s o ‘z tu g a m a y d i, u n d a n s o ‘n g o ‘q ilm a y d ig a n
e k e la d i. ie b irik m a s i s o ‘z o x ir id a [ai] o ‘q ila d i.
M isollardan ko‘rinibturibdiki, birinchi v ao x irg iu rg ‘uli bo‘g ‘inlar
o ‘rtasidagi bo‘g ‘inlar tobora pasayuvchi ohangda talaffuz qilinadi (a
m isol), gapdagi oxirgi urg‘usiz bo‘g ‘inlar esa past ohangda talaffuz
qilinadi (b m isol).
Ingliz nutqining ritm ikasi. Ingliz nutqining ritmikasi uchun
gapdagi urg‘uli b o ‘g l inlam i ozm i-kolpmi ch o ‘zibroq tallaffuz qili­
nadi. Shuning uchun urg‘usiz b o ‘g ‘inlam ing talaffiiz qilinish tezligi ikki urg ‘uli b o 'g 'in la r orasida nechta urg ‘usiz b o ‘g lin kelishiga
bog‘liq: urg‘usiz bo‘g ‘in qancha ko‘p bo1Isa, ular shunchalik katta
tezlikda talaffuz qilinadi.
m y ) tie
m y ) pen
m y ) life
'five ) ties
't e n ) pens
'seven ) beds
'Tell W ed .
'M e e t) Bess.
'S e n d ) Ben.
^ffell m e.
Y fe et me.
Y e n d me.
Y in d it.
Y e n d it.
Y p ell it.
'Find m y )test. 'Send m e my )test. )M eet me. 'Send 'Ted 'five
)ties. Send Bess 'nine Y en s. 'L et me 'm eet Y e d . 'L et m e )send it.
'Let m e )se e !
0 ‘ylab k o ‘ray! (B ir daqiqa, hozir ja v o b beram an.)
Y p ell it!
Harflab o ‘qing! (H arfm a-harf ayting!)
'L et m e )spell it.
M en bu(so‘z)ni harflab aytishim ga ijozat bermg.
Yangi s o ‘zlar
m y - m e n in g
it - uni, unga (3-shaxs,
t ie - g a ls tu k .
birlik, sredniy rod,
life - hayot
obyekt kelishikdagi
five - besh
kishilik olm oshi)
seven - [sevn] yetti
s p e ll- s o ‘zni harflab
send - yuborm oq, jo 'n atm o q
aytm oq
find - [faind] topm oq
test - sinov, yozm a ish
it - u {3-shaxs, birlik, sredniy rod,
n i n e - t o ‘qqiz
bosh kelishikdagi kishilik
let - ruxsat, ijozat berm oq
olm oshi)
Bess [bes] Bess
F ind my test. Send me my test. !Meet me.
S en d dedjive ties. Send (Bess nine pens.
L et me meet cTed. Let me send it.
I. Q u yid agi so ‘zIardagi harflarni tartib bilan ayting:
size, Bess, type, sees, vine, fine, tie, test, spell, life
II. Q u yidagi so ‘zlarn ing bar birida nechtadan h a rf va nechtadan
tovush borligini aniqlang:
life, spell, tie, seven, nine, seen
III. A loh ida-aloh ida ustunlarga tarkibida [i:, e, i, ai] tovushlari
boMgan s o ‘zlarni k o‘chirib yozing:
m ine, type, bid, did, fine, pit, five, vine, m e, m eet, lend, m ete, eve,
seem , pep, beef, ebb, see, send, pie
IV. Q u yid agi so ‘zlarning orfografik shaklini yozing:
[pen, let, test, nain, faiv, fain, tai, tin, ten]
V. Q u yidagi s o ‘zlarni ovoz chiqarib o ‘q ing, ular qaysi qoida
b o ‘yicha o ‘q ilishini tushuntiring:
type, tin, fine, pin, lip, pile, line, sit, fit, set, best, sin, fist, miss,
pens, less, lends, Bess, seem s, size, zest, send
V I. M atnni k o‘chirib yozing va undagi [e] tovushli so ‘zlarning
tagiga chizing.
V II. K o ‘plik q o ‘sh im cliasining talaffuziga e ’tibor berib, quyidagi
otlarni ovoz chiqarib o‘qing:
pens, sets, beds, tips, bess, pits, lips, lies, bibs, nets, seeds, tests,
V III. In gliz tiliga tarjim a qiling:
. a) m ening ruchkam , yettita karavot, m ening galstugim , to ‘qqizta
ruchka, o ‘n ta galstuk, m ening m chkalarim .
1. M ening galstugimni toping. 2. Ben bilan tanishing. 3. Menga
yettita galstuk j o ‘nating. 4. Bessga yettita ruchka j o ‘nating. 5. Menga
ruchkam ni j o ‘nating. 6 . Peterni toping.
T o v u s h la r
[ae, ei, э, 0, 6]
[pi] tovushlar birikmasi
H a rfla r
ai, ay, ea
3 ^ ’a
С, с С, с
h a rf birikm alari
K o‘tariluvchi ton.
D arak gapda intonatsiya.
M a’no guruhi haqida tushuncha.
K o'm akchi so ‘zlarning to1la va reduksiyaga uchragan
Infinitiv haqida tushuncha (6-§, 634-bet).
to be fe’lining uchinchi shaxs birlikdagi shakli (7-§, 634bet).
Gap. U m umiy tushuncha (8-§, 635-bet).
it olm oshi (9-§, 637-bet).
A rtikl haqida tushuncha. N oaniq artikl (10-§. 637-bet).
[ae] u nli tovushi. [x] unli tovush ini talaffuz qilishda lablar bi­
roz tortilgan, pastki ja g ‘ tushirilgan, til uchi past tishlarga tegadi, til­
ning o ‘rta beli esa oldinga va tepaga egiladi. 0 ‘zbek tilida bunday to­
vush y o ‘q.
[ei[ unli tovushi - diftong, yadrosi [e] unlisi bo‘lib [i] unlisiga
qarab sirg‘aladi. [ei] diftongini talaffuz qilishda yadrodagi [e] keng
bo‘lm asligiga e ’tibor bering, ikkinchi elem ent [y] ga o‘tib ketm asligi kerak.
[э] unli tovushi. [э] tovushi neytral unli hisoblanib reduksiya
natijasida vujudga keladi, y a ’ni unlilarning urg ‘usiz holatda kuchsizlanishi. U doim urg 'u siz va qo‘shni tovushlar ta ’sirida boMadi. N ey t­
ral unlining turii talaffuzlarining sababi shundan. U lardan biri o ‘zbek
tilidagi kelcli, ketdi so‘zlari oxiridagi [i] ga m os keladi. Ya’ni deyarli sezilm aydi. Uni na [a] va na [e] deb o ‘qib boMmaydi. Uni talaffuz
qilishda xatoga y o ‘l qo'ym aslik uchun bor e ’tiborni u rg ‘uli bo‘g ‘inga
qaratish kerak.
[0| u n d o sh tovushi. 0 ‘zbek tilida bunday tovush y o 'q . [9] to ­
vushi -ja ra n g s iz . Uni talaffuz qilishda til yoy ilgan va b o ‘sh q o ‘y ilgan,
til uchi tepa tishlam ing barcha kesuvchi qism i bilan to r yassi tirqish
hosil qiladi. Til uchi qattiq bosilm aydi. Bu tirqishdan kuch bilan havo
oqim i o ‘tadi. Til uchi tepa tishdan ham tepaga chiqib ketm asligi yoki
tishga qattiq bosilm asligi kerak (aks holda [t] tovushi chiqadi). Tishlardan lablar olingan boMishi kerak, ayniqsa, pastki lablar tepa tish­
larga tegm asligi kerak (aks holda [fj tovushi chiqadi).
(d] u n d o sh tovushi. [d] tovushini talaffuz qilishda nutq organlarining holati xuddi [0] tovushidagidek. [d] tovushi [0] tovushidan
faqat o ‘zining jarangliligi bilan farq qiladi.
|pl] tovushlar birikm asi. [pi] birikm asi urg‘uli unlidan oldin
q o ‘shib o ‘qiladi. [p] tovushi shu qadar kuchli o ‘qiladiki, [1] qism an
D astlabki m ustahkam lash m ashqlari
d e it-d e i
lein - lei
m ein - mei
pein - pei
э 'pen
э 'bed
э 'tai
0 ,5
pie in
w et
w ein
w est
1. A, a [ei] harfi urg‘uli bo‘g ‘inda quyidagicha o ‘qiladi:
I o ‘qish turi
plane sam olyot
nam e ism, nom
II o ‘qish turi
plan reja
m an erkak kishi
2 . ai, ay h a rf birikm alari [ei] kabi o ‘qiladi, m asalan:
m ain [mein] asosiy, bosh
M ay [mei] m ay (oyi)
Spain [spein] Ispaniya
day [dei] kun
3. ea h a rf birikm asi k o'pincha [i:] o ‘qiladi, m asalan:
please [pli:z] iltimos, m arham at
4. С, с [si:] е unlisidan oldin [s] o ‘qiladi:
nice [nais] yaxshi, ajoyib
0 ‘rganish mashqlari
9. am
m an
m ap
[ж -е]
A nn
10. m a n - m e n
tan - ten
pan - pen
bad - bed
[e - ei]
11. m ain
nam e
m ay
12. men - mane
pen - pane
let - late
m et - m ate
K o ‘tariluvchi ton fikr tugallanm aganligini bildiradi, q at’iylik
y o ‘q. M asalan, k o ‘tariluvchi ton sanab o ‘tishda ishlatiladi:
a Anap, a )pen, and a y^ilan xarita, ruchka va reja
M isoldan k o ‘rinib turibdiki, m atn intonatsiyasini k o ‘rsatishda,
ton k o ‘tarilishi to ‘g ‘ri kelgan so ‘nggi urg ‘uli bo‘g ‘in oldidan pastdan
tepaga qaragan yoy chiziq [J\ ishlatiladi.
Grafik usulda ham shunday
Bordi-yu, so ‘nggi urg ‘uli b o ‘g ‘indan
keyin urg‘usiz b o ‘g ‘in kelsa, u nuqta bilan belgilanib, to ‘g ‘ri chiziqdan
sal teparoqda keladi.
Ingliz tilida ton k o ‘tarilishi bo‘g ‘in oxirida sodir b o ‘lib, u eng
p asfto n d an k o ‘tarilib chiqadi.
D arak gapning dastlabki u rg 'u siz b o ‘g ‘inlari odatda tobora
k o ‘tarilib boruvchi ton bilan talaffuz qilinadi. E ng baland ton bilan,
xuddi buyruq gapdagidek, birinchi urg‘uli b o ‘g ‘in talaffuz qilinadi.
Ton pasayishi oxirgi urg‘uli bo‘g ‘inda ro 'y beradi, m asalan:
It is a lamp, [it iz э ^ ж т р ]
Bu chiroq.
G ap odatda m a’nosiga putur yetkazm ay bir-biridan ajratib
boM maydigan so ‘zlam ing m a’no guruhlaridan tashkil topadi. Bunday
g uruhlam i m a 'n o guruhlari deyiladi. H ar bir m a ’no guruhi o ‘ziga
m o s keluvchi intonatsiya bilan xarakterlanadi, m a’no guruhlari birbiridan pauza bilan ajratiladi.
M asalan, S end B ess mv m ap and m y plan (B essga m en in g xa ritam bilan rejam ni yuboring) gapini ikkita m a’no guruhiga bo'lish
m um kin. B irinchi m a’no guruhining chegarasi m ap so ’zidan keyin
boMadi. B u gapni o'q ish d a m ap so 'zid an so ‘ng pauza qilish m um kin.
M atnning intonatsiyasini ko‘rsatishda m a ’no guruhlari chegarasi tik
(vertikal) chiziq bilan belgilanadi, m asalan:
Send 'Bess my Anap I and my \)la n . ||
K o ‘m akchi so ‘zlar (predloglar, artikllar, bogM ovchilar va k o ‘m akchi fe ’llar), shuningdek, ayrim olm oshlar ingliz tilidagi gapda
odatda u rg‘u olm aydilar. Bu esa ushbu so ‘zlarning reduksiyaga uchra­
gan shakllarini paydo boMishiga olib keladi. R eduksiya k o ‘m akchi
so ‘z tarkibiga kiruvchi unli tovushning ch o ‘ziqligining qisqarishiga,
so ‘z tarkibidagi unli, b a’zan esa, undosh harfiam ing ham tushib qolishiga, va nihoyat, unli tovushni [э] neytral tovushga o ‘tib qolishiga olib keladi. U nlining cho‘ziqligining qisqarishini transkripsiyada
odatdagi ikki nuqta [:] o 'm ig a bitta nuqta [ ] q o ‘yish yoki umuman
nuqta qo‘ym aslik orqa Ii ko‘rsatiladi, m asalan:
m e [mi1, mi] m eni, m enga
Shunday qilib, k o ’m akchi so ‘zlar bitta to 4la shaklga (odat­
da u rg ‘uli holatda) va bir nechta urg ‘usiz reduksiyali shaklga ega
boMadilar. M asalan, and bog‘lovchisi [aend] to 1la shaklga va [and]
va [an] reduksiyali shakllarga ega. [d] tovushi unlidan oldin tushib
qoldirilm aydi, m asalan:
a m ap and a pen [a 'mzep and a Y enl xarita va ruchka
a m ap andjten pens [а 'тагр an 'ten Y enz] xarita va o ‘nta ruchka
a Vame
a Viap
a Vat
a V an
a Vlan
a 'bad \lay
a 'fine \lay
a 'bad )plan
a 'bad V en
a 'nice )lamp
is a Viap.1
is a )lamp.
is a Vice flat,
is a Yme day.
is a Yad plan.
'Send 'Ben
'Send 'Bess
a V iap.
a )lamp.
a 'nice Vat.
a 'fine Vay.
a 'bad Vlanand mv 'plan
'lamp please
'Please2 tell 'Ben my V am e. M y 'nam e’s V m n .3
'Send 'B en my V iap, please. 'Send 'B ess m y V iap ! and my
V lan , please.
1. “It is a m ap” kabi gaplar “ W hat’s this?” (“ W hat is this?”) Bu
nim a? savoliga ja v o b b o ‘la oladi.
2 . please s o ‘zi iltim os m a ’nosida gap boshida keladi va vergul bi­
lan ajratilm aydi. G ap oxirida m arham at (qilib) m a’nosida u iltifotli
buyruqni bildirib vergul bilan ajratiladi.
3. M y nam e is A nn. M ening ism im Anna. (M ening ism im bo 'ladi
A n n a .)'s (= is) - to be bo 'Imoq fe’lining 3-shaxs birlikdagi shakli.
Yangi so ‘zlar
n a m e - i s m , nom
m ap - xarita
plan - reja
f la t-x o n a d o n
lam p - chiroq
man - erkak kishi
a day - kun
fine - ajoyib (kun, ob-havo)
nice [nais] -y o q im li, yaxshi (kishi,
galstuk va h.)
bad - yom on
please - iltimos, m arham at
and [amd, and, an] - va, biroq
(bog ‘lovchi)
Ann [am] A nna
(Phase te[[(Ben my name. M y name’s Япп.
Send (Ben my map, phase. Send (Bess my
map and my plan, phase.
I. Q uyidagi so ‘z!ardagi harflarni tartib bilan ayting:
sad, m ade, state, fit, deep, film, fail
II. Q uyidagi so ‘zIarning har birida nechtadan h a rf va nechtadan
tovush b orligini aniqlang:
nam e, day, please, nice, fine, deep, beat, Spain
III. Q uyidagi so ‘zlarn ing orfografik shaklini yozing:
[neim , p l$ n , flast, laemp, dei, fain, b $ d , m en, pli:z, nais]
IV. M atnni k o‘ch irib yozing va undagi [ei] tovushli so ‘zlarning
tagiga bir chiziq va [ae| tovushli so ‘zlarning tagiga ikki chiziq
V. Q uyidagi s o ‘zlarni ovoz chiqarib o‘qing, ular qaysi qoida
bo‘yicha o ‘qilishini tushuntiring:
a) pale, date, ban, tape, fate, mad, say, sam e, fat, day, Sam , la n e ,'
land, tam e, Spain, faint, aim , leave, bede, beat, deed, lean, m ean, seat,
b) line, pin, pine, dene, fine, m an, dent, A nn, nine, sam e, Sam,
bet, bed, dine, did, May, fit, style, vet, bay, sat, tilt, file, faint, ease,
pet, tin, veal, slip, stay
V I. Q uyidagi gap lar in gliz tiliga tarjim a q ilinganda ajratib
k o ‘rsatilgan qaysi otlar oldidan noaniq artikl ishlatsa b o ‘lar
1. B andargohga kem a keldi. 2. K em a allaqachon keldi. 3. Kun
ajoyib boMdi. 4. Bu ajoyib kun edi. 5. X a t j o ‘natildi va telegram m a ham . 6 . K echa m en m aktabdosh d o ‘stim dan x a t va telegram m a
oldim . 7. M en katta, yangi uyda yashaym an. 8. U y m en g a y oqdi,
b o g ' esa yoqm adi. 9. K itobni men katta qiziqish bilan o ‘q ib chiqdim .
10. B u kitobm i yoki ju r n a ll
VII. Ingliz tiliga tarjim a qiling:
Besh kishi, yetti kun, to ‘qqizta ruchka, o ‘nta chiroq, ajo­
yib kun, yaxshi inson. 2. M ening ruchkam yom on. M enga ruchka
j o ‘nating, iltim os. 3. A nna bilan Peterni kutib oling, iltim os. 4. M e­
ning fam iliyam N. 5. B u m ening galstugim , u yaxshi. 6 . M ening is­
m im Bess.
T o v u s h la r
[к» g»
I, з,
G, g
H a rfla r
tf,* ]
[kl] tovushlar birikm asi
№ :] J,j J , j [cfeei]
H, h К H [eiV] K ,k К Л М
ch, sh, tch, th, ck h a rf birikm alari
M urojaat intonatsiyasi
A niq artikl (1 1-§, 638-bet).
this, that, these, those ko‘rsatish olm oshlari (12-§, 639bet).
B irlikda -s, -x, -ss, -sh, -ch lar bilan tugallangan otlarning
ko‘plik shakli (3-§, 3-punkt, 632-bet).
[kj undosh tovushi. [k] tovushi - jarangsiz. U xuddi o ‘zbek ti­
lidagi [k] kabi talaffuz qilinadi, biroq ingliz tilidagi [k] kuchanish bi­
lan talaffuz qilinadi va so‘z oxirida aniqroq chiqadi.
undosh tovushi. [g] tovushi - jarangli. Xuddi o ‘zbek tilida­
gi [g] kabi 0 ‘qiladi, faqat kuchsizroq talaffuz qilinadi va so lz oxirida
jarangsizlanm aydi.
Ul undosh tovushi. Ingliz tilidagi [1] tovushini talaffuz qilish­
da tilning o ‘rta qism i qattiq tanglayga k o ‘tariladi. S huning uchun u
o ‘zbek tilidagi [1] dan yum shoqroq.
| 3| undosh tovushi [f] undosh tovushidan faqat jaran g lilig i bilan
farq qiladi. 0 ‘zbek tilidagi vijdon so ‘zidagi [3] dan yum shoqroq.
1У1 undosh tovushi. Ingliz tilidagi [tj] o ‘zbek tilidagi [t|] dan
qattiqroq talaffuz qilinadi. [tf] tovushi [t] va [f] tovushlarining oddiy birikm asi em as. U til uchining alveolaga tegishi bilan bir talaffuz
urinishida aytiladi.
[ds] undosh tovushi. Bu tovush xuddi [tf] kabi, faqat jarangli
ovoz bilan talaffuz qilinadi.
[kl] tovush birikmasi. [kl] tovush birikm asi xuddi [pi] kabi
u rg 'u li unlidan oldin q o ‘shib talaffuz qilinadi, bunda [k] shu qadar
kuchli aytiladiki, [1] ancha past chiqadi.
Dastlabki mustahkam lash mashqlari
'т е з е
v i3n
'dis iz
'dzet iz
pi, kl
1. С , с [si:] harfi ikki xil 0 ‘qiladi:
a) e, i, у unli harflaridan oldin [s] kabi, m asalan:
place [pleis] joy, o ‘rin
civil [’sivil] fuqarolik
face [feis] yuz, chehra
icy ['aisi] m uzlik
b) qolgan a, o, u u nli harflari, undosh harflar oldidan va so ‘z
oxirida [k] kabi, m asalan:
cap [kaep] shapka
clean [kli:n] toza
2. К , к [kei] harfi doim [k] kabi o ‘qiladi, m asalan:
K ate [keit] K atya (ism )
take [teik] olm oq
3. ck h a rf birikm asi [k] kabi o ‘qiladi, m asalan:
black [Ыгек] qora
4- G , g [cfc;i:] harfi ikki xil o ‘qiladi:
a) e, i, у unli harflaridan oldin [d$] kabi, m asalan:
page [peicfe] bet, sahifa
gin [cfein] jin
gym [cfeim] gim nastika zali
Istisnoni esda saqlang: ------------------------give [giv] berm oq
qolgan a, o, u unli harflari, undosh harflar oldidan va so‘z
oxirida [g] kabi, m asalan:
gam e [geim ] o ‘yin
glad [glsed] xursand
bag [ba2g] sum ka
5. J , j [dsei] harfi doim [d$] o ‘qiladi, m asalan:
Jane [dsein] Jeyn (ism)
jam [cfeaem] m urabbo
6 . H , h [eitf] harfi k o ‘pincha boshqa undosh harflar bilan birga
a) sh harf birikmasi [J] kabi o‘qiladi, masalan:
she [fi:] u (ayol, qiz)
ship [fip] kem a
b) ch va tch h a rf birikm alari [tf] o ‘qiladi, m asalan:
chess [tfes] shaxm at
teach [ti:tf] o ‘qitm oq
m atch [maetf] gugurt
th birikm asi [d] va [0] o ‘qilishi m um kin. Quyidagi holatlarda
u [d] 0 ‘qiladi:
a) yordam chi so ‘zlam ing boshida, masalan:
this [dis] bu, shu (ко ‘rsatish olmoshi, birlikda)
that [dzet] u, o ‘sha ( к о 'rsatish olmoshi, birlikda)
these [di:z] bular, shular (ko'rsatish olmoshi, ko'plikda)
the [di:, di, da] aniq artikl (tarjim a qilinmaydi)
b) asosiy so ‘zlarda ikki unli orasida, m asalan:
bathe [beid] - cho‘m ilmoq
th birikmasi asosiy so'zlarning boshi va oxirida [0] o ‘qiladi,
thick [0ik] - sem iz, qalin, y o ‘g ‘on
thin [Oin] - oriq, yupqa, ingichka
faith [fei0] - ishonch
0 ‘rganish m ashqlari
m ake
13. can
1 6 .she
[k -g ]
14. gap
17. chess
15. back - bag
lack - lag
s ic k -b ig
18. Jane
[ e - 3]
19. them e - thee
thin - then
faith -- bathe
Murojaat gapda boshqa so‘zlardan vergul bilan ajratiladi, masalan:
Please give m e a m atch, Jane. Jeyn, iltimos, m enga gugurtni ber.
Gap oxiridagi m urojaatga urg ‘u tushm aydi va pauzasiz tekis past
tonda talaffuz qilinadi.
['pli:z 'giv mi з Viaetf, cfeein]
a 'bad ^bag
a 'black Vap
a 'clean V aSe
the ^film
the Ibag
the ^lcap
the Va§e
a 'thick \n a tc h
the \n a tc h
'that 'cap
'that 'm atch
'ten ^films
'five ^bags
'nine V aps
‘seven ) pages
'ten ) m atches
a 'big 'bag
a 'black 'cap
'Please 'give m e a S natch , Jane. 'This is a )bad m atch. 'Please
give m e xithat match.
'This is a ^bag. T he 'b ag ’s \>ig. It’s a )big bag.
'T h a t’s a V ap . The 'cap ’s ^black. It’s a )black cap.
'T h a t’s a 'thin ^pencil. ^Give m e that pencil, please.
Yangi s o ‘zlar
give [giv] - berm oq
a m atch - gugurt
this [dis] - bu, shu
that - u, o ‘sha
a bag - sum ka
big - katta
a cap - shapka
black - qora
thin - oriq, ingichka
a pencil [9 'pensl] - qalam
a film -(k in o )film
clean - toza
a page - bet, sahifa
t h ic k - s e m i z , qalin
these - bular, shular
take - olm oq
K ate [keit]
Jane [djein]
K eyt (Katya)
(Pfease give me a match, Jane.
This is a had match.
(pCease give me that match. This is a hag.
The hag’s hig. I t ’s a hig hag.
I. Q uyidagi so ‘zlardagi harflarni tartib bilan ayting:
cent, jam , gam e, keep, chain, patch, thick, place, nice, N ick
II. Quyidagi so ‘zlarning har birida nechtadan h arf va nechtadan
tovush borligini aniqlang:
thick, page, m atch, these, clean, black, thin
III. Q uyidagi so ‘zlarni ovoz chiqarib o ‘qing, ular qaysi qoida
bo‘yicha o ‘qilishini tushuntiring:
cap, can, ice, came, nice, cat, neck, mice, fact, space, peck, pace,
kin, keen, pact, face, gate, gem , gas, age, gym, page, egg, gin, gam e,
beg, gag, jam , Jim, Jack, Jane, sky, sham e, dish, she, ship, shape,
shave, fish, shine, chest, chin, m atch, catch, fetch, chick, chill, this,
that, these, than, them, them e, faith, thick, thin
IV. Q uyidagi so ‘zlarning transkripsiyasini bering:
film, bag, match, cap, page, pencil, black, big, tins, these, that, clean,
Jane, give.
V. Matnni ko‘chirib yozing va undagi ko‘rsatish olmoshlarining
tagiga chizing.
VI. Q uyidagi gaplarni ingliz tiliga tarjim a qilinganda ajratib
ko‘rsatilgan otlar oldidan qaysi artiklni q o‘yish m um kin?
1. Bu uy. Uy katta. 2. Bu uy. Bu katta sariq to ‘q q iz q av atli uy.
3. M ening akam - m uhandis. U katta zavodda ishlaydi. 4. K echa men
kinoda boMdirn. Film, afsuski, m enga yoqm adi. M en bu film n i ju d a
zerik arli deb topdim va uni k o ‘rishni sizga m a slah at berm aym an.
5. Bu qanaqa b in o ? - Bu teatr. 6 . Teatr shunaqangi chiroyli yoritilgan
ediki, biz beixtiyor (unga) tikilib qoldik. 7. Bizning k o ‘chada ju d a
qiziqarli m uzey bor. 8. M uzey ertalabki 10 dan kechki 8 gacha ochiq.
VII. N uqtalar o‘rniga artikl q o‘ying va ularning ishlatilishini
1. T his is ... cap. ... ca p ’s black. 2. This is ... m atch. It’s ... thin
match. T hat’s ... thick m atch. 3. This is ... fine film. 4. T his is ...
pen. ... p en’s black. 5. Please give me ... pen, Kate. (2 xil variant)
6. Please take that pencil; Jane. Please give m e ... pencil. It’s ... bad
V III. Q uyidagi otlarning ko‘p!ik shaklini yasang:
a m atch, a page, a patch, a dish, a cage, a mass, a bench
IX. Yangi so ‘zlardan foydalanib, ingliz tiliga tarjim a qiling.
Bu qora qalam . 2. Bu sum ka qora. U yom on. M enga narigi
sum kani bering, iltimos. 3. Bu shapka. Bu shapkani oling. 4. M enga
gugurt bering, iltimos. 5. Jeynga bu qalam lam i bering. 6. M enga
bu ruchkalar va bu sum kani bering. 7. Bu yom on gugurtlam i oling.
M enga narigi gugurtni bering, iltimos. 8. Bu ruchka. Bu qora ruchka.
Bu ruchka qora. 9. B u sum ka. Bu m ening sum kam . B u sum ka qalin.
10. Ben, m enga anavi ingichka ruchkani ber. 11. Bu kvartira toza. Bu
toza kvartira. 12. B enga bu ruchkalar va qalam lam i bering. 13. Yettita
ruchka, besh sahifa, o ‘nta film, to ‘qqizta qora shapka.
5 -d a rs
T o v u s h la r
[a:, h, j, r, q]
[qk] tovushlar birikm asi
R, г
41, г
X, x
Х ,ҳ .
H a rfla r
ar, ng, nk h a rf birikm alari
Ikki b o ‘g ‘inli so ‘zlarda urg ‘u
1. S o‘roq gap. U m um iy so ‘roq gap (1 3-§, 639-bet).
2. Q isqa bo‘lishli javob (14-§, 640-bet).
3. B irlikda -y bilan tugallanuvchi otlarning k o ‘pIik shakli.
(3-§, 4-punkt, 632-bet).
4. O tdan so ‘ng sanoq
son aniqlovchi boT ib kelganda
artiklning ishlatilm asligi. (15-§, 641-bet).
[a:] unli tovushi. Ingliz [a:] unli tovushini talaffuz qilishda
og‘iz xuddi o ‘zbek tilidagi [a:] kabi ochiladi, biroq til orqaroqda va
quyiroqda yotadi. O ld va o ‘rta tilning k o ‘tarilishiga y o ‘l q o ‘ym aslik
kerak. Til uchi pastki tishlardan orqaga tortilgan. Lab neytral holatda,
y a ’ni tortilm agan va oldinga cho‘zilm agan. Jarangli undoshdan oldin
[a:] unli tovushi biroz qisqaradi, jaran g siz undoshdan oldin esa ancha qisqaradi.
undosh tovushi. Bu tovush o‘zbek tilidagi yum shoq [h]
ga ju d a yaqin, biroq u biroz yengil b o ‘lib, eshitilar-eshitilm as nafas
chiqarishdek aytiladi. Talaffuz jarayonida til ishtirok etm aydi, orqa
tilning yum shoq tanglayga k o ‘tarilishidan saqlanish kerak.
[j] undosh tovushi. Inglizsonanti [j] o ‘zbek tilidagi “y”ga yaqin.
Uni talaffuz qilishda tilning o ‘rta qism i tanglayga, o ‘zbek tilidagiga
qaraganda kam roq k o ‘tariladi. [j] da shovqin kam roq. U doim unlidan
oldin keladi.
[r] undosh tovushi. [r] undosh tovushini talaffuz qilishda til uchi
alveola d o ‘ngida b o ‘lib, u bilan tirqish hosil qiladi. Til tarang, uning
uchi esa harakatsiz, natijada bu tovush titroqsiz talaffuz qilinadi. Til
uchi va alveola orasidagi tirqish [3] dagidan kengroq.
|q] undosh tovushi. [q] undosh tovushini talaffuz qilishda tilning
orqa qism i tushirilgan yum shoq tanglayga tegadi va havo oqim i burun
b o lsh lig ‘i orqali o ‘tadi. N utq organlarini to ‘g ‘ri joy lash tirib olish
uchun keng ochilgan o g ‘iz bilan burundan nafas chiqariladi, s o ‘ngra
burun orqali nafas chiqarayotib [q] tovushini talafiuz qilish m um kin.
Bunda na til uchi, na uning o ‘rta va orqa qism i tanglayga tegm asligi
D astlabki m ustahkam lash m ashqlari
a: - a : m
ka: - ka:m
fa: - fa:m
ba: - ba:k
ai - hai
ei - hei
i: - hi:
iz - hiz
a:m - ha:m
e s -je s
el - j e l
) j e s | it ) i z
w ig
1. H , h harfi so ‘z boshida unlidan oldin [h] kabi o ‘qiladi,
m asalan:
he [hi:] u (erkaklar uchun 3-shaxs birlikdagi kishilik olm oshi)
hat [ha2t] shlapa
2. Y, у harfi uch xil o ‘qiladi:
a) [ai] diftongi kabi (u rg‘u ostida unlilarning o 'q ish qoidasi I turi
b o ‘yicha ochiq bo‘g ‘inda, 2-darsga qarang).
b) [i] tovushi kabi (u rg 'u ostida unlilarning o ‘qish qoidasi II turi
b o ‘yicha yopiq b o ‘g ‘inda va so ‘z oxirida), m asalan:
m yth [mi8] afsona
baby [ beibi] bola, chaqaloq
c) [j] kabi (so ‘z boshida unlidan oldin), m asalan:
yes [jes] ha
3. R, r [a:] harfi, o ‘qilm aydigan -e dan tashqari, barcha unlilardan
oldin [r] o ‘qiladi, m asalan:
read [ri:d] (kitob) o ‘qim oq
red [red] qizil
4. U rg‘u ostida unlilarni o ‘qish qoidasi III turi - u n li + r
(+ undosh). r harfi unlidan so ‘ng o ‘qilm aydi, biroq u shu unliga
boshqacha talaffuz tusini beradi va bu unlilar I, II turdagi o'qilishidan
farq qiladi. M asalan, a unli tovushi r (yoki r + undosh) dan oldin [a:]
kabi o ‘qiladi, masalan:
car [ka:] avtomobil
m ark [ma:k] belgi, baho
5. ng h a rf birikm asi so ‘z oxirida [q] o'qiladi, m asalan:
thing [9itj] narsa, buyum
6. nk h a rf birikm asi [qk] tovush birikm asi kabi o ‘qiladi,
m asalan:
ink [iqk] siyoh
7. X, x [eks] harfi quyidagicha o‘qiladi:
a) undoshlardan oldin va so ‘z oxirida [ks] o ‘qiladi, m asalan:
text [tekst] matn
six [siks] olti
b) urg‘uli unlidan oldin [gz] kabi o ‘qiladi, m asalan:
exam [ig'zaem] imtihon
0 ‘rganish m ashqlari
20. he
23. bang ring
sang sing
fang thing
21. red
22. start tart
large lark
farm park
[o -n ]
fa -q k ]
24. bang - ban
fang - fan
th in g - th i n
25. bang - bank
sang - sank
s in g - s in k
th in g - th in k
26. yes
K o ‘pgina ikki bo‘g ‘inli ingliz tilidagi s o ‘zlarda urg‘u birinchi
b o ‘g ‘inga tushadi. Ikki bo‘g ‘inli so ‘zlardagi u rg 'u li b o ‘g ‘indagi
unlining o ‘qilishi xuddi bir bo‘g ‘inli so ‘zlardagi kabi, m asalan:
baby ['beibi] bola, chaqaloq (I o 'q ish turi)
his Vame
his Vaby
his eVam
a 'big Vity
a 'red Ve
a 'thick V en
and 'clean
and 'read
'take 'text 'ten
'Is it Vlack?
'Is it Jclean?
'Is it Jlarge?
'read 'page 'six
M y 'name’s Vlick. 'This is my Vat. It’s 'large and Vlean. My
'flat’s in VCiev. 'K iev is a Vity. It’s a Vig city.
“ 'Is 'K iev a Jcity?” “ > e s , it "ts.”
“ 'Is it a A>ig city?” “ )Yes, it’s V e r y big.”
'Find Text JSix, Jack, and V ead it, please.
M y ‘p en’s Vad. 'Please 'give me 'that V ed pen.
'R ead it a ^ a in , please.
M arham at qilib buni yana bir
marta o‘qing.
Yangi s o ‘zlar
large - katta (keng)
in - ichida (predlog)
a city [9 'siti] - shahar
very - ju d a
a text - matn
read - (kitob) o ‘qimoq
red - qizil
his - uning (egalik olm oshi)
a baby - bola, chaqaloq
an exam - imtihon
six - olti
N ick [nik] N ik
Jack [d$aek] Jek
K iev [’ki:ev] K iyev
Q u yidagi so ‘zlarning har birida nechtadan h a rf va nechtadan
tovush borligini aniqlang:
large, text, read, N ick, please
II. Q uyidagi so‘zlarning orfografik shaklini yozing:
[ig'zasm, 'siti, la:cfe, ri:d]
III. M atnni ko‘chirib yozing va tarkibida |a :| tovushi bor
so ‘zIarning tagiga chizing.
IV. Q uyidagi so ‘zlarni ovoz chiqarib o ‘qing, ular qaysi qoida
b o‘yicha o‘qilishini tushuntiring:
a) risk, red, ripe, read, rest, rally, hand, hay, hip, hate, heap, help,
hide, yes, yell, easy, daddy, yet, yelp, my, by, m yth [miO], next, text,
exam , sex, six, sixty, ring, thing [Gig], fang, bring, sing, gang, sling,
drink, link, clink, pink, prank
b) shelf, shy, sheel, dash, fish, chain, chick, change, catch, patch,
m ine, cage, fill, mile, Spain, m iss, ice, page, back, space, click, game,
gem , let, lest, gay, set, lay, say, lack, icy
V. Q uyidagi otlarni ovoz chiqarib o ‘qing, artiklning to ‘g ‘ri
talaffuz qilinishiga e ’tibor bering:
a )text
a \\ty
an eVam
an inkstand1
the ^ext
the \it y
the eVam
the inkstand
VI. Savollarga javob bering:
1. Is this a pen?
2. Is this pen red?
3. Is that a pencil?
4. Is his nam e N ick?
5. Is this lam p bad?
6 . Is this a m ap?
7. Is it a large lamp?
8. Is this my bag?
9. Is that m atch thin?
10. Is this flat clean?
11. Is this bag big?
12. Is M insk a big city?
V II. Q uyidagi gaplarni (um um iy) so ‘roq gap shaklida yozing:
1. M y tie is red. 2. His flat is large and clean. 3. His baby is in
M insk. 4. M y pen is bad. 5. His hat is black. 6. Jack is in Kiev. 7. N ick
is in M insk.
V III. Q uyidagi otlarning ko‘plik shaklini yasang:
A baby, a lady, a bag, a tie, a test, a bed, a city, a day, a man,
a page, a m atch, an army, a cage, a party.
IX. K erakli joyga artikl q o ‘ying:
1. T his is ... nice city. 2. ... p en ’s red, and ... pencil’s black.
3. Please give Bess ... pen and ... pencil. 4. Read ... page ten, please.
5. T ashkent is ... big city. 6 . Please send Jane ... text. Read ... text,
i n k s ta n d
- siyohdon
X. Yangi s o ‘zlard an foydalanib, ingliz tiliga tarjim a qiling:
B u kvartira katta. 2. U ning ismi Peterm i? - H a. 3. O ltinchi
m atnni oling, iltim os. 4. B u m atnni o ‘qing, iltimos. 5. O ltinchi sahifani
o ‘qing, iltim os. 6 . B u m atnlarni oling, iltimos. 7. Iltim os, Jeynga
bu m atnni bering. 8. M enga qora qalamni bering, iltim os. 9. Bu u
(bola) n ing q a la m im i? - Ha. 10. Bu ruchka qizil. 11. B u qizil ruchka.
12. M insk katta shaharm i? - Ha. 13. M ening kvartiram M inskda,
uning kvartirasi esa K iyevda.
T o v u s h la r
[u:, d:, d, u ,
[zd, z9] Tovush birikm alari
H arf
О, о О, о [ou]
oo, or h a rf birikm alari
B o‘g ‘in yasovchi undoshlar.
Salom lashish intonatsiyasi.
B o'lishsiz darak gap to be fe ’li bilan (16-§, 641-bet).
Q isqa b o ‘lishsiz javob (14-§, 2-punkt, 640-bet).
Tanlov so ‘roq gap. (17-§, 641-bet).
Predlogli to ‘Idiruvchi. (18-§, 642-bet).
[u:] unli tovushi. [u:] tovushini talaffuz qilishda lablar doira
shakliga keltirilgan va biroz oldinga intilgan boMadi.
Ingliz tilidagi [u:] tovushi o ‘zbek tilidagiga qaraganda ancha
cho‘ziq va tarang. [u] tovushidan oldin k o ‘pincha [j] tovushi keladi.
[ju:] ni talaffuz qilishda [j] undosh tovushi yum shab qolm asligi
(э:] unli tovushi. [o:] tovushi - ch o ‘ziq unli. [э:] tovushini to ‘g ‘ri
talaffuz qilish uchun nutq organlari xuddi [a:] tovushini talaffuz
qilishdagidek holatni egallashlari kerak, so ‘ngra esa lablarni yanada
kichikroq doira shakliga keltirib, lablarni biroz oldinga cho‘zish
kerak; [o:] talaffuz qilishda uni [u] ga o ‘xshatm aslik kerak.
Id] unli tovushi. [э] tovushini to ‘g ‘ri talaffuz qilish uchun xuddi
[a:] tovushini talaffuz qilishdagi nutq organlarining holatidan kelib
chiqish kerak, so ‘ngra lablarni biroz kichikroq doira shakliga keltirib,
qisqa [э] talaffuz qilinadi.
[u] unli tovushi. [u] tovushi - qisqa m onoffong. [u] tovushini
talaffuz qilishda lablar unchalik oldinga intilm agan, biroq sezilarli
darajada doira shaklida. Til orqaga tortilib turadi, tilning orqa qismi
yum shoq tanglayning old qism i tom on ko'tariladi.
|o u | unli tovushi. [ou] tovushi - diftongdir. U [o] tovushidan
boshlanadi. B unda lablar tortilgan va doira shaklida b o ‘ ladi. Sirg‘alish
[u] tovushiga qarab ketadi.
[s], |z | tovushlarining |9 |, [d| tovushlari bilan birga kelishi.
[s], [z] tovushlari [0], [d] tovushlari bilan kelganda, ular orasida pauza
yoki tovush sifati buzilishiga y o ‘l q o ‘ym aslik kerak. B uning uchun,
[s], [z] tovushlari [9], [d] tovushlaridan oldin kelganda, birinchi
tovush talafTiiz qilib bo‘lib-bo‘lm ay til uchini asta-sekin tishlar
orasiga q o lyish kerak, m asalan: f'iz 'Sis]. Agar, [s], [z] tovushlari [0],
[d] tovushlaridan keyin kelsa, til uchini tishlar orasidan olib chiqish
kerak, m asalan: [ba:dz],
B o‘g ‘in yasovchi undoshlar. Ingliz tilida nafaqat unlilar, balki
[m], [n], [I] sonantlari ham b o ‘g ‘in yasovchi undosh hisoblanadilar.
Shunday qilib table [teibl] sto l so ‘zi ikki b o ‘g ‘inli hisoblanadi.
Ikkinchi b o ‘g ‘in [bl] esa [I] sonanti va [b] undoshi bilan yasalgan.
Sonantlardan biri va boshqa undosh tovushlardan tuzilgan b o ‘g ‘in
doim u rg ‘usiz b o ‘ladi, shuning uchun uning grafik intonatsiyasi
tasvirida b o ‘g ‘in nuqta bilan beriladi, m asalan:
'This is a \a b le . ['diz iz э "^teibl]
* *
[m], [n] yoki [I] sonantlari ishtirokida yasalgan ikki bo‘g linli
so ‘zlardagi urg ‘u odatda transkripsiyada k o ‘rsatilm aydi.
table [teibl]
D astlabki m ustahkam lash m ashqlari
- not
od - gDt
oks - top
ju :
zd, z0
izzz dd'dis
izzz dd'dzet
iz ) 0 in
iz ) 0 ik
sou - soup
nou - nout
gou - kout
B o‘g ‘in yasovchi undosh [1]
1. О , о harfi quyidagicha o ‘qiladi:
I tur
no y o ‘q
note eslatm a
II tur
III tur
on ustida
not em as
or yoki
fork sanchqi
2 . oo h a rf birikm asi quyidagicha o ‘qiladi:
a) k, r harflaridan tashqari barcha undoshlardan oldin va so ‘z
oxirida [u:] o ‘qiladi, masalan:
spoon [spu:n] qoshiq
too [tu:] ham , shuningdek
b) к harfidan oldin [u] o ‘qiladi, m asalan:
book [buk] kitob
to look [luk] qaram oq
Istisnoni esda saqlang: ---------good [gud] yaxshi
0 ‘rganish m ashqlari
27. tool
m oon
31. or
N orth
29. g o - t o n e
no - note
so - sm oke
28. book
[ou 32. go note hope coke -
[d: -
30. odd
33. sport - spot - spoke
to m - top - tone
lord - lot - lone
cord - c o t - c o p e
N orth - not - n o t e
U chrashgandagi salom lashuv odatda pasayuvchi ton bilan talaf­
fiiz qilinadi, m asalan:
G ood Vioming. [gud \no:nii]]
'Is 'th is
'Is 'that
‘Is the 'pen
'C lose the "book
yfgood I
A hortl
Aed I
Ahick I
'short 'too
an d 'go
a 'blackboard
'This is a V oom . 'T hat is a 'b la c k b o a r d . X o o k a t it. It’s
Ailack. 'These are V ia p s 1. 'T h o se are ^pencils2. 'Those 'pencils are
n o t A h o rt. T h e y are Aong. 'Please 'take the A ook, Tom, I Jopen it
and 'read N ote V iv e . 'C lo se the Аюок I and go to the ^blackboard.
'Please 'go to the Jd o o r I and Y lose it.
“ Is 'this a p e n c il? ” “ ^lYes, it As.”
“ 'Is ‘that a p e n c il? ” “ ty e s , 'th at’s a 'pencil, A oo.”
“ 'Is it Ahort o r Aong?” “ It’s Ahort.”
“ 'A re 'those 'pencils 'short, Aoo?” “ AVo, they A re n ’t. ”
“ 'Is 'that a Jb o o k ?” “ V e s , it As.”
“ 'Is it a A 001* book?” “A'lo, it Asn’t.”
G ood Anoming! [gud Anomiq]
G ood A vening! [gud A:vniq]
X ayrli tong!
X ayrli kech (oqshom )!
1. T h ese a re m a p s. B u la r xaritalar (bo'ladi). A re - to be
fe’lining k o ‘plikdagi uchala shaxs uchun ishlatiladigan shakli. To*la
talafHizi undoshlardan oldin - [a:], unlilardan oldin - [a:r]; [э] va [эг]
kabi reduksiyaga uchragan shakllari ham m avjud.
2. T h o se a r e pencils. U lar (anavilar) qalamlar. T h o se ular,
anavilar - th a t m, o'sha, anavi k o ‘rsatish olm oshining k o ‘plikdagi
Y angi so ‘z la r
a room [з 'rum , ru:m ] - xona
a b la c k b o a rd [3 'blsekboid] - doska
to look (a t) - (-ga) qaram oq
th o se - ular, o ‘shalar, anavilar
n o t - em as
s h o r t - qisqa
th e y [dei] - ular
lo n g - uzun
a boo k - kitob
to o p en - ochmoq
a n o te - eslatma, izoh
to c lo s e -yopmoq
to go - bormoq, ketmoq
a d o o r [э 'do:] - eshik
to [tu:, tu, to] - -ga (tom on) (yo 'nalish or [э:] - yoki
no - y o ‘q
too —ham , shuningdek
good [gud] —yaxshi
Tom [D m ] Tom
Ingliz tilida so ‘z yasashning ikki turi bor: so ‘z biriktirish
va qo‘shim cha q o lshish. N om laridan ham bilinib turibdiki, so ‘z
biriktirishda ikki yoki undan ortiq so ‘zlam ing o ‘zaklari qo'shiladi;
q o ‘shim cha qo‘shishda so ‘z o 'za g ig a affikslar, y a ’ni prefiks va
suffikslar q o ‘shiladi.
S o ‘z biriktirish. S o‘z biriktirishda so ‘zlar o ‘zaklarini q o ‘shish
orqali yangi so‘ziar yasaladi. Q o 'sh m a so ‘zning m a’nosi uning
kom ponentlari (tarkibidagi so ‘zlar)ning m a’nosidan kelib chiqadi.
U lar q o ‘shib yoki chiziqcha bilan yoziladi, m asalan:
a 'blackboard s i n f doskasi (black c/ora, a board doska)
a 'text-book darslik (y a’ni m atnli kitob)
S o‘z biriktirish usuli bilan yasalgan q o ‘shm a so ‘zlarda urg‘u
k o ‘p hollarda birinchi so‘zga tushadi.
I. Q uyidagi so‘zlardagi harflarni tartib bilan ayting. S o ‘zlarni
transkripsiya qiling va s o ‘zlarn ing har birida nechtadan h arf
va nechtadan tovush borligini aniqlang:
pencil, blackboard, short, long, room
II. M atnni ko‘chirib yozing va tarkibida [ou] tovushi bor
so ‘zlarning tagiga chizing.
III. Q uyidagi so ‘zlarni ovoz chiqarib o ‘qing, ular qaysi qoida
bo‘yicha o ‘qilishini tushuntiring:
a) note, lot, lone, nod, code, cot, tone, cope, dot, sock, hot, pope,
doll, hop, bone, tool, m oon, look, doom , took, fool, cool, shook, loop,
cook, choose, hook, sport, torn, corn, gorge, cork, or, fork
b) lead, steel, meat, bet, lest, tip, tiny,,type, m yth, m ice, stay,
plain, star, farm, cart, cell, cod, sing, cling, bank, rank, spin
IV. Q uyidagi gaplarni ingliz tiliga tarjim a qilinganda ajratib
ko‘rsatilgan s o ‘z va iboralar bilan qaysi artikl ishlatsa bo‘lar
1. 0 ‘tgan yili m en yozni katta b lrnagan qishloqda o ‘tkazdim .
Q ishloqdan uzoq boMmagan jo y d a daryo bor edi. D aryo chuqur emas
edi, biroq ju d a tez oqar edi.
2. К ип oxirlab qolgan edi. Bu esda qolarli кип bo‘ldi.
3. В or ekan-da, y o ‘q ekan, chol bilan kam pir b o ‘lgan ekan.
U lar dengiz b o ‘yidagi eski kulbada yashar ekanlar. C hol baliq ovlar,
kam pir esa urchuqda ip yigirar ekan.
V. to b e fe’lin in g m os shaklini q o‘ying:
1. This ... a note. 2. These ... long texts, and those ... short texts.
3. ... this book good? 4. Those doors ... black. 5. T hat pencil ... not
black. I t ... red.
VI. Q u yidagi gaplarni bo‘lishsiz va (um um iy) s o ‘roq gap shaklida
yozing. U larga qisqa javob bering:
1. T his is a good tie. 2. T hat is a long text. 3. Those are big bags.
4. T hese room s are clean. 5. T hat pencil is short. 6 . H is ties are red
and black.
VII. Savollarga javob bering.
1. Is this a text?
9. A re these pencils long or are they short?
2. Is that a note?
10. Is this a m ap o r a plan?
3. Is it long?
11. Is this a note or a text?
4. A re these pens?
12. Is this a tie or a cap?
5. A re those pencils?
13. Is it h is or my tie ? '
6 . A re they good?
14. Is his nam e Tom or is it Ted?
7. Is this a cap?
15. A re those books thick or are they thin?
8. Is that a tie?
16. Is this page ten or page nine?
V III. A jratib ko‘rsatilgan so ‘zlarga tanlov so ‘roq gap tuzing.
N a m u n a: T his p en cil’s bad. = Is this pencil bad or (is it)
1. M y pen is thin. 2. T hat note is short. 3. Those m atches are bad.
4. T his film is good. 5. His pencil is red.
IX . Yangi s o ‘zlardan foydalanib, ingliz tiliga tarjim a qiling.
1. A nna, d o sk ag a ch iq in g , iltim os. B eshinchi m atnni o ‘qing,
iltim os. 2. Y ettinchi eslatm ani top in g , iltim os. U ni o ‘qing, iltim os.
3. Jeynga anavi qalam larni bering, iltim os. 4. Bu kitobni oling, uni
oching, iltimos. 5. B u eslatm aga qarang, iltim os. Bu eslatm a to ‘qqiz.
6 . A navi xaritaga qarang, iltimos. 7. Tom, eshikka boring va uni
yoping, iltim os. 8. B ular xonalar. B u xonalar toza. 9. A navi xonalar
yaxshi. U lar katta (keng) va toza. 10. M enga yaxshi galstuk bering,
iltim os. 11. Eslatm a: besh uzunm i yoki qisqam i? - U qisqa. 12. Bu
qalam m i yoki ruchkam i? 13. Bu yaxshi yoki yom on xonam i? - Bu
yaxshi xona.
T o v u s h la r
[л, au, oi ]
T ovush
b ir ik m a la ri
H a rfla r
[td, dd, nd, Id,
gr, dr, br, fr,
pr, str, 0r]
U, u
W, w
'U и
Iti, iv
H arf
b irik m a la ri
[ ’d A b l j u : ]
01, oy
ow, ou
[r] bog‘lovchi tovushi
K ishilik olm oshlari bosh kelishikda (19-§, 642-bet).
to be fe’lining hozirgi zam onda tuslanishi (20-§, 645bet).
Joy va y o ‘nalish predloglari (21-§, 646-bet).
[л| unli tovushi. [л] unli tovushini talaffuz qilishda til biroz
orqaga tisarilgan, tilning orqa tom oni yum shoq tanglayning old qism i
tomon ko'tariladi, lablar biroz taranglashgan, tishlar orasidagi m asofa
bosh barm oq kattaligida.
[au| unli tovushi - diftong bo‘lib, uning yadrosi xuddi [ai]
diftongidagidek [a] tovushidir, sirg ‘alish [u] unli tovushi tom on
boradi, bunda [u] ham aniq talaffuz qilinadi.
(oil tovushi - diftongdir. U ning yadrosi [э] tovushi b o ‘lib,
sirg ‘alish [i] unli tovushi tom on boradi.
[t|, [d|, [n |, [I] tovushlarining [0], [d] tovushlari bilan
birga kelish. [t], [d], [n], [1] alveolyar tovushlari [0], [6] tish orasi
tovushlaridan oldin kelgan holatda, talaffuz etish jo y ig a ko‘ra ularga
m oslashadi, y a ’ni alveolyarlikxususiyatiniyo‘q otadiva tish tovushlari
yoki tish orasi tovushlariga aylanadi. Bunda, [5] tovushidan oldin [t]
ni portlashsiz va ja ra n g siz talaffuz qilinishiga alohida e ’tibor berish
|r] tovushining o ‘zidan oldin keluvchi undoshlar bilan birga
kelishi. [r] o ‘zidan oldin keluvchi undosh bilan deyarli b ir paytda
talaffuz qilinadi, m asalan:
brow n [braun] jigarrang
A gar [r] dan oldin keluvchi undosh jaran g siz boMsa, u holda
[r] ham uning ta ’sirida jarangliligini tovush boshida y o ‘qotadi,
friend [frend] d o ‘st
street [stri:t] k o ‘cha
[t] va [d] tovushlarini [tr, dr] tovush birikm alarida talaffuz
qilishda til uchi alveolada em as, balki alveoladan orqada yotadi.
D astlabki m ustahkam lash m ashqlar.
td, dd, nd, Id
dr, br, gr, tr,fr,6r
aet )dis
a?t )dEet
'ri:d )dis '
on )dis
on ^dzet
'ol ^daet
SA m
U , u [ju:] harfi u rg ‘uli b o g ‘inda quyidagicha o ‘qiladi:
II o ‘qish turi
I o ‘qish turi
tu n e kuy, m otiv
cup chashka
but biroq
2. W , w ['dAblju:] harfi so ‘z boshida [w] kabi o ‘qiladi, m asalan:
w e [wi:] biz (kishilik olmoshi)
3. oi va oy h a rf birikm alari [oi] kabi o ‘qiladi, m asalan:
point [point] nuqta, punkt
boy [boi] o ‘g ‘il bola
4. ow h a rf birikm asi ikki xil o ‘qiladi:
a) u rg ‘u ostida bir bo‘g ‘inli so ‘zlarda [au] kabi, m asalan:
now [nau] hozir, endi
b) ikki bo‘g ‘inli so ‘zlam ing oxirida u rg ‘usiz holatda [ou] kabi,
m asalan:
yellow ['jelou] sariq
M oscow ['m oskou] M oskva
5. ou h a rf birikm asi [au] o ‘qiladi, masalan:
out [aut] - d a n tashqarida
6. er va or harf birikm alari so ‘z oxirida urg‘u siz holatda [э]
o ‘qiladi, m asalan:
teacher ['ti:tfa] o ‘qituvchi
doctor ['doktd] doktor, vrach
U nlilarning urg‘u ostida o‘qish qoidasining I va II turlari
nam e
yom on
m ening
m yth
m if
0 ‘rganish m ashqlari
34. up - cup
us - bus
un - bun
'ugly - hurry
[w -v ]
38. w et - vet
w in e - v in e
w est - vest
V ery w ell
[л - ге]
[л - a :]
35. cut - cart
duck - dark
m uch - M arch
buck - bark
39. boy - voice
coy - coin
toy - point
41. teacher
hum - ham
fun - fan
bun - ban
cup - cap
37. we
w eek
w ine
w ake
[r undoshdan so ‘ng]
40. green price
dream three
brave tree
I r) bogMovchi tovushi. S o‘z oxiridagi r harfi va re h a rf birikm asi
odatda o ‘qilm aydi va faqat o ‘zidan oldingi unlining o 'qilish ig a ta ’sir
k o ‘rsatadi. Biroq so ‘z oxirida kelgan r harfi yoki re h a rf birikm asidan
keyin keluvchi s o 'z unli bilan boshlansa, ular [r] o ‘qilib, keyingi
so ‘zga q o ‘shib talaffuz qilinadi, m asalan:
A Jteacher or a \tu d e n t?
You are a )student.
0 ‘qituvchim i yoki talabam i?
Siz talabasiz.
S o ‘z oxiridagi r ikki m a’no guruhi chegarasida o‘qilm aydi, ular
bir-biridan pauza bilan ajratiladi, m asalan:
H is 's is te n s a \e a c h e r and 'he is a ^student.
U ning singlisi - o ‘qituvchi, u esa talaba.
a yhote I o r a \ e x t
a jstu d ent I or_a \e a c h e r
a S tu d e n t I o r a ^schoolboy
at the \a b le
on the \a b le
from the table
'Fred is 'm y Yriend. H e ’s a \lo c to r . ~ I ’m \ i o t a doctor1. I’m
a Yeacher. ~ Bess is Y o t a teacher. S h e’s a Y tudent. We’re in my
Yoom now. W e’re at the Yable. ‘Please 'give m e 'three Yups, Bess.
/T han k you2. 'Put a 'spoon into you r Yup, Fred.
“ 'A re you a jteacher?” “ )Yes, I Ym.”
‘“ Is your 'friend a 'teacher, Yoo?” “YJo, he )isn’t.”
‘“ Is 'that boy a /student I or a Y choolboy?” “ H e’s a
“ 'Is 'this Y is brief-case?" “ /Y es, it /is.”
'com e /in.
‘go Yut.
'come into the Yoom
'go 'out o f the Yoom.
M arham at, kiring.
Iltim os, chiqib turing.
X onaga kiring, m arham at.
X onadan chiqing, iltimos.
Ingliz tilida m urakkab pasayib k o ‘tariluvchi ton m avjud. U
fikrga hayajonli tus beradi va agar pasayib k o ‘tarilish bitta b o ‘g ‘in
atrofida ro ‘y bersa - belgisi bilan yoki, bir nechta b o ‘g ‘inni o ‘z ichiga
olsa / j b e l g i s i bilan k o ‘rsatiladi.
T hank you. Rahmat. You - kishilik olm oshining bosh va
obyekt kelishigidagi shakllari bir xil. T hank you iborasi rasm iy
m innatdorchilikni bildirsa, ko‘tariluvchi ton bilan talaffuz qilinadi.
Yangi so ‘zlar
a friend [э Trend] - d o ‘st
a d o c to r -s h if o k o r
a t e a c h e r - o ‘qituvchi
a student - talaba
now - hozir, endi
a table - stol
three - uch
a cup - chashka, piyola
to thank - minnatdorchilik
bildirm oq
to put [to ’put] - q o ‘ym oq,
joylashtirm oq
a spoon - qoshiq
a b o y - o ‘g ‘il bola
a schoolboy [э 'skuilboi] o ‘quvchi (bola)
a brief-case [a ’brkfkeis] - sum ka
yellow - sariq
brown - jigarrang
I - men
you [ju:, ju ] - sen, siz, sizlar
he [hi:, hi] - u (m ujskoy rod)
she [fi:, Ji] - u (jenskiy rod)
w e [wi:, w i] - biz (lar)
your [jo:, jo] - sizning, sening
to com e in - ichkariga kirm oq
to go out - tashqariga chiqm oq
at [aet] - -da, yonida
into - (tashqaridan) ichkariga
Fred [fred] Fred
S o‘z yasash
-er suflfiksi - ot suffiksi boMib, m a’lum otlam i yasashda fe’llarga
q o ‘shiladi va ish-harakat ijrochisini bildiradi; xuddi [э] neytral
tovushidek talaffuz qilinadi, m asalan:
to read - о 'qim oq - a reader - о ‘quvchi
to teach - о 'qitm oq - a teacher - о ‘qituvchi
-or ([э] talaffuz qilinadi) suffiksi -er suffiksining bir ko‘rinishi,
m asalan:
a doctor - shifokor, doktor
I. Q uyidagi so ‘zlardagi harflarni tartib bilan ayting. S o ‘zlarning
har birida nechtadan h arf va nechtadan tovush borligini
student, friend, cup, under, teacher, yellow, spoon, reader
II. a, e, i, у , о, и u n li h a r f la r i I va II tu r b o ‘y ich a o ‘q ilish ig a
m is o lla r k eltirin g .
III. Q u y id ag i so ‘z la rn i ovoz c h iq a rib o ‘q in g , u la r q ay si q o id a
b o ‘yich a o ‘q ilish in i tu s h u n tirin g :
cup, cube, but, nut, m ute, butter, rung, huge, w ake, w eak, w ig,
w aver, w ine, w ink, way, w eed, wit; coin, boy, point, join, toy, noisy,
jo y ; now, how, yellow , bow, M oscow , tow n, vow, w indow , gow n,
dow n; out, ounce, foul, noun, scout, count; seller, actor
IV. M a tn n i k o ‘c h irib yozing v a jo n li p re d m e tn i b ild iru v c h i
o tla rn in g ta g ig a chizing.
V. Q u y id ag i g a p la rd a g i fe’l-k esim n i tu slan g :
1 .1 am a teacher. 2 . 1 am a student. 3 . 1 am a doctor.
V I. Q u y id a g i g a p la r n i b o ‘lis h siz v a (u m u m iy ) so‘roq g ap s h a k lid a
1. T hose m en are doctors. 2. K ate is a teacher. 3. The students are
in that room . 4. M y friend is a student. 5. These books are good.
V II. to b e fe ’lin in g m os sh a k lin i q o ‘ying.
1. Ben ... m y friend. 2. H e ... a teacher. 3. I ... in m y room .
4. “ ... Tom m y ['tom i] and B illy ['bili] babies?” “ Yes, they ... .”
5. We ... students. 6 . She ... a teacher. 7— you a student? 8. “ ... they
d o cto rs?” “N o, they ... not. T hey ... students.” 9. T his ... a cu p . It
... yellow . 10. T he spoons ... on the table. T he table ... in the room .
11. . . . those men friends?
V III. Q av s ic h id ag i s o ‘z la r d a n fo y d a la n ib , q u y id a g i g a p la r n i
ta n lo v so ‘roq g a p la rg a a y la n tirin g :
1. F red is a doctor (a student). 2. A nn is m y friend (K ate). 3. They
are teachers (students). 4. T hose cups are brown (yellow ). 5. T hese
pencils are short (long).
IX. K e ra k li jo y g a a r tik l q o ‘ying:
M y friend A nn is ... good student. 2. “ Is K ate ... teach er?”
“ N o, she is ... doctor.” 3. T his is ... room . It’s ... good room . 4. T his
is ... cup. It’s ... red cup. ... red cup is on ... table. 5. Please give m e
... pen and ... pencil. 6 . A m I ... teacher? 7. T his cup is not ... red.
It’s ... yellow . 8. T his is ... red cup and th a t’s ... yellow cup. 9. Bess
is m y ... friend.
X. S a v o lla rg a ja v o b b erin g :
a ) d a rs d a g i y angi s o ‘z la r d a n fo y d ala n in g :
1. Are you a teacher?
2 . Are you a student?
3. A re you a student or a
4. Is this boy a student?
5. Is he your friend?
6. Is your friend a doctor or a
7. Am I a doctor?
8 . Am I a student?
9. Am I a teacher?
Am I a teacher or a doctor?
Is your friend in the room ?
A re they friends?
A re w e in the room?
Is your baby in the room
15. Is N ick doctor, or is Jane?
16. Is N ick (Jane) a good or a
bad doctor?
17. Is N ick a doctor or a
b) p re d lo g la rn in g ishlatilishign e ’tib o r b erin g :
Is your book on the table or under it?
Is your map in your brief-case or on the table?
Is the teacher at the table or at the blackboard?
Is Peter at the door or at the table?
A re w e at the table or at the door?
Is his map on his book or under his book?
Is his book in my bag or on his table?
XI. N uqtalar o‘rniga tegishli predloglarni q o‘ying va ularni
o‘zbek tiliga tarjim a qiling.
I. Please take that long p e n c il
your brief-case, N ick, and
put it ... the table. 2. T he black pen is ... the table, the brow n pen is
... my bag. T he red pencil is ... that book. 3. Please take these books
...th e table. 4. Please go ... the blackboard. 5. Please close your book
and put it ... your brief-case. It’s ... your brief-case now. 6 . Please
go ... the door and close it. 7. Please put a spoon ... your cup, Ben.
8 . Please g o
the room . 9. P lease take a pen ... th at student.
10. Fred is ... his room now. 11. P lease take your pen ... the table
and put it ... your bag, Jane. N ow please take i t
your bag and
put it ... the book. 12. Please go ... your table and take y o u r book
your bag. 13. Please look ... the blackboard. Please go ... the
blackboard. 14. Please take the cup ... Jane and put i t ... the table.
XII. Ingliz tiliga tarjim a qiling.
1. S iz o ‘q itu v c h im isiz ? -Y o ‘q, m en o‘qituvchi em asm an, me
talabam an. 2. Fred, bu bolaga o ‘zingni kitobingni ber, iltimos. 3. Bu
galstuk sariqm i yoki qizilm i? - U sariq. 4. Iltim os, chashkalarni stol
ustidan oling. C hashkalarni bu stol (usti)ga q o ‘ying, iltim os. Rahmat.
5. Iltim os, bu kitobni sum kangiz(ning ichi)ga soling. 6. Bu boladan
qoshiqni oling, iltim os. 7. Peter shifokor. U m ening d o ‘stim . U yaxshi
sh ifokor va yaxshi d o ‘st. 8. Fred talaba. H ozir u o‘z(ining) xonasida.
9. S izning talabalaringiz anavi xonadam i? 10. (Sizning) d o ‘stingiz
shifokorm i yoki o ‘qituvchim i? - U shifokor.
b) M ening ism im N ikolay. M en o ‘quvchim an. Fred m ening
d o ‘stim . U ham, o ‘quvchi. H ozir biz uning kvartirasidam iz. U ning
kvartirasi katta (keng) va toza.
c) 1. Fred, m enga kitobing va qalam ingni berib tur, iltimos.
Rahm at. 2. K olya, anavi stol ustidan m ening kitobim ni ol, uni och,
y ettinchi sahifani top va uchinchi darsni o ‘qi, iltim os. 3. Bu main
qisqam i yoki uzunm i? - U qisqa. 4. A nna talabam i yoki shifokorm i?
- A nna hozir shifokor. U yaxshi shifokor.
T o v u sh
T ov u sh
b irik m a la ri
[wo, wo:]
H a rf
b irik m a la ri
j er, ir, yr
\ ur, w a, wh
Buyruq m aylining b o 'lish siz shakli (22-§, 648-bet).
M axsus so ‘roq gaplar (23-§, 649-bet).
Sifatdosh I. (Participle I). H ozirgi zam on davom fe ’li
(The Present C ontinuous Tense) (24, 25-§§, 651-bet).
|э :1 unli tovushi. [э:] unli tovushini talaffuz qilishda til tanasi
biroz k o ‘tarilgan, tilning yelkasi m aksim al yassi yotadi, lablar
tortilgan va biroz ch o ‘zilgan, lablar tishlarga tegm ay turadi, tishlar
orasidagi m asofa katta em as. [э:] o ‘zbek tilidagi o'rik so‘zidagi
" o ‘’'ga yaqin.
D astlabki m ustahkam lash m ashqlari
wd :
wd :I
1. e, i, y, u harflari III o ‘qish turi b o ‘yicha [з:] o ‘qiladi, m asalan:
her [ha:] uning (egalik olmoshi, 3-shaxs, jenskiy rod)
firm [fsim ] firm a
Byrd [baid] B erd (familiya)
turn [tarn] navbat
2 . wa h a rf birikm asi [wd ] kabi o‘qiladi, agar undan s o ‘ng undosh (r
dan tashqari) yoki undoshlar birikm asi kelsa, m asalan:
w ant [wont] xohlam oq
3. wh h a rf birikm asidagi h o ‘qilm aydi, agar undan so ‘ng о harfi
kelm asa, m asalan:
w hat [wot] nim a (so 'roq olmoshi)
w hite [wait] oq
4. A gar w h dan so ‘ng о kelsa, w oqilm aydi, m asalan:
w ho [hu:] kim (so'roq olmoshi)
w hose [hu:z] kim ning (so'roq olmoshi)
5. a r h a rf birikm asi w harfi yoki wh h a rf birikm asidan so ‘ng [wo:]
o ‘qiladi, m asalan:
w ar [wo:] urush
w h a rf [wo:f] sohil
0 ‘rganish m ashqlari
[э: - о:]
42. fur - firm - first
sir - b um - burst
h er - turn - thirst
[э: - e]
43. bum - bom
turn - tom
cu r - com
[э: - ou]
44. b um - B en
turn - ten
bird - bed
45. bum - bone
turn - tone
cur - cone
[wo - wo:]
46. w asp - w ar
w ant - w arm
w hat - w ard
Unli harflarning u rg‘u ostida o‘q ilish in ing III turi
(unli + r (+ undosh))
(fam iliya)
fur m o‘yna
'Don’V g iv e
Read 'Text 'One
'sit 'down
'What’s ^his?
'What’s \ h at?
'What’s V ate?
'What \:o lo u rjs it?
'copy 'out 'this 'text
‘Tom is a ^schoolboy. 'This girl is his ^sister. S he’s a ‘schoolgirl,
V>o. H er 'n am e’s ^Kate.
'Please take y our 'book out o f your Ibag, Kate. 'D o n ’t give Vie
your book. 'O pen it at page Awo! and 'read 'Text V)ne. A lian k you.
'Sit Vown, please1. Your 'mark is )‘g oo d ’. 'D on’t 'copy 'out 'this
'text Vow. 'Do it at Vome, please2.
“W h at’s Viis?” “ It’s an Vxercise-book/’
“ 'W hat Volour is it?” “ It’s V hite.”
“ 'W h at’s VCate?” “ S he’s a V choolgirl.”
“ 'W h at’s Kate V o in g now ?” “ S h e’s Veading.”
“ 'Are you 'reading, Aoo?” “ )No, I’m not.”
M arham at qilib takrorlang.
Repeat [ri'pi:t] it, please.
1. Sit dow n, please. Marhamat qilib o'tiring. To sit - o'tirmoq
(holat), dow n pastga, to sit down (tik turgan kishi paslga) о ‘tirmoq
(harakat). M urakkab fe’l tarkibiga kirgan ravish uning m a’nosini
2. Do it at hom e, please. Marhamat qilib buni uycla bajaring. at
hom e iborasi ravish xususiyatiga ega, shuning uchun hom e so ‘zidan
oldin artikl ishlatilm aydi.
Yangi so ‘zlar
a mark-baho, belgi
eight [eit] - sakkiz
to sit down - o'tirm oq
what - nima, kim, qaysi
(so ‘roq olmoshi)
a colour [э ’М э ] - rang
a girl - qiz
a sister - singil
to repeat [to ri'pi:t] - takrorlamoq,
qaytarib aytmoq
two [tu:] - ikki
one [wAn] - bir
to copy out - ko'chirib yozmoq,
qayta yozmoq
a schoolgirl - o'quvchi qiz
her [ha:, ha] - uning (3-shaxs birlik
jenskiy rod egalik olmoshi)
w hite-oq
to do [ta 'du:] - qilmoq, bajarmoq
at home-uyda
an exercise-book [an 'eksasaizbuk]
I. Q uyidagi so ‘zlardagi harflarni tartib bilan ayting. S o ‘zlarning
har birida nechtadan h arf va nechtadan tovush borligini
girl, sister, her, w hite, hom e, tw o, one
II. Q uyidagi so ‘zlarni ovoz chiqarib o ‘qing, ular qaysi qoida
bo‘yicha o ‘qilishini tushuntiring:
a) term , first, bird, third, stem , turn, B yrd, furs, curl, serf, curb,
herb; w ant, w ash, w as, w atch, w att; w hale, w harf, w heat, w ard, w hen,
whether, w hich, w hiff, w hip, w arn, w hole, w arp, why
b) cat, bunch, pinch, rice, w ill, chest, sister, frost, lick, sly, pace,
lunch, rib, from , luck, cry, chat, shy, chill, sky, hale, rose, spine, til!,
spider, vine, sniff, m aze, pan, reader
III. Q uyidagi so ‘zlarn i transkripsiya qiling:
girl, sister, copy out, sit dow n, her, w hat, exercise-book, school­
girl, colour, eight, repeat
IV. M atnni k o‘chirib yozin g va undagi predloglarning tagiga
V. N uq talar o ‘rniga tegishli predlog va ravishlarni q o ‘ying.
G aplarni o ‘zbek tiliga tarjim a qiling.
Please take that thick book ... the table, Kate. 2. Please put
your exercise-books ... your bag, A nn. 3. The black pen is ... the
exercise-book and the brow n pen is ... that book. 4. Fred is ... hom e
now. 5. P lease go ... that table, Jack, and sit . . . . 6. D o n ’t give me
your exercise-book. Please put i t ... the table. 7. O pen your books ...
page eight, please. 8. P lease take that red cup ... that boy. 9. Please
take that book ... the table, Jane, open i t ... page five and read N ote
Five. 10. D on’t copy out Text Seven now, do i t ... home.
V I. K erakli joyga artikl q o‘ying:
Tom is ... good boy. 2. T his is ... exercise-book. It’s ... w hite
exercise-book. ... ex ercise-book is on ... table. 3. I’m ... doctor.
I ’m at ... hom e now. T his is m y ... room . ... room is large and
clean. 4. P lease open that book at ... page tw o and read ... T ext
F ive. 5. P lease give m e ... inkstand. 6 . T h at’s ... text. ... tex t is
long. 7. M insk is ... fine city. 8. B illy is ... good boy. 9. T his is ...
black tie and th a t’s ... w hite tie. P lease give m e ... w hite tie, n o t ...
black tie.
Q uyidagi gaplarni boMishsiz va (um um iy) s o ‘roq gap
shaklida yozing:
1 .1 am taking the book o ff the table. 2. He is reading a book now.
3. They are looking at me. 4. She is opening the exercise-book. 5. I
am closing the door. 6. You are going out. 7. They are com ing in.
V III. Buyurilgan ishni hozir qilayotganingizni ayting. HZD
shaklini ishlating.
N a m u n a: Please com e here. = I am com im g (now).
Please take your book. 2. Please open it. 3. Please read Text
Seven. 4. Please close the book now. 5. Please give it to your friend.
6. Please put the exercise-book on the table. 7. Please take it o ff the
table. 8. Please go to the blackboard. 9. Please look at the blackboard.
10. Please read the w ord “ colour” . 11. Please go to yo u r table now.
12. Please sit down.
IX. BoMishsiz buyruq gapga aylantiring.
1. O pen your book, please. 2. Look at the blackboard, please.
3. Please close the door. 4. Please put that cup on this table. 5. Read
N ote O ne at home, please. 6. Copy out this text, please.
X. Savollarga javob bering.
a) I . W hat are you doing?
2. A re you opening o r closing the book?
3. A re you reading now ?
4. W hat are you reading?
5. W hat is your friend doing?
6. Is he reading now ?
7. A re they looking at me?
8. W ho are they looking at?
bj 1. A re you a schoolboy?
2. Is y our sister a doctor?
3. A re those girls your friends?
4. A re they teachers o r students?
5. Is your friend at hom e now?
6. Is that page one or page tw o?
7. Is this a text-book or an exercise-book?
8. A re those doors yellow ?
9. Is that cup w hite?
cj 1. W hat’s this?
2. W hat’s that?
3. W hat are these?
4. W hat are those?
5. W hat colour is this exercise-book?
6. W hat colour is that pencil?
7. W hat’s your sister?
8. W hat are your friends?
XI. A jratib ko‘rsatilgan so ‘zlarga savol bering.
1. Jane is a doctor. 2. T hey are teachers. 3. T his is an exercisebook. 4. T hose are notes. 5. We are students. 6 . B ess is a schoolgirl.
7. This cup is yellow. 8. K ate is a teacher 9. T hat pencil is red.
10. She is a student.
XII. Q uyidagi fe’Ilarning sifatdosh I sh aklini yozing:
to m eet, to tell, to find, to send, to give, to take, to read, to look,
to go, to open, to close, to put, to copy out, to sit, to do, to com e
X III. In gliz tiliga tarjim a qiling.
0 ‘qiyotgan, aytayotgan, bajarayotgan, ketayotgan, ochayotgan,
j o ‘natayotgan, yopayotgan, qarayotgan, olayotgan, berayotgan,
k o ‘chirib yozayotgan, o ‘tirgan, kirayotgan.
XIV. N am una asosida gap lar tuzing.
1. I am looking at you.
2. I am not reading now.
3. W hat are y o u speaking about?
XV. Ingliz tiliga tarjim a qiling.
a) Yangi s o ‘zlardan foydalaning:
1. K itoblaringizni yopm ang, iltim os. B irinchi m atnni o‘qing.
2. Eslatma: ikkini uyda o ‘qing. Iltimos, uni hozir bajarmang. 3. Bu
oq chashkani stol ustidan olm ang. A navi sariq chashkani oling,
iltim os. 4. 0 ‘tiring, m arham at. M atnni k o ‘chirib yozing. 5. U kim?
- U o‘qituvchi. 6 . S izning singlingiz nim a ish qiladi? - U talaba.
7. Bu qiz kim ? - U o ‘quvchi. U ning ism i Jeyn. 8. Jeyn, doskaga chiq,
m arham at. M enga daftaringni berm a. K itobni och va to ‘qqizinchi
m atnni o lqi. Rahm at. Sening bahoing “yaxshi” . Ikkinchi va uchinchi
m atnlarni uyda o ‘qi. H ozir m enga daftaringni ber. Joyingga bor.
9. M arham at qilib bu qalam ga qarang. Bu qalam qaysi rangda? - (U)
qizil. - Bu daftar qaysi rangda? - Sariq. - Bu sizning daftaringizm i?
- Yo‘q, bu u (qiz)ning daftari.
b) fe’l-kesim zam on shakliga e ’tibor bering:
D o ‘stingiz nim a qilyapti? - U uyda kitob o ‘qiyapti. 2. Kirm ang, iltimos. M arham at qilib eshikni yoping. 3. M arham at qilib
doskaga qarang. D o‘stingiz nima o‘qiyapti? 4. U lar nim aga qarayapti?
5. Siz hozir nim a qilyapsiz? - Biz m atnni o 'qiyapm iz. - Q aysi matnni
o 'q iy ap siz? - B iz oltinchi m atnni o ‘qiyapm iz. 6 . Q ara, Bess bilan Ann
stol (atrofi)da o ‘tirishibdi. - U lar nim a qilyapti? - U lar sakkizinchi
m atnni k o ‘chirib yozyapti.
, .
T o v u s h la r
[id, еэ, иэ 1
T ov u sh
, .
. .
b ir ik m a la ri
r .
[aid, аиэ, wa:]
H arf
, .
b irik m a la ri
/ wor, eer, a ir
\ ire, our
Bosh va ikkinchi darajali u rg ‘u
Gr ammat i ka
1. Egalik olm oshlari (26-§, 653-bet).
2 . w ho, w hose, w here so ‘roq so ‘zlari bilan boshlanuvchi
m axsus so‘roq gaplar (23-§, 2-punkt, 649-bet).
[ia) unli tovushi - diftongdir. D iftongning yadrosi - [i] unlisi,
sirg‘alish [э] neytral tovush tom on bo'ladi, ikkinchi elem ent [л]
tovushiga yaqinlashadi.
[ е э ) unli tovushi - diftong bo 'lib , uning yadrosini ochiq [£]
tashkil qiladi. S irg'alish [э] neytral tovush tom on bo 'lad i, ikkinchi
elem ent [л] tovushiga yaqinlashadi.
(из) tovushi - diftongdir. U ning yadrosi [u] tovushi b o 'lib ,
sirg 'alish [э] neytral tovushi tom on boradi. Ikkinchi elem ent [л]
tovushiga yaqinlashadi.
[aid] va [auaj tovush birikm alari. Bu birikm alar [ai] va [au]
diftonglarining [э] neytral tovushi bilan birikishidan hosil bo'ladi.
Biroq bu elem entlam ing o 'rta qism i hech qachon aniq (to 'liq ) talaffuz
qilinm aydi. [aia] dagi o 'rta elem ent [j], [аиэ] dagi o 'rta elem ent esa
[w] b o 'lib qolm asligiga e ’tibor berish kerak.
[wa:] tovush birikm asi. Bu tovush birikm asini talaffuz qilishda
[w] ni yum shatm aslikka va [э:] ni aniq talaffuz qilishga harakat qilish
D astlabki m ustahkam lash m ashqlari
Ь еэ
т и э
a id
‘а и э
W 9:
'р а и э
'А а и э
Bosh va ikkinchi darajali u rg‘u. Ingliz tilida k o ‘p b o ‘g ‘inli
unlilar ikkita urg‘uga ega boMishadi: bosh va ikkinchi darajali.
Ikkinchi darajali urg‘u, odatda, bosh urg ‘udan bir urg ‘u siz b o ‘g ‘in
bilan ajratilgan b o ‘ladi.
Ikkinchi darajali u rg ‘u [ , ] belgisi bilan belgilanadi va u rg ‘u
tushadigan b o ‘g ‘in oldidan q o ‘yiladi:
engineer [ , enc^i'nia] m uhandis
U nlilarning u rg‘u ostida o ‘qish q oidasining IV turi. Unli
+ r + unli xilidagi birikm alarni IV - o ‘qish turi o ‘z ichiga oladi. Bu
turda unlilar quyidagicha o'qiladi:
a) a harfi [еэ] diftongi kabi o ‘qiladi, m asalan:
M ary [ 'т е э п ] M eri
Parents [’pEorsnts] ota-ona
b) e harfi [id] diftongi kabi o ‘qiladi, m asalan:
here [hid] shu yerda, bu yerga
Istisnoni esda saqlang:
there [dea] - u yerda, u yerga
w here [wea] - qayerda, qayerga
c) i va у harflari [aid] tovush birikm asi kabi o ‘qiladi, m asalan:
fire [faia] olov
tyre [taia] shina
d) о harfi [э:] tovushi kabi o ‘qiladi, m asalan:
m ore [mo:] yanada, k o ‘proq
e) u harfi [jua] tovush birikm asi kabi o ‘qiladi, m asalan:
during ['djuariq] m obaynida
U nlilarning u rg‘u ostida o ‘qish q oidasining IV turi jadvali
(unli + r + unli)
[е э ]
shu yerda
[a ia]
2. eer harf birikmasi [ia] diftongi kabi o ‘qiladi, masalan:
engineer [, encfei'nia] muhandis
3. air
h a r f b i r i k m a l a r i [е э ] d if t o n g i k a b i o ‘q i l a d i , m a s a la n :
chair [tfca] stui
4. our h a rf birikm asi [аиэ] tovush birligi kabi o‘qiladi, m asalan:
o u r [а и э] b iz n in g
5. wor h a rf birikm asi unlidan oldin [wa:] o 'qiladi, masalan:
w o r k [ w a :k ] is h
w o r d [ w 9 :d ] s o ‘z
0 ‘rganish m ashqlari
47. deer
51. our
[ еэ]
48. air - care
pair - Mary
fair - 'parents
52. w ork
w ord
w orker
49. cure
50. fire
m ire
[wo: - WD - wou]
53. w ere [wa:] - w a r - w o e
- w ard - wove
w ord
w ork
- w arn - woke
- warm - w o n ’t
'W here )is he?
His 'w ife’s 'there. \o o .
'W ho’s this ^ ir l?
It’s \ h eir flat.
My 'nam e’s Be)lov. I’m an , engineer. My 'wife’s Yot an
engineer. S he’s a Yactory worker. O ur son’s a Ychoolboy. H e’s a
'M ary and 'K ate are Yriends. T heir 'sons are 'friends, foo.
“ 'W h o ’s your Y riend?” “ M y 'friend’s Y ack. He is an
, engiY eer.”
“ ’Is he 'here Y o w ?” “ Y lo, he )isn ’t.”
“'W here )is he?” “ H e’s in YCiev. His 'w ife’s 'there Y)o.”
“ 'W hat are they Yoing there?” “ T hey’re 'visiting their
“'W hose 'flat’s Yiis?” “ It’s Yheir flat.”
“ 'W ho’s 'this Y irl?” “ S he’s my Yister.”
“ 'W hat’s her Yame?”1“ H er 'name’s Ylary.”
“ 'W hat )is she?” “ S he’s a Y choolgirl.”
“'W hat 'kind of Yupil is she?” “ S h e’s a Y 0°d pupil.”2
T h at’s right!
“ W hat’s your nam e?”
“ M ary Sm ith.”
- T o ‘g ‘ri!
- Ismi sharifingiz nim a?
- M eri Smit.
1. W h at’s her nam e? U (qiz)ning ismi (shari/i) nima?
2. “W hat kind o f pupil is sh e?” “ S h e’s a good pupil.” U qanday
о ‘qiydi? (= U qanaqa о 'quvchi?) - U yaxshi о ‘qiydi. (= 11 yaxshi
о 'quvchi.) W hat kind o f ... bilan boshlanuvchi m axsus so ‘roq gapda
odatda predm etning sifati so ‘raladi. W hat + ot bilan boshlanuvchi
m axsus so ‘roq gaplarda predm etning nom i (turi) so ‘raladi.
“ W h a t kind o f city is M insk?”
M insk qanday shahar?
“ It’s a big city.”
U katta shahar.
“W hat city is this?”
“ It’s M insk.”
Bu qaysi shahar?
B u M insk.
Yangi so ‘zlar
an engineer [on , encfei'nio] m uhandis
a w ife (pi. w ives) - xotin
a factory - zavod, fabrika
a w ork er - ishchi
a factory w orker - zavod
w h ose [hu:z] - kim ning
w ho [hu:] - kim (so ‘roq
here - shu yerda, bu yerga
w here [was] - qayerda,
ou r - bizning (egalik olmoshi)
a son [э 'злп] - o ‘g ‘il (farzand)
a pioneer [ э , paia'nio] - pioner
their [дез] - ularning (egalik
there - u yerda, u yerga
to visit [Vizit] - borm oq,
ta sh rif buyurm oq
kind - tur, xil
W hat kind o f ... ['w st 'kaind
3v] - Q anday, qanaqa ...?
a pupil [э 'pju:pl] - o ‘quvchi
M a ry ['m eari] Meri
Q u yidagi so ‘zlarni transkripsiya qiling. S o‘zlarning har birida
nechtadan h arf va nechtadan tovush borligini aniqlang:
engineer, pioneer, wife, w orker, son, our, their, who, w hose, w here,
here, there
II. M a tn n i k o ‘c h irib yozing va | еэ | diftongli so‘z la rn in g tag ig a
III. Q u y id ag i so ‘z la rn i ovoz c h iq a rib o ‘q in g , u la r q ay si q o id a
b o ‘y ich a o‘q ilishini tu sh u n tirin g :
a) leer, beer, peer, veer; teem , fee, w ee, bee, feel; air, fair, hair,
stairs, pair; plain, Spain, faint; care, fare, mare, stare, bare, rare; pure,
cure, during; fire, mire, tire, shire; here, sere, m ere; our, flour, sour;
w orld, w orm , 'w orkship, w ord, 'w orthy
b) fate, fat, far, fare; Peter, pet, pert, here; style, gyps, Byrd, tyre;
file, fill, first, fired; tube, tub, turn, cure; bone, lot, form , store
IV. K e ra k li jo y g a n u q ta la r o ‘rn ig a tegishli p re d lo g y o k i ra v ish ­
la rn i q o ‘ying.
1. I’m ... the blackboard. 2. Please don’t go ... there. 3. A re
you putting that cup ... the table? I’m putting it ... here. 4. W hose
exercise-books are ... the table? 5. Is she putting the spoons ... those
w hite cups? 6 . Please g o
the room. 7. “ W here’s the red pencil?
Is i t ... the bag?” “N o, it’s n o t ... the bag, it’s ... the table.” 8. Please
go ... the table, Bob, and s i t ... .9 . W hat page is he opening his book
...? 10. “ W here’s Jack?” “H e’s ... the blackboard. He is looking ...
V. K e ra k li jo y g a a r tik l q o ‘ying.
1. “ W here is ... yellow tie?” “ It’s on ... bed.” 2. I’m ... engineer.
3. “W here is ... w hite exercise-book” “ It’s on ... table.” 4. “ W here
is y o u r friend?” “ H e’s in ... room .” 5. Jane is ... factory w orker, and
Ben is ... engineer. Jack is ... engineer, too. Ben and Jack are ...
engineers. They are ... good engineers. 6 . P eter is ... pioneer. H e’s
... good pupil. 7. M ary is ... doctor. H er friend K ate is ... doctor, too.
8. M oscow is ... city. 9. “Bobby is ... baby. W hose son is he?” “ H e’s
their son.” 10. Open y our books a t ... page ten and read ... Text N ine,
V I. N u q ta la r o ‘rn ig a tegishli e g a lik o lm o sh in i q o ‘ying.
1. I’m a worker. ... nam e is Ivanov. 2. Ted is a schoolboy. H e’s a
pioneer. ... m arks are good. 3. A nn and Jane are engineers. ... sons
are pioneers. 4. Please give m e ... exercise-book, Peter. 5. W e’re
engineers. ... friends are engineers, too. 6 . “ W hat are ... nam es?"
“ ... n am e’s N ick and ... nam e’s Jack.”
V II. S a v o lla rg a ja v o b berin g .
Is y o u r nam e Belov?
W h at’s your nam e?
A re you an engineer?
Is y o u r w ife an engineer,
Is she a teacher or a
W h at’s she?
W h at’s her nam e?
Is y our son a schoolboy?
W hat k ind o f pupil is he?
Is he a pioneer?
A re w e students?
W h at are w e?
A re w e reading?
W hat are w e doing?
A m I opening the book or
am I closing it?
16. W hat am I doing?
17. Is C om rade Petrov
putting his exercisebook on the table?
18. W ho’s your friend?
19. W ho’s this m an?
2 0 . A re these men factory
w orkers or engineers?
2 1 . W h o ’s this girl?
2 2 . W here are our books?
23. W hose books are these?
24. W hose exercise-books
are these?
25. W hat k ind o f ro o m ’s
26. W hat kind o f pen cil’s
27. W hat kind o f p en ’s that?
V III. A jratib k o‘rsatilgan so ‘zlarga savollar q o‘ying.
M y frie n d is a teacher. (3)* 2. T his is a map. ( 1 )3 . It’s a good
m ap. ( 1 )4 . T h at’s a bad cap. (2) 5. It’s his cap. (1 )6 . T he m atch is on
the table. ( 1 )7 . T he m atches are on the table. (1 )8 . Her name's Mary.
(2) 9. Bess is a good pupil. (2)
IX. Yangi so'zlardan foydalanib in gliz tiliga tarjim a qiling.
Bu qiz m ening singlim. Uning ismi Meri. U muhandis. 2. Siz­
ning o ‘g ‘lingiz muhandismi yoki ishchimi? - U ishchi. 3. Dugonangiz kim? - M ening dugonam Katya. - U nima ish qiladi? - U
o ‘qituvchi. 4. 0 ‘qituvchingiz qayerda? - U shu yerda. 5. Mening
singlim hozir Minskda. Mening dugonam ham o ‘sha yerda. 6. Peter
bilan Anna Kiyevdami? - Ha, Kiyevda, ular d o‘stlarinikiga tashrif
buyurishmoqda. - Ularning o ‘g ‘li ham Kiyevdami? - Yo‘q, u hozir
shu yerda. - U nima qilyapti? 7. Bu bola kim? - U m ening o ‘g ‘lim.
8. Bu qiz kim? - U muhandis. 9. Bu kishi shifokormi? - Ha. - Uning
familiyasi nima? - Uning familiyasi Petrov. 10. X otiningiz nima ish
qiladi? - U muhandis. 11. Bu kishi kim? - U m ening do‘stim. 12. U
nima ish qiladi? U muhandismi yoki shifokormi? 13. Bu qiz kim? U
Q avs ichida har bir gapga q o byiladigan savollar soni ko‘rsatilgan.
sizning singlingizm i? 14. Bu qiz nim a ish qiladi? U talabam i yoki
o ‘qituvchim i? 15. B izning kvartira yaxshi. U katta va toza. 16. Anavi
gshiklar qaysi rangda? - U lar oq. 17. Bu kim ning kvartirasi? - Bu
ularning kvartirasi. 18. Bu qanday kitob? - Bu katta kitob. 19. Bular
qanday daftarlar? - B ular yupqa daftarlar. 20. Bu qanday xona? - Bu
katta (keng) xona. 21. Singillaringiz qayerda? - U lar uyda.
Q ,q
H arf
T o v u sh
b irik m a la r i
H arf
b irik m a la ri
Q,q [kju:]
all, alk,
wr, ew, igh
o f predlogi yordam ida qaratqich
ifodalanishi (27-§, 653-bet).
m unosabatining
(t] va [k] tovush larining [w | tovushi bilan birga kelishi.
[tw] va [kw] T ovush birikm alarini to ‘g ‘ri talaffuz qilish uchun [t]
va [k] tovushlarini talaffuz qilib, bir vaqtning o ‘zida [w] tovushini
talaffuz qilish uchun lablarni doira shakliga keltirish kerak. Jarangsiz
undoshdan so ‘ng [w] tovushi kuchsizlanadi (boshlanishi jaran g siz
b o ‘ladi).
[ql tovushi u nlilar o ‘rtasida. [q] tovushini unlilar o ‘rtasida
talaffuz qila turib, [q] tovushidan so ‘ng [g] chiqib qolishining oldini
olish kerak.
D astlabki m ustahkam lash m ashqlari
tw ais
tw elv
'tw enti
kw ait
kw ik
'm k tig jz
'si:liq iz
sq g ri
1• Q> Я [kju:] harfi doim q u harfbirikm asida keladi v a o ‘qiladigan
unlidan oldin [kw] o ‘qiladi, m asalan:
quick [kwik] tez
ai h a rf birikm asi к harfidan oldin [э:] kabi o ‘qiladi, m asalan:
chalk [tfo:k] bo‘r
Boshqa barcha undoshlardan oldin urg ‘uli b o ‘g ‘inda bu h a rf
birikm asi [э:1] o ‘qiladi, m asalan:
sm all [sn n :l] kichik
also [' d :1sou] ham , shuningdek
3. ew h a rf birikm asi ko‘p so ‘zlarda [ju:] kabi o ‘qiladi, masalan:
new [nju:] yangi
4. w so ‘z boshida r dan oldin oqilm aydi, m asalan:
w rite [rait] yozm oq
5. igh h a rf birikm asi [ai] kabi o 'qiladi, m asalan:
light [lait] yengil
6. ng h a rf birikm asi 1, r, w sonantlari oldidan [rjg] o ‘qiladi,
English* ['iqglij] ingliz
angry ['zeqgri] g ‘azablangan
language ['lasqgwicfe] til
W e’re at a Wesson.
W e’re at the \a b l e
The 'ceiling’s V h ite .
the 'w alls in our V lassroom
a 'piece o f V halk
an 'English V ew spaper
W e’re at a Wesson now.1 'This is our \la s s r o o m . It’s jsm all,|
but it’s 'light and )clean. The 'walls in our C lassroom are ^blue. The
'flo o r’s ^brown. The 'ceiling’s V h ite . The 'door and the 'windows
are 'white, \o o . W e’re 'sitting at the Stable. It’s ^brown. The 'chairs
are 'brow n, \o o .
“ 'Please 'come ^here, Jack.2 'D on’t 'take your 'book. 'Take a 'piece
o f Jchalk I and 'write the new 'English Jwords | on the ^blackboard,
please. /T hank you. 'W rite 'four 'questions at Ziome, please.”
“ 'W h at’s this?” “ It’s a N ew sp aper.”
“ 'W hat V n d o f new spaper is it?” “ It’s an ^English new spaper.”
“ 'W here V e you?" “ W e’re at a Wesson.”
“ 'W hat are you V oin g ?” “ W e’re V ritin g .”
1. W e’re at a lesson now. Biz hozir darsdamiz (Biz
mashg'ulotdamiz). A t predlogi w here? soyogM ga jav o b b o ‘luvchi
o ‘rin holi oldidan ishlatiladi.
2. Please com e here, Jack. Jek, iltimos, bit yoqqa keling. to
com e fe ’li gapiruvchiga qarab harakatlanishni bildiradi. 0 ‘zbek
* M illatni anglatuvchi sifat va otlar doim katta h a rf bilan yoziladi.
tiliga kelm oq deb tarjim a qilinadi. to go fe’li gapiruvchidan boshqa
tarafga ketishni bildiradi. O ’zbek tiliga bormoq, ketmoq deb tarjim a
Q iyoslang:
Please com e here.
Please go there.
Bu yoqqa keling, iltimos.
U yoqqa boring, iltim os.
Yangi so ‘zlar
a lesson [э 'lesn] - dars
a classroom [э 'kla:srum ] s in f xonasi
s m a ll-k ic h k in a
but [bM, bat] - biroq
(bog 'lovchi)
light - y o ru g ‘
a w all - devor
blue [blu:] - havorang
a floor - pol
a ceiling [a 'si:liij] - shift
a w indow - deraza
a c h a ir - s t u l
to com e [ta ‘к л т ] - kelm oq
a piece [a 'pi:s] - b o ‘lak, ushoq
chalk - b o ‘r
to w rite - yozm oq
new - yangi
English - ingliz
a w ord - s o ‘z
four [fo:] - t o ‘rt
a question [a ’kw estjn] - savol
a n ew spap er [a 'nju:speipa] gazeta
Esda tuting:
Jone, Jtwo, Jthree, Jfour, Jfive,
Jsix, Jseven, Jeight, Aline, Jten
I. Q uyidagi so ‘zlard agi harflarni tartib bilan ayting, ularni
transkripsiya qiling. S o ‘zlarning har birida nechtadan h a rf va
nechtadan tovush borligini aniqlang:
ceiling, w indow , chair, piece, chalk, w ord, question, colour, light,
blue, com e, eight
II. Q uyidagi so ‘zlarn i ovoz chiqarib o ‘qing, ular qaysi qoida
bo‘yicha o ‘qilishini tushuntiring:
quite, quick, quest, quiz, quaver, quits; sm all, fall, tall, call, all;
chalk, w alk, talk, stalk, calk; new, few, stew, pew, hew, pew ter, hew n,
new s; w rite, w rest, w ring, w reck, w rap, wry, w rong; English, angry,
angle; high, nigh, right, night, bright, m ight, light, fight 1
she, m eek, reel, grim, happy, pony, sack, lad, darn, got, lard,
pond, mule, bloom, butter, ugly, rudder, sink, m ill, fuss, hobby, fly,
cube, seep, pep, send, stove, m ade, Sam, pane, sand, plate, m ean,
heat, pine, sty, teach, close, clock, shelf, cock, tape, tone, bud, fun,
fume, laid, bay, tube, far, hard, term , bird, skirt, thirsty, icy, free, party,
peg, gent, peck, skin, single
III. M a tn n i k o ‘c h irib yozing va u n d ag i kish ilik , k o ‘rsatish h a m d a
eg alik o lm o sh larin in g tag ig a chizing.
IV. N u q ta la r o ‘rn ig a tegishli egalik olm o sh in i q o ‘ying.
1. W e’re students. This is ... classroom . The door in ... classroom
is w hite. 2. I’m at hom e n o w .... room is sm all, but it’s light and clean.
These are ... s is te r s ,... nam es are M ary and A nn. 3. O pen ... books,
please. 4. Sit dow n, Peter. ... m ark is “good” . 5. Is she a teacher? A re
these boys and girls ... pupils? 6. T his m an is an engineer. ... n am e’s
V. K e ra k li jo y g a a rtik l q o ‘ying.
1. W hat colour is ... floor in your room ? 2. W rite ... question on
... blackboard, please. 3. Please open ... w indow. 4. Please close ...
door. 5. A re you w riting ... new w ords? 6 . Is he giving you ... piece
o f ... chalk? 7. W here’s ... chalk? 8. W here’s ... Room Six? 9. ...
exercise-book is on ... table.
V I. A jra tib k o ‘rsa tilg a n so ‘z la rg a sa v o lla r q o ‘ying.
1. It is our classroom. (2) 2. It’s a light room . ( 1 ) 3 . The walls
in my room are yellow. (3) 4. T his cup is white. (1) 5. T hey are
new ties. ( 1 ) 6 . T he table is at the window. ( 1 ) 7 . T h e chairs are at
the table. ( 1 ) 8 . Klimov is oar teacher. (3) 9. Peter is sitting at the
window. (3) 10. It is an English newspaper. (2)
V II. K e ra k li jo y d a n u q ta la r o‘rn ig a teg ish li p re d lo g v a ra v is h la rn i
q o ‘ying.
1. T he w alls ... the rdom s ... my flat are yellow and blue. 2. Please
go ... the blackboard, Peter. He is ... the blackboard now. 3. Take
a piece ... chalk ... the table and w rite these w ords, please. W ho’s
w riting the new w ords ... the blackboard? 4. Please com e ... the
room. 5. We’re going ... the classroom. 6. The blackboard is ... the wall
... our classroom . 7. Please put these m atches ... your bag. 8. Please
open that book ... page eight. 9. T h ey ’re looking ... the boys.
V III. S a v o lla rg a ja v o b bering.
1. Is this a classroom ?
2. W hat kind o f classroom is this?
3. Is it large o r sm all?
4. W hat colour are the walls
in this classroom ?
W hat colour is the floor
(ceiling, door)?
W here’s the blackboard?
W hat colour is it?
W liere’s the piece o f chalk?
W here are you?
A re you at a lesson o r at
hom e?
11. Is A nn at the blackboard or
at her table?
12. W hat’s she doing there?
13. Is your bag new ?
14. Is this a table or a chair?
15. W here’s y o u r friend sitting?
IX. Ingliz tiliga tarjim a qiling.
a) Predloglarning ishlatilishiga e ’tibor bering:
to ‘rtinchi darsning so ‘zlari, o ‘sha kitobning sahifalari, o ‘sha
darslam ing yangi so‘zlari, uch b o ‘lak b o ‘r, bu sum kaning rangi,
bizning o ‘quvxona devorlari, K iyev ishchilari.
b) Buyruq m ayli sh aklinin g ishlatilishiga e ’tibor bering:
1. K eytga u kitoblam i j o ‘natm ang. K eytga bu yangi kitoblarni
yuboring, iltimos. 2. M arham at qilib bu m uhandislam i shu yerda
kutib oling. 3. M enga qora qalam ni berm ang, m enga, m arham at
qilib, qizil qalam ni bering. 4. B u m atnni darsda o ‘qim ang, uni uyda
o ‘qing, iltim os. 5. M ening daftarim ni olm ang, m arham at qilib, anavi
toza daftam i oling. 6. S o‘z va savollarni daftarlaringizga yozing va
m arham at qilib, doskaga qaram ang. 7. M arham at q ilib kitoblaringizni
yoping va daftarlaringizni oching. 8. K itoblaringizni yopm ang. M ar­
ham at qilib sakkizinchi m atnni o 'q in g . 9. S um kalaringizni stol ustiga
q o ‘ym ang, iltimos, ularni m ana bu stul ustiga q o Lying. 10. U chinchi
m atnni ko‘chirib yozm ang, m arham at qilib, to ‘rtinchi matnni
ko^chiring. 11. M arham at qilib o ‘tiring. 12. U yoqqa borm ang,
iltimos. 13. Bunday qilm ang, iltim os. 14. B u s o ‘zlarni hozir yozm ang,
m arham at qilib ularni uyda bajaring. 15. B uy o q q a keling , iltimos.
16. H ozir ketm ang, iltim os.
c) Yangi so ‘zlardan foydalaning:
Bu bizning sin f xonam iz. S izning s in f xonangizning devorlari
qaysi ran gda?- U lar sariq. - S in f xonangiz kattam i yoki kichkinam i?
- U katta em as, biroq y o ru g 1. 2. Shift qaysi rangda? - U oq. - Pol
qaysi rangda? - U jigarrang. 3. S tolingiz qayerda? - U deraza oldida.
4. U (qiz) savollarni o ‘qiyapti. 5. B o‘rni m arham at qilib oling va
savolingizni doskaga yozing. 6 . U (qiz)ning daftari qaysi rangda? U havorang. 7. S iz y a n g i kitobni o ‘qiyapsizm i? 8. M en sizga sakkizta
yangi qalam beram an. 9. B u talabalar nim a qilishyapti? - U lar yangi
so ‘zlarni yozishyapti.
h arf
H arf
H arf
nom i
Tt .
Ingliz tilida unli harflarni u rg‘u ostida o‘qilishining to ‘rt turi
\H a rf
a [ei]
о [ou]
e [i:]
nam e
[э ]
T u r\
i [ai]
у [wai]
/[a ik
/ [: \
m yth
[ d:]
[d :]
M ary
m ore
[a ia ]^
Unli harflar u rg‘uli birikm alarining o‘qilishi
H arf birikm alari
a i\
ay I
O l qilishi
/ Spain
' \ day
f sea
m eet
ea \
ee f
M isollar
o i\
[ point
\ boy
oo + к
H arf birikm alari
0 ‘qilishi
M isollar
ou \
ai + r
ee + r
ou + r
oo + r
[d :]
1 out,
Д brow n
Ik k i xil o ‘q iluvchi u n d o sh la r
с [si:]
g № 1
0 ‘т 1
0 ‘qilishi
M isollar
1. e, i , y dan oldin
cent, pencil,
2 . а, о, и va barcha
undoshlardan oldin
ham da s o ‘z oxirida
cap, come,
cup, black
1. e, /, у dan oldin
page, gin,
2. а, о, и va barcha
undoshlardan oldin
ham da so ‘z oxirida
good, green,
1. S o ‘z boshida jarangsiz
undoshlardan oldin va
so ‘z oxirida jarangsiz
undoshlardan so 'n g
sit, student,
2. U nlilar o'rtasida,
s o ‘z oxirida unli va
jaran g li undoshdan
so ‘ng
please, ties,
1. U ndoshlardan oldin va
so ‘z oxirida
text, six
2. U rg‘uli unlidan oldin
s [es]
x [eks]
U ndosh h arf birikm alarining o ‘qilishi
H arflar
0 ‘m i
0 ‘qilishi
M isollar
H ar qanday holatda
H ar qanday holatda
Q isqa unlidan so ‘ng
[d ]
Q isqa unlidan so lng
1. A sosiy so ‘zlar boshida va
so ‘z oxirida
m yth
2. O lm oshlar, k o ‘m akchi
s o ‘zlar boshida va unlilar
o ‘rtasida
1. S o‘z boshida о dan boshqa
barcha unlilar oldidan
w hat
2 . о dan oldin
w ho
U nlilardan oldin
S o ‘z oxirida
H ar qanday holatda
S o‘z boshida unlidan oldin
w rite
U nlilarning undoshlar bilan birga kelganda o‘qilishi
0 ‘rni
0 ‘qilishi
M isollar
1. U rg‘uli b o ‘g ‘inda к dan
2. U rg‘uli bo‘g ‘inda boshqa
undoshlardan oldin
w all, also
U rg'uli b o ‘g ‘inda undosh­
lardan oldin
w ord
1. (r) dan tashqari so ‘z
oxiridagi undosh yoki
undosh birikm alaridan
w ant
2 . r dan oldin
Har qanday holatda
w or
Text: We Learn Foreign Languages.
Gram m ar: 1. H ozirgi zam on oddiy fe’li (The Present Indefinite
Tense) (28-§, 654-bet).
2. N oaniq zam on ravishlari (29-§, 656-bet).
My 'name is PeVovJ I 'live in the | c e n tre 1 of
^Moscow.! I 'w o rk at the | M in istry o f j Foreign
^fTradeJ I’m an engi/tieer*2 and I’m also a V udentJ
M any engi'neers in our jMinistry^ 'learn 'foreign
^anguages.l %I learn )English.| We have our | English t
in th e )m orning.|
We’re at a 'lesson \iow.| 'Jane is sta n d in g at the
^blackboard.! She’s 'writing an t English ^sentence.! We
aren’t jwriting.l We are 'looking at the ^blackboard.!
We 'don’t often \v rite in Jclass.l3 Som etim es we
'have d ic ta tio n s.! 'D u rin g the Aesson* we 'read our
te x t- b o o k ^ and 'do a | lot o f Vxercises.l We 'd o n ’t often
'sp eak ^R ussian in Jclass. We 'speak ^English to our
teacher.! We 'usually 'speak jR ussiant V fte r classes.!
“ 'W hat is your V am e?’1 “My 'name is S m ir\io v .’1
“ 'W here d ’you V o rk ? ’1 “I 'work at an V ffice.”!
“ 'W hat d ’you \l o ? ”i “I’m an engiV eer.’l
“'Do you 'learn ^French?”! u>No, I t l o n ’t.’l
“'W hat 'language \ l o you learn?’1 “I 'learn tm g lish.’l
“'When d ’you 'usually Yiave your E nglish?”! In
the Vvening.i
“ A re you
having a
lesson Jnovv?”| u>No, Г m
W ’1
'W hat’s th e 'E n g lish for “ \ia r s ” ?
Ingliz tilida “ dars” nima
'W hat’s the 'U zbek for “ 'tirad e” ?
0 ‘zbek tilida “trade” nima
1. Tik strelka j oddiy urg‘u o ‘m iga ishlatilib, undan
keyingi so^zni talaffuz qilishda, ingliz tilida gapdagi odatiy
urg‘uli bo4g ‘inning tobora pasayishi buzilgan holda ovoz
2. Tik to4g4ri chiziq I m a’no guruhlari orasidagi uzun
tanaffusni (to4xtalishni), tik to ‘lqinli chiziq ^ esa qisqa
tanaffusni bildiradi.
3. Gap oxiri odatda pasayuvchi ohangda talaffus
qilinadi. Agar gap oxirida ohang k o ‘tarilsa (J), bu
ishonchsizlik, shubha, ikkilanishni anglatadi.
4. W h a t do you do? Nim a ish qilasiz? Kasbingiz
nima? Uchinchi shaxsga nisbatan W h a t is he? U ningkasbi
nima? deyish mumkin. (Shuningdek, kirish kursidagi VIII
darsga qarang.)
to le arn
to s tu d y
a la n g u ag e
th e E nglish la n g u ag e
g ram m ar
to live
(th e) c e n tre
to w o rk (a t, in)
th e M in istry o f F o reig n T ra d e
m an y
a lot o f
to have
to h av e o n e’s E nglish
to h av e a lesson
m o rn in g !
an exercise
to do exercises
to s p e a k (to sm b .)
R u ssian
u su a lly
a f te r (prp)
a f te r classes
b efo re (prp)
F re n ch
w hen
in th e evening
ev e ry m o rn in g
in th e m o rn in g
to sta n d
a se n ten c e
n o t often
alw ays
in class
so m etim es
a d ic ta tio n
to h av e a d ic tatio n
d u rin g
a te x t-b o o k
(See V ocabulary [уэ'кгеЬ]и1эп](= lug‘at) for Lesson O ne, p. 512)
Moscow Moskva
S o‘z y asash
-ly [li] - ravish q o ‘shim chasidir; paytni bildiruvchi ot yoki sifat
o ‘zagidan ravish yasash uchun ishlatiladi:
usual [']и:зиэ1] - odatiy - usually [']и:зиэН] - odatda
hour [аиэ] - soat - hourly ['auali] - har soat
I. Q u y id ag i g a p la rn i boM ishsiz v a (u m u m iy ) s o ‘ro q g ap sh a k lid a
yozing. (28-§):
I often meet this engineer here. 2. You go to the
factory every day. 3. I read newspapers every morning.
4. His sisters always give me books to read. 5. They often
go there. 6 . 1 usually read the newspaper at home. 7. They
often come here. 8. We write questions at home.
II. Q u y id ag i g a p la rn i o ‘q in g , often ra v ish in i q av s ich id a b crilg an
ra v is h la r bilan a lm a s h tirin g :
a) 1. We often meet these boys here. 2. They often
send me English books. 3. I often write to my sister.
4. Do you often go there? 5. Do you often read English
newspapers? 6. Do they often come here? {sometimes,
always, usually)
1. We don’t often copy out these texts. 2. They don’t
often meet their friends here. 3 . 1 don’t often read English
newspapers, {always, usually)
H I. S av o lla rg a ja v o b berin g .
1. What do you read every morning?
2. Where do you usually read books and newspapers?
3. Where do you go every day?
4. Do you often meet your friends?
5. Do they sometimes take your books?
6. Do you read English books or newspapers?
7. What do you often copy out?
8. Do you read the newspaper every day?
9. Are you reading the newspaper now?
10. What are you doing now?
11. What do you do every evening?
12. Where do you go every morning?
13. Do you copy out English texts at home?
14. Is your friend coping out the new text?
15. W hat’s he doing?
IV. A jr a tib k o ‘rsa tilg a n so ‘z la rg a s a v o lla r q o ‘ying.
1. This is a room. (1) 2. The walls in this room are
yellow. (1)3. Ann is in her room now. (1)4. She is reading
a newspaper. (3) 5. We read gooc/books. (2) 6 .1 sometimes
give Peter m y exercise-books. (2) 7. My sons rea d these
books every day. (2) 8 .1 am going to the blackboard. (1)
V. F e ’l-k esim n in g m ayli v a z a m o n sh a k lig a e ’tib o r b e rib , g a p la r­
ni ta r jim a qiling.
Marhamat qilib, daftarlaringizni oching. 2. Siz
hozir nima qilyapsiz? 3. Uning talabalari odatda nima
o‘qishadi? Ular qaysi gazetalami o‘qishadi? 4. Qayerga
ketyapsiz? 5. Siz har kuni qayerga borasiz? 6. Marhamat
qilib stol yoniga o‘tiring, daftarlaringizni oling va beshinchi matnni ko‘chirib yozing. - Siz hozir nima qil­
yapsiz? - Biz beshinchi matnni ko‘chirib yozyapmiz.
7. Do‘stlaringiz ingliz (tilidagi) kitoblami o‘qishadimi?
- Ha, (juda) ko‘pincha. 8. Kitobni yopmang, iltimos.
9. Ular menga kitob(lar) va gazetalami yuborishmaydi.
10. Bu qanday film? - Bu yaxshi film. 11. Men bu ishchini
bu yerda ko4p(incha) ko‘raman. 12. Bu muhandislami
ko‘p(incha) ko‘rasizmi? - Yo‘q, bu muhandislar bu yerga
juda kam kelishadi.
1. Q uyidagi birik m alarn in g o ‘qilishini m ashq qiling, so ‘ngra
m atnni ovoz chiqarib o‘qing:
in the V entre
in the \n o m in g
at the ^Ministry ,
at the ^blackboard
our ^English
your^E nglish
'w riting an 1English ^sentence
'looking at the b la ck b o ard
11. Q uyidagi harflarning I va И o‘qish turlariga ikkitadan m isol
[e] [ai]
S ' *
III. Q u yidagi s o ‘zlarn ing yasalish usuli, qaysi o‘zaklardan
yasalganligi, q aysi so ‘z turkum iga kirishini aniqlang va
ularni o ‘zb ek tiliga tarjim a qiling:
IV. Yangi so ‘zlardan foydalanib, savollarga javob bering.
1. W hat’s your name?
2. Do you live in Moscow or in Saint Petersburg?
3. Do you live in the centre o f Moscow?
4. Are you a teacher?
5. What do you do?
6. Where do you work?
7. Where do you go in the evening?
8. When do you have your English?
9. What language do you learn?
10. What do you do during the lessons?
11. What are you doing now?
12. Where do you do your exercises?
13. Do you usually do many exercises in class?
14. Do you do many exercises at home or not?
15. Do you often have dictation?
16. Do you often speak English to your teacher?
17. What language do you usually speak in class?
18. Where do you go after classes?
19. What kind o f books do you usually read? .
20. Are you reading now?
21. Do you sometimes speak English before and after
22. Are you speaking English or Russian now?
V. A jratib ko‘rsatilgan so ‘zlarga savollar q o ‘ying.
1 .1 work at an office. (1) 2. We usually have our English
in the evening. (1) 3. They often speak English in class.
(1 )4 . We write a lot o f sentences on the blackboard. (2)
5. After my English I go to the office. (2) 6. You read
English books at home. (2) 7. We read, w rite and speak
English during our lesson. (2) 8. We are having a dictation.
(2) 9 .1 am taking m y English book off* the table. (2)
V I. Jadvaldan foydalanib, iloji boricha ko‘proq boMishli va
bo‘lishsiz darak gap lar tuzing (kerakli joyda to ‘ldiruvchi
yoki o ‘rin hollaridan q o‘shim cha qiling).
1. My sisters often send me letters.
2 . 1 don’t often do exercises in class.
3 . T h e s tu d e n ts a r e h a v in g th e ir E n g lis h n o w .
4 . H e is n 't sta n d in g n o w .
T hese engineers
T hose w orkers
M y sisters
T he students
M y friends
w ork
speak to
w rite
copy out
m eet
com e
every day
every m orning
every evening
alw ays
som etim es
VII. Kerakli joyda nuqtalar o‘rniga tegishli predloglarni
1. We live ... Moscow. 2. They work ... the Ministry
..." Foreign Trade. 3 . I usually go ... the office ... the
morning. 4 . Do you speak English or Russian ... your
teacher? 5 . “W here’s your pencil? Is it ... the table?”
“No, it’s ... the floor ... the table.” 6. Take your pen
your bag and write this sentence. 7. We often
write ... the blackboard ... class. We usually write ...
our exercise-books ... home. 8. “W hat do you usually
do ... your English lessons?” “We read, write and speak
English ... our lessons.” 9. Are you going ... the office
or ... your lesson? 10. D on't go ... that room. 11. Look
... the blackboard, please. 12. ... what language do you
speak ... classes?
V III. K e ra k li jo y g a a r tik l q o ‘ying.
M y s is t e r is . . . s tu d e n t. H e r fr ie n d s a r e . . . s tu d e n ts ,
to o . T h e y l i v e in M o s c o w . T h e y le a r n . . . E n g lis h . T h e y
u s u a lly h a v e c l a s s e s in . . . m o r n in g . T h e ir c la s s r o o m
la r g e . . . . w a l l s in . . . c la s s r o o m a r e y e ll o w . E v e r y m o r n in g
. . . s tu d e n ts g o in to . . . c la s s r o o m a n d s it d o w n a t . . . ta b le s .
T h e y u s u a lly d o . . . lo t o f e x e r c is e s a n d h a v e . . . d ic ta tio n s
in c la s s . T h e y a l s o o f t e n w r it e o n . . . b la c k b o a r d . T h e y d o
... e x e r c is e s a t . .. h o m e , to o .
IX. B erilg an g a p la rd a g i o tla rn i b o sh q a k e ra k li o‘z g a rtis h la r
k iritg a n h o ld a sizga m a ’lum k ishilik o lm o sh la ri b ilan
a lm a sh tirin g .
We’re having a dictation. 2. Are they having a lesso
now? 3. They’re having their English now.
X. Ingliz tiliga ta rjim a qiling.
a) Bormoq, kelmoq, yurm oq, ketm oq fe’lla ri ta rjim a s ig a
e ’tib o r berin g .
Men idoraga odatda ertalab ketaman. 2. Biz Kiyev
ga tez-tez borib turamiz. 3. U yerga bormang, iltimos.
4. M arhamat qilib bu yerga keling. 5. M arhamat, Moskvaga keling. 6. Ular ba’zan Sankt-Peterburgga borishadi. 7. Ular odatda Moskvaga qachon kelishadi? 8. Bu
yerga ertalab kelmang, iltimos. 9. Kiring, marhamat.
10. Iltimos, xonaga kirmang. 11. Qayerga ketyapsiz?
b) Y angi so ‘z !a rn in g ish latilish ig a e ’tib o r berin g .
Bu muhandislar qayerda ishlashadi? - Ular biznin
tashkilotda ishlashadi. 2. Bu muhandislar bilan odatda
qaysi tilda gaplashasiz? - Biz "odatda o‘zbek tilida gaplashamiz. Ba’zan fransuzcha gaplashamiz. Ular fransuz
tilini o‘rganishyapti. 3. Ertalab men xonaga kiraman
va joyimga o ‘tiraman. Dars mobaynida biz o ‘qiymiz,
diktant yozamiz, mashqlar bajaramiz va fransuzcha
gapiramiz. 4. Bu mashq uzun. Uni uyda bajaring. 5. Men
uyda inglizcha kam gapiraman. Men darslarda inglizcha
gapiraman. 6. Siz fransuz tilini o‘rganyapsizmi? - Yo‘q,
men fransuz tilini o ‘rganmayapman. Men ingliz tilini o‘rganyapman. 7 . Singillaringiz Moskvada yashashadimi? Yo‘q, ular Sankt-Peterburgda yashashadi. 8. Ishdan so‘ng
nima qilasiz? - Kechqurunlari mening darslarim bor. 9. Bu(lar) kimning kitoblari? - Bu(lar) mening kitoblarim. Bular fransuzcha kitoblarmi yoki o‘zbekchami? - Bular
o‘zbekcha kitoblar. 10. U yerda kim turibdi? - Bu Anna.
11. Odatda doskaga ko‘p gap yozasizmi? - Odatda
doskaga besh yoki oltita gap yozamiz. 1 2 . U doskaga
nima yozyapti? U inglizcha gap yozyapti. 1 3 . Siz qayerda
yashaysiz? - Men Sankt-Peterburgda yashayman. SanktPeterburg juda katta shahar. Men shahar markazida
turaman. 1 4 . Biz fransuz tilini o‘rganyapmiz. Biz matnlar
o ‘qiymiz, gapiramiz, grammatikani o ‘rganamiz, ko‘p
mashqlar bajaramiz. 15. Siz ko‘p inglizcha kitoblar
o‘qiysizmi? - Hozir biz juda oz inglizcha kitoblar
o‘qiyapmiz. 16. Siz qaysi kitoblami o‘qiysiz? - Biz o ‘z
darsliklarimizni o‘qiymiz. 1 7 . Siz o‘qituvchingiz bilan
inglizcha gaplashasizmi yoki o‘zbekchami? - Odatda biz
inglizcha gaplashamiz, ba’zan o‘zbekcha.
I. Q u y id ag i so ‘z va s o ‘z b irik m a la rid a n fo y d a la n ib , h ik o y a la r
tu zin g :
1. In the M orning
to live, in the centre, to go, the office, to meet friends
Before C lasses
to have one’s English, in the evening, to go into the
classroom, to speak to smb., to speak Russian
3. In Class
to have one’s English, in the morning, to do exercises,
a lot of, to have a dictation, sometimes
4. At Home
usually, to speak Russian, to do exercises, to copy out
the new words, to learn the new words, often
II. D arsd ag i y angi so ‘z va ib o ra la rd a n iloji b o ric h a k o ‘p ro q
fo y d a la n ib , o‘z m a sh g ‘u lo tla rin g iz h a q id a g ap irin g . H ik o y ani o ‘q u v x o n an g izn i ta sv irla s h d a n b oshiang.
III. a) D o‘stin g izd a n inglizcha so ‘ra n g :
1. U qayerda yashaydi, nima ish qiladi, qayerda
2. U qaysi chet tilini o‘rganadi, uning darslari qachon
(ertalabmi yoki kechqurun), ko‘pincha u darsda yozadimi,
ko‘p mashq bajaradimi, ko‘pincha darsda inglizcha
3. U ko‘p inglizcha kitoblar o‘qiydimi, darsdan
so‘ng ko‘pincha inglizcha gaplashadimi, uyda inglizcha
gaplashadimi yoki o‘zbekchami.
b) O lin g a n ja v o b la r n i q isq a c h a a x b o ro t q ilib to ‘p lan g .
IV. Q u y id ag i so ‘z la r inglizchasiga q a n d a y b o ‘lishini d o ‘stin g izd a n
s o ‘ran g . U la rn i h a rfla b ay ttirin g .
Namuna: -
W hat’s English for “diktant”?
“A dictation”.
Please spell the word.
D -i-c-t-a-t-i-o-n.
Thank you.
Yashamoq, ishlamoq, ertalab, kechqurun, darsda,
darsgacha (darsdan oldin), darsdan so‘ng, oTganmoq, chet
tili, mashq bajarmoq, diktant yozmoq, shug‘ullanmoq,
birinchi, grammatika, turmoq, kamdan kam, markaz,
L E S S O N T W O (T H E S E C O N D L E S S O N )
Text: We L earn Foreign Languages. (Continued)
G ram m ar: 1. H ozirgi zam on oddiy fe’li 3-shaxs birlik shaklining
yasalishi (30-§, 657-bet).
2. E ga va uning aniqlovchisiga savollar ( 3 1-§, 657bet ).
3. to b e going to oborotini kelasi zam ondagi niyatni
ifodalashda ishlatilishi (32-§, 658-bet)._________
4. H olat va daraja ravishlarining gapdagi o ‘rni (33,
34-§§, 659-660-betlar)-.
My 'wife is an eVonomist.l She 'works at the t Minis­
try o f | Foreign 'Trade \o o \ She 'goes to the 'office t eve­
ry \iay.l My 'wife ^doesn’t learn jEnglishJ She already
'knows ^English 'very VellJ She 'reads t very 'many
'English ЛоокзЛ magajzines^ and VewspapersJ At
the Joffice* she 'sometimes 'writes 'letters to | foreign
^Rrms. I She 'often trans lates telegrams from f English
into ^Russian and from 'Russian into ^English.!
M y
' w i f e ’s ' a l s o a V u d e n t J S h e
VellJ S h e ' u s u a l l y
in time for t h e V s s o n s . l S h e
likes ' l a n g u a g e s f very \nuch1a n d t is going t o ' l e a r n
%F r e n c h next *year.I
My 'wife and
'usually 'go 'home together.1We
'do our homework in the V/ening:| we 'learn the j new
Jwords, 'read Jtexts* and 'dc VxercisesJ We ‘also re vise
^grammar rules.2! We 'sometimes 'speak 'English at
'homej We 'speak about our Jwork* and our 'lessons.!
is doing
'gets ] g o o d
'le a r n s
\n a r k s i
'v e r y
'a lw a y s
‘ C hiziqcha tagida m atnni o 'rganish jarayonida tushuntirib ketish
m aqsadga m uvofiq b o ‘lgan gram m atik hodisalar k o ‘rsatilgan.
“'Who’s an eVonomist?’1“My Vife is.’l
“'Who 'knows )English?’1 “ ^She does.’l
“ 'H ow Veil does she know English?i “She 'knows it
Very well.’l
“'Does she 'learn ^German or Vrench?*1 “She is
'learning ^German ytiowj but Vext Veari she’s 'going to
'learn Vrench.’l
“'What does she 'often 'speak about in Vlass?”3! “She
'often 'speaks about her Vork.i
“'What is she 'going to Vo to n ig h t?”! “She is 'going to
'do her Vomework.i
“'Is she 'going to 'have her 'German to'morrow
“ Vo, * she is 'going to 'have it in 'three Vays.’l
“ 'W hich of you 'likes to j speak 'foreign langu­
ages?”! “My Vife does.’l
'W hat’s the 'hom ew ork for
toY norrow ?
E rtangi kunga nim a vazifa
She likes languages v ery m uch. U chet tillar
ju da yaxshi ko'radi. 0 ‘zbek tilidagi ju d a so‘zi sifat yoki
ravishga tegishli bo‘Isa ingliz tiliga v ery deb tarjima
a very good book
He reads very well.
juda yaxshi kitob
U juda yaxshi o‘qiydi.
Agar ju d a so‘zi fe’lga tegishli bo‘lsa, unga ingliz
tilidagi v ery m uch to‘g‘ri keladi. U fe’ldan oldin ham,
keyin ham kelishi mumkin.
We v ery m uch want to go there. I Biz u yerga borishni
We want to go there v ery m uch. \ juda xohlaymiz.
2. a g ra m m a r ru le grammatik qoida. Agar ikki ot
predlogsiz birin-ketin kelsa, birinchi ot ikkinchisini
aniqlovchisi bo‘lib, o‘zbek tiliga sifat bilan tarjima
qilinadi. Aniqlovchi ot artikl bilan aniqlanmish ot orasida
3. W h a t does she often sp eak ab o u t in class? U
(qiz) ко 'pincha darsda nima haqida gapiradi? Predlogii
toMdiruvchiga maxsus savol berilganda, predlog o‘z
joyida qoladi, ya’ni fe’l-kesimdan keyin keladi. Predlog
so‘roq olmoshidan oldin kelishi ham mumkin, biroq bu
kamdan kam ishlatiladigan variant, masalan:
W h a t do you sometimes
s p e a k a b o u t in class?
A b o u t w h a t do you
sometimes sp eak in class?
Sizlar darsda ba’­
zan nima haqida
to b e going
a n eco n o m ist
n ex t y e a r (w eek, m o n th )
a lre a d y
to m o rro w
to k n o w
to m o rro w m o rn in g
to m o rro w evenin g
w ell
b a d ly
th e d a y a f te r to m o rro w
a m a g az in e
hom e
a jo u r n a l
to go h om e
a le tte r
to g e t hom e
a firm
to g e th e r
h o m e w o rk
to tr a n s la te (fro m ... into)
a te le g ra m
to revise
G e rm a n
a ru le
a b o u t (prp)
to d o w ell
to get
tim e
how w ell
to be in tim e (for)
to n ig h t
to like
w hich o f
v e ry m u c h
(See V ocabulary for Lesson Two, p. 515)
S o ‘z yasash
-ion - otning suffiksi b o ‘lib, fe ’l o ‘zagidan ot yasaydi. Bu suffiks
t, ss undoshlari bilan kelsa [Jn] deb, s undoshi bilan [30] deb
o ‘qiladi:
to dictate aytib berib turm oq - dictation [dik'teijn] diktant
to revise takrorlam oq - revision [ri'v ijn ] takrorlash
A gar fe’l o ‘qilm aydigan -e bilan tugallansa, suffiks q o ‘shilganda
o'qilm aydigan -e tushib qoladi.
0 ‘qish qoidasi
1. к harfi so ‘z boshida n dan oldin o‘qilm aydi. M asalan:
t o k n o w [ t a ' n o u ] b ilm o q
2. u harfi r va 1 dan keyin [u:] kabi o ’qiladi. M asalan:
a r u l e [3 'r u :] q o i d a
b lu e [b lu :] h a v o ra n g
I. N am unaga qarab quyidagi fe’ilarni: a) boMishli; b) boMishsiz
va c) um um iy so ‘roq gap shakllarida tuslang (30-§).
I look
I don’t look .
Do I look?
You look
You don’t look
Do you look?
He looks
He do esn ’t look
Does he look?
She looks
She d o esn ’t look
Does she look?
It looks
It d o esn ’t look
Does it look?
We look
We don’t look
Do we look?
You look
You don’t look
Do you look?
They look
They don’t look
Do they look?
to close, to go, to open, to read, to sit, to live, to work,
to study, to come, to write, to do, to speak, to send, to
meet, to give, to take, to copy out, to put
II. N uqtalar o‘rniga kishilik olm oshlaridan m osini q o ‘ying.
... lives in Moscow. 2. ... go into their classroom
and sit down at the tables. 3. “Does ... sometimes meet
his friends at the office?” “Yes, ... does”. 4. ... have our
English in the morning. 5. ... doesn’t speak English to
her teacher. 6. ... don’t learn English, ... learn French.
7. Do ... have lessons in the morning? 8. Does ... have
his French in the morning or in the evening? 9. ... doesn’t
often write sentences on the blackboard. 10. “What do ...
usually read in class?” “ ... usually read our text-book.”
III. Q u y id ag i g a p la rn i b o ‘lis h siz v a (um u m iy ) s o ‘roq g ap s h a k lid a
1. Fler sister lives in Moscow. 2. My friend learns
English. 3. Our teacher speaks French. 4. This engineer
works at our office. 5. His wife goes to the office in the
morning. 6. Her friend does English exercises at home.
7. His name is Pavlov. 8. They are having dictation now.
IV. F e’l-k esim n in g sh ax s-so n sh a k lig a e ’tib o r b e rib , sa v o lla rg a
ja v o b b erin g .
a) 1. Does your sister work?
2. Where does she work?
3. Does she leam a foreign language?
4. What language does she learn?
5. Does your sister have her English every day?
6. When does she have her English?
7. Does she learn French, too?
8. What does she do in class?
9. What language does your sister speak in class (after
b) 1. Are you a worker?
2. What do you do?
3. Where do you work?
4. Do you leam English?
5. When do you have your English?
6. Does your friend leam English too?
7. Is he a good student?
8. Is he having his English now?
9. What is he doing now?
10. What kind o f books do you read?
11. What kind o f books does your son read?
V. F e’l-kesim ning sh ax s soniga e ’tib o r b erib , g a p la rn i ta rjim a
Bu ishchi qayerda yashaydi? 2. Mening o‘g‘lim
Moskvada yashamaydi. 3. Uning xotini ingliz va fransuz
tillarini o‘rganadi. 4. Bu o‘qituvchi qayerda ishlaydi? - U
shu yerda ishlaydi. 5. Mening do‘stim ikkita chet tilini
o‘rganadi. 6. U uyda, odatda, qanaqa mashqlarni bajaradi?
7. U hozir qanaqa mashqlarni bajaryapti? 8. Ulaming
o‘g‘illari ingliz tilini o‘rganmaydi. 9. Bu kishi fransuzcha
gaplashmaydi. 10. U hozir qaysi tilda gapiryapti? 11. Bu
muhandis qanaqa kitoblar o‘qiydi? 12. U hozir nima qilyapti? 13. Siz uyda ko‘p mashq bajarasizmi? - Ha, juda
V I. S av o lla rg a ja v o b berin g .
1. Which o f your friends has his English in the morning
(in the evening)?
2. Which o f you has lessons every morning?
3. Which o f you has dictations every day?
4. Who does a lot o f exercises in class (after classes)?
5. Who speaks Russian in class?
6. Who speaks English after classes?
7. Who gives you books to read?
8. Who often sends you letters?
9. Which o f your friends lives in Saint Petersburg?
10. Whose friend lives in the centre o f Moscow?
11. Who’s standing at the blackboard?
V II. A jra tib k o ‘rsa tilg a n so ‘z la rg a sa v o lla r q o ‘ying.
1. Our teacher always speaks English in class. (3)
2. We sometimes have English in the evening. (1) 3. M y
frie n d s work at the M inistry o f Foreign Trade. (3) 4. We
often have dictations in class. (2) 5. They do a lot o f exer­
cises at home. (2) 6. We are having our English now. (1)
V III. Q uyidagi gaplarni ingliz tiliga tarjim a qiling:
1. Sizga inglizcha kitoblarni o‘qish uchun kim beradi?
- Mening o‘qituvchim. 2.Ulardan qaysi biri vazirlikda
ishlaydi? - Petrov. 3. Anavi xonada hozir kim ishlayapti?
- Belov. 4 . Bu yerga ertalab kim keladi? - Biz. 5 . Kimning
o‘g‘li ingliz tilini o‘rganyapti? - Mening o‘g‘lim. 6. Sizlardan qaysi biringiz nemis tilini o‘rganyapsiz? - Ivanov
va Petrov. 7. 0 ‘qituvchingiz bilan hozir kim gaplashyapti?
- Mening do‘stim.
IX. to be going to oborotining ishlatilishiga e ’tibor berib, quyidagi
gaplarni o ‘qishni m ashq qiling:
Fm 'going to 'speak to him to f morrow Vvening.
We’re 'not ^teoing to the office | to'morrow \norning.
'What are you 'going to 'do toVight?
Q uyidagi jadvaldan
o‘zgarish lar kiriting:
M y friend(s)
M y sister(s)
T hese engi­
His son(s)
am \
is > going to
are /
w rite to Peter
read this book
have a dictation
have o ne’s English
speak to smb.
w ork in the M inis­
do these exercises
m eet on e’s friend
tom orrow
tom orrow
m orning
tom orrow
in a w eek
next w eek
next month
X I. Savollarga javob bering.
1. A r e y o u g o i n g t o h a v e y o u r E n g l i s h t h i s e v e n i n g ?
2 . W h e n a r e y o u g o in g to h a v e y o u r E n g lis h ?
3 . W h a t a re y o u g o in g to d o in th e e v e n in g ?
4 . W h e n a re y o u g o in g to d o y o u r e x e r c is e s ?
5 . W h e n a re y o u g o in g to r ea d th is b o o k ?
6 . W h e n a r e y o u g o i n g t o s p e a k t o y o u r fr ie n d ?
7 . W h e n ’s y o u r f r i e n d c o m i n g t o M o s c o w ?
X II. Q uyidagi gaplarni ingliz tiliga tarjim a qiling:
M en
fr a n su z
t ilin i
o ‘r g a n m o q c h im a n .
0 ‘q i -
tuvchingiz bilan qachon gaplashasiz? 3. Kechqurun nima
qilmoqchisiz? 4. Men bu grammatik mashqlami darsgacha
bajaraman. 5. Biz diktant yozmaymiz, biz yangi matnni
I. Q u y id ag i so ‘z la rn in g o ‘qilishini m ash q q ilib , d a r s m a tn in i ovoz
c h iq a rib o ‘qing:
II. Q u y id ag i so‘z Ia rn i ovoz c h iq a rib o ‘q in g :
a) knife, know, knock, knave, knee, knit, knew, knot;
rule, blue, flute, rude, ruby, allude
b) speech, crack, drone, stuff, traffic, gate, gust,
bigger, log, egg, germ, high, jig, just, kite, bring, quest,
quick, race, cane, cinders, cut, care, mere, tire, cure, stir,
bum, arm, lore, port
III. Q u y id ag i so ‘z la rn in g q aysi b elg ila rig a q a r a b u la rn i q ay si gap
b o ‘lagi ekan lig in i a n iq la y olasiz? Bu s o ‘z la rn i o ‘z b e k tiliga
ta rjim a qiling.
IV. Y angi so ‘z larg a e ’tib o r q ilib , sa v o lla rg a ja v o b b erin g .
O lin g a n ja v o b la rn i h a r savol g u r u h id a n so ‘ng q isq a x a b a rd a
a) 1. Do you leam English or do you already know it well?
2. Does your friend know English well?
3. Do you sometimes do your homework together?
4. Do you like to do your homework together?
5. Which o f you is doing well (in English)?
6. Which o f you is always in time for the lesson?
b) 1. How often do you get newspapers and magazines?
2. Which magazines do you like to read?
3. Do you often get letters from your friends?
4. Which o f you likes getting letters?
5. Which o f you likes writing letters?
6. How often do you write to your friends?
7. When are you going to write to your friends?
c) 1. Who translates letters and telegrams from foreign
firms at your office?
2. Does he (she) translate letters from English or from
3. How well does he (she) translate letters and
4. Is he (she) translating a letter now?
5. What is he (she) going to translate tomorrow
d) 1. Are you going to revise the grammar rule in the
2. Are you going to do it at home or in class?
3. What are you going to speak about in class tomor­
row evening?
4. What do you usually speak about in class?
e) 1. When do you usually get home after classes (after
2. Who do you usually go home with?
3. Do you like to go home with your friends?
4. What do you like to do in the evening?
5. What are you going to do tomorrow evening?
Q av s ic h id ag i so ‘z la r d a n m osini ta n la n g va g a p la rn i o ‘qing.
(How, how well) do you get to your office? 2. (How,
how well) does your wife know French? 3. (How, how
well) does your friend speak German? 4. (How, how well)
do you translate this sentence from Russian into English?
5. (How, how well) do you do these exercises? 6. (How,
how well) does she get home?
VI. Kerakli joyda nuqtalar o‘rniga tegishli predloglarni qo‘ying.
1. Peter is always ... time ... his lessons. 2. We often go
... the blackboard ... class. We write a lo t... sentences ...
the blackboard. 3. “Where does he usually go ... work?”
“He usually goes ... home”. 4. I like to speak English
... my sons. 5. Please tell her ... your friends. 6. Please
translate this text ... Russian ... English. 7. What do you
usually s p e a k
class? 8. How often do you write
... your friends? 9. When do you usually get ... home?
10. How do you get ... your office? 11. He’s going to
write ... me ... a week,
VII. Nuqtalar o‘rniga kerakli joyda artikl yoki egalik olmoshini
My son’s ... engineer. He works at ... factory. He
knows ... French and ... German. He learns ... English
and is doing very well. He has ... English in ... morning.
He’s always in ... time for ... lessons. In ... evening he
does ... homework. He often translates ... sentences from
... Russian into ... English. He often reads ... English
magazines and newspapers at ... home. He likes ...
English classes very much.
VIII. to go, to come, to get fe’llarining ishlatilishiga e’tibor berib,
gaplarni ingliz tiliga tarjima qiling.
Marhamat qilib bu yerga keling. 2. Marhamat qilib
anavi xonaga kiring. 3. 0 ‘g ‘lingiz qachon uyga keladi?
4. Marhamat qilib doskaga chiqing. 5. Har kuni ertalab
men idoraga boraman. 6. U darslardan so‘ng hammavaqt
ham uyga ketavermaydi. 7. Men uyga kechqurun kelaman
va dars qilaman. 8. Mening do‘stim har kuni ertalab
Moskvaga keladi va kechqurun uyiga ketadi. 9. Siz
vazirlikka qanday borasiz? 10. U bu yerga ertaga ertalab
keladi. 11. U tez orada ketadi.
IX. Yangi so‘zlardan foydalanib, ingliz tiliga tarjima qiling.
A. 1. Bu qiz kim? - U mening singlim. - U nima ish
qiladi? - U iqtisodchi. 2. U (qiz) nemis tilini qanchalik
yaxshi biladi? - U (qiz) nemis tilini juda yaxshi biladi.
3. 0 ‘g ‘lingiz qachon dars tayyorlaydi? - Kechqurun.
4. 0 ‘g‘lingiz qanday o‘qiyapti? - U yaxshi o‘qiyapti.
5. Sizlar bu so‘zlami bilmaysiz, bu so‘zlami va grammatik
qoidalami uyda takrorlang. 6. Qaysi biringiz iqtisodchisiz?
-P etrov. 7. Qaysi biringiz yaxshi o ‘qiysiz?-A nna. 8. Kim
inglizcha jurnallar oladi? - Ivanov. 9. Siz, odatda, yaxshi
.o‘qirdingiz, biroq hozir juda yomon o‘qiyapsiz. 10. Xat
olishni yoqtirasizmi? 11. U xat yozishni yoqtirmaydi.
12. Darsda inglizcha gapirishbizgayoqadi. 13. Grammatik
qoidalami takrorlashni u (qiz) yoqtirmaydi. 14. U (qiz)
o‘qituvchidan so‘ng qaytarishni yoqtirmaydi. 15. Ular
kechqumn o‘qishni yoqtirishadi. 16. U (qiz) kamdankam darsga o‘z vaqtida keladi. 17. U (qiz) doim ishga
o‘z vaqtida keladi. 18. Siz u yerga, odatda, qanday yetib
borasiz? 19. Biz bu haqda kelasi hafta gaplashamiz. 20. Siz
qancha ko‘p birga dars qilasiz? - Biz har kuni birga dars
В. О ‘qituvchi: Marhamat qilib darsligingizni oling va
bu yerga keling. (Talaba о ‘qituvchi stoli oldiga boradi.)
Darsligingizning o‘ninchi sahifasini oching va ikkinchi
darsdagi matnni o‘qing. Marhamat qilib birinchi beshta
gapni o‘qing.
