串串响: Akalank's INDIAN BOILER REGULATIONS containing INDIAN BOILERS REGULATIONS, 1950 and INDIAN BOILERS ACT, 1923 曾 α '可 Fμ a, L,,pa" NARENDARKU沁iAI主 JAIN AKALANKKU沁iARJAIN 白白…"… akalank publicat量。ns Published by : Akalank Kumar Jain f0 1' Akalank Publications P.O. Box No. 1029, Mori Gate, Oelhì -110006. Email: húo@akalank.∞m; akalank@vsnl. com vÎSit: 性中 \\www.akalank.com e 与我 飞, 也 d d'de ISBN 三 81~'16j9-198-0 村二〈 Price: Rs. 850.00 (I n India) US$ 99.00 (Outside lndia) ,IL' j 苦' 1st Edl飞 2nd Edn. 3rd Edn. 1985 1988 1991 May, 1994 4位 Edn. 5队在dn. Apri\, 19锦 岳 thξdn. April, 2000 "…………-'7船去dn广… 0位二,2003 … @All Reserved with 出e Pub lishers 丁 HIS BOOK CAN BE EXPORTE日 ONLY BY THE PUBLISHERS. INFRINGEMENT OF THIS CONOITION OF SALE WILL LEAO 丁 o CIVIL ANO CRI岛但民A汇 PI支 OSECUTION. AIIDiasydfndDMztyingdGraphsfrt this editiofj are not to scale. νν d 'HU pw 』 叫M -h cd 、如 ] Ed ob 唱」川 U SL THL UAhM a, P,, wrMN Mr V'- CAUTION NOTE No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronically or mechanically, including photocopying, recording or any information storage or retrieval system, without prior permission in writing from the publisher or in accordance with the provisions of the Copyright Act, 1956 (as amended). Any person who does any unauthorised act in relation to this pub 1ication may be liable to criminal prosecution and civil c1 aims for damages: τhis book is intended to b昔极sed only for general guîdanc曹 and should not be quoted as an authority. Ir飞 case of any doubt, relevant act , rules, regulatio邸, orders, etc. on th世 subject from Govemment Department Concerned or Gazett串 notifkations sl飞ould be referred to. 111is • Publicatíon is sold with the understanding that the Publishers, Author窑 or Book sétlers are.not responsible for the result of any action taken on the basis of this book nor for any 在rror or omission to any pξrson whether a p泣rchaser of this public在 tion ornot. 主 very effort has been made to aγoid errors or omissions in 泌 ís book. Inspit吉 01 thís, errors may creep ìn. Any mistake, error or discrepancy noted, may be brought to the publìsher's which shall be taken care of ín the next edítion.τhe book íS"subject to replac世ment only if there is any bínding místake, mísprint or for mÎssing p是ges within 3Ò day5 from the dat哇。f purchase uf lhe book with the 5a然 e edition or the next aγailable edition if so published氢 AlI expenses ín this connection are to be 如ombyth程 pui-cl飞a5er. All disputes are subject to Distrkt Courts, Tis Hazari, Delhi Jurisdiction only. **t...* ..且' 。02003083100 A word from Pub1ishers Patrons of our Pu~lications have encouraged us to bring out the present revised 7th edition of Indiar飞 BoilerRegulations. Our 1st single volume edition 币 th Edition, 1998) was much appreci号ted by our readers. 丁his edition of book is revised by á11 Gazette Notifications issued by Central Boilers Board, New Delhi published in , Gazetteof India ti1l 31st August, 2003. All 0叽 efforts have been made to make the 飞、 b'opk uptodate ar飞d fool proof in all respects. All the Diagrams, Drawings and Graphs have been incorporated after the relevant chapter(时, regul挝ion(吟, para(s) or Appendix for !the purpose of quick reference ~df our valued read~rs. However, suggestions pertaining to improvement of the book are always welcome and shall be duly considered. We trust that the book wiU be of immense practical utility to all Boiler users, mant白C轧uers, engineers ançl all thoseconcerned with the subject matte汇 /ro serve the people is our 0七jective. We have already published the book on De日让 Municipal Corporation Act, CPWD Specifications 2002 in 6 volumes , New Delhi Municipal Council Act, Drugs and Cosmetics Act & Rules , Mandal Comm臼SionReportpIntdieduaipropertyLawsp Enviomment&PoilutionContyoi Laws, Insurance Laws, Water Supply & Treatment, Ci vil Accounts Manual, nearly 180 Central Statutes, etc. If our patrons have any suggestion or any compilation , worth P4blishing, we shall feel it our pleasure to discuss it with them for its publicatid.n. Oct. 2003. τhe Publishers , 户aw ,,,, 仰M 、 唱,筝 引川 稽, •• νd "" -es-- , dm mG &''v' MJU UWH om La. te Lnla. Jníní Mt1.11 Ja. íH Lt1. te M江 shmrtí Deví Jt1. ÍJL INDIAN BOILER REGULATIONS CONTENTS INDIAN BOILER REGULA TIONS, 1950 1平汉ELIMINARY 1. Short Tit1e,主xtent, Application ()11d Commencement 1 1 2. Definitions CHAPTER 1 GENERALRE安UIRE如1:ENTS, APPLICATION OF STANDARD CON :ð ITIONS ANDEXCEPTIONS THERET。 3. General requiremer飞怒I application of standard conditions ()11d exception thereto 3A. Inspection of Boiler to comply into any Foreign Code (我) Material (b) Construction (c) Certificates etc. under Sec. 14(1)(c) of the Act Pl支OCEDURE FOR RECOGNITION OF COMPETENT AUTHORITY, INSPECTING AUTHORITY, WELL-KNOWN M.ATERIAL 内 44 4. 3 州3 sτANDARDRE岳飞IIRE沁1:ENTS 2 3 τESTING LABORATORY,毛电iELL-KNO号句rN A哇 叶J 吁''叮J STEEL MAKER, WELL-KNOWN FOUNDRYI FORGE, WELL-KNOWN TUBE/PIPE MAKER AND WELL-KNOWN REMANENT LIFE ASSESSMENT ORGANISAτION 4A. Application for Recognition £ 4B. Scrutiny of Applications by 白e Evaluation Committee 7 4C. Recognition of a Firm as Competent Authorìty, Inspecting Authorities etc. DEF Validity of Certificate of Recognition Renewal of Certificate of Recognition Application for Registration of Existing Competent Authority etc. 是G. Appeal 4H. Function of Evaluation Committee 5. Modification of Formulae 5A. Material not fully identified 6. Standard specifications for mater始Is 7. Registration of second幡hand boilers not in accorda仅仅 with the standard conditions 9 9 8. Weiding 性 A"EA U最 OO 咛''' 且URUQJ CHAPτER 11 MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION STEEL PLATES, RIVEτS, SECTION AND BARS IN CARBON STEEL 9. Process of manufacture 9 10. 11. 12. 13. 13A. 13B. Chemical analysis Freedom from defects, etc. Rolling margin Testing and inspecting 9 \10 10 10 10 Testing and certification of semi-skilled steel for which all tests not carried out in a steel plant 10 14. Selection of test pieces 11 15. Tensile test piecesι11 16 昏 Tensile test .11 17. Number of tensile tests 11 18. Dump test 、 12 19. Bend tests… Cold bends 12 20. Number of bend tests 12 12 21. Manufactured rivets 22. Additional test before rejection 12 23. Branding 12 24. Defacing of rejected material 12 25. Fadlities for Inspection 13 26. Steel not produced where rolled 13 27. Maker's certificáte 矿 13 毛馆1至OUGHT IRON STAY AND RIV主TBARS 28. 去ivet bars 13 29. Manufactured rivet tests 13 30. Stay bars 13 31. Stay ba主子bend}ests 13 32. Spedal iron for scrεw stays for fire-boxes and combustion chambers 13 COPPER PLATES, STAY ANDRIVET BARS 13 33. Plates 14 34. Stay and Rivet Bars COPPER, BRASS Al'! D STEEL TUB主S 35噩 (1) Copper tubes 14 35. (2) Brass Tubes 15 35. (3) Carbon Steel Tubes 16 COLD DRAWN SEAMLESS CARBON ST辈革L BOILER, SUPERHEAτERANDHEAT 主XCHANGER TUBES FOR DESIGN MET AL TE如1:PERATURES NOT EXCEEDING 454 C(850 的 36. (a) General 16 (b) Material 16 位) Heat Treatment 16 位) Workmanship and Toler ()11ce 16 37. (a) Test Spec泣\ens 17 (b) Number of tests 17 17 38. Tensile and Hardness tests 39. Flattening test 18 40. Expanding or Flaring test 18 … 0 0 ,,雹毡' 0 -1AH lndian Boiler Regulations 41 0' Additional test before. rejection 18 42. Hydraulic Test 18 SEAML主SS CARBON STEEL PIPES FOl主 HIGH TEMPERATURE SERVICE FOR DESIGN METAL TEMPERATURES NOT 军XCEEDING 454"C (850"到 43. (a) General . 18 ~M~~ W (b) Heat treatment 19 (c) Workmanship and Tolerances 19 (d) Test Specimens 19 (e) Number of tests 19 44. (a) Tens i1e test 19 (b) Bend test 20 (c) Flatening test 20 45. . Additional tests before rejection 、 20 46. Hydraulic 您就 20 SEAMLESS FERR1TIC AND AUST翠NITICALLOY STEEL BOILER, SUPERHEATER AND HEAT EXCHANG军R TUBES 47. General 48. (a) Material 21 (b) Heat treatment 21 (c) Workmanship and toler姐ce 21 (d) Test spec凶ens 23 {的 Number oftεsts 49. (a) Tensile and hardness 怡磁 (b) Flattening test ω Expanding or f1aring t邸t 50. Additional tests before rejection 51. Hydraulic test SEAMLESS F览RRITIC PIPES FOR HIGH TEMPERATURE SERVICE 52. General 53. 但) Material 在) Heat Treatment (c) Workmanship and toleranée 〈刽 T!i!s~.事pecimen (e) 叩牛 N回到ber of tests 54. 但) Tensile Test (b) Bend test (c) Fla役ening test 55. Additiorial tests before rejection 56. Hydraulic test 56A. Seam1ess Chiomium-MolybdenUIri Steel Boilerand Superheater Tubes for design metaltempera饥ltes not exceedíng 5770 C (1070 的 0 23 23 23 23 23 23 26 26 26 26 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 29 EL嚣CTRIC-絮絮SISTANCE-WELDED ST嚣EL BOILE泯 AND SUPERHEATER TUBES FOR DESIGN METAL TEMPE翠ATURES 到OT EXCEEDING 公54 (850 0 F) 57. General 30 58. (a) Material process 30 0 (b) Manufacture (c) Chemical ∞mpos汹on 30 30 30 31 (d) Thickness {啡 Diam的时 (f) Leng出 31 59. 但) Flattening test Fla巾19 test 60. Tensile Strength 61. Hydraulic test 运2. Test specimen军一 63. Number of tests COLD DRAWN-RESISTANCE-WELDED STEEL BOILEl主 AND SUPEl主-HEATER TUB军S FOR DESIGN METAL TEMPERATURE NOT EXCEEDING 454"C (850 0 F) 63A. STEEL CASTING 73. Scòpe 74. Proce部 of manufacture 31 31 31 31 32 32 (b) ~...75:Fieedö丽f部副豆豆d 出iCfffìë前ìon~õlt岳Ie证s 76. 77. 78. 79. 32 32 32 .~33 Number of test provision of test samples Tensile test Bend tests (a) Additional tests before rejection (b) Har由1部s test after heat treatment (c) Non-des位uctive tests 80. Procedure for wèlding' FORG军D OR ROLLED PRESSUR班 PARTS 33 33 33 34 34 34 34 OTl变革RTHANSEAML盖SS Dl支UMSOR CARBON STEEL 81. (a) Proeess of manufacture 35 (b) Chemical Ana协is 35 (c) Freedom from and rectification of defects 35 82. Selection of test pieces 35 83. Tensile strength 35 84. Bend tests 35 85. Additional tests bèfore rejectioh 一. 36 GENERAL GREY IRON CASTINGS (GRADE A) 船,但) Process of m拟\ufacture 36 (b) Chemical composition 36 亿) Moulding 36 87: Provision of test bars 36 88.0恼.ension of test bars 36 89. Mechanical test 36 90. Tr部\Sverse test 37 91. Tensi1e test 37 92. Number of transverse and tensile tests 37 93. Additional tests 38 COVERED ELEC1宜。DES FOR METAL ARC WELDING OR MILD STEEL 94. Central requ泣ements 38 95. Requirements for normal penetration electrodes 39 lndian Boiler Regulations 96. Requirements for deep penetration 39 butt-welding, electrodes initial test 97. Requirements for deep penetration fillet-welding electrodes Î!飞itial test 39 98. Periodic check test 40 APPENDIX H-1 (See Regulation 95) (1) PareI飞t metal for test plates 40 (2) All-weld metal test 40 41 (3) Impact test spec出en 41 (4) Hot cracking test (5) Transverse tensile anà bend tests 41 (6) Transverse tensile test 42 (7) Transverse bend test 42 (8) Crudform fi11et weld tensile test 42 APPENDIX H-2 (See 1之.egulation 96) Butt刑eld 沁sts- Deep penetration electrodes 45 (1) Transverse tensile test 45 45 (2) Transverse bend test (3) Cruciform fi1let weld test 45 FILLER RODS FOR GAS \电lELDING OF STEEL 98 A. 48 CHAPTER 111 CONSTRUCTION AND WORKMANSHIP GENERAL 99. Preparation of plates 49 100. Normalìsing of certain Steel Plat部 49 101. Minimum Thickness of Plates 49 SHELLS, ANGLE RINGS, BUTT STRAPS ,主T C. 102. Cylindrical Shells 49 103. Position of Longitudinal Seams 49 104. Circumferential and End Seams 49 105. Angle Rin gs 49 106. Thickness of Shell Angle 去ings 49 107. Welded Shell Plates 49 108. Longitudinal Seams 49 109. Butt Straps 49 110. Thinning of Butt Straps 49 11 1. Altemative Construction 49 112. Local Welding of Butt Se ams 49 END PLAτES 113. Flat End Plates 50 114. Strengthening of Flat End Plate at M缸让l01e 50 115. End Plates in Ste臼n Spaces 50 116. Hemispherical Crowns 50 117. Dished End and Crown Plates 50 118. Tl.lbe Plates 50 119. Parts of Flat Tube Plates within the 主1 Tube Nests 120. Flanging of End Plates 51 FURNACES 121. Fumaces in Generál 51 (í x) 122. 123. 124. 125. 126. 127等 128. 129. 129 A. 130. 131. 132. 133. 134. 135. 136. 137. 138. 139. Fumaces of Horizontal Boilers Fumaces of Vertical Boilers Longitudinal Seams Fusion welded longitudinal seams Fumace Crown Cross Tubes Uptakes Loco Type Fìreboxes Welded Joints to Copper Fire Boxes STAYS Bar Stays LongitudinalStays Nuts and Washers for Stays Jointed Stays Di agonal Bar or Rod Stays SCRE\守主D STAYS Screwed Stays Axial Drilling Stay Nuts Spacing of End Stays-Allowance for Curves, etc. GIRD主R STAYS Girder Stays for Firebox and Combustion Chamber Crowns 51 51 52 52 52 52 53 53 53 54 54 54 54 54 54 55 55 55 55 GUSSEτSTAYS 140. Gusset Stays 55 55 141. Breathing Space 56 142.GU§set A1Gngulsets 56 143. Load on Gusset Stay 56 144. Gu部et Riveting BOILER TUBES SUBJECτTO EXTERNAL PRESSURE 145. Steel and Wrought Iron Tubes 56 146. Fitting of Plain Tubes 56 STAYTUBES 56 147. Screw Threads of Stay Tubes 57 148. Stay Tubes 57 149. Thickened Ends of Stay Tubes 57 150. Load on Stay Tubes BOIL军RAND SUP荒装HEAT主R TUBES SUBJECτ TOINτ军RNAL PRESSURE 57 151. Steel Tubes 58 152. Attachment of Steel Tubes 59 153. Copper Tubes HEADERS, MUD BOX主 SI ETC. OF WATER TUBE BOILERS 59 154. STAND PIPES, PADS 荒TC. 59 155. Stand Pipes and Pads 59 156. Design of Stand Pipes 60 157. Pressed Plate Saddles 60 158. Seatings for Mountings 60 159鑫 Attachment of Mountings (x) lndian Boüer Regulativl! s 160. Insufficient Thickness of End Plates 161. Attachment of ¥气later and Pressure Gauges 162. Mountings on Flat Places 163. Bolts 但ld Nuts MANHOL主S, MUDHOLES, ETC. 164. Access 165. Compensating Rin gs and Frames for Openings in Shells 166. Doors and Cross Bars 167‘ Raised Manhole Frames and Cover Plates 168. Positions of Manhole 如 Shell 169. Compensation Rings to Manholes 170. Compensation for Cutting Large Holes in Shellτype Boilers 171. Rivets Securing Compensating Rir飞萨 and Stand Pipes RIVETING 172A. Rivet Heads 172B. Tolerances on Shanks -ì72C--- RiVeT百õles …- 60 60 60 60 61 61 61 61 62 62 62 63 63 63 ".一……→二十…--65 173. Riveting 65 174. Fullering and Caul挝吨 65 CHAPTER IV REGULATIONS FOR DEτER岛日NING THE WORKING PRESSURE TO BE ALLOWED ON VARIOUS PARTS OF BOILERS OTHEI支 THAN 左右SION WELDED AND SEAML主SSFORGED DRUMS 175. M椒面mm Pressure 65 SHELLS 176. Fo口nula for WorkingPressure of Shell 65 177. Mεthods of Ca1culating the Strength of Ri veted Joints 66 178. When Pitch Exceeds Maximum-Allowed 66 179. Butt Straps and Spacing of 武ivets Below Requirements 66 180. Percen饭ge of Welded and Strapped Seams-66 181. Percentage to be allowed for Solid Rolled Shells 66 182. Thickness of Butt Straps 66 183. MaxÌI口um Pitchof Rivets in Longitudinal Joints 67 67 184. Spacing of Rows of 我ivets 185. CircumfereI讼法1 and End Se ams of pγater Tube Boi1ers 68 186. Compensation for Manholes and Other Openings 68 187. Uncompensated Holes in W挝时 Tube Boilers 68 DISHED 主 NDPLATES 188. Complete Hexrusphere Without Stays or Other Support Made of One or More Plates and Subject to Internal Pressure 70 189. Dished Ends Subject to Internal Pressure 190. Dished EndsSubjects to External Pressure 19 1. Dished Ends of Lancashire and Cornish Type Boilers 192. Dished Shell and Firebox Crowns FLAT PLATES ' 193. Fl就 plates supported by Solid Screwed Stays, Marginal Seams or Flanges 194. FlatPlates supported by Stays and Nuts and Large Washers or Strips or Doublings 195. Flat Tube Plates 196. Plates supported by Gusset Stays 197. Fl挝 Crown Plates of Vertical Bo i1ers 198. Circular Flat Ends of Drums, etè. supported only at Edges 199. Bar or Bulb Stiffened End Plates and Smokebox Tubes Plates of Locotype Boilers 200. Plate M挝gins ……… 281.… ManholesandMudholes-in -FlaιFla.res 70 70 70 70 71 71 72 72 73 73 73 73 74 STAYS Solid Screwed Stays 74 Stre部es in Steel Jointed Stays 74 Stay Tubes 74 Stays in Tension and Compression 74 Measurement of Stayed Areas in the End 74 plates of Locotype and Vertical Boilers 207. Gusset Stays 75 208. Bolts and Studs 75 TUBE PLAT军S 76 209. Compression ofthe Tube Plat础 76 210. Parts to be Stayed 76 21 1. Minimum Thickness and Cross唰Section 76 212. Holding Power of Plain Tubes 213. Tube Plates, Other Than Ends of Vertical Boilers Forming Parts of Outer Shell 77 214. Curved Tube Plates of-Water-TubeBoilers 77 77 215. Effidency of Ligament BOILER AND SUPERHEATERτUBES SUBJECT 202. 203. 204. 205. 206. TOI到TERNALPI主芜SSURE 216. HEAD主RS 81 AND SECTION BOXES OF WATER τUB主 BOILERS 81 217. BOILER TUBES (SMOK日 SUBJECττ。 EXTEI主NAL PRESSURE 81 218. Steel and Wrought Iron Tubes 81 219. Brass and Copper Tubes FURNACES 81 220. Plain Fumaces of Horizonta1 Boi1ers 22 1. Corrugated Furnaces of Horizontal Boilers 81 222. Plain Furnaces of Vertical BoHers 81 223. Hemispherical Furnaces of Vertic a1 Boilers 82 Indian Boiler Regulations 224. Corrugated Fireboxes of Vertical Boilers 82 225. Foundations of Vertical Boilers Furnaces 82 226. Foundatíons of Loco-type Boiler Fireboχes 82 227. Cross Tubes 82 228. Uptakes of Vertical Boilers 83 SUPPORTS FOR COMBUSTION CHA孔1BERAND FIREBOX CROWN 229. Girder Stays for Firebox Crowns 83 PATENτFIREBOX ROOFS OF LOCOτ'YPEBOIL主RS 230. Marshall Type 83 23 1. Garret Type 84 232. Fowler Type 84 CHAPTER V FUSION 耳电IELDED AND SEAMLESS FORGED DRUMS FOR WATER TUBE BOILERS AND SUPERHEATERS 233. General Requirements 84 岛1ATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION 234. Materìals for Fusion Welded Boiler Drums 84 S军AMLESS FORGED DRUMS 235. Manufacture 85 236. Chemical Analysis 85 237. Freedom from Defects 85 238. Heat Treatment 85 239. Mechanical Tests 85 240. Selection of Test Pieces 86 24 1. Additional Tests Before Rejection 86 242. Discard 86 243. Forging 86 τUBES, PIPES IN BOILERS,圣王军ADERSAND STEEL CASτINGS 244. (a) Tubes 86 86 (b) Pipes 245. Headers 87 246. Steel Castings 87 FUSION WELDED DRUMS 247. Definítion of Term 'Fusíon Weld' 87 248. Equipment of Workshop 88 249. Constructional details and Preparation for Welding 88 250. Preparation of Plates 88 25 1. Cylindrical Shells of Drums 88 252. Method of Making Welded Joints 88 253. Types of Welded Joi刀切 89 254. Number of Joints 89 255. Position of the Tube Holes 89 256. (a) Circulatory of Drums 89 (b) Tolerance 89 257. Mechanical Test and Test Plates for Fusion Welded Seams 89 258. Selection of Test Pieces 90 259. Tensileτest Pieces 91 260毫 τensile Tests 91 (x i) 262. 263. 264. 265. 266. 267. 268. Bend Tests Notched.…Bar-Impact Test Additional Tests before Rejection Non-Destructive Test General Hydraulic test at maken弓, works INSPECTION AND 丁军 SτING 269. Inspection during Construction REGULATION FOR 口ETER岛lINING THE WORKING PRESSURE OF WATER TUBE BOILERS WITH FUSION WELDED AND SEAMLESS FORGED DRU岛1S SHELLS 270. Shell of Steam and Water:Drums 271 争 Permissible Working Stresses for Shells of Boiler 拟飞d Integral Superheater Drums and Headers 272. The Ligamer欢 Efficiency of Drum Shells sha丑 Comply with 1之.eg.215. 273. Longitudinal Stress 274. Intermedîate Boiler Drum Supports END PLATES 275. Shape of Dished 巴nd Plate 276. General 277. Dished end with opening 278. End plate subject to pressure on the concave side 'SτANDPIPES AND .N OZZLES' 279. 协 Standpipes and Noz之les Welded to Shell (b) Standpipe and Nozzles Welded to Dished End Plates (c) Minimum Thickness of Flanges 280. Attachment of Stand Blocks and Branch Pípes by Weld肌g CHAPTER VI VALVES , GA飞JGES AND AUXILIARIES 28 1. Requisite Mountings, Fi ttings and Auxiliaries 281 A. Additional Requirements for Automatk Boilers only 92 92 93 93 93 94 95 96 96 96 97 97 98 98 100 100 101 101 102 102 103 106 107 G 主N主 RALR苞 QUIRE 岛IENTS 282. Materials, Temperature and Pressure Limits METHOD OF CONS丁RUCTION 283. Castings 284. Packing of Cocks 285. Covers and Spindl部 286. Direction of Operatior飞 287. Mov泣19 Parts 288. Flanges 289. Valve Se atings 290. Chests etc. in General 108 109 109 109 109 109 109 109 109 (x ii) SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS SAF主TYVALVES 29 1. General 111 292. 位) Ordinary Lift Safety Valve 111 (b) High Lift Safety Valve 111 (c) Full Lift Safety Valve 111 293. Minimum Aggregate Area 111 294. Over Pressure of Safety Valves 112 295. Pressure Drop 112 296. Mountings of Safety Valves 112 297. Openings 拙 Shell 112 298. Discharge Passage 112 299. Drainage 112 300. Movirig P挝~ 112 301. Bearings for Levers 113 302. Attachments of Weights and Springs 113 303. Easing Gear 113 304. Lift 113 305. High and Low Water Alarms 113 旦ι Fi巧合l 苍白白g~--_. ……一一一…二十 113 Adjustment of Safety Valve Se t Pressure 11主 Materials 113 Dimensions 114 Determmation of Working Pressure 114 Test 114 31 1.在xtension Springs 115 312. Number of Effective Coils 115 313. Spacing of Coi1s 115 314. Finishing of Ends 115 STOPVALVES 315. Lever Valves 115 主16. Steam Stop Valve 115 BLOW-DOWN COCK OR V ALVE AND PIPES 主17‘ General 115 318. Blow Down Mountings 116 319. Blow-Down Valve or Cock 116 WATER GAUGES 320. 116 321. Drains 116 322. Protectors 116 323. Glass Size 116 324. Safety Devices 116 主25. Gauge Còlumns 116 主26. Isolating Cocks 116 PRESSURE GAUGES 327. Dials 116 117 328. Connections 117 329. Gauge Cocks 330. Test Connections-Inspector's Pressure Gauge Attachment 117 FUSIBLE PLUGS 331. General 117 117 主32. Type 路3. Material 117 306A. 307. 308. 309. 310. 11ldùm Boíler Reglllatio115 334锺 Attach红\ent to Boiler FEED VALVES 335. General 336. Operating Position 336A. Requirements as to Feed Apparatus in Certain Cases CHAPTER vn 117 117 118 118 BOIL主芷 ANDSUPERH军ATERτUBES, HEAD辈RS &: OTHE1主 PARTS TUBES 337. Material and Construction 118 338. 119 HEADERS AND SIMILAR PRESSURE PARTS 120 339. Material and Construction 340. Rectangular Headers Symmetrieal 120 in Form 34 1. Headers Irregular in For把 121 342. 但) Cylir飞drical Headers 122 。) End AttachmEmts 122 CHAPTER VIn STEAM♂IPES AND FITTINGS 343. 122 MATERIAL 123 344. Steel Pipes 123 345. Condition of Pipes MECHANICAL TESτ 12主 346. Number of sets of Tests 347. {的 Flattening Test [for Pipes upta岳飞d induding 102 mm. (4 in.) Norriinal 123 bore] (b) Cold Bend Te就 [for Pipes over 124 102 mm' 伺机) Nominal bore] 124 (c) Bend Test on the Weld 124 (d) Additional Test 124 (e) Tensile Test 124 。) Test for Valvesand Fittings 348. Method of 时始时时如眩I Heê飞t Treatment and Marking 124 125 349. 350. Steel Pipes 125 126 35 1. Cast Steel Pipes 126 352. Copper Pipes FLANGES 127 353. (a) Flanges of Carbon Steel Pipes 127 (b) Flanges of Alloy Steel Pipes 127 (c) Non-ferrous Flanges 127 拮4-;---5erewed on Flanges 127 355. Loose Flanges 127 356. Riveted on Flanges 357. Welded on flanges 128 358. Flanges of Copper Pipes 129 359. Standard Flan伊S 129 129 360. Joints 111dian Boiler Regt/ lations (xiii; STEAM-PIPE FITTINGS AND CONNECTIONS 361. Yγrought Bends 132 361 A. Butt Welding Fìttings 133 STE主L BUTT WELDING FITTING 362. (a) Branches, Bosses and Drain Pockets 134 (b) External Reinforcement 134 (c) Thickness where no External Reinforcement is Provided 134 363. Blow-Down Pipes 142 364. Valves Chests 142 STEAM RECEIVERS, SEPARATORS, CATCH 毛电rAτERS, ACCUMULAτORS AND SIMILA 汉 VESSELS 365. (a) Materials 142 (b) Construction and Workmanship 143 (c) Access to Shells 144 (d) Compensating Rings to Openings 栩d Doors 144 (的 Branches and Other Connections 144 151 。) Shell Joints 、 366. Determination of wor l;< ing Pressure 152 367. Steel Screwed and Socketed Joints and Mountings of Steel 154 368. Bronze Screwed and Socketed Joints and Mountings and Fittings of Bronze 154 369. Reducing Valve 155 370. Flexibility 155 371. Pipe Work Supports 155 372. Drainage 156 373. Freedom from Rust and Other Foreign 民tfatter 156 374碰 τest Pressures 156 CHAPTEI支 IX FOR THE 1王军GISTRATION OF BOILERS AND INSPECTION OF BOILERS AND 汉EGULATIONS STEA如1.PIPES 375. 376. 377. 378. 379. 380. 38 1. 382. 383. 384. 385. 386. Preparations of Inspection Hydraulic test of boilers for Registration Prep盯ation for Hydrau1ic tests Procedure of Hydraulic Tests Steam tests Proced l1re for Registration Engraving of Registry Number Mea军urement of Heating Surface . Boiler Rating 1之egistration Fee Memorandum of Inspection Book 387葡 Registration Book 387A. Maintenance of Records 388. Transfer of Memoran也lffi of Inspection Book and R较gistration Book 389. Grant of Certificate 156 156 157 157 157 158 158 159 160 160 160 161 161 161 162 162 390. Procedure for h飞spectíon of lnstalled Boilers 39 1. Cakulation of ¥Vasted Shell 391A. Ageing of Boilers 392. Repairs to Boiler and Steam Pipes 393. Submission of manufacturing drawings and the particulars of boilers in advance 394. Inspections of Steam Pipes 395. Submission of Plans of Steam-Pipes 395A. Inspection Fees for Boilers and Part thereof Constructed in India 395R Fees for Inspection of Pipes 395C. Fees for Inspection of Valves 395D. Fees for Inspection of Components of Valves 395E. Fees for inspection of feed water heaters and other fittings 395F. Markings 395G. Fee for inspection of spares and scantlings 162 16垂 165 167 168 168 169 169 169 169 170 170 170 170 CHAPTE汉 IX-A SAFETY OF PERSONS INSIDE BOILERS 396. Safety of persons working inside boilers 171 CHAPTERX ELECT.I主 ODE BOIL芜汉 S GENERAL REQUIRE M:主NTS 171 397. Application 398. 171 399. 171 RIVETED STEEL BOILERS 171 400. Construction and Workr泣如ship 401.¥Vorking Pressure of Shells 171 171 402. Strength of Riveted Joints 403. Thickn岔路 of Butt唰Straps 172 404. Maximum Pitch of Ri vets in 172 Longitudinal Joints 172 405. Spacing of Rows or Rivets 172 406. End and Ci rcumferential Seams 172 407‘ Mar啦。les and other openings in Shells 408. Dished End plates with pre莘莘ure on 172 concave side 搞 173 409. Seatings for Mounting 175 组 O. Flanges thickness and drillir丐 175 411. Pads 175 412. Unstayed Flat-End Plates 175 413. Thickness of Angle Rin gs 175 414. Bo1ts, Nuts and Stl1 ds 175 415. Hydrau1ic Test FUSION WELDED BOILERS 175 416. Construction ar飞d Workmanship TESTS F。这 CLA;;~ 1 .F~SION WELDED\S队MS 417. Selection of τest Pieces 176 (xiv) India l1 Boiler RegulatiollS 418. Tensile Test 419. Bend Test 420. Nick Breakτest 42 1.丑.etests 422. 423. 424. 425. 426. 177 177 177 177 177 177 177 177 Specimens after Tests Heat Treatment Hydraulic and Hammerτest Determination for Working Pressure Welds and ~ompensation for 178 Manholes and Branches 427. Manholes and other openings in Shells 178 428. Dished end plates wi注1 Pressure 178 on Concave side 429. 飞Jnstayed Flat end Plates 178 430. Thickness of Angle 丑站在§ 179 43 1. 179 . 179 432. 179 433. Hydrau1ic Test SEAMLESS SHELL BOILERS 434. 口时erminationβf :workingPressure J7!L 435. End Plates 179 436. -M缸也oles 但ld other op.ening in the Shells 179 437. ~- Mountings, fittings and connections 179 (for all types of electrode boi1ers) CHAPTERXI STA时DARD CONDITION FOR THE DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION OF ECONO岛nSERS, FEED PIPES, FEE HEATEl至SANDOτT王 ER SIMILAR VESSELS 、-飞 516. Headers: 飞Vorking Pressure 517. Attachment of Tubes to Headers JOINT BOLTS AND STUDS 518. ]oint Bolts, Studs and Flanges VALVES AND MOUNTINGS 519. ~ … 179179 180 180 180 180 180 181 181 181 CASτIRONECONO岛nSERS 510. 51 1. ]oint Bolts and Studs for Cast 1陀n .- 182 丑conomisers 182 512. Economise r. water outlet temperature 182 STEEL ECONOMISERS WITH OR WITHOUτ CAST IRON SLEEVES ON THE TUBES 513. Tubes: Construction 182 182 514. Tubes: Working Pressure 182 515. Headers: Construction 183 如)τhermometers 184 184 (c) Pressure Gauge 184 (d) Air Release Valves 184 (e) Blow off Drain Valves 184 。) Non-retum Valves in retum feed line 184 184 (g) Reserve FIues (h) Explosion doors 184 (i) Hydraulic Te到 184 184 0) Feed Lin (k) Non-retum Valve 184 FEED PIPE& 520锺 General 184 184 521. Steel Feed Pipes 184 … .522.(注~JrQ!LE理c;:l.I:ipg事…地 184 523. Copper Feed Pipes 523A. Feed Heaters and similar vessels fitted to Feed PipesG\IhST 、 Et 184 REGULATION FOR RE G1STRATION AND INSPECTION OF ECONOMISERS AND FEED PIPES 524. Preparation for Inspection 185 185 525. Procedure for Regulation 186 526. Procedure at subseq\阜ent Inspection 187 527. Procedure for Hydraulic Test 187 528. Memorandum of Inspection Book 187 φ529. (a) Registration Books (b) Transfer of Memorandum of Inspec187 tÎon Book and Regìstration Books 187 530. Grant of Certificate 187 531. Casual Visits 187 532篝 Economiser 去ating 187 533. 1主egistration Fee 188 534. Engraving of 1支egistry Number 188 534A. 188 534B. Submission of Plans of Feed Pipes CHAPTER XII SHELL TYPE BOILERS OF WELDED , ;CONSTRUCTION 188 535. Application 188 536. General Requirements 188 536A. Equipment of Workshop 189 537. Materials of Construction 189 538. Covered Electrodes 189 539. Plain and Stay Tubes 189 540. Construction and workrnar飞ship .189 54 1. Preparation of Plat已汉、 189' 542. Stress Relieving (b) Relief Valves ECON。如USERS 500. Application of standard conditions and exceptions thereto 501. General Requirements 少':::-:'-502. 埠。difìcation of formula 503. 头1aker's certificates for steel economisers 504. HydrauJic_ Tesrlor new Economisers 505. Workmanship and-Manufacture CAST IRON, TUBES AND 曰EADERS 506. Process of Manufacture 507嗣 Test Bars 508. Number of Tensile Tests .-509. Standardτest Piece CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS 182 183 户'一-…一一一-一一咱哥-- J lndian Boiler Regulations 543. 544. 545. 546. 547. 548. 549. 550. 55 l. 如 189 Cylindrical Shells 189 Circularity End Plates, Crown Plates and Tube Plates 190 Internal Flues 190 Fireboxes and Combustion Chambers 191 Uptakes 192 Cross Tubes 192 193 Bar Stays and Firebox Stays Girder Stays for. Firebox and Combustìon Chamber Crowns 193 193 552. Gusset Stays 194 553. Access 554. Manhole Frames, Mouthpieces and Doors 194 555. Seatìngs for Mountìngs 195 556. Compensatìng Plates 196 557. Defìnition of the Term 'Fusion Weld' 196 558. Methods of Weldìng 196 559.τypes of Vγelded Shell Seams 197 197 560. 丑epairs to Welded Seams 197 56 l. Tests on Welded Seams 562. Heat Treatment 201 563. Classification of Fusìon-飞'Velded Boìlers 202 564. Shells 203 565. Horizontal Shelves of Tube Plates Formìng Part of the Shell 203 566. Dished End Plates for Lancashi主e and 204 Cornish Boilers 567. Dìshed Ends Su均ect to Internal Pressure 204 567A. 204 568. Dished Ends Subject to Etternal Pressure 204 569. Hemìspherical Crowns 204 570. Manholes and Other Openìng~ìn Shells 205 571. Compensation for.Openìngs ìn Shells 205 572. Raised Manhole Fram白, Cover Pl挝部 206 and Joìnt Bolts 573. Standpìpes and branches 206 574. Stayed Fl拭 Surfaces (other than 206 Crowns of Vertical Boilers) 207 575. Flat crown plates for vertical boilers 576. Wide water spaces between and 207 around tube Nests 207 577. Flat tube platesand tubes nests 207 578. Manhole Openìngs ìn Flat Plates 208 579. Plaìn Tubes 580. Pitch of τubes 208 58 l. Stayτubes 208 209 582. Compression of Tube Plates 583. Girders for Fire心。.x and Combustion 209 Chamber Crowns 210 584. Girder Slìng Stays 585. Stays for Fire-Boxes and Circular 210 Furnaces (xv) 586. Fire-Box Crown Stays for Loco幡Type Boilers 587. Longitudìnal bar stays 588. Loads on Stay Tubes and Bar Stays 589. Fl挝 Plate Margìns 590. Breathìng space 59 l. Gusset Lìnk, Brace and 5凶ilar Stays 592. Furnaces, furnace components, wet back re v. ersal chambers and fire boxes of cylìndrical form subject to external pressure 593. Plaìn Furnacesof Vertical Boilers 594. Corrugated Fireboxes of Vertical Boilers 595. Hemispherical Furnaces of Vertical Boilers 596. Foundations of Vertical Boiler Furnaces 597. Foundations of Loco-Type Boiler Fireboxes 598. Uptakes of vertical boilers 599. Cross Tubes 600. Pads Welded to Shell or 也e Attachment of Flanged Mountìngs 601. 日ydraulic and Hammer Tests 210 210 211 211 211 213 214 216 216 216 216 217 217 217 217 218 C I:王APTERXIII QUALIFICATION TESTS FOR ¥VEl二百 EI主S ENGAGED IN WELDING OF BOILERS AND STEA如I-PIPES UNDEI主 CONSTRUCTION, ERECTION AND FABRICATION AT SITE IN INDIA AND IN REPAIRING BOILERS AND STEAM.PIPES BY WELDING 240 602. Scope 240 603. Defìnition 240 604. Er电吨ìng of C础tified 飞'Velders 605. Initial Qualification Test and Issue 240 of Certificate 240 605A. Issue of Duplicate Certificate 240 606. Production of Cer吃ificate 240 607. (a) Validity of Certificate 240 >(bγRe-validatìon of Certifìcate 240 60~. 二 Age and experience 609. Tests for Initìal Qualification of 240 a welder 242 610. Tests for Requalification 61 l. Examination of Test Specimens for 242 Initial Qualification Tests 612. Examination of 丁est Specimens 244 AfowzRaredqhuagliofifcation Tests 244 613. Awardmg of Marks 244 614. AWard of Certificate 244 615. Maìntenance of Records 244 616.Fees for Examìnation of Welders 244 617. Penal守 (xv i) lndian Boiler Regulatiolls CHAPTERXIV (REGULATIONS MADE UNDER CLAUS主S (a) AND 恒的 OFS军Cτ10到 280FT旺EACT) SMALL INDUSTRIAL BOILERS GENEI支AL 618. Scope 246 619. Definition 246 620. Extent to which variation from the standard conditions laid down in 仕w preceding Chapters is perαússible 246 62 1. Valves, Gauges, Fittings and Feed Supply 247 622. Registration, Operation and Maintenance 248 CHAPTERXV FEEDWAτER FOR BOILER 623. Scope 248 624. Requirements 248 625. Samp1ing 248 626. Test Methods 249 Forms 250 … … • ---281 App否ndiX← , 丁HE INDIAN BOILERS ACT 1923 1. Short title, extent and commencement 296 2. Definitions 2A. Application of Act to feed-pipes 2B. Application of Act to economi配器 3. Lù口itation of application 4. Power to limit extent 5. Chief Inspector, Deputy Chief Inspectors and Inspectors 6. Prohibition of use of unregistered of uncertificate boiler 7. Registration 8. Renewal of certificate 9. Provisionalorders 10. Use of boiler pending grant of certificate 11. Revocation of certificate or provisional order 12都 Alterations and renεwals to boilers 13.Altemtipns and renewals to 挝础黯-pipes 14. Duty of owner at examination 15. Production of Certificates, etc. 16. Transfer of Certificate etc. 17. Powers of entry 18. Report of accidents 19. Appeals to Chief Inspector 20. Appeals to appellate authority 20 A. Power of Central Government to revise order of appellate authority 21. F放tality of orders 22. Minor penaltìes 23. Penalties for illegal use of boìler 24. Other penalties 25. Penalty for tampering with register mark 26. Limitation 缸ld previous sanction for prosecutions 27. Trial of offences 27A崎 Central Boilers Board 28. Power to máke regulations 28 A. Power of Central Government to make rules 29. Power to make rules 30. Pena1ty for breach of rules 31. Publication of regulations and rules 31 A. Power of Central Govemment to give directions 32. Recovery of fees etc. 33. Applicability to the Govemment 34. Exemptions 35. Repeal of enactments THESCI王EDULE 296 296 296 297 297 297 297 298 298 299 299 300 300 3∞ 300 300 300 300 300 301 301 301 301 301 301 302 302 302 302 302 302 303 303 304 304 304 304 304 304 304 304 一一一一一一「 INDIAN BOILER REGULATIONS S.R.O. 600 (New Delhi, the 15th September二 1950.头-In exercise of the powe招 conferred by section 28 of 由e Indian Boilers Act , 1923 (V of 1923), and in supe路e部ion of 出.e Govemment of India Notiftcation No. A. 470, dated Sin巾,注le 27位October, 1936,也e Central Boilers Board is pleased to make 也e following Regulations, the same having been previously published as required by sub份section (1) of section 31 of the said Act, namely: in relation to a boiler, me部lS也e design pre Ssure-of any part adjusted to take into account the pressure drops correspond如g to 由emost ‘severe ∞ndi位~ns of pressure drop and hydraulic head; (cc) 吨alculationpressure", (d) "Chief Inspector" and l'Inspector" means, respectively, a person apþointed to þe a Chief Inspector and an Inspector under 由e Act; (dd) 吧。mpetent Authority" me缸1事 an authority recognised by 出.e Central Boilers Board in the manner as laid down in regulation 4A to 4H, as ω,mpetent to issue certificates ..to we~ders. for the purposes of regulation 4(b) (ii) and regulation 605; 盐EGULATIONS PRELlMINARY 1. Short Title,革xtent, Application a Ìld Commence翩 mellt.… (1) TheseRe在ulations may be called the Indian Boiler Regulation嚣,, 1950. (2) They extend to the whole of India, except State of Jammu and Kashmir.] (ddd) IIdesign pressure" mean争叩 (i) in relation to a natural or assisted circulation boiler, the m axÍIIlum allowable working pressure in 也.e steam drum of the boiler; 1[布将 (2a) These Regulations shall apply to a11 boilers including those working on the principles of natural circulatioI飞, forced circulation and forcèd flow wi由 no fixed steam and water line. {讯) in relation to a once through forcedcirαllation boiler, the ma.Ximum allowable working pressure at the final superheater s始am.olit1et; 。) 2'J'hey shall come into force at once. {的 "Economiser" means any part of a feed-pipe wholly or partly exposed to the action of flue gases for the purposê' of recovery of waste heati 2. Definitio附一In也础 e Regulations, unless the context 出的 is o出.erwise requires:一 (的在le "Act" means the Indian Boilers Act, 1923; (ee) "EvaluationCommittee"means a committee constituted by the Centra1 Government consisting of- (b) "Accident" means an explosion of a boiler or ste缸扣pipe or any damage of a boiler or steampipe which is calculated to weaken 做 stren拼1 也ereof so as to render it 运able to explode; (c) "Boiler" means any c10sed vessel exceeding 22.75 lit玄es (five gallons) 阳 capacity which is used expressly for generating steam 山峰er pressure and inc1udes any moun位\g orother fit出19 attached to such vessel, which is wholly or partly under pressure when steam is shut (a) Technical Adviser (Boilers) -Chairman Chief Inspector (Boilers) of 也.e State where the 山由 is located -Member φ) (c) a representative of the 黯anufacturers of boilers/anc副秘 ries in pub1ic sector. -Member Offi e~cept the State of Jammu and Kashmir" shall be substituted. 2. 15th Septen秘也r. 1950. SeeGazette 01 India E~traordinary, Part 民Section 3, dated the 15th September,约50.pp. 岳07ω825. 1. In the said ReguIa tions, in cIause 仰。 f Regt必 tion 1, for the words and lett鄂、~cept Part B Sta 憾" the words All DiagramslDrawings 仿 this book are not to scale. U lndian Boiler 2 币) "p主窍窍 G e辄iibed 古" me缸飞怒 s prescrí也 bed {号 "feed-pipe"… or r时部 。 means any pipe or connected fit总ngwholly or partly under pressure through which feed-water passes directly toa boiler; refer出ce to a steam-pipe or steampipes shallbe. d~med toinclude also a reference to feed-pipe or feed-pipes respectively; (ii) every f (i) the pre~sure at which steam passes 在rough such pipe exceeds 3.5 Kilograms per square centimetre above a拉到ospheric pressure; 但 means- (i) in respect of material manufactured or boilers constructed in any State an officer 。 "State" or IIStatesll means a St的e or the States to extend; and which 位\ese re事llations (m) "Struc恼ral alteration, addition or renewal" shall not"be'deë而"切 i面luae叫岳YEaHEKi边一 or 也就 State; replacemen仁 ofa pe校y or boilers . constructed outside the State an officer ac位19 on behalf of the Inspecting Au伽ority; in r~pect of,一 (a) aþprovàlof diaw4tgs of boilers of parts thereto with 'minor changes, where necessary, except for the drawings ofthe 般民 set of boilers or parts thereof; (b) inspection at stages of manufacture inc1uding examination of repairs; (c) si伊ing and issue of certificates in the relevant forms except for the cer阪ficates of the first set of boilers or parts thereof; an officer acting on behalf of an Inspecting Au血。rity; 白h) such pipe exceeds 254 milimetres in and includes in ei在衍 case any connected fitting of a steam份 plpe. 让\t咄咄 diameter; appointed也y廿稳如spec由19我:u辙。dty 如 {码、如 ρrespectofmaterialmanufactured (i马) {吕) 吵 (h)μ拉specting Offict;!r" by regulations under the Act; (k)"Steam-pipe" means any pipe 位rough which st辅m passes from a boiler to a prim令mover or o出er user or bo.th, if一 i时'IlInspecti吨 Authority" means an authority recognisëd by the CentralBoilers Board in 也e 飞 manner as lâid down in regulations 4A to 4H, as competent to grant p certificate in Form n, llA õi"nB; made RegulaH必 ons "Liaison Sub-Committee" means a committee consti灿ted by 役le Central Bo过.ers Board 山\d时 bye知w 3(i) (e) of 注\e Bye-laws of the Central Boilers Board; includes any person using a boi1er as agent of the owner thereof and any person using a boilerw始ch he has hired or obtained on loan from the owner thereof; 功 11 owner" nature when the part of for replacement is not inferior in streng白, efficiency or otherwise to 也.e replaced part or fit协耶 fi忧泊在 used 但) "Ted四ical Advi阳 (Boilers)" means Ted也ical Adviser (Boil衍s) to 仕\e Govemment of India in the Ministry of Industry (Department of Industrial Development). y CHAPT军RI A G在NERALREQUI反革MENTS, APPUÇATION OF STANDARD CONDITIONS AND EXCÈPτ10NS THERETO 3. General ~equirements, application of standard conditions and exception thereto一 (1) Aboiler shall not be register喝 under sub-section (4) of Section 7 of hεAct and a cert谣岱te shall not be issued under subsection 伪 of 也at section with reference to a Boiler, unless the standard conditi∞s in respect of material, desi吝n and construction, which are specified in 出e subsequent Chapters of these Regulations, are satisfied in respect of such a boiler. (2) Notwithstanding anything contained in submay, subject 抽出e provisions of 陀思主lation 7 and 8, register a boiler and order the issue of a certificate authorising the use thereof, under any of the fol1owing circumstances, namely… regula悦。n(匀,出.e Chief 如spector Indian Boiler Regulations (i) when the material used in the construction ofa boiler, steam-pipe, economiser or sup挝heater is not in conformìty with the Indian Boiler Regulations but is known to be commonly used in other countries as being suitable for use (in the construction of boilers and st相m伽pipes, provìded that such material is not specifical1y prohibited by the Re俨lations; and that the methods of manufacture, fabrication and heat treatment conform to the spedfied .~Qød.!时都蜻洒在加巾J (ii) when the constructional features of a boiler, steam-pipe, 挝 e conomi始se 盯 ro 创r 阳 su 叩 严 P er 由 he 臼 at怡 er are not i坠 z丑1 ∞ C on飞f 如 ormi让ty wi议2役h the Regulations but are not ∞nsi油 缸 d 创盯恍 e r阻叫.它咔吟 ed垃:阳 沁e 崎々唔fi、瞥i穰萨to be inf自 ior h in "Sttengthto 位10se prescribed in 也e RegulatioÏisand from part of 址ìe usual manufacturing practice of boilers anð steam-pipes in other countries; (iii) when aboiler, steam-pipe, economiser or superheater has obviously been built in conformity with the regulations but no certificate as required under the regulations is 如r出coming. (3) No structural part of a boiler, which is subject to pressure, shall be made of Bessemer process steel or of Cast or ~在alleable Cast Iron. (4) Where no specific provision is made in these regulations for design or manufacture of any pressure part~ the lnspectíng Authority may permit the: design , manufac 如肥, stage inspections and certificationof such pressure parts including the valves, mountings and fittings conforming to the codes or. standards like B.S. , ASME Boiler and pressure vessel code , TEMA , TRD, GOST and JIS, which are known to be commonly used in industrially advanced countries. The decision of Inspecting Authorities shall be binding on all Registering Authorities. ζ主 (4A) The tubes ofboilers and heat exchangersmade of τitanium and other exotic metals may be approved as. per inte红lational codes, including ASME, BS, DIN, TEMA with the minimum th比如ìess specified in those codes of manufacture. 3A. Inspection of Boiler to comply into any Foreign Cod e- Notwithstanding anythir名 contained in these regulations, the inspecting authority may inspect any boiler meant for export during the various stages of íts construction so as to ∞mply wìth the requirements of any foreign code and may grant a certificate in Form IIA. 13 ~T ANDARD 4. 但) REQUIREMENTS Material- All plat矶 rivets and bars used in 出e construction of bo i1ers shall be tested 市\d found to conform with the Regulations hereinafter contained. 缸 ;;D (b) Construstion- (i) _All bo i1 ers during constructionshall beunder the supervision of an Inspecting Officer and shall be inspected at all stages pf construction presçribed in Appendix J. Tubes and steam-pipes shall also be inspected at the makers' works at the stages prescribed in Appendix J, and the tests conducted by the makers shall also be witnessed by the Inspecting Officer. (ii) Welders enga伊d in site welding of boilers, steam-pipes , / economisers and sup盯­ heaters shall possess and produce to the satisfactìon of the Chief Inspector the Welders Performance Qua 1ification Certificate issued by a Competent Authority. (c) Certificates etc. und~r Sec. 14(1)(c) of the Act- In advance of or alongwith an application (or registration of a boiler the following certificates and drawing or specification shal1 be furnished to the Chief Inspector namely: (i) A certificate in Form IJ.… From an Inspec位咯 Authority certifying 出af出e← material was tested and the boiler was built under their supervision.τoge出er with such certificate the Inspecting Authority may furnish a memorandum of Inspection Book in Form 1 prepared in the manner prescribed by Re伊lation 386 in respect of the Inspection of the boiler during construction and the hydraulic test applied on completion. 均 占主~~~gti~~l:>:9jJ~J'州切军泣如主。1恃阴阳.b,l.e.d 黯蠕能叫:t:û.r何.ent々Qf,,,tlle京h.ydraJ.!.lic i突然,;;91王三巍巍gg耶pJe.tE:!ly, assembledboilerby lhe如.spec出g咀百thotifý"snãl1悦。t 叩ply p.:ç9yide 时 d 役也\a 挝t h the individual pa盯rt怒s ο 时fs 邱 uc 出 boil始 缸z巳?\飞"ha,v.ebeen hyd耳明句u王li坎 e cally.tes怡d 答吼 挝n话 a d r:eξ 珍ti迁fi挫 edby the Inspecting' 我~飞Pfβ王u.ately俨亏边王 s 守 Jrequi 玄e←乱 d 轴创飞 7\t:ü' 扛tde.r二 these z愕时垦梅ti<;ms. In case of Waste 日eat Boilers, a certificate in Form 11 may be issued by the Indian Boiler Regulations 4 Inspecting Au啦。总ty ofth~ßta怡, where the boiler is installed, after 七ompletion of ∞nstruction at site on the stre哗啦 of 部 cer民ficates supplied to h拙\ in prescribed forms by the owne1' Joi 泣恕 individual components whïch are required to be fumis!1ed for regi梅州on of a boiler under Regulation 叫啡, shall be subrnitted to the Inspec指\g Au出.ority of the State, where the bo i1 er is installed , before the ωm血encement of ∞nstruction of such boiler at the site. 〈泣) …巾十 A certificate in Form 111 of manufacture and test si萨ed by the maker or by a responsible representa位ve of the rnaker of the boiler containing a description of the bo加" its principal dimensions, particulars of the kindof material used in its conffi比tìö瓦lRe ffi记洒自豆百甜1'1古t时, the diametre' .of and method of forrning 出e rivet holes in 出e shell plates, particulars of any departure from' ordinary practice in rnaking the shell, such as, solid 1'olling or welding, the hydraulic testto w挝chthe boiler was subjected , the intended working pressure, the area of heating surface, the maximum continuO\王军 W叩ora拉ve capaci吵,位le year and place of make, and the works number of the boiler. Note- The Chief Inspector may, however, approve a modìfied form of certificate wherein items which do not pertain to a particular may be omitted. 中(制) Adrawir丐,g~如1~!吼叫çal~~ ,坦白ec翻 of large boilers of not less than 3/4 inch to 注le foot and in the case of sma11 boilers of not less than llh inches to the foot, showing the principal dimensions and a longitudinal section and even view of the boiler of bearing 白.e works number of the boiler andthe Maker's office stamp. The drawing 由all show details of riveting of longitudinal and circumferential seams with pitch of rivets, c1'oss spacing of rivets rowsand 尚但neters of rivet.翩holes,出eradü of curvature of di窑hed end p1ates, f过lets and flanges and corners of bent plates, and where gusset stays are fitted the number and diameter of rivet holes in each 事lsset stay. 1川the"'case"bf"Wåt盯柏树和bõìl自s~>'the fQ~~gQmg",scales 址laltrapply宁也t,5the.main b,QU~r.;!1dl'Qm和only~ but in addition a general a1'1'angement drawing'of the boile1' to a scale of not less than lA. inch to 也e foot shall be p 1'ovided. (iv) A certificate in fo 1'm IVfrom the steel maker and a ce1'tificate from the make 1' of the plates, rivets or bars, of the natu 1'e refe 1'1'ed to in Regulations 26 and 27 respectively. The ce 1' tificate from the maker of the plates, rivets or ba1's, shall show the cha 1'ge numbers, the plate or ba 1' numbersand the number and dimensions of the various plates etc. tested , thei1' chemical analysis , thei1' ultimate tensil breaking strength in tons per squa 1'e inch of section, the percentage õfelõ吨ãUóiìéloo .the length…白… whICh measu1'ed , the numbe 1', kind and result of bend 0 1' othe 1' tests made and the date of tests: Provided that where an Inspecting Authority furnished a ce 1'tificate in Fo1'm 11 togethe1' with a Memo 1'andum of Inspection Book in Form 1 in 'accordance with sub-regulation (c) (i) the certificates prescribed under c1 auses m) and (iv) need not be furni :shed to the Chief Inspector when application is made for registration of the boiler. But should any question arise in respect of the fitness of the boilers for the wo1'king pressu 1'e a pproved by the Inspecting Auìhority withina period of three years from the date of their registration, the owner shall if. requested by the Chief Inspecto 1' obtain and fumish the original documents specified in the said c1 auses. , Provided fur出但也atinr崎pect of the steel made and tested by Well-:Y..nown Steel Makers recognised by 役le Central Boilers Board in the manner laid down in regulations 4A to 4衍, a certificate of Well精 Kn own Steel Maker in Jorm IVA shall be accepted in lieu of a certificate from an Insp时ting Authority. Provided a1s。在剖 in respect of 也.etubes/ pipes made and tested by well known lndian Boiler Regulations tube/pipe maker recognised by the Centra1 Boilers Board 怕也e manner as laid down in regulations 4A to 4H, a certificate of manufacture and test of well known tubel pipemaker 加 form IUD or IIIE, as 也ecase may be, shall be accepted in lieu of a cert证icate from an Inspecting Au讯。rity; In case where the orig坦剖 certificate from well-kno阴\ steel makers in form IV is not produceable, owing to such certificate containing details of p 1ates u钝d for other purposes also, an extract from the original cert证icate duly si伊\ed by the makers of the boiler and countersigned by the Inspecting Authority shall be aαeptablein lieu of 也e 悦汶迂icate in form IV, provided all iI飞formation r叫1血'ed in form IV and fun或被\ed in the extraet. (v) In the case of fusion welded drums of diagram of welded repairs and temperature charts of heat-tre础ne:时 shall also be furr部hed. In"addition, cer低ficat部 in respect of yield point at 回rvice temperature (0.2 per cent the average stress to produce an elongation of 1 per cent (creep) in z∞,。∞ hours and the average and the lowest stre翠ses to produce rupture in 100;α)() hours in 也e material, wherever is applicable, are to be fumished. proofstres吟, (v斗 For tubes and pipes subject to internal pressure, a certificate giving results of tes始 regarding che血icalanalysis, wamFyield point (0.2 per cent proof 位部吟, the aver~ge s忧郁 to produce an elongation of.1 per cent (creep) in 100,000 hours and the average and the lowest stresses to produce rupture in 100,0∞ hours in the materia1 w如町喇喇p,lic~~li号 shall be furn脚乱 :JP Not舍一 Until 33,∞o hours tests are carried out by National Metallurgical Laboratory 18teel Pl辜负辈革 or Corporate Re嚣earch and Dev曹 lopment Laboratory of Bhar以 Heàvy Electricals Limited 飞怆 ed; for ∞ c 。lle 始窑cti 往ing elevated shall be 阳:bst岱it阳ut t始啻 m 宜npe 钉ra 欲ture data of 剑 a lloy steel 严 p roduced 汹 in 时 必ig d 伊 enou 回 51忖 ya 咯 伊 g ai弘 ns 汶tASME 。臼rB 因 S 锣a 捂 de 铠5. These grade of steel m矗Y be accepted and long time eleva主ed temperature propertie5/maximum allow矗.ble stress values given in ASME Code or 酶, as the ca5e rnay be, may be for. pu甲ose used or de革ign provided: ~ {墨) Acer峭C墨te is furriished by the producer of the 5t慧el to the effect that the steel has beenmanufactured strictly in accordance with the technical requirements of 必ME Code or B8 to assure that the creep rupture requirements are complied with. maker, furni5hed the necessary certifica te 也必 the steel conforms to the chemical analysis, room and elev a.ted temperature mechanical properties giv船伽 in A8ME Code or B8 as the case may b告. (b)τhe 8teel (c) The short-terrn s泣ess rupture t,锹s for 10,000 hours as described below are carried out by National Metallurgical Laborato叩, Corporate Research and Development Laboratory of Bharat Heavy Electricals Ltd. for the purpose of checking whether the steel is upto the spec出cation and also to ensure 嵌挝 the steel is capable of meeting the long-term rupture stress values/maxim四川 allowable stress values given in ASM览 Code or BS as the case may and a cert迁icate is given by National Metallurgical Laboratory/Corporate 京esearch and Development Laboratory of Bharat Heavy Electricals Ltd. to this effec t. (d) A mÏI\imum of three casts are tested from each S徐el manufacturer for each gradeof steel. (e) Each grade of steel is tested at three temperatures, namely 5部吧I 5500C and 60伊c forT22 grade of s馆el and 4ω吃, 5∞句: and 550吃 for T1 2 grade of 创但1 and at 指出 stress level to give rup拍relives of 1∞0, 30∞, 10000 hours at 锦ch temperature and taking two specimens under each test condition in conforrnity with the code/Specification to which 也,è steel is made. rupture tests for 33,000 hours durationare taken up on the same three casts from each steel manufacturer for each grade of steel at 位U'ee t,部主s tení.peratures and taking {命 Conαurently 也,e s加ss twosp配imens at 相ch tempera始re. , Maker's Stamp-币1忡。如rshaJ,l haves惊呼ed upon its frontp 1ate in a conspicuous position the following particulars: MAKER'S NAME Work'sNumber …… Yearof 出:ake …… Tested to ......二 Lbs..........on..........W丑"…"… Lbs. …… Ins严cting Of去cer's or Inspec位\gAu也ority'事 。'fficial Stamp - lndian Bailer Regulati佣S 6 (2) For the purpose of clause (c), (e) , (市革nd (g) of thisregulation, certificate 忌器,ued by an authority empowered in this behalfby or under the law in forceor 附加nal code of standard of any foreign country ìn re革pect of plates, bars, tubes, pipes, forgi~gs and casting, manufactur窑d in that 俨 co山飞往y and containing the parti!αdarsr牵quired to be specified in the steel makers certificat理s referred to in the above mentioned clauses of regulation 4 may be accepted provided such certificates toritain ast草惚ment duly si箩ledby the Inspecting Authority to the effect 加tthese materials comply with the requiremerits of the law orthe code or standard of the foreign ∞untry. 仰 Photostat copy of the 四rtificate in Form IIIC shall be accepted provided it is endorsed by the manufacturer or the Inspec指\g Authority. Certificates for Steam-pipes- A certificate of manufacture and test in Form ill-A, signed by the maker and 由.e Inspec出g Authority shall be 如口úshed. Certificates for Tube步一 Ace晤巍.cate of manufac幡 ture and 怡然如 Formill心, s~gned by 佳丽捆ker and 也e Insp时位19 Authority sha11 be fUrÍÍ藏 Note…In臼制 of ‘9 tubes madé by well-known Tube Må kers [re∞gnisedby the Central Boilers Board in the manner as laid down in regul甜ons4A t04日] in India or other countries listed in Appendix 'M' material testing includingmechanical tests. may be carried out by them and the particulars regarding testing of material inc;luding mechanical t附 as çertified by theIn shall benotedintheappropriate coh.i mn or paragraphs in 出e certificate in Form m心.In ca饵, certific.然efromthe "Well known Tu油 Makers" as aforesaid is prod uced, 在) Ce而觅臼憾 of 加spec筐。rri during construction of suCll ce甜 fi饵temaybeac哇哇ptedinlieuofthece耐ficate pi严s forwhich variati,∞ fromstand挝dωlditions from the IIlSpecting Authority in 槌 far as it relates to testing ofmaterial including mechanical tests specified in this for m. havebe四 permitted. (g)Certificatesfor mountings and fitting•… A ce放ificate of Manufacture and Test in Form 盟" C, signed by the Mak怠r and the Inspecting Authority in respect of boiler mountings and . steam鞠pipe 位tings during manufacture, shall be fumishèd. Notes…(1) For the purpose of 也isclau揭 certificates issued byana时hority empowered in 也is behalf by or unde.. 趴el最w in force or the national code in a forei萨 country, in respect of mountings and fittìngs in that country and ∞ntaining the par怜 culars required to be specified in thi草帽民ificate, may be accepted. Where, however, the material 回ed. is in c'∞forrnity wi也 the code of the country of manufacture and is covered by those Reg1.11a tio邸" the permissible stress fig1.1res specified mthe Code at different teínperàtures may bea倒p制 in lieu of figures ∞mputed from th告 dat在 req也暗d to be fumished under Regu1ation l7ffi\/arty~ot.the.follow泣'gfC崎es?namely:一 。) (ii) Where a certi在.cate is furnished from an Inspecting Authority to the (!ffect that the steel complies with 趴.e requirem四ts of the grade steel (to be specified) and the permissible stress for th牵 working conditions as allowed for in the Code of the coun忧y of manufacture falls wifhin the li咐tpermis巾le under this Regula胁, \Vhe附加 basis upon which these s位'esses have been arrived at is made avail动le and such basis is not found to be such as to give rise to stresses higher 泣tan those perrnissible under the Reg1.1lations. - A èer位ficate of manufac→如何时如堕tin FQrmm:-A(i), signedby血.emaker and the Inspecting Au出ority sha11 be furnished. (i) Ce甜ficate of inspection during construction of tubes for which v何:i:ation from st彼tdardcondi运∞s have been permit制.Ace毗ate of manufacture 朋d 棚tinForm 因-B 创, si萨\ed by the maker and .the 如sp缸ting Authority shall be 缸n让她.ed. PROCEDURE.FOR RECOGNITION OF INSPECTING AUTHORITY, WEL'k,KNOWN MATERIAL T在S'口NG LABORATORY, WEI:L-KNOWN STEEL MAKER, WELL-KNOWN FOUNDRYIFORGE, WE 缸LL.缸?剖1l0WN.'τY陌BE 缸IP 臼IPE MAKER AND WELL- KNOWN REMANENT LIFE ASSESSMENT ORGA到ISATION COMP军τENT AUTHORITY, 4A. Applicationfor R仪ognition""'; (1) An app主.cation for re∞gnition as Competent Au白ority, Insp白白\g Au践。rity, Well-known Material Testing LabQratory, Well-known Steel Make乙 Wel1岳飞.own Foundry /Forge, Well-kno w:n Tube/Pipe Maker and Well-known Remanent Life Assessment Organisation shall be made by a firm tothe Secretary, Central Boilers Boa时,Mi甜S位y of Indus句(Department of Indus泣ial Development), New De1.hi, for recognition as one of 出.e aforementioned areas of activ让Y in which that firm is engaged. 。)ω're喧哗tof app1ica悦。n undersub咽gula馁。ns 仰, 也e Sec retary, Central Boilers Bo挝d shall send a ques份 tionnair程,in any of the Forms (Form XV-A to XV-G) -applic命le\to 位.e area of activ:ity to the.app革.cantwho shal1 send the sa凯e after duly completed, to the -Secretary lndian Boiler Regulations 8 Provided that the firm which has been granted recogr由lon and has not ∞mpleted a périod of 也ree years, shall continue to be so recognised as such till 也e exp让yof 出.e period of three years. Provided (xv) Training. further 出at.if an application is not made in 岱me,也e 盹me may be enter饭ined by the said au出ori号F that there w梢 sufficient cause for not making applicationin t抽\e. 岳〈乱 ;'App 归 帧 e 挝l叩…-(l)Ar叼 a 守 1η yfi拙 m 览n川 ∞。创t1韶t怡is n 瑞 f缸ie 创 dw 削it出 以生出 h hereasons 宿 1 s for ref缸u飞王si汩 ng to an appeal 趴 in writing 抽出e Chairman, Central Boilers Board, for reconsiderjI\g its application. given.by (b) storage; (c). de挂very; , 5. Modifi c: ation of Formulae一 (i) Under the Regulations for determining .the working pressure to be al10wed on various parts of boilers, the material to which the formulae 呼plyshall 抽出e absence of express provision to the COI飞trary be steel ∞mplying with the requiremer飞蚀。f a1apter II. 由e Li烛 ai沁 son Sub-cor孩 m 宫nmiU始 :ee (2) All. applications received by Chairman, Cêntral Boìlets 起oa.rd., under sub仰伊lation(辞I shall be dedded in the meetingoftheCentral Boile主's Board and the (ii) Where no test certificates for plates and rivets are produced, the material may be treated as iron, if the Chief Insp时tor is satisfied 出at the material is of suitable boiler quality. lf in such cases the Chief Inspector is clearly satisfied that the material is of good 电uality, a higher strength than that aUowed for iron may be permi饮ed but the strength of 出e plates shall not, save decisi郎。f位e Bòard 啦雪想Qtl ,~haUbeJ怡然L 1.0upecialreasons,.be a部umed-:切 be~more-位双n去6t臼lS ac 仅 ∞。rdr阿!哈 C ec ∞。'gn由 i让ti加 on飞 mayfi 缸le M 4 日. Punction of Evaluation Committ 饵- The Evaluation Comm.ittee 位现在 evaluate theperfo口nance of a fírm applying for recognition in accordance wi也 the provisions of these regulatio1'ÌS, in particular 扭曲e following areas, namely:一 {斗Quality System; 俏。咯éU\isation; (üi) Review of quality system; (iv) Documentation(a) h1spection and test pr创.edures; (b) Records; (c) Technical data; (v) Inspection 吨uipment; (vi) Inspec位on of purchased material or services一 (的 purch础ing; (b) purcha.sing data; , (c) receiving inspection; (d) verification of purcha部d material; (vii) In喃process inspection; (viii) WorkI乳制ship; (ix) Corrective action; (x) Inspection and test of compli的ed items; (xi) Sampling procedure; (xii) Control of non-c onforming material; 但üi) Indication of inspection statusi (xiv) Protection and pre蹄rvation of product quality(a) material handling; per square inch. In such cases the values of tensile and shear stre吨th shall not be more than 26 and 21 tons per square inch for steel, and 21 anä 18 tons per square inch for iron. For iron across the grain the tensile streng也 may be 18 tons per sq旧re inch. (i总) For flat plates of cop阳, the working pressure as found from the formulae, reduc~d by 50 per centshall be the working pressure permitted. (iv) When the quality of 时aterialand 出e make of steel pipe have not been supported by certificates from 出e manufacturers in Form m-A,出e pipes shall be tested in a test house and the maximum permissible workirlg stress shall be such as the Chief Inspector of Boilers IT,\ay in his discretion determine. 5A. Material not fu l1y identified- Where 出.ematerial as for example plate, bar, billet, pipes and tub锦 arenot covered by mill test certificate ei船er due to misplacement or late receipt of the samebut otherwise there are reasoris to believe that the materials are genuine and of standard specH祀的ions registering authoI均, or Chief Inspector of Boilers m勾'permit the use of such mateI也als as a sp挝ial case after 鼠。ròugh verification test in a Test House to his satisfaction at 出.e rate not less than 25% subject to the following conditions : (a) ln respect of Plate争… (i) The plates shall have a steel maker' s stamp. (ii) Use of such uncertified plates, however, will not be allowed for manufacture of Shell or Drum of the boilers. 9 Indian Boiler Regu1ations {溢) Shipping documents/ord就 documents shall be made available to estab革命也e specifications of the mam主facture for 坠spection and testing of pl时低 (b) Por Billets, bars, pipes and tubes… Shipping documents sha11be made available to establish the spec证ica杭ons for manufacture for inspection and testing. 6. Standard specifications for materia1纱巾Thes饭X晤时d specifications for steel wrought iron and copper plates and bars, and the cast steel shall be 啦。se prescribed in Chapter 11. 7. Registration of second.hand boilers not in accordance wi出 the standard condition如-If a 铅C∞d. hand boiler is not confonning to 位l.e requirements of 位\ese regulations for its registration,由.en the same sha1l not be registered except in 也e following cases, n彻执ely: (i) Water Tube Boilers- Where the documents required under its code of manufacture for its registratìon are furnished and its workmansl'让p is not 如 any way doub任ul世也.e second-hand Water Tube Boiler may be re拚惚拇dby 黯ducing 也e working pressure of 也epa公so打he boileras calcu1ated from the re按.ù碍。邸 by ten percent. Provided that a higher wor挝ng pressure, being not more 也都飞也.e working pressure allowed by the code of manufacture, may be allowed on the recommendatìon of 由e Board made by 扰。n 也.eba蜘 of life assessment tests carried out on the boiler. (ü) Shell Type Boilers- Where the documents required under its code of manufacture, for its registration are 旬n出hed,仕\e second-hand Shell Type 窍。iler may be registered by reducing the working p黯ssure of the parts of the boiler as ca1culatedunder th部e re萨lations as per the 始ble given below: Age 01 'boiler 25 3s 45 50 (from the date 01 衍在t use) in Years Reduction in working pressure (per佣nt) 5 60 沟 80 90 CHAPTERII MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION STEEL PLATES, RIVEl毡, SECTIOr喝 ANDBARSIN CARBON STEEL 9. Process of manufacture- (a) St~el for plates shall be made by the open hearth, electric furnace or basic oxygenproc制5 or any 0出er process which gives steel having equivalent specified properties. (b) General Dφoxidation practice shall be appropriate type of steel used, partìcu1arly where 佼le de捕 。xidaH∞ pr硝烟抽fluence the level of the elevated temperature proper锐部 of steel. to 也.e (c)R挝uned steels may be permitted only for re幡riveted drums or shells made of plates having a nominal thickness upto 20 mm. (d) Plates of Carbon Steel shall conform to one of the following four grades of tensile strength namely:一 (i) 37 to 45 kgf/mm2 {总) 42 to 50 kgf/mm2 (ili) 47 to 56 kgf! mm2 {划 52 to 62 kgf/mml (e) Semi-skilled steel may be use4 for plates 阳 CandC Mn Steel with an upper limit of the tensile strength not exceeding 56 Kg/ mm2 and with thickness not exceeding 50mm 山\der service temperature conditionι-450 C. o 10. Chemical analysis- (a) The Steel sha1l not ∞时础飞 more than 0.05 per cent of swphur or phosphorus. (b) A sulphur pr放\tt部ts始在 be taken from the material of each charge used for rivet bars for the purpose of 部suring 也就 sulphur segregates are not concentrated in 也,e core. The stage in manufacture at which 出is test is made shall be 础和e option of the Steel-Maker. 1∞ 10 15 20 30 40 50 60 70 (c) When the material is required for flame cutting and/or welding the carbon content shall not exceed 0.30% and sp时ial precautions shall be taken when the carbon content exceeds 0.26%. wh自\ steels are intended for service temperatures over 8.Welding- 创刊e use of welding in 出.econs忧uction of , boile黯 shall be permi位ed only where 唠钢结.ca廷y provided for in the standard conditi∞a 7∞op 也,es部iconc∞t础t shall be not less 也an 0.10% or a1tematively,出e material shall pass the proof test for creep 伊ality of carb∞ steel plates of boiler quality. 10 6. lndian Boiler Regulatiol1S (d) Plates having thickness of 12 mm and less than that, not intended for. hot forming, can be supplied in unnormalized or 都 rolled condition 草地如此土。 the condition 出at the code of manufacture provides for the same. For plates having thickness more than 12 mm, not intended for hot forming, shall be supplied in 出.e normalized conditions : 11. Preedom from defects, etc.- Minor sudace defects of th.e plates may bë removed by mechanical means 始 achieve the smooth level sudace provided that the minimum spedfied thickness as maintained sudace defects may be repaired by welding only with the approval of the Inspecting Authority provided that the plate is str部s relieved after welding w):lere necessary. Provided 出时也e 12. Rolling margin… No plate or rolled section shall be under the spec廷ied thickness at any par仁 not more than 5 per cent over the calcul叫ed weight, except that in the case of thin plates and wide plates the weight tolerances shall be as set out 抽出e table below : normalizing may be exempted! if it is demonstrated by the manufacturer 白at equivalent prope副部 can be produced by the rolling subsequent coolin各 Not窑- The boiler manufacturer may, if he so wishes, order a check analysis. Schedulè òf Percentage of Rolling Weight Toleran~es for Boiler Plat部 Tflickness m. 1/4 to under 5~/16 5/16 to under 3/8 3/8 to under 7/16 7/1 6 to under 1/2 1/2 to under 5/8 5/8 to under 3/4 3/4 to under 1 1 to under 2 UlI der 48 % s 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 48 to 1l11der 60 % 60 to Imder 72 % 72 to lmder 84 % Widt 1z În Înclzes 84 to 96 to 108 to 120 to Imder 96 Il1lder 108 lmder 120 lmder 132 % % % 5 7 7.5 5 5 6 10 11 8 . 6 6 5 5 9 5 5 5 7.5 8 6 5 5 5 6 6 7.5 $ 5 5 5 5 ? 主 5 5 5 5 6 5 5 5 5 5 5 All the above margii1s will be taken over nett theoretical weigh t. …… 5 叫 13. Testing and inspecting- 白le follow Ïl1g tests and inspections shall be made at the place of manufacture prìor to despatchi but in the event of any 出.e material proving unsatisfactory in the course of being worked into boilers , such material sha l1 be rejected , notwithstanding any previous certificate of satisfactory testing, and such further tests of thè materialfrom 出e same charge shall be made as the Inspecting Officer in attendance may c01Í.sider des让able. 13A. Where a steel plant is not able to desi伊丽te steel as 15:2002 because of the fact that 出ey have not been able to carry out all the tests required as per 15:2002, the steel plant maysupply steel with a certificate in respect of such ofthose tests as it has been possible for them to carry out indica出19 the tests which it has not been possible for them to conduct in order to get the steel certified 部 15:2002. It is open to 出e manufacturer to take such steel which has the re气功red potentialities of 15:2∞2, provided he can arrange the remaining tests to be conducted at any of the independent testing laboratories, namely , the 到ational Metallurgical Labora tory , Jamshed pur, the Central Mechanical Engineering Research Institu饨, Durgapur; and the National Test House, Alipur or Sewri, provided that 9-..~--" 川……12一』 % 争句 -…叫一 132 alld over % . 4 12 11 q 争 8 7 9 15 12 10 9 8 7 sampl时 be drawn in the presence of the Inspecting Authority. 5uch remaÍl!ing tests may also be conducted at the Bharat Heavy Electrica 1s L出'\ited, Tiruchirapally in the presence of the Inspec出19 Authority in resp时t of plates intended for their use. If注le certificate of tests from steel makers 缸ld the National Metallurgical Laboratory, Jamshedpur, or the Central Mechanical Engineering Research 1戏剧tute, Durgapuror 白e National Test Hou衍, A1ipur or 5ewri or Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited, τj.rùchirapally, be furnished in the manner mentioned abovè, the boiler 电uality plates shall be accepted byJhe Inspe<;.ting Authorities/ Chief Inspector of Boilers ofthe 5tates ‘ 13B. Testing and certification of semi-skilI叫 steel for which al1 tests not carried out in a steel plantWhere a steel plant h部 not been able to carry out all the tests required under 出e regulations for te~ting the semi-skilled steel, the steel plant may supply such steel with a certificate in respect of such tests which have not been possible for them to conduct in order to get the steel certified under the regula tions. and in such a case it is open to 出e manufacturers to take ~阿华 steel which has the potentia1ities of the semi-ski1led steel to 飞 \ 11 Indian Boiler Regulations any of the Independent testing laboratories , name坊, National Metallurgical Laboratory , Jamshedpur. Central Med破nical Engineerin窑 R时earch Ins泣如始, Durgapur and National Test House, Alipur or Sewri for conductir唱出e remaining test provided 枝冶ts彻执.ples are drawn in 位.e presence of the Inspecting Au也ority. Such rema让ùng tests may a1so be conducted at the Bharat Hea可F 黯.ectrica1s Limited, Tiruchirapal1y in respect of plates int臼deØ for 也咄咄e. Where, 如1 = tensile mm2 streng出 at room temperature in Kgf/ N =a qua1ity index to 1∞ for platethickness upto 50 ~ or 95 for p1ate 而ickness over 50 mm. C = 2.2 for only guage Lo = 5.65 ..J 油供s of Lo = 5do or Ao where Lo = gauge length If a certificate of test is furnist飞.ed by the steel makers in respect of tests carried out by them and another certificate is furr让shed in resp缸t .of remaining tests conducted by any one of 生he independent testing 1aboratdries or the Bharat Heavy 丑lectrical Lirr世时, Tiruclúrapa l1y, the plates should be accepted by the Inspecting Authority or the Chief Inspector of Boilers of the States provided all 也e requirements of 出e regulations are covered by these certificates. 14. Selection of 栓5t piec制-A过 test pi民es sh硝 be selected by 也e Ins愣cting Officer and tested 如 his pr臼ence, and h.e shal1 satisfy hirnself 也at the conditions herein described are fulfilled. 15. Ten5ile te5t piece←创The t韶山 stren件 and percentage elongation shal1 be determined' from test pieces of gauge length preferably equal to Lo=5.65A也 (See regulation 1哟. Altematively, other gauge.lengths may be used, provided 泣le elongatiòn ~alue on a 和age length of 5.65/ Ao. (b) In arbitration cases a test pìece of gauge ,leng出 equal to 5.65 Ao for rectangular test pieces of 5do for round test pieces shall be used. For plate 白.ickness exceeding 60 口lm test pieces shal1 be taken from' the exterior third of the plate cro邸-section. Wherever prac总.cable, the rol1ed surface shal1 be retained 0 1'\ two opposite sides of the test pìece. 16. Tensile 棚t…(时The tensile strength of differ四t grades of material sha l1 be with画出.e limits 哼町ifiedin regula位.on 9(动. (b)古\e upper yield point at room tem严rature shall not be less 位tan50% of 也e specified minimum tensile stren回飞 atroom 法mperature. (c) The brea剖ng elonga位on in perc<柏tage shál1 be not less 也.an do = Original diameter of the Ao = Original plece. cross偏section round 惚st piece. of the rectangular test Notes: C=1.9 for gauge lengths of 4 Ao or for test piece in Appendix B, (d) The minimum values of the stress at proof 1:恼也 Q.2% at elevated tempera饥ue (Et) may be calculated by multiplying the minimum specified 烟也ile strength at room temperature (民20) by the value of the ratio (Et/ R20) given in table below: Table- Minimum values for the ratio of the stress at proof limit 0.2% at el程vated t难mperature (Et) to. the minimum specified tensile streng也 at room t告mperature 但20) or carbon Steel boiler pla脑 Tempera- 250 275 300 325 350 375 400 425 机ueoC 0.40 0.38 0.36 0.340.33 0.32 0.31 0.30 叩or temperature low告r than 3000 C any test required for acceptanc苦 purposes (in the 在bsenc苦 of records of previous test 民 these t苦mperatures) shall be at 300oC, 汹 i n which case the proοof 嚣t饺ress shal1 be not 沁 1 es 臼s than value obtained by calculation from 枝也1曹 s咛P荤cifi 缸 .ed minimum 惚 t!e邵u 出 e 仗 s tren 吨 1啄 gt也 h at Et(民20 r∞ mt惚 empe 缸ra 拭tu 町rea 阳 nd 役出leð 油 hovep 严 3χro ∞ of.咄t勘 i沁 oofO.3 豁 6f,岛 or 川 30 ∞ OOC 巳* 17. Number of tensile tèsts- (a) Plat础- For shell plates, butt straps and plates, gusset plates,如d plates, fumace plates and flan原主19 plates one tensile test piece shal1 be cut from each plate as rol1ed. (的 Angle, Te舍, Rivet and Stay bars…臼\e tensile test shall be made from each 15 or part of 15 bars rolled of eachs配位on or diameter from 也e same charge, but not less 位tan two tensile tests shal1 be made 即由ss 在e total number of bars rol1ed from 吐\e same charge is 8 or less than 8 and the bars of 也.e same section or diameter,如 which case one tensile test shal1 suffice. For round bars of 1-3/4 inches diameter and under, the numbers 50 and20 sha挺快 substituted for 15 and 8 respectively for determining the number of tests re哇啦red. Indian Boiler Regtllations 12 . 18. Dump test- Short lengths equal to twice theìr diameter cut from 出e rivet bars shalt when cold, withstand without fracture being compressed to half their len啄th. A dUI呻 test shall be made for each Tensile T臼t. 21. Manufadured rivets- 协 Quality of materialRivets shall be manuiactured from steel complying 叭队 the aforementioned requirement嚣。f this Chapter in respect of rivet bars. 19. Bend test争……唰Cold bends- 刨 Test pieces shall be sheared lengthwise or crosswìse from plate击。r bars, and sha11 not be less than 1~ inch部 wide, but for 即将11 bars the whole sectìon may be used. For rivets ba黯 bend tests are not requìred. (b) Tests- (i) The rivet shanks shall be bent cold , and hammered until two parts of the sartk touch, without fracture on 在.e outside of 也.ebend. (ii)ηle rivet heads shall be flattened while h时, without cracking at the edges until their diameter is 21/ 2 times the diameter of the shax也. 伽) In all cold bend tests, on 黯血ples 0.5 inch in 出ickness and above, the rough edge or arris caused by sh栩如g may be removed by filling or grinding and 部mples 1 (c) Number of tests- Upto half per cent of rivets of each size shall be selected by the In碍pector or Inspecting Officer from bulk♂ for the above tests. inch in thickness and above may have the edges machined, but the test pi时es shall receive no 0役ler prepara钱。n. 古\e test pieces shall not be ann制led UI由豁 出.e material from which they are cut is sìmilarly annealed in which case the test piece shall be similarly and simultaneously treated wi也 the material befo.出 testirig. b (c) (i) For bend test of plates of all grades of steel, the tèst pì运!ce.snã1rWithstãI喝玩…Wíthölif Jiãdui'è; being bent cold 血rough 180 around a 扭扭空空L the radius of which shall have a relationship to the plate thic检部s as giv四 below: Tensile strength Mandrel Raditls 36-49 kg./mm2 1T 1T 41-57 kg./mm2 1.5T 45-64 kg./mm2 where T = Plate thickn销量. (ii) For cold beI世 test of section罢 and bars, the test piece shall withstand, without. fracture, bein军 今如业坦SEru硝 the intemal radius is equal to 饺1挝 shown in Table under regulation 16 and the limbs are para11el. (d) For small sectional material these bend tests may be made from the flattened bar. (e)Bend tests blows. may 如emade either by pressure or by 20. Number of bend t毒鼠萨叩 (a) Plates- A bend test shall be taken from each plate 描 rolled. 世le bend tests from shell plates, butt s校'apsand0也er plates which have not to be flanged or worked in the fire or which wh栩如 use 旧哩 not 始 be exposed to flame shall be cold bend tests. (b) An gle Bars- A cold bend test shall be made from bars rolled. Provided 血at the cold bend test need not be carried out if basic materia1 平时ification does not call for it. each 我ngle …( 22. j\ dditionaItest before rejection- Should the test pieces first selected by the Inspector or Insp时tin在 Officer not fulfil the test requirements, two further tèsts of 出e same kind may be made, but should either of these fa迁, 也e platesor~barslromwhichtest pieceswere cutshall be rejected. In all such cases further tests shaU be made before any material from thesamecharge canbe accepted. If the unsatisfactory result of a test is obviously due to technical conditions of the testing method or to a closely limited defect of a test piece,也部 the failure can be left out of consideration in 出.e decision on 也e fulfilment of the r吨uirement and another test piece may be substi如ted. If the unsatisfactory result of test is due to an unfavourable heat treatment 也e plate and the test strip may be heat treated ag挝n. Following 出is, the entire test shall be repeated. 23. Branding- (i) Every plate, section and bar shall be clearly and distinctly marked by the maker in two places with the number of identification mark by which they can be traced 怕也.echar军e from which the material was made. As an altemative the rivet bars may be bundle and tabbed t。但able the material to be traced to the cast of steel from which they are made. (ii) Every plate shall a 1so be stamped by the steel maker 2002. The following information shall necessarily be provided :一 踹 provlded in IS: 1. 自ame of 由.e manufacturer; 2. Specification; 3. He我t No.; 4. Plate No.; and 5. St部到p. , 24. Defacing of r jected material- In the event to the material failing in any case to wi出stand the prescribed tests, the identification mark of the Inspecting Officer which has been stamped on the material, shall be defaced by punch marks extending beyond the 11ldian Boiler Regulatio1l5 identifìcation mark, in the form of a cross, thus deno出19 役\at 役le material has failed. 25. Faci1i ties for lnspection- The maker shall adopt a system of making the ingots, billets, slabs, plates, bars, etc. which will enable all finished material to be traced to the original charge, and the Inspector or Inspecting Officer shall be given every fadlity for tracing all plates and bars to their respective charges, and for wi怕essing the required tests. When he is 黯tisfied with the material and with 也e results of the tests, he shall be fumished with two copies of the advice notes of 桂le material for his signa饥rre. 26. 5teel not produced where rolled…Where steel is not produced in the works at which it is rolled, a certificate in Form IV or Form III心, as the case 黯aybe shal1 be supplied to 出e Inspect如g Officer deputed to witness the testing of the material stating the Open Hearth or Electric Process or any of the Oxygen Processes by which it was made, the name of the Steelmaker who supplied it, also the numbers of the charges for reference to the books of the Steel-maker. The number of the charge shall be marked on each plate or bar for the purpose of identification. 27. Make r's c剖,tificate- Before the mill sheets are singed, the maker shaH furnish the Inspecting Officer with a certificáte in Form IV or Form III心, as the case 黯然y be guaranteeing 也at the material has been made by 位le Open Hearth or an Electric Proce跳 acid or b那ic, and tha t it has been su切机 ted to, and has withstood satisfactorily the test above described in the presence of the Inspecting Officer. WROUGHT IRON 5TAY AND RIVET BAR5 28. Rivet bars- The tensile .breaking strength shall be between 21 and 25 tons with an elongation of not less than 25 per cent measured on the Standard Test Piece B(部 rolled) or 30 per cent measured on the Standard Test Piece B1 (as rolled). 29. Manufaclured rivet tests.…. To comply with Regulation 21. 30. 5tay bars- The tensile b陀aking strength shall be between 21 and 25 tons wi出 an elongation of not less than 22 pe'r cent measured on the Standard T est Piece B or 27 per cent measured on the StandardTest Piece B1. 31. 5tay bars-bend test To comply with Regulation 19. •- 32. 5pecial iron for screw stays for fire蝴boxes and combustion chambe卧一 ln order that iron screw s切ys may be approved of the same size as would be re气uired for mild steel,也.e iron must withstand the following tests:… (a) Tensi1 e Tests- The tensileb控制ng stTε咱也 shall not be less 出an 21 y.l tons per s气ua 13 measured on the Standard Test Piece B or 30 per the Standard Test Piece B\. cεnt measur咽。n (b) Bend T est… Test pieces either of the bar as rolled , or turned down to 1 inch diameter, shall stand bending cold until the sides are parallel and the space between the two sides is not greater than the diameter of the test piece. (c) Number of tensile tests- The bars as rolled shall be placed in batches of twenty, and one tensile 始st shall be taken form each batch. If this is unsatisfacto哼, two other bars shall be selected for t辅仁 and should either of these fail the batch shal1 be rejected. •- (d) Number of bend test One ordinary bend te必 shall be taken from each batch, and a s出1ilar 憾t piece from 倒也 batch shall be lightly and evenly nicked on one side with a sharp cu饮ing t∞1 and bent back at this point through an angle of 180 degrees by pressure or by a succession of light blows. The fracture must be clean, fibrous, free from slag or dirt or any coarse crystaline strllc饥lre. If either of these is unsatisfactory, two other bars shall be selected for t眠, and shollld either of 位ese fail the batch shall be rejected. (e) In all cases 注le selection of the test pieces shall be made by the Inspector or 也e Inspectin荔 Officer二 COPPER PLATE5, 5TAY AND RIVET BAI主S 33. Plates…创 Process- The copp盯 shall be firerefined or eletrolytic and hot-rolled from suitable crakes. (b) Ch emical Composition- The chemicalωmpos让ion of the plates shall be as follows :一 Per cent Copper Arsenic Antirnony Bismuth Oxygen 99.2 minirnum .30 to .50 0.05 maxirnum 0.05max加mm O. lO m拟挝mm (c) Freedom from def告cts一 τ始 plates shall be clean, from defects and 也础 have a workman like f如ish.τhey shall be thoroughly annealed. sm∞th and free (d) 议。 lling margin- No plate shall be under the at any part, not more than 5% over the calculated weigh t. The scrap margin, partly sheared and left attached, shall be not less than 3 inches at 出e ends and 1y.l inches at each side. spedfied 出ickness {的 Tensile tests- One tensile test shall be taken from each plate as ro l1ed. The tensile breaking streng钱, from Standard Test Piece A, shall not be less 也an 14 tons 严万吨 in. wi血 an elongation of not less than 35%. 14 Indian (f) Hot and cold bend test-咄 One l:).ot (怡mperature between 1200也F) and 14000 F one cold bend test shall be taken from each platεas rolled. For ei也就 hot or cold bend tests , the t建st piece shall withstand being double <:i. over without fracture unti1 the sides are touching and parallel. 34. Stay and Rivet Bars{的 Proces扣- To comply with Regulation 33 伺). (b)Chemical composition- To comply wìth RegulatÌon 33 (b). (d) Toleranc e- The ac讪al weight of each tube shall not be more than 5% above the calculated weight. Unless, otherwise specified, they shall be straight cylindrical, or uniform 设úckness and external diameter throughou t. (e) Tensile tests- Tensile tests shall be made on pieces of tubes or strips cut from the tube. If也e tensile test is made on a piece of tube, the ultimate tensile stress shall be not less than 14.50 tons (32,480 lbs.) per s斗 in. with an elongation of not less than 50 per cent of 2 in. (c) Freedom from defects:- To comply with Regulation 33 (c). If the tensile test is made on strip cut from the tube, the ultimate tensile stress shall be not less than 14 tons (31 ,3601bs.) per sq. 'in. wi也 m elongation of not less 出an 40 per ce时 on a test piece having a gaugehmgth of four t阳台5 the square root of the area. (d) Rol1i ng margin- The bars in any part shall not be more than 1% over or more than 1/2% under the specified diameter. (e) Tensile test条… The materials shall have the tensile properties shown in the following table: TensÌ坦R~~I'些?挥更 Minimum tensile strength lb. per sq. in. Elongation, minimum per cent in 2 in. g扭扭Jength. (f) Bend te刷一 To The results obtained from a batch shallbe uniform, and should a variation of more than ι Ullturned rod (rods upto H~ in. dill.) γtmted (rods ab∞g 1~ ill. dìa.) 32,400~ 32,400 40 45 d臼fôñ节~2沓的问:河面岳母;社òeIoüna-be丽时1 rod 民 。) comply with Regulation 33 (f). (g) Dump tests- A piece of rod 1 in. long shall be placed on end and hammered or crushed down coldto a thickness of 3/8 in. without showing ei出er crack or flaw on the circumference of the resulting disc鑫 any number of tubes 生est时I the batch shall be liable to rej时tion. A batch shall not consìst of more than 500 tubes. Bulging or Drifting test… The test piece shall stand bulging or drifting cold (see Diagrams 1 and 2 respectively) without ShOWll1g either crack or flaw, until, the outsìde diameter of 出e bulged or drifted and measures not less than 25 per cent more than the original diameter of tube. / 号。 Number of tests.一臼ìe bar, from which the required test specimer冶 shall be taken, shall be selected at random from each batch of 50 (or part thereof) bars of each size from each mel t. From each bar selected, one tensile test, one cold bend test, one hot bend test and one dump test shall be made. COPPER, BRASS A到D STEEL TUBES \、 DIAGRAMl DIAGRA岛12 35. (1) Copper tubes… (a) Process- The copper shall be fire~refined or electrolytic and shall be made into tubes either by the hot rolling or cold drawing proce部. The tubes shall be finished by cold drawing. (b) Chemical composition- To comply with Regulation 33 (b). (c) Freedom from defects.…- The finished tubεs, both externally and internally shall be sound, clean, smooth, well finished and free from surface defects 但.1d longitudinal grooving, and the ends must be clean and square. Boiler~eglllatio1lS 也) Flanging test- The test pìece sha l1 stand flanging cold (see Diagram 3) without showing either crack or flaw until the diameter of the flange measures not less than 40 per cent more than the orig如al diameter of the tube. F / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / 7 / / 7 7 7 7 -.A i i / ZZ~.LLLLLL LZ 2' 2'2' 2' 2'2' /2' 2'2'2' λ D lA GRA如13 lndian Boiler Regulations 小) 15 Flattening and doubling ov:er t,回←百恕阳tpi,仰 shalls恒鼠也e following 徐成 bo设立 cold and at a red heat, without 也owù飞g either crack or flaw. 白ìe 楠t piece 也llbeflat阳隙ddownun创位 in阳iorsurfa,αs of the tube meet and 趴.en be double over on i恼lf, that 始恼d through an angle of 180"阳凶京剧码 也e bend being at ri拚tan副部 tothedir创onofthe leng也 of the tU悦 t士4二 Lh-斗】 -L与:)- working margins shall be as follows : On length :;:. 11/16 in. On thickness 求 half the difference between 佳旨 和andard Wire Gauge (S.W.G.) spedfied next Standard Wire Gauge 出icker. and the on extema1 diameter :;:. 0.005 in. (的 All testmateriaI-shall be annealed before testing 扭 ands由 h叫 all cωO血呻 pl悖 y 毛叭 对电々.v汕 W i 仙由阳 ef销 甜 01i吕10 叫 W 创 川 w vi问 吨 n gmech削 a ~ 年『 在le ~ tests:….叩 手) BuIgi吨。r Drifting Test- The test piece shall stand bulging or drifting co1d (see Diagrams 1 and 2 respectìvely) without showing either crack or flaw , until the diameter of the bulged or drifted end measures not less than 25 per cent more than 和e original diameter .of 出e tube; j DIAGRAM4 (i) Hydraulic test- Each tube shall be tested, before the tubes are presented for 如spection by an intemal hydraulic pressure of 750 lbs. per sq. in. or by such intemal hydraulic pressure as may have been specified by the Inspecting Au也ority and 出e Inspector may re位~st 5 per cent or more as he may deemnecessary. / \ DIAGRAMl The tubes shall wi出stand the test without showing any signs òf weeping of evidence of defects. G) Treatment of test specimen宰一 All test material, if not already in an annealed condition, shall be annealed before tes也可 and shall comply with ihemechanical tests without further 挝at of mechanical trea位nent. DIAGRAM 2 (均 Flanging test- The test piece shall stand c .old (see Diagram 3) with.out sh .owing either crack or flaw until the diameter .of the flange measures n .ot less 出an 25 per cent more than the .original diameter of the tube. 35. (2ìBrass Tubes… flan在ing (a) Composition- Brass for boiler tubes may be of either 70/30 alloys or 2/1 as specified. (b) Ch emical analysis- The tub部 shall consist of an alloy copper 忍ìd zinc and shall contain: P 70/30 alloy. Not less 出an 70 per cent of copper and not more than a total of 0.75 per ce挝 of materials other th部飞 copper and zinc. 2/1 alloy. Not less than 66.70 per cent of copp时 and not more than a total of 0.75 per cent of materials other 出an copper and zinc. 白ìe manufacturer shall supply when requir唆dfree of charge, a copy of his 部冶lysis"" /f/////////////1///////A DIAGRAM3 争辩 Flattening and doubling over test…The test piec建 shall stand the f .oll.owing test when co1d with.out showing eithβr crack .or flaw. The 毛est piece shall be flattened downuntil 出e interi.or surfaces .of the 知be meet and then be d .oubled .over on itse弦, 0 由at is, bent thr.ough an angle 180 (See Diagram 4). The bend being at right ang1es t.0 the dir机位.on .of the length .of the tube. of the materlal. (c) Freedom from defect&一百le tubes shall be dean, smooth and free from surface defects' or longitudinal grooving , both intemally and extemally, and the ends shall be dean and square. (d) tubes shall be solid draWn and shall be concentric within the working margins for 出ickness given below. 币le tubes shall be straight and unless otherwise ordered they shall be 副form diameter throughout. Tolerances…在le works analysis ìs defined as the routine analy辛is taken by or for the manufacturer in order to control the q出主ty of the materi在1. G主主 -…J •A DIAGRAM4 lndian Boiler Regulations 16 (f)日ydraulic test- Each tube sha1l be tested, before which shall conform in all respects with the requirements herein specified. the tubes are presented for 如spection, by an intemal hydraulic pressure of 750 lbs. per sq. in. or by such intemal hydraulic pressure as may have been specified by the Im:pecting Authority and the Inspector may r令test 5 per cent or more 邸 he may deem necessary. {均 τhe se础巾ss tubes confoìming td 0出er national or intemational standards which are 如\own to be commonly used as being suitable. for use as boiler, superheater and heat exchanger tubes can also be used with the designations of the national or international standards, provided such materials are not specifica1ly prohibited by 也e regulations. The tubes shall withstand the test without showing any signs of weeping. 35. (3) Carbon Steel Tubes- Tubes of Carbon Steel for boilers and superheaters subject to intemal 严部部re sh必1 comply with thê requirement怒。fre那11碍。ns36to 42, 43 to 46 or 57 to 63, as the case may be. COLD DRAWN SEAMLESS CA汉黯 ON STEI江 BOILER, SUPERHEATER AND 曰EAT EXCHANGER TUBES FOR DESIGN 如fETAL TE如fPERATURES r证OT EXCEEDING 454 0 C (850 0 (ili) While mak:ing tubes_ to other national/ ù飞去emationa1 s惚dards the allowable s悦S础 of the respective standards shall be strictly followed w始le desi伊ing 也e tubes. tb) Material (i) The tubes sh公1 be seam1ess and manufactured from steel produced by an open 日 36. (a) General hea时侃essoranyof 也~_o2'ygen proc刷刷. The sféelshâJJ. be 届lli挝lled. (ii) The steel shall confo口n to the following lùnits of chemical composition. (i) These regulations cover both hot finished and cold drawn seamless boiler , superheater and heat exchanger tubes, CI王EMICAL Grade C Mn τA 0.06-0.18 τB 0.27max徘 TC 0.35max等 0.27-0.63 0.93max 0.29-1.06 COMPOSITION (%) Si 0.25 max 0.10m如 0.10 min 5 P 0.035 max 0.035max 0.35 max 0.035 因ax 0.035max 0.035 max 等 For grade TB and TC for each reduction of 0.01 % below the specified carbòn maximum, an increase of 0.06% Manganese above the specified maximum will be permitted up to a maximum of 1.35%. (c) Heat Treatment- Hot finished tubes need not be heat ti:eated, cold drawn tubes shall be given a 纽p:-s@s& annealing, a full anneal, or a normalising. heat treatment after the final cold finishing process. Hot finished seamless tubes 101.6 and under Over 101.6 to 190.5 ind. Over 190.5 to 228.6 ind. 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 ‘ 0.38 0.38 0.38 1.6 oaoao 搭 ωmMM 03 0.8 1.2 臼 253 Cold finished seamless tubes Under 25 .4 岛.4 to 38.1 ind. Over 38.1 to 50.8 exd. 50.8 to 63.5 exd. 63 .5 to 76.2 exd. 76.2 to 101.6 ind. Over 101.6 to 190.5 incl. Over 190.5 to 228.6 incl. 0.4 0.4 0.4 1 (d) Workmanship and Tolerance- The tubes shall be well finished , c1 eaned free froI在 harmful defects.τhey shall be reasonably straight, smooth, cylindrical and subject to the following tolerances. Fir让shed tubes shall bè reasonably straight and have smooth ends free of burrs. They shall have a workmanlike finish. Surface imperfections like any discontinuity or irregularity found in the tube may be removed by grinding, provided that smooth curved surface is maintain时, and the wall thickness is not decreased to less than that permitted. The outside diameter at the point of grinding may be reduced by' the amount so removed. (i) Permissible variatiorts in outside diameter. Outside Diameter (mm) Permissible Permissible variation variation under(mm) over 份1m) lndian Boiler Regulatiolts 17 (ii) Permissib1e variation in Wall Thickness in 严时邵阳g忍 Outside diameter (mm) Wall thickness (mm) Over 2.4 to Over 3.8 to 3.8 incl. 4.6 incl. Over Under Over Under 2.4 and under O ver Under Seamless Hot Finished tubes 10 1. 6 & under 40 Over 10 1. 6 0 35 35 O O O O 33 33 Over 4.6 Over Under 28 28 O O O O Seamless Cold Finished tubes Over Under 20 22 O 38.1 and under Over 38.1 O (iii) Permissible variations in length Method of mamifacture Outsidediameter (mm) Cut length (mm) Over Under Seamless hot finished All sizes 5 0 Se amless cold finished Under50.8 50.8 and over 3 5 O O , Note: These permissíble vari在 tions in lengths apply to cut lengths up to and including 7.3 m. For lengths over 7.3 m, an addìtional over tolerance of 3πun for each 3 m or fraction thereof, shall be permissible, up to a maximum of 13 mm. Length tolerances on the positive side other than sp告ci自 ed mayb告 mu如allyagreed. A 37. (a) Test Specimens (i) Test spec出lensrequired for flattening and expanding/ flaring test specified in regulations 38, 39 and 40 shal1 be taken from the endsof finished 如bes prior to upset创ng swaging, expanding or any other fOrI双ing operations or being cut to length. They sha且 besmo。由 on the ends and free from burrs and flaws. (ii) If desirable and practicable, tensile test rnay be carried out on full section of the 饥lbe"s up to the capacity of the testing machine. Ú For large size tubes , the tensile test specimen shall consist of strip cut longitudinally from 佼恕机lbe and which is Grade (ilT ) temp挝a怡肥, (b) Number of tests- The test specified in regulations 38, 39 and 40 shall be made 011 minimum 2 tubes for 与 first 100 tubes and 1 per 100 or .part thereof for tubes over 100 numbers. 38. Tensile and Ha咄咄sstest.← ηle test specimen sha11 comply with the following requirements.ηle hardness b:ist may be carried out on the wall cross sec泣。norona flat on 出.e outside surface of.the tube sample. % Elongation on 抒un Tensile Strength Mpa (kgJmm 2) mm GL=50mm mm λ在in. Max. 180 (18 .5) 255 (26.1) 275 (28.2) 325 (33.1) 415 (42.2) 485 (49.3) 35 30 30 77 79 89 137 143 179 Yield Strength (kg./mm 2) 丸tfpa ABC TTT (出) not straightened within the gauge length and further heat treated. If any test specimen shows flaws OI defective machining it maybe discarded and another specimen substituted. All specimens shal1 be tested at room Hardness HRB or HB Note: For longitudinal strip tests a d号duction in percentage elongation 1.5% shall be made for each 0.8 mm decrèaSt in wa l1 thickness under 8 mm from the minimum elongation value requiremenι lndian Boiler Regulations 18 β 39. F1a阳ingte← A 附胁。f the tube not less 由四 豆豆mm in leng也 snal1 be flattened cold between two paral1el flat surfaces to adistance between the plates (H) as ca1culated by" 也e formula given below, wi校lout showing any signof acrack or flaw. H =(1 + e) 二 一 E + t/D where t = specified 也ickness of tube (mm) D. = specified Qutside diameter of 也etube (mm) e = a constant, as given below e = 0.07 for Carbon steel with maximum spec证ied. carbon 0.19% or greater e 嚣 0.09 for Carbon steel with maximum /' specified carbon 0.18% or 1础s. , 40. Expanding or Flaring 加← A b secti∞ of 阳 tube 25 t P= 一一一 D where P = testpressure D= specified outside diameter of the tube specified wall thickness of the tube s 咄 stress which shall be taken as 40% of 也err由limum tensile strength at room tempera饥ue. (ü) Not withstanding any 在ing contained in the above c1ause, the hydraulic 始st at 血.e maker's works maybedis严部edwi血, pro杜ded 阳t the tubes are s由'ject tonondes仗时tivetes出g by an appropriate method like Ultr部onic or Eddy Current or Stray Flux t,部位\g. SEAMLESS CARBON STEEL PIPES FOR HIGH TEMPERATURE SERVICE FOR DESIGN METAL T邵阳议ATURES NOT EXCEEDING 454 0 C (850 0 F) appro对mately 1∞ mminlen圳lSha汪辜tand being flared 只 J飞 43. (~ with a tool having a 60 degree inc1uded angle until 和e 乙). 如beat 仕\emouthof 佼1e flare qasbeen expanded to the General (i) These regula泣。ns cover both hot finished …percen臼gès gIven 1:jëlowλ画面ilfà副峪?一…………………~…副出old 拙灿 Sé甜ûéssëärbo刷刷lpìpes 吃3;ztATM;2:zzm4:ZRLZZt喻 ::ZZittfiz: 照quirements 0篇4 21 22. 25 30 39 51 0.3 68 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 / 41. Additional test before 叫 ec~ion.… (i) If ariy one or more tests specified in 出esere伊lations fail, two further /' t部ts of 仕\e same 挝nd may be l:)1:ade on two other tubes of the same batch. If any of these tes恒 fails,the batch of the tubes representeq/may be given afurther heat treatment and en飞ire-et d te丰t shall be re~eated. {运}茸践e repe挝 tests are satisfactory 仕le tubes shall be accepted.. If anY failure in the tests should occur, the entire batch of 出e tubes shall be 叫ectèd.、 , 42. Hydraulic test- (i) Each tube shall be tested by ihe manufacturer and sh a11withstand a hydraulic prωsure to one and half 加les 也.e' design pressure subject to à min恒mmof 1.∞ kg./m政\2, butnot 伊eater 出anpr'臼sure calculated by the following formula, (iii) Wh ile makir1g pipes to 0也盯 nationall intemationals standards the a l1 0wable stresses of the respective nation/ intemational standards shall be strictly fol1owed while designing 出etubes. (b) Material (i) The pipes shall be seamless and manufactured from steel produc时 byan open hearth or electric process or any of 也e oxygen p四cesses. Thesteel shall be fully killed. (ii) The s惚el shàll èörìform 抬出e following k芷ù恕。f chemical composi on q. chemical compositiOll % Grade PA PB PC herein spec迁ied. pipes confirming to 0出er national/internationals standards which are known 始 be commonly used as'being suitable for high tempera始re service can also be used wi白白.e designations, of 出e nationa1 /intemational s祖nd缸缸, provided such materials are not specifically p:::ohibited by the regu1a悦。时, (ii) 怔\e seru:口less Si 5 P 。 .270.93 0.10 放市 0.29 1.06 0.29 1.06 0.10 min 0.10 rr由1 0.035 max 0.035 max 0.035 max 0.035 max 0.035 max 0.035 max C 必1n 0.25 给 M献 0.3伊 Min 0.35玲 Max of 0.01 % below th廷 specífied carbon'maximum, a:ti increase of 0.06% manganese above the 5如cífied maximum wi1l be permitted up to a maximulIt"of 1.35%. 将 Fore在<;)1' re.duction lndian Boiler R喀1I1atiolls 19 (b) }汪古at treatment… Hot finished pipes need not be heat treated. Cold drawn pipes shall be given a sub-critica飞 1 anneal , a full annea l, or a normalising heat treatment after the final cold finishing process. (c) Workmanship and Tolerance一. The pipes sh.all be wε11 finished , c1eaned free from harmful defects. They shall be reasonably straight, 5在lO时h, cylindrïcaland subject to the following tolerance. Pipes manufacturer shall explore a sufficient number of visual inspections to provide reasonable aSS l1 rance that they have been propεrly evaluated. (i) Permissible variations in outside diam挝er: HOτFINISHED AND COLD FINISHED PIPES SEA岛1LESS Outside díameter Permíssible variatiolls (mm) Over L1l1 der 0.79 0.40 O.γ9 0.79 (111111) 10.3 to 48.3 ind. Over 48.3 to 114.3 ind. (i)τest specimen required for flattening and expanding/ flaring test specified in regulations 44(时, 44 (b) and 44(c) shall be taken from ends of finished pipes prior to upsetting, swaging, expanding or any other forming operations or being Cl1t to length. Th叮 shall be smooth on ends and fr回 from burrs and fl a'ws. (ii) If desirable and practicable, tensile test may be carried out on f,pll seçtion of the pipe up to the capacity of the testing machine. For large size pipes, the tensile test specimen shall consist of strip cut longitudinally from the pipe and which is not straightened within the gauge length and further heat treated. (iii) If any test specimen shows flaws or Over 114.3 to 219.1 ind. 1.59 0.79 defective machining it may be discarded and another specimen substituted. Over 219.1 to 457.0 incl. 2.38 0.79 (i v) All specimens shall be tested at room Over 457.0 to 660.0 incI. 3.18 0.79 Over 660.0 t0864.0 incl. 3.97 0.79 Over 864.0 to 1219.0 ind. 4.76 0.79 (ii) Permissible variation in wall thickness: The minimum wall thickI恕部 at any point shall not be more than 12 .5% -under the nominal wall th比如注ss specified. (iii) Permissible variation in exact length: Seamless Hot fìnished and Cold finíshed pipes can be ordered in specified length or Grade PA PB PC L~, in random length. If ordered in specified length, the tolerances for all si树s shall be +6.0 mm/ -0.0 佼出1. (d) Test Specimens Yìeld Strength MPa (kg/mm 2) mill 205 (2 1. 1) 240 (24.7) 275 (28.2) For longitudinal strip test, the 放出让mum required elong挝ion shall be dεtermined by the following equatìon: e 1942.57 (N.02/UO斗 where e = minimum elongation in 50.8 mm , % rounded to the nearest 0.5%. A = cross sectional area of the tensile test temperature. (e) Number of tests- The tests specified in regl1lations 44(吟,斜(b) and 44位) shall be made on minimum 2 pipes for first 100 pipes and 1 per 100 or part thereof for pipes over 100 numbers. 44. (a) Tens i1 e test- Test pieces cut from the ends of the selected pipes shall comply with the following re年lÏrements. The tensile test may be carried out on the test pieces cut out from the pipe in the longitudinal direction whïch shall not be further heat treated nor straightened within the gal1ge length. As an altemative, pipes may be tested on fltll cross section. TC l1 sÎle Strength MPa (时/IJIIU 2) lII Î Il 330 (33.1) 415 (42.2) 485 (49.3) U 口 % Elongatio Jl 011 G. L.= 50 111111 milL 35 30 30 specimen in mmzbased on specified outside diameter or nominal specimen width and specified wall thickness rounded to 血e nearest 6.45 mm2• If the 盯'ea thus calculated is morεthan 484 mm2 then use area as 484 mm2• If the calculated area is less than 484 mm2 then use the actual area thus obtained. specified tensile strength in Mpa. Indian Boiler Regulations 20 。) Bend test-:- For pipes of outside diameter60.3 m,m and under, a bend test shall be conducted. A sufficient length of pipe shall stand being bent cold 出rdugh 90 degree around a cylindrical mandrel the diameter of which is 12 位nes the nominal diameter of the pipe without developing cracks. (c) Flattening tèst (i) For pipes of outside diameter over 60.3 mm, a flattening test shal1 be conducted. A ~section of the pipe <ñotJess than 63 mm in leng由 shall be flattenedcold between two parallel flat surfa:ces to a distance between the plates (H) as calculated by the formula givenbelow, without showing any sigt飞 of a crack òr flaw. H … = (1 + e) t e + t/D where t =.. specified ~cknessof~pipe ~(mm) D 出 S严cifiedouts挝e diameter of 战 pipe(mm) e = .a constant as given below e = 0.07 for carbon steel with maximum specif.ied carbon 0.19% or more e = 0.09 for carbon steel with maximum specified carbon 0.18% or le部. 。i) For pipe whose diameter equals or exceeds 254 mm, a bend test may be conducted instead of the flattening test. The bend test specimens shall be bent at room temperature lhrough 180 degree without crackingon 出ιoutside of the bentportiòn. The inside di缸neter of the bend shall be 25 mm. 5ubstitution of the bend test fo芷 the f1 attening test shall be subject to the approval of purcha臼r. (ûi) For pìpe whõ部 diameter exceeds 635 mm and whose diameter to wall 出icknessra泣。 is 7.0 or less,由e bend test described in dause (b) shall be conducted instead of the flattening test. 45. Additional tests before rejection- If any one or .moretests 叩ec出ed in these regulations fa丘, twofur出er testsof the same kind may be made on two other pipes of the same batch. If any of these te内 fails1 the batch of the pipes represented may be given a further heat treatment and entire set of tests shall be repeated. If白e repeat tests are satisfactory thepipe shall be accepted. If any failure in .the tests should occur the entire batch of 也e pipes shall be 叫ected. 46. Hydraulic test..,- (i) Each pipe shall be tested by the manufacturer and shall withstand a hydraulic pressure l l l ‘ to one and half 加础和e design pressure, but not greater pressure calculated by theformula given below~ In the absence of working pressure indicated in! 也e Test Certificate then tñe test pressure indicated in 也e Test Certificate divided by 1.5 sha11 be the maximum working pressure. P=25t/D where P = test prèssure [) = specifïed outside diameter of the pipe t = specified wall 出ickness of the pipe S 口 stress which shall be taken as 40% of 出en由或mum tensile strength at room 也an tempera饥rre. (益) Notwithstanding anything contained in the above dause, the hydraulic test at the maker's works may be dispensed with provided that 出e pipes are subject to non destructive teshg by an appropriate method like Ultrasonic or Eddy Gurrentor.5t主ay~、t 缸 luxχj叫tes锐由ng. 盹肌~、 ALLOY 5TEEL BOILER, 5UPERHEATER AND HEAT EXCHANGER TUBE5 47. General… (i)η\ese regulations cover both hof finished and cold drawn seattÙess boiler,主uperheater and heat exchanger tubes of ferritic and austenitic alloy steel grades.η\ese shall conforín in all respects with the requirements here让1 年ecified. 51黠~AMLl苞丑 ~5 呜 51芽;南克R汉EτICANDAU5ττ哩ENITIC (ii) The seamless tubes conforming 也 toυther national/international standards which are known to becoαunon1y used as being suitable for use as boil盯 and superheater tubes can also be used with the designations of the nationall intemational standar缸, provided such materials . are not specifically prohibited by the regulations. (iii) While making tubes to other nationa l/ intemationals standards the allowable stresses of the respective standard shall be strictly followed while designing 出e tubes. (iv) The design metal temperatures shall not exceed 出e fo l1owing limits:一 Temperature Grade oc T1, T2 … < (OF) 537 (1000) 648 {12∞) 白,啊,.r11 1 T1 2, T泣, 1'91 , 12X IMo, X2OCrMoV121 TP 304, TP 304日, TP 304L, TP 3105, TP 316, TP 316日, τ'p 316L, τ'p 321 , τP 321日, TP 347, 1 TP34π王 Indian Boiler Reglllatio1lS 48. 21 C and for gradès TP304H and TP316日 s11a11 be 1040 degree C. If the P grade is hot rò11ed反出e m i.rù mum solutiO~1 treatment for grades TP32IH and τP347H sha11 be 1050 degree C and for grades 士P304H and TP316日 shall be 1040 degree C. (在}民1aterial 。 The tubes shall be seamless and manufact l1 red fr::>m steel produced by an open hearth or elèctric pr时ess or any of fhe oxygen processes. The steel sha11 be fu11y killed. {总) The steel shallconform to the limits of chemical compositions given in Ti\ bl 1 and 2. • (iii) The grain size of ∞ld worked grade TP 321H shall be No.7 or coarser. (b) Heat treatment (i) All tubes of gréldes inτable-1, except T 91, 12X1Mo and X20CrMoV121 sha11 be reheated and fumished in fullannealed , isothermal ann础led or normalised and tempered condition. If furnisheçl in the normalised and tempered condition, 饺由飞e i 口lpe mi阳 n峙lUI吉叭1t後 er踉主双lpe丘ngt怡 'em 衍E宫.就u王r 旦 'e for Grades T1 and T1 1 sha11 be 650 degree C and the mini.rmun tempering temperature for Grades T5, T9 é1 nd T22 sha11 be 675 Degree C. (ii) Tubing of Grades T1, T2 and T1 2 eith挝 hot finished or cold drawn, may be given a finalheat treatment at 650 degree C to 730 degree C , instead of heat treatments specified in sub-da l1 se (i) above,' at the option of the manllfacture. (iii) Grade T91 shall be normalised at 1040 degree C minimum and tempered at 730 degree C minimum as a finaI heat treatmen t. (iv) . Grade 12X1Mo shall be normalised at 950980 degree C and tempered at 720-750 degree C fo i: a period of 1 t03 hours. (v) Grade X20CrMoV121 shaB be normalised at 1020幡1070 degree C and tempered at 730翩780 degree C for a period of 1 hour 饺lffilml1 m. (i) Permissible varìation in outside diameter: FOR ALL GRAOES EXCEPT 12Xl如1oANO χ20CrMoV121 Olltside diallleter (mm) Permissible Variatiolt (111m) Over tlmier Hot finished Seamle部 tubes 101.6 ëlnd under Ovcr 101.6 to 190.5 incl. Over 190.5 to 228.6 incl. Cold finished 'Seamless tubes Under 25 .4 Over 25 .4 to 38.1ind. Over 38.1 to 50.8 exd. 50.8 1:0 63 .5 exc1. 63.5 to 76.2 exc1. 76.2.to 101. 6 incl. Over .1 01.6 to 190.5 ind. Over 190.5 to 228.6 ind. FOR 0.4 0.4 0.4 0;8 1.2 1. 6 0.10 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30 0.38 0.64 1. 14 。剥 15 0.20 0.25 0.30 0.38 0.38 0.38 GRAO主 12X1Mo 嗣 1 1 ρL 嗣1 阳 t I 1 嗣 嗣 嗣 刷 阳,,、 I 1 1 1 1 Z忆而 , AM 阳 内V 脚 ρLW 也,, ?npbzd.,&t I 'D cd .饭 nν .• 在 HJ 心 r dan dknu > 叫F 旷 JdntT&mhJW zdn)V -me M30O .,, 30 1 d F-v .,,JHH ,,,.四町 Pennissíble (wiAYPT 'v-O ,门…y vd叩衍 Outside diameter (mm) 切 (vii) A11 H grades sha11 be furnished in the solution treated condition. If cold working is involved' in processing, the minimum sol l1 tion trl?é1 ting temperatures for grades TP321H andτP3是7H shall be 1100 degree ,,! UVAO 山川 (vi) All austenitic tubes (Table 2) shall be furnished in the heat tr可~ated condition.τhe heat I:reatment procedure, except for the H grades sha11 consist of heating'the material to a minimum tempera-ture of 1040 degr恍 C and quenching 1n water or rapidly cooling by other means. (c) Workmanship and tolerance- The tubes 5ha11 bc well finished , c1 eaned free from harmful defects. They sha 11 be reasonably straìght, smooth , cylindrical and subject to the following tolerances. Finished tubes shall be reasonably straight and have smooth ends free of bllrrs. τhey shall have a workmanlike finish. Surface imperfections like qny discontinuity or irr鸣ularìty found in the tube may be removed by gri.nding, provided that a smooth cu主ved surface is maintained , and the wa11 thicknessÌs not decre sed to less than that permitted. 丁he • outside diameter at the point of grinding may be reduced by the amount so removed. 0.30 0.40 0.80'}{, 0.30 0.40 0.80')1" 22 Illdia l1 Boiler仲Regul~tiO;萨 FORGRAD军 X20Cr岛{oVl主1 Outsidξ diameter / (mm) P'ermi然ible Over Hot 卢llished 1 ∞ and Variatioll (111m) Ul1der Seamless tubes 0.75% (0.5 mm min) 0.75% (0.5 mm min) 0.60'XI (0.25 mm min) 0.75% 0.60'Yo (0.25 mm nùn) 0.75% under Cold 卢llishedseamless 幻 tbes 120 and under Over 120 '(ii) Permissible 白riatlön in Wallτhickness: FOR ALL GI主ADES EXCEPT 12XIMo AND X2 0CrMoV121 Outside diameter (mm) Seamless Hot Finished l /J1 da O ver L1Ilder Wall thicklless % (mm) Over 2.4 to Over 3.8 to 3.8 Încl. 4.6 incl. Over Ulldl'1' Over Over 4.6 Ullder Over Ul1 der 。 28 28 O tllb昭 101.6 & under Over 101.6 S捕mless 2.4 al1d 40 0 O 35 …O 35 于十_3~.. 户 -û.… ---~.13 O 我…… Cold Fillished tubes Over 20 22 38.1 and under Over 38.1 Under O O FOR GRADE 12Xl民tlo Olltside diameter (mm) Permissible VarÎatio1l % Over Under Hot fillished Seamless Tubes 108 and under Over 108 Cold FinÎshed Seamless Tubes All si挝S FOR GRADE Ollt革ide 15 20 10 5 10 10 X20Cr民击。V121 diameter (mm) Fcrmissible Variatioll 'M. Over Undcr 12.5 100 and under 10 (iii) Permisliible variation in length for exact length tubes. μ~ Method FO 汉 ALL GRAD翠S ofn拟llufacture EXCEPT 12XIMo AND X20CrMoV121 Olltside diamett厅. (mm) ClI t lellgth (111m) Under Over Seamless hot finished All sizes 5 O Seamless cold finished Under 50.8 50.8 and over 3 5 O O Note: These permissìble variations inJengths apply to cut lengths upto and including 7.3 m. For lengths over 7.3 m, an additional over tolerance of 3 mm for each 3 m or fraction thereof, shall be permissible, upto a maximum of 12 mm. lndian Bo i1 er Regulations 23 FORGRAD军 12χ1Mo Out side diameter (mm) Length of tu岛'es (m) Under 108 Under 9 9 to 12 All1engths Permissible variation (mm) Over nunvnv 酬 5 hMnu 唱,品叫M ‘W同山' 108 and over Under FOR GRADE X20CrMoV121 Length of tube (m) F ermissible Variation (mm) 6 and under Over 6 to 12 ind. (d) Test specimens (i) ':(est specimens required for the flattening and expandingl flaring test spec迁ied in regulations 49(时,战争) and 4(c) shall be takenfrom the ends of finished tubes prior to upsetting, swagir鸣, expanding or any other forming operatioI\s or be站在 cut to length.ηley shall. be smooth on 出e ends and free from buri's and flaws. (均If des让able and practicable, tensile test m町 be carried out on full section of the tubes upto the capacity of the testing machme. For large size tubes , the tens i1e test 叩 ecimen shall consist of strip cut longitudinally from 出.e tube and which is not straightened within the gauge length ⑤ fur泣ler heat treated. (iii) If any test specimen shows flaws or defective machining it may be discarded and another spec栩栩 substituted. (iv) All specimens shall be tested at room temperature. (e) Number of tests- The tests specifi时 in regula怪。ns49(啡, 49(b) and 49(c) shall be made on minimum 2 tubes for first 100 and 1 per 100 or part thereof for tubes over 100 numbers. 49. (a) Tensile and hardness tests- The te悦 spec出m shall comply wi鼠也.e requ让ements as given in Table 3. The hardness test may be carried out on the wall cross section or on a fl挝 on 出.eo时茹ide surface of the tube s但nple. (b) Flattening test- A section of the tube not less than 63 mm in length shall be flattened cold between two parallel 日at surfaces to a distance between the plates (H) as ca1culatedby the formula given below, without showing any sign of a crack of flaw. H= 旦旦) F t e + t/D Over Under 10 15 O G where t = specifi刨出icknessof túbe (mm) D = specified outside diameter of the 饥lbe (mm) e = a constant, as given below e = 0.08 for ferriticyalloy steel e = 0.09 for austenitic steel. (c) Expanding or f1 aring test- A section of the 饥lbeappro对mately 100 mm in leng出 shallstand being flared with a tool having a 60 degree induded angle until 在e tube at the mou出 of 也e flare has been expanded 抬出e percentages given below, without cracking. Ra tio of insíde diameter t o outside diameter 。锺9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 Mínimumexpansion of i nside diameter % 21 22 25 30 39 51 68 50. Additional tests before rejection-一(斗If anyoI恕 or morete如 specified in 毕.ese re伊:柑onsfai1, tw。如时\er testsof 仕le 锦me kind may be made on nγ00也.ertubesof same batch. If any of these tests f,巾,位le batch of 创 tubes 出严部ented may be giv部 afur出.er heat treatment anden位e set of ti臼ts shall be repeated. 白.e 位) If the repeat tests are satisfactory 吐le tubes shall be accepted. If any failure .in the tes始 should occur the entire batch of 设le tubes shall be r锵cted. 51. Hydrau1ic test一切 Each tube shall be tested by 位e manufacturer and shall withstand a hydraulic pressure to one and a half time the design pressure subject to a 2.4 bldiall Boiler Regulatiolls γ minimum of1u.loaotekdgbUyatyhye泞f,obilltotwnoutggfroeagtze11r1:t加 han pressure calc P =2 St/D where p 嚣 test pressure D;: spedfied out side diameter of the tllbe t 嚣 specified wall thickness of the tube S 嚣 stress which sha11 be taken as 40% of the minimum tensile strength at room temperature. (ii) Notwithstanding anything contained in t,he above dause, tlW hydraulic test at the :inake内 works may be dispensed with, provided that the tllbes élre sllbject to non destructive testil1g by an appropriate method like Ultrasonic or Eddy current or Stray Flux testing. TABL琶 1 ‘ CHEMICAL REQUIREMENTS FOR FERRIτIC STEELS Grade T1 Chernical composition % 'C . 0.10 。.20 T2 T5 τ9-- τ11 Tl 2. T22 T91 12X1 Mo X20 CrMoV 121 Mn Si S p 0.30 0.80 0.10 0.50 0.10 0.30 0.025 .max 0.025 0.025 破\ax 。戴 50 0.025 max 0.025 max 0.025 max 0.025 max 0.025 max 0.010 max max 0.025 max 0.025 。‘30 0.10 0.20 0.15 max 0.15max 0.05 0.15 0.05 0.15 0.05 0.15 0.08 0.12 0.61 0.30 0.60 0.30 0.60 0.30 0.60 0.30 0.61 0.30 0.60 0.30 0.60 . 0.10 0.15 0.17 0.23 0.40 0.70 1.00 max max 0.25 1.00 0.50 1.∞ 0.50 max 0.50 max 0.20 0.50 0.17 0.50 0.025 max 0.030 n飞ax 放\ax 。.37 Cr 沈\ax 0.0却 0.50 0.81 4.00 6.00 8.00 10.0 1.00 1.50 0.80 1. 25 1. 90 2.60 Mo / 0.44 0.65 0.44 0.65 0.025 max 0.025 max 0.025 max 0.020 max 9 ‘ 50 0.025 max 0.03 max 0.90 1:20\ 10.0 1. 2.5 0.25 0.35 0.80 1.20 8.∞ Ni Other Elements 。‘45 0.65 0.90 1.10 0.44 0.65 0.44 0.65 U.87 1. 13 0.85 1.05 法\ax V 0.18 0.25 0.15 0.30 0.25 。.35 =0.030 - 0.70 =0.40 凯ax Al 出 0.04 max Cu =0.20 max N Ni 0.25 max 0.30 0.80 TABL罩、 2 CHEMICAL REQUIREMENTS OF AUSTENτIC STEEL Grade TP304 . τP304到 TP304L TP310S C Mn Si S 0.08 max 0.04 0.10 0.035 max 0.08 max 2.00 max 2.00 0.75 红\ax α\ax 放飞ax 2.00 max 2.00 0.75 max 0.75 max 0.030 max 0.030 max 0.030 max 0.030 max 双\ax 0.75 Chernical compositiol1 % P Cr Mo 。缰 40 max 0.040 max 。‘040 max 0.045 max 18.0 20.0 18.0 20.0 18.0 20.0 24.0 26.0 V Ni Other Elemellts 8.00 11.0 8.00 11.0 8.∞ 13.∞ 0.75 max 19.0 22.0 (Colltd..:) lndían Boiler Regulations 25 Grade τP316 C Mn Si S 0.08 2.00 max 2.00 0.75 16 雀。 0.75 max 0.030 max 0.030 max 。 .040 仅\ax max 0.040 max 18.0 16.0 18.0 。‘75 0.030 0.040 口\ax 眩lax 0.030 0.040 max 16.0 18.0 17.0 20.0 17.0 20.0 17.0 20.0 17.0 20.0 夜\ax TP316日 TP316L TP321 TP321日 τP34γ TP347江 C/l(!l1I ical composition % p Cr 九10 。鑫 040 0.10 0.10 0.035 max 0.08 max 0.04 0.10 0.08 max 0.04 0.10 区\ax 2.00 max 2.00 max 2.00 max 2.00 max 2.00 max max 0.75 max 0.75 n飞ax 。 .040 口l é1 X 0.030 max 0.030 max 。雹 75 。雹 030 。 .040 政'tax max 自lax 应\ax 0.75 max 0.040 口\ax γ Ni 2.00 3.00 2.00 3.00 11.0 14.0 11.0 14.0 2.00 3.00 10.0 15.0 Ot/ler Eleme /t ts 5xC min 13.0 0.6011飞ax 13.0 4xC min 0.60 max 900iM心= 10xC mþ1 13.0 I 1.00 max 900) 陆 +τa =8xC min 13.00 1.00 max , TABLE 3 MECHANICAL Grade T1 T2 T5 T9 士11 T1 2 T22 T91 12X1如10 Yield Stre /1gth Mpa (kg./mm 2) ml1l 205 205 205 205 (21.1) (21.1) (21.1) (21.1) 205 220 220 415 274 (21.1) (22 .5) (21.1) (42.2) (28.0) P汉OPERTY Tellsile Streng t11 Mpa (,地./mm 1) mm 380 415 415 415 415 4]5 (38.7) (42.2) (42.2) (42.2) (42.2) (42.2) 415 (42.2) 585 (59.6) { :川5 叫 REQUIREMENTS % Elo l1gation 011. GL = 50mm Hardlless 1/lII/玲 HRB Max. I-l B 儿1ax. 30 30 30 80 85 85 89 85 146 163 163 179 163 163 163 250 163 30 30 30 30 20 21 85 85 85 25 日 Rζ 637 (65.0) 490 (50.0) MoV121 TP304 TP304H 士P304L TP310S τP316 TP316日 TP316L. TP321 TP321H TP347 TP347日 将GL 出 5.65"50 (690004)) 17 25 日 RC 250 515 (52.5) 515 (52 .5) 485 (49 .5) 515 (52.5) 515 (52.5) 515 (52 .5) 485 (49 .5) 515 (52 .5) 515 (52 .5) 515 (52.5) 515 (52.5) 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 192 192 192 192 192 192 192 192 192 192 192 840 (85.7) 205 (21.1) 205 (21.1) 170 (1 7.3) 205 (21.1) 205 (21.1) 205 (21.1) 170 (17 .3) 205 (21.1) 205 (21.1) 205 (21.1) 205 (21.1) 26 rlndiatt Boíler Reglllations SEAMLESS FEI主RITlC PIPES FOR HIGH SERVICE 52. General… (i)η\ese regulations cover both hot finished and cold drawn sea黯less pipes of ferritic alloy steel grades. These shall conform 坦 all respects with 血e requirements herein specified. (ii) The seamless pipes conforming to other nationa1/ international standards which are knowr飞 to be common1y used as being suitable for high temperature service can a1so be used with the designations of the national/ intemational standards, provided such materia1s are not specifically prohibited by the re伊1ations. (iii) While making pipes to other national/ intemational standards 出.e allowable stresses of 也e respective standard sha11be stric t1 y followed while designing the tubes. (iv) The design metal temperatures sha11not exceed 一一 the follow问g_!i:tl\!ts (ili) Grades P91 shallbe normalised at 1040 degree C minimum ari.d tempered at.730 degreemiI由num as a fin a1 heat treatment. (iv) Grades X2 0CrMo V1~1 shall be normalised , at 1020 - 1070 degree C and tempered 时' 730 - 780 degree C for a period of one hour mmunum. r TEMPEI支ATURE P1 , P2 P5, P9, P11 , P12, P22, P91 , X2 0CrMoV121 陈 (a) 537 (1000) 648 (1200). Material 。 The pipes shall be seamless and manufactured from steel produced by an open hearth or electric process or any of the Oxygen processes. 在\e steel sha在 be be well finished, c1eaned free from -harmful defects.They shall be reasonably straight, sm∞放飞, cylindrical and subject to the following tolerances. Pipes manufacturer shall explore a sufficie挝number of visu中nspections to provide reasonable assuranc e- that they have been proper1y evaluated. (i) Permissible variation in outside di恕我eter. FOR ALL GRADES EXCEPT X20CrMoV12主 ! Hot finished and Cold firiished Seamless pipes Olltside diameter (mm) Permissible Variations 仰而 o-co12 mM U1tder … 475qu 10.3 to 48.3 inc1. 0.79 Over 48.3 to 114.3 inc1. 0.79 Over 114.3 to 219.1 inc1. 0.79 Over 219.1 to 457.0 inc1. 0.79 Over 457.。如 660.0 inc1. 3.18 0.79 3.97 Over 660.0 to 864.0 inc1. 0.79 0ver 864.0 to 1219.0 ind. 4.76 0.79 FOR GRADE X20 Cr岛1oV12主 fully 际lled. 〈总) Over 100 to 320 incl. Over 320 {豆) 0.90% 1.00% -空出 Permi蚓ble 12 .5 15.0 ··一 M Over 100 to 320 incl. Over320 问一 Permissible variations 讪 wall 也ic挝less: For a11 grades, except X2民主MoV121 白\e minimum wal1 thickness at anypoint shail notbemo挖出an 12.5% under the nomina1 w a11 thickness spec出ed. FOR GRADE X20Cr如loV121 Outside diameter (mm) (iii) 0.90% 1.00% 阳一阳 The steel conform to the limits of chemical composition as given in table也 (b) Heat treatment (i) All pipes of grades in table-1 except P91 and X20CrMoV121 shall be reheated and furnished 坦 fulI annealed, isothermal annealed or normalised and tempered condition. If furnished 坦白e normalised and tempered condition, the minimum temperiI啄 temper在turefor grade P1,践, P11 and P12 shal1 be 650 degree C and the minimum tempering temperature for grades P5 , P9 and P22 shaIl be 675 degree C. (ii) Pipes of grades P1 , P2 and P12 either hot finished or. cold drawn may be given a final heat treat血.ent at 650 degree C to 705 degree C , instead of heat treatment specified in sub-c1ause (i) above at the option of the rnanufacturer. W川…G988 T'emperatllre D喀ree C (Degree F) Grade (c) Workmanship and tolerance… The pipes shall 12.5 12.5 variationin leng出: Seamless Hot finished and Cold finished pipes can be ordered in specified length or in random length. If ordered in sp创ified lE.mgth, the toler臼ce shal1 be as follows : lndian Boi/ er Regulations 27 For Hot finished and Cold finished pipes 飞 -Jιw zg'蝇 ' 、 f 'm 一 锣'­ em一 ρa白 w U 々Mmρ· 曾 nununu =(1 +的t/{e + (t/D)) t 出 specified thic阳\ess e 口 for pipe (mm) diameter of the pipe (mm) a constant, 0.08 for ferritic alloy steel. (ii) 罗or pipe whose diameter equals or exceeds 254 mm, a bend 讼st may be conducted instead of the flattening tes t. The bend test specimens shall be bent at room temperature through 180 degree C without cracking on the outside of the bent portion. The inside diameter of the bend shall be 25 mm. Substitution of the bend test for the flattening test shall be subject to th e-approval of the purchaser. (iii) For pipes whose diameter exceed 635 mm and whose diameter to wall 也ickness ratio is 7.0 or less, the bend test described in clause (b) shall 如e conducted instead of the flattening test. (e) Number of tests The tests specified in regulations (i) For pipes of outside diameter over 60.3 mm a flattening test shall be conducted. A section of the pipe not less than 63 mm is length shall be flattened cold between two parallel flat surfaces to a distance between '305 4t1&-A p 口 specified outside (iv) All specimens shall be tested at room temperature. (c) Fl attening test , where, (iii) If any test specimen shows flaws or defective machining it may be discarded and another specimen substituted. Bend test- For pipes of outside diameter 60.3 mm and under, a bend test shall be conducted. A sufficient length of pipe shall stand being bent cold 仕lrough 90 around a cylindrical mandret the diameter of which is 12 times the nominal di但neter of the pipe, without developing cracks. 