SpiceAndLavish SPICEANDLAVISH MEATLESSLY GOOD Presented by: Decena | Elorde | Geocada | Lalap | Perez | Pesares | Tan MEET OUR TEAM MARIAH KENICE PEREZ General Manager JOSEPH ELIJAH TAN MARIANNIE ERIKA PESARES Finance Head ALYZZA GABRIELLE GEOCADA Productions and Operation Assistant MARIA LILY LALAP Productions and Operation Head Administration Head REYN ANN ELORDE Sales and Marketing Head HIERA NICOLE DECENA Sales and Marketing Assistant TABLE OF CONTENT 1 Business Operations 4 Financial Gains/Losses 2 Business' Objectives and Projections 5 Business Simulation's Pain points 3 Business' Success Area 6 Business Takeaways BUSINESS OPERATIONS BUSINESS OPERATIONS MARKETING MIX (7 P's) PLACE PEOPLE PRICE PRODUCT PROMOTION PROCESS POSITIONING MARKETING OBJECTIVES Increase brand awareness through a traditional marketing approach. Customer satisfaction by promoting consistency of product quality, form, and quantity. Attract new customers through constant promotions, also giving away discounts and coupons. BUSINESS OBJECTIVES Offer customers a tasty and healthy product that is entirely made of vegetables. The business will use profits to finance or strengthen the business. The business will use growth models to contribute to the business’ success. To promote innovative ideas to targeted activities. BUSINESS PROJECTIONS We foresee that SpiceAndLavish will generate at least Php 7,000.00-Php 10,000.00 in gross sales during its whole three-week operation, based on the size of the market and our defined service location. Given the short timespan and startup capital of Php 3,500.00, the predicted revenue is sufficient to deem the business successful. Furthermore, no other contributions will be made, and the Php 3,500 will be used to fund the entire operation. BUSINESS PROJECTIONS PERIOD WEEK 1 WEEK 2 WEEK 3 PROJECTED SALES IN UNITS 50 50 50 ESTIMATED SELLING PRICE 56 60 60 TOTAL SALES 2,800.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 BUSINESS PROJECTIONS PERIOD LUMPIA SIOMAI RICE MEALS BURGER TOTAL PROJECTED SALES IN UNITS 25 20 50 50 145 ESTIMATED SELLING PRICE 20 20 65 50 155 TOTAL SALES 500.00 400.00 3,250.00 2,500.00 6,650.00 TOTAL GENERATED SALES Since the beginning of our business last January 23, 2023 until March 24, 2023 we generated a total sales of Php 18,989 from our product lines, including our main product which is the frozen Hearty Patty. TOTAL SALES TOTAL COST TOTAL REVENUE P 18,989.00 P 14,707.00 P 4,400.00 NO. OF ACTUAL DAYS OF OPERATION SpiceAndLavish operates for 1 month and 1 week a total, or a total of 36 days to be exact. The majority of these operations were done online, and we were just taking pre-orders until we have reached Phase 2 of our business, when we were be able to sell our items at Miguel Lobby. NO. OF DAYS DATE PHASE 1 31 JAN 23 - FEB 22 PHASE 2 5 MAR 20 - 24 TOTAL 36 NO. OF CUSTOMERS REACHED We reached a total of 244 customers in 36 days throughout the course of our business operations. Some of our customers visited our booth in the Miguel lobby on a regular basis since we strive to maintain the quality of our products. Also, the majority of our customers who ordered from us online, bought a lot of patties every week because of its affordable price and taste that is almost the same with meat. PHASE 1 PHASE 2 60 CUSTOMERS 184 CUSTOMERS NO. OF PRODUCTS SOLD During the 36-day operation, we sold a total of 218 products, which included Frozen Hearty Patties, Hearty Burger, Burger Steak, Lumpia, Siomai, and Rice. NO. OF PRODUCTS SOLD FROZEN PATTIES PHASE 1 PHASE 2 135 5 LUMPIA W/ RICE 9 SIOMAI W/ RICE 7 BURGER STEAK 42 NO. OF PRODUCTS SOLD SIOMAI 35 LUMPIA 39 BURGER 79 OTHERS 2 TOTAL 135 218 CUSTOMER SATISFACTION RATING The majority of our customers have commented that our products, especially our patties, do not taste like Banana Blossom at all, but almost like meat. They like how affordable our products are. Our customers were amazed by the organization and set up of our booth or stall. They also appreciate the fact that we provide a wide range of options for them. CUSTOMER SATISFACTION RATING