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Presentatie Engels mondeling egypte zondag

Presentation over Egypt
I have chosen this country because, I do not know much about it and I have always wanted to
go to Egypt. For me Egypt is a really beautiful place to go on a vacation or for a trip.
Egypt was earlier an important country. 5000 ( fife thousand) years ago they could already
make building’s and they had a script to read and write in it. This was the time of the Pharaohs and the
making of the pyramids.
Trough Egypt flows a long river. That river is the Nijl. Once a year in August the river
overflows. The whole ground around the river came under water for 6 (six’s) weeks. People in the
country were the heaven thankful because, now the ground was fruitful. The ground around the river
was fruitful and that is how they get food to eat. This happened every year.
1B The Egyptian population divided into four cultural groups consisting of Copts (An Egyptian
belonging to or descended from the people of ancient or pre-Islamic Egypt), Bedouins (An Arab of
any of the nomadic tribes of the Arabian, Syrian, Nubian, or Sahara deserts), Nubians (Any of a group
of closely related Nilo-Saharan languages spoken in the Sudan) and Egyptian peasants or fellahin
(A peasant or agricultural laborer in an Arab country, such as Syria or Egypt).
Egypt exists of 94 percentage (ninety-four) from desert. Sinaï is a desert and mountainous and
is it rich in sandy beaches of the Red Sea. Egypt itself is really bare and have a desert climate it is
warm, sunny and dry. The deserts are practilly barren and forest do not occur. So you would not see
many clouds. The temperature can be from 30 degrees to 40 degrees the temperature can change so
much from only night to day. They Some animals in Egypt are kept by human for example camels,
cows, donkeys, horses, chickens, sheep, goats and pigeons.
1D Caïro en Alexandrië
I have chosen the cities Caïro and Alexandrië. I chose these two because they are the biggest one in
Egypt and the most known.
The Egyptians believed at the time of the pharaohs that the body and the mind formed a unit. For this
reason they retained to mummify the bodies. But not everyone got mummified. Only the important
people like pharaohs got mummified. These mummified bodies are called mumies.
The ancient egyptians did not write with letters as we know it. They had hieroglyus. These were
special drawings or marks. Hieroglyphs actually means holy scratches. They did the drawing in the
pyramids. This is one of the most ancient forms of writings known to mankind.
The Pyramide from Gizeh is without a doubt the main attraction of Cairo. It is a 146-meter-high
pyramid. Together with the Pyramis of Khafre, the Pyramis of Mycerius, three smaller pyramids and
the Sphinx of Giza, they form the main attractions of Cairo. You can see the beautiful area on a camel
or horse. The complex is right on the city’s outskirts.
And then there is the Egyptian Museum. The Museum of Egyptian is in the centre od Cairo and is the
biggest Egyptology museum in the world. Finds from archaeological sites throughout Egypt found their
place here. This has led to a collection of over one hundred thousand object including mummies,
statues, thrones and the tomb of pharaoh tutuankhamen. A very popular artefact is the golden death
mask of tutankhamun.
The last but not least one is the Caïro tower. It is the television tower of the city and it stand in central
Cairo on Gezira island. The 187 meter high tower is included with an outdoor observation deck, which
offers a 360-degree city view over Caïro.
In Caïro you have alot of choices in the amount of restaurant, although the kitchen is almost
everywhere Egyptian with Greek, Oriental and Frican influences. If you are going to Egypt you should
try Mahshi kurumb it is a cabage stuffed with rice and meat an served with dill an butter oil. Molokhiyya
that is a soup made from mallow, rabbit broth and lots of garlic. Hammam mahsi that is a pigeon
stuffed with green wheat and rice this is specially served in traditional restaurants. Kunafa that is one
of the best delicious sweets it is made of a crust dipped in the syrup and vanilla. Baklaa is also a really
famous sweet food this is made from very fine dough dipped in honey syrup an filles with fresh nuts.
Aish means life but it is also a bread this is the main product of the national diet and is served with
every meal The most popular drink in Caïro is the Asir this represents a freshly squeezed juice, the
Shai this has to be the most typical of Caïro, or rather the whole of Egypt it is a very sweet tea.
