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Participative Research & Learning Environment Enhancement

Chapter 1
Rationale of the Participative Research
Providing a good and conducive learning and training environment is the
desire of every educational institution on the world (Craig, 2013). The government
has several channels or agencies for educational services for the people in every
country to be educated. In the aspect of education, the government is providing
schools like colleges and universities to the young people who wanted to pursue
their educational attainment. One of the institutions provided by the government in
promoting education is the state university like Cebu Technological University Main Campus.
The aforementioned university is providing good education to its students
especially in the graduate school education. The rise of the population of the
graduate school calls for an additional learning environment or develop its existing
learning environment in order to cater the academic needs of the graduate school
students. This study will address on the enhancement of the learning environment
with appropriate resources of the graduate school. There are those that need to
be enhanced due to its utilizations by several graduate school students. The
importance of the learning environment is indeed the reason of the birth of this
Learning environments are found in educational institution of all kinds,
including public and private schools. An attempt to provide a safe and conducive
place where students perform their academic endeavor and study their lessons for
the subjects they are enrolled in, it is a place uninterrupted by other distractions
(Clarke, 2000). A learning environment can be a familiar and supportive
environment for the students and professors learning to harness and develop their
academic learning and approaches.
Most of the students preferred to stay in the learning environment where
they can also interact with other great minds, their classmates. Academic
institutions are tasked to create an environment and promote a good learning
environment for all students. An enhanced learning environment lends dignity to
the learning process of the students. It is a pivotal linchpin in promoting and
creating favorable mood and atmosphere to ensure that effective learning and
strong relationships among students would take place.
One of the integral features in creating conducive learning environment is it
organization having the facilities needed by the professors and students that would
include proper positioning of furniture and fixtures that will help provide the
students an atmosphere that will create a good academic ambiance (Hawley,
2002). In the perspective of promoting the field of physical education in the
graduate school the right environment must be provided in order for the students
to freely perform their academic activities in preparation of attaining their degree.
In some instances in the university during some activities in physical education
there were times that the students were unable to perform well due to its lack of
avenue in performing such activity conducted by their professors.
The researchers desire to provide equipment to be used by the students
and other learning facilities inside the classroom aid in stimulating the students’
senses to acquire leaning in the pursuit of their career. They provide meaningful
experiences and enhance intellectual development. The life of the students in the
academe is so tight and oftentimes pressure, tiring but inspiring. They need a
learning that will provide them the convenience of learning and knowing.
It is a place wherein it is equipped with the good learning facilities and
fixtures in order to address the need of the students for learning enhancement
(Yick, 2009). There is also a need to put other identified facilities in order to
promote comfort and convenience to the students and professors. A good walling
for instance is something that will provide a very good contention of an air
conditioning in the classroom that promotes convenience in class discussion
especially in physical education courses in the graduate school.
A good lighting will provide good reading endeavors and the students can
see clearly the information from the lessons provided by the professors and the
topics shared by their classmates. A professor’s table and chair for instance can
contribute to the convenience of the professors to convey his/her lessons to the
students and can discuss properly and answer conveniently the inquiries and
clarifications of the students.
A learning environment is like a second home for the students and it needs
to have a welcoming and conducive atmosphere in order to support the learning
effectiveness of the students (Campbell, 2009). It has also indeed an influence to
the students’ learning and knowledge pursuit in the academe.
Nowadays, most of the learning environments must be equipped with the
facilities that could be of great use to the students in harnessing their skills in
physical education as the recipient of knowledge. It is observed in several learning
institutions in the country that gave such academic discipline a way to be
inculcated in the mind and heart of the students in order to attain their degree with
confidence. This is one of the reasons that there are athletes coming from those
institutions in the country. The physical set up of the learning environment is also
a key factor in learning process of the students and as well as the effective
relationships among them.
The Graduate School of the Cebu Technological University takes into
utmost consideration the positive and conducive learning environment of the
students. For this reason, the researchers see the need for providing facilities or
equipment in the Graduate School learning environment located at the porch area
near the students’ entrance. Developing the Graduate School learning
environment will one way or another help the students achieve the optimum quality
learning in the field of physical education. Developing the learning environment is
a process the researchers are sourcing which is the purpose of this study.
