BSC3119 Nokia BSC/TCSM, Rel. S12, Product Documentation, v.1 Activating and Testing BSS10103: Gb over IP DN05135155 Issue 1-0 en # Nokia Corporation 1 (19) Activating and Testing BSS10103: Gb over IP The information in this document is subject to change without notice and describes only the product defined in the introduction of this documentation. This document is intended for the use of Nokia's customers only for the purposes of the agreement under which the document is submitted, and no part of it may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or means without the prior written permission of Nokia. The document has been prepared to be used by professional and properly trained personnel, and the customer assumes full responsibility when using it. Nokia welcomes customer comments as part of the process of continuous development and improvement of the documentation. The information or statements given in this document concerning the suitability, capacity, or performance of the mentioned hardware or software products cannot be considered binding but shall be defined in the agreement made between Nokia and the customer. However, Nokia has made all reasonable efforts to ensure that the instructions contained in the document are adequate and free of material errors and omissions. Nokia will, if necessary, explain issues which may not be covered by the document. Nokia's liability for any errors in the document is limited to the documentary correction of errors. NOKIA WILL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE IN ANY EVENT FOR ERRORS IN THIS DOCUMENT OR FOR ANY DAMAGES, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL (INCLUDING MONETARY LOSSES), that might arise from the use of this document or the information in it. This document and the product it describes are considered protected by copyright according to the applicable laws. NOKIA logo is a registered trademark of Nokia Corporation. Other product names mentioned in this document may be trademarks of their respective companies, and they are mentioned for identification purposes only. Copyright © Nokia Corporation 2007. All rights reserved. 2 (19) # Nokia Corporation DN05135155 Issue 1-0 en Contents Contents Contents 3 List of tables 4 List of figures 5 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 Activating and testing Gb over IP 7 Creating and activating the Gb interface over IP 7 Testing the activation of Gb over IP 13 Modifying the remote IP endpoint signalling and data weight (static configuration only) 14 Modifying the NS-VL name in the IP environment 14 2 Deactivating and testing Gb over IP 17 DN05135155 Issue 1-0 en # Nokia Corporation 3 (19) Activating and Testing BSS10103: Gb over IP List of tables 4 (19) # Nokia Corporation DN05135155 Issue 1-0 en List of figures List of figures Figure 1. DN05135155 Issue 1-0 en IP connection between the BSC and the SGSN. # Nokia Corporation 7 5 (19) Activating and Testing BSS10103: Gb over IP 6 (19) # Nokia Corporation DN05135155 Issue 1-0 en Activating and testing Gb over IP 1 Activating and testing Gb over IP 1.1 Creating and activating the Gb interface over IP The Gb interface between the BSC and SGSN is established in two phases: first you configure the IP address, then you set up the IP gateway. The system builds the BSSGP Virtual Connections automatically when GPRS is taken into use on a cell level. BSC SGSN BCSU 0 PCU IP network IP Figure 1. IP connection between the BSC and the SGSN. For a description of Gb over IP, see Gb over IP in BSC. DN05135155 Issue 1-0 en # Nokia Corporation 7 (19) Activating and Testing BSS10103: Gb over IP For deactivation instructions, see Deactivating Gb over