Uploaded by Kwaku Ofosu-Asare Jr

Mobile Phones in School: Cherished or Trashed?

Name: Kwaku Ofosu – Asare Jr.
Class: 9 B (Dandelion)
Question: In four paragraphs, write a discussive text on the uses of mobile phones in school.
Instruction: Type, 1.5 spacing, font size:12 font: Times new roman, Print it out
To some, some kids can handle the multitasking that using phones in school would require; for
others, the smartphone is always a distraction. Even the visible presence of a phone pulls
students and many adults-away from their focus. Some kids can "switch" attention between the
phone as an entertainment device and as a learning tool; for others, the phone's academic
potential is ignored. This essay's purpose is to highlight the two sides on the issue of whether or
not smartphones are a good thing for schools.
To begin with, smartphones are equipped with calculators, a plethora of apps, the internet, and
researching tools. Showing students how to use their cellphones to seek out information and
educate themselves is a great lesson to promote. Research suggests that students are using social
networks to find answers to questions that they do not understand or know. A cellphone can also
become part of the learning process when teachers use it to encourage students to complete
research tasks. Being able to locate specific information items is becoming a component of many
job responsibilities today. With a cellphone, teachers can tell students to look up a specific video
and watch it at their desk or table. Then the teacher can talk about the concepts presented on that
video as part of the learning experience. Students today are exposed to multiple forms of content
every day. Visual learning makes it possible to cellphone, teachers can tell students to look up a
specific video and watch it at their desk or table. Then the teacher can talk about the concepts
presented on that video as part of the learning experience. Students today are exposed to multiple
forms of content every day. Visual learning makes it possible to keep copious amounts of
information in a short attention period. It also gives students a chance to experience lessons from
a perspective different from their own or from their teacher.
Secondly, cell phones can be a helpful learning tool in class, but they can also be used by
students to access information while taking a test, leading to cheating. Even if a student is not
caught, this can lead to him or her having a poor understanding of the material in the future, and
is unfair to students who studied hard to do well. Students are also using mobile phones or
earpieces during exams, by activating their device's infrared, Bluetooth, or texting applications to
share exam information with other test takers. With the rise of technology, academic cheating is
becoming increasingly prolific, with hundreds of thousands of websites now offering customwritten papers, selling cheat aids and publishing how-to-cheat videos, teaching students anything
from how to load programmable calculators with exam responses to how to replace a water
bottle's nutrition information with mathematics notes. Students are cheating in extremely
advanced ways - with some even resorting to the use of a virtual private network to protect their
In conclusion, this essay's purpose is to highlight the two sides on
the issue of whether or not smartphones are a good thing for schools. Although smart phones
help in further research on a topic, and is also a key tool in examination malpractices, it is an
extremely crucial tool which can shape the future of education for either good or bad, depending
on how it will be used. In this case, teachers must step in, to make sure rules guiding the correct
usage of mobile phones in schools are enforced, and inappropriate usage is discouraged.