The researchers then designed this participative research to take an
active part in making the learning environment of the Graduate School of the Cebu
Technological University-Main Campus to become well-equipped and conducive
for learning. Thus, this participative research is worthy of endorsement and
Theoretical Background
Having good learning environment in the graduate will promote tremendous
learning and equip the students with globally competitive knowledge. This study
anchors on the theory of cognitive and expertise theory by Ericson. Cognitivism is
the study in psychology which focuses on mental processes, which involves how
people perceive, think, remember, learn, solve problems, direct their attention to
one stimulus rather than another (Briggs, 2009). It shows that in order to attain
knowledge there is a need of a stimulus in order to strengthen and propagate
Cognitive development on the other hand is the process of assimilating and
expanding our intellectual horizon is termed as cognitive development. We have a
complex physiological structure that absorbs a number of variety stimuli from the
environment. Which means the interaction, which are able to acquire knowledge
and skills. Parents process knowledge informally in the home while teachers
process knowledge formally in school. Knowledge should be pursued with zest and
zeal if not learning becomes burden.
Learning obtained its foundation at home and it is formalized in school the
basic foundation of learning was provided by the parents and it entered into their
mind and became part of their cognition. The environment of a students at home
or society also affected the students’ learning.
In this regard developing a learning environment is indeed a need in order
to provide what the students deserved. Providing excellent facilities will all the
more help the students learn to grow using the power of cognition. Attention is the
first part of the cognitive development. Learning takes place when the student
gives attention towards the teacher (Zehm, 2013). Interest and effort closely relate
to attention. Attention is an active process which involves numerous stimuli from
outside. The convenience that will be experienced in the learning environment is
one of the stimuli that promotes and motivates learning.
The convenience that an academic institution will provide will contribute to
the learning development of the students and help them attain their academic
goals. Cognitive theory mainly stresses on the acquisition of knowledge and
growth of the mental structure. Cognitive theory mainly focuses on conceptualizing
the students' learning process: how information is received; how information
processed and organized into existing schema; how information is retrieved upon
recall (Brundrette, 2002). In other words, cognitive theory seeks to explain the
process of knowledge acquisition and the subsequent effects on the mental
structures within the mind. Learning is not about the mechanics of what a learner
does, but rather a process depending on what the learner already knows (existing
information) and their method of acquiring new knowledge (how they integrate new
information into their existing schemas).
The understanding of the cognitive theory is on the mental realm and the
development of knowledge in the realm of mental structure. This knowledge
acquisition is influenced by the surrounding or the ambiance in order to acquire
knowledge for the purpose of integration and will become a new set of knowledge.
Knowledge acquisition is a mental activity consisting of internal coding of
mental structures within the students’ mind. Inherent to the theory, the student
must be an active participant in their own learning process. Cognitive approach
mainly focuses on the mental activities of the learner like mental planning, goal
setting and organizational strategies (Campbell, 2009). In cognitive theories not
only the environmental factors and instructional components plays an important
role in learning. Additional key elements like learning attend to code, transform,
rehearse, and store and retrieve the information. Learning process includes
learner’s thoughts, beliefs, and attitude values.
This participative research aimed to assess the possible learning
environment enhancement obtained in the graduate school students in Cebu
Technological University-Main Campus, Cebu City during the second semester of
the academic year 2017-2018.
Specifically, the participative research sought answers to the following:
What is the status of the learning and training environment in the
graduate school?
To what extent is the necessity of the enhancement of the learning
and training environment particularly in Physical Education and Sports Program in
the Graduate School?
Based on the survey, what tangible output could be proposed?
Importance of the Participative Research
This research has of great help of the following:
Graduate School of Cebu Technological University. The
Graduate School will benefit the participative research providing an enhancement
to the learning environment of the graduate school students and one of the most
important enhancements for the graduate school students and professors’
academic comfort.
Graduate School Professors. Providing a learning environment
enhancement in the graduate school professors will also be of great help for their
convenience especially during academic activities.
Physical Education Students of the Graduate School. This
research will address their need of a good learning innovation in the graduate
school physical education class and academic use.
Participative Researchers. The research is very valuable to the
participative researchers for this is one way of supporting for the university’s
mission in providing the quality learning to the graduate school students.
Graduate School Extension Beneficiaries. This research will help
them enhance their knowledge on the importance of an educational medium. This
research further enhances the knowledge of the researchers for its realization and
inspiration in working hard to make this participative research possible. This
academic medium will become part of the academic life of the graduate school
professors and students.
