2023 International Seminar on Computer Science and Engineering Technology (SCSET) 7KH6DWLVIDFWLRQ,PSURYHPHQW6WUDWHJ\RI*UHHQ'HYHORSPHQW%DVHGRQWKH$+3 The Satisfaction Improvement Strategy of Green Development Based on the AMP­ HQWURS\:HLJKW0HWKRGDQG&$57$OJRULWKP entropy Weight Method and CART Algorithm 2023 International Seminar on Computer Science and Engineering Technology (SCSET) | 979-8-3503-0147-2/23/$31.00 ©2023 IEEE | DOI: 10.1109/SCSET58950.2023.00115 6XNH.RQJ Suke Kong 6FKRRORI0DQDJHPHQW School of Management, ;LDPHQ8QLYHUVLW\7DQ.DK.HH Xiamen University Tan Kah Kee &ROOHJH College =KDQJ]KRX&KLQD Zhangzhou, China #TTFRP 920445685@qq.com <LQJQLQJ6KHQ Yingning Shen 6FKRRORI0DQDJHPHQW School of Management, ;LDPHQ8QLYHUVLW\7DQ.DK.HH Xiamen University Tan Kah Kee &ROOHJH College =KDQJ]KRX&KLQD Zhangzhou, China #TTFRP 23908 1 326l @qq.com <X&KXQJ&KDQJ Yu-Chung Chang* 6FKRRORI0DQDJHPHQW School of Management, ;LDPHQ8QLYHUVLW\7DQ.DK.HH&ROOHJH Xiamen University Tan Kah Kee College =KDQJ]KRX&KLQD Zhangzhou, China #TTFRP 2933662796@qq.com $EVWUDFW,QWKLVVWXG\WKH$+3HQWURS\ZHLJKWPHWKRGLVXVHG Abstract-In this study, the AHP-entropy weight method is used DQGGHWHUPLQHWKHGLUHFWLRQIRULPSURYHPHQW7KHUHIRUHWKH and determine the direction for improvement. Therefore, the IRXQGDWLRQ for IRU achieving DFKLHYLQJ JUHHQ GHYHORSPHQW is LV the WKH foundation green development FRQVWUXFWLRQRIWKHJUHHQGHYHORSPHQWLQGLFDWRUV\VWHP construction of the green development indicator system. 7KLVVWXG\DWWHPSWVWRFRQVWUXFWDPHDVXUHPHQWLQGH[IRU This study attempts to construct a measurement index for XUEDQ green JUHHQ development GHYHORSPHQW using XVLQJ the WKH AHP-entropy $+3HQWURS\ weight ZHLJKW urban PHWKRG providing SURYLGLQJ aD tool WRRO for IRU evaluating HYDOXDWLQJ cities, FLWLHV verifying YHULI\LQJ method, ZKHWKHU their WKHLU development GHYHORSPHQW meets PHHWV green JUHHQ development GHYHORSPHQW whether VWDQGDUGVDQGILQGLQJRXWWKHLQIOXHQFLQJIDFWRUVRISHRSOH standards, and finding out the influencing factors of people'sV VDWLVIDFWLRQ with ZLWK green JUHHQ development. GHYHORSPHQW Through 7KURXJK satisfaction TXHVWLRQQDLUHV we ZH also DOVR collect FROOHFW personal SHUVRQDO practices SUDFWLFHV of RI green JUHHQ questionnaires, OLIH from IURP the WKH public, SXEOLF assessment DVVHVVPHQW of RI the WKH quality TXDOLW\ of RI the WKH life VXUURXQGLQJHQYLURQPHQWYLHZVRQSDUNVJUHHQVSDFHVDQG surrounding environment, views on parks, green spaces, and LQIUDVWUXFWXUH provided SURYLGHG by E\ the WKH municipal PXQLFLSDO government, JRYHUQPHQW infrastructure SHUFHSWLRQVRIHQWHUSULVHJUHHQSURGXFWLRQSHUIRUPDQFHWKH perceptions of enterprise green production performance, the DFWVRIJRYHUQPHQWVXSHUYLVLRQDQGLPSOHPHQWDWLRQRIJUHHQ acts of government supervision and implementation of green HQYLURQPHQWDOSURWHFWLRQSROLFLHVDQGODZVDQGVDWLVIDFWLRQ environmental protection policies and laws, and satisfaction GDWD on RQ urban XUEDQ green JUHHQ development. GHYHORSPHQW The 7KH classification FODVVLILFDWLRQ and DQG data UHJUHVVLRQ tree WUHH (CART) &$57 algorithm DOJRULWKP is LV used XVHG to WR establish HVWDEOLVK aD regression PRGHO to WR predict SUHGLFW citizens' FLWL]HQV satisfaction VDWLVIDFWLRQ with ZLWK the WKH green JUHHQ model GHYHORSPHQW of RI city FLW\ government's JRYHUQPHQW V green JUHHQ development GHYHORSPHQW and DQG development SURYLGH strategies VWUDWHJLHV for IRU the WKH city FLW\ government JRYHUQPHQW to WR improve LPSURYH provide FLWL]HQV VDWLVIDFWLRQZLWKJUHHQGHYHORSPHQW citizens' satisfaction with green development. WR weigh ZHLJK various YDULRXV indicators LQGLFDWRUV that WKDW affect DIIHFW green JUHHQ development, GHYHORSPHQW to HVWDEOLVK urban XUEDQ green JUHHQ development GHYHORSPHQW evaluation HYDOXDWLRQ indicators, LQGLFDWRUV and DQG establish WKHQ explore H[SORUH the WKH important LPSRUWDQW factors IDFWRUV that WKDW DIIHFW SHRSOH V then affect people's VDWLVIDFWLRQZLWKJUHHQGHYHORSPHQWWKURXJKWKH&ODVVLILFDWLRQ satisfaction with green development through the Classification 5HJUHVVLRQ Tree 7UHH algorithm. DOJRULWKP Finally, )LQDOO\ aD prediction SUHGLFWLRQ model PRGHO is LV Regression HVWDEOLVKHG It ,WZDV IRXQG that WKDW the WKH classification FODVVLILFDWLRQ and DQG regression UHJUHVVLRQ established. was found PRGHO prediction SUHGLFWLRQ results UHVXOWV of RI the WKH CART &$57 DOJRULWKP KDYH high KLJK model algorithm have DFFXUDF\ 7KH city's FLW\ Vgreen JUHHQ coverage FRYHUDJH area DUHD indicator LQGLFDWRU is LV the WKH most PRVW accuracy. The LPSRUWDQWLQGLFDWRUWKURXJKWKH$+3HQWURS\ZHLJKW PHWKRG important indicator through the AHP-entropy weight method. %\ using XVLQJ the WKH CART &$57 algorithm, DOJRULWKP the WKH most PRVW important LPSRUWDQW factors IDFWRUV By DIIHFWLQJ FLWL]HQV satisfaction VDWLVIDFWLRQ with ZLWK the WKH green JUHHQ development GHYHORSPHQW of RI affecting citizens' ;LDPHQ City &LW\ are DUH the WKH actions DFWLRQV of RI the WKH municipal PXQLFLSDO government. JRYHUQPHQW Xiamen %DVHG on RQ the WKH research UHVHDUFK results, UHVXOWV DQ LPSURYHPHQW strategy VWUDWHJ\ for IRU Based an improvement JUHHQGHYHORSPHQWVDWLVIDFWLRQLQ;LDPHQLVSURSRVHG green development satisfaction in Xi amen is proposed. .H\ZRUGV$+3HQWURS\ZHLJKWPHWKRG&$57DOJRULWKP Keywords-AHP-entropy weight method, CART algorithm, JUHHQGHYHORSPHQWVDWLVIDFWLRQ;LDPHQ green development, satisfaction, Xiamen ,1752'8&7,21 I., INTRODUCTION :LWKWKHSURJUHVVRIWHFKQRORJ\WKHGHYHORSPHQWRIPRGHUQ With the