IP. Before you start . You must have a licence covering Gb over IP installed. The licence is based on capacity, that is, the number of PCUs using Gb over IP. When installing the licence, the initial state should be set to 'ON'. . In static IP configuration it does not matter which end of the interface you configure first. In dynamic IP configuration, you should first configure the SGSN end of the interface. This is because the BSC will attempt to run the size and configuration procedures immediately after creating the IP network service virtual link (NS-VL). . Both IPv4 and IPv6 are supported in the Nokia implementation of Gb over IP. Configuration of the PCU IP stack is handled with the commands of command group QR when IPv4 is used, and with the commands of the command group Q6 when IPv6 is used. . If you want to use the DNS name parameter instead of IP address with either configuration, you must first configure the DNS server address to the BSC with the MML command QRK or Q6K, and the DNS server must be properly configured. Steps 1. Check that the licence covering Gb over IP has been installed (W7I). ZW7I:LIC,FULL:LIC=<licence code>:; For instructions on installing licences, see Licensing in BSC. 2. Check the Gb over IP feature state (W7I). ZW7I:FEA,FULL:FEA=7; 3. Turn the Gb over IP feature state 'ON' if needed (W7M). ZW7M:FEA=7:ON; 4. Check that the feature state change of Gb over IP succeeded (W7I). ZW7I:FEA,FULL:FEA=7; 5. 8 (19) Create network interfaces (QRN). # Nokia Corporation DN05135155 Issue 1-0 en Activating and testing Gb over IP Note In the dynamic configuration, you can use either physical or logical IP addresses, but in the static configuration you must only use logical addresses. ZQRN:<unit type>,<unit index>:<plug-in unit type>, <plug-in unit index>:<interface name>:<ip address>, <L/P>,<DEL>:<netmask length>:<state>:<mtu>; 6. Create static route(s) (QKC) (optional). ZQKC:<unit type>,<unit index>:<plug-in unit type>, <plug-in unit index>:<destination IP address>, <netmask length>:<gateway IP address>:<route type>; Note You should check that the LAN supervision is configured properly. See LAN Manual for more information on LAN supervision. 7. Check the IP configuration (QRI) (optional). ZQRI:<unit type>,<unit index>:<plug-in unit type>, <plug-in unit index>:<interface name>:<display unit's attached interfaces>; 8. Create a Packet Service Entity (FXA). ZFXA:PSEI=<packet service entity identifier>, BCSU=<base station controller signalling unit>, PCU=<packet control unit>; 9. To implement this step, choose one of the following alternatives: a. Create the network service virtual link (NS-VL) using a dynamic IP configuration (FXK). Note The NSEI has to be in line with the SGSN configuration, when the IP subnetwork is used. DN05135155 Issue 1-0 en # Nokia Corporation 9 (19) Activating and Testing BSS10103: Gb over IP ZFXK:NSVLI=<network service virtual link identifier>,NAME=<network service virtual link name>,NSEI=<network service entity identifier>, PSEI=<packet service entity identifier>: LPNBR=<local UDP port number>,PRE=Y:RIP=<remote IP address>,RPNBR=<remote UDP port number>; You can only create one NS-VL per NSE in the BSC. If the SGSN supports more IP endpoints, the system will create several IP endpoints to the remote end. The maximum number of local endpoints is one. The maximum number of remote endpoints is 4 with PCU1, and 16 with PCU2. Before the system can initialise the Gb interface for the NSEI, you must configure the NS-VLs (that is, the IP endpoints) to SGSN. Note The remote IP address parameter determines, whether the local IP address that is used is of the IPv4 or IPv6 type. The remote and local ends