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Journey Performance Requirements & Exit Slip

Journey Performance Requirements:
● Memorization: Everyone in your group knows each step of the journey
● Story execution: Each step of the journey is followed to your destination, and retraced
back to end at your group’s starting point
● Character: Each member of your group has a specific role which is recognizable through
their performance (the leader, the scaredy cat, the helper, the brave warrior, etc.)
● Performance: Each member of your group stays in character the whole time, interacting
with the environment and obstacles in your way
Note: There is no dialogue to memorize! Your character should be reacting to things (gasp of
surprise, sign of relief, yelp of fear, etc.), but no dialogue should actually be taking place. You
are encouraged to use movement to communicate what your role is.
We will be rehearsing all of class Thursday of 9/28, and you will be able to rehearse with your
group once before performing on Friday 9/29. If you will not be here on Friday for a scheduled
reason please let me know ASAP!
Exit Slip 9/27
1. What is necessary to make a story interesting?
2. What is the difference between high stakes and low stakes?