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Uniformance Process Studio User Guide R300

Process Studio
User Guide
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© Honeywell International Inc. 2010. All Rights Reserved.
While this information is presented in good faith and believed to be accurate, Honeywell disclaims
the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose and makes no
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In no event is Honeywell liable to anyone for any indirect, special or consequential damages. The
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Honeywell, Experion, PlantScape, TotalPlant, Uniformance PHD, and Business FLEX are U.S.
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Other brand or product names are trademarks of their respective owners.
Release Information
Uniformance Process Studio Release: 300
Document Revision: 4
Document Revision Date: August 2010
Document ID: pim5001
Document Revisions:
Added an index.
Provided definition of 'Enable performance optimization' property that is available in
Desktop Configuration >Application Defaults.
Clarified that enabling the Marker styles degrades Trend performance.
Clarified the definition of Graphic Window.
Clarified the definition of RAW method.
Clarified that the licensed installation option "Honeywell Graphics Components"
installs the HMIWeb graphics runtime and builder.
Added instructions for importing legacy Process Trend .plt files into UPS.
Revised the document for R300; fixed PARs#1-780DXP, 1-8CYV2F, 1-GIZL6S and 1FHY96P.
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ii • Uniformance Process Studio User Guide
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Uniformance Process Studio User Guide • iii
Support and Other Contacts
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iv • Uniformance Process Studio User Guide
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Uniformance Process Studio User Guide • v
Support and Other Contacts
vi • Uniformance Process Studio User Guide
Symbol Definitions
Symbol Definitions
The following table lists those symbols used in this document to denote certain conditions.
ATTENTION: Identifies information that requires special
TIP: Identifies advice or hints for the user, often in terms of
performing a task.
REFERENCE -EXTERNAL: Identifies an additional source of
information outside of the bookset.
REFERENCE - INTERNAL: Identifies an additional source of
information within the bookset.
Indicates a situation which, if not avoided, may result in equipment
or work (data) on the system being damaged or lost, or may result in
the inability to properly operate the process.
CAUTION: Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not
avoided, may result in minor or moderate injury. It may also be used
to alert against unsafe practices.
CAUTION symbol on the equipment refers the user to the product
manual for additional information. The symbol appears next to
required information in the manual.
WARNING: Indicates a potentially hazardous situation, which, if not
avoided, could result in serious injury or death.
WARNING symbol on the equipment refers the user to the product
manual for additional information. The symbol appears next to
required information in the manual.
Uniformance Process Studio User Guide • vii
Symbol Definitions
viii • Uniformance Process Studio User Guide
Introduction to Uniformance Process Studio................................................. 17
Overview................................................................................................. 17
Acronyms and definitions ....................................................................... 17
Components of UPS............................................................................... 18
Uniformance Process Studio Licensing Overview.................................. 20
Getting Started with Uniformance Process Studio ........................................ 23
Opening Uniformance Process Studio ................................................... 23
Describing the UPS main window .......................................................... 23
Changing the UPS License Level........................................................... 24
Launching UPS in Advanced or Developer mode ............................... 24
Changing your License Level from within UPS.................................... 24
Working with the Browser....................................................................... 25
Overview of the Browser...................................................................... 25
Connect to a data source..................................................................... 25
Organizing items into customized folders............................................... 27
Opening a window to display process data ............................................ 27
Working with the time control ................................................................. 29
Overview of the time control ................................................................ 29
What is Current time? .......................................................................... 29
Data Refresh and Time Control ........................................................... 30
Synchronize all windows with Common Times settings ...................... 32
Displaying data in Uniformance Process Studio .................................... 33
Configuring Uniformance Process Studio ...................................................... 35
Overview of UPS Configuration.............................................................. 35
Local configuration............................................................................... 35
Shared configuration............................................................................ 35
Managing UPS Configuration Options................................................. 36
Configuring data sources........................................................................ 38
Uniformance Process Studio User Guide • ix
Guidelines for configuring access to PHD through the remote API ........ 44
Creating a custom time period ................................................................ 45
Changing the application defaults........................................................... 45
Enable performance optimization......................................................... 46
Creating and Loading a Shared Configuration........................................ 51
Create custom colors .............................................................................. 62
To create custom colors ....................................................................... 62
Changing the printer................................................................................ 64
Configuring the Browser ................................................................................... 65
Configuring a browse limit....................................................................... 65
Browsing for tags .................................................................................... 65
Description of the browse structure for a PHD server.......................... 65
Applying filters and search criteria ....................................................... 66
Creating and managing workspaces ............................................................... 69
Introduction to workspaces ..................................................................... 69
Creating workspaces............................................................................... 72
Managing workspace contents ............................................................... 77
Describing the workspace commands.................................................. 77
Rearranging the workspace tree structure ........................................... 81
Displaying workspace content.............................................................. 82
Sending context through e-mail............................................................ 82
Sending workspaces through e-mail .................................................... 83
Sharing a workspace with another user ............................................... 83
Adding content to workspaces ............................................................. 86
Managing Windows in Uniformance Process Studio ..................................... 95
Maximizing the viewing area ................................................................... 95
Creating and modifying tab groups ......................................................... 96
Drag or drop an item to a UPS tab .....................................................100
Drag/Drop between graphics and other UPS applications................. 102
Repositioning the Browser and Navigation windows ............................ 103
Saving and Loading Desktop Views ..................................................... 105
Closing all Windows ..............................................................................106
x • Uniformance Process Studio User Guide
Operating the Time Control ............................................................................ 107
Time Control fields and buttons............................................................ 107
Common Times status.......................................................................... 111
Viewing/adjusting the time control properties....................................... 112
Relative time syntax ............................................................................. 115
Displaying Data in a Trend ............................................................................. 117
Choosing a Trend format...................................................................... 118
Single Y Axis format........................................................................... 118
Strip Chart format............................................................................... 118
Multiple Y Axis (default) format .......................................................... 119
XY format ........................................................................................... 120
Histogram format................................................................................ 121
SPC format......................................................................................... 121
Interpreting the histogram..................................................................... 122
Histogram algorithm........................................................................... 122
Creating a Trend................................................................................... 124
Add items ........................................................................................... 124
Edit an item ........................................................................................ 125
Delete an item .................................................................................... 125
Save a trend for reuse ....................................................................... 125
Using direct entry to add items ............................................................. 126
Working with time ranges ..................................................................... 129
Save a time range for reuse............................................................... 129
Reuse a saved time range ................................................................. 129
Trend different time ranges in the same window ............................... 129
Viewing trend data value at hairline cursor position ............................. 130
Overview of hairline cursors............................................................... 130
View data value at a specific time/date.............................................. 131
View data value at two different times ............................................... 132
View statistics (min, max, mean, and SD) at hairline position ........... 134
Using the zoom..................................................................................... 135
Adding annotations............................................................................... 136
Changing the visual properties of a Trend ........................................... 136
Show/hide the properties table .......................................................... 136
Show X axis on top or bottom ............................................................ 137
Change the style of a trace line ......................................................... 137
Uniformance Process Studio User Guide • xi
Change the style of marker for indication of data points .................... 137
Change the color of a trace line ......................................................... 138
Show Step instead of linear trace line ................................................ 138
Display a title/edit title/rename a trend ............................................... 138
Modify the Trend display style ............................................................139
Export trend to Excel Companion....................................................... 140
Export trend to Image ......................................................................... 140
Viewing and changing the scale of a Trend .......................................... 141
View the scale of a trace ....................................................................141
Change the scale................................................................................ 141
Lock the range of the Y axis (Lock Scale).......................................... 141
Description of data retrieval properties 'Frequency' and 'Method' ........ 142
Displaying Data in a Multi-Trend .................................................................... 145
Overview of MultiTrend features ........................................................... 145
Creating a MultiTrend............................................................................ 146
Save all MultiTrend charts or a single chart for reuse........................ 149
View the MultiTrend properties...........................................................149
View a MultiTrend chart in a Trend window ....................................... 149
Display hairline cursors in a MultiTrend ............................................. 149
Show/edit title/Rename MultiTrend .................................................... 149
Displaying data in a Multi X Trend ................................................................. 151
Overview of Multi X Trend..................................................................... 151
Creating a Multi X Trend .......................................................................151
Add time ranges to the trace .............................................................. 152
Displaying Data in a Table...............................................................................155
Overview of Table features ................................................................... 155
Creating a table..................................................................................... 156
Changing the Table type .......................................................................156
Saving a table to a workspace ..............................................................158
Filtering table data................................................................................. 158
Delete a condition from a custom filter ............................................... 159
Performing manual input/edit of data in a table .................................... 160
Delete a data point ............................................................................. 162
xii • Uniformance Process Studio User Guide
Rename a table.................................................................................. 163
Export table data ................................................................................ 163
Export table to Excel Companion....................................................... 164
View item configuration in a table ...................................................... 164
Displaying Data in a Graphic/Web Browser.................................................. 165
Overview of Graphic features ............................................................... 165
Displaying an existing web page, HTML document, or HMIWeb graphic167
Navigating between graphics ............................................................... 170
Creating an HMIWeb graphic ............................................................... 170
Editing an existing HMIWeb graphic .................................................... 171
Creating a graphic based on an existing graphic ................................. 172
Adding a Graphic/Web Browser to a workspace.................................. 174
Importing an existing Workcenter or Experion PKS graphic ................ 174
Printing a graphic.................................................................................. 174
Drag/Drop between graphics and other Uniformance Process Studio
applications........................................................................................... 175
Opening Uniformance Process Studio graphics in Workcenter ........... 177
Working with the graphic time control................................................... 177
Displaying data in Analysis Plots .................................................................. 179
Overview of Analysis Plots ................................................................... 179
Choosing an Analysis Plot type ............................................................ 179
Matrix plot........................................................................................... 179
Parallel plot ........................................................................................ 182
3D plot................................................................................................ 184
Correlation plot................................................................................... 185
Scatter plot ......................................................................................... 188
Combined plot .................................................................................... 189
Interactivity in a combined plot........................................................... 190
Creating an Analysis Plot ..................................................................... 192
Working with Analysis Plots.................................................................. 193
Add items ........................................................................................... 193
Remove an item ................................................................................. 194
Export an Analysis Plot to an image .................................................. 194
Uniformance Process Studio User Guide • xiii
Working with selections......................................................................... 195
Union and intersection of selections................................................... 195
Removing selected points .....................................................................196
Outliers and irrelevant points.............................................................. 196
Working with limits ................................................................................197
Change limits of variables or tags ......................................................197
Applying color gradient.......................................................................... 198
Identify old and new data points.........................................................198
UPS tools ..........................................................................................................201
Overview of UPS tools ..........................................................................201
Overview of the Display Migration Tool.............................................. 201
Overview of Process Trend Migrator.................................................. 201
Migrating Process Trend files ............................................................. 201
View the migrated Process Trend files............................................... 206
Migrated properties............................................................................. 207
Limitations of Process Trend migration .............................................. 208
Troubleshooting and maintaining Uniformance Process Studio................ 209
Viewing logs ..........................................................................................209
Re-initializing, removing, or editing invalid items .................................. 211
xiv • Uniformance Process Studio User Guide
Table of Figures
Figure 1 – Uniformance Process Studio main window.................................................. 24
Figure 2 – License Levels.............................................................................................. 25
Figure 3 – Time Control user interface .......................................................................... 29
Figure 4 – Selecting Shared Configuration.................................................................... 61
Figure 5 – Example of a navigation pane ...................................................................... 69
Figure 6 – Read-only workspace................................................................................... 70
Figure 7 – Example of a workspace tree structure........................................................ 72
Figure 8 – View options ................................................................................................. 74
Figure 9 – Explorer view ................................................................................................ 75
Figure 10 – Workspace options..................................................................................... 75
Figure 11 – Breadcrumbed view.................................................................................... 76
Figure 12 – Folder Drag/Drop example ......................................................................... 82
Figure 13 – Sending a context through e-mail .............................................................. 83
Figure 14 – Sending workspaces through e-mail .......................................................... 83
Figure 15 – Tab Group examples.................................................................................. 96
Figure 16 – Repositioning the Browser and navigation windows ................................ 104
Figure 17 – Time Control Properties dialog box.......................................................... 112
Figure 18 - Types of Trend charts ............................................................................... 117
Figure 19 – Single Y Axis Trend.................................................................................. 118
Figure 20 – Strip Chart Trend...................................................................................... 118
Figure 21 – Multiple Y Axis Trend ............................................................................... 119
Figure 22 – XY Trend .................................................................................................. 120
Figure 23 - Histogram Trend ....................................................................................... 121
Figure 24 – SPC Trend................................................................................................ 122
Figure 25 – Chart Style................................................................................................ 139
Figure 26 - MultiTrend ................................................................................................. 145
Figure 27 – Multiple X Axis Trend ............................................................................... 151
Figure 28 – Table Example ......................................................................................... 155
Figure 29 – Manual Input/Edit ..................................................................................... 162
Figure 30 – Graphic Window Example ........................................................................ 166
Figure 31 - Matrix plot.................................................................................................. 180
Figure 32 - Clusters and outliers ................................................................................. 181
Figure 33 – Selection in matrix plot ............................................................................. 182
Figure 34 - Parallel plot................................................................................................ 183
Figure 35 - 3D plot ....................................................................................................... 185
Figure 36 - Correlation plot.......................................................................................... 186
Figure 37 - Correlation plot color gradient ................................................................... 187
Figure 38 - Scatter plot ................................................................................................ 189
Figure 39 - Combined plot ........................................................................................... 190
Figure 40 - Data set with color gradient applied.......................................................... 191
Uniformance Process Studio User Guide • xv
Figure 41 - Interactivity in a combined plot ..................................................................191
Figure 42 - Filter feature...............................................................................................192
Figure 43 - Working with selections .............................................................................196
Figure 44 - Modifying limits ..........................................................................................197
Figure 45 - Data age color gradient .............................................................................198
Table of Tables
Table 1 – Acronyms and definitions ...............................................................................17
Table 2 – Keywords and descriptions ............................................................................18
Table 3 - License Levels and Features..........................................................................20
Table 4 – Definitions of data source configuration fields ...............................................39
Table 5 – Definitions of the Application Defaults configuration fields ............................47
Table 6 – Folder name and description .........................................................................65
Table 7 – Commands used for managing workspaces..................................................77
Table 8 – Context menu options for workspace items ...................................................80
Table 9 – Steps to add items to a workspace ................................................................86
Table 10 – Description of Time Control fields and buttons ..........................................107
Table 11 – Description of Time Control Properties ......................................................113
Table 12 – Description of values..................................................................................123
Table 13 – Description of Item Details .........................................................................127
Table 14 – Definition of Frequency and Method ..........................................................142
Table 15 – Item description..........................................................................................148
Table 16 – Graphic Drag/Drop Zones ..........................................................................175
xvi • Uniformance Process Studio User Guide
1. Introduction to Uniformance Process Studio
Understanding plant performance is critical to maximizing business results and
improving safety, reliability, and efficiency of the functioning units.
Uniformance Process Studio is Honeywell’s PHD (Process History Database) desktop
designed for use with PHD and other plant historians. UPS provides a set of trending,
graphic and analytical tools to assist engineers when investigating process upsets,
monitoring performance, optimizing, and making decisions.
Acronyms and definitions
Table 1 – Acronyms and definitions
Decision Support Suite
Human Machine Interface
Process History Database
Software Change Notice
Technical Assistance Center
Uniformance Process Studio
Windows Communication Foundation
eXtensible Markup Language
The following table provides a description of the OPC-related keywords used for
configuring a data source in UPS.
Uniformance Process Studio User Guide • 17
1 Introduction to Uniformance Process Studio
1.3 Components of UPS
Table 2 – Keywords and descriptions
OLE for Process Control.
OPC is a published industrial standard for system
interconnectivity. The OPC Foundation maintains all the OPC
Specifications. OPC standardizes the communication of process
control data.
Historical Data Access.
OPC Historical Data Access, or OPC HDA, is used for retrieving
and analyzing historical process data, which is typically stored in
a Process Data Archiver or database. This standardizes the
exchange of archived data.
Program ID
An OPC Server consists of a fixed ProgID. This ProgID is used
for connecting to the server through the Microsoft COM
technology. It is not possible to assign more than one server to a
single ProgID.
Components of UPS
The following components are included in the standard R300 Uniformance Process
Studio installation package.
Uniformance Process Studio applications.
Trend (replacement for the legacy Uniformance Desktop Process Trend)
Multi X Trend
Analysis Plots
18 • Uniformance Process Studio User Guide
1 Introduction to Uniformance Process Studio
1.3 Components of UPS
Tag Browser
Uniformance Process Studio tools.
Display Migration Tool
Process Trend Migrator
Uniformance Excel Companion for Microsoft Office.
Honeywell Graphics components – HMIWeb graphics runtime and HMIWeb
graphics builder for Uniformance Process Studio.
For information about the UPS components and tools, refer to the
corresponding sections in this guide.
For information about the Excel Companion, refer to the Uniformance
Excel Companion User’s Guide (pim2501).
For information about the HMIWeb Graphics, refer to the Uniformance
HMIWeb Display Building Guide (pim5101) and the Uniformance Process
Studio Display Migration Guide (pim5201).
Uniformance Process Studio User Guide • 19
1 Introduction to Uniformance Process Studio
1.4 Uniformance Process Studio Licensing Overview
Uniformance Process Studio Licensing Overview
Some Uniformance Process Studio features require a license. Uniformance Process
Studio R300 uses a three-tier license structure. The license levels are Standard,
Advanced, and Developer. The features provided in each license level are summarized
in Table 3 - License Levels and Features.
Table 3 - License Levels and Features
License level
Trending and Tabulating Data
Standard trend types
Multiple Y axis
Single Y axis
Strip Chart
Multi X Trend
Analysis Plots
Accessing Data Sources
Connect to PHD datasource
Browse PHD Tags
Connect to OPC datasource
Browse OPC Tags
Exporting Data
Export data to Excel Companion
20 • Uniformance Process Studio User Guide
1 Introduction to Uniformance Process Studio
1.4 Uniformance Process Studio Licensing Overview
Working with Graphics and Web Pages
Open documents and web pages in UPS
Graphic/Web Browser
View Workcenter graphics in UPS
Graphic/Web Browser
View UPS Graphics or (migrated)
Experion PKS graphics in UPS
Graphic/Web Browser
Create and Edit UPS Graphics in UPS
HMIWeb Display Builder
Migrate Experion PKS Graphics to UPS
Migrate Workcenter graphics to UPS
(where required)
By default, UPS operates at the Standard License Level. If an Advanced or Developer
license is available and has been configured, then you can elevate the license level at
startup through a shortcut or change it while the application is running.
For information on how to acquire and set up Advanced and Developer
Licenses, refer to the Uniformance Process Studio Installation Guide
For more information on how to change the UPS license level, refer to
section 2.3, Changing the UPS License Level in this guide.
Uniformance Process Studio User Guide • 21
1 Introduction to Uniformance Process Studio
1.4 Uniformance Process Studio Licensing Overview
22 • Uniformance Process Studio User Guide
2. Getting Started with Uniformance Process
Opening Uniformance Process Studio
To open UPS in Standard mode
Choose Start > All Programs > Uniformance > Process Studio >
Uniformance Process Studio.
Double-click the Uniformance Process Studio shortcut on your desktop.
To open UPS in Advanced or Developer mode, choose the corresponding
shortcut from Start > All Programs > Uniformance > Process Studio.
For more information on how to change the UPS license level, refer to section
2.3, Changing the UPS License Level in this guide.
Describing the UPS main window
The following figure (Figure 1) describes the key features of the main window of the
Uniformance Process Studio.
Uniformance Process Studio User Guide • 23
2 Getting Started with Uniformance Process Studio
2.3 Changing the UPS License Level
Figure 1 – Uniformance Process Studio main window
Changing the UPS License Level
To access UPS Advanced or Developer features, you can launch UPS in Advanced or
Developer license mode or elevate the license level when UPS is running.
Launching UPS in Advanced or Developer mode
To start up UPS in Advanced or Developer mode use the corresponding shortcut from
Start > All Programs > Uniformance > Process Studio.
Alternatively, you can elevate the license level from the License Level group in the
ribbon Home tab.
Changing your License Level from within UPS
To change the license level from within UPS, use the buttons in the License Level group
on the UPS ribbon Home tab. The license level button remains highlighted when the
license change is complete.
24 • Uniformance Process Studio User Guide
2 Getting Started with Uniformance Process Studio
2.4 Working with the Browser
Figure 2 – License Levels
You cannot change to a lower license level from within UPS. To revert to a
lower license level, close UPS and re-open at the required license level.
Working with the Browser
Overview of the Browser
The item Browser window allows you to browse tags, points, or other data items relevant
to your data sources.
Upon the initial connection to a data source, depending on the data source configuration,
you may be prompted to enter PHD and/or Windows username/password. Upon a
successful connection, the credentials are cached and you do not need to enter them again
until you start a new session of Uniformance Process Studio.