Talaba (o'qiydi): “B iz katta, yorug4 xonada o‘qiymiz
(mashg‘ulotlar o‘tamiz). Talabalar darsga doim o‘z vaqtida
keladilar. Darslarimiz(mobayni)da biz o‘qiymiz, diktant
yozamiz va gaplarni o‘zbek tilidan ingliz tiliga tarjima
qilamiz. Bizda har kuni ingliz tili darsi bor. Odatda biz
kechqurunlari dars tayyorlaymiz, biroq ko‘pincha yangi
so‘zlami ertalab darsdan oldin takrorlaymiz. Hozir bizda
ingliz tili (darsi), biz matnni o‘qiymiz, so‘ngra esa diktant
О ‘qituvchi: Rahmat, siz bu matnni endi yaxshi
o‘qiyapsiz. 0 ‘tiring. Sizning bahoingiz “yaxshi”. Marha­
mat qilib bu mashqni uyda bajaring, yangi grammatik
qoidani yod oling va ikkinchi darsdagi so‘zlarni tak­
I. B irinchi d a rs n in g m a tn in i 3-shaxs b irlik d a hikoya q ilib b erin g .
H ik o y an i sh u n d a y boshlang:
My friend Petrov lives in Moscow ...
II. Q u y id ag i so ‘z v a so ‘z b irik m a la rid a n fo y d ala n ib , h ik o y a la r
1. At the Office
to be in time for, to get a lot o f letters, to read,
to translate
2. At the Lesson
to write (read, translate), well (badly), to like reading
(writing, translating), to speak English, to be doing well
3. In the Evening
to be going, to get an English book, to be at home,
to do one’s homework, to revise, to translate, with one’s
friends, to speak about
4. My Son
to learn English, already, to do one’s homework,
to like, to be doing well
III. 1- v a 2 -d a rsd a g i y an g i so ‘z va ib o ra la rd a n iloji b o rich a k o ‘pro q fo y d a la n ib , d o ‘stin g izn in g (o ‘g ‘lin g izn in g , q izin g izn in g )
d a r s m a sh g ‘u lo tla ri h a q id a g ap irin g .
IV. a) D o‘s tin g iz d a n inglizcha so ‘ra n g :
l.U ning do‘sti (xotini, o‘g‘li v.h.) ingliz tilini
o‘rganishini yoki u tilni allaqachon bilish-bilmasligini, u
ingliz tilini qay darajada bilishini, ingliz tilida gapira ola
bilishini, inglizcha kitob o ‘qishini, kim bilan inglizcha
gaplashishini so‘rang.
2.Guruhingizdagi talabalardan qaysi biri yaxshi
o‘qishini, darsga o ‘z vaqtida kelishi, ingliz tilida gapirishni
yoqtirishi, darsdan so‘ng inglizcha gaplashishi, fransuz
yoki nemis tilini o‘rganmoqchi ekanligini so‘rang.
3.Guruhingizdagi talabalardan qaysi birlari darsni
birga qilishlarini, ko‘pincha birga dars tayyorlashlarini,
so‘z va qoidalami takrorlashlarini, uyga birga ketishini,
birga ishlamoqchi ekanligini so‘rang.
4. Ertaga nima qilmoqchi ekanligini, kechqurun uyda
bo‘lishini, qoidalami o‘qishi yoki takrorlashini, nima
o ‘qishini, do‘stlari bilan gaplashishini, nima haqida
gaplashishini so‘rang.
b) O lin g a n ja v o b la rn i q isq a c h a a x b o ro t q ilib to ‘p ia n g .
0 ‘q ish n i m a sh q qiling. D ialogni yod oling v a s a h n a la s h tirin g .
“ 'G o o d V i o r n i n g , M r ['m is ta ] B r o w n .” |
“'Good \nom ing, Mr Ivanov.”]
“ 'Is 'this your Tfirst 'visit to jMoscow?”]
“'How do you ^like it here7’^
“It’s Vice Vere.j I 'like it Tvery Viuch.”]
Text: The W orking Day o f an Engineer.
G ram m ar: 1. Kishilik olm oshlarining obyekt kelishigi (35-§, 660bet).
2. M u ch , little (36-§, 661 -bet), m any, few (37-§, 662bet).
'Comrade Pe'trov j works at an VfficeJ He 'lives
\iear the )office. I He 'usually Valks therej He 'only
'works 'five 'days a V e e k .1! He 'works on f Monday,
Tuesday, j Wednesday, Thursday and YridayJ He
'doesn’t 'work at the 'week-VndJ His 'working 'day
'lasts f eight ^hours.2! He re'ceives j very 'many 'letters
and \elegram s in the inom ing* and 'always Vnswers
them] He 'sometimes translates 'articles from f foreign
'newspapers and 'joumals.l He 'often re'ceives engifneers
from ‘factories'in the j after\ioon.| They dis'cuss a f lot
o f \iuestions with him.! He 'usually 'finishes Jwork* at
'six o’clock2 in the VveryngJ
'Comrade Pe'trov learns ^English.! He 'works ^hard
at his English.! He 'sometimes 'stays in the 'office j after
V o r k * for his 'English Wessons.! 'After Jclasses* he
re'turns ^home.l
“'Who 'works at f this \)ffice?i “'Comrade Pe)trov
“'Does he 'work Jvery much?’1 “)Yes, ^ he 'works a
“'Whom does he 'often receive at the office?’1“He
'often re'ceives engineers from Yactories.’l
“'Does 'Comrade Pe'trov live Jfar from the
office?”! “>JoJ he lives Year it.i
“ 'H ow 'long does his f working 'day )last?i “It 'lasts
t eight ^hours.’l
“'What 'time does he \ t o p work?’1 “He 'stops 'work
at t six in the Vvening.’l
“ ‘Thank you very Anuch ”
“ 'N ot at
- K atta rahmat!
-A rz im a y d i! (M arham at!)
1. H e only w o rk s five days a w eek. U haftada
faqat besh кип ishlaydi. Only kuchaytirish ravishi, qoida
bo‘yicha, qaysi so‘zni kuchaytirishidan qat’iy nazar gapda
asosiy fe’ldan oldin keladi. Og‘zaki nutqda only tegishli
bo‘lgan so‘z urg‘u bilan ajratiladi.
2. His working day lasts
Uning ish kuni 8 soat
eight h o u rs.
davom etadi.
He usually finishes
U, odatda, soat 6 da
work at six o ’clock.
ishni tugatadi.
H o u r so‘zi bo‘lib o‘tadigan vaqt oraligini ko‘rsatadi.
o’clock aniq vaqtni ko‘rsatib, “Soat necha b o 'ld i? ”
so‘rog‘iga javob bo‘ladi. Masalan:
at five o’clock
at three o’clock
soat (roppa-rosa) beshda
soat uchda
th ir d
a w o rk in g d a y
a c o m ra d e
f a r fro m
a long w ay from
to w alk
to go fo r a w alk
to go fo r w alk s
M onday
ev e ry M o n d a y
on M on d ay
(on) M o n d a y m o rn in g
(on) M o n d a y a fte rn o o n
(on) M o n d a y evening
n ext M o n d a y
T uesday
W edn esd ay
T h u rs d a y
F rid a y
S a tu rd a y
S u n d ay
a w eek-end
a t th e w eek-end
fo r th e w eek-end
o v er th e w eek-end
to last
an h o u r
to receive
to get
to a n sw e r
an a rtic le
a fte rn o o n
in th e a fte rn o o n
to discuss
a q uestion
to finish
w o rk
a t six (o ’clock) in th e evening
h a rd
to sta y
to re tu rn
to give back
to com e (get) back
to go b ack
how long
W h a t t i m e ...?
to stop
(See Vocabulary for Lesson Three, p. 517)
0 ‘qish q o idasi
ay, ey h a rf birikm alari urg‘u siz holatda [i] kabi o‘qiladi,
m asalan:
M onday ['mAndi] dushanba
m oney ['mAni] pul
2 . e a r h a rf birikm asi xuddi [is] diftongi kabi o ‘qiladi, m asalan:
near [nia] yaqin
3. a harfi st, sk h a rf birikm alaridan oldin [a:] kabi o ‘qiladi,
m asalan:
to last [ta 'la:st] davom etmoq
to ask [ta 'a:sk] so ‘ram oq
I. Q avs ich id ag i k ish ilik o lm o sh larin i o b y ek t kelishigiga q o ‘yib
g a p la rn i k o ‘ch irin g . (35-§).
These are very good exercises. Do (they) at home,
please. 2. This engineer works with (I). I know (he) well.
3. Write these words out in your exercise-book, please,
and learn (they). 4. Read this letter and translate (it) into
English, please. 5 .1 know this girl. She works with (we).
II. N u q ta la r o ‘rn ig a k ish ilik o lm o s h la rin in g o b y e k t kelish ig id ag i
m os sh a k lin i q o ‘ying.
Take this book and read ... at home, please. 2. Is
he going to speak to ... about his new work? 3. These
are very good exercise-books. Where do you get ...?
4. My sister knows English well. I often do my homework
with ... .5 . Read these words and leam ... well. 6 . 1 don’t
know . . . . W hat’s his name?
III. T agiga chizilgan so ‘z la rg a e ’tib o r b e rib , q u y id a g i g a p la rn in g
o ‘q ilish in i m a sh q qiling:
1. “'Does your 'son Jread rriuch?”|
“ jYes,| he 'reads a ^ o t.”|
“ jNo,| he ^doesn’t read Anuch.| He 'reads T very
2. “ 'Do you 'do t much Aiomework?”|
“ A ^ e s ,! w e 'd o a t l o t o f / h o m e w o r k | 'e v e r y \ l a y . ” |
3. “ 'How 'many 'English V o r d s d o you know?”|
“'Not very Ananv.”
IV. Q u y id ag i g a p la rn i b o ‘lishsiz v a (u m u m iy ) so ‘ro q g ap sh a k lid a
He translates very many letters into English. 2. The
teacher gives us a lot o f homework. 3. Your friends read a
lot. 4. She gets a lot o f telegrams every day. 5. They work
too much.
V. K o‘p, oz s o ‘z la rin in g ta rjim a s ig a e ’tib o r b e rib , g a p la rn i ingliz
tilig a o‘giring.
Singlim ko‘p ishlaydi. 2. Ular ko‘p inglizcha
kitoblar o‘qishadi. 3. 0 ‘g‘lingiz ko‘p ishlaydimi? - Yo‘q,
u hozir juda kam ishlaydi. 4. U har kuni ko‘p xat oladi.
5. Biz darsda juda ko‘p o‘qiymiz va juda kam yozamiz.
6. 0 ‘g‘lingiz ko‘p o‘qiydimi? - Ha, ko‘p. Odatda u
kechqurunlari o ‘qiydi. 7. Ko‘p talabalar ikkita chet tilini
bilishadi. 8. Kechqurun o ‘ta k o ‘p o ‘qimang. 9. Biz ko‘p
xorijiy firmalarga xatlar j o ‘natamiz.
I. Q u y id ag i so ‘z b irik m a larin i- o‘q ish n i m ash q q ilib b o ‘lib,
d a rs n in g m a tn in i ovoz c h iq a rib o‘q ing:
walks there
, .
answers them
Thursday and Friday
v t ■;—
letters and telegrams
II. Q uy id ag i so‘z la rn i ovoz c h iq a rib o ‘q ing:
a) past, task, flask, mast, holiday, kidney, hockey,
storey, dear, clear, fear
b) stay, play, gay, day, leap, feel, deer, steer
III. Q u y id ag i s o ‘z la r q ay si so ‘z tu rk u m in in g o‘za g id a n y asalg a n ?
U la rn i o ‘zb ek tiliga ta rjim a qiling:
IV. Y angi so ‘z la rd a n fo y d ala n ib , sa v o lla rg a ja v o b berin g .
a) 1. Does your friend work at an office or in a factory?
2. Does your friend live far from the office (the
3 . Does he walk to the office (factory)?
4. (On) Which days does he work?
5. How long does his working day last?
6. How many hours does he work a day?
7. Who usually answers telegrams at the office?
8. Who does he often receive?
9. What do they discuss?
10. What time does he usually finish work? •
11. Where does he sometimes stay after work?
12. When does he return home?
13. What does he do on Sunday?
14. Does he usually stay in Moscow over the week­
15. What does he usually do at the week-end?
16. Who does he often stay with over the week-end?
b) 1. Do you live far from your office (factory)?
2. Do you often walk to your office?
3. Do you like walking?
4. Do you usually go for walks in the morning or in
the evening?
5. Who do you take out for a walk?
6. How long does your working day last?
7. What do you often discuss during your working
8. What time do you stop and go home?
9. Do you work at the week-end?
10. What do you usually do at the week-end?
11. What are you going to do this week-end?
12. Are you going to stay at home over the week­
13. Are you going to Saint Petersburg (Kiev) for the
14. What are you going to do (on) Saturday evening?
15. What are you going to do on Sunday?
c) 1. Which o f you reads much (doesn’t read much)?
2. How many new English words do you usually leam
in class (at your lesson)?
3. How long does your class (lesson) last?
4. What time do you get home after classes?
A jr a tib k o ‘rsa tilg a n so ‘z la rg a savollar q o ‘ying.
1. He discusses a lot o f questions at the office. (2)
2. Our English lessons usually last two hours. (2) 3. These
students usually get home at five in the afternoon. (2)
4. His sisters work at a new factory. (3) 5. / am going
to stay at the factory after work today. (3) 6. You live a
long way from the office. (1 )7 . They are discussing this
question now. (3)
V I. K erak li jo y d a n u q ta la r o ‘rn ig a tegishli p re d lo g la rn i q o ‘ying.
1. “Do you work ... an office?” “No, I work ... a
factory.” “Do you live far ... the factory?” “Yes, I live a
long way ... it.” 2. Mary lives near ... a large park. She
often takes her s o n
a walk ... the p a rk .... Saturdays
her sister Ann usually comes to stay ... Mary ... the
week-end. 3 .1 usually g e t... home ... six ... the evening.
4. This is a letter ... my sister. I’m going to answer ... it
now. She’s coming ... Moscow. I’m going to m e e t... her
... Tuesday evening ... seven. 5. Nick works hard ... his
English. He does a l o t... exercises ... class and ... home.
6. “What are you going to do ... the week-end?” “We are
going ... Klin ... the week-end”. 7. Are you going to stay
here ... the week-end? 8. Do you often stay ... the office
... work ... your English lessons?
V II. Q av s ichidagi fe’lla rn i tegishli za m o n , sh ax s va so n d a
1. He usually (to walk) home after work. 2. Where
(to work) Comrade Petrov? 3. He (not to work) hard at
his German. 4. You often (to speak) in class? 5. Who (to
answer) questions now? 6. Your sister often (to stay) at
the office after work for her English? 7. I often (not to
get) telegrams from my friends. I often (to get) letters
from them. 8. Who often (to discuss) plans with these
engineers? 9. What (to discuss) they now? 10. You (to
be) going to discuss this question tomorrow morning?
11. How well they (to know) English? 12. “The students
(to revise) the words at home or in class?” “They (to do) it
at home.” 13. They (to revise) the words now? 14. “What
he (to do)?” “He (to be) a factory worker.” 15. “What he
(to do)?” “He (to translate) an article now.”
V III. K e ra k li jo y g a a rtik l q o ‘ying.
Ann is ... worker. She works at ... large factory. ...
factory is ... long way from Moscow. Ann lives near ...
factory and usually walks there. She finishes ... work at
six in ... evening. Her sister is ... student, she lives in ...
Moscow. She learns ... German. Ann often gets ... letters
from her.
IX . Q av s ich id ag i s o ‘z la r d a n m osini ta n lan g .
1. This film lasts two (o’clock, hours). 2. They
sometimes finish work at three (o’clock, hours) on
Thursday afternoon. 3. “Where are you (going, walking)
to?” ‘i ’m (going, walking) to my office.” 4. He likes
(going, walking). 5. He (goes, walks) a lot. 6. How often
does your son (go, walk) there for the week-end?
X. Y angi so ‘z la r d a n fo y d a la n ib , ingliz tiliga ta rjim a qiling.
A. 1. Yakshanba kuni uyda boiasizm i? 2. Shanba kuni
kechqurun qayerga borasiz? 3. Uning faqat seshanba va
pay shanba kunlari darsi bor. 4. U bu yerga faqat yakshanba
kunlari keladi. 5. Siz zavodga ertalab borasizmi? - Ha.
- Uyda o ‘g‘lingiz bilan kim qoladi? - Mening singlim.
6. Siz uyga, odatda, soat nechada kelasiz? - Men uyga,
odatda, kech soat yettida kelaman. 7. Bu savolni hozir
muhokama qilmang. Biz uni payshanba kuni ertalab
ко‘rib chiqamiz. 8. Men faqat ingliz tilini bilaman, biroq
nemis tilini o‘rganmoqchiman.
B. Ish kuningiz necha soat davom etadi? - Sakkiz soat.
- Idorada nima ish qilasiz? - Men xat va telegrammalarga
javob beraman, jurnallar o‘qiyman, bu jurnallardan
maqolalar tarjima qilaman va muhandislarimiz bilan ko‘p
masalalami muhokama qilaman. - Ishni, odatda, soat
nechada tugatasiz? - Ishni soat oltida tugataman. - Siz
idorangizdan uzoqda turasizmi? - Yo‘q, men unga yaqin
(joyda) yashayman va odatda, u yerga piyoda boraman.
- Siz nemis tilini yaxshi bilasizmi? - Men nemis tilini
endi o‘rganyapman. Darslaringiz qachon boTadi? Bizda dushanba, chorshanba va jum a kunlari kechasi
dars bo‘ladi. Darsingiz qancha davom etadi? - Ikki soat.
Uyda nima (ish) qilasiz? - Uyga kelganimda men, odatda,
jurnallar o‘qiyman va dars qilaman, ba’zan do‘stlarimga
xatlar yozaman. Men ulardan ko‘p xatlar olaman va doim
ularga javob beraman. Sizning idorangizda chet tilidagi
jurnallardan kim tarjima qiladi? - Orlov. U ingliz va
fransuz tillarini biladi. - U bu tillami qanchalik yaxshi
biladi? - U bu tillarni yaxshi biladi. - Nemis tilidan
xatlarni kim tarjima qiladi? - Men.
XI. Ingliz tiliga ta rjim a qiling. ( 1 , 2 , 3 -d a rs la rn i ta k ro rla s h u ch u n
m ashq)
Mening singlim o‘qituvchi. U ingliz tilidan dars
beradi. Mening do‘stim va men ham ingliz tili o'tamiz,
biroq ko‘p talabalar ikkita chet tili ustida qattiq ishlashadi.
Biz har doim darslarga o‘z vaqtida kelamiz va uy
vazifalarini yaxshi bajaramiz. Biz ko'pincha uyda ingliz
tilidagi gazeta va jurnallarni o‘qiymiz. Men ingliz tilidagi
kitoblarni o‘qishni yoqtiraman va (men) ko‘p o4qiyman.
Bizda dushanba, chorshanba, payshanba va juma kunlari
dars bo'ladi. Biz darsda ko‘p mashq qilamiz va ba’zan
diktant yozamiz. Biz matnlar o‘qiymiz, ularni tarjima
qilamiz, savollarga javob beramiz va o‘zbek tilidagi
gaplarni ingliz tiliga tarjima qilamiz. Ko‘pincha darsdan
so‘ng uyga birga ketamiz. Biz inglizcha gaplashamiz va
o‘z ishlarimizni muhokama qilamiz.
I. Q uy id ag i so ‘z v a so ‘z b irik m a la rid a n fo y d ala n ib , h ik o y a la r
1. My Friend Works Hard at the Office
to receive, to discuss, to answer, a lot o f articles,
to finish work
2. 1 like Walking
a long way from, to walk (to), to go for a walk, in the
• ' Ъ. Г m Going to Stay at Home over the Week-end
in the morning, in the afternoon, to go for a walk,
to take out, together
My Son Reads a Lot
to like readng, to take books from, to learn (from
books), to do well, to return (to give back)
II. 0 ‘z ish k u n in g iz n i ta sv irlan g . (D o‘stin g izn in g , xotinin g izn in g ,
sin g lin gizning ish k u n in i ta sv irla n g .)
III. D arsd ag i y an g i so ‘z la r va q u y id a k e ltirilg a n so‘z la rd a n
fo y d ala n ib , d o ‘stin g iz d a n u n in g ish k u n i h a q id a so‘ra n g :
when, where, what, who, which of, how, how well,
how often, how long
IV. a) D o‘s tin g iz d a n b u g u n g a (e rta g a , in d in g a ) n im a vazifa
b e rilg a n in i so ‘ran g . Ja v o b i u c h u n m in n a td o rc h ilik b ild irin g ,
m in n a td o rc h ilig in g iz g a
q a n d a y ja v o b
b e ra y o tg an lig in i
esh itin g. (1, 2, 3 -d a rs la rd a g i r a m k a la r ichiga q a ra n g .)
N A M U N A : “W hat’s the homework for tomorrow?”
“Exercise four, page seventeen.”
“Thank you.”
“Not at all. (It’s nothing at all.)”
b) 3 -d a rsd a g i b a ’zi so ‘z la rn in g ingliz tiliga q a n d a y ta rjim a
q ilin ish in i so ‘ra b , y u q o rid a g i n a m u n a d a g id e k dialog tuzing.
Text: M y Friend is a C hildren’s D octor Now.
Gram m ar: 1.F e’lning asosiy shakllari. 0 ‘tgan zam on oddiy
fe’li ( 0 ‘ZO). T he Past Indefinite Tense. T o‘g ‘ri
tuslanuvchi fe’llar (38, 39, 40-§ 1, 3 ,4 , 5-punktlar,
2. to be fe ’lining 0 ‘ZO shakli (4 l-§ , 665-bet).
3. O tlam ing kelishiklari. Q aratqich kelishigi (42-§,
My 'friend’s 'nam e is Y eterJ 'He and A are V ectors
now, but e'leven 'years ayfgo* we were 'students at a f Me­
dical 'college' in iMoscowJ
We 'lived a f long )way from the college,! but we 'liked
to \v a lk Jthere* in 'fine VeatherJ
Our 'classes f usually 'lasted till f four o ’clock in the
f afterV oonJ and 'then we 'worked 'hard at V om eJ We
'sometimes 'stayed f after Jclasses* to 'play Volley­
ball, but on Veekdays* we were 'usually at Viome by '9
o ) ’clock.! We re'ceived a f lot of'm ed ical jo u rn als* and
'often dis'cussed j interesting ^articles in them.!
In his 'third Jyearl Peter de'cided to be a V hildren’s
doctor2,! and 'now he 'works at a j children’s 'hospital
in VCievJ He gloves his Jwork* and 'often V rite s to me
about itj
“'W hose 'nam e’s > e te r? ’1 “My Y riend’s/1
“ 'W hat does he Y o?’1 “H e’s a V octor.’l
“ 'Was he a 'doctor efleven 'years a/!go?i “ Ylo, he was
a Ytudent Ahen.’l
“'W hen did he deV ide to be a children’s doctor?’1 “In
his 'third 'year at the ^Medical college.’l
“ 'Does he Jlike his work?’1 “ )Yes, * he )ioves it.’l
... w e w ere stu d en ts a t a M edical college in
M oscow. ... biz Moskvadagi tibbiyot institutida o'qirdik.
0 ‘zbek tilidagi institut (oliy o‘quv yurti) so‘ziga ingliz
tilida college, school, in stitu te so‘zlari to‘g‘ri keladi.
a teacher-training college
a medical college (school)
an engineering institute
pedagogika instituti
tibbiyot instituti
mashinasozlik instituti
In his th ird y e a r P e te r decided to be a c h ild re n ’s
doctor. Uchinchi kursda Peter bolalar vrachi bo ‘lishga
qaror qildi. Y ear so‘zi yil m a’nosidan tashqari у ana oliy
o‘quv yurtidagi kurs, bosqich m a’nosini ham beradi.
U birinchi (ikkinchi) kurs
U birinchi (ikkinchi)
kursda o ‘qiydi.
He’s a first (second) y e a r
stu d en t.
He’s in his first (second)
fo u rth
a ch ild {pi. ch ild ren )
a year
a college
to go to college
to be a t college
w e a th e r
th en
to play
to p la y volley-ball (football.
a w eekday
on w eekdays
in te re stin g
to decide
a h o sp ital
to go to h o sp ital
to b e in h o sp ital
to love
(See Vocabulary for Lesson Four, p. 521)
E sda sa q lan g :
o ‘n bir
tw elve
o ‘n ikki
S o n la rn in g
yasalish i:
1. -teen [ti:n] - son suffiksi (ten ning o ‘zgargan shakli) bo1lib, 13
dan 19 gacha boMgan sanoq sonlarni yasashda ishlatiladi.
-teen suffiksi - urg‘ulidir, shuning uchun uning
ishtirokida sonlarda ikkita asosiy urg‘u bo‘ladi:
okn uch
obn yetti
o‘n to ‘rt
o‘n sakkiz
o ‘n besh
o‘n to‘qqiz
o ‘n olti
Gapda ritm ta’sirida urg‘ulardan biri yo‘qoladi. Agar
son oldidan urg‘uli bo‘g ‘in kelsa, birinchi urg‘u yo‘qoladi,
masalan: Lesson N ineteen ['lesn nain\i:n] .
Agar urg‘uli so‘z sondan keyin kelsa, ikkinchi urg‘u
yo‘qoladi, masalan: the nineteenth Wesson [дэ 'nainti:n0
2. -ty - son suffiksi o ‘nlik sanoq
sonlam i yasash uchun
-ty suffiksi urg‘usiz:
'one (a) 'hundred ['hAndrad] yuz
3. M urakkab (birlik va o ‘nlikdan iborat bo‘lgan) sonlar xuddi
o ‘zbek tilidagidek yasaladi:
________________ 'tw enty-'three
yigirm a uch________________
Murakkab sonlar ikkita kuchli urg‘uga ega bo‘lib,
chiziqcha (defis) bilan yoziladi, masalan:
yigirma bir
to‘qson to‘qqiz
-th tartib son suffiksi boMib, four to ‘rt (va un) dan keyingi tartib
sonlami yasashda ishlatiladi:
fourth to‘rtinchi
o ‘ninchi
o‘n birinchi
o‘n uchinchi
yigirma birinchi
o‘ttiz ikkinchi
qirq uchinchi
Agar son -y bilan tugallansa, tartib son yasashda -y
->ie ga o‘tadi va -th suffiksi qo‘shiladi:
twentieth ['twenti:0] yigirmanchi
ninetieth ['nainti:0] to‘qsoninchi
O rfografiyadagi
o‘zgarishlarni esda saqlang:
- fifth
- beshinchi
- ninth
- to‘qqizinchi
-tw e lfth
- o ‘n ikkinchi
I. Q uyidagi to ‘g ‘ri tuslanuvchi fe’llarni ingliz tiliga tarjim a qiling
va ularning 0 ‘ZO shaklini yozing ( 3 9 ,40-§§):
Minnatdorchilik bildirmoq, ochmoq, qaramoq, yopmoq, yashamoq, ishlamoq, o‘rganmoq, o‘qimoq, tarjima
qilmoq, (piyoda) bormoq, qaytmoq, qolmoq, davom et­
moq, olmoq, tugatmoq, muhokama qilmoq, javob bermoq, takrorlamoq, ko‘chirib yozmoq.
11. Q uyidagi gaplarni bo‘lishsiz va (um um iy) so ‘roq gap shaklida
He opened the window before classes. 2. Ann tran­
slated a lot of foreign letters at the office last week. 3. I
finished work at five o’clock the day before yesterday.
4. He lived in Kiev five years ago. 5. They returned home
in the evening. 6. They discussed a lot o f articles from
these French magazines last week-end.
III. Q uyidagi gaplarni 0 ‘ZO shaklida yozing, m a ’nosi mos
keluvchi payt ravishini q o‘shib keting. (yesterday, th e day
b efo re yesterday, la st week, last year, etc.)
My working day lasts eight hours. 2. Do you often
get letters from your friends? 3. Does she do well in
French? 4. We discuss a lot of questions. 5. They don’t
often stay at the factory after six o’clock.
IV. F e’llarni kerakli zam on, shaxs-songa q o‘yib qavsni oching.
“Who usually (to do) his homework in this room?”
“This student (to do).” 2. “Who (to do) his homework
there now?” “I (not to know).” 3 .1 (to live) near my office
last year. I always (to walk) there. 4. “How well your
friend (to speak) English?” “He (to speak) English badly.”
5. “What language you (to leam) five years ago?” “I (to
leam) French.” 6. “What language he (to leam) now?”
“He (to leam) German.” 7. “How long your class usually
(to last)?” “It usually (to last) two hours.” 8. “How long
your class (to last) on Wednesday morning?” “It only (to
last) an hour.” 9. “Who you (to discuss) this question with
last night?” “I (to discuss) it with my friends.” 10. “Who
you usually (to go) home with?” “I (to go) home with my
friends.” 11. How well he usually (to know) his lessons?
12. I (not to work) at this office three years ago. 13. You
(to work) there now? 14. “How long you (to stay) in Kiev
last year?” “I (to stay) there a month.” “How long you (to
be going) to stay there this year?” “I (to be going) to stay
there a month too.”
V. F e’l-kesim ning zam on shakliga e ’tib or berib, gaplarni ingliz
tiliga tarjim a qiling.
Men doskaga qaradim va yangi so‘zlami ko‘chirib
oldim. 2. Siz o ‘tgan yili qayerda yashardingiz? - Men
o‘tgan yili Minskda yashardim. 3. Siz u bolaga kitob
uchun minnatdorchilik bildirdingizmi? 4. Biz kecha ko‘p
savollami muhokama qildik. 5. Siz bu qoidani oxirgi
marta qachon takrorladingiz? - Biz uni aw algi kunigina
qaytargan edik. 6. Ular o‘tgan oy ko‘p xatlarga javob
VI. to b e fe’lining 0 ‘Z O dagi sh akliga e ’tib or berib, gaplarni
tarjim a qiling (41-§).
Ular bu yerda bir soat oldin bo‘lishdi. 2. U kecha
darsga o‘z vaqtida keldimi? 3. Siz dushanba kuni ertalab
uyingizdamidingiz? - Yo‘q, men vazirlikda edim. 4. U
chorshanba kuni kechqurun uyida bo‘lmadi.
VII. Q uyidagi so ‘z birikm alarini ovoz chiqarib o ‘qing, qaratqich
kelishigidagi otlarning talaffuziga e ’tib or bering. (42-§).
my 'sister’s Yame these engineers’
'Jame’s Yook
his 'friend’s Yon
'Alex’s Yoom
this 'student’s
our 'students’ Ynarks 'Bess’s Yeacher
Yxercise-book those 'men’s Yvork
VIII. Q uyidagi so ‘z birikm alarini ungliz tiliga tarjim a qiling:
Mening do‘stimning xonasi. 2. Mening do‘stimning xonalari. 3. Mening do‘stlarimning xonasi. 4. Me­
ning do‘stlarimning xonalari. 5. Bu muhandisning o‘g‘li.
6. Bizning o‘qituvchimizning o‘g‘illari. 7. Bu talabaning
diktanti. 8. Sizning iqtisodchilaringizning xatlari. 9. Siz­
ning muallimangizning singlisi. 10. Merining dugonasi.
11. Petr Ivanovning xati.
IX. Qavs ichida berilgan so‘zlarni qaratqich kelishigida ishlatib
savollarga javob bering.
1. Whose
2. Whose
3. Whose
4. Whose
5. Whose
exercise-book is this? (my sister)
son lives in Kiev? (my friend)
pen is on the table? (our teacher)
mark’s good? (my son)
name’s Peter? (Comrade Petrov)
X. Q aratqich kelishigining ishlatilishiga e ’tibor berib, gaplarni
tarjim a qiling.
(Sizning) do‘stingizning xonasi katta (keng)mi? Yo‘q, u kichik, biroq juda yorug‘. 2. Siz kecha Borisning
savoliga javob bermadingiz. 3. (Sizning) do‘stingizning
xotini nemis tilida yaxshi gapiradimi? - Ha, juda yaxshi.
4. Bu kimning daftarlari? - Bu bizning talabalarning daftarlari. 5. (Siz) o‘rtoq Smimovning do‘stlarini taniysizmi? - Ha. 6. 0 ‘rtoq Ivanovning xotini muhandis, uning
qizi esa shifokor. 7. (Sizning) o‘g‘lingizning ismi nima?
XI. O tlarni qaratqich kelishigida ishlatib, 10 ta gap tuzing.
XII. Ushbu sanoq sonlarni so‘z bilan yozing.
9, 11, 8, 13, 12, 20, 32, 30, 34, 43, 41, 14, 45, 54, 50,
53, 56, 65, 67, 57, 78, 89, 91, 99, 100.
XIII. Tartib sonlarni ishlatib, quyidagi so ‘z birikm alarini ingliz
tiliga tarjim a qiling:
Birinchi soat (vaqt), uchinchi daftar, ikkinchi xat,
to‘rtinchi telegramma, to‘qqizinchi kun, beshinchi dars,
oltinchi savol, sakkizinchi hafta, o‘n ikkinchi oy, yigirma
beshinchi jurnal, qirq ikkinchi kun
XIV. Sanoq sonlarni ishlatib, quyidagi so ‘z birikm alarini ingliz
tiliga tarjim a qiling:
yigirma sakkizinchi matn, o‘n uchinchi eslatma,
uchinchi maqola, qirqinchi dars, to‘rtinchi mashq, o‘n
to‘rtinchi matn, o‘ttiz oltinchi dars, okn beshinchi mashq,
qirq beshinchi (nomerli) xona, yigirma uchinchi (nomerli)
I. Q u yid agi so‘z birikm alarini o‘qishni m ashq qilgandan so ‘ng
m atnni ovoz chiqarib o‘qing:
we were 'students
we 'liked to \valk Ahere
in his 'third jyear
II. Q u yidagi so ‘zlarni ovoz chiqarib o ‘qing:
last, past, cast, fast, mask, ask, mule, pump, car, forth,
went, lick, bite, bit, tiny, fume, birth, same, Sam, stem,
cape, rob, cute, robe, fur, list, turn, Byrd, stir, curly,
Charley, knock, flute, clear, fear
III. M atnga doir 5 ta um um iy, 5 ta m axsus va 5 ta tanlov
(alternativ) so ‘roq gap tuzing.
IV. F e’l-kesim ning zam on shakliga e ’tibor berib, savollarga ja ­
vob bering.
a) 1. What do Peter and his friend do now?
2. What did they do eleven years ago?
3. Where did they live then?
4 . What did they like to do in fine weather?
5 . How long did their classes last?
6. What did they do after classes?
7. What did Peter decide to do in his third year?
8. Where does he work now?
9. Does he like his work?
b) 1. Did you do well at college?
2. Was your college in Moscow?
3. When were you usually at home on weekdays?
c) 1. Do you like to play volley-ball?
2. Did you play volley-ball yesterday?
3. When did you last play volley-ball?
4 . Which o f you often plays tennis?
5 . Do you play tennis (football) on weekdays or at the
d) 1. Do students at medical colleges work at hospitals?
2. When do they work at hospital?
3. Is work at a hospital interesting for a medical
e) 1. What was the weather like yesterday?
2. What is the weather like now?
3. What kind o f weather do you like?
V. A jratib ko‘rsatilgan so ‘zlarga savollar q o‘ying.
They worked at a large factory then. (3) 2. My sister
stayed at her frie n d ’s over the week-end. (3) 3. You lived
in that house ten years ago. (3) 4. Ann plays volley-ball
well. (2) 5. Peter decided to go to a medical school last
year. (2) 6. They liked to play football in fine weather. (1)
7. My friend wrote an interesting article last month. (3)
VI. Ushbu sanoq sonlarni so ‘z bilan yozing.
1, 11, 2, 12, 20, 3, 13, 30, 4, 14, 40, 5, 15, 50, 6, 16,
60, 7, 17, 70, 8, 18, 80, 9, 19, 90.
V II. U shbu sonlarni so ‘z bilan tartib son qilib yozing.
1, 5, 8, 11, 12, 30, 34, 42, 50, 53, 3, 9, 90, 98, 100.
VIII. K erakli joyga artikl q o‘ying.
Mary’s two children are at ... college. ... boy is a
... medical school, and ... girl is at ... teacher-training
college. 2. “What was ... weather like ... day before
yesterday?” “It was fine. I love ... fine weather.” 3. We
did our homework, and then played ... tennis yesterday.
4 . 1 seldom go to ... hospital. I last was in ... hospital ten
years ago. 5. This is ... hospital. It’s ... new hospital.
IX. K erakli joyda nuqtalar o ‘rniga tegishli predloglarni qo‘ying.
1. A lot ... students go ... college every year. My
friend’s son is ... college now, and my son is going ...
college next year. 2. I don’t like playing ... football, but
I often play ... tennis ... work ... weekdays, and ... the
week-end too. 3. Ann’s children were ... hospital last
week. They are ... home now, and they are doing very
well. 4. “When did you discuss ... those questions last? ”
“We discussed ... them the day ... yesterday.” 5. Peter is
going ... hospital ... two days. 6 .1 stayed ... home ... ten
yesterday morning.
X. Yangi so‘zlardan foydalanib, ingliz tiliga tarjim a qiling.
Men bolalarni juda yaxshi ko‘raman. 2. Ish kunlari
men kamdan kam uyda bo‘laman. 3. Mening o ‘g‘lim
futbol o‘ynashni juda yoqtiradi. 4. (Mening) singlimning
o‘g‘li bu yil institutga kirmoqchi, mening o‘g‘lim esa
allaqachon institutda o‘qiyapti. 5. (Siz) do‘stingizning
xatiga qachon javob berdingiz? - A w algi kun. 6. Kecha
ajoyib (ob-)havo bo‘ldi. 7. Biz bu maqolani o ‘qishga va
uni muhokama qilishga qaror qildik. 8. Besh yil avval
men Minskda yashardim. Unda men zavodda ishlardim.
9.0xirgim artam envoleybolni besh yil oldino‘ynagandim.
10. U qachon kasalxonaga yotishga qaror qildi? - 0 ‘tgan
hafta. 11. 0 ‘tgan oy u qayerda edi? - U kasalxonada edi.
12. Film qancha davom etdi? - U ikki soat davom etdi.
I. D arsning m atnini hikoya qilib bering.
11. Q uyidagi so ‘z va so‘z birikm alaridan foydalanib, o ‘tgan
zam onda hikoyalar tuzing:
1. We D iscu ssed Our F rie n d ’s N ew A rticle Yesterday
to discuss, an article, at my friend’s, to answer, to like
/ Translated an A rticle L ast Week
in class, to look at the blackboard, to copy out the
new words, to translate, very well, to like the translation,
to thank very much
3 . 1 L earn ed G erm an Two Years A go
to stay after work for one’s German, to work hard,
to answer the teacher’s questions, to translate, to learn a
lot in class, to know the language
III. Yuqorida tuzilgan hikoyalarga savollar tuzing.
IV. D o‘stingizdan so ‘rang.
Ertaga siz bilan darsgacha gaplashib olishini; darsda
va darsdan key in siz bilan faqat inglizcha gaplashishini;
sizga jurnalni ikki kundan so‘ng qaytarishini; bu masalani
bugun muhokama qilmaslikni; ishdan so‘ng uyga ketib
qolmasligini so‘rang.
Text: My Last Week-End.
Grammar: 1. 0 ‘tgan zamon oddiy fe’li. The Past Indefinite Tense.
N oto‘g ‘ri tuslanuvchi fe ’llar (40-§, 2-punkt, 664bet).
2. Vositali hamda vositasiz to‘ldiruvchining gapdagi
o ‘m i (43-§, 667-bet).
A 'week ajgo* my 'friend ‘Boris yklimovl 'came to
'Moscow from ^Saint Petersburg.! On JSaturday^ he
'came to 'see | me and my VamilyJ We de'cided to spend
the t week-end to g e th e r1! and 'Klimov Jstayed with
u st till Monday.!
We 'woke 'up ^late on Sunday.! We 'got 'up at f nine
o’/tlock, * Jwashedt and \lressedj 'Then we had
“ 'What d ’you 'usually \io on Sunday?” Boris asked
us at table2.!
“We 'often 'go to the Vountry,” my wife answer­
ed.! “'Sometimes we 'go to the theatre* or the Vinema.i
“'Do you 'often 'go to 'Central Jpark?” he asked
“We 'went there | last VionthJ It is a 'very Vice
park.! We 'like it f very Viuch. D’you 'want to )go there,
“ 'Oh, Ves. I’d ^ove to.-l The 'weather’s | very Vice
We 'went to the 'park with our VhildrenJ We 'skated
and Jski’d and the 'children played with their | little
We 'came 'home at f two o’Vlock. I 'Boris and 'I
tplayed Vhess 'after /dinner and we 'went to the 'cinema
in the YveningJ The 'film was interesting * and 'not 'very
llongj It began at f seven o’Vlockl and it was )over by
yfeight.l We 'didn’t 'want to f go 'home so Varlyl and 'went
to 'see my parents] They were 'very 'glad to )see usl and
we 'had C lip p e r together.l
We 'got 'home \a te j but we 'didn’t 'go to 'bed at
\mcej 'Boris 'wrote t two 'letters to our j friends in
JSaint Petersburg ^ and Yead them to usj
We 'went to 'bed at j twelve o’ clock.!
“ I’m Y or>y.” | (“ W > y ”)
“ t r h a t ’s all Y ight.” |
“ Did you 'stay w ith y o ur'fam ily
over the f w e e k ^ n d ? ”
“U n'fortunately, I \ h d n ’t.” |
- Kechirasiz!
- H echqisi y o ‘q!
- Siz shanba-yakshanbani
oilangizda o ‘tkazdingizm i?
-A f s u s k i, у о ‘д._____________
1. W e decided to spend the w eek-end to g e th e r ... Biz
shanba-yakshanba (hafta oxiri)ni birga о 'tkazishga qaror
qildik... Agar so‘z birikmasida bir asosiy fe’ldan keyin
ketma-ket ikkinchi fe’l kelsa, ikkinchi fe’l to lik infinitiv
shaklida ishlatiladi. to w an t, to decide fe’llaridan so‘ng
vositasiz to‘ldiruvchi vazifasida infinitiv keladi:
I decided to go to the Men dam olish kunimda shahar chetiga borishga qaror
country on my day off.
They w an t to stay with Ular biznikida yakshanbagacha qolishmoqchi.
us till Sunday.
to like, to begin fe’llaridan so‘ng infinitiv ham, -in g '
li shakl ham ishlatilsa bo‘ladi, faqat -ing li shakl fikrga
umumiy ma’no beradi:
I very much like to read Men inglizcha kitoblami
o‘qishni juda yoqtiraEnglish books.
I like read in g very Men o ‘qishni juda yoqtiraman.
She began le arn in g
U ingliz tilini o‘rganishni
She began to read
U beshinchi darsni o‘qishni
Lesson Five.
...B oris asked us a t ta b l e . ... so'radi bizdan Boris
stol atrofida (o'tirganimizda). T able so6zi dan oldin artikl
ishlatilmasligining sababi shundaki, a t ta b le predlogli
oborotdagi table so‘zi bu yerda predmetni bildirmaydi,
balki u bilan bog‘liq faoliyatni bildiradi.
Don’t read the newspaper Stol atrofida (o‘tirganda)
a t tab le.
(ya ’ni:ovqat paytida) gazeta o‘qimang.
Please sit down a t th e Marhamat qilib stol (yoni)ta b le and write a letter, ga o ‘tiring va xatni yozing.
K o ^ h irm a gap n i k iritu v c h i g ap la rd a g i so‘z
ta rtib ig a e’tib o r berin g :
a) “Do you work very hard at your English?” he
b) “Do you work very hard at your English?” asked
B oris.
c) “Do you work very hard at your English?” B oris
d) “Do you work very hard at your English?” B oris
ask ed me.
Agar ko‘chirma gapni kirituvchi gapning egasi olmosh
bilan ifodalansa, qoida bo‘yicha, bunday gapda to‘g ‘ri
tartibli so‘z tartibi ishlatiladi (a - misol).
Agar ko‘chirma gapni kirituvchi gapning egasi ot
bilan ifodalansa, qoida bo‘yicha, bunday gapda to‘g‘ri
tartibli so‘z tartibi ham, teskari tartibli so‘z tartibi ham
ishlatilsa boiadi (b va с - misollar), biroq nutq kimga
qarata aytilgani ko‘rsatilsa, faqat to‘g‘ri tartibli so‘z tartibi
ishlatiladi (d - misol).
Ko‘chirma gapni kiritib, undan so‘ng keluvchi
so‘zlar urg‘usiz bo‘lib, o‘zidan oldingi ma’no guruhining
intonatsiyasini davom ettiradi.
“We 'often 'go to the Yountry,” my wife answered.
“'Do you 'often 'go to ‘Central JPark?” he asked
O h, yes, I ’d love to. Ha, bajon-u dil. Fe’lning
infinitiv shaklini toialigicha ishlatib o‘tirmaslik uchun
faqat uning ko‘rsatkichi to ishlatilgan, go - esa nazarda
tutiladi. So‘z birikma to‘laligicha Men juda xohlar edim
ma’nosini beradi va biror narsa bajarish xohishiga ijobiy
javob sifatida ishlatiladi:
“Do you want to see the
new film?”
Yangi filmni kolrishni
“ I ’d love to.”
- Bajon-u dil.
to see (saw, seen)
to com e to see
to go to see
a fam ily
to spend (spent, spent)
to spend tim e (m oney) on ...
to be in the country
to go to town
to be in town
to w ake up (w oke up, w oken up)
late (adv)
to get up (got up, got up)
to wash
to dress
to have breakfast (dinner,
at dinner
before (after) dinner
to ask
to ask questions
to ask for sm th.
a country
to go to the country
a theatre
to go to the theatre
a cinem a
to go to the cinem a
a park
to want
to skate
(See V ocabulary for
to ski (sk i’d, sk i’d)
to play (have) a gar
to begin (began, begun)
to be over
parents (p i)
to be glad
to go to bed
at once
Lesson Five, p. 522)
-----------------------------S o‘z yasash:
-------------------------------a l [э1] - sifat suffiksi, ot o‘zagidan sifat yasaydi:
centre markaz - central markaziy
Q uyidagi n oto‘g ‘ri tuslanuvchi fe’llarning uch asosiy shaklini
yod oling:
to be
to have
to m eet
to tell
to send
to com e
to r6ad
to go
to do
to find
to give [giv]
to take
to w rite
to speak to
to get
to sit
to put [put]
w as, w ere
cam e
read [red]
w ent
w rote
com e
read [red]
g o ne[gon]
done [dAn]
given [givn]
w ritten
know n
bo ‘Imoq
ega bo ‘Imoq
(kitob) o'qimoq
yozm oq
о ‘tirmoq
joylashtirm oq
II. Birinchi m ashqda bcrilgan fe’llarning nam unada ko‘rsatilgandek (um um iy) so‘roq va boMishsiz shakllarini yozing.
N a m u n a la r: 1. Did he (I, you, we, they) go ...?
2. He (I, you, we, they) did not (didn’t) go ...
III. A jratib k o‘rsatilgan so ‘zlarga savollar bering.
He w as in K iev last week. (3) 2. M y frie n d wrote
to me very often last year. (4) 3. They were at their office
y e ste rd a y morning. (3) 4. Our students read a lo t o f
English books last year. (4) 5. He took his son out on
M onday evening. (2) 6. C om rade P etrov spoke to us
about the plan yesterday. (4) 7. The students usually go
home after classes. (3)
IV. F e’I-kesim ning zam on shakliga e ’tibor berib, gaplarni ingliz
tiliga tarjim a qiling.
1. Sizning muhandisingiz qachon Moskvaga qaytdi?
- U Moskvaga uch kun oldin qaytdi. 2. 0 ‘tgan hafta
Sankt-Peterburgga kim ketdi? - 0 ‘rtoq Zotov. 3. Boris
to‘rtinchi gapni juda yaxshi o ‘qidi. 4. 0 ‘rtoq Petrov
doskaga chiqdi, gapni yozdi, uni o’qidi va o ‘z stoliga
qaytdi. 5. Kecha siz uyda qaysi mashqni bajardingiz?
- Yigirmanchi mashqni. 6. Bu xususida o ‘rtoq Zotov
bilan gaplashing, u kecha Sankt-Peterburgdan keldi.
7. 0 ‘tgan yili (sizning) talabalaringiz ingliz tilida qanday
gapirishgan? 8. Singlingiz Moskvaga qachon keldi? Uch yil avval. 9. Siz kecha darsda nima qildingiz? - Biz
matnlar o‘qidik va mashqlar bajardik, o‘qituvchimiz bilan
inglizcha gaplashdik va gaplarni o‘zbek tilidan ingliz
tiliga tarjima qildik. 10. Siz bu xatni qachon oldingiz? Kecha ertalab.
V. V ositasiz toMdiruvchini im koni bor joyda o‘rnini alm ashtiring.
Please send this book to Tom. 2. P lease take that
letter and give it to Peter. 3. Don’t read us the telegram .
We know it. 4. Please take your exercises and read them to
us. 5. Please give these telegram s to Comrade Petrov.
I. K o‘chirm a gapni kirituvchi so ‘ziar intonatsiyasini m ashq qilib
olib, dars m atnini ovoz chiqarib o ‘qing.
“'Oh, V es>” I said-
“ 'Are you a Jdoctor?” he
“'What do you \lo ? ” he
asked me.
“I am a Yactory worker,”
“ 'D oyou Jskate?” heasked
“'Did you 'read it 'last
“We 'often Y 0 there,”
she said.
Alight?” he asked me
“ 'Do you Joften go there?”
he asked us at table.
II. Q uyidagi s o ‘zlarni ovoz chiqarib o ‘qing:
ail, hay, dew, moon, task, cow, stout, voice, took, rude,
space, ear, rain, ounce, meak, last, steep, stool, moist,
knock, want, wash, wasp, past, sail
III. Q uyidagi s o ‘zlar qaysi y o ‘l bilan va qaysi so ‘z turkum i
o‘zagidan yasalgan? U lar qaysi so ‘z turkum iga kiradi? Bu
so ‘zlarni o‘zb ek tiliga tarjim a qiling.
IV. Yangi so ‘zlardan foydalanib, savollarga javob bering.
a) 1. Do you often go to see your friends?
2. How often do your friends come to see you?
3. How often do you spend the week-end with your
4. How often do you go to the theatre (to the cinema)
5. When did you last go to the theatre?
b) 1. When did you begin learning English?
2. Do you spend much time on your English?
3. How much time do you usually spend on your
4. How many questions does the teacher usually ask
you in class?
5 . How well do you usually know your lesson?
1. When do you usually get up on weekdays?
2. What do you do then?
3. Do you wake up your children early in the mor­
4. Do they wake up at once?
5 . Do they go to bed early or late?
1. When do you usually have dinner (breakfast, supper)?
2. Do you have dinner at home or at your office?
3. Where are you going to have dinner today?
1. Did you go to the country for the last week-end or
did you stay in town?
2. How often do you spend the week-end in the
3. When did you last go to the country?
4. Where do you want to spend next week-end?
5 . Are you going to the country again?
1. W hat’s the weather like today?
2. What kind o f weather do you like?
3. Do you like to go for walks in bed weather?
4. When are you going to take your children (son) out
(for a walk)?
1. Which of you likes ski’ing (skating)?
2. Do you ski (skate)?
3. Which o f your friends plays chess well?
4. Which games do you play?
5 . Who did you last play chess with?
1. Where do your parents live?
2. Do you often go to see them?
3. When did you last see them?
4. When are you going to see them again?
V. N uqtalar o ‘rniga to g iv e va to take fe’llarini m os shaklda
q o ‘ying.
Please ... that red pencil from the table and ... it
to me. 2. Don’t ... your children out, the weather’s bad.
3. Your sister ... me a very interesting book to read last
week. I want to ... it back to her now. Please ... it to her
and thank her for it. 4. Where did you ... the book from?
Please put it back.
V I. G aplarni ingliz tiliga tarjim a qiling.
a) Unga, u n i, u n in g ; ularga, u la rn i, и la m in g olm osh lari
tarjim asiga e ’tibor bering:
Men uning maqolasini o‘tgan hafta o‘qidim. 2. Men
uni kecha ko‘rmadim. 3. Ularning do‘stlari ularnikida
o‘tganhaftabo‘lishdi.4.B izundanso‘radik:btFamiliyangiz
nima?” 5. Petrovning singillari unikiga tashrif buyurishga
qaror qilishdi va unikiga o‘tgan hafta ketishdi. 6. Havo
yaxshi edi va bolalar singillaridan ularni xiyobonga
olib borishini so‘rashdi. 7. Siz uni o‘tgan hafta qayerda
ko‘rdingiz? - Biz uni teatrda ko‘rdik. Uning bolalari ham
u bilan birga edilar. 8. Belovning do‘stlari undan (uning)
ishi haqida so‘rashdi va u ularning savol lari ga javob berdi.
9. Men bu jumallami olaman va ularni uyda o‘qiyman.
b) to love (sevm oq), to like (yoqtirm oq) fe’llarining ishlatilishiga
e ’tibor bering:
Men (kitob) o‘qishni yoqtiraman. 2. U tushlikdan
so‘ng o ‘qishni yaxshi ko‘radi. 3. (Mening) singlimning
o‘g‘li konki uchishni yoqtiradi. 4. Siz chang‘i uchishni
yaxshi ko‘rasizmi? 5. Biz vatanimizni sevamiz. 6. Sizga
bu xiyobon yoqadimi? 7. Ularga yangi film yoqdimi? Ha, u ularga juda yoqdi. 8. Sizga qanaqa kitoblar yoqadi?
9. Ularga bu muhandisning maqolasi yoqmadi. 10. Sizga
Annaning yangi kvartirasi yoqdimi? 11. U kichkina
bolalarni yaxshi ko‘radi. 12. (Sizning) do‘stlaringizning
bolalari menga juda yoqadi.
c) K o ‘rntoq, qaram oq fe’llarining tarjim asiga e ’tibor bering:
Siz kecha qayerda edingiz? Men sizni ishda(idorada)
ko‘rmadim. 2. Xaritaga qarang. Bu qanaqa xarita? 3. Ke­
cha qaysi filmni ko‘rdingiz? - Biz talabalar haqida yangi
film ko‘rdik. 4. Men o‘g‘limning muallimasini ertaga er­
talab ko‘raman. 5. U menga qaradi va so‘radi: “Siz uch yil
avval zavodda ishlaganmisiz?”
d) N o n u sh ta qilm oq, lu sh lik qilm oq, k e c h k i o vq a t qilm oq
fe’llarining va tegishli otlarning tarjim asiga e ’tibor bering:
1. Siz, odatda, qachon tushlik (nonushta, kechki
ovqat) qilasiz? 2. U aw algi kun uyida tushlik qilmadi.
3. Siz kechki ovqatdan oldin sayrga chiqasizmi? 4. Sen
do‘stlaringni tushlikka taklif qilasanmi? 5. Bugun nonushtamizga nima (ovqat) bo‘ladi? 6. Do‘stingiz qayerda?
- U tushlik qilyapti.
e) to ask for (so ‘ram oq = tilam oq), to ask (so 'ra m o q = sa vo l
berm oq) fe’llarining ishlatilishiga e ’tibor bering:
1. U nima so‘rayapti? - U yangi jurnal so‘rayapti.
2. U nima (haqida) so‘rayapti?-U o‘rtoq Petrovning oilasi
haqida so‘rayapti. 3. Ular bizga mamlakatimiz haqida
ko‘p savollar berishdi. 4. U mendan daftar so‘ramadi, u
mendan darslikni so‘radi.
0 V ositasiz va
e ’tibor
Siz menga bu kitobni qachon berasiz? 2. Siz bu
kitobni Meriga berdingizmi yoki Annagami? - Men uni
Annaga berdim. 3. Menga bu maqolani o‘qimang, men
uni bilaman. 4. Muallim ularga yangi matnni o‘qiydi.
5. Men bu maqolani o‘qib chiqishni xohlayman. Uni
ularga bugun jo ‘natmang.
N uqtalar
q o‘ying.
o ‘rniga
kerakli joyda
My friend likes playing ... chess. He spends a lot
... time ... it. Yesterday he played chess ... six ... the
evening and only g o t... home ... ten. 2. We spent Sunday
... the country. We w e n t... there early ... the morning and
got back ... town late ... the evening. 3. We decided to ask
our friends ... dinner tomorrow. ... dinner w e’re going
... Central Park. 4. What are we having ... dinner today?
5. My friend lives ... the country and he likes it very
much. His house is a long way ... his office. He goes ...
town every morning. He is always ... time ... work. 6. I
don’t want to go ... the cinema tonight. My wife and I are
going ... a walk. 7. Does your friend play ... chess well?
I am going to have a game ... chess ... him. 8. “When did
the meeting finish?” “It finished ... four.” 9 . 1 g o t... home
late yesterday evening and w e n t... bed ... once. 10. Peter
spends a l o t... money ... books. I often ask him ... books
to read.
VIII. K erakli joyga artikl qo‘ying.
“Do you want to go to ... country?” my wife asked
me on Sunday. “I’d love to,” I answered. We decided to
go to Kuskovo and got there at eleven in ... morning. ...
weather was fine and we had ... long walk in ... park.
We went back.to ... town at four in ... afternoon. We had
... dinner, and in ... evening we went to ... theatre. (We
often go to ... cinema or to ... theatre on ... Saturday or
Sunday.) ... play was very interesting and we liked it very
much. Then we went ... home. A t ... home we had ...
supper, played ... game o f ... chess and went to ... bed at
12 o ’clock.
IX. F e’llarni kerakli zam on, shaxs-songa q o‘yib qavsni oching.
1. Yesterday (to be) my day off. I usually (to wake
up) early on my day off, but sometimes I (not to get up)
at once. I (to get up) at eight o ’clock yesterday. 2. “When
you (to have) breakfast yeaterday?” “I (to have) breakfast
at nine in the morning.” 3. We usually (to stay) in the
country over the week-end, but the weather (to be) bad
and we (not to go) to the country tomorrow. 4. “When
you last (to go) to the theatre?” “Two weeks ago.” 5. I
usually (to go) to bed at eleven o’clock. Yesterday my
friends (to come) to see me, and I (to go) to bed at one in
the morning. 6. She (not to be) at home now. She (to play)
tennis. 7. When your son (to go) to college?
X. Yangi so ‘zlardan foydalanib, ingliz tiliga tarjim a qiling.
Kecha siznikiga kim tashrif buy urdi? - 0 4g‘limning
do‘stlari. Biz ularni ko‘rganimizdan juda quvondik. Ular
biznikida kechgacha qolishdi. 2. Kecha qayerda edingiz?
- Men kinoga bordim. - Film sizga yoqdimi? - Ha, bu
juda qiziqarli film. Menga u juda yoqdi. - Siz qachon uyga
keldingiz? - Men uyga kech keldim va darrov uxlashga
yotdim. 3. Biz aw algi kun darsda yangi matn o ‘qidik.
Keyin muallim bizga savollar berdi, biz esa ularga javob
berdik. 4. Bugun soat nechada tushlik qildingiz? - Men
soat uchda tushlik qildim. 5. Siz shaxmat o‘ynashni
yoqtirasizmi? - Ha, lekin hozir kam shaxmat o ‘ynayman.
Men o‘tgan yili ko‘p shaxmat o‘ynadim. 6. Men, odatda,
hafta oxirini oilam bilan o‘tkazaman. 0 ‘tgan yakshanba
biz shahar chetiga chiqishga qaror qildik. Biz u yerga
ertalab bordik. Havo yaxshi edi va biz shaharga kech
oqshomda qaytdik. 7. Kichkina o‘g‘lim menga savol
berishni yoqtiradi va men ularga doim javob beraman.
8. Kecha qayerda edingiz? Men kecha siznikiga kelgan
edim, lekin siz uyda yo‘q ekansiz. 9. Bolalaringiz qayerda?
- Ular xiyobonda konki uchishyapti.
XI. Ingliz tiliga tarjim a qiling. (Takrorlash m ashqi)
Dugonam Anna shanba kuni ishdan so‘ng menikiga
keldi. Biz diktantdan oldin birinchi beshta darsning
so‘zlarini takrorlashga qaror qildik. Biz kech soat yettida
ishlashni boshladik. Men Anna bilan dars tayyorlashni
yoqtiraman. U ko‘p o‘qiydi va ingliz tilini yaxshi biladi.
Biz so‘zlarni takrorladik va matnlami o‘qidik. Biz,
shuningdek, grammatik qoidalarni takrorladik va ko‘p
mashqlar bajardik. Keyin Anna menga ko‘p savollar
berdi va men ularga javob berdim. Biz bunga ko‘p vaqt
sarfladik. Biz ishlashni soat to‘qqizda tugatdik. “Men
kinoga borib yangi film ko‘rishni xohlayman. Men bilan
borishni xohlaysanmi?” - so‘radi Anna. “Bajon-u dil, javob berdim men. - Singlim uni o‘tgan hafta ko‘ribdi va
u unga juda yoqibdi” . Biz kinoga kech soat o ‘nda bordik.
Film ikki soat davom etdi va 12 da tugadi. Biz uyga
kech keldik va Anna biznikida qoldi. Yakshanba kuni
biz shahar chetiga chiqishga qaror qildik. Havo yaxshi
edi va biz shahar chetida uch soat o‘tkazdik. Biz uyga
kech soat beshda keldik. Tushlikdan so‘ng biz Annaning
do‘stlarinikiga bordik. Biz ular bilan kechqurun sayrga
chiqishni xohlagandik, biroq keyinchalik teatrga borishga
qaror qildik.
I. M atnni B oris K lim ov nom idan hikoya qilib bering.
II. Q u yidagi so ‘z va iboralardan foydalanib, qisqa hikoyalar
1. a day off, weather, fine, to wake up, to get up, to
decide, to stay over the week-end, to go to the country,
to return, late, after supper, not to want, to play chess, at
once, to go to bed
2. to like, to go to the theatre, after a day’s work, often,
to see, interesting, a play, very much, once, to get home,
late, before supper, to be over, then, to go to bed, at once
3. in the afternoon, to decide, to the park, to walk,
two hours, to go back, to have dinner, after dinner, to play
chess, to go to the cinema, to finish
4. to like, to play chess, often, in the evening, to come
to see, to be glad, last night, to have supper, together,
to discuss, to go to bed, late
to want, to ask for, to .give, interesting, a book,
to begin, at once, to like, to read, very much, to give back,
to thank
HI. Berilgan so ‘z va so‘z birikm alaridan dialoglar tuzing.
to be going, to the country, to stay there over the
week-end, to want, I’d love to
•2. to play chess, to want, to play a game of, I’d love to
3 . to be glad to see, to be going to the cinema, to want
to see the film, I’d love to
4 . W hat’s the weather like ..., fine (nice, bad), to go to
the country, to stay in town
IV. Q uyidagi m avzularga qisqa hikoyalar tuzing:
1. My Last Day Off.
2. How I Usually Spend the Week-End.
Last Sunday Evening.
Yesterday (Tomorrow) Morning.
V. a) Q uyidagi iboralarga javob qaytaring:
1. “Sorry”
2. “Thank you.”
Q uyidagi savollarga boMishsiz javob
afsuslanayotganingizni ham ifodalang:
1. “Did you go to the cinema yesterday?”
“U nfortunately................. ”
2. “Did you go to see your friends on Saturday?"
“Did your children go to the country last Sunday?”
“Did you meet Mr Brown last week?”
5. “D id C om rade Petrov see (receive) you this
m orning?”
V I.
Q u y id ag i d ialo g n i o‘q ish n i m a sh q q ilin g , yod olin g v a u ni
sa h n a la sh tirin g :
“G ood a fte rV o o n , M r Brovvn.” |
“G ood a fte rV o o n , M r Ivanov.” |
“ G lad to 'see you in ^M oscow again.| 'W hen did you
“I 'only 'cam e Tthis \n o m in g .”|
“ 'W hat w as the V e a th e r like| in X o n d o n [Undan]?” !
“It was 'very V ice there, | V>o.” |
Text: M y Friend’s Family.
G ram m ar: 1. to have fe ’li va h av e (h as) got oboroti (44-§, 668bet).
2. som e, a n y gum on olm oshlari (45-§, 671-bet).
3. o f predlogining one of, so m e o f kabi birikm alarda
ishlatilishi (46-§, 673-bet).
M y 'friend’s 'nam e is L a v \o v .| He 'lives in
V lo sco w J H is 'fam ily is f not 'very ^arge.l H e has
'got a Jwife* and 'tw o V hildrenJ H is 'w ife ’s V am e* is
Yd aryl and his 'ch ild ren ’s V am es* are 'A nn and Y hckJ
'Com rade L av'rov’s Jwife* is a Y0UI,g woman.! She’s
'tw enty 'nine 'years YldJ S h e ’s a )lecturer.| She teaches
'E nglish at the Institute o f | Foreign X an g u ag esJ
S he’s 'got t very 'm any Y tudentsJ She 'h a sn ’t 'got
jb a d JstudentsJ H er 'students 'do V e i l as a jrule.l M y
'friend’s ^daughter* is a 'girl o f \e n .l She goes to
VchoolJ She 'does a | lot o f ^subjects at school.l She
'also 'learns V n g lish J She 'w orks Y a rd I and 'know s the
'language V eil.I She 'd o esn ’t make f m any mistakes
in English.! S he’s a pioY eer.l She 'likes V eadingJ
She 'also helps her 'mother at Y om eJ
'C om rade L a v 'ro v ’s js o n t is a 'little Y oyJ I 'think
he was born f five o r 'six fy e a rs а ^ о .! H is father 'takes
him to a Yursery JschooH 'every Y iorning.l
M y 'frien d ’s 'g o t a YisterJ S he’s 'going to 'be a
Y octorJ and sh e’s 'leaving h er 'Institute f this
S he’s YiarriedJ H er 'husband’s an engi Y eerJ
M y 'friend 'h asn ’t 'got any YrothersJ
M y 'friend’s 'w ife j usually 'takes the Jchildren to the
V ountry in Aummer to 'stay w ith their grandfather
Y ear-I
and )grandmother.| T hey 'love th eir 'grandchildren
jv e ry \ n u c h j S h e ’s 'going to 'take them to the j country
aJgain * \ h i s summer.!
“ 'Has 'Comrade Lav'rov 'got any Jchildren?’1
“ )YesJ he’s 'got \w o .”|
“ 'H ave his 'children 'got any Aoys?’1 “ ^Yes, th e y ’ve
)got s o m e . i
“ 'W here does he \ o m e from ?”
- U (asli) qayerlik?
“ He 'com es from the U k ra in e
- U U krainadan.
“ 'Is he Anarried?”]
- U uylanganm i?
“ ^IYes,! I 'think he )is.” |
- M enim cha, ha.
“ )Yes,| he got m arried j last
V e a r”|
“ > Io ,| h e’s 'still )single.” |
- Ha, u o ‘tgan yili uylandi.
- Yo‘q, u hali uylanm agan
a w o m an {pi. w om en)
a w o m an o f forty
a le ctu re
a le c tu re r
to teach (ta u g h t, ta u g h t)
an in s titu te
as a ru le
a d a u g h te r
a school
to go to school
to w o rk a t a school
a su b je c t
to d o (ta k e ) su b je c ts
to m a k e (m ad e, m ade)
a m istak e
to m a k e a m istak e
to help
a m o th e r
to th in k (th o u g h t, th o u g h t)
b o rn
to be b o rn
a fa th e r
a n u r s e r y school
to leav e (left, left)
to leave for
to leave school
to g r a d u a te from o n e ’s
In s titu te (th e U n iv ersity )
m a rrie d
to be m a rrie d
to get m a rrie d
a h u sb a n d
a g r a n d fa th e r
a g r a n d m o th e r
a b ro th e r
su m m e r
a g ra n d c h ild (p i g ra n d c h ild re n )
a g ra n d so n
w in te r
a g ra n d d a u g h te r
sp rin g
som e
au tu m n
in (th e) s u m m e r (w inter,
sp rin g , a u tu m n )
(See Vocabulary for Lesson Six, p.526)
0 ‘zbek tilidagidan farqli o ‘laroq, ingliz tilida yillam i
ifodalovchi raqam lar tartib son kabi em as, balki sanoq
son kabi o ‘qiladi. B undan tashqari, a w a l sanadagi yuz
yillik soni aytiladi, keyin o ‘nlik va birlik. Yilni bildiruvchi
raqam dan s o ‘ng year s o ‘zi ishlatilm aydi.
1900 ['naintim 'hA ndrid]
1905 ['naintim 'ou 'faiv]
1917 ['naintim sev n ’tim]
(m ing to ‘qqiz
yuzinchi yil)
1905-yil (m ing to ‘qqiz yuz
beshinchi yil)
1917-yil (m in g to ‘q q iz y u z
o ‘n yettinchi yil)
1957 ['naintim 'fifti ’sevn] 1957-yil (m in g to ‘q q iz y u z
ellik yettinchi yil)
----------------------------------S o‘z
yasash : -------------------ist [-ist] - ot suffiksi bo*lib, kasb yoki partiyaga tegishlilikni
an econom ist - iqtisodchi
labourist - leyborist (leyboristik partiya a'zosf)
-ism [-izm] - ot suffiksi b o 1lib, falsafiy, siyosiy, diniy oqim yoki
iqtisodiy form atsiyani bildiradi:
D arw inism - Darvinizm (Darvin ta ’limoti)
0 ‘q ish q o id a si
1. Id, nd h a rf birikm alari oldidan unlilar I turdagi kabi (xuddi
alfavitdagidek) o ‘qiladi, m asalan:
old [ould]
qari, eski
child [tjaild]
find [faind]
topm oq
2. о harfi th ham da m, n, v ham aridan oldin k o ‘p hollarda [л] kabi
o ‘qiladi, m asalan:
m other [ 'т л д з ]
brother [Ъглдэ]
com e [ к л т ]
kelm oq
love [Iav]
sevm oq
I. Q uyidagi n am u n alarn in g o‘qilishini m ash q qiling, tagiga
chizilgan sh ak llarg a e’tib o r b ering (44-§):
A. 1. “ 'H ave y o u 'got t
m any 'E n g lish
Aiooks at
hom e?”|
“ ЛГез, I I ’ve 'got a )lo t.”|
2. He 'h a sn ’t 'got t any lis te r s .]
3. “ 'H o w m any C h ild re n did they have th en ?” |
“ 'T hey had \ w o ,| and 'n o w th e y ’ve got )three.”|
B. 1. “ 'H as t h e 'b o y 'g o t a >told?” |
“ )Yes,| b u t he 'd o esn ’t 'often \ ia v e Jco ld s.”|
“ 'W hen did he lia st have a cold?” |
“ 'L ast Year.”|
II. Q u y id ag i g a p la rn i b o ‘lishsiz va (u m u m iy ) so ‘ro q g a p sh a k lid a
a) 1. M ary has got a fam ily. 2. Jane h as g o t a lot o f
children. 3. I ’ve got a w ife. 4. M y children have g o t a lot
o f friends.
b) 1. T hey have th eir E nglish in the m orning. 2. They
had a dictation yesterday. 3. H e ’s h aving d in n er now.
c) 1 . 1 often have a lot o f w ork to do. 2. I ’ve g o t a lot
o f w ork to do today. 3. She had a lot o f w ork to do last
w eek.
III. B erilgan so ‘z la rd a n fo y d ala n ib , n a m u n a aso sid a g a p la r
I’ve got a family.
I hav en ’t got a family.
H ave you g o t a fam ily?
a son, a sister, a friend, a w ife, a m other, a father,
skates, skis, an E nglish (G erm an, F rench) m agazine, a
text-book, a question
N a m u n a 2: I have (had) dinner at tw o.
Do (did) you have dinner at tw o?
I d o n ’t (didn’t) have dinner at two.
Is he having dinner now ?
to have breakfast (supper), a dictation, a test, classes,
o n e ’s E nglish (G erm an, French)
N a m u n a 3: I ’ve got (haven’t got) a cold now.
I often have (d o n ’t often have) colds,
tim e, w ork, a cold, colds
IV. to h av e fe’li v a to have got o b o ro tin in g ish latilish ig a e ’tib o r
b e rib , sa v o lla rg a ja v o b berin g .
a) 1. H ave you got a fam ily?
H o w m any children have you got?
H ave you got a son?
W hich o f your friends h asn ’t got a fam ily?
W hich o f you has got a sister?
b) H o w often do you have E nglish classes (dictations,
2. D id you have classes (a test, a dictation) last w eek?
3. W hen are you having a dictation (a test, your
E nglish)?
c) 1. W hich days do you have m uch w ork to do?
2. H ave you got m uch w ork to do now ?
3. W hen do you usually have tim e to go to the
cinem a?
4. H ave you got tim e to go to the theatre tonight?
5. Do your children often have colds?
6. H as your child got a cold now ?
V. to have fe’li v a to have got o b o ro tin in g ish latilish ig a e ’tib o r
b e rib , g a r la rn i ingliz tiliga ta r jim a qiling.
a) 1. M enda Repin haqida qiziqarli kitob bor. 2. D o‘stim ning singlisini ikkita kichkina bolasi bor. 3. D o‘stingizning oilasi kattam i yoki k ichkinam i? 4. D o ‘stingizning
nechta bolasi bor? 5. 0 ‘g ‘lim da k o ‘p o ‘zbekcha kitoblar
bor, biroq unda inglizcha k itoblar y o ‘q. 6. K im da savollar
bor? - M enda bitta savol bor.
b) 1. Siz, odatda, soat nechada nonushta qilasiz? 2. Bu­
gun biz ju d a erta nonushta qildik. 3. S iz bugun kech tushlik
qildingizm i? 4. S iz kecha qay erd a tushlik qildingiz? K echa m en uyda tushlik qildim . 5. U lar (hozir) tushlik
qilishyaptim i?
c) 1 .A fsuski bu m asalani siz bilan m uhokam a qilishga
m ening bugun vaqtim y o ‘q. 2. Ingliz tilidan uy vazifasini
qilish uchun sizning kechqurun yetarlicha vaqtingiz
borm i? 3. K echa k o ‘p ishingiz borm idi? 4. M arham at
qilib m enga ju rn aln i bering, m ening hozir bu m aqolani
o ‘qish uchun vaqtim bor. 5. S iz k o ‘p sham ollaysizm i?
6. (H ozir) sham ollab qoldingizm i? - Ha.
V I. G a p la rn i o ‘z b e k tiliga ta rjim a q ilin g . Som e, any gum on
o lm o sh larin in g ish latilish in i tu s h u n tirin g .
Some children d o n ’t like to play. 2. Please give me
some chalk. 3. H ave y o u got any friends here? 4 . 1 h a v e n ’t
got any questions. 5 . 1 d o n ’t think w e ’ve got any tim e left.
6. Please take any m agazine you like.
V II. Q av s ich id ag i o lm o s h la rd a n m o sin i ta n la n g .
1. Do you learn (som e, any) foreign languages?
2. H as y o u r friend got (som e, any) E nglish m agazines?
3 . 1 d id n ’t get (som e, any) letters yesterday. 4. Please take
(som e, any) G erm an book you like. 5 . 1 d o n 't think w e ’ve
got (som e, any) tim e today to discuss this question.
V III. G u m o n o lm o sh larin in g ish latilish ig a c ’tib o r b erib , ingliz
tiliga ta rjim a qiling.
1. Siz besh yil oldin biror chet tilini bilarm idingiz?
2. Siz o ‘tgan oy birorta inglizcha kitob o ‘qidingizm i?
3. Ba'zi talabalar bu yerda (o ‘z) darslarini tayyorlashadi.
4. M enda (hech qanaqa) nem ischajum allar y o ‘q. 5. Sizning
Sankt-Peterburgda (bironta) d o ‘stingiz borm i? 6. M enda
hech qanaqa savol y o ‘q. 7. Biron-bir savolingiz borm i? H a, bir nechta bor. 8. M en bu gapda (hech qanaqa) xato
k o ‘rm ayapm an. 9. O tangiz bironta chet tilida gapiradim i?
IX. N a m u n a d a b e rilg a n d e k g a p la r tu z in g (46-§).
1. Som e o f these articles are very
2. M any o f our friends love the
3. Tw o o f our students know three
foreign languages.
X. Q u y id ag i g a p la rn i ingliz tiliga ta rjim a qiling:
B irontangizning bolalaringiz borm i? - H a,
k o ‘pchiligim izniki bor. 2. (S izlardan) birontangizda sa­
vollar borm i? - B a ’zilarim izda savollar bor. 3. M uhandislarim izdan uchtasi tennisni yaxshi o ‘ynashadi. 4. Talabalaringizdan ikkitasi ho zir shu yerda. 5. U larning
k o ‘plari konki uchishni yoqtirishadi.
X I. Inglizch a o ‘qing.
1956-y., 1945-y., 1915-y., 1906-y., 1900-y., 1812-y.,
1366-y., 1242-y., 1441-y., 1066-y., 1854-y., 1871-y.,
1147-y., 1612-y., 1496-y.
I. Q uyidagi so ‘z va so ‘z birikm alarining o ‘qilishini m ashq qilib,
dars m atnini ovoz chiqarib o ‘qing:
a girl
a nursery
her husband
at the Institute
takes the children
II. Q uyidagi so ‘zlarni ovoz chiqarib o ‘qing:
a) child, find, wild, mild, kind, old, bold, cold, told,
other, mother, brother, another, come, love, son, ton;
b) knit, rude, storey, clear, blast, cask, bleak, fit, bite,
hurt, bark, right, knight, night, sink, skill, step, stem, tusk,
III. Q uyidagi so ‘zlar qaysi gap boNaklariga kirishini aniqlang.
U larni o ‘zbek tiliga tarjim a qiling.
IV. M atnga 15 ta savol tuzing.
V. Yangi s o lzlardan foydalanib, savollarga javob bering.
a) 1. How old are you?
2. Have you got a family?
3. How old is your wife (husband)?
4. How many children have you got?
5. How old is your daughter (son)?
b) 1. Axe your parents very old?
2. How old is your father (mother)?
3. Where do they live?
4. How often do you go to see them as a rule?
c) 1. What does your wife do?
2. Do you think she’s doing well at her Institute (at her
3. How much work does she have as a rule?
4. How many subjects does she take at her Institute?
d) 1. Do your children go to school (a nursery-school)?
2. Which o f your family usually takes them to school
(their nursery-school)?
3. Do you think they are doing well?
4. Does your son (daughter) help his (her) mother at
5. Who helps your children with their homework?
6. Who teaches them foreign languages?
1. When did you last have a dictation?
2. How many mistakes did you make?
3. Did any o f your friends help you to revise the words
before the dictation?
1. When were you bom?
2. When did you leave school?
3. When did you graduate from your Institute?
1. Are you married?
2. When did you get married?
3. What is your w ife’s (husband’s) name?
1. What do students usually do in the summer (winter,
spring, autumn)?
2. When do students usually have their exams?
3. When did you last have exams?
4. Did you spend the summer in the country or in
5. Where are you going to spend the summer?
VI. A jratib ko‘rsatilgan egalik olm oshlarini qavs ichida berilgan
otlarning m os sh akli bilan alm ashtiring.
1. His daughter is a girl o f ten. (my friend) 2. Their
sons go to school every day. (his sisters) 3. Their parents
are doctors, (these children) 4. His friend graduated last
year, (my brother) 5. Her parents live in Kiev, (this girl)
6. Her husband is a doctor, (their teacher) 7. I like his
lectures. (Petrov)
VII. K erakli joyda nuqtalar o ‘rniga predlog va ravishlardan
m osini q o‘ying.
Mary Petrova is a women ... 32. She graduated ...
the Insitute ... Foreign Languages eight years ago. She’s
a lecturer now. She teaches English ... an Institute. She
usually goes ... the Institute ... eight o ’clock ... the
morning and gets ... home ... three ... the afternoon. Her
daughter Ann is a girl ... ten. She goes ... school. She
spends four hours ... school every day. ... home she does
her homework and helps ... her mother. M ary’s son is
a boy ... four. Her husband takes the boy ... a nurseryschool every morning. M ary’s parents do not live ... her.
They live ... the country, a long way ... Moscow. ... the
summer Mary takes her children ... the country and they
stay ... their grandfather and grandmother.
Next week Mary and her children are leaving ...
Moscow. Mary is only going to spend two weeks ... her
parents. Then she’s returning ... Moscow again.
V III. 5 , 6-dars m atnlaridagi barcha n oto‘g ‘ri tuslanuvchi fe’llarni
ko‘chirib yozing va ularning uch asosiy shakllarini bering.
IX. K erakli joyga artikl q o‘ying.
My brother Peter lives in ... Kursk. He’s ... young
doctor. He’s got ... family. He’s got ... wife and two
children. His wife Helen is ... teacher. She works at ...
school. She hasn’t got ... mother, but she’s g o t ... father.
Helen’s father is ... engineer. He lives in ... country
... Peter’s office is near his house. He goes there in ...
morning and comes ... home for ... dinner, then he goes
back to ... office. Peter’s son goes to ... school. He’s ...
pioneer. Peter’s daughter is ... girl o f five. She goes to ...
nursery-school. On Sundays all o f them often go to the
country to see Helen’s father.
X. Ingliz tilida o ‘qing.
1870-y., 1868-y., 1825-y., 1773-y., 1837-y., 1919-y.,
1708-y., 1800-y.
XI. Berilgan fe’llardan foydalanib, gaplarni ingliz tiliga tarjim a
a) to make, to do
1. Bu talaba kecha yozma ishda kam xato qildi va
yozma ish uchun yaxshi baho oldi. 2. Bu ishni kecha kim
bajardi? 3. Siz uyda, odatda, qanaqa mashqlar bajarasiz?
b) to tell, to speak
1. Mening singlim ingliz tilida juda yaxshi gapiradi va
opining bolalarini inglizcha gapirishga o‘rgatadi. 2. Biz
o‘z ishimiz haqida ko‘p gaplashamiz. 3. Marhamat qilib u
(qiz) bilan bu haqda kechqurun gaplashing. 4. Men unga
(qizga) bu haqda kecha aytmadim.
c) to leave, to graduate
1. Siz maktabni qachon bitirgansiz? - Men maktabni
1950-yilda bitirganman. 2. Qaysi biringiz institutni 1960yilda tamomlagansiz? 3. Mening singlim o‘tgan yili
Moskva Universitetini tamomladi. Hozir u nemis tilidan
dars beradi. 4. Daftaringizni qayerda qoldirdingiz? Menimcha, men uni kecha ishxonada (idorada) qoldirdim.
5. U, odatda, bu yerda o‘z kitoblarini qoldiradi.
d) to leave (for), to go
1. Menimcha, ular Moskvadan o‘tgan hafta ketishdi.
2. Menimcha, ular bir hafta oldin Minskka ketishdi. 3. Ular
qachon Kiyevga ketishadi? 4. Ular Minskka uch yil avval
ketishgan va hozir o‘sha yerda yashashadi. 5. U (o‘zining)
ota-onasinikiga ketdi va ular bilan yozni o‘tkazadi.
e) to finish, to be over
1. Film tugadimi? 2. Film soat nechada tugadi? - Soat
beshda. 3. B a’zan bizning darslarimiz kech soat yettida
tugaydi. 4. Men u bilan gaplashmoqchi edim, biroq darslar
tugab qoldi va u allaqachon institutda yo‘q edi.
f) to be born
Pushkin qachon tug‘ilgan? - Pushkin 1799
yilda tug‘ilgan. 2. Tolstoy qachon tug‘ilgan? - Tolstoy
1828-yilda tug‘ilgan. 3. Lomonosov qachon tug‘ilgan?
- Lomonosov 1711-yilda tug‘ilgan. 4. Jonatan Svift qa­
chon tug‘ilgan? - Jonatan Svift 1667-yilda tug‘ilgan.
5. Choser qachon tug‘ilgan? - Choser 1340-yilda tu­
g ‘ilgan. 6. Shekspir qachon tug‘ilgan? - Shekspir 1564yilda tug‘ilgan.
X II. Q uyidagi nam unalarning har biriga 5 tadan gap tuzing:
My sister is 18 years old.
How old is our brother’s son?
She’s a women o f 29.
Mv son was born in 1980.
X III. Yangi so ‘z!ardan foydalanib, ingliz tiliga tarjim a qiling.
Mening singlimning o‘g‘li o‘quvchi. U maktabda
yaxshi o ‘qiydi. U, odatda, (qoida bobyicha) yomon baholar
olmaydi. Singlim, odatda, unga darslami tayyorlashda
yordam beradi. 2. Mening singillarim yo‘q, lekin mening
to'rtta aka-ukalarim bor. Akalarimdan ikkitasi o ‘tgan yili
institutni tamomlashdi, ikkitasi esa maktabga borishadi.
3. Bu yosh ayol muhandis. U katta zavodda ishlaydi.
Uning, odatda, ishi ko‘p. Har kuni ertalab u kichik
o‘g‘lini boqchaga olib boradi. 4. O'rtoq Klimov keksa
ishchi. Uning obg‘il nabiralari yo‘q, biroq uning ikkita
qiz nabiralari bor. 0 ‘rtoq Klimovning birinchi (qiz)
nabirasi bundan yetti yil aw al tug‘ilgan, ikkinchisi esa
o‘tgan yili. 5. 0 ‘tgan yili men ingliz tilini o'rganmasdim
va menda inglizcha kitoblar yo‘q edi. Hozir menda
ko‘p inglizcha kitoblar bor. Kechalari men, odatda,
(qoida bo‘yicha) inglizcha kitoblar o‘qiyman. Mening
xo^jayinim (erim) ham tilni biladi va ba’zan, biz inglizcha
gaplashamiz. Kelasi yili men fransuz tilini o‘rganishni
boshlamoqchiman. 6. Mening ota-onam shahar chetida
yashashadi. U yerda ularda uchta xona bor. Men, odatda,
ularnikiga yozda va ba’zan qishda boraman. Men u yerga
kuzda va bahorda borishni yoqtirmayman. 7. Kelasi hafta
ishim ko‘p bo‘ladi. 8. Siz, odatda, darslaringizga qancha
vaqt sarflaysiz? - Men ularga, odatda, (qoida bo'yicha)
ikki soat sarflayman. 9. Nechta fan o ‘rganasizlar?
10. 0 ‘g‘lingizga dars qilishda yordamlaslimang. 11. Me155
nimcha, bu mavzularning ayrimlari juda qiziqarli. 12. Siz
kelasi hafta Kiyevga ketyapsizmi? - Ha, men u yerga otaonamni ko‘rgani boraman. 13. Bu daftarlami kecha bu
yerda kim qoldirdi?
XIV. Ingliz tiliga tarjim a qiling. (Takrorlash uchun m ashqlar.)
Besh yil avval men talaba edim. Men chet tillar
institutida o‘qirdim va ota-onam bilan Moskvada
yashardim. Men ikkita chet tilini o‘rgandim: ingliz va
fransuz tillari. Institutda darslar soat sakkizda boshlanardi
va men, odatda, ancha erta turardim. Men ko‘p vaqtimni
institutda o‘tkazardim. Men ko‘p inglizcha va fransuzcha
kitoblar o‘qirdim. Hozir men Moskvada yashamayman.
Men institutni 2005-yili tamomladim va Tulaga ketdim.
Hozir men ingliz tilidan dars beraman. Men maktabda
ishlayman. Bolalami o‘qitish menga yoqadi. Mening
o ‘quvchilarim ko‘p. Ular yaxshi o‘zlashtirishadi. Mening
oilam katta emas, mening ikkita farzandim bor: bir o‘g‘il
va bir qiz. Xotinim hozir ishlamaydi. U uyda o ‘g‘lim
bilan qoladi. U o4gan yili tug‘ilgan. Qizim besh yoshda.
U maktabga bormaydi, men uni har kuni bog‘chaga olib
borib qo‘yaman. Xotinim muhandis. U o‘z ishini juda
yaxshi ko‘radi va у ana ishlashni boshlashni xohlayapti.
Mening ota-onam o‘z nabiralarini juda yaxshi ko‘rishadi.
Ular bizga tez-tez xat yozib turishadi va doim yozda
biznikiga kelishadi. Men, odatda, (qoida bo‘yicha),
Moskvaga ota-onamni ko‘rgani qishda boraman.
I. M atnni Lavrov nom idan hikoya qilib bering.
II. D o‘stingizga uning oilasi haqida 10 ta um um iy, 10 ta tanlov
va 10 ta m axsus so ‘roq gapli savollar bering. M axsus so ‘roq
gaplarda quyidagi so‘roq s o ‘zIarni ishlating:
who, what, whose, which of, where, when, how, how
many, how much, how often, how well, how long
III. Q uyidagi so ‘z va so ‘z birikm alaridan foydalanib, hikoyalar
1. My Father
to be ... years old, to work, in the country, in the
summer, to like, in the winter, to come to see
2. My Little Daughter
to be born, to be ... years old, a nursery-school,
to take smb. out, to go to the country, the week-end, one’s
grandmother, to stay
3. My F riend’s Studies
to have got a good friend, to go to the college, to take
subjects, interesting, to help, to want, to work hard, not to
make mistakes, to do well
4. My F riend’s Son
to be bom in, to go to school, to do a lot o f subjects,
to do well, to help, parents, to leave school, to want,
to begin working, a factory, late in the evening, to gradu­
ate from an evening institute, to be an engineer
IV. D o‘stingizdan ingliz tilida so ‘rang:
1. U qachon tug‘ilgan, (ash) qayerdan, Moskvaga
qachon kelgan, uylanganmi yoki bo‘ydoqmi, agar bo‘ydoq
b o isa qachon uylanmoqchi, agar uylangan bo‘lsa xotini
2. Maktab va institutda yaxshi o‘qiganmi, qaysi
institutni tamomlagan (tamomlayapti), ko‘p ishlaydimi,
idorada ishlaydimi yoki zavoddami?
3. Aka-uka, opa-singillari bormi, nechta bolasi bor,
ulaming ismlari nima, ular necha yoshda, ular bog‘chaga
borishadimi yoki maktabgami, yaxshi o‘qishadimi, u
ularga dars qilishda yordam beradimi, odatda, ular uy
vazifasiga ko‘p vaqt sarflashadimi?
V. Q uyidagi m avzularda qisqa hikoyalar tuzing:
1. My Life.
2. My Parents.
3. My Sister’s Family.
VI. Q uyidagi dialogni o ‘qishni m ashq qiling, uni yod oling va
“'This is my \v ife .”|
“'How do you \к>,* Mrs ['misiz] Brown.”|
“'How do you )do, Mr Ivanov.j 'Glad to \n e e t you.”|
“'Will you 'have some jcoffee ['kofi], Mr Brown?”|
“ )Yes, Jthank you.”|
* Tanishganda aytiladigan salom.
Text: My Sister’s Flat.
Grammar: 1. th e re is (th e re a re ) oboroti H ZO va O ’Z O da (47-§,
2. ca n modal fe’li va to be ab le to oboroti (48-§, 676bet).
My 'sister t left her 'Institute f two 'years ajgol and
'went to 'work in NoVilskJ She’s an engiVeei) and
'works at a YactoryJ She 'got a | very 'co m fo rtab le
'flat 'last Anonth* in a 'new 'block o f )flats.| It’s on the
'third )floorJ I 'got a 'letter from my | sister on the | fifth
o f jM a rc h with 'several p ictu res o f the | city and her
'This is a 'picture o f my | sister’s ^flatj X o o k at
it.l There’s a 'stu d y and a X ed ro o m in itj but there 'isn’t
a Jsitting-room * or a X in in g -ro o m J She has a givingroomi and she uses it as a sitting-Aoom* and a \lining-
room.1 There’s 'also a f kitchen and a ^bathroom in her
flat,! but you 'c a n ’t see them in j this ^picture.!
'This is her ^iving-roomj The 'walls in 'this Л оот^
are )yellow] The 'ceiling’s Jwhitd and the 'floor’s
YrownJ You can 'see a f sq u a re 'table in th e Yiiddlc
of the room] There’s a f vase o f ^flowers on it] There’s
an ja rm - c h a irt and a Ytandard-lamp in th e Y orner.l
There’s 'also a Y iano in the room] My 'sister 'plays the
'piano t very V e il] She V v e s Anusic.l
To th e 'rig h t o f the Jpianol you can 'see a YoorJ It’s
“'Can you 'see a Vriting-table?’] “lYesJ I Y an .i
“'Are there any Лкюкз on it?’1 “lYesJ there Yre
“'What Vise is there on the writing-table?’] “There’s
a telephone and a Yadio 'set on it.i
“'Is the 'television set on the 'table Jtoo?’1 “ V o J I
'can’t Yee i t ’1
“'Is there a Jsofa in the room?’] “ V o J there isn’t a
YoifaJ but there’s a Y o o k jc a sd in the Yorner.”1!
“'Which 'room’s Yhis?’] “It’s the Ytudy.’l
To th e left of the Y)ianot you can Ylso jsee^ a
YoorJ It’s 'open Yoo]
“'Are there 'many things in | that Yoom?’] “ V o J
there Y ren’t.’]
“'Which 'room’s Yhat?’] “It’s the Yedroom.’l
“ 'Is my 'sister’s 'flat jcomfortable?’]
“ 'How many 'rooms Jare there t in her Y at?’]
“ 'How d ’you ‘like your j new
- Yangi kvartirangiz sizga
qanday yoqyapti?
“ Y)h, it’s 'very Y ice .”|
- Juda (u yaxshi).
- Qachon ko‘chib o ‘tdingiz?
‘“When did you 'move V i? ”|
'only 'moved
Y ionth.”|
- Men o'tgan oydagina ko‘chib
o ‘tdim.
1. >1о,| there isn’t a )soJfa,| but there’s a ^bookjcase
in the Vorner. Yo ‘q, и yerda divan yo 'q, biroq burchakda
kitob javoni turibdi. Bu gapda murakkab pasayuvchiko‘tariluvchi ton ikki bor ishlatilyapti. (Bu haqida kirish
kursining 7-darsida to‘laroq tushuncha berilgan edi.)
Bu yerda ton ikki bo‘g‘inga to‘g‘ri kelganligi uchun
ovozning tushishi va ko‘tarilishi tegishli ) v a J belgilari
bilan ko‘rsatiladi.
com fortable
a block o f flats
a house
a floor
M arch
a picture
a study
a bedroom
a sitting-room
a dining-room
a living-room
to use
a kitchen
a bathroom
to be able to
in the m iddle o f
a flower
an arm -chair
a corner
in the corner
at the corner
a piano
to play the piano
m usic
to (on) the right
a w riting-table
a telephone
to sp eak on the telephone
a radio set
to listen to the radio
to hear sm th. on the radio
a television set
to see sm th. on T V (on television)
to w atch TV
a sofa
a bookcase
to (on) the left
a thing
(See Vocabulary for Lesson Seven, p. 529)
S o‘z yasash:
-ure - ot suffiksi b o 1lib, t undoshidan key in kelsa u bilan birga
[t/э] kabi o'qiladi:
a picture [э ’piktja] rasm
-able [abl] - sifat suffiksi bo1lib, fe’l o ‘zagidan sifat yasashda
to com fort tinchlantim ioq - com fortable qulay
----------------------------------0 ‘qish qoidasi
------------------------1. cei h a rf birikm asi [si:] o ‘qiladi, m asalan:
ceiling [э siiliq] shift
to receive [ta ri‘si:v] olmoq,
qabul qilm oq
2 . ow er h a rf birikm asi [aua] kabi o ‘qiladi, m asalan:
a flow er [a ’flaua] gul
3. ph [f] kabi o 'qiladi, m asalan:
________________ atele p h o n e [a ’telifoun] telefon
I. Q uyidagi gaplarni ingliz tiliga tarjim a qilinganda qaysi
gaplarda th e re is (there are) oborotini ishlatsa bo‘lar edi?
Moskvada chiroyli binolar ko‘p. 2. Kreml Moskvaning markazida joylashgan. 3. VI mashq keyingi
betda. 4. 20-betda og‘zaki tasvirlash uchun rasm berilgan.
5. Uning ma’ruzasida bir-ikkita xato bor edi. 6. Bu
maqolada hech qanaqa qiziqarli narsa yo‘q. 7. Levitanning
asl nusxadagi rasm lari Tretyakov galereyasida. 8. Sibirda
daryolar ko‘p. 9. Sverdlov maydonida nechta teatr bor?
10. Bolshoy teatr qayerda joylashgan? - U Sverdlov
maydonida joylashgan. 11. Sankt-Peterburgda tarixiy
yodgorliklarko^. 12. Rossiyaning juda ko‘p qishloqlarida
XIX asrda maktablar bo‘lmagan.
II. There is (there are) oborotining ishlatilishiga e ’tibor berib,
quyidagi gaplarning o ‘qilishini m ashq qiling:
There’s a m istak e in this sentence.)
There are a 'lot o f 'new \vords in Text Five.)
'Is there a Jcinema in this street?)
'W hat’s there, for \linner today?)
There 'isn’t a uni'versity in 'that town.)
There’s ‘no 'time for it to\lay.|
III. Q uyidagi gaplarni boMishsiz va (um um iy) so ‘roq gap shaklida
There’s a blackboard in our classroom. 2. There are
some English books on the table. 3. There were very many
mistakes in your dictation. 4. There’s a new grammar rule
in Lesson Four. 5. There was a telegram on the table.
6. There was too little ink in my pen to write two letters.
IV. F e’lning m os sh aklini tanlab qavs oching va ega bilan
kesim ning tagiga chizing.
There (is, are) a large table in my room. 2. There (is,
are) three windows in our classroom. 3. There (is, are) a
table and four chairs in my sister’s room. 4. There (is, are)
a blackboard, four tables and five chairs in our classroom.
5. There (is, are) a text-book and two exercise-books
on my table. 6. There (wasn’t, weren’t) a school here in
1920. 7. There (was, were) very many children in the park
V. There is (there are) oborotini ishlatilishiga e’tibor berib,
quyidagi savollarga javob bering:
1. What is there on the table?
2. How many books are there on the table?
3. What kind o f books are there on the table?
4. Is there a blackboard in your classroom?
5. Are there many tables in your classroom?
6. How many tables are there in your classroom?
7. Are there many chairs in this room?
8. How many chairs are there in this room?
9. What is there in your classroom?
10. How many mistakes were there in your last dictation?
11. Were there many children in the theatre yesterday?
12. Was there an institute in your home town ten years
13. How many institutes are there in your home town
14. How many theatres are there in Moscow?
15. How many cinemas are there in the centre o f Mos­
16. How many pages are there in this book?
VI. A jratib k o‘rsatiIgan so ‘zlarga savollar bering:
There’s a nice park in our city. (1)2. There are five
chairs in the room. (1) 3.There are some English text­
books on my table. (2) 4. There are a lot o f mistakes in
your exercise-book. (1 )5 . There were three mistakes in
my distation. (2) 6. There’s a new cinema near my house.
(1)7. Mary teaches her children to play the piano. (2)
VII. There is, there are oborotining ishlatilishiga e ’tibor berib,
gaplarni ingliz tiliga tarjim a qiling.
A. 1. Bizning shahrimizda ko‘plab maktablar va beshta institut bor. 2. 0 ‘tgan yili bizning sinfimizda yigirmata
o‘quvchi bor edi, hozir esa faqat o‘n beshta. 3. Anavi
stol (usti)da ko‘p jum allar bormi? - Yo‘q, faqat ikkita.
4. Bu xonada ikkita deraza bor. 5. Anavi stol (usti)da qaysi
kitoblar turibdi? - Uning ustida o‘zbek va ingliz tilidagi
kitoblar turibdi. 6. Zavodimizda ko‘p muhandislar bor.
7. Bu stol ustida (hech qanaqa) daftar yo‘q. 8. Sinfingizda
nechta o‘g‘il bola va nechta qiz bola bor? - 0 ‘n ikkita
o‘g‘il bola va sakkizta qiz bola. 9. Besh yil oldin uyimiz
oldida maktab boNmagan, hozir esa bu yerda katta yangi
maktab bor.
B. 1. Stolim ustida qiziqarli kitob bor. Stol ustida
qiziqarli kitob bor. 2. Uning diktantida xatolar yo‘q. Bu
diktantda xatolar yo‘q. 3. Bu yerda ko‘p qiziqarli maqo164
lalar bor. Unda (qizda), bu yerda ko‘p qiziqarli maqolalar
bor. 4. Bu sinfda qizlar oz. Ulaming sinfida qizlar oz.
1. Uyimizdan uzoq bo‘Imagan joyda yangi maktab
bor. Yangi maktab uyimizdan uzoqda emas. 2. Shahar
markazida teatr bor. Teatr shahar markazida (joylashgan).
3. Xato beshinchi gapda. Beshinchi gapda xato bor.
4. Jumal stol ustida (yotibdi). Anavi stolda hech qanday
jurnal yo‘q. 5. Bu darsda grammatik mashqlar kam. Yangi
grammatik qoidalar o‘ninchi sahifada. 6. Bu matnda yangi
so‘zlar bor. Yangi so‘zlar doskada.
V III. N am una bo‘yicha gaplar tuzing. (Yuqoridagi II m ashqqa
IX. C a n m odal fe’lining ishlatilishiga e ’tib or berib, quyidagi
gap larn in g o ‘qilishini m ashq q ilin g (48-§).
A. 1. The ’girl сш} \e a d now, | but she can’t \vrite.
2. “ 'What can I \lo for you?| ’Can I /help you?”|
“ )Yes, Jplease.”|
3. “ 'Can I 'have your pen cil for a minute?”|
“ )Certainly.”|
4. “We 'couldn’t 'speak 'English 'last V ear-”l
“ 'Can you ‘do it /how?”
“I’m a'fraid, I W t . ”l
5. “ 'Could you /help me, please?”]
“ ^Certainly.”]
B. I had som e 'free Aime yesterday,] and w as 'able to 'go
to my Y riend’s.]
X. Q u yidagi gaplarni bo‘lishsiz va (um um iy) so ‘roq gap shaklida
He can skate. 2. They can come at five. 3. I can go
to the theatre tonight. 4. My friend can play chess. 5. She
can stay with us over the week-end. 6. They can work
X I . Can m odal fe’lining ishlatilishiga e ’tibor berib, savollarga
javob bering.
1. Which o f you can ski (skate, play volley-ball, football,
tennis, chess)?
2. How well can you ski (skate)?
3. Can your child walk (read, write)? Who teaches him
(her) to read and write?
4. How well can he (she) walk (read, write)?
5. Can I open the window?
6. Can I have your pen for a minute (your text-book, news­
7. Can I speak to you before or after classes?
8. When can we go to the cinema?
9. Can we go to the cinema today?
10. Which days can you usually go to the cinema or
11. Where can we get some English journals?
12. What can you see in this room?
13. How many foreign languages could you speak last
14. How many foreign languages can you speak now?
15. How well can you speak them?
16. Were you able to go to the cinema (theatre) last
17. Are you able to walk 50 kilometres ['kib.mitaz] a
18. Are you able to ski all day long?
19. How many kilometres are you able to walk a day (to
ski a day)?
X I I . Berilgan s o ‘z va so ‘z birikm alaridan foydalanib, quyidagi
nam unalar b o‘yicha gaplar tuzing:
N a m u n a
M y s o n c a n ( c a n ’t j s p e a k E n g l i s h .
My son couldn’t speak English last year,
but he can do it now.
to read, to write, to skate, to ski, to teach little children,
to play chess (volley-ball, tennis, football), to speak
German (French), to walk
N a m u n a 2: “Can I leave my bag here?”
“I’m afraid not.”
to take, to have, to give, to tell, to speak, to go, to see,
to meet, to leave, to put
N a m u n a 3: “Could you open the window, please?”
to send, to get smth. for smb., to close, to do smth. for
smb., to write about smth., to speak to smb.
N a m u n a 4: He was only able to see us at five.
He couldn’t speak English last year,
to translate, to see, to teach, to go to the cinema
(theatre, one’s friend’s, one’s parents’, the park), to go,
to come to see, to speak to smb.
XIII. Can m odal fe’li va uning ekvivalentining ishlatilishiga
e ’tibor berib tarjim a qiling.
Bu gapni kim tarjima qila oladi? 2. Sizlardan qay­
si biringiz ertaga ertalab kinoga bora olasiz? - Hech
birimiz bora olmaymiz. 3. Kirsam bo‘ladimi? 4. Sizning darsligingizni bir daqiqaga (for a minute) olsam
boNadimi? - Albatta. 5. Bolamni bir soatga siznikida
qoldirsam bo‘ladimi? - Albatta. 6. Menga yordam berib
yubora olasizmi? - Marhamat. 7. U sizni kutib ola oldimi?
- Yo‘q, u bizni kutib ola olmadi. 8. Siz ertaga kechqurun
kela olasizmi? - Afsuski, ilojim yo‘q. 9. Siz buni bugun
qila olarmidingiz? - Ha, menimcha (o‘ylashimcha),
qila olardim. 10. Sizlardan qaysi biringiz inglizcha
kitoblarni o‘qiy olasiz? - Hech birimizning qo‘limizdan
kelmaydi, deb qo'rqaman. 11. Men ham kinoga borishni
xohlagandim, biroq bora olmadim. 12. Men bugun bu
yerda qola olmayman. 13. Savolimga kim javob bera
oladi? 14. Sizlar bu savollarni dushanba kuni ertalab
muhokama qila olasizlarmi? 15. Sizga savol bersam
bo‘ladimi? - Albatta.
I. Q uyidagi so ‘z birikm alarining o‘qilishini m ashq qilib bo‘lib,
dars m atnini ovoz chiqarib o ‘qing.
on the 'third
in this p icture
in the \niddle
o f the room
in the comer
of the room
'Which 'room’s \ h is?
'Which 'room’s \ h at”
II. Q uyidagi so‘zIarni ovoz chiqarib o ‘qing:
a) picture, lecture, rapture, nature, culture, feature,
receive, ceiling, deceive, perceive, flower, power, shower,
powerful, photo, phase, phrase, phosphor, phonic
b) out, loud, bow, howl, fellow, willow, true, toil,
spoil, frail, sphere, steer, tear, sour, ware, dare, lull, maid,
III. Q uyidagi so ‘zlarning yasalishini tahlil qiling va ularni o ‘zbek
tiliga tarjim a qiling:
IV. Yangi so ‘zlardan foydalanib, m atnga 15 ta savol tuzing.
V. Yangi so ‘zlardan foydalanib, savollarga javob bering.
a) 1. Are you married?
2. Do you live in a house or a block o f flats?
3. Which floor is your flat on?
4. Is your flat comfortable? How many rooms are there
in it?
5. Have you got a dining-room?
6. What is there in your dining-room (bedroom,
7. What is there in the middle (in the comer) o f your
V I.
8. Is the table in the middle o f your dining-room or in
the comer?
9. Do you like flowers? Are there usually many flowers
in your flat?
1. Do you like music?
2. Have you got a piano?
3. Can you play the piano?
4. When did you leam to play it?
5. When do you usually play it?
6. Who else can play the piano in your family?
1. Have you got a telephone?
2. Is it in the living-room or the study?
3. Which o f your family likes to speak on the
4. Do you usually discuss things with your friends on
the telephone or when you see them?
1. What kind o f TV set have you got?
2. Do you like watching TV?
3. When did you last watch TV? What did you see?
4. Do you like seeing new films on TV?
5. What else can we see on TV?
6. Where do your family usually sit when they watch
TV? (On the sofa or the chairs?) Which o f them
likes sitting in an (the) arm-chair?
1. Have you got a good radio set? How often do you
use it?
2. How often do you listen to the radio?
3. What can we hear on the radio?
4. Do you think that the radio helps you to leam
K erakli joyga artikl q o‘ying.
This is ... picture o f my study. Look at it. There’s ...
large window in my study. ... ceiling’s white, ... floor’s
brown, ... walls are yellow. There’s ... writing-table
near ... w indow and ... arm -chair near it. You can see
... telephone and ... lam p on ... w riting-table. I often
speak on ... telephone. T h ere’s ... bookcase to ... right
o f ... w riting table. T here a re n ’t m any E nglish books in
... bookcase; but there are ... lot o f ... R ussian books
in it. T here isn ’t ... piano in m y study. ... piano is in ...
living-room . M y sister loves ... m usic, and often plays
... piano in ... evening. T h ere’s ... sofa in ... corner o f
my study. I usually spend ... lot o f ... tim e in my study.
I w ork there in ... evenings on ... w eekdays and in ...
m orning o r afternoon on my days off.
V II. K erakli joyda
q o‘ying.
nuqtalar o ‘rniga predloglardan
W e’re going to have a test ... the 3rd ... D ecem ber.
Som e ... my friends are com ing this evening and w e ’re
going to revise the gram m ar rules ... the test. 2.“C ould
you com e to see m e ... Saturday evening?” “I ’d love
to.” 3. We live ... a block ... flats ... the centre ... Saint
Petersburg. O ur flat’s ... the ground floor. T here are three
room s ... it. 4. T here isn’t a table ... the m iddle ... our
living-room . T he ta b le ’s ... the corner. T h e re ’s a piano
... the l e f t ... the table and a sm all table ... a radio s e t ...
it ... the right. 5 . M y daughter likes (loves) playing ...
the piano. Som e ... h er friends often com e to listen ...
her ... the evening. 6. “ W here’s the M inistry ... Foreign
T rade?” “G o ... the right. I t’s ... the corner ... the street.”
7. I’m going to speak ... him ... the telephone tonight.
8. W hat did you hear ... the radio y esterday? 9. W hen I
w atch TV o r listen ... the radio I usually sit ... m y new
arm -chair, it’s very com fortable. 10. W hat can you see ...
this picture?
VIII. E lse so ‘zi va w hat, who, w here so ‘roq so ‘zlari bilan bir
nechta (kam ida 10 ta) savollar tuzing.
IX. Q u yidagi sanalarni inglizcha ayting:
27.0 1 .1 9 8 0 ,
26.0 3 .1 9 7 1 ,
4.02.1936, 11.03.1908, 1.04.1981,
29.05.1949, 13.06.1946, 14.07.1959,
4.04.1966, 28.10.1965, 5.11.1994,
X. Q avs ichidagi so ‘zlardan m osini kerakli shaklda q o‘ying.
I ’m g oing to give you a new rule. P lease (to listen
to, to hear) m e. 2. You are sitting too far aw ay. C an you
(to listen to, to hear) m e? 3. I (to listen to, to hear) a lot
o f n e w th in g s from these engineers yesterday. 4. W e can
see several children in the picture. T h e y ’re (to listen to, to
hear) th e ir teacher. 5. “ H ave you only got one picture o f
your son?” “N o, I have got (som e, several). You can take
one o f th e m .” 6. T here are (som e, several) theatres in this
city and they are very good. 7. “C an these students speak
tw o fo reig n languages?” “I think (som e, several) can, and
(som e, several) c a n ’t.”
XI. Yangi s o ‘zIardan foydalanib, ingliz tiliga tarjim a qiling.
B u xonada k o ‘p buyum lar bor. B u yerda stol,
beshta stul, pianino, divan v a ikkita kreslo bor. B u xonada
yana n im a bor? - S huningdek, kitob ja v o n i ham bor.
2. B u rchakda yum aloq stol (bor). D eraza old id a royal.
R oyal u stid a gul solingan v aza bor. 3. Telefoningiz
q ay erd a? - U kabinetda, yozuv stoli ustida. 4. K echa m en
akam dan x at oldim . U nda uning qizining ikkita surati
bor edi. 5. B u suratda institutim izning k o ‘p talabalari
bor. U lardan k o ‘pini siz taniysiz. 6. D arslikda rasm lar
bor, lekin xaritalar y o ‘q. 7. Bu suratlarga qarang. Sizga
bizning shahrim iz qanchalik yo q ad i? - U ju d a chiroyli
va toza. M en u yerga bir necha yil oldin borgandim .
8. Siz royal chalasizm i? B iznikiga y akshanba kuni keling.
B izda yangi royal bor. 9. D o ‘stim o ‘tgan hafta yangi
k v artira oldi. K echa biz uni k o ‘rgani bordik. Juda qulay
k v artira (u). U bizga ju d a yoqdi. U nda um um iy xona
(ular undan ovqatlanish xonasi va m ehm onxona sifatida
foydalanishm oqchi), yotoqxona, vannaxona va oshxona
bor. 10. 0 ‘rtoq Ivanovni k o ‘rsam boMadimi? - H a,
albatta. U keyingi xonada o ‘tiribdi. U ning stoli eshikdan
o ‘ngda. 11. U yim iz oldida (atrofida) gullar k o ‘p. 12. Siz
xonangiz derazasini tez-tez ochib tu ra s iz m i? - (Q achonki)
U ydaligim da, ertalab va kechqurun ular, odatda, ochiq,
biroq (qachonki) ishdaligim da, ular yopiq. 13. (Sizning)
telefoningizdan foydalansam b o ‘ladim i?
XII. Ingliz tiliga tarjim a qiling va gapirib bering.
Y igirm a beshinchi aprelda m en d o ‘stim Petrovni
k o ‘rgani bordim (P etrovnikiga tash rif buyurdim ). U
m uhandis. U ning oilasi katta. U uylangan v a uning
uchta bolasi bor. U ning ota-onasi u bilan turishadi. Bir
necha yil oldin Petrov kvartira oldi. U lam in g kvartirasi
yangi uyning beshinchi qavatida. U nda to ‘rtta x o n a bor:
ovqatlanish xonasi, ikkita yotoqxona, kabinet, vannaxona
va oshxona. U lam ing ovqatlanish xonasi m enga ju d a
yoqadi. U chiroyli, katta xona. Bu xonaning devorlari
sariq (rangda). P etrovning xotini gullam i ju d a yaxshi
k o ‘radi. U larning kvartirasida, odatda, k o ‘p gullar
bor (turadi). O vqatlanish xonasining burchagida royal
(turadi). Petrovning V iktor o ‘g ‘li m usiqani sevadi va
royalni yaxshi chaladi. R oyaldan o ‘ngda - divan, chapda
esa - televizor bor. D evorlarda bir nechta suratlar bor.
P etrovning kabineti ham m enga yoqadi. U katta em as,
biroq ju d a qulay. U nda yozuv stoli, kitob jav o n i v a ikkita
kreslo bor. Javondan k o ‘p kitob va ju m a lla r jo y olgan.
K abinetda telefon bor. K echa m en yana P etrovnikiga
ta sh rif buyurdim . B iz radio tinglam adik. B iz televizorda
yangi kinofilm k o ‘rdik. K eyin b iz uni m uhokam a qildik.
K ech soat 11 da m en uyga ketdim .
. I. D o‘stingizga u nin g kvartirasi haqida bir nechta savollar bering.
R am kada berilgan yan gi so ‘zlardan foydalaning.
II. a) O shxona, kabinet va yotoqxonaning 1-rasm da tasvirlanm agan qism larini tasvirlang.
b) 0 ‘z k vartiran gizni tasvirlang.
III. Q uyidagi so ‘z va so ‘z birikm alaridan foydalanib, qisqacha
hikoya tuzing:
How I Went to See My Friend's New Flat
to get a n ew flat, a w eek ago, a block o f flats, at the
com er, to go to see, to like, com fortable, a dining-room ,
a bedroom , a study, a kitchen, light, clean, in the m iddle
of, the colour (of), in the com er, to the right (of), to the
left (of), flow ers, a picture, a radio set, a television set,
near, often
IV. Q uyidagi m avzularga qisqa hikoyalar tuzing:
1. O ur C lassroom .
2. M y F rie n d ’s Study.
3. M y G ra n d fa th e r’s C ountry House.
V. Q uyidagi dialogni o‘qishni m ashq qiling, uni yod oling va
(Mr Brown speaks to Mr Petrov on the telephone.)
“H eU o.”|
“Is 'th at M r P e t> o v ? ” |
“ JSpeaking.” |
“G ood \n o rn in g , M r Petrov.| 'T his is 'M r )B row n.” |
“Good V iom ing, M r Brown.) 'W hat can I \ i o for you?”)
“ 'C o u ld I 'see you on ^M onday?”)
“ JCertainly.) 'W h en can you V orne?”)
“A t 'ten in the jm o rn in g ?” )
“ 'Very Jgood.) ’See you on ^M onday then.) 'G ood
A norning.”)
“ 'G ood A norning, M r Petrov.”)
Text: A t the Library.
G ram m ar: 1.Sifatdosh II haqida tushuncha (49-§, 680-bet).
2.TugaIlangan hozirgi zam on fe ’li (T H Z )
(The Present Perfect Tense) (50-§, 680-bet).
3. Fan va o ‘quv predm etlari nomlari oldidan
artiklning ishlatilm asligi (51-§, 685-bet).
We 'all 'leam | foreign lan g u a g e s* in \>ur
jofficej T here’s a 'library o f | foreign literature* V e a r
u sj We 'like to | read 'books in j foreign la n g u a g e s ,1! so
we 'often ^go there.I T here are 'alw ays a f lot o f p e o p le
tlierej 'Comrade Smir'nova f goes to the 'library, VoJ because
she 'hasn’t 'got t English 'books at ^homej S he’s in the
'library V ow ]
Smir'nova: 'G ood \n o m in g J
Librarian: 'G ood V io m in g J
Smir'nova: H ave you 'g o t any f interesting 'E nglish
Librarian: )YesJ w e ^have some.I 'W hich 'E nglish
Vriters I d ’you )like? I
Smir'nova: I 'like Y )ickens.| I’ve 'read a f lot o f
'books by jOickens.l
Librarian: 'D id you 'read them in ^English or in
Smir'nova: I 'read them in ^Russian * in my
VhildhoodJ I 'd id n ’t V n o w E nglish JthenJ
Librarian: 'W hen did you b e'g in R eam ing English?!
Smir'nova: T w o V ears ago]
Librarian: T hen 'don’t 'take j any 'books by f D ickens
\io w .| They are 'too \lifficult for you.! 'Take a 'book by
T O scar „Avilde* or 'Jack X o n d o n J X h e ir Л о о к з are
Smir'nova: 'AH Xight2.! 'P lease 'show m e som e
'books by I O scar )W ildeJ but 'd o n ’t 'bring “T he j Pic­
ture o f 'D o r ia n )G ray ” .| I ’ve 'just \ e a d it.l
(The li'brarian f goes a Avay* and 'soon 'comes
Li'brarian: I’m 'very )sorA y, t but w e 'h a v e n ’t 'got
j any 'b ooks by j O scar A vilde ) in t at the ylnom entj I
ad'vise y o u to j take a 'book by t Jack X o n d o n J 'Shall I
'g et you “ j M artin yfeden” * o r “ 'W hite Jpang”?3!
Smir'nova: 'P lease 'give m e “ 'W hite X a n g ”J
Li'brarian: 'H ere it AsJ
Smir'nova: 'T hank you very Jm uchJ
(The 'student j takes the )bookl and 'leaves the
“ 'W hat can I )get for you?” |
- Sizga nim a beray?
“ I ’d 'very 'm uch 'like a t book
by t Jack X o n d o n ”|
- M en Jek Londonning birorta
kitobini olm oqchi edim.
“ I’m \o r J r y , j all his 'books are
)out at the m om ent.” |
-A fs u s k i, uning barcha kitoblari
hozir q o ‘lda.
“ 'Shall I b ejg in ?”|
- B oshlaym i?
“ X e s, I )do." (“ X e s , p le ase .”))
- H a, marham at.
“ 'Shall I 'go ybn?” l
- D avom etaym i?
“ X o , I 'that’ll \io , A hankyou.”!
- Y o‘q, yetarli, rahmat.
1. We like to read books in foreign languages. Biz
chet tilida kitoblar o'qishni yoqtiramiz. Q uyidagi
gaplarning tarjim asiga e ’tib o r bering:
U lar ingliz tilida yaxshi
o ‘qishdi.
U inglizcha yoza oladi.
T hey read English w ell.
He can w rite English.
U lar bu kitobni ingliz tilida
o ‘qishdi.
T hey read this book in
U bu m aqolani ingliz tilida
He w rote this article in
2. All right. Yaxshi, bo'pti. All right iborasi k o ‘pincha
rozilik m a ’nosini bildiradi. B unda u k o ‘tariluvchi ton
bilan aytiladi: 'A ll Aight.
3. Shall I get you “M artin E den” or “W hite Fang” ?
S izga "Martin M e n " (kitobi)nim i y o k i "Oq
t i g ' "(kitobi)ni olib beraym i? Shall bu gapda m odal
m a ’nosida ishlatilib, gapiruvchi suhbatdoshdan biror
ish (harakat)ga ruxsat, izn so ‘raganda ishlatiladi.
Shall I read?
0 ‘qiym i?
Shall I go to the blackboard?
D oskaga chiqaym i?
a library
H istory
w rong
G eography
all right
to show (show ed, show n)
a T V show
to bring (brought, brought)
a librarian
a w riter
aw ay
to go away
back •
to be sorry
to advise
(See Vocabulary for L esson Eight, p. 532)
O scar W ilde
Jack London
D orian G ray
M artin Eden
W hite Fang
['эзкз ‘waild]
['с£агк ’lAndon]
['dDirian grei]
['ma:tin 'i:dn]
['wait ’faeq]
---------------------- S o ‘z tartibini yodda saq lang ------------------------'Here’s the ybook!
Mana kitob! (Ega ot
'Here it Jis!
Mana u! (Ega olm osh bilan ifodalangan)
bilan ifodalangan)
'Here are the >feooks!
Mana kitoblar!
'Here they Лге!_______ Mana ular!___________________
S o‘z y a s a s h :
-hood [hud] - ot suffiksi bo‘lib, ot o'zagidan ot yasashda
child [tjaild] bola - childhood ['tfaildhud] bolalik
-y [i] - s if a t suffiksi boNib, ot o ‘zagidan sifat yasashda ishlatiladi:
ease [i:z] yengillik - easy ['i:zi] oson
0 ‘qish qoidasi
U rg‘usiz bo‘g ‘inlarda unlilar reduksiyaga uchraydi (o ‘ta
qisqa talaffiiz qilinadi), ya’ni asosiy sifatini y o ‘qotadi. (Jadvalga
0 ‘mi
0 ‘qilishi
1. Undosh +
o ’qilmaydigan e
dan oldin
comrade [’komrid]
2. Boshqa holatlarda
library ['laibrsri]
1. U rg‘uli b o ‘g ‘indan
oldin va keyin
kelgan 1, n, r
lardan tashqari
undoshlar oldidan
begin [bi'gin]
telephone ['telifoun]
2. U rg‘uli b o ‘g ‘indan
so ‘ng r dan
oldin va <n +
undosh>dan oldin
paper* [p eip a]
sentence [’sentans]
m istake [m is'teik]
M inistry ['m inistri]
U rg ‘uli
bo‘g ‘indan oldin
va r siz urg ‘uli
b o ‘g ‘indan so ‘ng
1. U rg‘uli b o ‘g ‘indan
keying! n, 1 dan
o ‘qilm aydi
lesson ['lesn]
2. S o‘z oxirida
also [’d:1sou]
1. <U ndosh +
unli>dan oldin
Institute ['institju:t]
2. S o ‘z oxiridagi
s o ‘ng
difficult [ difikalt]
* r harfi oldidan barcha unlilar urg 'u siz b o ‘g ‘inda [э] o ‘qiladi,
m asalan: gram m ar ['g ram a], teacher ['titja], doctor [’dokta]
I. Q u y id ag i fe’lla rn in g to ‘r t asosiy sh a k lin i yozing. 0 ‘tim li fe’lla r
(« va b) n in g sifatd o sh II sh a k lin i o ‘zb e k tilig a ta rjim a qiling.
to repeat, to translate, to study, to answ er, to discuss,
to receive, to ask, to w ash, to play, to stop, to decide,
to dress, to love, to use, to open, to revise, to finish
b) to read, to take, to do, to begin, to give, to see,
to spend, to m ake, to tell, to leave, to m eet, to send,
to hear, to find, to know , to put, to w ak e up
c) to go, to sit, to com e, to g et to, to be, to think,
to speak to
II. Ushbu so ‘z birikm alarini o ‘zbek tiliga tarjim a qiling:
a closed door, w ritten w ork, one o f the questions
discussed, a w ell-know n w riter, a w ell-dressed w om an,
a w ell-done translation, a badly-m ade dress
III. Q isqargan shakllarning o'q ilishiga e ’tib or berib quyidagi
gaplarning o ‘qilishini m ashq qiling:
1. H e ’s al'ready \> een here.|
I’ve 'ju st S p o k e n to him.|
W e’ve 'never 'done it be Yore.|
'H ave you 'ev er 'been to jL ondon?|
'H ave y o u Jseen the new film already?]
'H as he ^finished the w ork yet?|
7 . 1 'haven’t Y een him lately.]
8. She 'h a sn ’t Y hought o f it yet.]
IV. Q uyidagi gaplarni boMishsiz va (um um iy) s o ‘roq gap shaklida
I ’ve m et him before. 2. T h e y ’ve learned the new
rule. 3. H e ’s finished his w ork. 4. T he boy has w oken up.
5. S h e ’s m ade this m istake before. 6. T h e y ’ve had a long
w alk today.
V. A jratib k o‘rsatilgan so ‘zlarga savollar bering.
1. They’vQ never been to any foreign countries. (2)
2. We've already seen this new film. (2) 3. His friend has
translated two English books into R ussian. (3) 4. They Ve
never lived here. ( 1 ) 5 . They’ve sent us several telegrams
lately. (4)
VI. Berilgan so ‘z va so‘z birikm alaridan foydalanib, savollarga
javob bering.
a n in t e r e s t in g a r tic le
a new book
1. W h a t h a v e y o u
r e a d th is m o n th ?
a n E n g lish jo u r n a l
a R u s s ia n m a g a z in e
a lo t o f n e w s p a p e r s
se v e r a l n e w te x ts
a n e w film
W hat (w h o ) has
y o u r f r ie n d j u s t
s e e n (m e t)?
a stu d e n t fr o m G ro u p S e v e n
h i s s i s t e r ’s c h i l d r e n
h is p a r e n ts
h is b r o th e r
h is te a c h e r
3. W here have yo u
th e c in e m a
b e e n la te ly ?
(W h e r e h a s
th e th e a tre
(to )
th e c o u n tr y
y o u r fr ie n d b e e n
S a in t P e te r sb u r g ,
la te ly ? )
K ie v
T u g allan g a n hozirgi zam on s h a k lin in g ish latilish ig a e ’tib o r
q ilib, sa v o lla rg a ja v o b berin g .
a) 1. H ow m any English books have you read this
m onth?
2. W hen did you begin reading the last book?
3 . A re you still reading it?
4. W hat are you going to read next?
b) 1. H ave you seen any interesting film s lately?
2 . W hat did you see last {or did you last see)?
3 . H ow did you like it?
4. W hen are you going to the cinem a again?
c) 1. W h ere’s your friend? H as he left M oscow ?
2 . W hen did he go?
3. W here is he living (does he live) now ? ’
d) 1. H ave you had breakfast yet?
2 . W hen did you have it?
3 . W here did you have breakfast?
e) 1. H ave you ever been to Sochi?
How many times have you been there?
When did you go there last?
Were you there in the summer or in the winter?
Did you see much o f it?
V III. Infinitivni fe’l-kesim ning m os sh akli bilan alm ashtirib
qavslarni oching.
“You (to see) the new picture by Picasso?” - “Yes.”
- “How you (to like) it?” - “I like it very much.” 2. “You
ever (to be) to Saint Petersburg?” - “Yes. I (to go) there
last winter.” 3. “Is Father at home?” “No, he (not to come)
yet.” 4. I just (to finish) work and (to read) a book now.
5. “Where’s your son?” “He (not to come) home from
school yet. I think he still (to play) football.” 6. “When
your children (to come) back to town?” “They (not to
come) back yet.” 7. You (to do) the translation already?
You only (to begin) it 20 minutes ago. 8. “You (to finish)
the work yet? Can I have a look at it?” “Certainly. I (to
finish) it an hour ago.” 9. “I just (to have) breakfast, and
(to read) the paper,” I (to answer). “You (to get up) so
late?” he (to say) and (to ask) me to go to his place* at
once. 10. “When you (to come) to Moscow?” “A week
IX. N am una asosida gaplar tuzing va ularni o ‘zbek tiliga tarjim a
Have you done the translation vet?
I haven’t seen him yet.
Have you done the translation already?
He’s seen several interesting films this month.
I haven’t met them lately.
X. Q uyidagi gaplarni to‘ldiring va ularni o‘zbek tiliga tarjim a
Our friend has already ... .2 . I’ve j u s t . . . . 3. Have
you ever ... ? 4. We’ve never ... .5 . I’ve often . . . .
* Place - jo y ; to his place - uning uyiga
XI. F e’l-kesim ning zam on shakliga e ’tibor berib, gaplarni ingliz
tiliga tarjim a qiling.
A. 1. Singlimning o‘g‘li endi to‘rt yoshda, biroq u
allaqachon o‘qishni o‘rganib olgan. 2. Men bu haqda
hech eshitmagandim. 3. Siz yangi kvartiraga allaqachon
ko‘chib o‘tdingizmi? 4. 0 ‘rtoq Petrov menga hali bu
haqda aytmadi. 5. Sizdiktantdako'pxatoqilibsiz. 6. Sizbu
yozuvchini biror marta ko‘rganmisiz? 7. Bu oy men uchta
kitob o ‘qidim. 8. Mening do‘stim bir hafta oldin Kiyevga
ketdi va hali menga yozmadi. 9. Keyingi paytlarda men
ukamni ko‘rmadim. 10. Siz bugun gazetada zavodimiz
haqida o‘qidingizmi?
B. 1. Siz biron marta Londonda bo‘lganmisiz?- Yo‘q,
men u yerga bu yil boraman. 2. Bu kitobni (allaqachon)
o‘qib chiqdingizmi? Sizga u nechog‘lik yoqdi? 3. Men
bu filmni o‘tgan hafta ko‘rmoqchi edim, biroq uni faqat
aw algi kun ko‘ra oldim. 4. Bu yil men kino va teatrda
juda kam bo‘ldim. 5. 0 ‘g‘lingiz institutni (allaqachon)
tamomladimi? 6. Uning qizi institutni tamomladi va
hozir zavodda ishlayapti. - U (qiz) qachon institutni
tamomlagan? 7. Men buni bugun ertalab radioda eshitdim.
8. Men bu yerga kitobimni qo‘ygan edim, biroq uni hozir
topa olmayapman. - Bu sizning kitobingizmi? - Ha, u
qayerda ekan? 9. Siz biron marta Rigada boMganmisiz? Ha. - Qachon? - Besh yil oldin.
I. Q uyidagi so‘z birikm alarining o ‘qilishini m ashq qilib bo‘lib,
dars m atnini ovoz chiqarib o ‘qing.
t o 'g e t E b o o k s
I 'like ^Dickens
\ h e i r A >ooks a re
in ^English or in
'Here it Jis
't a k e s t h e Л о о к
'leaves the
II. U nlilarning u rg‘usiz b o‘g ‘inda o‘qilishiga e ’tibor berib,
quyidagi so ‘zIarni ovoz chiqarib o ‘qing:
a'gain, a'side, 'sofa, 'comrade, 'village, 'moderate,
re'ceive, be'gin, re'peat, re'buke, 'ticket, 'teacher, 'inter­
val, 'picnic, 'army, 'pilot, 'institute, 'multitude, 'difficult,
'doctor, 'motor, 'grammar, 'martyr
III. Q uyidagi s o ‘z!ar qaysi so ‘z turkum lariga kirishini aniqlang
va ularni o ‘zbek tiliga tarjim a qiling:
IV. Yangi so ‘zlardan foydalanib, savollarga javob bering.
a) 1. Is there a library at your office (in your Institute)?
2. What kind of books can you get at the library?
3. Are there any books on English History and
Geography there?
b) 1. Have you read any books by Oscar Wilde?
2. Have you read them in Russian or in English?
3. How many English books have you read lately?
4. Which of them would you advise (siz maslahat bergan bo‘lar edingiz) your friends to read?
c) 1. What subjects did you do (have) at school?
2. What marks did you usually get in Literature
(History, Geography)?
3. Were these subjects difficult or easy for you?
4. Did you learn any foreign languages in your
5. What language did you learn?
6. Who advise you to begin learning English again?
7. You don’t know English well yet. Are you sorry?
What are you going to do about it?
d) 1. Have you seen any interesting TV shows lately?
2. How did you like the last TV show? Can you tell us
about it?
3. What can you tell us about the last radio broadcast
you heard?
V. Quyidagi iboralardan
foydalanib, gaplar yoki vaziyatlar
N a m u n a 1: The baby is too small to walk yet.
too young - to go to school yet
too old - to work now
too thick - to read in a day
N a m u n a 2: I went to see my sister’s children
yesterday. I am going to write to my
parents all about them.
to learn History - to know all about it
to be going to speak on English Geography - to read all
about it
not to learn foreign languages in one’s childhood - to be
sorry (about it)
not to go to the theatre last week - to be sorry about it
not to be able to help one’s friends in time - to be sorry
(about it)
to be wrong (not to be right) - to be sorry (about it)
VI. Q uyidagi gaplardagi fc’l-kesim ni HZO, H Z D , T H Z va 0 ‘Z 0
shakllarida yozing:
1. They all learn these lessons.
2. We all have our English in the morning.
VII. G apdagi s o ‘z tartibiga e ’tib or berib, ularni ingliz tiliga
tarjim a qiling.
1. Mana
4. Mana
2. Mana
5. Mana
3. Mana
6. Mana
V III. Berilgan s o ‘zlardan foydalanib, gaplarni in gliz tiliga tarjim a qiling.
a) all
Biz hammamiz Grinning yangi kitobini o‘qib chiqdik. 2. Ular hammasi shaxmat o‘ynashni bilishadi. 3. Ular
hammasi ketishdi. 4. Siz hammangiz shu yerdamisiz? Yo‘q, bizdan uchtasi hali kelmadi. 5. Biz hammamiz bu
haqda bilamiz. 6. Ular hozirgina bizga bu haqda hammasini aytib berishdi. 7. Men allaqachon bu haqda hammasini o‘qib chiqdim. 8. Barcha talabalar ko‘p ishlashadi.
9. Barcha talabalarimiz ko‘p o‘qishadi. 10. Barcha bolalar
chang‘i uchishni yoqtirishadi. 11. Oilamizdagi barcha bo­
lalar royal chalishni o ‘rganishadi.
b) to be sorry (for, about)
Men u bilan gaplashib olmadim va bundan juda
afsusdaman. 2. Ular hammalari yiga achinishdi. 3. U kecha
kela olmaganidan juda afsusda. 4. Bunga afsuslanmang.
5. Bugun bu yerda qola olmasligimdan afsusdaman.
c) to be right (wrong)
Kechirasiz, siz nohaqsiz. 2. Noto‘g ‘ri! Buni yana
(qaytadan) bajaring. 3. Afsuski, u haq. 4. Bu to‘g‘rimi? Ha.
IX . Q avs ichida berilgan so ‘zlardan m osini tanlan g va uni tegishli
shaklda qoMlang.
“I asked you to bring me the new journal. Have you
(to bring, to take) it?” “I’m sorry, I’ve (to give, to take) it
to Ann. She’s going (to bring, to take) it back tomorrow.”
2. They began to work together twenty years ago and have
made several interesting films (lately, recently). We’ve
heard a lot about their work (lately, recently). 3. We spoke
to them (lately, a short time ago). 4. He’s been to many
countries (lately, recently), so he can tell us a lot about
their (people, peoples). 5. There were so many (people,
peoples) in the room that I couldn’t find my friend at
X. N uqtalar o ‘rniga kcrakli joy da tegishli predlog yoki ravish
yuklam alaridan m osini qo‘yib, gaplarni k o‘chiring.
I went to the Library o f Foreign Literature yester­
day. There were a lot ... people ... it. I wanted a book ...
Oscar Wilde and asked the librarian to show ... me some
... his books. 2. “These books are too difficult ... me.
What else could you bring ... me?” “I don’t think you are
right, you can take any ... these books. They are all easy.”
3. They were all sorry ... him. 4. He hasn’t seen the doctor
yet, and I’m very sorry ... it. 5. They’ve all g o n e .........
summer, and have left their dog ... me. 6. My son is doing
very well ... History and Geosraphy.
XI. Q uyidagi sanalarni so ‘z bilan yozing.
23.01.1945, 7.03.1982, 5.02.1969,
4.05.1947, 1.09.1991, 8.07.1950, 5.11.1998, 20.08.1981,
24.09.1955, 12.10.1983,19.11.1971, 28.12.1964.
X II. Yangi so ‘zlardan foydalanib, ingliz tiliga tarjim a qiling.
Siz kutubxonada (allaqachon) boMdingizmi?
— Yo‘q hali. Men u yerga darslardan soffig boraman.
2. Kutubxonada ko‘p odam edi va men u yerga kechqurun
borishga qaror qildim. 3. Siz Oskar Uayldning birorta
kitobini ingliz tilida o‘qiganmisiz? - Yo‘q, ular men
uchun ancha qiyin. Men uning kitoblarini o‘zbek tilida
o‘qiganman. - Men sizga bu kitobni olishni maslahat
beraman. U juda oson va qiziqarli. 4. O'qigani birorta
qiziqarli kitob olib keling, iltimos. - Yaxshi, men sizga
juda qiziqarli kitob berishim mumkin. Men uni avval
ba’zi do\stlarimga ham bergandim va u ularga juda
yoqdi. 5. Sizga televizordagi oxirgi ko‘rsatuv yoqdimi?
6. Bolaligimda men Sankt-Peterburgda yashaganman,
shuning uchun bu shaharni yaxshi bilaman. 7. Siz bu­
gun Annani ko‘rdingizmi? - Ha, u bu yerga hozirgina
kelgandi va tez orada ketdi. 8. Men hozir ketaman.
Siz mening kitob va jumallarimdan foydalanishingiz
mumkin. 9. Afsus, siz o‘zingiz bilan o ‘g ‘illaringizni olib
kelmabsiz. 10. Iltimos, menga bir b o ia k bo‘r bering. Mana, marhamat. 11. Mening dugonam kutubxonachi. U
tarix instituti kutubxonasida ishlaydi. 12. Bu oy sizlarda
geografiyadan nechta ma’ruza b o id i? 13. Men sizga
bu kitobni ko‘rsatmadim, chunki u siz uchun qiyin.
14. Men kecha kech oqshom keldim, shuning uchun
siznikiga kelolmadim. 15. Sizda Angliya tarixidan qanaqadir kitoblar bormi? - Ha, menda bir nechta bor.
16. Mamlakatimizning barcha xalqlari ms adabiyotini
bilishadi va sevishadi.
I. M atnni hikoya qilib bering: a) Sm irnov nom idan; b) ku­
tubxonachi nom idan.
II. Q uyidagi so ‘z va so ‘z birikm alaridan foydalanib “ At the
L ibrary” m avzusida qisqacha hikoya tuzing:
literature, people, in my childhood, a book by, difficult,
librarian, to show, to be sorry about, to advise, to bring,
to leave
III. Q uyidagi so ‘z va so ‘z birikm alaridan foydalanib, dialoglar
1. A t the Library
Could you ...?, to show; a book by; to be sorry; to read
all o f them
2. At the Office
Can I use ...? Certainly. Thank you. Could you help
...? to be sorry; to be going
Before Classes
Is ... right? to be right (wrong); How shall I ...? to
translate; thank you; It’s nothing at all
IV. Q uyidagi m avzularga hikoyalar tuzing:
1. In the Reading-room o f the Library o f Foreign
2. The Library in Our Factory.
3. My Son Goes to the Library for the First Time.
V. Ram ka ichidagi yangi so ‘z va iboralardan foydalanib, dialogni
ingliz tiliga tarjim a qiling. D ialogni sinfda sahnalashtiring.
1. - Telefoningizdan qo‘ng‘iroq qilib olsam maylimi?
- Marhamat
2. - Bu Annami?
-H a .
- Sen meni eshityapsanmi? Men hozir chiqyapman.
- Yaxshi.
3. - Bu gapni tarjima qilaymi?
- Ha, marhamat.
- (Talaba tarjima qiladi:) “Siz bu qiziq teleko‘rsatuvni ko‘rdingizmi?”
- To‘g‘ri. Rahmat.
- Davom etaymi?
- Yo‘q, yetarli. Rahmat.
VI. 0 ‘qituvchidan m atnni o‘qishingizni, gapni tarjim a qilishni,
d o‘stingizga yordam berishingizni, doskaga chiqishingizni,
boshlashni, davom etishni so ‘rang (D ars ram kasiga qarang).
VII. Q uyidagi dialogni o ‘qishni m ashq qiling, uni yod oling va
“ 'How 'long have you )been here, Mr Petrov?”|
“A'bout a jweek.”|
“ 'Have you 'seen T much o f jLondon?”|
“'Not Jyet, I but I’m )going Ao.”|
“'When are you Reaving?”!
“'Next >riday.”|
Text: A Telephone Conversation.
G ram m ar: 1. Ingliz tilida shartlilikni berilishi (52-§, 685-bet).
2. BoMishsiz so ‘roq gaplar (53-§, 688-bet).
3. T hat, if, w hen, as, because bogMovchilari bilan
keluvchi ergash gaplar (54-§, 689-bet).
Ann: H aljloJ is 'that Jyou, Mary?| H ow Vre
you?| W hy didn’t you 'go to glasses yesterday?!
Mary: Halylo, Ann.I I 'felt ] very )ill Jyesterday.l I
'couldn’t t even 'get up.l
Ann: 'W h a t w as the \ n a t t e r with you?!
Mary: I 'd o n ’t X n o w J I 'h a v e n ’t 'seen th e d o cto r
J y e t J I h a d a high ^ tem p eratu re !
Ann: 'Can you ‘go to the 'Institute tojday?!
Mary: )NoJ I ’m a fra id I V an’t.l The 'doctor’s
'coming 'this \nom ing.l I 'feel I sh o u ld ] stay in 'bed for
a t few \lays.| I’m very 'sorry I 'have to j miss 'several
Ann: That’s 'all Aight.l You 'mustn’t 'come if you are
ytllj You should certainly 'stay in Ibed.l You can 'have
my Votes ^if you AikeJ 'Can I 'come to Лее you today?!
Mary: ^Certainly.! 'Please 'come 'round 'after VlassesJ
Ann: I’m Vor^yJ but I 'have to 'go to the library
after Jclasses* to 'get some V ookst for my )talk.|
Mary: V ) o n ’t g o t o t h e A i b r a r y J I’ve 'g o t a \ l o t o f
'i n t e r e s t i n g 'b o o k s a t V o m e J You c a n 't a k e V n y o f t h e m . 1!
Ann: 'All AightJ 'Can I 'get to your place by the
t 41 tram?!
Mary: ’Yes, but V on’t come by V am J There’s a
'new 'underground Jstation* 'near my Vouse AiowJ It
'takes me | fifteen \n in u tc s * to 'get to the 'Institute by
Ann: 'Very JgoodJ and 'now I must 'h u rry to the
institute.! See you AaterJ
Mary: Till 'this yfevening then.! 'Don’t for get to | bring
me your Votes.! R ing me u p if you j can’t VomeJ
“ How are you?"
A hvolingiz qanday?
“ Very w ell, thank you.” (“N ot
very w ell, I’m afraid.”)
Rahm at, yaxshi. (U nchalik yaxshi
em as.)
“ W hat’s the m atter?” (“ W hat’s
the m atter w ith you?”)
N im a boMdi? N im a gap?
“ I think I’ve got a cold.”
0 ‘ylashim cha, sham ollab qolibman.
1. You can ta k e any o f them . Sen ulardan
xohlaganingni olishing mumkin. BoNishli darak gapda
any gumon olmoshi xohlagan ma’nosini beradi.
2. It takes me fifteen m in u tes to get to th e In stitu te
... Institutga borishga 15 minut vaqtim ketadi ...(Men
institutga 15 m inutdayetaman ...)
How long does it take to
get from Moscow to
Saint Petersburg?
Moskvadan Sankt-Peter- .
burgga borishga qancha
vaqt ketadi?
В unday turdagi gaplarda
ishlatilishiga e ’tibor bering.
How long did it take you
to tra n sla te this article?