of the NS-VL must use the same address type. Both address types can be simultaneously configured to the PCU. If you use the remote host name parameter instead of remote IP address, the PCU will use which ever address type is configured to it. If both types are configured, IPv4 is the default type. b. Create the network service virtual link (NS-VL) using a static IP configuration (FXK). Note The NSEI has to be in line with SGSN, when the IP sub-network is used. ZFXK:NSVLI=<network service virtual link identifier>,NAME=<network service virtual link name>,NSEI=<network service entity identifier>, PSEI=<packet service entity identifier>: LPNBR=<local UDP port number>,PRE=N:RIP=<remote IP address>,RPNBR=<remote UDP port number>, RDW=<remote data weight>,RSW=<remote signalling weight>; 10 (19) # Nokia Corporation DN05135155 Issue 1-0 en Activating and testing Gb over IP If you want to use load balancing between remote IP endpoints (NSVLs), or if you want to use different IP endpoints for signalling and data traffic, create more remote IP endpoints (NS-VLs) with the FXK command. The maximum number of local endpoints is one. The maximum number of remote endpoints is 4 with PCU1, and 16 with PCU2. 10. Check the creation and state of the NS-VL (FXI). ZFXI:NSVLI=<network service virtual link identifier>; Further information Refer to TCP/IP Guide for more information on the command parameters. For instructions on activating GPRS in BSC, see Activating and Testing BSS9006: GPRS. Example Dynamic configuration (IPv4): ZW7I:FEA,FULL:FEA=7; ZQRN:BCSU,0:PCUS,1:IFETH0:,L; ZQKC:BCSU,0:PCUS,1::; ZQRI:BCSU,0:PCUS,1; ZFXA:PSEI=20,BCSU=0,PCU=1; ZFXK:NSVLI=2,NAME=MAIN_CH_02,NSEI=1,PSEI=20:BCSU=0, PCU=1,LPNBR=50000,PRE=Y:RIP=””,RPNBR=50000; ZFXI:NSVLI=2; Example Dynamic configuration (IPv6): ZW7I:FEA,FULL:FEA=7; ZQ6N:BCSU,0:PCUS,1:IFETH0:”67C4:5678:90AB:CDEF:453E: BA09:8765:4321”,L; DN05135155 Issue 1-0 en # Nokia Corporation 11 (19) Activating and Testing BSS10103: Gb over IP ZQ6C:BCSU,0:PCUS,1:::IP:IP=”67C4:5678:90AB: CDEF:4321:4321:4321:4321”; ZQ6I:BCSU,0:PCUS,1; ZFXA:PSEI=22,BCSU=0,PCU=1; ZFXK:NSVLI=3,NAME=MAIN_CH_02,NSEI=1,PSEI=22: LPNBR=50000,PRE=Y:RIP=”1234:5678:90AB:CDEF:FEDC: BA09:8765:4321”,RPNBR=50000,; ZFXI:NSVLI=3; Example Static configuration (IPv4): ZW7I:FEA,FULL:FEA=7; ZQRN:BCSU,0:PCUS,1:IFETH0:,L; ZQKC:BCSU,0:PCUS,1::; ZQRI:BCSU,0:PCUS,1; ZFXA:PSEI=24,BCSU=0,PCU=1; ZFXK:NSVLI=2,NAME=MAIN_CH_02,NSEI=1,PSEI=24: LPNBR=50000,PRE=N:RIP=””,RPNBR=50000,RDW=1, RSW=1; ZFXI:NSVLI=2; Example Static configuration (IPv6): ZW7I:FEA,FULL:FEA=7; ZQ6N:BCSU,0:PCUS,1:IFETH0:”67C4:5678:90AB:CDEF:453E: BA09:8765:4321”,L; ZQ6C:BCSU,0:PCUS,1:::IP:IP=”67C4:5678:90AB: CDEF:4321:4321:4321:4321”; ZQ6I:BCSU,0:PCUS,1; 12 (19) # Nokia Corporation DN05135155 Issue 1-0 en Activating and testing Gb over IP ZFXA:PSEI=24,BCSU=0,PCU=1; ZFXK:NSVLI=2,NAME=MAIN_CH_02,NSEI=1,PSEI=24: LPNBR=50000,PRE=N:RIP=”1234:5678:90AB:CDEF:FEDC: BA09:8765:4321”,RPNBR=50000,RDW=1,RSW=1; ZFXI:NSVLI=2; 1.2 Testing the activation of Gb over IP You can monitor the Gb over IP performance with 98 Gb over IP Measurement. Steps 1. Create the measurement (TPM). If the measurement is not already defined, create definitions and schedules for it. ZTPM:GPRS,GBIP:<measurement day>,<measurement interval>,<output interval>; 2. Start the measurement (TPS). ZTPS:GPRS,GBIP; 3. Verify the success of the activation. At the end of the measurement period, check the measurement data in Nokia NetAct or in BSC using the MEFICO tool. For more information, see . Reporter and Performance Management Principles in NetAct documentation. . Converting BSC Measurement and Observation Files with MEFICO Expected outcome Counters 