Research Flow
The participative research identification and conceptualization was
done in the coordination with the Campus Director, Dean of the Graduate School,
Participative Research Adviser and Participative Researchers to formalize the
When participative research study was conceived, submission of
Letter of Intent was submitted to the office of the Campus Director. Then, such
request was submitted to the office of the Dean of the Graduate School for a
favorable recommendation and endorsement to the University President.
Planning and assessing the desired participative research study was
made with the assistance and expertise of the participative research Adviser. The
participative research proposal was presented to the Participative Research
committee for comment and suggestions for improvement. It was followed by a
survey that will answer the questions regarding the level of necessity of the
identified research by the Graduate School students. Prior to the implementation
phase, the researchers have canvassed the items.
The researchers together with the Participative Research Adviser
checked the facilities or equipment’s for presentation.
Conducted a survey of the needed classroom innovation in the Graduate School
Identified and conceptualized the participative research
Consulted the Adviser, Dean of the Graduate School and Campus Director
Submitted letter of intent to the Campus Director through the Dean of the Graduate
School to conduct the study
Participated in research Planning and Writing for Design Hearing
Presented the participative research to the committee for appropriate action and
Revision of the manuscript based on the suggested inputs for the panelist
Canvassed the facilities or equipment needed
Purchased the facilities and equipment needed
Inspected the facilities and equipment and check its quality
Oral defense of the participative research
Turn-over and acceptance of the Participative Research output
Documentation cut across all task
Figure 1. The Participative Research Flow
The respondents of this participative research were 10 graduate school
professors and 40 students of the Graduate School of Cebu Technological
University-Main Campus, Cebu City. The respondents came from different
agencies of the government and some from private institution who study in the
graduate school for the advancement of knowledge to be used in respective
agencies in order to perform their task with utmost responsibility.
Table 1
Distribution of Respondents
The main tool used in gathering the data of the research is a survey
questionnaire adapted from the study conducted by Shun (1997) on educational
space. This instrument was used in public schools in Columbia in order to improve
the performance of teachers in those public schools. The survey being conducted
found out that the teachers became productive when they are provided a learning
environment for physical education that give them the atmosphere that promotes
knowledge in order to develop their skills in physical education.
The knowledge avenue development was endorsed to the Graduate School of
Cebu Technological University Main Campus, Cebu City. It is located along MJ
Cuenco Avenue St. Cebu City. It is considered a center of excellence for
technology education as it is certified ISO: 9001:2008 certified by Anglo Japanese
American Registrars.
The mechanical mediation was embraced to the Graduate School of Cebu
Technological University Main Campus, Cebu City. It is situated along MJ Cuenco
Avenue St. Cebu City. It is viewed as a focal point of greatness for innovation
instruction as it is guaranteed ISO: 9001:2008 ensured by Anglo Japanese
American Registrars.
Cebu Technological University, once in the past known as Cebu State
College of Science and Technology (CSCST), is made out of nine grounds all
through the Province of Cebu. It turned into a state college on November 10, 2009
by righteousness of Republic Act No. 9744. The grounds are situated in Cebu City
(Main Campus), Argao, Barili, San Francisco, Carmen, Daanbantayan, Danao,
Moalboal and Tuburan.
The college, as an arrangement of nine grounds and 11 expansions, began
as Cebu School of Arts and Trades in Cebu City, Sudlon Agricultural College in
Lahug, Cebu City, Abellana National School in Cebu City, Danao Vocational
School in Danao City, Tuburan Vocational School in Tuburan, Moalboal School of
Fisheries in Moalboal, Argao Agro-Industrial School in Argao, Quirino School of
Fisheries in Carmen, Manuel A. Roxas Memorial School of Fisheries in
Daanbantayan, and Magsaysay School of Fisheries in San Francisco, Camotes
Islands. These were incorporated into Cebu State College of Science and
Technology (CSCST) System on June 10, 1983 by uprightness of Batas
Pambansa Bilang 412. It was commanded that the new state school should extend
its curricular projects concentrating on higher mechanical instruction.
On December 16, 2003, to completely institutionalize and to very regulate
the whole administration of its instructive framework, Cebu State College of
Science and Technology was conceded Certificate of Registration by AngloJapanese American (AJA) Registrars Incorporated as per ISO 9001:2000 Quality
Management System Standards, with Certification No. AJA 03/6952 giving it global
acknowledgment. On February 7, 2007, CSCST was recertified by AJA Registrars
Inc. as ISO 9001:2000 QMS consistent.
