Journal of Abnormal Psychology 1967, Vol. 72, No. 3, 2SS-264 PSYCHOLOGICAL AND PHYSIOLOGICAL DIFFERENCES BETWEEN GOOD AND POOR SLEEPERS 1 LAWRENCE J. MONROE 2 University of Chicago Physiological, personality, and EEC sleep patterns of 16 Poor Sleep group (PSG) Ss were compared with 16 Good Sleep group (GSG) Ss. Compared with good sleepers, poor sleepers had less sleep time, a higher proportion of Stage 2 sleep, markedly less REM sleep despite a similar number of REM periods, more awakenings, and required more time to fall asleep. Significant physiological differences between the groups were observed during all stages of sleep and during a presleep period. Personality test results clearly indicated a much higher probability of symptomatic complaints among poor sleepers as well as a strong positive relationship between dreaming and indexes of psychopathology. This study did not resolve cause and effect relationships among physiological variables, personality measures, amount of dreaming, and good and poor sleep; however, significant EEG, physiological, and psychological differences were demonstrated. The resurgence of interest in sleep and dream research during the past decade has produced a considerable body of empirical knowledge about both the psychology and physiology of sleep and dreaming (see reviews by Dement, 1965; Kamiya, 1961; Snyder, 1963). In light of this enhanced background of empirical evidence, the time appeared ripe to study psychological and physiological differences between good and poor sleepers. Although comments on qualitative aspects of sleep have appeared in the clinical literature, and articles have appeared in the popular literature on the general topic of sleep disturbance, there is a very noticeable discrepancy between personal and social concern with good and poor sleep and scientific concern with this problem. This discrepancy is especially paradoxical in light of the rapid increase in the consumption of soporifics and tranquilizers for sleep-inducement purposes during the past decade. Results of three preliminary questionnaire investigations showed that people have definite impressions about whether they are "good" or "poor" sleepers. These evaluations appeared partially determined by how long it usually takes to fall asleep, partly on subjective feelings of how "soundly" or "deeply" one sleeps, and partly on how well rested one feels on awakening. While there were other idiosyncratic bases for the evaluation of how 1 Presented in part at the annual meeting of the well one sleeps, the above criteria were the Association for the Psychophysiological Study of ones most frequently reported. Sleep, Washington, D. C., March 196S, and based These questionnaire studies clearly inupon a doctoral dissertation submitted to the Depart- dicated that individual indexes that could be ment of Psychology, University of Chicago, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of used to differentiate good and poor sleepers Doctor of Philosophy. This research was supported were highly interrelated. Respondents who by Public Health Service Grant MH-41S1 from the reported they fell asleep quickly also reNational Institute of Mental Health to Allan ported no difficulty in staying asleep, conRechtschaffen, and by an NIMH predoctoral Fellow- siderable enjoyment from sleep obtained, and ship, No. 5 Fl-MH-20,726 to the author. The author most of the time a feeling that they were well wishes to express his gratitude to the members of his dissertation committee: Allan Rechtschaffen rested in the morning. For subjects (5s) who (chairman), Donald W. Fiske, and Salvatore R. reported a specific sleep problem, such as Maddi. Special thanks are given to Gerald Vogel, difficulty in falling asleep, the probability David Foulkes, Rosalind D. Cartwright, and Kay was very high that additional sleep problems J. Monroe for their invaluable aid and assistance. 2 Now at the University of Illinois College of would be reported, such as frequent awakenings, feeling tired or "worn out" in the mornMedicine. 255 LAWRENCE J. MONROE 256 TABLE 1 GOOD SLEEP GROUP (GSG) AND POOR SLEEP GROUP (PSG) RESPONSES TO SUBJECT SELECTION-CRITERIA QUESTIONS GSG PSG Subject selection questions 1 . How long to go asleep (min.) ? 2. How many times per week do you fall asleep within 5 minutes? 3. How many times per week does it take more than 30 minutes? 4. How many nights per week do you awaken during the night? 5. How many times per night do you wake up? 6. How many times per month do you wake up and are unable to go back asleep? 