Karkadai that is a delicious refreshing juice mad from hibiscus leaves. When you walk in the streets of
Caïro you can safely regard on your nose and follow the food. But you should look carefully where you
but your food at food stalls because the hygiene sometimes is not that good, but in restaurants you do
not have to worry about that.
In Cairo I would recommend the restaurant like the Sequoia, the grill restaurant & lounge, mirai,
koshary abou tarek, abou el-sid felfela night & day restaurant and coffee bean & tea leaf, because
they served the food I for off said and people liked these the most.
Taking pictures from military, police, military buildings and strategic structures suc as bridges, lockes
and airports is strictly forbidden in Egypt. In Caïro you should be careful where you point your camera
on because there are a lot of government buildings that are under the control of the army.
Photographing such objects could get you in trouble, especially if there are soldiers near you. The live
in Caïro is something that tourist love to capture on film. So you should keep in your mind that people
do not like it when you are taking pictures in their private lives. And the chance of sneaky pictures
without being seen is not so big here especially as a tourist you get noticed pretty quickly. If you really
want to take a picture of something than you first should ask permission for it.
And now to the other famous city is Alexandrië.
The city is named after Alexander the Great who has established an empire where Egypt belonged. Is
the second largest city of Egypt. It is located on the northwest tip of the Nile Delta. In his design the
Greek architect Dinocrates built the city from about 330 before christus. For a thousand year
alexandrie was the capital of Egypt. Also there were many Greeks, Syrians and a very large people
where Juwish. The common language was more Greek than Egyptian. People often spoke of
Alexandreia para Aigypton that means Alexandria in Egypt. Alexandria in Egypt is called iskendriya it
is a port city in northern Egypt.
The ancient library of Alexandria is one of the treasured that have been lost unfortunately. It was one
of the most sights in Alexandria. It was a central point where intellectuals came together such as
poets, artist and scientist studied here and came together to think about life. About five centuries the
building was destroyed and between 400,000 and 600,000 thousand scrolls were literally up in
smoke.teh library was seen as the first major school in the world. Maybe it is not true but they say that
Julius Caesar destroyed the library during his conquest. In 2004 a team of polish and Egyptian
archaeologists found stones of the old library. In 1989 there was an architectural competition
organized by the state Egypt for the construction of a new colossal library in Alexandrie. A small
Norwegian architecture won the contest an designed the Biblitheca Alexandria. The library includes a
number of museums, four art galleries, a conference hall, five research institutes and a large reading
room with seating for hundreds of people. They opened the library in 2003
Another sights of Alexandrie is the Greco-Roman Museum. In this museum are thousands of artefact
from the Roman era. Furthermore there are marble head of Alexander the Great and Julius Caeser.
The Greco-Roman Museum also owns a beautiful garden with interesting sculptures.
The last but not least of the sight I am going to give you more information about is the Pompey’s Pillar.
This granite column reaches almost 30 meter in height and 9 meter wide. Is has always been an
important landmark for early travellers in Egypt. Column Pompey got the wrong name u crusaders he
was in fact erected by honor of Emperor Dicletianius.
There are delicious food in Alexandria different restaurant and eatery. Most people eat fish, tea,
sandwich kibda and you also have ice cream. I would also recommend the fresh mango juice.
You can eat all those food and drinks in Abou Ashra, An-Nezhami, Talaat, White and Blue Restaurant,
Balbaa Village and Sea Gull. There are a lot of restaurant you can go and eat in Alexandria but it is to
many to say.
The modern Alexandria
After the foundation of Cairo, Alexandria was slowly reduced to a large fishing village. In the 1900
Alexandria was again a big city with a multicultural character. Today Alexandria is approximately 4
million people. There is an important chemical industry and established several technology
My choice on the education after high school is ITE. I want to do it because it is an international
education. ITE is called full International Trade and entrepreneurship. I chose this course because I
would like to work in the company’s live and start my own business.
My hobbies are swimming, shopping, boat camping, jogging, shopping and volleyball. I like it because
I can take away my stress and from my childhood I have always loved sports.