The Main Campus in Cebu City began in 1911 when the Cebu Trade School
was set up as one of the soonest professional schools in the nation. Established
by the Americans as the Manual Arts Department of the Cebu Normal School (now
Cebu Normal University), its fundamental design was to create specialized
abilities. The school delivered its first graduates in 1912.
Cebu Trade School later turned into a subsidiary of the Cebu Provincial
High School situated along Jones Avenue. Through Proclamation No. 180 on
August 20, 1928, it turned into a different element and obtained its present site at
the edge of M.J. Cuenco Avenue, and R. Palma St.
Figure 2
The Map of Cebu Technological University, Main Campus, Cebu City.
The specific location of this participative research is the area where the
graduate school classrooms are build due to the effort of the graduate students
who made a good contribution to the university. Since the time that the researchers
set foot on the ground of the university, the graduate school were in need of
classrooms due to the several students who wanted to pursue their degree in
advanced studies as the years passed the graduate school students especially
those who finished their degree ahead of us exerted their effort in order to leave a
legacy to the incoming graduate school students and the participative researchers
are one of those. As the years passed the learning environment build by the
predecessors need to be and maintained and the researchers wanted to contribute
in the enhancement aspect of the graduate school learning environment.
The participative research was undertaken from November to March
2018. It was in the second semester of 2017-2018. All the tasks stated in the
participative research will be distributed accordingly within the specific time frame.
The participative researchers utilized the time and effort in completing the
participative research.
The learning environment development was endorsed to the
Graduate School of Cebu Technological University-Main Campus. For the
utilization the graduate school students in enhancing their academic pursuit in
attaining their professional career in physical education in an environment that will
promote a good learning environment. It is observed and treasured by all academic
institutions the importance of physical education. It aims to develop students’
physical competences and knowledge of movement and safety, and their ability to
use these to perform in a wide range of activities associated with the development
of an active and healthy lifestyle. It also develops students’ confidence and generic
skills, especially those of collaboration, communication, creativity, critical thinking
and aesthetic appreciation. These, together with the nurturing of positive values
and attitudes in PE, provide a good foundation for students’ lifelong and life wide
learning (Demettrio, 2011)
Conducted survey for the learning
environment enhancement in the
graduate school
Identified and conceptualized the
participative research
Consulted with the Adviser, Dean of the
Graduate School and Campus Director
Submitted letter of intent to the Campus
Director through the Dean of the
Graduate School to conduct the study
Participated in research Planning and
Writing for Design Hearing.
Presented the participative research to
the committee for appropriate action and
Canvassed facilities and equipment the
Purchased the facilities and equipment
The Oral Defense of the participative
Turned-over and acceptance of the
tangible Participative Research output.
Documentation cut across all task
3 4 5
Work Breakdown Structure
Pre-Implementation Phase
Task 1. Conducted survey for the learning environment enhancement
in the graduate school.
The participative researchers have visited the area for inquiries for the
possible learning environment development of the graduate school by providing
the facilities or equipment needed by the students in strengthening the discipline
of physical education.
Task 2. Identified and conceptualized the participative research.
The information gathered from the inquiries of the researchers served as
means in formalizing the intention of the researchers to make the tangible
contributions to the learning environment development of the graduate school
students and from it the title could be proposed.
Task 3.Consulted the Adviser, Dean of the Graduate School and
Campus Director.
The researchers have consulted and coordinated with the Dean of the
Graduate School and the Campus Director, the participative research advisers and
other individual who has prowess in order for the researchers to propose the
participative research study.
Task 4. Submitted letter of intent to the Campus Director through the
Dean of the Graduate School to conduct the study
The participative researchers submitted the letter of intent to the office of
the campus director thru the office of the dean of the graduate school in order to
express the intentions of the researchers to conduct the study and appreciated his
Task 5. Participated in research Planning and Writing for Design
The participative research manuscripts have prepared in coordination with
the participative research adviser. The researchers submitted their research
proposal for evaluation and improvement of the research study.
Task 6. Presented the participative research to the committee for
appropriate action and evaluation.
The participative researchers have presented their study to the participative
research committee for appropriate action and evaluation.
Task 7. Canvassed the facilities or equipment needed.
The researchers have canvassed the materials needed as the tangible
output of the participative research which was determined after the survey had
Task 8. Purchased the facilities and equipment needed.
