BERTAJI Engineering Mindset and Renewable Energy Introduction Presented by: Raihan Lutfianto | Application Engineer M. Rizky Pratama Hakim | Application Engineer Dzikrian Diqnada | Application Engineer ANSYS Engineer and Engineering #Bertaji by CADFEM Ansys ANSYS Engineer and Engineering Problem Solver Applied Mathematics and Physics Systematic and Structured Thinking Practical Experience Analyze the Root Cause Design Process Safety-oriented “Witchcraft” Predict and Approximate For Society #Bertaji by CADFEM Ansys What does an Engineer Do? Designing and Planning Problem-solving and Troubleshooting Research and Development Collaboration and Communication Continuous Learning and Professional Development #Bertaji by CADFEM Ansys Engineers and Complex Problems Efficiency Wind Load Consideration Fluid Structures Consideration Mounting Failure Lowering cost Solar Panel Problem #Bertaji by CADFEM Ansys Engineers and Complex Problems Engineers #Bertaji by CADFEM Ansys Complex Problem Prerequisite to Problem Solving: Mindset Pipe Failure FEA Pipe Failure Real Case #Bertaji by CADFEM Ansys Case Study Time! Mr. X adalah seorang engineer. Dia dihadapkan dengan sebuah proyek analisis pembakaran biomassa. Mr. X puas karena melihat hasilnya sama dengan tutorial yang ada di YouTube. Mr. X pun mengumpulkan pekerjaannya. 1 bulan kemudian, klien Mr. X beradu argumen karena hasilnya bertolak belakang dengan hasil eksperimen. Apa yang kurang dari diri Mr. X? #Bertaji by CADFEM Ansys CADFEM Essential Properties of Engineering Mindset Adeptness at solving problems Long-term and sustainable outcome-oriented Ability to connect the dots #Bertaji by CADFEM Ansys ABOUT - • Curiosity • Strong desire to understand how things work • Analytical Thinking • Break down complex problem into smaller, manageable components • Attention to Detail • Precision and accuracy in designs, calculations, and measurements • Adaptability • Open to learn new technologies, methodologies, and approaches • Communication and Collaboration Skills • Ability to collaborate with multidisciplinary team #Bertaji by CADFEM Ansys CADFEM Practice Engineering Mindset during #Bertaji DOS • Aktif bertanya dan menjawab di grup Telegram • Berani berbuat salah dan gagal dalam simulasi • Berpikir kritis untuk mencari dari setiap materi pelajaran • Membaca arahan tugas secara perlahan dan teliti • Kreatif dalam menyelesaikan masalah #Bertaji by CADFEM Ansys • Pasif dan tidak aktif berdiskusi • Takut berbuat salah dan gagal dalam simulasi • Fokus pada dan menjadi click engineers • Selalu melakukan skimming dan tidak teliti • Mengandalkan tutorial saja First Step: Collaboration • Setiap peserta wajib bertanya minimal satu kali selama program berlangsung • Setiap peserta wajib menjawab pertanyaan rekannya minimal satu kali selama program berlangsung • Bonus nilai akhir untuk yang berhasil berpartisipasi • • • • kampus-merdeka-belajar/ #Bertaji by CADFEM Ansys Exclusive Platform for #Bertaji Students Only Your to Ask Anything Practice Peer Collaboration Network with CADFEM and Ansys Engineers Understanding the Idea about Renewable Energy What is Renewable Energy? A source of energy that comes to alternates with the conventional energy source, which impacted multiaspects. UN’s goals indicator regarding renewable energy by 2030 7.1 Universal Access to modern energy 7.2 Increase the global percentage of renewable energy 7.3 Double the improvement in energy efficiency 7.a. Promote access to research, technology, and investments in clean energy 7.b Expand and upgrade energy services for developing countries #Bertaji by CADFEM Ansys About Renewable Energy There will be 9 million people above earth by 2050 1/3 w largest company enacted net-zero carbon policy #Bertaji by CADFEM Ansys The need of energy keep increase Renewable Energy aspect is Development Goals Source of Renewable Energy Biomass Hydro Wind Solar Geothermal Ocean #Bertaji by CADFEM Ansys ANSYS Renewable Energy Potential and Usage in Indonesia Geothermal Current: 2.28 GW (2021) Potential: 23.36 GW Source: Multiple sources #Bertaji by CADFEM Ansys Hydropower Current: 4,400 MW (2021) Potential: 75,000 MW Solar Biomass Current: 211 MW (2021) Current: 154 MW (2021) Potential: 3.6 GW Potential: 64.8 GW (Targeted in 2025) Wind Current: 1.91 GW (2021) Potential: 443 GW ANSYS Impact of Simulation Engineering on Renewable Energy Case: Wind turbine development and operation Performance Cost of Material & Transportation In-service Productivity 2× 80% +5% Power output of new wind turbine generator Lighter blades with modular structures Wind farm energy production increases without any design change #Bertaji by CADFEM Ansys What Simulation Engineering can do in this case? #Bertaji by CADFEM Ansys BERTAJI CADFEM Simulation is more than software. CADFEM Indonesia CADFEM Indonesia Cadfem Indonesia @cadfemindonesia