It took me two hours to
do it.
ingliz tilida
Bu maqolani tarjima
qilishga qancha vaqtingiz
Bunga mening ikki soat
vaqtim ketdi.
to m iss
a conversation
to have to (to have got to)
H ow are you?
w hy
a note
to feel (felt, felt)
to m ake notes
to feel ill
a place
to feel well
to com e (go) to on e’s place
to feel bad
to be at o n e’s place
to get to a place
to be ill
a tram
to go by tram (by bus, trolley-bus)
to take (get) a taxi
a tram stop
a talk
an underground
to have a talk
to go by underground
to give a talk
a station
to talk
an underground station
W h a t’s the m atter?
a m inute
to see a doctor
to hurry
See you later.
to forget (forgot, forgotten)
a tem perature
to rem em ber
to be afraid o f
to ring up (rang up, rung up)
a few
(See Vocabulary for Lesson N ine, p. 535)
0 ‘qish qoidasi
Ikkita ketm a-ket kelgan r dan oldin unlilar urg‘u ostida
unlilarning o ‘qilishining II-turidagi kabi o ‘qiladi, m asalan:
hurry [Ъ лп] shoshilm oq
sorry ['sori] kechirasiz
I. m u s t m odal fc’li va to h a v e to (to h a v e g o t to) oborotining
ishlatilishiga e ’tibor berib quyidagi gaplarning o ‘qilishini
m ashq qiling. (52-§)
A. 1. All 'children must t go to )school.|
You must 'do it at )once.|
2. They must 'go and ‘see his /^pictures, | \oo.\
3 . Y j o there | i f you imust.|
4. 'Must I Igo there at jonce?|
'Shall I 'bring the 'book to jmorrow?|
5. You 'mustn’t 'go out.|
B. 1. His 'wife has to Tstay at yhome | with their 'little )son.|
I’ve 'got to ^go yhow.|
2. 'What does he 'have to 'do Vext? | (='What has he
IgQt to 'do next?|)
3. They 'needn’t \lo it.|
4 . 1 'had to 'stay at ^om e.l
'Did you 'have to f get up Jearly?|
He 'didn’t 'have to reV eat his question.|
• 5.1 'think j you should 'go T out for a \v a lk every
evening. I
6. They 'shouldn’t 'speak about it Vow.
Berilgan so ‘zlardan foydalanib, gaplarni to ‘ldiring. K erakli
o ‘zgartishlar kiritishni unutm ang. G aplarni o ‘zb ek tiliga
tarjim a qiling.
1 .1 (you, we, they) m u s t...
be in time for work,
speak to him on the
listen to the radio
see them tomorrow
give the books back to
the library in time,
work hard at one’s
answer letters in time.
must go and
2. They (you, J
he, she) \ must come
and ...
have dinner (lunch,
supper) with ...
the new English film,
one’s parents,
the new theatre in our
the new cinema in that
play a game o f chess
with . . . .
our new school,
one’s grandchild,
see our new house,
play the piano to ... .
3. Must I (we)
go to bed so early?
have a dictation again
finish the work
translate all these
letters today?
stay in town all the
begin the work at
4. You musn’t
go to bed so late,
speak Russian in class,
go to the cinema every
skate (ski) all day long,
read books in bed.
5. I’ve got to
(= I have t o ) ...
He’s got to
(= He has to) ...
I (he, she, they) had to ...
work hard at one’s
English (German,
go to see ...
6. Do I (you, they, we) have
to (= Have I (you, they,
we) got to) ...
Does he (she) have to (=
Has he (she) got t o ) ...
Did I (you, he, she, we,
they) have to (= Had I
(you, he, she, we, they)
got to)...
spend so much time
on one’s English
(German, French)?
have dinner late?
7. They (I, we, you) don’t
have to (= haven’t got
to) ...
He (she) doesn’t have to
(= hasn’t got to)...
They (I, we, you, he, she)
needn’t ...
They (I, we, you, he, she)
didn’t have to...
go to the library,
get up very early,
wake ... up.
write to ... tonight,
stay in town,
ask ... to dinner,
take all these subjects,
show (one’s) work to ...
I I I . Q uyidagi gaplarni boMishsiz va (um um iy) s o ‘roq gap shaklida
1 .1
often have to go to the library. 2. She has to stay in
bed. 3. I’ve got to speak to you. 4. H e’s got to see a lot of
people today. 5. He had to go for the book at once. 6. She
had to go to bed late last night.
IV . Berilgan nam unalarga o‘xshash dialoglar tuzing.
1 .“- Shall I do it now?”
No, you needn’t. You can do it tomorrow morning.”
Shall I begin reading?”
Yes, do.” (Yes, please.)
Can I do the work tomorrow?”
No, you must do it now (today).”
You’ve got to do this work now?”
Oh, have I?”
Why didn’t you come?”
1 couldn’t. I had to help my father with his work.”
V. M odal oborotlarga e ’tibor berib, savollarga javob bering.
Do you have to get up early?
When do you have to get up?
Does your mother have to wake you up?
Did you have to get up early today, too?
When did you have to get up?
Did you have breakfast today or did you have to go to
the office without it?
7. Why do you sometimes have to go to the office without
8. Did you go to the country last week-end or did you
have to stay at home?
9. Why did you have to stay at home?
10. How often do you have to stay at home?
11. Have you got to stay at home this week-end, too, or
are you going to the country?
V I. Q uyidagi m odal fe ’l va oborotlardan m osini q o‘yib , gaplarni
to ‘ldiring. C an, could, b e able to, m u st, h a v e to (ha ve g o t to),
n ee d n 7, s h a ll
I ... not go to the theatre with them last night, I
... revise the grammar rules and the words for the test.
2. My friend lives a long way from his office and ... get
up early. 3. All o f us ... be in time for classes. 4. When my
friend has his English, he ... stay at the office after work.
He (not) ... stay at the office on Tuesday, Thursday and
Saturday and ... get home early. 5. ... you ... work hard
to do well in your English? 6. “ ... we discuss this question
now?” “No, we . . . . We ... do it tomorrow afternoon.”
7. I'm glad you ... come. 8. “ ... you ... come and have
dinner with us tomorrow?” “I’d love to.” 9. “Please send
them this article.” “Oh, ... I do it now?”
VII. M odal fe’l va oborotlarning ishlatilishiga e ’tibor berib,
gaplarni ingliz tiliga tarjim a qiling.
1. Kecha men bu xatlarning barchasiga javob berishimga to‘g‘ri keldi. 2. Bugun diktant yozishimiz
shartmi? - Ha, ertaga biz yangi dars boshlaymiz.
3. Annani ham tushlikka taklif qilaymi? - Ha, marhamat.
4. Ob-havo yomon bo'lganligi uchun uyda qolishingizga
to‘g‘ri keldimi? 5. Siz, albatta, kelib bizning o‘g‘limizni
ko‘rishingiz kerak. - Bajon-u dil. 6. Kolya bilan hozir
sayr qilib kelaymi? - Yokq, kerak emas (hojati yo‘q). U
soat uchda uxlashi kerakligini bilasiz-ku. 7. Uyquga kech
yotishni yoqtirmayman, biroq ba’zan (kech yotishimga)
tolg‘ri keladi. 8. Bu ishni kecha nihoyasiga yetkazishimga
to‘g‘ri kelmaganligidan xursandman. 9. Do‘stingiznikiga
tashrif buyurishingizga to‘g‘ri keladi. U kecha darsga
kelmadi. 10. Siz nimaga kelmadingiz? - Men kela olma­
dim, bolalarimni shifokorga olib borishimga to‘g ‘ri kel­
di. 11. Siz kutubxonaga borishingizga hojat yo‘q, bizning
uyimizda ko‘p kitoblarimiz bor va siz o‘zingiz yoqtirgan
kitobingizdan istaganingizni olishingiz mumkin. 12. U
bizni bunchalik erta uyg‘otishining hojati yo;q.
V III. Q uyidagi nam unalarga asoslanib gaplar tuzing. (53, 54-§§)
A. 1. Didn’t you know?
2. Why didn’t you come?
3. Haven’t you seen the film?
B. 1. My sister writes she’s coming to Moscow.
2 . 1 knew him when we went to college together.
3. Speak to him if you must.
IX. G aplarni ingliz tiliga tarjim a qiling.
a) BoMishsiz so ‘roq gaplarning tarjim asiga e ’tibor bering:
1. Nimaga siz bu so‘zlami bilmaysiz? - Afsuski, men
ularni kecha takrorlay olmadim. 2. Siz kecha adabiyotning ma’ruzasida yo‘qmidingiz? 3. Nahotki siz biz bilan
shahar chetiga bora olmaysiz? 4. 0 ‘rtoq Petrov ketganini
nahotki eshitmagan bo‘lsangiz? 5. Nahotki sizning qizingiz maktabga bormasa? - Yo‘q, u hali juda kichkina.
6. Nimaga siz mening savolimga javob bera olmayapsiz?
Uni takrorlaymi? - Ha, iltimos, men uni eshitmay
Ergash gaplarning tarjim asiga e ’tibor bering:
Agar siz birorta so‘zni bilmasangiz, men sizga
matnni tarjima qilishga yordam berishim mumkin.
2. 0 ‘rtoq Petrov bir nechta chet tillarida gapirishini
bilasizmi? 3. Agar siz kutubxonaga tez-tez borib tursangiz
o‘rtoq Smimovni tanishingiz kerak, chunki u o‘sha yerda
ishlaydi. 4. Diktantingizda yana xato ko‘pligini nahotki
bilmaysiz? 6. Bu kitobni olmang, agar siz uchun uni juda
qiyin deb o‘ylasangiz. 7. Men doim do‘stlarimdan xat
olganimda quvonaman.
I. Q u yidagi so ‘z birikm alarini o‘qishni m ashq qilib b o ‘lib, dars
m atnini ovoz chiqarib o ‘qing:
'Is 'that jyou?
'What was the
\n atter?
'get to your
for'getto 'bring
fo ra 'few \iay s
if you are Jill
II. Q uyidagi so ‘zlarni ovoz chiqarib o‘qing:
a) carry, flurry, merry, hurry, marry, berries, ferry,
lorry, scurry, barrel, squirrel
b) ciga'rette, a'far, 'interval, 'mischief, to'bacco,
re'mark, remember, 'delicate, a'side, ar'rive
III. Q uyidagi s o ‘zlar qaysi so ‘z turkum lariga kirishini aniqlang
va ularni o‘zbek tiliga tarjim a qiling:
IV. Yangi so ‘zlardan foydalanib, m atnga 15 ta savol tuzing.
V. Yangi so ‘zlardan foydalanib, savollarga javob bering.
a) 1. Are you often ill?
2. When were you ill last?
3. What was the matter with you?
4. Did you have to see the doctor?
5. How long did you have to stay at the doctor’s?
6. What did you have to do? Did you have to stay in
7. How long did you have to stay in bed?
b) 1. Why did your friend miss several lessons last week
2. Did he have a high temperature?
3. How does he feel now?
4. Did you go to see your friend when he was ill?
5. How did you get to his place?
6. How long did it take you?
c) 1. How do you usually get to your Institute (the office,
2. Can you get home by underground?
3. How long does it take you to get to your place by
4. Is there a bus (trolley-bus) stop near your place?
d) 1. Do you usually hurry to your Institute in the mor­
2. Why do you hurry?
3. Do you sometimes forget to take one o f your things
when you go to your Institute (to work)?
4. What must you do so as not to forget?
e) 1. W hich o f y o u usually goes to see students w ho are
D o y o u usually rin g them up before y o u go?
W hy do y o u do so?
C an y o u r friends use y o u r notes w hen they are ill?
D o y o u alw ays m ake notes at the lectures?
W hat do y o u do to help students w ho have had to
m iss a few lessons?
VI. Q uyidagi so ‘zIardan gap lar tuzing:
1. usually, it, m e, to get, takes, m y, an hour, to, office;
2. it, him , this, took, days, book, to read, ten;
3. her, takes, it, breakfast, tw enty m inutes, to have,
alw ays;
4. take, did, h o w long, it, to do, you, your, hom ew ork?
VII. A jratib k o‘rsatilgan so ‘zlarga savollar q o‘ying.
1. It usually takes m e half an hour to g et up, w ash
and dress. (1) 2. It took us fifteen minutes to discuss the
question yesterday. (1) 3. It has taken m e two days to read
these notes. (1) 4. It took them an hour to g et there by
car. (1)
V III. B erilgan so ‘z va iboralardan foydalanib, gaplarni ingliz
tiliga tarjim a qiling.
a) it takes
1. 0 ‘rtoq P etrov shahar chetida yashaydi. V azirlikka
u ikki soatda boradi. (V azirlikka borish uchun uning ikki
soat vaqti ketadi.) 2. M a ’ruza q ilishga sizning qancha
v aqtingiz ketdi? - (M enga) ikki soat ketdi. 3. Bu ham m a
x atlarga ja v o b berishga uning qancha vaqti ketdi? - U nga
faqat bir soat ketdi. 4. B u ishni y akunlashga sizning
qancha vaq tin g iz ketdi? - 0 ‘n kun.
b) good, well, bad, badly
1. M ening d o ‘stim ikkita chet tilini yaxshi biladi.
2. Sizning ju d a yaxshi bolalaringiz b o r ekan. 3. M en bu
m atnni yaxshi tarjim a qila olm ayapm an, chunki k o ‘p
so ‘zlam i bilm aym an. 4. K echa siz bu darsni yom on
o ‘qidingiz. 5. K echa ob-havo yom on edi. 6. B ugun
qizim o ‘zini yom on his qilyapti. 7. M en siznikiga kela
olm aym an, chunki o ‘zim ni yom on his qilyapm an.
very, very much
1. Siz royalni juda yaxshi chalarkansiz. 2. Bu film juda
qiziqarli va u m enga ju d a yoqdi. 3. M en o ‘qituvchim izni
k o ‘rishni (k o ‘rgani borishni) ju d a xohlaym an. 4. Bugun
ob-havo ju d a yaxshi. 5. 0 ‘rtoq Sm irnov siz bilan gaplasha
olm aydi, u o ‘zini ju d a yom on his qilyapti.
to leave, to forget
1. S iz gram m atik qoidalam i unutm asligingiz kerak.
2. M en daftarim ni sinfda unutib qoldiribm an. 3. Eski
d o ‘stlam i unutm ang. 4. D arslikni uyda unutib qoldirm a.
5. K itoblam i olishni unutm ang. 6. M enim cha, m en ruchkam ni shu yerda qoldiribm an. S iz uni k o ‘rm adingizm i?
7. Siz kecha unikiga kirishni unutib q o ‘ydingizm i yoki
vaqtingiz b o im a d im i? 8. B u ju m a ln i kim bu yerda unutib
qoldirdi? 9. K echirasiz, m en bu m atnni tarjim a qilishni
unutibm an. 10. Sum kangizni qayerda qoldirdingiz? E sim da y o ‘q.
e) to be afraid
N eg a bola vrachdan q o ‘rqadi? 2. U kechqurun uydan
(tashqariga) chiqishdan q o ‘rqadi. 3. U bir s o ‘z aytishdan
ham q o ‘rqadi. 4. U sizga bu haqda aytishni unutgan, deb
q o ‘rqam an. 5. Siz m eni eslay olm aysiz, deb q o ‘rqam an.
6. S iz hozir u nga telefon qila olasizm i? - A fsuski, y o ‘q.
(Yo‘q, (telefon qilolm aym an) deb q o ‘rqam an.) M en ho­
zir ketishim kerak.
f) certainly
U , shubhasiz, bu fanni ju d a yaxshi biladi. 2. Siz,
albatta, shifokorga borishingiz (uchrashishingiz) kerak.
3. Siz m enga bir nechta ju m a lla m i k o ‘rsatib yubora
olm aysizm i? - A lbatta. 4. S iz m enga yordam
o lasizm i? - A lbatta.
IX. N uqtalar o ‘rniga kerakli joyd a tegishli predloglarni q o ‘yib,
gaplarni k o‘chiring.
I ’m hurrying ... the Institute. M y frie n d ’s going t o e
give a talk ... E nglish H istory and I w ant to listen ...h im .
2. “ W h at’s the m a tte r ... y ou?” “I feel Г ve g o t a tem perature
and I c a n ’t even talk ... you. I m ust see m y doctor.”
3. “ H ow do I g e t ... y o u r b ro th e r’s?” “I think y o u can get
there ... bus. H urry ... . I ’m afraid y o u are late already.”
4. W hy do you always forget to put all these books back
... their places after you have used them ? 5. I wanted to
talk ... him ... the lecture when I saw him ... the trolley­
bus stop, but I forgot. 6. He always m akes notes ... all the
lectures. I f you w ant to use his notes, talk ... him ... it.
7. W hat is he afraid ...? 8. I had an interesting talk ...
them. I was sorry you were not there. 9. “ Shall we meet
... my place?” “ ... what tim e?”
X. Q avs ichidagi so ‘zlardan m osini kerakli joyga q o‘ying.
You read this lesson (bad, badly). 2. I d o n ’t think
I play the piano (w ell, good). 3. C om rade P etrov gave a
talk yesterday (w ell, good). 4. M y son feels today (bad,
badly). 5. D o you feel today (w ell, good)? 6. W hy is
the child playing here w hen he is (sick, ill)? He m u stn ’t
go out. I ’m going to (talk to, speak to, tell) his m other
about it. 7. T here are only (a few, several) easy books by
E nglish w riters in this library, and they are all out now.
I ’ve taken (a few, several) E nglish books from here, but
they are all too difficult for m e. 8. P lease tell u s (a few,
several, som e) th in g s about y o u r last holiday. 9. I d id n ’t
like all his lectures, I only liked (several, som e) o f them .
10. I d o n ’t rem em ber w here I (to leave, to forget) my
notes. 11. T here are several very (tall, high) trees n ear our
house. 12. He w as a (tall, high) boy o f fifteen. 13. T here
are a lot o f (tall, high) houses in this street. I think a lot o f
(people, peoples) live in them . 14. H e w as a (low, short)
m an o f about forty. 15. There w ere several chairs and a
(low, short) sofa in the room .
XI. Yangi so ‘zlardan foydalanib, gaplarni ingliz tiliga tarjim a
Salom , ahvollaringiz qalay? - R ahm at, ju d a yaxshi. Siz kecha adabiyotdan m a’ruzada b o ‘ldingizm i? A fsuski, y o ‘q. M en o ‘zim ni yom on his qildim va uyda
qolishim kerak edi. 2. Sizga nim a bo‘ldi? Kasalm isiz? Siz
shifokorga borishingiz kerak. 3. Siz, odatda, ota-onangiznikiga qanday (yetib) borasiz? - B a ’zan m en tram vayda boram an, b a ’zan esa avtobus va m etroda. - U yerga
yetib borish uchun qancha vaqtingiz ketadi? - A vtobus va
m etroda faqat y igirm a daqiqa. 4. Siz m enga adabiyotdan
konspektingizni berib tura olm aysizm i? - A lbatta, m enikiga (uyga) ertaga kechqurun keling. - Y axshi, rahm at.
5. M enga telefon qilishni unutmang. 6. M en bu gram m atik
qoidani eslab qola olmayapman. 7. M a’ruza soat to‘qqizda
boshlanadi. B iz shoshilishim iz kerak. 8. Sizning isitm angiz bor. Siz, albatta, uyda qolib shifokoringizga telefon
qilishingiz kerak. 9. Siz m a ’ruzangizni o ‘qidingizm i? Yo‘q, m en institutda b o ‘lm adim (institutga borm adim ),
m en kasal edim . 10. D arslarni yaxshi tayyorlash uchun
sizga qancha vaqt kerak b o ‘ladi? - O datda, m enga birikki soat ketadi, agar vazifa unchalik qiyin boTm asa.
11. B u novcha kishiga qarang. Siz uni eslaysizm i? B iz
institutda birga o ‘qigan edik. 12. N im ag a (sizga) d o ‘stingizning konspektini s o ‘rashingizga to ‘g ‘ri keldi? M en bu hafta bir nechta m a ’ruza qoldirdim , shuning
uchun d o ‘stim ning konspektlaridan foydalanishim ga
to ‘g ‘ri kelyapti. 13. Sen hoziroq P etrov bilan gaplashib olishing kerak. N im ag a sen u nga telefon qilishni
xohlam aysan? - U hozir uyda em as deb q o ‘rqam an. M en
uning oldiga institutga shoshilishim kerak. 14. 0 ‘rtoq
P etrov m a ’ruza o ‘qiganda uni tinglagani doim k o ‘p odam
XII. Q uyidagi m atnni ingliz tiliga tarjim a qiling va uni aytib
P etrov kasal b o ‘lib, beshta m a ’ruza o ‘tk az ib yuborganda uning d o ‘stlari Sm irnov va N ikitinlar uni k o ‘rgani
borishdi. M etroda ular uning uy ig ach a 20 d aq iq ad a yetib
borishdi va unikida bir necha soat b o ‘lishdi. U lar birga
dars tayyorlashdi, inglizcha gaplashishdi v a darslikdan
yangi m atnlam i m uhokam a qilishdi. U lar soat beshda
ketishm oqchi b o ‘lishdi, biroq Petrov ulardan qolishni
s o ‘radi. “B unchalik erta ketm ang. B ugun televizorda
ju d a q iziqarli film bor. B iz film ni to m o sh a q ilish im iz yoki
bir p artiy a shaxm at o ‘ynashim iz m um kin” . Petrovning
yaxshi televizori bor. U ning d o ;stlariga film ju d a yoqdi
v a ular unikidan kech soat sakkizdagina ketishdi. P etrov
o ‘zini yaxshi his qilganida, u yana m ash g 6ulotlarga qatnay
boshladi, unga o ‘qituvchilaridan yordam so 'ra sh ig a to ‘g ‘ri
kelm adi.
I. Q uyidagi savollarga kengaytirib javob bering:
1. W hat did A nn do that day?
2. W hat did M ary do at hom e?
II. Q u yidagi so ‘z va so ‘z birikm alaridan foydalanib, kichik
hikoyalar tuzing:
A Visit to a Sick Friend
to ring up, to go to see, how are you, w hat is the
m atter, to have a tem perature, to feel bad, to have to,
to see a doctor, to get a cold, to be sorry, to m iss classes
Seeing a Doctor
to feel ill, to have a tem perature, to have to, to see
a doctor, to g et the flu, to advise, to stay in bed, to m iss
classes, to decide, to ring up
How I Get to the Office
near (a long w ay from ), to have to, to get to,
an underground station, to go by bus (trolley-bus), to go
by underground, to hurry, to forget, it takes m e, to be in
tim e for
At the Institute
to have classes, to give a lecture, interesting, to m ake
notes, not to like to use m y frien d s’ notes, to discuss,
several, to be sorry, if, to have to, to m iss
III. Q uyidagi so ‘z va so‘z birikm alaridan foydalanib, dialoglar
1. H ello. H ow are y ou? I ’m afraid, to get a cold, to my
place, see you later
2. Is t h a t ...? why, because, to get ill, I feel I m ust, to stay
in bed
3. C an I use ...? certainly, thank you, it’s nothing at all
4. H ow do I g e t ...? by bus (trolley-bus), H ow long does it
take ...? D o n ’t f o rg e t...
5. H ave you read ... yet? T here are ... pages left. C ould
you ...? certainly, thank you, not at all
IV. 8- va 9-darslardagi yangi so ‘zlardan foydalanib, o ‘z ish
kuningizni tasvirlang.
V. Q uyidagi dialogni o ‘qishni m ashq qiling, uni yod oling va
“ 'H o w V e you, M r P etrov?”|
“ 'Very Jw ell, thank you.| A nd 'how are V о й » M r
B row n.” |
“ V o t very w ell I ’m a jfraid .” |
“ 'W h at’s the 'm atter?”!
“I 'think I ’ve 'got a Vold.”|
“T hen you 'sh o uldn’t 'go \)u t.| The V e a th e r ’s t very
V o id today.) 'Shall I 'send you a jd o cto r?”|
, “ )Yes,| jth an k y o u .”|
L E S S O N T E N (T H E T E N T H L E S S O N )
Text: A Letter to a Friend.
1. Kelasi zamon oddiy (K Z O ) fe ’li (The Future
Indefinite Tense) (55-§, 691-bet).
2. A niqlovchi ergash gaplar (56-§, 696-bet).
3. T ill (u n til), as soon as, befo re, afte r, w hile
bogMovchilari bilan keluvchi ergash gaplar
(54-§, 2-(b) qism, 689-bet).
23rd June 1 9 8 ...
‘D e a r )V ictorj
I ’m 'very 'sorry I f co u ld n ’t 'w rite to you j last JweekJ
because I w as 'very ^tmsyj A t 'last I ’ve 'taken m y f L i­
terature examiytiationl and I’m 'quite YreeJ W hen my
'w ife 'takes her j last e'xam J next Aveek,1! w e ’ll 'go to
Afalta* for a ^holiday.! I ^hope w e shall have a j good
\im e there.l You 'know how w e J love the /\/sea.| We are
'going to Jswim,* 'lie on the ykeach,* and Aunbathet
'tw o o r t three 'hours a V a y .2! You 'w rite that you j c a n ’t
fo r'g et th e 'holiday w hich w e f spent there f tw o 'years
c a n ’t f o r g e t it Vither.1 I ’m 'awfully 'sorry you
w ill t n o t be 'able to ^go w ith us* \ h i s yearj
'W hen are you 'going to 'have
holiday?! 'Is your
'w ife ’s 'health j still jpoor?! I 'hope that she w ill j soon
be all Jright.l 'H o w 'long do you injtcnd to 'stay in the
Vountry?! 'Is there a 'river and a Avood there?!
I ’ll be 'back t early in \\u g u s t* in 'order f not to
m iss m y f m o th e r’s ^birthday.! She w ill be V ixAy* on
the \ e n t h o f A ugust, you know.!
I 'think I’ll be 'able to f go to Jsee you* 'som e 'tim e at
the I end of the \n o n th .l
V our
I shall be 'very 'glad to A e a r from you* be'fore we
'L ove to you ja llj
iB orisJ
1. W hen my w ife tak es h e r last exam next w eek...
Xotinim bir haftadan so ‘ng oxirgi imtihonini topshirsa...
L ast s o ‘zining ikkita m a ’nosi bor: a) oxirgi (tartib
b o ‘yicha), m asalan: the last lesson oxirgi dars; b) o'tgan
(vaqt b o ‘yicha). B u m a ’noda last s o ‘zi vaqtni bildiruvchi
otlar bilan ishlatiladi va ular bilan yaxlit so ‘z birikm asini
tashkil qilib, artikl va predlogsiz ishlatiladi, chunki so ‘z
birikm asining ham m asi m a ’no jih atid an ravish xarakteriga ega, m asalan:
last year
o ‘tg an yil
last w eek
o ‘tgan hafta
last m onth
o ‘tg an oy
2. ... an d su n b a th e hvo o r th re e h o u rs a d a y . ... va
kuniga bir-ikki soat oftobda toblanish. Kuniga, haftasiga,
oyiga (■• marta) kabi s o ‘z birikm alarida ingliz tilida
predlog ishlatilm asligiga e ’tibor bering; ushbu ingliz
tilidagi so ‘z birikm alaridagi noaniq artikl bir m a ’nosini
three tim es a w eek
bir haftada uch m arta
four lessons a m onth
bir oyda to ‘rtta dars
six books a y ear
bir yilda oltita kitob
H o w m any hours a day do
S iz bir kunda necha
you w ork?
soat ishlaysiz?
3 . 1 c a n ’t forget it either. Men ham u(lar)ni esimdan
chiqarolmayman. 0 ‘zbek tilidagi ham s o ‘ziga ingliz tilida
bir nechta so ‘z to ‘g ‘ri keladi - too, also, either. Too va
also b o ‘lishli darak gap va b o ‘lishli s o ‘roq gaplarda, either
esa b o ‘lishsiz darak gap va b o ‘lishsiz s o ‘roq gaplarda
M en ham buni ju d a yaxshi
I rem em ber it very
eslaym an.
w ell, too.
I also
rem em ber his
M en uning akasini ham es­
laym an.
M en ham buni eslolm aym an.
C an ’t you rem em ber it
N ahotki, siz ham buni eslolm asangiz?
I ca n ’t rem em ber
to be busy
at last
an exam (exam ination)
to prepare for an exam (exam ination)
to take an exam (exam ination)
to pass an exam (exam ination)
to exam ine
at all
to be free
a holiday
to have a holiday
to be (aw ay) on holiday
to go to som e place for a (one’s) holiday
a m onth’s holiday
two m onths’ holiday
a holiday-centre
a holiday-hom e
to rest
to have a test
to hope
to have a good tim e
a sea
a seaside
to swim
to intend
a river
a bank
a wood
early i n ...
in ord er (not) to
so as (not) to
to lie (lay, lain)
a beach
the sun
to lie in the sun
to sunbathe
aw fully
on e’s birthday
a birthday party
(the) end
at the end o f
(the) beginning
at the beginning o f
to hear (heard, heard)
to hear from sm b.
(See Vocabulary for Lesson Ten, p. 540)
S o‘z yasash
-in g [iq] - fe ’ldan yasalgan otning suffiksi:
__________ to begin boshlam oq - beginning boshlanishi___________
1. KZO fe’lini ishlatilishiga e ’tibor berib, quyidagi gaplarni
o ‘qishni m ashq qiling. G aplarni o ‘zbek tiliga tarjim a qiling.
' W h e n w i l l t h e ' l e c t u r e b e \ [ i n ?|
Г 11 ' t e l l y o u t a l l a ' b o u t it w h e n I
\e e
v o u .|
3. Н е’И 'finish the 'w ork i f you ^help him.|
4. 'W hen w ill the 'children be'gin 'learning j" foreign
lan g u ag es?!
5. They 'w o n ’t 'learn j foreign ^languages* until they
are e)leven.|
6. We 'shan’t Jgo * if you 'don’t 'ring us \ip .|
7. I 'think ГИ go w ith you, \ o o .|
8. She 'probably 'w o n ’t \:o m e today.|
9 . 'Will you be 'back Jsoon?|
10. I 'hope there w o n ’t be j m any m is'takes in your
'test \ h i s tim e.|
11. 'Shall we be 'able to 'finish the 'work tOy4norrow?|
12. I ’m a'fraid w e ’ll 'have to 'do it to \ia y .|
Q u y id ag i g a p la rn i b o ‘lishsiz v a (u m u m iy ) so ‘roq g ap sh a k lid a
1. There w ill be a lot o f people at the lecture today.
2. I ’ll be in tom orrow m orning. 3. H e ’ll be out tom orrow
afternoon. 4. T he talk w ill be very interesting. 5. I shall
forget about it. 6. H e w ill rem em ber us. 7. T here w ill be
a lot o f w o rk to do tom orrow . 8. I shall be able to go to
classes soon. 9. H e w ill be able to go w ith us. 10. I ’ll have
to stay at hom e this evening. 11. Y ou’ll have to hurry.
III. Q uyidagi jadvaldan foydalanib gap lar tuzing. Kerakli
o‘zgartish lar kiritishni unutm ang. G ap larn i o ‘zbek tiliga
tarjim a qiling.
do it
write t o ...
read this book
t e l l ... all about it
play the piano
have a game o f
... s e e ( s ) ... friend.
... have (has) time.
... finish(es) this
... don’t (doesn’t)
see ... friend.
... don’t (doesn’t)
finish this work.
w on’t
IV. Berilgan so ‘zlardan foydalanib, n am u nalar asosida gaplar
1. W on’t y ou sit d o w n , please?
Sit dow n, please, w o n ’t you?
2. W ill you help her, please?
H elp her, p lease, w ill you?
open the w indow ; close the door; rin g ... up; help ...
w ith ... hom ew ork (E nglish); com e in; go to see ... •
V. KZO fe’lin in g ishlatilishiga e ’tibor berib, savollarga javob
1. W hy w ill you have to get up early tom orrow ?
2. H ow long w ill it take if you go to y o u r office (Institute)
by bus (trolley-bus, underground)?
3. W hat w ill you do if you have to give a talk?
4. W hat will you have to do i f you get a bad m ark for
5. W hat w ill you have to do if you get ill?
6. W hat w ill you do after you graduate?
7. W hen w ill you be able to give a talk on the book y o u ’re
8. W hen w ill you be able to play a gam e o f chess w ith
m e?
VI. K ZO fe’lining ishlatilishiga e ’tibor berib, gaplarni ingliz
tiliga tarjim a qiling.
A. 1. A gar ob-havo yaxshi b o ‘lsa, b iz ertaga shahar tashqarisiga chiqam iz. 2. A gar m en bu y erda ishdan
keyin qoladigan b o ‘lsam , bugun senikiga kelolm aym an.
3. S iz ham ertaga erta turishingizga to ‘g ‘ri keladim i?
4. A g ar shanba kuni ob-havo yom on b o ‘lsa, biz shaharda
qolishim izga to ‘g ‘ri keladi. 5. U (qiz) kech soat o ‘nda
qaytadim i? 6. U qaytib kelishi bilanoq m en sizga telefon
qilam an. 7. Sen m aktabga bora olm aysan, deb q o ‘rqam an,
sening isitm ang baland. 8. M en sizni y a n a M oskvada
k o ‘rishdan xursand b o ‘lam an. 9. U yerga avtobus bilan
borish uchun bizning qancha vaqtim iz ketadi? 10. Sizga
bizning yangi kvartiram iz yoqadi deb o ‘ylaym an. 11. Bu
yerda pianino turadi. 12. Sizda qachon telefon b o ia d i?
13. N im ag a siz m ash g ‘ulotlarga borm ayapsiz? - M en
grippm an..
B. 1. U m id qilam anki, ertaga m a ’ruzangiz borligini
unutm agansiz. 2. A g ar u uylansa uning ota-onasi xur­
sand b o iis h a d i. 3. B ugun m ening singlim keladi. U
biznikida bir necha kun qoladi. 4. Siz u nga (qiz bola)
telefon qilasizm i? 5. Siz bugun teatrga borasizm i? 6. A f­
suski m en bugun qololm aym an. M en o ‘zim ni yom o n his
qilyapm an v a shifokorga borishim kerak b o ‘ladi. 7. B ir
nechta dars qoldirishim ga to ‘g ‘ri keladi deb q o ‘rqam an,
m ening onam kasal. 8. B iz soat nechada uchrasham iz? 210
Soat yettida uchrasha olamiz, deb o‘ylayman. - Yaxshi.
9. Bunga bizning ko‘p vaqtimiz ketmaydi, agar biz
darrov ishlashni boshlasak. 10. Endi, men o^lashim cha,
siz bizning uyimizni oson topasiz va agar metroda
borsangiz 10 minutdan so‘ng shu yerda bo‘lasiz. 11. U
maktabni tamomlaganda bizning zavodda ishlaydi. 12. U
universitetni tamomlaganda qayerda ishlaydi? 13. Siz biz
bilan sayrga chiqasizmi? - Afsuski, men chiqolmayman,
men bu ishni bugun yakunlashimga to‘g‘ri keladi.
H.Tuzalishim bilanoq men sizga telefon qilaman.
V II. A jratib k o‘rsatilgan aniqlovchi ergash gaplarga e ’tibor
berib, quyidagi gaplarning o ‘qilishini m ashq qiling:
T h a t’s t all I 'wanted to ) see (there 1is to ) see). \
T his is t all he ^to ld m e abou it.\
I 'did j a ll/V o w W .|
T h a t’s t all / ) know about it. \
'Is 'that 'all he could Jtellyou about it?\
'That isn’t f all I ’m going to Ҳ do. \
V III. Ergash gaplarga savollar q o ‘ying. (56-§)
1. She’s read the book which I advised her to take.
2. The manyozv want to speak to is coming back tomorrow.
3. The place where I was born is a big city now. 4 . 1 came
to Moscow the day my frien d left fo r Saint Petersburg.
5. This is the house my frien d lives in. 6. This is the student
you wanted to speak to. 7 .1 well remember the time when
I went to school. 8. I couldn’t come because I did n ’t feel
well. 9. I’m going to work at a school after I graduate.
10. I’ll read the paper while you're away.
IX. G aplarni toMdiring.
A niqlovchi ergash gap lar bilan:
1. Here is the student who ...
2. Here are the students who ...
3. Is this the book which ... ?
Are these the books which ... ?
Do you know the student whose ... ?
I s this the school you ... ?
Meet the man who ...
Do you remember the time when ... ?
I shan’t forget the place where ...
b) Payt ergash gaplar bilan:
1. What will you do when ...
2. What did you do before ...
3. What did you do after ...
4. Will you stay here while ...
5. Shall we go for a walk as soon as ...
6. Please stay here t i l l ...
c) Bosh gap bilan:
Every time I hear i t ...
Every time I see him ...
Every time I speak to him on the telephone ...
Every time I go to the park ...
Every time I ring him up ...
A niqlovchi ergash gaplarga e ’tibor berib, quyidagi gaplarni
ingliz tiliga tarjim a qiling:
Bu siz institutda o ‘qigan paytingizda yashagan
uymi? 2. Men Moskvaga kelgan kunimni doim esda
tutaman. 3. Bu siz tug‘ilgan shaharmi? 4. Har safar
men bu ismni eshitganimda o‘zimning o‘qituvchimni
eslayman. 5. Bolalar hozir kitobini o‘qiyotgan adib bilan
uchrashmoqchilar. 6. Men birinchi bor teatrga borgan
kunimni hech qachon esimdan chiqarmayman. 7. Hozir
o‘qiyotgan kitobingiz sizga yoqadimi? 8. Siz menga
gapitgan kitob qani? 9. Har safar men ularga telefon
qilganimda ular uyda yo‘q. 10. Bu men siz uchun qila
oladigan ishning hammasi. (Men siz uchun qo‘limdan
nimaiki kelsa hammasini qildim.) 11. Nimaga siz har safar
uni ko‘rganingizda unga bu haqda gapirishni unutyapsiz?
12. Bu qilmoqchi bo‘lgan ishingizning hammasimi?
I. Q uyidagi so ‘z birikm alarining o‘qilishini m ashq qilib olib, dars
m atnini ovoz chiqarib o‘qing:
[h ]
I Лоре
[d : , d]
[ 0 ,6 ]
'awfully \o r r y
my 'mother’s
on the 'tenth of
at the 'end of
the Vionth •
to 'have a ^holiday
your 'wife’s ^health
II. Q uyidagi so ‘zlarni ovoz chiqarib o‘qing:
culture, rapture, lecture, nature, feature, furniture,
calf, letter, day, wife, will, three, week, Moscow, holiday
home, sun, spent, that, place, too, good, time, like, swim,
lie, vacation, beginning, departure
III. -u re va -tion suffikslari bilan kelgan, sizga tanish boMgan
otlardan yozing.
IV. Q uyidagi so ‘zlar qaysi so ‘z turkum lariga kirishini va ular
qaysi so ‘z turkum laridan yasalganligini aniqlang va ularni
o ‘zbck tiliga tarjim a qiling:
V. D arsdagi yangi so ‘zlardan foydalanib, m atnga 10-15 ta savol
VI. D arsdagi yangi so ‘zlardan foydalanib, savollarga javob
a) 1. When are you going to take your examination?
2. Do you think you will be very busy when preparing
for your exams?
3. Which o f your lecturers do you think will examine
4. When will you be free?
5. Do you think all o f you will do well in English?
1. When did you last have an examination?
2. Have all of you taken exams? Which o f you haven’t?
What marks did you get?
3. Did any o f you get ill when you had to prepare for
your exams? What did you do about it?
1. Have you had a holiday this year?
2. Where are you going for your summer holiday?
3. What do you usually do when you are on holiday at
the seaside?
1. Which o f your family (friends) is away on holiday
2. Is he at a holiday home?
3. How often do you hear from him?
4. What does he write? Is he having a good time?
5. How many hours a day does he swim and sun­
1. Which o f you lives in the country?
2. Is there a river and a wood near the place where you
3. Is your house near the bank o f the river or far from
4. Do you think we can begin swimming and sun­
bathing early in May or is it too early?
5. When do you usually begin sunbathing?
6. When do you intend to begin swimming this year?
1. Do you intend to leave Moscow as soon as you take
all your examinations?
2. Where do you intend to spend your holiday?
3. Do you like to rest an hour after dinner when you
are on holiday?
4. Do you like resting after dinner? Why?
1. Do you like the sea? Why do you like it?
2. Are you a good swimmer?
3. Do you like swimming in the sea or in a river?
VII. Ajratib ko‘rsatilgan so‘zlarga savollar qo‘ying.
It will take you two hours to get there. (1) 2. I’m
not going to the cinema either because I ’m very busy
tonight. (1) 3. We’re going to have our examination at
the end o f June. (2) 4. His w ife’s health is still poor. (1)
5. He can’t write to you now because he hasn’t got the
time. ( 1 ) 6 . / intend to spend three to fo u r hours a day on
my English before the examination. (4)
VIII. Kerakli joyga artikl qo‘ying.
I g o t... letter from ... friend yesterday. He’s ... student
and lives in ... Saint Petersburg. He goes to ... Saint
Petersburg University and takes ... English Literature.
We spent our holiday in ... Riga last year and had ... very
good time there. We swam in ... sea and sunbathed two
or three hours ... day.
This summer my friend’s having ... holiday in ...
country. “There’s ... river and ... wood here,” he writes. “I
intend to stay here till... September. I’ll be back in ... Saint
Petersburg a t ... end o f August or early in September.”
I’ll write to him today if I’m not very busy in ...
evening. I’m going to write about ... work at our
IX. Nuqtalar o‘rniga kerakli joyda tegishli predloglarni qo‘yib
gaplarni ko‘chiring.
My friend and I always prepare ... our examinations
together. I took my English exam the day ... yesterday,
and got “good” ... it. My friend’s going to have his
exam ... two days’ time. I hope he’ll do well ... it, too.
2. I’m going ... the seaside ... my holiday ... this year. I
always spend my holiday ... the sea. When I was away ...
holiday last year, I swam ... the sea and sunbathed three
hours a day. The doctor says I shouldn’t stay ... the sun
... twelve o’clock. As I’m going to stay ... the seaside,
I’ll go ... the beach early ... the morning, and be back
home ... eleven. 3. My sister’s a teacher, so she usually
has two months’ holiday ... the summer. She’s away ...
holiday now. She usually finishes work ... the end ... June
and leaves Moscow early ... July. I haven’t had any letters
... her yet, but I hope to hear ... her soon. She’ll be back
... Moscow late ... August.
X. Berilgan so ‘zlardan foydalanib, gaplarni ingliz tiliga tarjim a
a) to take an exam, to pass an exam, to do well in
Nimaga siz kecha adabiyotdan imtihon topshirmadingiz? - Men o‘zimni yomon his qilayotgan edim va
kela olmadim. - Siz hozir imtihon topshira olasizmi?
2. Biz hammamiz avvalgi kun imtihon topshirdik.
3. Sizning talabalaringiz ingliz tilidan imtihonni qanday
topshirishdi? Juda yaxshi. Faqat ulardan bittasi imtihondan o‘ta olmadi. 4. Agar nemis tilidan imtihonni yaxshi
topshirishni xohlasangiz, siz ko‘p ishlashingiz kerak.
5. Hamma imtihonlami topshirib bo‘liboq men shahardan
tashqariga ketaman.
b) else, still, yet
Siz unga yana nima(larni) yozmoqchisiz? 2. Bu
yerga yana kim keladi? 3. Mening o‘rtog‘im hali uylanmagan. 4. Sizning o‘rtog‘ingiz hali Moskvadami? 5. Siz
hali ham institutda o‘qiyapsizmi? 6. Siz uni yana qayerda
ko‘rdingiz? 7. Nimaga siz hali ham shu yerdasiz? 8. U
hali yo‘q (kelmadi). 9. 0 ‘rtoq Petrov hali ham kasal.
10. U hali o‘zini yaxshi his qilmayapti. 11. Bu ishni yana
kim bajara oladi? - Biz. 12. Siz bu kitobni allaqachon
o‘qib chiqdingizmi?
c) quite, at all
Men shahar tashqarisiga chiqishni umuman xohlamayman. 2. Men hozir mutlaqo bo‘shman va siz bilan
kinoga bora olaman. 3. Men umuman suzishni bilmay216
man. 4. Mening otam juda keksa (kishi). - U necha
yoshda? - Yetmish besh. 5. Sizning qizingiz quyoshda
yurishi umuman mumkin emas. 6. Bu tarjima umuman
qiyin emas. 7. Men mutlaqo sog‘man. 8. Kechirasiz, men
sizni umuman tanimayman.
d) too, also, either
Mening o‘g‘lim ham pianino chaladi. 2. Siz ham
barcha imtihonlami o‘tgan hafta topshirdingizmi? 3. Otaonalari ham undan xat olishmayapti. 4. Siz ham sentabr
oxirida qaytasizmi? 5. Ular ham quyoshda toblanishni
yoqtirishmaydi. 6. Biz ham bu yil dam olish uyiga
bormaymiz. 7. Men ham sizga bu kinoga borishni
maslahat bermayman. 8. Mening do‘stlarim ham shanbayakshanba kunlari shahar chetiga borishmaydi, chunki
ulaming qizlari juda kasal.
e) to have a holiday, to rest, to have a rest,
to have a good time
0 ‘rtoq Petrov bilan gaplashsam bo‘ladimi? Yo‘q, deb qo‘rqaman. U hozir ta’tilda. 2. Siz bugun ko‘p
ishladingiz. Siz, albatta, yaxshi dam olishingiz kerak.
3. Biz shahar tashqarisiga bu shanba-yakshanba boramiz, umid qilamanki, biz u yerda yaxshi dam olamiz.
4. Men dam olish uyidan endigina qaytdim, men u
yerda yaxshi dam oldim. 5. Shifokor menga tushlikdan
so‘ng dam olishni maslahat bermaydi. 6. Siz bu yil
qachon ta ’tilga chiqmoqchisiz? - Sentabr oxirida men
dengizga bormoqchiman. Men hech qachon kuzda dam
’ f) so as (not) to, in order (not) to
Birinchi m a’ruzani qoldirmaslik uchun u taksi
olishiga to‘g‘ri keldi. 2. Yakshanba kuni bo‘sh bo‘lish
uchun men sizga darslarni bugun tayyorlashingizni
maslahat beraman. 3. Yaxshi m a’ruza qilish uchun men
bu fan bo‘yicha ko‘p kitoblar o ‘qishimga to‘g‘ri keladi.
4. Diktantda xato qilmaslik uchun siz barcha so‘zlami
takrorlab chiqishingizga to‘g‘ri keladi. 5. Ingliz tilidan
imtihonni yaxshi topshirish uchun hammamiz ko‘p
ishlashimizga to‘g‘ri keldi.
XL D arsdagi yangi so ‘zlardan foydalanib, gaplarni ingliz tiliga
tarjim a qiling.
Siz dushanba kuni juda band bo‘lasizmi? Men sizga
rus tarixi bo‘yicha yangi ishimizni ko‘rsatmoqchi edim. Marhamat qilib keling. Men bo‘sh bo‘laman. 2. U qachon
vazirlikda bo‘ladi? - Soat uchdan so‘ng bo‘lishi mumkin.
3. Siz mening savolimga, nihoyat, qachon javob berasiz?
4. 0 ‘g‘lim oxirgi imtihonini topshirib bo‘lishi bilanoq
dengizga boraman. 5. 0 ‘zingizni ertaga yaxshi his qilish
uchun siz bugun qimirlamay (krovatda) yotishingiz kerak.
6. Bu fanni umuman bilmayman, deb qo‘rqaman. - Men
sizga bu barcha maqolalami o‘qib chiqishingizni maslahat
beraman. Ular sizga ma’ruzangizni tayyorlashda yordam
beradi. 7. Menimcha, bu yil men ikki oylik ta’tilga chiqaman (ikki oylik ta’tilga ega bo‘laman). Men sizlar o‘tgan
yili dam olgan joyga boraman. 8. Uning oxirgi maqolasi
menga ham unchalik yoqmadi. 9. Kecha do‘stimdan
olgan xatimni qayerga qo‘yganimni eslay olmayapman.
U ta’tilni rasvo (juda yomon) o ‘tkazayotganligini yozadi.
Bo‘shashim (qo‘lim tegishi) bilanoq unga, albatta, javob
beraman. 10. “Umid, qilamanki eringiz kitob ustidagi
ishini tugatishi bilanoq ta’tilga chiqadi, - dedi shifokor. Unga bunchalik ko‘p ishlash mumkin emas”. 11. U yerda
yaxshi o‘rmon va daryo bor va agar ob-havo yaxshi bo‘lsa
biz cho‘milamiz va quyoshda toblanamiz. 12. Agar siz bu
ishni yil boshida bajarmoqchi boNsangiz, siz hozir ta’til
olishingizga to‘g‘ri keladi. Siz uni boshlashdan oldin
yaxshi dam olishingiz kerak.
I. Q uyidagi m avzularga q isqa h ikoyalar tuzing:
1. How Boris and his wife spent their last week in
Moscow before they went to Yalta.
2. How Boris and his wife had a holiday in Yalta.
3. How the two friends had a holiday in Yalta two
years ago.
4. Why Victor isn’t going to the seaside this year.
II. V iktorning Borisga javob xatini yozing.
III. X atlar yozing:
1. Institutni tamomlagandan so‘ng ishga qanday joylashib olganligingiz haqida ota-onangizga.
2. Yangi yashash joyingiz haqida o ‘z do‘stlaringizga.
3. Ta’til rejalaringiz haqida ota-onangizga..
4. Yozni qanday o‘tkazganligingiz haqida do‘stingizga.
IV. Q u yidagi tayanch so ‘z va so ‘z birikm alaridan foydalanib:
a) yozda qanday dam olgan in giz haqida gapirib bering:
at last, to be on holiday, in the summer, to take an
examination, free, a holiday centre, to have a good time,
the sea, to swim, to sunbathe, poor health, to intend, a
river, on the bank, a wood, early (late) in ..., to be glad, to
hear from, to hope, to have a good holiday
b) qishda qanday dam olgan in giz haqida gapirib bering:
to like, in the winter, fine weather, to go for one’s
holiday, at a holiday-centre, in the country, near Moscow,
to wake up early, to wash, to dress, to have a breakfast
(dinner, supper), to go for a walk, a wood, a river, to skate,
to ski, in the evening, to have a good time, to play chess,
to play the piano, to see interesting films, to watch TV,
to go to bed
V. Q uyidagi so‘z va so ‘z birikm alaridan foydalanib hikoya
1. poor health, at the seaside, to swim, not to sunbathe,
to feel quite well
2. to have an examination, to prepare for, to work hard
so as (not) to
3. to be away on holiday, (not) to hear from, to be
busy, not to write to ... either
VI. Q uyidagi so ‘z va so ‘z birikm alaridan foydalanib dialog
1. Will you be busy ...? I think I
Could you ...?
Certainly. What else can I ...?
2. When are you going ...? tomorrow morning; Will
you show ..., please? Certainly. Will it take us long ...? I
don’t think ... if we ...
3. to go for a holiday; How did you like ...? Are you
going ... ? Г 11 probably...
4. to be awfully sorry; to forget to tell; It’s all right;
I can ...; to do ... at the week-end; to have a good time;
unfortunately; awful weather
5. Will you be free ...? perhaps I shall; my birthday;
Will you ... my birthday party? Thank you, I’ll certainly
...; Could your sister ...? She’d love to.
VII. Q uyidagi dialogni o ‘qishni m ashq qiling, uni yod oling va
“'Good \nom ing, Mr Ivanov.”|
“'Good \nom ing, Mr Brown.| 'Won’t you 'sit Jdown,
please?] 'How Vre you?”|
“I’m 'quite Avell, thank you.”|
“'Have you 'seen j much of ytvioscow?”|
“'Not Jyet,| I’m 'going 'sightseeing to\iay,* after our
\a l k s \ ”|
* Talks - m uzokara
“Гш 'sorry I can’t 'help you to Jday,| but Г 11 be 'able to
'take| you 'round jMoscow i to \norrow in my \ a r . ”|
“It’s 'very yliice o f you, Mr Ivanov. | 'Thank you t very
\n u c h .”|
K o‘rsatilgan gram m atik hodisalarga e ’tibor berib, savollarga
javob bering. O lingan javoblarni qisqa hikoyalarga jam lang.
1. Present (Past, Future) Indefinite, to be going to,
Present Continuous, Present Perfect
a) 1. What kind o f exercises do you usually do in class?
2. What did you prepare for your lesson last night?
3. Which lesson are you doing now?
4. How many lessons have you done?
5. When are you going to have a rest?
6. How long will it take you to prepare for the test if
you have to revise ten lessons?
b) 1. What kind o f TV shows does your wife like to
2. Have you seen any interesting TV shows lately?
3. Which show did you watch last?
4. Did you like the last show you saw? Why did
(didn’t) you?
5. When are you going to watch TV again?
6. Can your child watch TV if he (she) has got a lot of
homework to do?
7. What do you think he (she) is doing now?
c) 1. What kind o f books do you like to read?
2. What are you reading now?
3. Do you sometimes discuss the books you read
(you’ve read) with your friends?
4. How many English books have you read?
d) 1. Do you usually spend the week-end in the country
or in town?
2. Where did you go the last week-end?
3. Did you have a good time? Could you tell us about
4. Where are you going next Saturday?
5. Do you sometimes go to the cinema on week-days?
Why (not)?
6. What interesting films have you seen this month?
2. can, must, to have to, to be able to, should
a) 1. Can you swim?
2. Could you swim when you were a child o f five?
3. When did you learn to swim?
4. How long did it take you to learn to swim well?
b) 1. Can your baby talk?
2. What else can he (she) do?
3. When do you think he (she) will be able to speak
c ) 1. How many foreign languages can you speak?
2. Which language did you learn at school? Could you
speak it?
3. What do we have to do to learn to speak a foreign
4. How many hours a day do you have to spend on
your English?
5. How much time did you have to spend on your
English homework yesterday?
6. What kind o f English books can you read now?
7. When do you think you will be able to read original
English books?
C hap ustundagi gaplarni o ‘ng ustundagi so ‘zlar bilan
toMdiring. H osil boMgan savol, iltim os yoki taklifga mos
ravishda javob qiling.
C an I ...?
to close, to open, to sit dow n
Can y o u ...?
Could y o u ...?
Shall I (w e )...?
Will y o u ...?
Won’t y o u ...?
to come, to talk, to give
to tell, to finish, to use
to give back, to bring, to show
to see, to swim, to play
to get, to hear, to meet
III. K e ra k li jo y g a p r e d lo g la rd a n m osini q o ‘ying.
I think I’ll be able to speak ... him ... it ... the
telephone. 2. Every time I have to speak English ... a
foreign firm, I remember my first English teacher. 3. You
can send your telegram ... telephone if you like. 4. Have
you heard all ... it already? Who from? 5. Why weren’t
you ... time ... the lecture yesterday morning? 6. “How
long will it take me to g e t ... the theatre?” “It w on’t take
you long if you go ... the 31 bus.” 7. “Will you be able to
go ... the country ... the week-end?” “I’m afraid I w on’t.
I’ve got a l o t... things to do ... home.” “I’m sorry ... you.
I never leave any work ... the week-end and don’t advise
you to do so either.” 8. “What are you going to do ...
the week-end?” “I’m going to stay ... town, but I’m not
sorry ... it at all. My brother’s leaving Saint Petersburg
... Moscow. I think he’ll be here ... Saturday.” 9. We
heard a lot ... interesting things ... the radio yesterday
evening. 10. How often do you listen ... the radio?
11. Could I talk ... you ... classes? 12. I’ve just had a
talk ... my teacher. 13. My brother i s
holiday now.
He always goes ... the seaside ... his holiday. I hope I’ll
hear ... him soon. 14. “How is your son doing ... music?”
“Very well, thank you.” 15. Which book are you working
... now? 16. Do you still work ... a factory. 17. All of
us work hard ... our English. 18. We’d like you to come
... dinner. Can you? 19. I can’t find you ... the picture.
Which ... them is you? 20. W ho’s going to give a lecture
... History today? 21. Why did you miss the last lecture
... Literature? 22. W hat’s he afraid ...? We’ll get ... the
place ... time.
IV. Ingliz tiliga tarjima qiHng.
Siz Armani ko‘rishga ulgurdingizmi? - Yo‘q, biroq
men u bilan hozirgina telefonda gaplashdim. U o‘zini yax­
shi his qilyapti. Ertaga va indinga uning isitmasi boim asa,
u dushanba kuni ishga bora oladi. - Siz uni ko‘rgani yak­
shanba kuni bormoqchimisiz? - Yo‘q, deb qo‘rqaman.
Men band bo‘laman. Mening singlim yangi kvartiraga
ko‘chib o ‘tyapti va men unga yordam berishimga to‘g‘ri
keladi. Men, balki, unikiga bugun kechqurun borarman.
2. Uyingizda birorta inglizcha kitob bormi? Kutubxonada hozir odam ko‘p, mening esa umuman vaqtim yo‘q.
- Menda bir nechta inglizcha kitoblar bor, biroq, ular
sizga juda og‘irlik qiladi, deb o ‘ylayman. Men bir oy ol­
din ulardan birini Peterga bergan edim, (va) u uni o‘qiy
olmadi. - Oxirgi paytda biz ko‘p so‘zlami va grammatik
qoidalami o‘rgandik. Men yengil (oson) kitob o‘qisam
hatto lug‘atdan (the dictionary) ham foydalanishimga
to‘g‘ri kelmaydi. Menimcha, men sizlamikidan lug‘at bi­
lan o‘qiy oladigan kitob topaman. - Unda menikiga kech­
qurun yettidan keyin keling. Bu siz uchun kech emas,
deb o ‘ylayman. Men uyda bo‘laman va sizga o‘zimning
barcha kitoblarimni ko‘rsataman. Siz o‘zingizga yoqqan
xohlagan kitobingizni olishingiz mumkin. - Rahmat.
Siznikiga qanday boraman? - Siz 42-trolleybus bilan,
keyin esa, metroda borishingiz mumkin. Bunga sizning
bir soat vaqtingiz ketadi. - Rahmat, kechqurungacha. Xayr. (Till then.)
V. Q u y id a g i so ‘z v a so ‘z b irik m a la rid a n fo y d ala n ib , h ik o y a tu ­
1. to get up late, to take a taxi, it took me, to be in
2. yesterday evening, to go to the cinema, to begin,
to finish, to like
3. to get ill, to be going to see, this evening, to go by
trolley-bus, it w on’t take me long
4. to love music, to want, to leam, to play the piano,
to listen
5. to go to the country, the weather, awful, to be sorry
6. one’s birthday, to be going, this evening, to ask ...
to dinner
7. to want, to give a talk, to work hard so as, to prepare
(for), a lot o f people, to listen, to hear a lot o f interesting
8. one’s birthday, to forget, to send a telegram,
to remember, to hurry home, to send, by telephone
9. to feel ill, not to be able, to ring up, to advise, to see
the doctor
V I. Q u y id ag i so ‘z v a so ‘z b ir ik m a la r id a n fo y d a la n ib , b erilg an
m av zu b o ‘y ich a h ik o y a la r tu z in g :
1. We Learn Foreign Languages
to have classes, to be in time, every time the lecturer
comes in, to stand up, to speak, a grammar rule, to take
notes, to have a dictation (a test), to write, to make mis­
takes, to prepare, to work hard at, to revise smth. together,
to translate, to read, a library, it takes ..., to take an exam,
to do well in, to get “good” (“bad”) for, to know
2. My Day's Work
to wake up, early, to get up, at once, to wash, to
dress, as a rule, to do morning exercises, to go by bus
(car, underground, trolley-bus), it takes ..., to hurry, to
work hard, to be busy, to translate, to see smb., to discuss,
to last, to get home
3. The Week-end
to be free, to go to the country, to go for a walk in the
park (wood), to have a good time, to have a rest, the sun,
a river, to go to the cinema (to the theatre), a new play
(film), to play the piano, to listen to, to watch TV, to play
chess (volley-ball, football), to be glad, to have to stay in
town, awful weather, to be unable
My Family (My F riend’s Family)
to be bom, to spend one’s childhood, to live near
(a long way from), to get married, to have a small (large)
family, parents, grandfather (grandmother), children,
a woman (man) o f ..., a girl (boy) o f ..., to go to school,
to take to a nursery school, to have to, to spend a lot of
time on, to go to, to graduate, an engineer, an economist,
a factory (office) worker, a student, a teacher (doctor,
engineer), to go (come) to see
Our Holiday
to leave Moscow, to go away for a holiday, poor
health, to intend, to have a good time, the weather, fine
(nice), a river, a wood, to go to the seaside, to swim, the
sea, to sunbathe, to play chess (volley-ball, tennis), a
library, to go to the cinema, early (late) in
to have a
good holiday
My Flat (My F riend’s New Flat)
a block o f flats, on the ... floor, a living-room, to use,
a dining-room, a sitting-room, a bedroom, a bathroom, a
kitchen, a study, to have to, in the middle of, to the right
(left) of, in the comer, a piano, an arm-chair, an ordinary
chair, a bookcase, a TV (radio) set, a sofa, a vase of
flowers, comfortable
How I Once Got 111
to go to the country, awful weather, to feel unwell,
not to be able to, to get (have) a cold, to have to stay at
home, to see a doctor, to be unable, by telephone, to have
a (high) temperature, to have to miss, to be sorry (about),
to have to use, notes o f the lectures, to come to see,
to speak on the telephone, to bring, shouldn’t go out,
to be glad to see
V II. 5 - 1 0 -d a rs la r n in g 3 - b o ‘lin iid a v a m a tn d a n s o ‘n g ra m k a ichid a b e rilg a n d ia lo g la rn i ta k ro r la n g . Q u y id a g i to p s h iriq la rn i
b a ja rin g :
1. Janob Blek bilan salomlashing; uni yana Moskvada
ko‘rganingizdan xursandligingizni ayting; u bu yerda
qancha bo‘lmoqchi ekanligini so‘rang.
2. Janob Braunga telefon qiling, salomlashing, seshanba kuni soat 11 da uchiashishga kelishib oling.
3. Janob Braundan u Moskvada anch'adan beri ekan­
ligini, diqqatga sazovor joylarni kobrganligini so‘rang,
shanba kuni bo'shligingizni va unga Moskvani ko‘rsata
olishingizni ayting.
4. Janob Gringa o‘tirishni taklif eting; o'zini qanday
his qilayotganligini so'rang, ob-havo yomonligidan va
janob Grin shamollab qolganligidan afsusdaligingizni
ayting, unga bir chashka kofe taklif qiling. Unga vrach
jo ‘natish kerakligini so‘rang.
5. Janob Gringa yangi muhandisni tanishtiring, u
Londonga aylangani chiqmoqchi ekanligini ayting; u birinchi bor Londonga ko‘rayotganligi sababli Grindan
ungaLondormi ko‘rsatishini so‘rang.
V III. V II m a sh q asosida ja v o b r e p lik a la rin i q o ‘s h ib d ia lo g la r
tu zin g.
Text: A Visit to Moscow.
G ram m ar: l.T o ‘ldiruvchi ergash gapli q o lsh m agap!ard a zam onlar
m oslashuvi (die Future Indefinite in the Past, the Past
Perfect Tense). (5 7-58-§§, 697-699-betlar).
2. Tasdiq so ‘roq gap. (59-§, 703-bet).
3. to sp e ak , to ta lk , to say, to tell fe ’llari. (60-§, 704____________bet).______________________________________________
'Mr 'Smith is an t old \n a n j He’s 'recently retired] and
'so he’s 'got a j lot of'tim e for \ravelling.| He’s 'come to
'Moscow as a to u r is tj
'Now he’s 'sitting in the h o te l AialU and 'talking to
Leojnid Petrov, ^ his )guidej
Petrov: 'Is 'this your | first 'visit to ^Moscow, Mr
Smith: )Yes. But I’ve 'heard a j lot about jM oscowt
from my Vather. He was Aiere* before the R evotution.
'Moscow 'wasn’t the t a p i t a l Ahen, tv a s it?l
Petrov: 'Quite tight.! It 'only be'came the JcapitaH in
Smith: The 'city has changed | very tnuch.l You can
'hardly 'recognize ] many o f the j streets and tq u a re s.'l
I 'don’t 'think t young 'people like Jyou* retnem ber
the 'dirty, narrow 'streets my Vather Jsaw in the t u b Jurbs,^ and in the 'centre, 'VtooJ 'during his Visit.!
Petrov: I’m ajfraid I Von’tJ I wonder what you
will jsayt after you’ve 'seen our ] new Jdistrictt in the
Smith: )OhJ I’ve 'heard about it from a VriendJ He
'told me it was a f beautiful Jp\acel with 'wide, 'straight
^streets* and 'many gardens.! We Vre going Ahere,
Vren’t we?|
Petrov: yhfesj we’ll 'see it on the ] way to the | new
building of j Moscow UniVersityJ
'Mr 'Smith t also 'said that he had j heard a j lot about
the j Tretyakov ^Picture jGallery* and would 'like to
Vee it.3| Leo'nid 'told him that they were | planning to
fsee the jG alleiyi in a 'few \iays.| They were 'also 'going
to 'see 'towns and ^villages,* Aiospitals^ collective
Aarms,^ m u Леи ms Л exhijbitions and many 'other
tinteresting \hings.l 'Mr 'Smith \ hoped he would 'see
j several 'other im fp o rta n t in j dustrial and a g r i c u l t u ­
ral Aentres^ in the country,! in a \ld itio n to Moscow.!
‘“ W ould you 'like to 'see
the Jsights (the 'places o f
Jinterest)?” |
- Shaharning diqqatga sazovor
jo ylarini k o ‘rishni xohlaysizm i?
- S iz shaharning diqqatga sa­
zovor joylarini k o ‘rishni xohlarm idingiz?
“ 'W hich 'street d ’you W
- Siz qaysi k o ‘chada yashaysiz?
“ 'H ow do I 'get to 'K iro v
- K irov k o ‘chasiga qanday borsam b o ‘ladi?
‘“ W ill 'this 'bus T take m e to
'Sverdlov JSquare?” )
- Bu avtobusda Sverdlov m aydonigacha bora olam anm i?
“D ’you 'w ant to 'go Jsightseeing?” |
You can hardly recognize many of the streets and
squares. Ко ‘p ко ‘cha va maydonlarni tanish amri mahol.
Hardly ravishi qiyinchilik bilan, z o 'r g 'a kabi ma’nolami
beradi va gapda doim asosiy fe’l oldidan, juda ko‘p hollarda can modal fe’lidan yoki uning o ‘rindoshi (ekvivalenti)
to be able to dan so‘ng keladi. Bu ravish h a rd qiyin,
qattiq, tirishqoq sifatiga -ly suffiksini qo‘shish orqali
yasaladi. H ard astoydil, jon-jahdi bilan ravishi ham hard
sifatidan yasalgan bo‘lib, shaklan u bilan bir xil. H ard
ravishi gapda doim o‘zi tegishli bo‘lgan fe’ldan keyin
He could hardly walk.
U zo‘rg‘a yurardi.
He works hard at his
English. .
U ingliz tili ustida qattiq
2. I w onder w hat you will say after you’ve seen
our new district in the South-West. Qiziq, siz bizning
Janubiy-g ‘arbdagi yangi tumanimizni ко 'rgandan so 'ng
nima derkansiz? Bu yerda THZ - have seen shakli TKZ
- w o u ld have seen o ‘rniga ishlatilgan, chunki payt ergash
gaplarda kelasi zamon ishlatilmaydi.
3. M r Smith ... would like to sec it. Janob Smit
... uni ko'rishni xohlar edi. I would like (I’d like), he
would like (he’d like), they would like (they’d like) va
boshqa so‘z birikmalari o‘zbek tiliga xohlar edim, xohlar
edi, xohlar edilar va shu kabi tarjima qilinadi. Bu so‘z
birikmalaridan so‘ng doim to yuklamasi bilan kelgan
infinitiv ishlatiladi.
I’d like to read this book.
He’d like to meet you.
Men bu kitobni o'qishni
xohlar edim.
U siz bilan tanishishni
xohlar edi.
to re tire
to tra v e l
tra v e llin g
jo u rn e y
to u rist
g uide
visit (to)
a revolution
a capital
to become (became, become)
to change
to recognize
a street
a square
a suburb
to wonder
a district
a garden
a way
on the (one’s) way
a building
to build (built, built)
a picture gallery
would like
to plan
a collective farm
a museum
an exhibition
the country
in addition (to)
(See V ocabulary for L esson Eleven, p. 545)
So‘z yasash
-ive [iv] - si fat suffiksi b o 1lib, fe ’ldan sifat yasaydi:
to collect jam lam o q - collective jam oaviy
-ful [ful] - sifat suffiksi boMib, otdan, kam dan kam holatlarda
fe ’ldan sifat yasaydi:
beauty chiroy - beautiful chiroyli
to forget unutm oq - forgetful unituvchan
-age [ids] - ot suffiksi (fransuz tilidan kirgan so 'zla rd a uchraydi):
village qishloq
-ize [aiz] - fe’l suffiksi (bu suffiksning orfografik varianti -ise
suffiksi hisoblanadi):
to recognize (= to recognise) tanim oq (tashqi ко 'rinishidan)
1. Q u y id ag i erg a sh gapli q o ‘sh m a g a p la rd a g i bogMovchi va
bogMovchi so ‘z la rn i o ‘zb ek tiliga ta rjim a qiling. H a r b ir
bogMovchi so ‘z qaysi g ap boM agiga k ira d i? (57-§)
1. Please tell him that I’ll be back at five o’clock.
2. Please tell me which cities you’ve been to. 3. I’m going
to tell you tomorrow who else is going to India. 4. Do
you know who. he usually prepares for his exam with? 5 . 1
don’t know who they’re speaking about. 6. Do you know
whose work they’re discussing? 7. Can you tell me where
you’re going for your summer holiday? 8. I don’t know
when we’ll be able to go to the cinema or to the theatre.
9. Do you know why he’s done it? 10. Do you know how
well these students can speak English? 11. Will you tell
me how I can get there? 12. I don’t want to know what
they’re talking about. 13. Can you tell us what you’re
going to read next month? 14. Please tell my teacher that
I’m going to read a book by Jack London. 15. Can you tell
us what you have decided to do? 16. Please tell him that
I’m leaving tomorrow afternoon.
II. Urg‘uli so‘zlarga e’tibor berib, quyidagi gaplarning o‘qilishini
m a sh q qiling:
1. 'Please 'tell me fw hat you \h in k o f it.|
2. 'Please 'tell him that he’s Vrong.|
III. Q u y id ag i g a p la rn i toM diring.
Please show us w h a t. . . . 2. Can you tell them when
...? 3. Do you know which language ...? 4. We don’t
know who ... .5 . None o f them knows whose ... .6 . Can
you tell me where ...? 7. We don’t know when . . . . 8. I’m
going to tell you why ... . 9. Who can tell me how ...?
10. Do you want to know how many ...? 11. Can you
see who ...? 12. Please tell us w h a t. . . . 13. Please tell them
th a t. ...
IV. Q av s ich id a b e rilg a n so ‘z la r d a n k e ra k lig in i ta n la n g .
1. Do you know (that, what) they’re discussing?
2. I can’t say (that, what) I liked the book very much.
3. I’ve heard (that, what) Peter is coming back to Moscow
soon. 4. Have you heard (that, what) they decided to do?
5. My friend has told me (that, what) his mother is ill.
6. I’m telling you (that, what) you should do. 7 .1 feel (that,
what) he’s going to say. 8. I feel (that, what) he’s right.
9. Do you remember (that, what) he said? 10. Sorry! I
didn’t hear (that, what) you said.
V. E rg a sh va bosh g a p la rn in g b ir-b irig a bogM anish a lo q a la rig a
e ’tib o r b e rib , g a p la r n i in g liz tilig a ta rjim a qiling.
A. 1. 0 ‘rtog‘ingiz hozir qayerda turishini (yashashini) bilasizmi? 2. Bolshoy (the Bolshoi Theatre) teatrgacha qanday borilishini menga ayta olasizmi? 3. U ingliz
tilida qanchalik yaxshi gapirishini men eshitdim. 4. Bizda
ingliz tili darslari qancha ko‘p (tez-tez) boTishini bilasiz­
mi? 5. Nechta kitob olib kelganingizni menga ko‘rsating.
6. Bu kitobni o‘qishga meni qancha vaqtim ketishini aytib
bera olasizmi? 7. Nimaga ular hali bu yerda emasliklarini
bilmadim. 8. Qaysi mashqlami biz ertaga qilishimiz ke­
rakligini qaytaring, iltimos. 9. Nechta gap yozishimiz kerakligi mening esimda yo‘q. Men nima qilay? Men albatta
dugonamga qo‘ng‘iroq qilishim kerak. 10. Qaysi shaharlarda bo‘lganingizni siz bizga ayta olasizmi? 11. Bu kimning kitobi ekanligini bilasizmi? 12. Bu ishni bajarishda
menga kim yordam bera olishini bilmayman. 13. Men u
yerga kim bilan borishimni bilishni xohlayman.
B. 1. U nima (deb) javob berganini bilasizmi? 2. U
mendan nima so‘raganini (iltimos qilganini) bilasiz­
mi? 3. U mening xatimga javob bermaganini bilasizmi?
4. Men sizga bir hafta a w a l jo ‘natgan xatlarimni olmadingizmi? 5. Siz hozir yangi kitob ustida ishlayotganingizni eshitdim. (Eshitdimki, siz hozir yangi kitob ustida
ishlayotgan emishsiz.) 6. U mendan so‘ragan (iltimos qilgan) ishini tugatdim. 7. Akam uylanganini eshitdingizmi?
(Eshitdingizmi, ...) 8. Hozirgacha (allaqachon) nima qilganingizni menga ko‘rsating. 9. Men unga nima maslahat
bergan bo‘lsam, u o ‘shani qildi. 10. Sizni yangi xonadon
(kvartira) ga ko‘chib o‘tganingizni eshitdik. U qayerda
(joylashgan)? 11. Men qo‘limdan kelganining hammasini
1. U qachon kelishini bilasizmi? 2. Men bu haqda ularga (ular) kelganlaridan so‘ng aytaman. 3. Bo‘shaganimdan so‘ng kutubxonaga boraman. 4. Qachon
bo‘shashingizni bizga ayta olasizmi? 5. Biz qachon ingliz
tilidagi kitoblarni o‘qiy olishimizni (bizga) ayta olasizmi?
6. Bo‘shaganingizda menga qo‘ng‘iroq qiling. 7. Men
siznikiga yana qachon kela olishimni bilmayman, men
hozir juda bandman. 8. Ular qachon kelishlarini ulardan
hech biri bilmaydi. 9. Biz bu haqda menikiga kelganingizda gaplashamiz.
V I. G a p la rn i o‘z b e k tiliga ta rjim a qiling. Ing liz va o ‘z b ek
tilla rid a g i fe’l-k esim n in g za m o n sh a k lig a e ’tib o r b erin g .
He says that he lived in Saint Petersburg. 2. He said
that he lived in Saint Petersburg. 3. He said that he had
lived in Saint Petersburg. 4. He said that he was going
to live in Saint Petersburg. 5. He knew that Peter was in
Kiev. 6. He knows that Peter was in Kiev in 1980. 7. He
knew why Peter had been to Kiev several times. 8. He said
(that) he liked the city. 9. He showed me which exercises
he had done. 10. All the students knew what they had to
revise for the examination. 11. Didn’t you know who had
done it? 12. We didn’t know whose things they were.
V II. Q isq a sh a k lla rn in g o ‘q ilish ig a e ’tib o r b e rib , q u y id a g i
g a p la rn in g ta laffu zin i m a sh q qiling:
1. ^ Ahought * Vou’d done it.|
2. I 'thought you’d 'do it to\norrow.|
3. I 'didn’t 'know he’d t written a | new \>ook.|
4. I ^knew i I’d write the jarticle < if I 'had Aime.J
V III. G a p la r n i toM diruvchi e rg a sh g a p bilan n a m u n a d a g id e k
toM diring. H osil boMgan erg a sh g ap li q o ‘s h m a g a p n i o‘zb ek
tilig a ta rjim a qiling.
I he worked at a factory.
N a m u n a: I knew that < he had worked at a factory.
V he would work at a factory.
He says that ... . 2. I’ll tell you who ... . 3. He
. said that ... . 4. We didn’t know either where . . . . 5. He
asked us when ... . 6. Do you know why ... . 7. He didn’t
know why ... . 8. You didn’t tell us whose ... . 9. They
asked me how many ... . 10. We don’t know who else . . . .
11. We were sure that ... . 12. A man asked me how ... .
1 3 .1 forgot which exercises . . . .
IX. Z a m o n la r m oslashuviga e ’tib o r b e rib , q u y id a g i g a p la rn i
in g liz tilig a ta rjim a qiling:
1. Sizning bandligingizni men ham bilmagandim.
2. U menga uchta chet tillarini bilishini aytdi. 3. 0 ‘qituvchi bizdan o‘n birinchi darsda nechta yangi so‘z borligini so‘radi. 4. 0 ‘rtog‘im menga qo‘ngkiroq qilib, kasal
ekanligini va darsga kela olmasligini aytdi. 5. U bizdan
zavodga yetib borishimiz uchun, odatda, qancha vaqt
ketishini so‘radi. 6. U qachon ishdan kelishini sizga aytdimi? 7. U menga bugun juda band boTishini aytdi. 8. Siz
tez orada sog'ayib ketishingizga ishonaman. 9. U bu ishni
bajara olmasligini aytdi, chunki uning vaqti yokq. 10. U
buni men zudlik bilan bajarishim kerakligini aytdi. 11. U
bizdan qaysi birimiz nemis tilida gapirishni bilishimizni
so'radi. 12. U hech qachon Omskda boTmaganligini ayt­
di. 13. Men sizning Moskvadan ketayotganingizni eshit­
dim. 14. U maqolani tarjima qilib boTiboq bo'shashini
X. Q avs ich id a b erilg an so ‘z la rd a n k era k lig in i ta n la n g v a g a p la rn i
o ‘zb e k tiliga ta rjim a qiling.
When Jack came home, his sister told him that Peter
had rung him up half an hour (ago, before). 2. “Did you
work or were you still going to school two years (ago,
before)?” the teacher asked one o f the students. 3. Last
week I asked my friend to translate this article, but he
said he couldn’t do it (now, then) and said he would do it
(in two days, two days later). 4. My friend spent his last
week-end in the country. He says the weather was fine
(today, that day). 5. I gave my friend a book last week
and he said he would return it (tomorrow, next day), but
he hasn’t done so yet. 6. “Are you going to give a talk
(tomorrow, next day)?” my friend asked me. 7. He wanted
to know when we were going (here, there) again.
X I. B e rilg an sa v o lla rd a n fo y d alan ib , q u y id a g i n a m u n a aso sid a
s u h b a tla r q u rin g :
Teacher: Where are you?
Т' student: I am in the classroom.
Teacher (to another student): What did I ask Com rade...?
2nd student: You asked him where he was.
Teacher (to a third student): What did he answer?
student: He answered that he was in the classroom.
1. What time do your classes usually finish?
2. Which college did you go to?
3. What subjects did you take there?
4. Where will you work when you leave college?
5. Where will your son (daughter) go when he (she) leaves
6. What time do you get home?
7. Which of you can speak English well?
8. When do you have to get up?
9. When will you be able to go to the cinema?
10. When did you last give a talk in class?
XII. O h a n g g a e ’tib o r b e rib , qu y id ag i s a v o lla rn in g o ‘q ilis h in i'
m a sh q qiling:
He’s Vight, t )isn’t he?|
You’ve ^heard it, * yhaven’t you?|
She h a s n ’t done the work yet, * ytias she?|
They 'can’t 'speak 'English at Vll, * Van they?|
XIII. Q u y id a g i g a p la r n i ta sd iq so ‘ro q g ap bilan tu g a tin g . U larn i
tu r li o h a n g la rd a o ‘q in g :
You are busy now ,...? 2. You were bom in Moscow,
...? 3. There aren’t many people in the library now, ...?
4. He couldn’t go there, ...? 5. You haven’t heard from
your friend for a long time, ...? 6. She knows you, ...?
7. You’ll be back home early today, ...? 8. He has read a
lot o f English books already, ...? 9. You didn’t see your
friend yesterday, ...? 10. You’ve spent a lot o f time on it,
...? 11. That’s all you’ve got to say ,...?
XIV. T asd iq so ‘ro q g a p la rn in g ish latilish ig a e ’tib o r b e rib , g a p ­
la rn i ingliz tilig a ta rjim a qiling.
Kutubxonachi sizga bu kitobni olishni maslahat
berdi, shundaymi? 2. Kitob siz uchun juda og‘ir, shunday
emasmi? 3. Siz bu oy dars qoldirmadingiz, shundaymi?
4. Siz meni eslolmaysiz, shunday emasmi? 5. Ular bu
xonadan foydalanishmaydi, shundaymi? 6. U (qiz) biznikiga kelib tushlik qila oladi, shundaymi? 7. 0 ‘gTingiz
musiqani yoqtiradi, shundaymi? 8. Siz bolalaringizni
ertalab uyg‘otishingizga to‘g‘ri kelmaydi, shundaymi?
9. U kun bo‘yi (oftobda) toblana olmaydi-ku, shunday­
mi? 10. Siz bugun teatrga borasiz, shundaymi? 11. Men
haqman-ku, shundaymi? 12. Men bu yerda uzoq qolib
ketishimga to‘g‘ri kelmaydi, shundaymi?
XV. N u q ta la r o ‘rn ig a to say, to speak, to tell, to talk fe’lla rin in g
m os s h a k lin i q o ‘ying.
1. I’d like to know what they ... about. 2. Comrade
Petrov ... at the meeting yesterday and ... us a lot of
interesting things. 3 .1 made a mistake in the last sentence
and the teacher asked me to ... it again. 4. He has already
... to you about it, hasn’t he? What did he ...? 5. Every
time I see my friend Petrov we ... about old times. 6. Our
teacher often ... that Comrade Klimov can ... English
very well. 7. The secretary ... that the man who you’d
like to ... to is coming here tomorrow.
I. Q u y id a g i s o ‘z b irik m a la r in i o ‘q ish n i m a sh q q ilib , d ars m atn in i
o v o z ch iq a rib o ‘q in g .
[and, an]
'streets and Squares
in'dustrial and agricultural
'planning to \e e
'interesting t hings
in the ho'tel ^hall
[w] [str]
I 'wonder 'what you will
\a y
with 'wide, 'straight
he had 'heard a )lot
II. Q u y id a g i s o ‘z la r n i o v o z ch iq a r ib o ‘qin g:
fate, fact, 'comrade, 'cabbage, a'like, a'gain, farm,
'grammar, fare, pet, Peter, pert, 'reader, re'leaise, re'main,
'ticket, 'cricket, here, pin, pine, flirt, fire, mis'took, 'valid,
bun, fume, bum, cure, 'difficult, 'multitude, box, pro'cure,
phone, po'tato, born, more
III. -er v a -or su ffik si b ilan k elgan o tla rd a n tu sh u n g a n la r in g iz n i
k o ‘ch irib yo zin g .
IV. Q u y id a g i s o ‘z la r q a ysi g a p boM aklariga te g ish li e k a n lig in i
a n iq la n g . U la rn i o ‘z b e k tiliga ta rjim a q ilin g .
V. Y angi s o ‘zla rd a n fo y d a la n ib , m a in m a z m u n ig a d o ir 15 ta sa v o l
tu zin g.
V I. D a rsn in g y a n g i s o ‘z la rid a n fo y d a la n ib , sa v o lla r g a ja v o b
b erin g.
a) 1. You like traveling, don’t you?
2. You’ve traveled a lot, haven’t you?
3. What places in Moscow have you visited?
4. Which foreign countries have you been to? When
was it? You went there as a tourist, didn’t you?
5. Do you usually stay at hotels when you travel?
6. Which are the new hotels in Moscow (Saint Pe­
tersburg, Kiev)?
b) 1. Do you like to go sightseeing with a guide? Why?
2. Have you ever been to a picture gallery or a museum
with a guide? When was it? What did he tell you?
3. Can you recognize a picture if you have only seen
it once?
c) 1. Which street do you live in?
2. Is it in the centre or the suburbs?
3. Has it changed lately?
4. Is it wide or narrow? Is it straight?
d) 1. When did Moscow become the capital o f the
2. Which Moscow districts have changed recently?
3. Are there many gardens in the new districts?
4. Would you like to live in a new district? Why?
2. What can you see there?
3. Are there any exhibitions in Moscow now?
4. When are you planning to go to an exhibition?
J) 1. W hat’s the capital o f the Russian Federation? It is
an important industrial centre, isn’t it?
2. What other important industrial centers do you
know in the country?
3. Is the Russian Federation an industrial or an
agricultural country?
VII. Quyidagi fe’llarning uch asosfy shakllarini bering:
to say, to build, to send, to spend, to listen, to hear,
to tell, to see, to hurry, to meet, to think, to bring, to lie,
to show, to know, to speak, to forget, to leave, to become
VIII. Quyidagi so‘zlarning antonimini yozing:
narrow old
short to remember
IX. Quyidagi so‘zlarning sinonimini yozing:
to go away, to go to see, high, fine, much
X. Kerakli joyga predloglardan mosini qo‘ying.
The old woman says her husband retired ... sixtyfive. 2. I wonder which hotel your friend is staying . . . .
Why hasn’t he written to you? 3 .... my first v is it... Saint
Petersburg I spent three hours sightseeing every afternoon.
4. “Which street does he live ...? ” “He lives ... Green
Street. It’s a long way ... here.” 5 .1 m e t... a friend ... the
way ... the factory yesterday. He told me that he had got a
new flat ... a new d istrict... the suburbs. 6. ... a holiday
there are always a l o t... people ... the streets and squares.
7. My grandparents work ... a collective farm which is
not very far ... Moscow. 8. Is your grandfather still ...
hospital? 9. “Did your friend have to go ... hospital?”
“No, he only stayed ... home a week or two.” 10. My
grandfather is quite an old man, but he doesn’t want to
retire. He still works ... a collective farm.
XI. Quyidagi gaplarni toMdiring:
a) 1. He said . . . . 2. He told me . . . . 3. They spoke . . . .
4. She likes to talk . . . .
b) \ . \ wonder how ... . 2. I wondered when ... .
3. He wondered who ... . 4. She wondered where ... .
5. I wonder how often ... (how long ..., how well ...).
6 . 1 wondered w h a t... .7 . She wondered why . . . .
XII. Yangi so‘zlardan foydalanib, gaplarni ingliz tiliga tarjima
U qachon nafaqaga chiqqanini men bilmayman.
Balki 62 yoshidadir. 2. Ular yozda nima rejalashtirayotganliklarini men bilmayman. Balki ular sayohatga chiqishar. 3. U mendan qaysi mehmonxonada to‘xtamoqchi ekanligimni so‘radi. 4. U (qiz) bizga ob-havo
o‘zgarmaganligini aytdi. 5. U (ayol) turmushga chiqdi
va familiyasini o‘zgartirdi, shuning uchun biz uni topa
olmadik. 6. “Bolaligimda kolp o ‘ynagan ko‘chalarimni
taniy olarmikinman”, - deb o‘ylardim. “0 ‘sha paytda u
tor va loy edi”. Uni yana ko‘rganimda, men uni zo‘rg‘a
taniy oldim. Hozir u chiroyli, keng ko‘cha bo‘lib ketibdi.
7. Astraxanga keta turib sayyohlar ko‘pgina katta shaharlarga tashrif buyurishdi. Gid ularga ular haqida ko‘p
qiziqarli narsalami aytib berdi. 8. Shifokor bola kasalxonaga yotishi (borishi) kerakligini aytdi. 9. U kasalxonada qancha qolishiga to‘g‘ri kelishini bilmasdi. 10. Siz
qishloq xo‘jaligi ko‘rgazmasida bo‘ldingiz, shundaymi?
Oxirgi paytda yana qaysi ko‘rgazmalarda bo‘ldingiz?
11. Moskvaga ketishda (yo‘l-yo‘lakay) biz yana nimalami
ko‘rmoqchi ekanligimizni u bilishni xohlardi. 12. Akam
qachon kasalxonadan qaytishini bilishni xohlardim.
13. Akam kasalxonadan qaytsa, biz ikki haftaga shahar
chetiga chiqamiz. 14. 0 ‘tgan yili men Yaltadan uzoq
boim agan joyda dam oldim. Yaltadan tashqari men Sevastopolda ham bo‘ldim.
I. M atnni hikoya qilib bering: a) k o‘chirm a gap bilan; b) Janob
Grin nom idan; c) Leonid Petrov nom idan.
II. Q uyidagi so ‘z va so ‘z birikm alaridan foydalanib, hikoyalar
my friend’s son, very tall, to change, can (could)
hardly, to recognize
2. to get a new flat, a new district, a beautiful place,
straight streets, a lot o f gardens, I’d like to
3. to get ill, I wonder, how long, to stay in hospital,
to go to see, as soon as
4. an industrial exhibition, to open, recently, to plan
to go
5. to like travelling, to visit, recently, many other,
to know a lot about, to be able to tell
6. to go to a museum, a guide, to tell, a lot of interes­
ting things, to say
III. Q uyidagi m avzularda m atnlar tuzing:
The Place Where I Was Bom.
Moscow Old and New.
Moscow Underground.
The New Building o f Moscow University.
IV. Sizga notanish boMgan k o‘chaga qanday borilishini, u yerga
avtobus (trolleybus, m etro) borishini so ‘rang. Yordam uchun
m innatdorchilik bildiring.
V. Q uyidagi dialogni o ‘qishni m ashq qiling, yod oling va
“'What are you 'going to 'do on 'Sunday, Mr Smith?’1
“I was 'planning to 'see the Rights.] 'Could you 'tell
me t how I can 'get to ] Moscow Uni'versity from my
“'Would you 'like to have \n e as your guide?”]
“I’d W
“Then 'what 'time shall we \neet?| 'Would 'ten in the
'morning be j too Jearly?”]
“Oh, >lio,| 'that’s t quite 'all \ig h t.”|
Text: In the Lunch H our (Meals).
Grammar: 1. 1- yoki 3- shaxsga qaratilgan buyruq yoki iltimosning
ifodalanishi. (61-§, 707-bet.)
2 . if yoki w heth er bogMovchilari bilan kiritilgan
toMdiruvchi ergash gaplar (U m u m iy s o ‘roq gaplar
o‘zlashtinna gapda). (62-§, 708-bet.)
3. N arsa-buyum nomlari oldidan artiklning ishlatilishi.
(63-§, 708-bet.)
4. a little, a few birikmalari. (64-§, 709-bet.)
I usually have lunch at half p a st one, but yesterday I
went to the office w ith o u t breakfast (I only had a cup of
tea) and by twelve o’clock I was already h u n g ry . I don’t
like having lunch alone, so I said to Nick: “Let’s have
lunch together.” “All right,” he answered, “I’ll jo in you
in a few minutes.”
When we went to the can teen , there weren’t many
people there. We got tick ets (checks) for lunch, sat down
at a table near the window, and called the w aitress. She
brought knives, fork s, spoons and p lates and took our
tickets (checks).
“Will you have any soup today?” I asked Nick.
“No, I’m not very hungry,” he said. “But I’ll have
some mineral w ater, salad , m e at and p o ta to es', and ice­
cream fo r the sw eet.”
“Oh, here’s the waitress”
(The waitress brings the dishes.)
“The salad’s very good, but there’s not enough salt in
it. Will you pass me the salt, please? ”
“Certainly. Here it is.”
“Thank you.”
“Shall I pass you some ry e b re a d ? ”
“No, thank you. I usually have it with the soup, and I
like white bread for the meat co u rse.”
The waitress cam e up to us in a few minutes and asked
if we would have coffee, or tea.
“Yes please. Tea for my friend, and coffee for me,” I
“Black or white?”
“Black, and some cake, please.”
“How d’you like your tea?” she asked my friend.
“Not very stro n g ,” he answered, “and only two lum ps
o f sugar, please.”
We talked a little, when lunch was over, and at twentyfive to one went back to the office. We had a little time
before work to read the newspaper and have a sm oke.2
We began work again half an hour later.3
“L et’s 'go to the сап\ееп,|
ЛИаН w e?” |
- O shxonaga ketdik, boramizmi?
“Wes,I V s ”|
- Ketdik.
“ 'Would you 'like jth a t Stable
for 'two at the Jwindow?”]
- Sizga deraza oldidagi ikki kishilik stol m a ’qulmi?
“Wes, I 'that will 'do \iicely.”|
- Ha, juda.
- Nimadan boshlashni xohlaysiz?
“ 'What w ould you
Ytart with?” |
'like to
“ToWato juice [cfeu:s], y(}lease.”|
- Pom idor sharbati bilan.
“ 'Will you 'have ineat or ^fish
- Keyin nima buyurasiz, g o ‘shtmi yoki baliq?
to follow?”|_____________
... m eat an d potatoes ... go'sht bilan kartoshka.
P o tato [pa'teitou] kartoshka so‘zi -o bilan tugallanuvchi
boshqa otlar kabi ko'plikda -es qo‘shimchasini oladi,
undagi -e o‘qilmaydi:
a potato kartoshka - potatoes kartoshkalar
a tomato pomidor - tomatoes pomidorlar
Biroq, birlikda -o bilan tugallanishiga qaramasdan,
ko‘plik shaklini umumiy qoida bo‘yicha yasaydigan otlar
ham mavjud, ya’ni ularga -s qo‘shiladi:
a piano royal - pianos royallar
a photo fotosurat - photos fotosuratlar
We h ad a little tim e befo re w o rk to read the
n ew sp ap er an d have a sm oke. Ish boshlanguncha
bizning gazeta о ‘qish va chekib olish uchun biroz vaqtimiz bor edi. To have fe’li noaniq artikl bilan ishlatilgan
ot bilan kelganda ko‘pincha qisqa payt davom etadigan
ish-harakatni ifodalaydi. Bunday so‘z birikmalari o‘zbek
tiliga ...ib olmoq fe’l birikmasi bilan tarjima qilinadi:
to have a smoke
chekib olmoq
to have a talk
gaplashib olmoq
to have a swim
cho‘milib olmoq
Biroq, boshqa variantlar ham bo‘lishi mumkin:
to have a rest dam olmoq
to have a look qaramoq
3.... h a lf an h o u r la te r ... yarim soatdan so ‘ng (yarim
soat o'tgandan so'ng). 0 ‘zbek tilidagi so'ng (keyin)
so‘zini ingliz tilida ikki xil berish mumkin:
Men bir yarim soatdan so ‘ng
Г 11be back in an h o u r
an d a half.
Men uyga soat 9 da keldim,
kechki ovqatni edim, kitob o‘qidim va bir yarim
soatdan so'ng (bir yarim
soat vaqt o‘tgandan so^ng)
uxlagani yotdim.
I came back home at 9
o’clock, had supper,
read a book, and an
h o u r an d a h alf
la te r I went to bed.
(the) lunch h o u r
in the lunch h o u r
h a lf an h o u r
a n h o u r a n d a half
a q u arte r
a q u a r t e r of an h o u r
a meal
w ithout
to be h u n g ry
to be thirsty
to join
a canteen
a r e s ta u r a n t
a ticket
m eat
for the sweet
to pass
a check
(See Vocabulary for
to call
a w aitress
a w a ite r
a knife { p i knives)
a fork
a plate
w a te r
b re a d (white, b ro w n , rye)
a course
a th ree - (four-) cou rse d in n e r
th e m e a t (fish) course
for the second course
to com e up
to go up
stro n g
w eak
a lu m p o f s u g a r
to sm o k e
to hav e a sm oke
a cigarette
la te r
Lesson Twelve, p. 549)
1- va 3- shaxsga q a r a tilg a n iltim osning ifodalanishiga e ’tib o r
b erib , q u yida g i g a p l a r n in g o ‘qilishini m a sh q qiling. (61-§)
'Let’s 'sit 'down \iere, jshall vve?|
'Let’s 'go to the exhibition to\lay.|
'Let him ^help vou.l
'Don’t 'let them \alk.|
5. 'Please 'let us 'know T when you’re Yoming.|
II. m e olm osh ini 1- va 3- shaxsning boshqa olm osh lari bilan
alm ash tirin g va gaplarni o‘zbek tiliga tarjim a qiling.
1. Let me watch TV tonight. 2. Let me have a look at
the picture. 3. Let me have a little rest.
III. Q avslarn i och ib , olm oshlarni kerakli kelishikda qoMIang.
G ap larn i o ‘zb ek tiliga tarjim a qiling.
1. Let (we) discuss these questions this morning.
2. Let (he) translate the letters from German into Uzbek.
3. Let (I) go to see him after classes this evening. 4. Let
(they) give the books to the library in time. 5. Let (she)
revise all the words from Lesson Two. 6. Let (we) read a
book about our city.
IV. N am unaga qarab javob fikr bildiring.
“Your friend wants to come at five today.”
“Let him come.”
1. Comrade Petrov would like to read this book.
2. Your son wants to go to the cinema today. 3. Your
daughter wants to watch TV tonight. 4. My son’s friends
want to play chess at my place. 5. Your children want to
go to the country for the week-end.
V. Q u yidagi so ‘zlardan foydalanib, nam una asosida gap lar
Let’s go for a walk, shall we?
to open, to close, to go to the seaside, to go by bus
(trolley-bus), to have a game o f chess, to ring up, to go to
the cinema’ (theatre, country), to have a look at
V I. 1- yoki 3- shaxsga qaratilgan iltim os yoki buyruqning
ifodalanishiga e ’tibor berib, gaplarni ingliz tiliga tarjim a
1. Keling, xonaning derazasini ochamiz. 2. 0 ‘rtoq
Ivanov o‘zining ingliz do‘stlariga mamlakatimiz haqida
gapirib bersin. 3. Sizga telegrammani tarjima qilishga
yordam berishimga ijozat bering. 4. Bu kitobni ular
o‘qishsin va muhokama qilishsin. 5. (Keling) Bolalar ham
kelasi shanba, yakshanbani shahar chetida o‘tkazishsin.
6. Kelinglar, taksi olamiz, maylimi (bo‘ptimi)? 7. Delegatsiyani (delegation) u kutib olsin. U ingliz tilini yaxshi
biladi. 8. Keling, nemis adabiyotidan ma’ruzaga bugun
kechqurun boramiz. Akam uni juda qiziq bo‘lishini aytdi.
9. Kitoblarimni olishga ijozat bering.
VII. ToMdiruvchi va payt ergash gaplardagi kesim ning zam on
shakliga e ’tibor berib, gaplarni yakunlang. (62-§X
a) \. \ wonder if ... . 2. He wonders whether ... .
3. She doesn’t know i f . . . . 4 .1 don’t remember i f . . . . 5. He
didn’t remember whether .... 6. He wondered why ....
b) 1. I’ll go and see my friend i f . . . . 2. He would like
to know i f .... 3. My daughter will go to Kiev for a holi­
day i f ... . 4. We shan’t go to the country if ... . 5. He
won’t pass his English exam if ... . 6. I haven’t heard
w hether....
V III. O z b e k va ingliz tillaridagi ergash gaplar kesim ining zam on
shakliga e ’tibor berib, gaplarni ingliz tiliga tarjim a qiling.
1. Agar ob-havo o ‘zgarmasa biz shahar chetiga chiqmaymiz. 2. Qiziq, men uni ko‘rganimda tanirmikanman.
3. Agar men jum a kuni kechqurun band bo‘lmasam, ke­
ling, ko‘rgazmaga boramiz, bo‘ptimi? 4. U (allaqachon)
bo‘shaganligini bilishni xohlardim. 5. Biz shanba, yakshanba kunlari shaharda qolmaymiz, agar ob-havo yax­
shi bo‘lsa. 6. U o‘z vaqtida keladimi yo‘qmi, men sizga
aytolmayman. 7. Agar u (soat) o‘ngacha kelsa, (unga)
menga telefon qilishini ayting. 8. Agar bugun kechqurun
meni u bilan gaplashgani vaqtim boim asa, men buni al­
batta ertaga ertalab bajarishim kerak.
I)f. Q avs ichidagi so ‘zlardan kerakligini tanlang.
1. He can read English (a little, a few). 2. Let him think
(a little, a few). 3. I’ve been to (a little, a few) lectures
here and liked them very much. 4. We spent (a little, a
few) days in the country and then came back to town
because the weather was awful. 5. You know (a little, a
few) German, don’t you? 6. My little son knows (a little,
a few) English words. 7. There weren’t many wide streets
in this town (a little, a few) years ago. 8. If you think
(a little, a few), you will remember the rule and translate
the sentence. 9. My brother is coming to Moscow in
(a little, a few) days. 10.1 don’t know any French, but I like
to hear it. Please say (a little, a few) words in French.
I. Q uyidagi so ‘z birikm alarining o‘qilishini m ashq qilib, dars
m atnini ovoz chiqarib o‘qing:
'white 'bread
here’s the V aiteress
^black, please
'brings the \iishes
II. Q u yidagi so ‘zlarni ovoz chiqarib o ‘qing:
a) breath, bread, dread, thread, spread, steady,
b) pass, class, glass, grass, last, past, fast, ask, task,
far, dark, smart, cart; bread, ready, breath; potato, Negro;
firm, bird, berth, birth, stem, furs; clear, here, care, cure,
III. Q uyidagi so ‘zlar qaysi o ‘zaklardan va qaysi yp‘l bilan
yasalganligini ham da ular qaysi gap boMaklariga tegishli
ekanligini aniqlang. U larni o ‘zb ek tiliga tarjim a qiling:
IV. N am unada ko‘rsatilganidek gap lar tuzing.
Л. N a m u n a: How many meals do you have a day?
how many meals he has a day.
what time he usually has his morning
whether he likes having his meals
whether he likes the canteen at his
whether he sometimes goes home in
the lunch hour,
whether he’s hungry (thirsty) yet.
whether any of his friends is going to
join him for lunch today,
whether he will have any soup
Ask your friend
what kind of bread he likes,
whether he wants meat or fish,
what he will have for the second
course today,
whether he will have some mineral
what he will have for the sweet,
whether he likes to smoke after
whether he had tea or coffee this
whether he likes strong or weak tea.
how many lumps o f sugar he takes
with his tea.
whether he likes his tea with milk.
B. N a m u n a: Please pass me the milk.
Will you pass me the milk, please?
Could (Can) you pass me the milk, please?
Ask your friend to pass you
N uqtalar o ‘rniga kerakli
yuklam alaridan q o ‘ying.
a fork,
a knife,
a plate,
the salt,
the bread,
the sugar,
some cake,
the salad.
joy da
1 .1 wonder whether they are coming ... h a lf... two or
... three. 2. I’ve got three tickets ... the new film, but my
daughter can’t go. Would you like to join ... us? 3. Please
ask Peter whether he would like to join ... us ... lunch.
4. Do you usually have rye bread ... the meat course?
5. Let’s have meat and potatoes ... the second-course and
some ice-cream ... the sweet, shall we? 6. Will you call
the students ... please? The examination begins ... ten
minutes. 7. Comrade Klimov has just rung me . . . . He
says he’s coming ... a few minutes. I wouldn’t like to
begin the discussion ... him. 8. “Is your son ... his first or
second year now?” “H e’s ... his third, he graduates ... a
year from now.” 9. As I was going ... home, a man came
... and asked me whether the 12th bus would take him ...
Red Square. 10. Are you going ... the canteen ... lunch or
are you going to have a cup ... tea ... the office?
VI. A jratib ko‘rsatilgan so ‘zlardan oldin artikl ham da som e va
a n y olm oshlarining ishlatilishiga e ’tibor berib, gaplarni ingliz tiliga tarjim a qiling.
Qiziq, nimaga ay rim bolalar sutni yoqtirmas ekanlar? 2. Sut xohlaysanmi (ichasanmi)? 3. Mening qornim unchalik och emas, bugun men sho 'rva о 1may man.
4. Menga s h o ‘rva bering. 5. Sizga oq q a n d (shakar)
beraymi? - Ha, ikki bo‘lak, iltimos. 6. Siz salatni yoqtirasizmi? 7. Menga salatni uzatib yuboring, iltimos.
8. Muzqaymoq xohlaysizmi? 9. Marhamat qilib, muzqaymoq bering. 10. Kofe juda kuchsiz (ekan). 11. Mar­
hamat qilib, tortdan oling. 12. Menga ozgina suv bering.
Juda chanqadim.
VII. N uqtalar o‘rniga to speak, to talk, to say, to tell fe’llaridan
m osini kerakli shaklda q o‘yin g va gaplarni o ‘zbek tiliga
tarjim a qiling.
“M other... there aren’t any knives or forks on the
table. Will you go and bring them?” my sister asked.
2. They often walk home together and ... about their
children on the way. 3. Could you ... us a few things
about the countries you’ve been to recently? 4. “Has he
... you when he’ll be back?” “Yes, he ... he’ll be here
in a fortnight.” 5. The lecturer ... for an hour and a half
and ... the listeners a lot o f interesting things. He ... that
there would be several new hotels, schools and hospitals
in our town in a year or two. 6. He ... he can ... three
foreign languages. I wonder why you never ... English to
him. 7 .1 wonder if you can ... me the way to the Bolshoy
V III. Ingliz tiliga tarjim a qiling.
A. 1. Sizga bu ko‘rgazma haqida Ыг-ikki og'iz (bir
nechta) so‘z aytishimga ijozat bering. 2. Bu savollarning
barchasini bugun muhokama qilish uchun bizning vaqtimiz juda oz. 3. U ingliz tilini biroz biladi, biroq u o ‘z
ma’ruzasini ingliz tilida qila olmaydi, deb qo‘rqaman.
4. Biroz kuting. Men bir necha daqiqadan so‘ng qaytaman. 5. 0 ‘ylaymanki, biz telegrammani bir necha soatdan so‘ng olamiz.
B. 1. Siz ingliz tilini bu maqolani tarjima qilish
uchun yetarlicha yaxshi bilasiz. 2. Bugun mening yelarlicha vaqtim yo‘q, deb qo‘rqaman va men siz bilan bora
olmayman. 3. Bu kitob siz uchun yetarlicha (juda) qiziq
deb o‘ylayman. 4. Choyning shakari yetarli emas. 5. Salatning tuzi yetarli emas. (Salatda tuz yetishmaydi.)
IX. G apdagi so ‘z tartibiga e ’tibor berib, ingliz tiliga tarjim a
1. Mana < ^ 0rt-
5. Mana <
Jjizning uy.
2. Mana
6. Mana
3. Mana < < u l a r alar'
7' Mana < C
u \fr . Ч° 5Ыч1аГ'
4. M ana < ^ a r e i k a .
8 M ana ^
m ening akam .
X. Ergash gaplarda fe’l-kesim ning zam oniga e ’tibor berib,
quyidagi gaplarni to ‘ldiring:
1. I’ll go to the country when
— my friend ...
my son ...
w e...
3. Stay here till
h e ...
— your friend...
these engineers...
our teacher...
w e...
as soon as
I ...
6. We’ll go to the canteen after-
your children...
5. My son will go away on
, . Г. ,
his m e n d ...
my friend... •
XI. E rg a sh g a p l a r d a fe’l-k esim n in g z a m o n ig a e ’tib o r berib,
g a p l a r n i ingliz tiliga t a r j i m a qiling.
1. Siz ta’tilga imtihonni topshirib bo‘lgandan so‘ng
ketasizmi? 2. Biz gazetani dars boshlanguncha o‘qishimiz
mumkin. 3. Siz bugun nechada bo‘shashingizni bilasizmi? 4. Men bo‘shashim bilan sizga qo‘ng‘iroq qilaman.
5. Men u (qiz) bilan gaplashib olgunimcha siz shu yerda
bo‘la (qola) olasizmi? 6. Biz dengizga dam olgani borganimizda, bar kuni u yerda cho‘milamiz va oftobda toblanamiz. 7. Qiziq, men yana qachon ma’ruza tayyorlashim kerak bo’larkin.
XII. Q uyidagi savollarga javob bering. Javobda qavs ichida
ko‘rsatilgan vaqtni ishlating.
1. What time do you usually get up? (ertalabki 7:10
da) 2. What time do you have breakfast? (ertalabki 7:30
da) 3. What time do you usually go to the office? (ertalabki
8:15 da) 4. What time do you go into the class-room if
the classes begin at a quater past eight (at nine o’clock,
at half past eight, at a quater to nine)? (ertalabki 8:10,
8:45, 8:25, 8:40 larda) 5. What time did you get home
yesterday? (kechki 6:45 da) 6. When did you begin doing
your homework yesterday? (kechki 7:10 da) 7. What time
did you go to bed? (kechki 11:50 da) 8. What time are you
going to have dinner tomorrow? (kunduzgi 1:25 da)
XIII. Aniq vaqtni bildiruvchi so‘z birikmalaridagi predloglarning
tarjimasiga e’tibor berib, gaplarni ingliz tiliga tarjima qiling.
1. Men avtobus bekatiga chorakta kam yettida keldim,
biroq avtobus yo‘qligi bois men uyga piyoda ketishga
qaror qildim. 2. Keling, oshxonaga o ‘nta kam birda boramiz. Bu paytda u yerda odam (uncha) bo‘lmaydi. 3. Men
u yerda beshgacha (soat) bo‘ldim. 4. Kecha darslar soat
uchda tugadi va chorakta kam to‘rtdayoq uyda boMdim.
5. Film olti yarimda tugadi va biz biroz sayr qilishga
qaror qildik. 6. Bu yerga, marhamat qilib, o ‘n ikki-yu
o‘ttizda keling. Biz birga kutubxonaga boramiz. 7. Avvalgi kuni men institutda sakkiz yarimgacha qolishimga
to‘g‘ri keldi.
XIV. Q uyidagi so ‘z va so ‘z birikm alaridan foydalanib, savollarga
javob bering: 10 (20) m in u te s, h a l f an hour, an h o u r a n d a
half, a q uarter o f a n hour, s ix m o n th s, a fo rtn ig h t.
1. How long did it take you to do your homework
2. How long does it take you to get home if you go by bus
(trolley-bus, underground)?
3. How long will it take you to get to Ostankino from the
centre o f Moscow if you go there by trolley-bus?
4. How long do you think it will take me to do all the
5. How long do you think it will take us to read this play
by Oscar Wilde?
XV. D arsning yangi s o ‘zlaridan foydalanib, gaplarni in gliz tiliga
tarjim a qiling.
Siz hozir men bilan ovqatlangani borasiz, shundaymi? - Yo‘q, deb qo‘rqaman. Men faqat bir soatdan
so‘ng bora olaman. - Unda men o‘zim (yakka) boraman. Mening qomim juda ochdi. Men bugun olti yarim­
da nonushta qilgandim. 2. Qoming ochdi-ku? To‘g ‘rimi? Sho‘rva ichishni xohlaysanmi? - Yo‘q, men och
emasman. Faqat juda ham chanqadim. Menga choy ber.
3. Shanba kuni siz nima qilmoqchisiz? - Biz restoranga
borishni xohlardik. Agar siz ham bizga qo‘shilsangiz, biz
bundan xursand bo‘lar edik. 4. Anna menga unda yangi
filmning chiptalari borligini aytdi va mendan u bilan birga
borishni istashimni mendan so‘radi. U yolg‘iz borishni
xohlamasdi, uning dugonasi esa u o‘zini yomon his qilgani uchun u bilan bora olmasdi. 5. Shirinlikka m uzqay­
moq oling. Ularda doim juda yaxshi muzqaymoq boMadi.
6. Mana tuz. Menimcha, kartoshkaning tuzi yetarli emas.
7. Biznikiga kelishga qachon yetarlicha vaqti bo‘lishini
aytsin, axir. 8. U maqolani yozib boigach biznikiga kelishini va hammasini gapirib berishini aytdi. 9. Biz bu
zaldan oshxona sifatida foydalanishimiz mumkin, u
yetarlicha keng. 10. Choyingizning achchiqligi yetarlimi?
- Ha, rahmat. Men juda ham achchiq choyni yoqtirmay255
man. 11. Soat endi 6. Chekib olish uchun bizda chorak
soat vaqtimiz bor, shundaymi? 12. Menga sigaret bera
olasizmi? - Afsuski, menda bironta ham yo‘q.
X V i. Q uyidagi dialoglarni o ‘zlashtirm a gap bilan aytib bering:
Mary: I don’t want to go to the canteen alone. Will
you join me for lunch?
Ann: I’d love to.
Mary: When will you be free?
Ann: In a quarter o f an hour.
Mary: All right, then, w e’ll go together.
John: I’ve got two tickets for a new film. Would you
like to go?
Mary: I’m afraid I’ll be busy this evening. What time
does it begin?
John: At half past eight.
Mary: Oh, that’s all right. I think I’ll have enough time
to do all I’m planning to.
Peter: How long are going to stay here?
Ann: A fortnight, I think.
Peter: Then you’ll have enough time to see the sights,
won’t you? Would you like to begin tomorrow morning?
Ann: I’d love to.
A man: Excuse me. Can you speak English?
Ann: Yes, a little.
The man: Could you tell me how I get to Red Square
from here?
Ann: Yes, certainly. You can take the 12,h bus. It won’t
take you ten minutes to get there.
The man: Thank you very much.
Ann: Not at all.
I. M a t n n i o ‘z l a s h t i r m a g a p l a r d a h i k o y a q i l i b b e r i n g .
I I . B e r i l g a n s o ‘z l a r n i q o M l a g a n h o l d a q i s q a h i k o y a l a r t u z i n g .
1. To spend, at the seaside, to swim, to sunbathe, the
sea, to be hungry, to have a three-course dinner, not to be
2. In the lunch hour, restaurant, to be hungry and
thirsty, waiter, it took ..., not to have enough time, with­
out, coffee.
3. Alone, never, to be busy, coffee or tea, a cup, not
to go to the canteen.
4. To want, to have a smoke, not to have got any
cigarettes, to have to, to ask for, to thank.
III. Q u y id a g i m a v z u la rg a a x b o ro t ta y y o rlan g :
1. My Everyday Meals.
2. A Canteen at a Holiday-centre.
IV. M a t n d a n k e y i n g i r a m k a i c h i d a b e r i l g a n d i a l o g n i y o d o l i n g v a
sah n a la sh tirin g .
V. Q u y i d a g i d i a l o g n i n g o ‘q i l i s h i n i m a s h q q i l i n g , u n i y o d o l i n g v a
sa h n a lash tirin g :
Meeting at the Restaurant
“Good Yvening, Mr Petrov.”|
“ Good Y vening, M r Brown.| I 'don’t 'think you’ve
t met bejfore.| 'This is | M r Yciimov,| our Y xpert
“'How do you Yo, Mr Klimov.”|
“ 'How do you Y o, M r Brown.I 'Glad to Y ieet you.”|
“ T h is Avay, please.) O ur 'table is in the Yomer.| I
'think w e’ll 'feel j quite Jcomfortable there.”!
“Ves,| it’s a 'nice Aable.”)
“'Won’t you 'sit yhere, Mr Brown?| 'What will you
T ex t:
T h ey are L eaving M o sco w
G ram m ar:
1. M a j h u l n i s b a t ( T h e P a s s i v e V oic e). ( 6 5 - § , 7 0 9 bet.)
2. M a x s u s s o ‘ro q g a p l a r o ‘z l a s h t i r m a g a p d a . ( 6 6 - § ,
7 1 3 - b e t . ) _________________________________________
3. E g a l i k o l m o s h l a r i n i n g a b s o l u t ( m u s t a q i l ) s h a k l i.
(67-§, 7 1 4 -b et.)
If you look at the picture, you’ll see a man, a woman
and a child in it. Would you like to know who they are and
why there are shirts, trousers, dresses, hats, suits, coats,
shoes and other things all over the place?1 The man's a
friend o f mine. His name is Oleg. He just graduated and
is now getting ready to go to his home town. He’s going
to work as a doctor at a hospital which was built a few
months ago.
You can see his little son busy packing. Some o f his
toys have already been packed in a box and he’s putting
the rest of them in it. Oleg’s wife, a young woman of
about twenty-two, is busy packing things, too. W hat’s
she doing now? She’s closing a suit-case.
She must also go and get some food, but she won’t go
shopping until all the things have been packed.
Oleg’s writing his new address on the last box. As
soon as he finishes writing it, all the boxes will be taken
to the railway station. The taxi’s already waiting at the
door. So he’s hurrying.
You can’t see his mother in the picture. She’s making
supper in the kitchen. In an hour and a half their friends
will come to say good-bye to Oleg and his family and
wish them a happy life in the new place.2
(To be learnt by heart)
A.: H al)lo, JPeterJ 'H ow V re you?| 'W here Avere
you* a 'few 'days a)go?| I 'rang you Jup, but there was no
B.: 'Didn’t you 'know I was in JSaint Petersburg?! I
'only 'came )back last AiightJ
A.: 'I Jsee ... 'How did you )like it there?!
B.: The 'city’s VonderfulJ
A.: 'Did you 'have efnough 'time to go Jsightsceing?!
B.: I’m a'fraid I ^didn’t.! There are 'so 'many 'places
of t interest in ^Saint Petersbug, you JknowJ 'so 'many
palaces,* m ujseum s and Vionuments! I 'couldn’t 'see
V ll o f Ahem.I
A.: T h a t’s a JpityJ 'isn’t it?|
- E s o n - o m o n q o ‘n i b olin g !
I ' w i s h y o u a f h a p p y )la n d in g .|
I ' w i s h y o u a t h a p p y ) j o u r-
A 'p l e a s a n t j o u r n e y t o y o u .|
“ 'D i d y o u 'h a v e a t g o o d
Jjoum ey?” |
“ ^Q u ite y ^ o o d ( 'n o t ) t o o A>ad),
thank y o u .” |
“ ' W h i c h h o 't e l a r e y o u S t a y i n g
in ? ” |
“ ' H o w d o y o u ) lik e it h e r e ? ” )
- O q y o ‘l!
( S a f a r i n g i z b e x a t a r b oM sin!)
- Q a n d a y y e tib o ld in g iz?
- Y a x s h i (unchalik y o m o n
e m a s ) , r a h m a t.
- S iz qaysi m eh m o n x o n a d a
t o ‘x t a d i n g i z ?
- Sizga b u y e r yoq y a p tim i?
1. ... dresses, hats, suits, coats, shoes and other
th in g s
ко ‘ylaklar, shlapalar, kastum lar, palto, tufli va
boshqa narsalar... Gapda other, odatda, o‘zidan keyingi
so‘zda aniqlovchi vazifasida ishlatiladi:
There are two books on
Stol ustida ikkita kitob
the table: one book is
turibdi: bitta kitob rusRussian, the other book
cha, boshqasi - ingis English.
Misoldan ko‘rinib turibdiki, o ther + ot (yoki one
o‘rindosh so‘zi) birikmasidan oldin aniq artikl ishlatilyapti, agar gap ikki predmet (yoki shaxs) dan biri haqida
borsa. Bordi-yu, agar gap uch yoki undan ortiq predmet
(shaxs) haqida borsa, unda bunday so‘z birikmalaridan
oldin noaniq artikl ishlatiladi va other ga qo‘shib yozilib,
another olmoshini hosil qiladi.
I don’t like this coat. Will
Bu palto menga yoqmayapyou show me another
ti. Menga, marhamat qilib,
one, please? (There are
boshqasini ko‘rsating. (Maa lot o f coats in the
gazinda ko‘pgina paltolar
A nother so‘zi ko‘pincha yana bitta m a’nosiga ega
Have another cup o f tea. Yana bir piyola choy iching.
O ther olmoshi gapda mustaqil tarzda ham xuddi ot
kabi ega yoki toidiruvchi vazifasida ishlatilishi mumkin.
Bunda u ko‘plikda others shaklida qoilanadi va ma’noga
qarab kerakli joyda aniq artikl bilan kelishi mumkin:
Comrade Ivanov, Petrov
0 ‘rtoq Ivanov, Petrov va
and others speak English
boshqalar ingliz tilida
yaxshi gapirishadi.
well, (others - ega)
Last night I went to the
theatre and saw Stepanov,
Bobrov and the others
there, (the others - vositasiz to‘ldiruvchi)
Kecha men teatrda bo‘ldim va u yerda Stepanovni, Bobrovni va
boshqalarni ko‘rdim.
Muhandislarimizdan beshFive o f our engineers will
soon have a holiday. Two
tasi yaqinda ta’tilga chio f them are going to the
qadi. Ulardan ikkitasi
shahar chetiga chiqadi,
country, the others are
qolganlari janubda dam
going to the South, (the
others - ega)
Others shakli kishilarga nisbatan ham, predmetlarga
nisbatan ham ishlatiladi:
Titov, Petrov va boshqa­
Titov, Petrov and the
others left for Kiev
lar kecha Kiyevga keyesterday.
I can only see two books
here. Where are the
Bu yerda faqat ikkita ki­
tob ko‘ryapman. Qol­
ganlari (boshqalari)
In an ho u r and a half their friends will come to
say good-bye to Oleg and his family and wish them a
happy life in the new place. Bir yarim soatdan so 'ng
ularning do 'stlari Oleg va uning oilasi bilan xayrlashgani
va ularga yangi joyda baxtli hayot tilagani kelishadi. Life
hayot oti kolp boshqa mavhum otlar kabi, odatda, noaniq
artikl bilan ishlatilmaydi. Biroq, agar uning oldidan sifat
bilan ifodalangan aniqlovchi kelsa, u noaniq artikl bilan
ishlatilishi mumkin.
a happy life
baxtli hayot
a quiet [kwaiot] life
tinch hayot
Bu qoida barcha mavhum otlarga ham tegishli emas.
Masalan, w ork ish so‘zi hech qachon noaniq artikl bilan
hard w ork
og‘ir ish
. new w ork
yangi ish
interesting w ork
qiziqarli ish
a sh irt
t r o u s e r s (pi)
a dress
a hat
a suit
a coat
a shoe
a p a ir o f shoes
to g e t re a d y
a ( o n e ’s) h o m e t o w n
to p a c k
the rest o f
a b o u t (adv)
a suit-case
a shop
to go s h o p p i n g
to d o s h o p p i n g
an address
a ra ilw a y statio n
a taxi
to w a it (for)
t o b e in a h u r r y
to m a k e b r e a k f a s t (d in n er,
to sa y g o o d -b y e
to w ish
t o w i s h ... a p l e a s a n t j o u r
by h eart
w onderful
to go sig h tse e in g
to see t h e sig h ts
a p lac e o f in te rest
a p a la ce
a m o n u m e n t (to)
T h a t ’s a p i ty . ( I t ’s a p i t y . )
(See Vocabulary for Lesson Thirteen, p. 554)
0 ‘q i s h q o i d a s i
oa harf birikm asi [ou] diftongi kabi o ‘qiladi, m asalan:
coat [kout] palto
I. B e r i l g a n f e ’ l l a r d a n q a y s i l a r i o b y e k t f e ’lli g i n i a n i q l a n g , u l a r n i n g
t a g i g a c h iz in g v a u l a r d a n s o ‘n g t o ‘l d i r u v c h i y o z in g .
to go, to take, to find, to lie, to stop, to swim,
come, to speak, to show, to look at, to live, to discuss,
stand, to spend, to miss, to stay, to listen to, to ski,
use, to change, to recognize, to skate, to hear, to build,
examine, to leave
II. M a j h u l n i s b a t n i n g s h a k l i g a e ’t i b o r b e r i b , q u y i d a g i g a p l a r n i n g
o ‘q i l i s h i n i m a s h q q i l i n g . G a p l a r n i y o d o l i n g , u l a r n i o ‘z b e k
tilig a t a r j i m a q ilin g .
You’re 'wanted on the )’phone. | (= telephone)
'When was jthis 'house ^built?!
He was 'shown the 'way to the ^Ministry.]
'Who was the 'book V ritte n bv?|
A 'new 'library will tsoon be ^built here.|
I’ve 'just been \o ld about it.|
The 'doctor’s been \ e n t for.)
The 'work must be 'done at once.j
I 'don’t 'like to be ta lk e d about.)
I I I . Q u y i d a g i g a p l a r n i o ‘t g a n v a k e l a s i z a m o n g a q o ‘y i n g . B u n d a
p a y t h o l i n i m o s r a v i s h d a o ‘z g a r t i r i n g :
Our students are given a lot o f homework to do
every day. 2. What kind o f books are discussed in class?
3. Comrade Ivanov is often asked to translate articles from
English into Russian. 4. How many houses are built in our
city a year? 5. Why aren’t these exercises done?
IV. Q u y i d a g i g a p l a r n i ( u m u m i y ) s o ‘ r o q g a p v a b o ‘l i s h s i z d a r a k
g a p s h a k l l a r i d a y o z i n g . M a ’n o s i g a q a r a b k e r a k l i o ‘z g a r t i s h l a r
k iritish n i u n u tm a n g .
Houses are built very quickly now. 2. This work
will be finished tomorrow. 3. The delegation was met at
the station. 4. The article has been translated into Russian.
5. The work can be done tomorrow morning. 6. The doctor
has been sent for. 7. The question has been discussed.
8. Comrade Petrov is wanted on the ’phone. 9. The rules
will be revised at the next lesson. 10. The book was written
in 1966.
V. B e r i l g a n s o ‘z b i r i k m a l a r i d a n f o y d a l a n i b , n a m u n a l a r a s o s i d a
g a p la r tu zin g .
N a m u n a 1: The theatre was built last year.
The theatre wasn’t built last year, was it?
When wa§ the theatre built?
The theatre will be built here.
When will the theatre be built?
to be done, to be found, to be read, to be written, to
be learnt, to be translated, to be discussed, to be finished,
to be used, to be given back
N a m u n a 2: I’ve been told to come at three.
to be given a lot of work to do, to be shown the way to ...,
to be asked to bring ..., to be advised to learn
N a m u n a 3: Has the question been translated yet?
to be finished, to be forgotten, to be decided, to be left,
to be revised
N a m u n a 4: The doctor has been sent for.
to be talked about, to be spoken to, to be listened to,
to be looked at
N a m u n a 5: The question must be discussed at once.
Can the question be discussed tomorrow
The question can (can’fl be discussed
tomorrow morning,
to be met, to be spoken to, to be found, to be sent (for),
to be done, to be written, to be shown, to be translated
into, to be finished, to be given back, to be decided, to be
used, to be built
V I.
M a j h u l n i s b a t n i n g is h la tilis h ig a e ’t i b o r b e r i b , g a p l a r n i ingliz
tilig a t a r j i m a qilin g .
A. 1. Bu yerga soat beshda / menga buyurishdi.
X u (qizdan) so‘rashdi.
ularga ko‘rsatishmadi.
bizga jo ‘natishmadi.
3. Chorshanba kuni ertalab < ^
.™ ^ n 4“
\ . s i z l a r m kutib olishadi.
xatlar jo ‘natiladi.
telegramma keltiriladi.
gazetalami olib kelishadi.
5. Kecha <
b-zni chaqirtirishdL
ular haqida gapinshdi.
1. Bu savollar, odatda, ishdan so‘ng muhokama
qilinadi. 2. Sizning shahringizda ko‘p uylar qurilyaptimi?
3. Bu kitob ingliz tiliga ikki yil oldingina tarjima
qilinganligini bilasizmi? 4. Mendan unga bu ishni tugatishda yordam berishimni so‘rashdi, shuning uchun
men ishdan so‘ng idorada qolishim kerak. 5. Unga bu
jum allam i dushanba kuni ertalab berishlari mumkin.
6. Sizga ko‘rmoqchi bo‘lgan hamma narsalaringizni
ko‘rsatishdimi? 7. Uni hoziroq topish kerak. 8. Bu film
haqida ko‘p gapirishyapti. 9. Petrovning ma’ruzalarini
qiziqish bilan tinglashadi. 10. Hoziroq o‘rtoq Ivanovni
chaqirtirish kerak. 11. Bolalarga soat sakkizda uyda bo‘lish
buyurildi. 12. Bum aqolakim tom onidanyozilgan? 13.Xat
va gazetalar qachon keltiriladi? - Menimcha, bir soatdan
so‘ng. 14. Bizdan maktabimizda fransuz tili o‘tilishini
so‘rashdi. 15. Bu telegramma qachon jo ‘natiladi? 16. Un­
dan telegramma qachon jo ‘natilishini so‘rashdi. 17. Birinchi bor meni besh yoshligimda teatrga olib borishdi.
18. M a’ruzadan so‘ng ko‘p savollar berildi. 19. Menga
ertaga sizni ketayotganingizni aytishdi. 20. Menimcha, bu
kitob haqida ko‘p gapirishadi.
V I I . A j r a t i b k o ‘r s a t i l g a n o l m o s h l a r n i b o s h q a k i s h i l i k v a e g a l i k
o lm o s h la r i b ila n a lm a s h t ir i n g . (67-§)
A friend o f mine told me about it. 2. That book is not
mine. 3. Here’s my text-book. Where’s jw r s ? 4. That pen
isn’t mine, mine is a green one. 5. Here’s your notebook,
but I can’t find mine.
V I I I . E g a l i k o l m o s h l a r i n i n g t a r j i m a s i g a e ’t i b o r b e r i b , q u y i d a g i
g a p l a r n i i n g l i z t i l i g a o ‘g i r i n g .
1. Bu ruchka meniki emas, balki u siznikidir?
2. Bugun sizning darsligingizdan foydalansam maylimi?
Men o‘zimnikini uyda qoldiribman. 3. Men bizning
daftarlarimizni topdim, ulamiki qayerda? 4. Siz unga
(qizga) kitobingizni berib tura olasizmi? U (qiz) o‘zinikini
olishni unutibdi. 5. Uning do‘sti bugun m a’ruza qilmoqchi.
Menga u qiziqarli boTishini aytishdi. Boramizmi? 6. Men
chang1i uchishga (to go skiing) bora olmayman. Mening
changNm yoq. - Menikini olishingiz mumkin. Men bugun
chang‘i uchishga bormoqchi emasman.
I X . M a x s u s s o ‘r o q g a p l a r n i n g o ‘z l a s h t i r m a g a p l a r d a g i t a r j i m a ­
s i g a e ’t i b o r b e r i b g a p l a r n i i n g l i z t i l i g a o ‘g i r i n g . (6 6 - § )
(u) qachon shaxmat o‘ynashini
qachon uyga kelishini
birorta chet tilini bilishini
zavodga qanday yetib borayotganligini
institutni tamomlagach qayerda
(u) qanaqa filmlami ko‘rishni
1. Undan
bu suratlardan qaysi birmi ohshm
qaysi filmni ko‘rsatishlarini
ish haqida kim bilan gaplashishni
tarjimani kim bilan qilganligini
do‘stlaridan qaysi biri maqolani
nemis tiliga tarjima qila olishini
2. Ular
qanaqa kitoblami o‘qishni yoqtirishimni
bu kimning kitobi ekanligini
bu kitoblardan qaysilarini olishni
do‘stimga yordam berish uchun
nima qilganimni
darsimni qilishga kim yordam
teatrga kim bilan borishimni
bu haqda kim bilan gaplashganimni
meni kim nikigajo‘natishganini
men qayerga ketmoqchi ekanligimni
nimaga bir nechta ma’ruza
o ‘tkazib yuborganimni
Sverdlov maydoniga(cha) qan­
day borishlarini
Petrovni qachon oxirgi marta
ingliz tilida qanchalik yaxshi gapirishimni
teatrga qanchalik tez-tez borib
bu maqolani tarjima qilishga
qancha vaqtim ketishini
nechta chet tilini bilishimni
ingliz tiliga qancha vaqt sarflashimni
u bu ishga qancha vaqt sarflaganini
u nimaga kutubxonaga bormasligini
u oxirgi yozma ishda nechta xato
institutga borish uchun uning
qancha vaqti ketishini
uning do‘stlari unikiga qanchalik
tez-tez kelishlarini
Q u y i d a g i s o ‘z b i r i k m a l a r i n i n g o ‘q i l i s h i n i m a s h q q i l i b : a ) d a r s
m a t n i n i v a b ) d i a l o g m a t n i n i o v o z c h i q a r i b o ‘q i n g :
getting \ eady
putting_the Vest of them
closing_a Vuit-case
waiting_at the Vloor
[td, Id, nd]
but there
it there
at the ^picture
all the Vhings
in the Vtitchen
which was Vmilt
'where Vere you
I I . Q u y i d a g i s o ‘z l a r n i o v o z c h i q a r i b o ‘q i n g :
a) boat, coat, moan, loan, groan, soap, roam, foam,
b) window, now, Moscow, town, tow, fellow, mellow,
swallow, bowl, borrow
c) happy, yoke, petty, young, type, myth, yet, hurry,
I I I . Q u y i d a g i s o ‘z l a r q a y s i s o ‘z t u r k u m i g a t e g i s h l i e k a n l i g i n i
a n i q l a n g v a u l a r n i o ‘z b e k t i l i g a t a r j i m a q i l i n g :
IV. D a r s n i n g
y a n g i s o ‘z l a r i d a n
fo y d a la n ib , sa v o lla rg a ja v o b
b erin g .
a) 1. Do you like going shopping?
2. When do you usually go shopping?
3. Do you usually do your shopping alone or with
your husband (wife, friend)?
4. Where do you do your shopping?
b) 1. When are you planning to begin preparing for your
2. How long does it take you to prepare for an
3. You can't prepare for an English examination in a
day or two, can you? Why not?
c) 1. What do you have to do when you are getting ready
to go to the South?
2. Will you have to get new suit-cases or have you
already got some?
3. Do you usually take many dresses (suits) with you
to the South? What about shoes, hats and other
4. How long does it take you to pack all your things?
5. Have you ever had to pack in a hurry? When was
d) 1. You don’t like to do things in a hurry, do you? Why
don’t you?
2. Do you often have your breakfast in a hurry?
3. Who makes breakfast for you?
4. Do you usually have enough time to get to your
office, or do you have to hurry?
e) 1. Which o f your family is going to have their birth­
day in the near future?
2. What are you going to give him (her) on his (her)
3. When do you intend to go shopping?
V. Q u y i d a g i t o p s h i r i q l a r n i b a j a r i n g :
Ask your friend
when he last went to his home town,
which o f his friends came to say
good-bye to him.
which of his family went shopping to
get some food for his journey,
whether the railway station is far
from his place,
whether he took a taxi to get there,
whether he was happy to see his
home town again.
Ask your friend
V I.
B erilg an
whether he had a pleasant journey,
how many friends came to the
station to meet him.
how long they had to wait,
whether there are any places of
interest in his home town, any
palaces or museums.
s o ‘z b i r i k m a l a r i d a n
fo y d a la n ib va
k o ‘r s a t il g a n
r e p l i k a l a r d a n q o ‘s h i b n a m u n a a s o s i d a g a p l a r t u z i n g .
N a m u n a: “Let’s go skating, shall we?” “Yes, let’s.”
to go sightseeing; to go shopping; to go skiing; to go
V I I . Q u y i d a g i f e ’ l l a r n i n g t o ‘r t a s o s i y s h a k l i n i b e r i n g :
to travel, to pack, to go shopping, to wait, to pass,
to put, to stay, to hurry, to begin, to play, to study, to get
ready, to say good-bye, to make dinner, to wish
V I I I . B e r i l g a n s o ‘z v a s o ‘z b i r i k m a l a r i d a n e g a v a k e s i m
s i f a t i d a f o y d a l a n i b , m a j h u l n i s b a t n i n g s i z g a m a ’l u m z a m o n
s h a k l l a r i d a i lo ji b o r i c h a k o ‘ p r o q b o N i s h l i v a b o ‘ l i s h s i z d a r a k
g ap, so ‘ro q g a p la r tuzing:
All the things have already been packed.
When were the things packed?
These things haven’t been packed yet.
When will they be packed?
the shirts
the shoes
the trousers
the winter coat
the rest o f the things
the rest of the suits
the rest of the shoes
my new suit
your blue dress
the brown hat
the grey suit
to be packed
to be put into (a suit-case,
to be taken (to the railway
IX. Ergash gaplardagi fc’l-kesim zam oniga e ’tib or berib, q uyid a­
gi gaplarni toMdiring:
We’ll have breakfast as soon as... 2. Will you
go shopping w hen...? 3. Will they wait for us till...?
4. My friend will go to hte home town after... 5. Will
you pack your things before...? 6. Will you make break­
fast before...?
X. D arsning yangi s o ‘zlaridan foydalanib, gaplarni in gliz tiliga
tarjim a qiling. E rgash gaplardagi fe’l-kesim zam on i shakliga
e ’tibor bering.
1. Menga
2. Ulardan
uning ellik yoshlar atrofidaligini
qolgan talabalar hali ham
imtihonlarga tayyorlanayotganlarini
ular ishni tugatishga shoshilganlarini
ish shoshqaloqlik bilan
qilinmasligi kerakligini
ular hali ham meni kutayotganlarini
uning yangi manzilini bilishlarini
qachon ular shohbekatda
qaysi biri taksi olgani borishini
vokzalga borish uchun
ularning qancha vaqti
nimaga ketishga shoshilayotganlarini
qachon do‘stlari bilan
3. Bizga bir
4. Ularga hali
ajoyib yodgorliklami
qiziqarli muzeylami
hashamatli saroylarni
XI. Kerakli joyga artikl yoki kishilik olm oshlaridan m osini
q o ‘ying. M atnni hikoya qilib bering.
I took ... son Peter a fte r... work yesterday to ... shop
in ... Arbat Street to g e t ... new coat. We were shown ...
lot o f ... coats at ... shop. We liked two o f them, but one
was too small for ... son, so we took ... other one. It was
... nice brown coat for ... boy o f fifteen. Then we went
to ... another shop and g o t... toy for ... second son, and
... picture book for ... little daughter. I also got some nice
things for ... wife. It took us ... hour and ... half to do all
our shopping and we g o t... home a t ... quarter past eight.
As soon as we came ... home ... children took ... boxes
from us and opened them. They liked ... toy and ... book
very much. ... daughter, who likes shopping, said that she
would go shopping with ... Mother some day, too. “We’re
going to g e t... new hat for ... Father and ... new shirt for
... Peter.”
XII. G aplarni to ‘ldirib, ularni ingliz tiliga tarjim a qiling. “Yana”
so‘zining tarjim asiga e ’tibor bering.
1. Yana nim a...? 2. Yana kim ...? 3. Yana qayerda...?
4. Yana qanaqa kitoblar...? 5. Yana qanaqa narsalar...?
6. Yana qaysi teatrlar...? 7. Yana qaysi filmlar...?
X III. K erakli joyga predloglardan m osini q o‘ying. M atnni hikoya
qilib bering.
“Do you like packing things?” “I like it very much. I’m
leaving Moscow the day ... tomorrow. I’ve left college
and am going to work as a doctor ... Vologda. I’m going to
pack my things tomorrow. I’ll put my suits, shirts, shoes,
books and other things ... my suit-cases and take them ...
the railw ay station ... a taxi. Several friends are coming
... my place ... the evening the day ... tomorrow to say
good-bye ... me. We’ll go ... the railway station together
... h a l f ... nine. My friend Nick Petrov isn’t coming ...
my place because he’ll be busy, so he’Jl go ... the station
and w a it... us there.
I’ll be ... Vologda ... two days and as soon as I know
my new address, I’ll send it ... my friends. I hope they’ll
write ... me sometimes and perhaps come and see me.”
XIV. Q uyidagi so ‘z birikm alarini in gliz tiliga tarjim a qiling va
ularni gapda qoMlang:
yana bitta ko‘ylak, yana bitta palto, yana bitta kastum,
yana bir poy tufli; boshqa palto, boshqa jomadon, boshqa
kastumlar, boshqa magazinlar, boshqa manzil(goh)lar,
boshqa narsalar; Ivanov, Petrov va boshqa talabalar;
Ivanov, Petrov va ko‘pgina boshqalar; Kiyev, Minsk va
boshqa shaharlar; Kiyev, Moskva va boshqalar; “Martin
Iden”, “Oq tig‘” va boshqa kitoblar; “Martin Iden”, “Oq
tig4” va boshqalar.
XV. G aplarni ingliz tiliga tarjim a qiling.
Yana, allaqachon, boshqa, boshqalar s o ‘zlarining tar­
jim asiga e ’tibor bering:
Bizga u yerda muzeylar, saroylar va boshqa diqqatga sazovor joylarni ko‘rishimiz mumkinligini aytishdi.
2. Sizlarga (allaqachon) boshqa kastum ko4rsatishdimi?
3. Uning ikkita bolasi bor: biri sakkiz yoshda, boshqasi esa
ikki yoshda. 4. Menimcha, siz o‘zingiz bilan yana bir poy
tufli olishingiz kerak. 5. Ular hali ham bizni kutishyapti,
shundaymi? 6. Biz bilan xayrlashgani yana kim kelmoqchi
edi? 7. U hali qolgan narsalarini yig4ishtirmadi. 8. U
(qiz) hali jomadonini vokzalga olib bormadi. 9. U (qiz)
(allaqachon) kechki tushlik tayyorladimi? 10. Men uning
yangi manzilini hali bilmayman. 11. Ish hali tayyor
emas. 12. Dars hali tugamadi. 13. Bolalar hali konki
uchishmayapti, shundaymi? 14. U hali ham kasalmi?
15. Ular hali ham shu yerdami?
b) D arsning yangi so ‘ziaridan foydalaning:
Ular ertaga o‘z ona shaharlariga ketishayotganliklarini menga aytishdi. Kelinglar, ular bilan xayrlashib
kelamiz, bo‘ptimi? 2. Bu ovqatni, odatda, juda kichkina
bolalarga berishadi, shundaymi? 3. Qara! Bu axir Peterku, shundaymi? Qiziq, u qayerga shoshilyapti? 4. Menga
(allaqachon) zavod manzilgohini berib bo‘lishdi. Biz
u yerga ular bizga qo^ngNroq qilishlari bilan boramiz.
5. Afsuski u shoshilayotgan edi. Men unga bir nechta savol
bermoqchiedim. 6. Bu ishni shoshma-shosharlik bilan qilib
boMmaydi. 7. Siz tushlikdan so‘ng nima qilmoqchisiz? Men hali bilmayman. Biroz dam olib, (keyin) magazinga
borishim mumkin. 8. Bu o'zim bilan olmoqchi bo‘lgan
narsamning hammasi. Qolgan narsalar ukam kelib menga
qarashib yuborishi bilanoq joylashtiriladi. 9. U biz yaxshi
yetib olganligimizni so‘radi va bizni yana ko‘rishdan
xursand ekanligini aytdi. 10. U (qiz) nimaga biz uyga
shoshayotganimizni so‘radi. 11 .“Shoshilmanglar, - dedi
u (qiz). - Sizning hali vaqtingiz ko‘p '\ 12. U (m.j.) biz­
dan uni qancha payt kuta olishimiz mumkinligini so‘radi.
13. Bu palto juda eski, menimcha, u besh-olti yil oldin
tikilgan (tayyorlangan).
X V I. D ialoglarni o ‘zlashtirm a gapda aytib bering.
Mary: Are you ready to go?
Ann: Not yet.
Mary: When will you be ready?
Ann: In five minutes.
Mary: Hurry up, I’m waiting for you.
Jim: Can you wait a little?
Peter: Certainly.
Jim: It’ll only take me ten minutes to pack, I think.
Peter: Don’t hurry, w e’ve got a lot o f time.
Nick: All these books are yours, aren’t they?
Fred: No, only five are mine.
Nick: And whose are the rest o f the books?
Fred: You know Jane, don’t you? They are hers.
Mary: I’m happy to see you again. Did you have a
pleasant journey?
Ann: Yes, thank you, the journey was really very
Mary: Did you have a good holiday?
Ann: Yes, it was wonderful.
I. 2-rasm ni tasvirlang.
II. O ‘rtoq S m irnovning o ‘z ona shahriga kelishi, u yerdagi hayoti
va ishini tasvirlang.
III. Yod olishga berilgan dialogni yod oling.
IV. Berilgan so ‘z va s o ‘z birikm alaridan foydalanib, hikoyalar
Making Preparations fo r a Journey
to go shopping, to get, to pack, a suit-case, a box, a lot
o f things, to get ready
Meeting a Friend
to be away on holiday, to get a telegram, to wait at the
station, flowers, to be happy to see, to take ... home in a
taxi, to have dinner together
Going to the Railway Station
not to have enough time, to hurry, to forget, to re­
member, to take a taxi, it took us ... to get to the railway
station, to be in time
Q uyidagi dialoglarning o ‘qilishini m ashq qiling, ularni yod
oling va sahnalashtiring:
\. A t the Airport
“'Here we 'are at Aast. | 'This is our y^lane, I think.”|
“jYes,| you’ll 'be in 'London ayjgain* in 'three and a
'half \iours.”|
“It V a s nice Aneeting you, Mr Petrov.”|
“I’m 'happy to have t met you, \o o , Mr Brown.) I
'hope you 'liked your 'stay in ^Moscow?”)
“yhfes,| 'very Viuch.) I’ll be 'happy to 'see you in
X ondon.”)
“I’ll 'probably Л>е there i in jMay or Alune.) Per'haps
w e’ll 'meet \h e n .”|
“'That would be ] very Alice.) 'Let me 'know when
you’ll t be in Xondon.”)
“'All A'ight.) I 'wish you a | happy Aanding, Mr
Brown.) Good- A)ye.”|
“Good- Aiye.) 'See you in X ondon.”)