progress oftechnology, the development of modern VRFLHW\ FRQWLQXHV to WR move PRYH towards WRZDUGV industrialization LQGXVWULDOL]DWLRQ and DQG society continues XUEDQL]DWLRQ leading OHDGLQJ to WR an DQ increase LQFUHDVH in LQ industrial LQGXVWULDO pollution SROOXWLRQ urbanization, DQG waste, ZDVWH as DV well ZHOO as DV aD signifi VLJQLILFDQW FRQVXPSWLRQ of RI natural QDWXUDO and cant consumption UHVRXUFHV To 7R achieve DFKLHYH sustainable VXVWDLQDEOH development GHYHORSPHQW of RI human KXPDQ resources. EHLQJV and DQG the WKH natural QDWXUDO environment, HQYLURQPHQW the WKH concept FRQFHSW of RI green JUHHQ beings GHYHORSPHQW has KDV been EHHQ proposed. SURSRVHG Green *UHHQ development GHYHORSPHQW is LV development GLIIHUHQWIURPWUDGLWLRQDOGHYHORSPHQWPRGHOVLWVFRUHLVWR different from traditional development models, its core is to SURPRWH economic HFRQRPLF growth, JURZWK VRFLDO GHYHORSPHQW and DQG promote social development, HFRORJLFDO coordination FRRUGLQDWLRQ with ZLWK effi HIILFLHQF\ KDUPRQ\ and DQG ecological ciency, harmony, VXVWDLQDELOLW\ DV the WKH JRDO ZKLFK is LV an DQ important LPSRUWDQW trend WUHQG of RI sustainability as goal, which ZRUOGGHYHORSPHQWLQWKHIXWXUH world development in the future. 7KH construction FRQVWUXFWLRQ of RI the WKH evaluation HYDOXDWLRQ index LQGH[ system V\VWHP for IRU The JUHHQ development GHYHORSPHQW has KDV provided SURYLGHG aD scientific VFLHQWLILF defi GHILQLWLRQ DQG green nition and UHDOL]DWLRQ path SDWK for IRU green JUHHQ development. GHYHORSPHQW )RU JUHHQ realization For aD FLW\ city, green GHYHORSPHQW evaluation HYDOXDWLRQ indicators LQGLFDWRUV can FDQ be EH used XVHG to WR evaluate HYDOXDWH development ZKHWKHUWKHFLW\PHHWVWKHVWDQGDUGVIRUJUHHQGHYHORSPHQW whether the city meets the standards for green development 979-8-3503-0147-2/23/$31.00 979-8-3503-0147-2/23/$3 1 .00 ©2023 IEEE DOI 10.1109/SCSET58950.2023.00115 DOl 0LQJ[LQJ+XDQJ Mingxing Huang 6FKRRORI0DQDJHPHQW School of Management, ;LDPHQ8QLYHUVLW\7DQ.DK.HH Xiamen University Tan Kah Kee &ROOHJH College =KDQJ]KRX&KLQD Zhangzhou, China P[DLUOLQHV#FRP mxairlines@l 63 .com ,,35(/,0,1$5,(6 II. PRELIMINARIES 7KH$+3HQWURS\ZHLJKWPHWKRGLVXVHGWRDVVLJQZHLJKWWR The AHP-entropy weight method is used to assign weight to HDFK Indicator ,QGLFDWRU affecting DIIHFWLQJ green JUHHQ GHYHORSPHQW LQ this WKLV paper, SDSHU each development in DQGWKHQH[SORUHWKHIDFWRUVLQIOXHQFLQJSHRSOH and then explore the factors influencing people'sVVDWLVIDFWLRQ satisfaction ZLWK green JUHHQ development GHYHORSPHQW through WKURXJK the WKH classification FODVVLILFDWLRQ and DQG with UHJUHVVLRQWUHH &$57 DOJRULWKP,QWKLVVHFWLRQZHPDLQO\ regression tree (CART) algorithm. In this section, we mainly LQWURGXFH the WKH relevant UHOHYDQW methods PHWKRGV and DQG data GDWD applications. DSSOLFDWLRQV introduce 6XEVHFWLRQ A $ introduces LQWURGXFHV the WKH analytic DQDO\WLF hierarchy KLHUDUFK\ process SURFHVV Subsection $+3 method. PHWKRG Subsection 6XEVHFWLRQ B % is LV the WKH introduction LQWURGXFWLRQ of RI the WKH (AHP) HQWURS\ZHLJKWPHWKRG6XEVHFWLRQ&LVWKHLQWURGXFWLRQWR entropy weight method. Subsection C is the introduction to WKH&$57DOJRULWKP the CART algorithm. 494 Authorized licensed use limited to: Adana Alparslan Turkes Bilim ve Teknoloji Universitesi. Downloaded on October 19,2023 at 18:24:46 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. λAmax −- Qn &, (5) CI == PD[ Qn −-1 ' $$QDO\WLFKLHUDUFK\SURFHVV $+3 A. Analytic hierarchy process (AHP) $+3 AHP LV is Da V\VWHPDWLF systematic DQG and KLHUDUFKLFDO hierarchical DQDO\VLV analysis PHWKRG method, LW it GHFRPSRVHV decomposes WKH the UHVHDUFK research REMHFW object LQWR into GLIIHUHQW different IDFWRUV factors DW at GLIIHUHQW different OHYHOV levels DQG and WKHQ then DFFRUGLQJ according WR to VXEMHFWLYH subjective MXGJPHQW judgment, E\SDLUZLVHFRPSDULVRQRIWKHPXWXDOLPSRUWDQFHRIWKHWZR by pairwise comparison of the mutual importance of the two IDFWRUVWRREWDLQDMXGJPHQWPDWUL[7KHVWHSVRIXVLQJ$+3 factors to obtain a judgment matrix. The steps of using AHP WRFDOFXODWHWKHLQGLFDWRUZHLJKWVDUHDVIROORZV VHH>@DQG to calculate the indicator weights are as follows (see [1] and >@ [2]). 6WHS Step 1 . &RQVWUXFW Construct WKH the MXGJPHQW judgment PDWUL[ matrix. 6FKRODUV Scholars DQG and H[SHUWV experts DFFRUGLQJ according WR to VXEMHFWLYH subjective MXGJPHQW judgment XVH use WKH the 1 -9 VFDOH scale PHWKRG MXGJPHQW PDWUL[ method WR to REWDLQ obtain Da judgment matrix $ A LQ in WKH the IROORZLQJ following IRUP form. ª Dau «D $ A == ((DaLM ))P×P == « a2 t ij mxm « 0 M « D P ¬ am[ / L / L 2 0 / L Dat2 Da 22 0 M Dam P 2 &5 CR == ZKHUH where 5, RI LV is WKH the DYHUDJH average UDQGRP random FRQVLVWHQF\ consistency LQGH[ index RI of WKH the MXGJPHQWPDWUL[7KHFRQVLVWHQF\RIWKHMXGJPHQWPDWUL[LV judgment matrix. The consistency of the judgment matrix is DFFHSWDEOHZKHQ acceptable when &5 CR << 0.1 . % B.(QWURS\ZHLJKWPHWKRG Entropy weight method 7KH The HQWURS\ entropy ZHLJKW weight PHWKRG method LV is DQ an REMHFWLYH objective ZHLJKWLQJ weighting PHWKRG method EDVHG based RQ on GDWD data GLVSHUVLRQ dispersion GHJUHH degree. ,W It XVHV uses WKH the LQIRUPDWLRQHQWURS\RIWKHLQGLFDWRUWRGHWHUPLQHWKHZHLJKW information entropy of the indicator to determine the weight RI of WKH the LQGLFDWRU indicator. :KHQ When WKH the GDWD data LV is PRUH more GLVSHUVHG dispersed, WKH the HQWURS\YDOXHLVVPDOOHUZKLFKFDQEHFRQVLGHUHGWRFRQWDLQ entropy value is smaller, which can be considered to contain PRUH more LQIRUPDWLRQ information, VR so WKH the ZHLJKW weight LV is JUHDWHU greater. 