问工 H (ii) If desirable and 严acticable, tensile test may be carried out on full section of 出e pipe upto the capacity of 出e 饺然ing mac报双e. For large size pipes 出e tensile test spec加m shallcons埠。f strip cut longitudinally from the pipe and which is not straightened wi出in the ga~ge length and fur出er heat treated. 54. (a) T ensi1e test- The test specimen shall comply with 泣le re气uirements given in the table 5. 4 the plates (H) as calculated by the formula given below, withoùt showing any sign of a crack or flaw. (i) Test specimensrequired for flattening and expandirtg/ flaring test specified in regulations 54(时, 54 (b) and 54(c) sh a11 be taken from ends of finished pipes prior to upset出屯, swaging, expanding or any other forming operations or being cut to length. They shalI be smooth on ends and free from burrs and flaws. 54(剖I 54 (b) and 54(c) shall be made on minimum 2 pipes for f让st 100 pipes and 1 per 100 part thereof for pipes over 100 numbers. iMi ;"CEnun- ,,,-1-o-n-m-w n?"" 伶… r Alllength 6 and under Over 6 to 12 加d. 秽," atw 响 All gri副部 except X20CrMoV121 For grade X20CrMoV121 灿灿一。 Length (m) (d) Test specimen (b) 纱'‘叩 Grade 55. Additional t廷sts before rejection- (i) If any one or more tests specified 站在esere伊:我悦。王飞sfa过I two further tests of the same kind may be made on two other pipes of the same batch. If aIi.y of these tests fails , the batch of the pipes represe去ted may be given a further heat . treatment and entire set of tests shal1 be repeated. {让) If the repeat tests are satisfactory, the pipes shall be accepted. If any failure in the tests should occur the entire batch of the pipes shall be rejected. 56. Hydraulic test- (i) Each pipe shall be tested by the manufacturer and shall withstand a hydraulic pressure to one and half times the design pressure but not greater 出an pressure calculated by the following formu1a given below. In the absence of working pressure is indicat挝 in the Test Cer位ficate then the tested pressure indicated in 也e Test Certificate divided by 1.5 shall be 践e max垃mm working pressure. 28 lndían Boiler RegullltiollS p 嚣 2 S t/ d where P = test pressure D=精 specified outside diameter of the pipe t = specified wall thic挝less of the pipe S = strcss which shallbe takenas 40%,ofthe mìnimllm tensi1e strength at r∞原始nperature. (ii) Notwithstanding anything contained in the above clause, the hydraulic test at the makèr's works may be dispensed with providedthat the pipes are subject to non des~ructive testing by an appropriate method like Ultrasonic or Eddy current or stray flux testing. TAßLE 唰 4 CHEMICAL REQUIREM军NTS Grade FERI是ITIC STEELS Chel11 ical cmnposítioll '1<, P1 P2 P5 Si S P 0.10 0.025 max 0.025 .0.10 0.30 0.025 0.025 max 。.81 。鑫 50 0.025 max 0.025 4.∞ C 占111 0.10 0.20 0.80 。.50 0.10 0.20 。.30 0.61 0.30 0.60 口lax 。‘30 0.15 口lax ?年一p9 FOR 红\ax ←-Ð:1.5 ……← O;SEt-一~5~----0.二025 … ma). Pll P12 P22 P9 1 0.60 .0.30 0.025 1.00 盯\ax 红\ax V 0.50 0.44 0.65 0.45 6.00 0.65 '8;00 .. -0.90 10.0 1. 10 一? 、 0.60 0.50 1. 00 0.025 max 0.025 max 1.00 1.50 0.44 0.65 0.05 0.15 0.30 0.61 0.50 max 0.025 口lax 0.025 max 0.80 1. 25 0.44 0.65 0.05 0.15 0.30 0.60 0.50 0.025 max 0.025 max 1.90 2.60 0.87 仅\ax 0.08 0.12 0.30 0.60 0.20 0.50 0.010 max 0.020 max 8 鑫 00 . 9.S0 0.85 1. 05 0.18 0.25 0.030 max 12.5 0.80 1.20 0.25 0.35 10.23 1.00 0.50 0.03 α\ax 放\ax 口lax Other Ele111ωlts Ni 0.44 0.65 红\ax 夜\ax 必10 0.05 0..15 。‘ 17 X20Cr MoV121 Cr 10雀。 工 .13 一 N Ni Al =0.030 - 0.70 =0.40 max =0.04 max 0.30 0.80 TABL萃 -s MECHANICAL Grade Yicld Strel哝th (kg/111111 2) min 九1pa PROPE汉τYREQUIRE如IENTS Tellsile Strmgth Mpa (kg/nm1 2) 1I1 in 切, Et01飞gatioll 011 GL =50 nun 污III俨 P1 205 (21. 1) 380 (38.7) 30 P2 205 (21.1) 380 (38.7) 30 P5 205 (2 1.1) 415 (42.2) 30 P9 205 (21.1) 415 (42.2) 30 Pll P12 205 (2 1.1) 415 (42.2) 30 220 (22.5) 415 (42.2) 30 P22 415 (是2.2) P91 205 (2 1. 1) 415 (42.2) 585 (59.8) χ20CrMoV121 490 (50.0) l 例 σ04)| 30 20 17 840 (85.6) 路GL =5.65../:反)" lndian Boiler Regulations 29 56A. Seamless Chromium-Molybdenum Steel Boiler and Superheater Tubes for design metal temperatures not exceeding 如俨 C (1 070 0 日…件 General…The provisions of 泣ùsregula位on apply to bo和 Hot Finished and Cold Drawn Seamless Boiler and Superheated Tubes which shall conform in 可 a11 respects with the requirements herein spec证ied. (ü) Material…世le tubes shall be manufactured frorn steel produced by the Open Hearth or Electric Proéess or any of the Oxygen Process and shall conforrn to 由e fo l1owing limits of chernic a1 composition : 0.15% rnax挝1urn 0.30 to 0.70% 0.1 to 0.50% 0.04% max垃1urn 0.04% rnax协urn 篝1.90 to 2.6% 0β7 to 1.2% Carbon Mangar飞.ese Sillcon Pho年horus Sulphur Chromiurn Molybdenum iηle steel rnaker shall prove to the satisfaction of the Inspecting Au出ority that the quality of the steel is of the required high ternperature creep strength. (ili) Heat treatment- The 如bes shal1 be fullyannealed or norrna1ised and tempered, at a ternperature approved by 在.e Inspec出19Au注lori与人 (iv) Workmanship and tolerance… τhe tubes sha11 be wel1 finished, clean and free frorn har纹lful defects. 在1ey sha11 be reasonable straight, srnooth cylindrical and subject to the following tolerances before bending:一 (a) Diameter- The extemal diarneter of the tubes rneasured at any point shall be within the following tolerarlces 证 the diarn!'!ter specified:__ Type of γUbe Hot finished within the following tolerances : Type of Tube Outside Diameter of 川 be Tolerance Hot finished Upto and induding 64mm(2W') + 171h% Over 64 mm (21h") + 15% -5% +10% -5% Cold drawn P叶lere All sizes ·罚是% the ends of the tubes are swelled or reduced, the thickness at the ends rnay be The test rnay be carried out on te器t pieces cut out frorn the tube in the longitudinal direction which shall not be further heat-treated nor straightened within the gauge length. As an alternative , tubes rnay be test廷don full cross-阳性ion. l hmku zjg nnn 给Elongation on Kind of Steel aTee ,,? 句 (b) Thicknes s- The thickness of the tubes shall be (vi) Tensile test- Test pieces cut frorn the end of 也e selected tubes shall cornply with the following requirernents: UO -1% tre拭时 aft缸 selection. oom 今 1% at his own expense extra tube at the rate of 2 per cent of each diarneter and 血ickness of 如be specified and the Inspec悦ng Officer sha11select for test such of 仕le tubesas he rnay think proper to 仕le extent of 仕le percentage rnentioned. Should 也.e nurnber of tubes spec证iedof any one nornina1 size exceed 4∞1, thenψfoÌ' every 100 tubes or partthereofabove 也atnurnb时', oneaddi柱。nal tube shall be provided. 在\e s缸nples for tes撒19 sha11 not be heat WMμam Al I sìzes and56A (vi盼, inba时础。fnotrnore 也an1∞ of 位"根lenorn坦al diarne饺rand 白ickness. The rnanufacturer shall provide 宫 Cold drawn a∞:ordancewi也Regulatio部 56A(吟, 56;飞行总) 幻 -1% 付 Selection of tubes for testing.… After heat-trea怯1ent, 也e tubes sha11 be presented for rn配h缸ùcal tes位宅 in 刷刷刷 WAμ 今 1% Upto and including 9 rneters (30 ft.) 3 rnrn. (1 月") Over 9 mete自 (30 ft.) 6 rnrn. (1/4") HmM 汀耐 -nt唱 Over 64 mm (2 1/2 in.) Tolerance + 0.4 (1/64") -0.8 mm (1/32") (c) Length… The tubes shall be not less th抽出e norninallength, but rnay exceed it by the arnount given below: 川了mmF Hot finished Outside Diameter ofTube Upto and including 64 mm (2 1/2 in.) decreased below or increased above the norninal 由ickness of the tubes by an arnount in propor岳m to 位e percentage of such swelling or reduction and,如 addition to 也is allowance, the tolerances rela出19 to 也ickness shaU also apply. Swelling or reduction shal1 be carried out befo指出eheat­ trea阳1ent specified in Regulation 56A (记). Chromium-Molybdenum Steel 39 25 协Note: Lo::: Original gauge length; do::: Origina1 diameter; A::: Original area of cross幽section. Lo=5door Lo = 5.65 氓。 % minimum 20 (vii) Flattening test… A ring not less than 51 rnrn (2 incl飞船) in length cut frorn one end of each selected tube shall be flattened between two parallel flat surfaces, the width of which sha11 be not less than 11h tirnes 位e diarneter of the 汩汩. When the pressure is released, 校1e interior surfaces of the test pieces (at th.εmiddle) shall rerna如 at a distance apart of not rnore than thre告 times the specified 泣ùckne部 of 血.e tubes and the test piece shall then show no 茄ign of crack or flaw. 30 Indian Boiler F1attening test carried out in accordance with any other standard code may be accepted in which ca部,吐\eCode adopted shall be specified. (viii) Expanding test- The tubes shall withstand expanding by a drift expander having a total included angle of between 400 and 600 (200 and 300 per side) to 出e following increases in external diameter wi役\out showing crack or flaw: m -m ρ』 abQM r‘ ZjTU'E A 蝇W p- 3 m.m. (0.128") and 出 inner Thicker than 3 mm. (0.128") upto and including 5 m.m.但 .92") 刊icker than 5 m.m. (0.92") Increase in Diameter % 12lh 9lh 6lh 如 anyon怠。r more of the 怡sts specified 拍 clauses (vi), 仙i) and (vili) two 如时\er tes怡 of 也.e same kind may be made 挝也e option of the manufacture from two additiónal selec始d test tubes. If伽e repe眼讼sts are satisfactory,由.e tubes shall be acc叩总dprovided 注\atin a11 other respects 也ey fu1日出e conditions of these Regulat始时. Should either of the tubes fail in any 棚t, the batch of tubes represen怡dmay be re-heat-tre饿时 in accordance wi也放\e clause (盼 and 也en reωtested in accordance wi出 claus臼 (vi), (性i)and 何动 but 创口plo庐ng twicethe number of test pieces. If 份\e second repeat tests are satisfactory,也e tubes shall be accepted provided 伽at in a11 oth.errespects 价\eyfu出:由.e conditions of this standard; but if definite defects are again shown, the batch of tubes which the t部t pieces represent shall be r寻ected. (x) Ea出 tube shall be tested at the Maker's works and shallwi也stand a hydraulic pressure of llh times 出e design pressure, subject to a minimum of 70 kg./吨­ cm2 在∞ o lbs. per sq. inch). (xi) Notwithstanding anything contained in subre事llation (吟,设\e hydraulic test for tubes in maker's premises shall be dispensed with by the Inspec拉19 Authority provided that 也.e tubes are sU均ect to no阶 destructive testing by an appropriate method like ultrasonic or / and Eddy current 讼st如各 主LEcrRIC喃RESISTANCE斗、7ELDED STEEL BOILER AND SUPERI王EATER TUBES FOR DESIG民 METAL TEMPEI主ATURESNOT EXCEEDING 454 (850 日 57. General… (a) These regulations cover electrically welded tubes made of steel and intended for boiler, super h制ter and heat exchanger. 0 0 (b) Manufacture一在le tube shall be made by electric resistance welding' and heat treated as per 注\e table given below. In ca捕。f cold finished tubes the heat treatment shall be done after the final cold finishing process. T mf feat Treattnerif … w 到ormalized* or sub-critically , 叫 a (以) Additional tests before 叫 ection- Should a tube æl时tedfor她也gpurpo即如wne创te啕nsu纣a姑ure 58. Material- (a) Tubes shallbe manufactured from or electric process or any of the oxygen processes. s始el produced by an open he盯血, G 一 s严C捕时. (b)宵le welded tubes conforming to other natiofta1情 international standard which are known 'to be commonly used 部 being suitable for u四 as bo过.er, superheater and heatexchange tubes can also be used with the designation of the national or intemationa1 standard provided such materials are not specially prohibited by theregulations. 础一C .In lieu of expanding 始绽出 above, flar如在始stc缸riedout in acωrdance with any oth时 standard .code may be accepted in which case, the code adopted 由all be , Regulatio附 缸mealed:j: -…WC2&WC3 叫…… -Norr口alized培一+ 叮emperature range 中Temperature range 一~ 800 pég. .C to 940 Deg. C. 660 Deg.C to 720 Deg. C. The tube shall be well finished and free from harmful defects. 在\e extema1 weld (flash) sha11 be removed completely i.e. flushed wi也 outside surface. The intema1 weld upset sha1l be 挝血m刨出roughout 吐\e leng佳lof 由.e tube 50 吐四位也 maximum height shall not exceed 0.25mm. (c) Chemical Compos泌ion- Ladle analysis of 出.e steel grades shall conform 生o the following requirements: Tube C 弘位1 Si P S Grade WCl 0.1 岳 max 0.30/0.70 0.35 max 0.040 max 0.040 max WC2 0.17 max 0.40/0.80 0.10/0.35 0.035 max 0.035 max wC3 0.12月,拢。.90/ 1.20 0.10/0.35 0.035 max 0思主黯ax NOTE: 1. WC1 gr革命 may be fully killed, rim.med or se肢ùkilled. 年 NOTE: 2. For ri rnn;ted or semikilled steel, in case of grade WC1 , the C max is 0.19%. Where the temperature is below 400 Deg.C eíther r加m由屯, semikilled or killed steel may be used. If 对mn由19 steel is used, the strips shal1 be rolled in single wid也 and not忖sli 坠tlo ∞吨 咔 n 8叩阳 inal The 槌 4 ∞ O o st怡 悦 e el used for design 仗 s t始 拙唤m 、F e 尺 t怡 empe 时ra 拭E沁 u主E扭.宅 'e above Deg. C shall be of fully killed type. When ladle analysis is not available the analysis of sample 汩汩 selected at random may be used. (d) Thickness- ηle thickness of each tube exduding weld shall conform to 白e perrr飞íssible variàtion given below: 也.e 31 lndian Boiler Regulations Permissible variation (in per cent) in wall 出ickness Tube Grade 巾'咯 A 1A The minimum thickness in the weld area shall not be less 也30 that permitted 讪 the body of the tubes. (e) Diameter- The outside diam的er of each tube measured at any position sha l1 conform to the specified diameter wìthin the limits of plus 0.75% and minus 0.75% with a minimum of 0.30 mm over 30d under. (f) Length… Unless otherwise sp配ified tube shall be supplied as random length. Where the length is specified as exact length or cut length, the pem让ssible variation shall be 崎mm-O αun fór length up to 30d including. 6 meters. For every 3 metre increase in length above 6 me位es,也.epos让ive toler3Oce shall be increased by 1.5 mm with a maximum of 12 nu孔 59. (a) Flattening test… (i) A section of the tube not less than 40 mm length shall be flaltened cold between parallel plates. No cracks or breaks in the metal shall occur unit the distance between the plates is less than the given by the following formula. Evidence of laminatïon or burnt màterial o~ incomplete penetration of the weld shal1 not develop during the testing. ι 一 (l + e)t e+ 在/D) Where t 出 Specifiεd thickness of tube (in mm) D Specified outside diameter of tube (in nu吟 e:;: Fla忧ening test consl3O t as given below: 0.10 for tube grade革 WC 1. 0.07 f假如be grades WC2 & WC3 (泣) % expansion in outside diameter D for a d/D of 。.6 Over Under 050 030 呻,,嗜i WC2& \i飞fC3 3.2 mm and under Over 3.2 mm All Permissible variation 41 WC1 WC1 Wall thickness ?纽 be Grade imperfections shall not be cause for rejec创on. (iv) Flattening test carried out in accord 3Oce wi也 30y other st30dard code may be accepted in which case 仕\e code adopted shall be specified. 告) Flaring Test- A section of tube of length equal to the outside diameter, but not less th30 50 E隙, sha丑 st30d being flared with a tool having 60 or 45 degree included 30gle until the tube at the mouth of the flare has eχp30ded to 'the percentage given below without cracking. 1 .5位mes Ov er 0.6 to 0.8 including WC1 12 WC2 12 WC3 10 d = inside diameter of 栩如. 15 15 12 Over 0.8 19 19 17 60. Tens i1 e Test- (a) The tensile strength of 仕\ema怜d刮 cut from the fi丑ished tube shall ∞nform to the following requirement. Yield strength Mpa (kgf/m m sq.) (Min) Tens iI e strength Mpa (kgf/mm s华j (Min) % Elongations+ ¥γC1 195 (19.9) 320/480 (32.6/49.0) 25 WC2 235 (24.0) 360/500 (36.7 /5 1.00) 24 γ'ube Grade (Min.) 245 440/580 21 (25.0) (44.9/59.2) 今 On gauge length 5.65~A wh号陀 A is the initial cross sectional area of the specimen on the gauge length. WC3 (b) Allowable perm始的ble stress at elevated temperataure. Allowable permissible stress as per the respective code shall be s位ictly followed. 61. Hydraulic test- (a) Each tube shall be hydraulically tested at 由e makers' works and shall wi仕\St3Od a hydraulic pressure to one 30d half times, the desi伊 pressure, subject to a minimum of 1. 00 kg/mm sq. 30d for tube OD larger th30 101 mm outside diameter minimum of 0.8 kg/ mm sq. Howev侣,也e test pressure shall not be greater than the pressure calculated by the following formule : L 旦t The weld shall be placed 90 degree from the line of direction of the applied force. (iii) Superficial rupture as a resu1t ofminor surface and under 幽幽 Where P = D= t= S= D test pressure (in Kg/mm sq.) specified outsidediameter of 仕le tube specified w a11thickness stress (in kgf/mm sq.) which shall be taken as 40% of the specified minimum tensile strength at room temperature. (b) Notwi出st甜ding 30y也ing contained in 出eabove regulation, the hydraulic test at the maker's works may be dispensed with, provided 由就 the 阳bes 盯esubjected to non-destructive testing by an appropriate method like Ultr础。nic or Eddy current testing. 32 Indian Boiler Regulations 62. Test specimens-翩 (a) Test specimens~e气uired for flattening and flaring test sp机ified in regulations 59刨 and59制 shall be taken from the ends of finishèd 始bes prior to up setting, swaging, expanding or ,。也.er fom市电 operations or being cut to lcng址1. They shall be smooth on the ends 挝ld free from burrs and flaws. 出.e (iv) Heat Treatme时川 After f拙al cold finishing 也e tubes sha11 be heat treated as follows: T'ubes Grade WC 1 缸mealed丰 WC 2, WC 3 彻If desirable and practicable, tensile tes丸 may be carried out on full section of the tubes Up to the c叩acity of the testing machine. For 4u'ge size tubes,吐1e tensile test specimen shall cOnSist of strip cut longitudina11y from the tube and not flattened between the gauge marks and further heat treated. The sides of the specimen sha11 be parallel between gauge marks. (c) All Sp时挝1ens ends which are subjected to cold working operation shall be suitably normalized or subcritica11y armealed. as above. '" Temperature range 880 Deg.C to 940 Deg. C. 丰 Temperature range 660 Deg. C to 720 Deg. C. •- (v) Test (a) TensUe Test- This test shall be comply with the provision of Regulation 60. 63. Number of tests- (a) The test specified lin regu1ations 59 and 60 sha11 be made on m如挝lum 2 tubes for f让st 100 and 1 per 100 or part thereof for tubes over 100 number. spec放len shows defective machining or develops flaws, it --may-bedi军c a.rdedärtd . anothëi specimen substituted. (c) If any one or more tests s严cified in these re伊lations fail, two fur出自 tests of the sani.e kind may be made on two other tubes of 注le same batch. If any of these tes始 falls,也.e batch of the tubes represented 部aybe givena fur设ler heat treatment and entire set of tests shall be repeated. 日出.e repeat tests are. satisfactory the tubes shal1 be . accepted. If any failure in 也.e tests should occur the entire batch of the tubes shall be rejeéted. 啡(COLD DRAWN..RESISTANCE-WELDED STEEL BOILER AND SUPER-HEATER TUBES FOR DESIGN METAL TEMPERATURE NOT EXCE在DING 4S40 C (8S0 0 F)] 63A. (i) Material… Materia l, tube grade and chemical compositìon for these tubes sha l1 be in àccordance with the appropriate c1ause of Regulation 58. {运) Manufacture- Tube shall be manufactured as prescribed in Regula悦。n 58(b) and subseq段时ly cold drawn. (ili) Tolerances- Toleranceon 也ickness 胆dou怡ide diameter shall be as follows: Thickness Plus 7.5% 览山lUS 7.5% Outside diameter Plus 0.5% 口出口 sO.5% (Wi也 a minimum of 0.10 mm over and under). Tolerance on length shall be in accordance with Regulation 58(f). , ηle Heading was not Amending Regulations. gi飞ren in the Gazett世 of lndia of . Normalized '" 白le sha11 be tested at room temperature. (b) If any test Heat treatment Normalized'" or sub-cri位.cally (b) Flattening test- This test shal1 comply with 注le . provision of Regulation 59(的. (c) Flari吨 tes←This sh~l!._~<?J!l.Ply_~!生中e 一-- provÍsíõn页附属ation 59(6). (vi) Hydraulic test…白lis shall comply provision of Regulation 61. wi也 thë (vü) Test specimens… These shall comply wi也 provision of Regulation 62. {性ii) the Number of tests- These sha11 comply with the provisions of Regmation 63. STEEL CASTING 73.Scope一 ω 白电 reg1.l.la位on shall cover carbon steel castings.used inthe cons协主ction of boilers and steam pipes 噜inc1uding 也eir 在制ngs. castin萨 conforming to these only the minimum values for tensile strength are fixed. The maximum values shal1 be between 40 and 50 Kgf/ mm2. (b) For al1 types of steel r吨ulations (c) Heat treatment… All castings shall be supplied in condition. The heat~treatment shall consist of armea1ir鸣, arm创llng and normalising, and tempering, 9r hardening and teinperi吨, either at 出e discretion of the manufacturer or the Inspectir咯 Officer and sha l1 be carried out at suitable temperatures to give the mechanical properties spedfied in Regulation 77. 也.e heat耐treated (d) Fettlings and Dressing- All castings shal1 be properly fe创ed and' dressed and all surfaces shall be satisfactorily cleaned for 如spection purposes. 74. Process of manufadure- The steel used for castings sha在 be made by the Open Hearth or Electric Fumace or any other process which gives steel having equivalent properties. lndían Boiler Regulatíons 33 (b) Chemical analysis- The ladle analysis shall conform to the following requirements, namely : 排Carbon 0.25% Max协um 0.60% Maximum 1 .40% Maximum 0.05% Maximum Si1icon Manganese Phosphorus Sulphur 0.05% Maximum 币le steel shall comply with the chemical composition specified in the table above. 75. Freedom from and rectification of defects- The steel castings shall have c1ean 部主faces and shall be free from injurious defects. The specified permissible variations in size or thickness shall not be excεeded. Defects may be repaired by welding on1y, with 也e approval of the Inspecting Authority provided 也挝也e castings 缸e stress-relieved after welding necessary. 76. Number of test provision of test samples- Tensile and bend test pieces shall be prepared from test sar叩地 representative of each melt or heat-treatment batch as follows:一 例如e test samples shalI be cast attached to. or separate from the castings as agreed between the manufacturer and the Inspecting Officer. The agreement for attached test s忍nples shall inc1ude the precise location and method of attachment. If泣le Inspecting Offìcer does not make such an agreement with the manufacturer, the decision as to the marmer of providing t如 t samples shall rest with the manufacturer. The discretion of the manufacturer shall no乞 however, apply to the tes出19 of castings made from more than one melt 邵阳dicated in c1ause (d) below. (b)盯住le test samples are attached to the castings, at least one tensile test,破ld when required one bend tes仁 shall be made from each melt. Such test samples shall not be detatched from the castings until heat也'ea加lent of the castings has been completed and they have been stamped by the Inspectin在 Officer. Test samples shall be stamped by the Inspecting Officer after that heattrea出ent process. (c) 1f the test sa白ples are cast separately,由ey shall be provided to 轨e extent of 2 per cent of the number of castings from 怕也 melt, but in no case shall there be less than 2 samples per melt, except by agreement l?etween the manufacturer and 也e Inspec由1恙。fficer. The test samples shall be cast in moulds of 校le same material as is used for the castings and shall be made at 也e 锦me 白ne as the castings, and run from the same , • A carbon content not exceedìng 0.30% may be subject to the agr制nent between the boiler ma阳r and the lnspecting Authority. ladle. The samples shall be stamped by. the Inspecting Officer so as to identify 也,e castin萨 to which they relate. (d) When a casting is made from more thari,~ne m号lt, at least four tensile tests , and where requir时呼our bends te拙, shalI be made from te必 samples situated as far apart as possible on 仙e casting. Some of 也.e test s忍双ples shall be takenfrom 邵阳ar 役le top and others near from the boUom of the casting as is practìcable. (e) Test samples shall be heat-treated with the castings they represen t. t量st… (a) The upper yield point at room shall be not less than 50% of the specified minimum tensile strength at room temperature. 77. Tensile tempera饥l1'e (b) A proportional test piece with Lo♂do shall be used as test spec让nens. (c) 在le minimum values of stress at proof limit of 0.2% at elevated temperature (Et) of 也e 也aterial m司y be calculated by multiplying the minimum specified 除lSile strength at room temperature (R20) by the value of ratio Et/ R2 0 given in table uriderregulation 16. (d)ηle, brea挝ng elongation % shall be not less than 93- 我双1 2.2 where, Rm 立足 measured tensile strength at room temperature inKgf/mm2 93 = a quality index 2.2 口 a constant which is valid only when Lo - 5do wh挝'e, Lo d~ = gauge length original diameter of the round test piece. (功1f, however, the tensile tests are carried out ∞ specimen conforming to any other 供andar旬,也e material will be accepted provided 桂le tensile st宜ength and elongation computed on the basis of 役稳 dirnensions of the test pieces under the regulation shall conform to the above requirements. 78. Bend tests明甲 Cold bend tests shalI be made upon test pieces having rectangular section of one inch wide by 3/4 inch 白ick. The test pieces shall be machined and the edges rour飞ded to a radius of 1/16 inch. The tεst pie面s shalI be bent over the 也inner section. Bend tests may be made by pressure or by blows, and 注le test pieces shaIl without fracture withstand being bent round a former havir唱 a radius of 1 inch through an angle not less than 也at given in the following table: lndian Boiler Regulations 。。呻 仙一 ABC G 吵吵 34 Angle 01 Bend minimum 120ρ 900 No test 79.(玛 Additional tests before of 在e original 怡然 pi,配es fail rejection- Sho叫dany to pass 也e mech叙ùcal tests, two further samples which repre回时也e s部ne cas由19s shall be selected and tes毛edinthe 阅mem部mer. 如1e manufacturer sha11 have the right, if 怡 so desires to re-heat-treat the casOOgs before 仕\e two further samples 缸e 盹lected. Sho时d the two fur由.er 吐吐s standard, castings test satisfy 也e req'回rements of represented by them 由.a11 be accepted. Should either of 出.e re-tests 也il,也.ecas位19S represen始d sha11 be 1iable to rejection. (b) Hardness test after heat tr明bnen←The Inspecting Officer inay ca1l for hardness testing of the heat巾eated castings. (c)Non搬出structive tests- The Inspecting Officer may cal1 for radiographic examination or 0出er nondes怯lctivetesting of 出e casOOgs. Castings found to be unsound may be treated in accord aÍlce with Re gulation 75. If由.e weld站在 repairs 缸'e sanctioned by the Inspec出190fficer,出句 shall be ca必ed out in accordance wi血 Regulation 阁, High O础s castings for which a factor 萨阳阳出船舱% is taken in computation of pemùssíble working 销部$ 由all be s电磁如 the fo11o叫吨如spection re守难回回ts: (i) Each cas恤19 shall be examined by radìographic orul位asonic 仅lethods at al1 criticall出ationsand found free from Ìlam由I1 defe伽.A11 也ecastin萨 shal1 be fully machined to such an extent that a11 critical sections are expo臼d for fu11 位ùckness. (地 A11 castings sha11 be examined loca位ons. using magnetic-partide at al1 critical or penetrantfluid procedure, or by grinding or machining and etching. (出) C拇指19S found to be defective sha1l be r司ected or rep创red to the satisfaction of 也.e Inspec由19 Authority. If rep挝rs by welding are carried out 仕\ec揭出gs shal1 be subsequent1y stress-relieved or heat treated. C掘出19s found to be unsound may be treated in accordance with regulation 80. Repaired area宰。f castings shall be re辑部副ned by the Inspec由19 Officer in accordance with sub-clause (i) and shall be shown to be free from hamlful defects. (iv) Castings to which a quality factor of 0.90 is assigned shaU be clearly and permanent1 y marked with G suitable symbol after being examined as above and found 豁出factory. Notes: 咀le provisions of the first paragraph of clause (c) of regu1ation 79 shall apply 切 thecastings 0由er than high class ca摇ngs for .which a factor greater _than 80% is used in the compu锁链。n of permissible working stress for shells of Boiler and integral super-h倡言er Drums and H部ders under regulations 271. 80. Procedure for welding…In order to maintain a high standard öf wor.如民缸lShip in the practice of arcwelding to steel castings, the following general princíples should be followed , but the precise technique will of necessity vary according to the circumstances. Surface condition…The surfaces of 也e steel, it is intended to weld should be c1eanèd 伊d freed from all foreign matter, otherwise poor penetration and unmould weld metal may result. 白\e preparation for the weldfng of cracks should be of 由e U or V types. wh部位le later is used , the inc1uded angle should.be.notless 由an 70. Wherecracks舍对照d 出rou供出.e section of the ca硝吨, the choice between single and double preparation, U or V will be govemed by(i) 出e 也ickness of the cas由19; (助也e location of the defect. In double prep盯ation, U or V the root of the U or V should be sufficient1y open to 创lSure compl就e penetration. 军lectrodes- The electrodes shal1 comply with Re机lations 94 to 98 for Grade A 仰自19s. Electrodes for Grades B and C castings should be agreed between 在e manufacturer and 出e Inspec出g Officer. 在1eel配trode manufactur时'sreco泣tmendations for 也e use of the eleè泣'ode should be strictly fo11owed. 岛。heating- Varia悦。,ns in compositioI飞, mass desi萨 and 也e extent of welding required make it impossible to lay down specific rules to establishωnditions under which pre-heating sho叫<i be applied. Whenafter ∞nsideration of 棉chcas由1在 抽出e light of 伎le above variables it is deemed necessary to pre-heat, such飞 pre 令幡斗忐 hea 刽tings 必 h飞ο1世主丘ld be carried 01凶 Z必t怡 挝tat始 a 创mpe e 盯 rat汩 u且r 担 e of 15甜ο葡楠鞠唰翩阳唰 St位 res 捕 s幽rel挝ievi挝军 n毛咯 g treatment- When the welding 沁 is carried 。∞ 时t after the cas检1珞 u .g has received its 始 s normal heat treatment, a further heat treatment may be ωnsidered necessary. 在市 treatment need be applied onlyincas臼 where welding has been such as to induce eith时 intemal stresses which would be detrimental to the cas由鸣I or loca11y hardened areas which would cause difficulty in machining. Where 由is 缸rther heat trea怯lent is applied, the casting, where possible, should not be allowed to go cold after welding, but should be charged into a warm fumace and re-heated toa suitabl, lndùm Boiler Regulations 35 when conside血革也ead时阅b出tyofappl:抖鸣曲is 如放黯 恼a栩栩t, i恒 effect on the physical properti部 of the C掘出.gs should be bome in mind. 廷也e 田a笛1.eI\乞 or 役\e welding itself is such 位四位\e physii侃lpr-吨>erti臼 W迫 be adversely affi时时,位\e 缸芷 heat trea怯1.eI\t ~吨血'ed to prc叫u面sa.tisfactory qua1iti铝合ωld be substitu始& FORGED OR ROLL恶D PRESSURE PARTS OTHER THAN SEAMLESS DRUMS OR CARBON ST军剖, 81. 例 Process of mar草草草facture一四e steel used for the p盯ts shall be made by 检法Open Hearth or Electric or basic Oxygen pr创ess or by any other process which gives s饵el having equivalent properties. (b) Chemical Analys协…The steel shall not contain more than 0.05 per c叫 of sulphur or of phosphorus. (c)Freedom 命。m ahd rectification of defects- Where not machined, the píeces, shall have workman like surface量则 nonnally obtained by rolling, forging or drawing. Ptovided th的 the minimum required 创.ckness is main栩如ed,放世10r surface defects may be a出útted and other defects re皿oved by m时taniαi means so as to achieve a smωth surface. Sur也cedefects may also be repaired, by welding only, with the approval of the Insp艇由\g Authority provided 由础也e p盯ts 缸可~ stress-relieved after welding whe黯 necessary. 82. Selection of 始st pieces- (a) Forti础由tg, ei~r the parts th!钮lSelves shall be u甜d or additional material or suffici翻飞ts泣efor 旬stpiec臼 d浪且 beav创lable. In白ec就se of headers for examples, surpl邵阳棋\S for 制如,gs may be used. In阳 ca畏。f flanges swag时 indi础,也e pur吐出.gs left may beu蹄d 槌栩tpiec筒'1 in which 础se 饺勤e identity of the material of 校将严mchingwith 也atof 胎盘aJ\ge 址uùl be evid刨出d 加 anad吨uate manner. η'le test may be performed , also on 白e 5部沁撤回shed material for 眠amp1e a bar or a bi11et, provided it is given appro总部ately 血e 捕mereduc锐∞ andh臼护trea回.ent 部 注\e finis如d forging. For h相ders with d销时 ertds,由e 棚tringssl峭 be cut off befo出必缉部g or reducing 忍ld shall be s\蚓ected to 胁臼me heat 树a恼ent as 也e headers 位temselv,四.In佼\e case of heade路, which are d铺创 byspec1挝 cove弱,也e 饭st 住宅 shall be cut off a负:er heat 恼a植lent. S丽氓ar prcκ:edure shal1 be followed for 始st pie出sofo也.er forgin萨· (d)τ'angential test piece shall be used for headers where practicable. For header with outside diameter le揣进随n 200 mm, longitudina1 test píeces may be allowed. {均 42 切 50 Kfg/黯黯Z (ili) 47 to 56 Kfg/m踊Z (浏阳 to 62 Kfg/mm2 。 ) The upper yield point at room tempera阳re shall be not less than 50% of the spec迁ied minimum tensile 州白棋'l. {吟The minimum values of 位e str创s at pr∞f 挂mit 0.2% at elevated tempera阳re (Et) may be calcula始d by multiplying .the minimum sp时 ified 生ens i1e/ strength of the material at r'∞m temperature 但却} by 也.e value of 出e ratio Et/ R20 given 拙 the table under Regulation 16. (d) 币1ebreaking elongation in % shall not be less 也an 93 甲Rm 2.2 where Rm器 measured te血perature tensile strength at room in Kfg/mm2 93 = quali守 index 2.2 = a ωr\Stant which is valid only when Lo 5do where Lo 出 gaugelength do = orig部al diameter of the round test piece. 悦. Bend tests… (a) Bend test pieces shal1 be of rec恼n伊larcro藩"配tionma位ined to a finished size of 1 inch wide by 3,4 inch 也ick. In the case of headers, bend test pieces may beαttr缸\Sversely 1* T wide by T thick whereτis 白e 也ic挝'less of the headers. 白1e edges shall be rourlded. to a radíus of 1/16 inch. 白'le test pieces shall be bent over the thinner 能ction. (b) Test pie四翠 shall be bent wh四 cold 也rough an angle of 180 without fracture, the intemal radius of 也.e bend being not 伊回ter 也m 仕lat sp配ified 坦 table below for the 1 inch wide by 3,4 inch 剧ck test piece and notmore 位uui. 1* T for the full 校úckness test piece. dJ Ultimate ti。在sile stress … Q TOr\S /sq. in. Upt032 Above 32 and upto 36 Above36 缸\d upto 38 m-d400月 asa 始stspeαmen. 83.τensile s悦鸣也一位) The t!四sile s位朋树。f the material shall conform to one of the following four grades:(i) 37 怡 45 Kfg/mm2 刷一 tes由19, piece of one and 位.e same cast of the same heat treatment batch as well as of s国1ilar dimensior\S may be gathered into one group. At least 部'le test piece shal1 be made from each grOUp. (c) Apropo描∞a1 test piece wi也 Lo-5do shal1 be used (b) For (e) 班ydraulic test- A hydraulic test shall be carried out at the Makeis works in accordance with the requirements of re罢王lation 268, if required by 位'le Inspec位\g Authority. w- Bemi tests may be made by pressure or by blows. 36 lndian Boiler Regulations 85. Additional tests before rejection… Should either a tensile or a bend test fail two further tests of the type which' failed may be made on test pieces out fro凯 the same forging. If the results obtained from these retests are satisfactory, the forging shall be accepted, .provided thatin other respects they fulfil the conditions laid down above for steel forgfngs. If these retests do not give satisfactory results the forgings represented may be re-heat-treated toge由er with the remainder of the test blocks and presented for further testings. l' In all cases where final retests donot give satisfactory resu1ts,出.efor岳ngs represented by the test pieces which fa i1 shall be rejected. GEl略军RAL All test bars 也磁 be cast in green sand or dry s但划。r iri loam moulds according as to whe仙er thetasting or cas咖19s位ey represent are moulded in g指出 sand, òIl in 10阳lor 世ysand, respectively. The test bars sha1l not be subjec例如 any heat trea帆船主 after.leaving the moulds. 88. Dimension of test bar萨-(苟 TransverSe Test Bar驴… The transverse test bars of 出e diameter specified by the Inspec注19 Authority according to 出e , m治n cr部 s­ sectional 泣úckness of 白泛 cas出19 represented, shall conform to the following dimensions: Diameter tèst Bar GREY IRON CASTINGS (GRADE A) m. 0..6 0. .875 86. (a) Process of manufacture叫晴在le cas由19s sh必lbt cast from meta1 melted or ref泣led in any metallurgical plant other than an iron ore smelting furnace, for the üseofwhi岳阳m毗:e-perr后路ìon~in' writingmust be received ttom 出e Inspec出19 Authori守· Limits on Di必 meter Overall m. m. +0.04510 +0.065 +0.090. 1.2 1.6 +1.10. 2.1 +0.10 .Ma in length 15 21 .21 27 cross啊'ctional thic1cness 01 据sting r,甲 resented 江l. Not Exceeding 3/8 Over 3/8 and not 牵xceeding 号4 Over % and not exceeding Ph Over Bhnd notexceedingl* Ovei 1* (b) Chemical co皿position- The Composition of 也e iron as cast shall be left to the discretiori of the manufacturer but the maximum percentage of phosphorus or su1phur or both may be spec迂iedby 由e lnspec位19 Authority, if he so desires. (c) Moulding- The castings shall be accurately mou1ded in accordance with the pat始'm or working drawings' supplied by the Inspecting. Authority with 位e addition of such letters, figures .or marks as may be specified and the drawings shall include the tolerances specified 抽出e Regulation. Freedom from defect黯…贺le castings shallbe sound, clean out oftwist and free from blow holes distortion and .all surface and other defects. They shall be well dri部sed or fe tt1ed and shall be machinable by normal 扭ethods. 87. Provision of test bar如…如e Inspec仙19 Au生hority shall state at .the time of enq时ry whether he requires tensi1e or transverse tests, or both, and he may also specify cast on bars where the desi伊 of 也.ecas由19and method of running permit. When the test bars are cast sep缸ately they shall be poured at 位le same time atì.d from 出e same ladle, or metal as the casting or cas宙飞gs 出.ey represent. The number of test bars spec迂ied in Re gu1ation 92 shall be applicable to a11 castings of each melt. When the bars are cast-on, the mou1d for the casting and 和e mould for the 始st piece shall be joined together insucham缸mer 也就 the liquid metal f出s both mou1ds at 泣le same opeiation. Bars cast to a size in excess of the limits given aboye may be machined to a diameter w据市1 the specified 加nits. Bars cast within these 1imits of d ianí.e.ter may also be machined before 母le tr缸lSverse test is made, provid懈 站在出at 仕\e finished diameter fa1ls within these 1监úts. (b) Tens i1etestbars- The tensi1e test bars of 也e diameter specified by the Inspecting Authority, according to the maÌn ccoss-sectional 仕úckness of the cas住宅 represented shall conform. tothe dimensions shown in the following table. Bars may be tested wi位1 6位时 plain or screwed. ends. m LP (c) For cas指1萨 over 2 inches in thickness a test bar of larger diameter than 2.1 inches may be used by agr棚阳ltbetween 融部缸\ufac饥rrer and the Inspec位19 Authority. For diagram and table see under clause 何 of this Regulation. 89. Mechanical test一白leC部总ng must comply wi也 由e transverse and tensi1e tests spec证iedin 豆e事.t1ations 90 缸咀 91. AU' test pieces shall be selected by the Inspector and tested in his presence and to his satisfaction. lndian Boiler Regulations 37 90. Transverse 怯st-- A transverse test bar cast in accordance with Regulation 88(苟 must when placed on supports set at the distance shown in column 2 of the fo l1owing table sustain a load applied at the centre of not less than that 拢。wn in column 3 and must show before rupture a deflection not less than 也就 shown in column 4. 丁he supports and the point of application of the load shall be rounded to a radius of not less than 1 月 inch. radius A p R B D' rn. rn. 0.399 rn. 0.1 25 in. 0.6 1 0.875 0.564 0.25 2 Distance between support test bar Mìnimum /oadGrade A 0.798 0.50 2 江1. rn. 9 12 18 18 24 530 1,185 0.07 0.1 0 0.15 0.12 0.15 1 ,9章。 4,280 6, 660 1.1 28 1.∞ 2 5crewed ends Min每 length oJplaip ends 5ize E in. ln. 1~ 1~ ln. S.P. 9/16 S芯, p/16 S川. 3~ 1~ 3~ 1~ 号, S.F. Approxi抒Ulte minimum overall length thìc阳ess 2 l~S.F. 1~ 2~ 1~ S.F. 1.596 2.∞ 2 3~ 3~ 白\e test bars shall be cast as parallel bars of the column B and then machined to the dimensions C and P 抽出.e above table. If the diameter of a transverse test baras cast varies within the limits spedfied in Regulation 88(时也e equivalent breaking load for the factors given in Appendix F. 91. Tensile 始st- A tensi1e test bar machined to the dimensions shown in Regulation 88制 and tested with either pla坦 or screwed ends must. show a breaking stren抖。f nöt less 设\an 也就 shown in 始 following table: . diamete路军iven in Diameter of test bar nu· nu ,A h" M,噜A -rhu 坷, e 句,,, n-8 =-M .. Mínimum ultimate tensile stress唰 Grade A Tons. per sq. in. 12.5 12 11 咱A 饨,翩 10.5 10 Note:. Self-a1igning grips to ensure axial loading are recommend叫. 2S.F. olc,ω ti咆 5crewed e1lds I,.5 rn. 4~ 3 Not exceeding 3/8 7-1/16 令13/16 Over3/8 and not exceeding % 8~ 5-7/8 Over 3.4 and not ln. 9/16 导4 Main cross制 sectìonal Plain ends LP rn. . represented rn. exceeding 1~ . 1~ 9-1/32 l~S.W. 2.1 ‘ TABLE l~S.W. 1.6 Grade A 法1. C 3~ d吃flectíon rn. 7/8 S.W. 1.2 Minimum 每reaking 0.6 0.875 1.2 1.6 2.1 胁时了 Area 仙州时 V Diameter. Gauge as Cast diameter Aat Min. l 71 IP--n D仰7耐在T 吃f 2 11~ 7~ Over 1~ 辜负d not m4 ex臼eding 1δ/8 8~ Over 1-5/8 92. Number 01 transverse and tensi1 e. tests- The number of tests required fo l' eachr batch of castings sha11 be in accordance wi由 the following table, the various c1asses of castings being divided into four representative groups. 岱\e test shall refer to one transverse and one tensi1e test, whether taken from one or two test bars as cast. Weight 01 Castings T'e st 1 Upto 28 lbs. 2 Over 28 lbs. and upto 1 cwt. Over 1 cw t. and upto one ton One test for each 30 cw t. of castings or part ther哩。f. One test for each 2 tons of castingsor part thereof. One test for each 4 tons of castings or part thereof. Group 3 requìremen彷 In the abovegroups 1, 2 and3, all castings r叩resented by one test must be poured from the same ladle or same heat as the bar or bars provided for tne test. 4 Over 1 ton and important castings where mutually agreed upon. One test for e在ch 4 tons of t革stings or part thereof or for e在ch casting weighíng 4 tons or more. lndùm Boiler Regulations 38 93. Additional te剖&…在\e additional tests 始 becarried out before a casting or batch of c部也.gsis 叫ected shall be 切 accordance with the following table: Test piece 1st 杂td E饥mt Conditions If this fails The 回ωnd test piece shall be tested. The batch or separa惚 cas白\g represented 由all be accepted. The ba挝lorseparat您 castirtg If this passes If this fails rep帽脆州时 maybe 叫ected. Provided a1ways that in the case of failure of bo也 test _ pi叙:es if either show obvious defects a 也ird 俊st 抖仅e may be taken from a bro}Q阁部位珞 or a piece may be cut from a usable casting for fu础ler t部位19 都知llows: 3rd If this passes 白le batch or 5叩辑rate castirtg repr回ented shall be accep始d. The batch or separate If份由 fails cas挝咱 → r咿翩翩dmäÿbè 叫配制- COVERED ELECfRODES FOR METAL A虱C WELDING OR MILD STEEL 94. C柏树1 requirements- (1) Applicatio统一 The following Re鲁南tionsapply 始岱C忧。d础。fsizes3/32 站出口2 S.W.G.) and larger in diame栩如,rme始1 arc we1位嚣。,fc的假1 steels having u1出晚惚晦磁柏拉 not exceeding 33 tons p缸 square inch and su1phur and phωphorus c'∞协ts not grea阳饺磁n 0.06 per cent 制ch. 割机trodes lèss 位冶n3/32 部ch in diameter slωII notbe used 加 boilers. The e始巾。de 由aU c佣lply wi白白erequirements of physica1 test尊 prescribed for each class. 咀\eir characte性stics and behaviour under ordinary wor拙\gconditio邸 shall be such 也at 幽幽factory weld d吨。sits can be made by a welder of average skill and experien僻 and 也at the following charac允eristics are d胁。b栩如ed. {呻 a relative ease in the control of 役\e s1ag and weld 黯怠始1 (b) degree of stab远ity of 泣\e arc and of 役\e 如sing of 也ecov缸坦g; (c) no undue degree of spat始r; (d) p倒出ons. (3) Manufactur←呻 Electrodes may be made by any shall yield a product conforming tò the requiremer出 of these Regu1ations. method 由at {的 Size of electrodes…The nominal size of the el配trod,部 shall refer to the diameter of the c破ewire and 泣\e len拼\ shall not exceed 18 inêhes. Provision 也all be 些主defor 础d orcen桐树pping. 在e tolerance on 放松$严cified afairra怡。fdep田ition and dep由 ofpenetr硝.on; diameter of the core wirE" of 自eelectrode步 shall be plus or II由\usO.∞2 溢出. (5) Covering- The flux covering shall be sufficient1y the norma1 conditions of transpor章, e st()!élg ,_l!!ll'\':t1ù.t$~cl 附~.wil也邮电~~~a.Ilti.旦崎且如 uniformin 血ickness all over so 由atit 缸S臼 even1y. The variation in the 仕úckness shall not exceed 3 per c四.t. robusttowi由stand (6)(a) Packing and storage- Electrodes shall be sui阳iblypacked 协梆盯d against damage during tr部飞sporta位舰、When stored, theel,配trod嗣 shall bek眼 in 枝、础。岳供\al bundles or pac挝ngsin a dry store room and under 豁出 conditions,位\e elec泣。des shall for a period of a t1east six m侃如 be capable of gi磁.gresu1tss如迦rtoth铺ewh陆 出ey would have given òn 也e date of 衔础 desp挝ch from 校\6 manofaclurer. (b) Marking- Each 掷球age shall be marked wi出 the follow如.g information : Name of the Manufacturer. Trade name of 位\e E1ectrod臼. Size and quantity of E1'町trodes. Batch Number. Recommendedωrrent range. Classification as per Indian Boiler Re伊1ati,侃 仍 T四岛…贺\e elect宜。d部也all during w e1ding; a 惠。od (a) normal penetration electrodes for use in one or more welding pωitions, and (b) d臼pp四.etration el机trodesford值eunprep叙刨 butt-welding in the flat posi泣。!Il and/or fi嚣的 welding, in the flat and horizonta1 vertical be s由如ted to Ini剧 梅毡"Periα革cd恕ck 栅ts 忽略目。duc忌。ncontrol 毛O eI\SUÆ 自at 注\e require黯ent窑 of 在部eRegtùa注∞s are fu1盘led Electrodes intended for use with more than ooe 穹peof αlITent or polarity shall be tested using ea也可pe of αlIT四tand po1ari年 (e) easy removab诅ty of 也.e slag; Whe四 any test specimen fails to 臼tis市血ereq凶rements (f) no undue tendency to under-cu t; of any p盯ticular test, two further test spec坦\eI\S shall be prepared using the electrodes from the 崎me batch and submitted to the same test. ηle batch of electrodes shall be accepted as ~ving passed the testprovided 出at the tests of both the additional specimens are satisfactory. (盼 a f.挝rcon协山 of the weld deposits; and (h) a low intema1 porosi可 {动。都sification…in如: of 位\eweldme始1. The electrodes shall be c1assified Indian Bo i1er Regulations (8) Test Certificates- 币'\e manufacturers shall, when called upon, produce the results of the most recent Periodic check testcarried out wi白in the preceding 12 mon出s, on electrod岱 representative ofthe electrodes supp注碍, 95.R吨uirements for norma1 penetration electrodeslnitial te创份叫古'\e following 划tia1 tes怜 on each brand of electrodes shall be carried out(a) All weld-metal tensile tesω- 1hreeall唰weld-metal tensile test specimens, one each using the smallest, 6 S.W.G. , and the largest diameter electrodes manufactured in 位也 grade shall be p~par时, and tested inacc心rdance with the method described in Appendix H-1.τhe ultimate tensile s悦目 of 咄咄 test specimen shall be not less 也拙和 tonspers弓uareinch and yield stress not less than 20 tons per 吨uare inch. The elongation sha延 be not less 也an 25 per cent and 也e minimum reduction of area shall be not less than 35 per cent. (b) Fillet weld hot cracking test.…One fillet weld hot test sha l1 be carried out as specified in Appendix H- l. The electrodes shall be deemed to be satisfactory provided no hot cracking occurs under the conditions of test. Greater cracks may be neglected provided they do not run into 出e full Section of the weld. ct~cking (c) Transverse tensile test.一臼e transverse tensile test shall be carried out for each welding position for which 血e electrode is recommended by the manufacturer except that two tests shall be required for 出.e flat pωition. For electrodes recommended for all positio邸, a 怡st in the inc1 ined position is not required. τ'he ultimate tensile stress shall be not less 由an28 tons square inch. The method of preparation of the test pie部s is specified in App臼1m H-1. bend test- Two bend t.ests one with 出efa传 and the other wi也 the r Oot in tension shall be carried out for each welding position for which 出e electrode is recommended by the manufacturer, except 出,at two in each shall be caηied out for those intended for flat position only. For electrodes recommended for all positions, a test in the inc1 ined position is not required. The method of prepara锐。n and carrying out the test shall be in accordance wi也 Appendix H- 1. The electrode shall be deemed to be satisfactory provided a挝 on completion of the tes仁 no crack or defect at 出e outer surface is greater 也an 1/8 inch measured across 出e specimen or 1/16 inch measured along its leng注\. Premature fallures at comers of the test specimen shall not be considered a cause for rejection. (d) 宜'ransverse (e) Cruciform fillet weld ten 39 welding position for which the electrode is recommended by the manufacturer, except that when the electrode is recommended for both the flat and 出e horizontal唰.vertical positions, a test in the flat position shall not be required. The method of pr咋时硝∞ ofthe test piec创 and of carrying out the tes怨 shall be 部 spec活ìed in Appendix H-l. These test pieces shall be capable of wi血standi鸣 anul出late tensile load of ∞f less 出an 36.5树W(x)C tons: where W is 在e width of the test piece and C is the average 佼troat 性出垃less of 出e welds, both in inches. C shall be taken as 0.7 X 由e average leg length or as the actual mean throat 制,ckness, whichever is the greater. (f) All跚weld metal impact test…Three Izod impact test specimen, one each using the smallest size manufactured , 6 S.W.G. , and the largest size manufactured electrodes respectively, shall be prepared 缸\d tested in accordance with the method specified 坦 Appendix H-1. The average of the three impact values for each 怡然 spec协,en shall be not 1,部S 航船 30 f乞 lbs. 96. Requirements for deep penetration butt-welding, electrodes initial test- For electrodes recommended for deep penetration butt-welding,始 following initial tests shaU be carried out : (1) Trans"\'倍rse tensi1e tes i:- 1hree transverse tensile test specimens, one each from test pieces shall be prepared according toTable , 31n Appendix H-2 and tested as 啡时迂ied in Appendix 吕-2. If出ed弘meterof 出e largest size of electrode manufactured is less than 1.4 inch onlý two spec挝lens need be prepared. The ultimate tensile ..stress o,f each specimen shall be not less than 28 tons per square inch. (2) Transverse bend test- Six bend test specimens, two 制巾 from test pieces, prepared according to 由e Table 3 in Appendix H-2 shall be test叫 in accordance with the method spec迁ied in Appendix H-2. If由e diamter of the la咯部tsizeQf 血e electrode manufactured bel部$位被nl/4 单位, only 4 specimens will be req回red. Ofωchp必rofspecime邸I one shall be tesred wi在自e side first welded in tension and one with the other side in tension. The electrode shall be deemed to be satisfacto巧r if on completion of the test no crack or defect at the outer surface of the spec位nen is grea怡r than1 月 inch measured across it or 1/16 inch measured along its le,吨位'\. Premature failure at comers shall not be considered cause for rE才ection. (3) Butt糯weld penetration test… Examinati∞ of the inner edges of the outer discards from the butt-weld 怡然 pieces prepared as specified in Appendix 挂在 shall show 出at complete penetration has b ee.n achieved. lndian Boíler Regulations 40 (a) Crucifonn fillet weld tensile 始st- Three test test pieces prep缸ed according to the procedures laid down in Appendix H-2 shall be tes始d in accordance with the meth叫 5归cified 佳丽阳in. If 饺\ediameter of the largest size of electrode manufactured . is lesS. than 1/4 inch then two specimens on1y are requir吼 Each sp配挝\en sha11 wi出stand an u1出mte 惚\Si1e load ofnot less 佼1an 36.5xWxC tonsj whe黯 W is the width of 佼\e test specimen and C is theeffec位ve size of the welds, both in 姐.ches. Forthe purpose of cala点蜘\g the test load, the eff,配tive size of deep penetration 翻let welds shall be taken either as 0.7 X 他e average leg 1但gth plus 3/32 inch) or 部 the actual mean throat 也ickness plus 1/17 inch whichever is 出e 萨eater缅 ,." esG et 98. Periodic c:he c:k test一在\e following Periodic Check Tests on 础ch .brand of electrodes.-s hall be carried out: sp创血础茹 one each from 但) Periodic check te部 consist of a selection of the tests prescribed under RegulationS 5 to 97 and they shàll be repeated at intervals of not more 出缸\6mon也stopro世de evidence that 由.e electrodes currently produceç:l. continue topos黯ss 也e properties. recorded in 白e 如垣altests: (i) Al1-weld tensile 始5t with any two sizes of electrodes within the limits prescribed in c1 ause (a) of Regu1ation 95.. (注) 宫& a、 ziilaa--'ttee、 , 山斗 (b) For deep penetration butt-welding electrodes, one transverse .tensi1e test spec栩栩 and two transverse bend test spec出ens shall be prepared and tested as prescribed in Reg u1 ation 96 and the specimens shall show that a complete penetration has been achieved. FPA -‘. DIMENSIONS OF FILLET WELDS 1"" One Tee joint fi1let weld hot cracking test as prescribed in dause (b) of Regulation 95. Convexity J (c) For deep pene饺a馁。n fillet welding electrodes one fílletweldtens i1e …test shall.betaken -as prescribed in Regulation 97(1) and the two outer discards from the test pi棋锦 shallshow a miniri:'lUm penetration beyond the root as required under Regula位on 97(2). ,咄咄retical crucifo主m Throa~ 一… 、‘_, 叮啕崎幡刷刷翩翩翩 Leg of Fi1let ‘崎翩-' APPENDIX. 窍-1 CONCAVE FILLET Notel: Size of fillet weld 嚣 lengthof CONV军χFILLET 军: (5ee Regulation 95) la咆创t 趴K技bed 施。scelesright angled triangle. Note 2: Length. of horizol tal leg of filletweld shall hot varymore than 1.1岳 in from lengthof/ , ve成icall告g. 1 町4 事…um Note 3: Fi!letweld size, convexity and leg lengthsof 611etwelds shall be determined by actual mea- 5-m3-8 革urement(tonearest1 /64in.) on a section laid out wìth inscribed lines as 然10wn. FILLETWELD 黯NE四AT10NT自,T- Bo位Ilegs of each 611量tweld deposited 百hall be of equallength with maximum al1 0wable 1泣让始 shown in the figure given above. (b) The outer discards from 阳 crucifonn fi1let weld test pie心es prepared as above shall show a minimum penetration beyond the root of not less 轨an 3/32 as shown in figure given below : 0.010 如~. 也1Aχ.GAP BEFOREWELD剖G 刊'飞 5·JfV4,· PENET民ATION 嚣在YONDτHE 呻 ROOT 3/32 INαiORMORE MEASUREMENT OF PENETRATION OF FILLET WELD The weld shall also be free from trapped slag, por05il:j人 crac挝吨, under-c ut . (1) Parentmetal for test platω…The parent metal usedinpI叩aI恒gtestpiec部 and test spec协enshallbe mild stee1 of welding quali守 in 由.enonnal脱dcondition (thiscondition is option~l in the case of all-weld metal tests) with an ultimate tensile stress of not less than 28 and .not more 融部 32 tons pe主 square irich and in elongation of not less than 20 per cent on standard test pieces A(l) (Appendix B). (2) All-weld metal t吉st.… Method of preparation of test pieces. The temper获知re of theparent metal shall be between 50 0 and 1000 P (10。一-38 C) immediately before deposition the first run of weld metal. 在le test specimen shall not be su均ected to any ìnechanical or thermal treatment other than 出的 required herein. Allweld test pi时es shall be prepared as shown in Pigure 1" by depositing weld metal between the chamfered edges of two plates, each 7/8 inch 也ick. The preparation of the plates shall give an included angle of 200 and the distance between the plates at 泣le root edges shall be ν2 inch to 17/32 inch. The joint shall be c1 0sed at 由e bottom by a öacking plate 11/4 inch wide by 1/4 inch 出ick.币\e two plates shall be 7 inches long and 也e dimension B from square edge to root edge of each side plate sha11 be between: 0 2 inches minimum 姐d 3 inches n:taximum when testing 12 S.W.G.(3/32) inch electrodes. • As shown in this Appendix. Indian Bo i1er Regulations 3 inches m ini.mum and 4 inches max泣\umwhen test站在 10 S.W.G. or 8 S.W.G. electrodes锺 4 inches mini.mum and 5 inches max加lumwhen testing 6 S.W.G. electrod部· 5 inches m ini.mum and 6 inches m拟挝lumwhen testing 1/4 inch or 5/16 inch electrodes. 在le assembly shall be welded to伊拉er with these plates pre-setso 出的 thegàp 挝 the top between 出.e chamfered 它dges of the plates is 1 inch and the plates may be approximately level when the butt-weld is completed. τhe weld metal shall be deposited in single or mul位, run layers and the direction of deposition of each layer shall be alter双挝ively fromeach end of the speciní.en. Each run of weld metal shall not be less than 1 /1 6 inch and not more than 1/8 inch thick. The time interval between the completion of one run and the commencem臼t of depositon of the succeeding run sha1l be not less 也an 5 minutes. The assembly shall notbe quenched between the deposition of individual runs. The welding current used shall be within the appropriate range given by 出e manufacturer. The welding position for the assembly shall be flat , unless 出is is contrary to 位le recommended position for 位e electrode, in which case the position of weld shall be as recommend E!d by the manufacturer. 。'\ completion of the weld the specimen shall be al10wed to cool in still air. The portion including the weld shall then be removed by cutting away the excess plates at the places indicated in Figure 1. The all weld test piece shall be heat吃reated by raising to a uniform temperatureof 11120 to 12020F (600 0 to 6500C) and maintained 棋也就 temperature for the one hour and then allowed to cool slowly outside the k双引ace, protected from draughts and ch丑1ing. A t四sile test specimen shall be machined from 白e test piece to the dimensions given in Figure 1(的将 taking care that 出.e longitudinal axis of the specimen coincides with the centre line of the weld and the mid懈thickness of the plate as indicated in Fi革ure 1. The sp前出en then shall be tested for tensile strength. (3) Impact test specimen… The Izod impact test specimens shall be machined from the weld metal test pi时es to the dimensions given in Figure 2*1 care being taken that the longitudinal 拟is of the test piece c怕也ides with the centre 1ine of the weld and mi品也比如essof 孰e plate. The temperature of the test specimen at 出e time of testing shall not be less th招招呼 (100C)~ (4) Hot cracking test- A 6 inches x 3 inches x 1/2 inch plate shall be welded to a second plate 6 inch础 x 6 inches x 1/2 inch inthe form of a close square Tee joints as shown in Figure 3*. The edge 0 • As shown in this Appendix. 41 abutting the surface of the second shall be prepared by or grinding. The gaps betwen parts after tack welding at the ends shall not exceed 0.01 inch. ma出如ing τwo fillet welds 5 inches long 1/4 inch in leg leng出 sha11 bedeposited in the flat position wi由 .a sing1e 6 S.W.G. (or 0.2 inch) electrode, using the maximum curr四t of the range recommended by 也.em部ufacturer. The test piece shall be so posi胁时d 出at the slope and 也e rotation of the weld are zero. The second weld shall be started at 由at endwhere the first run was finished after time interval of 4 to 5 se∞nds. 在le slage shall bè removed after the test piece is cooled in stHl air to the roo邵阳nperatu也The surfaces of 出,e weld shall be visually 础amined 如r cr民ks. The second plate shall be split and the welds broken open as shown in Figure 伊. The weld shall not show any evidence of hot cracking as indicated by oxidation or temper colouring of 也.e surface of 也e fractures. (5) Transverse tensile and bend tests- The transverse tensile 'and bend test pieces shall be made as shown in Figure 5* by bu悦-welding toge出.er two 1h inch plates of suitable length and not less 也an 6 inches in width. 在le plate edges shall be prepared to form a single V,伺 joint 和e details of which shall be as follows : (See Figu搜 5a)给 Angle between fusion faces 600-700 Root face 1/8 inch. Maximumg,甲 1/8 inch. Theplat廷 edges shall be prepared as per Figure 5(a)*, and pre-set to allow for slight distortion after welding. Thεwelding procedure in making out the test pieces shall be aαording 知 the position of welding as in Table 1 below : Table 1- Weldìn也 procedur穹 for preparatìon of transverse tensile test and bend test piece Welding position for test pieces (a l1 angles ;é 50) shown in Table 5 below FLAT Weld slope 00 Weld rotatìon 00 Weld仇:g P,切edure 1. All runs made with 8 S.W.G. electrodes. run- 6 S.W.G. elec泣。des. Subsequent runs 5/16 inch día伽 meter electrodes for largest sìz告 2. 阳st man时actured. INCLINED Weld slope 300 0 3高{eld rotation 45 First run… 8 S.W.G. electrodes. S.W.G. electrodes. Subs♀quent runs 叩峨 6 (Contd...) • As shown in this Appendix. 42 lndian Boiler Regu1lltions Wel~!ng ‘ Welding Procedure position for test pieces (all angles ;11' 50 ) s:hown in Table 5 below HORIZONTAL.VERTICAL Weld slope 00 Weld rot辑 tion 900 Fir军truη-8S.W.G.el配trodes. Subsequent runs - 6 S.W.G. el配trodes. VERTICAL Weld slope 仰。 All runs made with 8 S.W.G. el缸trod辄 OVERHEAD Weld slop哇。。 All runs made with 8 S.W.G. . el缸主rod舱, Weldro辈革tio1l 1船。 In a1l cases a backing run shall be made with 8 S.W.G. el配trodes in the welding p臼挝.on applicable t.o the test pil四e,础er cutting .out a groove .of 1/8 inch deep if c.onsidered n时essary,制 in Figure 5(a)*. 一 些年st p~甲部 f.or壁雪山inclli叫些ndv可何'a1 p何理∞s 也ap. be welded using 烛 'upw缸命'时也叫s 削e豁 出e 配tr.od部 manufact出宫笛F磁a11yrec.omm倒也应at g边.y the 'd.ownwards' me在od shall be used. If b.o也 meth侃事 arerec.om黯相ded, test pieces welded by 辅ch method shall be made. . Afterweld如.g,出.et四tpil町臼 shall be cut b.y sawingon mad由由\g t.o f.orm .one tr~verse tensile, .one face- bend and one root-bend test spec抽1酬,制 indicated in Figure 5*. (耐 Transve附 tensi1e test- Tr缸\Sverse tensí艳阳饭 . s严也\eI\S shallαJ.gf.orm t.o注\e dimerisi.onsgiv部 in 6*. 在le upper and l.ower 织主rfacI础。f 在.e weld Figure 边a1l be 甜ed,军ro\U\d .or machined level wi自由e m严创刊。对伊回 surfac筒。f 注\e pla概Where 注1e level with each .other the meta1 may be cut awa.y to bring th础nappro后mately level, pr.ovided 也at 也e t1由灿ess of 血.e plate is not reduced by m .ore t1lan a tota1 of 0.04 inch. The tl四ts严cimens sha且也钮 be tl部ted f.or阳\Sile test 臼 in App.endix B. plat!部 aren.ot specimens sha1l be bent 设1r.ough an angle .of 1800 .over a former having a di怠meter equa1 t.o位技能 留翻白e 部位n臼softhes严出n.en, as sh.own in Figuré 7*.臼班主部t spec结1扭曲all be tested wi啦啦.e fa出 d the weld in t.ension and .one with the root .of the weld in tensi.on. (8) Cruciform fillet weld tens i1 e test- N .ormal p咄咄耐.on El时tr.od也古\especim阳\S shall be prep.缸ed as sh.own in Figure 8".Care shan be tak.en出at 白? c.entre lin础。ftw.o ve.此ica1 plates are in the same plane. The parentme国础ed 边a1l beata 恼Pèrature betwe.en 50 …100 盯10。…撼。q irnmediately bef.ore d吨。siting the first run .of weld me岖, τhe 主部ts阴C协缸\S shalln.ot be subjected t.o an.y mech剧由l .or 也.em磁忧eatment, .other than what is givεnin 也is appendix. The plates shall be s.o p1aced 出.at each weld sha1l be deposited 扭 曲.e appr.opriate welding p .ositi.on , using the procedure specified 趴 Table 2 bel.ow: Table 2… Welding procedures for preparation of cruciform 川 fil些t w些主t?ppfk test 安 iec字号 for normal The 始st 0 0 P创始饺'ation e},配trodes Weldi,骂gpo暗如z 声r te军t pie础 (all angles ;11' 50) s:hown in T4协 5 何'eldi就g Praα'dure below FLAT Weld slo归。。 One run-响 S.W.G. or 5/16 inches diameter electrodes. W'eld rotation 00 副CLINED Wel比1510阴始。 Not more 撒在双 3 runs- 8 S.W.G.el棋协des. W'eld rotat主.on 9O。 HO挝忍)NTAL-VERTICAL We1d slope 护 Weld rotation 础。 V'ertical weld slope 90。 Not more than 3 runs-6 S.W.G. or 4 S.W.G. electrodes. α\erun8… S.W.G.ele由'Odes. OVERHEAD Weld slope 00 Notmore 位朋 3 runs- 8 or 6 S.W.G.el,阳trod他 Weld rotation 1船。 仍 τ姐nsverse bend 棚←Theb也\d 栅t sp回部部s d植II be 1 1/2 ind1踊 in wid也在le upp心:l' .and l.ower The welding current used .shall be "8 per surfaces .of the weld 动强llbe 笛led, ground .or 双\ad宿将d levelwi生h theres伊ctive origina1栩如C锦 of the plates, with 也.e p .r.oviso as in item (的命ove. 如1e tool marks sh.ould be avoided as 自.eylead t.o l时ati.on .of stress and ma.y cause premature failure. F.or 也is reas .on the directi.on .of machining .of the surfaces sh.ould be a1.ong 也e sp配iri:tens and transverse 如出.e weld. The sharp c.omers .of 也e test specimens shall be r.ounded 如 a rildius n .ot exceeding 1/却总也. The 始st pii配部 for the inclined o\Uld vertica1 positi.ons shall be welded using 'up-war旬, me价\od, UI让.es8 出e manufacturer specifica1ly rec.omm.ends 'd.ownwards' method. 1f b .oth me血。ds 缸e rec.omm.ended, test pi!配es weldedby 制.chme也od shall be made. The completed test pieces sha11 be cut 让\t.o strips by sawing .or mad啦啦\g 部 shown in Figure 8* and 也.e inner s纹ip tested in 惚nsi.on 部 indicated therein. rec部惊tendation of 也e 血anufadur辄 Figu.res on the following pag,部 .. As shown 汹汹必 App能tdix. "As shownin 副总 Appendix. Indian Boiler Regu1ations 43 APPENDIX - H.l OIAME'I眼 d 叶必.41抵 FORη到纽..E τESTSPE(立MEN 护叩…斗UN.M应」一-1 = 0.450 剖.只)R n.在PACf TEST SPEC岛街NI Oz5/8IN 捕泣如烟拙χ 拍照 I T在NSILE 指51亦lGMACl岱.ffi GRIPS … I lIN. 3贺ESE FACES MUST BE FR五EFROM LOOSE RUST AND SCALE -1 I INPRESET … POSITIOND 1. i户 d- 1 灿阳INFORCEMENτ{ }川i:;↑仨刊飞习J,[ !卜.吧盯C盯印(C … $332 ;i! 乒川飞材s 斗ji 一一-…--唰-­ WELD~ &而--'伽唰儒-- , r~舰。 叫~L B L怒NGη王 OF Ii [ WELDING JOINT 盟 7IN yii7 事部 CUη 吧寸 -- PRE.SET POSmON 幅画"阳唰阳 M 喃蛐蛐腼-……· -v H 喃喃---- 句句喃喃喃 ------j B "C=TI姐 CUTMAYBEFLM.但-CUT.BYGAS CUTI1NG MACHINE OR MAY BE CUT BY MACHINE TOOL OR SAW . BACI<ING BAR WELDINGON METHOD OF PREPA汉ATION OF ALL-WELD METAL TEST SPECIM主N FIG.l O.25m血, ;:了 1.1叮 马:事 1. 69IN 如但N TENSILE TEST SPECIMEN FIG.l(a) sτRIKING DISTANCE OF PEl碍。'ULUM F 5.2 in. IMPACT TEST SP主CIMEN FIG. 主 Fillet welds 1/4 in. leg 1<驱喀th made in flat position. METHODOFMA路NG HOT CRACKING TEST PIECE 在G.3 lndian Boi1er Regulatiòns 44 \可0 .7γ 0 丁( SINGLE 斗← V军ECHAMBER ~- J. 6 in. min _.!明明陶叫"咄咄幡 岳 in. 1/8 廿? min METHOD OF MAKING TRANSVERSE TENSILE & BEND TEST SP'E CIMENS GROOVING IN PREPARATION FOR DEPOSITION OF BACKING RUN FIG. 5 (a) FIG.S 」山「 4" MIN. PARALLEL LENGl双 DIMENSIONS OF TRANSVEl主S军 丁慧NSILE TEST SP军CIMEN FIG.6 METHOD OF CARRYING OUT BEND TESTS FIG.7 NORMALPEN嚣TRATlON ELECTRODES DISCARD 。 irectiOl1 6in of test load J METHOD OF MAKING CRUCIFORM FILLET WELD TEST SPECIMENS FIG.8 Indian Boiler Regulations 45 APPENDIXH-2 (See Regulation 96) Butt-weld tests- Deep penetration electrode~ The parent metal shal1 be at a temperature be约明创150 and 1000F (1 00-38 0C) immediately before depositing the first run of weld metal and test specimen shal1 not be subjected to any mechanical or thermal trea挝1entother than 注lat spec丘ied 讪 this Appendix. 咀le test pieces shal1 be made by welding 始gether two plates not less 出an 6 inches wide and of the thickness spec证ied in τ'able 3 below : 0 Procedure for Preparation of Butt.唰weld Test Piec牵sD苦苦p Penetration Electrodes Table 弘… Welding Welding position for test pieces (all ångles. ;: 5勺 shηwn ín Table 5 beloω Welding Procedure 1. One run on each side of joint with the largest size of 在lectrode manufactured. Plate thickness equal to twice diame沁 r of the core wire or 1/2 inch (whichev就 is les叫 FLAT Weld slope 00 Weld rotation 00 2. On-e run on each side of joint with the smallest size of e!ectrode rnanufactured (but not less than 1/8 inch diameter). Plate ~hickness equa! to atI east twice diamèter of the core wlre. 3. One run on each side of joint with 1/4 inch diameters electrodes. Plate thickness not less than 1/2 inch. τhe length òf the plates shall be sufficient to accommoàate on one side the run length of a complete electrode, but in any case shall not be less 出an1。 如ches‘ The joint edges of the plates shall be square cut and any gap between the plates afte'r tack welding at the ends shal1 not exceed 0.010 inches. welding procedure shal1 be as set out in the above the first electrode used for wèlding 础.ch side shal1 be consumed for its fulllength except for a stub end of not more th部\ 2 inches. The welding. current used shall be as recommended by the manufacturer and each weld shall be deposited in the flat welding positíOI) and started as shown in Figure 9气 百le 饭ble and in addition ... As sh。有n in this Appendìx. Each test piece shall be somarked 出at the side first wel巾d remains iden位fiable after 役le test specimens have been cut out, as shown in Figure 叭Thespedmen shall be cut out by sawing or machining to provide arc tensile test specimen and two transverse bend spec挝lens. The two outer discards shall be retained and 也eir inner edges shall be pr叩ared and étched to reveal weld metal one as required for 出e butt-weld penetration test. (1) Transverse tensile test- Transverse tensile test spec惚.en shall conform to the dimensions given in Figure 6 for such spec蛇1ens and where the surfaces of . the plates are not level 出ey shall be made so by machining or filling provided the 役úckness of the plate is not reduced by more than a total of 0.04 inch. The &pecimen shall then be tested for tensi1e test. bend test… Each tÍ' ansverse bend test specimen shall beof.a width equal to three times its 也ickness. 在le Upper and lower surfaces of the weld shall be filled , ground or machined level with the respective' orig坦al surface of the plates provided 位e f民ickness of the plates is not reduced by more than a total of 0.04 inch. The direction of machining of 也e surfaces shall be along the spec坦.en and transverse to the weld. Tool rnarks shall be avoided to el坦白ate premature failure , and the sharp comers rounded to a radius not exceeding one-tenth the thickness Qf the specimen. 百le test specimen shall be bent thr∞拉 an angle of 1800over a form:er having a diameter equal to th陀e times the 校ùckness of the spec出en as shown in Figure 10气臼m tεst specimen shall be tested with the side first welded in tension, and one wi白 the other side in tension. (2)τransverse (3) Cruciform fillet weld test- Deep Penetration Electrodes…- The parent metal shall be 挝 a temperature befween 500 and 1000F (1 00-38 0C) immediately before depositing 也.e first run of weld metal. The 悦stspec泣\en shall not be .subjected to any mechanical or thermal trea饭时时 other than 佑at specified in 出is Appendix. For each test piece, twopieces of plate, of sufficient length to suit the testing machine shall be welded to a 出ird plate by means of fillet welds as shown in Figure 11气Care shal1 be taken 也at the centre lines of the vertical plates are in 校\e same pl部\e.τhe width of the plates shall be sufficient toaccommodate on ∞.e side 白e run le吨位 of complete electrode, butin any case shal1 be not less 由an 10 inches. The thickness of each piece of plate shall be as specified in Table 4 below. ... As shown in this Append以. 46 Indian Boiler Regulat切'5 百\e edge of each vertical plate 检utting the surface of the horizontal plate shall be square cut (preparOO by mac括ning, grinding or gas cuttin尉, and anY gap between the horizont必 plate and the vertical plates, after tack welding at 出.e ends in preparation for welding shall not exceed 0.01 inch. 四\e w~lding procedure followed in making the test pieces shall be as set out in Table 4 below with the addition 出at the first electrode used for welding each fillet shall be consumed for its fulllength except for a stub end of not more than 2 inches. Table 4- Welding Procedure for Prepara悦。n of Cruciform F'illetWeldT臼tPi础s(阳叩 Pe附加tionEle惜。de吟 Welding position for test pieces as shown 切 Ta始 s below (all angles :;~50) Horizont在l-Vertical ……十~…一…" Welding Procedure .ZM2·ZCM i ←创始N 创始叫:; 1.臼.e nmon 础ch side of each jo战 with the largest size of electrode ,牛. ..'manufactured'.-Plate 航icknessequal to at least twice diameter of the ∞m wire or y.t inch. (whichever is less). Maximum fi l1et leg leng也 shall be 1/8 inch less than the pla te thicknωs. 2. One nm on each side of each joint with the smallest size of electrode manufactured (but not less than Y.I inch diameter). Plate thickness equal to at least twice diameter of the core wire. Maximum fi l1et leg length shall be 1 月 inch les革 than the plate thickneω. Weld slope 00 Weld rota挝on 碍。? 。今2.2τ 3.α\e run. on each sid苦 joint with JA 缸.chdìameterel!时饺'odes. Plate thickness not less than y.t inch 程nd fillet leg length not to exceèd 3/8 阳ch. 百\ewelding currentused shall be wi也in the appropriate range recommended by the manufacturer and each weld shall be deposited in horizonta1唰vertical position. η\e order oflaying down fillets shall be as indicated by the number 1, 2 and 4 in Figure 口气世\e adjacent fillet shall be laid in opposite direction. Aft创, welding,由e test piece sha11 be cut by sawing or machining as indicated in Figure 11" and the inner edges of the two outer discards shall be prepared and etch根据$严cified for 注le cruciform fillet weld 始部战 t部始 for norma1 pene位ation electrodes 部 Appendix H-1. τhe test spec出en D 且 3T shall then be testOO for tensile test. • As shown in this Appendix. TRANSVERSEB在NDTEST ON BUITWELD SPECIMENS FIG.I0 METHODOFMA附NG CRUCIFORM FILLETWELD 丁ES丁 SPECIMENS Indian Boiler Regulations 47 X TA8LE5 (SEE APPENDIX-H1 & H2) DEFINfτlo.N F WELDING τERM5 CLA55IFICA:在o.N F C VERED ELECTR DE5 DEFINm N5 & PRINCIPLE5 DEFI N5 WELDSLOP军 τHE SLOPE OF A WELD ISτHEANGLE 双双MEDB宫IWE卧J n但 LINE OF W在LDROOτAND A HORIZONTAL REF黯ENCE PLANE PLAC嚣。 B丑LOW THE LOWEST PORTION OF THE WELD. (see Fig. 。 o. o. o. o. Nmo. X14'-EXP· o. t'----^^ lC才 5ECτlo.Nx-x AU 。 孩-M QJVILM Ro.τAτlo.NO O UIL 础 o. n JJJJUJJJJJJJllU1JJJ}) J] }JD 5L PE ELEVA:τlo.Nχ 豁口10N 5Lo.昆施。 即击。说 曾在e h 门甘 x 1~ 1P χ~ 「 ---1 翩翩翩而 mi l o. FIG.l | 60。 灰飞 X X DIAG汉AM 丁OILLUSTRA丁 EWELDSLOI沱 ROTATION: n王军 ROTA'τION OF WELD IS THE Al唱GL主 FO民MED B盯WE翠N THE UPP军R PORTION OF V主RTICAL REFERENC军 PLANE W到ICHPASSEST寄去武.OUGH THE LINE OF THE WELD ROOT AND A LIN主 DRAWN FROM THE L孙JEOFτHEW主LD ROOT WHICH INTERSECTSτHE WELDSURFACEAT ARIGHT ANGLEANDAPOINTEQUIDI们:ANTFROM l r- 飞\1\ ~Y o. 5L PEOO 5ECTI N Ro.TA:τlo.N90。 χ"χ o. ELEVATI N 5L PEOO o. SECT幻NX-X ♂二ROTATION 份。 W在LD . Y EITHER EDGE OF THE WELD (see Fig. 2) NOTE: E.XAMPLES OF THE SLOPE & ROTATION OF VARIOUS WELDS GIVEN IN Fig. 3. A反应 X 5ECTIo.NX刷X WELD A: 5Lo.PE 岳0 R TATI N 0。 WELD B: SL PE 35 0 R TATI N 600 EXAMI吨,戴 S OF 'SLOPE' AND 'ROTATION' FIG.3 0 o. 主曹 ~ …m个… J A 0 to 1900 I I 二- No. Ro.TAlτo.N o. o. SLOPE ROTATIOt唔 NOτ 五XCEED- NOT 区XCEED- ING 10. ING1霄' EXCEEDING 100 NOT EX- NOT 草XCEED唰 ING90. CEEDING45。 to 5IDEVIEW 一 LIMITSOF 5LOPE $以Y3ML份 ILLUSI二 FIG越 4 F . FIG.5 H VERTICAL EXC罢王DING45。 ANY v F苦.7 bVE黯法AD NOT 主XCE王D- E.XC军军。孙~G 苦奋。 O FIG.8 . FIC.6 孙IG450 NOT军:如EFIV在 POSmoNS DEFINED A船'VE COVER ANY POSSIBLE COMBINATION OF SLOP军 AND ROTATION 织)1双AT 军VERY WELDCANBECA臼SIFI主D IN ONE OF THESE 双泥moNS THEl孔Bl..E ABOVE IS FOR FIG. 4 o.FRo.TATIo. N 法AτlON E.XCEEDING 10. NOT E.X而 CEEDING900 TAL VERTICAL ENDVIEW … LI阳τ's FIG. 4 FLAT (F) o. NOT E.XCEEDING 10。 HO民IZON- 0 0 to 100 ~乌o 10。 WELDfNG P051在o.N5: WELDING POSm N5 A汉E DEFINED A5 F LL WS 口咀CL孙JED 10。 o.FWELD FIG.2 FLAT o. o. 0 DIAG汉AMS TO ILLUSTRATE WELD ROTATl ON 汉宠mON窑 o. o. SIDE VfEW - LI如11拍o.F END VIEW - LIMITS Ro.TA:ηo.N 5L PE FIG.S INCLl NED (I) o. o.F ~ιτ:τ0. 10。 5IDEVIEW …口基忍τS o.F 5L PE o. FIG.6 日 ORIZONTAL - END VIEW - LIMITS Ro.τAτ1m、1 VE汉TICAL 制} o.F 48 lndian Boiler Regulations 'CHEMICAL COMPOSITION AND APPLICATIONS (vi) CarbQn Steel Fil1 er Rods一 (GRADE 1) (U) FILLER RODS FOR GAS WELDING OF STEEL 98 A. (a) The following provision shal1 ap'p1y to filler rods for gas welding of boiler parts and stearrνpipes(i) Manufadure- The filler rods 由aybe madeby any method that shall yield a product conforming to the requirements of these regulations. Size of Rods…白le nomina1 size of rods shall refer to the diamete主 of 注le rod whích 吉hall be expressed in millimeter二The tolerances on the speciiied diameter of the rod shall be plus or minus 0.05 mm. for rods 1.6 mm (1 /l 6in.) and over 讪 diameter, and plus or minus 0.03 mm. for rods less than 1. 6 蛇出1. in diameter. (iii) Pa!:king and Marking.… The filler rods shall be suitably packed to guard aga拙stdam负ge durÍI飞g transportation and each package shall be marked with the following informations : Name of Manufacturer. Year of Manufacture. Trade name of Rods. Size and 伊拉ty of Rods. (iv) Test- The rods shall be s由Ijected t。如itial tests and periodic tests to ensure 也at 也.e requirements of these Regulations are fulfilled. (v)τest 仪式ificate一 τhe manufacturer of user shall where called upon by the Inspecting Authority of the Chíef Inspector of Boi1ers próduce the resu1ts of the most recent periodic check test carried out on filler rods representative of 位le rods sped如d. 制) a FIG. 8 OVERHEAD 主 -ROTÞi下JON mMQM VIEW - Ll MJTSOF 、 Y tJ 、 应 ND 0 nu OF SLOPE 0 陆刷仙 Mm SIDEVI主WγLIMITS I 90 TO 180 p 0 、pzz 90" TO 180 γUU-h 。OTO 是5。 in (V) nM 划 FIG. 7 VERTICAL mTm 雹 PLAN …i?UMITSOF ROTATION gPEVIEW-LIM130FSLOPE mwRed--如 dmd oummn浏阳 (a) Chemical Composition一如le Chemical composition of the rods shall be as given below: EMXMm 0.10% xx 0.60% 0.25% 0.050% 0.050% (b) Application… These rods are intended for applicationwhere a minimum butt-weld tensi1e strength of 35.0 kg/ sq盔 m. (22.0 Tons/sq. in.) is required. (vii) Carbon Steel Fi11盯 Rods… (GRADE-II) (a) Chemical Composition…The Chemicàl .compositionof 注terodsshaU beasgiven below' Carbon 1.10 to 0.20% 0.10 拾。 .35% Silicon Manganese 1.∞ to 1.60% Sulphur Max 0.040% Phosphorus Max 0.040% When the carbon content is in 也,erange of 0.10 to 0.12% the manganese content shall be not less 和an 1.20%. (b) Application.:..- These rods are intended for application where a minìmum Butt峭weld tensile strength to 44.0 kg/吨. mm. (28.0 tons/吨,阳.) is required. (viii)Carbon Molybdenum Steel Fi11衍 Rods(a) Chemical Composition- The Chemical composition of the rods shal1 be as follows: Carbon 0.15% max. 0.25 to 0.50% Silicon Manganese . 0.60 to 1.50% Molybdenum 0 .45 to O.仍% Chromium & Not more 位朋 0.20% Nickel each (if prese时都 a residual). Sulphur 0.040% Phosphorus max 0.040% , 。) Application.… These rods are intended for welding of (aUoy st时Is of the) 1 /2% molybdenum type with or without chromiu双1. ‘ lndian Boiler Regulatíons CHAPTER III CONSTRUCTION AND WORKMANSHIP GENERAL 99. Pr~paration of plate蓓一 The edges of a11 plates and butt straps shall be machined or flame cut by machine and 血.e caulking edges shal1 be bevelled to 矶 angle not sharper 出an 20 degrees to 位e pl缸le of the plate and between 70 and 80 de在rees wherever practicable. Plates which are to be flame-cut by machine without heat treatment or subsequent grinding or machining sha11 not have a carbon content higher than 0.26 per cent. Where the carbon contentexceeds 0.26 per cent heat tre础nent, grinding or machining shall be carried out. The edges of a11 plates sha11 have a smooth finish. 49 106. Thickness of Shell Angle Ring萨…- Where shell plates and end plate are connected by means ofan extemal angle ring, the angle rings shall be no less in thickness 位an as follows: (1) For shell plates upto and 10 per cent in excess induding 5/8 inch in of the thickness cif the thickness. shell plate. (2) For shell plat苦 exceeding 5/8 90 percent of the inch in thickness and upto thickness and not less and including 1 inch in than 11/16 inch. thicknes嚣, {主) For shell plat吉s over 1 inch in thickness. n母55 SHELLS , ANGLE RINGS, BUTT STRAPS, ETC. 102. Cylindrical Shells… Each ring sha11 be bent while cold to cy1indrical form to the extreme ends of the plate. The bending shall be done entirely by machine and heating or hammering is prohibited , 103. Position of Longitudinal Seåms- Each ring of plate forming the she11, barrel or drum shell, where practicable, be in one piece and have its longitudinal seam well out of 1ine with those of 出eadjo肌ing rings. In Lancashire, Comish, and other types ofboilers, where parts of the shel1 are exposed to flame, the longitudinal se.邵阳 shell, where practicable, be in the steam space, arranged altemately on each side of the crown and clear of the brick work. 104. Circumferential and End Seams- The calculated efficiencies of circumferential joints based on the thickness of plate determined by Equation 1, sha11 be notless 白an38 percent forjo担ts connecting and plates with cylindrical shells or 42 per cent for intermediate joints. In no case, however, shall 由e efficiency of an intermediate joint be less than 50 per cent of that of the longitudinal joints. Where the she11 plate thickness 制使eds 11/16 加. the intermediate circumfere往往aljoints shall be double riveted. 105. Angle Rings- Angle rings for the 挝tachment of end plates to shell plates and/or flue sections sha11 be ro11ed or machined so 出的 they fit closely to the flat and cylindrical surfaces to be connected, and shall be machined or machine gas cut on the caulking edges~ of 1 inch. 107. Welded Shell Plate←-币\erequir础\ents of welded shells sha11 be covered by the provisions made in Regulations in Chapter V or Chapter XII,部 the case .-ma豆b也 101. Minimum Thickness of Plates- No boiler plate shall be less than 1A inch in thickness. Made from angle b在r havinga 部ction 趴ick­ 一一一一一 108. Longitudinal Seams… τ'he longitudinal seams of she11 belts sha11 be butt才ointed with double straps when the diameter or Working Pressure exceeds the limits stated below: Type 01 Boìler Loco 丁ype Vertical Type Other types Wlzen dìameter exceeds Pressll 陀 exceeds Feet Lbs./ Sq. in. 2* 2∞ 6 125 80 6 Wltetl Workillg 109. Butt Strap伽- Butt Straps shal1 be cut from the she11 plates, or alternatively, a11 the butt straps of each required thickness shall be cut from one plate. 咀飞e lengths of the straps wherever practicable shal1 be transverse to the direction of ro l1ing of the plate. Straps shall be pressed or bent in rolls to 位e shell curvature. 110. Thinning of Butt Strap s- Thinning of 也.eendsof butt straps which tuck under she11 rings, shall be done cold by machine and not by heating or hamrnering. The shell plate shall be notched out to receive 出at 位linned end of the butt strap,印出的 there shall be no undue thinning of the butt strap. 111. Alternative Construction- As an altemative to the tucking of butt strap ends under the shel1 rings, the ends may be terminated at 出e edge of the shell rings or ends 缸ld electrically welded 位飞.er.ε柿, 112. Local Welding of Butt Seams一 (a) The ends of longitudinal butt seams of shell rings may be welded for a length not exceeding three times the overlap at 50 Indian Boiler Regulations 社le c让cumferen位al seaI吉\, provided (c) In all cases the front end plate 事lsset stays below the fumaces shall be placed as cIosely as possible 抬出e mudhole fr拟ne. (b) Only metal arc welding of the bl.ltt seams of shell (d) Where flat end plates are flanged for connection to rings shall be permitted. the shell, the 坦side radius of flanging shall be nòt less (c) Where hemispherical shell crowns are pressed from 出an 1.75 times the plate thickness, with a minimum of plate they shall be pressed to form by machine in 11h. in. progressive stag创 wi伎l0ut thinning and on completion 115. End Plates in Ste部n Spaces- When 也eendplates shall be annealed. ofboilers situated in the ste挝我 space are liable to contact 革NDPLATES with hot gases, the end plates shall be efficiently sheilded from such contac t. 113. Flat End Plat部一创 The plat创 of boilers shall pretezably be in one piece made from one EOIled Fiate.1116.Hemispherical Crowns一(苟 All segínents shall be pressed hi. one heat to correct curvature.τne adjacent Altematively, the end plates may be bu过d up fro~ t~o pl;tes shall be cIosely at the seams and .wh~rever pieces by riveting or byfusion bu位-welding. In ~e latter case,阳 line of weld shall be parallel to 由e possible at the junction of two seams 阳 plates shall be machined down to provide at a fairsurfãce to 也e joint. horizontal axis of the boil:r and the ex:.tire plate~~er If the 白inning is done by heating and hammering 也e flanging shall be subjected to stress relieving and the weld shall be radiographed. plate shall be-subsequent1y 邸mealed. the butt straps are run as cIosely 部 practicable to 也e circumferential se部n. …(b)-Theperipheralflangingof end plates shall be.done_…刷工he …cylindrical..portion...of.the_crowns'hall be by machine. Such flanging shall preferably be done in tangential to the hemispherical portion and 部 truly to the she江 one operation, but whe扭曲is is impracticable sectional or creep machine flanging may be permitted, provided 117. Dished End and CrownPlates…(吟 τhe dished 也at 注1~ plate is wor如d at a suitable temperature, and end plates of boilers shal1 preferably be in one piece 出e plate is heateq to an ad吨uate distance beyond the made from one-rolled plate. If血isis 加lpracticable portion'under Ímmediáte treatmen t. owing to the large diameter, the dished end plate may (b) In boilers 7 ft. 6 in. diameter and above,也emudhole fr部主le shall be fit阳i with a peak to re-inforce the po民ion be made from two plates fusion butt welded toge出er and in such cases the requirements of stress relieving and r a.diographic examination as provided for in Regulation 113 shall 叩plyand the llne of weld shall be parallel to the horizon阳1 axis of the boiler. The inside radius to which a plate is dished shall not be great时注1an the extemal di归抗,eter of the shell to which it is attachèd, except in 注le case of Lancashire and Cornish boilers when the radius shall not exceed 11 /2 times the diameter of the shell. (b)古le inside radius of CUl'vature of the flanges to the shell or firebox shall not be less than four times the thickness of the crown or end plate and in no case less than 21h. inches. (c)τhe inside radius of curvature to uptakes sh硝 be not less than twice the thickness of the crown plate and in no case less than 1 inch. (d) Bunged mouth-pieces may be welded on to end plates in place of the orthodox flanging for the attachment of 如口1ace tubes. Such welding shall ∞mply with provisions of Regulation 125. (e) Manhole frames may be similarly welded on the front endplates, and will 悦 subject to prov始ions of 孜egulation 125. of the end plate between and below the fumaces, and riveted thereto with rivets of similar pitch to be remainder of the frame. 118. Tube Plates- Smoke box 如be plate号 shall be flanged for attachment to the barrel or shall be flat and connected thereto by an extemal riveted angle ring. (bb) In the construction of unfired boilers when the dished ends do not form a part of the heating surface, cold spun dished ends conforming to IS : 2825 may be used. (c) Care must be taken to see that 位e flanges are circular and of good surface, free from 10cal irregularíties, and 出at 役ley are parallel and 叫U缸e with the flatpart of the plate. For the purpose of relieving intemal stresses, all plates which have been flanged or locally heated shall afterwards be efficiently annealed unless during the last stage of manufacture they have been uniformly heated 位1roughout. (d) Flat po抗ions of end plates, on ∞mpletion of all flanging and mach趴ing operations, shall be flat. and free from set or distortion. 114. Strengthening of Flat End Plate at Manhole一{时 In the end plates of Lancashire Boiler 守pe the mudhole in the lower part of the front end plate shall be fitted with a flanged riveted strengthening ring, the thickness of the flat portion of which shall be not less than 1.5T + 1/8 in. Where T equals the thickness of the end plate in inches. 校让sp臼k shall be securely lndian Boiler Regulations 119.Par怡。f Flat Tube Plates within the 言'ube Nests一 the total area of all tube nests in directly fired multitubular boilers exceeds 7 s号 ft. , st冻y tubes shall be fitted. 树Where Where the total number of tubes in horizontal multitubular waste heat boilers and direct fired local type boilers is arranged in one nest, the area of which exceed 21 sq. ft. stay tubes shall be fitted. In all cases where the total number of 阳bes is arranged in more than one test, stay tubes shall be fitted. (b) The parts of tube plates which lie outside 出e nests of tubes shall be s均red or supported wherever 出e size ofthe 盯eaofplate 部垮ect to steam pressure necessitates staying or support, either by marginal stay tubes or other means. 120. Fl anging of End Plates- All flanges shall be a good fit to the shell and flues. Flògging and/or hammering in the fiUing of these parts is prohibited. The caulking edges of all flanged plates shall be machined or machine gas cut. FURNAC主S 121. Furnac棉 in General一 ωNo fumace or firebox top, wheth衍 plain or corrugated, shall exceed 7月 inch in thickr程凯 and all circular sectioned fumaces when new shall be as near the truly circular form as the type of joint w il1 permit. (b) The use of Z angle rings for fumace foundation seams shall be prohibited. (c) As an altemative to riveting fumaces , fumace crowns, uptakes 衍\d other plates not in tension may be jointed by fusion welding provided the conditions laid down in Regulation 122 to 129 are complied with. The end connections of such plates to 位\e shell or shell crown shall also co黯ply with sucl飞 conditions.τhis cons位uction shal1 not apply to fu红\aces of Lancashire and Comish type boilers consisting wholly or plain sections. 122. Furnaces of Horizontal Boilers… (a) The sections of the internal flues shall each be in one plate and shall be bent while cold to circular form and shall be welded longitudinally. (b) The maxirnum pem让ssible variation in diameter at any cross翩section shall not exceed the thkkness of the plate. (c)τhe weld shall be placed at 也e low衍 part of the flues, and shall break joint in successive sections by at least 12 inches. (d) Each flange for the circular seams shal1 be formed at one heat by suitable machinery. (e) The sections shall be allowed to cool gradually to avoid intemal stresses. 51 (f)τ怡 caulking edges of all flue flanges machined or machine gas cu t. s抽泣 be (g) 白le circular seams shall be arranged so 出时 theydo not fall in line with those of the adjacent flue or with the circumferential seams of the shell and are at least 6 inches apart. (h) When flues are flanged for attachment to both end plates the totallength of each completed flue shall not exceed the le鸣th of 也e shell measured from the inner surface of the back end plate to the inner surface of 出e front end plate, both adjacent to the shell. (i) Where 校le flues are flanged for attachment to 也e end plates, the end sections shall be 1/16 inch 出icker than the remaining sections, except in cases where. the calculated thickness is over 13/16 inch, when the end section shall be 7/8 inch in thickness. 。) The flanged portion of fumace rings shall have radius of curvature of not less 由an 1 inch on water side. (k) Sections of corrugated flues 皿ay be fusion butt weldedci主cumferentially and afterwards stress 搅lieved by heat treatment. (1) As an altemative to Adamson flanges,如m时岱 which are partly fitted with corrugated sections shall be strengthened by means of suitable stiffening rings adequately welded to the furnaces. The moment of inertia of the stiffener shall not be lefs 由an63αunx 13 mm. (21;2" x 1;2"). 123. Fumaces of Vertical Boilers一 (a) The fumaces of vertical boilers may be constructed in one or more lengthwise sections, each section being 芷olled from onε plate to a full circ1e. In such cases,位\e component sections may be jointed drcumferentia在Y by electrically butt welding or riveting. Where welded, they shal1 be stress relieved都 位的 In the case of vertical boilers where tube plates form part of the firebox, the tube plate portion may be constructed in two vertiéal sections and the vertical seams when welded shall be stress relieved. (b) Circular fumaces shall preferably be tappered, a tapper of 11/2 in. in diameter p.er 1 foot of height being recommended. The minirnum water space at the bottom between 设le furnaces and the shell shall not be less than 2 in. for boilers upto 2 ft. 6 in. in di忽neter 缸ld shal1 be not less than 21 /2 泣1. for boilers over 2 ft. 6 批 diameter. (c) Where hemispherical fumace crowns are pressed from one plate they shall be pressed to form by machine in progressive stages without thinning and on completion shall be annealed. (d) Ogee flanging where integral with the firebox or in a separate ring shall preferably be formed at one heat by su Ind肌 Boi1er 52 c(e) Fumaces of vertical type boilers may be atta.ched to 生he shell at the firehole by a solid rectan gu1ar section steel ring riveted together or by a circu1ar ring of sub公 tantìa1 section fusion welded to shell and f泣曲。x. Where the latter cons捡回tìon is employed the open忌gin 仙e 达\ell for firehole shall be substantial1y compens则dby a ring welded on the outside of the sl:恕丑 plate. 伪 At the firehole 位叫出hox plate and 设'\e shell plate may.be flanged and.fusion welded togeth,低 124. Longi始dinal Seam必翩翩…The longitud弘al se部ns of 如maces maybe either : 如) Forge Lap Welded. (b) Fusion Butt Welded. (c) Riveted. Longitudinal seams of furnaces exceeding 3/8" 泣úckness shall not be riveted. 主25. Fusion welded longitudinal seams- Where the longitudinal seam is fusion welded the following ………………)… ωa (归 叫) Plates 5/凡8 inch and 命 abοv 陀 e 坦 in 由ickr飞惚必舱$部 s shall be bevel1ed from both sides of each abutting edge but the bevel need not necessarily be 也esameon 翻白 side (see Fi.革g. 1 and 2). Plates 1,臼S 也an5/8 inchin thic灿.es may be beve l1ed from one side only of eac:h abutting edge (see Figs. 3 and 4).. The inc1uded angle of the bevel shall be not less 也an600 and 役\e bevelling may be any one of 位e forms shown in Fi伊. 1-,-4. Regulations firebox is forge-welded it should 1主e allowed to cool gradually. 126. Fumace Crown皿…. (时币\e furnace crown 点a11 be made from one plate and the seam connecting it to 轨e fumace shal1 not fall in line with any drcumferential seam of 也.e boiler shell. (b)白\e 缸mace crown may be riveted to 也e vertical portion of the f泣eb饵, or a1tematively, the joint may be 缸sion butt welded by the electric arc process, provided the conditions as to fusion welding in Regulation 1部 缸e observed. Where the joint is to be welded the edges of the furnace crown and the firebox body shall be bevelled in accordance with I王军.3 or Fig. 4. 在\e depth of the flange of the fumace crown plate from 也e commencement of the curvature of 也e flanging ràdius sha11 be not less 也an four times the plate thicknes嚣 with a minimum of 1 1 /2 inches. on co黯pletion of welding the firebox shal1 be.effectively stress relieved by heat trea始lent (附a1so Reg. 128). 127. CrossTub盼;;;;-(a)Cross'tubes 忌h:allbemade丘。'm weldless steel pip臼 or from plate or strip rol1ed and electricr,辅以ance or fusion bu忧 welded pipes by electric arc proce驰The fusion welding shallωnform to .the requirements of Chapter 沼1τolerances on these pipes shall conform 抬出e requirements of Regulation345. Where welded pipes are used, the longitudinal welds shall be 50 si饥lated that theyare not exposed to the direct impact of flame. (b) Cross tubes shal1 not exceed 12 in.intema1 diameter. thickness shall be 5/16 in. 在\en山由num (c) wl恕re cross tubes are flanged and riveted to 也.e furflanges shall be set to the curvature and tapper of the furnace and sha11 be a 莲。od fit before rive位19... nace 也.e FIG.l FIG.2 ι_600~ 今 YZV … 飞 mml 3\/ {飞f :t 扩 一一一\广一一 3 FIG.3 FIG.4 (b) In order to ob饭加 full pene饺ation of the weld metal a gap sl:浪盟 be maintained betwe四 thepla泌s whenth吗'are being welded. Joints shall be welded frαn both sides, and the slag sha1l be 担moved after making each run. Before the sec∞d side of the joint is welded any slag or defect at the bottom of the first run shall be removed by grinding, chipping or machining. There shall be no appreciable underω踊ng of the plate. (d) Where welded construction is employed 位ü:! tubes sha11 be of suffici照t length to enter the fumace plate and 也e flush with the water side all round or project not more than 5/8 in. into the water space at any part of the curcumference. Where the tubes are fusion welded 拙 positìon the firebox plates shal1 be suitably chamferedand the jo肌ts shal1 be welded extema11y and intemal1y (see Fig. 5). Projecting not mot曹 than 5/8 in. at any part of drcw:r由rence of tube , (c) For 役le purposes of relieving intemal stresses 也.e plates adjacent to a fusion weld sha1l. be efficiently 部neaIed after weldi吨, and when the DE.τ:AIL OF WELDING FUSION WELDING OF CROSS TUBES OF 飞f藏民TICAlCI主OSS TUBE BOIlERS FIG.S Indian Boiler Regulations 53 128. Uptakes… (a)ηìe uptakes shall be formed from weldless steel pipes or from plate or s忧ip rolled and electric resistance welded or 缸sion bu饮 welded pipes by electric arc process. 在ìe tolerance嚣。n these pipes shal1 comply 圳市出.e requirements of Regulation 345. (b) As an altemative to riveting the uptake may be fusion butt welded by the electric arc process to 也e upward flange of the ope币ng in the firebox crown plate provided the conditions as to fusion welding in Regulation 125 are observed.τhe edges of the upward 但nge and the adjacent end of the uptake shall be bevelled in accordance with Fig. 3 or Fig. 4. The depth of the crown plate opening from the commencement of the curvature of 航e flanging radius 位all benot less 在an twice the plate thickr恕部 with a minimum of 1 inch.αì completion of welding the uptake and crown p 1ate shal1 be effectively stress relieved by heattreatmeI忧 Wherethe f.让ebox crown plate is a Iso fusion welded to 由.e body of the firebo几位ìe firebox co因.pletewi出 uptake 达ìal1 be effectively stress relieved by heat treatment of completion of the welding. (c) Weld~d uptakes shal1 be so arranged that 出eweld is directly facing 血e longitudina1 centre line of 也e Bismuth not more than O.∞3 per cent. Ironnot mo搜出an 0.01 per c础t. Lead not more than 0.01 per cent. Nickel not more than 0.15 per cent. Phosphorus not more than 0.10 per cent and not less 泣础。.015 per cent. Sel臼ium not more than 0.02 per cent. Tellurium not more than 0.02 per cent. Tin not more than 0.01 per cent. Piec臼 cut from the parent material after being heated in hydrogen for 1h阳山时 8∞。C and subsequently cooled, must show no edge or surface cracking when subjected to a dose bend test as described belo肌 性\e t,辅t piece AB is bent by steadily applied pressure or a succession of blows at right angles to the leng由 AC and flattened c10部 until A assume事 the position indicated by D (see Fi肝re 5A). TEST PIECE A FOR OXYACET'lLENE WELDING OF COPl可ER .... G 俨唰- - - -- . --棚..., 一咖 ' m部由。le. 129. Loco τype Fireboxes一 (a) The foundation seam shall be of rive始d construction but al1 other seams may be welded subject to the depth of the flange being such 由献出e welded seams fa11 between 也.e 1st and 2nd rows of screwed stays or between 街e flange and the adja僻挝 row screwed stay. (b) The firehole mouthpiece maybe s抽úlarly welded when the 如ebox and shel1 are flanged for the purpose. (c) 古\e welding shal1 comply with Regulation 125. (d) The welding of copper f让eboxed shall comply with the follow阳gre肝la位on. •- 129A. Welded Join始如 Copper Fire Boxe (i) Sωpe-Allweld站在 of ∞pper plates shall be canied out by the oxy-acetylene process. 技\e Inspecting Au生hority may at his discretion also permit the use of propane, butane or other suitable fuel gases. (泣) Parent Metal…Phosphon添 deoxidised arsenical copper in the fu l1y annea1ed condition shal1 only be used for welded copper fire boxes. The composition of 出.e copper shall be within 也e following limits : Phosphorous Deoxidised Arsenical Copper Copper (silver being ∞unted 础 copper) not le部 位an 99.20 per cent. Ant烛。ny not more than 0.01 per cent. Arsenic not more than 0.50 per ceI飞tandnotle部 出an 0.30 per cent‘ NO沁fINAL1在ICKNESS OF τ蒙STPIECE 怀flD1H w (。 {总} {每均 (iv) UPTO-BUτNOT 3/8"& INCLUDING 3/8" ηUCI<ER IN. IN. 1/2 1 IN. IN. 11/2 11/2 。队X.) (MAX.) 仁AUG底 LENG1H G 2 4 8 s PARALLEL LENGτH 协组N) P 21/2 41/2 9 9 1 1 1 E 事 12 18 18 民AD即SAT 5HOULDER 服N)R ~PROX.τOTALL我阴阳 WID1H OF 1HE MA1宠RlALτ'0 BE TE5τ'ED 15 OF 1HE P汉EPA汉ATlON OF τ民革 STANDARD TENSlLEτ军ST PIECE, A Pl ECE OF 在现 FULLWID1H OF τHEMAT军RIAL MAY BE U5ED. WHEN τHE INSUFFIO军NTTO P益也UT /-脚相回, Aι工工工工工工飞…… C FIG.5A 0 IB (iii) Filler Rod- The 血ler rod shall be phosphorus deoxidised no卧arse时明1 copper and shall contain not mor窜出an 0.15 per cent and not less 也an 0.04 per cent phosphorus wi由也.e optional addition of silicon upto 0.15 peI 四时缸\d with th怠 optional addition of silver. 古\e basic copper used for the manufacture of the filler rods shall either be cathode copper or elec坟。lytic tou快 pi时\ high conductivity : 54 Indían Boiler RegttIations Ch emical Composition of Cathode Copper Copper (silver being counted as copper) not less than 99.90 per cent. Bismuth notmore than 0.001 per cent. Lead not morethan 0.005 per cent. Total of metal1ic 挝\purities (excluding silicon, phosphorus and silver) not more 出.an 0.03 per cent. ChemicalComposition of Electrolytic Tough Pitch High Condudivity Copper Copper (silv盯 being counted as copper) not less than 99.90 per cent Bismuth not more than 0.001 p位 cent. Lead nòt more than 0.005 per cent. Total of all impuriti创 (excluding silicon, phosphorus, oxygen and silver) not more than 0.03 per cent. Where silicon has been added 抽出emanufac如m of the filler rods the ar饥ount present in the filler ‘ →→roosná1fbestit副岭在台白pplíéi:.……… Test pieces cut from the filler rod after being heated in Hydrogen for yz hour at 8000 C and subsequently cooled must not show any surface cracking when subjected to a close bend test as described 如 dause (ii) above. (iv) Mechanical Test- The welding technique shall be tested as fo l1ows ; Three test pieces shallbe cut from the welded test specimen and shall be prepared to conform to the dimensions of test piece A. The weld shall be left in 出e unhammered state and shall be machined, filled or ground to remove excess weld metal and a maximum of 5 per cent of the thickness of the plate form 柏油 side. Each of 出e three tést pieces shall be tested. and shall show a tensile strength not less than 9 tons per sq. inch for plates over 1/2 inch upto and induding 1 inch 抽 出ickness. (v) Number of Tests- One test plate not less 也an6 in. long shaU be welded by eachoperator (or pair of operators) employed on the work to represent each 15 公. of welding or part thereof. Thetest plate shall be welded, using the same form of joint and weld加革 technique as that employed on the work and wherever prac悦cable shall be directly attached to the welded se缸旦出。也挝 welded joint it represents. STAYS 130. Bar Stays- Bar stays shall not be welded at any par仁They shall preferably have plus 泣rreads, the ends of the stays being upset or the 忍让ddle portion being reduced for 设ùs purpose. Stay bars which have been worked in the fire shall be subsquently 那m辅led. 131. Longitudinal Stays-例 Longitudinal and simil盯 soij.d screwed stays shall be effidently secured with nuts at each end and not merely riveted over. Where they are over 12 feet in leng白,位\ey shall be suppo.rted at in始rvals of 6 ft. along its length. (b) Where the stay is screwed 仕\!ough bo出 plates, the stay and holes shall have a con出uous thread and fit制 脱出 nuts and washers on the ou回de. Where 也e stay passes 栓\!oughcle盯ing holes and intemal nut and washer shall also be fitted. Where the stay is not normal to 也e surface of the plate the washer shall be shaped 50 附 to form a true surface for 出e nuts or a knuckle joint may be fitted. (c) In vertical boilers the stays shall either be screwed into both crown plates or screwed into the fumace crown plate and passed through c1earing holes 抽出e 、 shell crown plate. 13立 Nuts and Washers forStays-创 The washers shall be at least 2Yz times the diameter of the threaded portion of the stay and not less 也an 14 in. ir飞往ickness. (b)白理应ickness of the extemal nuts shall be at least • …~eψíalf江西Efdiã烛èt,岳挝泣ie'tru制âed por扳倒。f 甘le stay. Where bar stays pass through clearing holes in erid plates, intemal nuts of a 位留挝less not less than two-thir巾 of the diameter of the threaded portion of the stay shall be fitted. 133.]oint苦d Stays- Wh ere jointed longitudinal stay 盯e fìtted,设ley shall, where practicable, be fitted with pins having an eftective sectional area 25 per cent ift excess of that of the stay. If the pins are slack in 在i holes, the total slackness shall not be more 也an 1/1 手 inch. The pins shall be as close as possible to 由e shoulder of the eye forgihg.τhe shoulder of the forg国g shall be at least 1/2 inch wide all round, i.e. the diameter at the shoulder shall be not less than 也.e diameteξof the hole plus 1 inch. 主34. Diagonal Bar or Rod Stays- The sectional ar制 of diagonal rod or bar stay sha这 bear the same proportion to 出at of a direct stay as the lengthof the diagonal stay bears to the length of the perpendicul缸 line from the end of the diagonal stay to the surface supported. The ends of diagonal stays, shall not be bent, but shall be attached to 也.e plate with revelled washers and nuts or with riveted tee, blocks or angles and shackle pins (s例 Reg. 133 fo i: eyes and pins.) SCREWED STAYS 135. Screwed Stays- (a) Screwed stays and the holes for these shall be screwed with a continuous 也read. (b) The screwed threads of 也e stay shall be dean fr册 from checks or imperfectiOI毡, of full depth, correct Whitworth form and a good fit in 也e holes. The middle portion shall preferably be tumed down to the bottom of the thread. (c) 丁he stays shall be screwed with fine thread lndian Boiler Regulations 55 (d) 古le diameter of 出e stay over the threads shall not be less than y.z inch or twice the thickne部 of the f让ebox plate whichever is the greater. {的 The pitch of the stays at the fumace of vertical boilers sha11 not exceed 刊出nes 出e thickness of the fumace plate. (句Where the stays are not fitted with nuts, the ends shal1 be riveted ov衍 to fonn substantial heads. Altematively stays may be screwed 也rough 出.e shel1 and firebox plates and the projecting ends sha11 be substantially fillet welded in an approved manner. 在le projec位onof 出e end of the stay fromthe surface of the plate shall be not less than one quarter of the diameter of the stay but in no case less than 1/4 in.τhe full end of the stay shall be vìsible on completion of 由e welding. (d) The toes of the girders shall be solid with the girder plates and not separatepieces attached thereto. (的 Girders shall be properly attached to the crown plate by bolts or screws. Not苦 Alternative methods of staying may be used for unstayed firebox, crowns of special or patented de统萨 。f equivalent strength may be fitted (see Regulations 230, 231 and 232). (f) Where an al1 welded firefox iSlitted,出e 在irderstays may be welded to the firebox prior to stress relieving. The 革irder stays shall be recessed for wat时ways as in paragraph (b) (Fig. 6 and 7). Such girders shall be securely welded by an approved method to 趴e firebox crown. The method of welding and the proportions of attac~ent sha l1 be to be satisfaction of tlì.e Inspecting Authority. {后 Crown stays of Loco type hoiler军 shall ei出.er be fitted with nuts or riveted over on the fire side. 136. Ax ial Drilling- All screwed stays less 也an 14 in. long should preferably be drilled with a tell-tale hole .3/16 in. diameter to a dep也 of 1/2" beyond the inner face of the plate. Ståys which are obscure on one sìde should preferably be made from hollow stay bar. 137. Stay Nuts一 (a) Nuts of screw stays in combustion chambers and firebox shall not be less than 3,4 inch 创.ck for stays upto 1Y.z inches diameter over threads, 7/8 inch thick for 1唰5/8 inches and 1-3,4, inches stays, 1 inch thick for 1-7月 and2 如ches stays, and 1-1 月 inches 位让你 for stays over 2 inches in diameter. FIG.6 × (b) The nuts shall be made of solid mìld steel or of iron which shall be wi注lout weld if exposed to flame. 138. Spacing of End Stays-Allowance for Curves, etc.… For the tops of fireboxes and combustion chambe杰出e distance between the rows of stays nearest t。如 tube plate or firehole plate or back plate as 也e case may be, and 也e commencement of curvature of these plates at their flanges shall not be greaterthan the horizontal pitch of the stays. GIRDER STAYS 139. Girder Slays for Firebox and Combustion Chamber Crowns一(时 Each girder when of the nonnal 句rpe, filted wi由 stay bolts and nuts, shall be of the double plate interconnected type of suffidentstrength to suþport its proportion of the load on 出.e crown to support plate independently of the crown plate. (b)币le clear waterway between the crown plate and 也e undersîde of the girder bars shallbe as large as practicable but in no case le部也an 1y.z inches 部 in Fig. 7. (c) The ends of the girders shall not rest on the landing of the flat crown plate but shall be carefully fitted to bed directly on the bendsof the comers of the ver收al end or sid GUSSET STAYS 140. Gusset Stays一 (a) Gusset plates shall be flat and perpendicular to the end plates. 古legussetan到部 shall be fitted to bed closely to 位e shell end platεandgusset plates. (二ran挝ng or setting of the plates is prohibited. (b) Gusset stays, where fitted , shall comprîseflat plates S就ur~d by double angles to the shell and end pl~te respectively, and shall be desi伊.ed in accordance wì出 the following conditions. 141. Breathi将 Space- 树 Gusset stays shall be so arranged 部 to allow sufficient breathing space around fumace connections and the tube nests. lndian Boiler Regulations 56 (b) For Lanchashire boiler:事也.e propor砾。ns shown in the table be~ow aIere,co:quneng~d fl饵 por阳 of the md plates above 也.e fumaces and flues. ‘ 四icknω ofEnd Plate L (F也 8) L (f;誓,到 , m. 1/2 9/16 5/8 11/16 3/4 13 /1 6 Above 13/16 10 11 in. 10 10 12 12 13 12lh 13lh 144. Gusset Riveting…(a) Rivets securing 事lsset.stays shall not be less in diameter 也an thethickness of 血e cylindrical shell plate 缸ld therive位ng sha1l bearranged so 也at 血e strer咱也 of the shell plate where drilled for 也e gusset rivets shall not be less 也姐也e streng也 d 血e longitudinal seams. (b)到ot less than 也ree rive始 shall any 事届四t plate to any angle p 1ate orto 位le shell plate. be used or any angle toωnnect to 也e 创d BOIL蓝1这支汇TUBES SUB]EC 145. Steel and Wrought Iron Tube s-… Both plain and stay smoke tubes may be made ei也erofwroughtiron or steel and may be electric-resistance幡welded, lapwelded or weldless. 146. Fitting of Plain Tubes- (的 Plain tubes sha1l be expanded at both ends.ηle expanding shall be parallel 也roughout 由e 缸挂出ickness of 也e tube plate. P1ain tubes may also be bell-mouthed, beaded, or welded 挝 the gas inlet end. … HG.8 FIG.9 (c) Fig. 8 shows 位ebrea也ing space recommended for 也e following çondi辰。ns : Flat end,如mace or flues ßanged for attachment to end plate, fumaces and flues formed wi出 Adamson ßanged seams. {御自各 9sho阴阳温arcon也tions to Fig. 8 except 白at 佳\e end p 1ate is ßanged outwards f就由e 缸mace orflue 由19 connection, the brea也ing spaces a1lowed being 1 in. m.ore 阳n those for the same thi做翻 s of plate in Fi荡.8. (e) Where a corrugated section not less 船舶 6 feet long is included in each intema1 flue of a Lancashire boiler, 由ed协.ensi∞sgivenin 出e table above may be reduced byapprox烛ately llh in. 位rou阱out. {号It is recommended 也at the breathing space below the furriaces and flues shall be 叩pro治mately one half of the diamensions given 坦阳…吟le above川here 部 it is desired to useany 0血er arrangement w.抬出自ives a greater or less degree of flexibili吵,由祭出no出\t of breathing space shall be specia11y considered and mod监.ed as the necessity of the case requires. (g) For Gusset stays above tube nests, as fitted in waste 始就 boilers without intema1 fumace嚣" a breathing space of 8 ind飞es fro血也.e centre line of 吐le top tubes of the centre of the toe rivets of the gusset angles is recommended (see Fig. 句, 142. Gusset Angles- The gusset angles c∞Z始cting 也e stays to the shell and end plat部 shall be at least 7/8thofthe 出ickness of 也e shell plate, but sha1l be not 油器出.an lh in. 也ickness. 1岱. Load on Gusset Stay- Ead飞 gusset stay supporting the end plate of a boiler sha1l be designed to carry the whole load due to pres部re on the area supported by i t. (b) Wherestay tubesa照 notfitted, 1he-:endsof"the tubes shall be beaded over at the fire box end and beaded or bel1-mouthed at the 0白er end. If bellmouthed, the tubes 也a11 pro细lde not less 出an 1/2 inch. beyond the tube plate. sτ'AYTUB主S 147. Screw 百ueads of 5tay Tubes-…但.) Stay tubes shall be screwed at bo也 ends with continuous 由reads, and the holes in 出.e tube p 1ates sha1l be tapped wi也 con笛" nuous 也reads. The pitch of the 注ueads sha11 not be finer 位部 11 出reads per inch.古lestaytub邮址\all be expand时 by ro11er expanders and nôt made right by caulldng only. (b) 5tay tubes may be attached by welding in which 也随 由ey sha1l not be adjacent wi由抽出e same tube r础t 础cept 如 l阳1 areas, where not more 也an twoa,呜acent stay tubes may be attached byweld如g. 百\e form of at:t:ach沈阳\t sha1l be such 由at 也.ere is a mechanica1 hold in addition to 也.ewe1曲\g, as shoWn in Figuie9A. on completion of welding 血e stay h如此瑞 be lightly reexpanded. , TUBE PLATE GROOVED 3/8IN. MlN FlLLETWELD TUBE EXPANDED AND BELLED ?那OR TO WELDING TYPICAL EXAMPLE OF W缸LD益。 STAYTUBE FIG.9A lndian Boiler Regu1ations 57 148. Stay Tubes- (啡 5taytubes are tubes having a weld depthe气ua1 to the nominal tube thickness plus 3 8氓且metres. These stay 饥lb部 are not required within tube nests except when the tube nests ∞mprise 饥lbeS which are expanded only. (b) If tube nests comprise plain 阳bes 出at are expanded and beaded, expanded and belled or expanded and welded, welded stay tubes shall be used in boundry rows in sufficient numbers to carry the flat plate loadings outside the tube area. (c) For plain tubes or stay tubes exposed to flame or gas o t础lperatures exceeding 6OO C, the ends of welded tubes shall be dressed flush wi白白e welds. If not so exposed, the ends of welded tubes shall extend a maximum of 10 millimetres beyond the weld or,椒油e case of expanded tubes the tubes shall project beyond the tube plate upto a maximum of 15 n堪limetres. (d) Each stay tube shall be designe社 to car叩 its due proportion of the load on the plates which it supports. (e) 币\e thic泌ess of stay tubes welded into tube plates shall be such that the axia1 stress on the 出.innestp缸tof the tube does not exceed 70N/mm2, (。 τhe 剧ckness of stay tube at any p缸t shal1 not be less thanthe values shown in the Table below. Minus tolerances sha11 be taken into account wh础 ordering tubes. TABL院 Nominal outside diameter in millimeters ~otexceeding Exceeding 38 Ex销时总.g 51 Exceeding 70 Exceeding 76.2 but not exceeding but not exceeding but not exc苦苦ding but not exceeding Exceeding 部.9 but not exceeding Exceeding 101.6 but not exceeding Minimum thickness in millimeters 38 2‘ 28 51 2.81 70 3.12 76.2 3.38 88.9 3.96 101.6 4.26 127 4.55 149. Thickened Ends of 5tay Tubes一If stay 沁bes are required to have 也eir thicknes窑 increased at the sαewed ends 印出时也e 出.ckness at the bottom of 由e 位treads is approximately 出.e same as in the body of the tube the 也ickening shall be attained by upsettirig and not by welding pr创ess, and the tubes shall be annealed 延ter the upset位咯· 150. Load on Stay Tube争皿….5t吗r tubes shall be desi萨.ed to carry 出.e whole load due to pressure on the area to be supported. In each case the area to be calculated is as fo丑ow: (a) For a stay tube wi由in 也e tube nest the net 挝ea tobesuppo:加d shal1 be product of 仕\e horizontal and vertical pitches of the stay 饥lbe less 出e 缸ea of 位\e tube holes embraced. Where the pitch of 也.e stay tube is irregt总缸也e area shall be taken as 由.e square of the mean pitch of th~ stay tubes (i.e. one quarter the sum of four sîdes of any 电uadrilateral bounded by four adjacent stay tubes) less the area of the tube holes embraced. (b) For a stayin the boundry row the net area to be supported shal1 be the area endosed by lines passing midway between it and 出.e adj耐烦\t p。如ts of support less the area of any 饥.IDeS embraced. The 硝烟挝 points of support Il'Ìay be other stay tubesor the commencement ()f curva阳re 材 flanging of centre 1如e of the circle of rivets secu也嘻也eendplate 抬出e shel1 ang1e. BOILER AND SUPERHEATER TUBES SUBJECT TOINTERNALPRESSU汉E 151. Steel Tubes- 创 All tubes which are subject to intemal pressure of water or steam shall be cold drawn or hot finished seamless or electric resistance welded in accordance with Regulations 36 to 63. Except as provided for in clause (b) below 也ey sha11be wi也outjoint. 告) Tubes having an extemal diameter not exceeding 5 inches may be jo监ted and such joints may be flash welded, machine forge welded arc or gas welded. Tubes above 5" diameter may also be welded provided they are located outside the fumace. 5uch welds must conform to the requirements of Chapter VIII. (c) Flash welding shall be undertaken on a welding mach.ine of a 守pe approved by 也.e Inspec位凉。fficer. 白\e extemal fin caused by welding shal1 be removed su均ect to a maximum height of 5 per cent of the tube outside diameter. 如e intemal fin shall a1so be removed subject to a maximum height of 20 per cent of 仕\e wal1 thickness of 也.e tube. (d) Arc welded but joints shal1 be made by the metallic shielded arc process and post weld heat treated effectively except in 生he fol1owing cases: for alloy st,臼1一 (i) in case of 0.5 Molybdenum 5teels if 应ickness does not exceed 13 胆n and outside diameter does not exceed 127 mm. {均 in ca四 of 1 Chromi山n;生 Molybdenum s怡el if 部.ckness does not exceed 13 m照我nd outside diameter does not exceed 127 mm and p陀佛 heated to 1250 C. (ili) in case of 21A Chromium 1 Molybdenum steel1 post weld heat 校部加lent is not necessary under 位.e fl。在owing conditions : (1) a maximum specified Chromium. content of 3.0%, 。} a maximum nominal outside diameter of 102α\ffil (3) a maximum thickness of 8 mm, (4) arna对黯础nsp配出.edc彼bo饥 content of 0.15%, (5) a maximum pre-heat temperature of 1500 C. 58 lndian Boiler Reglllations For carbon steel(i) a thickness of 9 mm when the carbon percentage does not exceed 0.3000; and (ii) a thickness of 20 mmwhen the carbon percentage does not exceed 0.250. (e) When gas welding is implied the technique followed shall be approved by an Inspecting Officer. (f) For design metal temperature Qver 454 0 C (850 0 F) material to be used shall be in accordance with the Regulations 48, 53 and 56A. (g) 白le technique émployed in all field welding of tubes shall be subject to the approval of the Chief Inspector of Boilers. (h) All butt welds of fubes shall be 怡sted as. requ让ed hereunder: (i) Components Greater than 178 mm (7 inch) Bore- All welds shall be non-destructively tested by radiographic or other approved →→十一-一__.....methods. ___ '_…斟)…→-~~-→ (ii) Tubes Greater than 102 mm (4 inch) Bore and ' upto and inc1 uding 178 mm (7 inch) Bore- 10 per cent of the welds by each welder, selected at random with a minimum of 2 welds per welder, shall be subjected to non-destructive examination by radiographic or other approved me血。d. (iii) Tubes 102mm (4inch) Bore and Under-S缸口ple welds s面lUl由19 出e production welds shall be provided for mechanical testing either at a rate of 2 per cent or after each 150 welding hours with a min面lumof one s缸nple weld per welder. Altematively, 5 per cent of 由e welds made by each welder selected at random, with a minimum of one weld per welder, shall be subjected to non-destructive examination by radiographic or other approved method. This rate may be reduced to 2 per ,cent by arrangement with 仕le Inspecting Authority after initial satisfactory results have been produced. In the event of any non-destructive test not meeting the requirements, defects in 由e welds represented by 由at test shall be rectified and the Inspecting Au由oritymay call for an increase in the number of non-destructive tests until such time as a satisfactory standard is achieved. (i) All butt welded joints shall be subjected to nondestructive examination by radiographic, radioscopy or other approved -methods such as ultrasonic testing, magnetic partic1e inspec位on or liquíd dye penetrant inspection. When radioscopic examination is to be performed in lieu of radiography on welded componen怡, the following requirements shall be met, nam,ely:一 (1) A written procedure shall be submitted for approval to the Inspecting Authority which shá.ll contain the following:一 (i) Material and the thickness range; (ii) Equípment qual证ications; (iii) Test object SCM plan; (iv) Radioscopic parameters; (v) Image processing parameters; (vi) Image display parameters; (vii) Image archiving requirements; (viii) Accept-reject criteria (Code reference); (以) Performance evaluation; (x) Operator identification. (2) The system shall be aided with an image processor to enhance the quality of the radioscopic images and system performance quality shall exhibit一 (i) A thin section contrast sensitivity of 3%. (ii) A .thick sectioÌl contrast sensítívity of 2%. (iii) A spatial resolution of 3 line pairs per mm. (iv) IQI sensitivity - 2% of the joint thickness when wire IQI's are to be used, the wire diameter axís shall be oriented along the axis of the least sensitivity of the system. (3) Ra dioscopes are to be properly marked to corelate with particularpart of joint represented. (4) The radioscopic examination data shall be recoI也d and stored on video-tape, magnetic disk or optica1 disk at 由e maker's plant for a sufficient period after the date of radi部copic examination as spec证iedby 出e Inspec由19Au出ority, efficient radioscopic examination record recall shall be made available at any time over the record ' retention period and shall be traceable to 出e test objects. (5) When rep甜 has been performed as a result of radioscopic examination,由e repaired areas~hall be re -examined using 出e same radi侃叩ict蛐 nique to evaluate the effectiveness of the rep甜. (6) To aid in proper interpretation of the radioscopic , examination data, the details of 出e technique used shall aαompany the data. As a minimum, the information shall inc1 ude the approved procedure requirements aild systems performance test data". 152. Attachment of Steel Tubes- (a) Tubes shall be connected to 出e tube plates by one of the following methods:一 (1) Expanding. (2) Strength welding. (3) Mechanical bolted bail joint. lndian Boiler Regulations 在) Drift or roller expanded tubes shall project through 也e neck or bearing part in the holes by a t1east a quarter , of an inch and shall be secured from drawing out by being bell mouthed to the extent of 1/32" for 帆çhinch in diameter plus 2/32'\ (c) Tubes may be seal welded into fittings or headers forbo也 boilers and superheaters after they have been expanded and flared provided the mater悦 in the fittings or headers does not contain carbon in excess of 0.35 per cen t. (d) In the case of drifted or roller expanded t泣如es,也e 阳be holes in the tube plates of (捡回I毡, pockets, or heêlders shall be formed in such a way that the tubes can be effectively tightened in them. Where the tube ends are not normal to the tube plate,位lere shall be a neck or belt of para1lel seating of at1east 1h in. depth measured in a plane normal to the axis of the tube 挝在e holes. , (的Where tubes are streng出 welded direct to the tube plates, the technique followed shall be approved by the Inspecting Authority and all welds shall be suitably heat 泊~ated. In the c那e of plates below 22 mm thickness, the 陀quirement of st主ess relieving by heat treatment after weldingof the tubes may be waived provided the weld 掘出fies 出e requirements of the maximum hardness and also 出.e requ挝ments concernir唱出e impact values of the weld metal. The welding procedure adopted and 出e weld sequence selectOO shall also be 创坷ect to the approval of the Inspecting Authori纱. This provision is applicable to only shop welding of tub部 at the Manufacturers' Works. (f)τubes spacers, supporting dips and lugs may be welded to the tubes. Flash welding of studs for supporting refractori邸, etc. , is also permissible. (∞ g) τh 挝 etubess 由 ha 孩础 llb 检 es 蹈 oa 挝rr旧 m 孔缸ng 伊 ed 白 th 拙 1陈 放t 注位飞e a 咛 y are accessibl始 e for deaning 坠 int沁栩 础rnal勾 e i坊 y and 似 eχt饺 ernτ 杰lal均}马悖 y. 153. Copper Tubes… Copper tubes upto one inch in external diameter may be used for small boilers; such 机lbes shall be not less than 12 S.W.G. thic k. HEADERS, MUD BOXES, ETC. OF WAT军RTUBE BOILERS 154. (a) (i) Headers and Mud Boxes, etc. ofwater tube Boiler may be of seamless or welded steel, 。 r of cast s 始时 complying with the requirements of the provisions contained in regulations 73 to 80. Where welded, the weld坦g shall be stress relieved, radiographed or u 1trasonically examined and in all respects shall be to the satisfaction of the Inspecting Authority. (ii) Open ends of seamless steel tube headers may be dosed by forging or the ends may be secured by boltir鸣, screwing or wel 59 be used where the bo 1ts are exposed to or are swept by gases of combustion. (iii)τhe method of attachment of the ends shall be subject to the approval of the Inspecting Au出ori纱, (b) 览ach piece prior to being fitted in place shall be subjected to hydraulic tests to one唱nd吼-half times the maximum permissible working pressure of 出e boiler into which it is to be fitted. (c) (i) The s1ighting hold doors and header caps shal1 be substan往al and be capable of being removed or replaced from time to t注'le without loss of efficiency of safety. They may be held in position either by means òf bolts or by seal welding. (ii) The bolts by which they are held in place shall be fitted to them in such a way as to satisfy the above conditions. (iii) 古le doors shall be so designed th挝 they will not blow out in the event of breakage of the bolt. (iv) Circular holes also may be provided in addition to elliptical holes , if provision is made to prevent the door bo1ts from tuming, while securing the joint. (d) All f1 anges shall have a fillet with a radius of curvature at least equal to the thickness of the necks to which they are attached. STAND PIPES , PADS ET C. 155. Stand Pipes and Pad萨- Stand pipes and sea由19S for car巧ring mountings sha1l be made of wrought, cast or fabricated steel. τheseshall take the form of short stand pipes, pressed steel plate saddles, forged pads or pads cut from round rolled bar as m可 be most convenient and secured to 出e boiler by riveting or welding. Where short sìand pipes are used 出ey shall be of solid forgOO , fabric成ed or cast steel.白ley shall be carefully bedded to 出εshell before attachment and where riveted the rivets shall be 50 pitched as to ensure a tight joint. The jo拙由19 faces to which mountings are to be bolted shall be macl出.00. Pads sha1l have sufficient thickness to allow the drilling of stud holes for mountings without the inner surface being pierced and the length of the screwed por岳on of the stud in 出epad sha1l be not less than the diameter of the stud. 