“'Mr X reen, ^ Asn’t it?) My Aiame’s ‘ IvaXov. 'How
do you X o.”|
“'How do you )do, Mr Ivanov.) 'Very 'happy to tm eet
you at Aast.) I have 'spoken to you on the Aphone ^
'several times, * I Ahink.) 'Now w e’ve \n e t.”|
“'Did you 'have a fgood journey, Mr Green?”|
“'Not 'too ykad, thank you.”|
“ 'Which ho'tel are you ^staying in?”|
“The ^Metropole Hotel.”]
“'How do you )like it there?”]
“It’s a 'nice hoAel, I think.] I 'feel j quite jcomfortable,
thank you.”]
an airport [ап'езрэ:!] - aeroport
a plane - sam olyot
landing - (yerga) qo‘nmoq
Text: A Sea Story (after fV W. Jacobs)
1. 0 ‘tgan va kelasi zamon davom fe’llari (The Past
and Future Continuous). (68, 69-§§, 715-716betlar.)
2. Buyruq va iltimos o ‘zlashtirma gapda.(70-§, 718bet.)
3. Natija ergash gap. (71-§, 719-bet.)
(after W. W Jacobs)
We asked our friend C ap ta in Brown1 one evening to
tell us som ething about his voyages, and he told us the
follow ing story:
“It was fifteen years ago, when I was a mate on a ship
which was going to New York. We were having a very
good voyage. The captain came up to me one morning
and said:2 “Last night I heard su ch a s tra n g e thing
th a t I don’t know what to do about it. I couldn’t sleep
and I heard a voice which said in my ear: ‘Sail n o rth n o rth -w est.3 Sail north-north-west.’ We must sail in that
direction and find o u t.”
“I’m very sorry, captain,” I said, “but I think you had
too much to eat last night and th a t’s w hy you couldn’t
The captain w as very angry.
“I didn’t eat much yesterday,” he said, “and I heard the
strange voice three times, sir.”
The captain told the men to sail north-west. One o f
the men saw something black in the sea the next day.4
The captain looked th ro u g h his glasses and said to me:
“There’s small b o at there with a man in it. I was right last
night, wasn’t I? We must save him.”
Soon we reached the small boat and saw that the man
in it w as fast asleep. He w en t on sleeping while we took
him into our boat and sailed to w ard s the ship. When the
man was a b ro a d the ship, he su d d en ly opened his eyes
and cried out loudly, “Where am I? W here’s my boat?”
“Hullo!” said the captain. “I ’m very pleased that we
have been able to save you.”
“Did you o rd e r your men to take me out o f my boat
while I was asleep?” the man asked.
“O f course,” answered the happy captain. “Did you
want to be drowned in your little boat?”
“Look here.”5 said the man, “My name’s Captain
Wilson and I’m making a record voyage from New York
to Liverpool in a small boat...”
“'How d’you 'like our \vea-
- Sizga bizning ob-havo qanday
“'VjWell, * it’s 'rather Chan­
geable,! Csn’t it"|
- U juda o ‘zgaruvchan, shunday
emasmi? •
“)Yes,| but on the Avhole * it’s
'not so Cad! 'once you 'get
ЛуТ used to it.”|
Ha, biroq, agar o ‘rganib
qolsangiz, unchalik yomon
ham emas.
C ap ta in B row n, M r B row n kapitan Braun, janob
Braun. Ingliz tilida murojaatlarda artikl ishlatilmaydi:
Professor Nikolayev
Professor Nikolayev
Comrade Sedov
0 ‘rtoq Sedov
M adam ['maedom] xonim, s ir [so:] ser murojaatlaridan
so‘ng familiya kelmaydi. M r ['mista] mister, janob, M rs
['misiz] missis, xonim (turmushgachiqqan ayolga murojaat
qilganda), M iss [mis] miss (turmushga chiqmagan qiz
yoki ayolga murojaat qilganda) familiya bilan ishlatiladi:
Mr Wilson
janob Uilson
Mrs Brown
Braun xonim
Miss Smith
miss Smit
Familiya bilan kelgan murojaatlar katta harf bilan
2. The captain came up to me one m orning and
said ... Kunlardan bir kuni ertalab kapitan mening
oldimga keldi va Gfed/...Boshqa bir vaqtni o‘zida faqat bir
kishiga tegishli bo‘lgan mansabni bildiruvchi so‘zlar kabi
captain oti ham ega va to‘ldiruvchi vazifasida kelganda
aniq artikl bilan, kesimning ot qismi (predikativ) bo‘lib
kelganda artiklsiz ishlatiladi:
T h e cap tain is ill. (ega)
Kapitan kasal.
Did you see th e cap tain ? Kapitanni ko‘rdingizmi?
My friend is ca p ta in o f Mening do‘stim “Titanic”
the “Titanic”.
3. Sail n o rth -n o rth -w est. Shimol-shimol-janub
tomon suzing. N o rth , so u th , w est, east so‘zlari harakat
fe’llari bilan kelganda yo‘nalishni ifodalaydi. Ravish
bo‘lgani uchun ular artiklsiz ishlatiladi va kichik harf
bilan yoziladi. 0 ‘zbek tiliga shimolga (shimol tomon),
janubga, g'arbga, sharqqa deb tarjima qilinadi.
4. O ne o f th e m en saw so m ething b la c k in th e sea
(the) next day. Keyingi kuni matroslardan biri dengizda
qanaqadir qora narsani ко ‘rib qoldi. Keyingi, kelasi ma’nosida, agar vaqt hisobi nutq paytidan olinsa to m o rro w
va n ext so‘zlari bilan kelgan birikmalar ishlatiladi to m o rro w m o rn in g (aftern o o n , evening), n ex t M o n d ay
(w eek, m o n th , y e a r), n ex t bilan kelgan birikmalarda
kelasi ma’nosida hech qachon artikl ishlatilmaydi. 0 ‘tgan
yoki kelasi zamondan turib gamrilganda, agar vaqt
hisobi o‘tgan yoki kelasi zamondagi biron paytdan olinsa
tom orrow birikmasi o‘miga next birikmasi ishlatiladi:
next day, next m orning (afternoon, evening), bu bi­
rikmalar aniq artikl bilan ham, artiklsiz ham ishlatiladi;
next M onday, next week va boshqalar - the next M on­
day keyingi dushanbada, the next w eek keyingi haftada,
the next m onth keyingi oyda, the next y e a r keyingi
yilda va hokazo. Bundan tashqari boshqa iboralar ham
ishlatiladi, masalan: the y ear a fte r th at, the following
y ear (week).
On the twenty-fifth of 25-iyunda do‘stim so‘nggi
imtihonini topshirdi. Ke­
June my friend took
yingi kuni u janubga
his last examination.
(The) Next day he left
for the South.
I’ve had a letter from my
Men singlimdan xat oldim.
sister. She’s coming to
U kelasi yili Moskvaga
Moscow next year.
“Look h ere”. Quloq soling! (Menga qarang!) Bu
ibora suhbatdoshning e’tiborini aytilajak fikrga qaratish
uchun ishlatiladi.
a story
a captain
som ething
a voyage
to m ake a voyage
follow ing
a ship
a steam er (steam ship)
such ... that
so ... that
a stran ger
to sleep (slept, slept)
to go to sleep
a voice
in a loud (low ) voice
an ear
to sail
the North
the South
the W est
the East
in the N orth (South, West,
to the North (South, W est,
East) o f
in the direction o f
to find out (found out,
found out)
to eat (ate, eaten)
that’s w hy
to be angry (w ith, at)
to be cross (w ith)
to look through
a boat
be (fast) asleep
go on (with sm th., doing
sm th.)
to be aboard
an eye
to cry
to cry out
to shout
to be pleased (with)
to order
o f course
(See Vocabulary for Lesson Fourteen, p. 557)
N ew York
[ 'n ju :')э:к]
L iverpool
M r Brown
M r W ilson
I. 0 ‘tgan va kelasi zam on davom (Past va Future C ontinuous)
zam on fe’lining ishlatilishiga e ’tibor berib, quyidagi gaplarning o ‘qilishini m ashq qiling. (68, 69-§§)
1. I was Vaiting for you at JlO.| 'Why 'didn’t you
2. 'What were you 'doing when I t rang you \ip?|
3. You 'weren’t Vaiting for me, * Jwere you?|
4. I’ll be 'seeing him to\norrow.|
5. He 'won’t be 'coming to )see us to'morrow jevening.|
6. 'What will you be 'doing if I T come at Vight?|
Q uyidagi gaplarni (um um iy) so ‘roq gap va boMishsiz darak
gaplarga aylantiring:
a) 1.1 was having dinner when you rang me up. 2. His
mother was making supper in the kitchen when I came in.
3. Your friends were smoking in the corridor when we saw
them. 4. I was hurrying to the canteen when I met you.
5. We were having our English at 10 in the morning.
b) 1. He’ll be waitng for you at seven in the evening.
2. They will be having dinner at that time. 3. We’ll be
discussing this question tomorrow morning. 4. They’ll be
packing tomorrow. 5. I’ll be meeting my old friends in
Kiev soon.
III. Q uyidagi gaplarni o ‘tgan va kelasi zam on davom fe’li
shakllariga aylan tirin g, bunda kerakli payt holi yoki payt
ergash gaplardan m a ’n osiga qarab q o‘shim cha qiling.
W hat’s his wife doing? 2. H e’s not packing
his things, is he? 3. Are you waiting for your friend?
4. Where are you hurrying to? 5. My friend’s staying
at a hotel. 6. She’s talking to a friend o f mine. 7. My
daughter’s having her French. 8. They’re not smoking,
are they?
IV. 0 ‘tgan va kelasi zam on davom fe ’li shakllariga e ’tibor berib,
savollarga javob bering.
1. Were you doing your homework at 11 yesterday
2. What were you doing then?
3. What will you be doing at three o ’clock tomorrow?
4. Will you be hurrying home after classes?
5. Where were you hurrying to when my friend met you?
6. Who were you talking to when I called you?
7. What were you talking about when I came in?
8. What was your son (daughter) doing when you got
home yesterday?
9. Were you doing your homework or writing to your
friend at 10 yesterday evening?
10. What time shall we be meeting tomorrow?
11. Do you know when you’ll be taking you English exam
this year?
12. Where will you be going for your holidays?
V. Ajratib ko‘rsatilgan so ‘z va so ‘z birikm alariga savollar
q o‘ying.
a) 1. We were waiting fo r you at five yesterday. (3)
2. They were discusing this question when we came in.
(3) 3. I was reading when you rang me up. (1 )4 . I was
reading a difficult Englsih book at that time. (1)
b) 1. / ’11 be taking my friends out to dinner tomorrow
night. (2) 2. We'W be packing if they come at nine. (1)
3. They '11be discussing Comrade Petrov s talk at this time
tomorrow. (4) 4. /'11 be seeing the engineers tomorrow
afternoon. (2)
V I. Q uyidagi gaplarni ingliz tiliga tarjim a qiling.
a) 0 ‘tgan va kelasi zam on davom fe’lining ishlatilishiga
e ’tibor bering:
Kechqurun nima qilishingizni bilasizmi? 2. Qiziq
akangiz у ana qachon Moskvaga kelarkin? 3. Men kela
olmasligimdan juda afsusdaman. Siz meni kutganmidingiz? 4. Kelasi hafta biz imtihonlarga tayyorlanayotgan
bo‘lamiz. 5. Siz o‘tgan yili bu paytda sayohat qilayotgan
edingiz, shundaymi? 6. Kecha mendan bu yil qachon
ta’tilga chiqishimni so‘rashdi. 7. Ertaga qaysi biringiz
delegatsiyani (delegation) kutib olishingiz (sizga) aytildimi? 8. Agar men soat to‘qqizda kelsam, siz hali ham
ishlayotgan bo‘lasizmi? 9. Kech soat 11 da qayerda edin­
giz? Men sizga qo‘ng‘iroq qildim, biroq singlingiz sizni
uyda yo‘q, dedi. - Men chang6i uchayotgan edim.
b) Kelasi zam onda ish-harakatni ifodalash usullariga e ’tibor
1. Men firma bilan ertaga (soat) o‘nda uchrashaman.
2. Men ularnikiga o‘taman, agar vaqtim boisa. 3. Xayr.
Ertaga ko‘rishamiz. 4. Men bu kitobni kutubxonadan
olaman. 5. Bugun uyga qachon kelasiz? 6. Ertaga men
soat oltida uyda bo‘laman, agar majlisim bo‘lmasa. 7. Ular
bu haftada turmush qurishmoqchi. 8. Uning (ayolning)
bolalari yaqinda turmush qurishadi va u o‘zi yakka
yashaydi. 9. Ular turmush qurishadi deb o‘ylamayman.
VII. Buyruq va iltim osni ko‘chirm a gapda ifodalanishiga e ’tibor
berib, gaplarni ingliz tiliga tarjim a qiling. (70-§)
ishni shoshib bajarmasligini
kuniga faqat bir soat oftobda toblanishini
umuman oftobda toblanmaslikni
ertaga erta turishini
ertaga kech turmasligini
ertaroq (uyquga) yotishini
(uyquga) kech yotmasligini
majlis bo‘lishini esda saqlashini
menga kechqurun qo‘ng‘iroq qilishini
menga kechqurun kech qo‘ng‘iroq
ular nima deyishlariga quloq solmasligini
uni yettida uyg‘otishini
uni uyg‘otmaslikni
derazani ochishni
derazani ochmaslikni
ertaga ma’ruza qilishni
2. U (o‘z) ertaga m a’ruza qilmaslikni
do'stidan o lg ‘lini sayrga olib chiqishni
o ‘g ‘lini sayrga olib chiqmaslikni,
chunki u o'zini yaxshi his qilmayotganini
uni yettida uyg‘otishini
uni uyg‘otmaslikni
U (o*z)
derazani ochishni
derazani ochmaslikni
ertaga ma’ruza qilishni
ertaga ma’ruza qilmaslikni
o‘g ‘lini sayrga olib chiqishni
o*g‘lini sayrga olib chiqmaslikni,
chunki u o‘zini yaxshi his qilmayotganini
xatga zudlik bilan javob berishini
xatga hali (hozircha) javob ber- (iltimos
masalani usiz muhokama qi­
masalani usiz muhokama qilmas­
konki (changli) uchishga (cho‘milgani, xarid qilgani) usiz
konki (chang1i) uchishga (cho‘milgani, xarid qilgani) usiz
I. Q uyidagi so ‘zlarni ovoz chiqarib o ‘qing:
[6, 8]
II. Q uyidagi so ‘z birikm alarining o ‘qilishini mashq qilib boMib
dars m atnini ovoz chiqarib o ‘qing:
'heard the Voice
'told the V ien
'reached the 'small V oat
'whaUo Vo
the 'nextday
Vaid to me
Q u y i d a g i s o ‘z l a r q a y s i s o ‘z t u r k u m i g a k i r i s h i n i a n i q l a n g v a
u l a r n i o ‘z b e k t i l i g a t a r j i m a q i l i n g :
IV. Q u yidagi so ‘zlarni ovoz chiqarib o ‘qing:
boat, coat, loan, roam, foam, goat; barrel, fracture,
mild, carry, receiver, Larry, knack; ruler, lull, fast, donkey,
feather, clearer, mask; central, cutting, cycle, carriage
V. D arsdagi yangi so ‘zlardan foydalanib, m atnga 15 ta savol
V I. Yangi so ‘zlardan foydalanib, savollarga javob bering.
a) 1. Have you ever travelled by boat?
2. When did you make you first voyage?
3. Were you pleased with it?
4. Did you travel on a large steamer or in a small
5. How many people were there aboard?
b) 1. Have you ever read stories about sea voyage?
2. Could you tell us one o f those stories in English?
3. Do you remember the names o f any captain in those
stories who saved people out at sea?
c) 1. Which o f you has ever travelled in the North o f our
2. Which big cities do you know in the North o f our
3. Have you ever been to the Far East?
4. Is Sverdlovsk to the north-east or north-west of
5. Which big cities to the south (to the south-west) of
Moscow do you know?
VII. D o‘stingizga quyidagi iltim oslar bilan m urojaat qiling:
Ask your friend
to tell you something about his
to find out how long it will take
you to get to Gorky by ship,
to go on with his story,
to continue answering your
to go on doing this exercise,
not to order a three-course
not to speak in a low voice,
not to be cross with you.
not to shout at the child.
VIII. A jratib k o‘rsatilgan so‘zlarga savollar qo‘ying.
1. My son wants to be a sailor. (2) 2. I liked to read
books about voyages in my chidhood. (1)3. Our students
went to the North in the summer (3) 4. We’ll be reaching
the station in fifteen m inutes’ time. (2) 5. / heard your
son s voice five minutes ago. (4) 6. The boat will be sailing
tomorrow. (1) 7. I’m already hungry because Id id n Уhave
breac/fast today. (1)8.1 don’t like the salad either because
there's not enough salt in it. (1) 9. He is pleased with his
holiday. (1)
IX. Q uyidagi fe’llarni in gliz tiliga tarjim a qiling va ularning to ‘rt
asosiy shaklini yozing:
xitob qilmoq
sayohat qilmoq
* suzmoq (suvda)
his qilmoq
X. Q u y id a g i g a p la r n i toMdiring:
a) .1. He spoke in such a loud voice that ... 2. The
teacher was so angry with the boys th a t... 3. He said the
last words in such a low voice that ... 4. They spoke so
loudly th a t...
b) 1. She’s still cross with me. That’s why ...
2. We were suddenly ordered to go abroad, that’s why ...
3. We haven’t found out his new address yet, that’s why ...
4. They spoke in a strange language, that’s why ...
c ) \ A shan’t be angry with you i f ... 2. My friend’s son
will be a captain after ... 3 . 1 shan’t take soup either i f ...
4. My son will not go to sleep u n til... 5. The waitress will
come (up) to our table as soon as ... 6. Your examination
will be over before ... 7. The boy will sleep until ... 8. I’ll
be looking through these magazines while ...
XI. Q u y id a g i savol v a iltim o slarg a o f course yoki certainly
s o ‘zlarin i ishlatib boMishli (ijobiy) ja v o b bering:
1. Have you ordered dinner yet?
2. Will you order them to stay aboard?
3. Could you look through these journals, please?
4. Did they look through these journals yesterday?
5. Are all the tourists aboard?
6. Will you help me to take my things aboard?
7. Do you plan to go on with your work?
8. Could you go on with this work for another month?
9. Will you write to me when you’re in the South,
10. Are you going to the North for your holiday?
X II. K e r a k li joy g a p redlo g va r a v is h l a r d a n m osini q o ‘ying.
1. The captain ... the steamer made his first voyage
... South America about twenty years ago. 2. There are
people who don’t like travelling ... ship. 3. The man was
talking ... a loud voice, but we didn’t understand what
he was saying because he spoke ... a strange language.
4. We thought that we were going ... the river, but when
we asked a man how long it would take to reach ... it, he
said that we were going ... the wrong direction. 5. I was
told there was a beautiful fo rest... the e a s t... your town.
6. They’ll be going ... the East one o f these days. 7. When
all the letters and telegrams had been looked ... he w e n t...
... his work. 8. The captain looked ... his glasses and saw
a man ... the sea not very far ... the ship. He ordered his
men to sail ... that direction. 9. “Don’t be angry ... me,”
the captain cried ... . “I didn’t know you were making a
record voyage.”
X III. K e ra k li jo y g a mos ar tik ln i q o ‘ying.
Go to ... blackboard,... Comrade Petrov, and write
... following sentence, “ ... capital o f ... Russian Federation
is Moscow.” 2 . ... lecturer sometimes speaks in such ...
low voice that I can’t hear him at all. 3. ... Dr Nikitin
spent his holiday in ... South o f ... Russian Federation
last year. His friends and he decided to make ... voyage
from Gagra to Sochi in ... small boat. ... weather was
fine, and they left Gagra early in ... morning. When they
were near Sochi, they saw something black in ... sea and
thought they heard ... weak voice crying “Help! Help!”.
They decided to go in ... direction o f ... black thing they
saw, and soon found that it was ... man. They went up to
... man and took him into ... boat. ... Dr Nikitin did all
he could to help him. When they reached S o ch i,... doctor
and his friends were walking along ... street, they met ...
man again. He recognized ... doctor and thanked him for
all he had done for him.
XIV. Q u y id a g i dia lo g la rn i o ‘z la s h t ir m a g a p d a a y tib bering:
Teacher: Have you found out the subject o f Comrade
Petrov’s talk yet?
Student: Not yet. Г 11 be seeing him about it tomorrow
Teacher: Have you asked him what time you could go
to his place?
Student: Yes, he told me to come at eleven. H e’ll be
waiting for me.
“Could you tell me how to get to Green Street?”
“I see you are a stranger here.”
“Yes, I only came yesterday.”
“Can you see that building over there?”
“O f course.”
“Walk in that direction. There’s a bus stop near it. You
can take the 16 bus to Green Street. It w on’t take you
“Thank you very much.”
Mother: Why are you shouting in here? Your brother’s
just gone to sleep. Please don’t talk so loudly.
Alice: Awfully sorry, mum. How does he feel?
Mother: I don’t think he’s well yet. He hasn’t got a
temperature, but he doesn’t want to eat what we give
Peter: We w on’t be talking loudly, mum. We’ll be
playing chess in here. Can we?
D a rsd a g i yangi s o ‘z l a r d a n foydalanib , g a p l a r n i ingliz tiliga
ta r j i m a qiling.
Keling, men sizlarga yetti yoshligimda qilgan birinchi (dengiz) sayohatim haqida gapirib beray. 2. Doskaga chiqing va quyidagi gapni yozing: “Men kapitan
bo‘lmoqchiman”. 3. Kimni kutyapsiz? - Biz yarim soatdan so‘ng bu yerga paroxodda keladigan delagatsiyani
(some delegation) kutyapmiz. 4. Qizingizning ko‘zlari
qaysi rangda? 5. Nimaga siz bunaqa past ovozda gapiryap291
siz? 0 ‘g‘lim uxlamayapti. 6. Men tungi ikkida uyg‘onib
ketdim va soat to‘rtgacha uxlay olmadim. 7. Men institutni tamomlab ishlagani shimolga boraman. 8. Mamlakatimizning sharqidagi qaysi katta shaharlami bilasiz?
9. Keling, shu tomonga (yo‘nalish bo‘yicha) boramiz,
bo‘ptimi? U tarafda ko‘p chiroyli binolar bor. 10. Nima­
ga kecha sizni mendan jahlingiz chiqdi? - Mening hech
jahlim chiqqani yoq. Men shu qadar band edimki, siz bi­
lan gaplasha olmadim. Bundan juda afsusdaman. Ishimni
tamomlagunimcha biroz kutib tura olmaysizmi, o ‘shanda
biz barcha masalalarni muhokama qilamiz. - Yaxshi.
(Bo‘pti.) 11. 0 ‘g‘lingizni shunaqa g‘alati ismi borki, men
uni hech eslab qola olmayman. 12. Mening qayig‘im ju ­
da katta, keling, sizning qayig‘ingizni olamiz, maylimi?
13. Biz bu kishini hech unutmaymiz. U 1944-yili mening
akamning hayotini saqlab qolgan. 14. Biz uydan soat sakkiz yarimda chiqdik va o‘rmonga (faqat) bir yarim soatdan so‘ng yetib bora oldik. 15. Biz uyga kelganimizda
o‘g ‘lim qattiq uxlardi. Kechki ovqat (atrofi) da biz baland
ovozda gaplashdik, biroq u uyg'onmadi. 16. Professor
Petrov menga kunduzi dam olishni maslahat berdi. Men
kunduzi bir necha bor uxlashga harakat qildim, biroq
qoMimdan kelmadi (uxlolmadim). 17. Siz bu jurnallarni
o‘qishingiz mumkin, toki men xat va telegrammalarni
ko‘rib chiqqunimcha. 18. Men uyga 12 atroflarida keldim, mana nima uchun men sizga qo‘ng‘iroq qilmadim.
19. Shu tomonga sarg‘ish binoni ko‘rmaguningizcha boravering. Kutubxona uning o‘ng tomonida. 20. Siz o ‘z
ishingizdan qoniqdingiz, shundaymi?
M a tn n i hikoya qilib bering: a) m u a llif n o m id a n ; b) k cm a
k a p ita n i n o m id a n ; c) ja n o b Uilson n o m id a n .
II. a ) K a p ita n U ilso n n in g s a y o h a tg a ta y y o rg a rlig i h a q i d a ; b) hi­
koya q ilin a y o tg a n k e m a d a g i b i r k u n n i; c) k a p i ta n Uilsonni
k c m a d a k u tib olish s a h n a s in i tasvirlang.
III. U sh b u h ik o y a n in g xotim asin i o ‘yla b toping.
IV. S h a x s la r o rq a li: a) h ik o y a m uallifining k e m a k a p i ta n i bilan
s u h b a tin i; b) k e m a k a p i ta n i n in g k a p ita n Uilson bilan su h batin i berin g .
V. Berilgan s o ‘z va so ‘z b ir ik m a la r id a n
(situatsiya) tuzing.
fo y d ala n ib , h ikoya
1. to make a voyage, to see something, in that direc­
tion, to order, to take aboard, to save
2. to be a stranger, not to know the way, to see, to go
towards, to find out
3. to have to, to find out, to look (go) through, to work
till, to go on with
4. to go to a restaurant, to take a nice table, to ask for
a menu, to order dinner
5. to listen to music, to get home late, not to want to go
to bed, to go to sleep
V I. Q u y id a g i s o ‘z ! a r d a n foy dalanib, kichik h i k o y a la r tuzing:
1. A Voyage
to make a voyage, the sea, to sail north (south, etc.), in
the direction o f (towards), to hear, strange, the weather, to
reach, it took us ..., to save, to thank
2. A Journey
to travel by car, to the North, not to know the way,
for the first time, to find out, I wonder if you could ...,
to have to stop for the night, in the woods, to be cross
(with), no food to eat, to be hungry, not to be able to go to
sleep, to reach, to go on with the journey
V II. Q u y id a g i m a tn n i o ‘q in g va ay tib berin g . Uni m u h o k a m a
One evening several tourists who were staying at
a hotel in Manchester were having dinner in the hotel
restaurant. Fish was brought and while they were eating
it, some o f them told interesting stories about finding rings
and other things inside fish. An old man who had only
listened to their stories and never spoke a word, suddenly
said that he would like to tell them an interesting story,
too. And this is what he told them:
“When I was a young man, I lived in New York and
was going to marry a beautiful young girl whose name
was Alice. About two months before our marriage I was
sent to England for a fortnight. I went to say goodbye to
Alice and gave her a ring. She gave me hers and said that
she would be waiting for me. But I had to stay in England
six months, and not a fortnight as I had planned. Late in
September my work was done at last and I was able to
leave for New York.
Next morning, when I was already aboard the steamer,
I was looking through the morning newspaper, and what
do you think I saw? Alice was going to marry another
man! I couldn’t believe my eyes, but it was true. I was so
angry that I threw her ring into the sea.
I was having dinner at a restaurant in New York a
few days later, and while I was eating the fish, I bit on
something hard. What do you think it was?”
“The ring!” All the listeners cried out at once.
“No,” said the old man sadly, “it was a fish-bone.”
a ring - uzuk
to throw (threw, thrown) - uloqtirmoq
to bite (bit, bitten) - tishlamoq; buyerda: tish orasiga kirib qolmoq
believe [bi'li:v] - ishonmoq
it was true [tru:] - bu haqiqat edi
s a d l y - g ‘amgin
a fish-bone - baliq suyagi, qiltanogN
V III. “ A sea s to r y ” m a tn i ta g id a r a m k a ichida b erilg an dialogni
yod oling va uni sa h n a la s h tir in g .
IX. J a n o b B r a u n d a n so ‘ran g :
1. U yaxshi dam olganini, qaysi mehmonxonada
2. Moskva ob-havosi unga yoqishini, u jo ‘nab
ketayotganda Londonda ob-havo qanday bo‘lganligini;
3. Moskva unga yoqayotganligini, bu yerda qancha
bo‘lishini, ko‘p diqqatga sazovor joylarni ko‘ra olganligini, у ana nimalami ko‘rishni xohlashini.
Text: Shopping.
Grammar: 1. Sifat darajalari. (72-§, 720-bet.)
2. Ot shaxsi nom a’lum gap. (73-§, 722-bet.)
3. To‘siqsiz ergash gap. (74-§, 723-bet.)
___________ 4. 0 ‘rindosh so ^ la r. (79-§, 1-punkt, 726-bet.)
It’s eleven o’clock in the morning. Helen Petrova’s in
one of the biggest departm ent stores in the city which
only opened a few weeks ago. Many things are bought
and sold here every day. Though it’s still early and the
store has just opened, there are a lot o f custom ers near the
counters: some are buying things, others are just looking
Helen: Excuse me. How do I get to the shoe
Shop assistant: It’s over there on the left, please.
(In the shoe department)
Helen: I want a p a ir o f boots please.
Shop assistant: W hat’s your size?
Helen: Thirty-four, and I want very w arm ones, too.
It’s very cold outside.
Shop assistant: Oh yes, it’s terribly cold. Thirtyfour... You have very small feet. It won’t be easy to find
a suitable pair, I’m afraid.
(In a fe w minutes)
These are nice boots, don’t you think? Will you try
them on? How do they feel?
Helen: I think they’re a size too big. Perhaps you can
find a different pair. Can you give me a size smaller?
Shop assistant: Ju st a m om ent. I’ll have another
look. You’re lucky. Here’s a lovely pair; but it’s more
Helen: T h at doesn’t m a tte r... It feels more
comfortable. I think I’ll take it. How m uch is it?
Shop assistant: Seventy-five roubles.
Helen: Where do I pay?
Shop assistant: Over there at the cash-desk.
Helen: Thank you.
(After paying the bill)
Shop assistant: Here are your boots. The check is
Helen: Thank you. And where’s the glove
Another customer: Come along with me, and I’ll
show you.
Helen buys some dark-brow n gloves to m atch her
new boots and looks at her w atch. She sees that it is
ra th e r late, so she quickly leaves the store and hurries
a departm ent
a d e p a r t m e n t sto re
to b u y (b o u g h t, bo u g h t)
to sell (sold, sold)
th o u g h
e a r ly (adj)
late (adj)
to be late (for, to)
a c u s to m e r
to look r o u n d
to excuse
a s h o p assista n t
o v e r th e re
a pair
a size
w arm
o ne (ones)
o utside
a foot (pi. feet)
a leg
a hand
an arm
su itable
to t r y on
d iffe ren t
v a r io u s
a m oment
Ju st a m oment
I w o n ’t be a m o m e n t
a t th a t m om ent
to be lu cky
I t (th a t) d o e s n ’t m a t t e r
How much is it?
to pay (paid, paid)
a glove
to go (come) along
d a rk
to match
a watch
rath er
(See Vocabulary for Lesson Fifteen, p. 562)
a watch
qo‘l soati
a clock
devor yoki stol soati
an alarm-clock
qo‘ng‘iroqli soat
(Sizning) soat(ingiz) necha
What time is it (by
your watch)?
Chorakta kam o‘n.
It’s a quarter to ten.
Mening soatim orqada qolMy watch is slow.
Uning soati uch minut olHer watch is three
minutes fast.
Soatim juda yaxshi yuribdi.
My watch is going
(working) well.
So‘z yasash
less [lis] - sifat suffiksi; otdan sifat yasaydi. Asosiy m a ’nosi biror narsani, biron-bir sifat y o ‘qligini anglatadi:
end oxiri, nihoya
- endless cheksiz, benihoya
child bola, farzand -
childless farzandsiz____________
Quyidagi sifatlarning d arajalarin i ko‘rsating. (72-§)
long, short, large, big, fine, straight, new, old, few,
young, easy, busy, light, clean, small, thin, thick, high,
b) good, much, bad, little, many
c ) interesting, difficult, comfortable, important
П. S ifa tla rn i ingliz tiliga ta r j i m a qiling v a u la r n i n g d a r a ja la r in i
y asang:
tor, kir, keng, muhim, kichik, ingichka, och (nahor),
chiroyli, yomon, baxtli, g‘alati, qulay, g ‘azabli, baland
ovozli, past, yaxshi, to‘g‘ri (ravon), yosh, qimmat
III. N a m u n a d a k o ‘r s a tilg a n d e k qiyoslang.
N a m u n a : 1. Moscow is larger than our city.
Moscow, Kiev (smaller). 2. English grammar,
Russian grammar (easy). 3. Comrade Petrov, Comrade
Ivanov (young). 4. My suitcase, yours (large). 5. These
coats, those (good). 6. Sugar in my tea, in yours (there is
much, little).
N a m u n a: 2. Our flat is more (jess) comfortable than
1. The English language, the Russian language
(difficult). 2. Your old flat, your new flat in Moscow
(comfortable). 3. Central Park, Sokolniki Park (beautiful).
4. This work, that work (important). 5. Lesson Eleven,
Lesson Fourteen (interesting).
IV. S ifa tla rn in g d a r a j a l a r i g a e ’tib o r b e r ib , sa v o lla rg a ja v o b
1. Is Moscow larger than Saint Petersburg or smaller?
2. Which is the largest city in the Russian Federation?
3. Which is the most beautiful place that you know in our
4. Which is the longest river in the Russian Federation?
5. Is the Volga larger or shorter than the Don?
6. Which is the most beautiful square (street) in Moscow?
7. Which is the newest hotel in Moscow?
8. Which is the oldest building in Moscow?
9. Which is the highest building in Moscow?
10. Which is the shortest way from Red Square to the Ex­
11. Are the streets in Moscow cleaner now than they were
a few years ago?
12. Which was the most difficult subject you had at
13. Is English grammar more difficult than Russian
grammar, or is it less difficult?
14. Is your friend taller than you, or shorter?
15. Which o f you is the tallest (shortest)?
16. Are you older than your friend?
17. How much older are you than he is?
V. Q uy id ag i g a p l a r n in g (u m u m iy ) s o ‘roq g a p v a boMishsiz d a r a k
g a p sh a k lin i bering. (73-§)
1. It’s summer now. 2. It was five o’clock when I got
home. 3. It’s light in here. 4. It’ll be over soon.
VI. Quyidagi gaplarning o ‘tgan va kelasi zamon bddiy fe’li
shakllariga aylantiring, payt ravishlarini kerakli o ‘rinlarda
1. It’s cold today, isn’t it? 2. It isn’t late, is it? 3. It’s
dark here. 4. It’s eight o’clock, isn’t it? 5. Is it warm there?
6. Is it cold? 7. Is it cold there at this time of year, or is it
warm? 8. It isn’t dark yet. 9. It isn’t too late to ring him up
VII. Q u y id a g i n a m u n a b o ‘yicha ta sd iq so ‘roq g a p l a r tuzing:
It was very cold yesterday, wasn’t it?
V III. S haxsi n o m a ’lum g a p l a r va sifat d a r a ja la r ig a e ’tib o r berib
sa v o lla rg a ja v o b bering.
1. Is it light in your classroom, or is it dark?
2. Is it darker in our room than in theirs?
3. Why is it darker in their room?
4. Is it usually cold in April, or is it warm?
5. Is it usually warmer in May than in April, or is it
6. Was it warm yesterday, or was it cold?
7. Do you think it will warm or cold tomorrow?
8. Isn’t it light in this room?
9. Won’t it be too late for you if I ring you up at eleven
o ’clock tonight?
10. Was it late when you got home yesterday?
11. Was it a quarter to three or three o’clock when the
meeting began?
12. Which is the shortest month o f the year?
13. Which are the longest months in the year?
14. Which is the shortest (longest) day o f the year?
IX. Shaxsi n om a’lum gap lar va sifat darajalariga e ’tibor berib,
gaplarni ingliz tiliga tarjim a qiling.
Peter sinfda eng novcha bola. 2. Mening kvartiram nisbatan noqulayroq. 3. Qishda kunlar yozdagidan
qisqa(roq), to‘g‘rimi? 4. Yilning eng qisqa oyi qaysi? 5. Sizning qizingiz mening qizimdan (yoshi) kattaroq. Mening
qizim endi olti yoshda, sizniki esa yetti yoshda, shundaymi? 6. Bu unchalik muhim masala emas (kamroq), keling,
uni ertaga muhokama qilamiz, maylimi? 7. Biz daryoga
yetganimizda soat endi to‘qqiz edi, biroq, ukam allaqachon
qayiqda o‘tirardi va bizni kutardi. 8. “Siz hozir Moskvadagi
eng baland binoni ko‘ryapsiz”,-d e d i o‘qituvchi bolalarga.
9. Singlimning yangi kvartirasi eskisiga qaraganda qulayroq va yorug‘roq. 10. Moskva ko‘chalari hozir bir necha
yil oldingidan chiroyliroq. 11. Siz singlingizdan yoshroqmisiz? - Yo‘q. 12. Siz menga Mustaqillik maydoniga
(olib boradigan) yo‘lni ko‘rsata olasizmi? - Marhamat.
Siz u yerga metroda bora olasiz. 20 daqiqadan kamroq
vaqtingiz ketadi. 13. Siz u kitobni o‘zingiz uchun qiyin
deyapsiz. Bunisini oling. U yengilroq. 14. Anna - sinfdagi eng yaxshi o‘quvchi.
I. Q uyidagi so ‘z va so ‘z birikm alarining o‘qilishini m ashq qilib,
d a r s m a t n i n i o v o z c h i q a r i b o ‘q in g :
‘buying 'things
'paving the 'bill
which 'only
I 'want very
V a rm ones
'left, please
II. Quyidagi so ‘zlarni ovoz chiqarib o‘qing:
near, dear, ready, dead, reason, mean, bread, deal, fear,
hear, weather, moon, cook, cow, mellow, pail, foam, lean,
steel, toil, roast, tune, stew, rude, bind, bold, thing
Q uyidagi so‘zlarni o‘zbek tiliga tarjim a qiling, so ‘z
turkum ini aniqlang va qaysi so ‘z turkum idan yasalganligini
IV. Yangi so ‘zlardan foydalanib, m atnga 15 ta savol tuzing.
V. Yangi so ‘zlardan foydalanib, savollarga javob bering.
a) 1. Which is the biggest department store in Moscow?
2. Do you think there are better department stores in
the new districts than in the centre of Moscow?
3. How many different departments are there in a
department store?
4. What kind o f things does a department store usually
b) 1. Why are there more customers in the shops before
2. Which is better: to go shopping earlier in the day
or later?
3. Do you always buy something when you’re inside a
shop or do you sometimes go in just to look round?
4. When do you go to a shop just to look round?
c) 1. Do you always try on a thing before you buy it?
2. You don’t want to buy a thing if it doesn’t feel
comfortable, do you?
3. Do you like buying expensive things or cheap ones?
(Give your reasons.)
4. Is a cheap thing always worse than an expensive
d) 1. W hat’s the weather like today? Is it cold outside?
2. It’s rather cold today, isn’t it? (It’s quite warm today,
isn’t it?)
3. Is it colder today than it was yesterday, or is it
V I. Q uyidagilarni bajaring:
1. Ask your friend
2. Ask a shopassistant
to show you
whether he’d like to go
shopping with you.
whether eleven o ’clock will be
suitable for him.
whether it’s cold outside,
whether it’s too early to go to
the department store at eight
o’clock in the morning.
a pair o f gloves to match your
a pair o f shoes to match your
another pair o f shoes (of) a
lighter colour,
another pair o f gloves (of) a
different colour,
a pair o f size 37 shoes (a size
larger, two sizes smaller),
something cheaper,
something better.
a light-green hat.
a dark-brown coat,
a light-grey shirt.
... to let you try on
that blue hat over there.
that pair o f shoes.
those dark-red gloves,
that nice white shirt.
... to let you have a
(another) look at
that brown suit-case
this dark-green tie.
those warm gloves.
that watch.
3. Ask another
customer in the
how to get to the ready-made
closes department.
whether they sell children’s
things there.
when there aren’t so many
people in the store.
where you could buy a watch.
V II. K e r a k li joyga predlog yoki ravishlardan m osini q o ‘ying.
Though the watch was very expensive, he decided
to buy it ... her. 2. Please buy ... me some bread and
sugar, will you? 3 .1 wonder whether the old man will sell
all his pictures ... the museum. 4. The man didn’t sell his
pictures ... the museum, he just gave them away without
taking any money ... them. 5. Though the shoes were
her size and felt very comfortable, old Sally decided not
to buy them because she thought they were too dear ...
her. “I can’t pay so much ... a pair ... shoes”, she said
... the shop-assistant. 6. Won’t you have another look ...
these shoes? I think it’s just the p a ir ... you. 7. He looked
... all the telegrams quickly, gave them ... the secretary
['sekrotri] to send off and also asked her to ring ... Mr
Brown and tell ... him that he could come ... 10 if the
time was suitable ... him. 8. “Would you like to buy any
... these watches?” “No, I’m just looking
me, how do I g e t ... the bookshop?” “It’s
right” . 10. Will you please ask that man
... his watch. I’m afraid mine is ... five
...” 9. “Excuse
... there ... the
what time it is
or six minutes
V III. K erakli joyga artikl q o‘ying.
1. “Just ... moment, please”, ... shop-assistant said.
“That’s all right,” ... customer answered. 2. Mary bought
... dark-grey coat and ... hat and gloves to match. 3. ...
meat is warm enough, b u t... potatoes are cold. 4. He gave
rather ... interesting talk, didn’t he? 5. “This is rather ...
good book, isn’t it?” “Yes, it’s quite ... interesting one.”
IX. Q u yidagi gaplarni toMdiring. (74-§)
1. Though Nick and John were quite different, they ...
2. Though it was still very early ... 3. Though we were late
for the film ... 4. Though there were a lot o f customers in
the shop, the shop-assistant...
X. A jratib k o‘rsatilgan otlar o ‘rniga o ‘rindosh so ‘zlardan m osini
q o ‘ying.
I think this department store is bigger than that
department store. 2. These shoes are less comfortable
than those shoes. 3. My watch isn’t working well. I must
buy a new watch. 4. I’ve got a pair o f black gloves but I
must buy brown gloves to match my new shoes. 5 . 1 think
my watch is ten minutes slow. W hat’s the time by your
XI. D ialoglarni o ‘zlashtirm a gap bilan aytib bering.
A.: Excuse me. How can I get to Pushkin...?
B.: You are in Pushkin Street.
A.: Yes I know, but I want Pushkin Square.
B .: Oh, that’s quite different. You can take bus num­
ber 3. The stop’s over there on the right.
A.: Thank you very much.
Customer: Could I buy a pair o f skates in your
Shop assistant: O f course. The department you want
is on the second floor.
Customer: Thank you. And where do they sell warm
Shop assistant: This floor, over there on the left.
Customer: Thank you.
Customer: Will you show me another coat, please? I
don’t quite like this colour.
Shop assistant: Here is a nice one, in a lighter colour.
It’s your size, isn’t it? How do you like it?
Customer: I think it’ll be all right. Can I try on,
Shop assistant: Certainly. The coat’s very nice, but it’s
more expensive.
Customer: That doesn’t matter. I’ll take it. How much
is it?
Jack: Will this tie match my new suit?
Mary: Not quite, I ’m afraid. It’s too dark, don’t buy it.
Jack: And what about this one?
Mary: Yes, dear. That’s a nice one. It looks quite
different. Let’s take it, shall we?
Mary: Have I come too early?
Ann: No, it’s quite all right. I was just going to ring
you up and ask you to come earlier.
Mary: It only took me ten minutes to get here. I saw a
taxi just as I was going out, and I took it.
Ann: You were lucky, weren’t you?
John: What time is it by your watch?
Peter: M ine’s five minutes fast, so it should be half
past twelve now.
John: Hurry up, then. You wouldn’t like to be late for
classes, would you? Don’t take your text-book. I’ve taken
Peter: All right. I’ll be ready in a minute.
X II. D arsning yangi so ‘zlaridan foydalanib, gaplarni ingliz tiliga
tarjim a qiling.
Nega siz buncha kech qoldingiz? Allaqachon sakkiz bo‘ldi. - Hechdan ko‘ra kech. Jahlingiz chiqmasin,
iltimos. Men ertaroq kela olmasdim. 2. Kecha biz kinoga
kech qoldik. Biz kirganda qorong‘i edi va film allaqachon
boshlangan edi. 3. Bugun kechagidan iliqroq. Biz bolalami sayrga olib chiqishimiz mumkin. 4. Peter mendan
yangi televizor uchun qancha to‘laganimni so‘radi va
mening omadim borligini aytdi, chunki bu eng yaxshi televizorlardan biri ekan. 5. U bu xona narigisidan qulayroqligini aytdi. Menimcha, bu mehmonxonadagi eng
yaxshi xonalardan biri. 6. Bu yer juda sovuq. Bilmadim,
biz bu yerda ishlay olarmikanmiz. Marhamat qilib surishtiring-chi, ular bizga boshqa xona bera olishadimi?
7. Uning ishi hozir juda qiziqarli. Menimcha, u o ‘tgan yildagisidan qiziqarliroq va u erta turishiga to ‘g‘ri kelmaydi. 8. Biz ma’ruzachidan bunchalik tez gapirmasligini
so‘radik. U sekinroq gapira boshladi va biz ma’ruzani
yozib ololdik (to take notes of). 9. Garchi, bu poyabzal na­
rigisidan yaxshiroq bo‘lsa-da, men uni olmayman, chunki
u noqulay. Menga narigi poyini ko‘rsating, iltimos. Ular
qancha turadi? 10. Filmni tomosha qilishni xohlovchi
(kishi)lar ko‘p boiishiga qaramasdan, biz unga chipta
olishning uddasidan chiqdik. 11. Sizning soatingiz necha
bo‘ldi? - Bilmadim, mening soatim to‘xtab qolibdi.
I. M atnni kcVchinna gapda hikoya qilib bering.
II. Berilgan so‘z va so ‘z birikm alaridan foydalanib, k o ‘rsatilgan
m avzular bo‘yicha qisqa hikoyalar tuzing.
My Friends from the North Come to Moscow
to get a telegram, to come for one’s holiday, to meet, at
the station, by underground, wonderful, (the) next day, to
go sightseeing, places o f interest, museums, monuments,
palaces, along the streets, wide, straight, fine, to have a
good time
My Friend’s First Talk in English
to work, to go to the library, to give a talk (on), though,
slowly, not to make so many mistakes, to listen (to), to be
more interesting than..., to like...better
3. Buying a New Watch
rather bad, to be...minutes fast (slow), to advise, a
department store, to show, another, the best, How much is
it?, more expensive, (not) to matter, to be happy
4. Buying a New Coat
cold, outside, to buy, the best department store, to ask,
to show, a size 48 coat, to try on, a size too large, a size
smaller, suitable, not expensive, to feel comfortable, to be
III. 12- va 13-darsning m azkur boMimida berilgan dialoglarni
takrorlang va quyidagilarni bajaring:
1. Janob Braunga muhandis Stepanovni tanishtiring.
2. Janob Grinni restorandagi siz tomondan buyurtirilgan stolga olib boring, o‘tirishni taklif qiling, u nima
buyurmoqchi ekanligini so‘rang.
3. Janob Bellni samolyotga kuzatib qo'ying, u bilan
tanishish sizga huzur bag‘ishlaganini ayting, unga oq
yo‘l tilang.
Janob Smitdan qanday yetib olganligini, qaysi mehmonxonada to‘xtaganini, o ‘zini qanday his qilayotganligini so‘rang.
Q uyidagi dialogni
o ‘q in g
Discussing Business
'Brown: I 'saw your “Po'ljot” Jwatches* at the 'last
exhi'bition in XondonJ 'Was it a Jnew model?|
Pe'trov: 'Oh YoJ our 'new one is | quite VifferentJ
'Will you 'have a 'look at \h is one, please?| 'How do you
\i k e it?|
'Brown: It’s 'very )goodJ 'What about the )price?l It
will be 'rather expensive, t Jwon’t it?|
Pe'trov: I 'don’t Jthink so, Mr Brown.I We’ll be 'selling
these 'watches at treasonable JpriceJ They’ll be 'cheaper
than tSwiss Avatchesl and they 'aren’t %worse* at
tall,I they’re 'even tbetterj
'Brown: I 'think I’ll 'have to disjcuss the 'matter with
my I people in XondonJ 'Could I 'see you about it
ajgain, Mr Petrov?!
Pe'trov: tCertainlyJ 'When would you 'like to tcome?|
'Brown: The 'day after totmorrow* at eleven* if
'that’s all 'right for Jyou.l
Pe'trov: jYesJ 'that’ll be t quite 'all trightj I’ll be
'waiting for you at eteven.l
business ['biznis] - bu yerda savdo bitimi
m odel [modi] - m odel
price - narx
reasonable - bu yerda qulay (narx)
the m atter - bu yerda bu m asala
Text: From
G ram m ar: I.
Verkhoyansk to Sukhum i.
R avishlarningdarajalari. (75-§, 723-bet.)
as ... as, not so ... as qiyoslash konstruksiyalari.
(76-§, 724-bet.)
3. Ot va fe’l shaxsi nom a’lum gaplar.(77, 78-§§, 725bet.)
__________ 4. OTindosh so^lar. (79-§, 2 , 3-punktlar, 726-727-betlar.)
I got up earlier th a n usual yesterday, as I had to go
to the a irp o r t to meet my old friend Boris Petrov. We
went to school together, then we went to the s am e college
in Moscow, but now we live in different p a rts o f the
Russian Federation. Boris lives and works in the North
o f our country, in Verkhoyansk, and I live by the sea in
Sukhumi. I wrote to him a few months ago to invite him to
my place for a holiday. Soon I got an answer. He thanked
me heartily for the invitation and asked me to meet him
at the airport on the 20th o f April.
“I hope you w on’t m in d if I bring my wife and my
son with me,” he wrote.
When I went out, it was early morning.1The a ir was
fresh, the sky was blue, and the sun was shining. In
Sukhumi it’s usually very fine in April. It doesn’t often
rain and it’s not very hot yet. I like Sukhumi at this time
o f year best o f all.
I took a taxi and sta rte d for the airport. “I’m afraid
I may be late,” I said to the d riv e r and asked him to go
faster. We reached the airport in time: the plane was just
landing. It was only half past six in the morning, but it
was as warm as in the afternoon.
The passengers were getting out of the plane. I went
up to the plane and saw a gro up o f people who looked
very fu n n y in this warm weather: all o f them h a d warm
winter clothes on.
“Hallo, glad to see you,” I said, when I recognized
Boris in the group.
“Hallo, old man, this is my wife and my son,” Boris
“Pleased to meet you. I hope you had a good journey,”
I said. “A ren't you dressed a bit too warmly? It’s not so
cold here as in Verkhoyansk, is it?”
“I think it’s just a little warmer,” Boris agreed and
laughed, “but when we left home, it was snow ing hard2
and we weren’t at all hot.3 D’you know how cold it was
there that day? You won’t believe it: alm ost 35° below
zero4, let alone the biting winds.”
“Ah, well, ta k e off your coats, and let’s hurry home.
The taxi is waiting. It won’t take us long. I ’m su re you’ll
like it here.”
(to be learn by heart)
A.: 'What 'season d’you like ] best o f V l l? l
B.: I 'l i k e V i m m e r J T m a 'good V w i m m e r l and I
'l i k e ^ o a tin g .l
A.: 'I think A winter* is as 'good as Jsummer.l 'D on’t
you 'like Л к 1 ^ * or Jskating* on a 'clear 'winter Jday?|
B.: A Yes,I but I 'haven’t 'got ejnough Itime to go
% skiing J and I 'can’t Askate at V l l J
A.: 'Are you 'going for a 'holiday in the yfeummer this
B.: Tm a 'f r a i d V o t J I s h a l l b e 'h a v i n g m y j h o l i d a y * i n
t h e V u t u m n j I 'h o p e i t 'w o n ’t b e t r a i n i n g a l l t h e J t i m e J
A.: T hen you should 'go to the )South.| They 'say
j autumn is the )best season 'VthereJ There’s 'also a t lot
of Yruit there at that time o f year.l I’m 'sure you’ll en'joy
your 'holiday in the YutumnJ
‘W hen are you 'having your
Tioliday this year?”|
- Bu yil qachon ta’tilga
chiqm oqchisiz?
“ Very \ o o n .| In a 'couple o f \ia y s ,
- Juda tez kunda. A niqrog ‘i, bir-ikki kundan so ‘ng.
to be exact.”|
‘A r e y o u ? | 'H ow ^ u ck y j I’ll
be having %jm in e this month
- Rostdanmi? Qanday y a x ­
\o o . | 'What a'bout 'going to the
V iverside together?”!
shi. M en ham shu oy ta’til­
ga chiqaman. K eling, biror
jo y g a - daryo b o ‘yiga bir-
‘I’m 'all Yor it.| I’d be d eligh ted " !
ga boramiz?
- M en roziman. Bajon-u
‘ Y p len d id .| 'See you toYnorrow
- A joyib . Unda ertagacha.
1.... it was early m orning. ... erta tong edi.
a) It was early morning.
Erta tong edi.
It is afternoon.
Tush payti.
It was late evening.
Kech oqshom edi.
(artikl ishlatilmaydi)
b) We started for the country Ajoyib sentabr tongida
on a fine Septem ber biz shahar chetiga otlanm orning.
(tasvirlovchi aniqlovchi bilan noaniq artikl ishlatiladi)
c) The plane landed in the Samolyot saharga
m orning (in the evening, (kechqurun, kunduzi)
in the afternoon).
(sutka paytlarini ko‘rsatishda aniq artikl ishlatiladi)
It was snowing h a rd ... Qor kuchli yog'ardi ...
Ushbu gapda h ard so‘zi kuchli deb tarjima qilinadi. Xuddi
shu m a’noda u to rain h a rd birikmasida ham ishlatiladi:
Is it still raining h a rd ?
Hali ham yom g‘ir kuchli
3 .... we w eren’t at all hot ...biz uchun и qadar issiq
emas edi. W arm , hot, cold sifatlari nafaqat shaxsi noma’­
lum gaplarga, balki shaxsi ma’lum gaplarda ham ishla­
I’m cold.
They were warm.
Men sovqotdim.
Ularga issiq edi.
Take off your coat. You’ll
Paltoingizni yeching. Isbe hot.
siqlab ketasiz.
4.35° (thirty-five degrees) below zero [bi'lou ’zi:rou]
35° daraja sovuq (noldan past)
than usual
as usual
an airport
(the) sam e
all the sam e
(a ) part
to take part in sm th.
to invite
an invitation
to m ind
W ould you m ind (doing sm th.)?
in the open air (out-of-doors)
to travel by air
the sky
to sh ine (shone, shone)
to rain
to start
m ay
a driver
to d rive (drove, driven)
a plane
by plane
to land
a passenger
to get out o f (= to get off)
to get on (into)
a group
to have sm th. on
to put on sm th.
to agree (with)
to laugh (at)
to snow
to believe
let alone
to take off
to be sure
a heart
a season
to go boating
to enjoy
(S ee Vocabulary for L esson Sixteen, p. 5 6 8 )
S o ‘z yasash
[mant] - ot suffiksi; f e ’lga q o ‘shilib ot yasayd i, ko'pincha
m avhum otlar yasashda:
to agree rozi boMmoq - agreem ent rozilik
[in] - sifat va ot old q o ‘shim chasi bo'Iib, s o ‘z
o ‘zagidagi m a’noni rad etadi yok i y o ‘qligini bildiradi. Bunday
old q o ‘shim chalam i boMishsiz old q o‘shim chalar deyiladi.
usual odatiy - unusual noodatiy
definite aniq - indefinite noaniq
im - [im ] \
il - [il]
ir- [ir]
in- old
q o ‘shim chasining fonetik variantlaridir.
possib le iloji b o r - im possible ilojsiz
legal qonuniy - illegal noqonuniy
regular to ‘g ‘ri - irregular n oto‘g ‘ri
m is- [m is] fe ’l va ot old q o ‘shim chasi boMib, s o ‘z o ‘zagidagi
ifodani n otolg ‘ri yok i noaniqligini bildiradi. Bu old q o ‘shim cha
ham b o’lish siz hisoblanadi.
to use foydalanm oq - to m isu se [to 'mis'ju:z] n o to ‘g ‘ri ishlatm oq
I. Quyidagi ravishlarni ingliz tiliga tarjima qiling va ularning
darajalarini ko‘rsating. (75-§)
yaqin, erta, kech, oz, tez orada, tirishqoqlik bilan,
baxtli, kuchli, kuchsiz, sekin, tez, baland ovozda, jahl
bilan, iliq;
b) yaxshi, ko‘p, uzoq. kam, yomon;
c) kamdan kam. qulay, chiroyli.
II. R a v ish la r n in g d a r a ja la r ig a e ’tib o r b erib , sa v o lla r g a ja v o b
b erin g.
•r „
1. Do you speak English better now than you did three
months ago, or worse?
2. Where do you usually speak slower, in class or at
3. When do we usually ask people to speak louder?
4. Do you work harder at your English now than you did
last months?
5. Did the students come to classes yesterday earlier than
the teacher did, or later?
6. Which o f you can play chess best?
7. Which o f you can skate (ski) faster?
8. Which' o f the new films did you like best?
9. Do you read more now than you did in your childhood,
or less?
10. Do you get home earlier on Thursday than on other
III. H ar b ir n a m u n a g a 3 ta d a n g a p tu zin g .
1 .1 speak English worse than my sister does.
2. Nick knows English best.
IV. R a v ish la r n in g d a r a ja la r ig a e ’tib o r b e r ib , g a p la r n i in g liz tili­
ga ta rjim a q ilin g .
Marhamat qilib balandroq gapiring, шеи sizni
yomon eshityapman. 2. Agar sen bugun uyga 'techroq
kelsang, bir o‘zing ovqatlanishingga to‘g‘ri keladi. 3. Siz
yozma ishni hammadan yomon yozgansiz. 4. Petef Г xshiroq o‘qiy oladi, agar ingliz tiliga ko‘proq vaqt sarfiasa. 5. Siz til ustida ko‘proq ishlashingiz kerak, agar ingliz
tilida yaxshiroq gaplashmoqchi bo‘lsangiz. 6. Kelinglar,
ertaga kutubxonaga ertaroq boramiz, maylimi? U yerda
unchalik ko‘p odam bo‘lmaydi. 7. Siznikiga o ‘z vaqtida
yetib kelish uchun biz ertaga ertaroq turamiz. 8. Moskva
kinoteatrlaridan qaysi biri menga ko‘proq yoqqanligini
V. N u q ta la r o ‘ rnin i as...as, (not) so ...a s bogM ovchilari b ilan
toM diring va ga p la rn i o ‘z b e k tilig a ta rjim a q ilin g . (7 6 -§ )
Her husband is ... old ... yours. 2. His daughter i
... young ... mine. 3. Are there ... many places o f interest
in Moscow ... there are in Saint Petersburg? 4. This
building is ... high ... our Institute. 5. “Is Lesson Sixteen
... simple ... Lesson Fifteen?” “No, Lesson Fifteen is not
...simple ... Lesson Sixteen, it’s more difficult.” 6. Have
you g o t... many friends in Kiev ... you have in Moscow?
7. This year you don’t work at your English ... much ...
you did last year, do you? 8. Literature is ... interesting to
me ... History. 9. Is your son doing ... well this year ...
he did last year?
V I. Q iy o sla sh k o n stru k siy a sid a g i bogM ovchilarga e ’tib o r b erib ,
sa v o lla rg a ja v o b b ering.
1. Is Saint Petersburg as big as Moscow?
2. Is the Volga as long as the Don?
3. Is your friend’s flat as large as yours? Which is larger?
4. Do you know English as well as Russian?
5. Can you learn new foreign words as easily now as you
did in your childhood?
6. Wasn’t the weather so nice yesterday as it is today?
7. How many days are there in April? What other months
are as long as April?
8. Which months are longer (shorter) than April?
9. Was last winter as cold (warm) as this winter?
10. Why isn’t it so difficult to get up early in the summer
as it is in the winter?
11. Why don’t you get up as early on Sunday as you have
to do on week-days? ,
V II. Q iy o sla sh k o n str u k siy a si ta r jim a sig a e ’tib o r b e r ib , g a p la r n i
in g liz tiliga tarjim a q ilin g .
Mening xonam xuddi siznikidek yorug1. 2. Kiyev
Moskvachalik katta shahar emas. 3. Toshkent metrosi
Moskva metrosidek chiroylimi? - Ha. 4. Onangizning
yoshi otangizning yoshi bilan tengmi? - Yo‘q, oyim
dadamchalik katta (qari) emas. 5. Kecha havo bugungichalik yaxshi emasdi. 6. Bu yil qizingiz o ‘tgan yilgidagidek yaxshi o ‘qiyaptimi? 7. Men hozir uyga avvalgidek
kech kelmayapman. 8. Men ertaga bugungichalik band
bo‘lmayman. 9. Agar ertaga bugungidek yomon havo
bo‘Isa biz shahar tashqarisiga bormaymiz.
V III. H a r b ir n a m u n a g a 5 ta d a n g a p tu zin g .
1. This street will be as wide as Gorky Street.
2. Our house is not so high as theirs.
IX . Q u y id a g i g a p la r n in g (u m u m iy ) s o ‘roq va boM ishsiz d a ra k
gap sh a k lla r in i y o zin g .
a) 1. It’s always cold in January. 2. It was simple to
translate that letter. 3. It was warm yesterday. 4. It’ll be
interesting for you to read this book. 5. It’ll be easy to
find the railway station. 6. It’s difficult for him to read this
b) 1. It rains in autumn. 2. It rained all day long
yesterday. 3. It’s raining now. 4. It was raining at five
o ’clock yesterday. 5. It snows in October. 6. It’ll be raining
very often soon. 7. It’s going to rain.
X . K era k li p a y t h o lla r id a n fo y d a la n ib , g a p la r n in g oMgan va
k ela si za m o n sh a k lla r in i y o z in g .
It’s easy to understand this text, isn’t it? 2. It’s
interesting to listen to your stories. 3. Is it difficult for you
to learn grammar rules? 4. It’s dark in the room, isn’t it?
5. It doesn’t often snow here in winter. 6. It doesn’t rain
here very often at this time o f year. 7. It’s important for
me to finish the work today.
X I. S h a x si n o m a ’lum g a p la r g a e ’tib o r b e rib , g a p la r n i in g liz tiliga
ta r jim a q ilin g .
1. Bu masalani muhokama qilishga hali ancha erta.
2. Biz qachon ketishimizni unga bugun aytishimiz juda
muhim. 3. Qish. Nihoyatda sovuq. Tez-tez qor yog‘yapti,
ba’zida men uydan chiqishni umuman xohlamayman.
4. Qishda erta turish juda qiyin, chunki ertalab hali
qorong‘i bo‘ladi. 5. Boris fransuz va nemis tillarini
biladi, shuning uchun ingliz tilini o‘rganish unga oson.
6. Yurishga qiynalyapsizmi? Keling, taksi to‘xtataylik.
7. Petrov institutni tamomlagani hech ajablanarli emas,
u ko‘p shug4ullandi. 8. Yomg‘ir yogishni boshladimi? Yo‘q hali, biroq tez orada yog'a boshlaydi. 9. Men uydan
chiqqanimda yomg‘ir yog'ayotgan edi. 10. Bu yerda
yomg‘ir qanchalik tez-tez (ko‘p) yog‘adi? 11. Bugun
ertalab yomg‘ir yog‘ayotgan edi, hozir esa qor yog‘yapti.
12. 0 ‘tgan hafta ko‘p qor yog'di.
K era k li o ‘ rin la rd a a jra tilg a n s o ‘z la rn i o ‘rin d osh s o ‘zla r
bilan a lm a sh tir in g . (7 9 -§ .)
This English book is too easy for me. Please give m
a more difficult book. 2. My sister knows German much
better than I know it. 3 .1 don’t like these pictures. They’re
too dark. I saw better pictures in a shop in our street. Let’s
go and have a good look at them. 4. I think this show
will be more interesting than the last show. 5. His work
is more important than your work. 6. The examiner spoke
faster than our teacher usually speaks. 7. We reached the
wood earlier than our friends reached it. 8. I don’t like
this suit. Please show me another suit. 9. This book is less
interesting than the book you gave me yesterday.
Q u y id a g i s o ‘z b ir ik m a la r in in g o ‘q ilish in i m ash q q ilib , d a rs
m a tn in i o v o z c h iq a r ib o ‘qing:
a t_ th e V i r p o r t
a t 't h i s 't i m e o f Y e a r
'r e a c h e d j h e Y i r p o r t
'v e r y V a r m
'v e r y ) f i n e
'w a r m V e a t h e r
II. Q u y id a g i s o ‘z b ir ik m a la r in in g o ‘q ilish in i m a sh q q ilib , d ia lo g n i
o v o z ch iq a rib o ‘q in g:
you 'like ^best and 'like ^boating
is the )best
'skiing or \k a tin g
in the )summer
in the Vutumn
III. Q u y id a g i s o ‘z la r n i o v o z ch iq a r ib o ‘qin g:
gale, gem, log, bigger, better, hotter, traffic, stopped,
stagger, album, mummy, penny, gym, month, velvet,
mixture, yard, exact, knave, whoop, wright, veal, plaster,
goal, drew, whip, pond, whim, daddy, flask
IV. Q u y id a g i s o ‘z la r q a y si y o ‘l b ilan v a q a y si o ‘z a k d a n y a sa lg a n in i, q a y si g a p b o ‘la g ig a te g ish li e k a n lig in i a n iq la n g v a u la rn i
o ‘z b e k tilig a ta rjim a q ilin g:
V. Darsdagi yangi so‘zlardan foydalanib, savollarga javob
a) 1. Do you always get up at the same time?
2. When do you get up later than usual (earlier than
3 . Would you like to start work at your office later than
you do now or is it all the same to you?
b) 1. Are you going to take part in our English show?
2. Who else has been invited to take part in it?
3 . What will you have to learn by heart for it?
c) 1. Do you like traveling by air?
2. What kind o f transport do you like best o f all?
3 . How many airports are there in Moscow (in your
home town)?
4. How long does it take to get to the South by plane?
d) 1. Does your son (daughter) spend enough time in the
open air?
2. Why is it necessary for children to spend a lot of
time out-of-doors (in the open air)?
3. Do you only take your son (daughter) out in nice
weather like today?
e) 1. W hat’s the weather like today?
2. Is it cold (hot, warm) out (outside)?
3. Is it raining (snowing)? Is the air fresh? Is the sun
4. Is it as cold (warm, hot) today as it was yesterday?
V I.
Q u y id a g ila r n i b ajarin g:
Ask your
whether he
if you smoke here,
if you open the window,
if you close the door,
if you leave him for a minute,
if you ring him up this morning.
whether he
opening the window,
closing the door,
bringing you the journal,
telling you the way to his place.
if it rained yesterday.
if it’s going to rain soon.
if it snowed hard last winter.
if it was warm yesterday.
if it was raining when he went out.
if it will be raining much this autumn.
A jr a tib k o ‘r sa tilg a n s o ‘z la rg a sa v o lla r q o ‘yin g.
1. We reached the airport early in the morning. (1)
2. The second part o f this book is more interesting. (1)
3. My friend invited me to dinner on Sunday. (3) 4. It often
rains here in autumn. (1) 5. / like to be out-of-doors. (1)
6. When we went out it was snowing hard. (1) 7 . 1 can see
several planes high in the sky. (1)
V III. A jra tib k o ‘ rsa tilg a n s o ‘zla r d a n o ld in a r tik l ish ia tilish ig a
e ’tib o r b erib , g a p la r n i in g liz tiliga ta rjim a q ilin g .
1. a) Bu xona bahavo. b) 0 ‘sha kuni havo juda
toza edi. 2. a) lyulda, odatda, ob-havo yaxshi bo‘ladi.
b) Men yomg‘irli ob-havoni yoqtirmayman. 3. a) Uyimizdan uzoq bo‘lmagan joy da aeroport bor. b) Biz
aeroportga o‘z vaqtida keldik. 4. a) Siz osmonda sa­
molyot ko‘ryapsizmi? b) Biz aeroportga kelganimizda
samolyot qo‘nayotgan ekan. 5. a) Shahar juda chiroyli
edi. b) Sankt-Peterburg juda chiroyli shahar. 6. a) Mening
akam - haydovchi. b) Biz haydovchidan tezroq yurishini
so‘radik. 7. a) Choy sovuq edi. b) Men sovuq choyni
yoqtirmayman. 8. a) Kastum juda yaxshi, biroq menga
uning rangi yoqmayapti. b) Men yangi kastum sotib oldim.
9. а) Кип issiq edi. b) Bu ishga (bir) кип ketadi.
IX . Q u y id a g i s o ‘zla r g a sin o n im la r top in g:
to return, to receive, to speak, quickly, expensive, to
ask to dinner, in the open air, to start by plane, to like
X . Q u y id a g i s o ‘z la r g a a n to n im la r top in g:
to buy, to get off, late, strong, better, cold, quickly,
buyer, inside, the same thing, to put on, to disagree,
possible, unnecessary
X I. N u q ta la r o ‘rn in i m o s p re d lo g b ilan toM diring.
1. Could you ask your friend to take part ... our
meeting? 2. It’s more difficult ... me to learn something
... heart now than it was a few years ago. 3. Do you mind
if the children have part ... their classes ... the open air?
4. I enjoyed travelling ... ship. 5. We got ... the bus and
... five minutes it started. 6. Will you help the old woman
to g e t ... the bus, please? 7. It’s very cold outside. I think
w e’ll have to put ... warm (warmer) things. 8. Shall we
take ... our hats and coats? It’s very warm in here. 9. I
wonder what they were laughing ... when I came ... the
room. 10. Are you going to invite any ... your friends ...
dinner ... Sunday? 11. Your friend will be pleased ... his
new work. I’m quite sure ... it. I’ve talked ... him ... it
and told him that the work is difficult, but very interesting,
and he agreed ... me. 12.1 wonder why you don't agree to
go ... Batumi ... plane. It’ll take you much less time.
X II. A jr a tib k o ‘rsati!g a n so ‘z Ia rn in g ta rjim a la rig a e ’tib o r b e rib ,
g a p la rn i ingliz tiliga ta rjim a qiling.
a) 1. Mening bugun darslarga yaxshi tayyorgarlik
ko‘rishga yetarli vaqtim yo‘q, shahar chetiga chiqishni
aytmasa ham bo'ladi. 2. U (bola) u (qiz)ning ismini
bilmasdi, uning manzilini-ku aytmasa ham bo'ladi.
3. Mening unga telefon qilishga ham vaqtim boNmadi,
unikiga kirib offish uyoqda tursin.
b) 1. Ular, odatdagidek, erta yo ‘Iga otlanishdi. 2. Nihoyat, avtobus o ‘midan qo'zg'aldi. 3. Ular kelishlari
bilanoq biz muhokamani boshlaymiz.
c) 1. U allaqachon maqolaning (bir) qismini yozib
bo‘ldi. 2. Ular ishning (bir) qismini tugatishdi. 3. Kitobning ikkinchi qismi uning birinchi qismichalik qiziqarli
emas. 4. Siz hammangiz muhokamada ishtirok etishni
X III. Q u y id ag i g a p la rd a b e rilg a n s o ‘z la rn i qoMlang:
a) m ay m o d a l 1'e’li:
1. Perhaps they’ll come tomorrow morning. 2. Per­
haps she’s still in Moscow. 3. Perhaps he’ll write to us
one of these days. 4. Perhaps she won’t agree with you.
5. Perhaps they’ll be out when you get to their place.
b) to enjoy fe’li:
1. The film wasn’t as good as the one we saw last week,
and we didn’t like it. 2. Did you like your last journey?
3. I’m sure you’ll like the book.
XIV. I b o ra la r d a n fo y d a la n ib , q u y id a g i fik rla rg a o ‘z m u n o sa b a tin g iz n i b ild irin g :
I quite agree with you.
I don't quite agree with you.
You’re right.
I’m afraid you’re not quite right.
1. It’s as cold in March as it is in January. 2. February
is the shortest month in the year. 3. It’s as warm today
as it was yesterday. 4. Little children shouldn’t spend
very much time out-of-doors. 5. It’s very difficult to
learn to drive a car. 6. We have to put on warm clothes in
September. 7. It’s impossible to learn a foreign language
in two years.
XV. I b o ra la r d a n fo y d a la n ib , su h b a td o sh in g iz g a iltim os b ilan
m u r o ja a t qiling.
Could (can) you
Will y o u
I wonder if you can (co u ld )...?
Would you mind ...?
X V I. D ia lo g la rn i o ‘z !a s h tirm a g a p d a a y tib berin g .
Ann: Would you like to go shopping at once or a little
Mary: It’s all the same to me.
Ann: Then let’s go a little later, shall we? I’ll do part
o f my homework before we go.
John: It’s very hot in here. Do you mind if I open the
Ann: O f course not. I was just going to ask you to
do so.
John: Look! It’s stopped raining and the sun's shining
Ann: Yes, the weather’s wonderful, isn’t it? Shall we
go out for a short time? Then w e’ll go on with our work.
John: I’m very pleased to see you, old man. Take off
your hat and coat and leave them here. It’s rather warm in
here. Did you have a pleasant journey?
Peter: Yes, thank you. The journey was really
wonderful. I came by plane, so I wasn’t hot at all and it
only took me an hour and a half to get here.
Mary: Haven’t you invited Jane?
Ann: Yes, I have. I don’t know why she hasn’t come
John: She may still come, you know. It’s only six.
Peter: I’m sure she’ll be coming soon. She’s always
late. It’ll be strange if she isn’t. Here she comes. What did
I say?
X V II. D a rsn in g y angi so ‘z la rid a n fo y d a la n ib , g a p la rn i ingliz
tiliga ta r jim a qiling.
1. Siz Nikolayni kutib olgani aeroportga borasizmi?
- Albatta. U у ana Moskvadaligidan men shunaqa (so)
xursandmanki. - Sizlar bitta institutda o‘qiganmisizlar?
- Ha, va bundan tashqari 1981-yili bitta zavodda ishlaganmiz. 2. Siz professor Ivanovni taklif qildingizmi?
- Ha, u olti yarimda bo‘lishini aytdi. 3. Kecha juda
yomon havo bo‘ldi va biz o‘rmonga bormadik. 4. Kecha
shahar tashqarisida yomg‘ir yog‘dimi? - Yo‘q. - Qiziq,
Moskvada esa juda kuchli yomg‘ir yog‘di. 5. Bugun
tashqari(da) juda iliq. Derazani ochsam qarshi emasmisiz?
6. Hozir men odatdagidan erta turyapman, chunki otam
va aka-ukalarim uchun nonushta tayyorlashimga to‘g‘ri
kelyapti. 7. Sizda yangi gazetalar bormi? 8. Bugun havo
kechagidek yomon. Quyosh charaqlamayapti, juda sovuq
va qor yog6ishi mumkin. 9. Agar biz vokzalga tramvayda
borsak, biz kech qolamiz. Keling, taksi to‘xtatamiz,
maylimi? 10. Iltimos, bolalarga birorta kulgili hikoya
aytib bering. Ularga hammasidan kulgili hikoyalar yoqadi.
11. Bu soatlami qayerdan sotib oldingiz? - Markaziy
univermagdan. - (Ular) Qimmatmi? - Men ular uchun
o‘ttiz besh rubl toiadim . - Juda chiroyli soatlar ekan.
Menga ular o‘zimnikidan ham ko‘proq yoqyapti. 12. Bu
yerda fevral yilning eng qorli va sovuq oyidir. 13. Bu palto
eskisidan ko‘ra issiqroq va men uni kiyib olaman. Bugun
tashqari juda sovuq. 14. Siz ishni tamomladingizmi? Yo‘q, men uning faqat (bir) qismini bajardim. 15. Yoz
Moskvada issiqroqmi, yoki Sankt-Peterburgdami? Albatta, Sankt-Peterburgda yoz Moskvadagichalik issiq
emas. 16. Guruhimizning ko‘pgina talabalari ingliz tili
ustida qattiq ishlamoqdalar.
I. Q u y id ag i v a z iy a tla rn i s h a x s la r n o m id a n ta sv irla n g :
a) Boris Petrovning Verxoyanskdan ketishga tayyorgarligi;
b) uning Suxumiga kelishi;
c) Suxumiga kelgan kunning ertasi kuni (dengiz
bo‘ylab sayr).
II. D a rs m a tn id a n kcyingi d ialo g n i y o d oling.
III. B oris P e tro v n in g V e rx o y an sk d a n ketish chogN dagi va S u ­
x u m ig a kelg an k u n id a g i o b -h av o n i ta sv irlan g .
IV. Q u y id ag i so ‘z v a so ‘z b ir ik m a la r id a n fo y d a la n ib , h ik o y a la r
tu zing:
1. to invite, to be pleased, to get the invitation, to agree
to join, to put on one’s best dress, to start
2. to spend the week-end out-of-doors, to start early,
to put on, fresh air, to shine, to get off a bus, to enjoy the
walk, to tell funny stories, to laugh
3. to start early, to be cold, to have warm clothes on,
to get warmer, to have to take off
4. a funny film, to laugh, to enjoy, to tell (not) to agree
with smb.
5. to wait at the airport, to land, as usual, passengers,
to get off (a plane), to enjoy the journey, to be pleased to
see, to mind
V. “The season I like best” m a v zu sid a in sh o yozing.
VI. R a m k a ich id ag i d ialo g n i yod oling va sa h n a la sh tirin g .
V II. Q u y id ag i d ia lo g u in g o‘q i!ishini m ash q qiling, u ni yod oling
va sa h n a la sh tirin g :
“I 'hope you’re enfjoying your )stay Л/Ьеге, Mr
“O f \o u rse J it’s V onderfulJ We’ve al'ready 'seen a
^ otj and I 'must 'say I f like your 'frosty 'Vwinter] \o o .’i
“You’ve al'ready 'been to the %country,* h a v e n ’t
“'Not y^et,* I’m sorry to say.’l
“'Then I’m aJfraid* you 'don’t 'really yknowl 'what a
t Russian Jwinter* is ^ike.1 'What about 'going to the
Jcountry with us* 'this S unday?”!
“ )OhJ I’m 'all Yor itj and my 'wife will be d elig h ted ,
I’m Yure.’l
“We 'usually 'start t rather YarlyJ at a 'quarter to
Yight* to be JexactJ I 'hope it 'won’t be | too Jearly for
you, will it? i
“'Not at Y l l J It’s 'quite a l l Aight.’l
“ JSplendidll 'See you on | Sunday 'morning in the
I hotel y tia ll then.i
“Thank you | very Anuch, Mr PetrovJ It’s 'really
T very A l ic e o f you.’l
a stay - b o ‘lish, qolish
really ['riali] - buyerda chindan, rostdan
I’m all for it. - M en to1la q o ‘shilam an (og'zaki)
to be exact [ig'zaskt] - buyerda aniqrog‘i
Text: T he U nited K ingdom .
G ram m ar:
A toqli otlar bilan artiklning ishlatilishi. (80-§, 727_____________ bet.)_______________________________
The UK (short for United Kingdom o f Great Britain
and Northern Ireland) is situated on two large islands
called the British Isles. The larger island is Great Britain,
which consists o f three parts: England,1 Scotland and
Wales, and the smaller is Ireland. Southern Ireland, now
called Eire or the Irish Republic, is independent o f the UK.
The country is w ashed by the Atlantic O cean, the
North Sea and the Irish Sea, which is between Great
Britain and Ireland.
If you travel to England from the R ussian Federation,
it will take you two days to pass th ro u g h several countries
on the C o n tin en t by tra in , and six more hours to cross the
English Channel by boat.2You can also fly there, and then
the journey will only take you three and a half hours.
There are m o u n ta in chains in Scotland, Wales and
North-West England, but they are not very high. NorthWest England is also fam ous for its beautiful lakes.
The longest river in England is the Severn, and the
deepest is the Thames, on which stands the capital of
England, London.
The UK is a highly-developed industrial country. She
exports machinery, vessels, motors and other goods.3 One
o f her main industries is the textile industry and a lot of
British textiles are exported. The UK buys more goods
than she sells because she has to import food products and
raw materials from many countries o f the w o rld including
the Russian Federation.
1. G re a t B ritain ko‘pincha nafaqat orol nomi, balki, davlatning rasmiy nomi: The U nited K ingdom of
G re a t B ritain an d N o th ern Ire la n d Buyuk Britaniya
va Shimoliy Irlandiya Birlashgan Qirolligiga sinonim
tariqasida ham ishlatiladi. E nglan d so‘zi geografik
ma’noda butun davlatni ifodalash uchun ishlatiladi.
2. ... an d six m ore h o u rs to cross the English
C h an nel by b o a t . ... vayana La-Manshni kemada kesib
о 'tish uchun old soat.
0 ‘zbek tilidagi.yawz so‘zi ingliz tilida turlicha berilishi
mumkin. Ko‘plikdagi sanalmaydigan va sanaladigan
otlar bilan qo‘shimcha miqdomi ifodalashda m o re sifati
Please give me th ree m ore
Menga yana uchta dafexercise books.
tar bering.
The boy wanted some m ore
Bola yana shrvadan
0 ‘zbek va ingliz tillaridagi gapdagi so‘z tartibiga
e’tibor bering.
Menga yana ikkita kitob
Please give me two
m o re books.
Menga, marhamat qilib,
Please give me some
yana biroz sut bering.
m o re milk.
Birlikda sanaladigan otlarga qo‘shimcha miqdomi
ifodalash uchun. yana bitta ma’nosidagi a n o th e r gumon
olmoshi ishlatiladi:
Please give me a n o th e r cup
Iltimos, menga yana bir
of tea.
finjon choy bering.
W h a t qaysi?, qanaqa? so‘roq olmoshidan so'ng yana
(boshqa) ma’nosida o th e r so‘zi ishlatilib, o‘zidan keyin
keluvchi otga aniqlovchi bo‘lib keladi:
W h a t o th e r books by
Jack London have
you read?
Jek Londonning yana qaysi
(boshqa) kitoblarini o‘qigansiz?
W h a t nima? so‘roq olmoshidan so‘ng, va shuningdek,
boshqa so‘roq olmoshlaridan so‘ng yana ma’nosida else
so‘zi ishlatiladi. Bundayana so‘zidan so‘ng ot kelmaydi:
W h a t else would you like
to say?
W h o else knows this story?
W h e re else did you see
Siz yana nima demoqchisiz?
Bu hikoyani yana kirn
Siz uni yana qayerda
Bo‘lishsiz darak va bo‘lishsiz so‘roq gaplarda hali
m a’nosida yet so‘zi ishlatiladi va qoida bo‘yicha gap
oxirida keladi:
He isn’t here yet.
Dinner isn’t ready yet.
U hali bu yerda emas.
Tushlik hali tayyor emas.
Aren’t you free yet?
My son doesn’t go to
school yet, he’s too
I haven’t seen the film
Siz hali bo‘shamadingizmi?
Mening o‘g‘lim hali maktabga bormaydi, u juda
Men bu filmni hali ko‘rmadim.
Ish-harakat yoki hodisa hali ham davom etayotganligini ko‘rsatish uchun still ravishi ishlatiladi:
He’s still here.
U hali ham shu yerda.
H e’s still asleep.
U hali ham uxlayapti.
U hali ham bu kitobni
He’s still reading this
She exports m achinery, vcssells, m otors and
o th er goods. U mashina uskunalari, kemalar, dvigatellar
va boshqa mollarni eksport qiladi. Mamlakat nomi
ko‘pincha she olmoshi bilan almashtiriladi.
an island
to cross
to call
to fly (flew, flow n)
W h a t d ’you call ... ?
to fly o v er
to consist o f
to fly acro ss
to w ash
a m o u n ta in
an o cean
a m o u n ta in ch ain
betw een
to be fam ous for sm th.
to tra v e l (a b o u t)
(sm b.)
to tra v e l on b usiness (fo r p le a su re )
a lake
to p ass th ro u g h
a c o n tin e n t
m ain
by tr a in
w orld
(See Vocabulary for Lesson Seventeen, p. 572)
T h e U nited K ingdom [5э ju:'n aitid ’kiijdam] Birlashgan Q irollik
T h e B ritish Isles [ailz] Britaniya orol lari
G re a t B rita in ['greit 'britn] Buyuk Britaniya
E n g la n d ['itjlsnd] A ngliya
S c o tla n d ['skotland] Shotlandiya
W ales [weilz] Uels
Ire la n d ['aistand] Irlandiya
S o u th e rn ['злдэп] I re la n d Janubiy Irlandiya.
E ire ['еэгэ] Eyre davlati
th e A tla n tic O cean [di at'lam tik 'oujn] A tlantika okeani
th e N o rth Sea [Зэ 'пэ:0 ’si:] Shim oliy dengiz
th e Irish S ea [di 'aiarif 'si:] Irlandiya dengizi
th e E ng lish C h a n n e l ['tfzenl] La-M ansh
th e S ev ern [бэ 'sevom ] Severn (daryosi)
th e T h a m e s [бэ ’tem z] Tem za (daryosi)
SO M E G E O G R A PH IC A L [.cfeidg rsefikal] N A M ES
A frica [’zefrikd] A frika
A frican ['геГпкэп] afrikalik
A m erica [d'm erika] A m erika
N orth A m erica Shim oliy A m erika
South A m erica Janubiy A m erika
A m erican [ э 'т е п к э п ] am erikalik
A ntarctica [агп'1а:кпкэ] A ntarktida
A sia ['ei|o] O siyo
A sian ['eijon] osiyolik
A ustralia [os'treilja] Avstraliya
A ustralian [Ds'treiljan] avstraliyalik
E urope ['juorap] Yevropa
European [juara'piian] yevropalik
* * *
A rctic [di 'a:ktik] (O cean) Shim oliy M uz okeani
A tlantic (O cean) A tlantika okeani
Indian [di 'indjan] (O cean) H ind okeani
Pacific [da pa'sifik] (O cean) Tinch okeani
the Baltic (Sea) B oltiq dengizi
the Black Sea Q ora dengiz
the M editerranean [da.m edita'reinjan] 0 ‘itay er dengizi
* * *
C aucasus [da ‘koikasas] K avkaz tog*lari
C rim ea [da krai'm ia] Qrim
H im alaya(s) [da.him a'leiaz] H im olay to g ‘lari
Pam irs [da pa'm iaz] Pom ir
U rals [da ’j uralz] Ural
* * *
L ake Baikal [bai’ka:!] Baykal k o ‘li
the D anube [da ’dzenjuib] D unay
the D nieper [da'dni:pa] D nepr
the Lena [da 'leina] Lena
the M ississippi [дэ .m isi'sipi] Missisipi
the N eva [дэ 'neivd] N eva
the Volga Volga
* *
Siberia [sai'biaria] Sibir
The U kraine [дэ ju:'krein] U kraina
* *
A ustria [‘ostria] Avstriya (ot)
A ustrian ['Dstrian] avstriya (sifat)
V ienna [vi'ena] Vena
Bulgaria [Ьл1§еэпэ] Bolgariya
Bulgarian [bAlgearian] bolgariya (sifat)
Sofia ['soufja] Sofiya
Belgium ['belcfeam] Belgiya
Belgian ['belcfedn] belgiya (sifat)
Brussels [’brAslz] Brussel
C anada ['каепэдэ] K anada
C anadian [kaneidian] kanada (sifat)
O ttaw a ['Dtawa] O ttava
China ['tjaina] (the C hinese P eop le’s R epublic) X itoy (X itoy X alq
R espublikasi)
C hinese ['tjai'n k z] xitoy (sifat)
Beijing ['beijiq] Pekin
Czech ['tjek] R epublic C hexiya
C zech ['tlek] chex (sifat)
Prague [pra:g] Praga
France [fram s] Fransiya
French fransuz (sifat)
Paris ['pasris] Parij
G erm any ['d$a:mani] G erm aniya
Germ an ['(^ э :т э п ] nem is (sifat)
Berlin [bar'lin] Berlin
G reece [gri:s] Y unoniston (G retsiya)
G reek [gri:k] yunon (grek) (sifat)
A thens ['aaGinz] Afina
H olland G ollandiya
D utch golland (sifat)
the H ague [дэ 'heig] G aaga
H u n g a ry [‘hAqgdri] Vengriya
H u n g a r ia n [hAq'gserisn] vengriya (sifat)
B u d a p e s t ['bjuida'pest] Budapesht
In d ia ['indjs] H indiston
In d ia n [’indjan] hind
D elh i [’deli] Dehli
Ita ly ['itali] Italiya
Ita lia n [i'taeljan] italyan
R o m e Rim
J a p a n [dsa'pzen] Y aponiya
J a p a n e s e [.dsaeps'niiz] yapon
T okyo [‘toukjou] Tokio
P o lan d ['pouland] Polsha
P o lish ['poulil] polyak
W a rs a w [ ' w d : s d :] V arshava
R u m a n ia [rui'm einja] Rum iniya
R u m a n ia n [rui'm einjan] rumin
B u c h a re s t ['bju:karest] Buxarest
S w eden ['sw kdn] Shvetsiya
S w ed ish ['sw i:di|] shved
S to ck h o lm ['stokhoum ] Stokgolm
U n ite d S ta te s o f A m erica (th e) A m erika Q o ‘shm a Shtatlari
W a sh in g to n [’wDfiqtan] Vashington
V iet-N am ['vjet'nzem] X^etnam
V ietn am e se [.vjetna'm iiz] vyetnam
H a n o i [hae'nDi] X anoy
S o‘z y asash
1. -ese [i:z] - m illatni anglatuvchi sifat suffiksi boMib, m am lakat
nom larini bildiruvchi otlarga q o ‘shiladi, m asalan:
Japan [с^э'раеп] Y a p o n iy a -Ja p a n e se [.dsaeps'nkz] yapon (sifat)
Bu suffiks bilan kelgan otlardagi urg ‘u
b o g ‘liqligiga e ’tibor bering:
H e’s Japa'nese. U yapon.
a 'Japanese 'soldier yapon zobiti
ibora ritm iga
I z о h: M illatni anglatuvchi sifatlar doim katta h a rf bilan
-ic [ik] - sifat suffiksi bo'lib, otlardan sifat yasashda ishlatiladi. -ic
suffiksli so ‘zlarda urg ‘u, odatda, undan oldingi b o ‘g ‘inga
history ['histsri] tarix - historic [his'torik] tarixiy
-ous [as] - sifat suffiksi bo 'lib , odatda, m avhum otlardan sifat
yasashda ishlatiladi:
fam e shon, shuhrat - fam ous [’feim as] taniqli
-sh ip [|ip] - ot suffiksi bo 'lib , ot va sifatlardan m avhum otlar
yasashda ishlatiladi:
a friend d o 's t - friendship [’frendfip] do'stlik
hard qiyin, o g 'i r - hardship ['ha:d|ip] qiyinchilik
I z о h: -ous va -sh ip suffikslariga hech qachon u rg 'u tushm aydi.
2. U rg 'u o 'rnini o'zgartirish orqali ham yangi so 'z yasash mum kin. M asalan, export otida u rg 'u birinchi b o 'g 'in g a tushadi
['ekspD:t] eksport, to export export qilmoq fe ’lida esa u rg 'u
ikkinchi b o 'g 'in g a tushadi [tu eks'pD:t]
I. G eo g rafik n o m la rn in g o 'q ilish in i m a sh q qilib, d a r s m a tn in i
ovoz c h iq a rib o ‘q ing.
II. Q uy id ag i s o 'z la r n i ovoz c h iq a rib o 'q in g :
gold, golden, knave, 'brutal, 'bluebird, storey, fear, fast,
task, feather, mind, monthly, per'ceive, folding, cherry,
lorry, married, horror, terror, merry, con'ceive, leather,
famous, nervous, con'tinuous, jealous, his'toric, comic,
e'lectric, hardship, 'leadership, membership, Chinese,
III. Q u y id ag i so ‘z ia r qaysi o ‘z a k d a n va qaysi y o ‘l bilan
y asalg an lig in i, qaysi so ‘z tu rk u m ig a k irish in i a n iq la n g va
u la rn i o‘zb ek tiliga ta r jim a qiling:
IV. Q u y id ag i s o ‘z la rd a g i u r g ‘u n in g o‘rn ig a e ’tib o r b e rib , o t v a
fe’lla rn i ovoz c h iq a rib o ‘q ing:
to export - exports, to import - imports, an increase to increase, to present - a present, a contrast - to contrast,
to contact - a contact
V. D a rsn in g y an g i so ‘z la rid a n fo y d a la n ib , m a tn g a 10 ta savol
tu zing.
V I. K e ra k li jo y g a m os a r tik l q o ‘ying.
There is more water than land on our planet ['plaenit].
... largest and deepest ocean in ... world is ... Pacific,
then comes ... Atlantic. ... Indian ocean is only ... little
smaller. ... smallest ocean is ... Artie.
... longest river in ... world is ... Mississippi, ...
largest sea is Mediterranean, ... deepest lake is ... Lake
Large masses ['mzesiz] of ... land are called ...
continents. They are ... Europe and Asia, ... North and ...
South America, ... Australia and ... Antarctica.
There are mountain chains in many parts o f ... world.
Some o f them such as ... Urals are old, others like ...
Caucasus are much younger. ... highest mountain chain,
which is called ... Himalayas, is situated in Asia.
V II. G eo g rafik n o m la r bilan a r tik ln in g ish latilish ig a e ’tib o r
b e rib , sa v o lla rg a ja v o b berin g .
a) 1. How many countries do you know? What are their
2. Which European countries do you know?
3. How many oceans are there in the world? What are
their names?
b) 1. Which is the largest island in the world?
2. Which is the largest sea in Europe?
3. How many countries are washed by this sea?
4. Which is the deepest lake in the world? Where is
c) 1.
d) 1.
What d ’you call the people who live in England?
Is England larger or smaller than France? k
What language do they speak in England?
What’s the capital o f England?
Have you ever been to England?
Have you ever travelled about the Russian
2. Did you travel on business or for pleasure?
3. Where have you been? When was it? What did you
see there?
4. Which mountain chain in the Russian Federation
do you know?
1. Have you ever spent a holiday in the Caucasus (in
the Crimea)?
2. W hat’s the Caucasus famous for?
3. Why are there so many holiday centres in the
Caucasus (in the Crimea)? Where are they
4. Where else can you go for a holiday?
1. Which countries do you fly over if you go from
Moscow to London by plane?
2. How many rivers do you cross if you travel to
Holland by train?
3. Which countries do you pass through on your way
to England?
1. W hat’s the Volga famous for?
2. Which cities on the Volga do you know?
3. Which o f them is the biggest?
4. Are there any holiday centres on the Volga?
5. Did you go to the Volga or the Dnieper for a holiday
last year?
6. Which o f these two rivers is more beautiful?
7. Is the Lena as long as the Volga?
1. Are the Urals between the Volga and the Lena?
2. Where are the Urals?
3. Are the Urals very high?
4. Are the Pamirs higher than the Urals?
5. What important industrial centres in the Urals do
you know?
6. Which o f them have you been to?
V III. B erilg an sifa tla rn i as ... as, not so ... as k o n stru k siy a sid a
ish latib , n a m u n a d a k o ‘rsa tilg a n id e k ta q q o sla n g .
N a m u n a : Riga is as beautiful as Tallinn.
The Neva is not so long as the Thames.
1. The Artie (Ocean), the Atlantic (Ocean) - cold.
2. The Baltic (Sea), the Black Sea - large. 3. The Caspian
(Sea), Lake Baikal - beautiful, deep. 4. The mountains in
the Caucasus, the mountains in the Crimea - high. 5. The
Dnieper, the Volga - long. 6. The Urals, the Caucasus old. 7. The Mediterranean, the Black Sea - large.
IX . Yana, halt, yana bitta so ‘z la rin in g ta rjim a s ig a e ’tib o r b e rib ,
g a p la rn i ingliz tiliga ta r jim a qiling.
1. Men yana bitta galstuk sotib olmoqchiman. 2. Siz
yana kimni kutyapsiz? 3. Sizga Peter yana nima dedi?
4. Men bu haqida hali bilmayman. 5. Hali ham yomg‘ir
yog‘yapti. 6. 0 ‘tgan yili siz yana qaysi shaharlarda
bo‘ldingiz? 7. U hali ham telefonda gaplashyapti. 8. Siz
hali ham mening do‘stimni tanimaysizmi? 9. Magazinga
boring va yana non sotib oling. 10. Biz qaytganimizda u
hali ham ishlayotgan edi. 11. Ma’ruzasini tugatish uchun
unga yana biroz vaqt kerak edi. 12. Mamlakatimizning
sharqiy qismidagi yana qaysi daryolarni bilasiz? 13. Men­
ga ingliz adabiyotidan yana bitta kitob bering, iltimos.
14. Yana choy xohlaysizmi? 15. Iltimos, yana biroz kuting.
Men hali tayyor emasman. 16. Hali soat yetti bo‘lmabdi.
Biz vokzalga o‘z vaqtida yetib boramiz. 17. Bir chashka
kofe xohlaysizmi?
X. K e ra k li jo y g a m os p re d lo g la rd a n q o ‘ying.
1. The Caucasus is famous ... its holiday centres.
2. When we were travelling ... the Crimea, we stopped one
day ... a nice little village ... the mountains. 3. Are you
travelling ...business or ... pleasure?4 .1 like travelling ...
train, because when the train passes ... beautiful places,
I can see th e m
the window. 5. As we were flying
... my home town, I could see how large it had become.
6. ... the way ... Italy the plane flew ... many European
countries. 7. The book I advise you to read consists ...
three parts.
X I. D ialogni o ‘z la sh tirm a g ap d a ay tib bering.
“You travel a lot, don’t you?”
“Oh, yes, I love travelling, and I spend much o f my
time visiting different parts of the world, sometimes on
business and sometimes for pleasure.”
“Have you ever travelled by plane?”
“Yes. I always go by air on my business journeys, but
when I travel for pleasure, I usually go by train and ship.
It’s so interesting getting to know the other passengers,
and o f course, I enjoy being on the sea in any kind of
“Very many o f my journeys have been made by train.
I find it quite pleasant, but not in the holiday season when
there are so many people that you have to stand all the
“I quite agree with you. Then, o f course, it’s better to
go by car.”
X II. G a p la r n i in g liz tiliga ta rjim a qiling.
Rossiyada katta daryolar ko‘p: Volga, Lena va
boshqalar. 2. Dnepr Lenadan tor. Biroq u Ukrainadagi
eng keng va eng chiroyli daryo. 3. Har yili men ta’tilni
Qrimda oTkazardim, biroq kelasi yili men Volga
bo‘yidagi dam olish uyiga boraman. 4. Singlimning eri
yozda Kavkazga bormaydi, u yer uning uchun juda issiq.
U Boltiq dengizida dam olishni yoqtiradi. 5. Kelasi yili
bizning talabalarimiz Uralga borishadi. 6. Qayerda daryo
ko‘p: mamlakatimizning g‘arbiy qismidami yoki sharqiy
qismidami? 7. Mamlakatimizning shimoliy qismida
janubiy qismidagiga qaraganda o ‘rmonlar ko‘p. 8. 0 ‘tgan
yili biz tog4da sayohat qilib yurganimizda, biz u yerda
yuz yoshga kirgan kishini uchratdik. 9. Bu yer (o4zining)
ajoyib ko4llari va musaffo tog4 havosi bilan mashhur.
10. Siz u yerga samolyotda uchasizmi yoki poyezdda
borasizmi? - Bir necha kun ketishiga qaramasdan, men
poyezdda boraman. Samolyotda (uchganimda) men
o4zimni yomon his qilaman. 11. 0 4tgan yili biz Sibir
bo4ylab sayohat qilayotganimizda, biz Novosibirskda bir
necha kun bo4ldik. Bu Sibiming eng yaxshi shaharlaridan
I. Y angi so ‘z la rd a n fo y d ala n ib d a r s m a tn in i a y tib b e rin g .
II. Q u y id ag i so ‘z v a so ‘z b irik m a la rid a n fo y d a la n ib , q isq a hik o y a la r (situ a tsiy a ) tuzing.
1. to travel on business, by train, to take a lot o f time,
to fly
2. to travel by sea, to feel bad, not to enjoy the
3. to go to the Far East, to pass through, a pleasant
journey, to see the Pacific, to write to
4. Lake Baikal, to be situated, deep, to be famous for
its beauty
5. to invite, to cross a river, in a boat, an island, in the
middle o f the river, to spend a day, to enjoy
III. D arsn in g y angi so ‘z la rid a n fo y d ala n ib , ik k ita h ik o y a tuzing.
0 ‘z hik o y an g izn i q u y id a g ich a boshlang:
Once when we were travelling in the mountains, a
friend o f mine felt bad ...
I had my holiday in the summer last year and decided
to travel about our country. It was early morning when my
friend and I ...
IV. a) M a m la k a tim iz ; b) Uzoq Sharq; c) K a v k a z va Q rim ;
d) m a m la k a tim iz shim oli
a x b o ro tla rn i berin g .
h a q id a
b ir
n ec h a
V. a) M a m la k a tim iz g a ; b) ch e t elga q ilin g an tu r is tik sa y o h a t
h a q id a g a p irib berin g .
V I. Q u y id ag i d ia lo g n in g o‘qilishini m ash q q ilin g , u n i yod oling
v a sa h n a la sh tirin g .
“So the 'time has 'come to 'say goo d /b y e, Mr Brown?’1
“ )Yes,l and I’m V>rry about itj I’ve e'njoyed my 'stay
yherd V ery much.! Un jfortunatelyl the 'time has 'passed
t very V uickly.’l
“ 'A re you 'going by V lane?’1
“ JNoJ 'this Jtime* I’ll be 'travelling by VainJ I’ll 'have
to 'stop in Varis* for a 'day or Awo.’l
“And 'when shall we 'see you in Moscow again?”!
“In 'six \nonths, I Ahink.11 'hope the 'watches will be
t selling Jwell j and in 'six 'months’ Aime we’ll 'start
dis'cussing a Vew contract.”!
“ 'Let’s 'hope for the A>est.| I 'wish you a j pleasant
journey, Mr Brow n.i
“ ЛЪапк you, Mr PetrovJ I 'do 'hope I’ll t see you in
'London be Yore I 'come to ^Moscow again.’J
T e x t:
T h e C h ild h o o d a n d Y outh o f D ickens.
G r a m m a r : s o m e , a n y , n o , e v e r y l a r d a n y a s a l g a n g u m o n o l m o s h la r i
v a ra v is h la r i. ( 8 1 - § , 7 2 8 - b e t . )
Charles Dickens, one o f the g r e a te s t and most p o p u ­
l a r English nov elists, was bom on the 7th o f Febmary,
1812, in a small English town. He was a weak child and
did not like to take part in n o isy and active g a m e s .1The
little boy was very c le v e r and leamt to read a t an ea rly
ag e. He read a lot o f books in his childhood. When he
was about six, someone took him to the theatre for the
first time. He saw a p la y by Shakespeare and liked it so
much that he decided to write a play o f his ow n. When
it was ready, he p e rf o r m e d it with some o f his friends.
Everybody enjoyed the p e rf o r m a n c e , and the little writer
felt very happy.
• When Dickens was nine years old, the family m oved
to London where they lived in an old house in the
They had a very hard life. There were several younger
children in the family b e sid e s Charles. The future writer
could not even go to school, because at that time his father
was in the Marshalsea Debtors’ Prison. There was nobody
in London to whom Mr Dickens could go f o r m oney, and
his wife with all the children e x c e p t Charles went to join
him in the prison. The family lived there until Mr Dickens
could pay his d e b ts. Those were the most unhappy days
of all Charles’ life. The boy worked from early morning
till late at night to help his family.
Charles was only able to start going to school when
he was n e a rly twelve, and his father was out of prison.
He very much wanted to study, but he did not finish his
schooling. After two years o f school he began working
again. He had to work hard to e a rn his living, and tried
very many trades, but he did not like any o f them. His
a m b itio n was to study and become a w e ll-e d u c a te d man.
At the age o f fifteen he often went to the famous library of
the British Museum. He spent a lot o f time in the library
reading-room. He read and studied there and in th is w a y
he got an e d u c a tio n .
Later Dickens d e s c rib e d his childhood and youth in
some o f his famous novels, a m o n g them “Little Dorrit”
and “David Copperfield”.
The great writer d ie d more than a hundred years ago
(in 1870), but everybody still enjoys reading his books.
“ ' A r e y o u a n j o n l y ^ h i l d ? ’’|
“ ) N o ,| I ’v e g o t a V o t h e r . ” |
“ ’W h o d o e s h e N o o k l ik e ? ” |
“ ' E v e r y b o d y 's a y s h e f l o o k s
- S iz oilada y a k k a farzandm isiz?
- Y o ‘q, m e n i n g a k a m bor.
- U k i m g a o ‘x s h a y d i ?
- H a m m a u n i o y i m g a o ‘x s h a t a d i .
like Nvlother.” |
“ 'I s h e ' g r o w n A ip? ” |
“ )Y e s , I h e 'g o e s t o u n i v e r s i ­
ty.] H e ’s t a k i n g Y h s t o r y . ” ]
- U k a tt a boM ib q o l g a n m i ?
H a , u u n i v e r s i t e t d a o ‘q i y d i. U
t a r ix ( f a k u l t e t i ) d a o ‘q iy d i.
“ ' W h a t ’s h i s > o b b y ? ” |
- U n im a g a qiziq ad i?
“ Y i s h i n g , I t h i n k . ” ]__________
- M e n i m c h a , b a li q o v l a s h g a .
H e ... d id n o t like to ta k e p a r t in noisy a n d a c tiv e
g am es. U ... shovqinli va harakatli o'yinlarda ishtirok
etishni xohlamasdi. P a r t so‘zi to ta k e p a r t iborasida
ishtirok ma’nosini beradi, ya’ni mavhum tushunchani
ifodalaydi va artiklsiz ishlatiladi. Biroq bunday ot oldidan
tasvirlovchi xarakterga ega aniqlovchi kelsa, u noaniq
artikl bilan ishlatiladi:
He took p a r t in the dis­
cussion, too.
He took a n a c tiv e p a r t
in the discussion, too.
U ham muhokamada ishti­
rok etdi.
U ham muhokamada faol
ishtirok etdi.
to go to sm b . fo r s m th .
p o p u lar
m oney
to b e p o p u l a r (w ith )
a n o v e list
a debt
t o e a r n o n e ’s l i v i n g
to m a k e a noise
am b itio n
a gam e
w ell-ed u cated
clev er
a way
to be c le v er (good) a t s m th .
a t an early age
in t h i s w a y
o n o n e ’s w a y
at th e age of
by th e w ay
a play
an e d u ca tio n
to d e s c rib e
to p e r f o r m
a descrip tio n
a p erform an ce
a novel
to m o v e
am ong
to d ie (died, d ied )
(See Vocabulary for Lesson Eighteen, p. 574)
C h a r l e s D i c k e n s ['t|a:lz 'dikinz] C harlz D ikkens
S h a k e s p e a r e ['Jeikspia] Shekspir
t h e M a r s h a l s e a D e b t o r ’s P r i s o n [дэ 'm a:l9lsi: 'detoz ’prizn]
M arshals! qarzdorlar qam oqxonasi (Londonda)
L i t t l e D o r r i t ['litl 'dorit] K ichik D orrit
D a v i d C o p p e r f i e l d ['deivid 'kopafidd] D evid Koperfild
S o ‘z yasash
a n c e , - e n c e [sns] - ot suffiksi fe'llardan m avhum tushunchani
ifodalovchi ot yasashda ishlatiladi:
to perform nam oyish etm oq - perform ance nam oyish
to differ farqlam oq - difference farq
G um on
o lm o sh la rin in g
tarjim asig a
e ’t i b o r b e r i b
g a p la rn i
o ‘z b e k t i l i g a t a r j i m a q i l i n g .
( somebody
1 .There’s J
\ something
V nothing
( nothing
^ T
J somebody
2 . 1 can see 4
. .
\ nobody
in the room.
else there.
3. Has he bought j ^ ^ f ng for your?
I any
4. Have you spoken to 4 all У of them?
^ each j
I I . G u m o n o l m o s h l a r i n i n g t o ‘g ‘r i i s h l a t i l i s h i g a e ’t i b o r b e r i b ,
g a p l a r n i n g ( u m u m i y ) s o ‘r o q g a p v a b o M i s h s iz d a r a k g a p
s h a k l l a r i n i y o z i n g . K e r a k l i o ‘z g a r t i s h l a r k i r i t i s h n i u n u t m ang.
Someone’s waiting for you. 2. There’s something
interesting in this magazine. 3. Something can be done to
help you.
I I I . G u m o n o l m o s h l a r i v a r a v i s h l a r i n i n g i s h l a t i l i s h i g a e ’t i b o r
b e rib , s a v o lla rg a ja v o b b erin g .
1. Is there anything on that table? What is it?
2. Can you see anything on that wall? What is it?
3. Did you read anything interesting last month? What did
you read?
4. Did any o f you read any English books last year?
5. Why did none o f you read English books last year?
6. Have you invited anybody to dinner at the week-end?
7. Are you going to invite anybody?
8. Why didn’t you invite any of our students to (your place
for) your last birthday party?
9. Why doesn’t anybody go to the office on Saturday and
10. Are you going away anywhere for your holiday, or are
you staying in town?
11 . Did all o f our students take part in the last English
language show?
12. Can any o f you speak two foreign languages?
13. Do you always hurry if anyone’s waiting for you?
IV .
N u q t a l a r o ‘r n i n i m o s g u m o n o l m o s h i v a r a v i s h l a r i b ila n
t o ‘l d i r i n g . G a p l a r n i o ‘z b e k t i l i g a t a r j i m a q i l i n g .
C an ... help m e w ith this w ork today? 2. I ’ll be
very glad i f y o u invite ... else to jo in us. 3. ... o f us could
an sw er this difficult question. 4. I f ... rings m e up, tell
them th at I ’ll be at hom e at five. 5. ... m ust be done to
save the ch ild ’s life. 6. I f y o u d o n ’t find ... at hom e w hen
you get back, y o u ’ll have to w ait for m e. 7. We got hom e
late and ... w ent to bed at once. 8. C an you get this book
for m e ...? 9. I d o n ’t like shopping on Saturday because
there are too m any people .... 10. “I d o n ’t think ... is here
yet. L e t’s w ait a little longer.” 11. Is ... clear to you or
shall I rep eat the ru le? 1 2 .... w anted to go to the country,
bu t as it’s raining hard, w e sh an ’t go today. 13. A sk ...
else. I k n o w ... about it, so I c a n ’t tell you .... 14. As ...
is clear to ..., P m n ot.going to say ... else.
V. A j r a t i b
k o ‘r s a t il g a n s o 'z l a r n i n g t a r j i m a s i g a e ’t i b o r b e r ib ,
g a p l a r n i in g liz tiliga t a r j i m a qiling.
Agar biror kishi kech qolsa, biz kutmaymiz, hamma
(o‘z) vaqtida kelishi kerak. 2. Men bu yerda hech narsa
ko‘rmayapman. 3. 0 ‘rinlariga yetib boriboq, hamma qattiq
uxlab qoladi. 4. Bizga biror qiziqarli narsa aytib bering,
maylimi? 5. Ketdik magazinga. Men kechki tushlikka
biror nima xarid qilishim kerak. 6. Sizni xonangizda
kimdir kutyapti. 7. Undan balandroq gapirishini so‘rang,
iltimos. Biz ham bu yerda hech narsa eshitmayapmiz.
8. Mening hikoyamda biror kulgili narsa bormi? 9. Agar
siz xatolaringiz ustida ishlashni hozir boshlamasangiz,
keyin sizga hech nima yordam bermaydi. 10. Sizni bu
kechaga biror kishi taklif qildimi? 11. Hozir (Endi) biror
narsa qilish uchun juda kech (boidi). 12. Bu kishi hech
qachon hech narsadan qo‘rqmaydi. 13. U hozir qayerdadir
dengiz bo‘yida. 14. Yana biror kishi muhokamada
ishtirok etishni xohlaydimi? 15. Nimaga hech biringiz
quloq solmayapsiz? 16. Buni hech kirn unutmaydi.
17. Uning bugun kelishini nahot hech biringiz bilmasdingiz? 18. Men kimningdir ruchkasini topib oldim.
19. Ulaming hammalari majlisda so‘zga chiqishdimi?
- Yo‘q, hamma uchun vaqt yetmadi. 20. Bu odamning
hayotini qutqarish uchun barcha narsa qilindi.
I. Q u y i d a g i s o ‘z v a s o ‘z b i r i k m a l a r i n i n g o ‘q i l i s h i n i m a s h q q i l i b
o l i b , d a r s m a t n i n i o v o z c h i q a r i b o ‘q i n g :
was a 'weak \ :h ild
[9 :]
at 'that \im e
Par, tr]
w a s 'v e r y Y l e v e r
'a ll th e Y h i ld r e n
a t t h e 'a g e o f \ w e l v e
in th e ^ p ris o n
'l e a r n t t o Y e a d
f o r t h e 'f i r s t Y i m e
I I . Q u y i d a g i s o ‘z l a r n i o v o z c h i q a r i b o ‘q i n g :
ambitious, in'dustrious, con'tinuous, eco'nomic,
comic, ro'mantic, capable, readable, Vietna'mese,
Japa'nese, performance, ap’pearance, 'utterance, entrance,
importance, temperance
I I I . Q u y i d a g i s o ‘z l a r n i n g o ‘z a g i d a n s u f f i k s v a o l d q o ‘s h i m c h a l a r n i a j r a t i n g , o ‘z a k q a y s i s o ‘z t u r k u m i g a k i r i s h i n i a n i q l a n g
v a u l a r n i o ‘z b e k t i l i g a t a r j i m a q i l i n g :
IV. Y a n g i s o ‘z l a r d a n f o y d a l a n i b , m a t n g a o i d 15 t a s a v o l t u z i n g .
V. Y a n g i s o ‘z l a r d a n f o y d a l a n i b , s a v o l l a r g a j a v o b b e r i n g .
a) 1. Which is the most popular novel o f the season?
2. Is the novel only popular with young people, or is it
popular with older people, too?
3. Why is it popular?
b) 1. At what age do children usually like playing active
2. Are you cross with your children if they make a
noise while they’re playing? Why are you (aren’t
3. How can you stop them if they make too much
c) 1. Which o f you is good at active games?
2. Which games are you good at?
3. What other games are you good at besides tennis
( v o lle y - b a ll, e tc .) ?
4. Are you good at foreign languages? Why do you
thinks so?
5. Why is it good to start learning a foreign language
at an early age?
d) 1. Which of your friends has ever written a play of
his own?
2. When was it performed for the first time?
3. Did everybody enjoy the performance?
4. Did the writer become more popular with his friends
after the performance?
5. What else did he write besides the play?
e ) 1. Who do you usually go to when you want help with
your English?
2. Why do you go to him and not to anyone else?
3. How (in what way) does your friend help you?
4. Have you any friends besides him who could help
you with your English?
J) 1. What was your ambition when you left school?
2. Where did you get your education?
3. Did you have to earn your living when you went to
4. Do you enjoy your work now?
V I.
Q uyidagi topshiriqlarni bajaring:
whether his son (daughter) is good at
foreign languages,
whether he’s good at describing things
he has seen with his own eyes,
whether he could give you a descrip­
tion o f the town he was bom in.
Ask your friend
whether he could describe his first
school-teacher to you.
whether there are many writers among
his friends,
whether he would like to have his own
I when he moved into his new flat.
I at what age he went to the Institute.
V II. A jratib k o‘rsatilgan so ‘zlarning tarjim asiga e ’tib or berib,
gaplarni ingliz tiliga tarjim a qiling.
Keksa Smit o‘zining barcha qarzlarini to1lab bo‘ldi,
janob Grinning qarzidan tashqari. 2. Siz Londonda
bo‘lganingizda, Britaniya muzeyidan tashqari yana
qaysi boshqa muzeylarga bordingiz? 3. Afrika haqidagi
bu sharhdan tashqari, men sizga (yana) taniqli sayyoh
Stenlining kitobini o‘qishni maslahat beraman. 4. Men
bu teatrdagi oxirgisidan tashqari barcha pyesalami
ko‘rganman. 5. Menimcha, uning birinchi kitobidan
tashqari, (qolgan) barcha yozgan narsalari o‘quvchilar
orasida mashhur. 6. Sizning ishingiz deyarli tayyor,
shundaymi? 7. Men yana bu xatoni qilib qo‘yishimga bir
bahya qoldi. 8. U (erkak) deyarli 90 yoshda. 9. U (ayol)
ellik yoshlar atrofida. 10. Biz ketganda, (soat) deyarli
12 edi. 11. Ular bu yerda kech soat beshlar chamasida
V III. A jratib ko‘rsatilgan so ‘zlarga savollar q o‘ying.
1. My son took part in a performance at his school
yesterday. (3) 2. Some children don’t like noisy games.
(1) 3. We moved to Moscow in 1959. (2) 4. My sister’s
daughter began playing the piano at an early age. (2)
5. Many famous writers had to work hard in their youth to
earn their living. (1)6. Dickens decided to write a play o f
his own when he was about six. (3)
IX. N uqtalar o‘rniga kerakli joyda artikl yoki egalik olm oshidan
m osini q o‘yin g va m atnni aytib bering.
Jack London, ... great American novelist, was bom in
... San Francisco and sp e n t... first years o f ... life there.
John London, ... father o f ... family, le f t... farm and
moved to town. He tried a lot o f trades, but couldn’t make
enough money to send ... children to ... school. Jack
London had to begin earning ... living at ... early age.
He sold ... morning and evening papers in ... factory. He
worked eighteen to twenty hours ... day. Then he became
... sailor. Jack London travelled ... lot. He had to do ...
very hard work, but he also read ... lot and tried to get
... education. He went to ... school and to ... University.
In addition he read ... lot o f books on ... History and
Philosophy. Jack London’s ambition was to become ...
Later London went to ... Far North o f ... America.
He didn’t bring back any gold from there, but he brought
something much better than ... yellow metal. It was ...
book of ... stories about ... life in ... North. He had
realized ... ambition; he had become ... writer.
X. Nuqtalar o‘rniga kerakli joyda predlog va ravishlardan mosini
1. When Dickens was a boy ... four, his father showed
him a beautiful house ... the place where they were living
... that time.
“Why can’t we live ... a fine house like that?” the boy
asked his father.
“We’re rather poor, and can’t pay ... it,” his father
Little Charles often went ... that place. He liked to
look ... the house and play outside it. Many years later
he really moved ... that house and lived there ... a long
2. Theodore Dreiser, the great American writer, was
born ... the 27,h ... August, 1871 ... a small town ...
America. 3. When Jack London was a b o y
ten, he
sold newspapers ... the streets and ... this way helped ...
his parents. 4. Which novels ... Jack London are popular
... the Russian Federation reader? 5. The boy learned to
read ... the age ... five.
XI. to speak, to talk, to tell, to sa y fe’llaridan foydalanib, gaplarni
ingliz tiliga tarjim a qiling.
1. Do‘stingizga kecha biz uning ma’ruzasidan katta
taassurot olganimizni aytib qo‘ying, iltimos. 2. “Bu suratni tasvirlang”, - dedi o‘qituvchi talabalarga. 3. Men
bu xususida muhandislarimiz bilan gaplashib ko‘raman.
4. Ular nima haqda gaplashyapti? - Ular Arbuzovning
yangi pyesasini muhokama qilyaptilar. 5. 0 ‘qituvchilar
bu bolani juda qobiliyatli deyishyapti. 6. Kechirasiz, ni­
ma dedingiz? 7. Bunchalik tez gapirmang, iltimos. 8. Balandroq gapiring, iltimos, bu yer juda shovqinli va men
sizni eshitmayapman. 9. Bizga o‘z ona shahringiz haqida
biror nima aytib bering. 10. Unga uning nohaqligini aytib
qo‘ying, iltimos. 11. Biz spektakl haqida darsda gaplashamiz. 12. Do‘stlaringizdan birortasi yapon tilida gaplashadimi? 13. Ular sizga ma’ruzangiz haqida biror nima
deyishdimi? 14. Unga biz tez orada ketishimizni aytmang,
iltimos. 15. Gaplashmang, iltimos. 0 ‘rtoqlaringiz inglizcha gaplashayotganda ulami tinglang. 16. Spektakl ajoyib
bo‘lganligini sizdan tashqari hamma gapiryapti. 17. Bu
haqda siz kimga aytdingiz? 18. Aytishlaricha, u o‘zining
birinchi pyesasini taxminan 15 yoshligida yozgan ekan.
19. Biz kirganda, kim bilan telefonda bunchalik baland
ovozda gaplashdingiz?
XII. else, m ore, still, other, another, y e t so ‘zlaridan m osini q o ‘ytb,
nuqtalar o‘rnini toMdiring.
1. What ... books by Dickens, besides Oliver Twist,
did you read in your childhood? 2. Who ... wants to take
part in this performance? 3. How many ... days shall we
travel about the country? 4. Will anybody ... take part
in the performance? 5. Aren’t you ready ...? 6. I think
he’s ... in the office, he doesn’t usually leave till seven.
7. What ... would you like to buy? 8. Would you like to
say anything ...? 9. Г 11 have ... cup o f tea. I’m ... thirsty.
10. I can’t go to the theatre today. Ask someone ... to
join you. 11. What ... foreign languages does your friend
speak? 12. I think we’ll ... be working on it at twelve
tomorrow. 13. Ask Fred to take part in the performance.
No one ... can do it better than he does. 14. My son can’t
read ... . 15. We hope that a few ... people will take part
in the discussion. 16. It’s ... very early. Someone ...
may ... join us. Let’s wait a little longer, shall we?
XIII. D arsning yangi so ‘zlaridan foydalanib, gaplarni ingliz tiliga
tarjim a qiling.
1. “Endi esa sizlardan biror kishi bizga buyuk rus
yozuvchisi Gorkiyning bolaligi haqida gapirib beradi”, dedi muallima. 2. Bog‘da ko‘pgina bolalar bor edi. Ular
qandaydir shovqinli o‘yin o‘ynashardi va kulishardi.
3. Agar bu yer shovqinli bo‘lib ketsa, siz mening xonamda ishlashingiz mumkin, u yerda hech kim bo‘lmaydi.
4. Ilk bolalik davrimda men qishloqda yashaganman.
Keyinchalik biz, men o‘n yildan ko‘proq yashagan
Kavkazdagi kichik bir shaharga ko‘chib o‘tdik. 5. Do‘stimning otasi yetmish yoshlar atrofida, biroq u hali ham
ishlaydi va o‘z ishidan katta bahra olayotganligini aytadi.
6. Yana biror kishi muzeyga boradimi? 7. Siz qachon
Moskvaga ko‘chib o‘tdingiz? - Taxminan bundan o‘n
yil oldin. 8. Agar siz yangi pyesani ko‘rsangiz, undan
katta bahra olasiz. Hamma bu teatrimizdagi eng yaxshi
pyesalardan biri ekanligini aytyapti. 9. Kechagi film siz­
ga yoqdimi? - Yo‘q. Bu film talabalarimizdan hech biriga
yoqmadi. 10. Kecha men odc;tdagidan kechroq turdim va
darsga kech qolishimga oz qoldi. 11. Men hozir siz bilan
magazinga bora olmayman.- Men uyga ketishda (yo‘lyoTakay) xarid qilaman. 12. Qaysi romanda Lev Tolstoy
o‘zining bolaligini tasvirlagan? Tolstoyning qaysi romani
eng mashhur? 13. Afsus, siz menga ulaming manzillarini
bera olmaysiz. Biroq, agar siz menga ulaming uyini
(cottage) tasvirlab bersangiz, men uni topa olishim aniq.
14. Bu romanni o‘qib bo‘liboq, agar xohlasangiz, men uni
sizga bera olaman.
I. M atnni aytib bering.
II. Q uyidagi so ‘z va iboralardan foydalanib, G orkiy hayotining
ilk davri haqida gapirib bering:
to be bom, at the age of, at an early age, to die,
to have to earn his living, to do hard work, in this way,
to go to smb. for smth., to get an education, to travel about
the country, to take part in, to become famous, to describe,
to be popular (with)
III. Q uyidagi m avzulardan biriga axborot tayyorlang yoki insho
1. The Childhood o f a Great Man.
• 2. My Childhood.
3. My Biography.
IV. R am ka ichidagi dialogni yod oling va sahnalashtiring; o‘z
oilangiz haqida shunday dialog tuzing.
V. Sinfda quyidagi m atnni o ‘qing va uni m uhokam a qiling:
The story o f the famous and talented Bronte family is
strange and unusual.
The Bronte children - five girls and a boy - lived with
their father and aunt in Yorkshire.
All the children were in poor health. Two o f the girls
died while they were still at school. Bramwell, the boy,
was good at writing poetry. But he died at the age o f 31.
Anne, who wrote poetry and two novels, died at 29.
Emily, who became world famous as the author of
“Wuthering Heights”, died a year after the book was
published in 1847.
Charlotte, the author o f the wonderful novel “Jane
Eyre”, was the only strong enough to go out into the world
and live her own life for a while. But even she died at the
early age o f 39.
It was nearly impossible to believe that these won­
derful books were written by young women who had not
seen anything of the world except the life o f their own
family. Nobody knew that the Bronte children had learned
to write stories while they were playing. They didn’t like
to play noisy games. The game they liked best o f all was
writing little stories o f their own.
All this was only found out in 1930 by an American
university librarian who studied some o f the toys and
hand-written little books found in the house where the
Bronte family had lived.
Bronte [ bronti] - B ronte
aunt [a:nt] - xola
Yorkshire [jo ik ja] - Y orkshir grafligi
Bram well ['braemwal] - Bram bel
poetry [’pouitri] - sh e’rlar
Em ily [ em ili] - E m iliya
author ['э0э] - m uallif
W uthering H eights ['wAOariq 'haits] - “ M om aqaldiroqli dovon”
to publish - nashr etm oq
C harlotte [’Jailat] - Sharlotta
The Lavrovs.
G ram m ar: 1. Sifatdosh I va II bilan sifatdoshli oborotlar aniqlovchi
va hoi vazifasida. (82, 83-§§, 731-733-betlar.)
2 . since, for a long tim e, for ages so ‘zlari bilan
tugallangan hozirgi zam on fe’lining ishlatilishi.
(50-§, 6-punkt, 684-bet.)
3. A toqli otlar bilan artiklning ishlatilishi. (80-§,
3-punkt, 728-bet.)
__________ 4. Ikki xil qiyoslash darajalari. (85-§, 736-bet.)
It h ap p en ed during th e W o rld W a r II, when the
R ussian people fo u g h t against the German fascists,
defending the freedom and independence of the country.
In 1943 Alexei Lavrov was on th e fro n t. O ne day, after
a fierce battle, when the Russian Army had defeated the
enem y unit and lib erate d a small village, he went into
one o f the village houses. He didn’t see anybody a t first.
Then he heard a weak voice. T u rn in g ro u n d , he saw a
thin, p ale boy o f about eight.
“What are you doing here? Is there anyone else in the
house? Where are your parents?” Lavrov asked him.
“There’s nobody else here. My parents have been
killed,” the boy answered. “Please don't leave me here.
I’m afraid to stay in this house.”
Alexei decided to take the boy with him though he
didn’t know what he would do with him on the front. He
couldn’t leave the child alone there, he just couldn’t! All
the soldiers and officers liked the boy. He stayed with
them a month, but then Alexei realized he couldn’t keep
the child on the front an y longer. He didn’t know what
to do.1 Luckily a delegation o f workers, among whom
there was a girl of about eighteen, came to the front
from Moscow. Lavrov asked her to take the boy with,
and she agreed gladly. Early next morning the unit was
unexpectedly ordered to change its position and get ready
for advance, and Alexei had no time to have a word with
the girl or even ask her address.
...O ne day in 1952, Lavrov was going home after the
May Day civil parade2 when suddenly somebody called
out to him. Turning round, he saw an old friend n am ed
“Hallo,” Pavlov said smiling. “Glad to see you. I don’t
think w e’ve met since 1945.”
Alexei was also pleased to see him. They talked o f old
times and their friends.
“By the way,” Pavlov said. “Are you spending the
evening with your family?”
“I’m afraid I haven’t got a family yet,” Lavrov ans­
wered, “and I haven’t m ade up my m ind yet where to go.”
“Then come to my place at eight o’clock this evening”,
Pavlov said. Alexei was delighted, and at exactly eight he
was knocking at Pavlov’s door. He went into the room, and
was in tro d u ced to the guests. Everybody was enjoying
the p arty . Some o f the guests were dancing, others were
talking, laughing and jo k in g , when somebody began
to play the piano and sing a beautiful song. Everybody
stopped talking at once. At that moment two more guests
ap p ea red . They were a young woman and a boy o f about
sixteen. As soon as they came into the room, they, too,
stopped near the piano, listening to the singer. When
Alexei looked at the woman, he thought that he had met
her somewhere before, but he couldn’t remember where
it w as... He no longer listened to the song. He looked at
the woman, trying to remember where he had seen her.
The boy called her “Mother”, but she didn’t look more
than twenty-fife. Alexei went up to Pavlov and asked him,
“Don’t you think that mother is too young for her son?”
“Well, he is not really her son,” Pavlov answered. “In
1943 an officer asked her to take a little boy from the front
to Moscow a n d ...”
In te rru p tin g him Alexei cried out. “O f course, that’s
who it is ...”
And that is the end o f the story. Now you u n d e rs ta n d
why there’s a difference* o f twenty years between the
Lavrovs’ two sons, don’t you?
(to be learnt by heart)
“ A 'H appy 'N ew )Year.”|
_________ “ T he 'sam e to V o u .” |
- Yangi yilingiz bilan!
- Sizni ham!________________
М .: H al^o, yAnn.1 'Glad to Aneet you.1 'Haven’t 'seen
you fo r VgesJ 'Where have you )been all this time?|
A.: I’ve 'just 'come 'back from ASaint Petersburg.!
M : Y ) h J I 'd i d n ’t 'k n o w J t h a t J 'Where are y o u 'g o i n g
t o t see th e ] New 'Y ear )ln?|
A.: I 'haven’t ^thought o f it y^et-l 'What about V ou?l
М.: I’ve in'vited a f few 'friends to my place.! 'Would
you 'like to jo in us?|
A.: jOhJ I’d )loveto.| jThankyou* 'very \nuch.|
2. a t St a b l e I
Mary: 'Have some more Jcake, Ann?|
Ann: 'No, Ahank youj I’ve 'had e\iough.|
* D ifference - farq
Mary: A'nother 'cup of Jcoffee then?|
Ann: lYes, JpleaseJ
Mary: 'Here you Лге, Ann.! 'Have a cigarette, Peter?|
Peter: 'Not jyet, thanksJ I’m not a ^iheavy Jsmoker,
you knowj
Mary: jA ren’t you?| Some V in e , Nick?| Your glass
is JemptyJ
Nick: V hank jyouj 'just a kittle, please.1 JCheersJ
“ I 'hope y o u ’ll I both 'com e to
our Y ousew arm ing party.”|
- B izning uy ko'rdim izga ikkovingiz kelasiz, deb um id
“ W e’ll be d e lig h te d .”)
- Bajon-u dil.
“ Then 'let’s 'settle a f day
\io w ,t jshall we?| 'Saturday
or ^Sunday?.” |
- Keling, unda kunini kelishib
Shanbam i
yakshanbam i?
“ I 'think per'haps ^Saturday
w ould be A>etter.” |
“ >Ves,| 'Saturday w ill | suit us
'both I very w ell.”)
H a, shanba bizning har
ikkim izga ham to ‘g ‘ri keladi.
1. H e d id n ’t know w h a t to do. U nima qilishini
bilmasdi. W h a t to do nima qilish birikmasi gapda
to‘ldiruvchi bo‘lib kelyapti. Xuddi shu tarzda how to do it,
w h ere to go va boshqa birikmalar ishlatilishi mumkin:
Do you know how to do it? Buni qanday bajarishni
I don’t know w h ere to go.
Men qayerga borishni
2 . O ne day in 1952 he w as going hom e a fte r the
M ay D ay civil p a ra d e . Kitnlardan bir кип 1952-yilda
Birinchi May namoyishidan so'ng и uyga qaytardi. Bu
gapda aniq artikl p a ra d e so‘ziga tegishli. Bayram nomlari
ingliz tilida, odatda, artiklsiz ishlatiladi:
Victory Day (V. Day)
G‘alaba kuni
International [.into'naejanl] Xalqaro xotin-qizlar kuni
Women’s Day
Agar bayram nomi bilan cheklovchi aniqlovchi kelsa,
u aniq artikl bilan ishlatiladi.
The Anniversary [.aeniVdisori] G‘alabani nishonlash
o f the Victory Day
to h a p p e n
to ta k e place
w ar
p eace
to fig h t (fo u g h t, fought)
to d efen d
freed o m
in d e p e n d e n c e
on th e fro n t
one d ay
a b a ttle
to d e fe a t
a n enem y
to lib e ra te
a t first
first o f all
to tu r n ro u n d
to tu r n b a c k
to tu r n on (off)
p ale
to kill
a so ld ie r
an officer
to realize
to u n d e rs ta n d (u n d e rsto o d ,
u n d e rsto o d )
to k eep (k e p t, k ep t)
to k eep o n e ’s p ro m ise (= to
k eep o n e ’s w o rd )
n o t a n y lo n g e r (= no lo n g er)
no m o re (n o t any m o re)
un ex p e cted
n am ed
to sm ile (at)
to m a k e u p o n e’s m ind
to c h a n g e o n e ’s m ind
to be d elighted
to k n o ck a t
to in tro d u c e
a guest
a host
a hostess
a p a rty
a d in n e r (h o u se w a rm in g , etc.)
p a rty
to d an c e
a dance
to jo k e
to sin g (san g , sung)
sin g e r
a song
to a p p e a r
to d is a p p e a r
to in te r r u p t
e ld e r
fo r ages
to see th e N ew Y ear in
h eav y
a h eavy sm o k e r
w ine
a glass
em pty
to be full o f
C heers!
(See Vocabulary for Lesson N ineteen, p. 577)
Qo‘shma sonlarda h u n d re d yuz so‘zidan so‘ng har
uchala daraja (million, ming, yuz)da an d bog‘lovchisi
265 - two hundred and sixty-five
406 - four hundred and six
2,123 - two thousand one hundred and twentythree
1,367,235- one million three hundred and sixtyseven thousand, two hundred and thirtyfive
Misollardan ko‘rinib turibdiki, ingliz tilida sanoq
sonlar raqam bilan yozilganda har uchala daraja birbiridan vergul bilan ajratiladi.
H u n d re d yz/z, th o u san d [ Oauzand] ming va m illion
['miljsn] million so‘zlari son b o iib ham, ot bo‘lib ham
keladi. Son bo‘lib kelganda ular oldidan one, tw o, th ree
va boshqa sanoq sonlar kelishi mumkin, ular hech qachon
-s qo‘shimchasini olmaydi va ulardan so‘ng of predlogi
There are one thousand two
Bu institutda 1231 ta
hundred and thirty-one
talaba bor.
students at this institute.
Bu so‘zlar ot bo‘lib kelganda, ular ko‘plikda -s qq‘shimchasini oladi va ulardan so‘ng, odatda, o f predlogi
Hundreds o f people want to Yuzlab kishilar chet tilini
know foreign languages.
bilishni xohlashadi.
Thousands o f people came Minglab kishilar naout into the streets on the
moyishga chiqdilar.
Birlikda bu so‘zlar noaniq artikl bilan ishlatiladi:
a hundred
a thousand
a million
Tens o f th o u san d s o f (letters) o ‘n minglab xatlar,
h u n d re d s o f th o u san d s of (people)
minglab odamlar
kabi birikmalar ham ko‘p uchraydi.
S o ‘z yasash
-n e ss [nis] - ot suffiksi b o ‘lib, sifatlardan tnavhum otlar yasashda
happy baxtli - happiness baxt (im losiga e ’tibor bering)
-d o m [dam ] - ot suffiksi b o iib , sifatlardan m avhum otlar yasashda
free ozod - freedom ozodlik
d is- [dis] - fe’l, si fat va ot old q o'shim chasi b o iib , qaram a-qarshi
m a’no yasashda ishlatiladi:
to appear paydo b o im o q - to disappear g ‘oyib b o im o q
to continue davom etm oq - to discontinue to 'xtatm o q
appearance paydo b o iis h - disappearance g ‘oyib b o iis h
0 ‘q ish q o id a si
gu birikm asi unlilardan oldin [g] o ‘qiladi, m asalan:
guest [gest]
m ehm on
I. Quyidagi sifatdoshlarni ingliz tiliga tarjima qiling:
so‘ralgan - so‘rayotgan
jo ‘natilgan - jo ‘natayotgan
o‘tkazilgan - o‘tkazayotgan
yozilgan - yozayotgan
o‘qilayotgan - o‘qiyotgan
qurilayotgan - qurayotgan
sotib olingan - sotib olayotgan
boshlangan - boshlayotgan
sotilgan - sotayotgan
sezilayotgan - sezayotgan
o‘rganilayotgan - o‘rganayotgan
unutilgan - unutayotgan
taklif qilingan - taklif
II . Sifatdosh I va II larning ishlatilishiga va ularning gapdagi
vazifasiga e’tibor berib, gaplarni o‘zbek tiliga tarjima qiling.
All the engineers working at the Ministry o f Foreign
Trade must know foreign languages. 2. You must learn all
die words given on page 125. 3. Travelling about Siberia,
he saw a lot o f newly-built towns. 4. When speaking at
the meeting yesterday, I forgot this fact. 5. The question
discussed at the meeting was very important. 6. The
boy sometimes went to sleep while watching TV. 7. Not
knowing his address, I couldn’t visit him. 8. He liked to sit
on the sofa smoking a cigarette and watching TV.
I I I . Ergash gapda berilgan fikrni iloji bor joyda sifatdoshli oborot
bilan bering. (82, 83-§§.)
Students who read a lot o f in English know the
language better than those who read less. 2. While I was
reading the book you gave me yesterday, I found a lot of
new words. 3 .1 live in a house which was built more than
a hundred years ago. 4. Since I didn’t know my friend’s
new address, I could hardly hope to find him. 5. In this
shop you can buy things which are made in different parts
o f the Russian Federation. 6. Once when I was walking in
the wood, I found a flower which I had never seen before.
7. I always read books which describe the lives o f great
people with interest. 8. W hat’s the name o f the teacher
who s examining Group Three? 9. When we discussed this
book, we found out a lot o f interesting things. 10. When he
was asked the same question, he didn’t know what to say
either. M. As I was very busy, I couldn’t help them.
IV. Sifatdosh va ravishdoshlarning tarjimasiga e ’tibor berib,
gaplarni ingliz tiliga tarjima qiling.
AA. Bu 1830-yilda qurilgan, uncha katta bo‘lmagan
uy edi. 2. Inglizcha kitoblarni o ‘qiyotganda qiziqarli
iboralarni ko‘chirib yozing. 3. Kecha ko‘chada ketayotib,
anchadan buyon ko‘rmagan qadrdon do‘stimni uchratdim.
4. Bu maqola ustida ishlayotib, men qadimgi Angliya
shaharlarining tarixidan ko‘p qiziqarli narsalami bilib oldim. 5. Petrovning manzilini bilmaganligimiz uchun biz
unikiga bora olmadik. 6. Og‘ir betob bo‘lganligi uchun u
kitob ustida ishlashni davom ettirolmadi. 7. Men royalda
o ‘tirgan qizni birdaniga taniy olmadim, biroq do‘stim
menga aytmaguncha, uning ismini eslay olmadim. 8. Men
notanish ko‘chalardan binolarni qiziqish bilan tomosha
qilib borardim.
B. 1. Kecha sizni kutgan muhandis hozirgina telefon
qildi. U bilan bugun gaplasha olasizmi? 2. Bu kitobni
yozgan odam ko‘p sayohat qilgan bo‘lishi kerak. 3. Stol
(atrofi)da o ‘tirgan kishilar baland ovozda gaplashishardi
va kulishardi. 4. Kutubxonadan kitob olgan barcha
talabalar ulami imtihonlardan so‘ng topshirishlari kerak.
5. Kecha m a’ruza o‘qigan vrach Uzoq Sharqdan kelgan.
V. Quyidagi namunalarning har biriga 5 tadan gap tuzing. (50-§,
1. I haven’t seen you since 1978. Where have you
2. I haven’t seen you since you left Moscow.
3. My friend left Moscow in 1980. We haven’t met
4. We haven’t heard from the Petrovs for a long
V I . Bosh va ergash gapdagi fe’l-kesimning zam on shakliga e ’tibor
berib, gaplarni toMdiring.
1. My friend hasn’t come to see me since ... .
2. His sister has learnt three foreign languages since . . . .
3. I haven’t been to the Crimea since ... . 4. I've known
Smirnov since ... . 5. Have you been to the Caucasus
since ...?
V I I . F e’l-kesimning zamon shakliga e ’tibor berib, savollarga
javob bering.
1. Have you ever met your school teachers since you left
2. How many times have you been to your home town
since you left it?
3. Which o f you has been to Saint Petersburg since the
war was over?
4. How many new films have you seen since we went to
the cinema together?
5. How many English books have you read since you
began to learn English?
6. How many months (days) have passed since your
birthday party?
7. How long have you been here today?
8. How long have you known your best friend?
V I I I . F e’l-kesimning zamon shakliga
e ’tibor berib, gaplarni
ingliz tiliga tarjima qiling.
Men do‘stimni institutni tamomlaganimizdan beri ko‘rmadim. 2. Men kuzdan beri teatrda bo‘lmadim.
3. Biz Petrov bilan anchadan beri uchrashmaymiz.
4. Ingliz tilini o‘rganishni boshlaganingizdan beri nechta
inglizcha kitob o‘qidingiz? 5. Siz (u yerdan) ketganingizdan beri shahrimizda nechta maktab va shifoxonalar
qurilganini bilasizmi? 6. Bu aktyor o‘tgan yilning bahori364
dan beri spektakllarda ishtirok etmadi. 7. 0 ‘g‘lim o ‘tgan
yili o‘qishni o‘rgandi va o‘shandan beri ko‘pgina bolalar
kitobini o ‘qib chiqdi. 8. Men anchadan beri ota-onamdan
xat olmagandim. 9. Moskvada ko‘p yangi uylar qurildi, u
bu yerga oxirgi marta kelganidan beri. 10. Afsus, o‘shandan
beri bu yozuvchi hech narsa yaratmadi (yozmadi). 11. Nim agasiz 1974-yildan beri bizga xat yozmadingiz? 12. Siz
o‘shandan beri yana qaysi muzeylarda bo‘ldingiz?
IX. Qavs ichida berilgan so ‘zlardan mosini q o ‘yib, gaplarni
k o ‘chiring va ularning ishlatilishini tushuntiring. (85-§)
My (older, elder) brother took part in many battles
when he was on the front. 2. My sister’s husband is five
years (older, elder) than mine. 3. We haven’t read the
(last, latest) novel by this writer yet. 4. Have you heard
the (last, latest) news yet? 5. Excuse me, I didn’t hear the
(last, latest) word. Please repeat it. б. I must get off at the
(last, latest) stop. 7. Which is the (nearest, next) station?
8. I've got two brothers, Paul and Peter. The (former, first)
is an engineer and lives in the North, the (latter, second)
is a teacher and lives in the Crimea. 9. We’ll be discussing
your mistakes at the (nearest, next) lesson. 10. The children
went to play to the (furthest, farthest) corner o f the park.
11. Shall we have any (further, farther) discussion?
I. Quyidagi s o ‘z va s o ‘z birikmalarining o ‘qilishini mashq qilib
olib, dars matnini va dialogini ovoz chiqarib o‘qing:
II. Q u y id ag i so ‘z la rn i ovoz c h iq a rib o ‘qing:
guest, guard, guess, guide, guilt, guise, gull, gun, guy,
gypsy, greet, grass, grade, glove, glory, gem, gap, gay,
cent, cast, icy, civil, curb, tact, lack
III. Quyidagi so ‘zlar qaysi so‘z turkumlaridan, qaysi suffikslar
yordamida yasalganligini aniqlang va u lam i o‘zbek tiliga
tarjima qiling:
IV. Darsning yangi so ‘zlaridan foydalanib, matnga 15 ta savol
V. Quyidagi so ‘zlar matnda qaysi vaziyatlarda ishlatilgan:
to happen, to fight, to defeat, at first, to kill, named, to
joke, to interrupt, really
VI. Quyidagi sonlarni ovoz chiqarib o p i n g va ularni s o ‘z bilan
126, 253, 677, 1.273, 7.621, 3.675, 232, 135, 365,
VII. Ingliz tiliga tarjima qiling.
235 ta so‘z, 753 sahifa, 2.674 ta kitob, 1.250.762 nafar
kishi, 365 kun, 371 nafar kishi, 105 hafta, 202 kun, 1.598
sahifa, 3.250 ta so‘z
VIII. Atoqli otlar bilan artiklning ishlatilishiga e ’tibor berib,
ingliz tiliga tarjima qiling.
