CORPORATE REPORTING (P2) – BOOK ASSIGNMENT Study System Session Intro Topic Time allocated Review the aims and objectives of the paper on page (v). This paper is a progression of F7 and therefore some of the material you will have covered in earlier studies. The level of knowledge and the method and complexity of examining the topic at P2 is much greater than at F7. Significant home study will be essential to ensure a pass. Familiarise yourself with the key areas of the syllabus and format of the exam. 10 mins Date completed Syllabus Do not waste too much time in learning definitions it is highly unlikely that the examiner will require you to quote definitions. The only definition that is worth learning is that of FAIR VALUE, it is highly likely that knowledge of this area would be required somewhere in the exam. You should be aware that the IASB issued IFRS 13 on Fair Value Measurement in 2011, this is an examinable document in 2012. 1 GAAP and the IASB This session is generally background reading, much of which you should be familiar with from your F7 studies. However, do pay particular attention to the section relating to ‘Big GAAP, Little GAAP’, this topic did feature in the December 2010 exam after the examiner had previously written an article on the subject.. Be aware that IFRICs and SICs have now been excluded from examinable documents. ©2012 DeVry/Becker Educational Development Corp. All rights reserved. 45 mins 1 BOOK ASSIGNMENT – CORPORATE REPORTING (P2) Study System Session Topic Book quiz Time allocated 30 mins (1) What are the sources of GAAP? (1.2) (2) What is IFAC and what is its stated mission? (2.1) (3) What are the objectives of the IASB? (3.2) (4) What steps do the IASB take to ensure consistent interpretation of IFRS’s? (4.4) (5) What are some of the burdens placed upon small companies when complying with IFRS? (5.1) (6) What are the three major differences between full IFRS and IFRS for SMEs? (5.5.4 – 5.5.6) (7) Identify the approach adopted by IFRIC when they consider issuing a new pronouncement? (6.2) 2 International issues This session looks at how IFRS fits into the global accounting framework and considers the steps being taken towards international harmonisation of accounting. It is a subject that could be examined as part of the current issues affecting accounting. 30 mins Book quiz 15 mins (1) Identify 10 environmental factors which influence accounting? (1.2) (2) Identify 5 benefits that harmonisation would have for multi-national entities? (2.1) (3) Identify 5 barriers to harmonisation? (3) (4) Outline the aim of the IOSCO project undertaken by the IASB? (4.2) (5) What directives have the European Union issued to help in the harmonisation project? (5.1) 2 Date completed CORPORATE REPORTING (P2) – BOOK ASSIGNMENT Study System Session 3 Topic Time allocated Date completed Conceptual Framework. This is an important topic, both in real life and from an examination point of view. You need to pay particular attention to the definitions of elements given in the framework (§1.4.1) and the recognition criteria of when these elements should be recognised in the financial statements (§1.4.2). It is highly likely that you will need to consider these elements somewhere within the exam, as this area will feature on a regular basis. This session includes some of the new documentation issued by the IASB and could be the subject of the examiners current issues question. It also includes a section on corporate reconstruction, which was added to the syllabus for 2011. The session also considers the updated Framework document that the IASB issued in 2010 and also looks at IFRS 13 Fair Value Measurement which was issued in 2011. 1 hour Book quiz 30 mins (1) What is the objective of financial statements? (1.2) (2) Explain the qualitative characteristic of faithful representation. (2.4) (3) Define an asset? (1.4.1) (4) What are the two recognition criteria? (1.4.2) (5) What is meant by the term “Economic Phenomena”, which is used in the Framework? (2.1) (6) How have accountants been creative in their methods of accounting? (3.3) (7) What methods are available to the accountant when valuing an asset? (4.1) (8) When assessing the fair value of non-financial assets what is meant by “highest and best market”? (5.3) (9) When assessing fair value where is the best place to get a level 1 input valuation? (5.5.1) (10) What are the 3 Es considered under value for money? (6.2) (11) What is the typical order of ranking for stakeholders in the winding up of an entity. (7.5). ©2012 DeVry/Becker Educational Development Corp. All rights reserved. 3 BOOK ASSIGNMENT – CORPORATE REPORTING (P2) Study System Session Topic Attempt Q1 (Substance over form) Time allocated 16 mins Other Qs you may attempt: Q4 (Creative accounting). 