Uploaded by Silvia Giunta

Art Analysis Guide: 6 Stages for Understanding Art

Analysing a piece of art in six stages
Comparing and contrasting different works is a very effective way to
analyse art. Remember a piece of art is never created in a vacuum; it is
always reacting with or against other influences. Before you begin you
should say why you have chosen the piece.
Why am I looking at this piece of work?
Write a subtitle of the main idea in the work you want to address.
How is the artist relevant to your own investigations?
Formal Analysis
What is the name of the artist and his/her nationality?
What is the name of the work and the date it was completed?
What kind of media was used?
What subject is the artist exploring?
What feelings or reactions does this work evoke?
Is there a message to this work?
Can you identify a narrative?
What do the images mean? – Are they a literal representation or symbolic?
Formal analysis
How has the composition of the work been organised?
How has the artist used light?
What is the scale of the work?
How is the space depicted?
Are forms convincingly three-dimensional or do flat shapes dominate?
Is the image constructed through line?
Are the objects/figures in the work naturalistic or distorted?
Describe the surface of the work – how is texture used?
What is the colour scheme? Is it harmonious and balanced or does it have
What is the relationship between these elements?
Is there a focal point or central point?
How does this affect the overall work?
How has the work been made? For example: with preparatory work, very quickly
or over a long period of time?
What influences or other artists can be seen in this work?
How does this work fit into the body of work produced by the artist?
Is the work in keeping with the group or period that the artist belongs to?
How is the world changed by the style depicted?
What is the balance between composition and detail? Where is the emphasis?
Is the image formed by big shapes, small shapes or both?
What values, attitudes and beliefs are projected through this work?
What political, social, historical and religious influences are shown?
What is the relationship between its form and function?
What do you think of the work (eg. The work appears to ……)
What place has it in the context or art making?
How significant is it in relation to other works:
1. By the artist
2. Produced during the period
3. Produced in the course of art history
What can you learn or take from this work?