O S.biecf: Sociology Liv-S22 incorect Roll no: 4308 Dalk 1o2 Pax d Disseminale ideas Koow ledga Marriage CertctPair dDi9seminate idas2 Kncwlaclge Eclocaion 2 Ocorrec ta Divisim oabour-Stene Hge Correc air C visicn oobour ndustrial ko voluthon )ncorRCt ai b&vates poSifion omo-ndogomu Corred 1ir bElouotes postion ol maA Hupcn nm LInorre Pair a) Famil-Voluntru Qoup a) amulu- nvaontaru Oup S)ncorrtod oY RaooeC orteta Q4op -Mutool co opottaton Rolonte oup-Lompaxing onsou e D-S99 Rollno H308 )Secondary Group 2)Rolo 3 DMN SriovaS )Polarioaion 5 liom 'D Bos 2 Anu2 )Dominant Caste Exampla Marathas ia Maharoshtra are the domLaa Caste and ouwnars culhvators fhat mako up alzoatSO1 o Tha poplation. Roddys_Komaas in Anda Pradash DIominaat Caste is a casr latge ioa memb.er Oxextisa more onomico Cocie palit.ical Puvlegsoer dhor peoplo i ) lo Mokaraskba Haredhas are large i numer ploy a uerimportat Tole Ar a aS Koco economical Arihutei poltiCal polices are oncoraed ar dstermnans odominant Ccbte ae as llotasS S 20able amauat o aroblo land Pocal Qvalobpo Stenath numbers Hiah plat ia tho localhicrarchy )Western Qolucation eTheolcgica Stage CxGmpl Qncemt pecpl actualGBelievcd that DS22 Roll no 430 Slage 10 Lwhich peopl isG GedThs lanch w Consicoorfd Qco D , powc Supernatura on haveoth aSepCneQthovHu DrinGan.cnt peuad blindait on mans ihng Pcopkea Tndia kad weteotlowiag vanouS e i Noa.chas ec gesauthoritAccadina o thamLed uas he uskos ook place os par His gerphiaq 3 Dist betuscoaAnu heor ia Suence heo tical scarch ead S Cxplonator tothe aclvancemcnt CuoIK is the Struchyda Canacd te thoor C Iko Pupose tecetica) Slieat i t oinctoa UnderskAnches )&A stdy c a structue DApplied Science S or olcuclcpmempupose Solses pkacdica prcbloas oSclotu Knowteade Thacticalsca.oa AppledSelente DApplied Scien c mtaa phadical applcaia c goCiolcqical theorH u h purpae o applied SCeno sc.al elgy bcng about ) Ea A sludt pouen clilinqu en4 PA DiS02Rol no:130& Rale Relk is oined QS h unclicn tatus tatus Abefcal clasiiatea CSSumed or part played bs a RSon C thigq ia a parhicular_ Stuaion Arol is the pazt CUr Seciedu eeps d peds us to play is odeinod as v en o a plcca,cDUateq Or oganiaaton,oletamgi thair Aiqhts ar ESpeoS.blides ( tas ib our 4elat he. Socia s.iianwiia a Laa en Rtotu lho. pouSea baloxei a GccC-danco wdh Ong's_psio in the Saitu i Ts shatus oaptrsea i8KeGLA Gccordia o ex ps (Rals ahe oCiet tups, Qxampley id gtraa kcle Cod poormenCa ete tupesAong lo, aScrlbed gtatus Y acheueal gtats OAT D-S99 Rono: 308 PrimOr O RimarqHop Ddecaada oup 10 MCup in uhd Slatom hups ae psona Selot.onships are ialarmal iporSoooerme coaca and contractuol in raua jotmate AO natok_ Yarqe iA Siac CK Ralotanshps ae prSalSe phuico RolaBionc ar Ch)Due te cme ekosti.onshipr ore i no phusiecl prdimdY kae fue en tho memrS Ralaticn Qre Per maneat TEmcear BekavoUrS Comcled naa oma v) jnigkeurhocdt 4An DNahvre ocolog Ndien, tcte DisS92 Roll no 4308 i Socialogy is an mpica Sciencs