4 Reporting Financial Performance This session looks at those standards that have an impact predominantly on the statement of comprehensive income, and in the main will have been covered in you previous studies. IAS 1, 2, 11, 18 and IFRS 5 are all considered along with IAS 34 which deals with Interim Reporting issues. Pay particular attention to the issues relating to IAS 18 Revenue, and IFRS 5 Discontinued Operations as these two standards are examined on a regular basis. IAS 34 is not expected to be examined to any great depth. 1 hour Book quiz 30 mins (1) What are the objectives of IAS 1? (2.1) (2) Can assets be offset against liabilities on the statement of financial position? (2.3.7) (3) What items must be presented in the statement of financial position? (2.4.2) (4) What items must be presented in profit or loss? (2.5.1) (5) What is the function of the SOCIE? (2.6) (6) Explain the concept of reclassification (2.5.3) (7) What is a discontinued operation? (3.2) (8) When should revenue be recognised in respect of the sale of goods? (4.2) (9) What may be the impact on revenue recognition for a construction company as a result of the ED on revenue recognition? (4.5) (10) What are the minimum components of interim financial reports? (6.2.1) Attempt Q7 (Meld) Other Qs you may attempt: Q6 (Revenue recognition). 4 27 mins Date completed CORPORATE REPORTING (P2) – BOOK ASSIGNMENT Study System Session 5 Topic Time allocated Date completed IAS 8 Accounting Policies, Changes in Accounting Estimates and Errors This standard focuses on accounting policies and the treatment required if a company changes a policy. Most voluntary changes in accounting policy must now be done retrospectively. It also identifies the treatment once errors have been found (retrospective adjustment) and the treatment for any changes in estimate (prospective adjustment). The topic has featured heavily in a past exam question, but as with IAS 1 it is an area where presumed knowledge needs to be taken into the exam. 45 mins Book quiz 15 mins (1) What are changes in accounting estimates? (2.2) (2) What other sources of guidance does the standard suggest that management use when developing appropriate accounting policies for items where there is no standard? (3.1) (3) Under what circumstances is it acceptable to change an accounting policy? (3.3) (4) Identify 4 situations where estimates are used to value assets or liabilities. (4.1) (5) The treatment for correction of prior period errors as provided by IAS 8 is that they should be adjusted retrospectively. Where this is not practicable, what may companies do instead? (5.2) 6 Non-current Assets All of this session is a refresher from your F7 studies and does not introduce any new issues. However, these topics should not be ignored as they do feature on a regular basis in the exam. If you cannot remember some of the points raised in this session then it is advisable to refer back to your previous studies and refresh yourself with the relevant issues ©2012 DeVry/Becker Educational Development Corp. All rights reserved. 1 hour 5 BOOK ASSIGNMENT – CORPORATE REPORTING (P2) Study System Session Topic Book quiz Time allocated 30 mins (1) What costs may be included within the cost of P,P & E on initial recognition? (1.2) (2) How are the three categories of subsequent costs accounted for under IAS 16? (1.4) (3) Why do some accountants favour the nondepreciation of certain assets? (1.5.2) (4) How is the movement in the fair value of investment properties accounted for under the fair value model? (2.3.2) (5) How should NCA held for disposal be valued in the statement of financial position? (3.2) (6) What are the recognition criteria for Intangible Assets? (4.1) (7) Which intangible assets may be subsequently measured using the revaluation model? (4.3.2) (8) How should borrowing costs be accounted for? (5.1) (9) What two methods of accounting does IAS 20 allow for capital based grants? (6.1) Attempt Q9 (Fam) 25 mins Other Qs you may attempt: Q10 (Sponger). 7 IAS 36 Impairment of Assets This standard considers the impairment (fall in value) of assets both tangible and intangible. It looks at factors that may indicate that an impairment has occurred, the calculation of the recoverable amount of an asset to compare against an assets carrying amount and the accounting for an impairment both in terms of the loss and any future reversal. It also introduces the concept of a Cash Generating Unit (CGU) which looks at a group of assets when it is not possible to consider impairment of a single asset. Carefully work through all of the illustrations and examples in this session. Also return to this session once you have studied session 18 on accounting for goodwill. It is expected that this area will feature on a regular basis. 6 2 hours Date completed CORPORATE REPORTING (P2) – BOOK ASSIGNMENT Study System Session Topic Book quiz Time allocated Date completed 30 mins (1) What is meant by the recoverable amount of an asset? (1.2) (2) Which intangible assets should be tested annually for impairment? (2.2) (3) What categories of “costs” are included in costs of disposal, for the purposes of calculating “fair value less costs of disposal.”