Artikel 1
Had emergency plan ready for insurer Vivat ' finance '
The Ministry of finance prepared early last year when an emergency scenario for insurer Vivat
(formerly Reaal) threatened to fall. This writes NRC Handelsblad Saturday on the basis of those
The financial situation of Vivat was in January 2015 so dire that threatened liquidation for the
levensverzekeringstak, the newspaper said. The Ministry was therefore prepared for about 3 billion a
year to shoot for the benefits of Vivat to policyholders.
Beginning this year, the Chinese State Anbang the insurer about for the symbolic amount of 1 euro.
Condition was that it would invest 1.35 billion in capital to the buffers of (then) Real.
Two months later, Board Chairman Gerard van Olphen thrown out there by the Chinese because of a
conflict. The 55-year-old Ron then parachuted as the new Chairman of the Board of Oijenwerd and
ceo of Vivat. He will be in the coming time as chilly Remediator an impending reorganization.
Because shortly after the acquisition, the new owner announced that the next three years at least 900
people from the insurance company from Utrecht, the Netherlands. That 900 is the lower bound; the
number of new layoffs can also on 1200 come true, the insurer reported in February. That would mean
that more than a third of the employees on the street. At Vivat working now still about 3200 people.
'Financiën had noodplan klaar voor verzekeraar Vivat'
Het ministerie van Financiën bereidde begin vorig jaar een noodscenario voor toen verzekeraar Vivat
(voorheen Reaal) dreigde om te vallen. Dit schrijft NRC Handelsblad zaterdag op basis van
De financiële situatie van Vivat was in januari 2015 zo nijpend dat liquidatie dreigde voor de
levensverzekeringstak, aldus de krant. Het ministerie was daarom bereid voor zo'n 3 miljard euro per
jaar de uitkeringen van Vivat aan polishouders voor te schieten.
Begin dit jaar nam het Chinese Anbang de verzekeraar over van de Staat voor het symbolische
bedrag van 1 euro. Voorwaarde was dat het 1,35 miljard euro aan kapitaal zou investeren om de
buffers van (toen nog) Reaal te versterken.
Twee maanden later werd bestuursvoorzitter Gerard van Olphen er door de Chinezen wegens een
conflict uitgegooid. De 55-jarige Ron van Oijenwerd vervolgens geparachuteerd als de nieuwe
bestuursvoorzitter en topman van Vivat. Hij zal in de komende tijd als kille saneerder een op handen
zijnde reorganisatie moeten doorvoeren.
Want kort na de overname maakte de nieuwe eigenaar bekend dat de komende drie jaar er minstens
900 mensen uit moeten bij de verzekeraar uit Utrecht. Die 900 is de ondergrens; het aantal nieuwe
ontslagen kan ook op 1.200 uitkomen, meldde de verzekeraar in februari. Dat zou betekenen dat meer
dan eenderde van de medewerkers op straat komt te staan. Bij Vivat werken nu nog ongeveer 3.200
Article 2
End early retirement costs nearly four billion more than budgeted
The last Dutchman to using early retirement benefits early could stop working, this week really retired.
With it comes an end to early retirement after four decades.
That end was actually already planned in 2006, but there was a transitional arrangement for people
over 55. Who has the ambtenarenpensioen Fund ABP in the last ten years more than 15 billion euros.
This amount was almost completely paid for by younger officers and public employers.
The last vutuitkering stopped in late december 2015 on the 65th anniversary of the last departures
joined ex-official. By the increase of the retirement age had to the last vutters the first quarter of 2016
itself. Starting from 1 april they are officially retired.
Transitional arrangement
The Cabinet Balkenende II made an end to early retirement as of 2006. This scheme made it possible
that officials just as most employed persons on their 62nd could stop working. The transitional system
until this year ran, was highly controversial: it was the first time that so clearly was that young people
subsidised older colleagues. When it was still counted on a cost of 11.4 billion euro.
The FNV trade union movement, especially the first, got the full brunt. The appointments were for two
young officers, Mei Li Vos and Martin Peak aart, following the alternative for Trade Union, AVV,. Fox is
now a member of the House of representatives for the Dutch Labour Party, peak aart closes itself
collective agreements.
The settlement came as trade unions and employers the unreasonable found that older workers
should suddenly three years longer, until their 65th birthday. That was then still the retirement age.