The researchers have purchased the necessary materials after the
canvassing was made that would serve as the tangible output of the participative
Task 9. The Oral Defense of the participative research.
The researchers after all the stages that they had accomplished, the
researchers presented their final copy of the manuscript in a final defense with the
participative research committee.
Task 10. Turned-over and acceptance of the tangible Participative
Research output.
The researchers when the participative research was successfully done, the
researchers had turned over the educational medium facilities to the graduate
office to the university president and the deed of donation will be executed by both
Task 11. Documentation cut across all task.
The researchers took the documentation for record purposes as the
research output progresses until its completion.
The study Elaborative Learning Contexture for Physical Education
Intrepidness presents major terms that need to be operationally defined and to
orient the readers to align and integrate these terms according to the use of the
study thus promote better understanding and illuminate clearer views.
Elaborative Learning. It is a means of improving a learning process in the
context of the discipline that will enhance the knowledge of the learners.
Graduate School. Is a school that awards advanced academic degrees
(i.e. master's and doctoral degrees) with the general requirement that students
must have earned a previous undergraduate (bachelor's) degree.
Learning. The act, process, or experience of gaining knowledge or skill.
Participative Research.
A collaborative approach to research that
equitably involves all partners in the research process and recognizes the unique
strengths that each brings.
Students. Is considered as the key participant in the teaching and learning
process. He/she is considered as the primary subject or the main reason why the
process is implemented.
Work Breakdown Structure (WBS). It is a chart in which the critical work
elements, called tasks of a project are illustrated portray their relationships to each
other and to the project as a whole.
Chapter 2
This chapter presents the processes involved in the participative research
based on specific statements of participative research output as what was the
development of learning contexture for physical education intrepidness.
Based on the survey conducted, the participative researchers were able to
gather the following data.
The participative researchers obtained the perception on the enhancement
in terms of the necessity of the graduate school learning environment. The
researchers have observed that the most needed area for enhancement was the
porch area of the graduate school. It is noticed based on the survey that the
population in the graduate school is increasing and the demand for learning
environment needs to be addressed. Compare to the undergrad students, the
graduate school students need to utilize learning environment for their academic
growth. Most of the students of the graduate school were professionals and
obtained positions in the different agencies in the government like CHED, DEPED
etc. and private corporations.
The researcher respondents perceived that there is a need to enhance the
porch area learning environment for its utilization in favor of the graduate school
physical education classes. Learning environment is very relevant in acquiring
knowledge and obtaining a degree (Hena, 2015). In the academe spaces that can
be used must be used in order for the academe to deliver the intention of
developing the avenue of knowledge which help the learners grow and attain their
academic goals.
It can be argued that these are necessary, if not deterministic conditions of
engagement in lifelong physical activity. In the social domain, there is sufficient
evidence to support claims of positive benefits for young people. Importantly,
benefits are mediated by environmental and contextual factors such as leadership,
the involvement of young people in decisionā€ making, an emphasis on social
relationships, and an explicit focus on learning processes. In the affective domain,
too, engagement in physical activity has been positively associated with numerous
dimensions of psychological and emotional development, yet the mechanisms
through which these benefits occur are less clear (Bailey, 2009).
Based on the survey there were several learning environments built in the
graduate school through the helped and contribution of the graduate school
students for the intention of giving the graduate school students the avenue to
harness themselves in attaining their degree. It is noticed that those learning
environments located in the porch area of the graduate school need to be
enhanced in order to maintain its ambiance. The researchers noticed that there
were never enough facilities and equipment for physical education to be utilized by
the students in the graduate school and even the researchers themselves
experienced such insufficiency.
Evidence suggests that physical education, with its emphasis on persistent
team membership, promotes personal and social development in the form of
student responsibility, cooperation and trust skills. Student leadership within the
model has been identified as potentially problematic for effective content
development and the promotion of equitable participation. Further research is
required to examine the dynamics of peer interaction and subsequent content
learning and performance that occurs during student-led tasks of the curriculum
(Wallhead, 2006).
Physical education has effect in the educational endeavors of the students
that sharpen their intellect and made them alert and quick in their pursuit of
knowledge. According to the study of Peney the formulation of a good pedagogy
in physical education would shape the dimension of quality of education of the
students (Peney, 2009)
The researchers found out that there was a need to provide those facilities
and equipment to the identified learning environment for the use of the physical
education classes and some other classes that require or need those facilities and
equipment in order to adhere to the aim of attaining quality education in the
graduate school. The identified learning environments that need to be provided
were given attention to the researchers in this study.