?(3.2) (4) What cash flows should be included within the value in use calculations? (3.3.1) (5) What is a cash generating unit? (4) (6) How should an impairment loss be allocated between the assets of a cash generating unit? (5.2) (7) When may the impairment loss relating to goodwill be reversed? (6.2.3) Attempt Q15 (Starsky) 8 14 mins Financial Instruments This is a very important topic both in terms of the exam and real life. You will be familiar with the subject from your F7 studies but at this level the questions are likely to be significantly more involved. It is an area that has featured very heavily in previous exams and the examiner has written a number of articles recently in the student accountant, so ensure you have read these articles. Work through §9 and 10 on hedging, very carefully making sure you are comfortable with illustrations 6 and 7 on hedge accounting. IFRS 9 is now the examinable document in respect of classification and measurement of financial assets and financial liabilities, make sure you are up-to date on the requirements of this new standard by working through §6 and §7. 2 hour Now read the examiners articles on financial instruments, but do bear in mind that IFRS 9 was issued after the articles were written. ms/p2/technical_articles ©2012 DeVry/Becker Educational Development Corp. All rights reserved. 7 BOOK ASSIGNMENT – CORPORATE REPORTING (P2) Study System Session Topic Book quiz (1) What are the four accounting standards that deal with financial instruments? (1.3) (2) Define a financial asset? (3.1) (3) Why are preference shares generally treated as a financial liability? (3.1) (4) Identify the 3 categories of financial asset? (6.3) (5) What is a compound instrument, and give an example? (4.5.1) (6) If an entity purchases its own equity shares in the market, what are those shares called and how are they presented in the entity’s statement of financial position? (4.6) (7) What is an embedded derivative and how is it accounted? (6.4) (8) Which financial assets are tested for impairment and when? (6.6) (9) Define hedging? (9) (10) What are the three types of hedging relationships? (10.1.1) (11) How should the gain or loss on the hedging instrument in a cash flow hedge be dealt with? (10.3) 8 Time allocated 30 mins Date completed CORPORATE REPORTING (P2) – BOOK ASSIGNMENT Study System Session 9 Topic Time allocated This is an important standard. It is a specific standard that covers the concept of substance vs form. One of the main reasons the standard was introduced was due to the creativity of accountants who would not include the leased asset and corresponding liability in the statement of financial position. You need to know the accounting treatments of both finance and operating leases paying attention to the impact that the two accounting treatments will have on the financial statements. Also be aware of the accounting rules for sale and leaseback transactions. Carefully work through the examples and illustrations in this session. Also be aware that the P2 syllabus covers lease accounting by both the lessee and the lessor. The examiner tested the impact of the ED issued by the IASB in the June 2010 exam. 1 hour Book quiz 30 mins Date completed Leases (1) What is the definition of an operating lease? (1.5) (2) IAS 17 lists several examples of terms within a lease agreement that indicate that the agreement would be a finance lease. State 5 such indicators? (2.3) (3) How does IAS 17 require the lease of land and buildings to be accounted for? (2.6.3) (4) At what value should the lessee record the asset acquired under a finance lease in its statement of financial position? (3.1) (5) How should an operating lease be accounted for in accordance with IAS 17? (4.1) (6) In the books of the lessor, at what value is the receivable in respect of a finance lease recorded? (5.2) (7) A company sells an asset to a bank and then leases it back. The proceeds from the sale of the asset are higher than the net book value at the date of disposal. The leaseback is a finance lease. How should the profit on sale be recorded in the books of the company? (7.2) ©2012 DeVry/Becker Educational Development Corp. All rights reserved. 9 BOOK ASSIGNMENT – CORPORATE REPORTING (P2) Study System Session Topic Time allocated Book quiz (con’t) (8) Under a sale and operating leaseback, if an asset is sold above its fair value, which is above its carrying value, how should the profit be dealt with? (7.3) 10 IFRS 8 Operating Segments This is one of the IASBs newer standards which considers the disclosures required by an entity in respect of its operating segments. The standard caused a good deal of debate when first issued by the IASB and not all accountants were in favour of the standard. The standard was examined shortly after its issue and it is not expected to feature on a regular basis in the exam. Work through the illustrations which identify a number of the disclosures required by an entity with operating segments. 