Unit 12 Employment Orientation No está permitida la reproducción total o parcial de este libro, ni su tratamiento informático, ni la transmisión de ninguna forma o por cualquier medio, ya sea electrónico, mecánico, por fotocopia, por registro u otros métodos, sin el permiso previo y por escrito de los titulares del Copyright. Diríjase a CEDRO (Centro Español de Derechos Reprográficos, www.cedro.org) si necesita fotocopiar o escanear algún fragmento de esta obra. Derechos reservados © 2021, respecto a la primera edición en inglés, por: TuLibrodeFP S.L.U. C.I.F. B98527930 Av. Ausiàs March, 38-bajo 46120 Alboraya (Valencia) ISBN: 978-84-16812-62-2 Edición: TuLibrodeFP S.L.U. Autores: Bruno Jesús García González, David Tena Cornelles Traducción: Davina Cuneo García Diseño de cubierta e interior: Yolanda Camacho Sánchez Maquetación: Bruno Jesús García González, Yolanda Camacho Sánchez y Luis Iranzo Navarro-Olivares Fotografías: Fotolia y archivo propio de TuLibrodeFP S.L.U. Unit 12 Employment Orientation CONTENTS: 1. Our professional career 2. Personal and professional self-analysis 3. Educational and professionally-oriented itineraries 4. Job search 5. Opportunities in Europe 6. The cover letter 7. The curriculum vitae 8. The job interview 9. Personal Branding GOALS: - Become aware that studying vocational training is a further step in our professional career. - Analyze our personal and professional competencies. - Know the educational itineraries in the ruled system. - Apply different techniques on job search. - Value studying and working in Europe as a further opportunity. - Be able to write a cover letter and a curriculum vitae. - Be able to reply correctly in a job interview. - Understand that social networks can be useful for job search. UT 12 EMPLOYMENT ORIENTATION TuLibrodeFP 2021 1. Our professional career What does a professional career mean? It could be defined as a succession of activities and jobs performed throughout life, together with the attitudes and skills implicit in each of those jobs. Professional career must be planned; it is an ongoing process throughout working life; it enables us to create new possibilities and increases our personal and professional competencies in order to adjust them to the job market. Furthermore, it enables our necessities or personal aims to be satisfied. This planning is basically designed from two perspectives: vocational and job training, on one hand, and the acquisition of working experience on the other hand. In this unit, we will learn to use techniques and tools that will help us design job search to successfully access the job market, and consequently, be able to acquire that professional experience. Conversely, it is essential to consider education, which can be defined as the process that will enable us to adjust our qualities and improve our performance. We acquire this education throughout our lives in order to modulate our career and this is going to complement our professional profile. This educational process must have a continuity over time; it must emphasize the aspects of our development that need to be improved and keep us up-to-date, give us the chance to open ourselves to other fields or disciplines, boost our capacities and competencies, and reinforce and expand our attitudes and values. In other words, education and learning last a whole life. Our society, openly technological and always in continuous change and movement, makes it necessary. Throughout our professional life we will make decisions that, undoubtedly, will condition us: choosing a career, arriving at a new high school, developing a specific professional career, living abroad, changing jobs or taking the leap to a different sector. In order to make this possible, it is crucial to know ourselves, our skills, our aspirations, what we are good at, where we feel comfortable, and what we can improve to achieve it. What we will achieve by making this self-evaluation is to try to steer our professional career towards what we like. No matter what we do, it is important to keep in mind that the decisions we make in our working and professional life are hardly ever irreversible or improductive. Something might not work, we might not feel fulfilled, we might not find our “working niche”, but if we trust ourselves we will never be wrong; we will simply have enjoyed an experience that, surely, will make us improve somehow. It is worthwhile to keep looking for the job we like because, as Conficius said: “Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life.” Activity 1 QUESTIONS: a) What is a professional career? b) Which has been your professional career until now? Where have you worked before? What have you studied before this educational cycle? c) Why did you decide to study this educational cycle? d) Do you think it was a good idea to choose this educational cycle? Did you have other chances? Which ones? What made you discard them? e) What job prospects do you see? Where would you like to work when you finish this educational cycle? f) Do you think you will have to keep studying? If so, what would you do? g) You have already described your past professional career. Now, try to describe the future: Where do you see yourself in two years time, after the educational cycle? And in five years time? Have you thought about the necessary steps to achieve it? 4 TuLibrodeFP 2021 UT 12 EMPLOYMENT ORIENTATION A) Ten questions for the “disoriented” Questions on activity 1 may have arisen many doubts. To help you, you can start answering the next questions. Try to answer them as a first approach to this unit. 1st) What do you wish to achieve? First of all, you must know what you want. Otherwise, it is impossible to achieve anything. 2nd) What do you have in order to achieve it? The abilities, knowledge, skills and experiences you have are the background to achieve your goal. It is the starting point from where you are going to move. 3rd) What do you need in order to achieve it? This is the second part. Once you know what you have, you must know what you need, which could be studying a course, or contacting someone from a specific company. If you can answer this question clearly and concisely, it will help you clarify the route plan. 4th) How will you achieve it? What is the path you will follow in order to get your general goal? What steps will you take? This question will help you learn more about your goal, from a general to a more specific point of view. 5th) When will you achieve it? How much time have you got? Is it a long-term goal, like finishing a degree? If there are several middle- term goals, it is advised to develop a plan where you specify how much time you will devote to each goal. 6th) Where will you achieve it? What is the context in which this goal will take place? Which are the external circumstances around it? For example, if you wish to work in the construction industry, you must analyse the circumstances around it… or if your goal involves moving to a different house, city, country… 7th) With whom will you achieve it? It is important to know whether the achievement will need someone else. If you wish to run a business, will you do it by yourself or with somebody else? If you look for a self-employment job, can you count on someone to help you achieve it? What will be the impact on your family-social system? 8th) What does achieving this goal mean to you? If you answer this question honestly, your expectations may completely change and you may have to start again. Let’s say you wish to work as a lawyer for a company. Achieving this could mean a career development, a new social status, recognition… or it could also mean not having time to do what you really like, which is hiking; or it could have a direct impact on your personal life. 9th) Which three steps would you take first? We have already pointed out that a general goal must be broken down into more specific and operating goals. For example, imagine that you wish to become a Human Resources Coordinator for an international logistical company. If you already know what you have and what you need, if you really know what you want, then you must chart your three operating goals. For example, these could be: improving your English skills, taking a course to improve your interpersonal communication and fostering the contacts of a given company. If these goals are reached in a middle-or-short term, they will help you focus and will strengthen your expectations. 10th) How will you know if you have achieved it? How will you feel? How will you see yourself? Where will you be? With whom? It is important not only to think you can achieve the goal, but also to visualize yourself afterwards, once you have achieved it. Source: www.plandeempleo.com 5 UT 12 EMPLOYMENT ORIENTATION TuLibrodeFP 2021 2. Personal and professional self-analysis Self-analysis is one of the first steps we can take to face our professional career. Before deciding where we want to work, it is essential to know ourselves. In this section, we will try to understand which are your personal and professional competencies. These should serve as the basis for the rest of the unit. Personal competencies These competencies are not linked to a specific job or occupation, but they allow the employee to improve his employability and job efficiency. Professional competencies These competencies are formed by a set of knowledge, skills, abilities, aptitudes and attitudes which allow the employee to work in a competent manner. A) Personal competencies There are many personal competencies, but we will highlight the following: Trust Determination When a person is tenacious and constant, someone that persists in the goal. Responsability This value lies in each one’s awareness, and it enables the person to reflect, manage, orient and value the consequences of his acts. Self-dicipline It can be defined as the ability to control one’s feelings, so that we can accomplish desirable things, and overcome one’s weaknesses, so that we avoid doing undesirable things. Motivation It is an internal state that activates, controls and maintains the behaviour towards the achievement of a goal. Flexibility It is the ability to be easily modified, to adapt quickly to the circumstances, times, and people, redressing our behaviour and points of view so that we can all live together and understand each other. Assertiveness It is the quality of being self-assured and confident without being aggressive, respecting each other’s feelings and thoughts. Team spirit The feeling of camaraderie among the members of a group, enabling them to cooperate and work well together. Empathy Leadership 6 When we feel that a person or group will be able to do something, and will act correctly in a given situation. Trust will be more or less reinforced depending on the actions, previous acts and the found results. Also called “interpersonal intelligence”. It is the ability to understand and share the feeling of someone. Many people agree to define it as the ability to influence other people. Mental strenght It is the