You can browse only one data source at a time; however, you can easily toggle between
data sources. The Configuration contains the entries that allow you to add more data
sources and to configure the default data source.
The Browser window lists the names of data items available in a selected data source.
You can apply filters and specify search criteria to locate data items of interest.
Connect to a data source
To connect to a data source
Initially, the default Data Source is automatically selected for browsing. If you
want to browse a different data source, select the Data Source from the list.
Uniformance Process Studio User Guide • 25
2 Getting Started with Uniformance Process Studio
2.4 Working with the Browser
Click Refresh
to reload the browse structure.
Result: The Browser retrieves a top level browsing structure from the data
source and updates it in the ‘View In’ field.
By default, the ‘All Items’ category is selected, allowing display of all items
stored in the data source.
Enter a search criteria in the Item Name Like field to specify what you are
looking for (for example, 3_FIC*).
The default fetch limit of the Browser is 1000 tags. Enter the search criteria so
that the Browser returns a manageable number of tags. You can then scroll
through them to find what you need.
Click Fetch.
Result: Upon clicking Fetch, the Browser contacts the selected data source
and retrieves the items. Depending on how the data source is configured, you
are prompted to provide PHD or Windows usernames and passwords.
Enter valid credentials and then click OK.
Result: A connection to the data source is attempted.
If the connection is successful, the message Retrieving items is displayed.
The browse structure is displayed.
After the item names are successfully displayed, you can drag/drop items to a
Workspace to organize your tags in folders. Alternatively, you can drag/drop
tags directly from the Browser to a Trend, MultiTrend, or Table for data
Entering user names and passwords
Depending on how a data source is configured, you may be prompted to provide a PHD
or Windows user name and password while you attempt to connect to a data source.
A drop-down list for the user name field displays the previously used Windows and PHD
user names, as shown in the following example. Do not assume that a user name is
applicable to the field because it is included in that drop-down list.
26 • Uniformance Process Studio User Guide
2 Getting Started with Uniformance Process Studio
2.5 Organizing items into customized folders
Handling an unsuccessful connection to a data source
If the connection is not successful, do the following:
Verify that you selected the correct data source.
Click Refresh
If prompted for user credentials, ensure that you enter valid user names and
Check the datasource settings in the UPS Configuration. In particular, check that the
server name and port number (where applicable) are valid. Refer to section 3.2,
Configuring data sources for more information.
to attempt another connection.
If the connection is not successful again, view the log files.
For instructions on how to view the log files for Uniformance Process Studio,
refer to section 15.1, Viewing logs in this guide.
Organizing items into customized folders
You can organize items into customized folders using the Workspace feature of
Uniformance Process Studio.
For more information on creating workspaces, refer to section 5.3 Adding
content to workspaces in this guide.
Opening a window to display process data
Click the Home tab and then click any application, such as a Trend.
Result: A new Trend window is displayed.
Uniformance Process Studio User Guide • 27
2 Getting Started with Uniformance Process Studio
2.6 Opening a window to display process data
Drag/drop items from the Workspace or from the item Browser window to the
Result: The data is displayed in the Trend window.
Click the Home tab and then click Table.
Result: A new Table window is displayed.
Drag/drop items to the Table.
Result: The data is displayed in the new Table window.
To open a new window, click Home.
When you close a window or when you exit Uniformance Process Studio, a
dialog box is displayed for each open window to give you the opportunity to
Save the context of the window to a Workspace folder.
You can save changes to all the open windows before you exit UPS.
To close all the open windows, click Close All on the Home ribbon.
28 • Uniformance Process Studio User Guide
2 Getting Started with Uniformance Process Studio
2.7 Working with the time control
Working with the time control
Overview of the time control
The Time Control allows you to set the time related properties and to automatically play
or step through data.
The Time Control user interface (shown in the following figure - Figure 3) displays in the
status strip at the bottom of the window.
The default time format is Relative. The default time Period is two hours (From now-2h
To: now). You can change the properties of the Time Control to use the Absolute time
format. The following figure (Figure 3) shows the appearance of the Time Control for
both Relative and Absolute time formats.
Figure 3 – Time Control user interface
What is Current time?
Current time is a position in time between the start and end times. You can point to current time
through the use of the relative time slider or the absolute date/time pickers.
A Trend uses "current time" as the position of hairline cursor 1.
A Graphic uses "current time" as the time for data shown by alphanumerics, indicators,
and so on.
Uniformance Process Studio User Guide • 29
2 Getting Started with Uniformance Process Studio
2.7 Working with the time control
Data Refresh and Time Control
Description of data refresh
By default, data is not automatically refreshed in Uniformance Process Studio content
windows. The exception to this is for graphics - to support elements that are NOT
connected to a time control in a graphic page. These elements are updated at the rate
configured in graphic page properties. Other elements in a graphic page that are
connected to a time control on the graphic are updated when you place the UPS Time
Control in Play mode, or when you click the Refresh button on the UPS Time Control.
To refresh data periodically, click Play on a Time Control to place the Time Control into
Play mode. To refresh data on-demand click Refresh on the Time Control.
UPS does not support applications starting automatically in the Play mode to ensure that:
Data in the content windows is maintained until you choose to manually request an
All the content windows are linked to a single Time Control without imposing an
unnecessary or unacceptable load on the server to update all content windows at
regular intervals.
To select a time period from a list
On the Time Control Properties dialog box, select the time period from the
Note: When you change the Period, other
time properties also change, including the
Refresh interval and Fast replay multiplier for
Play mode, and the Large and Small step
sizes. You can view all time properties in the
Time Control Properties dialog box.
The 'From' and 'To' fields on the Time Control are updated to reflect your
selection, and the data is automatically updated to the selected time settings.
30 • Uniformance Process Studio User Guide
2 Getting Started with Uniformance Process Studio
2.7 Working with the time control
To specify a time period through direct entry
On the Time Control section, click the Properties button.
Result: The Time Control Properties dialog box is displayed.
For the From and To entries, select Absolute or Relative time format and
enter the time period of interest.
After completing your entries, click OK.
Result: The Time Control reflects the specified time period.
Note: When you change the time period, other time properties also change,
including the Refresh interval and Fast replay multiplier for the Play mode,
and the Large and Small step sizes.
For descriptions of all the time control properties, refer to section 7.3,
Viewing/adjusting the time control properties in this guide.
To step forward and backward in time
The step buttons on the Time Control move the "current time" backward or forward in
time by the step size.
To move backward or forward by the small step size, click
, respectively.
To move backward or forward by the large step size, click
, respectively.
Note: You can configure step sizes through the "Large step size" and "Small step size" in
the Time Control Properties dialog box by clicking
To scroll data forward automatically
Click Play
to automatically scroll data forward in time.
Note: You can configure the automatic data refresh interval for the Play mode through
the "Refresh interval" in the Time Control Properties dialog box by clicking
Uniformance Process Studio User Guide • 31
2 Getting Started with Uniformance Process Studio
2.7 Working with the time control
To use separate time settings for each window
After initial installation, the Common Times status of Uniformance Process Studio is
active – meaning that each content window (Trend, MultiXTrend, MultiTrend, Table,
and Graphic) uses the same time control and time properties.
Perform the following steps to deactivate Common Times mode and allow each Trend,
MultiXTrend, MultiTrend, and Table to use a separate local Time Control user interface
that you can manipulate independently.
Click Common Times on the ribbon.
Result: Common Times is no longer highlighted.
With Common Times not active, each window consists of Time Control user
interface shown in the status strip of the window.
Synchronize all windows with Common Times settings
The Common Times status provides a way to synchronize all windows to the same time
settings - this can be helpful when you need to explore a significant event from different
The Common Times status causes all Trend, MultiTrend, Table, and HMIWeb Graphic
to use the same Period, the same start and end times, and a single master Time Control
user interface. Any manipulations that you make through this master Time Control user
interface affect all of the windows.
Note: An HMIWeb graphic must have a time control on its own page to be able to
synchronize with the Uniformance Process Studio Time Control.
32 • Uniformance Process Studio User Guide
2 Getting Started with Uniformance Process Studio
2.8 Displaying data in Uniformance Process Studio
To synchronize all the windows with the Common Times settings
Display the Trend, MultiXTrend, MultiTrend, Table, or HMIWeb Graphic that
has the time settings you want to use.
Click Common Times on the ribbon as illustrated in the following figure.
Result: Common Times is highlighted. The master Time Control appears in
the status strip of the main window. The time properties from the local Time
Control of the currently selected window go to the master Time Control. All
windows now use the times of the single, master Time Control.
Note: When you close Uniformance Process Studio, the current Common Times status is
saved, and it is used as the default startup state when you reopen Uniformance Process
Studio the next time.
Displaying data in Uniformance Process Studio
For details on the different types of displays that are available in Uniformance
Process Studio, go to the section of interest.
Uniformance Process Studio User Guide • 33
2 Getting Started with Uniformance Process Studio
2.8 Displaying data in Uniformance Process Studio
For this display type…
Go to this section…
Displays data in a selected trend
format (Single Y Axis, Strip Chart,
Multi Y Axis, XY, or Histogram).
Section 8, Displaying
Data in a Trend
Displays data in a matrix of
individual charts – up to 25 charts
in a 5x5 matrix, with up to 6 traces
per chart.
Section 9, Displaying
Data in a Multi-Trend
Multi X
Displays data in the Multi X Trend
format and enables you to specify
individual time ranges for each
trace in the trend.
Section 10,
Displaying data in a
Multi X Trend
Displays data in a tabular display
that supports a number of the
display styles similar to the
Uniformance Excel Companion.
Section 11,
Displaying Data in a
Allows conditional filtering of data.
Displays data in an HMIWeb
graphic, or opens the HMIWeb
Display Builder, or displays
general (non-HMIWeb) HTML
documents and web pages.
Section 12,
Displaying Data in a
Enables advanced data analysis.
Section 13,
Displaying data in
Analysis Plots
34 • Uniformance Process Studio User Guide
3. Configuring Uniformance Process Studio
Overview of UPS Configuration
The term UPS Configuration is used for describing the collection of settings and
preferences, which are centrally managed for UPS.
By default, the UPS settings such as data source definitions are stored locally on the
client and are specific to a particular user. This is known as local configuration.
Alternatively, most UPS settings can be managed from a central server and shared among
multiple users. This is known as shared configuration.
Local configuration
The UPS local configuration is stored locally and within your Windows user profile. The
local configuration is automatically loaded when you start Uniformance Process Studio.
Each user has full control over changes to their local configuration. However, if the
shared configuration is implemented, then shared configuration settings override the local
configuration settings.
Shared configuration
The shared configuration for UPS is stored “off-node” and can be shared by multiple
users. The properties in the shared configuration are identical to those in the local
configuration. The exceptions are the Shared configuration path and related properties
in the local configuration, which define the location of the shared configuration to be
In UPS 300, the shared configuration settings always take precedence over the local
configuration settings. The resulting merged configuration is made available to the
The shared configuration is stored in an XML file typically located on a network drive or
a UNC path. Security for a shared configuration is typically managed by Windows file
permissions on the shared configuration file. Alternatively, if the Windows
Communication Foundation (WCF) endpoint option is implemented, then the security
must be implemented in the endpoint design.
Shared Workspaces are also available in UPS and are an extension of
Shared Configuration. For more information on Shared Workspaces, refer
to section 5, Creating and managing workspaces in this guide.
Uniformance Process Studio User Guide • 35
3. Configuring Uniformance Process Studio
3.1. Overview of UPS Configuration
Managing UPS Configuration Options
A range of application-wide settings can be managed in UPS. These include:
Application Defaults
Relative Times
Standard Times
Data Sources
The configuration is saved to an .xml file.
Always use the Options button to go to the UPS
Configuration tool. Editing the configuration file directly
without using the UPS Configuration tool may corrupt the
To access the UPS Configuration options
Click the Options button.
In the Options dialog box, expand Configuration, and then click one of the
36 • Uniformance Process Studio User Guide
3. Configuring Uniformance Process Studio
3.1. Overview of UPS Configuration
(a) Local – for Local Configuration options, or
(b) Shared – for Shared Configuration options. This will only be visible if
Shared Configuration has already been created or loaded for the current
Shared Configuration settings always override Local Configuration
settings in UPS R300. If you are using Shared Configuration then any
changes made to Local Configuration will effectively be ignored. The
exception to this applies to the properties under the “Shared” group in Local
Configuration. These properties are used for defining the location and type of
Shared Configuration and only exist in the Local Configuration.
For more information about creating a Shared Configuration, refer to section
3.6, Creating and Loading a Shared Configuration.
Uniformance Process Studio User Guide • 37
3. Configuring Uniformance Process Studio
3.2. Configuring data sources
Configuring data sources
A default PHD or OPC datasource is created during the installation of Uniformance
Process Studio. The default data source can be edited and new datasources can be added.
To modify the data source configuration
button in the upper left
In Uniformance Process Studio, click the
corner of the main window, and then click Options.
Result: The Options dialog box is displayed.
In the Options dialog box, expand Configuration, and then click one of the
(a) Local (for a private, user-specific data source), or
(b) Shared (for a shared data source, where Shared Configuration has been
Next, expand Data Sources.
Perform one of the following options.
Right-click Data Sources and then choose New Data Source.
Click an existing data source and then right-click Copy/Paste it to Data
Click DefaultPHD to modify the default data source.
Result: The Data Source property page is displayed.
Enter the configuration details. Refer to the following table (Table 4) for
38 • Uniformance Process Studio User Guide
3. Configuring Uniformance Process Studio
3.2. Configuring data sources
Table 4 – Definitions of data source configuration fields
A unique name used for identifying a data source.
This is the setting displayed when data sources are
used in applications.
A valid data source name consists of alphanumeric
characters, underscore or hyphen. The maximum
number of characters allowed in a name is 64.
This setting provides additional information for the
user to identify the data source. It is used in various
tool tips and information boxes.
Specifies the type of data source to be configured.
This value affects what method is used to retrieve
data and what other settings are prompted for on
this form:
PHD – PHD Server
OPC – OPC HDA Server
Note: Connecting to an OPC data source requires
a UPS Advanced license. Refer to section 1.4,
Uniformance Process Studio Licensing Overview in
this guide for more information
Server name
This is the name of the server used by the
applications to connect and retrieve data from.
Specify a server name or an IP address in this box.
If PHD_HOST is entered for this field then the value
is read from the PHD_HOST registry key
\Uniformance\PHDServer\PHD_HOST). The value
of this registry key is set at installation time as the
PHD server nominated for the default PHD
datasource. If you did not configure the PHD
datasource during installation, then PHD_HOST
registry entry will contain the value specified in the
last UPS or PHD Desktop installation. Otherwise,
PHD_HOST will contain the value “localhost”.
Uniformance Process Studio User Guide • 39
3. Configuring Uniformance Process Studio
3.2. Configuring data sources
If you choose the OPC option during installation,
the PHD_HOST variable is not created in the
PHD Specific
Specifies the port number used by applications to
connect and retrieve data from the configured data
source. Numbers in the range 1 to 65535 are valid
for this field. If you clear the text in this box, the
default setting is used.
The effective default depends on the selected PHD
API Type:
Port 3100 if PHD API Type is Api200 (or, if
you have nominated an alternative port
number for the default PHD data source during
installation, then that port number becomes the
default. The default port number value is read
from the registry key
Port 3150 if PHD API Type is RemoteApi200
Specifies the PHD API to use when connecting to
this data source:
Api200 – This type of API uses the local Windows
logon account to connect to the named PHD
Server, which must be running release R200 or
RemoteApi200 – This type of API allows the user
to enter a Windows domain account
(domain\username and password) to connect to the
named PHD Server (for example, because the local
logon account is in a different and untrusted
domain or behind a firewall).
40 • Uniformance Process Studio User Guide
3. Configuring Uniformance Process Studio
3.2. Configuring data sources
Prompt for PHD
username /
Used if the named PHD Server has tag security
implemented; and therefore will require the user to
provide a PHD username and password for
permission to access data.
False – The user will not be prompted to
authenticate against the PHD system. PHD access
will be determined by the local Windows logon
True – When an application first attempts to
connect to this data source, the user will be
prompted to enter a user name and password to
authenticate against the PHD system.
Prompt for
username /
Applies only to the PHD API type of
Specifies whether the Process Studio user will be
prompted to provide a Windows username and
password to connect to this data source.
False – When an application first attempts to
connect to this data source, you are not prompted
to enter a Windows username and password.
True – When an application first attempts to
connect to this data source, you are prompted to
enter the user name and password of a valid
Windows account recognized by the PHD Server.
Browse server
(Optional) If configured, then this server is used for
retrieving tag properties such as name, description
and units. Leave blank to retrieve tag properties
from the server nominated in the Server name
Uniformance Process Studio User Guide • 41
3. Configuring Uniformance Process Studio
3.2. Configuring data sources
Browse server
(Optional) If configured, this port is used when
communicating with the Browse server. Numbers in
the range 1 to 65535 are valid for this field. If you
clear the text in this box, the default setting is used.
The effective default depends on the selected PHD
API Type:
Port 3100 if PHD API Type is Api200 (or if you
have nominated an alternative port number
for the default PHD data source during
installation, then that port number becomes
the default)
Port 3150 if PHD API Type is RemoteApi200.
The port number used by the Browser
application to access the browsing
information. If you clear the text in this box,
the default setting is used. The effective
default value is 3150.
Connection time
This is the timeout used when attempting to
connect to the data source.
Request time out
This is the timeout applied to an individual data
read from the data source.
OPC Specific
OPC Program ID
Enter the program ID of the OPC server process.
Program IDs for qualified OPC server types are:
Uniformance PHD: OPC.PHDServerHDA.1
Experion PKS: HWHsc.OPCServer
Force prompting
of username/
When this setting is True, the system does not
attempt to first connect using integrated
authentication. You are prompted to enter a
username and password.
If the setting is False, the connection is made using
the login detail of the user. If the connection fails,
you are prompted to enter a different set of
42 • Uniformance Process Studio User Guide
3. Configuring Uniformance Process Studio
3.2. Configuring data sources
Browse server
(Optional) If configured, then this server is used for
retrieving tag names and descriptions. Leave blank
to retrieve tag properties from the server nominated
in the Server name field.
Note: If the value of a data source field is displayed in bold, it indicates that the value is
(Optional) To test the connection to the data source, click Test Data Source.
Depending on the configuration, you may be prompted to enter user
credentials. If prompted, enter the user credentials.
A message indicates whether the connection is successful or not.
If the connection was not successful, do the following:
Verify that you selected the correct Data Source.
Check that the Port number setting is correct. Contact your Network
Administrator for configuring this setting.
Click Test Data Source to attempt another connection.
Ensure that you have entered valid user names and passwords.
If the connection is not successful again, refer to the log file at:
C:\Documents and Settings\ <logon username>\ Application Data\
Honeywell\ Common Desktop Framework\ CDF.log
After a successful connection test, click OK to close the Options window.
In the item Browser window, the Data Source drop down list displays the
data sources.
TIP: The Test Connection does not cache any required user credentials, so
the user must re-enter them upon initial use of the item Browser.
Uniformance Process Studio User Guide • 43
3. Configuring Uniformance Process Studio
3.3. Guidelines for configuring access to PHD through the remote API
3.3 Guidelines for configuring access to PHD through the
remote API
If you configure a data source of type RemoteAPI200 and set the PHD user
name/password to False and the Windows user name/password to False, then you must
enable anonymous access (blank logons) through a registry setting on the PHD Server.
The Browser in Uniformance Process Studio uses PHD security credentials to access
items from a PHD Server - unlike Tag Explorer in the legacy Uniformance Desktop,
which used Oracle security through an Oracle ODBC connection.
With anonymous access enabled, the 'Uniformance Remote API Server uses its service
credentials to connect to the PHD Server. If you do not enable anonymous access, the
'Test Data Source' command succeeds and the Browser successfully displays items for
the data source, but when you attempt to add a item for the data source to a content
window (such as a Trend), it displays an "Access Denied" security error.
Registry setting on PHD Server to allow blank logons
RAPIServer\Parameters\ "PreventBlankLogons"=dword:00000000
Note: After you add the registry key on the PHD Server, you must restart the
'Uniformance Remote API Server' Windows service for the change to be effective.
For more information, refer to the section "Some Registry Keys that may be
added by the System Administrator" in the PHD System Manual (pim0301).
44 • Uniformance Process Studio User Guide
3. Configuring Uniformance Process Studio
3.4. Creating a custom time period
Creating a custom time period
To create a custom time period
button in the upper left
In Uniformance Process Studio, click the
corner, and then click Options.
Result: The Options dialog box is displayed.
Expand Configuration, and then expand Periods.
Right-click Custom and then select New Period.
Enter the properties for the new period and then click OK.
For definitions of the time-related properties, refer to section 6.3,
Viewing/adjusting the time control properties in this guide.
Changing the application defaults
To access the application defaults for your Local Configuration
In Uniformance Process Studio, click
the main window, and then click Options.
in the upper left corner of
Result: The Options dialog box is displayed.