7. When you awake how difficult is it to go back to sleep? No difficulty Considerable difficulty Usually not able to Never able to 8. How much difficulty do you have in falling asleep initially? No difficulty Very little difficulty Quite a bit of difficulty Much difficulty 9. How rested do you feel in A.M.? Very rested Moderately rested Not very rested Not rested at all 10. How much do you enjoy sleep? Much enjoyment Moderate enjoyment Little enjoyment No enjoyment M Mdn Range M Mdn Range 7.18 4.94 8 5 2-15 3-7 59.06 0.44 60 0 30-120 0-1 0.00 0 0 5.38 6 3-7 0.38 0 0-2 3.38 3 0-7 0.13 0 0-1 1.13 1 0-3 0.19 0 0-1 4.50 2 0-25 N % AT % 16 0 0 0 100.0 7 3 5 1 43.7 18.7 31.3 13 3 0 0 81.3 18.7 0 3 12 1 18.7 75.0 6 9 1 0 37.5 56.3 4 7 5 0 25.0 43.7 31.3 7 8 1 0 43.8 50.0 1 10 4 1 62.5 25.0 ing, and, in general, a dissatisfaction with their total sleep pattern. Thus, for purposes of the present study, good sleepers were defined as persons who reported the following sleep characteristics: (a) usually fall asleep in less than 10 minutes but never more than IS minutes; (b) as a rule, never wake up during the night; and (c) as a rule, have no subjective difficulty in falling or remaining asleep. The minimum requirements of poor sleepers were that they report the following characteristics: (a) usually take 60 minutes or longer to fall asleep and always more than 30 min- 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 6.2 0.0 6.2 0.0 6.3 0.0 6.3 0.0 6.2 6.3 utes; (6) usually wake up at least once during the night; and (c) usually experience considerable subjective difficulty in falling asleep, independently of how long it takes to fall asleep. Due to the paucity of empirical evidence on what constitutes good and poor sleep, it seemed most reasonable to initiate the investigation of good and poor sleepers in terms of previously studied variables which have been shown to vary systematically during natural sleep. The results of numerous EEG studies show considerable agreement regard- 257 GOOD VERSUS POOR SLEEPERS TABLE 2 DIFFERENCES BETWEEN THE GSG AND PSG ON SLEEP-RELATED VARIABLES GSG PSG Group differences Sleep variable Total sleep (min.) Total time awake (min.) Stage 2 sleep (min.) Stage 2 (% sleep time) Delta sleep (min.) Delta (% sleep time) REM sleep (min.) REM sleep (% sleep time) No. REM periods Sleep prior to first REM period No. REM awakenings No. all awakenings Time to sleep onset M SD M SD M t 388.56 31.44 188.28 48.32 105.03 27.34 95.25 24.34 4.00 91.59 0.69 2.31 7.38 29.37 29.34 32.84 6.72 19.54 6.40 23.00 5.43 1.27 56.15 1.10 1.61 6.95 346.47 73.53 191.00 54.86 97.34 28.20 58.72 16.93 3.44 111.84 1.50 3.88 15.16 60.63 60.64 47.12 10.59 32.81 9.75 22.74 5.75 1.11 62.95 1.06 1.83 15.82 42.09 42.09 2.72 6.54 7.69 0.86 36.53 7.42 0.56 20.25 0.81 1.56 7.78 2.37** 2.37** 0.24 2.53*** 0.88 0.36 4.55***** 4.00**** 1.09 1.02 1.89* 2.37** 1.81* *t <.io. **p <.OS. *** p < .025. **** p < .005. ***** p < .001. ing the interaction of certain psychological and physiological variables with variations in the basic sleep cycle. The specific question investigated was whether or not there were measurable differences between good and poor sleepers in sleep behaviors, in psychophysiological functioning, and in personality patterns. METHOD Subjects The population of potential 5s was drawn from a general university community. After having responded to an advertisement placed on local bulletin boards and in local newspapers, respondents completed a questionnaire about their sleep habits. On the basis of their responses to the criteria questions, respondents were classified into one of the following categories of sleep quality: very good, moderately good, moderately poor, or very poor. Due to the skewed distribution of qualitative sleep types, only 5s classified as "very good" were included in the final Good Sleep group (hereafter referred to as the GSG); both "poor" and "moderately poor" sleep types were included in the final Poor Sleep group (PSG). Table 1 shows the responses of the 16 GSG and the 16 PSG 5s to the criteria questions. Although the two groups differed greatly in the self-reported evaluations of their characteristic sleep patterns, the PSG cannot be considered an extremely sleep-disturbed group; none of the poor sleepers perceived themselves as "being insomniacs" or as having any specific type of sleep disturbance. In addition, all poor sleepers re- ported that they usually slept at least 4 or S