ability of an individual to effectively deal with challenges, pressure, and stressors to present their best performance regardless of the circumstances. Critical thinking It is seen as the objective analysis and evaluation of an issue in order to form a judgement. UT 12 EMPLOYMENT ORIENTATION TuLibrodeFP 2021 Activity 2 PROFESSIONAL INTERESTS TEST Type the phrase “test de intereses profesionales de Barcelona activa” into Google search engine. In this test, you will find a series of activities. You will have to answer quickly and frankly. You can also choose the language of the test. Once the test is finished, a report will show up. Here you will be able to see which professions and roles are more suitable for you, which competencies do you need, the instructive itineraries you can follow as well as some job offers. You can also receive this report on your email. Secondly, think of you and rate from 1 to 5 the skill level you have in the following competencies. COMPETENCIES Trust 1a5 COMPETENCIES Assertiveness Determination Team spirit Responsability Empathy Self-discipline Leadership Motivation Mental strenght Flexibility Critical thinking 1a5 B) Professional competencies What can you do in a competent and professional manner? How did you learn about it? These questions can help you know the competencies you have. Competencies can be acquired in two ways: through education (studying an educational cycle, unemployment courses, etc.), or through professional experience. Through education Acquisition of professional competencias Through professional experience • You can check the professional competencies you have acquired through education by entering the Ministry of Education website (www.todofp.es). You will find all the educational cycles, with a list of the specific competencies that students acquire after completing the cycle. • The professional competencies you might have acquired by means of working experience or through non-formal education can be “converted” (officially, accredited) if you decide you want to pursue official studies. More information is available on the Ministry of Education website (www.todofp.es). (a new procedure has been established for the evaluation and accreditation of professional competences acquired by means of working experience or through non-formal education. This accreditation allows beneficiaries to fulfil admission criteria for other types of provision or to receive recognition for specific subjects or components within a programme) Thus, in order to know “what you can do”, you must first state whether you have carried out an educational cycle before, or any other professional course, as well as the jobs you have had previously. Complete the exercises on the following page to help you elaborate your professional competencies. Use the website www.todofp.es Click on web BUSCA EN the LA WEB Enter www.todofp.es, the Ministry of Education website. You will find more extensive information about vocational training: • All educational cycles. • Professional orientation and itineraries. • Job search techniques. • Vocational training in Europe. • Traineeship. • Accreditation of professional competencies. • Other aspects about vocational training. 7 UT 12 EMPLOYMENT ORIENTATION TuLibrodeFP 2021 Activity 3 WHICH PROFESSIONAL COMPETENCIES HAVE YOU ACQUIRED THRUGH EDUCATION? WHICH COMPETENCIES WILL YOU ACQUIRE WITH THIS CYCLE? WHICH CAREER OPPORTUNITIES DOES THIS EDUCATIONAL CYCLE OFFER YOU? Enter the following link: http://todofp.es/todofp/que-como-y-donde-estudiar/que-estudiar/ciclos.html You will find all professional families as well as all intermediate and advanced educational cycles. A) If you have previously studied an educational cycle, look for it and copy the following: »http://www.todofp.es/todofp/que-como-y-donde-estudiar/que-estudiar/familias/titulos-loe.html You will access a summary of the competencies that you have acquired with your cycle. For further details, you can click on the Royal Decree link below where you will access information about professional, personal and social competencies as well. »Career opportunities of the educational cycle. B) Do the same with the educational cycle you are currently studying. Activity 4 ACCREDITATION OF PROFESSIONAL COMPETENCIES Have you worked before? What can you do? If you wish to know how to convert your professional competencies, enter the following link on the Internet: http://www.todofp.es/todofp/acreditacion-de-competencias-html In this homepage you will find information about the process of accreditation professional experience and also about self-evaluation. a) Who can be interested in accessing this procedure? b) Which are the three stages of the procedure? Describe them briefly. c) What can you do to participate? Which requirements must you comply with? d) Todofp.es offers a tool to self-evaluate the professional competencies you have acquired in the past. You can try it yourself by entering the following website: http://www.todofp.es//todofp/formacion/acreditacion-de-competencias/cuestionarios.html This tool will enable you to have a list of the different professional competencies you have. e) Finally, every Department of Education convenes the procedures for the accreditation of professional competencies. You can enter the Ministry of Education website of your autonomous community and check if there is an accreditation procedure open for your professional family. Activity 5 YOUR STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES Make a list of your professional and personal competencies. Now, write at least three strengths and three weaknesses that you believe that you have. What do you think you could do in order to improve your weaknesses? 8 UT 12 EMPLOYMENT ORIENTATION TuLibrodeFP 2021 3. Educational and professionally-oriented itineraries An itinerary is a detailed plan of a path or a journey. During our formation process as professionals, we trace an itinerary, a set of steps to get to our target. An itinerary includes the studies we have carried out, the educational courses, and the different jobs we have performed. In this section, we will examine two educational itineraries: the itinerary that enables a student to access advanced vocational training coming from an intermediate vocational training and the one that enables a student to enter university coming from an advanced vocational training. A) Accessing advanced vocational training by means of the intermediate vocational training The LOGSE established that students that wanted to access advanced vocational cycles had to hold their Bachillerato certificate. Students that held an intermediate vocational training diploma had to pass an entrance examination which evaluated Bachillerato contents. Over the years, it has been noted that the majority of students accessing advanced vocational training come from intermediate vocational training. This is why the Ministry of Education has fostered the access through an intermediate vocational training. The Education authorities of each autonomous community regulates the process of admission in the different vocational training centres when there is availability on the number of places. Generally, autonomous communities have weighted the entrance as follows (but it is always better to check them individually): • 60% for students coming from Bachillerato or equivalent. • 40% left: ◊Between 20-25%, depending on each autonomous community, for students coming from the intermediate vocational training. ◊Between 15-20%, depending on each autonomous community, for students who have passed the entrance examination and other examinations. What does this mean? It means that it is no longer necessary to pass the entrance examination. Students can access the advanced vocational training if they have completed an intermediate vocational training course. Does this mean that there is direct access from the intermediate to the advanced vocational course? In a way, yes, but as previously mentioned, this depends on each autonomous community, it is not a national law. Below you can find the entrance examination information, necessary to access the advanced vocational training: Accessing the advanced vocational training by means of the entrance examination Requirements • Students that have completed an intermediate vocational training course: being 18 years-old before or in the year of the examination. • Students that have not completed an intermediate vocational training course: being 19 years-old before or in the year of the examination. • Common part: Language and Literature (choose between Spanish or Valenciano); foreign language (English) and Mathematics (subject to change in the next educational reform). • Specific part: There are three options, depending on the advanced vocational training course. In each option, students must choose two of the three subjects offered: Parts of the test »Option A): Humanities and Social Science: Students must choose two subjects among History, Economy and Geography. »Option B): Technology: Students must choose two subjects among Technical Drawing, Physics and Chemistry. »Option C): Science: Students must choose two subjects among Physics, Biology, Earth Science and Chemistry. »If you wish to know which option you must choose, you can check the Education Office website of your autonomous community. Syllabus and exams • You can find all the syllabus as well as the previous exams by checking Education Office website of your autonomous community Exemption from the test: • Wholly: Those having passed the university entrance examination for students over 25 years-old. »Common part: Students that have passed any of the subjects during Bachillerato. »Specific part a) Students coming from an intermediate vocational training course of the same family do not have to take the specific part, only the common part. b) By means of accreditation of one year of professional experience during the educational cycle. 