1. Ivanovlarning katta o‘g‘li ofitser, shundaymi?
2. Men Smitlarni kuzdan buyon ko‘rmadim. 3. Biz yangi
yilni Petrovlarnikida kutib olmoqchimiz. 4. Kechirasiz,
biroq Braunlar endi bu yerda turishmaydi. 5. Uaytlar
kopchilikni taklif qilishmoqchi, shunday emasmi?
IX. Kerakli joyga tegishli predlogni q o ‘ying.
1. I wonder why they haven’t kept their promise to
be here ... five. Something unexpected has probably
happened ... them, or perhaps something went wrong ...
their car. 2. A lot ... people ... different countries fight
... war because they want to live ... peace. 3. ... 1943
my father was ... the front. He took part ... many fierce
battles. The Russian people were fighting ... the freedom
and independence ... their country, defending it ... the
German fascists. 4 .... the 25и| o f August 1812 Napoleon’s
army was defeated ... the village ... Borodino ... Moscow.
5. “We’ve been invited ... the Browns’ housewarming
party,” Robert said to his wife. “I’m glad I’ll be able to
introduce you ... Mrs Brown.” 6. “Will you turn ... the
radio, please,” said Helen. “I think someone’s knocking ...
the front door.” 7. “I hope you’ve realized the importance
... an education,” the father said ... his son. 8. ... first he
thought that his friends were joking ... him, but then he
realized that they weren’t. 9. It’s very dark ... here. Will
you turn ... the light, please? 10. When our village was
liberated ... the enemy, my elder brother, who was sixteen
...th e time, joined ... the army.
X. Ko‘rsatilgan so ‘zlarning ishlatilishiga e ’tibor berib, gaplarni
ingliz tiliga tarjima qiling.
a) first, at first, first o f all
A w aliga biz shanba kuni teatrga borishni xohlagandik, biroq keyinchalik fikrimiz o‘zgardi va biz
shanba-yakshanba (kunlari) shahar tashqarisiga chiqishga
qaror qildik. 2. A w aliga biz samolyot bilan ucmoqchi
bo‘ldik, biroq keyinchalik fikrimiz o‘zgardi va biz
poyezdda ketishga qaror qildik. 3. Men sizga aw al
o‘zingizning barcha jumallaringizni ko‘rib chiqishni,
keyin esa kutubxonaga borishni maslahat beraman.
4. A w al siz unga uyni tasvirlab bering, keyin u sizga
aniq manzilsiz ham u(y)ni topa olish-olmasligini aytadi.
5. Eng aw al men sizni xotinimga tanishtirmoqchiman.
to realize, to understand
1. Dastlab u nohaqligini tushunmadi, keyinchalik o‘z '
xatosini angladi. 2. Nima uchun u sizga yordam berish
va’dasining ustidan chiqmaganini men tushunmadim.
3. Agar siz bu qoidani tushunmayotgan bo‘lsangiz, men
uni sizga yana bir bor tushuntirib qo‘yaman. 4. Nihoyat,
uning orzusi ushaldi, u shifokor bo‘ldi.
c) to turn round (back), to turn smth. on (off)
1. U o‘girilishi bilanoq, men uni aw al qayerdadir
ko‘rganligimni tushundim. 2. Biz ko‘lgacha yetib olmoqchi edik, biroq yomg‘ir yog‘ib yubordi va biz orqaga
qaytishga majbur boMdik. 3. Iltimos, chiroqni yoqib
qo‘ying. 4. Radioni o‘chiring, iltimos. 5. Televizomi
o‘chiring, iltimos.
d) still, other, another, else, more, yet
1. Kim yana namoyishga borishni xohlaydi?
2. Siz yana qaysi ma’ruzalarda bo‘ldingiz? 3. U kelganda
mehmonlar hali ham raqsga tushayotgan edilar. 4. Muhokamada Petrovdan tashqari yana besh nafar kishi ishtirok
etdi. 5. Sinfingizdan yana kim chet tillar institutiga o‘qishga
kirdi. 6. Siz yana qaysi bayramni yoqtirasiz? 7. Men sizni
hali singlimga tanishtirmadim. 8. Men sizga yana bitta
qo‘shiq aytib beraman. 9. Men uni roppa-rosa soat 8 da
ko‘rdim. U hali ishlayotgan edi. 10. Mening o‘g‘lim hali
institutda o‘qimaydi. U hali o‘quvchi. 11. Menga yana bir
tarelka sho‘rva bering, iltimos. 12. Menga yana sho‘rva
bering. 13. Sen tug‘ilgan kuningga yana kimni taklif
qilasan? - Men yana uch nafar mehmon taklif qilaman.
XI. Quyidagi gaplarni yakunlang va ularni ingliz tiliga tarjima
Men ... deb nomlanadigan filmni ko‘rdim. 2. Men­
ga ... deb nomlanadigan kitob yoqdi. 3. Kecha men
gazetada ... nomli kishi haqida o‘qidim. 4. Siz ... deb
nomlangan hikoyani o ‘qiganmisiz? 5. Men ... ismli hech
qanaqa qizni bilmayman.
XII. Qavs ichida berilgan fe’llardan m a ’nosi mosini tanlang va
uni kerakli shaklda q o ‘ying.
Who (to tell, to speak) you this story? 2. Who you
(to say, to talk) to when I came in? 3. Can you (to say,
to tell) anything else? 4. My daughter (to speak, to say)
that she has read several interesting English novels lately.
5. Does he really (to tell, to speak) five foreign languages?
6 . 1 didn’t understand the last word. Please (to say, to tell)
it again. 7. Grandfather likes (to say, to tell) us funny
little stories. 8. Who else (to speak, to tell) at the meeting
yesterday? 9. I haven’t seen Petrov today. Г 11 have (to
tell, to speak) to him tomorrow morning. 10. Have you
seen this film yet? Can any o f you (to say, to tell) us what
kind o f film it is? 11. Who (to say, to talk) over there?
12. Please (to speak, to say) it in English, (not to speak,
to say) Russian in class. 13. Don’t you want (to speak, to
tell) me what has happened to you?
XIII. Quyidagi dialoglarni o ‘zIashtirma gapda aytib bering.
A.: I wonder why the Browns haven’t come yet.
B.: Something has probably happened to their car on
the way.
A.: Are you sure they’ve left home at all? I think we
should ring them up.
A.: W hat’s the matter with the child? He looks pale.
B.: It’s all right. Nothing. He just hasn’t been out-of
doors since yesterday morning. I’m going to take him out
A.: Something has happened to my new watch.
В.: W hat’s wrong?
A.: It’s fifteen minutes fast. I’ll have to take it back to
the shop.
B.: Just a minute. Let me have a look at it first.
A.: We got several letters and telegrams this morning.
Which o f them shall we answer first?
B.: First I’ll look them through and then tell you what
to do. Have you got them with you?
A.: Yes, here they are.
B. : Let me see. These should be answered first o f all.
A.: Are you good at foreign languages?
B.: Not really. It was very difficult for me to learn
English at first.
A.: Is it any easier now?
B.: Yes. My teacher says I’m doing quite well now.
XIV. Berilgan vaziyat mazmunini k o ‘chirma gapga aylantirib,
dialog shaklida bering.
Peter asked John whether he could stay and help him
with his work. John agreed to stay, but wanted to know
whether Peter was going to keep him long. Peter said it
wouldn’t take them more than an hour.
When Mary went up to her friend Ann, who was
waiting for her, Ann said she’d already been there since
five o’clock. Mary said she was sorry she’d kept her
waiting. Ann said she had even wanted to go away, then
changed her mind and stayed a little longer. Mary asked
Ann not to be cross with her. Ann answered she wasn’t
angry any longer, but she hoped Mary wouldn’t be late
next time.
Jane told Mary that her friends and she had made up
their minds to go to the country for the week-end, and
asked Mary whether she’d like to join them. Mary said
she’d be delighted. Jane told Mary that they had agreed to
meet at the station at exactly eight the next morning, and
asked her not to be late.
John invited Peter to a housewarming party, saying
that it was going to take place the next day. Thanking John
for the invitation, Peter said at first that he was not sure he
would be able to come, because it was quite unexpected,
and he would have to change his plans, and then asked
John not to be cross with him if he was a little late.
John, who was sitting next to Mary at a party, asked
her whether she would like some more ice-cream. The
girl answered that she didn’t. Then he asked her whether
he could have the next dance, and she agreed.
Being at the Browns’ for the first time, John asked
his friend Robert to introduce him to his hostess. Robert
performed the introductions.
XV. Darsning yangi so ‘zlaridan foydalanib, gaplarni ingliz tiliga
tarjima qiling.
Sen Yangi yilni qayerda o‘tkazmoqchisan? 0 ‘ylashimcha, Petrovlarnikida, biroq aniq aytolmayman. 2. Siz o‘tgan yildan beri bizning dala hovlimizda
(a country cottage) bo‘lmadingiz va hali bizning bog‘imizni ko‘nnadingiz. Ko‘rgani keling. - Bajon-u dil. 0 ‘zim
bilan katta o‘gTimni olib borsam maylimi? - Albatta,
biz uni ko‘rishdan xursand boMamiz. Ishonamanki unga
bizning bog‘imiz yoqadi. 3. Ma’ruza soat birda boshlani371
shi rostmi? - Ha, kech qolma. 4. Kechirasiz, men hali
sizga xotinimni tanishtirmadim. 5. Mehmonlardan biror
kishi royal chalishni biladimi? Kelinglar, raqsga tushamiz, maylimi? 6. Men eeni anchadan beri ko‘rmayman,
lekin sen 10 yil oldingidek yosh ko‘rinasan. 7. Agar
sen bugun ko‘rgazmaga borishga qaror qilsang, menga
qo‘ng‘iroq qil. Biz bajon-u dil sen bilan birga boramiz.
8. Nega sen palto kiymading? Bugun ancha sovuq. - Biz
uydan chiqqanimizda, yomg‘ir yo‘q edi, quyosh chiqib
turgandi va umuman iliq edi. 9. Biz Smirnovni boshqa
kuta olmaymiz. Allaqachon kech bo‘ldi va biz uyga yetib
olishga qiynalamiz. 10. Sizning (katta) akangiz soat 6 da
kelishga va’da bergandi. Qiziq, u va’dasida tura olarmikin? 11. “Siz chindan ham fikringizni o‘zgartirdingizmi?”
- dedi u bizning gapimizni bo‘lib.
I. Matnni: a) Lavrov; b) Pavlov; c) Lavrovning xotini; d) Lavrovning katta o ‘g ‘li; e) mehmonlardan birining nomidan
hikoya qilib bering.
II. Bola yashagan uyni va uning urushgacha boMgan hayotini
III. Lavrovning, uning xotinining va bolalarining tashqi k o ‘rinishini tasvirlang.
IV. Berilgan so ‘z va birikmalardan foydalanib, kichik hikoyalar
(situatsiyalar) tuzing.
1. the World War II, on the front, to fight, to defend,
freedom, independence;
2. a battle, to be situated, to defeat, an enemy unit,
to liberate;
3. to walk, unexpectedly, to turn round, to recognize,
to be pleased;
4. a girl called, the war, to make up one’s mind, to join
the army, on the front, to fight;
5. to ask smb. to introduce, to keep one’s promise,
to be delighted, to say good-bue, it was nice meeting
6. to give a party, to dance, to sing, to joke, to have a
good time;
7. to tell smb. that, unexpected, to turn pale, to start
crying, (not) to know what to do.
V. Berilgan so ‘z va birikmalardan foydalanib, hikoyachalar
Foreign Delegations in Moscow
to invite, delegations, to consist of, famous, guests,
a parade, holiday, spring, to shine, the sky, to take part,
to be full of, happy, to start, exactly, to appear, to sing
songs, to laugh, to dance
After Parade
parade, to join, to enjoy, to take part, to say “Hallo”,
to invite, holiday, to come back, to be hungry, to buy,
sweets, ice-cream, to dance, songs, to make up one’s
mind, to keep one’s promise
My First Journey
a friend o f mine, to travel, never, either, the Urals, the
Caucasus, among, the sea, different, to meet, to enjoy,
mountains, beautiful, to swim, to sunbathe, to stay, to see
a lot
VI. Ikkinchi jahon urushidan biror ko‘rinish (epizod) aytib
VII. Yangi yilni yoki tug‘ilgan kuningizni qanday nishonlaganingizni tasvirlang.
VIII. Matndan keyingi dialoglarni yod oling va ularni shaxslarda
hikoya qiling.
IX. Ramka ichidagi dialogdan foydalanib, d o ‘stlaringizni uy
k o ‘rdiga, tu g ‘i!gan kunga va hokazoga taklif qiling.
X. Quyidagi hikoyani aytib bering:
A Good Lesson
Once a rich English woman called Mrs Johnson
decided to have a birthday party. She invited a lot o f guests
and a singer. The singer was poor, but he had a very good
The singer got to Mrs Johnson’s house at exactly six
o’clock as he had been asked to do, but when he went in, he
saw through a door that the dining-room was already full
o f guests, who were sitting round a big table in the middle
o f the room. The guests were eating, joking, laughing,
and talking loudly. Mrs Johnson came out to him, and he
thought she was going to ask him to join them, when she
said, “We’re glad, sir, that you have come. You will be
singing after dinner, I’ll call you soon as we’re ready to
listen to you. Now will you go into the kitchen and have
dinner, too, please?”
The singer was very angry, but said nothing. At first
he wanted to leave Mrs Johnson’s house at once, but then
he changed his mind and decided to stay and teach her
and her rich guests a good lesson. When the singer went
into the kitchen, the servants were having dinner, too. He
joined them. After dinner, the singer thanked everybody
and said, “Well, now I’m going to sing to you, my good
friend.” And he sang them some beautiful songs.
Soon Mrs Johnson called the singer.
“Well, sir, w e’re ready.”
“Ready?” asked the singer. “What are you ready
“To listen to you,” said Mrs Johnson in an angry
“Listen to me? But I have already sung, and I’m afraid
I shan’t be able to sing any more tonight.”
“Where did you sing?”
“In the kitchen. I always sing for those I have dinner
Text: A n Incident from the L ife o f a R ussian Revolutionary.
G ram m ar: 1. “M urakkab to ‘ldiruvchi” li konstruksiyaning to w a n t,
to expect fe’llari va sho u ld (w ould) like iborasidan
so ‘ng kelishi. (84-§, 735-bet.)
2. G erundiyning to stop, to continue, to begin, to go
on, to finish, to m in d fe’llaridan so 'n g ishlatilishi.
(86-§, 737-bet.)
3. Tugallangan o 'tgan zam on fe ’li (the Past Perfect
Tense). (87-§, 739-bet.)
“Every worker must understand that the only way
to a happy future is through struggle and the struggle is
growing harder and harder. On the one h a n d ...”
A knock at the door interrupted Bauman. He stopped
speaking and first looked at the people sitting round him,
and then at the dentist, in whose waiting-room they were
having their secret meeting.
“Are you expecting any patients?” he asked.
Everybody understood what Bauman’s question meant.
They didn’t even speak to each other, they didn’t have
to be reminded what to do. One o f them accompanied
the dentist into the surgery, while the others sat down on
the chairs standing along the wall and pretended to be
patients waiting their turn. It didn’t take them long. When
everything was ready, the dentist’s maid went to answer
the knock and soon came back with an unexpected visitor,
who tried to go straight into the surgery.
“I say, it isn’t your turn,” 1 a ‘patient’ sitting next to
the door said to him.
“I can’t wait. I’ve got a terrible toothache,” the man
answered, hurriedly examining everybody’s face.
Bauman, who pretended that he was reading a news­
paper, didn’t even turn his head to look at the strange
visitor. He could, however, clearly see the man’s face,
and recognized him at once. He was a spy, the same man
he had often seen before.
“Has he brought the police with him?” ... One thing
was clear: it was necessary to keep the spy in the flat as
long as possible, so that he would believe that they were
real patients.2 Bauman looked up at the newcomer, and
for a moment it seemed to him that there was joy in the
man’s eyes. Then Bauman said as politely as he could.
“We don’t mind if the dentist sees him first, do we?”
and then, turning to the spy, “Since you have a bad
toothache, you can go next.”
The spy didn't know what to say. At that moment the
surgery door opened and the dentist asked the next patient
in. Bauman, who went on watching the spy, immediate­
ly said, “Anyone with bad teeth should certainly have
them out.”
In a second the spy was sitting in the dentist’s chair.
The dentist told him to open his mouth wide, examined
his teeth with great care, and began working quickly. A
quarter o f an hour later he showed the patient two large
yellow teeth and said:
“I did my best. To tell you the tru th it was quite a
serious operation. You should take better care of your
teeth. Ten roubles, please.”
For a minute the spy stood there, not knowing what
to do. “Would you like me to do anything else for you?”
the dentist asked, smiling. The spy answered nothing,
paid the money, and hurried out into the waiting-room.
He expected to find no one there, but to his great surprise
everybody was in his place. The spy could do nothing but
leave the dentist’s flat.
When the spy had left, someone said, “It’s good thing
he had bad teeth.”
“But he didn’t... He just has two good teeth less now
than he did when he came,” the dentist explained, and
added, “and it didn’t cost him much. So he should be
Everybody laughed, and Bauman said, “That was a
good idea. Didn’t I say that they would b re a k their teeth
if they fought against us? I wonder whether he will be
able to go and report to the police after that. I don’t think
they’ll be able to make out anything he says. Well, I think
we can go on with our meeting now.”
“'W h a t’s th e \r o u b le (matter)?]
'A re you in yfc>ain?” |
‘“ YesJ I’ve got a 'terrible
)toothache.” |
‘“ Ье! m e 'see your )tooth.|
'W h ic h 'o n e )is it?” |
“ In the 'u p p er 'jaw on the
- N im a b o ‘ldi? T ishingiz o g l riyaptim i?
- Ha, m ening tishim ju d a yomon
o g ‘riyapti.
“ \ \ h , * 'th is looks Jlike it.” |
- H a, m ana bu shekilli.
“ Y )h,| 'm u st it 'co m e Jout?’j
- Uni su g ‘urish shartm ikan?
'd o n ’t V iin k Л о.| But
you m ust 'h av e it ^filled
(stopped).” |
- K eling, k o ‘ram iz. Q aysi biri?
- Tepadan chapda.
U nday deb o ‘ylam aym an.
Biroq unga plom ba q o ‘yish
“I say, it isn’t your tu rn .” “Menga qarang, hozir
sizning navbatingiz emas. ” I say kirish so‘zi o‘zbek
tiliga menga qara(ng) deb tarjima qilinadi va vergul bilan
It was necessary to keep the spy in the flat as long
as possible, so that he would believe that they were
real patients. Ular о 'zlarini haqiqiy mijoz ekanliklariga
xufiyani ishontirish uchun uni iloji boricha xonada
ko'proq ushlab turish kerak edi. Bu qo‘shma gapda so
that bog‘lovchisi bilan kiritilgan ergash gap - maqsad
ergash gap hisoblanadi.
an incident
only (adj)
to grow (grew, grow n)
to grow old ( d a r k , etc.)
to get (to becom e) old
on the on e h a n d
on the o t h e r h a n d
to expect
a p a tie n t
to m e a n ( m e a n t, m eant)
a m e a n in g
each o th e r
one a n o t h e r
to re m in d (of, ab o u t)
to a c c o m p a n y
to see to
to p re te n d
a tu r n
in tu r n
to w ait o n e ’s tu r n
a queue
to w ait in a queue
to j u m p a queue
to s ta n d in a q u e u e
to try
next to
a tooth (pi. teeth)
to hav e a to othache
a head
to hav e a h ea d ac h e
(the) police
a policem an
to seem
im polite
to w atch
im m ediately
to d o o n e ’s best
th e tr u th
to tell th e t r u th (= to sp e a k the
tr u th )
tru e
to be tr u e
an op era tio n
to p e r f o rm (do) an op era tio n
to o p e r a te on sm b.
to ta k e c a r e (of)
to look a fte r
s u r p ris e
to o n e ’s su rp rise
to b e s u r p ris e d (at sm b ., sm th.,
to do sm th.)
ad d
cost (cost, cost)
be g rate ful (to sm b. for s m th .)
an idea
to b r e a k (broke, b ro k en )
to m a k e out
(See Vocabulary for L esson Twenty, p. 584)
“ M u r a k k a b to ‘ld ir u v c h i” li k o n s tr u k s iy a g a e ’t ib o r berib,
q u yida gi g a p la r n in g o‘qilishini m a s h q qiling:
1. D ’v o u ' want me to iie lp vou?|
2. I’d like mv ’mother to re \ire .j but she 'w on’t listen.
3. 'Would you 'like them to 'stay here aTnother 'two
Jdays?| .
4. They 'didn’t ex'pect us to be t back so Voon,* \lid
II. “ M u r a k k a b to ‘ld ir u v c h i” li k o n s tr u k s iy a n in g ishlatilishiga
e ’tib o r b erib , g a p la r n i ingliz tiliga ta r j i m a qiling.
1. Men
ular biznikida vaqtni yaxshi
u bu ishni tugatishini
u (qiz) biz qachon imtihon
siz qachon uyga kelishingizni
u (qiz) bugun kechqurun nima
qilishini aytishini
ulami biz bilan
ish bugun qilinishini
hammasi o‘z vaqtida
bu joyda yangi uy qurilishini
2. Siz
3. Men
4. Biz
u (qiz) sizni onasi bilan
bolalar bu yerda o‘ynashini
biz bugun uchrashishimizni
ish tez kunda qilinishini
bu unutilishini
biz bu masalani bugun hal
u va’da berib uni ustida
siz bu yerda shaxmat
sen betob boiishingni
bu masala shoshilinch hal
siz bunchalik tez
u bizning suhbatimizni
u ingliz tilida bunchalik
yaxshi gapirishini
ular bizni sezib qolishlarini
u bunchalik qiziqarli ma’ruza
ma’ruzani bunchalik qiziqish
bilan tinglashlarini
III. G e ru n d iy n in g ish latilish ig a e ’tib o r b e rib , q u y id a g i g a p la r­
n in g o‘q ilishini m ash q qiling. (86-§)
'Stop \alking. * Jplease.l
' Have you 'finished transtlating this Jarticle yet?|
'Shall I 'g o 'o n J[eading?|
He con'tinued 'smoking * and 'looking 'out o f the
5. 'D o you 'mind my j asking you a Jquestion?|
6. He be'gan 'writing j plays at an 'early )age.|
IV. G a p l a r tu z in g v a g e r u n d iy n in g ta rjim a s ig a e ’tib o r b e r ib ,
u la rn i o ‘z b e k tiliga ta r j i m a qiling.
1. I’d like you
to stop
interrupting me.
asking me questions,
speaking Russian in class,
smoking here,
being cross with me.
2. Have you
reading the book I gave you?
learning to skate?
looking through the text?
making notes o f the lectures?
discussing the question without them?
you(r) smoking here,
their (them) using my notes,
his (him) coming to see us tomorrow
3 . 1 don’t mind
going out for a walk now.
telling you another story,
her helping me.
4. Do you
mind if we
go on
playing chess here?
discussing the matter now?
packing tomorrow morning?
watching TV?
5. He hasn’t
translating the article yet.
speaking on the telephone yet.
dressing yet. Could you wait a little,
looking round yet. Can we stay here a
little longer?
6. They
interrupting him.
changing their plans,
making mistakes.
V. G e r u n d iy n in g ishlatilishiga e ’tib o r b erib , g a p la r n i ingliz tiliga
ta r j im a qiling.
Marhamat qilib, gaplashishni to'xtating. Men
nima deyayotganini eshitmayapman. 2. Kech bo‘lishiga
qaramasdan, u kelasi kuni qiladigan m a’ruzasi ustida
ishlashda davom etardi. 3. Ular roppa-rosa to‘qqizda
ishlashni boshlashdi. 4. Menimcha, siz bu masalani muhokama qilishda davom etishingiz mumkin. 5. U kerakli
joyini topgunicha kitob o‘qishda davom etdi. 6. Men
o‘zim bilan do‘stimni olib kelsam qarshi emasmisiz?
7. U (qiz) menga bu kishini tasvirlashni tugatishi bilanoq,
men uni tanidim. 8. Agar siz unga ishda yordam bersangiz, men qarshi emasman. 9. Agar biz yana biroz raqsga
tushsak, qarshi emasmisiz?
VI. G a p l a r n i o‘z b e k tiliga ta r j i m a qiling va z a m o n la rn i n g
ishlatilishini tu sh u n tirin g .
A. 1. My friend had left London by the time I got
there. 2. When I got to Novosibirsk, my friend had gone
to Moscow. 3. I didn’t ring him up before I had finished
the work. 4. Had you been to Canada before you went to
the Exhibition? 5. Though I came home at 11 last night,
my son hadn’t gone to sleep yet.
B. 1. When I came back to Moscow, my friend went
to Novosibirsk. When I came back to Moscow, my friend
had gone to Novosibirsk. 2. Ann had spoken to the teacher
when Mary came to show him her work. Ann was speak­
ing to the teacher when Mary came to discuss the work
she had gone. 3. The meeting had begun before we got
to the place. As soon as we got to the place, the meeting
began. 4. When my friend rang me up, I was doing my
homework. I had already done my homework when my
friend rang me up. 5. Haven’t you done your homework
yet? Why didn’t you do your homework yesterday?
6. When did you begin reading English books? They had
read two English books by the end of the month. 7. We sent
him a telegram this morning because we haven’t heard
from him for a long time. 8. We went to Saint Petersburg
in the autumn. The day was fine, it wasn’t raining, and as
soon as we got off the train, we went for a walk. My friend
had never been to the city before and stopped in front of
every building and every monument. “I’ve never seen a
more beautiful city in my life,” he said to me.
V II. Z a m o n l a r ishlatilishiga e ’t ib o r b e r ib , g a p l a r n i ingliz tiliga
t a r j i m a qiling.
1. Biz kirganda film allaqachon boshlangan edi.
2. Men o‘n yoshligimda biz Moskvaga ko‘chib keldik.
Ungacha bizning oila mamlakatimiz shimolidagi kichik
bir qishloqda yashardi. 3. Yomg‘ir tinishi bilan biz daryo
tomon ketdik. 4. Men do‘stimni uchratganimda uning rangi
juda o‘chib ketgandi. Unga bir nima boNganini darrov
angladim. 5. Biz Klinga borishdan oldin Chaykovskiy
haqida bir nechta kitoblar o‘qidik. 6. Siz bizning institutimizga kelguncha qaysi zavodda ishlagansiz? 7. Chet
tillar institutiga kirgunga qadar siz qaysi chet tilini o‘rgangansiz? 8. Peter meni o‘z do‘stlari bilan tanishtirganda, men bu shaharda hech kimni tanimasdim.
9. D o‘stim ketganda, unga kitobni qaytarishni unutganim
esimga tushdi. 10. Biz Anna betobligini bilmasdik. Biz
uni ta’tilga ketgan deb o‘ylabmiz. 11. Bu qiyin qoida.
Men uni bir necha bor o ‘qiganimdagina tushundim.
12. Soat sakkizlarga Pavel ishini tugatdi. U ko‘chaga
chiqdi. Yomg‘ir to ‘xtagan, juda sovuq edi. U k o ‘chada
ketayotib anchadan beri ko‘rmagan do‘stini uchratib
qoldi. 0 ‘rtog‘i uni tanimadi, chunki ulaming oxirgi
uchrashuvidan beri ko‘p yillar o‘tgandi. Pavel uni chaqirishni xohlamadi va (o‘z) yoMida davom etdi.
V II I . H a r b ir n a m u n a g a 3 t a d a n g a p tuzing.
1. We had finished our work by six yesterday.
2. He had finished his work before I got there.
3. I couldn’t recognize him because I hadn’t seen him
since we went to school together.
4. As soon as the children had had breakfast, they went
to school.
I. Q u y id ag i so ‘z I a rn in g o ‘qilishini m a sh q qilib olib, d a r s m a tn in i
ovoz c h iq a r ib o‘qing:
II. Q uy id ag i so ‘z la rn i ovoz c h iq a r ib o ‘qing:
fame, fact, far, fare; tube, blunt, burn, cure; mete,
fence, term, here; file, spill, stir, fire; throne, fox, storm,
ore; type, rythm, Byrd, tyre
III. Q u y id a g i s o ‘z la rn i o‘z b e k tiliga ta r j i m a qiling va u la rn i
qaysi so ‘z tu r k u m i g a kirishini aniqlan g. U la r qaysi suffiks
va p re fik sla r y o r d a m i d a y asa lg a n ? S h u affik slar y o r d a m i d a
yasalga n y a n a ik k i-u c h ta so ‘z ayting.
. incident
IV. D a rsn in g yan g i s o ‘z la r id a n foydalanib, m a tn g a 15 ta savol
V. Q u y id a g i so ‘z l a r m a t n d a qaysi v a z iy a tla rd a ishlatilgan?
to try, to remind, politely, to tell you the truth, to be
grateful, to make out
V I. D a r s n in g yan g i so ‘z la r id a n foyd alan ib, sa v o lla rg a ja v o b
a) 1. Which o f you has been to a doctor recently? Why
did you have to go?
2. Did anyone accompany you or did you go alone?
3. How long did you have to wait your turn?
4. Did the doctor see what was the matter with you
immediately or did it take him some time to find
1. Have you ever been operated on?
2. Who performed (did) the operation?
3. Was it serious? How long did you have to stay in
hospital after the operation?
4. Who looked after you (took care o f you) when you
came home?
1. When did you last watch an interesting football
match on TV?
2. Were you surprised at the result o f the match or had
you expected it?
3. Were there any unpleasant incidents during the
4. All the players did their best, didn’t they?
1. When do the days get longer (shorter)?
2. Which is the longest (shortest) day in the year?
3. Is it getting cold outside?
4. When is it usually cold in the part o f the Com­
monwealth o f Independent Countries where you
1. W hat’s your idea o f how to teach a child to speak
the truth?
2. Is it enough only to explain to the child that it’s bad
to tell lies or is it necessary to remind him about it
several times?
3. What would you like your son (daughter) to
N a m u n a d a k o ‘r sa tilg a n id e k to p s h iriq la r n i b a ja rin g .
Namuna: Teacher:
Please ask your friend to write to
T' student: Will you write to me?
What would Comrade A. like
Comrade B. to do?
2ndstudent: Comrade A. would like Comrade
B. to write to him.
Ask your friend
to remind you about the meeting,
to add a few words to your story,
to help you make out the words in
the telegram,
to look after your little daughter
while you’re away,
to explain to you the idea of
the article you didn’t quite
V III. K erakli joy d a n u q ta la r o ‘rniga predlog yoki ravishlard an
mosini q o ‘ying.
“What do you mean ... watching ... me all the
time?” the young girl asked angrily, turning ... the man
who was sitting n e x t... her. 2. ... my surprise I found out
that all those nice things were meant ... me. 3. Do you
mind if I only see you ... the corner ... the street? 4. Please
don’t interrupt each other, speak ... turn. I w on’t be able
to make ... what you are saying. 5. The passengers stood
... a queue, waiting ... their turn to g e t... the plane. 6. “If
you’re sure ... your ideas, you should fig h t... them,” the
professor said ... the young man. 7. The doctor asked me
if I could take care ... my friend, who was ill. He wasn’t
able to go ..., and there was nobody else but me look ...
him. 8. ... first the article seemed awfully difficult ... the
student, but when he had read it several times, everything
became clear ... him. 9 .1 hope the rules have already been
explained ... all the first-year students and are quite clear
... them. 10. I’m grateful ... you ... reminding me ...
the lecture. 11. Doesn’t this girl remind you ... anyone?
12. ... the one hand, it’s not a bad idea, ... the other, it’s
too early to think ... it now. 13. I’d like all ... you to read
this article. It’ll give you a very good idea ... the subject
we’re discussing.
IX. Kerakli joyda nuqtalar o‘rniga artikl yoki egalik olmoshlaridan mosini qo‘ying.
A Street Incident
In ... street o f ... English town ... policeman stops ...
car. In ... car there is ... visitor from ... Continent.
Policeman: Why are you driving on ... right side of
... road?
Visitor: Do you want me drive on ....wrong side?
Policeman: You are driving on ... wrong side.
Visitor: But you said I was driving on ... right side.
Policeman: I meant to say that you were on ... right,
and that was wrong.
Visitor: ... strange country. If right is wrong, I’m right
when I’m on ... wrong side. So why did you stop me?
Policeman: My dear sir, you must keep to ... left. ...
right side is ... left.
Visitor: Well, I want to go to Bellwood. Will you tell
me ... way, please?
Policeman: Certainly. At ... end o f ... road turn left.
Visitor: Now let me think. Turn left. In ... England
left is right and right is wrong. Is th a t... idea?
Policeman: You’ll be right if you turn left. But if you
turn right you’ll be wrong.
Visitor: Thank you for ... explanation. It’s quite clear,
and I’ll do ... best not to forget it.
X. Ingliz tiliga tarjima qiling.
a) Shaxssiz konstruksiyalarga e’tibor bering:
Unga bu qoidani tushuntirishga harakat qiling.
Menimcha, buni qilish sizga qiyin emas. 2. Dam olish
kuni daryo qirg‘og‘ida hordiq chiqarish maroqli. 3. Ish387
ni davom ettirish kerak. 4. Biz haqiqatni bilishimiz
muhim. 5. Bu yer juda sershovqin. Ishlashning umuman
iloji yo‘q. 6. Biz kemaga koUarilganimizda allaqachon
qorong‘i tushgan edi. 7. Agar yomg‘ir yog‘ib yuborsa,
biz qaytamiz. 8. Unga ingliz tili bilan shug^llanish oson,
chunki u fransuz va nemis tillarini biladi.
b) BogMovchi fe’ln in g ish latilish ig a e ’tib o r b erin g :
1. Bu yer isib ketyapti. Bola paltosini yechib qo‘ysin.
2. Qorong‘i tushdi, uyga ketdik, bo‘ptimi? 3. Issiq
boNyapti. Bolalar daryoga borishsin. 4. Qish. Kunlar qisqarmoqda, tunlar esa uzaymoqda. 5. Siz sog‘ayayotganingizdan men juda xursandman. 6. Men
katta o‘g‘limning muhandis bo‘lishini xohlayman.
X I. Q u y id ag i g a p la rn i toM diring:
A. 1. I’ve no idea what ... 2. He’s no idea when ...
3. She’s no idea where ... 4. We had no idea why ...
5. I’ve no idea who ... 6. She had no idea how ...
B. 1. On the one hand ... on the other hand ... 2. I’m
very grateful to you for ...
C. 1. This place reminds me o f ... 2. Please remind me
a b o u t... 3. He reminded us that ...
X II. Q avs ichidagi so ‘z la rd a n m osini ta n la b , u n i k e ra k li sh a k ld a
1. The Browns live (next to, next door to) the Smiths.
2. Will you sit (next to, next door to, near) Mary, please?
3. His wife (to see, to accompany) him in all his travels.
4. They (to see, to accompany) me to a place where I took
a taxi. 5. You should (at first, first) see the doctor, and
then go home. 6. He had changed so much that I didn’t
recognize him (at first, first). 7. Don’t (to expect, to wait
for) Peter. He’s just rung us up and told us that he wouldn’t
be able to come tonight. So we can begin without him.
8. A very funny (thing, incident) happened to me yester­
day. 9. He told us an interesting (thing, incident) when we
went into the room.
D ialo g larn i o ‘z la s h tirm a g a p la r d a a y tib b erin g .
A.: W hat’s the matter with you? You seem to be ill.
B.: I’ve got toothache.
A.: Then you should go to dentist immediately.
S.. I’m afraid I’ll have to.
M : These letters must be looked through very care­
N.: I hope you w on’t mind if I do it tomorrow
M . I’m afraid it must be done immediately.
N.: There isn’t much time left, but I’ll do my best.
M : Can you stay a little longer to go through them
N.: All right.
A.: I’m surprised to see you back so soon. When did
you come?
B.: I only came yesterday. I didn’t expect I’d be back
so soon either.
A.: Who looked after your son while you were away?
B.: My mother did. She’s been at my place (home)
ever since I left.
M : You know Peter has just been taken to hospital.
N.: Why? Anything serious?
M : Yes, he fell and broke his leg. He’s always very
M : Do you think he’ll have to be operated on?
M : Most probably. I’m going to ring up the hospital
and find out.
A.: Peter doesn’t agree that we must start reading
English newspaper now. He’s wrong, isn’t he?
B.: On the one hand he is, but on the other hand,
you’re wrong, too. It’s rather difficult for some o f
the students.
XIV. D a rsn in g y angi so‘z ia rid a n fo y d ala n ib , g a p la rn i ingliz tiliga
ta rjim a qiling.
Bu men oxirgi paytda bahra olgan yagona kitob.
Uni sen ham o‘qishingni xohlardim. 2. O'qituvchi
hammadan gaplashishni to‘xtatishni so‘radi va darsni
boshlash vaqti bo‘lganligini aytdi. 3. Annadan u kecha
nimaga darsga kelmaganligini so‘rashganda, u boshi
qattiq (yomon) og‘riganligini aytdi. 4. Doktor yozishni
to‘xtatdi va bemordan u o‘zini qanday his qilayotganligini so‘radi. 5. Men do‘stimdan mening kelishimni kutganmidi so‘radim. 6. Ular bizni bu yerda kutib turishlariga qarshi emasman. 7. Uning sendan jahli chiqqanligini
ko‘rib men ajablandim. 8. Sizdan men bilan muloyimroq gaplashishingizni so‘rayman. 9. Men uning bundan
boshqa barcha romanlarini o‘qiganman. Romanni Peter
menga bir necha kunga berishini xohlardim. 10. Uning
gapini bo‘lmang, u bu maqolani o‘qishni tugatsin. 11. Men
sizlar bir-biringiz bilan ingliz tilida gaplashishingizni
xohlardim. 12. Anna menga bugun ma’ruzaga bormasligini aytdi, uning tishi qattiq (yomon) og‘riyotgan ekan.
13. Petrovlar biz bilan yonma-yon yashashini eshitib juda
ajablandim. 14. Operatsiya ikki soat davom etganligi
rostmi? 15. To‘g‘risini aytganda, u menga bu haqda yana
eslatishini men kutmagandim. 16. Bu yerga nima deb
yozdingiz? Men hech nima o‘qiy olmayapman. 17. Men
aytganlarimga siz bir nechta so‘z qo‘shimcha qilishingizni
(men) xohlardim. - Men hech nima qo‘sholmayman.
I. M a tn n i: a ) shifo kor; b ) y ig M lish i s h tiro k c h ila rid a n b i r i ; c)
B a u m a n n o m id a n ay tib b e ring .
I I . Q u y id a g i so ‘z va so ‘z b i r i k m a l a r i d a n fo yd ala n ib , v az iy a tla r
(situ a tsiy a lar) tuzing.
1. to tell smb. about an incident, at first, to pretend to
know nothing, to look at each other, to realize, to laugh;
2. to be surprised to see smb. at home, to have a
headache, not to be able to stay, to stop working, not to
3. to stand (wait) in a queue, to come (go) up, to be
impolite, to pretend, to try to jump the queue, an unpleasant
4. to get a telegram, not to be able to make out,
to explain, to be grateful;
5. to break one’s arm, the only thing we could do,
immediately, surgery, to examine carefully, to be operated
on, to take good care of, to feel better;
6. to discuss, two different ideas, on the one hand, on
the other hand;
7. to be seriously ill, to make up one’s mind, to go to
see, not to have the full address, to want smb. to give a
careful description, to find, to be surprised.
I I I . Q isq a v a z if a la r tuzing.
When one gets angry.
When one turns pale.
When one is tired.
When one gets ill.
When one is afraid.
When one is sorry about smth. (for smb.)
When one is glad (happy).
IV. D a r s n in g yangi so ‘zla rid a n foydalanib, q u y id a g i m a tn n i aytib
The Power o f Imagination
Mr Brown got to a hotel late in the evening after a
long journey. He asked the hall-porter whether there were
any vacant rooms in the hotel. At that moment another
traveller came to the hotel and asked the hall-porter for a
room, too. The only vacant room was a double room, that
is, a room with two beds in it.
“Do you mind if you spend the night in that room
together?” the hall-porter asked. “It’ll be less expensive
for you, you’ll each pay half.”
At first the travelers didn’t like the idea, but just then
it began raining hard, and they were too tired to go to
another hotel, so they changed their minds. They spoke to
each other and then told the porter that they agreed to spend
the night in the same room. Their things were carried in,
and soon the two men went to sleep to the accompaniment
o f the rain. Suddenly Mr Brown was woken up by a loud
noise. It was quite dark.
“W hat’s the matter?” Mr Brown asked in surprise. “Is
anything the matter?”
In a weak voice the second traveler answered, “I’m
sorry, but I had to wake you up. I’ve got asthma. I feel
very bad. In addition I’ve got terrible headache. If you
don’t want me to die, open the window quickly”.
Mr Brown jumped out o f bed and began looking for
his matches, but he couldn’t find them in the dark, and the
sick man went on moaning, “Air, air ... I want fresh air.
I’m dying.”
Mr Brown still couldn’t find the matches, so he tried
to find the window. It took him some time, and at last
he thought he had found it. But he was unable to open
it. As the voice of the traveler grew weaker and weaker,
Mr Brown in horror took a chair and broke the window
with it. The sick man immediately stopped moaning and
said that he was very grateful and felt much better. Then
the two o f them slept peacefully until morning.
When they woke up next morning, they were sur­
prised to see that the only window in the room was still
closed, but the large looking-glass was broken to pieces.
power [раиэ] - kuch
imagination [ i , ma2d$i'neij(9)n] - tasavvur
vacant - b o ‘sh, egallanmagan
the hall-porter - portye ham m ol
to carry in - olib kirmoq
asthma ['aesma] - b o ‘g ‘m a kasalligi
in horror - dahshatda
to moan - ingramoq
a looking glass - k o ‘zgu
V. R am ka ichidagi (377-b.) dialogni yod oling va uni sahnalashtiring.
V I. Q u yidagi m avzularga xabarlar tayyorlang:
1. My Last Illness.
2. My Friend’s Illness.
VII. Q uyidagi topshiriqlarni bajaring.
1. Shifokorga boshingiz og'riyotganini, shamollab
qolganligingizni va isitmangiz borligini ayting. Siz
tashqariga chiqishingiz yoki uyda qolishingiz kerakligini
2. Do‘stingizga qo‘ng‘iroq qilib tishingiz og‘riyotganini va tish doktoriga borishingizga to‘g‘ri kelganligi
uchun unikiga bora olmasligingizni ayting.
3. Do‘stingizdan nimaga uning rangi o‘chib ketganligini, и kasal emasligini ham so‘rang. Unga ishni
to‘xtatib ochiq havoga chiqishni va agar unda ham yaxshi
bo‘lmasa, darrov shifokorga borishni maslahat bering.
(11 - 2 0 - DARSLAR)
Savollarga ja v o b bering. O lingan ja v o b la r n i q isqa x a b a r g a
ja m la n g .
a) 1. Have you been to any interesting exhibition lately?
2. Did you go there alone or with friend?
3. What did you see there? What other interesting
things did you see in addition to those you’ve just
spoken about?
4. Had you seen things like that before you went to the
5. Do you plan to go to any other exhibitions or picture
6. Would you like any o f your friends to join you?
b) 1. Have you been to any o f the new districts of
Moscow lately?
2. The place has changed very much, hasn’t it? Has
it become more beautiful than it was a few years
3. What theatres, colleges (institutes), hospitals and
other buildings have recently been built there?
4. Tell us whether there are any narrow streets there.
5. How did you get there? Is there an underground
station there yet?
6. How long does it take to get there by bus?
c) 1. Have any new shops opened in Moscow recently?
2. What can be bought there?
3. Which o f the Moscow shops do you like best?
4. How can we get there?
d) 1. Have you ever been on a sea voyage?
2. How did you feel on board the ship?
3. Will you be going anywhere by boat next summer?
4. Will you be travelling alone or with your family?
e) 1. What’s the weather like today?
2. Is it any warmer than it was yesterday?
3. Did you put on warm things when you went out?
4. Is it snowing (raining) now?
5. When did it last snow (rain)?
J) 1• When are you going to have a party at home?
2. How many people are you going to invite?
3. Are you sure all your friends will be able to come?
4. You hope all you quests will enjoy the party, don’t
N a m u n a d a k o ‘rsa tilg a n id e k ta q q o sla n g .
A. N a m u n a : 1. This park is larger than that one. I think
it’s the largest in our district.
2 . 1 don’t think my flat is as large as yours.
It’s much smaller, {or My flat isn’t as
(isn’t so) large as yours. It’s a little
sm aller)
exhibition - interesting
capital - beautiful
street - wide (narrow)
hotel - good
suit - expensive
mountain - high
lake - deep
room - suitable
shoes - comfortable
coat - warm
B. N a m u n a : 1. I have more time for English than Nick
has, and Mary has the most,
to make - few mistakes
to spend - very little time on one’s French
to go - by an early train
to give - an interesting talk
C. N a m u n a : 1. Ann translates from English into Russian
better than Nick does, and Mary
tr a n s la te s b e s t.
2. Ann translates (doesn’t translate) as well
as you do.
to learn - quickly
to speak - slowly (fast)
to read English - badly
to live - far (near)
to sing - well
to start off - early
to get up - late
to work - hard
to skate - fast
to dress - warmly
III. Q u y id ag i g a p l a r n i toMdiring:
a) 1. The coat was so expensive ... 2. He spoke English
so well ... 3. Somebody was making such a noise in the
next room ... 4. Everybody was so busy ... 5. Though it
was very cold ... 6. We decided to buy the TV set we had
been shown first though ...
b) 1. Let’s stop ... 2. She’s just finished ... 3. I think
we’ll go on ... 4. He continued ... 5 . 1 don’t mind ...
IV. Q a v s ichidagi s o ‘z la r d a n mosini ta n la b , uni k e r a k li sh a k ld a
Don’t (to hurry, to be in a hurry), we (still, else) have
some time before the train starts. 2. (Between, among) our
engineers there are many who have travelled a lot. 3. It
was rather dark, and we couldn’t see anything on the other
(bank, shore) o f the river. 4. My aunt lives on the (bank,
shore) o f the Baltic Sea, but (none, nobody) o f us has ever
been there. 5. Please (to say, to tell) us something about
the famous battle o f Kursk. You took part in it, didn’t you?
6. I can’t (to forget, to leave) that song. 7. “Could you
give me the magazine I asked you for now?” “I’m sorry,
I (to forget, to leave) it at home. I’ll (to take, to bring) it
tomorrow”. 8. We all know very well the things you (to
tell, to speak) about. 9. Can’t you (to tell, to speak) us
anything (more, else) about this museum? 10. He was so
tired that he could (hard, hardly) (to speak, to say). 11. If
you work (hard, hardly) at your English, you’ll be able to
speak it very well in a year or two. 12. I haven’t watched
TV since Sunday because I’ve felt very (bad, badly) at
this time. 13. There’s a beautiful lake (among, between)
these two villages. 14. Peter didn’t remind me about the
meeting. Ann didn’t tell me anything about it (also, either).
15. Did your father fight in the battle o f Sebastopol (too,
V. “ M u r a k k a b t o ‘ld ir u v c h i” Ii k o n s tr u k s iy a d a n f o y d ala n ib , g a p ­
larni ingliz tiliga t a r j i m a qiling.
Biz sizni u yerda buncha uzoq qolishingizni xohlamagandik. 2. Ular fikrini o‘zgartirishini men kutmagan­
dim. Ular bu yoz janubga borishni juda xohlashgandi,
shundaymi? 3. Bemor bunchalik tez sog‘ayib ketishini vrachlar kutishmagandi. 4. Siz ham bu kitobni o‘qib
chiqishingizni men xohlardim. 5. U haqiqatni gapiri­
shini men xohlayman. 6. Biz, siz o‘z va’dangizda turasiz
deb kutgandik. 7. Men, siz Petemi himoya qilishingizni
xohlamayman. Nahotki uning nohaqligini ko‘rmayotgan
bo‘lsangiz? 8. Men bu masala mensiz hal qilinishini xoh­
lamayman. 9. U (qiz) u(bola)ning ustidan kulishlarini
xohlamaydi. 10. Biz o‘yin to‘xtatilishini kutmagandik.
VI. Z a m o n l a r ishlatilishiga e ’tib o r b erib , q u y id a g i x a tn i ingliz
tiliga ta r j i m a qiling:
Qadrli Anna!
Men sening xatingga darrov javob bera olmadim,
chunki o‘tgan oy juda band bo‘ldim. Hozir men ishimni
tamomladim va senga xat yoza olaman. Mening bolalarim
tez kunda imtihonlami topshirib boNishadi va biz yozda
shahar chetiga ketamiz. Biz o‘tgan yili yoz oxirida
erim bilan turgan uyda to‘xtaymiz. Bu men ko‘rgan
joylarning ichida eng chiroylisi. U bizga yoqib qoldi va
biz ta’tilimfzdan katta bahra oldik. Pavlovlar ham, odatda,
o‘sha yerda dam olishadi, biroq biz kelganimizda, ular
allaqachon Moskvaga qaytishgan ekan. U yerda daryo
va o ‘rmon bor. Biz c h o ^ ila m iz va oftobda toblanamiz,
kunning eng issiq paytida esa o‘rmon ichida biror yerda
sayr qilamiz yoki dam olamiz. Singlim o‘tgan yozni
biz bilan o‘tkazdi. Sen uning o‘g‘lining s o g iig ‘i juda
yomonligini bilasan, biroq u hozir o‘zini yaxshi his
qilyapti. Sen bizga qo‘shilishingni men xohlardim. Biz
seni ancha paytdan beri ko‘rmaymiz.
Sen iyulning oxirida yoki kechroq oilang bilan yoxud
ularsiz kelishing mumkin. Bolalaring, odatdagidek, yozgi
oromgohga (camp) borishadimi? Agar borishmasa, ular­
ni o‘zing bilan olib kel. Bu yer senga yoqishiga men
ishonaman, hozirgina (esa) radiodan iyulda ob-havo yaxshi
bo‘1ishini eshitdim. Biz birga vaqtni yaxshi o‘tkazamiz.
Ishonamanki, agar kelsang achinmaysan.
Ketishimizdan oldin sendan xat olaman, deb umid
qilaman. Ering va bolalaringga katta salom.
Sening Mariyang
V II. 1l- 2 0 - d a r s l a r d a g i b a r c h a dialo g la rn i ta k r o r l a n g va q u y ida gi
to p sh iriq la r n i b a ja r in g :
1. Janob Braun yakshanba kuni nima qilmoqchi
ekanligini so‘rang, unga Moskvani ko‘rsatishni yoki
shahar chetiga borishni taklif qiling, uchrashuv haqida
kelishib oling.
2. Janob Smitga restoranda buyurtma berishga
yordam bering.
3. Janob Uaytni kutib oling, u yaxshi yetib
kelganligini, qaysi mehmonxonada to‘xtaganligini, u
yerda o‘zini yaxshi hiz qilayotganligini so‘rang.
4. Janob Bellga oq yo‘l tilang, u Moskvaga yana
qachon kelmoqchi ekanligini so1rang.
Text: N ow He Belongs to the Ages.
Grammar: “ M urakkab to ‘ldiruvchi”li konstruksiyaning his qilish
fe’llaridan s o 'n g kelishi. (88-§, 740-bet.)
The 14th of April, 1865, was a tragic day in the history
o f the United States. For on the evening o f that day,
President Abraham Lincoln went to Ford’s Theatre in
Washington to see a play which was popular at the time and never* returned.
The day had started for the President with the usual
round o f office duties. The city o f Washington w as still
in a h ap p y m ood. The weather was fine, the sky was
cloudless, a fresh spring w in d was blow ing about flags
hoisted from many private and g o v ern m e n t buildings.
The war had only en d ed a few days before, and the w hole
country continued to celeb rate.
The theatre party for that evening had been planned
by Mrs Lincoln. The President usually enjoyed going to
the theatre and went very often - but this evening he had
no w ish to go. He had felt very tire d all d ay and looked
upset. He finally decided to go, however, because it had
been announced in the newspapers that the President
would be p resen t a t Ford’s Theatre.
The President and his party a rriv e d a t the theatre
when the play had already begun. When he appeared in the
box, the audience greeted him with a storm o f ap p lau se
and the performance was interrupted for a moment. Then
* n t \ t r - bu yerda boshqa (hech qachon)
the play went on, and the President enjoyed it. He didn’t
know that his life w as in d a n g e r...
At about ten o’clock an a c to r named John Booth
came into the theatre and walked d irectly towards
Lincoln’s box. He noiselessly opened the door, and a p ­
p ro ach in g the President so that his gun was only a short
distance from his head, calm ly took aim and fired. The
President fell forward in his chair. Booth immediately
ju m p e d from the box to the stage. He landed heavily and
shouted something. He w as ab o u t to rise to his feet when
he gave a cry of pain and had to lie still for a moment.
Then he got up with difficulty and slowly walked to the
back o f the stage. His leg was broken, but he was able
to get outside where a horse was waiting for him. The
audience saw him do all this, but they thought that it was
all part o f the play, when suddenly they heard a woman’s
voice cry out.
“The President has been killed.” It was Mrs Lincoln.
Immediately a young doctor from the audience hurried
to the President’s box. After he had examined Lincoln,
he said that the President had only a few hours to live.
Lincoln was lifted from his chair and c a rrie d to a house
opposite the theatre, where he rem ain ed until his death
the next morning. When he died, one o f the people in the
room at the time said:
“Now he belongs to the ages.”
These words have since become famous.
to belong (to)
a d u ty
to do o n e ’s d u ty
a ro u n d o f duties
to be on d u ty
to be in a good (b a d ) m ood
a wind
to blow (blew, blow n)
a governm ent
to end
th e w h o le w o rld
all o v e r th e w orld
to c e le b ra te
a wish
to b e (feel) tired
all d a y
to u p se t (upset, upset)
to u p se t o n e ’s p lans
to be (look) u p se t
to a n n o u n c e
to be p r e s e n t (at)
to be o u t o f d a n g e r
to b e safe
an a c to r
an ac tress
to a p p r o a c h
a d istan c e
in th e d istan c e
(See Vocabulary for
to calm dow n
to fall (fell, fallen)
to j u m p
a stage
to be a b s e n t (fro m )
to a r r i v e (in, at)
an au d ien c e
a p p la u s e
to greet sm b . w ith (a s to r m of)
a p p la u se
to be in d a n g e r
to be a b o u t to do sm th .
to rise (rose, risen)
pain fu l
to sit (lie, s ta n d ) still
to give s m b . a lift
to c a r r y
to c a r r y ou t
to rem a in
sson Twenty-one, p. 592)
0 ‘qish qoidasi
a im h a r f birikmasi [a:m] o'qiladi, masalan:
calm [ka:m] tinch
Q u y id a g i g a p l a r d a e r g a s h g a p n i an iq lan g . G a p l a r n i o ‘z b e k
tiliga t a r j i m a qiling. (88-§.)
I’ve never heard her sing. 2. When vve came in, •
we saw Peter writing something. 3. Did you notice her
go out? 4. I watched the young girl playing the piano.
5. Have you ever seen them play chess?
II. Q uy id ag i g a p l a r n i toMdiring, b u n d a b a r b i r g a p d a m u r a k k a b
toMdiruvchi ishtirok etsin.
N a m u n a: I saw him ... - 1 saw him walking about the
I’ve never seen her ... - I’ve never seen her
play chess.
We saw them ... 2. The young mother watched her
child ... 3. We’ve never heard him ... 4. Have you ever
seen them ...? 5. We didn’t notice him ... 6. Has your
teacher ever heard your friend ...1 1 . When did you see
your little son ...? 8. That girl has got a fine voice. Have
you ever heard her ... ? 9. They didn’t see us ... 10. Have
you ever watched ...? 11.1 hope she didn’t hear me ...
III. M u r a k k a b toM diruvchining ishlatilishiga e ’tib o r b erib , g a p ­
la rn i ingliz tiliga t a r j i m a qiling.
uning kuylashini
ularning inglizcha
1. Men hech
siz rus tilidan
tiliga tarjima
meni ularning suhbatini tar­
jim a qilganimni
uni xonadan chiqqanini
bizning xonaga kirganimizni
bizning o‘qituvchining savoliga javob berganimizni
2. Siz
ularning eshikni taqillatganlarini
u (qiz)ning royal chalganini
ularning bu masalani muhokama qilayotganlarini
3. B iz
4. Siz
5. Ular
u (qiz)ning derazani yopishga harakat qilganini
sizning suzishingizni
sizni daryoni suzib o‘tib, ortga
notanish kishining burilishga bekinganini
u (qiz)ning derazani yopib, xo­
nadan chiqqanini
ularning keksa ayolni avtobusdan
tushishga yordam berishganini
qandaydir yosh kishilami navbatsiz o‘tishganini
ularning nimanidir ustidan
u (qiz)ning qabulxonada
bizning tennis o‘ynaganimizni
uning voleybol o‘ynaganini
bizning professomi operatsiya
u (qiz)ning royal chalganini
bizning shaxmat o‘ynaganimizni
kemaning sohilga
bolalarning bog‘da
o ‘ynashayotganini
o‘g‘il bolalarning suvga
shifokoming operatsiya
6. U
ularning chiqqanini
poyezdning qo‘zg‘alganini
bizning xonaga kirganimizni
buning boMganini (bo‘lib
o ‘tganini)
bolalarning yoqalasha
I. Q u y id ag i so ‘z l a r n in g talaffuzini m a s h q qilib olib, d a r s m a tn in i
ovoz c h i q a r ib o‘qing.
II. Q uy id ag i so ‘z la rn i ovoz c h iq a r ib o‘qing.
calm, palm, balm, balmy, talk, chalk, walk, class,
grass, glasses, ask, task, cast, fast, ferry, carry, mole, mire,
parley, share, screw, seal, blast, fume, drum, rude, faded,
rattle, marvel, lest, beetle, gleam, rally, berry, shave,
rocket, role, stork
III. Q u y id ag i s o ‘z l a r qaysi so ‘z tu r k u m ig a kirishini an iq lan g ,
u la rn i o ‘z b e k tiliga ta r j im a qiling va qaysi yo‘l bilan qaysi
s o ‘z tu r k u m l a r i d a n y asalganligini aniqlang.
IV. D a r s n in g yan g i so ‘z la r id a n foydalanib, m a tn g a 15 ta savol
V. M a t n d a n P a st P e rfe c t Tense ( T O ‘Z ) ishlatilishining b a r c h a
h o la tla rin i to p in g , u la r n i o ‘zbe k tiliga ta r j i m a qiling va
u la rn i n g ishlatilishini tu sh u n tirin g .
VI. Q u y id a g i s o ‘z!a r m a t n d a qaysi v a z iy a tla rd a ishlatilganligini
an iqlang .
a round, a mood, to celebrate, tired, to announce,
to greet, directly, to be about, the audience, to lift, opposite
V II. D a rsn in g yangi so ‘z la r id a n foydalanib, sa v o lla rg a ja v o b
a) 1. What does the student who’s on duty usually have
to do in class?
2. When were you on duty last?
3. W hat’s the usual round o f duties for a doctor (a
teacher, an engineer)?
b) 1. Which anniversary o f the Independent Day of
Republic o f Uzbekistan shall we be celebrating
next year?
2. Do the governments o f foreign countries usually
send delegations to take part in the celebrations?
3. Who usually meets the delegations when they arrive
in Moscow?
4. Have you ever been present when a delegation
c) 1. Is the weather calm today, or is it windy?
2. Is it dangerous to go swimming or boating when a
strong wind is blowing? Why can the wind upset
-a boat?
3. Are you a good swimmer? Have you ever had to
save people who were in danger? Please tell us
about it.
d) 1. Have any interesting performances been announced
in the newspapers or on the radio lately?
2. What famous actors (singers, pianists) are arriving
in Moscow?
3. Do you think their names are known all over the
e) 1. Have you ever been operated on?
2. Was the operation painful?
3. How long were you in pain after the operation?
VIII. Kerakli joyga predloglardan mosini qo‘yib, gaplarni ko‘chiring.
1. It has just been announced ... the radio that a
famous French actor is arriving ... Moscow ... a few
days. 2. Jane is ... a very good mood because the doctor
told her yesterday that her father’s life w a s
3. The boat is expected to arrive ... the p o r t... the 20,h of
October. 4. When did World War II break ...? 5. When the
audience saw the famous singer appear ... the stage, they
greeted her ... a storm ... applause. 6. When the ship was
approaching ... Saint Petersburg, all the tourists went
out to look at the great city that could already be seen ...
the distance. 7. I wonder what school this writer belongs
...? 8. The children jumped ... joy when they saw the
New-Year tree ... the middle ... the room.
IX. Kerakli joyga tegishli artikl yoki egalik olmoshlaridan qo‘ying
va matnni aytib bering.
She D id ... Duty
It happened early in ... spring.... village schoolgirl of
about twelve was going home after ... school. When she
was approaching ... river, she suddenly heard ... cries.
She hurried in that direction and saw two small children
on ... piece o f ... ice. It didn’t take her long to make up ...
mind, and ... minute later she was down on ... ice. Very
quickly she reached ... children. They had calmed down
... little and she was about to go back with them when ...
ice broke and she saw ... smaller boy fall into ... water.
She immediately lay down on ... ice and caught (ushab
oldi) ... boy by ... hand. Though it was very dangerous
and she was very tired, she continued lying in this position
until two men saw them. They first carried them to ...
safe place on ... bank and then took them to ... nearest
X. Q u y id a g i fe’llarni ingliz tiliga t a r j i m a qiling, u l a r n i n g to ‘rt
asosiy shaklin i bering.
saqlamoq, kutib olmoq, jo ‘natmoq, qurmoq, bermoq,
qo‘ymoq, ko‘tarilmoq, gapirmoq, bilmoq, o‘qitmoq,
sotmoq, sotib olmoq, to‘xtatmoq, topmoq, yo‘qotmoq,
olmoq, sarflamoq, uyg‘otmoq, boshlamoq, qilmoq (2),
ko‘rsatmoq, keltirmoq, eshitmoq, davom etmoq, kuylamoq, ruxsat bermoq, (gapini) bo‘lmoq, erishmoq, vafot
etmoq, yotmoq, ag‘darib yubormoq
X I. Q u y id a g i d ia lo g la rn i o‘z l a s h t ir m a g a p d a ay tib bering.
B.: W hat’s the matter with you?
A.: Oh, I think I’ve broken my leg. The pain’s terrible,
I couldn’t stand up when I tried, I can hardly move it even
B.: Sit still and try to calm down. I’ll go and ring up
the doctor.
Ann: W hat’s wrong, Peter? Are you really in a bad
mood or does it only seem so?
Peter: You see, I have to finish my article by tomorrow,
and that’ll take the whole day, I ’m afraid.
Ann: It upsets your plans, doesn’t it?
Peter: Yes, I’ve got tickets for “Hamlet” with the
famous English actor w ho’s just arrived. You know who I
mean, don’t you?
Ann: O f course I do. It was awfully difficult to get
the tickets, wasn’t it? D on’t be upset, w e’ll think of
something. Could I come and help you with the article?
Peter: That would be wonderful, and we could go to
the theatre together after w e’ve finished. Would you like
to join me?
Ann: I’d be delighted.
XII. K o ‘rsatilgan so‘z l a r n in g ta rjim a s ig a e ’tib o r b erib , g a p la rn i
ingliz tiliga ta r j i m a qiling.
to end, to finish, to be over
1. Qiziq, film qanday tugar ekan? 2. II Jahon urushi
qachon tugagan? 3. Hammasi muvaffaqiyatli tugadi.
4. Biz qaytganimizda ma’ruza allaqachon tugagan edi.
5. Majlis soat oltilarda tugadimi?
to arrive, to come
1. Delegatsiya mamlakatimizga bir haftadan so‘ng
keladi. 2. Ular bu yerga o‘zlarini qiziqtiruvchi ba’zi
savollarni muhokama qilish uchun kelishdi. 3. Poyezd
bekatga kelganda, u yerda odam ко‘p edi. 4. Artistlarning
birinchi guruhi Moskvaga yetib keldi. 5. Artistlar
Moskvaga festivalda ishtirok etish uchun kelishdi.
c) to approach, to go (come) up, to reach
Kemayaqinlashardi. 2. Ofitserkapitangayaqinlashi
keldi va barcha sayohatchilar qayiqlarda sohilgacha esonomon yetib olishganlarini aytdi.
d) to remain, to stay
U butun umri davomida o‘z g‘oyalariga (ideals)
sodiq qoldi. 2. U (ayol) ellikdan oshgan bo‘lsa-da,
chiroyini saqlab qolgan. 3. Agar charchagan bo‘lsangiz,
biz shu yerda tunab qolamiz.
e) ju st the opposite (of)
U aynan teskarisini aytdi. 2. Menimcha, u (ayol)
ningjahli chiqadi. - E, aksincha, siz u (ayol) ni bilmaysiz.
3. Bu men nazarda tutgan narsaning aynan aksi. 4. Bu
men qilmoqchi bo‘lgan narsaning aynan aksi.
X III. D arsning yangi so‘zlaridan foydalanib, g ap larn i ingliz tiliga
ta rjim a qiling.
Shamol ko‘tarilganda, biz allaqachon sohilga eson
omon yetib olgan edik. 2. Men uni kelgusi m a’ruzada
barcha ishtirok etishi kerakligini e’lon qilganini eshitdim.
3. Men hammasi yaxshi tugaganini eshitdim. 4. Uning
aktyor bo‘lish xohishi katta edi. 5. Kecha kun bo‘yi yomg‘ir yog‘di va bu bizning barcha rejamizni buzib yubordi.
6 . Unga qarab, men uning jahli chiqqanligini tushundim. Siz haqsiz. Uning butun hafta davomida kayfiyati bo‘lmadi.
7. Telefon jiringlaganda, Menson o'zining odatiy xizmat
burchini yakunlab, uyga ketmoqchi bo‘lib turgandi.
8 . Ona Tomni allaqachon operatsiya qilib bo‘lishganini
va u xatardan xoli ekanligini eshitib tinchlandi. 9. Ish
yakunlanganda, ular shahardan chiqib ketishdi. 10. Biz
kema to‘g‘ri qirg‘oq tomon ketayotganini ko‘rdik.
11. Osmon musaffo (bulutsiz), dengiz tinch edi. Kech
soat 7 da sohil ko‘rindi. 12. U menga у ana nimadir
demoqchi edi, eshikning taqillashi uning gapini bo‘ldi.
13. Kelganingiz yaxshi b o id i. Men endi sizga qo‘ng‘iroq qilmoqchi edim. 14. Iltimos, Meriga yordam ber,
uning narsalarini ol. Unga ularni ko‘tarib yurish qiyin.
15. Kuchli yomg‘ir yog‘ardi, sovuq shamol shimoldan
esardi va biz o‘sha tog‘da qolgan uch kishi xatarda
ekanliklarini tushundik. 16. Agar navbatchi b o iib , bu
kecha biznikiga kela olmasangiz, bizga qo‘ng‘iroq qilib
qo‘ying, iltimos. 17. Mening akam menga aytmoqchi
bo ig an gapiga meni ajablanmasligimni so‘radi. 18. Anna
mening xonaga kirganimni payqamadi, shuning uchun
qayrilib qaraganda meni ко‘rib ajablandi. 19. Muallima
bolalardan tinch o‘tirishlarini so‘radi va sinfdan chiqdi.
20. Bemor operatsiya og‘rimaydimi, deb so‘radi va shifokor
unga hech qanday og‘riq sezmasligini aytib (by saying),
tinchlantirdi. 21. Inqilobgacha bu saroy bir boy kishiga
tegishli bo‘lgan. Hozir unda dam olish uyi joylashgan.
22. To‘g‘risini aytganda men umuman charchamadim. Men ham charchamadim, keling, у ana biroz yuramiz.
I. M a tn n i: a) b atafsil; b) asosiy m a ’nosini q isq a c h a ay tib bering.
II. L in k o ln hayoti h a q id a nim a n i bilishingizni ayting.
III. B erilgan s o ‘z la r d a n foydalanib, v a z iy a tla r (situ a tsiy a lar)
to announce, to arrive, to greet, to hear smb. speak;
to be in danger, to be operated on, to end well
(happily), to lie still, to be out o f danger, to be doing
3. to be tired, to help a friend, to do one’s duty, to be
in a good mood;
4. to go boating, the wind, to blow, not to sit still,
to rise, to upset, luckily, to see a boat coming directly
towards, to feel safe, to end happily;
5. a famous actress, to appear, on the stage, to see smb.
play, to greet, a storm o f applause;
6 . to be late, a good idea, to put up one’s hand, to give
a lift, to be grateful.
IV. Q u y id a g i
o ‘tkazing.
m a tn n i
ay tib
b e rin g
49 Days in the Ocean
On the 17lh January, 1960, a terrible storm broke out
in the Kurils. A Russian barge was carried out to sea with
four men on board. Boats and planes were sent to look for
the barge, but they were unable to see it among the high
The men on the barge were in great danger. They
were doing their best to approach the shore but it was
impossible. The weather was terrible, the wind did not
stop blowing for one second, the sky was covered with
dark clouds, and it was raining so hard that they could
hardly see anything round them. The men on board heard
the voice o f the radio calling out to them, but they were
unable to answer because something had gone wrong with
their own radio-set.
When the storm calmed down, they saw that the waves
had swept away almost all their food and fresh water, and
that they were quite alone in the open sea.
On the 23rd February they were so weak that they
could only lie still side by side, but they made up their
minds to celebrate their holiday. The one who was on
duty that day took their last cigarette out o f box and they
smoked it in turn.
On the forty-ninth day they heard a noise in the
distance. It was an American plane. The pilot noticed
them, and the four brave soldiers were soon out o f danger
on board an American ship. The sailors who had saved
them were surprised to see that after all their misfortunes,
these four young Russian men had remained true friends,
always doing their best to help each other.
Soon the heroes were brought back to Russia. Their
names became known all over the world.
the Kurils - Kuril orollari
to look for - qidirmoq
a barge - barja
a w ave - to ‘lqin
to sweep away - bu yerda yuvib ketmoq
a misfortune - baxtsizlik
a hero {pi. -es) - qahramon
V. Q u y id a g i dialog (telefon s u h b a ti) n in g o‘qiiishini m a sh q qiling
va yod oling, u ni sinfd a s a h n a la sh tirin g .
“Is 'th at y6imon & Co.?’1
“ yhfesj 'w h o ’s 'th at Jcalling?’1
‘“This is T M r Petjrov* from the 'R ussian 'Trade
D eleg a tio n , X o n d o n .i
“'G ood \n o rn in g , M r P etrovJ' W hat can I \ i o for
“'Could I 'speak to 'M r JSmith, please?’1
‘“Just a JmomentJ I’ll 'find 'o u t ] whether he’s )in.’1
“'Sm ith JspeakingJ 'G ood \n o rn in g , Mr Petrov.'1
“'G ood YnorningJ I’d 'like to 'find Jout* about
the 'steam ship ^Binta.I We ex'pected her to a rriv e at
A rjchangel I on the Y inth. I 'H as 'anything Y appened?’1
“'N othing jseriousj There was a'sto rm in the | North
Y eaJ as you may YnowJ and she 'had to 'call at a f safe
'p o rt to t w ait until it was Y v e r.i
“We 'thought JsoJ but one can 'never be YureJ 'When
can we ex'pect her to a f rive now ?i
“On the 'twelfth at the latest.!'W ould 'that 'be 'all
“ jWellJ there’s 'nothing to be Y one,^ )is there?”|
“W e’re 'very Yorry about itj We 'co u ld n ’t Y o
anything,I Y ould we?’1
“I 'quite underJstandJ 'G ood-Y ye.i
“'G ood-Л уе, Mr Petrov.’l
Text: The Open Window.
G rammar: 1. 0 ‘zlik olmoshlari. (89-§, 741-bet.)
2. “ Murakkab to ‘ldiruvchi” li konstruksiya to m a k e
mqjbur qilmoq fe’lidan s o ‘ng. (90-§, 743-bet.)
(after H Munro)
“My aunt will come down in a few minutes, Mr
Nuttel,” said a girl of fifteen, showing him into the sittingroom. Mr Nuttel was a young p ain ter who had recently
had a nervous breakdown. The doctors had told him that
he should go away for a holiday. They w arned him,
however, against crowded resorts and recommended a
com plete rest in a quiet country-place. So here he was, in
a little village, with letters o f introductions from his sister
to some o f the people she knew.
“Some o f the people there are quite nice,” his sister
had said to him. “I advise you to call on Mrs Sappleton
as soon as you arrive. I owe the wonderful holiday I had
to her.”
“Do you know many o f the people round here?” asked
the girl when they were sitting comfortably on the sofa.
“No, I afraid I don’t,” answered Mr Nuttel. “I’ve never
been here before. My sister stayed here four years ago,
you know, and she gave me letters o f introduction to some
o f the people here.”
“Then you know nothing about my aunt, do you?”
asked the girl.
“Only her name and address,” said the visitor.
“Her great tragedy happened just three years ago,”
said the child.
“Her tragedy?” asked Mr Nuttel.
“You may wonder why we keep that window wide
open on an October afternoon,” went on the girl, pointing
to a large French window.
“It’s quite warm for this time of year,” said Mr Nuttel.
“But has that window anything to do with the tragedy?”
“Exactly three years ago my aunt’s husband and two
young brothers walked out through that window. They
went shooting and never came back. When they were
crossing the river their boat probably turned over and
they were all drowned. Their bodies were never found.
That was the most horrible part of the tragedy.” Here the
girl stopped. There were tears in her eyes and she drew
a handkerchief out o f her pocket. “Three years have
passed, but my poor aunt still thinks that they will come
back some day, they and the little brown dog that was
drowned with them, and walk in through that window
just as they always did. That is why the window is kept
open every evening till it’s quite dark. Poor dear aunt, she
can’t understand that they’ve left fo r ever. She’s growing
worse day by day, so let me give you some advice.1
Don’t be surprised at anything she says or does: she will
start telling you all over again how they went out - her
husband, with his coat over his arm, and her youngest
brother, singing ‘Bertie, why don't you com e?...’ as she
once told me. You know, sometimes, on quite evenings
like this, I almost get a feeling that they will all walk
in through that window, and the whole family will be
gathered in here again.” The young girl finished her sad
story. There was a long pause, and Mr Nuttel was glad
when Mrs Sappleton at last entered the room.
“I’m sorry I’m late,” she said, “but I hope my niece
has entertained you well.”
“Yes, she’s been very am using,” said Mr Nuttel.
“D ’you mind the open window?” asked Mrs Sappleton.
“My husband and brothers will soon be home from
shooting and they always come into the house this way.”
And she went on speaking gaily about shooting. After
what Mr Nuttel had just heard, he looked w orried.
“The doctors told me,” he said, trying to change the
subject, “to have a rest here and to avoid anything that
would make me feel nervous.”
“Did they?” said Mrs Sappleton in a voice which
showed that she was not at all interested in what Mr
Nuttel was saying. She never took her eyes off the open
window and suddenly cried out:
“Here they are at last! Just in time for tea. How tired
they look.”
Mr Nuttel looked at the girl and saw that she was
looking out through the open window with horror in her
eyes. Mr Nuttel turned round slowly in his seat, looked in
the same direction and saw three figures walking across
the garden towards the window. They all carried guns and
one o f them had a coat over his shoulder. A tired brown
dog was following them. Noiselessly they approached the
house, and then a young voice began to sing. “Bertie, why
don’t you come?”
Mr Nuttel seized his hat and ran out o f the house like
“Here we are, my dear,” said Mrs Sappleton’s hus­
band, coming in through the window. “We’ve enjoyed
ourselves very much. I wonder what made that gentleman
run out so quickly when we came up? Who is he?”
“A very strange young man, called Nuttel. He could
only talk about his illness. He didn’t say a single interest­
ing thing. I don’t understand why he ran out that way
without saying good-bye,” said his wife.
“I think it was the dog,” said the niece calmly. “He
told me that he was afraid o f dog. Once when he was
attacked by a pack of dogs somewhere in India, he was so
frightened that he started running like mad, and finding
him self in a cemetery, climbed down into a newly-dug
grave, where he had to spend the night. Since then he has
always been afraid o f dogs.”
She was very good at inventing stories and did it
...s o let me give you some advice.... shuninguchun
sizga maslahat behshga ruxsat eting. Advice maslahat,
news yangilik(lar), inform ation axborot, m a ’lumot,
progress muvajfaqiyat otlari ingliz tilida sanalmaydigan
otlar hisoblanadi. Ular aniq artikl bilan va ko‘plikdagi fe’l
bilan, shuningdek, aniqlovchi vazifasida m any va few
solzlari bilan ishlatilmaydi. Shunday qilib, ingliz tilida
bitta maslahat a piece of advice, some advice bo‘ladi.
U mengajudayaxj/z/maslahat berdi.
He gave me some very
good advice.
Bu yangiliklar juda qiziq This news was very
0 ‘z ma’ruzasida ma’ru- The lecturer gave much
zachi ко 'р yangi та ’lufresh inform ation in his
motlar keltirdi.
Oxirgi vaqtlarda talabalar The students have made
ingliz tilida
m uch progress in their
faqiyatlarga erishdilar.
English lately.
a p a i n te r
to p a i n t
an a r t i s t
to w a r n (of sm th ., a g a in st sm th.)
a w a r n in g
a crow d
to be crow ded
to b e ov erc ro w ded
co m plete
qu ie t
to owe
to d r a w (drew, d r a w n )
a d r a w in g
a pocket
to pass
fo r e v e r (for good)
d a y by d a y
in fo rm a tio n
p ro g re ss
to m a k e (good) progress
new s
to g a t h e r
to e n t e r
(See Vocabulary for Lesson
a niece
a n eph ew
to e n te r ta in
a m u s in g
g ay
to w o r r y
to be in te reste d (in)
a se a t
a n e m p ty (v ac an t) scat
to bo o k se ats (for)
to co m e across
to follow
to r u n ( r a n , r u n ) o u t of, into
to e njoy oneself
to be single
to find oneself
to invent
Twenty-Two, p. 599)
S o ‘z y a s a sh
over- ['ouva] - fe’l, ot, ba’zan sifat old q o ‘shim chasi b o ‘lib (-dan
ortiq, ziyod) m a’nosini beradi. Qoida b o'yicha u rg ‘u ostida
crowded odam bilan to ‘la - 'o v e r 'c r o w d e d toMib-toshgan
to fulfil bajarmoq - to 'overful'fil ortigN bilan bajarmoq
board b o r t - ' o v e r b o a r d bortdan chetda
MUSTAHKAMLASH UCHUN MASHQLARI. Q u y id a g i g a p l a r d a g i fe’l-kesim ni tuslang. (89-§.)
I’ve already calmed myself. 2. I can’t explain it
myself. 3 .1 bought m yself a new coat yesterday. 4. I’ll be
staying here myself. 5 . 1 did it all by myself.
II. 0 ‘ziik o lm o sh larin in g ishlatilishiga e ’tib o r b e r ib , q u y ida gi
savollarg a ja v o b bering:
1. Do you usually make your meals yourself or does
somebody else do it for you?
2. Did you teach your son (daughter) to read or did he
(she) learn to do it all by himself (herself)?
3. Does your son (daughter) always do his (her) home­
work himself (herself) or does he (she) sometimes
come to you for help?
4. Do your children go to school by themselves or does
somebody take them?
5. Do you do your English homework by yourselves or do
your friends help you?
III. 0 ‘zlik o lm o s h la rin in g ishlatilishiga e ’t ib o r b e r ib , q u y id a g i
g a p la r n i ingliz tiliga ta r j i m a qiling:
A.I. U o‘zini yaxshiroq his qilayotganini o‘zim so‘rayman. 2. Peter ishni bunchalik loqaydlik bilan qilishini
o‘zimiz ham kutmagandik. 3. Balki hammasini u (qiz) ning
o‘zi tushuntirar. 4. Professoming o ‘zi operatsiya qiladimi?
5. Bu masalani siz o‘zingiz muhokama qilasiz, deb umid
qilaman. 6. Bizning bolalarimiz shanba-yakshanba shahar
tashqarisida bo‘lishdi va o‘rmonda chang‘i uchib katta
zavq olishdi. 7. Bu maqolani o‘zingiz o‘qing, bo‘ptimi?
8 . Siz, albatta, dam olishingiz kerak. 0 ‘zingizni ko‘zguda
bir ko‘ring. Siz butunlay kasal ko‘rinasiz. 9. Biz, nihoyat,
qishloqqa kelib qoldik va dam olishga qaror qildik.
B. 1. “Meni o‘zingiz bilan olib keting, iltimos. Men
ham bu filmni ko‘rishni xohlayman”, dedi o‘g ‘il otasiga.
2. Agar siz o‘zingizni yomon his qilayotgan bo‘lsangiz,
bugun ma’ruzaga bormang. 3. U odatdagidan ertaroq
turdi, yuvindi, kiyindi, nonushta qildi va soat 7 dayoq
uyidan chiqdi. 4. 0 ‘zingni yosh boladek tutishni bas qil,
sen allaqachon 18 (yosh)dasan.
IV. “ M u r a k k a b to ‘ld iru v c h i” li k o n s tr u k s iy a n in g o‘ziga xoslikla riga c ’tib o r b erib , q u y id a g i g a p l a r n i n g о ‘■qilishini m a sh q
1 .' What 'makes you \h in k so?|
2. 'That 'made me change my \nind.|
3. 'This will 'make him Vngi-y. - I’m \u re .|
V. “ M u r a k k a b to ‘ld iru v c h i” li k o n s tr u k s iy a n in g ishlatilishiga
e’t i b o r b e r ib , q u y id a g i g a p l a r n i ingliz tiliga t a r j i m a qiling:
1. Men bu
sizni o‘sha kitobni у ana
uni otasiga xat yozishga
Annani o‘z rejasini o‘zgartirishga
ularni ishni o‘zlari bajarishlariga
Borisni chiptalar haqida
o‘zi qayg'urishga
2. Qiziq,
sizni hamma narsani shoshilinchda
u (ayol) ni bu yoshda ishlashda davom etishga
uni bunday og‘ir jomadonni ko‘- qiladi.
sizni bu kishiga qo‘ng‘iroq qilish­
3. Bu
majbur qiladi,
deb o‘ylayman.
u (ayol) ni ishni tashlashga
sizni menga ishonishga
u (ay o l) ni ishni vaqtida tugatishiga
ularni ishni mukammalroq qilishga
bolalarni ertaroq turishga
ularni biznikiga tez-tez kelishga
uni konki uchishga (raqsga tushish­
ga, chang1i uchishga, shaxmat
meni у ana unikiga borishga
ularni fikrini o ‘zgartirishga
ularni bu yerga yana kemajbur
4. Hech narsa
uni chekishni tashlashga
uning oyisini samolyot
bilan uchishga
u (qiz) ni sahnada qo‘shiq aytishga
5. Umid
ularni baxtli
onangizni baxtli
bu ko‘ylakni o‘zingiz
bu ko'ylakni o^zingiz
qila olasiz.
otangizning jahlini
uning jahlini
H a r b ir n a m u n a g a 5 t a d a n gap tuzing.
N a m u n a:
1. Will anything make them stop talking?
2. This made me believe them.
Q uy id ag i s o ‘z la r n in g talaffuzini m a sh q qilib, d a r s m a tn in i ovoz
c h iq a r ib o ‘qing:
advice artist probably draw progress
pass follow
warn owe
painless figure
amusing complete entertain interested worry
II. Q u y id a g i s o ‘z la r n i ovoz c h i q a r ib o‘qing.
niece, brief, mien, pie, tries, lied, right, slight, sign,
birch, mirth, blurred, stem, courage, cousin, trouble,
double, toast, road, pinch, fold, punch, chest, front, lick,
ray, drill, inch, rice, wit, pace, bunch, rime, rib, win, chose,
witty, clay, tick, rat, whine, trench, prick, check, cheque,
flock, stuff, yarn, pork, plumb, pick, wig
III. Q u y id a g i so ‘z l a r q aysi y o ‘l bilan va qaysi o ‘z a k l a r d a n yasalganini a n i q la n g va u la r n i o ‘zbe k tiliga t a r j i m a qiling. S h u affikslar y o r d a m i d a y asalga n y a n a ikki-uch s o ‘z ayting.
IV. Q u y id a g i so ‘z b ir ik m a la r in i o ‘z b e k tiliga ta r j i m a qiling v a
qoMlangan so ‘z y asash vo sitala rin i an iq lang:
changeable weather
an early riser
a milk-white shirt
a sleepless night
an excusable mistake
the right-hand side
a motherless child
a talkative girl
V. Q u y id a g i so ‘z l a r m a t n d a q a n d a y v a z iy a tla r d a ishlatilgan:
to warn, to owe, for ever, to gather, to worry, to follow,
to find oneself, to invent
VI. D a r s n in g yan g i so ‘z la r id a n foyd ala n ib , sa v o lla rg a ja v o b
a) 1. What made you go to the Institute (college) you
graduated from?
2. Did you ask anyone for advice before you made up
your mind?
3. How many years have passed since you graduated?
4. Were you married or single when you were a
b) 1. There are cafes and other places where young people
can gather when they want to enjoy themselves,
aren’t there?
2. Are new novels, paintings, etc. usually discussed
3. Which days are these places crowded?
4. You can hear a lot o f interesting news about art and
literature there, can’t you?
c) 1. Which o f the students in our group has made good
progress lately?
2. You feel that you’re making progress in English day
by day, too, don’t you?
3. Which o f you didn’t make a single mistake in the
last test?
4. How did you prepare for it?
d) 1. Have you got any nephews or nieces?
2. How old are they?
3. How often do you see them and in what way do you
entertain them when they come?
4. Are they jolly active children?
Q u y id ag i to p s h iriq la r n i b a ja r in g :
1. Ask another
to let you pass.
to keep your seat for you.
to find something out for you.
2. Ask your friend
whether he’s leaving for good or
whether he intends to come
whether the seat next to him is
vacant or taken,
whether he’s good at painting
whether you owe him any money.
whether he enjoyed himself last
whether he could give you some
whether he has got any news for
VIII. Berilgan so‘zlardan foydalanib, namuna asosida gaplar
N a m u n a : We’re interested in finding out all about it.
reminding, discussing, seeing, announcing, enter­
taining, letting somebody know
IX. Kerakli joylarga tegishli predlog va ravishlardan mosini
Nick said he would be waiting ... me ... the comer
... the street. I hurried ... the place and reached ... it ...
time, but ... my great surprise I didn’t find him there. I
couldn’t believe ... my eyes because I knew that he always
kept his promise. The street was crowded, so I thought
perhaps he was standing somewhere ... a quiet corner. I
looked ..., but couldn’t see him anywhere, so I went ...
home, thinking that something unexpected had happened
... him. 2. I was seriously ill, but now I’m getting better
and better every day. I’m very grateful ... the doctors ...
all they’ve done ... me. 3. Someone’s knocking ... the
door. Please go and ask him ... . I’m still so weak that I
can’t do it myself yet. 4 . 1 am ... five years younger than
my husband. 5. ... our way ... the Far East we passed ...
many Siberian towns and villages. 6. He entered ... the
room and greeted everybody. 7. A lot o f people passed ...
a small picture painted ... the young artist without stopping
to look ... it. 8. Jim owes the shillings ... Bob and five ...
Nick. 9. How much do I owe ... you ... this coat? 10. No
wonder Petrov has made much progress ... his English.
11. It’s a pity nobody has warned him ... smoking so much.
12. The signal warned the partisans ... the coming danger.
13. ... 1941 Russia was attacked ... fascist Germany ...
any warning. 14. If you’re interested ... this subject, come
to listen ... Comrade Klimov’s talk ... the week-end. I’m
sure he’ll give a lot ... new facts. 15. The lecture was
followed ... an entertainment, which everybody enjoyed.
16. You should follow our advice and stop worrying ...
your nephew. The doctor who had operated ... him said
that he hadn’t felt any pain, and would be getting better
soon. 17. I wonder how the boy could climb ... that tall
tree. I’m afraid we’ll have to help him to climb ... if we
don’t want him to fall.
X. Q u y id ag i fe’lla rn in g t o ‘r t asosiy shak lini bering:
to warn, to find, to enjoy, to wake, to carry, to cover,
to stop, to gather, to owe, to draw, to die, to blow, to lose,
to mean
XI. K e ra k li jo y g a a rtik l va egalik o lm o s h la rid a n mosini q o ‘ying.
An Indian Tale
Long, long ago, when ... world was young, ... Sun,
... Wind and ... Moon were once invited to ... dinner
party by ... friends. ... mother, ... Sky, waited alone for
... return.
... Sun and ... Wind were ... bed little boys. They
greedily ate ... lot of ... food, and didn’t think o f ...
mother, who was left a t ... home dying o f ... hunger. But
... good little Moon didn’t fo rg et... mother. O f each dish
that was put before her, she kept ... little to take away to
... mother.
“Well, ... children, what’s ... news? What have you
brought for me?” asked ... mother o f ... Sun, ... Moon
and ... Wind when they came back home late a t ... night.
“What do you mean, ... woman?” shouted ... Sun,
who was ... eldest in ... family. “What did you expect of
us? I went to ... dinner to eat and enjoy myself, and not to
g e t ... food for you.”
“You’re right, ... brother”, said ... Wind. “ ... Mother
doesn’t even know how to eat, because she has no teeth in
... mouth. In addition, we had such beautiful clothes on
that we couldn’t put anything into ... pockets.”
“Sit still, you bad boys and don’t make ... Mother
angry,” said ... little Moon, interrupting ... brothers.
“Stop talking to ... Mother like that.”
With these words she ran up to ... old woman and
said, “ ... Mother, here’s ... little o f everything we were
given a t ... dinner.”
“Thank you, ... dear Moon Child,” said ... Sky. Then
she turned to ... sons in ... anger. “You’re .*.. ungrateful
children. Listen to me, ... eldest son. I know that people
love you very much. Now if you’re too gay, you’ll shine
too hotly they won’t love you any longer. And you, ...
little Wind, you’ll be blowing in ... dry weather and ...
men will hate you, too. But you, ... sweet daughter, you
who thought o f ... mother, you’ll always be calm, soft,
and beautiful, and ... young men and ... women will
always be full o f love when they see you.”
That is why ... Sun is hated when he shines too hotly,
... Wind is hated when he blows too hard, b u t... Moon is
always loved by everybody.
the m o o n - oy(m om a)
g r e e d i l y - o c h k o ‘z l i k b i la n
to b u m (b u rn t, burnt) - y o n d irm o q
d ry - quruq
to h a te - n a fra tla n m o q
X II. News, inform ation, advice,progress so ‘z la r in in g ishlatilishiga
e ’t i b o r b e r ib , g a p l a r n i ingliz tiliga ta r j i m a qiling.
1. Bu yaxshi yangilik, shundaymi? 2. Bu maqoladagi
berilgan m a’lumotlar sizning ishingiz uchun juda muhim.
3. Men bu maslahatlarga amal qilmoqchi emasman.
4. U sizga doim yaxshi maslahatlar beradi. Nimaga siz
ularga amal qilmaysiz? 5. Siz bu masala bo‘yicha menga
maslahat bera olasizmi? 6. Men sizni oxirgi paytlarda
katta muvaffaqiyatlarga erishdingiz, deb hisoblayman.
Q uyidagi d ia lo g la rn i o‘z la s h t ir m a g a p d a ay tib bering:
A.: How much do I owe you for all this?
B.: Five dollars, please.
A.: Here it is.
B.: Thank you.
A.: What’s the matter with you? You don’t look
B.: I’ve got a terrible pain in my side.
A.: Stop working and go to the doctor’s immediately.
Would you like me to get a taxi for you?
A.: Are you good at drawing?
B.: Not very, I’m afraid.
A.: So sorry. I wanted to ask you for some advice.
B.: Let me have a look at your drawing. Perhaps I’ll
be able to do something about it.
A.: Don’t go to the canteen now. I’m sure it’ll be
B.: What makes you think so?
A.: I went at exactly this time yesterday, and it was
full o f people. Shall we go a little later?
B.: Yes, let’s. I’m not really very hungry.
M.: Are you going to get a single ticket?
N.: Yes, I don’t know when I’ll be coming back.
M : Do you think you’ll be staying there long?
N : I’ll have to stay until I have all the information I
need for my new book.
M : Don’t forget the doctor warned you against
working too hard.
N : Oh, that’s all right. I feel much better now.
XIV. N u q t a l a r o ‘rn ig a to say, to tell, to talk, to speak fe’lla rid a n
m os ini q o ‘ying.
He ... so fast that it was nearly impossible to follow
what he ... .2 . What you have ju s t... us is a little different
from what Professor Nikitin usually ... . 3. Mr Brown
... that he was interested in our latest model. 4. Let’s sit
down and ... about the old days. 5. It was rather difficult
for Robert to ... before a large audience, but everybody
liked what he ... .
XV. D arsn in g yangi so ‘zlarid an foydalanib, g aplarni ingliz tiliga
ta rjim a qiling.
Yosh muhandis o‘zi kashf qilgan mashinasi (machine
[majim]) haqida ko‘p gapirishni xohlamadi, chunki mutaxassislar (specialists) unga (mashina) qiziqishlariga u
ishonmagandi. 2. Siz nimadandir bezovta ko‘rinasiz. Nima
bo‘ldi? 3. (Men) biz hozir oshxonaga borishimizni istardim. Yarim soatdan so'ng u yer odam bilan liq to‘la boiadi.
4. Nimaga sen bunchalik xafasan? Sen butunlay ketmayapsan-ku, shundaymi? Ikki oy tez o‘tadi, sen tuzalasan va у ana uyga qaytasan. 5. Men kitob uchun sizdan
minnatdorman. Men uni hech qayerdan topa olmagandim,
bir haftadan key in esa men ma’ruza qilishim kerak.
6. Sizdan olgan qarzimni ertaga bersam qarshi emasmisiz?
- Hech ham, bu meni umuman esimda yo‘q edi. 7. Hamma
Annaning у ana ashula aytib berishini xohlagandi, biroq u
ashula aytishga uni boshqa majburlamasliklarini so‘radi,
chunki u juda charchadi. 8. Nima bo‘ldi? Nimaga u yerda
bunchalik katta olomon to‘planib turibdi? 9. Agar bahra
olislini xohlasangiz, bu pyesani ko‘rgani boring. Bu men
ko‘rgan pyesalar ichida eng qiziqarlisi. 10. Biz sizdan
yaxshi yangilik olib kelishingizni kutgandik. 11. Bizdan
xafa bo‘lmang. Biz bu yangilik sizni buncha tashvishga
solishini bilmagan edik. 12. Nima uchun siz o‘g‘lingizni
ko‘proq konki yoki chang4 uchishga majburlamaysiz?
Uning juda rang! o‘chib ketgan, chunki ochiq havoda
kam bo‘ladi (doesn’t go out much). 13. Men kichik
o‘g‘limning rasm solishini kuzatishni yoqtiraman. Bunga
men doim qiziqaman. 14. Men uni bu g‘alati yangilikka
ishonganidan ajablandim. 15. Siz majlis haqida hammani
ogohlantirdingiz, shundaymi? 16. Afsuski, hech kim
sayohatchilarni xavfdan ogohlantira olmadi.
I. Q u y id ag i ib o r a l a r d a n foy d ala n ib , b erilgan fik rla rg a o ‘z
roziligingizni yoki noroziligingizni ifodalang: You’re quite
right; I quite agree with you; I ’m afraid y o u ’re not (quite)
1. Mr Nuttel was a complete stranger in the place, he
didn’t even have any letters of introduction.
2. The girl who was entertaining him told him a very
gay story about her aunt, and he was amused.
3. Mr Nuttel didn’t believe a single word the girl was
saying. He immediately realized she was having a joke
with him.
4. Mr Nuttel was a strong, healthy man, and avoided
talking about illness(es), he tried to tell Mrs Sappleton
something funny.
5. Mrs Sappleton found Mr Nuttel a very gay young
man and said that she had enjoyed talking to him.
II. M a tn n i: a) ja n o b Natl; b) S eplton xonim ; c) Seplton xonim ning
q iz j i y a n i ; d) Seplton x o n im n in g eri n o m id a n aytib bering.
III. Q u y id ag i s o ‘z v a s o ‘z b ir ik m a la r id a n foydalanib, v a z iy a tla r
(situatsiyalar) tuzing:
once, to be invited, an exhibition, to enter the hall,
to go past, to stop, a wonderful painting;
2. to be interested in, to read a lot, to come across,
to give a talk;
3. to book seats (for), to gather, to be crowded,
to listen, to enjoy;
4. to go to the country, to find oneself, a fresh wind,
to swim across, to enjoy oneself;
5. to invite, to introduce, to entertain, to play the piano,
to follow smb.’s example, to enjoy oneself, I’d love to,
to be grateful;
6. to owe smb. some money, to forget, to find oneself
in an uncomfortable position, to be very sorry;
7. to warm smb. against going somewhere for a
holiday, not to believe, to find out for oneself, to have an
awful holiday, to make up one’s mind.
IV. TugNlgan k u n in g iz d a yoki b o sh q a b i r o r b a y r a m d a mehm o n la r n i q a n d a y k u tib olganligingiz h a q id a so ‘zlab b ering.
V. M a tn n i o ‘q in g va u n d a b ay o n etilgan q a r a s h la r g a o ‘z fikringizni bildiring.
Entertainm ents
During the past hundred years, the radio, the cinema,
and now television have made very great changes in the
entertainments with which people fill their free time.
A hundred years ago people knew how to entertain
themselves much better that they do now. When a group
of people gathered together, they talked, played cards
or other games, read aloud to each other, or went out
shooting or walking together. Most people could sing a
little, or play a musical instrument, so at a party the guests
entertained each other.
Conversation was an art, amusing conversation could
keep people happy for hours.
As for games, such as football, tennis, people played
them more often than they do now. Most o f them didn’t
play very well, but they could amuse themselves and their
Nowadays we are entertained by professionals.
Why listen to your friends singing when you can hear
the greatest singer o f the world on the radio? Why play
football with players who are not very good at it, when
you can go by train or car to see some of the best players
in your country playing an important match; or, if you’ve
got a television set, just sit comfortably at home and watch
the game without going outside at all?
The art of conservation and writing letters is dying.
People are becoming more and more lookers and listeners
and less doers and talkers though it’s much better to do
something not very well oneself than always to sit and
watch others doing it.
past - bu yerda oxirgi
to f ill-to M d irm o q
to play cards - qarta o'ynam oq
an art - bu yerda san’at
nowadays fnau sd e iz] - hozirda, hozirgi paytda
a professional [pra'fefenl] - mohir, o ‘z ishining ustasi
V I.
Q u y i d a g i d i a l o g n i n g o ‘q i l i s h i n i m a s h q q i l i n g v a u n i y o d o l in g .
U ni sin fd a sa h n alash tirin g :
Can I have a ' look at the ^drawings. Mr Brown?”|
“JCertainlyJ 'Here they ja re .i
“ /Thank you] 'Everything’s Ylear jnow] I’ll 'ring you
'up if we 'want | any adfditional infor/nation.”!
“I’ll be 'happy to yhelp you, Mr Petrov]'By the
/way,I you could 'visit a 'factory in 'Manchester /using a
ma'chine of Jtliis type./
“'T hat’s a 'good ijdea] I 'w ouldn’t 'mind seeing
/everything for m yjself while I’m in this Zcountry.”|
Text: H er First Night.
Grammar: 1. neither ... nor, either ... or, both ... and bogNovchilari. (91, 92, 93-§§, 744 - 745-betlar.)
2. So shall I, N either (nor) did he kabi qisqa bo‘lishli
va qisqa boMishsiz gaplar. (94-§, 745-bet.)
There are people who are neither actors, nor d irecto rs,
yet they a re so found o f the theatre that they can’t live
without it.1
Nick Petrov, a friend o f mine, is like th a t. He’s not a
M uscovite, but he comes to Moscow on business quite
often, and never m isses an o p p o rtu n ity o f going to the
best theatres in the capital.
He came to Moscow on business one day, and the
following Saturday he invited me to the theatre. He
said that “Pygmalion” was on, with a new actress in the
leading p a rt.
“I saw her name on the posters th e o th e r day,” he
added. “I wonder how she’ll m an ag e that most difficult
We got to the theatre just before the curtain went
up. T h e house was p ack ed . Our seats were in the third
row o f the stalls, and we could see and hear everything
very well. Soon after we took our seats, the lights went
slowly down and the play began. The p e rfo rm a n c e of the
ta len te d actress m ade a deep im p ressio n on everybody.
The audience a p p la u d e d her stormily after each act. The
rest o f the cast were wonderful, as usual. The best actors
in the company were playing that night.
During the in terv al everybody talked about the new
actress. We found out that she had come to Moscow from
a small town, where she worked at the local theatre. Eliza
Doolittle was her fav o u rite part. The young actress’s
ambition had been to play the part in the capital. So she
had decided to go to Moscow.
She came to the theatre one winter day, and asked the
leading actors to give her a chance to act a few scenes
from “Pygmalion” to them. Her performance was so good
that she was immediately given the part o f Eliza. During
the rehearsals the best actors in the theatre did their best
to help her.
At last the great day came when she appeared on the
stage o f one o f the best Moscow theatres. The whole
audience, from the gallery to the pit, applauded her.
There was no d o u b t that she w as a great success. The
Moscow theatre-goers warmly greeted the appearance of
the talented new actress.
(to be learnt by heart)
A.: 'L e t’s 'go and 'see “Pyg\nalion”.| They 'say it’s
t very 'well \ione.| I 'haven’t )seen it JyetJ
B.: 'Neither have XI It’s 'difficult to 'get 'tickets for
the X taly M ieatreJ X n ’t it?|
A.: ^|YesJ it 'is Jrather.l But I 'think it’s 'possible to
t get 'tickets for \h is JplayJ It’s al'ready 'h a d a | long
Y unJ
B.: It 'doesn’t make f any differenceJ I’m d u re the
'house will be packed] It’s a 'pity we j didn’t 'b o o k
'seats b e fo re h a n d .
A.: jWellJ if they'haven’t'g o t any 'seats for the fvlaly
/TheatreJ we can 'either 'go to the A r t Theatre! or the
^Pushkin Theatre.! I 'like the \ \ r t Theatre 'W ery Ynuch.l
В.: 'So do Yl Both the' company and the pro\lu c tio n s^
are 'very )good there.I
А.: ЛУеП,'there’s the '\ybox-officeJ I’m 'su re w e’ll be
“It’s a 'pity I f didn’t 'book
the 'seats beYorehand.| 'N o w
I 'h ave to j queue up for
them .”)
- A fsu sk i, chiptalam i oldindan
sotib olm adim . E ndi ular
uchun navbatda turishim ga
to‘g ‘ri keladi.
{H alf an hour ) later)
{Yarim soatdan so 'ng)
- Sizda bugunga ikkita chipta
‘“H ave you 'g o t f tw o seats for
to fn ig h t’s perjform ance?”)
“ I’m 'X/fsorry,) 'all the 'seats for
to'night are f sold Y u t.| The
'earliest y o u can Лэоок fort
is the 'day 'after toY iorrow .)
'D o y o u 'w ant 'seats for the
m atiyhee ['mastinei] or the
^evening perfonnan ce?”)
A fsu sk i, bugunga ham m a
chiptalar sotib b o ‘ lindi. S iz
faqat indingi kunga chipta
o lish in g iz m um kin. S iz ertalabki sean sga o lm o q ch im isiz
yok i kechkigam i?
“T he Y v e n in g perform ance,
Y lea se.) Г w ant f tw o Y ircles,)
som ew h ere in the {m id d le o f
T R ow { B or )c.”|
- K echki sean sga, iltim os. B eletaj, 2 - yok i 3-qator o ‘rtalariga ikkita chipta bering.
“ jY es,| y o u can have 'tw o
C ircles in the {m id d le o f {
R ow Y> ”1
M en sizg a beletajdan to ‘rtinchi qatorga ikkita chipta
berishim mum kin.
“T h ey ’ll d o 'very V e i l , Jthank
y o u .”)
Y axshi, rahmat, bu jo y la r
b izga to ‘g ‘ri keladi.
T h e re a re people w ho a re n e ith e r a c to rs, n o r
d irec to rs, yet they a re so fond o f th e th e a tre th a t
they c a n ’t live w ith o u t it. Na aktyor va na rejissor
bo ‘Imasalar-da, baribir о ‘z hayotlarini teatrsiz tasaw ur
qilolmaydigan kishilar ham bor.
Yet so‘zi bu g apda-ga qaramasdan, baribir m a’nosini
beradi va so‘z turkumi sifatida zidlov bogMovchisi
bo‘lib keladi. Xuddi shu ma’noda still baribir so‘zi ham
o n e ’s (th e) first n igh t
a p ro d u cer
to be fond o f sm th .
lik e that
a M o sco v ite
to m iss
to catch (c a u g h t, ca u g h t)
an o p p o rtu n ity
a ch a n ce
to tak e (g iv e, m iss)
an (th e) o p p o rtu n ity
(ch a n ce)
to b e on
to run
to h a v e a (lo n g , sh o rt) run
the lea d in g part
to p lay th e p art o f
the o th e r day
o n e o f th ese d ays
to m a n a g e
a cu rtain
the h o u se
to be p ack ed
a row
th e sta lls
th e pit
th e d ress circle
th e b a lco n y
th e g a llery
lig h t (n)
a p efo r m a n c e
ta len ted
an im p ressio n
to ta k e a n im p ressio n on
sm b .
to be u n d er th e im p ressio n
(th a t)
to a p p la u d (= to cla p )
an a ct
to a ct (as)
a c tin g
th e cast
an in terv al
fa v o u rite
a scen e
to b e a su c ce ss
to d o a p la y
to b o o k a sea t
b efo reh a n d
a b o x -o ffice
(See Vocabulary for Lesson Tw enty-Three, p. 608)
“ Pygm alion” [pig'm eiljan] “ Pigm alion”
Eliza D oolittle [i'laiza 'duilitl] Eliza Dulitl
S o ‘z y a sa sh
-ite [it] - sifat suffiksi bo‘lib, fe ’llardan sifat yasashda ishlatiladi.
to favour
favourite ['feivorit]
yaxshi k o ‘rm oq, e ’tibor berm oq
sevim li
I. A jr a tib k o ‘rsa tilg a n b o g ‘lo v c h ila rg a e ’tib o r b e rib , q u y id a g i
g a p la rn in g o ‘q ilish in i m ashq qiling:
1. Both students Hid teachers have already gathered in the
big hall.
2. Neither my friend nor I know anything about it.
3. We’ll either be going to the Caucasus or the Crimea this
II. Q u y id a g i g a p la r d a m a ’n o sig a q a r a b neither ... nor, either ...
or, both ... a n d bogM ovch ilarid an m o sin i is h la tin g , g a p la rn i
o ‘z b e k tiliga ta rjim a q ilin g:
1. My sister and I were upset when we heard the news.
2. You can change trains at this station or the next one.
3. My friend and his wife were surprised when they saw
me at such a late hour. 4. My son and I like boating very
much. 5. My friend and I have been to the exhibition.
6. The children and the parents enjoyed the performance.
7. Are books and magazines sold at this shop? 8. A sailing
boat and a ship were seen in the distance. 9 .1was surprised
to hear her say that she couldn’t read or write.
III. N either ... nor, either ... or, both ... a n d b o g ‘Io v ch ila rin in g
ish la tilish ig a e ’tib o r b erib , q u y id a g i g a p la r n i in g liz tiliga
ta rjim a q ilin g:
1. Keksa-yu yosh o*z ona shahrini himoya qilishdi.
2. Menga na Anna va na uning eri hozir uyda emasligini
aytishdi. 3. Menimcha, do‘stlarimiz Moskvaga yoki er­
taga, yoki boMmasa indinga kelishadi. 4. 0*g‘lim maktabga borganda na o ‘qislini va na yozishni bilardi. 5. Sizning o‘g‘lingiz ham, sizning (o‘g ‘il) jiyaningiz ham oxirgi
paytlarda katta muvaffaqiyatlarga erishishdi. 6. Talabalar
ham, o‘qituvchilar ham bu masalaning muhokama qilinishiga qiziqishadi. 7. Na shamol va na yomg‘ir dengizchilarni to‘xtata oldi. 8. Bu filmni o‘g‘lim ham, men ham
ko‘rganmiz. 9. Menga bu ashulaning na so‘zlari va na musiqasi yoqdi. 10. Siz shunchali tez gapiryapsizki, na men
va na Klimov, nima deyayotganingizni anglay olmayapmiz. 11. Spektakl na menga va na mening do‘stlarimga
yoqdi. 12. Bu maktabda fransuz tilini ham, nemis tilini
ham o'tishadi. 13. Nahotki, bu xabar (yangilik) na sizni
va na sizning singlingizni ajablantirmadi? 14. Yoki siz­
ga, yoki sizning do‘stingizga ertaga navbatchilik qilishga
to‘g‘ri keladi.
IV. I m a sh q d a b erilgan n a m u n a la rn in g liar b irig a
tad an gap
tu zin g.
V. N a m u n a d a k o ‘rsa tilg a n id e k q isq a boMishli y o k i boM ishsiz
g a p la rd a n q o ‘sh im ch a q ilin g.
N a m u n a: 1. “I
like skating.” “So do I.”
2. “Ican’t go to the theatre tonight.”
“Neither fNor) can he.”
“We saw a ship in the distance.” (Ular ham.) 2. “I got
an important letter today.” (U (bola) ham.) 3. “Comrade
Petrov wasn’t late for performance.” (Mening do‘stim
ham.) 4. “I’m sure you’ll pass the examination.” (Va Anna
ham.) 5. “I was upset when I heard the news.” (Ular ham.)
6. “I’ve never seen her dance.” (Mening obg ‘lim ham.)
7. “My wife found the play interesting.” (Men ham.)
8. “I enjoyed the film very much.” (Va mening do‘stlarim
ham.) 9. “I’ve never heard you sing before.” (Va sizning
akangiz ham.)
V I. N u q ta la r o ‘rn in i m en (w, siz, ular v a b o sh q a la r ) ham s o ‘z
b i r i k m a l ar i g a m os k clu v ch i in g liz tilid agi ib o r a la r bilan
toM diring.
I’m dying o f hunger ... .2 . We’re very grateful to
you ... . 3. My brother can’t draw ... . 4. We’ll be meeting
in the hall at half past six . . . . 5. My father always gives
me good advice . . . . 6. You didn’t tell me o f the meeting
... . 7. My sister’s son has made good progress in his
English lately ... . 8. We’ll soon join them ... . 9. I’m
not at all upset ... . 10. They enjoyed themselves very
much ... . 11. We didn't enjoy ourselves at a l l . . . . 12. The
young artist has just finished painting a new picture . . . .
V m a sh q d a k eltirilg a n n a m u n a la r g a 5 ta d a n gap tuzing.
I. Q u y id a g i s o ‘z la r n in g o ‘q ilish in i m a sh q q ilib o lib , d ars m a tn in i
o v o z ch iq a rib o ‘qing:
II. Q u y id a g i s o ‘z b ir ik m a la r in in g o ‘q ilis h in i m ash q q ilib olib ,
d ia lo g n i o v o z ch iq a rib o ‘qin g:
'L et’s 'g o
It’s 'difficult
It’s a 'p ity
'T here’s the 'box-office
III. Q u y id a g i s o ‘z la rn i o v o z ch iq a r ib o ‘q in g :
cheap, count, patch, chalky, palm, rabbit, penny, total,
mission, awake, combine, egg, snuff, trace, mice, sale,
wed, cave, shave, cent, stamp, thing, shift, gyps, prize,
wrong, wreck, float, vain, squeeze, feeling, tact
IV. Q u y id a g i s o ‘z la r q aysi y o ‘l b ilan v a q a y si o ‘z a k la r d a n y a sa lg a n in i, q a y si s o ‘z tu rk u m ig a te g ish lilig in i a n iq la n g v a u larn i
o ‘z b e k tiliga tarjim a q ilin g:
V. Q u y id a g i s o ‘z b irik m a la r in i o ‘z b ek tiliga ta rjim a q ilin g va s o ‘z
y asash v o sita la rin i an iq lan g:
an unforgettable performance
a widely-known actress
an impressive scene
an impressionable young man
to overact a part
a well-done play
a late riser
heavily-curtained windows
VI. D a rsn in g yan g i s o ‘z la rid a n fo y d a la n ib , sa v o lla r g a ja v o b
a) 1. Which is your favourite theatre in Moscow?
2. Which plays have been produced by it?
3. Who is the most talented actor (actress) at this
4. Which parts does this actor (actress) usually play?
5. Why do you like his (her) acting?
6. Which play did you see this actor (actress) in last?
b) 1. What was on at the Maly Theatre when you last
went there?
2. Was the play a great success?
3. Who played the leading parts that night?
4. Did you enjoy the performance?
5. You had good seats, didn’t you? Were they in the
stalls or the gallery?
c) 1. When did you last go to your favourite theatre?
2. Where did you get the tickets?
3. Did you get them on the day o f the performance or
4. Which of your friends did you see during the
d) 1. Can you go into the stalls after the lights have gone
2. Where does one have to sit if one is late for the first
3. Have you ever been late for the theatre? When was
4. Were yours seats in the stalls or the pit?
e) 1. How often do you go to the Bolshoi Theatre?
2. You always manage to get good seats at the Bolshoi
Theatre, don’t you?
3. How do you manage to get good seats at the Bolshoi
4. Have you ever seen Ulanova dance? When was it?
f) 1. You’ve had opportunities to see foreign actors and
actresses on the stage in your country, haven’t you?
2. Which o f them made the deepest impression on
3. You take every opportunity to go to theatres in other
towns when you travel, don’t you?
4. Do you remember the names o f any actors or
actresses you have seen at local theatres?
5. Have you ever seen them on the stage in the capital
o f our country later?
K e r a k li jo y d a n u q t a l a r o ‘r n ig a m os p red lo g yoki ravish l a r d a n q o ‘ying.
1. I can’t play ... the piano myself, but I’m fond ...
going to concerts. I always enjoy ... them very much.
2. Comrade Petrov explained ... me that he was late ...
classes because he had missed ... the seven o’clock train
he usually took. 3. I’m afraid you w on’t be able to catch
... the five o’clock train, and if you go ... the next one,
you w on’t be able to reach ... the place ... time. 4. “We’ve
neither been ... the theatre, nor ... the cinema ... a long
time. Let’s go ... the theatre tonight, shall we? ... the way,
do you know what’s
the Maly Theatre?” “No, but
it’s all the same ... me. I always enjoy everything there.
It’s one ... the best theatres ... Moscow.” 5. I’m always
angry when people come ... the theatre after the lights
have gone ... .6 . When this actress appears ... the stage,
the audience always greet her ... a storm ... applause.
7 . 1 don’t want to see the play. I neither like the play itself
nor the novel it’s taken ... . 8. Why is Gleb late? He’s
either missed ... the nine o’clock train or something really
serious had happened ... him. 9. My son came ... Saint
Petersburg yesterday. He said that the city had made an
unforgettable impression ... him. 10. If I manage to finish
my work ... time, I’ll be glad to join ... you. 11. If you
go ... Kiev ... business, take every opportunity to visit all
the museums there. 12. When this actress plays the part
... Eliza, the theatre’s always packed. 13. The other day
a man c a m e
me ... the street and asked me to give
him a light. It was an old friend, and I was surprised that
he hadn’t recognized me ... once.
Mil. Kerakli joyga mos artiklni qo‘ying va matnni o‘zbek tiliga
tarjima qiling.
Many years ago ... London theatre was preparing for a
first night. ... producer wanted ... play to be ... success.
There was ... storm at sea in it. But in those days there
was no stage machinery in ... theatre, so several boys
were taken to make ... ‘waves’ on ... ‘sea’. ... ‘sea’ was
just ... piece o f green cloth, and ... boys had to jump up
and down under it.
In ... evening, when ... curtain rose and ... storm
broke out, ... audience greeted it with -... applause. ...
boys managed their work well, ... scene always made ...
impression on ... audience and each o f ... boys was paid
... shilling ... night. But when ... performance had had
a few week’s run, ... owner o f ... theatre thought that it
was too much and that sixpence ... night would be quite
enough. Then ... boys decided to play ... trick on him, so
when ... time came for ... storm ,... wind began blowing,
but ... sea was as calm as ever, there were no waves on
it. ... owner was very angry and shouted from behind ...
curtains, “Make ... waves, ... boys, make ... waves.”
But ... boys wouldn’t jump. Then at last one o f them
asked, “Do you w a n t... waves for ... shilling ... night or
sixpence ... night?”
“All right, for ... shilling,” said ... owner o f ...
theatre. Then ... boys smiled at each other and began
jumping so gaily and so high that ... play was again ...
great success.
machinery [ma'fi.nari] - mashinalar
a w a v e - t o ‘lqin
cloth - mato
an ow ner - x o ‘jayin
a trick - hazil
IX. Q u y id a g i fe’lla r n in g t o ‘r t asosiy s h a k lin i bering:
carry out
X. Q a v s ichidagi so ‘z l a r d a n m osini ta n la n g , u ni tegishli s h a k ld a
q o ‘y ing va g a p l a r n i o ‘z b e k tiliga ta r j i m a qiling.
1. (one o f these days, the other day)T met a friend I
hadn’t seen since we went to school. 2. We’ll be going to.
our home town (one o f these days, the other day) to see
whether it has changed since the time we left it. 3. My
friend will be coming to Moscow (one o f these days, the
other day). 4. Comrade Petrov (not to miss, not to be late
for) any classes this month. 5 . 1 never (to miss, to be late
for) any new performances at this theatre. 6. I was sorry
we (to miss, to be late for) the ten o ’clock train, because
we had to wait about an hour and half for the next one.
7. Hurry up if you don’t want (to miss, to be late for) the
performance. Don’t forget that you won’t be let in after
the lights have gone down. 8. Take either book. They’re
both very interesting. I’m sure you’ll (to enjoy, to be fond
of) them both. 9. My friends asked me if I knew what
would (to run, to be on) at this theatre on Sunday. 10. I
was told that (one o f these days, the other day) she would
be going away to Gorky on business. 11. We can’t say we
(to enjoy, to be fond of) this play, though it’s taken from a
very interesting novel.
Q u y id ag i d ialog larni o ‘z la s h tirm a g a p d a ay tib bering :
“Are you free tonight?”
“Why? Are you going to invite me somewhere?”
“Yes, I’ve got tickets for ‘King Lear’.”
“It’s the first night, isn’t it? How did you manage to
get seats?”
“Don’t ask me questions, just say whether you’re
coming or not.”
“O f course I am. How can I miss a chance like that?”
“W hat’s on at our local cinema?”
“ ‘Hamlet’ with Smoktunovski.”
“It’s an old film, isn’t it?”
“Yes, it’s had a long run, but it’s still drawing a full
“Smoktunovski is very good as Hamlet, isn’t he?”
“Yes, he’s my favourite actor. I don’t mind if we go
and see the film again. Do you?”
“You’ve no doubt heard the news. A famous Italian
singer will be coming to Moscow soon.”
“Do you think you’ll be able to book seats?”
“I’m not quite sure, but I’ll try.”
“Let’s hope for the best. You may be lucky enough to
get seats, after all. Why not?”
“How’s your brother doing in music?”
“H e’s making progress, thank you.”
“H e’s very fond o f music, isn't he?”
“Yes, he’s been fond o f playing the piano ever since he
started when he was only five. We’ve never had to make
him practise. And Mother never misses a chance to take
him to a good concert.”
“Is this seat vacant?”
“No, I’m afraid it’s taken.”
“So sorry, I thought I was lucky.”
“I don’t think there’s a single seat vacant today.”
“You’re right. The house is packed, though the play
has had quite a long run.”
XII. Q uyidagi v aziyatning m a zm u n in i ko‘ch irm a g a p d a dialog
sha k lid a bering:
Robert told Peter that he had heard a young pianist
called N. the other day. Peter asked Robert whether he
had enjoyed the concert, and Robert answered that the
pianist’s performance had made a deep impression on
him. He advised Robert to take the first opportunity of
going to one o f his concerts, and said he thought that
Robert would enjoy it, too.
Ann met her old friend Nick at the theatre during an
interval. She was surprised to see him, because she had
been under the impression that Nick was still travelling on
business. They spoke about their impressions o f the play.
Nick said that he had seen the same play in Kursk, and he
didn’t see much difference between the two productions.
Ann liked the cast very much, she found that her favourite
actress was very good as Eliza. Nick said that the actress
who had played the part in the Kursk theatre was very
talented, too, though he didn’t remember her name.
XIII. D arsning yangi so‘zlaridan foydalanib, g aplarni ingliz tiliga
ta rjim a qiling.
Na men va na mening singlim bu aktrisani
Katerinaning rolini o‘ynaganini ko‘rmaganmiz. 2. 0 ‘g‘lingiz o‘qishni yoqtiradi, shunday emasmi? 3. Bu kitob
haqida ko‘p gapirishyapti va u juda qiziqarli, biroq men u
menda katta taassurot qoldirdi, deb aytolmayman. - Men
ham. 4. Tezroq bo‘l! Biz hali ham ertalabki poyezdga
ulguramiz. 5. Qiziq, nimaga Petrovlar hali kelishmadi.
- Men ular poyezdga kech qolishdi, deb o ‘ylayman.
6. Bugun ertalab ishga ketayotib, men Annani bekatga
yugurib ketayotganini ko‘rdim. Menimcha, u 7.30 da
ketadigan poyezdga ulgurishni xohlagan edi. 7. Biz sizga
bizning kutubxonada ishlashga sharoit (imkoniyat) qilib
beramiz. 8. Siz qo‘shiq aytishni shu qadar yaxshi ko‘rasiz,
shunday emasmi? Bu iqtidorli o‘qituvchida shug‘ullanish
imkoniyatini o‘tkazib yuborsangiz juda achinarli
(afsuslanarli hoi) boiadi. 9. 0 ‘rtoq Titov Fransiyada
mehnat safari (komandirovka)da boiganda, fransuz
tilida gapirish imkoniyatini o ikazib yubormaganligini
aytdi. 10. Petrovlar yaqinda yangi xonadon (kvartira)ga
ко‘chib oiishdi. U menga juda yoqadi. Xonalar katta
emas, biroq yorug1. 11. Siz yangi pyesaga chipta olishni
uddalay olmadingiz, shundaymi? 12. Siz “Italyan san’ati
tarixi”ni o‘qigansiz, shundaymi? 13. Anna bilan mening
joyimiz lojada, Peter bilan Borisniki esa parterda edi.
Biz tanaffusda uchrashdik. 14. Bu sizning sahnangiz,
shundaymi? 15. Pyesa katta muvaffaqiyatga erishishiga
shubha yo‘q. Chunki uni Nilov qo‘ymoqda. 16. Siz,
shubhasiz, ingliz tilida katta yutuqlarga erishasi^, agar
uning ustida ko‘proq ishlasangiz. 17. Mening uyim
yonida teatr kassasi joylashgan (bor). Men sizga bugun
“Otello”ga chipta topishga harakat qilishim mumkin, agar
siz oldindan buyurtma bermagan bo‘lsangiz. 18. Kecha
Badiiy teatrda “Aka-uka Karamazovlar” pyesasi boidi.
Men bu pyesaga ikkita chipta topishning uddasidan
chiqdim, biroq men bora olmadim va chiptalami yaqinda
Sevastopoldan kelgan (qiz) jiyanimga berishimga to‘g‘ri
keldi. Pyesa unga juda yoqdi. Bosh rollarni teatrning eng
katta aktyorlari o ‘ynashdi. Ulaming ijrosi tomoshabinlarda
katta taassurot qoldirdi. Har safar parda tushganda ulami
qarsaklar bilan olqishlashdi. Parda oxirgi bortushirilganda,
barcha tomoshabinlar aktyor va rejissorni olqishlab sahna
tomon yo‘l oiishdi.
XIV. Q u y id a g i m a tn n i ingliz tiliga t a r j i m a qiling va uni aytib
Men Volga bo‘yidagi kichik bir shaharchada dunyoga
keldim. Bolaligimda men ko‘p kasal boiardim va shuning
uchun shovqinli o‘yinlarni yoqtirmas edim. Men kitoblarni
yaxshi ko‘rardim. Shahar o ‘z (mahalliy) teatriga ega
emasdi, biroq Saratov teatri (company) kelganda, men
ulaming spektakllarini ko‘rish imkoniyatini hech qachon
qo‘Idan chiqarmasdim. Men teatmi shunchalik sevardimki,
maktabni tamomlashim bilanoq, aktrisa bo‘lishga qaror
qildim. Men havaskorlik (amateur) spektakllarida ishtirok
etdim va ta'til paytida bir necha bor Moskvin, Pashennaya,
Kachalov, Ostujev, Tarasova kabi mashhur aktyorlarning
spektakllarini ko‘rishga Moskvaga bordim.
Nihoyat, men haqiqiy teatr sahnasiga birinchi bor
chiqadigan kun keldi. Men shunaqangi hayajonlanardimki, parda ko‘tarilganini ham sezmay qoldim. Gapira
boshlaganimda, o‘z ovozimni tanimadim. Keyin birinchi
ko‘rinish tugadi va parda tushirildi. Men yig‘layotganimni
sezdim, chunki juda xafa bo‘lgandim: men rolimni
yomon o‘ynadim, deb o ‘yladim. Mening oldimga kelib
nimaga yigNayotganimni soTashdi. “Tomoshabin senga
qarsak chalayotganini nahotki eshitmayapsan? Sen ajoyib
Aw aliga men bunga ishonmadim, biroq keyin mening
oldimga teatrning keksa aktyorlaridan bo'lmish ustozim
keldi va unga mening ijroim yoqganligini aytdi. Mening
oldimga boshqa aktyorlar ham kelib rolimni yaxshi ijro
etganligimni aytishdi. Bu mening hayotimdagi eng baxtli
kun edi.
I. M a tn n i: a) qisqa; b) a k t r i s a yoki Nikolay P etro v n o m id a n aytib
II. D ars boshidagi m a t n d a n
sa h n ala sh tirin g .
keyingi dialogni yod oling va
III. Berilgan so‘z v a so ‘z b i r ik m a la r id a n foyd alan ib, k o ‘rsatilgan
m a v z u la r d a qisqa h iko ya yoki d ia lo g la r tuzing.
1. Buying a Ticket fo r the Theatre
the other day, to take the opportunity, a box-office,
to be on, to manage, beforehand, a seat, in the stalls, in a
box, in the dress-circle
A New Play at the Theatre
a poster, to play the part, the leading part, to act, to
enjoy, the production, the lights, to go down, the curtain,
talented, to be a success, the audience, to make an
impression, to applaud
A young Actress
one’s ambition, to be upset, to go on the stage, talent­
ed, to be a success, the leading part, to greet with a storm
of applause, to be excited, to be happy
IV. Q uy id ag i m a v z u la r d a x a b a r l a r ta yyorlang:
1. My First (last) Visit to the Theatre, Cinema or
The Most Interesting TV Show I’ve Seen Lately.
A Concert I’ve Heard Lately.
My Favourite Actress (actor).
My Favourite Play (film, opera ['эргэ], ballet
V. R a m k a ichidagi d ialogni yod oling va uni sa h n a la s h tir in g .
VI. Q u y id a g i m a t n n i a y tib berin g:
The famous Italian composer Leoncovallo loved to
listen to what people said about his operas. One evening,
when his “Pagliacci” was on, he was sitting next to a
girl who clapped with enthusiasm. Between claps she
looked angrily at the gentleman sitting next to her who
didn’t applaud at all. When the curtain went down for the
interval, she took the first opportunity o f telling him what
she thought o f him.
“How can you remain indifferent?” she asked. “D on’t
you like it?”
“No, it’s awful,” the composer answered. “I’m sorry I
“Are you?” she continued.
“I am,” he answered.
“Then you know nothing about music,” the girl said
“Just listen,” the composer continued. “Stolen themes,
all stolen. That last one was from Bizet, the one before
from Beethoven. There isn’t a single new idea in the
whole opera.”
The girl turned her back on him without a further
At breakfast the next morning he found the local
newspaper on his plate with an article called “Leoncovallo
on his Opera “Pagliacci”. The lady reporter who had sat
next to him hadn’t missed the opportunity o f giving every
word of their chance talk, which she described as “an
Leoncovallo [ z Нэпкэ 'vaslou] - Leonkovallo
“ Pagliacci” [ z paeli'astsi] - “ Payatsi” operasi
enthusiasm [in'Gjuizieezm] - tashabbus
stolen - o ‘g ‘irlangan
a theme - mavzu
Bizet [bi'zei] - Bize
Beethoven ['beithouvn] - Betxoven
an interview - intervyu
VII. Quyidagi dialogning o‘qilishini mashq qiling, uni yod oling
va sahnalashtiring:
“'W hat will you be 'doing to'morrow Yvening, Mr
“I 'haven’t Nhought o f it jyetj I’ll 'probably 'try to
t book a 'seat for a \h eatre.’1
“'Would you'like to | see a jdrama ['dra:m3]?’1
“I’m a'fraid my | Russian isn’t | good enough to
understand jdramaj I’d 'like to 'see 'something fighter. 1
‘"What about a 'musical Yomedy then?’1
‘"That would be 'veiy jinterestingj I 'hope I’ll
under Stand it.’l
“ jWell,^ w e’ll 'go to a t musical jcom edy* 'som e
Y ther time, Mr B row n,* if you 'd o n ’t Jmind.l I ’ve
'found 'out I what will be 'on in the | Bolshoi 'Theatre
toY iorrow evening.! It’s ‘"Sleeping ^Beauty” with Pet' rova.I' Would y o u 'lik e to Jgo?’1
“I’d be delighted.! Un^/fortunately* I 'missed my
Yhance in Jhondon, * because I was a V a y at the tim e.i
“Then I’ve 'got a s u rp rise for you.! I’ve 'booked
'seats for the Y allet.i
“ ^Oh, that’s Very jnice of you, Mr Petrov] 'Thank
you t very \n u c h .’1
A Piece o f Soap (after И. Munro).
Gram m ar: Tugallangan kelasi zamon (The Future Perfect Tense).
(95-§, 746-bet.)
(after H Munro)
Norman Gortsby was sitting on a bench hid d en
b e h in d the bushes in Hyde Park. It was a warm May
evening. The sun had already set and it was rather dark,
but he could still make out the faces o f the people who
were walking past him and hear the sound o f their
voices. He was a philosopher, and liked sitting in the
Park watching people whom he didn’t know. While he
was wondering who they were and where they were going,
a young man came up to the bench, gave a quick look at
him and th rew himself down by his side. The newcomer
was well-dressed and looked like a gentleman. His face
was sad and he sighed deeply.
“You don’t seem to be in a very good mood,” said
Norman. The young man was silent. He only looked at
Norman again and there was an expression in his eyes
that Norman didn’t like.
“I really don’t know how it all happened,” he began at
last, “but I’ve done the silliest thing that I’ve ever done in
my life.” He spoke in a low voice, almost in a w hisper.
“Yes?” said Norman coldly.
“I came to London this afternoon,” the young man
went on. “I had a meal at the hotel, sent a letter to my
people, giving them the address and then went out to buy
a piece o f soap. They a re su p p o sed to give you soap at
the hotel but it’s always so bad that I decided to buy some
for myself. I bought it, had a d rin k at a bar, and looked
at the shops. When I wanted to go back to the hotel, I
suddenly realized that I didn’t remember its name or even
what street it was in. O f course I can write to my people
for the address, but they won’t get my letter till tomorrow.
The only shilling I had on m e1when I came out was spent
on the soap and drink and here I am with twopence in my
pocket and nowhere to go for the night.”
There was a pause after he told the story.
“I’m afraid you don’t believe me,” he added.
“Why not?” said Norman. “I did the same thing once
in a foreign capital. So I can understand you very well.”
“I’m glad you do,” the young man said with a pleasant
smile. “And now I must go. I hope by the time it gets quite
dark I’ll have found a man who’ll believe me like you did,
and will agree to lend me some money.”
“O f course,” said Norman slowly. “The weak p o in t of
your story is that you can’t p ro d u ce the soap.”
The young man put his hand into his pocket and sud­
denly got up.
“I’ve lost it,” he said angrily.
“It’s too much to lose a hotel and a piece o f soap on
the same day,” said Norman.
But the young man did not hear him. He was running
“It was a good idea to ask him about the soap, and
so sim ple,” Norman thought as he rose to go. But at that
moment he notice a small packet lying by the side o f the
bench. It could be nothing but a piece o f soap, and it had
evidently fallen out o f the young man’s coat pocket when
he threw himself down on the bench. Turning red, Nor­
man picked it up.
“I just can’t allow him to go away like this,” he
thought, and started running after the young man.
“Stop!” cried Norman when he saw him at the Park
gate. The young man obeyed.
“Here’s your piece o f soap,” Norman said. “I found
it under the bench. Don’t lose it again, it’s been a good
friend to you. And here’s a pound, if it can help you.”
“Thanks,” said the young man, and quickly put the
money into his pocket.
“H ere’s my card with my address,” continued Norman.
“You can return the money any day this week.”
The young man thanked him again and quickly went
“It’s a good lesson to me,” Norman thought, and went
back to the Park. When he was passing the bench where
the little drama had taken place, he saw an old gentleman
looking for something.
“Have you lost anything, sir?” Norman asked.
“Yes, sir, a piece o f soap.”
“' I s ' t h a t ' r 2 ' 9 ' 3 ' 2 ' 7 j 2 ? ”|
“ Yfo,! 'w r o n g Yumber."!
‘“ Who is Y peaking?” |
“Т г ^ З ' ^ и ” !
‘“ Could you 'pu t me 'through to j M r
jBrow n, please?” |
“ I ’m 'Vsorry.lhe’s 'o u ta t th e Anoment.|
'VHallo,! ' are Уои Ahere?” |
“ yhfes,! I’m Avith you.”|
‘“ Can I 't a k e a Anessage?” |
- Bu 129-32-72 mi?
- Yo‘q, bu boshqa raqam.
- Kim gapiryapti?
- Janob Braun bilan ulang,
- Afsuski, u hozir yo"q
edi. Eshityapsizmi?
- Ha, eshityapman.
- U nga biror narsa deb
“'N o , Ahank you.j
- Yo‘q, rahmat. Keyinroq
q o ‘n g ‘iroq qilarman.
I’ll 'ring 'u p
T he only shilling I had on me ... Yonimda bo 'Igcm
yagona shilling ... to have money on (about) ... iborasi
yonida puli bo ‘hnoq ma’nosini bildiradi, masalan:
He liked the radio-set and Unga radio yoqib qoldi
wanted to buy it, but
va uni sotib olmoqchi
he d id n ’t have enough
bo‘ldi, biroq uning
money on (about) him.
yonida yetarlicha puli
yo ‘q edi.
to hav e a d r in k
to hide (hid, hidden)
to lend (lent, lent)
to b o r ro w
to set (set, set)
a point
to th r o w (threw , throw n)
a po in t o f view
to look like
the po in t is th a t
to p ro d u ce
to be silent
to lose (lost, lost)
an expression
sim ple
w h isp e r
to pick up
to s p e ak in a w hisper
to allow
o n e ’s people
to obey
to be su p p o se d to
a pound
to d r in k
to look for
(S e e Vocabulary for L esson Twenty-Four, p. 614)
N o r m a n G o rts b y ['п э :т э п 'goitsbi] N orm an Gotsbi
H y d e P a r k ['haid 'pa:k] G ayd Park
A jr a ti b k o ‘rsatilgan sh a k lla rg a e ’tib o r
g a p l a r n in g o ‘qilishini m a sh q qiling. (95-§)
q u y id a g i
1. I’ll have 'finished my \v o rk * by the 'tim e you
Л о т е .I
2. The 'work will have been \lo n e I by the 'tim e he's
3. ' Will you have 'taken \ \ [ your ejxams * by the 'end of
4. You’ll 'change your 'Vmind * after you’ve 'talked to
Professor PetAov.|
II. E r g a s h g a p l a r d a tu g a lla n g a n hozirgi z a m o n sh a k lin i ishlatib,
q u y id a g i g a p l a r n i to ‘ldiring:
1. I’ll give you these journals after I (to look thought)...
2 . 1 wonder what you will say when you (to see this actor
play) ... 3. They’ll join us as soon as they (to finish) ...
4. I’ll ring you up after I (to book sea ts)... 5. I’m sure you
will change your mind after ...
III. I m a s h q d a g i n a m u n a l a r n i n g b a r b ir ig a 5 t a d a n g a p tuzing.
I. Q u y id a g i so ‘z l a r n in g o ‘qilishini m a s h q qilib olib, d a r s m a tn in i
ovoz c h i q a r ib o ‘qing.
II. Q u y id a g i s o ‘z!a rn i ovoz c h iq a r ib o ‘qing:
town, stout, ham, stamp, post, steel, number, foam,
boat, queen, habit, stalk, walk, tub, tube, fate, fat, open,
lot, curt, bum, nor, rope, storm, pork
III. Q u y id a g i so ‘z l a r qaysi so ‘z tu r k u m i g a tegishli ekanligini
a n i q la n g va u la r n i o ‘z b e k tiliga ta r j i m a qiling:
Q u y id a g i so ‘z b ir ik m a la r in i o ‘z b e k tiliga ta r j i m a qiling va
u la r d a g i s o ‘z y a s a sh v o sitalarini an iq lang:
soapy hands
drinkable water
a pointless speech
tea-leaves pickers
the realization o f all hopes
a ready-made suit
a beautifully-dressed woman
a wrong-translated sentence
V. D arsn in g yan g i so ‘z la r id a n foydalanib, m a tn g a 15 ta savol t u ­
VI. Q uy id ag i so ‘z va so ‘z b ir ik m a la r i m a tn d a qaysi v a z iy a tla rd a
ishlatilganligini ayting:
hidden, to be silent, whisper, to produce, evidently,
to obey, to look for smth.
VII. D a rsn in g yan g i so ‘z !a rid a n foy dalanib, sa v o lla rg a ja v o b
a) 1. Do your children (younger brothers or sisters) obey
2. How can you make them obey you?
3. Do you sometimes have to hide toys, sweets, cakes,
etc. from the children? When do you have to do
4. Does your child look like you or like your wife
5. Do your people live with you?
6. Do they help you to look after your child(ren)?
b) 1. You always return books you borrow, don’t you?
2. How long do you allow your friends to keep the
books you lend them?
3. Have you ever lost a borrowed book? What did you
do about it?
c) 1. Can you always tell a person’s mood by the ex­
pression on his face?
2. Is it right to hide one’s feeling from other people or
is it silly?
3. Do you always tell your people at home if anything
unpleasant happens to you or do you try to keep it
to yourself so as not to upset them?
VIII. K e ra k li jo y g a p redlog va r a v is h la r d a n mosini q o ‘ying.
1 .1 advice you to hide the m atches
the children.
2. I wonder why Nick is behind Mary ... his English. I
always thought he was very good ... languages. 3. The man
spoke ... a whisper, and there was a strange expression ...
his eyes. 4. The expression ... the child’s face said that
he didn’t believe a single word ... the story. 5. “It was
silly ... Mr Winter to lend ... the man so much money.
Doesn’t he know that he has already borrowed large sums
... many other people and never returned them so far?”
said the old lady. 6. The young man saw the old woman’s
gloves f a l l
her bag and hurried to pick th e m ........
her. 7. You can’t make the boy obey ... you by shouting
... him all the time. 8 .1 don’t think you’ve lost your note­
book. Let’s look ... it carefully, and I’m sure w e’ll find it.
9. Will you throw that little box over there ... me, please?
Don’t be afraid. Nothing will happen ... it even if it falls
... the floor.
IX. B e rilg an so ‘z va so ‘z b ir i k m a l a r i d a n foydalanib , quyidagi
n a m u n a l a r asosida g a p l a r tuzing:
N a m u n a:
1. H e’s supposed to come to see us
2. He was supposed to be here in the
evening, wasn’t he?
3. She wasn’t supposed to know about
4. Who was supposed to do it?
5. People aren’t supposed to smoke
To produce a ticket; to lend books (money, skis,
skates); to stay with smb.; to arrive at a hotel (at a station,
port); to introduce smb. to smb.; to give a talk on smth.;
to see smb. home; to accompany smb. to the theatre;
to look after the matter (children); to look through the
letters (articles).
X. N u q t a l a r o ‘rn ig a k e r a k li j o y d a tegishli a r ti k l yoki
o lm o s h la rin in g m o s sh a k lin i q o ‘ying.
Mark Twain, ... famous American writer, was once
invited to ... opera by ... friend. ... friend was very rich.
He and ... wife had ... box at ... opera house.
When they had taken ... seats in ... box, ... writer
was unpleasantly surprised to realize that he must avoid
turning ... head to ... lady, because ... moment he did
so, she started talking loudly and gaily about ... things
that had nothing to do with ... opera. ... lady probably
thought she was entertaining ... guest, but Mark Twain
was interested in ... opera, and she made it impossible for
him to follow ... performance, let alone listen to ... music.
Mark Twain did not know how to make her keep quiet, or
at least speak in ... whisper. Towards ... end o f ... opera
... lady turned to Mark Twain, saying, “My dear Mark
Twain, I want you to come with us again ... next Friday
night. I’m sure you’ll like it. ... opera will be ‘Carmen’.”
“Thank you very much,” said Mark Twain. “That’ll be
fine. I’ve never heard you in ‘Carmen’.”
XI. Q u y id ag i d ia lo g la rn i o‘z la s h t ir m a g a p d a aytib bering:
“Must we go out? It looks like rain.”
“Why not? We can put on our raincoats, can’t we?”
“I can’t. I lent mine to Ann the other day, and she
hasn’t brought it back yet.”
“Then take your umbrella (soyabon) with you.”
“It’s very silly o f Jack to defend his point o f view so
obstinately (o‘jarlik).”
“I don’t think he sees that he’s wrong.”
“Yes, that has always been his weak point. He can
never see his mistakes.”
“Why are you speaking in a whisper? The child has
woken up.”
“Has he? Then let me have the toy I’ve brought. I want
to give it to him myself, and I must be going.”
“So soon? Won’t you stay for tea?”
“No, thank you, I really must be getting off.”
“I think all these plans should be changed.”
“Why? Don’t you see any good points in them?”
“There are some, but the point (thing) is we haven’t
got enough time to carry them all out.”
“Have you won the match?”
“No. We’ve lost three points.”
“You don’t look upset.”
“Why should I? I enjoyed the game all the same, and
then it’s my rule to lose with a smile. Is there anything
wrong in that?”
XII. B erilgan s o ‘z v a so ‘z b i r ik m a la r in i n g ishlatilishiga e ’tib o r
b e r ib , g a p l a r n i ingliz tiliga t a r j i m a qiling.
a) to look, to look like, to look after, to look fo r
Bu uy saroyga o‘xshaydi, shundaymi? 2. Do‘stingning ko‘rinishi qanaqa? 3.Yomg‘ir yog‘adiganga o‘xshaydi. 4. Sen juda charchagan ko‘rinasan. 5. Bu ishni o‘zim
nazorat qilaman. 6. Men har bir burchakni ko‘rib chiqqanimdan keyingina (bu) narsani yo‘qolibdi, deyman.
b) a point, a point o f view
1. Bu butunlay boshqacha qarash (fikr), shundaymi?
2. Men sizning fikringizga unchalik qo‘shilmayman. Siz
faqat bir o‘rinda (masalada) haqsiz. 3. Mening fikrimcha,
siz zudlik bilan Annaga qo‘ng‘iroq qilib, uning bu yerga
kelishini so‘rang. 4. Gap shundaki, men kelasi hafta
juda band boiam an. 5. Uning ustunligi shundaki, u ko‘p
X III. D a r s n in g yan g i so ‘z la r id a n foyd ala n ib , g a p l a r n i ingliz tiliga
t a r j i m a qiling.
