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Thoughts on Democracy

Thoughts on Democracy 1
Thoughts on Democracy
September 17, 2023
Thoughts on Democracy 2
The utilization of a Democracy dates back as early as Ancient Greece in the year 507 B.C
serving as one of the very first forms of government. The Ancient Greeks utilized this system of
self rule which led to the growth and development of democracy across the world today.
Throughout the years and continents, no democracy was alike. Some did not have elections while
others did not have a constitution. Much has shifted and has led to the form of democracy as we
know it today.
The world is more democratic than ever before, this growth has been evident over the
past 2 centuries. From early on, one is taught that they live in a democratically ruled society.
However one does not truly experience it until they are of age to vote and voice their opinions.
As stated by USCIS.GOV, “The United States is a representative democracy. This means that
our government is elected by citizens. Here, citizens vote for their government officials. These
officials represent the citizens’ ideas and concerns in government. Voting is one way to
participate in our democracy.”. Although there is some form of democracy located in other
continents of the world, Afghanistan is the most non-democratic stated by Statista.com. In 2021,
after the Taliban gained control, the chances of a political opposition diminished, along with the
rights of women who reside there. In the article, The Collapse of Afghanistan, it states what
flaws led to the abolishment of a democracy, “ The Afghan state collapsed because it lacked
legitimacy in the eyes of the people…First, the 2004 Constitution created a system of
governance that provided Afghan citizens with few opportunities to participate in or have any
meaningful oversight of their government. As a result, the gap between the rhetoric of the U.S.
intervention and citizens’ realities widened with each passing year.”. The qualities Afghanistan
portrayed in the fall of democracy, this is something that the United States avoids and does not
have at all.
Thoughts on Democracy 3
The primary function of the government is to promote equality and the growth of the
people. Democracy is desirable because it voices the opinions, and ideas of the people. This form
of government is arguably the best form of government with the guarantee of equality, freedom,
voicing opinions, and rights. Democracy is desirable in the sense that it builds a society and an
equal playing field for all who reside in it, as stated by philosopher Thomas Hobbs in the
textbook Business, Society and Global Governance, “To build a society, he argued people must
no only work together, but there must be a consistent system of rules to motivate people to want
to be productive beyond their daily survival needs. Indeed, the great products of a society are a
product of complex coordination.” (P. 10).
The United States is a democratic country - our government is elected by citizens. In
which citizens vote for their government officials that best voices their concerns, ideas and
opinions on important matters and policies. United States citizens have the option to participate
in this democracy through polls, voting and contacting their elected officials. We have the
freedom to voice and vote for what we believe in, all in a fair and informative meeting through
Congress. These policies and changes go through extensive and complex review through
multiple governmental officials. This process ensures that the policy or expressed change is a
good fit for society. This does not only apply to something as big as the United States, this also
applies to cities. The structure of a democracy applies to the U.S. as a whole and to the cities
Monthly, cities hold their own council meetings with the elected officials for each district
within that city. Mirroring democracy for the U.S. as a whole, these cities have elected officials
and mayors that their residents elect on the values of similar opinions, beliefs and ideas. These
council meetings also give the residents/citizens an opportunity to voice and express their
Thoughts on Democracy 4
opinions on topics and matters occurring within the U.S/City. As stated by ACLU.Org, we the
people are given various opportunities to speak on matters, “Decide what you want to achieve.
What is it you want your elected official to do -- vote for or against the bill? Make a commitment
to introduce or co-sponsor legislation? Asking your legislator or his or her staff member to do
something specific will help you know how successful your visit has been!...Provide personal
and local examples of the impact of the legislation. This is the most important thing you can do
in a lobby visit”. As the citizens voice their opinion, all of the elected officials are present and
listening to what is being said. The utilization of a democracy is evident all around the United
States and has proven to be the most successful at keeping an orderly and peaceful government.
It is the most desirable form of government as it “promotes such fundamental American values
as religious freedom and worker rights, but also helps create a more secure, stable, and
prosperous global arena in which the United States can advance its national interests.” as stated
by State.Gov. In addition, it also reduces the chance of aggression, conflict and riots as these
executive decisions are made on an informative and knowledgeable level through several elected
officials, “Democratically governed nations are more likely to secure the peace, deter aggression,
expand open markets, promote economic development, protect American citizens, combat
international terrorism and crime, uphold human and worker rights, avoid humanitarian crises
and refugee flows, improve the global environment, and protect human health.”.
Thoughts on Democracy 5
Work Cited
https://ourworldindata.org/democracy --- #1
https://www.aclu.org/meeting-your-elected-representatives --- #3
Textbook PG 10 - paragraph 1 ----#2
https://www.history.com/topics/ancient-greece/ancient-greece-democracy ---#1
https://www.uscis.gov/sites/default/files/document/lessonplans/Government_and_You_handouts.pdf -- #1
https://www.statista.com/statistics/681644/democracy-index-bottom-30/ - non democratic
https://www.journalofdemocracy.org/articles/the-collapse-of-afghanistan/ -- afganistan