9 UT 12 EMPLOYMENT ORIENTATION TuLibrodeFP 2021 Activity 6 CHECK THE ADVANCED VOCATIONAL TRAINING ENTRANCE EXAMINATION Enter the Education Office website of your autonomous community and look for the entrance examination section: a) When is the next entrance examination going to performed? b) Go to the test orientation section of each common subject and print it. c) Do you think you are exempt from any part of the test? Which part? d) Check the exams from last year and the syllabus of some subjects on the Education Office website. B) Accessing university by means of the advanced vocational cycle In July 2018 we faced a transitional stage in educational laws. The Partido Popular (PP) educational law LOMCE established that P.A.U. exams had to disappear. Instead, the party approved a Bachillerato revalidation test, and independently, that universities could establish other means of access. Many autonomous communities and other political parties did not support this measure. Nowadays, ……….preguntar a Bruno. The earlier reform for accessing university established that there was not a specific quota for students coming from P.A.U. or students coming from the advanced vocational training. All students mixed and competed with each other. Accessing university by means of the advanced vocational training cycle (2015 system) • The average mark of the vocational cycle will be considered (all course modules count the same). Features • Students that wish to improve their mark can take from one to four voluntary exams. This will enable them to improve their average mark (the two best marks will be considered) and to reach the highest mark like Bachillerato students. • Voluntary exams will coincide with the contents and Selectividad exams. • It will be possible to take the voluntary exams even if the FCT and the módulo de proyecto still need to be evaluated. • The average mark is calculated using the following formula: Admission mark Admission mark = acm + (a x m1) + (b x m2). Acm is average cycle mark. M1 and m2 are the two best results of the voluntary exams taken. A and b are weighting parameters that each university establishes (between 0,1 and 0,2). • Example: a student has an average cycle mark of 8. He got a 6 and an 8 in his voluntary exams, being parameters a and b as follows: 0,2 for the best mark and 0,1 for the second best mark. Admission mark would then be: 8 + (8 x 0,2) + (6 x 0,1) = 8 + 1,6 + 0,6 = 10,2. Activity 7 UNIVERSITY ACCESS MARK (2015 system) Look for the cutt-off mark for accessing degrees on the university website you wish to study. You can also seek here: http://www.notasdecorte.info/ There is also a very interesting browser for finding “your perfect university”. You just have to add the degree, the location, if you wish to study in a private or public university, your cut-off mark and the price you can afford paying. The link is the following: http://universidades.consumer.es/ 10 UT 12 EMPLOYMENT ORIENTATION TuLibrodeFP 2021 4. Job search When we are looking for a job, we must dedicate some time to it. We must also be well organised, so following a schedule will help us. Furthermore, it is normal to have doubts, but we must be convinced that our education is appropriate and feel confident about ourselves and our possibilities. »Think about the kind of company or enterprise you wish to work for, and the wage and working conditions. »Fix a weekly or daily schedule. Finding a job is a job itself. Patterns for finding a job »Plan your tasks and use a specific agenda for job seeking. »Write an effective CV and cover letter (optional), adapted to each company. »Get informed about the different companies where you are going to go. »Prepare the interview: your strengths and weaknesses and how to answer difficult questions. »After the interview, write down the information that the company gave you: working conditions, tasks to do as well as your positive or negative feedback, etc. Not all companies follow these stages, but, generally, these are the stages in the selection process: 1. Previous stage: the company draws up the profile. 2. Job offer: the job offer appears on the Internet, temporary employment agencies, Servicio Público de Empleo, personal relations, after the FCT, etc… Stages in the selection process (long process) 3. Receipt of cover letters and CVs. 4. Psycho-technical tests: attitudes, personality, etc. 5. First interview: meet the candidates in person, general features. Initial screening of applicants. 6. Second interview: confirm expectations, normally with the immediate superior of the job post offered. 7. Final stage: medical examination, training, integration, trial period. What do companies reject during the selection process? What do companies seek during the selection process? • Initiative • Autonomy • Teamwork • Pleasant treatment • Versatility • Flexibility • Good appearance • Security • To be qualified for the task • Sociability • Appropriate education • Motivation • Good behaviour • Interpersonal skills • Passivity • Submission • Arrogance • Dependance • Aggresiveness • Labour dispute • Insecurity • Inflexibility • Individualism • Solitude • Clumsiness • Unappropriate education • Demotivation • Bad appearance 11 UT 12 EMPLOYMENT ORIENTATION TuLibrodeFP 2021 A) Sources of information The Internet as well as the social networks are fundamental tools when seeking for a job; personal contacts are equally- if not more- important. It is estimated that between 70% and 80% of the job offers do not come to light and are offered to people that already know the company or by asking other employees. In this sense, extending your contact network to the maximum is a good strategy. Nowadays, social networks make it even easier. Strategies like registering as unemployed or reading the press to respond to job offers seem to be outdated. Now, it is more important to have a wide contact network, so people know about us, to anticipate job offers by being available in advance. In short, being active and not passive, a willingness that will make us arrive sooner than the rest when the job offer appears. In this sense, the reference for job seeking is Linkedin, which also has an app. Websites and apps • www.infojobs.net • There are many more at: http://laboralnews.blogspot.com.es/2011/06/porta• www.infoempleo.com les-de-busqueda-de-empleo.html • www.canaltrabajo.com APPS: • www.laboris.net • Indeed: quick and easy search; vacan• www.trabajar.com cies in your city using GPS; • www.monster.es • Jobeeper: job offers up to 35 countries; • www.trabajos.com it can be linked to your Linkedin profile. • www.atiempoparcial.com • Jobtoday: focused on the services • www.bolsadetrabajo.com sector; you can contact the company through a chat. • www.primerempleo.com Social networks • www.linkedin.com • www.twitter.com • www.twitter.com • www.facebook.com • www.facebook.com • www.womenalia.com Other sources • Servicio Público de Empleo de la • Human resources consultants; comunidad autónoma (SEPE). • Job banks in education centres • Temporary employment agen- and professional associations cies (ETT): Adecco, Manpower, • Personal and family contacts. Randstad. More on: http://www. • Local press. empleo.gob.es/es/sec_trabajo/ debes_saber/ett-OIA/ “Half of the employees achieve employment by means of their contact network” Family, friends or acquaintances are the main form for finding a job in Spain. In Spain, 46.7% of employees have found their jobs by means of family, friends or acquaintances. This is the main form of job intermediation, followed by far by the second: the direct search. 22.2% of the employees have found jobs by asking directly or by sending CVs. Far behind remain the INEM offices, which obtain 2.5%, being 3.6% the private job offices. These figures are the result of the INE labour market survey of 2014. Source: El País, 12-06-15. HOW PEOPLE FIND A JOB IN SPAIN • Family, friends or acquaintances • Self-application: asking for the job or giving CV • Media adds, including Internet • The company offered the job 46,7% 22,2% 6,89% 4,98% • Education centre • Private job office • Public job office (INEM) • Other 3,72% 3,58% 2,53% 7,13% B) Sources of information for public employment We can also consider accessing public employment. At the moment, there is a reduction in public expenditure, so there are fewer places offered. Anyhow, it is a long-term strategy that can also be considered, since some professional profiles do find their place in public employment and the situation may improve in a few years’ time. The selection procedure comprises two stages: • Oposición stage: applicants must take practical and theoretical tests in order to evaluate knowledge and aptitudes. • Merit-based competition: evaluation of merits such as experience, education, languages and other. Websites where you can find more information on public employment: http://www.canaloposiciones.com/ http://administracion.gob.es/pag_Home/empleoBecas/empleo/buscador.html http://www.oposiciones.net/ 12 http://institutoeuropeo.net/home/ UT 12 EMPLOYMENT ORIENTATION TuLibrodeFP 2021 5. Opportunities in Europe In the EU there is freedom of movement for employees and employers. This means that there are no borders if one wants to work in any european country or open a company there (as long as all legal requirements are met). Nowadays, with the current economic crisis, going abroad is seen as a chance to work and find a job. But before leaving, it is important to get informed about the different programs available which encourage mobility among students and employees of the EU. In this section we will have a look at it. We are going to focus on four programs: 1- EUROPASS 2- PLOTEUS 3- EURES European programmes 4- ERASMUS + PROGRAM • http://europass.cedefop.europa.eu/es/documents • The aim is to help citizens to submit academic, employment and personal information in an easy and understandable way for the whole of Europe. It includes five documents, but the most important are the following: Europass »Curriculum vitae Europass »Language passport: it contains skills of the different language competencies: listening, reading, speaking and writing. It uses six levels and a CV can be attached. »Europass appendix: it is an attached document in English so that employees can understand acquired competencies. • http://ec.europa.eu/ploteus/home.jsp?language=es • The aim is to help students, jobseekers, employees, parents, counselors and professors to find information about how to study in Europe: Ploteus »Learning and education opportunities in Europe; »Descriptions and explanations on european education systems. »Exchange programs and european student grants. »Aspects of european countries: life cost, education costs, accomodation, etc. • http://ec.europa.eu/eures/home.jsp?lang=es Eures • It provides job search services to employees and employers. You can access job vacancies, register for free and it offers personalized consultancy. • It is the european version of the Spanish SEPE or INEM. 13 UT 12 EMPLOYMENT ORIENTATION TuLibrodeFP 2021 Activity 8 WORKING IN EUROPE: 1. Go to Europass website: http://europass.cedefop.europa.eu/es/documents Name the five Europass documents. What do each of them do? 2. Go to Eures website: http://ec.europa.eu/eures/home.jsp?lang=es Go to “Search for a job” section and choose the following settings in the search engine: Job vacancies.