主 56. Design of Stand Pipes一 τhe design of the branches andstandpipe shall be regulated in the following mannér: {的 in order to withstand the maximum working pressure or design pressure, the minimum thickness of branch and stand-pipe shall be determined in accordance wi白 the provisions specified in sub-regulation 但) of regulation 338; lndian Boiler Regu1a tions 60 (b)ωmpensation r'吨uirements for opening~ in the main pressure parts shall be determined in accordance wi自由eprovisions of re思.tlation 279; (咛 the additional thickness sha11 be considered to withstand superimposed loading due to connecting pipe-work or fit出1萨, The minimum thickness of the branch or standpipe shall be the greatest of the values required above and shall not be less 出.an 0.15 部 plus 3.2 mm where, do is the outside diameter of the branch (in m皿): Provided 由at the provisions of the regulations shall not apply to such tube stub which have been designated as tubes. 157. Pressed Plate Saddles- Where pressed plate saddles are employed 出勾结'lall be formed to bed closely to 白.e boil缸" and machined on 也e face jo组伽g 出e moun由19andon 也eed萨嚣. The studs for attachment of moun出.gs 迂阳'ewed 巾。u拱出.e saddle, sha1l each be fitted with a nut on the 如side having a 也ickness e伊al …缸也.e.diameter-Of.位e-s始d.-Where c践e.s沁dholes.do not penetrate 加'OU拱出e 倒ddle,出Æd四g注\of 出政阻ewed portion of 出e stud in 出e plate sha1l not be less 也anthe diameter of 出es饥ld. 158. Seatings for Mountings- For pressùres not exceeding 125 lbs. per sq. in. 血。因氓ngs wi位飞出e screwed ends not exceeding 1 in. 5.P.T. may be used; the screwed portion of any such mounting being not less 出缸'\ 3/16气 性le mountings may be screwed : (a) D让ectly into the boiler shell plate, nuts being fitted onthe water side or (b) Into steel distance pieces 出.e le咱也时也read engaged being in no case less than. the bore of 也emoun悦ng plus 1,4 in. 159. Attachment of Mountings…但) Mountings 血ay be attached directly to any 甜甜。r end plate where 出e p 1ate is of suffident 剧ckness to allow a suitable s山face ωbe obtained for the attachment of 出e boiler moun出gs. (b)古\e min坦\um 出ickness at the hole in the shell or end plate shall be not less 出.an the 自kkness required for the maximum permissible working pressure considering 也e plate as being unpierced. Where 也e boiler mountings are secured by studs, studs shall have a full 也read holding in the p 1ate for at least one diameter. If the stud holes penetrate the whole thkkness of the plate. 咀\e stud shall be screwed right through the plate end be fitted with a nut inside having a 也ickness equa1 to the diameter of the stud. Where bolts are used for securing moun位'lgs 也eyshall be screwed right 出rough 也,e plate with their heads 加side the shell or end plate. (c) 也,e 160. Insufficient Thickness of End Plate←(啡In cases whe扭曲e 也ickness of the end p 1a te is 让lSuffident for this purp铺位\emoun自\gs shall be joined to suitable steel seatir飞.gs as provided in Re思主lation 155. (b)古\e following constructions 邸 to s始nd pipes attached to she11s and end plates shall be permissible : 。Where 白.e intemal\diameter of 注'le stand pipe does not exceed 1 inch, the st栩d pipe maybe screwed into the plate and fitted witl飞 a nut on the waterside. 但) Where the intemal diameter of the stand pipe exceeds 1 inch but does not exceed 2 inches, it may be screwed in and sealwelded. (iii) Where the diameter of the stand pipe exceeds 2 incl邸, it may be welded to the end plate. 白\e foregoing provisions as to. the 'stand pipe sha11 be regulated by the fol1owing conditions : {斗 when stand pipes are screwed, the 机…一 ~sc提wingsl础llbe ofStandard.Pipe~hreadï (均 wherestand p培es, saddles or 0也er forms of seatings are fabricated by fusion welding 出.ey shall be stre销 re1ieved by heat treatment befote attachment to 也e boiler, (ill) where the bore of the stand pipe or seating and the hole in 也e plate does not exceed 5 inch部 plu翠 twicethe 出ckness of the plate, 也e sea椒'lg may be welded 抽出.e plate without subsequent heat 位eatment of the weld so made. Where the hole 抽出eplate exceeds 5 inches plus twice the 注ùckness of the plate, the plate to whlch seating is attached shall be str部s re1ieved by heat trea位nent. 1此 Attachment of Water and Pressure Gauge sWater gauge and pressure gauge syphons may be a忧ached direct to 出,e front end p 1ates without 位le interventi∞ of a pad or stand pipe, provided 出.eyare flanged and secured by studs. If the studs are screw创 出rou拱出e p 1a te, nuts sha11 be 自tted on 出,e inside of the plate. 162. Mountings on F1 at Plac毒←- Where 白.e flanged mountings are attached direct to a flat p 1ate, such mo田地飞gs shallbe provided wi由 a substantial spigot, the full thickness of the boiler plate. 163. Bolts and Nu协… Bolts and nuts shall be mach抽ed where they come in contact with 役\e flanges, and a11 holes in saddles 朋d pads sha在 be drilled. Note: In all cases where boiler is lag:萨d the joi耐 of the mountings shall be clear of the lag梆g surface or the lagging kept dear of flange so tþa't the joint can be inspected and, when necessary, remade. lndian Boiler Regulations 61 MANHOLES, MUDHOLES, Eτc 164. Acc垂ss… (a) Sufficient slight and deaning holes shal1 be provided to permit of efficient inspecting and c1eaning. Such hol岱 shall normally be elliptical in form and not less 出an 3th in. x 2th 阳 (b) A t least one manhole or sight hole sha11 be provided in 出.e upper part of the cylindrical shell or in the shell crown, or end plate and this shall not be less than : Boilers not 苦'XCi吾eding 2 ft. 6 in. Boilers over 2 ft. 6 in. diameter and not exceeding 3 ft. Boilers over 3 ft. diameter and not exceeding 3 ft. 6 in. Boilers over 3 ft. 6 in. diameter and not exceeding 4 ft. Boìlers ov母r 4ft. m. 9x 7 12 x 9 14 x 10 15 x 11 16 x 12 (c) Wh ere the size of construction of 白e boiler does not permit of entry for cleaning and inspection sufficient cleaning holes shall be provided 怕 the shell for these pu甲oses. (d) 如here cross tubes are 且tted in Vertica1 boilers one clear由19 hole shall be provided opposite at least one end ofeach 如be. At the bottom of the narrow water spaces at least three de都由ghol四 shall be provided.τhecle衍由19 holes shall be so ar埠ngedthat 出ecirc出时erentia1也s饭nce between them does not exceed 3 ft. unless the foundation 归g is sufficlent悖 accessible to permit of clear出gand inspection from the 让lSide of the boiler. Not苦Wherever practicable the frames should be secureð to the inside of the shells so th在t the shorter axis is parallel to the longitudinal centre line of the boiler. (e) Cleaning holes or mudholes in Loco Tope boilers 革hall be provided at 咽ch bottom comer of 出e outer firebox casing, above 也εfire hole ring and on each side of saddle plate in line with bottom of barrel. {奇In the case of small boilers or where the foregoing provisions are 血practicable the dεaning holes or mu岳飞oles shall be as nearly as possible in the comer of the outer fireboxcasing and the holes as large as circumstances permit. 165. Compensating Rings 础\d Frames for Openings in Shells-创 Comper飞拇指\g rings and frames for openings 监 shells shall be of wrought or ca翠t steel. 在\e compeIlSa往on provided shall preferably be flanged fram笛, which sha11 be fitted in a11 cases where the shell plate exceeds 9/16 in. thick. Flanged frames shall be weldless and shall be flan伊d or pressed to provide a flat jointing surface for the cove乙 (b) All compensating rin萨 and frames sh司1 be forme(! to bed dosely to 出e surfaces to be connected. Wh ere attached to cy垃ldrícal shells and are 12 in. x 9 泣。r larger they shall be atleast double riveted. All caulking edges shall be machined or machine gas cu t. (c) The flat jointing surfaces of all flanged or pressed frames and a l1 doors or covers shal1 be machined. 166. Doors and Cross Bars一件 All intemal1y fitted of man-holes mudholes and sig始holes shall be of wrou革ht steel built up or pressed to shape and armealed or made from one 生hickl1ess of plate with a mac1'由ed recess for 出e join自\g material or may be a steel casting. Their spigot part or 位e recess shall not have a greater clearance 生han 1/ 指出 inch all round i.e. , the axis shal1 not be less than 1 月th inch smaller than the holes in which 出ey are fitted. 也ors 在}在le s阳ds or bolts of large doors may be screwed through 出e plates and riveted over when the working pressureof 出.e boilers does not exceed 200 lbs. per squ缸e inch. When such pressure exceeds 200 lbs. per s气u缸e ir烛, the s阳ds or bolts need not be screwed throu挡住\e full 白ickl1ess of the p 1ate, provided 也at the depth of screwing is not less 出an the diameter of the stud and the stud is locked against 姐n由19 by welding or 。由ermeaIlS approved by 校\e Inspec位\g Authori弯. Lugs may. be satisfactorily welded to 红冶血。le doors for the attachm四t of bolts. Al1 welds shall be made to the satisfaction of the 记spec由\g Authority. (c) 忌temal doors for opening not larger than 9 in.x 7 in. size need only be fitted with one s仇址, which shall be provided with an integral colar and screwed through the plate with a nut on 位法 irtside of the door. Intemal doors of opening not larger 出an5 趴. x 31h in. may have the stud forged solid with the door or screwed, be efficiently riveted to the doors. Where the door of a mudhole cleaning hole or sight hole is fabricated by welding for boilers not exceeding a working pressure of 8.8 kg/αn 2 • (1251bs. per sq. inch), the stud shall pass 出rou辞出e plate and be secured to it by strength-welding on the irtside and filletwelding on the outside tó the satisfaction of the Inspectin吝 Authority. 性\e door shall be stress relieved by heat-trea位nent after welding. {帘The cross bars sha11 be of substantial proportioIlS and of mi1d or wrought steel. 167. Raised Manhole Frames and Cover Plates一位) 武创sedcircul缸 manhole frames not exceeding 16 inches in diameter sha11 be at least 3/4 位lick in all parts. 古\e circular cover plates and joint flanges for such frames shall be not l臼sthan: 1inch 泣ùck for pressures not exceeding 120 lbs. sq. inch. 1 X 111 / s inch thick for pressures over 120 lbs. but not exceeding 2∞ lbs. sq. inch. 11,4 inch 校úck for pressures over 200 lbs. but The cover plates shall be secured by at least sixteen steel bolts not less than 1 讪ch diameter. (b) Extemal raised circular mouthpieces shall be : (1) formed in one piece without welds, (2) formed from a suitable rolled section and forge welded, or (3) fabricated by fusion welding provided 出eyare stress relieved by heat treatment after welding and before attaching to the boi1er. MM R ρIW For pressures 250 lbs. sq. inch and over raised circular manhole frames shall not be fifted. nH 。。 nJU n nunu yaA 62 -m/ n,, nHav&/ of the shell plate plus 23,4 inches, compensation shall be provided. Whe肥 a 1缸ge opening is cut in a cylindrical shell to receive another part of the 耐ucture, the sides where cut away shall be efficiently cross-stayed or strengthened in some other effective manner. (b) Riveted Construction- Where frames , pads or branches are secured by riveting on shell for fixing of mountings or other pressure parts, the sectional area to be compensated shall be determined as follows : (see Figure 25A). OF STAND PIPE OR BRANCH THICKNESS DETERMINDED BY EQUATION (i) USING C=2.75 J=65 WHEN BUTT WELDED & J=95 Welds should be positioned so 出at 出ey are located on 血.e transverse centre line of the boi1er.τhe jointing flanges of mouthpieces and covers shall be machined on the face and edge and on the bearing surface for the bo1ts. Bo1ts and nuts shall be machined where in contact with flanges and the joints should be formed inside and outside the bolts to preclude the possibility of flange →一~一←← arstõitiσn.CöVi呈r pla:tès… shéill"be 乱isheâ -õTitwards to a depth of approximately one-eighth of the internal di缸口eter of the fr缸丑es. 出e All frames and mouthpieces shall be closely to 出e surfaces to which they are to be connected and where riveted to cylindrical shells shall be at least double riveted. All caulking edges shall be machined or machine gas cut. 168. Positions of Manhole in Shell- M缸由oles in cylindrical shells shall be placed as far as possible from any riveted seams, preferably towards the back end to the boi1er top. 169. Compensation Rings to Manholes 一 (a) Compensation shall be provided in every case for the part cut of a cylindrical shell for a manhole. 白lestrength of the net section of compensating ring and also of the rivets securing them to 出e shell, compared with 出at part of the shell cut out, shall not be less than the efficiency of the longitudinal seam. (b) The spacing of the rivets shell be such as not to reduce the strength of the shell plate below that of the longitudinal seams. 170. Compensation for Cutting Large Holes in Shell Type Boi1ers一 (a) Where holes are cut in 仕le cylindrical shell for the pu甲ose of attaching a seating of 仕ame or door, compensation shall be provided such 出at the added sectiona1 area, including parts of the 仕amewithin 4 inches of the shëllcrr吐出cluQinz rivet holes, shall be not less than the sectional area of tlï.e ptne--re盟oved which shall be 血.e product of the diameter of the opening and 仕le calculated thickness of the plate as found by Equation 1. Where holes are cut in 血e cylindrical shell for the pu甲ose of fixing seating for mountings and the diameter of the holes is grea T -~生 OPENING IN SHELL NOTE:AREA Y 圈 TO BE NOT LESS THAN ARÈA X ~ COMPENSATION FOR RIVETED STAND PIPES AREA TO BE COMPENS A:TED AND CORRESPONDING AREA ALLOWANCE FOR COMPENSATION FIG.25A (i) The cross-sectional area of the frame or .pad excluding rivet holes, or in the case of a branch the cross-sectional area of the wall of the branch and flange , excluding rivet holes, minus the sectional area of a branch of the same borehaving thickness calculated by equation 1 for the same design pressure, using C=2.75, J=65 when butt welded , J=95 when sèamless, plus the thickness required to withstand externalloads. The area shall be measured within the limit specified in Figure 25-A. Due i:ttl阴阳nce shall be made in case where the material used for 恒e ~ aI\d/or compensating ring differs from that of the plate to which it is attached. 63 lndian Boiler Regulations {均在\e are我 obtained by multiplying 在.e difference between the actual shell thickness and the calculated 削ckness, by a length 2 (3 Ts 嚣 Thickness 肌+ 性忍耐eng啦。.f rivets in double shear shall be taken as 1.875 times the strength of rivets in single shear. RIVETING Ts - D) of the sheU plate in inches. 172A. Rivet Heads- The rivet heads shall be of any one of the form (shown in sketch (i) Appendix H-4) given below : d = diameter of rivet hole in inches. In cases where the sum of (i) and 但} is less than the sectional area to be compensated, a compensating plate shall be fitted having a total net cross-sectional area equal to the amount of the deficit. 171. Rivets Securlng Compensating Rings and Stand Pipes一{的 For Manholes or Frames- The total effective shear strength of the rivets on each side of the longitudinal ce主ltre line shall be not less 也an 位le tensile strength of th挝 portion of the shel1 plate, as fo出\d by Regulation 170, which is removed and the rivets S自uring any compensating ring or frame shall be so arranged that the joint efficiency calculated on any line parallel to the axis of the boiler through any part of such ring or frame shall not be less than the efficiency of the longitudinal seam of the boiler. (b) For Stand Pipes…Where the hole in 也e shell to accommódate a stand-pipe does not exceed 8 inches diameter the total effective shear s校ength of the rivets on each side of the longitudinal cent主e line shall not be less than 75 per cent of 位.ete邸ile strength of the portion of the plate,都 found by 哀鸣ulation 170, which has been removed. DIA岛fETER R政renα 仰ition shown ín as Sketc弘2 Oistanα 如m 1. Snap head. 2. Ellipsoidal head. 江 Pan head. 4. Conical head. 在 Round countersunk hεad. 6. Pan head with tapered neck. 7. Steeple head. 8. Countersunk head. The dimensions of these rivet heads shall conform to the proportions indicated in the sketch. The Chief Inspector may, at his discretion, accept any alight variation in the proportion of these dimensions and forms. 172B. Tol衍ances on Sh墨nk备一 τhe 知lerances on 位g diameters of the shar业s measured at position XX, YY, Z:Z shown in sketch 2, Appendix 日-4 shall be wi位in the limits given in table below : OF S到ANKS For rivets 50 and below in length For rivets over 50 in length AP严ndix H-4 rivet head or end Aifax. Min. 孔1ax. Min. XX 0 plus 1/8 in. 8 o Plω1/64 inch for 0 o plus 1/ 64 inch for 0 w-m 0=1 inch and under 0=1 inch and under D fromend 2 Ofrom 世nd p 0-1/64" D 2 APP军NDIX P斗 /64" 。斗 /64" H -4 - SKETCH 1 … HEADS FOR BOILER RIV军τs /-"';D 眩址。 但叫-D-叫呻 SNAPHEAD PANHEAD PAN HEAD WITH TAPEREO NECK lnd级n 64 APPENDIX H -4 - SKETCH 1 - HEADS FOR BOILER RIVETS COUNTERSUNK HEAD ROUND COUNTER SUNKHEAD Boiler Regulations STEEPLE HEAD CONICAL HEAD APPENDIX H-4 … SKETCH2 … FORMS AND DIMENSIONS OF BOILER RIVETS AS MANUFACTURED 岳阳灿附属〈 Qm 时OH 0201 时价 M 嗣 02" 。 "斜阳间去〈 MCd〈ZSB 事 310aZ 阴法 。""×〈军 d z 萄ZE 荡 言'归"。"最-53\ 匀。… OH-SN 幸首斜二昌安〈军 agHg去 CAN- V 。剧团。"。 F」 O 滔u 忌器以主 《 〉 dds g 豁口dZM-S宝山 喃喃\亏。』 区MEZDOZ〈 -EHHAgo-S ~ -去 到OTE: 民〉汉武1VETS -' …L UPTO 5 DlAMEτERS 以JNG, T日军 DIFFERENCE IN CROSS DIAMETE黯 15 NOT TO EXCEED l/l28IN. FO良民IVETSA蚁JVE THE DIFFE民主NCE IN CROSS D1AM军控茸SIS 队。ττ'O EXC主ED 1/64 IN.l苦iEDlAM盯"ER OF 5HANK ANYWHERE SHALL h盯T 嚣EG民EAT黯 t丑ANl苦iE MAXIMUM 5PEOFIED POSmON .X' OR L在路 THAN τHE MIN. SPECIFIED A'τPOSmON 'Y' OR 'Z' , 5DIAM盯"E路 LONG, lndian Boiler Regulations 65 172C. Rivet Holes- (1) 家ivet h dJ.es shall not be punched, but sha11 be drilled full size from 出.e solid plate, and wherever possible rivet holes sha11 be d总且ed in place with plates, straps and ends bolted in p臼挝.on. Af生缸 d忌监ng 出e plat臼 sha11 be separated, the burrS and the sharp edges of 也.e holes sha11 be removed and 阳 contact surfac部 of 位\e plates shall be cleaned. A11 tac挝ing holes sha11 be drilleá t.o a size which will aU.ow the holes to be en1arged 抽出ereψ泊d rivet size by 由自ing or reamering. A11 rivet h.o.加 shall be sli协W countersunk under each rivet head. (2) 肾\e diameter of 也.e rivet h .ole sha11 be n .ot m .ore than 1/16 in. larger 血an the standard diameter of the cold rivet as manufac饥且red. (3) Where s泣础。.f rive始 are menti.oned the sizes re.如 毛.0 the diameters of the rivet h .oles n .ot t.o始回也am的ers of the rivets used before c10s如g. 173. Riveting- (的Rivetssha泣如 cl.osed by hydraulic machinery wherever the desi伊 of the boi1er pem协; 位.e rivets may be clo:阅dbyh韶址。,r pneumatic hammer inpos挝onwhe把 hydraulic rive由\g is impracticable. (b)延ivets sha11 be of sufficient leng也 to 部1 rivet holes and f.orm sound and substantial h阳缸. The heads sl曰11 befini血.ed c.oncentrica11y wi也枝\e rivet5或l.aIÙ<S. Rivets sllallbet陡的ed 出ùf.orma11y 出roughoutth由也111,四阱\. (c) Drift pins shall n .ot be used with such f.orçe as t.o distort the riv挝 hol,郁. If the rivet h.ol部 are f.ound not be fa泣 when 也,e plates are b .olted up for rive自\g 位\èh.oles shall be reamered fair bef.ore the riveting is commeilced. (d) For hydraulic rive位ng 白.e pressure sha11 be the ~ast necessary to ensure a ti快t jo以 and only sufficient pressure sha11 be used t.o c10se the rivets pr.operly and securely without indenting buckling .or otherwise d础\aging 位.epla比白\e rivets sha11 be a110wed t.o sl\r如k while under pressure from the riveting mad由\e. 174. Fu11ering and Caulki鸣一All seamssh必lbeh现ered orcaulked 恒side and .outside and 斟s sha11 be done in such a manner that theplates arenot sprur戏。,rdamaged. α王APTERIV 黯GULATIONS FOR DETERMINING τHEWORK指 ING PRESSURE TO BE ALLOWED ON VARIOUS PARTS OF BOILERS OTHERτHANFUSION WELDED AND SEAMLESS FORGED DRUMS •- 175. Maximum Pressur The maximum pressure at which a boiler may be used sha11 be detem\ined in accordance wi位 the provisíons of 出is Chapter. 在le R暗ulations in 出is Chap怯r refer to material subj挝怡d to stea血惚mpera'饥泌誓 not exceeding 5∞OF. SHELLS 176. F.ormula f.or W.orking Pres8ure .of Shell- 树 For cylindrical shells, barrels, steam and water drums, and d .omes of boilers the max油umwor挝ng pressure per 吨uare inch to be a11.owed shaU be ca1cu1ated from the fo11owing formula : [Note: Where part苗。f drums' of water tube boiler理 are perforated for tubes, the working p仪器sure shall be calcu1ated by equa锐on (53) under 'Tube、Plates') W.P.= (t 叩 2) x 5 xJ CxD Eqn. (1) where, w .orking pressure in lbs. per square inch; t 嚣 the 位ickr隙ss .of she11 plates in 32nds .of an inch; 5= 也em如拙\um t,四si1e br,制挝ng stren拼" .of the shell plates in tons per square incl飞.orwhatever stren圳\ is a11.owed under Regulati.on 5; I 胆由e'percenta萨。f strength of the l.ongitudinal seams of shell .or of a line .of holes in the she11 or stays, 1 .or rivets, .or of an opening in 役leshellnot fully c.ompensated, whichev就 is least calculated by the methods hereafter d臼cribed; C 骂 is a co-efficient as fo11ows : 2.75 when the longitudinal sèams are made with d .ouble butt straps and when sm怠11 shells are f.ormed from solid s配tions; 2.83 when l.ongitudinal seams are made withlap j.oints and are 加ble riveted; 2.9 when the long主tudinal seams are made wi出 lap j.oints and are double riveted; 3.0 wh相 l.ongi阳dinal seams are welded and are fitted with a single butt strap; 3.3 when the longitudinal seams are made with lap j。如ts and are single riveted; D 坦白e inside diameter of the outer strake of pla由咆 of 出e cylinderical she11 measured in inches. W.P.= 错\e (b)在le factor of Safety sha11 in no case be less 白白 4. 性\e actual factor of Safety in each case may be from the equation: fo山飞d Fm14x c x - L t叩 2 With the best form of joint and least co-efficient (c) the Factor of Safety for shel1 plates , ~ inch to 13,4 inches in 吐出如顶部, varies from 5.13 to 3.99. Indian Boiler Regulations 66 An aciditiort of 10 per c~n! 费hall be made to 班e for shells of boilers in which 也.e longitudinal se扭lS are lap join生ed and are not accessible to c10se visualinspection and for shell plates ofex始mally firéd boilers exposed to 由e 辙rect 挝\p缸t of fumace flaInei provided 也就翻s addition shall not apply 怕也.e stea黯 and water drums of wa在即执lbe boilers where 佼\e drums are not c10se 抽出e fire幡grate and 也.ere are tubes betweer飞 the firegrate and the d rum. In the (d) 白\eabove c萨efficient are standards and shall be used only for boiler open to inspection by an Inspec出\g Officer during the whole period of ωnstruction and which 缸e cer悦fied by him as having been constructed in accordance wi也出.e st韶dard conditioIlS laid down secti∞. M 也,ese 家egulations. 坟街\e 航 a.C饥阳la 叫 alpi让tch飞 i始 nde 硝t惚阳恕剧盯口 rm (ç) 呼propria惚 Cφefficient 咀 177. Methods of Ca1culating the Strengthof Riveted Joint.轩-.(的The percentage Qf stren拼\ of a rlveted joint ψ-G)-shallbe found from仕le-followingformulaeii),(酶, (üi) : (i) and (ii) are applicable to any ordinary 可pe of joint, (üi) 与我p2..l!.cable only 始也at 可peofj。如tinwhicl飞 出enur民b倍。f rivets in the inner rows is doub1e捡回t of the outer row,注\e lowestvalue given by the applica悦。n of these formulae 汹汹 be tak阁部位e percentage of s饺销拼\ of the jointcompared wi出钱e solid pla比 100 (P …口) (i)P ZPIate percentage 100xAxNxCx5 PxTx5 {泣}1nRivet (üi) percentage -- 2D1∞ xAxCxS P PxTx5 =c但由坦ed p 1ate and 1立vet percent.age Eqn. (2) Eqn. (3) 1∞ (P f加t formula (i) D is the diameter of the rìvet and in the third formula D is 仕\e diameter of the rivet holes in 注\e next rows. 拉出e last formulaAis 出ear制 of one rivet hole in the outer row. holes 阳 the outer rows (b) When 钱\e secti∞al area of the rivet holes is not the same in all rows, and when some of 位\e rivets a四 in double shear and other啄 in single shear the rivet 提CtiOIlS per pitch of each size inshear sha l1 be computed separately and added toge也er to form the total rivet 178. When Pitch Exceeds Ma对mum Allowed- Should 出.e pitch of the rivets exceed the maximum pitch allowed, the pem哇郎s踹sible pi让tchs边 hall be used 阳 inplac 岱 e 。时f section. No greater percentagethan 85 shall be allowed of riveted jo凶. forany 守pe 179~-阳校-srr苟言 ana--g抖证每of~ìvè-fS~民 fëlOl\' Rèquirements- 5hould the spacing of the rows of rivets or 也.e dist.ance between edge of plate and rivet :hole or 也e 位ùckness of butt straps be less than 和.at specified in Regul捕。IlS 182 and 194 the percentage repre铠民如慧出e streng位\ of joint shall be mod. ified as prescribed in 啦。se regulatioIlS. 180. Percentage of Welded and Strapped Seam如-In detem由由\g 由e 严rcentage of strength of a welded seamcovered by a s饺ap or straps 出e form口iae and allowances in Regulatio邸 177, 178 and 179 shall be applied, but 50 per cent shall be added to the rivet percentage for the weld. 也 E事件 wher.毡, Single butt straps having ordin缸y rive拍电一 1. 125T 嚣 Tl Eqn. (5) FDT 呵4 4E·. m一 m Single butt straps having every altemate rivet in 出e outer rows omitted咱··唰 platesintonspersquareinch, orwhatevers坟eng血 is allowed under Regu1ation 5 of Chapter 1. 182. Thickness of Butt Straps- The minimum thic栩栩5 of butt straps for the longitudinal seams of cylindrical shells sha在 be detemlined by the following formulae but all straps 达\Ould be of sufficient 位ùckness to permit of efficient caulki吨 and in any case shall not be less than 3月 inch in thickness. mw 广-m Pis 仕\e pitch of rivets at outer row in inches, D is the diameter of rivet holes ininches, A 始 the sectional area of ∞.e rivet ho始如 square mcnes, Ni揭仕\e number of rivets per pit,命的, Tis 也e 由ickness of plate in inch销, C=1 f假如伽 in single as in 1ap join蚀, and1.875 做到ve饱 indou1:边e 由ear as in double bù忱由appedjoin饵, 51 is 伎\e 也e缸ing streng啦。f rivets, which shall be taken 抽 be 23 toIlS per square inch for steel and 18 toIlS per square inch for ir加拿 S is 出e minimum teIlSile breaking 指出供 ofshell 181.P,锐'Centage to be a110wed for Solid Rolled Shell彩… When small she11s are rolled fromthe solid, J. in equation (1) shall be taken as 100 per ce悦 T Eqn. (6) lndian Boiler Regulations 67 Zig-za革 rive仙\g一 Double butt straps of equal width having ordinary riveting.… Eqn.(巧 .625T = T1 防-m 甲主 Double butt. straps for equal width having every altemate rivet in 出e outer rows omittedmo-mv ZOE T x Eqn. (8) Double butt straps of unequal width either having ord部ary rivetin富, or having every a1temate riveting 吐\e outer rows omitted… .75T =飞 (wide strap) .625T = T1 (narrow s协p) Eqn. (9) Eqn. (10) Where 飞= the 出ickness of the butt straps in 阳.ches. The other symbols have the same significance as in Regula悦。n 177. S阳gle ai\d wide butt straps shal1, wherever prac始cable, be on the inside of the shel1. Should the thickness of butt straps be less 也an 出at above described , the least percentage of joint as deter在\ined under Regu1ation 177 shal1 be reduced in the proportion of the actual 血ickness to the prescribed 鹿ic挝\ess. 183. Maximum Pitch of Rivet嚣 in Longitudinal Joints… The m献站出m pitch of the rivets in the longitudinal ì。如ts of boi1er she11s shal1 b •- C x T + 1.625 = m部放1um pitch in inches 丑伊. (11) Where, T=τhe 出ickness C of the shel1 plate in inches, is a co-efficient as given in the following tables N挺 mber of Rivets pitch 1 2 3 4 5 严r Co偷吃伊 forLAp joints 1.31 2.62 3.47 4.14 .33P + 670 黠 distance between cen树迦es of rows Co-efficients for single Butt唰 strapped joints 1.53 3.06 4.05 Co-e庐cientsfor double Butt唰 strapped joints 1.75 3.50 4.6在 5.52 6.00 184. Spaci吨。f Rows of Rivels- (a) In jo拉格, whether 1apped or fitted with butt straps, in which there are more 位朋 one row of rivets and in which there is an 叫ual number of rivets in each row,出.e distance between the rows of rivets sha11 be not 1ess 役lan一 (码班机. (12) E等1. (13) Chain riveting2D = Distance between centre 始les of rows (R) (b)In j。如ts in which the numòer of rivets 坦白.e outer rows is one-half of the number in each of the inner rows, and in which the inner rows are chain rivets 位w distance between the outer rowsand 出e next rows shal1 be not less 也an as required by 叫uations 口号 and (13) whichever is the greater, and 出e dist棚cebetw幌n the rows in whích there are the fu l1 number of rivets 命al1 be not less 位an 2D (R). (c) In joints in which the number of rivets in the outer rows is one翩halfof the number in 锦ch of the inner rows and in whích the innerrows are 对g-zag, the distance between 出e outer rows and the next rows shal1 be not less than一 .2P + 1.15D = distance between centre lines of outer and next rows (苟且qn. (14) 百\e distance betw锦n the rows in which there are the ful1 number of rivets shall be not 1ess 出拍一 .165P + .670 = distance between centre 1in臼 of inner rows (~) Eqn. (15) where, P is the pitch of the rivet in 位e outer rows. D is the diameter of the rivet holes in inches or the mean of the diameter of rivet h01es when the distanct' to be delermined is betwe础 two rows of rivets of different diameters. (d) Should the distance between rows of rivets be 1ess than as prescribed above the plate percentage detern宙飞.ed by equa后on (2) sha11 be modified 出U萨一 actual dist缸\ce 1∞ [P … (2-.)D] Fre民主ibed distance p = modified p1ate percentage Eqn. (16) (e) In a11 cases the clear space betw~en a rivet hole and the edge of a place shal1 not be less than the diameter of the rivet holes, i.e. ,也e centre of the rivet h01e shal1 be at 1east 11h diameters distant from the edge of the p 1ate (E). Indian Boiler Re伊lations 68 , condition be not observed, the strength value of the ~vet affected shall be r'创uced in 也.e proportion of the ac如al distance between 也eouter edge öf the rivets and the edge of the plate to 伽e pr'制而bed distance. Provided 也at if 由is L 185. Circumferential and 军nd Seams of Water Tube Boiler萨- 1he suitability of circumferential seams inc1 uding the seams joining 础ds to she11s shall be verified by 位\e following formula : • kxJx( 2) is e弓ual to or greater 也an 悦P. Eqn. 'O xC '0 1r Ts A N (1盯 langitud始时恼怒. where, K嚣 150 for 26/30 ta脂饭时ile plates, K= 157 for 28/32 tons tensile plates, Pue. to high假如esse也 see Reg.' 271 and 340. WP= 百1ewor括ng press时e inlb队 per sq. in. When the rivets are in double shear single rivet section shall be allowed. 'of 也e shellshall,-ina1iâiti,制部也.è rmg~beli记liia:êã'ú1 出ecompen姐怕'\g 龄ctian. 位1怠 outer C= = = ring of pla枪s. Circumferentia1 Joint effic副.Cy calculatedby Eqn.20r3. 8.24 where the seams are ~de with lap joints and are treble riveted. 8.44 wh黯re the seams are made with lap joints and are double riveted. 9届 where the 盹础15 are made with lap join始 部tda黯 single rive也ed. t= 由ickness of plate 讪 32nd 181. Uncompensated Holes in Water Tube Boi1ers… maximum diameter of any unreinforced ope而吨 shall not ex儒ed 'd' 拙 shown in figur嘟 9B cm.d 9C su均ect to a maximum of 203 削阳的res. 拈.e The notatians in Figures 9B and 9C are defined as follows: K 叫主主ι \ 即 of an inch. 1.82 fe 186. Compensation for Manholes and Other Openin萨…The percentage of compensating 剖ction shall be determined by the following form叫ae-… 2∞ (W 自 0) x Tr. (L + 2'0) + Ts =Pe蛇entage s泣回唱出 of compensa出g section Eqn. (18) 8OxAxN ι+ 20) x Ts 目 Per棚tage str四供 ofriv斜阳tia民 Eqn. (19) 1.875 出n倒也e Parts of raised manhole mouthpiec锦州刷nfo旧均ches "--0=-如Êfêii磊黯融ëforæ奇怪11m泣记:n始汗革面丽丽的插到4 J= where, .width of compensation ring in inches measured in 出e direction of the longitudinal 拟is of the boiler, is the length of opening in shell in inches measured in the direction of the Iongitudinal axis of the boiler, is the diameter of rivet holesin 拍.ches, is the 出ickness of compensation ring in inches, is 也e 也ick:ness of shell plate in 抽出础, is 出.earea of one rivet hole in inch础, is the number of rivets onone side of the Wis 注\e E守'\. (20) where, d=M椒油\u皿a1lowable diametre of O}础由\g (部 位.e case of an oper由'\g of elliptical or of round form, the mean value of the two axes of 白e op帘由\g shall be taken for d); 。= Outer diameter of the shell; e = actual 俭让c阳也ss of the shelli f = a1lowable str部Si When K has a value of unity or greater,放\e maximum size of an unreinforced opening shou1d be 51 millimetres (2 inches). lndian ßoíler Regu1ations 69 8.0 200 K 瞌 0.20 K 嚣。 .30 7.0 K 嚣。.40 埠 K 盟 050 。 ..c:: u 旦 、- ~ E E 6.0 i kz07OF 5.0 、制 c k 嚣。邱吉g晤 K= 。那 1 100 h Q/ h ~ e 部 4.0 ℃ 5条 3.0 抖 耐 ::E 2.0 1.0 K=O.99 andover G 10 5 15 DRUMDIAMET翠R 25 20 X THlCKNESS (INCHES) L…」 1 G G民APH 15,础。 10,仅渺 5,000 DRUMDIAMET军RX THlCI<N段iS (MM) NOT TO SCAL嚣 FlG.9B ~f手参,,~ ,,~ 在 .0 50 寺 。- ~f' ~,,~ +1 4I4t(t;'/先!- ~=__....t. 200 K=O.90 z i 7.0 K=0.92 …1 K 黠 0.9岳 K 罩 0.97 $0 、。 剧 c j旨 24.o 100 耐 i EJ:zj "t:I 程 z 3.o 抖 帽 主 50 2.0 1.0 150 DRUM DIAMET主 R 旬,∞o GRAPH NOT TO SCAL主 忽略 over X THlCKNESS (INCH弱毒 DRUM DIAMETER X THICI<1'也SS(MM) FlG.9C 1,00;织)() Indian Boiler Regulations 70 DISHED ~ND PLATES 188. Complete Hemisphere Without Stays or Other Support Mad.e of One or More Plates and. Subject to Intemal Pressure-The maximum working pressure shall be detennined by the following formulaW.P. 口 (t - 2) x S x J Eqn. (23) CxR whe眩, pressure in lbs. per squareinch, t is the 也ickness of 也.e endplate in 32nds of an W卫 is 位\ewor挝ng inch明 S W is the minor axis of 也e hole in inches. Note: The foregoing provisions shal1 not preclude 伽.eu槌 of dished ends in comp1i矗nce with Regs. 275 to 278, where not fitted with anup-take. 190. Dished Ends Subjects to Extem前到'e部ure-峭 h 位飞eca腿 of unstayed dished end嚣, for 出.ecc如efficient 15 in equation (24) 也.e co--efficient 12 shall be substituted and R shall be the outer radius of curvature of plate which sháll not exceed the external diameter of 也e she挂 towhich it is attached. For plates expose 也e fumace flamethe co--efficient shall b .e 10.5. is 出.em趴如\u凯 tensU禽 breaking streng生h ofthe h noCase $hallEexceed235. in tons per square inch, or wh~tever streng血 is allowed for 底也瓢, 191. Dished End 01 Lancashire. and Comish Type J is 出.e least percentageof strength of 出e rive怡d Boiler&一份 For dishedends of Lancashire and Comish jo阳.ts of 出e plates fonning 注\e hèmi哼here or bodies formed in one.piece, without stays and subject securing it 协 be cy1ind p,cal shell, to in怡mal pressure 血em拟挝\um wor划ng pr恼sure Ris 也.e inner radius of curvaturein inches, 一…...-.~ -shallbedetemûned-by-the-:following-formula旧……… 四d plat理5 , 'Cfor 始唱1元际运EM7…~..~-.…一 C for double rive由\g is 2.9, C for treble riveting is 2.83. W 卫在 189. Dished. Ends Subject to In始mal Pre随时e…{的 For unstayed ends of 5恰am and water drums, tops of vertical boUers, etc., when dished to partial spherical form the maximum workingpressure shall be detennined by 加 following formula一 W卫= 15 x S x (t-1) R Eqn. (24) wher毡, W卫 is 血e workiJ:飞gpr.栩栩.re in lbs. pe玄 square 扭曲, t is the thickness of end plates in 32nds of an 抽出, R is the inner radius of cUÍ'vature of the end in inches , which shall notexceed the eχternal diameter of 轨e sheUto which it is 甜ached, S is the minimum tensUe breaking streng白。fpla梅 in tons per square inch or whatever is allowed for 让. (b) The inside radius of curvature at.由.e flan窑e shall be not le窑S 血an 4 times the thickness of the end plate, and in no case less 出an 2~ inches. (c) When the end has a manhole in substituted for (t -1) in 出e formula. 轩剖, shall be (尚在\e total depth of flange of m缸molefrom 白.eouter surface in inches measured on the minor axis shall be at least equal to ...J TxW 器 d哗啦 of flange in inches Eqn. (25) where, T is 也e 血ickn创s of 血e plate in 抽出笛, and (t - 8) x 30 x S R Eqn. (26) where, W.P. is the working pressure in lbs. per square inch, t is 血e 自ickness of the end plate in 32nàs of an inch, R is the inner radius of curvature of.the end in inches which shal1 not exceed one and a half t出倡和.e exte口\al diameter of 由.e shell to which it isatta出时, S is the mini.rrtum tensile breaking strength of the plate in tons per square inch or whatever is allowed for it. (b)币\e inside radius of curvature at 出e flange shall be notl销量也.an4 出口创血e 仕\Ìckness of the plate end 如 no 'case less 生han 3~ inches. 192. Dished Shell and Firebox Crowns-;- (a) In detennining the working pressure in ac∞rdance wi趴 Re gulations 189 and 190 no account shall be taken of the influence of the up-take 阳be in vertical boilers. If dished crown plates having upta阳5 are fit for higher pressures, when consider咄部 flat plates, under Reg. 197 such higher pressure shall be allowed. (b) The radius Rs follows一 of 怕她hed R= 立之巨 响 2日 part may be found as 在qn. (27) C and H are the len军ths in inches of half 也ebase 抽\e or chord on which H measured and the height of 白e dish or camber at the middle of 由e chord respectively Indian Boíler Regulations FLATPLATES 193. Flat plates supported by Solid Screwed Stays, Marginal Seams or Flange萨- (a) Fo Ì' plain flat plates supported by solid screwed stays or riveted marginal seams or flanges, the maximum working pressure sha l1 be as follows叫时 C (t - 1)2 W.P. 嚣牛气一.::~ Eqn. (28) A 1. + B1. In this formula and in 也部e following in the succeeding regulations relating to "Flat Plates" unl瑞罢。therwise specified…偷 W.P. is the working pressure in lbs. per square inch, t is the 出ickness of the flat plate in 3却叫s of an inch, t1 is the thickness of the washers, strip, or dublings employed in 32nds of an inch, A is the horizontal pitch of stays in inches, B is the vertical pitch of the stays in inches, C is a co-effcient which varies in value with method of vaxing 也.e stays and nature of the support, Where the plates are exposed to the direct impact of the flame 注\e following of C shall be reduced 12~是 per ce盹… C 60 for stays screwed into 也.e plate with their ends riveted over, C 90 for stays screwed into 由.e plate and fitted with nuts on the outside, C 100 for stays passed through the plate and fitted with nuts inside and outside, C 110 for a riveted seam or flange, in the flat plate securing it to the shell side plate, end p 1ate, fumaced or uptake. Where portions of plate are supported by stays or riveted seams or flanges having various values of support, the value of C, shall be taken as the mean of the points of support concemed. The support of a riveted seam shall be assumed to be at the line through the centres of rivets in the nearest row and of a flange at the commencement of curvature.;In the latter case, if the inner radius of curvature of the flange exceeds 21h times the thickness of the plate, the support shall be assumed to be at a distance of 21h times the thic比less of the plate from the inner side of the flange. (b) For portions of plate where the stays are irregula r1y pitched 0 2shall be used instead of A 2+ B2, 0 be站在 the diameter in inches of the largest circle which can be 71 drawn pass'ing through not less 白an three points of support, viz. , the centres of stays, or rivets or 出e commencement of the curvature of flanging whichever is applicable. (c) For the tops and sides of combustion chambers and the distance between the rows of stays nearest to the back tube p 1ate, or the back or firehole plate respectively, and the commencement of curvature of 也ese plates at 出eir flanges shall not be greater than the max泣\um pitch of 泣将 stays. f泣ebox (d) For 也.e tops of combustion chamber军 and fireboxes where 也ey are joined to 和.e sides by curved portions, if 也e outer radius of 注\e curved portion is less than half the allowable distance between the 庐ders, the distance between the first girder and the inner surface of the side plates shall' not exceed the allowable distance between the girders. If the radius of curvature is greater than half the allowable distance between girders, the width of 也e flat portion measured from the centre of 也e girder shall not be more than half the allowable distance between 注\e girders. (e) Where stay tubes are not fitted in nest of tubes,在sin tube p 1ates of loco守pe boilers, and 归rts of plate OU始ide the space occupied by. tubes are supported, in accordance with Regulati悦\ 212朗, by screwed $tays each stay in the row nearest 设1e tube shall be of suf在dent streng也 tosupport 也eplateup拎出e edges of the tube ho]es in addition to its share of the plate on the opp臼ite side of the line of stays叠 The working pressure for the plate between tubes and stays shall be determined by Eqn. (28). A being the horizontal pitch of the stays in the nearest row , B twice the distance between the centre line of stays and a line touching the tubes opposi飞e them and C the co-efficient appropriate to the kind of stay. 194. Flat Plates support牵d by Stays and Nuts and Large Washer事。r Strips or Ooubling公-(玛 Where 轨e plates are supported by stays passing 也rough them and are fitted with nuts inside and washers and nuts outside, the diameter of the washers being at lea约 3V! times 白at of the stay, and their thickness at least twφ thirds thaf of the plate, but not greater than that of the plate, the maximum working pressure shall be [(t - 1)2 + .15t/] Eqn. (29) (b) Where the washersnave a diameter of at least twothirds of the pitch of the stays and a thic挝\ess of at lea到 Ind忽n 72 twc如血irds of 也e 也ickn臼sof 也eplate, b1,1t not gr四ter 位U\I\ thatof 也e plate, and are riveted to 由.epla始 inan effici四.tmanner,也.err陈ximwnwor恒ng presS1,1le shall b←一 1∞ W.卫自一一 A2+ B2 [(t - 1)2 + .35t,2] Boiler Re伊hltions (d) For the wide water spac部 d 如.be plat臼 between the nests of tubes and between the wing rows of tubes and the shell, the.maximwn working press1,1le shall be W.P.= 气iγ((川)2 + .55阴阳. (34) A‘+ B2 问\.(指} where, A= 血.e horizo时al plate is stiffened bystrips at 1锦窑t twc伊 边也ds of the pitch of 出.e staysin breadth which have a 也ickness ofat1easttwo翻出irds of 役时 of the plate b1,1t not greater 仕U\I\也.at of the plate, and areriveted 抽出e plate in an effici朋t manner,位\e m拟恤.wn worldJ.;lg preSS1,1re shall be-… (c) Where 也e 1∞ A‘+ B2 W.P.= …?一;;- ((t _1)2 + .55t,2] B == C= Eqn.(31) C= (d) Where the plates are fitted wÌ'也 d01,1bling plates having a thic挝、四s of at least two-third嚣 of 出at of 也e plate b 1,1t not greater 由肌出at of the plate, and are C= 台tay如,be,""'" 一……必ve始d 柏拉回n拍 .an.efficientm.挝mer,-therr除ximwn 1∞ A2+ B ((t - 1)2 + .85明 E等'l. (32) F1at Tube Plate&- (a) Forthe por始创lS of 如tbe pla悦sin 由ertestsof 如tbes where stay 阳b由 arere呼啦时 andwhere 也,em协副lwn 出ic如ess 阻dct恼问自始.onof tubepla惚 arènotle豁出anaspre缸ribed in Regulatiém W.P. 嚣 working pressure shall be C (t.:- .1 )2 一叫一…… pz Eqn. (33) where, P = is the mean I放时\ of 白.e stay tubes SUpporting any portion of the plate (being the sum of 白e four sides of 由e quadrilateral divided by four), e:丰 70 for' stay tubes screwed and expanded in怡 the plate and no nuts fitted and for 注\0幌 at­ tached by welding in accordance with re军ulati∞ 147 (b), 己= 85 for stay tubes screwed and éxpanded into 出E plate and fitted wi也 nuts. (b) No nuts shall be fitted to stay 阳b部 at 也.e COl巾ustioa chamber or fire box end. (c) Where 也eplatesare 础严部d 抽出.ed抽climpactof flame 血e plate in 321世嚣 of an 坦白, 1锦. 211the 部axÎm1lln ~-一一一一一………一一…←… ι ←…… t 嚣 is 注\e 役让.ckr隙ss of 出.e .flat workingprè部1,1le. shall b eW.P.= …一…寸- pitch of stay tubes in inches measured across the wide water space from centre to centre, the ve民ical pitch of stay tubes in 血.ebounding rows in ir由es measured from centre to cent肥, 60 for stay tubes screwed and expanded into the tube platesand no nuts are fitt,晖, and for 趴ωe attached by welding in. accordance with re事ûa挝.on 147 (b), 8O for 窑tay tubes screwed and expanded into 也e tube plat,部 andfitted with nuts, 70 for stay tubes screwed and expanded into 也e tube plates and rtuts are fitted only to alternate coefficient C shall be reduced by 12* per cent, and where the thickness or cross咽蚀。Inof 相,be plate between tubes is less than as presc必bed in Regulation 211 由e appropriate co吃fficient 盐'lall be reduced in proporωn 每o the deficit. t1 嚣 is the thickness of the washers, strips or doublings employed in 32nds of an.inch. {的Where 也.e plates are expo随dto 由.edir配timpactof fla四.e,也eco-efficient shall be reduced 12* per c自\t. Stay&…位l For the endpla阳 of Lanca白ire, Corni血, V,即位ca1 andL倪。守pe boi1的, ando位ter flat surfacessupported by irregularly 196. Plates supported by Gusset pi:油ed gusset stays, the maxlmum working pressure shallbeW.P.= C (t 一 1)2 …百一…! Eqn. (35) where, D = the diameter 如 inchesof 也.el盯在四t circ1e which can be drawn passing 也rough not less 位翻出r时 p。如ts of support, viz. the c但tre linès of rivets or the commencement of the curvature of flanging, whichever is app狂.cable. C = 100 for(íP lates not exp创ed to flame. C=88 for plat锦 exposed to flame. (b) whe肥 such plates are stiffened by suitable tee or angle bé阴阳curely riveted to 也.e plates wi位in 出e circle D,也eapptop出te co-efficient 凯ay be inαeased 航让ty pèr cent. Such stiffeningbars shall beplaced so as to tr部lSmit 也eir 1侃n in a direct manner' to 血e gusset sfays or shell plate. (c) For 出e partof 也.e end plate containing the manhole in Lancashire boiler the maximum working pressure d凶U be- 73 Indian Boiler Regulations WP=ttkt- 川川2} Eqn. (36) whe窍, o is the diameter in inches of the large circ1e which canbe 公rawnenc1ωing 出.em缸Ùlole and passing 妓U'ough the cen恨s of the rivets in end p 1ates connecting the shell and gusset angles and fumaces or to the com.mencement of curvatu把 of flanging, whichever is applicable where the circle passes through only 由ree of the possible five points of support mentioned the remaining two shall be embraced wi也in the circ1e, t is the 份ùc阳ess of the flat plate in 32nds. of an inch, t is the 佼ùckness of the baseθfthemou由piece of fla t ring in 3挝\ds of 部1 抽出, C 90 where the manhole mouthpiece is ei岳飞.er of 飞 mild or case steel, and has a tumed-in flange of a depth, measured from inside of end plate, of not less than 4 times 出e 也ickness of the end plate and thickness not less 由an the thickness of the end plate, C70wheri字 only a flat steel compensating ring is fitted, C is to be taken as the mean of the points of support through which circ1e passes in accordance with Regulation 193 where there is no mouthpiece or flat ring and the end plateis flanged around the manhole to the depth required in Regulation 201. 197. Flat Crown Plates of Vertical Boilers… (a) Forthe flat crown plates of vertical boilers eith时 with or without bolt stays, Equation (35) shall be used in determining the working pressure with C=80, when the plates are not exposed to flame, and 70 when 出ey are exposed to flame. In this ca艇, 0 isthe diame生er of the largest circ1e in inch部 that can be drawn passing through the centres of 出e rivets or bolt stays when fitted, or the commencement of the curvature of the flanging, whichever is applicable. Where bolt stays are fitted with washers of 出esame 出泣如\ess as 也e plate securely riveted thereto, the circle sha l1 pass through the centres of the riveted thereto, the circ1e shall pass 岳阳ugh 出e centres of the washer rivets but where the washers are not riveted or where none are fitted the circle shall pass through the centre of the stays. (b) Where the crown plate is flanged the inside radius of curvature at 校\e flange shall not be less than 4 times the thickness of the end plate, but in no case less than 211.z". (c) The thickness of flat crown plates shall in no case be less than the thickr略部 of the cyl阳drical portion to which it is attached. 198. Circular Flat Ends of Drums, etc. supported only at Edges- (的 For these ends C in Equation (35) shall be taken as 140 when 设\e plates are not exposed to flame, and 122.5 when they are exposed to flame. In 位白 case circ1e 0 shall pass through 出e .centres of rivets or bolts securing the end be less than 4 白时s,由e thickness Qf the end plate but in no case less curvature. (b) Where flan伊d the inside radius of curvature at the flange shall not be less than 4 time嚣, the thickness of 出e end pla恰 but in no case less than 21h". 199. Bar or Bulb Stiffened End Plates and Smokeho立 Tubes Plates of Locotype Boiler毒… Where such:plates instead of being supported by stays are stiffened 扭曲e steam space by substantial tee or angle bars securely riveted to the plate and extending across the plate to within the margin allowed by Equation (3ηor where such plates are formed with a deep bulb extending across the plate to well wi也in the margin allowed, for the support thus given. C shall be taken as equal to 80 and 70 for plates not expos时, andexp创ed to flame resp创ively锺 Themargin or pitchfor 部ch stiffening shall be measured from the ce时re line of rivets or commencement of curvature of bulb provided it is not more than 2 inches from the centre line of bulb. For the flat plate above the stiffener or bulb, C shall be taken as the mean of the values appropriate for the points of support. 200. Plate Margins- The amount of support in relief of stays which 凯ay be credited to the sides of shells , fumaces, uptakes, fireholes and foundatìon rings to which flat plates are attached shall not exceed that found by the following form\l la一 C (t 明白 Width of margin in inches =一一一一一 Eqn. (37) -J (W卫} where , t 监 thickness is 32nds of an inch, W.P. = Working pressure in lb. per sq. inch, C 嚣 3.47 for plates exposed to flame , C = 3.70 for plates not exposedto flame. Where the platesare flanged the margin shall be measured from the commencement of curvature or from a line 2"h times the thickness of 生he plate distant from 也.e side of theflange next to the inner radius of the corner whichever is the less. In other cases , the m~ugin sha l1 be measured from the centre line of rivets ín the nearest row of the seam by which the flat plate is attached. 圃,, 歌 74 lndian Boiler Regulations Ooub始\gplat础 shall cover the area supported betw四n 也~ staysand extend beyond the stays so 也at the centre of the rivet窑 securing the doubling plate tothe end plate shall be at least half the distance from the outermost stays to the nearest substantial po阳t of support. Where flat end plates are flanged for connection to the shell the inside radius of flanging shall be not less 出.an 1.75 t恤es 设'le plate 出ckness with a minimum of 11h inches. 201. Manholes and Mudholes 始 Flat Plates- Where a flat plate is flanged to stiffen it at a manhole orsighthole, to permit same working pressure as would be allowed upon as unpierced plate, the depth of the flange measured from the outer surface shall be at leastequal to一 ffl艾布了 =dep血 of flange in inches. Eqn. (38) 、 203. Stresse& in Steel }ointed Stays-例如e section of least strength whether of stay, rivets,-由ackleo主 p阳 sha丑 be used in calrulating the working pre部ure for 由es生ay‘ For parts in tension a stressof 9,000 lbs. per square inch of net sèction shall be allowed, and for pa邵阳 sh锦r stress of 8,∞o lbs. per square inch of net sectíon. (b) Parts in double shear shall be allowed a section of 1.875 t埠'les the single section. 204. Stay Tub棉田- For stay tubes, whether of wrought iron or steel, seamless or electric resistance welded or lap-welded the maximum working pressure 由all be calculated from the following formulaW旦嚣 where, τ= the thickness of 出.e plate in inches, and 202. Solid Scr曹wed Stays- For screw stays to combustion chambers and fireboxes and for longitudinal and cross stays the maximum working pressure for the stays is to be ca1culated from 白.e appropriate one of 出e following two formula舍一 rilit 』s W.P. 嚣 … A D 三2二 A [(0 叩手 r -0 2 1 ] E伊 (41) where, 0 1 = the intemal diameter of the tube under the STAYS c A o =-thediameter ofthe~tubeover也r阳dsin-inches, …~………W.=~ 位\e-minor讯XiSè始也e~hole 加 W.P.= 5900 Eqn. (39) Eqn. 倒} where, W.P.= the working pressure in lbs. per square inch, 0= the diameter of stays over threads in inches, DI 黯 the diameter of body of stay at its smallest part in inches, N= the number of threads of stay per inch, A= the area in square inches supported by one stay [for area to be supported by stays near tubes in firebox tube plates of locotype boilers, see, Regulation 193 (e汗, c = 7100 for steel or special wrought iron screw stays to combustion chamber or fireboxes, C = 8640 for steellongitudinal or cross stays fitted with nuts, C = 4700 for copper screws stays to fire-boxes. Where stays are made with enlarged ends and 也e body of the stays is smaller in diamet时 than at the bottom of the thread the working pressure shall be ca 1culated from the second formula. N=怠 threads in inches, the number of threads of stay per inch. A is the area in square inches supported by one stay 饥lbe, measured from centre to centre of stay tubes. When the area contains 忽必础。'r parts of tubes their' aggregated area, calcu1ated from their smallest extemal diam的er of body when in tension and sma11est intemal diameter when in compression, shall be deducted from the area of 在e cont础ling figure and the r咄咄nder used as A 趴 the formula. 205.St哼s in Tension and Compr苦ssion- 例 Thesame stress shall be allowed inωmpression as in tension. 在le strength of short stays in compression and not liable to bending shall be calciilited on the net section of the s始y at bottom of thread or in body, whichever is less. (b) The stress to be allowed on any stay or part of a stay not provided for in foregoing shall be the same as that allowed for stays or parts of stays of approx挝\ately like kind in similar conditions. 206. Measurement of Stayed Areas in the End plates of Locotype and Vertical Boilers- When the areas sup蛐 ported by stays are semi-circular 硝 in the upper parts of the end plates and smokebox tube plates of locotype boiler窑, or annular as in the crown plates of vertical fype boilers, the area to be supported by stays A in Eqns. 39 and 40 shall, in the first cas号, be the area of plate contained within the margins credited to casing or barrel sides, screw stays, fir,εdoor ring or tube stays 部 thecase 75 lndian Boiler R苦'gulations may be and in the second case be the area of the annulus . between the margins credited to uptake andshell. wh四 bolt staying is necessary the stays shall be properly distributed; the aggregate stay section shall then be 出ed in the formula for calcula宙飞g the working pressure. WOYLLZZ忍zmsEZ3驼'峙附 207. Gusset Stays明阳怔\em拟迦1山n workin革 pressure for gusset stays shall be calculat时 by the following formula900 x C W.P.= ……一一一 革龟n. (42) A C,也e co-efficient, is 生he number representing 出e least of the following一 (b) The portion of the area on the 0役\er side of each gusset lir恕 shall except when of triangular form , be found in 1ike manner and its amount added to that already found to form 出e total. ‘ (1) N 1 x A 1 (2) N主 X A 2 x 1.875 (3) N 3 x A3 x 1.875 , , (4) N x A (5) (G - N 2 D2) x {码 (G 1 - D 3) x (t 叩 2) (t 甲 2) x 0.037 x 0.037 N 1 ,问, N 3,哀愁,叭, D2' D3 and Al' 鸟,鸟, A, are resp目1ivelythenumbers, diar到e饭店怒吼 sec悦onal G G1 t A areas of the rivets in the joints of each gusset stay only rivets in the supported area, to be considered effective, the order of the joints, being (1) angles to end plate, (2) end plate angle to 窑usset, 。) shell angles to gusset, and (4) angles 协 she且 is 出edep出 in inches of gusset plate measured through the 1ine of rivet attaching it to the end plate angles. is the depth in inches of gussets plate measured normal to the slant edge of plate 也rough 在e rivet nearest tothe end plate in the joint attaching gusset plate to shell angles. is the thickness of the gusset plate in 32nds of an inch. is the area in square inches of flat plate supported by the gusset edge of pl刷出rou挚 the rivet nearest to the end plate in the joint attaching as follows- (a) The margins allowed under flat plate regulations for shell and fumace shal1 be marked on end plat硝 and the lengths of the centre lines of gussets betw辅nthem measured, also the distance between e取hpairof 事lSset lines from the middle of 也.e small辑部 a direction normal to the greater. If L and L1 be the leng位sof two adjacent gusset 1ines if the .distance between 也em be W, the area contained by the gusset 1ines and the shel1 and fumace margin 1ines may be apportioned between the stays thus: W(3L1 + LPortion of area in square i 8 - - - =app悦附d"tO"L:n;;~侧 'E伊 (44) (c) For the triangular portîons in the wing sp部部也e area shall be t昨en ashalf 出e product of the length of gusset line into the perpendicular distance between ît and the intersection point where the marg如alξurves meet. 208. Bolts and S如ds一(的 Bolts and sfuds connecting parts by boilers such as shell, end plate, tube plate革, fumaces , uptakes, extemally fitted manhole covers, mountings,的c., may be made ei也er of steel or good qua1ity wrought iron. (b) The maximum wor king pressure for the bolts or shall be calculated by the following formula一 s怡ds W.P.= NxC 一?一 A I _ 1.28 \D 叩一=L n 12 Eqn. (45) -.J where, D is the diameter of bolt or stud over threads in inches, N is the number of bolts or studs securing the part, n is the number of 也reads of screws per inch, C 4,700 forsteel bolts or studs of 28 tons/sq. in. minimum ultimate tensile stress where the diameter over thread is less than 3/4 inch, C 5,100 for steel bolts or studs of 30 tons/ 吨. in. minimum u 1timate tensile stress where the diameter over thread is less than 3/4 inch, C 5,600 for steel bolts or studs of 35 tons/sq. in. minimum ultimate tensile stress where the diameter over thread is not less than 3/4 inch, C 5,600 for steel bo1ts or studs of 28 tons/sq. in. minimum ultimate tensile stress where the di忽neter over thread is not less than 3/4 inch and not greater than 7月抽出, C 7,∞o for steel bolts or studs of 28 tons/ sq. in. minimum u 1timate tens i1e stress where the diameter over thread ìs greater than 7月 inch. When the material is iron , a reduction , of 15 per cent shall be made in the working pressure as calculated by the formula. Indian Boiler Regulations 76 A is 也earea句 square i.nches of 出e .surface. supported by the bolts or studs. For joi.nted flanges 出.e area shall be taken to extend to 耶idway between the pitch li.ne of the bo1ts and the inner edge of the flange by which the part is secured. TUBEPLATES 209. Compression of the Tube Plat棉一{司 For fire啕 box or combustion chamber tube plates which are subject toωmpression due to the pressure on the roof plate, the maximum working pressure shall b •- W.P.= C x (P - D) t LxP 军事 (46) where, t is the thkkness of the tube plate in 32nds of an inch, P. is the pitch of. the tub部 in inches, measured, 一一…horizon始llrwhe由白e位必es-are -cha挝l'itch时, and diagonally where the tubes are zig-zag pitched and 役\e diagonal pitch is 1,部s than the horizontal, D is the intemal diameter of 出.e plain 始.be军总 inch筒, Lis 泣'le intemallength of the firebox or combustion chamber in inches measured at top between 阳be plate and firehole plate or back plate, or betw部n tube plates in double ended boilers with combustion chambers common to two opposite furnaces, C 875 for steel ånd 437.5 for copper : Provided that the above formula shall not apply in the case of fireboxes where the girders do not rest on the tube plate, or where the roof plate is stayeddirect to the outer shell orto gird町S supported by the shell. (b) Where girders rest on the side plat部 or 出e roof plate is so f优med that 轨e load is carried both by side and end plates, in no case shallbe compre黯ive 黯'ess ∞ the plates exceed 14,α)() lbs. per square inch for steel or 7,000 lbs. per 叫明re inch for copper. 210.Parts to be Stayed- 俐在\e stiffness of tube Plates and pitch of stays within the nestsof tubes where stay tubes are required and where marginal stay tubes a黯 required in support of blank spaces adjacent to or between the nests shaU be determined by flat plate rules under Regul剖ion 195. (b) Tubes plates wi也in the nests of tubes whether fitted with stays tubes or shaU not comply with the requjremen恒 of Regulation 211 in r,egards tothickness and cross-section bètween 如bes. 211. Minimum Thickness and Cross-Section… To provide a secure attachment for plaintube plat部也e 也ickn部 s and cross咽ction of the plate between the tube hol臼 shall not less than : Steel tube plate .125 D +.2 =α巾1恤旧血血ic如\ess in 扭曲部 Eqn. (4乃 in square inches Copper tube plate .2 D +.4 = II啦啦num 位úckness in 在qn. (48) inches 主qn. (49) .17 + .025 = mÌI也num cross-提ction .527D 币 .263=α咏nimum cross幡section in sq. inches Eqn. (50) D'is 也.edìame悦Y恤内部出撼。f 自e'-fubèar脑 'parf'õT attachme批知 tube plate. Wherethe 出ickn部s and cross -section of the tube plates are less than the minimum 也.e appropriate co咱ffid四t inE伊拿 (51) shall be reduced in propor目.onto 位edefkit. 212. Holding Power of Plain Tubes-由制) Where tube plates are not spedally stayed i.n nests of tubes working pressure, based on 也.e holding power of the 知,besshall notexωed 部t found by the fo丑。,wing formula : W.P.= CxD 一一呵呵 A Eqn. (51) where, 口黯 thediameter of tube at the part of attachment of tube plate i.n i.nches, A = the area insquare i.nches of 也e 烛be plate supported by each tube which generally may be tak部 as the product of the horizontal and vertical pitches of the tube less the area of the tube itself, C = 470 for 灿.bes expanded i.nto parallel holes i.n S泌el or iron tube plates, C = 530 for tubes expanded in如 taper holes in steel or ir∞ tube plat,白, for copper tube plat,臼 or copper or bra部讪.bes the appropriate co-effident 处\ould be deducted 20 per cent. (b) In the uns组yed tube plates of locotype boilers and in other tube plate i.n which stay tubes are not required the support afforded by the plai.n tube shall not be taken to extend beyond the lines endosi.n.军 the outer edges of 也e 阳bes. Part of flat plate outside 也isli.ne shall ei由.er 1沁坦白e plate margi.n or be separately supported. No account n制d be taken of the stiffness of 77 Indian Boiler Regulations tube plate in the nests of tubes when the above conditions are fulfilled. (a) When a pitch of the tube holes on every row is , equal (as in Fig. 1屿, the formula is… £二立 Ordinar句, ther.吨凶rementsof制s clause are applicable p only to expanded smoke and water tubes in f1at continuous tube plates c∞ta扭扭gr阴阳 than one row of tubes. (See Reg. 152 for attachment of tubes 的 Water Tubes Boiler). 213.τube Plates, Oth瓮r Than Ends of Vertical Boilers Forming Parts of Outer Shell- 但) When vertical boilers have a nest or 戏剧ts of horizon始1 tubes so 也at 也.ere is direct tension on 位也怕ibe plates due to 也e vertical load OI飞出e boiler ends, or to 布.eir acting as horizontal ties across 也e shell,出e 也ic挝\essofthe 饥lbe plates 缸叶由e spacing of the tubes shall be suel飞出at the 能ction of metal taking 也.e load is sufficient to keep 也.e stress within th剖 allowed on 也e 事teel plateä. = efficiency of li伊ment Eqn. (54) where, p = pitch of tube holes, inches. d = diameter of tube holes, inches. 在\e pitch of tube holes shall be measured either ∞出e flat plate before ro出吨。r 侃出emedian 如\e after rolling. Exa皿ple-… Pi生ch of tube holes in the drums as shown in Fig. 10 = 514 in. diam的自 of tube 帽 31,4'二 Diameter of tube holes = 3 - 9/32'二 p卢d 5.25 忡 3.281 P 5.25 一一一拮 据 0.375, efficiency of ligament. altema俊 tube 单位le oúter vertic双1 rows of tubes shall be a stay 始be. The 机lbe platesbetween the stay tubes shall be of ac∞rdancewi也 the rules for 始,be pla毛es and in addition, considered as part she且也e max拙lUm working pressure. (b) Each W.P. x (P = 17.24 -. --- (t,- -2) -':: D) -,..x S- Eqn. (52) RxP where, t is the 创ckness of the tube plate in 32nds of an inch, P is 出e vertical pitch of the tubes in inches, D is the diameter of the 始be holes in inch,筒, Sis 和err由lÍmum tensile breakin荔 streng也 ofthe tube plates in tons per square inch, or whatever is allowed for 出.em, R is the radial distance of the centre of 出.eouterrow of tube hole from 出.e axis of the shell in inches. 214. Curved Tube Plates of Water俑Tube Boilers… For tubeplat邵阳rming part of cylindrical drums 孰e maximum working p搜捕ure shall b舍一 W.P. 口 33.3 (t - 4) x E x S D 忠等\. (53) where, t= 位白如\ess of 如be plate in 32nds of an 如仙, E = Efficiency of the longitu战naljoint or the ligam但t between the tube holes, whichever is less, S = Minimum Tensile Stress of 也e tube plate in tons per 吨. in. or whatever is allowep for it, D = Inside diameter of the drum in inches. 215. Efficiency of U伊me耐一 (a) When a sheÙ or drum is drilled for 蚀.bes ina 险\e parallel to the axis of 也e shell or drum, th~ efficiency of the ligament between 也.e tube hol臼 shall be determined as follows…甲 LONGlTUDINAL LINE OF TUBE SPACING WITH PITCH OF HOLES EQUAL IN EVERY ROW FIG啪"一 EXAMPLE (b) When 也.e m吨ual pitch of tube höles on any one row is (as in Figs. 11 &t 12),吐\e formula is一 p-nd …「可fficiency of ligament Eqn. (55) where, p = unit leng血。fli伊ment, inches. n= numb臼 of tube holes in length p. d = diameter of tube holes, inches. Example- Spacing shown in Fig. 11 Diameter of tube holes = 3.9/32飞 p … nd 12 叩 2 x 一气?…= -1... p 12 3.281 ----- =0.453, efficiencyofligament. 吧~~飞 @ 12" LINE SPACING WITH 1βNGlTUDINAL FIG. l1一原XAMPLEOFτ飞JBE P口'CH OF HOLES UNEQUAL IN 陈VERYROW Example- Spacing shown in Fig. 12 Diameter of Tube hole = 3 -9/32" 78 Indian Boiler Regulations (ü) The same rule as in paragraph (i) should apply for the case of dri.lli.rig holes to a regular 臼w­ tooth shown in Figure 13C. OF TUBE SPACING WπHPπ'CH VARYING IN SECOND AND THIRD 'Row FIG.12 …意XAMPLE OFI王OLES (c) The strength of those ligaments between the tube holes which are subjected to a longitudinal stress shal1 be at least one-half the required strength of 位。se ligaments which come between the 弘behol部 which are su同ected to a circumferential stress挚 时) (i) When bending stresses due to weight are negligible and the tube holes are arranged along …及4时Qn~Lli!le 附i也!..~理盟.tlQ且强, 10部掏出理l axis, the efficiency (啡。f corresponding lig邵阳ts is given in Figure 14, with the ratio b/a on the abscissa and the ratio 2a 叩 d d 丁γor 飞 used as a parameter. where, aandb arem制sured 邸 shown in Figs. 13A and 13B. d = diameter of 由e tube holes. Notes: 1. The dimension should be measured either on the flat plate before rolling or on the medium line after rolling. 2. Thedat在 given orî Figure 14 are based on the following formulae: (iü) In the case of a regular staggered spacing of tube holes (see Figure 13A, the smal1est value of the efficiency Z of all the ligaments, longitud加al, cir­ αlffiferen阳1 and diagonal, is given in Figure 15 by the ratio Pc/Pl on the abscissa, and the ratio P. 阳 d d 斗for 立 u时 as a parameter where, d = diameter of 始,be holes, inch部. Pc =2b = twice the distance between circumferential rows of holes; lν P == 2a twice the distance between 拟ial row of holes. Note: The dimension PC should b窑 measured on the flat pla毛e before rolling or on the medium line after r.olling. -FMmV结mhmpm#oaf-f鲤鱼啦!些 部 shown i民 Figure 13A. = {的 When holes spaced longitudinal1y along a drum a理 not in a straight line, the equivalent longitudinal pitch for each spacing may be used in 也e application of 出e above rules.η\e equivalent pitch is obtained by mul柱­ plying the actuallongitudinal pitch by the equivalent efficiency obtained from Figure 14 for each spacing. 2 Zz j豆豆在↓T(Ã咱哥2 + 4C2 FIG.13A … REGULA民 STAGGERING OF HOLES where, COS2α+1 A B= : 4 {写出) h- 主兰兰 l C=- lnU\~ (α=- 川 u…A 2 Centr在line a (Sin2 U + 1) FIG. 13B-SPACING OFl王OLES ON A DIAGONAL UNE Centraline b 1 + :: angle of centre line of cylinder to centre line of 'F IG.13A-REGULAR SAW习rOOTHPAT丁ERN OF HOLES 这!z王‘ 。电'剧‘- 0.90 。,自$ 0.15 0.60 h _.2a -d ~ .la 工= 1.86 …~_ a 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 w u u u u w u 飞 2.4 The diagram graph d = 0.53 = 0.70 b/a FIG. 14 - EFFlCJENCY OF LlGAMENT ALONG A DIAGONAL Ll NE 飞昌 、。 80 Indian Boiler Regulat阳tS ,叫 句 F占 '咱 "刷叫 刷• 俨叫E C 。 Q、 瑞。~ ..0 1 然 号码柄。clt 、~ 的 。 2 士 。 吨 SJ 2 0c 3• 3 日 内 Mi 4r、3a V咧 。 :...a....: 1.2 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 Efficiency EFFlCIENCY OF LIGAMENTS BETWEEN HOLES Fl G.1S 。 0.2 O lndùm Boiler Regulations 81 BOILER AND SUPERHEATER TUBES TO INTERNAL PRESSURE SUBJ班cf 216. The maximum working pressure for 佳丽阳be shall be determined by equa忌。nNo. 87 (see R嗜血性on338). 在W 血inimum 佼ùcknessof 血e 饥lbeS shall comply with the table given in Regulation 338 (b). 圣王军ADERS AND SECf ION BOXES OF WATER TUBE BOILERS 217. See Eqn. (88) , Reg. (340). BOILER TUBES (SMOKE) SUBJECf TO EXTER阿ALPRESSURE 218. Steel and Wrought Iron Tub伽-(a) 吐\ema划mum working pr哼ure for' 也e tubes shall be 叹P.= 100 (t- 6) …一一一…一 丑qn. D (56) where, t 口 the 份ùckness of the 如bes in 1∞出s of an inch, o = the extemal diameter of 街e 饥lbes in inches. (b) No tube.shall be less 也an 12 S.W.G. (104") 役lÏck. 219. Brass and Copper Tubesω- The thickness of tapered brass and copper smoke tubes for locomotive boilers shall, in 位e case of tubes of an extemal diameter of 1- 1/2 to 1-7/8 inches indusive, be not less 出an 12 S.W.G. (.104 inch) at 出.esmokeωbox end and 10 S.W.G. (.128 抽出) at the other end in 血e case of tubes of an extemal diameter of 2 始 2-3月 inches indusive, the 刷ckness,必 the smoke七ox end shall not be 1,部S 役tan 11 S.W.G. (.116 inch) and 创出e other end not less than 9 S.W.G. (.144 inch). FURNACES 220. Plain Fumac辈革 of Horizontal Boilers… For pJ.ain fumaces or fumaces streng也.ened by Adamson orother joints or stiffeners of sufficient strength and for the semi-cylindrical tops of fireboxesand bottom of combustion chambers where 出e sides are 锦curely stayed, the working pressure shall not exceed the smaller of the values obtained from the following formulae: W.P.= C D 剧由- x (t - 1)2 (L + 24) Eqn. (5η wpmtx [则叫日- L] Eqn. (58) where, D 扭曲e extemal diameter of the fumace of chamber 协p orbo忱。m in inches, t 扭住le 制ckness of 也e fumace plate 加 32nds of an inch, L = the length of 岳飞e fumace ór other part in inches measured betwe创\ points of substantial support, Î. e. , centr臼 of rows of rivets in end seams of commencement of curvature of flange , whicheveris applicable, C 骂 1450 where the longitudinal seams of s惚el fumaces are welded and 1300 whe捏在eyare riveted, C = 725 where the longitudinal seams of circular copper fireboxes or fumaces are fitted with do世 ble butt straps and 650 where 在ey are lapped, C = 50whe搜出.e longitudinal seams of s始el 缸mac臼 are welded and 45 where 也ey are rivet,础, C1 = 25 where the longitudinal seams of circular copper fire boxes or fumaces are fi饮:ed with double butt straps and 22.5 where they are lapped. 221. Corrugated Fumaces of Horizontal Boilers… τhe maximum working pressure to be a l1 0wed on corrugated furnaces shall be determined by the following formula : WP=t M Eqn. (59) where, D 嚣 the least extemal diameter 如 inches measured at the bottom of 商e corrugationson 生he water side, t 芷 the thickness of the fumace plate in 32nds of an inch measured at the bottom of the corrugation or chamber, C = 480 for the Fox, Morrison, Deighton, Purves and other simi1ar fumaces and 510 for the leeds Forge Bulb SU:spension Fumace. 222. Plain Fumaces of Vertical Boilers…The same formulàe as for the pla烛 fumac锵 of horizontal boilers shall be used, but where the fumaces are taper挝由e diameter to be taken for ca1culation purp铺es shall be the mean of 位lat at the top and of that at the bottom where it meets the substantial support Írom flange or ring.τbe length for the same pu平岱e shall be 位密 Indian Boiler Regulations 82 distance 仕om the centre of 由e row of rivets connec由19 the crown and 由e body of the furnace to 血e substantial support at the bottom of the fumace , or to a row of screwed stays connecting 仕le fumace to 血.e shell, provided 佳时也e pitch of stays at 血.e fumace does not exceed 14 times 由e 仕ucknessof 由e furnace p 1ate wh白 白.e stays are riveted at their ends or 16 times when the stays are fi忧:ed with nuts. Such screwed stays shall be in diameter over 仕le 仕u回ds not less than twice the 剧ckness of 由e furnace plate and in no case less 也an 3/4" diameter [see Reg. 135(d)]. 223. Hemispherical Fumaces of Vertical BoilersWhen fumaces hemispherical in form and su问ect to press山e on 由e convex side and are wi血。utsupport from stays of any kind,仕le maximumWor挝ngpre臼ure shall be: 275 (t - 1) W卫 =R Eqn.(60) where, t is 由e 仕uckness of 由e top plate in 32nds of an inch伊 t= 由e 也ickness of the joggled firebox plate or ogee ring in 32nds of an inch, o = the inside diameter of the boiler shell in inches, D1= 仕le outside diameter of 仕le joggled fir t.:'ox at the commencement of curvature above joggled part or the outside diameter of the firebox where it join怡血e ogee 白电· 226. Foundations of Loco-type Bo i1er FireboxesWhere the firebox roof in 1出0-可pe boilers is not stayed directto 阳 extemal casing crown or to girders carried by the casing or is not connected to 由e casing, by slings in accordance with Regulation 229 (c) and 由e whole load on 血.e firebox vertically is bome by the bottom parts of 由e firebox where connected to 由e extemal casing, the working pressure for the parts,证 p1ates are joggled out to meet the casing or 证 an ogee ring if -fitted, shall-not-exceed 也at -found by 出e-follówing formula: W.P.= R is the outer radius of curvature of 由.e furnace in inches. 224. Corrugated Fireboxes of Vertical Boi1ers- For 由e semi-spirally corrugated fireboxes of "Sentinel" standard motor wag'∞ boilers the working pressure shall be determined by the following formula : C (t -1) W卫=一丁)- Eqn. (61) where, t= 血e 仕uckness of the fire box p 1ate in 32nds of an inch, o = the mean of the extemal diameterof firebox measured over the plain part at each end at commencement of curvature of f1an ge, C = 390 225. Foundations of Vertic a1 Boilers Fumace萨-Where circular furnaces, or fireboxes of vertical boilers are not connected to the shell crown by uptake tubes, smoke tube or bolt stays and 仕le whole load on 由.e firebox vertically is bome by the bottom p盯t of the firebox where it is connected to 由e shell the working pressure for 由epa此,证 firebox is joggled out to meet 由e shell or 证 an ogee ring is 且tted, shall not exceed 血at found by the following formula : W卫= where, 1钊 (t - 1)2 0(0 - 0 1) Eqn. (62) 70 (t - 1)2 x (L + W) L x W (w - W1) Eqn. (63) wher毡, t= 也e 仕uckness of joggled firebox side plates or fire hole plate (whichever is les叶, or ogee ring in 32nds of an inch, L= 仕le ler鸣曲 of firebox casing in inches measured betwee旦出e water ~id电,s of front end plate and saddle plate at 由.e foundation seam, W= 由.e width of firebox casing in inches measured between the water sides of casing side pla怡s at 血e foundation seam, W1= is the width of firebox in inches measured between 出e water sidesoffire-box side plates at 也ecommencem四t of curvature above joggled pa此 of where it joins the ogee ring. Where only a comparatively narrow strip of 出efirebox roof is stayed directly to 血e casing crown the area so stayed shall be deducted from the area represented by LxW 扭曲.ebo忧om 1ineof 出eformula 血us(LxW-A) (W - W1) and so used in Equa悦。In (63) in determining the working pressure for the pa此S, "A" being 由e area in square inches of roof supported by the casing crown. 227. Cross Tubes- The working pressure of the tubes shall be determined by 血.e following formula : 2∞ (t - 7) W.P.= 一一一一一一 D Eqn. (64) lndian Boiler Regulations 83 where, W.P. = working pressure in lbs. per 吨. inch, t= min挝\um 也ickness in 32nçis of an inch, D= 也e intemal diameter in inches of the cross tube. (c) S1ings, lir郎 pins, rivets, and connections to shell of slung girders shall be suffident to carry 阳 whole load 出at would otherwise be carried by 校le gfrder, and each girder must be equally slung or supported. For stresses allowed on 出e sections, see Regulation 228. Uptakes of Vertical Boilers- The working pressure for uptake tube of vertkal boilers shall bε determined by Eqns. 57 and 58 but on1y half the least pres问re so found is to be allowed for uptake tubes. (d) In the case of girders supported at the ends on1y by angle bars riveted to casing crown, the length L may, when the girder extends over the full breadth of the angle face , be taken as the distance between 也.ecentres of the angle faces. When this distance does not exceed 拙的 of L in the formula,位也 pressure shall be determinedin 也e ordinary way. The supporting angles and rivets shall bεof suffident section for the intended purpose. For stresses allowed on the sections, see Regulation 203. SUPPORTS FOR COMBUSTION CHAMBER AND FIREBOX CROWN 229. Girder Stays for Firebox Crown分- (a) For girders supp假如19 ,!own plates of rectangular 融'eboxes, where the ends of the girders are supported by 泣le vertkal end or side plates,放l~ir proportions shall be cakulated from the following formula : CSTD2 Eqn. (65) 12Y where; Working pressure in lb. per sq. inch, Minimum tensile stress of the material in tons per 饨. inch, Total 仕ùckness of the stay 扭曲i仗y-seconds of an inch, Depth of the girder stay in inches, Length of girder stay in inches measured between the inside of the tube plate and 也e firehole plate, or between the inside of the side plates, according to the method of support, Pitch of girder stays in inch销, 22 for steel plates or steel forgings, 19 for steel castings. W.P. 口一一…一 W.P. S= T= D= L= Y= C 括 (b) Where girders are supported in any other way than end or side plates of the firebox or combustion ch础lber the cakulations for deter宜ùnir鸣也ewor挝ng pressure shall be made in accordance wi也 the actual conditions of support. by 出e In such cases the leng也 of the strip of firebox or combustion chamber top plate to be supported by the girder shell, subject to the 1imit imposed on 位ledistance of the nearest stay, be taken as equal to 位le product of 位le number of bolts carried by the girder into the pitch of the bo1ts. A maximum nominal stress of 14,0∞ lbs. per square inch on girder section shall be allowed for steel. 203. PA'τENτFIREBOX ROOFS OF LOCOTYPE BOILERS 230. Marshall Type- For Messrs Marshall Sons and Company's patent stayless roof for 衔eboxes of locotype boi1ers made of steel in which the centre 1ines of the corrugations meet 也e centre 1ines of the end riveted seams at points not far也er distance from 校le side plates than one-half the inner radiu量。f curv a ture of 也ecomer formed by the roof and side plates, in order to ensure 也很 the thkkness and height of the pressed diagonal ωrrugations of the chamber are satisfactory, the working pressure shall not exceed the smaller of the values obtained from the following formulae : W卫$ W卫= t H W L (t 叩 1) X H2 WXLXV(W2+12) 25000 55 (t - 1)2 X [W + V (W2 X 12月2 W与 12 E等\. (66) E字\. (67) where, is the thkkness of the roof plate in 32nds of an inch, is the height of the corrugation at its highest part measured perpendìcularly on one side of 位e plate in inches, is the width of the roof plate between the flat of side plates at top less the inner radius of curvature of comer or roof and side plate 怕 inches, i.e., W + radius = intemal width of firebox at top, is the length of the roof plate bεtween centre 怕飞部 of rivets in inches; Indian Boiler Regulãtions 84 231. Garret Type-:- For Me$srs ..Richard G~et and Son's corrugated stayless roof for fireboxes of locotype boilers made of steel in which 由.e sideωrruga悦。nsare parts of 忧ue circles and the radius of the middle corrugation is not more 由anabout 1A由 of the radius of the outer corrugations and the corrugations are ca放lbered longitudinally, the working pressure 公tall hot exceed the smaller of the values obtained from the following formulae : W.P.= W.P.= C x (t - 1)2 (L + 24) R Eqn. (68) ~ Eqn. (69) 明- R x [10 (t - 1) - L] wh脏。 t= 出佼佼巾挝\e部 of the corrugated plate in 32nds of an inchì 二三些芝leng哇。f 注\e roofpl平兽的些芝些问!lines R= of rivets in inch饵, 出e ext残mal radius of 由e side corrugations at 出e .middle of 出el白棋1in 扭曲俑, C 口 3创 where 出e roof and side plates are in one piece and 325 wh白白eyare‘ z如的时, C1 = 12.5 where the roof and side plates are in one piece and 11.25 where 岳飞ey are rive始d. R 嚣 the radi1Ìs of transverse curvature or camber of middle part of corrugaöon measured from 也e bottom of corrugation on water side in inches, w= 由e width of firebox iri inches measured over W的机 sid部 of side plates at the sea双18 attaching them to r∞f plate, C= 240 Cl = 875 (b)白\e corrugations measured from top to bottom on one side, shall not be less 由扭曲reetimes 由e 刷ckness of the finished plate in depth and not more than 12 times 出e 位让.ckness of 由e finished plate apart. (c)τhe inner radius of corner at sides where corrugations m就伊始to the flat sides shall be not less than4 总黯础设1农瑞比如ess of the 监tished plate. 产 (d) Thelen拼loftheplainpa由前四ds-of r∞甜剖ween 佳\e centre lines of riveted seams and commencement of α江vatureofωrrugations shall not exceed 由atallowed for flat plate margins under Re gu1aöon 200. CHAPT军RV FUSIO民 WELDED AND SEAMLESS FORGED BQILERS A挺D DRUMSFOI主 WATER τ飞JBE Messrs Johr飞 Fowler and C领p拙作(Leeds) corrugated r∞f for f坟'eb。那 d 10∞type boilers made of steel in which 役\e cro阴\ of the roof is transve黯ely curved and corrugated in the style of Fox's corrugated 如rnace 缸叫出er∞f plate, if not solid with the side plates of the firebox, is securely riveted thereto and to 由e flanges of the tube plate and firehole plate and there is a row of suitably sized and spaced screw stays below the commencement of corrugations on 制ch side a杭ad世\g 设\e r∞,f plate to theex栩栩lcas让哆 when the condiöons hereunder are co黯.plied wi钱I the working pr笛sure shall notεxc辅d the 部laller of the values obta泣led from 佼le fo丑。win窑 232. SUPERHEA:τERS\ Fowl挝丁押e叫树 For form世.ae: W丑踹 C (t - 3) R ;l.P. = C1 (~-1) W Eqn. (70) Eqn. (71) where, t is the 刷cknes嚣。fr∞,f plate before corrugations are form时, in 32nds of an 单位, 飞 isthe 部部ess of side pla憾。f firebox to which roof plat湾 is attach睬, in 32nds of an inch, Require篮锦饭- Whereapplicable the of Chapter 1 relating to Ce:而且.cat仰 from Makers, lnspec悦ng Authoriti,白, etc. , and of ch叩term concerr由\g cons衍uction should be followed. 233. Generai general 始rms MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCI10N 234. Materials for Fusion Welded Boil缸 Dru黯俨刨 The requirements of ChaF地区 n, so far as 也ey rela毛eto plates, shall apply, excepting that the chemical compositio衍, tensile st芷en拼1 部d elonga位on of the material used 油硝 conformto 佳\e following as may be app且.cable tothe quality of steels concemed… CHEMICAL COMPOSITION (LADLE ANALYSIS) Carbon steels "Carbon O.250/0 m拟挝\um Silicon 0.35%m拟挝\unl Manganese 。.40 to 0.90% ph岱phon主S 0.05% ma对mUll飞 Sulphur 0.05% m椒油um • Aca也on content not ex附dìng 0.35% may be permi役时, subject to 仕le approval of the Inspec位\g Authority唾 Indian Boiler Regulations 85 Mangane龄 Steels SEAMLESS FORGED DRUMS Carbon Silicon Manganese Phosphorus Sulphur Molybdenum Steels Carbon O.23%m拟泣num 0.15% to 0.60% 0.90% to 1.40% 0.05% max加.um 0.05%max泣num 0.21 % m a:ximum 0.15% to 0.35% 0.50% to 0.90% 0.05% ma:x凶.um Siliωn Manganese Phpsphorus Su.tohur 0.05% 黯拙imum 挝olybdenum 0.25 to 0.60% Chromium;;.Molybdenum Steels Carbon 0.21 % ll'冻挝mum Silic创 0.15% to 0.35% Manganese 0.40 to.0.80% Phosphorus 0.04% ma:x加\Um Sulphur 句 0.04% maximum Chromium 0.07 to 1. 15% 0.40 to 0.65% M~lybdenum M时hanical Pròperties at 200 C (680 F) l<ind olSteel Tensile Strength minimum "elongation on Lo 监 5door Kg/m m2 1 Carbon Steels (1) (2) 。) (4) 2 Tons/ inch 3 Lo 嚣 5.65 4 35 38.5 41 44 47 24.5 26 28 30 22 21 20 19 18 47 52 44 30 33 28 18 16 19 42 27 20 22 ÝAo % mìnimum Manganes啻 St量 el5 (1) (2) Molybdenum St臼15 Chromh孟m- Molybdenum Steels 235. Manufaclure-创 C缸bon Steel for seamless Forged Drums shall be made by the Open Hear也 or electrical fumace or basic oxygen process or any other process which gives steel hav站在 equivalenl properties. (b) Forging which may have integral en巾, end! closed by means of dished plates, open ends fOI multi才 oints drums or any combination of these shaIl b巳 made from solid cast ingot which is punched , bored or trepanned, or from a hòllow cast ingot and shall comply entirely with th~ relevant requirements of Chap始r 菇, 236. Chemical Analysi萨-τ'he steel shall not contain more than 0.050 per cent of sulphur or of phosphorus. 237. Freedom from Defects- The drum sha11 be free from surface defects and shall be machined to the prescribed dimensions. previous gauge length, do 黯 original diameter, and Ao 都 original area of cross-阴暗tion. Note- A range of nòt more 趴an 20 per cent of the miIÚmum tensile strength shall be permitted in each class of material. (b) Plates over 2" in thic如.ess before being fabricated, shall be UI欢fom冻在y heat tre时ed to produce grain refinemen t. Heat trea恼\ent involving quenching in a liquid medium is not pem吐tted. s础ction Where not machined, the forgings shaIl be workman like surfaces 部 normally obtained by hot working. Provided 也就 the minimum specified 也ic泣\ess is maintained, minor surface defects may be admitted and other defects removed by mechanical means so as to achieve a smooth surface. Surface defects may be prepared , by welding only, with the approval of the Inspecting Authority provided that the drum is stressed re1ieved after welding where necessary. 238. Heat Treatment- Each drum shall be effidently heatt宣誓就ed: (我) At various stages durin在 manufacture, as re电ui陀& "Not俨阳 Lo 坦 original sha11 not be repaired without the of the Inspecting Officer. 民fects 栩如rgings (b) on completion of the for在ing process but prior to the hydraulic tes t. 239. Mechanical Tests一 Material shall comply with the mechanical tests herein spec说ied. Sufficient material shall be left on the open end or ends of each forging to enable tangential test pieces to be taken. These tests shall consist of not less than one tensile and òne bend test from each open end. In the case of drums with open ends the test material Indian Boiler Regulatio1t s 86 shall not be parted off before heat treatment. If the drums are c1 0sed in at the ends the test rings shall be parted off immediately before this operation; subsequently: the test ringsand the forging shal1 be similarly, arid. &iínuHaneously heat treated 弘 the same furnace. 240. Selection of Test Pi斜础… (a) All test pieces shall be selected by 出e Inspecting Officer and shall be tested in his presence and he shall sa出句, himself 也at the conditions herein prescribed are fulfilled. (b) Tensile Tests Pieces-ηle tensile strength and percentage elongation shal1 be determined from round test pieces and gauge lengths of 5do. (c) Tensile Test… (i)η\e tensile strength and percentage elongation …一---一一世11 be 主主哩空时凹凹持鸣er组咀担担啊ts of regulatìon 9 and 16. (ii)τhe upper yield point at room temperature shall be not less than 50% of the spedfied minimum tensile strength at room temperature. The minimum values of the stress at proof limit 0.2% at elevated temperature (Et) of the materiàl may be calculated by multiplying the minimum specified tensile strength at room te:tnperature 〈去20) by the value of the ratio (黯/丑20) given in the table under regulation 16. (iii) The breaking elonga貌。,n in percent shall be not less than 100- Rm 2.2 where, 除饥 tensile streng也就 room tempera沁舱,怕 kgf/ mm2 100 quality index 2.2 a constant which is valid only when Lo - 5do where, Lo gauge length do original diameter of round test piece. (d) Bend τ'est Pieces- Bend test pieces shall be of rectangular section 1 inch wide by 3/4 inch thick. τhé edges shall be rounded to a radius of 1/16 inch. The test pieces shall be bent over the thinner foection. Tests… The test pieces shall, when cold, be of being bent without fracture , through an angle of 180 0 the internal radius of the bend being not 伊eater than that spedfied in table below : {的 Bend cap~ble I nternal radius 01 bend Inch Upto 32 3/8 Above 32 and upto 36 1/2 Above 36 and upto 38 3/是 Bend test窑 may be made by pressure or, by blows. 241. Additional Tests Before 1旦ejection-- Sh~uld either a tensile or bend test fails , two further tests of the type which failed may be made on test pieces cut from the same test rings. If the results obtained from these retests are staisfactory, the drum shall be accepted , provided that in other respects it fulfils the conditions of this Chapter. If these re幡tests do not give satisfactory results 也e drum represented may be re-heat-treated together with the remainder of the test rings , and presented for further testings. In all cases where final re-tests do not give statisfactory resul怒, the drum represented by the test pieces which fail shall 如e rejected. 242. Di scard- Sufficier).t discard shall be made from and bottom of each ingot to ensure soundness in the portion for forging. 钱的op 243. Forging- The forging shall be made from a so1id cast ingot, punched , bored or trepanned , or alternatively, hollow , castingots may b~ used. The resu1tant wal1 in the case of the solid cast ingot, or the wall of hollow ingot as cast shall be reduced in thickness by at least one-half in the process of forging. TUBES, PIPES IN BOILE丑S, HEADEl主SAND STEELCASτINGS 244. Tubes- 创 Tubes shall be of ∞ld drawn weldless or hot finished weldless or electric-resistance-welded steel and shall comply with regulations 36 to 63. (的 Prpes… Pipωforming an integral part of the boiler unit shall comply with the provisions of Chapter VIII. lndian Boiler Regulations 87 Tests on butt welds on pipes shall be required under Regulation 151 (h). 245. Headers… Headers and simil缸 pressure parts 窑hall be of fo主ged steel, seamless steel pipes or of cast steel and shall comply with the relevant provisions of Chapter II , in all other respects 拟cepting the chemical compositions tensile strength and elongation of the respective materials, which shall comply with the following , as may be applicable: CHEMICAL COMPOSITION (LADLE ANALYSIS) 峰 "Carbon Steels Carbon 0.25% maximum Si1i con 0.35% maximum Manganese 0.30% minimum Phosphorus 0.05% maximum Sulphur 0.05%ma对mum 岛1anganese Steels Carbon 0.23% maximum Silicon 0.20% to 0.60% Manganese 0.90% to 1.30% Phosphorus 0.05% Sulphur 。.05% 夜laX法'lum max远山思 Molybdenum Steels Carbon 0.20% max怯'lU部 Silicon 0.10% to 0.45% Mangane部 0.35% to 0.80% Phosphorus 0.05% max知num Sulphur 。.05% maximum Molybdenum 0.25% to 0.65% Chromium-Molybdenum Steels (1) Carbon 0.18% max挝'lum Silicon 0.10% to 0.60% Manganese 0.35% to 0.70% Phosphorus 0.05% maximum Sulphur 0.05% maximum Chromium Molybdenum 0.7% to 1.25% 0.4% to 0.7% •• ACarbol1 content not exceeding 0.35% may be p岳阳对 tted , subject to the approval of the lnsp告cting Authority. (2) Carbon Silicon Manganese Phosphorus Sulphur Chromium Molybdenum 0.15% max让num 0.10% to 0.50% 0.35% to 0.70% 0.04% max泣num 0.04% maximum 2.0% to 2.5% 0.9% to 1.2% MechanicalProperties at 20 C (68 的 Kínd olSteel Ten5 iIe Strength minimum Q Q Lo = 5.65 、心4.0 2 Ton51 Înch 3 31.5 45 20 28 25 21 30 33 24 23 19 22 25 25 20 20 Kglmm 2 1 Carbon Steels (1) '"elongatioll 011 Lo 瑞 5do or Manganese Steels (1) 47 (2) 52 Molybdenum Steels 37.5 ChromiumMolybdenum Steels (1) 39 (2) 39 % milliml lt1! 4 易Note: Lo = origin革19革ug告:告ngth; = original di在m苦始主i and Ao = original area of cross嗡 00 246. Steel Castings- Steel castings for pressure parts shall comply with Regulations 73 to 80 (28 to 35 tons per sq. inch). FUSION ¥VELDED DI矶;如1S 247. Definition of Term 'Fusion Weld'一丁he term 'Fusion Weld' is, for the purpose of this Chapter, applicable to all welded joints made by the metal arc process with covered electrodes or other electric arc process in which the arc stream and the deposited weld metal are shielded from atmospheric contamination. It is intended that this Chapter shall apply to the single run or heavy run welding process and that welded boiler drums manufactured by that process shal1 conform with all Regulations of this Chapter, excepting those in which divergence is necessary solely because of special requirements essential for the most efficient utilisation of that process. Thus all Regulations governing quality of material , construction workmanship and testing (both non-destructive and otherwise) are applicable. 88 Indi.a n 抛在T Regullltions 主50. Preparation of Plat刷一百'\e edges of all plates shall 如 prepared and surfaced by machining or chippìng or flame cuttìng. Before weldìng is co黯m础\ced,由,e gr∞Ives shall be thoroughly cleaned of rust, oi,l or cither foreign matter. 加fore l'Ye1dìng of the joint is commenced (apart from tack weldìng) it shall be ascertained that 出echamfered edges are ìn alignment and 也就 the defects ìn a1ignment betwe部'\ the surface of the plates do not exceed the 1imits ìndicated ìn the followìng table:一 咐'阳一位们 be fumished. …刷川刷一 a. Sketeh剖 showiitg details óf th豆! welds prëþ iëltións for the attach回,ent of 也,e staild pipes, branch pipes and seating and 出eir locations relative to the longi相d坦al and citcumferentialseams and to 。在er openings shall 11 Fully dimensioned drawings of the proposed welds preparations of 泣'\e main seams drawn to a scale which dearly shows a11 thEi relevant details shall be fumished. mdfJJJ 249. Constructional detai1s and Prep盯就ion for Welding-翩翩 The manufadurer shall supply the ~p配结咯 Authority with'a fully 出mer回∞edsecti创ull drawìng showi吨 ìn full detail the construction of 由e drum树 forapproval before putting 布e work ìn hand. 们川剧 havìng satisfactory means for temperature control, but 郁 an altemative arrangements may be made whereby the drums can be heat电eated elsewhere. 戏'如- ,陀 。 of 役出\e l!l缸 c阳alj扣。祀t笛 sìnpr 'es邱surev'笛s 跑 el始s. 咀'\e works should also be equipped with a suitable heat trea白\g 缸mace 3mm -础,圳工 micr 即。叫噜 ex挝划n 阳 挝ti阳 a onofs严cim忽创, ens 回 sandx-翩r 胳 aye 献 x缸时na 硝t,io ∞ n 一 …一…嚣阳主 u革i泣ta 拮:bli沁恕 时" e 阳forcaη抖ng'冶圳iUttl 始 :ens让 h 浪巳〉7飞, 挠 b哥窜部 E嚣 nd 才叩础拟础1咀 d 4m M Upto 13 mm incl, Ove笠 13 mm upto 19 mm Over 19 mm and upto 38 ov配 38 mm and upto 51mm Over51 mm Ha--······· 制 出切…哈 LH (b) The works should be 吨uipped wi也 an efficient testìng laboratory which should include apparatus 拔'凶一 248. E.quipment of Workshop-树The weldìng plant and equipment are to be of good quality and maìnta恒,ed in an efficient working condition. The welding app础拙lS is to be ìnstalled under cover and arranged 50 位Ult the weldìng work Il).ðy be carried out ìn positions free from drau阱ts and adverse wea血er ∞ndi钱。ns. The pr创edure is to be such 由剖在ere is re伊lar and systematic supervision of the weldìng works, and the weldìng operators are to besubjected by the works officials to periodic 始描 for quality of workmanship. Records of 仿制e tests are tp be kept and are to be available to the Inspectìng Officers for scrutìny. ALIGNMENT TOLERANC运 OF SECTIONS TO BE BUTr-WELDED Section Thickness , mm ιa 蚓.盟 drums ordered to this Chapter are made by the sìngle run or heavy run process it will be under创ood that Regulations 252 and 267 do not apply ìn 伽eir entirety. 刷刷一」 wh四 welded 3qun 5mm 3mm k嚣sor of 1/16t 3mm Lessor of 1/8t or 19 mm 。r9mm If plate edges of unequal thickne部 are abutted and 由e difference between the surfaces exceeds the limit mentioned as above on either side, the thicker plate shall be thinned to a smooth 始per for a distance not less 船an 4 times the offset.ìncludìng, if so desired, the , …卢→亚盖挣旦飞,Øle weld几.fu 10界,g!tll.(,i,ml'lljQ主斑, the 皿i制k lìne of the plates s1:'lall be ìn alignment withìn 10 per cent of the thickness of the thicker plate with a max挝\umof3mm 口 /8 inch). 251. Cylindrical Shel1 of Drums- Each drum shell l pla惚 shall be of cylindrical form to the extreme edg剧 。fthe pla始. Th e bendþ:lg shall be done en出'ely by macl由\e and local hea耐l.g or hammerìng is prohibi始乱 Where the pl时es are bent to an ìntemal diameter le黯 than 20 times the plate thickne跳出,ey shaU be efficiently heat,咐eated after bendìn~ to relieve ìntemal s梅S础 田巾ss durìng the last stag蹈。f bendìng they have been ur帅rmly heated 加ou拚,out. 252. Method of Making Welded Joints- Provided the requisite quality of weldìng is achieved , the seams ìnay by welded from bo出 sides of the plate or from one side C! tthe plate with or without a bac挝ng 牵制护 lfabacking strip is used, it shall be removed and the surface 盼 exposed shall be dres阳d. Additional runs 'of metal shall be depçsited at the surface of the welded seams so that the welded metal at the level of the surfaces of 仕\e plate is re曲\ed as far as possible. The sUrfaces of the weld shall thereafterbe machined or ground 50 as to provide sm∞thωz戏。时S and to be flush wi役1 the respective surfaces of the plate. There shall be no undercl点ìng at the junc如阔, When affixìng standpipes, branch pipes, seatìng, compensating plates, doublìng plates or manhole frames, not less 也缸'\ two tUI\Sof meta1 shaU be depæi始d at 锦命 weld. Each tUI\ of weld sha1l be thorou拉ly cleaned and freed from slag that may adversely affect the qua1ity of the succeeding runs. Welds shall be marked permanently to facilitate 郎ir location. lndian Boiler Regulations 253. Types of Welded Joints… τhe longitudinal circumferential seams shall be made wi也 butt joints of 出.e sin窑le Or double U or V硝 type. 254. Number of Joi航船叫Where, hav.也g regard to 血e approved design多出e dimensions are such 出.at the shell cannot be made from a single plate, it sha11 be made wi1h 出em如阳:um numberofjointsand 出elbnßi灿d如alseams in successive rings shall not fa11 in line, except where the 放ngs of the drum are in two halves of unequal 也ickn臼s. 255擎 Position of the Tube Hole s- Tube holes in welded 随时ns should be avoided. Where 出ey are unavoidable may be machined through welded seams after these seams have been radiographed, and stress relieved. The efficiency of the ligament in the direction of weld shall be mu 1tiplied by a weld factor not exceeding 0.95 except where the distance from the edge of the tube hole to the 创ge of the weld is greater than 13 mm (1/2"). The edge of the weld shall be considered to be the edge of the weld groove as macl由led 扭曲e plate prior to welding. 也.ey Notwithstanding anything contained in this re部11硝.on, efficiency of the ligament in 白e direction of weld shall notbe 肌.ultiplied by a weld factor 0.95 where 100 per cent radiography of weld joint is done. 256. (a) Circulatory of Drum黯… The difference between intema1 diameter of 孰e drum measured at 部y cross-section and 位eno黯inal internal diameter of 出e drum shou1d not exce创 1 per cent of 也e latter. 白.e Any departure of profile m锦sured on the outside of the drum with a 伊u在e of the designed form of 也e exterior of the drum arld of le吨位吨ual toaquar怡róf the internal diameter, shall not exceed the percentage given in table below : Nomillal internal d勿附tero/drum Percentage o/IIominal l nternal diameter Upto and including 36 inches 0.375 Over 36 upto and incl uding 45 inches 0.35 Over 45 inches 0.3 Flats at the welded seams shall not be permitted and any local departure from circularity shall be gradual. (b) Tolerance(i) 世le deviation from circularity in any section shall, in the case of normalised drums, not exceed 2% and in case of stress relieved drum 1%. The deviation from a straight line sha驻 not exceed 0.3% of the cylindricallength. (副主\ order to detem由\e 白ede功硝onfra肌位α虑对.ty ofthedrums 也.err除X加.umand 黯站烛.um internal diameter at one crass s就tion 位硝 be measured. From 设lese measured valu础 the percentage 89 devia悦。n from circu1arity shall be calculated aαord拙gto 航.e follow始.g formula:一 2 (d m .. 明 d牛.J x 100 (d m 刷 + d mln) C 黯嗣:::... where, C = percentage deviation from circularity d = internal diam斜阳 at one cross section. of the drums. In order to determine 出.e deviation from a straight line, a: stretched line shou1d be pleased longitudinally against the sides and its largest distance from the shell line concemed shall be measured. From 刷s distance, and from 出.e cylindrical shell, the deviation from 伽.estraight line shall be ca1culated. 257. MechanicalTest and Test Plates 如r Fusion Welded Seams- (的 Fusion welded joints shall comply with the mechanical tests herein sp时ified. Not less than one 臼t of test plates shall be provided to welding of each long烧成inal s础m. represent 也e The testplates may by a位ached at each end of the longi辅 相dinal se缸nor 也.e set may be located at one end a时y警 告) Where 也e drum shell is formed intwo or more courses, the staggered longit.udinal s刨根 shall b号 regarded as a continuous longitudinal seam provided 在.ewe远ing be e在民ted in one reasonably con出\UOUS operation and by the same operator or operators. (c) Where there a指出'cumfer邵阳lse创ns only or where the method of welding the circumferential se创ndüfer from 也.at employed for the longitudinal seams, the me由此 of providing the test plates shall be decided by the Inspecting Au也ority. (d) The tesfplates shall be of a size sufficient for the preparation of the test pieces speci自ed in Regulation 258(a) and for any repeat t~st pieces that may be required. 咀\e material for each set of test plates shall be cut from the respective plate or plates fopl曲鸣也e appropriate se由n, and before being cut shall b~ stam严d by the Inspecting Officer. (的When the analysis of 出e pla怡 is approved by 也e lrispecting Authority and is considered sufficiently similar, the test plates may be cut from ope drum shell plate on1y. (f) In the case of insufficient material being available 011 the shell plate to permit 也.ecut出飞g of test pieces,也.es毒 shall be ac四'ptable if 也ey are made from ano也.erplatE provided it is made from the same cast. (g) The weld groove 单位\e test plates shall be s挝道arto that adopted for the corresponding edges of 役le longitud如al seam, aI}d the re量pective fusion faces shall 90 Indian Boiler Regulatio1tS be in continuousalignment. The test plac部 shall be reinforced or supported during welding in order to prevent under warping. The weld metal in 由e plat部 and 出.e seam shall be of the same grade of electrode and sha11 be deposited con位lUouslyat 也e same operation. (h) 白'le weld in any test plate shall not be repaired un1ess agreed by 血e Inspec创ng Authori号r and the repa让s shaU be done in 侃而 a manner as w i1l ensure that the repaired seam in the 始st plate is still representative of 枝'le material in the main se缸主\. (i) Where 放 is des让ed to straighthen test plates which have warped during welding theymay be straighthened 挝 a temperature below the temperature of heat treatment of the drum to which 出eybelong. Straighthening sha l1 take place before final heat trea恤\ent. (iii) Two bend test specimens. (iv) Three notched七ar 泣\pact test spec协ens. (v) Onespec挝\en for micro and macro examination. The remainder of each set of test plates shall be retained for any retests required. Any specimen for re-t锦t shall • be cut off from the same set of test plate, as the original speclffien. Surfaces of tensile, bend and impact test spedmens ωrresponding with the outside of the drums shall be only lightly dressed so that the rolled surface of the parent metal is not wholly removed, except that where the rolled surfaces of theabutting plates are not level with one another, one plate may be machined at each face of the weld provid时 the dep啦。f metal removed does not exceed 0.8 mm. 如) G) For heat treatment, see Regulation 267. 4a 4每 一…………制 If.any~def配ts如仕teweldmetalofat创t 川plateare 2 revealed by radiographical examination, the position of these shal1 be dearly marked on 位.e plate and test pieces shal1 be selected from such parts of 生he test plates as may be dedded by the Inspecting Authority. 258. Selection ofTest Pì窜出♂… (a)Fro部由e test plates or plates on each longitudinal seam, test pieces shal1 be selected for 白e fo l1owing tests,出e spec挝\ens being cut out as showing Figs.16 and 17 and st部npedbythe Inspec挝ng Officer for identific就tion: (i) One tensi1e test spedmen for 和,e welded joint. (ii) One all-weldmetal tensile test spec挝\en. • Example盎然\owíng approximate disposítions of the test piecωin 饺\e test plates are shown Îl\ Figs. 16 and 17. 5 4b 主 N01 more than 5mm ap垂rt 理 E二二::::J 211311 3 IlIf电1111剖111 1. Tensile test for join t. Tensile test for alI-weld metal. 2. 3. 4. 5. Bend tes仁 outer and.inner surfaces of plate (at weld). Notched bar impact test 革pecimen. Micro and macro specimen. DETAILS OF TEST PLAT应S FIG.16 4a 5 2 3 3 Not more th挺n 5 mm apart i '1. 1111.11 "1 1.1 111 1 11 I 1 11==工 1 ~ 4Þ 公 1. Tensile test for join t. 2. Tensile test for all-weld meta l. 3. Bend test, outer and inner surfaces of plate (at weld.) DETAILS 1 I 2 3 11 3 11.1 5 a. Izod impact te成 outer surface of plate. b. Izod imp在ct test, inner surface of plate. S. Micro and macro specimen. OF 丁 EST PLATES FIG.17 4. Illdìan Boiler 1之.egulatiollS 91 mm. These spedmens shall be taken ou t of the 怡然 piece in such a way that the tensile test covers the whole th比如ess of the weld joints as shown in Fíg. 18B. In this case the result of the、test of every test specimen concemed shall meet the requirements specified in regulation 260(a). 259. Tensile Test Pi号ces一位) Welded Joint-ηle dimensìons of the reduced tensile section shall 抽出ere shown in Fíg. 18A, the wídth of the reduced sectíon shall be at least 25πlffi. If the thickness of the plate does not exceed 30 mm, the thickness of the spedmen shall be equal to the plate 血íc比less and the plate surface of 白e specimen shall be machined to take away the surface irregular恬es of 也e plate and the weld. 在) All Weld metal… The dimensions of the all weld metal tensile test specimens shall be fhose gíven in Fig.19. If the plate thickness exceed 30 mm. the tensile test shall be carried out on several reduced section specimens, each having a thickness of at least 30 mm and a wìdth at the effective cross-section of at le割 25 ZHQHZ 唱2 1主EDUCED SECTION 丁 ENSILE SPECIMEN 曲"咱-也曲同时" 岱如 wh rw wcnszu v〈 (wdg吕京 2时 wdggmN ‘。 The dìameter shall be 位\e maximum possible consistent with the cross-section of the weld but in no case more than 20 mm. The gauge le鸣th shall be 吨ual to five times the díameter. FIG.18A 俨 aa2······· 间H 〈 MA《 MZ〈 』 -HZ5-c〉d 己的自 Zυ岳阳EH Aω H si-- 在于;一;←~ REDUCED SECTIONTENSILE SPECI如IEN INTHICKPLATE FIG.18B 260. Tensile Tests- 间 Welded Joint- The ultimate tensi1e stress shall be not less than the lower lirnit specified for the plate (see table under 1之.eg.234). (b) All-Weld Metal- The ultimate tensile stress sha11 be not less than the lower limit specified for the plate (see table under Reg. 234). The elongation shall be not less than 20 per cent on a gauge length of four times the square root of the cross幡 sectional area of the specimen, and the reduction in area not less than 35 per cent. (a) One for direct and one for reverse bending shall be taker飞 transversely to the weld and where the thickness of the plate permits, one should be above the other. The specimens shall be rectangular in section so as to have a wídth equal to one 部ld half times the thickr飞ess of the specimen but not less th部 30 mm. The surface of the specimens shall be machined just to remove the surface irr吨ulariti创 of 设le plate and theweld 鑫 The comers of the specimens shall be rounded to a radìus not exceeding 10% of the thickness of the specimen. 、 92 lndian Boiler Regulations (b) Where p1ate 出ickne部es do not exceed, 1 1/2 in. The test spec惚.en shall be pushed 巾。吨h the support嚣 by a former having a diame惚r also determined by the thickness of 由.e specimen. 衍\e require血.ents of table below, relating to the 注uckness of test specimen, shal1 apply. / 出e 出ic挝1部sof 泣le spec泣nen shall be equal to 也e f叫l 也icknessof the test pla锐. Where 由e p 1ate 俭让.ckness exceeds 11h in. 也.e sp创始\en shall in all cases have a 注uckness of 时 least 11h in. The specimen to be tested with 也e outer surface of 位e weld in tension shall be prepared by c::utting to W描始出eme始llocal 始 the inner surface of the weld so 也就由.e desired spec抽1屈役uckness is obtained (see Fig. 20. Specimen A.). The specin'ten to be tested wi也 the inner surface in 梅lSionshall be prepared by cu挝ng to,waste the 到etallocal to 也.e outer surface of theweld so 出at 出e desired sp但如1白白ic刘essisob切阳时 (seeFig. 20. Sp民i­ m凯自).Wherë the thickness ofthe plate 严m灿, bothsp配加\ens may be cut from the s缸nepieceof plate,也espec油\en being loca想d in the p Iate one above the 0也.er (See Fig. 20. Sp配垃\en C). oUTER SURFACE ……气 Table… Bend Test Requirement事 Specified minimum te1lsile Diameter Free space betweetl sup01 plate 01 Fo仰ter port at the el1 d 01 Test 2 Below 44 kgf/mm 21 4.21 From 44 如 54 kgymm2 31 5.21 "Above 54 kgf/mm主 41 6.21 草tre饲gth On completion of 坠e test, no crack or defect on the outer surface of 出e spec油en shal1 be greater than 1.5 mm measured across 白白pecim俑, or3mmm础suredalong 出e spec迦\e民 Prematur建 failure at the comers of 出e spec油ensha延 notbec∞sidered 描 acausefor 叫ection. tLTt) …一二十中 -----1→……-26叫你he甜甜lmpact__Test= _The_.:l叫d L_ J p.l4" gg忌ψ!自蛐 _ll 跚蛐- -翩翩 -J I >怕引→ A. NO肌ALBENDsmcIMBN < !..L _ _ _ _ _ _ I C-:J… 阴晴C础。 j 削啊叫 Ñ- -1 廿 r 跚……翩…叩皿……翩…翩 l 广 1 向…飞飞引Tt川唰峭% - anddim础ions 如m 坦 f地ure21Aand2即heno烛 shallbecmtmed h 除 weld-mtal?t approxi忍耐ly the 础is of 也.e weld and 血e 拙is!of the notch is to be perpendicular 抽出e surface of 位将 þlate: 二阳R<ti附瞅必二百巧一 B.REVE民SEBENDSPEC肌,fEN b_ar impact 惚st specimens are 怡 be one of the two types $一.:.JJ μJ OUTER SURFACE 曰 -!l lrru 棚n 占 55mm FIG. 21A - STANDARD U.NOTCH TESτPIECE 川剧时幽 test shal1 be carried out as follows FEEBEE』 S雹 EZE响起 tk ?问州 ………咄一到 叫到?川川 如 N OT Fiiltid 轧­ 民 G晤 55mm T DA p :一 For the 飞T-Notch spec恼.en as a temperature of 20 土 20 C. For the V notch spec坦1础, at a temperature of 520 土 2OC. In the case of V notch spec挝飞船, the 凯achinin嚣 。f 也e bottom of the notch shal1 be done very carefully. •=•...‘ 句 、、 筑底FAC嚣。'FWELD 别 TE陆ION SPECIMEN 3 BEND TEST 。FIG.20 262. Bertd Tests-幽The spec恤.en shal1 be mounted in sucha way 也挝 the axis of 出.e former is in the middle of the weld, and on roller supports 也.e faces of which aresepa路ted by a distance determined by the thickness 0f 也.~ spec站稳孔 e& 山 M 口 饨,. 世\e 瞌w P 目 CORNERSROUNDED TO RADIUS NOT EXCEEDING 1/10 X T G 四.j i高血US iiiJm The choice between U notch and V notch spec恼出 shall be at the discretion of 由e Inspect始喜 Authority. The minimum result to be obtained from the 油pact test pieces shall be: (a) U notch specimen 5.50 kgfm/ cm1 (b) V notch spec协m 3.46 同fm/cm2 Note… Above values are equivalent to 2.76 kgfm divided by sectional area below the notch. . lndian Boíler 反egulatíons 93 264. Additional Tests before Rejection… (a) Should any of the test specimens taken in accordance with Regs. 257 to 263 fail to meet the spec证ied requirements one retest shall be allowed for each spec凶m 胁时 fails, provided the following minimum figures have been obtained: (i) Reduction in 挝ea 30 per cent. (泣) Anyo也er test except the be时 and 挝lpact tests, 90 per cent of the specified requirements. (b) If a ωld bend specimen should fail to meet the specified requirements, two re~tests shall be taken from the same test plate and these shall comply with the requirements of Regulations 261 and 262. (c) If an Izod 坦lpact test fails to meet the spec证ied requirements, two re~tests shall be taken from the test plate, one each side of the çriginal specimen and sepa~ rated from it by not more 位1an 5 mm. 80th re~tests shall shów a minimum Izod 泣主lpact 始st value of 20 公.lb. (d) If it be found there is insufficient metal to perm让位e preparation of specimens for re-test from the remainder of the test may be cut from the test plate relating to 也e opposite and of the same longitudinal seam. 265. Non-Destructive Test- (a) Micro and Macro Examin创ion… A spec坦1en, the full 由ickness of the pla祀 and not less 也挝113 mm wide may be taken from each set of test plates by the Inspecting Authority for 也.e purpose of micro and macro examination. Macroetchir1g of a complete cro路-section of the weld inch主ding 出e heat effected zone, should show satisfactory penetration, fusion and absence óf significant indusions or other defects. In case of a doubt as to 也e condition of the weld as shown by microetching,注le area concemed is to be microscopically examined for defect investigation. (b) Radiographical Examination- 翠very portion of the longitudinal and circumferential welded joints of the drums shall be subjected to radiographical examination or u 1trasonic examina生ion. Where ultrasonic examination is used it shal1 be demonstr剖ed to the satisfaction of the Inspecting Authority 出atthe equipment and the technique used are satisfacto可.The manufacturer shall ensure that the operator employed is competent to use the equipment, apply the technique interpret the resu1ts of the examination. 它le method employed in obtaining 位\e radiographs shall be such as to show dearly defects having a magnitude equal to 2' per ce挝 of 白e 位ickness of the welded joint. To determine whether 位is result is being obtained and indicator of approved form which indudes a portion equivalent to no Each section of every weld shall be marked so that 出s radiogr叩hs can be easily correlated to the particular part of the joint represented. The examination shall be made from the original films and 由e acceptability of the welds shall be 叫ected or dealt. with under Re gulation 266 and be radiographed again. ωMagnetic Partide Flaw Detection- Magnetic method of flaw detection shall be employed wherever possible for ferritic steel. (d) Dye-Penetrant Flaw Delection… Dye-penetrants or equivalent method of f1 aw detection shall be ernployed for Austenetic or other'no阶magnetic Steel. (e) All butt welded joints shall be su问ected to nondestructive examination by radiographic, radioscopy or other approved methods such as ultrasonic testing, magnetic partidé inspection or 1iquid dye penetrant inspection. When radioscopic examination is to be performed in lieu of radio吝raphy on welded components, 出e following re哇哇rements shall be met, n忍nely:一 (1) A wrÏtten procedure shall be submitted for approval to the Inspec和飞g Authority which shall contain the following:明…(i) material and the thickness range; (íi) equipment qualificati阳刚 (iii) test 0同ect scan plan; (iv) radioscopic parameters; (v) 挝lage processin尊严rameters; 如i) 始lage display parameters; archiving requirements; (viii) accept-reject criteria (Code reference); (ix) performance evaluation; (x) Operator identification. (2) The system shall be aided with an image processor to enhance the quality of the radioscopic images .and system performance quality shall e功ibit。 a 出in section contrast sensitivity of 3%; 争斗 a thick section contrast sensitivity of 2%; (iii) a spatial resolution of 31ine pairs per mm; (iv) IQI sensitivity - 2% of the joint thickness when wire IQI's are to be used , the wire diameter axis shall be oriented along the axis of the least sensitivity of the system. (3) Ra dioscopes are to be properly marked to corelate with particular part of joint represented. 向 The radioscopic examination data shall be recorded and stored on video-tape, magnetic disk or optical disk at 在楼 maker's plant for a sufficient period after the date of radioscopic. 仓xamination as specified by the Inspecting (vii) 协age 94 lndian BoUer Reglllatiolls Authority, Efficient radioscopic examination record recall shall be made available at any time over the record retention period and shall be traceable to the t部t objects. (5) When repair has been performed as a result of radioscopic exam始就ion,也.e repaired areas sha1l be re -examined using the s缸口e radioscopic tech幡 nique to evaluate the effectiveness of the rep刽孔 (6) 丁o aid in proper interpretation of the radioscopic examination data, the details of the technique used shall accompany the data. As a minimum, the information sha1l indude the approved procedure requirements and system performance test data. 266. General一例 Any repair to a weld carried out by the manufacturer shall first be agreed to by the Inspecting Authority. Where defects occur in distributed positions in a seam, repairs to the extent of 15 per cent, of the totallength of the seam shall be permitted to replace the defective ~一→……百副总记吝~- 一一…一…一…一一……一… Where the defects are located in a single continuous length, the permìssible 拟tent of repair shall be decided by the Inspecting Authority. 。) Longitudinal Seams-叩 Where the weld metal in anywayfa出 tocomplywi往往lerequire阳.ents 叩配ified the whole of the weld metal may be removed and the seam re-welded provided that : (i) the original test plates are similarly treated , or (ii) new test plates of the same thickness as the joint and of similar quality of material are attached to the end of the seam and re-welded with ìt. In either case the plates shall be tested in accordance with Regulations 257 to 265 and the requirement for heat treatment shall be in accordance with Regulation 267. (c) Circumferential Seams幽幽幽 With regard to the extent of permissible repair and when agreed by the Inspecting Authority a circumferential se刽我 shall be treated in the same m忽mer as a longitudinal seam. The Inspecting Authority shall be entitled to call for representative tests for a re-welded circumferential seam. (d) Removal of Def创始… Defects shall be cut out by chipping of machinin荡。r by buming out by the Air Arc Weld Process. (e) Examination Before Re-welding- Where a defective part has been cut 0时, the' Inspec出,1g Autho-rity shall be entitled to make an exarr阳就ion before re-welding. (f) Process Used for Repairs- Only metallic arc welding shall be used for repairs ‘ (g) Radiographical 荒xamination After Repai rs- All repaired areas shall be subjected to radiographical examination. (h) Spedmen Representing Repairs- The Inspecting Authority shall be entitled to call for specimens representing any welded repair, for the purpose of examination and test. 。 Di磊gram of Welded Repa irs- on completion of all welded repa出校le manufac如rers shall, if requested, supply for record purposes a detailed dia革ramshowing the position, leng白, dep也 and wid th of a注 such repa出- 267. (a) Heat Treatment- After the completion of the welding of the seams and the welding on the stand pipes and induding welding repairs but before the hydraulic test, each drum shall be heat treated for stress relieving; during this heat treatment the official test plates shall be lying in side the drum. (aa) The he挝 trea惊飞ent referred to in dause not be nec础sary in case of Carbon Steel : (动 shall Provided that the thickness of the Part weld recess does not exceed 20 mm. 缸ld the Carbon content does …__, .notex:c~e.dQ,25_.p.eLcen.L_ →一………………… (ab) Where the welded joint connects 阴阳 that are of different thickness, the thickness to be considered in applying the limiting thickness of 20 n飞m for carbon steel shall be the following nominal thickness induding corrosion allowance : (i) 出e thinner of two adjacent butt welded component inc1uding shell to end connection; (ii) the 佼ùckness of the shell in connections to flat ends; (iii) the thickness of the shell or end in nozzle attachment welds; (iv) the 在ickness of the nozzle at the joint in nozzle to flange corrections; (v) the thickr飞ess of the pressure part at the point of attachment where a non pressure part is welded to a pressure part, in case of butt welds; (vi) the thickness of the fillet weld at the point of attachment where a non帽pressure part is welded to a pressure part, in case of fillet welds. (b) Where the shell is subjected to a primary stress identical to the f拙al heat treatr因此 to be given to the drum, the test plates may be placed inside the shell during the primary treatment and thereafter cut up and tested without waiting for the final treatment of the drum. relievi鸣 treatment (c) Where the shell is not ~ubjected to primary stress relieving treatment or is subject to a primary stress relieving treatment which is not identical with the final heat treatment the test plates may be placed insìde 缸ly other drum of compélrable dimensions which 1S to be heat treated in accordance with this Ch叩ter.τhe heat treatment is to take place in the fumace in which the 11ldian Boiler Regulations 95 drum relating to the test plates wil1 eventually be given its final heat treatmen t. (d) Temperature charts shall be submitted to indicate that the test plates and the drums they represent have been subjected to identical heating, soaking and cooling treatmen仁 (e) For the heat treatment, the drum shall be placed in a fumace sufficiently larger to accommodate the whole drum.τhe furnace shall ha ve proper means of temperature measurement and control and shall be capable of heating the whole of the drum to a uniform temperature. It shall be 50 designed as 知 prevent direct impingement of flame on the drum.τhe tempera饥ue of 出.e fumace at 出.e time the drum is placed in 让 shall not be higher 出an 300o C, For carbon steel astress relieving heat treatment shall be performed by heating the part to at least 600 士 20 C, When required by the characteristic of the material different temperatures may be necessary to obtain proper stress relieving. 币le part to be stress唰 relieved shall be brought slowly up to the specified tempera机ue and held at that t创抗perature for a period proportioned on the ba础。f at least 2~ minutes per millimeter of the maximum thickness of the part (Approximately one hour per 25 mm of thickness) and shall be left to cool in 也e fumace to a tempera如re which for parts wi血 a 出ickness greater 也an 20 mm does not exceed 40铲已 o After withdra w al from the furnace the part shall be allowed to cool in a still atmosphere. A temperature 险机e diagram of the stress-relieving process shall be provided for a welded shell or drum and a similar diagram for other welded pressure pàrt sha l1 be provided where Inspecting Authority requires a t. Note… Other stress-relieving heat treatment at a temperature as low as 55 C may be adopted provided attention is gìven to th世 holding time in order to ensure a sufficient degree of stress-re1ieving. 0 TABLE Type 01 Steel Rallge 01 te1ll perature Time at tempemture per Íl l degree αM 您rade mm 01 tllíckness 01 plate 1生挠。 620-660 2.5 minutes (30 minutes min.) lh Cr lh MO 1Cd生岛10 630 - 670 2.5 minutes (30 minutes min.) llh Cr -lhMO 21,1 Cr - 1MO 650-750 2.5 minutes (1 hour min.) Note: For pipes of 2lJt Cr 1MO sp告dfication upto and ìnduding 127 mm O\.ltside diameter and upto 13 mm walI thíckness, the time may be 30 minutes minimum. τhe heat treatment of steels having Cr Mo V shall be carried out as per the requirements of the code of manufadure of plat邸I pipes. 。} Alternative procedure for the heat treatment of the drum may be submitted to the Inspecting Authority for aþprovaL (g 斟) In 叩 spe 町 cial cases it may be permissìble to heat trea 挝t the 怡 te 岱s挝t plat!怡 es se 叩 par 服 挝t惚el a 刨悖 y from the dr飞 w 飞 Ins叩 归 p 配 e ctì趴 n飞gAutho古rity 沁 i s sati捻 sfi<捻 .ed with the mη:le 盼 缸王1戏 a sadop 严E沁 ed t怕 oensure 由 t ha 时t the following factors will be the same for the drum as far the test plates. 武挝e of heating. Maximum temperature. Time held at maximum temperature剥 Conditions of cooling. 268. Hydrau1i c test at makers' works一位) Boiler drum and other cylíndrical component havinginternal diameters greater than 600 millimetres shall be hydraulically tested on completion of manufacture at the makers' works in the presence of Inspecting Officer to 1~ times 出e maximum permìssible working pressure without indication of weakness and defects. (b) All components which are not reasonably accessible for 让lSpection after as仰mbly into the bo i1er or have been tested hydraulícally prior to welding at a pre部ure less than that specified in sub-regulation (的 sha11 be tested hydraulically to l 1h times the maximum working pressure befor.εassembly into the boiler. (c)τubular products that have been hydraulically tested to the required pressure prior to welding or ultrasonica11y tested sha11 not require further hydraulic testing as components provided they were joined du由\g assembly by circumferential but joint which have been welded and non-destructively tested as p时纪levant provisions of these regulations. (d) Components other 出an tubular products shall not require hydraulic tes位19 before. assembly into 也.e boiler if the completed boiler is tested hydraulica11y to 1~ times the maximum permissible working pressure at site. (e) ln case of drums, headers which are to be fitted with tubes, the test may be madεbefore drilling of tube holes but after attachments of nozzles and sìmilar fittings. (f) The test pressure sha11 be raised gradually under proper control at a11 times so that it never exceeds by more 出an 6% of the acquired pressure and maintained for 30 minutes whereupon 泣le pressure shall bεreduced to maximum allowable working pressure and maintained for suffident timεto permit dose visual inspection for leakages of the pressure parts. (g) The temperature of water used as medium of pressure testing shall not be less than 20 0 C and more than 50oC, 96 lndian Boiler ReKfl切tions (h) In case of drums of'compos挠'cons位uctionand partly revetted and p世tly~welded 附ams or se部nl创 s forged drum shell with ends a役ached by fusion welding,也e 怡然 严部sure shall be the same as 如r 仇1Sion welded dr四邸, (i) Should the hydraulic test revèal any def,时ts in 出e welded steam, it shall not be repaired unless the Inspecting Authority permits to do.so. 。)α1 comple位。n of agr四d repairs to a drum wruch has previously been stress relieved by he协trea始况时, further heat-trea恼\ent, if required by the Inspecting Au出ority, shall be done and the drums shall again be subjected to hydr阳lic test. INSPECTION AND τESTING 269. Inspection during Con尊truction- Inspection during construction and fees therefore shall be go飞,emed by the rules in Appendix T and regulation395 A. REGULATION FOR DETERMININGτHE WORKING PRESSURE OF WAT军R 丁UBE ~…………一~……--BOII二ERS 取眩莘莘击 -F..uSION.-W军LDEU.ANQ…… SEA如旺.ESS FORGED DI主U即IS S到 ELLS 270. Shell of Steam and Water Drums- (a) 百w workingpre部ure shall bé determined by the 扣在owing formula: zfE仔- .03) W;P. = ...,...... Eqn. (72) rVI D+T 忡 .03 where, T = Thickness in inches, D 拮 M拟imu阻 intemaI diameter in inches, W.P.= Working pressure in lb. per sq. inches, f 言.Permissible working stress in lbs. per 吨.inch at working metal temperature (see Reg. 2η, E 嚣贸飞e effic如lCy of lig缸nents between the h必e holes or other uncompensated openin萨 inshell, or the weld factor of the longitudinal joints. For Class 1 boilers, the weld factor shall be taken as 1. In the particular case of an unpierced wrapper plate of a fusion welded drum. 在= 1 (b) Irrespective of the 也ickness obtained by the use of the foregoing formula 'T' shall not be less than : (i) For tube plates (where 位l.e tubes are expanded therein) the thickness shall be at least such as to allow a minimum parallel belt width of tube seat of 3/8 inch,佼lÌs seatin革 tobem朋sured as explained below. (让) All tubes sh a1l be care如lly expanded into the holesin the 如.be plates. The tubes sha1l be belled ofbeaded to resist withdrawal and ifbelled they sha1l project through the parallel tube seat at least 1,4 inch. (c) 币\e belling shall be as shown in table below : TABLE Ot归ide Amoωh扩 diametu 01 diamcter 0/ 幻lbe belling ω'er d阳netu qf the ttlbé li硝 Upto and incI uding l 1h in. Over l 1h in. upto and incI uding 2 in. Over 2 in. upto and incI uding 31,4 in. Over 31,4 in. upto and induding 4 in. m. 3/32 4/32 5/32 6/32 (d) Thetubëholes.in 出e tube plates of drums, pocke蚀 。