hours per night without the aid of prescribed or commercial sleeping pills. While the PSG 5s were not severely disturbed poor sleepers, they were substantially different from the GSG sample in their subjective evaluation of sleep behaviors. Each GSG 5 was matched with a PSG 5 on age, education, and occupational classification. The mean age of the GSG was 26.0 years, the median was 23.0 years, and the range was 20-40 years. The mean age of the PSG was 25.3 years, the median was 24.0 years, and the range was 20-42 years. The mean years of education for the GSG was 16.2, the median was 16.5, and the range was 12-20 years. The mean education of the PSG was 15.9 years, the median was 17.0, and the range was 8-18 years. While the modal occupation for both groups was one of graduatestudent status, the range of occupations included unskilled, skilled, semiprofessional, and professional classifications. No 5 used in this study had any previous experience as an experimental S in sleep research. Procedure All 5s slept in the laboratory 2 nights under essentially identical conditions; 1 or 2 nights of nonlaboratory sleep intervened between the adaptation and the experimental night. The experimental night consisted of a 30-minute presleep period and a 7-hour sleep period; all physiological measures were continuously monitored throughout both periods using standardized recording techniques (Dement & Kleitman, 1957; Rechtschaffen & Maron, 1964). Body movements were detected by the use of a Piezoelectric crystal attached to the bedsprings and by the EEG-artifact method of movement detection. LAWRENCE J. MONROE 258 RESULTS Sleep-Related Variables All scoring of amount of time spent in the various EEC-defined stages of sleep followed standardized scoring procedures with the exception that Stages 3 and 4 were treated as one stage and designated as Delta sleep. The analysis of total sleep into various stages of sleep produced some overlapping among the different subclassifications of total sleep; in addition, Stage 2, Delta, and rapid-eye-movement (REM) sleep variables were analyzed both in terms of absolute minutes and percentages of total sleep spent in each stage. Variables analyzed in the above ways were interdependent rather than independent. The statistical model used in testing the significance of group differences was the t test for matched samples. Table 2 shows the results obtained for sleep-related variables. When the sleep cycle was considered as a unit, the major differences in sleep patterns of good and poor sleepers were accountable in terms of differential proportions of Stage 2 and REM sleep. When sleep time by stages was expressed as a percentage of total sleep, the PSG averaged significantly more Stage 2 sleep (p < .025) and significantly less REM sleep than the GSG (p < .005). The GSG had 62.2% more absolute minutes of REM sleep and 43.8% more REM time when expressed as the proportion of total sleep. In 15 of the 16 pairs of 5s, the good sleeper exceeded the matched poor sleeper on amount and proportion of REM sleep; on the basis of the binomial distribution, this finding was highly significant (p < .001). The groups did not differ significantly in either the absolute amount of Delta sleep or in the percentage of Delta sleep; however, a difference was obtained in the distribution of Delta sleep throughout the night. For the PSG, 88.1% of their total Delta sleep occurred during the first half of the night compared to 71.6% of the total GSG Delta sleep. During the last half of the night 28.4% of the GSG total Delta sleep occurred, whereas only 11.9% of the PSG's Delta sleep occurred during the latter half of the night. Differences between the groups in percentage of Delta sleep in both halves of the night were significant at the .005 level. The GSG spent 92.5% of the total bed period in sleep compared with 82.5% for the PSG. Although the groups differed significantly, this difference was not as marked as the questionnaire data would have predicted. An analysis of total awakenings by REM and non-REM (NREM) stages showed that the significant difference between the groups for total number of awakenings was largely the result of awakenings from REM periods. As the two groups did not differ significantly in the number of REM periods, the marked difference in REM time between the GSG and PSG can be accounted for in terms of REM periods of shorter duration and more frequent REM awakenings for the PSG. Physiological Measures One-minute samples of