The ABP spoke associations and employers that officials could still born to 1950 early retirement. The
benefit would start later-three months after the 62nd Birthday. The last benefit started so in March
2013 and ended in december last year.
Early retirement benefits ended on the 65th birthday. That means that the vutters eventually had to
bridge a few months itself because the AOW age now is increased. 65 in december last year the party
was, at the end of this month, AOW.
15.2 billion euro
Now the books are closed, the cost counter on 15.2 billion, nearly four billion more than was budgeted.
Officials carried via 7.5 billion euro at premiums to the plan, employers 6.7 billion. In addition, 1.2
billion in the vutfonds. The crossing is according to the pension fund ABP no setback but a calculating
issue: early retirement benefits that are already in 2004 and 2005 were entered, and in 2006 ran, are
now at the final bill also counted.
Civil servants born after 1950 which itself so no benefit from the scheme had carried 6.8 billion euros.
The ABP carried out the scheme on behalf of unions and employers. Also in other industries ' repaired
' trade unions and employers the abolition of early retirement with transitional arrangements for
workers born before 1950. The majority of these schemes ran thereby just like the ABP last year
because the vutuitkering on the 65th anniversary ended
Artikle 2
Einde vut kost bijna vier miljard meer dan begroot
De laatste Nederlander die met behulp van de vut-uitkering vervroegd kon stoppen met werken, gaat
deze week echt met pensioen. Daarmee komt na vier decennia een einde aan de vut.
Dat einde was eigenlijk al in 2006 gepland, maar er kwam een overgangsregeling voor 55-plussers.
Die heeft het ambtenarenpensioenfonds ABP in de afgelopen tien jaar ruim 15 miljard euro gekost. Dit
bedrag werd vrijwel helemaal opgebracht door jongere ambtenaren en overheidswerkgevers.
De laatste vutuitkering stopte eind december 2015 op de 65ste verjaardag van de laatste vervoegd
uitgetreden ex-ambtenaar. Door de verhoging van de pensioenleeftijd moesten de laatste vutters het
eerste kwartaal van 2016 zelf overbruggen. Vanaf 1 april zijn zij officieel met pensioen.
Het kabinet Balkenende II maakte per 2006 een eind aan de vut. Die regeling maakte het mogelijk dat
ambtenaren net zoals de meeste werkenden op hun 62ste konden stoppen met werken. De
overgangsregeling die tot dit jaar liep, was destijds zeer omstreden: Het was de eerste keer dat zo klip
en klaar was dat jongeren oudere collega's subsidieerden. Toen werd nog gerekend op een
kostenpost van 11,4 miljard euro.
Vooral de vakbeweging, de FNV voorop, kreeg de volle laag. De afspraken waren voor twee jonge
ambtenaren, Mei Li Vos en Martin Piekaart, aanleiding het Alternatief voor Vakbond, AVV, op te
richten. Vos is nu lid van de Tweede Kamer voor de PvdA, Piekaart sluit zelf cao's af.
De regeling kwam er omdat vakbonden en werkgevers het onredelijk vonden dat oudere werknemers
plots drie jaar langer zouden moeten doorwerken, tot hun 65ste verjaardag. Dat was toen nog de
Bij het ABP spraken bonden en werkgevers af dat ambtenaren geboren tot 1950 toch nog met vut
zouden kunnen. De uitkering zou later beginnen - drie maanden na de 62ste verjaardag. De laatste
uitkering startte dus in maart 2013 en eindigde in december vorig jaar.
De vut-uitkeringen eindigden op de 65ste verjaardag. Dat betekent dat de vutters uiteindelijk enkele
maanden zelf moesten overbruggen omdat de AOW-leeftijd inmiddels is verhoogd. Degeen die in
december vorig jaar 65 werd, krijgt eind deze maand AOW.
15,2 miljard euro
Nu de boeken gesloten worden, staat de kostenteller op 15,2 miljard euro, bijna vier miljard meer dan
destijds begroot. Ambtenaren droegen via premies 7,5 miljard euro bij aan de regeling, werkgevers 6,7
miljard. Daarnaast werd 1,2 miljard gebruikt die in het vutfonds zat. De overschrijding is volgens het
pensioenfonds ABP geen tegenvaller maar een rekenkwestie: vut-uitkeringen die al in 2004 en 2005
waren ingegaan, en in 2006 al liepen, zijn nu bij de eindafrekening ook meegeteld.