f headers sha1l be formed in sucha way 往atthetub臼 can be .eff<配和ely tightened in them. Where the tube 臼ds are not normal to 也e 阳.be plate, there shall be a neck or belt of parallel seating 就 rig挝 angles to the a总s oftIie 沁be at least lh in. indepthmeasured in a plane containing the axis of the 知.be at the hole. (e) Where the tubes a陀 practically normal tothe tllbe plate or the header this parallel seating sha11, wherever practicable, be not 1部sthan3月 in. in depth. →2η;-Perm始sible-WQrking-Str回盹Hor础tells-of-Boüer and Integral Superheater Drums and Heade黯…The maximum permissible stress for drum shells and headers shall be the least of the values determined on the following basis : (i)For temperature at or below 454 0 C, the sma11er 。f 也.e following two values : f= Et R 1.5 一 2.7 一一… {均 For t= R= E= Et = temperatures above 454 0 C, the least of the following three v aIues : 在t . SR (a) 一一 (b)一 and (c) sc 1.5 . . 1.6 where, Working metaI tempera灿re, Minimum speciiied teI;\Sile s忧e_ngth of the steel at r∞m temperature, Minimum specified yield point at room temperature, Yield Point (0.2% proof stress) at the temperature sc = The average stress to produce an elongation of 1% (creep) in 1000,000 hours at temperature t, SR=τhe a verage stress to produce rupture in 1∞,。∞ hours at the temperatureγand in no case more than 1.33 times the lowest stress to produce rupture at 出e temperatu肥, Note: In case Sc values are not available in Material 5弘 ndard and such materials are known to have b时n used in boilers in lndia or abroad, then for such materials the allowable stress may be t击ken as thè lower of Et Sr or 1.5 1.5 咄咄晶 lndian Boiler Regulations 97 p 黯 Design Pressure in pounds per square ' inch, D = Intemal diameter of the drum or head时 in inches, A = Net cross-sectional area of the drum of header in square inches 栩如n 佼\rough the tube holes in a plane at rigRt angles to its axis. Such deduction need not be Ql ade provided the min挝mm specified values of R and E at any part of the s~ction of the steel plate used in thεmanufacture of the Boiler drum are guaranteed by a "Wellknown Steel Maker" or certified by an Inspecting Authority. For fusion welded drums, when 出e wall thickne部 exceed 60 mm, (2.3/8") a deduction of 1 per cent in the value of "f" so determined shall be made for each increase of 5 mm. (3/16") in the thic灿.ess. working metal temperature sha1l be taken as :一 (的 For saturated steam, water and mud drums, the saturation temperature corresponding to the pressureW.P. plus 50oF. (b) For superheated drums the designed max坦1回到 steam temperahlre for 也at drum plus 50哩, (b)τhe resultant bending moments M at any section shall be the a1gebraic sum of the bending moments due to the eccentridty of the end pressure and that due to the extemally applied loads. τhe Where the drums are adequately protected from the gases of combustion or swept by 问chgases 怕也e third or subsequent pass of a boiler, the working metal temperature 过\al1 be taken as 捡回 saturation or designed maximum steam temperature as defined above, cοve 臼ri趴 ngoh 陀 ef 仕ra 配 C生知 or 可 yo 倪ri如 ns 蚓tα 叫 u ,la 舔"位如 n咆 whichever applies. A ∞ g ma 冶 at怡 创挝r圳 whichma e 町 yb 悦 e liable to become dislodged 由 sha 叫 刽1甜1i a not be deemed 材 a d叫1础主础圳 挝t怡 a ep 严ro 时te 配 cti。∞ n‘ Note- Where steels are for service at tempera饥1fe in excess of700呼 ìt 5hall be 50 stated a5 the 5iliconcontent shall be 0.10 per cent minimum or alternatìvely the mat世rial must pass the "ProoI te5t for Creep Quality of Carban Steel Plate of Boiler Plate Quality" a5 in the Appendix D. 272. The Ligament Efficiency of Drum Shel1s shall Comply with Reg. 215. 273. Longitudinal Stress- Notwithstanding the working pressure as calculated by equation 72, the 出ic挝\ess of drum or cylindrical header shells sha1l be such 由at in no case does the longitud如al stress resul出w from the combination of stress arising from intemal steam pressure,也e self-weight of the drum òr head时 and its contents and all extemally applied loads, exceed 由.e permissible working stress corresponding to the working metal temperature as prescribed in Re思主lation 271. (a) The maximum direct longitudinal stress due to the internal steam pressure acting on the drum ends shall be calculated as fo l1ows : fd = PIY 一一一一 1.273A Eqn. (72a) where, fd = Maximum direct longitudinal stress in poun也 per square inch, M 嚣 Me+Mw Eqn. (72b) τhe bending movement due to the eccentricity of end pressure shall be calculated as follows: M= - PIY 1.273 EQn. (72c) where, M = Resultant bending moment due to eccentricity in pound inches, P= 民sign pressure in pounds per square inch, D = Intemal diameter of drùm or header in inches, E = Eccentricity of 出e nett cross-sectiol1 i.e. , the distance from the neutral axis of the ne役, section to the drum or header axis in inches. τhe bend加g moment (Mw) due to extemally applied loads shall be calculated by trea出\g the drum or header as a beam carrying the externally applied loads, including the self捕weight of the drum or header and its contents under working conditions. (c)τhe stress due to bending shal1 be calculated as follows: MrY Eqn. (72d) fd = 一一-­ Ia where, fd = Stress due to bending in po出ldsp时吨uare inch, M = Resultant bending moment at 出.e section inpo出ld噜inches, Y 缸 Distance from the neutral axis of the nett cross-section to the extreme fibre of the drum of header shell in inches, 1 = Moment of inertia of the nett cross啕section takenßbout its neutral axis in (inches'斗. The resultant longitudinal stress is the algebraic sum of the stresse骂 given under (时 and (c). Ind衍n 98 (d) In calculatingthe longìtudinal stre黯 due to bend恤.g in a drum supported at or near i始刨出 and connected 如 a lower drum by a bank of tub创 (so arranged 制 to form subst栩如Is忧uts between 由e drums) the value of 位lemomentof ine甜a la used in the formula in sub-regulatìon ωshall be:… MOìn四t of ine鼠a ofupper drum (Ia) plus a proportìon 柿。f 位\e moment of ine捕aoflower dru黯{问. §斗是 际网 where, Boiler Regulations by 出e internal steam pr部sure and suppo民:ed load窑,由ema地mum resultant s往回s d,创!s thosecaused not exceed the pem白siblewor挝ng 柑瑞sat 位lewor.单ng meta1 tempera饥l1'e. E部DPLAT黯S 275. Shape of Dished 也dPl挝令…When the end plate is dished to semìel1ip嚣。dial, partials萝herical or hemìspherica1 fo~ it shall comply with 也.e following: (see Fi萨res 23A, 23B and 23C); (a) hemispherical heads without limìtatìon; (b) e在ptica1 heads 嚣ufficiently dished so that α 机\e angle in degre锦 between 街怠 vertìcal and 也e line jo拙ing 也.ecen校es of the upper and (c) partial spherical heads satisfyíng all the following r叫叫remen始: nδ 274. Interm.ediate Boi1er Drum Suppor如-Whe黯 a boiler drum is suppo:此ed at Int,就mediate points in. its h供 at a distance greater 航an one internal dia黯栩 如黯役\e 船d of the parallel 步。必∞ of the drum she苔, the shell shall be thic挝黯.edl创ally 始也e 嚣uppo悔。芷 50 desi伊始也at when 位e local stress set up by the 销"。由单位\e drum shell are added, algebraically to D In the forego ing, unless otherwìse agreed the t臼m 咆缸\k of tubes" shall be defined asωnsis耐\g of four or more rows of tubes extending over at least three quar始rsof the drum length between supports, and pitched longitudinally at not greater than an average pitch of four tube diameters. … Jh 〉­ moment of inertìa of the upper drum (lb). 中唱且 URH 自…→』牛斗一一自d "be-taken- as.础。附一由an .t.33斗im倒也e 一 J 句 r 注 0.10 町 DO lower drums. Where a is equal to or greater 也an 15thi S shall be ta加n 制 O. In no ca回 shall the actual value of Ia used in Equatìon H ;æ: 0.20; A value of R < 1.20 is pem也ed for ends in which 位将 捂住o H/O fa 11s between 0.1ι-0.2. In accordance wÌ'也 Figur辑部A, 23B and 23C,一 D 嚣 outside diame位e of the head; E 嚣 height of the head m销部red on i蚀。1.1tside surfô必 from the junction of the d i.c;héd part with 也e cylindrical she11i R = inside radius of 也e spl回到ca1 part of partial spherical h怠ad章; r = inside 挝\uckle radius of p就tial spherica1 heads. p FIG. 23A - ELLl PTICAL HEAD FIG.23B … TORl SPHERlCAL HEAD FIG. 23B … HEAD WITH MANHOLE {囚liptical or Torispherical) ~ D FIG.23E … OPENING IN HEADS FIG. 23F - RE!N室。 RC应DOP应NING Indian Boiler Regulations 99 4.0 3.5 • X 飞 |\ 3.0 川、 为飞 !\DRU始IEAD WITHUNR黯础。阳。。因NINGS |飞 ~ 户、 、 飞 2.5 飞 间 、 ~ 飞 、 "ohu〈比 \ i\ 、.‘ X i\ 町、 W F ME〈击的 2.0 户、 民 问 l\ -、 飞 h 1二、 r-- 飞 、 飞 p、 ~ 1.0 (e/D, 撼。.02 • Ada 『、 自 !飞 F、 y y 问民 1、 、 、 e/D, 篇 0.04 " \ ~、 胃、 产、 喃崎. . 蜻h 问 性同 1Jl青 tl j2l F 户 J丘ö.=l咂 崎峭. . ...... ~ 明、 『啕蝴 、、 i"'o. A=O.5曾 曹、 PLAIN DRUM HEAD 在2 同 问 民 |飞 0.1 忡 刑、 飞凰 G r- ...... h、 ~ 他 在5 F \ k PLA别 DRUM.犯AD A=4 F、 产、 |\ k I ♂且ZL-I R |、 1.5 「、.、 p、 0.3 DEPTH RATIO 0.4 在5 在 /D FIG. 23D - GRAPH OF SHAPE FACI'OR K FOR DISHED HEADS 同 F国 Indùm Boiler Regulations 1∞ 276. General- The 也ickr耀ss i spec泛ied in equation 74 of Regu1a tion 278 is the.thickness of the endplate In addition,也e fo l1owing conditions shal1 be 锦tisfied: a负ermam且facture and is applicable over the whole of 由eendplateup如位飞.e point where, for ends 01 pa副ally T :s 0.1 p spherical shape,位\e dishing t'adius j。如s the comer radius; from 也is joint a gradual 也inning is permissib1e 叩to maximum of 10per c!剧。f 阳也ickr础s1 at 趾 pointwhere 位\eωmer radius jo阳胁 straightportioI\ of flanged end plate. A simi1ar gradual 出inning is permissible for 创d plates of semi-ellipsoidal shape. T挝spem臼sible redu创on in thickness appli白 a1so to d D The same and the same curves apply for cut in the plate of the head as wel1 as to 曲。据 which are flanged inwards. In the latter case, the radius r' of theflanging (see Figure 23C) should not be smal1er than 25mm (1 inch). The thickness of 也e flanged pOf锐,on may be' smal1er than the calculated 也ickness T. 也eflangefor 鼠emanhole01陆留\g.lnnoca饵,h()wever, Unreinforced openings and flanged-in openings in dished heads shal1 be arranged 刨出at 役\e distance from 价\e edgeof theh制?坦白It les主白白雪FEhm 些 277. Dished ertd wi也 opening如) ~…一 十十叩一→一岱一、叩~← 一←叶←一叫 w φ 俗…十卢一 甲…一-一→÷一一…‘←‘←←←一 川 ωndition o阳也gss加ply when the end plate is butt welded to the drum shel1, shall the thicknessoftheedge ofthe flange for conn侨总∞ to the shel1 be 1,硝S 也翻出e 也icknessof an unpierced sean让础s shel1 of the same diameter and material, detetnûned by equation 72. 卢{仙~十~俨←←~…⑤ ωe :s 0.5 - ←Figure23E:- …一 Heads withoper由喝一 (斗 Holes cutin the heads (manholes ortube holes) should be round or elliptical (就) Smal1 size op创也gs cOII\plying with conditions of sub-regulaHon (c) dOI飞ot require any additional 刷.ckn棚。,f head or reinforcement of op目出\g. (c) Small openings which do not require any re部forcem四t- Figure (iii) Large size openingsrequire an increase in thickness ofthe.head , according to subregu1甜。n(胁。,r a reinforcement of 胁。p部也\g according to sub-regu1ation (d). (b) Shape faetor K for heads wi血 large unre胆forced op创由\g萨-在怒放\é\þe factorK to be u腿dincalCula出咱 也e D一部 thickness of heads varies depå1di吨。!ll the height of the head Hand on 也.e dimensions of 位\e large悦 。p自由\g.η\e v,a lue of K is indicated in Figure 23口, by me町lS of curves, each of which corresponds to a value of the ratio-一 where, ca槌s tbe width of the band separating two adjacent oper也gs should, in pr咛ection, be at least equa1 to 伽edi础\eter of the sma11臼t opening 部位朋咽 in Figure 23& In a11 d 宿 diameter of the largest opening in the head (in 也.e case of an elliptical 叩创世\g,也e larger diameter of 也e ellipse); D = outside diameter of 设\e head; and T 据 min惊1山n 坟ùckræss. after dishing. 23D indicates 也础, for a given factor K of a p!a拙 head corr四pondsto a certain value of 也.e ratio, ratio of 吕/D; 出eshape d-G Piercingof h:oles~ith a. di~eter smaller 由anorequal to 份\at which corresponds to 出is value can 位us be made without any re总forcement in a head,也e 注ùckness of which is equal to 由e minimum required for a plain head. , Theposi钱。n wi航出.e of those op四ings sha11 however comply conditions stated in sub-re伊lation (b). (d) Reinforcement of large opening任…Lar军eholesmay be cut without increasing 也e 位出kness of 也e head. provided 也ey are suffiden句 r础úorced. 古\e re坦forcement may consist either of a welded nozzle or ∞.e or two reinforcing welded plates, ør of a combinationof these 生wo procedures. Indian Boiler Re宫ulations 101 To determine the strength of the construction, one shal1 proceed as follows (see Fi思主re 23F): Let the imaginary diameter d' of 也e opening be given by the formula 278. End. plate subject to pressure on the concave sid令叩 P捻hed ends subjec惚d 怡 pressureon 也econcave side shall be determined by the following formu1a: d害黯 d 甲 A 2f (T-C) W.P.= -…-…-一 OK T where, where, d = actual diameter of 也e opening in the head (outside diameter of the nozzle); T= m如挝飞回n 也ic挝less of the head; and A = effective cross精secti∞ of reinfo妃ement. area A corresponds, within 也e given below, with the actual cross-section of the re坦forcing p 1ates andwith the cro幽­ section of 岳飞e nozzle' decreased by the crosssec创on neces翻ry to support the pressure, for those parts of the nozzle situated outside the internal surface of the head. 白白 effective L抽ûts The shape factor K'can 践相 be read from Figure m ∞rresponding to the ratio 合 币le maximum 1imits for the area of reinforce幽 ment that should be taken into account are (a) L1嚣程赶 for位\ewid啦。.fa re坦forcing p 1ate; 如)口二...JdTt for the leng位飞 of a nozzle τ= Minimum 出.ckn部Si P = Maximum working pressure, Designprl部sure; D 嚣Outside f= diameter; Permissible 仰'ess; K = Shape factor as defined in sub号'egul甜on (a) of regulation 277 and Figure 230; and C =an additive 也ickness 叫ual to 0.75 The minimum head less than 5 mm. 位ûckness m黯 should not, however be 'STANDPIPES AND NOZZLES' 279. 但) Standpipes and Nozzles Welded to ShellWhere standpipes or nozzles are secured by welding, ad吨uate compensation for the hole cut shall be provided. Comper糊tion shall be considered adequate when 也e 5ectional area 'X' to be comp创lSatedm础sured through the axis of the shell is less than the compensating area 吁, given in Figure 25-B. where, R 嚣 intemal radius of the spherical part 。f the head (or for elliptical heads 由e intemal radius ofαlI'Va机11"e of 出e meridianat 部榈树 of 舱。附ûng). Tt = actual thic挝1锦s of 白e nozzle, L1 and L2 = dimensions given in Figure 23F 在\e posi位∞ of the outer edges of 血e re:恤forcem相t shal1 comply with the provisions of sub-regulation (b) and Figure 23E. In cases where the allowable stre路。f a part of 出怠 reinforcement is lower than that of the head, the correspond趴在 ar恼 A should be multiplied by the ratio; allowable stre弱。f 出.e reinforcement m的erial allowable stress of the head material 。!FDRmr-- C1 D白宫 R如UNEDBY 军,QUATION (72) COMPENSATION FOR WELD雀D STANDPIPES FIG.25-8 lndian Boiler Regulations 102 Sectional area X 嚣 (dnx f毒嚣 the e.) pennissible stress for 也ernaterial of. the 或飞磁 at 仕\e workin在 metal tempera始rei Sectiortal area Y = h • 2(tnmeJ b x7+2tn x b xt+20 1S 1S h 嚣 the p配rrussible stress for the material of 也e standpipe or nozzle at the working metal es) C1 + C2 temper.始ue. where 也\ = intemal diameter of 自e standpipe or nozzlei ts= 剖阳al 出ickness In case where 吁, is 1臼S 在邸 'X' a compensating plate shall be fitted to the shell at 也.e standpipe and seαued by 陋的 welds 邸 in figure 25-B. 01 shell; tn = actual 也ickness of st忽略pipe or ñozzlei 础坦 equivalent 位ûì::kness of shell i息,也ickne蹄。fa of 如ûlar materia1 unpierced by tube holes and is designed for the same conditions of pressureand temperatUtê'-都自e 由ell in questi∞; seaml臼sshell m 嚣 e伊ivalent 也icknessof 出e standpipe calculated sm训arly as for e plus any 也ickness if required 十如割掉m归野到怜用all()~çl ∞曲~J~tADgpipe of nozzle: b 嚣 theleast of 也e values of 2.5 位执硝句 2.5 议m部怯; or if 出e lengthof 也.e st~dpipe or nozzle. outside 例 如sidethe 由ell i嚣 1部S 佳丽n 由is value: 'b' shall be 1imited to 也.e actuallength in 做出 The area of cross帽钳ction of 位e compen踊ti∞ plate shall be govemed by the ratio between the permissible stre雷s at the working rr隐taltemperaturefor 役\e materia1s of 由e shell and thecompensa出19 plate. (b) Standpipe .and Nozzles Welded to Dîshed 览nd Plate萨-Whe指出e standpipe or nozzles are welded to , …制led-enâp闹届J郁。面:pi刷刷on延\ã1lõ刷刷幅画 adeqt1ate if calculated ∞自e same basis as in 但)above. But the cross-sectional area of the end. plate to be C储机翻翻d shall be calculated on 也,e basis of equa钱。n 74and 也e height of standpipe. above the outer surface on within 泣\e .inner surface of the end plate shall be 黯辅sured along 自e radial line passing 也rough 也e centre of 由e openin革· case. c3路也,e ag尊重'egate cross-钝捕。!nal. area. of 白,e fillet weldsi Cl = ts + 76 mm (3 in.) or dn /2, whichever isgreateri The minimum bodyof standpipes shall be in accordance with tb马 table under Regulation (c) Minîmum 机ûckness of Flang臼- 也ickn槌s of 由e flang崎 and 出.e I事6. F1G.23 Ind Íll n Boiler Regulations 103 280. Attachment of Stand Blocks and Branch Pipes by Welding- (a) Typical methods of attachm肌t are shown in Figures :… 24A, 24B, 24C, 240, 26A, 26B, 26<二, 260, 26班, 27A, 27B, 27Cand27D. A11 weld dimensions shown shall be regarded as the groov部 refer to the actual preparation for welding. 飞嚣 Spec出.ed 也ickness of standpipe or branch pipe. 飞= Sp豁出ed thickness of drum or header she11 时 standpipe or branch ∞阳时锐.on. 飞= Actual 在ickness of com树脂硝吨加莓, m部挝\umd挝\ensions 约\0随 defining 在eapplica生ionofc怨言安放nof 钱机根怒饺uc位ons 盗.ustra始d maybe 险ni始d by 倔强idera钱。n of de嚣ign P摆脱re andt础perature or size 加 combina忍耐部峰 al注10Ugh certain dimensions are considered 创\ its merit富. given,制ch case must be Other methods may be adop惚d S11坷ect to a萨eemi辅t Inspecting Authority and manufacturer事 between 出e (b) Electrod部 sha11 comply l~r wi白血ere伊irements of Regulations 94 to 98 (Covered Electrodes for Metal Arè Welding). (c) Not less 由an two runs of metal sha11 be deposited at each weld. Each run of weld metal sha11 be thorough1y deaned and freed from slag before the next run is deposited. In the case of water tube boiler or boilers fitted with super heater, the feed water connection and stop valve need not be sheet off and 证也.e total valve area is lif惚d and found to be adequate by cakulations, the re哇uirement of the accumulation test may be assumed ' to have been satisfied 迁出e valves area or have been found 50 adjusted 也at at least one safety valve on each boiler sha11 1迂t at or below the designed working 严部sure o f. the boiler and a11 valves 也必时tso 曲的 are 磁&思 which can be genera始d by the boiler can be discharged with a pressure 对se not exceedin革 10 per C但t of the designed wor挝n事 pressure. (d) The 位瑞拉lish of the weld shall be such 钱怠tchange of section &0黯 drum to standpipe, or &om flan伊始 standpipe is gradual and &部 from sharp no始tes.After completion of welding (except in the 锦锦 ofsealweld约 the drum shall be 5饺岛事-relieved by heat trea挝\ent. 20。 如r暗 Bore 1~r 翩 翩 h=maxx t!人 翩 嗣.--酬帽- ZEEl--EEEV ,~~ ~k~P::c': 副队 也e less < ¥/ WELDED IN STAND PlPE OR BRANCH FOR STANDPIP意S AND BRANCHI器 UPTOAND INCLUDING 4 IN. BORE FIG.24A WELDED TO STANDP段意 ORB这ANαIOF UPTO ANY AND INCLUDING 41N. BORE BRANO坦S 芽IG. 主是B lndian Boiler Regulations 104 以)1怪 • iiLUrr 11/2 泣 OBSTRUCTION IN ORDER TO GnffiCONVENæNT ACCE$ FORWELDING butnot _ . l牵串串队an 吨 7/16 肌 "‘AV酬酬 ,酬-- --楠 ZZEtAEE- 翩 -F 翩 则 eir'γLt -AW-- CLEAR 京LANGEOFB汉ANCH PIPEORANYOη西R 踪一 Bore of branch not grea回航船 half inner radius of header. J 量。 1m撞ximum of 3 inchei…飞 20 DEG. APPROX η-ns LINE SHOULD A如fPLY -跚争斗协 勇XDaMedor 挺rew辑d para1lelpipe thread w~th vani然也ig threads of "taper" pip程 thread Aheaderbr矗ncheø. Welding accesøible 伽m outside only. Maximum design pressure 4501b./sq. in. Maximum d毒草ign 怡Zψe置在ture 5SoP. Applicabl告 to 也ecircular 部ctionof加aders with above limiting size 过 br~盟h到旦旦回到盟.9Lhe.ade段~ …百丽品市画面们国 ofbranch. WELD革D IN STANDPlPE OR BRANCH WITH COMPENSATING RING FOR STANDPlPES OR BRANCH蓝S UPTO AND INCLUDING 4 IN. BORE Note: 贺\ÌS type of weld is not re∞mmended where the insid嚣。fthe header is acc邸幅ble for welding. FlG.26A FlG.2垂C η1汩汩\e必ould amply cle矗rflan萨。fbranch pipesor 矗nyo位.eiob量役时世侃fu. ord曹ir to giveconven阳\t access for welding 以及归 h睡眼献 1-1/2 .翩翩嘈刷静 tnor 1-1 月 in (whi也­ everis the 1喇 min.= 飞 wf犯腿岱组成嚣1S I陆UFPIα草NTTHICI<N脂 但OPROVIDB 岱稳掘N阳UMLI的CTHOP 贸部EAD) '"四英格雷UILTUPOPW军LDMETAL 如f.A'Y BE ADDED NO甜NALBO醋。'P PlP嚣很,) Iτ'OTAL LENGTH OPη然呈AD 阴lN)(T) 时 IN 1 1/2ar旨主 1 1/ 4 1-m-M-M 1 3/4 WELDED IN STANDPIPE OR BRANO王 WITH COMPENSATING 'RING FOR STANDP娃'ESAND BRANCH军S UFI'O AND INCLUDING 4 I1'也 BORE PIG. 梢。 1/3 矗ndbelow SCREW在D AND OZAL WELDED CONNECTION FlG.26B 105 lndian Boiler Regûlations MWE如S 草』 OM由guum wmghgcugB SS 苦。 苦斟 50.邸 '噜 !itl 气! CN 。 55 程军耐居caH$0KEto 同 kc Fn HM亏 m。 M母 W缸珩同ad ‘ MW 也也响 帽 暗Z 明』帽U 曲M呻 a肉 u同 g hA 旧。耻 Amount of branch body removed by machinings must be sufficìent to removebo忱。m portion of weld INrj蛐 WELDED IN STANDPIP监 OR BRANCH WITH COMPANSATING RING FIG.26C τHIS UNE SHOULD AMPLYCL在AR FLANGEOF 1飞i 咖- 50.姐一忡! BRANCHPIP部 OR ANY Dn部R 。即TRU口10N 肘 。武DERτOGIVE CONV寂N部NT ACCESS 民JR -一-一帽一嗣」 BRANCHWELD嚣。 ON 日军ADER WITH INN在RUSTMACI击剖应 盯G.27A WELDING AU m明 嗨 白uw HDO MM :1 飞 4 。骂起时 hh嗣 M向民始出远〈 HVE?mSZM凶 U〉Sm 识 ga 哩。吕窍。后以叫"ku耶。 哩。豁出丹阳 强国 -ab〉注〈M U 出υZ〈疆地。使肖建区连同 划法叫"功mp hd弘翠〈OHDOgm • IN STANDPIPE OR BRANC辛苦 wll FIG.2.番。… WELDED i Part longitudinal section through ;he矗der &: branch "一'一-一..-J FIG.2毒草棚- WELDED IN STANDPIPE OR BRANCH FIG.278 Indian Boiler Regulations 106 A steam stop valvei A feed check valve; One feed apparatus: When 自ehea由\g surface exceeds 2∞ squarefeet…twoindep回dentf锦d apparatus, each such apparatus shall have a capacity of not less 出an 也.e max凶lumωn由\UoUS rating of the boiler. (For b。如指 in ba伪ery see Regulation 3在6剖, and A blow-down cock or valve; FIG.27C - UNREINFORCED BRANCHES INACCESSIBLE FOR WELDl NG INSIDE SHEL队 民主sible plugs as provided under Regulation 331; An attachment for Inspector'stest gauge; A manhole, where size and cons妇二ct::.on permit, and such mudholes or sight holes as are necessary for effectively cleaning the boi1er. In the case of boilers fi忱ed with integral superheaters, an 出e additi破\81 safety valve shall be fitted at the end of superheaters out1et header. In thecase-of-Ðoilel1器 with-nofixeè.-steam-船d将椒褂ne, FIG. 27D - UNREINFORCED BRANCHES INACCESSIBLE FOR WELDl NG INSIDE SHELL Notes-唰…The branch must be loose fit in the hole but the gap at any.point, should not 础:ceed 3 m屈就钮n whichever is less. Weld sizes BI + FI 掘 1.5en F. should not exceed 16 mm not be 1脚也跟础/2. Weld size B 令 F 嚣 1.5en minimum or 1.5es minimum, whichever is less. F should not exceed 16 mm nor be less than en/2. en =thickness of nozzle. es =thickn倒s of shell. VALVES, GAt1GES AND A t1X1 LIARIES 2脱.ltRequisite Moun加串串, Fittings and Auxiliar怡s-­ provi过ed at least with 佳丽 fol1owing:一 Two 侧向 valves, one of which may be a high 搬m and low water type safety valve. In no case should the bore of 也e 钝at of the valve be less 也an 19 mm (3/4"). Two means of indica'位\g the w时er level: A Ste部n pressure gauge; Two independ础t feed apparatus mean feed apparatus to which power is supplied fro.黯 two independent sources or from a main or ma坦s to whichtwo sources of 事eneration are connected or from a common st础m main feed by two or more active boilers or, a ωmbinati∞ of any of 出e above.. case of a single 'boi1er of the Shel1 type and not connected in a batte可 with other boilers, the heating surface 01 which does not exceed 102/ 2 (1 : 100 sq. f t.) two independent source of power supply to the two feed apparatus will not be necessary. In出e In the case of m如汩汩re boilers c侃lingunder α'lapter C技APTE:斌 VI Every boilershall be 也.e fi娼ng of such accessories 出at are manifestly not needed or used, such as water gauges, water columns and gauge cock手, may notbe 恼isted upon. XIV the Steam pressure gauge may be connec惚d tOthe steam space or to a steam connection to 出.e w程ter ∞lumn by a syphon tube or equivalent device 也atwill keep the gauge tube 伍lled wi出 water. If brassorbronze compositi.∞ is used the minimum size of 出.e syph∞ tube shal1 be 6 黯乱(;4怕.) standard pipe size; for other materials the 泣如1讪1山n inside diameter of the pipe or tube shall be 13 mm. (1h in.) In the case of automatic or 锦mi-automatic oil.fired or gas收回 boilers, low water alarms may be fitted in preference to fusible plugs provided such boilers are "Note: It is re∞mmendedthat in La ncashire and Comish Boiler宙 one of the safety valves should be of a high s始amandlow water type. In water Tube and Horizontal M叫ti-tubular Boilers, a low wa棚, alartll directly 。如rated by steam should be fi忧ed. Rarns-bo忱。m type safety valves consis出\g of two valv部 and w!th ,-spring and lever in common may be considered as two safety valves for the p出po据 of this Regulation. 如 theca辅 of Marine Type boilers low wat窑r alarm may be fitt曹d in pIace of a fusible plug. 107 lndian Boiler Regulations the boilers should there be a fa i1ure of electricity supply to water level and/or firing con衍01 equipmen t. All electrical conductors and equipment in cOIU\ection with water level and fir怕在 controls shall be of adequate size and shall be properly insulated and protected against danger induding adequate protection againstthe ingress of moisture and the effects of high temperature. equipped with automatic tripping device to discoru飞配 t fuel supply and to start the feed pump simultaneously in the event of low water in the boilers. 281A. Additional Requirements for Automatic: Boilers only一 (1) General- Every boiler which is provided with the appropriate water level and/or firing control, to allow for automatic working, shall comply with the following requirements : (a) In the event of failure of 川tomatic control, boiler sha l1 be capable of being brought under immediate manual control. (b) In those cases where the control and alarm devices are housed in chambers extemal to the boiler, the following shall apply: 。在飞e boil时 sh瑞 have provision m硝e for steam and wat销售 COIU\ections of the chambers from the boilers. Such isola出\g valves 拉法延民 capable of being locked in 位台 open pos撼。n and should prefe主ablybeof 也.e parallel slide type but if screw down stop valves are fit饭d,出.oseon t!. le water cOIU\ection shall bemounted with the spindle horizontal to avoid the pos玲 bi1i守 of an air lock. The steam and l \ ater COIU\ections of 也e chan飞bers shall be not less than25 放un bore. In those cases where sequencing control water valves are fitted , the steam isolating valve may be omitted; isola位Z唱 the (ii) The boiler shall have means provided to test the operation of the control or alarm and to blow through separately the water cOIU\ection and the chamber to prevent the accumulation of deposits. The means provided for flowing through shal1 be sequencing valves or equivalent devices so arranged that the water cOIU\ection to the boiler CaIU\ot be shl.l t off unless the drain cOIU\ections to 位e chamber is openi boi1er shall have a drain system fro:血 the chambers which provides a visual 如dication of flow. Tundishes of adequate size, placed 始 a prominent pos挝.on shall be used wherever practicable. (d) Where the evaporating capacity of the boiler is greater than 37∞ Kg/h, it shall have automatic water level alarms and firing controls and can be tested regularly without altering the level of water in the boi1er. The water level alarms may be incorporated in the automatic ∞时rolsystem. With a perceptable water level which are arranged for automatic working and not intended for continuous supervis: ::>0 shall be provided with an entirely independent and separately operated over-I划ing control in addition to the water level and firi吨 control speci在.ed in da\王军es 仰 and (3). The over-riding control shall comply with the following requirements : (i) Cut off fuel supply to 也.e bumers Ot the f缸 1毡lel and 位 a i让 r 辜销 uppl悖 y t<始 os 印 必狂旧 O df缸飞 üe 捕硝 .els 仗to 怵 挝 k 磁rand e 。per 阻 at,怡 ea 船 n 刽拙ldibl沁 e ala 栩 n宫泯1 ¥w 咐'lh飞部 生出 he water in 泣也\ebo 必 过 ile 臼r falls , tο 始 apre 协附 e-det饺 栩 e n 宫n 剧1吆 Ù泣 附 In 附飞惚 创 e level 坠 d low wat,沁:er lev咄el与; (ii) Be of the lock,翩。ut type and so arranged 出at control or its electrical c让ωithas to be manually reset before the boi1er can be brought back into operationi (iii) Be provided with its own entirely independent electrical control circuit. (e) Where mounted externally to the boiler, the overriding control shall(i) be provided with its ownchamber; (ii) comply with the requirements of dause (b). 夺时 The (c) Where the boiler is provided wi在 electrical equipment for water level and firing control, it shall have 出is 吨uipment so desi萨.ed 也atany faultin 白ec让cuits caused bo也 in the fuel and air supply the boiler to be automatically 由ut off. Positive mearu吨 requi约ng manual resetting shall be provided to cut off the fuel and air supplies to (2) Automati c: Wat盯 Level Control-…. Automatic water level controls shall be as follows :… (a) float or displacer operatedi or (b) operated by el挝trical probe or thermostat; or (c) operated by 0也经r approved pr如ciple subject to satisfaction of 泣\e Inspec位\gAu位.ority. The control e哇哇pment shall regulate the f销合water supply to 也.e boiler in order to maintain effectively the level of water in 出e boi1er between predetermined 迦nits. Indian Boiler Regulations 1锦 (3) AutomaticFiring Controla-", ψAutomatic firing (iv) Faüure of forced or induced draught fans or any automatic flue d am.per. con蚀。lsshallcom内rwith 也.ecombusti∞ equipmer嘘一 (v) Increase in fumace pressure to a predetermined valve. (呻 At all funes they sha11 control eff.创v均由e supply of fuel and air to the following requirement章, Note- The above provisions do not apply to through iorced cirα.t1ation boiler. 创刊ey sha11 shut off 也.e fuel supply to 也ebumer嚣 or 自.efuelanda坟 supply to the stoker under the GENERAL REQUIREM军NTS fo11owing conditions:… (i) Flame faüureor püotflam.e failure in 也e cases of gas, oij or pulverised 如el fired bo远.ers. 古lÎS control sha11 be of 白elockout 可pe req'凶red to be manua11y re钝t; {益.) Fa运ure to i萨ite 佳\e fuel at 也e 282. Mat键ials, Temperature and Pressure Limits… (的 Materials一岱\emati缸ialsusedin 也.e manufactu黯 of. the bodi辅 of the fi割ngs sha11 comply wi白白e fo11owing 挺q国rements :一 。 Steel castings sha稳 comply bumer with 28 t∞S 萨adeI 锦e Re伊lations 73ω80. wi血ina pre-de怡m由\ed time.ηlecontrol sha廷 be oncφ (植.) of the lock咱就守pe required to be m础ua11y rese与 ……二…一一…于民一~一…一一一~…~ ……一…一……-"'"一一二 Steel forgings shaUcomply with Regulations 81 to 85. (盼Iron cas自\g 应a11 complywith 也e Regula钱。m {副)W缸怠n 位\e water level in aboüer with a perceptable water level falls below. a predet铠宫由\ed safe level. Theαmtrol shall a1so cause an audible alarm to 10m世. 86 to 93. (iv) BronZe cas位\gs sha11 comply with the fo11ow部g requirements, namely : Chemical conψωition GTi似teA Grade B Tin 5.5 to 8.0% 4 to 6% Lead 1.0 靠03.00/0 4 to 6% Zinc 3.0 to 6.0% 4 to 6% 0.50% 读alance 0.50% Balance 22 Kg/mm:主 (14 tons/sq. in.) 20.5 白烟时 (13-tons/吨.i叫 8% Total oi all elements other 位W\ those set out above and exduding Copper and incid栩栩1 Nickel Copper plus incidenta1 Nickel Ph严i姐1 Properti黯 U1tim矗te 棚\sile S桐n供 Elongation per 锦ntminimum SandC部t (辄就 on) S叙tdωs生 (sep毒rately 锦州 The 臼iats 挝、d discI of va1v四 non-corrodible meta1气 on standard test pie饵 C. u1总mate tensile 23 Kg/mm2 S忧'en阱1 (14.5 tons/sq. in.) 15% 20.5 Kg/mm2 (13 tons/略 in.) Elongation percent m抽烟.um ∞ standard test piece C 12% 15% sha11 be made of (c) Valves exceeding 21 mm nominal bore which ∞ are connected dire呻如岱\ebo姐e也 (b) Limits of Cast lron- Cast Iron sha11 not be used for:- (d) Wedge or double disc gate valves which are connected d坟前tly to 也.eboüer. (v) {苟 Temperatures above 220oC. {b) Pressure exceedi吨 13b黯 gauge. • Bynon-corr时ible metallø meantψ创iaUyR揭抵制tωCorr树,ion andl创 eroaion. {的 Boüer blow down fittings. 军咿lanatio徐-岱\e 也e expression connec始d di恕ctly to boüers covers and v a1ve which c创mot itself be i嚣。lated from 出eboüer. 109 lndian Boiler Regulations Not e- Spheroìdal ìron may be used for tempera部re not exceeding 282 0 C 在nd pressure not exceeding 17.58 Kg/ cm2 provided it complìes with the following requìrements ìn respect of the physìcal proper出s. (a) 0.2% proof stre部 250 Kg/mm 2• (b) minimum elongation percent-12. (c) Limits of Copper Al1oy- Copper iilloy shall not be used for tempera如res above 225 0 where the valves are connected directly to the boiler. In the case of valves not connected directly to the boUer 出is temperature limitation may be increased to 2600 C. connected to boilers shall be fitted with indicators to show clearly whether the valve is c10sed or open and all valves sha旦 open by anti-c1ockwise rotation. 287. Moving Parls-τhe valves and spindles shall be efficient1y guided and means shall be provided in every case to prevent 白em leaving their guides.τheworking parts shall have sufficient c1 earance to ensure freedom of movement under all conditions of service. 288. 凹anges一 (a) Flanges shall be in ac∞rdance with the tables for the appropriate pressure (Appendix E). dr诅ing, thickness and bolting of inlet flanges shall be in accordance with tables for the appropriate pressure and material and for thediameter of flange adopted. In the case of outlet flanges the pressure taken shall be 也e pressure on 也e outlet side of the valve. (b) In the case of safety valves the M主THOD OF CONSTRUCTION 283. Castings…(的 Allcas出gs shall be smooth, sound and free from flaws or other injurious defects. Variations 抬出ickness at any part shall be gradual and substantial fillets shall be provided. (b) The body of a boUer mounting shall be connected to the boiler flange by <!: .strong and stiff neck. In no case sha泣也e 也比如\ess of the neck of bronze mour飞出1.gbe less than 3/16 inch for sizes upto and inc1uding 3/4 inch bore or 1/4 inch for sizes over 3/4 inch bore. 284. Packing of Cock萨-τhe bodies of all cocks except tho盹 for pressure gauges shall be packed with a命部tos oro出er heat resisting material and shall be of substantial design, those over one inch bore shall have special provision, other than the gland for securing 血e plug. Water gauge colurnn cocks may be either asbestos packed or solid plug type. 285.Cove路 and Spindles…,(的 Valves of 1* inch bore over directly connected to boilers, and other valves of 2* inch bore and over where fitted with a cover shall have such cover secured by bolts or s阳也 and the screwed portion of the spindle shall be outside the stuffing box. All valves for superheated steam shall be fitted with an extemal screwed spindle. 扭d (b) Where the covers of valves are secured by studs 由all be screwed into the body with full 位1.read for a stud holes sha挂 not peI础rate into 由.e pressure space of any çasting. leng出 of at least one diameter. 世1.e (c) Valves wi注1. screwed covers shall be fitted with suitable locking device to prevent rotation of 出.ecover看 286. Direction of Operation- Valves shall be clearly marked to indicate 也e direction of flow. Valves directly (c) Porthe pu呼。seofdetem由ìingpartiαùars of flanges for blow down and scum pipe fittings , the design pressure of the fittings shall be assumed to be working pressure of the boiler. (d) All flanges shall be machined on the face , spot. faced, or machined at the back, and the bolt holes shall be dri1led. 289. Valve Seatings- Where separate seats are fitted they shall be efficiently secured. Means shall be provided in every case to prevent the valves leaving 出.eir guides. 290. Chests etc. in General一{的 All chests and fit由1伊 拉all be smooth, sound and free from flaws , cracks or to other injurious defects. After completion, the chests shall be tested hydraulically at 也.e manufacturing works to at least twice the working pressure of the boiler for which 出.ey are intended. Hydraulic test shall be made with water which may contain acorrosion inhibiter, with kerosene or with other suitable liquid provided its viscosity is not greater than that of water at a test temperatu把 not above 520 C. '白) Valves 凯ay be fabricated from seamless steel pipes of pressures not exceeding 250 pounds per square inch and temperatures not exceeding 80Q P. 世1.e welding should conform to Regulation 125 ar.d valve chest shouldbes饷臼 relieved after fabrication. Valves meant for use in pipe work 凯ay also be fabricated by welding from seamless steel pipes but no restriction as above o lndian Boiler Regulations 110 ψ·· hw zi m (的 f 嚣…… 怠JM !l Et 1.5 飞,, regarding pressure and tempera如reshall 叩plytothem provided the welding complies with 瑞拉e relevent requ泣ements of fusion welding such 部$忧郁s relièving and radio唰graphic inspection of the weld and 位e 坦ked prescribed in Chapter V of these Regulations. (c) f == 5c wher怒, Et M拙加.um value of yield point (0.2 p缸 centpr∞f stress) at temperature t , The working pressure of the chests shall be determ.ined byequ甜on 21 or 91A, whichever is app1icable, where theterm'2 艇'shall be substituted by the term '1. 8 x 5'. (c) Thewor挝吨 pres部扭扭d 部应i巾将那时也.eBronze and Cast Iron Valve chests sha泣如 determ.ined by 出e follow站在 formulae, subject to 白em如加1础我也ickness as specified in regulation 283 (b): Rx(T- C) 4.5 x D W.P.= = P R D T C 出 4.5x W1二 xD R +G Eqn. (76) Eqn. (77) 5c The average stress to produce an elongation (creep) for the grade of steel conccrned of 1 per centin 1∞.α)Q hours at temperatureγ. Formetal C=5 您服1 (d) 世le working pressure and the 啦ickness of the steel valve chests of circular cross-section shall be determ.ined by the following formulae , namely :… Working Pressure == 2f(T 叩C) D 叩 τ+C X 叩U , w 一切 M τ P& p +C …+ … mJJ-- alIowable stress for cast steel shall be 80 per cent determíned 'on th程 above basis. o == the external diameter of the chest, T = the minimum positive tolerance as sp 时 ified hereunder: For cast steel chest C =5 mm For forged or stainless chestC = 2.5. mm ofth在t Not e-Over and above the calculated thick.ness, additional thickness needed for assembly stresses. Valve closing stresses, shapes other than circular and stress concentration shall be provided by the manufacturers to the satisfaction of the In年ecting Authority. (的 The number of valves and fittings which shall be made available to the Inspecting Officer (exduding mechanical tests) shall be as follows :一 引 i{ un JA -uwunuwun4 UGG t2·12·It wnn OOPAmDauu numun mIUSur mdd K1pb1FEpww 10 per cen t. 15% of the number of chests. 绕" J 趴 WHH 才 HU门 d4n 缉M ω da 邓、 山 昌, 布 m 川 three values Sr 1.5 orω- N拙。…The 口 Fortempera切re above 454oC 出e lowest of the following Et 1.5 dd R 2.7 case sc values are not avaiI命le in Ma毛erial Standard and such materials are k.nown to have been used in boiler in Jndi挠 or abroad, then for such materials, the allowable stress may be taken as the lower of N时带… In dmama 1.5 f= $站 沁 h 硝延 b a 怡 eu主s 窍 ed. 只 dm urnufnHH 即 始 t empe 臂ra 鼠 烛 a 鸥 u ¥'e e 与半 ~tt'王b 快 el挝 仰 6 w atιd where f = allowable stress in Kg/mm2 for the material at the working metal temperature 't' to be determined on the basis gìven below : The allowable stress 吁, at or below 454 oC is 仕m low盯 of the following two values : f= 主L 5r τhe average stress for the grade of steel c∞cemed to produce rup饥ue in 100.000 hours. If位\e wid注\of 泣\e scatter band of r部ults obtained when dete搜出也可斟s value exceeds :.t 20 per cent of the average value, then 5R shall be taken as 1.25 位mesthèminimumstress at temperature γto produce rupture in 100.0∞ hours. where, 指出e minimum spec泛ìed tensile 惚船在自 ofthe grade of the material, is the 似temal diameter of 由e che况, is the minimum 仕úckness of the chest, excluding tolerance , and is the minimum positive tolerance as specified hereunder: For Bron忽e Chests C 嚣1.5mm For Cast Iron Chest R Minimum specified tensile streng注\ for the grade of steel concemed at战room temperature, 20% of the number of chests. 100 per cent. 111 Indian Boiler Regulations 叫. " If the Inspecting Au也ority is satisfied 也就吐le manu. fac烛rerh捕时叫uate facilities for tes出gand In年ection of valves intended for 龄rvice pressure exceeding 10.5 kg/cm2 or t叙nperature exceeding 2040 C and actua11y tests 倒也 在投ing at his works,出足Inspec位19Au位\ority may, at his discretion, undertake test on a sample ..,asis. 仰在稳 wor挝R革 plessure and the minimum thickness steel valve ch臼 t of spherical cross se位ion sha11 bede俊rmined by the fo11owing 如rmula, namely of 也.e Workin !Z Pressure = V T= = 4f(T- C) D 叩 0.8 (丁-C) WPxD .....- +C 4f +0.8 WP where, thickness of 出,e chest, D= 出,e extemal diameter of the chest, f = a110wable stress for 仕'le material to be determined on 出,e basis given in c1ause 件) above, C = the 扭扭地'lum positive tolerance as specified hereunder: ForCast S讼el chest C = 5 mm. For forged or stainless steel chestζ 嚣 2.5 黯留\. T= the 践inimum SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS SAFETY V ALVES 291. General- Safety valves, ordinary, high 旧t, and 仙11 挝t, shall be soω部位uct付出at breakage of any part will not obstruct the free and full discharge of steam from the boi1er. 292. (苟 Ordinary Li ft Safety Valv...- A safety valve in w挝ch the valve head lifts 部tomatica丑y a distance of at1e附 .P/24 附在 anover唰pressure not exceeding 10% of the set pressure. There shall not be any mechanica1 stop which would prevent the valve head from being lifted a distance of at least D /8. D is the rr白白numbore of 也e body seat. (b) High Lift Safety Valve- A safe句, valve in which the valve head 挝ts automatica11y a distance of at lest D /1 2 wi出 an over pressure not exceeding 10% of the 能t pressure. There shall not be any mechanical stop which would prevent the valve head from being lifted a distance of at least D /8. D is the minimum bore of the body Seat. •- (c) Ful1 Lift Safety Valv Asafety valve in which the valve head lifts autom甜cally a distance such 位刚出e area of discharge which 1imits 也.e f10w throu拱出e valve is between 100% and 80% of the minllnum area at any section at or below 也.e body seat. This lift is achieved by a rapid opening wi也in an over pressure not exceeding 5% of the set pressure. 293. Minimum Aggregate AreaCapacity of Safety Valves酬阳 (的 Discharged (的 Saturated Steam- The rated discharge capacity of a safety valvewhich dischargessaturated steam shallbecalωlated using the following equation: E气n. E=CAP (78) where, E = is the rated discharged capacity of saturated steam (kg/h.) , p 嚣始出.e highest pressure of any safe可 valve mounted on 注le'boiler (bar absolut时, A = is 役\e area (mm 2) For the ordinary lift and high lift safety valve A is the area of 也.eminimu黯 bore of 吐le body seat. For fulllift safety valve A is the area of discharge described in c1ause (c) of regulation 292 and its valve can on1y be obtained from 出e safety valve manufacturers幡 C is a constant taken from the followi吨 table, appropriate to 也e 可pe of the valve or as 础tablished by tests carried out in accordance wi出 Appendix-L. T'yp e 0/ valve Value 0/ the constant 'C' Ordinary lift High lift Fulllift 0.05 0幡 10 0.24 (b) Superheated Steam- The rated discharge capaci句, of a safety v a1ve which discharges sup就 heated steam shaU be calculated using the following equation :一. Es= ..J E 1 + 2.7 Ts '10000 Eqn. (79) where, Es = is the rated discharge capacity of super heated steam (kg/l 斗, E= is 位'le rated discharge capacity of saturated steam ca1culated using equation (78) (Kg. /h.), Ts 口 is the degr回 of superheat oc. Equation 79 m町 be used to determine the rated discharge capacity of safety valves at upper唰critical s始am pressure. In these cases 出.esa阳ration temperature of 也.e steam shall be taken as 375 0 C. 112 Indian Boiler Regulations of a boiler shal1 be calculated on the basis of evaporation not less than 30 kg/hr 1m 2 of heating surface (exc1usive of superheater and non-st创ming economiser). In the case of Waste Heat Boi1ers , however, when 由e evaporation per square meter of the heating surface is certified by the manufacturers to be less than 30 kg. the 器如挝lUmn山nber ofsafety valves required may be ca1culated on the basis of the ac饥lalmax挝\um evaporaωn of the boi1er. (c) 古leτotal peak load. ev哼oration 294. Over Pressure of Safety Valves-古\e safety valves shall be so designed 位挝也eya忧ain rated discharge capacity with the over pressure not greater 出.an 白at given in regulation 292; provided that 出.e safety valves which have a discharge area less than 80 per cent of the flow area, the over pressure at which 位le design lift is attained shall not exceed 10 per cent of 也e set pressure. 一.--For-safety-valveshaving- dischargearea-80percentof ._-妇 more of the flow area, the over pr岱sure at which the design lift is attained shall not exceed 5 per cent of set pressur!已 295. Pressure Drop- The safety valves shall reset at a pressure at least 2.5% below , but not more than 50/0 below the safety valve set pressure. The 50/0 limit is increased to 10% for valves having a body seat bore less than 32 mm and having a set pressure of 2 bar gau吝e or less. 296. Mountings of.Safety Valves一{的 Safety valves shall be mounted, without any intervening valve, on pads or branches used for no other pu甲ose. The axis of the valve shall be vertical. The cross-sectional area of 也.e bore of each pad or branch shall be at least to the areaof 注\e bore at theinlet oHhe safety valve, orwhere two or more safety valves are mounted on the same pad or brancl:飞, at least equal to the sum of the areas of the inlet bores of a往往e safety valves. (b) Branches shall be as short as possible so as not to 挝\pair the proper action of 注\e safety valves or 运甲ose any undue stress on 也e branches at their point of attachment to the boiler. Nothing shall obstruct free flow to the safety valve. Branches , particularly when fulllift safety valves are mounted on 由.em, should be radiused at the inle t. The inlet and outlet flaI飞ges shall be drilled in acωrdance with the approx加\ate table in App.E for the diameters of flanges adopted. 297. Openings in Shell- No accessories other than those integral with the Safety. Valve shall obstruct the ope目ngs in the boiler shell. DischaI芭ing steam shall have direct access to the safety valve without flowing through internal pipes. 298. Disc: harge Passagφm 咀飞e 踊fety valve discharge pipes shall comply with the requirements of clau随s (a) and (b) of 也is regula位。孔 τhe discharge pipe shall be as sho此 ands悄地ht as possible and be fitted with open drain to prevent accumulation water in the pipe. Suitable arrangement shall be provided in the discl:targe pipe system so 出时也.e discharge can read丑ybeheard by the Boller Attendant. (a) Steam SafetyValves : (i) Ordinary and High Li ft Valves: Where a waste steam-pipe is fitted the pipe and the passage leading to it shall have a cross幡 sectionalarea not less 出an the 宽tinimum combined area of 出怠 safety valves req回red …~一…15y1问ülabo豆2.93:…←一一一…川 {泣) Full Lift Valves : For full lift valves the area of waste steam pipe and pa部略略 leading to it shall have a cr,但s-sectional area not 1必豁出an twice A, or such area above .this m拉加\um as may be required for valves. having a higher approved constant, where A , E and P are as defined in Regulatión 293. (b) Ec:onomiser Saf!!ty Valve怨:如'\e area of. the discharge pipe from an economiser safety valve shall be at least twice the area of the valve sea位19. Where the discharge from several economiser safety valves is connected to the main discharge pipe, the diameter of 注\e main dis cl:targè pipe shal1 be designed to prevent accumulation -of pressure due to the formation of steam und盯 住e particular conditions of temperature and pressure which may be applicable. 299. Drainage- For each enc10sed 路fety valve cl:test a means of draining shall be provided.τhe drain pipe sha \l be laid with a continuous downward gradient c1ear of the boiler to a place where the discharge is visible and cannot do injury to any person. 300. Moving Parts一 τhe valves and spindles shall be efficiently guided and means shall be provided in every case to preve挝 theit lifting out of their guid部.τhe working parts shall have suffici松t c1earance to ensure freedom of movement underall condi生ions of service. 咄咄 spindle shall not be fitted with a stuffing box. Indian Boiler Regulations 113 301. Bearings for Lever玲一百\e bearingsof the levers of lENer valve sha11 be so desi伊ed as to a110w of free working of the valve under a11 conditions of service. Where the lever is mounted on pin bearings, the hole嚣 in the lever shall be bushed with n时卜corridible metal, or the p坦s sha11 beof non-corrodible metal. 307. Material←(的 Spri吨s- orEl配制cProc部S 缸\d Carbon Steel Element Per cent Carbon Silicon Manganese Sulphur Phosphorus (b) In the ca民 of spring loaded safety valves, washers or ferrulus shall be fi忧ed under 出ea啕usting screws s。 在at 也e valves cannot be over loaded when under the steam. Interference wi也 load on 位e spring, after the safety valve has been adjusted, sha11 be prevented by the fi瑞ng of a ferrule under the adjusting screw co11ar, or by using a lock nut on 出e adjusting screw which shallbe 如础\er safe-guarded by means of a padlock or o出er suitable devi臼. Where springs are in tension, 险也S or other suitable stops sha11 be fitted to prevent the spring being extended a greater amount 也m 始\at ωrresponding to a valve lift of D 14. Lift,… Safety valves sha11 be capable ofbeing 且fted a distance such 出前也e 盯ea of the dischargeedge sha11 notbeless 出翻出.em趴imum aggregate area. A in Reg. 293. 305. 四拉 and Low Water Alarms- High and low water alarms sha11 be a奇ustedso that 也.e a1arm始 sounded wi出 the water level visible in the gauges. 306. Final Setüngs- Each safety valve sha11, before leaving the maker's works be adjusted to blow-off at the sp配埠ed pressure. Set Pressure- The set pressure of a safety valve may be adjusted using air or other gas as 出.e test medium provided 放回也e safety valve has been subjected previously to hydraulic test in accordancewi白白.ereq时Z础lent of c1ause (a) of Regulation 290. 306A.Adjus姐lent of Safety Valve 0.90 1.20 0.30 0.45 O.部 0.050 0.050 Per αnt Ca池。n Min. 协X. 0.50 50 0.65 1. Silicon Manganese Sulphur Phosphorus 2.∞ 1.∞ 。梅70 O.部。 O.出。 Al10y Steel Grade 1 GI'II必 Il ca池on% 0.55 毫00.65 0攀4.6 Mar朝阳e% 0.70 to 1.00 0.10 to 0.35 。'.60 to 0.90 0.80 辈。1.10 S泣ioon 指4. Møx. si1icon Manganese Steel where, 303. Easing Gear- Safety valves sha11 be so arranged 出at 白ey can be eased off 血础 seats when under 严部sure and the easing lever shall pos划vely 时2 白e valve. Min. EI衍nent , = diameter of valve sea位ng. the Chemical composi泣。,n sha11 : bewi出in, the fo11owing 迦nits 302. Attachments of Weights and Spri吨萨叩(时In a lever and weight safety valve the weight sha11 be in one piece and attached 抽出e lever 坦 such a way 也at 也e safety valve cannot be over loaded. D The springs sha11 be manufactured 的ms恼1 made by the Acld Open Hearth % Chromium % Mol'内denum V程n且dium Nickel % GrødeW to 0.54 0.55 串00.65 0.55 协&俗 0.70 to 0.90 0.70ω'1.00 0.70 to 1.∞ 0.10 to 0.35 0.10 to 0.35 1.70 毫02.10 % % Grøde 1Il 0.40 怡。'.60 0.20 辈。 0.40 0.15 to 0.25 0.20 毫00.30 0.15 min. 0.40 缸) 0.70 Phosphoro出% Sulphur % The manufacturers sha11 supply an an吻惚 of each cast when required by the Inspecting Au也ority to do so. $hould independent analysis be re伊剖d,也由esha11 be made at the rate of one per cent. A11 springs sha11 be formed hot and suitably h舷d四ed andtemμred. A且也e springs above 16 m血 bar diameter sha11 be formed hot and the spr去咿 below 16 mm bar. diam阳军 也a11 be formed hot or cold. 世\esprin草S 公1all besui恼Ible hardened and tempered. (b)τorsion Ba盼- Torsion bars 也a11 be manufac阳red which sha11 have a yield point of not 141 Kg/mm2 (90 tons/sq. in.) 仕om st相1 出an le豁 Not争叫 S严cialst回lsdevelop程d byindi:飞ridual manufactur哇邱 rnay be accepted by 趴.e Chief Ins归ctor of Boilers at their di民主etion. lndian Boiler Regulations 114 308. . Dimensions-- For ordinary lift valves , the compression or extension of safety valve sprin.gs req时red to load the valves to the set pressure shalÏ not be less 也an one quarter of 也成 diameter of the valve due consideration. being given in the case of sp自\g loaded lever 锦fety valves 抬出.e ratio of leverage. 百\e propo略部'\ of unloaded li部gth to extemal diameter of 位\e spring shall not exceed 4. 1. 百\ese requirements do not apply lift safety valves. t。如直挝tandhigh 309..Delermination of Working Pressure- (1) The maximum working pressure to be allowed for steel s伊ings -of round , square or rectangular section shall be determined from the following formulae for springs in extension: (a) ~ound-提d∞… ……中叮叮… 一 ~ ←一…… 1轧棋路 d 2 W卫嚣一……一 再飞 (80) DACK (b) Squa跑跑ction- 33,333 DACK W.P.= 一ι…… Rectangt血r Eqn. (81) E嘻飞. (82) section.… W 卫嚣 160,α)Q B2 W ,~~~ -DACK (3B + 1.8 日} For Springs in Compre黯ion…在le working pr辑部黯 calculated by the above equ硝.on may be increased by 25 per cent. where, (a11 dimensions in inches):一 = 4(D 如 1)/d D 也+ .615 一一:. D Eqn. (83) (In case of rectangular section substitute B for d) pressure in lb. square inch (s剖 W旦= wor挝ng pre黯旧的, A= Loa出nga黯a of valve, d = diameter of round or side of 吨uare steel, B = Breadth of wire (radial to sp由\g axis), H = De pth of wire (para11el 协 sp由\g axis), L. + 1. C=ωtMmT」 Ll = C = 2 where compression or extension of spring to give the required load讪g is 1A diameter of valve. C = 1.5 where compression or 幌tension of spring to give 中e 叫.uired loading is 1h diameter of valve. C = 1.25 where compr部sion or extension of spri哩 to give the re每回red loadi吨 is fu11 diameter of valve. Note : (1) The above formulae are b器sed on the maximum allowable safe stress of 5.624 kg/cm2 (80,。∞ lbs. per square 飞 inch) on the sections of the springs under extension and 7,030 kg/cm2 0∞0,∞o lbs. per square inch), where they are in comp阻挡ion. 在}τhe above v昌lues of 'C' apply only to the.ca衍 -一一ρ左忽坠出~Safety":Yllve~1~nere k 垣跑回lJg… D/ 4. In case of "high-Uft" and "ordinary lift" 臼fety Valves",将部费ctivevalue量。f "C" may be workedoutb歹 using 革ppropri毒te valu醋。if~. d3 (c) EXAMPLES:一 Eqn 侧 Ini出lcompre创on orextensionof阳 sp自'\g to give the r吨时red loaaing (W.P. x A), or e戏剧ion of 也.e spring 始 give 设\e 世t as defined in Re gs. 292 and 304. ~=黯缸成将军仰呻邸ion (2) In the case of torsion bars the maxim田n shear stress as calculated 仕om 由e fo11owing formula shall not 似ceed 55 kg/mm2 (80,∞o lbs.) per square inéh. fs =旦旦 2J where fs =鼓\ear stre路, T = Torque at set pressure, D = Outside diameter of the b缸, J = . polar moment of inertia (jf 注\e secti∞ 出e bar, and C= Angle of twis t' át fù11lift valve Angle of twist at set pressure (As Eumished by 自e manufacturer) of The dimensions of sleeve tr缸\Smitting 也e torque sha11 be of subs梅\tial proportio即如r 也.e material used. 且O. T磁-(1) 白况如rmanent set in 也espring(d瑞ned as the difference between free height and height measured ten minutes after the springs has been compressed solid three additional times, after pre随时ng at room temperature) shall not 回ceed 0.5% of the free height. {却也指ion bars sha11 not show a permanent distortion after being twisted to an angle 挺ty per cent in eX!创ssof 也e working angle. lndían Boiler Regulatio!, s 115 311. Extension Springs-翩 Extension springs shall be made from round section wire. ste部n- stop 312. Numberof Effective Coils…The number of effective or free coils in a compression or extension spring shall be determined fro1l\ the following formulae:一 (b) Steam stop valves shall be attached d国ct to the boilersimaortosuitablepadsozstaM biocFgand he 时ckor 役\e valve chest shall be reasonably 由ortand of strong construction. The steam stop valve may a1so be attached to a stand pipe, a connecting pi严 or the superheater header. 世\e attachment may be made by bolted flanges or butt-welded joints. Such butt唰welded join始 shall be suit油ly stress relieved , where necessary. (i) For Round or Square Wire N= (位) 主旦4 S[)3 Eqn. (85) For Rectangular Wire N 由 由 66B3 圣王3K (B2 十日可 SIY Eqn. (86) where, N = Number of effective coils, K = Compression or tension in inches at set pressure, C = 22 for round, 30 for square steel, d 骂 diameter or side of squar哩 steel in 16th of an inch, D = mean diameter of coil in inches, B = breadth of wire in 16th of an inch, H = Depth of wire in 16th of an inch. 313. Spaci吨。f Coils- The space between the co丑s when the valve is 1ifted to 1/4th of its diameter, shall be not less than 1.6 mm (1/16 inch) for full 1ift valves and 0.8 mm (1/32 inch) for ordinary and high lift valves. 314. Finishing of Ends- Compression springs shall have their ends ground flat and smooth and at right angles to the axis of the springs over the full circumference so that when placed on end on a horizontal plane the springs will stand perpendicu1ar. STOPVALVES 315. Lever Valves- Where the valve is operated by means of a lever, whether hand or mechanically co时rolled, the lever shall be of ample strength and the bearings shall be so designed as to allow of free working of the valve under all conditions of service. 316. Steam Stop Valve-… (a) 白le stop valve com- menc血g the boiler or super heater to the steam-delivery pipe shall be located as near the out-Iet from the final super-heater header asis convenient and practicableor in case of boilers without super-heaters as close as practicable to 伎le drum. Where two or more boilers are connected with a steam receiver or any other vessel, a valve shall be fitted between the boiler .and such receiver or Vessel. Provided 也at in the case of a larger boiler in which 让 is proposed for the purpose of drainage or owingto obstruction to connect the steam-pipes to the steam s如p valve at a higher level than would be obtained under this Regulation, a vertical stand pipe not exceeding 5 diameters in height will be perr挝tted between the stop valve and the boiler. Such stand pipe shall be of strong construction and of wrou掉.t iron, mild steel, or cast steel.白le flanges of wrought iron or mild steel pipes shall be riveted or welded to the pipes, and there shall be ∞ branch on the stand pipe for any other connection. Provided a1so 位.at in 也e case of 1arge boiler in which ìt is desired to fit a tee piece for the pu甲ose of providing a branch connection between the stop valve and the boiler, such a tee piece may be so fitted. The tee pi'配e shall be of strong construction, of wrought irOI飞I mild steel, or cast steel and shall not exceed 21h diameters in height. A stop valve shall be fitted direct to each tee piece branch. (d) When two or more boilers are connected to a are noω坦bined stop and iso1ating valves fitted to 位\em an automatic isola位19 valve shall be compulsory. In the case of boilers fitted with welded pipes, fitting of an independent automatic isolating valve shall be compulsory. commonst,位叫nain and 中ere BLOW-OOWN COCK OR VALVE ANO PIPES 317. General- The blow down cock or valve shall be of substantìal construction. The waste pipe attached to 也.e cock or valve shall not be bound fast 坠 arch or brick work dnd shall dischar军e at a point where there is no danger of i时 ury to any person. These pipes shall not be connected to a pipe common to another boi1er. The continuous blow-downs may , however, be connected to a common header discharging freely to an adequately vented tankors山呻·如le headers shall be of su征icient守 lnd必n 116 large cross-section and 在e blow咱ff tank sha l1 be pro功ded with a vent pipe fr,柑 fro黯 valves and of sufficient size to prevent a仅umulation of pr部sure. 茧, however, the tank is int但ded for col1ecting flash ste叙n, a safety valve of adequa始 capacity shal1 be provided. τhe tank shal1 be so located that a11 parts will be accessible for 国sp时tion. 318. Blow Down Mountings… (a) Eaçh boiler shal1 be fitted with a suitable blow-down valve or cock placed at, or as near as practicable, to the lowest point of the boiler. Boiler Regulations notbe less 位朋 50 双喝革metres一 above the highest part of 也e firebox roof plate. 如恐n放nu黯 length of 由evisìble porti∞ of 也.e gau在e glasses shal1 be 2∞ mm. The leng由 may be increased depending upon 出.e capacity of the boiler by the Chief Inspector /Director of Boiler of the manufacturing State. (c) Glass water gauges shal1 be so placed as to be easily seen and reached by the boiler attendant. The fi划ngs of glass water gauges and test cocks shall be of subs蚀硝alm成ewì自 lar伊 pas锦geways 也z∞摔出的 to facilitate cleaning. The gauge cocks when op凯 shal1 in a vertical direction and each handle at its 扣ncti∞树也也e plug shal1 be pla坦ly marked with a d僻p 始\e to indicate the direction of the passa萨 waythrou拉 theph唱. When detachable handle are provided arran在ement shal1 be made to prevent 坦.corr舵t fit阳g of the handle弘 have 位e让 handles (b) For locomotive, vertical and marine 守pe boilers, the valve or cock shall be attached dir时t 抬出.e boiler or to a suitable pad or stand pipe‘ For water 沁be bòilers the valve or cock shall be outside the brick work wi也 a substantial steel pipe between it and 也emud box. (c) ForComishand Lanc部hire boilers the cock or valve may be, attached to a cast steel elbow pipe of substantial section bolted to a suitable stand pipe or pad riveted to the boiler. But cast iron elbow pipes shal1 not be permi忧ed. 319. Blow-Down Valve or Cock…例 Each valve or cock shal1 be fi忧:ed with a device which shal1 indicate clearly its 0严n and cl附d positions, and any key or similar device for ope拇指\g the valveor cock shal1 be such 也at it car四ot be removed u擂台嚣嚣 the valve or cock is fully cl岱碍, (b)古le locking feather shal1 be secured by welding. (c) Cocks fi忧ed cover 守pe with taper plugs shall be of the bolted with separate packing glands. WATER GAUGES 320. (a) Every boiler shal1 have two means of indica出\g the water in it of which one shal1 be conventiona1 gauge glass. Provided that in the case of boiler drums below 3 feet (91 叫 diarneter where 也ereisd延ficulty in fi掘ngtwo water gauges, two test cocks and a g总部 water gauge shall be fit险d. (b) The lowest visible part of the glass of 注\e water g相ge and lower t部t cock shal1 be fixed at 锦知 working level. For 1民omotive 守pe and vert.ical boiler 由is shall 321. Drain如… A 在l.rain cock or valve with a suitable discharge pipe shal1 be fitted to each water gauge. 322. Protector萨叫Where tubular glass water gauges are fitted, substantial protectors sha l1 be provided.ηle glass shall be suitably treated to prevent sp1int町ing. 323.Gla锦 Si猿e… Tubular water gauge glasses shal1 be not less 也an 1/2 inch and not more 泣\an 3/4 inch outside dìa黯eter. 324. Safety Devi优萨- Water gaugεglass mountin萨 shal1 be fitted wi由 self榈closing devices 单位\e bottom anns and it is re∞Immended 注mtas恼úl缸 device should be fitted in 出e top arm. 325. Gauge Columns…Where the gauges are mounted on a column there shal1 be no connecting passage between the top and bottom arms of the column unless valves or cocks are fitted between 也e columnsar咱也e boiler. 326. lsolating C,时k如…Where isolating cocks or valves connec出g water ga\且在:e pipes to the boiler a控 n位:ed, 也εY shal1 be not less than 1 inch bore and of the bolted cover 守pewì也 separat较 packing gl部位 PRESSURE GAUGES 327. Dials… (a) For pr栩栩re upto and including 35 kgl由\2, pressuregauge dials shal1 be graduated in kgl cm2 from Zero to twìce the pressure as nearly as may be practicable. Indùm Boiler Regulations (b) For pre豁出e exceeding 35 kg/cm2 the range ofthe graduation sha11 be from Ze ro toone and a half 也nes the maximum permissible working pressure, as ne就ly as 狡扭1 2 . graduation on the gauge be less 由a血 n, 70 劝]埠豆嗒 .g/μcm气 (c) The scale on the dial sha11 be clearly and permanently marked in kg/ cm2• (d) 在\e dial of each pressure gauge sha11 have to be marked upon it in red. 在\e maximum permissible workingpr锻sure. 117 (2) on boilers having wet back reversing chamher, a minimum of two fusible plugs shall be fiUed; one on the crown of the reversing chamber and the other on one of the 汩汩 plates. on boilers not having Wet back reversing chamber, at least one fusible plug shall be provided on the front end tube plate. The plug sha11 be fitted in such a way 轨at in the event of fusìon of the plug, the pressure inside the boiler sha11 push 出epe11ets out. 332. Type…. Fusible plugs shall co部ist of an outer bodywi出 a central conical passage the sma11est part to (e) Where the gauges is compensated for a head of water between 由.egau军e and the boiler connection, the amount of such compensa泣。n sha11 be marked on 由e dial. Pressure gauge sha挂 be calibrated within an aCiω racy of 吟 per cen t. Boiler pressure gauges 处1811 not be less than 150 mm in diameter叠 (。白\e travel of the pointer of thE!"dial gauge sha11 not exceed 3259. 3主8. Connection毒币- A11 pressure gauges sha11 be fitted with a syphon pipe and a cock or valve integral with, or adjacent to,也.e gauge in such manner 也at 出.egauge may be shut off and removed whilst the boiler is under steam. 329. Gauge Cocks- The handles of 出e gauge cocks sha11 be para11el to the pipes in which 除ey are located when the cocks are open and marks sha11 be cut on the sh缸\k of the coεk indicating open position. 330. Test Connections-Inspector' s Pres8ure Gauge Every boiler sha11 be fitted with a valve or cock carrying in a vertical posítion a receiving screw for attachment of the Inspector's pressure gauge. 在\e receiving socket sha11 be tapped for M/20 x 1.5 metric threads and sha11 be fitted with an easily removable cap. A忱achment- FUSIBLE PLUGS 331. General一 (1) Fusible plugs sha11 be of sufficient height and fitted in such a position as to give 制rly protection to a11 parts of the boiler liable to damage by the direct application of fumace heat in the event of shortness of water. Not牵… Forexample: In Lanchashire boilers the fusible plugs should be in the crowns of the furnaces from 12 inches to 18 inches in front of the brick work fire brìdge. be not greater than 1/2 inch for plugs suitable for pressures upto 1∞ lbs. per sq.in. and not greater than 3/8 inch for plu伊 for pressures exceeding 100 lbs. per s弓, in. 在\e passage shall be c10sed by a plug seωred byan a1U\ual 指由\g of fusible a110y $0 that the plug may drop c1ear if the lining melts. The portion of the bod y catηring .the fusible metal shou1d preferably be detachable from the base to allow of 锦sy replacement wi出out removing 出e whole fitting from the boiler. 333. Material- The non-fusible portions of the plug shal1 be of bronze except where the nature of the boiler water precludes the use of non.偏ferrous material.白\e fusible metal shall bean âlloy melting 始时ily at a temperature not less than 1500 F in excess of the 汩 turated stea黯 temperature at the maximum pen时部ible working pressure of the boiler. 334. Attachment to Boiler… Wherever practicable fusible plug毒草hall be screwed into the boiler. pla怡s from the water síde. The screwed portion shall have 注rreads of Whitworth form not more than 11 per inch. FEEDVALVES 335. General一间 non-retum type. Feed check valves shall be of the (b) Where the valve is not of screw-down non~retum type a separate screw唰down valve shal1 be provided. (c) The dischar伊 from 出e feed check valve or from the intemal feed pipe (if provided) shall be above low water level and in the case of Lancashire and Comish boilers shall be at least 5 ft. beyond the fire bridge. Provided that the restriction afore制id regarding the position of feed discl飞盯ge level wou1d not apply in 出e case of water tube boilers. lndian Boiler RegultJ tions 118 ωin 伺se of 1 Chro邵阳m ~ Molybdenum s栅1 if does not exceed 13αlm and outside diàmeter does not exceëd 127 mm andpreheated to 1250 C. {副) Ín ca拥 of 21.4 ChrOIIÙum 1 Molybd叙\um steel, post weld heat treatment is not necessary under 也e fo11owing conditions : (1) a máx挝\Um speci到.ed chromium c∞t四t of 3.0%. (2) a maximum nominal outsi臼 dian以:er of 102mm. (3) a maximum 自icknes嚣。,f 8 血乱 (4) a<maximum specified Carbon con榴\t of 0.15%. . (5) a 栩如imum pre-heat tempera划reof150 C. (d) The discharge end of feed pi严 sha11 快 solocated 也.at it isnot close to any riveted jointof 吐\e fumace pla恼。r of the she11. 仕ùckness 336. Operating Position- Feed check valve辜。r regulating va1ves sha11 be so arranged as to enable 也em tosa出factorily operated from 出.e boiler f1民)1'. 336A.Requirements as to Fee d. Apparatus in C祭约ain C槌辑…In theca院。,f a battery of boilers c∞nected to a common feed range,诠\e requ让您me时 of regulation 281 in respect of 仕\e number of feed apparatus sha11 be cor回dered to have been 缸lfilled pro'飞r:ided a tota1 supply of feed water, not less 仕\an也e COII喝bined II烛对mum continuO\浏阳阳军。f a11 active boilers can be maintained evenifany.∞eof 和.e sources of powersupply should 0 缸乱 For carbon steel… CHAPTERVU 邸-am拙imumωrbonperc阻tageofO.30. BOltER ANïfSUPE船队T鼠 TU丽ES, {前 amaximum 血ickness 到EAD嚣RS&OTH嚣RPARTS (e) When gas welding is 拙\p革.ed 也.e technique fo11owed sha11 be. approvedby an Inspec也gO能.cer and a11 welds sha11 be suitably heat treated. TUBES 337. Material and Cons如lction-la) A廷如b僻 which ares由'ject to int磁malpress出e of water or steam shall be cold dra阴\ or hot finished seam1ess or electric r硝stance welded in accordance wi位Re肌.ùations 36 to 63. Except as provided for in clause 争) below 白.ey 就极且 be without jo:始t. (b) Tubes having an 础temal d ian\eter not exceeding 5 may be jointed and such joints may be f1ashed welded, machine forge welded arc or gas weld创.Tub锦 have 5 inches diameter may also be welded provided 出.ey are 10也ted outside 也.e furnace. Such welds must conform to 位.e requ让ements Qf Chapter vm. in也es (c) F1ash welding sha11 be underta阳\ on a welding macl也\e of a 可pe approved by the Insp挺tionαficer and the extemal fincaused by welding shal1 be C据\ple时yremoved. 白飞eintema1如 cau捕dbywe边ing d回去 also be removed 20 per!儒烈 subject to a maximum height of ofthe wa11出ic挝\ess of 仕\e tube. (d) Arc welded bu忧 jo恼.ts sha11 be made by the metallic shielded arc proce嚣s and post weld heat treated e任配tively except in the fo11owing cases : for a110y steel。 in ca饵 of 0.5 Molybdenum st,辑Is if thickness does not exceed 13 mm and outside diameter does not exceed 127 mm. of 9 mm. (f) For desi萨 me惚1 tempe栩如re over 4540 C (自0 的 material to be used sha11 be in accordance with 0 h萨lations 捕, 53 拙d56A. η (g) 如\e 致生巨~e..;emplQyed tubes sha11 be 凯bject to 也.e Ins严ctor in a11 field welding of approva1 of the Chief ofBoilers. Where, however, material used is in conformity with theCodeof 位e country of manufacture and it isω,vered by these Regulations,也e p臼missible s悦ss figures specified in 制 Code at different temperatures may be accepted in lieu of figuresω,mputed from 伽.e data req'时red to the fumishedunder Re gulations 338 and 340 in any of the fo11owing cases: (i) Where a certificate is furnished from the Inspecting Au出ority to the effect that 出.e s阳1 complies wi也 req凶rements of 生he grade steel (to be specified) and 出at the permissible s恨ss for the working conditions as a110wed for in 出e code of 也e ∞'untry of manufacture fa1ls wi底抬 出.e limits pem让ssible under the Regul创立∞S. 但) Where the basis up o:n which 也e钝 stresses have been arrived at is made available and such ba幽 is not found to be such as to give rise 始 stresses higher than those permissible under the Re萨latio:n. lndian Boiler Regulatíons , , u 338. (a) 百四 W坦坦ngf应建贝立 of 出.e tubes shall be determined by 出e following fo rm.ula :… max油田m stea黯 temp~ra柏re (90 F). Permissible working stress for tubes :一 0 For temperature at or below 454 C Ts Et or 一… whichever is lower 1.5 2.7 For temperature above 454 0 C \" .~ 今岳飞叫咐叫山r 1.6 ) where, Ts 嚣 Minimum tensile strength of the material at room temper就u血, point (0.2 proof stress) 供 working metal temperature γ, Sr = the average s生ress to produce rupture in 100,000 hours and in no case Ipo蛇 than 1.33tim部 the lowest stressto produce rupture at the working metal Et 墨守 inch), D = Extemal diameter of tube in mm (inch), .' f = Permissible stress 扣r the material at the working .metal temperature in kg/ cm2 (lb / sq. inch.) to be determined on the basis given below: = Yield tempera阳re, The working metal temperature shall be taken sc = the average stre.s s, to produce an elongation of 1 per cent (creep) in 1∞,∞o hours,就在.e working metal as.…·… {的 For (b) For fumace and boiler tubes, the saturation, temperature corresponding to the working pressure plus 200 C (500 的. (c) For conviction superheater tubes, the exam泣\ation steam temperature for which 也.e part of the element .is designed plus 300 C (700 F). (d) For radient superheater tubes the design plus 500 C 0 W.P. 需. 2f(T- C) Eqn. (8月 (D-T+ C) where, τ= minimum thickness of tubes, that is, nominal thickness less the permissible n锦州ve tolerance in mm (inch), c = 0.75n四\ (0.04") for working pre部ureupto and including 70 kg/cm2 (1仅阳 lbs/sq. 坦ch) or C-O forworking pressure exceeding 70 kg/cm2 (1∞o lb/sq. Inch.), W , P. = Working pressure of boiler in kg/cm2 (lb/ integral economiser tub部, the maximum water temperature for which 出e part of the element is designed plus 11 0 C (200 F). , tempera饥.ll'e. Note: In case sc values ar曹 not ava i1 able in Material 5tandard and such rnat曹rials are known to hav曹 been used in boil衍s in India or abroad, then for such n昭告rials the allowable stress may b蛙始 ken as the lower of Et 5r τ5 or 1.5 (b) In no case, however, shall the thickness of tubes as supplied be less 血.an those given in the table below (subject to tolerances specified in Regulations 36钩, 43(d), 48(啡, 53(c), 56A(IV) and 58(d). TABLE Outside diameter Sea mless Hot 卢刚shed Seamle.革s Cold draωnor r.刷刷附附lded d ectric Upto and including 32 mm. (11/4") Upto and including 51 mm. (2") Over 51 mm (2 in.) upto and including76 mm. 在 in.) Over 76 mm. (3 in.) upto and including 89 mm. (31 /2 in.) ov帘的 mm. (31/2 in.) upto and including 114 mm. (4 1 /2 in.) 2.9 mm. (0.116 in.) 3.25 mm. (0.128 in.) 3.35 mm. (0.128 in.) 3.25mm‘ (0.128 in.) a创 mm. (0.114 in.) 2.03 mm. (0.08 in.) 2.34 mm. (0.092 in.) 2.64 mm. (0 .104 in.) 3.25 mm. (0.128 ìn.) 3.66m肌衍.144 ìn.) In the case of coiled tubes for boilers of 役\e forced flow of forced circulation type, the minimum 由ickn船s of tubes as supplied may, however, be as follows: M inimum thickness outside dia栩如 01 tubes 凯 inchω Upt珍 and induding 29 mm. (13") 29 mm. upto and including 35 mm. (1 3/8") Over 35 mm. (13/8") upto and induding 42 mm. (15/8") ov牵r 1.62 mm. (0.064") 1.83 mm. (0.072") 2.34 mm. (0.092") 飞 120 Indian Boiler Reg1.l1ations (c) (i) General: Tubes 也at a部 hot or cold bent for parts of boilers, inc1uding economizers, fumace walls, superheaters and reheaters, shall comply wi也出is c1ause and suitably heat treated. Dma. = D则英 is the maximum ou tside diameter measured in the tube bend apex (mm) , Dmin is 位稳戏由让mum outside diameter measured at 位.e same cross section 部 Dma. (mm) D is the ordered outside diameter of the túbe (in mm). and depar扭扭 from drcu1arity limits shall be demonstrated byone of 也e following methods: τ'hin:ning (a) relevant and satisfactoryservice ex抖出nce; a procedure test; HEADERS AND SIMILAR PRESSURE PARTS (c) by measurement of 2% of the bends, inc1udingthè 如茧t bend of each shift. Themethod.叫ected shall be at 由e option of the manufac tu.re r. 但) Thinning on tube bendssha挂 comply bends: 百1加ning on tube with the following : (a) At any location 盯o\Uld the bend extrado菇, …一位\e …reductíon'.in-'thickness 飞in.peîCertt) below the calcul时ed minimum permissible desi伊 thickneSs óf 出.e straight tube, except where. permitted by (b), shall not exceed : 100 4R+ 2 5 where R' is the mean radius of the bend to the centre line of the tube(in mm). D is the ordered outside diameter of the 饥lbe (in mm). (b) Bend 也ickness below the minimum v~点le required under (a) 由allbepem州edinc豁出 where the manufacturer can demonstrate by bursting tests caηied out on at least three bends 也at 也e 甜'ength of the bend is not less 吐\an由at of the straight tube. (c) Where the amount of thinning 龄相y location around the bend extrados on cold formed bends exceeds 25% of the actual thickness of the tube on the straight the bends shall be suitably heat treated.τhe actual thickness of the same plans as the line of the extrados at each and of the bend. (iü) Departure from cir∞larity in tube bends. The 340. Rectangular Headers Symmetrical in Form- (的 The working pressure. shall not exceed the sma l1er of the value obtained from the following formula :一 cf (i) 1 (t 叩 C )2 W.P. 嚣 {均 W.P.= b2 6.25 t2. f E w2 E龟l1~_(êêa) Eqri. (88b) where, W.P. =Working Pressure, t= 役ùckness, b 口 intemal breadth between the supporting sidesof the header, c = 3.413for wrought steel and 2.926 for steèl cas饥ngs, Where the sides are corrugated or otherwise reinforced by substantial supports so 也at the length of 也e portion between the corrugations or supports does not exceed b, shall be taken as 5.82 for wrought steel and 5.12 for steel castings. f = permissible stress at working metal temperature as given in the table under c1 ause 'C二 c1 = 0.08 cm. (0.03 in.) , w = internal width of the header between the tube plate and the opposite side, E = efficiency of ligaments between the holes. (b) If the faces of the headers are machined locally at the 始be holes or hand holes the 位ic挝1.ess at 白at part maybe 础 much as 4.8 mm (3/6 in.) less than given by the 我bove equation; but írrespective of the thickness obtained by the use of the formulae, the thickness of the headers at the tube holes shall be not less than :一 •• 叫一 departure from circularity (in percent) shall be calculated from : 339. Material and Construction- The materials and constructionshall comply with 去egu1ations 154-245. 毡, depar机ue from circul缸ity at the bend apex 呈hall not exceed 10% for bends performed in a single bending operation and 15% for bends which are hot pressed after the primary, b部dingopera悦。iß. 在\e -D where, Butt welds shall not be permitted within bends. 但) D_ ,_ x 100 where, t = thickness, 主qn. (89) lndian Boiler Regulations 121 d 坦 diameter, C = 0.2235 mm. 0.088 in. , C 1 = 6.4 部队 (1/4 in.). In no case shall 血.e thickness be less than 8 mm (5/16 in.) except that in smal1 patches not T墨ble- exceeding 322 mm2 (on争half sq. in.)' in ari缸, 也e 出ickness may be 50 per cent of the thickness used 抽出ee气uation 88(a) and 88 (b). (c) The permissible stress at working metal temperature shall be as given in the table below :一 Permissible Stress at workìng metal Temperature for Rectangular secti∞ Heaters Worki将 Metal Temperatllre i n degree.革 Cast steel 件45 吨. 111m2 (28 to 35 ton拚孕妇J C F Kg/cm2 lbs./sq.i乱 288 550 703 10,000 316 600 635 9,000 343 岳50 562 窑,000 Carbon and Alloy The lower value obtained 凶 each case at th告 spedfied temperature calculated on the following basìs : For temperatures at or below 454 0 C (850 0 F) Ts Et or 2.7 1.5 For t♀mpera如res above 454 0 C (850年} Sr …一一 or 1.岳 371 3仰 427 454 482 700 750 800 850 900 532 505 475 443 茹苦 岳,3∞ 4, 400 有嚣 minimum Tensile strength of the material at room temperature, Et = yield point (0.2% proof stress) at the working metal temperature γ, Sr = the average stress 时出e temperatureγto produce rupture in 100,000 hours and in no case more 出部1 1.33 times the lowest stress to produce 役\e rupture in 100,000 hours, Sc = the average stress 抬出e temperatureγto produce an elongation of 1% (creep) in 100,000 hours. workin军 metal temperature shall be taken as : 一For saturated steam and water drums and headers the saturation temperature corresponding to the working pressure of the boiler plus 280 C (50 的. 0 For superheater headers the designed maximum steam temperature for the header plus 28 0 C (50 0 F). {的Where sc 7,560 7,200 6,750 where, (d) The 如她 headers are adequately protected from the gases of combustion or swept by such gases in the third or subsequent pass of a boil时, the working metal temperature shall be taken as 趴e saturation or designed maximum steam temperature as defined above, whichever applies. A covering or refractory or insulating material which may be liable to become dislodged shall not be deemed ade气uate protection. (f) End Attachments…The ends of rectangular headers may be formed integral with the header or attached by welding. The working pressure for the flat ends shall be calculated by the following formula :一 f (t 呻C)2 W.P.= ……?一~ 。2K Eqn. (89A) where, W.P. = Working Pressure, f = permissible stress for the material at the working metal temperature, t 嚣 thidcr飞ess of the plate at the weakest part, d = the least width between the walls of the rectangular header, C = 1 mm (0.04") , K = 0.32 for ends integral with or flanged and butt welded to the header, 嚣。.40 for ends directly strength welded to the header 坦 an approved manner. 341. Headers Irregular in Form- In cases where 出e headers are of such irregular form as to render impracticable the .application of a formula for the determination of thickness,也e manufacturer shall show the suitability of the headers for the working conditions by indicating practically the maximum internal hydr梢lic pressure which a header, made to the same design and of sìmi1 ar material, w i11 withstand without 122 Indian Boiler Regulations permanent deformation. The maximum working pressure for similar headers may 出en be determined by the following formulae :一 Pem如sible stress at worlùng metal temperature W.P.= P. xC FxD -ι…… Eqn. (90) where, W.P. 坦在le worlùng pr,部sure in lbs. per sq. 泣, P1 intema1 hydraulic pressure wi也stoodwi由out permanent deformati,∞, F = 1.75 for wrought st例1 and 2 for cast steel, C = 15500 for wrought 阳el of 24 协ns per sq. in. II由让.mum ultimate tensile stress, 黯 165∞ for wrought steel of 26 tons per sq. in. II由也lumul也将生e tensile 喜悦ss, = 180∞ for wrought s梅1 of 28 t0115 per sq. in. I1'由让.mum ul始.mate tensile stress, '=21000Íor wroughtst撼。f 32 ←tonspers守 in. min迦lumul位matet创始ile s位ess, =, 22000 for wrought s惚el of 34 tons per 吨, in. II世nimum ultimate tensile stress, = 15500 for cast steel of 28 t倒回 per sq. 如. n出lÌmum ultimate tensile stress. 嚣在lemax抽\um 342. 位) Cylindrical 1王瑞de黯… Where cylindrical header窑 areprovided their worlùng press也黯 shall be determined by E哇uation 72. (b) End Attachmen悔-在le attachment of ends and 出.e me曲。d of calα刷出鸣曲e wor挝ngp白ssure shall be 讪 aαordance with clause(i) of Regulation 3铅. Subjèct to 由.e following modification :一 K = 0.19 for ends integral with or flanged and butt welded to the header. 嚣 0.28 for 船ds d泣ec琵y stren.阱1 welded to the header in an 呼proved .manner. and d = intema1 diameter of the header. CI王APTER STEAM-PIP黯S VIII AND FrrrINGS 343. (1) Pipe s- Steam-pipes may be carbon st剧, cast s阳1, alloy steel and in some cases of copper. Steel pipes may be 臼lid drawn (cold or hot finished), butt welded or elec挝c resistance welded. Copper pipes shall be solid drawn and no pipe made from electrodeposition of copper on a 双\andrill shall be used for 创始.m delivery. 如ovided that su同ectto 锦tisfactory flatt四ingt臼t, pip础 to IS : 1239 of 13 mm to 51 mm nominal bore for W恍如ng pressure up to 10.5 kg/ cm2 at sa恒ration temperature shall be allowed for use fot the pipes. (2) Where, however, material used is in confom让ty wi'白白.e code of the country'of manufacture and it is ∞vered by these Regulations,由.e permissible'stress a事过部 sp但出.ed in 出e ∞巾的 different te皿peratures may be accepted in lieu of figures computed from 出e datare守主ired to be fumished und挝险事.ùa链。n350in anyof 设le follow垣gca槌s:… (i) Where a certificate is furnished from the Inspec自19Au出ority to the effect 自挝由eS剧 ∞mplies with requirements of 也e grade steel (to be spec证ied) and that the permissible stress for the worlùng condition 制 allowed for in the ωdeof 也ecoun位y of manufacture falls wi也坦 白e 挂mits permissible under the Regulations. {泣.) Wheretheb部isup∞ which these stresses have b钢rl 挝riveda生 is 黯ade available and such basis 始∞t found to be such as to give 脱 tos饺es部S higher than thos.e permissible under the Re肝lati∞s. Wherepipes have tobe fabricated by longitudinal fusion butt electric arc welding of plates rolled toshape, t11e limits prescribed for butt welded pipes in Table 2' und缸 Regulati∞ . 349 shall not apply. 在lere哇uire血部tso也er 也an those rela出.gtothem拙拙um 也i也ess ofshell for fusi∞ butt ~eldingpresαibed in Chapter xn shall be applicable to such pi归s. (3)Notwi仕lStanding any灿.gcont也edin Chap始官邸, the hydraulic test for pipes 趴 maker's premises may be dispensed with by the Inspecting Authority; Provided 由.at 阳随 pipωhave be四 fully t,创ted by approved radiographic or ultrasanic 恒d四ques: Provided 缸址赔钱就怕也eαse of pipes hav~窑 intemal diam的er 600 黯m and more,也.e p 1ates used for 出e manufacture of pipes and 钱elongse部1 welds of pipes are fully tested by 呼proved non-destructive te略 for example, ul位部四白。r radiographic tes出19 and 自e sou.ndness of pipes bo白抽出.e parent 皿.ateria1 and in the weld is established in the maker's premiseSi and the whole component of the pipes, after completion of any further fabrication and erection at site , are hydra叫icallyt部ted at a pressure not less 佳丽n1.5 悦肌创 出.e design pre部ure of piping system: Provided also that in the event of detecti∞ of any defect after conducting hydraulic test of these pipès at site, it shall be 出e responsibility of 出e manufacturer to lndian Boiler Regulations repair or replace the defective pipes, as may be deemed the Inspecting Authority. 123 Class Tolerallce on Outside diameter Upto and Over including 51 mm. (2 51 mm. (2 necessa叩 by (4) Electric fusion welded pipes in which the buttwelds are fu l1y radiographed or ultrasonicallytested need not be hydraulically tested in the shops provided the pipe system as a whole is hydraulically tested at site to the requisite test pressure in accordance with Regulation374. (5) In the case of fusion welded pipes test plates to represent all welded seams shal1 be attached at each end of longitudinal seam and tested in accordance with the requirements of Chapter XII exceþt that one test plate may represent a lot of pipes upto 60 metres in length and of the same grade of material and same thickness of the pipe su问 ect to the same heat treatment. MATERIAL W W ) Seamless E. R. W. Nominal thickness ) + 0.4 mm (1/64") - 0.8 mm (1/32") 土1% + no limitation -12.5% +1% 土 1% + no limitation -12.5% Butt welded MECHANICAL TEST 346. Number of sets of Tests-η\e number of pipes on which mechanical tests .shalI be perfomed shall be 臼 fol1ows:一 Upω and in c1 llding As per reqllirem e7l ts of Clzapter H 114 mm. (4 112 in.) o.d Over 114 mm. o.d. 5 per cent of the lengths of pipe as made, or 2 per cent of the pipes from each cast where the cast (i.e. melt) can be identjfied. Welded pipes 2 per cent of the lengths of pipes as made. 344. Steel Pipes- (a)η\e pipes shall be made from steel made by an Open Hearth of Electric Process or by any of the Oxygen Processes. Hot finished seam1ess pipes may , however, be made of Bessemer Steel. Bessemer Steel shal1 not be used for pressures exceeding 21 kg/cm 2 (300 lbs.in.2) or temperatures exceeding 260 0 C (500 0 F). If出e Bessemer, Process is used, the steel shall be made by a manufacturer approved by the Inspecting Au出ority. In the case of pipes for designed temperatures over 454 0 C (850 0 F)/every pipe over 114 mm. (41,,2肌) outside diameter shall be tested. When used for tlõ! mperatures exceeding 399 0 C (750 0 F) the steel shal1 be of non-segregated or fully skilled type. 347. (a) Flattening Test [for Pipes upto and inc1uding 102 mm. (4 in.) Nominal bore}- As per requirements of Chapter 11. (b) Carbon and al10y steel pipes shall not be used for design temperature exceeding those given in Table 2. (c) For designed temperature over 4270 C (800 0 F) special precaution shall be taken to ensure that the surface condition of the pipe is suitable for these requirements. (d)η\e materials from which seamless and electric resistance welded pipes are made shal1'Conform to the appropriate spec证ication of tubes in Chapter 11. The materials from which butt welded pipes are to be made shall conform to 出e requ让ements of Table 1 under Regulation 347. 345. Condition of Pipes- (a) All pipes shall be comme民ially straight free from longitudinal seamin g, grooving, blistering or other i时uries surface marks. 白\e ends of 出e pipes shall be cut square. (b) The pipes shall be made within thelimits of tolerances given below一 (i) For cold drawn seamless Regulation 39. construction 一 (ii) For hot finished seamless Regulation 44 (b). construction 一 (iii) For molybdenum seamless Regulation 49 (b) construction 一 (iv) For Chrome molybdenum seamless construction - Regulation 54 (b) (v) For electric-resistance welded tubes - Regulation 59 (a) (vi) For copper steam pipes - Regulation 35. 飞 For pipes where the ratio between the wall thickness and the diameter would not permit the maintenance_.Qf the. distance between the flatsurfaces specified in the above regulation, this shall be lìmited to 2/3rd the bore ofthe plpe. 124 lndian Boi/er Regtdations (b) Cold Be双d Test [for Pipes over 102 mm. 他 in.) Nominal borel-- A strip not less than 38 mm. (1 ~ in.) wide cut circumferen板ally frorn one end of each selected pipe shall when cold wi患stand, without showing ei也er crack or flaw being doubled over in the (茹苦ection of original curv挝ure round a bar, the diarneter of the bar being: For pipes upt。在nd induding 10 rnrn. (3/8 in.)thick For pip吉s over 10 rnm. thick In cases where the outside diarneter of the pipe is less than 8 tirnes the wall thickness, the diarneter of 也e forrner shall be equal to 4 or 2/3rd of the norninal bore of the pipe, whlchever is less. (d) Additional Test- Should a pipe selected for testing fail in any one or more of the tests spec迁ied above, two further testsof the sarne kind may be rnade frorn the sarne or another pipes frorn the same batch. Should either of these further tests fail, the pipes represented rnay be reheat treated and then re-tested. If出.e repeat tests are satisfactory, the pìpesshall be accepted provided 也ey cornply with 0也er requirernents but if failure again occurs,也.e pipes whlch the testpieces represent shall be rejected. 3 Times the thickne部 4 Timesthe 出ic捡回ss (c) Bend Teston the Weld-As位ipnotl部sthan38 思乱 (1 1/2 in.) wide cut circurnferentially frorn one end of each se1ected pipe with the weld near the middle of the s时p, shall when cold wi出stand, without showing either crack or flaw, being doubled over in the direction of original curvature round a bar, the diarneter of the bar being equal to eight 延rnes the thickness of the test pi配已 the weld being placed at 出.epo.凶t of rnaxirnurn bending. (e) Tensile Test- As per requirernents of Chapter II. (f) Test for Valves and Fittings- As pertequirernents of c1ause (e) of Regulation 290. TABLEl… Carbon S燃i Ul timate tensile streng协 ill 均间 m1li Kind of pipes f tons per sq. in.) 35 (22) 44 (28) 。f Test lengths 切 ken from fini唰 shed pipes (ends of pipes tob苦 plugged for grips) 35 (22) 20 44 (28) TABLE l-Carbon Steel (Contd.) Ultimtlte tensile stress Selected Samples cut transversely in 1<.¥点q.mm. {Ton前号. inc1t) Not fl!ss' Not more t1tan tll1t1l 348. Method of Manufacture,程eat 30 Min. Elongatioll per cellt 011 203 mm. (8 H ) 13 mm W tllick 44 (28) Treatment and cornpletion of any work which involves heating, whether for hot bending of 也e pipe or for any 0出er sirnilar purpose, the pipe shall be carefullyannealed. Marking.一{的 On 32 23 25 e 仰er 36 (23) 18 嘻Eti--ZZIl--4 Strlpscut 仕om 23 Less t1tan 13 111m. t1tick and not less t/1I主n 6 mm. (% t1tick) H 20 0.06 Less PIlospllo1可IS "狂IX. max. per αmt匾 -ZIBEl--azi--za 属"u Not more than Sulphur per Ce1lt. m 归 the pipes dear the welds and tested 弘 their curved position Not less tlu!n Butt wel必dp伊s Mil/iii'lum ~lollgiÜîon p军r ce11l On 203 mm. bπ 51 mm. {8 in.) (2 ;11.) 6 .mm. lcss tlul1l 6 mm. Less t磊n {毛是勺 6mm. (~毒 N) 6 mm. tltick ( 1,4") tllÍck (IA ") & over tllÌck & over thick 0.05 Slllphur maxlmum P1Iosp1!orus maxlmum % % 18 0.06 0.06 0.06 tl拟就 6mm. t1tick 20 0.06 0.06 (b) (i)τhe cold drawn seamless carbon steel pipes and welded carbon steel pipes shall be supplied in norrnalised condition. (总) Hot finished seamless carbon steel pipes shall be supplied in hot finished condition or in lndian Boiler Regulations 125 normalised conditioll at the option of the manufacturer. (iii) The seamless alloy steel pipe either cold finished or hot finished and welded pipes shall be supplied in normalised and tempered condition. (iv) By agreement between the users and the manufacturer, the pipes may be delivered in a condition other than normalised and tempered condition in which case they sha11 加 suitable for subsequent 扭扭ipulation and 出e user shall be informed of the heat-treatment necessary to give required properties. (c) (i) Pipe bending and fermin在伊拉. reducing/ swaging) operation shaU be done by any hot or cold method and to any radius which shall result in a surface free from cracks, buckles or other defects as determined by the method of 如spection spec证Ied in the desi伊1. A post bending or post forming heat treatment for carbon steel material is required with a nominal wall 出ickness 坠 excess of 19.0 mill加.et陀s unless the bending or forming operation are performed and completed at normalizing temperatures, where no further heat treatmentis required. The heat treatment where required sha11 be normalised or stress relieved , as the case may be. (ii) A post bending or post forming heat treatment 处1a11 be require for a11 ferritic alloy steel material with nominal pipe size 100.00 mill坦letres and larger or with a nominal thickness 13.0 扭过主metres or greater. (iii) If hot bending or forming is performed 出e material sha11 received normalize and temper or tempering heat幡treatment as required by the design. For cold operation, temperíng heat懈 treatment shall be applied. (d) Marking.…翩 Marking sha11 be carried out in accordance with regulation 395-f. 349. The pressure and temperature limits within which pipes, tees, branches, etc 圃 I sha11 be us~d, sha11 be in accordance with τable 2. 'rABLE 2- Maximum permissibl告 working pr程ssure and tempera烛陀 M础战 Metllod of Maximum pel'missible tωrkillg pressllre manllfac如 re Carbon Steel Cold drawn seamJess Not restriction Form M与lXÎmum 严栩如 ible temperatllre 。c 。F 454 850 Straight, bends or fittings 454 850 …0。一 Hot finished seamless Butt welded [Max. nominal bore allowable 102 mm. (4 ìn.)] Electric Resistance weJded 21 Kg‘ /cm (300 Ib./sq .i n) No I'estriction 260 454 500 850 -Oc子… Cast SteeI Castings No restriction 454 850 Straights, bends or fittings. Molybdenum steel Cold drawn seamless and castings No restriction 624 975 …00一 Chromium Molybdenum steel Cold drawn searnl告ss and hot finished seamless No restriction 621 1150 …口。… 附戊 w 雹 nH E 孟 aa ZAnc U d n FO uahwd AM hu7-Km 0?" a p ←飞f ιm i 户、时咆 Copper 2 12.6 Kg./cm2 (180 lbs/sq. in.) -00… Not allowed for superheated steam Straights and bends nvvY . Hu M 血 e、 V .晶 S0H 。 」她 阳 叩 U町 出附 MM uu m 白 .. U 叫 …: γ γ阳叫 ".啕 巳 Q问…嚣町口 (b) Where the inside diameter is the basis for calculation. 2fe (t - c) W.P.= 一一一-.::..:. Eqn. (91A) 0+ t-c ω附tp职 p 卜.p 卜 呻 Eqn. (91) 0 0-… 喧叫则W 叩…+ 。,丁、 W卫 户n 泊- 350. Steel Pipes- The maximum working pressure a110wed on steel pipes shallþe determined by the following formula:一 (a) Where the outside diameter is the basis for calculation. … 126 .l1tdian Boiler Reguiations f = Allowablestress as provided under re按llation 271; g = Ou'tside diameter of pipe, d = Inside diameter of pipe, e= 军fficiency factor, = 1.0 for se am1ess and for ele位ric resistance welded steel pipes and for electric fusion welded steel pipes comply with the r吨埠玲 ments of Chapter n in which the weld is fully radiographed or ultrasonically tested, = 0.95 for electric fusion welded steel pipes complying with the req毛主irements of W.P. … 351. Cast Steel Pipe萨…〈苟古le material shall comply withRegulations 73 to 80. (b)币le maximum working pressure allowed on cast steel pipes shall be determined by the following formula:一 Eqn. (92) D where, t = mir由Iü.un 饺让cþess, W.P. = Working Pressure, D 出 Extemal diameter of pipe, S = Allowable working stress as table 4 or Regulation 343, C = 0.64 cm (0.25 拙.) spedfied 阳 TABLE 令叩 Maximum Permissible Working Stress for Carbon and Al10y Cast Steel Pipes (See Regulation 351) Chapter 茧, = 0.90 for welded steel pipes for vaIues of t upto and including 22 ~, = 0.85 for welded s沁el pipes for vaI ues of t over 22 mm and upto and including 29mm, = 0.80 for welded steel pipes for values of over 29 mm, C= 0.75mm. 2S ,.… (t - 0.1.5 0 明 q = -- Lower value obtained in each case at the spec证ied temperature calcwated on the follow总第 basis:一 For service temperature atór below 454 0 C (捕。。冉 一 Ts~ …也…El一一一~--Et-…一--Si …… f or 2.7 叩时叩. 1.5 ana 甲可… 1.5 or - - or ::x: 1.5 For service tempera始re above 锅。C(8500的主 or Sc 1.6 352. Copper Pipes- (每)币1咬 'material shall comply with regulation 35. (b) Copper pipes may be used for maximum design pressures and temperature as given in the Table belcw: TABLE- Minimum Design Pressure暗 and Temperatures for Copper Pipes Material Nomillal 仰 Solid drawn copper pipes'(Steam) Solid drawn copper pipes (feed) (c) Copper pipes shall not be desigll Upto and including 127 mm. 17.5 Kg/cm2 2070 C Straight Above 127 mm. and 203 mm (8 in.) 12.3 kg/cm2 207 C orbend 21 Kg/cm2 1490 C incl泣ding Uptoand including 203 mm us创 for s呼erheated 2∞ Sxl 一一一一 O-t where, Eqn. (93) 0 t = minimum thickness of tubes , that is nominal thickness less the pemissible z飞eg挝ive tolerance in mm. , o= Outside diameter of pipe in n盟1., S = maximum permissible design stress at the appropriate maximum design tempe:i:ature 脑海 Imm2 • (See the table below) Wor挝ng Form tempemtu 陀 (d) 币le maximum working pressure on such pipes shall be determined by the following formula :一 W.P. = 始ximum P们'(!ssure stea双1. W.P.= Maximllm design pressure is kg/ cm2, 11ldian Boiler Regulatiolls 127 Maximum Design Stress Value of S for Copper pipes (In kg per sq. mm) bore in the flange) so that the resistance to withdrawal from the flange does not depend whol1y on the brazingf Maχimum 354. Screwed 0 11. F1ange争叩Where flanges are secured by screwing the screw thread on the pipes and 站在e flanges shall be arranged to end at a point just inside 役le back of boss of 和.e flang巳 After 也e flange has been screwed on, the pi伊 shall be expanded into the flange by a roller expander. Such screwed and expanded flanges may be used for ste拟民 for a maximum working pres黯reof3 1.5 kg/cm2 (450 lbs./s龟. in.) and max协um temperature of 399 0 C (750 0 F) and for feed for a maximum pressure of 42 kg/cm2 (600 lbs.sq. in.). 60 0 C 4.9 design stress for temperature not exceeding 121 0 C 4.31 1490 C 3.5 1770 C 2.66 2070 C 1.75 Note: Where the conditions of service 量 re such that corrosion, erosion or mechanical damage to th窑 surface to tubes may occur, an appropriate thickness allowance shall 民 added to the minimum thickness of the 阳城. FLANGES 353. 份到anges of Ca rbon Steel Pipes一在\e material for car忌。n steel flanges, where forged, cast or cut from 位e plates (exclu温ng branches forged integral wi也 the pip创 shall be màde of stl臼lprodu四d by an Open Hearth i es提s. or Electric proc部s or any of the Oxygen pr∞ Carbon steel flanges shall not be used for temperatures exceeding 4540 C (850。的. Flanges shall be made without a weld and shall be free from lamination orother defects, they may be secured by screwing, riveting or welding. Blank flanges shall be of mild steel of cast steel and shall be not less in thickness than the flanges to which th~ are attached. The material shall comply with the requirements specified in relevant regulations of Chapter II or Ch apter V of these Regulations. (b) Flanges of Alloy Steel Pipes-η\e material for alloy steel flanges where forged , cast or cut from plates (excluding branches forged integral with the pipes) , shall be made from the steel produced by an Op en Hearth or Electric process. F1anges should be made without a weld and shall. be free from lamination or other defects. The material of alloy steel flanges shall comply in a11 respects with the requirements of Regulation 234. The material for flanges shall be similar . to that of the pipes to which 也ey are to be attached. The flanges are to be so designed that the total stress induced in them does not exceed the maximum permissible stress as may be determined by the criteria laid down under Regulation 271. Blank flanges of aIloy steel shall be not less in thickne豁 出挝 the flanges to whichthey are to be attached.τhe material shall be similar to that of the flanges. (c) Non-ferrous Flanges-- The material for non-ferrous flanges shall be of bronze.τhe chemical composition shall comply with .the requirements of sub-clause (iv) of Re部llation 282 树. When flanges are attached to copper pipes by brazing,出ey shall be secured in such additional way (i.e. by riveting or forming a conical 355. Loose F1ange如- Loose flanges may be used where 位.e joints are made by metal faces integral with ends of the pipes. Alternatively these joints may be welded or seal welded. The loose flange shall conform to the table given in Appendix E. Where the joint is formed by 加tegral flanges , these after machining shall be nòt less in thickness than the designed thickness of the pipe as calculated by equation (91). 356. Riveted on Flanges… (a) Ri veted on flanges shall only be used for pipes of 7" bore and above and for a maximum pressure of 350 lbs. per sq. in. and/or a maximum temperature of 750o F. (b) The shear stress in the rivets shal1 not exceed 6∞o lbs. per sq. 肌 when calcul\:\ted by the lollowing formula: Eqn. (94) Sr where, Sr = the shear stress in the rivets in lbs.' per sq. in. , Ao = cross楠.sectional area, ca1culated òn outside diamet缸. of pipe ip sq. inches, P 坦 Working pressure in lbs、 per sq. in. , N = number of rivets, A 芷 Area of one rivet hole in sq. in. (c) 古le stress in the pìpe shall not exceed that spedfied inτable 3 when calculated by 和e following formula: Sp = 飞 wx P) (Ao-.A) … (N x d x t) E气孔 (95) where, Sp 口位e Ao Al stress in the pipe in lbs. per sq. = cross精 sectional area, calculated on inside diameter of pipe in sq售 d 队, = P and N have the valu部 given above, and inches, = diameter of rivet hole in inches, t 口 minimum thickness of pipe in inches. 128 Indian Boiler Rψ4latiOns not exceeding 3990 C. (750oF) ex出pt 也就 B创ed flanges oftype 6 shall not be u然d on pipes over 304 rnm. (12") in nominal bore, nor Bωsedflan伊s of type 7 on pipes 152 rnm. 怡") in nomínal bore. Type8flang程s for all design pressur母 andtempera蚀re conditions. 百lis 守pe shall be used only' for pipes upto and induding 驻 mms (2 inches) nominal bore. These flanges shall not be used where severe erosion or corrosion is exp时ted to, occ出, (d) The flange hub thickness shall not be le豁出缸\ 0.2 队也icker 也应注le II白白num thickness ofthe pipe. tempera恼re (e) The distance from 也.e edge of the hub to the centre line of the rivets shall be not less than one 翻dahalf times the diameter of the rivet hole. (f)百le pipes shall 去rst be properly expanded into 位e flanges or altematively the flanges shr山水 on to 也e pip臼,由.e 1如et holes shall then be dr山付出主ou拉伯e pipe and hub, and 生he holes afterwards countersunk to remove turrs. (g) After riv!剖ing the flange hub shall be fullered at 出e back. 357. Welded on flange公,;,.;. (a) Whereflangesare welded on, the welding shall be done by 出.e oxy-acetylene or meta1 arc process the latter with covered electrodes which shall comply with regulations 94 to 98. (b) The proportion of the weld shall be as indicated in t034A, oftheJòllowing ,.守pes:叫 出e ,.Ei事n:eNos.28 τype 1. Welding Neck flange , Figure 28. 2. 'Face and Back' welded-on flange for metal arc welding. Fi草.29. 3. 'Bore and Back' welded-on flan革es for metal arc welding. Fig. 30 缸ld 30 A. 毡 'Face and Fillet' welded on.f1:;mge for meta1 arc welding. Fig. 31. (c) Heat Treatment After Welding- Typ部 1 , 2, 3, 4 and 5 Carbon Steel types flanges welded on by 也e metal arc process shall have the welds stress relieved where the design dep位 of the weld recess is greater than 20 II隙, All welds jo协\g flanges to alloy steel pipes shall be stress r e l i e v e d . \ (d) Wh程e 号'pe 1 flanges are attached by oxy-acetylene welding the weldsshall be normalised. 一{时在1怠procedureto,be..observed战役\e stressrelie~g and normalising of welds shall be in accordance JVi自 由e following requirements (斗 Stress Re1ieving-… (a)ForcarbonsteeLa 由'ess relieving heat 泣eatrnent shall 1:'e/p合rformed by heat均加 part to 拭 le略册。b 立 20 0C. When required by the characteristics of 注le material, different temperatures may be necessary to obtain appropriate stressreliev如g. 币\e part to be stress懈relieved shall be brought slowly upto the specified temperatures aild held at 也at temperatures for a period proportionate on the basis of at least two and a half minutes per mi11泣let创 of 也e maximum,出.ckness of the part (approximately one hour per twen可-six E划imeterof 泣le thickness) and shall be left to cool in the 如mace 柏 a temperature which, for parts with the thickness greater 也an20m浦江leter does not exceed 400 o C. After wíthdrawal from 也.eh双饥ace,佳lepart shall be moved in a still 础nosphere. A tempera沁re time diagram 付出.e stressrelieving process sha11 be provided when 出e Inspecting Au血。技巧r requir部 it. 旦. 'B 5 阮 or阳 eandF 因 ill椒 创t'welde e 甜 d.咱nf 叫 叶 d f丑la 扭 ng! 伊 e f.伽 orm me 宜 剖ta1l arc welding. Fig. 32and 32A. 6. '能p on' welded-on flange for meta1 arc welding. Fig. 33. 久 'Slip on' welded-on bossed flange for oxyacetylene welding. Fig. 34. 8. $ocket welded flange Figure 34A. The flange shall not be a tig挝 ñt on 出e plpe. The maximum c1earance between the bo坦 of the fl部.ge and 出e outside diameter of 也e pipe shall be 3 mm. (1 月") at any point, and the sum of dearance 副部netrically opposite shall not exceed 5 mm翩。 /16 in.) Note: AlI dimensions shown in 趴e figures of 守pes1to7 relate 始 finished sizes. ηle design conditions for e在ch type are as follows: Types 1, 2 and 3 flanges for aIl d黯ign pressure and temp告rature conditions. Types 是 and 5 flanges for aIl pressure conditions upto and including 42 kg/cm2 (600 lbs./sq. in.) and design temperature not exceedìng 399 0 C (750。的. τypes6 and 7 flanges for alI pressure conditions upto and including 17.6 kg./时 (250 lbs./吨. ìn.) and :一/ Not苦 。) heat treatments 然 a temperature as low as 5500 C may be adopted, provided a伎en悦。n is given ω the holding time in order to ensure a sp告cific degree of str母'ss relieving. Other stress-reli告ving For alloy Steel, a stress-re1ieving heat trea恼\ent shal1 be carried out on the basis ofthe ∞mpositon of the alloy as shown in the table below : , Indian Boiler Regulations 129 TABL军 shall be used for alloy stee1s having a carbon c∞棚t upto and induding 0.12 per cent and the lower temperatures of betw副部 925 and 950"C (171α}-1740 日 sha延 be used for alloy stee1s having a carbori ωntent of more than 0.12 per c部乞 After normalismg 血.e joint shall be covered with a suitable muff or asbestos doth to e邸ureslow 被ld even cooling. The normalising of welds in pipes upto 102 mm. (4") bore may be carried out with welding flames the temperature being judged wi出 the aid of a colour card, or measured by means of one or more thermocoup悔。r an optical pyrome阳. The normalising of welds in pipes over 1:02 mm. (4") bore shall preferably be carried out in a portable pipe normalising fumace or muffle,由.e temperature being measured by means of one or more 也ermo­ couples or an optical pyrometer. 叽le width of the zone to beh~at 恼ated to 役leSp阳面edtempera如m shall extend at least 13 mm. .(1/ 2") on either side of the weld reinforcement. (1740-1790 的 , 0 Type 01 Steel RU lIge 01 Temperatllre Time at temperatllre per ÎII degree cent拉rade mm 01 thickness 01 plute 0 Ih Mo 620叩翩660 给 Cd生 Mo 1 Cr ~全 Mo llh Cr 始 Mo 630一心70 2 lA Cr 1 Mo 650-750 2.5 minutes 。 o minutes min.) 。o 2.5 minutes minutes min.) 2.5 minutes (1 hour min.) Note: Forpipes of2~ Cr 1 MO specification upto and inc\ u小 ing 127 mm outside diameter and upto 13 mm wall thickness, the time may be 30 minut部 minimum. The heat treatment of steels havìng Cr Mo V shall be carried out as per the requirements of the code of manufacture of plates, pipes. (c) Stress relleving shall be carried out by any of the following methods : (1) Local hea加g using a portable muffle furnace , induction coils or other suitable appliancεs. Particular care shall be taken to apply heat uniformally over the area to be treated. The use of procedures that do not provide ad叫uate control for this purpose, such as manual operation gas torches is not permissible. The tempera饥ue shall be measured by the thermo幡 couples p担负ed, welded or otherwise suitablyattached 协 the surface of the pipe and where necessary, protected from flame impingeme址, 358. Flanges of Copper Pipe如叩Flanges of copper pi归s may be made of bronze. Wl飞船 flanges are at恒ched to copper pipes by bra忽ing they shall be s配ured in such additionalway (e.g. by riveting the ends or forming a conical end so as to fit 部怕也.e conical bore in. the flange) that the resis惚ce withdrawal from 白e flange does not depend wholly 创1 the brazing. (2) Heating in a stationary industrial fumace. The temperature of the j。如t shallbe measured by thermo-couples so disposed within the furnace as to give a true measure of the joint temperature. 360. Joints- (的在leseRe伊始放ons provide for ordinary bolted flange joints. Special types of joints may be used, subject to 出e approval.of the Chief Inspector. (仰总均) Nor 衍r古na no 时rr凯 n飞a 挝 ali 且is悦 eωdbyh 挝 eati 怡z飞gt驰 heme 创ta 挝lt如 o a temperature between 900 and 950 铲oc. (1650-1740"窍 the temperatu肥 then being maintained for not less 也.an two 红白mtes 'for pipes upto and induding 102 mm. (4") bore, and for not less than five minutes for pipes over 102 mm. (4" bore). Welds in pip创 made from the alloy steel shall be normalised by hea位19 the me ta1 to a tempera始re between 925 and 975 0 C. (1 70。一1790。罚, the temperature then being maintained for not less than two minutes for pipes upto and induding 102 mm. (4") bore, and for not less than five minutes for pipes over 102 mm. 件") bore.ηle higher temperatur岱 of between 950 and 97.罢。c 359. Standard Flanges- The size and 也ickness of flanges and the number and size of their bolts should be as shown in Appendix-E. (b) Are welded butt joints of pipes or socket welded joints for pipes, valves and fitt部gs shall be made by ln公tallic shielded are process and post weld heat treated effectively except in the following cas恼: For Carbon steel(i) The nominal wall thickness in case ofbutt joints does not exceed 20 mm or carbon content does not exceed 0.25%; (ü) The throat thickness of fi1let weld for socket welded joints or othèr types of jo讪ts doesnot exceed 20 mm or carbon content does not exceed 0.25%. Not苦 ln case of carbon content for above cases Ji,凶 between 0.25% < C !ó 0.30%, the PWHT is not required for maximum thickness of 9 mm: 111diall Boiler R喀1I1ati011s 130 For Alloy steel{斗In case of .0.5 Molybdenum steel, if the 出ickness, does not exceed 13 mm and ou始ide diameter . does not exceed 127 mm and for any fillet welds, the 吐lIoat thickness does not exceed 13 红四1. {益) 你i) Incase of 1 Chromium and 1 /2 Molybdenum steel, if the 出ickness does not exceed 13αm and outside diameter does not exceed 127 mm and pre-heated to 1250 C and for any fil1et welds if thethroat 位ùckness does not exceed 13 mm. In èase of 2-1/4 Chromium 1 Molybdenum steel, post weld heat treatment is not mandatory under the following conditions : TABLE Type 01 steel Range 01 temperatllre Time at the tem严ratllre per 25 mm 01 tllÌckness 电f the plllte 1Cr1/2Mo 6200 C • 6S0oC 1 hour (1 hr. min.) 1Cr1/2Mo 1.l /4Cr1 /2Mo 6200 C • 660 0 C 1 hour (1 hr. min.) 2.1/4Cr1Mo 625 0 C - 7500 C 1 hour (1 hr. min.) 1/2Cr1/2挝。 wide ra n.ge for the post weld he盘 t treatment temperature is necessary because of the marked depende.l\ce of the mechanical properties of this steel on the tempering temperature. In production a definite temperature with a tolerance of :!: 200 C wlluld be selected to ensure that the r口号chanical properti倒 upon whkh the design was based are in fact achìeved. Note:τhis (1) a maximum specified Chromium content of 3.0%. (2) a maximum nominal outside diameter of Heat treatment shall be carried out by one of the Jollowing..methods..:=(i) Local heating using portable muffle inductionωil or other suitable heating app革ance. Pa民icu1arcare shall be taken to apply heat unifornùy over the area to be treated. 在le use of procedure that does not provide ad吨uate control for 出is Pωpose, such as manual operation of gas torche齿, is not permissible. 百le temperature shall be maint忍ned symmetrically over peripheràl band of metal of a minimum width of 出ree times th e- width of the butt-welded pr叩M时ion. The temper我ture shall be measuredby 也配mocouples pinned, welded or otherwise suitably atlached to the surface of the pipe and, where necessary, protected from flame impinge黯εnt. (ii) Heating in stationary furnace- The temperature of 也e joint shall be measured by the thermocouples 50 disposed within the fumace as to give a true measure of the joint temperature. In case 也e materials made to the foreign codes or standards are accepted under regulation 3(2)(i) , the method of heat treatment shall conform 抬出at specified in thecodes or standards. 102mm鑫 (3) a maximum 也ickness of 13 mm. (4)\a maximum specified carbon content of 0.15%. (5) am如imumpre七eat temperature of 150 ,巳 0 (6) a m剧协lum 也roat thickness of 13 mm in case fillet weld. Method of Heat Trea恼ent: (1) Forcarbon s怡el, 我 stress relieving he就 treatment shall be performed by heating the part 知 at least 600 主 20 C. 0 When required by the characteristics of 鼎e i mayben时部sary material, different temperatur部 to obtain proper stress relieving. The pårl to be stress relieved shall be brought slowly up to 也e sp民ified temperature and held at 也就 t韶lperature for a period prop。而onate on the basis of at least 2-1 /2 minutes per millimetre on the max放lum thickr隐览。f the part (approximately) one hour per twenty five 1T让llimetres of thickness) 础ldshall be left to cool in. the furnace to a tempera饥rre which, for parts with thickne础萨辅ter 仕1m 2C m U1imetres, does not exceed 400 0 C. After withdrawal from the 如mace,由e part shall be allowed toc∞,linas剧础nosphere. A temperature-time diagram of the stress relieving process shall be provided when the Inspec出19 Authorityrequires it. (2) For alloy. steel a stress relieving heat 生rea惚四川 shall be carried out on the basis of the com严>sition of the alloy as shown in the table below : (c) Such Butt-welded joint嚣 conform to Fig. 28. 挝) Test on completed welds on Pipelines. (1) CLASSIFICA TION For the purpose of tests, pipelines shall be divided 如to tW9ß制制: lndian Boiler Reglllations 131 Class I. Pipelines for serviçe conditions in which any one of the foregoing limits is exceeded. (425 到 0 Design temperature 218 0 C Design Pressure 17.6 Kg/cm2 (250 lbs./sq. in.) 24.6 Kg/cm2 (350 lbs/sq. in.) C1a锦 11. Pipelines for service conditions in which none of the foregoing limits is exceeded. Feed water 。) 。) IDENTIFICATION OF WELDS The Welders identification mark shall be stamped without indentation, or stencilled adjacent to each completed weld. TESTS FOR CLASS 1 PIPELINES (i) Where the completed pipelines are not su均ected to hydraulic test : Where the completed pipelines are not tested by the application of hydraulic pressure, the welds shall be subjected to the fo l1owing inspection procedure. Piping over 102 mm. (4 in.) bore… A11 butt-welds shall be subjected to nondest古uctive examination by radiographic or other approved methods. The entire circum每rence of the first five welds made by each welder shal1 be non-destructively examined. If these are found to be satisfactory and the Inspecting Officer or Inspector is in 0出台r respects satisfied with the welding techniques, methods of control and supervision employèd, relaxation in the extent of non-destructive exall出甜on may be considered, but 剧s relaxation sha11 in no case permit the non-destructive examination of less than one-也ird of the circumference of eàth of remaining welds made by the Welder concemed. Piping 102 mm. (4 in.) bore and under, but not less than 38 mm. (n~ in.) bore… Five per cent of the, butt幡welds made by each welder wìth a 1在inìmum of two welds per weld肘" selected at random shal1 be subjected to non-destructive examination by either radiogr叩hic or oth盯 approved methods or may be c时 out for visual examination and bend tests. •" Piping less than 38 mm. (Hl in.) bori Special tests are not nonnally required but two per cent of the welds by each welder on a pipeline may be cut out from the pipeline for visual examination 础ld bend tests. (ii) Where the completed pipe1ines are subjected to hydrau1ic tes t. Where 在e completed pipelines are tested by the app 1ication of hydraulic pressure, the welds sha11 be subjected to the following inspection procedure : Piping over 102 mm (4 in.) bore- Ten 严!l' cent of the welds made by each Welder ∞ a pipeline with a minìmum of two welds per welder , selected at random , shall be subjected to non-d臼位uctiveex但双ina位onby radiographic or other approved me出,ods. Piping 102 mm. (4 in.) bore and under, but not less than 38 mm‘ (Hl in.) bore-… Two per cent ofthe welds made by each welder on a pipeline with a minìmum of one weld per welder, selected at random, shall be subjected to non-destructive examination by radiographic or other approved methods or may be cut out for visual examination and bend tests. Piping less than 38 mm. (11,-2 in.) BoreSpecial 1ists are not norma11y required but two percent of the welds by each welder on a pipeline may be cut from the pipeline for vísual Examination and bend t部ts. (4) TESTS FOR CLASS II PIPELINES (i) A11 pipelines under this classification shal1 be subjected to hydraulic test on completion of erection. (ii) On completion of the 如st ten production welds made by 蚀ch welder, one of the welds sha11 be cut out for test purposes or altematively, the welder shall prepare a test specimen made up of two similar lengths of piping welded in a position as closely representative of a selected production weld as is practicable.The test specimen sha11 be subjected to visual examination and bend tests. (iii) Two per cent of the remainder of the welds made by each welder sha11 be selected at random 拟ld cut out for test purposes,。几 altematively the welders shal1 prepare a test specimen made up of two sim:n挝 lengths of piping welded in a position as closely representatìve of a selected production weld as is practicable. 古le test specimen shall be subjected to visual exall也lation and bend tests. (iv) Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-clauses (总) and (iü), the bend tests shall . 132 be disp叙lSed within ca臼由.e welds have been non幡destructive.ly tested in the following manner: A. P伊ing over 102 mm (4 切.) 007怨一 Five per cent of the welds made by each welder on a pipeline with a minimum of. two welds per welder,四lected at random 幽II be su同时ted to a non~ des泣uctive examination by radio~ graphic or other 呼proved methods. B. Piping 102 m7低估机) OOreand 棚der… 臼飞您严r cent of the welds made by each welder on a pipeline with a g由让mum of one weld per welder, selec始d 挝 random shall be su同时teçl to non-destructive exam加ation by radiographic or other approved techniques. .~-(5) RE..'l'ES臼 If any tests specimen is unsaωfactory, two fur设\er weld specimen for 担忧郁t shall be selected 纭。mthe produ吨。n welds and subjected to tests.ln the event of failure of anyof 由.ere-怡然 S严cim创\8,由.e production welds carried out by this welder sub胆quent 抽出.e previous test shall be su峙ect of specia1 c∞sidera创on. (的 Socket Weld Joints…Socket weld joints may be used with carbon and low alloy 嚣teel pipes not exc伺ding q,O.3 黯批 outside diameter. Such welds 也.all not be used where fati事略 severe erosion or severe corrosion is expected to oc,α血Theworkin窑 pressureof the 嚣。cket weld fittings shall be determined in accordance withequation 91 (regulation 350).ηw 伽ickness of 出.e socket weld fittings shall not be less than 11A tìmes 也e nominal thickness of pipe. 白\e material shall be compa位blewi出自.eass倪iated piping. (f) All butt welded jo拉格拉.all be su均ected to nonde如uctive examination by radiographic, rhdi。您copy oro出.er approved me曲。ds such 部Ultrasonic tes位顷, magne出严ticle 恼pection or 平quid dye pene位ant inspection. When radioscopic exau自mtion is to be I'erformed in lieu of radiography on welded l t 嚣,出e following r吨uirements 处tallbemet:一 ∞Impon钮 (1). A written procedure shall be submitted for approvalto 注lelnspec由19Au也ority which shall contain 位.e follow拙g:一 (i) material and 也e 由ickness range; (均 equipment qualifica延ons; {远) test 0均ect sc凯 p1an; (iv) radioscopic p缸甜leters; (v) 挝磁萃e processing parameters; lnd部n Boiler Regulations (vi) 坦\age display par臼neters; archiving req世remen恒; (v益i) accept-r付ect criteria (Code reference); (议) perf!但mance evaluation; (x) Operator iden版.cation. (2) The system shall be aided with ~image processor to enha.nce the 守主 alify .of the radioscopic ìmages and systep1 performance qu禄ity shall exhibit一 。) a 白in section contrast sensi位vity of 3%; 仙 a 制牛 section contrast sensitivi与r of 2%; 〈端) a spatial r臼olution of 3 lin~ P忍rspermm; (iv) IQI sensitivity - 2% of the joint 出ickness when wire IQI's are to be used, the wire diameter axis shall be oriented along. the axis ,of the least sensitivity of 位\e system. (3) Radioscopes are to be properly marked to co(vii) 抽\age 句?陆近豆剧而 par配iiläi' þãitof jõinfl'啼始提nted. (4) 丁he radioscopicexamjnation data shall be r配orded and stored on video-tape, magnetk: disk or optk:al disk at the maker's plant for a sufficient period after 也e date of radic配。阱 ex扭曲创.on ass严创.edby 白.e lnspecting Au也ority, E.舱ient rac缸臼copic ex部剧烈硝.on 岳阳。,rd shall be made av挝lable at any 烛台 over the record retenti∞ period and shall be l!aceable 抬出e test 0峙配ts. (5) when r哼挝r has 民en performed. as a re部.tÍt of 主adioscopic exam担ation, the rep公red arel'l5 shall be re-examined using the same rcldioscopíc technique to evaluate the effectiveness of 白e repatr. {码 Toaidinpro严r interpretation of the radioscopic examination data, the detai1s of the techn坷ue used shall accompany the data. As a minimum, the information shall include the approved procedure requirements and system performance test data. STEAM-PIPE 寄lTTINGS AND CO民NECTIONS 361. Wrought Bends-ωPipes of thickness determined in accordance with equation 91 with increaseof 12.5% shall not be bent to radii less 也但 也由 e given in the following Table. Where sheller 路也i are necess挝y, further allowance shall be made for 由始对ng at the back of the bend except where it can be demonstrated to 白.e sa tisfaction of the Inspecting Au位10ri穹白鼠也e use of t b wi1l not reduce 也e 也ickness below y t at any point after bending : where, t 口 g由\.位\Ìckness as per Eqn. 91, tb 嚣 min. thickness before bending. 1材ian Boiler Regulations TABLE川 Minimum 133 Bending Ra dii For Pipe of Thìckness (泣) the 也ickness in Accordance with Clause (a) of R怠gulation 361 E兑termined b dii measured to centre line 01 p加 Ou tside tb 嚣 1.1 25 t tb = 1.1 t diameter a11 tl出'knesse军 tb = 34.92 mm. or above mm w1m mm 26.9 63.5 76.2 33.7 42.4 101.6 48.3 114.3 60.3 152.4 . 76.1 1905 88.9 228.6 101.6 266.7 114.3 304.8 127.0 355.6 139.7 381.0 152.4 431.8 168.3 457.2 193.7 635.0 219 .1 711.2 244.5 812.8 .1143.0 273.0 1016.0 1270.0 1397.0 298.5 1117.0 1524.0 323.9 1219.2 355.6 1498.6 1778.0 1727.2 406.4 2032.0 457.。 2032.0 2086.0 mum 由ickness required for the straight pipe to which the bend is joined. where, K (d) .For the forged bends,泣\e radü shall be not less 血m those given below:… Long radü forged bends 一 R= 1.5xd 踹 R;;:: 1.0 x d Sho此 radü forged bends The 吐出kne宰s at any point of the bend shall not be less 87.5% of 啦.e nominal 世让ckness of the bend. 羽毛e 部ckness at any point of the bend shall be such that 也e i m部放飞.um 血icknessr吨 uired equation 91 is maintained 由roughout after finis挝吨。严ra悦。n. 也an 361A. Butt Welding Fittings川在\ebu格weldingfi描ngs shallconf时m to the dimension and tol时ances given in the table giv四 below: M where, percentage deviation of circularity, Dmax. 嚣 max垃部部 external diaa飞的:er of the pipe 部 gauged at the bend, Dmin. = m如imum ext~rnal diameter of 校将 pi严部 gauged at the ;bend, D= nominal 创圳ldiame惚r of the p柄, R= Ra dius of 役将 bend on the central line of the b eil.d. c=η\e (c) Fabricated pi严 bends may be made by Welding together bevelled section of straight pi严, provided(i) the angle between the axis of the adjoining sections d但s not 础ceed 300 and NOTES: R一第一 罩 m笼 MW -刷 m m 我…… 刷 一 哪 一 L制 shall not exceed 0 180 应 LBOW 判。 ELBOW d x 1∞ 却肌 础俗 罔@ F!! 嗣ιId阉 l 白白 deviation D w STEEL BU1ï WELDING FITTINGS AM 飞队!』』阳 E品 .曾 酬曹l』 嗣 、』,、〉」酬 飞蛐啊 鹏陇 Ch ‘问吨、,品 max 叩 Dmin 叫二 C 嚣 D -4 in at any cross唰5eCtion of a bend shall be calculated by the following formula :一 J气「「 made 龄在 besuch that 阳则必mumthickn部sre机ired maintained 樵roughout af始室出e by equation (91) is per锦州age ratioof 仕\e radius of the bend (from centre of curvature to centre of pìpe) to the inside radius of 也.e pipe. Note: Guss牵ted 8ends shall b苦 used for pressure not exceeding 21 kilogramme per square centimetre 磊nd tempera饥ue not exceeding 260 Degree Centigrad哇, (b) The thickness of the pipes, from which bends are b恼ding opera位部\.性\e deviati∞ from cirαllarity 1(..,. 0.5 is at least ……….- times.the m油公 1( -1 lndian Boiler Regulat仰t5 134 where, tm = nominal thickness of the branch lessthe permissible negative tolerance. P 口 Working pressure. 5 = Maximum pem由sibles悦ss a specified in Table 8. e factor given in re事llation 350. x = 1. B (1 唰 0.7 s如 y) Eqn. (91-B) B = ratio of bore of branch to bore of main y = angle between branch and main in degr肥S c= 0.75mm. = t翩 derived from Equation 91-A is 白e The value of FIG.30 m拍脑um 白i休ness and further p i'ovision shall be made STE戴,L BUTI' W盖LDING for FI1TING 362. (a) Branches, Bosses and Drain PocketsBr朋ches, bos:臼sanddra如 pocke总 wêlded to the pipes 由all conform to 佼\e requireme础。