Expand Configuration, and then expand Local.
Click Application Defaults.
Result: The following screen is displayed.
Uniformance Process Studio User Guide • 45
3. Configuring Uniformance Process Studio
3.5. Changing the application defaults
You can change the application defaults to suit your personal preferences.
Enable performance optimization
Under the Performance section of the Application Defaults is the "Enable performance
optimization" property.
When set to True, the "Enable performance optimization" property can improve
performance of the Trend, Table and other applications by limiting the amount of data
retrieved and/or displayed, as follows:
Aggregate data uses an adjusted sample frequency where necessary return no more
than the configured maximum number of data points for a trace for each application
RAW data sets are truncated if necessary to the maximum number of data points
configured for each application type.
Refer to Table 5 for definition of the Application Defaults configuration fields.
46 • Uniformance Process Studio User Guide
3. Configuring Uniformance Process Studio
3.5. Changing the application defaults
Table 5 – Definitions of the Application Defaults configuration fields
Analysis Plots
Analysis Plot
Represents the maximum number of tags
displayed in Analysis Plots. Select 0 for unlimited
number of tags. Note: A maximum of 10 tags is
Point size
Size of the circle that represents a data point in
Matrix Plot.
Data age color
Color gradient is used for drawing points in Matrix,
Parallel or 3D plots. The oldest data points are
drawn using the first (left on the gradient preview
image) color of the gradient scale. The newest
data points are drawn with the last gradient color.
Correlation Plot
color gradient
Color gradient used for indicating correlation
coefficient values in the Correlation plot.
Border indicators
error indication
These settings determine how a communication
error is rendered on a graphic. A border of this
color, width, and style is shown around the
element that was requesting data.
Border width: 1
Border color: Red
Border style: Solid
Null value
These settings determine how a null value error is
rendered on a graphic. A border of this color,
width, and style is shown around the element that
was requesting data.
Border width: 1
Border color: Red
Border style: Solid
These settings determine how reduced confidence
is rendered on a graphic. A border of this color,
width, and style is shown around the element that
was requesting data.
Border width: 1
Border color: Red
Border style: Solid
error indication
These settings determine how a configuration error
is rendered on a graphic. A border of this color,
width, and style is shown around the element that
was requesting data.
Border width: 1
Border color: Red
Border style: Solid
Uniformance Process Studio User Guide • 47
3. Configuring Uniformance Process Studio
3.5. Changing the application defaults
Default decimal
This setting stores the number of decimal places
used when rendering data. This value must be
between 0 and 10 inclusive.
This setting is used by the system to use this
aggregate by default. The applications also
provide a mechanism to override this default
wherever it is used.
Default sample
This setting stores the default sample frequency to
be used by applications when requesting data with
an aggregate other than Raw. Applicable values
for this field are between 1 (1 second) and 3600 (1
hour) inclusive.
Default save path
This is the default save or load path for
documents. For example, new graphics files will be
created by default in the nominated location.
\Documents and
Maximum Item
Browser results
This is the maximum number of results the Item
Browser returns.
The point at which the data is rendered in the
Minimum Confidence Color.
confidence color
The color in which the data is rendered when the
Minimum Confidence Threshold is reached or
0, 0, 255
Trace colors
These colors are used for traces plotted on the
Trend and the MultiTrend.
Auto scale
This is the buffer increased to the top/bottom Yaxis value.
List of UPS workspace paths (read only)
Minimum Refresh Intervals
Graphics page
minimum refresh
Minimum refresh rate for Graphics objects that are
not associated to a time control. (in seconds)
48 • Uniformance Process Studio User Guide
3. Configuring Uniformance Process Studio
3.5. Changing the application defaults
Graphics time
control minimum
refresh interval
Minimum refresh rate for a Graphics time control
and associated graphics objects. (in seconds)
This is the maximum number of traces the user is
able to add to each trend on a MultiTrend.
MultiTrend rows
This is the maximum number of rows the user can
have on a MultiTrend.
This is the maximum number of columns the user
can have on a MultiTrend.
This determines whether to adjust the amount of
data requested to the configured limits. Refer to
the section Enable performance optimization for
more information.
Graphic item
This is the maximum number of values displayed
for each Graphic item.
MultiTrend trace
This is the maximum number of points displayed
per trace.
Maximum Table
This is the maximum number of rows displayed for
the Table.
Maximum Trend
trace points
This is the maximum number of points displayed
per trace.
Analysis plot
Represents a maximum number of points retrieved
from PHD. If the current aggregation UI settings
exceed this limit, sample frequency is adjusted.
Uniformance Process Studio User Guide • 49
3. Configuring Uniformance Process Studio
3.5. Changing the application defaults
The full path to the shared configuration file.
override type
The configuration override type field is valid only if
shared configuration exists. The value LOCAL
indicates that the local configuration overrides the
shared configuration. The value SHARED
indicates that the shared configuration overrides
the local configuration.
This setting cannot be changed in UPS R300. That
is, shared configuration (if used) always overrides
the local configuration.
Enable WCF
Enables the option of using a WCF service when
setting up Shared Configuration. For more
information, refer to section 3.6 To create shared
configuration using a WCF service.
50 • Uniformance Process Studio User Guide
3. Configuring Uniformance Process Studio
3.6. Creating and Loading a Shared Configuration
Creating and Loading a Shared Configuration
Shared configuration is used when you want to centrally manage UPS settings for a
number of users. For example to define a set of standard data sources for all users to
avoid having to configure or update them separately on each UPS client.
For an overview of shared configuration, refer to the section 3.1 Overview of
UPS Configuration.
A Shared Configuration is created by a system administrator from the UPS client. When
it is created, anyone who wants to use the Shared Configuration needs to configure their
own UPS Client to use it.
A Shared configuration can be stored in a file on a shared network location or published
from a custom WCF service.
To create shared configuration on a shared network location
In Uniformance Process Studio, click
as follows:
, and then click Options…
Uniformance Process Studio User Guide • 51
3. Configuring Uniformance Process Studio
3.6. Creating and Loading a Shared Configuration
Result: The Options dialog box is displayed.
Right-click Configuration and then click Create shared configuration.
Result: The Create Shared Configuration dialog box is displayed.
52 • Uniformance Process Studio User Guide
3. Configuring Uniformance Process Studio
3.6. Creating and Loading a Shared Configuration
Enter the following details:
Save path: Click
to browse and select a folder to save the shared
configuration file to. This folder will typically be in a shared network
location. You can also enter the shared network location directly.
Z:\AS17FileServer\dfs\UPSConfiguration\ (where Z is a network drive)
\\myserver\UPSSharedConfiguration\ (UNC format)
Create from local configuration: Select this check box to create the
shared configuration from the current local configuration settings.
Otherwise, the default configuration is automatically loaded.
Click Create to create shared configuration at the specified location and
load it automatically.
Result: You are prompted to confirm whether you want to save the changes
Click Yes to save the changes and continue or click No to cancel the
changes made.
Uniformance Process Studio User Guide • 53
3. Configuring Uniformance Process Studio
3.6. Creating and Loading a Shared Configuration
Result: When you click Yes, and the shared configuration is loaded
successfully, the following message is displayed.
Click Close to close the Create shared configuration dialog box.
To create shared configuration using a WCF service
You must create a custom WCF service that implements the necessary methods
to read and write shared configurations. Contact Honeywell Support for more
The WCF service is installed and running on your network.
In Uniformance Process Studio, click
as follows:
54 • Uniformance Process Studio User Guide
, and then click Options…
3. Configuring Uniformance Process Studio
3.6. Creating and Loading a Shared Configuration
Result: The Options dialog box is displayed.
Expand Configuration and then choose Local > Application Defaults as
Result: The Application Defaults form is displayed.
On the Application Defaults form, expand Shared and select the property
Enable WCF service to True. By default, Enable WCF service is set to
Uniformance Process Studio User Guide • 55
3. Configuring Uniformance Process Studio
3.6. Creating and Loading a Shared Configuration
To use the WCF service, ensure that the property Enable WCF service is
set to True.
Right-click Configuration and then click Create shared configuration.
Result: The Create Shared Configuration dialog box is displayed.
56 • Uniformance Process Studio User Guide
3. Configuring Uniformance Process Studio
3.6. Creating and Loading a Shared Configuration
Enter the following details:
WCF Service: Select this check box to create the shared configuration
using a WCF service. Ensure that the WCF service is running.
URL: Specify a valid WCF service URL to create the shared
configuration using WCF services. For example,
net.tcp://localhost:8000/ConfigurationService as illustrated in the
preceding figure.
Create from local configuration: Select this check box to create the
shared configuration from the current local configuration settings.
Otherwise, the default configuration is automatically loaded.
Create: Click Create to create the shared configuration at the specified
location and load it automatically.
Uniformance Process Studio User Guide • 57
3. Configuring Uniformance Process Studio
3.6. Creating and Loading a Shared Configuration
Result: You are prompted to confirm whether you want to save the changes
Click Yes to save the changes and continue or click No to cancel the
changes made.
Result: When you click Yes, and the shared configuration is loaded
successfully, the following message is displayed.
Click Close to close the Create shared configuration dialog box.
To load the Shared Configuration
The Shared Configuration is automatically loaded on the UPS client on which it was
created. On other UPS clients, the shared configuration must be manually loaded once
before use.
To load a Shared Configuration
In Uniformance Process Studio, click
58 • Uniformance Process Studio User Guide
, and then click Options…
3. Configuring Uniformance Process Studio
3.6. Creating and Loading a Shared Configuration
as follows:
Result: The Options dialog box is displayed.
On the client computer, expand Configuration to go to Application Defaults
of the Local configuration as follows:
On the Application Defaults form, click to select the property Shared
configuration path. Type the full path of the shared configuration file. For
Z:\AS17FileServer\dfs\UPSConfiguration\sharedconfig.xml or
Click OK.
Uniformance Process Studio User Guide • 59
3. Configuring Uniformance Process Studio
3.6. Creating and Loading a Shared Configuration
Result: You are prompted to confirm whether you want to save the changes
Click Yes to save the changes and continue or click No to cancel the
changes made.
Result: When you click Yes, and the shared configuration is loaded
successfully, the following message is displayed.
Click Close to close the Create shared configuration dialog box.
To modify the Shared Configuration
The procedure for modifying Shared configuration is the same as for editing Local
configuration. Simply make the changes under the Shared, rather than Local node in the
UPS Configuration, as shown in Figure 4 – Selecting Shared Configuration.
To save changes to the Shared Configuration you must have write permissions to the
Shared Configuration File. Or, if you are using a WCF service, then the service must
permit changes for your Windows credentials.
Changes saved to the Shared Configuration will apply to users who have previously
loaded the Shared Configuration. Changes will apply from the next time that UPS is
60 • Uniformance Process Studio User Guide
3. Configuring Uniformance Process Studio
3.6. Creating and Loading a Shared Configuration
Figure 4 – Selecting Shared Configuration
Shared Configuration settings always override Local Configuration
settings in UPS R300. If you are using Shared Configuration then any
changes made to Local Configuration will effectively be ignored. The
exception to this applies to the properties under the “Shared” group in Local
Configuration. These properties are used to define the location and type of
Shared Configuration and only exist in the Local Configuration.
Uniformance Process Studio User Guide • 61
3. Configuring Uniformance Process Studio
3.7. Create custom colors
Create custom colors
To create custom colors
From Application Defaults, select the item for which you want to create a
custom color.
Border color
Minimum confidence color
Trace colors
Click the drop-down arrow and then click the Custom tab (see the following
Right-click a color that you want to add from the 16 custom colors on the
color selector.
62 • Uniformance Process Studio User Guide
3. Configuring Uniformance Process Studio
3.7. Create custom colors
The Define Color dialog box is displayed.
Pick a color and then click Add Color.
The new custom color is selected as follows:
Click OK to accept the configuration.
Uniformance Process Studio User Guide • 63
3. Configuring Uniformance Process Studio
3.8. Changing the printer
Changing the printer
Perform the following steps if you want to print to a printer other than your computer’s
default printer.
Click the down arrow beside the Print button on the ribbon of the window you
want to print.
From the drop-down menu, select Preview.
In the resulting Print Preview window, click File > Page Setup.
In the resulting Page Setup dialog box, click Printer.
Select the printer that you want and click OK.
64 • Uniformance Process Studio User Guide
4. Configuring the Browser
Configuring a browse limit
The Browser limits the number of items that can be fetched at any one time to 1000 by
default. This default prevents requests for large number of items that could result in
performance issues. The UPS Configuration contains a property (Maximum Item
Browser results) that allows you to change the maximum number of items the Browser
For more information about UPS Configuration, refer to section 3.5, Changing
the application defaults in this guide.
Browsing for tags
Description of the browse structure for a PHD server
By default, the Browser retrieves the tags stored on the PHD server, up to the Maximum
Item Browser Results setting in the UPS Configuration.
To reduce the number of tags displayed, select one of the folders available. When you
click Fetch, the Browser connects to the selected data source and retrieves the items that
correspond to the selected folder.
By default, the following folders are available for browsing items in the PHD server.
Table 6 – Folder name and description
All Items
Displays all items stored on the selected data source (Default).
Displays items in subdirectories based on their assigned parent tag,
including multiple nested parents (such as grandparents), from which
they inherit tag definition field properties.
Displays items in subdirectories based on the PHD interface (RDI or
Link) that collects the data from a DCS or other system for storage in
the PHD database.
Uniformance Process Studio User Guide • 65
4. Configuring the Browser
4.2. Browsing for tags
Considerations when browsing PHD parent tags
If a PHD parent tag is inactive, the tag does not appear in the View in tree of the
Browser, even though the parent tag might contain tags associated to it.
If a PHD parent tag is active, but does not have any PHD tags associated to it, then the
tag does not appear in the View in tree of the Browser.
Considerations when browsing OPC tags
To browse OPC tag properties you may need to enable OPC browsing on the OPC
server. Refer to the OPC server documentation for more information.
For information about enabling browse capabilities on the PHD OPC Server,
refer to section 2.4 PHD OPC Server Registry Settings in the Uniformance
PHD OPC Server User Guide (pim2901).
Limitations of OPC browsing
For the OPC data source, only the item name and the descriptions are browsed.
Applying filters and search criteria
There are two levels of filtering available in the Browser.
Provide input in the Item Name Like field to limit the items returned from the data
Enable the filter criteria option provided for each column in the Browser results grid
view. This selection is available and applied to future sessions too.
By default, any items that include the criteria in their name are returned. For example,
boiler1 retrieves Boiler123 and CPlant.Boiler1.
When you click Fetch, the filtered item names are displayed.
Wildcard characters
For more specific searches, you can use wildcard characters.
For PHD data sources, use * (asterisk) to match multiple characters and ? (question
mark) to match a single character.
66 • Uniformance Process Studio User Guide
4. Configuring the Browser
4.2. Browsing for tags
*123 retrieves boiler123 and pump123
Boiler?23 retrieves boiler123 and boiler223
boiler*3 retrieves bolier123 and boiler13
For OPC datasources, use * (asterisk) to match multiple characters. The * must be placed
at the beginning and/or end of the filter criteria. The ? (question mark) single character
match is not supported.
*boiler* retrieves mainboiler and boiler123
boil*123 is not valid for an OPC data source (wildcard must be at the beginning
and/or end of the criteria)
boil?123 is also not valid (? is not supported)
Uniformance Process Studio User Guide • 67
4. Configuring the Browser
4.2. Browsing for tags
68 • Uniformance Process Studio User Guide
5. Creating and managing workspaces
Introduction to workspaces
A workspace is a collection of reusable items organized into folders in a tree structure, as
illustrated in the following example of a navigation pane.
Each item that you store in a workspace consists of properties that are referred to as its
context. To reuse a context item, you drag/drop it to a location that supports it.
Workspaces are selected for viewing one at a time using buttons on the navigation pane.
Figure 5 – Example of a navigation pane
Shared Workspaces
By default, a workspace is defined locally on the UPS client and is only visible to the
user who created it. If you need a workspace that can be shared by many users then you
can create a Shared Workspace.
Shared Workspaces can be stored on a server to allow the shared workspace
configuration to be managed centrally.
Uniformance Process Studio User Guide • 69
5. Creating and managing workspaces
5.1. Introduction to workspaces
Shared Workspaces are a feature of Shared Configuration. Shared Configuration must
be enabled before Shared Workspaces can be used.
The Shared Configuration set up determines how the Shared Workspace files are stored.
If the Shared Configuration is stored to a Windows network path, then each workspace is
represented as a <workspace_name>.xml file stored together with the Shared
Configuration .xml definition file.
Non-shared (local) workspace .xml files are stored in the location defined in the Default
save path in UPS Configuration. Shared workspace .xml files are stored in the location
defined in the Shared configuration path property of UPS Configuration.
Shared workspaces are secured by permissions on the folder in which the shared
workspace definition files are stored. This is similar to Shared Configuration.
Read-only workspaces
Figure 6 – Read-only workspace
Read-only workspaces are non-editable workspaces. Workspace 3 in Figure 6 – Readonly workspace cannot be modified. You cannot import another workspace into a readonly workspace.
If the workspace (.xml) file is read-only, you may obtain a read-only workspace.
The read-only workspace file is identified by a specific icon as shown for Workspace 3 in
Figure 6 – Read-only workspace.
70 • Uniformance Process Studio User Guide
5. Creating and managing workspaces
5.1. Introduction to workspaces
Only two commands are available for the content items in a read-only workspace.
Send Context To
Refer to Table 8 – Context menu options for workspace items for more information about
the context menu option.
Types of workspace content
You can combine content in a workspace in a way that suits your needs. You can create a
folder hierarchy, rename content, and repeat a particular content multiple times. You can
add any of the following contents to a workspace tree structure.
Item (may include item details)
Time Range
Advanced plot
Data Source
Time Control
Item (includes trend trace details)
Graphic/Web browser
Link to external
application or file,
such as a Microsoft
Word or Excel
Uniformance Process Studio User Guide • 71
5. Creating and managing workspaces
5.2. Creating workspaces
Figure 7 – Example of a workspace tree structure
Creating workspaces
To create a workspace
Before you create a workspace, save any changes made to the current
Right-click on the background of the workspace and select Save.
To create a new workspace, right-click on the top bar of the current
workspace and select Add Workspace > Add New Workspace.
72 • Uniformance Process Studio User Guide
5. Creating and managing workspaces
5.2. Creating workspaces
Type a name for the new workspace and click Save.
Drag/drop, copy/paste, or right-click to add content to the new workspace.
Then right-click the background of the workspace and select Save.
To create a new shared workspace
Before you create a new workspace, save any changes made to the current
Right-click the background of the workspace and select Save.
To create a new workspace, right-click on the top bar of the current
workspace and select Add Workspace > Add New Shared Workspace.
Type a name for the new shared workspace and click OK.
Drag/drop, copy/paste, or right-click to add content in the new shared
workspace. Then right-click the background of the workspace and select
Uniformance Process Studio User Guide • 73
5. Creating and managing workspaces
5.2. Creating workspaces
Workspace Views
Workspaces can be displayed in the navigation pane in two formats - Explorer or
Breadcrumbed view. Which view to use is mostly a matter of personal preference. The
breadcrumbed view has some advantages when working across multiple workspaces.
Some users may find the Explorer view visually cleaner and simpler to navigate.
To switch between views, click the view selection button as shown in Figure 8.
Figure 8 – View options
For a description of the various right-click options, refer to section 5.3 Managing
workspace contents
Describing the workspace commands.
Explorer View
In the Explorer (default) view, workspaces are displayed one at a time. See Figure 9 for
an example.
To switch to another workspace when using the Explorer view, click the Workspace's
title bar.
The following figure (Figure 9) illustrates the Explorer view of the workspace.
74 • Uniformance Process Studio User Guide
5. Creating and managing workspaces
5.2. Creating workspaces
Figure 9 – Explorer view
You can use the navigation pane options shown in Figure 10 to re-order or remove
Figure 10 – Workspace options
Uniformance Process Studio User Guide • 75
5. Creating and managing workspaces
5.2. Creating workspaces
Breadcrumbed View
In the Breadcrumbed view, all workspaces are visible in a hierarchy. This makes it easier
to review multiple workspaces, or drag/drop content between them. See Figure 11 for an
example of a Breadcrumbed view.
Navigating in Breadcrumbed view is similar to using Windows Explorer in Windows
Vista or Windows 7. To restrict the view to a single workspace or folder, select the
workspace/folder from the navigation control at the top of the view, or double-click the
folder directly.
Figure 11 – Breadcrumbed view
76 • Uniformance Process Studio User Guide
5. Creating and managing workspaces
5.3. Managing workspace contents
Managing workspace contents
Describing the workspace commands
The following table (Table 7) describes the commands to manage workspaces.
Table 7 – Commands used for managing workspaces
To perform the following commands:
Right-click on the title bar of a workspace. (Explorer view)
Right-click on the top level folder with the workspace name displayed. (Breadcrumbed
Add Workspace >
Add New Workspace
Displays the "Save As" dialog box, allowing you to navigate to a
local directory or network share and create a new workspace
(<workspacename>.xml file).
