GRADE 11 DAILY LESSON LOG School Teacher Cielito Zamora Senior High School Mrs. Mary Joy C. Pesigan Grade Level Learning Area 11 – Braise and Blanche Introduction to Philosophy in the Human Person Quarter 1st Quarter July 4, 2018 / Wednesday / 9:20 – 11:20 / Grade 11 Braise July 6, 2018 / Friday / 8:00 – 10:20 / Grade 11 Blanche Teaching Dates and Time July 2, 2018 / Monday / 9:20 – 11:20 / Grade 11 Braise July 3, 2018 / Tuesday / 8:00 – 10:20/ Grade 11 Blanche I. OBJECTIVES A. Objectives: Content Standard B. Objectives: Performance Standard C. Learning Competency / Objectives Write the LC code of each II. The learner understands the meaning and process of doing philosophy The learner reflects on a concrete experience in a philosophical way PPT11/12-Ic-2.1 At the end of the session, learners are expected to distinguish opinion from truth Methods of Philosophizing III. LEARNING RESOURCES A. Teachers Guide Page B. Learners Material Page C. Textbook Pages IV. PROCEDURES A. Reviewing previous lesson or presenting the new lesson Introduction to the Philosophy of the Human Person by Roberto D. Abella Let the assigned group facilitate the recapitulation of the previous lesson Let the assigned group facilitate the recapitulation of the previous lesson through News Reporting. B. Establishing a purpose for the lesson C. Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills D. Discussing new concepts and through Step-No, Step Yes Game. (5 minutes) Activity: PinoyHenyo *Ask four student volunteers from the class to play a game with a PinoyHenyoconcept. *The topic of the game must lead to the discussion on Fact and Opinion. (e.g. political figures, environment, senior high school subjects, etc.) (5 minutes) Activity: Fact or Bluff *Divide the class into three groups for the game entitled Fact or Bluff. *Present the mechanics of the game. Examples: 1. Manila is the capital of the Philippines. 2. Sun is the center of the solar system. (10 minutes) 3. My neighbor is ugly. (5 minutes) Processing Questions: Processing Questions: 1. What were the kinds of 1. Based on the game, what questions raised in the are the two forms of course of guessing the statements given? What answer? examples were given for 2. Is there any question each? raised which you consider as 2. What examples of fact evidence-based? Cite and opinion can you give examples. based on your real-life 3. Is there any question experiences? raised which you think is opinion-based? Give (5 minutes examples. (10 minutes) Video Clip Presentation: Video Clip Presentation: Fact vs. Opinion practicing new skills #1 *Let the students watch a video clip entitled “Allegory of the Cave.” *After watching the video clip, ask the students to have a group sharing on the message of the video. *It is assumed that the students already have their permanent grouping for the quarter. (10 minutes) E. Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills #2 Guidepost for the Discussion: 1. Why do we ask questions? 2. Why do we ask follow-up questions? What is our end goal? 3. What kind of answers are we seeking? 4. What do we get from finding the truth? ( watch?v=fnFnWWAnlkw) *Ask the learners to take down notes about the difference between fact and opinion while watching the video. (10 minutes Guidepost for the Discussion: 1. What is the most important tool used in philosophizing? Philosophy uses truth as tool in philosophizing. 2. What are the two (2) divisions of opinion? Explain each. Opinion (10 minutes) Belief Illusion 3. What are the two levels of knowledge? Discuss each. Reason KNOWLEDGE Understanding (10 minutes) Activity: SmartArt on Fact vs. Opinion F. Developing mastery (leads to Formative Assessment 3) Present the characteristics of Fact and Opinion leading to Philosophizing through a SmartArt. PHILOSOPHIZING FACT OPINION G. Finding practical applications of Ask the students: Why do we have to avoid giving unsolicited opinions (10 minutes) Ask a student: How do you feel when you heard an opinion about you? concepts and skills in daily living to people who are not too familiar to us? Write your answer on your notebook. Limit your answer to 3 sentences only. (5 minutes) H. Making generalizations and abstractions about the lesson Let the students write a statement that summarizes the topic. Expected answer: In philosophizing, we ask questions because we desire to know and we find satisfaction upon discovery of truth. (5 minutes) Let the students write a simple sentence that depicts their learning for this session. Pursuit of philosophy follows