freg叫甜叩P哩!些 ~-253.-1J丽丽梅挂记rñôt 飞丽丽ldeëno any mainat an an g1e of less 也an6但 B is {泣) Reinforcement- If the 也ickness of the single of multiplebranchpiece is less than given by the equation 91 Aexternal reinforc臼nent shall be provided. Such reinforcement may 始ke 阳 form ofmultiple radial pla棚。,f 'hourse shoe' form or 郎 form of collars or other reinforcement, approved by the Chief Ins严刑。几 app1ied to or around ma坦 orbr部ches of a a pipe 拉法吨笛邸g of each branch shall be p叫ected 严甲四diα.llarlyon 也e 阻is of the main and 也.edis饭nce betweèn each p础。Ifthe盹 pr付町尬。nsmeasured嗨挂出e dis恼lce so measured between two branches is less than the sum of 由eir bores, the two branches are de钮led to affect each 0也附 近削s distance is equal to C叼rea如岳阳 the sum of their bores,也.e two branches are deemed not to aff,配t eacho血.er. In circulatiJ:唱和e 黯趴f时cement required, each br刽晗1 is 如 be considered in 阳m 幅在e白白 wi由a11 the branc抽s by which it is affected. 。) A Branch not affected by any other branchWhereno 础ternalre恒forcement is to be app 1ied L嚣 PD+czqn-OLA) (2 sc + P) X y E智\. …Y 去 90 (91 -C) A branch affected byone or more other branches- (See Figure 362-A) Oe是em出\e the 'X' v a1ues 阳 each branch alone from Eψ硝佣 91也Let 'X' be the value 如r the branch under coruìidera忌。n and xa Xb, et忍住\e v a1ue for 舱 τhen ~叫一 C (1- Xa) ~嚣 1 四 C (1- Xb) Where¥ C is a factor 伎\e tak霞飞 fr.饵nτable Eqn. (91-0) value of which is 如 be 36')./4. 在\e 伎úckness of each branch which is a component of a multiple branch shall 也en be determined from Equatio置'1. 91-E. Equation 91-C shall not apply : *t 酣 .. 嚣 2 Pd (Se + P) X 1 X 一一一一 X1 . x2 +C Eqn. (91剿白 SHAPEOFPR。但.LE-Un沁55 the weld is dr崎sed flush , there shall be extemal 阴阳 r栩如rcem相t, pr由rably within 役\e lìmits reco啄回tended in Table below 矗nd this r冒info比ement shall be substan位 ally 5严nme衍ical about the c理n饷除\e of the joint.ηm shape of the reinforcement may vary 矗αording to the type of elec胁deor welding 惚hnique 础ed and lhe w创ding position, 以此 shell in allω钝sbeofsm∞th ∞nto\王.r,霞飞.e pro创e running out sm∞thtyin协 the pipe on each side without notching or r时uction of thickness of the pipe at the ed伊齿 of 也eweld. Amount of Weld Reinforcement 。ver pÎpe thi出1e5s Re切衍mended limits Upω and 子 mm to a branch piece the 制.ckness of 位le branch shall be determined from Equatio辈'1. 91-A. less 阳叩 。由erbranch腾, 位叫础峭∞ between 也需 Branch and 也ema抽. where no Extemal Reinforcement is Provided…Where more than one branch is attached to tolerance. No reinforcement is required if.… (b)恶xtemal {啡Thi~kne88 any 双由\1主s m6MM 旦旦旦 mm. m. 6 13 1/4 1/ 2 Minimum mm. In. 1.6 1/ 16 1.岳 1/16 1.岳1/ 16 Ma ximum mm. m. 5 1/ 8 5 6 3/16 1/4 Ind必n Boiler Regu lations 135 TABLE 36214 shallbe 设四伊eater of 由e 也ickness L calculated for it as a componentof each mul悦.ple br豁出. C d 1 今 d2 {部) 1 or greater .9 .8 .7 0 0.10 .34 .66 总.80 .5 .4 .90 .94 3 加 .2 .1 .98 .99 .o 1 (L 黯 d惨剧.æbetw制np叫ections of bores, d 1 and dJ In生ermediate values by 趾\ear. interpolation: It is to be sp町iallyno铃d 也at a branch may form p缸t of two dis往nct, mul位ple branch创, wl飞回池削ckn臼S STEEI二 BU1T WELDING N仰linal Dia mder 25 x 10 25 x 15 25 x 20 32 x 15 32 x 20 32 x 25 40 x 16 40 x 20 4O x25 Outside Dia. 4 33.7 d, 17.2 21.3 26.9 21.3 42 .4 26.争 48.3 33.7 21.3 26.9 llEDUCEllS N栩栩1 L 51 也 51 64 2432..47 2363.39 MAINS. (See F~事ll'es 3621 A, 362/B, 362/C and,. 362/D). 币1怠也ickness of a main carrying a single or a multiple branch shall be determined as for 也e si吨le branch or one component of 出e mul句le branch except 也at the symbols '0' and 'e' shall apply to 也.e main. η\e位ùckness of a main carrying more 白anone branch, single or multiple sh必1 be 注\e greatest of the 白ickness of 出.e main calculated in connection with each branch separately. 币2怠 additional 鼎ickness of a main for branch reinforcement shall extend over 位也 length covered by the branch and beyond it for , a distance not less 由m 位e bore of 出.ebranchon each side. D仰,眼w 1∞ x25 1 ∞ x 32 1∞ x 40 1 114.3 1 48.3 I 102 10加 50 1∞ x65 100 x 80 125 x 部 139.7" 125 x 65 141.3 125 x 80 125 x 1∞ 76 88.事 $随 x150 350 x 2∞ 60.主 76.1 88.9 114.3 60.3 76.1 127 i 孤5.6 I 219.1 1 330 路Ox2部 措Ox 欲望B 剑)Q x 200 ωOx2501 4(兑4 很)Q I 万3 |坦6 x 3∞ 381 891 主∞ x80 i2∞ xl∞ |219.1 1 114.3 1 152 2槌 x125 80 x 32 80 x 40 80 x50 80 x 65 34S2. 74 88.9 48.3 60.3 76.1 89 • Required 0.0. 毛obeSJ浓cified. Notes: 1. d 黯Outsidedi措meter of the big 忽略 2∞ x150 i 250 x 80 250 x 1∞ 250 x 125 273 药o x 150 250 x 2∞ 2. d l 1陈主 i 114.3 139.7 168.3 219.1 嚣。utside diamet辑r 355.6i508 民)Q 178 x 450 6∞ x 4()Q 600 x 450 §∞ x 500 of the sman end. 仰.6i 457.2 3.L 嚣Overan 1er宅位1. 508 lndian 栩如指伊lations 136 部'EEL BU1T WELD部GTEES UNEQUALTEE EQUALTE黯 泛dmral DÎII. N彻ninal a Dúnneter 25 >< 25 >< 10 25 >< 25 >< 15 25><25><20 25 部.7 =-32 比 32)(15'~ 32 >< 32x 20 32 x32 >< 25 32 42.4 L 17.2 21.3 26.9 s8 巴 L, 38 48.3 48 48 21 .3 26.9 33.7 42.4 57 57 … 因 x 5O ><25 33.' 51 57 4428JAS 64 3∞ ><3∞>< … 65x 毒草 x25 部.7 57 x 32 76.1. 貌.4 必4 7系。 毒嘉.3 番7 76 x 100 忽)o x 忽沁 xl25 放到()x 氛)() 35.7 42.4 48.3 番7 250 x 250 x 125 能3 76.1 部 219.1 均 毒品 … 73 76 83 111 117 K幽13649&s9 S 7 121 121 124 130 137 1主岳 162 1锦 25O x 25O xl部 2部 x 25O x2部 2因 273 >< 216 6 却4 323.9 3∞ ><2回 241 300 … 3回 x 35O x1部 350 >< 250 350 x 300 350 400 x 刽沁>< 15。 400 >< 4∞ x2∞ 每到()x 必始 x 250 400 x 纸到() x 300 400 ><必)() x 350 一 2s8 216198.•91 3自 x3部 x2∞ 军黯>< 3野.6 叙施.4 450 x450 x2∞ 450 x 450 x 250 450 x 450χ3∞ 450 x 4弱 x3部 457.2 450 x 450 x 400 184 184 500 i应系73主 问 27啻 305 1纯 虫草(}x 5OO x 25O 194 203 500 一 … .R叫础edO.D. 阳3 加由阱翩翩d. No棚川 1. d 础。utside dìameter of 蚀lt! l\1I\ pipe and branch 阳 ωse of 吨ual 协e 2. d 1 黯 Outsl.de dJameter of 由晴 branch In case of w随qual tee 3. L = Distanωof 恻ltr暗 ωend of l\1I\ 4. ~踹Dis棚ωof cen'胁 to end of branch 342.9 4因 x 到)0 x 200 民)O x 5OO><筑)0 x 民)o x 撼。 到)o x 民)o x 缸汩 民)o x 民)0 民)0 x 4部 L l呻叫~坦2四E飞 必。 152 178 L 125 3∞ x3∞ x2∞ S部>< 2部 x250 x 部 25O x 25O x1∞ 部 x 部 x65 124 >< 150 … 80x 部 x 部 A3 2∞ … 能争 þ.曲:圃r扣t留&sLS 1俑 fxtmtlll DÎII. d å, s∞ x3∞ xl部 105 |叫1l1U理m1a841 垂5 部 x 8O x 4O 105 150 x 1出 x50 2织Ix 150 x 65 150 x 150 x 80 168.3 143 93? 1部 x 150 x 1∞ 150 x 1部 x 125 一 150 一 销一$ 事。×部 x32 L 就)0 岱 x65x 5O x嚣 39I 114.3 ll!l68H88s 125x 125 x 50 125 x 125 x 65 139.~ 125 x 125 x 盹 141.3 125 x 125 x 1∞ 125 级)o x 忽)0 65>< 部 χ 毒。 80 ><80 fxtmtlll DÎII. 4 d, 织沁 x 忽)O x 8O 黯 岱 x 垂5 3∞ ><3∞>< 1∞ 89 95 98 21.3 26.9 33.7 4翠 帚0.3 86 1∞ xl∞ x50 "100 26.9 32 1∞>< 1∞ x 钊 1∞ x 1∞ x80 … 50x 部 x40 Nominal Dúnn eter … 20 部 x 部 x L Nominal Dúmrder 1∞ xl∞ x65 … 40 x 40 x 15 40><ωx 20 4O x 4O x25 4O x 4O x32 40 50x 部 x 二4 1 回8 381 137 Indúm Boiler Regulations ...四 刷 I FiItIr咱毒 1 1M伊羁01 1 c嘟" ' 可 磕 辑 重 φ 1.1矗 1.0.8 部 1.0.8 出三址: .'.11 拿 1.8 • *8.4 鑫 8.'‘ .0.8 I *3.2 袋1.6 1 ~Ö.8 令 ,告.8 ..专后 a监 0.<‘ 塞6.4 *0.8 拿 1.6 怠 1.6 ..8.4 拿8.'‘ 拿 0.8 部黯如融始 -:r .GQO 喝'.0 ..,.0 φ·膏。.8如 *3.2 毒1.8 .1.8 去 u ..8.4 怠。 8 ..0.4 02.4 拿 u ....5 拿 11.4 .'.11 .11.4 *茸.41.2.41* 警,在拿 8.4 I * 1.8 1 .11.4 I .章,‘+罕- 1+ *'.0 1.11 ü' 3.2 ..4 笋蕾帽·辈份*加幢幢 鑫罩Z TS20 费... r'4 3。 mw 俨mmc→→芝 m「O-203.宠 mm 咱M叶W 40俨mm》法。照。H ~企 4 由 iA 岛; 宙飞主t汪古建3!现古道 F地 .28(IX) 。IMENSIONS OF CAPS 1 2 N睛"帆al plpa s国 αame俑, s 40 60.嚣 串串 "78. 1n3.0 38 38 38 25 罩在 , OM 副 ω』 50 辈革 串串 串串 3.费1 4.85 4.85 5.08 511.•5e4t 25.4 38.1 38.1 揭.1 44.5 50.6 革8 88.9 毒$ 7.串串 83.事 1∞ 辛苦战事 84 8.58 125 150 '13串.7/141.3 188.罩 ?串 在53 78.2 88.9 102 250 219.1 273 350 串串5.辜 幸00 s∞ 323:¥ s∞ 部)0 忽13 809.8 287 1嚣劝 30喝 457.2 7茸啻 820 曲创 篇7 287 然7 *R饲ulred 0.0. to be specifi甜 Not铺:- 1. Caps are to 掬 of semi-ellipso饱豁然疆pe..oo are to ha嗡毒Ie哗衍。1st甩Ighttomak辈份帚创erall le唰h asspecif汹汹CoIoums3 秘俗.T地悔Ight 01 th串串串m问IHpsoidal portion , measures 串'xtemally, Is to 油部tI毒草s th四 onequ撞rter of the Intemal dlametèr of 赞\e cap. 2. Le,理tt黯应 applytoω隅 ofwallth陆ne部锦州锁馆领i嗨甘1ωeglv僻 In OoI. 4. 3. Lengths 我 ap肉 to caps of wall thi伽辅骨'S9阳.ter 问nthωe.glven in 臼1. 4. 4. d=O唰i但做栩如 Inmm 12.7号 1 军? 152 178 191 508 s∞ ?∞ 127 152 165 10.97 12.70 12.70 12.70 12.70 12.70 12.70 40且‘ 似lO tsd g 17事 20垂 徨窜 ‘∞ 450 εor 跤,鹅 overa割草sngth. 辜 *M**m指W 鹏嘟2·嘟重如.,e 损U制唰阳3恤崔亏2晴 iSL嗣 @nNgaontefE21 鸳也拥 4 28.9 33.7 42.4 48.3 刽 4 229 254 138 Indian Boiler Regulati切lS d 1 andd2 from a l'air 钱梅ding 制chother NOτLESSτ玩AN 黯G.3621A … TYPICAL MAXIMUM O.D. OP PIf咱E nns FLANGE IS SUITABLE FOR ALL DESIGN PR旦SSUREAND BRANCH PlECES 白MP.黯A丁URE CONDmONS 。 NOτ'E: FOR DETAILS OF WELD PREPARA悦。N 5EE FIG. N08. 28 (i) 始篇 (x) FlG. 28 - WELDING NECK FLANG览 才如弘 ;JYijJf'; 噜…,1.6M蜒 (lf.l创则 MAXι 胁~....s.MM..(3/16.肌)M剖 γ, 黯G.28 (i)一此AlN VEE FOR USE WITH BACKlNG Rl NG d 1 is unaffected by other branch栅 d 3 is affec始d by d 2 and d 1 ~is affected by d 3 d. is af兔cted by d3 FIG.36218 0 1 叫。11岳阳 )W 可γ15 •20" i402{ 1.6MM(11点 )MAχ 二斗1二- 5 MM (3 /16 IN.) MIN (PIPESO昭R 13 M.M. (1/2 IN.) THICK) 3 知剧。 18IN.) 烟N.RAD\ d 1 is affe<:时 by d 2 ~始 affected by d 1 and d 3 到G.3621C 咽- TYPICAL j 毛总 affe<:ted by d 3 d 3 is afft但ted by d 2 and d. • BRANCI辈PlECES :tfi ,... lðl比ιL 比 ιι幽幽 \ 飞'\tIT一 品 j 、'1" T 、‘.IU.... 1.6 MM (1/1岳阳占 MAX 叫曹如-5MMi (pIP主5 OVER 13 MM (1/2IN.) THICK) FlG. 28 (iii) (a) NORMAL PREPARATION U-GROOVE FOR USE wn宵 BACKlNG RlNG 1.6 MM (1116 IN.) 呻护 MAX 八\ :1 i L......霄 ._........,r 20喻。 俨叫注=←些-- - L 3 MM (118 IN.) 1 飞 J-、、 8喻,必如fIN.RAD. 电.............-,l( 口,。 d 1 i喜矗ffecated by d 3 d 2 is 矗 ffected by d 3 d 3 is aff就泌d by d 1 and d 3 FIG.3钝ID 3 M.M. - 4 M.M. (1 月 1况 - 5/32 IN.) (PIP脂 OVER 13 M.M. (1/ 2 IN.) TH1CK) F1G. 28 (iiÎ)翻一 PERMISSIBLE ALTERNATIVE PRE. PARATION FOR VERTICAL OR N注ARLY VERTICAL PIPE U-GROOVE FOR USE WITH BACKlNG Rl NG . lnd奴n 139 Boiler Re.伊lations § 0.8 M.M (1/32 lN.) MAX. SEETABLE 3 M.M. (1/8 IN.) APPROX § PIPE THICI<NE部 M.M. .s 25 >25 .s 38 >38 …1口吨F …部 至1 DEGREES 16-20 >1 sl-1I2 > 1-112 23.27 IN. 20固执 PERMlSSIBLE ALTERNA'贺VE PREPARATION FOR V酿刀CAL OR NEARLY VERTICAL I啦'忍 FIG. 28 (vi)仙一 DOUBLEANGI二EVEEFOR USE W口'H OXY.ACETYLENE BASE RUN 一一 (FOR PIPES 9VER 8 M.M. (5116 IN.) THICK) 。 FlG.28 (iv) - PREPARATlON OF GROOVE FOR USEwn宫 TAPER BACKING RING AND DOUBLE ROOT RUN 8M.M. 30" .400 0.8-2.5 批批 1/32-3/32 剖. APPROx. FLUSH WI1H BORE 肌在 FOR PIPES 13 M.M. (1/2 IN.) AND THINNE 在G. 28 (v) (a) … GROOVE 笠ORUSEWITH 鼠EC塞SS雀D BACKING RING 立5.5 M.M. (3/32 -3 /16 lN.) NORMAL PREPARATION 到G. 28 (vii) (a) 一协GROOVE FOR USE WIT}董 OXY-ACETYLENE BASE RUN {yfl • E~ 5 M.M. (3/16 IN.) 闲N APPROX. FLUSH WITH BORE FOR PIPES THIC昭RTHAN 13 挠.M. (1/2 IN.) FlG. 28 (v) (b)… GROOVE FOR USE wn‘ HRECESSED BACKING RING PERMISSIBLE ALTERNA TIVE PREP ARA TION FOR VERTICAL OR NEARLY VERTICAL PIPE FlG. 28 (vii) (剖… U.GROOVE 穿ORUSEWITH OXY-ACETYLENE BASE RUN 10-16M.M. (3/8-5/8IN.) 叫|← 2 日抵M (3/32-3 /1 6IN.) (a) … NORMA瓦 PREPARAION DOUBLE ANGLE VEE FOR USE WITH OX予,AC览TYLENE BASERUN Fl G. 28 (vi) (PIPES 10 TO 16 M.M. (3/8 TO 5/8 IN.) THICK INCLUSIVE) FIG. 28 (viii) - PLAl N VEE FOR USE WITH OXY.ACETYLENEBASERUN 140 lndian Boiler Regulations 350 少. 1 -:;如$7品 13 2平Lr NOR挺AL 门 叫11(3~抖出) I 品如坠) I ._1 牛5M.M →幌圳) FOR USE WITH SPECI:~-~矶~I~~ I PREPARATION FIG. 28 (i对 (a) … PLAIN VEE FOR USE WITHOUT BACKING 民ING FIG. 28 (ix) (b) - PLAIN VEE FOR 京IG.28ω … SINGLE U FOR US军 WITHOUT BACKING RING THE OUτ'ER SU汉FACE OF THE WELD MU5T U'E WHOLLY OU予 5IDE THE POS1110N 1NDICATED n姐 OUT在R5URFACEOFl曰E WELD MUSτLIE WHOLLY OUT5IDE τ羽E POS1110N 1N- BYτ曰EDO守:我DUNE,凤JLLUNE, WH1CH 应VER 15 APPUCABLE DICATED BY THE DOTTED UNE,Fl几LUNE,Wl泣。IEVER 15 APPUCABLE 70 0 MAX毫 ALLOY SfEELFILLET WELD CARBON Sf军军LFILLETW嚣LD 应 FORCL挺ARANCE BETWEEN FLANGE BORE AND O.D. OF PIPE [SEE REG拭 357 (b)1 CARBON Sf在ELPIPES B.. tBlIT NαrL蓝SSTHAN5 悦,抵。116") ALLOY STEEL PIPES B=tBlIT Nαr CA汉BON sf在嚣L PlPES tBlIT C-NOT LESS τHAN ALLOY SfEEL 2t 器lIT C=NOT PlP部 M黛M. 8 M.M. (5/16 IN.) MIN. WH翠汉itISNOτMOR军 T只AN M.M.(312、 BORE 10M.单是• (3/8") FOR PIP路 21M.M. CAALLROBOYN STS13T肌 EE肉 LAF蹈 ND 。")BOREOVER 6 M.M. (1/4 IN.) FOR PIP路 13M.M. 。 12 IN.) AND 19 M. M. (3/4") 胀)R军 8 M.M. (5116") FOR PIPES 25 M.M. 。")T038M‘M.(312") 以JRE 10 M.M. (3/8") FOR PIPES 21 M.M. (2")阪)REOVER 争 6 M.M. (1/4") ALLOY SfEELPIP部 E' ,. HEIGHI' OF WELD RECESS B. AND C ARE MINIMA AFTER MACHINING FLANGETO FINAL THICKNESS. THIS FLANG嚣 ISSUITABL底 FOR ALL DESIGN PRESSURE AND TEMPERATURE CONDITIONS. FACE ANO BACK WELDED ON FLANGE FOR METAL ARC WELDING FIG.29 8 M.M. (5/16 IN.) IN.) W只恶巢军 tISOV军R 喜 M.M. UPTO AND INCLUDING 14.5 M.M. (9116 IN. t-3M.M‘(1/8 IN.) WHE阳 tis OVER 14.5 M.M. 飞JPTOAND lNCLUDING 22 M.M. (7/81N.) 1-岳 M.M. (1/4 IN.) WH辈民主 t IS OVER 22 M.M. (7/81N.) 川,岳 M.M盔。 116 (5/16") FOR PlPES 25 M.M. (1") E=tBUτNOTI必SS THAN DIM 忘 NSIONS A=1/2 t 窑uτ 泌OTL嚣SSTHAN 5 M.M. (3 /1 6 IN.) LESS THAN 5 M‘M.(3/1毒,H) CAR以JNSTE主LPIPES , CARBON STEEL AND ALLOY STEEL PlPES 岳。sM.M.J {O1τA//041N613D"N8}J EOEE PIPES 13M.M. /ZINmnM 挺,mEAPEO$A25"}BORE LESS THAN FOR CLEARANCE BETWEEN FLANGE BORE AND O.D. OF PIPE [S E:E: REGN. 357 (b)] B鑫 CARBON Sf在ELPIP军S C = t BlIT NOT LESS THAN 10 M.在A ALLOY STEEL PIPES C 瞌 2tBlIT Nαr CAR叙JN STEEL PlPES A LlβYSTE军LPIPES 嚣,. LESS THAN 10 M.M. t BlIT NOT LESS THAN 6 M.M. 军2 溢 E程IGHI' OF WELD 反革:CESS. DIMENSIONS A AND C ARE MINIMA AFTER MACHINING FLANGE TO FINAL τHICKNESS. THIS WELDPREPA民ATION SHALL NOT BE USED WITH PIPES OF LESS THAN 76 M.M. MIN. BORE. BO黯 AND BACK WELD嚣。 ON FLANGE FOR MET AL ARC WELDING 翻G.30 141 Indian Boiler Regulations 阴阳 雀 poo 嘎-wrt nv ,/ 宫HE OUTER SURFACE OF T贝克 WELD MUSτLIE WHOLLY OUTSIDETI茹 posmON lNDICATED BY 1HEDOTT院DUNE 5.0M.M. (3/16 lN.) RAD. 础?证, FOR CLEARANCE BEτW阻N El FLANGE OORE &: O.D. OF PlPE [SEEREGN. 烟.357 创 CAROON STEEL AND ALLOYS丁EELPIPES A= 1/2tBUTNOTl启臼 τHAN 5.0 M.M. (3/16 lN.) CAROON STEEL PlPES C = t BUT NOT LESS T曰AN 10.0 M.M. (3/8 翻.) ALLOY STEEL PlPES C = 2t BUT NOT LESSτHAN 10.0M.M. (3 月lN.) CAROONSτEELPlPES E = t BUT NOT LESSτHAN 6.0 M.M. (1/4 IN.) ALLOYST宝.EL PlPES El 黠 6.0M.M. (1/4 lN.) 令 2/3t BUT NOT LESS 1HAN t t = CALCULATED T到lCKNESS OF PIPE AS DERIVED FROM EQN 91 DIMENSIONS A&C ARE MlNIMA AFTER MACHINING FLANGE τo FINAL τHICKNE臼.τHIS WELD PR黑PARAτION SHALL NO'τ 盹 USEDWIT丑PlPES LESS ηiAN 76 M.M. (3 IN.) MIN. BORE WELD PREPARA丁ION FOR USE ONLY WI1H FLANG自 posmONALLY WELDED ON '00民E AND BACK' WELDED-ON FLANGEFOR ME'τAL ARC WELDlNG FIG.30A FOR CLEARANC应 BETWEEN FLANGE BORE &: 0.0. OF P lPE (SEE REGN. 357 (b)) 1/2tBUTNOTLESSηiAN 5.00 M.M. (3116 IN.) = 8.0 M.M. (5/16 lN.) MINIMUM WHERE t IS NOT MORE 在iAN 8.0 M.M. (511岳 IN.) B 且 [t 坦1.6 M.M. (1 /1 6 IN.)] WHERE t IS OVER 8.0 M拢。 116 lN.)U何o AND INCLUDlNG 14.50 M.M. (9 /16 时)] B 且在-3.0 M.M. (1/16 IN.)] WHERE t IS OVER 14.50 M.M. (9/16 IN.) UPTO AND INCLUDING 22.∞ M.M.σ18IN.)] t-6 .0 M.M. (1/4 IN.) WHERE t IS OVER 22.0 M.M. (7月 IN.) E = 1-112t BUτNOTLE部 ηiAN 岳.00 M.M. (114 IN.) t= CALCULATEDτHICKNESS OF PlPE AS DERlVED FROM EQN.9 1. P灿伍NSION 'A' IS 1HE 如lIN弘rUM AFTERMACHINING FLANGE τOF剧ALηnCKN览:SS. 1HIS WELD P阳PARATIONSHALL NOT BE USED WI1H PlPES OF LESSτHAN 76.00 M.M. 。 民)BO阻 鸣。'RE &: FILLET' WELDED-ON FLANGE FOR METAL ARC WELDING A= FIG.32 1苦苦E 1苦王军 OUTERSURFACE OF η恒 OUTER SURFACE OF IH在 WELDMUSTLI主 WHOLLYOUT­ SIDETHEP创ITION INDlCAτED WELD MUS丁 LIE WHOLLY OUTSIDETHEPOSmONINDICATEDBYτ到E DOTTED LINE BYIHE ∞'TT室。 L孙沱 6ß。 E B FOR CLEARANCE BETWEEN FLANGE BORE AND O.D. OF PIF斗E (SE应 REGN. 357 (b)) B = t BUT N0T LESST到AN 5.0 M.M. (3/16IN.) 应 312t BUT NOT LE臼 τ双AN 6.0 M.M. (1/4 剖J t= CALCυLATED THICKNESS OF PlPE AS DERIVED FROM EQN.91 DIMENSION B IS THE MlNIMUM AFTERMACHINlNG FLANGE TO FINAL THICKÑE岱 FACE AND FILLET WELDED ON FLANGE FOR 如mτAL ARC WELDlNG FIG.31 FORCLEA汉ANCE BETWEEN FLANGE BORE AND O.D. (S黯阻GN. 357 B) A= E= t嚣 OF PlPE 1/2t BUT NOT LESS THAN 5.0 M.M. (3/16 IN.) 1-l l2t BUT NOT L慧能在iAN 岳.0 M.M. (1/4 IN.) CALCULATED 1HICKNE部 OF PlPE AS DERIVED FROM EQN.9 1. 0岛æNSIQN'A'IST双E MlN如何MAFTERMACl钗NINGFLANGE TOFINAL ηnCKN我SSτHISW肌,DPR府ARATION SHALL NOT BE USED WI1H PlPES OF LESSη认N 76.0 M.M. (3 IN.) M孙勘仅JM OORE. WELD PREPARATION FOR USE ONLY WITH FLANGES POSmONALLY WELDED….QN. 'OORE AND FILLET' WELDEDFLANGEFOR 如fET AL-ARC WELDING FIG.32A 142 Indùm Boiler Regula#仿JS B=T E 带 312t BυTNO吁fLESSτHAN5.0M.M. 。 116IN.) F = 1.6 M.M. (3/16 IN) MAX. t = CALCULA宵。 THICKNE部 OFPIPE ASD瓷RIVED FROM EQN. 91 ALL DIMENSIONS A汉E FINI5HED 5IZES. τ羽EBC路ED FLANGE MAY 1范 U铅DON PIPES UPTO AND INCLUDING 305 M.M. (12 IN.) NOMINAL BO黯 '5LIP-ON' WELDED-O N FLANGE FOR METAL-ARC WELDING τHEOUT意RSURFACEOFTHE WELD MUST L1E WHOLL Y oυτ5IDEτ到E P<荡mONINDl幽 CA'窟。 BY 1HE DOTTED UNE Fl G. 33 - FOR CLEARANCE FLANGE BORE & 0.0. OF PIPE (SEE REGN. 357 B.) BETW我EN B=T B 嚣 312t BUT NOT L露部 THAN 5.0 M.M. (3116IN.) τHIS TYPE SHALL BE USED ONLY FOR PIPES UPTO AND INCLUDING 153 M.M. (6 IN.) NOMINAL 即陋 'SLIP-ON' WELD黯D-ON BOSSED FLA. NGE FOR OXY-ACETYL盖NEWELDING FlG.34 … FOR CLEARANCE BETWEEN FLANGE BORE & 0.0. OF PIPE (SEE REGN. 357 B.) 363. Blow-Down Pip幡…(的 Blow-down pipes which cannot be subject,时 to full boiler press旧e shall be considered as satt主rated ste.缸n-pipes at 也at pressu胆. (b) Blow-down pi:归swhichcar圈。tbesub如ted tofull boiler pr倒sure shal1 be consideredas saturated steampipes at half the working pressure of the boiler. 364. Valves Ch销协…位) Chests of stop-va1ves, iso1a由\g valves, reducing valves, steam traps, etc., forming parts ofwrω#恍然回1 mains始am piping when for u槌 with sa如rated steam upto a gauge pressure of 160 lbs. per square inch or a tempera阳re of 4000 F may be made of cast iron, cast steel or wrought steel in accordance with ther吨uirements of Regulation 290. (b) When superheated steam is used above 必览。F or when pressures are above 1ωlbs. per sq. in. gauge, such chests shall be mÞd, e of .~ast or wFough主貌出I 眩, other approved material in accordance with the requirement of Reguiation 290. D比.fENSIONXm放\. in 1.119 in (NOMINAL PIPE WALL" THICKNE5S) 0汉 THICKN 底550F 肌ANGE HUB. WHICHEVER 155MALLER. FlG.34A … ~OCK盯 W缸.OEOFLANGE STEAM RECEIVERS, SEPA汉ATORS, CATCH WATERS, ACCUMULATORS AND SIMlLAR VESSELS 365.(ωa 苟)Mat怡 eri始 刻1& a 份萨.嗣嗣. {白 句) 2 Plates, Ba白I Section事 and Rive跑一 Materia1s for plat蹈, bars, sections and rivets used in the construction of Steam Receivers, Separators, Catch Waters and Similar Vessels shall comply in a11 respects wi出 the requirements of relevant regulations of Chapters 11 and V. depending up∞ the mode of cons衍uction. 。) Br拙ch咽"ho钳制 and drain pocke每一 Branches, bosses and drain pockets may be solid forged, fabricated by fusion welding, machined from solid bars or made from tubes. (3) Flanges- Materials for flanges shall <:omply with the appropriate provisions of Regulation 353. lnd忽n (4) 143 Boiler Regulations bo出 sides of 也e plate. Where the internal shel1 is less than24 ins. 也e joints may be welded from one side only, when efficient welding from inside is Forgings喃阳 Forgings shall comply with the requirements of Re gulation 243. (5) Steel Castings- Steel castings for shells or 严部sure parts of shell shall comply with Re事llations 73 to 80. (b) Construction and Workmanship… (1) Shells ends- Shel1 ends formed separately from the shel1 may be dished or fla t. Alternative坊, 也e ends of the shel1 may be forged down and c10sed by manhole doors or by. plugs or brand毛es welded in. (埠。ished ends-… Each dished end shal1 be made from one rol1ed p1ate. If 副.s is impracticable, owingto 仕\e 1配ge diameter,位\e dished end p 1ate i 如 si∞ buttwelded maybemade 仕omtwop1at邸 together and in such ca.ses 也e line of weld shal1 be paral1el to the horizontal axis of 也e ve.ssels and the weld shall be radìographed after fom由19. 白1怠 shape of Dished end 命el1∞nform to the requiréments of Re gu1ation 275. Dis始ng end peripherial flanging shall be done by machine. Cold flanging sha在 not be adopted. All p1ates which have been dish~, flan军ed or loc:ally heated shal1 afterward.s be efficiently heat treated for the purpose the relieving intemal stress , unless during the last stage of g冶nufacture,也.ey have been uniform1y heated 校\roughout to a suitable temperature. Care .should be taken to .see 出at the flanges are cylindrical of good surface and free from 1出al irre伊larities. Where flats are pressed in dished end.s for the attachment of c臼mections they .shall be formed wi也 m 缸吨le radius at 位\e junc位onsof the flat and curved surfaces and shal1 be free from sharp comers and tool marks. Dished ends shal1 be attached 抽出.e cylindrical F盯tof 也.e .shell by one of the fol1owing methods: (斗 Riveting…Dished ends shal1 be machined to fit closely 如to 也.ecy如\drical part of the shel1 and flogging or hammering in the a阪ng of ends sha在 not be adopted. The caulking edges of al1 flanged plates shal1 be machined or flame cut by machine. (总) Welding with butt ]oints of 也e.Singleor Double U or V Typ e…Where the internal diameterof 也.e shel1 in 24 ins. or over, the jo:趴.ts shel1 in all cases, be welded from diameterof 仕\e considered 协prac位.cable. 挡i) Inserting, Convex side Outwards, ÎJl to the Cylindrical Part ofthe Shell which shall afterward be Hammered over at a Forging Temperature and Welded Round the Periphery- The dished 四ds shal1 be a tight 如 in the cylindrical part of the shel1 and the leng位飞 of 也.e cylindrical position of the dished end shal1 be not less 由an four 位mes 出戴白ic挝\ess of the dished end but not less than 1~ ins. This methC!d may be u.sed where the shel1 diameter does not exø聪d 36 ins. and the 设úckness of the cylindrical part of the shel1 does not exceed 1 如. (See Fig. 民o. 365/1), except 仕\at it shall not be permi忧ed where the design 严部sure exceeds 梢。 lbs./sq. in. or where o 位.e design temperature exceeds 750 F. i 叫/ 防盯 NOT I LE部 ηIAN 1 始 in. ./ "" V SEE 汉EGULATION 365(B) (2) (i均 THIS TYPE IS NOτPE反MITTED WHEREAS RECEIVER EXCEEDS 36 1拭 DIA. OP WHERE DESIGN PRESSURE EXCEEDS 400 LB/SQ. IN. OR WHERE DESIGN TEMP. EXCE配到S750 0 POR wl程RETHICI<N忘55 忘XCEEDSIIN. FIG.3岳511 Dished ends shall not be secured to the cylindrical part of the shel1 merely by Fillet Weldin在 round periphery without any mechanicalloc:k. (3) 扭at 栩如一到.at ends sh材1 be of forged steel and shall be welded to the cylindrical part of 也e shel1 or bolted to flanges which shal1 be attach创 to the cylindrical part of the shel1 in accordance with Regulation 356 or 357. The attachment of flat ends shal1 be by one of 也.e method.s shown in Fig. N铺,揭5/2, 365/2-A, 365/3 and 365/4. 144 Indian Boiler Re伊lations 目G.36S15 B.urNσrL勤部 THAN3/81N. FIG.36S12 When ends are at:tached as shown in Fig. 365 凡"welding shall be fro凯 both sides of the shell plate where prac挝.cable. Where welding is done from one side only, care shall be taken to ensure 仇111 penetration using backing strips. (c) Access to Shell铲叩 At .least one manhole shall be access for thorough de缸由19 and 副SpectiOI飞, except 由at where the 处\ell is too small to permit en句, c1eaningand inspection openings of sufficient size and number shall be provided. Where 由ere is an elliptical opening in the cylindrical part of 也e 和甜,仕\e minor axis shell, wherever practicab1e be para茧el to the longi烛dinal axis of 也.e shell. provided 如 allow NOTE:WELOO目‘'AILSAOOEO WrI双 REFERENCEτ'0 FIG. 23-0. FIG 36512A . (d) Compensat站起 Rings to Openin萨 and DoorsThe material, construction and workmanship of compensating rings and doors shall comply wi出 the appro抖ate Regulations of Chapters II,皿 and 刀1. (怡 e)Bra 拟辈毛忧 chesandOl 白 he 缸 rConned悦ion&协*彩*如.翩翩….翩. 鱼le d 磁芷 shall , OR T 1 /1 6 IN. WHICHEVER 155MALL阳 FIG. 36SI3 iv 生m -个 1.6 t = 5TUBτHlCK t =<ENOPLAT在 τ到ICI< FIG.365品 be made by means of 忱 b 芷肌z 仙 he 吼 岛, p陀s提d s plat挝 e saddles, for在ed pads or bosses. Altematively, where the thickness of the shell is sufficient to allow a suitable surface to be obtained, connections may be attached directly to the shell, provided that the g由吆mum 役ùckness at the hole in the shell is not less than 部制.ckness required for the design pressure and temperature considering the shell 础 being unpierced and that the diameter of the hole does not exceed the 放\a姑mum dlamet衍 of an uncompensated hole as defined in Regulation 170 and 279. Studs for securing such connections shall have a full thread holding 抬出e shell for a 1忽略布 of at least one diameter and 也es切d holes shall not penetrate the whole 刷但less of 出e shell. All holes for bolts, studs and rivets in branch臼, saddles and forged μds shall be drilled. Where such connections are secured by welding.alone, a minimum lndian Boiler Regulations 145 of two nms of metal shall be deposited at each weld, except for sealwelds. Each nm of weld 1'lletal shall be thoroughly deaned and free from slag befo持 the next rurt is deposited. The final finish of the welds shall be such 应at change of section from shell to branch is gradual and free from sharp notches. Where the diameter of the shell is 24 如.ches and over, welding jtN1 OUτER WELD MADE FlRST shall be ftom both sides of the plate. Where 注1廷 intemal diameter of the shell is less than 24 inches, extemal and intemal welds shall be applied unless it is considered 也at efficìent welding from both sides is imprac位cable. 白白 does not apply to 泣\e methods of attachment shown in Fig. 365/6 and 365 /7泊 which the welding shall always be from both sides. . BORE BO摇一-叫 .呻 FINAL SEAL WELD FINAL SHEALD WELD FOR WHlCHTHERESHALLBEA SOUND FOUNDATION WHERE τHE APPUCATION OF TI迎 SEALWELD FROM INSIDE THE VESSEL IS PRACTICABLE, THIS TYPE IS NOT PERMITTED UNLESSτHE BORE OF THE BRANCH IS 4" OR LARGER AND THE LENG1H FROM FAC翠 OF!鼠ANCHOUTSIDE OF SH乱L DO部 NOT EXCEED THE FOLLOWING : WHEREl苦iEAPPUCAηONOF 1HESEALW窒LD FROM INSIDE IS IMPRACTIBLE,白王IS TYPEIS NσTPER如UT1怒D UNLESSη程 BORE OFηiE BRANCH IS 4" OR LARGER AND T日ELENGηi FROM FACE OF BRANCHTO OUTSIDE TOSHELL 00班S NOT EXCEED THE FOLLOWING : 1HEVE部EL BORE OF BRANCH LENGTI王 OFBRANCH BO及EOFBRANCH LENG1H OF BRANCH 4" 9" 4" 9" 5" 10" 5" 10" 岳" 12" 岳" 12" 7" TO 10" INCLUSIVE 15" 7" TO 10" INCLUSIVE 15" OVERI0" 1喜" OVERI0" 18" NOTE:τHE ABOVE ARE NOT RECOMMENDED B汉ANCH LENGτHSAND B.汉ANCHES SHOULD BE AS SHORT AS p。但IBLE. FIG.36516 NOTE:ηiE ABOV巴 ARE f:-JOτRECOMMENDED BRANCH LENG1HSANDBRANCHESSHOULDBEASSHORTAS K及;SIBLE. FIG.36517 Indian Boiler Regulations 146 Branches, Pressed Pla去e Saddles, Forged Pads of Bo:栩栩 sha班 beseαl1'ed 10 位1.e shell by one of the following me也.ods: (i) Rive位\g. {总,) Welding. (泌) 院ORE MAXl-l/2tN or 1-1/8", 1-1/2 t N -酬唰响 WHICHEVER IS η王军扎段到SER) MINtN Screwing and Seal Welding. Where branches are riveted on, the flange 拙 contact with the shell sha11 be c1osed. 在\e caulkingedge shall be machined or flameαlt by machine. M付1世sofa悦aclun四tforbrancl阳回cured by welding are shown in Fig. 365/6 to 365/29A. 下 < 飞 FIG.3651主。 -唰幽-_.刷峭输 在a.365111 tN1 t,料? MIN BO.阳 嚣G.36518 ---------桐 W黯LD孙"G PROCEDURE FORτ'YP邵阳O叭rN 即双G.365/8AND FIG 365/9 TOBEAS 民JRDOUBLEWELDEDBUγfJOINT‘ OUTER WELD TO BE MADE FIRST. BACK OF OUTER W苞LD TO BE CHI挥部 OUT. BEFO黯 COMMENCE烟附 OF 副NER WELD BUTTD黯p 商用TRATION WELDING MAY BE USED SUBJECT TOPROOFOF 京EQUISlTE P段也τ玄Aτ10N BEING PRODUC贱。 BY THE MANUFACTURER WHERE CALLED FOR BY THE INSP勤CTING A U1HORlTY‘ 翩..- ... ...翩, FIG.36到9 挠 G.365112 - IndÚl.n Boiler R喀ulations 147 BORE 树 , --酬.桐. 桐 .'• -一--鹏- .呻. 3~ BUT NOTMORE tN T苦iAN 飞- t N τ HE TYP军S IN 衍G. 365 /1 3 A汉E ONL Y .PERMIITED WHERE THE ELECTROD部 ANDτECHNIQUEτ"O BEυS览DHAVE BE班N SHOWN, BY SEPA汉AT舷L Y PREPARED TEST. SP应CIMEN5, SHOWN TO GIVE FULL PENETRAnON Wπ'H SOUND WELD METAL AT THE ROO'τOF THE GROOV意5. THEY ARE Nσr PE民M汀TED WHERETHE 以)REOFTH览 BRANCH 览XCEEDS 5 INCH ES. FIG.3651主3 FIG.365116 BO汉E 甲…叫田叫 --…- FIG.365117 η还 TYPE 5HOWN IN FIG. 365/1415 NσrPER如UITEDWH应RE 在iE IN5IDE OF THE VESSEL 15 ACCESSIBLE FOR WELDING FIG. 15 PREFERRED WHERE THE IN5IDE OF THE 1以ANCH 15 ACC览SIBLE FOR WELDING , WHERE IT JOIN5 1苦iESHELL. BOR院 FIG.365114 1/4" RAD. MIN 呵--一… FIG.36缸" 5EALWELD FOR τHERE5HALL BE A SOUND FOUNDAnON THE TYPE 5HOWN IN FIG. 365/15 IS NOT PERMlTTED WHERE TH在 SHELL τHICKN底SSEXCE注DSlINCH. FIG.3岳5115 WELDUNGPROCEDUREFORTYP军SSHO执刑 IN FlGS. 部5118AND 施51扮 TO 嚣EASFOROOU百E五 W在LDED BUT JOINT. OUτER WELDτo BE MADE,阮氏sr BACK OF OU1毛RW琵WTO 磁 C邱:PPEDOUTBE邵阳 COMMENCEMENT OF INNER WELD. BUT DEEP P军NETRATlON WELDUNG MAY 践主USED SUBJECf TO P艇。OF OF R在QUISIτ班 PEN翠TRAτION BEING PRODUCED BYTHEMANUFAffi成ERW哥您这翠 CAU主DFORBY1双E岳8IlCJ育湖GAU1回双l1Y. FIG.3岳5119 Indian Boiler Regulations 148 旅ORE I 郎施应 MAX.11/2 、 OR 11 /1 18" -唰....---← …------- (WHICH蕉VERI5 1HE LE路EI。如fiN t挡 -----糊 .1.... FIG.365124 FIG.365120 FIG.365121 FIG.3 6S125 MAX.l 1/2何'N OR 例HlCHEVE汉1S T日E 口空BER) 阳N'M' 'N 叶叶-BORE tN -----…"蛐--­ ,酬萨' ... ... ... ... ηiE TYPE 5HOWN IN FIG.365/26 1s NOτP邵阳1TEDW耶路 OF η钮 VESSEL IS ACCESSIBLE FOR WELDING缰 FIG. 365 /27 15 PREFERRED WHÈRE THE INSIDE OF THE BRANCHISACC法拥BLEFORW旦DING WHERE IT JO艇在西 τ曰E 玲.JSIDE S沉寂LL FIG.36S123 FIG.365126 喻" lndian Boiler Regulations 149 BORE :tN Branches or not more than 1\-2 ins. nominal bore may be screwed into the shell with a taper 也read and seal welded, provided 也at the thickness of the shell is sufficient to allow for a leng也 of 也read equal 抬出e diameter of the branch. Wherethe thickness of the shell is not sufficient for 也is purpose, a boss may be welded on so 出时也.e total 也ièkness .of the boss and shell is 时least equal to 也.e required length of 出read. Method嚣。f attachment of such bosses are shown in Fig. 365/30 to 365/34. 走 ~ 1HE 1YPE SHOWN IN FlG. 3岳5/27 ISNOT 黯灿ffITED WHERE' TI部 SHELL τ苦苦ICKNE55 EXCE嚣。程 lINCH. FIG.36 5/27 里 才| =NOZZLE THlCKNESS FIG. 365129A 喃 .. -懈『牛 喃崛 .- •• 唰 ' .-峭 惘-. 偷-帽 帽 -峭喃 -.'. -. .. 崎叩幡 喃 皿唰" - -'也需 - 跚华唰 喃 hz'垂毡'毫 2霉 儒. e. 耐4 唰 帽 .牛罐 -"户 刷 ' 叩幡懦 -鄙'吨翩 帽 -酬'-幡 ' 翩" 4-'" 4.-Ae , ' t 叶立← BUTNOT BUTNOTL邵阳路 ηiAN Z双AN3/16 卧乱 主116IN, 丁YPE SHOWN IN FlG越 365/28 15 NOT P院汉MlTI'ED WHERE ANY FOLLOWING LIMITS 15 EXCEEDED SH乱LτHICKN旅55 3/4IN骨。芷SIGN PRE臼U阳 105 LBS/叙J. 时. DESIGN TEMPERAτURE 340o F. FIG.365128 OFTI王军 TAPPED BOSSES 阳CEED别G 3/2 IN. STANDARD PIPE SIZE ARE NOT PERMITTED. FIG.365130 J啼,×〈豆 THIS TYPE AVOIDSτHEPREPARA刀ONOFGROOV囚的贷银NS罚a IS A BAC虹NG 鼠ING ONlY AND NOT A C。如佼法N­ PLAτ军 THE 民ING THE TYPE 5HOWN IN FlG. '365 /29 IS 沁OT PERMI1T嚣。 WHER主 ANY OF THE FOLLOWI泌G UMITS 15 EXCEEDED: 缀iELL THICXNESS 1/2"; DESIGN PRESSURE 105 L部/珑.IN.;D臼IGN 指泌宅虱ATURE 34(j"F , FIG.365129 SAτlNG R1t喝G. THE YPE SHOWN 剖FlG. 统记5/31 ISNαTPERMlT罚。 WHERETHE I附IDEOFTHE 5HELL ISACC岛 SlBL军只)RWELD孙~G盔 FIG.3毒草132 Indian Boiler Regulations 150 stud in the pad shall be not less 位\an the di部neter of stüd;. Methods .of åttachment of pads secured by welding are shoWI:\ in Fig. 365 /35 to 365 /41 , but where pads of the type shown in Fig. 365/35 are used 也ey shall be formed to bed dosely 始出.e shell. MOREτHAN3/S"AND 设1e LESSTHAN HI汲E t, 15 LESS τHEτYPESHO轨/N INFIG. 部5/33 ISONLY PE汉MITIEDWHE阳 τHE1NSIDEOFη指 SHELL1SNOτACCESSIBLE FOR W肌DING FlG提 365/33 THEτYPES SHOWN IN FIGS. 365/33 & 365/34 ARE NOT PERMITIED WHERE ANY OF THE FOLLOWl NG UMITS IS EXCE滋DED: SHELLτHICKNESS3/4INCH; D部IGNPRE部URE 150 LBS/SQ. IN.; DESIGN TEMPERATURE 5∞。F; TAPP蕉。 BO铅ESEXCEEDING 1Yl IN. STANDARD PIPE SIZE A汉ENσTPE武如f.ITTED τHETYPE 级iOWN ηiE IN FIG. 365/3515 NOτPERMITTED WH运法E 5HELL THICKN黯部 EXCEEDS 3/4 INCH. FIG.365135 FlG. 365/34 - Fl NAL SEALW戴LD Branches may be provid叫 with flanges for ord剖a叩 bolted joints. Joints of speçial type may also be used. Flang部 for ordinary bolted joints shall be in accordance with 也.e appropriate 始.ble 烛 Appen也x E and shall be for伊dsolidwith 也ebranch础。r 撤出.ed in accordance wi也Re如ùaüon 356 or 357. Thèy shall be machined on 也e jointing and bo1t bearing surfaces. Where p窍部ed p1ate saddles are u锦d,也ey shall be formed to bed cb坦lytothesl飞.ell and shall be mad由\ed on the face a啕oining 阳 conn配创.on and machined or flame cut by 皿achine on theedges. 古\e studs for 设m attachment of 阳 connec位on. If配黯wed 由侃.gh the saddle, shall each be fitted with a nut on 船e inside. Where 也e stud holes do not penetratethtough the saddle,也elen阱10f 也.e screwed portion of 也怠 stud in 仕1e p 1ate shall be not less 址旧n the diameter of 也.estud. 百\e jo面 faces of all 。岛艇NSION B MAY BE GREATER THAN NO沁忽NALB。这EOF CONNEC哑ONBUTMU盯 NOTEXCEED: PITCH 口RCLEDIAM佩 戴TER 浏阳S (STUD DIAMETEl是+ l /2 IN.) WELDINGl浪QCEDUREFOR TYPESHO认TNINF电G.365/36TOBE AS FO' DOUBLE WELDED BUTT JOINT. 。υ丁慧RW应.DTO BE MADE FI去ST. BACK OF OUτ'ER WELD τo BE CHIPPED OUT BEFORE COMMENCEMENT OF INNER WELD. BUT DEEP PENEl双ATIONW在LDING 楼A YBE USEDSUB}ECττOPROOFOF REQUI5ITE PENETRATION BEING PRODUCED BY THE MANUFACTURER WHERE CALLED FOR BY T日怒 INSP黯.CTING AUτHORITY. FIG.365136 B pads 窑hall bemach放稳d. 在1e pads shall be suffid四t1y 制.ck to allow the dri黯ng of stud holes for connections without the inner surface The len斜叫出优rewedpo据onofthe beingp始rced. Fl G.365/37 Indian Boiler Regulations 151 Tapped bosses of not more 役UUl 1yz ins. standard pipe welded to the shell, may be used for design pressures not exceeding 200 lbs./ sq. in. and desi.萨 temperatuJ唆S not exceeding 650 0 F. Such bosses shal1 have taper 注U'eads. Methods of attachment of bosses secured by welding are shown in Fig. 365/30, 365/34. 20" M1 N B Al1 welded 挝tachments otl:飞盯住an flange connec往ons i :essand 和eel,配衍。desu就d the Metal arc pr创 sha11 comply with the 指quirements of Regu1ations94 to 98. Where tack welds 盯eused 孰怠 Y sha11 be sound and 四部革 cutout,由allbec础fully fused into 也emainruns. sha廷 be by /8" M1N. τ宫ETYPESHO队时 IN FIC. 365/38 IS NOT 甜汉M口TEDWHE黯 THE INSIDE OF η西 SHELL IS ACCESSffiLE FOR WELDINC FIG.365/38 Al1 parts secured by welding shall be effectively heat treated after completion of all welding and before hydraulic test. 〈号 Shell Joints-… (1) Riveted Shells- Preparation of plates, butt straps, rivet holes and rive由l.g shall comply with 也e relevant Re gulations of Chapter III. FINAL SEAL WELD FOR WHICH THERE SHALL BE ASOUND FOUNDATION Longitudinal joints, of riveted shells may be lap or fitted with double but straps, but in j。如ted DIMENSION B MAY BE GREATER THAN NOMINAL BO法庭 OF CONNECTION BUT MUST NOT EXC葛ED: PlTCH CIRCLE DIAMETER M剧US (盯UDDIAM盯ER+ y.t IN.) 古iE TY黯S SHOWN IN FIGS. 犯5/37, 365/38 AND 365/3苦 ARENOT m议MlTIEDWHER翠 THE SHELL THlCI<NESS以CEEDS~ 剧。乱 B cases where the design pressure exceeds 130 lbs. / sq. in. or the product of the desi伊 pressure in lbs./ sq. in. and maximum intemal diameter in inches exceeds 9,500, the longitudinal jo部ts 由all be butt jointed with double cover strap. 咀'le design of riveted jo泣'lts shall be in accordanω with Re gulations 177 to 184. •. (玛 Fusion Welded Shell These shall be c1翩翩ed as follows: 1imit tö scant1ings. Cla窑s II- When none of the following limits is Class 10。如岱N. 1一臼o exceeded手.) Wor:灿'lg Pre豁出哇珩同/sq. 部L 很l) 1bs./sq. .in.) (均 Product of W假如ng Pressure and internal diameter 3750 (21 ,00的 (iii) Design THE TYPE SHOWN IN FIC. :;部/甜 IS NOT PER附TTEDWHEN τHE INSIDEOF τHE SHELL IS ACCESSIBLE FOR WELDINC. FIG.365/4O Class 'B' MAYB黯 CREA'恕R THAN NOMINAL BORE OF CONN览CTlON BUT MUST NOT EXCE嚣。: 自TCH CIRCLE DIAMETER M到us (STUDDJ认METER+ 始时.) THE TYPES SHOWN lN FIGS, 365/ 40 AND 365/41 ARE NOT F应RMI1τ'ED WHERE η铅 SH肌L THlCI<NESS军XCEEDS ~ INCH. FIG.365/41 3430 C (碍。。的 nr…When none of th.e following limits is 础ceeded- 。 Wor:挝ng 防部部re7.…-4 kg/sq.αn. 但.) 。也侄NSION tempera始re- (105 0 p si). Product of Working Pressure and intemal diameter 940 (5250). {副) Des~伊 temperature 171 oC (340 防. 0 Fusion welds, preparation of seam, the method of fonnation of cy1indrical shells induding heat 悦揣在.ent after bending me啦。d of making welded seams, types of welded joints,怡然 plates and circul缸ity of shells all confonn to 也.e requirements of Chapter V, except for the following, namely :一 Ind忽n 152 Whenever practkable, seams shal1 be welded from both sides of 也èpla也.Add撼。Inal runs of metá.l. shal1 be deposited at bo也 surfaces of 注'le welded seams to build upto a thickness 10 per cent 萨'eater 址\an 也ickness of 也.e pla批古\e surfaces of welds wherever carried out on bo也 sides shall be ground smooth and flu也 with 也盯喧spective surfaces of the plates. Where the seam is welded from one side 但句,出eseprov总ions shal1 apply to 坟\e eχposed of 也e surface weld. T臼ts for Class 1 fusion welded seams shal1 comply wi也出,e requirem四ts of 也e relevant Regulati∞s of ChapterV. Tests 岛r Cla倒在 fusion welded seams sha l1 comply with the requiremertts of 位\ose of Chapter XU, except that an additi∞al provisi∞ for one rnicro and macro exam如ation shaU be made. Tests for Class 一… m fusion welded seams shal1 comply wi生鱼"华南~en怜Qι也Qse ..QLChapterJaI.-川… Class 1 and Class n shal1 be effectively s悦ss relieved by heat trea加entwhen 也e wal1创ckness ex臼eds 20 mm.or 也.e carbon content exceeùs 0.25% or 出e pipes are made of a l10y steel. 366. Deterrnination of working Pr,础sure一(的 Shell←明 'working pressure of shells shal1 be de惚rmined by 也.e fo l1owing formula :一 白陈凯.ax垃\um W.P.= 2f E (T 由 .03) T is 也ickness isMax加\um tempera相re, 在 is Efficiency of 10公gitudina1 riveted seam as given in Re gulation 117, is Ef在dency factor for fusi。我 welded shel1s as given in table below,飞 is 1.00 for seanùess shel1s or shel1s made from III 1/4 1/4 5/16 Over 36 shells 3/8 Where steels are in惚lded'for ser功.ce 就 temperatur,四 in 制,cessof7' OF this shal1 be so sta ted 叙\d 幽∞军飞 con惚ts ∞ sha1l be no生 less 也an 0.10p就 cent or al栓matively, the m础凹ia1 pass 也.e must 'Proof test 如r creep qua1ity of carb∞约时 p1ate of boi1er qua1ity' as in Appendix D. Compensation forOp臼irtgsin Shells-Where 位\em碍。苦 恼。fdiam的时 of any hole cut in 悖些坦~划生t a副lisg面豆苗面画报面再也出ickness of the shel1 p 1ate plus 23.4 inches, ωmpen随扳倒\ shall be prov挝.ed. compensated measured in 仙e pl四,e paral1el 怕也.e longitud~l 鼠忌。f the shel1, 在飞e 腿d臼ml area 始 be which maximum, shall be the product of 出e (inc1uding any rivet holes in the plane) and the 出ickness .óf a. se拟nless 由.el1 of similar material calculated in accordance with Equation 72 (R,鸣叫a悦。民 270)for 出.e same conditions of pr部阳陀 and makes 制s ar,础 a 炮制\ of 仙.e oper由19 pads or branches are secured by rivets, thecomp创始a恼怒 are,a shal1 be calculated by the method give奴 in Re gu1ation 170. Where frames, pads or br础chesaresec旧时 bywelding, thecomp创lSating area 结\all be calcula怡d by the method given in ReguIãtiori 170. (b) End Pl 挝 es… (1) Dished End Plates… The maximum working pressure or dished end plates with 'pressure' on concave side' shal1 be determined by Regulations 276 to 278. For 掠冶nholes formed by welding on p搜捕edframes 协 dished end plates 部 inF蝠. No. 366/1. seanùess 始bes, II Minimum thickness in. Fusion welded cIass 1 Fusion welded Cla部 Upto and induding 24. 11 and Class III and shells other th辜负 Over 24 and upto & fusion welded includ让\g 3岳 厂-1:二1 is Efficiency of ligaments between holes or openings in shel1 expressed as a fraction. Efficiet均 fact'or Internal diameter ins. Class萨cation Wherefram邸, in inche嚣, intemal di础\eter in 泣时邸, WP is Working pre路ure in lbs./叫. inch, f is 黯ax协mm per血issible working stress as prescribed in Regûlatión 271 or 350 whiéhever is applicable in lbs./ sq. inch at 出.ewor始ngmetal Class of shells shall be as given in table below: 怡mperatu血s. O+T-.臼 where, o Minim姐n 出ickn础s Boiler Regulations .._____..11‘jIw 甲-町、- E 0.90 0.75 if welded from both side 0.50 if welded from one side only 0.45 NOTE: THE DIAMETER OF 岱王军 c。如径'军NSATINGP飞Aτ宦$民ALLNiσr EXC黯DTWICEOFτHEoursID主 DIAMETER OF THE B.武ANCH FIG. 36611 - ELLl PTICAL MANHOLE FRAME WELDED TO DISHED END PLATE Indiaη Boiler Regu1ations 153 The value of E may be taken as ur让tywhen 也edìametral cross-s能链。nal area of the compensating frame and/or z如gisequal toor greater也阳出ediametralcross唱ectional area of the op就宙飞gin 注le end plate to be comp铠lSated. 3/8 to 3/4 above 3/4 to 1 abo亨e lto 2 above 2 (2) Flat End Plates- The maximum working welded in flat end plates 部 in Fig⑤ Nos. 365/2, 365/3 and 365/4 , shall be determined by 注té following formula :一 。。… m. E dL nmm-um M--1153 制附一 Thickness 01 shell plate 'mrn川m 川I 川 ?矗ble M一 For ends which are butt welded to the cylindrical parts of the shell 和e 位tickness of the edge of the flange for connection to 也e cylir飞drical part of the shell shall be notle部位翻出atrequ让ed for sea副部s unpierced shell as determined by Equatìon 72. (c) B黯nches- Where branches of saddles are secured to the sheU by riveting or by studs, the minimum thickness of the flange adjoining the shell shall be in accordance wi也 the following table :一 HHm 严部sur宅 for f !2 W.P. 嚣…-­ Cd2 The actual dimensions of the flanges shall be govemed by the requirements of compensation for the opening. The dimensions of 缸ànges of branches remote from shell for ordinary bolted joints and those of bolts of all pads and saddles shall be in accordance with 也.e appropriate table given in Appendix E for the working pressure and 阳np臼a始re corresponding to 址\e desi伊 pressure and tempera灿re of the shell. The dimensions of the flanges for special joints shall be subject to approval of the Chief Inspector of Boilerf concemed. 出e where, T= Minimum 泣tickness of end plate in inches, d = Intemal diameter 、of shell in 加.ches, W.P. = Working pressure in lbs./ sq. in吁 C = 0.28. Max埠1山n pen时ssible working stress in pounds per sq. inch at working metal temperature as prescribed in Regulation 271. Where steels are intended for service at temperatures in excess of 700 F.世\is shall be so stated and silicon content shall not be less than 0.10 per cent or altematively,也e material shall pass the 'Proof test for creep quality of carbon steel plates of boilerplate 气uali泞, as in Append议 O. o Where flat end plates are bol栓d to flanges as in Fig. 365/5 校le dimensions of the fl相ges shall be as given in Appendix E. The thickness of 出.e end plates shall be not less 也扭曲的 ofthe ωrresponding flanges. Where the diameter of a hole in the flat end plate exceeds 2~ T + 2% inches compensation shall be provided in accordance with Regulations 170 and 279. The working pressure for the body of the branch shall be determined by the equation as given 担 sub­ regulation 削 above subject to the re气uirements of compensation for the opening. Notwithstanding the result obtained from the e伊ation body of 注le branches shall be such 也就 inno case does the total stress, resulting from the combination of the stress due to intemal pressure and to all extemally applied loads, exceed the permissible stress corresponding 抽出e design temperature. The method of calcul剖ing the total stress shall be subject to 位le' approval of the Chief Inspec阳r of Boilers concemed. Where the magnitude of the extemally applied loads c缸mot be determined, 也em让由num 世tickness of the body of the branch shall be as given in the following table:- 在.e rr出也nu四 thic.垃\ess of 位le 伺¢ ,,‘霉孟 urv川飞 •• '144 蠢 -Mddna vvvob o00'pa eeemno eeu-a w u 剧 Mmmafu. iA 哩'巫 川 '1 1 .飞 i Over 8 upto and includíng 10 Over 10 叭/吁 m. Upto and including 21/ 2 Over 21/ 2 upto and including 4 1 / 2 Over 41/ 2 upto and including 8 bbb ad 仙a n 在 w a'an Minimum thickness of Branches where 军xtemal Loads are not known Nominal bore 01 branch Th ickness 01 cylindrical part 01 shell Minimum body thickn酬 1窍, for thinner shells nQt less than one half the thíckness of the cylindricalpart of the shell. to approval of the Chief Inspector of Boilers concemed. S议bject (0) Inspection During Construction… A丑 parts of steam receivers,军eparators catch waters and similar vessels shall be inspected 挝 all appropriate stages of construction detailed in Appendix J of the Indian Boiler Regulations. 154 Illdian Boiler Regulations 367. Steel Screwed and Socketed Joints and Mountings of 5始el- Steel couplings or sockets may be used on pipes the limits below :一 M aximllm penllissi告Ile pressure 陆拍nllm penniss泛的rASI仰 。c Nominal bore Lbs./sq. in. Kg./cmz Upto and induding 25 mm (1 in.) 175 12.25 260 Over 25 mm (1") upto and ìnduding 38 mm (1'//) 150 10.5 260 1药 8.75 Over 38 mm (1 1 / z") upto and induding 76 mm (3") 260 Over 76 mm (3")upto and încluding 102 mm 件") 260 1∞ 7 120 8.5 177 Over 102 mm (4") upto and including 127 mm (5") 100 7 171 wi也in (3) (4) (5) (6) component standard like 蹈, ASME, D时 etc.or as calculated under relevant regulation of these regulations are notexceeded. Minimum specified tensile strength of screwed pipes is greater 出an 330 N/mm2. The minimum 在ickI恕ss of screwed þipes is not to be less than that given in Table No. 1. The design temperature does not exceed 495 0已 The pressure limits given in Table No. 2 are not excεeded. Screwed joints are permitted for temperatures in excess of 4950C 缸ldp陀ssure in excess of 注lose given in Table No.2 for instrument insertion and tapping and for plug for access op臼ing for radiographic inspection provided following conditions are 豁出fied:一 (a) They do not exceed50 mm nominal bore size or onequ挝始r of riominal pipe size, which ever is the smaller. (b) The minimum thread engagement is not le部 than一 6 for up to and induding 20 mm nominal bore; 7 for over 20 mm up to and induding 40 mm nominal bore; 8 for 40 mm up to and induding 50 mm nomina1 bore. (c) The connection is seal welded. (d) The design of instrument insertion wi也stands the fluid characteristics, fluid flow and any vibrations. Screwed joints are permitted for pressure in excess of those given in 专able No. 2 up to 345 bar for dead end 叫33 ………寸'2)-Fressureorte凯perature -r夜tin吝如:…appropriate~ mw ∞∞∞ mJMW 4555hp Screwed joints are permitted at 始mperaturesexceedings 2600 C and size or pressure limits in excess of those given the table prov时刨出挝出e following condi挝ons are satisfied, namely:一 (1) All threads are tapered unless pressure 悦ghtness depends on a seal weld or a seating surface other than the threads 都叫 experience or tes t demonstrates the suitabi1ity of the joint. ‘ 字 、 instrument lines at the outlet end and downstream of shut off valves and 凶struments, control appara机15 or discharge of a 附哼le cooler provide<J, that the nominal bore size of the pipe does not 础ceed 12mm. TABLE NO; 1 MINIMUM THlCKNESS .OF SCRE:W~D PIPES M inim ll1 n thickness Npmll1ll1 -1L呈阳坐监略时烟!llL… ß婴1'J7.5J2红舟r~挫m P伊e size mm Over 7 bar卢r water 7 bar and less for water over 105"C o't怒r 8 15 20 25 32 40 50 2.24 2.31 2.77 2.87 3.38 3.56 3.68 3.91 65 丘 16 80 5.49 10 lO SOC mm 。 mm 3.02 3.20 3.75 3.91 4.55 4.部 5.08 5.54 7.01 7.62 TABLE I-运0.2 MAXIMUM PRESSURE FORSC靠在W军D PIPES Mn ximllm pressJl re Nominal pipe size Bar mm Over 50 up to and induding 80 27.5 41.5 Over 25 up to and induding 50 Over 20 up to and inc1uding 25 即 103.5 Up to and induding 20 368. Bronze Screwed and Socketed Joints and Mountings and Fittings of Bronze- Mountings and fit出gs of bronze upto 76 mm (3") diameter may be attached directly to steel pipes by screwing when the pressures and temperatures do not exceed 8.5 kg/cm2 (120 lbs. sq. in.) and 2250 C (435 日 respectively; where tapered threads are employed, such jo凶ts may be used for pressures not exceeding 17.6 kg/cm2 (250 lbs. sq. in.) Bronzefittings above 76 mm (3:1 diameter shall be of flanged construction. 0 lndian Boil佼 Re.伊lations 155 369. Reducing Valve- Wh ere a reducing valve is instaUed in a pipe line, the pipe line and accessories on the low pr础sure side of the reducing valve sha1l be protected by a suitable safety valve or valves so adjusted as to permit the seam to escape as soon as the 姐fe working pressure is exceeded or by a suitable appli@ce for cut出g off automatically the supply of steam as 割地'n as the safe working pressure is exceeded. 370. Flexibility一(的 The pipe shall be arranged so fhat the system is sufficiently flexible to absorb, the whole of their expansion and the 椒lposed movement of. the connected equipment without the actual expansion stre路。在) exceeding the allowable stress range (SA) as is determined from the following equ挝ion:一 SA = f (1. 25 SC + 0.25 SH) where, SC = Basic material allowable stress at the minimum (cold) temperature, S过=. 8asic material allowable stress at m以imum(hot) temperature, S在=' Actual calculated exp缸lSion stress obtained from 注le stress analysis, f 苓 Stress range reduction factors of cyclk conditi创$ for total number N of full 怡mpera如re cydes over the total number of years dur坦gwhich 出e system is expected to be in operation as given in table below : T ABLE- Stress Range Reduction Factors N 70∞ and Notes: 1. 2. 3. 4. 吨 F 1.0 7000 … 14,∞o 0.9 14,∞o 22,000 0.8 22,0∞- 45,000 0.7 45,。∞ -100,'∞o 0.6 1 ∞,000 and above 0.5 Value of SC and SH shall be guaranteed by the manufacturer of ste哇 1 from which pìpes are made and furnished to the pipe makers/Inspecting Authority until such time such values of SC and SH are incorporated in the Regulations. In case of imported pipes conforming to a recognîsed foreign sta n:dard or code the values of SC and SH may be taken from the t在ble of allowable stress as given in that code or the value may be determiIWd on the basis given in that éode. 丁he 伽吨um of the longitudinal stress due to pressure, weight and other sustained load inc1 uding bending stresses caused by externalloads shall not exc树d the allowable stress in the hot conditions (SH). Where the sum of these stress is less than SH, the difference between SH and this sum may be added to the term 0.25 5日, in the above formula for determining the al10wable stress range SA. Ca 1culation of the expansion stress, SE shall be based on modulus of elasticity at room temper翠 ture. less (b) Where practicable, the requisite ftexibility shall be provided in the layout of the pipes without having recourse to special expansion bends or expansion 抖nt except for the safety valves discharge piping. Where lack of space or other considerati∞s prohibits the use of 位也 method,似pansion fit挝ngs like expansi!∞ jo.且ts or 始回 belows type of ∞rrugated pipes may be used provi曲d that the limitations imposed by maximum design pressure, drainage etc., are taken into account. If the expansion fit自'lgs are used, detai1ed considerati∞ shall be given to the design of anchors, guides and ties to ensure 出at they adequately protect the exp缸lSion fitting and accommodate the additionalloads due to pressure. (c) Notwithstanding anything contained in dause 但) of 也is regulation th~ complete analysis ofthe piping system may be waived if the system meets any of the following criteria: (1) The piping system duplicates 飞 a successfully operating installation orreplac~s 负 system with as时isfactory .servíce record. (2) The piping system can be adjudged ad吨uateby compar忌。n with previously analysed system. (3) The piping system is of uniform size with not more than two anchors an:d no intermediate restraints and 部tisfíed the following:一 DY 一一一一= 208 (L - U)2 where, D = Nominal pipe size in rr皿, Y 骂武部ultant of movements to be absorbed by pipelines in mm. , L = Developed length of line axis in metres, U 骂Anchor distance (length of straight line joining anchors) in metres. Notes: 1. If the system Ï5 not meeting the above criteria or where reasonable do严,bt exist as in the ad叫uate flexibility of the system, shall be analysed. on the basis given in dause 例。f this regulation by simplifi时, approximate or comprehensive meth叫 s of analysÏ5 that are appropriate for the specific case. 2. Approximate or simplified method may be applied only if they are used for the range or configurations for which their a 出quate accuracy has been 命monstrated. 3. Data for thermal expansion, modulus of elastídty, poisso衍 's r器材。, flexibility factors and stress intensity factors may be taken from any c。由/ spedfica tion. 4. Nominal diameter and nominal thickness may be used in the c在Iculation of expansion stress. 371. Pipe Work Suppórts- All .pipe work shaU be ad叫uately supported in order to permit free movement 156 for expansion and contraction, and the amount of such movement shall be proportioned throughout the whole of any main by the provision of 白chors at suitable points. Where pipes may be subject to vertical movement , spring supports designed to carry the load ünder all conditions shall be provided. It is desirable 由at points of supports should , as far as practicable, be arranged adjacent to the pipe joints. Slings are in general preferable to roller sllpports and these l~tter should be used only where necessary. All pipe supports should as far as practicable, be of mild steel and 'pipe anchors either of mild steel or cast stee l. 3n; Drainage- (a) In the case of steam mains, attention should be paid to the adequa te provision of drainage points -in the form of drain pockets. Drainage_ points éonnected to stre缸n-traps, shall be provided wherever water can collect under working conditions. Haíld drains shall be provided at all points at whiCh water can collect in any portion of the steam main, by valve waming up prior to use. (b) Where practicable a suitable gradient shall be provided in the pipe' work to ensure the passage of condensed waterin the direction of flow of steam towards the drainage póints. (c) It is recommended that a by pass should be fitted at each steam trap. (d) Where the volume of wa怡r deposited is likely to be of serious proportions, separator should be installed. Each separator shall be fumished with a steam trap which shall be connected to it by me~s of a 由ree-way cock one end of which is connected to a manually operated dr副n. 373. Freedom from Rust and Other Foreign MatterAll pipes, valves and fittings shall be thoroughly cleaned as far as possible of rust and othet foreign matter before erection and pipe lines shall be blown through with steam or air before being put into service. 374. Test Pressures一 (a) Each completed pipe and fitting shall be tested by hydraulic pressure as per reqllireìnent òf Chapter 11. (b) Pipes and fittings wi由 flanges fór steam pressllres exceeding 7 kg/cm2 (100 lbs. per sq. in.) shall 怡 tested wi由 blank flanges bolted or clamped on. A l1 other pipes, if straight, may be tested between the heads of an ordina可 hydraulic pipes testing machine. (c) 币le piping system shall" after erection, be subjected to a hydrostatic test pressure. The hydrostatic test pressure at any point in the piping system shall not be less than 1.5 times the design pressure but shall not exceed the maximum allowable test pressure of any non-isolated com Indian Boiler Regulations any part of the piping system be subjec怡d to a stress greater than 90 per cent of its yield strength (0.2 per cent off set) at test tèmperature. Notwithstanding anything contained in 由is clause, for boiler extemal piping and non-boiler extemal piping which are open to atmosphere such as vent and drain pipes,也e hydraulic test for the portions of such pipes located beyond the last isolation valve may be dispensed with provided the weld joints in the pipe lInder reference are tested 100% byapproved non-destructive examination and found satisfactory. (d) 5pecial arrangements shall be made, according to circumstances, for testing bends and other fittings which are not flanged. (e) Hydral1 lic testing ofbutt welded and socket welded joints shall be conducted either at makers work or at l1ser's premises on completion of fabrication of pipes by the Inspecting Authority. jf)J:lydrQ些些 tic t些~li1}g一些ihkip些ed pipes havi哩 attachments of flanges , fittings , butt joints, branch joints and weldolets shall be done at manufacturer's works or alternatively at site at 1.5 times 由,e design pressure. Where hydraulic testing of fabricated pipe joints is not carried out at manufacturer's works, dye-penetrant test shall be carried out on the welded joints alongwith five per cent radiography of such join怡. CHAPTER IX REGULATIONS FOR THE REGISTRA TION OF BOILERS AND INSPEcrION OF BOILERS AND STEAM-PIPES 375. 叮ne procedure to be followed in connection with applications for the registration of a boiler and with examinations ofboilers under the Act shall be regulated in accordance with the provisions of 出is Chapter read with the relevant Sections of the Ac t. 376. Preparations of Inspection- (a) At every examination of boiler or 也,e grant of renew a1 of a certificate, the boiler shall be empty ar叫出oroughly c1ean in all its parts. Except 臼 provided 出 for in sub-regulation (f) all d∞rs of manholes, handholes and sigh世loles and c1e但由g plll咀s and all caps in 也e leaders and mud drums of water tube boilers, all fir哩bars, bearers, front plates, bridge plates, fire bridges brick arches, oil fl1el bumers and mψmωstoker fittings shall be removed. All valves and cocks comprising the boiler mounting shall be opened up and taken apart and the valves or cocks ground, when necessary, before the Inspectors visit. .. Note: In accordance with sections 7 & 8 of th啤 Act, inspectors are requested to measure and examine boilers for regi~tration, to e悦amine boilers for renewal ce此 ificates, to dete~ne subject to the a lndian Boiler Regulatiolls (b) Provisìon shall, if requiFed by the Inspector, be made for the removal of lagging or brick-work or 0出er concealing part and for the dri1ling of plates, and for verifying the pressure gauge and safety valve dimensions and weíghts. (c) All smoke tubes, exterior of water tubes, smoke boxes, and external flues shall beswept cIean. (d) Provision shall be made for the effective disconnectíon of a11 steam and hot water conununication with another bo i1er under steam as required in Chapter XI-A of these Re革ulations. (的 No blank flange/plug shal1 be 如serted between a safety valve chest and the boiler generally and where it is permitted by the Inspector the blank flange/plug shall be removed in his presence. {存 At alternative annual inspections and subject to a minimum of three boUom rows or a11 tubes su均ect to the first pàss of heat being opened. up for inspection, the Inspector may at his discretion relax the preparation for 加spection called for under 但) above in favour of boilers having an evaporative capacity of 200,000 lbs缰 per hour and over, and fed either water treated to the satisfaction of the Inspectors. (g) In the case of forced flow and for!ζed circulation types of boilers , provisions shall be made for checking 由at proper circulation is main以ined through all sections of the drcuit by the flow of water. .377. Hydraulic test ofboilers for Registration- Every boiler shall be hydraulkally tested in the presence of an Inspector. 378. Preparation for Hydraulic tests- (a) The chest of ali mounting subject to steam pressure shall be in pla优 and shut tight or blank flanged. (b) The safety valves should invariably be removed and the chest opening bla:ok flanged. (c) The attachment for the Inspecto白 pressure gauge shall be in order. (d) All doors shall be properly jointed and tightened up.τhe boiler shal1 be completely filled with water, ca:re being taken to a110w a11 air to escape ar址, if possible, a pre1iminary test not exceeding the working pressure of the boiler shall be taken before the Inspector' s visit, to test 血e tightness of the join怡. 气功When a boi1er is hydraulically tested for the first t凶.e, it shall be entirely c1ea把d of lagging or brkk work; at subsequent tests the lagging or brick work, or portions thereof, shall be removedif requir时 by the Inspecto孔 Provided 出挝出e Inspector may, at his discretion, a110w the lagging and þrkk work to remain in sit, in case of boilers where the covered parts have been fabrkated 部ld tested b 157 379. Procedure of Hydraulic Tests(a) (i) Subject to the provisions of sub-regulation (的 of regulation 381 , every boiler shall be hydraulìca11y tested after erection 挝 site in presence of the Inspector to 1% 出nes the maximum working pressure as certified by the Inspecting Authority in Form II, to be stamped on the boiler, as free from any indication of weakness or defects. (ii) If a11 componen 始 of the boiler in the manufacturers's premises have not been tested hydrau1ically as per regulation 268, the test, on completior飞, sha lI be taken to 11h times the maximum working pressure. (íii) The temperature of the water used as medium of pressure testing sha11 not be less than 200C and grea ter than 50o C. (iv) The test pressure shall be raised gradually under proper control at a11 times so that it never exceeds by more than、6% of 位e requirεd pressure and maintained for 30 minutes whereupon the pressure shall be reduced to maximum allowable working pressure and maintained for sufficient time to permit c1 0se visu a1 inspection for leakage of pressure parts. (b) The bQilcr shal1 satisfactorily withstand such pressure without appreciable leakage or undue deflection or distortion of its parts for at least ten consecutive minutes. 日出e test is not satisfactory, the working pressure al10wable by calculation shall be suitably reduced, unless the owner desire茧 to make such alterations as will enable the boiler to withstand satisfactorily the hydraulíc test, in which case the boiler shal1 again be examined after 航e alterations have been made, the pressure reca1culated , if neccessary and the boiler tested to satisfaction of the Inspector. 气c) At the fírst hydraulic test of a boiler prior to the issue of an original certificate deflection measurements shal1 be made before, durin每 and after test of each fwnace length, fire-box and flat end or other plates. (d) After the application of the hydrau1ic test the Inspector shal1 carefully examine thc boiler inside and outside and satisfy himself that it has satisfactorily withstood the tes t. (e) In any case in which the safe working pressure to be allowed for a boiler cannot, owing to peculiar construction of any of ìts parts, be determined by calculation Ín the ordinary way, the h1spector sha11, under the ζlirection of the Chief Inspector, subject the boiler to hydraulic test for the purpose of det!创mining 白.e fítness of su企 parts. The amount of the test pressure to be app1ied in such a case sha11 not .Note: These deflection.measurements should be entered in the memorandum of Inspection Book 民fore its submissiOll to the Chief Inspector. 158 ca 1culation for other parts of the boiler or the intended working pressure whichever is less. (布他ould any part of 版 boiler show undue detection or indication of permanent set during the progress of 位.e test, the pressure shall be released immediately such indications are.observed. The working pressure for the part shall be 40 per cent of 出e te仗 pressure applied when the point of permanent s~t was reached. 百飞is pr民edure shall apply to anyboiler at any test. (g) Hydraulic tests ofboilers atsubsequent examination shall, except when the Inspector expresssly requires otherwise, be made after the inspecfion. The test pressure to beapplied to boilers at such subsequent examinations shall bé from one and quarter to one and a half time宇航e working pressureòf the boiler. (h)When 由e 'h\tema1 construction of size of a boiler does not permit of 也e Inspector ge时ng 且side it or of examining C c1c黯ely all its parts, he 由 slla11配e 技 i t tested by 执 1lydr 臼 缸叫 a uùic 伊 p re 臼 55 创 iuri 拇 'e 阳 t ooneandah必 alf 彷啦阳 me x底 臼 5 the working pr 阳 es 部 Suri 陀 'ea 挝吉 飞 by ……… (ωi 斗) s Water 汩 tu且b 悦 e locomotive 守E严 3咒 e and a11 阳 tubu 时 lla 缸rb 如 O让挠 .er指 be hydraulic臼ally tested at eachinspection for 白e grartt 出 renewal of a certificate,时让您能 such test is waived under the orders of the Chief Inspector. 。古le Inspector may if he considers itnecess(i ry, apply a hydraulic test to any boiler at any inspection. 气k) 览xcept in the case of vertical boilers heating surface of which is less than 18.50 sq. 肌 (2'∞ sq. ft.) portable and vehicular boilers, which do not require re阳 erection or building in brick work, the hydraulic tests of all boilers shall be conducted only after the erection of 也e boiler in situ and all boilers shall after re-erection in a position different from that in which were last examined be hydraulically tested. {白 i号) A h)咖a 趴削 ulic 沁 tes 纣t shall als 仰 o be taken granting 扭 an1 increased pre臼ss川 ur陀 e certificate and after repairing a 四 er, \、飞寸、 bo诅er孔.二, H王owev 丸 Water Tube 协 bO运加 er指 s where NDτ ha 础 5b 悦 ee 四 n carried ο ∞ 叽 u E怎lydr出ilic testing may be dispensed with provided NDT is carried out by an approved method. ~m) When carrying ~ut hydraulic tesι Ins严ctors shall use pressure gauges supplied by the Chief Inspector. 号80. Steam test伽… (a) Every newly registered boiler and every oth衍 boiler of which the workin革 pressure sh飞冻挝 挝i垃1 a deflection measurements should be entered in the mémorandum of Inspection Book before its sitbmission to the Chief Inspector. 'Note: A steam test is primarily intended for the þurpose of ascertaining by actl.lal test whether the safety valves are suff气ient to reUeve boil",rs effectively of excess steam and whether they operate at the time when the maximum working pressure is reached雹 Inspector shall always send to the owner due notice of the date fixed for the steam te然. On completion of the test the Inspector should enter all details Ïll the Memorandum of Inspectìon Books. "Note:τhese lndian Boí1er R喀1l1ations has been altered shall, before the issueof an original or renewa1 certifkate for such boiler, bè tested uiidei: steam to the satisfaction of the Inspector. 在) At the time of test the safety valves shallbe left free and capable of being adjusted to the approved working pressure. (c) After adjus抽出t of the valves to the correct blowing p陀ssure the boiler shall be tried under full steam and firing wi自 the feed water shut off and the stop-valve c1osed, during which time the Inspector shall note the accumulation of pr臼sure and other details of the 怡然 as well as the loading and adjustment of the safety valves. In the case of water tube boiler or boilers fitted wi注1 super heater, the feed water connection and stop valve need not be shut off and if 也e total valve ar.仰 is lifted and found to be adequate by ca 1c ulations , the requirement of the accumylation test may be assumed to have been 铅tisfied if the valves on each boiler and 必:ya1v.es此时LlifLsd 血aL.a证据a肌,whichι肌-be­ discharged with a pressure rise not exceeding 10 per cent ofthe designed working pressure. (d) Before the safety valve test, the Inspector sha11 satis马F hi震撼elf that the water gauges are in working order and that the feed appara仇IS is capable of supplying the boiler with 5毛主任ident water. {的 Where the State Govemment does not requìre a person…·缸-charge of a boíler to hold a certificate of compètency,出e Inspector may, when he 在inks fit, satisfy himself by questioning or by practical te挝 whether the person-in-charge of the boiler understands the use and purpose of 出e water gauges, the pressure gaugé, the safety valves, the feed water-supply and blow down. (f) When witnessing safety valves tes乞Ir飞5pectors shal1 use the standard pressure gaúges 5叩plied by the Chief Inspector unless 白e boiler pressure gauge has, since the t放军\e of inspection, been test叫 and found correct with an authorised testing machine. 也) No steam gauge shall be used without a syphon filled with water between it and the boiler. (h) When the accumulation of pressure at a ste缸n test exceeds ten per cent of 由emax出\um working pressure, the area of the safety valves shall be considered insufficient, and a certificate shall be refused until the safety valve area is increased. 。 An Inspector may, when visiting a factory for any purpo舱" verify the correc如ess of the safety valves and pressure gauge of any boiler under steam by comparison with his standard pressure gauge. 381. Procedure for Registration-ωon receipt of an application for registration under S lndian Boiler Regulations prepared for examination pro即edtome部ure incomplete de饵il a1l its parts, ascertain the working pressure a110wed by 位e Regulations by making a series of calculations be灿g ba搅d on his measurement and if he is satisfied wi出 the' corr时相.ess of the maker's certificate on 也e dimension¥ andotherp挝ticular翠 rela自\gto 也e 校\aterial and construction as sta除d there in [vide Section 14 往) (c) of the Act and Regulation 4J. In making his ca1cula悦。邵 阳 sha1l after ex能挝nation of the m础:erial, take due account of 自ew假如nanship and dεtails of the construction of 刷出 part. In his examination the Inspector may,证 he deems necessary bore 由.e plates or 0也er parts to ascertain their thickness and in m础ing his ca1culations he sha11 be 凯丘ded by the requirements of relevant Chapters of the 问~lati,∞S. (b) If no formulae of co吃fficient applicable to any part is contained in the relevant Chapters of the Regulations, the Chief Inspector sha11 in hl~ discretion deterroine the fi怕ess of such part. (c).,The streng也 of the weakest part sc ca1culated or subject to any discretionary power exercised by the Chief Inspector, sha11 determine the permissible workin吝 pressure.of the boiler. After inspecting the boiler and ascertaining by the prescribed C我lculations the maximum pressure at which the boiler may be worked, the Inspector sha11 hydraulica11y test 缸ld steam翩test it in accordance with requirements of 京.egulations 379 and~80 and a provisional order under Section 9 of the Act ìÌÌForm V -may be issued after the hydraulic tes t. d副总 rmined, (d) The Inspec协r sha11 enter the above particulars and dimensions of the boiler and calculations of strength of the various parts, together with details of the hydraulic andof 役'le steam tests, in a "沁1emorandum of Inspection" 恐∞k (vide Regulation 386) which, togeth衍 witha11 the makers' papers for the boiler, sha11 be 问bmitted to the ChiefI nspector with the Inspector's report under subsection (玛 of 5ection 7 of the Act ÌI飞 Form 1. (e) Where a certificate in Form n and a Memorandum of Inspection Book in Form 1 a泛仇uni由ed by an Inspec由19 Authority in accordance with sub-regulation (c) of Regulation 4 the Insp配torsha1l, on l\阳iptofan ;:tpp呈cation for registration under sub-section (1) of Section 7 of the Act, proceed to make SUch examinationand measurement of boiler as will satis守挺m 由at the boi1er is the one certified by the Inspecting Authority and carry out a 由orough examination and check 出.e measurements to ensure 血e correctness of 注'le Inspecting Authority's cer耐ic 159 Then the Inspector is satisfied that the boiler has satisfactorily withstood the test, he sha11 issue a provisional order to enable the boilers to be wocl<ed. 382. Engraving of registry number (a) The registry number of every boiler sha丑, within a period of one month from the date of receipt thereof be cut in the front plate or any such position as sha11 be pointed out by the Insp时tor. The device for each State and Union Territory sha11 be distinguished by the following leUers:… Andaman and Nicobar Islands A&N Andhra Pradesh AP Assam A BR Bihar Chattisgarh CG Dadra & Nagar Haveli DNH DU Daman & Diu Delhi D Goa G GT Gujarat Haryana HA Himachal Pradesh HP KTK Kamataka Kerala K Laccadive, Minicoy & Aminidivi Islands LI Madhya Pradesh MP 如1aharashtra MR Manipur MA Me挝\alaya ML Nagaland NL Orissa OR PY Pondicherry Punjab 时 Rajas油an RJ T 丁ripura TR Uttar Pradesh UP WestB中gal WBL 在le dis岳王\g咄尬\g le忧ers shall be en萨'aved above a number and separated 加血仇m by a horizonlalline 64 mm inleng也在'le letters and figurès shall be 25 mm in ~eight and of suiþble br四dth, provided 出at 泪 thecase ofsma1l bo法.ers thè le民ersand figures of the device may, in 佳时iscretion of Chief Inspec跳如时uced t010mm in height. The whole sha11 快.enclosed in a rectarìgle,位le upper and lower sides of whièb sha11 be 76 红unapattand 6 mm dear of the top of the lett~rs and the bottom of 技le fi伊res respectively as indica毛时\below:一 Tamilnadu I lMR i1234 I In the ca捕 of registration of small industrial boilers, ‘ the letter "5" 5ha11 be added as a prefix to the registration 160 Indian Boi1er Regulations number below the distinguishing letters of State or Union Territories as indicated below:一 |UP i5- …........ I The side lines shall be at equal distance c1 ear from the figures. The engraving shall not be less than 0.4弦盟\in dep注1. (b) The engraving shall be completed and ready for verification within one month from the date of receipt of registry number, and the fact shall be reported to the Chief Inspector of Boilers within 出is period. (c) Boilers having registry devices different from those prescribed herein shall have such devices altered or crossed out and engraved a new one inωnformity with those prescribed above. The original numbers of such boilers shall be retained in the new devicε, provided that 怡和e …始始时~bõ廷在s~WnlcÌ'Cwerë~î'吨裕fe始d-Ìí\ a State or Union Territory which has since become extinct, a new number shall be given by the State or Union Territory where the boiler is operaling. A number once allolted to a boiler shall not be used again for another boiler. 383. Measurement of Heating Surface…但) For the purpose of regulating 主he area of the safety valves and the amount of registration and inspection fees 和e "heating surface" of a boiler shall be 位e total surface of a11 p 1ates and tllbes 似posed to heat on one side and in contact with water on the other measured on the water side or the fire side, whichever is larger. (b) For Lancashlre and Cornish boilers 出.e tota1 hea由19 surface shall inc1 ude the wetted surface of the fumaces between the end plates,由e fire surface of cross tub创 wherefitted, and the part of the extemql shell below the side flue covers. In estimating the areas fumaces shall be considered as plain cy如1ders 血.e area of 也eir wetted surface 由all be taken as their mean external cirα双双ference X 也.e length of the boiler between end plates. For the shell the width of 出挝 part of 出εcircumference below 也e flue covers sha11 be taken as = 2D, and 制s width + the length between end plates shall be taken 部位earea of shell heating sllrface. 百le p缸t of the back end p 1ate exposed to heat sha11 be omitted from the ca1culation. Examples- TJ:te formula for the total heating surface of a Lancashire boiler having plain furnaces without cross tubes is as follows :一 H.S. in square feet = 2 L (3.14 d +D). L is the length of 出e boiler between end plates in feet, d is the mean extemal diameter of the furnaces 部 feet and D is the 坦temal diameter of the largest belt of shel1 in fe时, (c) For steam and water dr山到 of water tube boilers the heating surface of the drum sha11 be taken as half the exte~ means circumference mu让iplied by the c1ear length of drum between the outer brick wal1s or centres of cross boxes, as the case may be. 古le heating surface of the 抗tbes 必all be taken 部也e extema1 surface of the tubes between the tube plates or heaters. 在le hea位19 surface of tl恕 heater sha11 be omi技ed from the calculation. (d) For marine boilers of the fire-tube type the heating surface shall inc1ude the wetted surface of the furnaces between the tube plates (considered in the same way as for Lancashire boilers) , the wetted surface of the combustion chambers (less the area of the tube holes) and the wetted surface of 出e 饥lbes between tube p 1ates. The parts of the front tube plate exposed to heat shall be omilted from the ca1culation. (的 For locomotive type boilers the heatingsurface shall inc1 ude the wetted surface of the firε-box above the foundation ring (less the area of the 弘beholes and 撒e firehole and rings and the wetted surface of thè t~tbes -.õêtweêï1-tlle-石油谷严鼠际机也…面oKe-6岳王出6e尹刷 shall be omitted from the ca1culation. 。) For vertical boilers or ordinary type the heating surface shall inc1 ude the wetted surface of the fite七ox above the foundationring (less 由e area of fire hole and ring and hlbe holes if any) and the surface of any cross or other tubes and uptake below the lowest、waterlevef shown in the gauge glass. (g) For Electrode Boilers the heating surface shall bè calculated as follows: Heating surface = E 飞了 where, E = the equivalent evaporation at 2120 F llnder normalload , which X K W. K W. = the kilowattsabsorbed at the stated vo1tage whenthe-water 加拍è boileìhas a specificresistance of not less 也应 200 ohms per inch tube at 1500 F and while the boiler is delivering its normal Olltput of steam at its working pressure with thεfeed water temperature of 60 丑 0 (h) For any other heating surface not provided for in the foregoing instructions the same general procedure shaU be observed. 384. Boiler Rating- The boiler rating shal1 be the (to the nearest whole number) in the heating surface of the boiler as determined under Regulation 383盔 nm口ber of square meters 385. Registration Fee… There伊ired fee to accomPan Y an application under s始-section 肉。f section 7 of the Act sha11 be : . Indian Boiler Reglllatiolls 161 Rs. For Boiler Rating not exceeding 10 600 For Bo i1er Rating exc哇哇ding 10 but not exceeding 30 .q∞ For BoiIer Rating exceeding 30 but not exceeding 切咳∞ For Boiler Rating exceeding 50 but not exceed iI飞g 70 1100 For Boiler Rating exceeding 7Q but not exc四ding 90 1300 For Boiler Rating exceeding 90 but not exceeding 110 1500 For Boiler Rating exceeding 110 but not exceeding 200 17,∞ For Boiler Rating exceeding 200 but not exce窜出 ng 400 1900 For Boiler Rating 苦xceeding 400 but not exceeding 600 2200 For Boiler Rating 咄咄eding 600 but not exceeding 8∞ 2400 For Bo iIer Rating exceeding 800 but not exce曹 ding 1000 27∞ For Boiler R..ting exceeding 10∞ but not ex创eding 1200 32∞ For Boiler Rating exceeding 1200 but not exc四ding 14∞ 3600 For Boiler Rating exceeding 1400 but not exceeding 16∞ 4200 For Boiler Rating exceeding 1600 but not exceeding 18∞ 45∞ For Boiler Rating exceedìng 1800 but not exc哇哇ding 2000 5∞O For Boiler Ratingexceeding 2仪刻 but not exceeding 22∞ 54∞ For Boiler Rating exce母 ding 2200 but not exceeding 24∞ 60∞ For Boiler Rating exceeding 2400 but not exceeding 2600 6300 For Bo iIer Rating exceeding 2ωo but not exceeding 2800 68∞ For Bo iIer Rating exceedìng 2800 but not exc槌 ding 3∞o 7200 Above 30∞ for every 200 or part thereof an additional fee of Rs. 2,∞ shall be charged. , Provided that the Chief Inspector may direct 出at no fee shall be payable in respect of a fresh applkation made in pursuance of s峙-section (窍。f Sec tion 14 of the Ac t. 386. "Memorandum of Inspection Book- (a) A 381. Registration Book- (a) A Registration Book or Memorandum of Inspection Book sha11 be pr叩ared for each boi1er in Form I. In this book the Inspector sha11 enter in ink a11 particulars and dimensions of theboiIers with the calculations for the various p盯ts in details, partkulars of hydrau 1ic test and steam test and his inspection no除s. (b) At subsequent inspection Inspectors shall 四ter the dates of the Inspections hydraulic tests and steam tests, when such are made wìth 泣leir notes thereon. (c) Inspectors should also enter in the Memorandum of Inspection Book the geneal condition of the boiler and of repairs, to what extent boi1ers have been deared of brick work, etc. , a report of all casual visits for inspection of repairs, for inspection of main steampipes, and reports on acddents, etc. , in 出is way the Memorandum of Inspection Book w il1 provide a useful record of the boi1er's history for the ùlformation and guidance of Inspectors at subsequent inspections‘ (d) On submissìon of the Memorandum Book to the Chief Inspector he w il1 in the case of newly registered boilers,也eck all particul础 and cakulations and approve of the working pressu扭曲at is to be pe口ni伎ed. In the case of old boilers, the Chief Inspectors w il1 examine the Inspector's notes of inspection and propo铅Is made for repairs or redud ion of pressure. A pressure once approved for the boiler should not be altered without the written authority of the Chief Inspector. copy of Memorandum of Inspection Book containing a11 the particulars required for registration sha11 be maintained in the office of the Chief Inspector Î11 Form 1 and any orders passed by him regarding the boHer shall be entered in the registration Book under his initials. (b) The Chief Inspector should also see that the note of subsequent inspections entered in the Memorandum of Inspection Book are copied in the Registration b∞k , • Th e Memorandum of Inspectìon 800支 should always be kept clean and upto-date Inspectíon Books except when actua \l y r桂qUl r昔d by the Inspector, should be filed in the office of the Chief [nsp仅tor , Record萨一(的 The Inspecting Authority shal1 maintain the records pertaining to 位也 boileror 出.e Economiser, as the case may be, induding a11 the certificates in the prescribed forrns , namely Form III-C, Form IV, and Form V.III and the copíes of 位¥e approved drawings for a period of at least 3 years after registration of the boi1er. Thereafter these records rn.ay be sent to the owner of the boiler by the Inspecting Authority. 。) The owner of a boiler of econo四iser shall main祖m the records pertain剖g to the boiler of economiser as the case may be , induding the copies of the in forms 日, I1-A, III-B, IV and VII and the copies of the approved drawing for the entire life of the boiler or economiser as the case may be. (c) In the event of any transfer of the ownership,位w records mentioned above sha l1 be transferred to 枝¥e new owner and the new owner w il1 maintain the record ìn accordance with the provision of dau促 (b) above. 381A. Maintenance of (d) The manufacturer of boiler of economiser or steam pipe shaIl maintain the record p町taíning to the boiler '也、牛 .町 、 和 rAd SOMZ 如双向n耐 U2收bMKrotet 毗ptLU口 加恼'则立即向 川 中 鸣 叫 阳 h 白均 飞忑 M坦 M p仙 r 阳 附 则 " d邵 …t 由志1γWK M" T 品 加 以 叩 阴 圳 m m u z m m 阳已 由工 rm阳 Z叫阿m如 W何 MZ 协咒 ωm啥 m泣 M出 Z俨 M如 K呼 m叫吨 冈山 向叫叫缸…恰如巾叫时-阳 伽 山 悔刚恨 响 叫 句甘 m mH wm 阳 刚 一盯 w叫 M d T卢 黑立的…出叫时 段段时t 响m常出叫叫做也克 m拉 m… M向 U23 机放出时 位均〕州时巾…白如:如叩叫出向 牛 坦问刷刷r 问M几 rs-2可瞅瞅创立 m刷 u飞 军由相叫刷 工d 假部 日 -m甜 f地叫血士如江白宫立 帧江均创描唰d阳 销 m创 am 即向且也取出抗均叭叭队叫时 说忡忡旷立即常 3川 3ω remarks should be as bríef as possible. 川出………叫出土黯……叫←…一 如…附带…点叫嚣摆出…吼 幽 船t 舶 ryYMMZgdr zL tmaT如Z mg f5odmhr 哈 精 η\e 1部pectors ∞ m m问 阴 阳 怪 叫 目 ω 叫 蔚 蓝 也 譬 如 岳 阳 问 咄 咄 吼 叫脱罪…班立即叫嚣二吵得黯芷挣 2泣 叫刷 emM 出mL 巾 阳节苦创刊玛叫:政 如刷附注 r创舶工 pw t M 叫 阴 阳 山 时 阳 叫 b 山 m 岭 阳 岛 出纠扭扭…叫" 叫z 她z 却h 叫k且 m常叫啡时向r … 击节 …配器器问…黯…出如此时叫嚣叫…… 162 If the inspector decides that a boller in one or more of its parts is no longer fit for the pressure approved for 泣, he must without delay report his proposal for reducing 出e pressure to the Chief Inspector and 挝 the same time submit his calculation for 吐\e wasted p缸ts for check and approval of pressure. With regard to 出.e pi役ing and wasting of shell plates, 注\e Inspector should bear in mind that shell plat础 may become redu部 in 刷ckness to an appreciable εxtent and still be stronger than longitudinal s础ns. All flanging shall be thoroughly inspected and particularly 白.e flanges of circular and plates that are not stayed. Inte口tal grooving in the fillet of such heads and extemal grooving in the outer surfaces ofheads concave topressureisverycommonsincethereisslightmovement lndian Boiler ReguÙltions in the heads of 役ùs character whicl飞 produces 俭让s 挝nd of defect. Some types of boilers have what is known as 也e OG or reversed f1ange construction in some of 出位 parts thatmay be inaccessible to theeye,bl必也e ∞ndition shall be detem也.edby 份le 总sertion of a m泣。rwhichat a proper angle will re f1ect back to the eye the condition of 阳也 a place, or any other feasible manner. (d) Stay萨时 Al1 踊ys, whether diagonal or 血rou静, shal1 be exan:由\ed tonote 也at they 盯e in even tension. A l1 fastened ends shall be ex缸nined to no毛e whether cracks ,exist where the stays are punched or dr去11ed for rivets or bolts and, if not found in proper tension, the Insp配tor should recommend the Îl' propertension,自e Ins严C去。r should r缸。黯mend the Îl' proper adjus恤.ent. (的 Manholes and Other Openings-…白le m叙lhole andother reinforcing plates,部 well 础 nozzlesoro也.er c∞nection f1anged or screwed into aboiler, sha延 be ex栩如.ed intema抑郁 we11 as ex枪口稳11y to see 位\at they are not cracked or deformed, and wherever possible observation shal1 be made for the 如side ofthe boiler, as 如 the thoroughness with which its pipe g∞nec总.ons are made to the boil辄 Al1 openings to ex始放回 attal出ment嚣, such as water ωlumn connections, 01础lings in dry pipes and opening to 黯fety valves, 吐lal1 be noted to see 白at they are free from obs饺uctions. 份 Fire Surfaces一Bulging, Blistering, Leaks… Pa碍cular attention shal1 be given to 也e plate or tube surface exposed to 白efire‘The Insp就tor shal1 observe whether any part of the boiler has become deformed dur如gopera泣。n by bulging or blistering; 也eformeris a distortion of the entire 位úckness of the plate or tube where it takes place, while the lattεr is a lan:únation or sep缸ation of the plate due to forging materìal being embodedin 也e ìngot before the plate is ro11ed. 在 bulges or blisters are of such size as would seriously weaken the plate or tube and especial1Y when 也e leakage is noted comìng from those defects, the boiler shal1 be discontinued from service until the defectivepart or parts have received prope主 repairs.Ca肥东.ù observation shal1 be made to defect leakage from any po撼。nofthe boiler 阳时拟招, par挝cularly in the vicinity of s销时 部d tube ends. Fire tubes sometimes blister but rarely col1apse, the Inspector should look 役lIough 出e tubes for such defects and if 也ey are found with a sufficient degr肥 of distortion 由ey should be removed. (g) Lap Joints,扭扭 Cracks…Lap才oint boilers are apt to crack where the plates lap 抽出.e longitudinalor s位ai萨\t seam; if there is any evidence of leakage or other di 163 (h)T创啦19Staybol岱…白如e Ins严ctorshal1惚st staybolts by tapping one end of each bolt with a hammer and when practicable a hammer or other heavy tool should behE州 on 仕恕。P严lSÌte end to 1I混抬出e test more effect主ve. 白宫、.bes-…伽eir defec蚀" elc.(i) Tubes in h。由∞tal fire tube boilers deteriorate more rapidly at 位le ends toward the fire, and they should be carefully tapped with a light harnmer on their outer surface to 部certam whether there has been serious reduction ìn 泣úckness. The 饥ibés or vertical tubul缸 boilers are more susceptible to deterioration at the upper ends operl when exp部ed to the products of com幽 bustion without water protection. They shot.ùd be reach时都 far 部 possible eith自由rough 出e handholes if any, or 拙spected at the ends. (盐)百le surfaces shouId be carefully ex扭曲ed to detect bulges or cracks, or any evidences or de~配tive welds. Where there is a strong draft 由e ‘ tub硝 maybecome 白如nedby ∞rrosi∞ produced by 注le impingement or partid部 of 扣elar吼臼h or 应e 加proper use of s∞t blowers. A le地 fro皿 atube 始quently cau燃烧r抽出 corrωive action on a number of 灿bes in i始注宿将diate vicinity. (ili) Where short tubes or rupple!? are employed in joìning drums or headers, there is a tendency for wasteproducts of 佳飞e fumace to lodge ìn 轨.ejunc­ tion points and such deposits are likely to cause corrosion 迂 moisture is.present. Al1 such places should be thoroughly cleaned and 拟an:úned丽 。) Ligarnents between Tube Holes…The 豆.gaments between tube hole吉 in the heads of al1句rpes of firφ阳.be boilersandinshe11s ofwater-tubeboilers 也ouldbeex部挝­ ned' If leakage is no时, it may denote a broken ligarnent. (k) Steam Pockets- Steam pockets on surfaces are some位mes found in new or replacement work, and wherever,设ús is possible or,挂kely 出e Inspector should make observation and, if any are found , recommend 出e necess配y changes. (1) Pipe Connection and Fittings…The steam and water pipes, including connections to the water column, shal1 be examined for leaks, and if any are found it should be determined whether 出ey are the re阳lt of excessive strains due to expansion and contraction, or oth,衍 causes. 在1忽 general arrangement of the piping in regard to the provisions, for expansion and drainage, as wel1 as adequate support at 仕\e proper points, shal1 be carefully noted. 在le location of the various stop valves shal1 beob阳rved to 配e that waler will not be pocketed when the valves are closed and thereby establish cause for water砸hammer action. 古le arrangement of. connections between individual boilers and the main steam pipes shal1 be espe lndian Boiler Regulatωns 164 . •noted to see 出at any. change of position of the bo i1er due to setting or other causes, will not produce an undue strain on the piping. It shall be ascertained whether all pipe connections to the boi1er possess the proper strength in their fastenings , whether tapped into the boi1er, a fitting, or flange rivetted to the boiler. 白\e Inspector sha11 determine whether there is pro叫sion for the expansion and contracpon of fuch piping, and 由at there is no undue vibration tending to crystalize 仕\e parts subjected to it.白白 inc1udes all steam and water pipe and special attention should be given to the blow off pipes with their connections andfittings , 11 战ecause 由e expansion and contraction due to rapid change in temperature and water-hammer action create a great strain upon the entire blow off system, which is moreprono山\ced when a number ofblow off pipes are joined in one common discharge. The freedom of the blow off connection on each. boiler shall be tested wheneverpossible • by--opening-thevalve--for a few seconds, at which time it 'can be determined whether 仕\ere is excessive vibration. Blow off pipes should be free from extemal dumpness to prevent corrosion. • ‘ (m) Water Column一 The piping to the water column shall be carefully noted to see 由at there is no cha,nce of water being pocketed in the piping forming the steam connection to 由e water column. The ste缸n-pipe should preferably drain towards to the water column. The water pipe conneètion to thewater column must drain towards the boiler. The relative position of the water column tothe fire surfaces of the boi1er shall be observed to deten咄咄 whether the column is placed in accordance with the Regulations. The attachments shall be examined to determine their operating condition. (n) Baffling-Water-Tube Boilers- In Water-Tube boi1ers, it should be noted , as far as possible, whether or not the proper baffling is in place. In many types of boilers the absence ofbaffling of ten causes high temperatures on portions of the boi1er structure which are not intended to be exposed to such temperatures, from which a dangerous condition may result. The locatioh of combustion arches with respect to tube surfaces shall be carefully noted. These are sometimes arranged so as to cause the flame to impinge on a particular part of a boi1er and produces overheating of the materialand consequent danger of the rupture of the part. (0) Localization of Heat- Localization of heat brought about by improper or defective b (p) Suspended Bo i1 e rs- Freedom of ExpansionWhere boilers are suspended 由e supports and setting shall be carefullyexa,rr\.ined specially at points where the boiler structure comes near the setting walls or floor. Often accumulation of ash and soot will bind the boiler structure at such points and produce excessive strains on the structure owing to 由e expansion of the parts under operating conditions. (q) Safety Valve s- As the safety valves are the most important attachments on the boi1er,由ey shall be inspected with the utmost caution. There should be no accumulations of rust scale, or other foreign substances loca ted in the casings so as to interfere with the free operation of valves. The setting and freedom of the safety valves should be tested preferably by raising the steam pressure to 由e blow-in-off point, or if this cannot be done , the valves shall be tested by means of the t可 levers to certain if they are free. Where the steam discharged from a safety valve is led through a pipe the Inspector shall determine at世\e time the valve is operating whether or not the drain, openi 让ir且\g in the discharge pi毕 pe i恒sf仕re 四 e.an 缸ndJna 配 cc ∞ Qt ,d缸 时 anc 四 ewiththeR ,贻 .egt 伊datωiωO~lS 畸s. If the Inspector deems it necessary, in order to determine the freedomof discharge from a safety valve, the discharge connections should be removed. Under no circumstances should a stop valve be permitted between a boiler and its safety valve. (r) Steam Gauges- The s怡amga闻自 on all boilers shall be removed and the Inspector shaI1 test them and compare their readings with a standard test gauge. The readings of 由este缸ngaug臼 sha11 be observed and compared when making an inspection with stt:!am on the boiler. whcrc severa1 boilers are inservlceconnected toacommon steam main. 白\e location of the steam gauges shall be noted to see whether or not it is exposed to high temperature either extemally, as would be the case if placed c10se to 址、e smoke flue or other high heated p缸t of the boiler or setting, or exposed to heat intemally due to lack of prot配tion of the gauge spring with a proper syphon or trap to prevent steam from coming in contact with 出e spring. 白\e Inspector shall see 由at 由e provisions are made for blowing out 由.e pipe leading to the steam gauge. 391. Calculation of Wàsted Shell一 (a) When any part is wasted and 由.e Inspector is doubtful of its fitness for the pressure , he shall cause one or more small holes to be bored and from them ascertain the average thickness of the parts from which he can sa位sfy himself by calculation in accordance with the formula a W.P.= 2t x 5 DxF Eqn. (96) . lndian Boiler Regulations 165 where, ts 也ickness of wasted plate, where 出innest, 叫叫且·· of 4C泡。C and abOve induding u tll.ity or industrial boilers and all boiler parts op斜'ating in the creep range of the boiler shall be non-d部quctively tested as per the table 1 given below jáfter they are in operation for 1,00,000 hours for .assessment of 也e remanent life of 航,e partsj minimum tensile strength of material of shell in lbs. per sq. in. , D= interna1 diameter of shell in inches, F= factor of safety, which shall not be less than 4. 391此 Ageing of Boilers- (a) Shell Type Boilers : (均In order to take the ageing effect on boiler窑,航e working pressure of the parts of them as calα.tlatedfrom 位.e formulae i且也e腿 re忽必ations shall be reduced as per the table given bleow: TABLE Age ú! boiler 却 35 45 50 60 70 80 到 100 exo哇哇ding (in yeais) Maximum permitted 95 90 85 80 70 60 50 40 30 working pressure peroent. (ii) The parts of a boiler when itωmpletes a life of years 缸e to be tested 部 per table 2 for 部部ssment of the remanent life of such parts. twenty five If results are acceptable as per the standards laid down by the Central Boilers Board, a certificate shall be issued by the Chief Inspector of Boilers for extending the life of the boiler for afur仕\er period of t.四 years or such less period as recommended by the Remanent Life Assessment Organisation. This assessment of remanent life 怠hall be carried out 也,ereafter ev臼y five years by 也,e org缸让sati∞s wor挝Z胃部也e field of boile路 and remanent life and ext回到∞ 孰,ereof after such organisation is approved by 也.e Central Boilers Board.Such org缸úsation 由all work in dose coordination with the office of τechnical Adviser (Boilers) in the field of remanent life assessment ai1d extension. τhe working pressu招 of such boil,的 mayberedUQ!d on 在e recommen-dations of 5uch approved organisation. (ii) For those boilers..the plate嚣。,f which have @lready beencutand 梅ted shall be given a further lease of life of f证句r years from the date of test of the boilers. The working pr辅相re that shall be allowed after the 始sting shall be reduced as per the table given below: TABI.忘 p,号riod 愉t after dat暗 of (in years) 20 10 30 40 50 Notwi也5t甜dingany也ing contained in thi怒 re伊lation, Maxim回到 working for boilers working at a pressure less 血的 50 kg/cm2, such elaborate remnant life assessment is not mandatory. However, in suchcases, drums and headers of such boilers sha1l be 拙spected by Ultrasonic tes出唱, Magnetic partide t锦位\g and Dye penetrant test. pressure al10wed (per怨怨tage) 80 90 70 50 30 (b) Water Tube Boilers : (i) The boilers which are opera.位\g ata t您mperature metre and thic.堂" ness 3 Ye革 Yes Yes Yes VHH -m也 No Dia嗣 它 No Outside 一池一w 战 阳仰吵'附"伽 Yes 8-2胁 2 Yes header 且,. 旷 ction S Yes Yes Yes 俯除 -m ln锣公 …协…闹一战 No ling y Yes San驴 c.a tion … Ew… m油 Yes Repli蹦 Dye Penetrant 6 3-k …w 陆 A忧暗mpera沁r 同V‘d 酌响 grum (Steam) water drum Low Tempera阳re header … EEW TABLE 1 L句就id 问LmM t 2 川在惊惊4…Z坠胁 也帽 司,. ?MSg -nHHM 明 "-un … J Visual HUO Ccmponent Yes Hardness ih-h-w 12 Yes Swel1 m踹瑞 嚣uremeant HighTe黯,perature Economi拇r tub制 Yes No No No No Yes No Yes No No Low Tempera切re E∞nomiser Tubes Yes No No No No Y臼 No Yes No No Convection 忌lper­ Yes No No No No Y翻 Yes Y曹$ No Y曹S he蘸ter Othm Coils (Co ntd...) u 166 btdiall Boiler Regulations 一陆 12 Non-destructive oxide thickness inspection Yes No No No No Yes Nn Yes No Yes Final Superheater Coils Yes No No No No Yes No Yes No Yes Reheater Coils Yes No No No Nci Yes No Yes No Yes High temperature headers Yes Yes No Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes Final Superheater header Yes Yes No / Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes Swell measurement Reheater headers Yes Yes No Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes Swell measurement MainS惚ampiping Yes No No No Yes No No Yes No Yes …一… -Flaten…Super- ←一 ----Yes--一血~es …一一 No 一 ---Yes Yes 十 No • --No- 唱一--.)'es ←← ---~es→--Yes … No Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes Economiser header Yes No No Yes No No No Yes No No Anxilliaries Yes No No No No No No Yes No No Boiler Bank tubes Yes No No No No No No Yes No No Water wall Yes No No No No Yes No Yes No No Yes No No No No Yes No Yes No No 由、 叩巾 Yes 咱‘白、 Yes 可h heater header -ug DAKH ,", SEer Et VE-aS .., .. ip1 Furnac理 Water walls ut 10 一陆 一陆M -M -M一M 陆-M-M -M M-M 口 9 月 Dill- meter alld thickness FC'""c Hard- Othness ers -uιvn Outside 1 8 -M-M-M一M 陆-MM -MM 陆-M一M 陆 7 陆-M-w-w-w-w-M-M- 陆 M-hzh-M-MM-M-一 M-M p/i ng h-w一M-M-w-w-M-M 陆M netic Dye cation par- Peneticle tra7zt i nspe- i nspection ction 3 6 2 4 5 w-w-w-w-w-w-w-w-w-w-w-w-w -M-M 一闯M 一 -陆 M M-M一 -闯 M一 -陆 M一陆 Sllm- -M一M 陆-M 一M 陆 M-一 M陆一 -陆 M-M-M- Rep /i- 叮 1 …阮 它 Liqllid ·切Mm·-m TABLE 2 Mag- ω 川剧·时 ---6·· HUAUGM !JMSE h" 四""H 飞队 B 咆 trM Drum (Steam) Water drum Economis暗r Tubes Convection Superheater Coils primary S呗perh臼怡 rCoils Final Superhea惚r Coils High 惚mperature headers Final Superheater header Economiser header Anx i1iaries Boiler Bank Tubes Water wall Main Steam Piping Visllal ' 间 Lm阳· 勺W OA飞 1 → 11 Yes Prefinal Superheater Coils Component ι "-M 8-M 6 一陆 Primary Superheater Coils 5 1 一陆 一陆 4 3 (Contd...) 12 w-w-w-w-w-w-w-w-w-M-w-w-w M-M-M-M-M-M-w-w-M-w lndian Boiler 峭UÚltions 167 3纯. I:tepa~, to Boiler and Steam P协← (a) 坷。r rep挝路扭曲部 fusion welded. or riveted pa烛臼 toshells, 也怜。x部部祺瑞dpla憾。,fboilers and ex蚀nsivebuil出ng 呼。fw部饺d parts of boilers pem垃出d under 也确e of fumaces and end pla烛, parts of sh错, fire boxe嚣, girde怒 and 岱程l-pip已棍, shall ∞lybeen坟usted to a rep位erwhocan 崎忡e Chief Inspector regardin喜出e qua1ity of welding and o出er repair done by his Organisation and all 0自由 minor repa让s whicl飞 may be detem也ed to be minor by the q臼f Insp前torathisd泌α甜.onmaybeen位usted. to any R鸣叫ations,他 renewa1 Z哼缸rer. countersunk headed 挺rew pins. {斟叮将由k油ess of a patch plate shall not be le铺位1an theoriginal 也ickne甜甜由e p 1ate which it is used to patch. (b) Welding'…白\e repairer shall satisfy the Chief Inspector(i) 出at 问 Patches for fire exposed plates shall be fitted metal to metal wi位10ut joint of any d臼crip悦。'n. 白te affected part shall be cut 0时, leaving the comers of the hole rounded.. P枕命es shall be secured., wherever possible, 'properly spaced rivets with a wid出 of plate at least 吨ual to 生he diameter or rivet betw臼写出.e ed.ge of the rivet hole and 在.e edge of the plate. Where rive自\g i参 加严部锐cable,也e plate sha11 be secured. by welt fit岱ng the electric arc or oxy-acetylene welding setsand 础。由er tools and plant in his possesion for carrying out repairs are suitable for the work undertaken. qua1ity of material used. conforms 抽出e specificatioI输出at are prescribed.. (码也就位\e superviso巧r and operational staff employed by him possess the nece军部rytraining and experience for the work under taken. (iii) that the (iv) 孰at a11 welders employed by him possess issued as required under Chapter XIII of these Regulations. cer位ficates (v) standard of work should be of high order and comply with a11 the requirements and test 出at may be prescribed by 出e Chief Inspector. (c) Riveting and Other R叩airssatisfy the Chief Inspector: 白\e Repairer shall (h) Bulged or distorted fumaces of circular section m町, if the bulge of distortion is not too great, be pressed back to shape. (i) Circular fumaces horiz∞tal boUers thathave become distorted may be suitably reinforced. 。) Anti-collapse 出gs shall be of substantial section ei也就 of single or double angles bolted back to back wi白 screw stays not less than 7/8也 inch 监 diameter and about 7 incl飞es in pitch passed 也rough flat of angle and screwed. into 岳飞.e fumace,血e ends b由19 ei出.er rounded. or riveted over on the fire side and fitted with stay bolts shall be fitted wi出 fe.衍ules not less 钱an 1 inch i...L dep在 between fumace and angle 加莓, nu始就岛eo出能The (k) Welding shall not be accepted. for the repair of any part of a boiler for which welding is forbidden for a new boiler under these Re gulations. Boiler shells shall not be repaired by welding beyond the filling up of a small isolated corroded or pitted part or the making up of wasted edges of openings. (i) that he possesses 出.e necessary equipment and t∞,ls and engages trained 臼dexperi阻cedwork­ men and staff for the work underwork taken. (1) Cracks or grooving in dished. or flat end plate of cylindrical shells or in the bends of fumace ílanges in a circumferential direction may be weed out and welded. (放 stanð.ard of work should be of a high o:cder and (m) Wasted pa出 of circular fumaces and fire boxes and 班re exposed flat plates as in rectangular fire boxes and combus位on chambers may be cut out and be replaced by new pieces welded in or 出ey may be built up by weldin.各 Longitudinal cracks in circular fumaces andfiÍ'e七oxes and cracks in rectan部.ùar fire七。χesand ∞mbus钱。nchambe.括黯ay be welded. comply wi也a11 也e requirements and te然也at may be prescribed by the Chief Iru.i'ector, and 公主 materia1 used shall be of bo挂在每ua革ty. (d) 在\erepa加 should be supervised, so far as his 0也就 duties permit by 也e Inspector wh白自e fire boxes and smoke tubes of 1悦。motive túbe boUers are withdrawn, 放leoppo时unity should be taken to inspect 出eintemal parts which are otherwise inaccessible to close inspection. (e) Repairs to boUer, shells shall be effected ei出.er by patching o~ by removing a stripe of wom or damaged plate and inserting the new strip wi出 covering straps over the longitudinal butt ends, the strength of the riveted joints to be not less 出m 出at of the longitudinal i。如ts of the shell. 如) NoStay shall be welded. (0) For the purposes of 融部eRe思主lations renewed part shall be deemed. to be part嚣。,f a new boUer intended for use at the pressure at which the boiler un指rrenewal is u s e d . \ … (p) Butt Welding of Smoke Tubes Smoke tubes may be butt welded either by fusion welding, flush welding or oxy-acetylene welding, and these should be tested hydraulically at the discretion of the Chief Inspector. lndian Boiler Regulations 1岱 393. Submission of manufaduring drawings and the particulars ofboile栩如 advance-叫树 h 血时槌eofland boi1ers madein India for use in the States, the manufacturing drawings and 由.e particula1'5 of materials, d臼i萨 and construction of boile1'5 shall be submitted by 也.emak缸sof 也.e boilers to 也e Insp就位\gAu白ority of 佳隙 S饭饱, where the principal parts of 白e boilers will be g回\ufac阳red, for examination and 叩proval before ∞'DUll部.cementof 由e manufacture of b。如1'5. (b) In the case of boilers made outside India for use in the State, the manufacturing drawings and pa.rtia南部 of 血.e material, desi萨 andcons位uction, of boilers shal1 be submitted initial1y tothe 主\5pecting Au血。rity in the coun饺y of manufacture for examination and approval. 亚\e manufacturing drawings and 在e particulars of materia15,' design 翻dcons位uction 扭曲.e case of fired boilers of steam genera位ng capacity 100 Tons/hour ahd above and that of Waste heatboiler of 20 T假\5/ hourandaboveshal1生hen be submitted to 出eTechrúca1 Adviser 得oilers) for selection of latest materials with hi庐←牛~~gtl'l~..and u些旦与1←掉拉 Je 1Il..P雪~~.阳re.… ang pressure, energy conserva泣。'n and increased thermal efficiencyand remote control and instrumentation for 也e 锦fety of 位e Boilers.τ'hereafter, the manufacturing drawings and the particulars of materials, design and cons位出"∞ shal1 be 锦'nt to 也e Chief Inspector of Boilers of 出e State where the boiler will be installed andu槌d, for final examination and approval before commencement of manufacture so as to avoid qu臼tion . arising at 出e 位me òf erection and registration of the boiler. (c) 币le Inspecting A u注\ority or the Chief Inspector or both, as thecase maybe, sha盐, after examination of the g城nufacturing drawings and the par悦.cul缸5 intimate to the proposer whether 也.ey are satisfied with the materials, design, construction and fi帕西sof 出e parts for the intended pressure and, if not, wh挝 modificatiòn is necessary therein. When the ma副主facturing drawings and 也.epar钱culars of boilers have been approved, the k昂ector in making his examination shal1 see 血时也e d剧增\and 血ep缸ticulars ofω部优uction 部 approved have been careful1y followed and that 底e material . corresponds with 也.e apprpved particulars. (d) 白le fe部 for the scrutiny of 血e manufactu由19 drawings and the particulars of the materia15 desi萨 and construction of boilers under sub-regulations (a) 假如) shal1 be on the scale prescribed in regu1ation 385 sub才配t to a maximum of ru严部 20,∞0/黯. When the manu-facturing drawings have been scrutini锦dandin respect of them a1terati∞5 have been 窑ugge (的 η\e arrangement draw始gs showings the broad details of modifications or conv配si~s of the existing bo远.er shal1 be subj配t to the approv a1 of the Chief Inspector of Boilers of the State where the boiler is intended for modificati∞ or conversion is registered. 俯在 the detailed manufacturing drawings. are got approvedby 也e Inspec出gAu曲。rityof 仕\e State where parts will be manufactured and inspected, no separate compliance of sub-regula栋。,n (的 is required. 394. Inspections of Steam Pipes-翩翩 (a)Ste但n pipes shall be 如spec能dand hydra叫ical1y 怡S恰d before e黯ction in , pla俑, in 惚stpressure 协 bethatprl街口ibedinthes饭nd红d conditions for steam pipes. A certificate from the Insp民检19Au啦。rity in Form m A, sta出唱出at 血ishas been done byhim may be accep怡d. If the Inspector is 锦创.sfied wi白白e 铃貌,出.epi严s may be el'ected in p崎ition. 币\e Chief Ins严ctor 公况且 intimate his approval to 出e owner regarding the s凶.tab出ty of the pipe lin忿 foruseat 出.e pressure and tempera灿re 毛obesp艇苗.ed. (b) At subsequent inspections of 也.e boUer or-at any 0出.er 位me,也e 1nspeetoï"mäy法磁læ-幽极佳丽远云始pe耐Qi'i-of 也.e ste,创叶'pi:严5 and for 出is purpose may require a part of 也ela路ingat 也e. flan萨窑 to be remoyed,部d 也.epipe made bare. If部 are低点。f 血is 怯spectiα飞出,eins严ctoris of opinion that 出您 pipes or any p恼撼。InS of 也.enar雪 in an unsatisfactory condition he shall r叩饵t the maUer to the Chief 如spector, who may require the whole 01 由怠 lag脚.g to be removed and may requ国 any pipe or pipes to be hydraulically 阳梅d.η\e test pressure at such hydraulic test shall be not less 也an one and half times, 也e working pressure of the boUer of阳 ir棚ded 附dår嘻 pressure of pipe 部位\e c槌emaybe. (c) A memorandum of Inspection 嚣。ok shall be prepared in respect of ste缸扣pipe and fittings in form No. XIV. In this book,也,e Inspector shal1 enter 怕忌kall p缸ticulars and d坦部\5ionsof 也esteampipe 俗\d fitting with ca 1culations for the various parts m detail, particulars of hydraulic test and his irlSpecti∞ notes. At subsequent irlSpec:tion,盐\e Insp挺tor shall enter the date of theinspection and hydraulic t部ttoge也带 with no始5 there他 刊e Inspector shal1 a150 enter in 也e Memorandum of remarks rega,rdmg the general condition of the steam-pipes and fittings , and repa恼, replacements of alterations, if any, and the' ext,是nt to which the steam pipes have been c1eaned Qf lagging and covering 部 that the book p.rovides a useful record of the steam-pip臼 and fittings for the infom硝ion and guidance of Inspectors 棋 subSequent inspection. In the event of an acddent to a pipe line or its fitting章, necessary rem Inspection 嚣。ok ψ lndian Boiler Reglllations working pressure ahd temperatur部 are to be perrr让tted for the various parts of the pipe line and fittings.τhe pressure and temperature once approved for the particular steam pipe line shall not be altered except on a written authorlty from the Chief Inspector. 395. Submission of Plans of l)teamωPipes- (a) Plans of s始am pipes shall be submi~ted with theprescribed fee to the Chief Inspector before construction or at 出e t泣\e of the boiler for his dedsion whether the pipes. and their arrangement comply wi血 the Regulations. (b) (i) 丁he fees for examination of plans and the particulars of materials, design and construction of steam pipes before the, commencement of manufacture of the steam pipes shall be at the rateof Rs .30 for 30 metres of pipingor part th盯eof, subject to a m.Î(\.imWn of Rs. 50, inc1usive of a l1 fittings exceptiIi.g the fittings like de~ superheaters, steam receivers, feed heaters and separately fired superheaters. For any fit位19S likede副superheaters, steam receivers, separators and 缸anges,白ef专es shallbe Rs. 150.00 for each category of such identical fittings. (ii) The fees for examination of lay out p 1ans of steam. pipes shall be Rs. 20 per 30 metres of piping or part thereQf, subject to a .min站出mof Rs.白, inc1usive of all fit位19S, except fit位19S like de-superheaters , steam receivers , feed he挝ers and seþàrately fired superheate成 For anyfit由19S 呈阳啦-superheaters, steam receìvers and separators, the fee shall be Rs. 150.00 for each such fittings. 395A. Inspection Fees for Boilers and Part thereof Constnlcted in lndia- (1) The inspection fee for boUers shall be ca1culated on the following basis : (i) at four times the registration fee for a boiler of riveted construction; 但)挝 four times the registration fee for a boiler of welded construction; (2) Fees for inspections of boUer scantlings shall be charged as under : (i) upto 10 square feet (0.929 sq. metre) of outside and approve 也e 位at surfac争-nil. (ii) above 10 叫uare feet (0.929 sq. metre) of outside surfac萨吨ne half of the registration fee of 也e boiler for which the part is intended. 。) For inspection of tubes and pipes, the fee shall be charged at the rate of Rs. 150/- per metric tonne or a fraction 也ereof. (盼 份)Fe 4 阔 esf如。r 趴$咛 pe 配 Ctii ω恒。nofboU 悦 i 丑抛 挝 era 就t 址也\es 必id 由 eofc, ωαm枝u 山 c珑∞ 也郎 al1 怡 be 叫 出 clha 缸r撰da 眩tt阳 hera 混 挝t惚 a e off如。u 山lr 且 悦秘惚恼 m 羽1郁 伎也阳 1e 罔8 庐 i捻 掬忧胁 s 硝磁。佣 a n f钳. 169 (5) For inspection of forged pipe fittings, the fees shall be charged at the rate specified for forged and cast flanges under c1ause (斗, of sub嚼regulation (2) of Regulation 395C. 但) For inspection of pipe fitting嚣。ther than forged pipe fittings,也.e fees shall be charged as under : (a) Upto and inc1ud阳.g 50 mm, for 100 kg. or a fraction thereof Rs. 50 (b) Over 50 mm and upto and inc1uding 100 mm for 450 kg. or fraction thereof Rs. 250 (c) Over 100 mm for 900 kg. or a Rs. 5∞ fraction thereof 395B. Fees for lnspection' 1:lf Pipes(a) For the pipes of nominalbore not exceeding 100 lllm 'inc1 usive of äll. fittings , exceptin莲 fittings like. desuperheaters, steam receivers, feed heaters and separately fired super heaters Rs. 200 for 30 metres of pipe or part thereof. (b) For pipes of nominal bore exceeding 100 mm inc1usive of all fittings eχcepting fitti?gs like desuperheaters, ste拟n receivers, feed heaters and separately fired superheaters Rs. 500 for 30 metres of pipe or part thereof. (c) Fees for inspection of fittings like feed water heater, desuper h相ter, steam receiver, separators and separately fired super heaters Rs. 500 for each such fi括ngs. 395C. Fe 仰 for Inspection of Valves- Fees for inspection of valves shall be charged as under : (1) Subject to a minimum inspection fee of Rs. 500 per inspectionfor the valves , the inspection fee shall be charged as under : (a) Upto 25mm Rs. 5 per piece. (b) Above 25mm and , upto 100 mm Rs. 20 per piece. (c) Above 100 mm and upto 250 mm Rs. 150 per pi配.e. (d) Above 250 mm Rs佬 400 per piece. (2) Fees for Inspec位on of flan萨s shall be charged as under: (i) For forged and cast flanges: (a) upto and inc1uding 25 mm for a batch of 50 or part thereof {的 upto and inc1uding 25 mm for a batch of 100 or part thereof (c) over 25 mm upto and ir飞。 luding 50 mm for a batch of 50 or part 也.ereof Rs.120 Rs. 220 Rs. 240 、 170 lndian Boìler Regulations (d) over 50 mm upto and including 1∞ mm for a batch Rs. 240 of 25 or part thereof 件 over 100 mm upto and including 250 mm for a batch Rs .26O of 10 or 归rt thereof (f) over 250 mm for a batch of 5 or partthereof Rs. 300 (ii) For plate flanges: The fees shall be charged at half the rate as charged for forged and cast flanges. 却5D. Fees for Inspec吉ion of Components of Valv部… The fees for 坦spection of components of valves shall be charged as under : (i) 5白电 of 注\é Inspec总.on fees of the valves shall be charged by the Chief 阳印机torof 出.e State where 也ecomp∞.ents of the valves, are manufactured, for inspection of the components manufactured in a State other than the State where the valv制 are as盹mbled and rem刻ning 50% of 由e ins严ction fees shall be charged by 设\eQ由f Inspectc段。fthe State, where the valves are assembled, for insp硝.onof 部部mbly and final inspec往.onof 出e valves. (ii) Where the inspection, so far as the materlal ~esting is concem时, has been caI;rled out by a "Well Known Foundry" or "Well Known Forge" full/inspection fees shall be charged by the Chief InspectQr of 也e State where/ the valves have been assembled and finally tested. (iii) Wher~ the components of the valves are inspec:;ted and tested in 出e 锦me manufactu出g work where the valves are 部sembledand 位lally tested., full inspection fee sha11 be charged by the Chief Inspector of the State where the manufacturing work is located. (iv) In case, in a State, components are manufactured by one firm and finally fittings and assembly of 出, valves are made by ano啦啦, both the firms sha11 pay inspection fee on 50: 50 bas忌, 395丑 Fées for inspection of feed w挝er heat毒rs and oth配 fitting争-Feesfor 弘spection of fl但dwaterhea惚rs ando也er f沾边19S sha11 be charged as under一 (i) Fees for inspection of feed water heaters shall be 吨ual to the registration fee of the boiler subject to a maximum of Rs. 5000. (ii) Fees for inspection of other fittings like de-superheaters, steam receivers and separately fired super heaters shall be charged equal to half the registration fee of 出e boiler to which the steam pipe or feed pipe,础设\e case may be, is attached subject to a maχimum of Rs. 2500. Note: In case of fittings, like 啦,相perheater嚣" feed heat'告将 and separately fir曹d super heaters, which are parts of 趴.e stea n\ pipes or f.苦苦d pipesa位ached to 毒 battery of the boi1ers, the f警告s shal1 be charged eq现1 to halfthe regi革tration fee of any one of the boiler of the b挂ttery of the boilers. 395F. Markings- (时 C盯bon steel tubes or pipes which are both over 50 mm outside diameter or over 1000 mm in length sha11 be marked legibly to show(i) 出e identification symbol for 出etypeof 也.e steel; (ii) the brand of the manufacture; and (iii) whether se缸nless or electric resistance welded tubes or pipes. (b) In the case of Carbon steel tubes or pipes le豁出m 50m皿 outside diameter or less 也an10∞ mm in length, 也e information sp创ifi,创 in Clause (a) of 也is regulation sha11 be marked on a tag securely attached to the bundIe or box. (c) For a110y steel tubes or pipes markings shall not be g丽mpëô-õn-吐始 -õëfdyõf ~thë tübê!n5云 pípe~s:Thè information specified in sub-regulation (码。f this regula生ion shall be stamped on the end face of plain end pipes or oÌ'l the rlms of flanges or on identification plates suitably attached to the pipes or 如ibes. h飞spection or identification marks may be painted on 出.e allõy steel tubes or pipes provided iron oxide base or titanium base pain饱 are used. (d) Tubes or pipés conforming to a forei萨 standard or which l)ave been accepted by. the Board under Regula tion 3 (莉, marking shall be stamped in 挝写ordancewi也在epr的isionofth挝 standard or code, ω巾, 部位e ca铠 maybe. 395G. Fee for inspection of spares and scantling蜘翩翩 盼 Spares- Foral1 types of coi1s, n挝nely, economiser coils, superheater coils, reheater coils, the fee for inspection shal1 be charged on the basis of surface ar,刷 刷 provided in Regulation 385. (ii) Scantlings…币le fee for 加spection of scan法ings shal1 becharged a草 under:… (a) For outside surface 郁瑞 not exceedin军 1 s哇. metre Rs. 500 (b) For outside surface 挝ea exceeding 1 吨. metre but not exceeding 3 sq. metres Rs. 600 (c) For C后A exceeding 3 sq. metres but not exceeding 5 sq. metres Rs. 700 (d) For C冶A exceeding 5 sq. metres but not exceeding 7 吨.me生res Rs .8oo (e) For OSA exceeding 7 吨. metres but not exceed如军 9 吨. metres Rs. 900 拇 For OSA exceeding 9 吨.me悦s but not exceeding 11 sq. metres Rs. 10∞ . Ind切n BoUer 及egulations 171 For outside surface area exceeding 口吨. metres a fee of RS. 50 shall be charged for every 2 sq. metres or part thereof subject to a maximum of RS. 5000. CHAPTE汉 X ELECTRODE BOILERS GENEI支AL CHAPT军RIX-A SAFETY OF PERSO到S INSIDE BOILERS 396. Safety of persons working inside boilers…刨 No person shall be compelled or al1owed, by the owner or person in charge, to go inside a steam boiler for any purpose whatsoever unless the boiler is effectively disconnected in the manner hereinafter prescribed from any steam or hot water communication with anyo出er boiler. (b) Effective disconnection shall be made either by the removal of the bo i1er stop valve or of a length of piping from al1 steam and hot water connection with any other boiler, vessel or pipe containing steam or hotwaterby 出e insertion of substantial blank flanges between the bo i1 er stop valves and piping. The shutting of a stop valve, stop cock or auto黯atic isolating valve alone shall not be deemed to compliance with this Regulation. In the case of welded pipe work , however , if a vent pipe of not less than 2" internal diameter (bore) is fitted between the main stop valve and the intermediate stop valve on the steam main and between the feed check valve and intermediate check valve on the feed line , this Regulation shall be considered to have been complied with, provided such vent pipes are fitted with boltedωon blank flanges and the flanges are removed so as to effectively discharge any leakage steam or water to the atmosphere when the valves on either side of its have been c1 osed. (c) 在le owner of a boiler to which 位总 Regulation is applìcable shall obtain the approval of the Chief Inspector in wrìting to the methOd. of disconnection which he proposes to use and shall be responsible for ensurir唱出at the method s。我pproved is followed in practice. (d) When electric light is used for work inside a Boiler shell or dru~ or any confined space within a boiler, the voltage sh~ll not exceed 24 volts and the owner of the boiler shall provide a hand lamp with lamp-革uard, keyless socket, insulated handle and extension cord of approved type. REQUIREMENTS 397. Application- This Chapt时 appl泌s to Electrode Steam Boilers for all voltages for any working pressure and for temperatures not exceeding 65Ü"F ,. Electrode Boilers shall only be of the fo l1owing construction: (a) Riveted Stεel 窜。迫,ers. (b) Fusion Welded Steel Boilers. (c) Seamless Shell Steel Boilers. 398. Where applicable the g部eral terms of Ch叩ter 1 relating to certificates from maker嚣, Inspecting Authorities, etc. , and of Chapter III concerning construction shall be followed. 399. The materìal specifications for structural parts of Electrode Boilers shal1 comply with Chapter II as regards the process of manufacture , chemical composition mode of manufacture and test, and 位e certificates for the steel plates, rìvets and bars where applicable, provided th拭 the ultimate tensile stress anä elongation of materials shall be between 也el泣nits given below :一 (1) For rìveted construction as in Regulation 1吃 (2) For fusion welded construction as in Regulation 234. (3) For se缸nless construction 部 in Regulation 344. Table 1 as for seam1ess carbon steel pip创. RIVETED STEEL BOILERS 400. Construction and Workmanship 一 The requirements as regards the preparation of plates, cylindrical shells, butt-st报庐, end plates, bar stays, angle rings , inspection, openings, rivet holes , riveting, fu l1ering and caulkin窑 shal1 comply with the relevant provisions of Chapter m. 401. Working Pressure of Shel1如白 Determination of wor均\g pressure of shells shal1 comply with Regu 1ation 176. Where power is used for workin窑 any equipment insidê a boiler the metallic portion of Ule equipmeI).t shall be effectivelyearthed. , 402. Strength of Riveted ]oints- Strength of riveted shall comply with Regulations 177, 178 and 179. , 才oints Indian Boiler Regu切tions 172 403. Thickness of Bu董必Straps- τ'hickness of bu协 strapsshall ∞mply with Regt主1ation 182. In case where fullωmpensation is provided for an 1.王丹 flanged opening cut in a dished end p 1ate, nO additional thickness is nec崎棉布· 404. Maximùm Pitch of Rivets in Longitudinal Join如- Maximum pitch of rivets in longitudinal seam shall comply with Regulation 183. 405. Spadng of Rows of Rive姐- Spacing of rows of rivets and distance between rivet hole and edge of plate 由瑞∞血ply wi白如伊lation 184. 406. End and Circumferential Seams- End and drcu黯ferential Seams shallωmplywi在 R嗨ulation 104. 407. Manholes and other openings in Shells-…(时 Un­ compensated opening shall comply wi白脸部主1ation 187. Where it is not prac缸able to make dished endp1ate in one piece, fusion welded se.ams welded from each side of 在e p 1atè may be employed provided the appropriate constants as given below are introduced into the formula for obtainingthe thickness. The limits of pre白山e and diameter specified in Regulation 416 sha毡, however, apply. 白\e maximum working pre多sure shall be de生ermined by the following formula but in no case shall the 出ickness at 而e edge of the flange for connecting to 位e shell be less 也an 也e 出比如\ess of the unpierced seamless shell as determined by 问uation (1). 。- e …~1"S~~~nsa句~.~p~i鸣中allωmplyγ出~S'lla翩 tions 170, 171 and 186. 2) W卫踹…………~..xCxS 在qn.(97)- DxK where, 408. Dished 琶nd pl挝锦 with pre毒sure on concave sid e-… Where an end plate is dished tose黯问划psoidal or partially spherical form, the inside radius of dishing shall be not 在reater than the outside diameter of thè flange (see Figu黯 23). Wherever practicable, the 坦side comer radius shall be 12.5 per 岱慌, of the inside diameter and in no ca部 shall be less than 6 per cent of the inside diameter剥 For ends of semi-ellipsoidal from the ratio of the major axis to the minor axis shall be not greater than 2. Where an end p 1ate is dished to semi-elllpsoidal or partially spherical form an(;thas a flanged-in-manhole or access opening,由.e thickness shall be increased by not less than 15 per cent of 也e 在ic挝\ess computed by the formula for an end plate without an opening, but in no case shall 血is increase be less than 1 月 inch. η\e d哗啦 ininch础。f 出.e flange G (see Fig. 23) forming the access opening measured from the outer surface of the place at the minor axis of theopening shall be not less than G 黯 ..J (T x W) where, T= 出比如惚蹈。f the end p 1ate in inches, W = length of minor axis in inche嚣, The comer radius of the manhole flange ym (see Fig. 23) shall be not less than 1 in. t= 在ic挝\ess of plate 单位ùrty翩seconds of an ind飞, WP= Wor挝吨 pressure in pounds per square inch, D = outside diameter of 出e flange in inches, K= a factory dependent up侃出e ratio h/D where h is the extemal height generally obtained frQm the curve shown in Fig. 22 orby Equa钱。n 75. In no ca阳 shall K be taken as les窜出an : 115Eor D 012 主 R s 嚣 minimum ultimate stress of plate in tons per square inch, C '" constant as follows : (a) Where 也eend plate i量 not one piece. C=35. (b) Where the end plate is 坦 cne piece. C = 82 where Class 1 requirements are complied wi位\. 嚣 27 where Class 11 complied wi曲, T抽出ickness require黯ents are to be used in the formu泌础 the 出ickne部 of the end after manufacturer and is applicable over the whole area of the end upto the point where for ends of partially spherical shàpe, the dishing radius joins 血e comer radiusi from this point a gradual thinning is permissible upto a maximum of 10 严r cent of the 173 Indian Boiler Regulations 在icknessγat the point where the comer radius joins flange end. A simílar gradual th如ning is per江山sible for ends of semi翩ellipsoidal shape.τ划5 permissible reduction 单位也抽回部 also applies to the flange for manhole opening. thestraigl飞.t portion of the Where seatings are finished by fusion welding 出.ey shall be stress relieved heat tr四位nent before attachment to the boiler. WELDED ATTACHMENT OF CONNECTORS TO SHELL Where a dished end plate is pierced wi也 more 泣磁n ∞eop但由\g for electrodes or 0出.erfit由19S,由.eoper由19s shall be so arranged as to provide an unpierced annulus not less than 2 in. wide measured from the centre of the comer radius. Where d is g招ater than 21f.z inches or (p-d}/P is le豁 出缸1 1/K full compensation shall be provided wherep 口 pitch of ope挝ngs in inch俑, d = diameter of openings in inches, K = factor (See Equa悦。In above). FIG.36 ;t 一T Where the diameter of such opening is not greater 也an 21f.z inches and the value of the lig挝nent (p-d}/P is not less than 1/K compensation is not .required. FIG.37 409. Seatings for Mounting- Where the working pressure is not greater than 250 lb / sq. in. moun出萨 having screwed ends not exceeding 3/4 怕.ch. Standard Pipe Thread may be used. τhe mountings 酿ay screwed : (i) Directly into the boiler shell fitted on the waterside; or plat部, nuts being 斗 tj FIG.38 (ü) Into steel dis切nce piece (see Fig. 35),也e length of thread engaged being is no case less than the bore of the mounting plus one quarter inch. itT FIG.39 / 在现 LAST 在议EADTOBERE­ 止 t丁 MOV军。 &A 汉ADIUS FORMED AττHE Jl那JCfION FlG. 35 - TYPICAL MILD STEEL DISTANCE PIECE FOR MOUNTINGS The distance piece shall be made solid from mild steel and 由all be scr~wed 拙怕也e boiler pieces and fitted with nuts on the water side. The walls of the distance plates shall be not less in 仕1比如less than one quarter inch at the bottom of 出e 垃uead. FIG.40 Method of attachment by welding of connectors to shells are shown in Figs. 36 to 40. 