Add Workspace >
Add Existing
Displays the "Open" dialog box, allowing you to navigate to a
previously configured workspace (<workspacename>.xml file) on a
local directory or network share.
Add Workspace >
Add New Shared
Displays the Shared Workspace Name dialog box. Type a name
for the shared workspace.
This option is only available if you have enabled Shared
Configuration. For more information, refer to section 3.6. Creating
and Loading a Shared Configuration.
Rename Workspace
Displays the "Rename Workspace" dialog box where you can
rename the workspace.
Remove Workspace
Displays the "Delete Workspace" dialog box which prompts you to
confirm deletion of the selected workspace.
Send Workspace To
Allows you to send a workspace by e-mail or save a workspace to
your computer. This enables you to share the content (such as a
Trend) with other users.
Uniformance Process Studio User Guide • 77
5. Creating and managing workspaces
5.3. Managing workspace contents
Import Workspace
Displays the "Open" dialog box, allows you to navigate to a
workspace (<workspacename>.xml file) on a local directory or
network share to load that workspace.
This command imports a workspace tree structure. Structure may
contain content (such as a Trend) that was made available to you by
another user through their use of the 'Send Workspace To'
To perform the following commands:
Right-click the background of the currently open workspace. (Explorer view)
Add > Folder
Adds a folder to the root of the workspace tree structure.
Saves the workspace tree structure to the
<workspacename>.xml file. The ‘Save’ command provides you
with the option of manually saving work for the following
To be able to share it with other users (through the 'Send
Workspace to' command.
As a best practice after performing a lot of changes, to
ensure that your work is not lost because of an
unexpected abnormal closure of the application.
Note: User changes to workspaces do not get saved
automatically until the related content window is closed – such
as a Trend, MultiTrend, MultiXTrend, Table, Analysis Plot or
Graphic. All workspaces are saved automatically when you
close Uniformance Process Studio.
Displays the "Reset Workspace" dialog box – it prompts you to
confirm that you want to purge (delete) all the content in the
Collapse All
Collapses the subfolders.
Expand All
Expands the subfolders.
78 • Uniformance Process Studio User Guide
5. Creating and managing workspaces
5.3. Managing workspace contents
To perform the following commands:
Right-click at the bottom of the navigation pane in the explorer view.
Right-click on the navigation pane background in the breadcrumbed view.
Send Workspace(s) to
Sends a workspace to an e-mail address or saves to a local or
network location.
Add Workspace > Add
New Workspace
Displays the "Save As" dialog box, allowing you to navigate to a
local directory or network share and create a new workspace
(<workspacename>.xml file).
Add Workspace > Add
Existing Workspace
Displays the "Open" dialog box, allowing you to navigate to a
previously configured workspace (<workspacename>.xml file)
on a local directory or network share.
Add Workspace > Add
New Shared Workspace
Displays the Shared Workspace Name dialog box. Type a
name for the shared workspace.
This option is only available if you have enabled Shared
Configuration. For more information, refer to section 3.6.
Creating and Loading a Shared Configuration.
The following table lists the right-click context menu options available for workspace
Uniformance Process Studio User Guide • 79
5. Creating and managing workspaces
5.3. Managing workspace contents
Table 8 – Context menu options for workspace items
To perform the following commands:
Right-click on a folder or item in the selected workspace.
Adds content to the workspaces. (Folder level option)
Sub Folder
Time Range
Data Source
For more information, refer to section 5.3 Adding content to
Edits the name of the folder. (Folder level option)
Deletes an item from the workspace. Displays the Delete dialog
box to confirm the deletion of the workspace item.
Renames the item in the workspace.
Copies the content items/folders to another location.
Pastes the copied content items/folders in the specified
Expand All
Expands all the subfolders.
Collapse All
Collapses all the subfolders.
Send Context To > Mail
Sends the context items to the mail recipient as a desktop view
file. The file with the saved context can be loaded into UPS.
(Item level option)
80 • Uniformance Process Studio User Guide
5. Creating and managing workspaces
5.3. Managing workspace contents
Send Context(s) To > Mail
Sends multiple contexts to the mail recipient as desktop view
files. These files with the saved context can be loaded into
UPS. (Item level option)
Rearranging the workspace tree structure
You can do the following to change the workspace tree structure.
To move items (drag/drop)
Drag/drop folders and subfolders to a new location.
Drag/drop content items from one folder to another.
To move items between workspaces, drag/drop the item within the
Breadcrumbed view.
To copy items (copy/paste)
Right-click and choose Copy, and then right-click and choose Paste to copy content
items or folders to a new location.
To select multiple items
To select consecutive items, click the first item, press and hold down Shift, and then
click the last item.
To select non-consecutive items, press and hold down Ctrl, and then click each item.
Guidelines for rearranging
A horizontal line indicates the location of the 'drag target' (see the following figure).
To create a parent/child relationship, drag/drop or copy/paste a folder into a folder.
You cannot rearrange individual content items within a folder.
The following figure (Figure 12) shows the folder named "New Folder 3"
dragged/dropped to its new location as a child in the parent folder named "New Folder
Uniformance Process Studio User Guide • 81
5. Creating and managing workspaces
5.3. Managing workspace contents
Figure 12 – Folder Drag/Drop example
Displaying workspace content
To display workspace content, double-click the content item to display it in a window, or
drag/drop the item to a location that supports it.
To reuse content that is saved in a workspace, do any of the following:
Double-click the item to open a new window.
Drag/drop the item to a supported location, or
Right-click on the workspace and Copy/Paste the item from the workspace to a
supported location.
Sending context through e-mail
To send a context in the workspace
Select the context (for example, Trend), right-click and choose Send Context To >
Mail Recipient. The context is saved in a Desktop View file. The Desktop View file
loads the saved context items in UPS. For more information, refer to section 6.4
Saving and Loading Desktop Views.
82 • Uniformance Process Studio User Guide
5. Creating and managing workspaces
5.3. Managing workspace contents
Figure 13 – Sending a context through e-mail
To send multiple items in the workspace through e-mail, select the items, right-click
and choose Send Context(s) To > Mail Recipient.
Sending a context or multiple contexts to a mail recipient is an item level option.
Sending workspaces through e-mail
To send workspace details through e-mail
Right-click at the bottom of the navigation pane and choose Send Workspace(s) To
from the context menu as follows:
Figure 14 – Sending workspaces through e-mail
The workspace is sent to an e-mail address or saved to a local or network location.
Sharing a workspace with another user
To share workspace content with another user
Create a workspace and save your content (such as a Trend) to the workspace.
Uniformance Process Studio User Guide • 83
5. Creating and managing workspaces
5.3. Managing workspace contents
Send the <workspacename>.xml file to the other user - through e-mail or a shared
network location.
The other user imports the <workspacename>.xml file into the Uniformance Process
Note: You can share multiple workspaces (which are saved as multiple files) by adding
multiple workspaces – then sending the files through e-mail or placing them on a shared
resource. The other user opens the Uniformance Process Studio and loads the
To make a workspace available to another user
Right-click the workspace that contains the item to be shared.
Select Send Workspace To.
Select Mail Recipient or My Computer.
Mail Recipient - to send a copy of the <workspacename>.xml file.
My Computer - to browse to a location on the local drive or a network share
where you want to save the <workspacename>.xml file.
If you select Mail Recipient, enter the necessary e-mail address and click
84 • Uniformance Process Studio User Guide
5. Creating and managing workspaces
5.3. Managing workspace contents
If you select My Computer, browse to the location where you want to save
the workspace file and click Save.
To import a workspace to your machine
If the .xml file is received as an e-mail attachment, save the attachment to the
local drive or a network share.
At the recipient's machine, create a new workspace if necessary.
Right-click the top bar of the currently open workspace and select Import
Browse to the <workspacename>.xml file that is to be imported, select the
file, and click Open.
Result: The content of the current workspace is replaced with the content
from the imported file.
Importing a workspace retains the name of the currently open workspace, but
replaces its content and tree structure with that of the imported workspace.
For this reason, you may want to create a new empty workspace and give it
an appropriate name in preparation for the imported workspace.
Uniformance Process Studio User Guide • 85
5. Creating and managing workspaces
5.3. Managing workspace contents
Adding content to workspaces
You can add content to a workspace using the following options.
Table 9 – Steps to add items to a workspace
Content description
Used for organizing
workspace content in a
tree structure.
To add items to a workspace…
Right-click on the background of the workspace
and choose Add > Folder or right-click a parent
folder and select Add > Sub Folder.
Type a new name for the folder.
Result: The new folder is available in the workspace.
Provides a link to an
external application or
a file (such as
Microsoft Word or
Excel document).
Right-click on the folder in the workspace and
choose Add > Link.
Navigate to the location of the application or file
and click Open.
Result: The content is available in the workspace.
86 • Uniformance Process Studio User Guide
Rename the content, if needed.
5. Creating and managing workspaces
5.3. Managing workspace contents
Graphic /
Content description
To add items to a workspace…
Provides a link to a
web page, an HMIWeb
graphic, or an HTML
Drag/drop the graphic to a workspace folder.
Result: The content is available in the workspace.
Uniformance Process Studio User Guide • 87
5. Creating and managing workspaces
5.3. Managing workspace contents
Content description
To add items to a workspace…
Graphic /
Right-click on the graphic window and select
Copy URL. Then right-click a workspace folder
and select Paste.
Result: The content is available in the workspace.
Right-click on a folder in the workspace and
select Add > URL.
Enter the URL of an HMIWeb graphic, a web
page, or an HTML document, and then click OK.
Result: The content is available in the workspace.
Display an HMIWeb graphic, a web page, or an
HTML document in a Graphic Window.
Click Address Bar on the Graphic ribbon to
show the Address bar if it is not already
Drag/drop the Address on to a folder in the
Result: The content is available in the workspace.
Defines an item
reference, including
trend trace details.
Rename the content, if needed.
Drag/drop an item from the Trend Properties table
to a folder in the workspace.
Result: The content is available in the workspace.
88 • Uniformance Process Studio User Guide
Rename the content, if needed.
5. Creating and managing workspaces
5.3. Managing workspace contents
Content description
To add items to a workspace…
Defines an item
reference, including
item details, if present:
- Minimum Confidence
- Aggregate
- Engineering Units
- Resample Interval
- Data Source
Drag/drop an item from the Browser window on
to a folder in the workspace.
Result: The content is available in the workspace.
Right-click on the folder in the workspace and
choose Add > Item or on a content window,
choose Items > New Item.
Enter the Item Name and optionally specify item
details that you want to save along with the Item
Click OK.
Result: The content is available in the workspace.
Defines an absolute or
relative start time, end
time, and large and
small step sizes.
Rename the content, if needed.
Ensure that there is no content named TimeControl already in the workspace – if there is,
rename it.
Drag/drop the From:/To: field on the Time
Control to a folder in the workspace.
Result: The content is available in the workspace.
Defines a relative start
time and end time.
Rename the content, if needed.
Ensure that there is no content named Time
Range already in the workspace – if there is,
rename it.
Specify the relative start time and end time in the
Time Control, if not already present.
Right-click on a Trend window that is using the
Time Control and select Copy Timespan.
Right-click on a folder in the workspace and
select Paste.
Result: The content is available in the workspace.
Rename the content, if needed.
Uniformance Process Studio User Guide • 89
5. Creating and managing workspaces
5.3. Managing workspace contents
Content description
To add items to a workspace…
Defines a Reduction
Method and a
Resample Interval.
Right-click on a folder in the workspace and
select Add Aggregate.
Select an Aggregate from the drop-down list.
If needed, enter a different Resample Interval in
seconds. The default value is 60 seconds.
Click OK.
Result: The content is available in the workspace.
Rename the content, if needed.
REFERENCE: For definitions of Aggregate and
Resample Interval, see section 8.11, Description of
data retrieval properties 'Frequency' and 'Method'.
Defines a data source
(PHD Server).
Right-click on a folder in the workspace and
select Add DataSource.
Select a data source from the drop-down list.
Click OK.
Result: The content is available in the workspace.
Defines a Trend
content window.
Rename the content appropriately, if needed.
Note: If not done already, change the name of the
trend window to be a name other than the default
Right-click on the trend window and select Title >
Rename Trend.
Enter the new name and then click OK.
Result: The name appears on the window tab.
Drag/drop the trend to a workspace folder.
Result: The content is available in the workspace.
90 • Uniformance Process Studio User Guide
5. Creating and managing workspaces
5.3. Managing workspace contents
Content description
Right-click on the trend window and select Copy.
Right-click on a folder in the workspace and
select Paste.
Result: The content is available in the workspace.
To add items to a workspace…
Defines a MultiTrend
content window.
To change the name of the MultiTrend window
Right-click on the MultiTrend window and select
Title > Rename MultiTrend.
Type a new name and then click OK.
Result: The name appears on the window tab.
Drag/drop the MultiTrend to a workspace folder.
Result: The content is available in the workspace.
Right-click on the specific chart or anywhere on a
MultiTrend window and select Edit > Copy (to
copy a specific chart) or Edit > Copy All (to copy
all of the charts).
Right-click on a folder in the workspace and
select Paste.
Result: The content is available in the workspace.
- If you select Copy All, the MultiTrend
is saved to the workspace.
- If you select Copy, the single chart is
saved to the workspace for redisplay
in a Trend window.
Uniformance Process Studio User Guide • 91
5. Creating and managing workspaces
5.3. Managing workspace contents
Content description
To add items to a workspace…
Defines a Table
content window.
To change the name of the table window
Right-click on the Table window and select
Rename Table.
Type a new name and then click OK.
Result: The name appears on the window tab.
Drag/drop the Table to a workspace folder.
Result: The content is available in the workspace.
Right-click on the table window and select Edit >
Right-click on a folder in the workspace and
select Paste.
Result: The content is available in the workspace.
92 • Uniformance Process Studio User Guide
5. Creating and managing workspaces
5.3. Managing workspace contents
Multi X
Content description
To add items to a workspace…
Defines a MultiXTrend
context window
To change the name of the table window
Right-click on the MultiXTrend window and
select Rename MultiXTrend.
Type a new name and then click OK.
Result: The name appears on the window tab.
Drag/drop the MultiXTrend to a workspace
Result: The content is available in the workspace
Right-click on the MultiXTrend window and select
Edit > Copy.
Right-click on a folder in the workspace and
select Paste.
Result: The content is available in the workspace.
Defines an Analysis
Plot context window
To change the name of the Analysis Plot window
Right-click on the Analysis Plot window and
select Rename Analysis Plot.
Type a new name and then click OK.
Result: The name appears on the window tab.
Drag/drop the Analysis Plot to a workspace
Result: The content is available in the workspace
Right-click on the Analysis Plot window and
select Edit > Copy.
Right-click on a folder in the workspace and
select Paste.
Result: The content is available in the workspace.
Uniformance Process Studio User Guide • 93
5. Creating and managing workspaces
5.3. Managing workspace contents
You can add items to a workspace by dragging and dropping items from
the Tag Browser.
You can drag any application window such as a Trend, MultiXTrend,
MultiTrend, Analysis Plots, or Graphics on to the workspace.
You can drag the Time Control to the workspace.
94 • Uniformance Process Studio User Guide
6. Managing Windows in Uniformance Process
Maximizing the viewing area
You can use the following techniques to maximize the screen in Uniformance Process
Minimize the ribbon
Hide windows
To minimize the ribbon
Right-click the ribbon and select Minimize the ribbon.
Double-click any ribbon tab.
Result: The ribbon minimizes to show only its tabs.
To view a minimized menu, click the tab.
To hide windows
The Navigation and Browser windows can be set to Hide or AutoHide mode.
Right-click and then click Hide - The window remains completely hidden until you
select the application on the Home menu.
Right-click and then click AutoHide - The window slides off the main window, but
shows its title in an area along the outside of the main window. The window remains
hidden until you move the mouse over the title.
You can click the push pin icon to toggle Auto-hide mode:
Click icon to "unpin" the window and allow it to auto-hide.
Click icon to "pin" the window and turn off auto-hide.
Uniformance Process Studio User Guide • 95
6. Managing Windows in Uniformance Process Studio
6.2. Creating and modifying tab groups
Creating and modifying tab groups
By default, content windows are stacked into a single tab group. You can create
additional tab groups in various arrangements, as illustrated in Figure 15.
Figure 15 – Tab Group examples
Tab group type
Single tab group
Horizontal tab groups
96 • Uniformance Process Studio User Guide
6. Managing Windows in Uniformance Process Studio
6.2. Creating and modifying tab groups
Tab group type
Vertical tab groups
Uniformance Process Studio User Guide • 97
6. Managing Windows in Uniformance Process Studio
6.2. Creating and modifying tab groups
To rearrange tabs within a tab group
Drag the tab left or right.
To create a new tab group
Right-click the tab that you want to place into a new tab group, and then select either
New Horizontal Tab Group or New Vertical Tab Group.
To move a tab to a different tab group
Right-click the tab and select Move to Next Tab Group or Move to Previous Tab
98 • Uniformance Process Studio User Guide
6. Managing Windows in Uniformance Process Studio
6.2. Creating and modifying tab groups
To create a new tab group through drag/drop
Drag a tab until you see a grey box that indicates the arrangement you
Uniformance Process Studio User Guide • 99
6. Managing Windows in Uniformance Process Studio
6.2. Creating and modifying tab groups
Drag or drop an item to a UPS tab
When you drag any item onto a UPS tab, the tab is put into focus. The dragged item can
be dropped onto the corresponding application hosted in that tab.
To drag an item to a UPS tab
Click the Trend tab to bring the application into focus. This is illustrated in the
following figure.
The Trend tab is in the foreground and the other applications MultiXTrend
and MultiTrend are in the background.
The following figure illustrates the split tab bars.
100 • Uniformance Process Studio User Guide
6. Managing Windows in Uniformance Process Studio
6.2. Creating and modifying tab groups
Drag the tab and then drop the item from the Browser to the MultiTrend
application in focus as illustrated in the following figure.
Uniformance Process Studio User Guide • 101
6. Managing Windows in Uniformance Process Studio
6.2. Creating and modifying tab groups
Drag/Drop between graphics and other UPS applications
To make the Trend tab a valid drop target
You can drag a tag from a graphic and drop it to a Trend, MultiTrend, MultiXTrend,
Analysis Plot, Table, or Workspace.
Create or open a Graphic display and a Trend. Split the tab bars vertically or
horizontally so that both the Graphic and Trend are displayed simultaneously
as follows:
Drag tags from the Graphic (BauxiteHandling.htm) and drop it to the Trend
application in focus as illustrated in the following figure.
102 • Uniformance Process Studio User Guide
6. Managing Windows in Uniformance Process Studio
6.3. Repositioning the Browser and Navigation windows
You cannot drag/drop the Analysis plots to any other application in UPS.
Repositioning the Browser and Navigation windows
You can reposition the browser and navigation windows in Uniformance Process Studio
using arrow guides that appear when you drag the window (as shown in Figure 16).
The window freely flows horizontally or vertically as you drag it, and then repositions
and resizes when you drop it. A gray box indicates the new position and size (as shown
in Figure 16).
Uniformance Process Studio User Guide • 103
6. Managing Windows in Uniformance Process Studio
6.3. Repositioning the Browser and Navigation windows
Figure 16 – Repositioning the Browser and navigation windows
104 • Uniformance Process Studio User Guide
6. Managing Windows in Uniformance Process Studio
6.4. Saving and Loading Desktop Views
Saving and Loading Desktop Views
You can save the current layout of the tabbed windows together with configuration of the
window content in a Desktop View (.dvw) file. You can then load the Desktop View file
to restore a previously saved window layout, or configure UPS to automatically load a
layout at startup.
Note that the position and size of the Workspace and Browser windows are not stored in
the Desktop View file. They are automatically set to their position and size when UPS
was last closed.
To save a Desktop View
to save the desktop view.
Result: The file Save dialog box appears.
Specify a name for the .DesktopView file and click Save.
Uniformance Process Studio User Guide • 105
6. Managing Windows in Uniformance Process Studio
6.5. Closing all Windows
To restore a previously saved Desktop View
to open a desktop view file.
Result: The file Open dialog box is displayed.
Specify the desktop view file to load.
Result: The required DesktopView File (.dvw) is opened. Opening the
DesktopViewFile restores all the tabs that were open when the DesktopView
file was saved.
To load Uniformance Process Studio with the layout from a previously saved
desktop view (.dvw) file, simply double click the desktop view file.
You can use this technique to launch UPS by default with a standard “start
page” or layout.
If you load a Desktop View that includes content requiring a UPS Advanced or
Developer license, UPS will attempt to acquire the required license
Closing all Windows
To close all open tabbed content windows, click the Close All button from the Window
tab of the ribbon Home tab. You will be asked to confirm whether you want to save
unsaved changes to any windows before closing.
