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Philippine Folk Dance History & Objectives

NIRO, Irish Paulene M.
BSN 2-1
10:30 AM - 12:30 PM, Wednesday
November 15, 2023
Activity 1
Philippine Folk Dances
1. Relay a short history of the Philippine Folk Dances. (3 period)
As a means to celebrate their harvest or
hunt, pre-colonial dances are clearly
intended to please the Gods and solicit
blessings from spirits. Their dancing
mirrored life forms and communal tales.
Furthermore, these dances were
ceremonial in character, since they
communicated rites of passage,
communal stories, and history.
Their tribal and ritual dances existed
before the arrival of Christianity and
Islam in the nation. These Filipinos kept
their traditional dances, which were
mostly performed for the gods and
goddesses, as well as for nature.
The more than 300-year Spanish
occupation of the Philippines had a
significant impact on Philippine folk
dancing. When the Spanish introduced
Christianity to the nation, the religion
mirrored the majority of the stories and
performances of Filipino folk dances.
Apart from wearing Spanish-style
clothing that had been somewhat
changed with Filipino components,
these dances also reflected the
Filipinos' daily difficulties under Spanish
Before the Spaniards arrived, Filipinos
had their own set of music and dances;
dances were performed for a variety of
reasons, from weddings to religious
feasts, and even to prepare for or
celebrate war. As the Spanish
colonizers realized the importance of
these dances for Filipinos, dancing was
used as a relevant social activity. The
rigodon, Virginia, and lanceros were
among the first dances they offered;
they were dances performed for the
upper class and special fiestas.
In 1898, Americans brought their own
commercial and global culture, which
affected the Filipinos. Those who were
interested in dancing were mostly
drawn to the more Black-influenced
rituals of dance and music. With these
Filipino dancers who were already
familiar with the zarzuela (sarswela), a
Spanish form of stage performance that
included singing, dancing, and musical
comedy, they became more interested
in the American vaudeville (bodabil) or
"stage show," which included both
theatrical and circus acts and was more
reminiscent of Broadway musicals.
2. What is Philippine Folk Dances?
The oldest form of dance and the earliest form of communication. Philippine Folk Dance is
the Traditional dance of a given country which evolved naturally and spontaneously with everyday
activities. It is handed down from generation to generation. It has more or less a fixed movement in
its pattern but may differ in various areas or provinces. Folk dance is a powerful and long-lasting
indigenous expression in the Philippines. The history of Philippine folk dancing contains influences
from immigrants and conquerors while remaining distinctly Filipino. Philippine folk dancing is a real
portrayal of daily living in previous ages, while also dazzling current audiences. They celebrate daily
life, health and peace, war and harvest, and other facets of life. Because they are rites for social and
spiritual expression, Philippine folk dances mimic nature and life.
3. Give the objectives of Philippine Folk Dance.
● to instill patriotism and nationalism in our students via the study of our dances
● to increase respect for Philippine music and traditional dancing
● To give a beneficial type of relaxation and pleasure via dancing
● To enhance posture by developing an elegant and rhythmic synchronization of body motions.
● Folk dances and music specific to the many regions of the Philippines are being preserved
for posterity.
● to demonstrate the growth of Filipino culture through the evolution of Philippine dances
4. What are the characteristics of our Philippine Folk Dance that we have to follow?
● In general, dancers have their own positions and usually apart from each other
● There is little, if any bodily contact
● Most of the dancers are done in pairs or couple
● Hand movements play an important part
● Most dances are in long formation
● Most dances begin and end with “Saludo”
● Dances from the lowlands have more foreign elements than those found in the uplands
● War dances are found among non-Christian tribes.