7KH The VWHSV steps RI of XVLQJ using WKH the HQWURS\ entropy ZHLJKW weight PHWKRG method WR to FDOFXODWH calculate WKH the LQGLFDWRU indicator ZHLJKWVDUHDVIROORZV VHH>@DQG>@ weights are as follows (see [3] and [4]). 6WHS Step 1. 'DWD Data VWDQGDUGL]DWLRQ standardization. 'XH Due WR to WKH the GLIIHUHQW different GLPHQVLRQVRIHDFKLQGLFDWRUQHFHVVDU\GDWDWUDQVIRUPDWLRQ dimensions of each indicator, necessary data transformation SURFHVVLQJ processing LV is UHTXLUHG7KH required. The FDOFXODWLRQ calculation IRUPXOD formula IRU for SRVLWLYH positive DQGQHJDWLYHLQGLFDWRUVLVDVIROORZVUHVSHFWLYHO\ and negative indicators is as follows, respectively. Dalm P º Da2Pm »» (1) 0 M» » DaPP mm ¼ ZKHUH where DaLMif == 1/DaMLi UHSUHVHQWV represents WKH the FRPSDULVRQ comparison UHVXOW result RI of WKH the Li­ j WKIDFWRUZLWKUHVSHFWWRWKHMWKIDFWRU7KHPHDQLQJRIHDFK th factor with respect to thej-th factor. The meaning of each VFRUHLVVKRZQLQ7DEOH score is shown in Table 1 . 7DEOH&RPSDULVRQVFDOHRI$+3 Table 1 Comparison scale o f AHP ŔFDOH Scale 0HDQLQJ Meaning I 7KHLWKIDFWRUDQGMWKIDFWRUDUHHTXDOO\LPSRUWDQW The i-th factor andj-th factor are equally important Ur.LM == 3 7KHLWKIDFWRULVVOLJKWO\PRUHLPSRUWDQWWKDQWKHMWKIDFWRU The i-th factor is slightly more important than thej-th factor 5 7KHLWKIDFWRULVPRUHLPSRUWDQWWKDQWKHMWKIDFWRU The i-th factor is more important than thej-th factor 7 7KHLWKIDFWRULVYHU\LPSRUWDQWFRPSDUHGZLWKWKHMWKIDFWRU The i-th factor is very important compared with thej-th factor 9 7KHLWKIDFWRULVDEVROXWHO\LPSRUWDQWFRPSDUHGZLWKWKHMWK The i-th factor is absolutely important compared with thej-th IDFWRU factor PD[ max(x[ ) - [xLMif M − ġġġġġġġġġġġġġġġġġġġġġġġġġġġġ (8) PD[ − PLQ [M ) ' max(x[ ) min(x M j WKLQGLFDWRU YDOXHVRIWKH values of the j-th indicator. 6WHS Step 2. 'HWHUPLQH Determine WKH the ZHLJKW weight RI of LQGLFDWRU indicator FKDUDFWHULVWLFV7KHFDOFXODWLRQIRUPXODLV characteristics. The calculation formula is UrLMy ġġġġġġġġġġġġġġġġġġġġġġġġġġġġġġġġġġġ (9) pSLM == P m Ur ij ¦ LLi=l = LM ' l} ZKHUH where P m LVWKHQXPEHURIVDPSOHV is the number of samples. 6WHS Step 3. &DOFXODWH Calculate WKH the LQIRUPDWLRQ information HQWURS\ entropy YDOXH value + H1M RI of WKH the jWKLQGLFDWRU -th indicator. Z L ωOJL == ____3_ _ (3) P � Lm= Z w ¦ L...J i=l L l 6WHS Step 4. &DOFXODWH Calculate WKH the PD[LPDO maximal HLJHQYDOXH eigenvalue λAPD[ of WKH the max RI MXGJPHQWPDWUL[LH judgment matrix. i.e., +M − P $ω (Aw)L; � (4) QnOJ ωL; Y if 6WHS&DOFXODWHWKHZHLJKWFRHIILFLHQWRILQGLFDWRU Step 3. Calculate the weight coefficient of indicator Li Li=i = Ur..LM == j PD[ max(x[LMif ) DQG and PLQ min(x[LMif ) DUH are WKH the PD[LPXP maximum DQG and PLQLPXP minimum ZL = P DLDL / DLP (2) 1 [xLM −- PLQ if min(x[ jM ) ġġġġġġġġġġġġġġġġġġġġġġġġġġġġġ (7) PD[ max(x[ ) - PLQ min(x[ M ) ' M − ZKHUH WK VDPSOH where [xLM LV is WKH the YDOXH value RI of WKH the jWK -th LQGLFDWRU indicator LQ in ith sample, 6WHS1RUPDOL]HWKHMXGJPHQW Step 2. Normalize the judgment PDWUL[ matrix $ A DQGFDOFXODWH and calculate WKHYHFWRU the vector λ"�ax =¦ PD[ = L...J Y 2 , 4, 6 , 8 DQGDUHWKHLQWHUPHGLDWHYDOXH 2 , 4 , 6 , and 8 are the intermediate value ' &, CI (6) 5, RI ' P ¦ SLM OQ SLM (10) OQ P L = 6WHS&DOFXODWHWKHHQWURS\ZHLJKWRIWKH WKLQGLFDWRU Step 4. Calculate the entropy weight of the j-th indicator. 7KHIRUPXODIRUFDOFXODWLQJHQWURS\ZHLJKWLVDVIROORZV The formula for calculating entropy weight is as follows. · ωM 6WHS Step 5. &RQVLVWHQF\ Consistency WHVW test. :H We XVH use WKH the FRQVLVWHQF\ consistency LQGH[ index &, DQGWKHFRQVLVWHQF\UDWLR &5 WRHVWLPDWHWKH (CI) and the consistency ratio (CR) to estimate the OHYHORI level of FRQVLVWHQF\RIWKHMXGJPHQWPDWUL[DVIROORZV consistency ofthe judgment matrix as follows. − + M Q Q − ¦ M = + M (11) 495 495 Authorized licensed use limited to: Adana Alparslan Turkes Bilim ve Teknoloji Universitesi. Downloaded on October 19,2023 at 18:24:46 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. & C. &$57DOJRULWKP CAR T algorithm 7KH key NH\ to WR decision GHFLVLRQ tree WUHH learning OHDUQLQJ is LV to WR VHOHFW SDUWLWLRQLQJ The select partitioning DWWULEXWHV First, )LUVW calculate FDOFXODWH the WKH information LQIRUPDWLRQ gain JDLQ of RI each HDFK attributes. DWWULEXWHLQWKHWUDLQLQJVDPSOHDQGVHOHFWWKHDWWULEXWHZLWK attribute in the training sample, and select the attribute with WKHKLJKHVWLQIRUPDWLRQJDLQDVWKHURRWQRGH7KHH[WHQGHG the highest information gain as the root node. The extended EUDQFKHV under XQGHU the WKH root URRW node QRGH will ZLOO be EH determined GHWHUPLQHG based EDVHG on RQ branches WKHYDOXHRIWKHDWWULEXWHUHSUHVHQWHGE\WKHURRWQRGH7KHQ the value of the attribute represented by the root node. Then, WKHDWWULEXWHVWKDWKDYHEHHQ VHOHFWHGDVQRGHVDUHUHPRYHG the attributes that have been selected as nodes are removed IURP the WKH candidate FDQGLGDWH attribute DWWULEXWH set, VHW and DQG the WKH calculation FDOFXODWLRQ and DQG from VHOHFWLRQRIWKHLQIRUPDWLRQJDLQRIWKHUHPDLQLQJDWWULEXWHV selection of the information gain of the remaining attributes LQ the WKH candidate FDQGLGDWH attribute DWWULEXWH set VHW are DUH repeated UHSHDWHG until XQWLO the WKH preset SUHVHW in 7KH classification FODVVLILFDWLRQ and DQG PRGHO training WUDLQLQJ threshold WKUHVKROG is LV reached. UHDFKHGġ The model UHJUHVVLRQ tree WUHH (CART) &$57 algorithm DOJRULWKP no QR