Uploaded by Glory Jepchirchir

ESG Policy

Brand Extreme Kenya Ltd is committed to conducting business in a socially responsible and sustainable
manner. This policy outlines our commitments to environmental, social, and governance (ESG) issues,
and our approach to managing these issues.
We recognize that our operations have an impact on the environment, and we are committed to
minimizing that impact. Specifically, we will:
- Comply with all applicable environmental laws, regulations, and standards.
- Develop and implement an environmental management system (EMS) that sets out our environmental
objectives, targets, and performance indicators.
- Monitor and measure our environmental performance, and report on our progress.
- Identify opportunities to improve our environmental performance, and implement actions to reduce
our environmental footprint.
- Encourage our suppliers and contractors to adopt environmentally responsible practices.
We recognize that our operations have a social impact, and we are committed to conducting our
business in a socially responsible manner. Specifically, we will:
- Comply with all applicable labor laws and regulations, and respect human rights.
- Provide a safe and healthy work environment for our employees, contractors, and visitors.
- Foster a diverse and inclusive workplace, free from discrimination and harassment.
- Promote employee engagement and development, and provide fair compensation and benefits.
- Engage with our local communities, and support initiatives that contribute to their well-being.
We recognize the importance of good governance in ensuring the long-term success of our business.
Specifically, we will:
- Comply with all applicable laws and regulations, as well as our own policies and standards.
- Ensure that our business practices are ethical and transparent.
- Foster a culture of integrity and accountability, and encourage our employees to report any concerns.
- Ensure that our Board of Directors is diverse, independent, and effective in its oversight role.
- Maintain robust risk management processes, and ensure that our business operations are financially
We will implement this ESG policy through:
- Communication: We will communicate this policy to all employees, suppliers, and contractors, and
make it available to the public.
- Training: We will provide training to our employees, suppliers, and contractors on ESG issues and their
role in implementing this policy.
- Monitoring and reporting: We will monitor our performance against our ESG commitments, and
report on our progress regularly.
- Continuous improvement: We will review and update this policy as necessary to ensure that it
remains relevant and effective.