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TEAM: 2022-4
Roy Yatich
Goldy Achieng
Madaraka Giyabe
UNIVERSITY: Turkana university college
SUPERVISOR: Jeremiah Onunga
TEAM MENTOR: Richard Atwal
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ......................................................................................................................................... iii
CHAPTER ONE ....................................................................................................................................................... 1
INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................................................. 1
Background ................................................................................................................................................... 1
Problem statements ..................................................................................................................................... 1
Project preview ............................................................................................................................................. 2
Objectives ..................................................................................................................................................... 2
Significance of the proposal .......................................................................................................................... 2
CHAPTER TWO ...................................................................................................................................................... 4
LITERATURE REVIEW ......................................................................................................................................... 4
CHAPTER THREE .................................................................................................................................................... 7
METHODOLOGY ................................................................................................................................................ 7
Design and Development .............................................................................................................................. 7
Installation .................................................................................................................................................... 7
Testing and Calibration ................................................................................................................................. 7
Launch and Support of the project ............................................................................................................... 7
CHAPTER FOUR ................................................................................................................................................... 10
Introduction .................................................................................................................................................... 10
EXPECTED OUTCOME ................................................................................................................................. 10
IMPACTS...................................................................................................................................................... 10
Scalability .................................................................................................................................................... 11
Affordability ............................................................................................................................................... 12
Expansion Potential Of The Project ............................................................................................................ 12
Market Analysis and Profitability projection of the system........................................................................ 12
Marketing .................................................................................................................................................... 12
Revenue model ........................................................................................................................................... 13
APPENDIX ............................................................................................................................................................ 14
CONCLUSION................................................................................................................................................... 15
Reference ............................................................................................................................................................ 16
We express our gratitude to the Efficiency For Access Design Challenge for
giving us this platform to express our ideas and solving day to day challenges in
our communities.
We are very thankful to our supervisor Jeremiah Onunga who has guided given us
support as team.
Thankful to our team mentor Richard Atwal for mentorship throughout the
process. We are very grateful.
This proposal outlines a project to develop a solar-powered greenhouses using
direct current for irrigation and spraying of chemicals designed to provide optimal
growth conditions for plants. The system will consist of a custom-designed pump
and tank, sensors for monitoring temperature, humidity, and soil moisture levels,
and a solar panel power system to provide sustainable energy.
The project aims to promote sustainable agriculture practices and reduce the
environmental impact of traditional farming methods. By optimizing plant growth
conditions and reducing labor and water costs associated with traditional
agriculture practices, the system will provide a cost-effective and environmentally
friendly solution for farmers.
The project plan includes designing and building the custom pump and tank
system, installing the sensors and solar panel power system, constructing the DC
greenhouse, conducting a trial period, and launching the project with ongoing
monitoring and support.
Our budget for this project is $1499.2, and our team consists of members who are
committed to promoting sustainable agriculture practices and reducing the
environmental impact of traditional farming methods.
The success of the project will be evaluated by monitoring the growth and yield of
plants using the solar-powered DC greenhouse compared to traditional agriculture
practices and measuring the impact on labor and water costs. Our goal is to
promote the adoption of sustainable agriculture practices in the local community
and reduce the environmental impact of traditional farming methods.
Our project will be based in Naivasha Kenya where traditional farming using
greenhouse is famous. And recently affected by change in climate.
The agriculture industry has been facing significant challenges in recent years,
including rising labor and water costs and the increasing need to reduce the
environmental impact of traditional farming methods.
In response to these challenges, sustainable agriculture practices have become
increasingly popular. These practices aim to provide a cost-effective and
environmentally friendly solution for farmers by optimizing plant growth
conditions and reducing labor and water costs associated with traditional
agriculture practices.
Problem statements
Conventional agricultural practices rely heavily on non-renewable resources, such
as fossil fuels and grid electricity, to power irrigation and other farming activities.
This approach is unsustainable and contributes to environmental degradation, such
as air and water pollution, soil erosion, and greenhouse gas emissions.
Additionally, conventional farming practices are often labor-intensive and may
require significant human involvement, increasing the risk of exposure to harmful
chemicals and other hazards this is evident in Kenya mostly in Rift Valley regions
of Kenya.
To address these challenges, there is a need for more sustainable and efficient
farming practices that minimize environmental impact, reduce dependence on nonrenewable resources, and improve safety for farmers and workers. The use of
solar-powered greenhouses has emerged as a promising solution to these
challenges, providing an alternative source of clean and renewable energy to power
various greenhouse operations.