physiological activity were obtained at 5-minute intervals TABLE 3 PHYSIOLOGICAL DIFFERENCES BETWEEN THE GSG AND PSG DURING SLEEP GSG Rectal temperature (°F) Vasoconstrictions/min Body movements/hr j Heart rate/min ,jj3 Pulse volume Skin resistance (k ohms) *t <.05. **p <.025. ***f <.02. Group differences PSG M SD M so 97.22 0.84 5.76 56.64 29.76 126.48 .677 0.30 2.02 6.68 7.85 65.50 97.56 1.14 7.82 60.54 32.50 177.12 .375 0.39 2.92 6.97 6.75 76.70 Mom .337 .30 2.06 3.90 2.74 50.64 ( 2.68*** 2.91*** 2.25* 1.31 1.45 2.54** GOOD VERSUS POOR SLEEPERS 259 V 9775 o 0 9750 9700 - Tj 10 20 30 PRE-SLEEPIMIN) 3 4 SIEEP PERIOD IN HOURS FIG. 1. Comparison of GSG and PSG on rectal temperature. during the presleep period and at 10-minute intervals throughout the 7-hour sleep period. Although the major interest was concerned with how the GSG and PSG differed during sleep, it was also desirable to determine how the two groups compared during specific stages of sleep. Therefore, in addition to obtaining the mean value for each physiological variable during total sleep, the mean values for Stage 2, Delta, and REM sleep were also computed. Table 3 shows the results obtained during total sleep. Rectal temperature. The PSG had consistently higher mean values on all parameters of temperature investigated. The mean differences obtained significance during Stage 2 sleep ( £ < . 0 2 5 ) , Delta sleep (p < .02), REM sleep (p < .OS), and total sleep (p < .02). Considering that the range of individual 5 means during sleep equaled 1.64 degrees, a mean difference of .34 degrees was quite substantial. The notable consistency of the differences between the groups is depicted in Figure 1; the lowest mean temperature readings for the PSG were considerably higher than the highest mean readings for the GSG. The GSG showed a trend toward an increase in body temperature during the last hour and a half of sleep which is consistent with Kleitman's (1963) findings, whereas the PSG showed a slight decrease during the last 2 hours. Phasic vasoconstrictions. The PSG had a higher mean number of phasic vasoconstrictions per minute during all stages of sleep and during most sleep and presleep periods. The PSG means were significantly higher for Stage 2 sleep (p < .005), NREM sleep (p < .02), and for total sleep (p < .02). Figure 2 shows the distribution of the rate of vasoconstrictions; both groups, especially the PSG, showed a trend toward cyclic variation in vasoconstriction rate which appeared similar to the cyclical alternation of REM and NREM sleep phases. Body movements. The PSG had more bodymovement activity than the GSG during all stages of sleep; the mean differences were significant for Delta sleep (p < .02) and total sleep (p< .05). The PSG also had higher body-movement means during Stage 2 and REM sleep; however the mean differences were not significant. No difference in the rate of body movements per hour was found between Stage 2 and REM sleep, but a very substantial reduction in body activity during Delta sleep was observed. Figure 3 shows the mean number of body movements that occurred during each 30-minute interval of the total sleep period. The two groups were more consistently different during the latter half of the night than during the first half. Bodymovement rate for the GSG was comparatively LAWRENCE J. MONROE 260 1.00 I" I .40 .20 I 10 20 3 30 PRE-SLEEPWINJ I I 1 4 SLEEP PERIOD IN HOURS FIG. 2. Comparison of GSG and PSG on rate of vasoconstrictions. stable during the last S hours, whereas the PSG rate showed a gradually increasing trend throughout the night. Heart rate and pulse volume. The PSG had higher mean values on all parameters of heart rate investigated, and although the REMsleep difference approached significance (p < .10), none of the differences reached significance. The PSG had slightly higher mean values than the GSG on pulse volume level during all phases of sleep; however, none of the differences was significant. For both groups, heart rate and pulse volume tended to decrease with sleep onset and with each subsequent hour of sleep throughout the night. Basal skin resistance. The PSG means were higher than the corresponding GSG means on all investigated parameters of basal skin resistance. The differences between the means were significant for Stage 2 sleep (p < .02), i i i 3 4 SLEEP PERIOD IN HOURS FIG. 3. Comparison of GSG and PSG on rate of body movements. 261 GOOD VERSUS POOR SLEEPERS 229 200 175 150 125 100 75 50 25 I 10 20 30 PRE-SUEPWIN.) 