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VEXcode VR Blocks: Computer Science Level 1 Exam

Name: Aiza S Date: 11/2/23
Computer Science Level 1 - Blocks with VEXcode VR Course
Unit 5 Exam
1. Which of the following is the best description of what the Distance Sensor does in a
a. To report the location angle of the VR Robot.
b. To change behaviors of the VR Robot if pressed.
c. To measure the distance between the front of the Distance Sensor and the object.
d. To report the current heading of the VR Robot.
2. Which of the following best describes how the Distance Sensor works?
a. The Distance Sensor uses the time it takes for ultrasonic waves to reach an object from the sensor.
b. The Distance Sensor uses the time it takes for ultrasonic waves to bounce off of an object and return to
the sensor.
c. The Distance Sensor uses the time it takes for the VR Robot to reach all objects in the Playground.
d. The Distance Sensor uses the time it takes for ultrasonic waves to bounce off yellow and orange
objects and return to the sensor.
3. Which of the following best describes what the <Greater than> block reports?
a. If the first value is larger than the second value.
b. If the first value is less than the second value.
c. If the first value and the second value are equal.
d. The first value.
4. Which of the following best describes what the Distance Sensor reports?
a. The time it takes the VR Robot to travel around the entire playground.
b. The distance between the VR Robot and the Distance Sensor.
c. The distance between the VR Robot and the nearest solid object.
d. The total distance the VR Robot travels.
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5. Which of the following is the best description of what a <Less than> block reports while
inside of a [Wait until] block?
a. If the distance is a large number.
b. The total time needed to run the project.
c. A TRUE or FALSE value.
d. The total time the VR Robot has until it reaches an object.
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6. In this example project the VR Robot should get to the number "2" in the Wall Maze, but it
does not. Which of the following describes the error in this project?
a. A [Drive for] block is missing.
b. A <Greater Than> block was used instead of a <Less Than> Block.
c. A [Turn for] block was used instead of [Turn] block.
d. A [Turn to rotation] block is missing.
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7. Which is an advantage of being able to monitor sensor values in the Monitor Console when
creating VEXcode VR projects?
a. Allows the user to see what is happening in a VEXcode VR project in real time.
b. Allows the user to control what is happening in a VEXcode VR project.
c. Allows the user to see what is happening in the Playground Dashboard.
d. Allows the user to see a breakdown of each VEXcode VR project step.
8. Which of the following describes how the VR Robot will move in this project?
a. The VR Robot will start driving and stop when the Distance Sensor is greater than 150 millimeters (mm)
away from an object.
b. The VR Robot will start driving and stop when the Distance Sensor is less than 150 millimeters (mm)
away from an object.
c. The VR Robot will drive 150 millimeters (mm) then stop.
d. The VR Robot will drive forward, stop, drive forward again for 150 millimeters (mm) then stop.
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9. How can you monitor the value of the Distance Sensor in the Monitor Console?
a. Select and drag the (Position of Robot) block to the Monitor Console icon in the Workspace.
b. Select and drag the <Drive is moving> block to the Monitor Console icon in the Workspace.
c. Select and drag the <Color near object> block to the Monitor Console icon in the Workspace.
d. Select and drag the <Distance found object> or (Distance from) block to the Monitor Console icon in the
10. Which of the following describes why the VR Robot will not move in this example project?
a. The distance between the Distance Sensor and the object is less than 150 millimeters (mm) away.
b. The Eye Sensor is reporting the color red.
c. The distance between the Distance Sensor and the object is greater than 150 millimeters (mm) away.
d. The VR Robot will immediately crash into a wall if it moves.
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11. What values does the <Distance found object> block report?
b. On or Off.
c. Yes or No.
d. Zero or One.
12. Which of the following best describes what the <Less than> block reports?
a. If the first value is less than the second value.
b. If the first value is larger than the second value.
c. If the first value and the second value are equal.
d. The second value.
13. What units does the (Distance from) block use when reporting values?
a. Inches and centimeters.
b. Meter and millimeters (mm).
c. Meter and inches.
d. Millimeters (mm) and inches.
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