1. Quyosh botardi, qorong‘i tushardi va yomg‘ir
yog‘adiganga o‘xshardi. 2. Men ota-onamga dekabrda
ulamikiga borganimdan beri xat yozmadim. Bugun men
ularga xat yozmagunimcha hech qayerga chiqmayman.
3. Bu yil zavodimiz o‘tgan yilga qaraganda ko‘proq
mashina ishlab chiqardi. 4. U bizga turli mamlakatlar
haqida ko‘p qiziqarli narsalar aytib berdi. Menimcha,
u ko‘p sayohat qilgan. 5. “Do‘stlaringdan yana qanaqa
kitoblar olding? - so‘radi ona o‘g‘lidan. - Ular senga uni
qancha muhlatga berishdi?” 6. Men sizning bu qoidani
o‘zingizyod olishingizni xohlardim. U juda sodda. 7. Men
uni bu yangilikni eshitganda (uning) yuz ifodasi qanday
o‘zgarganini ko‘rdim. 8. Men Jonni xafaligini ko‘rdim
va unga hech qanday savol bermaslikka qaror qildim.
Birozdan so‘ng u menga kichik o‘g‘li katta miqdorda pul
qarz olganligini va nimaga bunday qilganini otasiga aytishni xohlamayotganligini aytdi. 9. Men sizning bolalaringiz
doim sizga quloq solishlarini eshitdim. 10. Ular bashang
kiyingan bir yosh kishining politsiyachi oldiga kelib, unga
nimadir pichirlaganini ko‘rishdi.
I. M a tn n i: a) N o r m a n ; b) yosh kishi; c) keksa je n tlm e n n o m id a n
ay tib bering.
II. N o r m a n n in g yosh kishi bilan su h b a tin i s a h n a la sh tirin g .
Berilgan so ‘z va so ‘z b ir ik m a la r id a n foydalanib, vaziyat
(situ a tsiy a )lar tuzing.
1. to buy smth. for smb., to want it to be a surprise,
to hide, to produce, an expression o f joy;
2. to be behind in smth., one’s people, to be upset,
to try to make, to give advice, not to allow, to obey, to do
3. to seem simple, not to learn some expressions,
to make a lot o f silly mistakes, to be sorry about it,
to promise to do better;
to be seriously ill, to keep silent, to speak in a
whisper, to go to sleep, to feel better, to make smb. happy,
to begin eating better, to be all right soon.
IV. Q u y id a g i m a tn n i ay tib b e ring.
Michelangelo, the famous Italian sculptor, lived in
Florence. Once a beautiful piece o f white marble was
brought to Florence, and the governor o f the city told
Michelangelo that he wanted him to make a statue out of
the marble. He said that Michelangelo was the only man
in Italy who could do it.
The sculptor worked for two years to make the statue
as beautiful as possible. When the statue was ready,
a lot o f people gathered in the square where it stood.
Everybody was waiting for the governor. At last he
came, accompanied by the richest people o f the city. The
governor looked pleased, and seeing the expression on his
face the people thought that he liked the statue. So they
were all surprised to hear him say that he didn’t like the
sculptor’s work at all because the statue’s nose was too
“Can you make the nose shorter?” the governor asked
Those who heard the question expected the sculptor
to get angry, but to their great surprise Michelangelo
answered calmly that he didn’t mind changing the shape
o f the nose.
When the governor was not looking, he picked up
a handful o f marble dust and went up to the statue. He
pretended to work hard. Standing with his back to the
governor, he dropped the marble dust he had picked up
little by little to make the governor believe that he was
really changing the shape o f the nose. The governor
thought that the sculptor was doing as he had been told,
and so when Michelangelo finished working, he said
proudly, “Now the statue is wonderful.”
The people, who had kept silent while the sculptor
was working, realized now that he hadn’t done anything
to the statue, and shouted with joy.
The statue, which is called David, is one of
Michelangelo’s best works. We have a copy o f it in the
Pushkin Museum in Moscow.
Michelangelo [maikdl'Eenc^ilou] - Mikelanjelo
a sculptor - haykaltarosh
Florence ['florens] - Florensiya
marble - marmar
a governor - hokim
a statue - haykal
a shape - shakl ( - shamoyil)
a handful - siqim, kaft
dust - chang
to drop - to ‘kib yubormoq
proudly - m ag‘rurlanib
V. Ramka ichidagi dialogni yod oling va uni sahnalashtiring.
VI. Quyidagi topshiriqlarni bajaring:
1. Janob Braunga qo‘ng‘iroq qiling. Unga musiqali
komediya teatriga borishni taklif qiling, qaysi oTindiqlarni
u afzal ko‘rishini undan so‘rang, spektakl boshlanishidan
oldin uchrashishni kelishib oling.
2. Janob Gringa qo‘ng‘iroq qiling. Unga rassom
N.ning suratlarini ko‘rishni taklif qiling, uchrashuv haqida
kelishib oling.
3. Janob Uaytdan (koTilgan) spektakldan olingan
taassurotlari haqida so‘rang, aktyorlar ijrosi, pyesa
qo‘yilishi va boshqalami muhokama qiling.
VII. Quyidagi dialogning o‘qilishini mashq qiling, uni yod oling
va sahnalashtiring:
‘“Is 'th is InAourist?’1
‘“ Quite JrightJ 'W h o ’s 'calling?’1
A Telephone Talk
‘"This is'M r jHardy.1
‘"Good Vioming, Mr Hardy.I 'W hat can I \ lo for
‘"Could I 'speak to f Mr PeArov, please?’1
“I ’m a'fraid 'M r Pe'trov is )busy at the Anomentj 'Could you 'ring up a j little Aater?”|
“)Certainly.| 'When do you sup'pose he’ll be Yree?’1
“In an 'hour and a Aialf, let’s Jsay.’l
‘"Very JgoodJ I’ll 'ring 'up YhenJ 'Good- A>ye.’1
A t the office
“We 'saw some o f your } new ma'chines at the | last
exhibition, Mr Klimov.”]
“ jDid you?] 'W hat’s your im pression?”]
“They’re 'very p o o d . I' Some are comfpletely 'd if­
ferent from t what you ex'hibited ] two 'years a p o .’l
“Your’re 'quite AightJ 'M odel 'A 'C Jl2^ is
com pletely new.”]
“We’re 'interested in b u y in g it.] I’d 'like to dis'cuss
the 'price bow * if you 'd o n ’t Anind.l Your 'price is | too
b ig h , you know.i
“ As it?] We’ve dis'cussed the 'm atter with j several
j other Aompanies] and w e’ll be 'selling the 'model to
'Vthem* at the bam e price.’l
“JWell, I’m 'sure w e’ll 'com e to an apreem entj but
I must 'first 'ring | up my 'people* and 'find 'out f what
\h e y Ahink o f the price.] 'H ave you 'anything apainst.
“ jN oJ'not at Jall.’l
T ext:
Post H aste (after
G ram m ar:
Colin Howard).
R e v is io n .
(after Colin Howard)
“I say, I’m pleased to see you,” said the little man
standing by the letter-box.
“Oh, hallo,” I said, stopping. “Simpson, isn’t it?”
The Simpsons were newcomers to the town, and my
wife and I had only met them once or twice.
“Yes, that’s right,” answered Simpson.
“I wonder if you could lend me some money.” I put
my hand into my pocket. “You see,” he continued, “my
wife gave me a letter to post, and I’ve just noticed it isn’t
stam ped. It must go tonight - it really must! And I don’t
think the post-office will be open at this time o f night, do
It was about eleven o’clock and I agreed that it
“I thought, you see, I ’d get stamps out o f the machine,”
explained Simpson, “only I find I have no sm all change
about me.”
“I'm sorry, but I’m afraid I haven’t either,” I said.
“Oh, dear, dear,”2 he said.
“M aybe somebody else has,” I said.
“There isn’t anyone else.”
We both looked up and down the street, but there was
nobody to be seen.
“Yes, well,” I said, intending to move off. But he
looked so unhappy standing there with the blue unstamped
envelope, that I really couldn’t leave him alone.
“I’ll tell you what,” I said, “You’d better walk along
with me to my place - it’s only a few streets off - and I’ll
try to find some change for you there.”
“It’s really very good o f you,” said Simpson.
At home, we managed to find the money he needed.
He thanked me and left. I watched him take several steps
up the street and then return to me.
“I say, I’m sorry to tro u b le you again,” he said. “The
fact is w e’re still quite strangers round here and - well,
I’m rather lost, to tell you the truth.3 Will you tell me the
way to the post-office?”
I did my best. It took me several minutes to explain to
him where the post-office was. At the end o f that time I
felt as lost as Simpson and decided to go along with him.
I led the way to the post-office. Simpson put a penny into
the automatic stamps-machine. The coin passed through
the machine, but with no result.
“It’s empty,” I explained.
Simpson was so nervous that he d ro p p e d the letter
on the g ro u n d and when he picked it up there was a large
black spot on its face.
“Dear me,” he said. “My wife told me to post the
letter tonight. After all it’s not so important4 but you
don’t know my wife. I had better post it now.”5
Suddenly I remembered that I had a book o f stamps
at home. “It will be posted,” I said. “But w e’d better hur­
ry, or w e’ll miss the midnight collection.”
It took rather a long time to find the book o f stamps.
But when we found it, we saw after all that it was empty.
The last thing I could advise him to do was to post the
letter unstamped. “Let the other man pay double postage
on it in the morning.”
I took him firmly by the arm and accompanied him
to the post-office in time for the midnight collection. He
dropped in his letter, and then, to finish off my jo b , I took
him home.
“I’m so grateful to you, really,” he said when we
reached his home. “That letter - it’s only an invitation to
dinner, to Mr ... Dear me!”
“Why, what’s the matter?”
“Nothing. Just something I’ve remembered.”
But the didn’t tell me. He just opened his eyes and
his moutli at me like a wounded goldfish, hurriedly said
“Good-night”, and went inside.
All the way home I was wondered what it was he had
But I stopped wondering the next morning, when I had
to pay the postman double postage for a blue envelope
with a large black spot on its face.
{to be translated into Uzbek and learnt by heart)
A.: Ex'cuse JmeJ can you 'show me the 'way to the
f nearest >lpost-office?| I am a ^stranger Леге,| and I
'don’t 'know I how to )get there.l
B.: )Certainly.| 'G o j straight a>liead, 'then 'take the
I first 'tu r n in g to the Aightl and you’ll 'see the V>stoffice.l You 'can’t \n iss it.|
A .: 'Thank you very Anuch.l
A.: I 'want to 'send a j registered Tetter to Y)msk.|
'H ow Yiuch is it?|
C : 'Three hundred )soms.| 'Shall I 'give you a 'three
hundred-som Jstamp?6!
A .:'Y es, y^leasej I 'w ant it to 'go by Vir mailj
C : 'That’ll be | six hundred 'soms Vxtra,
please.! 'W hat 'else can I \ lo for you?|
A.: I’d 'lik e t o ' make'out a Vioney-ordert and'also
I send 'o ff a )telegram.| 'W here can I 'get a Vorm?l
C : 'H ere’s a inoney-order form J and you’ll 'find
f telegram Jforms* and can 'fill them jin^ at the 'desk
'over \here.l
A .: dhanding'in the | filled-in Yorms) I 'w ant to 'send
a t little 'present to a Yriend o f m in e ]' W here do they
'take Y arcels?|
C : In the 'n e x t Yoom,I please. 'Here are your
А.: ЛЪапк you.l 'G ood ytnoming.l
С : 'Good ytnoming.l
“ y Y e s? ” |
‘“ C o u l d I ' h a v e a ' s m a l l ' r e g i s ­
-H a?
- Iltim o s, b u y u r tm a xat u c h u n
tered E n v elo p e, please?” ]
This size J d o ? ” |
“iNo,! I ’m a'fraid 'that’s a
'too Vnall.”|
‘“ W h a t a ' b o u t This o n e ? ” |
k i c h i k k o n v e r t b e r in g .
‘“ W il l
- S h u k a tt a li k d a g i s i boM adim i?
“'T l i a t ’ll ' d o I v e r y Jw e ll, t h a n k
- B unisi-chi?
- B u n i s i b o ‘ladi, r a h m a t . M e n
you.I A n d I ' w a n t t o ' p o s t a
“' I s it an jordinary one?| ' P u t it
in the 'box 'over There.”!
“/Thank you.”|
Y o ‘q, u j u d a kich k in a, d eb
q o ‘r q a m a n .
y a n a x a t j o ‘n a t i s h i m k e r a k .
B u o d d iy x a tm i? U ni anavi
y e r d a g i q u t i g a ta s h la n g .
- R ahm at.
Post Haste. Haste so‘zi ot bo‘lib kelganda shoshilish
m a’nosini beradi. Hikoyaning nomi o‘zbek tilida “Pochta
bezgagi” ga to‘g‘ri kelib, so‘z o‘yiniga asoslangan, chunki
post h aste ravishi о ‘ta shoshilib m a’nosini beradi.
2. “ Oh, dear, dear.” “E, xudoyim ”. O h, dear, dear;
d e a r m e kabi iboralami o‘zbek tiliga so‘zma-so‘z tarjima
qilib bo‘lmaydi. Ular ma’no jihatidan ajablanish, qo‘rquv
va boshqa hissiyotlarni ifodalovchi undalma hisoblanadi.
3. T h e fact is w e ’re still quite stran g ers ro u n d
here an d - well, I ’m r a th e r lost, to tell the tru th . Gap
shundaki, biz hali ham bu yerda yangi kishilarmiz va
men, ochig ‘ini aytsam, о ‘zimni ancha yo ‘qotib qo ‘y dim.
T he fact is th a t gap shundaki va to tell the tr u t h rostini
aytmoq iboralari og'zaki nutqqa xos bo‘lib, o‘zbek tilidagi
ushbu iboralar ishlatilgan o‘rinlarda qo‘llanadi.
4. A fter all it’s not so im p o rta n t. Baribir bu unchalik
muhim emas. A fter all iborasi og‘zaki nutqqa xos.
5 . 1 had b etter post it now. Men, yaxshisi, uni hozir
jo ‘nataman. H ad b etter iborasi + to siz infinitiv, odatda,
ikkinchi yoki uchunchi shaxs birlik yoki ko‘plikdagi
olmosh bilan ishlatilib, siz (u, ular va boshqalar,) yaxshisi
m a’nosini bildiradi va maslahat, ogohlantirish va ba’zan
po‘pisani anglatadi.
You had b etter do this
Siz, yaxshisi, bu ishni
work now.
hozir bajaring.
Birinchi shaxs birlik va ko‘plikdagi olmosh bilan
I (we) w ould r a th e r + to siz infinitiv oboroti ham
ishlatilishi mumkin - Men (biz) yaxshisi, xohish, afzal
ko‘rish m a’nosini bildiradi.
I don’t want to go any- Men bugun hech qayerga
where tonight. I w ould
borishni xohlamayman.
r a th e r stay at home.
Men, yaxshisi, uyda qolam an.
Og‘zaki nutqda you (he, they) h ad b e tte r o‘rniga
y o u ’d b e tte r (he’d better, th e y ’d better), I w ould r a th e r
o‘rniga —I ’d r a th e r qisqartma shakllar ishlatiladi.
6. Shall I give you a th re e h u n dred -som stam p?
Sizga uch yuz so 'mlik marka beraymi? T h re e h u n d red som so‘z birikmasi stam p otiga aniqlovchi bo‘lib kel466
yapti, yani sifatga xos vazifada kelyapti, shuning uchun
bunday iborada ot birlikda keladi. Bu birikmadagi barcha
so‘zlar chiziqcha (-) orqali yoziladi.
Her son’s four years old.
U (ayol) ning o‘g‘li to'rt
She’s got a . four-yearU (ayol) ning to‘rt yoshli
old son.
o ‘g‘li bor.
four hundred soms
to‘rt so‘m
a f o u r h u n d re d -so m
to‘rt so‘mlik marka
the 10.45 train = the tenSoat 10.45 da jo ‘nab keforty five train
tuvchi poyezd
m ail
th e m o r n in g (e v en in g ) m a il (post)
b y a ir m ail
by o r d in a r y (reg iste red ) post
a post-office
a p o stm an
to p o st (a letter)
a letter-box
a p illar-b o x
tw ice
a stam p
to s t a m p a le tte r
sm a ll c h a n g e
m aybe
a n envelope
to n eed
to tro u b le
to b o th e r
to d r o p
the g ro u n d
a co llectio n
to c ollect
firm (ly)
a jo b
tu rn in g
to t a k e t h e first
(second) tu rn in g
to re g is te r a le tte r
to se n d a re g iste red
(o rd in a ry ) letter
ex tra
to m a k e o u t a m o n ey order
a form
t o fill i n a f o r m
a present
to give ( m a k e ) a
p re s e n t to sm b .
a b irth d a y present
next door
a receip t
(See Vocabulary for Lesson Twenty-Five, p. 618)
0 ‘q ish q o idasi
Ingliz tilidagi k o ‘p bo‘g ‘inli so ‘zlarda asosiy urg‘u so ‘z
oxiridan uchinchi b o ‘g ‘inga tushadi, bunda urg‘uli unli II - o ‘qish
turi bo‘yicha o ‘qiladi, masalan:
telegram ['teligraem] telegramma
family ['fzemili] oila
I. Q u y i d a g i s o ‘z l a r v a g a p l a r n i n g o ‘q i l i s h i n i m a s h q q i l i b o l i b ,
d a r s m a t n i n i o v o z c h i q a r i b o ‘q i n g :
a 'post-office
a 'letter-box
a 'money-order
You’d 'better \lo it.
I’d 'rather 'stay \iere.
We’d 'rather 'go Vow.
II. Q u y i d a g i s o ‘z l a r n i o v o z c h i q a r i b o ‘q i n g :
a) editorial, family, satirical, stupidity, validity,
faculty, capacity, impoverish, possibility, philosophy,
economy, impossibility, stability, political, president,
capital, simplicity
b) army, burner, chapter, dollars, hour, jar, lady, pair,
pie, ray, robber, razor, banner, died, bow, sky, cave, victory,
furnish, fury, nest, parrot, huge
Q u yidagi
s o ‘z l a r
ya sa lg a n in i, q a y si
s o ‘z
q o ‘s h i m c h a l a r
tu rk u m ig a
k irish in i
y o rd am id a
a n iq la n g
u l a r n i o ‘z b e k t i l i g a t a r j i m a q i l i n g . S h u o l d q o ‘s h i m c h a l a r
y o r d a m i d a y a s a l g a n i k k i - u c h t a s o ‘z a y t i n g .
IV. Y o z i l i s h i g a
e ’t i b o r
b e rib ,
q u y id ag i
sifa tla rd a n
ra v ish la r
y a s a n g ; i m k o n i b o r j o y d a d a r a j a l a r i n i k o ‘r s a t i n g :
immediate polite
successful clear
V. Q u y i d a g i q o ‘s h m a o t l a r n i o ‘z b e k t i l i g a t a r j i m a q i l i n g , u l a r n i
s o d d a s o ‘z l a r g a a j r a t i n g v a o ‘z b e k t i l i g a t a r j i m a q i l i n g :
V I . Q u y i d a g i s o ‘z b i r i k m a l a r i n i o ‘z b e k t i l i g a t a r j i m a q i l i n g v a
q o M l a n g a n s o ‘z y a s a s h v o s i t a l a r i n i a n i q l a n g :
unpaid postage
a heavy sleeper
an unknown trouble-maker to misread a letter
freshly-made tea
successful underground work
an unfilled-in form
a poorly-dressed old man
V I I . D a r s n i n g y a n g i s o ‘z l a r i d a n f o y d a l a n i b , m a t n g a 1 5 t a s a v o l
V I I I . Q u y i d a g i s o ‘z ! a r m a t n d a q a y s i v a z i y a t ( s i t u a t s i y a ) l a r d a
is h la tilg a n in i ay tin g :
pleased, once, stamped, small change, to need,
to trouble, empty, firmly, a job.
I X . D a r s n i n g y a n g i s o ‘z l a r i d a n
fo y d a la n ib , s a v o lla rg a ja v o b
b e rin g .
a) 1. Do you get many letters at home?
2. How many times a day is the post brought to your
3. Who do you usually get letters from?
4. Who do you write to?
5. Do you like writing letters?
6. Do you usually send your letters by air mail or
by ordinary post? When do you send them by air
b) 1. Do you have to go to the post-office if you want to
send a registered letter or can you just drop it into a
2. Do you have to pay extra for a registered letter?
3. Do you get a receipt for a registered letter?
4. Have you ever sent off (posted) or received an
unstamped letter?
5. What do you have to do when you get unstamped
c) 1. Which o f you collects stamps?
2. When did you begin collecting them?
3. How many stamps have you collected?
4. Have you got a good collection o f stamps?
5. Have you ever had stamps as a present?
X. Q u y i d a g i f e ’l l a r n i n g t o ‘ r t a s o s i y s h a k l i n i b e r i n g :
to begin
to break
to fight
to catch
to teach
to lose
to die
to make out
to find
to drop
to throw
to lie
to enjoy
to laugh
to grow
to fill
to carry out
to try
to lead
to understand
X I. Q u y id a g i n a m u n a la r n in g h a r b irig a 3 ta d a n g a p tu zin g :
1. I’d rather send the letter by registered post. I don’t want
it to be lost.
2. I’d rather not post the letter today, let’s wait till
3. You’d better send a telegram at once.
4. Your son had better not go out today. He may catch
5. He speaks both English and French.
6. We both took our exams yesterday. (= Both o f us took
our exams yesterday.)
7. We’re both pleased to see you again. (= Both o f us
are ...)
K erakli
p re d lo g
ra v is h la rd a n
m osini
q o ‘y i n g .
1. I’d like this letter to go ... air mail. 2. I wonder
why you aren’t pleased ... your son’s progress. I find
he’s doing quite well ... many subjects. 3. “I’m afraid I
haven’t got any small change ... me. Can you give me
change ... a pound note?” “Certainly, here you are.” 4. I
got the impression that he was troubled ... something, but
he avoided answering ... my questions. 5. The old man
made the boy pick ... a piece ... paper he had dropped
... the ground, saying, “Never throw anything ... the
ground.” 6 .1 think I’ll drop ... the post-office on my way
home. I must buy some envelopes and make ... a moneyorder. 7. He explained ... me that I should take the second
turning ... the left and I would find the house immediately,
because it was j u s t ... the comer. 8. The boy was so good
... mathematics that he was soon far ahead ... the r e s t...
the class. 9. The clerk handed me two forms to fill ... .
10. When I went ... the desk to fill ... a telegram form, I
remembered that I had no money ... me, so I had to go ...
home ... it.
XIII. Nuqtalar o‘rniga kerakli joyga mos artiklni qo‘ying va
matnni so‘zlab bering.
Mr Smith had to send ... lot o f ... papers by ... air
mail to ... friend in another country. He put them all in
... big envelope and took it to ... post-office.
“How much is this?” he asked ... clerk.
“You’ll have to pay ... lot for this,” said ... man in ...
post-office. “ ... parcel is rather heavy. Must it all go by
... air mail?”
“Yes, it must. How much is it, please?”
“Wait ... minute, please,” said ... man “I’ll ask ...
He soon came back, saying that Mr Smith would have
to pay two pounds.
Mr Smith paid ... money— clerk found that he didn’t
have any pound stamps, so he had to give Mr Smith ... lot
o f ... smaller stamps. Mr Smith took ... stamps and put
them all on ... envelope one after ... other.
“Is that all right?” Mr Smith asked ... clerk, handing
in ... parcel.
“No, sir,” was ... answer. “You’ve put so many stamps
on ... envelope that it’s much heavier now than it was
before. You’ll have to pay extra.”
“How much more?” asked ... surprised client.
“Please wait ... minute, I’ll go and ask ... manager.”
paper - qog‘oz
a client [э 'klaiant] - xaridor, mijoz
Q u y id ag i d ialo g la rn i o ‘z la s h tirm a g a p d a s o ‘z la b b erin g :
“I’ve just had a letter from my sister.”
“I’m pleased to hear it. I remember you were worried
because you hadn’t heard from her for a long time.”
“Yes, but there was nothing to worry about. She’s just
been to busy to write.”
“Look, there’s an empty seat over there.”
“Yes, let me go and find out whether it’s vacant.”
“Excuse me, is this seat vacant?”
“No, I’m afraid it’s taken.”
“Oh, dear.”
“Excuse me, I’m a complete stranger here. How can I
get to the Metropol Cinema?”
“Oh, it’s quite near. Go straight ahead and then take the
first turning to the left. You can’t miss it.”
“Thank you very much.”
“Does the radio bother you?”
“Yes, turn it off if you don’t mind.”
“There, you can work quietly. Nothing will trouble you
now, I hope.”
“Thank you, it’s very nice o f you.”
“Good morning, Mr Green. I hear some new people
have come to live next door to you.” •
“Yes, that’s right. Their name’s Thompson.”
“Have you spoken to any o f them yet?”
“I’ve met the husband and I like him very much, but I
haven’t had a word with the others yet.”
XV. Q u y id a g i v a z iy a tla rn in g m a z m u n i n i k o ‘ch irrn a g a p d a dialog
sh a k lid a berin g :
Peter met George in the street and after usual greeting
asked him whether he had really decided to get a new
job. George said he had found a job that had to do with
medicine ['medsinj. Peter asked whether this was a firm
decision, and George answered that it was, because he
was interested in medicine and planned to enter a medical
college the next year.
Jane told Jill that she was going to buy a birthday
present for her brother. Jill asked what she was going to
give him, but Jane answered that she hadn’t the slightest
idea yet. Jill advised her to go to a souvenir ['su:vania]
shop and look for something there. Jane liked the idea.
Only she said that she’d rather drop in at a small shop near
their house first because she was afraid the souvenir shop
would be crowded and she didn’t have much time left, but
she asked Jill to go to the souvenir shop with her if she
didn’t find anything suitable in the small shop. She added
that she wouldn’t be a minute, and Jill agreed to help her
Jack asked Peter to show him the new stamps he had
just got for his collection. Peter showed him the stamp,
saying that it wasn’t an ordinary one. It was one o f the
oldest stamps he had in his collection. Peter also asked
Jack whether he would like to have a look at another new
stamp from his collection. It was evident that Peter wanted
it to be a surprise, because the second stamp was much
better than the first one. After seeing both the stamps, Jack
said that they were both wonderful and Peter was lucky to
get them.
XVI. K o ‘rsatilgan so ‘z la rn in g ishlatilishiga e ’t ib o r
q u y id a g i g a p la r n i ingliz tiliga ta r j i m a qiling:
1. both
Ular ikkovi buni eshitib juda ajablanishdi. 2. Bi
ikkimiz qo‘limizdan kelgan hammasini qildik. 3. Ular
ikkovi bezovta ko‘rinishardi. 4. Bu yaxshi maqola. Undagi
ma’lumotlar men hozir ustida ishlayotgan kitob uchun
juda qiziqarli va muhim. Uni menga topib berganingiz
uchun ikkovingizdan ham minnatdorman.
2. to need, needn ’/
Sizga chek kerakmi? - Ha, men, yaxshisi, un
olganim ma’qul. 2. Bu jumalni sizga bugun berolmayman
deb qo‘rqaman. U mening o‘zimga kerak. 3. Sizga hali
ham telefon kerakmi? - Yo‘q, rahmat. Menga u boshqa
kerakmas. Qo‘ng‘iroq qilishingiz mumkin. (Undan foydalanishingiz mumkin.) 4. Siz o‘zingiz bu yerga kelishingiz shart emas. Siz bizga qo‘ng‘iroq qilishingiz
mumkin, yoki ukangizdan xat jo ‘natishingiz mumkin.
5..Bu gapni hoziroq tarjima qilaymi? -Y o‘q, kerak emas.
Siz biroz o‘ylab olishingiz mumkin.
3. to worry, to bother, to trouble
1. 0 ‘g‘lingiz haqida
Bu haqda
Uning sog‘lig‘i haqida
2. Unga qo‘ng‘iroq qilib 1
Unga bu haqda eslatib V
Bu blankani to'ldirib /
, 41
^ r a bo Imang.
<U nn,b 0 t,rman80
3. Bu shovqin
V sizga xalaqit bermayaptimi?
4. Nimaga sen bunchalik bezovta ko‘rinasan?
5. U qarindoshlaridan anchadan beri xat olmaganligidan
X V II. D a r s n in g y a n g i s o ‘z la r id a n f o y d ala n ib , q u y id a g i g a p la r n i
ingliz tiliga ta r j i m a qiling:
Sizning javobingiz imtihon oluvchilarga katta
zavq bagishlaganini eshitdim. 2. Bola tug‘ilgan kun
sovg‘asidanjuda qoniqdi. 3. Bu xatni jo ‘nataym i?- Yo‘q,
rahmat. Akam buni o‘zi qilishini aytdi. 4. Balki men
sizga tushlikdagi tanaffusda telefon qilishning uddasidan
chiqa olarman. 5. Jo‘natma (posilka)ni kecha jo ‘natishdi,
menimcha, uni ikki-uch kundan so‘ng olishadi. 6. Biz
har doim dushanba kuni ko‘p pochta olamiz. 7. Bunaqa
markani hech qachon ko‘rmaganman. Bu juda qadimiy
marka, shundaymi? 8. Sizning yoningizda biroz mayda
(pul) bor, shundaymi? Iltimos, menga besh yuz so‘m
berib turing, mening yonimda maydam yo‘q ekan, men
esa yangi gazeta sotib olmoqchi edim. 9. 0 ‘g ‘lingizga
hech nima bo‘lmadi. Men uni do‘sti bilan pochtadan
chiqqanini ko‘rdim. Menimcha, ular u yerga yangi
markalar uchun kirishgan. 10. Uning shoshilishi shart
emas. Bu maqolani tarjima qilishni boshlashdan oldin,
uni ikki-uch marta o‘qib chiqishini xohlardim. Agar
u bunday qilmasa, uni tushunishi qiyin bo‘ladi, deb
qo‘rqaman. 11. Siz yaxshisi o ‘yinchoqni ko‘tarib olishga
bolani o'zini majburlashingiz kerak. 12. Biz bu pyesani
ikki bor tomosha qildik va har safar u bizning ikkimizda
katta taassurot qoldirdi. 13. Afsuski, sizni yana bezovta
qilishimga to‘g‘ri keladi, men sizni bu maqolani o ‘qib
chiqishingizni xohlardim. 14. Kecha men Bolshoy teatr
kassasiga yangi spektaklga chipta sotib olish uchun kirib o‘tdim, menga ikkita chipta kerak edi, biroq menga
chiptalar allaqachon sotib bo‘linganligini aytishdi. 15. Jo‘natma (posilka)lami qayerda qabul qilishlarini aytib
yuborolmaysizmi, iltimos? 16. Menga marka kerak. Men
bu xatni zudlik bilan jo ‘natishim kerak, men esa bugun
pochtaga kira olmadim. Menga marka berib tura olasizmi?
17. Men, yaxshisi, jo ‘natma (posilka)ni pochtaga bugun
olib boraman. 18. Hech kim Peterchalik tez yurolmadi
va u bir zumda barcha talabalardan oldinda bo‘lib qoldi.
19. U ishi uchun qo‘shimcha haq oladi.
I. M a tn n i: a) muallif; b) S im p so n ; c) S im p so n xonim n o m id a n
so ‘z la b bering.
II. Q u y id ag i k o ‘rin ish la rn i ta sv ir la b bering :
1. The Simpsons at home preparing for a dinner-party
and writing an invitation card.
2. Mr Simpson in the street looking for a pillar-box
and discovering that letter is unstamped.
M u a llif ta k lif qilingan S im p so n la rn ik id a g i tu sh lik n i
tasvirlang. I sh tir o k e tu v c h ila r: J a n o b S im p so n , missis
S im p so n , muallif.
IV. M a t n d a n so ‘ng b erilgan d ia lo g la rn i yod oling va u la rn i
sa h n ala sh tirin g .
V. K o ‘rsatilg an so ‘z l a r d a n fo yd ala n ib , vaz iya t (situ a tsiy a )lar
to be troubled about smb.’s poor progress, to mak
smb. work hard, to be ahead o f the others, to do well in
one’s exams, to be pleased with the results;
2. to send an unstamped letter, to be surprised to get,
to have to pay double postage;
3. to live in different cities (towns), to buy a wedding
(to‘y) present, to send a parcel, to be a pleasant surprise;
4. to find out, a vacant position, to like the job, to be
pleased (with);
5. to lose a ticket, to collect tickets, the thing is
explain to the ticket collector;
6. to send a registered letter, an extra stamp, to hand
in, to be given a receipt.
V I. Q u y id a g i so ‘z va s o ‘z b ir i k m a l a r i d a n foy d ala n ib , k o ‘rsatilg an m a v z u la r d a d ia io g la r tuz ing :
Sending a Registered Letter
paper and envelopes, a letter-box, to walk straight
ahead, a post-office, to make up one’s mind, to send a
registered letter, an extra stamp, to be pleased
2. Sending o ff a Telegram or Making out a Money-order
to ask for a form, to get one at the desk, to fill in a
form, to hand in, How much is it?, a receipt
Sending a Parcel
to pack, to get a box, at the post-office, to write an
address, to hand in a parcel, a receipt, to forget, there was
nothing to be done
R a m k a ic hida b e r ilg a n d ia lo g n i yod oling v a un i s a h n a ­
V III. Q u y id a g i m a tn n i o ‘q in g v a m u h o k a m a qiling. 0 ‘zingiz
q iz iq q a n m a s h g ‘uloting iz h a q i d a g a p i r i b berin g:
My Hobby
My hobby is collecting stamps. When I was still a
baby, my mother began collecting for me.
O f course she didn’t let me touch the stamps until I
was old enough. I remember that it was on my fifteenth
birthday that she first put them into my hands. They were
in four albums ['aelbomz], but since then I have added
three more, so that now I have a bigger collection than
any of my friends.
How do I get my stamps? I have never bought a single
one from a shop. My father, who works in a big office,
sometimes brings me stamps from different parts o f the
world. And I have friends both here and in other countries
who send me stamps in return for the ones I send to
Now that I am working for my living, I don’t have as
much time as before to spend on my stamps. But in the
evening what can be better than to sit down at a table with
my albums arranging the new stamps in them, writing
in the names o f the countries, or, if I am too tired, only
looking through the stamps already in the albums.
Each stamp has a story to tell o f distant countries
and strange people. I see pictures of men and women,
birds and animals that I myself have never seen. Kings
and presidents pass before my eyes, and I can follow the
history o f whole nations.
But my stamp collection doesn’t only make me think
o f the past. Just as my mother collected for me, so I, too,
am collecting for my future child. What better way will
there be o f making him interested in history, geography
and languages, and o f making these subjects live for him?
If I can pass my hobby on to him, he will be grateful to me
for it, as I am grateful to my mother.
a hobby - qiziqqan (sevimli) mashg‘ulot
to touch [tAt|] - tegmoq, ushlamoq
to af range - taxlamoq, tartibga solmoq
'distant - uzoq, olis
a bird - qush
an 'animal - hayvon
I. 44, 47, 48, 5 2-§ § larn i ta k ro r la n g .
1. Ingliz tiliga ta r j i m a qiling.
Mening o‘ng biqinim anchadan beri og'riyapti, shifokorga borishimga to‘g‘ri keladi. 2. Agar biror kutilmagan narsa sodir b o isa , sizga shaharga borishga to‘g‘ri
kelmaydi: bizning qishlog‘imizda juda yaxshi shifoxona
bor. 3. Sho‘rvaga biroz tuz qo‘shsangiz bo‘lardi, aks holda siz uni icholmaysiz. 4. Uyimiz qarshisida magazin bor,
siz u yerdan o ‘zingizga kerak bo‘lgan barcha narsalami
sotib olishingiz mumkin. 5. U (ayol) qizining kuylaganini
eshitganda, uning ko‘zlarida quvonch ifodasi bor edi.
6. M a’ruza juda qiziqarli bo‘ladi va men siz uni tinglay
olmasligingizdan afsusdaman. 7. Nimaga siz bunchalik
erta turishingizga to‘g ‘ri keladi? - Chunki, Vazirlikkacha
bo‘lgan yo Iga mening bir yarim soat vaqtim ketadi.
8. Mening boshim yomon (qattiq) oglriyapti, men,
yaxshisi, uyga ketaman. - Sizning boshingiz teztez og‘rib turadimi? - Yo‘q, tez-tez deyolmayman.
9. Oxirgi paytlarda idoramizda ish shunchalik ko‘p
bo‘ldiki, men do‘stlarimnikiga borish u yoqda tursin,
hatto ularga qo‘ng‘iroq ham qila olmadim. - Kechalari
bilan ishlashingizga to‘g‘ri keldimi? - Ha, ba’zan soat
to‘qqizgacha. 10. 0 ‘tgan yili teatrga borish uchun
mening vaqtim yetarli edi, men singlimning bolalariga
qarashimga to‘g‘ri kelmagandi. 11. Uyingizda markalar
bormi? - Ha, (bir nechta) bor shekilli, menimcha, siz
pochtaga borishingiz shart e nas.l2. Mening mototsiklim
(a motor cycle) bor, biroq nr ning hech qachon mashinam
bo‘lmagan. Bir necha yildan so‘ng mashina sotib olaman,
deb o ‘ylayman.
2. to have (have got), to have to, to be able to, there's (are) oborotlari b ilan hozirg i, o‘tg an va kclasi z a m o n la r d a boMishli d a r a k
gap, u m u m i y so ‘roq g a p v a boMishsiz d a r a k g a p l a r tuzing.
3. S av o lla rg a ja v o b b e ring , olingan ja v o b la r n i q isqa x a b a r g a
ja m la n g .
a) 1. What kind of work are you supposed to do this
2. Will you be able to do it in time?
3. What (which) journals or books will you have to
look through before you start doing it?
b) 1. Which o f you can paint or draw?
2. Could you draw (paint) a portrait?
3. Can anyone be taught to paint?
4. One must work hard to learn painting, mustn’t
c) 1. Which o f you can act?
. 2. Could you take part in our English entertainment?
3. Will you be able to learn your part in a week?
4. ToMiq rep lika bilan ja v o b bering.
N a m u n a:
“Could you come and see us today?”
No, I’m afraid I can’t. Г 11 have to stay at
the office after work.”
1. Could we fix the time o f the meeting now?
2. Could you remind me about it tomorrow?
3. Shall I produce my documents?
4. Shall I let you know when I arrive?
5. Must I go shopping at once?
6. Must we start doing the work now?
7. Let’s entertain a few friends at the week-end, shall
8. Let’s go skiing this week-end, shall we?
9. Please don’t speak ы loudly, try to speak in a
whisper, will you?
10. Have a drink, won’t you?
11. Book seats for the first night, will you?
12.1 wonder if you could tell me the way to the nearest
underground station?
13. Would you mind passing me the book over there?
14. Would you mind turning on the light?
15. W ho’s supposed to be on duty tomorrow?
16. W ho’s supposed to give a talk on home-reading
17. Who was supposed to book tickets for the train?
28, 36, 67, 81, 8 9 -§ § larn i ta k ro rla n g .
1. O lm o sh la rn in g ta rjim a s ig a e ’tib o r b e rib , g a p la rn i in g liz tilig a
ta r jim a qiling.
0 ‘tgan yakshanbani biz shahar tashqarisida o‘tkazdik. - Siz yakka bordingizmi, yoki o‘zingiz bilan
o‘g‘lingizni ham olib bordingizmi? - Men o‘g‘lim bilan
edim. Do‘stlarimdan biri bizni o‘z mashinasida u yerga
olib borib qo‘ydi. 2. Men o ‘zim undan ertaga bu jum al
unga kerak bo‘lishi yoki kerak bo‘lmasligini so‘rayman.
3. K o'zguga (a mirror) qarab u o‘zini tanimadi. 4. Biz
o‘zimiz ularga bu yangilikni aytamiz. 5. Siz, yoki Ivanov
pochtaga borib, bu buyurtma xatni olishingiz kerak
bo‘ladi. 6. Menga na tadbir va na klub (a club) yoqdi.
7. Guruhimizning barcha talabalari muvaffaqiyatga
erishmoqdalar. Biz doim bir-birimizga yordam beramiz.
8. “Men sizni xotinim bilan tanishtirib qo‘yishimni
xohlayapsiz, biroq hali o‘zingiz meni xotiningiz bilan
tanishtirmadingiz”, - dedi u kulib. 9. Qizim film na unga
va na uning dugonalariga yoqqanligini aytdi. 10. Men
bugun ruchkamni uyda unutibman, menga o‘zingiznikini
berib turing. U hozir sizga kerak emas, shundaymi?
I II. 72, 75, 76, 77, 7 8 -§ § larn i ta k ro rla n g .
Q u y id a g i b a r b ir n a m u n a g a 2 - 3 ta d a n g a p la r tu zin g :
a) 1. There are as many days in August as there are in
2. There are twice as many mistakes in your dictation
today as there were last week.
3. The Volga is not so long as the Lena.
4. “How much older are you than your wife?” “I’m
only three years older than her.”
5 . 1 hope you’ll be luckier than we were.
6. It’s the funniest story I’ve ever read.
7. He did the work more carefully than usual.
8. He worked hardest and did in his English best of
b) 1. “Was it very cold yesterday?” “No, but it’s warmer
2. It was not difficult for me to answer the teacher’s
3. It’s less dangerous to cross the river in this place
than over there.
4. When did it rain here last?
2. Q u y id ag i g a p la rn i ingliz tiliga ta r jim a qiling:
Siz bu hikoyani biz o‘tgan haftada o‘qiganimizga
nisbatan qiziqarsizroq deb o‘ylaysizmi? 2. Oxirgi bir
necha kun yomg‘ir boTmadi. 3. Yomg‘ir yog‘adiganga
o‘xshaydi. Biz hech qayerga bormaymiz, deb o‘ylayman.
4. Sizning opangiz mendan necha yosh kichkina? 5. Nahotki, bugun mening diktantimda xato o‘tgan safargidek
3. Q u y id ag i m a tn n i m u h o k a m a q ilin g va u n i so ‘zlab b erin g :
The Love Drug
(after O. Henry)
Jim, a young car-driver, was a boarder at old Riddle’s.
He was in love with Rosy, Mr Riddle’s only daughter, and
Rosy was in love with him. They wanted to get married;
but Mr Riddle excepted his daughter to marry a richer
man, and that meant that Jim was going to have a hard
struggle for his happiness.
Jim had a friend called Pilkins who worked as a night
clerk at a chemist’s. One day Jim came to the chemist’s,
looking very excited, and told him that he and Rosy had
decided to run away and get married that night. “That is,”
he added, “if she doesn’t change her mind. One day she
says she will, and the same evening she says she won’t
because she’s afraid. But you can help me, can’t you?”
Jim asked, finishing his story.
“I don’t see how?” said Pilkins.
“ I say, Pilkins, isn’t there a drug that’ll make a girl
like you better if you give it to her? I think that if I have
a real stuff like this to give Rosy when I see her at supper
tonight, she won’t be afraid any longer. I don’t mind if I
have to pay for it even if it costs all the money I have.”
“When is all this supposed to take place?” asked
“At nine o’clock. Supper’s at seven, at eight Rosy goes
to bed, pretending to have a headache, at nine I go under
her window and - Make up the powder, Pilkins, will you?
And I’ll look after everything else myself.”
“I’ll do my best,” said Pilkins.
He gave Jim a powder and received his heartiest
“This,” Pilkins said to himself, “will make Rosy sleep
for several hours without any danger to her.”
When Jim had gone, Pilkins, who was in love with
Rosy too, immediately went to Mr Riddle and told the
old man that Jim and Rosy were going to run away that
“Can I do anything for you, sir?” he asked politely.
“Shall I call the police?”
“No, thank you,” said Mr Riddle. “My room’s just
above Rosy's. I’ll go up myself after supper and take my
gun and wait. If he comes under Rosy’s window, he’ll
want a doctor, not a policeman, you can be sure of that.”
Pilkins went home. All night he waited for news o f the
tragedy, but none came. At eight o’clock in the morning
when it was the day-clerk’s turn to start work, Pilkins went
hurriedly to Mr Riddle’s. As he was crossing the street,
he was surprised to see Jim, who cried out: “Rosy and I
were married at 9.30 last night. She’s up at the flat making
lunch - Lord! I’m the luckiest man. You must come and
have dinner with us some day.”
“And the ... powder?” Pilkins said in a weak voice.
“Oh, that stuff you gave me? Well, it was this way. I
set down next to the old man at supper last night. I looked
at Rosy and said to myself, ‘Don’t play any tricks on that
girl. She loves you, that’s clear enough.’ Then I looked at
her father and thought ‘There’s the man you should take
care of.’ So I watched for my chance and put the powder
in old Riddle’s coffee - see?”
the love drug - buyerda sevgi sharobi
a boarder [э 'boida] - pansion (kichkina m ehm onxonada turuvchi
a clerk [э 'kla:k] - xizm atchi
a chem ist [9 'kem ist] - dorixona xodim i
a pow der [э 'pauda] - kukun
stu ff - narsa
Text: M r W inkle on the Ice (after Charles Dickens).
Gram m ar: Revision.
(after Charles Dickens)
“The Pickw ick Papers” is C harles D ickens’ first novel. It w as
published in 1837 and w as a great success. It has been translated
into m any languages since then and is read w ith interest all over the
world. Everybody enjoys the am using adventures o f M r Pickw ick,
his servant Sam W eller and the m em bers o f the fam ous Pickw ick
Club. Here is an extract from the novel.
One fine winter day Mr Wardle, in whose house Mr
Pickwick and his friends were staying, said:
“What d’you said to an hour on the ice?1” Everybody
thought it was a good idea.
“You skate, Winkle, don’t you?” (Mr Wardle had often
heard Mr Winkle say that he w ent in for sports.)
“Ye - yes, oh yes”, replied Mr Winkle. “But I - 1 - am
rather out of practice.”
“Oh, do skate, Mr Winkle,” said one o f the ladies.2 “I
do so like to watch people skating.”
“Oh, it’s so graceful,” said another young lady. A third
young lady said it was very elegant.3
“I should be very happy, I’m sure,” said Mr Winkle,4
reddening, “but I’ve got no skates.”
Hearing this, one o f Mr Winkle’s friends immediately
promised to lend him his own pair.
“You needn’t trouble about skates,” somebody added.
“There are lots of them dow nstairs.”
Mr Winkle said he was very pleased, but looked rather
Old Wardle led the way to a very nice sk atin g -rin k on
a small lake near his house. The snow had already been
swept away. The younger guests immediately put on their
skates. Old Wardle soon joined them and they successfully
performed a dance on the ice. All this time, Mr Winkle,
blue with cold, was trying to put on his skates. After this
had been done, Mr Winkle was raised to his feet by Sam
“Now, sir,” said Sam. “Show them how to do it! ”
“Stop, Sam, stop,” said Mr Winkle, trem b lin g and
catching hold of Sam’s arm with the grasp o f a drowning
“How slippery it is, Sam!”
“Not an u n com m on thing with ice, sir” answered Mr
Weller. “Hold up, sir.”5
“These - these are very bad skates, aren’t they, Sam?”
asked Mr Winkle.
“Now, Winkle,” cried Mr Pickwick, who did not know
what was the matter. “Come, the ladies are waiting for
“Yes, yes,” replied Mr Winkle, “I ’m coming.”
“Well, sir, start off!” said Sam, trying to free himself
from Mr Winkle.
“Wait a minute, Sam,” said Mr Winkle. “I remember
I’ve got two coats at home that I don’t want, Sam. You can
have them, Sam.”
“Thank you, sir,” replied Mr Weller, touching his hat.
“Never mind touching your hat, Sam,”6 said Mr Winkle
hurriedly. “You needn’t take your hand away to do that. I
intended to give you five shillings this morning, Sam. I’ll
give it to you this afternoon, Sam.”
“You’re very good, sir,” replied Mr Weller.
“Please hold me at first, Sam, will you?” said Mr
Winkle. “I shall soon learn how to do it. Not too fast, Sam,
not too fast.”
But at that moment Mr Pickwick suddenly shouted
from the opposite bank, “Sam!”
“Sir?” said Mr Weller.
“Here I want you.”
“Let me go, sir”, said Sam. “C an't you hear Mr
Pickwick calling me?” and taking no notice of the
unhappy Mr Winkle, Mr Weller tried to free himself,7and
in doing so p u shed him. The latter fell on the ice and sat
there, trying to smile. Mr Pickwick ran up to Mr Winkle,
very angry.
“Take Mr Winkle’s skates o ff’, he said to Sam
“But I’ve only begun ...” said Mr Winkle weakly.
“Take his skates off,” repeated Mr Pickwick. When
the skates had been taken off, Mr Pickwick said to Sam,
“Lift him up.”
Sam helped Mr Winkle to rise. Then Mr Pickwick
walked a short distance away from the rest o f the party,
asking Mr Winkle to follow him, and said in a low voice:
“You are a great liar, sir.”
With these words Mr Pickwick turned slowly away
from Mr Winkle and joined his friends.
(to be learnt by heart)
A.: You were at the 'Dinamo ^Stadium the other
JdayJ ^weren’t you?|
B.: O f Vourse I was.l 'D o n 't you 'know I’m a jhockey
A.: 'So, am Yl But I’ve 'just 'come 'back to ^Moscow]
and 'couldn’t j even 'see the f last 'm a tc h on 'T ty J
B.: It was a t h r i l l i n g match.! 'Both the 'Russian and
the t Swedish Jteams* were \vonderful.|
A.: 'W hat was the )score?| 'D id we Avin?|
В. : JNoJ the' m atch' ended in a \ l r a w ^ ' f o u r V l l J and
the 'Swedish Jteam* 'won the 'World )Cham pionship.| I
'didn’t e x p e c t them to 'b e a t V u r boysj
A.\ 'N or did )l.| I 'hope they will f win the
fchampionship some \)th er jtime.l
‘“ P eter’s 'g o in g to 'p la y for our
'team in the Tnext V iatch ” )
- Peter keyingi o ‘y in d a bizning
kom anda uchun o ‘ynam oqchi.
“ )Oh,| jis he?| He 'looked
Tquite )ill the other Jday.” |
- Shundaym i? U yaqinda ham
um um an kasal edi.
“You 'm ust be m is ta k e n . As
'fa r as I Jcnow | h e ’s 'quite
'w ell and in tg o o d Yorm .”|
- Senga shunday tuyulgandir. M e­
ning bilishim cha, u soppa-sog‘
va ko‘rinishi ham ju d a yaxshi.
“T hen I’ll 'g o w ith T out Jfail
t and Yhout for him .” |
- U nda, albatta, unga ishqibozlik
qilish uchun kelam an.
1. W h a t do you say to an h o u r on the ice? Biror
soat konki uchib kelishga qalaysiz? To predlogi bu yerda
biror narsa qilishga ma’nosini beradi:
What do you say to a
gam e of chess? (ot)
Bir partiya shaxmatga qalaysiz? (Biror partiya shaxmat o‘ynamaymizmi?)
What do you say to Bunga nima deysiz? (Bunga
th at? (olmosh)
qanday qaraysiz?)
What do you say to go- Bugun kechqurun biror joy­
ing out this evega borishga qanday qarayning? (gerundiy)
2 . “ O h, do skate, M r W in k le” , said one of the ladies.
“Mana, marhamat, (konki) uching, janob Uinkl ”, - dedi
bir xonim. Do ko‘makchi fe’li ba’zan asosiy fe’l bilan
birga bo‘lishli (buyruq va darak) gaplarda ishlatiladi:
Qat’iy iltimos yoki taklifni ifodalash uchun o‘zbek
tilida о ‘tinib so ‘rayman iborasi to‘g‘ri keladi:
Do be quiet.
0 ‘tinaman, shovqin qilmang.
Qarama-qarshi fikmi ifodalash uchun, biror narsani
rad etishda, o‘zbek tilida turli vositalar ishlatiladi, axir va
boshqalar, masalan:
... but he did say that.
... lekin axir u shunday
3. A th ird yo u n g lady said it was very elegant.
Uchinchiyosh xonim buni ju d a nafis deb topdi. Tartib son
bilan aniqlanib kelayotgan ot oldidan, odatda, aniq artikl
ishlatiladi. В unda son tartib bo‘yicha o‘rinni ko‘rsatadi:
the first lesson
birinchi (tartib bo‘yicha) dars
the third word
uchinchi so‘z
the fifth floor
beshinchi qavat
Tartib son bilan aniqlanib kelayotgan ot oldidan
noaniq artikl ishlatilganda, tartib son o‘zining dastlabki
m a’nosini yo‘qotadi v zy a n a bit la ma’nosini anglatadi.
Suddenly a shot was Birdan o‘q ovozi eshitildi,
heard ... then a second,
keyin ikkinchi bor, uchina th ird and a fo u rth .
chi va to ‘rtinchi bor.
4. “ I sho uld be v e ry happy, I ’m su re,” said M r
Winkle. “Men, shubhasiz, baxtli bo'lgan bo ‘lardim ”, dedi janob Uinkl. S hould fe’li kesim shart-istak maylida
turganligidan dalolat beradi.
I should like to go there, Men ham u yerga borishni
5. “ H old u p ,s ir .” B uyerda “O ‘zingizni tuting(ehtiyot
bo 'ling), janob ”.
6. “ N ever m ind to u c h in g y o u r hat, S am .” "Shlapani ko'tarib qo'ymasangiz ham mayli, Sem ”. (Sem janob
Uinklga sovg‘a uchun minnatdorchilik belgisi sifatida
shlapasiga qoTini tekkizdi.)
7. ... an d taking no notice of the u n h a p p y M r
W inkle, M r W eller tried to free h im s e lf ... va bechora
janob Uinklga hech qanday e ’tibor bermay, janob Ueller
uning qo'lidan chiqib ketishga harakat qilardi... Ba’zan
aniq artikl ism va familiya oldidan kelishi mumkin, agar
uning oldida aniqlovchi kelsa, bundan old, young, big,
little sifatlari istisno. Masalan, “Pikvik klubi yozuvlari”
romanida janob Uinkl ko‘pincha the sporting Mr Winkle
janob sportsmen - Uinkl deb ataladi.
to push
to publish
to pull
an e x tra c t
a sta d iu m
a fan
to go in for sp o rt(s)
an ath lete
a m atch
a sp o rtsm a n
th rillin g
to reply
a team
to be o u t o f p rac tice
a crew
to p rac tise
a score
d o w n sta irs
to sco re a goal
to w in (w on, w on)
u p sta irs
a sk a tin g -rin k
to end in a d ra w
to raise
to lose (lost, lost)
to tre m b le
a ch a m p io n sh ip
to hold (held, held)
to win a cham pions!
to ca tc h (ca u g h t, c a u g h t)
a co n test
to ca tc h hold o f
a co m petition
to ca tc h a cold
a to u rn a m e n t
com m on
a race
to touch
s p o rtin g events
to ta k e no notice o f
to b e a t (b ea t, b ea te n )
to p a y a tte n tio n to
(See Vocabulary for Lesson Twenty-Six, p. 624)
S o ‘z y asash
- a n t [ant], -e n t [ant] - sifat suffikslaridir.
-a n t, -en t suffiksli sifatlarni -an c e, -ence suffiksli otlarga qiyoslash
_ mumkin:
elegant nafis - elegance nafislik
distant olis, uzoq - distance m asofa, olis jo y
different turli, farqli - difference farq
present (tarkibida) bor - presence bor boMish
-en [an] - fe ’l suffiksidir; sifat va otlardan fe’l yasaydi. -en suf­
fiksli fe’l 0 ‘zakda ifodalangan sifatni yuzaga
keltiruvchi ish-harakatni bildiradi, m asalan:
soft yum shoq - to soften yum shatm oq
black qora - to blacken qoraym oq
strength kuch - to strengthen kuchaytirm oq
red qizil - to redden qizarm oq
w eak bo'Sh - to w eaken bo‘shashm oq
hard qattiq - to harden qattiqlashm oq
I. Quyidagi s o ‘z va so ‘z birikmalarining o ‘qilishini mashq qilib
olib, dars matnini ovoz chiqarib o‘qing:
a ' hockey fan
a 'skating-rink
to 'go 'in for 'sports
to b e ' out o f ' practice
to 'end in a 'draw
to 'take 'no 'notice
II. K o‘rsatilgan s o ‘z birikmalarining o ‘qilishini mashq qilib olib,
dialogni o‘qing.
were at the 'Dinamo
'back to ^Moscow
'last Viatch
were V onderful
'W hat was the score?
'won the 'world Championship
III. Quyidagi so ‘zlarni ovoz chiqarib o ‘qing:
comedy, origin, regular, federal, mineral, energy, tact­
ful, reflect, engineer, reconstruct, pioneer, demonstration,
literature, temperature, furniture, signature, find, bold,
mold, behind, kind, fold, mind, blind, narrow, carry,
merry, mirror, current; to extract, an extract, an increase,
to increase
IV. Quyidagi otlar qaysi suffikslar yordam ida yasalganini
aniqlang, ularni o ‘zbek tiliga tarjima qiling va shu suffikslar
yordam ida yasalgan 2 - 3 ta otlardan ayting:
Q uy id ag i o tla r qaysi su ffik sla r y o rd a m id a y asalg a n in i
an iq lan g , u la rn i o‘zb ek tiliga ta rjim a q ilin g v a sh u su ffik slar
y o rd a m id a y asalg a n 2 - 3 ta o tla rd a n ayting:
V I. Q uy id ag i so ‘z b irik m a la rin i o‘zb ek tiliga ta rjim a q ilin g va
qoM langan so ‘z yasash v o sitala rin i an iq lan g :
a shortened dress
an easily-hardened metal
an inattentive listener
an unbelievable score
a hardly-recognizable extract
an expensive cigarette-holder
a deeply-impressed audience
a wrongly-scored goal
V II. D a rsn in g y angi so ‘z la rid a n fo y d ala n ib , m a tn g a 15 ta savol
V III. Q u y id ag i so‘z la r m a tn d a qaysi v a z iy a tla rd a qoM langanini
ay tib b erin g :
to go in for sports, to be out o f practice, downstairs,
to lead the way, to raise, to catch hold of, to take no notice
IX. D a rsn in g y angi so‘z !a rid a n fo y d ala n ib , sa v o lla rg a ja v o b
b erin g .
a) 1. What interesting books have been published lately?
2. Which o f them made the best impression on you?
b) 1. Which o f you is good at sports and games?
2. What kind o f sports or games do you go in for?
3. Have you made progress lately?
4. Are you supposed to take part in competitions or
c) 1. Who is the best athlete in your college?
2. What kind o f sports does he go in for?
3. Is he in good form now or is he out o f practice?
4. Is he popular with his friends?
5. Do you usually go to the stadium to shout for him?
d) 1. Which football (hockey, volley-ball) team is your
2. Do you go to the stadium to shout for it or do you
prefer* to watch matches and games?
3. Which o f the players in your favourite team is the
4. Can you watch a match or a game calmly, or do you
get excited?
e) 1. Which is the largest stadium in Moscow'?
2. Do you remember when it was built?
3. When did you go there last?
4. Do you go to the stadium to practise yourself, or
only to watch others play or take part in sporting
5. When was the last football championship held?
6. Did you watch all the matches? Which o f them were
the most thrilling?
7. Who won the championship?
f) 1. Did you watch the last hockey match on TV?
2. What were your impressions?
3. What was the score?
4. Were you pleased (at the result)?
g) 1. Which interesting sporting events have you watched
2. Who won these events?
3. Who won the last international chess (tennis)
K erak li jo y d a
p red lo g
r a v is h la rd a n
m osini
1. This is an extract... the last book written ... Cronin.
2. My brothers go in ... various kinds ... sport. Both ...
* prefer [pri'fa:] - afzal k o ‘rm oq
them are very good ... sports. 3. Can you answer ... this
question ... the sport? 4. They replied ... the letter ... the
same day. 5. She only smiled ... answer ... our question
... her progress ... tennis. 6
reply ... your letter we
are sending you the information you need. 7. The old
man’s voice trembled ... excitement when he spoke ...
his youngest daughter. 8. He said he couldn't play ... the
piano ... us because he w a s
practice. 9. He raised
the glass he was holding ... his left hand and said, “Here's
... your success.” 10. She came ... the room holding a
little girl ... the hand. 11. You should pay more attention
... your spelling. 12. The man shouted something, but
nobody took any notice ... him.
X I. Q u y id ag i g a p la rn i toM diring:
The point is that ... 2. The thing is th a t... 3. The
trouble is that ... 4. The fact is th a t...
X II. Q u y id ag i fc’lla rn in g to ‘r t asosiy sh a k lin i berin g .
to reply
to sit
. to lend
to send
to cost
to stop
to win
to worry
to sell
to hear
to read
to raise
to fall
to buy
to find
lie (2)
XIII. Qavs ichidagi so ‘zlardan mosini tanlang, kerakli so ‘z
ta rtib in i sa q la g a n h o ld a u la rn i tegishli sh a k ld a qoMlang.
1. The suit-case was too heavy for me (to lift, to
raise, to pick up). 2. I think we should (to lift, to raise,
to pick up) the point at our next meeting. 3. The young
man (to lift, to raise, to pick up) the gloves which the old
woman had dropped. 4 . I f you don’t (pay more attention
to, take better care of) your health, you won’t be able to
work for several years. 5. The plane was in great danger,
but (the crew, the team) went on working calmly. 6. These
young engineers are a very good (crew, team). 7. The
last music (competition, contest) was a great success.
8. I watched the tennis (competition, tournament) you’re
speaking about on TV, I think. 9. I hope our team will
win this year’s football (competition, championship).
10. Why are you (to hold, to keep) your baby in
your arms all the time? 11. How long can I (to hold,
to keep) the book I borrowed from you yesterday?
l.You needn’t (to worry, to bother). The operation
won’t be as serious as all that. It w on’t be very painful
(also, either, too). 2. I didn’t enjoy the story. It wasn’t
amusing (quite, at all). 3. The wounded soldier could
walk (hard, hardly). 4. If you don’t start working (hard,
hardly) at your grammar at once, you’ll (hard, hardly)
be able to pass your exam. 5. We’ll see you (some day,
ever) in our town again, won’t we? 6. Don’t you know
that Paul and Helen got married (the other day, one of
these days)? Let’s go and see them (the other day, one of
these days), shall we? 7. He didn’t (to say, to tell, to speak
to, to talk) a word about his work. He didn’t (to say, to
tell, to speak to, to talk to) us anything about his family
(also, too, either). 8. You needn’t (to say to, to tell, to
speak to, to talk to) Nick. We’ve already (to say to, to tell,
to speak to, to talk to) him everything. 9. Will you give
me two (else, still, other, another, more, yet) envelopes?
10. You needn’t say anything (else, still, other, another,
more, yet). Everything’s clear (quite, at all). 11. You know
many (else, still, other, another, more, yet) beautiful songs,
don’t you? 12. Hasn’t the child calmed down (yet, still)?
Is he (yet, still) crying? 13. Has the book been published
(yet, already)? 14. Have you finished the work (yet,
already)? I never expected you to do it so quickly. 15. Let
me tell you (other, another) amusing story.
X IV . K e r a k l i j o y d a t e g i s h l i a r t i k l y o k i e g a l i k o l m o s h i n i q o M l a n g
v a m a t n n i s o ‘z l a b b e r i n g .
Last Saturday afternoon David Brown and ... father
went to ... football match at ... Bishopton Stadium. ...
Browns and many other Bishopton people think that theirs
is ... best team in ... South o f England. There were fifteen
thousand people a t ... stadium. They had come because it
was ... most important match o f ... year at Bishopton.
At three o’clock ... two teams came on to ... field.
... Bishopton team (... home team) were playing in ...
blue and white shirts, ... Easthampton City players (...
visitor’s team) were in ... red and white shirts. ... referee
blew ... whistle and ... match began. For ... first twenty
minutes ... Bishopton'team were stronger and k e p t... ball
on ... Easthampton side o f ... field. Then, suddenly, ...
Easthampton player took ... ball up ... field and scored
... first goal. ... crowd shouted loudly. Soon after this, ...
referee blew whistle because it was half-time.
In ... second half o f ... match ... Bishopton team
again took the upper hand. They tried hard, and after ten
minutes they scored their first goal. They scored again
after ... quarter o f ... hour; then, before ... last whistle
blew, they scored ... third goal, and so won ... match. All
... Bishopton people in ... crowd were very pleased, and
went home happily to ... tea.
a f i e l d [ 9 ' f i : l d ] - d a la
E a s t h a m p t o n [ 'i is t'h a s m p t a n ] - I s t x e m p t o n
a r e f e r e e [9 z r e f a 'r i ] - h a k a m {sport)
a w h i s t l e [9 'w i s l ] - h u s h t a k
to t a k e th e u p p e r h a n d - u s t u n l i k k a e g a b o ‘l m o q
XV. Q u y i d a g i d i a l o g l a r n i o ‘z l a s h t i r m a g a p d a s o ‘z l a b b e r i n g :
“I’ve seen your last English wal 1-newspaper. Did you
do it alone?”
“No, it was team-work. Did you like it?”
“Yes, it’s very amusing.” *
“Has the match ended?”
“Yes, the teams drew three all.”
“Who scored the last goal?”
“Petrov. He did very well today. In fact he scored two
o f the three goals.”
“Was the game interesting?”
“Not very. No goals were scored. To tell the truth, I
didn’t enjoy it at all.”
“Then I lost nothing by not being able to go. And I
was very sorry about it.”
“I hear Spartak beat Dynamo.”
“Did they? What was the score?”
“Three nil.”
“Are you pleased?”
“O f course I am. I’ve been a Spartak fan since I was
“Who won the last event?”
“Robet did. He was first in almost all the events except
the third one. He lost it to Nick, and was second.”
“Did you go in for the last race?”
“No, I was ill.”
“That’s pity. Now I understand why our side lost it.”
X V I.
D a r s n i n g y a n g i s o ‘z l a r i d a n f o y d a l a n i b , g a p l a r n i i n g l i z til i g a
t a r j i m a q i lin g .
1. Dikkensning kitoblari Angliyada ham, dunyoning
boshqa davlatlarida ham ko‘p marotaba chop etilgan.
2. Sizni sport bilan shug‘ullanmasligingiz juda qiziq.
Siz tengi yoshlaming ko‘plari futbol yoki voleybol
o‘ynashadi. 3. Siz uzoq vaqt shug‘ullanmaganingizga
ishonmayman. Siz fransuz tilida juda yaxshi gapiryapsiz.
4. Men kimga pul qarz berganimni eslay olmadim.
5. Kimdir pastda eshikni taqillatyapti. Iltimos, borib
eshikni ochib qo‘ying. 6. Qishki ta’til davomida barcha
konki uchish joylari o‘quvchilar bilan to‘la, konki uchish
- ulaming sevimli sport turi. 7. Men sizni bu qoidaga
e ’tiboringizni qaratishni istardim. 8. “Dinamo” stadioni
mamlakatimizdagi eng katta stadion. 9. Sizni futbolga
ishqibozlik qilishingizni kutmagandim, men sizni futbolni
yoqtirmaydi, deb o‘ylabman. - 0 ‘yin menda shunchalik
taassurot qoldirishini men o‘zim ham kutmagandim.
10. Siz bu masalani o‘zingiz ko‘targaningizdan men
juda xursandman. Agar sizga bizning yordamimiz kerak
bo‘lsa, biz sizga yordam bera olamiz. 11. Bu ikki jamoa
(komanda) o‘rtasidagi o‘yin o‘tgan yili durang bilan
yakunlangan. 12. Kecha men stadionga bormadim. - Men
ham. Do‘stingizdan hisob necha bo‘lganini so‘rang. Balki
u bilar.
Mening do‘stim Viktor va men birga dam olishni
yoqtiramiz. Ikkovimiz ham sportni yoqtiramiz. Qishda
biz chang‘i va konki uchamiz, yozda ko‘pincha stadionga
boramiz. Men tennis o‘ynayman, u esa cho‘miladi. Viktor
yaxshi suzuvchi.
Bir kuni yakshanbada biz Viktor bilan daryoga
borishga qaror qildik. Biz erta tongda yo‘lga chiqdik, biroq
allaqachon kun iligandi. Biz joyga yetib borgach, Viktor
suvga qarab ketdi, men esa daraxt ostiga cho‘zilib o‘qiy
boshladim. Kitob qiziqarli edi va men Viktomi umuman
esimdan chiqaribman. Soatga qaraganimda, hayron bo‘ldim, soat qariyb ikki bo‘lib qolgandi. “Viktor!” - baqirdim men, biroq javob bo‘lmadi. Awaliga, men uni ham
biror joyda kitob o‘qiyotgan bo‘lsa, meni chaqirganimni
eshitmayotgandir, deb o‘yladim. Men uni yana bir marta
chaqirdim, keyin esa o‘mimdan turib atrofga qaradim.
Viktor hech qayerda ko‘rinmasdi (was nowhere to be
seen) . “U cho'kib ketgan”, - deb o ‘yladim va zudlik bilan
qutqaruv qayig‘iga (a life-boat) chopib ketdim. Bir necha
kishi sho‘ng‘iy (to dive) boshlashdi. Men juda xafa boidim
va suzishni uncha yaxshi bilmasam-da. men ham ular bilan
sho‘ngbimoqchi edim. Shu lahzada mendan ikki metrcha
nariroqda Viktorning boshi ko‘rindi. “Sen bu yerda nima
qilyapsan?”- baqirdim men o 'z ko'zlarimga ishonmay.
“Cho‘kkan odamni (a drowned man) qidirishda yordam
beryapman”, - qichqirib javob berdi (to cry back) u. Men
na yig‘lashimni va na kulishimni bilardim. “Quloq sol,
ular seni qidirishyapti!” - qo‘limdan kelganicha balandroq
ovozda baqirdim, chunki u endi yana sho‘ng‘imoqchi
boNib turgandi. Keyin Viktor menga narigi qirg‘oqda
uxlab qolganini, uyqudan turganda, allaqachon, soat ikki
bo‘lganini aytdi. U daryodagi bezovtali ovozlarni eshitib,
kimdir cho‘kib ketgan, deb tushunibdi. U ham sho‘ng‘iy
D a r s n i n g y a n g i s o ‘z l a r i d a n
f o y d a l a n i b , m a t n n i s o ‘z l a b
berin g .
On the Skating-Rink
Katherine ['kaeGrin] was late, and MacGregor
[moKgrego] sat on a bench on the skating-ring, waiting
for her. He was blue with cold even though he was trying
to warm himself. At last Katherine arrived, carrying two
pairs o f skating boots. MacGregor stood up quickly and
nearly slipped on the ice. He looked at her and smiled a
little, not knowing what to expect o f her.
“You look so serious. Here are your skates,” she said
sitting down on the bench.
“Thank you.” He sat down near her.
“Do you really want to skate?” He glanced at the
boots in his hand. She didn’t look up.
“What else?” she said.
“I want to talk to you,” he said again.
“Oh. What about?” she repeated.
He was surprised. “Isn’t there anything to talk
Katherine seemed to take no notice o f his words.
“You’re certainly very serious this morning,” she
MacGregor tried again. “It’s difficult to explain all
this, Katherine.”
“What do you want to explain?” She stood up on her
“M yself to begin with,” he said. He took off one of
his boots. He didn’t hurry. It took him rather a long time
to pull on one of the skating boots.
“It’s very important for both o f us,” he said. “You
see ...”
“Come on,” she interrupted. “Get your skates on.”
“I don’t want to skate,” he said with as much control
as possible.
“Aren’t you going to try?”
A single look at MacGregor was enough to show
Katherine that he wouldn’t be able to make a single step
on the skates. Yet she didn’t stop him, even though she
wanted to.
He was standing up, but he wasn’t smiling.
“Come on,” she said.
He moved forward and immediately fell on the ice.
Katherine laughed.
MacGregor was red, and he tried to smile.
“You’re rather out o f practice, I should say.”
MacGregor tried to calm the anger which was rising
in him.
“I don’t think I’m much good at skating,” he said. “I
just wanted to talk to you, Katherine.”
Katherine didn’t laugh. She stood near him while he
lay there a moment. She could see his hands trembling as
he sat up and started to take off his boots.
“I didn’t come out to be laughed at,” he said slowly
with terrible calm. He took off his skating boots and
walked across the ice to the opposite side of the skatingrink.
I. M a t n n i : a ) x o n i m l a r d a n b i r i ; b ) S e m U e l l e r ; c) j a n o b P i k v i k ;
d) ja n o b U in k l n o n iid a n
b a r c h a t a f s i l o t l a r i b i l a n s o ‘z l a b
b erin g .
I I . M a t n m a z m u n i n i q i s q a c h a s o ‘z l a b b e r i n g .
I I I . a ) J a n o b P i k v i k v a u n i n g d o ‘s t l a r i k o n k i u c h g a n i b o r m o q c h i
boM gan k u n n i tasv irla n g .
b) Q u y id a g i s a h n a l a r n i ta s v irla n g :
1. The party on their way to the skating-rink;
2. Mr Winkle appears on the ice;
3. Mr Winkle falls down.
IV. M a t n d a n k e y i n g i d i a l o g n i y o d o l i n g v a u n i s a h n a l a s h t i r i n g .
V. Q u y i d a g i s o ‘z l a r d a n
fo y d alan ib , v a ziy at (situ a tsiy a )la r tu-
1. to be crowded, to push, to fall, to take no notice of,
break one’s arm, to be taken to hospital;
2. poor health, at the doctor’s advice, to go in for sports,
practise hard, to win the race, to feel much better;
3. to go to the same school, to have common interests,
go in for sports, to take part in competitions;
4. to play the piano, at the age of, to pay attention to,
practise hard, to take part in a music contest;
to lose a game, to be upset, to explain, a common
mistake, to practise a lot, to win in the long-jump event.
V I.
D i a l o g n i o ‘q i n g v a u n d a g i i b o r a l a r d a n f o y d a l a n i b , m a m l a k a t i m i z f u t b o l j a m o a l a r i n i n g O ‘z b e k i s t o n k u b o g i v a j a h o n
b i r in c h ilig id a g i istiq b o lin i i n u l i o k a m a qilin g .
'John: jWellJ )that was a good JgameJ The 'best
w e’ve \ e e n this jwinterj
'Robert: lYesJ 'better than I last jw eekj We have a
Tgood JteamJ but their 'players Avon^ because they’re
Vaster.! 'W ho are our 'boys 'playing V ext week.!
'John: 'Cardiff Yhty,* I A h i n k .
'Robert: 'W hich 'team d ’you 'think will 'w in the
'John: ^Blackpool have a \ o o d JchanceJ but I think
%M anchester ^ have a Vetter]
'Robert: 'W hat a ' b o u t V * o l t o n ? |
'John: Per'haps Ahey have the 'best 'chance o f V l l J
'Robert: 'W hy do you A h i n k so?|
'John: Because they have a'v ery 'fast Aeaml and 'som e
o f their fla y e rs * a re'v ery 'clev er w ith the V ail] They can
Ahinkl as V e il as VunJ and 'th a t’s the \n o s t im p o rtan t
Ahing in jfootball.l
a cup -
bit yerda
a b a l l - t o ‘p
V I I . 0 ‘z i n g i z s h o h i d i b o ‘ l g a n , o ‘q i g a n y o k i r a d i o d a e s h i t g a n
s p o r t d a g i s o ‘n g g i v o q e a l a r h a q i d a s o ‘z l a b b e r i n g .
V III. R a m k a ich id a g i d ialo g n i y o d o lin g v a u n i s a h n a la s h tirin g .
IX. Q u y i d a g i t o p s h i r i q l a r n i b a j a r i n g .
1. Janob Braunga qo‘ng‘iroq qiling, teatrga borish,
uchrashuv joyi haqida kelishib oling.
2. Ko‘rgan balet (dramatik spektakl, opera) haqida
janob Braun bilan taassurot almashing.
3. Janob Smit bilan uning sevimli mashg‘uloti haqida
suhbatlashing, unga o‘zingizning sevimli mashg‘ulotingiz
haqida gapirib bering, sportning qaysi turi bilan
shug‘ullanishini so‘rang.
4. Janob Grinni futbol o‘yiniga taklif qiling, uchrashish haqida kelishib oling.
5. Oxirgi xalqaro o‘yin yoki sport musobaqalari haqi­
da taassurotlaringizni o‘rtoqlashing.
6. Janob Belldan shaxmat o‘ynashini so‘rang, bir
partiya shaxmat o4ynashni taklif qiling. Xalqaro toifadagi
shaxmatchilar haqida uning fikrini so4rang. 0 4z fikringizni ham bildiring.
I. 2 6 , 2 9 , 3 3 , 4 0 - 4 1 , 5 0 , 5 5 , 6 8 - 6 9 , 9 4 - 9 5 - § § l a r n i t a k r o r l a n g .
1. Z a m o n l a r g a e ’t i b o r b c r i b , g a p l a r n i i n g l i z t i l i g a t a r j i m a q i l i n g .
Siz bu yerda nima qilyapsiz? - Men do'stimni
kutyapman. U, bu yerga yettida kelaman, degan edi.
2. Siz bu maqolalarni tarjima qilyapsizmi? - Men hozir
ularni ko4rib chiqyapman, biroq ulardan ayrimlarini
tarjima qilmoqchiman. Men ulami katta e'tibor bilan
o ‘qidim va ular menga yoqdi. 3. Yil boshidan beri zavod
tomonidan nechta mashina (ishlab) chiqarildi? 4. U juda
iqtidorli aktyor, biroq men uni anchadan beri sahnada
ko4rmadim. Unga biror nima bo‘ldimi? - Yo‘q, men uni
Uzoq Sharq bo‘ylab sayohat qilayotganini eshitdim. 5. Siz
qachondan beri shu yerdasiz? - Men bu yerda iyundan
beri turibman va bu yerda sentabrgacha bo4lmoqchiman.
6. Siz kecha Peter bilan gaplasha oldingizmi? - Yo4q, men
uni institutda ko4rdim, biroq u professor Ivanov bilan
gaplashayotgan ekan, keyin esa men o 4zim band bo4Idim.
7. Barcha suratlar bu rassom tomonidan (u) bizning
shahrimizga kelguncha chizilgan. 8. Men hozirgina qiziq
yangilik eshitdim. Kelasi hafta Sankt-Peterburgga taniqli
fransuz aktyorlar guruhi keladi. 9. Bu spektaklga chipta
olishni qanday uddaladingiz? - Men ularni (mahalliy)
kassamizga oldindan buyurtma qildim.
2. S a v o lla rg a j a v o b b erin g .
1. What do you do every day?
2. What are you doing now?
3. What have you done lately?
4. What are you going to do this evening?
'•-S. What will you be doing next week?
6. WlYat will you do when you graduate?
3. Q u y i d a g i i b o r a l a r n i s i z q a y s i v a z i y a t l a r d a
ish latish in g iz n i
ay tin g . K elasi z a m o n d a g i i s h - h a r a k a tn i ifo d alo v ch i vosital a r g a e ’t i b o r b e r i n g .
\ . V m going to borrow the book from a friend.
2. We’re going to the theatre tonight.
3. /у he giving a party at the week-end?
4 . 17/ be seeing yon.
5. (17/) see you later then.
6. When will you be coming home today?
7. We’// let you know when (if) anything interesting
8 .17/ do that for you.
9 . 17/ be back in time for the meeting.
65-§ni ta k r o r la n g
Q u y i d a g i f e ’l l a r d a n f o y d a l a n i b , m a j h u l n i s b a t n i n g i s h l a t i l i s h i d a s iz g a m a ’lu m b a r c h a s h a k l l a r d a m i s o l l a r k e ltir in g .
to build, to remind, to tell, to ask, to answer, to lose,
to go (look) through, to interrupt, to operate on, to listen
to, to look for, to laugh at, to wait for, to send for, to talk
about, to carry out, to warn, to find, to post a letter,
to stamp a letter
2 . F e ’l - k e s i m n i n g n i s b a t i g a e ’t i b o r b e r i b , g a p l a r n i i n g l i z t i l i g a
t a r j i m a qilin g .
1. Наг yili shahrimizda tobora kcTp uylar qurilmoqda.
2. Bu masala ular Sankt-Peterburgdan kelishgandan so‘ng
yana muhokama qilinadi. 3. B uxatzudlik bilanjo^atilishi
kerak. Agar siz buni bugun qilmasangiz, ular uni ertaga
olishmaydi. 4. Mening ustimdan kulishganini yoqtirmayman. 5. Bu masala bo‘yicha yigilishda nima deyildi?
6. Menga bu shifokoming hayotidan juda qiziqarli hodisani aytib berishdi. 7. Meni yozda Kareliyaga borishga
taklif qilishyapti. 8. Mendan yangi gazetalarni qachon
olib kelishlarini so‘rashdi. 9. Undan ertalabki pochtani,
odatda, qachon olib kelishlarini so‘rashdi. 10. Sizga bu
xatni buyurtma qilib johiatishni buyurishdimi? 11. Yangiliklami har daqiqada kutishardi. 12. Bu yosh yozuvchining oxirgi kitobi haqida ko'p gapirishyapti.
1. S i f a t d o s h
g a p la rn i
82, 8 3 -§ § la rn i t a k r o r l a n g
ra v ish d o sh larn in g
in g liz
tarjim a
tarjim a sig a
qilin g .
e ’t i b o r
U la rn in g
b e rib
v azifasin i a n iq la n g .
1. Ingliz tilini o‘rganuvchi barcha talabalar ingliz
tili kechasida ishtirok etishlari mumkin. 2. Men deraza
yonida o'tirgan kishi oldiga keldim va undan derazani
ochsam u qarshi bo^masligini so'radim. 3. D o‘stlarimdan
biri jo ‘natgan jumallarni ko‘rib chiqayotib, men o‘zim
qiziqqan mavzuga oid bir nechta maqolalarni topdim.
4. Kitoblarni o‘qib u ko‘p qiziqarli narsalarni bilib oldi.
5. Band bo‘lganligi uchun u do‘stlarinikiga bora olmadi. 6. U hozirgina pochtachi keltirgan konvertga, kimning
yozuvi (a hand-writing) ekanligini eslashga urinib, jimgina qarab turardi. 7. Bola shu qadar charchadiki, u stolda
o‘tirib uxlab qoldi. 8. Choi skameykada o ‘zining atrofida o‘ynayotgan bolalarni qiziqish bilan kuzatib o'tirardi.
9. Men sizga bir taniqli aktrisa tomonidan yozilgan kitob505
ni o‘qishni maslahat beraman. Unda u (aktrisa) o‘z hayoti va o‘ynagan rollarini tasvirlaydi. 10. Juda charchagan
bo'lganligi uchun u biz o‘sha kuni tarjima qilgan maqolalami kobrib bera olmasligini aytdi. 11. Biz ko‘p vaqtni daryo bo'yida, oftobda toblanib va voleybol o‘ynab
o ‘tkazdik. 12. Men ular qadimgi rus qo‘shiqlarini qanday
ijro etishlarini tinglashni xohlardim. 13. Xavfdan bexabar.
soldatlar o‘rmon orqali o‘z yo‘llarida davom etishardi.
8 7 - § n i t a k r o r l a n g __________________
1. Q u y i d a g i g a p l a r n i t o ‘l d i r i n g v a u l a r n i o ‘z b e k t i l i g a t a r j i m a
q iling:
1. Will you stop ..., please? 2. Have you finished ...
already? 3. Have you finished ... yet? 4. Would you like
me to go on ...? 5 .1 haven’t begun ... yet. 6. You wouldn’t
like me to continue ..., would you? 7. I hope you don’t
mind ... . 8. Would you mind ...?
2. G e r u n d i y d a n fo y d a la n ib , g a p l a r n i ingliz tiliga t a r j i m a qiling.
Bolalar, qichqirishni bas qiling, mening boshim
qattiq og‘riyapti. 2. U telegraf blankasini to‘ldirayotganda, uy nomeri yodida yo‘qligi esiga tushdi. 3. Iltimos,
kitobingizni bir necha kunga menga berib turing. 4. Agar
pichirlashib gaplashsak siz qarshi emasmisiz, men bolani
uyg‘otib yuboramiz deb qo‘rqaman, yoki keling, boshqa
xonaga o‘tib olamiz, yaxshimi? 5. Men sizni hayajonlanmasligingizni xohlayman. Hammasi joyida boMadi.
6. 0 ‘g‘lingiz markalar to‘plasin. Bu juda foydali. 7. Men
bu maqolani bugun tarjima qilib tugatishim kerakmi?
8. Bu hikoyani o‘qishda davom etaylikmi? 9. Marhamat
qilib, yozishda davom eting.
_____________ V.
8 4 , 8 8 , 9 0 - § § l a r n i t a k r o r l a n g _____________
1. Q u y i d a g i n a m u n a l a r n i n g h a r b i r i g a 2 - 3 t a d a n g a p t u z i n g .
1. What did you expect him to do?
2. Have you ever seen her perform an operation?
3. Do you hear someone singing?
4. Nothing will make me change my mind.
K erak li
jo y d a
“m urak k ab
t o ‘ l d i r u v c h i ” li
ko n stru k siy an i
qoM lab, g a p l a r n i in g liz tilig a t a r j i m a q ilin g .
1. Bu xat meni shunchalik tashvishga soldiki, men ortiq
ishlay olmadim. 2. Nima sizni bunchalik xursand qildi? 2.
Yomon ob-havo bizni o'ylaganimizdan oldinroq qaytishga
majbur qildi. 4. Poyezd jo ‘naganini sezmay qoldik. 5. Men
kimdir menga qarayotganini sezdim, biroq o‘zimni buni
sezmaganga oldim. 6. Avvaliga men juda charchaganimni sezmadim, biroq o‘ringa kirib yotishim bilan darrov
uxlab qoldim. 7. Men ularni ko‘chada ketayotganlarini,
keyin esa o‘nga burilishganini ko‘rdim. 8. Men sizni bu
kitobdan bahra olmayotganingizni ko‘ryapman. 9. Biz
bu pyesaning katta muvaffaqiyatga erishganini eshitdik.
10. Siz sovuq tushganini sezyapsizmi? Men sizni biror
issiqroq narsa kiyib olishingizni xohlayman.
_______________ V I . 5 8 , 6 2 , 6 6 , 7 0 - § § l a r n i t a k r o r l a n g ________________
1. Q u y i d a g i g a p l a r n i o ‘z l a s h t i r m a g a p l a r g a a y l a n t i r i n g :
1. “What will you be reading next week?” he asked
me. 2. “Is it going to snow?” she asked. 3. He said, “You
must come to classes three times a week.” 4. She said,
“Would you mind not smoking here?” 5. He says, “Wait
for me at the bus stop.” 6. “Will you pass me the bread,
please” I said. 7. I said, “Will you be coming and seeing
us again soon?” 8. “Could you help me translate this
sentence, please?” she said. 9. “Can you lend me your
skis for the week-end?” she said. 10. They said, “We don’t
expect her to be given the leading part in this play as soon
as she comes to this theatre.” 11. “I’m glad you’ve done
well in all exams,” she said.
2. G a p la rn i ingliz tilid a ay tib berin g .
1. Qiziq, nimaga bu yerda buncha odam ko‘p. Biror
nima bo‘ldimi? 2. Ular qachon kelishlarini menga ayta
olasizmi? 3. Sen xatni olganingdan so‘ng senga ham­
masi ravshan bo‘ladi, deb umid qilgandim. 4. Menga
uning har doim o‘z va’dasini bajarishini aytishdi. 5. Bu
ma’ruzani ertaga kechqurun kirn o‘qishi e’lon qilindimi?
6 . Men oxirgi o‘yin durang bilan tugaganini bilmasdim.
7. Siz xatni kecha jo ‘natishingiz kerakligini, biroq sizda
marka bo‘lmaganligi uchun uni bugun jo ‘natishingizga
to‘g‘ri kelganligini aytdingiz. 8. U bizdan oldindan chipta
buyurish-buyurmasligimizni so‘radi va men o'sha kuni
(on the day) chipta topa olishimizga ishonchim komilligini aytdim. 9. Kechirasiz, kirsam mumkinmi? Menga
sizning oldingizga yettida kelishim kerakligini va siz
bu vaqtda meni kutishingizni aytishdi. 10. Undan biror
safar Oltoyda boigan-boMmaganini so‘rashdi. 11. Endi
boshqa hech narsa yo‘qolmaydi, deb umid qilaman.
1 2 . Vrach menga bir necha kunga ko‘chaga chiqmasligimni aytdi. 13. Kechirasiz, men sizga 12 da kelmasligingizni aytishni unutibman. 14. Men ulardan chipta
buyurishlarini so‘ramaganman. 15. Men ulardan ertangi
kunga teatrga chipta olmasliklarini so‘radim, chunki men
band bo‘laman.
3. Q u y id ag i m a tn n i m u h o k a m a q ilin g va u n i sa h n a la sh tirin g .
M y Financial Career
(after Stephen Leacock)
My salary had been raised to fifty dollars a month and
I felt that the bank was the only place for it. So I walked in
and looked round at the clerks. I had an idea that a person
who was about to open an account must necessarily speak
to the manager.
“Can I see the manager?” I asked the clerk and added
“alone”. I don’t know why I said “alone”.
“Certainly,” said the clerk, and brought him.
The manager was a calm, serious man. While talking
to him I held my fifty-six dollars in my pocket.
“Are you the manager?” I said. God knows I didn’t
doubt it.
“Yes,” he said.
“Can I see you,” I asked, “alone?” I didn’t want to say
“alone” again, but without this word the question seemed
“Come in here,” he said, led the way to a private
“We’re safe from interruption here,” he said. “Sit
We both sat down and looked at each other. I found no
voice to speak.
“You’re one o f Pinkerton’s detectives, I suppose,” he
The expression in my eyes had made him think that I
was a detective, and he looked worried.
“To speak the truth,” I began. “I’m not a detective at
all. I’ve come to open an account. I intend to keep all my
money in this bank.”
The manager looked serious, he felt sure now that I was
a very rich man, probably a son o f Baron Rothschild.
“A large account, I suppose,” he said.
“Rather a large one,” I whispered. “I intend to place in
this bank the sum o f fifty-six dollars now, and fifty dollars
a month regularly.”
The manager got up and opened the door. He called
out to the clerk.
“Mr Montgomery,” he said loudly, “this gentleman is
opening an account. He will place fifty-six dollars in it.
Good morning.”
“Good morning,” I said, standing up, and walked
through a big door into a safe.
“Come out,” said the manager coldly and showed me
the other way.
I went up to the clerk and pushed the money to him.
My face was terribly pale.
“Here,” I said, “put it on my account.” The sound of
my voice seemed to mean, “Let’s do this painful thing
while we feel that we want to do it.”
When the operation had been performed, I remembered
that I hadn’t left any money for present use. My idea was
to draw out six dollars. Someone gave me a cheque-book
and someone else began telling me how to write it out. The
people in the bank seemed to think that I was a man who
owned millions o f dollars, but was not feeling very well. I
wrote something on the cheque and pushed it towards the
clerk. He looked at it.
“What, are you drawing it all out again?” he asked in
Then I realized that I had written fifty-six dollars
instead o f six. I was too upset to think clearly now. I had
a feeling that it was impossible to explain the thing. All
the clerks stopped writing to look at me. One o f them
prepared to pay the money.
“How will you have it?” he said.
“How will you have it?”
“Oh,” I caught his meaning and answered without
even trying to think, - “in fifty-dollars notes.”
He gave me a fifty-dollar note.
“And the six?” he asked coldly.
“In six-dollar notes,” I said.
He gave me six dollars, and I ran out. As the big door
closed behind me, I heard a sound o f laughter that went up
to the roof o f the bank. Since then I use a bank no more.
I keep my money in my pocket and savings in silver
dollars in a sock.
m y financial career - m ening m oliyaviy m artabam
salary - oylik, m aosh
to open a bank account - bankda hisob raqam i ochish
a secret - sir ^
a detective - izquvar
a safe - se y f (tem ir sandiq)
instead o f - -ning o ‘m iga
a ro o f - tom
silver - kum ush
a sock - paypoq
Am. A m erican English
ingliz tilining am erikacha varianti
Ant. antonym
Art. article
Coll. colloquial
o g ‘zaki nutqda ishlatiladigan so ‘z
e. g. (Lat.) exem pli gratia
Eng. British English
{lat.) m asalan
etc. e t cetera
Gr. gram m ar
Lit. literary
Phr. phrase
pi. Plural
Prep, preposition
smb. som ebody
smth. som ething
Syn. Synonym
W. comb, w ord com bination
W. o. w ord order
A ngliyada gapiriladigan ingliz
va hokazo
(shu so ‘zga oid) gram m atik
adabiy tilda ishlatiladigan so ‘z
frazeologik birikm a, tu rg ‘un ibora
ko 'p lik d a
kim dir
nim adir
so‘z birikm asi
so ‘z tartibi
W. comb, the first lesson
birinchi dars
to learn
e. g. We are learning
E nglish now.
Syn. to study
o ‘qim oq, o ‘rganm oq
B iz hozir ingliz tilini
o ‘rganyapm iz.
o ‘rganm oq, tahsil olmoq
We are learning foreign lanB iz chet tillarini o ‘rganyapguages.
m iz.
, .
T hey are studying these facts.
U lar bu dalillami o'rganish-
xorijiy, chet
ingliz tili
gram m atika
yasham oq
m arkaz
M en shahar (ning) m arkazida
yashaym an.
ishlam oq
-da ishlam oq
B iz m ana bu idorada ishlaymiz.
Tashqi savdo vazirligi
foreign ['form ]
a language [ э 'la;ggwid$]
fV. comb, the English language
gram m ar
to live [to 'liv]
the centre [da 'senta]
e. g. I live in the centre o f
the city.
to work
Prep, to w ork at (in)
e. g. We w ork at (in) this
the Ministry of Foreign Trade
[da 'm inistri av 'form 'treid]
also ['d:Isou]
la q q o sia n g :
She reads English, and she also
speaks it.
Jane is here, and Tom is here,
m any ['m eni]
ingliz tilida o ‘qiydi, shuningdek, bu tilda gapiradi ham.
Jeyn shu yerda, Tom ham shu
k o ‘p (sanaladigan otlar bilan
Syn. a lot o f
k o ‘p, k o 'p g in a (barcha otlar
bilan ishlatiladi)
to have [ta ‘haev]
W. comb, to have o ne’s English
to have a lesson
m orning
W. comb, every m orning
this m orning
Prep, in the m orning
to stand
a senten ce [a 'sentans]
often [ofn]
seldom ['seldom ]
Syn. not often
alw ay s ['D:lwaz]
ega b o ‘lm oq, bo r boMmoq
ingliz tili bilan
sh u g ‘ullanm oq, ingliz tili
darsi (bor) boMmoq
sh u g lullanm oq, darsi b o r b o ‘lm oq
tong, sahar, ertalab
har kuni ertalab
bugun ertalab
turm oq
gap (grammatik)
tez-tez, ko‘pincha
kam dan kam
kam dan kam
har doim
in class
som etim es ['s/vrntaimz]
dictation [dik'teijn]
Ж comb, to have a dictation
during ['djuariq]
e. g. We read and w rite
d uring the lesson,
a text-book
an exercise [an 'eksasaiz]
Ж comb, to do exercises
to speak
Prep, to speak to smb.
darsda, m ashg‘ulotlarda
diktant yozm oq
m obaynida, davom ida
Biz dars davom ida o ‘qiym iz
va yozam iz.
darsi ik
m ashq
m ashq qilm oq
gapirm oq, gaplashm oq
kim bilandir gaplashm oq
Taqqoslang: -------------------------------B iz ingliz tilida gapiram iz.
We speak English.
Biz bu tilda gapiram iz.
We speak this language.
Biz o ‘qituvchim iz bilan
We speak to our teacher.
gaplasham iz.
R ussian ['гл|п]
usually ['ju ^ u a li]
after ['a:fta]
Ant. before [bi:'fo:]
after classes
before classes
e. g. A fter classes w e work.
ru sch a ,ru s
keyin (predlog), so ‘ng
-gacha, oldin
m ashg‘ulotlardan keyin
m ash g ‘ulotlargacha
M ashg'ulotlardan keyin biz
ishlaym iz.
Before classes 1 speak to
m y friends,
office ['ofis]
e. g. W hen do you have
your English?
an evening [an 'i:vniq]
Ж comb, every evening
M ashg‘ulotlargacha men d o ‘stlarim bilan suhbatlasham an.
fransuzcha, fransuz
Sizda ingliz tili qachon b o ‘ladi?
kechasi, oqshom
har kuni kechqurun, har oq­
bugun kechqurun, shu oq­
kechqurun, oqshom da
this evening
Prep, in the evening
second ['sekand]
fV. comb, the second lesson
an econom ist [an i'konam ist]
already [ol'redi]
to know
e. g. I know this engineer.
He know s English.
Ant. badly
e. g. Jane reads very well,
a m agazine [a z masga'zim]
Syn. a journal [a'cfeamal]
a letter
e. g. Is this your letter?
The first letter o f this
w ord is “ b”
ikkinchi dars
bilm oq, tanim oq
M en bu injenem i taniym an.
U ingliz tilini biladi.
yaxshi (ravish)
y o m o n (ravish)
Jeyn ju d a yaxshi o‘qiydi.
ju m a l (om m abop, k o ‘p sohali)
ju m a l (bir sohali, ilm iy)
xat, harf
B u sizning xatingizm i?
B u so ‘zning birinchi harfi «b».
--------------------------- Yodda saqlang: -------------------------------Write to m e, please.
M enga (xat) yozing, iltimos.
a firm
to translate [ta tram s'leit]
Prep, to translate from ...
into ...
e. g. We translate very many
sentences from Russian
into English,
tarjim a qilm oq
...d a n ...g a tarjim a qilm oq
a telegram [a teligrasm ]
Germ an ['d$a:man]
to do well
e. g. M y son is doing v ery
w ell.
telegram m a
nem ischa, nem is
yaxshi o lqimoq, o ‘zlashtirm oq
M e n in g o ‘g ‘lim yaxshi o ‘qiydi.
(m ening o lg ‘lim ning o ‘zlashtirishi yaxshi)
1. olm oq
Siz tez-tez xat olib turasizm i?
2. olm oq, topm oq
to get [ta 'get]
e. g. Do you often get letters?
e. g. W here do you usually
get E nglish books?
Biz ju d a k o ‘p gaplarni rus
tilidan ingliz tiliga tarjim a
qilam iz.
Siz, odatda, inglizcha kitoblar­
ni qayerdan olasiz? (topasiz)
3. yetib olm oq, yetib kelm oq
Prep, to get to
tim e
Gr. to be in tim e (for)
e. g. Peter is alw ays in tim e
for his lessons.
to like
e. g. I like this book, but my
w ife doesn’t.
biror joyga yetib olmoq
o ‘z vaqtida yetib kelm oq (kech
qolm asdan)
Peter har doim m ashg'ulotlarga
o ‘z vaqtida yetib keladi.
sevm oq, yoqtinnoq
M enga bu kitob yoqadi, xotinim ga esa yoqm aydi.
----------------------------------- Yodda sa q la n g :----------------------------------I like reading.
M en o ‘qishni yoqtiram an
(um um an).
I like to read in the evening.
to be going
very much
W. comb, next year ['nekst 'ja:]
next w eek
next m onth [тл п 9 ]
e. g. I am going to m eet Peter
next week.
hom e
Ж comb, to go hom e
to get home
e. g. Do you go hom e after
W hen do you usually get
together [ta'geda]
Men kechqurun o ‘qishni yoq­
hozirlanm oq, taraddud k o ‘rm oq, -m oqchi
navbatdagi, kelasi
kelasi yilda
kelasi haftada
kelasi oyda
Men Peter bilan kelasi haftada
ko‘risham an.
uyga ketm oq, uyga bormoq
uyga kelm oq, uyga yetm oq
Siz darsdan so ‘ng uyingizga
ketasizm i?
O datda, siz qachon uyga
We are going to do this w ork
I usually go hom e with my
hom ework
Biz bu ishni birgalikda qilam iz.
M en, odatda, uyga d o ‘stlarim
bilan ketaman.
uy vazifasi, darslar
e. g. W hen do you usually do
Siz, odatda, qachon uy vazifasini tayyorlaysiz?
takrorlam oq
(m ustahkam lam oq)
Taqqoslang: -----------------------------------We are going to revise these B iz bu darslam i nazorat ishidan
lessons before the test.
oldin takrorlaymiz.
your hom ework?
to revise [ta ri'vaiz]
Please repeat the first sentence.
a rule [э'ш :1]
W. comb, a gram m ar rule
about [a'baut]
e. g. Please tell m e about
your son.
Syn. this evening
Birinchi gapni qaytaring, (yana
ayting) iltimos.
gram m atik qoida
haqida (predlog)
Iltim os,
m enga
o‘g ‘lingiz
haqida gapirib bering.
bugun kechqurun
bugun kechqurun
qanday, qanday qilib (so'roq
e. g. H ow do I get to the
M inistry?
H ow do you like it
how w ell
e. g. H ow well does she speak
how often
e. g. H ow often do you m eet
which o f
e. g. W hich o f you knows
G erm an?
Vazirlikkacha qanday borsam
b o ‘ladi?
B u yer sizlarga qanday yoqyapti?
qanchalik yaxshi
U qiz ingliz tilida qanday
(qanchalik yaxshi) gapiradi?
qanchalik tez-tez
Piter bilan qanchalik tez-tez
uchrashib turasiz?
qaysi biri
Qaysi biringiz nem is tilini
third [03:d]
a w orking day [э 'w okiq dei]
a com rade [9 'kom rid]
e. g. Do you know Com rade
Sm irnov?
ish kuni
o lrtoq
Siz o ‘rtoq Sm irnovni taniysizm i?
yaqinida, -ning yonida, -dan
uzoq em as
Ant. a long w ay from
(bo'lishli darak
far from
-dan uzoq (bo ‘lishsiz va so 'roq
------------------------------------ Taqqoslang: -----------------------------------He lives near his office.
U o ‘zining idorasi yaqinida
He lives a long way from his
D oes he live a long w ay (far)
from his office?
H e d o esn ’t live far from his
U o ‘zining idorasitfoz? uzoqda
U o ‘zining idorasic/ti/i uzoqda
yashaydim i?
U o ‘z idorasining yaqinida
to w alk
e. g. I usually w alk to the of­
She likes w alking.
piyoda borm oq, sayr qilm oq
M en, odatda, idoraga piyoda
boram an.
U (qiz) piyoda yurishni yoqtiradi.
sayrga borm oq
a w alk
W. comb, to go for a w alk
to go for w alks
to take sm b. out
(for a w alk)
sayr qilm oq
kim nidir sayrga olib chiqm oq
e. g. I’m going to take my
M en o ‘g ‘lim ni sayrga olib
chiqam an.
M en faqat bitta chet tilini
har dushanba
dushanba kuni
dushanba kuni ertalab
dushanba kuni kechqurun
kelasi dushanba
ju m a
son out for a walk,
only ['ounli]
e. g. I only know one foreign
M onday ('mAndi]
W. comb, every M onday
on M onday
(on) Monday morning
(on) Monday evening
next M onday
T uesday [’tju:zdi]
W ednesday ['w enzdi]
T h ursd ay ['6a:zdi]
Friday ['fraidi]
S aturday ['saetadi]
S un day ['sAndi]
a w eek-end
e. g. I usually spend the
w eek-end
w ith
We are going to do it
at the w eek-end.
We are going to Saint
Petersburg for the
w eek-end.
He is going to stay here
over the week-end.
to last [to 4a:st]
an hour [an 'aua]
e. g. O ur class usually lasts
tw o hours.
to receive [ta ri'si:v]
e. g. A t the office w e receive
a lot o f letters from
foreign firms.
Syn. to get
e. g. M y sister often gets let­
ters from her friends.
e. g. C om rade Ivanov recei­
ves engineers from our
factories every day.
to answ er [tu 'a:nsa]
an article [an 'a:tikl]
e. g. Please d o n ’t read this
article. It’s not very
afternoon ['a:fta'nu:n]
Prep, in the afternoon
e. g. M y son usually gets
hom e at four (o ’clock)
in the afternoon.
G ood afternoon,
to d iscuss [ta dis'kAs]
e. g. P lease d o n ’t discuss this
question now.
hafta oxiri, shanba v a yak­
shanba dam olish kunlari
M en, odatda, dam olish kunlarim ni do‘stlarim bilan o ‘tkazam an. (aniqrog‘i: shan­
ba va yakshanbani)
B iz buni hafta oxirida qilm oqchim iz.
B iz shanba va yakshanbada
Sankt-Peterburgga boramiz.
U shanba va yakshanba kun­
lari shu yerda qoladi,
davom etm oq
B izning darsim iz, odatda, ikki
soat davom etadi.
1. olm oq
Idorada biz xorijiy firm alardan
k o ‘plab xatlar olam iz.
olm oq
M ening singlim d o ‘st lari dan
tez-tez xatlar olib turadi.
2. qabul qilm oq
0 ‘rtoq Ivanov har kuni zavodim izda injenerlarni qa­
bul qiladi.
ja v o b berm oq
1. m aqola
B u m aqolani o ’qim ang, ilti­
m os, u unchalik qiziq emas.
2. artikl (grammatik atama)
tushlikdan keyingi payt
M ening o ‘g ‘lim, odatda, uy­
ga soat kunduzgi to 'rtd a
X ayrli kun.
m uhokam a qilm oq
Iltim os, bu savolni hozir
m uhokam a qilm ang.
to finish
w o rk
comb, to finish w ork
e. g. We usually finish w o rk
in the evening.
e. g. I get hom e at seven
o ’clock.
tam om lam oq, tugatm oq
ishni tugatm oq
O datda, biz ishni kechqurun
tugatam iz.
da (soat aytishda)
M en uyga soat yettida kela­
finishes w ork at six
U ishni soat oltida tugatadi.
o ’clock.
He w orks six hours on Satur­
U shanba kuni olti soat ishday.
W. comb, to w ork hard at
sm th.
e. g. N ick w orks hard at his
She w orks very hard.
to stay
e. g. We d o n ’t usually stay
at hom e on Sunday
to return [to ri'to:n]
e. g. Please return m y book.
Syn. to give back
Syn. to com e (get) back
er.g. H e returns (gets/com es
back) hom e at eight
o ’clock in the evening.
S he’s com in g back (on)
W ednesday evening,
how long
e. g. H ow lon g does your
class usually last?
W hat tim e...?
sidqidildan, astoydil
nim anidir sidqidildan bajarish,
biror narsa ustida astoydil
N ik ingliz tili ustida sidqidil­
dan ishlayapti.
U sidqidildan shug'ullanyapti
(o ‘qiyapti).
qolm oq
B iz, odatda, yakshanba kuni
uyda qolm aym iz.
1. qaytarib berm oq (biror narsani, rasm iy holatda)
Iltim os, m ening kitobim ni
qaytarib berm oq
2. qaytm oq (biror joyga)
qaytm oq (o g ’zaki nutqda)
U uyiga kechki soat sakkizda
U q iz chorshanba kuni kech­
qurun qaytadi.
qancha (payt)
Sizning darsingiz,
qancha davom etadi?
Soat nechada?
to stop
a child (p i children)
year (jo:]
ago [ s 'g o u ]
W. comb, two (three, four...
ten) days (weeks,
months, years) ago
m edical
a college
to ‘rtinchi
bola (bolalar)
o ‘n bir
ikki (uch, to ‘r t..., o ‘n) kun
(hafta, oy, yil) oldin.
W. comb, to go to college
kollej, oliy o ‘quv yurti, institut
1. institutga o‘qishga kirm oq
Syn. to be at college
2. institutda o ‘qim oq
institutda o ‘qimoq
H ow m any students go to
college every year?
H ar yili institutga qancha talaba
o ‘qishga kiradP.
He goes (is going) to college
now. (= H e’s at college now.)
H ozir u institutda o ‘qiyapti.
• w eather ['w edo]
------------ A rtiklni ishlatilishiga d iqqatingizni q a r a tin g :-----------“ W hat w as the w eather like
y esterday?”
“T he w eather w as fine yesterday”
I d o n ’t like bad weather.
e. g. “T ill w hat tim e did you
w ork y esterday?”
“ I w orked till two
o ’clock.”
K echa ob-havo qanaqa bo‘ldi?
K echa ob-havo yaxshi b o ‘ldi.
M en yom on ob-havoni yoqtirm ay man.
S iz kecha soat nechagacha ishladingiz?
M en ikkigacha ishladim.
th e n [den]
1. keyin, keyinchalik
e. g. We have dictations, then
we read new texts.
e. g. I lived in Kiev five years
ago. I w as a student
to play
IV. comb, to play volley-ball
hockey, etc.)
a w eek -d ay [a'w kkdei]
e. g. We usually w ork on
w eek-days,
in te re stin g ['intristiq]
to d ecide [to di'said]
e. g. We decided to discuss
that book,
a h o sp ital [ э 'hospital]
W. comb, to go to hospital
to be in hospital
e. g. H e’s in h o sp ital now.
to love [to 'I av]
e. g. We love ou r children.
We love our country.
Biz diktantlar yozam iz, keyin
yangi jn a tn la r o‘qiymiz.
2. unda, o ‘sha vaqtda
Besh yil oldin m en K iyevda
yashaganm an. M en unda ta­
laba edim.
o ‘ynam oq
voleybol o ‘ynam oq (futbol,
tennis, xokicey va boshqalar)
ish kuni ( d u s h a n b a -ju m a kun­
Biz odatda ish kunlari ish­
hal qilm oq
B iz u kitobni m uhokam a qilishga qaror qildik.
shifoxona, gospital
shifoxonaga yotm oq
shifoxonada boMmoq
U hozir shifoxonada.
sevm oq
B iz bolalarim izni sevamiz.
B iz m am lakatim izni sevam iz.
to see (saw , seen) [to 'si:, 'so:,
W. comb, to see a film
k o ‘rm oq
film ni k o ‘rmoq
----------------------------------- T a q q o sla n g :-- ----------------------------------Please look at the blackboard.
D oskaga qarang, iltimos.
W hat do you see?
N im ani ко 'ryapsizl
I’m going to see this film.
M en bu filmni ko'rmoqchiman.
Phr. to com e to see
to go to see
to com e and see \
to go and see
e. g. I often w ent to see my
friends last year.
Please com e and see
m e this evening,
a fam ily [a'faem ili]
k o brib kelm oq (o'tgan zamon­
dagi ish-harakatga nisbatan
ko'rgani borm oq (kelasi za­
mondagi ish-harakatga nis­
batan yoki buyruq maylida
M en o ‘tgan yili d o ‘stlarim ni
k o ‘rgani tez-tez bordim.
K echqurun m enikiga keling,
F e’l-kesim ning shaxs-soniga diqqatingizni qarating:
M y fam ily is large.
T he fam ily a re at table now.
M ening oilam katta.
Ayni dam da oilam iz stol atrofida jam boMgan.
to spend (spent, spent)
o ‘tkazm oq
kunini, ta tilni)
e. g. We spent our last day
o ff in M oscow.
Prep, to spend tim e (m oney
['nvm i]) on smth.
e. g. H e spends very much
tim e on his English,
to wake up (woke up, woken up)
e. g. I w ok e up early yes­
e. g. P lease w ak e him up.
to get up (got up, got up)
e. g. I get up at seven o ’clock
in the m orning.
H e got up and w ent out
o f the room,
to w ash [td ' w d J]
e. g. He got up, w ashed and
B iz oxirgi dam olish kunim izni
M oskvada o ‘tkazdik.
2. vaqtni (pulni) nim agadir
sarflam oq
U ingliz tilini o ‘rganishga ju d a
ko‘p vaqt sarflaydi.
1. u y g ‘onm oq
K echa m en erta u y g ‘ondim .
2. u y g ’o tm oq
U ni u y g ‘oting, iltim os.
kech (ravish)
turm oq (o'rnidan, stuldanv.h.)
M en ertalab soat yettida turam an.
U o ’rnidan turdi va xonadan
tashqariga chiqdi.
yuvinm oq
U turdi, yuvindi va kiyindi.
to dress
breakfast ['brekfast]
dinner ['dins]
IV. comb, to have (ask) smb.
to dinner,
to have sm th. for
e. g. We are going to ask
them to dinner.
W hat are w e having
for dinner?
supper ['злрэ]
W. comb, to have supper
(breakfast, dinner)
before supper
(breakfast, dinner)
after supper
(breakfast, dinner)
at supper
(breakfast, dinner)
to ask [tu 'a:sk]
W. comb, to ask questions
e. g. In class the teacher asks
us a lot o f questions.
Prep, to ask for
e. g. He asked me for a book
to read. (= He asked me
to give him a book to
a country [a 'kAntri]
e. g. O ur country is very large.
W. comb, to go to the country
Ant. to go to town
W. comb, to be in the country
Ant. to be in town
a theatre [a 'Giata]
W. comb, to go to the theatre
a cinem a [a 'sinim a]
W. comb, to go to the cinem a
a park
C entral Park
kiyinm oq
kim nidir tushlikka ta k lif qil­
tushlikka biror narsasi bor
B iz ularni tushlikka tak lif
qilm oqchim iz.
T ushlikka (bugun) nim a bor?
kechki ovqat
ovqatlanm oq
kechki ovqatgacha
kechki ovqatdan keyin
ovqat paytida
1. s o ‘ram oq, savol berm oq
savollar berm oq
D arsda o ‘qituvchi bizga ko‘plab savollar beradi.
2. so ‘ram oq, tilam oq
nim anidir so ‘rash, tilash
U m endan o ‘qigani kitob so ‘radi. (U m endan o ‘qish
uchun kitob berib turishim ni
s o ‘radi.)
1. m am lakat
Bizning mamlakatimiz juda katta.
2. qishloq, shahar tashqarisi
shahar tashqarisiga borm oq
shaharga borm oq
shahar tashqarisida boMmoq
shaharda boMmoq
teatrga borm oq
kinoga borm oq
park, b o g ‘
M arkaziy istirohat bogM
again [a 'g e in ]
e. g. They are here again.
Please say it again,
to want [ t a ' WDnt]
e. g. I don’t w ant to go to the
cinem a this evening,
to skate
to ski [ta 'ski] (sk i’d [ski:d],
sk i’d)
skis [ski:z]
W. comb, to play chess
e.g. Do you play chess w ell?
fV. comb, to play (have) a
U lar yana shu yerda.
Buni yana takrorlang, iltimos.
xohlam oq
M en bugun kechqurun kinoga
borishni xohlam aym an.
konkida uchm oq
chang4ida yurm oq
shaxm at
shaxm at o ‘ynam oq
Siz shaxm atni yaxshi o ‘ynaysizm i?
bir partiya shaxm at o ‘ynam oq
gam e o f chess
e. g. N ick and I had a gam e
o f chess after supper
to begin (began, begun)
[ta bi'gin, bi'gaen, bi'gAn]
e. g. He opened his book and
began to read.
O ur lesson begins at
nine o ’clock,
over ['ouva]
Gr. to be over
e. g. The lesson is over,
Ж comb, by five o ’clock
by that tim e
Ant. late
e. g. I som etim es go to my
office early in the
m orning and get hom e
late in the evening.
K echa biz N ik bilan kechki
ovqatdan keyin shaxm at
o ‘ynadik.
boshlam oq
U kitobni ochdi va o ‘qishni
B izning darsim iz soat to'qqizda boshlanadi.
tugallanganlik m a’nosini beruvchi ravish
tugam oq
dars tugadi
-gacha, qadar
soat beshga qadar
M en b a’zan idoram ga erta
saharlab ketam an va uyga
kech oqshom da kelam an.
shu qadar (kuchaytirish yuk-
parents ['pearants] {pi)
Gr. to be glad
e. g. Glad to see you.
(= I’m glad to see you.)
a bed
Phr. to go to bed
to go to sleep
e. g. Did you go to bed late
at once [at'vvAns]
e. g. Please do it at once.
xursand boMmoq
Sizni k o ‘rganim dan xursandman.
karavot, to 'sh ak
uyquga ketm oq
uyquga ketm oq
Siz kecha uyquga kech yotdingizm i?
darrov, o ‘sha zahoti
Buni hoziroq bajaring, iltimos.
young [Jai]]
a w om an (p i w om en)
[э 'w u m an , 'w im in]
W. comb, a w om an o f forty
old [ould]
e. g. “M y father is not old.”
“ H ow old is he?”
“ H e is fifty.”
a lecture [э 'lektjd]
W. comb, to give a lecture
e. g. H e’s going to give a
lecture tom orrow ,
lecturer [ a ' lektjara]
to teach (tau ght [fc>:t],
an institute [an 'in stitju rt]
as a rule
e. g. As a rule, I finish w ork
at five o ’clock,
a d augh ter [a 'do:ta]
e. g. H is dau gh ter is ten.
a sch ool [a 'sku:l]
e. g. T he school is new and
Art. to go to school
e. g. M y son goes to school.
yosh, o ’sm ir
ayol (kishi)
qirq yoshli ayol
qari, eski
M ening о tarn qari em as.
lin in g yoshi nechada?
U ellik yoshda.
m a ’ruza
m a’ruza qilm oq
U ertaga m a ’ruza o ’qiydi.
lektor, m a ’ruzachi, oliygoh
o ‘qituvchisi
o ‘q itm oq, o ‘rgatm oq
in stitu t
q oida b o ‘y icha, odatda
O datda, m en ishni soat 5 da
tugatam an
q iz (farzand)
lin in g qizi 10 yoshda.
m aktab, m aktab binosi
M aktab y angi v a katta.
o ‘qim oq, m aktab g a borm oq
M ening o ‘g ‘lim m aktabda
o ‘qiydi.
a su bject [ э 'sAbd$ikt]
W. comb, to do subjects at
to take subjects at
an institute
e. g. M y daughter d oes a lot
o f su b jects at school.
e. g. W h at’s the su b ject o f
y our talk [to:k]?
to m ake (m ad e, m ade)
W. comb, to m ake a m istake
1. fan
m aktabda fan lam i o ‘rganm oq
institutda fan lam i o ‘rganm oq
M ening qizim m aktab d a k o ‘pgin a fanlam i o ‘rganyapti.
2. m avzu
Sizning axborotingizning mavzusi qanaqa?
bajarm oq, yaratm oq, qilm oq
xato qilm oq
T aq q o slan g :
H e m ade a lot o f m istakes in
his dictation yesterday.
U kecha diktantda k o ‘p xato
H e did that w ork yesterday.
U bu ishni k echa (bajardi)
to help
e. g. Please help us w ith this
Please help us (to)
translate this sentence,
a m other [9 'т л б э ]
to think (th ough t [03:t],
e. g. W hat are you thinking
e. g. I t h i n k she is tw entyfive.
I d o n ’ t t h i n k he know s
any foreign languages,
b o r n [Ьэ:п]
Gr. to be bom
e. g. “ W hen w ere you born?”
“ I w as bom in 1921.”
a father [э Та:бэ]
a nursery school
to leave (left, left)
yordam berm oq
Iltim os, bu ishda bizga yordam
Iltim os, bizga bu s o ‘zni tarjim a
qilishga y ordam bering.
1. o ‘ylam oq
Siz nim a haqida o ‘ylayapsiz?
2. hisoblam oq, ... deb bilm oq
M enim cha (fikrim cha) u 25
U chet tillarini biladi, deb
o ‘ytam aym an.
tu g ‘ilgan
tu g 'ilm o q
Siz qachon tu g ‘ilgansiz?
M en 1921-yilda tugNlganman.
dada, ota
bolalar bog‘chasi
1. qoldirm oq, olishni unutm oq
e. g. I l e f t m y text-book at
hom e yesterday.
e. g. A lw ays l e a v e your
books w here you can
find them again.
e. g. Soon she le f t the room.
We’re l e a v i n g (Moscow)
Prep, to leave for
K echa men darslikni uyda
qoldiribm an (esim dan chiqibdi).
2 . qoldirm oq, q o ‘ym oq
K itoblaringizni doim topib
oladigan yeringizga qo‘ying.
3. tashlab chiqib ketm oq
T ezda u xonasidan chiqdi.
Biz ertaga (M oskvadan) ketamiz.
qayergadir ketm oq
They l e f t f o r Kiev yesterday.
U lar kecha K iyevga ketishdi.
(lekin ularning u yerdaligi
aniq em as.)
They w e n t t o K iev three years
ago and live there now.
U lar K iyevga uch yil oldin
ketishgan va ho zir o ‘sha
yerda yashashadi.
W. comb, to leave school
m aktabni (kollejni) tugatm oq
to graduate from on e’s
Institute (the U niversity
[ J u 'n i'v a :siti])
e. g. He l e f t school last year.
(gradu ated
f r o m ) h i s I n s t i t u t e last
year. (= He graduated
last year.)
He g r a d u a t e d f r o m t h e
U n i v e r s i t y in 1967.
m a r r i e d ['m a;rid]
Gr. to be m arried to smb.
to get m arried
e. g. A r e you m a r r i e d ?
institutni (universitetni) tugat­
U m aktabni o ‘tgan yili tugatdi.
U institutni o’tgan yili tam om ladi.
U universitetni 1967-yili tugatdi.
uylangan, turm ushga chiqqan
-ga uylangan boN m dq, ga
turm ushga chiqqan boMmoq
uylanm oq, turm ushga chiqm oq
U ylanganm isiz? (Turm ushga
chiqqanm isiz?)
W hen did you get
m arried?
a husband [a'hAzband]
a brother [э 'Ьглбэ]
su m m er ['з л т э ]
w inter ['winta]
a spring [spriq]
autum n ['D:tam]
Prep, in (the) sum m er (winter,
spring, autumn)
a grandfather [a 'grand,fAda]
a grandm other [a 'g ra n d ,т л б э ]
a grandson [a 'grandsAn]
a granddaughter [a 'gran,cb:ta]
a grandchild [a 'g ra n .tfa ild ]
{pi. grandchildren ['gran d tfildren])
a toy [a 'toi]
S iz qachon u ylangansiz? (tur­
m ushga chiqqansiz?)
aka, uka (ini)
y ozd a (qishda, bahorda, kuzda)
bobo, buva
m om o, buvi
o ‘g ‘il nabira
q iz nabira
o ‘yinchoq
com fortable ['kAmfatabl]
W. comb, a com fortable room
(flat, armchair, etc.)
a block o f flats
a house [a 'haus]
qulay xona (kvartira, kreslo
va sh .k .)
k o ‘p qavatli uy
a floor [a'Ad:]
1. pol
2. qavat (etaj)
e. g. M y flat is on the third
M ening kvartiram to ‘rtinchi
the ground floor
birinchi qavat
the first (secon d , etc.) floor
ikkinchi (uchinchi
kabi) qavat
Prep, on the seventh o f
yettinchi martda (kuni)
O y la rn in g n o m la rin i eslab qoling:
M ay
[m a rt/]
[m ei]
m ay
A ugust
Septem ber
[cfeu: la i]
[saptem ba]
O ctober
N ovem ber
D ecem ber
[no'vem ba]
[di'sem ba]
several ['sevral]
e. g. H e k n ow s several
foreign languages.
H e cam e here several
tim es.
bir necha
U bir necha
bu yerga bir necha bor
Taqqoslang: -----------------------------------There are several books on
the table.
There are som e books on the
Stolda bir nechla kitoblar bor.
a picture [a 'p ik t/o ]
Prep, in the picture
rasm , fotosurat
rasmda, fotosuratda
S iz bu rasm da nim ani k o ‘ry ap siz?
e. g. W hat d ’y o u see in the
a study [э 'sU di]
a bedroom [a'bedrum ]
a sitting-room [a 'sitiqrum]
a dining-room [a'dainiqrum ]
a living-room [a'liviq ru m ]
to use [ta 'ju:z]
e. g. A re y o u using these
Stolda bir nechta (qandaydir)
kitoblar bor.
(ish ch i) xona (kvartirada, ido-
yoto q x o n a (uydagi)
m ehm onxona (uydagi)
ovqatlanish xonasi
um u m iy xona
foydalanm oq, ishlatm oq
S iz bu kitoblardan foydalan asizm i (U lar sizga kerakmi)?
a kitchen [a'kitfin]
a bath-room [э 'ba:6rum]
to be able to
round [raund]
(the) m iddle [(д э) m idi]
Prep, in the m iddle o f
e. g. T here’s a table in the
m iddle o f m y room,
a vase [э 'va:z]
a flow er [э 'Ааиэ]
an arm -ch air [зп 'oim tfea]
an ordinary ch air (= a chair)
a piano [d'pjsenou]
W. comb, to play the piano
a corner [э'к э:п э]
Prep, in the corner o f the
oshxona (uydagi)
yuvinish xonasi
qila olm oq , qila bilm oq
qodir boMmoq
o ’rta, ora
-n in g o ‘rtasi
M ening xon am n in g o'rtasida
stol turibdi.
vaza (gu l uchun), guidon
oddiy stul
royal, pianino
royal chalm oq
xon an in g burchagida
at the corner o f the
k o ’chaning burchagida, muyulishda
e. g. T h ere’s an arm-chair in
X on an in g burchagida kreslo
turibdi (bor).
the corner o f the room.
T here’s
a n ew
at the corner o f the
Ko’chaning burchagida (muyulishda) yan gi uy bor.
m usic ['m ju:zik]
e. g. I love m usic,
right [rail]
Phr. to (on) the right o f
IV. comb, to g o to the right
open [oupn]
Ant. closed
W. comb, an open w in d ow
m usiqa
M en m usiqani sevam an.
o ‘ng tom onda
-dan o ‘ngda
o ‘ngga borm oq
ochiq deraza (kitob)
e. g. T he w in d ow is open,
a w ritin g-tab le [э 'raitig.teibl]
else [els]
e. g. W hat else are you goin g
to discuss?
Deraza ochiq.
y o zu v stoli
yana boshqa (so'roq hamda
gumon olmoshlari va ravishlaridan so ‘ng ishlatiladi)
S iz yana nim ani m uhokam a
qilm oqchisiz?
W here else did you see
a telephone [ 9 'telifoun]
e. g. Can I use your tele­
Prep. Art. to speak on the
S iz uni yana qayerda k o ‘rdingiz?
S izn in g telefoningizdan q o ‘ng ‘iroq qilib olsam (foyd alansam ) m aylim i?
telefon d a gaplashm oq
to send a telegram
by telephone
a radio set [э 'reidiou set]
the radio
W. comb, to listen [ta 'lisn ] to
T elefon orqali telegram m a
j o ‘natmoq
radio (aloqa vositasi)
radio tinglam oq
the radio
to hear sm th. on
the radio
e. g. We listen to the radio
in the evenin gs.
I heard it on the radio,
a television set [9 .teli'vijn set]
W. comb, to se e sm th. on TV
(television )
to w atch TV
e. g. We saw a n ew film on
T V last night,
a sofa [ 9 'soufg]
a bookcase [9 'bukkeis]
Phr. to (on ) the left o f
e. g. There is a piano to the
left o f the table.
a thing
e. g. I’v e read a lot o f interest­
ing things in this book.
radiodan nimadir eshitm oq
B iz kechalari radio tinglaym iz.
M en buni radiodan eshitdim .
televizorda nim anidir k o ‘rmoq
telev izo r k o ‘rmoq
K echa kechqurun biz te le ­
vizorda yan gi film ko'rdik.
kitob javon i
-dan chapda
S toln in g chap yonida royal
buyum , narsa
M en bu kitobdan k o ‘plab
qiziqarli narsalarni o ‘qidim .
a library [a'laibrgri]
Literature ['litaritja]
W. comb, a lecture in Litera-
adabiyotdan m a’ruza
shuning uchun, shunday qilib
e. g. I decided to g o to the
country on Sunday. So I
g o t up very early.
M en shahardan tashqariga
yakshanba kuni borishga
qaror qildim. Shuning uchun
men juda erta turdim.
1. xalq (odam lar)
2. xalq (m illat)
History ['histori]
G eography [gi'ogrofi]
people ['pi:pl]
There w ere a lot o f p e o p le in
the room.
The p eop les o f our country ...
B izn in g vatanim izxa/< 7 /tiW...
because [bi'koz]
-lig i uchun
yo zu v ch i, m u a llif
tom onidan
G og o ln in g
(G ogol
y o zg a n )
Y oshligim da m en qishloqda
yashagarm an.
Bu kitobni m eni o ‘qishim
uchun ju d a qiyin.
y en g il, oson
1. ham m asi, hatnma (narr.a)
Syn. as
a librarian [э lai'brssrion]
a w riter
W. comb, a book by G ogol
childhood ['tjaildhud]
e. g. I lived in the country in
m y childhood.
e. g. The book is too difficult
for m e (to read),
difficult ['difikalt]
easy ['i:zi]
e. g. He told m e all about it.
We k now all about them.
W. comb, all o f them (us,
e. g. A ll o f us w ere glad to
se e them .
k o ‘p
odamlar bor edi.
U m en ga bu haqda hammasini gapirib berdi.
B iz ular haqida ham m a narsani bilam iz.
2. ham m a, barcha (kishilar)
ularning barchasi (b iz barch am iz v. h.)
B iz ham m am iz ulam i k o ‘rishdan xursand edi!..
S o‘z ta rtib ig a e ’tib o rin g iz n i q a ra tin g :
T h ey’re all here.
T hey all cam e.
T hey have all com e,
U larning hammasi shu yerda.
U larning hammasi kelishdi.
U larning hammasi kelishgan
(shu yerda).
D iqqatingizni qarating:
A ll children like to ask q u es­
Hamma bolalar (um um an)
savol berishni yoqtirishadi.
All the children stood up w hen
the teacher cam e
classroom .
intq the
Sinfga o ‘qituvchi kirganda
(ushbu sinfdagi) hamma bo­
lalar o ’rinlaridan turishdi.
to ‘g ‘ri, haq, rost
Ant. w rong
rost em as, haq em as, to ‘g ‘n
em as, n oto‘g ‘ri
W. comb. That’s right.
Ant. That’s wrong.
Gr. To be right (w rong)
e. g. You are right (wrong).
All right.
T o‘gri. Haq. B u to ‘g ‘ri.
B u n oto‘g ‘ri.
to ‘g ‘ri (n oto‘g ‘ri) boMmoq
S iz haqsiz (nohaqsiz).
Y axshi. X o ‘p. (og'zaki nutq-
to sh ow (show ed, show n)
ko'rsatm oq
[to Jou, lo u d , Joun]
a show
W. comb, a television show
(= a T V sh ow )
B ut:
a radio broadcast
to bring (brought, brought)
[to brig, bro:t]
Ant. to take (took , taken)
e. g. P lease bring m e an inte­
olib kelm oq, keltirm oq
olm oq
resting book to read.
Iltim os, m en ga o ’q igani (birorta) qiziqarli kitob olib
P lease com e and se e us
on Saturday and bring
your daughter w ith you.
Iltim os, b izn ik iga shanba
kun: k elin g v a q izingizni
ham birga o lib keling.
ju st
aw ay [o'w ei]
k o ‘rsatuv, shou
T elevizion k o ‘rsatuv
(te le k o ‘rsatuv)
hozirgina, endigina
W comb, to g o away
Syn. to go
e. g. Our friends soon w ent
I am going.
I m ust be going now.
to be sorry ['son ]
e. g. I ’m very sorry, but I
had n o tim e to discuss
the question yesterday.
Prep, to be sorry for sm b.
to be sorry about smth.
e. g. We’re all sorry for him.
Are y o u sorry about it?
to have a book in
to advise [tu ad'vaiz]
e. g. I advise y o u to read this
ketm oq
ketm oq
B irozdan s o ‘n g d o ‘stlarim iz
M en ketyapm an.
M en ketishim kerak.
afsuslanm oq
Bu m asalani kecha muhcn
kama q ilish ga vaqtim b o ‘lm aganligidan afsusdam an.
kim gadir achinish
biror narsadan afsuslanish
B iz ham m am iz unga achinam iz.
S iz bundan afsusdam isiz?
b o ‘lm oq
m aslahat berm oq
S izg a bu kitobni o ‘qishni
m aslahat beraman.
a conversation [э .konvd'seifn]
Hullo! (= H allo!) [hA'lou]
1. Salom ! (salomlashishda his-
hayajon bilan aytiladi)
H ow are you?
w hy
e. g. W h y do you alw ays get
up early?
to feel (felt, felt)
e. g. I feel that h e ’s wrong.
2. alio (telefonda)
A h v o lla rin g iz qanday?
nim aga, nim a uchun, nim a
S iz nim aga doim erta turasiz?
1. sezm o q , payqam oq
M en uning nohaqligini sezib
2. o 'z in i h is qilm oq
(bog 'lovchi f e ’I)
“H ow do y o u feel?”
“I d on ’t feel w ell.”
0 ‘zin g izn i qanday his qilyap slz?
M en o ‘zim ni y o m o n his
qilyapm an (m en s o g ‘aym ayapm an).
------------------------------------- T a q q o sla n g :----------------------------------------
I feel w ell,
M en o ‘zim ni yaxshi
qilyapm an. (ravish)
H e feels ill. (sifat)
U o ‘z in iy o m o n h is qilm oqda.
(U kasal). (ravish)
H e feels b a d . (sifat)
U o 'z in iy o m o n h is qilm oqda.
(U o ‘zig a kelolm ayapti).
k asal (faqat ot-kesim sifa-
tida ishlatiladi)
e. g. H e w as ill yesterday.
U kecha kasal edi.
Syn. sick
e. g. N o w he is a sick old man.
Ant. w ell
Ж comb, to get ill
Endi u qari, kasal odam .
s o g ‘lom
kasal boMmoq
sham ollab qolm oq
gripp boMib qolm oq
hatto (kuchaytirishyuklamasi
to get a cold
to get the flu
even [i:vn]
asosiy f e Idan yo k i egadan
oldin ishlatiladi)
e. g. H e d o esn ’t even see his
m istakes.
Even he d o e sn ’t know
W h at’s the m atter?
Prep. W hat’s the matter with
to see a doctor
e. g. H ave y o u seen the doctor
high [hai]
U hatto o ‘z in in g xatolarini
ham k o ’rmaydi.
Hatto u ham buni bilm aydi.
N im a gap, nim a boMdi?
S izga nim a boMdi (S izga
nim a qildi)?
sh ifok or huzuriga bormoq
S iz sh ifok or huzurida boMdingizm i?
baland (buyum va narsalar
Ant. low [lou]
Syn. tall
Ant. short
baland, novcha
high hill
tall man
tall house
low bed
short man
baland qir
novcha odam
baland uy
past karavot
p a st bo ‘y li odam
a tem perature [э 'tempritfe]
e. g. I’v e got a tem perature.
I’ve got a high tem pera­
to be afraid
Prep, to be afraid o f smth.
e. g. W hat are y o u afraid of?
H e’s afraid to say a word.
harorat, isitm a
M en in g isitm am bor.
M en in g isitm am baland (3 8 °
va undan yuqori).
q o ’rqmoq
nim adandir q o ’rqmoq
S iz nim adan q o ‘rqasiz?
U hatto bir s o ‘z aytgani ham
q o ‘rqadi.
H e’s afraid o f m aking a
m istake.
U xato qilgani qo'rqadi.
“Can y o u do it today?”
S iz buni
sizm i?
“I ’m afraid I can’t.”
(= “I ’m afraid not.”)
Y o ‘q. (q ila olm asam kerak,
deb q o ‘rqaman)
should [fud]
kerak, lozim , y a xsh i b o ‘lar
e. g. You should see him about
it today.
S iz bugun bu haqda ular bilan
gap lash ish in giz kerak.
She sh ould n ’t work if
she fe e ls ill.
A gar u q iz o ‘zini yom on
his qilayotgan b o ‘lsa, (u)
ishlamasa (yaxshi) boMardi.
a few
bir necha, bir qancha, cheklangan miqdor (sanaladigan
otlar bilan ishlatiladi)
e. g. I’m g o in g to say a few
w ords about it.
There are on ly a few
days left.
M en bu haqda bir-ikki o g ‘iz
gapirm oqchim an.
B ir necha kun qoldi, x olos.
I’v e got a few E nglish b ook s at
hom e.
I’v e got several French books.
I ’v e g o t som e German books,
but th ey’re very old.
to m iss
U y d a m en in g bir necha
in glizch a kitoblarim bor.
(juda o z)
M en in g bir qancha (k o ‘pgin a) fransuzcha kitob­
larim bor.
M enda (b a ’z i) nem ischa ki­
toblar bor, lekin ular juda
ham eski.
o ‘tkazib yuborm oq
JV. comb, to m iss a lesson (a
m ust [mAst, mast]
certainly ['saitanli]
darsni (lek siy a n i)
yuborm oq
o ‘tkazib
kerak, shart
1. albatta, o ‘z -o ‘zidan m a’lum (ко ‘p incha iltimosga
javob tarzida ishlatiladi)
e. g. “Can y o u help us, please?”
“Certainly.” (“Yes, cer­
S iz b izga yordam bera olasizm i?
Albatta. Jonim bilan.
e. g. She certainly know s Eng­
You should certainly ask
him about it again.
a note
fV comb, to m ake notes
e. g. Jane alw ays m akes notes
at the lectures,
to com e round
a talk [a'toik ]
Prep, a talk with sm b. about
sm th.
e. g. Our talk w ith them w as
very interesting.
W. comb, to h ave a talk
W. comb, to g iv e a talk
e. g. He g ave an interesting
talk on Jack L ondon’s
to talk
Prep, to talk to sm b. about
e. g. I’v e just talked to him
ab out it.
a place
Prep, in ... p lace
e. g. P lea se put th e thing in
its place.
2 . s o ‘z siz
U q iz, albatta, in g liz tilini
S o ‘zsiz, siz undan bu haqda
yana bir marta s o ‘rashingiz
yozu v, izoh, eslatm a
y ozm oq , y o zib olm oq
Jeyn doim m a’ruzani y o zib
kirib o ‘tm oq, kelm oq
agar (bog 'lovchi)
1. suhbat
biror kishi bilan biror narsa
haqida suhbat
U lar bilan bizn in g suhbatim iz
ju d a qiziqarli b o 'ld i.
suhbatlashm oq, gap lash m oq
2 . xabar, doklad
xabar qilm oq, doklad qilm oq
U Jek London hayoti haqida
qiziqarli doklad qildi.
gapirm oq
biror kishi bilan biror narsa
haqida gaplashm oq
M en hozirgina u bilan bu
haqda gaplashdim .
jo y ig a
B u narsani o ‘z
q o ly in g , iltim os.
o ‘rniga
W. comb, to g o (c o m e ) to
sm b .’s place
to get to a p la ce
at sm b .’s place
e. g. P lea se c o m e to m y place
tom orrow ev en in g .
2 . uy, y a sh ash jo y i
k im ningdir o ld ig a (u y ig a )
borm oq
biror jo y g a kelm oq
biror kishinikida
Iltim os, m en ik ig a ertaga
kechqurun k e ’inglar.
sis te r ’s?
S in g lin g iz n in g u y ig a qanday
borsa boMadi?
H o w d o I get to y o u r
p lace?
S iz n ik ig a
W e’re g o in g to m eet at
B iz Petem ikida
m iz.
H o w d o I g e t to you r
P eter’s (place).
Yodda saqlang:-- ---------------------------------
at my friend’s
mening do‘stimnikida (uning
to his sister’s
uning singlisinikiga (u qizning uyiga)
a tram
W. comb, th e 15 (fifte e n )
15 -tra m v a y
to g o b y tram
(b u s , tr o lle y -b u s ,
tra m v a y d a y u rm o q (a v to b u sd a , tr o lle y b u sd a , m ash in a d a )
to tak e (g e t ) taxi
taksi tutm oq, taksiga o ‘tirmoq
e. g. I usually g o to the Insti­
tute by tram (by the 21
tram ),
an u n d erg ro u n d
W. comb, to g o by underground
e. g. I o fte n g o h o m e by
u n d erg ro u n d ,
a sta tio n [a 'steijn ]
W. comb, an underground
trolley-bus) stop
Prep, at the station
at the tram stop
at the next stop
M en, odatda, institutga (2 1 -)
tram vayda b o r am an.
m etro
m etrod a y u rm o q , b orm oq
M en k o ‘p in ch a u y g a m e t­
roda ketam an.
sta n siy a , bekat
m etro bekati
tram vay (avtobus, trolleybus)
stansiyada, bekatda
tram vay bekatida
kelasi bekatda
a m inute [a'm in it]
to hurry
e. g. D on ’t hurry!
Prep, to hurry to
e. g. He alw ays hurries to the
Institute in the morning.
Hurry up!
See you later.
to forget (forgot, forgotten)
[ta fa'get, fa'got, fa'gotn]
Ant. to remember
e. g. He forgot to tell m e about
I forgot all about it.
shoshilm oq
Shoshilm ang!
qayergadir shoshilm oq
U ertalab doim institutga
Tezroq! Shoshiling! B o ‘la
Kechroq k o‘risharmiz. Xayr.
unutm oq
eslam oq , yo d g a olm oq
U m enga bu haqda gapirishni
M en bu haqda ham m asini
Taqqoslang: ----------------------------------I forgot to ask y o u about it.
I’m sorry, I’v e left your book at
hom e.
to ring up (rang up, rung up)
M en bu haqda sizdan s o ‘rashni unntibman.
K echirasiz, m en sizn in g kitobingizni uyda (unutib)
telefon qilm oq
Ravish yuklam asining o‘rniga diqqatingizni q a ra tin g :-----W hy didn’t you ring me up
yesterday? (toMdiruvchi olm osh bilan ifodalangan)
N im a uchun siz kecha m en­
ga telefon qilm adingiz?
P lease ring up Mr Brown.
(toNdiruvchi ot bilan ifoda­
Iltim os, janob Braunga tele­
fon qiling.
dear [dio]
busy ['bizi]
Gr. to be busy
last [la:st]
e. g. P lease read the last sen ­
hurmatli, qadrli
band boMmoq
1. oxirgi (tartib b o ‘yich a)
Iltim os, oxirgi s o ‘zni o ‘qing.
2 . o ‘tgan (vaqt bo'y ich a)
va nihoyat, oxiri
O xiri u bu so ‘zni esladi.
Phr at last
e. g. He rem em bered the w ord
at last,
an exam (ination)
IV. comb, to prepare for an
exam (ination)
to take an e x a m i­
to pass an e x a m i­
an English e x a m i­
im tihonga tayyorgarlik k o ‘rish
im tihon topshirm oq
im tihondan o ‘tm oq
ingliz tilidan imtihon
e. g. I took m y last exam
K echa m en oxirgi im tihonni
topshirdim .
Ingliz tilidan (tarixdan va b.)
imtihonni yaxshi topshirmoq
to exam ine [ig'zasmin]
e. g. Tliis teacher usually
exam ines students in
Room 3.
The doctor exam ined
the sick child.
To do w ell in
(H istory, etc.)
1. im tihon qilm oq
Bu o ‘qituvchi, odatda, talabalarni 3-xonada imtihon*
2 . k o ‘zdan kechirm oq, k o ‘rm oq, tekshirm oq
D oktor kasal bolani tekshirdi.
D iqqatga sazovor jo y lam i
k o ‘rish
q u ite [kwait]
to go sightseeing
to see the sights
u n c h a lik ,
u m u m a n , to ‘liq
(d a ra ja ra v ish i b o 'lish li
va b o ‘lish siz g a p la rd a
qism a n in ko r sifatida
a t all
hech ham (bo'lishsiz gaplarda to ‘la inkor
sifatida ishlatiladi)
um um an,
T aqq o slan g :
M enga bu
m ayapti.
M enga bu
m ayapti.
I d o n ’t quite like it.
I don’t like it at all.
Gr. to be free
a holiday [э 'Н э Ы !]
W. comb, to have a holiday
to be (aw ay) on
to go to some
place for a (one’s)
a m onth’s holiday
tw o m onths’ holi­
e. g. W here are you going for
you r holiday?
P eter is (aw ay) on holi­
day now.
I had tw o m onths’ holi­
d ay last year.
to rest
a rest
W. comb, to have a rest
um um an
ozod, erkin, b o ‘sh
ozod b o'lm oq , bo‘sh boMmoq
dam , ta ’til
dam olm oq, ta ’tilda boMmoq,
ta ’tilga chiqm oq
ta ’tilga chiqm oq, ta ’tilga ket­
m oq
ta ’tilda qayoqqadir bormoq
bir oylik ta ’til
ikki oylik ta ’til
T a’tilda qayerga borasizlar?
P eter hozir ta ’tilda (ta ’tilga
0 ‘tgan yili men ikki oy dam
oldim .
dam olm oq, xotirjam boM­
m oq, nafasni rostlam oq
dam olm oq, nafasni rostla­
Taqqoslang: ----------------------------------Did you have a good holiday?