3 I I I I 4 SLEEP PERIOD IN HOURS FIG. 4. Comparison of GSG and PSG on basal skin resistance. Delta sleep (p < .02), REM sleep (p < .01), and total sleep (p < .02). The two groups differed less during wakefulness than during sleep, and differed more during REM sleep than NREM sleep. For both groups, lowest skin-resistance readings were obtained during Delta sleep while highest readings were obtained from REM sleep; this difference probably represents the effect of sleep per se rather than stage differences. Inspection of Figure 4 shows the gradual rise of skin resistance during the night, and because more Delta sleep accumulates early in the night and more REM sleep late in the night, lower resistances were associated with Delta sleep and higher resistances with REM sleep. Not only did the GSG and PSG differ physiologically during sleep, but, very importantly, they were substantially different during the presleep period of wakefulness on heart rate, rectal temperature, pulse volume, and vasoconstriction rate. The earliest estimate of the level of autonomic functioning during wakefulness was obtained by using the first recorded measure of the presleep period. A comparison of group means on temperature, heart rate, and vasoconstriction rate, showed that PSG 5s had significantly higher values than GSG 5s. On certain measures the differences between groups were at least as large during wakefulness as during sleep. For example, the PSG averaged 7.4 more pulse beats per minute than the GSG at the start of the presleep period, 6.2 more beats per minute averaged over the 30-minute presleep period, S.S more beats per minute during REM sleep, and 3.9 more beats per minute during total sleep. Personality Measures Numerous writers have discussed the association between personality functioning and sleep disturbance (White, 1948). Disturbance of sleep is one of the most frequent complaints of the emotionally disturbed person. Clinical evidence suggests that persons who are diagnostically categorized as "neurotic" or "psychotic" present many complaints about their sleep; however, it has not been empirically established that persons who are categorized as poor sleepers are in fact emotionally disturbed or even more neurotic than individuals who are not classified as poor sleepers. To determine whether personality differences exist between good and poor sleepers, the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI) and the Cornell Medical Index (Brodman, Erdmann, & Wolff, 1956) were administered to all 5s under uniform conditions. Table 4 compares the GSG and PSG on the 12 original scales of the MMPI, plus 3 additional scales which are frequently used in conjunction with the standard scales. Analyses of the MMPI scales showed marked differences between good and poor sleepers in their psychological makeup. Table 4 LAWRENCE J. MONROE 262 TABLE 4 DIFFERENCES BETWEEN THE GSG AND PSG ON MMPI PERSONALITY SCALES GSG MMPI scale K F Hs D Hy Pd MJ Pa Ft Sc Ma Si WA WR ES Group differences 0 PSG M SD 17.56 5.06 2.19 17.31 20.69 16.31 28.12 9.44 S.94 8.38 17.31 21.63 6.38 16.19 52.50 4.71 2.69 1.74 3.73 4.04 3.96 5.18 2.49 3.46 4.76 3.09 5.52 3.60 4.89 3.37 M SD 13.50 4.39 9.00 5.12 5.75 5.59 23.56 6.43 23.13 5.52 19.56 5.28 32.56 4.56 11.13 2.55 15.19 9.83 18.19 12.33 19.25 6.09 30.69 11.18 14.94 10.37 15.38 4.15 46.63 6.68 -Mnm ( 4.06 3.94 3.56 6.25 2.44 3.25 4.44 1.69 9.25 9.81 1.94 9.06 8.56 0.81 5.88 2.33* 2.41* 2.41* 3.52***** 1.27 1.72 2.46* 2.19* 3.17**** 2.58** 0.97 3.26**** 2.73*** 0.43 2.93*** B All tests of significance were based on MMPI raw scores. *p <.05. **t < .025. ***p <.02. ****4, < .01. ***** t <.005. showed that the GSG 5s averaged significantly higher scales on K (p < .05) and £5 (p < .02); both these findings indicate greater psychological health in terms of adaptiveness and the availability of ego resources. The PSG averaged higher scores (in the psychopathological direction) on 12 of the 13 clinical scales investigated; group differences were significant for 9 of the 13 scales. The Cornell Medical Index results also revealed greater psychosomatic and emotional disturbance for poor sleepers. The PSG had a mean of 14.88 somatic symptoms compared to a mean of 5.19 for the GSG (t = 3.77, p < .005). The PSG had a mean of 9.25 emotional symptoms compared to the GSG's mean of 1.31 (t = 2.61, p < .02). Dreaming and psychopathology. There is considerable interest and potential significance in the relationship between dreaming and personality functioning, independent