174 lndian Boiler Regulations Water gaugesandp民ssu~e gauge syphons. maY. 1>e attached direct to the boiler shell or ends without the intervention of a pad or standpipe, provided 出eyare flanged and secured by studs. If the studs are screwed 吐U"ough 出e plate, nuts of full 位uckness shall be fitted on 仕\e inside of 出.e boiler. Minimum weld a忱acrunent for standpipes 5 in. bore and under, with plate 位让.ckness to Ts equal to 1.5 Tn or Greater. Where the design pressure exceeds 250 lb / sq. or 仕\e inch mountings shall be attached by short standpipes or pads. Where the outside diameter of 出e standpipe exceeds 5 inches plus twice the thickness of the shell plate in inches, the standpipe may be secured by fusion welding as shown in Figs. 42 and 43. The standpipe and 出e entire p 1ate to which it is attached shall be stress relieved by heat trea恒nent. no:自由\alboreof 仕\e mounting exceeds 3/4 Flanges and pads in contact with the boiler shall be formedtobed c1ωelyto 出.e plate to which they are attached. Standpipe s- Where short standpipes are used the flanges shall be machined on 出e jointing and bolting surfaces and shall be c10sely to 出e plate; 咀\e caulking edge of the flange shall be machined or flame cut by machine. Where separate flanges are fitted 出ey shall be attached as shown in Figs. 28, 29, 30 and 33. Fig.41-A and 41-B- Minl.O\um weld attacrunents for standpipes upto and inc1uding in bore not requiring compensating plates. StandpIpeslãbriëated by fU革丽丽ldi五百日租.ões位ess re1ieved by heat treatment before attacrunent to 出e boiler. Where the outside diameter of a standpipe is not greater than 5 inches plus twice the 出ickness of 仕\e shell plate in inches, the standpipe may be secured by fusion welding in 仕\e manner shown in Figures 41-A and 41-B without subsequent stress relieving by heat treatment. FIG.42A Bore 噜 FIG.428 HoleDia. D+1/3 in. max. FIG.41A Bo re Tn Tn Minim 川 mum wel 叫 l sion where olate 血 t hickι Y'U'~ ness T is less than 1.5 Tn 0.5 Tn FIG.42C FIG. 42-A , 42-B AND 42-C- MINIMUM WELD ATTACHMENTS FOR STANDPIPES OVER 5 IN. BORE NOT REQUIRING COMPEN-SATING PLATES. lndian 草oiler 175 Regulations D = Diameter in inches of 出e pitch circ1e of the bolts or rivets when the plate is attached to an outside f1ange or the intem.al diame辙 。f the shell when the plate is attached to an 极side f1ange, 5 = Minimum tensile stress of the plate in tons per square inch. In no case shall the 制ckness of an unstayed plate be le部出an 3/8 inch. 到G. 岱- MINIMUM WELD ATIACI王MENTFOR STANDPIPES OV班R 5 IN. BORE REQUIRING COMPENSATING .PLATES 5tandpipes shall be desi伊ed to withstartd the intem.al pre部ure, bilt additional 也ickness 双\ay be required for: 白le 也ickness of the standpipe shall be not less 出an 1/4 扭曲 时也就 given bythe following formulae, whichever is 出.e grea生er: (a) for working pressures upto and inc1uding 250 lb./sq. in ... t == D+4 (b) for working p坦ssure above 250 lb./ 吨.in..... t= 1.4 D + 6 where, of standpipe in 制rty-seconds of an inch, D= of the openings in an unstayed 2lh inches or the pitch in inches is less than four times the diameter of the ope时ngs, ad吨uate compensation shall be provided in the manner described in R~gulations 170, 171 and 186. Pad曲曲-TI飞船e shall comply with Regulation 155. 412. Unstayed 穿'lat-End Plate如…The working pressure of unstayed flat-臼d platessha在 be determined by 也e following formula : 25 (t … 2)2 D2 W卫工一一…一一一 院qn. (98) where, t 坦白ickness of pla始 in 出ry响C∞ds of an inch, W丑嚣 VVorking pressure 坦 pounds inch, per square gr辅ter 也an 413. Th ickness. of Angle R始8萨-VVhere 在ange or angle rings are used\ for pressure purposes in no case shall. 也e 副.ckness after machining be le部也an 5/16 inch. ηle 由ickness shall be as given in Re部由tion 106. 414. Bol恼I Nuts and Regulation 208. Studs-白lese shall conform to 415. Hydraulic Test…. Each completed boiler shall 严部 the Hydraulic adopted (See Figures 44 to 位) outsided总meter of the standpipe in inches. 410. F1anges thickness and drilling一百黯也ckn创S and drilling of flanges of standpipes shall be in accordance with Appendix (盼. 411. di扭\eter f1at-end plate is (2) 5tresses imposed on the standpipe by expansion andcon协donof?xtema2ya役ached pipe wor执 t 嚣 thickness VVhere an unstayed flat-end plate is pJeréed for el配trod础。,rother.在回ngs by opening having a diameter notgre挝er than 21h inch辅 and the pitch of 在.eopenings in inches is not less than four tim础 the diameter of the op叙宙飞gs in inches, compensation is not required. VVhere the (1) Compensation (see Regulation 407). f1at 翩 end FUSION WELDED BOILER5 416. Construction and Wotkmanship… Construction and Workmanship shall comply with the provision made in Chapter V for fusion welded drums subject to the following conditions, namely: Class 1 boilers shall comply V. with 也.e requir喧嚣.ents of αlapter For end plate connection by welding, the type of seam shown in Figure 44 may be adopted. Class 11 bo i1ers shall comply with th祭 following reφmements : 百le longitudinal se忍n shall çomply with Re郭llation 253. For end plate connections by welding any of 也e foUowing types of seams, may be adopted (See Figs. 44 to 49). Indian Boiler R喀u1ations 176 FORMS OF WELD军D JOINTS FOR CIRCU如g怒RENTIAL SEAMS卢ACCEPT ABLE FOR ALL CLASSES OF BOILERS 军 tZ2J闪 丸 jJ!皿血血坦巳 斟引」叫叫刊咿叫叫I L 雹凰'>>./ !… FIG.45 FIG.49 附 we 噩 舶 flang' 伊 425 -Forms~of weldedioints forcircumferentialseams acceptable for seaml倒s shell boilers and for c1ass 11 welded boiler for p 1ates over 3/4 in. 也ick with gap between theoges of the p 1ates to be agreed upon by inspect讪gau出ority, manufacturer. . Class 1 Boilers, the working preSSUI飞eof which exceeds 1651bs./sq. in. or 出eproduct of 出.ewor总ngpre韶山e in pounds per square inch and the intemal diameter in inch部 exceeds 8250. C1ass n Boilers, the working pre臼ure of which is 165 lbs./吨. in and 坊~o~_~r~~~ErSt~月号t oftt翌 wor挡在川 pressure in pounds per square inch and the intemal diameter in inch部 is below 8250. TESTS FOR CLASS 1 FUSION WELDED SEAMS 417. Selection of' Test Pieces- Fromthe test plate or p 1ates on each longitudinal seam, test pieces shall be selected for the following test 也e specimens being cut out 础 shown 如 Fig. 50 given below and stamped by 出e Insp就tor for identification : 但}仇\e Tensile FIG.4岳 test 9pec泪en for the welded seam. (b) Two bend 生est spec挝\ens. (c) 仇\e nick break test spec出en. The remainder of each 挺t of test plat回给\all be 距tained for any retest r吨uired. Any sp创出en for retest sha11 be cut from the same set of test plates speclm.en. \ as 由.e original FIG.47 FOR FLAT END PLATES FOR CLASS II BOI1忍这SNOT 雾XCEEDING 20 IN. DIAM盲宫ER FORMSOFW军LDEDJO剖TS 「叫 m … t f一叩τ町 τHESE PORTIONS TO BE RETAINED FOR POSSffiLE 黯 .TEST 1. TENSILE TEST FOR WELDED SEAM 2. BEND TEST: OUTER SURFACE OF η也 WELD IN TENSION BEND TEST: INNER SURFAC在 OFT日军 WELDINτENSION NICK BREAK TEST. FIG. 50 - DETAILS OF TEST PLATES 3. 4. FIG.48 Indian Boiler Regulations Surfaces of tensile and bend specimens corresponding and inside of the shell shall be only lightly dressed so 血的 the rolled surfaçe of the parent metal is not wholly removed , except 也at where the rolled surfaces of 位.e abut岱n茜 plates are not level with one anQther, one plate may be machined 挝 eachface of the weld provided the depth of metal removed does not exceed 1/32 in. wi钱也e ∞tside 418. Tensile Test…The specimen shall be cutout transversely to the welded seam (see Fig. 50) and shall be of the full 也比如less of the plate at 出e welded seam and the breadth W shall be as great as the testing machine will reasonably allow provided the effective cross咽ctional areas is not less 和姐 1/2 sq. in.(see Fig. 51 below). The ultimate tensile stress of the welded seam specimen shall be not less than 也.e lower 站时t speclfied for the plate (see Table under Regulation 16). 寸5 1~肌 1~I~mt THAN FULL PLAT应 THICKN览 55 WITH A OF llh INCHE5 5PEClMEN (1) TEN5ILE 吉它5T FOR JOINT FIG. 51 TENSILE TEST FOR }OINT W=NOTL院55 177 bycut运ngtow槌te of the weld, so obtained. the metallocal to the inner surface the desired spec始len 由ickness is 由at Thesp硝烟.en to be tested with 也e innér surface in tension shall be prepí:lred by cutting to waste the metal local to the outer surface of 出eweldso 血的 the desired metal thickness is obtained. Where the 也icknessof 出e plate permits, both specimens may be cut from the same piece of plate,饺le specimens being located in the plate one above the other.Each specimen shall be mounted wi也 the weld midway between 也.e supports, set apart at a distance of not more than 5.2 times the thickness of 出espec加en and pushed 也rough 也e supports with a former having , a diameter e伊al to 泣uee 出nes the 位比如\ess of 仕\e spec坦\en (see Figure 20). 仅\ completion ~f 注\e test no crack or defect at the outer surface of the specimer飞 shall be greater 设1M 1 /1 6 inch measured across the specimen or 1/8 inch measured alo吨位elen阱, of 出e specimen. Premature failure at comers of the sp由加.en shall not be considered cause for 叫ection. (see Fig. 20, Spec蛇\enA). 420. Nick Break Test… The specimen shall be rectangular in section and cut transversely to the wellso as to have a width not less thàn one-and-half times'its 刷c如.ess. The slot shall be Q1t in one side of the specimep , 位lrough 位ecen悦。f 位也 wèld and perpendicular to 也e outer face of the vessel.刀\e specimen shall than be brokE:.. in the weld and 仕le fracture shall reveal a sound homogeneous-weld , substantially free from sla伊 inc1usions, porosityand coarse crysta摇摇妙, 阳NIMUMWIDτH 421. Retest萨-Should 缸\y of 也e tests fa丑, two retests shall be made on specim创始 cut fro扭曲e 路me plate andbo也 retests shall meet the specifíed requirements. 419. Bend Test- Two bend test shall be made. Onespec协四 shall be tested with 役\e outer surface or 出e weld in tension, and the other with the inner surface in tension. The specimens shall be rec如\gular 如 section and shall be cut out tr缸\Sversely to the weld so as to have a width of not less than one-and嗡 half 位mes 由e thickness of the plate. The sharp comers of the specimens 由瑞 be rounded to a radius not exceeding ten per cent of the 也ickness of the specimen. does no生 exceed 11,4 inches the 应比如ess of 仕\e specimen shall be equal to 位.e full thickness of the test plate. Where the plate 也ickness exceed 11,4 inches the 副.cknessof 位e specimen shall be at 1倡st 11,4 inches. 在\e spec加.en to be tested with the outer surface of the weld 槌 tension shall be prepared Where the plate 也ickness 422. Spedmens after Tests- If required by the h年时出\g Authority the spec加\ens after test shall be forwarded for examination. 423. Heat Treatment- A丑 fusion welded electrode boilers shall be stress-re1ieved by heat-treatment.η\e heat-trea挝\ent shall be in accordance with Regulati∞ 267. 424. Hydraulic and Hammer Test- This shall comply wi也 Re事llation 268. 425. Determination 10r Working Pressure- The working pressure of cylindrical shells with fusion' welded se缸n shall be calculated from the following formula: Indian Boiler Regulations 178 (t 叩 2) W.P.= x D Sxc Eqn. (99) where, t= 也ickness of shell plate in thirty-提condsof m 油位, D = intemal diameter of shell in inches, S = Ultimate tensile stress in tons per square 如.ch, for Class 1 boilers, c = 27 for Class II boilers. C 口 32 NOTE: WHERE 1到E CROSS SECTIONAL AREA OFτ苦怨 F汉AME MEASURED ALOWSALINE PA:RALLEL TO THE AXISOF τHE SHELL 15 LESSτHANdt. THED应FERENCE SHALL BE MADE UPBY AN EX1'ERNAL COMPENSA:ηNGRING. WHE反革 t 15 THE CALCULA1'ED PLA1'E 1苦iICKNESS. FIG.54 … ELLIPTICAL MANHOLE FLANCED FRAME WELDED TO SHELL . In nocase 由政也icknessofcylindrical shells with 缸sion welded seams b~ less th缸k 曲。se… in table b e10w : Mini黯毯黯 τhickness Class for Fusion Welded Shells lnternal dÙl meter in i::his Minim在m 仇ickness r-- w 恼ora涵)~ d二。丁~ (rf、 inches 伽…..u- 付毛Jpto-and 却\dud凶8.24叫一…叫一一…叩 --11'4 …… Over 24 upto and induding 36 5/16 3月 Over 36 In no caseshall 也.e shell and ends be 「 fa é:tor of safety of 由.e cylindr古.cal less 船舶 4. 426. Welds and Compensation fórManholes and Branche~ Welded compensatir鸣放吨如ted to 放浪n­ hole and over openings shall conform to Figs. 52 t9 56. 隔三句 NOTE: 2wt: SHALL BE NOT LE部 ηiAN dt WHERE t IS 1苦iE CALCULA:τ'ED PLA1'E THICKNESS FIG. 52 - EXTERNAL COMPENSATING RING : 严幸与 监吉EZE挥监臼探监管出自古; OSAND COMPENSATIONFORMANl董OLESANDBRANO辑S hr一二4 d 一寸 427. Manholes and other openings in Shells--Manholes and other openings in boiler shell be placed away from any welded.seam. Oval opénings shall be arranged with their minor axis parallel to the longitudínal centre 抽\e of the boiler. (a) Un-compen茜 ated openings 舔瑞∞mply wi也 Re思主lation 187. i (b) Compensated openings shall comply with Regulations 170, 171 , 186 and 279. 「…?一「 1t 一吃?!-:J望 『 E-←二一一卢L 异 哇 F 仁 w →… NOTE: 2w t: SHALL BE NOT LESS 1事王AN dt WHERE t 15 T叹E CALCULA1'ED PLA1'E THICKNESS fIG. 53 - EXTERNÀL COMPENSATING RING 428. Dished el主d plates with Pressure on Concave side-白白白ällco出ply with Re事l1ation 408. 429. Uns就t始 句 a yed Flat énd Plð.挝t祀 臼s-严同用卢ε ,n 材f 阳1畸5t均寻如d 缸缸 O at 钮dplat ,创te 盼s 址由1挝 allc ∞ ompl悖 yw 削i役白\Re萨latωi 始 O ∞ 1 .412. 179 Indian Boiler Regulations Where the diameter of the openings in an unstayed flat end plate is greater than 21;2 inches or 在e pitch in inches is less 也an four times the diameter of the holes full compensation shall be provided as in Regulation 279. and one means of feeding the boiler sha11 suffice and出e Safety Valves shall be of spring loaded 穹pe. 430. Thickness of Angle Ring研…Thickness of angle rings shall comply with Regulation 379 (a). 锦fety 431. Bol始, nu始 and studs shall comply wíth Regulation 208. 432. Seatings and Regulation 409. mou时ings shall comply with 433. 黯ydraulic Test…The requírement of Hydraulic Test. shall comply with Regulation 379 (a). If an Electrode boiler is fitted wíth a magnetic valve, the said valve will be accepted in líeu of 役le second valve provided the source of power supply to bo也 the valve and the boiler is the same and both are operated by one single swítch. CHAPTER XI STANDARD CONDITION FOR THE DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION OF ECONOMIS.ERS, FEED PIPES, FEE HEATERS AND OTHER SIMILAR VESS军LS ECONOMISERS SEAMLESS SI王军LL BOILERS 434. Delermination of working Pressure- The working pressure sh捕捉 determined in accordance with Regulation 425 except that 在en白白num 位úckn笛S of the shell s1"!all comply with the following table :一 I nternal diameter inches Upto and inc1 uding 24 Over 24 upto and inc1 uding 36 Over 36 Minimum thickness inches 1/4 5/16 3/8 , In no case shall the factor of safety of the cylindrical 甜甜 and ends be less 出an4. The value of C in theequation shall be taken as 35. Where the ends are welded to shell or mechanically secured and welded 也ey 由a11 be stress-relieved. 435. End Plates- The end plates shall comply wi也 Re gulation 408 or 412 ac∞rding as they are dished or fla t. When end plates are mechanically secured and welded to seamless shell as shown in Figures 47 and 48 and the weld are stress-reliev叫,出.e pressure and other limitations specified in respect of Class 11 boilers in Regulation 416 shall notapply. 436. Manholes and other opening in the Shell萨…These shall comply wíth Regulation 407. 437,. Mountings, fittings and conn机tions (for all types of electrode boilers)一 Mountings, fittings and connections sh句11 comply with Regulation 281. 坦白eεase of electrode boilers one means of indicating water level of the tubular water level gauge-glass type 500.. Application of standard conditions and exceptions theret←(的Ar飞机onomiser sha11 not be registered under sub.咽ction (4) of section 7 of the Act and a certificate shall not be issued under sub-section (5) of 由at section with reference to an."economiser 出ùess the standard conditions in respect of máterial design and construction, which are specified ir飞往往.s Chapter are satisfied in respect of such e∞nomiser. Provided that an economiser in use at the 也neChapter XI of these Regulations came into force,双飞ay be so registerd and such Certificate may be issued in respect thereof not withstanding 也就 such standard conditions are not satisfied in respect of such economiser. (b) Notwithstanding anything contained in subregulation (苟 the Chief Inspector may, subject to 位le provisions of Regul拔。王1502, re恶ister an economiser and order the issue of a certifícate au也orising the use 出ereof, although the standard condítions are not fully satisfied in respect of 印出 economiser. 501. General Requireme时萨…刨 All cast íron and steel headers and the parts used in the assembly of an economiser shall conform w近1 the requireme报s of this Chapter in r部pect of material specification 彼ld test workmanship and structural requírements. (b) A11 economisers under construction sha l1 be under the 部pervision of an Inspecting Authority and must be so certified by that au也ority. (c) A certi且.cate from the Ins pection Au啦。rityinForm VII certifying that material was tested and the econorrüsers built under their supervision shall be lndian Boiler Regulations 180 t山如沁hed to the Chief Jnspector before or with the first . application fòr .registration. (d) In advance of or along with an application for registration, the following shal1 be fumished一 (i)a certUicate in Form VIII of manufacture and test signed by the Maker or by a responsible representative of 佼\e Maker, containing the description of the economiser, pa抵如取措 of 血e materia1 used in its cpnstruction and thedimen- sions of ~e several parts with the declaration' 也.at the 坦.mits brtensile breaking strength and 怡如 ωmply with the standard condi悦。他 (始)运岱rtificate from the' Maker 、of the material sta位唱出e tehsile breakingstrength and 也e cloñgàtion provided that if the Maker and m叙w.fac灿rer be the same,也e Manufacturer precisesta生ement showing the above infortnation shélll be accepted. {的、 To suit owners convenience where possible it recommended that economiser be 如stal1ed in two or mote sections. on components 告拚re 翩翩均 Modification of formula- Where no ceri licati部 are produced, the working pre部ure as found by f.创mula will be reduced by 10%. When the workm倒哗哗施, however, in any way doubtful and the Chief Inspector is not satisfied 位\at any of the foregoing conditions would be sufficient to meet the circumstances he may at his discretionreduce the working pressure by such percentage as he deems fit. 部2. 503. Maker's certificates for steel 臼ono血iserψ…The maker shall fumish the Inspecting Officer with a certificate 怕也.e following form : We hereby certify that the material described below has been made by the Open Heart or an Electrlc process acid/basic and has been satisfactorily tested 扭曲e presence of the Inspecting Officer/o~ Test House Manager in 剖cordance wi也 the Standard Tests. 504. Hydraulic Test for new Econo黯iser萨…. For all new economiser the hydraulictest must be applied as shown below : Design pressure lb./sq. in. ffydn部lictest pressure 梳得 in. Cast iron tubes, headers and b牵线也 Twice working pr四sur理 Minimum pressure, 7:∞- Steel tube器 and bends Steel tubesand ben.ds Above.500 执政 not 500 orless Steel tubes and bends A.bove 1ρ∞ 1 ,0∞ above Headers Headers Below 1,αm Above 1,。∞ Twice 阳 working For all.assembled sections 血,e Hydraulic Test pre窑sure shal1悦 not less 也an 1 1h出1刷出.eworking pressure. "Working pressure" shal1 be the highes~ pressure at which the economiser relief valves are to be set. The above tèst pressure shal1 be held for a minimum period of ten minutes. 505. Workmanship and Manufacture- Al1 material used in the cons忧uction of press山ep缸ts shal1 be tested and shall conform with the fo l1owing requirements : {埠The workship 在roughout shall be of the highest standard. All castings shall be wel1 finished, free from defects, porous plac部 and below holes, and true to di那,ensions without wraping where chaple始 .are use4, there must be satisfacta叩 1 ,。ω exceeding 1,0∞ τwice the working pressur'e. the working pressur苦 pressure . Working pressure plus 1,α沼 lbs./叫 .in. fusionwi由 the metal. Chaplets must be properly 位nned with metál 阳台 frbm lead. (b) The screw threads of all bolts must be of Whitworth forms. (c) All component par饱 sha程 where necessary be manufactured to limit gauges to secure inte抽烟geability 也.roughout. CAST IRON, TUBES AND H军ADERS 随6. Process of Manufadure-树古le c踏出19S shall be cast from metal melted or refined in any suitable metal1urgka1 plant 0主her than an iron ore smel由19 furnace. 币le II也ùm~ test results required on test bars 1.2. in. in 'diameter 捻硝 be in accordance wi白白,e follow坦g table: 181 lndian Boiler Regulations Ma切地l/or tubes and other pressure 如rts Transver:双 test Minimum tensile strength Kglmm Tonsj勾. on span 0/45.8 Cm (18 in.) Minimum transverse breaking load in lbs. 1<g. in. Minimum deflection in Cms. inches Grade 16.5 26.∞ 16.5 1,052 2,320 0.434 0.17 Grade 14 iron 22.00 14.0 934 立,060 0.407 0.16 Grade 12 il'on 18.75 12.0 839 1,850 0.382 .0.15 Note: 16.5, 14 and 12 iron correspond to 26, 22 and 18.73 kg/cm2 (16.14 and 12 to附) minimum 始即ile strength respectively. Gr革de (b) on analysis, the sulphur and phosphorus §hall not exceed 也.e following pe民entages: c.omponents Tubes Headers COI吐白t Sulphur percent 必1ax. Phosphorus percent Ma x. 0.15 0.1 5 1.00 1.00 (c) Minimum Manganese content shall be related to sulphur content by the following formula : (% Sulphur x 1.7) 千 0.3 = % Manganese. Which must be shown to be sa始sfied by rOlltine quality control Laboratory analysis. In anyevent the Man军anese shall not be less 在an 0.5 per cent and shall be wi泣m the range 0.5 per cent and shall be with站住e range m•-:-0 .90 per cent. Phosphorus content shall be kept as low as economically possible but in no cirαlIIlstances shall it exceed 1.0 per ce挝. 507.τest Bar勘…{的 When the test bars are cast 隙parately,也ey shall be poured at the same time and from the same ladle of metal as 由ecas由\g 01' cas柑\gs. 位1ey represent. The number of test bars specified i企 Regl出tion 508 shall be applicable to all castings of each melt. (b) When the bars are cast on the mould for the casting and the mould for 也e test piece sha11 be jo拍ed together in such a manner 自at 出e liquid metal fills both moulds at the same operation. (c) All test bars shall be cast in green sand 0 1' in loan Qr sand moulds according as 协 w]辑也er the casting or 臼S油\gs 由ey represent are moulded in green sand, 时 in loan 01' dry sand respectively. 命y (d) The test bars shall not be subjec始d to any heat trea恤.ent after leaving the moulds except where 也e C豁出19S are heat treated. i 508. Number of τensile Test仔-但)吐le number of tests required for each batch of ca价部gsshall be in accordance with the follówing table the variou军 dasses of castings being divided into 4 representative groups: Group 1 Weight 0/ casting Upto 281bs. 2 Over 28 lbs. and 3 upto 1 cwt. Over 1 cwt. 矗Z吆 upto 1 ton γ'est re号uirements One test for each 30 cwts. of castings 01' part thereof. One test for each 2 tons of castings 01' part thereof. One test for each 3 tons of castings 01' part thereof. 岳飞出e above Groups 1, 2and 3, all castings represent忍d by one test must be poured from the same ladle of Same heat 掘出.e bar 01' bars provided fo l' the test. 4 (b) One test for each 4 tons of irnportant castings : castingβ01' part thereof 01' for each casting wèíghing 4 tons 01' more. Over 1 ton and Condi位ons Test for Acceptance and for Rejection : Result 1st Pass 2nd Tensile 01' Trans耐 verse test fails If both pass If eíther fails Conclusion The batch 01' sep在r的e casting represented shall be accepted. Two more tests shall be made. The batch 01' separate c在sting represented shall be accepted. The batch 01' separat'程 castings represented shall be rejec俊& Provided always 出时, ÌI飞往le case of failure of any test piece showing obvious casting defects, another test piece 血all be taken from spare testbars or cut from a casting from 也e same batch and the results obtained from 出is substituted for those obtained from the defective test ba括. 509. Standard Test Piece- The tensile test bar shall following. Bars may be tested with either plain 0 1' screwed ends. conf让也 to the dimensions shown in the 182 Indian Boiler Regulàt f(ms 才 For economiser of Gilled Tube 守pe of approved design made from 16.5 grade iron the limitation for a maximum working pressure may be increased to 52.7 Kg./c凯2 (750 lbs. sq. in.) water outlet temperature-τhe d臼i萨∞ndi悦。ns shall be such that the maximum outlet water tempera阳re of the economiser shall be at least 400 F below the saturated steam temperature in 位le boiler drum. 512. 、 B D A P m. m. in. 1.20 0.798 0.50 -:2 双飞, R m. 3 1 /2 C m. 2 E m. 111M SF F m. 1 1 /8 Lp b m. m. 81/8 57 / Provided that 也is requirement shall not apply tQ economisers used on low pressure water heating system working at pressure less 出部\ 120 公. head of water. 8 11 乌 SW STEEL ECONOMIS军RSWITHOR WIτHOUT CAST IRON SLEEVES ON THE TUBES 1he test bars shall bê cast 部 cylindrical bars of 由e .diameters given in Col. B and 埠achined to the … dimensionsgiveninGols.-D&Pin 泣\e aboveTable. CONSTRU CfION REQUIREMENTS CAST IRON ECONOMISERS 510. The manufacturer shall, on the ba部 of desi伊 details, satisfy the Inspecting Au也ority regarding 出e design and the strength of all parts of cast íron econ创nisers 甜bject to the following max坦1础nworking pr栩栩 res: Max. 烈反 {1) Ordina可 Vertical Tube 325 lbs./sq.in (2) .Ordit' ary V牵ì:tical Tube with strengthened t铺路 3751bs/sq.‘ in. (3) Ring Stay Ver悦,cal Tube 4751挠 .1 吨 in (4) Gilled Tube type a proved design 45.7kg.lcm2 (650 lbs. 1sq.in.) 511. Joint Bolts and Studs for Cast Iron Economisers…working pressure for the bolts and studsshall be calculated by Regulation 518. {的白1em拟imum (b) The use of studs tapped into cast iron is pem由sible where: 。) Ec~nomiser The studs and nuts are not in the pa位。fthe flue gases; (ii) The studs are carefully 鼎readed to gauge and fitted into tapped holes of 缸nple dep位\. 513. Tubes : Construction- (a) 白\e tubes shall be manufacturedinaccordance wi也Regulation 王 51, (b) Suitable provision shall be madefor supporting horizontal tub部 at one or more interval in their length to relieve bending str'础ses and these supports as well as the end connèctions must permit free exp叙飞sion. 514. Tubes : Workin窑 Pressur!令一如\ewor.挝ngpressure of the tubes shall be calculated in accordance with Regulatiòn 338 (啡, but the working metal temperature shaU, be taken 邮址\e maximum water tempera阳re for . which the part of the elemènt is d剧增\ed plus 11 oC (200 P). 515. Headers : Construction- 创刊e headers shal1 be constructed in .accordance with Regulation 154, (b) Branches sha吕 be secured by ∞e of the following 部e啦。ds: 】 口) Expanded , belled and welded. 。) Streng由 welded with additional securing me缸\5. (3) Full depth strength weld. (4) Branches le部队an 2 inch bore may be screwed and seal welded. (c) Open ends of forged for seamless steel tube headers may be cIosed by forging, or the ends may be secured by bolting, screwing, or welding in an approved manner. Working Pressure-由 (a) Rectangular 曰eaders… Theworking pressure shall be calculated in accordance with ReguIation 340. 516. Header革: Indían Boiler Regulations 1古丁3 (b) Cylindrical Headers,一币\e working pressure shall be ca1culated in accordance with Regulations 270 and 271. 517. Attachment of Tubes to Headers- (的 Tubesshall be connected 抽出e tube plates by one of the following methods: (月 Expanding with bell mounting or seal welding. (2) Strength welding. (3) Mechanical bolted joint. (b) Roller expanded tubes shall pr咿ct 也rou拚也e neck or bearing part in theiholes by at lest quarter of an inch and shall be secured; from drawing out by being in1 bell mou也ed to 白,e exteht of 1/32" for each inch 扭 diameter plus 2/3扭2" (ωcο) Tubes ex 净 pan,咀 岱 d ed 阳 int怡 oh 挝 1恕 e 槐 挝 a der 岛s ma 町 y be seal-welded header. Where a seal weld is provided inside the header,技\e tube end projection and bell mouthed specified in (b) is not required. 拙s 忍id 岱, e 时 0 r outside 啦,e (d) In the case of roller expanded tubes the tube holes in the headers shall be formed in such a waythat the tubes can be effectively tightened 始 them, there shall be a neck or belt of parallel se硝ng of at least 1/2 inch. {的Where the tubes are strength welded direct to 出e headers, the technique followed shall be approved by 也e Inspecting Authority and all welds shall be suitably heat treated. (f) Bolted join怡 518. shall be desi机,ed in accordance wi也 Re肌llation (g) Tubes spacers supporting clips and lugs may be welded to the tubes. A= 贺i.e area exposed to pressure which 1s assumed to be bounced by a line midway between 注\e pitch line of the bo1ts and the inner edge of the flange where flat joints are used wi也 joint rings. Where conical joints faces are used with jo烛t rings , of curvilinear cross-seçtion, the area exposed to pressure shall be assumed to extend to ther∞t of the thread where the tube ends are screwed, or to a corresponding boundary if 也e flanges are attached byo也.ermeans. C = 4,700 for steel bolts or s蚀ds of 28 tons/sq. in. minimum ultimate tensile stress where the diametεr ovèrthread in less than 3/4 inch. C = 5,100 for steel bolt嚣。'r studs of 30 tons/sq. in. minimum ultimate tensile stress where the diameter over 出read is lessthan3/4inch. C 黯 5,600 for steel bolts or studs of 35 tons./sq. in. minimum ultimate tensile stress where the diameter over thread 'is less than3 /4 inch. C 巨 5,600 for steel bolts or studs of 28tons/sq. in minimum u Itimate tensile stress where the c::Iiameter over 出read is not less than 3/4 肌d and llOt greater 出an 7/8inch. C = 7,000 for steel bolts or studs of 28 tonsfsq. in minimum ultimate tensile stresswherethe diameter over 趴read is greater than 7/8 inch. , , Where 也e bolts or studs used have a tensile stren萨 exceeding 32 如ns sq. 怕. a p 1ate shall be perm翻ently fixed 始也,e economiser s位ucture in a prominent posi悦。n drawing a忧enti∞ to 制s fact in case rep1acements of boltsors织成s are neçessary. In no èase shall the nuts be 均创ed 协 the acti∞ of the flue g部 (b)在洁白ickness 位at of each flange shall be not less than given by 出e fol1ow~g equatioI飞: (h)在le tubes shall be 50 arranged 也就住ey are accessible 如,r t= 旦旦兰口1 - D)] c1eaning intemally and exte泣\ally. ]OINT BOLTS AND STUDS 518. ]oint Bol饵, Studs 姐d 扭扭,ge肿- (a) The maximum working presssure for the bolts shall be determined by the following formula : N xC W.P.= 一一:. A I _ 1.28 \ I飞 D- 一叩 i n I 2 Eqn. (121) where N 嚣 No. of bolts securing the pa必s, n= 民o. of screws 出reads per inch, D = Bolt Diameter in inches measured over the thread嚣, , t= P= D= D= where Thickness of flange 抽出irty-提conds of an inch. Working pr,创sure, in pounds per square inch (gauge). Outside diameter of the tube in inch制. Pi始\ circle diam就er or bolts or studs in inches. Provided 也就 such flange is cast integral with the body and w抽出eappro抖ateinterr稳lcomer radius. In no case, however, shall the thickness òf a less than 扭曲irty悔seconds of an inch. fl部,gebe Indian Boiler Regulations 184 VALVES AND MOUNTINGS FEED PIPES 519. (a)τhennomelers巾- A l1 economisers shal1 be provided with Thermometer窑 for measuring water temperature adjacent to the in1et and outletconn础。ns. 520. General- Feed pipes may be made of steel, cast iron or copper but cast iron pipes will not be accepted 0 forawor比19 pressure over 2∞ lbs. per sq.in. or 425 P. Copper feed pipes shall be solid drawn and not exceed 8" extemal diameter and may be used for a working pressure not exceeding 350 lbs. or 3∞Op. i tin口ease (b) Relief Valve←-Ava1vew挝也由allprev四 of p!essure beyond a prede惚m由\ed liIr由 shall be fitted to every economiser and 白edesi伊 shall provide against unauthorised interfererice with the loading. Econom总erswi也 pressur,唆 P缸ts of cast iron and arranged in F创lpS of tiers conn时能d by cirαlla阳g piping shal1 have a relief v a1ve fi:xed 船倒也 group or tier. Re lief v a1ves should have a minimum diameter of 2" (c) pre幡ureGauge-… Means for indicating the pressure in 仕\e econom部er 结tallbepro功ded by a Pressure Gauge constructed on the linesof R怠恩达ation 327. (d) Air ReleaseValves… Means must be provided for al1 points'where'airacα服则latio说­ →→一血e …release..of airat mayoe,αlr. • {的 Blow o~f Drain V;dve Means must be provid创 draining 生heeconomis就∞mpletely of water. for line-.- Economiser provided with means for hea由\g the incoming feed by 皿以加g it with hot water飞 from the economiser outlet must have a non-r的um v a1ve in the hot water retum D锦ignPre崎,ure for Feed Piping- The design p陀随ure sha l1 be the 凯 axi肌um pressure generated in overcoming friction and other losses in the feed piping 旧\der ordinary working conditions, or 也.e maxim田a pr部sure which can be generated by 注\e boiler feed pumpsur业.esss严cia1 provision is madë to prevent 也就 pressure being communicated to 也.e pipe line. 521. Steel Feed Pip伽… Steel feed pipes shal1 be in with Chapter vm. aαordance '522;'Cä革fIi'ònFeëa烈#ιu口百盯t局面出出面… forma恼ialof ∞'nstruction and tests for cast iron pipes shall comply with Regu1ations 505 to 509. 。)在\e maximum working pressure shall be determined by 也e (句 Non-re如m Valves in return feed k施 (g) Reserve 白山s- In every case a reserve flue shal1 be 严'ovided for by passing. the flue gases when no \Water is being fed to 由e b.oiler 也rough 出eecono血iser where it is not integra1 with boiler. (h) Explosion doors一 τo relieve the. economisers of excessive pressure accumulation due to internal expliωiond∞rsp阻ferably of horizontally 划nged 'selfsealing' type shal1 be fitted. (i) Hydraulic Test- Al1 v a1ves and mountings shell withstand satisfactorlly a hydraulic test 始孰e 锦me p坦ssure as will be applied 怡和.e economiser during its fol1owing' fonnula : 130 (t - 6) W卫=一一王一… 在qn..(122) where, t =写出ickness in 也irty唰secondsof'an inch. d = the external diameter气of 也e pipe in inches. 52 却 3. Copper Feed 归 P ipe 创螃-圃町' forma 挝te 挝rial 创 of ∞ cons 怒$位拙飞ucti 怪io ∞ na 栩 nd te 础 st怡s tor ω:oppe c, 盯rp 内 3刘i江 咆E沱陆s shal1 comply with 寂 1~egulation 35. (b)在lema对m出nwor剖ng pressure shall be de枪口时ned by 也.efol1ow站在 formula: 6O (t 叫 3) W.P. 辄一 d 在等\. (123) where¥ t= 位úckness in hundred出5 ofan inch. d 嚣 externa1 diameter of the pipe in inch础. registra钱。n. G> Feed Lin e-- Alterna悦ve means of fee也鸣曲.e boiler other 也an through 出eeconomis町 shall be provided. (问 Non-return Valve-- A v a1ve shall ~, provided in the hot feed line between 也e 配on创挝serand 也eboiler to prevent the discharge of steam or water from 白e boiler Ínto 也eeconom总er. 523A. Feed Heaters and similar vessels fitted to Feed Standard requirements, materials of ∞ t o础tr恨tio 佣 'n and al10wable Wi。时rk 挝in咯 gpr ,捏 e 锦ur' 仲 令←←←~同~翩幽嗣 e 由 s h必a1l ∞ co汩pl坊 yw 阔i仕也1巾忱出le 们re 吨 q础r咄len邸 t怡sofα\a 哼 pt.惚 偌 e rs1, IIand m for riveted construction. If ωwelded constructioÌ'l, such vessels shal1 comply with the requirements of ChapterX窍, provided that radiographic exam如ationof welds may be waived, for pressure not exceeding 17.5 Pipes一 (a) 185 Indian Boiler Regulations 问./cm2 (250 lbs./sq. in.). For parts of vessels of composite construction, the requirements of the appropriate re伊lations of the above Chap惚s shall be comp坦.ed with as may be app挂.cable to each such part. WP = A= ‘ Pressure- Working pressures of all parts shall be determ.ined by the appropriate formulae given in 也.ese regulations. Due consideration shall be given to 白e following additional points while ca1culating 位\e stresses. 制 Working a= z= N= n= Thestres部 due to self-wei拚tofve附Is and its conte附 and any super-imposed vessel or other equipments, 回叫ation and these due to static head, if any and pipes andò出ersim过盯 par饭时tached to the vesse l. (c) Safety valve requirement in. feed heaters and vessel shall be protected wi出 a relieving device of sufficient capacity to avoid over pressure in case of intemal failure. 毒imilar vessels-… Eve可 such (d) Inspection during construdion, stamping and testing- Th~se shall comply wi拉出e appropriate Regulations of Chapter I. REGULA'τION PECfIO到 FOR REGISTRATION A剖DINS­ OF ECONOMISERS AND FEED PIPES 524.Prep缸'ation for Inspectio注一 (a)Ateach 加spec位on 出e economiser shall be emptied and thoroughly c1eaned intemally and extemally and in 出.e flues. All mountings shall be opened up and all caps, d∞rs and blank flanges removed to permit adeqúate inspection. (份 坊} τ b Theo 仰wne. ,阳飞恕础 创rofane. e 配 cωo ∞ no:侃 刷 πm ú捡 s时刷t怡 owhich 血i挝 sR ,除 e凯d 点 柑挝O a ∞ n i沁 s app益 licabl,.e始 shall ob怡泣扭1 役也飞岭 e approval 甜 0f 泣1也 .e Chieff In毯s严 p ecto: 何 'r 祀 in wri古估1珞 g 怡 tο wh 阳 1咀ich 挝1飞恕 ep 严ro 叩 p创e 础s tωo use arid 命 shall 班1 be responsible for 创\Suring 也.at 也e method so approveàυis followed in practice. 525. Procedure for Regulation- 例。1 陀ceiptof an application for registration 役\e In:spector shall after the econonùser has b时n prepared for examination, take full particulars of 位\edesi伊 and ascertain 位\e workirig pressure allowed by the Regulations. (b) The fitness of 出e economiser parts shall be detem飞ined as per the following formulae : {斗 Cast iron smooth tube 世conomisers with pressed 80c ket jointsAZ 70a W卫捏一一+ 225N n E电n. (124) where, Design pressure in pounds per square inch (gauge). Area of contact surface of a single socket, square inches Cross-sectional area measured on the mean diameter of a socket- hole, in square inch笛, Breakdown load of urueinforced socket joint in pounds. Number of stays per header. Number of sockets per header. For exis协\g standard desi伊sthe breakdown load of an unreinforced socket joint shall be taken as not greater 位.an 13,500 lbs. For designs not aheady in use before 轨.e date of this standard the corresponding figure shall be taken as not greater 也.an 75 per cent of the load as determ.ined by experiment. (ü) }圣明ders of approximately rectangular cross- section制阳 W.P.= C (t - 2) b2 在 qn. (125) where, t = Thickness inth恼y-seconds of an inch. between the sides of header supporting the surface, k ,ches. WP= [沁si伊 pressure, in pounds per square inch (gauge). c = 11 where the water side surface is flat.于 = 22 where the water side surface is curved, provided 也at 位\e Curvature is continu叫 W挝lout 坦terruption and 在e 出ickness at 槌ch end of 也.e side is not less 位lan 出at determ.ined with C = 11. b 嚣 Distance In no case, however, shall the thickness öf 也e side of a header be less 在an 16 位irty-seconds of an inch at any part. (ili) Headers of approximately drcular crosssection一 W.P.= 0.6K (t - 5) D 丑字、 (126) where, t 昂币ùc如\ess WP= in th挝y唰seconds of an inch. D臼ign pressure, in pounds per squ缸einch (gauge). D 嚣Outside diameter of header in inches. K = 265 for Grade 16.5 Iron. 嚣 240 for Grade 14 Iron. = 220 for Grade 12 Iron. lndian Boiler Regulations 是 186 Them扭扭lum 吐出挝\ess of plain cyl!ndric负1 portions of D 嚣Outside diameter of bend 阳 1< = 265 for Grade 16.5 Iron. = 240 for Grade 14 Iron. 坦 220 for Grade 12 1室。n. headerin 由at part of the length wlúch does not contain tube hol邸点油 comply with 出e requirements of sub销 dau僻(v). In no cas巳 however, shall the thkkness at any point may be less than 16 也irty-sec∞ds of an inch. (iv) Tub壁'明 1< (t - c) W卫跑一百…m E哇孔 (127) whe捋, In no case, however, shall the 位úckness of a connector bend be less than 10.3mm (13 伽irty咽conds of an inch) for 18.75 kg/ cm2 (12.0 tons 吨. in.) and 22.00 kg/ C时, (14.0 tons/sq. in.) grade iÌÒn~ and 9.0 mm (11 也irty-seconds of an inch) , for 26.00 kg1cm2 (16.5 tons/ 吨. in.)grade iron. t= 出kkness WP = o= X黠 = = C =; = in thirty-seconds of an inch. Desi萨 pressu窍, in pounds per 吨uareinch (gauge). Outside diam础erof 始be in inches. 265 for Grade 16.5 Iron. 240 for Grade 14 Iron. 220 for Grade 12 Iron. 4 for portion where gi11s act as reinforcement. 5 for portion not reinforced. In no c残se, however, shall the 在ickness at any poinf may be less than II 在irty-seconds of an inch. O.81< (t - 5) D Eqn. (128) Tοc ∞。mpl悖 Y with equa钱οn(口127 窍). MANIFOLDP 阴 IP嚣S帽- Tοc ∞ ompl悖 Y with equation (128苟). (c) The Inspector shall ente:r full particulars of 出e economisers toge出.er with the requÌI唱 calculations of variouspar饭 in a-Memorandum of the Insp配tionBook (Form IX) and submit it to 版 Chief Insp时tor. (cl) If no formula or co-e捕cient applicab险 to any part, 。也er than what is mentioned above, is contained 抽出e (的 After Inspecting the economiser and ascert~莓, as'pr部αibed, thema地mum working pressure to wlúch where庐 2 黯也ickness in 役lirty嗡衍。nds of an inch. WP= 阳军ign pressure, in pounds per square inch (gauge). D 瑞Outside diameter of pipesin inches. 1< = 265 for Grade 16.5 Iron. 黯 240 for Gradé 14 Iron. = 220 for Grade 12 Iron. In no ca饵i however,键时1 出e 在ickness of a manifold pipe or branch be less 出an14 也irty-seconds of an inch. (vi) Cast iron economisers with extended surface ....orizontal tubes, connector b毒ndsI< (t 咿 5) W.P.= … o 翠qn. t 嚣百úcknes章。fb铅din 吐úrty-seconds it may be worked, the Ins pector shall wi阳ess the hydraulic test in accordance with Re gulation No. 527 and may issue a Provisional Order in Form X. 526. frocedure at ~u加叫uent Inspection- 创 After economiser has been deaned the Inspector shall make a thorough examination so far as 如∞ns位uction permits. The extemal condition of the tubes 点。uld be carefully noted for wasting esp时ially at the feed inlet end and all accessible tubes 钱。叫d be calibered. The intemal surfaces of cast iron tubes shou1d be dose与 observed for graplútic wasting as far as it is possible and 拙 the event of any 如be failure these should be broken up for scrutir哝豁出at the general intemal condition of the other tubes may be es始nated. 践e (129) where, of an inch. WP = Design press山也 in pounds per square inch (gau事e). TUBES Regulations, the Chief Inspector sha11 at lús discretion determine the fi姐ess of 由e part. (v) Manifold Pipe如W丑嚣 inches. 在) Where tubes or other parts are wasted, the strength shou1d be recalculated. (c) The scraper gear should be examined to note if any is adequate and if the scrapers are correctly adjusted. pa出 aremi辈革ing if 白e length of travel 187 Indian Boiler ReguÙl tions (d) A11 cap bolts are to be inspected, also the condition and position of the dampers and baff1es. (e) The record of each 如spection and calculations will in the Memorandum of Inspection Book. be 叙\tered 自7. Procedure for I王ydraulic Test.… Every economiser for registration shall be hydraulically tested 抬出e presence of an Inspector to 1 1/2 times the working pr'臼sure. Hydraulic tests of econo放úsers at subsequent examination sha11 when required by the Inspector, be made after the inspection. 在le test pressure to be applied to economisers at subsequent exa放出'\ati僻\s sha11 be from 1 1/4 to 1 1/2 times 也ewor挝ngpressure of 出eeconoIr臼ers. During 泣le 始st, a11 parts extema11y andin 也e f1u部 sha11 be noted for leakage. 528. Memorandum of Inspection Boo~…In制sbook the Inspector sha坦 enter a11 particulars and dimensions of 白e economiser wi能出ereq:时red calωlationsfor 出e various partsto伊拉er with details of hydraulic tes t. At subs吨uentinsp棋tion 也.e Inspector shall enter a11 notes perta国ing to the condition of the various parts. •- 529. 如) Registration Book Registration B∞k sha11 be maintained on the lines of Regu1ation 387. (b) Transfer of Memorandum of Inspection Book and Registration Boob-… on an economiser passing from one State' to ano也er,校le Memorandum of Inspection and Registration Book shall, on the request of the Chief Inspector of the State to which 出e economiser has been transferred, be forwarded to 也就 Officer who sha11 take over their custody and maintain them as prescribed. 530. Grant of Certificate… A cér时icate for the use of an economiser shall be granted in Form XI. 531. Casual Visits- (a) The Inspector shall note if 出e economiser is working satisfactorily, and if the relief valves are correct1y adjusted, if the scraper gear is opera出19 and if 也.e extemal brick work is free from cracks. 如) He shall also ascertain that the maker's ins位双ctions for working are being strictly fo l1owed by 佳丽 owner. Note: It is recommended that the f,始d inlet tempera如re to the economiser should not be less than 100oF, to prevent sweating and consequent extemal corrosion of the tube and bottom heaters. 532. Economiser Rating- The ra位咆由a11be 吨uivalent area of the heatings surface in square 凯.eters which shall be co剧pu ted from the tubes' and the headers. 飞 to 位e 533. Registration Fe←喃 An application for règistration of Economiser shal1 be accompanied by appropriate fee as spec迁ied below: Rs. For Economiser rating not exceeding 50 5∞ For Economiser ra位ng exceedmg 50 but not exceeding 100 600 For Economiser ra街19 exceedin在 1∞ but not exceeding 150 700 For Economiser ra除19 exceeding 150 but not exceeding 2∞ 800 For Economiser rating exceeding 200 but not exceeding 250 900 For Economiser rating exceeding 250 but not exceeding 300 950 ForEconomi靠自服自19 exceeding 300 but not exceeding 350 1000 For Economiser ra由\g exceedi吨 350 but not exceeding 4∞ 1100 ForEconomi能r rating exceeding , 400 but not exceeding 450 121∞ For Economiser rating exceeding 450 'but not exceeding 5∞ 1300 For Economiser rating exceeding 500 but not exc~eding 础。 14∞ For Economiser ra出,g exceeding 600 but not exceeding 700 1500 For Economiser ra加g exceeding 700 but not exceeding 8∞ 16∞ For Economiser rating exceeding 800 but not exceeding 9∞ 17∞ For Economiser rating'exceeding 900 but not exceed趴在 1000 1800 Andabove10∞ sq. metres rating for every 200 吨 metres or part thereof, an additional fee of Rs. shall be charged. 1∞ Indian Boiler Regulatwns . 188 534. Engravingof Registry Number--:-(a) Every economiser sha挂 have apla始附在 its re阱时 number engraved, secured in a conspicuous place and wherever practicable s悟mped for identificati∞ with 仕latnumber in a prominent place. The engraving shall be d∞e wi也inapeI如doftwomon也s from the date of receipt of 阳 re后stry number. (b) A letter "E" shall bere自xedto 伎\e regis位ynumber 抽出e denominator of the appropriate device as shown in Regulation 382. Example: UP any such fi忧ings like feed water heater,出e fees shall be equal to the registration fees of the boi1er to which feed 抖,pe is attached subject to a maximum of Rs. 1500. (b) The fees for scrutitty of lay~out plans of f,制内部 shall be Rs. 20 for 30 metres of piping or par支出,ereof, subject to a min协,um of Rs. 50, exc1usive of fit创ngslike feed water heater for any such fittings 监e feed wa怡r heater, the fee shall be Rs. 510.∞ for each such fi就ings. CHAPTER XlI SHELL TYPE BOILERS E幡53 (c) The engraving shall be completed and ready for days from the date of receipt of the 四萨'aving slip from the Chief Inspector of the State. verificati,∞ wi制n 剧rty ")bmz白白hav彗阴羁咽rdevice到暨些肿。血 prescnbed in clauses (a) and (b) shall have such devic'臼 crossed out or erased and 相,graveda new inconformity with those prescribed in the clauses aforesaid. 币\e 0往伊毗 numbers of such 肘。nom剖rs shall be retained in thenew dev!ce, provid刨出at in the case of economisers opera出g in an area which c∞se伊创.t up∞由er'ω,rg剧组tion of State fònns part _ of ano位er 5生ate. A number once a1lot始d sha1l not be used again in ano血er economiser. …邸se , 534A. (a) Inspectionof Feed Pipes:- Feed pip咽 shall and hydraulica1ly 阳ted before er'时tion in place, and the hyd.raulic tes生 pressure shall be not less than twice the working pressure of 也,eeconomiser. Ace而ficate from the re∞grúsed maker or Inspecting Authori吵佼础出is has been done may be accepted. If 出,e Inspector is satisfied wi伯世\e test,出,epipes maybe erected. No separate cer注ficate for feed pipes sha1l be i黯ued, nor shall a separate fl榈树 charged for 血甜 be 协spec讼d ms严ction. (b) At sub臼quent 恼伊ction or at any OFW缸.DED cor峰ST1主UCT10N other 出岭,在e 弘呼础。r IIlaym础eane对emal 抽呼就tionoffl臼dpipes 535. Applica辈ion-η1能e Regulations shall apply to all boi1ers of fusion welded ωnstruction other 也anWater Tubeboi1邸 and El<配泣。de boi1ers referred to in Chapter Vand X respectively. WJ:i函飞耐 -de虱运正-of豆豆豆-boiïer"i主 oTco吟出ite … constructi∞, viz. , part 恼ion welded and part riveted, it shall complywith the relevent regula悦。ns govemìrig 位atp部tiC1必ar 守peof ωns位u甜。民 536. GeneralReql革iremen饱…Where applicabl怠 the 伊,eral 理嗜血牺\ents of Chapter 1 rel幽\g to Certifica惚 from Makers, h璐君ec自19Au位\örities, and 也e like and of Chapter III concerning construction, shall be followed. , 部队. Equipment of Workshóp-四例Theweld拍gplant andequipm四taretobeofg∞d 呼!ality 部咀 mainta如,ed in an efficient working _condition. The welding appara恼 is to be 坦stalled under cover and arranged so that welding work',may be carried out in positions free 加m draugl:飞,ts andadverse weather ∞nditions. 古巴 prQCedure is to be such that thereis regu:lar and systematic supervision of the welding works, and 血e welding 叩erators 缸e to be subjected by the works officials to periodic tests for quality of wor险阻ship. Records of thesεtests are to be kept and are to be avai1able to 自e mspecting Officers for scrutiny. and ü found in an unsatisfactory condition he sha1l report 出,ematterto 也,e Insp仅tor who may require 也e pi严s to be hydraulically tested. welding plant equipment and quality control personnel. However, Submission of P1ans of Feed Pipe←酬(的The fees for the scru怡ny òf plans and partiα.t.1ars of 血e material, d创ignandco邸truction of f,伺dpi严窑, befo黯 commencement of manufacture of the f,制d pipes shall be at 注\e rate of Rs. 30 for 30 meters of pip始g or part 出ereof, su句ect 如 a minimum of Rs. 50, inc1usive of..all fi甜ngsexcep位19 fittings like feed water heaters. For and heat treatment is n供 nece在sa可. The manufadurer can be tiψup for 出,ese facil.ities outside and a letter from thepa此Y with whom he makes a ti~up should be made avai1able to the Chief Inspector of Boi1ers of 血e State Inspecting Authori生y or his representa悦,vesh饥ùd be allowed to ins严。也e material in 岳飞e laboratory of the party during the test. (b)η恕 works- should be e华均p创 with thee呼npmerits fordestn且ctive, non-destructive 烟ting 白4B. lndian Boiler Regulations 白7. Materials of Constn革ction- P1ates, sections and bars used in 仕\e construction of these boilers shall comply in all respect with 也e requirements of Chap始r n and V. Where, however, the tensile strength ex岱eds 32 tons per square inch. 役\efu起 det挝lsot.,也.eweldingt但hnique 如duding pre-heating and post-heating,- and the p 1ate preparation to be used, shal1 be submitted to Inspec由19 A\且也ority for approv a1 before manufacture commences誓 538. Covered Electrode如- Where covered elec忧。des are used they shall comply wi白白.e requirements of Re忽llations 94 to 98 save in 注1e case of the weld metal 部 deposited, where 也.e tensUe s泣ength shall not be less 也相注le lower limit specified for 也.eplate. 539. Plain and St哼 Tubes-… (a) Tubes shall comply so far as may be with the provisions of Regulations 36 to 63. For pla坦 tubes su问ected to extemal pressure lap w e1ded steel tubes as provided in 也.eRe伊lations 64 to 67 may be used. (b) Seamless 剖eel cross撇tubes uptake tube←唰 Cross幡 相.bes and uptake 灿b部 shall come wi也 Re伊lations 127 and 128 respectively. 540. Construction and workmanship… The shall supply 役1e Inspec位19 Au出ority wi趴 a fully dimensioned sectional draw站在 showing infull de姐姐白.econs加ction of 注1e boUer for approval before pu倒ng the work in hand. 凯anufacturer Full detaUs including d坦l.ension嚣。f plates preparation for the longitudinal and circumferer划al seams shall alsobe shown on the drawing. Fully dimensioned sketches showing in detaUs出e attachment for stand唰pipes, branch pipes and seatings, the position of these attachments relative to the longitudinal and circumferential seams and other o严时ng shall also be given in the drawing. 541. Preparation of Plates- The edges of all plates, 处la监视 machined or flame侧out by machine. Gus蹄t plat部 may be sheared except on those edges which are to be welded. 到ates which are to flame咕utby machine. without subsequent heat 饺剧协相t 萨如ding or machining,也all not have a carbon content higher th础。.26 per cent. Where 校1e carbon content exceeds 0.26 per cent, heattreatment, grinding or macl啦啦19 shall be carr去ed out. 189 币\e edges of all plates shall have a smooth finish. The welding edges of all plates shall be deaned to a smooth mètallic surface and shall be free rus乞 oU or o由.er foreign matter before welding is commenced. The surfaces of 也.e platesat the longitudinal and/or circumferential seams shaU at no part be out of ali伊ment with one ano也erby more 也.an 10 per cent of 也.eplate 仕ùckness but in no case shall misalignment exceed 1/8 inch for longitudinal seams or 3/6 inch for circumferentialseams. 驰2. Stre部 Relieving- For 血.e purpo阳 of relieving internal stress all plates which have been d协.ed, flan伊d or locally heated shall afterwards be, annealed 出让ess during the last s始ge of manufacture 俭\ey have been uniformly heated throughout. 543. Cylindrical Shell s- Except where the design incorporates flat tube pl剖es in the 位甜, each ring shall be formed.from not more 也an two plates and b四t to cylindrical form to the extreme ends of the plate.τhe bending shall be done entirely by machine. Local hea由19 or ha黯mering shall not be used. The longitudinal seam or seams may be placed in any sui生able position but the 钝am器 in successive rings shall not fall 泣rline. In the ca钝 of brick set boUer鸣也.e seam or seams shall be kept 槌 far as practi臼ble clear of 也.e brickwork. 到4.Ci民币甜ty…白le difference between 也.emax抽出m and minimum intemal diameters of the shell measured at any one cro伽section shall not exceed 1 per cent (lf 也.e nominal intemal diameter. 世lepro姐easme嘱sured on the outside of the boUer by means of a gauge of 佼1edes增时 form of the exterior of 出e boiler, having a length equal to one 守larter of 也e intemal diameter, shall not depart from 也e design创 formbymore 血an theperc邵阳ge given in Table XII/ 1. TABLE川汩的 Maximurn Percent盘ge of Departure From Designed Form of Welded Boìlers Nominal internal d臼阳的 OJ boiler D Ma ximum d,仰rture 如晦 des您nedfo附 Inches Upto and including 36 Over 36, upto and including 45 Over 45 Per 四nt 0.375 0.350 0.300 The院 shall be IlO flats at the welded seams and any local depa戎ure from circularity shall be gradual. lndian Boiler Regulaticms 190 f侃medwi也 an ample radius at the junction of ~, ~the f1at and curved surfaces,船d sha11 be fr恍 from sharp comers or tool marks, the p1ate shall not be unduly thinned. 545.End Plates, Crown Plates artd Tube Plate如翩翩The end p 1ate of welded Lancashire and Cornish boilers sha11 be flanged for attachm.ent to she11 p1ates. (a) 白\e dished end p 1ates of boilers sha11 be in one piece made from one ro11ed plate. The flat end plates may be made from two pieces by fusion butt-welding. (see figures XII/1 and 沼). In the latter case, the line of welding sha11 be para11el to 也e horizontal axis of the boiler and sha11 run through the centre line of 也rnace or furnaces of Lancashire and similar types of boilers. In the ca肥 of Mar坦.e type boilers, the weld shå11 be located preferably b剖ween two rows of bar staÿs or if 出ere is only one row ofbar stays, between 制srowand 也.e top row of stay tubes and sha11 besu同时ted to a spot radiographic examina位on, otherwise it sha11 subjected t。如11 radio伊aphic (的 Plates which are flanged 抽 accordance with RegUlation '545 (叶,氢ha11 be welded to 加 parts to which 也.ey are to be connected as fo11ows: (i) to she11s or cylindrical f让eboxes 部 shown in Fi事ll"es XII /7, XII/8, XII月,用/100r 沼1/ 11. (时 to internal flue tubes as shown in Figures XII/13,刘1/ 14 or XII/15. , - (iii) to uptakes as shown in Fi思lre XII/15. 但) exa皿ination. … 。)The segments for hemispherical she11 crown plates sha11 be pressed in one heat to correct curvature and shaUbe butt-welded , toge血衍 in accordance with Figures 泪1/3,到1/4,到I150r XII/6. The cylindrical portion of the crown sha11 be tangential 抽出.e hemispherical portion. Plates w扭曲 amzun肌ge9: ~h委Il Þ~ ,Vf.一到4~t!,!Q.", the parts to which 和.ey 盯e to be connected 部 fo11ows: she11s as shown in Figure XII/12 or XII/12A. {吟 to , (vi) to intemal flue fubes or uptakes as-shown in Figure XII/16. Where hemispherical shellcrowns are pressed from onep1ate the provisions of Regulation 547(b) sha11 apply. (c) F1anging of plates sha11be done by 凯achine. Such fl屈原ng sha11 be done hot, preferably in one opera觅。n, but where 位留 is 监lpracticable, creep machine flanging 皿ay þe used provided 也at the plate is worked at a suitable t础lpera饥ll"e and heated for an ad叫uate distance beyond that portion of the plate under immediate to combustion chamber or firebox wrapper plates as shown in Figure XII/17. (v放) toco黯bustion chamber or firebox wrapper plates as shown in Figures XII/ 碍, XII/19 or XII/20. Where dished ends or crowns are used they shall be flanged for connection to the she11 or the cylindrical portion of 出e firebox. 目前 shell and J让ebox crown plates of vertical boilers shall also be flanged for c∞nection to the cylir叫出alportions of the shell or firebox. 位ea拙1臼1乞 After completion of the. flanging operation 缸部'\ges shall be of 位ue periphera1 contour(either circular or straight as necessary to ensure accurate alignment wi钱也eωnnec柑19 par时, and of good surface, free from bulges, grooves or other localirregUlarities; flat portions of the plate sl飞a11 be free from set or disto础。饥 {α) In the construction of unfired boilers when the dished ends do not forms a part of the heating surface, cold spun dished ends conforming to 15: 2825 may be used. (d) Where flats are pre部ed in dished end plates for the attachment of mountings they shall be The opening 抽出.e firebox crown p1ate of a vertic圳 boiler for the uptake shall be flanged and the cαlnection to the uptake made by means of a circumferential buttweld. (see Figure XII/3, XII/岳, XII/5, XII/6). • , 546. Intemal Flue (a) Sections of intemal flues shall each be made from one p 1ate which shall be beI飞twhile cold to circular form. The longitudinal seam shall be forge lap-welded, or fusion butt唰welded by 在e metal arc proc部s. (仙彻 盼)The b 加阳 们 e ema , 阳叫 瞅 W 1旧 础 m 献 aω 邮 泣 xd 也 i垃z any cross-section sha11 not exceed 1/凡4 由 iI且1cl 命\0 时 'rh 阳 al茸f 设也\e' of the p1ate, whichever is 出e greater‘ 伎吆啦 C挝1恕 .es铅s 191 Indian Boiler Regulatíons (c) Th.e longitudinal welds shall be placed at the lower part of the fumace and shall break joint in successive sections at least by 150 II四\. (d) Where the f1 ue sections are f1 anged for circumfe馆时ial joint窑 the flanging shall be carried out at one heat by suitable machinery. (e) Edges of all f1ùe f1anges shall be machined or f1amecutby macl由也 (see Re gu1ation 541). (f) Flanged circumferential seams shall be arranged so do not fall in line with those of the adjacent f1ue or with circumferential 甜amsof 也.e shell. 也挝 they (g) 白\e minimum mean intemal diameter of fumaces shall oot be less than those given in Figure XII/20-A depending on 注\e net heat input. (gg) Where fumace flue is made up of plain or corrugated sections or both,出ey may be connected to each other by fusion l;lUtt welded circumfe附ltialseam嚣, 也那) (i) P 1ain fumaces shall not exceed 3 m in len供1 exceptin 由.e case of reverse f1ame boilers, which are considered to be inherently f1exible or as provided in cIause (均. In allo也εrca铅s f1exibility 法all be provided in 也e fumace by meansof corrugations or blowing h∞ps or steppingof a minimum of 150 黯m in the diameter of the fumace. (See fi胆res XII/2C地 to XII/20-F.) If corrugations are used to provide f1exibility, at leas是 one-也ird of the fumace length shall be corrugated. Brea白ing spaces as per sub-regulation (i) of regu1ation 590 shall be provided for boilers made as per 由is dause. (i斗 Notwithstanding pro由ions of dause (i), plain fumaces longer 出.an 3 m. are allowed to be usedin a boiler when the 1<四.gth betwe凯 boiler end plates do not exceed 6.5 metres provided 出at breathing spaces used in 役lÍS case are in accordance with sub-regu1ation (ii) of regulation 590. the (h) Where a complete f1ue is constructed of short p 1ain of each adjoining section shall either be swaged out to a radius to provide an adequate point of support andlongitudinal f1exibility and bùtt-welded toge也er or be butt-welded to each side of a bowling h∞p. 性le d加飞.ensions shallcomply with Figures XIIl 23, XII/24 or XIIl25. secti∞乳白e 四ds 。) Stress relieving by heat-trea恼\ent shall be carried out when the construction of a f1ue involves the use of a circumferential weld such stress relieving being carried out on the completion of all welding in accordance with regu1ation 562. 0) The forms of f1ue connections to end plates shall be as shown in Figures XII/13, XII/14 , XIIl 15, XII/16 and XIIl 16A or su问ect to the approval of 也.e Inspecting Authority, be in any other form of welding groove. 547. Fireboxes and Combustion Chambers…刨 F臂' naces of Vertical Boilers一百\e fumaces of< ve放icaf boilers may be constructed in one or more lengthwise sections, each section being rolled from one plate to a full ç,it'de. In such cases,由.e compone川 sections may be jointed circumferentially by electrical butt-welding. The welding shall be stress relieved in accordance with regulation 5毛2. In the case of vertical boilers where tube plates form part of the firebox , the tube plate portion may be constructed in two vertical sections and the welding of the vertical s崎ms when welded shall be st主部srelieved. permissible variation in diameter, at any cross-section shall not exceed 1,4 inch for fireboxes upto 3 feet in diameter, or 3/8 inch for 位eboxes over 3 feet in diameter, or half the 也ickn部s of 也.e plate whichever isthe greater. 如\e max植\um Circular fireboxes shall preferably be tapered. A taper of 11f.z inches in diameter per foot of height. is recommended.η\e water space at the bottom betwe白 血e firebox and the shell shall be not less 由an 2 inches for boilers upto and induding 2 feet and 6 inches in diameter and shall be not less 也相会记 inches for boilers over 2 feet and 6 inches in diameter. The method of welding shall be in accordance with R怠事llation 558. Flats formed 抽出.e firebox for the insertion of water 阳bes shall have an. ample radius at 出e.junction of 也e f1at and 也e curved 削rfaces and shall be free from sharp comers or tool m挝ks. 百\e plate shall not be 础lduly thinned. Ogee flangin g, .whether integral wi也 the firebox or made as separate ring shall preferably be formed at one heat by suitable machinery and shall be allowed to cool gradually to avoid intemal stresses. lndian Boiler Regulations 192 Rings for firehole mouthpieces or foundation rings shall be made of mild steel. Z sections shall not be used for foundatiqns rings. Attachment of fireboxes to cylindrical shells shall be in accordance with Figures XII/26, XII/27, χ11/28 or X1I /29. The method of attachment of fireho始 mouthþii配部 shall be in accordance with Figures XII/32 or XII/窍, 在)He嚣ispherica1 Fireboxe份- Hemispherical 如恰似筒 , shàll be pressed to form by machine in pro萨essive stages wi也out thinning and shall be annealed on completion. Methods of attachment of firebox to the shell be in accordance with Figures XII/ 梢, XII/27, XII/28 or XII /2 9. The method of attachment of firehole mouthpieces and 也roatpieces shall be in accordance with Figùres XII/ 32, or XII/33, XII/35 or XII/36. (c) Loco-Type Fireboxes-….Locφtype firebox wrapper plate sides shall preferably be tapered. 如\e water space at the bottom between 也e fire七ox and the shell shall be not less than 21h inches. Wherethei泣ebox tube plate or firehole plate is flanged for connection 抬出.e wrapper plate, the weld shall be located between the co部mencement of curvature of the flange and f泣st row of screwed stays. Ringsforfrreholem0u出piece嚣。f foundation rings sha览 be made of mild steel. Z sections shall not be used for foundation rings. 币\e attachment of the firebox to the outer casing shall be in accordance with Figures XII/29, or XII/30, or XII/31. 白l.e method of attachment of firehole mouthpi机制 shall be in accordance with Figures XII/32 or, where the outer casing and the firebox plate are flanged towards the water side to form 由e firehole, a ring of screwed stays located at not more 也an half the average pitch of the stays distant from the commencement of the curvature of 出e flanging shall be provided (see Fi伊re XII/37). (d) Water-Cooled Combustion Chambers… The attachment of 也e combustion chambers tube plates and back plates to the wrapper plate shall be in accordance with Figures 泪.1/ 17, XII/18, XII/19, XII /20 and where 也e 柏油 plate is flanged for connection to 出e wrapper plate the weld shall 协 located bètween the commencement of curvature of 出.e flan革eand 也e first row of sc陀wed stays. 在e 黯.ethod of attachment of fumace of flue tubes shall be in accordance with Fi伊始s XII /1 4, X!1/15 or XII/16 and access openings shall be in accórdance with Figure XII/32 or XII/38. 548. Uptak回- The uptakes shall be formed from seamless or electric resistance welded or fusion butt welded pipes by electric arc process. The tolerances on these pipes shall comply with the requirements of Regulation 345. The uptakes shall be fusion butt welded to 出.e upward flange of the opening of the 仇:unace crown plate in accordance with Figures XII/3 and XII/4. The dep出 of 出e flange of the firebox crown plate'õpërungrfõ配部的o"iil:íï丽成廷刷刷fofthe 刷牙va洒洒 of flange shall be not less than twice the plate 出ickness witham部泣n四n of 1 inch. Unless 注\e whole boiler is to be subsequ姐姐y stress relieved the 叩take and firebox crown plate shall be effe础vely 嚣阳s relieved a我er welding. Where the f:坟ebox crown plate is a1so fusion welded to the body of 也e firebox as in Figure XII/15 the firebox complete with 也.e uptake sha远 be ef:fectively stress relieved by heat trea如\ent on completion of all welding. The uptake may be attached to the shell crown as indicated on Figure 足1/16 before 也e boiler is finally stress relieved by heat trea挝nent. Where the vertical seam of the uptake is fusion welded the welding shall comply with Regulation 558 and the weld shall be so arranged 出at it is extemally and intemally (See Figure XII/34). It is desirable 出at 出e uptake should be fitted with an intemal cast iron liner extending below 也e low water level. 549. Cross Tubes-- Cross tubes shall be made from weldless steel pi严s or from plate or s位ip rolled and electric resistance welded or fusion butt welded pip部 by electric arc process. The fusion welding 由被1 con.., form 抬出.ere伊ire血ents of Chapter XII. Tolerances on these pipes shall conform to the requirements of Re伊lation 345. The tubes shall be of suffident leng出 to project through the 如ebox pla栓 notless 出an 1/4 inch or mO!ç t.'1an IndíanBoi如'Re伊lations 193 5/8 inch at any part of 也.e c坟α.u:nference of 位四灿be. shall be fusion welded in posi悦。几位.ehol,锦 in the fire七ox p 1ate shall be suitably chamfered, and 位\e seams 位all be welded extemally and intemally (b) Flrebox 古\e 饥lbes Stays-叩 (i) Screwed stays, screwed 出rough 佼\epl翻S and riveted over at each end to form substantial heads, or fitted with nuts, or the projecting ends fillet~welded as indicated in Figures XII/39 and >ÇII/4O. (See 启事lre 泪1/34). It is recommended 位\at where 位\e s栩如 are screwed,位ùs shall be with a fine 白read and the stays and holes shall be screwed with a continuous 伎tread. The stays shall be sc黯wed with fine threads of not less 血an l1份treads per inch. PROJECTION NOT L孩ss 岱fAN 1/4 剧C窍~NσTMORE ηfAN 在\e screw 也Z锦ds on the stays shall be c1ean, free from chècks or 恼perfections, of full depth, or a correct' standard form and ~ good fit in the holes. ANY PART OF 5/8 肘。王 AT aR.CUl\i佼黯黯NC在 OFTUBE. FIG. 泪阳毒… FUSION WELDS OF CROSS TUBES The middle porti∞ shall preferably be tumed down to the bottom of 也e 伎tread. 550. Bar Stays and Firebox Stay帚… Each bar stay or f让ebox stay sha挂 be made from a solid rolled bar without weld in its leng白, excep生 where it is attached to 也e plate it suppo郎, 但) All screwed stays less 出租 14 抽出路 long should preferably be drilled with a telltale hole 3/16 inch diameter to a depthof 1 /2 inch beyond 轨e 恒ner face of the plate. Stays which are obscure on one side should preferably be made from hollow stay bar. Bar stays which have b回'n worked in the fire shall be subsequently annea1ed. when .the stay is in position 抽出e shall be normal 抽出.e p 1ate it suppo邸, butwhere 拉山 cannot be so arrangèd, then, if 也e stay is fit毛ed with nuts, bevelled washers shall be provided between the nuts and 位\e p 1ate. It is preferr喧d 出.at boiler,如 axis Stays shall be secured to 阳 pla梗sth咛 support by one of the following methods :一 • (a) Bar Stay (i) Plain ba器, p刷地位trou阱c1earing holes 抽泣\epla阳 andwelded 也础咄。例eFi事Ire XII/42). (泣) P1ain bars passing 也rou萨\ c1earing holes in the p 1ates and fittedwith washers on the outside, the s始y and washers being welded to 也e plates in accordance with any one of 也e methods shown in Figures Plain staysshall be s忧'eng航 we1ded to the platω(see Fi,伊m 泪1/41 and XII/41A). 551. Girder Stays for Firebox ;md Combustion Chamber Crown Where girder stays are attached with stay bol也 and nuts,也ey shall be bedded to 白e comers or ends of side plates. •- 白\e attachment of girderstays welded dir时t1y to the crownplatεs shall comply wi由民思lfesXII/47, XII/锚, XII/的,)但 /50 or XII/51. Such girders shall be welded to the crown p 1ate prior to stress哩elieving. Each girder shall be of sufficie批础m拱\tosuppo此 b due proportion of the load on the crown plate independent1y of the crown plate, and the bolts or weld attachments shall have sufficient cros如sectional area to carry 出e applied load. XII/43(时,泪IT/43例, XII/44(时, X丑剧{剖, 性峻 waterways between 位\e 用/45(剖,用 /45例,姐/46(时, and 邓/ and 也e crown plate shall be as large as pr配ticable, but 46(b). inno case Note-… Clearing hole for the purpose of this re肝lation mean a machined cylindrical hole having a diameter not ex岱eding that ofbar stay by more 也矗n 2%. 1,部S 出缸\ underside of 阳裂rder llh inches de叩· Gu崎et Stay争甲 Gusset stays shall be f1at and pe平endicular to the end p1at臼. Gusset plates shall not be subj配ted 怡 crar也ing or setting. 552. Indian Boíler 去egulations 194 部3. Acce部… At least one m叙Ùlole orsighthole shall be provided in. tl}e upper part .of the boi1er, the di腿lensions being not less 出an tho嚣e in Table Xll/2 £时也.egiven size of boi1er: ITABLE 黯陇阴阳回.mensions of Manholes or Sight Holes Diameter 01 boiler Minimum sÎu ofhole inch Boilers not 础.ceedi略 H时是 and 6 inch部 9x7 Boìlers 0晴/er 2 feet and 6 inches dìa.meter and not exceeding 3 feet 毡 Boìlers over 3 feet di撞rneter and not exc自d泊g3 忽然 and6 inches Boilers ov前 3 feet and 6 inches dia.met,吉r and not exceedi吨 4 阳t Boil辑rsoveì.' 4f,甜t 半句 12 x9 14 x 10 15 x 11 16 x 12 Where the size of cônstruction of the öoiler does n戒 严阳啦。,fentry forde缸ÙIlgor 如spection:.obll..intemal surfa棚, cleaningholes sufficieritly lar伊 ártd numerous shall 民 provided for 设ùspu呼。,se. The c1e挝由嗨 holes shall be not less than 3~ inChes x 2~inches in Sizi!. α1建 clèar自19 hole shall be prôvided ôppos闲时 least one end of each cr部萨tubeiria v挝ticalcross-tube boiler. Where the' \vater 如bes are arra二ged in banks, an opening of 51主fficient size to pemùtto 也eir replacement shall be provided. At 位\e bottom of 仕\e nartow water space' in vèrtical boilers where iritemal acc锵sisnotpo部iblej mud holés shall be arranged at e4ì时 distances round 出e cirαlDÚe附\ce of the boiler oot less in number than a革 given in Table 沼1/3. TABLE XIII3- Nun如r oflower Oeaning Holes or Mud Holes D切 meter 01 boiler 2 Feet and 0司/er but not e法制ding 3 feet Over3 f,民t and not exceeding 5 feet Over 5 feet and not e悦幌ding 6 f,础t Over 6 feet anâ not 拙ceeding7 伽et and 6 inches Over 7 reet and 6 inches and not e法ceeding 8 feet and 6 inch部 Over8 位母t and 6 inches and not exceeding 9 feet No. 01 Holes 3 4 5 6 7 8 of barrel Smoke box 姐be sha l1 be provided with a mud hol,位 A marÙlole shall be provided in 由e lower part of front end plat,础。f Lancas1:让re boilers and in s达ù1ar boilers with internal flues wherever practicable. 554. Manhole Frames, Mouthpieces and DoorsMarÙlole frames, mouth-pieces, dooÌS or cover p1ates sha廷 be of mild stee1. Frames shall be oval and where of the f1anged 可pe shall be formed tobed do盼lytothe shell and provide'a flat join出\g surface to the d∞r. Altem聪明ly, raised cirαllar mouth-pìe臼s may be fitted externally and where of 由.e f1anged 可peshall be bedded dosely 抽出e shell. Wherever practicable, the frame sha:ll be attached to the inside of.the shell with the shorter axis parallel 抽 出.e lonßitudinal centre line of the boUer. In all cases wherethe也础设面蝇.eSs exceeds9116 抽出,的满始辑部 orè泣cu1ar mouth-pieζes shall be fitted. D∞rs shall be made from mild steel plate formed 如 bed closely to 也.e intemal surface arid. shall be fitted with stu缸, 锦 eac 出 hp 严rovi时 dedw 悦i由 ani扭 挝t沁 n eg 韧~a 必lc ∞。班 Uaran飞 screwed 址由加 1町 ro ∞ u且硝 拚1 也e p1at惚 6 ew 圳i佼白\ a nut ∞ 0n 注1将 e 缸t画5 剑 昭id 由 e of 佼也\ed∞r 。缸 di 翻lle 时tweld 缸 ed ο ∞ n 泣也飞隙 e 趴s 到id 岱 e, 位\e leng出 ofthe leg of the fillet weld being not less than one quarter of 位le diameter of the stud or riveted on the inside of the d∞r. I沁ors for openings larger than 9 inches x '7.incÌle路 shall.have two st:ù4s, but fop doors of size 9 趴白es x 7 incl飞esor less orily one stud need be fit枪d; doors for d如ings 则 larger than 5 inches x 3~ inches may have 由.e stud forge solid wi也出.e door. Where 由.ed∞rofa mudhole, c1eaning hole or sight hole is fabricated by weld烛.g for boilers not exceeding a working pr,出sure of 8.8 kg./cm (1251bs. per sq. inch),仕\e stud 由allpass through 世\e pl翻船d be secured 始 it by stren阱1 welding on the insi~e and fillet哨eldingon 恼。utside to the satisfaction of the Inspec出\gAu血。rity. 在\edoor shall be stress relieved by heat 忧出栩栩tafterwel也ng. 币\e cross b缸s shallbe of substantia1 propo此ions and solid steel forging or cast st甜. Lugs may be satisfactor i1y welded to manhole doors fOf the attachment of the bolts. ei也.er 百恕 spigots Clear市\g holes or mud holes in 10字o-type boilers shall be provided at 舍ach bottom corner or as nearly as possible 怕也e comers of the outer fueb侃伺singand at 由e top comers above 如世\ole opening 础d also at each comer of 也您跟dd泌 plate in 1ine with 由.ebottom of the door when it is in a central position in the m arÙlole have a c1earan优 ofnotmore 也an 1/16 inch all round. Oval frames and extemally raised cir,αllarmou也pie这es shall be either : lndian Boiler Re宫ulaticms 例如rmed. in one piece 195 wi也out weld, or (b) Formed from a suitable ro11ed.捕ction and forge唰 welded , or fabricated by fusion welding, provided they are stress-relieved byheat幡 trea恼怒nt after welding and before attaching to 也e boi1er unless the whole boiler is to be subjected. to heat电ea恤ent on comp1etion. Welds sha在 be posi悦。ned so that 也.eyare located ∞ the transverse centre line of 也.e boiler (See R略ulation 556). η\e i joining flang臼 ofmouthpieces and covers sha11 be machined on 也e face and edges and on the be础如g surface for the Þ。如. l;S()lts and nuts sha11 be machined where in contact wi白白.e flanges and 也ej。如tsshould be formed inside and 0邸ide 版庐ch line or. pitch circle of the bolts to prec1ude the possibility of flan伊 始tortion. Cover p1ates $ha11 be dished outwards to a depth of approximately ()ne-eight of the intemaI diameter of 也efrrur黯. A11 ed.ges sha11 be machined or (see Regt且lation 541). Formsorm叙\hole flame吼且t The Miriimum 也ickness at the hole in 也e 甜甜。,rend p 1ate sha11be .not less 也相应e 也ickness reqt忠鸣d for the maximum permissible working Pressure considering 阳 plate as being unp始rced. Where the boiler mountings are secured by studs,位e s饥lds, sha11have a full thread holdings in 也.e plate for at least one diameter. If the s如d holes penetrate 航e whole 仕ùcknessof 注\e p 1ate, the stud shall .b~~rewed right through the p 1ate and be. f蜘d with a nut inside havinga 仕ùckness .equal to the diameter of 也e stud. Where bolts are used for securing moun住宅出您ysha11 be sc指wed 创.ght 位lrough 部 p1ate wi孰也惚 head冉 如side the shell or end plate. (a) Stand Pipes- Where stand pipes areu由d,也e flanges shall be machined or flame-cut by mad也将 on the edges.τhe bolting flanges s1飞a11 be machined. on 也ejo坦白\gandbol恼19 sutfaces. (b) Saddles-…Where saddles are 凶创,也e ed.ges of 岳飞eflanges s1双11 η\e studs for 自e attachment of the moun出飞gs, ifscrewed.血rough 位e saddle, sha11 be fi饮ed. on the inside with nuts of full 注法ckn础& by machinè Wher窜出e stud holes do not 严net宫ate throu拱 screwed po州∞ of 出e stud in 也e plate sha11 be not less th缸1 也a diameter of 也.e stud. frames and attachments are shown and X在/56. 出.e saddl辑也eleng啦。f the 扭扭gures Xß /52,沼1/53, Xß/饵, X在/55 •- 555. Seatings for Mounting For pressures not exc前ding 125 pounds per square 如chmoun如\gswith screwed ends not exceeding 1 inch may be used; 也e 部rewedpo碍。,n of any such moun出g being an integral part the距。f and the 刷ckn臼s at 血.e bottom .of the thread being not le部也an 3/16 inch. τhemow飞齿19S may be screwed (c) The distance pieces sha11 be made from so1id mild st,相1. 古\ey sha11 be screwed. into the. p 1ate and fitted wi也 nutson 由.e water side. The wa11s of the distance piec白 白a11 be not less 也an lA inch 制.ck at the bottom of the Pad←-Wherepads 缸eu部d, thejo拙ings回face器 shallbemad曲.ed..τhe 归ds sha11 have sufficient 出ichess todiow,血e d ri11ing of the stud holes for mountings without the inner surface being pierced. andthe length of the screwed po戎ionof the stud in 也.e pad sha11 be not less than the diameter of the stud , :一 Directly into the boiler she11 p 1ate, nuts being fitted on the water side or into steel distance pieces 出.eleng践。f 饺lread engaged being in no ca盹 less than the bore of themoun自19 plus lA inch. (d) of Standpipes- The following cons胁时ions as to standpipes attached to she11s 缸ldend p 1ates sha11 be pen剧ssible: At主achment (i) When the internal diameter of the standpipe does not exceed 1 inch the standpipe may be sçrewed into 也.e plate with a nut on the waterside. {放) Where 也.e intemal diameter of the standpipe exceed.s one inch but d创snotexc但d 2 inches, it may þe screwed in and sealwelded. 也read. Mountings may be attached direct1y to any shell or end 罗1atewhe黯注\e p1ate 运 of sufficient 血icknèss to a110w a suitable surface to be contained. for the attachment of the boiler moun由19. be. màchined. or flame-cut by mad由法.Thej。如ing surfaces sha11 be mad曲ed.. {描) Where the diameter of 出e btandpipe exc幌出 2inch俑, it may be welded. 抽出e end 内抱 lndian Boiler Regr,点tions 196 screwed 在rough the p 1ate, nuts of 如坦白ic如\ess sha11 be fitted on 出e 坦side of the studs are τhe. foregoing provisions as to the standpipe' 硝achment shall re事J.lated by 出.e fo11owing c!∞di位时盼(i) When standpipes are screwed, the 部rewing sha11 be of standard. pi严 。伽read. (放) St姐dpi严s sha11 be attached byone 。他怠 me啦。ds shown in Figur四 X在/ 84to Xll /89 and Xll /93 or by any other method approved by the Inspec由\g Authority. (副)Where 也e standpipe~ are fabrica制 by fusion-welding they shall be str倒S relievedby heat-trea拙ent before a位achment to the boiler' un1ess 血e whole boi1eris subject to heat往回阳\ent oncompleti棚, 币 1如)'.Where西藏bore百邸 st副部根百悦s notexc槌d5 扭曲髓。r the dia黯eter of 出e o}:熠由\g.in 也就由e11 does not exceed 5inchesplus twice the 佼\ickn锦S of thep1ate 协 which it is attached , the standpipe maybe welded to the platewithout subsequent .heat也~atm缸\t of the weld so made. If these limits are exceeded the whole p 1ate to which 白.e standpipe is a忧ached sha在 be str部s re1ieved by heat-tfea抽出t on ∞Impletion of welding缰 •- (e) Attachment of Pad Pads welded 切位e she11 or end plate sha11 be welded 扭扭mallyand extema11y. Me由.ods of attad回回\tofpads sl'啄llbe 邮址\own in Figures Xll/饨" Xll /91 or Xll 192. Where the bore of the 槌甜ng does not exceed 5 inch出 of diameter of the op假阳gin 由.e shell d能s not exceed 5 恒d将s pl础 twice 白e 也ic挝\ess of the p1ate to which it is attached, the pad may be welded to 仕\e p 1ate withoutsubsequent heat喃 trea栩栩t of the weld 50 made. lf these limits areexo伺ded the whole plate to w挝ch thepadis attached shall be stress relieved by heat位'ea惚四toncomple位蚀。f 也e welding. •· (f) Attachmentof Water and Pressure Gauge Water gauges and p梅毒sure gauge syphons 衍\ay bea忧ached 出蹭ctto 由.e front end p 1ate without 也e intervention of a pad or s烟\dpipe, provided they are f1anged and 侃ured by studs. lf the p1ate. (g) Bolts 姐dNU'协阳 A11 holes for bolts and studs sha11 be d ri11ed and bolts and nuts sha11 be machined where in contact with the 延anges. 8揭. Compensating P1at幅-Comp栩栩伽\gp1at!部 shall beof mi1dst树1 and, before attachment, shall bed dosely to 也.e p 1ates to which they are to be connected: Any welds therein sha11 be on the transverse cen生re line. 557. Defini悦。nof 也eTerm 'Fusi侃 Weld'一Theterm 'fusion weld' is, for the purpose of this chap始z applicable to a11 welded seamS madeby 白.e metal arc processwith covered electrodes or by any other elec位ic arc process in which 也.e arc stream and the deposited weldmeta1 are sl'úelded 仕om atmc黯pheric contam.ination. …一一~ 'The relevant provisions of 制s Chapter sha11 a1s0 apply to the single run or heavy run welding process and that welded boilers manufactured by that pr创e部 sha11 comply with a11 Regu1ations of 也is Chapter excep位\g those in which diver在;ence is necessary solely because of special Requirements essen'出1 for the most e组dent utilisation of that process. Thus a11 Regulations governing quality ofmaterial construction, workIr也nship,姐dt四位\g 伽。也 non-de甜uctiVf> and o白erwise) é.u t: app注cablè. Where welded shells confom由\g 始血e 在egulations of this Chapter are made bysing1e or heavy run process it shall be under事tood 校\ðt Re伊1ations 557, 558 and 559 don悦 apply in their en岳重ety. 在\eme也od of Il'\élking the welds shall be àppro\T ed by the Inspecting Autho:r古ty. 即8.Me伽.ods of Welding…The 盹amssha11be 缸sion­ i • The main weld welded from both sides of the p1at回 may be on either side of 也.e plate, whichever is most conv部ientt。由emanufa社urer. Before 也e 臼condside of the p 1ate is welded,也.e weld metal at 也ebo忧omof side shall be removed by g:r古nding, cl年ping, 凯acl市由19 or other approved m破lod. 自e 如st Provided the requisí毛e quality of weldi吨 is aclrleved the seams may be welded from both sides of the p 1ates or from one side of 也.eplate华Before the sec∞dside of the p 1ate is welded,位\e metal at 也.ebo伐。m ofthe fust side 由all be removed by g:rinding, cl咀pping, machin吨 。ro由er approved me由od. 1nd忽n Boiler Regulations 197 Additi.ona1 runs of metaI sha11 be deposited at both the welded 提扭\S to ensure that the weld metal at the level of the surfaces ofthe plate 沾自如\ed as far as possiblt!.白\e surfaces of the welds which are 始 be subsequent1y rad.iographed st也II thereaf惚rbe mad船"假 groundso 部 to provide sm∞thcon如urs and to be flush with 也.e respecti.ve s出如cesof 也eplate. In the case of 白白础úerenti.al shell 能ams welded by submerged arc or any other approved automati.cproce倒 producing a similar surface 位ûstt,扭曲 circumferen生ial welds, n,础 d not be flush 命栅据d, subject to 也eitsurface fini由 and shape being acceptable to 也e Ins萨心白'g Authcrity. 在\ere shal1 b e, no 1革nder-cutti.ng of the surfa,恼。.f junc始部怒· The positions of the welds .shall be marked , compensation plates, doubling plates or manhole frames, not less than two runs.or metal shall be depo础创 ateach ¥veld. When affixing standpipe嚣, branch pipes , sea由\gs, compensatiòn plate嚣, doubling pl就:es or manhole fra凯es, not less than two runs or metal shall be deposited at each weld. Each run of weld metal shall be 血。rou拚ly cleaned and freed from slag before 出e next nin is deposi钝d. 559. Types of Welded Shell Seam励…The longitudinal and intermediate circumferenti.a1 seams sha边 bemade wi也 bu叫ointsof 除如gle or double U or V type (see Figures 恕13, :粗 /4, :相 /5, and XII/6) or of any 0也er type approved by the Inspecting' Authority. End circumferential seams shallbe in accordance with Figures XII/咒 XII/8,刀I 月, XII/10,泪1/11 or XII/12 or wi出 any 0也就 form approved bythe Inspec位\g Au'出ority. 560. Repairs to Welded Seams-如)Anyrep秘主妇 a weld carried out by the manufacturer shall first be a伊四d to by the Inspecti.ng Au白。rity. (b) Where def,配tsa黯 distributed over the whole leng设E porti.ons w挝chmay be cut out from any one longitudinal or circumferenti.al seam to remove a11 defects shall not 阳帽ed 15 per 佣黯 d 出e totallength of 血.e se魏棍 of 由esea:a飞往.e totalleng也 of 出e wh钮, however, the defects are allloca始d in a single cut out to remove all defects shallnot exceed 10 per cent of the total 险\gth con阳.uous len斜\ whichm怠Y be of 船ese忽孔 Circu黯ferential Seams- Where the leng白。.f weld metal cut out 知rr哼孤r in a circumferen阳l 臼础\exc锦ds the amount stated above 也.e whole of the weld metal sha在 be removed and th怠锵扭\ re咐elded. R哼r回帕耐 ta ti.ve tests for a re-welded circumferenti.al seam shall beprovided wh四 req现redby 由怠Inspe甜ngAu出.ority. Longitudinal Seams- Where the leng仙。fweldmetal cut out for repair in any longitud如al seam exceedsthe amount sta句d above, or 布e weld metal 趴 anyo出er way fails to comply wi血栓le req旧rements s严cified, 也.e whole of the weld metal shall be removed and the seam re-welded, provided that 也e original test plates aretrea怯ds加道缸.ly or new plates of the same 出ickn臼s as 孰ej。如tandofsim如Z 守la1ity of material are a忧ached to 也.e ends of the seam and re-welded wÌ也 it.In either ca提出.e plates are to be tested in accordance wi也位e appropriate provision of Regula ti.on 561 and the m年耐ement for heat-trea恼四t 如 beinaccord部\Cewi由 Regula ti.on 562. (c) Defect sha1l be cut out by approved me也.ods. chipp阳岛 mad:血ing 时 。由er (d) Whenever a defective part has been cut out, Inspecting Au也ority shall be notifiedso 钱挝, if necessary, an examinati.on. may be made before 仲 welding. (e) In the case of Class 1 boilers a11 repaired arèas shall besub如cted to radiographic exaIItinati.on; {奇古隙 boilers sha11 be heat-treated oncomple ti.on of all welded rep础s. 561. Tests on Welded Seams- (的 Test Plates- Test all.welded seams sh必1 be attached at each end of 创ch longitudìnal 锦am in tension. These shall be of a size suffident for the preparati.on of the test 斜阳军 S归cified. 如注\eca捕。f she11 plates upto and including 16 feet in len供\ the test plate may be located at one end only (辅e Figure XII/58). Where the she且 is formed in two or mo自由嘻s,也.estagger时 longitudinal seam sha11 be regarded as a c∞始nuous longi饥ldinal seam provided the welding be effected in one reasonably ∞ntinuous 0严rati.on and bythe same op挝ator or operators. 咀\em挝erial for the 怡stplates shall be cut from 宿e 捷句就ti.ve plate or pla始sforming 仕\e appropriate seam. plates 始 represent In the 姐姐 of insufficient material being available on 也.e shell p 1ate to permit 白ecut位ng oH倡言 pi前她白白e sha11 be acceptable if 也ey are made fr侃\ another plate Indian Boiler Regulations 198 pro'飞往.ded it is ma.de fr侧\ the same ca斡The 棚tp1a惚 sha11 be stampe.d by 也e In呼ecting A\础。rity before being cut. η\e wel.d groove in the test plates sha11 be simi1ar to 由at a.dopted for 出,e correspon.ding e.dges of the longi灿d如al seam, an.d the respective fusíon fac~s shall be in con加.uous alignment.τ'hetestp1a始s may be reinforce.d or supported .during so 也at any re1ative disp1acement due to wa甲ing .during wel.ding' does not exceed 5 degr制s. The wel.d metal in the test plates an.d the seam , sha在 be .deposited con出uousIy 挝 the same operation. ' S严cimenssl峨且, if practicable, be of thefull plate 出ickness. Surfaces of 始nsile, bend and Izod withthe outsi.de or inside of the boiler sha11 be lightly .dressed on1y so that the ro11e.d surface of 由e parent metal is not who11y remove.d. Where the ro11e.d surfaces of 也e abut悦ngplates are not level with one anotherone p 1atemay be macl由飞.e.d at each face of the wel.d so long as the .depth of the metal .remove.d .does not excee.d 1/32 inch. s严cimens correspönd肌g (ü) Tensile Test步向 (a) 在\e weld in any 怡然 plate 也a11 not be repa泣ed..U 缸\y .defects are revealed in 也e weld metal of a te5t plate 血e position of this 也a11 bedearlymark法.d on 白ep1ate an.d 血e 秘5t piec部由a11 be selected from such p缸15 of 也e 始stplatesas. may be .deci.de .d by the Inspec悦ng (i) Wel.ded Joint- The .dim就回ionsof 由e reduce.d tensile section sha11 be as shown in figure 60.,.1(苟.白lewíd也 of the reduce.d阳ction 也a11 be at least 25n吆监metres. Auth,时ity. τ制t plates warped .during welding by not more 出an5 .degr回s may be straigh棚ed before heat-trea恒\ent. For theheat-位ea脑磁忱。t 由e 棚t plates see Regu1ation 562. Whére 由e:re are circumferential seams only or where 泣\e methQd of wel柑咱也e circumferer时al seams .d迂fer employed' for the longitu.dinal se扭地 the te5t p 1ates sha11 be deci.ded by 出e Inspec指\g Authority. from 出at me曲。d of proyi.ding 也.e SPECI摇EN (b) Test of Class I Boilers一 l 知如且 besel配ted 。 s严dmensfor 始 fo11ow放\gt自 的扭曲.e test plate or plate5 and stam严.d bythe Inspec如.g Officer for i.dentification (回'eFigures Xll/58and 泪I用的, Onetensile 制tsp铜加enfor 也.e wel.dedseam. 臼\e a11 wel.d metal t四sile test spec泣nen. Two ben.d test 叩ec:协ens. test plate for ma口o an.d micto exan由1硝ons. η\e {码、If the thickness of the p 1ate .does not 30 milllme位es,也e 出ickness ofthe sp配挝1en shall be equal to the 假.cee.d plate 也icknes军 and 由.epla也 surface of 也espec出en sha11 be machine.d如 take away the surface. irregularities of 撒.e plate an.d the wel.d. (ili) If the pla te thickness excee .ds 30 Two impact test specimens. Ones严C出.en 仕om 倒也 lA- REOlJCEO 5EQTION TENSILE SPEClMEN .dimensions of the specimens sha丑 be in accordance with the sketchωinFi伊res 活1/60, 邓162,Xll/63 朋d 沼ν64. 在\e remainder of 出e testp1a棚由a11 beret甜te.d for I'E护销始证 required. Any speci虱.en for re翩test sha11 be cut from the same test plate as the original spedmen. Specim创始 representing wel.ded seams sha11, if necessary , be strai窑htene.d cold before 主he comm部.cement of macl常由\g. Tensile an.d ben.d g世且metres,也e 始nsile test 由a11 be carried out on severa1 reduced section sp配恤但s,阳ch having a 出ickne弱 。f at least 30 millimetres and width at the effective cross-section of at least 25n旧limetr驰These specimens shall betaken out of 由.e test piece in such away 钱挝血时出sile 俊st covers the whole thickness of the w eId joints 部 shown in figure 60-1(问.咀\e 枪nsile s悦ng也 sha11 not be. less 趴m 佼\e lower limit 窑严cified for the plate. 199 Indian Boiler Regulations (出) (b) All weld metal- The dimensions of the all 臼\ completion of 出e test on crack or defect at the weld metal tensile test specimen shall be those given in figure 63. The diameter shall be the maximum. possible consistent with the cross section of the weld but in no case morethan 20 millimetres, the gauge length shall be equal to five times the diameter. The tensile streng仕\ shall not be less than the lower limit specified for the plate.η\e elongation shall not be less than 20 per cent on a gauge leng出 of five times the diameter of the specimen or 5.65 times 出e square root of the cross-sectional area of 出e specimen, and the reduction in area not less than 35 per cent. outer surface of the specimen shall be greater 白白 1/16 面ch meas \1red cross the specimen or 1/8 扭曲 measured along the leng出 ofthe sp配i­ men. Premature failure at comers orthe specimen shall not be considered cause for 叫ection. (iv) Impact Tests- Two rectangular specimens shall be cut out transversely to the welded joint and 出ey shall confarm to 出e dimensions shown in Fi部ue Xll/62. 臼\e specimen shall have the notch cut at the middle of the outer surface of 出e weld, and the other at the middle of the inner surface of the weld. η\e tests shall. show a minimum Izod impact test value of 20 foot pounds,也e test being carried out at a temperature between 500C (1220 F) and 100OC(2120 F). Cold Bend Tests- Two bend tests shall be made: 伽e specimen shall be tested wi白白e outer surface of the weld in tension and the other with the inner surface in tension. 百\e specimen shall be rectangular in section and shall be cut out transversely to the weld so as to have a width ilot less than one-and-a half times 出e thickness of the'plates. 白\e sharp comers of the specimens shall be rounded to a radius not exceeding 10% of the thickness of the specimen. Where the p1ate 吐出kness d倪s (v) Macro. and Micro E~amination- A specimen of the full thickness of the plate and not less 白白 13 mi1limetres wide shall be provided from each set of test plates for 出e purpose of macro and micro examinations. Micro-etching of a complete Cross-section of the weld injuding the heat aHected zone, should show satisfactory penetration, fusion and absence of significailt inc1usions or other defects. not exceed 1t.4 画出.es, the 仕ückness of the specim四 shall ~ equa1 to 也.e full 吐出kness of the test p1ate. Where the plate 吐出kness exceeds.lt.4 inches, the sp四imen sha11 in a11 cases have a 吐出kness of at least 1t.4 inches. The sp民imen to be tested wi出 the outer surface of the weld in t四sion sha11 be prepared by cutting the waste the metalloca1 to the inner surface of the weld,印出at 也.e desir哩ds严cimen 出ickness is obtained '(see A, Figure 泪1/64). η\e specimen to be tested with the inner surface in tension shall be prepared by cutting to waste the metallocal to 出e ou怡r surface of the weld so 血时也.e desired sp四imen 吐出h臼s is obtained (臼e B, Fi伊re XII/64). Where the thickness of 也e plate permits, both specimens' may be cut from the same piece of plate,出esp回国ensbeing located in the plate one above the other (see C, Figure XIIf64). Each specimen shall be mounted with the weld Ihidway between the supports set apart at a distance of not more than 5.2 times 出e 出ickness of the specimen and pushed 也rough 由.e supports with a former having a diameter equal to.也ree 出e 也ickness of the specimen. Shóuld there be any doubt as to 出e condition of the weld as shown by inacro-etching, the area concemed is to be microscopically examined for defect investigation. (vi) Addi~ona1 Tests Before Rejection-Should any of the test specimens taken in accordance wi也 this Regulation fail to meet the specified requ让ements, retests shall be allowed for each specimen 出at fails as follows : Where any result of the tensile test is not less 白相 90% of the specified figures one retest shall be made. Where any result falls below 90% two retests shall be made. Where a bend specimen fails to meet 由.espec出ed requirements, two retests shall be made. If an impact test fails to meet the spec证ied requirements, two ret臼ts shall be taken from 出e test plate, one on each side of the final specimen and separate fröm it by not more than 5 mi1limetres. . 营言 这言剧。苦宽阔怠宫附g $2 。伸 警窜出憾。部份尊l 在M 叶u 跟踪ZEE乱昏。每眩霄怕乱叫酬$2'网路莲"。 o0 a吨a sa 营恙。 P 就srsB唱as 苦咄咄。唱到创-acsam唱REEFZ$0% 2宫 8男 3停 8摇 5也豆豆855畔咱在g 〈 8 030搭E皆帘回伴唱2gBZ笔一段ass­ 窍。HP普mw仲 e MgME帘。崎咱Egf 苦巳唱RE主裁军莫罗路级明唱352胁。崎 密穷号28 二哥在 摇胃部首弘鸣。同静。S 兔 MVM蜘悖。同峙。自笔庄岳善 嚣。 ga苦苦苦口。笔SZ 摆在伸5吨ZE伸同时23苦苦忑旷榕在E段哇。 苦。咱苦苦苦苦EgZMS 骂 aEgg- gomkw由 272 号 ass- 莫UESHP mvoES吨。同毒草酷忡忡。EME opevS也密伸幅在旨5· OE括主gv§hromZ唱Rgp 若号民喜agaa活sngg步。我去。&翠EMm 密密 zzaRg 嚣§豆S苦$5 a 幢院 军份 "1 问部悄舅n噎 自器已归去也g苦苦苦努监队去份。同需SZS 也亘古。同ESEazasa嚣按时革命aop ZS宫鼠苟言52 丘 maEOZ0255廷在仿 。=z毯。ngSZ内MMvgmy豆芽gav 古江孟雪昆自ssg内阳军慧在各矿SE SMS4元些已庭费EW64rp锅阳二町器皿 mu咕 M 旷毡R野辆吉野oaq、就旦旦旦SFZE悲苦苦各8332宫。FBB· 跚跚 涩。"帽"S累融铜器在n到 E2 在0ng n幡asl黑阳哩惠。 ao an 2g 。"。。器咱宰"协§。同步麟n 主w aog Hzz 2蚕豆悔。崎段运&$209垫在需2103也 gagHF在虱接俗音agmnE阳宫嘻寄g 罢驾慧帽『吻。法搓棉宫段在军-Faam 些SM\层宫nvgasaagm幸也REFS 53 鸟 ZSEEgo§aSIS-?百守 M运宫岳53豆"百辆紫阳S容。战略摇号鱼' 可 拿药 $03 223巨注意军事a 辅022 自理 费3 军2 g·gz旦旦忌器嚣sgza言也R宫皇 势皇宫仰自由UH03AMmO叫苦口垫在每哥碍。安 吾 ma昏hwPHnkg酬 gE 惊 oza军民回 SM民警棚内陆器可在号R妥EgS ZAM忡。喝吕Zng宫Sm在吨。。=RE岛附。穿得 {明g国·自噎摆摆\幸}·运宫嚣苦苦音器胁。陆 MM部连在寄回荡坏。叫将得自言ZMUE费需《严 路施用MM琪。有nza矿。步也去 仲 萄即 牙指a gg 苦。安aaE忡忡038卧在ZS去除昌雪皇也在 冷 § 密。嚣2183守军、停摇号费首罢阳eaH sa 嚣BSH阳$4部去。咱鼠SgE qa幡务部团军 苦 苦也吉普茶馆SEVoggo宫时{En· 冒油4吨。向营 也-a弘在辛苦言咱需密辆吉 q普时按 白宫器运\黛)· 内同意sa-E器重wag咱也岳阳Z部苦后仇。吨。在伸 吉S 普 HMggogZ革步径。君是 Enym唱R 至沓 S苦苦n§ 段 SO陶器宫ESug践乱 旦乎每息苦苦幸HHEmg唱唱。否在82缸" 目§ dm 。费苦snpb喝喝yaa ·25鲁邑Z &累SoeoZSH茹苦倾仔Smwh aoSQ笔。缸"苦口ZS崎Essag伴苦。 言苔 {SCmMMOhM目。雷帽KEZ崎叶sglEgagFS&步命 M m每 y伽M 肿P 协同 g o h M E M U S 缸 。"。崎步 。 gZgd 描写agg墨写EEEO缸苦苦苦巳OM R a s 舍 去 h w 主 昏昏命份宫EwaEMU挥口摆出 aop 苦宫茸的哥俩吉普写忡忡10段2zg d g s a a s a s ny宿民咱旷军哥也MZSS宫且 段吨 时撞 B 守应)maz哩岳阳MMnm摇摇ZhwgSTtmd可纯 M'u a比· 兹o 盹a 嚣s 古5 岱巳§也宫&naM践民aRS民理重薛WMeg卒,佬。阳mwa sneza佛在42g! 叶4吨。MMmsnMggmyaM矿。 EZMSM苦奋aHa紫宫雷音52是勇军 同忘内w 抽-血 或部 ES 51 gg岳。由旨MMYR自己可嚣窝际 安 肆宣费 c富四军段宿 pmm宫a茧主昏豁出gg豆豆费。 冒S CMW益胁。"往要m hwaosE器。内闽、比岳阳EZ 。叫苦4SEEgg、费也爱。奋勇三野营 asgszs幸在Emasa音吉号残雪辆 啤啤啤啤啤情暗暗」官费暗自 EEZi 吉普 OSEE 埋在 gg 阵营建总裁 iBEω吕嚣皆帘n苔吨'目。慰自虱部ag理接匙 去WOSHH桐乱骂宫翩。。$0DS&各旦MN蓓 g64mgaqg费。笔勿在8器SEg俗笔在密 gcgE圣恼。在"军81aauno首写宫附 切♀酬§野罢S 守富 &'"'EH同普雷黯雪景。宵48 SC需步而且忌咱BB沪毡咱阳电昏。附常ZSgm驾 & 0吨野hwMVE宵吾部坠hwH咱8S离悦。同些 宫苏唱革密层民go言。g目Egg奋部mg时zaag 秘EmmSHH$2。$&峙,树 叶Zg 束时 MO&嚼。吕立。百肉MZozsas桐怪。 骂 83250筐。首重酬。50唱RES吕昏哇"苦MY邑苦苦奋$8奋。笔音坦白电 以g =Mmg组 aBSE在豆翠些段。-a需26 &民理380舌巳睛。"咱需2埠。叫苦苦异gg a岳。笔血WE 贸雷击 wsmw在苦MM嚣宦嚣hMS gd唱段av宫Fga鲁吉普。我ZE崎些防 E莲问,偶伸。笔墨m0965民aMOg问Z野m 毒辜被 Z宫官在aggsgoS宵。豆 EH旨在急需42缸、gE5且直注音aBZ 市 叫054倚在OWE州 -2 C 3罩在25 器 aSHHS EZ 黯gogza($〉·出…喧嚣运 W\ 您 幸)· E军步SNZSZEeMOZ佳路军能接豁出 宫咱UB《忡忡口接命芷岛弘qa昏血崎岖鸣。ssg也 件需 。gssggm军队,立野忡罢离mSEO宫 55音EZ咱器官ESg 苦恼 84瓷器零陈露 ωgsage在吕害宫苍白在踊aos 器 201 Indian Boíler Re伊1ations (iv) Nick-Break: Specimen-η由年前栩栩 shall have a width not less 也an one-and-a-half 位mes h 也ickness and the slot shall be cut in 细chside of the sp创men 血rough the cen衍'e of 出.e weld andp时pend抽血r to the outer face of the boiler. The sp硝烟.en shall 血.en be br休假如 the weld and the fracture shall reveal a sound homogeneous weld substantially free from slag 阳dusions, porosity and coar腿 crysta阳nity. (v) Additiona1 Tests Before Rejedion- Jf any of 也e 恼t sp创m制lS should fail , two retests shall be made and bo也 sha11 meet .the specified requirements. (vi) Specimen After Tes协- Jf requir创 sp创mens af阳棚ts shall be at 自edisp铺älof the IriS严ct:i.n:g Authority for examirla位,on. on the basis of at least 2Y.z π窜出tes per 1I喝limetre of the maximUIn thickness of part (approximately one hour per25mmof 也ic协副s) and shall be left to c∞1 in the 仇泣如ace to a tempera怯re which, for the pa民s with a thickn创sgreater than 20 mm does not exceed 拟陀 After withdrawal from a fumace 也e part shall be allowed to cool in a s位远础nosphere. A temperature挝me diagr甜lof 也e s加ss-relieving process shall be provided for a welded shell or d run1 and a simi1ar diagram for other welded pressure parts when the Inspec自19Au啦。rity requires it. Dur如,g heat trea怕出t 位le Official test plates 对la11 be inside the boiler. Where the shell is subjected to a pr肌ry 如ss relieving trea恤,ent identical to the final 怡8t 忧ea恼lent 始 be given to the boiler, the test plat锚 may be pla!但d.inside the shell d uri吨 P出凉叩悦a恤刨 闹剧叫ω问问翩翩。←Each-"二:也EZ13331r辙酣睡 longitudinal and circumferer现al se n .boiler (includ均由e11 to 四.d p胁}由a11 be 立2 江 尘 2 J r £丁. )号制 sp 归o悦t 时圳 P ra'ad 硝 副iogr咐ic 叫协阔…, d nlc 附 Whe,z拇 创 e 诠郎恕由e11i总sno 附h帅 巾 u b拎如阳 ctt问。呻 P阳叼 s崎$附 础 m 汩 k v拙崎 s 阳 tr坦臼 eaa恤叩熠 剧 m 1怆t 川叫 倪 0r 叫'jec嘟制怡时 d 协t 。 pr:放加 t恤叫阻 t饺 r吁@咄 z宜 础 e ea a挝烛E钮t whicl 命\ 始 is (d) Test for Cla槌 111 Boiler- 。) Specim缸lS for the following tests 坟时lbese始做d from 出,e test plate or plat部 and stamped by the h严ctingOfficerforiden幽,catio孔 1. α\e forward bend test. 2. 告le reverse bend tes t. (ü) Radio萨呻挝cor Ultr撼。,nic 缸础也始.tion- Each longitudinal and circumferential 捕创槌 in dass mboU缸 (inc1ud如.g shell to end plate) shall be subjected to spot radiogr哼hic or ultraso挝c exa黯扭ation. 562. Heat Treatment- (1) All boilers èons协cted to Class 1or Class-n re伊拉回阳嘟址陈祖 bes树ss-relieved byheat 胁a恼,ent a负er completion of äll welding and before hydraulical test if any plate is 20 mm thick or greater or carbon content of the s怡el exceeds 0.25% of 仙.e material used in the c部\8truction of boiler is älloy st,四1. For Carbon steel a stress relieving heat-trea抽回tshall be performed by heating part to at le剧 6∞。+ 20oC. W且应ueq叫red by 出e cllaracteristics of the materi剖, different temp句ra抽附 may be nece槌ary to obtain proper s协ss relieving. 岱le part to be s位瑞s-re挂,eved 由all be brought slowly 哼怕也e specific temperature andheldat 出attempera知reforap创.od proportionate not 挝 i de 郎 nt缸 ical 圳 wi白址出le final 怡 hea' 挝t trea栩栩t,也,e test plates may be placed 如side any o白er boiler of c侃\parable d袖自lSions which is to be heat treated in accordance with 出s Cha pter. Tempera如re charts sha11 be submitted to indicate 白at bollers they re护res四t have b础1 subj挝ted to identical heating, soaking and .c∞ling 阳怡然 plates 部\d trea恤昭欢. Note: Other stress-relieving heat tr倒~ntataten\perature aslow 铺 550 Crnay be adop始d, provided attention i嚣 given to 也,e holding tin\e in order to ens山@蠢 事ufficient degr'四 of stress- relieving. 0 (2) Where 位le welded joint connects pa掏出at are of different 也ickn部s,也e 也ickness to be considered 拙 appl:抖咱也,e limiting 血ickness of20 mm for carb∞ S栅1 shall be the following n部\ÌI闹剧ckn部 sincluding corrosion allowance. (i) the thinner of two adjacent butt welded component including she11 to end connection; 倒也e 航ickness of the shellin ∞m民tions to &t ends; (溢) the thickness of the shell or end in nozz1e attachment weldsi (iv) 也e 也ickne捕。f 位\e to flange nozzle at 也e joint innozzle connecti臼\8i (v) 部副也醋。f the pressure part 棋仕\e pointof attachment where a non-p揭ssure part is welded to a pressure part, in case of butt welds; lndian B。如 Re~l刷 203 Note: The tube plates b咄咄!en the stay tubes shall comply with the requirements for tube plates (see Regulatìon (Contd...) (b) Working pressure 577). multiplied by intemal diame毛曹r in inches3000 564. Shells一{的The working pr础sure of cylindrical ~hells for Class 1 böilers shall be d就缸mined in 0.70 -- Eqn. (泪I /l) where, t is miJ;ùmum thickness of shell plate in 黯扭飞 WP is working pressure in k在 /cm2, o ism献泣口um intemal diameter in mm, S is minimum tensile stren斜。f plate in kg/mm2., C is a constant, as 窑iven below. In no case, however, shall be the. factor of safety of 出e shell be less 也an 4 or the plate 应ickness be le部也an specified in Table XIII3 given under Regulation 563. C = 27 wh缸e Class 11. requirements are complied with, C = 23 for Class m boilers when stress relieved, C = 21 for Class III boilers when no stress relieved. Where boilers have a nest or ne邸 of horizonta1 tubes, so that there isa direct tensi∞ on 由e tube plates due to the vertical load on the boiler ends or to tube p j.a tes acting as hor泣。ntal ties across the shell : (i) 制chaltemate 仇lbe in the outer verticalrow of 机lbeS shall be a stay tube. (ii) 由e 白ickness of the 阳be plates and 阳 spacing of the tubes shall be such that 也esection of metal taking the load is suffident 协 keep the stress within that allowed on the shell plate, as determined by the following 如rmula; (t 呻 2) SJ W.P.= ……一一… Eqn. (XII/2) 20 』m {t 叩1.5)SC ,.. -~-;.., W.P. ='- thu accordance with regulations 270 and 271. (b) The working pressure of cylindrical shells for Class 11 and Class III boile指 shall be determined by 白e following formula : 565. Horizontal Shelves of Tube Plates FormingPart of the Shell- The number of gusset required to support . the horizontal shelves of tube plates to withstand the verticalload due to 出.epr部sure on the boil衍 endshall be determined in the following manner ; For combustion chamber tube plates 位e II白lÎmum number of the gusset shall be甲 --23 eaeaea oooogo coe323 eee uuu Where C exceeds 4560 Where C exceeds 6240 Where C exceeds 7440 For the smoke box tube plate the minimum number of gussets shall be : Where C exceeds 4560 1 gusset Where C exceeds 8400 2 gussets andC= POA 一一… Eqn. (XIII4) where, A is max泣num horizontal dimension of the shell from the inside of the shell plate is to the outside of the tube plate in inches. (see Fi思主re Xll/61), o is Íl飞side diameterof the boiler in inches, P is working pressure in pounds per square inch, t is 也ickness of tube platè in 也irty-seconds of an inch. wher咳, T is 出e thickness of the tubeplate in mm. WP is workin在 pressure in kg/cm2., S is the minimum tensile strength in kg/ riun2., o is twice the radial'也st邵阳 of 由e centre of the outer row of tube holes from 由e axis of 出e 翠hell inmm, J is 役\e percenta伊 strength of the plate through the 机lbe holes, i.e. 100 (p - d) Eqn. (XII/3) p P is 由.e vertical pitch of 蚀.bes in mm, d is the di缸neter of 出e 饥lbe holes in mm. A 一一斗 FIG. XIII61 i The shell plat部 to which the sides of the tube plates are connected shall be not less 出an 1/16 inch thicker than is re弓uired by the formula applicable to shell plates with continuous circul缸itYi and where gussets or other stays are not fitted to 由.e shelves, the stre吨位 of the p缸ts of the circumferential se缸黯 然也etop~dbo伐。黯 of these plates from the outside of one 始be plate to the outside of the other, shall be suffident to wi也-stand Indian Boiler Regulations 204 whole load on the 如磁ler end, with a factor of safety of not less 啦an 4.5. 也e 566. Oished End Plates for Lancashire and Cornish Boi1窑协-Forthe 必shed ends of L缸lCasJ:脱 andCorr出h boilers wi也out stays and subject to internal pressure 由e maximum working p腿部ure shall be d怠tem由\ed by the following 岛附lula: R is the inner radius of curvature of 也.eend ininches, which shal1 not exceed the extemal diameter of 也e shell 始 whichitis a忧ached, 5 is 佼\e minimum tensile breaking streng~ ofplat!建 in tons per square 如ch, orwha~快交 where, t is Il'也略mum 出ickness of 也.e end plate is thirty-seconds of an inch, W is working pressure in pounds per square inch, R isthe inner radius of curvature of the end plate in inches, S ism扭扭\um fensile strength of 也.e p 1ate in tons per 均uare inch. 币\einner radìus of curvature of the end plate shall not is allowed for it. / (b)白\e 如side radius to which a crown ,plate is dished shal1 be not greater 白m 悻le 似总mal diameter of 位e cy迦\der to which it is attached. (c) The 如side radius of curvature of 出le flan伊S 抽出e 由ell shall be not less than 4 ti黯豁出e 出ickne蹈。f 出e cro峨\ plate and in no case less than 2lh inches. (d) The inside radius of curvature of flangesshall be not less than twice 由e thickness of 由e crown plate and in no case less than 1 inch. (e) WheI飞出e end has a 凯部thole in it (t- 窍, shall be substi如您d for (t 咖 1) in 也.e formula. 前在\e total dep也 of flange of 血都thole from 位窍。也ter 以届副刊邸.esthe'é<temal汹耐峙。f邸萄iellWhich suiÍace 亘…μS豆面û:redonthe îi\lnoraxiS'~sh油lbe it is a忧ached. 古\e 如ner .radius of flanging of the end plate shallbe not less 在an4 位mes 也e 位白挝\ess of the plate but in no caseless 由lan 2lh inches. Where the end plate has a manhole, co皿.pensation sh挝i be obtained by flan桥鸣也.e edge of 出le opening or by providing a fabricatedrin窑{部e Figure XII/52). at least equal to{(f言商 dep出 of flan伊 in inch制. W.P. = {t-8) 30 x S ,- -'i - - Eqn. (沼1月) In ei血时 casethedep也 ofth暗自angin篷。r 由\gmeasured at 伽.e minor axis sh al1 not be less than 也at determined by the following formula : o :.{T百 Eqn. (邓/的 where, o is depth of Flange or ring in inches measured from the outside of the plate 抽 出.e joiitl face , τ 拔出kkness of the plate in inches, W is width of the opening in inches measured ∞出怠 minor axis. 567. Oished Ends Subjed to Intemal Pressure-翩翩 For 山\Stayed ends of she11s an粥。ps of vertical boilers and 也怠 like boi沁rp缸始I when dished 如 partial spherica1 form the maximum working pressure shaU be detem宙飞.ed by the following formula : 15 x 5 x (t -1) WP-mR E伊. (姐1/7)' W.P. 1s the working pressure in pounds per square inch, t is thickness of the end plate in t趾rty seconds of an inch but in no case 由issha廷 be less than the 位ickness of 也怠 shell to which it is a位ached, E伊~ (XII/8) WhereTis 出ethickne览。f 白,epla惚 in inches and W is 由.e minor axis of 出.e hole in inches. (g) The depth of the crown' plate opening fro然也a commencement of theωrvature of 也e flanging radi础 shal1 be not 'less than twice 出e plate 血ickness with a min放\um of one inch. 567.儿 NothinginR啤u!ation 567 shal1 predude 出euse of dished ends in ∞!mp1iance with ReguIations 275 始 278, where not fitted wi坠缸\uptake. 568. Oished Ends Subjed 始黯temal Pressure- In the case of ur\Stayed dished ends for the co-efficient 15 in equation XII !7, the co-efficient 12 shall be 阳.bstitut吼 and R sha11 be the outer radius of 也eαl1'Vature of plate, which shal1 notéxceed 也.e external diameter of the shell to which it is attached. For plates exposed to fumace-flame 血eω-efficient shal1 be 10.5. 如\no 咀 k cas 盼 es 由 ha 挝11 R/ t exceed 2 Theinsider 曰 'adiu嚣 ofcα1主l1'Vat阳 ur拮 ea 挝t 佳由\e fl拟踹1嗦 牵 i E庐 萨 e shall be not less than 4 延me踹$ 血e 也k始阳1恕e创嚣部sof 怯由\e end pl弘 a饺缸1咀 din z∞\0 飞锦 C as 佣 e ,1捡, es部辜 役白1an 稳叙础 n2;兑生 inches. The 部side radius of 自eωrva饥ue of 也.e flange to uptake shal1 be not less than twice 出e 出ickness of 由e crownpla始 and in no case 1础嚣 than one inch. 569. Hemispherica1 Crowns…The maximum working pre路口始 for hemispherica1 crowns su坷制ed to intema1 pressure shall be determined by the following formula: (t 叩 2) S x C W.P. 嚣 REqn.{XII/穷 Indian Boiler Regulations where, t is thickiness of plate in 位让ty-seconds of an inch, WP is the working pressure in pounds per square inch, R is inner radius of curvature in .inches, 5 is mini:n'tum tensile strength of 也e plate in tons per square inch, C is a constant, as given below. In no case, however, shall the factor of safety of 血e cro附飞 plate be less than 是 nor the plate 剧.ck:ness be less than sp倒在ed .in Table giV!但因咀.er Regu1ation 臼3. C = 32 wherE!" Class 1 requirements complied wi血, C = 27 where Class' II requirements are com抖ied with, C = 23 for Class 黯 boilers when stress relieved, C = 21 for Class III boilers when stre部主写且eved. 570. Manholes and Other Openings in 5hel1sM缸Ù\01部 and other openings .in shells shall be p 1aced as t盯 ås possible from any se缸n. Wherever practicable oval o严nings shall be arranged wi也 the minor 阻is parallel wi位飞出e longitudinal centre line of 注le boiler. In no case d驳草也e circumferentiallength of any opening exc<臼d twice 注le longitudinal wid生h of theol础啦1各 571..Compensation for Openings in Shells-.Where the width of any opening (measured .in a direction parallel t,。在.e longitudinal 以is of 吐le boiler) exceeds twφand-a half times the thickness of the shell plate .in inches plus 2* inches, compen曰tion shall be provided. (a) Area to be Compensated.…. The area to be compensated shall be the product of 也em拟imum width ()f the opening cut in 凶 shell and the 役虑如\ess of an unpierced seam1ess shell of 窑imilar material calculated by Equation XII /1 with cons惚1t C-35 for the same working pressure. 。) Compensating Area- Compensation shall be considered adequate when the sum of the following areas is not less 也an the area to be compensated: (i) The area obtained by multiplying the difference the 挝钮al thickn部s of 放1e shell and 放le thickness required for an equiva1四t unpierced seamless shell by a length 2 (3 inches + Ts), there Ts is the actual thickness of the shell plate in inchεs. (ü) Thenetcross唰sectional area of the frame or pad, or ir飞往e case of a branch the crosssectional area of 出e wall of the branch minus the sectiona1 area of a branch of the same bore having 位1比如less equal to 也at calculated by Equation XII/1 for the 始me 205 workihg' pressu坦 (with constant C=35) if to withstand external1oads. The area shall be measured wi由讪 limits such that (a十坊 in Figure XII/66 does not exceed 4 inches. Where 也e material of a frame , pad or branch has a tensile strength which differs from thatof 自廷 shell to which it is attached, the compensatin在 area shall be multiplied by 也.e ratio: Tens出 strength of compensating part τ'ensi1e streI咱也 of shell plate (iii)ηle cro郎'锦州onal 盯阔s of the welding fillets. (c) Compensating Plates…In cases whe指出,esum of 弱,拉) and (国)始 less than the area to be compensated a compenS ating plàte s站在 be welded to 也e shell, its total cross-sectional area being equal to the amount of 注1e deficit and due allowance being made as above when the 惚lSile strength of the ma坦rial of the pla沁 differs from 役lat of 也.e shell. Notwithstanding compliance with the requirements of paragraph (b) however, a reinforcing plate shal1 be fitted around all branches of 4 阳ches bore 挝飞d over welded to sheUplates having a thickness of 1h扭曲 orle部, 能忽nless, plus 在e 也ickness re气总red 在\e compensating plate may be fitted on the inside or outside of the shèl1 pla怡部部吗tconve幡 nient and its diameter shall not exceed twice 也e longitudinal width of 也e opening ir飞往.e she丑. (d) Figure XI/ 66 shows a welded branch to which foregoing requirements apply where : W iswid也 of 在.eop创由19 .in桂le she1l in inche窑, Ts is actual thickness of sheU in in呗h邸, T1 is thickness of ån equivalent unpierced seamless shell calculated by Equation XII/1 with C=35 inches, Tn is actual thickness of branch in incl飞.es, T2 is minimum thickness body of branch calcul勘ed by Equation XIII/1 with C=35 if seaInless in inches, T3 is 仕úckness required to withstand extemal loadsin 坦白白 =1 月如.chur由ss the loading is known to be such as to requi恕 a greater thickness and is=O where there is no extemal10ading, Tc is m.inimum thickness of compensating plate .in inches, 51 is m拍拍lU黯 tensile streng位 of shell p1a秘 in tons per square in巾, 206 lndian Boiler Regulations 52' is mÌl'由num tensile strength of branch in tons per squ町e inch, 53 is minimum tensile s忧en钊\ of ∞mpen­ sating plate in tons per squ町e inch, W is width of compens'ating platein inches measured in the same plate as the shell operung. AREA TO BE COMPEN5ATED A=WxT1 COMPEN5AT的GAREA (i) Pòrtion of shell available for compensation: B = 2 (3 + Ts) (Ts - T1) (总) Portion of branch ava i1able for compensation: C = 2 (4 + Ts) [Tn - (T2 5. +白)]言 (iii) Portion of welds available for com- D = Total cross-sectional area of the intemal and extema1 welding fillets. If A is greater than (B +C +D), additiona1 compensation is re-:q叫red to make up 吐\ediffer四,ce. In the ex缸口.ple shown in Figure XII/66 由is is provided by me缸\s of a compensating plate,出,e total compensating area being such 出at (B+C+D)+Z is not less 出an Awhere: x W x Tc per square inch for 1 inch bolts. 6,OOOpo田\dspersqu缸'e inch for 11/8 inches bolts. 6,500 pounds per squ缸e inch for 11/4 inches bolts~ For the purpose of ca1culation the pressure shall be assumed to act on the whole area wi世ún .the pitch circ1e of the bolts and the bolt area at the bottom of the screw thread shàll be taken. 573. Standpipes and branche s- (a) 吐\e thickness and bolting of all flanges for joining the mountings and fittings shall be in accordance with the dimensions as laid down in Appendix E to 吐\eseregulations. In no case, however, shall the thickness offlanges be less 出an 13mm. (b) (i) The Wall thickness of nozzles and other connections shall not be less than 出at specified for the applicable loading, namely , intemal pressure, bending and static loads. (泣)白le pressure loading sh a11 be determined by , 一…一一一一-.p~臼且m二-一牛川一一一→4 Z 兰 2 5,0∞ pounds 5. x"':"ι- 51 572. Raised Manhole Frames, Cover Plates and Joint Bolts- Raised circular manhole frames not exceeding 16 inches in diameter shall not be less than 3/4 inch 仕úck in ~ll parts. The circular oveì plates and joint flanges for such frames shall be not less than一 1 inch thick for pressures not exceeding 120 pounds per square inch. 1-7/8 inches thick for pressures exceeding 120 pounds per square inch but not exceeding 200 pounds per square inch. regulatiön5ð4;but'in…no'caseshallthe 由ickness be less than 出at ca1culated by the following formula: t = .00D/+ 2.5 mm (Eqn. XII/10) where, t is the thickness of standpipe and D is 出e outside diameter of connection. If the branch is connected by screwing,出e 址úckness t' shall be measured at the root of 吐le thread. I (c) Where a double flanged steam pipe is tapered,出e of flange joining the boiler and fitting shall correspond to 出e bore .of pipe at the flange connection in accordance with Appendix E to 仕\ese regulations. 574. Stayed Flat Surfaces (other than Crowns of Vertical Boilers)- 5tayed Heads/Braced and 5tayed 5urfaces- For various braced and stayed flat plates aild those which by these regulations require staying as flat surfaçes with braces or staybolts of uniform diameter symmetrically spaced,出e 吐úCkness shoùld be cakulated by the following formula; namely : 仕úckness , -一____ e = Cd I τ+ P e1 '\1 , 、 、 、 11/4inches 吐吐ckforpress山eexc四ding2∞ pounds but not exceeding 250 pounds per square inch. For pressure exceeding 250 pounds per squ缸e inch, raised circular manhole frames shall not be fi忧ed. l 咀\e cover plat臼 sha1l be secured by at least sixteen steel bolts not less 吐lan 1 inch diameter, such 吐l.êlt 吐\e stress in the bolts due to steam pr臼S山e shall not exceed一 Where, P = design pressure in kgf/ cm2 e = thickness, in mm. d = diameter of the largest circ1e taken between staying points of the plate (in mm) lnd勿n Boiler Regulations 207 f1 = 0.85 f (f as defined in regulation 271), kgf/αd e1 = additional thickness equal to 0.75 mm (0.03 in) C = coefficient having the following values:一 "(1) C = 0.33 for-flangedωrmections; Note: d is the diameter of the largest cirde taken from the commencement of the curvature of These stay tubes are not required within túbe nests except when the tube nests comprise tubes which are expanded only. as shown typically in figure XTI/67A(iü). (i斗If tube nests comprise plain tubes which are expanded and beaded, expanded and belled as " shown typically in figure XII/67A (iv) or expanded and welded 、(as shown typically in figures XII/67A 防部d 缸片, welded stay tubes ((as showntypically in figures XIIl67A(i) to (iv)) shal1 be used iriboundary rows in sufficient numbers to carry 仕\e flat plate loadings outside the tube area. th号 flange. (2) C =' 0.40 for stays screwedin plate wi坠 nutor screwed and welded, or plain end streng注1 welded on the outside; 。) C = 0.33 for screwed bar stays with washer of not less 也缸1 3.5 t Ìines the diameter of bar stay; (4) C = 0.31 for screwed bar stays with reinforcing plate, washerand nut on the outside. Notes: 1. If the plate is stayed in any other w町', average valued of C shall be taken into account. 2. If the plate is flame sw叩札 the 出ickness shall be increased by 10%. 3. The welding materi革ls used in the 戳在nufacture of these plates shall not have'the ul放双双始 tensilestr臼g役1 1号路 than that of the plate used. 575. 在挝 crown plates for vertical boi1er:谷一向 Flat crown plates shall be supported by the uptake and/or bar stays. {总) The inside radiusof curvature of the flange 'tQ 也e shell or fire box shall be not less than four timesthe thickness of the plate and in no case less than 63飞 mm where the plate is flanged for attachment to the uptai<;e, the inside radius of curvature of the flange shall be n,战 less than twice the thickness of the plate and in no case less 出an 25 mm. (iii) The thickness of flat crown pla:tes shall be determined in accordance with Re思主lation 5Z4. 576. 有ide waler spaces between and around 始h of plate af wide water spaces calculated as per regulation 574 ta挝ng N部主必-Th怠 thickness 位瑞 be d =...J (A2了ß2) where, A is width of the wide water space between the tube nests in mm measured from centre to centre of the tubes; and 巴拉 pi胁。他eubes 坦出ebound町 rowsofthe wide water space in 蛇出1. 577. F1 at tube plates and lubes nests…始 and plain tubes : 。 Stay Stay tubes tubes are tubes having a weld d叩也 equal to the nominal tube thickness plus 3 mm as shown typically in figures XII/68A(i) to (iv). (ili) For plain tubes and stay tubes exposed to flame or gas temperatures 句 exceeding600 C, the ends of welded tubes shall be dressed flush with the welds and the ends of the expanded tubes shall be as shown in figures XTI/67A 位i) and (iv). If not so' expos时,设\e ends of welded 以lbes shall extend a'm拟 imuin of 10 mm beyond 位le weld 0 or,站在eca舱。fexpanded 如bes,由e 妇bessha丑 projectbey∞d 轨,e tube plate up to a maximum of 15 rm宜1. (1v) Each stà.y tube shall be designed to carry its due proportion of the load on the 'plates which it supports. The thickness of stay tubes welded into tube plates shall be such 出at 也e axial stress on the thinnest part of the tube does not exceed 70N/mm2• (b) Parts of flat plat础 within 如be nests…刃剑ay tubes are used wìthin tubes nests, the thickness of the tube plate shall be calculated in accordance with regu1a钱。民 574. 'S78. Manhole Qpen始gs in Flat Plates-Where nl2t '{Ùloles are located in fl拭 plates,注le openings shall be sùitably compensate& Compensation shall be obtain创 by flangìng the eqge of the openìng, or by providìng a fabricating rìng (see Figures XII/52, XII/53, XII/54,..XII/55 and XII/56). The manhole ìn 出elow时 portion of the flat front end platesshal1 be fitted with a flanged streng出eningrìng, the thickness of the flat portion of whìch shall be not less than (1.5 T + 1 月扭曲). where, τ= 注le 生híckness of the end p 1ate ìn ìnches, and in boìlers of 7 feet and 6 inches diameter and over 在.e manhole frame shal1 be fitted with a peak to reìnforce the po此ion of the end plate between and below the fumaces and this peak shall be securely welded thereto. Indian Bo#er Regt出tions 208 In a1l cases the d叩出 of 出eflan回吨。r ring shall not be l笛sthan 出at Notes: determined by 主嚣 Equation 研/6. WP.O -………-… WP+21 + c甲 Eqn. (XD/15) where, WP = Intemal wor险唱 pr臼sure, kg/ cm2 (目, and 。役\er symbols as per cl町ifications indicated at (a) above. Where 出e ma币\ole is located inor between 阳be nests in Multitubular boilers or b章low the furnaces of other Boilers the stay tube事 in the boundry rows, or 出e 事且S随t st革ys, as 毒pplicable, shall be arranged as closely as practicable to the manhole. In no case the thickness of straight tubesunder intema1 579 队. Plain τu革b 挝 es 如如幽.叩 (a 苟) Atta 配 ch血e 町nt. 此t……. Plain tubes m.a句 y be welded at both ei\ds, weldedat the 泣让et 缸\d expanded at 出e outlet end, or expanded at both ends. Where the tubes are expanded on1y,设\e process shall be carried out with expanders having para1lel rollers, and the expanded po础。Inof 也e tube sha1l be parallel 出rough thefu挂出icknessof 出e tube plate. In addi位on to expanding tubes m.ay be bell.皿侃出ed or beaded at 布.e' in1et end. pressure shall be less 役\an listed below : Tube outside dÚlmeter (mm) Min加Jum t hickness Not exceeding 39 Exceeding 39 but not exceeding 51 Exo出ding 51 but not exceeding 70 Exceeding 70 but not exceeding 77 Exceeding 77 but not ex仰告ding 96 Exceeding 96 but not exceeding 102 Exceeding 102 but not exceeding 127 (mm) 1.75 2.16 2.40 2.60 3.05 3.28 3.50 ?到here…商e_tube_is到elded.lo响曲也相be-抖础。由e 汩汩 Sho u1d be light1yexpanded to grip the tubes hole before welding. Tube穆…F 币\e spacing of tube holes sha1l the minimum width in 凶ches of any li事a­ ment between 也.e tube holes 锦州 be not less 出an' 580. Pitch of besuch 出at 制The 位ickness of tubes under extemal pressure 续被且 be calculated as under : wP'O t= 丁五f +C Eqn. (Xß /14) of tube in mm. Extemal working pressure in kg/cm~ (g) Outside tube diameter in 1I旧坦meters. Corr,出ion a丑。wance to be taken as 0.75 millimetre but for 串tain1础 s steel C 嚣。Higher value may be adopted、 if desired by user. allowable stress as per regulation 338. t= 双啦啦num 位úckness F= altematively, 也e 制.ckne黯 andcr栩如section of the plate betw四nthe where, WP' = o= C= :+川 no case 位\e thickness of straight tubes under extemal pres鼠ll'e shallbe less 泣\anas 埋怨cified below: tube holes Minimum 0.170 + 0.025 =自由也\umcros问时岳.oninsqu缸einches. where, 0 is diameter of the tube hole in inch臼. In no case shall the (d) Intemal Pressur←-η忧患ickness of tub倒 intemal pressure shall be ca1culated as under : under 11回$泣\an of any tube following lir挝ts: htM where the diameter of 出e 阳behole d使.s not exceed 2 inches. 白一 T= ~ 16 2.10 2.28 2.81 3.12 3.38 3.96 4.26 1y郎烛um 位úckn由.s plate in the tubearea be t始阳es.宙 (mm) Not exceeding 32 Exceeding 32 but not ex岱eding 39 意xceeding 39 but not exceeding 51 Exceeding 51 but not exceeding 70 Exαeding 70 but not exceeding 77 Ex臼eding 77 but not exceeding 87 Exceeding 87 but not exceeding 102 not less 也an 0.1250 + 0.2 = minimum'thickn部 in inches. 〈咛In Tube outside diameter (mm) sha提 be where 也e inch diameter of the tube hole is greater than 2 inches. 581. Stay Tube莎白 Stay tubes Shall be of steel 部相巾醋 electrically resistance welded. 。r (a) The Minimum Thickness of Stay Tubes一古巴 m抽imum thlckness of stay tubes shall be as per Regulation 148. lndian Boiler Regulations 209 (b)吐lemax面lum working pressure for screwed in stay tube shall be calculated by the following fo口nula: 5900 rI _ 1.28 \ 2 _ _ 1 ,2 1 Eqn. (XIII/16) NI - D -IJ W卫=一一 11 D 一一 I L\- D is diameter of the stay tube over 仕rreads in inch白, D1 is intemal diameter of the tubes under the threads in inches , N is number of 仕rreads per inch, A is 出.e area in square inches supported by one Stay tube, measured from centre to centre of stay tubes. When the area contains tubes or pa时s of tubes their aggregate area; calculated from their smallestextemal diameter of body when intension and smallest internal when in compression,. shall be deducted from the area of the containing figure and the remainder used as A in the fo口nula. Where stay tubes have their thickness increased at the screwed, ends to provide for plus threads the increased thickness shall be obtained by upsetting and not by welding, and the tubes shall be subsequently annealed. Stay tubes may be attached to the tube plates either by screwing or by metal arc welding. Where stay tubes are screwed'into the tube plates they shall be screwed with a continuous thread not finer than 11 threads per inch at both ends and shall be expanded into 出e tube plates, by roller expander and, if desired, may be seal welded. Welded attachment of stay tubes be as shown in Figures XII/67, XII/67A , XI1/ 68 , XII/68A and XII/69. 582. Compression of Tube Plates一 (a) For fire-box or combustion chamber tube plates which emsubject to compression due to 出e pressure on .the ~oof plate,出e max面mm working pressure shall be : W.P. = C x (P 一 D) x t ,- -,.. - LxP Eqn. is 由ickness L is intemal length of the fire-box or combustion chamber in inches measured at top between tube plate and firehole plate or back plate, or between tube plates in double ended bo i1 ers with combustion chambers common to two opposite fumaces. C=875 Provided 出at the above formula shall not apply in the cases of fire-boxes where the girders do not z:i:!st on the tube plate, or wherl'! the roof plate is stayed direct to the outer shell or to girders supported by the shell. (b)Where girciers ~est on the side' plates or 出e roof plate is so formed 出at the load is carried. both by side and end plates,也e compressive stress on the plates shall not in either case exceed 14,000 po山lds per square inch. 583. Girders for Fire-Box and Combustion Chamber Crowns一 (a) For girders supporting crown plates of rectan事llar fire-boxes , where the ends of the girders are supported by the vertical end or side plates,也eir proportions shall be calculated by the following formula: C ST d 2 Eqn. (XII/18) W.P.