45 mins Book quiz 30 mins (1) Which companies are required to apply IFRS 8? (1.1) (2) Why is the chief operating decision maker important in respect of IFRS 8? (1.2.2) (3) What are the quantitative thresholds when considering a reportable segment? (1.3.3) (4) What is the core principle when considering the disclosure requirements of IFRS 8? (2.1) (5) What disclosures are required in respect of the assets of an operating segment? (2.3.2) (6) What reconciliations are required when reporting segmental information? (2.5) (7) Is an entity required to disclose information relating to its customers, and if so what? (2.7.3) (8) Research under US GAAP seems to show what in respect of operating segments? (3.2) 10 Date completed CORPORATE REPORTING (P2) – BOOK ASSIGNMENT Study System Session 11 Topic Time allocated Date completed IAS 19 Employee Benefits This is an extremely complex standard that is not included in the F7 syllabus, therefore most students are seeing this area for the first time as it is not an area that many people come across in their working environment. The standard was revised in 2011 and is examinable in its new format for the first time in 2012. Major changes have been introduced into the standard, especially relating to the accounting for defined benefits pension schemes. Any resit students must cover this session in full as the changes to the accounting treatment are quite major. Take time to understand the 2 types of pension schemes identified in §4 and 5 and then thoroughly work through illustration 2 and example 1 very carefully and try to understand where all the figures are generated from and how they are used in calculation the expense and the asset or liability to be recognised.. It is a topic that features on a regular basis in the exam, and as the standard has been revised it is likely to appear in the near future.. 2 hours Book quiz 30 mins (1) What falls within the scope of employee benefits? (1.3) (2) How does IAS 19 define ‘defined benefit plans’? (1.4) (3) How should short-term employee benefits be accounted for? (2.2) (4) How are defined contribution schemes accounted for? (4.2) (5) Which party bears the risk in a defined benefit scheme? (5.1) (6) In respect of a defined benefit scheme, if the fund has a net asset position to be recognised then what restriction is placed on the amount of the asset to be recognised? (5.3.1) ©2012 DeVry/Becker Educational Development Corp. All rights reserved. 11 BOOK ASSIGNMENT – CORPORATE REPORTING (P2) Study System Session Topic Time allocated Book quiz (con’t) (7) What restrictions are there in respect of a company recognising actuarial losses of a scheme through other comprehensive income? (5.3) (8) What are the three components that make up the defined benefit cost that appears in the statement of comprehensive income? (5.3.2) (9) Briefly explain what is ‘past service cost’? (5.3.4) 12 IAS 12 Income Taxes This is a very important topic and features on a regular basis in the exam. You will be familiar with the subject from your F7 studies but at this level you should expect to be examined on the more complex issues of deferred tax, particularly those relating to group issues. Thoroughly work through the examples and illustrations in this session, ensuring that you are comfortable with the concept of accounting for deferred taxes. 2 hours Book quiz 30 mins (1) Identify and define the two types of temporary differences? (1.3) (2) Briefly explain what is withholding tax? (1.5) (3) What perspective does IAS 12 follow in respect of accounting for deferred tax? (3.1) (4) When should a deferred tax asset be recognised in the financial statements? (4.2) (5) Where may the three places that the double entry for the movement on the deferred tax balance be made? (4.3) (6) Which tax rate should be applied to temporary differences? (5.1) (7) Should a parent recognise a deferred tax liability in respect of the investment in a subsidiary? (6.3.2) (8) When dealing with unrealised profit in a group situation whose tax rate should be used when calculating deferred tax? (6.4) 12 Date completed CORPORATE REPORTING (P2) – BOOK ASSIGNMENT Study System Session Topic Time allocated Date completed Book quiz (con’t) (9) When may an entity offset its deferred tax asset and liability balances? (7.1) Attempt Q18 (Kerensky) 13 36 mins IAS 37 Provisions, Contingent Liabilities and Contingent Assets This is a very important standard that could feature as a discursive or an application question. You need to know the definitions of a provision and a contingent liability (§1.3) and that a provision is recognised in the financial statements whereas a contingent liability is only disclosed. One of the reasons for the introduction of the standard was to try and curb some of the abuses that were occurring in the area of provisions such as profit smoothing and profit manipulation. It is another topic that features frequently in the exams, normally as part of a composite question. 