- Select a location: (select, United Kingdom, for example). How many available jobs are there? Choose one that you like and tell us about it. 5.1. European mobility programs: ERASMUS+ On 1 January 2014 Erasmus+ entered into force. This program is planned from a period of six years (2014-2020) and it aims to overcome the consequences of the economic crisis as well as the high unemployment rates among the young (by the end of 2013, the rate of youth unemployment in Spain exceeded 57%). The program focuses on formal and informal education over the EU, reaching also third countries, so that learning and educational capacities canbe improved and students, teachers and employees employed. The most significant innovations in comparison with the former Erasmus and Leonardo are: All levels and programmes are unified This happens in all educational levels- scholastic, vocational training, higher education, adult education. It merges all educational programmes: Grundtvig, Erasmus, Leonardo da Vinci and Comenius along with Erasmus Mundus, Tempus, Alfa, Edunlink, bilateral cooperation programmes as well as the “Youth in Action” programme. It expands its scope It includes higher education students, vocational training (intermediate grade is also included, as well as advanced), teachers, trainers, employees of the education sector, young workers, master students and young volunteers. Moreover, mobility is supported so students can do their traineeship abroad. More Budget The budget is extended more than 40%. It is also the first time that there is a budget specifically meant for sports, such as athletic scholarships, aid to sport associations or fund not-for-profit european events. The two most important modes in vocational training include training periods and studying abroad: • Advanced training cycles will enter “HIGHER EDUCATION” mode. • Intermediate training cycles will enter “VOCATIONAL TRAINING” mode. IMPORTANT: if you wish to apply for a ERASMUS+ programme, you must apply via your higher education institution. You cannot apply on an individual basis. For more information, check www.sepie.es 14 UT 12 EMPLOYMENT ORIENTATION TuLibrodeFP 2021 A) Higher education mode (for advanced vocational training) Students enrolled in higher education studies. • University studies WHO • Higher Arts education • Advanced vocational training • Plastic arts and design education DURATION PARTICIPANTS FINANTIAL SUPPORT • Advanced sports education • Studies: from 3 to 12 months • Training: from 2 to 12 months. • To study abroad, students must be enrolled and, at least, in the second year of higher education. • For training abroad, graduates will obtain a grant if: 1) Mobility is the year after ending higher education; 2) Training is chosen by the home institution during the last years’ studies. EU grants provide a contribution to your subsistence during your time abroad and varies between 300-400 euros (monthly) depending on the standard of living of the receiving country. B) Vocational training mode (for intermediate vocational training) • Intermediate vocational training. • PCPI and basic vocational training. WHO • Educational workshops • Unemployed during the training period. DURATION WHERE LANGUAGE TRAINING COMPANIONS FINANTIAL SUPPORT • Recent intermediate and basic graduates (they must be chosen during the last year of studies). • From 2 weeks to 12 months. • Work centre: to improve employability. • Vocational training centre, with two possibilities: 1) Studies with a period of training; 2) Period of training. • If the experience exceeds one month, it will be mandatory to undertake an online course before and during the training. • Under age participants in disadvantaged positions or with special education needs. • Between 50-70 euros per day for each participant and a contribution to costs for travel and language training (450 euros). • The most frequent duration of stay is between 15 and 60 days. Activity 9 TRAINING IN EUROPE: Go to the following link; http://todofp.es/todofp/sobre-fp/formacion-en-centros-de-trabajo/Fct-es-europa/Experiencias-de-movilidad/experiencias-de-estudiantes-en-practicas.html Check the different videos of students that have done their training in Spain and France. 1. Do you think that the conditions offered are good? 2. What do you think of the overall experience? What advantages can you see? 15 UT 12 EMPLOYMENT ORIENTATION TuLibrodeFP 2021 6. The cover letter It is possible to send (it is optional) a cover letter along with your CV. The cover letter can either strengthen or harm us so it is important to write it in a correct way. It must be personalized for each company, written specifically for a given company and for the job we are seeking. The cover letter can help you get a job. It can be a distinguishing element between the rest of the people and you.There is not a unique and correct template for elaborating one. But it must follow some patterns: it must be brief, precise, positive, well-written and without misspellings. It can be divided into four parts: • After the recipient (company information), your information, date and greeting, we usually mention the job we are interested in. • In the second paragraph, we normally give specific information about our CV in relation with the job we are applying for. • Then, we can explain the aim of our letter, whether we wish to request an interview. • The letter finishes with a formal farewell, and finally, our original signature, when possible. The letter must never exceed one page. Laura Senar Albiol Aman Retail, Inc. C/ Futuro Próspero, 4º-3ª Avinguda Carmelo Arboleda, 153 46000 Valencia 28080 Barcelona Tfl. 679000000 555-555-555 laura@gmail.com hello@kickresume.com 10/10/2019 Application for the position of Merchandiser Dear Recruiter, This letter is to express my great interest in the Merchandiser job at your company. As a highly-skilled results-oriented, and motivated professional, I believe that this would be a great opportunity for me to progress in my career and that I would also make a valuable addition to your team. As a Business & Management graduate, I have extensive knowledge of various aspects of business, including marketing, sales, and finance which helps me to succesfully execute the job and all assigned tasks. During my studies, I worked on the development of multiple business projects which taught me how to work in a team and how to lead a group of individuals in pursuit of a common goal. In my previous roles, I was always committed to achieve great results and meet all goals. I believe that I can meet and exceed all expectations that you have for this position and I look forward to hearing back from you soon. Feel free to contact me at any time. Sincerely, Laura Senar 16 TuLibrodeFP 2021 UT 12 EMPLOYMENT ORIENTATION 7. The curriculum vitae It is a brief account of a person’s education, qualifications, and previous occupations, typically sent with a job application. The person is responsible for its veracity, so it is important not to lie on it. A) Presentation • You must pay attention to its presentation, because the CV is the image before the company. The average time employers dedicate to reading a CV is 30 seconds, that is why presentation is crucial. • You can highlight some words, use bold fonts, colors… but not excessively. • Never present a copy of your CV, it must be the original. • If you want to get extra creative, you can use a different paper, with more quality, or a color that stands out. This will draw the attention of the employer. Remember to always consider your profile and the company you are submitting the application to. B) CV template and structure There is not a specific CV template. Your CV will be effective if it is adapted to each job offer. We will have to consider details of the job offer we are applying to, and focus on the experience and education we have for each particular job offer and CV we prepare. In this sense, it is not worth pointing out any courses or jobs that have nothing in common with the job we are applying to. All CV follow a pattern, the only difference being how the data and elements are placed. PERSONAL DATA Name, surname, address, telephone number and email address. Here you can also include place and date of birth (although it is not imperative). ACADEMIC BACKGROUND Studies conducted: showing the dates of your studies, degree obtained and centre where you have studied. This section is very important for first employment jobseekers. If the average mark of your degree is high, mention it here. FURTHER TRAINING Other degrees or complementary courses can be specified here. PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE Information must include: • Companies and sectors where you have previously worked. • Job functions and responsibilities. Here you can use words like: I improved, I reached, I solved, I increased, ideas, income, benefits… • Length of time you have worked in each company. • Of course, you must include the FCT. Here it is important to highlight any professional experience that can be relevant for the job offer. LANGUAGES You can mention the language and the level achieved. You can specify your mother tongue as well. COMPUTER SKILLS Computing: programmes that you can use, if you work on PC, MAC, your Internet skils… OTHER INTERESTING DATA You can mention your hobbies, references, personal skills, etc. 17 UT 12 EMPLOYMENT ORIENTATION DID YOU KNOW THAT...? CREATE A CV ONLINE www.visualcv.com TuLibrodeFP 2021 C) Types of CV 1. Chronological ascendant: if you do not have much experience, it is always better to arrange the dates in an ascendant chronological order, so that the positive evolution is highlighted. www.cvaudere.com 2. Chronological descendant: the first date appearing is the most recent one. It is good to do this in case your last experience was very long or it is related to the job you are seeking. www.about.me 3. Functional: jobs appeared separated in connection with different sectors. www.cuvitt.com 4. European: it is especially useful if you are looking for a job in the EU. www.onlinecvgenerator.com DID YOU KNOW THAT...? MOOC COURSES Visit the website www.mooc. es and find thousands of free online courses in different languages and taught by prestigious centres. D) The video CV A Video CV is a way for job seekers to showcase their abilities beyond the capabilities of a traditional paper CV. The video CV allows prospective employers to see and hear applicants, and get a feel for how applicants present themselves. Jobseekers usually record themselves for two or three minutes, and highlight their professional as well as personal features. You can take a look at Enzo Vicaino or Miguel busca su sitio on the web. It is always convenient to upload it on YouTube or on the web Tumeves. Here is some advice in order to prepare a good video CV: • Use a good quality video, avoiding home or mobile videos. • The lightning, the sound are important features that we must take care of. • Get well dressed, as if you were going to be interviewed in person. Be careful with the gestures, and language speed. You can repeat as many times as you want. LOOK WHAT COMPANIES SEEK Go to your browser and type “Heineken el candidato”. Look at the video. 1. What do you think it is valued in the applicant? 