106 • Uniformance Process Studio User Guide
7. Operating the Time Control
Time Control fields and buttons
The Time Control is a user interface within Uniformance Process Studio that allows the
user to set time-related properties.
For an introduction to the Time Control, refer to section 2.7 Working with the
time control.
When Common Times is inactive, the Time Control user interface resizes to
fit the available space within each local content window. Reductions in size
may remove some fields or buttons from the Time Control or may completely
hide the local Time Control.
You can still change the properties through the Time Control Properties
dialog box.
If a resize of the Time Control hides the From/To times object, you cannot
drag a time range from the Time Control – however, you can still drop onto
the Properties button.
Simply increase the size of the content window to display the entire Time
Control user interface.
Table 10 describes fields and buttons on the Time Control user interface.
Table 10 – Description of Time Control fields and buttons
Allows the user to select a Period to apply to the Time Control. The properties
of a Period are start and end times, step sizes, and refresh interval.
From: and To:
(start and end
Uniformance Process Studio User Guide • 107
7. Operating the Time Control
7.1. Time Control fields and buttons
Indicates the start (From) and end (To) times (time range) used by the Time
Control to request data.
From: and To:
(start and end
To change the From/To times (time range), right-click on it to display the Time
Control Properties dialog box, or select a different Period from the Period
drop-down list, or click on the forward/ back buttons.
The user can use the From/To times to drag/drop the time control properties to
a workspace or to other objects within Uniformance Process Studio that can
use a time range. When you left-click on From/To times, it loads the time
control properties (context) for drag/drop - when you release the mouse
button, it drops the context.
The user can drag/drop onto the From/To times. Note: When you drop onto
the Time Control, the Period changes to 'Custom'.
When Common Times is not active, the From/To times may not display,
because the Time Control user interface shrinks to fit the available space of
the local content window. If so, you cannot drag the From/To times label, but
you can drop a time range onto the Properties button.
Large Step
Small Step
Large Step
Small Step
Moves the From (start) time, To (end) time, and "current time" together, back
in time by the time increment specified in the Large Step property.
Moves the From (start) time, To (end) time, and "current time" together, back
in time by the time increment specified in the Small Step property.
Moves the From (start) time, To (end) time, and "current time" together,
forward in time by the time increment specified in the Large Step property.
Moves the start, end, and current times together, forward in time by the time
increment specified in the Small Step property.
108 • Uniformance Process Studio User Guide
7. Operating the Time Control
7.1. Time Control fields and buttons
Slider control
Moves the "current time" within the period identified by the From (start) and To
(end) times. When in Play mode, the slider moves automatically and appears
grayed-out. See also: Play button.
Requests an update of the data in the time range. For example, if you display
a Trend with a time range of 'now-2h to now' and then go to a meeting for an
hour, when you get back, the data is one hour old. Click Refresh to update the
Trend data with the latest values.
Play button
Toggles between 'Play' and 'Stop'. 'Play' turns on play mode and increments
forward through time at a predefined interval. 'Stop" turns off the Time Control
automatic refresh.
When in Play mode, the slider moves automatically, and the time control
appears grayed-out, except for the Stop button.
Play mode increments forward at a normal or fast interval, depending on the
configuration of the Time Control properties, as follows:
normal - If the Fast Replay property is set to “Normal refresh”, play mode
increments at the Refresh Interval. Normal play mode continues
incrementing if it reaches a relative end time of Now.
fast - If the Fast Replay property is set to “n times normal”, play mode
increments at the fast interval, where 'n' is a specified multiplier. Fast play
mode slows to normal refresh when it reaches a relative end time of Now.
When playing, and "current time" reaches the To:(end) time:
If Relative end time - playing continues at the refresh interval.
If Absolute end time - playing stops when it reaches the end time.
Uniformance Process Studio User Guide • 109
7. Operating the Time Control
7.1. Time Control fields and buttons
Displays the Time Control Properties dialog box, where the user can
view/modify the time-related properties.
This button is also a drag/drop target - you can drag/drop a time range onto
the Properties button. This is useful when the From/To times are not available
as a drag/drop target, because the Time Control user interface was reduced in
size to fit the space available in the local window.
110 • Uniformance Process Studio User Guide
7. Operating the Time Control
7.2. Common Times status
Common Times status
The Common Times status is present in the ribbon of each Trend, MultiTrend, Multi X
Trend, Table, Analysis Plot and Graphic. The status determines whether all windows
synchronize to the same time settings or each window has its own independent time
Common Times includes two states: active and inactive. Initially, Common Times is
Common Times mode:
Local Times mode:
When Common Times is active:
The Common Times status is highlighted.
There is one master Time Control user interface. It
displays status strip of the main window.
All open windows share common time settings. For
example, if you change the time period, then all
windows automatically update to display the same time
Note: A graphic must have an HMIWeb time control on
its page to be able to respond to the Common Times
If you drop a time entry (a time range, time control, or
saved content that has an associated time) onto a
window, it does not have any effect. The master Time
Control settings continue to be in effect.
When Common Times is inactive:
The Common Times status is not highlighted.
A separate Time Control user interface displays in the
status strip of each window. Note: A graphic uses the
time control configured through an HMIWeb Display
Builder, if present.
The Time Control user interface resizes to fit the
available space within the status strip of each window.
If you change the time settings of one window, it does
not affect any other windows.
If you add a new window (such as Home > Trend), it
displays with its own local Time Control user interface.
Uniformance Process Studio User Guide • 111
7. Operating the Time Control
7.3. Viewing/adjusting the time control properties
Note: When you close Uniformance Process Studio, it saves the current Common Times
status, and then uses it as the startup state when you reopen Uniformance Process Studio.
Viewing/adjusting the time control properties
The Time Control Properties dialog box as shown in Figure 17, allows the user to view
and adjust the properties of the Time Control. For a description of the properties, refer to
Table 10.
Figure 17 – Time Control Properties dialog box
To display the Time Control properties
Click the Properties button
on the Time Control user interface.
Right or left-click the From/To times on the Time Control user interface.
If you make a data entry error, the appropriate field changes to a yellow
background. Errors include incorrect relative time, and errors in a dependant
time entry – such as a start (From) time that is after the end (To) time.
112 • Uniformance Process Studio User Guide
7. Operating the Time Control
7.3. Viewing/adjusting the time control properties
Table 11 – Description of Time Control Properties
Allows to select a Period from the drop-down list. Properties of a Period are start and
end times, large and small step-sizes, and refresh rate.
Allows to enter a time range and to select absolute or relative time format for the time
range – depending on the selection in the adjacent buttons.
These buttons
This button
increment/decrement the number at the position of the cursor.
displays a calendar to assist with date selection.
This button allows you to select a relative time from the drop down list.
displays the Relative Time Builder dialog box to assist with
The ellipsis button
simple relative time entry.
REFERENCE INTERNAL: For relative time syntax, see section 7.4 Relative time
Uniformance Process Studio User Guide • 113
7. Operating the Time Control
7.3. Viewing/adjusting the time control properties
The "current-time" is a position in time between the From (start) and To (end) times.
You can point to "current time" using the Relative time slider or the Absolute date/time
When you select the Relative time format, you can manipulate the "current time" using
the slider. The slider represents the approximate position between the start and end
Trends use "current time" as the position of Hairline 1.
Graphics use "current time" as the time for data shown by alphanumerics, indicators,
and so forth.
Specifies how frequently Trends, MultiTrends, Multi X Trends, Tables, Analysis Plots
and Graphics refresh their data when the Time Control is in the Play mode.
Specifies the multiplier that is applied to the Refresh interval when the "current time" is
before the end time and the Time Control is placed in Play mode. This has the effect
of speeding-up history replay by incrementing the "current time" at the faster-rate.
Specifies the time increment used for a small step forward or backward in time. The
Uniformance Process Studio Time Control user interface does not currently use Small
step, but the Graphics time control uses it, and it can be used programmatically.
Specifies the time increment used for the large step button in the Time Control user
interface to move forward or backward in time.
114 • Uniformance Process Studio User Guide
7. Operating the Time Control
7.4. Relative time syntax
Applies the changes to the Time Control. When there are errors in the time entries,
the OK button is unavailable until the errors are resolved.
Closes the properties dialog box without applying the user's changes.
Relative time syntax
The relative time syntax includes the following details.
Delta formats are not supported for relative time strings in UPS.
Uniformance Process Studio User Guide • 115
7. Operating the Time Control
7.4. Relative time syntax
116 • Uniformance Process Studio User Guide
8. Displaying Data in a Trend
To view the different types of Trend charts, perform the following step.
Open a Trend window and click Type on the ribbon.
Right-click on a Trend window and choose View > Chart type.
Result: The following options are displayed.
Figure 18 - Types of Trend charts
The types of Trend charts are as follows:
Single Y Axis
Strip Chart
Multiple Y Axis
Uniformance Process Studio User Guide • 117
8. Displaying Data in a Trend
8.1. Choosing a Trend format
Choosing a Trend format
Single Y Axis format
The Single Y Axis format shows all traces superimposed on one display with a common
X-axis and Y-axis.
The single Y axis trend window allows you to display 32 traces.
Figure 19 – Single Y Axis Trend
Strip Chart format
Strip Chart format shows each trace on a separate strip with its own Y-axis, and with a
common X-axis.
Figure 20 – Strip Chart Trend
118 • Uniformance Process Studio User Guide
8. Displaying Data in a Trend
8.1. Choosing a Trend format
Multiple Y Axis (default) format
The Multiple Y axis format shows all traces superimposed on one display – the Y axis
for each trace is used, but with a common X axis.
In the following example, the Y axis for each trace displays on the left side of the trend.
You can click any trace to display its corresponding Y axis in the same color on the right
side of the trend.
Note: For users familiar with the Uniformance Desktop, this format is similar to the
Process Trend.
Figure 21 – Multiple Y Axis Trend
Uniformance Process Studio User Guide • 119
8. Displaying Data in a Trend
8.1. Choosing a Trend format
XY format
The XY format plots trace against each other. You select an item as the X axis and an
item as the Y axis.
XY format plots display values against common timestamps.
If a trace displays Aggregate data, you can associate X and Y with different items.
If a trace displays RAW data, then both X and Y show trace values for the same item.
You can click a trace to display its data points (as shown in Figure 22).
Figure 22 – XY Trend
120 • Uniformance Process Studio User Guide
8. Displaying Data in a Trend
8.1. Choosing a Trend format
Histogram format
The Histogram format is used for displaying how a variable is distributed. The
histogram condenses a data series into a visual display by taking many data points and
grouping them into logical ranges or bins.
On the ribbon, you can use the option Number Bins to specify the number of bins and
the resolution.
A chart lists general statistical information, such as normal distribution, mean, and
standard deviation.
You can plot a histogram for any trace that is added to a Trend.
Figure 23 - Histogram Trend
SPC format
The Statistical Process Control (SPC) format provides you with information about the
performance of processes within a plant. You can use the information in the chart to
identify areas where the processes are running efficiently, and to identify where there is
variation in the processes.
The Statistical Process Control charts display the distribution of Moving Range and
Individual X.
You can plot an SPC chart for any trace that is added to a Trend.
Uniformance Process Studio User Guide • 121
8. Displaying Data in a Trend
8.2. Interpreting the histogram
Figure 24 – SPC Trend
On the ribbon, you can use the option Sample Size to select the sample size from the list.
Specify a number from 1 through 25 for the calculated X bar and Range bar.
Interpreting the histogram
Histogram algorithm
The algorithm used to calculate the Histogram series values is as follows:
W is the width of a bar in a histogram, and
W = (Max - Min) / #Bar.
Counts[] is the heights of bars in a histogram if Unit is selected as Counts, and
Counts[i] = is the number of sample for ((i-1)W * V[j] < iW)
Where i = 1, 2, ..., #Bar, and j = 1, 2, ..., N.
If the Unit is selected as Percent, the heights of bars is
Percent[i], and
Percent[i] = Counts[i] / N
The Normal Distribution Curve (where area is equal to the histogram) is calculated by:
122 • Uniformance Process Studio User Guide
8. Displaying Data in a Trend
8.2. Interpreting the histogram
Where x ranges from Mean - 3Dev to Mean + 3Dev.
Histogram statistics box
Table 12 – Description of values
Resolution. Number of data points within the sample per trace.
Low Standard Limit. Default is the Low Extreme value in the PHD Server
tag configuration.
High Standard Limit. Default is the High Extreme value in the PHD Server
tag configuration.
The Mean value:
Std Dev
Standard Deviation (Dev):
Process Capability
6 Dev
Mean − LSL
If only LSL is defined, Cp =
3 Dev
HSL − Mean
If only HSL is defined, Cp =
3 Dev
If both LSL and HSL are defined,
Cp =
The Process Capability index is defined as the Cp for a centered process
producing a similar level of defects - the ratio between permissible
deviation measured from the mean value to the nearest specific limit of
acceptability, and the actual one-sided 3 x sigma spread of the process.
Uniformance Process Studio User Guide • 123
8. Displaying Data in a Trend
8.3. Creating a Trend
As a formula, Cpk = either (HSL-Mean)/(3 x sigma) or (Mean-LSL)/(3 x
sigma) whichever is the smaller (that is, depending on whether the shift is
up or down).
Creating a Trend
Create a new trend window
To create a new trend window
On the Home menu, click Trend.
Result: The Trend window is displayed.
The view defaults to a Multiple Y Axis trend type.
To select a different type, click Type on the menu, and then select the type.
Single Y Axis – Shows all traces superimposed on one chart with common X
and Y axis
Strip Chart – Shows each trace on a separate strip with common X and Y
Multiple Y Axis – Shows all traces superimposed on one display - each trace
has its own Y axis, but a common X axis.
XY – Shows traces plotted against each other.
Histogram – Shows the distribution frequency of variables.
SPC - Shows the distribution of Moving Range and Individual X.
Add items
To add items
You can drag/drop single or multiple items from the Browser window to a Trend
Alternatively, you can directly enter an item.
124 • Uniformance Process Studio User Guide
8. Displaying Data in a Trend
8.3. Creating a Trend
For instructions on how to directly enter an item, refer to section 8.4 Using
direct entry to add items.
For more information on importing Process Trend Files and Suites, refer to
section 14,UPS tools in this guide.
Edit an item
To edit an item
Drag a new item from the Browser or Workspace and drop it on to the Trend.
Right-click on a Trend and choose Items > Edit.
Click OK to confirm the deletion.
Result: The selected tag details are displayed in the Specify Item Details
dialog box.
Edit the necessary details and click OK.
Delete an item
To delete an item
In the trend properties table, select the row to be deleted.
Result: The row is highlighted.
Press the Delete key.
Click OK to confirm the deletion.
Save a trend for reuse
To save a trend for reuse
Uniformance Process Studio User Guide • 125
8. Displaying Data in a Trend
8.4. Using direct entry to add items
For instructions on how to save a trend to a workspace, refer to section 5.3
Adding content to workspaces.
For more information on importing Process Trend files and suites, refer to
section 14, UPS tools in this guide.
Using direct entry to add items
You can add an item to a Trend, MultiTrend, MultiXTrend, Analysis Plot, Table, or
Workspace by directly entering the item name. Optionally, you can customize the item
with details that define how you want the data retrieved. Table 13 describes the entries to
customize an item.
On a Trend, MultiTrend, MultiXTrend, Analysis Plot or Table
window, right-click and select Items > New Item.
Result: The 'Specify Item Details' dialog box is displayed.
Enter the Item Name and other entries as needed.
REFERENCE INTERNAL: For descriptions of the entries, refer to
Table 13 – Description of Item Details.
126 • Uniformance Process Studio User Guide
8. Displaying Data in a Trend
8.4. Using direct entry to add items
Click OK.
Result: The item is added.
Table 13 – Description of Item Details
Item Detail
Item Name
Enter the name of the data item. Tag Name and Item
Name are used interchangeably.
You can add a virtual calculation string to retrieve the
required data using the PHD data source. This option is
not supported for the OPC data source.
REFERENCE INTERNAL: For more information about
PHD Virtual Tag Expressions, refer to the PHD User
Guide (pim0201).
If selected, enumeration (string) values display for the
item instead of original (number) values.
Uniformance Process Studio User Guide • 127
8. Displaying Data in a Trend
8.4. Using direct entry to add items
Item Detail
Minimum Confidence
Specifies the default minimum confidence for data
retrieved from the PHD server. The confidence values
range from 0 to 100, where 0 represents no confidence
and 100 represents complete confidence in the data.
Null Value Replacement
Specifies how you want Null (bad) values indicated.
Specifies the engineering unit conversion that you want to
Note: The units must be a valid, predefined unit
The engineering unit conversion is not supported for the
OPC data source.
Resample Interval
Data Source
REFERENCE INTERNAL: For definitions of Resample
Interval and the various Aggregates, refer to Table 14 –
Definition of Frequency and Method.
Specifies the PHD/OPC server from which to retrieve the
item data.
128 • Uniformance Process Studio User Guide
8. Displaying Data in a Trend
8.5. Working with time ranges
Working with time ranges
Save a time range for reuse
For instructions on how to save a time range to a workspace, refer to section
5.3 Adding content to workspaces.
Reuse a saved time range
Drag the saved time range from the workspace to the start/end times on the Time Control
user interface.
If the start/end times are not visible on the Time Control, you can drag/drop it to the
Properties button on the Time Control.
If Common Times is not active, you can drop the time range onto an individual window
that supports it, such as Trend.
Trend different time ranges in the same window
Create a Trend (not a MultiTrend).
Uniformance Process Studio User Guide • 129
8. Displaying Data in a Trend
8.6. Viewing trend data value at hairline cursor position
Apply an offset to the top axis
Right-click the trend window and select Axis> Secondary X Axis
(Top)> Configure.
Select a relative or absolute offset and then click outside the box to
enter it.
Note: The secondary X axis does not display until after you assign
at least one trace to the top X axis.
Assign a trace to use the offset
Assign at least one trace to use the top X axis:
In the Properties table, click the cell within the Axis column and
select Top.
Viewing trend data value at hairline cursor position
Overview of hairline cursors
You can display a maximum of two hairline cursors (vertical lines) on a trend. The
vertical lines allow you to view the data value at one specific time and at two different
Hairline 1 – default color is red
130 • Uniformance Process Studio User Guide
8. Displaying Data in a Trend
8.6. Viewing trend data value at hairline cursor position
If you reposition Hairline 1, it changes the Time Control's "current time" (in
Local or Common Times mode).
Hairline 1 synchronizes across all trend windows when in the Common Times
Hairline 2 – default color is blue
Hairline 2 is manipulated through a local window in Local Times mode only.
The mouse can be used for repositioning both hairlines, as needed.
In addition, you can use the slider on the Time Control to reposition Hairline 1.
A box shows the tag name, value, and timestamp of all traces at the position of the
A straight line algorithm is used for interpolating between data points when the hairline
is not over actual data points.
View data value at a specific time/date
To view data value at a specific time/date
Display the trend that contains the trace(s) of interest.
Right-click on the trend and select Display > Hairline 1 or Hairline 2.
Result: A vertical line displays on the right-side of the trend, and a box shows
the item names of all the traces and the timestamp at the position of the
Note: You can drag the box out of the way as necessary.
Move the hairline
Drag the vertical line to the position of interest.
Result: The box shows the data value and timestamp at the new cursor
Note: Changing the position of Hairline 1 changes the "current time" in the
local or master Time Control.
If you want more precise movement, use the mouse wheel to move the
cursor left and right between data points for the selected trace. If no trace is
selected, then the cursor uses the first trace.
Alternatively to move Hairline 1, drag the slider on the Time Control.
Uniformance Process Studio User Guide • 131
8. Displaying Data in a Trend
8.6. Viewing trend data value at hairline cursor position
To synchronize other windows to this window's Hairline 1 position, click
Common Times, if it is not already highlighted in the ribbon.
Show the time/date of the current hairline position
Move the mouse cursor over the slider to display the time/date of the hairline.
Note: Current-time is a position in time between the start and end times.
Click the Properties button on the Time Control.
Result: The Time Control Properties dialog box is displayed.
For Current time, click Absolute.
Click OK.
Result: The time/date replaces the slider on the Time Control.
Place your cursor in the time/date field on the Time Control and enter the
time/date in the box provided.
Alternatively, you can use the arrows on the Time Control to specify a
Click the large down arrow to display a calendar, and then select the date.
Click the small arrows to increment/decrement the time – position your cursor
in the field that you want to increment/decrement.
View data value at two different times
To view data value at two different times
Display the trend that contains the trace(s) of interest.
On the Trend ribbon, click Hairline 1 and Hairline 2.
Result: Two vertical lines are displayed on the Trend, and the box shows
the names and timestamps at both hairline positions.
Drag the vertical line for Hairline 1 to the position of interest.
Result: The values appear in the box.
132 • Uniformance Process Studio User Guide
8. Displaying Data in a Trend
8.6. Viewing trend data value at hairline cursor position
Drag the vertical line for Hairline 2 to the position of interest.