However, there is a lack of affordable and accessible solar-powered greenhouse
technology available in many regions, limiting the adoption of this sustainable
farming practice. This project aims to design and implement a solar-powered
greenhouse that addresses the limitations of conventional farming practices and
provides a sustainable, safe, and cost-effective solution for farmers to grow crops
using renewable energy
Project preview
This project proposes to develop a solar powered greenhouse for spraying
chemicals and irrigation of the plants and maintaining of optimal conditions of the
greenhouse by adoption of sensors in the greenhouse that control fans for better air
circulation thus removing dampness in the greenhouse .
The abundant solar energy in the area allows for the utilization of solar panels to
provide clean energy for powering of the design components.
The system will consist of tank that we will design to be used for chemical mixing,
tank for storage of water for irrigation, soil moisture sensor, temperature and
sensors for humidity sensors and fans.
 To improve crop yield through well developed irrigation and spraying
system for farmers in Kenya.
 To provide technical support to local farmers and stakeholders in ministry of
agriculture in Kenya.
 Develop a sustainable agriculture system that reduces the environmental
impact of traditional farming methods.
 Optimize plant growth conditions by providing consistent irrigation and
chemical spraying through a solar-powered greenhouse.
 Reduce labor and water costs associated with traditional agriculture practices
such as manual spraying which involves wastage of a lot of water.
 Promote the adoption of sustainable agricultural practices in the local
 To utilize the available solar energy in the area.
Significance of the proposal
 It addresses the pressing need for sustainable agriculture practices that
conserve natural resources and minimize environmental impact in
Kenyan rural areas.
 It provides a solution to the challenge of optimizing crop growth in
areas with limited access to electricity and water resources example of
Kenyan valleys and highlands where the terrain is bad and electricity
is not available.
 It contributes to the development of innovative technologies that
support sustainable development and environmental protection
 The project will also promote the adoption of sustainable agricultural
practices in the local community, contributing to a more sustainable
future for agriculture.
Sustainable agriculture practices have become increasingly popular in recent years,
as traditional farming methods have become more costly and have had a greater
impact on the environment.
These practices aim to provide a cost-effective and environmentally friendly
solution for farmers by optimizing plant growth conditions and reducing labor and
water costs associated with traditional agriculture practices and overcoming the
climate crisis which has led to reduced farming practices due to irregular rain
patterns in most of the areas in Africa example of Naivasha and other parts of
Kenya and its environs.
Some sustainable agriculture practices include crop rotation, conservation tillage,
cover crops, and integrated pest management.
Solar-powered greenhouse for irrigation and spraying of chemicals is an
innovative solution that can provide consistent irrigation and chemical spraying
while reducing the environmental impact of traditional agriculture practices. These
greenhouses use solar panels to power a custom-designed pump and tank system,
providing sustainable energy to the system. The use of sensors for monitoring
temperature, humidity, and soil moisture levels provides optimal growth conditions
for plants, and reduces water usage.
The sensors and other greenhouse systems are integrated in such a way that they all
work depending on the input by the sensors thus resulting into a controlled process
which in turn maintains optimum conditions in the greenhouse.
Benefits of the project
Solar-powered greenhouse for irrigation and spraying of chemicals is an innovative
solution that can provide consistent irrigation and chemical spraying while
reducing the environmental impact of traditional agriculture practices.
It will provide Kenyan farmers with all year round growing of crops and varieties
eliminating the issues of food and drought among its communities.
These greenhouses use solar panels to power a custom-designed pump and tank
system, providing sustainable energy to the system.
The use of sensors for monitoring temperature, humidity, and soil moisture levels
provides optimal growth conditions for plants, and reduces water usage by
integrating with the tank and pump system.
The system uses a condition-action phenomenon.
Limitations of the project
 The initial investment required to install a solar-powered greenhouse can be
high. The cost of solar panels, batteries, and other equipment can make the
upfront investment prohibitive for some farmers or small-scale operators.
 Solar panels generate power only during daylight hours, and their efficiency
is reduced on cloudy days. This limits the amount of power available to
operate the greenhouse equipment, such as pumps, fans, and sensors.
 Solar-powered greenhouses rely on multiple pieces of equipment, including
solar panels, batteries, pumps, and sensors. Any failure or malfunction of
these components can result in a loss of power, affecting plant growth and
 Solar-powered greenhouses rely solely on sunlight to generate power, which
means they may not be suitable for regions with limited sunlight or where
sunlight is inconsistent.
 In places where heating is required it will be difficult for the system to work
due to limitation by solar panel efficiency which requires a lot of them to
provide enough power.
 Terrain in some Kenya parts does not allow the construction of greenhouses
and thus limits the project application.