1 hour Book quiz 30 mins (1) What is an obligating event? (1.3) (2) What is a constructive obligation? (1.3) (3) What are the three conditions which must be satisfied for a provision to be recognised in the statement of financial position? (2.1) (4) At what amount should a provision be initially measured? (3.1) (5) How often should the value of the provision be re-measured? (3.4) (6) What is the maximum amount that a provision can be set up for a future operating loss? (4.1) (7) Under what circumstances might an obligation for future restructuring exist at the end of the reporting period (and so qualify as a provision)? (4.3) (8) Give three example of an adjusting event. (6.1) (9) How should a proposed dividend be accounted for? (6.3) ©2012 DeVry/Becker Educational Development Corp. All rights reserved. 13 BOOK ASSIGNMENT – CORPORATE REPORTING (P2) Study System Session Topic Attempt Q16 (Genpower) 14 Time allocated 45 mins IAS 24 Related Parties This standard is a very important standard in real life as it requires disclosure of parties that are related to each other and whether any transactions between the parties took place. Although the standard, and session, are quite short it does have a major role to play in accounting. It is a standard that comes up in the exam on a fairly regular basis and has featured as the major part of a question under the previous syllabus. 30 mins Book quiz 15 mins (1) Define a related party in accordance with IAS 24. (1.2) (2) What parties are deemed not to be related? (1.3) (3) What pricing methods are available in respect of related party transactions? (2.2) (4) Identify 5 possible situations where related party transactions may lead to disclosures. (3.1) (5) Does IAS 24 allow the aggregation of transactions concerning related parties? (3.4) Attempt Q48 (Connect) 15 IFRS 2 Share-based Payment This standard considers the accounting treatment of share-based transactions, including the issue of share options. An entity is required to account for share options issued to employees by charging the cost to profit or loss for the period and at the same time recognising a separate component of equity for the credit entry. Carefully work through the examples in the session, it is unlikely that you will be required to calculate the fair value of an option at the grant date. The examiner is very keen to examiner this area and quite often links the topic with that of deferred taxes. You may skim read the disclosure requirements in §6. 14 45 mins 1½ hours Date completed CORPORATE REPORTING (P2) – BOOK ASSIGNMENT Study System Session Topic Book quiz Time allocated Date completed 30 mins (1) What is a share-based payment transaction? (2.1) (2) What are the three types of share-based payment transactions identified by IFRS 2? (2.2) (3) How is the fair value of services received measured in an equity settled transaction? (4.2) (4) If share options are issued to employees without vesting conditions, on what date are the services performed by those employees recognised in the statement of comprehensive income? (4.3.1) (5) Fair value of equity instruments may be based on a valuation model if no market price exists. What variables as a minimum must this valuation model take into account? (4.5) (6) What does the abbreviation SARs stand for in respect of IFRS 2? (4.6) (7) What impact will the modification to the terms of a share option agreement have upon the financial statements?(4.7) (8) What is the maximum credit that can be made to profit or loss in respect of deferred tax relating to share options? (5.2) 16 Group accounts – Regulatory framework Revise thoroughly. The circumstances where subsidiaries are excluded from consolidation are especially important. Pay particular attention to Special Purpose Entities it is an area that looks at the concept of control rather than ownership, one of the problems with Enron was that they had special purpose entities. The examiner is quite keen to include theoretical issues relating to group accounts in the exam so it is not an area that should be treated lightly. ©2012 DeVry/Becker Educational Development Corp. All rights reserved. 