2. Do you think this sort of job selection can be applied for all types of work? • Introduce yourself and briefly explain your education and professional career. • Explain what you seek from the company and what you can offer. • Prepare your paper CV as well with all the specific details. • Do not forget to indicate your personal data in the digital format used. 8. The job interview An interview is a conversation between an interviewer and an interviewee in which the aim is to find the most adequate person for a vacant post. It is very important to prepare the interview in advance. Practice is fundamental, so the more interviews you have done, the better you will do. Normally, an interview is divided into different parts: INTRODUCTION DID YOU KNOW THAT...? Questions about: HOW CAN I MAKE TESTS? You can practice psycho-technical tests on the following webs. Type www.psicoactiva. com and www.ci-training.com • studies and education. DEVELOPMENT • professional experience. • personal issues. • desired working conditions… CONCLUSION 18 • Greeting and presentations-, first conversation, clarifications about the interview. • Doubts clarification, farewell. UT 12 EMPLOYMENT ORIENTATION TuLibrodeFP 2021 A) Interview preparation An interview can be successful or not. It all depends on whether you have prepared it or not. It can be helpful to know some rules to get the most out of it. First impression • First impressions are critical. It is thought that the development of the interview depends on the three first minutes of it and that it is difficult to overcome a bad first impression. Before the interview It is convenient to: • Get informed about the company, its sector. It can be useful to check the online website, as well as brochures, catalogues and ask friends or people that work there, etc. • Review your CV and the cover letter sent. These are the documents that the interviewer has as a reference to ask you questions. • It is important how we will explain our educational and professional career (studies, diplomas, professional tasks, companies, changes, achievements, defeats, future projects, motivations, interests and goals). Prepare it in a positive and coherent way. • Prepare your answers to personal questions in advance, because it is hard to improvise them (interests, motivations, attitudes, etc). To do so, you must know which are the adequate competencies for the vacant job. • It is the applicant, the jobseeker, that must provide all the information to the interviewer and not the contrary. During the interview It is important to: • Introduce yourself with confidence and be sure that the company has chosen you as a potential candidate and wishes to know you better. • Be very attentive during the first minutes of the interview. It will provide you with useful information for its good development. • Adopt a coherent and positive approach with regard to the questions of the interview. People with little experience must highlight the education, motivation and interest in the particular sector, the ambition to learn. In case of having experience but little education, focus on professional competences, sector knowledgment, learning availability… • It is good to ask questions about the company, the business or the offered post, etc. After the interview Once the interview is over, take some time to focus on the following aspects: • Impressions you had. • Unexpected questions. • Questions that were hard to answer. • All useful information for the following interviews. B) Verbal communication Verbal communication is the use of sounds and words to express yourself, especially in contrast to using gestures or mannerisms (non-verbal communication). Some of the rules are: • Prepare the answers and the way you express yourself. Avoid monosyllabic words, colloquial and fancy vocabulary. • It is better to use “Usted” instead of “Tú”. Use the language of the interviewer too. • Prepare questions for the interviewer, in case some important topics are not discussed. • Positive reformulation. Change from negative to positive the negative aspects. If you are too young for the vacant job, you can always say that you will be more willing to learn. • Make some positive comments about your interests and your achievements. Show trust. 19 UT 12 EMPLOYMENT ORIENTATION TuLibrodeFP 2021 Positive expressions during the interview To denote motivation: To denote confidence: To express success: • I was in charge of…. • I had the opportunity to learn… • My performance was satisfactory in… • I have collaborated with… • I did… • I was responsible for… • I have prepared myself very well for… • I have dedicated myself to… • I was very satisfied with... • I am very interested in… • I would be glad to work in a company like yours… • For me, work is very important… • I cannot wait to apply my knowledge… • This is the job that I have always wanted… • I would be happy if… • I am very motivated by… • I am sure that… • My experience is important… • I will do it right… • I will live up to… • I will answer… • It adapts to my possibilities… C) Non-verbal communication Nonverbal communication (NVC) is the nonlinguistic transmission of information through visual, auditory, tactile, and kinesthetic (physical) channels. Nonverbal communication provides the interviewer as much information (or even more) as words do. Between 60-80% of communication is nonverbal. In case of inconsistency between verbal and nonverbal communication, people always tend to “believe” in the nonverbal, because it is more difficult to hide. A few ideas about the meaning of our behaviours and non verbal language could be the following: Dress style • It is important to dress in an adequate manner, according to the job we apply for, using clean and unbroken clothes. You would not dress the same way if you are going to work in a high fashion clothing store or in a market shop. Hygiene • We refer here to hair and nails hygiene, above all, and of course, body odour. Poor hygiene is easily identified in comparison with excessive hygiene. Shaking hands • The way we shake hands also gives information to the interviewer. It is important to avoid a weak handshake, it could mean lack of energy and decision. A humid hand could also be unpleasant for the interviewer. Facial esxpression • Our facial expression shows our mood, our feelings; it is important that our facial expression matches with what we are saying. Smiling • We must smile at specific times, because it means we are opening the communication channels. Smiling can also communicate a pleasant person’s appearance. Body posture • We must sit correctly, without leaning on the back (it can show lack of interest), or leaning forward (it can show unease and unrest). Hand gestures Obsessions and tics Chewing gum Timeliness 20 • It is convenient to use hand gestures during conversation but gestures should not be excessive. • We must avoid moves that we do when we are nervous like: scratching the nose, touching the hair… These moves can show unease, insecurity and lack of control. • We must never chew gum during an interview. • Try to arrive ahead of schedule so you can relax and show interest. Mobile phone • Switch off your mobile phone before the interview so that you will not be interrupted. Visual contact • The best way to show honesty is to look at the interviewer’s eyes while you are speaking. UT 12 EMPLOYMENT ORIENTATION TuLibrodeFP 2021 D) The critical incident technique This interview technique is used to help identify the specific actions (behaviours), decisions, and information which led a the critical incident. The interviewer prepares a rather structured, deep and detailed interview. The interviewee must describe what he did, said, thought and felt during the specific experience. • The interviewee must narrate the specific actions that took place in the past so that the interviewer can know what happened and how the interviewee felt about it. • An example could be: “Please, tell me about an occasion where you would have done something different or new that could have meant an improvement in your job, department or company”. This question is aimed to evaluate the capacity for innovation. • Sometimes the interviewee gets lost in the answer or gives very general information. Since the interviewer wishes to obtain specific data on what the interviewee did, said, felt and thought, the interviewer can ask questions such as: And what made you reach that point? What did you think in that situation? What was your role? What was the result of it? E) Final recommendations to be valued LOOK SEXISM DURING INTERVIEWS http://www.youtube.com/ watch?freature=player_ embedded&v=n_jJ2ZRBeus Watch this short called “Recursos Humanos”NoTodoFilmFest. a) Do you this also happens in real life? b) Explain the moral that you can learn from this video. Interview tips to improve performance • Show interest in the vacant job. • Show a positive and enthusiastic approach. • Be a good communicator. • Be confident about yourself. • Believe in what you do. • Show maturity. • Be pleasant, try to be nice. • Be tolerant of the tension • Show organization and planning ability. • Show initiative • Have the ability to adapt. • Have teamwork skills. LOOK Did you know that there is a list of best workplaces? www.greatplacestowork.es Activity 10 INTERVIEW SIMULATION Type the following on YouTube: “entrenador de entrevistas de FP”. The link is: (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ymTG9KUsRDE&feature=BFa&list=PLB1ADD71B18AA9A8B). Here you can see 34 extracts of different job interviews and you can observe good and bad examples of: • Greeting • Working experience • Education • Personal information • Vacant job and company • Farewell Watch the video and write down the inadequate behaviours and answers that you see. Subsequently, you will be able to watch how it is done correctly. You can also check this link from Educastur, where you can watch another interview simulation: http://www.educastur.princast.es/fp/hola/simulador/simulador.html Activity 11 THE CRITICAL INCIDENT Think about a complex and difficult situation you have faced which was solved successfully thanks to your contribution. Try to choose an action that refers to your work atmosphere. If you have never worked before, you can use a personal situation. The following questions can help you: What did you do to reach that situation? Who intervened? What did you think in that situation? What was your role? What did you do? What was the outcome? 