longer ORQJHU selects VHOHFWV regression DWWULEXWHV based EDVHG on RQ information LQIRUPDWLRQ gain, JDLQ it LW measures PHDVXUHV attributes DWWULEXWHV attributes XVLQJDQLQGLFDWRUWKDWUHSUHVHQWVVDPSOHLPSXULW\FDOOHGWKH using an indicator that represents sample impurity, called the *LQL index. LQGH[7KHORZHUWKH*LQLLQGH[WKH KLJKHUWKHSXULW\ Gini The lower the Gini index, the higher the purity 6 I GDWD RI the WKH sample. VDPSOH If ,I S 6 LV WUDLQLQJ set VHW that WKDW includes LQFOXGHV lS of is aD training data VDPSOHV and DQG S( 6 & WKH VXEVHW RI samples VDPSOHV in LQ S 6 WKDW samples, C;L ) LV is the subset of that EHORQJ WR WKH & FODVV L = / P WKH SUREDELOLW\ WKDW belong to the C;L class ( i = 1, 2,L , m ) , the probability that WKHVDPSOHVLQWKHWUDLQLQJVHWEHORQJWRWKH VHH the samples in the training set belong to the iL FODVVLV class is (see >@DQG>@ [5] and [6]). %DVHG on RQ the WKH ex1stmg H[LVWLQJ literature, OLWHUDWXUH expert H[SHUW opinions, RSLQLRQV and DQG Based WKHRUHWLFDO research, UHVHDUFK this WKLV paper SDSHU constructs FRQVWUXFWV an DQ evaluation HYDOXDWLRQ theoretical LQGH[ system V\VWHP for IRU urban XUEDQ green JUHHQ development. GHYHORSPHQW The 7KH indicator LQGLFDWRU index V\VWHP LV divided GLYLGHG into LQWR three WKUHH levels: OHYHOV the WKH system V\VWHP dimension, GLPHQVLRQ system is WKHSULPDU\LQGLFDWRUVOD\HUDQGWKHVHFRQGOHYHOLQGLFDWRUV the primary indicators layer, and the second-level indicators OD\HU with ZLWK aD total WRWDO of RI 3 LQGLFDWRUV including LQFOXGLQJ 2 SRVLWLYH layer, 1 indicators, 1 positive LQGLFDWRUVDQGQHJDWLYHLQGLFDWRUV7KHVSHFLILFLQGLFDWRU indicators and 10 negative indicators. The specific indicator V\VWHPLVVKRZQLQ7DEOH7KHHYDOXDWLRQLQGLFDWRUV\VWHP system is shown in Table 2. The evaluation indicator system IRU urban XUEDQ green JUHHQ development GHYHORSPHQW is LV divided GLYLGHG into LQWR three WKUHH for GLPHQVLRQV SROLF\ LPSOHPHQWDWLRQ HIILFLHQF\ implementation dimensions: policy effi ciency, HQYLURQPHQWDO carrying FDUU\LQJ capacity, FDSDFLW\ and DQG green JUHHQ technology WHFKQRORJ\ environmental LQYHVWPHQW capacity. FDSDFLW\ 3ROLF\ LPSOHPHQWDWLRQ efficiency HIILFLHQF\ is LV investment Policy implementation VXEGLYLGHG into LQWR two WZR indicators: LQGLFDWRUV greening JUHHQLQJ effi HIILFLHQF\ DQG subdivided ciency and HFRQRPLFHIILFLHQF\7KHHQYLURQPHQWDOFDUU\LQJFDSDFLW\LV economic efficiency. The environmental carrying capacity is VXEGLYLGHG into LQWR two WZR indicators: LQGLFDWRUV VRFLDO SUHVVXUH and DQG subdivided social pressure HQYLURQPHQWDO pressure. SUHVVXUH Green *UHHQ technology WHFKQRORJ\ investment LQYHVWPHQW environmental FDSDFLW\LVVXEGLYLGHGLQWRWZRLQGLFDWRUVILVFDOH[SHQGLWXUH capacity is subdivided into two indicators: fiscal expenditure DQG pollution SROOXWLRQtreatment. WUHDWPHQW Establish (VWDEOLVK an DQ urban XUEDQ green JUHHQ indicator LQGLFDWRU and V\VWHP by E\ collecting FROOHFWLQJ data GDWD on RQ various YDULRXV indicators LQGLFDWRUV in LQ Xiamen, ;LDPHQ system &KLQDIURPWR China, from 2003 to 2020. CJL I I S6 C& P;SL = -S6- (12) I 1 ' 7DEOH Table 2. 7KHXUEDQJUHHQGHYHORSPHQWLQGLFDWRUV The urban green development indicators 'LPHQVLRQ Dimension 3ROLF\ Policy LPSOHPHQWD implementa WLRQ tion HIILFLHQF\ effi ciency DQGWKHLQIRUPDWLRQHQWURS\RIWUDLQLQJVHW and the information entropy of training set S6 LVGHILQHGDV is defined as m P + 6 =−L ORJ2 P; SL · (13) H(S) ¦ P;SL log 3ULPDU\ Primary LQGLFDWRUV indicators *UHHQLQJ Greening HIILFLHQF\ effi ciency (FRQRPLF Economic HIILFLHQF\ efficiency L = i=l 6 ,L / , Sv 6Y E\ DWWULEXWH A $ , the WKH 6HW S 6 FDQ EH divided GLYLGHG into LQWR S1 Set can be by attribute LQIRUPDWLRQ entropy HQWURS\ RI WKH OHDI QRGH for IRU classification FODVVLILFDWLRQ information of the leaf node LQIRUPDWLRQLV information is Y 6M M = 6 + $ 6 = −¦ (QYLURQPH Environme QWDO ntal FDUU\LQJ carrying FDSDFLW\ capacity + 6 (14) DQGWKHLQIRUPDWLRQJDLQLV and the information gain is 6RFLDO Social SUHVVXUH pressure HQYLURQPH environme QWDO ntal SUHVVXUH pressure *DLQ A $ I S) 6 = H(S) + 6 − H(A + $ I S). 6 (15) Gain( 7KHGHILQLWLRQRIWKH*LQLLQGH[LV The definition ofthe Gini index is m P *LQL 6 = 1 −L Gini(S) ¦ PS;L , (16) L = i=l *UHHQ Green WHFKQRORJ\ technology LQYHVWPHQW investment FDSDFLW\ capacity DQG the WKH Gini *LQL index LQGH[ of RI the WKH leaf OHDI node QRGH for IRU classification FODVVLILFDWLRQ and LQIRUPDWLRQLV information is *LQL $ I S) 6 =� *LQL 6) 17) Gini(A ¦ Is I Gini(S M ( Y v M = )LQDQFLDO Financial H[SHQGLWXUH expenditure lSI 6M 6 3ROOXWLRQ Pollution WUHDWPHQW treatment '$7$6285&(6$1'5(6($5&+0(7+2'6 ,,, DATA III. SOURCES AND RESEARCH METHODS $Establishment (VWDEOLVKPHQWRIXUEDQJUHHQGHYHORSPHQWLQGLFDWRUV A. ofurban green development indicators 6HFRQGDU\LQGLFDWRUV Secondary indicators *UHHQLQJFRYHUDJHDUHDRIWKHFLW\ KHFWDUHV Greening coverage area of the city(h ectares) 7RWDOEXVSDVVHQJHUWUDIILF SHUVRQWLPHV Total bus passenger traffic (10000 person times) 5HVLGHQWLDODQGGRPHVWLFZDWHUFRQVXPSWLRQ Residential and domestic water consumption WRQV (10000 tons) 7RWDOIRUHVWU\RXWSXWYDOXH 50% Total forestry output value (10000 RMB) )LVKHU\RXWSXWYDOXH Fishery output value (150% 0000 RMB) 3HUFDSLWDGLVSRVDEOHLQFRPH 50% Per capita disposable income (RMB) 5HJLRQDO*'3 Regional GDP SULPDU\LQGXVWU\*'3 primary industry GDP WKHVHFRQGDU\LQGXVWU\*'3 the secondary industry GDP WKHWHUWLDU\LQGXVWU\*'3 tertiary industry GDP the 3HUFDSLWD*'3 50%SHUVRQ Per capita GDP (RMB/person) (QJHOFRHIILFLHQW Engel coefficient % 3HUPDQHQWUHVLGHQWSRSXODWLRQ Permanent resident population (1SHRSOH 0000 people) 1DWXUDOQHWLQFUHDVHLQSRSXODWLRQ SHUVRQ Natural net increase in population (person) 1XPEHURIVWXGHQWVRQFDPSXV SHUVRQ Number of students on campus (person $YHUDJHOLIHH[SHFWDQF\ \HDUV Averag e life expectancy (years) (QHUJ\FRQVXPSWLRQSHUXQLW*'3 WRQRI Energy consumption per unit GDP (ton of VWDQGDUGFRDO50% standard coal/ ! 