The respondents obtained the perception on the extent of the necessity of
the enhancement of the learning environment in the graduate school. Table 3
presents the results of the survey conducted as to what was the area for
improvement and development in the technological university as perceived by the
participative researchers.
The Respondent Perception of the Following Enhancement in Terms of its
Necessity in the Graduate School
This section presents the respondents perception of the necessary
enhancement in the graduate school porch area. The said learning environment in
the graduate school need to be enhanced in order to provide a good learning
environment to the graduate school physical education students.
Table 2
The Respondent Perception of the Following Enhancement in Terms
of its Necessity in the Graduate School
Table 2 shows that there were 6 or 12 percent of the respondents perceived
that flooring was very important to enhance, there were 26 or 52 percent of the
respondents perceived that facilities and equipment was very important and 18 or
36 percent of the respondents perceived that lighting and air-conditioning was very
important. Based on the findings the facilities and equipment have the dominant
result in terms of its importance. Based on the survey the porch learning
environments were built few years ago in response to the need of classrooms in
the graduate school due to the increasing population of the graduate school
students including the physical education students there is a need to provide
learning environment facilities and equipment to be used by the graduate school
Facilities and equipment are very important in the pursuit of education
especially in the graduate school. Based on the study conducted by Hawley (2002)
on how the school will become effective, he found out that learning environment
facility and equipment will help improve the school performance because the
students will be equipped in using those in relation to their academic pursuit. The
facilities like sound proofing should be provided in the learning environment in
order to give a certain class to perform their academic activities by not disturbing
other students who are also in their pursuit of knowledge. Equipment like water
dispensers, laptops, sound systems and the like are also helpful to the students in
realizing their academic presentations and improving their skills. In the aspect of
physical education, the students need to develop their skills in singing, dancing
and others.
Physical activity in the study of Ploughman stipulated in her findings that it
enhances memory and learning promotes neuro genesis and protects the nervous
system from injury and diseases (Ploughman, 2009). Those who had a deeper
understanding on this matter gave themselves time to perform physical activities
in any means like going to the dancing studio and physical fitness gym. The
importance of physical activity if given emphasis will help build a healthy society
and that mitigate the problem of sickness and hospitalization. It can minimize the
budget that the government is pouring to public hospitals and medical institutions.
Based on the survey conducted and the data collected by the
researchers, professors and students’ respondent the area that needs
improvement and development in the graduate school was the porch area learning
environment ofthe graduate school. The porch area learning environment need to
be provided with facility and equipment for learning in the graduate school physical
education students.
Table 3
Conceptualization and Visualization of the
participative research
Prior for the researchers to propose a title, they conducted
a survey to the graduate school classes regarding the area
for improvement and development in the technological
Identified and conceptualized the participative
After the survey was done the participative researchers
identified the proposed research to be conducted.
1 day
Task was
successfully done
3 days
Task was
successfully done
Consulted the Adviser, Dean of the Graduate
School and Campus Director
The participative researchers consulted the adviser of the
research to be conducted and present the possible tangible
output that could be acquired.
2 days
Task was
successfully done
Submitted letter of intent to the Campus Director
through the Dean of the Graduate School to
conduct the study
Upon a thorough deliberation of the research to be made
the researchers submitted the letter of intent to the campus
director to conduct the study.
1 day
Task was
successfully done
Participated research Planning and Writing for
Design Hearing
The researchers formulated the chapter 1 of the research
paper to be presented to the participative research
5 days
Task was
successfully done
Presented the participative research to the
committee for appropriate action and evaluation
Participative researchers
Presented the part of the research to the committee in a
form of design hearing to enhance and enrich the research
The researchers distributed 50 questionnaires to the
graduate school students.
1 day
Task was
successfully done
1 day
Task was
successfully done
1 day
Task was
successfully done
1 day
Task was
successfully done
Formulated the Chapter 2 of the participative
Made the oral defense of the participative
After the design hearing incorporating the comments and
suggestions of the committee and upon giving the signal to
proceed with the chapter 2 the researchers made a canvass
for the canvass of the items as the main ingredient of the
participative research.
After made the canvass the researchers purchased the
facilities and materials needed for improvement and
development to be donated to the graduate school of Cebu
technological University.