21 UT 12 EMPLOYMENT ORIENTATION TuLibrodeFP 2021 JOB INTERVIEW QUESTIONS About career training: About professional experience • Why did you decide to pursue studies in….? • How do you think your former experiences have prepared you? It is important to give a chronological and justified answer and avoid answers Do you think you can be engaged in this job without any previous experience? like: “Well, I did not know what to do” or “Because my grades were very low”. Here you can mention that you have a lot of potential, motivation and ilusion for your job. • How have your studies influenced the development of your professional career? • Which job duties did you perform in your former job? • Which subjects and courses interested you the most? Which less? Here you • Which sort of relation did you have with your former boss? What did you can focus on subjects linked to your job. coincide in? • Which subjects were the most difficult? Why? • If you could go back to the past, would you choose the same studies? • Can you remember any problematic situation you had to face? How did you solve it? • Which successes and achievements did you earn in your former company? • It is important to justify your answer, maybe explaining the importance the degree has with regard to the vacant job. • Why did you quit your former job? • Would you be willing to complete your education by taking further courses? Personal questions If the answer is positive, the interviewer will understand that you have interest • Which are your best virtues? in learning and achieving the necessary education that the job post requires. • Which are your worst defects? Do not say you haven’t got any. Try to mention • Do you speak any languages? What is your level? This question is normally positive aspects for the job. verified. It is important to be honest. • How is the relationship with your father/mother/partner/friends? • Were you influenced by anyone when you chose your studies? Honesty is • How do you normally respond to an authority? again crucial. It is good to mention more experienced people. • To what extent do your marks depend on your personal effort? To what extent • How would you define yourself? Talk about you. do they depend on your intelligence? • What are your hobbies? Talk about your hobbies and non professional activities. Persistence and effort are very well valued. • What are the benefits of sport in your life? • Which was the most rewarding experience you had during your education • Why have you got in contact with our company? Take advantage and praise studies? the company: “It is a large company and it is well- known in this sector”. You must show enthusiasm in your answer. • Do you think that you will keep studying? • Why are you interested in this job? • How do you think you can contribute if you do not have any professional experience? • What makes you think you are skilled to fill the position? • What makes you think you are skilled to fill the position? Concerning the job vacancy About wage • Why do you think our company should hire you? It would be good to give • What is the minimum amount of money that covers your current necessities? examples where you solved a problem successfully, or where you showed • How much do you wish to earn? strength. • What do you expect to find in this job? Here you can mention opportunities • Is the financial aspect the most important thing for you? that the company may bring you: “I hope I can have the opportunity to improve Questions you can ask at the end myself”. • Which are the specific tasks of the job vacancy? • What do you think of your former boss? Under no circumstances may we speak negatively about former bosses or work colleagues. • What is expected from me in this job vacancy? • What do you value the most in a job? • What is the current situation on this job vacancy? • Which are the most important challenges or problems that I may find in this job? 22 UT 12 EMPLOYMENT ORIENTATION TuLibrodeFP 2021 9. Personal branding When we are focused on finding a job, we have to bear in mind the importance of distinguishing ourselves from the rest of the candidates. This is why using social networks has become a major pillar. We are in the age 2.0 of CVs. Social networks are crucial when it comes to looking for a job. Using social networks for professional purposes must not be taken lightly. On the contrary, you must establish a plan. Remember that you are transmitting a message, a message of yourself, your OWN professional. That is the reason why the message must not only be professional, but also coherent. You must see yourself as a brand that wants to be sold. This idea is called “personal branding”. We already know that the first thing the HR selection will do, once your CV has arrived, is type your name on Google. Thereafter, the Internet will give you away and all your activity will appear. But before this happens, you should have been proactive and designed a strategy of presence in the social networks: not only on Linkedin, Google+ or Twitter, but also in any professional social networks existing. If you are a computer specialist, enter http://barrapunto.com, or, if you work on foreign trade, try http://www. lacancilleria.com. Having a blog, in some cases, may be very convenient too HOW TO MANAGE YOUR PERSONAL BRANDING To manage your personal branding, you must follow three steps: analysis, strategy and communication. 1. Analysis You must combine three aspects: your talent (what you are good at), what moves you (your motivation), and the possibilities that the labour market offers you. Your talent LOOK “Success in the knowledge economy comes to those who know themselves - their strengths, their values, and how they best perform”. Peter Drucker, professor and writer. DID YOU KNOW THAT...? There are so many books about personal branding, such as: “Annoyomics”, by Risto Mejide; “Are you indispensable?” (¿Eres imprescindible?), by Seth Godin or “Expertología: la ciencia de convertirse en un profesional de referencia”, by Andrés Pérez Ortega. You must be aware of your talents, the aspects you master. You can remember what you were good at back in school, if you were good at Maths, Arts, etc. You can also ask your friends and family, the people who know you: What am I good at? For example, when I was a kid, I used to be good at playing with construction toys and I loved playing outside with my bike. Your motivation Is there anything you can perform easily, with no effort? Anything you could spend hours and hours doing? Be aware of those activities you can do for hours and hours, when you think that time flies. For example: I could spend hours and hours fixing my bike, assembling and disassembling its mechanism and then go out for a ride. What sort of job could combine my talent and my motivation? The market What job posts could fit in it? For example: bike mechanic, bike messenger, professional bicycle rider, biomechanical, etc. 23 UT 12 EMPLOYMENT ORIENTATION TuLibrodeFP 2021 2. Strategy Once you have become aware of yourself, you can map out a strategy. As if you were a new product that is launched to the market: what is your competitive advantage with respect to the other applicants? What skill, ability or competence distinguishes you from the rest of the applicants? Are you an expert in anything? For example: I am an expert in finding the perfect bicycle for each person. Just as every company, you should know: MISSION VISION VALUES GOAL • What do you do? What is your activity? For example: I am an expert in bicycle biomechanics. • Where do you want to go? Where do you want to be? For example: I would like to work in a place where I can implement all my knowledge; where I can help people that like bicycles to get the most out of themselves while they have fun doing sports. • Which are the values related to your mission and vision? What motivates you? For example: my values are: reliability, professionalism, effort, overcoming, teamwork, solidarity, cooperation, helping others. • This is very important. You will have a better performance if you know your goal. For example: my goal is to work as a bicycle biomechanics in a place where cycling is loved. 3. Communication The main idea is that you have to build a general message with the following information: A) Your strengths and distinctive values. Your mission+vision+values+goal. Your interests. Your personal attributes. Your education/experience. B) Your image: image is very important and must match with your message. It must be the same in all social networks/web. It can be changed over time, evolution is positive. Sections A and B could be your CV. C) The target group to which you will send your message. These are the places/areas/public where all your effort and attention will be addressed to while you are looking for a job: for example, bicycle repairment shops that are looking for personalised advice. HOW TO CREATE YOUR PERSONAL BRANDING FÍJATE BERNAT ESCALERA’S BLOG Go to Bernat Escalera’s blog, a FOL teacher: http://bernat551. blogspot.com.es/ Take a look at the networking section. We recommend you the following: 1. “Networking en un evento”. This is a video about how you should prepare to meet people in an event. 2. “Aprendiendo networking en el aula”. This presentation will show you that 80% of the job offers are hidden. This is why it is so important to build a contact network. 3. “Elevator pitch”. This video will help you prepare a 20 second-video about yourself. 24 1. Draft in one sheet, using maximum one page, the following: a) Your talent, your motivation and the existing jobs concerned in the labour market. b) Define a strategy: mission, vision, values and personal goal. c) What is your target group? Which companies could your work for? Or, if you are a freelance, which is your public? Then, draw conclusions from what you have written: a) A sentence that sums up the whole message and means something for you; from that sentence, you can draw your personal slogan, which will be the key words of your bio on your Twitter and Linkedin profiles. b) create your image/photo/logo that fits with the rest. 2. If you haven’t got a Twitter profile, create an account. Go to http://twitter.com 2.1. Follow the accounts you will find on this link: http://laboralnews.blogspot.com.es/2012/09/cuentasde-twitter-que-te-ayudaran.html 2.2. Also follow all professional accounts that you may find interesting. 2.3. You should be active and retweet interesting news or articles concerned with your profile. 3. Create your Linkedin profile. http://linkedin.com. Here you can watch a few videos: (¿linkequé?): http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=ILSFXzADKBA#! And (linkedin basics tutorial in three minutes): https:www.youtube.com/watch?v=D9CrQw12ZfQ. You can also visit www.exprimiendolinkedin.com Remember that Linkedin is a business and employment-oriented service. 3.1. Start contacting people from your professional sector. 3.2. Register as a user in forums or Linkedin debates concerned with your professional profile. 4. How about starting your own blog? It can be your personal page where you communicate your message. You can use either blogger or wordpress. http://blogger.comhttp://es.wordpress.org TuLibrodeFP 2021 UT 12 ORIENTACIÓN LABORAL - ACTIVITIES Activities 1st) THINK ABOUT YOU Think about the following questions and try to give an honest answer to all of them. Remember that there are no good or bad answers. • What is my dream? • Which are my limitations? How can I overcome them? • What is my ideal of the profession I wish to pursue? • Do I like teamwork? • How do I consider criticism? Why? • Do I feel comfortable managing people? • Do I adapt to a group easily? • Am I communicative? Do I express my opinions? • Which has been my greater success so far? And my greater failure? • Can I work under pressure? • I am a creative person? After you have answered these questions, you can have a better idea about your personality, as well as about the things that you might have to improve. 2nd) OUR FORMATION PROCESS Go to the Ministry of Education website http://todofp.es 1. What is the formative itinerary you can follow once you have completed your cycle? 