30 mins 15 BOOK ASSIGNMENT – CORPORATE REPORTING (P2) Study System Session Topic Book quiz Time allocated 15 mins (1) How is control defined? (1.1) (2) What value can the investment in subsidiary be carried at in the parent’s books? (1.2) (3) When does IAS 27 allow a subsidiary to be excluded from consolidation? (2.3) (4) How should potential voting rights be considered when assessing the ability to control? (2.2) (5) Must the parent and subsidiaries reporting dates be the same? (3.2.2) (6) When is a parent exempt from producing consolidated accounts? (4.1) 17 Group accounts – Revision of the basics Revise thoroughly. The ability to consolidate quickly and accurately is essential for this examination. Note that you are unlikely to come up against a simple consolidation. Questions at this level will almost certainly be taken from the subject matter of Sessions 18 –23 inclusive. Work through the consolidated statement of financial position example ensuring that your knowledge gained at F7 is still up to date. 1 hour Book quiz 15 mins (1) What is the only method of consolidation allowed under IFRS 3? (1.4) (2) Before performing the consolidation, what adjustments should be made to the financial statements of the subsidiaries? (3) (3) How may the non-controlling interest in the assets of subsidiaries be valued under IFRS 3? (4) (4) What is the double entry when dealing with unrealised profit in respect of goods sold between group companies? (5.3) Attempt Q24 (Hample) 16 45 mins Date completed CORPORATE REPORTING (P2) – BOOK ASSIGNMENT Study System Session 18 Topic Time allocated Date completed Group accounts – Goodwill IFRS 3 when first issued in 2004 changed dramatically the accounting for goodwill, the standard was revised in 2008 leading to further changes in the calculation of goodwill. The issue of goodwill is very contentious, many methods of accounting for goodwill have been adopted over the past 30 years. Be able to discus the various accounting treatments for goodwill that have been used over the past 30 years. Carefully consider the impact of illustrations 3 and 4, the examiner seems keen on examining the calculation of the impairment loss related to goodwill. If necessary refer back to session 7 on impairment of assets. 1½ hours Now read the examiners article on this subject. ms/p2/technical_articles Book quiz 30 mins (1) How is goodwill defined? (1.2) (2) At what value is deferred consideration measured? (2.1) (3) Where the acquisition of a subsidiary is paid for by issuing shares to the shareholders of the subsidiary company, how should the costs of issuing the shares be treated? (2.3) (4) How are contingent liabilities of the subsidiary accounted for? (3.1.2) (5) What is the period of time allowed by IFRS 3 for assessing fair value of net assets acquired? (3.4.2) (6) When calculating the fair value of the assets of a new subsidiary at the date of acquisition, how is goodwill in the statement of financial position of the subsidiary treated? (4.1) (7) How often must goodwill be tested for impairment? (5.1) (8) Briefly explain the method of calculating any impairment loss for a partially owned subsidiary? (5.2) ©2012 DeVry/Becker Educational Development Corp. All rights reserved. 17 BOOK ASSIGNMENT – CORPORATE REPORTING (P2) Study System Session Topic Time allocated Book quiz (con’t) (9) If on initial calculation of goodwill, it appears that the fair value of the acquired assets less liabilities of the subsidiary exceeds the cost of acquisition, what should the acquirer do? (5.3) Attempt Q25 (a) Holding. 19 15 mins Group accounts – More complex groups This session introduces the problem of subsubsidiaries and sub-associates. There is nothing new to learn in this session apart from how to apply the workings and techniques to these relationships. Work carefully through the examples and ensure you know when to use what percentage against the various possible relationships. 1 hour Book quiz 15 mins (1) Where the parent owns 70% of a subsidiary which itself owns 60% of a sub-subsidiary what would the non-controlling interest % of the sub-subsidiary be? (3.1) (2) What are the two possible techniques to be used for consolidating a sub-subsidiary? (3.1/2) (3) At what point in time would a parent gain control of its sub-subsidiary? (3.5) Attempt Q26 (H, S and T) 18 22 mins Date completed CORPORATE REPORTING (P2) – BOOK ASSIGNMENT Study System Session 20 Topic Time allocated Date completed Group accounts – Changes in shareholdings This session focuses on the disposal of shareholding and the acquisition of shares on a piecemeal basis, buying shares bit by bit. 2 hours The accounting for disposal of shares and piecemeal acquisitions has changed as a result of IFRS 3 being revised in 2008. Work very carefully through all of the examples until you are comfortable with the accounting transactions. Note that no profit or loss is recognised unless the control (50%) barrier is breached, either in a disposal or piecemeal acquisition. If control is unaffected then any difference in the transaction is taken directly to equity. Now read the examiners article on this subject. ms/p2/technical_articles Book quiz 30 mins (1) How is the profit or loss on the disposal of shares calculated in the parent’s single entity accounts? (1.2) (2) When a disposal takes the shareholding from 80% to 60%, how much of the subsidiaries revenue should be included in consolidated profit or loss? (2.2) (3) When control of a subsidiary is lost what adjustments will be required in the consolidated accounts? (2.3.2) (4) How will the disposal of a subsidiary be classified in the consolidated financial statements? (2.4) (5) In a step acquisition how is any previous shareholding valued once control is achieved? (3.1) (6) How is goodwill calculated when the status of the investment moves from associate to subsidiary? (3.3) ©2012 DeVry/Becker Educational Development Corp. All rights reserved. 