WEEKLY SALES TARGET & PERFORMANCE REPORT WEEKLY SALES TARGET & PERFORMANCE REPORT FINANCIAL GAIN AND LOSSES TOTAL SALES P 18,989.00 RAW MATERIALS P 13,309.00 TRANSPORTATION P 630.00 UTILITIES & OTHER EXPENSES P 768.00 TOTAL EXPENSES P 14,707.00 BUSINESS EXPENSE REPORT BUSINESS EXPENSE REPORT BUSINESS SIMULATION'S PAIN POINTS Limited access to cash Declining profits Increase in operating expense Cash flow and financial management BUSINESS SIMULATION'S PAIN POINTS Difficulty in finding a supplier of Banana Blossoms Lack of working/ cooking space Struggling in procuring goods and supplies from the market Conflict among members of the group BUSINESS TAKEAWAYS The most essential thing I've taken away from the business enterprise simulation is that running a business takes time and a lot of effort. The most essential aspect of the simulation was not the profit gained, but the critical lessons learned that would come in helpful in the future. Because of the time spent together, the team had formed a particular relationship, and the food business is one that is extremely profitable if treated seriously. — Hiera Nicole Decena BUSINESS TAKEAWAYS Business Enterprise Simulation (BES) taught me a lot about running a business and life in general. I have learned that striving for perfection in business can only result in the bare minimum. Cooperation and communication are the true pillars of our business, and connecting with and understanding the feelings and ideas of the other members of the team is what has allowed our business to grow and prosper. Additionally, I now understand and appreciate the worth of money since BES taught me how to budget and prioritize needs over wants. — Reyn Ann Elorde BUSINESS TAKEAWAYS Participating in a business simulation game can be an eyeopening experience for students. One of the most important lessons learned is the importance of strategic planning and teamwork. This requires effective communication, collaboration, and a willingness to compromise. By taking these lessons to heart and applying them to real-world situations, participants can increase their chances of success and make a positive impact in the world of business. — Alyzza Gabrielle Geocada BUSINESS TAKEAWAYS Among all of the tasks from other subjects, this Business Enterprise Simulation (BES) really caught my attention. I found it both intriguing and satisfying because I was able to put my skills to use and experience the realities of starting a business. Planning, preparation, purchasing raw materials, manufacture, packing, and selling the finished product all require a lot of work. Despite all the challenges we encountered, the process strengthened our team and taught us how to honestly speak and express our emotions to one another. I learned from this how to truly manage my finances and that every cent counts. — Maria Lily Lalap BUSINESS TAKEAWAYS I learned the significance of money management. This is due to the fact that while conducting a business simulation, the first concern is financial. Furthermore, teams who efficiently manage their funds are more likely to succeed than those that do not. In addition, I believe that patience is the key to business harmony. As a General Manager, I used to act impulsively with my members. I learned my lesson in a hard way, I realized that I should be the one that would lead them and our business into success not ruin the unity inside our organization. — Mariah Kenice Perez BUSINESS TAKEAWAYS Experiences in our Business Enterprise Simulation (BES) taught me a lot about our subject as well as how we go about our daily lives. I've learned to spend my money carefully, organize my time, and not squander it. Every minute of lost time is a loss because time is money. It takes time, patience, and effort to become successful. It needs considerable devotion to operate a business since if you are not determined with your business, the motivation to continue will fade. You should like your job because it will keep you motivated to do your work everyday. — Mariannie Erika Pesares SpiceAndLavish THANK YOU