In this chapter we will discuss the methodology that we will use to design and
implement the project.
Design and Development
The first step in our methodology will be to design and develop the custom pump
and tank system, as well as the sensors and solar panel power system. We will
work as team to ensure that the system is designed to provide optimal growth
conditions for plants, while also being sustainable and cost-effective.
The design will also need to consider local weather conditions including the solar
insolation for the power generation and the types of crops that will be grown but
this will depend on the customer where we will design a system which is
accommodative to all plants.
We will work as a team to construct and install the custom pump and tank system,
sensors, and solar panel power system. During this phase, we will also ensure that
the greenhouse is properly insulated and ventilated to provide optimal growing
conditions for plants as addition work for the better working of the system and
exploring their potential and maintaining the efficiency.
Testing and Calibration
After the installation, we will conduct a testing and calibration phase. During this
phase, we will monitor the system's performance and adjust the sensors and pump
and tank system as needed to ensure that they are providing optimal growth
conditions for plants. We will also ensure that the system is properly calibrated to
account for changes in weather conditions and the types of crops that are being
grown in the greenhouse.
Launch and Support of the project
After the testing and calibration complete, we will launch the system and provide
ongoing support and monitoring. We will work with local farmers to ensure that
they understand how to use and maintain the system, and we will provide ongoing
technical support and maintenance as needed and troubleshooting of the sensors if
need arise to do so due to failure to give correct output and communicate well with
other components of the system.
Sample of a greenhouse to be used for the design of the systems.
A 2D AutoCAD sketch of the system.
Solar panel provides power to the charge controller, which regulates the amount of
energy that is stored in the battery bank. The water pump controller receives power
from the battery bank and controls the water pumps in the greenhouse.
The humidity sensor and temperature sensor measure the humidity and temperature
The automated irrigation controller(pump controller) receives data from the
humidity sensor and the temperature sensor and determines the appropriate amount
of water to deliver to the plants. The temperature and humidity sensors also relay
their data to fans controller which turns on and off the fans.
The connection between the sensors and pumps allows for coordinated and
efficient communication, ensuring that the plants receive optimal conditions for
In this chapter we will look at the expected outcome and the impacts of the
Our proposal will provide a number of benefits and outcomes, including:
 Improved plant growth and crop yields due to optimal growing conditions
provided by the custom pump and tank system and sensors.
 Reduced costs and increased sustainability due to the use of solar panel
power, which eliminates the need for traditional electricity sources.
 Reduced water usage due to the efficient irrigation system, which is powered
by the custom pump and tank system.
 Reduced chemical usage due to the efficient spraying system, which is also
powered by the custom pump and tank system.
 Increased profitability and economic benefits for local farmers due to
improved crop yields and reduced costs.
 Increased adoption of sustainable agricultural practices
 Improved food security and access to fresh, locally grown produce.
 Reduced environmental impact due to reduced water and chemical usage
and increased sustainability.
 Increased economic opportunities for local farmers due to improved crop
yields and profitability.
 Improved quality of life for local communities due to increased access to
fresh produce
SDGs fulfilment by the proposal
SDG 2: Zero Hunger - Our project can help address food insecurity by promoting
sustainable and efficient farming practices that increase crop yields and reduce the
dependence on non-renewable resources.
SDG 7: Affordable and Clean Energy -Our project uses solar energy to power
greenhouse operations, which can help increase access to affordable and clean
energy sources, especially in regions where electricity is not readily available.
SDG 9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure - Our project involves designing
and implementing innovative and sustainable farming practices that improve
infrastructure and promote sustainable economic growth.
SDG 12: Responsible Consumption and Production - Our project promotes
sustainable consumption and production practices by reducing the dependence on
non-renewable resources and minimizing environmental impact.
SDG 13: Climate Action - Our project helps address climate change by reducing
greenhouse gas emissions associated with conventional farming practices and
promoting the use of renewable energy.
Our proposed project aligns with several SDGs and can contribute to sustainable
development and the achievement of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable
Due to demand of fresh produce currently and also in the future our proposal will
gain demand due to its ability to produce fresh produce at any given time of the
The cost of development will be a bit higher but will not much affect the project,
after the development, scaling up of the setup will be cheap and easy due to
familiarity of the design by the local farmers and the users of the design.
The scale up of the project also will determine number of personnel and this will
also increase the employment of the operators.
Due to availability of the materials in local markets, the project will be a bit
affordable and also we will team up with the local agriculture ministry to
subsidies’ the project.
Expansion Potential Of The Project
Currently global warming is rising and rain patterns have become unpredictable
resulting into food crisis among the developing countries.