the path of truth. (5 minutes) I. Evaluating learning (5 minutes) Formative Assessment: a. How can we arrive at the truth? b. What are the essential elements of philosophizing? (5 minutes) Situation Analysis: Show a short video clip of a broadcaster reporting certain statements on air. Distinguish whether the statements are opinionated or facts. Justify (5 minutes) J. Additional activities for application or remediation V. Reflection Submitted by: _______________________ MRS. MARY JOY C. PESIGAN HUMSS / Teacher I SDO Caloocan Checked by: _________________________ DR. WILHELMINA D. TARNATE School Principal I SDO Caloocan GRADE 11 DAILY LESSON LOG School Teacher Cielito Zamora Senior High School Mrs. Mary Joy C. Pesigan Teaching Dates and Time July 9, 2018 / Monday / 9:20 – 11:20 / Grade 11 Braise July 10, 2018 / Tuesday / 8:00 – 10:20/ Grade 11 Blanche VI. OBJECTIVES D. Objectives: Content Standard E. Objectives: Performance Standard F. Learning Competency / Objectives Write the LC code of each VII. Grade Level Learning Area 11 – Braise and Blanche Introduction to Philosophy in the Human Person Quarter 1st Quarter July 11, 2018 / Wednesday / 9:20 – 11:20 / Grade 11 Braise July 13, 2018 / Friday / 8:00 – 10:20 / Grade 11 Blanche The learner understands the meaning and process of doing philosophy The learner reflects on a concrete experience in a philosophical way At the end of the session, learners are expected to analyze situations that show the difference between opinion and truth. PPT11/12-Id-2.2 At the end of the session, learners are expected to realize that the methods of philosophy lead to wisdom and truth PPT11/12-Id-2.3 Methods of Philosophizing VIII. LEARNING RESOURCES D. Teachers Guide Page E. Learners Material Page F. Textbook Pages IX. PROCEDURES K. Reviewing previous lesson or presenting the new lesson Introduction to the Philosophy of the Human Person by Roberto D. Abella Introduction to the Philosophy of the Human Person by Roberto D. Abella Let the assigned group facilitate the recapitulation of Let the assigned group facilitate Let the assigned group the recapitulation of the facilitate the recapitulation of Let the assigned group facilitate the recapitulation of L. Establishing a purpose for the lesson the pervious lesson using flash cards. (5 minutes) Activity: Guess and Dress Me Up *Provide 2 human figures labeled as Truth and Opinion. *Let four (4) volunteer students take turns in dressing up each figure with puzzle clothes bearing statements of truth and opinion. previous lesson in a form of a charade. (5 minutes) Relate to the class the story of a Lost and Found cellular phone unit. the previous lesson in a form of a Gallery Walk. (5 minutes) The teacher shows a video clip that presents examples of fallacies of argumentation. (5 minutes) After the video presentation, ask the students to identify fallacious statements. (5 minutes) (5 minutes) M. Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills How did you determine that the Ask the students: statement is considered truth Why is it necessary to avoid or opinion? giving speculations in looking for a solution to a problem (5 minutes) presented? Guide the students to the concept that opinionated statements may come in a form of a fallacy. (5 minutes) Expected Answer: We should base our search on the truth, not on opinion. N. Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills #1 Spongebob: Empty your mind ( HLSdrAkOE) Processing: Identify situations from the video which can be considered as truth and opinion. Answers should be Example of speculation: My classmate is a thief, he took my cellphone. (5 minutes) Discuss the Nature of Truth: 1. Correspondence Theory 2. Coherence Theory 3. Pragmatic Theory (15 minutes) the previous lesson in a form of a Telephone Conversation. (5 minutes) Activity: Pageant (Introduction) *Divide the class into 4-6 groups (whatever the case may be). *Each group should have 1 representative who will present “who they are” a la pageant. *Allot 3 minutes for the preparation. (10 minutes) Ask the students: 1. How do you assess the words or statements uttered by the candidates during the pageant? 2. Which of their statements can be considered as truth? (5 minutes) Discuss the meaning of fallacies used in argumentation. (5 minutes) Discuss Methods of Philosophy: Critical Thinking Components of Critical Thinking (10 minutes) O. Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills #2 written in the group activity sheet provided. (10 minutes) Insinuate the value of truth in philosophizing by bracketing or setting aside opinions and biases. (5 minutes) Activity: Role-playing Ask the students to act out a situation in the context of their experiences in the family and let their classmates determine truth from opinion. (10 minutes) Enumerate examples of fallacies and define them. Group Activity: Semantic Mapping (25 minutes) Let the students create a Semantic Map on the Attributes of a Critical Thinker using symbols. Expected Output: 1.Looks for Evidence to support assumption and beliefs- 2.Adjusts Opinion- 3.Looks for Proof- 4.Examines problem 5.Reject irrelevant and incorrect information- (10 minutes) P. Developing mastery Activity: SmartArt Let the students make a graphical representation of the Theories of Truth through a SmartArt. Expected Output: Theories of Truth (leads to Formative Assessment 3) Q. Finding practical applications of concepts and skills in daily living Have the students cite an instance in their life where they find truth to be really essential/significant. Correspondence Theory Coherence Theory Pragmatic Theory (5 minutes) Ask the students to cite a specific example in any of the three (3) theories of truth in the context of their experience as senior high school students. Cite examples of fallacies which they had experienced or observed. With the advent of social media, how would you uphold truth and wisdom? (5 minutes) a. b. c. d. (8 minutes) Example: I am taking eight (8) subjects this semester. (7 minutes) (Indicate from which theory and facts the example belonged to) (5 minutes) Facebook Instagram Twitter Etc. R. Making generalizations and abstractions about the lesson Let the students answer the given question: Based on the discussion, how should analysis of situations be done? Expected answer: Analysis of situations should be done with utmost consideration of the truth. (7 minutes) S. Evaluating learning Johari’s Window Looking glass self (Charles Cooley) *Ask the students to list down three (3) attributes about themselves which they consider as truth and opinion. *Let them write their answers on their formative notebook. (10 minutes) Let the students answer the given question: On the basis of the discussion, how would you determine if your beliefs are true? Expected Answer: The truth behind beliefs or propositions are determined through the correspondence, coherence, and pragmatic theories. (5 minutes) Ask the students to enumerate and explain the three (3) theories of truth. Or Ask the students to identify two (2) economic, political, or sociocultural situations. Let them write two (2) statements of truth about each situation. Then, have them identify what theory of truth is used. Ask the students to express their learning for this session through a meta-card. Expected Answer: Opinionated statements may come in a form of a fallacy. Write a couplet on your perspective about the given statement: A person is more than just his/her Facebook profile/account. (8 minutes) (2 minutes) 15-item Quiz Let the students determine whether the given statements are valid/true or fallacious. If the statement is a fallacious, identify what fallacy it expressed. *See attached quiz items. What is the significance of philosophy to everyday living? (5 minutes) (8 minutes) T. Additional activities for application or remediation X. Reflection Submitted by: _______________________ MRS. MARY JOY C. PESIGAN HUMSS / Teacher I SDO Caloocan Checked by: _________________________ DR. WILHELMINA D. TARNATE School Principal I SDO Caloocan GRADE 11 DAILY LESSON LOG School Teacher Cielito Zamora Senior High School Mrs. Mary Joy C. Pesigan Teaching Dates and Time July 9, 2018 / Monday / 9:20 – 11:20 / Grade 11 Braise July 10, 2018 / Tuesday / 8:00 – 10:20/ Grade 11 Blanche XI. OBJECTIVES G. Objectives: Content Standard H. Objectives: Performance Standard I. Learning Competency / Objectives Write the LC code of each XII. Grade Level Learning Area 11 – Braise and Blanche Introduction to Philosophy in the Human Person Quarter 1st Quarter July 11, 2018 / Wednesday / 9:20 – 11:20 / Grade 11 Braise July 13, 2018 / Friday / 8:00 – 10:20 / Grade 11 Blanche The learner understands the meaning and process of doing philosophy The learner reflects on a concrete experience in a philosophical way PPT11/12-Ic-2.1 At the end of the session, learners are expected to distinguish opinion from truth Methods of Philosophizing XIII. XIV. LEARNING RESOURCES G. Teachers Guide Page H. Learners Material Page I. Textbook Pages PROCEDURES Introduction to the Philosophy of the Human Person by Roberto D. Abella U. Reviewing previous lesson or presenting the new lesson V. Establishing a purpose for the lesson W. Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills Let the assigned group facilitate the recapitulation of the previous lesson through Step-No, Step Yes Game. (5 minutes) Activity: PinoyHenyo *Ask four student volunteers from the class to play a game with a PinoyHenyoconcept. *The topic of the game must lead to the discussion on Fact and Opinion. (e.g. political figures, environment, senior high school subjects, etc.) Let the assigned group facilitate the recapitulation of the previous lesson through News Reporting. (5 minutes) Activity: Fact or Bluff *Divide the class into three groups for the game entitled Fact or Bluff. *Present the mechanics of the game. Examples: 1. Manila is the capital of the Philippines. 2. Sun is the center of the solar system. (10 minutes) 3. My neighbor is ugly. (5 minutes) Processing Questions: Processing Questions: 1. What were the kinds of 1. Based on the game, what questions raised in the are the two forms of course of guessing the statements given? What answer? examples were given for 2. Is there any question each? raised which you consider as 2. What examples of fact evidence-based? Cite and opinion can you give examples. based on your real-life 3. Is there any question experiences? raised which you think is opinion-based? Give (5 minutes examples. (10 minutes) X. Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills #1 Video Clip Presentation: *Let the students watch a video clip entitled “Allegory of the Cave.” *After watching the video clip, ask the students to have a group sharing on the message of the video. *It is assumed that the students already have their permanent grouping for the quarter. (10 minutes) Y. Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills #2 Guidepost for the Discussion: 1. Why do we ask questions? 2. Why do we ask follow-up questions? What is our end goal? 3. What kind of answers are we seeking? 4. What do we get from finding the truth? Video Clip Presentation: Fact vs. Opinion ( watch?v=fnFnWWAnlkw) *Ask the learners to take down notes about the difference between fact and opinion while watching the video. (10 minutes Guidepost for the Discussion: 1. What is the most important tool used in philosophizing? Philosophy uses truth as tool in philosophizing. 2. What are the two (2) divisions of opinion? Explain each. Opinion (10 minutes) Belief Illusion 3. What are the two levels of knowledge? Discuss each. Reason KNOWLEDGE Understanding Z. Developing mastery (leads to Formative Assessment 3) (10 minutes) Activity: SmartArt on Fact vs. Opinion Present the characteristics of Fact and Opinion leading to Philosophizing through a SmartArt. PHILOSOPHIZING FACT OPINION (10 minutes) AA. Finding practical applications of concepts and skills in daily living Ask the students: Why do we have to avoid giving unsolicited opinions to people who are not too familiar to us? Ask a student: How do you feel when you heard an opinion about you? Write your answer on your notebook. Limit your answer to 3 sentences only. (5 minutes) BB. Making generalizations and abstractions about the lesson Let the students write a statement that summarizes the topic. Expected answer: In philosophizing, we ask questions because we desire to know and we find satisfaction upon discovery of truth. (5 minutes) Let the students write a simple sentence that depicts their learning for this session. Pursuit of philosophy follows the path of truth. (5 minutes) CC. Evaluating learning (5 minutes) Formative Assessment: a. How can we arrive at the truth? b. What are the essential elements of philosophizing? (5 minutes) Situation Analysis: Show a short video clip of a broadcaster reporting certain statements on air. Distinguish whether the statements are opinionated or facts. Justify (5 minutes) DD. Additional activities for application or remediation XV. Reflection Submitted by: _______________________ MRS. MARY JOY C. PESIGAN Checked by: _________________________ DR. WILHELMINA D. TARNATE HUMSS / Teacher I SDO Caloocan GRADE 11 DAILY LESSON LOG School Principal I SDO Caloocan School Teacher Cielito Zamora Senior High School Mrs. Mary Joy C. Pesigan Teaching Dates and Time June 18, 2018 / Monday / 9:20 – 11:20 / Grade 11 Braise June 19, 2018 / Tuesday / 8:00 – 10:20/ Grade 11 Blanche XVI. OBJECTIVES J. Objectives: Content Standard K. Objectives: Performance Standard L. Learning Competency / Objectives Write the LC code of each