General Medical Acronyms and Abbreviations Adult Rehabilitation (A) AAROM ABD abd AC AD ADD ad lib AE AFO assisted, assistance active assistive range of motion abduction abdomen acromioclavicular Alzheimer’s disease adduction as desired above elbow ankle foot orthosis AK AKA ALOS ALS AMA ANS Ant Ant-THP Approx AROM ASA ASAP ASL AT ax (B) BADL BE BG Bid Bilat BK BKA BM BOS BP BPH BPM 𝑐 Ca CA Cal CAT above knee above knee amputation average length of stay amyotrophic lateral sclerosis against medical advice autonomic nervous system anterior anterior total hip precautions approximately active range of motion aspirin as soon as possible American Sign Language assistive technology Axilla or axillary/underarm both, bilateral basic activities of daily living below elbow blood glucose (see also CBG) twice a day / twice daily bilateral below knee below knee amputation bowel movement base of support blood pressure Benign prostatic hypertrophy beats per minute with calcium cancer calorie computer axial tomography (no longer used - see also CT) AB 3/2019 Cath CBC CBI CBG CC CHF CHI CI CICU CNS c/o CO CO2 COLA CONTRA COPD CP CPM CPR CPU CRI CSF CT CTS CVA CXR d/c Dep DIP DJD DM DME DNR catheter complete blood count closed brain injury capillary blood glucose chief complaint congestive heart failure closed head injury clinical instructor cardiac intensive care unit central nervous system complains of carbon monoxide carbon dioxide cost of living adjustment contraindication chronic obstructive pulmonary disease chest pain continuous passive motion cardiopulmonary resuscitation central processing unit chronic renal insufficiency cerebrospinal fluid computed tomography carpal tunnel syndrome cerebrovascular accident chest x-ray discharge dependent distal interphalangeal joint degenerative joint disease diabetes mellitus durable medical equipment do not resuscitate DOB DOE doff don DRG DTR DVT Dx ECG ECT date of birth dyspnea on exertion take off clothing put on clothing diagnosis-related groups deep tendon reflex deep vein thrombosis diagnosis Electrocardiogram (see also EKG) electroconvulsive therapy AB 3/2019 EDM EEG EENT EKG EMG EMG EMG EMS EMS ENT EOB EOB EOM EPL ER ER EVAL/ Eval Ex EX EXT FCU FES FLEX Foley FWB Fx GABA GBS GERD GI GU GYN H/A Hct HDL hemi HEP HF Hg Hgb HHA HHA HMO HOB H&P extensor digitorum minimi electroencephalogram eye, ear, nose, and throat electrocardiogram electromyelogram electromyogram electromyograph electrical muscle stimulation emergency medical service ear, nose, and throat edge of bed explanation of benefits (insurance) edge of mat extensor pollicis longus emergency room External rotation evaluation; evaluate example exercise extension flexor carpi ulnaris functional electrical stimulation flexion urinary catheter (brand name) full weight bearing fracture gamma-animobutyric acid Guillain-Barre syndrome gastroesophageal reflux disease gastrointestinal genitourinary gynecology headache hematocrit high-density lipoprotein hemiplegia Home exercise program Heart failure mercury hemoglobin home health agency home health aide health maintenance organization head of bed history and physical AB 3/2019 HPI HR H.S. (h.s.) Hx Hz I I&O ICD ICU IDDM IMP IMP in Indep IP IR IR IV K KAFO KB Kcal Kg (L) L lb LBP history of present illness heart rate hour of sleep history hertz (cycles/second) independent intake and output International Classification of Diseases International Classification of Function, Disability and Health intensive care unit insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus impression (tentative diagnosis) impairment inch(es) independent interphalangeal joint incidence rate internal rotation intravenous potassium knee ankle foot orthosis kilobyte kilocalorie (food calorie) Kilogram(s) left liter(S); lumbar pound low back pain LBQC LE LFT LLE LLQ LMN LOA LOC LOS LP LPN LS large base quad cane lower extremity liver function test left lower extremity left lower quadrant (trunk) lower motor neuron leave of absence loss of consciousness length of stay lumbar puncture licensed practical nurse lumbosacral ICF AB 3/2019 LTC LTG LUE LUQ L&W M m Max max VO2 MC MCP med MET Mg mg MI MIN min mL mm MMT mo Mod MP MRI MRSA MS MS MVA N Na Neg ng NG tube NICU NIDDM NKA NKDA NPO NSID NSG NWB O2 long-term care long-term goals left upper extremity left upper quadrant (trunk) living and well male meter(s) maximum maximal oxygen consumption metacarpal metacarpophalangeal medium; medial; median metabolic equivalent level magnesium milligram(s) myocardial infarction minimal minute milliliter(S) millimeter(s) manual muscle testing month moderate metacarpophalangeal joint magnetic resonance imaging methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus mitral stenosis multiple sclerosis motor vehicle accident nitrogen sodium negative nanogram nasogastric tube neonatal intensive care unit non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus no known allergy no known drug allergy nothing by mouth nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug nursing non-weight bearing oxygen AB 3/2019 O2 Sat OA OD OOB OR Ortho OTC oz 𝑝 PAM(s) PARA PCA PCS Ped / Pedi per PET PFT Phy Dys PICU PIP PMHx PMR PNF PNS p.o P/O POD Post-op Post-THP PPE PPO PPS Pre-op PRN PROM PVD PWB q q2h qd oxygen saturation Osteoarthritis once a day / once daily out of bed operating room orthopedic over-the-counter ounce after physical agent modality / modalities paraplegia Personal care attendant post-concussion syndrome pediatric By, through positron emission tomography pulmonary function test physical disabilities pediatric intensive care unit proximal interphalangeal joint past medical history Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation peripheral nervous system by mouth postoperative post op day postoperative posterior total hip precautions personal protective equipment preferred provider organization Prospective Payment System (Medicare) preoperative as needed passive range of motion peripheral vascular disease partial weight bearing every every 2 hours every day AB 3/2019 qh q.h.s. qid qn qod QUAD (R) RA RBC REM RLE RLQ R/O ROM ROS RPE RUE RUQ RW Rx 𝑠 S SaO2 sat SB SBQC SC SCI SLP SLR SNF SOB s/p SpO2 STAT STG SW Sx Sz TB TBI TDWB TENS Th every hour every night at bedtime four times daily every night every other day quadriplegia right rheumatoid arthritis red blood count rapid eye movement right lower extremity right lower quadrant (trunk) rule out range of motion review of systems rating of perceived exertion right upper extremity right upper quadrant (trunk) rolling walker prescription without sacral arterial oxygen saturation saturations sliding board small base quad cane straight cane spinal cord injury speech language pathologist straight leg raise skilled nursing facility shortness of breath status post pulse oxygen saturation at once, immediately short-term goals standard walker symptom seizure tuberculosis traumatic brain injury touch down weight bearing transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation thoracic AB 3/2019 THR TIA tid TKR TLSO TTWB TTY Tx Tx Txfr UE UMN URI US UTI VS VSS WBAT WBC W/C or WC WFL WNL x y/n y/o yrs total hip replacement transient ischemic attack three times daily total knee replacement thoracic lumbar sacral orthosis toe touch weight bearing teletypewriter treatment transfer transfer upper extremity upper motor neuron upper respiratory infection ultrasound urinary tract infection vital signs vital signs stable weight bearing as tolerated white blood cell count wheelchair within functional limits within normal limits times yes/no years old years AB 3/2019