19 BOOK ASSIGNMENT – CORPORATE REPORTING (P2) Study System Session Topic Time allocated Book quiz (con’t) (7) When moving from a 60% to 80% shareholding and the NCI are valued at fair value, what will be the effect on the amount recognised within equity? (3.4) Attempt Q30 (Harley) 21 25 mins Associates and Joint Ventures This session has been updated to reflect that joint ventures are now accounted for in the same manner, equity accounted. The use of Proportionate Consolidation has been withdrawn by the IASB as it has replaced IAS 31 with IFRS 11 on joint arrangements. 30 mins IFRS 11 recognises both joint operations and joint ventures and also prescribes the accounting treatment of a joint venture. Equity accounting itself has not changed as a result of the new and revised standards, so the techniques are the same as those used in F7. All that has really changed is the entities that must use equity accounting. Book quiz (1) Define the equity method of accounting? (1.2) (2) What evidence may indicate that significant influence exists? (1.3) (3) Under equity accounting how is the investment in the associate measured in the consolidated financial statements? (3.3/3.4) (4) How much revenue of the associate is included within the consolidated profit or loss? (3.4) (5) How does the impairment test of goodwill in an associate differ from that of goodwill in a subsidiary? (3.7) (6) Is there a need to recognise unrealised profits on transactions between parent and associate? (4.3) 20 15 mins Date completed CORPORATE REPORTING (P2) – BOOK ASSIGNMENT Study System Session Topic Attempt Q29 (Assocks) 22 Time allocated Date completed 18 mins IAS 21 The Effects of Changes in Foreign Exchange Rates This session looks at the accounting for single transactions that are denominated in a foreign currency and for foreign subsidiaries. Ensure that you are comfortable with what drives an entities functional currency as noted in §3.2. Work through examples 1 and 2 on foreign denominated transactions before moving onto foreign subsidiaries. Carefully work through example 3 which covers the basic principles of consolidating a foreign subsidiary. §5 deals with a disposal of a foreign subsidiary, don’t get too involved in this example as it is right on the edge of the syllabus, although the examiner has tested the basics of the issue in a previous exam.. 2 hours Book quiz 30 mins (1) Define presentation currency in accordance with IAS 21? (1.4) (2) At what value will a foreign currency transaction be initially recognised at? (2.1.1) (3) What happens at the end of the reporting period to any monetary balances that are denominated in a foreign currency? (2.1.2) (4) What should an entity consider when determining its functional currency? (3.2) (5) At what exchange rate should assets and liabilities, of a foreign subsidiary, be translated at in the consolidated financial statements. (4.1) (6) How is the foreign exchange difference calculated? (4.4) (7) How is goodwill arising on the acquisition of a foreign subsidiary treated? (4.5) (8) How is any cumulative exchange difference treated on the disposal of a foreign subsidiary? (5) ©2012 DeVry/Becker Educational Development Corp. All rights reserved. 21 BOOK ASSIGNMENT – CORPORATE REPORTING (P2) Study System Session Topic Attempt Q34 (Bertie) Time allocated 14 mins Other Qs you may attempt: Q35 (Terry). 23 IAS 7 Statement of Cash Flows 2 hours Some of this session will be familiar to you from your F7 studies. Consolidated cash flow is new at this level and is a fairly common question which tends to appear in section A of the exam. Any question will feature group cash flow. It must be learnt thoroughly. Work through the examples relating to consolidation issues carefully. This topic featured as Q1 in the December 2010 exam. Book quiz 15 mins (1) What is meant by cash equivalents? (1.4) (2) When calculating cash flows from operations using the indirect method, which profit line is normally taken as the starting point? (3.3) (3) What are the advantages of using the indirect method of presenting cash flows? (3.4.3) (4) What sub-total do the two methods of presenting cash flows arrive at? (5.1/5.2) (5) What additional cash flows may appear in a consolidated statement of cash flows that would not appear in a single entity statement? (6.1) (6) What cash flows will be included in identifying the cash paid on the acquisition of a subsidiary? (6.4) Attempt Q39 (Ladway) 24 Analysis and Interpretation This session considers ratio analysis and earnings per share under the same heading. Both are areas that were part of the F7 syllabus and should therefore be familiar to you. The examiner is unlikely to set a straightforward ratio question and has also said that he will not set too demanding a question on earnings per share. Revise the issues from your earlier studies but do note that this session does look further into the interpretation of a financial reports. 