Ambtenaren geboren na 1950 die zelf dus geen profijt van de regeling hadden droegen 6,8 miljard
euro af. Het ABP voerde de regeling uit in opdracht van bonden en werkgevers. Ook in andere
bedrijfstakken 'repareerden' vakbeweging en werkgevers het afschaffen van de vut met
overgangsregelingen voor werknemers geboren voor 1950. Het gros van deze regelingen liep
daardoor net als bij het ABP vorig jaar af omdat de vutuitkering op de 65ste verjaardag eindigde.
Artikel 3
Spotify lends $ 1 billion against foreign values
Spotify has $ 1 billion collected from u.s. investors. Never before lent the Swedish music service so
much money during a round of financing. With the money the company wants to ever stronger
competitors, such as Apple Music, the German press agency DPA reports for remain.
"It's an unusual deal ', says analyst Jos Versteeg of Theodoor Gilissen. The loss-making Spotify now
runs the risk that the debt financiers take over the lead in the long term if it fails to make a profit. The
"strict conditions" of the investors illustrate according to David Tomic of the Association ' the fierce
competition between the streaming services '.
Investment companies and investment bank Goldman Sachs have Dragoneer TPG and according to
insiders, cited in The Wall Street Journal, their enforced loans at an IPO with a discount of 20 percent
exchange for shares. Each half that Spotify wait, will incur an additional discount of 2.5% on the first
half of the year. in addition, the investors receive 5 percent interest on their so-called COCK-loan. This
income is not paid, but added to the loan. Interest rates rise one percentage point to Spotify every six
months with the move to the stock market or to the interest doubled.
Quickly to the fair
As if that were not enough, Spotify gives the investors the right to their future stock 90 days after the
initial public offering to sell. Other shareholders, including Spotify's employees, may their shares only
after 180 days. ' They force Spotify with soft hand to quickly move to the stock market to go ', says
Tomic. ' While tech companies that because of the uncertain climate right. '
The loan seems to be pretty good for the investors. ' But we must not forget that Spotify losses despite
a turnover of 1 billion. It is risky to such a company to borrow money, ' says Versteeg.
What makes the investment extra risky, is that Apple in the battle for the online-listener has paid up.
The American computer giant launched in June last year the Apple Music streaming service and now
has all 11 million paying users. Spotify had more than six years to its current 30 million subscribers.
Spotify leent 1 miljard dollar tegen vreemde voorwaarden
Spotify heeft 1 miljard dollar opgehaald bij Amerikaanse beleggers. Nooit eerder leende de Zweedse
muziekdienst zoveel geld tijdens een financieringsronde. Met het geld wil het bedrijf steeds sterkere
concurrenten, zoals Apple Music, voor blijven, meldt het Duitse persbureau DPA.
'Het is een ongebruikelijke deal', zegt analist Jos Versteeg van Theodoor Gilissen. Het verlieslijdende
Spotify loopt nu het risico dat de schuldfinanciers op termijn de leiding overnemen als het niet lukt om
winst te maken. De 'strikte voorwaarden' van de investeerders illustreren volgens David Tomic van de
Vereniging van Effectenbezitters 'de moordende concurrentie tussen de streamingdiensten'.
Investeringsmaatschappijen TPG en Dragoneer en investeringsbank Goldman Sachs hebben volgens
ingewijden, aangehaald in The Wall Street Journal, afgedwongen dat ze hun leningen bij een
beursgang met een korting van 20 procent kunnen omruilen voor aandelen. Elk halfjaar dat Spotify
wacht, levert een extra korting van 2,5 procent op. Daarnaast ontvangen de investeerders het eerste
halfjaar 5 procent rente over hun zogenoemde PIK-lening. Deze rente wordt niet uitbetaald, maar bij
de lening opgeteld. De rente stijgt elke zes maanden met één procentpunt tot Spotify de stap naar de
beurs maakt of tot de rente verdubbeld is.
