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West African Kingdoms Assessment: Ghana, Mali, Songhai

3.01 West African Kingdoms Assessment
In this lesson, you learned about the key economic, political, and cultural characteristics of the
empires of Ghana, Mali, and Songhai. You have also learned what led to the downfall of those
empires. Use this knowledge to create a museum exhibit on each of these three major West African
Reminder: Be careful that you write about the medieval kingdom and NOT the modernday country of the same name!)
Step 1: Complete Chart
(if you prefer, you can make a PowerPoint or Google Slide instead)
West African Kingdom
Artifact and Explanation
Ghana (insert artifact below)
Replace this text with an explanation of the feature or
event you chose (explain what the feature was and why it
was so significant. This could be a new religion, a new
source of economic wealth, or the fall of a dynasty in
political power)
Mali (insert artifact below)
Replace this text with an explanation of the feature or
event you chose (explain what the feature was and why it
was so significant. This could be a new religion, a new
source of economic wealth, or the fall of a dynasty in
political power)
Songhai (insert artifact below)
Replace this text with an explanation of the feature or
event you chose (explain what the feature was and why it
was so significant. This could be a new religion, a new
source of economic wealth, or the fall of a dynasty in
political power)