Result: The values appear in the box
Uniformance Process Studio User Guide • 133
8. Displaying Data in a Trend
8.6. Viewing trend data value at hairline cursor position
View statistics (min, max, mean, and SD) at hairline position
To view statistics (min, max, mean, and SD) at hairline position
The Trend allows the user to display summary statistics on the information between
Hairline 1 and 2. This can be used, for example, to compare the statistics before and after
a process improvement was made.
Note: The Zoom function is not available when the Statistics function is enabled.
Display the Trend that contains the trace(s) and timespan of interest.
On the ribbon, select Hairline 1 or Hairline 2.
Move the Hairlines to the times of interest.
On the ribbon, select Statistics.
Result: A box shows statistics on the information between Hairline 1 and 2.
To update the statistics information
To update the statistics, click on the Trend window.
If you place the Trend in Play mode, the statistics do not get updated with the current
time update. You must click on the Trend window to refresh the statistics.
134 • Uniformance Process Studio User Guide
8. Displaying Data in a Trend
8.7. Using the zoom
After adding an item to the Trend, the statistics for the new item do not display
automatically. You must click on the Trend window to display the statistics for the new
8.7 Using the zoom
Drag the cursor over the area to zoom.
Drag the cursor again to zoom again.
To reset (clear) the zoom, right-click and select Reset Zoom.
The Zoom function is not available when Statistics is enabled. To use the
Zoom, clear the Statistics check box on the ribbon.
The Zoom effect is cancelled when you perform a refresh operation on the
Uniformance Process Studio User Guide • 135
8. Displaying Data in a Trend
8.8. Adding annotations
Adding annotations
Display the Trend that contains the trace(s) and Period of interest.
Right-click the Trend window and select Annotation > New.
RESULT: An entry box and prompt message appear in the upper left
corner of the trend.
Press the F2 key when the mouse is over the entry box.
Type your annotation and press the Enter key to enter it.
Drag the annotation to the position you want.
Changing the visual properties of a Trend
Show/hide the properties table
To show/hide the properties table
Click the control that appears on top of the properties table and below the Trend.
The available columns include:
136 • Uniformance Process Studio User Guide
8. Displaying Data in a Trend
8.9. Changing the visual properties of a Trend
Show X axis on top or bottom
To show X axis on top or bottom
Click Axis in the Trend properties table, and then select Top or Bottom.
Change the style of a trace line
To change the style of a trace line
Click LineStyle in the Trend properties table and select from the drop down list (Dash,
Dot, DashDot, or DashDotDot).
Change the style of marker for indication of data points
To change the style of the marker for indication of data points
Click Marker in the Trend properties table and select from the drop down list
(Rectangle, Circle, Triangle, or Diamond).
Uniformance Process Studio User Guide • 137
8. Displaying Data in a Trend
8.9. Changing the visual properties of a Trend
Enabling the Marker styles degrades the performance of the Trend.
Change the color of a trace line
To change the color of a trace line
Click Color in the Trend properties table and select a color from the drop-down list.
Show Step instead of linear trace line
To show Step instead of linear trace line
Click Step in the Trend properties table to display the trace line as steps between data
points instead of linear lines.
The step value of the PHD tag is taken by default. This is not applicable for
OPC data sources.
Display a title/edit title/rename a trend
To display a title/edit title/rename a trend
Note: This procedure applies to a Trend and to each chart in a MultiTrend.
To display the trend title, right-click on the window or chart and then select Title >
Display Title.
To edit the title, right-click on the window or chart and then select Title > Edit Title.
Type a title and click OK to edit the title or click Cancel to cancel the action.
138 • Uniformance Process Studio User Guide
8. Displaying Data in a Trend
8.9. Changing the visual properties of a Trend
To rename the title, right-click the window or chart and then select Title > Rename.
Type the name and click OK or click Cancel to cancel the action.
Modify the Trend display style
To modify the Trend display style
on the Trend ribbon to modify the display chart style of a Trend.
The Chart Style dialog box with five tabs is displayed as follows:
Figure 25 – Chart Style
The tabs are:
Uniformance Process Studio User Guide • 139
8. Displaying Data in a Trend
8.9. Changing the visual properties of a Trend
You can make changes to the following:
Trend Background (Click Chart Style > Chart)
Plot Background (Click Chart Style > Chart)
Font/Size/Color of the Title (Click Chart Style > Title)
Background/Foreground/Transparency setting for Hairlines (Click Chart Style >
Color of the Gridlines (Click Chart Style > Grid)
Font/Size/Style/Color of the X-axis and Y-axis (Click Chart Style > Axes)
Changes to Trend style settings will be applied to all new and existing
Trends. Style settings cannot be customized for individual trends.
Export trend to Excel Companion
To export trend to companion
Right-click on the Trend window or chart and then choose Export > Excel Companion.
Click the arrow
provided on the ribbon.
and then select Excel Companion from the list
Result: The details of the Trend are exported to an excel worksheet.
Export trend to Image
To export trend to Image
Export trend to image file. Right-click on the window or chart and then select Export >
Image > JPG/PNG.
Result: The Export to JPEG image dialog box opens. Enter the file name and click
140 • Uniformance Process Studio User Guide
8. Displaying Data in a Trend
8.10. Viewing and changing the scale of a Trend
8.10 Viewing and changing the scale of a Trend
View the scale of a trace
To view the scale of a trace
To display the scale of a particular trace, click on its name in the properties table.
Change the scale
To change the scale
Select the YRange property, located in the Trend's properties table for each trace, and set
it to one of the following:
Auto Scale - Automatically rescales Y range to accommodate the displayed data.
Tag Range - Sets Y range equal to the item high/low extremes.
Custom Range - Allows you to set minimum/maximum range.
To automatically rescale
To configure automatic rescaling for a particular trace, select its YRange in the
properties table, and then select Auto Scale.
To rescale all traces in the trend, choose Type > Auto Scale in the Trend ribbon.
To plot trace with its own scale (normalized Y axis)
Select YRange in the properties table, and then select Tag Range.
To manually change scale of trace distorted by a single outlier
Select YRange in the properties table, select Custom Range, and then enter a new
Minimum and/or Maximum value. Select the item in the properties table to display its
new YRange.
Lock the range of the Y axis (Lock Scale)
To lock the range of the Y axis (Lock Scale)
Right-click on the Trend window and select Axis > Lock Y Scale.
Uniformance Process Studio User Guide • 141
8. Displaying Data in a Trend
8.11. Description of data retrieval properties 'Frequency' and 'Method'
8.11 Description of data retrieval properties 'Frequency'
and 'Method'
Table 14 describes the 'Method' and 'Frequency' properties that affect data retrieval for
Uniformance Process Studio. You can change the 'Method' and 'Frequency' properties in
Trend, MultiTrend, and MultiXTrend, or through direct entry of an item.
Trend (through the properties table on a per item basis)
MultiXTrend (through the properties table on a per item basis)
MultiTrend (through the ribbon on a per window basis)
Table 14 – Definition of Frequency and Method
Selects the time interval for sampling or reduction: 1S, 5S, 10S, 30S,
1M, 2M, 5M, 10M, 30M, 1H, 2H, 4H, 8H, 1D, 7D, or 30D. Default is
Selects a data sampling type (Raw or Snapshot) or reduction
calculation (Average, Delta, First, Last, Maximum, Minimum,
RegressionConstant, RegressionDeviation, RegressionSlope,
Standard Deviation). The default method is Snapshot.
When an OPC data request is made, the OPC equivalent of the
selected UPS aggregate is used. If no equivalent aggregate is
available, an error message is displayed. This is not applicable to
PHD servers as all UPS aggregates are supported by PHD.
UPS aggregates are mapped to OPC aggregates when requests
are made. The intended function remains the same but the names
of aggregates (such as snapshot, average, first and last) are
Provides this data…
The actual sample that was stored with its timestamp – no reduction
is performed. This method does not include interpolation.
A value that is the interpolation between the raw data values within
the Frequency time interval. Provides the raw data that exist at
specific timestamps - other values are interpolated according to the
PHD tag configuration. Snapshot is mapped to Interpolative in OPC.
Note: Tag configuration of Interpolation Method (Linear or Step)
affects all reduction results and Resample Method (Sample at
142 • Uniformance Process Studio User Guide
8. Displaying Data in a Trend
8.11. Description of data retrieval properties 'Frequency' and 'Method'
Interval or Average Around Interval) affects the results when
resampled data are reduced.
A value calculated from the raw values over the "Frequency" (time
interval). Also referred to as Aggregate. Applies to floating or integer
The average data over the time interval using time
weighted averaging. Average is mapped to
TimeAverage in OPC.
Value at start of time interval subtracted from value
at end using time weighted averaging.
The first actual (raw) value at the start of the time
interval. First is mapped to Start in OPC.
The last actual (raw) value at the end of the time
interval. Last is mapped to End in OPC.
In case of OPC, the First (Last) aggregate retrieves the first (last)
raw value within the interval and returns that value with the
timestamp at which that value occurs.
In the case of PHD, the First (Last) aggregate retrieves the
processed first (last) value within the interval and returns that value
with the timestamp of the start (end) of the interval.
The maximum value over the time interval using
time weighted averaging.
The minimum value over the time interval using
time weighted averaging.
Y-intercept of the regression line using time
weighted averaging.
Standard deviation of the regression line over the
time interval using time weighted averaging.
Slope of the regression line over the time interval
using time weighted averaging.
The standard deviation of the samples over the
time interval using time weighted averaging.
Uniformance Process Studio User Guide • 143
8. Displaying Data in a Trend
8.11. Description of data retrieval properties 'Frequency' and 'Method'
For more information about PHD reductions, refer to the section "Data
Resampling" and "Data Reduction Calculations" in the PHD System Manual
144 • Uniformance Process Studio User Guide
9. Displaying Data in a Multi-Trend
Overview of MultiTrend features
MultiTrend allows the user to set up a set of small trends that typically cover a relatively
large number of items, for routine process monitoring. MultiTrend displays only
aggregate (not raw) data. Each MultiTrend can contain up to 25 charts.
The maximum number of traces per chart is user configurable through UPS
Configuration – the default limit is 6.
The maximum number of rows and columns is user configurable through UPS
Configuration – the default limit is 5.
The maximum total number of trace points per MultiTrend is user configurable through
the ribbon command "Max. Trace Point Count". The default limit is 2000 traces.
The MultiTrend automatically adjusts the Aggregate frequency based on the number of
data points and the start and end times. For example, with 100 data points displayed for
five days of data, the calculated frequency is (60*60*24*5) = 432000 seconds, or 1H12M
(1 hour 12 minutes). If you select a frequency of 2hrs, then there is no change.
Each MultiTrend is displayed as a tabbed window.
Figure 26 - MultiTrend
Uniformance Process Studio User Guide • 145
9. Displaying Data in a Multi-Trend
9.2. Creating a MultiTrend
Creating a MultiTrend
To create a MultiTrend
Open a new MultiTrend window
On the Home menu, click MultiTrend.
Result: The MultiTrend window is displayed. The default layout is four charts.
Select layout
To select the layout, right-click on the MultiTrend window, select Layout, and
then click the chart layout that you want.
Add items
METHOD 1: Open the item Browser window if not already present and
drag/drop an item to a chart in the MultiTrend window.
146 • Uniformance Process Studio User Guide
9. Displaying Data in a Multi-Trend
9.2. Creating a MultiTrend
METHOD 2: Right-click a chart in the MultiTrend window and select Items >
New Item.
The following dialog box opens.
Enter the item details into the dialog box and then click OK.
Refer to Table 15 for item description.
Result: The trend for the item displays in the chart.
Continue adding items as needed.
Note: Multiple items can be added to an individual chart.
Replace or remove items
Right-click a chart and select one of the following commands:
Items > Edit – to Copy/Copy All items.
Items >Remove – to delete an item.
Items > Reinitialize Items – to reinitialize the items.
Uniformance Process Studio User Guide • 147
9. Displaying Data in a Multi-Trend
9.2. Creating a MultiTrend
Table 15 – Item description
Item Detail
Item Name
Enter the name of the data item. Tag Name and Item
Name are used interchangeably.
If checked, enumeration (string) values display for the
item instead of original (integer) values.
Minimum Confidence
Specifies the default minimum confidence for data
retrieved from the PHD server. The confidence values
range from 0 to 100, where 0 represents no confidence
and 100 represents complete confidence in the data.
Null Value Replacement
Specifies how you want Null (bad) values indicated.
Specifies the engineering unit conversion that you want
performed. Note: The units must be a valid, predefined
unit conversion.
REFERENCE INTERNAL: For definitions of Aggregate
and Resample Interval, see section 8.11, Description of
data retrieval properties 'Frequency' and 'Method'.
Resample Interval
Data Source
Specifies the PHD/OPC server from which to retrieve the
item data.
148 • Uniformance Process Studio User Guide
9. Displaying Data in a Multi-Trend
9.2. Creating a MultiTrend
Save all MultiTrend charts or a single chart for reuse
To save all MultiTrend charts or a single chart for reuse
For instructions on how to save all of the MultiTrend charts or a single chart
to a workspace, refer to section 5.3 Adding content to workspaces.
View the MultiTrend properties
To view the MultiTrend properties
Right-click on the MultiTrend and select Display > Legend.
Result: The item names, trace colors, and statistics appear in a box on each chart.
View a MultiTrend chart in a Trend window
To view a MultiTrend chart in a Trend window
Double-click on any chart in a MultiTrend window to open a new Trend window
containing the same tags/item(s).
Display hairline cursors in a MultiTrend
To display hairline cursors in a MultiTrend
Right-click the MultiTrend, and then select Display > Hairlines.
Result: A vertical hairline cursor displays on all charts in the MultiTrend.
Note: If you reposition the hairline in one of the charts, it moves the hairline in all of the
other charts. It changes the Time Control's, current time (for local or master Time
Show/edit title/Rename MultiTrend
To show/edit title/Rename MultiTrend
Note: This procedure applies to a Trend, MultiXTrend and to each chart in a MultiTrend.
To display the MultiTrend title, right-click the window and then select Title > Display
To edit the title, right-click on the window and then choose Title > Edit Title. Type a
title and press Enter.
Uniformance Process Studio User Guide • 149
9. Displaying Data in a Multi-Trend
9.2. Creating a MultiTrend
To rename the title, right-click on the window and then choose Title > Rename Title.
Type a name and click OK or click Cancel to abort the action.
150 • Uniformance Process Studio User Guide
10. Displaying data in a Multi X Trend
10.1 Overview of Multi X Trend
The Multi X Trend slightly varies from the Trend application. This application enables
you to specify individual time ranges for each trace in the trend.
10.2 Creating a Multi X Trend
To create a Multi X Trend or add items to a trend, refer to section 8,
Displaying Data in a Trend in this guide.
In Figure 27, when you choose a trace from the grid, the time range for the trace is
displayed at the bottom of the trend. The corresponding Y axis is also displayed.
Alternatively, you can click any trace in the trend to view the corresponding X and Y
axis details.
Figure 27 – Multiple X Axis Trend
Uniformance Process Studio User Guide • 151
10 Displaying data in a Multi X Trend
10.2 Creating a Multi X Trend
Add time ranges to the trace
The following figure illustrates how you add time ranges to a trace. You can add a Start
Time and End Time to each of the traces.
To edit the Time Range for a trace
On the Home tab, click Multi X Trend.
Result: The Multi X Trend window is displayed.
Add tags to the Multi X Trend window.
Result: The traces for the corresponding tags are displayed as follows:
Right-click on a Trend window and choose Axis > Edit Time Range.
Result: The Edit Trace Time Range dialog box is displayed.
152 • Uniformance Process Studio User Guide
10. Displaying data in a Multi X Trend
10.2. Creating a Multi X Trend
If you want to specify the same time range for all traces in a trend, select the
check box Same Time Range and click OK.
Result: All the traces in the trend have the same time range.
To modify the time range for a particular trace, select the trace from the
Trace Items list and click Modify.
Result: The Specify a Period dialog box is displayed.
On the Specify a Period dialog box, select the time range from the list in the
From box.
Select the end time from the list in the To box.
To specify the Current time, move the Current time slider to set the time.
For the From, To, and Current Time fields, click to select one of the
following time formats.
Uniformance Process Studio User Guide • 153
10 Displaying data in a Multi X Trend
10.2 Creating a Multi X Trend
Click OK to apply the changes made to the time range or click Cancel to
discard the changes.
On the Edit Trace Time Range dialog box, click OK to apply the changes
made to the time range or click Cancel to discard the changes.
When you select the same time range for all traces in a trend, all the Time
Control settings apply to the Multi X Trend.
When you select an individual time range for each trace in a trend, the
Period time string setting does not apply to the Multi X Trend. The
remaining Time Control properties such as Refresh interval, Fast
replay, Small step and Large step settings apply to the Multi X Trend.
154 • Uniformance Process Studio User Guide
11. Displaying Data in a Table
11.1 Overview of Table features
The Table allows you to display data for a given time span in a tabular form. The data
table shows the following detailed data for each item:
confidence factor
A table can be populated from a Trend or directly configured.
Each table is displayed as a tabbed window.
From a table, you can edit PHD data values and perform Manual Inputs.
You can apply a custom filter to any column of a table by entering one or more
conditions. Data that meets the conditions is filtered from the table.
You can export a table to Microsoft Excel and to the Uniformance Excel Companion.
There are three table formats: standard, matrix, and merged.
Note: The data Table accepts a maximum of 10 tags.
Figure 28 – Table Example
Uniformance Process Studio User Guide • 155
11. Displaying Data in a Table
11.2. Creating a table
11.2 Creating a table
To create a table
Double-click an item in the Browser window – a new Table window is created and the
selected item is added to the table.
Click the Home tab and select Table to create a new Table window and then add items
as follows:
Drag/drop a single or multiple items from the Browser or from a workspace on to the
Right-click on a Trend and select Edit > Copy, then right-click the table and select
Context > Paste.
Right-click on the table and select Items > New Item. See Table 13 – Description of
Item Details for definitions of the optional entries to customize an item.
11.3 Changing the Table type
Four Table Types or formats are available.
Displays a simple list of Item, Timestamp, Value, along with Data
source, Method and Confidence.
Editing, input, and filtering of data is only supported for Standard table
(default) Displays 3 columns – Timestamp, Value, and Confidence side-by-side for each tag or item. No attempt is made to align the
timestamps. Each tag may have a different number of rows, depending
on what data is available for it.
The data is merged or grouped by timestamp. Timestamp is displayed in
the first column, followed by pairs of item name and confidence
columns. Blank cells are displayed where one item is missing a
156 • Uniformance Process Studio User Guide
11. Displaying Data in a Table
11.3. Changing the Table type
timestamp which is available for another item.
Useful for reviewing item properties. Properties for each table item are
tabulated; grouped by data source type and name.
Item Info
To change the table format, use the drop down Type selector from the Table group of the
ribbon Table tab.
Uniformance Process Studio User Guide • 157
11. Displaying Data in a Table
11.4. Saving a table to a workspace
11.4 Saving a table to a workspace
For instructions on how to save a table to a workspace, refer to section 5.3
Adding content to workspaces.
11.5 Filtering table data
Note: The filter is available only in the Standard type of Table.
To filter table data
In the table, select the Filter button on the column you want to filter.
Select Custom.
Enter your filter criteria into the dialog box.
Result: The filter statement appears at the bottom of the dialog box.
158 • Uniformance Process Studio User Guide
11. Displaying Data in a Table
11.5. Filtering table data
If you add more than one condition, select And Condition or Or Condition to
specify the logic to be applied.
Result: AND/OR appears in the filter statement at the bottom of the dialog
Click OK.
Result: The indicator on the column's Filter button becomes solid black to
indicate that a filter is present:
To filter by a time range, use the Table’s Time Control.
Delete a condition from a custom filter
To delete a condition from a custom filter
In the Filter dialog box, click the button of the condition that you want to
Uniformance Process Studio User Guide • 159
11. Displaying Data in a Table
11.6. Performing manual input/edit of data in a table
Result: The condition becomes highlighted.
Click Delete Condition.
Click OK.
11.6 Performing manual input/edit of data in a table
Note: For an edit/input to be successful on a PHD tag, the tag must have the Data Edit
flag or the Manual Input flag enabled in its configuration. Similarly, for an OPC tag, the
OPC server and specific tag must support data edit and/or input.
Manual input/edit is only supported for Raw data and when using the Standard table
To manually edit existing data in a table, or input new data values
From the Table ribbon, select Standard table format from the table type
selector, and Raw as the Aggregate from the Data group
Double-click on any value in the table for the item that you want to edit.
If you are editing an existing value you can double-click that value
Right-click on a row in the table and select Manual Input.
Result: The Modify dialog box is displayed.
Specify the date/time for which you want to enter a value. To modify an
existing value, ensure that the timestamp of the existing value has been
To create a new value (i.e. against a new timestamp), specify the new
timestamp required
Note: A calendar is available under the drop down arrow.
Enter the value that you want.
Change the confidence factor, if needed.
Click Modify to send the change to PHD.