Snel naar de beurs
Alsof dat nog niet genoeg is, geeft Spotify de investeerders ook het recht om hun toekomstige
aandelen 90 dagen na de beursgang te verkopen. Andere aandeelhouders, waaronder Spotify's
werknemers, mogen hun aandelen pas na 180 dagen van de hand doen. 'Ze dwingen Spotify met
zachte hand om snel naar de beurs te gaan', zegt Tomic. 'Terwijl tech-bedrijven dat vanwege het
onzekere klimaat juist uitstellen.'
De lening lijkt behoorlijk gunstig voor de investeerders. 'Maar we moeten niet vergeten dat Spotify
verlies lijdt ondanks een omzet van 1 miljard. Het is risicovol om aan zo'n bedrijf geld te lenen', zegt
Wat de investering extra riskant maakt, is dat Apple zich in de strijd om de online-luisteraar heeft
gestort. De Amerikaanse computergigant lanceerde vorig jaar juni de streamingdienst Apple Music en
heeft nu al 11 miljoen betalende gebruikers. Spotify had ruim zes jaar nodig om zijn huidige 30 miljoen
abonnees krijgen.
In vergelijking met Spotify heeft Apple een veel dikkere portemonnee waarmee het artiesten exclusief
aan zich kan binden. Dat gebeurde al met albums van rapper Dr. Dre, popster Taylor Swift en de
Nederlandse artiest Jett Rebel.
Voorlopig houdt Spotify nog stand. De Zweedse muziekdienst werd in juni nog op 8,5 miljard dollar
geschat en heeft volgens The Wall Street Journal nog ongeveer 600 miljoen dollar op de bank staan.
'Maar als Apple de eigen muziekdienst flink gaat promoten, kunnen ze Spotify zo uit de markt tikken',
denkt analist Versteeg.
Article 4
Fusion State Lottery and Lotto is around
The merger of the State Lottery and Lotto is finally around. Thursday morning the signatures put under
the agreement for the merger. The new name of the company is published through a national
campaign from next summer.
In the Dutch Lottery market remain after the merger two large organizations. The first is the new
combination State Lottery-Lotto. These include the State Lottery, the Lotto, Euro Millions game, the
jackpot, Lucky Day, Toto and scratch cards. The second organization is the Lottery good causes,
including the postal code Lottery and lottery Friends. Both organizations after the merger, about half of
the market.
The plans still need to be further developed. What is known is that the new company headed by Frans
van Steenis, that are still at the helm at the State Lottery. Claire Lara, still financially responsible for
the Lotto, will also be active in that capacity at the merged company. The marks State Lottery and
Lotto continue to exist.
As early as the beginning of 2014 reported the Dutch state lottery to be looking for partners and new
forms of gambling to cope with competition on the internet. With the merger the organization hopes to
be ready for the opening of the online market in mid-2017.
Supervisor Consumer Authority & Market (ACM) went last year after in-depth research agree to the
amalgamation. The Cabinet also favour the plans, while the second Room also agreed.
From NOC * NSF is with optimism responded to the final go ahead of the merger. ' Good for the sport
and good causes ', tweeted General Manager Gerard Dee of the Sports Dome, which is relying heavily
on revenue from the Lotto.
The goal of the merged company in the medium term is to flow more money to good causes and
sports. Participants should also benefit. ' Win-win ', stressed a spokesperson. The exact ' mash '
according to him must still figure to be worked out.
Fusie Staatsloterij en De Lotto is rond
De fusie tussen de Staatsloterij en De Lotto is definitief rond. Donderdagochtend zijn de
handtekeningen gezet onder de overeenkomst voor het samengaan. De nieuwe naam van de
onderneming wordt vanaf komende zomer via een landelijke campagne bekendgemaakt.
In de Nederlandse loterijmarkt blijven na de fusie twee grote organisaties over. De eerste is de nieuwe
combinatie Staatsloterij-De Lotto. Daartoe behoren de Staatsloterij, het Miljoenenspel, de Lotto,
Eurojackpot, Lucky Day, Toto en Krasloten. De tweede organisatie is de Goede Doelenloterij, met
onder meer de Postcodeloterij en de Vriendenloterij. Beide organisaties hebben na de fusie ongeveer
de helft van de markt in handen.