Due to that there is need to adopt sustainable agricultural practices such as one we
are proposing, this will therefore result to the increase in its adoption in various
Also in Kenya Naivasha region there are many traditional greenhouses which are
not automated and thus an expansion potential of the project.
Market Analysis and Profitability projection of the system
In Kenya currently the farmers need ways in which they can do away with the slow
and less productive form of farming since the profit of the practice is less and this
also leads to short of certain varieties of produce in the market.
For companies which produce flowers for export they are making less profit due to
energy use which is very expensive and also manual spraying that require a lot of
workers to do the work and this reduces efficiency due to fatigue or tiredness of the
workers who may forget to spray the plant as require for maximum growth.
Our product will try to solve the above problems resulting into more productive
form of agriculture solving food crisis in the country.
Our market target are the small, medium and large scale farmers in the country,
also agribusiness, agricultural research institutions who will use the product to
nature the seedling and also study their maximum potentials. Not to forget the
Since we have identified our potential customers, for the product to reach to them,
will use appropriate and most effective ways they include:
Small scale farmers in the remote areas we will use Radio broadcast to sell our
product and explain vividly what are the potentials of our product.
We will also use television stations and magazines for farmers who use the media
to get information also social media platforms example the twitter, facebook etc.
Large scale farming companies mostly prefer to organize agricultural shows trips
and therefore we will make sure we have utilized the platform to reach them and
advertise our product potential and benefits.
For this, we will reach approximately 90% of farmers.
Revenue model
Cost of the product will reduce depending on the demand, that is since we expect
to reach 90% of farmers ,our product production will be high and equipments will
be cheap due to bulk purchase and therefore we will reduce the cost for
affordability to our customers while we maintain the profit of the product.
The mode of payment of the product will be in two types , but it will depend on the
customers ability. We will negotiate terms with our customers making it friendly
and affordable to each party.
We will adopt the mode of PayAsYouGo method of payment whereby we will
expect our customers to pay monthly.
The product full cost will $1499.2 plus the installation cost and therefore first
installation of the cost will be a quarter of the total cost that is;
For every month we expect payment of $100 for 15 months giving;
$100*15=$1500 this will be profitable due to the time taken.
Maintenance cost will be different from the overall cost but to be customer friendly
we will offer a free maintenance at first one month.
Compared to traditional greenhouse:
Labor cost per month =3personnel * $1.9 per day * 30days =$171
Electricity bill=$72.42
Total per month = $171+$72.42 =$243.42
Therefore our system will help the farmer save a lot which is also used to for other
greenhouse projects example expanding and benefit to both parties.
The proposal budget
Item Description
Link to item/quote where
Quantity Unit
Solar panel
Temperature sensor
Soil Moisture sensor
CO2 sensor
Submersible pump
Surface pump
Charge controller
Electrical wiring cables
Pv cables
https://www.jumia.co.ke/g 3
https://www.jumia.co.ke/g 1
Pipes for the piping system
Pipe union
https://copia.co.ke/produc 2
https://copia.co.ke/produc 24
In conclusion, this proposal outlines the design and implementation of a solarpowered greenhouse for efficient and sustainable crop cultivation. The project aims
to address the challenges faced by traditional greenhouse farming, such as high
energy consumption and high maintenance costs, while also promoting sustainable
agriculture and contributing to the achievement of the United Nations Sustainable
Development Goals.
The solar-powered greenhouse will be equipped with fans, sensors and pumps that
enable optimal conditions for plant growth while minimizing energy consumption
and reducing the environmental impact of traditional farming. The automatic
spraying and irrigation reduces labor costs which are in turn channeled to other
important part of the system.
The project is financially feasible and offers a scalable solution that can be
expanded as needed to meet growing demand. The proposed project aligns with the
United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, particularly goals 2 (zero hunger),
7 (affordable and clean energy), 9 (industry, innovation, and infrastructure), 12
(responsible consumption and production), and 13 (climate action).
In summary, the proposed solar-powered greenhouse has the potential to
revolutionize agriculture, promoting sustainable farming practices and contributing
to global efforts towards a more sustainable future.
Advances in Renewable Energy and Sustainable Systems by
Sandip A. Kale
Solar Greenhouses: Underground. Build A Year-Round, Earth-Sheltered Garden!
Geery, Daniel
Published by TAB Books Inc. 1982., 1982
ISBN 10: 0830612726ISBN 13: 9780830612727
Solar Greenhouses for Food Production: The Earthscan Expert Handbook of
Planning, Design and Construction by James C. McCullagh