Yaxshi dam oldingizm i (ta ’til-
ni yaxshi о ‘tkazdingizmifi
Did you have a good rest?
Yaxshi dam oldingizm i (ux-
о 'tirdingizmi)!
I alw ays have my holiday in the
M en doim yozda dam olam an
I alw ays rest for an hour after
M en
(ta 'tilga chiqaman).
ishdan so 'n g
olam an
(o ‘tiraman va yotaman).
a holiday hom e
a holiday-centre
to hope
e. g. I hope you (will) have a
good holiday.
to have a good (nice) tim e
e. g. D id you have a good
tim e on Sunday?
a sea
bayram , ta ’til
dam olish uyi
dam olish jo y i, pansionat,
lager,* dam olish m arkazi
um id qilm oq
Y axshi dam oling. (Umid
qilam anki, yaxshi dam
vaqtni yaxshi o ‘tkazm oq,
dam olm oq
Y akshanbani yaxshi o ‘tkazdingizm i?
den g iz (ко 'pincha aniq artikl
bilan ishlatiladi)
e. g. They lived by the sea.
U lar dengiz b o ‘yida yashashardi.
dengiz sohili (ко 'pincha aniq
a seaside
artikl bilan ishlatiladi)
Syn. a seashore
Prep, at the seaside
on the seashore
W. comb, to go to the seaside
to sw im (sw am , sw um )
e. g. I like sw im m ing in the
to lie (lay, lain)
a beach
Prep, on the beach
the sun
Prep, to lie in the sun
to su nb ath e [to 'sAnbeid]
either ['aiQo]
dengiz qirg ‘o g ‘i
dengizda (dengiz b o 'yid a)
dengiz qirg ‘o g ‘ida
dengizga borm oq (dam ol­
m oq)
ch o ‘m ilm oq, suzm oq
M en dengizda ch o ‘m ilishni
yoqtiram an.
yotm oq
sohil (plaj)
sohilda (plajda)
quyoshda yotm oq
toblanm oq
ham (bo 'lishsiz gaplarda)
T aq q o slan g :
I like th is book too.
I d o n ’t like this book either.
M enga ham bu kitob yoqadi.
M enga ham bu kitob yoqm aydi.
I also like this book.
M enga (shuningdek) bu ki­
tob ham yoqadi (boshqa
kitoblardan tashqari).
aw ful ['oiful] Coll.
e. g. We had an aw ful holiday.
aw fully Coll.
e. g. I’m aw fully sorry I ha­
v en’t seen this film.
Biz ta ’tilni ju d a yom on o ‘tkazdik.
dahshat (ravish)
M en bu film ni k o ’rm aganim dan ju d a ham afsus­
dam an.
yana, hali ham , hanuzgacha
health [hel6]
A re they still aw ay on holiday?
W ho else is on holiday now ?
U lar hali ham ta ’tildam i?
Yana kirn hozir ta ’tilda?
poor [риз]
Ant. rich
1. kam bag‘al
2 . yom on, kuchsiz (ish, sog -
liq haqida)
W. comb, poor w ork
poor health
e. g. His health is poor,
to intend [tu in'tend] Lit.
Syn. to be going to Coll.
e. g. W here do you intend to
spend y our sum m er holi­
a river
fV. comb, a long river
e. g. There are very m any long
rivers in our country.
yom on ish
yom on sog‘liq
U ning so g ‘lig‘i yom on
hozirlanmoq, taraddud ko’rmoq
hozirlanm oq, taraddud ko‘rm oq, -m oqchi
Yozgi ta ’tilni qayerda o ‘tkazm oqchisizlar?
katta daryo
Bizning mamlakatimizda ko‘pgina katta daryolar bor.
Yodda saqlang:-- -----------------------
daryo qirg'og'icta
dengiz qirg 'og ‘ida
on the bank o f a river
on the shore o f a sea
a w ood
o‘rm on (katta boMmagan)
Stansiyaning yonida katta
bo‘lm agan o ‘rm on bor.
o ‘rm on (k atta o ‘rm on)
B izning v atan im iz o ‘rm onlarga boy.
e. g. T here’s a w ood near the
a forest [a'fbrist]
e. g. O ur cou n try is rich in
in o rd er (not) to Lit.
Syn. so as (n o t) to Coll.
(m as) lik uchun
(m as) lik uchun (ко ‘p incha
bo 'lishsiz gaplarda)
e. g. I ’m going to learn these
rules so as not to m ake
any m istakes in my test,
(one’s) birthday ['ba:9di]
e. g. Tomorrow’s my birthday.
IV. comb, a birthday party
(the) end
Ant. (the) beginning
Prep, at the end (beginning) o f
early in...
e. g. H e cam e to M oscow early
in (= at the beginning of)
the year.
to hear (heard, heard) [to hio,
Phr. to hear from
e. g. I hope w e’ll soon hear
from you.
M en nazorat ishida xato qilm aslik uchun bu qoidalam i
yod olm oqchim an.
(kim ningdir) tug‘ilgan kun(i)
E rtaga m ening tug ‘ilgan kunim.
T u g ‘ilgan kunga bagNshlangan kecha
tam om , oxiri
boshi, boshlanishi
nim aningdir oxirida (boshida)
boshida (yilning, oyning)
U M oskvaga yilning boshida
eshitm oq
kim dandir axborot (xat) olish
U m id qilam anki, sizdan tez
orada x abar keladi.
to retire [to ri'taio]
e. g. He has retired.
Prep, to retire at 65
to travel [to 'trasvol]
e. g. Y ou’ve travelled a lot,
h aven’t you?
e. g. D o you like travelling?
jou rn ey ['d$o:ni]
e. g. D id you have a good
a tourist [o 'tuorist]
a hotel [o hou'tel]
nafaqaga chiqm oq
U nafaqada
65 yoshdan nafaqaga chiqmoq
sayohatga chiqm oq
S iz k o ‘p sayohatga borgansiz, to ‘g lrim i?
sayohat (sayohat jaray o n i)
S iz sayohat qilishni yoqtirasizm i?
Y axshi yetib oldingizm i?
b o ‘lib, sifatida
turist, sayyoh
m ehm onxona
e. g. W hich hotel is M r Sm ith
staying at?
a hall
W. comb, an exhibition hall
a concert hall
a conference hall
Janob Sm it qaysi m ehm onxonaga joylash d i?
' zal, vestibul, kiraverish
k o ‘rgazm alar zali
konsert zali
konferensiya zali
Palto va shlapangizni kiraverishda qoldiring.
Leave your coat an d h at in
the hall.
B iz kino zaliga kirganim izda, u
yerda k o 'p g in a odam lar bor
W hen w e w en t into the
cinem a (theatre) there
w ere a lot o f people there.
U lar sport zalida.
They.’re in the gym (gym ­
nasium [d$im 'neizism ]).
K itoblar № 5 k o ‘rgazm alar za­
lida nam oyish etilyapti (agar
ko‘rgazmada zallar ko‘p bo‘lsa).
The books are in Exhibition
Room N o. 5.
a guide [э 'gaid]
a visit [э 'vizit]
Prep, a visit to a place
e. g. Is this your first visit to
this country?
a revolution [э revs'lu:Jn]
e. g. It w as before the R evo­
a capital [s 'kzepitsl]
e. g. L ondon is the capital o f
to becom e (becam e, becom e)
[ts Ы 'к л т , bi'keim , Ы 'к л т ]
gid, ekskursovod
vizit, tash rif
biron-bir jo y g a borish, tashrif
Siz m am lakatim izda birinchi
m arta b o ‘lishingizm i?
revolutsiya, inqilob
Bu revolutsiyagacha boMgan
London - A ngliyaning poytaxti.
boMmoq (bog'lovchi f e ’I),
erishm oq
U doktor boMmoqchi.
e. g. H e ’s going to becom e a
to change [ts 'tjeind$]
e. g. T he w eather is changing.
e. g. She got m arried, but
d id n ’t w ant to change
her name.
1. o'zgarm oq
O b-havo o ‘zgaryapti.
2 . o ‘zgartirm oq
U qiz turm ushga chiqdi, lekin
fam iliyasini o ‘zgartirishni
xohlam adi.
zo ‘rg ‘a, qiyinchilik bilan
e. g. The sick m an could hard­
ly walk,
to recognize [ts 'rekognaiz]
e. g. He said he d id n ’t recog­
nize me.
a street
e. g. “ W hich street do you
live in?”
“I live in K irov S treet.”
a sq u are [a'sk w ea]
Prep, in a square
e. g. The K rem lin is in Red
d i r t y ['da:ti]
W. comb, a dirty street
dirty hands
a m uddy street
a suburb [э ' 5лЬэ:Ь]
Prep, in the suburbs
to w onder [ta 'wAnda]
e. g. I w onder w hat th e y ’re
doing now.
a district [a'd istrik t]
e.g. There are several factories
in this district.
South-W est
beautiful ['bju:tifal]
W. comb, a beautiful place
a beautiful w om an
* w ide
W. comb, a w ide street (river)
straight [streit]
W. comb, a straight street
K asal zo ‘rg ‘a harakatlanardi.
tanim oq
U meni tanim aganligini aytdi.
Siz qaysi k o ‘chada yashaysiz?
M en Kirov ko‘chasida yashayman.
m aydon
m aydonda
Kreml Qizil m aydonda jo y lashgan.
kabi, o ‘xshash
iflos, ch a n g bilan q oplangan, kir
iflos k o ‘cha (axlat tashlangan)
iflos q o ‘llar
iflos k o ‘cha (yomgNrdan
so ‘ng), loy k o ‘cha
shahar cheti
shahar chetida
bilishni xohlam oq
Q iziq, hozir ular nim a qilishyapti ekan.
rayon, tum an
Bu rayonda bir necha fabrikalar (zavodlar) bor.
(bu yerda:
Moskvadagi rayon)
g o ‘zal, chiroyli
chiroyli jo y
chiroyli ayol, g o ‘zal ayol
keng k o ‘cha (daryo)
to ‘g ‘ri
to‘g ‘n k o ‘cha
Ant. a crooked ['krukid] street
a garden
egri ko‘cha
bog1 (odatda uy oldida jo y-
gardens (p i)
a way
W. comb, on the (one’s) w ay to
jam oat parki, skver, xiyobon
y o ‘l
qayoqqadir ketayotib, -ga
on the (o n e’s) way
uyga ketayotib, uyga ketaverishda
e. g. He m et a friend on the
U yga ketayotib u do’stini
uchratib qoldi.
bino, im orat
(his) Way home,
a building [a'bildii])
to build (built, built) [ta 'bild,
a picture gallery [a 'piktja
w ould like
e. g. H e’d (= he w ould) like
to talk to you.
I’d lik e to go to the
cinem a this evening,
to plan
Syn. to intend
to be going
e. g. W hen do you plan (are
you p lanning) to see the
a village [a 'vilid$]
a collective farm [a ka'lektiv
Prep, to w ork on a collective
a m useum [a m ju:'ziam ]
an exhibition [an .eksi'bijn]
other ['лба]
e. g. I’ve been to Kiev, M insk
and m any other cities in
ou r country.
kartinalar galereyasi
xohlardim ki
U siz bilan gaplashishni xohlardi.
* M en bugun kechqurun kinoga borishni xohlardim .
rejalashtirm oq, hozirlanm oq
hozirlanm oq, taraddud k o ‘rmoq
hozirlanm oq, -m oqchi
Siz zavodga qachon borm oqchisiz?
kolxozda ishlam oq
m uzey
k o ’rgazm a
1. boshqa
Men mamlakatimizning Kiyev,
Minsk va boshqa k o 'p shaharlarida boNganman.
2 . yana (so’roq so ’z va k o ‘plikdagi ot o ‘rtasida keladi)
e. g. W hat other film s have
you seen?
Siz yana qanaqa kinolam i
T aq q o slan g :
W hat other books have you
W hat else have you read?
Siz yana qanaqa kitoblarni
o ‘qigansiz?
Siz yana nim a o ‘qigansiz?
im portant [im 'p o ito n t]
industrial [in 'd A strial]
kerakli, m uhim
sanoatlashgan shahar (markaz, sanoat k o ‘rgazm asi
va boshqalar)
ishlab chiqarish
qishloq x o ‘jaligi
bundan tashqari, -ga q o ‘shim cha tarzda
a n in d u s tria l c ity
(c e n tre , e x h ib itio n ,
e tc .)
industry ['in d a s tri]
agricultural [.segri'kA ltJaral]
in addition to
Ж comb, (the) lunch hour
Prep, in the lunch hour
a m eal
e. g. I usually have three m eals
a day.
Ж comb, a m orning meal
a m idday meal
an evening meal
e. g. Lunch is the m idday
m eal in E ngland, in
our country dinner is
the m idday m eal.
In E ngland dinner is
the evening m eal, in
our country supper is
the evening m eal.
(a) h alf [ha:f]
1. ikkinchi nonushta;
2 . tush lik
tush lik vaqti, tushlik tanaffusi
tushlik tanaffusida, tushlik
ovqatlanish payti, ovqat
M en, odatda, kuniga uch
m ahal ovqatlanam an.
ertalabki ovqat
k u n duzgiovqat
kechqurungi ovqat
A ngliyada kunduzgi ovqat
lanch (ikkinchi ovqat),
bizda esa tushlik deyiladi.
A ngliyada
kechki ovqat
tushlik, bizda esa kechki
ovqat deyiladi.
yarm i, yarim
fV. comb, h a lf an hour
an hour and a h a lf
[зп 'аиэг and э ha:f]
yarim soat
bir yarim soat
Yodda saqlang:
yarim yil
yarim oy
bir yarim oy
bir yarim yil
a quarter [a'kw D ita]
W. comb, a quarter o f an hour
past [pa:st]
e. g. I alw ays g et up at h alf
past seven,
without [w i'daut]
e. g. We aren’t g oing to the
country w ithou t you.
W. comb, a cup o f tea
hungry ['hAqgri]
Gr. to be hungry
e. g. “ Will you have lunch with
“N o, thank you. I’m not
hungry yet.’’
thirsty ['6d:sti]
Gr. to be thirsty
alone [s'lo u n ]
e. g. He w as alone in the
H e can’t do it alone.
to join
e. g. He41 join us in a few
m inutes.
I’ll join you for lunch,
a canteen [э k $ n 'ti:n ]
six months
a fortnight
six w eeks
eighteen m onths
15 daqiqa, chorak soat
keyin, o ‘tganda (soat aytishda) (vaqt predlogi)
M en doim yetti yarim da turaman.
B iz shahardan tashqariga
sizsiz borm aym iz.
bir piyola choy
(qor) ni och boMmoq
Siz biz bilan ovqatlangani
borasizm i?
R ahm at, m ening hali qom im
ochm adi.
chanqam oq
ichishni xohlam oq, chanqagan boMmoq
bir o ‘zi, yakka, yolgMz
U uyda yolgMz edi.
U bir (yakka) o ‘zi buni qilolm aydi.
q o ’shilm oq
U bizga bir necha daqiqadan
so ‘ng q o ’shiladi.
M en sizlar bilan tushlik qil­
gani boram an.
------------------------------------ T a q q o sla n g :
B izning zavodim izda yaxshigina
oshxona bor.
M ening (uydagi) oshxonamning
devorlari och yashil rangda.
T h ere’s a good canteen at
ou r factory.
T he w alls in my diningroom are light-green.
a restaurant [a 're s tn q ]
a ticket
W. comb, a ticket for a theatre
a ticket to S aint Pe. tersburg
e. g. I’ve got tw o tick ets for
“ H am let” .
Syn. a check
to call
1. chipta
teatrga chipta
Sankt-Peterburgga (tem iry o ‘l.) chipta
M enda «G am let» film iga
ikkita chipta bor.
2 . kassa cheki
chaqirmoq, chaqirtirmoq, atam oq
Iltim os, bolalam i ichkariga
ofitsiant qiz
vilka, sanchqi
tarelka, likopcha
sh o ‘rva (birinchi ovqat)
Sen bugun sh o ‘rva (birinchi
ovqatni) ichasanm i (yeysanm i)?
m ineral suv, m a’danli suv
sabzavotli salat, vinegret,
m evali salat
g o ‘sht
g o ‘shtli salat
kartoshka (umumiy nom)
b ir dona kartoshka
m uzqaym oq (ice - m uz,
cream - qaym oq)
e. g. W ill you call the children
in, please?
a w aitress [э 'w eitris]
a w aiter [э 'w eita]
a k nife (pi knives)
a fork
a plate
soup [su:p]
e. g. W ill you have any soup
w ater
W. comb, m ineral w ater
salad ['saslad]
W. comb, vegetable ['ved$itabl],
fruit [fru:t] salad
m eat
W. comb, m eat salad
p otatoes [pa'teitouz] (pi.)
a potato [a pa'teitou]
e. g. I w ant an ice-cream
(= I w ant an ice).
M uzqaym oq yegim kelyapti.
(alohida upakovka qilingan porsiyada)
Two ic e s , please.
I w ant som e i c e - c r e a m .
Ikkita m uzqaym oq bering,
M ening m uzqaym oq yegim
kelyapti. (Na kofe, na choy
va boshqa narsa emas.)
the sw eet
Prep, for the sw eet
e. g. W hat w ill you have for
the sw eet?
a dish
e. g. W e’ve got enough tim e to
do the work.
We haven’t enough tim e
to do the w ork now.
uchinchi ovqat (sw eet - shirinlik)
uchinchisiga, shirinlikka
Siz uchinchisiga (shirinlik­
ka) nim a olasiz?
1. ovqat, tarelka, miska, idish
2 . ovqat, yem ish
yetar, yetarli
B izda bu ish.uchun yetarlicha
vaqt bor.
H ozir bizriing bu ish uchun
vaqtim iz oz (yetm aydi).
Enough ning gapdagi o ‘rniga diqqatingizni qarating: -----This article is interesting enough
for our newspaper.
Bu m aqola bizning gazetam iz
uchun yetarlicha qiziqarli.
Please dictate m ore slow ly. I
can’t w rite fast enough.
Iltimos, sekinroq aytib bering,
men yetarlicha (uncha) tez
yoza olmayman.
(Sifat va ravishdan so ‘ng urg‘usiz talaffuz qilinadi)
You had enough tim e to finish the
w ork. (= You had tim e enough,
to finish the w ork.)
Sizda bu ishni yakunlash
uchun yetarlicha vaqt
b o ‘ldi.
(O tdan oldin va key in kelganda urg‘u bilan talaffuz qilinadi)
I’ve got enough free tim e today.
M ening bugun yetarlicha
b o ‘sh vaqtim bor.
(O tdan oldin, agar undan so ‘ng infinitiv kelm asa)
salt [sDilt]
to pass
e. g. W ill you pass m e the
salad, please.
W. comb, w hite bread
rye bread
uzatm oq (qo ‘Idan qo 'Iga)
Iltim os, m enga salatni uzatib
oq non
qora non
brow n bread
a cou rse [э 'lo :s ]
fV comb, a dinner o f four
courses (= a fourcourse dinner)
th e m eat (fish)
Prep, for the second course
W. comb, a course o f lectures
q izg‘ish non
1. ovqat, taom , tushlik
qism i (nonushtani, kechki
to ‘rtta ovqatdan iborat tush­
lik, to ‘rt taom lik tushlik
ikkinchi (go‘shtli yoki baliqli), g o ’shtli, baliqli taom
2 . kurs
m a ’ruza kursi
to be in o n e’s first
(second, third, etc.)
e. g. A re y o u in you r third
. year yet?
to com e up (to) = to go up (to)
e. g. T he m an cam e up to
m e and said, “ D o n ’t you
recognize m e?”
I w ent up to the picture
to have a good look at it.
coffee ['kofi]
m ilk
a cake
Ant. w eak
W. comb, a strong man
strong coffee (tea)
su gar ['fugs]
W. comb, a lum p o f sugar
to sm oke
W. comb, to have a sm oke
a cigarette [э .siga'ret]
Ж comb, tw o days later
birinchi (ikkinchi, uchinchi
va boshq.) bosqichda o ‘qim oq
Siz uchinchi bosqichdam isiz?
(oldiga) borm oq, yaqinlashib kelm oq
B ir kishi m ening oldim ga
keldi-da, « S iz m eni taniyapsizm i?» - dedi.
M en rasm ni yaxshilab k o ‘rish uchun uning oldiga
yaqinlashdim .
tort, keks
1. kuchli
kuchli inson
2 . o ‘tkir (ichimliklar haqida)
o ‘tk ir kofe (achchiq choy)
oq qand
oq qand b o ’lagi
chekm oq
chekm oq
ikki kundan keyin (odatda
hikoyada ishlatiladi, dialogda emas)
T aq q o slan g :
He w ent to see his parents and
cam e back a fortnight later
(in a fortnight).
“I ’ll be back in a fortnight,” he
U ota-onasini k o ‘rgani ketdi
va ikki haftadan keyin
qaytib keldi.
U: «M en ikki haftadan keyin
qaytam an», - dedi.
a shirt
trousers ['trauzaz] (p i)
a dress
a hat
a s u it [a 'sju :t]
a coat
clothes [kloudz] (p i)
a shoe
W. comb, a pair o f shoes
a boot [a 'bu:t]
a high boot
all over the place
Syn. prepared
e. g. A re you ready yet?
Prep, to be ready for ...
e. g. A re you ready for the
exam ination?
W. comb, to get ready
Syn. to prepare
e. g. W ill you get all the letters
and telegram s ready,
e. g. H e ’s preparing for his
a hom e town [э 'h oum taun]
to pack
e. g. H ave you packed (up)
your things?
H e packed his books into
a big box.
k o ‘ylak
ayollar k o ‘ylagi
pidjak, palto
bir ju ft tufli
bu yerda: xonaning ham m a
Siz tayyorm isiz?
nim agadir tayyor turish
Im tihonga tayyorm isiz?
tayyorlanm oq
tayyorlam oq
Iltim os, ham m a xat va telegram m alam i .tayyorlab
q o ‘ying.
U ta ’tilga tayyorlanm oqda.
ona shahar
joylam oq, y ig ‘ishtirm oq
N arsalaringizni yigN shtirib
U o ‘zining kitoblarini katta
qutiga joylashtirdi.
the rest (of)
W comb, the rest o f the things
the rest o f the w ork
(book, day, etc.)
e. g. H e’s about forty.
T hat’s about all I w as
going to say.
a siut-case [э 'sju:tkeis]
food [fu:d]
a shop
to shop
W.comb. to go (out) shopping
to do som e (o n e’s)
e. g. Will you go sh opp in g
after breakfast?
I’ve got som e sh opp in g
to do this afternoon.
an address [эп a'dres]
a railw ay station
a taxi [э 'taeksi]
W. comb, to take a taxi
to w ait
Prep, to w ait for...
e. g. “ W ho are you w aiting
“ I’m w aiting for a
to b e in a hurry
e. g. He couldn’t talk to all o f
us because he w as in a
hurry to leave.
You shouldn’t do
w ork in a hurry.
qolgan buyum lar
ishning qolgan qism i (kitobni, kunni va boshq.).
atrofida, taxm inan
U qirq yosh afrofida
B u m en aytadigan narsaning
deyarli ham m asi.
cham adon
yem ish, ovqat
m agazin (sanalm aydigan ot)
bozor qilm oq, xarid qilm oq
m agazinga xarid qilgani
borm oq
bozor qilm oq, xarid qilm oq
Siz nonushtadan keyin m a­
gazinga borasizm i?
M en b a’zi bir narsalam i
tushlikdan so ‘ng sotib
olishim kerak.
adres, manzil
vokzal, tem iryo ‘1 stansiyasi,
taksi to’xtatm oq
kutm oq
kim nidir (nim anidir) kutmoq
K im ni kutyapsiz?
D o'stim ni kutyapm an.
nim anidir tezlik bilan, shoshib qilm oq
U ham m am iz bilan gaplasha
olm adi, chunki u ju d a
shoshib turgandi.
Bu ishni siz shoshm a-shosharlik bilan qilishingiz
kerak emas.
T aqq o slan g :
He is h u rry in g home.
He is in a hurry to go home.
m ake breakfast (dinner,
to say good-bye (to)
e. g. He said good-bye to us
and hurried aw ay (off),
to wish
fV. comb, to w ish ... a pleasant
e. g. He w ished us all a pleas­
ant journey.
U uyiga shoshilyapti (= tez
U uyiga shoshilyapti (= vaqti
tig ‘iz).
nonushta tayyorlam oq (tush­
lik, kechki ovqat)
kirn bilandir xayrlashm oq
U biz bilan xayrlashdi-da,
tez ketdi.
tilam oq
kim gadir oq y o ‘l tilam oq
U bizning ham m am izga oq
y o ‘l tiladi.
----------------------------------- Yodda saqlang:
I wish you a pleasant journey.
Sizga oq y o ‘l tilaym an.
I hope you (w ill) have a pleasant
Sizga oq y o ‘l tilaym an (o g ‘zaki), safaringiz bexatar
b o ‘lsin.
U lar baxtli oila.
Sizni yana k o ‘rganim dan
xursandm an.
e. g. They are a h a p p y family.
I ’m h a p p y to see you
--------------------------------- Y odda saq lan g: ----------------------------------
Very happy to m eet you.
Siz bilan tanishganim dan
xursandm an.
I’m happy to have m et you.
Siz bilan tanishganim dan
xursandm an.
It w as nice m eeting you.
Siz bilan tanishganim yaxshi
by heart [bai 'ho:t]
w onderful ['wAndaful]
m o ‘jizakor, ajoyib
e. g. We had w onderful w ea­
ther during the holidays,
to go sightseeing [to 'gou
'sait.siriq] (= to see the sights)
e. g. L et’s go sightseeing to­
H ave you seen all the
sights here?
a place o f interest
a palace [э 'p a elis]
a m onum ent [ з 'm D n ju m o n t]
Prep, a m onum ent to ...
pity ['p iti]
W. comb. T hat’s a pity. (= It’s
a pity.)
e. g. It’s a pity you ca n ’t join
B izning ta ’tilim iz paytida
ob-havo ajoyib boMdi.
D iqqatga sazovor joylam i
k o ‘rish
K eling, ertaga diqqatga sa­
zovor jo y larni koT gani boram iz.
S iz bu yerdagi ham m a diq­
qatga sazovor jo y lam i
k o ‘rib boMdingizmi?
diqqatga sazovor jo y
qasr, saroy
kim ningdir yodgorligi
afsuslanm oq
A fsus.
A fsus, siz biz bilan borolm as ekansiz.
a story [э 'stD:ri]
W. comb, a short story
e. g. We asked the old captain
to tell us his story.
1. hikoya
novella, qisqa hikoya
2 . hikoya, tarix
Biz qari kapitandan hayoti
haqida hikoya qilib berishini s o ‘radik (o ‘zining
hayot tarixi haqida).
a captain [3 'kasptin]
Ж comb, the captain o f a ship
kem a kapitani
som ething ['sAmGiq]
nim adir, biror nim a
(to 'laroq "Grammatika "
bo 'limining 81-§, 514betiga qarangX
a voyage [ э 'voids]
Prep, a voyage to A frica
W. comb, to m ake a voyage
b o ‘ylab
(okean, daryo, k o'p in ch a
A frikaga sayohat
- (ga) sayohat qilish
e. g. H e’s going to m ake
a voyage to South
A m erica.
(the) follow ing [бэ 'folouiq]
e. g. He told us the follow ing
story. (= T his is the story
he told us.)
(a) m ate
a ship
IV. comb, to travel by ship
a steam er (= steam ship)
such ... that
U Janubiy A m erikaga sa­
yohat qilishga hozirlik
U bizga quyidagi hikoyani
aytib berdi. (M ana u bizga
aytib bergan hikoya).
kapitan yordam chisi
paroxodda borm oq
shu qadar (to ‘laroq "Gram­
matika ” bo 'limining 7I-§,
719-betiga qarang) •
stran ge [streinds]
W. comb, a strange thing (sto­
ry, man)
e. g. They spoke in a strange
a stran ger
e. g. I’m a stran ger here.
to sleep (slept, slept)
W. comb, to go to sleep
e. g. I slept very badly last
I o n ly w ent to sleep at
f o u r in the m o r n in g ,
a voice [9 'v o is ]
Prep, in a loud (low ) voice
an ear [эп Чэ]
to sail
1. g 'alati, g ‘aroyib
g ‘alati buyum (g ‘alati hi­
koya, odam )
2 . notanish
U lar notanish tilda gaplashishdi.
1. notanish kishi
2 . chet ellik
M en bu yerlik em asm an
(m en bu yerlarni bilm aym an).
uxlam oq
uyquga ketm oq
Kecha m en ju d a yom on
uxladim .
M en ertalabki soat to ‘rtdagina uxlab qoldim .
baland (past) ovoz bilan
1. yelkanlar ostida yurm oq
2 . suzib ketm oq (dengiz
bo'ylab sayohatga chiqan paroxod va odamlar
e. g. W e’ll be sailing tom or­
Biz ertaga kem ada j o ‘nab
the N orth [дэ 'пэ:0]
the South [da'sauQ ]
the W est [дэ 'w est]
the E ast [di 'i:st]
the Far East
Prep, in the N orth (South,
W est, East)
e. g. T here are a lot o f new
cities in the N orth o f
our country.
Prep, to the north (south, w est,
east) o f
e. g. K iev is to the south-w est
o f Moscow.
W. comb, to go (sail) north
(south, w est, east)
G ‘arb
U zoq Sharq
shim olda (janubda, g ‘arbda,
B izning m am lakatim iz shitnolida ju d a k o ‘p yangi
shaharlar bor.
nim adandir shim olda (ja­
nubda, g ‘arbda, sharqda),
shim olroqda (janubroqda,
g ‘arbroqda, sharqroqda)
K iyev M oskvadan Janubiyg ‘arbda joylashgan.
shim olga borm oq, suzm oq
(janubga, g ‘arbga, sharqqa).
T he travellers w ent north-east.
Sayohatchilar Shimoliysharqqa ketishdi.
a direction
yo 'n alish
-ga y o ‘nalish b o ‘yicha, -ga
tom on
(surishtirib) bilm oq, aniqlam oq
B iz un in g
t a ’tild alig in i
(surishtirib) bildik.
y em o q (o v q atlan m o q )
W. comb, in the direction o f
to find out (found out, found
e. g. We fou n d o u t th a t he
w as aw ay o n holiday,
to eat (ate, ea ten ) [to 'i:t, 'e t,
4 :tn ]
I d o n ’t eat eggs. I d o n ’t like
D o n ’t eat so quickly.
M en tuxum yem aym an, m en
ulam i yoqtirm aym an.
B unchalik tezyem a.
H e had tw o eggs and a cup o f
coffee for breakfast.
U nonushtaga ikkita tuxum
yed i va bir chash k a kofe
that’s why
e. g. You read too m uch last
night, th at’s w hy you
couldn’t go to sleep at
angry ['aeqgri]
Syn. cross
Gr. to be angry (cross) with
D on’t be angry with us.
e. g. W hy are you so cross
with m e?
th ro u g h [0ru:]
e. g. We saw them th ro u g h the
w indow.
W. comb, to look through
e. g. W hen I cam e into the room
the director w as looking
through the telegram s,
glasses (pi.)
a boat
m ana nim aga, shuning
S iz 1 kecha kechqurun ju d a
k o ‘p o lqib yubordingiz
(m ana), shuning uchun
darrov uxlay olm adingiz.
jahli chiqm oq, xafa b o ‘lm oq
xafa boMmoq
kim dandir xafa bo‘lmoq
B izdan xafa boNmang.
N im aga m endan bunchalik
xafa b o ’lyapsiz?
ser, janob
B iz ulam i derazadan k o ‘rdik.
k o ‘rib chiqm oq (tanishib
chiqm oq)
M en xonaga kirganim da, direktor telegrammalami ko‘zdan kechirayotgan edi.
bu yerda: durbin
1. qayiq
2 . kem a
Syn. a ship (a steam ship,
a steam er)
to save
to reach
qutqarm oq
erishm oq,
borm oq,
borm oq
F e’ldan s o ‘ng predlog ishlatilm asligiga e ’tibor b e r in g :-----B iz shaharga kechqum n yetib
to go on [ta 'g o u 'D n ]
Syn. to continue
Gr. go on (continue) doing
sm th. (to do sm th.)
e. g. He w ent on reading.
(= He continued reading)
We reached the tow n late at
davom etm oq
davom etmoq
nim anidir bajarishda davom
etm oq
U o ‘qishda davom etdi.
Prep, to go on w ith smth.
e. g. You can go on w ith your
work. (= You can continue
y our w ork.)
tow ards [ta'wDidz]
Syn. in the direction o f Lit.
e. g. He told us to go tow ards
(= in the direction of) the
aboard [a'bo:d]
W. comb, to be aboard
to go aboard
to take sm th. aboard
e. g. They w ent aboard (the
su dd en ly ['sAdanli]
e. g. The train stopped su d ­
an eye [an 'ai]
to cry
e. g. W hy is the child crying?
e. g. “ C om e here,” he cried.
Syn. to shout at smb.
e. g. W hy w as he sh ou tin g at
to cry out
e. g. “ W hat a pity,” he cried
e. g. He said the last w ords
v eiy loudly (= in a loud
to be pleased
Prep, to be pleased w ith sm b.
(sm th.)
nim anidir davom ettirm oq
S iz ishni davom ettirishingiz
m um kin.
y o ‘nalish
tom onga
b o ‘yicha,
U bizga stansiya tom onga
borishim izni aytdi.
(kem a yoki sam olyot) bort(i)
ga, bort(i)da
(kem a) bortida boMmoq
bortga k o ‘tarilm oq
bortga nim anidir k o ‘tarib
olm oq
U lar (kem a) bort(i)ga k o ‘tarildilar.
birdan, kutilm aganda, to ‘satdan
Poyezd birdan (kutilm agan­
da) to ‘x tab qoldi.
k o ‘z
1. y ig ‘lam oq
Bolakay nim aga yigMayapti?
2 . qichqirm oq
«B u yoqqa kelinglar», - deb
qichqirdi u.
biror k ishiga baqirm oq
N im aga u Jonga baqirdi.
hayajon bilan gapirm oq
«Q anday afsus», - hayajonlanib dedi u.
baland (yo‘g ‘on, qattiq)
U oxirgi so ‘zlarni ju d a ba­
land ovoz bilan aytdi (ju­
da qattiq).
qoniqm oq, qoniqish hosil
qilm oq
kim dandir (nim adandir) qo­
niqm oq, xursand boMmoq
e. g. I am pleased w ith you.
P leased to m eet you.
to ord er
Gr to order smb. to do sm th.
M en sizlardan qoniqish hosil
Siz bilan tanishganim dan
xursandm an.
1. buyurm oq
kim gadir nim anidir qilishni
buyurm oq
T he captain ordered them to go
fV. comb, to order a new suit
to order dinner
to be asleep
Syn. to sleep
W. comb, to be fast asleep
o f cou rse [a f ko:s]
K apitan ularga bortga ko‘tarilishni buyurdi.
2 . buyurtm a berm oq
kastum (tikish)ga buyurtm a
berm oq
tushlik buyurtirm oq
uxlam oq (uyquda boMmoq)
uxlam oq
qattiq uxlam oq
‘H ave you seen the new
‘O f course I have.”
‘C an I use your pen?”
‘C ertainly.”
to be drow ned [draund]
(a) record
- Siz yangi film ni k o ‘rdingizm i?
-A lb a tta .
- Sizning ruchkangizdan foydalanish m um kinm i?
- Albatta. (Iltim osga, iltifotli
ja v o b , ruxsat)
cho‘kib ketm oq
1. rekord (ot), eng yuqori
2 . rekord (sifat)
a departm ent [a di'pa:tm ant]
e. g. There are several depart­
m ents in this shop,
a departm ent store
to buy (bought, bought)
Bu m agazinda bir necha
boMimlar bor.
U niversal m agazin
sotib olm oq
e. g. Please buy m e a few
exercise-books. (= Please
buy a few exercise-books
for me.)
to sell (sold, sold)
e. g. They sold us their piano.
(= They sold th eir piano
to us.)
though [бои]
early ['a:li]
e. g. It’s too early to go there.
Have w e com e too early?
a custom er [э 'kAstama]
a counter [a 'kaunta]
to look round
to excuse [tu iks'kjuiz]
e. g. Excuse me.
Iltim os, m enga bir nechta
daftarlar sotib olib bering.
sotm oq
U lar bizga pianino sotishdi.
- g a qaram asdan
1. erta (sifat)
U yerga borishga hali erta.
2.* erta (ravish) (5-darsga
B iz ju d a erta keldikm i?
bu yerda: tom osha qilm oq,
k o ’rm oq
kechirim s o ‘ram oq
K echirasiz. (ko'pincha suh-
baidoshning e tiborini о ‘ziga qaratish uchun ishlati­
e. g. Excuse me, can I get to
Kirov Street by the 16,h
a shop-assistant
over there
K echirasiz, men K irov k o ‘chasiga 16-avtobusda bo­
ra olam anm i?
ana и y erda (gapiruvchidan
biroz uzoq masofada)
e. g. I can see a nice table for
tw o over there. L et’s take
a pair [a 'p sa ]
a size
IV. comb, size 39 shoes
size 8 gloves
tw o sizes too large
(sm all)
e. g. I’m afraid it isn ’t m y
Men ana и yerda ikki kishilik
yaxshi stol k o ‘ryapm an.
K etdik, uni band qilam iz.
ju ftlik
razm er, kattalik, o ‘lcham
39-o‘lcham li tufli
8-o ‘Icham li qoMqop
ikki oMcham katta (kichik)
Bu m ening oMchamim b o ‘lm asa kerak, deb q o ‘rqaman.
* Y u ld u z c h a b ila n a v v a l o ‘r g a n i l g a n s o ‘z y o k i s o ‘z m a ’n o la r i b e lg ila n g a n
I w ant a size larger.
[w 3 :m ]
Ant. cold [kould]
e. g. It’s w arm er today than it
M enga bir oNcham (razm er)
kattasidan kerak.
Bugun kechagidan issiqroq.
w as yesterday.
one (ones) [w a o ,
olmosh (otlarni gapda takrorlamaslik uchun ishlatiluvchi о 'rindosh so 'z)
w aoz]
tashqarida, ko‘chada, binoda
em as
K o ‘cha sovuqm i? (Ob-havo
sovuqm i?)
dahshatli (sifat)
dahshat (ravish)
oyoq, tovon
oyoq (sondan tovongacha)
q o ‘l, barm oqlar
q o ‘l (barmoqlardan yelka-
outside ['aut'said]
e. g. Is it cold
o u tsid e ?
terrible ['teribl]
terribly ['teribli]
a foot (pi. feet) [fut, fi:t]
a leg
a hand
an arm
U qizning qo'lida sum ka bor
U ayol bolani qo'lida k o ‘tarib
olgan edi.
suitable ['sjm tabl]
W. comb, a suitable place
(thing, day)
Gr. to be suitable for smb. or
e. g. Is this tim e suitable for
you? ‘
to try on
e. g. Let m e try on that grey
coat, please. (= L et me
try it on.)
to feel (felt, felt)
She had a bag in her
She had a baby in her
arm s.
qulay, mos
qulay jo y (buyum , kun)
m os tushm oq, kim gadir yoki
nim agadir m os tushm oq
Bu vaqt sizga qulaym i?
(m a’qulm i?)
o ‘lchab ko‘rmoq, kiyib ko‘rm oq
Iltim os, m enga m ana bu
kulrang paltoni kiyib (o ‘lchab) k o ‘rish uchun olib
1.* o ‘zini his qilm oq
(9-darsga qarang)
Phr. to feel com fortable
2 . his qilm oq, sezm oq
qulay boMmoq (kiyim, po-
yabzal haqida)
e. g. “ H ow do they (the shoes)
“ Thank you, they feel
quite com fortable.”
Will you try this coat on?
D oes it feel com fortable?
different ['difaront]
e. g. This pen isn’t mine. M ine
is quite different.
T hat’s quite different.
T he brothers are more
different than you think.
e. g. A departm ent store sells
m any
Syn. various
W. comb, various books
various people
e. g. I d o n ’t w ant to buy any­
thing. I’m just looking
Siz unda (tuflida) o ‘zingizni
qanday his qilyapsiz?
Rahm at, ular ju d a qulay.
Siz bu paltoni kiyib k o ‘rasizm i?
Sizga u yaxshi tushdim i
(qulaym i)?
1. boshqacha, bunaqa em as;
farqli, boshqalardan ajralib turadigan
Bu m ening ruchkam emas.
M eniki um um an bosh­
qacha edi. (Bunaqa em asdi)
B u um um an boshqa gap.
A ka-ukalar siz o ‘ylaganingizdan boshqacharoq.
2 . har xil, turlicha
U niverm agda har xil bu­
yum lar sotiladi.
har xil, turli xil
turli xil kitoblar
har xil odam lar
1. faqat, oddiy
M en hech narsa sotib olm oqchi em asm an, faqat
k rm oqchim an, xolos.
2 . buyruq gaplarda ko '­
pincha f e ’Isiz ishlatiladi
e. g. Just a m om ent, please.
B ir daqiqa!
3.* endigina
zamon guruhi bilan ishla­
tiladi, 50-§ga qarang)
e. g. He has ju st gone out.
U endigina chiqib ketdi.
4. H ozir (ko'pincha harakat
e. g. I’m ju st com ing.
H ozir boram an.
f e "llari bilan ishlatiladi)
a m om ent
e. g. Please w ait a m om ent.
Sorry I ca n ’t see you. I’m
busy at the m om ent.
A t that m om ent he
lucky [Члк!]
Gr. to be lucky
e. g. I hope w e’ll be lucky.
You were lucky enough to
get tickets,
m om ent, daqiqa, lahza
Iltim os, bir daqiqa kutib
K echirasiz, m en hozir sizni
qabul qila olm aym an, men
hozir bandm an.
Shu daqiqada u to ‘xtab
baxtli, omadli
om adi kelm oq, om adli boM­
Urn id qilam anki, bizga omad
kulib boqadi.
O m adingiz bo r ekan, chiptani qoMga kiritdingiz.
chiroyli, g o ’zal, orom ijon,
qim m at
1. q im m at (arzon emas)
2. qimm atli (sevimli, qadrli)
lovely ['lAvli]
expensive [iks'pensiv]
Ant. cheap
Syn. dear
This dress is too dear
(= expensive) for me.
This is an expensive suit.
Bu kiyim m en uchun ju d a
qimm at.
Bu qim m at kastum .
(expensive ham kesim ning ot qism i, ham ot oldidan aniqlovchi
sifatida ishlatiladi, dear qimmat m a’nosida faqat kesim ning ot
qism i boMib kela oladi)
to m atter
e. g. It (that) doesn’t m a tte r
(to me).
H ow m uch is it?
to pay (paid, paid)
e. g. H ow m uch did you pay
for these shoes?
inside ['in'said]
Ant. outside
aham iyatli boMmoq
B uning (m en uchun) aham iyati y o ‘q. (M enga baribir)
Bu qancha turadi?
(pul) toMamoq
Bu poyabzallar uchun siz
qancha toMadingiz?
ichkarida, binoda
tashqarida, ochiq havoda
e. g. T he children are still
a glove [э 'glAv]
along [a 'b q ]
W. comb, to go (com e) along
w ith smb.
e. g. “ Please let m e go along
w ith you.”
“Certainly. C om e along”.
W. comb, along a street (river)
W. comb, dark-brow n
to m atch
B olalar hali ham k o ‘chada.
birgalikda, bilan, bolylab
kirn bilandir birga ketm oq
Iltim os, m enga siz bilan
(birga) borishga ruxsat
A lbatta, ketdik.
k o ‘cha (daryo) b o ‘ylab
qorong‘i, to ‘q
to ‘q jig arran g
k o ‘k
to ‘q yashil
nim agadir m os tushm oq (bi-
chimi, rangi)
e. g. Your gloves m atch your
I w ant a tie to m atch my
She had a blue suit on,
w ith a bag and shoes to
m atch,
a w atch [э 'wotf]
rather ['га:3э]
Sizning qoMqopingiz shlapangizga m os tushdi.
M enga kastum ga m os tushadigan galstuk kerak.
U qizda к о ‘к kastum , o ‘sha
rangdagi sum ka va tufli
bor edi.
soat (cho ‘ntak, qo 7 soati)
yetarli, ju d a , ancha (daraja
ravishi, ko'pincha salbiy
m a ’nodagi, b a ’z an ijobiy
та 'nodagi sifat va ravishlar bilan ishlatiladi)
e. g. It’s rather cold here.
B u y er yetarlicha (ancha)
He did rather badly in
his exam.
U im tihonni ancha yom on
T his is a rather good
book. I think y o u ’ll like
B u ancha qiziq kitob. M e­
ni o 'y lash im ch a u sizga
1. kech (sifat)
Juda kech kelgandan (qilgandan) k o ‘ra, ju d a erta
kelgan (qilgan) yaxshi (ni­
m anidir). (Juda kechdan
k o ‘ra, ju d a erta yaxshi.)
Ant. early
e. g. It’s better to be too early
than too late.
Prep, to be late for (to)
e." g. N ick w as late fo r (to)
classes yesterday.
qayergadir kech qolm oq
K echa N ik darsga kech
2 ’ kech (ravish) (5-darsga
e. g. B etter late than never.
H echdan ko‘ra kech boMgani
tez, chaqqon
te z gapirm oq
quickly ['kw ikli]
Ant. slow ly
Syn. fast
W. comb, to speak fast
usual ['ju :3ul]
W. comb, than usual
as usual
an airport [эп 'еэрэ:1]
(the) sam e
W. comb, the sam e book (story,
city, m an, ect.)
e. g. Fred and I left M oscow
on the sam e day.
Phr. all the sam e
e. g. “W ould you like to go
to the theatre or to the
cinem a?”
“I t’s all the sam e to m e.”
(a) part
e. g. Did you like the second
part o f this book?
I only did part o f the
w ork yesterday.
W. comb, to take part in sm th.
e. g. W ill you take part in the
to invite
odatdagiga qaraganda
odatdagiday, har doim giday
xuddi o ‘zi, o ‘sha
o ‘sha kitob (hikoya, shahar,
odam va boshq.)
Fred bilan men M oskvadan
bir kunda j o ‘nadik.
baribir, bir xil, farqi y o ‘q
Siz kinoga borasizm i yoki
teatrgam i?
M enga baribir
1. qism
Sizga bu kitobning ikkinchi
qism i yoqdim i?
K echa m en ishning bir
qism ini qildim , xolos.
2 . qatnashm oq, ishtirok et­
nim agadir qatnashm oq, biror
narsada ishtirok etm oq
S iz m uhokam ada qatnashasizm i?
ta k lif qilm oq
e. g. I invited a lot o f m y friends
to dinner on Sunday.
an invitation
to m ind [to 'm aind]
e. g. D o you m ind if I sm oke?
(= D o you m ind my
sm oking?)
I d o n ’t mind if you com e
a t 12.
Phr. W ould you m ind (doing
sm th.)?
e. g. W ould you m ind opening
the w indow ?
W. comp, in the open air
(= out-of-doors)
e. g. You should spend m ore
tim e in the open air (outof-doors).
Prep, (to travel) by air
Ж comb, fresh air
a fresh new spaper
fresh bread (m eat,
the sky
Prep, in the sky
e. g. T he sun w as shining in
the blue sky.
to sh ine (shon e [b n ], shone)
to rain
e. g. It’s too hot in here.
I like m y food hot.
to start
e. g. We m ust start early.
Y akshanba kuni m en k o ‘plab d o ‘stlarim ni tushlikka
ta k lif qildim.
taklifnom a
nim agadir e ’tiroz bildirm oq,
biror narsaga qarshi chiq­
m oq
M en cheksam siz qarshi
em asm isiz?
A gar 12 da kelsangiz men
qarshi em asm an.
M arham at qilib...(m u/oyim-
lik bilan iltimos qilish)
M arham at qilib, derazani
ochib yuboring.
ochiq havoda (binoda em as,
Siz k o ‘p vaqtingizni ochiq
havoda o ‘tkazishingiz ke­
sam olyotda (sayohat qilish)
yangi, toza
toza havo
yangi gazeta
(g o ‘sht
osm on
osm onda
M oviy osm onda quyosh
charaqlar edi.
porlam oq
y o m g ’ir
y o m g ‘ir y o g ‘m oq (78-§ga
issiq, qaynoq
Bu y er ju d a issiq
M en issiq taom ni yoqtiram an.
1. j o ‘nam oq, q o ‘zg ‘alm oq
B iz erta jo 'n a sh im iz kerak.
At last the train started.
Prep, to start o ff
e. g. We started o ff after
e. g. We m ust start w ork at
The girl started crying
(to cry).
m ay
e. g. He m ay com e or he m ay
They m ay still be here,
a driver
to drive [draiv] (drove [drouv],
driven ['drivn])
W. comb, to drive a car
a plane
Prep, by plane
e. g. I’ll be going to Saint
P etersburg by plane.
to land
a passenger [ з 'passincfea]
to get on (a bus, a plane)
to get o ff (a bus, a plane)
to get into (a car)
to get out o f (a car)
a group [э 'gru:p]
W. comb, a funny sto ry (film,
to look funny
to have sm th . on
N ihoyat poyezd o ‘m idan
q o ‘z g ‘aldi.
jo ‘nam oq, yoMga chiqm oq
N onushtadan
у о i g a chiqdik.
2 . boshlam oq
Biz hoziroq ishni boshlashim iz kerak.
Q izcha y ig ia s h n i boshladi.
M um kin (ruxsat, taxm in)
U kelishi ham (m um kin),
kelm asligi ham m um kin.
U lar hali ham shu yerda
b o iis h i m um kin.
haydovchi, shofyor
boshqarm oq (m ashinani haydarn oq)
avtom ashinani boshqarm oq,
haydam oq
sam olyot
sam olyotda
M en Sankt-Peterburgga sa­
m olyotda ucham an.
qo‘nm oq (samolyot), sohilga ‘
kelm oq (kema)
chiqm oq, o iirm o q , kirm oq
(avtobus, sam olyotga)
tushm oq, chiqm oq (avtobus,
sam oly otdan)
o iirm o q (m ashinaga chiq­
m oq)
tushm oq (m ashinadan tu sh ­
m oq)
kulgili, qiziqarli
kulgili h iko y a (film va
kulgili k o iin m o q
n im anidir kiym oq, kiy ib o l­
gan b o im o q
e. g. She had a beautiful dress
to put on sm th.
e. g. It’s cold outside (out-ofdoors). Put on your warm
clothes [kloudz] (p i)
U q izning egn id a chiroyli
k o ‘ylak bor edi.
kiym oq
K o ‘cha sovuq. Issiq paltoni
kiyib oling.
kiyim -kechak (faqat ko'p-
likda ishlatiladi)
A ll o u r w arm clothes are in that
room , aren’t they?
B izning ham m a issiq kiyim larim iz narigi xonada, to ‘g ‘rim i?
old man
a bit
to agree
Prep, to agree w ith smb.
e. g. I d o n ’t quite agree with
to laugh [ts 'la if]
Prep, to laugh at smth. (sm b.)
qariya (do'stiga murojaat)
kelishm oq, rozi boMmoq
kirn bilandir kelishm oq
M en sizning fikringizga unchalik q o ‘shilm aym an.
kulm oq
nim anidir (kim ningdir) ustidan kulm oq
N im aga kulyapsizlar?
e. g. W hat are you laughing
to snow
a degree
to believe [to bi'li:v]
e. g. T hey d id n ’t believe him.
alm ost ['Dilmoust]
e. g. It’s alm ost dark outside.
below zero [bi:lou 'zi:rou]
let alone
e. g. John has no tim e for a
jo u rn ey to France, let
alone the money.
th e b itin g w in d s
qor y o g ‘moq (7g-§ga qarang)
bu yerda: gradus, daraja
sovuq, ayozli
ishonm oq
U lar unga ishonm adilar.
K o ‘chaga deyarli qorongM
noldan past
u haqida gapirm asa ham , u
yoqda tursin
F ransiyaga borish uchun
Jonda vaqt ham y o ‘q,
pulni esa gapirm asa ham
izgM rin sham ol
to take o ff
Ant. to put on smth.
e. g. You can take o ff your
coat. It’s warm in here,
to be sure [|иэ]
e. g. H e’s sure they w ill be
com ing soon.
Prep, to be sure o f smth.
e. g. He is right. I’m quite sure
o f it.
a h ea rt [э 'h a :t]
h ea rtily ['h a itili]
a season [a 'sh z n ]
to go boating
fruit [fru:t]
to enjoy (sm th.)
e. g. A re you enjoying your
o lm o q , y echm o q
kiym oq
Siz paltoingizni yechishingiz m um kin. Bu y er issiq.
ishonm oq
U ulam ing kelishiga aniq
nim agadir aniq ishonm oq
U haq. Men bunga aniq
ishonam an.
y u rak
y u ra k d a n
qayiqda suzishga borm oq
m evalar
nim adandir zavq olish, bahra olmoq
Sayohatingiz sizga yoqyaptim i?
short for
to be situated ['sitjueitid]
e. g. The village is situated in
a very beautiful place,
an island [эп 'a ib n d ]
to call
e. g. W hat d ’you c a l l ...?
to consist
Prep, to consist o f smth.
e. g. The novel consists of
three parts,
independent (of) [indi'pendant]
to wash
an ocean [эп 'oufn]
between [bi'tw im ]
e. g. The M editerranean Sea is
between E urope and A f­
-ning qisqartm asi
Q ishloq ju d a chiroyli jo y da
nom lam oq, atam oq
Q anday nom lanadi ...?
tashkil topm oq, iborat boM­
nim adandir tashkil topm oq,
-dan iborat boMmoq
R om an uch qism dan iborat
(- dan) m ustaqil
yuvm oq
okean, um m on
(ikki predm et) orasida, oraligMda, o ‘rtasida
O 'rta y er dengizi Yevropa va
A frika o ‘rtasida jo y lash ­
to travel
Prep, to travel about a coun­
to travel by plane (by
air, by ship)
1. sayohat qilm oq
biron-bir davlat b o ‘ylab
sayohat qilm oq.
2 . transportda yurm oq
sam olyotda uchm oq (sayo­
hat qilm oq) (paroxodda
suzm oq)
to travel on business
ish yuzasidan sayohat qilmoq,
xizm at safariga borm oq
to travel for pleasure
dam olish uchun sayohat
qilm oq
orqali o ‘tm oq
qit’a, m aterik
Yevropa q it’asi (Buyuk Bri­
tan iy a oroliga nisbatan
poyezd bilan, poyezdda
kesib o ‘tm oq, orqali o ‘tmo(^
m am lakat orqali o ‘tm oq
ko‘chani kesib o ‘tm oq
uchm oq
ustidan uchib o ‘tm oq
orqali uchib o‘tm oq
to g 1
to g 1 tizmasi
to pass through
a continent [9 'kontinant]
Art. the continent
Prep, by train
to cross
W. comb, to cross a country
to cross a street
to fly [ta 'flai] (flew [flu:], flown)
Prep, to fly over
to fly across
a m ountain [э m auntin]
W. comb, a m ountain chain
fam ous ['feim as]
Gr. Prep, to be fam ous for
e. g. Finland is fam ous fo r its
a lake
highly developed ['haili di'velapt]
to export [tu iks'po:t]
m achinery [m a'fim ari]
a vessel [a 'vesal]
a m otor [a'm o u ta]
goods [gudz] (pi. goods)
taniqli, m ashhur
biron nim asi bilan m ashhur
F inlandiya o ‘zining koMIari
bilan mashhur.
taraqqiy etgan, yuqori daraja d a rivojlangan
eksport qilm oq
m ashina, m ashina jihozlari
yuk kem asi, kem a
m otor, dvigatel
m ol, tovar
bosh, asosiy
an industry [э п 'indsstri]
textile ['tekstail]
food products (pi)
raw m aterials [ 'n : mg'tigrialz]
including [in'kludiq]
ishlab chiqarish sohasi, og‘ir
1. to ‘qim a, yengil sanoat
2 . to ‘qim achilik
oziq-ovqat m ahsulotlari
xom ashyo
dunyo, borliq
o ‘z ichiga olm oq
youth [ju:9]
popular ['popjula]
Gr. Prep, to be popular with
e. g. P rofessor N. is popular
with the students,
a novelist [э 'novalist]
noisy ['noizi]
(a) noise
W. comb, to m ake a noise
e. g. T he children are m aking
so m uch noise that I ca n ’t
w ork here,
a gam e
clever ['kleva]
e. g. Ann is a clever girl.
S he’s doing very w ell at
Gr. Prep, to be clever (good) at
sm th. (doing sm th.)
e. g. H e ’s clever (good) at
foreign languages.
an age
Prep, at the age o f ...
e. g. M any children begin
reading at the age o f
five or six.
W. comb, at an early age
e. g. M ozart began playing the
piano at an early age.
taniqli, m ashhur
orasida m ashhur b o ’lmoq
Professor N. talabalar ora­
sida mashhur.
yozuvchi-rom anist, roman
shovqin qilm oq
B olalar shunday shovqin qilishm oqdaki, m en bu yer­
da ishlay olm ayapm an.
o ‘yin
qobiliyatli, aqlli
A nna - qobiliyatli qiz. U
m aktabda ju d a yaxshi
o ‘qiydi.
nimagadir qobiliyati boMmoq
Uni chet tillarga qobiliyati
... yoshda
K o’pgina bolalar o ’qishni
besh-olti yoshlarida boshlashadi.
yoshlik chogMda, erta yoshda
M otsart royalda kuy chalishni yoshlik ch o g ‘idanoq bosh lagan.
a play
own [oun]
e. g. I saw it w ith m y own
pyesa, spektakl
xususiy, o ‘z
M en buni o ‘z k o ‘zim bilan
k o ‘rdim.
to perform [to pa'foim ]
ijro etm oq, o ‘ynam oq (pyesa
W. comb, to perform a play
pyesa ijro etm oq
a perform ance [э ps'foim sns]
tom osha, spektakl
to m ove [to'm urv]
1. harakatlanm oq
e. g. The train w as m oving
Poyezd ju d a sekin harakatvery slowly.
2 . k o ‘chib o ‘tm oq
e. g. In 1978 our fam ily m oved
1978-yilda bizning oilam iz
to Saint Petersburg.
Sankt-Peterburgga ko‘chib
o ‘tdi.
besid es [bi'saidz]
bundan tashqari
e. g. In order to know English
Siz ingliz tilini yaxshi biliw ell you should read a lot
shingiz uchun darslikdan
besides your text book.
tashqari k o ‘plab boshqa
kitoblam i ham o ‘qishingiz
to go to sm b.
kim gadir m urojaat qilm oq
Prep, to go to sm b. for sm th.
kim gadir biror nim a uchun
m urojaat qilm oq
e. g. I often go to P eter for
M en ishim ni o ‘zim qilolhelp w hen I ca n ’t do my
m aganim da, k o ‘pincha Pew ork alone.
terga yordam so ‘rab m u­
rojaat qilam an.
m oney
T aqqoslang:
---------------------------------“ W here is the m oney?” “It’s on
Pul qayerda turibdi. - U
the w riting-table.”
yozuv stolida.
Did you spend m uch m oney on
0 ‘tgan haftada siz kitoblar
books last w eek?
uchun ko'p p u l sarfladingizm i?
except [ik'sept]
Syn. but
e. g. I enjoyed all the stories in
this book excep t (but) the
last one.
I ’ve spoken to everybody
but him.
- dan tashqari
M enga bu kitobdagi oxirgisidan tashqari, boshqa
barcha hikoyalar yoqdi.
M en, undan tashqari, boshqa
ham m a bilan gaplashdim .
a debt [э 'det]
JV. comb, to be in debt to smb.
to pay o ne’s debts
a d ebtor [a'd eta ]
The Marshalsea Debtors’ Prison
e. g. It’s nearly ten o ’clock.
qarz (pul)
kim dandir qarzdor b o ‘lm oq
qarzni toMamoq, qarzini to ‘lamoq
Marshals! qarzdorlar qam og‘i
deyarli, atrofida
Soat deyarli 10 boMdi.
S h e’s nearly ninety.
She’s about forty.
schooling ['sku:liq]
to earn [tu 'э:п]
Phr. to earrt o n e ’s living
a trad e
am bition [zem'bifan]
W. comb, to realize [ta 'rialaiz]
o ne’s am bitions
w ell-educated ['w el'edjukeitid]
a way
W. comb, on o ne’s w ay
e. g. I m et an old friend o f
yours on my w ay hom e
Phr. in this w ay
e. g. M y brother often goes
to m useum s and picture
galleries and in this way
he learns a lot.
Phr. by the w ay
e. g. B y the way, w on’t your
brother jo in us?
U ayolning yoshi deyarli
(salkam) to ‘qsonda.
U ayolning yoshi qirqlar
bu yerda: m aktabda o‘qim oq, savodlilik
ishlab topm oq
yashash uchun pul ishlab
topm oq
hunar, kasb
intilish, kim dir boMishni
orzu qilm oq, nim adir qilm oq
orzusiga erishm oq
savodli, yaxshi ta ’lim olgan
y o ‘l
y o ‘l b o ‘ylab, y o ‘lda, - ga
K echa m en u y g a kelayotib,
yoMda sening qadrdon do‘stingni uchratib qoldim.
shunday qilib (shu y o ‘l, usul
M ening akam m uzey va
rasm lar k o ‘rgazm asiga teztez borib turadi va shu y o ‘l
bilan k o ‘p narsalam i bilib
aytgandek, darvoqe
D avroqe, akangiz b iz bilan
borishni xohlaydim i?
ed u c atio n [.edju'keifsn]
W. comb, a higher education
e. g. He received a good education.
to describe [to dis'kraib]
ta ’lim, m a’lumot
oliy ta ’lim, oliy m a’lumot
U yaxshi ta ’lim oldi.
ta ’riflam oq, tasvirlam oq
D iqqatingizni qarating:-- ------------------------
to describe fe ’lidan so ’ng predlogli toNdiruvchi d o im to predlogi
bilan ishlatiladi:
D escribe the m an to me.
M enga bu odam ni ta 'riflab
D escribe to me the man w ho
saved you.
M enga sizni qutqarib qolgan
odam ni tasvirlab bering.
a description [э dis'krip/зп]
W. comb, to give a description
o f sm th.
e. g. C an you give m e a des­
cription o f the thing?
a novel [э 'novl]
am ong [ э 'т л д ]
e. g. H e w as am ong friends.
ta ’rif, tasvir
biror narsaga ta ’r if berm oq
e. g. T he Volga is am ong the
longest rivers in the
w orld,
to die (died, died)
e. g. M y father died w hen I
w as a child.
Siz m enga bu narsani tasvir­
lab bera olasizm i?
rom an
1. orasida
U d o ‘stlari orasida edi.
2 . qatoriga, sirasiga
Volga dunyodagi eng katta
daryolar qatoriga kiradi.
o ’lmoq, vafot etm oq
M ening otam bolaligim da
vafot etgan.
to happen [ta 'haepn]
e. g. It happened ten years
Syn. to take place
e. g. W hen did this take place?
Prep, to happen to smb.
e. g. She asked w hether any­
thing had happened to
him .
sodir b o ’lmoq
Bu o ‘n yil oldin sodir b o ‘lgan edi.
sodir bo'lm oq, bo‘lib o ‘tmoq
Bu qachon sodir boMdi?
kirn bilandir sodir b o ’lm oq
U qiz unga hech narsa b o ‘lm adim i, deb so ’radi.
T aqq o slan g :
Unga nimadir bo 'Idimi? U nimaga kelm adi?
D id anything happen to
him ? W hy d id n ’t he
com e?
Sizga bugun nima bo'ldi? Siz
k o'plab xatolar qilyapsiz.
W h at’s happened to you
today? You’re m aking a
lot o f m istakes.
Sizga nima qildi? R angingiz
oqarib ketibdi?
Soatingizga nima bo ‘Idi?
W h at’s the m atter with
you? Y ou’re very pale.
W h at’s w rong with your
w atch?
w a r [wd:]
Ant. peace
Prep, at war
at peace
e. g. We w ant to live at peace
with other peoples.
urush, urush holatida
urush holatida
B iz boshqa xalqlar bilan
tinchlikda yashashni xohlaymiz.
Ikkinchi Jahon urushi
IV. comb, the Second World
War (= W orld War II
to fight [to 'fait] (fought [fort],
Prep, to fight against smb.
(sm th.) fo r smth.
e. g. The people’s o f the w orld
fight for peace against
a fascist [э 'ftelist]
to defend [to di'fend]
Prep, to defend sm th. (sm b.)
from sm th. (sm b.)
e. g. In 1812 the Russian people
defended their country
from the French army,
freedom ['frirdam]
independence [.indi'pendans]
(the) front
W. comb, on the front
one day
kurashm oq, urushm oq
kim gadir (nim agadir) qarshi
nim a uchundir kurashmoq
Butun dunyo xalqlari tinchlik
uchun urushga qarshi kurashadilar.
him oya qilm oq
nim anidir (kim nidir) nimadandir (kim dandir) him oya
qilm oq
1812-yilda rus xalqi o ‘z vatanini fransuz arm iyasidan
him oya qildi.
m ustaqillik
bu yerda: front
bir kuni
fierce [fias]
a battle
W comb, a fierce battle
an arm y
W. comb, the R ussian A rm y
the U zbek A rm y
to defeat [ta di'fi:t]
e. g. In January and February
1944 the S oviet Army
defeated the G erm an fas­
cists at S aint Petersburg
and N ovgorod.
an enem y [an 'enim i]
a unit [a 'ju:nit]
to liberate [ta Nibareit]
liberation [.liba'reijn]
at first
Phr. first o f all
shafqatsiz, qaqshatqich (urush
urush J a n g
shafq atsizjan g
arm iya
Rus A rm iyasi
0 ‘zbek A rm iya
(ustidan) g ‘alaba qozonm oq
1944-yilning yanvar va fevral
oylarida Sovet Arm iyasi nem is fashistlari ustidan SanktPeterburg va Novgorodda
g ‘alaba qozondi.
dushm an
qism , boMinma (harbiy)
ozod qilm oq
ozod qilish
dastlab, boshida
avval, birinchi navbatda
avvalam bor
u bizga yoqm adi,
lekin biz uni yaqindan bilib
olganim izdan so ‘ng, b iz qalin
do‘st b o ‘lib qoldik.
Siz a w a l m aqolani oxirigacha
o ‘qib chiqishingiz, so ‘ngra
tarjim a qilishni boshlashingiz
At first w e d id n ’t like him,
but w hen w e got to know
him better, w e became
great friends.
First you m ust finish reading
the article, then begin to
translate it.
to turn round
e. g. Som ebody called out to
me, I turned round and
saw an old friend,
to turn back
to turn on (the light, the water,
the gas, the television set, the
radio, etc.)
to turn off
W. comb, to turn pale
to be (look) pale
orqaga qaram oq
K im dir m eni chaqirdi, orqa­
ga qaradim va eski d o 'stlarim dan birini ko‘rdim.
orqaga qaytm oq
yoqm oq (chiroqni, suvni,
gazni, televizorni, radioni
va boshq.).
o ‘chirm oq
oqarm oq
oqarib ketmoq
oqarib k o ‘rinmoq
to kill
e. g. To kill two birds w ith one
Gr. to be killed
e. g. He was killed in a train
accident ['xksidont],
a soldier [э 'soulcbja]
an officer [эп 'ofisa]
to realize
Syn. to understand
o ‘ldirmoq
B ir o ‘q bilan ikki qushni
vafot etm oq, halok boMmoq
U tem iryo‘1 halokatida ha­
lok boMdi.
soldat, askar
ofitser, zobit
tushunm oq, anglamoq, fahmlamoq
tushunm oq
[tu Anda'stzend] (under­
stood [Anda'stud], un­
--------------------------------- Taqqoslang:
Siz savolim ni tushundingizmi?
M en u nim a haqida gapirayotganini tushunmayapman.
(M en) H am m a m enga qarayotganini fahm ladim (sezdim).
U nimaboM ganini tushnnganida,
(u) bunga afsuslandi.
to keep (kept, kept)
e. g. How long can I keep your
He usually keeps old
W. comb, to keep o ne’s w ord
D o you understand my
I d o n 't understand w hat
h e ’s talking about.
I realized that everybody
w as looking at me.
W hen he realized w hat had
happened, he w as sorry.
1. ushlab turm oq, saqlam oq
S izning kitobingizni men
qancha ushlab turishim
m um kin?
U odatda, eski xatlam i saqlaydi.
2 . ushlab turm oq.
s o ‘zida (v a’dasida) turmoq
(prom ise)
e. g. D oes he alw ays keep his
prom ise?
e. g. I w on’t keep you long.
IV. comb, to keep smb. w aiting
e. g. I am terribly sorry I’ve
kept you w aiting (so
U har doim v a ’dasini bajaradim i?
3. ushlab turm oq
M en sizni uzoq ushlab turm aym an.
kim nidir kuttirib qO‘ym oq
K echirasiz, m en sizni (uzoq)
kuttirib qo‘ydim .
no m ore (= not ... any more)
e. g. “A nother cup o f tea?”
“No m ore, thank you!”
I d o n ’t w ant any m ore
y o ‘q
bo ’y icha)
Yana bir piyola choy ichasizm i?
Yo‘q, rahmat. (Boshqa choy
kerakm as.)
M enga boshqa m uzqaym oq
kerak emas.
2 . boshqa y o ‘q fvaqt b o ‘-
Syn. no longer (= not ... any
e. g. I w on’t stay here any
longer (any more),
a delegation [э ,deli'gei|n]
unexpected ['/m iks'pektid]
e. g. It w as quite unexpected.
an advance [эп ad'vam s]
parade [pa'reid]
Syn. called
e. g. There w as a man am ong
us nam ed (called) Peter
to sm ile
Prep, to sm ile at smb.
to m ake up on e’s mind
Syn. to decide
e. g. H ave you m ade up your
mind y et w hat to do in
the sum m er?
He m ade up his mind to
go to the Institute o f For­
eign Languages.
Gr. We m ade up our m inds
to change o n e’s mind
e. g. He intended to go to this
institute at first, but then
changed his mind.
ortiq y o ‘q
M en ortiq (boshqa) bu yerda
qolm aym an.
kutilm agan(da)
Bu um um an kutilm aganda
sodir bo'ldi.
bu yerda: joylashuv
nam oyish
nom i b o'yicha, nomli
B izning oram izda Peter Sm it
ismli kishi bor edi.
jilm aym oq
kim gadir kulm oq
hal qilm oq, qaror qabul qil­
hal qilm oq
Siz yozda nim a qilishingizni
hal qildingizm i?
U X orijiy tillar institutiga
kirishga qaror qildi.
Biz qaror qildikki...
fikrini o'zgartirm oq
U oldin shu institutga kirm oqchi edi, lekin keyin
bu fikridan qaytdi (o 'y lab
ko 'rib ).
to be delighted [di'laitid]
e. g. I’m d elighted to see you.
“ Would you like to join
“ I’d be d elig h te d .”
exact [ig'zzekt]
e. g. I w ant an exact translation
o f the word,
exactly [ig'zzektli]
e. g. T hat’s exactly (= just)
w hat w e want.-
e. g. I got home at exactly five.
ju d a qoniqish hosil qilm oq,
xursand bo'lm oq
Sizni ko'rganim dan ju d a xursandm an.
Biz bilan borishni xohlarm idingiz?
Jonim bilan.
M enga bu so 'zn in g aniq
tarjim asi kerak.
1. aniq, xuddi o ‘zi
Bu bizga kerakli bo 'lg an
narsaning xuddi o ‘zi.
2 . aniq (vaqt haqida),
M en uyga roppa-rosa beshda
taqillatm oq
eshikni taqillatm oq
tanishtirm oq
to knock
Prep, to knock a t a door
to in tro d u c e [tu .intra'djuis]
T aqqoslang:
He in tro d u c e d m e to his
“T h is is my w ife.”
‘H ow do you do.’
a g uest [э 'gest]
a h ost [o'houst]
a h ostess [э 'houstis]
a p a r ty (= evening party)
W. comb, a dinner party
a housewarming party
to give a party
to d a n c e [ta 'dam s]
a d ance
e. g. “ Can I have the next
“ Certainly.” (or “ Thank
you.” )
U meni do‘stlariga tanish-
M ening xotinim bilan tanishing.
A ssalom u alaykum , yaxshim isiz?
mehm on
beka(cha) (m ehm on kutib
oluvchi ayol)
m ehm on kutish, kecha (gap)
0 ‘tirish, ziyofat
uy k o ‘rdi
ziyofat uyushtirm oq
raqsga tushm oq
N avbatdagi raqsga ta k lif
etishga ruxsat etsangiz?
M arham at (Albatta).
to jo k e
e. g. I w as only jokin g with
to sin g (sang, sung)
a song [э 'sDq]
to appear [tu a'pia]
Ant. to disappear [ta .disa'pia]
e. g. Is that really so?
to interrupt [tu .inta'rApt]
e. g. E xcuse m e for interrupt­
ing you.
elder ['elda]
hazil qilm oq
M en ular bilan hazillashuvdim , xolos.
kuylam oq, ashula aytm oq
q o ‘shiq, ashula
paydo boMmoq
y o ‘q boMmoq, g‘oyib boMmoq
aslida, haqiqatda, chindan
Bu aslida shundaym i?
fikrini boMmoq, gapini boM­
m oq
Fikringizni boMayotganim
uchun uzr.
yosh b o ‘yicha kattasi (bir
oila a ’zolaridan)
W. comb, an (o n e’s) elder
brother (sister)
for ages [far'eicfeiz]
(the) N ew Year
W. comb. N ew Y ear’s Eve
to see the N ew
Year in
to have a N ew
Year party
to see the old
year off
heavy ['hevi]
Ant. light
W. comb, a heavy box (bag, etc.)
a heavy sm oker
w ine
a glass
em p ty ['em pti]
Ant. full
e. g. T he room w as full o f
C heers!
aka (opa)
m angulik, anchadan beri
Yangi yil
Yangi yil arafasida
Yangi yilni kutib olm oq
Yangi yilni nishonlam oq
eski yilni kuzatm oq
ogMr quti (sum ka va sh.k.)
ashaddiy chekuvchi
stakan, rum ka
b o ‘sh
X ona odam lar bilan toMa
S izning sogMigMngiz uchun.
a n in c id en t [эп 'insidant]
voqea, hodisa
T aq q o slan g : ---------------
Bu ju d a qiziqarli voqea boMgan
0 ‘tgan haftada men bilan g ‘aroyib hodisa sodir boMdi.
M en bilan qiziqarli voqea sodir
bo* Idi.
It w as a very interesting
A strange th in g happened to
me last week.
S o m eth in g interesting hap­
pened to me.
a revolutionary [э,геуэ'1и:1пэп]
only ['ounli]
bitta, yakka, y o lg ’iz, yagona
inqilobchi, revolutsiyachi
(aniqlovchi vazifasida kelgan sifat)
e. g. I think h e’s the only
doctor in our tow n w ho
can help y our mother.
A re you an only child, or
have you got brothers and
to grow (grew, grow n)
Syn. to get
M ening o ‘ylashim cha, u siz­
ning onangizga yordam berishi m um kin b o 'lg an biz­
ning shahrim izdagi yagona
Siz y o lg ‘iz farzandm isiz yoki
sizning aka-ukalaringiz va
opa-singillaringiz borm i?
kurash (odatda siyosiy)
1. o ’sm oq, o ’stirm oq
2 . b o ’lmoq (bog'lovchife'l)
b o ’lm oq (ko'pincha qiyosiy
darajadagi sifat bilan ish­
to becom e
b o ’lm oq, erishm oq (ko'pin­
cha ot bilan ishlatiladi)
e. g. H e’s grow ing (getting)
It’s grow ing (getting)
T he days are getting
longer and longer.
H e’s getting better.
Everybody expects him
to becom e a doctor.
The place has becom e
quite famous.
U qariyapti.
Q orong’i tushyapti.
K unlar tobora uzaym oqda.
U tuzalyapti.
H am m a uni shifokor b o ’ladi, deb o ’ylaydi.
Bu jo y m ashhur b o ’lib
on th e one h a n d ... on th e o th e r
h an d
bir tom ondan ... ikkinchi
tom ondan ...
e. g. O n th e o ne h a n d y o u ’re
B ir tom ondan siz haqsiz,
ikkinchi tom ondan u ham
right, but on th e o th e r
(h a n d ) he is, too.
T here w ere trees on all
sides, no houses.
a d e n tist
a w aitin g -ro o m
se c re t ['si:krit]
a p a tie n t [э 'peifsnt]
to ex p ect [tu iks'pekt]
e. g. D o you ex p e ct (to see)
them today?
N obody expected him to
leave so soon,
to m ean [ts'm h n ] (m eant [ment],
m eant)
e. g. W hat does this w ord
m ean?
I have no idea w hat you
m ean.
W hat do you m ean by
that (by saying that)?
a m eaning
e. g. T his w ord has several
m eanings.
each other
Syn. one another
e. g. T he students in our group
alw ays speak English to
each other (to one an­
to rem ind [ta ri'm aind]
Prep, to rem ind sm b. about
sm th. (= to rem ind smb.
to do sm th.)
H am m a yoqda daraxtlar
bor edi, bitta ham uy y o ‘q
tish doktori
sirli, m axfiy
m ijoz, bem or
kutm oq, taxm in qilm oq
Siz ulam i bugun (ko‘rishni)
kutyapsizm i?
U ning bunchalik tez ketishini hech kirn kutm agandi.
1. bildirm oq, anglatm oq
Bu so ‘z nim ani bildiradi?
2 . nazarda tutm oq
Siz nim ani nazarda tutayotganingizni tushunm ayap­
m an.
Siz nim ani nazarda tutyapsiz? Siz bu bilan nim a
dem oqchisiz?
aham iyat, m a’no
Bu so ’zning bir nechta
m a ’nolari bor.
bir-biriga, bir-biridan va
biri ikkinchisiga, biri ikkinchisidan va boshq.
G uruhim izning talabalari birbirlari bilan doim ingliz tilida gaplashadilar.
eslatib q o ’ym oq
kim gadir nim anidir eslatm oq (esidan chiqmasligi
uchun eslatib qo ’y moq)
to rem ind smb. o f smth.
kim gadir nim anidir yoki
kim nidir eslatm oq (biror
kishiga yo ki narsaga
o'xshashligi bilan yodga
e. g. Will you remind him
Iltim os, unga v a’dasi haqida
eslatib qo‘ying.
Bu q o ‘shiq m enga bolaligim ni eslatadi.
kim g ad ir... haqida eslatmoq.
Men unga sizga telefon
qilishga v a’da berganligi
haqida eslatib q o ‘yishim
kuzatib qo'ym o q
to accom pany [tu э'к л т р э ш ]
kim nidir ...g ach a kuzatib
Syn. to see smb. to
q o ‘ym oq
T aqqoslang:
T hey accom panied us hom e
U lar
bizni uyga (teatrga)
(to the theatre).
kuzatib qo 'yishdi.
about his prom ise?
This song rem inds me o f
my childhood.
Gr. to rem ind smb. t h a t ...
e. g. I m ust rem ind him that
he prom ised to ring you
(borishdi, va balki, bizlar bilan qolishdi)
T hey saw us hom e (to the
U lar
bizni uyga kuzatib
qo ‘y ishdi (teatrga).
(bizni olib borib q o ‘yib, o ‘zlari qolishm adi)
T hey cam e to see us off.
Ular bizni kuzatgani chiqishdi.
(ketishdan oldin vokzalda xayrlashm oq)
a surgery [э 's a f a r i ]
to pretend [ta pri'tend]
e. g. He pretended to be
He pretended to know
nothing about it. (= He
pretended that he knew
nothing about it.)
a turn
W. comb, in turn
to w ait o ne’s turn
shifokor xonasi
bahona qilm oq, o ‘zini biror
narsa qilib k o ‘rsatm oq
U o’zini uxlayotgan qilib
U o ‘zini bu haqda hech
narsa bilm aganlikka sol­
di. (U o ‘zini hech nima
bilm agandek qilib k o ‘rsatdi.)
navbat, ketm a-ketlik
(nim adir
qilm oq)
navbatini kutm oq
a queue [э 'kju]
navbat (kutay’otgan odamlar
W. comb, a long queue
uzun navbat
to w ait (stand) in a
to jum p a queue Coll.
to try
W. comb, to try hard
a maid
next to (sm b.)
e. g. He w as sitting next to me.
They live next door to us.
a tooth (pi. teeth)
W. comb, a bad tooth
toothache ['tu:0eik]
a bad toothache
a head [з 'hed]
a headache [э 'hedeik]
navbatga turm oq
navbatsiz o ‘tm oq
harakat qilm oq, urinib k o ‘rm oq
ju d a harakat qilm oq, astoydil urinm oq
kirn bilandir yonm a-yon
U men bilan yonma-yon o‘tirdi.
U lar bizning yonim izda
yashashadi. (qo‘shni uyda, q o ‘shni xonada)
o g ‘riyotgan tish
tish o g ‘rig ‘i
qattiq tish o g ‘rig ‘i
bosh o g ‘rig ‘i
g ot
g ot
a headache.
a bad toothache.
a bad headache.
how ever
Prep, to be clear to smb.
e. g. Is everything clear to you?
a spy
the police [дэ ps'liis]
e. g. T he police w ere after
a policem an [э pa'lksman]
e. g. What’s his real name?
M ening tishlarim o g ‘riyapti.
M ening boshim o g ‘riyapti.
Mening tishlarim qattiq oglriyapti.
M ening boshim qattiq og‘riyapd.
tushunarli, aniq
kim gadir tushunarli boMmoq
Sizga ham m asi tushunarlim i?
bu yerda: josus, ay g ‘oqchi
P olitsiya uning iziga tushgan
U ning haqiqiy ismi nima?
to seem
Gr. to seem to be (to know)
e. g. He seem s to be ill.
They seem to know a lot.
I don’t think you are right.
polite [pa'lait]
A/it. impolite
to watch sm b. (sm th.)
e. g. A re you going to play or
only w atch the game?
I w atched the children
playing in the garden.
IV. comb, to w atch TV
im m ediately [i'm iidjatli]
Syn. at once
e. g. He im m ediately saw the
m istake.
He saw the m istake im­
m ediately,
a mouth [э 'm au0]
care [кеэ]
Phr to take care o f smb.
ko‘rinm oq, tuyulm oq
k o ‘rinishidan (kirish s o ‘z
sifatida), aftidan
U kasalga o ‘xshaydi.
K ol rinishidan ular k o ‘p nar­
sani bilishadi.
M enim cha, siz nohaqsiz.
quvo n ch ,zav q
xushm uom ala
q o ‘pol
bu yerda: chunki
1. kim ningdir orqasidan ku­
zatm oq
Siz o ‘ynam oqchim isiz yoki
faqat o ‘yinni tom osha qilm oqchim isiz?
M en bolalarni bog‘da qanday o ‘ynaganlarini tom o­
sha qildim.
2. * ko‘rm oq (7-darsga qarang)
televizor ko‘rmoq
tezlik bilan, shu zahoti
shu zahoti
U shu zahotiyoq xatoni
U xatoni darrov payqadi.
o g ‘iz
g ‘am xo‘rlik, e ’tibor
kim gadir gam xo‘rlik qilm oq,
kim gadir qaram oq (kasal
bolalarga va shu kabilarSyn. to look after
e. g. Will you look after m y
dog w hile I am aw ay?
e. g. W ho w ill look after your
children w hen you go to
Saint Petersburg?
qarab turm oq, e ’tib o r qaratmoq
M en y o ‘qligim da itga qarab
Sankt-Peterburgga ketganingizda bolalaringizga kim
qarab turadi?
careful ['kesful]
e. g. Be careful!
Ant. careless
e. g. He m akes a lot o f m is­
takes because h e ’s very
Ant. Carelessly
e.g. The doctor exam ined the
patient very carefully.
Please listen carefully.
to do o n e’s best
e. g. I’ll do m y best to help
the truth
Ant. a lie [a Mai]
W. comb, to speak (tell) the truth
Ant. to tell a lie
W. comb, to speak (to tell) the
e. g. To sp eak (to tell) the
truth, I don’t like it here
at all.
ehtiyotkor, e ’tiborli
E htiyot boMing!
e ’tiborsiz
U k o ‘p xato qiladi, chunki u
e ’tiborsiz.
ehtiyot b o ‘lib
ehtiyotsizlik qilib
D oktor m ijozni diqqat bilan
k o ‘rikdan o ’tkazdi.
Iltim os, diqqat bilan tinglang.
ham m a narsani qilm oq, bor
kuchini ishga solish
M en sizga yordam berish
uchun ham m a narsa qilaman.
y o lg ’on
haqiqatni gapirm oq
y o lg ‘on gapirm oq, aldam oq
to ‘g ‘risini aytganda
T o‘g ‘risini aytganda, m enga
bu yer um um an yoqm ayapti.
rost, to ‘g ‘ri, chin
Taqqoslang: ----------------------------------H e’s spoken (told) the truth.
Is it true that they have left?
It’s true he doesn’t know any­
thing yet.
It’s a true story.
serious ['sisrids]
W. comb, a serious operation
seriou sly
U rostini aytdi.
U lam ing ketgani to'g'rim i?
To'g'ri, u hali hech narsa
bilm aydi.
B u haqiqiy (boMgan, o ‘ylab
topilm agan) hikoya.
jid d iy
jid d iy operatsiya (savol)
e. g. M y friend is seriously ill
an operation [an .opa'reifn]
W. comb, to perform (do) an
to operate (on smb.)
e. g. H e’s ju s t been operated
surprise [sa'praiz]
Prep, to o ne’s surprise
M ening do’stim hozir qattiq
operatsiya qilmoq
kim nidir operatsiya qilm oq
Uni endigina operatsiya qilishdi.
ajablanish, taajjub
biror kishining taajjubiga
k o ‘ra
bod y ’s surprise = to the
surprise o f everybody) he
did quite w ell as Hamlet.
M eni qoyil qoldirib (barchani
u G am let rolini yaxshi
to surprise [ta sa'praiz]
Gr. to be surprised at smb.
(sm th.)
e. g. D on’t be surprised at all
these changes.
hayron qoldirm oq
kimgadir, nim agadir hayron
qolm oq
B u barcha o‘zgarishlarga
hayron boMmang.
D on’t be surprised that
w e’ve m ade all these
We w ere surprised to
see (to hear, to find out)
Biz kiritgan bu barcha o ‘zgarishlarga hayron boM­
e. g. To m y surprise (to every­
to explain [tu iks'plein]
Prep, to explain sm th. to smb.
Biz ...n i ko'rganim izdan
(eshitganim izdan, bilganim izdan) hayron qoldik.
nim anidir kim gadir tushuntirm oq (ingliz tilida vo-
sitali to 'Idiruvchi
buriy emas)
e. g. W e’d like them to explain
the rule to us once more.
W ould you like us to ex­
plain how to get there?
to add
e. g. I’ve nothing m ore to add.
to cost (cost, cost)
U lar bizga bu qoidani yana
m arta
q o ‘yishlarini xohlardik.
U yerga qanday borishni
(sizga) tushuntirib q o ‘yishim izni xohlaysizm i?
q o ‘shmoq
M enda boshqa qo‘shim cha
qiladigan narsa y o ‘q.
(narxi) turmoq
e. g. H ow m uch does it cost?
It only cost me tw o som s.
It costs m uch,
grateful ['greitful]
Ant. ungrateful
Gr. to be grateful to smb. for
sm th.
e. g. I’m grateful to you for
all y o u ’ve done for me.
an idea [эп ai'dia]
e. g. A good idea cam e to him.
e. g. T he book gives you a good
idea o f life in India.
I ’ve no idea w here he is
to break (broke, broken)
e. g. He fell and broke his leg.
D on’t touch this vase. It’s
The cup broke to pieces.
W. comb, to break out
B u qancha turadi?
Bu m enga atigi ikki s o ‘m ga
Bu qim m at turadi.
m innatdor
m innatdor em as, noshukur
kim dandir, nim adandir m in­
natdor b o ’lish
M en uchun qilgan barcha
ishingiz uchun sizdan
m innatdorm an.
1. fikr
U ning kallasiga yaxshi fikr
2. tushuncha
K itob H indistondagi hayot
haqida yaxshi tushuncha
M en u hozir qayerdaligi
haqida tushunchaga ega
em asm an.
sindirm oq
U yiqildi va oyo g ‘ini sindirib oldi.
M ana bu v azaga tegm ang. U
Finjon parcha-parcha boMib
boshlanib ketm oq (urush,
inqilob, sham ol haqida).
e. g. Suddenly a storm broke
to report
kutilm aganda bo‘ron (to ‘fon) boshlandi.
bu yerda: yetkazm oq, hisobot berm oq
to m ake out (m ade out, m ade
e. g. I couldn’t m ake out
anything because it w as
too dark in the room.
aniqlam oq, tushunm oq, eshitm oq, k o ‘rm oq
M en hech narsa aniqlay
olm adim , chunki xona ju ­
da ham qo ro n g ‘i edi.
L E S S O N T W E N T Y -O N E
to belong [ta bi'toq]
Prep, to belong to smb.
e. g. W ho does the building
belong to?
an age ,
tragic ['traed$ik]
president ['prezidant]
a duty
W. comb, to do o n e’s duty
W. comb, a round o f duties
W. comb, to be on duty
a mood [a 'm u :d ]
W. comb, to be in a good (bad)
m ood
a cloud [a 'klaudj
a wind [a 'w ind]
tegishli boMmoq
kim gadir tegishli boMmoq
Bu im oratlar kim ga tegish­
bu yerda: y a ’ni, chunki
1. burch
o ‘z burchini ado etm oq
2. xizm atdagi m ajburiyatlar
(odatda k o ‘plik shaklida),
xizm at doirasi
(kunlik) m ajburiyatlar doi­
rasi, xizm at doirasi
3. navbatchilik
navbatchilikda turm oq, navbatchi boMmoq
yaxshi (yom on) kayfiyatda
sham ol (artiklsiz ishlatiladi,
aniqlovchi bilan kelsa
noaniq artikl bilan ishla­
e. g. T he w ind is rising (fall­
The w ind blew my hat
A cold (w arm , strong)
w ind was blowing,
to blow [ta 'blou] (blew [blu:],
blown [bloun])
a flag
to hoist
private ['praivit]
a governm ent [a 'gAvanmant]
to end
Sham ol koMarilmoqda (pasaym oqda)
Sham ol shlapam ni uchirib
Sovuq (iliq, kuchli) shamol
pudam oq, esm oq
koMarmoq (bayroq, yelkan,
hukum at
tugam oq
e. g. H ow does the story end?
Everything ended happi­
W orld W ar II ended in
H ikoya nim a bilan tugaydi?
H am m asi yaxshilik bilan
Ikkinchi Jahon urushi 1945yilda tugadi.
I cam e to the Institute at h a lf past
12, but the lecture w as already
over and there w as nobody in
the classroom .
M en institutga 12 yarim da
keldim , lekin m a ’ruzalar
tugagan edi va auditoriyada hech kim qolm agan
(tugallanganlik holati)
I found out that the lecture had
ended (finished) h a lf an hour
before I cam e.
M en kelganim da m a’ruza
tugaganiga yarim soat
boMganligini bildim .
(ish-harakatning tugallanishi)
w hole [houl]
W. comb, the w hole truth
the w hole w orld
e. g. T he w hole w orld know s
his nam e.
His nam e is know n all
over the w orld,
to celebrate [ta 'selibreit]
butun, to ‘la, bor
barcha haqiqat, bo r haqiqat
butun dunyo, borliq
Butun dunyo uning ismini
e. g. O n the first o f September,
2007-yil 1-sentabrda o ‘zbek
xalqi M ustaqillikning 16
yilligini nishonladi.
2007 the U zbek people
celebrated the sixteenth
anniversary o f the Inde­
a wish
e. g. H is w ish to go there w as
still strong.
W. comb. W ith best w ishes
(for a happy N ew
tired ['taiad]
Gr. to be tired
U ning ism i butun dunyoga
qanaqadir sanani nishon­
1. xohish, istak
U nda hali ham u yerga
borish istagi kuchli edi.
2. tilak, niyat
(Yangi yilda) Yaxshi niyatlar
charchash, charcham oq
to feel tired
e. g. I f you d o n ’t have break­
fast before w e start off,
y o u ’ll soon be tired.
all day (= all day long, all the
e. g. They w orked all day (all
day long, all the day).
T he w ind blew all day
(all day long, all the day).
to upset [tu Ap'set] (upset, up­
e. g. I’m afraid the w ind will
upset the boat.
W. comb, to upset a plan
Gr. to be (look) upset
finally ['fainali]
how ever [hau'eva]
o‘zini charchagan his qilm oq
A gar siz y o ’lga chiqishim izdan oldin nonushta qilib
olm asangiz, charchab qolasiz.
kun bo’yi, kechgacha
U lar kun bo‘yi ishlashdi.
Kuni bilan sham ol esdi.
1. a g ‘darm oq, to ‘ntarm oq
Sham ol
ag ‘darib
yuborm asm ikan, deb q o ‘rqam an.
2. buzm oq (rejani)
rejani buzm oq
xom ush boMmoq (ko‘rinmoq),
kayfiyati y o ‘q boMmoq
va nihoyat, oxiri
biroq, nim a boMganda ham
(odatda gap o'rtasida va
to announce [tu a'nauns]
e. g. It has ju st been announc­
ed on the radio that several
fam ous Italian singers are
com ing to Moscow.
present ['preznt]
Ant. absent
Gr. to be present (at)
to be absent (from)
e. g. It w as announced that
m ore than one thousand
people were present at
the m eeting.
e ’lon qilm oq (og'zaki)
H ozirgina radiodan M oskvaga bir nechta taniqli
italyan qo‘shiqchilari kelayotganligini e ’lon qilishdi.
qatnashm ayotgan
qatnashm oq (ras.)
qatnashm aslik
YigMlishda m ingdan ortiq
odam qatnashayotganligi
e’lon qilindi.
(o n e’s) party
bu yerda: atrofdagi kishilar,
to arrive [tu a'raiv]
ham suhbat
yetib kelm oq
Prep, to arrive in a country
(a city)
to arrive at a station
Syn. to com e
m am lakatga (shaharga)
yetib kelm oq
stansiyaga (portga) yetib
kelm oq
yetib kelm oq
D elegatsiya M oskvaga 21-aprelda yetib keldi.
T he delegation arrived in
M oscow on the 21s' o f
A pril.
D elegatsiya M oskvaga 21-aprelda uchrashuvda qatnashish
uchun yetib keldi.
T he delegation cam e to
M oscow on the 21” o f
A pril to take part at the
m eeting.
(to arrive fe ’li, odatda, m aqsad holi oldidan ishlatilm aydi)
a box
an au dience [an 'Didjans]
e. g. T here w as a large audi­
ence at the theatre.
T he audience w ere pleas­
ed w ith the perform ance,
to greet
a storm
applause [a 'p b :z ]
W. comb, to greet smb. w ith (a
storm of) applause
bu yerda: loja (teatr)
tom oshabin, auditoriya
T eatrda k o ‘pgina tom oshabinlar b o r edi.
T om oshabinlar pyesadan qoniqishdi.
salom lashm oq (darak gapda)
to ‘fon, dovul
kim nidir(gulduros)qarsaklar
bilan qarshi olm oq
a storm o f applause (birlik)
gulduros qarsaklar (ко 'plik)
danger ['d ein d p ]
W. comb, to be in danger
xavf-xatarda boMmoq, x av f
ostida boMmoq
to be out o f danger
(= to be safe)
xavfsizlikda boMish (xavfsiz
jo y d a boMish), xavfdan
xoli boMmoq
e. g. T he doctor says the
Shifokor bem om ing hayoti
bexavotir ekanligini aytdi.
p atient’s life is out o f
dangerous ['deincfearas]
Ant. safe
xavfsiz, bexavotir
e. g. It’s d a n g e ro u s to swim
there, even
swimm ers.
They feel quite safe there.
e. g. The travellers reached the
shore safely,
an actor [an '$ k ta ]
an actress [an '$ k tris]
directly [di'rektli]
e. g. I saw him looking direct­
ly at us.
U yerda hatto yaxshi suzuvchi uchun ham suzish
U lar o‘zlarini u yerda to ‘la
xavfsiz his etishadi.
m uvaffaqiyatli, eson-om on
Sayohatchilar qirg’oqqa mu­
vaffaqiyatli yetib oldilar.
1. to‘g‘ri
Men uning to ‘g ‘ri bizga
qarab turganini k o ‘rdim.
U lar to ‘g ‘ri bizga qarab
2. shu zahoti, darrov
Men shu zahoti qaytam an.
I’ll be back directly,
to approach
yaqinlashm oq
yaqinlashm oq
Syn. to com e up (to)
They w ere com ing direct­
ly tow ards us.
The train was approaching the
He cam e up to m e and said ...
a gun
a distance [a 'distans]
Ж comb, at a distance o f
in the distance
e. g. We could see som e m oun­
tains in the distance.
W. comb, a calm voice (man,
calm w eather
to calm down
Gr. to be calm
Ant. to be nervous ['na:vas]
(nervy ['na:vi]) Coll.
to be excited [ik'saitid]
shaharga yaqinla-
shar edi.
m enga yaqinlashdi va
dedi ...
oraliq, m asofa
oraliqda, m asofada
Biz uzoqda togNarni ko‘rdik.
bosiq, xotirjam
bosiq ovoz (odam , sokin
tinch ob-havo
xotirjam boMmoq
xotirjam boMmoq
asabiylashm oq, hayajonlanm oq
hayajonlanm oq, yoqim li hissiyot uyg‘onmoq
----------------------------------- T a q q o sla n g : ----------------------------------D on’t be nervous.
Hayajonlanmang. (A sabiylashm ang, qo'rqm ang.)
E verybody w as excited by the
G ‘alaba
new s o f the victory.
ham m a hayajonda edi.
to take aim
to fire
to fall (fell, fallen)
e. g. Som ething has fallen from
the table on the floor.
nishonga olmoq
otm oq, o ‘q uzm oq
1. yiqilm oq
N im adir stoldan polga tushib
2. (bir holatdan ikkinchi
bir holatga o'tishni ifodalovchi bog ‘lovchi f e ’I)
IV. comb, to fall asleep
to fall ill
to fall in love with smb.
uxlab qolm oq
kasal boMib qolmoq
kim nidir sevib qolmoq
3. yiqilm oq, pasaymoq (narx
forw ard ['fo:wad]
to jum p
Prep, to ju m p for jo y
a stage
Prep, on the stage
to be about to do sm th.
e. g. He was about to go w hen
a friend rang him up.
to rise (rose, risen)
Syn. to get (stand) up
e. g. He rose from his chair to
greet us.
Ant. to set (set, set)
e. g. The sun rises late and sets
early in winter.
sakram oq
sevinchdan sakram oq, quvonchdan
sahna (teatr)
nim adir qilishga hozirlanm oq, - moqchi
U nga d o ‘sti q o ‘n g ‘iroq qilganda, u ketishga hozirlanib turgandi.
1. o‘m idan turm oq
U biz bilan so ‘rashish uchun
stuldan turdi.
2. chiqm oq (quyosh haqida)
Botm oq (quyosh), o ‘tirm oq
(k o ‘ylak)
Q ishda quyosh kech chiqadi
va erta botadi.
3. k o ‘tarilm oq, k o ‘paym oq
(narx, talab, ishlab chiqarish va boshq. haqida)
Ли/, to fall (fell, fallen)
a pain
e. g. I’ve got a pain in my
Ant. painless
e. g. The operation w ill be
quite painless.
W. comb, to lie (sit, stand) still
a horse [э 'hois]
to lift
e. g. The suit-case w as so
heavy that I could hardly
lift it.
W. comb, to give smb. a lift
e. g. We didn’t expect them to
give us a lift.
o g ’riqsiz
O peratsiya butunlay o g ‘riqsiz b o ‘ladi.
k o ‘chm as, qim irlam as, qotib, tinch
qim irlam ay (o 'tirm o q , tur­
m oq) yotm oq.
k o ‘tarm oq (odatda qiyinchilik bilan)
Cham adon shunday o g ‘ir
ediki, men uni z o ‘rg ‘a
k o 'tarib oldim.
kim nidir olib borib q o ‘ym oq
U lar
q o ‘yishlarini biz kutm agandik.
olib borm oq (qo'lida), olib
to carry
e. g. Will you help me to carry
my suit-case to the sta­
tion, please?
to carry out
W. comb, to carry out a plan
(an order)
opposite ['opazit]
IV. comb, the opposite side o f
the street
in the opposite direc­
e. g. I thought quite the op­
It’s ju st the opposite.
qulam oq, tushm oq, pasay­
o g ‘riq
M ening biqinim og‘riyapti.
Iltimos, m enga cham adonni
vokzalgacha olib borishga
yordam lashib yuboring.
rejani (buyruqni) bajarm oq
qaram a-qarshi
ko‘chaning qaram a-qarshi
tom oni (narigi tom oni)
qaram a-qarshi tom onga
Men um um an teskarisini
o ‘ylagandim . (M en boshqacha fikrda edim).
X uddi teskarisi, buni aynan
to rem ain [to ri'm ein]
e. g. A fter the fire, very little
rem ained o f the house.
I’ve broken another o f
the new cups, only four
are left now.
1. qolm oq (zaxirada)
YongMndan keyin uydan
deyarli hech narsa qolmadi.
M en yangi finjonlardan yana
birini sindirib q o'ydim ,
endi u to ‘rtta qoldi.
qolm oq, b o ‘lib qolm oq
(o ‘zgarm ay qolm oq) (odat-
da sifat oldidan ishlatiladi)
Ж comb, to rem ain young
(true, etc.)
death [de0]
yoshligicha qolm oq (sodiq
va boshq.)
o ‘lim
L E S S O N T W E N T Y -T W O
to show into
kirm oq
(bosh lab)
a breakdow n ‘
a painter
to paint
bu yerda: (miyasi) chayqalgan
1. b o ‘yam oq (sathga bo 'yoq
e. g. H e painted the walls
U devorlam i yashil rangga
b o ‘yadi.
2. rasm chizm oq (bo'yoq
e. g. H ave you seen any pic­
tures painted by Repin
in his youth?
to warn [ta 'worn]
S iz Repin yoshligida chizgan
rasm larini k o ‘rganm isiz?
ogohlantirm oq
Prep, to w arn smb. o f smth.
kim nidir nim adandir ogoh­
lantirm oq
to w arn sm b. against
(doing) smth.
e. g. T he soldier w arned his
com rades o f the com ing
T he doctor w arned his
patient against w orking
too hard.
nim agadir qarshi ogohlan­
tirm oq
A skar o 'zin in g d o ‘stlarini
yaqinlashib kelayotgan xavfxatardan ogohlantirdi.
Shifokor kasalni k o ‘p ishlam asligi haqida ogoh­
fV. comb, to warn smb. not to
do smth.
e. g. The doctor w a rn e d him
n o t to go out.
kim nidir nim anidir qilm aslikka ogohlantirish
Shifokor uni ko‘chaga chiq­
m asligi haqida ogohlan­
T aqq o slan g :
Siz ham m ani yigMlishdan
D id you tell everyboby about the
m eeting?
W hy didn’t you tell me about it?
N im aga siz meni bu haqda
Has anyone w arned them o f the
Bu xavf-xatar haqida kim dir
ulam i ogohlantirdimi?
a w arning
e. g. We w ere attacked w ithout
(any) w arning,
a crowd [a 'kraud]
e. g. There w as a large crowd
in the street.
Gr. to be crow ded
e. g. The tram w as so crowded
that w e couldn’t get on it.
B izga ogohlantirm asdan hu­
ju m qilishdi.
olom on
K o‘chada k o ‘p sonli olom on
turgan edi.
odam k o ‘p boMmoq
Tram vayda odam shunaqangi k o ‘p ediki, biz unga
chiqa olmadik.
ogoh qilganmisiz?
ogoh qilmadingiz?
Gr. to be overcrow ded
toMib-toshib ketm oq (dara-
j a ravishi bilan ishlatil­
e. g. T he bus w as overcrow ded.
a resort [9 ri'zD:t]
to recom m end [ta .reka'm end]
com plete [ksm 'pliit]
W. comb, the com plete w orks
o f ...
e. g. H e’s a com plete stranger
to me.
It w as a com plete sur­
prise to us.
quiet [kwaist]
W. comb, a quiet evening
a quiet life
Avtobus toMib-toshib ketgandi (zich edi).
kurort, orom goh
ta k lif qilm oq
toMiq, umuman
...n in g toMiq asarlar to ‘plam i
U m enga batam om notanish.
Bu bizga tam om ila kutilm agan hoi boMdi.
xotirjam , osuda, tinch
osuda kecha (k o ‘cha)
osuda hayot (xotirjam hayot)
Gr. to be (keep) quiet
e. g. Be (keep) quiet!
an in tro d u c tio n [an .intra'dAkJn]
Ж comb, a letter o f in tro d u c ­
a tragedy [э 'tracfeadi]
to point to sm th.
to ow e [tu 'o u ]
e. g. H ow m uch do I ow e you
for all this?
a French w indow
to have sm th. to do (with)
e. g. They have nothing to do
with this matter,
to go shooting
to turn over
Syn. to overturn
e. g. Turn over the page,
xotirjam boMmoq, shovqin
solm aslik
Jim ! (Shovqin solm ang!)
1. kirish, jo riy etish
2. nam oyish etish, tanishtirish, tavsiya
tavsiyanom a
tragediya, fojia
nim agadir k o ‘rsatm oq
m ajbur boMmoq, qarz boMmoq
M en buning ham m asi uchun
sizga qancha berishim kerak?
oynali surm a eshik (bir vaqtn ing o ‘zida deraza vazifasini ham o‘taydi), rom
nim agadir qanaqadir aloqadorlikda boMish
U lam in g bu ishga hech
qanday aloqasi y o ‘q.
ovga borm oq
ag‘darmoq, to‘ntarmoq, aylantirmoq
aylantirm oq
Iltim os, boshqa betni oching.
T he boat w as so heavi­
ly loaded that it turned
over (overturned).
a body [a 'bodi]
horrible ['hDribl]
a tear [a 'tia]
to draw [ d o :] (drew [dm :],
draw n [ d n :n ])
a draw ing [ a 'd o :iq ]
a h an d k erch ief [a 'hazqkatjif]
a p ocket [a 'pokit]
to pass
e. g. Please let m e pass.
We passed through
several villages.
Q ayiqqa shunchalik ko‘p
buyum yuklangan ediki, u
ag ‘darilib ketdi.
k o ‘zyosh
1. tortm oq, tashim oq
2. rasm chizm oq, chizm oq
rasm , chizm a
d astro‘mol
ch o 'n tak
1. o‘tm oq
Iltim os, o ‘tib о lay.
B iz bir nechta qishloqdan
o ‘tdik.
Prep, to pass by
Syn. to go past
e. g. M any people passed by
the little house and no
one asked w ho lived
M any people w en t past
the tribune ['tribju.n]
e. g. H ow m any years have
passed since I last saw
e. g. Please pass m e the salt,
for ever [fsKevo] (Lit.)
Syn. for good (Coll.)
e. g. A re you leaving for good
or do you intend to come
day by day
e. g. T he sick m an w as very
w eak at first, but after the
operation he got better
day by day.
fV. comb, a piece o f advice
(som e advice)
to give advice
to take (follow )
sm b.’s advice
e. g. He gave me a piece o f
good advice, and I think
I’ll take it.
He gave me som e advice,
but I d id n ’t take it.
o ‘tm oq
(e ’tibor
chetlab o'tm o q
K ichkina uychaning oldidan ko‘plab odam lar o ‘tishardi va hech qaysisi bu
yerda kirn yashashi bilan
qiziqm as edi.
Tribunani chetlab k o ‘pgina
odam lar o ‘tdi.
2. o ’tm oq (vaqt haqida)
Sizni oxirgi m arta k o ‘rganim dan key in qancha
vaqt o ’tdi?
3. uzatib qo’ym oq,
olib berm oq
Iltimos, tuzni uzatib yuboring.
butunlay, um um an
Siz butunlay ketyapsizm i
yoki qaytib kelish niyatingiz borm i?
kundan kunga
Boshida kasal ju d a ham
darm onsiz edi, lekin operatsiyadan keyin kundan
kunga yaxshilandi.
m aslahat
bitta m aslahat
m aslahat berm oq
biror kishining m aslahatiga
amal qilm oq
U m enga yaxshi m aslahat
berdi va m en unga amal
qilm oqchim an.
U m enga m aslahat berdi,
lekin men unga amal
qilm adim .
e. g. T he radio gives us a lot
o f interesting new s every
in fo rm atio n
e. g. T his in fo rm a tio n is very
p ro g re ss ['prougres]
W. comb, to m ake progress
e. g. You’ll m a k e good p ro g ­
ress in your English if
you read a lot.
o v er
e. g. T here’s a lamp o v e r the
ta b le ..
e. g. T here w ere o v e r a hun­
dred people.
e. g. He lives o v e r the river,
R adio har kuni bizga k o ‘plab
qiziqarli yangiliklam i yetkazadi.
axborot, m a’lumot
Bu m a’lumot ju d a ham
m uhim .
m uvaffaqiyat, nim adadir taraqqiyotga erishish
m uvaffaqiyatga erishm oq
A gar siz k o ‘p o ‘qisangiz,
ingliz tilida kp‘pgina m uvaffaqiyatlarga erishasiz.
1. ustida
Stol ustida chiroq o sig ‘liq
2. dan ottiq
Yuztadan ortiq odam bor
3. orqali, ortida
U daryo ortida yashaydi.
bir kuni, qachondir (k o ‘-
once [wAns]
pincha hikoya va
taklarda ishlatiladi)
Syn. one day
one m orning (evening,
bir kuni
bir kuni ertalab (kechqurun)
(hikoyada bayon e1ilay>otgan voqealarda burilish
sodir bo 'Iganda ishlati­
T a q q o sla n g :
There once lived an old man.
Bir bor ekan. bir y o 'q ekan,
qachonlardir bitta chol ...
yashagan ekan.
O n ce (one d ay ) w hen I w ent to
see her, she looked very ill.
Bir kuni men uni ko‘rgani
O n e d a y he cam e hom e and said
he w as going to get m arried.
Bir kuni u uyga keldi-da,
a feeling
to g a th e r [to 'gzedo]
sezgi, his
to ‘plam oq, to ‘planm oq
kelganim da u kasalga
o ‘xshab k o ‘rindi.
m a’lum
e. g. The clouds are gathering,
it’s going to rain.
Young w riters often ga­
thered there to discuss
their new works.
a pause [ з 'р э :г ]
to enter Lit.
Syn. to go (com e) into
e. g. He entered the house and
looked round.
Bulutlar to'planm oqda, birozdan
keyin y o m g ‘ir
y o g ‘adi.
U yerda ko‘pincha yosh
o ‘zlarining
yangi asarlarini m uhokam a qilish uchun to ‘planishadi.
g ‘am gin, qay g ‘uli
pauza, tanaffiis
1. kirmoq
uyga kirdi va atrofga
2. kirm oq (o'qishga, tash-
W. comb, to enter an institute Lit.
Syn. to go to an institute
(college) Coll.
to get into an institute
institutga kirm oq
institutga kirmoq
institutga kirgan boMmoq
a niece [s 'n k s ]
a nephew [э 'nevju:]
to entertain [tu .entd'tein]
e. g. We w ere all entertained
by his tricks.
e. g. We often entertain friends
on Sunday,
entertainm ent
Syn. a show
a concert
to am use [tu 3 'm ju :z ]
e. g. He am used them by tell­
ing them funny stories,
to am use on eself
am using
(qiz) jiyan
(o ‘gMI) jiyan
1. xushnud qilm oq
U ning hazillari bizning ham m am izni xushnud qildi.
2. m ehm on kutm oq, m ehm ondorchilik qilm oq
B iz k o ‘pincha m ehm onlarni
yakshanba kuni kutam iz.
1. ko‘ngil ochish
2. turli janrdagi artistlar konserti
estrada tom oshasi
q o ‘shiqchi yoki m usiqachilar konserti
kuldirm oq, xushnud qilm oq
U ulam i kulgili hikoyalar
aytib berib xushnud qilardi.
kulm oq, vaqtini ch o g ‘ oMkazmoq
qiziq, ko‘ngilochar
e. g. T he perform ance w as
am using, and w e en­
jo y e d it very much,
gay Lit.
IV comb, a gay voice
gay m usic (laughter)
e. g. E verybody w as happy and
Syn. jo lly ['cfcpli] Coll.
tV. comb, a jo lly man
a jo lly evening
e. g. W e’ve had a jo lly tim e.
W e’re having jo lly w ea­
to w orry [ta 'w/xri]
e. g. W h at’s w orrying you?
D on ’t w orry, w e ’ll get
there safely.
Prep, to w orry ab out sm th.
e. g. D on’t cry. T here’s nothing
to w orry about.
Gr. to be (look) w orried
e. g. E verybody w as w orried
by the new s,
to avoid [tu a'void]
to be interested
Prep, to be interested in sm th.
(doing sm th.)
e. g. 1 think h e’s very intersted
in the work.
T hey are interested in
discussing the m atter to­
a seat
e. g. Please take your seats,
com rades.
W. comb, a vacant (em pty)
Tom osha qiziq b o ‘ldi va biz
uni katta qiziqish bilan
quvnoq ovoz
quvnoq m usiqa (kulgi)
H am m a xushchaqchaq va
quvnoq edi.
quvnoq, yoqim li
quvnoq odam
quvnoq kecha
B iz vaqtni quvnoq o ‘tkazdik.
H ozir ob-havo (yoqim li)
xavotirga solm oq, hayajonlantirm oq
Sizni nim a bezovta qilm oqda?
X avotirlanm ang, b iz u yerga
eson-om on yetib olamiz.
nim adandir xavotirlanm oq,
hayajonlanm oq
YigMamang. X avotirlanishga o‘rin y o ‘q.
bezovta b o ‘lm oq (k o ‘rinm oq)
Yangilikdan ham m a bezovta
bo‘lib qoldi.
qochm oq, chetlab o ’tm oq
qiziqm oq, qiziqish bildirm oq
nim agadir qiziqm oq
M enim cha, u bu ishga ju d a
U lar bu savolni bugun
m uhokam a qilishga qiziqyaptilar.
joy, o ’rin
Iltimos, o ’rtoqlar, joyingizni
b o ‘sh (egallanm agan) jo y
to book seats for (the
theatre, the cinem a,
for a play)
e. g. “ Is this seat vacant
(em pty)?” “N o, I’m
sorry, it’s taken.”
I’ve booked tw o seats
for the A rt T heatre (for
“T hree Sisters”),
a figure [э 'figa]
across [s'kros]
e. g. It’s difficult to swim
across a w ide river.
His house is across the street.
chipta sotib olishga oldindan
buyurtm a berish (teatrga,
kinoga, spektaklga)
- Bu jo y b o ‘shm i?
- Yo‘q, kechirasiz u band.
M en Badiiy teatrga ikkita
chipta buyurtm a berdim
(«Uch opa-singil»ga).
1. qom at (odam haqida)
2. son, raqam
(qaram aqarshi) tom onda, narigi
tom onga
Keng daryoni suzib o‘tish
U ning uyi k o ‘chaning narigi
tom onida.
T heir w ay lay across a field
Their w ay lay through a forest.
Phr. to com e across
Syn. to find
e. g. W hen I w as reading this
book I cam e across som e
interesting facts,
a shoulder [э 'jouldo]
a dog
to follow [ts'fo lo u ]
e. g. You go first, and I’ll
follow (you).
M onday follow s Sunday.
e. g. He spoke so fast that I
couldn’t follow him
(follow w hat he said).
U lam ing yoMi dala orqali
o ‘tar edi. (ochiq hudud)
U lam ing y o ‘li o ‘rm ondan
o ‘tar edi.
kim nidir, nim anidir uchratm oq, kirn bilandir uchrashmoq, topm oq (tasodifan)
Bu kitobni o ‘qiyotib, men
bir qator qiziq narsalarni
uchratdim .
1. orqasidan bormoq
Siz boravering, m en sizning
orqangizdan boram an.
D ushanba
keyin keladi.
2. ulgurm oq, kuzatm oq (tushunm oq)
U shunday tez gapirdiki,
men uning nim a deganini
aniqlay olm adim .
JV. comb, to follow sm b.’s
advice (exam ple
[ig'za:m pl])
to seize [to 'si:z]
to ru n (ra n , ru n )
W. comb, to run in
to run out
e. g. He r a n o u t (o f the room).
m ad
to en jo y o neself
e. g. I heard you w ere in the
country yesterday. How
did you en jo y yourself?
a g en tlem an [э '(feentlmon]
single [siijgl]
W. comb, a single room
3. am al qilm oq
m aslahatga am al
(o ‘m a k olm oq)
qilm oq
tutm oq, ushlam oq
yugurm oq
yugurib kirm oq
yugurib chiqm oq
U xonadan qochib chiqib
aqlsiz, jinni
vaqtni yaxshi o ‘tkazm oq,
rohatlanm oq
K echa sizni shahar tashqarisida boM ganingizni eshitdim . Vaqtni qanday o ‘tkazdingiz?
jentlm en, oliyjanob
y o lg ‘iz, bitta, alohida, yakka
bir kishilik xona (mehmon-
a single ticket
Gr. to be (rem ain) single
to a tta c k
a p ack
to frig h ten [to 'fraitn]
Gr to be frightened
to find o neself
e. g. The soldiers w ith their
w ounded captain found
th em selves in the forest
at last, and w ere able to
have a rest.
a c e m e te ry [o 'sem itri]
to clim b [to 'klaim ]
W. comb, to clim b up
to clim b down
a g rav e
W. comb a new ly-dug grave
bir tom onga tem iryo ‘l chiptasi
b o ‘ydoq boMmoq (turm ushga chiqm aslik)
hujum qilm oq, tashlanm oq
bu yerda: gala, (itlar) to ‘da(si)
q o ‘rqitm oq
q o ‘rqm oq
paydo boMmoq, kelib qolm oq
Va nihoyat askarlar o ‘zlarining yarador kom andirlari bilan o ‘rm onda paydo
boMishdi va dam olishlari
m um kin boMdi.
tirm ashm oq
tin n ash ib chiqm oq
tirm ashib tushm oq
yangi kovlangan qabr
to invent [tu in'vent]
e. g. The radio w as invented
by A lexander Popov.
artistically [ai'tistikali]
yaratm oq, kash f etm oq
Radio A leksandr Popov to ­
m onidan ixtiro qilingan.
artistlarcha, m ohirona
th e (a) first n ig h t
e. g. We couldn’t get tickets for
the first night.
H e’s alw ays nervous on a
first night,
o n e’s first n ig h t
a producer [э pro'djuiss]
prem yera (spektaklning birinchi kuni)
Biz prem yeraga chipta topa
U doim prem yera kuni
kim ningdir debyuti
produsser (filmni suratga
olishni moliyalashtiruvchi
a director [э di'rekta]
fond [fond]
Gr. to be fond o f sm th.,
o f doing smth.
e. g. M y son is fond o f music.
M y son is fond o f playing
the piano (= likes playing
the piano).
Syn. to like
to love
qiziquvchan (ot kesim sifatida ishlatiladi)
nim agadir qiziqm oq, nimadir qilishga qiziqm oq
M ening o ‘g ‘lim m usiqaga
M ening o ‘g ‘lim royal chalishni yaxshi k o ‘radi.
yoqtirm oq, yaxshi k o ‘rmoq
sevm oq
W hen I w as a boy, I liked
Did you like the film?
H e’s fond o f the theatre.
He enjoyed the play.
B olaligim da m en konkida
like that (this)
e. g. I’m fond o f people like
bunaqa(lar), shu kabi
M enga bunaqa odam lar ju d a
uchishni yoqtirar edim.
Sizga film yoqdimi?
U teatrga qiziqadi.
U nga pyesa yoqdi.
You m ust do it like this.
a M uscovite [э 'mAsksvait]
to m iss
IV. comb, to m iss classes
e. g. W hy did y o u m iss classes
y esterday?
W. comb, to m iss a train
S iz buni m ana bunday
qilishingiz kerak.
m oskvalik
o ‘tkazib yuborm oq
m ashg‘ulotlarni o ‘tkazib
yuborm oq
N im a uchun siz kecha
m ashg‘ulotlarni o ‘tkazib
poyezdga kechikm oq (jad-
val bo'yicha qatnaydigan
ixtiyoriy transport)
to catch a train
poyezdga yetib
ulgurm oq
borm oq,
I m issed the train.
M en poyezddan kech qol-
I was late for classes (the show,
M en darsdan kech qoldim
(konsertdan va boshq.)
an opportunity [an ,opa'tju:niti]
Syn. a chance [a 'tJo:ns]
Gr. the opportunity o f doing
qulay payt, vaziyat, im koniyat
qulay vaziyat, im koniyat
nim adir qilishga im koniyat
sm th.
an opportunity to do smth.
W. comb, to take (m iss, give,
have, find) an oppor­
tunity (a chance)
vaziyatdan foydalanib qol­
m oq (o ‘tkazib yuborm oq,
yaratm oq, izlam oq)
e. g. You m ust take every
o p portu nity (= chance)
to speak English.
I ’m glad to have this
o p portu nity o f speaking
to you alone.
Г 11 be sorry if you miss
this opportunity
(= chance).
We w ere given every
op portu nity to see the
country and speak to the
S iz ingliz tilida gapirish
uchun barcha qulay vaziyatlardan foydalanib qolishingiz kerak.
Siz bilan y o lg ‘iz gaplashishga im koniyat boMganligidan xursandm an.
A gar siz bu im koniyatni
qo‘ldan chiqarsangiz, men
afsuslanam an.
B izga m am lakatni k o ‘rish
va odam lar bilan suhbatlashish im koniyatini yaratib
L et’s g i v e him a n o t h e r
c h a n c e to pass the exam ­
Keling, unga im tihon topshirish uchun yana bitta
im koniyat beraylik.
(hozirda qo 'yilayotgan pyesa, film haqi­
da), qo’yilm oq
borm oq
to be on
e. g. This film isn’t on any
more. D o you know
when it w as taken off?
W hat’s on at the cinem a
Bu film endi boshqa q o ’yilmayapti. B ilm aysizm i, uni
qachon to'x tatish d i?
Bugun qaysi kino bo‘ladi?
borm oq (m a ’lum vaqt ora-
Syn. to run (ran, run)
lig ’i davomida b o ’ladigan pyesa, film haqida),
davom etm oq, boMmoq
e. g. A new film usually r u n s
two or three w eeks.
W. comb, to have a long (short)
e. g. The play h a s h a d a l o n g
W. comb, the leading part
to play (the part of)
e. g. W ho p l a y e d ( t h e p a r t o f )
Yangi film, odatda, ikki-uch
hafta davom etadi.
uzoq (qisqa) davom etm oq
(pyesa, film haqida)
Bu pyesa anchadan beri
davom etm oqda.
bu yerda: rol
bosh rol
rolini ijro etm oq
G am letni kirn o 'y n ad i?
a p o s t e r [9 'pousta]
the o th e r day
shu kunlarda, yaqinda (o'tgan), kuni kecha
one o f these days
shu kunlarda (kelajakda),
qachondir, bugun-erta
I saw him the other day.
I’ll be seeing him one o f these
days (in a day or two).
to m anage [ta 'mzenicfe]
e. g. I w onder how sh e’ll m a­
nage the work.
Men uni kuni kecha k o ‘rdim
(o ‘tgan kunlam ing birida).
M en uni bugun-erta k o ‘ram an (kelajakda)
1. nim anidir eplam oq, uddalam oq
Q iziq, u qiz bu ishni qanday
uddalar ekan.
e. g. W here did you m anage
to get this book?
a curtain [ э 'к э :1п]
Ж comb, to go up (= to rise)
to fall (= to drop)
the house
Gr. to be packed
e. g. Though the play has had
a long run, the house is
alw ays packed,
a row [9 'rou]
e. g. I don’t like to sit in the
first row.
the stalls [дэ 'stD:lz]
the pit
the (dress) cirle
the balcony [дэ 'baelkani]
the gallery [дэ 'gasleri]
Prep, in the stalls (the pit, the
dress-circle, the balcony,
the gallery)
in a box
light [lait]
e. g. T here’s a lot o f light in
this room.
Phr. Will you give m e a light?
e. g. T he light is good (bad)
for reading.
the lights
2. erishm oq
Siz bu kitobni qayerdan topishga erishdingiz?
1. parda
2. darparda (teatrda)
k o ‘tariIm oq (parda)
tushirm oq (parda)
bu yerda: teatr (tom oshabinlar zali)
toNdirilgan, liq to ‘la
to ‘Iib-toshib ketm oq, liq
to ‘la b o ‘lmoq
Bu pyesa anchadan beri
q o ‘yilayotgan boMsa ham
teatr doim o liq to*la edi.
M en birinchi qatorda o ‘tirishni yoqtirm aym an.
am fiteatr
1- yarns balkoni
galereya (galerka)
parterda (am fiteatrda, belye­
taj da, 1-yam s balkonida,
1. nur
B u xona nurga to* la.
2. olov
O lovni bering. Sigaretni
tutatib olay.
3. yoritish qurilm asi
0 ‘qish uchun bu yetarlicha
(yetarli boMmagan) yorug*lik.
bu yerda: chiroqlar (teatr
e. g. T he lights go dow n.
The lights w en t out.
C hiroqlar (asta-sekin) o ‘chdi.
C hiroqlar (birdaniga) o ‘chib
perform ance [pa'foimans]
e. g. Everybody enjoyed the
young actor’s perform ­
ance as Hamlet,
talented ['tolsntid]
Ж comb, a talented w riter (actor,
com poser [kam 'pou'za],
painter, poet ['pouit])
bu yerda: ijro
Yosh aktyom ing G am let ro­
lini ijro etishi ham m aga
m a’qul bo‘ldi.
iste’dodli, iqtidorli
iste’dodli yozuvchi (aktyor,
bastakor, rassom , shoir)
an im pression [an im'prefn]
Ж comb, a deep impression
a good (w onderful)
a strange impression
to make an im pres­
sion on (upon) smb.
chuqur (katta) taassurot
yaxshi (go‘zal) taassurot
g ‘alati taassurot
kim dadir taassurot qoldirm oq
to be under the im­
pression that (= to get
the impression that)
taassurotda qolm oq, taas­
surot ostida boMmoq
e. g. The new novel m ade a
Yangi roman harnm ada katta
taassurot qoldirdi.
deep im pression on ev­
I was under the im pres­
sion that you w ere out
o f town.
M en sizni shaharda y o ‘q
degan fikrga bordim.
to applaud [tu a 'p b :d ] smb. Lit.
Syn. to clap (one’s hands) Coll.
e. g. Everybody clapped (him )
when he finished speak­
an act
to act
kim nidir olqishlam oq
qarsak chalm oq
U o lz so ‘zini yakunlaganda,
ham m a uni olqishladi.
e. g. The g irl’s life was saved
because the doctors act­
ed very quickly.
Ж comb, to act as
e. g. M any students acted as
guides [gaidz] during the
akt (pyesa qismi)
1. harakat qilm oq
Q izchaning hayoti shifokorlar ju d a tez harakat qilganliklari tufayli saqlab
boMib (sifatida) ishlamoq
Festival davrida k o ‘pgina
talabalar gid boMib ishlashdi.
2. o ’zini tutm oq, harakat
qilm oq
e. g. He acted like a hero
Syn. to play
e. g. W ho’s acting (playing)
H iggins today?
e. g. D id you like his acting?
a cast [a 'ka:st]
o ‘zini qahram onlarcha
3. rol ijro etm oq
Bugun H igginsni kirn ijro
ijro (aktyorlar)
Sizga uning ijrosi yoqdim i?
ijrochilar ro ’yxati (tarkibi)
(ushbu spektakldagi)
e. g. The cast o f the play was
very good,
a com pany [9 'к л т р э т ]
an interval [an 'intaval]
local [Noukal]
IV. comb, a local theatre (new s­
paper, etc.)
favourite ['feivarit]
e. g. Tolstoy is my favourite
a chance (See an opportunity)
a scen e [a 'si:n ]
e. g. H ow m any scenes are
there in the first act?
a rehearsal [a ri'ha:sal]
IV. comb, a dress rehearsal
doubt [daut]
e. g. I’ve no doubt that y o u ’ll
m anage the w ork (very
T h ere’s no doubt about
T h ere’s not much doubt
about it.
Phr. no doubt
e. g. Y ou’ve no doubt heard
the news.
N o doubt he m eant to
help, but he has m ade
things worse.
Ijrochilar tarkibi ju d a yaxshi
bu yerda: truppa
antrakt, tanaffus
m ahalliy
m ahalliy teatr (gazeta va
sevim li
Tolstoy - m ening sevim li
yozuvchim .
im koniyat, sharoit
sahna (pyesadagi akt qismi),
parda, k o'rinish
Birinchi aktda nechta sahna
bor? (Birinchi akt nechta
pardadan iborat?)
repititsiya, tayyorgarlik
asosiy tayyorgarlik, oxirgi
(so ‘nggi) tayyorgarlik
gum on, shubha
S izning bu ishni uddalashingizga m enda shubha
y o ‘q.
B unga hech qanday shubham
y o ‘q.
B unga deyarli shubha y o ‘q.
shubhasiz, so ‘zsiz
Siz, shubhasiz, bu yangi!ikni
U, shubhasiz, yordam berishni xohlagan edi, lekin
ham m asini rasvo qildi.
success [sak'ses]
m uvaffaqiyat
Phr. to be a success
m uvaffaqiyatga erishm oq
______________________ Taqqoslang:-- ----------------------------------The new play is a great success.
Yangi pyesa katta muvaffaqi­
yatga erishdi.
M y son has made good progress in
music (= is doing well in music).
M y son is doing w ell at school.
M ening o‘g ‘lim musiqada katta
muvqffaqiyatlarga erishdi.
M ening o ‘g ‘lim o'qishda mu­
vqffaqiyatlarga erishmoqda.
to do a play
a ticket
Prep, a ticket for a theatre
(a play)
to book seats
beforehand [bi'fD:h$nd]
e. g. I m ade all the necessary
preparations beforehand,
a production [э pra'dAkfsn]
a box-office [э 'boksofis]
bu yerda: pyesa q o ‘ym oq
'chipta (12-darsga qarang)
teatrga chipta (pyesaga)
chiptaga buyurtm a berm oq
Kerak boMgan ham m a tayyorgarlikni oldindan qildim.
bu yerda: sahnalashtirish,
teatr kassasi
a bench
to hide (hid, hidden)
e. g. L et’s hide the toy (aw ay)
from the boy.
T hey hid in the forest,
behind [bi'haind]
e. g. He w as hiding behind the
IV. comb, to be behind
e. g. H arry is behind Tom in
his w ork at school.
D on’t look behind you!
a bush [э 'b u |]
to set (set, set)
skam eyka
berkitm oq, berkinm oq
K elinglar o ‘yinchoqni bolakaydan bekitib q o ‘yam iz.
U lar o 'rm o n g a bekinishdi.
1. ortida, orqasida (predlog)
U eshik ortiga bekindi.
2. orqada qolm oq
orqada qolm oq
G arri m aktabda Tomdan
orqada qolib ketm oqda.
O rqangizga qaramang!
o ‘tirm oq, botm oq (quyosh
Ant. to rise (rose, risen)
a face
chiqm oq (quyosh haqida)
yuz, chehra, bet, aft
a philosopher [э fi'bsafa]
to throw [ta'G rou] (threw [6ru:],
throw n [Groun])
Prep, to throw sm th. at smb.,
to throw sm th. to smb.
w ell-dressed
to look like
e. g. His m other looks like a
girl o f twenty.
W ho does he look like?
W hat does he look like?
It looks like rain.
to sigh [ts'sa i]
silen t ['sailontj
Gr. to be silent
Syn. to be (keep) quiet
e. g. Everybody was silent,
an expression [an iks'prefn]
e. g. Is this expression often
Prep, the expression o f (on)
o n e’s face
the expression in o ne’s
e. g. T here w as an expression
o f jo y in her eyes (on
her face).
kim gadir nim anidir irg‘itm oq, kim gadir nim anidir
irg‘itib yuborm oq
yaxshi kiyingan
kim gadir o ‘xsham oq (k o ‘rinishi)
U ning onasi yigirm a yasharlik qizga o lxshaydi.
U kim ga o ‘xshaydi?
U ning k o ‘rinishi qanaqa?
YomgMr y o g ‘adiganga o ‘xshaydi.
x o ‘rsinm oq
sukut, ovoz chiqarm ay, tinch
indam aslik, jim o ‘tirm oq
tovush chiqarm aslik, tinch
o ‘tirm oq
H am m a jim edi.
1. ibora, gap
Bu ibora k o ‘p q o ‘llaniladim i?
2. k o ‘rinish, yu z tuzilishi,
k o ‘z va bosh.
y uz tuzilishi
k o ‘z ifodasi
U ning k o ‘zlari (yuzi) quv­
noq edi.
e. g. It w as silly o f him to do
the w ork in a hurry.
It’s a silly m istake,
w hisper ['w ispaj
W. comb, to speak (say sm th.)
in a w hisper
o n e’s people
Bu ishni shoshib bajarish u
tom onidan qilingan tentaklik edi.
Bu ahm oqona xato.
pichirlab gapirm oq
bu yerda: ota-onalar
e. g. I’ll w rite to m y people in
M insk about it.
to su p p o se [ta ss'pouz]
Men bu haqda ota-onam ga
M inskka yozib yuboraman.
o ‘ylam oq, taxm in qilm oq,
nazarda tutm oq (kelishuv,
reja bo ‘y icha)
Gr. to be supposed to do smth.
nim anidir qilishga m ajbur
b o ‘lm oq (shartnom a, reja
b o ‘yicha)
e. g. I’m su p p o se d to be there
M en u yerda beshda b o ‘lishim kerak (kelishib q o ‘yganm an, v a’da berganm an)
at five.
Everybody is supposed to
know it.
We w e re n ’t su p p o se d to
do it yesterday.
People a r e n o t supposed
to sm oke here,
to d r in k ( d ra n k , d ru n k )
to have a d r in k
a bar
a shilling
tw opence ['tA p sn s]
to lend (len t, lent)
Ant. to borrow
Prep, to lend smb. smth.
to borrow sm th. from
a p o in t
IV. comb, a point o f view [vju:]
from sm b .’s point o f
e. g. It’s quite a different p o in t
o f view.
e. g. I d o n ’t see your point.
JV. comb. T he point is that...
Buni ham m a bilishi kerak.
B iz kecha buni qilm asligim iz kerak edi. (B iz kecha
buni qilishim iz nazarda
tutilm agan edi)
B u yerda chekish m um kin
ichib olmoq
bu yerda: bar
2 penslik tanga
qarz berm oq
qarz olm oq
kim gadir
qarzga bermoq
kim dandir biror narsani
qarzga olmoq
1. nuqta, punkt
nuqtayi nazar
kim ning nuqtayi nazaridan
um um an
nuqtayi nazar
2. asosiy si
M en sizni nim a dem oqchiligingizni tushunm ayapman.
G ap shundaki, ...
e. g. T he point is that we haven’t
enough time now.
e. g. H is strong point is that he
h as travelled a lot.
I love the w ay she alw ays
finds good points in
to p roduce [to pro'djurs]
e. g. We produced o u r tickets.
e. g. H ow m any m achines does
the factory produce a
to lose [to 4u:z] (lost [b st], lost)
Ant. to find
Ж comb, to lose things (money,
on e’s health, etc.)
sim ple
Ж comb, a sim ple text (rule,
story, etc.)
ordinary people
a p ack et [o 'pzekit]
evidently ['evidontli]
e. g. H e has evidently read a
to pick up
e. g. T he w ind blew o ff his hat,
and he quickly picked it
to allow [tu o' lau]
e. g. W ill you allow m e to use
y o u r books w hile you are
aw ay?
a gate
to o b ey [tu o'bei]
e. g. You m ust m ake the child
o b ey you.
G ap shundaki, bizning hozir
v aq tim iz y o ’q.
3. ustunlik, afzallik
U ning ustunligi shundaki, u
k o ‘p sayohat qilgan.
M enga uning odam lardan
har doim yaxshilik topa
olishi yoqadi.
4. ball (sport)
1. k o ‘rsatm oq
B iz chiptam izni k o lrsatdik.
2. ishlab chiqarm oq
Z avod yiliga nechta m ashina ishlab chiqaradi?
1. y o'qotm oq
topm oq
buyum larni y o 'q o tm o q (pulni, sog'liqni, va boshq.)
2. yutqazm oq
oddiy, m urakkab em as, sodda
sodda m atn (qoida, tarix va
oddiy odam lar
paket, xalta
k o 'rin ib turish, aniq b o 'lish
U ning k o 'p o 'q ish i aniq.
k o 'tarib olm oq, term oq
Sham ol uning shlapasini
uchirib yubordi va u tezda
shlapasini k o 'ta rib oldi.
ruxsat berm oq
Siz y o 'q lig in g izd a m enga
kitoblaringizdan foydalanishga ruxsat berasizm i?
itoat etm oq
Siz bolani o 'zin g izg a itoat
etishga m ajbur qilishingiz
a pound [ a'paundj (= £ 1 )
a card
to look for sm th.
e. g. W hat are you looking for?
bu yerda: tashrif qog‘ozi
nim anidir qidirm oq, istam oq
Siz nim a qidiryapsiz?
1. pochta (pochta xizmati)
2. korrespondensiya, xatxabarlar (xususiy)
post [poust]
e. g. H as the post com e yet?
W. comb, by ordinary post
by registered post
Pochtani olib kelishdim i?
oddiy pochta orqali
buyurtm a pochta orqali
pochta, korrespondensiya,
xat, telegram m a (odatda
xizmat yuz as idan)
e. g. Has there been any mail
W. comb, the m orning mail
the evening mail
air mail
Prep, by the m orning mail
by air m ail
e. g. Please send the letter by
air mail,
a post-office
Bugun (biron-bir)
keldim i?
ertalabki pochta
kechki, oqshom pochtasi
havo pochtasi
ertalabki pochta bilan
havo pochtasi orqali
Iltim os, bu xatni havo
pochtasi orqali j o ‘nating.
Taqqoslang: ----------------------------------T here’s a post-office in our street.
A lot o f m ail com es to our
The letter will go by ordinary
a postm an
postage ['pousticfc;]
W. comb, to pay double [dAbl]
Bizning ko‘cham izdapoc/j/tf
idorasi bor.
B izning idoram izga k o ‘pgina pochta keladi.
X at oddiy pochta orqali
j o ‘natiladi.
pochta toTovlari, pochta
pochta toMovIarini ikki baravar toMamoq
to p o st
e. g. H ave you posted your
letter yet?
a letter-box
Syn. a m ail-box
a pillar-box
pochta orqali j o ‘natmoq
S iz xatingizni j o ‘natib yubordingizm i?
pochta qutisi
1. bir kuni
2. bir m arta
ikki m arta
Yodda saqlang:
bir m arta
ikki m arta
tw ice
three tim es
four tim es
five tim es, etc.
e. g. S om etim es it’s not enough
to read the tex t once. One
has to read it tw ice or
even three or four tim es
to understand it well.
a stam p
to stam p
W. comb, to stam p a letter
an unstam ped letter
e. g. I had no tim e to buy a
stam p and m y letter
w ent unstam ped.
an autom atic stam p-m achine
[on oito'mastik 'staem pm ajim ]
change [tjeinds]
W. comb, sm all change
e. g. C an you give change for
a £ 1 note?
I hav en ’t got any sm all
change about me.
m aybe ['m eibi]
e. g. M aybe, th e y ’ll w rite to us
one o f these days.
uch m arta
to ‘rt m arta
besh m arta va shu kabi.
B a’zida m atnni bir m arta
o ‘qish yetarli boMmaydi.
U ni yaxshi lab tushunish
uchun ikki m arta, hattoki
uch m arta o'q ish g a ham
to ‘g ‘ri keladi.
pochta m arkasi
m arka yopishtirm oq
xatga m arka yopishtirm oq
m arkasiz xat
M ening m arka sotib olgani
vaqtim bo'lm adi va xat
m arkasiz ketdi.
m arka sotadigan avtomat
bu yerda: qaytim
m ayda (pul)
Siz m enga 1 funtnim aydalab
bera olasizm i?
M ening m aydam y o ‘q.
b o 'lish i m umkin
U lar bizga shu kunlarda xat
yozishlari m um kin.
e. g. “ Shall I give you an Eng­
lish or a Russian book?
“ B oth, please.
har ikkovi
Sizga inglizcha kitob beraymi yoki ruscham i?
Iltim os, ikkovini ham bering.
T h ey can b o th speak
Both o f them can speak
U lam ing ikkovi ham ing­
lizcha gapira olishadi.
T hey both left Moscow.
Both o f them left M oscow.
U lam ing ikkovi ham M os-
T h ey are both here.
Both o f them are here.
Ulaming ikkovi ham shu
an envelope [an 'enviloup]
to need
1. nimagadir zoriqm oq (asosiy
kvadan ketishgan.
fe 'l)
e. g. “ D o you still need the
“N o, I don’t need it any
Sizga bu kitob hali ham
kerakm i?
Y o‘q, u kitob m enga endi
kerak emas.
2. (modal f e ’l sifatida b o ‘-
lishsiz gap lard a "kerak
emas ”, "hojati y o 'q ” та ’nosida)
e. g. You needn’t com e here
to trouble [ta'trAbl]
e. g. H e w as troubled about
his son’s poor progress.
e. g. D oes your tooth still
trouble you?
Syn. to bother [ta Ъ эбэ]
S izning bu yerga yana
kelishingiz shart emas.
1. xavotirlanm oq, hayajon­
lanm oq, xafa qilm oq, be­
zovta qilm oq
U o ‘g iin in g m uvaffaqiyatsizligidan xavotirda edi.
2. bezovta qilm oq, azob
berm oq
Sizni tishingiz hali ham
bezovta qilyaptim i?
3. noqulaylik yaratmoq, xalaqit berm oq, jo n ig a tegmoq
xalaqit bermoq, joniga tegmoq
e. g. You can w ork in this
room . I’m sure nobody
w ill trouble (bother)
you here.
Siz mana bu xonada ishlashing iz m um kin. M en aminm anki, bu yerda sizni hech
kim bezovta qilm aydi.
----------------------------------- Taqqoslang:--------------------------------------Siz bunaqangi arzim agan narsalarga xavotir olmasligingiz
You sh ouldn’t w orry about
unim portant things like
D oes the noise bother you?
M en sizni bezovta qilmoqchi
em asdim , lekin sizning yordamingizsiz men bu yerda hech
narsaga tushunm ayapm an.
I didn’t w ant to trouble
(bother) you, but I ca n ’t
m ake out anything here
w ithout y o u r help.
to lead (led, led)
W. comb, to lead the w ay
a coin
a result [9 ri'zAlt]
to drop
boshlam oq
tashlab, tushirib yuborm oq
e. g. The little boy w as crying
because he had dropped
his toy on the floor and
broken it.
K ichkina
bola yigMar edi,
u o‘yin ch o g ‘ini
tushirib yuborib
qo‘ygan edi.
to drop in
e. g. I’ll drop in at your place
on my w ay home,
the ground [дэ 'graund]
Prep, on the ground
a spot
a face
kirib o‘tm oq
M en uyga ketayotib siznikiga kirib o ’tam an.
yer, yerusti
yerda, yerga
bu yerda: old (yuza) tomoni
collection [к э 'lekin]
W. comb, the m idnight collec­
1. xatlarni yig'ishtirish
xatlarni yarim kechada
oxirgi y ig ‘ishtirilishi
2. kolleksiya, to ‘plam
M arkalarning qanaqa zo ‘r
kolleksiyasi (to ‘plam i)!
1. to ‘plam oq, tartib bilan
tax lam oq
Iltim os, q o g ‘ozlaringizni
yigN shtiring.
(matoning, xatning)
e. g. W hat a fine collection o f
to collect [ta ka'lekt]
e. g. Will you collect your papers
['peipaz], please?
e. g. M any schoolchildren col­
lect stamps.
fi rm
W. comb, a firm voice (deci­
2 . tegishlisini olmoq
3. y ig ‘m oq, to ‘plam oq, kol­
leksiya qilm oq
K o‘pgina o‘quvchilar m arka
y ig ‘adilar.
q at’iy, q at’iyatli
qat’iy ovoz (qaror, jav o b )
sion, answer)
ish, ish qism i
a job
A rtikl ishlatilishiga e’tibor qarating:
T hat’s an interesting job.