ccicloqy shudies Ond anaases beciaacs cntho hosil S u i c meihd-Lmpricism is &cactoq ciatra ecdfue os a iene afhaceti.o lappled Sclento Var.codico formulaioa o nw tocre i Coasta phacsia Socialoau AlSomans blankha a3ocicloqy ae baacd ao sha appl CoO0 Secieles Socialaqica knoulaqag to to ield HenCit is_a puras wl San 'applid Socto ciaaC Lu goçialoq is a odto ScCno Jha cim o oloq otoadOuf e seolt oci otueAceSoccloa 3todio ccnshrudiu or ans dastructiue aleme ycpin Society ocialoay Socolaa jg ahd isic scienCe oloes act iom Sel e Ho stdu e upes o NaemS ' S dkuauS lho orm uuas s usoo bu illiam Sumnor Acording himolkiunau a the kecanaiaed La o avAqCcioa in Jociatu 2anq sinqDas ingk, 2afag Lwth cpopSticks 2ainspit k saa Sar tuous waus ecarin ores Morei ak moeqd Aan olkwo4s he Ae inunoait e gaco coatra _glack wiL sualuos marHo9e eolëq 2exuaulat.on selce CenO Porifed: PACEK DATE D S92 Ow Rol No 305 Aw iS aA impatDnt OSsenhol eloneai o Svcetuhasoredelibaratelg ox.mulcdacl xulg o pehavjour S vnivers Ja oture commoo a ollohexe uo tupu e lau-Custer Low r gacled au but oval raasnaited is fllo cd n trib as a kuLa Coc letu- os Lo O acted Naz his kow ig ia a Juridon Aprm i agtant aS wall a ohligatoi0 wcdarn The Hindu Marriaga Complxdnaaicgaciehu lo Aet Tha Ionagstic ie lanin Acd g i - aCtra tudikS According toa ultur hllCultue is pxoduced Leuah Lverudau insH N d pepl ote ashion dayoclopi eor 9nterkaia e sdials ihaq calebtae._ IE wasst Sfotedin th Dirmagen Ceate ter Ccmea Prayutuek tuod.es n Dk shudas claeb &vo dalyactauly ouman haia duess ataqKabils af om yauovs dkiplias odl ephocess Cultida kiaq PN DA DS22 S Roll nch3ca A ndianSociclaist DG GS-Ghua D-HN.Svioias D Iravd Karuel KSolkar CAny_ e Accordingo Durkheim Suciole is noi an mdividue acte nor CauSod b o personl action t Je 8eme cwer hich i9 Cver above 4 iodiviual_ar Super iodi vidual- He vieucdal Ckasse oola.oiks usulting_oliectly or indicdlu. em tha positve rnQative Ads ovitia se we Koaiws 9CsuH produe HavigG delind thoplcancmonen uke im olsmigses a poycheloqical Oxplanaio Man olactors Dsuc keloq is eoue lap tA theor£ pecp Lobe to ker th n t malort tho iA a nathologi.cal gtote, Bot_Dorkeim emphasises th fhoe uhich_ dulermA tho ICioll, is nat psucholcglcal ur cio He Concluds oat suicioe s he aauH o ccin dis organisSadon oy lock o_ goCia slidarhy TPES OF SUICIDE Page No. Date DvS22 Roll na: h308 mla Durkhein chsspicol 1: D.. types SicIs_ontha bas s oeent tup~ olat.cosip hetucantho actor his A®Cich )Eccislic Suicicd Wan g man beccm ocio iseleted or al Ka cs ne plagin fe Sccet o dasau hSollThis isihe guicidu Gsel aatred peHsc who Pack altruisieeli.nqs i s ustLally cuto 2)AltsiicSuicode vpae fodoseint mdc|hiá kiad o Soiciolo eSullr em adivioual eg OVeri0teradhon o e Jno Scial aa Sefi cSIa.o 3 Anomi Suicder S etsic pe ouicicl is due to cactain takelown Sutle his upe OSucicl ic olu fo OyQrreguldtico iaSeciady Unolir Th CUerOgdation ola SCUaaulea a Ser van o chuR (omwts Suicic