Unveiling Scribd's Poor Strategy: A Critical Analysis Introduction Scribd's strategic decisions have come under scrutiny. This critical analysis aims to unveil the shortcomings in their approach. Company Background Scribd, a digital library, faced challenges due to misaligned strategies. The market response indicates the need for a strategic overhaul. Competitive Landscape Scribd's positioning in relation to competitors like Kindle and Audible is a key factor. Their diļ¬erentiation strategy needs reevaluation. Content Acquisition Scribd's content acquisition approach lacked sustainability. The quality vs. quantity dilemma impacted their strategic vision. Monetization Strategy Scribd's monetization strategy failed to align with user needs. The balance between revenue and value creation was disrupted. Conclusion Scribd's strategic missteps have led to reputational damage and loss of market share. A strategic realignment is imperative for their future success. Thanks! Do you have any questions? youremail@email.com +91 620 421 838 www.yourwebsite.com @yourusername