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Arduino Motors and Functions Presentation

Arduino 7 –
Motors and Functions
Mr. McBrien
Functions are modular code that can be reused
again and again.
We can write our own functions, and call them as
we need them.
Functions can have parameters – custom inputs
that enable situation-specific execution.
Anatomy of a C Function
The Function with no Return
Void functions have no return.
We call them by simply invoking (no callFunction=…)
Functions with no Parameters?
Functions don’t have to have parameters, either!
We can trigger a function that simply does something…
Activity 1
Modify your blink code.
Create a function that blinks an LED on for 1
second, then turns it off.
Implement a function call in the loop section.
Your code should call the blink function and
then wait 2 seconds, and call it again.
There are a huge number of applications that need motors
Motors have certain attributes that make them different
than other components…
Motors are Special…
Disobey Ohm’s Law - PWM
High voltage
High current
Back EMF
They have interesting applications with current running
backwards through them…
How do we run a Motor at 1/3 Power?
So how do we cope with the other
Ans: our first shield!
Why a Motor Controller?
The Arduino’s not good for handling lots of current.
Motors draw a LOT of current, and need higher voltages.
The Ardumoto can manage 2A per channel.
There are other motor shields; they all work in
roughly the same way.
Back EMF
A key concern with controlling motors.
When you remove the potential from a running motor, the
current briefly reverses.
All circuits involving electronic control of motors should include
a flyback diode:
Reverse current is dissipated.
You don’t burn out your power supply.
The good news is that the Ardumoto includes integrated diodes –
no need to worry about back EMF.
Ardumoto Commands
The folks at Sparkfun have written functions for us.
We can call the functions with motor ID, direction, and
power level.
Stopping the Ardumoto:
You can just use analogWrite(pin#,0); as an alternative.
Pulse Width Modulation
This again?
Instead of changing the voltage, we briefly drop the
voltage to zero
We wait a period of time and then bring it back up to the
“on” state.
Limitations of the Ardumoto
2A max output current
18 V maximum in
The Motor Pins
LED Indicators
Want to test your sketch without using motors?
The blue and yellow LEDs indicate the direction your
motors are being told to turn.
The LED indicators even work when no motors are
Downloading Code
There is a complete sketch available from Sparkfun:
The Pins
Key Points
Functions are sets of code that can be called at any time in
our Sketch.
Motors have some important differences from other
With motors, we have to worry about back EMF!
The Ardumoto includes flyback diodes so that we don’t need
Motors support forward/back.
Speed is controlled through the use of PWM.
Complete the assignment for today.