0000 RMB) 3RZHUFRQVXPSWLRQSHUXQLW*'3 N:K Power consumption per unit GDP (k:Wh/10000 \XDQ yuan) ,QGXVWULDOZDVWHZDWHUGLVFKDUJH Industrial wastewater discharge (1WRQV 0000 tons) 7RWDOLQGXVWULDOZDVWHJDVHPLVVLRQV PLOOLRQ Total industrial waste gas emissions (100 million FXELFPHWHUV cubic meters) 7KHFRPSUHKHQVLYHXWLOL]DWLRQUDWHRILQGXVWULDO The comprehensive utilization rate of industrial VROLGZDVWH solid waste (%) ,QGXVWULDOVXOSKXUGLR[LGHHPLVVLRQV Industrial sulphur dioxide emissions (1WRQV 0000 tons) *HQHUDWLRQRIWKHJHQHUDOLQGXVWULDOVROLGZDVWH Generation ofthe general industrial solid waste (1WRQV 0000 tons) 7RWDOLQYHVWPHQWLQHQYLURQPHQWDOSROOXWLRQ Total investment in environmental pollution FRQWURO(10000 50% control RMB) *RYHUQPHQWILQDQFLDOH[SHQGLWXUHKHDOWKFDUH Government financial expenditure:health care 50% (10000 RMB) *RYHUQPHQWILQDQFLDOH[SHQGLWXUHHQHUJ\ Government financial expenditure: energy FRQVHUYDWLRQDQGHQYLURQPHQWDOSURWHFWLRQ conservation and environmental protection (1 0000 50% RMB) *RYHUQPHQWILQDQFLDOH[SHQGLWXUHQDWXUDO Government financial expenditure: natural UHVRXUFHVPDULQHPHWHRURORJ\HWF 50% resources, marine meteorology, etc. (1 0000 RMB) +DUPOHVVWUHDWPHQWUDWHRIGRPHVWLFZDVWH Harmless treatment rate of domestic waste (%) $QQXDOVHZDJHGLVFKDUJH Annual sewage discharge (1WRQV 0000 tons) $QQXDOVHZDJHWUHDWPHQWFDSDFLW\ WRQV Annual sewage treatment capacity (10000 tons) 6HZDJHWUHDWPHQWUDWH Sewage treatment rate (%) 496 Authorized licensed use limited to: Adana Alparslan Turkes Bilim ve Teknoloji Universitesi. Downloaded on October 19,2023 at 18:24:46 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. ,9 IV. (03,5,&$/5(68/76$1'$1$/<6,6 EMPIRICAL RESULTS AND ANALYSIS ,Q In WKLV this SDSHU paper, WKH the $+3 AHP PHWKRG method DQG and HQWURS\ entropy ZHLJKW weight PHWKRGDUHXVHGWRDVVLJQZHLJKWVWRHDFKIDFWRU7KH$+3 method are used to assign weights to each factor. The AHP PHWKRGEHORQJVWRWKHVXEMHFWLYHHYDOXDWLRQ method belongs to the subjective evaluation PHWKRG method, ZKLFK which KDVVWURQJH[SODQDWRU\SRZHU&RPELQHGZLWKWKHREMHFWLYH has strong explanatory power. Combined with the objective ZHLJKW weight HYDOXDWLRQ evaluation PHWKRG method, LH i.e., WKH the HQWURS\ entropy ZHLJKW weight PHWKRG method, ZHLJKWHYDOXDWLRQWKDWLVERWKREMHFWLYHDQGFRQVLVWHQW weight evaluation that is both objective and consistent ZLWK with FRPPRQ MXGJPHQW FDQ common VHQVH sense judgment can EH be REWDLQHG obtained. $IWHU After REWDLQLQJ obtaining VXEMHFWLYH subjective ZHLJKWV weights DQG and REMHFWLYH objective ZHLJKWV weights WKURXJK through WKH the $+3 AHP PHWKRG method DQG and HQWURS\ entropy ZHLJKW weight PHWKRG method, ZH we REWDLQ obtain WKH the FRPSUHKHQVLYH comprehensive ZHLJKWV weights RI of XUEDQ urban JUHHQ green GHYHORSPHQW development LQGLFDWRUV indicators E\ by XVLQJ using WKH the OLQHDU linear FRPELQDWLRQ combination PHWKRG method. 7KH The $+3HQWURS\ AHP-entropy ZHLJKWV weights : W ZLOO will EH be REWDLQHG obtained E\ by FRPELQLQJ combining ZLWK as and WKH the HQWURS\ entropy ZHLJKWV weights : W(E DV with WKH the $+3 AHP ZHLJKWV weights : W$A DQG IROORZV follows. $ A.$+3HQWURS\ZHLJKWVRIXUEDQJUHHQGHYHORSPHQW AHP-entropy weights ofurban green development LQGLFDWRUV indicators 7KH The MXGJPHQW judgment PDWUL[ matrix KDV has FRPSOHWH complete FRQVLVWHQF\ consistency &5 CR == 0 , VR so WKH$+3PHWKRGFDQEHXVHGIRUDQDO\VLV7KURXJKWKH$+3 the AHP method can be used for analysis. Through the AHP PHWKRGDQGWKHHQWURS\ZHLJKWPHWKRGZHREWDLQWKH$+3 method and the entropy weight method, we obtain the AHP ZHLJKWVDQGWKHHQWURS\ZHLJKWVUHVSHFWLYHO\%\WKHOLQHDU weights and the entropy weights, respectively. By the linear FRPELQDWLRQ WKH combination RI of IRUPXOD formula (18), the $+3HQWURS\ AHP-entropy ZHLJKWV weights RI of XUEDQJUHHQGHYHORSPHQWFDQEHREWDLQHGDVVKRZQLQ7DEOH urban green development can be obtained, as shown in Table 5. 7DEOH7KH$+3HQWURS\ZHLJKWVRIXUEDQJUHHQGHYHORSPHQWLQGLFDWRUV Table 5 . The AHP-entropy weights of urban green development indicators ,QGLFDWRUV Indicators *UHHQLQJ Greening FRYHUDJH coverage DUHD area RI of WKH the FLW\ city KHFWDUHV (hectares) 7RWDOEXVSDVVHQJHUWUDIILF Total bus passenger traffic (1 0000 SHUVRQWLPHV person times) 5HVLGHQWLDODQGGRPHVWLFZDWHU Residential and domestic water FRQVXPSWLRQ WRQV consumption (1 0000 tons) 7RWDOIRUHVWU\RXWSXWYDOXH Total forestry output value (10000 50% RMB) )LVKHU\RXWSXWYDOXH 50% Fishery output value (1 0000 RMB) 3HUFDSLWDGLVSRVDEOHLQFRPH 50% Per capita disposable income (RMB 5HJLRQDO*'3 Regional GDP SULPDU\LQGXVWU\*'3 primary industry GDP WKHVHFRQGDU\LQGXVWU\*'3 the secondary industry GDP WKHWHUWLDU\LQGXVWU\*'3 the tertiary industry GDP 3HUFDSLWD*'3 50%SHUVRQ Per capita GDP (RMB/person) (QJHOFRHIILFLHQW Engel coefficient (%) 3HUPDQHQWUHVLGHQWSRSXODWLRQ Permanent resident population SHRSOH (10000 people) 1DWXUDOQHWLQFUHDVHLQSRSXODWLRQ Natural net increase in population SHUVRQ (person) 1XPEHURIVWXGHQWVRQFDPSXV Number of students on campus SHUVRQ (person) $YHUDJHOLIHH[SHFWDQF\ \HDUV Average life expectancy (years) (QHUJ\FRQVXPSWLRQSHUXQLW*'3 Energy consumption per unit GDP WRQRIVWDQGDUGFRDO50% (ton of standard coaVlOOOO RMB) 3RZHUFRQVXPSWLRQSHUXQLW*'3 Power consumption per unit GDP N:K\XDQ (k:Wh/10000 yuan) ,QGXVWULDOZDVWHZDWHUGLVFKDUJH Industrial wastewater discharge WRQV (1 0000 tons) 7RWDOLQGXVWULDOZDVWHJDVHPLVVLRQV Total industrial waste gas emissions PLOOLRQFXELFPHWHUV (100 million cubic meters) 7KHFRPSUHKHQVLYHXWLOL]DWLRQUDWH The comprehensive utilization rate RILQGXVWULDOVROLGZDVWH of industrial solid waste (%) ,QGXVWULDOVXOSKXUGLR[LGHHPLVVLRQV Industrial sulphur dioxide emissions . WRQV (1 0000 tons) *HQHUDWLRQRIWKHJHQHUDOLQGXVWULDO Generation ofthe general industrial VROLGZDVWH WRQV solid waste (10000 tons) 7RWDOLQYHVWPHQWLQHQYLURQPHQWDO Total investment in environmental SROOXWLRQFRQWURO 50% pollution control (1 0000 RMB) *RYHUQPHQWILQDQFLDOH[SHQGLWXUH Government financial expenditure: KHDOWKFDUH 50% health care (10000 RMBl *RYHUQPHQWILQDQFLDOH[SHQGLWXUH Government financial expenditure: HQHUJ\FRQVHUYDWLRQDQG energy conservation and HQYLURQPHQWDOSURWHFWLRQ environmental protection (1 0000 50% RMB) *RYHUQPHQWILQDQFLDOH[SHQGLWXUH Government financial expenditure: QDWXUDOUHVRXUFHVPDULQH natural resources, marine PHWHRURORJ\HWF 50% meteorology, etc. (1 0000 RMB) +DUPOHVVWUHDWPHQWUDWHRIGRPHVWLF Harmless treatment rate of domestic ZDVWH waste (%) $QQXDOVHZDJHGLVFKDUJH Annual sewage discharge (1 0000 WRQV tons) $QQXDOVHZDJHWUHDWPHQWFDSDFLW\ Arumal sewage treatment capacity WRQV (10000 tons) 6HZDJHWUHDWPHQWUDWH Sewage treatment rate (%) : :(E (18) W == 0.45: W$A ++ 0.55W % B.&ODVVLILFDWLRQDQGSUHGLFWLRQRIWKH&$57$OJRULWKP Classification andprediction ofthe CART Algorithm 7KURXJKDTXHVWLRQQDLUHVXUYH\WKLVDUWLFOHFROOHFWVGDWDRQ Through a questionnaire survey, this article collects data on WKH the SHUVRQDO personal SUDFWLFHV practices RI of JUHHQ green OLIH life IURP from WKH the SXEOLF public, DVVHVVPHQW assessment RI of WKH the TXDOLW\ quality RI of WKH the VXUURXQGLQJ surrounding HQYLURQPHQW environment, YLHZVRQSDUNVJUHHQVSDFHVDQGLQIUDVWUXFWXUHSURYLGHGE\ views on parks, green spaces, and infrastructure provided by WKH the PXQLFLSDO municipal JRYHUQPHQW government, SHUFHSWLRQV perceptions RI of HQWHUSULVH enterprise JUHHQ green SURGXFWLRQSHUIRUPDQFHWKHDFWVRIJRYHUQPHQWVXSHUYLVLRQ production performance, the acts of government supervision DQG and LPSOHPHQWDWLRQ implementation RI of JUHHQ green HQYLURQPHQWDO environmental SURWHFWLRQ protection SROLFLHV policies DQG and ODZV laws, DQG and VDWLVIDFWLRQ satisfaction GDWD data RQ on XUEDQ urban JUHHQ green GHYHORSPHQW development. $ A WRWDO total RI of 235 YDOLG valid TXHVWLRQQDLUHV questionnaires ZHUH were FROOHFWHG collected, DQG and WKH the UHOLDELOLW\ reliability RI of WKH the TXHVWLRQQDLUH questionnaire ZDV was DQDO\VHGXVLQJ&URQEDFKĮDVVKRZQLQ7DEOH.02DQG analysed using Cronbach a, as shown in Table 3 . KMO and %DUWOHWW¶V Bartlett's WHVW test DUH are XVHG used WR to DQDO\VH analyse WKH the YDOLGLW\ validity RI of WKH the TXHVWLRQQDLUHDVVKRZQLQ7DEOH questionnaire, as shown in Table 4. 7DEOH Table 3.5HOLDELOLW\DQDO\VLV Reliability analysis )DFHWV Facets 3HUVRQDOSUDFWLFH Personal practice (QYLURQPHQWDOTXDOLW\ Environmental quality ,QIUDVWUXFWXUH Infrastructure (QWHUSULVHSHUIRUPDQFH Enterprise performance *RYHUQPHQWDFWLRQ Government action (YDOXDWLRQ Evaluation &URQEDFK¶VĮ Cronbach's a 0.773 0.854 0.841 0.880 0.900 0.873 2YHUDOOTXHVWLRQQDLUH Overall questionnaire 0.903 7DEOH9DOLGLW\DQDO\VLV Table 4. Validity analysis .DLVHU0H\HU2ONLQ Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin %DUWOHWW Bartlett'sVWHVW test $SSUR[LPDWH Approximate χ %2 WHVW test )UHHGRP Freedom 6LJQLILFDQFH Significance 1RWH S Note: *:S p<0.05 , **:p<0.01 0.9 12 3595.850 253 0.000** )URP From 7DEOHV Tables 3 DQG and 4, LW it FDQ can EH be VHHQ seen WKDW that WKH the TXHVWLRQQDLUH questionnaire KDV has KLJK high UHOLDELOLW\ reliability DQG and HIILFLHQF\ efficiency. 7KHUHIRUH Therefore, ZH we ZLOO will XVH use WKH the &$57 CART DOJRULWKP algorithm WR to DQDO\VH analyse WKH the SXEOLF public'sV SHUVRQDOSUDFWLFHRI personal practice of JUHHQOLIHDVVHVVPHQWRIWKHTXDOLW\RI green life, assessment of the quality of WKHVXUURXQGLQJHQYLURQPHQWYLHZVRQSDUNVJUHHQVSDFHV the surrounding environment, views on parks, green spaces, DQG and LQIUDVWUXFWXUH infrastructure SURYLGHG provided E\ by WKH the PXQLFLSDO municipal JRYHUQPHQW government, YLHZV views RQ on WKH the SHUIRUPDQFH performance RI of JUHHQ green SURGXFWLRQ production E\ by HQWHUSULVHV enterprises, JRYHUQPHQW government VXSHUYLVLRQ supervision DQG and HQIRUFHPHQW enforcement RI of JUHHQ green HQYLURQPHQWDO environmental SURWHFWLRQ protection SROLFLHV policies DQG and ODZV laws, DQG and VDWLVIDFWLRQ satisfaction GDWD data RQ on XUEDQ urban JUHHQ green GHYHORSPHQW development, LGHQWLI\ identify WKH the LPSRUWDQW important IDFWRUV factors WKDW that DIIHFW affect JUHHQ green GHYHORSPHQW development VDWLVIDFWLRQ satisfaction DQGHVWDEOLVKDSUHGLFWLRQPRGHO and establish a prediction model. $+3 AHP ZHLJKWV weights (QWURS\ Entropy ZHLJKWV weights 0.09380 0.02760 $+3 AHPHQWURS\ entropy ZHLJKWV weights 0.05739 0.04690 0.02810 0.03656 0.04690 0.02245 0.03345 0.00695 0.03995 0.025 1 0 0.00695 0.04169 0.02779 0.02084 0.02084 0.02084 0.02779 0.01390 0.03740 0.02872 0.03292 0.04304 0.02334 0.03908 0.04629 0.03563 0.01825 0.02981 0.01892 