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Assessing Learning in Social Studies

Assessing LeArning in
sociAL studies
Rhoma Hizola
• Internalize the relevance of assessment in
the teaching and learning process;
• Differentiate the various types of
• Identify the attributes of 21st century
assessment; and
• Plan for assessment strategies using the
concepts presented in this lesson.
• Assessment is a process of gathering
information to come up with decisions on
intervention and instruction with young children.
This process is effective when it is
multidisciplinary and is anchored on the
learner’s everyday tasks (Mindes & Jung, 2015).
• DepEd defined assessment as a process that is
used by teachers to monitor the progress of
learners in relation to the learning standards and
in the development of 21st century skills.
Assessment in sociAL studies
The National Council for the Social Studies (NCSS) recommended the
following guidelines for assessment:
• Assessment tools should be grounded on the goals of the curriculum.
• Assessing students achievement should be especially used to improve
• National and local agencies should support the capacitation of
teachers indeveloping, selecting and implementing assessment tools.
Kurfman (1991) identified common criticisms on social
studies assessment.
• Social studies test has failed to measure student
understanding, application, appreciation, and, most
importantly, critical thinking.
• The open-ended types of tests such as essays were also
questioned due to time constraints both in instruction and
• The issue that center on th effects of testing the
achievement and the validity of test scores as determinants
of accomplishment.
chArActeristics of 21st century Assessment
Multiple Methods
Technically Sound