If you entered a timestamp that does not currently exist for the tag, a new
160 • Uniformance Process Studio User Guide
11. Displaying Data in a Table
11.6. Performing manual input/edit of data in a table
data point will be created with that timestamp.
If the timestamp already exists, the value and/or confidence of the existing
data point will be updated.
in the Time Control to update the table data. Note that
Click Refresh
depending on the sorting/filtering criteria currently applied to the table, the
modified data point may disappear from view.
To change the timestamp of an existing point, you need to perform two steps:
Modify the timestamp of the existing data point as required. A new data
point will be created with the new timestamp
Delete the original data point
Uniformance Process Studio User Guide • 161
11. Displaying Data in a Table
11.6. Performing manual input/edit of data in a table
Figure 29 – Manual Input/Edit
Delete a data point
To delete a data point
From the Table ribbon, select Standard table format from the table type
selector, and Raw as the Aggregate from the Data group
Locate the data point that you want to delete in the table. Double click
on that row
Right-click on the row in the table and select Manual Input.
Result: The Modify dialog box is displayed.
Click Delete.
162 • Uniformance Process Studio User Guide
11. Displaying Data in a Table
11.6. Performing manual input/edit of data in a table
Rename a table
To rename a table
Right-click the window, select Rename Table.
Result: The following dialog box is displayed.
Type a name and click OK to change the table name or click Cancel to abort the action.
Export table data
To export table data
Right-click on the window, and then choose Export > Save as Excel Workbook.
Result: The Export To Microsoft Excel Document dialog box is displayed.
Type the file name and click Save.
Uniformance Process Studio User Guide • 163
11. Displaying Data in a Table
11.6. Performing manual input/edit of data in a table
Export table to Excel Companion
To export table to companion
Right-click on the Table window and then choose Export > Excel Companion.
View item configuration in a table
To display the available configuration parameters for all items in the table, right-click
and then choose View > Item Info.
The configuration is shown in a tabbed form. Click a page (group) to view the item
For OPC items, the available properties will depend on the OPC Server.
For descriptions of the fields for a PHD tag, refer to the section Tag
Configuration in the PHD User Guide (pim0201).
164 • Uniformance Process Studio User Guide
12. Displaying Data in a Graphic/Web Browser
12.1 Overview of Graphic features
Uniformance Process Studio graphics are used for displaying process schematics,
mimics, and trends. Figure 30 shows an example of a process schematic type of graphic.
A time control within a graphic allows you to play back an event or review the state of a
process or system at a particular point in time. You can synchronize the graphic to the
Uniformance Process Studio master Time Control by activating the Common Times
status, or you can use the graphic's own separate time control.
In Uniformance Process Studio, the Graphic Window provides the means to
Open an existing HMIWeb graphic.
Launch HMIWeb Display Builder to create new graphics or edit existing graphics.
Open a general (non-HMIWeb) HTML document or web page in a web browser.
You can view an HMIWeb Graphic and launch the HMIWeb Display Builder from
Uniformance Process Studio if the Honeywell Graphics Components licensed installation
option of Uniformance Process Studio is installed. If the licensed option is not installed,
you can still use the Graphic Window to view general web pages and documents.
Uniformance Process Studio HMIWeb graphics use the same HMIWeb technology as
Honeywell Workcenter and Experion PKS.
Displaying or building UPS graphics requires a valid UPS license. Refer to
section 1.4, Uniformance Process Studio Licensing Overview in this guide for
more information.
Uniformance Process Studio User Guide • 165
12. Displaying Data in a Graphic/Web Browser
12.1. Overview of Graphic features
Figure 30 – Graphic Window Example
166 • Uniformance Process Studio User Guide
12. Displaying Data in a Graphic/Web Browser
12.2. Displaying an existing web page, HTML document, or HMIWeb graphic
12.2 Displaying an existing web page, HTML document, or
HMIWeb graphic
The Graphic Window functions as a container for HMIWeb graphics and general (nonHMIWeb) HTML documents and web pages. To load such content into a Graphic
Window, use any of the following methods.
To display an existing web page, HTML document or HMIWeb graphic
Double-click a Graphic/URL item in a Workspace to open a new Graphic
Window containing the Graphic/URL.
Uniformance Process Studio User Guide • 167
12. Displaying Data in a Graphic/Web Browser
12.2. Displaying an existing web page, HTML document, or HMIWeb graphic
In the Home tab, click Graphic/Web Browser.
Open button in the Graphic tab or inside the new empty
Click the
Graphic Window.
Browse to the HTML file of interest and then click Open.
168 • Uniformance Process Studio User Guide
12. Displaying Data in a Graphic/Web Browser
12.2. Displaying an existing web page, HTML document, or HMIWeb graphic
In the Home tab, click Graphic/Web Browser.
In the Graphic tab, click Address Bar, to make the address bar visible if it is
not already visible.
Enter a URL in the Address field and click Go, or click the ellipsis button
browse to the HTML file of interest, and then click Open.
Uniformance Process Studio User Guide • 169
12. Displaying Data in a Graphic/Web Browser
12.3. Navigating between graphics
12.3 Navigating between graphics
If graphic pages are linked together with hyperlinks, then the Back
and Forward
ribbon buttons perform a function similar to that of most web browsers. You can
create hyperlinks using the HMIWeb Display Builder.
See the HMIWeb Display Builder Guide for detailed information on how to
create hyperlinks. This Guide is available from the Start menu and from the
Help menu of the HMIWeb Display Builder.
12.4 Creating an HMIWeb graphic
Prerequisite: The Uniformance Process Studio installation must include the "Honeywell
Graphics Components" licensed option.
To create an HMIWeb graphic
Click the Home tab.
Click the Graphic/Web Browser button in the ribbon to create an empty
graphic window.
Specify the name and location for the new graphic file and click OK.
Result: The HMIWeb Display Builder opens and displays the new blank
graphic file.
Add content to the display as needed.
See the HMIWeb Display Builder Guide for detailed information on how to
build graphic displays and use the various graphics objects. The Guide is
available from the Start menu and from the Help menu of the HMIWeb
Display Builder.
170 • Uniformance Process Studio User Guide
12. Displaying Data in a Graphic/Web Browser
12.5. Editing an existing HMIWeb graphic
To use an existing Uniformance Process Studio graphic as a starting point for
a new graphic, see section 12.6 Creating a graphic based on an existing
Click Save in the HMIWeb Display Builder.
Result: Your changes are saved and automatically displayed in the Graphic
Window of Uniformance Process Studio.
When you finish this graphic building session, you may close the HMIWeb
Display Builder: File > Exit.
The HMIWeb Display Builder automatically opens each time you select the
command to edit or create a graphic in Uniformance Process Studio.
12.5 Editing an existing HMIWeb graphic
Prerequisite: The Uniformance Process Studio installation must include the HMIWeb
Display Builder licensed option.
To edit an existing HMIWeb graphic
In the Graphics Builder, while editing a graphic, DO NOT attempt to
drop an Active X Datasource from the Active X dropdown on to a
Although the Datasource is an Active X object, it has dependencies,
which may cause the Builder to exhibit unpredictable behavior.
Uniformance Process Studio User Guide • 171
12. Displaying Data in a Graphic/Web Browser
12.6. Creating a graphic based on an existing graphic
Open the existing graphic in Uniformance Process Studio (see section 12.2
Displaying an existing web page, HTML document, or HMIWeb graphic).
Click the Edit button
in the ribbon.
Result: The HMIWeb display Builder launches and automatically loads the
display. The graphic window icon changes from
graphic is open in HMIWeb Display Builder.
to indicate that the
Make the required changes to the display in HMIWeb Display Builder and
click Save.
Result: The Uniformance Process Studio graphic page automatically reloads
to reflect the latest changes.
See the HMIWeb Display Builder Guide for detailed information on how to
build graphic displays and use the various graphics objects. This Guide is
available from the Start menu and from the Help menu of the HMIWeb
Display Builder.
Switch to the Uniformance Process Studio Graphic Window to see a live copy
of the most recent changes that you saved from the HMIWeb Display Builder.
12.6 Creating a graphic based on an existing graphic
To create a graphic based on an existing graphic
Open the existing graphic in Uniformance Process Studio (see section 12.2
Displaying an existing web page, HTML document, or HMIWeb graphic).
Click the Copy & Edit button
on the ribbon.
Specify the name and location for the copy of the graphic file and click Save.
Use the HMIWeb Display Builder to modify the display as needed.
172 • Uniformance Process Studio User Guide
12. Displaying Data in a Graphic/Web Browser
12.6. Creating a graphic based on an existing graphic
See the HMIWeb Display Builder Guide for detailed information on how to
build graphic displays and use the various graphics objects. This Guide is
available from the Start menu and from the Help menu of the HMIWeb
Display Builder.
Click the HMIWeb Display Builder Save or Save All button to save any
changes to the display.
Uniformance Process Studio User Guide • 173
12. Displaying Data in a Graphic/Web Browser
12.7. Adding a Graphic/Web Browser to a workspace
12.7 Adding a Graphic/Web Browser to a workspace
You can add a Graphic to a workspace.
See section 5.3 Adding content to workspaces for more information.
12.8 Importing an existing Workcenter or Experion PKS
Uniformance Process Studio graphics use the same HMIWeb technology as the displays
on Honeywell Workcenter and Experion PKS. In many cases Workcenter displays can
be displayed in UPS without modification. It is also possible to import some Experion
PKS displays into Uniformance Process Studio.
UPS includes a Display Migration tool for migrating Workcenter and Experion PKS
displays to UPS.
For more information about the Display Migration Tool, refer to the UPS
Display Migration Guide (pim5201).
12.9 Printing a graphic
To print a graphic
Click the Print button on the ribbon.
Adjust the print settings if required and then click the Print button.
174 • Uniformance Process Studio User Guide
12. Displaying Data in a Graphic/Web Browser
12.10. Drag/Drop between graphics and other Uniformance Process Studio applications
12.10 Drag/Drop between graphics and other Uniformance
Process Studio applications
Table 16 describes graphic objects that are drag and drop zones that you can use to
transfer items and time range details to and from other Uniformance Process Studio
For example, you can drag an alphanumeric from a graphic to a Trend to trend the item
represented by the alphanumeric.
Arrange your windows vertically or horizontally so that you can see the
window you want to drag from and the window you want to drop to. Refer to
section 6.2,Creating and modifying tab groups.
Table 16 – Graphic Drag/Drop Zones
Graphic Drag/Drop Zone
Drag from here to drag the item details of the
Drag from here to drag the item details of the
Table Column Header
Drag from here to drag the item details of the single
Uniformance Process Studio User Guide • 175
12. Displaying Data in a Graphic/Web Browser
12.10. Drag/Drop between graphics and other Uniformance Process Studio applications
Graphic Drag/Drop Zone
Table Header
Drag from here to drag the item details of every
column of the table.
Drop a single item here to add that item to the table
as a new column.
Drop multiple items here to remove all of the existing
columns of the table and create a new column for
each of the dropped items.
Embedded Trend Legend Label
Drag from here to drag the item details of the single
Embedded Trend Drag/Drop Zone
Drag from here to drag the item details of every trace
on the trend.
Drop a single item here to add that item to the
embedded trend as a new trace.
Drop multiple items here to remove all of the existing
traces on the embedded trend and create a new
trace for each of the dropped items.
Time Control
Drag from here to drag the current time range details
of the time control.
Drop here to set the time control properties (start
time, end time, current time, and large and small step
sizes) to those of the dropped time range details. All
graphic objects linked to the time control are
refreshed using these details. In addition, if the
Common Times mode is in use, the master start/end
times update to those of the dropped time range.
Quick Trend Drop Zone
Drop here to open a Trend window that shows the
dropped item(s).
176 • Uniformance Process Studio User Guide
12. Displaying Data in a Graphic/Web Browser
12.11. Opening Uniformance Process Studio graphics in Workcenter
12.11 Opening Uniformance Process Studio graphics in
Uniformance Process Studio graphics are not currently supported in Workcenter.
12.12 Working with the graphic time control
When not in Common Times mode, a graphic uses the time control configured through
the HMIWeb Display Builder.
When in Common Times mode, the time control within the graphic is driven by the
master time control in the status strip of Uniformance Process Studio.
If a time control was not added to the graphic page when it was created in HMIWeb
Display Builder, then the Graphic Window does not allow you to toggle the use of
Common Times.
If you want to be able to use a graphic time control or the Uniformance Process Studio
Common Times (master) time control to move graphic elements through time, then you
must use HMIWeb Display Builder to link the graphic elements (such as alphanumerics,
indicators, trends, and tables) to a graphic time control.
For details on how to use the graphic time control within displays, see the
HMIWeb Display Builder Guide. This Guide is available from the Start menu
and from the Help menu of the HMIWeb Display Builder.
Uniformance Process Studio User Guide • 177
12. Displaying Data in a Graphic/Web Browser
12.12. Working with the graphic time control
178 • Uniformance Process Studio User Guide
13. Displaying data in Analysis Plots
13.1 Overview of Analysis Plots
Analysis Plots is a set of interactive visualization tools that enable advanced data
analysis. These tools offer various features with which you can perform common data
analysis tasks, such as:
Identification and removal of outliers
Observing and understanding variable relationships
Identification of patterns in data
Graphical querying
A Uniformance Process Studio Advanced or Developer License is required to
use Analysis Plots. Refer to section 1.4, Uniformance Process Studio
Licensing Overview in this guide for more information.
13.2 Choosing an Analysis Plot type
Analysis Plots are of six types as follows:
Matrix plot
Parallel plot
3D plot
Correlation plot
Scatter plot
Combined plot
Matrix plot
A matrix plot displays a matrix of scatter plots (X-Y plots) for all possible combinations
between variables. A matrix plot is also known as scatter plot matrix.
Uniformance Process Studio User Guide • 179
13. Displaying data in Analysis Plots
13.2. Choosing an Analysis Plot type
On the ribbon or context menu, the option Use Gradient enables you to apply
a color gradient to the plot based on the timestamp.
Figure 31 illustrates a scatter plot matrix of two variables/tags.
Figure 31 - Matrix plot
In this figure, C3SEL, FEEDRATIO, FEEDTEMP, REACTORTEMP and so on are tag
names and the time range specified is from 12:00 midnight through 1:47 A.M. There are
56 plots available for different combinations between variables.
Matrix plots are used for the following purposes:
Discovering relationships or correlations between tags (to identify the variables that
affect the key performance indicators or to understand how individual parameters are
Finding data groups or clusters (that may indicate different operating modes)
Identifying outliers (data that appear to deviate markedly from the rest of the data)
Selecting clusters and viewing selected values for the other variables
180 • Uniformance Process Studio User Guide
13. Displaying data in Analysis Plots
13.2. Choosing an Analysis Plot type
Figure 32 illustrates clusters and outliers.
Figure 32 - Clusters and outliers
Data points in the plot can be selected using a mouse. For a detailed description about
selecting data, refer to section 13.5, Working with selections.
Figure 33 illustrates a selection and the corresponding selected values for other variables.
Selections are highlighted in green.
Uniformance Process Studio User Guide • 181
13. Displaying data in Analysis Plots
13.2. Choosing an Analysis Plot type
Figure 33 – Selection in matrix plot
Parallel plot
A parallel plot is also known as parallel coordinates plot. In this plot, each variable is
represented by a parallel axis. Each point is represented by a series of lines that connect
the values of the point on each parallel axis.
182 • Uniformance Process Studio User Guide
13. Displaying data in Analysis Plots
13.2. Choosing an Analysis Plot type
The range of the parallel axis can be changed by dragging the
delimiters/markers to a different position. This feature enables you to
make visual interactive queries.
The axis range can also be changed by typing the values manually in the
text boxes corresponding to Constraint.
After you manually change the range for an axis you can clear the
Proportional check box to use the whole length of the axis for the new
range. This is a type of ‘zoom-in’ feature.
The order of the axes can be changed by moving an axis to a different
location. However, the order of the axes is not persisted if the plot is
saved to the workspace.
Figure 34 illustrates a parallel plot.
Figure 34 - Parallel plot
Uniformance Process Studio User Guide • 183
13. Displaying data in Analysis Plots
13.2. Choosing an Analysis Plot type
In this figure, C3SEL, FEEDRATIO, FEEDTEMP, REACTORTEMP and so on are tag
names. The time range specified is from 12:00 midnight through 1:47 A.M.
Parallel plots are used for the following purposes:
Analyzing data in terms of qualitative values, that is, high, medium or low
Querying data
Observing distribution of values in the range
Identifying data groups or clusters
3D plot
The 3D plot displays a rotating 3D structure with the XYZ coordinates and data points.
You can rotate or spin the plot, so that the arrangement of points in the chart space is
On the ribbon or the Display context menu, the option Show Projections
enables you to display the backward, sideway and ground projections
(three dimensions) in the 3D plot. These projections draw three scatter
plots (all combinations of selected variables) on the 3D plot coordinate
planes, which enhances the 3D effect, especially when the plot is rotated
with a mouse.
On the ribbon or the Display context menu, the option 3D Plot Variables
enables you to select the XYZ variables using the list provided in the
dialog box.
You need at least two variables to draw a 3D plot. The third variable may
be the Timestamp.
The XYZ coordinates comprise the following:
X variable or tag name
Y variable or tag name
Z variable or tag name
The variables include Timestamp and Tag names.
Figure 35 illustrates a 3D plot.
184 • Uniformance Process Studio User Guide
13. Displaying data in Analysis Plots
13.2. Choosing an Analysis Plot type
Figure 35 - 3D plot
In this figure, the timestamp is plotted on the X-axis, the values of the tag C1SEL are
plotted on the Y-axis and the values of the tag TOTALFLOW are plotted on the Z-axis.
Correlation plot
A correlation plot calculates correlation coefficients for all combinations of variables
(tags) including timestamp and displays a matrix of these values. This can be emphasized
by a gradient. A correlation plot is symmetrical along the diagonal.
Figure 36 illustrates a correlation plot.
Uniformance Process Studio User Guide • 185
13. Displaying data in Analysis Plots
13.2. Choosing an Analysis Plot type
Figure 36 - Correlation plot
The correlation coefficient spans from -1 (means the highest inverse proportion) to +1
(means the highest direct proportion). Values around zero mean very low or no
correlation between the corresponding variables.
In case of correlation plots, the following status messages are displayed in
the scenarios mentioned.
ERR - There is not enough data to calculate the correlation coefficient
(one or both of the variables have less than 2 values).
VAR - One or both of the variables is constant, so the correlation
coefficient cannot be calculated.
High absolute values of correlation coefficient do not necessarily mean that
there is a strong proportion between variables. This must be confirmed
visually in the plots, for example, matrix or scatter plots.
186 • Uniformance Process Studio User Guide
13. Displaying data in Analysis Plots
13.2. Choosing an Analysis Plot type
The strength of the correlation is indicated by a color.
To modify the color gradient, perform the following steps.
button in the upper left
In Uniformance Process Studio, click the
corner of the main window, and then click Options.
Result: The Options dialog box is displayed.
In the Options dialog box, expand Configuration, and then expand Local.
Click Application Defaults.
Result: The following screen is displayed.
Figure 37 - Correlation plot color gradient
In the Analysis Plot section, select Correlation Plot color gradient
representing the value of a correlation coefficient.
Choose the color from the corresponding list provided as follows:
Uniformance Process Studio User Guide • 187
13. Displaying data in Analysis Plots
13.2. Choosing an Analysis Plot type
Scatter plot
Scatter plots represent the traditional Y-X plot, where values of Y are plotted against
values of X.
On the ribbon or the Display context menu, the option Scatter Plot
Variables enables you to select the XY variables using the list provided in the
dialog box.
Figure 38 illustrates a scatter plot.
188 • Uniformance Process Studio User Guide
13. Displaying data in Analysis Plots
13.2. Choosing an Analysis Plot type
Figure 38 - Scatter plot
In this figure, the Timestamp is plotted on the X-axis and the values of the tag C1SEL are
plotted on the Y-axis.
Combined plot
A combined plot comprises a combination of the following plots:
Matrix plot
Parallel plot
3D plot
Correlation plot
Figure 39 illustrates a combined plot.
Uniformance Process Studio User Guide • 189
13. Displaying data in Analysis Plots
13.2. Choosing an Analysis Plot type
Figure 39 - Combined plot
The range of the parallel axis can be changed by dragging the
delimiters/markers to a different position. This feature enables you to make
visual interactive queries.
Interactivity in a combined plot
Figure 40 illustrates a data set with the color gradient applied (Cool for three plots and
Jet1 for the correlation plot).
190 • Uniformance Process Studio User Guide
13. Displaying data in Analysis Plots
13.2. Choosing an Analysis Plot type
Figure 40 - Data set with color gradient applied
When a cluster is selected in the matrix plot, the corresponding data in parallel and 3D
plots are also automatically selected. This provides an opportunity to view the same
subset of data from different perspectives. Figure 41 demonstrates the interactivity.