XVII. XIX. LEARNING RESOURCES J. Teachers Guide Page K. Learners Material Page L. Textbook Pages PROCEDURES 11 – Braise and Blanche Introduction to Philosophy in the Human Person Quarter 1st Quarter June 20, 2018 / Wednesday / 9:20 – 11:20 / Grade 11 Braise June 22, 2018 / Friday / 8:00 – 10:20 / Grade 11 Blanche The learner understands the meaning and process of doing philosophy The learner reflects on a concrete experience in a philosophical way Distinguish a holistic perspective from a partial point of view (PPT11/12-Ib-1.1) Doing Philosophy XVIII. Grade Level Learning Area EE. Reviewing previous lesson or presenting the new lesson FF. Establishing a purpose for the lesson Present distorted figures Present distorted figures Review the previous lesson. Synthesize the three previous lessons. What Philosophy is and what philosophy is not. What Philosophy is and what philosophy is not. Philosophy differs in different eras in world history Ask the students: “Nakapagbyahenaba kayo?” GG. Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills Ask the students: “what comes to your minds when you encounter the word Philosophy?” Ask the students: “what comes to your minds when you encounter the word Philosophy?” Ask students about the wisdom they can get from everyday objects. Lecture discussion: HH. Developing mastery / Discussion ( leads Formative Assessment 3) Unlocking of Difficulties: Definition of Philosophy as a path towards the attainment of knowledge. Unlocking of Difficulties: Definition of Philosophy as a path towards the attainment of knowledge. Examples: Pencil/Eraser Broom Stick Shoes Learning from Philosophers Make an analogy: The teacher will present the different views of philosophers Scuba diving and Helicopter as about the nature and meaning of vehicles of doing philosophy. philosophy Ancient Greeks: to have a good life Medieval: to defend God Modern: to reason/rationalize Post-Modern: to find meaning II. Finding practical application of concepts and skills in daily living Ask the difference between knowledge and wisdom. Ask the difference between knowledge and wisdom. Knowledge is knowing that tomato is a fruit Wisdom is knowing not to put it in a fruit salad Philosophy is asking if ketchup is a fruit shake. Knowledge is knowing that tomato is a fruit Wisdom is knowing not to put it in a fruit salad Philosophy is asking if ketchup is a fruit shake. Give other examples Give other examples Philosophy is a journey. JJ. Making generations abstractions about the lesson KK. Evaluating learning LL. Assignment XX. Flash the statements: Flash the statements: “The unexamined life is not worth living” and “He who has a why to live for can bear with almost any how”. “The unexamined life is not worth living” and “He who has a why to live for can bear with almost any how”. then will ask the students to relate the statements to their present condition as SHS Learners preparing for college. The learners will be grouped and will be tasked to come up with a word web map based from their understanding of the discussion. then will ask the students to relate the statements to their present condition as SHS Learners preparing for college. The learners will be grouped and will be tasked to come up with a word web map based from their understanding of the discussion. Write associated words with philosophy. Ask the difference between knowledge and wisdom. Write associated words with philosophy. Ask the difference between knowledge and wisdom. Knowledge is knowing that tomato is a fruit Wisdom is knowing not to put it in a fruit salad Philosophy is asking if ketchup is a fruit shake. Knowledge is knowing that tomato is a fruit Wisdom is knowing not to put it in a fruit salad Philosophy is asking if ketchup is a fruit shake. Give other examples Give other examples Activity: Tableau/Slogan/ The class will be grouped into 4 and will represent each era through a tableau, slogan or a short poem. Why do we need to respect the view of other people? Recitation: In what sense is philosophy related to human life? It must be emphasized that philosophy will not teach the learners how to earn a living, but how to make life worth living. Ask learners the following questions: What does it mean to philosophize? What is its significance to your life? Reflection Submitted by: _______________________ MRS. MARY JOY C. PESIGAN HUMSS / Teacher I SDO Caloocan Checked by: _________________________ DR. WILHELMINA D. TARNATE School Principal I SDO Caloocan GRADE 11 DAILY LESSON LOG School Teacher Cielito Zamora Senior