22 45 mins 1 hours Date completed CORPORATE REPORTING (P2) – BOOK ASSIGNMENT Study System Session Topic Book quiz Time allocated Date completed 15 mins (1) Why should employees be interested in analysing financial statements? (2.3) (2) What limitations are there when carrying out a ratio analysis? (3.2) (3) Other than ratios what sources of information are available for analysts? (3.6) (4) What impact will the revaluation of NCA have on key ratios compared to valuing at historic cost? (3.4) (5) How is the share figure calculated in the basic EPS, when there has been a rights issue made during the year? (6.2.4) (6) What changes will there be when calculating the diluted EPS if there is convertible debt in issue? (7.2) Attempt Q42 (Webster) 25 45 mins IFRS 1 First-time Adoption This standard is very important for those companies adopting IFRS for the first time as it explains the procedures required for setting up an opening IFRS statement of financial position. The examiner stated in 2011 that he expects to examine the standard more frequently than has been the case for the past 5 years. It did feature in the June 2011 and may well be included again in the near future. Briefly read though this session but do not get too involved in the measurement principles. ©2012 DeVry/Becker Educational Development Corp. All rights reserved. 30 mins 23 BOOK ASSIGNMENT – CORPORATE REPORTING (P2) Study System Session Topic Book quiz Time allocated 15 mins (1) What is the objective of IFRS 1? (1.2) (2) Define deemed cost in accordance with IFRS 1? (1.4) (3) Identify 6 exemptions from the requirements of other IFRSs that IFRS 1 allows? (2.2) (4) What are the 4 mandatory exceptions to retrospective application? (2.6) (5) What reconciliations does IFRS 1 require in an entities first financial statements under IFRS? (3.2) (6) What impact will a move to IFRS have upon treasury managers? (4.2.2) 26 Ethics and the accountant Read through this session but also take account of the fact that ethics appears throughout the ACCA syllabus so you may need to remember knowledge from a previous subject that you have taken such as P1. It seems that the examiner will test this subject on a regular basis to the extent of a maximum of 10 marks, so far the area has been examined in the compulsory Q1. Look at the issue from a practical perspective and consider what areas, such as creative accounting, could cause conflict for an accountant. 30 mins Book quiz 15 mins (1) What stakeholders have an interest in an entity? (1.3) (2) What ethical issues may an accountant encounter during their career? (1.4) (3) What are the two methods of managing ethics that the session considers? (2) (4) What are the objectives of the accountancy profession? (3.2) (5) What are the five fundamental principles embodied within the ACCA code of ethics and conduct? (4.2) (6) What stages are involved in the resolution of any ethical conflict? (4.5) 24 Date completed CORPORATE REPORTING (P2) – BOOK ASSIGNMENT Study System Session 27 Topic Time allocated Date completed Environmental reporting This is another session where knowledge from other subjects within the ACCA syllabus may well be relevant. Read through the notes but also during your studies try to pay attention to what is happening in the world outside. There is much debate in the international press on global warming and companies have a role to play in the minimisation of this global warming effect. It is an area that has been examined as part of compulsory Q1 to the extent of a maximum of 10 marks. Just a basic amount of common sense would enable you to earn 50% of the marks to this question fairly easily. 30 mins Book quiz 30 mins (1) What standard may require some form of CSR disclosures by certain companies? (1.1) (2) What are the possible reasons that an entity may adopt environmental accounting within their systems? (1.3) (3) If an environmental pollution charge was introduced by governments, how might an entity account for it? (1.4) (4) What are the three categories of performance indicators identified within the GRI guidelines? (2.3) (5) What are the arguments in favour of an entity adopting some form of CSR? (3.2) (6) How do Dupont demonstrate a commitment to employee health? (3.4.4) (7) What is the purpose of Management Commentary? (4.2.2). (8) What does the Cadbury report code of best practice say about an Audit Committee? (4.3.2) (9) Under Sarbanes-Oxley what are the requirements for the signing officer? (4.4.2) ©2012 DeVry/Becker Educational Development Corp. All rights reserved. 25