of good and poor sleep (Rechtschaffen & Verdone, 1964). In order to directly ascertain the relationship between the amount of REM time (dreaming) and indexes of psychopathology, correlations were computed between total REM time (percentage of sleep time) and MMPI scales for the GSG and PSG separately and in combination. For good sleepers, the correlations between REM time and psychopathology were generally negative and of small magnitude. For poor sleepers, correlations between REM time and psychopathology were all positive and generally of much greater magnitude. Of the 10 clinical scales investigated, 5 scales correlated significantly with REM time for poor sleepers while none of the correlations was significant for good sleepers, or for the combined sample of good and poor sleepers. The scales which were significantly associated with dreaming for poor sleepers were: Hs, .70; Hy, .70; Pd, .79; Pa, .64 (p < .01 for Hs, Hy, Pd, and Pa); Sc, .52 ( p < . Q S ) ; Ma, .48; Pt, .48 (.10 > p > .05). For good sleepers, correlations between dreaming and the above scales were: Hs, -.11; Hy, .03; Pd, -.02; Pa, -.23; Pt, -.44; Sc, -.18; and Ma, .06. Thus, the two groups were clearly different with respect to the degree and direction of association between dreaming and psychopathology. DISCUSSION The self-report criteria used to differentiate good and poor sleepers successfully predicted group differences in the experimental situation. Good and poor sleepers were originally differentiated on the basis of their reports of their home sleep behavior in terms of how quickly they fell asleep, how difficult it was for them to fall asleep, and how frequently they awoke during the night. In the experimental situation, the GSG 5s fell asleep more quickly than the PSG 5s, averaged considerably more sleep time (p<.05), less time awake (p < .05), and had fewer awakenings (p < .05). Therefore, there was a correspondence between group differences in self-reported sleep behaviors and electrophysiological sleep indicators. When the sleep cycle was considered as a unit, the major differences in sleep patterns of good and poor sleepers were accountable in terms of differential proportions of Stage 2 and REM sleep. When type of sleep was expressed in terms of the percentage of total sleep, it was found that the PSG averaged significantly more GOOD VERSUS POOR SLEEPERS Stage 2 sleep and significantly less REM sleep than the GSG. Total REM percentage for good sleepers (24,34) was very similar to the figures of 23.74% and 24.25% reported by Antrobus, Dement, and Fisher (1964) and Rechtschaffen and Verdone (1964). Total REM time for poor sleepers was significantly lower than that of the GSG, and similarly lower than that for normal 5s used in other studies. The poor sleepers slept "much better" than could have been expected solely on the basis of their responses to the 5-selection items. The postsleep rating of the majority of poor sleepers confirmed this impression; 75% of the PSG 5s rated their experimental sleep as average or better than average. By comparison, 63% of the GSG 5s rated their laboratory sleep as poorer than average; none of the good sleepers rated their sleep as better than average on the experimental night. When questioned about their postsleep ratings, good sleepers reported that they rated the night's sleep as average or poorer than average simply because waking up even once was considered an unusual deviation from their normal sleep pattern. Thus, a disturbance that was considered to be minor or usual by poor sleepers was considered to be very unusual or even disturbing by good sleepers. Significant physiological differences between the groups were observed on rectal temperature, phasic vasoconstriction, skin resistance, and body-movement measures. It may be that these samples of good and poor sleepers were different in some basic autonomic respect which was not determined in this study, and that the specific physiological differences found were but manifestations of a more primitive, underlying difference^ One general interpretation of the differences in psychophysiological functioning between the GSG and PSG seems warranted: questionnaire-defined good and poor sleepers differ not only in amount of EEG-defined sleep and number of spontaneous awakenings from sleep observed in the laboratory, but during sleep the physiological functioning of poor sleepers on such measures as rectal temperature, body movement, heart rate, and phasic vasoconstriction is