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Integrated Management System

Awareness Training on Integrated
Management System
Management System
A management system is the way in which an organization manages the interrelated parts of its business in order to achieve its objectives.
Benefits of Management System –
• More efficient use of resources.
• Improved risk management and protection of people and the environment.
• Increased capability to deliver consistent and improved services and products.
• Minimize errors and waste.
Integrated Management System
ISO 9001 : 2015
Quality Management
ISO 45001 : 2018
ISO 14001 : 2015
Management System
Ocuppational Health &
Safety Management
সমি�ত বয্ব�াপনা প�িতর নীিতমালা
(গুণমান, পিরেবশ, েপশাগত �া�য্ ও সু রক্ষা)
আমােদর লক্ষয্সমূ হঃ
• �নামধ�, িনভর্রেযা� এবং �মিবকাশমান একিট িবদুয্ৎ উৎপাদন েকা�ািন িহসােব গেড় উঠা।
উ�াবনী এবং �যু ি� চািলত সং�া িহেসেব পযর্বিসত হওয়া৷
েসবা, গুণমান, িনভর্রেযা�তা, িনরাপ�া সুর�া এবং �াহক েসবায় উৎকষ র্তা অজর্নকারী একটা
েকা�ািন িহসােব গেড় উঠা।
Integrated Management System Policy
(Quality, Environment, Occupational Health And Safety)
• To become an emerging power generation utility with a strong brand and
• To be an innovative and technology driven organization
• To be a company that achieves excellence in service, quality, reliability, safety
and customer care
আমােদর �িত�িতসমূ হঃ
• িবদু য্ৎ উৎপাদন সং�া� যাবতীয় আইন-কানু ন, িবিধ-িবধান এবং অনয্ানয্ আবশয্কতা
েমেন চলা৷
• দূ ষণ, দু ঘর্টনা, আঘাত এবং অসু �তা �িতেরাধ করা৷
• উে�শয্ ও লক্ষয্সমূ হ িনধর্ারেণর মাধয্েম গুণমান, পিরেবশ, েপশাগত �া�য্ ও সু রক্ষা
এবং কমর্দক্ষতার িনর�ন (অিবরাম) উ�িত সাধন করা৷
• To comply with all applicable legislations, regulations and other requirements
related to power generation
• To prevent pollution, injury and ill-health
• To continually improve our quality, environment, occupational health and
safety, performance by setting objectives and targets
আমােদর �েচ�াসমূ হঃ
সক্ষমতার সেবর্া� বয্বহার এবং �থানু গ সংরক্ষেণর মাধয্েম উৎপাদনশীলতা বৃ ি� এবং
পিরচালনা ও সংরক্ষণ বয্য় সংেকাচন করা৷
To increase productivity and minimize the Operation & Maintenance costs
through optimized capacity utilization and customized maintenance
�াকৃিতক স�দ সংরক্ষণ করা৷
শনা�কৃত �ি�য়া ঝুঁিক এবং স�াবয্ সু িবধাসমূ হ কাযর্করভােব পালেনর মাধয্েম
কাযর্�ি�য়ার িনর�ন (অিবরাম) উ�িত সাধন করা৷
To conserve natural resources
To improve processes through continual improvement by addressing identified
process risks and opportunities effectively
কমর্ীবািহনীেক ে�রণা �দান করা এবং “আমার েকা�ািন” এর পিরবেতর্ “আমােদর
েকা�ািন” িহসােব িচ�া করা৷
To motivate employees and associates to be a “We Company” not a “Me
Benefits of Integrated Management System
Eliminates –
• Multiple organizational responsibilities to manage
different management systems
• Multiple policy statement
• Multiple objectives & management programmes
• Multiple management system documentation
Benefits of Integrated Management System
• Multiple operational control procedure in
varying formats
• Multiple task of record maintenance
• Overlapping audit schedules
• Multiple certification from external agencies
Common Requirements of IMS
• Policy
• Risk Assessment – HIRA, EAIA
• External Requirements – Customer/ Statutory
• Objectives & Targets
• Management Responsibility, Authority, Resources
• Competence, Training, Awareness
• Internal & External Communications
• Control of Documents
Common Requirements of IMS
• Operational Control
• Emergency Preparedness & Response Plan
• Monitoring & Measurement
• Calibration of Measuring Equipments
• Corrective & Preventive Action
• Control of Records
• Internal Audits
• Management Reviews
External & Internal Issues
Review Frequency : Six Months Interval
Factor of External and
internal Issues
Description of issues
Undesired or desirable effects
Delay of bill paying to vendors.