De plannen moeten nog verder worden uitgewerkt. Wel is bekend dat de nieuwe onderneming onder
leiding komt van Frans van Steenis, die nu nog aan het roer staat bij de Staatsloterij. Claire Lurvink,
nu nog financieel eindverantwoordelijke voor De Lotto, zal in die hoedanigheid ook actief zijn bij het
fusiebedrijf. De merken Staatsloterij en De Lotto blijven naast elkaar bestaan.
Al begin 2014 meldde de Nederlandse Staatsloterij op zoek te zijn naar partners en nieuwe vormen
van kansspelen om het hoofd te kunnen bieden aan de concurrentie op internet. Met de fusie hoopt de
organisatie klaar te zijn voor de opening van de onlinemarkt medio 2017.
Toezichthouder Autoriteit Consument & Markt (ACM) ging vorig jaar na diepgravend onderzoek
akkoord met de samensmelting. Ook het kabinet schaarde zich achter de plannen, terwijl de Tweede
Kamer eveneens akkoord ging.
Vanuit sportkoepel NOC*NSF is met optimisme gereageerd op het definitief doorgaan van de fusie.
'Goed voor de sport en goede doelen', twitterde algemeen directeur Gerard Dielessen van de
sportkoepel, die sterk leunt op inkomsten uit De Lotto.
Het doel van het fusiebedrijf is op de middellange termijn meer geld te laten doorstromen naar goede
doelen en sport. Ook moeten deelnemers er beter van worden. 'Alleen maar winnaars', benadrukte
een zegsman. De exacte 'cijferbrij' moet volgens hem nog wel worden uitgewerkt.
Artikel 5
Border mortgage guarantee remains at 245 thousand euros.
Cut deleted after recovery housing market.
The limit for the national mortgage guarantee (NHG) also continues the rest of this year standing at
245 thousand euros. A planned reduction to 225 thousand euro per 1 July has been cancelled, so has
Minister Block of living decided. Reason for this is the recovery of the market for house sale, which
translates into an increase in average purchase price.
That the reduction of the NHG-border does not continue, is good news for people who do not have
high incomes and who want to buy a house in a responsible way, Director Arjen Gielen of the
guarantee fund to own homes, executor of the NHG. ' A private home should remain accessible for as
many people as possible. '
A mortgage with State guarantee offers home buyers a safety net in the event of payment problems,
for example due to incapacity, a divorce or the loss of a partner. Also lenders get more security, an
advantage that they return to the consumer by a lower interest rate (about a half percent) to handle for
mortgages with national mortgage guarantee.
Until 2009 the NHG-border based on the average purchase price plus additional costs. In response to
the credit crisis was unleashed that link: the fourth Balkenende Cabinet increased the NHG-border as
a crisis measure on 1 July 2009 of 265 to 350 thousand euros. Starting from July 1, 2012 is the ceiling
gradually reduced to the current 245 thousand euros. The planned final step to 225 thousand void
Taking into account 6 percent to additional costs for the purchase of a House for sale, this means that
in very 2016 houses with a purchase price of up to euro 231,132 qualify for a national mortgage
guarantee (13868 euro 231,132 euro plus 6 percent, in other words, is 245 thousand euros).
Starting from 1 January 2017, the link between the NHG-border and the average purchase price back,
such as those to 2009 gold. The deletion of the proposed reduction to 225 thousand euro per 1 July
could probably avoid the NHG-border like a yo-yo temporarily in the second half of this year tens of
thousands of euros under the average purchase price drops and then again from 1 January 2017 to
make a jump up to the average price level of House sale.
In February of this year was the average purchase price according to the land registry 234,830 euro.
That's been 3700 euro above the maximum purchase price of 231,132 euro to the current NHG-limit of
245 thousand euros is possible.
Grens hypotheekgarantie blijft op 245 duizend euro
Verlaging geschrapt na herstel woningmarkt
De grens voor de Nationale Hypotheekgarantie (NHG) blijft ook de rest van dit jaar staan op 245
duizend euro. Een geplande verlaging naar 225 duizend euro per 1 juli gaat niet door, zo heeft
minister Blok van Wonen besloten. Reden hiervoor is het herstel van de markt voor koopwoningen,
dat zich vertaalt in een stijging van de gemiddelde aankoopprijs.
