Entrepreneurship Seatwork: Interview & Journey Map

Saint Mary’s University
Bayombong, Nueva Vizcaya
Seatwork No 1.
Name: _______________________
Course and Year: _______________
Date: _________________________
Interview one entrepreneur nearby (ie. sari-sari stores, grocery stores etc.). Find out about their reasons for
going into business, how they prepared or started, what were their challenges and learnings from success and
failures. Use the 12 Ms to probe deeper. Share your findings.
Note: Include the background of the store owner.
12 Ms Entrepreneurship Journey Map of Jacqe Gutierrez of Happy Skin Cosmetics (Sample)
Types of Quotient
Intelligence quotient
12 Ms
Creativity quotient
Case examples
Created a P&L for the business when setting up to know
how much initial capital would be needed and raised from
each partner
Happy Skin is a multi-channel marketing company available
online and in retail stores
Erickson Fanilas of Plains and Prints mentored during
transition in becoming an entrepreneur. Entrepreneur
friends tapped for advice and mentorship
Innovation from product to channel, will be the growth
platform of Happy Skin in awareness creation. Happy Skin
distribution includes placement in Plains and Prints, a
leading fashion retail brand which caters to the same
audience, since fashion and beauty have often crossed
paths and some of the biggest makeup brands are actually
big names in fashion as well Created collaboration with
Disney and Sanrio for credibility and excitement
Happy Skin understood that less than a quarter of Filipinos
use any cosmetic product versus 43% in China and 85% in
Korea, evidence of a large underserved market despite the
existence of many brands. Of the users, over half only use
a lipstick and baby powder on their face.
Filipinas are scared of using any makeup product in fear
that it might ruin their skin.
Happy Skin is uniquely positioned to be a skin-caring
makeup (“the make up that cares for your skin”), it is a
fusion of skincare and makeup where consumers don’t
have to compromise.
Happy Skin intends to satisfy the consumers’ skincare
needs and emphasize their skin-loving ingredients so that
their concerns are addressed and they can start enjoying
the power of makeup. For instance, lippies that moisturize
or Zit Zapper cream for acne prone sensitive skin.
Happy Skin aims to differentiate itself versus local brands
by highlighting quality skin-caring ingredients in the
makeup category as most local brands are low priced and
lower quality. Happy Skin prides itself with being at par
with global brands in terms of quality but with friendlier
price points.
Emotional quotient
Management Skills
Adversity quotient
Daily updates and meetings and monthly business reviews
from core department heads (marketing, sales/operations,
supply chain, product development) tasked to execute
Used observation, store checks, conversation with
consumers, research data and social listening to
understand the consumers
Choose partners based on the integral role each one will
play in heling run the business
Moving Forward
Outsourced functions such as government processes in
importation and business permits in order to focus on core
competencies and not be affected with bureaucracy
The goal of Happy Skin is to be one of the most respected
cosmetic brands in the world. Happy skin wants to
transform the mentality and make consumers believe that
Filipinos can created global brands and be globally
Understanding nuts and bolts of the business learning from
industry contacts, suppliers, operations, researches and