0.03687 0.03618 0.02222 0.03087 0.03484 0.0321 0 0.01629 0.03323 0.01870 0.03866 0.02968 0.01870 0.02928 0.02452 0.01870 0.02274 0.03488 0.02724 0.02760 0.02521 0.01 137 0.02724 0.0201 0 0.09096 0.02760 0.0561 1 0.09096 0.02760 0.0561 1 0.02274 0.02760 0.02541 0.06822 0.02912 0.0467 1 0.06822 0.02760 0.04588 0.03255 0.02660 0.02928 0.00814 0.05533 0.03409 0.01628 0.08029 0.05148 0.00543 0.02809 0.01789 0.04026 0.02053 0.02941 0.01342 0.02784 0.02135 0.02013 0.03037 0.02576 0.02013 0.01 894 0.01947 )URP From 7DEOH Table 5, LW 1t FDQ can EH be VHHQ seen WKDW that WKH the FLW\ c1ty'sV JUHHQ green FRYHUDJH coverage DUHD area LQGLFDWRU indicator LV is WKH the PRVW most LPSRUWDQW important LQGLFDWRU indicator 497 497 Authorized licensed use limited to: Adana Alparslan Turkes Bilim ve Teknoloji Universitesi. Downloaded on October 19,2023 at 18:24:46 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. FODVVLILFDWLRQLVVKRZQLQ)LJXUH)URP7DEOHLWFDQEH classifi cation is shown in Figure 1. From Table 8, it can be VHHQ that WKDW the WKH most PRVW important LPSRUWDQW factors IDFWRUV affecting DIIHFWLQJ citizens' FLWL]HQV seen VDWLVIDFWLRQZLWKWKHJUHHQGHYHORSPHQWRI;LDPHQ&LW\DUH satisfaction with the green development of Xiamen City are WKH actions DFWLRQV of RI the WKH municipal PXQLFLSDO government, JRYHUQPHQW including LQFOXGLQJ the WKH the HIILFLHQF\ and DQG ability DELOLW\ of RI the WKH municipal PXQLFLSDO government JRYHUQPHQW to WR efficiency LPSOHPHQW green JUHHQ development GHYHORSPHQW policies, SROLFLHV and DQG the WKH implement GHWHUPLQDWLRQ and DQG effectiveness HIIHFWLYHQHVV of RI supervising VXSHUYLVLQJ FLWL]HQV DQG determination citizens and HQWHUSULVHV to WR comply FRPSO\ with ZLWK environmental HQYLURQPHQWDO laws ODZV and DQG green JUHHQ enterprises SURGXFWLRQ production. WKURXJK the WKH AHP-entropy $+3HQWURS\ weight ZHLJKW method, PHWKRG followed IROORZHG by E\ the WKH through LQGXVWULDOZDVWHZDWHUGLVFKDUJHLQGLFDWRUDQGWRWDOLQGXVWULDO industrial wastewater discharge indicator and total industrial ZDVWH gas JDV emissions HPLVVLRQV indicator, LQGLFDWRU and DQG then WKHQ followed IROORZHG by E\ waste JRYHUQPHQW financial ILQDQFLDO expenditure: H[SHQGLWXUH energy HQHUJ\ conservation FRQVHUYDWLRQ and DQG government HQYLURQPHQWDOSURWHFWLRQLQGLFDWRU7KHUHIRUHLQLPSURYLQJ environmental protection indicator. Therefore, in improving WKHHYDOXDWLRQRIXUEDQ JUHHQGHYHORSPHQWLQ;LDPHQ ILUVW the evaluation of urban green development in Xiamen, first RI all, DOO attention DWWHQWLRQ should VKRXOG be EH paid SDLG to WR the WKH construction FRQVWUXFWLRQ and DQG of FRYHUDJHrate UDWH of RI basic EDVLF greening JUHHQLQJ facilities IDFLOLWLHV such VXFK as DV parks SDUNV and DQG coverage JUHHQ spaces, VSDFHV followed IROORZHG by E\ strict VWULFW supervision VXSHUYLVLRQ of RI the WKH total WRWDO green DPRXQW of RI industrial LQGXVWULDO wastewater ZDVWHZDWHU and DQG industrial LQGXVWULDO exhaust H[KDXVW amount HPLVVLRQV and DQG then WKHQ the WKH government's JRYHUQPHQW V financial ILQDQFLDO expenditure H[SHQGLWXUH emissions, RQHQHUJ\FRQVHUYDWLRQDQGHQYLURQPHQWDOSURWHFWLRQVKRXOG on energy conservation and environmental protection should EHVLJQLILFDQWO\LQFUHDVHG be significantly increased. %&ODVVLILFDWLRQDQGSUHGLFWLRQUHVXOWVRIWKH&$57 B. Classification andprediction results of the CART $OJRULWKP Algorithm :H divided GLYLGHG the WKH public's SXEOLF V evaluation HYDOXDWLRQ of RI Xiamen's ;LDPHQ V green JUHHQ We GHYHORSPHQW into LQWR two WZR groups: JURXSV the WKH low ORZ group JURXS and DQG the WKH high KLJK development JURXS and DQG the WKH personal SHUVRQDO practice, SUDFWLFH environmental HQYLURQPHQWDO quality, TXDOLW\ group, LQIUDVWUXFWXUH enterprise HQWHUSULVH performance, SHUIRUPDQFH and DQG government JRYHUQPHQW infrastructure, DFWLRQ as DV the WKH variables YDULDEOHV to WR classify FODVVLI\ by E\ using XVLQJ the WKH CART &$57 action DOJRULWKP7KHPRGHOSDUDPHWHUVDUHVKRZQLQ7DEOHDQG algorithm. The model parameters are shown in Table 6, and WKH model PRGHO evaluation HYDOXDWLRQ results UHVXOWV are DUH shown VKRZQ in LQ Table 7DEOH 7. From )URP the 7DEOHVDQGLWFDQEHVHHQWKDWWKHHIILFLHQF\RI &$57 Tables 6 and 7, it can be seen that the efficiency of CART FODVVLILFDWLRQ is LV high KLJK and DQG the WKH model PRGHO evaluation HYDOXDWLRQ results UHVXOWV are DUH classification DFFHSWDEOH acceptable. 3DUDPHWHUV Parameters 7UDLQLQJWLPH Training time 7DEOH7KH&$57PRGHOSDUDPHWHUV Table 6. The CART model parameters )LJXUH Figure 1. &$57DOJRULWKPFODVVLILFDWLRQUHVXOWV CART algorithm classification results. -o True value -<r Predicted value 9DOXH Value V 0.007s 'DWDVHJPHQWDWLRQ Data segmentation 0.7 (YDOXDWLRQFULWHULDIRUQRGHVSOLWWLQJ Evaluation criteria for node splitting )HDWXUHGLYLVLRQSRLQWVHOHFWLRQFULWHULD Feature division point selection criteria 0D[LPXPIHDWXUHUDWLRFRQVLGHUHGGXULQJ Maximum feature ratio considered during SDUWLWLRQLQJ partitioning 0LQLPXPQXPEHURIVDPSOHVIRULQWHUQDOQRGH Minimum number of samples for internal node VSOLWWLQJ splitting 0LQLPXPQXPEHURIVDPSOHVIRUOHDIQRGHV Minimum number of samples for leaf nodes *LQL Gini EHVW best 1RQH None 2 1 0LQLPXPZHLJKWRIVDPSOHVLQOHDIQRGHV Minimum weight of samples in leaf nodes 0 0D[LPXPQXPEHURIOHDIQRGHV Maximum number of leaf nodes 0D[LPXPGHSWKRIWKHWUHH Maximum depth of the tree 50 10 7KUHVKROGYDOXHRIQRGHGLYLVLRQLPSXULW\ Threshold value of node division impurity 0 )LJXUHġġ2. 