closer to the waking end of the 263 sleep-wakefulness continuum than for good sleepers. Phrased simply, self-reported poor sleepers not only sleep less, but the sleep they obtain is more "awake-like" than that of good sleepers. Differences in basal skin resistance were inconsistent with this trend. Significant differences between good and poor sleepers were demonstrated on the MMPI and Cornell Medical Index. One interpretation of this difference suggests a differential response bias, with poor sleepers being more prone to subscribe to symptomatic complaints on the MMPI and the Cornell Index, as well as on the sleep questionnaire, than good sleepers who tended to be more guarded. The K and F validity scores are consistent with this possibility. Similarly, an apparent exaggeration of the time required to fall asleep by poor sleepers also suggests response bias. An alternative interpretation suggests that poor sleepers were empirically and clinically neurotic compared with good sleepers despite the possible contributing factors of a response bias. In addition to the significant scale score differences, it was the experimenter's distinct impression that the poor sleepers were less well adjusted; for example, the poor sleepers complained more about discomfort in the experimental situation, they asked more questions about possible dangers of recording techniques, and they showed a higher incidence of peculiar behaviors. One poor sleeper awoke screaming that his feet "are on fire," another accused the experimenter of "putting thoughts in my head" via the recording apparatus, and two other poor sleepers complained of being awakened by "electrical stimulation." Such behavior was absent in the good sleepers. Second, a number of significant correlations were observed between physiological functions and personality scale scores. Whereas there is little apparent basis to expect correlations between responsebias tendencies and physiological functions, numerous relationships between physiological functioning and personality disturbance have been demonstrated. Accepting the assumption that higher scores on the personality scales indicate greater likelihood of psychopathology, one can conclude from the different patterns of cor- 264 LAWRENCE J. MONROE relations that for the good sleepers there was a slight negative relationship between amount of dreaming and personality test scores. For poor sleepers, there was a significant positive relationship: poor sleepers with higher MMPI scores had more REM time than poor sleepers with lower MMPI scores; however, poor sleepers as a group had much less REM time than good sleepers. This is indeed a perplexing relationship because it unparsimoniously suggests that psychopathological test scores are associated with dreaming in different directions: first, that psychopathological test results in general are associated with reduced REM time, and second, that increasing degrees of psychopathology are associated with more dreaming, at least up to the same proportion of REM time for the good sleepers. As this is an important relationship, replication and subsequent investigation is needed before a meaningful formulation can be offered. It is clear that there are at least two major, different kinds of sleep, namely REM and NREM sleep, and because each appears to serve different psychological and physiological functions, attention must be given not only to amount of sleep but to the distribution of sleep stages as well. With regard to qualitative aspects of sleep, various soporifics have been used with varying degrees of effectiveness in inducing or maintaining sleep; however, there is little information about the type of sleep the various soporifics induce. Oswald, Berger, Jaramillo, Keddie, Olley, and Plunkett (1963) have reported that one soporific (heptabarbitone) decreased the proportion of REM sleep and increased the amount of Stage 2 sleep and the amount of body-movement activity; sleep obtained under the effects of heptabarbitone shares many of the characteristics of poor sleep observed in the present study. If, as Dement (1960) suggests, REM sleep serves important functions, soporifics might indeed induce sleep but at the same time have deleterious effects because of their inhibition of certain stages of sleep. There is a definite need for future research to emphasize qualitative aspects of sleep as well as concern for the quantity, induction, and maintenance of sleep. 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