098000 NS_ALIVE MSG SENT BY PCU and 098001 NS_ALIVE_ACK MSGS FROM SGSN are updated. Unexpected outcome Counter 098002 NS_ALIVE MSGS SENT BY PCU RETRY is updated. DN05135155 Issue 1-0 en # Nokia Corporation 13 (19) Activating and Testing BSS10103: Gb over IP 4. Stop the measurement (TPE). ZTPE:GPRS,GBIP; 1.3 Modifying the remote IP endpoint signalling and data weight (static configuration only) Steps 1. Modify the signalling and data weights of the remote IP endpoint (FXJ). You can only modify the signalling and data weights of the static configuration. ZFXJ:NSVLI=<network service virtual link identifier>::NEWRDW=<new remote data weight>, NEWRSW=<new remote signalling weight>::; 2. Check the creation and state (FXI). ZFXI:NSVLI=<network service virtual link identifier>; Further information Example ZFXJ:NSVLI=2::NEWRDW=5,NEWRSW=2::; ZFXI:NSVLI=2; 1.4 Modifying the NS-VL name in the IP environment Steps 1. Modify the NS-VL name (FXJ). ZFXJ:NSVLI=<network service virtual link identifier>::NEWNAME=<new network service virtual connection name>::; 14 (19) # Nokia Corporation DN05135155 Issue 1-0 en Activating and testing Gb over IP Further information Example ZFXJ:NSVLI=2::NEWNAME=LINK::; DN05135155 Issue 1-0 en # Nokia Corporation 15 (19) Activating and Testing BSS10103: Gb over IP 16 (19) # Nokia Corporation DN05135155 Issue 1-0 en Deactivating and testing Gb over IP 2 Deactivating and testing Gb over IP For a description of Gb over IP, see Gb over IP in BSC. For activation instructions, see Activating and testing Gb over IP. Before you start Before deactivating Gb over IP, disable GPRS on a cell level. For instructions, see Activating and Testing BSS9006: GPRS. You do not need to lock the channel(s) in the IP configuration. Steps 1. Delete the network service virtual link (NS-VL) (FXH). Note You cannot delete an NS-VL, if it is the only one in a certain NSE and the NSVL has cells connected to it. ZFXH:NSVLI=<network service virtual link identifier>; Refer to Gb Interface Handling (FX) for more information on the command parameters. In the static configuration, you must delete every NS-VL separately. 2. Check the deletion of NS-VLs (FXI). ZFXI:NSVLI=<network service virtual link identifier>; 3. DN05135155 Issue 1-0 en Delete the Packet Service Entity (FXE). # Nokia Corporation 17 (19) Activating and Testing BSS10103: Gb over IP The deletion is not allowed if there are NS-VLs or NSEs configured to the PSE. ZFXE:<packet service entity identifier>; Note The steps from step 4 onwards are only necessary if you want to disconnect the PCU. 4. Delete static routes (QKA). ZQKA:<route number>:<unit type>,<unit index>:<plugin unit type>,<plug-in unit index>; 5. Remove the network interface (QRG). ZQRG:<unit type>,<unit index>:<plug-in unit type>, <plug-in unit index>:<interface name>; 6. Check the deactivation (QRI). ZQRI:<unit type>,<unit index>:<plug-in unit type>, <plug-in unit index>:<interface name>:<display unit's attached network interfaces>; 7. To disable the use of Gb over IP altogether, turn the feature state 'OFF' (W7M). ZW7M:FEA=7:OFF; Expected outcome After you turn the feature state parameter 'OFF', the Gb over IP -related parameters and commands are no longer visible in the MML command interface. You can verify this by trying to use, for example the FXL command. Further information To disable the use of GPRS altogether, see Disabling GPRS in Activating and testing BSS9006: GPRS. 18 (19) # Nokia Corporation DN05135155 Issue 1-0 en Deactivating and testing Gb over IP Example ZFXH:NSVLI=3; ZFXI:NSVLI=3; ZFXE:PSEI=20; ZQKA::BCSU,0:PCU,1; ZQRG:BCSU,0:PCU,2:MB0; ZQRI:BCSU,0:PCU,2; DN05135155 Issue 1-0 en # Nokia Corporation 19 (19)