2. Could you enroll in another training cycle? How? 3. Could you pursue a university degree if you studied advanced vocational training? What is the proceeding? 4. When do you think education stops? Argue your answer. 3rd) LABOUR INTEGRATION STATISTICS OF OUR EDUCATIONAL CYCLE You can discover the level of employability of your educational cycle if you go to the following website: www.ines.es/Sociedad/Educación/Encuestadetransicióneducativo-formativaeinserciónlaboral/Inserciónlaboral.empleosignificativoalfinalizarelperiodorealizado.personasconunempleosignificativosegunfamiliaprofesional Did anything attract your attention? 4th) COMANDO ACTUALIDAD: “ARMAS DE MUJER: MECÁNICA”. Go to the following link and watch the video: http://www.rtve.es/alacarta/videos/comando-actualidad/comando-actualidad-armas-de-mujer-mecanica/1047609/ Now answer the following questions: 1. Why does Noelia’s mother believe that men and women do not have equal access to the workforce? 2. What does Noelia’s partner think about women’s access to the workforce? What does he say about his wife? 3. What difficulties does Noelia encounter in terms of lifting weight or wearing security shoes? Can she cope with it? 4. Who gives up work to have children? Why? 5. Do you think there are jobs for men and jobs for women? Argue your answer. 6. Which measures could improve gender equality? 25 UT 12 EMPLOYMENT ORIENTATION - ACTIVITIES TuLibrodeFP 2021 Activities 5th) EVERYTHING HAS ITS PRONS AND CONS ADHOC RESTAURACIÓN, selects candidates for the post of CHEF »Functions of the post: Preparation and elaboration of the daily menu, other dishes of the menu. Applicants must have experience in the kitchen, be effective, multifaceted, organised and be ready to work with a team. »Minimum education level: Catering and Tourism intermediate cycle. »Minimum requirements: Functions will be the following: Preparation and elaboration of the daily menu as well as other dishes of the menu. Applicants must have experience in the kitchen, be effective, multifaceted, organised and be ready to work with a team. Serious, responsible and hard-working person. Age between 25-35. Good appearance, neat and innovative person. Fluent in Spanish and English. We do not accept CVs with old photos. Candidates must live in Gandia or in the surroundings. If the candidate lives far away and is interviewed, he will have to pay for the petrol expenses. It is important to have referrals from other restaurants. Gross wage: 15000-24000€ per year. We offer indefinite contract and full working day. A kitchen cycle student could use the SWOT analysis (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats) and reach some conclusions. For example: • Weaknesses (internal): I haven’t got the age. I do not live in Gandia or surroundings. I haven’t got any referrals. • Strengths (internal): I am fluent in English, I have got experience. • Opportunities (from the environment): Indefinite contract. This sector is less damaged by the crisis. • Threats (from the environment): Sociocultural aspects of the area, crisis, etc. not having a fixed contract, low wage, out of place questions (paying for the petrol in case of interview). In a SWOT analysis, weaknesses and strengths may be more or less clear. But maybe, what is a threat for you could become an opportunity for someone else. Now, try to find a real job offer for you and make a SWOT analysis of it. 6th) EVALUATION OF APPLICATIONS IN SOCIAL NETWORKS: Companies use social networks to select candidates more than we think. Go to the website http://www.puromarketing.com/53/11870/responsablesseleccion-utilizan-redes-sociales-procesos-html and answer the following questions according to the study carried out: a) Do companies use social networks to select candidates? Which ones they use and in which proportion? b) In which stage of the selection process do companies look for the applicant’s information? c) Do companies reject applicants after checking social networks? Why? d) Do companies hire applicants after checking social networks? Why? 7th) THE COVER LETTER: WE KNOCK ON YOUR DOOR Prepare a cover letter for the actual job post in activity 5. Use the cover letter template provided in this unit to help you. Remember that you must include all the paragraphs and ideas of the cover letter and you must adapt it to the job offer you found. Try not to be too general. 8th) The CV: YOUR FIRST IMAGE a) Read the text that you will find in the next activity. It is called “Do I have to be honest in my CV?”. After, create your own CV following the European Union’s format or… your own creative instinct. Remember that you can find the EU official format on Europass. b) Which three main ideas can you draw from the text? c) Explain the advice that the author gives in order to avoid working gaps and periods of inactivity. 26 TuLibrodeFP 2021 UT 12 ORIENTACIÓN LABORAL - ACTIVITIES Activities DO I HAVE TO BE HONEST IN MY CV? You can catch the liar before the cripple. It is convenient not to lie about your work life, because the chance to achieve a post job can vanish. But telling the truth does not mean we must tell everything. We can separate some information that is irrelevant or inadequate for the job post. The information you provide in your CV must be true by all means. But you must not say everything. Julie Gray explains in her book “Get a Job with the Right CV” that “there are things in your CV that you do not have to include, it is your right not to include them. This is not lying. It is being selective with the information you provide in order to present yourself as best as you can”. You do not have to confess why you quitted your job or why you have not worked for two years. You do not have to invent hobbies in line with the job offer. Lies in your CV can cause you trouble rather than opportunities. “Lying in your CV is considered as a serious misconduct by most of the companies and can lead to dismissal, even if you are discovered many years after working for a company”, Gray says. For example, a former CEO of Yahoo resigned from her job after falsifying his academic background. Also, Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg resigned from his post as Minister of Defense. Zu Guttenberg had plagiarized his doctoral thesis. As we can see, lies are never good. On a small scale, telling that your English level is high, that you have spent six months as a backpacker in Vietnam or overstate an international experience could have a terrible effect. The recruit agent may be fluent in English, know East Asia very well or contact the international company you worked for. Omission is the key. Some aspects can be camouflaged. These are Gray’s 10 tips: 1. Refine the difficult parts, do not lie about them. 2. Every problem has a story, write it in a positive way. 3. Improve your professional career with an honest version. 4. Create a CV in line with the reality. 5. Focus on positive aspects. 6. Talk about things so that you are understood but keep discretion. 7. Your explanations must be natural so that the CV can seem honest. 8. The honest version can be adopted in any section of the professional career. 9. If you omit anything, write the story and argue it. 10. Preparing your CV will help you to prepare the interviews. Be careful with the labour gaps »Your CV can show periods of inactivity. This is something normal. The author gives two tips to divert the attention. You can mention only the year you have worked (and not the months), or you can also change the CV format: knowledge is placed before work history and dates. »Another suggestion to explain these periods of inactivity is to focus on the positive aspect or it. For example, you can explain what you did and how it was beneficial for you. You were not working, but you were improving your education, your background, etc. »Your CV is not the best place to explain the reasons why you quitted your previous job. That is something you can discuss during the interview. Your CV is neither a place to criticize your former boss, work colleagues, etc. Remember: diplomacy is the key. Source: Expansión, 26-06-2012. B.Elías. 27 UT 12 EMPLOYMENT ORIENTATION - ACTIVITIES TuLibrodeFP 2021 Activities 9th) NOT EVERYONE HAS TO LOVE YOUR PERSONAL BRANDING Personal branding has always existed, even before the digital age. “Personal branding is the impact a person leaves in its environment. Thus, any friend, grandfather, teacher or idol that has left his impact, his personal banding, just as we leave our own on each person we engage with” states Andrés Pérez Ortega, an expert in personal branding, author of many books about personal branding and professor at several schools of business. Donald Trump’s personal branding is very strong: his hairstyle is recognized immediately. Also, his grandiloquent message makes him stand out. William Arruda, a personal branding consultant, points out that his personal branding works because Trump always attacks certain groups of people, and his image and message are clear, although many are against them: “Strong personal brandings are loved and hated. If you want to be loved all the time, you will not achieve anything in the end. Trump has found some people that follow him and divulge his message in his name”. According to Arruda: “If a profile shows qualifications but lacks experience, it only tells but does not show”. Furthermore, when searching for an applicant on Google, photos should appear. The Internet is an impersonal place, and pictures, videos and multimedia items make people real. Videos normally appear in the first place and that creates an emotional connection”. He also points out that personal branding means becoming famous selectively: “Even if you only have 500 followers on Twitter, you must make sure that there are the correct ones”. Mel Carson, who is an expert on personal branding from Seattle, believes that the problem is that everyone thinks that the most important thing to do is to promote oneself: “It is also important to connect with people, learn how to listen and show by means of experience our authenticity and reliance”. Sources: Financial Times 29-01-2016, La Vanguardia 27-05-2015. a) Who has left an impact on you? What competences, attributes and values has this person got? b) If you do not know him, look for Donald Trump. What is his impact? Do you think it is effective? c) What is the importance of images? d) What is your personal opinion about the text and about personal branding on the net? 10th) THEY DID NOT KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT TECHNOLOGY BUT ENDED UP WORKING FOR GOOGLE Until a few years ago, estimating how many ping pong balls could fit in a double-decker bus was one of the logic tests that applicants had to solve in situ during an interview. The aim was to analyze the ability to succeed before an unknown problem. Today, this test, known as “General Cognitive Ability”, is still part of the process, but now, as states Javier Martín (Ceo of HR in Google Spain), it is more focused on the business