Due to complex and intertwined system of authorization billing
takes time.
The suppliers may get demotivated to conduct business with NWPGL.
Lacking in understanding particular
specifications of spares parts and
Sometimes suppliers fail to interpret the technical
specifications which results in delay of getting the desired spare
Lead time and cost for receiving spare parts and tools increase.
The maintenance of some machinery
gets delayed.
It happens due to the unavailability of some minor spare parts
in Khulna. Sometimes the suppliers are unwilling to supply the
spare part, as the price of the spare part is quite low and profit
margin is low.
The availability of spare parts has to be ensured.
The other departments may need
technical support or machineries for
their maintenance work.
Unavailability of technical support or machineries may lead to
the hindrance of their maintenance.
The timely technical support and availability of required machineries
have to be ensured.
Needs & Expectations of Interested Parties
Review Frequency : Six Months Interval
Relevant Interested
Needs and Expectation of the interested parties.
Associated Risks and Opportunities
Getting the bill on time.
Suppliers may get demotivated to do business with us.
Getting the Spare Parts in time.
Due to the unavailability of spare parts in Khulna, the procurement procedure gets delayed and also the
timely maintenance of machineries often gets stalled. It may result in obstruction of generation or
compromise of quality.
Timely maintenance of machineries
Operation department
All other departments
Rapid breakdown maintenance
Due to the unavailability of spare parts in Khulna, the timely maintenance of machineries often gets
stalled. It may result in obstruction of generation or compromise of quality.
Providing technical support and equipment
The timely maintenance of other departments may get hampered.
Process Risk & Opportunities
Delay of bill paying to the
Due to complex and intertwined system of
authorization billing takes time.
The supply of Spare Parts gets
Lead time and cost for receiving spare parts and tools
The maintenance of some
machinery gets delayed.
The electricity of energy generation may get hampered
or the quality has to be compromised.
Unavailability of technical support or machineries may
lead to the hindrance of their maintenance.
Actions to be taken
for Risks/
The complexity of the authorization process needs to be
Increasing technical competence of the vendors.
The other departments may
need technical support or
machineries for their
maintenance work.
Rating of effects
Negative effects (N)
Positive effects (P)
Undesired or
desirable effects. Or
Associated Risk and
Organizational Issues
(Clause 4.1 and 4.2)
Review Frequency : Three Months Interval
Some minor spare parts are unavailable in Khulna. Moreover,
suppliers do not want to supply minor spare parts due to low
profit margin. A separate procuring entity based entirely on
Dhaka, Nawabpur may set up. Thus, the minor spare parts
may get procured in advance. As a result, in the time of
breakdown the parts will be readily available.
The other departments should notify MMD in advance.
• QHSE Procedure
1. Control of Documents and Records
2. IMS Manual NWPGCL
3. Internal Audit
4. Management Review
• EHS Procedure
1. Emergency Preparedness Plan & Response
3. Waste Management
4. Incident Investigation
Legal Register (Evaluation of Compliance)
• Boiler Rules
1. Renewal of certificate
2. Report of incident
• Labor Rules
Legal Register (Evaluation of Compliance)
1. White Wash & coloring
2. Register maintenance of cleaning
3. Pressure plant
4. Crane, highest, lift and kopical and other lifting machine etc.
• Gas Safety Rules
• Explosive certificate
IMS Objectives
Review Frequency : Six Months Interval
IMS Objectives
Improvement Management Program
Maintenance of Infrastructure
• Annual Maintenance Plan
• Maintenance of Fire Detection & Firefighting System
• Civil Maintenance
• Housekeeping
• Adequate Illumination
• Material Handling Equipment
• Monitoring, Control & Measuring of Maintenance Equipment
Monitoring & Measuring Resources
Measuring Equipment needs to –
• Be calibrated and/or verified at specified intervals
• Have calibration status through stickers or records
• Be safeguarded from adjustment
• Be protected from damage during handling by imparting training to
Records of the results of calibration and verification are to be maintained.
Awareness & Communication
• Awareness about IMS policy and relevant IMS objectives
• Awareness about SOPs, EAIA, HIRA, Emergency
Situation, IMP
• Participation of workers in incident investigation
• Communication & awareness about MSDS, Legal,
Handling, Labelling Requirements, Work Permits
Identification & Traceability
• Fuel, Consumables are to be identified by appropriate
• Identification tags, inspection records needs to be
• Separate identified storage space needs to be maintained
where necessary