High School Mrs. Mary Joy C. Pesigan Teaching Dates and Time June 25, 2018 / Monday / 9:20 – 11:20 / Grade 11 Braise June 26, 2018 / Tuesday / 8:00 – 10:20/ Grade 11 Blanche XXI. OBJECTIVES M. Objectives: Content Standard N. Objectives: Performance Standard O. Learning Competency / Objectives Write the LC code of each Grade Level Learning Area 11 – Braise and Blanche Introduction to Philosophy in the Human Person Quarter 1st Quarter June 27, 2018 / Wednesday / 9:20 – 11:20 / Grade 11 Braise June 29, 2018 / Friday / 8:00 – 10:20 / Grade 11 Blanche The learner understands the meaning and process of doing philosophy The learner reflects on a concrete experience in a philosophical way (PPT11/12-Ib-1.2 ) 1.2. Recognize human activities that emanated from deliberate reflection Objectives: Identify the 3 levels of inquiry. Discuss the beginnings of philosophical inquiry. (PPT11/12-Ib-1.3) Realize the value of doing philosophy in obtaining a broad perspective on life. Objectives: Discuss philosophizing as discipline of questioning, liberation, and personhood. XXII. Doing Philosophy XXIII. XXIV. LEARNING RESOURCES M. Teachers Guide Page N. Learners Material Page O. Textbook Pages PROCEDURES Introduction to the Philosophy of the Human Person by Roberto D. Abella MM. Reviewing previous lesson or presenting the new lesson NN. Establishing a purpose for the lesson (5 mins) (2-3 mins) Review the previous discussion Review the previous discussion on the definition of philosophy? on the 3 levels of inquiry. Give one example. 1. Common sense Thumbs Up and Thumbs Down 2. Scientific Inquiry 3. Philosophical Inquiry Ask the students to thumb up if they think the statement is true and thumb down if the statement is false. 1. Everyone is a philosopher. 2. Children can philosophize. 3. Questioning leads to philosophizing. 4. Mentally disturbed people philosophize. 5. There are times that people answer in non - philosophical ways. (5 mins) Video Clip (4:30minutes) https://yout Review: What is the beginning of philosophical inquiry? (2mins) Review the Philosophical beginnings of inquiry through wonder. This time, a learner will be able to see the value of doing philosophy. That this will give him the opportunity to see things in broad perspectives. Motivation ( Know yourself) ( 5 minutes) Ask: Was there a time where you have wronged a person because of your assumption or judgement? Activity: Picture analysis The teacher will present a mathematical equation to stimulate the students curiosity. “1+1=0” Ask: 1.What do you observe in the equation? Ask the learners What did you observed in the video? As we all know magic uses tricks but with that we ponder, ask, curious and wonder. Like, we wonder how come that the word “proud” picked by Angel Locsin known by the magician as it shown in the video. 1. Ask the students to write 2-3 principles in their lives? What have you realize because of that experience? 2. Do you think it’s correct? Why or why not. OO.Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills (5- 7 mins) Situational / Questions Puzzles 1. The teacher will present 3 situations/questions. 2. The students will expect to show different ways in answering questions.. Situation #1 There was an airplane crash, every single person on board died, but yet two people survived. How is this possible? Situation #2 PP. Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills #1 Like the crowd being amazed and bewildered when the magician revealed the word written in the confetti is the same as Vice Ganda picked. 5-7 minutes Like, we wonder why you girls get the feeling of being hurt when your heartbroken or broke up with your boyfriend same as for the boys, vice-versa. Collaborative Activity Divide the class into 3 groups. Assign a leader, secretary, and presenter. Let each group answer the question… After the activity, ask the class… What can you say about your responses? Situation #3 From the responses given, you already started the act of philosophizing through wonder. Cite: “All men by nature desire to know.” – Aristotle Situational Questions: Given the following situations. What will you do? 1. You saw your girlfriend/ boyfriend holding hands with someone else. 2. Your baby brother is wearing your favourite red shirt. Based on your responses, do you think you did an act of philosophizing? What response shows an act of philosophizing? What is not? Why? What do you usually think whenever you experience emotional pain? Problems? Sufferings? Present in the class. What goes up and never comes down? Imagine you are in a sinking row boat surrounded by sharks. (5mins) Ask: Activity “Opinion Mo” Group the class to two. Each group should have their own leader to summarize their opinion all about the issue of summary execution to the drug addicts and pushers. And each group will give their opinion if they are favor or not. (10 mins.) Ask the students the value of philosophical through role play.