Dat de verlaging van de NHG-grens niet doorgaat, is goed nieuws voor mensen die geen hoog
inkomen hebben en die op een verantwoorde manier een huis willen kopen, reageert directeur Arjen
Gielen van het Waarborgfonds Eigen Woningen, uitvoerder van de NHG. 'Een eigen huis moet
bereikbaar blijven voor zo veel mogelijk mensen.'
Een hypotheek met overheidsgarantie biedt huizenkopers een vangnet voor het geval er
betalingsproblemen ontstaan, bijvoorbeeld als gevolg van arbeidsongeschiktheid, een scheiding of het
verlies van een partner. Ook geldverstrekkers krijgen meer zekerheid, een voordeel dat ze aan de
consument teruggeven door een lagere rente (circa een half procent) te hanteren voor hypotheken
met Nationale Hypotheekgarantie.
Tot 2009 was de NHG-grens gebaseerd op de gemiddelde koopsom plus bijkomende kosten. Als
antwoord op de kredietcrisis werd die koppeling losgelaten: het kabinet-Balkenende IV verhoogde de
NHG-grens als crisismaatregel op 1 juli 2009 van 265 duizend naar 350 duizend euro. Vanaf 1 juli
2012 is het plafond stapsgewijs verlaagd tot de huidige 245 duizend euro. De geplande laatste stap
naar 225 duizend vervalt nu.
Rekening houdend met 6 procent aan bijkomende kosten voor de aanschaf van een koopwoning
betekent dit dat in heel 2016 huizen met een aankoopsom van maximaal 231.132 euro in aanmerking
komen voor een Nationale Hypotheekgarantie (231.132 euro plus 6 procent, oftewel 13.868 euro, is
245 duizend euro).
Vanaf 1 januari 2017 keert de koppeling tussen de NHG-grens en de gemiddelde aankoopprijs terug,
zoals die tot 2009 gold. Het schrappen van de beoogde verlaging naar 225 duizend euro per 1 juli kan
wellicht voorkomen dat de NHG-grens als een jojo in de tweede helft van dit jaar tijdelijk tienduizenden
euro's onder de gemiddelde koopsom zakt om vervolgens per 1 januari 2017 weer een sprong
omhoog te maken naar het gemiddelde prijsniveau van koopwoningen.
In februari van dit jaar was de gemiddelde koopsom volgens het kadaster 234.830 euro. Dat is al
3.700 euro boven de maximale aanschafprijs van 231.132 euro die bij de huidige NHG-grens van 245
duizend euro mogelijk is.
An estimated 1.3 million British workers got a pay hike on Friday as the U.K. introduced a higher
minimum wage.
The minimum salary for workers over the age of 25 rose to £7.20 ($10.30) an hour from £6.70 ($9.30).
The government's plan is to increase the national minimum wage to £9 ($12.87) per hour by 2020.
Supporters of the higher minimum wage say it will boost spending and give a lift to the economy.
George Osborne, the U.K. Chancellor of the Exchequer, said that Britain "deserved a pay rise."
The government said that by 2020, as many as 6 million people in Britain could see a pay increase
because of a ripple effect that will work its way up the wage ladder.
Workers between the ages of 21 to 24 are still entitled to £6.70 ($9.30) per hour. Younger people earn
less, depending on their age.
Related: California is first state to approve $15 minimum wage
Opponents say the pay hike could hurt jobs, as businesses may struggle to cope with higher labor
"Some will have to divert money from training and investment to increase pay, which could hurt their
productivity. Others may stop hiring altogether," said Adam Marshall, the acting director of the British
Chamber of Commerce.
The Office for Budget responsibility, an independent body which advises British government, said up
to 60,000 jobs in low-paid industries could be lost because of the higher minimum wage.
The British Retail Consortium said the U.K. retail industry could lose as many as 900,000 jobs, or
almost a third of its workers, by 2025 because of the higher minimum wages and technological