Figure 41 - Interactivity in a combined plot
Uniformance Process Studio User Guide • 191
13. Displaying data in Analysis Plots
13.3. Creating an Analysis Plot
When the markers or delimiters in the parallel plot are moved to the selected intervals for
any variables (Total Flow and Feed Ratio in this example), the data is filtered in all other
plots and the correlation coefficients in the correlation plot are recalculated. Figure 42
illustrates the filter feature.
Figure 42 - Filter feature
13.3 Creating an Analysis Plot
To create an analysis plot
On the Home menu, click Analysis Plot and add items/variables.
For information about adding items/variables, refer to section 13, Displaying
data in Analysis Plots in this guide.
Result: The Analysis Plot window is displayed. A matrix plot is available as
the default display type.
192 • Uniformance Process Studio User Guide
13. Displaying data in Analysis Plots
13.4. Working with Analysis Plots
To select a different type of Analysis Plot, click Type on the menu, and then
select one of the following plot types from the list.
Matrix plot
Parallel plot
3D plot
Correlation plot
Scatter plot
Combined plot
Alternatively, perform steps 3 and 4 to view a different plot type.
Right-click on the Analysis Plot window.
Result: The context menu is displayed.
Choose View > Plot type to view a particular plot type.
Result: The selected plot type is displayed.
The analysis plots are interconnected. Any changes (selections, removed
points, changed limits) made in a plot are automatically projected into the
other types of plots.
13.4 Working with Analysis Plots
Add items
To add items
You can drag/drop single or multiple items from the Browser window or Workspace to
a plot.
Alternatively, you can directly add an item.
For instructions on adding an item directly, refer to section 8.4,Using direct
entry to add items in this guide.
Uniformance Process Studio User Guide • 193
13. Displaying data in Analysis Plots
13.4. Working with Analysis Plots
For more information on importing Process Trend Files and Suites, refer to
section 14, UPS tools in this guide.
Remove an item
To remove an item
Right-click on the plot window and then choose Item > Remove from the
context menu.
Result: The selected item is removed.
Export an Analysis Plot to an image
To export a plot to an image format
Right-click on the plot window and then choose Export > Image >
JPG/PNG from the context menu.
Result: The Save As dialog box opens.
Enter the file name and click Save.
Result: The plot is saved in the JPG/PNG format. The following dialog box
is displayed.
194 • Uniformance Process Studio User Guide
13. Displaying data in Analysis Plots
13.5. Working with selections
Click Yes to open the file or click No to cancel the action.
13.5 Working with selections
Union and intersection of selections
Selections are made by dragging a selection rectangle using the mouse. Selected data
points are highlighted in green. The selection option is available in the matrix, parallel
and scatter plots.
You can apply logical AND and OR operations to combine multiple selections into one.
AND operator = holding SHIFT key
OR operator = holding CTRL key
Figure 43 illustrates the methods to work with selections.
Uniformance Process Studio User Guide • 195
13. Displaying data in Analysis Plots
13.6. Removing selected points
Figure 43 - Working with selections
13.6 Removing selected points
Outliers and irrelevant points
Outliers or any selected points can be temporarily removed from the plot. Outliers distort
correlations and distributions.
The data is not physically removed from the underlying data source – the
removed points can be loaded back to memory by performing a refresh
196 • Uniformance Process Studio User Guide
13. Displaying data in Analysis Plots
13.7. Working with limits
To remove selected points
Select the points you want to remove.
Result: The selected points are highlighted in green.
On the ribbon, click Remove Selected.
Right-click on the selected area and choose Remove Selected.
Result: The selected points are removed.
13.7 Working with limits
Change limits of variables or tags
Parallel plots are used for changing the limits of each variable or tag. All the points
outside the new range are removed.
When you modify the limits of a data set, all the changes are automatically projected into
the matrix plot and the correlation plot (new coefficients).
Figure 44 - Modifying limits
Uniformance Process Studio User Guide • 197
13. Displaying data in Analysis Plots
13.8. Applying color gradient
13.8 Applying color gradient
Identify old and new data points
The data age color gradient is used for drawing data points in matrix, parallel and 3D
plots. The oldest data points are drawn using the first color of the gradient scale (left on
the gradient preview image). The new data points are drawn with the last gradient color.
The color gradient helps you to distinguish between old and new data points. This option
indicates the latest changes and enables you to gain insight into the process history.
For more information about Changing the application defaults, Data age color
gradient, Correlation plot color gradient, refer to section 3.5, Changing the
application defaults, in this guide.
To modify the data age color gradient, perform the following steps.
button in the upper left
In Uniformance Process Studio, click the
corner of the main window, and then click Options.
Result: The Options dialog box is displayed.
In the Options dialog box, expand Configuration, and then expand Local.
Click Application Defaults.
Result: The following screen is displayed.
Figure 45 - Data age color gradient
198 • Uniformance Process Studio User Guide
13. Displaying data in Analysis Plots
13.8. Applying color gradient
In the Analysis Plot section, select Data age color gradient.
Choose the color from the corresponding list provided as follows:
Uniformance Process Studio User Guide • 199
13. Displaying data in Analysis Plots
13.8. Applying color gradient
200 • Uniformance Process Studio User Guide
14. UPS tools
14.1 Overview of UPS tools
The Home tab in UPS contains the following tools.
Display Migration Tool
Process Trend Migrator
Overview of the Display Migration Tool
For more information about the Display Migration Tool, refer to the UPS
Display Migration Guide (pim5201).
Overview of Process Trend Migrator
Process Trend is an application that was included in the legacy Uniformance Desktop
suite of applications.
The Process Trend files are used for analyzing the process data. Analysis charts are
generated from active trend plots or selected tags. The different types of analysis charts
are Statistics, SPC (Statistical Process Control), Power Spectrum and Regression.
The Process Trend Migrator provides an option to migrate the Process Trend files and
Trend Suites to Uniformance Process Studio Trends. The Power Spectrum trend files are
not migrated because Uniformance Process Studio does not support the Power Spectrum
analysis charts.
Migrating Process Trend files
To migrate Process Trend files
Start the Uniformance Process Studio.
Click the Home tab on the ribbon and then click
Result: The following screen is displayed.
Uniformance Process Studio User Guide • 201
14. UPS tools
14.1. Overview of UPS tools
to select a folder in which the Process Trend files are placed and
click OK.
Result: The following screen is displayed.
Result: The path to the selected folder is displayed in the Search the
following path for process trend files box. The available Process Trend
files in the selected folder are displayed in the list box provided.
202 • Uniformance Process Studio User Guide
14. UPS tools
14.1. Overview of UPS tools
to refresh the list of the Process Trend files.
Select the trend type from the available list of options as illustrated in the
following figure.
The options are:
All – All types of trend files include Process Trend, Statistics,
Regression, SPC, and Suite.
Process Trend – The Process Trend files are used for analyzing
process data. Analysis charts are generated from active trend plots or
selected tags.
Statistics – Statistical charts provide you with information about the
performance of a tag within a plant. You can use this data to view
variances in the operations of a plant and to identify operational errors
reflected in the analysis chart.
Regression – Regression Analysis charts provide you with information
about how a single dependent variable is affected by the values of one or
more independent variables. This information provides you with the
opportunity to predict how a similar dependent process performs if you
Uniformance Process Studio User Guide • 203
14. UPS tools
14.1. Overview of UPS tools
modify the independent variables, such as temperature.
SPC – Statistical Process Control (SPC) charts provide you with
information about the performance of processes within a plant. You can
use the information in the chart to visually identify areas where
processes are running efficiently, and to identify where there is variation
in the processes.
Suite – You can save Process Trend files into a collection of files called
a suite. When you save a suite, all window positions of the open files in
the suite are saved, so that when you reopen the suite, the files open in
the order in which they were saved.
Result: The Process Trend files of the selected type are displayed in the list
Select the check box to choose one or multiple Process Trend files to be
migrated. Alternatively, you may select the check box Select all to select all
the available files to be migrated.
Choose one of the following options to save the migrated trend files.
Select the check box Save to existing Workspace to save the migrated
files to the loaded Workspace.
If you want to save the migrated Process Trend files to a new
Workspace, browse to specify the location of the Workspace.
When you perform step 7b, ensure that the check box Save to existing
Workspace is not selected.
Click Migrate.
Result: The Review Substitution dialog box is displayed as follows:
204 • Uniformance Process Studio User Guide
14. UPS tools
14.1. Overview of UPS tools
On the Review Substitution dialog box, map the data sources used in the
Process Trend files to the data sources configured in Uniformance Process
Studio. You may edit the substitutions as required.
On the Review Substitution dialog box, click Continue.
The selected Process Trend files are migrated to UPS trend contexts.
When the migration is complete, the
mark beside the name of the
migrated Process Trend file indicates that the migration is successful.
Uniformance Process Studio User Guide • 205
14. UPS tools
14.1. Overview of UPS tools
mark indicates the failure of migration.
Result: The following figure illustrates the completion of Process Trend
To migrate the suite files successfully, the referred Trend files must be
available on the computer on which UPS is installed.
View the migrated Process Trend files
To view the migrated Process Trend files
Load the new Workspace with the migrated Process Trend files to the
navigation pane. (This step is applicable if you choose to save the migrated
Process Trend files to a new Workspace as mentioned in step 7b of the
Process Trend migration procedure.)
Click the file name on the navigation pane (for example, processtrend.plt).
206 • Uniformance Process Studio User Guide
14. UPS tools
14.1. Overview of UPS tools
The migrated trend file is displayed as follows:
Migrated properties
Process Trend files
The following attributes of the Process Trend files are migrated in the conversion
Display Grid (when Show Horizontal Grid and Show Vertical Grid are selected)
Title (Plot title)
Display Plot title option
Lock Scale
Autoscale (Autoscale, Upper and Lower limit)
Trace Color, Trace Line Style, Type and Visibility
ItemName and Minimum Confidence Value
Uniformance Process Studio User Guide • 207
14. UPS tools
14.1. Overview of UPS tools
Aggregate and Resample/Retrieval Interval
Annotation Text
Limitations of Process Trend migration
SPC plots in a Trend suite cannot be migrated (UPS MultiTrend does not support
SPC Trend)
The Start and End times of the first trace in the Process Trend are applied to
all the traces in the migrated trend.
Histogram/Regression/SPC Trend files
For Histogram (Statistics), Regression and SPC trends, the following attributes are
Display Grid (when both the Horizontal and Vertical grid are enabled)
Item name
Aggregate and Resample/Retrieval Interval
The Start and End times of the first trace in the Process Trend are applied to
all the traces in the migrated trend. The Start and End times for the migrated
trend files are always in the Absolute format.
208 • Uniformance Process Studio User Guide
15. Troubleshooting and maintaining Uniformance
Process Studio
15.1 Viewing logs
To view log files
In the main window of Uniformance Process Studio, click
shown in the following screen.
, as
Result: The Options dialog box is displayed.
Click Options, as shown in the following screen.
In the Options dialog box, select Logs.
Result: The following screen is displayed.
Uniformance Process Studio User Guide • 209
15. Troubleshooting and maintaining Uniformance Process Studio
15.1. Viewing logs
At the bottom of the Options dialog box, click View Log.
Result: The log files are displayed in the Log Viewer window.
Click OK to close the Options dialog box.
210 • Uniformance Process Studio User Guide
15. Troubleshooting and maintaining Uniformance Process Studio
15.2. Re-initializing, removing, or editing invalid items
15.2 Re-initializing, removing, or editing invalid items
When items have issues on load, invalid tag, or invalid data source, you get an error
message and the item is not added to the window or the Trend properties table –
however, the window retains invalid items in its context.
To remove the errors, do the following:
Perform the re-initialize command to attempt to connect and remove errors:
Right-click on the window and select Items > Re-Initialize Items.
Manually remove or correct invalid items:
Right-click on the window and select Items > Edit or Remove
To correct an item, select Edit and then select the item to edit.
To delete an item, select Remove, and then select the item to remove.
Uniformance Process Studio User Guide • 211
15. Troubleshooting and maintaining Uniformance Process Studio
15.2. Re-initializing, removing, or editing invalid items
212 • Uniformance Process Studio User Guide
A software interface (and hardware, if needed) that performs data collection from a
source system such as a DCS.
Common Times
Common Times is a status in Uniformance Process Studio that allows the user to toggle
between a common (master) time control and Local time controls. Common Times mode
locks and synchronizes the windows together. A single Time Control user interface is
used to set time-related properties. When not in Common Times mode, the user can
independently control time-related properties for data requested in each content window.
Each item that you store in a workspace has properties that are referred to as its
Data Source
A historian (such as PHD) that collects and stores process data and supports data retrieval
by clients like Uniformance Process Studio.
A collector to a Honeywell Experion source system.
A display that depicts a physical representation of a system and presents information at
the level of physical function of a system. Mimic displays use pictorial realism to show
important components or systems to help users detect and diagnose faults. Mimics may
consist of line graphics and schematic symbols to represent process elements, or may
consist of digital photographs of the process equipment overlaid with animated symbols.
Uniformance Process Studio User Guide • 213
A PHD tag from which other PHD tags may inherit configuration.
'Period' is the portion of time for which the user requests display of data. Also referred to
as time span and time range
Application Program Interface for PHD.
Real-time Data Interface. A type of collector for the PHD system used to collect data
from a source system for storage in the PHD database. PHD includes several types of
RDIs, and others are available from Honeywell for many types of DCS, PLC, SCADA,
and other real-time sources of data.
Remote API
Remote Application Program Interface for PHD. Supports access to a PHD Server
through a firewall or in a domain that does not have a trust relationship with the domain
where the client is located.
Uniformance Process Studio uses the ribbon instead of toolbars – this is similar to
Microsoft Office 2007. The ribbon helps you quickly find the commands that you need
to complete a task. Commands are organized in logical groups which are collected
together under tabs. Each tab relates to a type of activity, such Trend and Table. To
reduce clutter, some tabs are shown only when needed. For example, the Trend tab is
shown only when a trend window is open.
A data item - a distinct value maintained in the PHD database. A PHD interface collects
most tag values from a source system. A data item may be a calculated value or a
manually entered value. Tag Name and Item Name are used interchangeably.
214 • Uniformance Process Studio User Guide
<reduction> ............................................ 142
data age color gradient ............................198
3D Plot.................................................... 184
Data Source.....................................128, 148
add time ranges to a trace ....................... 152
Data Source Fields
Aggregate ....................................... 128, 148
API200 ..................................................40
All Items ................................................... 65
Browse Server.................................41, 43
Analysis Plots ......................................... 179
Browse Server Port ...............................42
Annotations............................................. 136
Application Defaults
Name .....................................................39
Create...................................... 45, 65, 198
PHD API Type ......................................40
Average................................................... 142
PHD Password ......................................41
Browser .................................................... 25
PHD Username .....................................41
Changing Trend Scale ............................ 140
Save MultiTrend ................................. 149
Server Names ........................................39
Combined Plot ........................................ 189
Type ......................................................39
Common Times ...................................... 111
Windows Password ...............................41
Configuring Data Sources .................. 27, 38
Windows Username ..............................41
Correlation Plot ...................................... 185
Correlation Plot color gradient ........... 187
Create MultiTrend .................................. 146
HMIWeb Graphic .......................167, 172
Create Tab Groups............................ 96, 175
HTML Document........................167, 172
Current...................................................... 29
Web Page ....................................167, 172
Custom Time Period................................. 45
Customize a Tag/Item............................. 126
Drag/Drop Zones
Uniformance Process Studio User Guide • 215
Edit Trace Time Range ........................ 152
Time Control .......................................177
Enumerated ..................................... 127, 148
Graphic Window .....................................165
Error Message......................................... 211
Fetch ......................................................... 26
Hide Windows...........................................95
Fields and Buttons
Time Control....................................... 107
Filter Data
Table ................................................... 158
filter option ............................................. 192
Histogram Algorithm ..............................122
Histogram Statistics ................................123
HMIWeb .................................................165
HMIWeb Graphic
First......................................................... 142
Create New..........................................170
Display ........................................167, 172
Histogram ........................................... 121
Multiple Y Axis .................................. 119
Single Y Axis...................................... 118
Strip Chart........................................... 118
HTML Document
Display ........................................167, 172
XY ...................................................... 120
Forward and Backward............................. 31
Importing a Workspace .........................78
Frequency ............................................... 142
Invalid Items
Frequency and Method ............. 90, 141, 148
Remove ...............................................211
Adding ................................................ 174
Invalid Tags/Items
Create ......................................... 171, 172
Drag/Drop Zones ................................ 175
Item Configuration ..................................164
Features............................................... 165
Item Details .....................................127, 148
Importing ............................................ 174
Item Name Like.........................................66
Print .................................................... 174
216 • Uniformance Process Studio User Guide
Licensed Option...................................... 171
Create ..................................................146
Logs .................................................. 27, 209
Matrix plot .............................................. 179
Hairline Cursors ..................................149
Maximum ............................................... 143
Save Charts .........................................149
Method.................................................... 142
View Properties...................................149
<reduction>......................................... 142
View Trend Window...........................149
Average............................................... 142
Null Value Replacement .................128, 148
Delta ................................................... 142
Offset ......................................................130
First..................................................... 142
OPC tags ...................................................66
Last ..................................................... 142
Open a Window ........................................27
Maximum ........................................... 143
Minimum ............................................ 143
Raw..................................................... 142
Parallel plot .............................................182
Regression Constant ........................... 143
Parent Tags................................................66
Regression Deviation.......................... 143
Regression Slope ................................ 143
Performance ..............................................65
Snapshot ............................................. 142
Period ........................................................30
Standard Deviation ............................. 143
PHD Data
migrate the Process Trend files............... 201
Manual Input/Edit ...............................160
Migrated properties................................. 207
Play ...........................................................31
Minimum ................................................ 143
Minimum Confidence..................... 127, 148
View MultiTrend.................................149
Modify Tab Groups .......................... 96, 175
Multi X Trend......................................... 151
Refresh ......................................................30
Multiple Y Axis ...................................... 119
Regression Constant................................143
Regression Deviation ..............................143
Uniformance Process Studio User Guide • 217
Regression Slope .................................... 143
Create ..................................................156
Relative Time Syntax....................... 113, 115
Description ..........................................155
Remote API .............................................. 44
Filter Data ...........................................158
Resample Interval ........................... 128, 148
PHD data .............................................160
Scatter Plot.............................................. 188
Search ....................................................... 66
View PHD Item Configuration............164
Sending context through e-mail ................ 82
Time Control .....................................29, 107
Single Y Axis.......................................... 118
Fields and Buttons...............................107
Snapshot.................................................. 142
Properties ............................................112
Specify Item Details ............................... 126
View/Adjusting ..............................31, 112
Aggregate.................................... 128, 148
Time Control Field/Button
Data Source................................. 128, 148
From and To........................................107
Enumerated ................................. 127, 148
Large Step Back Button ......................108
Item Name .................................. 127, 148
Large Step Forward Button .................108
Minimum Confidence ................. 127, 148
Play Button..........................................109
Null Value Replacement............. 128, 148
Properties Button.................................110
Resample Interval ....................... 128, 148
Refresh Button ....................................109
Units............................................ 128, 148
Slider Control Button ..........................109
Standard Deviation ................................. 143
Small Step Back Button ......................108
Statistics.................................................. 134
Small Step Forward Button .................108
Strip Chart............................................... 118
Tab Groups
Create............................................ 96, 175
Modify .......................................... 96, 175
Add ..................................................... 156
218 • Uniformance Process Studio User Guide
Time Control Field/Button
Period ..................................................107
Time Control Properties Field
Cancel Button......................................115
Current Time .......................................114
Fast Replay..........................................114
From/To.............................................. 113
Large Step........................................... 114
OK Button .......................................... 115
Period.......................................... 113, 157
Refresh Interval .................................. 114
Small Step........................................... 114
Time Period
Available to Another User ....................84
Create New............................................72
Create Custom ...................................... 45
Display Content ....................................82
Time Ranges........................................... 129
To connect to a data source ...................... 25
Rearranging Tree Structure ...................81
Save Table...........................................157
Create.................................................. 124
Sharing ..................................................83
Importing a legacy Process Trend .plt file
........................................................ 124
Properties............................................ 136
Scale ................................................... 140
Viewing and Changing the Scale........ 140
Trend Window
View MultiTrend ................................ 149
Error Message..................................... 211
Invalid Items ....................................... 211
View Logs ..................................... 27, 209
Units ............................................... 128, 148
Usernames .......................................... 25, 26
Web Page
Workspace Commands
Add Existing Workspace ................77, 79
Add Folder ............................................78
Add New Workspace ......................77, 79
Import Workspace.................................78
Remove Workspace ..............................77
Rename Workspace...............................77
Send Workspace To ..............................77
Send Workspace(s) To ..........................79
Display........................................ 167, 172
Uniformance Process Studio User Guide • 219
220 • Uniformance Process Studio User Guide
Uniformance Process Studio User Guide • 221
Process Solutions
1860 W Rose Garden Ln
Phoenix, AZ 85027-2708