T hat’s interesting w ork.
wounded ['w um did]
a goldfish
e. g. Go straight ahead.
Gr. to be ahead o f
e. g. The boy w as so clever
that he w as soon ahead
o f the other children in
the class.
a turning
IV. comb, to take the first (se­
cond) turning to
the left (right)
to register [ta 'red$ista] a letter
a registered letter
W. comb, to send a registered
Bu qiziqarli ish
oltin baliq
oldinda, oldinga, to ‘g ‘riga
To‘g ‘riga
qayoqqa burilm ang).
oldinda boMmoq
Bolakay shunaqa iqtidor­
li ediki, tezda sinfdagi
boshqa bolalardan oldinga
o ‘tib oldi.
chap (o ‘ng) tom ondagi bi­
rinchi (ikkinchi) burilishga burilm oq
buyurtm a x at orqali j o ‘natish
buyurtm a xat
buyurtm a xat j o ’natish
letter (= to send a
letter by registered
an ordinary ['o:dinari] letter
a clerk [a 'kIo:k]
a telegram
W. comb, to send a telegram
oddiy xat
bu yerda: xizm atchi
telegram m a
telegram m a j o ’natm oq (ni­
xabar qilmoq)
to send o ff a tele­
e x tra ['ekstra]
e. g. You’ll get e x tra pay for
e x tra work.
W. comb, to w ork (pay, etc.)
a m o n e y -o rd e r
JV. comb, to m ake out a
m oney-order
a form
JV. comb, to fill in a form
a desk
a p re se n t [э 'preznt]
JV. comb, to give (m ake) smb.
a present
a birthday present
a w edding present
to h a n d
e. g. I h an d e d him the parcel.
telegram m a j o ‘natm oq (tele-
gram m ani pochta
j o ‘natmoq)
1. q o ‘shim cha (sifat)
S iz qo‘shim cha ish uchun
q o ‘shim cha haq olasiz.
2. q o ‘shim cha (ravish)
q o ‘shim cha ishlam oq (toMa­
m oq va boshq.)
pul o‘tkazish
pul oMkazmoq
bu yerda: blanka,
blankani toMdirish
parta, yozuv stoli
so v g 'a
so v g ‘a qilm oq
tugMlgan kun so v g ‘asi
to ‘y so v g ‘asi
topshirm oq, berm oq
M en unga j o ‘natm a topshirdim (vositali to'ldi-
ruvchi bilan).
I h a n d e d in the parcel.
M en jo 'n a tm a topshirdim .
(vositali to 'Idirm’chisiz)
a p a rc e l |> 'p a :sl]
JV. comb, next door
j o ‘natm a (posilka)
* navbatdagi (2-darsga qarang)
yonm a-yon (qo'shni ityda,
qo 'shni xonada)
e. g. They live nex t d o o r to us.
Parcels are taken in th e
n ex t room ,
a rec eip t [э ri'si:t]
U lar bizning
yonim izda
J o ‘n atm alam i q o ‘shni x o ­
nada qabul qilishadi.
m uz
ice [ a i s ]
p a p e rs (pi)
to p u b lish [ t a 'p A b l i f ]
bu yerda: yozuvlar
nashr qilm oq, chop qilm oq
chop qilm oq (tipograftya
y o 'li bilan), bosib chiqar­
m oq
to p rin t
e. g. The book w as first p u b ­
lished (printed) in 1950.
an a d v e n tu re [эп ad'ventfa]
a s e rv a n t [э 'soivant]
an e x tra c t [an 'eksrzekt]
Prep, an extract from a book
(a story, etc.)
sp o rt(s)
K itob birinchi m arta 1950yilda nashr qilingan.
xizm atkor ayol
kitobdan parcha (hikoyadan
va boshq.)
sport (ko'pincha ko'plikda
“ D oes your son go in for
sport bilan shug’ullanm oq
U yaxshi sportchi.
Sizning farzandingiz sport
bilan shug‘ullanadim i?
“Oh, yes. He goes in for
s p o rts and gam es o f all
H a, u k o ‘pgina sport va
o ‘yin turlari bilan shug ‘ullanadi.
W. comb, to go in for sport(s)
e. g. H e’s good at sp o rts.
a sp o rtsm a n
(yengil atletika
bilan shug ‘ullanuvchi)
sportchi fov va boshq. shu
kabi sport turlari bilan
shug ‘ullanuvchi)
to rep ly [ta ri'plai] Lit.
Syn. to answer
Prep, to reply to smth.
ja v o b berm oq
javob berm oq
nim agadir javob berm oq
a n a th le te [an '$61i:t]
T aq q o slan g :
T hey replied to our letter.
T hey an sw e re d o u r letter.
in a n s w e r to our letter
in rep ly to our letter
U lar bizning xatim izga ja ­
vob berdilar.
p ra c tic e
am aliyot
[ 'p r E e k tis ]
bizning xatim izga javoban
fV. comb, to be out o f practice
yaxshi holatda b o ‘lm aslik,
(sport) form a(s/)dan chi­
qib qolish
e. g. It’s difficult for him to
U nga fransuz tilida gapirish
qiyin, chunki u form adan
chiqib qoldi.
speak F rench because
h e’s o u t o f p ra c tic e .
to p ra c tise [ta 'praektis]
W. comb, to practise running
(jum ping, etc.)
m ashq qilm oq, am aliy shug ‘ullanm oq
yugurishni m ashq qilm oq
(sakrashni va boshq.)
to practise tennis
(the piano, etc.)
tennis o ‘ynashni m ashq qil­
m oq (royalda o‘ynashni
m ashq qilm oq)
to practise for an
hour (tw o hours,
etc.) every day
har kuni bir (ikki va sh.k.)
soat m ashq qilm oq
g racefu l
eleg a n t ['eligant]
to re d d e n
d o w n sta irs ['daunsteaz]
to go upstairs
a sk a tin g -rin k [a 'skeitiqriqk]
to sw eep (sw ept, sw ep t)
su ccessfu l [sak'sesful]
to ra ise (ra ise d , raise d )
hasham atli
qizarm oq
pastga, quyi qavatga, zinadan pastga
Sizni kim dir pastda kutib
yuqoriga, yuqori qavatda,
zinadan tepaga
Petrovlar yuqorida yashashadi.
zinadan pastga tushm oq
zinadan yuqoriga k o ‘tarilm oq
konki uch ish jo y i
supurm oq
m uvaffaqiyatli
k o ’tarm oq (pastroq daraja-
W. comb, to raise o n e’s hat
shlapani k o ’tarm oq (salom-
e. g. S om eone’s w aiting for
you d o w n sta irs.
Ant. upstairs
e. g. The Petrovs live u p sta irs.
IV. comb, to go dow nstairs
danyuqoriroq darajaga)
raise o n e ’s glass
raise a curtain
raise a question
to raise o n e’s voice
qadah k o ’tarm oq
pardani k o 'tarm o q (teatrda)
savol tashlam oq, m asala
k o ’tarib chiqm oq
qarshi ovoz berm oq (e 'tiroz,
norozilik sifatida)
T aqq o slan g :
Men pardani ko'tardim va xona
zudlik bilan yorishdi.
A gar savollaringiz b o 1Isa, q o ‘lingizni к о 'taring.
Jom adon shunaqa o g ‘ir ediki,
m en uni ko'tara olm adim .
Siz nim adir tushirib yubordingiz.
M enga ko'tarib olishga ruxsat
They raise d the curtain.
(o ’tim li fe’l)
The curtain rose.
(o ‘tim siz fe ’l)
I o p ened the curtain and it
w as im m ediately light in
the room.
I f y o u ’ve got a question,
ra ise your hand.
The suit-case w as so heavy
that I couldn’t lift it.
Y ou’ve dropped som ething.
Let m e pick it up.
T aq q o slan g :
U lar pardani ко 'tarishdi.
Parda ко 'tarildi.
to trem b le
Syn. to shiver
e. g. She tre m b le d at the sound
o f a shot.
His voice tre m b le d with
to hold (held, held)
Prep, to hold sm th. in o n e ’s
to hold sm th. (sm b.) in
one’s arm s
e. g. She cam e into the room
titramoq (qo‘rquvdan, jahldan)
titram oq (sovuqdan)
U qiz o ‘q ovozidan titrab
U ning ovozi ja h li chiqqanidan titrab ketardi.
1. ushlam oq
nim anidir q o ‘lda (kaftda)
ushlab turm oq
nim anidir (kim nidir) ushlab
turm oq
hold in g h e r b a b y in h e r
arm s.
Prep. Art. to hold sm b. by the
hand (b y th e shoul­
der, etc.)
ayol bolasini qoMida
ko‘tarib xonaga kirdi.
kim ningdir qoMidan (bilagidan)ushlam oq(yelkasidan
va sh.k.)
T aq q o slan g :
U chiqish qilayotganda, yozuv
kitobchasini qoMida ushlab
He held a note-book in his
hand as he spoke.
K itob srzda chorshanbagacha
tursa bo ‘ladi.
You can keep the book till
W ednesday.
Ж comb, to hold a m eeting
(a conference, a
cham pionship, etc.)
e. g. Will the m eeting b e held
tom orrow afternoon?
W hen w as the m eeting
h eld?
to ca tc h (ca u g h t, ca u g h t)
Prep, to catch hold o f smth.
e. g. T he boy c a u g h t hold o f
the life-belt and got out
o f the water.
Phi: to catch (a) cold
e. g. D on’t sit so close to the
w indow . You m ay catch
g r a s p [gra:sp]
d ro w n in g [tirauniq]
slip p e ry
co m m o n ['к э т э п ]
JV. comb, a com m on m istake
com m on people
e. g. The com m on people in
every country w ant peace.
Ant. uncom m on
e. g. C hildren o f the sam e age
have co m m o n interests,
to fre e o n eself
to to u c h [to 'tAtf]
e. g. V isitors w ere asked not
to to u ch the exhibits
to ta k e n o notice o f sm th .
(= not to take any notice o f smth.)
e. g. H e to o k no n o tice o f the
w arnings,
to p a y a tte n tio n to sm th .
e. g. You m ust p a y m ore a t­
te n tio n to y our spelling.
2. o ‘tkazm oq
yigN lish o ‘tkazm oq (konferensiya, chem pionat va
Yig‘ilish ertaga kunduzi o ‘tkaziladim i?
Y ig‘ilish qachon b o ‘ldi?
tutm oq, ushlam oq
nim anidir ushlab olm oq
B olakay qutqarish
aylanasidan ushlab suvdan
chiqib oldi.
sham ollab qolm oq
D erazaga bunchalik yaqin
o ‘tirm ang. Sham ollab qolishingiz m um kin.
m ahkam ushlam oq, tashlanm oq
cho‘kib ketayotgan
to y g ‘ich
1. oddiy, sodda
odatiy, keng tarqalgan xato
(buyum )
oddiy odam lar (am alsiz)
B archa m am lakatlardagi od­
diy odam lar tinchlik istaydilar.
g ‘alati, o‘ziga xos
2. um um iy
B ir xil yoshdagi bolalar um u­
m iy qiziqishga egalar.
ozod b o 'lm o q , chiqib ketm oq
nim agadir tegm oq, tegib ket­
m oq
M ehm onlardan eksponatlarg a tegm asliklarini so ‘rashdi.
nim agadir e ’tib o r berm aslik
ogohlantirishga e ’tibor
berm adi.
nim agadir e ’tib o r berm oq
Siz im loga katta e ’tib o r berishingiz kerak.
You should ta k e b e tte r
ca re o f your health,
to push [ta 'puj]
to p ull [ta 'pul]
e. g. You p u sh (the box) and
I’ll p ull (it),
a lia r [э 'laid]
to lie (lied, lied, lying)
a sta d iu m [9 'steidiam ]
Ж comb, the D ynamo
['dainamou] Stadium
at the stadium
a fan
Ж comb, a hockey fan [a 'hoki
a football fan
a m atch
Ж comb, a thrilling (exciting)
a team
Ж comb, a football (hockey)
a team o f w orkers
team -w ork
Syn. a crew [a 'kru:]
Siz so g ‘lig‘ingizga katta
e ’tibor berishingiz kerak.
itannoq, sunnoq (o ‘zidan)
tortm oq (o'ziga)
Siz (qutini) suring, men esa
tortam an.
y o lg ’onchi
aldam oq
D inam o stadioni
m uxlis, tom oshabin, ishqiboz
xokkey m uxlisi, xokkey ishqibozi
futbol m uxlisi, futbol ishqibozi
hayajonli uchrashuv
brigada, jam o a, kom anda
futbol (xokkey) kom andasi
ishchilar brigadasi
jam oaviy ish
kom anda, ekipaj (kema, sa-
Gr. All the cre w a re on deck.
e. g. It’s a very good crew,
a sco re [a 'sko:]
e. g. “ W hat’s the sc o re ?” “Two
to sco re a goal
e. g. N o goals w ere scored,
a d r a w [a 'dro:]
Ж comb, to end in a draw
e. g. The m atch ended in a
draw .
The team s d rew fo u r all.
to w in [win] (w on [wAn], w on)
H am m a kom anda palubada.
Bu ju d a yaxshi komanda.
hisob (o'yin, musobaqa)
H isob qanaqa? - Ikki-yu
gol urm oq
Bitta ham gol urilmadi.
durang bilan tugam oq
U chrashuv durang bilan
U chrashuv 4:4 hisobida
durang bilan yakunlandi.
yutm oq, g ‘olib chiqm oq
Ant. to lose [to 'lu:z] (lost, lost)
W. comb, to w in (to lose) a
battle (a m atch,
a gam e o f chess,
e. g. They lost tw o points.
They lost the gam e,
a ch a m p io n [э 'tjaempjon]
yutqazm oq
jangni yutm oq (yutqazm oq)
(o ‘yinni, shaxm at partiyasini va sh.k.)
U lar ikki ball (ochko)
y o ‘qotishdi.
U lar o kyinni yutqazishdi.
chem pion, g ‘olib
Y odda sa q lan g :
a ch a m p io n sh ip [a'tjtem pjanjip]
W. comb. W orld Cham pionship
a football (hockey)
cham pionship
a co m p etitio n
sp o rtin g events
W. comb, to w in (lose) in the
first (second, etc.)
a to u rn a m e n t [э 'tuanam ant]
W. comb, a chess tournam ent
a tennis tournam ent
a rac e
IV. comb, a horse race
a boat-race
to have a race
to b ea t (b e a t, b e a te n )
e. g. Spartak b e a t Dynamo
three tw o.
chem pionat, birinchilik
Jahon chem pionat!
futbol (xokkey) b o ‘yicha
chem pionat, birinchilik
m usobaqa (bar qanaqa)
yengil atletikaning alohida
turlari b o ‘yicha
m uso­
birinchi (ikkinchi) turda g ‘alaba qozonm oq (yutqaz­
m oq)
tu m ir
shaxm at tum iri
tennis b o ‘yicha m usobaqa
yugurish b o ‘yicha m usobaqa
(suzish, m ototsiklda poyga va sh.k.), poyga
otlar poygasi
eshkak eshish b o ‘yicha m u­
sobaqa, poyga
yugurishda m usobaqalashmoq, poyga o ‘ynam oq
(konkida yugurish b o ‘yicha va sh.k.)
1. urm oq
2 . yutm oq (sportda), g ‘olib
chiqm oq
“ S partak” “ D inam o” ustidan 3:2 hisobida g ‘alaba
1-§. B u y ru q gap. Bevosita suhbatdoshga yoki uchinchi bir
shaxsga qaratilgan buyruq yoki iltim os buyruq gap bilan beriladi.
Buyruq gapdagi fe ’l buyruq m aylida keladi. F e ’lning buyruq
m aylidagi shakli uning o ‘zak shakli bilan bir xil boMadi. F e ’lning
o ‘zak shaklini yasash uchun uning noaniq shaklidagi to yuklam asi
tushirib qoldiriladi.
М.: to m eet - uchratm oq (infinitiv shakli)
m eet - uchrat (fe’l o ‘zagi va buyruq m ayli shakli)
Ingliz tilida buyruq m aylidagi fe’l ham birlik, ham k o ‘plik uchun
М.: Tell - Ayt. Aytinglar. Ayting.
Ingliz tilida buyruq gap kesim bilan boshlanadi. B unday gaplarda,
odatda, gapning egasi ko‘rsatilm aydi. ToMdiruvchi kesim dan so‘ng
ikkinchi o 'rin d a keladi.
М.: M eet Ted - Tedni uchrat.
Tell Ben -- Benga ayt.
2-§. in g liz tilid ag i ot va o lm o sh la rn in g kelish ig i h aq id a
tu sh u n c h a . Ingliz tilida otlarning ikkita kelishigi bor: U m umiy
kelishik va qaratqich kelishigi. U m um iy kelishikda otlar hech qanday
q o ‘shim cha olmaydi.
М.: Send Peter a book - Peterga kitobni j o ‘nat.
U m um iy
otlar gapda
ega, to ‘Idiruvchl, hoi,
aniqlovchi b o ‘lib keladi.
Q aratqich kelishigidagi otlar birlikda — ’$ k o ‘plikda esa — ’
М.: M y friend’s book - D o‘stim ning kitobi.
M y friends’ books - D o‘stlarim ning kitoblari.
Biroq, k o ‘plikda - s bilan tugallanm aydigan otlar k o ‘plikda
qaratqich kelishigida - ’s oladi. M asalan: W om en’s dresses.
K ishilik olm oshlarining kelishiklari.
K ishilik olm oshlarining ikkita k elish igi bor: bosh kelish ik va
obyekt k elishigi.
Bosh kelishik
B irlik
S a vo l
W ho?
Kim ?
M en
U u :,ju -,ju ]
[hi:, h i-, hi]
U (m.r.)
U G-r.)
U (s.r.)
К о ‘p lik
[w i:, vvi-, w i]
B iz
[ju :,ju -,ju ]
G apda
P redlog
ishlatilm aydi
O byekt kelishigi
B irlik
S a vo l
W hom ?
Kim ni?
K im ga?
[mi:, m i-, mi]
M eni
M enga
U u :,ju -,ju ]
U nga
[ho:, ho]
U ni
U nga
U ni
B izn i
B izga
К о ‘p lik
[ju :,ju -,ju ]
[dem , dom]
P redlog
ToMdiruvchi, hoi
ishlatilishi mum kin
3-§. O tla rn in g rodi v a son i.
1. Ingliz tilida faqat k ish ilam in g nom ini anglatuvchi otlargina
o ‘z tabiiy jin siga qarab m ujskoy va je n sk iy rodlarga ajratiladi.
М.: m other ['т л д э ] ona —> she - u
father ['fa.-дэ] ota —►he - u
Q olgan barcha jo n siz predm etlam i anglatuvchi otlar, mavhum
tushunchalar nomlari, hayvon nom larini anglatuvchi otlar sredniy
rodga kiradi va it olm osh i bilan alm ashtirilishi mum kin.
bed [bed] karavot —►it
pen [pen] ruchka —» it
Ingliz tilida otlar birlik va k o ‘plik shakliga ega. K o ‘plikda
otlar -s qo'shim chasini oladi. М.: a son - tw o sons.
-s q o ‘shim chasi quyidagicha o ‘qiladi:
a) [z] jarangli undosh va unlilardan s o ‘ng:
bed karavot - beds [bedz] karavotlar
pen ruchka - pens [penz] ruchkalar
tie galstuk - ties [taiz] galstuklar
b) [s] jarangsiz undoshlardan s o ‘ng:
list r o 'y x a t - lis t s [lists] ro‘yxatlar
B irlikda -s, -ss, -x , -sh, -ch va -o harflari bilan tugagan otlar
k o ‘plikda -es q o ‘shim chasini oladi va u [iz] talaffuz qilinadi:
match g u g u r t-m a tc h e s ['ma;tjiz] gugurtlar
4. S o ‘z oxirida undoshdan s o ‘n g keladigan -y k o ‘plikda -es
olganda -y —* i ga o ‘tadi:
a city shahar - cities shaharlar
a baby chaqaloq - babies chaqaloqlar
a day kun - days kunlar
5. In gliz tilidagi bir qator otlar k o ‘plik shaklini o ‘zig a x o s tarzda
a m an
a w om an
to o th
m en
w om en
te eth
g o o se
m o u se
sh e e p
[m aus]
[fi:p ]
g ‘o z
q o ‘y
g e ese
m ice
sh e e p
[m ais]
q o ‘ylar
4 -§. ToM diruvchi h a q id a tu sh u n c h a . P r e d lo g siz (v o sita li va
v o sita siz ) toM diru vchin in g g a p d a g i o ‘rn i.
1. K esim ni m a ’no jihatidan toMdirib k eluvchi ikkinchi darajali
gap boMagiga toMdiruvchi d eyilad i. ToMdiruvchi kim ni?, nimani?,
kimga?, nimaga?, kim haqida? va boshqa sa v o lla rg a ja v o b boMadi.
ToMdiruvchi gapda quyidagicha ifodalanadi:
ot bilan:
M eet P eter.
Peter bilan tanishing.
olm osh bilan:
Send m e ...
M enga ... j o ‘nating.
Ingliz tilida
p r e g lo g li va
p red lo g siz
toMdiruvchilarga ajratiladi. P red lo g siz toMdiruvchi o ‘z navbatida
v o sita li va v o sita siz toMdiruvchilarga boMinadi.
In gliz tilidagi vositali toMdiruvchi k im g a ? , n im a g a ? soMogMga
ja v o b boMadi. 0 ‘zbek tilid agi j o ‘n a lish k elish ig ig a to ‘g ‘ri keladi.
V ositasiz toMdiruvchi esa k im n i? , n im a n i? so'rogM ga javob
boMadi. 0 ‘zbek tilidagi tu sh u m k elish ig ig a to ‘g ‘ri keladi.
Ingliz tilidagi vositali v a v o sita siz toMdiruvchilar gapda bir xil
ifodalanadi, y a ’ni um um iy kelish ik d agi ot y o k i obyekt kelishigidagi
olm osh bilan. Shuning uchun ular o ‘rtasidagi farq ulam ing gapdagi
tartibiga qarab aniqlanadi. V ositali toMdiruvchi kesim dan key in
keladi, s o ‘ngra vo sita siz toM diruvchi keladi.
(kim ga?)
(kim ga?)
p en s.
(nim ani?)
m y tie.
(nim ani?)
(v o sita siz)
Bessga beshta ruchka jo ‘nating.
M enga galstugimni jo ‘nating.
B ordi-yu, gapda vo sitali toMdiruvchi
toMdiruvchi kesim dan keyin keladi.
Send B ess, (kim ni?)
Send m e. (kim ni?)
vo sita siz
B essn i yuboring.
M en i yuboring.
Predlogli toMdiruvchi gapda vo sita siz toMdiruvchidan keyin
keladi. ToM diruvchilaming gapdagi um um iy tartibi quyidagicha:
T O ' L D I R U V C H I
P redlogli
P redlogsiz
K esim
K im ga? N im aga?
K im n i? N im ani?
J o (nalish kelish ig i
T u sh u m kelishigi
a book.
Send a book to Tom.
a doctor.
Send a doctor to Ben.
5 -§. A n iq lo v ch i. Otga izoh berib keluvchi II darajali gap b o ‘lagi
aniqlovchi deyiladi. Son, si fat, olm osh bilan ifodalangan aniqlovchi
o ‘zi aniqlayotgan otdan oldin keladi.
М.: m y life - m en in g hayotim
nine pens - to ‘qqizta ruchka
A n iq lo v c h in in g g a p d a g i o ‘rni
t o M d ir u v c h i
v -s iz
, V
A n i q l o v c h i
M y brother g oes to sch ool.
H e is m y brother.
G ive it to m y brother.
She entered h e r office.
6-§ . In finitiv h aq id a tu sh u n c h a . Infinitiv fe ’lning noaniq
shaklidir. Ingliz tilida f e ’lning infinitivi uning o ‘zagi bilan bir xil
boMadi, faqat infinitiv to* yuklam asi bilan beriladi.
М.: to send - yuborm oq
to spell - harflab aytm oq
7-§. To be fe ’lin in g tu sla n ish i. to be Tuslanishi.
boMmoq, dir, -.
to y u k la m a s i u n li b ila n b o s h la n u v c h i f e ’ ll a r o ld id a n [tu ], u n d o s h b ila n
b o s h la n u v c h i f e ’lla r o ld id a n [ta ] o ‘q ila d i
II. you
III. he
L is
K o ‘plik
w e are = w e ’re
II. y o u are = y o u ’re
III. th ey are = th ey ’re
y o u ’re
h e ’s
sh e ’s
O g ‘zaki nutqda qisqartma shakllar ishlatiladi. to b e f e ’lining
shakllari nafaqat olm oshiar, balki otlar bilan ham qisqaradi.
М .: M y nam e is Ann = M y n a m e’s A nn.
8-§. G ap. U m um iy tushuncha.
1. M aqsadga k o ’ra gaplar 4 x il boMadi.
1) Darak gap.
M y nam e is B ess
2 ) S o ‘roq gap.
Is it a map?
3 ) Buyruq gap.
G iv e m e a book.
4 ) H is-hayajon gap.
W hat fine weather!
Darak, s o ‘roq va buyruq gaplar boMishli va boMishsiz boMadi.
Gapda bosh v a II darajali gap boMaklari farqlanadi. B osh gap
b o ‘ laklariga ega va kesim , II darajali gap b o ‘ laklariga esa toMdiruvchi,
an iqlovchi, hoi kiradi.
2. S o d d a gap . (yigMq va y o y iq ). Sodda gap yigMq va yo y iq
boMadi. YigMq sodda gap faqat bosh gap boMaklaridan iborat boMadi,
y a ’ni ega va kesim dan.
is a map.
(kesim )
Y oyiq sodda gap tarkibida II darajali gap boMaklaridan biri
ishtirok etadi.
(an iq lovch i)
is bad.
(eg a )
(kesim ) (vositali toMdiruvchi)
Mening ruchkam yomon.
(vositasiz toMdiruvchi)
M enga xaritam ni j o ‘noting.
B osh gap boMaklari. E g a bosh gap boMagi boMib, grammatik
jihatdan hech qanday boshqa gap boM agiga tobe boMmaydi va
predmetni ifodalaydi. Ega kim ?, n im a ? s o ’rogMga ja v o b boMadi. Ega
gapda ot y o k i olm osh bilan ifodalanishi mum kin.
ot bilan:
His nam e is Peter.
U ning ismi Peter.
olm osh bilan:
'It is a flat.
Bu xonadon.
Kesim . B osh gap boMagi b o ‘lib, grammatik jihatdan egaga tobe
boMadi va ega ifodalagan predm etning harakatini, holatini, o lziga
xosligin i, sifatini k o ‘rsatadi. K esim ega nim a qilyapti?, egaga n im a
b o ‘lyapti?, ega nim a ? kabi s o ‘roqlarga javob boMadi. Shaklan kesim
ikki xil boMadi:
a) Sodda feM-kesim. Bitta f e ’l bilan ifodalanadi va shu fe ’lning
o ‘zi har qanday shaxsni, zam onni, nisbatni, may Ini ifodalay oladi.
P lease se n d m e a pen.
M enga marhamat q ilib ruchka
Marhamat qilib A nnaga m ening
ism im ni ayting.
Please tell A nn m y nam e.
b) Oo^shma ot-kesim . Predm etning holatini, sifatini va qaysi
sinfga taalluqliligini bildiradi. Q o ’shm a ot kesim ikki qism dan iborat
boMadi. B irinchi qism i bogM ovchi fe ’l (m asalan, to b e), ikkinchi
qism i ot, si fat, olm osh , sondan iborat boMadi.
K esim
E ga
I qism
II qism
BogMovchi fe’l
K esim n in g o t qism i
A nn. (ot)
tw elve, (son)
bad. (sifat)
m e. (olmosh)
D a ra k g a p d a so ‘z ta rtib i. Ingliz tilida gapdagi s o ‘z tartib
qat’iy hisoblanadi. G apdagi s o ‘z tartibining buzilishi m a’noni
o ‘zgartirib yuboradi yok i xatolikka olib keladi. Ingliz tilida darak
gapning s o lz tartibi quyidagicha:
Gap bo ‘laklari \
H oi gapning oxirida keladi. Biroq payt holi gap b oshiga (n o lev o y
holatda) kelishi mum kin.
bo ‘laklari
K esim
H oi
vositali 1v o sita siz | predlogli
Som etim es
I giv e
about students
9-§. It o lm o sh i. It olm osh i birlik uchinchi sh axs sredniy rod
kishilik olm oshi hisoblanadi. Uni o ‘zbek tiliga «и» deb tarjima
q ilinadi, agar u ot o ‘rniga ishlatilayotgan b o ‘lsa.
М.: M y p en is bad. I t is bad.
B u nim a? S avoliga ja v o b boN ganda it ni «bu» deb tarjima qilinadi.
М.: It is a map. (W hat is it?)
10-§. A rtik l.
1. U m um iy tushuncha.
Artikl m axsus yuklam a shakli boMib, ot bilan ishlatiladi. Artikl
ikki xil boMadi: noaniq artikl va aniq artikl. 0 ‘zbek tilida artikl
tushunchasi y o ‘q. N oaniq artikl ikki xil fonetik shaklga ega: a , an.
a shakli undosh tovush bilan boshlanuvchi otlar bilan ishlatiladi.
М.: a pen, a tie, a text.
an shakli unli tovush bilan boshlanuvchi ot bilan ishlatiladi.
М.: an apple, an uncle.
2. N oan iq a rtik l tarixan qadim gi in g liz tilidagi an (one)
s o ‘zidan kelib chiqib, bir m a’nosini beradi. Shuning uchun u faqat
donalab sanaladigan otlar oldidan birlikda ishlatiladi. A niq artikl
faqat the k o ‘rinishiga ega. A niq artikl the -> that (u, olsha) k o ‘rsatish
olm oshidan kelib chiqib birlik va k o ‘plikdagi otlar bilan ishlatiladi.
A rtiklning asosiy vazifalari.
O t bilan noaniq artikl ishlatiladi, agar biz predm etga tegishli
b o'lgan sinfdan xohlagan im izn i nazarda tutsak.
М.: T his is a table. - Bu stol.
M asalan, / need a pencil gapida har qanday qalam sin figa taalluqli
boMgan istalgan bir predm et nazarda tutiladi. N oan iq artikl kasb
nom laridan oldin ham ishlatiladi.
М.: His father is a doctor. U ning otasi shifokor.
Bu yerda uning otasi o ‘qituvchi em as, ishchi em as, balki sh ifok or deb
nom lanadigan kasbdagi kishilardan biri ekanligi nazarda tutiladi.
ll- § . Aniq artikl.
1. A niq artikl aniq biror predmet haqida gap borganda, y a ’ni
predm et o ‘zi tegishli b o ‘lgan sinfdan ajratib k o‘rsatilganda ishlatiladi.
A niq artikl o ‘quvchiga yok i tin glovch iga qaysi predmet haqida gap
borayotganligi sharoitdan m a’ lum ligini k o‘rsatadi.
М .: M y book is on the table.
The pencil is hard.
Qalam qattiq degan kishi qalam sinfiga tegishli b o'lgan har
qanday predmetni em as, balki aniq bir predmetni, y a ’ni qattiq qalam ni
nazarda tutyapti. Yoki yana bir misol:
The doctor exam ined John.
- Shifokor Jonni tekshirdi, - deyilganda sh ifok or kasbiga ega
b o'lgan barcha kishilar bir vaqtning o'zid a Jonni tekshirm agan, balki
shu kasb egalaridan biri (aniq bir shifokor) uni tekshirgan, y a ’ni
gapiruvchi barcha shifokorlar sinfidan Jonni tekshirgan shifokorni
ajratib ko'rsatm oqda. Shuning uchun doktor so 'z i oldidan aniq artikl
qo'llanm oqda.
A niq artikl alohida urg'u bilan aytilganda [di:] kabi talaffuz
qilinadi. Gapda aniq artikl, odatda, urg'usiz keladi va ikkita
reduksiyaga uchragan (qisqargan) talaffuz shakli bor: agar ot unli
tovush bilan boshlansa [di-, di], undosh tovush bilan boshlansa [da]:
T he apple [di'aepl] olm a
The p en [d a 'p e n ]r u c h k a
2. Artikl (noaniq va aniq artikl) qoida b o'yich a quyidagi hollarda
ishlatilm aydi:
a) A toqli ot bilan:
Klin Klin (shahar nomi)
- Peter Peter (kishi nomi)
b) Sifat yoki ko'rsatish olm oshlari va sanoq son bilan aniqlanib
kelayotgan turdosh otlardan oldin:
M y p en ’s bad.
That m an’s nice.
Page seven is clean.
M ening ruchkam yom on .
U odam yaxshi.
Yettinchi sahifa toza.
3. A rtiklning gapdagi o‘rni. A :tikl (noaniq va aniq artikl) o 'z i
tegishli b o'lgan ot oldidan keladi. A gar ot oldidan sifat yok i tartib son
bilan ifodalangan aniqlovchi kelsa, unda artikl aniqlovchidan oldin
the black pen
qora qalam
the first plan
birinchi reja
12-§. This, that (these, those) k o 'r sa tish o lm o sh la ri.
T h is [dis] ko'rsatish olm osh i bu, shu, ushbu m a’nosini berib,
gapiruvchiga yaqin turgan predm etga ko'rsatishda ishlatiladi.
That [dzet] ko'rsatish olm osh i u, o'sha, anavi, narigi m a ’nosida
gapiruvchidan uzoqda turgan predm etga ko'rsatish uchun ishlatiladi.
M asofa
K o'plik
this - [dis] - bu
these - [di:z] - bular
U zoq
that - [dzet] - u , o'sh a
th ose - [douz] - ular, o'shalar
K o'rsatish olm oshlari gapda: ega, an iq lovch i, toMdiruvchi b o'lib
a) Ega:
This is a m ap.
- Bu xarita.
T h at is a pen.
- U ruchka.
A niqlovch i:
T his pen is bad. - Bu ruchka y om on .
T hat man is n ice. - U odam yaxshi.
Send m e this.
- M enga buni jo'n at.
Send Peter that. - Peterga z/m jo'n at.
2. This ko'rsatish olm osh in in g ko'plik shakli these [di:z] bular:
these plans ['5i:z )p l$ n z ]
6z/ rejalar
these pens ['di:z pen z]
bu ruchkalar
3. T h at ko'rsatish olm osh in in g k o'p lik shakli those [douz] ular,
those m aps
['douz V izeps]
those pen cils ['douz Y en s‘lz]
и xaritalar
u qalamlar
4. K o'rsatish olm osh i aniqlovchi vazifasida kelganda, o 'zb ek
tilida ko'plikdagi ot oldidan ko'rsatish olm o sh in in g birlik shakllari
bu, u, ishlatiladi, in gliz tilida esa bu o'rinda ko'rsatish olm oshlarining
k o ’plikdagi shakllari these, those ishlatilishi kerak. M asalan:
Bu qalam lar qisqa.
These p en cils are short.
I) ruchkalar q izil.
Those p en s are red.
13-§. S o'roq ga p . U m um iy so'roq g a p . To be f e ’li bilan.
In gliz tilid a um um iy so'roq gapning shakli darak gap shaklidan
gapdagi s o 'z tartibi bilan bir-biridan farq qiladi:
bogM ovchi fe’l
ot-kesim y o k i o ’rin holi
m y nam e
A nn?
in K iev?
Ha y o k i y o 'q ni talab qiluvchi s o ’roq gaplarga um um iy so'roq
gap deyiladi. Ingliz tilida ular f e ’l bilan boshlanadi:
- Is the pen black?
- Yes it is.
- N o , it is not.
Ruchka qorami?
Y o ‘q.
U m um iy s o ’roq gaplar k o ’tariluvchi ohang bilan talaffuz
qilinadi. Bunday savollarda s o ’roq gap boshidagi fe ’lga, odatda,
urg’u tushadi:
'Is 'M insk a A>ig city?
M insk katta shaharmi?
'Is 'this a yfcien?
Bu ruchkami?
14-§. U m um iy so‘roq gaplarga qisqa javoblar. U m u m iy s o ’roq
gaplarga qisqa b o’lishli va b o ’lish siz javob berish mum kin.
1. Q isqa boMishli javob. Qisqa b o ’lishli ja v o b yes ha s o ’zidan,
bosh kelishikda turgan kishilik olm osh i yok i ot bilan ifodalangan
egadan, to be f e ’lining m os shaklidan iborat b o ’ladi.
'Is 'this a y^en?
- Bu ruchkami?
V e s , I it V
- H a (u ruchka).
'Is 'this 'pen A>ad?
- Bu ruchka yom onm i?
W e s , I it V
- H a (yom on).
Biroq, o g ’zaki nutqda qisqa b o ’lishli ja v o b faqat yes s o ’zidan
iborat b o’lishi mum kin (xuddi o ’zbek tilidagi kabi).
2. Q isqa boMishsiz javob. Qisqa boM ishsiz ja v o b no yo 'q
s o ’zidan, bosh kelishikda turgan kishilik o lm osh i y o k i ot bilan
ifodalangan egadan, to be fe ’lining m os shaklidan va not inkor
yuklam asidan iborat.
'Is 'this a yben?
Y lo , I it is h ot.
Ms 'this 'pen /black?
)N o , I it is V ot.
Bu ruchkami?
Y o’q (bu ruchka em as).
Bu ruchka qorami?
Y o’q (u qora em as).
Is not ning qisqargan isn ’t ['iznt] shakli ishlatilishi mum kin. U
doim urg’u ostida boMadi:
Ms 'this 'b ag Jclean?
- Bu sum ka tozam i?
)N o , it N sn’t.
- Y o’q (u toza em as).
Biroq, o g ’zaki nutqda qisqa boMishsiz ja v o b faqat n o s o ’zidan
iborat b o’lishi mum kin (xuddi o ’zbek tilidagi kabi).
15-§. A rtik l. Otdan s o ‘n g sanoq son aniqlovchi b o ‘lib k elsa shu
ot oldidan artikl ishlatilm aydi. Bunda ot ham, sanoq son ham katta
harf bilan yozilad i.
М.: Find Text S even and read it.
0 ‘zbek tiliga tartib son bilan tarjima qilinadi:
Y ettinchi matnni toping va uni o ‘qing.
16-§. B oM ishsiz d a ra k gap. T o be f e ’li bilan boM ishsiz darak
gap n o t inkor yuklam asi yordam ida yasaladi. Bunda n o t to be ning
m o s shaklidan keyin keladi:
T h ose pens are not black.
That page is not clean.
K ate is not in K iev.
E ga
у / to b e \ ^
That page
U ruchkalar qora em as.
U sahifa toza em as.
K eyt K iyevd a em as.
17-§. A ltern a tiv s o ‘ roq gap.
Ikki y ok i undan ortiq predm et, ish-harakat y o k i sifat o ‘rtasida
tanlovni nazarda tutuvchi s o ‘roq gapga tanlov yok i alternativ so'roq
gap deyilad i. Tanlash uchun bir xil gap boMaklari beriladi va ular or
(yoki) bogM ovchisi bilan bogManadi.
Is this pen red or black? (= Is this
Bu ruchka qizilm i yok i
pen red or is it black?)
Javobda ulardan biri tanlanadi:
It’s red. (yoki: It’s black.)
O r bogM ovchisining ikki x il talaffuz shakli bor: toMa shakli [э:]
(undosh tovushdan old in ) yok i [э:г] (unli tovushdan o ld in ) va qisqa
(reduksiyaga uchragan) shakli [э ] (undosh tovushdan old in ) y o k i
[or] (unli tovushdan oldin).
S o ‘z tartibi xuddi um um iy s o ‘roq gapdagidek.
Is B en in K iev? (um um iy s o ‘roq gap)
B en K iyevdam i?
Is B en in K iev or in M insk?
(tan lov s o ‘roq gap)
B en K iyevd am i yok i
M inskdam i?
2. A gar tanlov so'roq gap egaga tegish li bo'Isa, o r so'zid an keyin
ham yana to be shakli or dan keyin qaytariladi.
Is Ben in K iev or is P eter?
B en K iyevdam i y o k i Petermi?
Egaga berilgan tanlov so'roq gapga qisqa ja v o b beriladi.
Iboradagi urg'u egaga tushadi:
“Is N ick at the blackboard or is Peter?” - D oska oldidagi N ik m i
yok i Petermi?
“ Y e te r is.”
- Peter.
3. T an lov so 'ro q g a p d a oh a n g . T anlov so'roq gapning birinchi
qismi ko'tariluvchi, ikkinchi qism i esa pasayuvchi ohangda talaffuz
'Is this 'pencil yled or ^black?
Bu qalam qizilm i y o k i qorami?
18-§. P red logli toM diruvchi. Predlog bilan kelgan to'ldiruvchiga predlogli to 'Idiruvchl deyiladi.
T his is a blackboard. Look a t it.
Bu doska. U n ga qarang.
Predlogli toMdiruvchi vazifasida kelgan o t um um iy kelishikda,
kishilik olm osh i esa obyekt kelishigida boMadi.
Please look at the blackboard.
P lease look at m e.
Marhamat qilib, doskaga qarang.
M arhamat qilib, m enga qarang.
19-§. K ish ilik o lm o sh la r in in g k elish ik la r i.
K ishilik olm oshlarining ikkita kelish igi bor: bosh kelishik va
obyekt k elishigi.
B osh k elish ik
B ir lik
W ho?
K im ?
U u :,ju -,ju ]
[hi:, h i-, hi]
U (m.r.)
S he
[Ji:, j i -, Ji]
u G-r.)
U (s.r.)
К о ‘p l i k
[w i:, w i-, w i]
B iz
Uu:, j u - ,ju ]
T h ey
ishlatilm aydi
O b y e k t k e lish ig i
B ir lik
W hom ?
Kim ni?
K im ga?
[m i:, m i-, m i]
M eni
M enga
Uu: J u - J u ]
H im
U ni
U nga
H er
[ho:, ho]
U ni
U nga
U nga
B izga
K o 'p l i k
[a s ,
U u : ,j u - j u ]
T h em
[d em , d o m ]
ToMdiruvchi, hoi
ishlatilishi mum kin
Z am onaviy in gliz tilida sen shakli bilan siz shakli bir x il. B iz
vaziyatdan gap birlikdagi sh axs haqidam i y o k i k o ‘plikdagi shaxs
haqida borayotganini bilib olam iz. Sizlash bilan sensirash orasidagi
farq ham vaziyatdan aniqlanadi.
Birinchi sh axs birlikdagi I olm osh i doim katta harf bilan yozilad i.
A gar I olm osh i gapda boshqa egalar bilan kelsa, u boshqa egalardan
keyin fe ’l-k esim oldida keladi:
M y sister and I are students.
Opam va m en talabam iz.
Bunday hollarda o ‘zbek tilida k o ‘pincha biz opam bilan, и Peter
bilan iboralari ishlatiladi. Aynan shunday s o ‘zbirikm alari in g liz tilida
y o ‘q, shuning uchun ularni My sister and I, Peter and I deb tarjima
qilish kerak:
Peter and I are friends.
Jack and he are students.
B iz Peter bilan d o ‘stm iz.
Jek bilan u talaba.
U chinchi shaxs birlikdagi kishilik olm oshlari in g liz tilida rodlarga
he - m ujskoy rod olm osh i - erkak jin sig a mansub kishilam i
ifodalovchi otlar o ‘m iga ishlatiladi.
sh e - jen sk iy rod o lm osh i - ayol jin sig a m ansub kishilam i
ifodalovchi otlar o ‘m iga ishlatiladi.
it - sredniy rod olm osh i - jo n siz predmetlar, agar hayvonning
jin si gapiruvchi uchun aham iyatli boMmasa u lam in g nomlarini
ifodalovchi otlar o ‘rniga ishlatiladi, shuningdek, b a b y chaqaloq,
bolakay oti ham.
N ick is my friend. H e ’s a doctor.
N ik m ening d o ‘stim.
(/sh ifo k o r .
K ate is not a teacher. S h e ’s a student.
K eyt o ‘qituvchi em as.
U talaba.
This is a dog. It’s a nice dog.
T his is a n ote. It’s long.
Bu it. U yaxshi (yoqimli).
Bu eslatm a. U uzun.
K o‘plikda har uchala rod uchun III shaxsda th ey kishilik olm oshi
P eter an d J a ck are friends.
Peter bilan Jek d o ‘stdirlar.
T h ey are good friends.
Ular yaxsh i d o‘st.
“Are these p ens
p e n cils? ”
“T h e y ’re pens.”
or are th ey
- Bular ruchkalarmi yoki
- Ular ruchkalar.
B osh kelishikdagi kishilik olm oshlari gapda:
a) Ega:
H e is my friend.
U m ening d o ‘stim .
b) K esim ning ot qismi:
It is he.
Bu u.
boMib kela oladi.
Bu qoida I olm osh iga tegish li em asligin i aytib o ‘tish jo iz .
K esim ning ot qism i vazifasida uning obyekt kelish igid agi m e shakli
It is me.
Bu men.
2 0 -§ . To be fe’lin in g tu sla n ish i. to be - bo'lmoq, dir, - fe ’li
hozirgi zam onda quyidagicha tuslanadi:
K o ‘plik
Y ou ’re
H e’s
S h e’s
a re
a re
W e’re
Y ou’re
T hey
a re
T h ey ’re
Jadvaldan k o ‘rinib turibdiki, to b e f e ’li hozirgi zam onda uch
shaklga ega: am - birinchi shaxs birlik uchun, is uchinchi shaxs birlik
uchun hamda are ikkinchi sh axs birlik va k o ‘plikdagi barcha shaxslar
“to be” fe ’lin in g to ‘la v a q isq a (r e d u k siy a g a u c h r a g a n ) sh a k lla ri
To 'la shakllari
Qiscla shakllari
undoshlardan oldin
unlilardan oldin
[bi-, bi]
[э т >m ]
[a > 31
So ‘roq shakli
K o ‘plik
w e?
B o ‘lish siz shakli
He )
S h e /It
K o ‘plik
O g‘zaki nutqda, qoida bo'yich a, to be fe ’lining qisqa b o 'lish siz
shakllari ishlatiladi. X ususan: isn ’t ['iznt], a r e n ’t [a:nt]. A m not
tegishli qisqa shaklga ega em as, biroq am gapda ega bilan qo'sh ilib
ketishi mumkin:
Y lo , 11 am \t o t. = V lo , I ’m Y o t.
U r g ‘u q o id a si. B o g 'lo v ch i fe ’l quyidagi hollarda urg'u ostida
a) So'roq gap boshida:
Ms 'this a Y en ?
Bu ruchkami?
U m um iy so'roq gapga qisqa b o 'lish li javobda:
)Y es, I it )is.
ty e s , I they Y re.
Ha (ruchka).
Ha (ruchkalar).
U m um iy so'roq gapga qisqa b o 'lish siz javobda:
)N o, I it )isn ’t.
Y o'q (ruchka em as).
Y lo , I they V e n ’t.
Y o'q (ruchkalar em as).
21 -§ . P redloglar.
О 'rin-joy predloglari
on о
at о ~
u n d er о
on [on] predlogi bir predmetning boshqa bir predmet ustida
joylash gan ligin i ko'rsatadi:
M y bag’s on the table.
Sum kam stol ustida.
u n d er ['Ando] predlogi bir predm etning boshqa bir predmet
Zag/c/ajoylashganligini ko'rsatadi:
M y b ook ’s u n d e r the desk.
K itobim parta tagida.
in [in] predlogi bir predm etning boshqa bir predmet ichida
joylash gan ligin i ko'rsatadi:
M y book is in m y brief-case.
K itobim sum kam ichida.
at [set, 3t] predlogi bir predm etning boshqa bir predmet yonida
joylashganligini ko'rsatadi:
I’m at the table.
The teacher is at the blackboard.
Men stol yonidam an.
O 'q itu vch i doska yonida
Yo 'nalish predloglari
in to .
^ 0
out of
to [tu, ta] y o ‘nalish predlogi bir predm etning boshqa bir predmet
tom onga harakatini bildirib, o ‘zbek t i l i g a - g n deb tarjima qilinadi:
G o to the blackboard, p lease.
M arhamat qilib, d osk aga
in to ['intu, inta] q o ‘shm a predlogi bir predm etning boshqa bir
predm et ichkarisiga harakatini bildirib, o ‘zb ek tiliga - (ichkari)ga
deb tarjima qilinadi:
P lease g o in to that room .
M arhamat
Put your book into your briefcase, please.
K itobingizni, marham at qilib, sum kangizning ichiga
solin g.
from [from] y o ‘nalish predlogi bir predm etning boshqa bir
predmet tom onidan, b a’zan, boshqa predm et tepasidan harakatini
bildirib, o ‘zbek tiliga - dan deb tarjima qilinadi:
Take your book from the table,
please, and open it.
K itobingizni stoic/an o lin g va
uni oching.
P lease take your book from
M arhamat qilib, k itobingizni
Petert/a/7 oling.
o f f [of] y o ‘nalish predlogi bir predm etning boshqa bir predmet
tepasidan harakatini bildirib, o ‘zbek tiliga qilinadi:
ustidan deb tarjima
P lease take your book o ff the
M arhamat qilib, k itobingizni
stol ustidan oling.
o u t o f ['aut ov] y o ‘n alish predlogi bir predm etning boshqa bir
predm et ichkarisidan tashqariga harakatini bildirib, o ‘zbek tiliga (ichi)dan deb tarjima qilinadi:
G o o u t o f the room , p lease.
Take your pen o u t o f your
bag, A nn.
M arhamat
A nna, ruchkangni
ichidan ol.
xom dan
sum kang
0 ‘z m a’nosidan kelib chiqib bu predloglar ko'pincha harakatni,
bir joydan ikkinchi jo y g a k o ‘chishni ifodalovchi fe ’llar bilan birikib
P lease go into that room.
P lease go ou t o f the room.
A navi xonaga kiring, marha­
Marhamat qilib, xonadan ch i­
P red lo g la rn in g ta la ffu z q ilin ish i. In gliz tilida, odatda, gapda
bir b o ‘g ‘inli predloglar urg'usiz talaffuz qilinadi va shuning uchun
k o‘p predloglardagi unli tovushlar qisqarib ketadi (reduksiyaga
L ook at the blackboard, please.
['luk at da ^ЫагкЬэч! I pli:z]
This is a book. Look at it. [^uk
Bu kitob. U nga qarang.
at it]
E s la t m a .
on [эп] va o f f [of] predloglari hech qachon
qisqarm aydi (reduksiyaga uchramaydi).
Predloglar bir-biriga qarshi qo'yilganda urg'u ostida turishi
m um kin, masalan, tanlov so'roq gaplarda:
Is your pen on the table or
under it? ['iz Jd 'pen Л п da
R uchkangiz stol ustidam i
y o k i stol tagidam i?
teibl I or V id e r it]
ou t o f
To 'la shakli
Qisqa (reduksiyaga uchragan) shakli
[a t]
['aut 3v]
[tu, ta]
['intu, 'inta]
[fram, frm]
['aut av]
2 2 -§ . BoM ishsiz b u yru q ga p . B o 'lish siz buyruq gap do
ko'm akchi f e ’lin ing b o 'lish siz shaklidan va asosiy fe ’lning to - siz
infinitiv shaklidan yasaladi. d o ning b o 'lish siz shakli - d o not.
Please do not take this book.
Bu kitobni olm ang, iltim os.
D o not read that text, please.
U matnni o'q im an g, iltim os.
O g'zak i nutqda do n o t qisqartirilib, d o n ’t ['dount] shaklida
kelib, odatda, urg'u bilan talaffuz qilinadi:
D o n ’t do it.
B unday qilm ang.
E s la t m a : To be k o‘m akchi fe ’ lining boM ishsiz buyruq shakli
ham d o ko'm ak chi f e ’li yordam ida yasaladi.
D o n ’t b e a bad boy!
Y om on bola boMma!
2 3 -§ . M a x su s so 'ro q gap (to be f e ’li bilan).
1. Q o'sh im ch a axborotni, m axsus javob n i talab qiluvchi so'roq
gap maxsus so'roq gap deyiladi. B unday so'roq gap biron bir gap
boMagiga tegish li b o'lib , so'roq s o 'z bilan boshlanadi. O t-kesim ga
tegish li boMgan savol what so'roq o lm o sh i bilan boshlanadi.
W h a t’s this? (agar predmet
ruvchiga yaqin b o 'l s a )
W h a t’s that? (agar predmet
ruvchidan uzoqda bo' Isa )
It’s a p en .
gapi- ^
gap i- f
n ii •
o u n im a Bu ruchka.
O t-kesim ning kasbi va partiyaviyligi so'ralganda ham kishilarga
nisbatan w h a t so'roq so 'z i ishlatiladi.
“W h a t is he?”
“H e is a teach er.”
- U n in g kasbi nima?
- U о ‘qiluvchi.
B unday sa v o l II sh axsga nisbatan hurm atsizlik hisoblanadi.
W h a t so'roq so 'z i ot oldidan (W h a t + o t) k elsa qaysi m a’nosini
“W h a t b ook is this?”
- Bu qaysi kitob?
“ It’s Anna Karenina.”
- Bu “A nna Karenina”.
D em ak, W h a t + ot bilan predm etning sifati so'ralm aydi.
Predm etning sifatini W h a t k in d o f + o t...? Qanday? Qanaqa?
so'roqlari yordam ida so'raladi.
“W h a t city is this?"
- Bu qaysi shahar?
“It’s K iev."
“W h a t k in d o f city is K iev?
- Bu Kiyev.
- K iy ev qanaqa shahar?
“It is a b ig city.”
- U katta shahar.
E s la t m a : W h a t va W h a t k in d o f so'roqlaridan so 'n g kelgan ot
bilan artikl ishlatilm aydi.
2. W h o - so'roq olm osh i ism , fam iliya, qarindoshchilik
m unosabatlarini bildiruvchi ot-kesim b o 'lib kelgan otga nisbatan
“S h e ’s m y sister.”
‘W h o is that girl?’
“ S h e’s M iss B ro w n .’
- U q iz kim ?
" U m enin§ sin S lim - U m iss Braun.
“W h o are they?"
“T hey are th e B ritish d eleg a tio n
- U lar kimlar?
- B u Britaniya d elegatsiyasi.
Bunday savol III - shaxsga nisbatan beriladi. II shaxsga nisbatan
hurm atsizlik hisoblanadi. ( 0 ‘zbek tili bilan qiyoslang: Sen kimsan?)
W h o se - kim ning. O tning aniqlovchisiga nisbatan beriladi va
bevosita o ‘sha s o ‘z oldidan keladi, y a ’ni W h o se + ot.
“W h o se b oo k is this?”
“It is m y book.”
W h o se siste r is she?
- Bu kim ning kitobi?
- Bu m ening kitobim.
- U kim ning sin glisi?
W h ere - qayerda, qayerga. 0 ‘rin h oliga nisbatan beriladi.
“W h e r e ’s the book?”
- Kitob qayerda?
“It is on the ta b le .”
- U stol ustida.
M isollardan k o ‘rinib turibdiki, m axsus s o ‘roq gaplarda s o ‘z
tartibi deyarli xuddi um um iy s o ‘roq gapdagidek, faqat bogM ovchi
fe ’l oldidan, y a ’ni gap boshida s o ‘roq s o ‘z keladi.
so roq so z
bogMovchi fe ’l |
W here
| ega |
| ikkinchi darajali b o ‘iak
on Sunday?
E s la t m a : W h ere - so'roq olm osh i bilan kelgan ot aniq artikl
y ok i egalik olm oshi bilan ishlatiladi.
“W here is th e car?”
- M ashina qayerda?
“W here is y o u r desk?”
- S en in g partang qayerda?
M axsus so'roq gaplarga ja v o b berishda ko'rsatish olm oshlari
takrorlanm asligi uchun uning o'rniga kishilik olm oshlari (h e, sh e,
it, th ey ) ishlatiladi.
“W hat are th ese? ”
“T h e y ’re m y books.”
“W h ose bags are th ese? ”
“T h e y ’re our bags."
Bular nimalar?
Bular m ening kitoblarim.
Bular kim ning sum kalari?
U lar bizning sum kalarim iz.
M axsus s o ‘roq gaplarda ohang.
pasayuvchi oh an g bilan talaffuz qilinadi:
'W h at’s )this?
'W h ere’s 'K ate?
'W h o 'S s h e ?
M axsus
s o lroq gaplar
Bu nima?
K eyt qayerda?
U kirn?
M axsu s s o ‘roq gaplarda gap oxirida keluvchi urg‘u siz kishilik
olm oshidan oldin kelu vch i bogM ovchi fe ’lga urg‘u tushadi. (3-punkt,
3 -m isolga qarang.)
2 4 -§ . S ifa td o sh I (P a r tic ip le I) h a q id a tu sh u n c h a . Sifatdosh
I Infinitiv o ‘zag ig a -in g q o ‘shim chasini q o ‘shish orqali yasalad i. U
o ‘zbek tilid agi -yo tg a n q o ‘shim chasiga to ‘g ‘ri keladi.
to read - o ‘qim oq
re a d in g - o ‘qiyotgan
to lo o k - qaramoq
lo o k in g - qarayotgan
-in g q o ‘sh im ch asin i q o ‘yishda quyidagilarga e ’tibor berish
1) S o ‘z oxiridagi o ‘qilm aydigan -e tushib qoladi:
to ta k e - olm oq
ta k in g - olayotgan
(s o ‘z oxirid agi -e o ‘qilm aydi)
to s e e - k o ‘rmoq
se e in g - k o ’rayotgan
(s o ‘z oxirid agi -e o ‘qiladi, y a ’ni u ее harf birikm asi tarkibiga kiradi)
to b e - b o ‘lm oq
bein g
(s o ‘z oxiridagi -e o ‘qiladi, y a ’ni u s o ‘z tarkibidagi y a gon a unli
2) U n li harflarning y o p iq b o ‘g ‘inda qisqa o ‘qilishini saqlab
qolish uchun s o ‘z oxiridagi undosh ikkilanadi:
to sit - o ‘tirm oq
s i t t i n g - o ‘tirgan
0 ‘zakdagi -ie —
ga o'tadi:
to lie - yotm oq
ly in g - yotgan
E s la t m a : S o ‘z oxirid agi -y -in g q o ‘shilganda hech qachon
o ‘zgarm aydi:
to c o p y out k o ‘chirib y o z m o q - c o p y in g out k o ‘chirib yozayotgan .
2 5 -§ . H o z ir g i z a m o n d a v o m fe ’li (H Z D ) (T h e P re se n t
C o n tin u o u s T en se). C ontinuous atam asi to continue [ksn'tinju:]
davom etmoq f e ’lidan olingan.
D avom zam onlari biron - bir aniq vaqtga nisbatan davom
etayotgan, davom etgan va davom etadigan ish-harakatni bildiradi.
H Z D nutq paytida davom etayotgan ish-harakatni ifodalaydi.
D avom zam onlar ish-harakat jarayonini ko'rsatadi.
2. H Z D n in g y a sa lish i.
to be k o ‘m akchi fe ’lining hozirgi zam ondagi m os shakli va
asosiy f e ’lning sifatdosh I (-in g ) shakli yordam ida yasaladi. Bunda
to be o ‘zgaruvchan qism , sifatdosh I o lzgarm as qism hisoblanadi.
ж to be
( o ‘zgaruvchan qism )
I am rea d in g a book now.
-in g (sifatdosh I)
( o ‘zgarm as qism )
H ozir m en kitob o ‘qiyapman.
S o ‘roq gap shaklida to be ning m os sh a k li egadan oldinga
o ‘tadi:
A re you rea d in g a book now ?
W hat are you d o in g here?
W ho is he lo o k in g at?
S iz hozir kitob o ‘qiyapsizm i?
S iz bu yerda nim a qilyapsiz?
U kim ga qarayapti?
BoM ishsiz shaklda to b e dan keyin n o t inkor yuklam asi keladi:
I’m n ot reading now.
H ozir m en oqim ayapm an.
3. Ish latilish i.
1) H Z D nutq paytida boMib o'tayotgan ish-harakatni ifodalash
uchun ishlatiladi.
“W hat a re you d o in g ? ”
“ I am rea d in g .”
- S iz nim a qilyapsiz?
- M en o ‘qiyapm an.
E s la t m a I: Bu zam on shaklining o ‘zi nutq paytidagi ishharakatni ifodalagani uchun n o w hozir, at th is m o m e n t hozirda kabi
vaqt k o‘rsatkichlari ishlatilishi shart em as. (Lekin ular H Z D ning
asosiy k o ‘rsatkichlari hisoblanadi.)
E s la t m a 2: H is qilish, aqliy qobiliyatni anglatuvchi va boshqa
ayrim fe ’liar davom zam onda ishlatilm aydi. Bular: to wantxohlamoq,
to like yoqtirmoq, to lo v e sevmoq, to w ish tilamoq, istamoq, to see
ko'rnwq, to h ea r eshitmoq, to feel his qilmoq, to n o tice sezmoq,
to k n o w bilmoq, to u n d ersta n d tushunnwq, to rem em b er eslamoq,
to reco g n ize tanimoq, to fo rg et unutmoq, to seem tuyulmoq, to be
bo 'Imoq va boshqalar.
2 ) Harakat f e ’llari yaqin kelajakdagi rejalashtirilgan ish-harakatni
ifodalash uchun H Z D shaklida keladi.
They are g o in g to the park
U lar ertaga xiyob on ga
9-D A R S
26-§. E galik o lm o sh la r i. E galik olm oshlari W h o se? Kimning?
s o ‘rog‘iga ja v o b b o‘lib , tegish lilik n i bildiradi. Har bir kishilik
olm oshiga m os egalik olm osh i mavjud.
K ishilik olm oshlari
Egalik olm oshlari
[m ai]
m ening
[ Р :>P i
sen in g
[ha:, ha, ha:r, har]
[p:> P , p :r ,.p r ]
ulam ing
Egalik olm osh Iarin in gb u n d aysh ak lis//a///s/za/:/d eyilad i.C h u n k i
u doim otdan oldin aniq lovch i v azifasid a keladi. Egalik olm osh i bilan
artikl ishlatilm aydi.
T his is m y bag.
Bu m en in g sum kam .
That is h is pen.
A navi u n in g ruchkasi.
P lease g ive m e y o u r
M arhamat qilib, m enga daftarinexercise-b ook.
gizn i bering.
A gar ot oldidan boshqa an iq lovch ilar kelsa, egalik olm oshi
u lam ing ham m asidan oldin keladi.
W here’s y o u r n e w red pencil?
S izn in g yangi qizil qalam in giz qayerda?
2 7 -§ . Q a ra tq ich k e lish ig in in g o f {-ning) p red lo g i bilan
ifo d a la n ish i. 0 ‘zbek tilidagi o tla m in g kelishik munosabatlari ingliz
tilida k o‘pincha predloglar yordam ida beriladi. Shunday qilib, agar
ikkinchi ot birinchi otga aniq lovch i boMib kelsa, ular o ‘rtasidagi
m unosabat qaratqich k elish igid agi o f predlogi bilan beriladi (to 1la
shakli - [ov], qisqargan shakli - [av]).
O f predlogi har qanday o t (jonli va jo n siz ) bilan ishlatila oladi.
the work o f that en gin eer
o ‘sha injen em in g ishi
the centre ['senta] o f the city
shahar markazi
O f predlogi an iq lovch i otdan oldin keladi. Yana boshqa aniq­
lovchilar b o ‘lsa, o f o ‘sha aniqlovchilardan oldin keladi va o f bilan
kelgan barcha birikma birinchi otning an iq lovch isi hisoblanadi.
E s la t m a :A g a r ikkinchi ot birinchi otning aniqlovchisi b o‘lib
jo y n i bildirsa, in (da) yok i from (dan) predloglari ishlatiladi,
bu darslikning matnlari
the texts in this book
beshinchi darsning s o ‘zlari
the w ords from (in ) L esson
F ive
the teachers in our city
bizning shahrim izning
o ‘qituvchilari
2 8 -§ . H o z ir g i za m o n o d d iy fe ’li (H Z O ) (T h e P r e se n t
In d efin ite T en se). M a’lum vaqt o ralig‘ida davom etuvchi ishharakatni ifodalovchi C ontinuous guruh zam onlaridan farqli o ‘laroq
Indefinite guruh zamonlari aniq vaqtga b o g ‘liq em as. Ular ishharakatning o ‘tish xarakterini k o‘rsatmaydi va biron bir boshqa ishharakat y ok i vaqtga nisbatan olinm aydi, H Z O faqat ish-harakatning
b o‘lishini ta’kidlaydi, xolos.
Y asalish i. F e ’lning H Z O d agi shakli uning to siz infinitiv
(y a ’ni o ‘zak) shakliga m os tushadi. Faqat III shaxs birlikda fe ’l -s
q o ‘shim chasini oladi.
I read
M en o ’qiym an
You read
Sen o ‘qiysan
H e (she, U) reads
U o ‘qiydi
We read
B iz o ‘q iym iz
You read
Sizlar o ‘q iysizlar
They read
Ular o ‘qiydilar
S o ‘roq shakli d o koMnakchi fe ’li bilan yasaladi. D o ko'm akchi
fe’li egadan oldin keladi, asosiy f e ’l esa egadan keyin keladi. U chinchi
shaxs birlikda -es q o ‘shim chasini k o ‘m akchi f e ’l oladi - d o es, asosiy
fe ’l esa o ‘zgarm aydi.
D o I read?
Men o ‘qiym anm i?
D o you read?
Sen o ‘qiysanm i?
D o es he (she, it) read?
U o ‘qiydim i?
D o w e read?
B iz o ‘qiym izm i?
D o you read?
Sizlar o ‘qiysizlarm i?
D o they read?
U lar o ‘qiydilanni?
E s la t m a : O g ‘zaki nutqda y o u olm osh id an oldin k o ‘m akchi
fe ’lning qisqargan d ’you shakli ishlatiladi.
D ’you read English?
In glizch a o ‘q iysizm i?
B oM ishsiz shakli d o (III sh axs birlikda d o e s) k o ‘m akchi fe ’li va
n ot inkor yuklam asi yordam ida yasalad i. D o n o t (d o e s n o t) gapda
egadan keyin, asosiy fe ’l-kesim dan old in keladi:
I d o n ot read
M en o ‘qim aym an
You d o n ot read
Sen o ‘qim aysan
H e (she, it) d o es n ot read
U o ‘qim aydi
We d o n o t read
B iz o 'q im a y m iz
You d o n o t read
Sizlar o ‘qim aysizlar
T hey d o n ot read
U lar o ‘qim aydilar
E s la t m a : O g ‘zaki nutqda d o bilan n o t qisqarib d o n ’t
shaklini, d o es bilan n o t qisqarib d o e s n ’t shaklini oladi.
I d o n ’t read E nglish.
M en in glizch a o ‘qim aym an.
She d o e sn ’t read French.
U fransuzcha o ‘qim aydi.
2. Ish la tilish i.
H Z O takrorlanadigan va ega b o ‘lib kelgan predmet yok i
shaxsga x o s b o l lgan ish-harakatlam i ifodalaydi. (P aragraf boshida
k eltinlgan Indefinite bilan
guruhlarining qiyosiga
I g o to the office every day.
(Present Indefinite)
I am g o in g to the blackboard
now. (Present C ontinuous)
T hese students read
(Present Indefinite)
T hese students are rea d in g an
E nglish text now. (Present
C ontinuous)
M en har kuni idoraga boraman (takrorlanadigan ishharakat).
H ozir m en doskaga chiqyapnian (nutq paytida b o ‘lib
o ‘tayotgan ish-harakat).
Bu talabalar k o ‘p o'qishadi
(ega b o ‘lib kelgan shaxsga
x o s b o ‘lgan ish-harakat).
H ozir bu talabalar inglizcha
matn o'qishyapti (hozirda
o ‘tayotgan
H Z O da k o ‘pincha noaniq zam on ravishlari va shuningdek,
e v ery d a y har kuni, e v e r y m o rn in g har long, e v ery ev e n in g har
oqshom kabi birikmalar ishlatiladi. Chunki, ular o ‘z leksik m a’nosiga
k o ‘ra takrorlanishni ifodalaydi. ev ery day, e v e r y m o rn in g , ev ery
ev en in g s o ‘z birikmalari, odatda, (boMishli va boN ishsiz) darak va
so'roq gap oxirida keladi:
We read new spapers e v e r y day.
B iz
o ‘qiym iz.
D o they g o to the office e v e r y
Ular har kuni ertalab idoraga
m o rn in g ?
I don’t read ev ery e v e n in g .
o bqiyverm aym an.
Biroq, bajariladigan ishlar birin-ketin sanab o 'tilsa bu s o ‘z
birikmalari gap boshida keladi.
E very d a y w e read texts, do
exercises and w rite n ew w ords
in our exercise-book s.
B iz har kuni matnlar o ‘qiym iz, mashqlar bajaramiz
va yan gi s o ‘zla m i daftarga
y ozam iz.
29-§. N o a n iq za m o n r a v ish la ri. u su a lly ['ju iju ali], odatda,
so m etim es ['sAmtaimz] ba'zan, o ften [ofh] ko'pincha, seld o m
['seldom ] kamdan kam, a lw a y s ['Ddwoz] har doim lar noaniq payt
ravishlari hisoblanadi. Gapda ular a so siy fe ’ldan oldin keladi.
T hey often read English books.
D o they often read books?
They don’t often read English
I don’t a lw a y s read in the
evenin g.
Ular ko'pincha
kitoblar o'qishadi.
Ular inglizcha kitoblar ko'p
o'qishadim i?
Ular inglizcha kitoblar k o'p
o'qishm aydi.
M en har doim ham oqshom da
o'qiyverm aym an.
Biroq darak gapda to b e f e ’li bilan ishlatilganda, ular to b e dan
keyin keladi.
His marks are a lw a y s good.
U ning baholari doim yaxsh i.
H e is u su a lly at his office in the
m orning.
Ertalab u, odatda, o ‘z idorasida bo'ladi.
S o m etim es ravishi esa gap boshida kelishi mumkin.
S o m etim es w e have dictations.
B iz ba’zan diktantlar y ozam iz.
S eld o m faqat v ery daraja ravishi y o k i boshqa aniqlovchilar bilan
ishlatiladi. S eld o m o'rn iga uning m a’nosini berish ushun often
b o 'lish siz shaklda ishlatilishi ham mumkin.
I very seld o m m eet him .
M en u bilan ju d a kam
M en hozir ular bilan kam
I d o n ’t often m eet them now.
u c h ra sh y a p m a n .
3 0 -§ . H Z O d a fe ’lla r n in g III sh a x s b irlik d a k elish i.
1. to be, m od al f e ’llar va b a ’zi k o ‘m ak ch i f e ’llardan tashqari
barcha f e ’llar III shaxs birlikda -s q o ‘shim chasini oladi. -s q o ‘shim chasining o 'q ilish i s harfining o ‘qish q oid asiga binoan o ‘qiladi
(3 -§ ning 2,3-punktlariga qarang).
H e w orks [w aik s],
She liv es [liv z].
U ishlaydi.
U yashaydi.
It sits [sits],
U (m asalan, bola) o ‘tiribdi.
2. о - harfi bilan tugagan f e ’l -e s q o ‘shim chasini oladi.
H e g o e s [gou z].
She d oes [dAz].
U yuradi.
U bajaradi.
3. -s, -s s, -se , -c h , -s b , -x bilan tugagan fe ’llar -e s q o ‘sh im ch asini oladi.
H e c lo s e s ['k lou ziz].
She teaches ['ti:t/iz].
U yopadi.
U dars beradi.
-y bilan tugagan f e ’llarga -es qo'sh ilgan d a.y -> / ga o ‘tadi.
We cop y out.
B iz k o ‘chirib y ozam iz.
U k o ‘chirib yozad i.
H e co p ies out.
3 1 -§ . E ga va u n in g a n iq lo v c h ila r ig a savollar. E ga va uning
aniqlovchilariga w h a t nima, w h o se kimning, w h ich qaysi va boshqa
so'roq s o ‘zlar yordam ida savollar beriladi. S o ‘z tartibi xuddi darak
gapdagidek. Chunki ega va uning an iq lovch isiga savol q o ‘yilganda
so'roq s o ‘zn in g o ‘zi ega boMib uning o ‘m ida keladi. W h o , w h a t,
w h ich s o ‘roq s o ‘zlari bilan fe ’l-kesim III sh axs birlikda m oslashadi.
W h o k n o w s this girl?
Bu qizni kirn taniydi?
W h ich o f you sp e a k s German
w ell?
Qaysi biringiz nem is
y axsh i gapirasiz?
W h a t usually sta n d s here?
W h a t b o o k s a re on that table?
“h” harfidan s o ‘ng qaysi h a rf
W h ich letter c o m es after “h”?
Kimning o 'g 'li in gliz tilini
Kimning singillari bu yerda
W h o se son k n o w s English?
W h o se sisters live here?
E s la t m a : W h ich s o ‘roq olm oshi chegaralangan predmetlar
yok i shaxslardan tanlash haqida gap borsa ishlatiladi. K o'pincha
w h ich dan so 'n g o f -dan predlogi bilan ot y ok i olm osh keladi.
Bunda ot aniq artikl bilan, egalik yok i ko'rsatish olm osh i bilan
W h ich o f your sisters lives in
M oscow ?
Singillaringizt/cw qaysi biri
M oskvada yashaydi?
W h ich o f the engineers speaks
Muhandislart/ал qaysi
nem ischa gapiradi?
W h ich o f them speaks French?
Uldxdan qaysi biri fransuz
tilida gapiradi?
Bunday savollarga qisqa javob beriladi. Q isqa javob ega va
tegishli shaxs, son va zam onda turgan ko'm akchi f e ’ldan iborat
“W hose sister kn ow s French?”
“ M y sister d o e s.”
K im ning sin glisi fransuz
tilini. biladi? .
M ening singlim .
“W ho speaks E nglish w ell in your
Idorangizda kim in gliz ti­
“ T h ese en g in eers d o .”
“W hich o f you w orks
M inistry?”
“ I d o .”
lida y axsh i gapiradi?
Bu muhandislar.
Q aysi biringiz vazirlikda
M en.
Egaga q o'yilgan sa volga qisqa javob berganda urg'u egaga
tushadi (ohang ham unda pasayadi), bunda ko'm akchi fe’l yoki
bog'lovch i f e ’l urg'u olm aydi, biroq to'la shaklini saqlab qoladi:
“W ho w orks in this office?” “We do.” [ V i : du:]
3 2 -§ . To be going to ... (-moqchi) o b o ro ti k ela si za m o n d a g i
niyatn i ifo d a la sh u ch u n .
In gliz tilida kelasi zam ondagi harakat yok i holatni ifodalash
uchun bir nechta shakllar mavjud. Ulardan ba’zilarini “modal tus
olgan ” deb ta’riflash m um kin. Chunki ular kelasi zam on d agi harakat
y o k i holatni ifodalashdan tashqari qo'sh im ch a m a ’noga ham egadirlar
(bular: niyat, xoh ish , ishonch). Ulardan biri to b e g o in g to oboroti
b o ‘lib, u ega tom onidan rejalashtirilgan (niyat q ilin gan ) ish-harakatni
yaqin kelajakda bajarilishini ifodalaydi. Bunda ish-harakatning
bajarilishiga qaysidir darajada ishonch bor.
I am g o in g to w rite a letter
to m y sister tom orrow.
Ertaga m en sin g lim g a x a t y o zaman (yozm oq ch im an ). (B uni
ertaga q ilish g a qaror q ild im .)
H e is g o in g to b e a teacher.
U o ‘qituvchi boU adi. (U o ‘qituvchi
b o iis h uchun o ‘qiyapti.)
E s la t m a : B u oborot to go, to c o m e va boshqa harakat
fe ’llari bilan ishlatilm aydi. Bunday f e ’llar yaqin kelajakdagi
rejalashtirilgan ish-harakatni ifodalash uchun H Z D da qoMlanadi. ( 0 ‘zb ek tilid agi hozirgi-k elasi zam on bilan q iy o sla n g .)
“W here a r e you g o in g
tom orrow ?”
- S iz ertaga qayerga ketyapsiz?
“We a r e g o in g to the park.”
- B iz x iy o b o n g a ketyapm iz.
“W hen is h e c o m in g ? ”
- U qachon kelyapti?
“H e is c o m in g tom orrow .”
- U ertaga kelyapti.
(2 5 -§ , 2-punkt.)
T o b e g o in g to oboroti ham, H Z D ham yaqin kelajakdagi
ish-harakatni ifodalash uchun quyidagi payt k o‘rsatkichlari bilan
ish latilishi mum kin: to n ig h t (th is e v e n in g ) bugun kechqurun,
to m o r r o w ertaga, th e d a y a fte r to m o r r o w indinga, to m o r r o w
m o r n in g ertaga ertalab, to m o rr o w e v e n in g ertaga kechqurun, in
tw o (th r e e , fo u r) d a y s ikki (uch, to'rt) kundan so'ng, in a w e e k bir
haftadan so'ng, in a m on th bir oydan so'ng, in a y e a r bir yildan
so ‘ng, n ex t w e e k kelasi hafta, n ex t m on th kelasi oy, n ex t y e a r kelasi
yil, so o n tez orada, yaqinda va boshqalar.
“ A re y o u c o m in g to m o r ro w
e v e n in g ? ”
“ I think I am .”
- Ertaga kechqurun kelasizm i?
- K elam an, deb o ‘ylaym an.
3 3 -§ . H o la t r a v ish in in g g a p d a g i o ‘rn i. W ell - holat ravishi o ‘zi
aniqlanayotgan fe ’ldan keyin keladi. A gar gapda toMdiruvchi b o ‘lsa,
w e ll to ‘ldiruvchidan keyin keladi.
M y son is d oin g w e ll.
H e speaks E nglish w ell.
M ening o ‘g ‘ lim yaxshi o ‘qiydi.
U in g liz tilid a y a x s/z/ gapiradi.
3 4 -§ . D araja r a v ish in in g g a p d a g i o ‘rni. V ery va boshqa daraja
ravishlari o'zlari aniqlayotgan sifat yok i ravishdan oldin keladi.
She speaks English v ery w ell.
U in g liz tilida juda
yaxsh i gapiradi.
S h e is a v e r y good student.
U juda yaxsh i talaba.
3 5 -§ . K ish ilik o lm o sh in in g o b y ek t k elish ik la ri. In gliz tilida
kishilik olm oshlari va w h o s o ‘roq olm oshi bosh kelishikdan tashqari
yana obyekt kelishigiga ham ega.
B osh k elish ik
B ir l ik
W h o?
M en
[ju:, ju -,ju ]
[hi:, h i-, hi]
U (m.r.)
S he
U (j-r.)
U (s.r.)
К о ‘p l i k
[wi:, w i-, w i]
B iz
[ju:, j u - j u ]
T h ey
U lar
ishlatilm aydi
O b y e k t k elish igi
B ir lik
W hom ?
K im ga?
[mi:, m i-, mi]
M eni
M enga
[ju:, j u - j u ]
H im
U n ga
H er
[ho:, ha]
U nga
U nga
К о ‘p l i k
[A S , 9 S ]
[ju:, ju -, ju]
[б ет, бэт]
U larni
U larga
G apda
ToMdiruvchi, hoi
P redlog
ishlatilishi m um kin
O byekt kelishigidagi olm oshlar gapda (ham predlogii, ham
predlogsiz) toMdiruvchi vazifasida keladi:
Do you know him well?
(Vositasiz toMdiruvchi)
Siz uni yaxshi taniysizm i?
Please send him a letter.
(Vositali toMdiruvchi)
M arham at qilib,
She often speaks English to him.
(predlogli toMdiruvchi)
U unga k o ‘pincha ingliz tilida
W hom do you know w ell here?
(vositasiz toMdiruvchi)
Bu yerda siz kimni yaxshi
W hom does he always speak
about? (predlogli toMdiruvchi)
U doim kim haqida gapiradi?
Biroq k o ‘pincha toMdiruvchi vazifasida w hom so ‘roq olmoshi
o 'rn ig a w ho ishlatiladi.
W ho do you know here?
W ho is she speaking to?
Siz bu yerda kimni taniysiz?
U kim bilan gaplashyapti?
36-§. M u ch (k o‘p) va little (oz).
M uch va little m iqdor va daraja ravishlari boMib kelib, feMni
aniqlashi m um kin. Bunday hollarda ular o 'zla ri aniqlayotgan feMdan
keyin keladi. BoMishli darak gaplarda ular k o 'p in ch a v ery daraja
ravishi bilan ishlatiladi.
M y son reads very m uch.
O 'g 'lim ju d a ko'p o 'q iy d i.
H e reads very little.
U ju d a oz o'qiydi.
Biroq very little o 'rn ig a k o 'p in ch a b o 'lish siz gapdagi very
much ishlatiladi.
She d oesn ’t read very m uch.
U kam o 'qiydi. (U k o 'p
o'qim aydi.)
O g 'zaki nutqda very much o 'rn ig a a lot ishlatiladi.
She reads a lot.
U ко ‘p o'qiydi.
BoMishsiz va so ‘roq gaplarda bu ravishlar v e ry siz ishlatiladi.
Do you read m uch?
K o ‘p o ‘qiysanm i?
H e doesn’t read m uch.
U k o ‘p o ‘qimaydi.
M uch -A ro‘/7, little - 02. O datda, boM ishsizva so ‘roq gaplard
donalab sanab boMmaydigan va m avhum otlar oldidan gumon
olm oshi vazifasida ishlatiladi.
D oes he usually do much
U, odatda, ko'p vazifa
hom ew ork?
qiladim i?
BoMishli darak gapda much va little daraja ravishlari so shunday,
very juda, too ju d a bilan ishlatiladi.
He spends too much
U, odatda, bunga ju d a ко ‘р
tim e on it.
vaqt sarflaydi.
Bunday ravishlar boMmagan taqdirda m uch o 'rn ig a a lot o f
He spends a lot o f tim e on this
U bunaqa ishga ко ‘p vaqt
kind o f w ork.
B iroq, o 'z m a’nosida little o 'rn ig a k o 'p in ch a m uch ning
b o 'lish siz gapdagi shakli ishlatiladi.
I d on ’t usually spend much
tim e on it.
B unga m en, odatda, £0 ‘/? vag/
sarflam aym an.
H ow much iborasi qancha m a’nosini beradi.
How m uch tim e do you usually
spend on this kind o f w ork?
B unaqa ishga siz, odatda,
qancha vaqt sarflaysiz?
37-§. M any - ko'p, few - o z . M any va few gum on olm oshlari
asosan b o 'lish siz va (um um iy) so 'ro q gaplarda ko'plikdagi
sanaladigan otlar oldidan ishlatiladi.
Do you get m any telegram s
Siz har kuni A:o'/? telegram m a
every day?
olasizm i?
He doesn’t usually ask m any
U , odatda, ko 'p savol berquestions.
BoMishli darak gapda m any faqat quyidagi hollarda ishlatiladi:
a) Egaga aniqlovchi boMib kelganda:
M any students know that.
Ко 'р talabalar buni bilishadi.
Vaqtni bildiruvchi otga aniqlovchi boMib kelganda:
M any days, w eeks, m onths. Ко 'р kunlar, haftalar, oylar.
Predlogli oborotlarda aniqlovchi boMib kelganda:
about m any questions.
k o ‘p m asalalar xususida
on m any tables
ko‘p stollarda
Very juda, too o'ta, so shu qadar daraja ravishlari bilan
very m any books
juda ко ‘p kitoblar
too m any questions
о 'ta ко ‘p savollar
so m any students
shu qadar ко ‘p talabalar
Vositasiz toMdiruvchi vazifasida va boshqa holatlarda m any
boMishli darak gapda a lot o f bilan alm ashtiriladi.
He usually asks m e
U, odatda, m enga ко 'p savol
a lot o f questions.
Few boMishli darak gaplarda so, very, too daraja ravishlari bilan
kelganda ishlatiladi.
so few books
shuncha oz kitoblar
very few questions
juda kam savollar
too few days
juda oz kunlar
Biroq k o 'p in ch a oz m a’nosida boMishli darak gapdagi few
o 'rn ig a m any ning b o 'lish siz gapdagi shakli olinadi.
He usually asks m e very few
He doesn’t usually ask m e very
m any questions.
U, odatda, m enga juda kam
savol beradi.
U, odatda, m enga ko'p savol
berm aydi.
m uch
F e ’lni aniqlab, ravish b o 'lib keladi
O tni aniqlab, gum on olm oshi b o 'lib keladi
(Sanalm aydigan otlar bilan)
m any
Otni aniqlab gum on olm oshi b o 'lib keladi
(Sanaladigan otlar bilan)
38-§. F e’lning asosiy shakllari. Ingliz tilida fe’lning 4 ta asosiy
shakli bor: Infinitiv (fe’lning noaniq shakli), o 'tg a n zam on oddiy fe’li
(O 'Z O ) shakli, sifatdosh-II shakli, sifatdosh I shakli. Bu shakllar
k o 'm ak ch i fe’llar yordam ida fe ’lning barcha (zam on va nisbat, sodda
va q o 'sh m a) shakllarini yasash uchun xizm at qiladi.
39-§. To‘g ‘ri va n o to ‘g ‘ri tuslanuvchi fe’llar (R egular
['regjula] and Irregular Verbs). 0 ‘tgan zamon oddiy fe’li ( 0 ‘Z 0 )
va sifatdosh II shakllariningyasalishiga k o ‘ra barcha fe’llar ikki katta
guruhga ajratiladi. To‘g ‘ri va n o to ‘g ‘ri tuslanuvchi fe’llar.
w ork - w orked - w orked
(to‘g ‘ri tuslanuvchi)
w rite - w rote - w ritten
(noto‘g ‘ri tuslanuvchi)
E s la tm a : N o to ‘g lri tuslanuvchi fe ’llarning asosiy shakllari
lug‘atlarda beriladi. U larni yod olib borish lozim.
40-§. 0 ‘tgan zam on oddiy fe’li ( 0 ‘ZO ) (The Past Indefinite
1. To‘g ‘ri tuslanuvchi fe ’llarning 0 ‘Z 0 dagi boMishli darak gap
shakli fe’l o ‘zagiga -<?rZ q o ‘shim chasini q o ‘shish orqali yasaladi. -ed
qo‘shim chasi quyidagicha o ’qiladi:
a) [d] dan tashqari jarangli undosh va unlilardan so ‘n g - [d]
o ’qiladi:
to open - opened ['oupndl
ochm oq - ochdi
to answ er - answered ['a:nsad] javob berm oq - ja v o b berdi
[t] dan tashqari jaran g siz undoshlardan so‘ng - [t] o ‘qiladi:
to w ork - w orked [waikt]
ishlam oq - ishladi
to finish - finished ['finift]
tugatm oq - tugatdi
[d] va [t] tovushlaridan s o ‘ng - [id] kabi:
to last - lasted [Ma:stid]
davom ettirm oq davom etdi
to intend - intended [in'tendid]
taraddud k o ’rm oq taraddud ko‘rdi
0 ‘Z 0 ni yasashda quyidagi orfografik qoidalarga am al qilinadi:
a) o ‘qilm aydigan -e tushib qoladi.
live - lived
yasham oq - yashadi
U ndoshdan keyingi -y - i ga o ‘tadi.
study - studied
o ’qimoq - o ‘qidi
Biroq, unlidan keyingi -y o ‘zgarm aydi.
stay - stayed
qolm oq - qoldi
Q isqa bo‘g ‘in oxiridagi yagona undosh ikkilanadi.
stop - stopped
to ‘xtam oq - to ‘xtadi
2. N oto‘g‘ri tuslanuvchi fe’llarning 0 ‘ZO va sifatdosh II
shakllari turli yoMlar bilan yasaladi. U larni yoddan bilish kerak.
to w rite - w rote [rout] - w ritten ['ritn]
to go - w ent [went] - gone [gon]
to sit - sat [sast] - sat
B archa (to ‘g ‘ri va noto‘g ‘ri tuslanuvchi) fe ’llam ing 0 ‘Z 0 darak
gapdagi (A ) so ‘z tarkibi xuddi H Z O dagidek:
I w ro te a letter to my friend
last w eek.
M en o ‘tgan hafta do‘stim ga
x a ty o z d im .
3. B archa (to ‘g ‘ri va noto‘g ‘ri tuslanuvchi) fe ’llam ing 0 ‘Z O
so ’roq gapdagi (B) shakli did k o ’m akchi fe’li va asosiy fe ’lning to
-siz infinitiv shakli bilan yasaladi. B unda did egadan oldin keladi:
Did you w rite a letter to your
friend last w eek?
Did he answ er your letter?
Sen o ’tgan hafta d o ’stingga
xat yozdingmi?
U xatingga javob berdimi?
4. B archa (to ’g ’ri va noto’g ’ri tuslanuvchi) fe ’llam ing O ’ZO
b o ’lishsiz darak gapdagi (C ) shakli did k o ’m akchi fe ’li, not inkor
yuklam asi va asosiy fe ’lning to -siz infinitiv shakli yordam ida
yasaladi. Bunda did dan keyin not keladi:
He did not w rite a letter to his
friend last w eek.
I did not an sw er his letter last
w eek.
U o ’tgan hafta d o ’stiga xat
M en o ’tgan hafta uning xatiga
javob yozmadim.
O g ’zaki nutqda did bilan not qisqarib d idn ’t ['didnt] shaklini
5. Ishlatilishi. O ’tgan zam onda b o ’lib o ’tgan ish-harakatni
ifodalaydi. B unda ish-harakat b o ’lib o ’tgan ketm a-ketligi b o ’yicha
hikoya qilinadi. K o’pincha hikoyalarda ishlatiladi. O ’Z O da ishharakatni o ’tgan zam onda bo’lib o ’tgan vaqti aniq k o ’rsatiladi.
O ’ZO ni payt ravishlari quyidagilar - yesterday kecha, the day
before yesterd ay awalgi кип, last w eek o'tgan hafta, last m onth
o'tgan oy, last year o'tgan yil, last night kecha kechqurun, la st tim e
o'tgan safar, last oxirgi marta, tw o days (three years) ago ikki кип
(uchyil) oldin, in 1917 I9 l7 -y ili\a hokazo.
41-§. To be fe’lining O ’ZO dagi shakli. to be fe ’li O ’ZO
birlikda w as [ w d z , w az] va k o ’p lik va ikkinchi shaxs birlikda were
[wo:, wo], [wo:r, wor] shakllariga ega.
w as
men edim
w ere
sen eding
>- w as
u edi
K o’plik
w ere
biz edik
w ere
siz(lar) edingiz
w ere
ular edilar
So‘roq gap shaklida xuddi HZO dagidek to be ning o 'tg an
zam ondagi was, w ere shakli egadan oldin keladi.
W as he there?
U u yerda bo'ldim i?
W ere you there?
Siz o 'sh a yerda edingizm i?
B o 'lish siz gapda w as, w ere
I w as not there.
H e w as not there.
They w ere n ot there.
dan keyin n o t inkor yuklam asi
Men u yerda em asdim .
U u yerda em asdi.
U lar u yerda em asdilar.
O g'zaki nutqda k o 'p in ch a was not —* w asn’t [woznt] ga, w ere
not —> w eren’t ['wamt] ga qisqaradi:
He w a sn ’t there.
They w eren ’t there.
U u yerda bo'lm adi.
U lar u yerda bo'lishm adi.
42-§. O tlarning kelishiklari. Qaratqich kelishigi.
1. A w a l aytib o'tilganidek, um um iy kelishikdagi o t (a m an, a
child va boshq.) gapda ega, qo'shm a kesim ning ot qism i, predlogsiz
(vositali va vositasiz) va predlogli toMdiruvchi, shuningdek, hoi
vazifasida ishlatiladi. U m um iy kelishikdagi otning gapdagi boshqa
otlar bilan m unosabati uning gapdagi o 'm i va predlog bilan
Ann loves children.
A nna bolalam i sevadi.
(O tning gapdagi o 'm i uni vositasiz toMdiruvchi ekanligini
k o'rsatadi va u o 'z b e k tilida tushum kelishigidagi to 'ldiruvchiga
to 'g 'r i keladi.)
the w orkers o f this factory
bu zavodning ishchilari
(o f predlogi o 'z b e k tilida qaratqich kelishigi bilan ifodalanuvchi
m unosabatni beradi.)
2. Q aratqich kelishigidagi ot predm etning tegishliligini bildirib,
whose? kimning? so T o g 'ig a javob bo'ladi. G apda aniqlovchi
vazifasida ishlatilib o 'z i aniqlab kelayotgan otdan oldin keladi.
Q aratqich kelishigida ot - ’s qo'shim chasini oladi. U ning talaffiizi
s o 'z oxiridagi s harfini o 'q ish qoidasiga m os (3-§, 2,3-punktlarga
Q oida b o 'y ich a qaratqish kelishigidagi shaklda jon li predm etlam i
bildiruvchi otlar ishlatiladi:
this m an ’s new spaper
bu kishining gazetasi
K o'plikdagi otlam ing qaratqich kelishigi yozuvda ap o stro f ( ’)
q o ‘shish orqali yasaladi, o ‘qish va nutqda esa birlikdagidan farq
qilm aydi:
m y friend’s sister
m y friends’ sisters
d o ‘stim ning singlisi
d o ‘stlarim ning singillari
K o 'p lik shakli -s bilan tugallanm aydigan m en, w om en ['w im in],
children kabi otlar qaratqich kelishigida xuddi birlikdagi kabi - ’s
q o ‘shim chasini oladilar:
these m en ’s new papers
bu kishilarning gazetalari
his ch ild ren ’s nam es
uning bolalarining ism lari
Q oida bo‘yicha qaratqich kelishigida kelgan so ‘z birliklarida
artikl qaratqich kelishigida turgan otga tegishli bo‘ladi, shuning
uchun, agar qaratqich kelishigida atoqli ot tursa, artikl ishlatilm aydi:
Peterning xonasi
Merining bolalari
Meri Braunning bolalari
P eter’s room
M ary’s children
M ary B row n’s children
A gar ot oldidan C om rade, M r (M ister) va boshqa shu kabi
otlar kelsa, u holda qaratqich kelishigida faqat ular aniqlab kelayotgan
ot keladi (xuddi o ‘zbek tilidagidek):
We liked C om rade P etrov’s
B\zg?L o'rioq Petrovning dokladi yoqdi.
43 -§. Vositali va vositasiz toM diruvchining gapdagi o ‘rni. K o ‘p
o ‘tim li fe ’llar vositasiz to ’ldiruvchidan tashqari yana w hom ? kimga?
savoliga ja v o b beruvchi ikkinchi predlogsiz vositali to'ld iru v ch ig a
ham ega boMadilar va ish-harakat qaratilgan shaxsni bildiradilar. Bu
predlogsiz vositali toMdiruvchi 0 ‘zbek tilidagi j o ’nalish kelishigidagi
vositasiz to 'ld iru v ch ig a m os keladi. U um um iy kelishikdagi ot yoki
obyekt kelishigidagi olm osh bilan ifodalanib, gapda fe’l-kesim va
vositasiz toMdiruvchi orasida keladi:
I often send them letters.
M en ularga k o ’p incha xat
j o ’natam an.
Ish-harakat qaratilgan shaxs to predlogi y ordam ida ham berilishi
m um kin. B unda predlogli toMdiruvchi vositasiz to ’ldiruvchidan
keyin keladi.
I often send letters to them .
M en k o ’pincha xatlarni ularga
j o ’nataman.
To predlogli toMdiruvchi, odatda, quyidagi hollarda ishlatiladi:
a) Ish-harakat qaratilgan shaxsni ajratib ko‘rsatish m aqsadida:
Please send this letter to
Bu xatni o‘rtoq K lim ovga
C om rade Klimov, (not
j o ‘nating. (o ‘rtoq Petrovto Com rade Petrov)
ga emas).
b) A gar vositali toMdiruvchi olm osh bilan ifodalangan boMsa:
I w rote out a telegram for
M r Sm ith this morning.
Please send it o ff to him
I got an interesting letter
yesterday, and I’m going
to read it to you now.
M en ertalab ja n o b Sm itga
telegram m a yozdim . Marham at qilib, uni ho zir unga
j o ‘nating.
Men kecha qiziqarli xat
oldim , va uni sizga hozir
o‘qib berm oqchim an.
T O ‘ L D I R U V C H I
P re d lo g siz
Kimga? Nimaga? Kimni? Nimani?
Jo ‘n aIisIt к elish igi Tushum kelishigi
He told
the students
a story
P r e d lo g li
about his voyages.
44-§. To have fe’li va have (has) got oboroti.
O g ’zaki nutqda ega bo 'Imoq, bor bo'lmoq m a ’nosida hav
(has) got oboroti ishlatiladi. O ’zbek tiliga menda... bor, senda... bor,
mening... bor (va hokazo) deb tarjim a qilinadi.
He h as got (h e’s got) an interesting
Vnda qiziq kitob bor.
I have got (I’ve got) tw o sons.
Mening ikkita o ’g ’lim bor.
S he’s got new skates.
T hey’ve got a lot o f English
Uning yangi konkisi bor.
Ularda k o ’pgina ingliz tilida
kitoblar bor.
H ave (has) got oborotining so ’roq gap shaklida have (has)
egadan oldinga o ’tadi.
H as he got this book?
Unda bu kitob bormi?
H av e you got a large fam ily?
Sizning oilangiz kattam i?
H ave (has) got oborotining b o ’lishsiz shaklida have (has) dan
keyin not keladi.
I have not got (I haven ’t g o t ) ...
H e has not got (H e hasn’t got) ...
M enda ...yo'q.
Unda ... yoq.
2. To have fe ’li ega bo'lmoq, bor bo'lm oq m a’nosini beradi.
She alw ays has a lot o f
U ning doim ishi k o ‘p.
w ork to do.
A gar gap predm etning doim iy borligi haqida borsa to have
fe ’lining so ’roq va b o ’lishsiz shakllarida do k o ’m akchi fe ’li
“Do you have m uch tim e for
yo u r lessons?”
“Yes, I usually have a lot o f tim e
for them .”
S izning dars qilishga
vaqtingiz k o ’pm i? (um um an, odatda)
- H a , m ening bungayetarlicha
vaqtim bor.
“N o, I d o n ’t have m uch tim e for
them .”
“ D oes she alw ays have much
w ork to do?”
- Yo’q, m ening bunga yetarli
vaqtim y o ’q.
- U ning doim ishi k o ’pmi?
“ She d oesn ’t alw ays have much
w ork to do.”
- U ning har doim ham ishi
k o ’p em as.
Biroq, predm etning, hodisa yoki holatning bir m artalik, aniq bir
vaziyatdagi borligi (m avjudligi) nazarda tutilsa, to have bilan do
k o ’m akchi fe ’li ishlatilm aydi. Bunday holatlarda k o ’proq have (has)
g ot oboroti ishlatiladi.
H ave you g o t tim e for a gam e o f
chess? (= H ave you tim e for a
gam e o f chess?)
Bir partiya shaxm at o ’ynagani
borm i?
(H ozir, shu tobda)
1 haven ’t got m y text-book with
m e today. (= I h aven ’t m y text­
book ... - ikkinchi variant kam
I’v e got a lot o f w ork to do today.
(= P v e a lot o f w ork ...)
y o ’q.
m ening
m ening
ishim k o ’p.
Do you often h ave colds
H ave you got a cold?
Siz k o ’p sham ollaysizm i?
Siz sham ollab qoldingizm i?
3. To have fe’li dinner, supper, lesson, classes va boshqa bir
qator otlar bilan iboraga kirishganda o ‘zining ega bo'lmoq m a’nosini
y o ‘qotadi va tushlik qilmoq (to have dinner), kechki ovqat qilmoq
(to have supper), shuullanmoq (to have a lesson, to have classes)
m a’nolariga ega boMib, jarayonni ifodalaydi.
I have classes in the m orning.
Mening ertalab darsim bor.
He has coffee ['kofi] every
U har kuni ertalab qahva
m orning.
Bunday holatlarda to have fe’li bilan s o 'ro q va b o 'lish siz
gaplarda do ko'm akchi fe’li ishlatiladi.
We d on ’t h av e classes every
W hat tim e do you usually have
B izda har kun ham dars
bo'laverm aydi.
Siz, odatda, qachon tushlik
Yuqorida aytib o'tilgan iboralarda to h av e fe’li davom zam onda
ham ishlatiladi, chunki u jarayonni ifodalay oladi.
“ W here’s your son?”
- O 'g 'lin g iz qayerda?
“ H e’s h a v in g breakfast.”
- U nonushta qilyapti.
A re you h a v in g a lesson tom orrow ?
Sizlarda ertaga dars b o ‘ladimi?
4. O 'tg an zam onni ifodalash uchun to have fe ’lining had
shakli ushbu paragrafning 1 - 3-punktlarida tilga olingan oborot va
birikm alarda ishlatiladi.
I had dinner at 5 yesterday.
K echa m en soat beshda
tushlik qildim.
O 'tg an zam ondagi so 'ro q va b o 'lish siz shakllar to do ko'm akchi
fe’lining O 'Z O dagi shakli did yordam ida yasaladi.
D id you h av e classes yesterK echa sizlarda dars bo'Idim i?
I d id n ’t have tim e to ask all my
H am m a savollarni berishga
m enda vaqt bo'lm adi.
E s la tm a : Toh av e fe’li bilan b o 'lish siz gapda no hech
qanday bo'lishsizlik olmoshi ham ishlatilishi m um kin. U ot
oldidan, k o'pincha sanalm aydigan ot oldidan keladi. B unda have
fe ’li b o 'lish li shaklda bo'ladi:
“ W hy d id n ’t you do it?”
“ I had no tim e.”
N ega siz buni bajarm adingiz?
- M ening vaqtim b o 'lm ad i.
45-§. S o m e [ $ л т | va an y |'en i| gum on olm oshlari. Predm et
y oki buyum lam ing noaniq m iqdorini k o ‘rsatishda so m e va any
gum on olm oshlari ishlatiladi. U lar, odatda, otga aniqlovchi boMib
kelib, artikl o ‘m ig a ishlatiladi.
1. S om e, odatda, boMishli darak gapda k o ‘plikda turgan sa­
naladigan otlar oldidan ishlatiladi va bir necha, ba'zi m a’nosini
I’ve g ot som e interesting
E nglish books to read.
S om e children do not like
w ashing.
M enda o ‘qigani
bir necha
qiziqarli ingliz tili kitoblari
B a 'zi bolalar yuvinishni yoqtirishm aydi.
Birorta m a’nosida sanaladigan o tlar oldidan birlikda noaniq
artikl ishlatiladi.
P lease give m e an interesting
M enga o ‘qigani birorta qiziq
book to read.
kitob bering, iltimos.
(B unday hollarda so m e ishlatilm aydi.)
Sanalm aydigan otlar bilan ham som e biroz m a’nosida aniqlovchi
vazifasida ishlatiladi.
H e took som e m oney ['т л ш ]
and w ent to the cinem a.
(biroz) pul olib kinoga
S om e, shuningdek, iltim os yoki taklifni ifodalaydigan so ‘roq
gaplarda ham ishlatiladi. B unda savol som e tarkibida kelgan
birikm aga tegishli boMmaydi.
W ill you have so m e coffee?
K ofe ichasizm i?
2. A ny, odatda, so ‘roq va boMishsiz gaplarda ishlatiladi.
K o ‘plikda turgan sanaladigan otga aniqlovchi boMib kelganda
any qandaydir, birorta m a’nosida ishlatiladi. BoMishsiz gapda not
yuklam asi bilan kelganda any hech qanday m a’nosini beradi.
H ave you got any interesting
Sizda (o ‘q igani) birorta ingliz tili
E nglish books to read?
kitobingiz borm i?
They h av e n ’t got any m isBu gapda ulam ing hech qanday
takes in this sentence.
xatosi y o ‘q.
D on ’t take any books from Iltim os, bu yerdan
hech qanaqa
here, please.
kitob olmang.
Sanalm aydigan otlar oldidan aniqlovchi boMib kelganda any
biroz m a’nosini beradi.
H ave you got a n y chalk here?
Bu yerda bo‘r borm i?
(biroz bo ‘r)
A ny boMishli darak gaplarda if bogMovchisidan so ‘ng yoki
gum onsirashni ifodalashda ishlatiladi:
If I find an y o f your books,
Г 11 send them to you.
A gar m en kitoblaringizdan birortasini topsam , m en ularni
sizga j o ‘nataman.
I d o n ’t think I have an y ink.
Siyohim bor deb o‘ylam aym an.
(Siyohim y o ‘q deb o ‘ylayman.)
A ny boMishli darak gaplarda har qanday, xohlagan m a’nosida
Please take any book you
0 ‘zing yoqtirgan (xohlagan)
kitobingni ol.
3. A ny biroz, birorta m a’nosida ju d a k o ‘p hollarda o ‘zbek tiliga
tarjim a qilinmaydi.
She d id n ’t m ake a n y m istakes
Bu safar u diktantda xato qilin her dictation this tim e.
Have you got an y new m aSizda bu yerda yangi ju m a lla r
gazines here?
borm i?
S om e butunning bir qism ini bildirish uchun ishlatilganda o ’zbek
tiliga tarjim a qilinm aydi {menga siyohdan, bo'rdan va hokazo
Please give me som e chalk.
Please give m e th e ch alk .
Iltim os, m enga bo ‘rdan bering.
Iltim os m enga bo 'r bering.
4. Som e biroz miqdorda, bir nechta m a’nosida ot oldida kelganda,
unga urg’u tushadi va u qisqa (reduksiyaga uchragan) [s(9)m] [sm]
shaklga ega bo’ladi.
'G ive m e som e [s(3)m] ) chalk.
M enga ozgina b o ’rdan bering.
A gar som e dan so ’ng ot k e ln a sa , u urg’usiz b o ‘lsa-da, to ’la
talaffuz shakliga ega.
“ H ave you got any English books
o ’qigani
to read?” “ Yes, I ’ve got som e
kitoblar borm i? - Ha, (bir
nechta) bor.
S om e o f them , som e o f us kabi so ’z birikm alarida som e so ’zi
urg’u ostida kelib toMa talaffuz shakliga ega b o ’ladi:
'S om e [sAm] o f th e m 'k n o w
Y re n ch .
U lam ing b a ’zilari
tilini bilishadi.
46-§. O f predlogi one of, som e o f va boshqa so ‘z birikm alari­
da. O f predlogi m a ’lum predmetlar orasidan (miqdoridan) m a’no­
sida one, tw o, five va hokazo sonlardan, w hich s o 'ro q olm oshi va
m any, few, little, som e, any gum on olm oshlaridan s o 'n g ishlatilishi
m um kin, shuning uchun bu predm etlarni ifodalovchi otlar, albatta
doim k o 'p lik d a b o 'lib , aniq artikl, egalik va k o 'rsa tish olm oshlari
bilan keladi.
m any o f the students
talabalardan k o 'p lari
one o f your books
kitoblaringizdan biri
som e o f these m istakes
bu xatolardan b a’zilari
K o'p likdagi ot o 'rn ig a kishilik olm oshining ko'p lik d ag i obyekt
kelishigi shakllari us, you, them kelishi ham m um kin:
w hich o f you
qaysi biringiz
five o f us
beshtam iz
one o f them
ulardan bittasi
B a’zan bu s o 'z birikm alari
any o f G ogol’s books
a lot o f his tim e
-dan q o 'sh im ch asisiz tarjim a
G ogolning istalgan (har
qanday) kitobi
o 'zin in g k o 'p vaqtini
47-§. There is (there are) oboroti Indefinite guruhining hozirgi
va o ‘tgan zam on shakllarida.
T h ere is oboroti shaxs yoki predm etning biror jo y d a borligi
yoki y o 'q lig in i aytish uchun ishlatiladi. B oshqacha qilib aytganda,
oldindan m a’lum bo 'lg an joydagi predm etning nom ini aytish uchun
ishlatiladi. G apda s o 'z tartibi quyidagicha:
there is (are)
o 'rin holi
T here is
a new spaper
on the table.
Stol ustida gazeta bor (yotibdi).
T h ere is (are) oborotida joydan predm etga o 'tila d i va (avvaldan)
m a’lum jo y d a nim a bor degan savolga ja v o b bo'ladi.
a) Stol ustida gazetayotibdi degan gap bilan b) Gazeta stol ustida
degan gapning farqi shundaki, a - gapda avvaldan m a’lum jo y d an
predm etga o'tilyapti. Bu ingliz tilida there is (are) oboroti bilan
beriladi. В - gapda esa avvaldan m a’lum predm et qayerda turganligi
aytilyapti, y a ’ni predm etdan jo y g a o’tilyapti. Bu yerda to be fe ’li
m a’lum
Jo y
Predm et
M asalan
There is a new spaper on
the table.
The new spaper is on
the table.
Savol lari
W hat is there on the table?
N im a stol ustida?
Where is die newspaper?
G azeta qayerda?
Shuning uchun there is (are) oborotiga where? so ’roq olmoshi
bilan savol berib b o ’lmaydi, chunki (here is (are) oborotida jo y
avvaldan doim m a’lum b o ’lishi kerak.
The newspaper is on the table gapim izda predm et nom i doim
aniq artikl bilan beriladi.
2. There is (are) oboroti bilan bir necha ega kelsa, u o ’zidan
keyin kelayotgan birinchi ega bilan m oslashadi.
T here is a table and five chairs,
X onada stolva beshta
in the room.
T here are five chairs and a
X onada beshta stul va stol
table in the room.
H ozirda ikkinchi ega k o ’plikda bo’lgan taqdirda ham there a r e
ishlatish holatlari kuzatilm oqda.
3. Bu oborotni 0 ‘Z O dagi shakli there was (were).
There was a pen here, but I
Bu yerda ruchka bor edi, biroq
d o n ’t see it.
m en uni k o ’rm ayapm an.
T here w ere books here. H ave
Bu yerda kitoblar bor edi. U lar
you got them ?
sizdam i?
4. There is (are) oboroti tarkibidagi there - и yerda degan
m a’noni berm aydi. U yerda so ’zini berish uchun biz gapning oxirida
yana bitta there so’zini ishlatishim iz kerak.
T here w ere a lot o f students
U yerda talabalar k o ’p edi.
5. To be so ’roq gapda there dan oldinga o ’tadi.
Is there a m ap in your room ?
W ere there m any m istakes in
his hom ew ork?
X onangizda xarita borm i?
U ning uy vazifasida xatolar
k o ’pmi?
Egaga savol berilganda what? s o ‘roq olm oshi ishlatilib gapning
egasi b o 'lib keladi.
W hat is there for supper tonight?
Bu kechki ovqatga nim a bor?
B unda is u rg 'u ostida b o 'lib w hat bilan birikm aydi.
Bundan tashqari egaga yana boshqacha savol q o 'y sa ham b o 'lad i:
W h at’s that on the w all?
- D evorda nim a bor?
W h o ’s th a t in the room ?
- X onada kim bor?
“ W h at’s in that box?”
“ T here are som e books in it.”
“ W h o ’s in the room ?”
“ T here are som e children init."
Q utida nim a bor?
X onada kim bor?
E ganing aniqlovchisiga savol berilganda how m any + ot, how
m uch + ot va w hat + ot ishlatiladi.
H ow m any m istakes are there in
his sentence?
U ning gapida nechta
H ow m uch m oney ['rmmi] w as
there in your bag?
Sum kangizda qancha pul bor
“ W h a t boo k s w ere in your bag?”
(bunday savolda there tushirib
qoldirilishi m um kin)
“T here w ere E nglish and R ussian
- Sum kangizda qaysi kitoblar
bor edi?
- Inglizcha va ruscha kitoblar.
Avval aytganim izdek, odatda, there is oboroti bilan kelgan
gaplarda o 'rin holiga savol qo'yilm aydi.
there is oborotining b o 'lish siz shaklda to be dan keyin not
inkor yuklam asi keladi. O g 'z ak i nutqda b o 'lish siz shakllam ing
hozirgi zam onda: there isn ’t [iznt], there aren ’t [a:nt], o 'tg an
zam onda there w a sn ’t [vvoznt], there w eren ’t [wamt] kabi qisqa
shakllari ishlatiladi.
T h ere isn ’t a book in my bag.
Sum kam da kitob y o 'q .
T h ere aren ’t any books on the
Stol ustida (hech qanaqa)
kitob y o 'q .
B o 'lishsizlikni ifodalashda bu oborot bilan no b o 'lish sizlik
olm oshi ot oldidan aniqlovchi b o 'lib kelishi m um kin.
T here is no tim e for this w ork.
T here is no ink in m y pen.
Bu ishga vaqt y o 'q .
R uchkam da siyoh y o 'q .
There is no bus in this town.
Bu shaharda avtobus y o ‘q
(avtobus qatnovi y o ‘q).
7. O hang. T here is (are) oboroti ishlatilgan gapda urg‘u, odatda,
predm et nom iga tushadi, o ‘rin holi esa ibora urg‘usini olm aydi.
Ravon nutqdagi darak gapda there is, odatda, [deaz] yoki [dsz]
talaffuz qilinadi:
'T h e re ’s a ^book here, [desz э Ъ и к his]
O borotning so ‘roq gap shaklida [r] bogMovchi tovushi paydo
boMadi, ibora urg ‘usi to be m os shakliga va predm et nom iga
'I s there а Лэоок here? ['iz dear э Ашк hid]
8 . A gar um um iy so ‘roq gapda there is (are) oboroti va to have
fe’li bilan a n y so‘zi ishlatilsa, qisqaboM ishlijavobdasom e ishlatiladi.
Q isqa boMishlisiz javobda esa any ishlatiladi.
“ Have you any interesting books
to read at hom e?”
“ Yes, I have som e.”
- Sizning uyingizda qiziqarli
kitoblar borm i?
- Ha, bir nechta.
“N o, I haven’t any.”
- Yo‘q, m enda kitoblar y o ‘q.
48-§. Can |kaen| m odal fe’li va to b e able to oboroti.
in g liz tilid a b ir q ato r fe ’llar m avjud b o ‘lib, ularn in g leksik
m a ’nosi ish-harakatni bildirm aydi. U lar ish-harakatga boMgan munosabatni bildiradi, y a ’ni ish-harakat bajarilishiga bo 'lg an imkoniyat, zaruriyat va ehtim ollikni bildiradi. Bunday fe ’llarni modal
fe 'lla r deyiladi. Ish-harakatni ifodalovchi fe ’llar esa m odal fe’ldan
keyin asosiy fe’lning to siz infinitivi shaklida keladi.
Modal fe’llar quyidagi o ‘ziga xosliklarga ega:
1. U larning infinitiv va sifatdosh shakli y o ‘q. U lar doim ega bilan
ishlatilib, asosiy fe'lning infinitiv shakli bilan gapning kesim ini hosil
2. U lar shaxs sonda o'zgarm aydi.
3. Ulardan keying! fe ’l to siz infinitivda ishlatiladi.
4. U lar ish-harakatni ifodalam agani uchun buyruqqa unday olmaydilar. Shuning uchun buyruq m ayliga ega emaslar.
Shu kam chiliklarni hisobga olib m odal fe’llarni to'liqsiz fe 'lla r
Ingliz tilida eng k o ‘p ishlatiladigan m odal fe’llarga: im koniyat,
qodirlik, qobiliyat, ruxsatni anglatuvchi can [кагп] qila olmoq, qila
bilmoq, qo'ldan kelnioq, keraklilik, m ajburiyatni ifodalovchi m ust
[mAst, m ast, m st] kerak, zarur (52-§ga qarang) m odal fe ’llari
1. Can m odal fe’li quyidagi m a’nolarda ishlatiladi:
1) A qliy va jism oniy qobiliyat:
H e can do this work.
U bu ishni bajara oladi.
M y son can read now.
M ening o ‘g ‘lim o ‘qiy oladi.
2) Ruxsat:
You can go hom e.
U yga ketishingiz mumkin.
(Sizga ruxsat.)
Can m odal fe’li k o ‘pincha w ho bilan boshlangan egaga q o ‘yilgan
savollarda ishlatiladi.
W ho can com e today?
Bugun kirn kela oladi?
W ho can speak French?
Kim fransuzcha gapira oladi?
W ho can com e w ith m e?
Kim m en bilan bora oladi?
Can ning 0 ‘Z 0 d a g i shakli could [kud].
He w ent to his parents in the
country, w here he could
finish his work.
U qishloqdagi ota-onasinikiga
o‘z ishini tugata olish uchun
S o 'ro q gapda can egadan oldinga o ’tadi:
Can you do it now ?
Could you read English books
last year?
Siz buni hozir qilib bera
olasizm i?
Siz o ‘tgan yili inglizcha
kitoblar o ‘qiy olarm idingiz?
B o’lishsiz gapda can dan so‘ng not inkor yuklam asi keladi va
doim qo’shib cannot shaklida yoziladi.
My little son cannot w rite yet.
M ening kichik o‘g ‘lim hali
yozishni bilmaydi.
My son could not read w hen he
w as three.
0 ‘g ‘lim uch yoshida o ‘qishni bilm asdi.
O g ‘zaki nutqda cannot - can ’t [ka:nt] ga, could not - couldn’t
['kudnt] ga qisqaradi:
You c a n ’t take this book.
1 cou ld n ’t do it last week. I had
no tim e.
Bu kitobni olishga sizga
ruxsat y o ‘q.
M en buni o ‘tgan hafta qila
olm adim , vaqtim y o ‘q edi.
Q isqa javoblar, odatda, quyidagi tartibda b o ‘ladi:
“C an you do it for m e?”
“Yes, I think I can.” (“C ertainly
['saitnli] I can”.)
- Siz men uchun shu ishni
qila olasizm i?
- 0 ‘ylashim cha, ha.
“No, I am afraid I can ’t.” (“N o, I
am sorry I can ’t.”)
- Yo‘q, deb q o ‘rqam an.
(A fsuski, qila olm aym an.)
E s l a t m a I . Ruxsat m a’nosini m ay m odal fe’li ham ifodalaydi, biroq u rasm iy xarakterga ega.
You m ay do it tomorrow.
Siz buni ertaga bajarishingiz mumkin.
M ay I com e in?
K irsam maylimi?
H ozirgi zam onaviy ingliz tilida can k o ’proq ishlatiladi:
Can I com e in?
K irsam bo 'ladimi?
E s l a t m a 2 . Iltifot bilan ruxsat so ’ralganda can o ’rniga
could ishlatiladi. M asalan “ Please help m e.” “Yordam bering,
ihim os ’’ ni “Could you help m e, please?” deyish m um kin.
Please so ’zi could you birikm asidan keyin ham turishi
m um kin, bunda u vergul bilan ajratilm aydi:
C ould you please tell m e the
w ay to K irov street?
K irov
k o ‘chasiga
borishni aytib yuborolm aysizm i?
2. Intonatsiya. BoMishli darak gapda, qoida b o ’yicha, modal
fe’llarga ibora urg ‘usi tushm aydi va ular qisqa (reduksiyaga uchragan)
shaklda ishlatiladi:
I can \ l o it. [ai kn \iu : it]
M odal fe’llar quyidagi hollarda urg‘u ostida keladi:
a) U m um iy so ‘roq gap boshida kelganda:
'Can we ,jgo now ? ['kaen wi-yjgou nau]
b) Inkor yuklam asi bilan birikib can ’t, cou ld n ’t kabi qisqa
shaklda kelganda:
He 'c a n ’t Y om e. [hi 'k a:n t ^ к л т]
c) A gar ulardan so‘ng boshqa hech qanaqa fe ’l kelm asa, masalan,
um um iy so ‘roq gapga qisqa ja v o b berilganda:
tyes,* I 'think you V an. [)jes* ai '9 iq k ju - Vaen]
3. M odal fe’llam ing shakllari to ’la boMmagani uchun ularning
y o ‘q shakllarini qoplash m aqsadida sinonim oborotlar ishlatiladi.
C an m odal fe’lining sinonim oboroti to be able to. B iroq bar qanday
sinonim kabi to be able to ning ham can dan biroz farqi bor. Can
um um iy im koniyat va qobiliyatni bildiradi. To be able to esa aniq
bir vaziyatdagi, aniq bir paytdagi, bir m artalik im koniyat, qobiliyatni
I can play football, but I’m
M en futbol o ‘ynay olam an, leunable (I am not able) to
kin hozir o ‘ynay olm aym an,
play now, I d o n ’t feel w ell.
chunki, o ‘zim ni yaxshi his
qilm ayapm an.
Biroq hozirgi paytda can ham k o ‘p incha shu m a’noda
I c a n ’t go now, I d o n ’t feel
w ell.
M en
borolm aym an,
m en o ‘zim ni yom on his
qilyapm an.
0 ‘tgan zam onda bu m a’noni ifodalashda can bilan to be able
orasidagi farq y aqqolroq seziladi.
He w as in L ondon [' l/mdn]
Ikki у il oldin u Londonda b o ‘ Idi
tw o years ago, so he could
va har kuni ingliz film larini
see English film s every day.
im koniyatiga ega
b o ‘ldi.
I am very glad you w ere able
S iz kela olganingizdan men
to com e.
ju d a xursandm an.
W ere you able to finish the
S iz bu kitobni kutubxonaga
book before you gave it back
qaytarguncha o ‘qiy oldinto the library ['laibrori]?
gizm i?
To hear, to see va boshqa his qilish fe’llari bilan shuningdek,
boNishsiz shaklda, odatda, could m odal fe ’li ishlatiladi.
I could see him very w ell.
U m enga yaxshi k o ‘rinardi.
I c o u ld n ’t get that book
M en bu kitobni kecha topa
olm adim .
Can m odal fe ’li kelasi zam ondagi ruxsatni ifodalashda ham
You can com e at ten
tom orrow.
Siz ertaga so at 10 da kelishingiz
m um kin. (Sizga ertaga soat
10 da kelishga ruxsat)
B iroq im k o n iy at, q o b iliy at, q o d irlik m a ’n o la rid a can kelasi
zam o n d a ishlatilm ay d i. U ning o ‘rniga to be ab le to ish latilad i.
t5 5 -§ g a q arang).
49-§. S if a td o s h II ( P a r t i c i p l e II) h a q i d a t u s h u n c h a .
F e ’ ln in g u c h in c h i a s o s iy sh a k li s if a td o s h II h is o b la n a d i (3 8 -§ ).
S ifa td o s h II t o ‘g ‘ri tu s la n u v c h i f e ’ lla r o ‘z a g ig a -ed ni q o ‘s h is h b ila n
y a s a la d i. B u n d a u n d o s h d a n k e y in k e l u v c h i j ' s tu d y o ‘r g a n m o q -
i g a o ‘ta d i.
s tu d ie d o ‘f g a n ilg a n
N o t o ‘g ‘ri tu s la n u v c h i f e ’ lla m in g s ifa td o s h II s h a k li tu rli y o ‘lla r
b ila n y a s a lg a n i b o is u la rn i y o d d a n b ilis h k e ra k . K o ‘p h o lla r d a u n in g
s h a k li 0 ‘Z O s h a k li b ila n b ir x il:
to s e n d j o ‘n a tm o q
- s e n t j o ‘n a td i
- s e n t j o ‘n a tilg a n
to b r in g k e ltir m o q
- b r o u g h t k e ltird i
- b ro u g h t k e ltirilg a n
0 ‘tim li f e ’lla m in g s ifa td o s h II s h a k li m a jh u llik m a ’n o s ig a e g a
b o 'I ib , o 'z b e k t i l i g a - g a / / b ila n ta rjim a q ilin a d i.
to d is c u s s h a l q ilm o q - d is c u s s e d h al q ild i - d is c u s s e d h a l q ilin g a n ,
q ilin ilg a n .
to re a c h e ris h m o q -
r e a c h e d e ris h d i -
r e a c h e d e ris h ilg a n
S ifa td o s h II k o ‘p in c h a o tg a a n iq lo v c h i b o ‘lib k e la d i. A g a r o td a n
s o ‘n g iz o h lo v c h i s o ‘z la r k e lm a s a u o ‘z i a n iq la y o tg a n o td a n o ld in
k e lis h i m u m k in , b ir o q k o ‘p in c h a o ‘zi a n iq la y o tg a n o td a n k e y in
k e la d i, a y n iq s a , u n d a n s o ‘n g iz o h lo v c h i s o ‘z la r k e ls a .
th e d is c u s s e d q u e s tio n s = th e q u e s tio n s d is c u s s e d (b y th e m )
( u la r to m o n id a n ) m u h o k a m a q ilin g a n sa v o lla r.
50-§. T u g a l l a n g a n h o z ir g i z a t n o n ( T H Z ) fe’li ( T h e P r e s e n t
P e r f e c t T ense).
1. T u g a lla n g a n z a m o n g u ru h la r i (h o z ir g i, k e la s i, o ‘tg a n ) b iro n b ir p a y t y o k i is h -h a ra k a tg a n is b a ta n b o 1lib , o ‘tg a n
is h -h a ra k a tn i
ifo d a la y d i. A n i q r o g ‘i, o ‘s h a p a y t y o k i is h -h a ra k a td a n oldin boM gan
is h -h a ra k a tn i ifo d a la y d i.
2. T u g a l l a n g a n z a m o n g u r u h l a r i n i n g y a salish i.
T u g a lla n g a n z a m o n g u ru h la ri to h a v e k o ‘m a k c h i f e ’li v a a s o s iy
f e ’ln in g s if a td o s h II s h a k li y o r d a m id a y a s a la d i.
to have + sifatdosh II
Bunda to h av e zam on, shaxs va sonni ko‘ rsatib tuslanuvchan qism
hisoblanadi. A sosiy fe ’lning sifatdosh II shakli esa o ‘zgarm aydigan
shakl hisoblanadi.
H e h a s ( H e ’s ) w r i t t e n a le tte r to h is frie n d .
U d o ‘s tig a x a t y o z d i.
S o ‘r o q s h a k lid a h a v e ( h a s ) e g a d a n o ld in g a o ‘ta d i.
H a v e y o u w r i t t e n to y o u r f r ie n d ?
S iz d o ‘s tin g iz g a x a t y o z d in g iz m i?
B o M ish s iz d a ra k g a p s h a k lid a to h a v e k o ‘m a k c h i f e ’lid a n k e y in
n o t k e la d i.
H e h a d n o t w ritte n th e a r tic le
U k e ch a so a t b e sh g a ch a m a-
b y f iv e y e s te r d a y .
q o la n i y o z ib b oM m adi.
T u g a lla n g a n k e la s i z a m o n s h a k li s h a ll/w ill k o ‘m a k c h i f e ’li, h a v e
+ s i f a t d o s h II y o r d a m id a y a s a la d i. B u n d a s h a ll/w ill o ‘z g a r u v c h a n
s h a k l, h a v e + s i f a t d o s h II o ‘z g a r m a y d ig a n s h a k l h is o b la n a d i.
T h e y w ill h a v e w r i t t e n a ll th e
U l a r b a r c h a x a tla m i e rta n g i
l e tte r s b y to m o rr o w .
k u n g a c h a y o z ib b o M ish a d i.
W ill th e y h a v e w r i t t e n a ll th e
U la r
le tte r s b y to m o r r o w ?
T h e y w ill n o t h a v e w r i t t e n a ll
x a tla m i
e rta n g i
U la r b a r c h a x a tla m i e r ta n g i k u n -
t h e le tte r s b y to m o rro w .
b a rch a
k u n g a c h t. y o z ib b o ‘lis h a d im i?
g a c h a y o z ib b o M ish m a y d i.
Ish latilish i. T H Z n u tq p a y tig a c h a s o d ir b o M g a n , b ir o q h o z irg i
z a m o n g a a lo q a d o r is h - h a r a k a tn i ifo d a la y d i. B u a lo q a d o r lik ik k i x il
k o ‘z g a ta s h la n a d i:
a ) N u tq p a y tid a s e z ilu v c h i h o z ir g a q a d a r e g a lla n g a n b ilim y o k i
o r ttir ilg a n ta jr ib a n a tija s i sifa tid a :
H e ’s w r i t t e n a b o o k .
U k ito b y o z g a n . ( N a tija - m a n a k ito b ,
H e ’s r e a d th is b o o k .
u n i o ‘q i s h i n g iz m u m k in .)
b u k ito b n i o l q ig a n . ( U k ito b n in g
m a z m u n in i b ila d i.)
b ) H o z irg i z a m o n n i h a m o ‘z ic h ig a o lg a n , h a li tu g a lla n m a g a n
bugun, t h i s m o r n i n g
bugun ertalab, th is w e e k shu hafta, th is m o n t h shu oy, t h i s y e a r shu
yil, th i s w i n t e r shu qish v a h o k a z o . (Y a ’n i is h - h a r a k a t tu g a lla n g a n ,
v a q t o r a l i g 1in i k o ‘rs a tis h o rq a li, m a s a la n : t o d a y
b ir o q v a q t o ra lig N tu g a lla n m a g a n .)
I h a v e ( I ’ve) seen h im t h i s w e e k .
M en uni
shu hafta ко 'rdim.
M is o ld a n k o 'r i n i b tu rib d ik i, T H Z b u m a ’n o d a o ‘z b e k tilig a
o ‘tg a n z a m o n b ila n ta r jim a q ilin a d i.
T a q q o s la n g :
I’ve seen h im th is m o r n i n g .
( S u h b a t e r ta la b b o 1lib
o ‘ty a p ti.)
s a w h im
th is
M en
m o rn in g .
e rta la b
k o ‘rd im .
(S u h b a t k e ch q u ru n y o k i k und u z i b o ‘lib o ‘ty a p ti.)
I ’v e b e e n b u s y th is a f t e r n o o n .
(B u g a p n i s o a t 6 g a c h a a y tis h
M en bugun kunduzi band
m u m k in .)
I w a s b u s y t h is a f t e r n o o n . (B u
e d im .
g a p n i so a t 6 d a n k e y in a y tis h
m u m k in .)
E s la tm a :
Is h -h a ra k a tn i
o ‘tg a n
zam onda
b o 'I i b
o 't g a n
v a q ti a n iq k o 'r s a t il g a n d a u n in g h o z irg i z a m o n b ila n a lo q a d o rlig i
u z ila d i. S h u n in g u c h u n b u n d a y h o lla rd a T H Z
is h la tilm a y d i,
u n in g o 'm i g a 0 ‘Z 0 is h la tila d i.
T H Z n i n g 0 ‘Z 0 d a n f a r q i. 0 ‘Z 0 d o im o 't g a n z a m o n d a g i
v a q t b ila n b o g 'l iq b o 'l a d i (b u n g a g a p d a is h o ra k o 'r s a tila d i y o k i u
v a z iy a td a n a n iq b o 'l is h i m u m k in ) , T H Z d a e s a e ’t ib o r a s o s a n ish h a ra k a t n a tija s ig a , o rttir ilg a n ta jr ib a g a q a ra tila d i.
T a q q o s la n g :
W e h a v e n ’t r e a d
any books
b y th is w r ite r y e t. (P re s e n t
P e rfe c t)
L ast y ear
c o u ld ’t
E n g lis h
E n g lis h
bo o k s.
B iz b u y o z u v c h in in g k ito b la r in i
h a li
re a d
O 't g a n y ili b iz in g liz c h a o 'q i y
d i d n ’t
o lm a s d ik v a b iz in g liz tilid a
(P a s t
I n d e fin ite )
H a v e y o u e v e r b e e n to E n g la n d
[iijg la n d ]? ( P r e s e n t P e rfe c t)
W h e n w e r e y o u in E n g la n d ?
(P a s t In d e fin ite )
k ito b la r
о ‘qimadik.
S iz h e c h A n g liy a d a
S iz q a c h o n A n g liy a d a
bo ‘Idin-
T H Z k o 'p i n c h a s u h b a t b o s h id a is h la tila d i. A g a r s u h b a t o ld in
tilg a o lin g a n m a v z u d a d a v o m e ts a , h a tto z a m o n a y tilm a s a -d a , O 'Z O
is h la tila d i, c h u n k i is h -h a r a k a t v a z iy a td a n o 't g a n z a m o n g a b o g 'l a n g a n
b o 'la d i:
‘Y ou lo o k b ro w n , h a v e y o u b e e n
aw ay?”
S iz
q o ra y ib s iz .
B ir o r
j o y g a b o rd in g iz m i?
“ Y e s, I ’v e been to th e S o u th .”
- H a , m e n J a n u b d a b o ‘l-
“D id y o u have a g o o d t im e ? ”
d im .
- V a q tin g iz n i y a x s h i o ‘t-
“ Y e s, I had a v e r y g o o d t im e .”
k a z d in g iz m i?
- H a , j u d a y a x s h i o ‘tk a z -
“Did y o u go a lo n e ? ”
“ N o , m y d a u g h te r w ent w i t h m e .”
g iz m i?
- Y o ‘q , q iz im m e n b ila n
d im .
B ir
o ‘z in g iz
b o r d in ­
b irg a b o rd i.
Past Indefinite (CPZO)
Present P erfect (TH Z)
1. V a q t m u h im
1. N a tija m u h im
I lo s t th e k e y y e s te rd a y .
I h a v e lo s t m y k ey . I c a n ’t o p e n
th e d o o r.
2 . H ik o y a d a = M o n o lo g .
2 . S u h b a td a = D ia lo g .
3 . Is h - h a r a k a t k e tm a -k e tlig i
3. B ir is h - h a ra k a t ( H Z O ) d a n
b u z ilm a y d i.
o ld in
s o d ir bo M g an
is h - h a ra ­
k a tn i if o d a la y d i.
I g o t u p a t s e v e n o ’c lo c k . I
h a d m y b re ak fa st an d w e n t
a lre a d y . N o w I c a n g o to p la y
to s c h o o l.
fo o tb a ll.
h o m ew o rk
T u g a lla n g a n z a m o n g u r u h la r i q u y id a g i p a y t r a v is h la r i b ila n
is h la tila d i:
a lr e a d y
ju s t
la te ly
hech qachon
hali (bo 'lishsiz gapda)
oxirgi кип, hafta
oxirgi oy, yil, yaqinda
ко 'pincha
u p to n o w hozirgacha
s e ld o m
kamdan kam
bir kuni
m a n y tim e s ко 'p marta
r e c e n tly
o fte n
B iro q b u , p a y t r a v is h la r i b ila n
b oshqa zam o n
is h la tilm a y d i
d e g a n i e m a s . I k k in c h i u s tu n d a g i r a v is h la r b o s h q a z a m o n d a b e m a lo l
is h la tila d i,
faq at
n a tija
m u h im
b o M g a n d a g in a
b ila n
k o ‘r-
u la r
is h la tilis h i m u m k in .
T a q q o s la n g :
I ’v e n e v e r s e e n h :m .
M en
m aganm an.
I n e v e r c a m e late to m y
0 ‘tg a n y ili m e n d a rs g a h e c h h a m
le s s o n s la s t y e a r.
k e c h q o lm a d im .
I o fte n see h im in o u r c lu b .
M e n u n i k lu b im iz d a k o ‘p k o ‘ra m a n .
P a y t r a v i s h l a r i n i n g g a p d a g i o ‘r n i.
E v e r, n ev er, j u s t , o fte n , s e l d o m g a p d a a s o s iy f e ’ ld a n o ld in
k e la d i. A lre a d y h a m boM ishli d a ra k g a p d a a s o s iy f e ’ld an o ld in k e la d i.
B iro q s o ‘ro q g a p d a
buncha tez m a ’n o s id a a ja b la n is h n i a n g la tib d o im
g a p o x irid a ish la tila d i.
H a v e y o u tr a n s la te d th e
M a q o la n i
a rtic le a l r e a d y ?
allaqachon ta rjim a
q ilib b o M d in g m i?
L ately, re c e n tly , o n c e v a u p to n o w , m a n y tim e s s o ‘z b ir ik m a la r i
g a p o x irid a k e la d i. Yet ra v is h i e s a b o ‘lis h s iz g a p la r d a is h la tilib
m a ’n o s in i b e ra d i v a g a p o x irid a k e la d i. S o ‘ro q g a p d a y e t
m a ’n o s id a g a p o x ir id a k e la d i.
H e h a s n ’t f in is h e d h is w o rk
U hali ish in i tu g a tm a d i.
H as he co m e b ack y e t?
allaqachon q a y td im i?
T H Z d a v o m z a m o n s h a k lig a e g a b o ‘lm a g a n f e ’lla r b ila n
is h la tilg a n d a o ‘tg a n z a m o n d a b o s h la n ib h o z irg a c h a d a v o m e tib
k e la y o tg a n is h - h a r a k a tn i ifo d a la y d i. B u n d a y g a p d a v a q t o r a lig 'in i
b ild iru v c h i f o r mobaynida, - dan beri p re d lo g i v a is h -h a r a k a tn in g
b o s h la n g ‘ ic h
is h la tila d i.
n u q ta s in i
k o ’rs a tis h d a
I h a v e k n o w n h im f o r tw o
M en uni
dan beri p re d lo g i
ikkiyildan beri (ik k i y il
m o b a y n id a ) b ila m a n .
“ H o w lo n g h a v e y o u b e e n in
M oscow ?” “ F o r ab o u t
sin c e -
m o n th .”
S iz a n c h a d a n
b e ri M o s k v a d a -
m is iz ?
- Bir oycha (bo^di).
F o r p re d lo g i b a ’z a n tu s h irib q o ld ir ila d i:
bir soatdan beri
W e ’v e b e e n h e re a n h o u r .
B iz b u y e r d a
H e ’s k n o w n m e sin c e 1971.
tu r ib m iz .
U m e n i 1971-yildan
H a v e y o u s e e n P e tro v s i n c e h e
n iy d i.
S iz P e tro v n i
w e n t to S a i n t P e t e r s b u r g ?
beri ta-
ketganidan beri k o ‘rd in g iz m i?
S in c e b o g M o v c h isi b ila n k ir itilg a n p a y t e r g a s h g a p n in g f e ’lk e s im i b u h o la td a 0 ‘Z 0 d a tu rib d i.
E s l a t m a : t o b e T H Z d a t o y o ‘n a lis h p re d lo g i b ila n
bo'lmoq, ta sh rif buyurmoq m a ’n o s id a is h la tila d i.
I’v e n e v e r b e e n to K ie v
M en
b e fo re .
o ld in
K iy e v d a h e c h
b o ‘l-
m a g a n m a n ( a v v a l h e c h K iy e v g a b o rm a g a n m a n ).
5 I - § . F a n v a o ‘q u v p r e d m e t la r i n o m l a r i o l d i d a n a r t i k l n i n g
is h la t il m a s l ig i . F a n n o m la r i v a o ‘q u v p r e d m e tla r in i if o d a la g a n o t
artiklsiz is h la tila d i.
in s titu td a
falsafa, tarix v a geogrqfiya
L ite r a t u r e , P h il o s o p h y , H i s t o r y
A t th e I n s titu te w e ta k e
B iz
and G eography.
o ’rg a n a m iz .
B u o t la r s if a t b ila n a n iq la n ib k e lg a n d a h a m a r tik ls iz is h la tila d i:
W e ta k e E n g li s h L i t e r a t u r e .
B iz
H e lo v e s R u s s i a n L i t e r a t u r e .
inglizadabiyoti o ‘tam iz.
m s adabiyotini se v a d i.
Fransiya davlati tarixi, Angliya tarixi k a b i f a n la r in g liz tilid a
F r e n c h H i s t o r y , E n g li s h H i s t o r y k a b i b e rila d i.
A t O x f o r d h e is re a d in g E n g li s h
O k sfo rd
u n iv e r s ite tid a
Angliya tarixini o ‘rg a n -
H is t o r y .
5 2 -§ . I n g l iz ti li d a k e r a k l i l i k , s h a r t l i l i k n i n g b e rilis h i. (M u s t) .
M u s t m o d a l f e ’li boM ishli d a r a k g a p d a q u y id a g i m a ’n o la rg a
1) B u rc h , b u y r u q , k o ‘r s a tm a - b u m a ’n o d a o ‘z b e k tilig a
d e b ta r jim a q ilin a d i:
I m u s t g o to w o rk a t e ig h t
o ’c lo c k .
M e n is h g a s o a t 8 d a b o ris h im
k e r a k ( b u rc h ).
Y ou m u s t d o it a s I te ll y o u .
S i z b u is h n i m e n a y tg a n im d e k
H e m u s t s e e y o u a b o u t it
U b u m a s a la d a s iz b ila n e rta g a
q ilis h in g iz k e ra k .
to m o rr o w .
g a p la s h ib o lis h i k e ra k .
2 ) Q a t ’iy m a s la h a t y o k i t a k l i f - b u m a ’n o d a o ’z b e k tilig a
kerak d e b ta r jim a q ilin a d i:
Y ou m u s t g o a n d s e e th is
film . I t is v e r y in te re s tin g .
S iz b u film n i (a lb a tta ) b o r ib k o ‘r is h in g iz kerak. U j u d a q iz iq .
All o f y o u m u s t re a d th is
b o o k . ( q a t ’iy m a s la h a t)
Y ou m u s t c o m e a n d h a v e
S iz h a m m a n g iz b u k ito b n i (a lb a tta ) o l q is h in g iz
d in n e r w ith u s s o m e d ay .
tu s h lik
(ta k lif )
S iz (a lb a tta ) b ir o r k u n b iz n ik ig a
q ilg a n i
k e lis h in g iz
Ic h k i a n g la n g a n m a jb u r iy a t - b u m a ’n o d a o ‘z b e k tilig a
zarur d e b ta r jim a q ilin a d i:
1 m u s t d o it to d a y . I c a n ’t
le a v e it till to m o rro w .
M en
q ilis h im
rak. M e n b u n i e r ta g a q o ld iro lm a y m a n .
D o it i f y o u m u s t .
A g a r z a r u r boM sa b u n i b a ja rin g
( a g a r b u n i z a r u r d e b b ils a n g iz ).
B u n d a m u s t ic h k i z a ru r iy a tn i b ild irib , is h - h a r a k a tn in g h o z irg i
z a m o n d a b a ja rilis h i z a ru r lig in i b ild ira d i.
2. S o ‘ro q g a p la r d a m u s t n in g is h la tilis h i c h e g a r a la n g a n . M a s a ­
la n , u m u m iy s o ‘ro q g a p d a m u s t
short m a ’n o s id a k e lib , g a p iru v c h in i
is h - h a ra k a tn i b a ja ris h g a x o h is h i y o ‘q lig in i y o k i b u is h -h a ra k a tn i
b a ja ris h g a p ir u v c h ig a m a lo l k e la y o tg a n lig in i k o ‘rs a ta d i.
M u s t I d o it n o w ?
U n i h o z ir b a ja r is h im s h a r tm i?
E s l a t m a : A g a r g a p ir u v c h i s u h b a td o s h d a n f a q a t k o ‘rs a tm a
y o k i t o p s h ir iq o lm o q c h i b o ‘Isa, s h a l l m o d a l f e ’li is h la tila d i.
S h a l l I re p e a t th e s e n te n c e ?
G a p n i (y a n a b ir ) q a y ta r a y m i?
3. B o ‘lis h s iz g a p d a m u s t q a t ’iy ta q iq n i ifo d a la b , kerak emas,
taqiqlanadi m a ’n o la r in i b e ra d i. S h u n in g u c h u n , k o ‘p in c h a , b o la la rg a
n is b a ta n , b a ’z a n k o ‘r s a tm a v a o g o h la n tir is h la r d a is h la tila d i.
Y o u m u s t n ’t d o th a t.
B u n d a y q ilm a s lik k e ra k .
Y o u m u s t n ’t p l a y w ith
G u g u rt
m a tc h e s .
V is ito rs m u s t n o t feed th e
a n im a ls ['s e n im s lz ].
b ila n
o ‘y n a s h m a s lig in g iz
k e ra k .
T o m o s h a b in la r n in g
h a y v o n la r g a
o v q a t b e r is h la r i ta q iq la n a d i (h a y v o n o t b o g ’id a g i o g o h la n tir is h ) .
4 . M u s t m o d a l f e ’li o ‘tg a n z a m o n s h a k lig a e g a e m a s . U n in g
o ‘m ig a o ‘t g a n z a m o n d a to h a v e to (to h a v e g o t to ) o b o ro ti ish ­
la tila d i.
5. T o h a v e to , to h a v e g o t to kerak, to 'g 'ri kelib qolmoq
o b o r o tla r i s h a r o itd a n k e lib c h iq q a n ( ta s h q i) m a jb u r iy a tn i ifo d a la s h d a
h o z irg i z a m o n d a h a m ish