world. “We do not look for an exact answer, but want to see how the applicant thinks and his ability to identify variables”. People interested in joining in Google should know that it is not necessary to be an expert in technology. “Many graduates do not submit their applications due to uncertain preconceived ideas. We do not only hire computer engineers or technology freaks”, adds Javier Martín. You do not join in Google by sending your CV or calling insistently. You can apply for any vacancy that you may find on the web Google Careers. There, you can also make a personalised search and filter by city or department. In addition to the hammocks installation provided for resting, the foosball tables and the free food anytime of the day, in Google it is possible to take a three-month stay in any of its 70 international headquarters located in 40 countries or request a transfer. In 2015, 10% of the staff chose that option: “We encourage our employees to change their roles and to be able to achieve this, they are constantly training. Each employee receives at least ten-hour courses per month”, points out Martín. THE FOUR PERSONAL INTERVIEWS TO JOIN IN GOOGLE Applicants must check the current job opportunities published on Google Careers and submit their applications. In case your professional profile matches the vacancy, the first selection is made by means of a phone call in English. If the applicant succeeds, he goes on to the next stage. Googleyness: Is a set of qualities such as fun, intellectual humility, conscientiousness, ability to work in teams or self-education, among others. General Cognitive Ability: It is a test with different challenges and vulnerabilities about the business world to analyze the ability to reason and understand logic arguments. Leadership: People who can step to leadership roles, but also know when to step back once the need for their skills have passed. Role-related knowledge: People who have the experience and background for the specific job they are applying for. According to Javier Martín, this is the least important interview. Source: El País, 4-4-2016. a) What do Google recruit agents intend to do with these tests? b) Is training important in Google? c) Point out the competencies and abilities that Google uses to determine who gets hired. d) Which is the technique used to determine whether the applicant has got leadership? What have we mentioned about leadership in this unit? 28 TuLibrodeFP 2021 UT 12 ORIENTACIÓN LABORAL - ACTIVITIES Activities 11th) 5 TIPS TO CHOOSE A UNIVERSITY DEGREE Am I ready to decide what I want to do for the rest of my life? Antoni Badia, psychology teacher at Universitat Oberta, recommends students to ask themselves a more pragmatic question: What do I wish to study for the next four years? “We live in a continuous learning society; deciding at 18 what you want to do for the rest of your life does not adjust to reality. Everything can be redirected and nothing is irreversible”, Badia defends. According to Badia, it is important to remove stress and pressure about a possible failure when one is choosing a university degree. The most important thing to do is to think about what we want to do, what we really like and find information about traditional and new professions related to one’s interests. Badia recommends us to follow these steps: 1. Revise in detail the degree subjects. Bachillerato students normally know which subjects they have liked the most during their last two years. They take those subjects as a reference. Check that you are interested in at least 50% of the degree subjects. 2. Choose an area where you are good at. If you were not very good at Maths, it may not be a good idea to study aeronautical engineering. 3. Think about the lifestyle that you want. Badia believes that students should wonder: How do I see myself in 20 years’ time? This question could help them find out the lifestyle they want to live. Some youngsters prefer to work in an office and follow a daily routine, others see themselves as entrepreneurs, or travelling around the world. It is also advisable to consider job prospects. Will I be able to earn a living by doing what I like? 4. Do not take the decision alone. Although students must take the final decision, parents and counselors should be sure that it is a mature decision. The key is to handle big amounts of information. “If the student is hesitating between three different degrees that he has examined in depth, it is a good sign, but if the student is hesitating because he does not know what to do at all, where to start from, it is a problem”, Badia states. In that case, Badia recommends talking to as many people as possible. 5. Decisions are not irreversible. You might decide something at 18 but could change your path at 40. “Get away from stress and relax. Even if you decide to stop studying for some time, society has got mechanisms and resources for people to keep training along their life”, Badia suggests. Source: El País, 11-6-2015. QUESTIONS: Have you ever thought about studying a university degree? If so, find the subjects and check whether you like, at least, 50% of them. 2) If you have not thought about any degree, think about the subjects you like and the degrees that could fit you. 3) How do you see yourself when you turn 40? Describe the tasks that you would like to do. 4) In groups of four people: Give your opinion on the degree you think it fits each of you. 5) Think about the difficulties you are encountering in your formative itinerary and how you are solving them. 12th) “SPAIN IS LEADING EARLY SCHOOL LEAVING (ESL) IN EUROPE”. 23.5% of students quit studying after ESO or without graduating. The percentage has dropped by eight points but other countries have done better In 2013, the rate of ESL in Spain was the highest of the whole EU. ESL is defined as the percentage of the population aged 18-24 with at most the lower secondary education certificate and not in further education or training programmes of Bachillerato or intermediate vocational education and training cycles. According to Eurostat (the European statistical office), last year 23.5% of students abandoned their studies prematurely, a number twice as high as the EU average, which is 11.9%. The paradox is that 2013 remains our best historic fact: ESL started a decreasing tendency 10 years ago. Rates have come down to 1.5 point compared to last year and to 8 points compared to 10 years ago. But in the meantime, the rest of the EU countries have done better. Spain already led the ESL statistic in 2011 and 2012, after Portugal and Malta ranked top of the list before. But now these two countries have got better results. “The evolution in Spain is slow. Labour market is now less appealing for unqualified youngsters, above all, because of the crash of the real estate sector, and the stagnation of tourism”, declares Mariano Fernández Enguita, professor of Sociology at the Complutense University. Experts link the slow fall with the crisis - from 2008 ESL started to diminish- and with the lack of job opportunities among the youngsters. Thus, since there is a lack of job opportunities for them, youngsters prefer to stay at school. And it will increase in the same way it has fallen. “When the economic situation improves, ESL rates will increase again, since not enough measures are being taken”, claims Miguel Recio, head of the CCOO economic bureau. Recio conducted a study which concluded that leaving education at age 19 is irreversible. Source: El País, 124-2015, Elsa García de Blas. a) What is ESL considered? b) Which is the percentage of students that do not study after ESO in 2013? Which is the european average? Which 2 countries have overtaken us? c) Why did ESL percentage diminish during the crisis? What will happen when the economy recovers? d) What do you think about the data and opinions of this article? Do you agree? Do they surprise you? Do you think we need more education? 29 UT 12 EMPLOYMENT ORIENTATION - ACTIVITIES TuLibrodeFP 2021 Activities 13th) BEHAVIOUR DURING THE INTERVIEW Are the following sentences true or false? Explain why. • You don’t have to know your CV by heart; the interviewer has got a copy of it. • Gestures and gaze are not so important. What matters is the CV. • It is advisable to arrive 30 minutes in advance, just in case. • Ask about the aims of the company as well as about your direct supervisor. • Tell you are a hard-working person. In your previous job, your colleagues didn’t work, but you did. • It is important to get informed about the company you are going to work for. • Accept any wage or don’t ask about it until you are already working. • Say that you are perfectly skilled for the job offered. 14th) INTERVIEWS IN GROUPS We set groups of three people; choose a job offer related to your professional profile. We will divide the roles: interviewer, interviewee and observer. The latter one will analyze the verbal and nonverbal communication of the interviewee. The interviewer prepares the interview and can also use some of the questions from this unit, you can also use the Critical Incident Technique. Some of the basic questions could be: why do you wish to work for our company? Which are your virtues and defects when it comes to work? Which tasks do you think you are good at? Why do you think you should be hired? a) Finally, we will analyze the activity in common. b) How did you feel performing the different roles? c) Which have been the most difficult questions to answer? d) How can we improve our performance during the interview? e) Do you think interviews are similar to this dramatisation? Explain why. 15th) DATABASES Job hunting can be a long process and we might have to devote ourselves to it for many hours a day. That is why it is good to be organized. To achieve this, we can design our own database in a simple way. We can use any worksheet. This sheet will have as many tabs as we wish. For example, in sheet number 1 we will click on the right button and change the name for “SEPE or INEM”; in this sheet we will enter all data concerned with SEPE or INEM. If we make an interview we can register our opinion. It could be designed as follows: Tab 1: SEPE or INEM: link to the website, address and phone number, interesting job posts. Tab 2: Webs: links to websites like Linkedin, Xing, Infojobs, Trabajar, Eures, Infoempleo, Laboris, Monster, etc. Tab 3: Sector companies: links to our sector companies. We can find them on the Chamber of Commerce or in websites like http://informacionempresas.com/ Tab 4: Temporary agencies (ETT) and consulting firms: Adecco, Manpower, Randstad, etc. You can find more temporary agencies in http:// www,empleo.gob.es/es/sec-trabajo/debes_saber/ett-OIA/ Tab 5: Press: Job offers that we may find on the newspaper. Tab 6: Personal relationships: We will enter personal data about our contact people. 16th) I AM SURPRISED THAT… I WONDER IF… Write a paragraph about what we have studied in this unit. Try to use one or both of the sentences above (“I am surprised that….”, “I wonder if…”). 30