= 一一-一 UY where, WP is working pressure in pounds per square inch, 5 is minimum tens i1e stress of the material in tons per square inch, T is total thickness of the stay 扭曲irty seconds of an inch, d is depth of the girder stay in inches, L is Length of girder' stay in inches measured between the inside of the tube plate and the firehole plate, or between the inside of the side plates, according to the method of support, Y is pitch of girder stays in inches , C = 22 for steel plates or steel forgings , = 19 for steel castings. (XI1/ 1η whe肥, t D is intemal diameter of the plain tubes in inches, of the tube plate in 也irty seconds of an inch, P is pitch of the tubes in inches , measured horizontally where the tubes are chain pitched or diagonally where the tubes are zig zag pitched and the diagonal pitch is less than the horizontal, (b) Where girders are welded to 出.e crown pl掏出e dimensions of the welds shall be such 出at 出.e stress calculated on an area equal to the sum of the effective lengths of the welds attaching each girder multip1ied by the effective throat 由ickness shall not exceed 7,500 po山lds per square inch multip 1ied by 出e appropriate weld factor in Table XII/17, (咀ffective length" and "effective 仕rroat thickness" are defined in Regulation lndian Boiler Regulations 2.1 0 591). The loaçl on the welds shall be taken as 位atdue tö 出.e design þressure äëtirtg -ört the ärea LY : L and Y being as defined in Re萨lation 583. 584. Girder Sling Stays-唰 For slung girders the propor悦。n in slings,险邸, pins andconnections to the shell shall be sufficient to carry the whole load 也at would otherwise be carried on 生he toes of the girders and for any of the above par始 in tension a stress of 9,000 pounds per square inch of net section, and for parts in shear a stress of 8,000 pounds per square inch of net section shall not be exceeded. 1n the case of parts in double shear, the net area of the section should be taken as 1.875 times the single section. 585.Stays for Fire-Boxes and Circular Fumaces一 位)SolidScrewed Stay For screw stays to combustion chambers and fire ,.boXes and for longitudinal and cross stays, the maximum working pressure forthe 费姐Yfi i!;J9 1le çalculatedfrom the.appropriate one of the following two formulae : •… W.P.= ~ (0 响孚 r Eqn. (XII/ 19) Thepitchof 出.e stays at t恼合s the 也ickriess the fire七ox shall not exceed 14 of the fire七ox plate. 586. Fire-Box Crown Stays for Loco-Type Boi1 ers-: Where fire七ox crownstays are direct1y attached to a semi-cylindrical outer casin程, and the fire-box top is chambered and fi饮ed wi出 stays arranged as shown 阳 军igure XTI /78 the 白kkness of the outer casing shall be sufficient to provide not lèss than three engaging threads, of which not less than one shall be full thread in stays not normal to 也e stayed surface, but if the 出ickriess of the plate is not sufficient to give one engaging full 也read 血e plate shall be reinforced. Where vertical stays only are used to take part of the . load on the fire box top, boilers 悦和 sheUs 4 feet and 6 inch辅 diameter 相d over shall be fitted with transverse stays (see Figures XII /79). Stays may be attached as shown in Figures XTI/秽, XTI/40 andXII/41. 一一一一一一叫一…←~_. 一呵呵十而如……一一一一一一一一… 587. Longitudinal barstays- The maximum working pressure for longitudinal bar stays is to becalculated from the appropriate one of the following two formulae: r、 ~T、 2 W.P.= 二rL Eqn. (XII/ 20) WP is the working pressure in po山lds per square inch, o is diameter of stays over threads in inches, 0 1 is diameter of body of stay at its smallest part in inches, N is number of 址ueads of stay per inch, A is area in square inches supported by one stay for area to be supported by stays near tubes in 如'e-box tube plates of Loco嗣type boilers, [优e Re事ùati∞ 193 (a)}, C = 7,100 for steel or special wrought iron screw stays to combustion chamber or fire七oxes, C 捏 8þ40 for steel10ngitudinal or cross stays fitted wi出 nuts, = 4,700 for copper stays. Where stays are made 悦和 ert1arged ends and the body of the stay is smaller in diameter than at the bottom of 由e 位uead 也.e working pressure shall be calculated from the second formula: Circumf母rential Stay for' Circular Fumaces and diameter of 白.e stay shall be not less 出.an 3/4 inch or twice 白.e thickness of 位\e f让e七ox plate, whichever is 也e greater. 阳性\e case of screwed 也reads the diameter shall be measured over the threads. (b) Fire-Boxe萨- The W.P.= ~ (0- ~副主 W.P.= Eqn. (X狂 /21) Eqn. (泪1122) wh", ú::, is workingp搜捕ure in pounds per square inch, is diameter of stays over 处ueads 扭扭.ches, is diameter of body of stays at 姆$黯allest pa此 in inch舱, is the number of 注ueads of stay per 扭曲, is area in square inches supported by one stay, is values given in Table below. WP o 01 N A C TABLE XIII5- Stress on longitudinal bar stay革 反ange 01 tensile strength 01 阳 r Tons per square inch 26/30 28/32 30/34 32/36 Value OIC Pounds per s夺现 re ínch 7850 8640 9320 102∞ Where bar stays are fitted in vertical boílers, not less 也an fourbar stays shall be fitted to boilers of 4 feet and over but under 5 feet in diameter; five bar stays to boilers of 5 feet and over but under 6 feet in diameteri six bar stays to boilers of 6 feet and over in diameter. Indian Boiler Regulations 211 In noca舱, shall the diameter of the stay at any part be 1 inch. Where joined stays are fitted , the strength of 也e knuck1e joint employed shall be at least equal to the strength of the remainder of the bar stay. less 也an 588. Loads on Stay Tubes and Bar Stay酷-Stay tubes and bar stays shall be designed to carry the whole load due to the pr部sure on the area to be supported, the areas being cakulated 脱 follows: (a) For a stay tube wi也in the tube nest the net area to besuppo戎edshallbe 也e product of the horizontal and vertical pitches in inches, of the stay 阳bes holes embraced. Where the pitch of the stay tubes is irregular the area shall be taken as 也esqua陀 of the mean pitch of 血.e stay tubes (i;e. the square of 1.4 of the sum of the four sides, of any quadrilateral bounded by four adjace时 stay tubes), less the ar础。f 也.e tube holes embraced. (b) For a stay 如.oe in the boundary row, or for bar stay, the net area to be supported shall be the area, in square inches 哥mclo铅d by 1ines passing midway between the stay and the adjacent points of support and by the boundarymargin (s销 Regulation 589), less 也e area of ahy tubes or stays embraced. (c) In the case of bar stay where there are no stay 机lbes 泣t the tube nest the area to be supported shall extend to the tangential boundary of the 阳:ben臼t 589. Flat Plate Mar琶栩如-τne amount of support in relief of the stays which may be attributed to 也.e shell, 如maces or flues to which flat plates are attached, shall not exceed that determined by 也e following formulae: C (t … 1) Width of marg坠s in inches =…π工τ:... Eqn. (泪ν23) 呼 WP where, t is plate 也ickness in 位让勾r seconds in an inch, WP is working pressure in pounds per square inch, C = 3.47 for plates exposed to flame, C 需 3.70 for plates not expos创 to flame. Whe re the plates are flanged, the margin shall be measured from 生he commencement of curvature of flangi鸣, or from a 1ine 3~ times the thickness of the platemeas曰ed from the outside of the plate, whichever is nearer to the flange. Where the flat plat is not flanged 侬 attachment to the shell or flue 阳bes and is welded as shown'坦 fi思主red XII/12 or XII/16 the width of the margin shall be measured 仕om the inside of the shell or the outside of 和.e flue tube, whichever is applicab-le. In no case, however, shall the diameter 0 of the circle fon挝鸣也 boundary of the margin suppor饱d by the uptake of a vertical boiler be greater 由an 和atfoundby 出.e following formula: .15000A =\1云云斗+ ¥ W.P. d2 Eqri. (XII/24) A is cross-sectional area of the uptake tube in square ÌJlches, W.P. is working p陀ssure in pounds per s电uare inch, d is extemal diameter of uptake in inches. 590. Breathing space- BreatJ:也19 spaces as provided in clause 胁, (ü) or (üi) shall be provided depending on 位e design of the boiler with special attention to 也e provisions of sub-regulation (ggg) of regulation 546 regarding furnaces. (i) For boilers as per dauseωof sub-regulation 电gg) of regulation 546 : (a) Arrangement of stays: Stays shall be arranged to give sufficient breathing space around the fumace connections and tube nests (see figures XII /75 and XII /77), and shall divided the unstayed areas equally. (b) Multi儒tubular boilers: For both the front and rear attachment of fumaces , the breathing spac臼 between fumace and tube nests or between spaces betwee l1 furn.ace and tube nests or between fumace and shell shall be a minimum of 50 mm or 5% of the shell insid~ diameter, whichever is larg时, with a maximum requirement of 1∞红四1. Clearances between the fumace and wet-back wrapper plat.部 shall not I吨uire considerati∞ as breathing spaces. In the case of reverse flame boi1er嚣, thebrea也ing spaceat 仕\e front end between fumace and tube nests shall be not less 也an 50 mm and the brea出" ing space formed by 出.e out.臂-armular area of 位.e fumace rear plate sha在 be not less 出馆1 50 mm or 5% of the shell inside diameter, whichever is large乙 with a maximum of 100 mm. Breathing spaces between gusset or link stays and tube ends shall be not less 也an 100 mm. Clearances between the tubes and wet-back Indian Boiler Regulations 212 wrapper plates shall not require consideration as br倒也ing spaces. Bre钱也ing spaces betweer飞t1J.bes and shells shall notbe less 也an40 mm. Breathing spaces between gusset or 如业 stays andfuma忍es 结m吕 benotl臼S 也an2∞ mm 臼cept 也at for shell outside diameters exceeding 18∞ mm and fumace lengths exceedingω∞ mm 注\ey shall be not less than 250 mm and for shell outside diameter less than 1400 mm and furnace leng血s less than3侃到Omm 坠ey shall be not less 仕lan150mm. All 0由.er brea位ing sp也能s shall be a minimum of 50 mm or 3% of the shell inside diameter, whichever is larger, with a max阳\um requirement of 1∞ mm. (c) Comish and Lanc嗣hire boilera: 如 C6mish ………一…主蝉~rs,Jhtl~l~Lde制吗盐leh坦硝lingspaces shall be as shown in figure X1I/73 i.e. the distance ABbetween 阳 centreof 也.e stay circ1e and 也e c四悦 of 也.e f1ue shall be not less 也.an3制臼, where, e is 出e 俭让.ckness of 也.e end pla惚 h g拉出应\etres. Note: For Lancashire boiler毡, the proportions shown in table Xß ;6A given below are recommended for 也epor挝 on of the end plates above the fumace嚣 and flues. 255 14 16 18 Shell outside diameter or fumace 1创供1 < 1400 mm \ 150 mm <3oo0mm J Brea位由\g spaces between 事后能t nests shall be not less than 20 over 20 280 305 330 330 340 (ii) For b创lers as per dause (ii) 01 sub-re和llation (ggg) 01 Regulation 54←呻 Stays shall give breathing spaces around the fumace connections and tube nests (see figur部泪1 /70toX在177, XII/80, Xll/80A, 沼1/80B, X1I 1部Cand XlI I船>0) and equally divide the unstayed areas. Brea伽ing spaces between fumaces and 阳benes始 shall be a minimum of 50 11'回\ or 5% ofthe shell outside diameter, whichever is largeri but need not be more 船an 100 mm. spaces between furnaces and shells sha吕 be as given inτable 足1/6B or XII/6C as applicable, but shall be not less 出an 50 mm or, for bowling hoop i , not le部也拙 75 mm as measured from the fumac囚 outside d泌meter of 出ebowllngh∞p. or link stays and tube 1∞ mm. When unflanged f1at and plates as used,白ebrea和ing spaces between gussets or link stays andfumaces shall be increased asfollows: In口ease 200 11'田1 to 220 mm Increase 250 仅四\ to 275 位留1 Increase150mmto 165 11'出k Incre法se1∞ mmtoUOα1m All other brea位也\g spac顶s shallbe a minimum of 50 mm' or 3% of the shell outside diameter whichever is larger but need not be more 践相 100 mm. Table XIII6B Breathing 咛ac,础 between fumaces and' shells when tube plate thickness does not exceed 25 rnm. (See Table Xß /6C also) Length between 如iler 号nd It is recornmended 也就出,e breathing space below the flue be approxímately one-half of 生he dimensions given in table Xß ;6A. Brea仕由\g > 18∞ mm \ 250mm > 6000 mm J t如 plates L in m Breathi咆 spaα 一一一一一 % ofo世如 Ma xi- side diameter mum (Note) mm Inserted flat ends Flanged ends m-m一 -则 m Di mension L (in rnm) <see figure Xß;如 13 Shell outside diameter or fumace length Design XIV6A Breathing space for Lancashíre Boi1ers Th ickness of end plate {in rnm) Breathing spaces between gusset or link stays and fumaces shall be not less 也an2∞ mm, except fori 出一…二… T撞ble For the boilers having more than one fumace, breathing spac四 between furnaces shall be not less 也.an 120 mm. Note: But not less than 50 mm or, for bowling hoop furnaces 75rnm Whenthea位ual 出cknessof 出e 四d p 1ate exceeds 25 mm 也.e b陀a也ing spac臼 in accordance with Table X丑16B shall be increa部d in accordance wi出 Table 沼IJ 6C. Table XIII6C Breathing spaces between 恼naces and shells when the thicknes暗 of the end plate exceeds 25mm k嗒th 卢lrnace 0/ Breathin豆 space %0/ d. m 三 5.5 5.5 < L 6.0 < L s 6.0 s 6.5 6.5 7.0 8.0 Need not be more than mm mummm 130 140 150 65 70 75 Mini幽 lndían Boiler Regulations 213 (iii) For boilers not covered under the above dauses òf this regulation- Gusset stays shall be arranged 也 give sufficient bearing space around the fumace connect拍ns 叙\d tube nests (see Figures XII/70 to XIν77, XII/80, χII/80A to XII/80B. The proportions shown in τable XII/6D a陀 re∞mmended for 也e portion of 也e end plates above the fu口laces and 出e flues. 0 :0. the area it supports. The areas supported by any one stay shall beobtained by considering the total area to be supported which lies within the limits of the flat plate margins and dividing 也is area by boundary lines drawn between the stays. These boundary lines shall be at all po坦ts equidistant fromthe adjacent p。如ts of support in the area 出\der consideration. Table XIII6D Breathing Space Thickne路 ofend plate mm m疗t < 13 255 14 > 14 ~l 岳 > 16 ~ 20 >20 305 330 340 注 13 ~ The effective uniformly distributed load on a triangular gusset plate or on a diagonallink stay shall be assumed to be 吨ual to the perpendicular load on th~ portion of the end plate to be supported (determined as above)multiplied by L/L 1 (see Figures XII/81 , XII/82 and XII/83). Dimension 'L' 280 在) Gusset Plates… Gusset plates shall be so "V" (see Figures XII/ 81 and XII/82), is not less than 600 • proportioned 也.at 独εangle The breathing space below the flues sha l1 be approximately one-half the dimensions given in Table XII/6. For gusset stays above the tube nes怡, as fitted in multitubular w部 te heat boilers without internal fum时es, a breathing space of 20.3 mm from the centre line of the adjacent tubes to the toe of the gusset angle or plate, may be maintained. For the back end stays below the fumaces of multitubular dryback boi1ers, a brea也ing space of 152 mm may be maintained where the flues are constructed in accordance wi也 regulation 546. Where the flues are constructed of corrugated sections welded together, a breathing space of 114 mm may be maintained. 59 1. Gusset Li nk, Brace and Similar Stays句- For welded Lancashire Comish and Cylindrical Horizontal Multitubular type boi1er窑, all-welded gusset stays shall not be used. To ensure flexibility, link stays, bar stays, brace stays and other simi1ar stays or suitably designed gusset stays other than the all-welded type shall be U阳d. All welded gusset stays, however, may be used in cylindrical hori嚣。ntal waste heat and cylindrical vertical multitubular boi1ers. Welded gusset stays and braces may be used for welded Lancashire , Cornish and Cylindrical Horizontal Multitubular bo i1ers provided their method of attacrunent is. approved by the InspectingAu也ority. (a) Load on Each Stay… Each guss剖 or link stay supporting the flat end plate of a boi1er shall be designed to carry the whole load due to pressure 古怒也ickness of 注le gusset plate shall be such that the stress in the plate to withstand the effective uniformly distributed load (as defined above) calculated on the smallest cro锚'黯ction on line XX or YY (Figure XII/81 挝\d XII/82), shall not exceed one幡seventh of the minimum tensile stress of the plate used but 坟、 no case shall the thickness be less than seven吃ighths of 泣le thickness of the shell, plate with a minimum of 7 /1 6 inch. Where al1 welded gusset stays are used a stìffening plate shall be welded at the toe of the 思主sset where it is secured to the end pla怡 i.e. where the maximum stress occurs, (see Figure XII/ 81). (c) Link Stays- Link stays shall be so arranged that 出e angle "V" (Figure XIT/83) is not less 600 and the dimensions shall be such that stress in the stay at its weakest part does not exc回d one-seventh of the 红白磁num tensile stres嚣 of the plate used. 也an (d) Anchor Plates, Angles, Li nk Pins and the Li ke Member荡一吐\e s校ength of anchor plates, angles and link pins calculated at the weakest section shal1 be as follows : (i) Link pins shall be so designed that 出e shear stress does not exceed 8,∞o pounds per square inch, the strength of pins in double shear being taken as 1.875 times the strength of pins in single shear. 〈均Anchor plates or angles shal1 be so designed 出at the calculated stress does not exceed lndian Boiler Regulations 214 one-seventh of the minimum tensile stre部 of the material used, but in no case shall the 也ic挝\ess be less 也an seven啦庐啦。f the thickness of the shell plate with a u由白num of y.z inch, nor 出怠 length of 由e portion 挝tached to the end p1a始 be less than the distance between the lines of end to shell flat margin and 也ebre础由\gspace line around the flues of tube nests. 如) Maximum furnace diameter- The mean diam制r of fuinaces shall not exceed 18∞ m肌 (b) Notations : b is the pitch of 出.e fumace corrugations (in mm)i C is the corrosion allowance 但 0.75 双1m; d is the mean diameter of fumace (如 mm) (see note 1); d max is the maximum mean diameter of th,台 fumace (in mm); (e). Weld Attachment- Where 胆量setp1at,锚, anchor p1ate嚣。'r an窑les are welded to 由.e shell and/or d mln is the minimum mean diameter of the f瑞m岱 end p 1ates, the attachment shall be by mean嚣。f (in mm)i continuous fillet welds on each s挝.e or by butt e is 出,e fumace plate thicknes量 (in mm); wel也 prepared in 挝cordance withparagraph E is Young's modulus pf elas剧,ty (in kg/ cm2) at 2, det盒ils 1, 烛, n or p or Appendix A of 血检 也.e design tempera饥ue. Chapter. Et is the specified m如垃\um elevated temperature The welds 由all be of such d挝l.ensions 注1时也e yield stress or 出e 0.2% proof stress at the design stress calcu1a ted on an area eψal to the effective temperature (in kg/础2); ~!:lg事 of 蜒~~eld .Jl\ul辞掉led~ ]::Iy 蛙坦~ff~çtivι 一 F .iS ~the~cioss':民iCfiõ'riâI 盯部, of a 10仇gHuâ.inãr­ 出roat 出ickness shall not exceed 也at permitted section of the corrugated fumace wall, of leng位1 for the parent metal multiplied by the b and thickness 位-c) (in mm 2) [see figures appropriate weld factor 总 Table Xll /7. 泣1/94 (a) to (g)] 在\e effective lèngth of a weld shall be taken as 1 is 出e 钝cond moment of area of one c哽\plete 也at length of weld. which is of the specified size corrugation about its neutral axis, excludins the 衔。ughout. corosion allowance (in mm4); For open幡ended fi1let welds the effective len露出 Is is 也,e sec∞d moment of 缸'ea of p1ain stiffener shall be 出台 over allleng出 less twice 也e weld section (see figures XI1I21 &泪1122) ábout its s1Ze. neutral axis,如duding a leng啦。f 也,e furr飞aceof Forthepu哩。se ofst宫ess calcu1ation 设\e effective 0.55'"碍了。,n each 'side of 阳 stiffener (泣\mm句 也roat thickness of a butt weld shall be taken as (see note 2); 也e 出ic挝\ess of the gus院t or another plate and L is the distance between the c阻.tre of two effective the effective 也roat thickness of fillet weld shall points of support (in mm) (see note 衍; be t球en as 0.7 of the fillet size. For compound P Is the design pressure (in kg/ cm可 wel也出.e effective thickness shall be 由esumof 51 is 也,e factor of 姐fety: those of the ∞nstituènt par辄 监 2.5 for fumaces in c1a嚣s 1and class 11 boilers TABLE XI1I7 W牵ld attachments = 3.5 for fumaces in class III boilers Form of weld ' Weldfactor 2.0 for fumaces and wrapper plates not Not stress Stress relíeved exposed to fl缸ne. relier.恕d 52 is the factor of safety: Sing被 J or b母vel butt哨窑lds 飞Insealed 0.35 0.45 嚣 3.0 for class 1 ánd c1ass n boilers (with or wi也out super imposed fil1哇。 Sealed 0.60 0.70 = 3.9 for class IIIboilers Double Jor bevel butt-welds u is the percentage out of roundness to be tâken as (with or wìthout superimposed 1.5 for plain fumaces and 1.0 for corrugated fillets) Unsealed 。.60 0.70 fumacesi Double fillet welds 0.55 0.65 W is the depth of corrugation (坦 mm). Notes 1: For ∞rrug在tedfurna饵s, mean diarne惚risequal 592. Furnaces, furn挝e components, wet back reversal to inside diameter plus full depth of one chambers and fire boxes of cylindrical form subject c:orrugation referred to in Fig XII/94 whic:h is 如 external pre槌W←刷 Furn剖es: equal to the inside diam苦阳刊+W. = lndian Boiler Regulations 215 2: When calculating Is} it is only necessary to take into account a corrosion allowance on the furnac程 gas side. 3: Stiffeners complying with figures XII/21 and XII/泣如说r and reversal ch在mber end plates are consiâered 始 be effective points of suppor t. 4:τ'he design temperature ('I f the furnace == Cs + 知+ 15 saturation t,号mperature plus four times the thickness of the furnace plus 15. (c) Evaluation of Young}s modulus at the desi在n temperature. Value of E shall be obtained from the following table (b y linear interpolation if required). Desìgn temperature inoC Va/ue 吃fE (Eqn. XI1/25) 173E (e 叩C)2.5 zsf 、) (Eqn. 1 52 Ld XII/ 25A) 51bd 11 + FWdu 5d (e -C ì 3 ) 800 1 H + -- I - ,- I ~ L '" W } I (Eqn. XII/28) r. (g) Tolerances and allowances : The ca1cùlated wall thickness contains a fixed allowance 010.75 mm for corrosion and wear. For corrugated fùrhaces , the ca1c ulated wall thickness shall be the minimum thickness of the finished fumace. For plain fumaces and reversal chambers, allowance shall be made to t咏e account of any minus tolera,nces on the plate thickness. (h) Out-of-roundness roundness is as follows : out-of- 、一础叫 , GM , 叫 iT mm α u 叩附 the thickness percenta 茜e The , + ) P= d of This shall be inc1uded in the ca 1culatìon as u骂1.0 for corrugated fumaces and u= 1.5 for plain fumaces. cg e x--·· ····唰 n ) ,。 吨'­ 、 α飞 飞 $21333331iiij Y如 棚、飞$232''' 雹 …飞zzzsj a低 G 一 l·· QM一+ 回呵,‘ .• -m E d3 …。 PTE们 1、 四句'- 町布" "., …飞11iiipiiittJ 一叩 -d 、、 mw 一旦 唱i RUV where} aM 一口一+ m?'2221 MnUE 吨i + ; …+ 叫一 m 'i 町, !liz---L i fglib 始FEZ-飞 - (. . O.1d ì 2FEt l1 +~L~ 司ι 甲 respectively as follows and the great时 obtained shall be used ‘ e Corrugated 如mace事: ∞-dA Equation XII/25 and XII/25(A) may be expressed in termsofth记kness using equation XII/26 and XII/26向 B-2 (e) Fumace components : The thickne黯 of fumace components, e.g.ash drop-out tubes and fuel inlet conn配tiα1嚣, shall be ca1culated in accordance with subregula tion (d) with a minimum thickness of 10 mm and a maximum thíckness of 22 红也L 1乳J )(z;;iL) Sl d fumace/∞mbustion chamber has tubes radially to 泣. The thickness of 出的 portion of the fumace is to be incr,制sed by the value of ligament efficiency. The de到军n pressure of furnaces.. shall. bedeter如ined using the equa挝on XII/28 but 也e 泣出如\ess shall be not less than 1O m and shallnot exceed 22mm.Cai印刷 value d I and F foz some ot the F伺机19ations are given in figure XII/94 for other shapes and sizes ca1cula垣ons need to be made fro1l) basic principles. (d) Plain fumaces一 The de然驴 pressure of plain fumaces shall be the 10吱er of those obtained using equations XII/25 and thìckness shall be not less than exceed 22 mm : ?嚣 2Et (e 甲c) If the corrugat恕d 1987 1947 1896 1845 1814 1+ 4 (f) in kg/c m2 x 1 ()3 250 300 350 400 450 ==叫嚣r. +叫姐/26A) e JJ 。 Stiffene黯: (i) Stiffeners shall have second moment of ar瑞 not le部 than.that given by the following equation: I嚣尘 Pd3 L 1. 35 )( 107 lndian Boiler Regulations 216 巷 (ii) If the stiffeners are made in sections from oar or plate, the , 怕也.e mean of that at the top and at the bottom where it meets the substar瑞al support fro豁出e flange or 古ing, abut胁革 ends shall be prepared so as to 创\Sure that full penetration welds are made. The 位让.ckness of thé stiffening ring shall be kept tothe minimum required (for 1垣liting d泣\en­ sions see fi伊res XII/21 and XII/22)~ (iii) Bowling hoops are considered as effective points of support. The m抽泣\um pitch of bowling hoop centres shall be not less than 500 n田\. If bowling hoops are used, the fumace 哇哇ckness shall be ca Ic ulated from sub-regulation (d). The dimensions of bowling hoops shall be in accordance with figures XII/95 (的,在)and (c) and theìr second moment of area determined be from the tables given inthese figures , shall 悦 泯O 供t.号始s 臼s than 玄 requi坟 red by sub-翩r 陀 egu丘1a鼠 on (i). (iv) If corrugated fumaces areequipped wìth several stiffene碍, e.g. one on each corrugation oron each second corrugation, the cross-sectional area L is length of 也e firebox 阳 inches between points In no case, however, sball the 出ickness be more than 7/8 inch. For fireboxes under 2 feet and 6 inches in diameter, the thickness shall be not le豁出an 5 /1 6 抓住 and for fireboxes 2 feet and 6 inches in dìameter and over 和e 注IÌckness sha11 be not less 由an3 月 inch. 594. Corrugated Fireboxes of Vertical Boilers- For semi-spirally corrugated fireboxes of 'Sentinel' standard /motor wagon boilers the worki.ng pressure shall be c;1etermined by the following formula : 也e 十一…and枪lesecond-moment-of-area .of 也estiffeners G) shall also be taken into consideration when using the equation XII/28. A height of not 凯ore than four t垃\es the fumace thic挝\ess shall be used for the calculation. Circular reversal chambers: {斗在\e thickness of wrapper plates of cylindrical reversal chambers of horizontal multitubular boilers shal1 be caIculated in accordance with 也e equa位ons given in sub-regulation (d). 在\e 剧.ckness shall be not greater than 35 mm and shall be not less than. 10 mm. However, the design temperature for reversa1 chamber wrapper plates shall be determined in 航cordance with 出e followi吨 equations :一 t = (ts + 2e2) or 但+ 50) whicheyer is greater. where, t = D部ign temperature (in degree Centigrade) ts = Saturation temperature of water (indegree Centrigrade) at the de约gn pressure, for both steam or hot water boilers. e2 = nominal plate thickness (in mm). '(ij) 白\e 也ic挝le弱。f access tubes shall be caIcu 1ated in accordance with sub-regul挝ion (d) 脱出 a minimum thickness of 10 mm. 593. Plain Fumaces of Vertical Boilers- The maximum working pressurè oíPlain Fumaces of Vertical Boilers shall be the lesser of the two values obtained by Equ睬。ns XII/25 and XII/26. where, D = extemal diameter of the fire扣。,x in inches. Where the firebox is tapered the diameter taken shall ‘ of substantial support measured from 出ecom幡 mencement of flange curvature or from the foundation connection, or from a row of screwed stays which comply with Regulations 550 (b), 585 (b), whichever is applicable. … W.P. 嚣 .C(t 平均一~ D … Eqn. (XII/29) 叽 where, W丑= is working pressure in pounds per square inch,、 t= 抬出ckr眩目 ofthef让她oxp1atein 仕ùrty seconds of an inch, D = is mean of the extemal diameters of fireb似 measured over the plaìn part at each at commencement of curvature of flange, C = 390 No corrugated furnace shall be less 也.an 3/8 inch thick. 595. Hemispherical Fumaces of Vertical BoilersWhenf邵阳es are henlispherical in form and subj函 to pressure on 出.e convex side and are without support from stays of any kind the maxin飞um working pressure sha11 be found by the following formula : 275 (t - 1) W.P. 出去 E萨. (XII/30) Where, W.P. is working pressu, re in po阻'\ds per square inch, t is 出ickness of 在e 阳p plate in 也irty seconds of an inch, R is outer radius of curvature of the fumace in inches. The 位ickness of these fumaces sha11 in no case exceed 7/8 inch. 596. Foundations of Vertical Boiler Fumace分-When circular furnaces of fireboxes of vertical boilers are not connected to the shell crown by uptake 柏树, smoke tubes or bolt stays and 也.e whole load on 也.e firebox .,... lndian Boiler Regl.l Iations 217 vertically is bome by 出.e bottom part of 位le firebox whEl re it is connected to the shell the working pressure for 吐le part, if firebox is joggled out to meet the shell or 证 any ogee ring is fitted , shaU no t- exceed that fo山ld by 出e following formula : C (t 叩 1)2 W.P.= Eqn. (XII/31) D (D- D) where , W.P. ìs working 严部部re in pounds p就叫uare inch, t is 也ickness of 泣le joggled 如ebox plate or ogee 主妇gu飞出ìrty seconds of an 抽出, D is inside diameter of the boiler shell in inch碍, D1 is outside diameter of the joggled 乒rebox at the commencement of curvature above joggled part or the outside diameter of the firebox where it joins the ogee ting, C = 140 for Ogee rings (see Figures XII/26 and XII/ 27). 597. Foundations òf Loco-Type Boiler FireboxesWhere 出ef出box roof in loco-守pe boilers Ìs not stayed di:r气ect 抬出eexte口lal casing crown or to girders carried by 和ecas坦g or if not cor攻飞机ted 始在e casing by slings 也.e workmg pressure for the parts, if pl的es arejog窑led out to meet 泣le casing or if an ogee rin吝 is fitted , shall not exceed that found by the following formula : W.P. = 70 (L x W - A) (W _iW1) and so used 始军qu挝ion XII/32 in determinmg the workmg pressure for the parts. "A" being the are.a in square inches of the part of roof supported by the casing crown. W.P.= 725 (t-1)2 X 一5 一 (L + 24) (XII/33) Eqn. (XII/34)\ where, W.P. is working pressure in pounds per square inch, t is thickness of 出.e uptake in thirty seconds of an inch, D is external diameter in inches, L is length of 出e uptake in inches, m栩栩red between the circumferential se恕我s. Innoca提 shall 和e 创.ckness of an uptake 栩如 be less 位an3 月 inch. 599. Cross Tubes- Intemal diameter of cross tubes shall not exceed 12 加ches. The working pressure of the tubes shal1 be determined by the following formula : W.P.= num 白­ Where only d comparatively narrow strip of the firebox roof is stayed directly to the casing crown the area so stayed shall be 出ducted from 也.e area represented by L x W in the bottom 垃le of the formu1a校\us: 芜qn. When an intemal 迦\er is fi役ed extending below the low water level: 、‘.,, where , is working pressure in pounds per square inch, is thickness of the joggled firebox side plates of fire hole plate (whichever is less) 'or 0伊e ring'in 和irty seconds of an inch,飞 is length of firebox casing in inches measured between 注le water sides of front end pla忧郁ld saddle plate at the foundation seam, is width firebox casing in inches measured between 注le water side of casing side plates at 社le foundation seam, is width of firebox in inches meas:ured between the water sides of firebox side plates at the commencement of curvature above joggled part of where it joins the ogee ring. fit怯d: - 2) 呻J 】 W1 Eqn. (XII/32) {挂) 。一D W 1 1∞ (t WPeZD 叫Jhm L L+W(W 四 W ) (i) When an intemalliner is not nU 四 W.P. t (t - 1) x (L + W) 598. Uptakes of vertical boilers-…. The workmg pressure for uptake tubes of vertical boi1ers shall be determined by the following formula : Eqn. (XII/35) wh础e, t is thic如less 加位ùrty seconds of an inch of the cro部 tube, D is 如te红浪1 diameter in inches of 在e cross tube. In no case shall be 出ickness of a cross tube be less than 5/16 inch. 600. Pads Welded to Shell or the Attachment of Flanged Mountings…The size of outer peripheral fillet welds by which circular pads are attached to shell plates shal1 be determined by the following formula XII/36, but shal1如 no case be le部位an the inner welds or nor less than 出e minimum specified for plate 役吆c垃lesS ÎI\ Table XII/3 : Lo 拮 D Eqn. (XII/36) where, Lo is size of fillet weld around outer periphery of pa<L ÎI\ inches, 218 Indian Boiler Regulations It总栩如向t 如 the 脱担st of saf,即 that 血eboilerbe L 1 is sìze fillet weld around ìnner periphery of pad, in inches , properìy vented , so as to prevent the formation of a让 pocketsf befo指出e test pressure as applied. A is cross-sectional area of opening in shell (based on mini.muII飞出ickness in square inches see Regu1ation 571), Notes: 1. It is recox;nmend苦d that the temperature of the water Do is outer diameter of pad, in inches, should nbt be le部队an 7"<: during the hydraulic test. 2. It is further recommended that before the boiler is approached Íor dose examin然ion, the pressur曹 shall bereduced tonotlessthan 1.1 总mes 也edesign pressure andnotmore 位'lanO.9tim阳 the hydraulic testpressure. 3. on completion of hydraulic t回t, rel栩栩 of pressure shall be gradual. 4. Deflectionof different pressureparts shall be examined carefully and there shall not be any permane抵制 after release of pressure. D1 is ìnner diameter of pad, in inch臼· 601. Hydraulic and Hammer Tests : (a) (i) Clas在 1 Boilers: Each Class 1 Boi1er shall, on completion of a11 welding and/or repa泊 and after heat-trea袖也拙, be subjected to a hydraulic test of 1.5 悦mes the design pressure without any indication of weakness or.defect. (ii) Class II and Class III Boilers: Each Class Class III 吾oi1ers shall be tested to a n and (c) If any repairs are found to be necessary during or hydraulic pressure 惚仗,在e , boiler pre部ure subsequent 抽出e →一一-twice血e.desígn..pressure. …川…-----~ shaU.aga如 be-subjected-to甘恕 pressure' 怡st -spec出.ed … above after completion of the repairs and heat treatmen t. (b) (i) The Test shall be wi拍essed by the Inspecting Author全ty or Inspecting Officer. {均在\e test pressure shall be maintained for a not less 出an30 貌出\utes. S忘AMS C IN END PLATES T2 T2 L 黯 8(飞-T 1 ) BUT WHERE(τ.2-Tl) NO'τLESS 四AN 阴阳, FIG. XIII1 GOUGED OUT BEFORE APPLYING W黯也o OOES NOT EXCEED 1/8 IN. 芽IG. XIII2 FROM SECOND SIDE -z-a同 T。 \阳·帽、树 FIG. XII13 FIG. XIII4 any Note: Observations and remarks of Inspecting Officer I Insp苦苦挝ng Authority should be recorded for filming withm毒ker's papers. period CROSS a伐er FIG. XIII5 FIG. XIII6 219 lndian Boiler Regulations ?飞中 T, 协 τcd FIG. 汩的 1- FLANGED FLAT END PLATES END PLATES TO SHELL (SHELL THICKEK THAN ENDS) ?飞+一 Fl G. XIII7 Ts , ,, , ,, 2 TE 2"MIN. - 飞 ηi! REOUα10N lN将配XNESS 愣相 EFLANCEO 四IRno登峰 OP ηi!嚣挝 D 民ATEMAY 草草 MAOE ON 嚣口税茸茸 INSIOEOROU我提 OE of'岱iE ENOFLAT军 问 FlG. XIV11 … FLATEND NL 嚣吁叩阳阳 L邸 FlG. 黯V8 … FLANGED END PLATES ENDS THICKER THANSHELL (a) Shell to end p1a1e 事 ea瓢5 Rev er事e side fillet weld may 悦 。因梅dwb豁出 e 必回归 ou淄de diame协 risl部事撞撞nl 叙lO mm. {扮 Furn 矗 ce to end plat. and reversaJ. chamber tube plale Tbe rev叙事e side fillet 锦 ams. weldmaybe 创业 tedwbtn 加 仇llNlce is less 段准n 究始瓢m. 阳饭主dedi部辑刷 rand the 能am l8严。栅始dbyarefr秘辛ory 险密警 ror revene 8ide 拟let wel翻 ared主r: ta伽dby No将叩窍碍 above requlr银白ents C创'llidera tion of acc能由且ity forweldlng butwhenever il is generally pra磁ωIble to ln8键1 a fillel w暗 ld of 阶\e re哇创siteψalìty for 伽草 CIKUmS棚蝇 d 阳翩然醋'部份\e weld sho植 ld 加放阳 ted. lt is preferab1e to "创np 1e始孰 e 黯llet weld before weldlng from 位\eo出er lide whenever il is prac tir:llb1e to do 50. FlG. XIV12A FlG. XW9 - FLANGED END PLAT 黯S 院NDSTHICKER THANSHELL 由「 T. -1.... 2飞 E 如-T ...! 目 G. L 翻町飞 -T.) 鼠汀 NOTLESS 在fAN l~" DIFFE黯 NCE (T.懈 T.)NOTTO 职CEED 20 部提C黯.rr OF τ, XW1 0 - FLANGED FLAT END PLATES OF MIN. ANGLE 段iOULOA篇ìQCIATEO WlTH MAX. RAOruS OP 3/8 IN. CONVERSELYηiE 沁f.AX. ANGLE SHOULO BEA~汇到:::IATEDWITH 视 N. RADlUS R OF 3/16 1抵 FlG. XI V13 - ATTACHMENT OF FLUES TO END PLATE8-DISHED OR FLAT τ警组 USE • 220 Indian Boiler Regulations -, 、 1 1 1 1 FIG. XI V1 7 TF FIG. XI V1 4 FIG. XIV1 8 、 1 1 1 1 1/8" 1/8" 斗于 产在西i. fORMOL ATIAO创ENT SHALL BE USED ONLY WHEN THE CROWN PLATE 15 FULLY SUPPORTED BYSTAYS , FIG. XI V1 9 FIG. XIII20 A1TACHEMENT OF END PLATES TO COMBUSTION CHAMBER ENDS OR FIREBOX WRAPPER PLATES L 2. 白\e plate edgeradius of not less than e/2 is only r吨uired when fumace end is expo臼d to a f1 ame or comparably high temperature, e.g., at the entry to the reversal chamber. The front end of t~e fumace can protrude beyond the weld provided that the protrusion and the weld area are adequately insulated to prevent overheating. AII dimensions are in millimeters. Attachment of fumace to end plate or reversal chamber. FIG. XI V1 6A 嘈 Note 1. •• 1/ ∞ J 帽 ASSS 由gg-vgSEaESSagsgsgE 望, d TF FIG. XI V1 6 - FLUE CONNECTIONS TO END-PLATES (DISHED OR FLAT) PD Solidfuel r- firing on a r-- 一 fgluraidtesoerd i V / 「甲· bed / γ firing 旷 L 10∞ ..L vOoerirlpissueuld- r- 「一 coal firing r- r- t主 / i L K i / L 5∞ L t 。 5 10 Net heat input (MW) FIG. XII120A - RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN FURNACE D1 AMETER AND PERMISSIBLE HEAT INPUT 221 lndian Boiler Regulations SHELL REAR TUBE PLATE Fumace Reversal Chamber Wrapper Plate FIG. XI V20F - SEMI-WET BACK BOILER FIG. XIV20B - FURNACE REVERSE FIRED BOILER τ's=l 1h T 如1AX REARτUBEPLATE LEGLENGl苦iOFFILLET 4飞 MAX WELDS TO BE NOT LESS τ曰AN 1h'雹 (13mm) FURNACE FIG. XI V20C - DRY BACK BOILER FIG. XIV21 … PLAIN BAR 丁4 WETBACKREV蓝RSAL CHAMBER WRAPPER PLATE FIG. XIV20D - WET BACK BOILER FIG. XIV22 - BULB BAR STIFFENERS FOR HORIZONTAL FLUES 51h IN. 队.unaατ'ube NOTE: 民ADIANT Wrapper Plate HEATING SURFACE COMPRI班SFU反NAC克 TUBEANDW汉APPERPLA'τE FIG. XIV20E … SEMI WET BACK BOILER 71h IN. - - - - - ' " - - - - - - j WELDPREPA汉ATIONS MA Y BE MADE FROM ETI丑ER THE INSIDE OR OUτ'SIDE OF THE PLATE ATl我E OPTION OF THE MANUFACτU民主R FIG. XIV23 - BOWLING HOOP lnd忽n 222 卜一- Boiler Regu栩栩S L τ苦fiCKENED U-.汉阳G WELDP议应PA汉A刀ON MAY BE MADE FROM ASHPIT FIG. XIV28 EITI现R 1HEINSID忘 OR OU1SIDE OF τHEPLATE ATl苦也 OPTION OF 1HE MANUFACTURER. \ FIG. XlU24 … BOWLING HOOP :-Z:..L ~~IN:..\ FIG. XIV29 … FOUNDATION RINGS W=T - 1/8 IN. BUτNOTLE部 τHAN*IN FIG.XIV2翠… DETAILFLU军 JOINT 3116IN. FURt唱ACE 军飞JRNACE PERMITTED ONLYON LOCo-TYPE BOILERS WI1H FULLY 印机 PORTEDFIRE 即XSHO叭刑 INFIG. 则 /78 τHEUSEOF MlN. ANGLESHOULDBEA驳;QCIATED WI1H MAX. RADlUS R OF3/8IN. CONVERSELY. TIIE MAX.ANGLESHOULD BEASSC汇IATED WI1H MIN. RADruS R. OF 3 /1 6 IN. FIG. XII130 T宦tt TAtE HOLES - 3/81N.9AT CASTl NG AP~X.4FT.APART 自 UT 2" FOUNDATION 阳NGS PLAτ'E NOT tESS THAN 3 日OLES ASHPπ ASHPIT 黯勘ß1T主D ONLYON LOCO-TYP在船ILE黯WlTIi FULLY SUPPORTEDF双军法)XSH。认IN FIG. XlU26 安IG. XIV27 IN flG. 郑11纯 FIG. XII131 - FOUNDATION RINGS 223 Indian Bailer Regulatian革 COMPENSATING RING MAYBE SHELLPLATE mπEDONEIτHERI削ID惹 OR OtrrSIDEτOSU汀 FIG. XIII 32 - FIREHOLE MOUTH PIECE .… FURNACE PLA TE FIG. XIII36 - THROAT PIECE SEALING TOP HALP WELDFROMFI裂主SID在 WITH RUN 剖SID萃, ROUND WELDF渎。Mτ到15 SIDEW红白 SEAUNG RUN INSIDE ROUND TOPHALP 比 AVERAGE PITCH OF STAYS (MAXIMUM) FIG. XIII拮… FIREHOLE MOUTHPIECE WELD FROM INSIDE FLUEPIPE WIηiSEAUNG RUNONOU骂ID军 AS FAR ROUND AS PC四IBLE CONNECTION B町WEEN FLAT PLATES TO FORM FIREHOLE AND ACCESS OPENINGS FIG. XIII37 COMBUSTION CHAMBER PLATE ---幡--楠--…--.…四……稠-----唰---‘…·糊-幡--蝙·制---钢_.幡…-----BACI< HEAD PLATE ACCESSOPENING FOR WET-BAC I< BOILERS FIG. XIII35 - WELDING OF FLUE PIPES FIG. XIII38 224 lndian BoiIer Regulations O.350WITHA 噜 。 事1!5 沁UN.OF5/1岳 IN. ••• HOL应 T --t' 仲吟 0.250 FlG. XIV39 - ATIACHMENT OF Fl REBOX AND COMBUSTION CHAMBER STAYS RAO 01 FlG. 沼V42 一 ATIACHMENT 嚣 1.250 OF BAR STAYS 3/8IN.< Fl G. xm铺… ATIACHMENT OFFIREBOX AND COMBUSTION CHAMBER STAYS 1/16IN. O.350 Wll到 A MIN. OF 5/1 6 IN. 3.50 3/16 IN. DIA. HOLE 3/1 6IN OIA. HOLE τ FlG. XIV矗立一 A1T ACHMENT OF FlREBOX AND COMBUSTION CHAMBER STAYS Tw=2/ 3T 0.35 0 wíth.A min. of 8 FIG. XIV43ω- ATIACHMENT OF BAR STAYS 15 15 1500R5/1岳 IN WHlCH草VERISτHE G民运ATER l.-J FIG. A FIG. B A11 dimensions are in mm Note:ηlis type of attachment is F1 G. XIV41A - recommend时 for ATIACHMEN气r Plain Bar Stay. OF FIREBOX ANO REVERSALO王AM黯R FlG. XIV43制 ...;...A'η'ACHME押r OF BAR STAYS IndÎQn Boiler Regulat妇ns 225 WHERE Tw IS LESS T民ANO.豁口, τHE F<到MOF CON但RucnONSHO叭悄悄 (a)SHALLB露 USEO 1/2TwWITHA MlN. OF 3/8 IN WHERE Tw 15 LESSτHAN 0.35 0 , THE FORM OF CONSTRUcnON SHOWN IN (a) 锻fALL BE USEO τ~=2/3T FIG. Xl V44(a) - 0= 1.250 A'γfACHM览NT OF BAR STAYS FIG. XIV45 (b) - A宝TACHMENT OF BAR STAYS WH应反Eτw 臼 LE部 THAN 0.35 0 THE 只)RM OF CONSTRUCnONSHOWNIN 份) SHALL BE USEO I /2 Tw WITHA MIN. OF 3/81N Tw "2/3T 0 1 =1.250 FIG. XIV46 倍}… ATTACHMENT OF BAR STAYS Tw = 2/3τ 。1 FIG. XIV44(b) … ATTACI王MENT = 1.25 0 OF BAR STAYS 。.150or5/1岳 IN. WHICH巴VERIS GR忘ATER 2/3PITCH OFSTAYS 斗始时 革IlIN. W础阻 T.. fS LESS 岱认NO.35 D, THE 泪'RM OF CONSTRUCI10N SHOWN 剖 (a) SHALL BE USED τ'w=2/3T 0 1 = 1.250 FIG. XIV45(矗) - ATTACHMENT OF BAR STAYS FIG. 汩V46也)-A宫τACHM在NT OFBAR STAYS lndian Boiler Regu1ations 226 GIRDERS MAY BE SHAPEDTOEI古妞R 岱也 FULLORDσITEDLIN部 AS 贷:lOWNABOVE FIG. XIU挝…宝"YPICAL ME"罚去ODSOFm丁ING WELDEDG黯NDERS TO WELDED COMBUSnON CHAMBERS AND FIRE BOXES - J 俑-俐, 崎h…→喃喃唰唰帽嗣回闺-- FIG. 民β00 X.X WELDP汉EPA队τ10赂 ATX.X FIG. )(军部主…东USIONW军.LDEDOVAL-MANHOLE FRAME XIU捕· FIG. XIUS3 如LLTALEHOL军飞 飞 G照D服 MAY 自嚣 i CA武汉窍。 OV版 1 往王主翻蹄。'F 叩+ 11 ~~I 兮海~ COMBUSIlON 。王AM黯巢军 OFFI襄黯极3χ ALT底赋NA:饥VE 民3织GIf',在3 MAD翠lN HALV黯A:ND FUSIONW在LDBD ALONG 、 叮叮呵呵 呵呵那 -titVX FIG. XIU4.,. .一-← ~ul i FIG. XIUS4 F 〉斗 「 卜 飞 t...l FIG. XIU49" G怨DERMAYBE 1 CAR京貌。 OV黯R 1 n毯踹DSOP 1/2H唔.MlN TM NOτLESSτHAN3/2IN '-1 COM鼠JSTIOf峰、、 CHAMB础 i 崛 册 FIRE瞅 i 飞 .. 、 TM =7/8TE 如IIN 3/4 IN. FIG. XIUSO" ·τ"YPICAL MBTHODS OF 霄罚刀唔GWELDEDG浪阴DERSTO WELDEDCO勘OUSττONO王A报BERSAND 臼REBOXES 卡我叫: FlG. 沮防军… WELDING w=叭fIDTH OFOP.军战NG IND唔CHESM豆A织成ED ON MINOR AXIS DETAIL FOR MANHOLE IN FLAT END PLATE lnd统n Boiler Regulations 227 THELASTT苦部EADτ'OBE 巢军MOV在D&: A 民AD民;军民)RM嚣。 ATTHE ]UCTION FIG. Xl V51- TYPICAL MILD STE意L DlSTANC就 PIECE FOR MOUNTINGS FIG. XlVS6 1. τEN5ILET旅恋TFORSEAM. 2. IMPACTTE5TOUτ'ER SURFACE OF PLATE. 2a &: 2b. IMPACτ 汉E习'ESTOUτ'ERSURFACE OF PLATE. 3. IMPACTT部T INNER 5URFACE OF PLAl瓦 3a &: 3b IMPACτ 汉E偷.TEST INNER SURFACE OF PLATE. ALTERNATIVE POSITION5 FOR 3, 3a,在b 4. TEN5ILE TEST FOR ALL品TELD幡METAL. 5. NORMAL BEND 四ST-Ol月聪 5URFACE IN TEN5ION. 6. 础VE路.EBENDT巨:ST-INNE汉 SU这FACE 7. MICRO AND MACRO 1军STS IN TENSION. FlG. XIVS8 - DETAILS OF TEST PLATES FOR 协JSPEcrORS MA民KS nnSPORTION 汉ETAIN嚣。 1. τ'EN5ILE TEST FOR 5EAM. IMPACT TEST OUTER 5URFACE OF PLATE. 2a &: 2b. IMPACT RE-四ST OUτ'ER 5URFACE OF 2. FOR 民)551反革 RET自将 PLAl毛 3矗 3a&:3b IMPACT TEST INNER 5U汉FACE OF PLATE. IMPACτR弘TEST INNER SURFACE OF PLAT也 4. 5P窑CIM在N52 5. &:5 N。这MALBENDT孩盯· OUT在这 5U民FACEIN 10M.M. W1DE 11 /2 IN. WIDE 1宦NSION. ee押)D i TEN5ILET览ST 贝JRALL WELD-M宣TAL. curs NOT MORE τHAN5 M.M. 1..".::: 11 盘今酬l G> $$φ L II~~II HI IIH 6 7. ALTERNATIVE POSITIONS 以)R3. 蚀与协 FIG. XIVS9 REVERSE BENDτ'ESTINNER 5URFACE IN TENSION. 如ßCRO AND MACRO TESTS lndútn Boiler Re伊tlations 228 察在 只泣。蜒 H握 .军悔。然溢ZMυ 自〈£ az〈 -z RADIUS1(凡 OFT (THlCKN黯59 i--\ 1-跚跚5黯翩翩唰j 口 ~.1 18" m-:l …「 114m. 一」 A … NO.汉MALB在NDS拥口MENC 。… 刷 一 α 口口 配一那一础 FIG. XlII.槌… REDUCED SECfION TENSILE SPECIMEN IN A THICK PLATE s 。… …阴 晴……山川 叮?iL剖 SPECIMENIB -1 OF THE SPEClMEN) …? a巳J --L p' 与JfJ OUTER SURPACE 。 NORMALI极ND l~m . .....1....- 7S M .M. 叩?一 翩翩翩翩胸-翩翩翩翩 75M.M. REVE法SEBEND •--i 工口 ←…斗\ 1~m. INNER SURFACE P '~.1 r,: m1 .....1....- cur SINGLE PI草C草 OFPLATE C 但 SPE口M除-l C IMM M.M.RAD ENLARGEDV黯WOFNOTCH SPECIMENS (:Z)/AND (3) IMPACf TEST FIG. XlII6:Z -1Z0D IMPACf TEST PlECES / 口 • 5.2t do • CO汉NERSROUt司DEDτORADIUS, NOτEXCEEDING 10ρ%SI可BCIMENMOUNτ'ED FIG. Xl II63 - TENSILE TEST ALL WELD METAL 到 G. XlIIM Indian Boiler Regulations 229 i 4. NICK BREAK TEST 琶飞 'a B旦NDT黯T-OUτ'ER 、毡,, TEST FOR W军LDEDSEAM SURFACE OF 宵惚W'ELDINT黯SION. 3. BEND τEST - FOR INNER SU民FAC总 Lτ艺NSILE 2. o: e e+2max. FlG. Xl U65 - DETAILS OF TEST P也AT臼 {·1-1} LOF B汉ANCH e i -ai ,,‘、 、.,, ZZZAREA AVAILABLEmc阳阳NSAT10N 创 EACHSIDE (a+b) NOTCREAT富:RTHAN4" FIG. XIU66 COMPENSATION FOR BRANCH (iv) W瞌 t FIG.xm的- + 1/8IN. TUBES TO BE LIGHTLY EXPANDED INTO τHEP比Aτ絮 B雀FORE WELDING Al1 dimensions are in millimetres FIG. XIU67A 蛐- TYPICAL ATTACHM也NTOF PLAINTUB蓝S Indian 230 B创始, Regulati<仿lS η喃沁.be 创始sshould 1f the end 01 伽e 钱必e belightlye筑par晦d pr吟~tsbey.但也dthe we泊,加 pr咐ding to 忍l 队e 如d锢 por娼on, wben 1.5t Wt 制F帽ed to radiant heat, should be remO'ied d知rwelc呈ing. 军 W时 注Ùl prep部篇幅 onis pre知rredwhe碍 雄奇由ei革 adan在erol bum肌事也rougl、 thetubew必 due to its 量翻mess FlG. XlV68 … TUBES TO BE LlGHTLY 蓝χPANDED INτo THE PLATE BEFOREWELDING 泪1I 69/A/ 1I XlI I扮/A/I e+ 主 贺嗨 ends of 伽e tubes to军事伽帘 with the re肌阳cing 能let welds may 民 remov创 flu必 with 似esurfac窜。t 伽eplate, b以扭曲is 领捕 caremust 被切k剧 毒白白'I8ure 也at 岱践叙'I8ionW 叫嚣in.ism必ntained. η晦 tu加制畸sshould If the end 01 创i 岳飞ehol.幌 wheßex瞅隅ãtô radiani h创:.1郎ôuld 协 Z臼noved Wt {i ‘,, the 沁be U骂战$2351百r b的增飞越y 回par略edω 必始rwelding. 300_ 黯/ωn 、莓,, 'a‘、 ii T彼:Ie wal1血脉neìs t> S mm (1/8 inch.) WeId必zeW> tbut 2:, 5mm (S/1导 inch.) 币1摩 min阳.umdistanω 汩棚eentube串串 2.5 t or 9 mm (5 /1 6 inch.) which ev,衍 is 栩晶er. It r拙yben成幽sary tod勾刷it the weld in twQ runs to ensure 矗峭,t joint if 仰。伊始ting ∞ndi岳。础 are ∞ero憾· FIG. XlV.的 阳嗣 c。如岛街NCE. 11 勘纽NTOF CURVATU汉E 乒…一 B邸ATHII岖 W SPACE FLATPLATE MA议:;]N VARlOUS METHO出 OFATTAO部.tENT O苦 军ND PLATES TO SH蓝LL AND FURNACE ADdimen疏忽嗡缸窜 inm泌黯剿草莓 (iv) 归G.XII必8A… TYPICALA'γrACI王MENT OFSTAYTUBES 但G. XI1I70 - TYPICAL AR民ANGEMENT OF END PLATES ON LANCASI型IRE BOILERS jsaE 霞在 gaw:"Eh28Ea 晕。也罢官M』 H坠 主§百篇 uo-§ m 喃喃斜阳布告H 忍 苟 明, 举幅古6· 出 "g 卖忽A.血 dggup 间h wd.2 盖层嗡事豆昌、亘古品 S·g 83 民豆段很喜怒 g 窑 ah 量俗易苍白嘉豆革繁星写在每磊主 -gzm伍军 a 树 3.恒 AEEG-N ·建爸 gwO由gh制MHa 当程营部窃 -MH ag-hg"ez£星 32 蜡hans喃握 20暴 hA 军 gn岖'指 -ad州 , h阳军军SE 望 mm-aau将 482SSHESP 冒H 怒 8 咽s ZRa g·m 串· -gza 暴旧 222HStEad d时幡awo始每霞咽菌战第MM-h -副 m岳'每蕾"货呈阳军@主嘉 -a·m· 唱 482警告LFh 宫g 』F军帽蜀繁mgg 掠SS· 瑞·倡" 言告 ZS 幽 ·一制裁注 ha 堂吃 "ssogZE-ad· β草 嘈 ·怨怨5 沁棚。』崽E 然Shas- 响 甜甜蟹 尊 zam 吃 S 曹 SS 5 弘E32· 嚣 -N 京 必骂、警§og 宰毫毛岛附 A ess 也宫回南a -OE S$20口· ·〈 dp。""2HZ 削〉间。 "υ〈aaoz 问 m" mL〈 Fm侃 mp 。Mmaz 军" 宠。 υ剥阪削剖 〈黯\ 飞d .-晴 a"缸'鄙 h〉 Hm 响经dRM施 m。"如,三辆 mg 忌革 g 运美国 HMM画 MH 醋。品 n翩翩能悔。在 定记晏砾。扭曲 Hd 吨 US 回路毫去 agog-z6υodM52 远也 -JS -Hd 自 Eb" 在 ZZOMCun。""阳"自险。如 Z刻萃"。法〈刽篱,i飞壁、MRdE Z索出 υ〈hh2000芦口素后 〈dpg 扣FS 黯 zogh 〈£ g黯旦 H30唱、建axs良 2ssmu E2Ezt gZ 画层 由嚣mhh〈弘 azzohzω282驾2 dSEPiszo FaFFShSZMS SMZap』 亨题 28428 嚣 92 荡 -S甜苦创 贱doag 皿草草 N 麟w 削KF凶"他。 O翩凶24"胁时窍翩 M翩 m 捕击时mdM翩 SC 黠喜民 gu4告。慰自制自由剧 崎恙恕"司 法 瞥陆段苟言问 程。 Mt R i; 233 IndÚl n Boiler Rl伊栩栩草 x LI 飞 SEC1l0N AA 'V'NOTLE部 τHAN 60" ALL WELDED GU部盯 STAY FlG. FIG. A. XW81 一 TYPICAL DETAILS FOR ALL WEI二DE。 GUSSETSTAY TN E建G.B. 施NIMUM WELD 1HIαNESSWHB阳 PLAl宫附仪N臼叫 IS L邸1HAN l.S 飞 ~匀'NOTLESSτHAN 6()0 WELDEDANDP剧NED.GU部盯 STAY NOTE: 在IE TYPES 剖 'A' AND 'B' ARE ONLY PERMITI嘘。 wl也院在西 ELECTROD黯 AND 四,CHNIQUE TO BE U槌DHAVEBE阳蜂王OWNBYS柑'ARA指LYPR应PARED 持平 TPSτSPECIMENS TO GIVE FULL PENETRAτ10N WI1贺 SOUNDW黯LDMETALTI瓷缸IOTOP 亚也 GROOVES. 组CTIC部部 韵G.XW提一 TYPICALD盯AILS FOR WELDED AND PINNED GUSS宫rSTAY 民G. XI晦毒… MINIMUM WELD A'γrACHMENT FOR STAND.PlPES UP TO AND INCLUDING 51N. BORE NOTREQUI汉ING COMPENSATING PLATES NBT CItOSS SICTI。 NALAR融 T警部OOOH PINHOL嚣1O BENOT U!SS THANM剖勘民JM FlG. XIII83 -TYPICALDETAILSFORDIAGONALSTAYS (CHA黯 L岱ÆSINDICAT部 STAY WlTH MUL在PLELn峨到 FIG噩 XII/85 位} 运且二 J ZOSH叶以$5 g自 a FH幡阳帽部段 022 S 皇皇皇军 &-e zg 皿 mHM 舅舅 肆"后,,曰踉­ 抽 FaMgM P-MSMBS 『主$3白。自由『需哇』旦民 m "-MHW锁 S国ω 制 F· 帮 "§M Wa貌。 wquw 田m 面 @ 嚣。·× mhgAO 商自己提运转器黯泸 ig 川军累 C笃 wua鸡 骂 MZMw 、 F mZnzg角已丐 咽'由吉E 野pb 唱ZSMqEa$095 嚣PMW 密器裁军军幡吨 叮mmCSEZcn。军咱mzmwkr=z 芦cKEmm 剧。"mZQM KFn累 m-wzd咽 -。 m浏 w阳司〉 ZOMVMEM 〈M W刷 O阳钢 K叫 F M 刷 笃 mMIU叶 a、 w器 hw滔嚣束。 嚣。·出运果〉怡、据削 这 zgczzso 建安街 切自盼到〉 ZSF EPZ』 hH zo·出 $8lω N E @:EMMS 235 lndían Boiler ReguÚl tions TN Tc Consider硝∞ maybe to this detaU as the required FlG.A d泣阴阳ions NOTE: 在.. 10 如银N. L 徽e3 BtJr NOTL在路 THAN6 ALLD阳在NSION ARE IN MILUME11法S FIG. XIV8SF. SET IN BRANCHES W盯在 ADDED COMPENSATION IUNGS FlG. B FIG. XlV88 - MINIMUM WELD A1TACHM军NTS 萝OR STAND.PIP藏S UPTO AND INCLUDING 5" BORE R雾QUIRING COMPENSATlON PLATES WELD A1TACHMENT FOR STAND PIPES OVER 51N. BORE REQUIRING COMPENSATlON PLATES FIG. 泪脆6 … MINIMUM 100 MAX 、 T榷 m+一 ALLOWANC嚣 TOBE.MADE FORP的AUI队CH削昏暗 AFr阻 WELD剧G n混 PLANGE 部IALL'NOf 岱也 MA组MUM BE A nCHT m ON TOη王EPIPE. CLEARANCE BE1W忘剧 η耀自O魁 OF η妞 盹ANC应 AND 岱嚣。白宫扭曲 D1AMETE.R OFη辍即'ESHALL B怠 1局的. AT ANY POINT ANDl回 SUMOPη部 CL队RANC嚣 FIG. X1VS7 - MINIMUM WELD A1TACHMENt‘民陈 STAND PIPES OVER 51N. BORE REQUlRlNG COMPENSATlON PLATES 。'!AME'四R1CALLY OPP<茄π'E SHALL Nor EXCEED 3月 6 剖. FIG. XlV棉一 WELDED ON GLANGE Indian Boiler Regulatii倒S 236 回应 TYPE 础。队时 IN FIG 四ICKNE部黯XCEEDS% XIII坦 TOB览 U锦DWHENSHELL IN. FlG. XlII92 Fig. A Nατ1总部 η认N STUD DIA..& '--=… 如ctionatX …「 g (矗)Un吨uaJbranch →十←Fig. -B幽 FIG. XI胁。一 PADS WELDED ON FOR STUDS THE TYP意 SHOWIN IN FlG XII/91 SHALLL NOT BE USED SHELL EXCEEDS :W IN. W}如REτ到ICKN富SSOFηiE FIG. XlII91 FlG. XlII93 …TYPICAL PREPARATlON AND ASSEMBLY OF SET ON Rl GHT ANGLE BRANCHESWπHOUT BACKING F …W 范 WMM • - C 翻黯e 德 1串户 13.9 11.1 1蛊矗 17矗 万 22.1 12.5 13.8 15.2 16.5 2U 17;啻 1曹.曹 FIG.A-FOX τYPE PURNACES (115 CORRUGATION AND 30 MM DEPTH) I.C '"UHHU nnnnn 111m'衷 10' _, . F _'.10' 31.9 35.7 17.9 3曹晶 19.矗 u6 .,... 21.4 lt.2嚣 52.1 15后悦,矗 16.2墨垂1.2 17忽 毒品e ALLDIM部SIONSA巢军 INMIWMETE黯 18.2革 E苦旅 71.0 事6.2 貌级 事1.6 2U5' 87.3 FIG. B - FOX 1YPE PU浪NACES(1部 MMCORRUGA'τIONAND 掬 MM DEPTH) AND CROSS SECTlONAL AREA F (Cçntd.).... 刊G. XIV'钝 -SECONDMOM翠NTSO曹 AREA 10' I晶.1 23. 1 24.9 拢,毒 21.4 3o.t 31.喜 33.6 35.3 37.1 237 Indian Boiler Regulations e-C F mm' x 10' 篇回‘骂 1 0' 誓.25 1在品5 37.7 11.25 12.25 13.25 14.25 46.8 51.5 56.3 1呈25 16.25 17.25 18.25 FIG. C - FOX TYPE FURNACES (150 MM CORRUGA'在ON AND 41 MM DEPTH) 16.5 18.3 20.1 21.9 23.6 毒2.2 主革@ 品1 .3 毒品囔 I凯25 71.8 77‘ S 83.0 88.9 20.25 21.25 苦5.0 101.毒 27.2 29.0 30.8 32.6 34.3 36.1 37:曹 e-C 9.25 目G.D … MORR览。NTYPE 凯JRNAC军S (21 ∞ MM CORRUGATION AND 38 MM DEPTH) F mm' 双 10' mm'" 10' 20.2 22.4 3串晶 1阻挡 43.2 11.25 12. 25 13.25 14.25 15.25 16.25 17.25 18.25 、 47.8 24.矗 52.6 57.5 纱.0 19挡 2费.25 90.6 96.8 21总 1∞3 37.8 40.0 42.1 44.3 46.5 mm'" 10' mm'" 10' 主基S 31.2 33.4 62 岳 67.8 73.2 78.8 35φ6 84.岳 e-C 9.25 10.25 11.25 12.25 13.2革 14必 15.25 16彷 FIG. 军一 MORRISON TYPE FURNAC囚。∞ MM CO民RUGA'丁ION AND 41 MM DEPTH) 17.25 18.25 19.25 却 25 21.25 F 45.6 20.5 22.7 25.0 27.2 29.4 约.9 哥哥.3 毒1.8 67.5 73.3 79.3 31晶 33.8 36.1 38.3 40.5 42.7 44.9 事5.5 91 晶 98.唾 105.2 112.2 119.5 47.主 e-C 缸 25 10.25 11.25 12. 25 13.25 H.25 15.25 16.25 17.必 FIG. F … FOX TYPE FURNACES (150 MM CORRUGATION AND 50 MM DEPTH) 18.25 19.25 主0.25 主1.在5 F mm'" 10' mm等 "1伊 35.岳 16.矗 37.7 39.6 41.2 • 42.7 44.1 45.3 46.4 47.4 48.3 49 .2 50.1 51.0 18.0 19.6 21.2 22.8 24.毒 25.啻 27.4 也9 30.4 31.9 33.3 饵,串 e- C 事'.2革 10.25 11.25 12.25 13.25 14.25 15.25 FIG. G - FOX TYPE FURNACES (21∞ MM CORRUGATION AND 75 MM DEPTH). ALLDIM在NSIONS ARE lN MlLl必信TERS F mm'" 10' 113298阳49 147.7 155.9 23.3 主5.7 军罄阜 1垂3.5 主0.4 施暴 170.5 177.0 34.9 37.1 1ι25 1ω.0 17.25 l8.25 188.5 E誓.25 198.4 202.8 206.9 20.25 21.25 辄晕 mm'" 10' 195.晶 罩" 41 .5 43.7 45.8 48.0 剿,。 FIG. XlII9毒- SECOND MOMENTS OF AREA ANP CROSS SECTlONAL AREA F (ωncluded) lndian Boiler Regulations 238 L e-C tnm'" 10' 82 民38 -1.... 必ω R.381 \平卫 啻.25 1;曹 10.25 11.25 12.25 13.25 14.25 15.25 16.25 17.25 18.25 19.25 20.25 21.25 2.11 2.32 2.53 2.74 2.96 3.18 3.40 3.62 3.85 4.08 4.31 4.55 140 FIG.A 飞泸 ~---"晴--世 --矗~--恤,惜剿..-..~ e-C mm‘ "10' R.44 -l I f 11 飞 9.25 10.25 11.25 12.25 13.25 14.25 15.25 16.25 17.25 18.25 19.25 20.25 21.25 J- R.44 167 1.3 1.44 1.59 1.74 1.90 2.04 2.2 2.36 2.52 2.68 2.84 3.01 3.18 FIG. B L e-C mm')(I O" 9.25 10.25 11.25 12.25 13怒 ω\ 才=\ . ~ 工二 w ~ e -c butnot le辅 than 13 FIG.C ALL DIMENSlm唱5 ARE IN MILLlM寂fE鼠S FIG. XIU95 1.1磕 1.28 1.41 1.55 1.7 14.2革 1.8岳 15.25 16.25 17.25 18.25 19.25 20.25 21.25 2.04 2.22 2.41 2.6 2.8 3.01 3.22 239 Indian Boiler Regulations APPENDIXA (MODIF1ED) 0盯:AILS l-p INCLU5IVE A阻 5UITABLE FOR MANUAL cWELDING AND NORMAL AUTOMAτlC WELDING WHERE 1HE AUTOMA刀C DEEPP读NETRATIONτECHNIQUE 15 EMPLOY览。', 50MB MODIFICAηONMAY 黯COMMEtjDED FQ勘.fS OFW也DP胆P础ATION 盹 NECE部ARY SINGLE J BlJIT WELD WELDDEτAlL WELDING 布ßCI<NESS GAP ANGLE 民ADlUS 民万mON T G α。 r ROOT FACER IN. 剧. 加. 时. OVERlh t如:18 3/163/8 1116118 WELD孙lG τHICKN双边 民)sπ10N T GAP G IN. IN. OVER 1 0-18 回国民 民AL附 F跳OM 阪)TH 领DFSOR 10". U m DOUBLEJ BlJIT WELD WELDDETAlL WELDED E阪)M 弱。rH 51防部 nS剧GLE 唱岳 以35AπLILONS WELD军D SIDFSOR ONESIDE ONLY 及ADIUS 辑。 r IFACE 反 民 的. 10"- 3/16μ 2íI' 3/8 1/161/8 BEVEL BlJIT WELD WELDDETAlL FROM 阪)1苦苦 ROOT ANGLE 同居 WELD恐.JG n这CI<NESS GAP ANGLE 民)s町lON Y G 蠕。 民 11'喝. 主116-3月 118-8/16 ALL POSmONS ROOT FACER 黯. 45". 0-1116 筑F OV疏R 3/16- 很队 3/8 5/16 法F WELDING τ'HICI<NESS GAP ANGLE 民OOT 民药mON T G 螺。 FACER IN. 别. 。.VERlh 主116511岳 0-1/16 I p DOUBLE BEVEL BlJIT W矶。 WELDDETAlL W乱。!ED FROM B<刀苦苦 SIDFS 国合 ALL 只万moNS 剖. 必执黑F 。1 /1岳 THE USE OF MIN. GAP AND MN. ANGLE SHOULD BE ASSOCIATED WITH THE MAX. RADIUS OF 3/8 1N. CONVERSELY THE MAX. GAP AND MAX. ANGLE SHOULD BE ASSOCIATED WITH THE 挝IN. RADIUS r OF 3/16 的. 挠。 Indian 勘胁rR愣'u刷刷S CHAPTER 泪11 QUALIFlCATION T军STSF。这 WELDERS IN WELDING OF BOIL案RSAND 主NGAG主D STEAM.PIP主SU挺D嚣RCONSτ'RUCTION, EREC口ON AND FABRlCATIO挝 ATsn古 IN INDIA AND IN REPAIRING BOILERS AND STEAM.PIP院SBYWELDING 创2. Scope- These regu1ations sha)l apply to testing of weldersengaged in.the manufacture å.nd site welding connected wi血 er配tion and fabrication and repair of bo挂ers and steam-pipes of ferrous ma惚ria1. 603. Def始ition- In出s pe黯愣1 chapter ",Welder"meansa engaged in manua1 welding 始部 or elec忧ic). 倒也 Engaging of Certified Welders… Nowelde.主运lall be 础.gaged ∞ welding of boilers or 翻翻1嗣pipesunder C瑞丽位uction, (b) Re.va1idation of Certificate…百\e c挝咄咄协 may beext,叙喝础 from 位neto 位meforap甜。dnot 咄咄叫放慧 twenty-four mon也s at a 注me on cOJlY)!etio貌。,f a φre哇ua1ifica馁。n of test (see Re事过atioí川610) 始 /)th怠 sa始sfaction of the C假,pe始nt Authori号。In c时加 welder is employed in another S怯铃声也e 位meof revalidation of a certificate, he may appear for a requa1迁ic硝∞ test before the Compet创tAu出ority of 仕\at State for ext,创略,ion of his certificate. (c) Notwi队stand拙.gany白如gcon削hed ind阳蜘s and (b) above, a weld目 shallappe臼 forareψa1ification test ∞'nsequent upon any of the following ωnditiOJ;1S, name1y: (i) An omis必∞ of ba面ng s回P in arc weldi吨 S始事le we1ded butt joint or 由.e addition of 位黯 backing s放全P in gas welding. (ü) A change in class of elec泣。de(C础知。只破 A廷。y 到相号, erection .or fabrication at site orin 出e rep础。.f boilers orsteam唰'pipeSí~创shep臼sess臼 a 但i)Achan~伊拉thella盟-IIleta1 j协í be.welded. certificate 甜 required under 出e Re制lations hereina如r 。v) contained. 605. Initial Qualification Test and ISsue of Certifica恰… Every welder sha1l.be duly 恒sted and qualified 抽出e satisfaction of 趴eCompe阳性 Au也ority who 由a1l 栩栩 his performan佣 for 喂榻岛市ingfor 岳飞e ce撒在cate. The Competent Au啦。rity may,也经reafter, 梅uea 岱磁ficate in 也eFormX黯 indica出g 维也 d部S and 守pe of welding in which he h黯喽疏远街d. 6OSA. Issue of Duplîcate Certificate…前In c部e of loss of a certifica能 issued to a welder in Form XIII a duplicate cer甜.cate may be issued by 出e Competent Authority who issued the original cer位ficate provided that 白.e Competent Authority is satis自.ed with the 伊luineness of 由.eca盹 {运) Fee for issue of dup1icate ce川出.cate sha11 be Rs.25.∞ 巍地玩。duction of C毒撼fica协叩霄毒e holder of such be bound to produce it when ca1led upon to do by the Inspec位\g Au也ority,坠spec由19 ce必fic挝e 也a1l om出ror Ins严ctor, as 血.ec描G 双\aybe. ω7. (a) Validity of Certificate… Ace副班创始 issued 怡 a welder under 也e阻 regu1ations shall remain valid for a m.a:ximum period of twenty-four mon也s from the date of issue, provided that the holder thereof has, subsequent 抽出e test, been employed wi白 reasonable continuity ∞也.edassand 吵pe of work for which he is qualified. (a) If du巾鸣曲e preceding 由ree mOI由s or more 也e welder has not been engaged in welding of the 吵pe ~rcl础s for whichhe is qualliied. (v) If there i导 some specific reason to ques悦。n 白e welder' 5tab也.ty. (vi) A change from one w~lding process to any 0由!!r process. 机i) A change from directcurrent to altema位咯 current, and vice versa. ?峰就e: However, a welde}' qualified for 革钞pe 辜负d proc,酬。f higher grade of s栅lcan be 辑 llowed to weld the lower grade of st幌t Age and experience- A candida始 whowishes 始 for.a certificate under 阳部 Regl且lations sha1l not be less than eighteen years of age and sha1l have undergone a regular apprentièeship of two years 恤 Industrial Training Institutes or an industrial organisation followed by at least one year re阴lar 0卧 job experience as a welder in a Workshop 01. indus位y. 6倒. 伊alliy 咆09. T辅ts Qualification of a welder-翩翩 A weld盯 sha11 be re哇啦red 始拟将,werque撼。nson 也.e following su均创始, ora1ly or othen年始争吵 1. El斜拉ic Welder-… (i) Weld p距para忌。n (均Elementary knowledge of the wor.恼\g of welding equipment. (A) for Ini拔al Theoretical 嚣鸡血ination- welded test piece for the examination of welders shal1 be stamped with an identification mark on eithet:' "Not船… Every sideof 也.eweld. Indìan Boiler RegullltioJl s 241 (iii) Properties of material to be welded- cold and hot working, thermal conductivity, fusion point, oxidation (for welders engaged in alloy steel welding) ‘ (iv) Elementary knowledge of electro-technical principles,-kinds of current, striking arc voltage, welding-arc voltage. (v) Welding defects and their preventioninfluence of length of electric arc, effects of excessive or too low amperage, slag indusio础, porosìty finishing the. surface of welding bead. (vi) Ele础。des for different types of welds steels and jo讪ts in different positions. (2) Horízqntal Posìtion XII /7一 Plate in a vertical plane with the axis of the weld horizontal. (3) Vertical Position XII/8一- Plate in a vertical plan with the weld metal deposited from underneath. Qualification in position XlII/7 or XIII/8 shall qualify also for positions XIII/6, XIII /7 and XIII/8 also. æ?d 2. Gas Welder.一 (i) 飞I\Teld (1) Flat positiα"1 XIII/ 6- Plate in a / horizontal plan想 with the weld metal deposited from above. preparation. of welding equipment. (iii) Elementary knowledge of properties of materials to be wεlded一叫cold and hot working, thermal conductivity, fusion point , oxidation (for welders engaged in alloy steel welding). (iv) Elementary knowledge of fuel gas and flame adjustments for favourable welding condition. (ii) 哨。rking (v) Kinds of welds, welding defects and their prevention, welding technique (right-ward and left-ward), welding with two torces on vertical surface , excess /of gas or oxidation, preheating of base material and subsequcnt heat treatn飞ent. (vi) Filler metals. (ii) One fillet welded joint over a length of 381mm. (15 inches) using plates of less than 16 mm. (5 月 inches) in the following positions:一 川ot (1) Flat PO剑拔on xm/ 10- Plates so placed that the weld is depo啤 sitεd with its axis horizontal and its throat vertícal. 。) (3) Vertical Position XIII/12一 Platesso placed that weld is deposíted with its axis vertical. 向 Overhead Positiol1 XIII/13一 Plates so placed that the weld is dep ,?sited with its axis horizontal on the under side of the horizontal surface and against the vertical surface. (B) A welder 5hall bεrequired to undergo and pass the following practical tests. 1. Material for Tests- The material of plates, tubes 孔, pipes and electrodes used for the5e tests $由 hallc ∞ onf 证fo 时rmt怡 othe 陀 re 吨 qu 凶ir阳 eme 邵 时t怡 n 5 of appropriate E武之怡 鸣 e 斟ulatio主115 as may be applicable 挝 g in each ca 挝se 巳. .2. Test Welds for Initial Qualification (Eledric or Qualification in po革itio115 XU/ . 口, or XIII/12 shall qualify for position XIII/ lO. Gas):一 (a) Plate Welding一 (i) One groove welded joint of two pieces of plates with double Vee of Double U grooves on boiler quality plates .)V er a length of 300 mm in the following positions (size of plates to be welded being not less thar 299 mm x 381 mm x 16 mm (9 x 15 x 5/8" each)一 Horizontal Position XII/11一 Plates so placed that the weld is deposited with its axis hori庸 zontal on the upper side of the horizontal surface and against the vertical surface. Qualification in position xm/ 12 sha11 qua 1ify for position XIII/10, XIII/11 and XIII/12. (b) For Pipe Welding-喘 (1). 011e test on groove weld joint for each of the following welding positio115 :一 (i) Horizontal Ro l1 ed- Pipe wlth its axis horizontal and rolled lndian Boiler Re俨lations 242 during welding 50 出attheweld metal is deposited from above with the axis of the weld horizontal. (ii) Horizon主al Tumed- Pipe with i怡时$阳市∞ta1 the upper half welded 虱础,位\e pipe then being tumed 血rough 180 degree and the other half then welded. (iii) Verlical Fixed- One test of groove welded j。如t with the axis of the pipe in a vertical position and the seam welded cirαlII'Iferentially in a ho出ontal position. (iv) . Horizontal Fixed- 仅\e test of groove welded j。如twi自由e axis of the pipe in a horizonta1 position~and 也.e seam← welded wi也out rota位\g 出e inches). 在\e main welding is. to be carried from the undetside only. (b) Tube Welding(i) A gr∞ve welded joint with the axis of the pipe in a horizontal position and without rotatir唱出.e pipe. (ii)α\e weld of a branch to a pi肘, as prescribed in Re伊lation 609. (c) Tube Welding- A butt welded Joint of two pieces boiler tubes with the axis in a vertical positi∞, and tubes of same si恕 fixedina吗oining positions. This test shall be in addition to the test for pipe ,welding under dause 刷. (d) When a welder is continuously engaged on production weld, test on the working ac如al production to satisfaction of the Competent Authority may be accepted as an altemative 协 鼠e tests.p把scribed as above 叩牛rda白白ωf (b) and (c). pipe. Qualification in posi钱。ns(总) or (iii) shall qualify also for position (i) qualification' in position (iv) shal1 qualify for posi位on (i) or (ii). (2) One Weld of a branch to a pipe. τ'he síze of pipe to be welded shall be not less 出an 127 mm. (5 inches) in extemaldiameter and 10 mm. (3/8 inch) thick, and a branch pipe shall notbel.础S 也矶的mm. (3-1/2 inches) outside diameter and 6 mm. (1/4 611. Examination of Tes主 Specimens for Initial Qualification Tests一 (a) GrooveWelded Plate Specimen嘉-TheGr∞,ve welded plate specimens a他r welding may be lightly pr础sed cold to remove any distortion due to welding. The test speci黯en shall be s挝咀arly treated as required for actua1 produc段。nweld. After visual examination,注\e welded specimen shall be subjected 号。 radiographic examinati∞ inth时nanner as provided in Regulation 265 (b), provided 也at this re气uirement may be waived when the welder is to be engaged on production work where radiographic examination is not required under 出部e Regulati倪将· inch) 出ick. (c) For Tube Welding- A butt welded jo泣\t oftwo pieces of boiler 蚀bes with the axis in a vertical p臼ition and 始bes of same size fixed in adjoining posi位ons. 白让s test shall be in addition to 也e test for pipe welding under dause (b). 610. Tests for Requalification- At a requalification test a welder need not be examined in theoretical subjects, but he shall be requ让ed to qualify in the following practica1 tests : (a) Plate Welding.… Agr∞'ve welded joint of two pieces of plates not less 也an 16 mm. (5/8 inch) 由ick over a length of 152 mm, (6 inches) in a position 45 degree to vertical, sÌ2:e of plates to be welded being 229 mm. x 152 mm. (9 inches x 6 Thereafter test pieces shall be marked and cut out in the order shown in Fi思主re XIII/l. 在\e bend test specimens (B 1 &句 shall be prepared and tested as per R怠gulations 261 & 262. In也e case of alloy steel specimen, the angle of the bend is to be decided by the ∞mpetent authority, provided that the angle sha毡, in no case, be less than 1200 • Two each specimens (E1 & E1) shall be prep缸础, one for rnicro and the other for macro examination as per Regula泣。n 265 (玛. (b) Fi11et Welded Plate Specimens- To dimensions andpre归ration , of the fi11et-weld test spec回.en shall conform to Fi伊re 骂II /2. Thè test spec凶en shall not contain any visible cracks. lt shall be cut transver蹄lyto lndian Boiler Regulations 243 provide a centre section (254 rnm.) (10 inch) long and two end sectíonseach approximately (22 rnm) (1 inch) long. τhe steam of the (254 rnm) (10 inch) centre section shall be loaded laterally in such a way that ili,e root of the weld is in tension. The load shall besteadily increased until the spec阳.en fractures or bends flat upon itself. In order to pass 出e test(1) The spedmenshall not fractu肥, or (2) If it fractures, the fractured surface shall show no evidence of cracks or incomplete root penetration, and the sum ofthe len吝 ths of indusions and gas pockets visible on the fractured surface shall not exceed(51mm.)(2 inch). The cut end of one of 生he end sections shall be políshed and etched wi出 a suitable reagent to give a dear definitíon of the structure of the weld. In order to pass the test(i) Visual examination of the cr.拥护section of the weld shall 钱。w complete fusion at the root and freedom from cracks. (ii) The weld shall not have a concavity or convexity greater than (1.6 rnm) (1/16 inch); and (i泣)ηlere shall be not more .than (1.6 rnm) (1/ 16 inch) difference in 也e lengths of the legs of the fille t. (c) Groove and Fillet Welded Pipe and Tube Specimens- The groove welded pipe and tubes spec挝lens shall be marked and test pjeces cut out as in Figure XIII/3. The test pieces shall be prepared for face bend, root bend and etch tes t. The pipes shall not be flatteneð , but tested in their curved conditíons. The penetration bead may be removed to 0.8 rnm. (1/ 32") proud of the surface of 出e material. Fi11et welded branches shall be tested for : (i) Visual Examination- The test weld so obtained shal1 be visually examined for root penetration, freedom from undercut, disposition of runs, uniformity of surface, shape of profile, sm∞校1ness of join仁 freedom from cavitíes and slag, dimensiòns of weld deposit, quality of weld metal (overheating, surface cracks, spongy surface, etc.). Any piece showing serious defect shall be rejected. (ii) Macro Examination-- Each branch weld test piece shall be sawnas shown in Figure XIII/4 and each portion so produced shal1 be prepared and etched. The sections shall then be examined for degree of fusion, degree of root penetration, absence of non-metallic (slag) indusions and 平lality of weld meta1.咀le joint should show good root fusion, complete freedom from basal cracking, and the absence of any butt ve巧rminor defects. (d) Welded Tube Join始-A testleng出叩prox加lately 203 rnm long shall be cut from the tube with the welded joint disposed approx挝lately atthe centre. After visual examination, one test piece not 己xceeding 13 rnm, for tubes 6π郎. in thickness and below and thrice the thickness of the tube for thickness of over 6 rnm. shall be cut longitudinally. The test shall not be less than 76 rnm in length on either side of the weld. The líght excess of in除malheadmay be 甜甜 until it is not more than 0.8 round of the general surface. The testpiece shall then be bent back with the root in tension through 90 degree round a former of diameter equal to three times the thickness of the 阳bes. With regard to al10y steel pipes and tube嚣, the bend test spec泣翠柏 shall be bent without being straightened, but after removal of the weld reinforcement down to the level of but not below the surface, round a former of diameter41 垂nd through and angle of 90 degree. The bending may be carried out by blows or by pressu肥, care shall be taken to ensure 出at 出.e former is so positioned that the weld is maintained at the crown of the bend. The test spec加en shall be capable of being bet through 90 degree without signs of failure , although slight prema抬出 failure at the edges of a spec泊l.en need not be considered å cause for r得ection. T~e opening out of a slight defect due to incomplete root penetration or lack of ri∞t fusion need not be considered a cause for rejection; provided the defect has sound metal at the back and on ei出er side of it. (的 Additional Tests Before Rejection- Should any of the test pieces tested in accordance with the above subregulations fail to meet the specified requirements, one further strip may be cut from the specimen and subjected to the same tes t. If any test piece does not reach the required standard two further welds shal1 be made and the procedure in the above sub-regulation repeated刽If any of these welds does not reach the requireq standard, the welder-shall be deemed not to have qualified for a certifìcate. lndian Boiler Regulations 244 612. Examination of Test Specimens for Requa1ification Test争…刨 Groove Welded Plate Specimen纱巾 在飞.e welded joint shall f泣st be examined uilder X悦y and thereafter cut to appropriate dimensioris for conducting the following test窑, Provided that the radio.graphic examination of 也eweld, may be waived when 也e welder is t o. be engaged o.n pro.ductio.n w o.rk where radio.graphic examinatio.n is n o. t required under these re事llatio.ns. One fórward bend tes丸o.ne reverse bend test, and tw o. macro. examinatio.n. test piece shall be marked and cut o.ut in the o.rder sho.wn in Figure XIII/5 and tested in accordance wi白 白e pro.visio.ns o. f Re莎白tio.n 611. 白\e … ~IP?Ei些 Plate Wel生4 年P二二i甲en二:塾~Y~~<1且如 co.nduct时部 detailed in Regulati o.n 611 (b). (c) Pipe and Tube Welding… Specimens shall be prepared and tested as prescribed in R鸣叫础。n611 (c) o.r 611 (帘, as the case may be. (d) Additional Test Before Rejec主ion- Should any o.f test pieces tes始d in acc o.rdance with the ab o.ve subre思主i挝io.ns fail t o. meet the specified req时rements, o.ne futther weld may be cut fr o.m the spec始len and su问ected to. the same test. 白e If any test piece does n o.t reach the required standard, two.缸挝ler welds shall be made and the pr倪edure in the abo.ve repeated. If any o.f these welds does n o.t reach the required standard the welder shall be deemed n o.t t o. have qualified fo.r a<:ettificate. 613. Awarding of Mark如- Marks shall be awarded in acco.rdance with the Fo.rm 泪I. Candidates o.btaining marks n o.t le部出an 60 per cent 抽出e o.ral o.r written 假aminatio.n and n o.t less than 75 per 但nt in the prac远cal 秘$蚀, shall be deemed to. have qualified fo. r a certificate pro.vided 役时也.e bend tests are fo.und to. be 部出facto哼­ Sho. uld a candidate fail in the o. ral o. r written examinatio.n but pass 抽出e practical test, he may be re楠 ex础山ed in oral o.r wri忧enexamin挝io.nwithinaμriod o.f twelve weeks fr o.m the date o.f examinatio.n o.f prac总.cal test, and 迁 he o.btains n o.t less 出.an 60 per cent m缸b 始 the re-examinatio.n , he shall be deemed to. have qualified fo.r a cer立法icate. The forms shall be a饮制edby 也.e Co.mpetent Autho. rity and filed in 也is office fo.r future reference. 614. Award o.f Certificate…。飞 successful co.mpletion o.f tests prescribed inRegulatio.n 609(A) any o.f these pr臼cribed .in Regulatio.ri 609(b)出e welder may be awarded a certificate inFo.rm XIII to 也.e extent of the testspassed by him. Welder who. pass 也.e tes怡 fo.r gr∞ve welds in plates 由必 be considered as having qualified fo. r making fillet welds in plates. Welders who 严部也.e tests fo.r 血let welds, shall be qualified to make 缸let welds o.nly. Any certificate issued for lUly pu叩ωeunder 出e rules made by the State Go.vernment in 刷 s behalf shall be deemed t o. have been issued fo.r that pu甲ose under 出s Chapter and any actio.n taken under the said rules, shall be deemed t o. havebeen taken under 泣ús Chapter. 615. Maintenance o.f Records翩翩唰 Every manufac讪出r o.rrep忍rer o.f boilers and st,础m唰pipes shallαlaintain a rec o.rd o.f all welding pers假回el engaged on welding and repairing o.fb o.ilers and steam-pipes, particulars of each welder and the w o.rk handled by him. Such rec o.rd shall be pro. duced to the Inspecting Autho. rity, Tnspecting Officer o.r an Inspecto.r on demand. In the case of welders who. m飞dertake weldingunder own r创po.nsibility必 the reco.rd as afo.resaiJ. shall be maintained by themselves. 出.eir 616. Fees for Examination of Welders- Fees fo. r o.f welders under 也ese regula tions shall be Rs. 100 and this shall be b o.me by the applicant/ spo.nso.r. In additio.n , the 叩plicantj spo.ns o.r shall bear all o.ther expenses like co.st o.f material and worksho.p and te的始在 facilities as fixed by the C o. mpetent 拟阳由atio.n Au耐。rity. The fee fo.r endorsement of welder'事 certificate shall be Rs. 100 and will be b o.me by the applicant/sp o.ns o.r. 617. Penalty一切 Who.ever emplo.ys a perso.n in welding a boiler or 5t拙m-pipe in contraventio.n o.f 航船e Re凯lIatio.ns shall be pm让shable with fine which may extend t o. Rs. 100. (2) Any employer o.r welder who. fail5 to. maintain the reco. rds as required under Regulation 615 shall be punishable with fine which may ex始nd t o. Rs. 100. Indian Boiler Regulations 嚣2 喜g BI RL :'45 B2 K 飞 L.ω L年年 z 4在岳然m (16") _1 TEST 5PECIM部 IF SUCH A TEST 15 CONSIDERED 降部SSARY FIG. XIIJl1- ORDER OF REMOVAL OF 丁EST SPECIMEN FROM TEST PLATE FOR INITIAL QUALIFICATION T在 ST TEI'部LE B FILLETWELD 叙JUNDNESSτ茸STFORP嚣议以JRMANCE QUALIFICA'τ10N OFW军LDERS FRACTUR主 πST NON帽 FUSION 30SM.M. (12IN.) - - - - i l' : MAXIMUM PER础 SSIBLE DEFECTS SUCH AS SLAG. ETC. 20 P翠 RCENT OR 2INCH5. EVIDENCE OF CRACKING OF FILL盯 SHALL CONSTITUτEGROUNDS 以及 REJEcrION. MACRO τEST: THE FILL在τSHALL SHOW FU5ION τo THE ROOτ CONV军XITY AND/ORCONCAVITYOFτHEFILLETSt王ALL NOT EXCEED 1 /1岳 INCH. BO刀iL苞,GS OF THE FILL E'τSHALL BE EQUAL τ'O W双曰IN lI FIG. XIIV S.… ORDER OF REMOVAL OF T稳 STSPECIMEN 军ROM TEST PLAl峰已 FORR在-QUALIFICATION TEST O 1岳 INC日, FIG. XIIV2 PLATES VERTlCAL PLATES HORIZONTAL (a) TEST POSmON (FLAτ) XIII/6 军AC 芜 BENDT陈 ST PLAτ 宠5V主 RTICAL AXIS OF W军 LDVERTICAL 四 回 『盯 mw 附阻四 (QTEST POSmON 仅在交TICAL)XIIU8 n然,OATOF...... WELD 6 AXIS OF WELD HORIZONTAL • (b) TEST POSmON HORIZONT AL XIIII'7 PLA'τES HORIZONTAL T 部r POSmON (OVE汉HEAD) XlIIl9 . 1 βZ口口口=¥ V黯ηCAL 仄乙5号 I ... 45. 飞泞---…甲『\ (a) FLAT POSmON OF TEST TE在 FORFILLETW军 LD XIII I10 AXISOFW军 LD-丁、1:: ~、、、 V军 RTICAL FACEBENDTESτ FIG. XIIV3- ORDER 0苦 REMOVALOFT旅 ST SPECIMENS FROM WELDED PIPE (c) VERTICAL POSITON OF TEST τ军军民JR FILLET WELD XIIII1l (b )HO武IZONT AL POSITlON OF TESTT军 EFILL 盯 WELD AXISOFW 就 LD XIlII11 HORIZONTAL 奇 (d)OV黯HEAD POSmON OF TEST TE嚣民JR FILLET WELD XIIII1 3 lnd幻n 246 and the p1ate fO'r shell.and heads shall be n O't than 6 m.m. in 也ickness and the heads a宰 相be 点.eets fO'r tubes r O'lled in shall be at least 8 m.m. in thickn艺部. CHAPTER 泪V (Regulations made under c1auses 同 section 28 of the Act) and l臼s (aa) of (c) SMALL INDUSTRIAL BOILERS (i) 618. Scopφ- This Chapter shallapply tothe design, construction, inspec悦。几 registration, opera悦。n and maintenance of small industrial boilers. In由is regu1a位O'ns. (均 The allO' wable stress O'n cast irO'n or malleable irO'n shall be based O'n 血etensile streng也O'f material with a fact O'r of safety O'f n O't less 出黯\ 4.5. Chapter, "Small Industrial (的 a 由ell type bO'i1er 军enerating steam for use extemal to itself under pressure uptO' 7 与/cm2 and having a vO'lumetric capacity exceeding 22.75litres, but not exceeding 民却 litres inc1uding ………叮售翌~y'Q~~l!ic…些押Ç.ity二:gf~aU_pJ'~是sJ.J.re… parts (2) Design, cO' nstruction, workmanship and the meth O' d O' fωmp'且ting the maximu黯 allO'wable wO'rk如g pressurej {a) 胡立王怠 C出15位uctiO'nexceptwhere 0'也et:l悦se … specified 甜甜 being heated from the same heating sO'urce and connec栓d to the b O'iler; or be the same as th O'se prescribed in 也e relevant provisiO'ns O'f the preceding Chapters of these re伊latiO'ns. (b) a coil type boiler O'r a once 佳U'ough bO'iler or a water tube bO'il就 having 也e conditions 年前ified in c1ause (a) above except 也就一 (i) 出e limitation c时, and (ü) In the ca艇。,f fusiO'n welded b O'iler neither stre部 relieving n O'r j。如ts of pressure shall be 12 kg/ (ii) the capacity shall be not (b) exc使ding 150 litres. Provided that in case .of' bO'ilers having co黯b加ed features of dauses (的 and (b), the wO'rking pressure shall be restricted tO' 7 kg/cm2 and the volumetric capacity of particular pressure parts shall nO't exceed the limits specified 如 the respective c1auses above subject to an aggregate of 500 litres. 620. Extent to which variation from the standard condition嚣 laid down in the preceding α\apters is permissible… The fO'llowing variatiO'ns frO'黯 the standard cO'nditions 1aid d O' wn in the preceding ch邵阳rs shall be permitted, subject t O' thecO'nditiO'ns specified belO'w i with due regard tO' the safety. O'f 出e boi1ers and personnel:一 (1) Headsofp臼ts O' f bO'ilerS when n O' t exposE!d tO' direct 凶pact O'f flame may be made of cast irO'n O'r malleable iron prO'vided 也ey cO'mply with O' ther req'凶rements O'f th能e GENE民AL 619. DefinitionBoi1er" means-唰 Boiler Regulations radiO'graphy O'f welded is req时red. (i) In the Small Industrial Boilers unflanged steel tube plate may be 加serted intO'航e shell and welded fO'r the en位re 也ickn部s as shO'wn in Pi&1le XIV /1 belO'w with a fillet weld having a thrO'挝 nO'tl制sthan 11.4 始mesthe 出ickness O'f 也e shell O'r tube sheet whichever is smaller. {运) The minimum thickness of unflanged welded tube sheets shall be 10 m.m. --Ìts 叮一 Materials一位) The ma terials used in the ∞,nstruction O'f Small Jndustrial Boi1e括 sh碰, except as O' therwise prO'vided hereinafter , cO'n fO'rm tO'也e prO'visions made in Chapter 11 O'f these regu1atiO'n窑, (b) Steel p 1ates used in 血e cO'nstructiO'n O'f 也ebO'ilers sha11 be O'f 15: 2062grade B O'r C O'r equivalent t l : 2 TIMESR应QUIRED 1HICKNESS OF A SEAMLESS SHELL BUTNEVERL泣SS THAN 1.25 ts OR GREATER 相ANt FIG. XIVI1 , f J 247 lndian Boiler Regulations (ili) The temperature of the hea位l.g element of el时trical1y heated steam boilers shal1 be so it shal1 not exceed 650oC. 。在\e tubes shal1 be made of steel. control1ed 役tat (c) (ii) The tube holes shall be drilled full size with shells bu饮 straps and ends bolted up in position or may be p\琼瑶l.ed at least 13 mm sma l1er in diameter than 仇lllsize and 也.en drilled, reamed or finished .fu l1 size with a rotating cutter.τhe sharpedges and chips remov时, the plates and butt s恼ps reassembled metal to metal with pins fit由l.gs 白e holes and with tack bolts. 。) Inspection and testing : The Smal1 Industrial Boilers 处tall be subject to inspection dur如g construction and after completion by an Inspecting Authority. 在l.e 如spection of the boilers shal1 be made at the fo l1owing stages: A. Shell type Boil弯路: (i) Material iden住在cation and insp缸挝on. 扭) Inspection of each component after completing welding and drilling. (ili) Assembly of boiler. (iv) Hydraulic test : (a) Every completed boiler of riveted construction shall be tested hydraulically at least twice the working pressure; (b) In case of a boUer whol1y or partly weldedcons位uction the hydraullc test pressure shall be equal to two times the 凯aximum allowable workingpressure of 位le boiler. (v) A test coupon shal1 be provided by 也e maker for conducting root and face bend tests. B. Coil 守pe Boilers, once through boilers and water tube boi1 ers : (i) Identification of materials. {运) Hydra世ictest- 白\e pressure for hydraullc test shal1 be two 经mes. that of the working pre部ure of the boiler. (4) Certificates and Make r's stamps certificate and maker's stamp shal1 be in conformallty wi也出e provisions of Chapter 1 of these regu1ations. (a) 百\e (b) If owing to smal1 size of 役\e boiler 刻i 如formation cannot be visibly stamped onthe boiler plate, maker'scer位ficate accompanying the boiler sha11 contain the necessary detaUs, but in all cases name, works number and the year of the make must be stamped or exhibited on 也.e boiler. 621. Valves, Gauges, Fittings and Feed Supply,… (a) Washout J,'lugs, etc. for c1eaning.… (i) Eve哼 boiler shall be fitted with at least 3 brass wash plugs of not less 也阻挡 mm. diam剖町 which shal1 be screwed into the openings in the shel1s near the bottom. In the boilers of c10sed sys枪m type heated by zemova-K internal electric heatin在 elements,也e opening for theseelements . when suitable for c1eaning purp倒es may be substituted for wash out openings. {泣) Boi1ers not exceeding 300m肌 intemal diameter may have two 25 放回l.openings for c1eanir咯 one oi which may be used for the attachment of 也.e blow off valve. 贺\e ope时ngs shal1 be opposite to each 0出.er, wherever possible. All threaded 叩enings in 也.e boi1er sha在 be provided wi也 rivetted or welded reinforcement, if nece部ary, to give four full threads. therein. (ili) Electric boilers of a design employing removable top cover flange for inspection and deaning need not be fitted with washout openings and Washout plug. Level gauges are not required for once … 位rou阱 boilers. (b) Every boiler shal1 be provided with atleast one feed pump or other feeding device exc呼twhere it is connected witli a water m a,in carry如g pr能在ure to feed the boiler or where 役\e steam 伊nerator is op耐ated with no extraction of steam (dosed system). In轨e la饺er case, in lleu of the feeding device, a suitable connection or opening shall be provided to feed the boilers. Such connection sha l1 be not le黯 than 13 mm. 泣1 diameter. (c) Subject to the provisions of 位is sub喘息llation every boi1er shalI be fitted with necessary mountin吝s and fi民in脐部 provided in chapter VI of 也e民 regulatio邸, and 仕\ey shal1 be of substantial construction suitable for 7 沟/cm2• A挂出e前 fittings 揪出pt safety valves shal1 be certified by manufacturers of the fittings them臼lves. lnd仰t 248 。) Feed pipe- Thefeed pipeshallbeprovided wi也 ach町k valve and a stop valve of a size notless 位翻出atof 出epipe. 百\e feed water may be delivered to the boiler 栓在ough 白e openin萨 ofthes叙nesizein 出e shell as that of the blow off coru飞ection. connections , without any unnecessary interve:时ng pipe or fit位n忌 Suchinterv创由\gpipe or fit位ng 迁 unavoidable shall be not longer 出部1 the corresponding face to face d恼,ensionofa 怡e fit出g of the same diameter and 也,em泣也num opening there 注\tOugh shall be at least 吨ual to the valve in1et. (ü) Blow Off- Each boiler shall be equipped wi也 a blow off ∞nnection, not 1部S 白m 18 mm. insize located to dra祖 the boiler water from the lowest water space practicable when the boi1er is under pressure. Feed. water shall not be introduced thro\王军h the openings or connection needèd fór thè w'àter column, thewater gaugeglass or the gauge cock. , No valve of any description shall be placed between safety valve and 注\e boiler not ∞也e discharge pipe from thesafety valve to 也e 、 (ili) Water Gauge s- Every boiler other than a coil type or a once 出rough boiler shall be fitted withtwo gauge glas阳s not less than a位nosphere. 古\e electrically heated boilers shall be effectively ear出,ed wi出 a level. The boiler shall have the lowest visible part gf 位e water gauge located at least25 m肌 above 出,e lowest per舷窗sible water leve1. The lowest permissible water level of vertical boilersshall OO at a point one-third of the height of the shell above the bottom head or tube sheet where the boi1er is equippeq with internal fumace,出ew挝er level sh硝p.ot be 1笛喜出anone吐úrd ofthe length of 白e tuOOs' above the top of the 缸mace tuÞe sheet. , (iv) Pres5ure Gauge- The steam pressure gauge shall have itsdial 在raduated to not less 也an twice 也,e max垃\um al10wable working pressureof the boiler. The diameterof the dial shall be at least 1∞ mm. and the pipe coru飞ecting 出,epressure gauge shall be n也lÍmum10mm‘ and the connection shall be 郎。.ugh siphon. (v) Safety Valve- Each bo i1 er shall be equipped with two safety valves for relieving the steam pressure. The diameter of the valve shall not be les嚣出an 19n田\. capadty of 也e safet主 valve shall be sufficient to discharge all 世\esteam 也at can be generated by the boiler without allowin喜出,e pre韶山e to rise more 航船 10 per cent above maximum allowable working , pre槌ure. 在四 safety valve shall be connected 挝、 the boiler independently of any other steam ' lead of substantial cross secti∞. 622. Registration, Operation and Maintenance… (a) (i) The fee required to accompany an app挝,cation under s由·阳础。In (1) of section ]~国:Þ~J!y穿,111!11由始1'\11'附 peIQQil~l足咿… 一一一甲叫去50mm才ong-f~detem白白1窑饺黯 water 币1您 扭扭imu黯 reliev如g Boiler Regu1a tions (ii) 白\e annual insp倒tion fèe shàllbe five hundred ru严部 perboiler. (b) The certificat障。,f manufacture and test for small indus屈alboilers 也all be fumished in Form XVII appended to these regulations. (c) Operator for these boilers shall be all pass in Class X or equivalent. CHAP1雹ERXV FEED WATER FOR BOILER 623.Scope- 刨白\ÌS chapter lays down specifica悦例\s for feed water and boiler water for low and medium pressure boilers (boilers operating up to 60 问/四\2). 制 For boilers opera恤19 at pressures higher 出an60 better quality of water to IS : 10496 - 1983 may be adopted. kgl相\2, 624. Requirements-…白lewater sha芷 comply with the requirements given in Table 1 when tested by the methods prescribed 如 Col. 6 and 7 of 仕\e table. 625. Sampling- 5ampling shall be done following general directions given in 2 of 15 : 3025 静 1964气In particular, the following points shall be observed : (a) It is necessary that a stainle莘莘 steel or monel 黯,etal coil is fitted on the sampling cock so 位\at 也e tempera如re of the water sample will be well below the boilin在 point at atmospheric pressure and 血ese is no risk of aeration and concentration due to flashin芭拉况。 steam; 缸\d Indian Boiler 及egulatíons 249 (b) Samples of feed water sha1l be col1ected from the delìvery of the boiler feed pump, samples of boiler water from the top drum, and 5叙抗ples of conden锦te from the delìvery of the condensate extraction pump. 626. Test Methods- Tests sha11 be carried out as prescribed in 也e appropriate dauses of IS: 3025-1964' and IS: 3550 - 1965φas indicated against the characteristics in Table 1. TABLE 1 - CHEMICAL REQUIREMENTS OF F辈辈D WATER AND BOILER WAτER FOR LOW AND MEDIUM PRESSURE BOILERS (Regulations 624 and 626) 51. No. Characteristic Requirement for Boiler Pre,必 ure Method ofTest to CI. No. oj) (R吃f. (1) (2) (i) Feed w总检r (a) Total hardness (as CaC02) , mg/l, max (b) pH value (c) Dissolved Ox ygen, mg/l, max (d) Silica (as Si02) , mg/l, max (ii) Boiler Water (a) Total hardness (of filt桂芳ed sample) (as CaCOJ , mg/l (b) Total alkalinity α(as CaCOJ, mg/l max (c) Caustic alkalinity (as CaCOJ mg/l max (d) pHValue {苟言Residual sodium sulphite {部 Na 2S03 ) mg/l (f) Residual hydrazine (as N乒4)' mg/l (g)φRa挝oNai叙)/Caustic alkalinity (as NaO H) or Ratio NaNO/total alkalinity (as NaOH) (as PO) , mg/l (ifadded) (i) Total dissolved solids mg/l, max (k) Silica (as 8i02) , mg/l 。\) Phosph在tes Up to 2.0 MN/m 2 (3) 2.1 to 3.9 MNlm2 (4) 4.0 to 5.9 15: 3550- MN加2 1965排 10 8.5 to 9.5 0.1 1.0 8.5 to 9.5 0.02 5 0.5 8.5 to 9.5 0.01 0.5 (6) 16.-1 8 25 16 16~1 Not detectable 7∞ 5∞ 3∞ 350 11.0 to 12.0 200 11.0 to 12.0 60 10.5 to 11.0 30 to 50 0.1 to 1 20 to 30 。.1 to 0.5 above 2.5 13 15 8 21 0.05 to 0.3 26 20.2 and 15 48 and 13 above 0.4 20 to 40 15 to 30 3500σ 25∞ Less than 0.4 of caustic 15: 3025喃 1964+ 5 to 20 1500 15 14 9 16 12 30 alkalinity Note 1 Recovery Boilers: The boiler feed water used shall be completely de-mineralized and also the boi1er feed wat在r and boiler water shall be conditione'd in acc假如nce with high pressure boilers working at 60 kg/cm2 and above (see 18:4343幡1967峙"). Note 2 When feed w毒ter heaters are of copper or copper alloy constructior毡, the pH of the feed water shall b告 maintained between 8.5 and 9.2 while when feed water he在ters are of îron constructions, the pH of feed m辑Y bè maintained between 8.5 and 9.5. Note :3 5ilica in Boiler water: Lower concentration of silica may be advisable for steam of turbines, which generally requires less than 0.02 mg/l silica in steam. 每 Methods of te剖 for routine control for water used 坦 industry. + Methods of sampling and test (physical and chernical) for w在怡r used in indus衍y. αTotal alkalinity should preferably be about 20 per cent of total dissolved solids. 。 Shall not apply if reducing 毒gents other than sodium sulphite are used. φFor riveted boilers only. 。 For shell 守pe boilers depending on parameters, the lirnits can be rel在xed. .... Code of practice for treatment of water for high pressure boilers (under revision). 时 FORMI o (Regulation 386 and 487) INDIAN BOILERS ACf, 1923 BOILER INSPECflON DEPARTMENT BOILER REGISTRY NUMBER MEMORANDUM OF INSPECflON OR REGISTRATION BOOK Eass固立 -qeh2ESSM MEMORANDUM OF INSPECflON OR REGISTRATION BOOK Fascimile bf Maker's stamp Position of Stamp ……..…..…….... H Milesby ………....... from station W.or挝ng Season ……· Appr.oved W.or协\g Pressure on Boiler Ra出19 …………….. Insμ耐onFee..…H Registra挝on 战>ok on..…绚 Remarks .on Filed At … Au由ority 紫阳也鼠善罢踊 PHF Regis位yNumber …..….......... …咿叫 。 Boiler registered at 川... Register B∞kN.o..…......... MAK起R'S CERτlFICATE Boiler Name . Maker Manufacture, hydraulic test to ....... lbs. Drawing No......…, .received . Inspecting Name.. Rivets hw栩如拍拍阳 ωω Bars ....... Plates … " 知协 凹'lat,臼 H P ……......…... ..…..……….… 旨VMUU 肝Hb轩阴阳 RHhet巳 M肝 F阴阳 UburM Branding Manu且f缸 act阳 ur陀唱噎~d W阳WWWWWWMW 8创lds 叹 议ivets HS Pla始s 丑 F也'Ctor received .. ..... rec:卫eived 川阳'川挝怒… ti芦eate eaa pection Working Boiler Eva严如 lnitials Pressure R.a ting ration ofll阳" 陆 ment Period of cer- E四::eived.山­ TEST RESULTS gGGBm -t-nJ T to 5·ehc T to T to T to T to to T T to to T Bar.....…............….... T to Sα哇w ……... to T Bars ……....…....……....……....川….川. 山SELJM 怨" 。对伊- cateNo. and Date . Plates …... Bars … Rivets '" l Da te oflns俐 received …" ~. JU 四…邸n ,睡… ORDER AND CERTIFICATE RECORD Date recelVeo..... Name 锺 t'roα~ ……….......... M iII OfPi呼" r配eived …­ pro西部…- Ro狂ing Fee Testsofma阳圳,刷刷刷创刊伊rv:ision,. hy,伽ulic 栅t … received ….. Plates Name....……................… _ 量'rocess ......……................ Name......................... Ba rs transfer怒,心批 PROVl臼ONAL 剧。凡川等细胞噎苍苍革 Owner …… Address of Factory ………..…"… Ne,缸可~stR必lway Station … … Fact.ory is …….. W .ork .of Fact.ory ……….......…… 问过3 PARTICULARS AND DIMENSIONS Leading Dimensions : Type of Boiler Intended working pressure: Maker Pla四 and Year of make : Maker's number : Desαiption of Boiler MISCELLANEOUS D挡住ict ...… -mm-m'mam-m-m %%%%%%%%% ms. ms. ms. InS. ms. ms. ms. 四lS. InS. ms. Analy喜怒 毯M O 四'。 aaLRI … ,, 出 PARTICULARS AND PARnCULARS AND DIMENSIO陷 (Contd.) PLATES AND LOr喝GITUDI民ALSTAYS DIMENSIO挝S (Contd.) S辈辈ELL B:挝D CYLINDRICA主 SHELL (a) Shell or Fire box casìng Cro悦m Name of parts Number and ma怡rial of each Le ngth between end plat,ω Le ngth between end plates s臼m Oiameter inside la咱础t belt Thickness of Pla协$ Number of belts of planting First or top 加挠, inside or 0注tsìde. Longi仇ldìnal seams PωÍtion 怡'clck) Kind, L,队8., 0.8., W. 阳veting, 5, 0., T., C, z., H., M. No. of rivets per pitch Pìtch of rivets Diar. of holes, outer rows Diar. of holes, inner rows Oìstance betw瑞n rows, ou毛er Oìstance between rows, inner Distance rivet 创伐桐柏 edge 0..主ter butt strap, width x thickness Inner butt s位吨" width x thickness Circumferential 附arr略. No. of seams (end and inner) Ki nd, L, 5. 8., O.鼠, W卫&8. Rivetin g, 5, O.T., C.Z., H., M. No. of rivets per pitch Pitch or rivets Diar. of holes Dìs tance between rows Distance betw创m rivet centre to edge (b) (c) 拉 萨.) P岳阳 andma沁rial~here田\der …..……………......................... Fla仁 dìshed, ~emìspherical 加………..….. pieces,) not stayed, not flan伊d Diame始r (outside), front '" Ba ck, ........川 crown …La r萨st cirde 峭 Radi础 of cui"Vature fro毗………..…..… back ….... crown ………..…........川 Ra dius of curatur,哇, comer of flan伊,… shell, .•••.• fumace,… uptake … Plate,由ickr哼路" front ... back ………….. crown … tubeplate F ….8 …… 8arrel .Steam & orMud Water Drum Drum or Dome 咱 1 Attach to shéll, Crown or front ………… ~ 1 At切巾阳 shell, back end … Ah而阳呐ke or fumace crown or front ........… IA忧掘出 to furpaæ flue, back end … Shell angle ..f… rive协恕,怠, 0., Pìtch .....川..."....."...… hol臼… Fumace or uþtake rive阳也 pit由 cir,巾" Pi协…… hol部..........…..…............… Heml.end 提c辈。吗 No…. rive椒艰, 5., 0吁 pitch ….. gj 如amspa传出副部:g plate,加批…….. back..….. 加amspa愣隧rener or bulb,如n仁....... back....... 均 i G12削他州。口, ωp,......胁"。肌 H 町,问" .......如阳 " γI Londl, S怯~No. ……............... diar...... ….......白reads....... hutted … LonStt. sta抖 pi盹 v......…… M ….....".....… d时e …… .w础m …... 10iagI. do …山................... 31 MANHOl应S, HAND AND SIGHT HOLES, DOORS AND STAND BLOCKS p'artsand ma始riaIS hereunder,………… I No. and positlon Framed or plate flan萨d 隙。Hero严略略 E白棋\)( wid也 I Frame 吨>eni*g, length )( width 喜 i 加meinsi 。也知ide, ra悦d, pre附d 在 IFra附 50凶, lwelded,倒st Ejh州时佩∞ 10Il尉.axis ili 加or,泛 盹飞志也时 insi~e, spigot clearance 801t莓, No. diar, threads 801邸, pi忧h qrcle Nut Compensatioþ ring, width x thickness 阳刚略, mLLNMve也伽. holes … ! l 时 No.................i............................... d阳ions ............... positions 53ω问i叩 rings fitted 吕|队)C)rs, type 斗…·……........ bolt比 diar, ...伽reads ……. ~ § g 法 spigot dearance . r'1 Cleanìng plugs; No .......……… diar....……………… position ……………!'I:l gil 呻t i d叫闹剧, top .. bottom.. 叫础弩 AZZfTr?!7771::WdWW叫 thicwi n Parts and material hereunder ........ . 1 23 RECTANGULAR FIREBOX, COMBUSTION CHAMBER, GIRDERS SMOKE OR WATER TUBES AND SCREW STAYS P'arts and material hereunder ……… 目饲阳。。×。咱 们。FA 目CSH。 znZ 〉富国回国 N Length inside, bottom ..….......ωp..…"…. Width inside, bottom ..…"…..... top..... Height, foun缸, sωm or chbr. bottom t:> roof..... Rad. of a且lVe, chbr. bo他)ffi •••••• roof side. Roof, flat, curv时, αmbered, corrugated, stayed to shell or girders, type ..…"….. Plate thickness,自rehole or chbr ............... sid臼,…·…………"… roof .. . Plate thickness, bottom ..…..... tube pla怡, F ....... B..…… roof and sides in one ...... . Attacht. to firebox casing at 自rehole..... Attacht. to firebox casing at firehol险"….. Fo山\dn., ring,使ction....…......…………… riveting, pitch …...... holes..… Firehole, ring,使ction ..........…........……..... riveting, pitch …....... holes.. ………..… Firehole与 opening..…"………………·……… distance of centre above found seam .... Side seams, distance between .................. riveting, pitch .......... holes.. ……· ~ 吕~ 。HMN 回O 归MW 叶C回回∞ Pitch, V ……........... H.,.......... Pitch, V.... …......… H. , Pitch, V........ ……... H. , Pitch L., .........•...... c.,. Pitch L., .............…c., riveted, bodies tumed to …in .. riveted, bodies tumed to ... in … riveted, bodies tumed to ... in … n饲。写 Z 贝门饲阳芝∞叶 〉 J 「 ω Ordinary stays Marginal Roof, Stay........ length betwen tube plates,…·… make..…· thickness F. E., expd. , bead frld. S.E., Expd. , bead, or.. thickness F. E., expd叩 bead, nu忧时, S.F., Expd., nutted F. E. , •....... S.E.,…·… ......ηlfeads …·…... buts,.... H......…… D ................. C. Z. straight curved. Lie, . X...... ……. X.................. X …·… Marginal pitch ........ . V …·……….H …·…...... V ………...... H .............. V ……....... H .............. L. wise. , .... C. wise .... L. wise. , .... C. wise .... diar. threads,… nuts ………. &0., threads, .... nuts …... .... do., threads, .... nuts ………. R Inside diameter R 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 L Plate thickness R L Positions of cross tubes R L Flanges, type ....................…... riveting, pitch …… holes. Caulking ring ..……............….. Ra dius of comer …Flang, width......... Crosstubes, No. each fumace, longtl seam, ........… riveted, welded to Fl ue Crosstubes, No. each fumace, diar, (outside), top …bottom …Thickness … Attacht. to shell at bottom .. Attach t. to shell at bottom.fireholes … Foundn. ring, section ................……........ riveting pitch ....… holes. Fireholes ring, section ....……................... riveting pitch ....… holes …"… Fireholes opening ……… X distance of centre above foundn. seam . Screw Stays, No. of rows, ••• Pitch, V ... H., ••• nearest row to foundn. , seam … Sc rew Stays, No. of diar threads …nuts,… riveted, bodies tumed to …in … Type ..…·…...........…...…........ Section ............ No.. lengthwise, cro吕swise, rest on … Distance apa此 ....u..…...……. Bd ts No.......… pitch......……… diar ..... threads. nutted , screwed into girder Slings No. ......……................ distance apa此 X Sectωn …·… X .......... pins diar. Slings, attach, to shell .. Tubes, plate No. of fows , F. hole or back do. , Sides, do., Roof, do. , Bo ttom do. , Length between Centre 4 5 L Firegrate dimensions ....……..................… type.. No. plain …………"…·…........ Plain, diar, (out) ..…川............ Stay, diar, (out) .............…...… Stay, diar, (out) over threads, Pitch of plain tub凶, V ……… Pitch of stay tubes, V......……. Type ............…· Longtl. Searns .... No. of Fumaces ......... No. of rings in each ..… Height, foundn , seam to inside of crown plate.. …………..........…· Crown, arched or flat, riveted to one piece with sides, diar .....… Plate thickness, front ....…............................. sides saddle..……… crown...... Ra dius of comer of flanges .......….............…. saddle ...........……… crowns … Ri veting front to sid臼,怠,D., pitch .............. holds ...................… spacing … Ri vetin g, saddle to sid臼,怠, D., pitch......… holds …·………...... spacking ……… Cross stays, No. ..…......... Diar....………. threads..………… nutted , riveted pitch ..… EASa s宫 sam 国皂白吨汩~白 PARTICULARS AND DIMENSIONS (Contd.) CIRCULAR FURNACE, CROWN AND UPTAKE Length overall, bottom ..………….........……… Width overall, bottom ..… MV F叶回ω 〉 . PARTlCUALRS AND DIMENSIONS (Contd.) FIREBOX CASING Parts and materials hereunder ..… 2二 cl Firegrate dimensions ........................................… Type. Flat, dished hernispherical, not stayed, not flanged , Diar, (outside … Ra dious of curvature …comer offlange, fuma四... uptake …largest circle … Plate thickness, crown .......... orge ring .......... Bolt stay pitch circle, .. . Attach t., to fumace or ......,.……… to uptake, Uptake riveting, pitch circle, ........… pikh..H·H· ……. holes ........ . Cylindrica l, tapered, flanged … Longtl, seam …Length between:seams,… ........ bottom ........ Li ner not fitted …… 否叫 Thickness,…… Diar, (outside),怕p 时 w PARTICULARS AND . PARTICULARS AND DIMENSIONS (Contd.) WATER τUBES, HEADERS, BOXES AND SUPERHEATERS 叶CW阴 Maìn tubes No. …......………… Make … Oiar, (outside) …… thickness …川Length between headers or plates .... Pìtch,飞 H., .......... 0.,..叫c.z. Straight, curved , Li e. …... Ends expanded beaded belled to ....翩.......……........ in. in. Downtake tubes, No. .... dìar (outside) … thickness, Length (exposed) … g ο r刘 m ~ 运 hereund创... Headers, No ...... section (outside) ….X ….. thickness ….. solid , welded , Staggered or straight, Lie …………·… No. tubes in each ... .. Caps round, oval, square, inside, outside, Bolts, Oiar... threads,... nu怡,… I Mu叫db阳 O侃x凡川,1协 e创咆n咽飞珞 ♂th ..……雹 g H雹.. 缸 知 k ction (阳 削u O 州怡刷id梆州峪 e吟吟),..尸川… ……..….川. χ 汇H….... t .. I Cr础础骂内b假ox叫O … 货时d叫俯仰叫沁柑W 瞅 协 idd巾e吟创吨), … JχX 几 》 m 叫 WCM m W叫MWMN 出M〉 thickness, ……… diar, (outside) …....... curved , Lie ..… 6.......... Ends expanded , beaded belled to ……………. in. in. Description of superh在ating system ……" Straigl吭, Firegrate dimensions, 接 Num加T I Dimneter I 1ì挪到e I Material I Bolted to 臼fety Sa fety M. 驭。p A唰 Sωp Feed B10w Down i Scum Injector W础r 伊 jNL·· ,....…………攀"川..…仰仰噎 ..u...……………叫…………..…….叫…..… τ椒酣肌吵挝 N 瓶 ι0..... 札 a ………… ..... 咐且 割IE E 协翩阳怡阳时 r咿 伊也噶骂咐叫10 阳…附 ITe 锵骂t cc 啊屹主 , OOU怡 :08 然Eαx:ki怒 s …叫…… 川..…….…….… .. ………..………..……. 部d 品警e岱$矗b 汩 α咱崎扣沦啻…….…….… 川 .. .川…"川…… 旦阳白i 黔曹棚揭删伊uge, τ押伊 e …...……"…......"… d 伽泌r j 纪 出IP附础s栅 8 E 伊栩 哝 u ge, M矗敝 椒 k er .ι.…………..……….叫叫…… ……掏"…..……………叫叩… .. …籍..…………"川……...…..……. .. No..… ..……........ … red line 札.........1执 白阿拉r attac地部t type ……......".."…… screw ….........…….. position ………… 位 1"附矗椒chm~ttype ……·…....,..........…院rew...............…..阴阳……................... ….... .. th τub毒草sNo. 〈已〈梅m 楠k 、·ny 胁m 防 Parts and materìal DIMENSIONS 阳似 MOUNTINGSAND 茅ITTINGS make.. Positìon. Type .........…… DESCRIPTION OF INT览RNAL ECONOMISERS (J)~毫 IFωib沁 plug.. type..……"……………… ……………"…萨蜡tion ……叫 注 I Blow down elbõw,阳能削……..…."..'"刷刷 pi肘, separa组, oonn耐剧协…­ Ul lc柏 tre of feed inlet 治…..….................... inchωabove …... on rigl吭, Ieft,. side ... Feed ap归rants …..…..……"….........…………………….......……....~....................……………"… A,dditional 阳ings..…….........…….-..........…..川."".....…...…"……………u......…… ....n CA队CULATIONS SHELL, BARREL, S. &: W. DRUM, F.C. CRO驯刑, DOME, M. DRUM RIVETED JOINTS Cir口nn岳阳1后al Longi制 }oint Parts }oint Fig. No. ωd肌al Fig. No. (A) P....D.... P....D...‘ T NCS N C5 (B) (c) '4 2专 Actual Rul部 Actual Rule Max. Pi tch Ou terRows 1抗 nerRows Narrow5衍'ap Plate % Rivet % Combd. W叫 P陀ssure 4 1∞ (P- 100 (P 血。} D) 口% =% p P loo xAxNxCxS, = % I∞ xAxNxCx同 =% PxTxS PxTxS 100 (P- 2D) 1盼 xAxCxS + =% P Px τxS (t 2) x S x J z 沁雪儿 t…5...} CxD Leas章良警萨 sure …Ibs. 叫法 川机副吨抽回段 内容 吨知 h h时 哈 怒 器 睛5trap PLATESTIF誓NESS Back Front = lbs. E沪 t1 Around Manhole 1翩11 S.P. = (t - 1)2 +(t1 _1)2 = lbs. 02 Back End .......... II-III ……….. III. …………· IV.... W.P.= (t -1)Z 02 IV-V.... …………… OverFum昌ces .. Below Fumaces …m Manhole … N1 N 2 丑 1.tB. 匣怦 0 ,0 ……....x ……… X ……… 4 G G1 Toe Rivet事 F. B. F. III. B. F. 11. IV. B缅 R V. B. BY GUSSET STAYS FRONT END 8ack Gu浏ets Areas 11 …"…. III ……· IV …… Vor Mid... Sq. in. = = 11 III IV V 由 - 叩 - GUSSET STAY CALCULATORS 门Om明白n叫 mZ叶 Front Mid.... .. 骂 Om挡泛们 MumMa 判c 阳 1-1..…….. 1-11 ‘...... lI-III ...... II-Apex. IV-Apex. IV-V or Mid. 由 11. III. IV. V. "呻 • 咱 叫 叫 呼 呵 PLATE MARGINS 由…。暴 2 lbs. ι 。… W 哇J 一 LEASTPR忘SSURE M 他… 可 2泛 ms. N‘ X N2 N2 X Al N~ X A, X 1.875 N4 X A4 X 1.875 叩 BACKEND W.P.. 3.7 (t 由 1) .J W.P. Gu部et .......叫"川 angles 」 AREAS(A)SUPPO汉.TED Oimensions = lbs. ZC这栩栩MM 〉ZUUF 宫附叫阴N 阳OMH W.P. 出 {t -1)2 t ......… 咱 。 Gusset Plate, thickness ……….. tons Front End 器〈器时W〉20 白门口 ozhHOM 均M 〉摇 Di mensions Hahs Hh 忌 N 。 D 悟s。注吨吨 知 毒 s CALCULATIONS (Contd.) FLAT END PLATES AND GUSSET STAYS (Contd.) GUSSET STAYS PARTICULARS CALCULATIONS (Contd.) FLAT END PLATES AND GUSSET STAYS = (G - N2 O2) (t - 2) .037 (G 叫。) (t - 2) .037 Least Pr销护 sure,…费:>s. Ins. CALCULATIO剖S (Contd.) Least Pressure. 出 υ2 芝 18 rJ<ì vi =lnS. J1} 'IL ……~... 苦: He仙\gSurface..........….............…........……........…u,...........~……......…...Sq. Calculations mad~ by ……… on........ calmlationschedMby …..………… on.................. submitted. on … ......……..………..…...........…………............…………… Ibs. Approved working pressure ………"……..……………………….. lbs. Unbalanced Lever ( ) V to F-(Gω 到 L 嚣 ins Chief Inspe宫tor's ~marks and sign墨ture. m Ordinary τype Unbalanced (Lever) ( ) = lbs. [W.P.(A叩V)卜叩v 盯]V 沁 F俐刊 {Gt怡 O 阶L 叩 W.P.xA lbs. .... I Cas锐 ng ………… HYDRAULIC TEST REGISTRATION 后 I Valves.…..川...................…山" SPRING LOADED VALVE Range of compres悦。n …….. inches. Load compression ………… inches. L 皿 (AxW丑 iD= ;C ;K= id=inch四8= iH= ; W.P. ;A= W.P. 嚣 ft. Least pressur敬" that for iW.P.协.-a)-飞'1 B DEAD WEIGHT VALVE ( )嚣 ~ 1 Plates Total 80iler Ra ting ...川叫…........…..................... …."........ VtoF 川川 C犀叩 嗣量{ 咄 dhv-unr … … iwil () jBM i叩 wmv 1:! -MJ () I1 IV …… …… …{拉) 川 AMA EWV" … W …阳 m-MW …&W 一 No. valves each chest ……..... Type....... Diameter of valve ……Diameter of Neck ..… Diameter of outlet …· N惧。 CALCULATIONS (Contd.) 狂EATI部G SURFACE CALCULATIONS (Contd.) SAFETY VALVES LEVER AND WEIGHT VALV缸S High Steam and Lower Water Type (A) (8) (c) Round 脚ction 1 仪附a x d' Square 距ction W.P.= 33333 X d3 一一一一=- . W.P. 甜 汉时tangle 能ction 16í撒到 8 2 X H2 Pωition of Boiler at t部t..... 8rickwork 川..........L.....................………..........…La剧精………… ..………...................... Condition ofboiler,under … Condition of boile然 moun出gsunder 恼t ......…..…...........,.…..…..….... 阳ng Before Test During Test r Test 8ul原ng Permt. Set 事 2 3 4 8 9 10111112113114115 问这§阳在穹汩饱问法军队 a Boilerpr邸sure ga Ìlge compared with …...……..… on..………….found... 明cmZ〉nmC〉CC同 ZC ∞ DACK DACK DACK (38 今1.8日} REQUISITE AREA OF SAFETY VALV览S For Sa turated 抵制 m For Superheated steam A/ 1. 1.5T \ A= As= 飞111+ 一一 I c. P. 可飞 1α)()I E= C= P A= AS= T= A= NOTES ON WORKING OF BOILER 80iler is used for …… Constant, intermittent or seasonal work..… Is boiler relieved by square boiler ? ....… How long worked between cleanings ?………........... Most suitable time for inspèction. Pump available for hydraulically tes号ngboiler? . Fe告d water used,如wn weU , surface or jet condenser …Nature of water …… Fuel used ………….,,".,...…Are prin怯d instructions kept near boiler ?… P世riod between deanings approved by Inspector ……·……· Insp配tor ....…………… Date of test ....………........ Test pressure …………..lbs. Duration of t,制,t .............双ùns. Boiler press田e, gaug'世 No. …….usea忧倒t ..... . Be foreτ部吉 Du ringTest After Test E g c Bulging Perm t. Set STEAM-PIPES PLAN OF BOIL辈革lSANDMAI黯 STEAM-PIPES v H v PARTICULA汉S I I H v Situation ...川" Ry. Nos. of connected boilers …...........................…... Main Stea孩争pipes indude …………...............……" I I H v H V N mONτENO BACK ENO S阳时\ posi悦。在 of 伊.uge AND DIMENSIONS points AIBlclol 在慧苦苦捂间总窑汪 民ing HYDRAULlC TEST REGISTRATION (Contd.) LEFf HANO Nos. 1 2 2 4 5 6 7 8 19 10 11 12 13 14 15 Pip仰" rna辛erial........…………………..........……………Daimeter (outside) …...... Pipes, rnaterial thickness ..…………………………… 加s.M在加…….............… Pip础, rnaterial attad四百ent of flang础…·…… .. Pip髓>, rnaterial rnade by .......................……................ Installed in ….. Draìnage.................…......................... Pipe, covering …"……H………白............ Provisions for disconn配馁。n fromo趴er boiler MainSteam ….........…….. Auxy. S极措m ………....... STEAMT事ST 但EGIST浪ATION) Inspector …...."...….....ow........………..…..…Date of Test ......… Approv告d working pr四sure ………….. lbs....….. Test pressure ……..Ibs......... Inspector' s prωsure gauge …......"…..……Boiler pressure gauge No. Bo远er connections …....".......u.........…·….... Condition of 缸re . Fuel u使d ….........……..………..…………如辑ught..‘… Safety Valve lifted at (均…… ..u …...…. Ibs. 侈}…....... .Ibs. (c) ............ Ibs. …..… 10 14 5 DiffE• Beginm缸\5. mJJlS. 主曾nce rung mms. Tímingof 始放……… Heíght of water in glass … Pressure by Inspector's gauge ….. 卧铺sure by Boiler gau伊… Accumulation of pr部sure, 100 忖=%..….........…… ............hU....…… 椒,部fety valves efficiently relieve boiler ?…………………… Condition of boiler under st,制m ……...,..".............….................. Condition of mountings under steam … Loading of valves 毒t blowing pre酬lre (A) ........…....…………川川 Loading of val¥制矗t blowing pre础lre (削"……"…........……….."......……….,...………..... Loading of valvωat blowing pressure (C)………………………………·……· Ihickness of washers or ferrules …· F时d pump or injec协,rworked ……"…..... .…叩 Bl沁 owdoσiwn.. ….蛐...…..………"臼…..……....…....…....…川"川.川…... . Feed delivery …….. CALCULATIONS RECORDS OF INSPEcrIONS AND TESTS First inspection 加side and 0由ideby ……"…"…. 00 ….. First hydraulic 怡然。o lbs.)......……................…... by ……............ on …… E到SP军:crOR'S NOTES P'ARTICULARS OF BOILER ATl'ENDA搅TS Grade I Narne I No. and Y础。f Certificate I 。在怡。f 后mplo归恕民主 W秘密f 伊u伊 tested ……… Attendant .... Umit ofl侃d on safety valves to be entered in Certificate …………………... .....~. Boil桔r 屈 、4 FORM 11 INSPECfING AUTHORITIES CERTIFICATE OF INSPECTION DURING CONSTRUCTION [Regulation 4 (c) (1)] Designation of Inspecting Au曲。rity FORM I1-A g INSPECfING AUTHORmES CERTIFICATE OF INSPECfION DURING ∞ CONS宫幻盯 τTRI 即 肌UCασTIONI剧 R NRE囚SPEC 口rOF A BOILE 皿 ERMADE' 盯盯 TO 0 FOREIGN CODE FOR EXPORT. [Regulation 3A] We hereby 但rti句, that 出e ….........… type, boilers; length ............… feet . inches; diameter, .........…… feet ................ inches; working pr四sure; ... lbs. built by Messrs ................ at ........…… under shop. Nw巾er.......f..…… was constructed under our supervision and inspected at various stages of construction by 出e Inspecting Officer and 由atthe ∞nstruction and workmanship were satisfactory and in aα'OI由nce with the Standard Conditions for the design and construction of land boilers under the Indian Boilers Act, 1923. The boiler is stamped on hereunder:- tqe 仕ont end plate with our stamp as shown Maker's Name …… …… …… …… ..Y ,阳闺r时 ofM 蛐ak阳 eιιιι …. .… … . … . … . …. . Worksnumber..….................. Tested to......….......lbs..…...........on..…"….. W.P. ..........lbs. Insp配由\gOffi白白 or Ins严ctingAuthοrity's Official 5恒mp. The boiler on completion w subjected toa waterpressure tests of ……lbs. rum and headers were per square inch in 出epr臼ence of the Inspecting Of自由ron................19..…............ and satisfactorily withst∞ d the 怡st. "Sa mples of materials used in the constructions of 出e boiler were tested in thepre田\ceof 出le Inspecting Offi四 r and found to ∞mplywi白白e requirements. Al I welded seams were subjectedωphysical tests and radiographic exanination wherever applicable and found sa创sfactory. Note: Strike off 出is paragraph where no such tests has been carried out and the certificate in Form IV by a Well-known Maker is intended ωbe fumished. Signature of Inspecting Authority Dated at ...........….. this ................ day of ................ 19.... "Strike out which is not applicable. Inspecting Autho向 We hereby ~erti句, that the..….................... t;ype boilers; len,刷、.................. diameter ................................... working pressure ............................…… built by Messrs........………二.................…四\der Shop No. ........................… was construèted under our supervfsion and insp配ted at various stag臼 at construction by the Inspecting Offi四r! and 出at 由e design, construction and workmanship were satisfactory and iri every respect in accordan四川出叫"……"……............. Code Sp配ification. The boiler is stamped 画 under: The boiler on comple创on was tested to ....………画出e presence of the Inspecting Offi四ron ..…........... and it satisfactorily withst∞d 由e test. Details of tes也 and ins严ctions are fumished with 出is 由此ificate. We have satisfied ourselves 出at 出e design, construction and dimensions of the boiler are as shown in the Maker's Drawing No. …............. approved and signed by us, anq that the partiαuars entered in the Maker's Certificate of manufacture are correct to the best of our knowledge and belief. Maker's certificate, signect~y them and coun饱r-signedby 田,画叫uired by the . Code/Specificatio吁, is enclosed. Signature of Inspecting Au出ority EAS喃喃田。队 EESaM E可M 叫 We have satisfied ourselves 出at the construction and dimensions of the boiler are as shown in the Maker's Drawing No. ........… ....signed byu占i, and 出at the particulars entered in 出e Maker's certificate of manufacture in Form III countersigned by us, are correct to the best of our knowledge and belief. 日创伊ation of the FORM II.B INSPECTING AUT罚。RITY CERTIFICATE OF INSPECTION DURING CO剖 STRUCTION OF BOILERS FOR WHICH VARIA唰 τIONS FROM STANDA汉D CONDITIONS HAVE BEEN PERMITTED [R然凯lla位。然 4位) (1) Note] D础i伊lation of Inspecting A的hority We hereby cer拔fy that the …….. type boilers FORM.III WORKSADDRESS Constmctor's Certificate of Manufaclurer and Test [Regula位on 1. 0制crip创on Oate at ……叫......…. this …川.......... day of ………"…..19 "5trike out which is ll0t 在pplicable. 变 E … for /Stock purposes ……………哇 g. hereunder:一 Signature of Inspecting Authority § Contract No. ...............................;....................................去F Type of Boiler …...........…..……..…… 1及到.gth overall Diameter inside La rgest belt ...……..…叫.........…………i% Desi悖1 pressure ………·…………………… lbs/sq. Ìn. Intended working pressure ……………. Ibs./吨. in. Shop Number of boiler ..…… Year of Manufacture ..… Total heating surface ………………...……….. Sq.比 Final Temperature of steam (0创恻…..........…..… O 时f Grate 缸 a re 创a ..……..…….……...…..川…......…"……...…....…H…叫…"…….……‘ Brief des挺cription飞 ofboiler …"…..………...~. Evaporation capacity ............................ . (for calculation of relieving capacity of sa 旬 ty valves) ....workingpr回sure ………… builtby M础SI事.………… at …............ under Shop Number ................ was constructed under our supervision 和dins伊cted at various stages.of co那truction by th带 Inspecting 0姐cer, and 出at the design, construction and workmanship were satisfactory and in accordance with the variations f~om thè standard conditions laid down in the Indian Boiler Regulations, 1950, ifor material (必然gn and construction features have been permitted by 由e Boa~d of Inspecting Authority under the Indian Boilers act, 1923. The Boiler is stamped on the front end plate with our stamp as shown Note: Strike off this paragr"ph where no SI主ch test has been carried out 击ndthe cer瞅臼除 in Form IVi by a Well精KnownMa挝r is intended to be 如rnished. We have satisfied ourselves that 出e constructions and dim四sions ofthe boilera扫描 shown in the Maker's Orawing No. …............ signed by us and that the parHculars entered 胎出e Maker's certificate of manufacture in Form III countersigned by us, areωrrect to the best of our knowl陆dge and belief. Particulars of variations from the standard conditions laid down in the said regulations as permitted by the Board of Inspecting Authority are enclosed. 。邸灿dor's Name and 副部· M在 riufacturéd len伊1 …H….. diamet衍 Maker's Name ………… Year of Make ........…… Works Number .............… Tested to …..........….on ………... W.P.Inspec伽19 Officer's or Inspec自19 Authority's official stamp. The boiler on ωmpletion _____ __.1..: bjec怡 d to a were tested in the presence The drum and header were of Inspecting Officer and fOUt ld lnspecting 0脱出ron....……… 19 ….........…..and satisfactorily withstood the te呱 笔amplesofma去erials used in 始le conslruction of th牵 boiler were t部ted in th廷 pre促nce of the Inspec如g Officer and found to ∞mply with the r,吨uirem四ts. All welded searns were s呻iect创始 physical tests and radiographic ex在min器 tion wherever applìcable 器时 found satisfactory. 4(c) (III)] h叫 2. Parts manufactured at the contractor' s works Name of Part(s) …………........………….. Description ……....."..........………叫....................…………...... Leading dimensions ……..................……..…… Manufactured by ……………...."……… …………· Identification marks ………..…"..........………..…..……· Part(s) manufactured, inspected at all stages of construction by …………………… (Insp时tion Authority). H Certifica恼 fur摇shed(Contr础。r's/S栅~I Ma汩r'sand Ins严ctingA磁hority's etc.) …..……叫……………… Part俘 hydraulicalIy 憾ted and intemally i附p倒ed after test by....…………………….................../. 3. Par沁 manufactured outside the constructor's works Name of Parts例"……………………............….................. Description ..……..........~~... Leading dimensions ………………… Manufactured by …... Identification marks …...........…..............……........... , Parts (s) mariufa ctw'ed, inspecting at all stages of 'construction by ..................… (Insp创怕19 Authority). Certificates furnished (Contract啊'sSteel maker' sand Insp配ting Authority's etc.)... h叫s) hydraulically 阳 I ted and intemally ins伊cted after test by …....................……………·………..........,......… No始:嗣.Iar 协rina阳 isωbe Contrac怡r's Works. furnished for 翩而 manufactured outside 阳出 、。 4.Con雷捡回ction (a)Riv牵ted/composite construction shells/drums/Miniature Boilers: The 础lS帕K刽onis肌 aα::ordano带 with Chapt町嚣/XJ.V c浮出e如d坦n BoilerR喀ula位朋­ Nun也er of longitudinal seams 泌 sheU/drum in each be抵… Number of longitudinal seams in 缸maωinead在对ng …………....……… Number of circumferential seams 部 shell/drum ……… {肌cluding end seams) - Boiler parts an4 卢ttings 5.Ma始rial Manufac烛re 黯vet Plates Bars Tub制 Tubes Girders Tubes 80x臼 Headers E知aders Manhole fran栅 M缸lholed∞军事 Numberof 出口m由rential 栩栩lS inshell …"………"…"………" Numberofci民umfer昭然alse部附 infumaoe ………"………………川 Marlhole Dètails of r,呼延r嚣"if any,创rried out to welded seams during 棚lS恼创on.. Detailsofh础t 阳西栩栩七. 段。由oled∞.rs A渥 welded seams were sul:咱ected 协 radiographic examination 恰如隔.tisfacti∞ Stand bl悦~ with Stand pipes : ChapterXof 位\e Indian 刷1假如跻也 tions, 19览 Num加roflongitu必nalseams 部 shell … Stop valve cb四ts Nut协erofcirαunfere拽出lse,部加位tclu曲tgend 传ams) ……"…叫… .. Safety 挠沁t瞅 E 硝远sofre a 叩 p忍rs 凯哩孔, 迁 ifa 胆 町 n E哼 yca酣时 o 盼 1始革uω:oweldeds 盼骨挝蚓羽础 sd 归 u血由1嗨 gα 倒 x . 阳沁汹t必 E ail沁sofh锦tt位rea 础挝nen役t ……….....………..……..….......… All welded seams w栅 su闵昭ed toradiographicexam凶ation to the sa融faction valve 出部ts Feed valve ch础ts Blow downv 晶 alv 跚 e ofthelnsp配加g (e) Fumace seam•Th e longitud恼al 串eamsa 5 801ts single/double riveted/welded. Rivet holesare …… ........u 必ameter andnumber 格…...u.."........-… perpitchof….... 衍将 sheU end seams are …..…..……. Jointed 翻划伽gle/ double rivet时/附~lded. 汉ivet holes are ………..d泌meter 础tdnumber..……..........pe曾 pitd在 of.....…"… 胁饭ils of seams 88 in dr班wingNo...…..……..…...........…"...…·……............……....... All welded 钝amsw缸时ubjected to Radi句~phic 翻翻丽na创佣始出esatisfaction of the Inspec恼怒 Authority, were r叫凶red. (b)岱'\eU type boilersof welded COI脚时阳F 扭黯阳脚uctionis in ac郑州ancewi航 Chapter xn of 出e Ind恼\ Boiler Regl血tiOriS. NÙJ统,beroflon~萨tudinal seams in she植 ineac量在 belt ………………………u_. Number of longitud凶alseams 恤 fumac暗……....……………..."…………………" of 伽e InSpeC阳g Authority. Rema放s Angles The circumf剧ntialsei部宣布灿ing 加gs of sheUare ………………·… JOinted 四d De被ils ofheat 挝誓~atm创始…‘… Allwel岱dsear附 weresu问ected toradi咽'aphic examination 怡加 sati...faction In句附ting Stay bars D睡极ilsofheat 协atm四t....…………~.... The long阳d如al seams are welded/riveted andhave ………..…..…..…… m隅。f rivets in inside s位'apand ……………..lOW嚣 ofrive企事 inoutsides技'ap. Rivet holes are ……..川 diame柑 andnun归r …..…..… perpit出 of... Buttstra归 out 段。mpla棚 andbenttor吨咄咄 αl1'Vah且附部… Authority, where requir叫. (d) Fusion welded and s础mless 加伊ddrumsof 阴阳灿.be boilers-…The 即陋· truction is in aα:ordanoe with Chap始rVoftheln必an BoilersR喀叫础脯, 1950. Number of longitudinal 钝创阳 inea你出\g ……" Number of circumferential seams. ‘ Details of rep础5, ifany, α酣睡。"协部àmsd回ngco即truction . 必如ke Plates Number òf circumferential seams in 蚀'\e fuma,ω ‘ 如瞅s of repairs, if any, carried 创 t in welded seams du对啤 ωm加ction …..鹏 ∞附加磁m 汹汹 aαordanoe Smelter 。庐cer ….. of the Inspetting Authority, where req岱red. (c) Fusion welded Elec位ode Boiler萨- The Matn税1 Blow down elbow pipe Water 伊uge!mountings N时e: Under .... 5. s. 3 剧 。 "Material" 叫咿inst 叩阿邮町 "Steel Simens M叫苦 句帕 协H 加§知加 佣 e a此巾 h 矗d 创 d(伽 愣,rbas ο 浏 i均吩仰 伊 p r附ss" 旷 飞 气哨 H 价附 N ro 伽 叭u o 啪 凶I增帧梆#拚梆 1吠t口削 Iron 矶 m 创 氏 'n 1兀, Brand …………….町…..………{晴叫叫…..……..….. ,吃 'Ca 蚓 就tS怡阳 s el 雪轩宫倪e 酬窜锦 s 飞………..…….e 眈 t饺 c协A 础 创t忧附 e c., andund盯 M汉梅 ema 盯 rks" 旷嚣矿旷"飞" a brief explanà帽 锐阳 帧, o n of句 pro 呻 伽 φ 臼ο s 仙fma ,附 E隙aJ\黠1 巾c 阳 t饥础革泣 tur 栩E哩 w 附 he 棚 ren酣s 圳础董哼 ye 附 w el协 巾 d 旷 ed" 矿旷, d H,, 咄rlid 挝.d Pr 附倒s 豁 ed", 栩ted 础 db 均 yM 协 ake 础 路 r s ..……… 川…....……… H 川.树. .. 加 1bs. 仰 Pe 町r 吨 i烛 则 n che 惚饺辄. §豆 L 罢 Tensik Elon …· $md由2hdsme恒qparw I&.~ts S仿曹饵" PII对 ofBoiler gIma协必" &No. 。" p副e to% to 伽ns ter in 切ches 主 6.τhickness of Pl融s etc. and 梗阻ile 协t; Limits Cylindr安.cal sh甜 P1a始S SheJ1 伽 8在ztatznstraakEwESaW 阮ums WTwU回mbep回pp理tea置?恒phk。悔也』 。但.) Tube platε(2) Wrapperp1a险。) 2 3 4 1 C也ugh 诏官 Bnmd 5 6 Sllell 四dp1a毒e and drwn Heads Front end shell Front end shetl s部am and water drwn (1) Front end shell stea宿在 andwa也r drwn (2) Front end shell steam and wa枪rdrwn (3) Front end shell Mud drwn (1) Front end shell Mud drwn (2) Front end shell Mud drwn (3) 8ackend sl时l Back 四d sheUS始am and water drwn (1) 8ack end shell Steam and water drwn (2) 8ackend 如往如am 脑d water drwn (3) Back 四d 由ellMuddrwn 仰 8ack end shell Mud drwn 仰 8ack end shell Mud drwn (3) . g在ellαown Oome 创l.d Saddle Doubling plate back 4 5 6 and fire 阻伊附d plates Furnace circular (plain) Furnace circular Fumace circular (Corruga怯d) Fire box crown Fire box side Fire box 加,nt Fire box h.必e Uptake Smokebox h.必e Com. Chbr. wrapper Co肌Chbr. back 宝安ßCKN蓝SS OF PLATES ETC. AND T量民SILE TEST LIMITS 1 2 3 4 S 6 Tubes Cross h.戏规章 Snω如 Tub回(p1ain) Smoke 汩汩s (Stay) Wa怡r h.Jbes 徊。阳>m or front bank) (top or rear bank) 8a1ancer 汩汩i!S (Steam) 8alancer 阳:bes (Water) Water 相加s Superheater h.Jb幅 Superheater h.JbeS Superh回牵er h.Jb础 Water wall h.戏剧 Water wall h.Jb臼 Inl始gral Economiser tu加s and Sectional Header嚣 Cross Box制 Sectional header事 Water wall headers (1) W在毒er wall headers (2) Wa怡r wall headers (3) W在terw辑II headers 盼 Water wall headers (5) Water wall headers 份 Inte萨al Economiser headers (1) In始gral Economiser header事 (2) H倒也rs U品 W NM FDMo由b1oiaxgcapslian怡g fsriodnets 3 Flan萨d Tubep1a挫 (3) Cylindrical sheU P1ates 8arrel Fire boxc撞到ng crown Oome Mud of bottom drwn 仰 Mud ofbo阳ndn肌肉 Mud of bottom drwn (3) 2 问这登出急玲寄电告恶毒 ?现协 lndi.an Boiler Regulations 262 'w'bs /'叫U'麟 3现圃'部JpÁH a:z币Sl啻 'ON 臼'1 0鄂n判 'UI 飞'1SJp.JO sn , p吨 划, UJ 言是 哩'SpUU; 锦饥Z骂邦泣 鸣棚"曹J apJsuI .四呻UlE: UJ i N.l 鸣 snJP曹'J a阴阳E UJ 3是 'spUlE: 曹酶mp 棚叫3盹 一'"e_ 膊吼一一 ,., p 萨U如JON 剥削.puo础。N . 'ON V叫 N ',喝 叫 . 叫 。 ' 领E 晕、 唱E ll'I 喃 ·…一…,如一- ι …一…~… 一 ef) N ag主$-蛋 SS 自 AC哇哇 ESEAM}gEE .3 叫 勘乱 树倒U二L 。'‘在 ,唱 唱2 ll'I 唰 ef) '‘ 8 ,叫 3 i .i i iiiiii ii33Eii EEi … iiiiiiiiiioB 号; 333;3333iiziiEiiizii iiziiiiii ii33 zse 军 sg No. HeJUl orend HydrostaTh ickness tic test 5ha严 in 32nds in. Ibs./sq. in. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Water Wall Headers Integral Superh四ters Valve Body: Material......…· 句回ing at neck..… 句回ing at outlet … Springs …...........……..........… Material … Pr,α:ess of manufacture … 1 2 3 4 5 6 Headers Bo胆S 1 2 3 4 Chemi臼lcompωition.... 9. Tubes 51. No. Th ickness in l00ths in. Outside Dia- Nomenclature meter in indres 1. Cross tubes 2. Smoke tubes (Plain) 3. Smoke Tubes (S恼y) 4. 旦 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Wa阳 Tubesφottom or front bank) tubes (rear orωP bank) Balancer tubes (Steam) Balan回!r tubes (Wa恒。 Water Superhe创ertubes 10. Mountings 必仿terial Nomenclature Dimensions : Outside diameter of coiI … Section of wire .....................:................,. Number of coils....... Freelen阱 of coils..… Test results : Place of 怡st ............….........…... Date.. Closing down press田e ….. Superh回ter tubes Water wall tubes 11. Integral economiser tubω No. 11. DetaiIs of the safety valves and test results. Manufaclurer …........… Identifi臼tion marks of valves... Maker'sNo. . Type......................… Life (m) .................….... Drawings Nos. Valves details : Material................ Valve Seat.......….. Flat/ Bevel..…· Diameter of valve seating ....................……- 1 2 Econoriü阳 h回ders Mud Th ickness in 32nd in. 田。专章时足在宫" 5iuand shape Eas 8. Headers and Boxes Type No. 5iu Remarks : Does the valve cha民:er? ..J Does the valve seat leak? .. Blow off pressure … Type of valve and extract of test results …….. Type of valve . Place of 怡st ....................…........ date......... Constant 'C' by test results ...... . Capacity of the valve for the intended blow off pressure. 1. Main stop valve Signature of Maker's 2.Auxiliavraylvsetosp valve$ 3. Sa fety valves (a) repr,四entative (b) (c) 4. Blow down valves 5. Feed Check valves I INSPECTION AUTHORITY witnessing tests 12. Cerijfied that the pa叫α'ùars entered herein in ,manuscript by us are correct and that parts and fittings in sections 2 to 11 , against the names of which entries are made, have been used in the ∞nstruction and fittings of the boiler. N ~ lndian Boiler Regulations 岛4 主 重 嘻 瓷 § 言 军 需 的 目 (hc -Z 4 << 罢 gzs 吼叫 也泵五 NM 黎 S 班主幡十 十豆罢草案 …… , RF 露 需 主-gp岳重 声 a 呵, 向E 移 S 蚕掌 部部均已 S 町、草帽翠 -oanH西 ge 宅Sua 』也宵。总 皇宫宅 UEE 3}ii 画面 a 划署筒 g 冒aaga且队,回古帽言毒 事 草草、军怒瓷法gh 部级OHng官意 ga怒帽毡扇aaosmg 富强袋温哥级 gaa 重 ‘ 毡 KH阜』 Zg§32§εg宫 2,阜』Zgggg22asg由 ag也毒 hong窃Ewgag军智慧善言酬总第草草草帽Za 苦程Eaam货主割草喃自由dho 营公Eg援必续资总后誓言。ma努制制dS毛苦aH舶苟地 军 ZOW管如单 ···2··iii-i-iiiti--iizi---izzliz--3·iz 装有受得这 ,、出恻黯 MOH 酬 践 2& 、时M 〈UU〈 L哩 F a 墨写占 嚣EE&窑必暴富占 扁担〈阳 MDHUd LZ制LF 吨灿曰坦〈嚣陷。抖抖〈U富口 -U摇们》 问毒草霄毛§装 M 峭的 38 C i··iritzi--22121111izi1···gg苍幡啊运繁放军娟、草案 记幡弘 WO续被幡法 iz--jiziiji--iiiiili--esiz--gm jjiji--i··tiz---Eti--ij··liz-- iiE·E·-ji--··itiz--ztiti--jigs 毒 80£ 嗣 udsgzho i--izi--zztiti--2··ztit5 i--eji--g ··titi--iitiz--ijif--fiz--ize穹墨 $2122221·ii-i··titil--zitiz--iii:iE·E-zi 然ggam』SCH iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii重量差繁主MHZ写罩 a凶LE ii···titi--E·E·-z···iE·E·-··ztiti--i··· ·E·-··titti--zi---tiz---iz--i··E·E·--Ess 瓦Egc窒 aMVH il--iiiiiEz--ititti--tiz--i戴 ii 岱S ji--iiititi--····jazzi--Eti--ZE- titil---jit--ititti--ziii·e·-····罩。坠'go荡 :jijiiiiiiiiiijiiii£M确 E嘉ZE 卢 iiiiititi-EE·E·-iititi---Elze--i lili--iiillit--··tiz-- iizjE·E-titti--ititil--ji--iz--2 老-革 ijetti--2···titi--···jj革 ii立 jzZZ aZ 有M 坦问 :··titis-····iiZE--zzztiz--:titi-iz--23苦努萃 iizzjit--i!··tiz--iig 号铠塑AWZE运§委主。您写主 iz--titti--liti---ji--iiii;:z azg§agA宅坐 ,费 程亘暴器 z HSZ 柬边schc苔也gdMS帽剧。 菜80 ¥A haobv 5U 2 昏时 J 32 星 圃 韧。 iisiri--·····iiw。队夺忽必ij;iz 貌。响萎泣,级高 dg窑83宫。安部罢吼WSWO吉翠黎巴葡萄穹毒毅军法 挺』或苦如必辈革闹剧 -主幸 {总督衷百 Z 草除毯 苦SES 运响v§§a苦唱革瓮喃喃响 需 a a a s n m E S 室 主 cho a o d 』 F Z E 间 辈革罢虱罢,必-iiE-iiiw。队812·ias§民S S-Z SE EE -S i 毛 弩副主怠慢运德安益差军队-mha aa Sa E-Z爱吉普。孟量。#主言王军宫 百吕 主革··;宅§EHEE唱。这帽昌、白 、 2白 53 呈 Z 毒草吉552 eas 鑫ω 主蚕豆吾 B 咆 52zSSSSEKS萄主主 HS辛苦吉扫雷 ji--SZ随后』ESggega"sas坦且也言。昆明革主" d主 R 王军营aEHS 也 5228 但王SZ军℃§e 吾吾王 军言写究H田德EE需22aas。Ebω£" RE 自吾 宿E 营ESU苦在鲁吉 焦S 急援鼠 88 碰到百 ahog 响bsdg 程安嚣 制 革时瓮蜡也aZS 663 是专 E 主番, gz 是 口号; 3338 M G 冒33438 苔SKEE罢郁的专挺起…-jit--2223 ~2··zi--耀 E在 ZZS 段 33 区 主g草帽UZ运军主gHV言言辈苍蝇呻田在22主5言 。 8" 皇宫328 § FORMm-B CERτ哑::JCATE OF MANUFACTURE AND TEST 但啼ula馁。iI\ 4 (f)J Maker's Name.... 阻挡iign Pre晒ure....…H…………....川 Design Temperature ...... 0 Tensile s加ngthat 20 C 军 Where, if Et 坦 Yield point at 枪m严rature (0.2% proof s阳ss). 主 咐= Averages阳s to produce an elongation of 1% (CJ.1叫) in 1∞,000 豆 hours at the vario四 wor恼:ng metal tempera饥U'es. ~ 吨,r = Average and low创由倒 topr仙lce rupture in 100,000 hours at A(; 由e variòus working metal 怡mperatur附.飞E iS" TempE!rature ran伊扭曲e table may extend upto the limit of applicability MATERIAL manufacture ……........… Fu1ly kiUed/rimmed.. prα卫部 of H 。lemi值1 ∞mp铺翩。n..…·………..… ofthem貌怡riaI. pnx宠ss of 11也nufactu挫……叫叫................………………...... Main dÏII阳在sions.…....................……………………" Toleranæs....……………………………………........ TeJ.fsile s位'etlg也………………............……… 黯ongation pen:注重lt事ge …………H 8回事d 怡然…......................…......ω Flat抽血g 始st ………..……………… Ctushirtg 怯st.......………………川川叫"…· Flare 始创…........………………....................川 sc 在,e value of and Sr need be fumished only in respect of Pipes !Tubes intended to be u部d forwor挝啤 metal temperature above 础4吃 (850吭 Certifi础役时也epa成iculars 臼tered herein 撞re Flange 始st …"… m …叫....... have been 孩稳nufactured 毛o comply wi血泊.e Indian Boiler for a maximum working pressure of ......….... and 辑翻拟imum temperature of ……… at our works a加venamed 础d satisfactorily wi役时∞d a water 怡然 of …..........ontt岭….......... dayof ………..19........., in 锁在ep'"辅ence of our respónsible representativ四 whose signature is ap伊'nded hereunder. Ma ker's R叩re册ntative. (Nameand Si伊18tur份 Maker …………..... We have 倒ti嚣的ed ourselves tt.a t the tubes have been constructed in accoroan册 withChap阳 11. The tests conducted on 血e 嗣mples taken from the 自rushed ru加s have been wim白酶d by us and the particulars entered herein are correct. Bulging 饵st and dri阳ng test (for copper and brass) ....... Head treatment ....