After the purchasing the researchers formulated the chapter
2 of the research paper to be submitted for oral examination.
Participative Researchers
Presented the study to the committee in the oral defense.
5 days
Task was
successfully done
Task was
successfully done
Turned-over the improved classroom as the
ParticipativeResearch Output
And signing the Deed of Donation
After the oral examination with the recommendation of the
committee the researchers will turn over the tangible output
to the administration of the University.
Documentation cut-across all task
The researchers documented all the task inculcated in the
realization of the participative research output.
Conducted a survey questionnaires to be
answered by 50 respondents 10 of which are
professor, 40 were students.
Canvassed the facilities and equipment
Purchased the facilities and equipment
1 day
1 day
Task was
successfully done
Chapter 3
This chapter presents the summary of the participative research and the
recommendations suggested by the researchers in enhancing the porch area
learning environment of the graduate school by providing the facilities and
equipment needed for the betterment of the graduate school education.
area for improvement in the porch area by providing facilities and equipment for
knowledge empowerment.
This participative research addressed the scarcity of learning environment
facilities and equipment in the graduate school for the utilization of the graduate
school professors and physical education students. The researchers worked hand
in hand for the whole second semester of 2017-2018 to complete this participative
research. During this period the researchers observed as shown in the work
breakdown structures for the programming of activities.
After the research was completed, it was subjected to final evaluation by
the participative research committee and turn over to the University President, a
deed of donation has executed by both parties.
The completion of this participative research gave the researchers the
chance to provide the CTU Graduate School the learning environment facilities
and equipment for the use of the students and professors in strengthening the
academic endeavors specifically in physical education. However, this participative
research was not enough to attain the established goal of the Graduate School.
Hence, the following recommendations are proposed:
Several graduate school students who would conduct a participative
research that will focus on learning environment facilities and equipment will be
given so much attention for the sake of academic development. The participative
research makes the researchers deliver the intention to provide those facilities and
equipment for the graduate school.
The researchers recommended that those facilities and equipment being
donated should be maintained and taken care by the administrator for the present
and future students of the graduate school. Finally, the participative researchers
recommended the end users must take of those facilities and equipment at all
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Leveriza, G. (2013). Physical Education in the Context of Academic Discipline.
Manila: National Book Store.
Pilaez, G. (2010). Physical Education in the Modern Age. Mandaluyong: Santillan
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Richard Bailey (February 17, 2009). The Educational Benefits Claimed for
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Tristan Wallhead (August 20, 2006). Sports Education: Physical Education for
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Dawn Penly (October 28, 2009). Curriculum Pedagogy and Assessment Thru
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Alicia Fedewa (January 13, 2013). The Effects of Physical Activity and Physical
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Michelle Ploughman (July 10, 2009). Exercise is Brain Food: The Effects of
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James Sallis (February 22, 2013). Effects of Health Related Physical Education
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Campus Director
Cebu Technological University
R. Palma St., Cebu City
We the participative research implementers, are undertaking a participative
FITNESS INTREPIDNESS ” In this regard, may we have the honor to ask
permission to conduct a survey through questionnaire to the students of the
Graduate School Class.
Hoping for your consideration.
Approved by:
Republic of the Philippines
Cebu Technological University
Graduate School
INSTRUCTION: Mark check on the appropriate cell that corresponds to your
Name of Respondents (optional)_________________________________
Professor ( )
Student ( )
1. To what extent is the level of necessity of the identified enhancement in the
learning environment at the graduate school.
Very Necessary
speakers, DVD
Player, portable
Less Necessary
That We, of legal ages with postal address at ; hereafter referred to as DONORS, hereby donate to
the GRADUATE SCHOOL of the Cebu Technological University- Main Campus with postal address at R.
Palma St. Cebu City, represented by DR. JANUARIO L. FLORES. University Campus Director, CTU-Main
Campus, hereafter called DONEE,
That the DONEE hereby accepts and receives this donation made in his favor by the DONORS, and
hereby manifests his gratefulness for the latter’s generosity.
Campus Director
Republic of the Philippines
Cebu City
BEFORE ME, a notary for and in the Cebu City, personally appeared:
Known to me the same persons who executed the foregoing Deed of Donation and acknowledged to me that the
is their free and voluntary act and deed.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this _____day of March, 2018 at Cebu City, Philippines.
Page No.____
Book No.____