(10 mins.) Discuss the following: The discipline of Questioning, The discipline of Liberation 1. What strategies or ways did you use to answer the questions? Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills #2 QQ. RR. Developing mastery (leads to Formative Assessment 3) (20 mins) Define the three levels of inquiries. 1. Common Sense - a basic ability to perceive, understand, and judge things that are shared by (common to) nearly all people without need for debate. 2. Scientific- Based on or characterized by the methods and principles of science. 3. Philosophical - relating or devoted to the study of the fundamental nature of knowledge, reality and existence. SS. Finding practical applications of Now that you have understood the 3 levels of inquiry, …. Because man is always searching for truth. Discuss the following concepts: a. Wonder b. Doubt c. Limiting situations d. Metaphysical Uneasiness The time you started asking those questions, you already have the sense of wonder, a childlike wonder about everything. We do not tend to bother ask questions that are just simple yet too hard or difficult to answer. Like for example: “Who am I?” Asking this question in its real essence seems too hard for us to answer… and The discipline of Personhood. Ask the students if they learn values of philosophical reflection when they conducted the role play. (5 mins.) Activity (Story Telling) Ask the students to identify values of philosophical reflection cited in story. (10 mins.) Explain how you understand the following quotations: 1.”He who has a WHY to live for can bear almost any HOW” – Friedrich Nitzsche 2. “Those who do not move do not notice his chains”- Rosa Luxemburg 3. “Madalingmagingtao, mahirapmagpakatao” Ask the students to create philosophical reflection e.g. Child labor. Interactive discussion: Give one concrete situation where we can apply the three In a one-half sheet of paper. Answer the question… “who am I?”. Give at least 3-5 sentences. (5-7minutes) Ask: Ask at least 3-5 learners to recite their answers. According to Plato, Philosophy begins in “wonder” – the sense of puzzlement and perplexity. Ask the learners the questions 1. How did the magician do that? concepts and skills in daily living (Ask) 1.In what situations do you apply philosophical inquiries TT. Making generalizations and abstractions about the lesson The learners will be grouped and will be tasked to come up with a word web map based from their understanding of the discussion. 2. Why do we need to suffer? 3. Why can’t I be the no. 1 in the class? Man is a questioning being. And got no “definite answers” that’s why we always wonder and keep on searching answers. Questions; 1. Is it important to help parents if you are not doing anything? 2. What is the value if you help them or not? (8 mins.) Ask the students to enumerate the values of philosophical reflection.(3 mins) Write associated words with philosophy. UU. Evaluating learning (5-7 minutes) The class will be divided into 8 groups and each group should make a scenario to show each level of the philosophical inquiry. Ask at least 3-5 learners the question…. When can you say that you “wonder”? Oral Test Ask the students to create a situation where they create philosophical reflection and they have to establish a value of it. (5 mins) disciplines explained in letter D. Questions are part and parcel of human existence. Its inevitability is acknowledged especially in times when a person searches for the meaning of life. This very act leads him to progress rather than stagnation and arresting of growth. Questions are part and parcel of human existence. Its inevitability is acknowledged especially in times when a person searches for the meaning of life. This very act leads him to progress rather than stagnation and arresting of growth. Write a reflection on the significance of question to one's life in your journal? VV. Additional activities for application or remediation XXV. Reflection Submitted by: _______________________ MRS. MARY JOY C. PESIGAN HUMSS / Teacher I Checked by: _________________________ DR. WILHELMINA D. TARNATE School Principal I SDO Caloocan SDO Caloocan