……....……川 Hydraulic 恒st .......... Date …............. Nameand S敏m切reofln柳cting Authority. Note: 仰刊协 form up协"c Sr 及到B 325 350 375 400 in烟lded 始 the such oft加 bo也阳be manufacturers and tube or paragrap恼伪at are app虹.cable, or use 01 col也nns 以furma加,n 彼时岱n beobt翻edand 也rnished 加m otherce放浪ca棚,泯衍d 加必lli烛。ren制时 in (2) In this funn. made from h如s pipes ob始ined 加重秘密沁ew加陀, to the NmateriaI" and U忽如扩 shallbe ta灿然如.ms烛lÌ1ar fonnsolc黯此ificat撼。>bt酣睡 inres严ct of pipes and noted in the app宜。抖的e columns or para伊涌phs. the 侃衍。,f fabrica馁。ns p硝icuJa军事极 regard 位5 In theca盹 of rubes made from steel, made and tested by weU也nownSteel makers in India or other cbuntries listed in Appendix 'G' particulars regarding 姐由le colurnns ο 时 rpara荡伊 ra 叩 phs 肌 i nt 仙 hi始 s U啤 吐耐i且C 俑溢时te' 旷 11 cert N趴川 sc 250 275 is fabricators. 伽üy Nole: In addition, the full(刑汩g 肌furma撼。nin 附pectof 秘密则始rialsha延民位rnished ina 始bular fonn in ∞!nfonnity with 位\e re叩血ements of regulation 剑。树。f 枝花 Noteth臼胁, as the case may be.ηùs 恼funn硝棚 may be given from 舱 ωtablished 怖主 data orif 出ema始往al is ofs脑n咿 rdq础lity,矗S 硅xtrac苦恼mthe standard may be 位rnis捡到过栩栩d. Et ......川 Place rab双臂 correct. R喀ulations 8end test on weld ..........…..…..…..……·….................. Metal 阳 在,e 始放到s TUBES 加叩e- õ' ;:s FORM II1-D CERTIFICATE OF MANUFACTURE AND FORM II1-C CERTIFlCAT脏 OF MANUFACTURE AND TEST OF BOILER MOUNTINGS AND FIγfINGS (Regula创on 3269) Maker's name and 创a d柑dr归'eS鹅$ …….…….……蝇……帽 …….…….……….. ……….叫....... ln始nded working pr,叙;sure ……………….kg./crn2 ....……..-……m…… (lb./sq.inch) Hydraulic test pressure 川………………..(kg/αn2) ……………....... (lb./sq.inch) Main dirnensions ………………………·………………….....…… Drawing Nos. . ldentifica划。n 沁farks .., Chemical composi悦。戏....……................……………………...… Physical 棚t results … (i) tensile s悦ngth......黛.....................……..........….........…..…. (ii) transver辅 bend 恼仁.....~.............................................. 。ìì) elonga创on ……叫..........…- that the pa耐α.dars entered herein by us are corr时乞 The part has b<<础_d部igned and cons肌lC始dto ∞mply with the Indian y Boiler Regulations for a working pressure of ………….. and 璐 sa 硝锐融 s缸dαril坊 wi议th 挝 st,ω3 阳创站 d a hydra 矗u 喝li祀 c 怡$刽t1础 2撼蛊汹gwat始 啊 e ro 时rk 协 ero饵附 o 田ranyo伽e 倪 'rsu 回i恤bl怡 eli坞 quωid Ce附加d appended We have 铀tisfied ourselv,制 that the valve/fitting has been ωnstructed ..and t创ted in a倪。rdance with the requirem阳.tsof 也e Indian Boiler R咆ula砾。n, 19即. We further certify that the pa叫C乱dar将 en始red herein are co段时t. . Nameand si伊ature of 伽e Insp阳也19 Note: ln 脚 case of valve d阳重 madeand 柿ted by wen巾,。唰在Foundr捕。r Fo鸣声骂 附刀伊始edby 加 Centr暗I Boilers Board in tI喜牵制nner as Iaid down in 吨阴险制ns 4A阳:>4仪, particul措施"伊rding 伽em矗毒erïal asα贸tified by them in any fonn shan be noted 豁出e appropria怯 oolumnsor 严附锣商phsin the ce弱fìcate aJ\I量 in case of cert琐创阳加m well也lOwn Foundries or Forges is produced,相ch certioo脚 maybeaαepted in lieu of 校\e C坦rtifica能 from 阳等恕俑onau貌10rity in 50 far as ít rela梅毒o thet酬放可;; of material 咿配îfìed in 位淤京onn. .~接rike 创Jt which is not applicable. Modeofm 吉衍mnufad量1由lre 豆警巳巳'e…… l晴川.川. ..叫叫 .. E挝 de 四 n蜕缸2沮ilt隧ionm鑫战S ….....…….阳*………树…"…….川......…..………….………...……..……….…….…….…栩 .. Bend 梅毒。nweld 叫"…."........….................................. Flare加仁..........…….,. F1attening test ........……............ Drif法始st ……….......... 在 T ens 削ìl怡 e 蜘圳例1 ……… ………..川….川川……… H 川…..川…..山..……… .. ..………... Cω 阳h 均 i兹n 咱拙崎 伊 g飞 恼脱队 t仁七.呐…………..……….川……… ……..…...斗. .. Heat 挝@回 a 衍怕宫回E比 t仁……… ....忡.勘..………唰" Flange test ………叫.......... . Final hydraulic t叫........…………………..…..…..… .. Non-d向而…叫"ω… . C叫"叫锁\e. particulars en时协础 are ∞rrect. R嘲翩。nsatour 例如加,ve Nameand Si伊ature of the Ins}>'然椒\gAu由ority , Toleran册S ….....…斗 The part ha~ been manufactured to comply wi也 the Indian Boiler named and sa始由ctorily withstood a , w附 a怡阳 r 阳制t Offi俯rwhowitnes段d the 梅毒队 Da协......…… 19..... Certificate No. …....,.t".....…………………" 。骗te of Manufacturé ………………· NameofPart …………………"…………………… Maker's Name andaddre部…..…..….. Code of Manufa抽取/均创加 tio批…..…..…..….........…..…..…..…................ Material HeatNo.........…· PJ:\创:ess of manufacture ……· Fully killed/rimm~/semi killed ………………………....…… Chemical composi tÍon ….........…………………………………..…..…..……… Pipes Main dimensions …………..…..………...........….........………...........................… 胁 B en 挝 dTi制t仁.……..…..… ..……..叫..叫..…….斗…….…….…….…….…….……................ h斜阳nder. Signature of Maker's representative ....……………·… Signa如re of In年前ting Officer who wi始创sed the 袖,t...... Da串eat …….....................,........…......... thedayof..……….......…........….......19.... Si伊lature and 眼al of InspE时ing Authority … Place …......... Da te .............. . Maker's Representative (Nameand Si伊战始时 M矗抽出……..…........ 凹a创……... T院ST lR喀1且la创on 剑。1 Nameofpar 价t Eoa pr 怡 陀 'es 豁 sure 曹 of … ofou 町 r 陀$严x 那毛s 刽i池b 剖 削I怡 er叩陀$锢 ent怡 ativl 四 ewh惆es 创ign隙毗 创t饥E应 a m 弩 is ~式 , of..……"….川…. of our r,ωp 归。R 陋 si伽b 训 削l始 e re 叩 pr础ent始 at锐ivewh在恼es 剑i伊m恒re 较 i沁 5a 叩 pp 归 er时毛世 ded hereunder. M尬的 R叩'resen叫t肌 (Name and sign向e) M撞 ker …............. .. 虱. §§ E掣 P 穹 盹脚 h N 川阳… ec 叫 拇 a 浏 s 棚叫 川 e 盯 o 叫 f阳m 叫时础 巾&加阳'O e 棚… 'm r叫锦幌叫ea 削 时 n1叫 白 ω 忖阳… d 棚 α … 喇叫 r砖 剖i耐叫 t 协k 如阳恕酬附肌 h 网 仲汩川 d oro脚阳 r ∞削呻衍恼"p 阴融耐Eα 呻‘ 幽革 ul 融 d 1梳 a彷阳E嘲时咖阳吨 g 位阳 w 盼\e 'rna 阳沁剧 阳a州 d l' aω硝ed 恙 Ê 均 b y 由础{彻恕阳 础 a 町 n yfl 伽 onn 耐}命阳 allb 怡 e 附tedir 汹茸旅鼠阳草惚 .eappro冈州时四恼。rpara伊phs in lir. 仙isω磁自创始. 送 ? FORMm-E CERTIFICATE OF MANUFACTUR.E AND TEST [Regulation 4(f)] Maker's Name ......……………..........…..............…..................川.........…..........…..…..…... (Regulations 73 to 80 or 81 to 85 崎 appli臼ble) 二 。rtificate No. ..…………...…………………H……ι………................川~ NaD'隙 of Part.. 、 ........ Draw趴:gN栅...........…...…..…..........….........……..叫川……………… … . … … …. … …. … …. … . 叫.,… … "… . … … …. … …. … …. … … …. … …. … …. 叫….. H 叫…………‘削叫…….,川…… … . 川… . .. 叫…‘嗣…..………… 川… ……..川………… M ………缎叫…….川川.. .. H础tNo. …............................ 1挝 白 d i沁 e时i泊启C 俯蔬锐佣Ma盯 泳 r ks .~ Fully killed/rimmed/semi 挝lled ……………"…..…………叫 Chemi但Icomposi挝on.....………….............…..…...........…......…………… Tubes pr仪烹55 of manufacture …..… Main dimensions ..... . Tensile s加鸣曲"……­ Transverse bend test ."., {飞成功 Elongation … Ce州fied that t'he particulars en阳'ed herein by 山 arecorr配tη甘ssa创sfies the requirements of Iqdian Boiler Regula tions, 1950. (v) (vi) Maker's Representative Toleranc部………………................... Monograml Seal (Name and signature) stren阱品.......属.................… 克longation per臼n饱ge ……………………….....………………………γ…........... Makers. FORMIV S军警ELMAK椒,'SCERτIFICATE OFMANUFACfUR毒 AND RESULTS OFT部四 [Ri帘i1ation 4(c) (ìv) &:俐} of rolling D'对延………… H We hereby c时fyth矗t the material d倒时协d belowhas been made by 孩end test....…·…………………………… D四ignation Flat将延ngtest ……..……….........................… Crushing test ....…………………… M/s..……...by 校1ι"…....... PfO(黯s, aspers如cifications ….....……..…… androlled Flare 能st....……二 by … andh附加en satisfactorily te幽d in the presence of our Test House Mana幡 gerorhisr叩re隙n组tive in accordance with the stip叫ated tests and tolerances. For gothic barsl缸alps, billets and hot rolled strips which are to be pr()(础sed furtherby 仙esamemam血cturer for making tub倒Ipi萨施,也ephysi咀lproper创栅 are not required to be mentioned by the st册1 manufàcturer. Signature of Initials, Test House Manager Flange test …........ Bond test on weld ...... .. Bu1ging test and dri揄命阳舶恤 i垃n 昭 讪1嗯 g 怡阳$创t (fl 阳 oro ∞ 叩 O 仰 p 肘e p 配 阳r and bra 幽 臼 s s).…… .'山… . … …. … .刷"… … . ….1呻…巾叩刷..川.…刷川.山… . Heatt 位 reat衍m 宜ne 臼n吐t.. … Hydraulic test … 。在始 examination ……… Ce磁垒.ed 也at the pa州耐脚础毛ered herein are corr硝搞 been m蔬nufactured to COD'可ply with the Indian Boiler at our works above 削medártd satisfactorily withstood 提 water test of ……………. on the ….................d呵。f ……………..19 ……..in 位te presence of oui 11倒po阳ible representative yvhose si阴阳e is appended ~reunder. Not量 Inth在 case of tubes made fm部1 steel, made and ce汹如dbytheW础唰韧。附lS始e1 Mak回事 in India or other countrie喔, particulars re伊nting 蜂"、18品erial' 串sce此ü赔d by 往lem (ifanyfi部吩 sbaU 段也仅rt延k罩始 jgg be notedin the a即ropriate columns or para叙事phsin 切 函 ZS 回 。 Boiler Number ... RESULTS OFTESTS Size of plate and bar 』 Lω b.o Maker 川 J ζb-derNu放松r......... Date o( tests ………… 19 ……… Ordered by..………… τ专le Tub臼 have b伊lation Maker's Representative (Name and signature) 帕 岱础瞅草M ∞仰 m附阳……...…………….卢………..……… …….……...………….川……..川….嗣….川.………….川…..…………制……..川…………..……… .. .. ……..….川. 路'hy P 抖嚣悦ical 础础1 沁阳制$创tre 附$峭 剑lt始 u s ………...……….…… 叩… H .….臼..... . Manufacture..… No孙cons位uotive 牛 Main dïmensions . 据墨terial Tensi1e :r 黠 Maker's nameand à.d由四" Code of Manufacturel句ecifica挝ons. Proc倒 of •. FORM lß-F CERTlFICATEOFM剧UFAcruREANDTEST OF CASTlNGS AND FORGINGS ~ ‘ CJ wm w g 民帽e Cherr喝臼I 1:: ii 后 .s 响2。8由 &3圃- I g 15.S jii 也咽H 型 F口 Z ‘ CJ g iii 3; 叫 •n g 'ACB U analysis ………………..…..……..…..………………,......................."......,.......... 京 可 lndian Boiler Regulations 268 辛茹苦主军 罢虱主gggszzzaaz咽33303号是oaa·e 22 -233 啻 E§主呈势必懈怠,s dsg寝忘忽如岳阳。言写鼠裂主命苦乱HU曲直喧 唱嚣每 苦o 苦gg 税苦 gh gv go 喧嚣 -A 问 dmho na言辈辈善言黯织。ga苦苦苦三军 s 电至也VASA昌、军怒辑SEUSSEh由 t ag s坷 s。 g首咽阴晴是Swwogagazs KRA烹ESMMS苦法号。HR嗣草制主gh耐官。怠声母法 . ·衍。现冽浏阳。"苍白。如路白帽咆咽·帘。如EQE 程288珑,记苍凉豆宝安 曙阿总3 协仅 3法也军警8蜡棚。3恶毒§向sdaawog民运aM苦口 h部制制幡hoE也忍耐忠甜咱ω忍耐gohh 响必HHO毒挝晦黑必恻如h 媳g 妇gω。 运 SEH》 g , oz ‘ 队·含 去蒜苔幡tjit--2· ·有 · 帽a ·b· ho革恕。§ga8mM响在幡虚弱琼州罢然去hom酬是恐慧、饭是gazs必挝记制响k幡 m唰 gg ,· {E $ ·I·-M如舍去的、革爱始在23jB 罢纺织总运g '份量将在弱制ME机器EEh法草唱sashA只在虱言窍革旨除也闹事oamg Esrh&‘是IZE·E·-wo§2·阳将也 tiz--3如eammwa响、或 锦 WOM蜡响g 削 w hiMMGLWOω汩的响啊 酬嗣嘀嘀嘀窍挺幸亏号墨棉絮必争器幡筋骨S 踊机 S器 Mh Uo em gE *M naMa WgHM 昂 昂 宫 居噶苍苍必2号是§ga§g每黑经坠' 俗必MWE制运鼠号gg器官h鼠 azw鲁夺去苍苍苍SWCS响。A每百墨客。在a裂院必 §ge ho 院g 怒 ga mg言乱母S houaa易暴苦苦耐蜡袋就非毒草支军内去。白苍苍程嘀嘀叫得gE85喝写g但 w耐gshg帽WO叫gaa'它辈革知#g 恶-zzwogmgMEng寄自帽 妥善。A 军每每窜去重嘎嘎ZEH民运槽"凋注:您§自告SW02且是宣哩昆 、g ags a 绵E 哈古 KV舆 mg ¥A 也般泊。mzoh草草&结榈树it--t2· 崖峭祭苦草草裁军区55233响。tggna 百葱 g 队 Aas 铺gawomgg 叫唱 回出 响品 b蟹 h。 h也响vhO响'制制吻。有 略是苦军全毒毛主费:您SG嘉宦凋黠喃喃EaE切苦SB岛、官制回提问善。但也管怎MW iz--gmHO it--始在ahSE{··iidz p制aSEg--zi--···· 宫室£咬崇言阳鼠kmA黯嘉霞帽 e、‘ 33 8gi---zω蒜a Sji--立 迄毒 02 荒疏 33 草委穹 382crho33誓言3a038 法M{ 8号#辛茹然直属甜必是CAM苍苍bEZ言是OA去写法Ma响喘息。aa酬mas ba 嗣r AMWi是官响gs写警总机瓮鑫言 hogmOA里翩翩必能58唰g鸡辑 创荔 帽kmggd 阳乏善Ma辅Zm安管是写aawo后gagg ,.。寇军馁。归国 k t'I") 守}州∞的g响制晦时&幸甲 N Eah 剧唱旦 NV 部挺 a g 嘉 向 暴 怒 § 嚷 嚷 必 恶 狠 § 革 运 S W S E 宙go自由窍S队 白白 HSh 连锁器‘ MMOmzsa革黯RH翩。然 dud飞也£W 酬g Oa NgaH留在SMmMMmMM帽岛ma 恕。目hwggazp庭。"。苍苍罢这主 峰 WZOEMO恕。uv 的 iili-- 别到则叫剖割引到 页圈2 也做" 咽 SE 言量苍白 主 ~I 嘻 电毯 'h GZS 喃R 地h 川同 m HK 喜运 -SZ言至 3 SZ宣言击。 äà 号 法hMm CB 帽 ket 咱也 至 FLiH "M 亘W 古 i!飞S 墨 嗖乞~ 妾誓言。 -SZSS也-hh 331 的 〈〉川军M嗣-CH嗣 日凶口ZM的LE阳"蜘。的问汩汩份凶帽。zd飞凶磁phh》,飞楼MZd飞军民。"-H〈UZZ 圄M 《H嗣胁。 〉嗣EM 三 EmSE主豆豆至5§ 琶 zagEg言。$0355。 gggsz£53 gag也哇。去草帽军向222苦。"皇军军』毒气ES主总嗣同 250 比 {宫。守)咱皇宫时间'"。"} 啊MEAR阳ga--··"jit--e川』主gsZ己也誓言Mwgh帽主 jji咕 58 主、主去 e、a 曲高hSSM22 也ω时间 εs 飞毛主EEASEE&faEE吉毒草。亏空EM辛苦EAEA- 4剧剥削割川 1岛iiid气 ·gEU 帽 苦苦也一 胃、俨军区。民~ 唰gg苦苦agg sa2ts响。锺··titi-叩 UMHM 饭时嗣dMC岱〈民CmmeDM间C民严严〈U 国E {差 5 运时响。言。豆ph23证。h主SSZE hzzhc』哩。主军军SL-MWSE革苍白 μ占百国』。宫。 2 帽E 响的 忌写 I~ i; 崽罢 i||iii!iiiji-l --卡同陪同川出 go唱"罢。俗帽KFMτ33口,hzaougsg ~JI 喝 京 a 怒ZS£。楼饭。必续也参毛孩HMZm望向辅MS法 惚E荡 W荡 O苔,续放g段时棉布部也器制响。zg 传KF 茶MSm肉"咽。以黯摆脱也( 到§慧啊wgcph内部辈阳也ZM*a m 回B 官S委副主在主室主言重忽左毡去23}· 抖。也急给MM325 苦。曹〈按每远也嘉 苍晶宫可窍。 § H 明泛 出3品 苦注 h您 C 在2. 咱 ·的响乒】「 2·33。HZ··zi--2···WCKR帽唱:iazi--·· iJit--:"帽嗡白面帽。 意MEA 1··g写旦 i··l·t·-····响时间也a h 运dd 萨 叫王毛远叫王三远远 制" 妇'h 民 i--z烹吉慧。=cg唱主主zba在···tiz-h 黑色唱莲问法忌 川革 剧"吨啪"辈总辆辆岖忌、内 "尸 是 SM 倡言盘 zjit--testi--iz吾 -M -aJEZ苦℃鼠ω 号SSS苦也£2.孟时··tiz--iz---2··ho言写 在岳 去也gaE我咽SZ帽噎mAB--ss ‘民 阳。二CZ苦〈ES由响。怠,阳帽叫它£毡,ghzk§苦占百20330』皂白t 的 gh8583aE国 ... "202MM83p 3. Construction and Workmanship FORMVII INSPECfING AUTHORITY'S CERTIFICATE OF INSPECTION UNDER CONSTRUCTION DESIGNATION OF INSPECTION AUTHORITY [Regu1ation 501 (e)] We hereby 四rtify that ........ type, ........ Economiser, consisting of ....... . sections and tubes to each section was constructed for a working pressure of ....... . lbs. Messrs ........ under our supervision and insp配ted at various stages of ∞nstruction by the Inspecting Of自由r and that the constructionand workmanship were satisfactory and in accordan,四 with the standard conditionS for the design and construction Qf Econon咀ser laid down in Chapter XI of the Indian Boiler Regulations, 1950. Identification Mark on each 皿ction. 8ranch Pipe on other pressure part Position of same. The 回ctions on completion were subjected to a water pressure of ..…..... lbs. per sq. in. for ten minutes in the presen,四 ofthe Insp配tingOffiωron.. and satisfactorily withstood the test in aα:ordan但 with Reg. 504. Sa mples of the material used in the ∞'nstructiOns of the Economiser were tested in the pre皿n四 of the Inspecting Offi四r and were found to complywith the tests pre民ribed in Chapter XI of the Indian Boiler ReguIations, 1950. We have satisfied 0田selves that the construction and dimensions of the Economiser are as shown in the Maker's Drawing No. ........... signed by us and that the particulars entered in the maker's 四rtificate of manufacture in Form VIII countersigned by us are correct to the best of our knowledge and belief. Oated at ................ this …............dayof................19... Signature of Inspecting Authority. FORMVIII WORKS ADDRESS Contrac阳r's certificate of Manufacture and test [Regulation 501 (0)] 1. Desαiption Type of Economiser No.of 坠ctions Intended working pressure Year of manufacture Description 2. 'Inspecting Authority No.oftubes lbs. Total heating Surface of tubes E:conomi s.e r constructed under supervision of ..... . Sections hydraulically 饱S怡dfl町....................… minutesand inspected after 饱stby … 4. Economisers and fittings Particulars of material used Haas田 a。民町 亘 N古 E 目『阳g时 certificate as the maximum pre部ure nor with the 回 fety valve set to a pressure exαeding such maximum pressure. (4)ηle boiler shall not be used otherwise than in a rondition which the owner reasonably believes to be compatible with 锦feworking. Note:ηle particulars and dimensions regarding this boiler may be obtained by the owner onp叩nent in the prescribed manner on appliαtion to the Chief Inspector. Details are in Orawing No. ..….......... Al l castings are well finished 仕'ee 仕om extemal defec怡, porouspla但s and blow-holesand true todim四sionswithout wrappmg. Where chapters are used, there is 且也facωry fusion with the meta l. Chapters properly tinned with metal h四 homlead. All 实rew 世U"eads are of withworth form. All ∞mponents parts are manufactured to limit gauges to 田cureinte比hangeab出ty throughout. Parts Material Maker Inspecting Offi四 r Remarks Headers Tubesand/ or Pipes Valve Chest 80lt TIDCKNESS OFPARTS AND TENSILE TEST-LIMπ T回到 le 5. Part of Economiser Thickn臼S ElonGauge in3 2nds strength gation Length limits limits to 怡ns 8rand and No. ω% Headers Tubes 801ts Certified that 由e pa此iculars entered herein are correct and that the parts and fittings mentioned above have been used in the construction and fittings of the Economiser. η\epa此icuIars shown against the various parts used are in aαordan四 with the Maker's certificates in our posse部ion. The design of the e∞nomiser in 配ction and end view with principal pa此s fully dimensioned is that shownin Drawing No. ..…....... The Economiser has been designed and constructed 抽 comply with the Indian 80iIer ReguIations for a working press山'eof.........… lbs. per 呵. in. at our Works Re guIations for a working pr,四sureof ..… .......lbs. per sq. in. at our Works above mentioned and the 回ctions satisfactoriIy wi由stood a water test of ……… lbs. per sq. in. for ............ minutes on ............ day of ............ in the presence of our ............ responsible representative whose signature is appended hereunder. Signature of Engineer who witnesSed the test. Designation of Maker Oated at ........…由is ........… dayof ............19......... Signature of Inspecting Authority. Note: 咀le drawing of the Economiser a叫Ma ker's ce而且cate of manufacture showing results of tests for tensile strength and elongation must accompany this certi自cate and if 由e economiser has been built under the supervision of an Inspecting Authority their certi自cate in Form V1I must accompany. N $ lndian Boiler Regulations 270 主 3 言 去 也 努窍理费 毛.。z 建富 gu 向战乒 v】 H明 H 您叫 E咱 SS iti--···titi--··titi-- V嗣 00 筒 窟。 ··tiz--zitiz--···iz-- h £必曾h 回 苟明磊… 鲁吉 25ω 混思∞云层萄属"g由 z黯 Jit--2··ji -℃ M · M ·no 一 响 崇C -it--ztitil-ag 飞苦。也罢 〈V hogs响 MM it--···go i---itiz---titi---jai- ωPCMM〈 Zdd号 m盟军一 回C CMh 〈回LF则 m。"" pazd飞阪 ZO口 U 凶AM应 C 翠 MME ω叫叶间。军 :··itiz--iz--zijazzi--jazz-。2 若真耐骂 蜡· 豆 wgszk :1E·E·-iiiz--e建 i gi H· W· O h e制 a iiz--31·titti-岱呈现 ghzgu卖 -3 SMHE 制£ ZE--iitiz--····fizz---ti副 t主 i---tili--··43 ggz-a 叫·· 营 』SE20 面 wa 队芳舌。幸亏富民若 zijjjjjjji-J§gZE 曲g 明 ···Eliz--zjit--··gEE -ZE--··tiz---titi---zis--· ZE--iZeit--ititi--3283ji--···zi-tiz---苍 t· 苍·窑揭军岱 主 £g ijit--tiz---g草 h告 ao zi--2:titi---jit--i··· J! Lf FsagcgoACO ii---liai--E·E·-ztili-爱R -z 组建混南南洋洋荡荡港 挺喜 VQ军 MMO 嗣H 刷3 刷2 旧3 时M } (N ∞mHMC iz---Eligi-确信 taitle--苦苦苦EE g 343 z···ititil--iz--tiM ti-702报内星星锦誓 急 i---jit--···Jt i£ ti-- ziiz--ifizz---苍 g苍去 asdud飞丽饭时 d酬 c 像黑〈 MGZ问 ;···zi--zjit-宫-E zStsg§ahogg gai--ititi--jit--ZE--ifizz-EE30Z EIz--iiztiz--itiz--ZZE--ziazi--- i--zi--··liti--liti--z izzii2··zi--titi--Ez--t确 ih zm -w -E S 唱 izi--titi--zi-也 gg金比 5 百响 63室 ZE g阳 $ a 5 Hasa dg 豆忌dizzi--jit--···e 制s 。岳 。 ji--tili---1··· ωgz 鸟也在苦苦销o 也hh£o 12223323231221将 2在 2§a u ··jjiiiz--fili-站在2 5· 5 ·as&53 mmoz口比 PCE jit--···izgjazzi--z····g35028z ii i--litai-2··i毛 i ji5 SOU 皿565 iiE Name of Maker Maker's Hydraulic Test Pressure Make-r's Drawing No. Name of Inspecting Authority NameofM础er of Material (Regula悦on Counte吃fo;1 No. Name of the .person of firm 怡 which Provisional Order is、 gran怯& Tubí:出S Process Headers Bolts 险制iption Test Results T E T E T E T % Sulphur 叩 τubes..……., Headers …........ Pipes …… Bolts …............ of Economiser 525(e)) No. Provisiona1 Order under the Indian Boilers Ac也 1923 s. ip ;::t 驾 如 No. ……"…., and ..............,... Economiser Ra ting 雪 !t …...阳deby ……·M·H·-··andbearingMaker'SS Maker'sNo. No. ................ at a maximum pressure of ……..................…楠 民a柿、g lb队 per 吨. in/maximum 始mpera阳reof …….... OF pending the issue or refusal of a certificate wi位白宫 Pressure permitted six rrionths from the date thereof after which p剧。d this order wilI become void. Period 口提怡 I Da始 at …………航is ….......... %刊\Osphorus Maker's Position ...... 这 FORMX MAKER'S CERTIFICATE day of ........…..19川" Em附加 Iden础臼悦。nM撞rk INSPE口。反 FORMXI Boiler h在spection Depar扭扭nt CERTIFICATE FOR USE OF AN ECONOMISER {Regulation 53晦 川……….. CALCULATIOr略 HEADERS R略istry Number of Economi阳r No.oftubes TUBES Type Number of Headers Eωnω对ser Ra耐\g BRANCH PIPES Place and year of manufacture Nameofowner BOLTS Situation of Economiser Repairs HEATING SURFACE τotal 沾边ating Remarks Surface ....…H….................. E~conomi肥r Ratinl庐~..".……… made by … Calculations 巾lecked by …"……… Least pr四sure, that for ........…......……….....……..... Approved working pressure ………· chi啤f Inspect时 's remarks and signature ...... Calαlations INSPECTOR'S NOTES kg. per sq.αn. per sq. 肌 协 Ibs. Hydraulìcally tested on submitted on on Ibs. Ibs. I/We hereby cer挝句r that the above described Economiser is permitted by me /Chief Inspector under the provisions of 加州on ……"… of the Indian Boiler Act, 1923 (V of 1923) to be worked ' 矗 t a maximum pr四器在lI'e ………… Ibs. per 吨­ in./maximum 加nperature of oF 01:出e period from …………叫 to ……….... Thi s loading of the safety valve in not exce时,……………..lbs、 Fee Rs. ..................…, paid on …........ Dated at …....,,_.. γhis …..…"…......... day ……………... COUNTER SIGNED INSPECTOR NUJ CHIEF INSPECTOR Record of Welder's FORM XlI 613) (汉eS1孟lation Marks A. Procedure 1. Prepara创oniof 钳制men 2. sizê & Grade ofelec衍。de or fi l1er rod 3. Number of and manipulation of control B. Visuallnspec饭到 tuns 4. Rootpenetration 5, Freeclom from undercut 6. Disposition lof runs 7. Uniformity þf surface 8. Shape of prpf如 9.Smω也n辅~ of joints 10. Freedom 纭。m 础,VÎ锐es &sl墨gs 11. Dimensio~ of weld deposit 12. QuaUty of ~eld metal (Overheating, surfa出 cracks, spot;tgy surface etc.) 巳Physi幽I Test 13. Face bend test 14. R∞tbend 始st D. EtchTes量 j 15.0崎osi杭州.:of runs 16. 民gree of fþsion Place of Test …· Date … … Name of Welder .. Father's name ...... Date of 8irth …… Address ....… … Service of experience on Gas/Electric Arc …... years Signature of Welder ……~"......"....". Name and address of 秘密 firms where tr在ined ……· τested on... … (Plate, pípe, tube) Gas of electric A.C. /D.C.…·……" Position...... Kind of test ……… (Groove /Gi1Iet/8ranch) Th ickness of material used ........……………….. Diameter and thickness of plpe branch or tubes used ". Quality of base material and electrode or filler rod .....川 b伽xi.咖 Awar mum ded "$211231 3 10 20 23HS 1又Root 罢,相e协锐。然 Qùalifica悦。ns/Requalifications Te刷刷di拙 Boiler Regulation, 1950) OF OBSERVATlONS U鸣 N" U , 巢军SULTS hp3 句3 吨, REVERSE OF FORM XI CONDITlONS (1) No structural alteratioh, addition or renewal shall be m辑de to the Economiser without a written permission from the Chief Ins严ctor. (2) This certificate shal1 cease to be in force一 (a) on the expíry of the period for which it was granted, or (b) when any accident occurs to the Economiser, or (c) when any str四tural alteration, addition or renewal is made in or to the Economiser, or (d) if the Chief Inspector in any particular case 50 dir时ts when any structural alteratior飞, addition or renewal is made in or 协 the Economiser, or (ε) on theωmmunication to the owner of the E∞nomiser of an order of the Chief lns如etoror 1时伊~tor prohibiting its use on th桔 ground that it is in 辑 dangerous conditions. (3)η\eE∞nomiser shall not be used at a pr部uregr黯ter 胁到出epressure/ temperature entered in the cer创ficate as maximum pressure/temperature not with the relief valve set to pressure/temperature exceeding such maximum pressure / temperature. (4) The Economi朋r shall not be used otherwise than in a condition which the owner reasonably believes to be compa出le with 晒fe working. N.B. Details reg矗rdingthis 汝onomiserar唆 recorded in a Registra悦。"放到DkNo. of which a copy may 袖。btair时 on payment on applicationω 也eChief 加如ctor. E. 18. Sla伊始CI础沁nsand por岱ity Fractured Surface 19. Quality ofweld metal 扭X但ssive oxidatioκcarburisa­ tion, overhè制鸣, rou阱ness, por臼峙, ap阴阳.OC啡 ? 1∞ Signature of Com:严峻nt Authority H 伪servation on radibgr叩hic examination (ifωnduct时) ..............…….. Marks awarded …•……………..................... O,{,….........……川 Results of Oral or Written examination …………"…................~………............…~ S Marks awarded ..…"..…………….....................…%……………………………………民­ s. GENERAL REMA反KS OF COMPETENT AUτHO虹fY…………………;:t 1YPEANDCLA部 OF WELDING QUALIFIED .......翻"......"....编'"………..…………………·营 ………如 G… Electric Arc welding. 苦 PERIOD OF VAUDITY OF CERTlFICATE From ………. To……~ 喧 PLACE..................... , 嚣DATE .. COMPETENT AUTHORITY 3. 豆豆惊。苦苦烹 FORM N o.- XIII QUALIFIED BOILER WELDER'S CERTIFICATE ISSUEl:> UNDER THE INDI A,J'Il BOILER REGULATION, 19到 Period (jf Validity From To Name of Welder .... Father'sN在me!,……………… GJV W V磊 Gω p--a D的e of. Birth … {dentification marks .., Lefthandη飞出nb Imprei>sion M (SEAL) and Signature of Competent Authority quze &rE- …."'........~........‘….................,.................... h泣 a。法 PHOTO ………....................."'... ………嗣….......~.........‘….. .............,.……·嗣铺"…. .. Si伊a阳re of Welder.. Address of Welder .. 们-m 一 吵一i a 一-v V 一 d ,, --EM d, -EM eEo-naw PL … … T--O ............….....................国..‘ 、 Thisistoær位fy that Shri ..…… ............sonofShri …………… has been examined and tested in the prescribed manner in the presence of ..……...... (Representativeof Competent Authority) and is deemed to have satisfactorilyproved his ability to make sound welds as per par锐culars gìven below and is hereby a uthorised to undertake such welds. He isauthorised/ not authorised to undertake weldingwhe犯 radiographic examination is necessary under the Regulations. thi沁$…….…….……. Granted 伽 iiuthority 材0f... [SEAL-l Employment Particulars From To Name 01 Employer Work on which engaged S伊Jature 01 emplo,庐r Representative of Competent Authority *Particulars :一 *Particulars shall contain inform就ion on the followm g: 'tested on Plate/Pipe/Tube with position Dat理 Material_ Mild Steel or alloy s栅l Proc<剧S Class of welding Backing strip Electrode Filter rod Test piece X4raY17d or, not. Class (Carbon or alloy steel) TyPe 一--'一一一一-一矗一一 a'" (COVER PAGE) FORMXIV (Regulation 394(C)) 和占 飞昌 串 FORMXIV (Re伊lation 394(C)) INDIAN BOILERS ACT, 19衷3 INDIAN BOILERS ACT, 1923 Boiler Inspec挝onDep阳伽lent Boiler Inspection Steam Pipes and Connected 1丑剧吨S Iden挂在cation of Inspection Book Steam Pipes and Connected Fittings Identifica匾。nNumber Memo严ndum Haas hE 苍苍 回a去穹牵哇 民1emorandum Number Depar恤lent STEAM PIPES - PARTICULARS AND DIMENSIONS Situation ... Ry. No. of connected Boilers …........ Steam piping System include... MISCELLANEOUS District … Ow ner ….. Address …·…·… Work of Factory :…..… 定 s. 这 l:J::l c 穹 :;:;:s m Number of Boilers to which the pi如sand 在 ttings, particulars of which are given 弘 this Memorandum are connected. 专 1主.egistration Re棚 rks Pipes Material ………………………………………。iame毛er (outside) …… Pipes Thickness ....…………......................………....... Make. Attachment of Flanges …· Elbows, Te部 etc. ……- 辈r c 3 υE PARTICULARS OF ADDITIONS & ALTE汉ATIONS DATE Support ………........…川…...... Flexibility … Drainage....……- PLAN OF STEAM PIPES &: THEIR CONNECTED FITTINGS Feed pîpes ……… Outside Dia. ……….....……………………….. Thickness .… Make ……………........…........…...........~.."...............".,. Max. Pressure ……......................................伽.... Max. 丁 1 「础1ψp ………. Connected Vess时 el …….……….. …….. ……..…. ……….阳.川叫...…............................................... No. ……· Type ….. Max. Desi伊如昔ss .........…......…..…..…..…… Max. Design Temp. ..…" F院 E Draω, ing No. Total length ofsteam Pipes AND APPROV AL TO PLAN RECORD No.of Fee Date NO.'&date W.P. Temp. Connecof ofapproval appro- allo嗡 ted PayofPlan & val wed vessels ment La yout C Kglcm 2 。 Remarks & initial of lnspector Date of Installation .. ..."................................… .........".....................................u'..... ‘…·‘……......................."........................…….~"..--............."' , • First Inspection inside &…… Outside …….."................................................,. Feed Pipes Hydraulicτ四tto …......,.... kg/ctri2 ........……..By........…… on.. Remarks … … H 尔A :主 FORMXV-A CALCULATIONS [Regulation 4A (2)] Questionnaire to þe Answered by 阴阳s. Seeking Rec咿i杭州 bythe Central Boilem BOard始 bec捆在您附 Insp销量ing Authori量yunder The Indian Boiler Regula量ions, 195O 主运e忽n Pipes 吉叫........ 鸣 。、 1. The registered' name and addr栅罄 。f 校tea俗ociation. .............................................................................................................................,.、................. CALCULATIONS Steam Pipes : ..……….............."... 2. Address for ωn四pondence. 3. The year in which 出e association was establishOO. 4. Is your a路。ciation recogni阳d by the Government? 5. Have you anYl8ranch or As附iate Office? If 50, please give their names and addr四随s; 6. How long h~s your Association been functioning as an Insp'配ting 彻底。地?Efiwregs始时 ωmpany, please give 挂在edat,ωf 峭阳胁, 7. PI棚se give d合ta泣S of cla:俗棉 mad密警ery which you have 50. far bE烟草 au位\ori削 to and α睛也tderwh始也is is bei略 done. examine CALCULATIONS S串eam 自严s: ………… 8. Please state 位也可阳" size and the range of working pressure of boilers which you have 50 far insp时除d during construction as an Inspecting Authority, alsó state the cI asses of 阳vice ::('ur render, nainely: {的 Please name the various sta伊 of mar.ufact田e at which ins肘ction are carrièd out. 。珍Exdud~g 栩如问 att怡然倒1 works. (c) 制:y h~raulic test a加伽e manufa出Jre of the 协议er has b盼R complet娼. CALCULATIONS 9. Howmany 恼:pecting Of统.cer have you in your employment? 到柏segive d创ails of the quaI ifications held by 出懈。眉目rs. 10. Have you anyjTesting Laboratory of your own to conduct all d<阴阳.ctive and non-destriIctive tes协叫uirOO in connection wi仙也.e manufactureof 院oilers? 11. Are youprepa扫dto ∞nduct 由eworkofins严ction ofboUers,肘。,nomisers acc~s50ries strictly in conforrnity with the Indian 80iler and their INSPECTOR'S NOTE , hs 吨h 忘喃喃旨。也忘吨 Re伊la岳。邸:, 195O? 12. Are you prep位'00 始 accept fuIl responsibility for the ce必ifica始 issued by you? 13. Has your re伊告st for re∞伊始onasan Insp配tingAu浊。rity 加enr付ec时 by any AuthOIjity? If邸" pl制附 givede组ils. 14. Are you prepared to issue cer削cates for the products, you ins如t'Ín the _~ \hrmatsofthep1dian B o i l e r h g u l a t i o n s ? 2 15. Are you awarë that the recognition is fora period of 3 years only which is ~ renewable afte~ every 3 years on fresh as晦srnen05 FORMXV-C 4A(2)1 Questionnaire for Eliciting Information Regarding the Competency of a Firm to be Rec咽nised 翩翩C喇叭 tent Authority" Under Regt且lation 4A (刻 of the b在dian Boiler Regulations [Re肌加tion 4A(2)] ωn唆sponden相. Add距SS Regis加邮 Name and Address of the firm. 2. Works addre部. 3. Year in which the Organisation was established. 4. to be answl制edbySI四!I Makers seeking Reco伊始ionby Central Boßers Boardωbe}\峰州加das "'Well 胞在own Steel Makers" underRe萨lIa悦。双仙(2)of 伎重e Indian Boßer R咿lIations,主950 1. 1. Registered name and addre稽。t 出e firm. 2. Address for Ques量ionnaire 3. of branch or ass在艰器怡。假借!, if any. organisation have any traini咪创dion details of the scheme 如怡然ated. year in which 就在.e fac他rywas 础是辑blis加d. 4. Capacity for production of Steel. 5. Principal work of the organisation. 6.0回$校le 岱\e 知r 也e welders1 If 50, 7.0饵stheo唱;ani蝇tion regt点r1yconduct 棚ts on welds done by its welders? lf 50, the code followed and the de在ails of 将$怡 carried óut may ple础ebe stated. 8. Wha t are the facilities that can be provided or availed of by 仙eo咆ani踊tion for conducting the tests? 9. Is the organisation prepared 阳 unde此ake 阳ting ot welders employed by other organisation? 10. Whether the organisation is prepared to conduct test as per requirements ot the IBR? 11. The amount of f,回 which the organisation would charge a candidate for conducting a test for the issue of certificate. Estima伽s under the tollowing heads may be given? . (a) For the supply of tests pieces, el时trod础 and lor filler rods. 5. Pro恼s of Manufacture of s阳1. 6. Variety of Steel Products.' 7. Range of Steel produced in each varie守· 8, VariousN矗.tional and Intern喜悦。nal Standards to which 也e Steel produc恒 are man时'act町ed. 9. Testing faruities available within the Works. 10. Types of 恰sts conduc恰d. , 11. If田" by whom conducted. 12. Are the t四ts ∞nducted by the firm acceptable to the other organisations o{. 出e Country? If 50, by whom? 13. Is the firm prepared to cond时t tests reco酬帽d in accordan僻 with 伽eIBR? 14. Have they been country? (c) For matching the test pieces and preparation of specirr¥en. 15. Whether they manufacture steel from the ore itself or from ore and 沉重在P For ∞nducting rr恕chanical t础ts (inclùding 印制menspr叩'aration). 份 For non-destructive t,制胁gs. 12. Is the organisation prepared 如‘~xamine and issue cer位 ficate to welders in aαordar苍白 with the reql王irementsof 位e IBR, 19部? as "'Well known S阳I (b) For the use of welding machine. (d) Maker" in any other 。rfrom 缸raponly. 16. Whether the firm provision of IBR. is 毒greeable 沁 show 饺\eir manufacturing under the responsibility 如r certifica憾 17. Whether the firm is agreea'ble 协 show their manufacturing process and in Ho怒set臼ting facilities 始 a t棚 mconsi然ing of thr相拟将在也ers ap严inted by the Board. 14. Are you awa把位at the recognitiòn is. for a period of 3 years only which is renewable after every 3 year ∞ fr回ha俗剧sment. 18. Are you aware that the recognitionis for 提 period of 3 years only which is renewable after every 3 years on fré由 aωeωment? 13. Is the organisation issued by it? prepared 沁始ke tull 叫这gaN凯 WO Hh E咱这 歌吨知 是忿 FORMχV部 i汉喃叫a悦。n 『叶 、昌 、、王 E FORMXV-D (2)] Questionnaire 协 be Aøswered by FoundtylForge Seeki略 Rerogni剑onby Central Boilers Board to be Noti叙.ed 翩翩Well Known FoundtylForgeN 寝室tder Regulation 4A (2) of The Indian Boi1桂r Regulations.. 19拇 1. TheR喀istered name and addr棚。f 加如机 2. Works address. 3. Theye寝r in which the factoty was established. 4. Capacity of the Foundry IFoIl严 5. 臼Capacity for productio戏。f Fo昭嗨ICas加伊; {碍Maximum weight and size of Fo喃喃ICas位勒 6. [沁生ailed d臼cripHon of tl也与peofjobdo附 bythem. [R咽巾撼。n 4.A 又油站ia1s of Cas位惨剧增帮{阳w捋础叫均阳l 附巾rousal如tys). 8. Rar悖。ffo晤Z帮IcasHng produced in each var去ety. 9. T,回应在gfaciliti四 available wi挡在in the works. 10. De摇Is of 惚Hng facility, namely chemical and physical 栅部 etc. 11. Types of 勘部∞nducted. 12. H 钮, by whom conduc协盯 13. Are也e 怯st ∞nducted by the 负rmitselfa,α双p蚀ble to the other or伊n阳Hon of 也ecountry? 眨 so, bywhom? 14. Is the firm prepared 协 conduct tes蚀 in accordanæ with the Indian Boiler RegulaHons, 19白? 15. Have they been rec鸣时朋d as "Well known Foun巾Y IForge" in any other country. 16. W抽出.erthe 如m is in a posiHon to produæ Forgin伊ICasHnginaαordanæ with any na创onal/lntemational specifica悦。ns fu1 fi lIing the minimum requirements of IBR, 1950. 17. Whether the firm has any previo咄咄perienæ to produce Forgingsl CasHng in accordanæ with the prO'悦sion of IBR under the ins肘ction of any recognised InspecHng Authority. 18. Whether the firm is prepared 协 fur时sh CerHficates under the provision of 19. IB民 1950. Whether曲efirmisagreeabletoshow 也eirpr以:essof manufact四einHouse t剧目ng faciliHes to a 棚m of members appoin怡d by Central Boilers Board. 20. Are you aware 役时也ere∞伊iHon is for a period of 3 y'础rs only which is renewable after every 3 year事 on 企盼has拥ssment? FORMXV-E R咿daHon 仙。)) Questionnaire 恒 be Aøswered by TubelPipe Mak桔r Seeki略 Reco伊撼。n by Central Boilers B部rd as "'Well Known Tl革bel到pe Maker" 豁然der Indian BoilerR略ulatio础,, 1950 1. I主.egistered name 扭daddre部 ofthe firm. 2. Works address. 3‘It传到5恼HonNo. 四d year of regis主raHon. 4. Capacity of production of Tube/Pipe and 加 加m 泣le beginning. 5. Reasons for 部引eking r配ognition under IBR. 6. Steel grad础。fTube/Pip创 under productions. 7. Size r"iinge of(γ'ube/Pipes under productions. ~ ∞ 8.Pr出黯sõf aJnufa~ofTubei阴lpeS. 9. (a) Wheth~r 加指肌始 producing 位le raw raw rna始rial or purchasing 泣le nulte必al (b) Hther或w rnaterial is purchas时, give 出ede始i1s ofp磁'cha辑部缸, (i) ftom well known steeI mak衍 under l.B.R. {益) fromI栩如.reco伊树d 如机 10. 11. Hpurch部e iS asper9 制俗剧毒e whether the raw rnaterial is 恼ted at Tubernak臂'~/Pipe rnako帘's prerr嘟嘟附加黯民 H 梅恼怒 producing raw rna极必aI, state whether 阳启rmis 室的p副 as well known steel rna如r under IBI飞 12.地tjorManuf拙ning faciliHes available with the 险也 13. T届监19 faciliP盼 available with the works. 14. Types of II倒也 condu巾d on Tube/ Pipes (enclo阳 complete quality con柱。1 plan from raw rnateriaI s怯伊始如tiShed s怯ge alongwith the quality control &如伊c60n personneI of the firm). 15. Thede屈Is of failure and 叫ec6on: (1) By N口Y (2) By ~truc6ve TesHng 16. wl四耐阳缸misin 严刷m 协 manuf翩翩 Tubel阴阳 andalsopro创defor 世回rnecess叫恼伽啄缸cilities in accordanæ with the provision of IBR,. 19回. 1又The name of the firms to whom the 臼rm has supplied Tubesl阳pes. 18. Whether the Èirm is agreeableωshow their manufacturing pr,α:ess and in H。因efaciliti阳 to a teamconsis怡、gof伽r时 members叩po讪怡dbythe80盯d. 19. Whether the firm is aware of the fact 队的航.ereco伊ùtion is for a period of 仕眩目 years oiùy which is renewable after every three years rerm on fresh assessment. I FORMXV-F [See Re.伊laí.ion' 4A (2)] Questionnaire t~ be Answered by a Laboratoty seeking recognition by Central Boiler百 Bbard as a well-know宜1 Material Testing Laboratory under Sub-regulation (2~ of Re.伊laHo刻蚀。f 仙e India董事黯oilerRe伊lations, 1950 1.ηle Register~d Name and Address of the Laboratory; 2. Add犯ssof 面e Labo姐怡可; 3. The y臼r in ",hich the laboratory was 础tablished; 4. (a) . Whetht+r the L动。,ratoryisr仅::ogni搬d by the CentraI Govemment or by a S~te Government; 吉 朗在钮, p 能se 缸m总bparfiωlars of reco伊撼。肌 丢5 5. Name and aqdr础。fbranch or 础仰ciate Labora知叨, if any; 注 6. How Iong th~ Laboratory has been func锐。ningfor 棚Hngofthep时uc弘苦 又问哗m础,r rna~in四 available 部队e laboratory 椒础叼ing 附加 穹 non-d韶恤chveord部悯c6ve 棚 ting; ωnnage detalls per year 8. Ty 伊 严 p ean 巾 1 9. 悦始韬 ωi 吕i弘 S of 恼狂缸 ngp 严 ersonnel and th hèi 袖 锐拉 i泣rq 伊 uali梢残舱胁 cω 矗 t加 i协 onsor川 ex 叩 pe 耐 d栩盼咄; § g: 1姐 O. Are陀盯 仰 y 佣 o up 阳陀p 归 a陀时 d 如 con 倪侃 nduct忖the 怡翩g 刊 ρ of sp 网 州 M 配 e ci挝I附15S 州 t衍悦 riictl 咐.y a鄙 p 归e 盯 阳r 仙阳 e requirementslof the Indian Boiler Regulaω阳, 1粥。?法 FORMXV-G [See regulation 4A(2)] QU栩如ONNA器E 茧'0 BE ANSWERED BY F理MSEE白NG RECOGNl110N BY CENT汉AL BOILERS BOARD AS REMANENT UFE ASS览SSM应NT ORGANISAll0N UNDER REGULA'在ON39主AOFTHE INDIAN BOILER REGULAτ10NS, 主950 1. TheRe梆饭时 Na附 and Address of the firm 2. Address of the firm 3. n隙 year in which 投lefirm wa嚣崎弘出s:hed 4. (a) Whether the 6rm is recognised by the Cen泊1 Governm四t or by Sta始 Go鸣Ternment (b)H 船,如mish 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. particulars of reco伊掘。>n Name and ad命制S ofbranch or a凶ocia北e firm. if any How long your firm has 切!ell functioning for Remanent ufe Ass部mentof boi险rs and BoilerParts 问uipmen蚀。 ' r machines avai1able in the Laboratory for 啤R庐g out the non-dωtructive or d剧性uctive 怯S由19 Type and ra>nge of tests 四rried out by the firm. Details of testing personnel and 白白 qualifi但tions and e叩erien啤· Are you prepared to conduct the t四伽g of specimens stric即础 per the requirements of the Ind.ian Boi1er Regulations, 19到. Has your r,叫uest for recc噶nition as an approved organisation been rejected by any authority? H 曲" please give details. Are you prepared to i部uPthe 回国负面恼如rthe 恼ts recommended in the fonnats of the Indian Bo现er RJ略ulations. SIGNATURE & SEAL M加贺Ie I驭。gniω,nisvalid 加 aperiodof也曾 y四ISonlywh凶 ÎSrer也W油'le 伽由四 阳黯栅仿制ha脚熠阳也 FORMXVI-A 4C (2)) R喀ulation Se rial N o... øò Cen位窑1 i1ers Board of Approval For Inspecting Authori守 前lÎS is 如 certi.fy that the In年前往on and QuaIi ty Mana萨ment System of : C牵rtificate M/s ………......…... Validity is sub如d 怕也e adhe~ce to the quality control provisions of t1te Indian Boiler Regulations. Approval Certificate No. …………………… valid for 经lrl到e years, i.e., up如...........…………川 如cretary H FO汉MXVI-B [民略协tion 4C (2月 缸rial No. Central 撼。i1ers Board Certificate of Approval for Competent A粮油.ority 在也必 toce甜fy that 阳和am放硝on of Welder System of : M/s....... has 视剧 eval础t硝 by 也e Cen加1 Boilers Board and has b阳1 granted reco伊ition under regulation 4C(2) of the Indian Boiler Regulations, 19,驼i, asaCOM距TENT AUηiORITY. 白白 Ce插到.cate is v aIid for 也E时扣在E吉~, i.e., up协……..………..……· VaIidity is s由如t 拍出,e adherence 始位reeq础lity ∞础。1 prescríbed urtder the pro创sions of the Indian Boiler Regulations. Date of Issue. Approval Certificate No. 如αetary …… FORMXVI-C [Regulation 4c (2)] Se rial No. Central Boi1ers Board Cërtificate of Approval for Well 阳lOwn Steel Maker 币lÎS is to cer锐fy 伽at 队e lnspection and Quality Managem四tSystem of: 'M/s ….. has been evaluated by 佼te Central Boilers 8 0ard and has been gran始d recog:rrition underr略u1a悦。>n4C仰。f the Indian Boiler R咿削ons, 1950,甜 aWELLKNOWN SfEEL MAKER, for the manufacture of …百部 α贺础cate is valid 如r 佼tree years, i.e., upto …....... Validity is subject to 阳 adherènce to the q础Iity control pr届四bed under the pro悦sions of the Indian 80iler Regulations. Date of Issue. Approval C创tif王cate No. 叫 每αet矗ry N可 JW U 叫 This Ce必ifica始 is under the Date of Issue. 如$捡回 eval捕时 bytl也臼邮Boi胁时 has bc:坦\g:t相ted reo:制加lunder 嗨且' 汹.on 4C(2) of tI嘘 lndian Bo加峙ula椒码 19现部血孙醒配I1NG AU{HO即IY. presαibed ~aks田 s。巳 m『知码 h 拦军凡 ξ。 11. Has your request for ~啊。伊ition as an approved Laboratory been rej日cted byanyau池。rity? H 80, please give details; 12. Are you prepared 如棚U皑白e ærtificates for the products you test in the fonnats of the Indi栩如加r Regulations? No钝:The re<刀伊ú悦。n is valid for a period of 3 years only, which is renewable for 3 years on 公础:h在sse附宜阳lL Indian Boiler Regulations 280 -iz-- 自 BEhogs jaggi--·····iijig-- ‘ S音 φ·气 g 且去 毛孩 铺妇gm 两H ...... 首阳属"苦苦亏是omgm写榈树由主O ozha帽是瓷缸υ hm弘〈 项法 w怖 .. EC否在喜怒寄回营苦§50刷刷goubmsztzs852写去SMuaazzb ijztitis-iz--zjig-- Z 62% 写串 S响Mg吉普。唰SES喃喃,飞£22酸军EM幸m 亏g -hg言黎意£egg事 SU 古军陆嗣gu叫唱团锦荡去击 苍揭噶军军 xbum嚣 MEH 嗣 誓aM 寄军 gg莲," ... , gi--2jig--i··22·响、军 辈h 2g :"ga程。 』曹营嚣草拟如重sa--部》hhaMm 咱嗣蜡。然g23值有必军们》 hEMP崛 U然 R额内部 窍。υ30誓言誓旦 吉普黠〈 2··izE·g·-········titi--02a J泛 O怒吼甜的 uh。E圣嗣Sgm槌望去』uagozs理善,总ZZS蒜苔833£ ijig--i11·622唱-u军响制在知EM嗣 EH也如内部署gass 湾就8费宫 景气53番"革EEZ WO纷摆出官军也喜怒吼罢嘿皿宅a:军司古建尊弘响帽阜切锢 勘〉 启p 蒙g 曲 zSez to pH 费32 豆 64、2 :··issili--zjiz--3 iiij , E''''2222222222aEBEES222222222222agEEEEa222222222EBE''EBBZZZ 量 誓 ''EEEBEEt2222222| 号 ω 43 iigiz--zig-- ω 苦苦gan8 备£ gsea誓这是喝§主d飞333言 军抽空55邑军是220吉ZS=582M h密 奋瞄 忽 ωg吕怒盹暴警黎唰制旨 活房旗 §它 吕。穹 g a 由§ 苟 帽 远需阳 E sg 曲 g摇 咄帽 毒嗣 2言 g c 皇窑 军毒蜡三唰曙罢酬 凹£岱&哩gn怠墨描总属窃阳院 233233sass-飞3sls38 军军徨gmo必将agu 百zagmo虫,去。 弘 ξ2 dZ 同 gh 曲的 M <0 &苞 gAR草棚"嗨E 唱 Z 62% 宫a m叩阳《 讲M 帽硝 MRFh 言§ q 彗营缸 向前 }υ哺 g雷 Z . aw。息,。 6窃 O :;;.: j .. 22Z2222aEEEEE'22222222222zas'BP''224222a -202苦苦"总馆嘉gg唱Ha主之C fizz--·····jig--是2 V主 Eaah支部£始写到亏我旨WMa叫暴践 军s队 雪25 苍苍翩翩 ab翌主 g" g白 蒜苔 ·bssszωag S E 叫 宠 ← }巳 g 皇 窑吾 "§ 苍兽 号 蜡苦 音榈 言芯 ω交 苦。 g叉 I{ Ae a宫宫 爱。嘉喝主事‘ssssasgszza3 黎暴W 。 s s " 例 巳喜 帽苦 忽宅。υ¥咱gg… 嚣 智 如咀 缸耐 z 捐 稳£ ‘ gz 巳 ‘帽 草s 吕叫 。飞 暴ω 浪芳 均弱 &雾 剧羔 a垂 " υ 』 υ 革 星盏 a在 昌§ 主& 嘉ω E时唱 例 } 巳 H 巳 U= 削费 》 川丢 崔H 嗣υ sz 孟茹 帚。 u岳 涎 嗣需 z 吟。 囡 如E 掠 如袭 帽 ← 』运§如毡咆g恕冉怠妥苟乞酬皇亘只EEgz窍掷响帽蔚a啊窑富续必§咱。嘉弱2由凶 言O 郭锺§ 制-墨 ‘z£ E A 叫 。 r弱 ζ h岛剧£喇涎唰淤酣馁。 s§郁 冒#勘 唁白由 霍 笛 "υ 且 盹 队 酌 a 刷n嗡 忌销 桶。帽 mm叩写帽墨 织窑 宏态 辅。 盖呈 笠2 毛£ 咆a 吉古 a z挥 s 岳 哩 £§ 啊 嗣E 古 荔 由 霆勘 嘉 Ma 必 制回 g由 舶函 £g 熔E . S dg慧泛奥 MOEE怒骂喜 Og Wn缸相传辛苦。黯菇' gaz-岳 S重 ghmggH 荡 hh帽响碍。的辑、吕丢在番"阳岛az§£主hcυ28苦苦豆。 剧鸡叫制恶毒gM52uZ 臼 ijig--3·iliz--g主gawo袭击』oggu哥MgzgHa串连翠 50军委宇A幢m 楼誓言SS娼毒草我曾32始皇宫理必§怨。简MESυ毒hEGEEZ mhHHX汰。ZMdd间这帽揭露草地串串SS誓"革咐。馆主唱aZH泪WCANW 凶 主wcz阳把抽Egg-233豆蕾帽皇宫gszgh宾主主.宫833 SSM军军总孩提ZZESA咽蒜苔帽宦Z 翼Ee馆 - 。盼叫军军υ主主军军向咱草草嘉SS gha 翠 5328 ··jig--hhssa:iiiiiiii:s是 rzs :s :z :u :吉 :震 t: 黠: 〈· ji--zijig--ztili-- 富差 ZRM噶举层有 B ili--eiili--i 足54=eag磁慧。 唱 gaga 怒 mwa章。 。均如MR嚣岳。忧" 叫在υ哺臼吕晏&革 毛骂 i62时帽za 部a 寄 言 "剧。后寂静毅言g&E呈者宵。芸z E 艺'也蒜苔gaaa弘 saa& 。1 廷在罩耐。胁 【 (N¥ ) αam也革 它咽。阁"都泪。幽嗣同,SHMO' 忌骂 62% 鸣曲 ω 川、gg胸后疆军g&§sabage百2委主首幽幽岳王幅&百gsZE· 除嚓量。面畏军委黯白这驾岳言画属部队担。也Q 耐g幅古到 jjig--giz--··· 番。写哥苦时间怒momzzaho z要程也是如甜苦33告兽立叫g挺gbass也窍。我法g毒;也辜百誓旦ha写幸 -E昌 aa按时间也馆。画画旦吉嗣同努由之 iji--jipi--ijil--33去gd善 d‘Ehs£ha 2 8 3 军 υ 吕 京 E g § 也 S S § 古 帝 也 g r s z g b a 繁 华 v a a 室 主 主 写 去 三 秘 密 弱 嘀 嘀 b 宅 唱 M g iiiizig--zi-ziz---sε230总在恼。自aua 到刷刷E 嗣g 凉is-iEligi--2···。制&3446 1g ·每 s回 t院 ig 声军队繁星星写 芝 m¥ wgoza&g 运 0222 玄宗OZMd国这需慧、om怨气毒辛苦皆属samm咽£啦岳阳 器 Mg穿军ZEOZUZ语言嚼蜡‘S$83 每&aHaagSES 昂 丘昂 。g¥在 w ss罢法响德罗EEgagszz百330简直 5 主ha辈革有EEZ 幅 Z h在§zaEzaBsbH容主皇军曙古32 CEZEυaha332582 需 jji; • FORM XVII Certificate of Manufacture and Test for Small Industrial Boilers (Manufactured Under Chapter XIV) 1. Maker's Name ..........................…....... Year of Make. 2. Manufactured for ..... 3. Location of Installation … 4. Boiler Identification ..…...................... Inspecting officer's stamp ……· 5. Drawing No. ….................................… Alteration No. 5A. Design Code ..….................................. Working Pressure(kg/Cm2) …............. 65ize of BoiIer Length (Me仿rs) Width (Meters) Height (Metres) Diameter (Metres) APPENDIX A-DIAGRAMSOFRIVETED}OINTSWITHFORMULAE Max Pitch Plate % EE Rivet % I .; E FIG.l 7. 5hell/Furna四 /Tube Plates/Flange DetaiIs Material5pecification CHEMICAL COMPOSmON MECHANICAL PROPERTIES C 5i Mn P 5 Y 5 U.T.5. % EL 5hell …… Furnance.......................... Tube Pla恒 s...… F1ange ............……... BoiIer Tubes/Pipe/Pads DetaiIs … Diameter Thickness Material sp配咀cation CE丑迅fiCAL COMPOSmON MECHANICAL PROPERTIES C 5i Mn P 5 Y 5 U.T.5. % EL Tube ..… Pipes..... Pads..…8. VolumetrK: Capacity ….. 9. Heating 5urfa四{问. Metres)..…· 10. Nozzle connection ..... . (a) 5team Ou tlet .. . And Type of Nozzles) (No. 5ize (b) Safety Valve ..… (No. 5ize And Type of Nozzles) 1.31 x T + 1.625 1∞伊- 0) P 1∞ x A X 51 PxTx5 1.5 x 0 Eqn. (11) 同.口0哈 H~ Eqn. (2) Eqn. (3) Reg.184 51NGLE BUTT STRAP 一 ONE RIVET PER PITCH Max. Pitch Plate % Rivet % FIG.2 11 .53 x T + 1.625 1∞(P- 0) P 1∞ x A X 51 PxTx5 Eqn. (11) Eqn. (2) Eqn. (3) E 1.5 x 0 Reg.184 Butt5TRAP = 1.25 x T Eqn. (5) DOUBLE BUTT STRAP - ONE RIVET PER PITCH Max. Pitch Plate % Rivet % (c) Au对h可……............. (Ai r vent) (5ize And Type) (d) Blowoff Valve …………….........................\.... (No. Size An d Type of No~les) (e) Feed Valve.... An d . Type of Nozzles) (No. 5ize 11. 5hop Hydro 1"'臼t Pres画ure (Kg. Cm) …......................….........Date … 5ignature Of Manufacture,r We certi句, that the above boiler constructed under our supervision and insp配ted at various stages of construction by the inspecting officer and that the construction, workmanship were satisfactory as per Indian boiler regulations. Inspecting Officer 5ignature of Insp自由19 Authority. Dated .......... this .......... Day of .......... 19..... - 军 315' 5INGLE RIVETED JOINT5 LAP JOINT- ONE RIVET PER PITCH 1.75 x T + 1.625 1∞(P- 0) P 1∞ xAx 1.875 x51 PxTx5 Eqn. (11) Eqn. (2) Eqn. (3) E 1.5 x 0 Reg.184 ButtSTRAP .625 x T Eqn. (7) DOUBLE RIVETED JOINT5 TWORIVET5 PER PITCH LAPJOIN四- Max. Pitch Plate % Rivet % FIG. 4 2.62 x T + 1.625 1∞伊- 0) P 1∞ x A x 2 X 51 PxTx5 Eqn. (11) Eqn. (2) Eqn. (3) R .33P + .670 Eqn. (12) E 1.5 x 0 Reg.184 ~ 马 φ!φφ| 黯鸭山 骂 mJfJff Eqn. (3) 岱 Eqn. (13) Reg.184 Eqn. (5) = 2xD 斗们 O md-7'sm 到RAPS= 1.125 门 SIr喝GLE 1st r→一一τ BUTT STRAP - THREE 汉IV盯 PERPITCH Max. Pitch 4.05 x T 令 1.ω5 01 iJiφ 也 咽,、1'"1 R 坦 2柑p川 x川1.15 夸彰iφi 庭 古 1. • T:φnT ,............~.....,... 部G.8 E伊. (11) Eqn.(3) BUπ51玄APS:: ... "'1"',........ _ x 1.125 T (P 叫树 ……一"..!... 一 E伊.防 拉… 2D)ι (6) Eqn. (11) pxTxS R :: .33P+ .670 E :: 1.5 x D Eqn. (2) E嘻l. k .. (3) p11 nmE vynH BUTT STRAPS = .625 x T OOUBLE RIVETED JOINTS OOUBLE BUTT STRAPS - TWO 黯VETS PER PITCH Max. Pitch (2) COI抽泣led% =旦旦旦黯如.例 ---.-----P pxTxS 缸乡;φÎ 1∞ xAx2x1 x1.875x乓 FIG.I0 E伊. 100 xAx = ---P-~T-x-S-J 叩 … φ|咐' Plate % 句'φ:-t1 φ Rivet% ++坤' R E = 3 .5 x T + 1.625 P·· … pa 。- 忡 ';φ 叫 φn!___L 四 φiφTI Ri vet% 1∞(P- D) 黠一一……… 句'叶' ER+!+ ei' Rivet % x T + 1.625 mmv-pD- ω… Plate % 3.5 咱tq R 挣!' p φ!+ 在qn. 勾销两 Eqn. (2) E (P- D) 1.125 T x 7.:一一一一 (2 - 2D) Reg每 184 TWO 阳V育部 PERPITCH Pitch. Plate % xD n 拮盟牛旦 E=R E I 1.5 )嗣 阳叭 命!φ M∞UN BUTT STRAPS - 1吟咿 φ4iφφ 创l ++:φφ,1 日 嚣 Reg.184 Eqn. (11) looxAxS PxTxS E Max. 跚俑 x 3 川 T+ (3) Eqn. (12) = .33P x .67 or2 x D whïchever is gr四毛er Eqn. (13) 翩 黠 应qn. ……一一一一+一-一7 Eqn. (4) 咱i 阳itc P 胁 h Eqn. (2) R 叫叫 Max 缸 (11) m 创INGL S 山忘 肌 B3贝 uJI 凹 T SfRAP一 TWORIV宵 ETSP 阳巴民 P即口f 咱.. 1 ∞(P-2D) 问n. Combined % BUTT STRAPS= OOUBLE RIVETED JO孙们's 配随同叫- Eqn. (12) 町………-……二二 = Eqn. (3) 叮叮时%% PxTxS R = 33P+ .670 1.5 x D E BUγfSTRAPS= 1.125 x T 黯如 阳 M 命;舍 1ooxAx2x 乓 D pφ;φ Eqn. (11) Eqn. (2) p 叫 EA Rivet% 践民φ;φ (P 巾。} 肖功削" 句þ- T;T+ 3.06 100 咿币 Plate % 嚣 PER PITCH x T + 1.625 唱』咽 + 畸 e: 民IVETS .,,.、 SINGLE BUTT SfRAP刷 γWO Max. Pitch 41 = 均比 = 5 R E 1ooxAx2xS1 PxTxS 2 xD 1.5xD mya Rivet% Eqn. (2) 1E2433EtsfZZE: 1∞。一 D) p Plate % Eqn. (11) 时,割 -e e RIVETS PER PITCH 2础 x T + 1.625 Pitd苍白 、 Max. wi--ee命v '今 内 u巧 部白 ' ' e E e A V m mipp 怜 -me LAPJOIN骂- TWO Eqn. (11) Eqn. (2) 在 s. ;::$ 1ωxA x 2 x 1.875 x S飞 ::l Eqn. (3) PxTxS 2x D :: 1.5 x D BUTTSI及APS 耶必25 xT Z赂 。 母 峙。3}S Reg.184 在 Eqn. 伺去 2 坦贮卫l Plate % Eqn. (2) p … 1∞ x Rivet% A x 3 x 1.875 x 5 , PxTx5 i酬.:φ!φ; Eqn. (3) mx A x 1.875 x 乓 Px 丁 x5 = .2P x 1.15D = 1.5 x D R E 巴qn. (4) 丑守1. 伊… D) Eqn. (8) (P 叩 2D) DOUBLE RIVET军DJOINTS DOUBLEBUπSIRAPS-TI器EE Max.Pi时E RIVETS PER PITCH 100 伊 -D) p 1ooxAx3 到1.875 x 乌 Rivet % BUI丁 STRAPS= DOUBLE BU1T 5τRAPS OF UNEQUAL WIDTH - THREE RIVETS PER PπCH Max. pi础1 = 4.63 x T 令1.625 Eqn. 100 (P 一 D) Plate %……一一Eqn. 向 议ivet% 问底。} Co旅瑞均1ed% P一一 一 1∞ x A x 1.875 x 鸟 = PxTxS R .33P 令 .67D E = 1.5 x D BUTT SIRAPS= .75T φMRROW) I∞ (P 叶 2D}+ p A x 5, PxTx5 .2P x 1.1 5D 口1.5 x D R Eqn. (4) E BUTTSI双APS 口 Eqn. (12) Y罗r σ明DE) Eqn. (13) FIG.16 Reg.l84 日qn. (8) BUTT STRAPS = (N ARROW) EKAnmE Eqn. (10) .625丁 DOUBLE 阳VETED JOINTS DOUBLE BUTT STRAPS OF UNEQUAL WID在f 一在眼EE RIVETS PER PITCH 如知x. Pitch = 4.63 x 丁+ 1.625 Eqn. (11) 1∞伊 -D) Plate % 问1. (2) 阳vet …………一::.!. Eqn. (2) IooxAx4J5x5 --- .. .• .. -- - Eqn. 向 P % 一 后qn. Eqn. (3) (3) Comb坟始d% 忘qn. (12) Reg.184 忘qn. (9) Tx5 I00 伊 -2D) 1 P ZooxAx 乓 R Eqn. (10) FIG.17 Eqn. (4) PxTx5 .33P x 1.67D E年1. (12) 。r2 x D whichever is greater Eqn. (13) M∞抽 FIG懈 1垂 骂骂 l∞ x σ吁ID司 BUTT SIRAPS= .625T l00 x A x 4.75 PxTxS ,,‘、- Rivet% =… Eqn. (10) .625T 咱』咱且 Plate % O响。m Eqn. (2) BU1T SfRAPS OF UNEQUAL WIDTH … TWO RIVETS PER PITCH 上.. Max. 凹的 = 3 .5 x T + 1.ω Eqn. (11) D) 需 BU丁丁fsr双APS= 仆JA汉RO叭。 L...i 1 ∞伊...! E -‘ -- ak LvmA Ur- mAa号 mA JWO 川 dOILY pa2 对, 6 JUrmrm一m 1 二、冽到 Ld ∞ 肌)UBLE 时 Em 3 时时四川剧 R 师;阳门咖" fhDM旦卜 100 伊… D) 口 问川町 M 阶 PxTx5 COII也Md%=-7…… :.I~:.Iφi R ? Eqn. 耳 4.63χT 子1.625 Pla始% ~专制φiej (1 4) Reg.l84 BUTTSIRAPS= .625 x …………… FIG. 12 E 阳vet% 、‘,, 4 索、,, Combined% 黑一予一 必噎tuthy 1∞(p叶。) LE 吨h 险法国。由何可 IX>UBLE BU1T SI双APS-TI愤觅觅议IVETS PER PITCH M础. Pi tch = 4.63 x 丁令 1.625 Eqn. (11) BUTTSTRAPS 出 .625T Eqn. (10) TREBLE 议NETEO (W IOE) BLJ口 STRA陀皿 (NARROW) LAP Max. Pitch eej k ei 咄 咄 l00(P 叩 0) Plate % 吨. . m m p 1∞ x Rivet% Rφ丰i 3.47 x T + 1.625 叩 - R 叩 E 阳 一 A x 3 X 51 PxTx5 .33P x .670 1.5)( 0 E等\. (11) Eqn. (2) 芭qn. (3) Eqn. (13) Reg.l84 明 白 Rivet% m w R = E 叩 叫 1OOxAx3x51 Pxτx5 .2xO 1.5x 0 4.14 x T + 1.625 1∞ (P 由 0) 叩 由 p 1∞ xAx4x 乌 叫 Px τx5 Combined %= R 黯 叩 叩 'Eqn. (11) Eqn. (3) PxTxS .2P )( 1.150 l .5 x 0 Eqn. (4) Eqn. (14) Reg.l84 P 1∞ xAx5¥ φφ: R 叫 FIG.21 " 在qn. (12) 在qn. (13) 1.5 x 0 Reg.I84 THREE RNETS PER PITCH - φiplate% + 命"十 +~+. E! Jφ +:命命;ε BUTT 51及APS= Rivet% j剔'φ!今钊φi R FIG.23 应 -1 间\. 克qn. (3) (12) 15xD Reg. 184 .625T 把唱、 {η n强EE RNETS PER Max. Pitch !酬'φiφφ|φi 阳% Eqn. (2) P = .33P x .670 户 OOUBLE BUTT 5TRAPS - 1∞ (P- 0) Pxτx5 +:n FIG. 22, Eqn. (11) 1 ∞ xAx3x 1.875x5二 ~φi Rivet'} R+R... (4) .33P x .670 or2 x 0 whichever is 萨eater = 4.63 x T + 1.625 i 应qn. Pxτx5 忡忡二舍 iφφ1...: P 1OO(P- 立功÷ COIT也兹在ed%= Eqn. (2) 1∞ (P-2D)÷ Z∞ xAx 吼 > PxTx5 φ; +i: Eqn. (3) 叩 PITCH = 4.63 x T + 1.625 p … p 旅qn. (11) Eqn. (2) 1∞ xAx3x 1.875x5 pxTx5 =2x0 = 15 xO BUTT STRAPS = .625τ lEqn. (3) 院qn. (13) Reg.l84 应qn. ('拧) 问这这awo 白写阳由专宫苦苦 叫 jIC-- 1∞ xAx4x5¥ 叫 Eqn. (11) Eqn. (2) Eqn. (2) 阶… Rivet% 骂Z二 e命! Eqn. (11) 户 ∞一 vueF A' 尴 Plate % P RNETS PER PITCH eeeReeu eeEe Max. Pitch 3.47 x T + 1.625 100 伊吨。} Plate 0/0 LAPJOIN把一 FOUR P m m 防-吗 Mm 归G.19 Pi比h 叩 反iv然% OOUBLE 日UT丁 5TRAPS - ha地问 二 eeie -命 U aw 将p eeEe Max. Plate % E TREBLE RNETEO JOINTS LAP JOIN臼… THRE览汉NETSP在RPITCH 4.14 x T + 1.625 P-P Max.Pi时1 +d +~ τREBLE RlVETEO JOINT5 JOINTS 一 τHREE RlV宫TSP甏RPIτCH JOINT5 J;.AP JOINTS … FOUR Rl VETS PER PITCH 到一 Reg.l84 Eqn. (9) ∞一 1.5 x 0 .73T N∞AF E 1 E BUTI STRAPS = E Eqn. (11) ..:呻.. P 1∞ x A x 1.875 x 5 L Eqn. (4) PxTx5 .33P x .670 Eqn. (12) or 2 x D whichever is greater Eqn. (13) 1.5 x D Reg. 184 .625T Eqn. (7) R FlG.25 E = BUTI 5TRAPS = I - , Eqn. (3) 1∞ (P-2D) P 1 ∞ xA Plate % !凡'!'2'! 阳vet l划;-IR:R.:. : 1.: R E 1 问.. EI 1 ∞ (P- =一一予一 D) Eqn. 1∞ x % ... .:. ',.: BUTTSTRA因 A x 4.75 x 5. PxTx5 .33P x .670 =1.5xD .75T (WIDE) BUTTSTRAPS= .625T (NARROW) (2) Eqn. (3) Eqn. (12) Reg.l84 Eqn. (9) Eqn. (10) S二 EJ 二 7ι x+ 句、 V qn 『J- EhAnN N∞饲 宅 句 31F 、,,、.,,重 S二 妇二S P5 句,&唱 i Fl G.29 4二 x 二T x === 」hDD A 唱i·- O二 ooUBLEBUTT5TRAPSOFUNEQUAL WIDTH 一 THREE RIVETS PER PITCH =兰二±兰二±二工. Max. Pitch 4.63 x T + 1.625 Eqn. (11) 100 (P- D) 凹a怡 0/0 = 一 P一一 Eqn. (2) J-xx XL JOU 1∞ x R x 同 TREBLE RIVETED JOINT5 ooUBLE BUTI 5TRAPS OF UNEQUAL WIDTH - THREE RIVETS PER PITCH Max. Pitch Eqn. (11) = 4.63 x T + 1.625 FlG.28 A x 1.875 x 5, Eqn. (4) PxTx5 .2P x 1.1 5D Eqn. (14) A x 5 x 1.875 PxTx5 x 1.875 x 5, Eqn. (4) PxTx5 = .33P x .670 Eqn. (12) or2 x D whichever is greater Eqn. (13) Eq且 (13) R, 2xD E =1.5xD Reg.l84 (P- D) Eqn..(8) BUTT STRAPS= .625 x →一一一 (P - 2D) FlG.27 Eqn. (11) Eqn. (3) 1∞ x ,:'!" ...l...IR ER RE D) P 一一 川 峰..:... Combined % :.~. Eqn. (2) 。主 S 1二 P-E 、,斗'2- l % T-A ,,.、- AU 金门即一 Mm 一 A二 二' + 二 lAF x二 唱i- Rivet % ∞- ∞二∞一 Plate % x rO TREBLE RIVETED JOINT5 ooUBLE BUTI 5TRAPS - FlVE RIVET5 PER PITCH F3 2· Max. Pitch 1 ∞ (P- =一 ,…曰… Eqn. (2) 1∞ (P-2D~+ Combined% comku nE :仲..钊l...lo:凡D:_~_L…→_L 100 x A x 4 x 1.875 x 5 lEqn. (3) PxTx5 Rivet % , 、,,­ =R Plate % 唱1 ..:... •e ejee• 旦附一 R ..:.. • • T且-­ ooUBLE BUTI 5TRAPS - FOUR RIVETS PER PITCH 51-XDA--DA +D-roE Max. Pitch 川叫川出肉 vmA 川咿 n 。 斗争 A x 1.875 x 5, Eqn. (4) PxTx5 RMAENE .2P x 1.1 5D 1.5 x D .625T == L --;;r_. 、‘,,、‘,, 句,& 唱i ,,‘、 唱-A ,,.、- P 1∞ x Eqn. (6) ooUBLE BUTI 5TRAPS - FIVE RIVET5 PER PITCH 一」_M缸. Pitch 6 x T + 1.625 ·凹ate % 100 (2-2D~+ Combined % Eqn. (15) Reg.l84 nHaF巳 E』 lEqn. (3) PxTx5 ER 吨 $3W巳 O 同『沟 h吨 -凡 a 。 m注 咆 Eqn. (2) 1 ∞ xAx4x 1.875x5 = R = O.165P +. 670 =1.5xD (P- D) BUTT STRAPS = .625 x 一一一一一 (P - 2D) Eqn. (11) 1∞ (P- D) 一 P一-, Plate % Rivet % R, E RL 伊 eeeee eeeM 'ee 川 le tEE'1 m 叫川 eeee . TREBLE RIVETED JOINT5 ooUBLE BUTI 5TRAPS - FOUR RIVETS PER PITCH J___L Max. Pitch 5.52 x T + 1.625 BUIT SfRA自:::: Eqn. (9) .57f (W lD E) BUIT SfRAPS= .625T (NARROW) Eqn. (10) TREBLE RIVETEn JOINτs OOUBLE BUTT STRAPS OF UNEQUAL W ID'τH …FlVE Max. Pitch 1∞ (P 咐。) Plate % p 100 x A x 8.5 x 5 , Ri vet % PxTx5 I∞ (P- 20) combiaed%z p l00)( A x 5, Pxτx5 ::: .2P 立 1.150 = OJ65P x .670 1.5 x 0 BUIT SfRAPS= .75T (WIDE) 黯UIT SfRAPS= .625T (NARROW) e 院:::: Fl G.30 Plate % 100 x A x 8.5 x 5 , PχTx5 FlG.l (iiυ Eqn. (iv) I (See'1i脚 3) Nominal thickne$sof test pieα (份 3/8 inch and thicker Upto but not induding 3/8 in Eq杭州 Eqn. (15) Reg.l84 应qn. (9) (10) m. Width Gauge ,Length Parallel Length Ra dius as shoulder (Minimum) W L-_ P R 2 m. 1 4 2~ 4~ 1 8 1 12 :佳 忘qn. (11) Eqn. (2) Eqn. (3) Whenth告 wid注lof 泣lema检rial 协 be prepara悦。n mat延rial No阳: of the standard terlSile test m森ybe used. Eqn. (12) or 20 whichever is greater R, : : : 2xO E =1.5xO Bl.Jπ 白衣APS= .75T (WIOE) Eqn. (13) Reg.l84 BUTτ SfRAPS=嗣 625T 忘qn. 寂qn. m. (max.) 8 9 1 18 1~ m. (max.) 8 9 1 18 tested is 泣15双fficient to permit of the piece of the full wìd也 of 泣le pieces¥ a (1) For some material it is convenient 怡脚 straight Pωallel test pi眩目. (2) For cehain non-阳rous metals it is somelimes convenient to use 位le S饭ndard test pieces 出at has a width of 1 /2 in. and a gauge leng由 of 2in. 如r 出ickness exc四ding 1/4 凶. (3) Eqn. (4) 1~ A 阳t;pi就'e of 位le 也m创l5iorlS ~民ven in Col. (üi) for m刷刷 under 2/8 in: nominal thicknωs is 讪棚ded for 也e 阳ous metals only. τESτ 院ECEA斗 2.In τ创l5ile ~ests on special sheet and strip materials (e.g. 彼时I used for deep pressing operatiorlS)也.e following altemative test piece may be used. 1………… u r- ,一寸 i …… (9) (10) FIG.2 J'"-- ………1 ~a机 h mamo 同m叫 白而吨 宫 H h 足。这 mw h = .33P x .6η〉 (NARROW) I I "")、-----由 __J t Eqn. (3) I∞ (P 由 20) 100 x A x 5, PxTx5 到G.31 I I Approximate 协tallength p Combined % :::: l__ 翩喃嘟嘟幽幽反 Eqn. (2) 忘 qn. :::: 6 xτ+ 1. 625 100 (P 叩 0) 汉ivet% f--- 唱"咄咄咄 l 广叩斗一斗γ_W_ --,-←一一才 Eqn. (11) OOUBLE BUTI 5τ汉APS OF UNEQUAL WIDTH - FIVE RIVETS PER PITCH Max. Pitch 广四"啊柑楠产相飞、 汉lVETS PER 问TCH = 6 x T + 1.625 ~ APPEND仅 B FORMS OF ST ANDARD TENSILE TEST PIECES STANDARD FLAT TEST PIECES TE5T PI底C院 A 1. Chief for 协eets, plates, strip齿" flat bars,锐!Ctions, etc. 扣一一一一一 -D一一-一一- I SUBSIDIARY STANDARD ROUND TEST PIECES 6. Machined Test Pieces for general pu甲oses (excluding cast iron). ~ D--- 一 -1- :!| P Gauge Length G = 8; G Length between grips P to be not less than 9D P FIG.3 ~ 比『 mN Haks白 a。 ' 』 nhH 凡。 h ~sm H咱 M STANDARD ROUND TEST PIECES TEST PIECE B 3. Chiefly for unmachined rods and bars not exceeding 1 in. diameter (e悦luding cast metals). FIG.6 Al I testpieces of fo口n B are strictly similar and for the same material give the same percentage elongation. They give elongation 自gures nearly the same as those of standard flat test、 pieces 8 in. in gauge length 11/2 in. wide and 1/2 且由ick. Note: When tensile tests are made on unmachined square and hexagonal bars excluâing cast mofals the gauge. length shall be 8 times the distance between the flats'ànd the length between the grips shall be not less than 9 times the distance between the flats. TEST PIECE B 4. For rods and bars over 1 in. diameter (excluding cast metals). -.-一 D --一----G P Gauge Leng出 G=4D; Gauge 阳 1engtl 阱1 G = 4 ..JA = 3且 D Parallellength P = 9/8 G minimurn Radius at shoulder for wrought metals Radius at shoulder for cast metals 3.98 D minimurn G/4 minimurn. (0.88 D minimurn). = G/4 minimurn. (4.40 D minimurn). All Testpieαs conforming to the above dimensions are similar to Standard Test Piece C with corresponding shoulder radius, and give the same percentage elongation as Test Pieαfor the same materia l. Recommended dimensions for Subsidiary Standard Round Test Pi配esare tabulated below. Standard Test Piece C (0.564 in. diameter) is included for comparison. An y test pie白, however, in which the diameter is not less than 0.125 且, and the dimensions of which conform to the subsidiary standard fo口风 is reeognised as a subsidiary standard test piece. Length between grips P to be not less than 4.5 D Diameter D FIG.4 TESTPIECE C 5. Machined Round Test, Piece for general pu甲oses. 一-- D--一- P to be not less than 214 in. Cross-sectional area A = 14 呵旧 re in. Radiusatshoulder= 验 in. minimum for wrought meta Is and 2验 in. minimum for cast metals. FIG.5 Para lIellen酬1 ffi. 1. 128 0.977 0.798 0.564 0.424 0.3 99 0.357 0.282 0.226 0.159 0.125 Parallel length Rad ius at shoulder R P (minimum) Wrought Cas t Metal Metal Cross-sectional Area A sq. ffi. Gauge Length G ffi. ffi. ffi. ffi. 1 ,0αJO 4.∞ 1.∞ 5.∞ 0.75∞ 3.46 2.82 2.00 1.50 1.41 1.26 1.00 0.80 0.56 0.44 4 .50 3.89 3.18 2.25 1.69 1.58 1.42 1.1 2 0.90 0.63 0.50 0.86 0.70 0.50 0.3 7 0.35 0.3 1 0.25 0.20 0.14 0.11 4 .30 3.50 2.50 1.85 1.75 1.55 1.25 1.00 0.70 0.55 0.5αm 0.25∞ 0.1412 0.1250 0.1αm 0.0625 0.04∞ 0.0200 0.0122 N∞叮可 Gauge Length G = 2 町 Diameter D = 0.564 in; Crωrossω 跚 臼 s 山叫叫 ss 使e s 刨 蚓叫 diona 创 叫 1旧 a APPEN DlXD PROOF TEST FOR CREEP QUALITY OF CARBON STEEL PLATE OF BOILER PLATE QUALlTY -SPECIFlCAηON 60 叫 0=60strain 阿 ho时, a retest rnay be made at 加吨uestof 阳 manufa制'er and shall be accept时 if 国 tisfacto叩, or at the Inspector's di:附捕。na paω 栅tat a stress 5 per cent l e:ss than 也就$伊cified may be acαpted. APPENDlXE NA丁UREO京 TEST L The test shall consìst of a tensile creep test carried out over a period of at least 48 hours at a temperature of 4500C and with stre路。f 8 tons per sq. in. Under these conditions the slope of the chord to the creed curve betw制n the 24th and 48th hour shall not 帆ceed 50 x 10 = 40 strain per hour. CONDITION OF MATERIAL 2. The test shall be rnade on the rnaterial in the norn1alised condition. The norrnalising temperature shall be betw四n 8750C-9250C, and the plate sample shall be rnaintained at the norrnalising tempera挝re for one hour per inch of thickness and eooled fr,回ly in s磁1 air. TE~ERATUREOF~ 3.(怡 a) 斗Te 棚脏 mpμe 盯 陇 r 'at恤忘剧re 嚓 M础5 阳{础 uremenl俐唰翩翩棚叩唰 FLANGESFO汉 PIPES, VALVES AND FlTTINGS Table D- For Working Steam Pressures Upto 50 lbs. (This table d树5 not apply to boiler feed pipes, or toother water pipe结 subj配tto 础ception1l1 shocks). Table 班,- For Wprking St,础m Pr回sur四 a加ve 50 lbs. and up知 100 lbs. P町 square inch. Thi,曲ffSS of Flange 公公 Numbertmd N侧iDÎaStamped or C恼t Cast Steel meter nal meter d加仰1m8te(qrgqf Forgetl, 附四· and Brm四 b切Z intl. of qcfiBrdOtet gh量加n or SteeI 白戒re lines) DÎa. SENSmVITY OF ST民AlN- MEASURl NG EQUIPMENT 5. The sensitivity of the e~~ensometer must be such that strainscan be measured to thenearest O.∞002. READINGS 6. A sufficient number of strain readings shall be taken dearly to define the c \ ln. m uptth a zω lb. 1ω lb. 兹在. In. 为1 2-5/58 2-7/8 3-1 /4 3-7/16 4-1/2 ln. 4-1/2 4ω1/2 岳阳1 /2 4-1/2 4-1/2 令1/2 4ω1/2 1/2 3叫3/4 4 3/4 今1 /2 1 1-1/4 4俨3/4 1-1/2 5-1/ 4 岳 2 2-1/2 ι1 /2 3 7-1/4 3向1/2 8 4 8-1/ 2 9 '令1/ 2 5 10 11 6 7 12 8 13-1/4 1令1 /2 9 16 10 .11 17 18 12 .13 19斗 /4 14 20-3/4 15 21-3/4 16 22-3/4 .17 24 18 25-1/4 .19 26-1/ 2 20 21 吃2 23 24 (See No叫 梅毒。 Upto 50 111. mtIptta o 100 lb. 3陶7/8 4户1/2 4-1 /2 4-1/2 4-5月 令5月 4俨5/8 5 5-3/4 6-1 /2 7-1/2 8卢1 /.2 8卢5月 9-1/4 10-1/4 8-5月 8-5月 8-5月 11 阳1/2 12咱3/4 14 15 16 17-1/4 18-1/2 19-1/2 20-1/2 21-3/4 4-5/8 8-5/8 φ.5/8 今5月 8卢5/8 7 令5/8 4-5 /8 8气5/8 8-5 /8 8-5 /8 8融3/4 8嗣3/4 8-5/8 8-3/4 8-3 /4 12-3/4 12-3/4 8心 /4 12δ/4 12-3/4 12-3/4 12-7/8 12-7/8 12-7/8 12-7/8 12-7/8 12-7/8 12-7/8 12-7/8 12-7/8 若 量,~、 100 Ib. ln. 3/8 1/2 1/2 5/8 5/8 3/4 3/4 3/4 3/4 7/8 7/8 7/8 7/8 1 1 1 1 1-1/8 1-1/8 1-1/8 1橱1/4 12侧7/8 1-1/4 12♂/8 1斗 /4 12-7/8 16-7/8 23 16-7/ 24 16-7/ 27翩3/4 25-1 凡 1 6-7月 26-1/2 16-7/8 16-1 29 16-1 27-1/2. 16嗣1 30 16-1 16-1 28- 1/2 31 16翩1 16-1 32-1/2 29-3凡 4监画雹 m UFttbo. '._1_ ~ 1δ/8 1-3/8 1-3/8 1-1/2 1-1/2 1-1/2 1-5/8 1-5/8 reg矗.rding 伞> Upto 5OIb. Upto 100 Ib. i1pto 501b. 均to 100 Ib. ln. In. In. In. 3/8 3/8 3/8 1/2 1/2 9/16 9/1 6 9/16 9/16 11/16 11 /1 6 11/16 11 /1 6 3/4 3/4 3/4 3/8 3/8 3/8 1/2 1/2 9/16 9 /1 6 9/16 3/1岳 1/4 1/4 9/32 5/16 11/32 3/89 13/32 7/16 15/32 1/2 1/2 9/16 11/16 1-1/4 1-3/8 1δ/8 1唰3/8 3 /1 6 3/16 1/4 1/4 5/16 5 /1 6 3/8 3/8 3/8 7/1 6 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 5/8 5/8 5/8 5/8 3/4 3/4 3/4 3/4 7/8 7/8 7/8 1 1 1 1-1/8 1-31窑 1-1 /2 1嗣1/8 3/喳 7/8 7/8 7/8 1 1 1 1-1/8 1-1/8 1唰1/8 1-1/4 1帽1/4 . , 911岳 11 /16 11/16 11/16 11/16 3/4 3/4 13/1岳 7/8 15/16 1 1 1 1 1 1-1/8 1-1/8 1-1/4 1-1/4 1-3/8 .> partiα.dars. 3/毒 3/4 13 /1 6 7/8 15/16 1 1 1 1 1 1-1/8 1-1/8 1-1/4 1翩1/4 1-3 /8 1-3/8 1-3/8 1-1 /8 」「法轧机挝呻如 时同 阳。 西恼 『 怒抵 言比归 矗ccurate to 企 2~percent. F加1ge ofP,伊 mea 邮su 山redb 勾 y役 the 盯rm倪oupl怡 .essui扰ta 曲 bl沁 ef,如 or抖仿 th 加 e t1怡 emp 严 eratures肘cifi 缸 ed. 丁wo thermocouples si Ì\1ated one at each end of the gauge 1阳.gth shall be used in the case óf test pieces having gauge1engths upto 2 in., and for longer gauge lengths and additional thermocouple situated atthe rniddle of the gaugeleng位1 shall be used. Thermocoupl臼命all rnake goods thermal contact with the 怡然 pie四 and theprol1配ted from the direct heat of 也.e furnace by being covered with asbestos tape or 吨uivalent insulation. The cold júriction shall be rnaintained at a known tempe~ature w~~h shall be registered by a merα.rry thermometer. Altern就ively, a suitable means shall be provided for correcting autornatically errors in reading due 如 changes in temperature of the cold junction. (b) Temp曹rature Contrøl- The two (or thr辑}仙仪mocouples specified in daúSe (a) shall agreewith one another within 30C and the average of these readings shall be taken as the test temperature which shall not vary from 450 0C by more than :!: 20C throughout the test. Either a continuous record or sufficient readings of the tempera如reshall be rnade to indicate that秘密 temperaturecond撼。nshave 快回隔加facto叩· (c) Heating period before loading-The s严cimen shall be rnaintained at the sp配i位ed 险mperature for atleast an hour prior to 伽eappli铺tion ofthe load. STRESS 4. 在,eload r吨山red to produce the sp时ified s饺础s shall be gradually applied without shock during a period not exceeding f王ve rninutes and the str笛sshall be 茹 .\#.1 τ'able J- For Working τable H… For Working Ste撞m Pressur制 above 150 lbs. and upto 250 lbs. per square inch. Diameter of Flange Circle Nominal lntl. Dia. ofPipe In. 白让y 3/4 250 lb 阳市 3/4 1 1-1/4 2嘟112 2 2-1 /2 3 ).,.112 4 -4卢1/2 5 6 7 s ?在批ness 吃fFlange Cast lron 令1/2 3附1/4 4/1/2 3--1/4 … 4ω3/4 3圄7/1岳 4--5月 1/2 5-1/4 5-1/ 2 6-1/ 2 3--7/8 4卢5/8 4ω1/8 4-5/8 4--5/8 8• 5/8 5/8 5/8 3/4 3/4 3/4 7/8 7/8 7/8 1 1 1 1-1/8 1-1/8 1-1/8 1-1/4 1-1/4 7翩1/4 8 8-1/2 9 10 11 12 13间1/4 9 10 -11 12 -13 14 15 16 -17 18 -19 20 21 -22 Numberand dia附ler of Bolts (off Centre lines 250 1队 In. 2-3/4 4 150 始, In. 1501b Diameter 80ft Circle Up to 150 lb. Up to Upto 1501b. Up to 250lb咂 1501b. only 2501b. In. hι In. In. 4ω 112二也5/8 112 2-5/8 2-'1/8-- 4--1/2 4--5/8 1/2 Up to 14--1 /2 16 17 18 19-1 /4 20-3/4 21 阳3/4 nδ/4 24 25-1/4 26-1/2 27-3/4 29 5 5-3/4 6-1/ 2 一 … 一 公5/8 一 一 一 多5/8 8-5/8 弘1/4 8-3/4 10-1/4 11-1/2 12-3/4 14 15 12δ/4 8严3/4 12-3/4 12唰3/4 12φ7/8 12-7/8 16-7/8 16-7/8 16- 1 16-1 16-1 20-1 20-1 20- 1-1 月 20-1斗 /8 24俨 1-1 月 1ω1/4 1-3/8 1-3/8 1-3/8 1-1/2 1-1 /2 1-1 /2 Upto 2501b. In.In. 3/8 3/8 … 亦即8 17-1/4 18-1/2 19-1/2 20-112 21-3/4 23 24 25-1/4 26- 112 27-1/2 Up to 150 lb. 4--5月 7 7-1/2 8-1/4 1岳 Steel and Bronze 5teel (5tamped or forged) (See Notes) 3/8 7/16 1/2 5/8 5/8 5/8 3/4 3/4 3/4 7/8 7/8 7/8 1 1 1 1-1/8 1刷1/8 1-1/8 1-1/4 1-1/4 1-1/4 1-3/8 1-3/8 1-3/8 1孔 /2 一 1/2 9/16 11 /1 6 11 /1 6 3/4 3/4 7/8 7/8 1 1 1-1/8 2唰1/ 8 1-1/4 1-1/4 1-3/8 1-3/8 1-1/2 1-1/2 1-5/8 1δ/8 1-3/4 1-3/4 1-7/8 1-7/8 2 2 28斗 12 24户1-1/8 1-事/8 "23 31 32-1/2 29-3/4 24户 1-1/ 8 1-3/4 1δ/8 2-1/4 24 33--1/2 坐子 2公 1-1/4 1心/4 1-5/8 主精1/4 ·如eNot部 at 严此irulars. Pressures above 挡。 lbs. and upto 350 lbs' per 1-1/2 1-1/2 2唰1/ 8 1-1 /8 the end of Tables regardíng th前ea拢。 for f1a nges for pipe 险晦 andother Nominal Ach必I lntl到 Ex化rnal Diameter ofPipes Diame位Y Diameter ofFlange Diameter of Bolt Circle Number and Diameterof Bol创'off ofWrought αntre 民如 lines) ?我ic/cne部 ofF如1ge Ca st Steel and Bronze Steel (5tamped or forged) {附 Notes) In. 1/2 114 3 1-1 /4 1-1/2 2 2-1/2 3 3--1/ 4 3 In. 27/32 1-1/6 1-11/32 4--1/2 今112 5 5 6 7 8 9 10 11. 12 13" 14 15 5户1/2 1-11/1岳 1-29月2 3庐3月 3 3阳1/2 4 6-1/2 7-1/2 8-1/2 23" 9-112 10-1/2 11-1/2 12-1 /2 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 24 25 1岳 17'" 18 1~ 20 21 22" .. In. 4--1/2 4ω1/2 4--3/4 5-1/4 5-1/ 2 6-1/ 2 In. In. 3阳1/4 4--5/8 3--1/ 4 3--7/16 3--7/8 4ω5/8 令1 月 公5/8 令5/8 4--5月 In. 5/8 5/8 3/4 3/4 7/8 1 1 1-1/4 1-1/4 5 4--3/4 5-3/4 6-1 /2 8严3/4 7 7-1/2 8-1/ 4 8严3/4 9酣1/4 8-7/8 13困1/ 4 10-1/4 11-1/2 12-7/8 12-7/8 14ω1/2 12瞄3/4 12翩7/8 16 17 18 14 15 16 17-3/4 18-3/4 19-3/4 20-3/4 2}:.3/4 12-1 12-1 16-1 16-1 16-1-1/8 23 2公1-1/4 2幡1 /2 24--1-1/4 2δ/8 28户1/2 24--1-1/岳 F 29-3/4 30-3/4 24--1-3/8 2-5/8 2-3/4 24-- 1-3月 2翩3/4 7-3/4 8 8-1/ 2 9 10 11 12 19斗 /4 20-3/4 21-3/4 22δ/4 24 25-1/4 26-112 27-3/4 29 30 31 32-1/2 33--1/ 2 24 25-1/4 26-1/ 2 27-1/2 8-3/4 8-3/4 1翩3/8 8-7月 1-3/8 1-1/2 1-1/2 1δ/8 1-5/8 1-3/4 1幡7/8 1 6-1-1 月 1-7/8 2 2 2-1/8 2-1/8 20-1-1 月 2-1/毒 20-1-1/8 20-1-1/4 20-1-1/4 2-3/8 2-3/8 2-1/2 1 6-1-1 月 See no梅 at 位le end of Tables regarding the!隙, a1so for flar哪里s for pipe 泌瞄 and other p缸ticul础. The actua1 ëxtema1 dtame阳S of wrought pi严s giyen above 器pply 吨旧lly to all tables. M∞也 24-- 1-1/8 1-5/8 1-5/8 m Ste喜m square inch. square 姐ch. ~这也H 忘M 『 w电 mw 03 阳 知咄咄丸 立 凶 民 Table f.一拨出 Working Steam Pressures above 100 lbs. and 叩to 350 lbs. per Table K-For Working 抽烟n press田锦 above 350 I弘 and up始 4即如. per 吨回reù时L Nominlll lntl. Dia meteT ofPipes Act国1 Extenwd Diameter ofWrought Dia阳阳 joum如 of F.勿nge of Boit Cirde 时搭 弘 1/2 In. 27/32 1-1/16 1-11/32 1-11/16 1-29/32 2-318 3 3-1/2 4 4 今1/2 -4ω 1/2 5 5--1/2 6-1 /2 7-1/2 10. 1 /2 3/4 1 1-1/4 1-1/2 2 2守1/2 3 3 6 7 8 9 10 备1/2 9阳1/2 10-1/2 11-1/2 12-112 14 15 16 17 番11 12 ‘ 13 14 15 16 Num加r T我it:knð;s tmd 。fF/anjl宫 。忽制'er of Bolts (off Cast 5tee1 tmd Bronze 5teel centre li仿es) (5蜘叩edor (se户e馆油时拙}} In. 4币1/ 2 4户1 /2 5 5--114 6 6-112 7-1/4 8 9 9-1/2 10 11 12 13唰1/2 14-112 16 17 18-112 19-1/4 21-1 /2 22.;.1 /2 23-3/4 24-314 10. 3-1/4 3- 114 3-314 3-7/8 令1/2 s 5--314 6-1/2 7-1/4 7-3/4 8- 114 9-1/4 10-114 11-1/2 12-112 14 15 16- 1/4 17 19 20 21捅1/4 22-1/4 10. 4卢5 月 令3月 4心 18 4-5/8 4-3/4 8-5月 8-3 14 8-3/4 8-7月 8-7月 8-7/8 12-7/8 12-7/8 12-1 12-1 16-1 16阳1 1~1-1/8 16-1 斗 /8 16-1-114 16-1-1/4 20-1-1/4 20-1-1/4 10. 3/4 3/4 718 118 1 1 1-118 1-1/4 1-114 1-3/8 1-1/2 1-5/8 1δ/8 1-3/4 1-7/8 2 2 2跚1/8 2-1/4 2-3/8 2-3/8 2-1/2 3-5/8 Notes: 百le thicknes附 offlang部 givenin 貌栩栩blesindude 辑陋就d facelor not more 1/16 加. high if such be used. For 1/2 in. and 5/8 in. bolts 也edi四le能将 oftheholes 牵o be 1/1 6 in.lar锣拨出刷 出edi础ne阳's of the bolts, and for lar跻~ sÎZes of bol始 1/8 批 than Ir创lorS阳,1 flange嚣,。阳nped or fo咿d) maybe 就rewed or riveted on wi佼I boss, or welded wi注1 fillet, the flanges being of s知elfor pressur栅 above 1['() Ibs. per 呵uare inch. Spedal welded-on flang因"极mped or forged) for pipe lines 2-in. r.ominal diame t4:!r of pipe and upwards (without valves of littings) are made as stated 出Iow, 也e flangese盘棋始din 硝臼ses 汩汩g,也at~民V四 for the next sm磁带r size of pipl~ in 位le corresp∞战略主able or as e嚣pecially stated. E 茧 咽' TableM';;'" For ~o拙,gSteam Pressures above 150 1协 andup始 250 lbs. per 吨md:eù晗刷附-fiondswith Table H modi岛时槌 above. Table p.… For Working S如am PreSSW:I制 above 2皿岛s. and up如 3501b. per 吨捕归位时zωπ酬pondswi也 Table 1 modified as above. τable R- Flang制 for pip制_, Valvesand f奇怪ngs. For Working S始am Pr酬旧部 above 450 lbs. and upto 600 lbs. per sq础reù也 四icJare豁 of F.剧~e Nominal P伊 5ize Appro:ri- D旬, rtUJ te outmeter 然ied;必幡 of meterof f /a nge Wrought Dia幡 Num加T meter of of 战"t5 Diameter of 如im- k鹏 or 四'lt.1ed 棚 wit在 fi伽 户ce 5 6 7 h 518 518 5/8 518 314 5/8 314 314 718 718 7/8 7/8 718 1 1 1 1 1-1/8 1-118 1-1/4 In. 3/4 3/4 718 718 1 1 1-1/8 2-1/4 2-112 2-3/4 3 3-112 4 1唰114 令1/2 1唰1/4 1-1/4 1-3/8 1-1/2 1-5/8 1-3/4 1-718 2 2-118 2-1/4 2-3/8 2-112 2-518 2-3/4 1-1/4 1-1/4 3 5 5-- 1 /2 6 6- 112 7-1 /2 8-314 9-3/4 10-3/4 11-3/4 12-3/4 13-3/4 15 16 17 18 Circ1e 均对 1 10. 112 3/4 1 1-1/4 1-1/2 2 2糟112 3 3- 1/2 4 公112 S 6 7 8 9-1/2 10 11 12 13 ~4 15 16 1(øJ 3 2 In. In. 4-1/2 27/32 1-1 /1 6 4卢1/2 1-11/32 s 1-11 /1 6 5--1/4 1翩29132 6 ;6-1/2 2-3/8 7-1/4 3 8 3- 112 9 4 9-1/2 4-112 10 5 11 5--1/ 2 12 6-1/ 2 7唰1/2 13- 1/2 14-1/2 8-1/2 16 9-1 /2 10- 1/2 17 11-1 /2 19 12斗 12 20 21-3/4 14 15 23 24 16 25-- 114 17 一 10. 3-1/4 3- 1/4 3唯14 3-7/8 4卢1/2 3 5--314 6- 1/2 7幡1/4 7-3/4 8- 114 9币1/4 10- 1/4 11-1/2 12-3 /4 14 15--1/4 17 18 19-1/2 20-3/4 21-3 /4 23 4 4 4 4 4 4 8 8 8 8 8 8 12 12 12 12 16 16 16 16 16 16 20 20 Dia- (5tamped or forgedJ screwed or r仇怨ted on wit,最 放'Jlts 放", 臼5t 5t,咐 5tetl 2伽7/8 meter of rng In. 2喃1/4 古风险恶出口机穹h 知 m 叫 h嚣宣言 1t is tecommended that the use of 翻ωmarked -处lould be avoid~. Table L- For Wor始嗨 Steam Pre部ures Up抽例 如'- per 吨础陀趴ch. torr嘟归ndswithTab坠丑 m创选ed asabove. (Tobeωed 讪. Nominal Actualoutside diameter Pi严 5ize olWrought Dia- Dia南 Num告。, Dia- Thick唰 met衍· "馆ter of Bo1ts me勿r 01 Bo1t 3 ness of flange 6 h 1 1(a) of Flange 2 In. In. 10. P伊E 5 1/2 1-1/1 6 3/4 5 3-1/2 3网1 /2 1 1 唰11/32 5-1/2 4 1 刷1/4 1 唰 11/16 5-3/4 4-1/4 1-1 /2 2 1 唰29/32 6-1/4 6-3/4 2斗/2 2-3/8 3 5-3/4 5-1/4 3 3斗/2 3阳 1 /2 4 9-1/4 4 5 9翩,3/4 8 4-1 /2 5-1/2 8-1/2 5 6 7 6 7 10-1 /2 11-1/4 12-3/4 10-3/4 8户1 /2 14-3/4 12-1/2 8 9-1/2 10-1 /2 16-1/4 17-1/4 14 15-1/4 9 7-1/4 8 10 .1 0-1/2 11-1 /2 12-1/2 .11-3/4 14 19 21 22-3/4 '"12-5/8 .14帽3/8 15 16 17 24 25-1 /2 27-1/2 .1 5-1/4 18 29-1/4 '"13斗/2 In. 3/4 4 3/4 3/4 6-1/2 7-1 /2 8 8 18卢1/2 3/4 4 4 5-3/4 16-3/4 3/4 4 4 3/4 3/4 7/8 7/8 Diameter 01 jointing 声ce In. 2-3/4 3-1/4 1 翩1/4 3阳3/4 1 心 /8 4卢 1/4 2幡1/2 3 3-1 /2 4 2 2 2-1/4 2-1 /2 今3/4 1 1 5-1/4 1-5/8 5-3/4 12 12 7/8 1 1δ 14 6-1/4 2 7-1/4 12 12 1-1/8 2-1/4 8卢 1/2 1-1/4 2-1/2 16 16 1-1/8 2幽5/8 1-1/4 1-3/8 2-7/8 3-1/8 9-1/2 10-1 /2 11.1 /2 3-1/4 3.1/2 13δ/4 3-3/4 16 12-3/4 m 16 16 21唰1/4 16 22δ/4 20 1-1/2 1-1/2 1.1/2 24-1 /2 20 1.5/8 4 17 26 20 1-3/4 4-1 /2 18 14翩3/4 The sizes shall be specified by the outside diamet,暗r dimensions given 泊∞lumns 1 {在). The figl.且res in ,column 1 (nominal bore) are approximate and are given for informationonly. Bore In. 7/8 7/8 1 1-1/8 1-1/8 1-1/4 1-1 /2 ‘ P伊e 7 1-5/8 8 8 Nominal 1 diameteror Wrought Pipe 1(a) 阳 tside 如l.. In. 1/2 3/4 1 1-1/4 1-1 /2 2 4ω1/2 5 6 7 8 9 10 儿1a:.rimum 27/32 1-1/16 1 晴 11/32 1-11/16 2-3/8 3 3 4 4 5 5-1/2 6-1/2 7-1/2 9 10-1 /2 11-1/2 12.1/2 。ia翩 meter 01 F1ange 2 In. Dia- Number meter 01 Bo1ts 01 Bolts 3 8 9-1/4 10-1/2 h 4 4 4-1/4 4-3/4 5-1/4 5-3/4 6-1/2 7-1/2 8-1/2 11幽 1/4 9斗 /4 11-3/4 12-3/4 14-3/4 17 18-3/4 20 22 10 10-3/4 12-1/2 5-1/2 5- 1/2 5-3/4 6-1/4 6-3/4 7刷 1/4 14户1/2 16 17-1 /2 19-1/4 D必- Th ick- meter ness 01 Bo1ts 01 f1a nge 5 6 7 In. 1 1 1-1/8 1-1/4 10. 4 如\. 4 4 4 4 8 8 8 8 8 8 12 12 12 12 12 16 16 3/4 3/4 3/4 7/8 3/4 3/4 7/8 1 1.1/8 1δ/8 1 1-3/8 1-5/8 1-7/8 2-1/8 2-1/4 2-3/8 1ω1/8 2δ/8 1~1/8 1-1/4 1-3/8 1.1/2 1-3/8 1.1 /2 2-7年 3-1/4 3阿 1 /2 3-3/4 4-1/4 Dia meter 01 jointing j阳 2-1/4 2-1/4 2翩 1/2 2-3/4 3 3-1/ 2 4-1/ 2 5 5-1 /2 6 6-1/2 7 8 9-1/4 10-1/2 11.3/4 12-3/4 STANDARD PIPE FLANGES tables of flan萨 dímensions (Table F.T.) have been desi伊ed to suit pipes and v带ssels eontaining steam at a maximum temperature of 淑X)OF. If the 检mperature is hìgher than 叙X)OF and does not exceed 9∞OF 趴e following Table should be used for the next hìgher pr,册sure. Water pipes for 器 given pressure in whìch the water 松mperature does not exe,幌d 4500 F may be' fitted wìth 萨langes to the next lower τable 出an that required for steam at the stated pressure and a maximum temperature of 8OOoF. In allc制制阳 hydraulic 棚,t pressure should be twice the working pressure to whìch the pipes are subjected in use唰 百E曹 different U 苟同 • 4 8 8 9-1/4 of Bo1ts 5 S怡el Flanges for Pipes, Valves and Fittings. in Conjunction with the No沁s and Appendices) For Working Steam Pressures above 9∞ lbs. and upto 1400 lbs. per 吨uare and temperature upto 叙X)OF (4270 C). TableT- 导同轧恰怕这恼。M 均吨 切E 由这 帆 。 Y吨h m回 Table S- Steel Flanges for Pipes, Valves and Fittings. For WorkingSteam Pressures above 600 Ibs. and upto 筑lO lbs. per square in. and tempera如re upto 8∞op (427<'C). 292 lndian Boiler Regulations Factors X for conver位\g Actual Bre辑king Loads into Equivalent Breaking Loads on Bars of Standard Diameter. (Equivalent Bre矗king load on B量r of Standard Diameter 骂 Xx Ac阳al Bre毒king Load). and F毒ctors K for converting Actual Braking Loads into Transver在e Rupture Stresses K x Actual Breaking Load in lb.) ••• - - - 0.6 in.τestB毒r 0.085 in. Test Bar 1.2 烛. Test Ba r 1.6 in. TestBar 2.1 in.τ'est Bar Dia x 出矗 K Di在 X K X K 。ia x K Dia X K -r" 帽·…--- In. In. In. w … 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 … … 一 一 一 一 一 … … … 一 0.56 0.57 0.58 0.59 0.60 0.61 0.62 一 1.怒。 。拿0582 1.106 1.107 1.052 … 0.81 0.82 0.83 0.84 0.85 0.86 0.87 0.875 0.88 0.89 一 一 … 一 … 一 … … 一 一 … … 0.983 0.950 0.919 0.889 0.860 0.833 0.807 0.0193 0.0187 0.0181 0.0175 0.0170 0.0164 … 一 一 一 一 … t 一 。.0257 1.215 1.172 1.130 1.091 1.053 1.017 1.0∞ 一 0.0247 0.0239 0.0230 O.能22 0.0214 0.0207 0.0204 0.02!∞ 一 0.01∞ O.∞锦 0.0095 一 O.钝9 O.∞464 O.费1争 0.00455 0.895 0.00447 0.879 0.00439 0.864 O.α0431 0.84争 0.00424 。每 834 。鑫∞416 1.158 2.01 1.140 2.02 1.124 2.03 1.107 2.04 1.的 1 2.05 1.075 2.06 1.059 2.07 1.044 2.08 1.029 2.09 1.014 2.10 1.0∞ 2.11 0.986 2.1 2 0.972 2.13 … ..0,958 2.14 0.945 2.15 0.932 2.16 0.919 2.17 0.906 2.18 。‘894 2.19 。譬882 2.20 0.870 0.00341 。膏。0336 0.00331 O.∞1326 0.00321 0.00317 0.00312 。,∞308 0.0030③ 0.00299 。‘∞295 0.00290 0.00286 0.00282中 0.00287 O.∞274 0.00271 O.∞267 0.00260 O.∞266 0.00253 也g 鸣MMM -MS Z 份参 号V 军M部古巴 HMESHH MWSu -ωgu 德mwg Z Z C U 』 E U 窍。苟明。 古 阳 W M A M g 叫 卖 叫 叫 爸 甜 。 叫 ℃ 写 S A OW巳 SMa 古 'BS帽刷AnMS 军比 阳 wgg 主制£.起悦。音节营时 间E 旧 。制历吾叫卖 g∞ pzn 帽fSM 旦 旦 3· M g部 uMAM5吕3 E w ← sg 吕§叫"w古 阳m 也b gouhautsudzh i ·曲Z 曲UW 叫Z EOW 石 g卖M W HZ M ω 明∞ vg均 A由MS 制草制它吕Eaω £ Ma £CRMS-A叫 E 刷刷 制ggk ,蓓在皑白 。O 同W 扫 阳启告邱吉。-25 KZ 远比 飞 -25ECU帽的二号码坠薛飞〉主 2 。这军卢嘉制军区 22 h持 agtz 告时间 描写品 £苔 SZCZM 畸N 叫 ugd 运 RMMVS古 O奇 M gHZHCW布局 ω gN 攻 J京吉布 ah帽』。问.号码恕SZ §军警号军白白 0.975 0.952 0.929 0.906 0.885 0.864 0.844 0.824 0.805 2.∞ EM 倡言自g-U》 Mgωdb运 h gg.。 ""NSm 刷刷M去 者E叫 1 1-< ω 阪泌叫 1.0∞ 如'l. 1.214 0.00606 1.190 0.00594 1.666 0.00583 1 警444 0.00571 1.121 O.∞'560 1.1∞ 0.00549 1.079 0.0部39 1.058 0.00529 0.078 O.∞419 1.019 O.∞5的 1 研)0 0.00499 0.981 0.00490 0.963 O.∞481 0.946 0.00472们 、 U 细H3 啕 国 1.230 1.198 1.116 1.136 1.107 1.079 1.052 1.025 0.0150 0.0146 0.0142 0.0138 0.0135 0.0131 0.0128 0.0125 0.0121 0.0118 0.0115 0.0113 0.0110 0.0107 0.0105 0.0102 In. 1.50 1.51 1.52 1.53 1.54 1.55 1.56 1.57 1.58 1.59 1.60 1.61 1.62 1.63 1.64 1.65 1.66 1.67 1.68 1.69 1.70 、 32 者争司 协价时淄川:I:~ 1. 2剖 一 、曲。 由 忍醋、 注牛传艺\(h 〉d)unhE H M S g a 启 读 时 ζ A u g g d 咐 注 明 的 同 呻 \ 叫 〉 h M M asω 陆叫州时 暴 MU间 kg g '严』a 由 W M F白 A也50 ¥AWG』EU据句"〈do叫M案 SEh 的 WEAS 茧 。z 制M 坦 M 。£』 C 言悍的串』制的率部写血气远 B 吉它 gSN 立它 运且 Egh5822 主旧。 g在 $3322F-mha 如誓言。骂∞眉苦 出a 口n 自主主83毛主EUAJ 、芝d zg 同时,确 22 喃喃注咆晤。叫帽£h 恒 。 也 ℃也 窝在 SMVC暗号 g 俨泪。舌帽咱也 n 响u 主 咱o 晤。 问m M E 〈 川的运0 组 332EonESZ 』音 ZOWω声·确豆自 -2号 MZWOA 叫酬蓄电 ngzzzgh23gazaE 军 喝dsh邵阳ohbEg路主言。量这 部H 。 当 A zczυ里 ho内 k需注 UEEZ 酬MOQ喃自己 ohgaZVSK FM S 也宅、豆豆的咽口哩E E挝 O 晤。 BZOE 忌、 EZ 豆吕后队哩 gowgd草草的 ganr 必要苦自窍 'HZH-32制运跑回 击右苦苦奋Zhgg202soE 主‘agω02 音回 ghZ 吉普阳、声 .-82 昭AES 扫£ doMS乞 g勇旬的盹 比韧。k, 锁在现如£ hCM 时忽 GMahg它 u王』-30 的SM制的如泣2£ g w叫08 宅 85 旧。苍苍M 也2 』 w甜 g但 由 gm岛 hmw 蝇Ug2#GKC£ E主 H沁ω 坦F 荡£ auzn的-甜 阳 岳 dcouw CZME 甜 苦 。 叫 S H v g A W W O 划 。 £ 言 。 窍 M M S U 辈 份 £ 旨 § dEg 曲 唱 Z M 州 u C 杰 、 响。问 u E E 努 3 3 2 4 混怒骂 ω£言。 hS 唱ZE E Zg 言益也 gn 蜡烛, zg"us 也咽口且在£启明g》去 百EZZS 酬AMMS 必茹苦黑 a 宅鼠 23gzaawzg OPZ £ hhE 』 宫。如£旦名言 20WEZZ 吾吾叫卖 sg 宵。忽略旦咽 ZZ 嘉有 4 -EB 得g 也必泪咱aa 辛苦 Z-v 宫。这币 2-hgg 由Sng35ωFZ泣晦sazgnrM ·。 α 我曾主 ∞石吉 Zog 岳重声 §SEEZ WOS百写 aahA 留言军苟言 SA 立 52 立 A3ggaonω领 &白雪也 233 队PMZ 主 35 £ 毒 ' 一 22gE 飞辈 革。。句 阳出自把 mm队 h〈 确磊雪白且在wosug乱 aZZEEH 鼠也£mwg-hcgsaβ -S叫 AS 言§§言是建累 gs。同品也罢愉悦帽 岳 阳 启 队 Z g 。 在 h g z g g h 荡 扫 荡 g w $ 5 2 5 2 H 帘得phhhM凶 M。 ω目时hwa翠 o }川剧的 国的嗣后 pbMLPU 嗣 M 口 ω MM F 由〉叫WZ〈磁』 N 哈哈 S 3 均 ←告也叫 ∞ Þ:~-:I:I::Ì坷 一 1.11 1.12 1.1 3 1.14 1.15 1.16 1.17 1.18 1.19 1.20 1.21 1.22 1.23 1.24 1.25 1.26 1.27 1.28 1.29 … 0.0552 0.0524 0.0498 1.α页。 0.0474 0.952 0.0451 0.906 0.0429 0.63 川 协 0;864 ...0.0409... 一 0.90 0.64 0.824 0.03佣 0.91 0.92 一 一 一 0.93 一 一 一 0.94 一 一 一 , r-雨-.,,'一.. and INSPECI10N AND 四STING OF BOILERS DURING CONSTRUCI10N B. GENEKAL The InspE磁ng Authorìty 也11 haveaα黯始 the works of the manufacturer 喜t allr辅S俯拾le 也附sand shall 凶严黯部 m翻ufac钮窍。f the boiler at lea必欲放le following sta伊s and may rej创 any part that does not ∞'mply with 也e req础rements of the Indian Boiler R唔ulations, 1950. In也se of any doubt,也e . lnSPE妃ting Authorìty may 础amine at any stage other 位an 除由,gesstipul矗ted below. The man延fa往回慧rsl也11 give at 1臼st 4 working days' noti儒协约\e Ins阿拉'lg Author均IIn年硝ng 0蓝白,r before reach地铺位 stage. Before under始挝ng any of 栓le s槌伊抽句黯tio邸,也e lnSPE啦19 Authorìty IIns伊cting 1. Welded dTUms ønd het.ut例 极) ensure 队at 由ema始rìals, α到lS位uctionand 抽出gαmform be made to to the re守血咄咄啦 。f 伽附er咆ulations. (ü) pla始 makers' 出描画出阳; check 阳 reported result of the m时tanical and chemical proper恤 on the platè makers' certifica怯s against the 目申rirements of the Ind阳\ Boiler &咱时ations, 19盹 (泌) Witn附加 marking of the t,四tpla恼 forid回回αtion before they are cut from the 阴阳\t plate or plates. (b) (c) when 峻岭甜甜 plate and er叫 pla阳 have bE酬 formed with plate edges prepared for welding and 恼tpla恼 are at蚀ched; when 也eweldir唱。f main cylindrì础1 sllell is ∞mpleted and checked for circ时arìty: (d) To examine radiographs and/or r叩0巾 of non-destructive 抽出g; (e) When openin萨 'have be阳 pr叩ared and stand pip四 and similiu connections induding end plates have 如en tackwelded 面 position and s巾附哪棚\tly on completion; 盼 when welding of drwn or shell is completed and to cl黯ckthere∞,rdsof heat-刷刷tent when heat 加盹nent is requir唱 underth臼er啥也tio部; (g) When weld test 咖巾tens have 加np呻ared 加强栓在e P附iously sele哗d 始时始制悔吗凶时幅员ng; . test P峙, the p弘棚,胁 plate iden硝出tion mark visible after the boiler part is ::s 恤 shall be ..似双始d 50 as 始加 d倒rly H the plate's iden位fication ma汰 is unavoidablyαt out, it shall be 忧郁tsferredby the manufacturer another part of the component 怕也e 拥tisfaction of the Insp配ting Authorìty; pl'(对uction weld 制极 are shall iden盹 weld test plate mate出 lif required; (b) wl阳\ thepla阳 arefom隙dto 叩lindrìcal shape with the edges prepared for welding and set up in readiness for commen四ment of welding and attachrr阳\t of 怡st pla切切 A. Shell Type Boilers on the ii- ωmple始d. (c) ch配ktheiden咄咄tionmar恼gs on the plate wi曲曲ose recorded s 9~ shape; (i珍In la抖ngoutand 刷刷ng Stages of inspection during COll5truction (i) ce础c阳 atboile叩悔自 works and cut to size ready for forming 衔。The Ins伊耐ngAu衔。rìty nom加州dby 趴e In郁瑞鸣 Authorìty. Su踊dent ÚlSPE蝇。因由all (a) (访When 制内加附 ready 如r iden岳阳on with 卢 miii 如 cy检tdrì明1 properly calibrated. 制SPECI10N DURING CONSTRUCI10N 占boil破 shall be 问e曲d dw如.g rons恒lction by an In年创ngO菌ωr in是emal 缸amination WIl仰 TJlbe Boi阳将 Offic颐指all satisfy 挝mself 白威胁悟出g 吨uipment加S抽血础\t has 快到en Each followed by extemal and st础tping. ~『吨H 泣W 这R 民 『V ~白吨 位) Dw该写!; hydraulic 栅t, APPEND双 Z when 伽e welding of the main cylindrìcal 曲ell checked for circularity and 仙e radiographic or records are available for 阳1且itiny; is ∞mplet时,也e ultr,础。nic 恼t shell reports, plates ai'e ready for iden创fication wi仙 them血由此ificate, àn4 set on to the cylindrìcal shell in readirtess for the circumferen锐al welding operation; (e) When the welding of 伽.eendpla怡$协 thedrum or the header isωmplete and 耐\eradi咱raphs or ultrasonic examination records are available for (d) Whenthe 创td formedωsilapewi由 weldedg'即 pr,叩ared 翻立utiny; (f) When each drum or header is pr叩aredωrec瞻仰e any compensation plates and a~chment嚣" and when at least 10"10 of each type of branch of 阳be stub is set up ready for welding; (g) When aU welding on 制ch drwn or header is complete,由.e Insp配住宅 Authorìty will咄eck 加附ords of heat treatment, and mark off of specimens for pr叩ara锐。nand 阳ting from 阳t pla惚s; (h) ']\t hydraulic 怡然如llowed by extemal and intemal examination and t阳ting and stamping. 收1 alloy 伽eldrwns 部.cker 佳tan 50 millime拉回 andhi时1 carbon s阳.J drwns thicker than 1∞刻划加剧嘟缸时ler nond四tructive e:陆孩也tation sllall be done on drwns, nozzle and stub l'reld a伽耐倒 relief; (i) Any drum having tll如 holes 削led S1加叫uently 加技\e hydraulic test shall be fur佼ter, examined onωmple饭on of 剧s work and prìor 10 d出pa时1 纭。m the manufacturers work. UN4WM me 星星 WHA由吾主苦耐告u=主gE由 严重Dh也gEEhbEHgg 〈ω 陆军ZSZZ言EEZESEE百83532833-ZE丢喜£ 出 \23£主hfso军军82- 23 坦EhoaSCESSJ爸、在主 苦EEF哥是由∞写"3。£旧。击队有ESE-EUS "民主SS538h 需 叫 儿飞bEg my--z=ss毛主hogsti31的饲吕立EE33ECZH守 ZEτ53 占228皆哥£革22号飞主军系主;也白宫口皆.民运 J 叫,患严353日也告EaEU宝善聋立 . 阳山 SE 晦 Mohs羽草草骂:盏是g主Zndh写自§ansgωg gt wgtz举{& 酬帕蒂蓄意黯弩嗨霉忌 S幡 J泌 "sum荡去嗡主立 gg自言叫它在宣言 5 在 .鼠。现帽岛街卖ω 坦房aah必苦瓦号唾嘉m辛苦ESSE 队翻 S白ZZ 宙 8 郭ph古音也 ESSEE若我辈黑帮当活惑之辈革ag翠皿町£吉普BaaE苟言8 百28百ES主言毒SZ警官策必SaEEUS也hASHhESASS 且Eggs昌是53,善ES23营吾妻SEassZB 国 昏哥 EE百暑量ECZH§z 82g Aζ辜的时 昌53szsah乱届£ohsses‘毒草草瓷、运丢在gA幸在 是。这起草 辛苦苦吃誓言岳aara§FEAE苦帽、毒注意革苍苍总署叫苦.岛占 毒室。比崎岖Eh?如主唱坦问823墨、吉sssa墨、§§3言: JW是去重荡荡运领幡 每州您这嗡H 锦M 唰 MSω嘀尊鼠ga时wgO剑忠时MS噶噶苍毒草毒委彰军级革总需嗡 ·也毡』aEzzgh222金主主吉凶SEES号自唱目ω63岛主宫) 密电墨喝吝警罢2至主运 gu 、d E E s v g 去 h o n E每善后革命gga要在瓦 zt 在 驾 击。 α部普莲问幡ES队。m帽阳om 也ga hw goEE穹管事6·ω店也黯警 叫苦苦忌"ahez*zggu&ZSω必ga撑在 嗡疆军狠毒药g叫帽阴阳启扁咱自叫自摇摇段誓言军dE运军每队总要川在 协销吼叫叫到段。钳制必将忽必 叫革锢在Ba 整部幅WZEwho 叫3823533毒草莓罢3草草守zsa唱"》荔弘豆宗在 MWU程蒜苔帽E响喜爱VH仇恨。Mwg揭且自律饭时Mg程指茹裂主程是它宦负 晦 b苦奋m 管黎响umE 〈MW茹部除』ω喝SAA泪如帽戴帽岳阳S黯制主u窜去主宫 苦苦苦草草草 营 E S E 乱 Ag望 g丢在 sg 善机专泣起·的 草草比皆司在aE§在gagg督;二每时也运时有军丢。} 者苍 Ea守SLSHUSSE由ZEHOEES生需呈楠' da 坦 击 h a h a 毛 远 程 Z 也 是 a g s E a 3 g § 2 号 S 誓 言 何 主 键 在 2 2 2 爱 E S 响ve比,叫 B苦响 苦 MSZSRM bs 吕a gh dHOSEτ弓击军据 1 号zsa 〉 苦EZasrsb 四g32 咆52 吕83EBZ音响毛E22-o 必gzaha喧巳爱宫也She嗣MEMb号gga--S百妓墨唱222苍吾吾S 8毒害』豁口》、222苟且由墨西Egzg军军军占民唱§am碍ZBZEa孟(帽) §sgFE32胃王军区w茸茸 a气也喜 SEEh。如MEgua言曙罢密警KA唆必程白 g宫 g且 2因 8,崛回到星每每g E昌£明Sgagsg古草守22毒品去。善意去,主监军 毛 主 E 阜 嗯 哑 hom梅毒gs;也苦苦235ZEG 皇后辈酬 SSasa是a 抽苦圣王§&莲、§量意 lHd zz喜怒言写苍蝇嘿坠gBM E 醉 ZS宫之乱在52 年嗣gha百 gudzz 雷帽响应E\串弘响比如瓷缸也忍主dh主帽唱也需旨刷刷出苦写嗣后帽"臼币22"明EGZHaez 战523嗣同也守§苦苦雀" 且ES白白22、自主25苦M嗣运泪。篇篇篇烹嗣同ho绍自由喝苞面已ES副ZEgaaguaZ曙鬓 立在电军盖帽SW运OESZ35吕3旨主ZMg馆。必是"需忌器销程 8 吕立苍白嚣。aESC主g主二主252告需自百咽也立gg繁忽然EE ·§§吉a』abE§ZHg¥E吕立3母已蠕 吕SEgEυ号,寓言主荡在瓦宫室主ED占百haudEgahEHO比 EE言 s gh毛辜吕立』吹号孟‘§也罢官均主誓言写tsaaaSEE-主营同呼 haaaaE曙黯咽岳阳82EgE鸣S S罢副主毛主割草Vgog也吾穹军 EE 也矗瓷器。ugagE号SZωgqsmEE阳。王军苦苦苦bh亏§a=ε ugggEd自gaag也百EH主运£响。 嗣 hogsg军军23 叫Agh,a 盖率。A繁刷刷刷CHMO税法必gg -gshahowcb哩。每ZE兰是是毅军营u帽 d-b啊阳。每周M 嘉羽孟古部部响gmag锢记自由AM--33是挺毒穷苦牵制ZS按时皇军必S觉去 〈MM吉它交掠五 时黯坦白篮锦ha百窑自唱 gwA沼军总草黯要向柑吉茨必罢菇。岱叫草草川》密切 d吕立Eoh 黠撂在 5533刑法$85;235音皇它 驾器 H材 hg 要章 阳、aow音"尚且响。"se£毒草§言嘟"总§g锅碍是月 呈 M 阳繁提g2 H栩主执言苦苦需呐》黑暗亏嚣启事嘀嘀时ug甜苦扇号帽固自倒在部队豆制缸里若三 ,喝这即酬也就毡gm叫ga33SOA 啤 322要瓷器野营登载草苍凉§法 hdo泊苦苦岳阳也吸毒草叫它£运唱官5 §YWMSMwag hw昂 migoZ{UV 凋h 昌g ·苦双意叫锁 嚣在 M 川材BM0130hgm悔自划鼠的制草委SH蒙在 川wg33号旨在是恶毒草费苦Z£芳管E 常} gwnaE部队SB 幽hosn53£宅销路号号。} 294 APPENDIXL SAFETY VALVE DISCHARGE EFFICIENCY TESTING A. GENERAL (i) The purpose and manner of 始sting shall be such 臼协 provide sui恒ble data from which a ∞ns恒nt C may be determined in eq国tion 78. To this end the following information shall be supplied to the Inspectirig Authority before 幅伽tg is unde由ken: (a) Full partia血 rs of the valves ωbe 脑怯d and range of valv,臼 and springs which 也yr叩resent (b) Details of the 幅t 血.g including instrurr回归tion and proposed 臼libration procedure. (c) Propo铠d 困山田s,但pacity, pressure, temperature of steam u皿d for 由e 险st. (ü) All t自由19 shall bewitDi臼sedby 也.e In甲配由\gAu由orityor 由.e Insp汇出g Ofl自由1 (副) T,臼ts shall be madeωdetem由四由.e operative characteristics of tl四 姐fety valves for which a cons恤\t 臼 ωbede怯回也时缸tdalso 协画幅blish thed函charge efficiency of the 且每ty valve. (iv) Where po~ible 也e t,臼tsωdetem由.e opera由\g characteristic and discharge. effici四cyshall be 臼rriedout using 血e 国mes抱回L 由esame pressure ∞mfitions and at 位回国me location. wh回也e 阳tsare 臼rried out 呻arately 血e valves in each 臼seshall be ∞mpt幽 and shall include all internals, e各 blowdown adj皿恤ent 由\gs. (叶The set pressure at which 也 opera伽tg characteristics are de恼mined shall bethe 自由也num set pressure for which 由e spring used is d田igned. The 怯stshall 臼rried out using steam and shall detem由理由e 皿tp民!SSure, 由e lift at the over press町e specified for 由e type of valve,由 defined in r唔ulation 292. (vi) The Insp配ting Authority may dispen皿 with the opera由\g characteristic t臼ts de田ibed in A (V}. (vi。由scharge e由d四q 脑ts shall be 臼.rried out using steam and shall be 回E怡d out relative to 也e operative characteristic 幅幅 d臼αibed in A (V). (剖ü) When the Inspecting Authority is 臼.tisfied 也at 由ed臼ign of valve will operate 跑出factorily, it shall, if desired, be pem咀ssibleωhold the valve head mechani臼lly at the prov'四时t while 臼口抖ng out 也e 幅幅怡 ascertain 由e discharge e.伍d四.cy. (iv) The tests for 0严rating characteristics shall be carried out at tlrr自言 signifi臼ntly different set press田e for each s国 ofvalve. 价) The di础arge e面d四q 幅幅 shall be carried out relative 协 one 民t 已 pr四町'e for each size of valve. 豆 (时) Each 恼tsl回llbe 臼rried out a minimum of thr四 tim回 toobtainaα叩恒ble ~ average resul鼠、 E (vii) For the 臼se of valves of ei由.er novel or sp回al design of which one s国乏 only is being man曲曲时,幅幅 atone 则 pressure are 严rmittedby 即是 agr芭ement wi曲曲.e Insp配ting Authority. When the range of sizes or 主 pressure is ex阳\deddue ∞'nsideration shall be given in ∞nsul恒tionwi曲回 也e InspectingAu由ority, ωwhe血er further witnl四皿d 脑tsarenece部ary. s: 巳 DETERMINATION Et Pt be 由eme,画田ed 臼pacity, on test of 且tura怡d steam (Kg/h.) is 由epr回sure at 坦fety valve inlet at which 由ecapacityw臼 measured (b.缸 gauge). Abe 由e area approp血teω 也.e type ofvalve (mm2), [see Regt血岳阳 293(a)]. X be the allowable perc四tage over pressure for 由e type of valve und町幅t Ct (See R唔ulation 293). be 由e ∞nstant detemúned from 怯st. Et AI 11 + \ ~J I 1 +一- I 1∞ 1 Toa,α:ommodate 由epermi出dspeedon 阳t results, toleranæ of valve p缸tsand springs,出scalcula怯d valve of Ct shall be dera怯dto 锁肌 ωobta扭曲.evalueof C ωbe used in eq国tion 78 of reguIa tion 293(a).ηtisis 协 ensure 也at all production val"臼 W诅 achieve 曲曲 rated discharge 臼pacity at not more than 也.e over press田e allowed for 由e type of valve 怡$怡d. The Inspecting Au血ority may aα:ept a rnore favourable derating factor of upt。 value of Ct wher窜出eperfom\an四 of 世\e valv,臼 under 怯st and 也.e manufacturing and spring toleranæ- appli臼ble,四surethat 世\e allowable ove甲ressÙle for 由e type of valve under 脑twillnotbe 阻四ededwh四 a valve isdischa电ing its ra怯d 臼pacity in servi四. 90%of 由ecalcuIa怯d ANNEXUREß CONVERSION TABLE The 且fetyvalves 幅怯dshall,臼 far as is practi臼ble, be represen恒tiveof the press田'e and size range of valve manufactured; (ii) The t,臼ts for 0严rative characteristiαand the discharge effici四q 阳ts shalI be carried. out on the 世町四 sizes or half the number of siz臼 in the range, which凹er is smalIer, wi由 a minimum of two sizes. (面) When the range is extended due consideration shalI be given, in consultation with the Inspecting Authority, to whe由.er further witnessed 怡sts are Di民:essary. - Ct= -.一一-Pt" \ B. VALVES USED 时白面 TESTPRC后RA协屈 (i) OF CONSfANT C Let linch 111回1 u∞t 1 metre Ilb./yd. 1 kg./m 2S.4mm 0.03937 inch 0.3048 meter 3.28回 feet 0.49ω5 kg./ m. 2.01591 lbs./ yd. llb. 1 kg. 1 ton/sq.in 1 kg./sq.mm Ilb./sq.in 1 kg./sq.cm 0.45359 kg. 2.20462 lbs. 1.5749 kg./sq. mm 0.6348 ton/ sq.in. 0.07 kg./sq.cm 14.221bs呵且 冒 UUhD 2 THE INDIAN BOILERS ACT, 1923 (Act No. 5 of 1923)孙 (23rd February, 1923) An Act to consolidate and amend the law relating to steam-boilers (c哈哈conomis.er" m础ns any part of a feed-pipe 出at Whereas. it is. expedient to cons.olidate and amend the law relating' to s.team七Oilersi is wholly or partially exposed to the actìon of flue gases for 血epu年ose of recovery of waste heati It is hereby enacted as follQws: (ccc) 吁'eed-pipe" means any pipe or connected fitting wholly or partly under pressure throu快 which feed water passes directly to a boiler and which doesnot form an int注意ral part .thereofi 1. Short 泣如i., extent and commencement...... (1) This Act may be called thelndian Boilers Act, 192.3. {勾 lt ex~ends to the whole of India except the State of Jammu and Kashmir. (d) "owner" includes any person using a boi1er as agent of the owner thereof and any person using a boiler which he .has hired or obtained on loan from the owner thereofi (3) ltshall come intoforce onsuch date得 as the Central Government may, by notification in 出.e Official Gazette, apPQ协l.._... __也 (的 ~'þrescribêa" means prescribed byregulations or rules made under this. Act; 在D硝nitions- In tt也 Act,un1酬 there is anything repugnant in the subject or context- 的飞team翩pipe" means any pipe 趴rough which steam passes from a boiler to a pr放\e-mover or other user or bo血,说- (a) }" Accid~ntlf means an explosion of a boiler or 革tear叭-pipe or any dalTl.age to a boiler or steampipe which is cà.lculated to weaken the strength 生hereof so as to render it liableto explode; (i) the pressure at which steam passes through such pipe exceeds 3.5 挝10萨ams per square centimetre above atmospheric pressure; or (aa) "Board'" means 、 the CentralBoilers Board consti金uted under section 27 A; (ii) such pipe exceeds 254 m il1 imeters in inteII\al (b)咄咄er"xne能飞s any closed vessel 锹ceeding 22.75 diame始r; and indudes in either cas.e any connected fitting of a steam-pipe; liters incapacity which is. used expressly for genera出\g steam under pressure and includes any mountmg or other fitting attached to such vessel, Which is. wholly or partly under pressure when is shut off; (g) "structural alteration, addition or renewal" shall not be deemed to inc1 ude any renewal or replacement of a petty nature when the part or fit柑'\g u s.e d for replacement is not inferior in stI飞出军队, efficiency or otherwise to the replaced part or fitting. (c) "Chief Inspector", "[沟puty Chief Inspector" ,'and "Inspector" means , respectively , a person appointed. to be a Chief Inspector, a Deputy Chief Inspector and an Inspector under this Acti 2A. Application of Act to feed-pipes- Every reference Act except whe搜出e word "stea珉-pipe" is used inclause 梢。,f section 2 to a steam-pipe o.r steam翩pipes shall be deemed to inc1ude also a reference to a feedpipe or feed-pipes , resp时总vely. 抽出is. Statement of Objects and Reasons, See Gaz础:e of India, 1923, Pt. V, p. 24曾 and for Report of Joint Committe哇', see ibid, p.15. ThisActh矗s been extendedto 8erar by Act 4 of 1941i to Goa, Dam矗nand Di\l by Reg. 12 of 1962, s. 3 and Sch.i to Dadra and Nagar Haveli by Reg. 6 of 1苦碍, s. 2 and Sch. 1; to Laccadive, Mini∞y and Am indivi Islands by Reg. 8 öf 1争65, s. 3 and Sch. and to Pondicherry by Ac; t 26 of 1968, s‘ 3 and Sch. . 1st January, 1924, vide Notification No. , A-61, dated the 4也 De部协er, 1923,部e Gazette of India , 192丸 Pt.l, p. 1695. 飞 For # 2B. Application of Ad to economis毒怪叫 Every reference in this Act to a boiler or boilers except in dause (∞叶 of section 2, shal1 be deem时 to indude also a reference to an 配onomiser or economisers, respectively. 296 lndian Boilers Act 3. Limitation of application- 创 Nothing in this Act shall apply in the case of any boiler or steam-pip e-… (a) in any s怆am~pipe as defined in section 3 of the l[Indian Steamships Act, 1884 (7 of 1884月, or in any steam-vessel as defined in section 2 of the Inland Steam-ves始Is Act, 1917 (1 of 191 7);但 (b) belon哥ng to, or under the control of the Army, Navy or Air Forceì or (c) appertaining to a steri1izer or disinfector of a type such as is commonly used in hospitals, if the boiler does not exceed ninety one liters in 但pacity. 。) The Central Government may , by notification ir飞 the Official Gazette, declare that 也e provisions of this Act sþall not apply in the case of boilers or stear叭-pipes, or any specified c1我ss of boilers or steam-pipes, belonging to or under the control of any railway administered by the Central Governmer飞t or by any State Government Qr by any railway company 都 defined in c1 ause (5) of section 3 of tþe 2[Indian Railways Act, 1890 (9 of 1890)]. 4. Power to limit extent- The State Government may, by notification in the Offidal Gazette, exc1ude any specif始d area from the operation of all or any specified provisions of this Ac t. 5. Chief Inspector, Deputy Chief Inspectors and State Government may appoint such persons as it thinks fit to be Inspector啄 for the State for the purpos创 of this Act, and may define the locallimits within which each Inspector sha11 exercise the powers and perform the duties conferred and 挝tposed on Inspectors by or under this Ac t. Inspectors一 (1)τhe (2) The State Government may appoint such persons as 挑出irtks fit to be Depu巧, Chief Inspectors for the State and may define the local 桂nits within which each Deputy Chief Inspector shall exercise his powers and perform his duties under this Act. (3) Eve巧r Deputy Chief Inspector may exercise the powers and perform the duties confessed and irnposed on Inspectors by or under 也is Act and , in addition the坦怡, may exercise such powers 6r perform such duties conferred or imposed on the Chief Inspector by "1. See now th世 lndian Merchant Shipping A仗, 1923 (21 of 192衍, 8.2. "2. Seenow η\eRailways A仗,凹的 (24 of1 989). .. Availllble at 如fls. J.M. JAII'非A & BROS., 3622, Mori Gate, Delhi . 110006, Ph,: 2942004, Fax: 2915064, 297 。r under Act, as the State Government may assign to him. (4)ηte State Government shall appoint a person 怕 be Chief Inspector for the State who may, in addition to the powers and duties conferred and 泊tposed on the Chief Inspector by or under 出is Act, exercise any power or perform any duty so conferred or irnposed on DepUty Chief Inspector 恍如spectors. (5) Subject to the provisions of this act, the Deputy Chief Inspectors and Inspectors shall exerdse the powers and perform the duties conferred andirnposed on them by or under the general Superintendence and control of the Chief Inspector. (6) 吐te Chief Inspector, Deputy Ch ie( Inspectors and Inspectors may offer such advice as they 佼也也 fit to owners regarding the proper maintenance and safe working of boilers. (7) The Chief Inspector and all D叩uty Chief Inspectors and Inspectors shall be deemed to be public servants within the meaning of section 21 of the Indian Penal Code (45 of 1860). 6. Prohibition of use of unregistered of uncertificate boiler- Save as otherwise expresslyprovided in the Act, no owner of a boiler shall use the boiler or permit if to be used(a) unless it has been registered in accordance with the provisions of this Actì (b) in the case of any boiler which has been transferred from one State to another, until the transfer héls been reported in the prescribed manner; (c) unless a certificate or provisional order authorising the use of the boiler is for the tirne being in force under this Act; (d) ata pressurehigherthan 泣飞e maximum pressure recorded in such certificate or provisional order. (e) where the State Government has made rules requiring that boilers shall be in charge of pe碍。m hold部g Certificates of profidency or compet凹cy, unless the boiler is in charge of a person holding the certificate re哇啦red by such rules. Provided that any boiler registered , or any boiler certified Of licensed, under any Act hereby repeated shall be deemed to have been regìstered or certified, as the case may be, under this Act. 298 lndian Boiler Regulations 7. Registration- (1) 币\e owner of any boiler which i嚣 not registered under the provisions of 也is Act may apply to 也e Inspector to have 白.e boiler registered. 军very s ,",ch application shall be. accompanied by prescribed fee. of which 出e issue has b四'n ordered, and, where the boiler has been registered, the owner shalI wi也in the 严escribed period cause the register number to be permanently marked thereon in 出e prescribed m叙mer; (2) on receipt of an appUcation under sub-section 仰, 由.e Inspector shalI fix a date, wi出in 也irtydays or such shorter period as may be prescribed from 也.e date of 出.e receipt, for the examination of the boiler and shalI give the owner.thereof not less 血an ten days' notice of the date so f以.ed. 8. Renewal ofξertificate- (1) A certificate authorising theu悦。.f a boiler shal1 cease to be in force: (3)α\the said date 出e Inspector shalI proceed to measure and examine 出e boiler and to determine in 也epre配ribed manner the max姐lum pressure. If any, at. which such boiler, may be used, and shall report 血e result of the examination to the Chief Insp能tor 抽出e prescribed form. (的 on the expiry granted; or 但) Chief Inspector, on receip.t of 在e report, may- register the boiler and assign a register number 饺\ereto either for也wi出 ora伐时陇海,fying 恼黯甜 由at any structural alteratioI飞, addition or renewal which he may deem necessary h部 beenmadein or to the boiler or any steam-pipe attached thereto, or (b) refuse to register the boiler. Provided 也at where the Chief Inspector. refuses to register a boiler, he shal1 forthwith communicate his refusal to the owner of the boiler toge白.er with the reasons therefor. (5) The Chief Inspector shal1, onregistering 出e boiler, order the issue to the owner of a certificate in the prescribed form authorising the user of the boiler for a period not exceeding twelve months at a pressure not ex传eding such maximum pressure as 抽出inks fitand as is in accordance with the regulations made UI略目 this Act. Provided 也就 a certificate issued under 也is sub-section is respect of an economiser or of an unfired boiler which forms an integral part of a processing pla时 in which steam is generated 50lely by 出euseofo埠,部phalt or bitumen as a heating medium may authorise its u何 for a period into exceeding twenty four months. (6) 币\e Inspector shalI fortwith convey to the owner of the boiler, the orders of the Chief Ins严ctor and shall in accordance therewith issue to the owner any certificate period for which it was (b) when any accident occurs to 出e boiler; or (c) when the boiler is moved,生he boiler not being a vertical boiler the heating surface of which is less 血an 18.58 吨uare metres, or a portable or vehicular boiler; or (d) when any strudural al始ration, addition or renewal is made in or to the boiler; or 也 ω(e) (4) 百\e of 出.e .if..the...Chief Inspectorin anypartiωlar case so direct嚣, when any structural alteration, addition or renewal is made in or to any steam-pipe attached to the boiler; or (f) on the communication to the owner of the boiler of an order of the Chief Inspector or Inspector prohibiting i始 useon 加 ground 也就 it or any steam-pipe attached ther!!to is in a dangerous condition. (2) Where an order i碍 made under c1ause(f) of subthe grounds on which the order is made shalI be communicated to the owner with the order. 蹄悦。n (巧, {动When a certificate cea锦s to be in force, the owner of the boiler may apply 抽出.e Inspector for a renewal thereof for such period not exceeding twelve months as he may s严cify in 出e 呼pUcation. Provided that where the certificate relates to an 创onomiser or an unf让ed boiler which forms an integral part of a processing plant in which steam is generated solely by the u部 of oil, asphalt or bitumen as a hea挝ng mediu~],自.e application for its renewal may be for a period nò't exceeding twenty翩four mon也S. (4) An application under sub-section (3) shal1 be accompanied by the prescribed fee and, on r配eipt 出ereof,出.e Inspector shalI βxadate,脱出in thirtydays or such shorter period as may be prescribed from the dateof 出e receipt for 如e examination of the boiler and shall give the owner thereof not less than ten days' notice Qf the date 50 fi.xed. 299 Indian Boilers Act Provided 位时, where the certificate has ceased to be in force owing to the making of any structural alteration, addition or renewal,役\e Chief Inspector may dispense with the payment of any fee. Act and of the regulations made hereunder, ordεr the renewalof 在.e certifica始 in such terms and on such conditions, if any, as he thinks fit, or may refuse 如 renew it. Provided further 也就 in the case of an economiser or of an unfired boiler which forms an integral part of a processing plant in which steam is generated solely by the use of oil, asphalt or bitumen as a heating medium, the date fixed for its examination shall be within six守 但ysfrom 也.e date of receipt of the application and the owner shall be given not le黯 than thirty days, notice of the date so fixed. Provided 也就 where 位将 Chief 。) on the said date the Inspector shall examine the boiler 抽出e prescribedmanner, and if he 1s satisfied that the boiler and the steam-pipes or stea凯斓pipe attached thereto are in good condition shall iss时 a renewed certificate authorising 泣\e use of 出.e boilerfor such períod not exceeding twelve months and at a pressure not exceeding such max捡回m pressure as he h肌ks fit and as is in accordance with the regulations made under 役让sAct. Provided that renewed certificate issued under this sub咽ction in respect of an economiser 34 or of an unfired boiler which forms an integral part of a processing plant in which steam is generated solely by the use of oil, asphalt orbitumen as a heating medium] mayau也orise its use for a period not exceeding twentyfour months. Inspector 陀fuses to he shall forthwith communicate his refusal to the owner of 也e boiler, together with the reasons therefor. renewace位迁icate, (7) No也in窑 in this section shall be deemed to prevent an owner of a boiler from applying for a renewed certificate therefor at any time during 位.e currency of a certificate. 9. Provisional orders…Where the Inspector reports the case of any boiler to the Chief 加pector under sub俐 section (3) of section 7 or sub椭section (5) of section 8, he may, if the boiler is not a boiler the use of which has been pr出版时 under clause (f) of sub-section (1) of section 8, grant to the owner 也ereof a provisional order in writing pe口则忱ing the boiler to be used at a pressure not exceeding such max协um pressure as he thinks fit and as in accordance with the regulations made under 位也 Act pending the receipt of the orders of the Chief Inspector. Such provisional order shall cease to be 总 forc萨一 (a) on the expiry of six months from the date on which it is granted, or (抖。nreceiptof 也e orders of the Chief Inspector, or Provided fur也er that if 出.e Inspector… (c) in any of the cases referred to in claus部(b ), (c) , (哟,但) and (f) of sub-section 仰 of section 8. (a) proposes to issue any certificate(i) having validity for a less period than period entered in 血è application, or 也e (ii) increasing or reducing the maximum pressure at which the boilermay be used, or (b) proposes to order any structural alteration, addition or renewal to be made in or the boiler or any steam-pipe attached thereto, or (c) is of opinion that 也.e boiler is not fit for use, the Inspector shall, within forty-eight hours of making the examination, inform 位\e owner of the boiler in writing of his opinion and 也e reasons therefor, and shall for注\with report 也e case for orders to the Chief Inspector. (的 τhe Chief Inspector, on. receipt of a report under sub-section (窍, may, subject to 也.e provisions of 也is and on so ceasing to be in force shall be surrendered to 位\e Inspector. 始. Use of boiler pending grant of certificate- (1) Notwithstanding any也ing herein before contained, when 也e period of a certificate relating to a boiler has expired, 也.e owner shall, provided 也.at he has applied before the 似piry of 出at period for a renewal of the certificate, be entit1ed to use 位\e boiler at 趴e max挝旧胆 pressure entered in the former certificate pending the issue of orders on the application. (2) Nothing in sub-section (1) shall be deemed to authorise the u能r of a boiler in any of the cases referred to in clauses (b), (吟I (哟,但) and (f) of sub-section (1) of section 8 occurring after 也.e expiry of the period of certificate. .lndian Boiler Regulations 300 11. Revocation of certific制。r provisional order-…… 在\e Chief Inspector may at any time wi仙.draw or revoke any certificateor provisional order on 也.e report of an InspectûI or otherwise(a) ìf there is reason to believe that 也.ece剧组cate or pro世sional order has been fraudulently obtained or has been granted erroneously or without sufficient eXaII也\ation; or (b) if the boiler in respect of which it ha~ been granted has sustained injury or has ceased to be ing∞d condition; or (c) where the State Govemment has made rules requiring that boilers shall be in charge of persons holding certi在.cates of proficiency or co凯.petency, if the boiler is in charge of a person not holding thece公ificate required by such rules; or (d) where no such rules have been made,迁出e 气些变理eris 些些安慰~~p_e~些∞?怜拴在2! '.ltéiYï.ng regard to the condition of 也eboilerin 也.eopinion of the Chief Inspector competent to have charge there-óf. Provided 也at where the Chief Inspector withdraws or rev:okes a certificate or provisional order ∞也eground specified in dause (哟, he shall communicate to the owner of the boiler his reasons in writing for the withdrawal or revocation and the order shall not 始ke effect until the expiry of 泣白ty days from 自e receipt of such communication. 12. Alterations and reneWals to boile跚跚唰.Nos位抵抗ual a1teration, additi∞ or renewal sha在 be made in or to any boi1er registered. under this Act unless such alteration, addition or renewal has been 锦nctionedin wrUing by the. Chief 国spector. 13. Alterations and renewals to steam-pipes- Before the owner of any boiler registered under 邸sActmakes any structura1 alteration, additionor renewal in or to any steam-pipe attached to the boiler, he shall transmit 如白eChief Insp机tor a report in wri由\g of his intention and .shall send therewith such partic时ars of the proposed alteration, addition or renewalas may be prescribed. 14. Duty of owner at examination… (1)α\ any date fixed under this Act for the examination of a boiler,也e owner thereof shall be bound… (a) to afford to 血e Inspector all reasonable facilities for the examination and all such information as may reasonably be required of him; (b) to have the boiler properly pr呼ared and ready for exàmination 扭曲e prescribed m缸meri and (c) in the case óf an applica砾。n for 出e registration of a boiler , to provide such drawings , specifications, certificat廷 ando由er pa此iculars as may be prescribed. (2) If the owner fails , withoutreasonable cause to comply with the provisions of sub-section (巧,出e Inspector shall refuse to make the examination and shall report the case to the Chief Inspector who shall unless sufficient cause to 也e contrary is shown, require 也e owner to file a fresh application under section 7 or section 8,掘出.e case may forbid 剧mtou跑出e boiler notwithstanding any位出\g contained in section 10. 1S.Production of Certificates, etc.一 τhe owner of any boiler who holds a certificate or prov凶∞a1 order relating 出.er.etctshall, .atall..r.easonable 创me应.during.也已 period for which the cert证icate or order is in force be bound to produce the same when called upon to do so by a District Magistrate, Commissioner of PoHce or Magistrate of the first class having jurisdiction in 也e area in which the boiler is for the 位ne being or by 自e Chief 趾\Spector or by any Inspector appointed 据\der the Indian Factorie窑 Act, 1911 飞 (12 of 1911) or by any person specially authorised in writing by a District Magistrate or Commissioner of Police. 16. Transfer of Certificate etc.- If any person becOII附 也.e owner of a boiler during the p硝od for which a cer峭儒生e or provisi∞al order relating thereto is in force,也.e preceding owner shall be bound to make over to him 由e ce此也.cate or provisional order. 17. Powers òfentry.....; AriInSpedor may, for the p呻仰 。f Inspec位鸣。r examinin窑 a boi1er or any steam-pipe a忧ached thereto or of seeing 也就 any provision of this Act or of any re事11硝.on or rule made hereunder has been or is being observed, at all 指部onable 位nes enter any place or building wi也in the limits of the area for which hehas b时napp馆\ted in which he has reason to believe 宿吠 a boiler is in use. 18. Report of acddent如相 (1) If any accident 时curs to a boil臼 or steam-pipe, the owner or person in charge thereof shall within twenty-four hours of the accident, report 也.e same in writing to the Inspector. Every such report shall contain a true description of the nature of -See now the Factorie由Act, 1948 (63 of 1948). - lndian Boilers Act a accident and of the injury, if any, caused thereby to boiler or to 也e steam-pipe or to any pe罚。>n, and shall be 如sufficient deta吕 to enable the Inspector to judge of 位le gravity of 出.e accident. 也e (2) Every person shall be bound to answer 饲ly to 阳 best of his knowledge and ability every questi∞ putto 挝m in writing by 也e 主lSpector as to 血.e cause, nature or extent of the acciden t. 19. Appeals to Chief Inspector-Any person to considering himself aggrieved by(的 an order made or purporting to be made by an Inspector in 也e exercise of any power conferred by or under this Act, or (b) a refusal of an Inspector to make any order or to issue any cer位虱catewhich he is required or enabled by or under 岳飞is Act to make or issue, may, within 出irty days from the date on which such order or refusal is çemmunicated to h拙,叩peal against 也.e ord臼 orre扫毒al to theChief Inspector. 20. App相Is to appe l1ate authority- An y person considering himself aggrieved by an original or appellate order of the Chief Inspector(a) refusing to register a boiler or to grant or renew a certificate in respect of a boiler; or 在) refusing to grant a ce此ificate having validity for full period applied fori or 注le (c) refusing to grant a certificate authorising the use of a boiler at the maximum pressure desiredi or (d) withdrawing. or revoking a certificate or provisional orderi or (e) reducing the amount of p陀ssure spec迫ed in any certificate or the period for which such cer创.cate has been granted; or (f) orde比19 any s位uc切ral alteration, addition or renewal to be made in or to a boiler or steampipe, or refusing sanction to the making of any s饺uctural alteratioI飞, addition or renewal in or to a boiler, may, within 出irty days of the communication to him of such order, lodge wi也 the Chief Inspector an appeal to appellate au出.ori守 to be constituted by the State Goverrunent under 出s Act. 301 20A. Power of Central GovemmenUo revise order of appell挝e authority- (1) Any person consider面g himself aggrieved by an order of 臼 appellate auth据可 refusing under section 20 to interfere wi也臼 ordernot to 坦gister a boiler or not to grant or renew a certificate in res伊ct 也ereof on the ground 也at the boiler does not conform to 趴.e regulations made under this Act may, wi也in two months of 出.e communication to h出l of such order, make an application to the Central Goverrunent for a revision of 出at ord.er on 役1e ground that such boilers are in use in other coun制.es. (2) Upon 注le receipt of such an applica悦。>n,也.eCen位al Goverrunent may, after cal如19 for relevantrecords and other information. from .the appellate authori可 and considering the observati∞s, if any, of 也at au啦。rity ∞出.e applica悦。n and after obtaining such technical advice as the Central Government may consider a配essary, pass such order in relation to 也e application, as the Central Goverruner吐出inks fit; and where the revision is allowed, the order shall specify 也at terms and conditions on which any variations from the regulati∞s made under 副s Act are to be dealt with during the examination of the boiler. 21. Finality of orders- An order of the Central Goven出lent under section 20A and, save as 0也.erwise providein sections 始, 20and 20A, an order of an appellate au也ority, or of the Chief Inspector, or of a De puty Chief Inspector, or of an Inspector, shall be final and shall not be called in question in any court. 22. Minor penalties-…Any 0阴阳 of a boiler who refuses or without reasonable excuse ne原ects… (i) to surrender a provisional order as required by section 9, or (动 to produce a cer位ficate or provisional order when duly called upon to do so under section 15, or (ili) to make over to the new owner of a boiler a certi盒.cate or provisional order as required by 拥ction 16, shall be punishable with fine which may extend to one hundred rupees. 23. Pehalties for illegal 础e of boiler- Any owner of a boiler who, in any case in which a ce此ificate or provisional order is required for the uses of the boiler under 也is Act, uses the boiler either without any such ce:批埠.cate or order being in force or at a higher pressure Indian Boiler Regulations 302 than that all.owed thereþy, shall bepunisl飞able with fine which may extend t.o five hundred rupees, and in the case .of a c.ontinuing .offence, with an additi.onal fine which may extend t.o .one hundred rupees f.or each day af毛er 出efi黯t day in regard t .o which he is c.onvicted .of having persisted in the .offence. Li mitation and previous. sanctionfor prosecuf.or jln .offence made punishable by .or under 仕让s Act shall be instituted except within twenty翩f.our months fr.om the date .of the c.ornmencement .of the .offence, and n .o such pr.osecu位on shall be instituted with.out the previ.ous 铅ncti.on .of the Chief Inspect.or. 24. Other penalties- Any pers.on who-… 27. Trial of 0任'ence谷一 N.o .offence made punishable by .or under 校'Üs Act shall be t宜ied by a C .ourt inferi.or t.o U飞at .of a Presidency Magistrate .o r a Magistrate .of the first class. (a) uses .or permits t.o be used a b .oiler .ofwhich he is the .owner and which has been transferred fr .om .oneStatet.o血。由,er with.out such transfer having been rep.orted as required by secti.on 6,.or (b) being the .owner .of a b .oi1er fails t.o cause the register number all.otted t.o the b .oi1er under this Act t.o be marked .on 位也 b.oiler as required by sub-secti.on (6) .of secti.on 7, .or (c) makes any structural alterati.on , additi.on or →叫 renewal 凶。rt.o a-boi1er-withouHirst obtaining the sancti.on .of the Chief Insp舵t.or when s.o required by secti.on 12, .or t.o a steam-pipe with.out first inf.orming the Chief Inspect.or , when s.o r吨uired by secti.on 13, .or (d) fa i1s t.o 蛇p.ort an accident t.o a b .oi1er .or pipe when s.o required by secti.on 18, .or steam伽 (e) tampers with a safety valve .of ab.oi1er s.o as t.o render it in.operative at the m.axirnum 严'essure 就 which the use .of the b .oiler is au血。rised under this Act, .or (f) all.ows an .otherpers.on t.o g .o inside a b .oiler with.out effectively disc.onnecting 由台 same in the prescribed manner fr .om any steam .or h .ot water c.onnecti.on with any .other b .oiler .or fr .om fuel mains, shall be punishable with fine which may extend t.o five hundred rupees. 25. Penalty for tampering with register mark一 (1) Whoever rem.oves, alters, defaces, renders invisible or .otherwise tampers wi也 the register number marked .on a b .oi1er in acc.ordance with the pr.ovisi.ons .of this Act .or any Act repealed hereby , shall be punishable with fine which may extend t.o five hundred rupees. marks up.on a b .oiler a register number which has n .ot been all.otted t.o it under 位也 Act .or any Act repealed hereby, shall be punishable with impris.onment which may extend t.o tw.o years , .or with f胁。.or with b .o th. (2) Whoev时 fraudulently 2~. , tion扣唰 N.o pr.osecuti.on 27A. Cenlral Boilers Board- (1) A B.oard t.o be called thεCentral Boilers Board shall be c.onsti相ted t.o exerc时 the p .owers c.onferred by secti.on 28. (2)τhe B.oard shall c.onsist .of the f.ol1.owing namely: member荡, _.(a)._suc.h-.nllmber-of ..membersr-includin事 the … chairman, n .ot exceeding fifteen , as the Central G .overnment may n .ominate in the prescribed manner t.o repre回nt that G.overnment, the Uni.on territ.ories,也,e 'rai1ways, the c.oal indust巧, the IndianStandards Instituti .o n , the b .oi1 er manufac姐ringindust咛,也e users .of b .oilers and, any .other interes始 which, in the .opini.on .of the Central G.overnment, .ought t.o be represented .on 位\e B.oard; (b) a seni.or technicaL .officer c.onversant with the inspecti.on and examinati.on .of b .oi1ers, t.o be n .ominated by the G.overnment .of each State (.other than a Uni.on territ.ory). 。) Any vacancy .occuring in the B.oard shall be filled as s.o.on as may be by a n .ominati.on made by the authority by wh.om the member vacating .office was n .ominated. (4) The B.oard shall have full p .ower t.o regulate by .or .otherwise is .own procedure and the c.onduct .of all business t.o be transacted by 泣, the constituti.on .of c.ommittees and sub-c .ommittees .of members and the delegati.on t.o them .of any .of the p.owers 础d duties .of the B.oard. means .ofbyφlaws (5) The p .o wers .o f the B.o ard may be exercise n .otwithstanding any vacancy i:n the Board. 28. Power 始 make regulations… 1[(1 月 The B.oard may, by n.otification 部 the Gazette .of India , makeregulati.ons 1. Section renumbered as sub响c. (1) by Act 4 of 1986, s. 2and S. No. 10ofSchedule,w.e.f.15.12.1 986,videS.O. No. 914(盼, d t.1 5.12.1 986. . 303 lndian Boilers Act ∞nsistent with 出is pu号岱es, Act for a l1 or any of the fo l1owing namely: (a) for laying down the standard conditions in respect of material, desi伊 and construction which shall be required for the purpose of enab1ing 血e regist古ation and certification of a boi1er w:咀础设ús Act; circumstances in which,自e extent 全o which, and the conditions subject to which variation from the standard conditions laid down under clause (的 maybe pen挝忧edi (aa) for prescribing 主he (b) for p胆量cribing 也e me也od of detennining 出e ma:xirilum pressure at which a boi1er may be u但也 (c) for regulating the registration of boilers , P陀scribing 也e fees payable therefor and for the 如spec挝on and 以amination of boi1ers or parts thereof, the drawings, spec迁ications cer挝ficates and pa而ωlars to be produced by 由,e owner, 也eme出od of preparing a boi1er for examination, the fonn of .the Inspector' s report 曲时eon,也e method of marking the register number, and the period within which such number is to be marked on the boiler; (d) for regulating 出,e inspection and examination of boi1ers and steam-pipes and prescribing forms of certificates therefor; (e) for ensuring 也,e safety of persons wor挝nginside a boiler; and 主8A. Power of Central Govemment to make Of.缸dal Gazette, make rules to provide for- 刨出,e procedure to be fo l1owed in making applica唰 section 20A and 出,e fees payable in respect of such applications; and 悦。时 under 在) any matter relating to the nomination of members under c1ause (a) of sub-section (2) of section 27A. (2) Every rule made under sub-section (1) shal1 be làid it is made before each House of Parliament whlle it is in session for a total period of 出泣ty days which may be comprised in onesession or l[in two or more successive sessions, and 迁, before the expiry of the session 勘unediately fol1owing the session orthesucce窑的ve sessions aforesaid] both Houses agree in making any modification in the rule or both Houses agree 位时也e rule should not be made, the rule shall 也ereafter have effect on1y in such modifìed form or be no effect, as 出e case may be, so however,由atanysuch modifìcation or 部mulment shal1 be without prejudice to the validity of anything previously done under that rule. ass∞In ás may be after 29. Power to make rule←_2[(1月白le State Govemment may, by notification in 位也 Official Gaze忧、 makerules consistent wi也吐白 Act and the regulations made thereunder for a l1 or any of the following purposes, namely: (f) for providing for any other matter which is not, in 也e op坦ion of the Board, a matter of merely i田al or State impor始nce. (a) for prescribing the quali血铺位ons and duties of the Chief Inspector, or Deputy Chief Inspectors andof lI部pectors, for prescribing of constituting au血。riti四 to which 趾y shall respectively be subordinate, and 出e limits of the adrr由ústrative control to be exercised by such authorities; 1[(2) Eve巧r regulation made under 也is Act shal1 be laid, ass∞n as may be after,it is made, before each Hou能 of Parliament, while it is in session, for a total' period of 出irty days which may be comprised in one 钝ssion or ín two or more successive sessions, and if, before 也e expiry of the 5eSSion immediately fo l1owing the session or the successìve sessìons aforesaid, both Houses agree in making any modifìcation in the regulation or both 在ouses agree 血的出e 坦gulation should not be made, 校le regulation shal1 thereafter have effect only in such modified form or be of no effect,豁出,ec;:lse 皿,aybe;so, however, that any such modifìcation or 缸muln即ltshal1 be without prejudice to the va1idity of anything previously done under 也at re凯11硝on.] (b) for regulating the transfer of boilers; (c) for providing for the registration and certifica tion of boilers in accordance with the re伊lati01 $ made 出lder this Act; (d) for requirin在 boilers to be charge of persQ, tS holding certificates of proficiency or ∞mp~­ tency, and for prescribing the conditions on which such cer位ficates may be granted; Act 4 of 1986, s. 2 and 5. No. 10 of Schedule, w.e.f. vide 5.0. No. 914(町, (纭. 15.12.1986. 知ction renumbe然dassub-s悦。) by Act 4 of 1986, s. 2 and 5. No雀 lO of Schedul膏, w.eJ.15.12.1986,却ide5.0. No. 914俑,也.15.12.1986. 1. 5u恼. by 1. 1m. by Act 4 of 1986, s. 2 and 5. No. 10 of Schedule, w.e.f. vide 5.0. No. 914(劲, dt. 15.12.1986. 15.12. 1.98番, rules-一 (1) The Central Govemment may, by notification i衍生he 15.12.19侃, 2. 主04 Ind Ûl n Boiler Regulations 例如r prescribing 也e 位neswi由inwhich Inspectors shall be required to examine boilers unders配tion 7 or section 8; 。) for pr部cribing 由.e fees payable for the issue of renewed certific就部, for the inspection and examination of boilers of parts thereof or drawings for steam嗣pipe窑, for the testing of welders or for any 0也er matter which, in the opinion of the State Govemment, would involve time and labour and for prescribing the method of determining theamount of such fees in each case; (g) for regulating inquiries into accidents; 在) for constituting the appel1ate authority referred to in section 20 , and for determining its powers and procedure; …(i~>.1or_deten时ning_血.e .mod巳oLdisposaL of Jees, costs and 阴阳lties levied under 创s Act; and (j) general1y to provide for any matter which is, in the opinion of the Stàte Govemment, a matter of m~rely local importance in the State. 1[(2) Every rule made by the State Govemment under this Act sha11 be laid, as soon as may be after it is made , before the State Legislature.] 30. Penalty for breach of rule s- Any regulationor rule made under section 28 or section 29 may direct that a person contravening such regulatic:;m or rule sha11 be punishable, in the case of a f让st offence, with fine which may extend to one hundred rupees, and in the case of any subsequent offence, with fine which may extend to one thousand rupees. 31. Publication of regulations and rules… (1) The power to make regulations and rules conferred by section 28 and 29 sha11 be subject to the condition of the regulations and rules being made after previous publication. (2) Regulations and rules so made shall be published 抽 of India and the local official Gazette, 出eG础ette k 1. Ins. by Acf 40f 1:98惑, s. 2 and 5. No. 10 of Schedule, w.e.f. 15.12.1986, nide 5.0. No. 914(E), d t. 15.12.1986. respectively, and, on such Notification, sha11 have effect as if enacted in 也is Act. 31A. Power of Central Government to gi v: e directions… Central Governmentmay give such directions as it may deem State Govemment regarding the carrying into execution to 役ùs Act, and the State Govemment shal1 comply elections. 32. Recovery of fees etc.… All fees, ωst$ and penalties levied under this Act shall be recoverable arrears of lat吼糊revenue. 33. Applicability to the Government… Save as otherwise exp距ssly provìded,制s Act shal1 apply to boilers 叙l.d steam-pipes belonging to 应e Govèmment. 34. Exemptions…向 The State Govemment may, by no旧kati。在豁出e -Offitial-G础etterexempιfrom 也e ‘ operation of 也is Act, subject to such conditions and restrictions as it thinks fi仁 any boilers or c1 asses or types of boilers used exc1 usively forthe heating of buildings or 由e supply of hot water. (2) In casεof any emergency, the State Govemment may, by general or special order in wri位鸣, exempt any boilers or steam-pipes orany. class of boilers or steam-pipes or any boiler or steam-pip臼 from the operation of a11 or any of 出e provisions of 也is Act. … If the State Govemment is satisfied that, havin军 regard to the material, design or construction of boilers and to the need for the rapid industrialisation of the co出技巧, it is necessary so todo , it ~y, by notification in the Official Gazette and subject to such conditions and restrictions as may be specified in the notification, exc1 ude any specified class of boilers or steam-pipes in the whole orany part of the State, from the operation of a11 or any of the provisions of 刷sAct. 。) 35. Repeal 01 enac栩栩 ts… Rep. by the Repealing Act, 1927 (12 of192刀, s. 2 and Sch.Th e schedule- Enactments r叩ealed. Rep. by the R叩ealing Act, 1927 (1 2 of 192 刀, s. 2 and Sch.