7KHSUHGLFWLRQUHVXOWVRIWKH&$57DOJRULWKP Figure The prediction results of the CART algorithm. 7KHHYDOXDWLRQUHVXOWRIWKH&$57UHJUHVVLRQPRGHODUH The evaluation result of the CART regression model are VKRZQ in LQ Table 7DEOH 9, and DQG the WKH prediction SUHGLFWLRQ results UHVXOWV are DUH shown VKRZQ in LQ shown )LJXUH)URP7DEOHDQG)LJXUHZKLFKFDQEHVHHQWKDW Figure 2. From Table 9 and Figure 2, which can be seen that WKH accuracy DFFXUDF\ of RI the WKH CART &$57 regression UHJUHVVLRQ model PRGHO is LV extremely H[WUHPHO\ the KLJK7KH5ðLVLWLQGLFDWHVWKDWWKH&$57UHJUHVVLRQ high. The R2 is 0.971, it indicates that the CART regression PRGHOKDVH[WUHPHO\KLJKH[SODQDWRU\SRZHU model has extremely high explanatory power. 7DEOH Table 9. (YDOXDWLRQUHVXOWVRI&$57UHJUHVVLRQPRGHO Evaluation results of CART regression model 7DEOH7KHPRGHOHYDOXDWLRQUHVXOWV Table 7. The model evaluation res nits (YDOXDWLRQLQGLFDWRUV Evaluation indicators $FFXUDF\ Accuracy 3UHFLVLRQ Precision 5HFDOO Recall )PHDVXUH Fl-measure 9DOXH Value 0.704 0.694 0.704 0.695 7DEOH7KHLPSRUWDQFHUDQNLQJ Table 8. The importance ranking )HDWXUHV Features *RYHUQPHQWDFWLRQ Government action (QWHUSULVHSHUIRUPDQFH Enterprise performance ,QIUDVWUXFWXUH Infrastructure (QYLURQPHQWDOTXDOLW\ Environmental quality 3HUVRQDOSUDFWLFH Personal practice ,PSRUWDQFH Importance 0.664 0.141 0.079 0.069 0.047 ,QGLFDWRUV Indicators 06( MSE 506( RMSE 0$( MAE 0$3( MAPE 5ð 9DOXH Value 0.012 0. 111 0.059 1 .555 0.971 9CONCLUSION &21&/86,21 V. ,Q this WKLV study, VWXG\ the WKH AHP-entropy $+3HQWURS\ weight ZHLJKW method PHWKRG is LV used XVHG to WR In ZHLJK various YDULRXV indicators LQGLFDWRUV that WKDW affect DIIHFW green JUHHQ development, GHYHORSPHQW weigh HVWDEOLVK urban XUEDQ green JUHHQ development GHYHORSPHQW evaluation HYDOXDWLRQ indicators, LQGLFDWRUV establish DQG then WKHQ explore H[SORUH the WKH important LPSRUWDQW factors IDFWRUV that WKDW affect DIIHFW people's SHRSOH V and VDWLVIDFWLRQ with ZLWK green JUHHQ development GHYHORSPHQW through WKURXJK the WKH satisfaction 7KH importance LPSRUWDQFH ranking UDQNLQJ and DQG proportion SURSRUWLRQ of RI each HDFK data GDWD The IHDWXUHDUHVKRZQLQ7DEOHDQGWKHRXWSXWUHVXOWRI&$57 feature are shown in Table 8, and the output result of CART 498 Authorized licensed use limited to: Adana Alparslan Turkes Bilim ve Teknoloji Universitesi. Downloaded on October 19,2023 at 18:24:46 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. &ODVVLILFDWLRQ Classification 5HJUHVVLRQ Regression 7UHH Tree DOJRULWKP algorithm. )LQDOO\ Finally, Da SUHGLFWLRQ PRGHO LV HVWDEOLVKHG %DVHG RQ WKH prediction model is established. Based on the UHVHDUFK research UHVXOWV results, DQ an LPSURYHPHQW improvement VWUDWHJ\ strategy IRU for JUHHQ green GHYHORSPHQW development VDWLVIDFWLRQLQ;LDPHQLVSURSRVHG satisfaction in Xiamen is proposed. 7KH The FLW\ city'sV JUHHQ green FRYHUDJH coverage DUHD area LQGLFDWRU indicator LV is WKH the PRVW most LPSRUWDQWLQGLFDWRUWKURXJKWKH$+3HQWURS\ZHLJKWPHWKRG important indicator through the AHP-entropy weight method, IROORZHG followed E\ by WKH the LQGXVWULDO industrial ZDVWHZDWHU wastewater GLVFKDUJH discharge LQGLFDWRU indicator DQG and WRWDO total LQGXVWULDO industrial ZDVWH waste JDV gas HPLVVLRQV emissions LQGLFDWRU indicator, DQG and WKHQ then IROORZHG E\ JRYHUQPHQW ILQDQFLDO H[SHQGLWXUH followed by government financial expenditure: HQHUJ\ energy FRQVHUYDWLRQ conservation DQG and HQYLURQPHQWDO environmental SURWHFWLRQ protection LQGLFDWRU indicator. %\ By XVLQJ using WKH the &$57 CART DOJRULWKP algorithm, WKH the PRVW most LPSRUWDQW important IDFWRUV factors DIIHFWLQJFLWL]HQV affecting citizens'VDWLVIDFWLRQZLWKWKHJUHHQGHYHORSPHQWRI satisfaction with the green development of ;LDPHQ Xiamen FLW\ city DUH are WKH the DFWLRQV actions RI of WKH the PXQLFLSDO municipal JRYHUQPHQW government, LQFOXGLQJ including WKH the HIILFLHQF\ efficiency DQG and DELOLW\ ability RI of WKH the PXQLFLSDO municipal JRYHUQPHQW government WR to LPSOHPHQW implement JUHHQ green GHYHORSPHQW development SROLFLHV policies, DQG and WKH the GHWHUPLQDWLRQ determination DQG and HIIHFWLYHQHVV effectiveness RI of VXSHUYLVLQJ supervising FLWL]HQV citizens DQG and HQWHUSULVHV enterprises WR to FRPSO\ comply ZLWK with HQYLURQPHQWDO environmental ODZV laws DQG and JUHHQ green SURGXFWLRQ production. 7KH The VWUDWHJ\ strategy IRU for ;LDPHQ Xiamen WR to LPSURYH improve LWV its VDWLVIDFWLRQ satisfaction ZLWK with JUHHQ green GHYHORSPHQW development VKRXOG should EH be WR to GHPRQVWUDWH demonstrate WKH the DFWLRQV actions RI of WKH the PXQLFLSDO municipal JRYHUQPHQW government, LQ in SDUWLFXODU particular, WR to VWUHQJWKHQ strengthen WKH the FRQVWUXFWLRQ construction DQG and FRYHUDJH coverage UDWH rate RI of EDVLF basic JUHHQ green IDFLOLWLHV facilities VXFK such DV as SDUNV parks DQG and JUHHQ green VSDFHV spaces, VWULFWO\PRQLWRUWKHLPSOHPHQWDWLRQSHUIRUPDQFHRIWKHWRWDO strictly monitor the implementation performance of the total DPRXQW amount RI of LQGXVWULDO industrial ZDVWHZDWHU wastewater DQG and LQGXVWULDO industrial H[KDXVW exhaust HPLVVLRQV emissions, DQG and LQFUHDVH increase ILQDQFLDO financial H[SHQGLWXUHV expenditures RQ on HQHUJ\ energy FRQVHUYDWLRQDQGHQYLURQPHQWDOSURWHFWLRQ conservation and environmental protection. 2EMHFWLYH Objective 2SWLPL]DWLRQ Optimization LQ in 0DFKLQLQJ Machining 2SHUDWLRQV Operations: $ A &ULWLFDO 5HYLHZ -RXUQDO RI 0DWHULDOV Critical Review. 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